#sorry for this book nonny
yooniesim · 1 year
Very quick question, simblr will post things like please tell me if I’m following someone sketchy, so someone goes around to give “heads up” or a “warning” but it seems like it’s okay to do so in some cases but not others. I was wondering when you think is the right time to do that, or if it should stop altogether. I know that’s it’s possible to have different opinions on someone or something (but I feel like simblr can’t fathom that.) Do we let people follow whoever or do we speak up? I guess as someone who’s new here I’ve seen this trend and it can be overwhelming when it comes to who I’m supposed to follow or not. Sorry if this is gibberish, and you don’t need to answer at all. Thanks for even reading!
Hey nonny, this is a complicated question that I'm not entirely sure of the answer.
I think, ultimately, it depends on your personal lines. Because we as people can't take on every issue and try to save the world. Not only is it exhausting, especially if you're part of a marginalized group that deals with this shit IRL to start with, but it's functionally impossible. And we can all only take so much. I have to say that again. We can only take so much. Ultimately, if fighting the so-called good fight on the internet is too overwhelming, you can just stop. In fact, you should. Dealing with shit on here combined with IRL took me to one of my lowest points in my life, and depressingly, it did functionally nothing in the grand scheme of things. Whether that grand scheme of things was in terms of the simblr community or the world a whole, it's the same; I accomplished nothing and nothing changed. Except I feel worse when trying to participate in the community and I certainly have a far bigger target on my back from bigots and anyone else that just found me annoying. It gave me a bad reputation for being involved with "drama" and I've endured so much vile shit being said about me on here that occasionally it makes me nauseous to think about. So was it worth the time and effort spent? Well, no. So from my experience, I would advise not to get too wrapped up in who did what and who you should block and the entire history of who did that stupid ass thing that one time. It's useless.
Instead, measure by your own lines, your own morals and triggers. I personally block transphobes, terfs, racists, etc, that have documented proof in their own words of bigotry, that have not apologized/changed. I don't go into others inboxes to inform them about these people, but I will reblog/boost informative posts with appropriate proof and tag them accordingly, so that my followers can be aware. I certainly do not take random anons as proof and do not share rumors or vague accusations. If you ever feel the need to inform someone about someone else, be sure to investigate fully and know exactly what you're talking about before you do so and provide links/screenshots. Simblr has the collective memory of a goldfish and mixes things up all the time, together with remembering rumors as fact or even completely switching around events. I have over 500 asks in my inbox, and have received "reports" about many, many people here. A good amount of them are inaccurate & misremembered, accidentally about someone else entirely than who they named, have two different stories mixed up, are sourced from bad faith actors (such as bigots), or are completely made up with no source. I've always emphasized reading comprehension, proper research, and taking where you're getting your information from into account, and now I want to stress that even more.
I also do want to emphasize that random people on simblr are not the beacon of morality, nor should they be the judge of who is good and who is bad. We all have bias, misconceptions, and different backgrounds and life experiences. We all have different follower counts and influence in this sphere. And in my experience, simblr's perverted sense of justice more so depends on how well you are liked, who you are friends with, and what you can give the community than the weight of your actual crime. There is a reason why simopeia (just one example, there are many) gets called out every other week and still gets hundreds of notes on posts. There is a reason why certain cc creators regularly rip off the community but are continously overlooked. There's a reason why popular simblrs can act like complete assholes and engage in bigotry and go on unchecked, but others get railed for minor infractions. And there's a reason why minority simmers are criticized far more harshly for their mistakes than their peers, especially the few that have taken up the white savior role.
Simblr is not a court of law. It's social media. And it's a social game more than anything else. Many people have been here for years and have personal history with one another. Some hate each other for being friends with or following someone they dislike. They will hold onto shit endlessly, bring old events up over and over out of context, even consider themselves some sort of online royalty with the power to exile those they dislike to Instagram or Twitter. Whether they find legitimate problematic behavior or just decide to make it up one day, they use and abuse their follower count on a whim without any regard for the effects they might have. It's an ego-fueled game with a fresh & shiny veneer of performative morality. And those that are good intentioned get swept up in it thinking that it is legitimate until they meet the harsh reality that it's nothing more than a fool's errand. It's bitter and sad, and in my experience, the people that endlessly talk about this either lack control in their life IRL & think they can change things in this smaller space (like I did) or simply have made being angry online their personality and can't find a way to break out of it. You do not want to become one of these people, trust me.
These are a lot of words for me to say, basically- judge for yourself, block who you need to, but don't get too wrapped up in it all. I wouldn't go out of my way to tell anyone anything, but if you feel you should (and they've expressed wanting to be told), be sure to do so clearly and appropriately with proof. Above all, protect your own peace. No one else will. If you don't want to engage with it or don't feel you have the mental space, then just don't. I certainly can't blame you for that.
