#sorry for the enormous rant lol
im-just-an-angel · 24 days
one of the most sick things i have realized in the ppl around me who are still catholic, is how much they are plagued with catholic guilt. a girl who won't get surgery bc she believes its punishment for her sins. ppl who are nearly suicidal in their desire for heaven, and since heaven is coming, they do nothing to change their situation. they dont try to improve their lives or others or the planet bc at the end of the day this is a "fallen world" and "heaven is waiting." it is so sick to drill into a persons head since theyre a child that they were born evil, that they need god to fix them, they need god to sustain them, as if it wont affect their mental state at all as adults. my little cousins who have already shown signs of having anxiety about god, like asking if he'll be mad at them/their parents for doing normal, human things. like really being afraid of what that would mean. my opinion and love for this world and its people shifted sp drastically when i realized i could just stop. i could stop being afraid of god. i could stop thinking we all deserved to burn in a lake of eternal fire. who even makes a lake of eternal fire anyway? that very much does not sound like a me problem. when i left the church, i very much still believed in hell, and i very much believed it was a place i would go, and would deserve to go. but i chose it anyway. i chose the eternal torture, because who does a thing like eternal torture? if god would torture me forever, than that wasn't someone i wanted to associate with, consequences be damned. and slowly, i started to see the world differently. i know the world is on fire, and theres a few too many genocides occuring at the moment, and i do truly have it in me to detest forever the people who hurt innocent people. but still, desite it all, despite everything, i think we're good. yes, we do bad things, but at the end of the day, most of us just want to go home, and cuddle our pets/loved ones, and eat a good meal, and look at the stars and dream. we're not so different, and we're not so bad. idk where i was going with all this exactly, but i think the cure to catholic guilt is choosing to believe in the good. catholism says goodness can only come from god, and thats why were damned. but i think we *are* good. even despite all the reasons ppl give me on the contrary. bc i see ppl wish happy holidays to strangers, holidays they dont celebrate themselves, just to see them happy. i see strangers go out of there way to help people every single day. bc most of us understand that we all just want the same things, and are willing to help each other get them. we arent evil, and bad things arent some divine punishment, sometimes things just suck. the cure to catholic guilt, i think, is a love that can outcompete the divine.
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artofalassa · 9 months
Really love your art ❤️ the wings you draw looks amazing 👏 how does one draw them? 👀 do you use any references?
Oh my god, this ask is making the circle full fr. ;; Thank you SO MUCH, Anon!! I've had an enormous wing kink most of my life, but scared of drawing and avoiding them for uh.......... most of my life lol. So reading this means A LOT. TLDR - yes, use refs of all sorts of birds! use gradients! don't overdoit with brushstrokes! wings are paperthin!
In 2021 I said fck it and-- asked my partner, @lesoldatmort, who's a wing-master to teach me how to wings. And the answer was simple - use refs. I did! And it looked better than before. But. Uh.
Most of my wings looked like-- pillow sheets? Or. Pillows. Blankets. Puffy and thick. (Rafe from December, 2020)
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So the biggest trouble for me personally (and for my partner, who was trying to knock it in my thick skull), was to get the wings as thin as possible. And use refs. And draw a lot of wings.
The biggest and best advice I got from my man, was to think of wings as of paper. Flat and thin. And use gradients for the sections instead of too many brushstrokes for each feather. Actually, save on the brushstrokes where you can.
January 2022 this was the best I could do. And that's after a LOT of interference from my partner, who kept nagging me to get rid of brushstrokes and add. more. gradients.
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In June I decided I'm cracking the case. Gave up on trying to paint too much, because I prefer lineart 95% of the time anyway and drew the Howl piece. Still too many brushstrokes, but I used vulture photos as a reference for this one. Adoration is from this time as well. Used a pinned down bald eagle as a ref for Zack's wing.
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In summer, I did some more random studies, kept looking at wings very closely. Looked at other artists drawing them. In September I was lucky enough to get cmed to draw safer Sephiroth. And that was probably the final moment I gave up on too many details and brushes and started stylizing the hell out of it. And using gradients. And lasso tool. As my partner's been telling me for almost two years at that point. Thin. Finally.
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And then I just kept going. Simplifying the hell out of them............
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And here we are. I have a problem. It's called a wink kink. And I'm loving it. <3
A few months ago, due to a gender crisis, lol, I even started using the name "Alas" along with Alassa. Which supposedly means "wing" in latin.
So... Thank you for coming to my ted talk and personal vent and rant. Sorry this got so long! However, seeing somebody asking me specifically about wings in my art... feels like reaching a finish line after years of whining. Thank you so much! ;; <3
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aroaceconfessions · 1 year
i thought i was bi since i was sixteen and have come to the realisation that i'm aroace this year and i'm not happy about it. it feels like an enormous loss. every other sexuality gains something, whether it's new dating options or a community or friends or whatever. but aroace means losing all dating options, you can't go to queer spaces and assume that everybody there even believes aroaces exist or accept us as part of the community, and i feel like aroaces only exist online. and the online communities are either filled with self-hate (like this ask lol) or weird memes that i don't identify with. i want to be married and i want a family, and i knoe that that's theoretically possible but in practice how would that even happen. all my friends are gonna marry and i'll be left behind. i won't be the most important person for anyone, never the first person who someone wants to tell their great news to. and now i can't even look into decent therapy because the likelihood that a therapist would understand being aroace and not treat it like a symptom is so low, especially where i live. i wish i was gay. sorry for the rant, i can't talk to anyone about this
hey, sorry about that last ask i sent (the really dramatic one about wishing i wasn't aroace), i'm going through a hard time and had to vent somewhere. it's not fair i made you read all that negative shit and just because you are anonymous to me doesn't mean you are not a real person who i should just spill all my shit to. you don't have to post it if you think it'll make other people feel bad, that's fine. again, i'm really sorry. hope you're having a good day despite this! :)
no worries anon! never feel bad about venting here!
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13skeletons · 9 months
oh boy. I woke up ready to rant about Siege of Dragonspear lol.
This is long and negative so if you like SoD, I am so sorry. I would genuinely love to know what you see in it because woof.
like. ok. I know we give ToB shit for being linear, but at least ToB gives you access to that statue in your base, very early on, that can summon companions for you to party with. I spent most of SoD with a less than full party because I wanted to run with the same people I'd had (minus Imoen. I have Thoughts on that too lol) and for some deranged reason Dorn is SUPER FAR in and locked in a cage? And then the reason for him being locked up is never even explained? (Unless I missed it somewhere, in my irritated rush to the end. Not impossible.)
Companion woes aside, ToB still gives you at least some choices. There are some branching paths, and the ending is not set. There are payoffs to earlier quests/moments that you can miss or not if you have the relevant items/flags. (Golden pantaloons, my beloved.) SoD didn't feel like it had any choices at all?
And the whole business with your gold getting "stored safely" and then getting gambled away and lost to you until the absolute very end of the game was so. Stupid. All that did was prevent me from buying very many of the new magic items at the shop in Baldur's Gate. And then the dude dies with a sword in his chest and Viconia is all "he is too far gone for me". GIRL YOU CAN RESURRECT THE DEAD WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT. IT'S JUST A SWORD. THE BODY HAS TO BE MAIMED BEYOND RECOGNITION TO PREVENT RESSURECTION. MY GODS. So when you actually get the money back there's literally like 3 fights left in the whole game. What could you possibly need to buy at that point.
AND THEN. Imoen. What where they THINKING? They wanted to explain how she shows up dual-classed into mage in SoA. But that was literally never something that needed explaining. It is an EXTREMELY common tactic to dual class her at level 5 in BG1, and even if you didn't do that, dual-classing doesn't temporarily render you completely useless? Hello???? And they could've at least transferred her gear to Safana (or to me) when they tossed her into my party. But no, I just had a less-geared thief instead. Ugh.
And that doesn't even touch on the complete and total lack of balance to the combat encounters! Having trolls (and giant trolls. good lord) and dragons (not to mention a dragon with wyvern adds....) and mind flayers this early is BATSHIT INSANE. The enormous hordes of mooks that you wipe out with two fireballs render your melee fighters into wall-flowers. And then there's the enormous hordes of mooks that you can't throw fireballs at without hitting allied NPCs... (apparently Khalid died while breaking the siege and I didn't even realize because I was already so fed up at that point lmaooo). Whatever that tentacle boss was...
Also the total inability to manage your reputation carefully because you're on a railroad with set reputation gains and losses that you can do nothing about was really irritating to me personally because I prefer playing with mixed alignment groups. (Yes my evil friends did abandon me after the siege, forcing me to reload and figure out a way to lower my rep.) (And then later I encountered some random refugees and didn't even try to save them, I just killed the wolf that was near them, not realizing it was gonna give me reputation, and I had to reload AGAIN. But this time I was a lazy bastard and just fireballed everything, dropping my rep to like 6 and I never had to worry about it again lmao.) (Also while googling to try and find a way to deal with this issue, I read that it potentially causes problems for importing into BG2, which if that's true, I am gonna laugh somewhat hysterically.)
As for the "Hooded Man" (shut up she's so pretentious it's fucking Irenicus). I'm sorry but it literally makes no sense for him to be there. It makes no sense for him to be able to get into your dreams before he's ever even experimented on you.
Just. The whole thing ultimately felt totally unnecessary and I may well uninstall it to prevent the game from auto-loading me into it when next I complete BG1.
EDIT: I completely forgot about this because it's a comparatively minor complaint, but during the actual siege on the castle, there were so many mobs and NPCs that the game's audio essentially stopped working. There were so many characters trying do their "i took damage" noises that they'd play the first millisecond of one then the first millisecond of the next etc until the fight was over. Just a broken record of "arg-arg-arg-arg." lol. More evidence that no one reasonable balanced those encounters.
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Hi Nancy! I'm very sorry you got some nasty asks bc you're so wholesome and I'm sending you this one cuz you're the cinephile (movie lover) and i had some sort of epiphany during the holidays -im the stunted ho anon from Maddy btw too haha. So I'm gonna give a lil bit of unnecessary backstory to my super long rant. I was really looking forward to this Xmas bc it meant taking my mom out of her nursing home for 2 days in 2 years and i had planned a lot of nice food, decorations, etc and it went that way save for the fact i got the nastiest bacterial tonsillitis in my life and we were relegated basically to watching the movies on tv. Turns out the greatest showman was playing. I know it was the sanitized version of pt barnum and i already knew hugh jackman is a fucking legend and was a stan accordingly but OMG were we blown away by the movie on Xmas Eve! Mom was even humming and tapping to the songs even if she doesn't know english lol it was a perfect bonding moment and everyone was so talented. Zendaya, Keala settle, even Zac Efron!! (I'm considering stanning him low-key lol). I'd listened to some of the songs already but i don't keep up w movies like that and i don't really care for musicals, but i loved it. The critics hated it but it was a success, hugh spent 8 years trying to get it greenlit (pls watch the vid w keala). What I'm getting at w this rambling is... Does Chris in his mediocrity -sry not sry- think he's gonna be able to pull a hugh jackman success / weird ass concept of fictionalized version of gene kelly (what is that treatment or future script really going to be about, bits of the most memorable roles of gene sewn into a jojo rabbit minus the Nazis kind of plot?? So groundbreaking). Why all this sudden interest of him in gene -prior to the ace ventura interview i don't think he'd ever mentioned his admiration for him?? Someone correct me if I'm wrong. That concept alone is disrespectful to genes wishes cuz it's still a bastardized version of a biopic, it's far more confusing than the light-year character thing that many people never really figured out. I get he wanted to fit his tap dancing ability into something he could show to the public but Chris isn't a good singer or dancer. With all due respect to mama Lisa, i doubt the 'provincial' level of tap dance in ma can compare to what gene did and they don't even look alike (re body build). I was optimistic at first but i cackled at the hate tweets bc i knew there was a kernel of truth. I get he prob thinks this will be a break or make moment, but taking into account how bleak his personal life is atm i doubt he has the willpower to stay rehearsing for 6 months and nail the performance. I know I'm dragging a movie that hasn't even been written, but the room for disaster is enormous. I think it'll be a huge flop. He should go the Mark ruffalo route and take some indies here and there, maybe work in europe or Asia and w more female directors. A musical or a comedy or something contrived like this project seems to be is once again not it... Are you exhausted?? What do you think? 🤔
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angelt0rres · 2 years
1, 3, 4, and 10 for the MASH asks.
Hey! Sorry for not answering this sooner eep but thanks for asking!!
Favorite episode? Argh its so hard for me because there are so many good ones >< weirdly enough even though I'm a huge Charles fan both of my picks are Father Mulcahy centered. Its a dead tie between Blood Brothers and Quo Valdis, Captain Chandler
Most underrated character? So I already answered this once but I'll say in the context of the actual 4077, Klinger was really underrated and overlooked for what I thought made him truly special. When everyone thinks of Klinger they think of his dresses he wears to get his Section 8 but he really became the backbone of the 4077. As an orderly before he became company clerk, he was highly competent and never complained about his duties. His scam where he pretends to be in Toledo springs to mind- quickly coming up with a clever workaround to continue the scam while still helping those in need. He wheeled and dealed only for the benefit of others, which is where my favorite quality of his comes to play- his enormous amount of generosity! Getting that magazine for Hawkeye, bringing Christmas dinner to Charles, there are so many examples I can't even begin to count of times where Klinger puts the needs of others before his own with a smile on his face. (sorry this got rant-y but its loving Klinger hours!)
Bj or Trapper (for Hawkeye but also in general) This is actually quite simple for me. Bj for Hawkeye, Trapper in general.
Unpopular opinion? >:) I have quite a few hot takes lol. Klinger is a straight cis guy, he says on multiple occasions that the clothes are a front even when given the opportunity for a discharge on the basis that he's a transvestite. Furthermore I think the people who try to make him fit the labels of trans, gay, or genderfluid not only misunderstand his character but also has horseshoed around to just being sexist again. Men can like dresses and makeup and still be men! This is actually a common theme of my hot takes, like the fact that a lot of people headcannon Radar to be trans/ace/autistic and people hc Father Mulcahy to be ace (even though thats more of a basic misunderstanding of the vows of chastity but I digress.) I get that theres a large LGBT following of M*A*S*H and there are plenty of queer themes, but I also feel like people take their own 20th views and pre-conceived notions and apply it to characters without thinking of the consequences. I can talk wayy longer about this though so I have to cut myself of here lol.
Thanks again for the asks!!
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southsidestory · 2 years
4, 8 and 15 for the identity ask thingy
Thank you SO much for this ask @bakashisensei I'm super bored today ;asldkgjk
4. do you like your name?  is there another name you think would fit you better?
I'm so sorry for the wall of text ahead, but I actually need to rant about this lmao
I have a love-hate relationship with my name. I think it's pretty and that it suits me, plus I get compliments on it all the time, but dear god is it a headache.
First of all, my full name is LONG. Which makes filling out paperwork with small boxes annoying.
Second, it's inconsistent on my most important documents because it includes a hyphen, which is allowed on birth certificates but not social security cards.
Third, I grew up thinking the hyphen was between my middle names, but it's actually between my first name and my first middle name. I didn't discover this until I went to college and had a reason to look at my birth certificate.
