#that shit deserved a two page spread
sebdoeswords · 1 month
HGSN images that evoke some visceral, raw emotion deep within me
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121 notes · View notes
oepionie · 1 year
💭masterlist | 💬ao3 link
synopsis: a potionology accident involving the adeuce duo leads to the prefect falling into a deep sleep. only an act of true love's kiss can save them and it seems that ace and deuce picked a certain boy to play prince charming.
⊹ [ cw ] — none◞
⊹ [ tags ] — FLUFF.GN! READER | papa crewel doesn't seem too happy, cauldrons, tomato riddle, azul tries to get engaged, kalim bawling his eyes out, soft vil, idia is about to pop a vein, malleus throws a lamp at lilia and it's deserved◞
⊹ [ w.c ] — 4k+◞
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"Deuce! No! I asked you to grab one not-" Before you could stop him, the cauldron already smashed against the pot atop your desk, flinging all the contents of the pink bubbling potion all over you.
"You dumbass! They said grab one, not summon one!" Ace hissed, throwing a towel over your soaked form. "Shit. We need to get them to Professor Crewel and — Oi, Prefect!?"
You fell forward, falling limp in Ace's arms as you both tumbled to the floor. Panicked, Ace was quick to push you onto your back, slapping your cheek and shaking you furiously. "Wake up!"
"W-What happened?" Deuce ran towards you two, guilt pooling in his stomach. His blood ran cold with fear once he saw just how pale and cold your face had turned. "Are they dead?!"
"No. It's not that strong of a potion." Crewel sighed, striding towards the two morons with a venomous scowl on his lips.
Leaning down, your adoptive-father gingerly tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear. All previous ire he exhibited seemingly melting away. "Oh darling, I have no idea why you chose these two strays as friends…"
"Once again, you've brought my pup to harm with your incompetence." The professor stood up straight once again, his stern gaze fixed on the two youngsters.
"Nonetheless, I think this will be a valuable learning experience for the two of you." Crewel said, grabbing a thick aged book from a nearby shelf and thrusting it into Ace's arms.
"That book there contains the instructions to brew the cure."
"D-Do we have to make the- uff-" Deuce coughed, unintentionally breathing in a cloud of dust released by the old book. "-cure ourselves?"
Crewel drew his eyebrows up to his hairline, jaw dropped in disbelief. "Seven's no! I'll be making the cure myself; I have zero faith in you two."
"You two are to write a 10,000 word long report about the potion and I expect it on my desk by tomorrow." The professor pressed a boney finger against the cover, a wicked grin spreading across his face.
"Oh, and I trust that you'll keep my pup safe. You know the consequences if I find even a single hair missing from their head." The two watched helplessly as Crewel walked away, his sharp heels clicking against the floor.
"Man. What's with him." Ace grumbled, flinging the book at Deuce who easily caught it with one hand.
"Deuce, what'cha say we just head to Ramshackle?" Ace hummed, nudging your unconscious form with his foot. He hadn't even bothered with picking you up. Opting to just leave you sprawled out on the cold tiles.
Ace was truly the most friend ever.
"Interesting…" Deuce muttered, clasping a hand around his chin. Ace raised his brow, peeking over his friend's shoulder to read the text on the yellowed pages.
"One of the cures listed here is…"
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"A True Love's Kiss…?" Riddle trailed off before scowling at his two dorm members. Just what sort of shenanigans were they pulling now?
He lowered his teacup slowly while frowning and blinking incoherently. "Could this be another one of your pitiful attempts at a joke?"
"Why the hell would we joke about his?" Ace whined.
Riddle shook his head, walking over to your unconscious form draped over Deuce's shoulder like a stack of potatoes. Checking your temperature, he pressed his hand against your forehead and tsk'd at the heat.
For a split second, his eyes briefly wandered over to your lips.
What if…
Snapping out of it, Riddle stepped back with his burning pink cheeks.
"What utter nonsense. Hand me that book, I can brew the potion myself." Riddle said, pulling his gloves off before he then motioned for Deuce to pass him the book.
"Ah yeah…about that-" Ace chuckled, folding his arms behind his head. "Crewel didn't allow any of us to make the cure…so you're kinda our only hope."
The part where Crewel promised to produce the cure was purposefully left out by Ace. In truth, there really was no reason for Riddle to kiss you other than to serve as Ace's entertainment but hush now Riddle didn't have to know that.
"Well them, pray tell, what makes you think I should take the role of Prince Charming? "
"You get that disgusting dopey look on your face when you see them." Ace smirked.
"I-I do not!" Riddle shouted, face turning a deep cherry-red. Ace laughed, pointing at Riddle's flushed cheeks. "See?! You're turning into a tomato!"
"How are we certain that they even like me back?!"
"Ugh! Stop being a coward! You'll never know if you don't try!"
They began arguing anew, flinging insult after insult at one other. Deuce sighs and places you down on the couch in the lounge. He knew that if they continued their screaming, nothing would be done. It's was time he took things into his own hands.
Deuce grabs Riddle by the arm, dragging him towards you. The redhead turns to him, demanding the first-year to let go but Deuce only shakes his head. "I'm sorry house warden, I'll bear the brunt of your punishment later but I need to fix what I did."
"No-! W-Wait-" Riddle sputters, digging his feet into the ground. "I-I can't possibly-How unconsensual!-"
"Whoops!" Ace seizes the opportunity to shove the redhead forward, causing his lips to meet with yours.
"?!" Riddle stills for a few seconds, his calloused palms resting on your cheeks. Peering at you through shaky lashes, Riddle snaps out of his lovesick stupor and jolts back. His face blooming into an even deeper red than thought possible.
"R..iddle…?" His heart hammers against his ribcage as you flutter your eyes open, blinking up at him. The press and warmth of your lips still remained and a million of thoughts raced through his head. One of them seemed to echo louder than the rest.
At his lips’ touch you blossomed like a rose and the cure was complete, bringing the enchantment to an end. He was your 'True Love'?
Riddle hesitantly cradled your body, assisting you in sitting up. He coughed, averting his eyes to the ground, unable to meet yours.
"I apologize for the unsolicited kiss however, seeing as how my feelings are returned." He turned to you, clasping your hand tight in his. "I would like to court you properly. H-How does lunch tomorrow at noon sound?"
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"…so that's why I dumped them onto ya' bed." Ruggie yawned, extending his arms over his head.
There you were, curled up against Leona's king-sized bed, clutching one of his pillows tight in your arms. Blissfully oblivious to the fact that your friends abandoned you, placing you in the clutches of a hyena and at the mercy of a lion.
"So, since Leona's a prince and all, that 'True Love Kiss' stuff could totally work with him, right?" Ace grinned, placing his hands on his hips. "I've read 'bout it in fairy tales all the time! The prince kisses the girl and boom!"
"How'd desperate are ya' to go running to Leona for help?" Ruggie sniggered, grabbing a handful of dry clothes off of the clothesline.
Really, it was both pitiful and humorous at the same time. The two chose to cast the irritable, hot-headed lion as the Prince Charming in their decrepit fairy tale.
Let's be honest, when you hear the term "charming," the first thing that came to mind was not Leona Kingscholar.
Adjusting the laundry basket, he propped it against his hip, Ruggie tapped his chin and pondered. "I can help but it'll come with a price…"
Deuce rushed forward, shoving a box of donuts into Ruggie's free hand. "Will this cover it?!"
Whistling, Ruggie flicked the box open. His eyes gleamed seeing all the tooth-rotting pastries heaped atop each other.
A sly grin stretched across his face.
After Ace and Deuce handed you over to Ruggie, the hyena unceremoniously barged into Leona's room and all but threw you onto the bed.
"True Love's Kiss? Do those things even exist?" Leona scoffed, tossing a blanket over your form. Ruggie shrugged, heading out of Leona's room. "Dunno but since you two like each other, I figured you would wanna help."
Leona rolled his eyes, glancing at you. Your face was shoved against the pillow, a leg hooked over it. Well, by the looks of it, you seemed pretty comfortable. There was no harm in letting you stay for a bit.
"Shihshishi good luck on your love life." Ruggie grinned, sending Leona a thumbs up before slamming the door close.
"Damn hyena…" Leona grumbled, plopping down next to your sleeping body. His gaze poured over your skin, gliding across the contour of your jawline before settling on your lips. Leona softly pushed down on your lips with his thumb, parting them ever so slightly.
"So, you need a True Love's Kiss…" Leona whispered, leaning in, eyes fluttering close. "I better be the only one, herbivore."
His lips pressed firmly against yours, a hand propped under your chin to keep your head up. The kiss was unusually delicate and tender for someone of his nature, such a stark contrast to his gruff personality. Leona moved closer and his hair fell over his shoulders, chestnut locks draping across your chest. Within a few minutes, Leona drew back to see if you had awakened.
You stirred, bleary eyes blinking open and he smirked. Pride swelled in his chest as he leaned down to kiss you again, his tail curling around your waist.
"You're all mine, huh?"
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"Man, just how strong are you eels?!" Ace growled, banging his fists against Floyd's back. Both of the Heartslabyul boys were slung over Floyd's shoulder, his grip on them tight and unfaltering.
Beside him, Deuce was kicking around, trying (and failing) to get the merman's grip on him to loosen. Suddenly, one of Deuce's kicks hit Floyd square in the jaw and the eel growled.
"Neh~ Squirm around some more and I'll snap both of your legs off." Floyd grinned, his bright sharp teeth on full display. Although hesitant, the threat seemed to work as the two boys stilled, not wishing to lose their ability to walk any time soon.
"Now, Floyd, there's no need for such aggression." Jade chuckled as he approached the group with you in his arms. Unlike Floyd's manhandling, you were carried in a firm bridal carry, treated as if you were a precious piece of china or rather…an offering.
"We just got word on the prefect's condition." Jade shut his eyes, placing a hand against his chest in faux sympathy. "How unfortunate that they've succumbed to such a fate. However, lucky for you we found a solution."
"Ya need a Prince Charming right~? Well, let's have Azul do it!" Floyd cheered, slamming the two boys down onto the ground. Ace groaned, cradling his back and squinting at the tweels. "You think you can drag me into another one of those contracts?! I'm not stupid!"
"Oh, you're mistaken. This one is free of charge, no strings attached." Jade chuckled.
"Yeah…I don't really believe that." Deuce muttered.
"Why're you so damn stubborn?! Can't we just hand shrimpy to Azul? I'm sick of seeing him makin' those dumb goo goo eyes." Floyd whined.
The eel yanked you from Jade's arms and stomped up to Azul's office. He kicked the door down, nearly knocking it off its hinges.
Jolting, Azul accidentally spilled ink all over his papers. The delicate fine print he spent hours painstakingy writing by hand dissolved into large blots of ink. His eye twitched as he grit his teeth, snapping his head up to meet Floyd's gaze.
"Floyd. What in the great seven's are you—?!" Azul was cut off when the eel plopped your dozing body onto his lap. It took the octo-mer a few seconds before he registered just what happened, cheeks burning a bright crimson when he realized you were pressed up snug against his chest.
"It's your lucky day, Azul~! You get to play Prince Charming!" Floyd sang as he made his way to the door. "Shrimpy here got cursed because of Mackerel and Crab so now you have to kiss them!"
Kiss…? Azul's mind went haywire but before he could speak any further, Floyd slithered out of the room and slammed the door shut.
It's not that he doesn't believe in the cure; love is a strong thing, and he's read that it can break even the most powerful curses. Even so, how could he promise that you'd wake up?
Azul pressed a hand behind your head, trying to calm his beating heart. Did you even acknowledge his feelings?
"True Love's kiss…Well, it wouldn't hurt to try." He murmurs, raising a trembling hand to rest against your cheek. He leans down and lightly presses his lips against yours, ever so clumsy, before checking for any reactions.
Azul stares down on your drowsy body as your eyes flicker open. He stares at you owlishly before breaking into a giddy grin.
"Prefect, s-seeing as how I'm your True Love-" Azul hastily unlocked his top desk drawer, pulling out a fancy piece of paper and handing it to you. "Let's make it official with a contract."
Blinking, you looked down and read the text on the paper. Azul smiled at you expectantly, nudging a pen towards your direction.
"Azul, this is an engagement contract…?"
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Jamil peered at Kalim through a crack in the slightly-ajar door. Seeing the poster boy for the golden-retriever personality sulking was truly a rare sight. Kalim had his head buried in his hands, kneeling by his bed which had your sleeping form atop it.