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advanced-knocking · 1 month
I think the discord server idea is so fun and exciting! A little Locked Tomb reread book club!!!
yess that's exactly what i'm going for!! i'm also thinking abt like several ideas in terms of fun stuff you can do with a text i might do research for this but it's meant to be like. i think Optional Effort would be the name for it?? still working out the basics but in concept it's like you read at your own pace and then if you wanna do something else there's like little games/challenges/reading exercises/creative prompts. i'm contemplating basing it on actual like. bible reading methods (there's literally so many like "bible meditations" that are essentially just fun little reflective writing exercises all dolled up in fancy liturgical language) as like a parody yknow bc gideon is the jesus of tlt and stuff. but idk yet! this is literally an idea i had yesterday but i'm frigging Jazzed abt it
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greensaplinggrace · 8 months
I saw someone said that the darkling is the andrew tate of grishaverse
lmfaoooo are we in false equivalence land right now? I love this place! did you know that somebody tried and failed to posit that the “how easy it is to invent a humanity […]” quote is similar to the methods by which fans analyze his character? and how they call him the kylo ren of the grishaverse? I even saw someone offensively call him a nazi! it's literally like crack to me. I hardly need hard evidence that these people don't know what they're talking about when they spew stuff like that completely unironically.
I love reading anti posts because it helps me formulate my own opinions better, but what's the point of reading something that doesn't even have a basic grasp of the material - if they even read it at all (which it's doubtful that they did)? nothing turns me away from an analysis faster than weird false equivalences, any and all logical fallacies, and people who say he wanted genocide or that he was a rapist or some other bizarre shit lmfao. like your meta/analysis is good right up until you reveal how little you actually know about the world or the books you're reading.
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nalyra-dreaming · 2 years
what WAS up with the mirrors??? the one in her bedroom looked like it shattered for no reason. like the obvious interpretation was that she distorted or misunderstood what happened but the next episode depicted the events exactly as she recorded them.
Hey there! That is the question :) I first thought they would backtrack, but I'm now actually glad they didn't... it does come across as a dissociative hint, but I actually think it's more trust issue. Here's my two cents: Claudia shattered the bedroom mirror with her scream, symbolizing her shattered trust in her guardians... her parents. They read her journal(!) and though only Lestat admits to fully reading them, we see Louis open her diary. We know that he read them, later (at least). She must have felt pretty violated, I know I would have. And... she must have known they would continue to. It's a line that's been eviscerated, never to come back. Trust was almost impossible after this. And I do not think she trusted Louis a lot more than Lestat, but she could read his thoughts. She could... reach him (manipulate him), whereas Lestat is waaaaaay too much like her, which is also why they butt heads so viciously. He calls her "Evil of my evil" in the books, and yes, she is. The mirror at the end of episode 5 is a callback to that scene imho. Again, something shatters that cannot be repaired. Trust, a sense of self and safety. They had problems, Lestat may have held her, both may have yelled at her, but their home was always safe. Up until that point she was bodily safe there. Now, I have written about how Lestat was, totally apart from the DV parts that were to follow (I am NOT taking away from that here, please don't misinterpret me here) a soft coven master. He has tried to keep them as human as possible. If they had been made (i.e.) by the coven under Les Innocents (before, ironically Lestat came along and upended it), she would have been locked in a coffin, put into the wall until she would have been strong enough in madness to claw herself out of it. Just... imagine. (Lestat was absolutely right to just... flip them the proverbial bird, tbh). But for the two vampires he's sired in the New World... this burst of violence was a life-shattering experience. And they had nothing to put it into relation to, nothing, which in and by itself, had been Lestat's intention. Not only to be confronted with the fact that Lestat kept things from them. And massive things. (Flying? Hello?) No, but also that they could de-facto do nothing about it if he didn't let them. There was no scratch on him, nothing, though both went at him. And a part of me wonders if that is why Louis kept charging him, too, because it must be horrifying to realize you have no chance. In hell. Literally. And we know Louis hates being powerless. (It is also quite the testament imho that Lestat lets himself get hurt by Louis in the next episode, but that is another subject and a beast in and by itself.) So when Claudia sits there, upstairs, and sees herself hurt... she sees the bloodshed. The destruction. Her physical and mental integrity got compromised by those supposed to protect her. The mirror ties it back to the initial violation. And she breaks. And the pieces of her are never fully healed ("there's a darkness in her that wasn't there before"). One more thing, others have said it as well - but from the moment that her parents read her diaries... Claudia's diaries were also a tool. She knew they would read them. She knew she could use them to manipulate. If (!) and when she actually used them like this may be up for debate, but for someone as clever as she was...