Fourth (and worst), there's also an apostrophe in my name, which gives panic attacks to computers on a regular basis. Pharmacies, hospitals, voting registration, websites, etc. I never know if it's going to take the apostrophe or not and it's enormously irritating.
Fifth, because I go by one of my middle names, I'm constantly called the wrong name. Teachers, doctors, therapists, physical therapists, etc. They call me by my first name, and even if I correct them repeatedly, they often never stop calling me by the wrong name.
Sixth, I'm named after the heroine of Gone with the Wind. Which. Well. When your namesake is the protagonist of (arguably) the most influential racist novel in the English language? I think the problem there speaks for itself.
The lesson you should take from this: think of the challenges that might come with the name you give your child!!
8. what musical artists have you most felt connected to over your lifetime?
I'm not really A Music Person, and there aren't any particular artists that I feel connected to, but there are a few songs that will make me instantly cry because of how much I feel when I hear them:
"Praying" by Kesha
"She Used to Be Mine" from "Waitress", particularly Katharine McPhee's version
"Sober" by Demi Lovato
"Sorry" by Halsey
15. five most influential books over your lifetime.
Beloved by Toni Morrison
The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy
Harry Potter Series (god I hate that JKR made this painful to list, but I can't leave it out if I'm honest)
A Song of Ice and Fire Series
Rosemary for Remembrance by @sintari isn't a novel, but it's better than most actual published works so fuck the rules. This fic influenced my writing style more than any book I've ever read. It's brilliant and I'll never stop recommending it.
If anybody else wants to send me an ask for the identity game, feel free. I'll try not to be so wordy next time lol
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eyndr-stories · 2 years
Chester and the Jesters (FNAF SB fanfic) C5 - A friendly game of minigolf
In Summary:
The new tech sure does seem a little strange. Chester (at least, that's what their name tag says) doesn't seem as concerned as they should be about the high turnover rate here at Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizza-Plex, or the numerous rumors about what happens to people who take the night shift. And to make matters worse, there seems to be some kind of criminal on the loose! The cops say they think the criminal is hiding out in the woods somewhere near the pizza-plex. Stress is high at the plex these days, but Chester is stoic as ever. Say, come to think of it, no one can seem to remember where Chester's application went or who they interviewed with. Their employee file is misplaced or missing just like everything else in this place. But the new tech does a good job completing their tasks, and has their own badge and everything, so of course they must belong here. It's not like someone would sneak into the plex and go this far out of their way to impersonate a low level technician. Right??
Things To Know (always read responsibly!):
Biggest warnings are for blood, death, knives, murder, the police, violence, also the OC is at one point hit by lightning. All fun stuff
About 70,000 words in total, 9 chapters, so roughly like. 7,500 words per chapter
This is an OC story, not a reader insert or a self insert! But if you want to imagine otherwise be my guest lol
Angst, fluff
OC x Sun & Moon, there's romance but zero spice
Occasional swearing
Heavy focus on Sun and Moon but most of the rest of the gang is there too :)
Afton doesn't exist, sorry peepaw, Vanessa is here but she's very chill. She's a kickass gamer girl lmao
Moon does an attempted murder but its fine. He's just a lil guy ok
OC uses they/them and also sign language most of the time
Impersonation, lying. There's also manipulation. Yall I wasn't kidding about the angst
There's also a lot of focus on how they're all robots, very cool robots with feelings lol
That's all I can think of, as always please lmk if I should add anything!
Ao3 Link: Right here!
Start reading here: Chapter 1
Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
C5 - A friendly game of minigolf
     Luckily for Chester, Vanessa was far too occupied ranting to them about videogame speed-run strategies to notice how slowly they were working or how intently they watched her work. Chester might be slow, but they were struggling a lot less with their tasks than they had been. Things like wiring and running diagnostics were starting to make sense, and when things didn't make sense, they could usually puzzle out a solution given enough time.
     Vanessa and Chester had just finished replacing a broken coin slot on one of the arcade cabinets (talking about the games in the arcade had quickly steered into favorite video games, of which Vanessa had quite a few) when they decided it was time for a break.
     "You'd think with how much of it there is around here I'd hate pizza by now, but I still crave it almost as much as Chica," Vanessa said. "You wanna go in on a pie with me?"
     "Sure, that sounds good." Chester called the elevator. They looked back at the arcade as they waited, watching a group of kids going absolutely feral on the arcade's connecting dance floor. The DJ, an enormous animatronic perched atop a stage, waved at Chester and Vanessa as they left the arcade. They both waved back.
     "The DJ is a really nice guy. Have you talked to him yet?" Vanessa asked. She pushed the button for the main floor, and the elevator made its decent towards the food court, energetic pop music coming in through an overhead speaker.
     "I haven't. I thought he couldn't talk? He doesn't have a voice box, just music files and speakers." Chester recalled DJMM's extensive diagrams.
     "He uses sign language, like you." Vanessa made the sign for 'sign language', moving her pointer fingers in opposing circles. "Between the two of you, I'm getting lots of practice!"
     Chester smiled at that. The elevator doors opened, and the two made quick work of acquiring lunch. The glamrocks were putting on a show for the lunchtime crowd. Chester and Vanessa passed a gaggle of kids loudly singing along on their hasty retreat from the commotion.
     The breakroom was blissfully quiet compared to the rest of the building. Chester's headaches were getting less frequent, but they still relished the reprieve from the cacophony of noise.
     The two sat at Chester's usual corner table. There were only two other employees in the break room, neither of them people Chester recognized. Chester happily dug into their cheap and extra cheesy mall food quality pizza with Vanessa.
     "Have those cops outside asked you any questions yet? They're sooo annoying. They nearly made me late for my shift this morning." Vanessa rolled her eyes.
     "I guess I've gotten lucky," Chester signed slowly, staring at their slice of pizza.
     Vanessa went on. "They apparently wanted to search the building, but they can't get a warrant. I asked a few questions myself, though. Get this- they haven't given up on the steak-out yet because the criminal they're after is wanted for murder. They lost the crook somewhere in the woods behind the plex, so they think the crook is hiding out there somewhere. Like, hiding in a tree fort or in a cave with some bears. One of my friends is super bummed cause they've got all the hiking trails closed off. But isn't that crazy?? There might be a murderer out there, right behind where we work." Vanessa wiggled her fingers at Chester. "Ooooh spooky!"
     Chester swallowed uncomfortably, nearly choking on their pizza. "Yeah. Crazy." They set the slice down, suddenly loosing their appetite. "Do the ghosts have any gossip to report?"
     Vanessa eagerly accepted the topic change, much to Chester's relief. "They do!! From what I hear, Lance got a boyfriend! He came to pick Lance up one night at the end of his shift. I'm told there was a very sweet kiss upon a cheek."
     "Good for him," Chester signed. "I think mister Baxter is a decent guy, if he's found someone then I'm glad for him."
     Vanessa nodded her agreement. "I wish I could find a special lady. I've been told I come on kinda strong." She sighed and picked at a burnt piece of pizza crust for a moment. "How about you? Got anyone special in your life?"
     Chester shook their head. "Besides the difficulties of finding someone who's actually alright with me being ace, I'm far too busy these days. I don't exactly get out much."
     "Oh yeah, I couldn't imagine working the night shift all the time like you do, and picking up extra day shifts on top of that! But hey, if you ever feel up to it, maybe sometime we can wingman each other? Hit the town, have some fun at the very least?" Vanessa's eyebrows bounced enticingly as she poked Chester's shoulder.
     "That does sound like fun…" Genuinely, Chester would have loved to hang out with Vanessa outside of work. It had been so long since they'd done that sort of thing. It'd been a long time since they'd had a friend. But… this wasn't real. Even if they could leave the plex, Chester wasn't at all who they were pretending to be. Vanessa didn't even know their real name. "I'm sorry, like I said I'm just really busy these days."
     "That's alright. If you ever need a break, offer still stands." Vanessa smiled.
     Chester and Vanessa went their separate ways once their break was over. Chester didn't have long to mull over the lonely sort of despair they'd brought upon themself before they ran into Rosa.
     "Hey, there you are. You done with your break?" Rosa asked. She shifted a thermos from one hand to another so she could pull out her faz-phone. "I need you to take a task for me. Its animatronic repair, but it's a simple one, shouldn't be too much trouble. Lance is off today so I'm covering a few of his duties."
     Chester couldn't come up with a good enough excuse to turn the task down. They'd managed to get by so far by cherry picking tasks they could manage, tasks that weren't as horribly consequential as repairing one of the animatronics. If they messed up something like that… Not only would they be at risk of someone figuring out they didn't actually belong here, but there was a chance they'd hurt the bot in question.
     "Thanks a million, Chester. You're a life saver. Keep up the good work, kid." Rosa pat Chester's shoulder and took a long swig from her thermos as she carried on past them.
     Chester looked down at their phone. They had a new high priority task. With no small amount of dread, Chester dragged their feet down to the access tunnels, making their way to parts and service. They struggled to remember everything they'd read about the animatronics, everything they'd studied and learned about wiring and welding.
     Despite their attempts to prolong their arrival at parts and service, Chester found that they'd arrived all too soon. They could have sworn they'd intentionally taken the long way around, but they never could get the hang of these hallways.
     The star of the whole plex, the bear mascot himself stood waiting for Chester by the enormous cylindrical machine at the room's center. Just their luck. Freddy Fazbear gave Chester a little wave as they entered the room. Chester noted his other arm hung a little awkwardly at his side.
     "Hello… I take it Miss Garcia could not make it?" Freddy asked.
     "She says she's covering some things for mister Baxter," Chester explained. They pulled up the task details. Rosa's descriptions were extremely brief, compared to Lance's long winded explanations. "Your right elbow joint seems to have been damaged?"
     "That is right. I took a step too close to Chica during our last performance, and… well, Chica gets really into her guitar playing at times," Freddy explained.
     "I see." Chester eyed the cylindrical machine. They approached the computer hooked up to it, powering it on and squinting at the complicated command menu. They quickly scanned through the options, finding only a few they understood. One of the commands was 'Run Diagnostic Scan'. Chester selected this. A prompt came up asking for Chester's technician code. They'd memorized their code by now, and plugged it in. Another prompt came up, alerting Chester that there was no animatronic to scan. They looked up at Freddy. "Would you mind stepping inside the cylinder?"
     "Of course, superstar." Freddy made his way into the cylinder, walking slowly. He had to duck a little to be sure he didn't bonk his top hat on the top of the doorway. He eyed the cold metal table and the dangling machinery above. "Do you want me to… Do I have to be on the table for this repair?"
     Chester paused. They had no idea if it was protocol or something to have the animatronic strapped to the table for repairs. But if Freddy had asked, maybe it wasn't? The scan seemed to be running just fine regardless. Chester eyed the table. They noted Freddy was eying the table as well, his metal brows pinched together in worry.
     "No, we should be fine," Chester signed.
     "Ah, good." Freddy's expression relaxed. "I find the table rather uncomfortable."
     Chester could imagine, though they wondered how an animatronic would even mind the hard surface. The bots had pressure sensors, and proximity sensors, but no way to tell the difference between textures.
     When the scan finished, Chester's faz-phone lit up with a very short list of replacement parts, and where to find them. Lucky for them, the joint and socket they needed were here in the room, on one of the shelves. Chester picked these up, comparing barcodes on the shelves to the codes on their phone. Thankfully, the plastic bin of spare joins seemed to have been stored away correctly. They probably had Lance to thank for that, what with how much time he spent down here in the access tunnels.
     Chester spotted a power generator against the wall, right by the bin of joints. Chester noted the generator in their head for later. They weren't sure how they'd get it all the way up to the daycare, but they figured they could puzzle that out when they came to it.
     Parts in hand, Chester stepped into the cylinder with Freddy. They set the parts on the unoccupied table.
     "Can I see your arm, please?" Chester asked.
     Freddy held out his damaged limb to them, even angling it so they could get at the screws holding the metal panels in place. Chester took in a deep breath and got to work removing the panel concealing the elbow joint.
     Once the panel was off, Chester stared at the joint for a long moment. They realized with a start that they actually knew what they were looking at. They could picture Freddy's diagram in their head, they knew what the joint was meant to look like, they knew how it connected to the sockets, they knew how the sockets were bolted in place. None of the wiring had been damaged, but even if it had, Chester realized that they knew how the wiring connected as well. With a sense of cautious relief, they took out their tools and got to work disconnecting the top socket.
     "Here, if you could place your arm over the table, I'll stand on the other side. That way the arm won't just fall once I've got the socket off," Chester signed.
     Freddy complied. He watched Chester work as they dismantled the joint, leaving his upper arm connected to the lower half by a bundle of wires. Chester got to work connecting the new joint together.
     "This doesn't… hurt, does it? Your arm being like this?" Chester asked.
     "Not at all, superstar. I do appreciate how gentle you are," Freddy said. "None of the wires are damaged, right? Wire reconnection is far more uncomfortable."
     "You're in luck, the wiring is fine," Chester assured.
     "Oh, good!"
     Chester glanced up at Freddy. He seemed far more relaxed now than he had earlier. His expression was set into a neutral smile and he was standing straight, though he was bent slightly over the table. Chester wondered briefly if it was strange for him to be in parts and service, where he was surrounded by storage shelves full of, essentially, replacement body parts.
     Chester's curiosity pressed at the edges of their brain, questions bouncing around like the worlds worst game of ping pong. "Pardon me if this is rude or upsetting to ask, but… what is pain like for you?"
     "I do not experience it very often. Sometimes the way my programming runs feels… disagreeable. Forgive me, it is not easy for me to describe. I have been told pain for humans often depends on what is causing the pain. I believe that much is true for me as well. Some circumstances are manageable or mitigatable. Wiring, for instance, is more manageable, however uncomfortable. Running power through a new wire is uncomfortable at first, it feels very tight, like squeezing through the head of a needle. It only lasts a moment. Other times…" Freddy paused to collect his thoughts. Chester could hear a small whirring fan kick on in Freddy's head. "Other times there is nothing to be done, the discomfort does not pass easily, and it can be very overwhelming. This usually only occurs when I disagree with a line of code and try to keep it from running, or when I encounter system errors. I have never experienced a headache before, but I imagine the sensation closely resembles a very bad migraine."
     "I see." Chester nodded slowly, mulling over this information carefully in their brain. "If I ever cause you pain or discomfort, please let me know and I'll try to fix it."
     Freddy smiled. "Thank you, that is very kind of you. I will let you know."
     Chester finished connecting the new joint in no time. They had Freddy try it out before screwing the panel back in place.
     "You've done a fantastic job, superstar! Thank you." Freddy pat Chester's shoulder, beaming down at them happily.
     "No problem, just… doing my job." Chester forced a small smile.
     Freddy had a birthday party to get to, and so he waved goodbye before making his way out of parts and service. Chester disposed of the damaged parts and breathed a heavy sigh of relief. They'd actually done it. It hadn't even been difficult. Still, with any luck, they wouldn't have to do another animatronic repair task for a good long while.