"What did you tell him?!" Jamil hissed, whipping his head around to glare at both Ace and Deuce.
"W-We just told him how we needed a Prince Charming's kiss to break the spell…" Deuce trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck. "…we figured since he was related to royalty, he could break it."
"He must have misunderstood it then." Jamil sighed, slipping into the dark room. So dark in fact that he could barely make out the silhouette of his dorm leader. Kalim had shut the drapes so tightly that not a single ray of sunshine could strike through his bedroom. How…dramatic.
"Kalim, what's the matter…?" Jamil approached the young boy, placing his hand atop Kalim's shoulder. He didn't miss the sight of the pure gold jewelry hastily draped across your neck or the iris bouquet in your hands. Well…it was evident who all those were from. You looked like you came straight out of a Scarabian version of Snow White.
"J-Jamil!" Kalim wailed, screwing his eyes shut as thick globs of tears ran down his flushed puffy face. The vice dorm leader sighed and reached for a tissue box, which he handed to the distraught boy. Kalim snatched a fistful of tissues and blew his nose loudly.
"The prefect is cursed to sleep forever-! A-And I couldn't find the cure!" He cried out in anguish. Jamil squinted his eyes. "Kalim, in case you forgot, the cure is-"
"I know! Prince Charming's kiss!" Kalim interrupted, wiping away his tears with the back of his arm making Jamil grimace. "I sent out hundreds of search parties but he hasn't been found!"
Jamil paused.
Ah. In foresight, he really should have seen this coming…
Jamil pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath to get his irritation under control. He reached for the hood of Kalim's shirt and yanked him back. Hissing into his ear, the snake spat. "Kalim, the Prince Charming is you."
"Wh-Whgat?" Kalim sniffed, his voice muffled and hoarse from his crying.
"You. You're the prince charming." Jamil groaned, running a hand over his face.
Kalim started at Jamil for a minute or two, processing what his friend just said. Eventually, he broke out into a wide smile and happy laughter.
Wasting no time, he was quick to swoop you into his arms, drawing you into a clumsy yet endearing kiss. It only took a few seconds before your eyes blinked open. He pulled away but not before pressing another quick peck on your cheek.
"So, I'm your prince charming, huh?" Kalim beamed, sending a you a silly toothy grin. He leaned down and peppered your flushed face with kisses once more, making you feel like your head was about to explode.
"Y-Yeah-" You shot him a bashful yet thankful smile.
Filled with happiness, the teen jumped to his feet and drew you into his arms. He lifted you up by the waist and spun you around, his loud laughter echoing out through the room.
"I'm so glad! Ah! But I still have to cancel all those search parties though…"
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"Tsk. This is what I said about hanging out with those hooligans potato." Vil scowled, seething in rage and looking as if he was just about to hex both Ace and Deuce for this accident. "It'll only bring you trouble."
After he was informed of the incident by Rook, he wasted no time in whisking you away from your two incompetent friends and claiming he would care for you himself. Like hell he was letting you stay in that shabby dorm of yours.
Vil eased you into a luxurious bed in one of Pomefiore's spare rooms, draping a delicate lilac blanket around your torso. His palms brushed up against your brow, softly smoothing out the creases along your brow line.
Dspite the color vanishing from your cheeks and the once bright visage that made you look so vibrant losing it's glow, Vil believed you to be ethereal.
"True Love's Kiss can wake her from the spell." Vil murmured, reading off of a page in the book Deuce handed to him.
"Hmph, if I had a Madol for everytime that was listed as a cure." This wasn't the first time he'd heard of such a thing. Vil has spend hours pouring over potionology books and you'd be surprised at just how many spells and curses have it mentioned. A tad bit overrated if you asked him.
"Though there will be no need for a Prince Charming, potato." Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a small vial filled with a glimmering silver liquid.
The liquid swished around in the bottle, sparkling brightly. As you've probably guessed, this was the cure. Vil wasn't appointed Pomefiore's dorm leader for nothing. If he could make one of the most potent poisons this campus has ever seen then he surely knew how to make a cure as simple as this. It was mere child's play.
"The potion will suffice. Even a single drop is enough to wake you." He twisted the bottle open, gently grabbing a hold of your jaw to part your lips. He leaned down, holding the bottle over your face before pausing.
"As if I'd need True Love's Kiss to prove myself." Vil scoffed, eyes latching onto your face, his gaze intense yet warm. He tipped the bottle down, allowing a single drop to fall into your mouth before capturing your lips with his in a tender yet feverish kiss.
Vil eventually pulled away and hummed seeing the color and flush return to your skin. His fingers combed through your disheveled hair, undoing any knots. Your eyes fluttered open and Vil huffed, gliding his fingers along your flushed cheeks.
"Your skin is far too puffy, an unfortunate side effect of the cure. Worry not, I'll go grab a facemask for you." Vil pushed himself off of the bed, heels clicking against the floor as he marched out of the room. "A spa day is just what you need after another incident, potato."
It was all thanks to his potion that were you able to wake, he tells himself. Vil Schoenheit was not one for fairytales or wishing. He knew that he didn't need some magical curse or wish to win you over. No, he was confident he could accomplish it on his own.
As Vil eases the translucent mask onto your face, you smile brightly at him and his chest blooms in a sudden warmth.
Yes, it was definitely the potion.
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"S-seriously, w-wh-hy me? Do I look like a Prince Charming to y-you?" Idia groaned, trying to shut the door but Ace stuck his foot through the opening. "Knock it off with the grin, geez… Weirdo…"
"We know you both have romantic feelings for each other!" Deuce shouted, holding you in his arms. "We really need your help!"
Idia shrieked, hair burning up slightly. He could barely hold eye contact with you for 3 seconds, what makes these two think that he could even survive kissing you? The poor boy would end up melting into a puddle of sad gooey awkwardness.
"J-Just wait until C-Crewel finishes the potion!" Idia shouted, shoving Ace away and slamming the door shut. His chest heaved up and down as he pressed his back against the door, arms awkwardly splayed to his sides, scrambling to keep the door shut.
His eyes ripped wide in panic when Ace continued to pound at the door, calling his name. "C'mon, Idia! Most people would take this as a great opportunity to win their crush over you know!"
"NOPE, NOPE, NOPE. COUNT ME OUT. I'M NOT GOING DOWN THE ROMANCE ROUTE." Idia vehemently shook his head, burying his face into the fabric of his shirt.
Ortho laughed silently, heading over to his distressed brother who looked like he was about to pop a vein. Scratch that, he probably already has.
"Big brother, didn't you and the prefect already go on a date?" Orthro said, tilting his head up to meet Idia's shaky gaze. "Why the big deal? It's just a small kiss."
"Th-That was different! I-I-It was a gaming session through a screen!" Idia sinked to the floor, curling up into a ball. He sobbed pathetically. "I could barely even keep my composure-No way am I surviving IRL."
"Yeah but they need you right now. You may not be Prince Charming but I'm sure the prefect would prefer you over any other." Ortho whispered, placing a hand atop Idia's own. The dorm leader's lip quivered, newfound courage blooming in his chest. He shakily stood up, knees wobbling from his nerves.
"…They need me."
"I'm telling you Deuce, this guy's hopeless." Ace sighed, lips drawn into a thin line as he casually leaned against the door. Deuce frowned, lightly kicking Ace's shin. "Don't say such things about our senior!"
"Oh yeah? But he's-Argh! " Ace yelped falling backwards as the door abruptly opened. With a grunt, he landed on his back and found himself staring up at Idia's flushed face.
"Alright, n-normies. I-I-I'll d-d-do it."
Idia stepped aside and let Deuce enter his room. Anxiously fiddling with his hands, Idia watched the first-year carefully set you on his bed before stepping out of the room.
"We'll leave everything to you!" The two scurried away and Ortho also excused himself, leaving to give you two privacy. Idia stood in the middle of his room, a great distance away from you.
Alright, he could do this. It was just a simple little kiss, no biggie.
Hovering his shaky hands over your cheeks, Idia leaned over your form. His breath fanning across your face as he moved in, delicately brushing his lips against yours.
Your hands snaked around his neck, drawing him in deeper making the boy squeak. Pulling away, Idia averted his gaze, voice small and meek.
"H-Hey you. You're finally awake…"
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In a tall tower atop Diasomnia, an ominious green glow was emanating from an open window. Thick towering brambles, thorns, and vines wrapped itself around the brooding dorm. In the sky, claps of lightning and thunder flashed amongst the darkening clouds.
"Ah…we lost the prefect." Deuce deadpanned, his gaze fixed on the overgrown thick shrubs in front of them. Ace reached for a thorn, hissing as the tip of his finger was cut.
"Yeah..it's best if we leave them to Malleus, I don't think we can even get past all of…this."
Lilia stood in the corner watching as Malleus tenderly placed you onto the bed, the dragon fae handling you as if you were a delicate piece of glass that could break at any second.
"Ah~ Are you going to be their Prince Charming? Khee hee, how ador—"
"Lillia, we need more pillows. There's hardly enough here." Malleus abruptly cut in, a stern look on his face.
Lilia blinked, gaze drawn over to the bed already filled to the brim with pillows of all shapes and sizes, so much so that some of them began pooling around the floor. All evidence of Malleus' nesting instinct.
"What a tragedy. There is to be a pillow scarcity in Diasomnia because of the devastation lay upon the prefect." Lilia replied, a dramatic theatrical sigh leaving his lips. He hurried out the door to meet Malleus' requests before the storm outside worsened. The dragon fae was already aggrevated, there was no need to make things worse.
Malleus' gaze was drawn to your serene expression, his aching heart plummeting to his stomach. Bending down, he softly cradled you in his arms. "Oh, my treasure, if only I could have prevented this."
He buried his face into the crook of your neck, pressing kisses amongst your skin before trailing them up to your lips. Fluttering his eyes shut, Malleus wrapped his arms around your waist, lifting you off the bed as he pressed his lips firmly against yours.
Malleus drew back to see you ogle at him with with wide eyes, your fingers having immediately shot up touch your tingling lips. Chuckling, he bent down once more to press his lips against yours. You two exchanged kisses for what seemed like hours, the press of his lips against yours leaving your lungs burning and heaving for air. At some point he slipped into bed with you, holding himself above your body with his elbows.
"Khee hee, You two know it's supposed to be a 'True Love's Kiss' not 'Kisses', right?" Lilia barged into the room, a comically large pile of pillows in his arms. Malleus growled and tossed a lamp his way, one which Lillia dodged easily. The lamp shattered against the wall behind him, scattering into fragments across the floor.
"Ah ah, there's no need to be so furious. Let me just drop these off and I'll be on my merry way." Lilia cheered, dropping the pillows by the foot of the bed. He reached into his pocket and pulled out an old bulky camera. "Might as well take pictures!"
Snarling, Malleus drew his hand back to reach for the large painting sitting above the bed. You snaked a hand around his wrist, silently begging him to not hurl another object at his bat-dad.
"My baby boy is in love-OW!"
"What did I say about keeping them out of harms way." Crewel snarled through clenched teeth, sitting in the detention room with both Ace and Deuce. Ace chuckled awkwardly, shrugging his shoulders.
"Well if you look on the bright side, your kid finally has a love life, so there's that!"
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Likes and Reblogs are greatly appreciated and really motivating on my end!
Taglist: @keedas , @spadecentral
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It's literally impossible to read bat fanfiction because it's all based off those ridiculous fanon tropes that spread like crazy and people take as fucking biblical!!!!! Dick was never a jerk to Jason when he was Robin- they got along because Dick is mature as hell and in one retelling- Jason was a jerk to him!! And when he came back as Red Hood he had literally not a single damn reason to treat Dick like shit! Not a damn one! But he did, didn't he? Cause he's the fucking asshole! How dare you make Dick grovel towards that bastard! Dick has only ever tried to help him! Reached out during his Batman run, over and over! Also- Dick never put Jason in Arkham with Joker just a few cells down???? What the fuck! The Joker and all those other fuckers had been broken out of Arkham by Black Mask already for like the whole run??? Jason went to Arkham after losing to Dick, and Gordon put him in there because One he fucking deserved it, Two the literal circumstances?? And at that point!! Arkham was fucking rehabilitated itself!! By Dick!!! Because Bruce had him go undercover there for real, and Dick was actually tortured there before he got out!! So Dick put in the work to get that shit in order to actually help people!!