So from that first mirror on - she was no reliable narrator anymore either. Which makes the fact that this was from her diary... and under Armand's influence confirmed by Louis later on... it just makes it all very suspicious. (Why would Louis not remember Lestat flying/floating during sex? It's even repeated that they float a bit in episode 6, such a weird little detail to include. For example. I know, there's this joke as to it being too good to remember, but... seriously? And this getting thrown off heights is something both Lestat and (supposedly) Amand experienced (at Lestat's hand). Where is the truth here?) I do think the fight happened, I do think Lestat got carried away, to put it mildly, because in order for the events to have happened that everyone agrees on that happened... well. Something must have happened. And... imho - it is something that Louis isn't particularly keen on remembering. OR Armand thinks it's better he doesn't, as he so likes to do.
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Regarding Fourth Wing, I had great fun reading it and I love love love the dragons and the disability rep. But I also agree that tiktok and booktok has hyped it up so so much, that I think it is a disservice to the book, as I feel like people expect a master piece that will rock their world, and what they get is a good book with hours of fun, that can make you laugh.
And I just want more hype in general that is like “this is a nice book, I had fun/I enjoyed it” instead of “THIS IS THE BEST BOOK I HAVE EVER READ OH MY GOD MY LIFE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME”. Like less can do it, and you don’t end up making massive expectations, that are likely to fail cause the bar is so so high.
I really Fourth Wing, and it reminded me of a book series I read for many years, that to this day is still one of my faves and holds so many memories.
you get me! 😤🤝 that's exactly my thoughts. fortunately for me, i don't have tiktok, so the "hype" i was experiencing was very much second-hand word-of-mouth. i did know it was a tiktok sensation somehow though, so i went into it very warily.
like. did i enjoy Fourth Wing? exceedingly so! will i purchase the next one? absolutely! do i think it's taking it too far for every Barnes & Noble in America to be sold out of physical copies? yes, yes i do.
at the end of the day, books are such a personal experience, regardless of content or quality. i wouldn't necessarily want people to lessen their excitement so much as i would caution everyone receiving book recommendations to take everything with a grain of salt.
the thing that i love about a book isn't necessarily going to be the thing you love about a book, and vice versa. when people say "OH MY GOD THIS BOOK WAS AMAZING" just imagine they tacked on an implicit "to me" at the end of that sentence and you should be good. 🖤🦇
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Book ask! #3?
3 - What were your top 5 books of the year?
I have to try to not succumb to recency bias on this one but I did read some bangers at the end of the year. Anyway...
Obviously Translation State by Ann Leckie! Even without my all consuming love for the presger treaty extended universe its an excellent book. I've talked/reblogged at length about all the things I love about it - the new characters, the very gender of it all, the various family dynamics, the new bits of worldbuilding, Sphene....
Is it cheating to do a duology? I read The Heretic's Guide to Homecoming by Sienna Tristen this year after meaning to for quite a while and it rewired my brain minorly. It's like an adventure road trip story that's so quiet and thoughtful and nice. There's deep platonic intimacy, there's a thousands-year-old kind of immortal being who keeps changing its name and gender and appearance, there's stories, there's emotions...
A more recent book I finished is Lockjaw by Matteo L Cerilli which actually isn't out til June of 2024 but my friend wrote it so I requested an ARC from netgalley because June is very far away. It's a small town horror YA novel and you can read my relatively spoiler free review on storygraph. Highly recommend preordering.
I read or reread a lot of middle grade this year, and (another duology oops) I really loved Sal and Gabi Break the Universe and Sal and Gabi Fix the Universe by Carlos Hernandez. It was so fun! I've said this a few times thru the year but I'm glad the kids are having adventures! And the adventures in these books are unmatched. There's a lot of parallel universe shenanigans, there are robots, there's random middle school shenanigans, there's a canonically aromantic character... I was very well fed on these books.
Finally coming back to the end of the year, I read The Hands of the Emperor by Victoria Goddard which is another relatively lowkey book about people enjoying each others' company but also is somehow about bureaucracy and reforming the government. The main character is the most busy at all times and that really resonated with me when I was also the most busy all the time. It's a very long book but I was engrossed.
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threewaysdivided · 5 months
(same anon that asked about YJ Phantoms) I'd love to read a critic on Harry Potter one day because you'd have a lot of interesting things to say.
(follow up from this ask)
Good to hear from you again nonnie!