     "Hey Sun!" Chester called out verbally, since their hands were full. They heaved the bulky metal monstrosity in past the daycare doors. They kicked their shoes off as they made it inside. "I finally found a generator!! And I think it shouldn't be too hard to hook it up to the lights!"
     "OH?!" Sun came bounding up. "Oh, oh dear. Oh. Please don't… ah. Can I carry this for you??" Sun's hands were fluttering around the generator's frame. His gaze was fixed on the wheels, where they were catching and pulling at the padded floor and starting to leave marks.
     "If you don't mind," Chester signed, stepping back. Not only was it extremely heavy, but the generator's shitty little wheels were proving to be a huge pain to maneuver over the cushioned floor anyways.
     Sun eagerly grabbed the generator by the bottom edges. He straightened without so much as a fraction of hesitance, like he was lifting a box of feathers. He turned and walked off at normal pace with it, leaving a stunned Chester rooted to the spot.
     "Are you coming? I don't think I can hook this up by myself," Sun called, realizing Chester wasn't behind him.
     "Right!" Chester shook it off and hurried after Sun. "You're really cool, you know that?"
     Sun's faceplate spun happily. "Why thank you, friend! What brought this on?" Sun maneuvered the generator, balancing it against his hip and holding it one handed as he tapped the code into the panel and opened the door to the spiral staircase.
     "Jeez," Chester breathed. They followed Sun through the door, closing it behind them. "You're carrying that generator like its nothing. The thing weighs twice as much as I do."
     Sun looked down at the generator, pausing halfway up the stairs. He suddenly feigned straining with it, lowering it and hunkering over it, arms rattling. He took a massive exaggerated step. "ARGHHH! HRGHHHH! GRAHHHHH!" He continued like this the rest of the way up the steps. When he got to the top, he set the generator down and threw himself over it dramatically. "PHEW!!!" He wiped imaginary sweat from his brow, then looked at Chester. "How was that?"
     Chester was too busy laughing to reply. They gripped the railing on the stairs tightly, feeling a little light headed. They got their giggling under control. "That was much better, thank you."
     Sun pushed the generator into the room, parking it by the wall with the electrical box. Chester got out a screwdriver and began removing the back panel of the electrical box.
     "How long do you think it'll take?" Sun asked, peering over Chester's shoulder as they set the panel aside and got to work.
     "No more than a few minutes, I think. I did some reading, it shouldn't be too much trouble. Right now I'm installing the interlock kit to the panel. Then I need to install the power inlet box, then start wiring the connections. Then I just install the circuit breaker and put the panel back on," Chester recited the steps they'd learned.
     "Mmhmm. Yes, yes." Sun nodded along. "Very good. Yes."
     Chester smiled. "Do you want to help?"
     "Sure!!" Sun bounced up and down.
     "You can hold these little panel screws for me, if you like," Chester offered, sweeping the little collection of screws off the rim of the electrical box, where they'd been perched precariously. They held the handful out to Sun.
     "On it, boss!" Sun very carefully cupped the screws in his hands. He stared at them dutifully, making sure they didn't run off anywhere.
     Chester was making good progress. They glanced back at Sun, who was still staring down at the screws. Chester smiled at him. Sun noticed the attention and tilted his faceplate up to Chester.
     "What's that smile for?" Sun's faceplate tilted a few degrees in curiosity.
     "Oh, nothing. You're just cute is all," Chester said.
     "Cute??" Sun jolted.
     Chester froze, embarrassment shooting through them. Did I seriously just said that-?! "I mean-!" Chester jerked their hands away to sign. They weren't looking, their hand pulling or hitting something, they couldn't tell. The electrical shock was more than a little distracting.
     Chester yelped and fell back on their ass. All at once they could see trees, rain, the shape of the plex from the top of the hill, its neon sign glowing through the haze. Chester blinked, shaking off the images and the shock. Their heart was pounding uncomfortably.
     For a moment, Chester panicked as their vision didn't seem to want to come back to them. They blinked rapidly, the dread setting in for only a moment before realization calmed them- the lights had just gone out. Chester's eyes were adjusting, they could see the electrical box in front of them and the shape of the generator next to them.
     "Sun?" Chester called out. They felt along the ground behind them, where Sun had been. Their hand met a collection of tiny screws scattered on the ground. The dread came back.
     Was Sun freaking out about the lights? Where was he?? Chester fumbled along their belt until they found the flashlight they were now glad they'd taken from the employee stock room. They clicked it on, wincing at the sudden sharp white light. They swept the beam across the room. The room was empty, though Chester noted the curtain had been thrown open. They hurried out onto the balcony and peered down at the daycare below. They swept the beam over the ball pit, but everything was still.
     "Sun?! Where are you??" Chester took the stairs down, planning to scour the daycare and make sure Sun was alright. They took two steps beyond the door before freezing to the spot.
     Red eyes were fixed on them from the other end of the daycare.
     "You." Chester stared wide eyed at the animatronic, cast in shadows beyond the reach of their flashlight. This was the same animatronic they'd met on their first night shift, the one who'd given them a concussion before promptly and totally vanishing. Chester stood stock still, waiting for the animatronic to move.
     The animatronic did move, but they turned away from Chester. They turned back to the wall they were standing next to, frantically tapping away at something there. Chester risked a few steps closer, holding their beam higher. The animatronic seemed to be tapping at a light switch. Chester panicked for a moment as a thought occurred to them- what if they'd just short circuited the whole building??
     Chester went to the nearest window, then breathed a sigh of relief. They could see low neon lighting in the waiting area outside from a sign on a wall, and from an ATM machine by the check in desk. So they'd just knocked out the daycare's lights, then. Chester turned from the window, focusing on the task at hand. The animatronic hadn't attacked them or threatened to detain them, so he still remembered Chester's employee profile. Either that or he wasn't currently in security mode. Whatever the case, Chester still needed to find Sun.
     "Sun! Where'd you go?" Chester called out, struggling to project. They swept their light back and forth over play structures and stacks of toys. They paused, noticing the red eyed animatronic watching them. They breathed, trying to reign in their apprehension. They signed with one hand, flashlight in the other. "Did you see where Sun went?"
     The animatronics' eyes shifted in the dark. It took a second for Chester to realize, but the bot had tilted his head, much like how Sun tilted his faceplate when he was confused or curious.
     Chester was having a hard time not feeling unnerved with the way the bot was just staring at them. "…You're not gonna bash my skull in again, are you?" They tried a light laugh.
     The red eyes lowered. Chester squinted through the darkness, not willing to get too much closer, even to put the bot in the light. It looked like he'd crouched down to the ground.
     Chester paused. They hadn't been expecting the bot to apologize. "Oh. That's alright. All is forgiven. Just uh, don't do it again. Okay?"
     The bot didn't reply, and Chester was too far to make out any sort of expression. They pushed their fear aside to take a few steps closer, still watching the bot carefully.
     "How come you aren't around often?" Chester asked.
     The bot watched Chester just as carefully as they watched him. "…I'm only here when the lights are out." He spoke in quiet, gentle tones.
     Chester took another step, slowly but surely closing the distance. "What, like a vampire?"
     The bot mimicked the sign, tapping two fingers in a 'V' shape to his neck. "Sort of." He sounded amused by this.
     Another step closer, and he was almost in the light. This time, he moved back away from the light. "…You don't like the light," Chester realized. They glanced down at their flashlight, then back up at the animatronic, who's gaze never wavered from them for a moment. Chester took in a breath and held it. They clicked the light off.
     For a moment, all Chester could see in the sudden darkness was two red pinprick lights a ways ahead of them. They stood stock still, waiting. Waiting for their eyes to adjust, waiting to see if the bot moved. The bot was just as still as they were.
     Once Chester's eyes adjusted enough to make out shapes around them, they started to relax. They slipped the flashlight back into their toolbelt.
     "You can see in the dark, right?" Chester signed.
     "Yes," came the bot's hushed voice. "You cannot."
     "That's correct."
     "…Why did you turn your light off?" the bot asked.
     "It bothered you. Just trying to keep on your good side." Chester smiled, hoping to convey they weren't being too serious. "Listen… I'm looking for my friend Sun. I'm not sure where he's gone, but he can't be far. He can't really leave the daycare. Since you can see in the dark… would you mind helping me look for him?"
     The bot tilted his head again. After a long moment of consideration, he said, "…Sure."
     Chester watched the bot stand slowly and turn to study a nearby crawly tube. Chester turned their gaze to the play structure they were standing beside. They tried to think about where Sun could be. If he'd jumped off the balcony in a panic, maybe he'd hurt himself on the landing?? Maybe he was laying broken and unresponsive at the bottom of the ball pit. The thought caused Chester no small amount of distress. They turned their back to the red eyed animatronic and headed for the ball pit.
     Chester started wading through plastic balls, trying to feel along and not loose their footing at the same time. They noted the red eyed animatronic watching them from the corner of their eye.
     "What's your name?" Chester asked. "I'm… I'm Chester." The name didn't sit quite right with them, but it wasn't like they could go around giving out their real name at this point.
     "Moon." The animatronic, Moon, watched Chester carefully.
     "Huh. Have you ever met Sun?" Chester asked.
     Moon took a moment before responding. He was still watching Chester intently. "…Not in person."
     "Oh. Well, he's pretty cool. If we can find him, you could meet him…" Chester rounded back to give the ball pit another pass. No sign of Sun yet.
     Moon approached, footsteps cautious, only audible by the jingling bells on his shoes. He stopped by the edge of the ball pit, crouching down to grip the rim of the pit with his hands. Chester took a moment to look him over, realizing he was finally close enough to see.
     Moon wore similar pants to Sun's, though his were patterned differently, with star shapes instead of long stripes. He had a lot of ruffles and ribbons like Sun too, though his whole color scheme was much darker. He wore a long nightcap on his head, a little gold bell at the end catching the low light from out in the hall. His circular face was half shadowed, leaving only a crescent shape visible in the dark. He had a stagnant grin like Sun's. 'Moon' seemed to be just as fitting to him as Sun's name was to him.
     "Huh. Another clown animatronic," Chester said. They had to wonder what role Moon could possibly play here at the plex. Had he been some sort of prototype for Sun?? Was that why he wasn't usually out touring the plex? Maybe he was meant to be decommissioned or something?
     "Jester," Moon corrected.
     Chester tilted their head in curiosity.
     "Lots of people don't like clowns… think they're scary. Jesters are friendlier," Moon said.
     "Oh. I understand." Chester gave up on the ball pit. They huffed and made their way to the edge of the pit, climbing out. Moon took several steps back, keeping his distance. Chester stood a little too quickly and wavered, a bout of dizziness quickly hitting them. They felt their weight shift back a little too far, and took in a sharp hiss of air as their stomach dropped-
     There was a small jerk, and suddenly Chester was pulled forwards. They could see Moon standing right next to them, his hand on their tool belt. Chester flinched before they could realize what had happened; Moon had just pulled them forwards by the belt, saving them from crashing back into the ball pit.
     Moon leapt back with startling speed, crouching back down to the ground. "Sorry, sorry, I'm sorry."
     Chester held up their hands, straightening up and taking a steadying breath. Their heart was pounding. They willed it to settle. "It's okay, thank you for catching me." They took a step away from the pit and cast another look around the daycare. "I really don't know where Sun went… I'm starting to get worried. Listen, I'm gonna try and get the lights working again so I can have an easier time looking for him. Since you don't like the lights, I'm letting you know in advance so you can head out, alright?"
     Moon just stared at Chester. He was very still, no chance of gleaning his reaction through body language like Chester had learned to do with Sun.
     "I'll see you around?" Chester offered, heading back towards the door to the spiral staircase.
     "I'm not sure," Moon said quietly.
     "Well, I hope so. I've got some questions for you, next time I see you." Chester reached the door and gave Moon a little wave. "Bye for now."
     "Goodnight," Moon replied.
     Back in the tower room, Chester made quick work of finishing connecting the generator to the electrical box. They crossed their fingers and activated the generator, flipping the lights back on.
     There was a sudden hum that Chester realized just then had been missing. They blinked, suddenly blind in the flood of light around them. It had worked- the lights were on. Chester double checked everything, making sure it was all installed correctly and connected properly. They breathed a sigh of relief and went back out on the balcony.
     To their surprise, they spotted Sun standing not far from the ball pit. Had he really fallen in after all and Chester had just missed him??
     "Sun!!" Chester called, relieved to see their friend. Sun's gaze snapped up to them, and he waved enthusiastically.
     Chester hurried through the door and down the steps. In their rush they tripped down the last few stairs like a dunce, flying forwards with a yelp. They landed very suddenly, but not uncomfortably, against plastic casing and soft fabric ruffles. Sun had caught them, having come through the door to meet them.
     "Careful!!" Sun chided. He gently released Chester, keeping a hand on their shoulder to be sure they wouldn't fall right over again.
     "I was worried about you!!" Chester lightly swatted Sun's arm. "You really don't like the lights being out, huh?"
     "I didn't mean to worry you." Sun's eyes flashed with blue light. "Are you alright?? Are you- did you- did…" Sun relaxed, posture slouching slightly as the blue light clicked off. "You're unharmed."
     "I'm alright. I actually sort of made a new friend." Chester recounted their meeting with Moon, and how Moon had helped them search for Sun before Chester had decided to fix the lights. "I guess he's gone now. He doesn't like the lights, apparently."
     Sun laughed his uncomfortable strained sort of laugh, like the sound was being dragged out of his voice box. "You met Moon. And you're okay?" That blue light came on again.
     "I told you, I'm fine. I think I've got the issue figured out, with you guys getting confused in security mode. Remember when we talked about that?" Chester asked, their hands moving through the signs quickly.
     "I remember," Sun said.
     "Moon wasn't confused this time. He remembered that I'd showed him a paper copy of my employee form. So there's no issue anymore! I still haven't figured out why the employee files get corrupted every now and then or how to fix it, but now I'm at least confidant in this solution. And I think you were right about the others getting confused because of conflicting messages, missing employee forms and valid nametags. I've been thinking about something Freddy told me recently, about how he sometimes disagrees with how his programming runs, and how it makes him feel uncomfortable, like he's in pain. This is just a hunch, but I think maybe its hard for you guys to cope with how certain programs or errors make you feel. So maybe that’s why…" Chester trailed off. That's why Moon lashed out that night.
     "That's why the others get… confused," Sun finished slowly. He wrung his hands together, metal shifting quietly against metal. "Chester… when we say 'confused'…"
     Chester willed Sun not to finish his question. He did anyways.
     "Moon hurt you, didn't he?" Sun asked quietly.
     Chester looked away. They sat down on the stairs, hands folded in their lap while they considered how to reply. They went back and forth in their head- they wanted to tell Sun. They despised lying to him, keeping things from him. At the same time, if word got out and the company filed an incident report with the police, Chester was done for. They looked up at Sun. He was clearly worried, his grin entirely foreign amidst his tensed body language. He was so worried for them. Chester sighed, hoping they wouldn't regret this. "It's extremely important that you don't tell anyone. Okay?"
     Sun nodded solemnly.
     "Okay. That night, when I made that deal with you so I could stay in your room… Earlier that night, I met Moon for the first time. It… didn't go super great." Chester explained in minor detail how Moon had stuttered through voice lines and chased them down. They told Sun that Moon had been the cause of their head injury, leaving it at that. They explained how they'd finally shown Moon their employee form, and how Moon had seemed to snap out of it before retreating.