Dick never chose Damian over Tim- Tim refused to engage with him over his grief, shut him out, and left of his own devices! He never told Dick his suspicions on why Bruce was alive, never! And Tim is not the one to bring Bruce back either, there's a whole team at that point! Dick learns Bruce is alive through tossing his 'dead' body into a pit and the body comes to life as a zombie. Tim didn't tell him shit! Tim is also not a little crybaby- Damian cutting his line was a fucking blip on the page, he was momentarily shocked, that was it! He put Damian on his Hit List, which is why Damian cut his line. And his first attempt at "murder" is just pushing Tim off the dinosaur statue in the cave, he didn't go all assassin on him! Also Dick wasn't even there the first incident and wasn't told about the second incident. Alfred is the one who gave Damian Robin and Dick accepted him because he saw that Damian needed help! He needed guidance! He didn't fucking fire Tim the way Bruce fired him, and fuck all of you for thinking that Tim or Jason or fucking anyone has more right over Robin than Dick Fucking Grayson! He tried to promote Tim and Tim walked off. How dare yall make Dick fucking grovel towards that bastard!!!
Jason did try to kill all three of them!! Why does everyone just gloss over that like what the fuck??? Why does he get a pass for every shitty thing he's done??? "Bad writing" stfu this is the same dude that without hesitation kills random criminals, people who deal drugs, do you know how many random ass people deal drugs??? Jason doesn't give a single shit about being his own type of hero or saving Gotham his own way, nor do the people think of him as their savior!! Are you people fucking delusional?? I saw a post that said citizens would trust Jason over CASS and I cannot Believe the hallucinations yall are seeing???
It is literally downright impossible to find fics about Dick or Damian or Cass or fucking any of them that doesn't include these literal bullshit fanon takes!!! It's impossible!!! This fandom sucks!!!! You don't even need to go buy the comics, all these popular takes have been debunked right here on tumblr!!!! Also Dick can do literally everything!! He's hypercompetent as hell, die mad about it!! Jason doesn't like Wonder Woman???? Where the fuck did that come from??? Wayne Family Adventures is not real!!! Those people could not BE more out of character!!! Look at Bruce for crying out loud!!! Yall know that man ain't act like that!
Edit: leaving this here in case anyone wonders what my hot take is towards this question I was asked: "have you considered tho, that fanon is more fun..."
Well of course fanon is more fun if you're a fan of Jason or Tim. Fanon actively caters towards those two pasty white boys. Fanon actively shits on Dick and Damian though. And for Dick? He literally never did that shit! It is all made up! It's literal character assassination?? But by the fans?? And for Damian? He was 10!!! He grew up as an assassin! He was actively trying to grow with Dick's help! How can yall see him as the bad guy?? And not the literal bad guy, (Jason), and the 17 teen year old who literally fought him back btw, (Tim), like old boy did not act victimized the way you people portray. And Jesus for Cass? Cass is just a prop in fanon. So what exactly about this should be fun to me? Like seriously.
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the-traveling-poet · 5 months
hey hey hey I love your writing sm!! hope your doing well ml :)
Would you be up to writing some kind of one shot where Levi is a famous actor/singer/writer or whatever you think he would be, and the reader could either be also famous or a fan of his? I’ll leave it up to you to decide if you ever do write it and please have all the creative freedom you need!
if you do get to my request thank you! 🤍✨
The finale of your favorite tv series was a bittersweet end. As excited as you had been to see how the producers would wrap up the story, it saddened you greatly to ‘say goodbye’ to your favorite character’s actor; Levi Ackerman.
But with the end of the show came a new beginning for you. One that starts at the casting crew’s first ever meet and greet.
Pairings: Actor!Levi x Fan!Reader
Warnings: Modern!AU, fluff, idol worship, F!reader
taglist: @21aurora @deepzombieyouth @braunsbabe
A/N: Yay my first modern!au request!! I felt like actor was the right path for modern Levi, not that he wouldn’t be a phenomenal singer cause oh lawd that vOICE-
Thank you sm Maddy, and I’m finally doing better rn physically and mentally than I was! I hope the same can be said with you🤎
As always if anything written doesn’t match your preferences I’ll happily rewrite!
Enjoy 🤎
Part 2 | Part 3
At first, you thought it was merely a joke. Perhaps a fellow fan’s attempt at crafting a reality they desired to live.
Squinting your eyes at the screen in your hand, you read over the post another couple of times before feeling satisfied this wasn’t just some fan’s shit posting. How could it be, with the post having been shared by so many already?
As you checked the account’s page for validity, you nearly let your phone slip through your fingertips.
It was real. This was happening…
Your phone screen shone brightly in the dark living room, illuminating your shocked expression to yourself in the simple mirror hung on the far wall. With shaking hands you scrolled down the page just one more time. How could you sleep soundly tonight without making sure this was absolutely legitimate?
Lo and behold, you confirmed to yourself for the nth time that, this official page was, in fact, the one you had been following religiously for the past several months.
Your favorite show’s director was holding the casting crew’s first ever live meet and greet, held in a city only a couple hours drive away from your quaint apartment.
With your breath stuck snugly in your throat, you swiped off the social media platform and checked your bank statements. The meet and greet was expensive, as you’d have expected, but was this really an opportunity you could just pass up on? A chance to meet the people behind the show that had indirectly changed your life for the better?
I’ll just make the money back with my next paycheck…
You felt light headed as you finally loosed the breath lodged in your throat and returned to the official page with the intent of purchasing your pass. Thought the process took much longer than you had expected it to, you couldn’t find it within yourself to complain about the shitty wifi connection hindering your transaction. Never once in your life had you been this gleeful to spend such money in one sitting on yourself, but everyone deserved to treat themselves every once in awhile, you reasoned to yourself.
And on an experience such as this one? You would have gladly spent double your total. As the payment went through, you sighed to yourself in relief. Your rainy day fund you took money out of your paycheck for every two weeks finally did you some good.
Glancing back at the bright screen, you couldn’t stop the giddy grin that spread across your lips at the poster image located just above your e-receipt featuring the main protagonists of the show, all but one grinning and smile at the camera.
Of course, the odd one out would be your favorite.
Typically, when developing a fictional crush in your past, it remained just that; fictional. You often fell for a character’s complex story, and merely kept your fixation based around the actor’s part in the film. But with Levi Ackerman, your fictional crush blurred the lines between character and actor.
It all started when you decided to watch through all the deleted and extended scenes of the show, finding a laugh in Levi’s crude humor on set towards one of his cast mates, and they way he always managed to stay in character even during the blooper reels. Well, mostly anyways.
Soon after, you took to scouring the internet for every piece of behind the scenes footage you could get your hands on, just to see him.
His interviews, his bloopers, his day-to-day rehearsals on set with the crew, his mostly inactive social media accounts. The list was ever growing.
The lord only knew how many times you’d had to purchase more storage for your phone with the amount of saved footage you’d created folders for.
Now, with the chance to meet the man himself? To speak with him and his cast mates just after the finale aired? Your heart raced in your chest erratically with all the possibilities and imaginative scenarios in which you’d learn more of the man from his own mouth.
Once more you checked your phone for the time.
One week, at noon…This is going to be the longest week of my life…
Finally, after many restless nights spent worrying over and obsessing over the meet and greet interview, the fated day had arrived.
Checking your phone one last time in the threshold of your apartment door, you couldn’t help but chuckle at the texts lining rows on your home screen. Throughout every shift that week you’d made it known to every one of your coworkers the event you would be attending that weekend. Your friends weren’t victimless either; listening to you ramble and drone on about your love for this show and its cast.
By now they nearly had the show memorized from your retelling, but that never stopped you from explaining your hyper fixations further.
Slipping into your car, you placed your well worn key into the ignition and grinned as the engine hummed to life. After placing your bag in the passenger seat, you quickly read through the well wishes of luck texted to you by your closest of friends. They may not harbor the same obsession as you, but their support warmed your heart.
Reversing out of your parking spot, you squinted your eyes up at the rising sun. It was better to arrive far earlier than the event time, you reasoned, to avoid the crowds that would soon follow you into the building and find a decent place to park.
And so off you went, turning out of the complex and onto the highway.
Finding a decent spot somewhat near the building, you parked. For the hundredth time now, you felt the need to check your phone’s map to reassure yourself you were, in fact, in the right spot. At the right time. Again your calendar reminded you; Today, noon.
Releasing a shaky sigh you hadn’t realized you’d been holding, you released your grip on your phone and tucked it away. After grabbing your bag and turning off your car, you slowly opened the driver’s door and stepped out onto the pavement.
All around you were vehicles pulling into the parking lot. Horns would sound as a driver tried their hardest to find a place to park in a hurry, while in other directions some muffled shouts arose from the still morning air from excited fans having made their arrival.
You checked your outfit over, smoothing out any wrinkles and bunches in the fabric before you felt satisfied enough to make an appearance.
Today was the day, and by god were you as ready as you would ever be.
The moment you stepped foot inside the lobby, you became aware of just how large the crowd had grown around you. Many pushed through the doors, some wearing fancy attire while others adorned merchandise from the show. You smiled to yourself at the sight, wondering briefly if you were perhaps underdressed or not dressed quite enough. Shaking your head, you decided you looked as fine as you could in what you had chosen for the day.
At a desk sat before double doors at the end of the hall, you showed the guards your e-receipt on your phone, to which they merely nodded with a curt smile and allowed you entrance to the room beyond.
Upon entering, you took note that the room was still filling up, forming lines towards a wide table taking up the space of the back wall. You’d seen enough live interviews on the web to know the cast would soon take their places there, so you hurried into line, praying against all odds Levi Ackerman would be set at the chair near the end of the line you occupied.
Half an hour later, you sighed with relief as your silent prayer had been answered. For at the head of the line, behind the pristine tabletop, sat the actor himself.
Shifting anxiously from foot to foot, you felt you could barely contain your excitment and nervousness.
Despite having rehearsed many a time in your mind what you might say to the man you idolized, you worried it would be quite right. So once more, you preformed the act of your simple speech to yourself, pray in you wouldn’t fumble to harshly when you got to talk to him.
It seemed to take an eternity to move only two paces ahead of your spot, but you reminded your impatient self that this would all be well worth your time.
Eventually, when your turn came up to greet the man, you merely froze as the spot ahead of you opened up.
Seeing him up close in person was much more humbling than you’d imagined it to be. No matter how close to the camera you had seen him through before, nothing could have prepared you for how it would feel to be the person only feet away from his presence.
You hesitantly stepped forward, absentmindedly scolding yourself from not bringing a beverage with you to wet your suddenly dry throat. The moment you stepped forward and raised your hand in awkward greeting, Levi met your eye through thick inly bangs.
His eyes lazily drifted up your form, briefly stopping to glance at the way you nervously gripped at your own hands and bag strap, before meeting your eyes. Immediately, his gaze seemed to almost soften, eyelids covering less of his pupils and his brows became less furrowed while he evaluated you. For a moment, his gaze held something akin to interest, as though you were the spectacle of this event rather than himself.
But with a rapid blink of your eyes, the look was gone. Now, it felt as though his eyes were searching your very soul for something to judge. You gulped silently, feeling more nervous now than you had when you first parked your car in the lot.
“H-hi, I’m Y/N,” you greeted softly with a nervous smile. “I uhh…I love your character in the show, as-as well as your acting.”
“I’d introduce myself to you, miss Y/N, but I doubt that’s necessary, given the circumstances,” Levi drawled out, in a tone near bored. But his eyes…his eyes told a different story than the one his tone conveyed.
Shifting on your feet, your emotions fought between nervousness and excitement. Your mind couldn’t quite make itself up on which emotion to convey as you watched the handsome man sat before you, so instead you decided to shake the invasive thoughts clouding your mind and simply speak.
“I uhh, I’m not sure how much time you have per fan, but, well… I love your part in the films. Both your character and your acting. The way you keep in character, even off set, is really impressive.”
Levi glanced around the gathering, mentally counting through the many heads bobbing through the lines towards himself and his cast mates. He hummed to himself, seeming to contemplate what he was about to say.
“I have plenty of time to answer your questions. You all paid enough to be here, the least I could return is ample time for conversation. So thank you, though I get that one often.”
He shifted in his chair, regarding you with an air of curiosity. With a fist on his chin, he glanced you up and down once more.
“Doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate it, though. I believe the reason I fit the role the way that I do, is because this is just how I am in general.”