I’m very flattered that you’d like to hear my comments on Harry Potter but… I don’t think I’d have a lot to add? 😅  I wrote most of my Young Justice meta-analyses because I’d noticed some specific structural and writing patterns that weren’t being discussed in the wider fandom critiques, and I wanted to change that.  (A lot of people were pointing to the time-skips and specific characterisation issues but not many seemed to be touching on Thematic Contradiction, Scope Management or the Side Quest problem, for example.)  Meanwhile, Harry Potter has been dissected to the moon and back with a fine tooth comb – there isn’t much I could say that hasn’t already been said better, more eloquently and in more detail elsewhere.
If you put the Harry Potter books in a bubble, my takes are actually pretty mild.  The books were important to me.  I was a 90s kid who read alongside releases throughout primary school.  I was a pretty big Potter-head at the time - I was daydreaming Potter fanfiction before I even knew what fanfic was.  I think it certainly had an influence on my modern taste in literature; there’s a reason I gravitate towards fantasy and mystery as my comfort genres (I’m currently having quite a bit of fun with The Dresden Files). 
On a technical level, Joanne Rowling was a decent writer.  I think she’s strongest at emotional and character-writing, and she kept a consistent theme of love/grief/family/loss going throughout the series.  Her use of mystery as a secondary structure to add pull makes the stories engaging and satisfying to “solve” on re-read.  Her prose and dialogue was quite snappy – it flows and reads well, and there are some very quintessentially British-humour lines that made me smile each time.
Where she was weakest, in my opinion, was sociological storytelling and worldbuilding.  There are some unquestioned biases and blind-spots in her writing (especially around stuff like the house-elves, the goblins, certain character descriptions and how she treats the status quo).   I generally agree with the sentiment that her worldbuilding wasn’t necessarily the most original – not as derivative as Eragon (which I also liked) could be in places, but nothing especially new – although that’s more of a subjective note than a great artistic sin, and Harry Potter was a good execution of that well-trodden ground.  There are definitely times when you can tell she was figuring things out as she went – some of her dates don’t line up and there are a few moments in early books where characters break “laws of magic” that she would later retcon-in (Mrs Weasley shouldn’t have been able to make sauce pour out of her wand in Book 2 according to the Principal Exceptions to Gamp’s Law of Elemental Transfiguration introduced in Book 7 and, based on the rules introduced in Book 6, Hagrid shouldn’t have been able to disapparate away from the station platform when Harry wasn’t looking in Book 1).  And of course, the infamous “vanishing poop” tweet.  In a bubble, pretty average, for-their-time 1990s fumbles from a debut children’s fiction author.  Flawed but in a mostly harmless, kind of charming way. 
I’m also pretty iffy on the movie adaptations, which have been generally… okay.  They showcased some good practical effects work and cinematography, but I never really felt they captured the magic (pun intended) or nuance that I enjoyed, due to the cuts and changes needed to fit the screentime.  That’s kind of my general vibe with a lot of adaptations, though – with a few exceptions I generally prefer to experience stories in their original intended medium.
However, we do also have to take the books out of their bubble and discuss the context of Rowling’s current politics.  I think it is not appropriate for people to try and erase her authorship of the books, or the way her largely open and accepting stance towards fan-content (in comparison to more litigious predecessors and contemporaries) contributed to the current state of modern fandom.  Their popularity and widespread influence makes them an important cultural touchstone and point of reference for their time period, and I think we do a disservice by pretending them away or acting like there’s nothing to be learned from their success just because we disagree with the author now. 
That being said, however, in the present Joanne Rowling is using the clout and funding she receives from the Harry Potter franchise to push policies and rhetoric that actively make life harder and more dangerous for transgender people (and has dragged in the neurodivergent community as a rhetorical device).  She has also expressed that she considers support for Harry Potter to be tacit endorsement of those politics.  Unlike past problematic-but-influential authors like Howard Phillips Lovecraft, Rowling is alive, politically active and benefiting from fandom engagement - and so the relationship between her work, her work’s fans and her current politics has tangible impact on real people.  I think it is up to every fan to decide how they personally want to navigate that difficult and at-times painful environment.
Personally, my decision (and this is just my decision) for handling that has been to pull away from Harry Potter as both a franchise and a fandom until such time as Joanne either revaluates her stance on transgender people, retires from public politics, passes away (provided she doesn’t will ongoing profits to anti-trans causes), or her books become public domain.  I still have the books I was gifted in the 90s, but there is a reason I generally haven’t shared or promoted Harry Potter content (even fandom stuff) to my blog for a few years.  Hopefully that will one day change, but until/unless that happens, I probably won’t be doing that kind of deep dive.
Instead, here are some videos that I found particularly interesting when thinking about the writing, implications and adaptations of the series:
Just Write: Construction of Mysteries in Harry Potter | Fantastic Beasts: Revisiting Mystery Construction
Quinn Curio: What Went Weird With Ron in Adaptation | Does Draco Need Redemption? | Why Does Slytherin Still Exist?