     Sun's hands were shaking as Chester spoke. He was silent until they were done.
     "Chester… I… I'm so sorry," Sun whispered, uncharacteristically quiet. "I'm so, so sorry."
     "It wasn't your fault," Chester said.
     "I'm sorry," Sun said again, his voice wavering and edged with static.
     "Easy Sun, it's alright," Chester tried to assure. "It wasn't anyone's fault! I don't even hold it against Moon. I'm still sort of scared of him, honestly, but… I don't think he meant to hurt me. It didn't seem like he was fully aware of what was going on through… whatever it was he was going through."
     Sun made a soul wrenching whining noise, the sound of it now drenched in static. He folded his arms tightly, trying to stop their shaking.
     Chester realized then that he was crying, as much as he could cry without any tears.
     "I don't like this," Sun whined. "I don't like it, it hurts, it hurts, I want this to stop."
     Chester shot to their feet, stumbling slightly but quickly regaining their footing. They closed the distance between them and Sun and wrapped their arms around him.
     "It's okay," Chester whispered, pressing the signs into Sun's back. "It's okay."
     Sun's arms hovered over Chester, shaking hard enough to be audible. Then he finally settled his arms around Chester. A shiver rattled its way down his whole frame. He squeezed them tightly, holding onto them like a lifeline.
     Chester held Sun until he stopped shaking. When they pulled away, Sun was reluctant to release them, but loosened his arms just enough for Chester to slip away.
     "Thank you. That was…" Sun put a hand over his chest, trying to feel for something that wasn't there. "I don't know."
     "Sadness. You were sad," Chester offered. "Or at least, whatever the robot equivalent to it is."
     Sun considered this. His fingers scraped slowly over plastic plating. "I don't think I like that at all."
     Chester nodded. "Yeah, that's a tough one."
     Sun focused back in on Chester. "Why didn’t you tell anyone you'd been hurt? Why… Why stay here? After Moon had hurt you?"
     "…I can't answer that. I'm sorry." Chester couldn't look at Sun.
     "…Okay." Sun reached out and gently took one of Chester's hands. "Chester, I don't want you to be scared of me. The thought of that makes me… feel…" Sun trailed off, his faceplate lowering.
     "I'm not scared of you, Sun," Chester assured. They squeezed Sun's hand. They were a little confused as to why Sun would be worried about that. Maybe because he and Moon looked alike?
     Sun didn't look up, didn't move for a long moment. He stared at Chester's hand in his. Chester got the feeling he wanted to say something. They waited patiently for him to find the words, understanding full well how difficult it could be at times to find the words.
     Finally, Sun settled on a simple, "I'm sorry."
     "What are you sorry for?? I'm not upset with you."
     Sun didn't reply. He released Chester's hand and turned away. "I think I want to stop feeling sad. It's too much, I don't like it."
     Chester thought maybe Sun had been trying to apologize for his emotions. "It's alright to feel things, Sun. I know it can be miserable sometimes, but it'll make the things that make you feel good that much more wonderful by comparison." Chester straightened up. "If you want, we can play a game? Put all this behind us?"
     Sun nodded eagerly. "Yes, I would like that."
     Chester lead the way out of the stairwell and back into the daycare. They chose a game at random from the game shelf and helped Sun set things up.
     As the game progressed, Sun started to relax. Chester relaxed by extension, glad to see that Sun was starting to feel better. By the end of the game, Sun was even back to his happier movements, swaying and tapping. Even so, there was a slight hesitance once it was time for them to part ways. Sun had a daycare to prepare, and Chester had a long day to sleep off.
     The next night, Sun seemed to be feeling much better. Sun insisted Chester pick the game once more, again assuring them that he didn't mind any game, he just had fun playing and spending time with Chester. Chester felt much the same way, and so they chose a game at random, though they tried to pick a new game for variety.
     Tonight's game was 'Connect Four'. Sun set up the slot tower and divvied out the chips. Chester took the red chips, figuring the yellow chips were more fitting to Sun.
     "You really like board games, huh?" Chester asked, starting off the round by dropping a chip into one of the center rows.
     "I do!" Sun nodded enthusiastically. "I like all games. So long as everyone is having fun! That's what's most important." Sun dropped his chip one slot to the right of Chester's.
     Chester dropped their next chip in the slot to the left of their first. "I would have loved to have a place like this growing up. Seeing these jungle gyms and listening to you play with the kids all day, it just makes me happy knowing the kids have a place like this. You run a really nice little daycare here, Sun."
     Sun started bouncing in his seat with enough fervor to bump the table. "Oh gosh!! Thank you so much, that's so kind of you!" Sun laughed. He seemed to realize suddenly that it was his turn, and quickly dropped his next chip, to the left of Chester's last chip. "I try really, really hard to make sure everyone is taken care of and having fun. It's what I was built for! Sometimes it's hard, kids don't get along or they have bad days or get upset or sometimes the parents are mean, but even so, I can't imagine ever wanting to do anything else! When the kids are kind to each other, or when they give me a hug goodbye, or draw something for me, there's this feeling… sometimes feeling things is so hard and overwhelming, but this feeling is so, so nice, it's one of my favorite things! And it's almost never overwhelming, definitely one of the kinder things to my processors. It's like… its like right after a software update that patches up a bug, or right after I finish recharging. Like everything is not only as it should be, but the best it can be!"
     "That's really nice." Chester smiled. They turned their chip over a few times in their hands before dropping it on top of Sun's last chip. "I think the kids are all the better for it, too."
     "I sure hope so!" Sun continued to bounce and sway, barely managing not to bump the table again. He dropped his next piece, beside the first chip he'd dropped.
     Chester could hear bells jingling merrily along Sun's costume as he bounced. It almost sounded like there were bells jingling inside him too, like there were spare bells stowed away somewhere in his casing. Every part of him really was crafted for his position. Chester wondered what that was like, that feeling of fulfillment Sun must have from carrying out the role he was entirely and intentionally made for. They imagined as well what it might be like for him to fear loosing it. Chester felt they understood a bit better why Sun seemed so anxious about the lights- being told the daycare was at risk of being closed down… What was anyone supposed to do if they'd lost their entire life's purpose? What they were literally built for?
     "You've been thinking for a while! It's so early in the game to be strategizing that hard. I worry I'm in for a rough time!" Sun laughed lightly.
     Chester brought themself out of their thoughts, focusing back on the game. "Sorry, I got distracted." They made their next move, dropping their chip to the right of Sun's last chip.
     "Do you like being a technician? Does it feel… what's the human equivalent? Like a full night's rest??" Sun wondered. He made his next move while Chester replied.
     "I do, actually. I didn't think I would, when I… started this job. But, as it turns out, I like working with my hands, and seeing something that was broken run again because I fixed it is very rewarding. And there's a satisfaction to marking tasks complete in my little list. It feels… fulfilling. Maybe not to quite the degree that you experience, and maybe not in the same way that you experience it, but there is that sense of fulfillment for me from doing a good job. Or at least, doing my best and having it be enough."
     "That's good! So you think you'll stick around then? You like working here, right?" Sun asked.
     Chester stared down at their chip, flipping it over and over in their hand while they thought. "I… yeah. I would like to stick around," they admitted. They dropped their chip. They knew they couldn't stick around here, they were only here because they needed a place to lay low for a while. But… there wasn't any harm in not being miserable while they were stuck hiding out here, was there? They hadn't lied to Sun after all, they did want to stick around. Even if they couldn't.
     "Good! We can play so many games!!" Sun's rays all popped in and out. His stagnant grin seemed much more genuine. "I really like playing games with you. It's much different than playing with the kids! I love playing games with them too, but you don't seem to mind at all who wins or looses. You just like to play, like I do!"
     "Yeah." Chester smiled. "It's just nice to hang out with you, honestly. You're very easy to talk to. And that's coming from someone who doesn't like talking to the point of being selectively mute." Chester laughed.
     "Aww, thank you friend! You're very kind." Sun put a hand to his cheek and waved at Chester with the other in a very 'oh, stop it you' sort of way. He dropped his next chip. "How come you don't like talking??"
     Chester explained while they thought about their next move. "Well, for me it's really difficult to translate what's going on in my head into spoken word. And there's a lot to consider with tone and implication, I could accidentally say something I don't mean to say by using the wrong tone or messing up what I'm trying to get across badly enough. It's just easier for me with sign. And sometimes I just… I don't know, I just don't feel like speaking, it feels… difficult. It's tough to explain." They played their next move, managing to line up three chips in a row.
     Sun quickly blocked the space Chester needed for their fourth with his next move. "I see. Speaking can be hard for me too, sometimes! My coding doesn't like it when I try to use certain tones. I'm supposed to be happy and friendly and upbeat all the time! And I don't mind that, really, I like being friendly, and when I'm happy and silly it makes other people around me happy too! But sometimes I don't feel happy. And when I speak it comes out sort of funny," Sun explained.
     Chester could remember hearing static coming through with Sun's voice from time to time. They nodded in understanding. "I see." They dropped another chip.
     They played a few more turns in silence. Sun nearly got four in a row, but Chester managed to block him before he could win the game. The board quickly filled with red and yellow tiles. They would both get close to winning without managing to actually seal the deal.
     Sun broke the silence first. "What's your favorite thing to do when you're not working?"
     Chester thought back, to a time before their life had gotten so complicated. "I really like to take little walks and just… look."
     "Look?" Sun tilted his head, faceplate rotating a few degrees.
     Chester nodded. "Yeah, I like to look at the world in general. Sometimes I'd take a walk in the woods and find a nice place to sit and just… look at the trees and plants moving in the breeze and watch birds and squirrels. I love looking at the stars, too. I don't know, there's just something nice about just. Existing in the world. Watching it quietly and appreciating it."
     "Hmm." Sun hummed thoughtfully. "That sounds very nice."
     They played until there were no moves left to make, the game ending in a draw. They tipped the slot tower and played another round. This time Chester won, though they got the sneaking suspicion that Sun had let them win. They played and talked and laughed together until it was time to wrap things up and prepare for the day.
     This time, when Chester left to sleep up in Sun's room and wished him good luck for the day, they felt a little sad to say goodbye. They felt silly for the thought, but they couldn't help it. They genuinely enjoyed Sun's company, and despite everything, it seemed the feeling was mutual.
     Chester curled up in their makeshift bed, drifting off with ease and sleeping just as easily.
     Chester's dizziness was slowly improving. The headaches they did get were manageable, and the haze clouding their brain was all but gone. Despite their improvements however, they still found themself spacing on certain things.
     I'm totally allowed to blame this on the concussion, Chester thought as they fled for their life down the halls of the plex. They'd spaced and forgotten to return their faz-phone to its charger after their shift. They'd been about to settle down for bed when they'd realized, and not wanting to sleep with the employee form in their pocket, had removed it before bed. Naturally, they'd forgotten to put it back in their pocket when they'd left to return the faz-phone. Which was why they were now being chased down dim neon drenched halls by a violent chicken robot.
     There was a way out of this, if Chester could just think. They were outpacing Chica by a small margin. She was lighter than most of the other animatronics, but she still had trouble turning corners at top speed. Chester couldn't keep running circles all night, though. They'd get tired. Chica would not.
     Chester thought back to a few nights ago, when they and Chica had caught each other both eating things they shouldn't be eating. Chica hadn't said a thing about their missing employee profile then. Of course, Chester's employee form had been on them, then.
     Chester found themself back in the food court. They dashed along the outer line of little restaurants, then made a sharp turn down the short staircase and into the main seating area, taking all five steps at once. They fumbled the landing, careening sideways and forwards. Their hands found a trashcan by the side of the stairs, toppling it in an attempt to regain their balance. This didn't work quite as well as they'd hoped, and they ended up sprawled across the tile, their side hitting the leg of a table.
     In a panic, they tried to quickly scramble back to their feet. They whacked the top of their head on the underside of the table, falling back on their ass with a cry. The pain was quickly overshadowed by fear, but…
     Chester looked up, eyes landing on Chica, who was not currently attempting to murder them. She seemed to have forgotten about Chester entirely, instead focusing on the toppled trashcan. She dropped to her knees and grabbed up in her fist a discarded, mostly eaten slice of pizza from the ground. She eagerly stuffed it in her beak, then feverishly dug through the trash, finding another slice.
     Apparently, the urge to eat garbage pizza was even stronger than Chica's urge to put an end to Chester's error causing existence. Chester only sat around contemplating this for a moment before booking it out of there. They passed a staff bot already rolling over to clean up the mess Chica was making- the familiar custodian bot with the blue cap- who stared intently at Chester as they hurried past.
     Chester made for the daycare, checking over their shoulder to be sure Chica hadn't lost interest in her garbage. They rounded the corner, putting Chica out of sight. They turned around just in time to catch a flash of green before they walked right into another animatronic.
     Monty stood before Chester, perhaps having come to investigate all the ruckus. Chester nearly swore aloud in frustration- they just couldn't catch a break.
     "Hey, little guy! Little- are you lost, lost? Runt, hey-" Monty started to stutter through voice lines. He took a heavy step forwards. "You… don't have… valid employee profile." Monty groaned. Several fans had kicked on and were whirring away, desperately trying to cool down something overheating in his head. "Runt… make this stop."
     Chester was exhausted. With Chica behind them and Monty in front of them, they tried to think. If certain things could snap them out of their error feedback induced rage, then perhaps there was another way out of this. Chester recalled everything they knew about the gator, which admittedly wasn't much. He was prideful, said 'rock-n-roll' a lot, and loved playing minigolf. That would have to be enough.
     "Montgomery, I challenge you to a game of minigolf!" Chester said quickly, speaking as well as signing to be sure Monty understood.
     Monty froze. Chester eyed his clawed hands, hovering uncomfortably close to them.
     "You're on, runt. No way you can beat me!" Monty said. His voice was edged with static. Rigidly, he turned and started to walk away.
     Chester stood still, hoping Monty would just walk off to gator golf and leave them be. No such luck.
     When they didn't follow, Monty turned back around. With a static-drenched growl, he snatched the back of their shirt and pulled them along with him. Chester struggled to keep on their feet as Monty practically carried them with him down the hall, past pirate's cove, and through the double doors to gator golf, whacking his tail on the doorframe as he passed.
     After stomping past bushy plastic foliage and past a swamp themed shack where people could make their minigolf experience purchases, Monty dropped Chester by one of the golf club dispensers. Chester recalled fixing this particular dispenser not too long ago. They winced when Monty ripped the top off the machine, easily tearing it off like the lid of a pringles can. He grabbed two clubs from inside. He held out the one with the blue handle to Chester, keeping the red handled club for himself.
     Chester took it. Monty grabbed some golf balls from inside the machine, then stalked down the faux dirt path to the first hole. He stared at Chester intently.
     It seemed their choices were to either play mini golf with Monty, or perish. Given the options at hand, Chester opted to play. They joined Monty and set their ball on the grass carpet. They squinted at the hole, laying in wait in the shadows between two hills. They tried not to think too hard about the absurdity of the situation, and hit the ball with their club. They actually managed to get it close to the hole. Chester realized that, actually, they shouldn't be trying to win. They needed to prolong this game for as long as possible, because as soon as it was over, Monty would be back in security mode.