At his response you couldn’t help but grin and bite at your lower lip with giddy excitement. God, his voice, the nonchalant vibe he carried about himself, the sharp yet soft eyes…even the way he sat in his seat with one leg crossed over the other as he leaned forward over the table towards you. You could have sworn you saw the slightest upturn in the corner of his lips as he regarded your statement.
“Well you’re a perfect fit, in my opinion.” You gushed, daring to take another step closer.
“I love watching you. Well, what I mean is, I uhh- You’re-you’re nice to watch. But I don’t mean…I…”
And just like that, your composure broke entirely. Any concentration you had before fell at your feet in embarrassingly jagged shards.
The sound of a muffled chuckle brought you out of your mental spiral, making your eyes dart back up towards the man. In all your deep web searches of the man for content, you’d seldom heard him chuckle, much less muffle his laughter. The sound caught you by such surprise you barely registered the words he spoke next.
“I’m-i’m sorry…what did you say?” You mumbled, daring to look him in the eyes.
“I said you’re adorable, really. It’s fair to be nervous, but surely I’m not that threatening off set. You’re flustered.” He spoke smoothly, never taking his eyes off yours. Again you drew a blank, this time understanding him but still at a loss for words. The minute smirk perched on his lips was ever present, making you shift uncertainly in your spot.
“I’ve just…Well, I’ve looked forward to this all week. I had everything planned out to say but…You’re so…” You trailed off, slowly coming back out of your shell once more. Or at least, you attempted to, before Levi suddenly pulled out a pen.
“Tell you what, brat. I’ll sign you a paper, and maybe add in a number off to the side. Perhaps you’ll be more coherent over the phone, when you don’t have to gawk at me.”
Stunned into silence once more, you intently watched as Levi drew out his unique signature, and after a pause in which he looked back up towards you with contemplation, add a series of numbers scrawled out just under his name.
“Yeah…yeah sure, I can do that,” You managed to squeak out, shakily taking the paper from him once he offered it up.
With a smile, he glanced once more around the room before standing from his chair and leaning across the table towards you.
“This shitty event ends around 5pm. I suppose you’ll have your phone on hand around then?”
Before you could answer, one of the set’s guards motioned towards the both of you that the next fan was in line and ready, so you merely gave Levi an eager nod while clutching the paper in your hand close to your chest.
As you walked back towards the row of chairs to take a seat for the interview to begin in an hour’s time, you raised a hand towards your own face and felt the skin of your cheeks was quite warm. Glancing back down at the note Levi had written you, you memorized the digits there and immediately put them into your phone as you took a seat.
With shaking hands you returned your phone to your pocket, only to look out across the room and accidentally meed Levi’s eye from the table. Catching your look, he shot you a near smug, subtle smile.
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runs-red · 22 days
Why the Anti-Endogenic Community is Harmful
A few things to get out of the way. You can be anti-endogenic and decent, obviously. This is about the issues with the community in general, not about pointing at every single anti-endo ever to call them an ass. Anti-endogenic can mean a lot of things.
And this is about non-DID plurality. I feel like the vast majority of the endogenic community (on Tumblr at least, haven't been on TikTok in over a year) has nothing to do with DID.
The Biggest Issue
At its core the issue is with not respecting a person's identity, their right to self-identify, and to label and talk about their own personal internal experiences. I’m coming from a position where I think it’s wrong to look at a massive group of people reporting relatively consistent experiences and deeming that they’re all actually wrong or outright lying. I also think the implication that hundreds of people come online just to act like systems to be annoying is…. Strange.
I don’t think it’s fair to ask for undeniable proof when the experience is happening internally. I feel like it puts people into a corner where they can’t defend themselves from that standpoint. “Prove to me you’re actually fictionkin”, “prove to me you actually have MaDD”, “prove to me you’re actually a system”, it just leads to the same conclusion. There is nothing they can physically give you, and they shouldn’t have to prove their internal experiences to be respected in the first place (not even believed, the basic respect of being blocked would do).
Telling people they're either secretly traumatised or experiencing psychosis or have tricked themselves into being plural or outright lied to themselves is not a good dilemma to throw at people. Again, in general dictating other peoples internal experiences is just… not cool in the first place.
Lastly, refusing to listen to endogenics on their identity and continuing to spread hate on pre-convinced ideas is a pretty relevant issue. I continue to see takes that alienate endogenics with childhood trauma (talking about them like they can't be traumatised), "transplural" is still used as a "told you so", “trying to have DID” and the refusal to separate endogenic plurality from DID, and overall just pushing assumptions onto the endogenic community around their own identities. I refuse to believe that’s in good faith at all.
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It’s Gone Beyond Identity
If it ended at “I don’t believe you're actually plural” it wouldn’t be that much of an issue, unfortunately it’s gone way beyond that. “Endos” are spoken about like they’re a collective piece of shit. I don’t really care about sounding dramatic right now because it’s the truth. Since I’ve been scrolling the anti-endo tags for proof I’ve gotten some on my For You Page, a lot of them reek of hatred. Here’s a post I did where I shared some screenshots on anti-endogenics.
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One) Lumping Endogenics in Together
The ‘endo’ community is actually full of different types of plurals who have varying experiences and terms and language. When you see all endogenics as one entity, it’s easier to pin them all for the actions of one and to demonise them. This just reeks of hatred and it borders on bigotry.
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Two) Framing Endogenics as Inherently Malicious
Take the “future is plural” backlash. The phrase was never meant to mean “everyone is going to be plural” or “everyone is going to try and give their kids DID”, the same way the phrase “the future is female” doesn’t mean “let's kill all men so there's only women”. Endogenics are framed with causing everything bad in the system community, pretty much. It goes beyond "I don't think endogenics are actually plural" to shit like "endogenics don't care about trauma survivors and go out of their way to fuck shit up."
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Three) Just Plain Bullying and Treating Endogenics Like Shit
Again, this isn't just about "I don't believe you can exist" to "I hate the way you identify so much that I don't think you deserve respect or a space".
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thatsdemko · 1 year
the right man - l.norris & c.leclerc
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the other man (part one)
pairings: Charles leclerc x reader & lando norris x reader (I know I didn’t do this right)
warnings: mentions of alcohol + Charles being a slight dick + nsfw mentions
a/n: here is part two 😁😁this will be put in both categories of the guys in my masterlist!
you’re forced with a horrible decision to make after an awful drunk incident. it’s your own fault, and you deserve all the consequences that come to it. even if that means losing lando.
it didn’t take long for news to spread that you were seen leaving the Ferrari motorhome. cameras religiously sat outside awaiting for Charles or Carlos. so when you thought the coast was clear, all it took was one flash of a camera to signal others and there became a swarm of flashes.
your face was front and center, Charles behind you closing the door. it was on every social media page, news paper, formula 1 gossip, etc. you couldn’t out run it.
lando was asleep when max hit him in the face with a freshly printed newspaper, “you’re not going to like this.” he says sitting down in the chair across from lando’s bed.
he’s not fully awake, but the picture of you in a quadrant hoodie and Charles behind you takes a hold of his vision. sitting up right, he searches to turn on the light to get a better look at the headlines, and when it comes into focus he wishes he didn’t see it.
“ Y/N Y/L/N CAUGHT LEAVING WRONG MOTORHOME read more on page 4.”
“what the,” he’s flipping every page until he gets to the page with a picture of you and Charles. you’re wearing his quadrant hoodie and grey sweatpants. Charles is behind you, hand on the door of the motorhome, his hair is tussled, and eyes slightly puffy but he can’t tell. the pictures in black and white don’t do justice to the ones in color max was pulling up on his phone.
“didn’t she tell you she was getting a drink with the other girlfriends last night? there’s no pictures of her at the bar. she must’ve went straight to him.” max swipes through the pictures of you heading to the motor home, the caption reading you were only there for no less than fifteen minutes, but it still doesn’t settle well with lando.
“there’s got to be a reason she went to see him, right?” lando looks up from the photos, he can’t stop staring at Charles and comparing himself to him. what did he have that he didn’t? sure, maybe a couple of titles, him being your summer crush, and maybe his looks. but none of that falls even close to the love lando has given and shown you. Charles treated you like shit three summers ago, you knew that and hell he knew that.
“I think you should talk to her.”
and that’s what’s led you to where you were. sat at breakfast with untouched toast, scrambled eggs, and a coffee that were all now unappetizing after lando dropped the news.
“I saw the pictures.” he doesn’t given any context clue, just sits right down in front of you. your eyes pick up from your phone to him. his hair is a mess, bags under his eyes, and the shirt he’s wearing his wrinkled.
“what pictures?” you ask leaning back into your seat, arms crossed watching him raise an eyebrow in challenge.
“you seriously don’t know? the ones of you with Charles last night? ring a bell now?” he scoffs watching your eyes widen, you can feel the pit of your stomach drop as you push the food in front of you away.
“lando, I went to see him and I should’ve told you. I’m sorry.” you swallow the lump in your throat watching him adjust in the seat. he’s uncomfortable because he doesn’t want to ask how you feel, he knows you still like Charles.
every girl still has some sort of love for their summer crush, and he knew despite your promises that you have moved on, Charles leclerc still crept into your mind.
“you can either keep chasing him or realize you have someone who loves you unconditionally. I want an answer by Sunday after the race.”
you’re not at the paddock and Charles doesn’t need to ask why. the disgusted glare lando gives him is enough to know everything.
he’s humiliated because it’s not what it looks like. you weren’t there with him for long and nothing happened. the newspapers and social media gossip were only trying to taint the narrative and make you both look like bad people.
“do you think I can talk to lando?” Charles asks, he’s standing in front of the mclaren garage, and to his surprise you’re not there. he shouldn’t have been surprised, the glare lando gave him was enough to know you probably weren’t around anymore.
“he’s not in the mood to talk. especially to you.”
“I just want to talk about last night. you have to let me explain—“
lando’s laugh cuts him off, he comes from behind one of the trainers in his full suit prepared for practice, “explain what? I already know what happened.”
“do you?” Charles challenges, his hand grabs a hold of lando’s arm to stop him from getting in the car so he can say one more thing, “because whatever you think happened didn’t.”
lando yanks his arm from his grip and just pulls on his helmet getting in the car. he wants nothing to do with the Ferrari driver, and quite frankly he doesn’t want to hear it. he’s made up his mind and he’s just hoping you have to.
you’re doing your best to avoid the public today, which meant laying in your hotel bed and ordering room service while watching whatever show you could find on the television.
it’s boring not being at the paddock, you want to be with lando, you want to show him you love him and that all of this about Charles was in the past. but you’re not sure lando would even want you there, you’re not even sure lando even wants you in general anymore.
you hear a faint knock, assuming it’s room service, you threw the covers off your body and quickly went to open the door to see Charles standing there.
you swallow the lump in your throat, pushing the door open more and allowing him inside. luckily, no paparazzi was allowed in the hotel, so you were safe from anyone taking pictures or suspecting a thing.
“what happened last night shouldn’t have happened—“
“nothing did happen.” you cut him off, he scoffs in response shaking his head. all of it was a blurry memory to you. the pictures did no justice for your memory, so you’re hoping Charles can jog it.
“really?” he moves forward causing you to take a step back, body being met by the edge of the bed you allow yourself to sit down, “so you’re okay that I don’t care you’re with lando? because what you and I did was summers ago means nothing. I had no feelings for you then.”
you’re not sure why, but the words hurt. they stung because part of you did want him to care. he was the best way to end your summer before going to college. he took something to special of yours that you felt he deserved to have, and maybe he shouldn’t have gotten it. not with how he was acting today.
“then? so what are you saying? you have feelings for me now?” your question stuns him, he didn’t realize what he had said until you’re asking him back.
he licks his lips trying to find words, but he can’t. all he can think about is that final night with you before you left.
“are you sure you want this?” he asks, his grip on your bare ass tightens, you wince at the pain but just nod, your eyes are so full of youth and excitement, he’s eager for a taste.
“you’re the only one I want to do this with.”
you’re staring at him long and hard, you can tell he’s mentally fighting what to say, but you don’t have time. lando gave you until Saturday to figure out who you want, and if Charles can’t make that decision you will.
“I like you Charles, but I don’t think you’re the right man for me.” you can’t look him in the eyes while you say it, your eyes are fixated on the carpet and his tan colored high top sneakers he’s wearing.