Pop Culture Detective: Newt Scamander and Empathetic Masculinity
Dominic Noble: Lost In Adaptation – The Harry Potter-athon [Playlist]
And here are a couple on Rowling’s current politics:
ContraPoints: JK Rowling and the Sociopolitical History of Transphobia | The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling
SuperGeekMike: How Creators Become Their Villains
Dominic Noble: A Harry Potter Fanboy's Response To J.K. Rowling
If you’re looking for other fantasy book recommendations I would heartily suggest Tamora Pierce.  Specifically the Song of the Lioness series (4 books), its sequel Protector of the Small (also 4 books) and the unrelated the Circle of Magic universe (2 sets of 4 books plus an epilogue and 2 side-stories).  Pierce writes to roughly the same reading-level as Rowling, and her books are a mix of magic, character- and mystery-driven. I would say she’s overall stronger at original magic systems and worldbuilding.  She also has her own interesting relationship to fandom (being a former fan-writer herself) and a feminist streak, with books that focus on young heroines without being dominated by romances.   They can be a bit hard to find in print these days but if you can they’re well worth your time.
For sassy British kids and urban fantasy, also consider Jonathon Stroud’s Lockwood & Co (recently adapted to a Netflix series) and his slightly-older Bartimaeus Sequence.  Again really fun worldbuilding, snappy prose and dialogue, and a generally good romp.  Lockwood is a ghost-hunting story and Bartimaeus uses demon summonings as its core worldbuilding conceit so if you like a little more horror in your fantasy then these will be a good time for you.
Hopefully that makes up for yet another doughnut! 🍩
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
Do you think you would ever write a fanfic in the universe of the House of the Dragon TV show or the book Fire and Blood? There are plenty of potential for a Fix-it fic.
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garoujo · 1 year
hello gorgeous i hope your day has been great!😚🫶
STOPOOOP LOOK AT HIM SOB ( ྀི.づˊσ̴̶̷̤ ࡇ σ̴̶̷̤ˋ) ྀིづ U HAVE MADE MY DAY ALREADY !!! MY BBIE BOY SEISHIRO . i am so very sick im so very in love < 3 i actually have the cold but suddenly he’s HEALED ME !!! you’ve blessed me bbie i hope u have the best day everrrr !!!
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mqfx · 20 days
Sorry but I think you don't know but you should not be sharing the QJJ file. The translators explicitly mentioned not to post it online or make epubs out of it. They actually took the translation down (which was password locked because you had to buy the book for access) since the official version is coming out soon and they're the same ones translating it.
OH???? MEOW????? I DID NOT KNOW THIS 😭😭😭😭 well lucky for my board of ethics I had somehow put it off for so long that I ended up NOT being able to do it. mais oui so it happens
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sonseulsoleil · 9 months
It seems perhaps you recently read tbosas and I just felt a need to tell a stranger on the Internet that I truly cannot believe the arrogant prick my sister (and sort of I--he left a headshot in my choir folder assuming all the freshman girls were obsessed with him, after all) went to high school with is about to become Tumblr's Next Top Blorbo (sejanus)
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ghostedcas · 7 months
imagine like simon goes into some sort of surgery and has to be put under anesthesia, and when he gets out hes like still high asf on it 💀 and hes being a lil silly goose
okay this is such a cute idea omg, this is 100% based off that tiktok audio where it's like "my wife wouldn't like you touching me like that" "i AM your wife."
thank you so much for the request nonnie, a forehead kiss for you MWAH MWAH
simon 'ghost' riley x reader
wc: 563
warnings: none really, lots and lots of that good ol fluff, mentions of surgery, goofy simon, maybe a little ooc simon (he's high so it's fine)
a/n: i hope this is okay, i'm feeling a bit rusty with my writing but i've finally got back some motivation and energy to do so after the past two months of low energy and bad mental health. if you guys want to know a bit more about it and my mental health (i don't see why anyone would but lmao) let me know, i don't mind making a post about it if you guys want an explanation of some sort or whatever. anywho, sorry this is so short but i hope you still like it!! <3
a/n 2.0: i recently applied for a part time job at a bookstore so y'all pray for me that i get this job because i want it so bad. i am just gonna decide that i WILL get this job, because why wouldn't i?
simon had been out of surgery for just over an hour now, being a soldier you 'd think perhaps he was going under surgery for some kind of wound he had inflicted upon him on the battlefield but no, he was just getting his tonsils removed after a bad bout of tonsillitis ended up with him developing really bad tonsil stones.
so here you were, waiting by his bedside for him to wake up. the doctor and nurses reminded you just as he had gotten out that he may still be a little, well loopy, off of the meds depending on how quickly he woke up. you waited in a chair at his bedside, reading a book when you heard the blankets of the bed rustling just a little.
looking up from your book you see simon starting to wake up and you reach out to grasp his hand, only for him to rip it away from you when his eyes were fully opened.