     Monty made his move next. He hit the ball surprisingly lightly. It barely made it halfway down the little field.
     As the game went on, Monty would occasionally run a clearly pre-programmed line. These lines were all steeped in static, drawn out and slow as if Monty were struggling to get them out. Or perhaps, trying and failing to keep them in.
     Chester noticed that Monty was playing a lot differently than he had the first time they'd played, when the situation hadn't been quite as tense. There was no boasting or bravado, no light jabs at their skills. He was playing with extreme caution, taking his time to get his ball across little wooden bridges, through hollow logs topped with plastic frogs, around clusters of fake reeds.
     With a start, Chester realized Monty was doing the same thing they were doing- trying to prolong the game. They remembered how he'd sounded before they'd challenged him to the game, how he'd less stated that they didn't have an employee profile, and more warned them about it. He'd asked Chester to make it stop.
     Chester stared at Monty as he barely tapped his golf ball towards the hole, not a foot away. The ball rolled two inches closer at most.
     "Beat that, runt!" Monty hissed through the static. "You having fun yet?"
     Chester hoped that Monty wasn't still in any pain. They made their shot, purposefully overshooting.
     They were only a course away from the final hole when the lights turned on all at once. Monty dropped his club, shoulders sagging in relief. Six in the morning had come at last.
     "MAAAN. What a pain!" Monty groaned loudly. "You alright there, runt?"
     Chester nodded. They leaned against their golf club and returned the question. "Are you alright?"
     Monty waved a clawed hand in the air. "I'm fine. You need to figure out what to do about your employee file if you wanna keep working the night shift. I don't know if you realized but I was pretty close there to doing whatever it took to make the errors stop."
     Chester nodded. "I know. I have a paper copy of my profile form, I just didn't have it on me tonight."
     "Let me take a look at it soon as you get the chance. And show it to the others too," Monty said.
     "I will." Chester held a hand out to Monty. "Good game."
     Monty barked a laugh. "Are you kidding? That was the worst game I've ever played!"
     "Thanks for not killing me," Chester corrected.
     "Sure, kid." Monty shook Chester's hand. "Now get outa here before I change my mind."
     Chester smiled and nodded. They made their way out of gator golf, frowning as they passed the golf club dispenser and realizing they might have to be the one to fix it. They heaved a sigh as they left gator golf, trudging at last towards the daycare.
     Chester considered telling Lance and Rosa about the error feedback loop the bots would get stuck in. If they were careful about it, they might be able to explain the situation, and also warn them against assigning anyone else to the night shift without first having said employee show the bots a copy of their employee form, all without explaining how exactly Chester knew about the issue, and how they'd originally found out. If the bots could be distracted from this hellish overwhelming error loop by engaging certain other programs, that might be valuable information as well.
     They decided to come forward with the information. There wasn't anyone else working the night shift currently, but it likely wouldn't always be that way. Chester didn't want anyone to get hurt, and so they'd have to risk it.
     For now though, they desperately wanted to get to sleep. Once they'd taken Monty's advice and shown all the bots their employee profile form, they hoped they'd be sleeping a little easier. With murderous animatronics scratched off their list of things to worry about, Chester dared to hope that things would even start looking up for them.
0 notes
pastelracha · 3 years
..I’m sorry
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☾ Title : ..I'm sorry
☾ Pairing: Lee Felix x reader
☾ Genre: angst, established relationship, fluff at the end.
☾ Prompt: request : Can I request angst,fluff with FelixY/n (female!reader) is in a huge mental breakdown and Felix comes back from practice super horny, she decides to tell him how bad she feels and while she’s crying (cuddling in the bed with him) Felix finds her very cute/hot He asks her if they can make out, Y/n is disappointed, sad she yells at him and decides to sleep in the guest roomThe next day Felix apology Lol I hope it makes sense 😭😭
☾ A/N: it’s not really long, I loved writing it, and most of my requests are Felix (I see y’all loving this sunshine way too much lol) but I really love you enjoy it xox
read proof is off.
☾ Word Count: 0.840K
masterlist | ask or request
Today just been the worst to you, losing some contracts at work, co workers being too extra, no lunch break, your boss being a huge asshole, and your anxiety just been eating you alive all day. 
The only thing you needed right now, was a enormous glass wine, a bath and a few episodes of The Good Place. 
And maybe hugs with your other half, Felix. 
‘Gonna be home in a few minutes love xo’ read the text on your phone, he was on his way home, and you’ll finally have your cuddles and comfort, you could already feel his hands running in your hair, kisses on your forehead and hiding under a duvet. 
Your glass of alcohol sitting on your beside table, and a few candles in the room, you were waiting for Felix in your pjs. “I’m home babe’’ 
“In the bedroom Lix, I really need cuddles right now’’ you said, waiting for him to enter the room, looking like the perfect cuddle partner right now, an oversized black shirt and a grey sweat on, the coziest outfit for hugs on bed. 
He pecked your lips multiple times and caressed your thigh. “Babe I waited all day to see your beautiful face’’ 
Pecking your forehead before taking place next to you, in the bed. “Wine ?’’ He asked worried. 
“I just had the worst day, like today hates me I swear. I lost many contracts, my boss yelled at me ad everyone, my co workers are just plain assholes, look at my Gucci bag, my nails costed me like 50 bucks and all that shit .. I didn’t have a lunch break, and forgot my lunch bag here ..’’ Your rant went for almost 10 minutes, Felix nodded at you, you were just exhausted with today, only wanted to sleep it away, and have your weekend break, here at home, with him and no one else. 
He was listening to you still caressing your thigh, finding you beautiful even in your worst state, a few kisses were maybe what you needed, he felt selfish at this moment, but he has been horny all day thinking about you, your body and curves underneath his body, your small sounds and his lips tracing your body over and over. 
His lips kissing your cheek, before going to your throat, his hands on the small of your back. 
“Babe i know something to make you feel better’’ he said kissing your pulse. “I’ll make you forget today’’ 
You stopped talking, pushing Felix a bit looking at him. “Are you serious ? You’re selfish really, you want to have sex right now ? Felix the only thing I want right now is sleep, I can’t even stand you, or look at you ! You’re legit hard when I’m on the verge of tears cause today was shit on so many levels .. I just wanted some cuddles and comfort from you ..’’ 
“Y/N, babe’’ you took your phone, not watching at your boyfriend, going to your guest room to sleep .. away from Felix, tears running on your face, you couldn’t believe it almost disgusted with what happened back to your room. 
Laying alone in this big cold bed, felt so wrong. Felix’s smell wasn’t on the pillow next to yours, mixing your own smell .. it was just smelling like vanilla and cherry blossom. You didn’t sleep for one bit, looking at the clock every or so hours. You wanted to go back to your own room, sleeping in your boyfriend’s arms, bathing in his smell. Sleeping alone here was a pure torture, even under the duvet you felt cold, and empty here. 
You heard the coffee machine, at 7a.m why was Felix up this early ? On a Saturday ? 
On your way to the kitchen you tried to not make any sounds, still worried at the way Felix was feeling. 
You both looked the same, huge purple bags under your eyes, looking even more tired than yesterday, hair stick in every directions, and red noses .. 
He looked at you, a cup of coffee in his hand not knowing what to say. 
“Mhm .. Y/N look .. I’m sorry’’ 
You looked at him, playing with your fingers. “I’m sorry I acted like an asshole last night, trying to have sex with you when you had the worst day of your life’’ 
You nodded. “I couldn’t think about anything else last night, all day I thought about you and I got horny, but I knew it wasn’t the right moment and yet I tried .. and I’m really sorry about that, I don’t deserve you babe, I really don’t after what I did.’’ 
He gave you a cup filled of coffee. “Thanks Lix, I’m sorry too .. cause I didn’t listen to you and I’m sorry’’ 
“Don’t be babe, it’s just my hormones fault not yours, I love you and I shouldn’t have been here for you last night’’ 
He wrapped his arms around your waist, putting his head on your shoulder. “I love you too Lix’’ you said running your hands on his back. 
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stxleslyds · 3 years
As much as people love the whole batfamily fanon thing I just can't forget how if we're talking about canon a lot of its members don't really care/interact or talk to each other.
Cass wouldn't like Jason cause of her views on killing
Dick hasn't really shown much investment in Cass
DC writers forget that Cass and Steph are characters, I've got no problem with fanon but honestly it ain't gonna work out lol
Hello there Anon!
I think that the Bat Fandom is (loosely) divided in two groups, the ones that know and are aware that fanon only works in fandom and the ones that strongly believe that their version of batfamily is better and can easily replace the “batfamily” dynamic in comics.
Like sure, fandom’s version of batfamily is cute and fluffy but I don’t think for a second that it is better written or a good replacement for the mess that we have in canon.
One of my biggest pet peeves is when people say that fandom’s version of these bat-related characters are better written. Like, I am sorry but no. These are all the same character template with one distinctive characteristic that is exaggerated enormously. It is a good thing to have as a fanon thing to enjoy and make headcanons about but we cannot lie to ourselves either, fanon characterizations are also bland but like in the opposite direction of canon.
I absolutely agree about Cass and Jason. Cass would not like Jason at all and I don’t think that she would be willing to work with him. In Jason’s case, I think that he wouldn’t care about Cass’s existence but it would piss him off that there is someone so much like Bruce in terms of the “no killing rule”.
About Dick and Cass, well, things are more complicated there. Dick used to have a solid relationship back in the day, before the New 52, and like many things when it comes to Dick, it was taken away and completely erased. Dick’s only interactions with Cass happened in Batman & Robin Eternal, which was a complete reboot of her character introduction and then a few Nightwing issues ago she appeared in the “batfamily” chat after Dick gave his charity speech. So, yeah, Dick isn’t present in Cass’s life but that just a new DC take, he used to have a nice relationship with her before. She even had a wonderful relationship with Tim that now doesn’t exist but at least she gets along well enough with Duke.
“DC writers forget that Cass and Steph are characters, I've got no problem with fanon but honestly it ain't gonna work out lol”
Oh yeah, this is where the big problem is at, and if I may I will rant about this a little bit because Cass and Steph being side-lined or forgotten has to do with the fact that DC wants Barbara Gordon to be their forever Batgirl.
Cass and Steph had a very nice place in the “batfamily” back in the day, they were solid characters that had lots of fans and they actually developed into being Batgirls with the help of Barbara as Oracle (as well as Dick and Tim). Back in those days the batfamily made sense and felt closer, they were less people in the family and DC actually spent time developing these dynamics and relationships.
Those characters also had other relationships and dynamics outside of Bruce/Batman. The most important one was Barbara’s relationship with the Birds of Prey, she had moved forward in her real and vigilante life. She was an adult woman who used a wheelchair and had grown out of the mantle of BatGIRL, she had a team of women by her side and she had decided to train to girls to take over Batgirl.
It was perfect, and it worked. But one day DC decided that Barbara should be younger and able-bodied. And because they did that, they made her Batgirl again (a massive downgrade), by giving her Batgirl back they did two other things, they made Cass and Steph’s existence a complicated thing AND they slowly erased the true concept of the Birds of Prey.
So, we were left with a Barbara Gordon that was aged down to Dick’s age, so DC could profit even more from the ship wars and they trapped adult and disabled Babs inside a teenager version of her that had completely devolved.
Batgirl Barbara is an absolute for DC, they love to pretend that she was the original Batgirl and that she has been the only one to wear the mantle. They also love to make her able-bodied because DC has always been ableist.
The only reasons why DC teases Cass and Steph in Batgirl costumes like they did in Future State is because they know it hypes people up and it sells books.
Right now, we are having a completely unnecessary event where Barbra is Batgirl AND Oracle and she fighting an evil version of Oracle. Yeah, because that’s another thing DC loves to do, villainizing Oracle, so people grow more distant to that Barbara characterization.
And the fact that Barbara is nowadays both Batgirl and Oracle (and able-bodied) is a huge insult to Cass and Steph’s characters who need to be brought up again into the spotlight because we are lacking solid female characters in the beloved “batfamily”, Barbara isn’t only horribly characterized but she had her own book taken away, so now she is the annoyingly ever present character that appears in Nightwing because DC loves to cater their books to shippers that don’t see characters beyond the relationships that they like.
Well, I really got carried away there but yeah, fanon’s batfamily will never work in canon and it only works in fanon in a superficial way because their versions of these characters are completely different from the characters as we actually know them.
As a Jason person I can honestly say that fanon Jason is nowhere near as interesting as canon Jason, and fanon Jason is as bland and dumb as Lobdell’s Jason and I will die on that hill.
Anyway Anon, thank you for sending me your ask and I hope you have an amazing day!
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bookofmirth · 3 years
Hi! Before starting this, I hope you're safe and are having a good day!
So, I came across a post on IG where the person twisted almost every interaction with Gwyn we had in ACOSF and said with such enormous conviction that she's secretly a Lightsinger when all the evidences they provided were just...fanon. I commented on their post claiming that she can't be that because the Lightsinger theory goes against every canon info we have about her character and it's disgusting to twist a strong SA survivor into those creatures.
Here's the important part. An Elriel replied that I should stop weaponizing Gwyn's SA. I swear my mind went blank for a few minutes. Was it really weaponizing Gwyn's SA trauma when I called out their fanon theory that they were passing as canon? I'm genuinely curious about it though because Gwyn's trauma is a delicate subject and the Elriels are the ones who keep invalidating it.
Furthermore, the Elriel also said that if I want people to take my argument seriously, I should provide textual evidence why Gwyn can't be a Lightsinger.
Honestly, did we read the same book? Literally nothing in the book suggests that Gwyn is a Lightsinger. It's only the Elriels who keep screaming it at the top of their lungs.
I sometimes wonder if all Elriels are this stupid or if they have the comprehension skills of a potato. After this, how can they expect anyone to take them and their ship seriously?
I still don't understand why they're so hellbent on making Gwyn a Lightsinger while also claiming that they don't think she's evil lol.
But anyway, sorry for the long rant. I'm simply a big fan of your blog and all the arguments you present.
Thank you for bearing with me!
OMFG this kind of logic is driving me crazy.
"Prove I'm wrong" well you just pulled something out of your ass and I don't handle bullshit directly since I'm allergic, so...
So first off, not wanting a SA survivor to be vilified and compared to a rapist is not "weaponizing" her SA. You aren't saying that she can't be a lightsinger because of her SA, you are saying that making an SA survivor into a villain makes you uncomfy, and that is completely valid. You said she couldn't be a lightsinger because of canon. That's very different.
I've noticed a lot of people throwing around words they don't understand, which on the one hand, okay. That's fine, we don't know all the words, we haven't learned all the concepts, we learn things intentionally or incidentally or whatever.
But people using these words in arguments, to make other people feel ashamed, is just 🤪 Words have meaning, concepts have meaning and context that you can't always get from a dictionary (hence why I tell my students to look beyond dictionaries and go to more discipline-specific sources, but anyway), and those meanings are important.
Literally nothing in the book suggests that Gwyn is a Lightsinger.