“lando most certainly isn’t either. not after what you told me yesterday.”
you sigh, your body collapsing against the bed, “Charles, what would you do?” you ask, and he takes a seat on the edge of the bed. he looks down at you, eyes staring up at the ceiling and hair sprawled across the messy sheets. to him, you look cute and maybe that tells him his true feelings.
“I would pick lando. he clearly loves you and he gives you much more than I think any other man could give.” you know that’s not true, Charles was the perfect boyfriend to Charlotte and it always made you jealous despite your perfectly happy relationship.
“I want what you and Charlotte had.” you whisper hoping he didn’t hear you, but he does. he props his body against his elbow laying on his side, “I promise you don’t. you have something we never had.”
you look over at him and see the sincerity in his eyes, “we fought a lot and at times I don’t even think we actually loved each other. I know you love lando and I know for a fact he loves you.” he brushes the couple strands of hair that were across your face out of your way, “he’s the right man.”
and he’s right, when he leaves the room he catches lando in the lobby, he tells him the choice has been made. when the Brit makes his way into your room he’s greeted to you at the door, smile on your face and he knows.
he knows you chose him.
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brujahinaskirt · 2 months
30 kcd2 trailer reveal little things / reactions:
Loving the increased Istvan / Henry parallelism
Loving the return of the red PTSD nightmares and so pleased WH isn't watering the game down, keeping up the trauma narrative realism, etc. I expected no less but still delighted by it. I love games that allow characters (esp male characters) to feel things, genuinely, and writing that treats the emotional invitation of its own storytelling with respect.
Good lord, the symbolism returns--as it must in a proper medieval game--but I shan't look too deep yet.
SKALITZ FLASHBACKS. HENRY'S PARENTS' WEDDING PREQUEL CONTENT? W H A T. I never thought we would get to go back; I am so thrilled to learn more about that time. I would have gladly gobbled up a Martin prequel. TELL ME HER FUCKING NAME, WARHORSE, YOU BASTARDS.
where is radzig
Mystery possible new love interest option? Or did Lady Stephanie visit the face sculptor?
And Theresa... where?
Mother of god, the forests and animals look incredible. I'm going insane. Let me pet things please.
How many times can Hans eat royal shit and live in one livestream? Let's find out. One, two, three...
The crime and punishment mechanics are definitely more complex at a glance. This is a good thing but I wonder how much was cutscene flavor and how much will really have an affect on the gameplay/reputation/etc.
I'm extremely afraid for Hans's survival. Not because of his constant trailer beefing (and he really took every opportunity to wipe out) but because of that shot with him doing the big dramatic eagle wing spread on horseback. You can't just do that and not expect to be punished by the narrative, bro.
is that pebbles? MUTT IS BACK please be pebbles
Henry's new hair is awful and I will be changing it two seconds in.
In general, Henry looks way more mature/stressed. Hard to say if there was a timeskip and Henry is now actually more mature or if the increased graphics allow him to look more like his voice actor, who is older than Henry. Either way I will be content. Will not catch me changing my son's precious face!!!
Istvan is pure fire, holy shit, cannot wait for this performance. Erik looks like a soggy newspaper. What happened king?
radzig? hello? anyone hear from this guy? typical for him to ghost
Theresa's gonna be in it though, right? They wouldn't do us like that right?
Really excited to see them taking a page from RDR2 and incorporating a temperament-based reply system for non-dialogue initiating NPCs. I really look forward to all the added sandbox immersion enhancements from the first game, and I hope women are incorporated in a broader work spectrum for better historical accuracy.
Is Hans going to teach Henry how to swim for real, as in a gameplay-altering swim mechanic, or is the topless on the riverbank scene just throwing a meaty bone to the hansry shippers (i am gnawing, i am growling when you try to take it away before i choke myself with it)
I love hearing devs and actors talk intelligently about the writing and character development arcs. Obviously they thought about it deeply in KCD1, but it's nice to see devs of an "action" game treating its narrative seriously, as artwork. Regardless of how the fandom idiots interact with it.
Hans singing a facetious little ballad for Henry (presuming it makes it into the game and isn't just trailer fodder) regenerated my cells. He DID promise in KCD1 (if you lose the tourney after agreeing to be his champion) that one day people would sing ballads in Henry's honor. Probably he did not intend for them to include the word "fuck" at the time.
This is going to be the grown up bromance we deserved in kcd1. Honestly it's so validating to see the second game recentering on that relationship and deliberately using it as the primary storytelling vehicle. KCD1 was pretty imbalanced in favor of Hans content, but it would have been better served by the game storyline fully leaning into the importance of that relationship, rather than trying to juggle it as a side-arc with several other arcs (and thereby creating an imbalance). KCD2 looks like it's built around the backbone of Henry and Hans's friendship and how it has profoundly changed them both/propelled their arcs in somewhat different directions.
On that point, Henry seems to have completely adopted Rattay colors now, but it's possible that's due to him operating as Hans's page (squire?) where we left them in KCD1. WHERE IS RADZIG
Calling Henry an orphan is a LITTLE generous given he was a whole ass adult man when his parents were killed, don't you think.
Calling Henry a lover is VERY VERY GENEROUS
I'm hyped.
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meowunmeow · 3 months
Undead Unluck Chapter 196 Spoilers!!
She seems to be so sure about this fact... Obviously it's because she made her predictions from information already established in the previous loop. But maybe this is trying to say something. What if she's wrong? What if it's not the same people each time?
It's been proven that she's right with the memories she got from artifacts showing Nico, Gina and Void always being in the team. But not the rest. Maybe it's shown like that on purpose.
Juiz didn't predict Billy's betrayal, so it's either that she has never encountered Unfair before or Unfair was a different person back then.
Oh and the chapter title makes me think that the next chapter will be named "Go!!!"
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BILLYYYYYY <3 <3 <3 I MISS YOU (look at this silly man. I love him :]) and Grandpa Isshin with Baby Haruka!! I still love the beard pulling gag lol
Glad we get more in-depth information about Unbreakable. Out of every abilities, this one is the most vague. "Whatever they make that they poured their soul into becomes unbreakable" it's a fully mental requirement. Guess it also requires lots of training...
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BRUH HE EATS SOULS?? Soul Eater lmao
Why is he holding the octopus like that 😭 it's like a squeaky toy that's about to pop
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Top and Haruka :]]
Huhhh does that means UMAs aren't simply personifications of concepts but are rather only closely intertwined? As in, if they're gone so is the concept but they are not the concept itself??
I wonder how many other previously established facts were simply mistakened assumptions...
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"at this moment" that means she only saw it when Beast ate the octopus. Did something trigger it?
And it's really showing the uniqueness of souls. They exist but if you don't believe in them, it's nonexistent to you, example being Victor's "humans only live because blood pumps into their brain" as well as Andy not believing in it until the whole hypothetical timeline in the Autumn arc. It's taking the whole "it's all about how you see it" thing to the extreme.
Also damn Beast that eyeliner's gonna stab me with how sharp it is
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Everytime she calls him her partner I combust into flames I love them so much ughhhhh
"beasts are no different" I suppose souls are synonymous with life then
Autumn arc really was just the two of them learning from each other :((( as well as the first hint of soul, apparently. Fuuko's soul literally got sucked out by Artifact Soul Caliber so it should've been obvious, really.
Looks like Fuuko got it right on the money, based on Beast's expression giving off an "I underestimated the situation" message (Tozuka-sensei's such an awesome artist damn)
Oof looks like Beast's tendency to blabber is being used against him. Not even Talk no Jutsu, he's just overconfident and is falling from his hubris.
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FIRST RULE REVEAL WOOOO (but not First Seat so not much celebration yet)
"born afterwards" that means soul/life begins all. Are UMAs affected as well? Or maybe I'm seeing it wrong.
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Finger guns...???
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BRUH... JUST... BRUH. (this and the following pages deserves its own post. I am NOT letting this get hidden away. what the fuck.)
TL;DR of the post if y'all are too lazy:
1) What the absolute fuck. What the fuck. My mouth has been agape for 30 whole minutes. What the fuck.
2) I think I fell in love with Fuuko all over again.
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bridgetoesoteria · 5 months
🔮Quickie Read: Pick an Oracle Card🔮
(This post has Piles 4-6)
Pile 4
Spread: Jack of Spades, 3 of Diamonds + Observer (Oracle)
Omg...are some of you pregnant? You could be pregnant and wondering how to break the news. Break the news usually has a slightly negative connotation. So maybe this is very inconvenient for some reason. Either way, the observer card is telling you to look to meditation or prayer (whatever your spiritual beliefs call for) for the guidance you seek.
"Cautious" and "clever" are repeated twice in the guidance book for this card. The next message I'm getting is that you may have to be more cunning than what you are used to or comfortable with. Right now, you have to look out for yourself. If you have to communicate something, choose your words carefully.
Card Description: The Observer watches the skies unlocking hidden messages. She is cautious, clever, and aware; understanding, cautious, clever, patience, endurance, connections.
TL;DR: Move very wisely right now. Seek "higher" guidance before you make a decision. Maybe you need to move according to the moon or astrological cycles. Choose your words carefully. Look out for your interests.
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Pile 5
Spread: The Joker, Ace of Hearts + Medusa (Oracle)
Some of you could have Medusa tattoo, relate to Medusa, or be into Greek mythology. As soon as I flipped this pile over, I felt quite a spicy spicy feelinnn. What y'all got going on? lol. I was hearing "medusa the sedusa (seducer)" 💀💀
I'm sober so I know it ain't me...
If you aren't in that energy that is where you are headed. Your sexual energy could be, or will be, very strong. You may have a new romantic offer. I feel like this is with someone you have not been with. If there was an ex that put you in this medusa, man-eater type of energy, I don't think this is them. This feels positive.
If you are in this energy as self-protection, or you feel like a monster and that you put people off, that is not true. This card talks of shedding your skin, renewals/rebirths, and fears. You aren't tainted. If you are concerned about another person, they will be okay eventually. If this joker and ace of cups does not represent a new love situation, it could certainly mean new self-love.
TL;DR: It seems you are headed for healing. For some of you, you will have a new emotional connection with another person. You will be healing from past heartbreak. For others, you are shedding who you used to be and considering that maybe you aren't the problem (you're not). Both groups are lovable and deserve love from themselves and others 💞
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Pile 6
Spread: Ace of Club, Jack of Clubs + Rose (Oracle)
Omg what is up with the last two piles lol. So much heat is coming through and its getting to me. Like I am ovulating right now so my ovaries literally cannot handle this. So uhh lets make this quick!
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Honestly, this could be the energy many of you are in. You may hide it on the outside, but some of you are carrying a candle for another person. You probably are wanting to have some "one on one" time. I see that it is possible. You could have great chemistry in that way, even if everything else has gone to shit.
I think many of you know this person. The jack of clubs is somehow giving both knight and page, simultaneously 🤥🥴 If you cut them off I can see why. You have a lot of protection up. I think you are also very protected spiritually. If the right thing to do is stay away, then stay away. Keep yourself safe.
Another message I am getting is that some of you are so guarded and used to flying solo that you are blocking a potential partner. Again, you are protected and you can always ask for more. Maintain your boundaries, go at your pace, and consider giving someone a chance.
TL;DR: No matter what decision you make use protection. Idc what they tell you, how fired up you feel, or what your previous experiences may have been...always prioritize your health! You may have a hookup on the horizon. You could be debating if you should or you should not. If this person is cold or known for breaking hearts, it may be best to walk away. Others of you are being asked to consider letting your walls down just enough for you to let someone in. Know that you are protected and can always ask for more protection.
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~ K
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Assistant Peter or Best Friend's Ex Bucky?
Everybody Talks
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Warnings: unwanted touches, suggestions of more.
Please send in feedback if so inclined. Thank you all 💜
"Rough night?" Peter sets down a steaming mug of coffee, the aroma drawing a sigh from your lungs.
You look up from your mindless scrolling and hide a yawn behind your hand. He smiles as he slides the cup closer and takes a step back, a portfolio under his arm. His youth irritates you as much as it piques your envy. He's always so chipper.
"Here you go, boss," he puts the leather folder on the other side of your desk, "this is the mock-up for the Winter spread."
"Mmm," you nod but make no move to take the folder, instead opting for the blonde roast with a touch of oat milk. He always gets it exactly right. "Thanks. Again, boss seems a bit... heavy."
"Sorry, habit," he shrugs and you notice the line of his shoulders, the way the line of his throat leads down below his collar, a hint at the broad chest that makes his buttons strain, "my old job was super strict."