"uh, si? you okay, hon?" you ask gently, maybe he just wasn't feeling too well after waking up, or perhaps he wasn't wanting physical touch, that happened quite often and you always respected that space he may want when he wanted it.
"don't call me that." simon said, voice hoarse and scratchy from the surgery, he sounded a little angry.
"what?" you questioned, this wasn't like simon, you couldn't understand why he wouldn't want you speaking like this to him.
"i'm taken."
"i know." you replied with a short laugh.
"you should be touching me like that then."
it hit you then, he was woozy from the meds and didn't recognize you. the realization made you laugh a little more. you decided to have a bit of fun with this high version of your boyfriend.
"sorry about that simon. wanna tell me about your partner?"
"oh, (name)? they're amazing, you know they're so pretty. and they're funny too. they always know how to make me feel better, i miss them." simon replies, ranting and raving on and on to you about his partner, about you.
"you love them a lot, don't you?" you ask him with a smile, it felt so nice to hear all these lovely things about yourself, your boyfriend clearly unfiltered by the effects of the anesthesia he was under.
sure he definitely said sweet things to your face, but something about hearing it when he was basically high as shit made your heart pound a little more.
"i love them with my whole heart." simon replies, a goofy little smile on his face.
you can't help but reach out to gently caress his face at those words, body filling up with some much adoration for the soldier in front of you.
"hey! what did i say about touching me. i have a partner!" simon scolds, trying to dodge your touch.
"simon, love... i am your partner. it's me, (name)." you reply with a laugh.
simon takes a good long look at you when you tell him this, he stares at you, looks you up and down before letting out a soft and quiet "oh."
you begin to hear the beeping of his heart rate monitor speed up, his cheeks turning slightly pink as he stares up at you.
you couldn't help but laugh a little more at this. what a sweet idiot. your sweet idiot.
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navybrat817 · 5 months
Bucky needs to pay attention to me. 😤
I feel you, nonnie. 😂
Running on Empty
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Summary: You had a long day and need Bucky to give you some attention.
Word Count: Almost 1.3k
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, oral sex (f. receiving), established relationship, dirty talk, humor, sassy reader, inner monologue, slight feels (it's me, lovelies), Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?).
A/N: Work left me in a mood, so apologies for this. 😂❤️ Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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You huffed as you took a seat on the couch and wondered why you bothered getting out of bed today. Contrary to popular belief, Mondays weren’t always the worst. Naturally, the universe decided it would be fun to give you problem after problem today at work in retaliation for having a positive attitude. How you managed to get anything done outside of putting out so many fires, you had no idea.
And Bucky?
Your beefy, gorgeous specimen of a boyfriend had time to sit, relax, and reread his copy of The Hobbit for the umpteenth time. Manspreading in his chair like he didn’t have a care in the world. Not that you wanted him to have a bad day, too. God knows he deserved rest and relaxation.
But why was he reading instead of fucking the obvious frustration out of you?
“You’re staring at me,” he said, turning a page without looking up from his book. “Which I would say it’s creepy, but we both know you like looking at me.”
You bit your lip as you unashamedly checked him out, wishing he’d lift his gaze so you could see the blue of his eyes. It was an impressive feat that his prosthetic arm matched his right arm in terms of the muscular form and structure, the fabric of his shirt stretching to accommodate his torso. It didn’t matter if he decided to hold you down with his flesh or metal hand, he loved to remind you of his strength as he pounded your desperate pussy, stretching your walls and driving into you so deep that you swore you saw the gates of heaven.
Maybe that was why you thought Bucky looked like Jesus when he was in Wakanda.
“Yeah, I am staring,” you replied, tapping a finger on your thigh when he hummed. “Because I’m trying to figure out why you’re reading instead of eating my pussy.”
Bucky waited a beat before he picked up the bookmark beside him, carefully slotting it between the pages before he shut it and gave you his full attention. “You mind repeating that?” He asked, his voice gruff as he tucked some of his hair behind his ear. He wore it down today, but kept a hair tie around his right wrist.
Perfect for him to pull it back when he went down on you.
He smirked and scratched his scruffy chin when you narrowed your eyes. You craved the burn it left behind when he rubbed his face against your most sensitive area. He knew that.
“You want me to spell it out for you, Bucko? Fine,” you said, leaning back on the cushions as you spread your legs and planted your feet on the couch. Your hands formed a perfect V by your mound, which might as well have been a neon fucking sign since you ditched your under minutes ago, as he tried to hold back a groan. “See this? I have a perfectly good pussy right here and it isn’t going to eat or fuck itself.”