Literally nothing!
LIterally nothing
LITerally NOThing!!!!
I sometimes wonder if all Elriels are this stupid or if they have the comprehension skills of a potato. After this, how can they expect anyone to take them and their ship seriously?
I don't want to speculate about anyone's intelligence because like I said before, people don't always know things. I can't expect people to have had the same access to education that I did. But it does get frustrating when people dig in their heels and not only misuse these words and concepts, but refuse to improve their knowledge of them.
It's the last gasp of a dying subfandom. They're just making a mess on their way out the door.
Sorry for responding to this late, I have had a lot of grading! As usual!
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
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— Kirishima answers a phone call that wasn’t intended for him, and of course he can’t help but be interested in the beautiful voice and soul that angrily began to rant about their day. —
pairing: kirishima eijirou x fem!reader
warnings: fluff, lil angst (lol sorry), cursing
word count: 7,786
a/n: this was a stupid thought that slammed into my mind, and here it is!!!! now I have a calc midterm tomorrow that I did not look at because why think about double derivatives and integrals when I can think about kirishima????
It was eleven at night when Kirishima strolled out of his bathroom, ready to go to bed. After a rather long day, he was looking forward to sleeping and not having to wake up at the crack of dawn. Tomorrow for the very first day in a very long time, he wouldn’t have to work at the local coffee shop he was hired at. It was a job he had acquired with his good friends on the promise of it being a manageable job on top of his college work, and of course, the pretty girls who would go in.
From what Kirishima had gathered from the four months working there was that there were a lot of pretty girls who entered the coffee shop — most of which were focused on the angry ash-blond friend of his — and that it was so unnecessarily stressful. 
Some days he was up at four in the morning to open at six for the morning regulars, then he’d go to his afternoon classes, only to return for a two-hour shift in the middle of rush hour, and would leave while trying to keep the peace between a certain ash-blond and two new hires. To say the least, it was hell on Earth at times. 
Regardless, he didn’t have to open tomorrow morning, so he was content! On top of not having classes tomorrow, Kirishima was excited to sleep in.
Falling on his bed with a massive sigh, Kirishima snuggled his face into his pillow, rejoicing in the way that the laundry detergent still clung to the fabric and relaxed.
Sleep sounded so—
Kirishima’s eyes slammed open, his head snapping to see his illuminating phone on his nightstand. He had no idea who the hell was calling this late. There was no way it was Bakugou; he was asleep already at this point. Sero had broken his phone two days ago during a failed stunt and wouldn’t be able to get a new phone until the weekend. Kaminari only called him when there was a bug in his apartment, but he was currently closing… maybe it was Mina? Kirishima shook his head, no, he hadn’t spoken to Mina in ages.
Grabbing the phone, he didn’t bother to look at the caller ID and answered.
“Oh my god, I am fucking raging! You can’t believe what kind of fuckery I just went through tonight!” a voice shouted into the receiver, and Kirishima flinched a bit at the loud and angry voice. “So you know how I wasn’t supposed to work today, right? Because my coworker had sex with her ex-boyfriend like an idiot, and I owed her for covering my shift three months ago, but anyways irrelevant. I’m taking the order of this one group of adults. That’s right, A-D-U-L-T-S, adults! They are completely staring at my tits the entire time, and not my face. At first, I thought maybe you know, I had spilled something on my tits earlier, no. No! NOTHING! So I call them out on it, and they say something along the lines of ‘you could be a camgirl with that body, but like not in a sex sort of way’ I’m sorry, WHAT?! Like yes, continue sexually harassing your server who is a college student and therefore has no will to live, so will gladly beat your Gucci belt wearing ass into a bloody pulp! What they gonna do? Sue me? I have one dollar to my name, fucking take it, I don’t care, I’ll find another dollar in the sewer after I beat their asses up!
“But you know, I’m saying all this in my head because I’m broke and can’t afford to be fired from this place because the tips are hella good here. But they continue saying dumb shit, and then the obvious ringleader — I know he was the ring leader because his beard looks like it was the first picture printed on a new ink cartridge and his manspread was ten times wider than all of theirs — have the fucking audacity to slip his number while only tipping TEN DOLLARS ON A TWO HUNDRED DOLLAR TAB!!!!” Kirishima doesn’t know what to say, his jaw on his mattress, breathing having stopped while your voice wheezes from your lack of air. He makes a croaking noise, wanting to speak up and apologize for what had happened and for not being the person you thought it was, but it seemed that you weren’t over. “AND DON’T GET ME STARTED ON THAT FUCKING KAREN!!! ‘I didn’t like the way you looked at me so I won’t be tipping you tonight!’ yeah, well maybe if you didn’t order enough FOOD TO FEED AN ARMY AND KEPT SENDING IT BACK I WOULDN’T BE LOOKING AT YOU LIKE THAT!!!”
There was a pause, and Kirishima, while feeling entirely sorry for you, finally spoke, “Fuck, that sounds... horrible.”
“Damn right, it was horri— wait, who the fuck is this?” your voice squeaked, and Kirishima almost started to laugh at the difference in the tone your voice took. Once so loud, angry, and entirely ‘fuck the world,’ had changed into a meek and embarrassed voice.
“Um, this is Kirishima. Kirishima Eijiriou?”
“This isn’t Hagakure?” you moaned into the phone. “03-9082-2395? That isn’t this number?”
“2-2-9-5,” Kirishima repeated his own number back, a small smile overcame his features knowing that you had accidentally misdialed a number.
“Fuck my fat fingers,” you cursed, and Kirishima chuckled lightly at the mutterings that were poorly picked up. “Well, um, I am so sorry for calling you and dumping that unnecessary bullshit on you—”
“No, no,” Kirishima interrupted, rolling onto his back, staring up at the dimly lit ceiling. “It’s totally okay! You seem less stressed out now too, and it really isn’t a big deal!”
“You are very kind, Kirishima Eijirou,” you laugh, and Kirishima can’t help but imagine a figure curled up on a couch.
“Thank you!” he beamed, a hand threading through his hair, “um, but what happened with the Karen? And why were you typing in your friend’s phone number?”
“Do you really want to know?” you ask after a fit of bubbling laughter; it seemed that you were not at all convinced.
“I work at a coffee shop for one, so I totally understand the Karen situations! Secondly, all my contacts are on my phone, I don’t have a single one of them memorized!”
“Okay, okay, okay, I do not have this number memorized! Hagakure is my roommate, and she has a new number that she left posted on our fridge and because Mr. Sprinkles left in the middle of my rant, I called her to finish it!” you explain in what Kirishima could only consider being childlike glee. “And a coffee shop? Oof, Kirishima, you might have it just as bad as I do then.”
“Ever had a boiling cup of coffee thrown back at your face?”
“Shut. Up.”
“I wish I was joking!”
“The nastiest thing I’ve ever been put through is a highschool couple breaking up in the middle of the restaurant, and a bowl of cold soup and milkshake were thrown at me! And I had to work for another five hours!”
“That… that beat mine by a long shot…”
“Okay, but like, it was cold. If you hadn’t dodged, you’d be dead!”
As time passed Kirishima soon found himself sitting up on his bed, his back pressed against the headboard, a lamp on so that he wasn’t in the dark while he talked to you. Somehow conversation flowed so perfectly between the two of you, so smoothly, so naturally. You had extremely compelling energy and a pretty bright one at that as well. Your stories were exceedingly extravagant, most derailing into hundreds of side stories before making its way back to the main point, but he didn’t mind. Though there was no proof, he imagined that your arms were swinging around while you talked, a bright smile on your face, and lights shining in your eyes.
“So anyway, I had to beg my professor to let me remake this exam because, for some reason, my brain would not switch back to Japanese. I almost cried because I was only speaking in English, and I think because I am an amazing person, my professor let me do that!” you laughed after explaining an issue with being fluent in a third language. 
“My English skills deteriorated after leaving high school, I’m rather jealous you can speak three languages,” Kirishima admitted, his head falling back onto the cold wall. “My Japanese professors probably think my Japanese sucks too.”
“Just because I am amazing and can speak three languages doesn’t mean I’m perfect at it,” you laugh, obviously trying to make him feel better about himself.
“Mm, I don’t know, you’re painting yourself as a pretty perfect person,” Kirishima sighed. “Or you have an enormous ego…”
A loud scoff came from your end of the phone, and Kirishima waited for your verbal retaliation but was met with a moment of silence.
“Oh! Welcome home!” you called out, and Kirishima quickly put together that your roommate Hagakure was home. “Yeah, no, I’m talking to someone right now! ...who? Oh, um, a friend! ...no, I tried to call you when I got home but misdialed your number and got him instead! NO! You’re not going to get a pic of him! Wait, it’s what time?!”
Kirishima’s eyes fell over to his alarm clock and saw in the dim red light that it was 04:57. 
His jaw dropped.
“Well, um, Kirishima, it seems that our call is going to end,” you whisper into the phone, and Kirishima lets out a breathless chuckle, sudden sleepiness creeping into him. “It was pretty fun chatting with you stranger, thanks for putting up with that ranting in the beginning! Most normal people wouldn’t have picked up or let me rant like that!”
“It’s no problem,” Kirishima smiled softly, his fingers stretching out to turn off the light. He licked his lips, five hours on a phone call with an absolute stranger, and he didn’t have your name, and better yet, a part of him wanted to ask if it was okay to be friends. You were magnetic to him, and he wanted to know more about you, even if this was this weird modern and accidental penpal thing. “I didn’t have anything to do today, and you were fun talking to!”
“Aww, thank you!”
Ask, he thought, his teeth biting down onto his bottom lip. Ask!
“Um, I know this is weird and all, but do you think I can keep your number?” you ask, your voice almost timid and meek.
Kirishima’s heart rate spikes at those words, he very much wanted that, but his mouth had a mind of its own it seemed. “Why?”
“Wha— well, I just had a lot of fun talking with you! It was fun, and I don’t know, you seem like a pretty chill guy!”
His fingers gripped his phone, a warmth spreading through him when he relaxed under his sheets. “On one condition.”
“Oof, if you’re going to ask to decide between Crimson Riot or All Might you’re going to be—”
“No, no,” Kirishima lets out a snort, his shoulders rolling while he imagines the curious look coming over your face. “I would like to know your name?”
“My name? Why would you want— HOLY SHIT! I never gave you—” there was a loud noise on your end of the call, and Kirishima heard you apologize profusely before returning in a hushed whisper. “Sorry! Sorry! I didn’t give you my name?!”
“No,” he laughed loudly, one that was pushed from his belly, spreading warmth through his body. “You never did, but I did learn every name of every person you’ve ever talked with!”
“God,” you groan, a small whine emitted from you. “I’m an idiot, I’m so sorry! Y/l/n y/n at your service!”
Y/l/n y/n, that’s a pretty name, he thought while imagining just what you could look like. 
“Well, goodnight y/l/n, I’ll save your number, and we’ll see if you still would like to be friends when you wake up?”
There was a small noise of agreement, “I’m like a drug, Kirishima, you’ll be back for more.”
“Okay, okay, goodnight…”
“Goodnight, sweet dreams!”
“Sweet dreams.”
Kirishima listened to the line ending, and he pulled his phone away from his ear and no sooner did he do that, a text came in at what he believed to be your number:
don’t let the bed bugs bite! 🕷😱‼️
He snorted and replied back before eventually letting sleep consume him.
“You’ll never believe what just happened!” you squealed into the phone, and Kirishima laughed while wiping his sweaty face with a white towel. You had called thirty minutes earlier than usual and had caught him leaving the gym.
It had been a bit over two months since your misdial, and things with you had been going pretty well for strangers. The two of you didn’t talk every day, most weeks going by with just a single call, but they were always delightful talks. You worked most nights, and he most mornings, the two of you discovered. So most calls took place the night he didn’t have to work the following morning. 
“You got a customer who complained that there was too much salt in their meal that had no salt in it?” he asked, pulling a random story of something that had happened at his own coffee shop today. You let out an amused snort, a clear indicator that he was wrong, but found his guess to be amusing at the very least.
“No, but oddly enough, someone did ask for an insane amount of salt on their food and hated it!” you sang, clearly happy with how you found their distress to be funny.
“Close enough!” Kirishima laughed, but he was straight out of guesses, so he stopped. “So, what happened?”
“I tried coffee for the first time ever today!” you squealed loudly, and Kirishima cheered happily.
Through these two months, there were some hard facts that Kirishima had learned about you. One, you were living in the same city as him. Two, you worked at a semi-classy restaurant. Three, you had two roommates named Hagakure and Jirou. Four, you were twenty, just like him. And five, you were a child who only drank hot chocolate and tea because you were afraid of coffee.
“Caffeine is a drug you know,” you had snarkily teased him one night when he said he was going to make a cup of coffee. “Nice to know I’m friends with an addict!”
“If drugs were as amazing as coffee, I’d be an addict!”
“You know…” your voice whispered, your voice suddenly taking a guilty approach. “I’ve never actually tried coffee…”
“Wow, look at you, becoming an old woman in front of my own eyes!” Kirishima chuckled, starting his walk back home. 
His fingers pushed the headphones to be more secure over his ears, hopeful that there it wouldn’t pick up too heavily on the wind of the outside world. 
“To be honest, it wasn’t that good, your taste buds are just tarnished from drinking that bitter crap all day!” you huff and he half imagined you turning your nose up.
“Okay, okay,” Kirishima laughed, a warmth flooding in his chest at the sounds of your muffled laughter. A visible indicator that you were also amused at this. “I hated coffee until I started working at a coffee shop, and that was because I needed to know my shit.”
“Wow, you only got that job while not being a coffee addict?” you tease. “Seems like a fake barista to me.”
“It’s pretty hard to believe, I know,” Kirishima stated his tone one of fake melancholy. “I’m so sorry for deceiving you, and honestly, I am a shit barista.”
“Aww, don’t say that!” you exclaim, and it seems like you’re ready to fight him. “I bet you put all those fancy TikTok baristas to shame!”
“TikTok?” he laughed, his pace speeding up just a bit so he would get home faster. “Wow, I am honored you think that!”
The light conversation continued, nothing too deep or too intense, just chatter about today's shifts and classes. Eventually, Kirishima made it back into his apartment complex, and stumbled into his room, collapsing onto his bed. 
“Can I ask something?” you ask suddenly, and Kirishima lets out a small hum.
“Yeah, of course, what’s up?”
“What do you look like?” you asked softly as if you were curled up in bed, seconds from letting sleep consume you. “I haven’t come up with a mental image that I like, and well, I want some hints.”
“I can just send you a picture of me,” Kirishima smiles, his eyes closing. “It would be much easier than me trying to explain to you what I look like.”
“No!” you disagree, and there's a long sigh from your end of the phone. “I’m not ready for that kind of information yet, Kiri. I just… I can’t accept a pic of you without sending one back, and I’m not mentally ready for that yet…”
“Don’t tell me the big fat Gucci bougie you is shy?!” Kirishima exclaimed, humor drowning his words as he referenced you to something you had called yourself one drunken night weeks ago.
“Not shy!” you bemoan, your voice muffling out at the end of it. “I’m more scared you’ll find me ugly and ghost me…”
“I don’t think that’s possible,” Kirishima interjected, his voice stable and confident.