"And we're not," you challenge, "Parker, you've worked here two years."
"It's gone fast, what can I say? And I still can't believe how lucky I am to have the best boss in the world."
"Calm down, you'll get a stellar reference you click on outlook and nearly purr as you have your first sip, "what is this?"
You look at the cup and give it a sniff.
"They had a new flavour in the lounge, sugar cookie."
"I know it's not the usual but we all deserve a treat from time to time."
"No problem, it's good," you set the cup down and rub your cheek as you cradle your chin in your hand, "thanks, Parker. You can get back to it."
He hesitates, lingering, "you sure you don't need anything else?"
"You know I didn't hire you to be my coffee jockey, you got enough on your plate."
"Yes, bo--" he stops himself and uses your name instead, "you know where to find me."
"Sure do," you say as your phone screen lights up and draws your attention. Another call from your husband. He can wait. Or rot for all you care.
"Norman, I don't care-- No, no, I'm not one of your cronies. Or your son. Don't start that with me," you huff into the speaker, your screen saver bouncing against the walls of your monitor, "we talked about this already. You want to go, go. It will be alone. You've known about Paris all year. I can't miss it."
"Darling, you really are intractable. It's an anniversary gift and again, you want to work--"
"Yes, I do. It's my job. It's the same thing every year, Norman," you snap, "and don't begin to lecture me on work trips and family obligations, alright? How many nights have I slept alone while you're out schmoozing your business partners or late at the lab. If you want to talk about this, call Dr. Suzanne and I'll be happy to have her advise."
"Ugh, I do love your fire, dear, but it burns hot," he snarls.
"Oh shut up." You hang up and toss your phone on your desk and lean back in your chair with a growl. You don't know why you don't just go to the lawyer already. Well, you know, the same excuse as always. You're too busy.
You shake your head and roll forward, swiping away the idle screen and setting back to your itinerary. Before Norman, you weren't like this. You liked being home but he made work your only escape. It was an easy excuse not to be entirely alone.
You're barely away as you slowly flip through the pages of the portfolio. The blue-tinted lighting of the editorial is lackluster. You don't recall giving Seasonal Affective Disorder as a theme. You scribble in your notebook and chew the end of the pen. You really don't want to have a whole new shoot but some of these photos are lit like shit.
There's a gentle knock and you lurch back in your chair. Most of the office is gone by now.
"Come in," you call over your desk as you rest your fingertips on the glossy page.
A bouquet of flowers enters. For a moment you don't notice the body on the other side. Peter holds the huge basket of petals in his arms as he angles through, his reddish hair barely visible over the top. He puts them down on the round table by the window.
"These came for you," he says as he faces you, giving a sniff to his shirt, "they smell nice."
"I can only imagine who sent them," you grumble, Norman's oldest trick. You're well past him buying forgiveness. "If it wasn't such a hassle, I'd have you dump them in the bin."
"If that's what you want--"
"Parker, no," you scoff, "what are you still doing here."
"I got a bit carried away planning for Paris. I didn't go last year so... I'm kinda excited."
"Yeah, I... guess I take it for granted," you roll the pen between your fingers and put it down, "you need to go."
"And what about you?" He counters.
"I'm headed out," you say as you close the portfolio, "promise."
He nods, his brown eyes warm and placid as he watches you stand. You give an awkward smile as your knee gives a pop. You're really starting to feel the long work days. He looks down, you assume because of the noise and you do too. Your wrap skirt exposes more than your knee but the top of your sheer stocking. You fix it quickly.
"Uh," his throat bobs, "yeah, I'll get going, boss."
You want to correct him but you're too embarrassed. You wait for him to go before you give yourself a thorough lookover. Everything else is exactly where it belongs. Great, just the young assistant seeing the grumpy old lady's thigh, no big deal.
It's rainy in Paris.
It hardly matters to Peter as you cross the airport with bags in tow and he babbles on about all the things he's read about. Lindy delayed her flight at the last moment and Howard always came early and left sooner. You try to be patient, try to remember when you were an intern in New York for the first time, but you're drawn thin. Norman didn't even say goodbye.
You get a taxi and give the Hotel's name. It's more expensive so the driver needs no direction. You tip him and Peter follows you out. He follows you up to the grand archway entrance and gives a noise of awe as you cross the lobby. You decide to give him Lindy's suite since she won't be there.
He gleefully takes his keycard and you check your phone. Yep, nothing. Norman's past hounding you. You're as infuriated as you are relieved.
"Here," Peter grabs your suitcase before you can, "I got it."
"They have bellboys--"
"I'm stronger," he winks as he wheels ahead of you, "this way, mademoiselle."
You could laugh at his little act. You trail behind him to the elevator and he lets you in ahead of him. The ascent has you slightly dizzy and you step off thankfully. You check your keycard and point him in the right direction.
You thank him, almost reaching for a bill from your wallet to give him, and catch yourself.
"Anything else?" He asks as he rolls your suitcase to stand against the wall.
"No, Parker, that's fine. Thank you."
"Peter," he says, "two years and you still call me Parker."
"I'm... sorry," you say softly, realising how you reproached him for simply calling you boss. "P- Peter, if I've been rude these last few weeks, I apologise. I've had a lot going on and it's not an excuse to take it out on you."
"Rude? No, like I said, best boss I've ever had."
You nod and let out a sigh, "well, I'll... see you tomorrow morning."
"Bright and early, mademoiselle," he grins, "have a good one."
He spins on his heel and strides out lightly. You close the door behind him and groan as it clicks, the hours in a plane seat twinge in your hips. You have to try to enjoy this trip, if only to spite Norman.
"You can have Lindy's seat," you say as you lead Peter amid the crowds, "wouldn't look good to have an empty seat with our name on it. Especially in the front-- Maria!" You interrupt yourself as you great the silver-haired designer, "so wonderful to see you again. Thank you so much for the gift basket."
"Thank you for the editorial," she says in her lilted baritone, "oh my, have we traded in the old model?"
She tweaks a brow in Peter's direction and his cheeks redden as you peek over at him. You give a soft laugh, not enough to embarrass him.
"This is my assistant, Peter Parker. He's a photographer as well."
"Peter Parker," Maria drawls out, "what an... American name."
"I do happen to be American," Peter says dumbly.
"How absolutely adorable, I could spoon him up and eat him with a nice sorbet."
"Uhhh," Peter gives a squint.
"Don't let us keep you," you gently touch Maria's elbow, "we should find our seats."
She passes on as another voice calls out her name. You continue on to the crowded runway and edge along the front row. You sit and smooth your skirt, a vintage designer piece chosen deliberately for the event. An editor-in-chief can't look a mess even if they feel one. Peter looks good enough in a Gucci button up and slacks, hair tidy enough to seem as if he belongs. You can't help but notice the Louis Vuitton loafers.
"Are those new?" You ask.
"Oh, uh, have a friend who tends to hoard nice things," he shrugs, "and that dress?"
"Not new," you assure him.
"Still, it looks good."
"Comes with the territory. Everyone's here competing and in the front row, the press will be sure to get a couple snaps."
"Wow, is that Shaq?" He looks across the aisle, "I didn't think he'd be into fashion."
"Like I said, people come to be seen and they are seen," you say.
"Oh, right," he looks around and his eyes round. There's already a long lens aimed in your direction, "it hasn't even started yet."
"Yeah, there's really no start or end, it just happens," you say, "last year wasn't particularly great for us. Howard got a bit... tipsy so he's skipping it this year."
"Ah," he nods and smooths his shirt. You try not to pay attention as the fabric draws taut over his chest.
Another guest claims the chair next to you and you greet them, another editor, and settle in as seats begin to feel. The anticipation builds until the room grows dim. The runway lights up with shades of rose. The crowd quiets and Maria comes out to introduce her collection.
As the first model comes back, you make sure to keep your posture straight. You've done this enough times to be aware of every tick and move you make. You have a magazine to represent and right now, it's the only thing going right in your life. You watch the designs and give a thought arch of your brow, the colors are interesting but the cut doesn't quite fit.
You feel a tickle on your leg but keep your focus on the runway. Then the warmth spread across your leg and squeezes you through your skirt. You flick your lashes in shock as Peter leans over as he feels your thigh, "I like the colours..."
"What are you doing?" You withhold your chagrin as you move your lips subtly, focusing on keeping your composure.
"Just wanted to get your attention..." he whispers, "and the press. Imagine what they'll say."
"Peter, get your hand off me." You warn under your breath.
"It'll definitely piss Norman off, won't it?" He snickers as he leans even closer, retracting his hand, only to drape his arm over your shoulders, "an editor-in-chief with a younger man, too? The scandal."
"This isn't appropriate."
"Don't worry, boss," he brushes his nose along your cheek, "it's not all for the press. I really am going to fuck you."
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serene-sun · 8 months
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𝕸𝖞 𝖘𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖙 𝖎𝖓𝖓𝖔𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖙 𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖑𝖘 🪽
(Kinktober days 4-6, DOMSUB/OMEGA VERSE)
Pairing: Cardinal copia x cirrus x cumulus
Warnings: shit uhhhhh ALLOT, pussy eating, why am I putting a warning…yiur gonna love it anyways you sluts
A/n: first time writing omegaverse so I'm very sorry if you cringe! Remember that these three days will be discussion over this topic…inbox is open and anon is an option!
“My sweet…innocent angels. You have never upset your Cardinal, ever.” Copia clicked his tongue, his shoe tapping the pink rug. He had his hand on his hip and his eyes looking down on the two girls menacingly.
“But today I am very displeased with the two of you!” He exclaimed as he huffed. His hand gripped the magazine harder, the pages bunching up and almost ripping.
Cirrus and Cumulus were sitting on the floor of their shared room amongst what was left of a successful slumber party. The sisters of sin were already off to bed before Copia angrily knocked on the door and came to confront them.
“What were you thinking? Having such blasphemy?” Copia ranted, “And to be reading it amongst sisters of sin?”
Cirrus had taken it from Aether and mountains room while searching for a certain item. Her eyes lit up when she found it tucked away under mountains pillow, it smelt like both ghouls.
They had so much fun looking at each page with the siblings of sin at their sleepovers until it went missing one minute and then the other copia was there with it in his hand.
“We’re sorry papa.” Cumulus guiltily apologized.
“The truth is…sodo placed it under our pillows and we didn’t know what to do.” Cirrus lied, she knew Sodo was just too good of a target to ignore.
Copia hummed, and he began flipping through the pages. “And how do these images make you feel, girls?” He asked with his rich voice.
Cumulus rubbed her thighs together at the question, “Good.” He breathed out.
Cirrus took a deep breath, that heated feeling in her abdomen made her chest feel cold. She puffed up some, making her breasts more visible, “wet.”
“I see.” Copia examined the ghoulettes with his one white eye, “I suppose, since you told the truth, you deserve a reward.”
The two girls looked at each other before looking back at Copia.
“Both of you, take off your clothes and give me your panties,” Copia instructed firmly as he took off his belt.
Cumulus followed, she took off her lace bra and her silky red panties. She folded them nicely before Copia took them and shoved them into his pocket.
Cirrus discarded her baby doll lingerie before she handed him the black lace panties that joined the other pair.
Copia admired both of their naked forms with a smirk, he took off his pants and button-up before letting his cock bob up at the tension.
Cirrus blushed, she kept her thighs close together to hide the seeping heat.
Cumulus gripped her plush thighs, unable to think straight.
“Let your cardinal see those pink pussys hmm?” He said as he got to his knees in front of the girls.
They shared a lustful glance before both ghoulettes spread their legs wide for him.
“Mm, yes this will do nicely.” He said as he took a gloved hand to slide up both of their wet cunts.
Cumulus whimpered as his middle finger sunk into her tight heat. Then Cirrus shared the same energy as her tight hole was prodded at.
“C-Cardinal.” The girls whined as he added another finger and began thrusting in and out of their wet holes quickly.
His two fingers glazed over their tight squishy walls as they brushed against their cervix. His thumb trailed up to push down on their aching clits. The hood pushed back against their groin at the friction. Their soft trimmed hair smoothed over his soaking-wet gloves.
The man started quickening his pace as he watched their breasts bounce with every push on their body.
Cumulus clenched on his two fingers, hot liquid squirting out of her cunt. It made a beautiful scene as it painted his glove with white glossy female cum.
Cirrus watched in agony, her orgasm washing over her as he fingered her.
The room was almost foggy with hot breath as Copia took off his gloves. He laid them to the side as he grabbed his erection and started grinding it against the ghoulettes cheek.
