mqfx · 1 month
Sorry but I think you don't know but you should not be sharing the QJJ file. The translators explicitly mentioned not to post it online or make epubs out of it. They actually took the translation down (which was password locked because you had to buy the book for access) since the official version is coming out soon and they're the same ones translating it.
OH???? MEOW????? I DID NOT KNOW THIS 😭😭😭😭 well lucky for my board of ethics I had somehow put it off for so long that I ended up NOT being able to do it. mais oui so it happens
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well I have to take apart that entire right shelf and reassemble it tomorrow because I didn’t hammer the sides in hard enough 😩 but I’m soooo happy with how the green turned out! it’s really rich and beautiful in real life and I love that with the door open you get a glimpse of it coming up and down the stairs. there’s also still like 5x6 feet of space left in there. for now I’ll stack the dogs’ kennels in the corner that isn’t visible from the hallway and look for a round rug to pull the space together a bit. also once I fix the shelves and unpack the rest of my books I’ll be able to tell if I need a third half-sized shelf in there along the far side. then I’ll probably do a few pieces of art on the walls. I decided not to do the LOTR travel prints in the stairwell because it looks too busy with the plants at the top of the stairs, but the colors in those illustrations would go really nicely with the green. so that’s a strong candidate. phew okay. I am going to shower again (this has been such a sweaty day of home improvement work) and then crawl into bed. tomorrow between meetings I’ll pry the nails out of that bookshelf and put it back together again, unload the last of the books, and start figuring out the art sitch in there (maybe even hang stuff). I also want to touch up the paint on the ceiling in the dayroom so that room looks really nice. then I can start decluttering and collapsing the few remaining boxes. so close to having a liveable house…
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nutmegalomania · 3 years
Ahh ty you reminded me to get myself a bookshelf 💀💀 I don’t have enough space in my room either and all my books are stored under my bed 😭😭 and my rooms quite small so I need to find a decent bookshelf that will fit in all the books and fit in my room. Also have you read the shatter me series, I have been meaning to get it, but it was out of STOCK in The Works - that store is the only store that has the cheapest book deals 😩 so I decided to get the cruel prince series instead ( I had to order online 😃 cos I was too lazy to step a foot outside ) and I bought another trilogy and I don’t know what Tf it’s about, the covers looked nice ☹️☹️
first off, update: bought a floating white shelf for my room thats plenty big for my books
and second off, i haven't heard of that series, but I looked it up and it's dystopian??👀👀 i loved the dystopian genre and need to buy more so adding it to my list👩‍🦯 and i need to get the cruel prince or see if i have it shoved somewhere because i had meant to read it YEARS ago and never did, so i want to pick it up soon.
and third off, stop buying so many books until you finish reading the ones you have like i need to do😭😭😭 you'll go bankrupt very soon💔💔
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suga-kookiemonster · 6 years
Tag Game
I don’t usually do these, but because I got tagged by @bendthekneetobangtan​, I had to make an exception 😌
relationship status: single af!!! 😤😤😭
fave colour: blue
lipstick or chapstick: i love both but i wear a different shade of lipstick almost every day because if you put on lipstick, it looks like you put effort into your appearance
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three fave foods: uhhhh... ice cream, shrimp, that sriracha 😜
song stuck in my head: Best Part by Daniel Caesar ft. H.E.R. (y’all thought i was married to tae for shits and giggles? NAH, WE IN THIS 💪🏾😂)
last song i listened to: Haunting by Halsey (don’t care for her, but this song  👌🏾it’s what fics are made of lol)
last movie i watched: MJ, i think mine was also Incredibles 2 asjdflaksdfj i don’t watch a lot of movies!! but you see my ass went and saw that 😂
top three tv shows: This is too hard, bc ever since i got into bts, i haven’t had time to watch any other content 😂 idk if these are my favorite necessarily, but they’re definitely top shows that i like. i’m gonna say early seasons of the mindy project, early seasons of shameless (though i hear it’s gotten good again--gotta pick that back up), early seasons of scandal/htgawm, b99, orphan black, black mirror, rhoa...this has just turned into a list of shows that i like lol
books i’m currently reading: i’m embarrassed to say nothing currently even though i keep buying more and my bookshelf is running out of space 😩i’ve traded literature for college!coffeeshop!hybrid!sugardaddy!soulmate!bangtan aus, wtf is my problem 🤦🏽‍♀️
last thing i googled: point to head meme ☠️
time: 11:45 PM
how many blankets do you sleep in: i just recently redid my entire room, so i sleep in 1 comforter, summer or winter. gotta crank up the AC in the summertime lol
dream trip: idk, i just really want to travel more 😭i had such a traveler’s spirit when i was still in school, but now that i’ve settled into a job, i’ve found myself stuck in a rut. not to mention i’m wary of traveling alone as a black woman in today’s climate. but my dream trip would take like...months to a year. just me and someone i loved traveling from country to country, hitting all the continents, really immersing ourselves in all the different cultures. one of the reasons i want to travel so bad is that life is short and there are so many different people out there who have such beautiful cultures and if i never leave my little sad bubble i won’t experience anything that really matters and feel like i won’t be living life to the fullest. 😫clearly i need to read more of those hybrid sugardaddy aus so i can figure out the hustle and make it happen 🤣
anything you want: this is random, but i’ve been really trying to be healthy lately. like...eat better, exercise more, all that jazz. and i’ve been doing well, but this past week just went to shit for reasons unknown to me. i could not be satiated and i inhaled a ridiculous amount of carbs. i fear my period is imminent ☠️WHY DOES MY UTERUS WANT A BABY SO BAD, BIH WE BROKE!!! SHUT UP AND ENJOY YOUR CHIPOTLE ☠️☠️☠️
nila it’s ur turn, @loveejk have at it!!!
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