“Which part?”
“Both parts.”
“How do you know that? You don’t know what I look like…”
“...call it… Kirishima’s intuition,” Kirishima slowly stated, his eyebrows furrowing. “I find your voice and your personality to be attractive on their own, so I would never ghost you. And of course, appearance isn’t anything; plus, there’s no way you’re not gorgeous.”
He says these words with honest truth, and a part of him fears he overstepped and made you wildly uncomfortable with the amount of silence that is heard from your end of the line. But finally, as Kirishima is ready to apologize to you, a soft exhale is heard.
“You’re a dork,” you whisper, and a soft grin spreads on his own face. “Anyways, I’ll ask questions, you answer them first, and then I’ll do the same.”
“Sounds good!”
“Hair color?”
“Black, but I dye it red.”
“Mm, edgy teenager, I like it, and also knew that because you complained about your stained sheets! Eye color?”
“Oh, am I sensing a theme? How tall are you?”
“I’m… a bit over six feet?”
The list went on, most questions becoming more of a joke than anything else, but he was glad that you were asking these things because now he had an insight on how you looked too. You had told him your eye color, your hair color, how tall you were, and a whole bunch of trivial things he would have never thought to ask about to begin with.
“Okay, last question!” you cheered, happy to have finally included Kirishima into your inside joke that revolved around your eyebrows. “Do you have any distinguishing features?”
“Well, I don’t actually...” Kirishima admitted, his fingers brushing against the scar on his eye, and then it hit him. That was one! “Oh, wait—” CRASH. A loud crashing noise emitted from your side of the call.
“Shit, hold on!” you curse and Kirishima can only remain silent while he hears you yelling in the background, it was too far away for him to quite understand, but it was enough to know that it didn’t sound okay. 
Kirishima sat on his side of the call, the phone pressed to his ear while he tried to strip his gross and sweaty shirt from his body. His teeth bit into his lip, his canine pressing into the permanent indent of his lip, an indicator of how anxious he used to be. 
“Fuck, Kiri?” your voice suddenly snapped back onto the call, your tone frantic and quick.
“Everything okay?”
“No, Hagakure showed up drunker than… a drunken drunk, I don’t know expressions, ANYWAYS I know tonight is our unofficial official call night, but anyway I can get a rain check?”
There was guilt that swallowed your voice, a pang of guilt that made Kirishima warm a bit because it showed that you valued these calls, just like him. 
“Of course, I don’t have class or work Friday morning this time around, so Thursday night?”
“That works perfectly,” you sigh, gratitude. “I owe you, text you later if you don’t fall asleep! Goodnight, sweet dreams, love ya!”
Kirishima couldn’t repeat the whole statement before you hastily hung up, but he couldn’t keep the smile off his face the entire time he showered. The shower didn’t take too long, and by the time he emerged from the shower, towel around his neck and his waist, he had a text message. 
sero - hey bro!!! i can’t pick up my morning shift tomorrow i know you have tonight to speak w y/n but todoroki and bakugou can’t cover it!
Kirishima sighed, he definitely didn’t have anything tomorrow anyways, he could manage with going in for an extra shift to help a friend.
kirishima - yeah sure what time?
sero - youre a life saver T-T im covering 8 am - 3 pm!!!
Kirishima sent a simple affirmative emoji before finishing up his nightly routine. 
Kirishima looked at his apron while he was assembling himself in the backroom. The aroma of roasted coffee beans and pastries was almost pungent in the back, and he was eager to get out of there. As per employee regulations, he was to wear a black apron, a name tag, and something to hold his hair because it was a bit too long, for that, he wore a white bandana around his forehead.
“Wait, where’s my name tag?” Kirishima called out, his eyebrows furrowing when he turned out to Kaminari, who was currently in the back with him.
The blond froze and scratched the back of his neck, laughing awkwardly, “About that…”
So Kirishima was in the front of the store with a shiny silver name tag that read Hanta Sero. Because Kaminari was the best barista they had on hand currently, he was busy teaching Midoriya — their newest hire — around the bar. For now, Todoroki was nowhere to be found, and Kirishima was handling the cash register. 
Today was a slow morning, most people had their day off today, so morning coffee rush wasn’t in existence. Sure, there were a few outliers, but it was never chaotic. 
The gentle bell of the front door rang, and Kirishima automatically called out.
You had walked into the store, your eyebrows furrowed while you prayed that this was the coffee shop your roommates had been raving about. You’d never been here before, but it was the closest coffee shop available that wasn’t something generic and basic like Starbucks. You looked up from your phone at the voice, a thank you automatically being repeated while you neared the register.
You froze when you saw the red hair and the red eyes of the handsome man at the register. A careless thought entered your mind, Kirishima said he had red hair and red eyes… but he said he didn’t work today… 
A kind smile sat on his face, his eyes taking you in, waiting for you to approach him. 
This couldn’t be him, right?
The last time you had assumed a redhead working in a coffee shop was Kirishima, it had ended embarrassingly. 
“Um, hi,” you drawled out, your eyes reading the board to figure out your own order. 
Kirishima couldn’t keep his eyes off of you, you were exactly what you had described to him, but he wouldn’t ask until he was sure. He would ask you for your name after collecting your order for either tea or hot chocolate, and if it was you, he’d reveal that he was Kirishima. But he didn’t want to be wrong; he didn’t want to pin any other person as you, after all.
“I’ve never been here before,” you confess, your hand rubbing the back of your head. You were transfixed on the caramel macchiato that was spelled in the prettiest font, though, plus Hagakure promised all their coffee was good. 
“Oh, well, welcome! If you need any recommendations or have anything else to order, I can put those through while you look?”
His smile was kind, and you felt blood rush to your face, something you desperately tried to fight off by thinking of anything you didn’t like. 
“Oh! I do have two orders, though! There’s going to be one chai tea latte with three pumps of vanilla, and a lavender tea with a splash of oat milk.”
Kirishima nodded his head, “Will this be for here, or to go?”
His voice sounds so similar to Kirishima, you hoped, studying his face. While you answered that it was to go, you saw a distinctive scar on his right eye. Kirishima had said he didn’t have any distinguishing features… 
“What are your favorites here?” you ask, your eyebrows scrunched in confusion, your thoughts very evident in your face.
Kirishima couldn’t help but find hope bubbling up in his chest, there was always the possibility that you two lived in the same city-based off the same area code, and with what seemed like an incomplete knowledge in coffee, maybe…
Kirishima rambled off about the different seasonal drinks right now, his recommendations leaning towards the teas and non-coffee things primarily after his general and basic list. You seemed to take every word out of his lip like gospel, agreeing and nodding when appropriate, and his lips stretched into a grin when you bluntly exclaimed your ill knowledge of this all.
“To be honest, I only step into coffee shops to take a cute pic and then leave,” you laugh, pressing your hands against your lips and screaming a bit in your throat. 
Kirishima laughed, more confidence blooming through his body over the hope that this was you. It had to be you.
Your eyes then found the nametag on his apron, and like a sinking ship, you read Sero.
Not Kirishima.
“And for you?”
“I’ll have the caramel macchiato,” you decide, a grateful smile on your face while he looks down and writes the orders.
“A name?”
“Penny,” came your automatic response.
You never used your real name in coffee shops.
Kirishima suppressed the way that his mouth wanted to drop into a sad smile, and like two rejected teenagers, the money was exchanged. Before Kirishima could attempt to calm his disappointed soul, you walked out of the shop with the coffees and tea in hand.
“What was that about?” Kaminari asked, his eyes wide. “There was so much flirting and then poof, gone from both sides. Come on, dude, it’s my job to fail at flirting, not yours!”
Kirishima laughed, ignoring the way that his three friends looked at him with concern and curiosity. “Nothing, I just… the customer looked like how y/n described herself to be…”
“Oh… sorry, bro.”
“Nah, it’s all good,” Kirishima waved it off, and without so much as another slap on the back, he went back to work.
“What the hell are you doing?”
Kirishima looked up from his phone, his fingers mid-type pausing only for a millisecond before continuing to text blindly. 
“Oh, hey, Bakubro, what’s up?” he cheerfully spoke, ignorant to the controller in the ash blond’s hand. 
“It’s your turn, shitty hair, pay fucking attention!” Bakugou barked, tossing the plastic controller into his chest. Kirishima grunted, the feeling of the plastic slamming against his chest was less than ideal, but the smile on his face didn’t waiver while he offered his best friend the controller back.
“It’s all good, you can have another turn, I can handle being out this round!”
“Kiri, that’s six rounds in a row,” Kaminari spoke up, his face in a teasing smirk.
It was then that Kirishima’s face turned approximately the same color as his hair. “I didn’t—”
“Awww, Eijirou has a little crush on y/n!!!” Kaminari sang, resulting in agreeing with noises from Sero and Midoriya. Only Bakugou and Todoroki remained silent. 
Kirishima only laughed, he knew he couldn’t deny that fact, but he wouldn’t say it aloud — especially because Bakugou seemed to hate you. It had been now four months since the two of you had ‘meet,’ and while he still had no face to imagine you with, things had taken a slightly flirty route between the two of you.
Calls were much more frequent, nearly all nights the two of you would speak, even if it was just a measly summary of the day and a ‘sweet dreams’ and a ‘goodnight’ and an ‘I love you.’ It always happened nowadays.
Tonight was an exception, of course, because he was out with his friends, and apparently, you were doing the same. 
“You can’t be fucking serious?” Bakugou spat, a laugh spluttering from his lips, but it was cold and held no humor. “You caught feelings for a person who’s too much of a fucking coward to reveal a picture of themselves?”
“That’s not fair; besides, it's not about physical appearance!” Kirishima waved him off, pressing send to his text message.
have fun tonight! text me when u get back home if ur able to!
“Just how naive can you be?” Bakugou sneered, his hand taking the phone from Kirishima's side. “Six months of talking every week, texting every day, and this y/n still hasn’t trusted you with a single picture of them? I know you said that she told you how she looked, and all that shit, but let's be real, it’s so easy to lie about how you look like when you don’t have to provide a picture. What y/n say? Big tits? Big ass? Small waist? What about her did she say that made you so fucking insane over her?”
“N-Nothing! We didn’t talk about our body types!” Kirishima’s eyes widened significantly, the once comfortable atmosphere of the room wholly gone while Bakugou’s vermillion eyes seethed silently. “None of that matters! I told you the truth! I like y/n because of her personality, she’s manly, and I like that a lot! It’s not about her appearance, how pessimistic can you get, bro! I promise you, she’s trustworthy!”
“Is she really?”
“How can you be in love with someone who you trust entirely, but doesn’t trust you at all? You said that y/n won’t show you a picture of herself because she’s scared you won’t like her? How is that trusting you? How is that fucking fair? To me, that sounds like some fucked up catfishing thing.”
“We talk on the phone, dude,” Kirishima said softly, but those thoughts were invading his mind. Did you not trust him? He knew he wasn’t the best option in the world, and he had accepted that in time and by improving on what he thought he was best at. But did you, after all this time, really not believe him when he claimed nothing would change when he saw you? “Catfishes don’t even do that… besides, the first call was by accident, why would someone—”
“Dunce face, what’s that one fucking idiotic thing you do for fun?” Bakugou snapped at the blond, not even bothering to look at him.
“Well, there’s a lot of things I do that you—” Kaminari laughed awkwardly, his smile tight and awkward.
“I call… random numbers… pretending to have a big issue to see how they react…” he admitted, and Kirishima’s stomach clenched.
“And?” Bakugou snarled.
“I pretend to be a girl…”
“Don’t be stupid, Bakugou, this is more than one time!” Kirishima groaned.
“It's a voice that you can’t attach a face to, who knows if this is a person you can trust! People with voice acting exist in this world, how the hell do you possibly know that they’re not one of them?! Be fucking real, if ‘y/n’ trusted you, if that’s even their name, they wouldn’t be hiding their face from you.”
Kirishima didn’t say anything else, the acid piling in his throat was too much for him to even look at his friend. The night didn’t really recover from that conversation, and Kirishima eventually found himself back home.
He sat at the edge of his bed, his phone in his hands, waiting for a message from you. He couldn’t sleep, and even though he had work tomorrow morning, he found himself wide awake, unable to let sleep consume.
It was three in the morning when you sent a text, his eyes still wide awake, and with shaky fingers, he read the message.
i just got home can you believe that i drank three cups of wine and didnt get tipsy??????? thats on being a raging alcoholic ;D
Kirishima wanted to laugh; on god, he would’ve found this beyond delightful to read because he knew you couldn’t handle your liquor, but that bitter stream of acid destroyed the humor in his thoughts.
Were you really telling the truth? Was this all a lie?
He didn’t text back; instead, his finger pressed the call button, and he held his breath.
“Helloooo?” a voice picked up on the second ring, but it wasn’t your voice. It was a voice he didn’t recognize at all.
‘Voice actors,’ Bakugou’s voice reentered his thoughts, and the phone in his hand nearly dropped.
“Sorry, hello?” the voice he knew as you finally came through, and Kirishima let out a shallow breath, one so small, so mediocrely weak it burned his lungs.
“Do you trust me?” he asked softly, maybe too softly because you asked with a strained laugh for him to repeat his words. “Do you trust me, y/n?”
There was a pause on your end, too long a beat for Kirishima to be comfortable with.
“Of course I trust you, Ei, are you okay?”
“Do you actually trust me, or are you lying?”
“Woah there,” you said a small laugh on your tongue, but there was only confusion in it, not your contagious sound. “Did you drink? It’s a work night, you never do that!”
“Answer the question,” Kirishima spoke with finality, his shoulders tense, tears pushing past his eyes while he struggled to maintain composure.
Prove Bakugou wrong, please, prove Bakugou wrong.
“Of course I do,” you spoke with genuine clarity, but still, Kirishima was rattled, his confidence blown. “What’s going on?”
Did he want to confess to his insecurities? Was it worth it? His breathing became frantic, almost as if he was going insane just thinking about where his thoughts were. But Kirishima was never good at hiding things, no he was as open as a book.
“Why won’t you let me see you… we’ve been friends for six months, and the only thing I know about you is your eye color and your hair color. It’s so insanely generic that I can’t… I can’t do this.”
“What are you trying to say?” you ask, your voice small, almost a whisper of all the energy one could have at this time of night.
“I can’t be friends with someone who doesn’t trust me, who’s using me,” he spoke with perfect clarity that hid away his insecurities about this all. “For all, I know nothing about you is real, that this is all just some ploy to hurt me in the end. Six months and you can’t trust me with a single meet up or even a picture? I just… has this been a game for you, y/n? Or is that even your name.”
The call ended and a single message held on his screen, this call has been dropped, but you didn’t seem to want to call him back.
Kirishima didn’t sleep a wink that night, his words coming back to bite him in the throat each and every time he thought he was close enough to sleep. Insecurities riled up in him, consuming him entirely.
He tried to call back.
For fourteen straight days, Kirishima attempted to call you back.