Bucky ran his tongue along his bottom lip before he inhaled. The beautiful bastard was actually sniffing out your arousal. You almost wished you could go back in time and let the scientists know that the serum they created helped super soldiers use their heightened senses to get their dicks wet.
Not that you were complaining since Bucky eyed you like he wanted to devour you whole.
“I’m sorry, baby. Didn’t realize eating or fucking your pussy was on my ‘To Do’ list today,” he said, purposely running a large hand over his crotch.
Fucking tease with his fucking massive hand and cock.
You pouted when he didn’t make a move to get up. “I am your ‘To Do’ list. I’m your girlfriend and I want you to do me because I had a long day,” you huffed, dipping your hand between your spread legs before you batted your eyes at him. “You haven’t fucked me in ages. It isn’t fair.”
Your beautiful man snarled at that, making you shiver as you teased yourself. You didn’t dip a finger in, but you did spread your growing wetness around as he watched. “I fucked you last night,” he reminded you.
“It feels like ages,” you corrected yourself. Thanks to him, you experienced what all-consuming desire felt like and you didn’t like going long without him having you. He couldn’t fault you for that, even if he did thoroughly wear you out the night before. “I’m so empty, Bucky, and I have this tight, wet hole for you to fill up. It’s all yours if you want it.”
His nostrils flared as he finally pushed himself up, his fingers flexing as you kept rubbing yourself with a sweet smile. “It’s my pussy,” he rasped, palming himself again as he stood in front of you. “And since she’s so needy that I can’t even finish a chapter of my book, stop touching her and let me get to work.”
Like you don't have a needy cock, big boy.
The growl in his voice brought a moan out of you, but you didn’t stop touching yourself. “Unless you mark it,” you began, looking him dead in the eye as you brought a glistening finger to your lips and traced along them like a gloss. “It isn’t yours.”
You managed not to smirk triumphantly when he took the hair tie from his wrist and pulled his luscious hair back. “She knows she’s mine. Bratty pussy just wants some attention,” he said as he dropped to his knees and leaned in to nose at your slit. “But I don't mind leaving my mark again.”
“Did you just call my pussy a brat?” You questioned, the last word coming out as a strangled moan when Bucky darted his tongue out, his fingers digging into your thighs to keep you still.
“No, I called my pussy a brat. Good thing I know how to tame her,” he said, winking up at you when you looked down. The playful look in his eyes made your heart swell. He was so beautiful it almost hurt to look at him. “Kisses are a good way to start before I pump her full.”
“A very good start,” you smiled, clenching in anticipation.
“And she loves my kisses,” he replied before dragging his mouth along your folds. The sensation that shot through you almost had your thighs clamping around his head, but it wasn’t possible with the hold he had on you. “I gotta say though. She's a messy little thing. Gets my mouth so wet.”
“Bucky,” you whimpered, tugging some of his hair free as he gently wrapped his mouth around your clit.
He hummed and lightly sucked on it before he pulled away, making you whine in protest when the sparks of pleasure fizzled out. “Speaking of kisses, I almost forgot.”
You gave him a small smile when he leaned up to tenderly kiss your mouth, letting him swallow down your moan as you opened up for him. It ended far too soon for your liking, making you loop a finger around his dog tags to pull him back to your lips. “Love you, Bucky,” you whispered.
On the days you practically ran on empty, you appreciated having someone like him by your side.
“Love you, too, baby,” he whispered back, his gaze soft as he slid back down your body. “Now hold on and let me make you and my pussy forget all about that long day.”
You knew he’d ask later if you were okay, but for now you’d let him shut your brain off and make you feel boneless.
And maybe you'd offer to warm his cock later as a thank you while he caught up on reading.
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We all deserve that, right? Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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servicpop · 2 months
soo, you said to 'flood' your inbox so..may i ask for nanami from jjk? just some sweet domestic fluff, like marriage? i dunno.
if you decide to disregard or ignore this, its okay!
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✶ ﹑ sleepy cuddles _
NOW STARRING : hubby nanami x male!reader
「ㅤSFWㅤ」ㅤcuddling on the couch with your husband!
✙ warnings — none, just fluff!
notes ,, I love nanami sm nonnie... I hope you like it!
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The door clicked to your newly bought home as Nanami walked inside, greeting you with a small loving smile. You had been married to Nanami for a few weeks now, your wedding was set on a beautiful beach in Kuantan, Malaysia. It was truly magical to say the least.