“Did that magazine make you realize how powerless and small you are?” Copia chimed as his tip pushed against Cumulus’s lips.
The girl nodded, her clit twitching. “I needed someone….some.” She tried to speak before Copia cut her off by shoving his thick girth deep into her wet cavern. “An alpha? Someone to ease those pitiful mating calls?” He answered her.
Cirrus crawled above cumulus and Copia began lapping up the arousal dripping from her cunt.
Both girls shrieked.
Cumulus wrapped her long forked tongue around his base before using it to jerk his cock off in her mouth.
Copias lips wrapped around her clit, and he sucked on it harshly until she was squirming around. He then used his hands to spread her gaping hole, he kissed her opening before thrusting his tongue inside.
Cumulus licked the tip of his cock before she softly gagged as he pushed it deeper down her throat. His tip was a little passed the back of her throat as her mouth was full of his cock. She felt his heavy balls against her chin, and his strong cologne filled her senses as her nose met his bushy hair.
Cirrus bit her lip, and Copia's tongue went back to her clit as it circled the hard bud. His tongue danced with her clit as he used his two fingers to push back her hood.
Her hands buried themselves in his slicked-back hair as her thighs met his cheeks. “I’m so close.” She mumbled.
Cumulus licked up his length again before his tip released his hot sperm down her throat. She struggled to breathe until he leaned back. She sucked on his cock, milking every drop of that much-needed arousal. When Copia pulled out of her mouth, his erection let a few more drops spill onto her soft cheeks.
Cirrus gasped as she felt her second orgasm spasm across her body. Her cum was quickly licked up by Copia as he swallowed it with a smile, “My good girl's pussy, always so delicious.” He grinned, arousal slicking up his mustache and sideburns.
Copia leaned back, grabbed his base, and tapped it against Cumulus’s lips one more time as more droplets of cum coated her pink lips.
“Does your cunt still need more pleasure?” He growled into her ear as he licked up her neck, “Or do you still need a male to mate you?”
Cumulus shook her head, she whimpered at the sound of his voice.
Copia groaned, “My sweet angels, always so good for their master. No magazine can ease that burden of heat, can it?”
“My sweet innocent angels.”
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pugwitharug · 1 year
This thought has been rotting my brain for an ungodly amount of time-
Ahem anyways I'd like to make a last legacy request with the main 3 (specifically anisa knight wife) with a s/o that's like really fit, like abs and back muscles looking scrumdiddlyumptious. One day their li is like taking that in for the first time and jokingly ask somthing along the lines of "hey s/o lose the shirt" and s/o actually does and caused li to malfunction because on top of the nice bod they got a baddaass tattoo ( idk probably like a intricate flower design you can change it if you want ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
Anyways sorry for my brainworm spreading through the library of other's minds I'll put them on a leash next time!
(this has been rotting in my drafts for an ungodly amount of time--)
Don't apologize for letting your wonderful brain worms loose, they are perfectly welcome in my brain since my brain worms don't always wanna get out of bed
GN Reader, yes you're dating them and I'm not taking no for an answer, suggested body part smushing but nothing explicit, I searched on Pinterest for these tattoos and they're clogging my feed now so you better love this /j, god it's been so long it feels good to write though, I miss them when will they come back from the war
☠️Felix Iskandar Escellun☠️
Let's say for the sake of this that you have short hair, short enough that the neck is exposed
Felix could always see a small part of your back tattoo whenever he looked at your neck, and he had a few ideas for what was underneath the shirt. Maybe it's a huge leaf, maybe it's branches protecting a heart or initials or something. He's always been curious but too shy to ask
One day you're both hanging out in his room. You're looking up at one of his taxidermied animals, a little squirrel-like creature. You know it's roadkill but hey, Felix is good at what he does. It barely looks like it was dead. It's sitting on a little branch atop one of his closets, staring through your soul with wide, dead eyes
Felix is on his bed reading a book on poisonous Earth flowers he snatched from the Void. He watches you above the pages as you reach up to grab the animal. Your shirt hikes up and he gets a little peek at your back muscles
He doesn't even realize he said it until he looks up and sees you giving him a little look
"You think that my shirt is restricting my movement?" you ask with an eyebrow raised and a small smirk on your lips.
Felix's reddening cheeks betrayed him as he tried to keep a straight face. "Yes. I do. Perhaps you should...take it off. So you can reach up high better."
You hold back a snicker at his adorable face and decide to humor him. You easily pull off your shirt and toss it over the back of a chair, revealing your back tattoo.
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.....hoo boy he isn't normal now
Not just because he's seeing your ripped bod for the first time but holy shit that's a nice tattoo
You tell him he can touch it just to mess with him. And he does. He takes his sweet time
He traces the stems, the leaves, the small flowers here and there. You can't see his face but you're pretty sure it's even more red now
He finally leaves you alone and lets you put your shirt back on (much to his chagrin)
A few days later, you catch a glimpse at him writing in a notebook, little doodles of your tattoo in the corners
Give him a little kiss on the cheek. He deserves it
⚔️Anisa Anka⚔️
Now, Anisa never knew you had a tattoo. You've always worn a shirt that covered most of it, along with a jacket, and she's never seen you without it
It's not until you two have become closer that she gets to see it
You two are sparring, practicing your swordsmanship skills on the sprawling lawns of Fathom. Thanks to the lovely knight lieutenant, you certainly have gotten better at defending yourself
It's a warm summer day, and with the shirt and jacket on, you're definitely sweating. You take a break and wipe the sweat off your forehead with the back of your hand, breathing hard
"You should take your jacket off," Anisa comments, stabbing her sword into the soft grass as she shakes out her arms. "It's restricting your movement and making you overheat."
"You think?" you pant as you pull off your jacket, tossing it to the side. You're wearing a short sleeve shirt underneath, revealing a good chunk of your arm tattoo.
If you were close enough, you might have been able to see Anisa's pupils dilate a little. She reaches for the hilt of her sword, but misses the first few times. "Actually...you should take your shirt off too. Overheating, again. Wouldn't hurt to give your body all, all the room to cool off."
You know she's just saying something random to get your shirt off, but you decide to indulge her. You take off your sweat-stained shirt and let it rest with your jacket.
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She doesn't even notice your scrumptious muscles for a few seconds, she's too enamored by your tattoo
And then she notices your mcgriddled abs. And you know she notices
You make some joke about her being too tired to keep sparring, taking your sword and resting it on your shoulder
You honestly didn't think her hair could poof up anymore
For the rest of the day she's just taking you in. Maybe all of you if you're in the mood. She certainly is
🐱Sage Lesath🐱
Sage definitely has some idea that you have a tattoo. You aren't ashamed to show it, but the type of tattoo you got only works with a few types of shirts so he never got the full picture
Thanks to this, other people have definitely noticed it too, as you now see for yourself from your seat at the bar of the tavern you're in today
Sage has his tail wrapped tightly around your leg, ears twitching at anything that sounds remotely like someone coming to you. You tell him to relax, you've dealt with this before, but you know how he is
One particularly drunk fellow comes up and tries to chat you up. Sage growls at him from his seat, telling him to back off. He doesn't seem to get the hint, so you decide to make sure he does
You pull Sage into a heated kiss and start taking the two of you to the side door into the nearby alleyway. Once you lose the guy you pull away, but Sage has something else in mind
"Sage, Sage, he's gone," you whisper as Sage kisses your neck. You can still taste the cheap beer on your lips.
"But I wanna kiss you," he whines as the fluffy end of his tail tickles your wrist. He's definitely buzzed. "I wanna take your shirt off."
You raise an eyebrow. "You want my shirt off?"
He quickly nods, his pupils almost hiding his amber eyes.
You look around. It's dark, plenty of cover, and it's a quiet night. You don't think anyone's gonna come through, so you let out a breath and pull off your shirt
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He's...he's so distracted. Not only because of your gorgeous chest, but because holy shit that is a tattoo. And it's even more gorgeous than he thought
He gently puts a hand over the faces, trailing his fingers down to rest over your heart
He thinks you're the most beautiful person in the world. And he also wants to rail you so badly. If you are willing, he will slam you right into that alley wall
He also makes it a point to kiss every little part of the tattoo. The moon, the penchant, the succulents, the sun. Every part of it deserves to be kissed
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crehador · 5 months
package day! it's nuis nuis and more nuis this time (plus misc but all smic)
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first the asanuma cover issue of seiyuu animedia aka the only thing i was originally going to buy lol
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it's a lot bigger than i thought it would be and the pages are all thick like a proper photobook, asnm's warumono-san photoshoot is fucking glorious in its entirety and there are soma and shoutan spreads in here too (which is written on the cover but i was too asnm-focused to even notice until i flipped through)
got two copies to potentially cut one up for poster-making but... idk if i can bring myself to do that, might just keep a spare lmao
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the family grows!! and by like a lot lmao
ew02 nuis have finally been obtained, and yes i got the new ones that i said were ugly (it was like an affectionate sort of ugly!)
i still need to get clothes for the 15cm fanmade ones, they're absurdly adorable (more stiff than i imagined, in a good way) but completely naked. so photo gets cropped here for now lol. did pick them up a... familiar-looking jacket they can share in the meantime though
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ichiro cosplay jumpscare! not for wearing, will see if i can somehow incorporate it into a nui house/nest area
(just to be fair to the two blorbos i picked up a set of samatoki cosplay bracelets too lol)
anyway. most of the nuis are new but the orig design ichinui and samanui are dupes because......
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these new ones have bones! and beef. with the original originals. but. surely they'll start to get along soon......
i thought a lot about getting just the bones and doing the surgery myself but honestly i don't have the heart to cut them open. or the skill lmao. so luckily managed to find a listing for bone-in ones
grabbed a bunch of clothes for them too
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and love them, holy shit they fit so well. if i can find this shop again i might buy more next time
(they're too cute for me to change their clothes now... will get around to letting them try on the other outfits later)
last but abso-fucking-lutely not least FOOD CRIMES GEORG HAS BEEN PROCURED
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been on the hunt for these stands since the designs first came out tbh, candyapplegate will never die. to me. ichiro what is the matter with you
(the stands are TINY but i love them to bits)
so yeag the "just two magazines" order became very much. not that lmao. there's also a postcard that deserves its own post so i'll get to that once i clean everything up
think i finally have enough nuis now <- guy who has 2 more on preorder for this month lmao
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Full Masterlist | Marvel Masterlist
Summary: You can't deny that sometimes it's nice to see those who wronged you get what they deserved. And that's exactly what happened. You and Flash had a history. A destructive and unhealthy history. It's been a few months since you and Flash broke it off, and you can't help but laugh at his demise. Peter Parker, your best friend, is there to laugh with you every step of the way.
Y/N/N: Your Nick Name
Warnings: mentions of an unhealthy relationship
Peter Parker x-reader
"What'd you get for question five?" Peter asked, leaning against the desk. I looked down at the page in our History workbook. "1889," I answered, reading the response I bubbled in. Peter nodded and circled the question. "I thought you were smart," I commented.
Peter glanced away from his paper. He looked at me with raised brows at my remark. "I am smart. Just not History smart," Peter tapped the side of his head with his pencil, a smile appearing on his face (GIF Above). When I brought my focus away from him, I noticed a few girls glancing my way.
I heard my name and Flash's name come up a few times. Peter lightly hit my leg with his knee. "You'd think Flash would be a little more mature and stop saying shit," Peter said. I shrugged my shoulders, glancing at the group of girls then at my book. "At least some people know he's a shitty person," I said.
You're talking shit for the hell of it Addicted to betrayal, but you're relevant You're terrified to look down 'Cause if you dare, you'll see the glare Of everyone you burned just to get there It's coming back around
"You'd be surprised at how many people he's pissed off. I wouldn't be shocked if all of them ganged up on him," I said. Peter chuckled softly. He lifted up the side of his workbook, scanning over the rest of the questions. Peter huffed and grabbed his pencil.
My best friend played with the eraser on his pencil. He picked at the shreds, dropping them on the table. "You want me to say something to them?" Peter asked. I shook my head with my eyes still on my book. "No. That'll just make things worse," I said. Peter let out another heavy sigh. I could tell he was beginning to get tired of the glances.
He went to get up from the chair, but I grabbed his wrist. "You may be Spider-Man, but I can sure as hell try and stop you from making things worse," I whispered. Peter's eyes darted from the far table and then to us. He slowly sat down, my hand still wrapped around his wrist. I let go when he joined me at the table.