Nanami always finished work later than you did, must've been hard teaching and going on missions but he always made sure to come back as quickly as possible. As he stood at the doorway, you got up from lounging on the couch and walked up to Nanami with a little more excitement in your step. Your hands met Nanami's tie that was resting on his chest and slipped your index finger at the knot, sliding it down.
"How was work?" You asked, placing your husband's tie to the side as your arms wrapped around his waist in a small hug with your ear pressed against his heartbeat. You sighed contently when you felt Nanami's strong and muscular arms wrap around your body tightly as if he never wanted to let you go. He kissed the crown of your head and inhaled your scent. He missed you. Even he lived with you, he still missed you everytime he had to go to work.
"It was alright, the students are doing great," Nanami replied, his deep voice rumbling in his chest. He danced you over to the couch, laying down on it before calling you over to cuddle with him with a flick of his fingers. You complied, settling yourself on Nanami's lap before laying down ontop of him with your chest against his and your face snuggled in the crook of his neck. He had onee arm wrapped around your back while another reached for a book placed on the coffee table.
This was the most calm you've ever been in awhile. The warmth radiating off of Nanami and the plush cushion of his chest was almost enough to lull you to sleep. In a way he was like a big teddy bear, always there to cuddle but he remained relatively still as he read his book. You looked up at his face, admiring the definition in his face, his eyes, his nose, his mouth. You were just the luckiest boy on earth. You moved your hand to Nanami's shirt, fiddling with his buttons silently as your ears tuned into his steady breaths, it was a habit by now.
The silver glimmer of the ring adorning your finger caught Nanami's gaze and he let out a gruff chuckle, placing his book down ontop of your back as his gaze casted down towards your fingers.
"Do you like it? The ring," He whispered, his own hands running through your hair, massaging your scalp with those thick fingers of his. It was quite an expensive ring as it was custom made, just for you. Your ring had carvings on the inside of Nanami's initials whereas Nanami's had carvings of yours. To be honest, he wasn't used to seeing the ring fit so perfectly on your finger and he sure wasn't used to the fluttering feeling in his chest.
You nodded at his question before laying your head down on his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, quicker than usual now that you were here. Nanami noticed how your eyes fluttered, trying to stay awake and his gaze softened. He shuffled slightly before wrapping both his arms around you, tilting his head down to whisper a few words. "Are you sleepy?" He asked, rubbing circles on your back. He took the lack of a nod as a yes.
"Get some sleep, sweetheart."
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notes ,, 'v been really tired lately from work but I wanted to at least get something out! Sorry it's short
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nalyra-dreaming · 1 year
I do agree the line could have more to do with Daniel and Armand. Do you think it could also tie back to one of Louis’ reasons for giving the original interview? Cause we find out later that Louis was partly trying to draw Lestat out by provoking him. Kinda similar to how Lestat provoked Louis in the show by having Antoinette sing on the record. They both know how to poke the other for maximum efficacy lol.
Hey nonny!
Oh yeah, it might be that, too, (in addition) namely a last try to get Lestat to react... all the little jabs that Louis tells about - mixed with the flattering of "the best he ever had" to appeal to Lestat's vanity, and then the possible rage at being misrepresented and presented as a pure abuser.
That could very well be, yes. And I think this, and the whole close-to-Merrick-and-Prince-Lestat setup is more likely, too, because... if you think about it, how could Lestat show up in Dubai? (And he has to, at some point.) Like, swoop in and rescue Louis from Armand's evil clutches? Crash the windows and prance around yelling at the perceived insults? While I giggle at the image... I don't think that is likely. (Love the fanart of these setups though *g*)
And yes, they both know how to provoke the other. They know each other intimately. Body, soul and blood. And... just imagine caring for someone you love that deeply, only to have his new fledgling tell you that the soul seems to be gone, and then find out your daughter hated your guts and her ghost being vicious and unforgiving, too... yeah, you would probably throw everything and the kitchen sink into the ring to wake them. Before you took the final step. It broke my heart in the books when David tries to rouse Lestat (when he realizes what Louis wants to do) and becomes aware (with shame) that Lestat is all dusty and his hair is tangled, because he, David, and Louis have stopped dusting Lestat off and combing Lestat's hair.
Because it says so much about the desolation in Louis' heart imho, that he stopped doing that.
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Sfsfsghjks just IMAGINE, if they managed to cast actors who everyone is content with (preferably new faces) and TFOTA became a tv show, I would DIE
i am personally not a big TV/film person in general. with most cinematic things i'm like "oh cool" then carry on about my day. and since this series means so much to me, it would definitely have to be more than just the actors that are perfect for me to really enjoy it.
if a show is ever made, i would watch but likely not be thrilled by it (yes, my standards for this series are that high). and even if everything was really well done, i would still prefer the book.
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