"How do you even deal with that?" Peter asked. "I've learned to accept it," I said, "All I care about is that I don't spread rumors like he does. As the wonderful Taylor Swift says, I keep my side of the street clean. You wouldn't know what I mean." Peter playfully rolled his eyes at my comment.
Reluctantly, he went back to his homework. We had about thirty minutes and then we were free to go home. The two of us planned to stop by the skatepark and head to Peter's house for the rest of the night. He rented our favorite movies for the weekend even though we'd watched the films multiple times.
A few minutes passed and we finished the school day. I stood up, setting my backpack on the chair. I dropped my laptop and textbook into the front pocket. "I've got a couple snacks that Aunt May got," Peter said, "Hopefully, Ben didn't eat all of them." I laughed.
Peter set his skateboard into the extra strap attached to the pocket. I did the same, ensuring that my board wouldn't slip out. Typically, we'd head over to the skatepark after school. "Did you actually label the snacks this time?" I put my bag on. Peter nodded in response.
"Yes, I have, actually," he said, "I swear, he only eats the food that's not his. Like that one time we had Chinese food, he ate all of my orange chicken after I wrote my name on it in all caps."
I chuckled at how he was waving his hands around. He pushed the library door open, letting me out first. I thanked Peter and walked beside him. "I don't blame him. Connie's Chinese is pretty good," I said. Peter nodded in agreement. Ben was infamous for eating everyone's leftovers.
Although, he hadn't eaten mine yet, which I was relieved of. As Peter and I walked outside, we saw Flash sitting on a picnic bench. Those two girls from earlier were talking to him. Peter nudged me, connecting his hand with mine. I couldn't help but notice that the two girls were pissed off at Flash.
Peter must've noticed the argument, too. He led us over to a picnic table. "What do you think they're arguing about?" Peter thought. I shrugged, having no idea, but it must be good. One of the girls, I think her name's Sandy, stepped to Flash with a look of hatred painted on her face.
'Cause karma is my boyfriend Karma is a god. Karma is the breeze in my hair on the weekend Karma's a relaxing thought Aren't you envious that for you, it's not? Sweet like honey, karma is a cat. Purring in my lap 'cause it loves me Flexing like a goddamn acrobat Me and karma vibe like that
The other girl, Becca, grabbed Sandy's hand to pull her friend back. Sandy's hand flew and slapped Flash. Students all turned to the commotion. Flash sat there stunned, not expecting anything, just like the rest of us. "What the hell?" Flash said. Sandy stood there with her head held up high.
Becca continued to stand behind Sandy, keeping a good grip on her best friend. I watched the scene play out and debated on jumping in. Peter looked at me and then at the small fight. "Y/N/N," he said, "C'mon." He stood up from the bench, extending a hand.
I could tell he was doing everything in his power not to laugh. I set my hand into his. Once we were away from the school, both of us burst into a fit of laughter. "Oh, my god. I would pay money to punch him like that," Peter set his skateboard onto the sidewalk. I nodded. "Is it bad that I feel bad for laughing?" I said, fixing the strap of my backpack.
Peter thought to himself as he stuffed his jacket into his backpack. The two of us began riding our boards. "I mean, since you feel bad, it means you're not entirely an alien," Peter said. "How'd you know I was an alien?" I responded, going along with his joke. He tapped his chin and pushed himself slightly.
Spider-boy, king of thieves Weave your little webs of opacity My pennies made your crown Trick me once, trick me twice Don't you know that cash ain't the only price? It's coming back around
"Do I need to list every weird little detail about you?" Peter said. "No," I shook my head, earning a smirk from him. "I'm going to start anyways," he sighed. Peter did a little trick midair before grabbing onto a street light. He spun around, his feet still on the skateboard. "One, you like Taylor Swift," Peter said.
He stepped off his board, picking it up and resting it on his hip. I got held my board. "How does that make me an alien?" I questioned. "Because all you Swifties worship her like she's your leader or something," Peter gestured to the sky, doing a little bowing motion.
Peter winked at me, dropping his board back onto the ground. "But you have to admit, it's gotta feel nice to see Flash get tossed around like that," Peter said. "He wasn't tossed around. Sandy just slapped him, that's all," I answered. Peter pulled out his phone.
He rested against a metal gate, moving his board around with his foot. I joined his side and pressed my shoulder against his. Peter went to his messages, going to a text thread with Gwen. Our lab partner had sent him a video of the whole fiasco.
Sandy and a few other girls were ripping Flash part. Not literally, although that would be interesting to see. My mouth fell open as Flash stormed away with his face beet red.
'Cause karma is my boyfriend Karma is a god. Karma is the breeze in my hair on the weekend Karma's a relaxing thought Aren't you envious that for you, it's not? Sweet like honey, karma is a cat. Purring in my lap 'cause it loves me Flexing like a goddamn acrobat Me and karma vibe like that
Peter smirked and dropped his phone into the pocket of his jacket. "When did you get that?" I asked. We talked for a little more until we ended up at our favorite skate park.
"Hey, Shelly," I greeted, setting my backpack on the bench. She looked up from her sketchbook and waved. Shelly was usually at the park when we got there. Her younger brother was part of a skateboarding club at his elementary school, and she had to be there to supervise. "How's Max doing today?" Peter asked.
Shelly responded with a 'good' and went back to drawing. She wasn't much of a talker. Sometimes she'd have full-on conversations, but we never really wanted to force her to talk. Peter and I skated for a bit before taking a snack break.
He laid beside me as we looked up at the setting sky. Peter handed me a bag of chips. "This is a weird question," he said. He looked at me and then back to the sky. "Shoot," I waved for him to ask away. "Do you ever think that maybe during your whole relationship with Flash, you learned a few things?" he questioned.
I furrowed my brows at his question. Peter sat up from his spot, propping himself up with his hands. "What I mean is, do you think you learned his tactics," Peter elaborated, "Like, how you knew when he was lying or trying to manipulate you somehow."
'Cause karma is the thunder Rattling your ground Karma's on your scent like a bounty hunter Karma's gonna track you down Step by step from town to town Sweet like justice, karma is a queen Karma takes all my friends to the summit Karma is the guy on the screen Coming straight home to me
Honestly, I hadn't really thought about it. Flash had always used my friendship with Peter as a bad thing. Thankfully, I was smarter than Flash. "Yeah," I sighed. My best friend set his hand on my shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "I don't mean to quote Ms. Taylor Swift again, but..." I trailed.
Peter shook his head, trying to tell me to stop. I opened my mouth but he covered it before I could speak. "No. Just no," Peter shook his head once more. He took his hand off my face, holding up a finger to prevent me from speaking. "Look, I love you, but not enough to hear another quote by TayTay," Peter said.
'Cause karma is my boyfriend Karma is a god. Karma is the breeze in my hair on the weekend Karma's a relaxing thought Aren't you envious that for you, it's not? Sweet like honey, karma is a cat. Purring in my lap 'cause it loves me Flexing like a goddamn acrobat Me and karma vibe like that
I laughed and put my arms up in defense. He thanked me, going back to eating his favorite chips. We watched some kids fly up into the air and back down. "You wanna head to my house? I'm ready to get that movie marathon started," Peter started putting the snacks away.
I nodded and followed his lead. The rest of the night was filled with movies and discovering Ben already ate most of the snacks.
Taglist: @arabellelancastersstuff @simpforthemcu @transias @kasidy709 @carmellasworld @sh-tposter2021 @midnightstar-90 @ramaalkayyali  @nix-rose 
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popculturebuffet · 1 year
So out of all the Spider books you've done now, who had the strongest #1 issue?
Peter with Gwen being close. But since it'd be fun to rank the stories i've covered anyway , here's every story i've covered for Into the Spider-Verse, ranked.
Amazing Fantasy #15: Even stripping away how iconic it is, Amazing Fantasy #15 holds up REALLY well. It's nicely paced, subversive for it's time, and has a heartbreaking ending. Ditko's art is some of his best. It's fairly hard to top... Edge of Spider-Verse #2: This one came SO CLOSE though. The writer is a piece of shit, no question, but Spider-Gwen's debut is nicely fast paced, the two page spread outlining her origin is on par with the opening page of all star superman for getting an origin out fast and slick, and the art is gorgeous as hell. Ultimate Comics Spider-Man: It was REALLY hard to decide if this or NOir deserved the #3 spot. But while SMN is an all time spider-man story, this arc does an expert job setting up miles as a character, contrasting him to peter and throughly making him his own character. There's a reason he's now just as well loved and known as his predecessor and as much as i'm not a fan of Bendis NOW, he still had it with this comic. Spider-Man Noir: A Gripping tale of revenge, responsiblity, and some other r word. It expertly recontectulazies peter for the 1930's. Peter Porker #15: A Truly brilliant reworking of peter's origin that's pure hilarity and may of gotten higher had we not had it bogged down ab it by the andy warthog stuff.
Edge of Spider-Verse #5: Peni's origin is nicely punk with gerard way throwing in a lot of fun visuals and energy.. but ultimately the story's a bit lopsided due to it's second half. Still great Marvel Tails; IT sure does exist.
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the-sky-is-my-home · 11 months
Endless list of things I love about post-ts haikyuu (various teams ver.)
iwaizumi's godzilla phone case
the whole seijoh team not giving a shit about their home country's national team or iwaizumi hajime (27) athletic trainer. oikawa is playing for argentina so they're cheering for argentina and that's that
funeral home employee mattsun
oikawa getting his banner at the olympics, the last one shown in the regular manga chapters, really makes it feel like this is HIS success story even if he lost during high school and was out of the story for so long because of it
I watched the original "petty pride" exchange when s2 came out. the amount of satisfaction I got from reading "What do you think of my petty pride now?" "I think it's fantastic." is unrivalled. it's one piece levels of delayed gratification good. I may love and be obsessed with other characters, but my heart will always be with oikawa tooru and rather than a win or a spot at nationals or whatever, this is what he deserves.
the last page of haikyuu canon we ever got featured oikawa being stupid and petty and cute and iwa bickering with him and it's like. what more could I ever ask for
ushiwaka's relationship with kids. all of it
ushiwaka wanting his dad to watch his games being the reason he works so hard to get good, only to hear his dad being all excited and always watching any games he can it's just so sweet
shirabu still being so intense about ushiwaka all the time always
the shiratorizawa team still going to goshiki's to watch stuff together, just like they used his tablet and his dorm room back in the day. boy will never know peace
the documentary about chocolatier tendou with ushiwaka in it. look at them!!! they're best friends!!! I love them so much! and it's just perfect when tendou was the one assuming he'd be in ushiwaka's documentary
tendou's lil volleyball chocolate <3
bokuto's stupid chest receives. my boy hasn't changed at all lmao
that lil montage of hs age bokuto causing problems for his team
bokuto still doing a feint, the "special attack" he taught hinata ages ago
fukuroudani still supporting him so so much and calling him "our ace" just makes me emotional
akaashi interviewing bokuto and udai tenma just sitting there like "what in the fresh hell are these two talking about???"
someone (yaku) finally understanding and translating when bokuto makes some insane statement about what "normal" is wasn't necessary but I love it so so much you don't even know. my boy bokuto is understood and among his kind. he belongs. this is all I need in life
hoshiumi asking hinata's height even tho he already knows
sakusa being on the same team as hinata AND atsumu AND bokuto. you know this man is getting roped into so many shenanigans against his will
sakusa meeting ushiwaka for the first time and being impressed not because of volleyball but because of his pocket handkerchief that he folds with the damp side in
also sakusa (presumably) choosing his (and komori's) high school based on a guy with a lint roller
hoshiumi seeing hinata as a rival but also more as an ally. short kings unite!!!
kanoka being the ace of japan's women's volleyball team and tanaka being so so supportive of her. like yeah that crush didn't work out for her but she's thriving and there's no resentment between them, she's not defined by romance. queen.
nekoma's "connect" flag being taken from the context of connecting in volleyball to connecting through volleyball is just. chef's kiss
kuroo's con man vibe even though he just genuinely loves volleyball and wants to spread that love to as many people as possible
yaku being the one who plays in russia when you could assume lev would, but no. yaku returns from russia and the first thing he does is make fun of model lev. it's perfect
kuroo in the special baiting everyone exactly with what they want like this man knows what kinda idiots he has at his disposal
yaku next to yoffe
also ending on nekoma's flag is perfect
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