Every time he called you, he would always hang up before he could take back his words. But each call, after he had prematurely hung up, he would recant his mean words to the unresponsive phone. He did trust you, he was weak, he was unmanly to assume those things. You could take, however long it took to finally trust him again because he would wait for you no matter what. He apologized again and again until the very last one he broke down into silent tears, a single message of ‘I hope one day you’ll forgive me’ hung weakly on his voice and put his phone away. 
It was sixteen days since he had spoken those cruel words to you, and in that time, he didn’t regret finally talking about his ill feelings towards wanting to reveal yourself to him. But he did regret the way it came out; instead of it being a deep and personal conversation, it came out as bitter and one-sided. The two of you were disconnected, and he felt empty.
But he couldn’t focus on it, not today, after all, it was Bakugou’s birthday, and everyone was gathering at the local fancy restaurant to celebrate. 
Kirishima dressed up presentable, wearing a navy blue button-up, and dark slacks. He walked towards the entrance of the restaurant where Kaminari, Sero, and Midoriya were eagerly leading the group of them into the building. Typically Kirishima would’ve been with them in terms of spirit, but he felt energyless at the moment.
With the moon high in the sky, Kirishima stilled when Bakugou called out his name.
He stared at his best friend, the ash blond’s lip curled into a sneer while he huffed, “Listen, Kirishima, I’m sorry for what I said that night.”
“What? Oh, no, it’s okay, Bakugou!” Kirishima laughed, his hand slapping to the back of his neck. “You weren’t wrong.”
“I never said I was wrong,” Bakugou grunted, his eyes locked on Kirishima’s while he shoved his hands into his pockets. Kirishima stilled, unsure as to where this would be leading. “I just don’t want you to get hurt. I know that Mina hurt you badly, and you’re too big of an idiot to not see when things arise. Maybe y/n is genuine, but if you aren’t fucking honest with her about your own feelings about how she’s so secretive, it’s not going to work.”
Kirishima smiled softly, a weak shrug moving through him, “I know, thanks, man.”
Bakugou nodded, and without a word, he continued on ahead where Midoriya was yelling at them to hurry up and come so they could be seated. 
Kirishima sighed, rolling out his shoulders before following afterward.
Kirishima followed after the hostess, smiling at her gratefully when she sat the group into their own private room and left. 
“Bakugou’s paying, right?” Kaminari stage whispered to Midoriya while staring at the prices on the menu.
“Eat shit, dunce face, learn how to save up your fucking money the next time you offer to come to this fucking place!” Bakugou roared, hearing the whisper.
“I’ll be covering the bill,” Todoroki informed with a smirk on his face. Kirishima laughed, looking at the prices and indeed agreeing with Kaminari’s statement. Having a wealthy friend was very convenient at times like this.
“Hi, welcome to Eiko, I’ll be your waitress today!” a voice chirped from the entrance of the room, and Kirishima froze, he recognized that voice and face.
It was the person he had mistaken for you all those months ago.
By the smile on your face, it seemed that you recognized them all too.
“And what is your name,” Sero winked, his eyes captivated by you.
“Oh, haha, sorry, my name is y/n,” you smiled, moving the menus you held in your hand to show the silver nametag on your uniform.
“Oh, like Kirishima’s y/n,” Kaminari laughed, pointing a finger at Kirishima, not at all being as quiet as he probably thought himself to be. But it seemed that he wasn’t the only one who thought that because while Kirishima was staring at your face, embarrassingly taking you in, you followed Kaminari’s finger.
Your sight sat on the redhead in the middle whose name was Kirishima, and you straightened up in what felt like panic. 
“You’re Kirishima?” you asked quietly, your finger grasping the menus so tightly, your knuckles turned white. “Kirishima Eijirou.”
“The one and only,” Kaminari voiced for him, his arm thrown over Kirishima’s shoulder while he nodded like a scholar. “And why do you ask?”
“Shut the fuck up, dunce face.” Bakugou hissed.
Kirishima continued to stare at you, a million words running through his head, yet not a single one being translated on his tongue. You were beautiful.
What should he say?
What could he say?
Your lips pursed, and you shook your head, a smile of disbelief spreading across your face, “Unbelievable.”
“Be quiet,” you snap, your tone angry, but your eyes beyond hurt. “What can I get you guys to drink?”
Dinner wasn’t exactly a pleasant time, you came in and left faster than anyone could blink, and yet none of their drinks went empty, nor did they really have a problem. Much quicker than Kirishima would’ve liked, they were done and were soon piling out of the restaurant after Kirishima decided to leave a very, very generous tip.
“I’m going to stay until I can speak to y/n,” Kirishima said, waving off his friends who were expecting him to follow. But he couldn’t, not when he felt like the world's biggest ass for what he did to you.
“Good luck,” they all wished him well before eventually leaving, knowing better than to stick around.
So there at the outside bench, Kirishima waited.
Two hours he sat there until you emerged from the front door, your hair was no longer put back, you held your apron in your hand, and your purse on your shoulder.
“Y/n!” he called out, his feet no longer cemented into place; he strode after you.
You didn’t seem to pick up the pace, nor did you slow down. You were focused on your car that sat at the edge of the parking lot, and you ignored his calls.
It wasn’t until his hand touched your shoulder, and he appeared before you did Kirishima freeze again. Angry hot tears slid down your face, your face screwed up, your shoulders stiff.
“What do you want, Kirishima?” you spat, but there was only exhaustion in your voice, nothing bitter, nothing at all what Kirishima deserved from you.
“I want to apologize,” Kirishima whispered, his hands struggling to reach out and wipe your tears away. You were crying because of him, he did this to you. “I was a dick, I was… beyond unmanly to you, and I’m so sorry! I just let Bakugou get into my head, and I’ve never been a secure person because, well, I’m just… fuck, I don’t even know, but all I know is that you didn’t deserve this. And I like you so much, but I didn’t — I don’t know what to do?!”
Your eyes stared up at him, they were bright with tears, wounded beyond anything Kirishima could hope to fix.
“That night, you said if I didn’t trust you, but I did trust you! I’ve always trusted you—” your finger jabbed his chest— “but it was you who didn’t trust me! I get that it’s hard to not have a picture of someone you care about after a long length of time, but we were always fine for a while! It was going to happen, but while I trusted you, I didn’t trust myself, okay?! I couldn’t trust myself to see that if you were so much more handsome than me that I couldn’t be confident enough to let myself be friends with you! I constantly fuck up relationships when I have crushes on people because… I don’t know, I just do! But you were someone with no risk and the highest risk, and I wanted to be sure in my own feelings before giving you a picture of me! But… fuck, Kirishima, you didn’t trust me!”
Kirishima’s throat tightened, the tears on your face a guilty reminder that this was because of him. But how could he fix this?
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, his hands grabbing onto your arms just above the elbow, and his head hung by your forehead, not quite touching you, but just enough that his spiked hair teased the atoms between you. You were taller than he expected, but it wasn’t anything he couldn’t deal with, no, not at all. “You’re right, I didn’t trust you, and you didn’t deserve that. I don’t think there’s anything that I can say, or do for that matter, to change your mind, and I’m sorry. I just panicked because who gets into this type of situation, how do I tell my phone friend that I have feelings for her? I was weak, and I am so fucking pathetic, and I just want to make things better. If you’ll let me be your friend again…”
He slowly looked back up at you, and you were frozen in your place, tears falling down your face still.
“I don’t think we can be friends,” you confessed, and Kirishima’s heart broke in two, his hands dropping from your arms in his embarrassment and humiliation.
“Oh, well, I’m sorry still, um… maybe I’ll see you again?” Kirishima smiled despite it all, he kept smiling despite the crack in his chest and his soul.
“You will,” you murmured, and before Kirishima could blink, your fists wrapped in his collar, and you brought him down for an ardent kiss that he was not quick to respond to. It took three seconds for him to wrap his arms around your waist and pull you in, kissing you again and again and again.
It didn’t seem to matter to either one of you that you were both now kissing without a care in the world in the middle of a parking lot, because you both had your emotions exposed to the other, and you didn’t want to be friends. At least not when the man who held your heart confessed that you held his in yours. 
The two of you weren’t truly disconnected, it was just a little lost moment in your call.
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evolmaze · 3 years
not like this
summary - you go to a party ready to hang out with your friends, but your best friend has other ideas that involve you, a closet, seven minutes, and a close friend you swore you’d never tell
pairing - jin x reader ft. other members of bts and other o.c.s!
genre - fluff, angst | ftl!au, nonidol!au
word count - 5.0k words
warnings - mentions of drinking, otherwise nothing else!
a/n: this is totally inspired by that one episode of New Girl where Nick and Jess are stuck behind the door and Nick tells Jess that he doesn’t want kiss her, “not like this” hence the title lol. Not quite the same plotline, but was definitely my inspiration for it!
You had always loved Saturday nights, the one day a week where you could literally do nothing all day and not feel guilty about it. The one night a week where you got to see most of your friends, hang out, and of course, get tipsy and play a bunch of stupid games; tonight was no different.
You had arrived at your friend Alexa’s house, a little late, and by the looks of it, you were the last to arrive. Your friend group wasn’t enormously big, just around six or so depending on the night, any more and things usually got out of hand. There was you, Alexa, your mutual friend Lia, and then the boys: Yoongi, Jin, and Namjoon. You all had become friends while in university, and you’re happy to say you were able to remain friends afterward. Sometimes the boys would bring their other friends, ones they had met through work, and tonight you were happy to see Jimin, Tae, Jungkook, and Hoseok here as well. You didn’t know them as well, but every time you hung with them, they had been nothing but kind. If you’re honest, the people you knew best here were Jin and Alexa, the three of you had lived in the same dorm freshman year, and since then, you had been inseparable.
“y/n!” Alexa called excitedly, crossing the room to greet you. “I was afraid you weren’t gonna make it!”
“Sorry,” you exclaimed, “Literally got halfway here and realized I had forgotten the chips!” she laughed, taking them from you, and setting them on the counter next to the taco dip; a classic staple in your university days. “I see everyone else is already here.” you mused, scanning the room.
“Yeah, don’t worry though, Jimin and Tae literally got here five minutes before you,” she laughed, and set a hand on your shoulder, slightly turning you towards the back of the room. “But he’s been here all night, asking me every couple minutes if I’ve heard from you,” she whispered, you were sure she was wiggling her eyebrows at you.
You looked across the room, and saw Jin, laughing with Hoseok and Jungkook. He hadn’t seen you yet, and selfishly you loved that you were able to stare at him carefree, taking in all the things you loved about him. You hadn’t seen him in a while, school kept you both busy, and with both of you working part time jobs, a couple weeks had gone by since your last hang out. God how you had missed him. 
“You’re staring..” Alexa chuckled, as your best friend, and friend who had also known Jin the longest, she knew all about your crush on him. She was actually the one who called you out on it first, and from then on, she loved to tease you about it, but in all honesty, if she didn’t know, and wasn’t there for you to give advice or listen to you rant, you’re sure you would have gone insane by now.
“Ahhh, yeah,” you laughed nervously, tearing your view from him, and facing her. “God, it’s getting worse isn’t it?”
“Noooo,” she said, obviously lying, but you appreciated the false confidence. “Okay, maybe, but you’re in love, how else are you supposed to cope with that?”
“Oooh, I’d say drinking my sorrows away so I don’t have to think about how he’ll never like me back.” you laughed, grabbing a drink from the cooler. Alexa looked at you, concerned. “Lex I’m fine, seriously. I’ve come to terms with it, and at this point, he’s just a placeholder till I find someone new.”
“I’ve always said this, and I stand by it: Jin is so fucking stupid. Thick as a brick.”
“Yah!” he suddenly called from across the room. “Alexa are you talking shit?” you laughed, trying to figure out how much he heard.
“Absolutely not,” she said, looking towards you. “But y/n totally was!”
“Lex!” you yelled, embarrassed. You looked up, making eye contact with Jin, and his face lit up. 
“y/n! Why didn’t you tell me you were here?” he said, coming over to you. Alexa winked and left to go talk to Lia. He came up to you, immediately crushing you in a hug. Your face was right up against his chest, you could smell his cologne, and god was it intoxicating. 
“Sorry, I literally just got here!” you said, pulling your head back to look at him, he smiled down at you, his arms around your waist. You could stay like this forever.
“Hmmm, I suppose I can forgive you then.” he joked, slowly letting go of you, his fingers lingering a little too long. You tried your best to remain calm, and not think about the way it felt to be held by him. He cleared his throat, taking a slight step back, you looked at him expectantly. “Whatcha drinking?” he asked, and you held up your drink you had grabbed earlier. “Oh,” he laughed, ears turning red in embarrassment, and you grinned, god you loved this man.
The night had progressed rather smoothly, you were impressed. Usually, nights like this took a turn for the worst during a game of Pictionary, but so far, things had been fine! Everyone seemed to be having a great time, and you couldn’t have been happier. Currently, you all sat in a circle playing a childish game of never have I ever. You knew these were childish, but secretly you loved them, all the games you never got to play in high school cause you didn’t go to parties. Except instead of fingers down, everyone also took a shot. Currently, Jimin and Lia were tied for first place with each having nine out of ten fingers down. You only had four down, but it didn’t really matter.
“Never have I ever recreated the scene from titanic in front of the whole school only to realize Rose was played by my professor,” Tae snickered, looking directly at Jimin.
“Not fair,” he laughed, putting a finger down, and taking a shot. “That’s targeting!” everyone laughed, and Jimin grinned, taking a seat back down.
“Okay okay okay,” Alexa said suddenly, gathering everyone’s attention. “Let’s switch up the game, we’ve been playing this for an hour, and if Jimin has to take one more shot, I don’t want to be the one responsible for taking him to the hospital tonight.”
“I’m fine!” he laughed, and it was mildly true, everyone here seemed to have a pretty high tolerance, and being out of university, it seems the activities had mildly mellowed out. No excessive drinking tonight. 
“Okay, what game are you thinking of Lex?” Lia asked, and Alexa paused before getting a thoughtful look on her face. 
You watched as she looked towards you, a knowing glint in her eyes. “Since we’re on a roll with high school parties games, why not a fun couple rounds of seven minutes in heaven?” The group was split, some laughed in encouragement, while others, like yourself, seemed confused, you all were friends wouldn’t that be weird? “Okay wait, let me finish. We’ll switch up the rules so it’s not weird. The two people can go in there and decide what to do, kiss or take two shots each.”
You laughed, it seemed stupid still, but why the hell not? You were probably a little tipsy at this point, so why not indulge in this juvenile game. “How do we decide who goes in?” you asked.
“We’ll start with a random person to go in the closet, and then the group decides who goes in after them. But the catch is, the person alone in the closet has to face the wall so they cant see who comes in with them. So since they can’t see each other, in order to drink or kiss, they have to correctly guess who it is. Make sense?” Everyone nodded, and you eagerly awaited to see who was first.
“Who wants to go first?” Jimin asked, and the group went silent. “What about y/n?” you looked up, confused.
“Why me?” you questioned.
“Why not?” he questioned back, and you laughed. 
“Okay fine,” you agreed, looking down at everyone as you stood up. “Alright, whichever one of you comes in, be ready to take shots!” everyone laughed, and you grinned, making eye contact with Alexa, that same stupid glint in her eye.
“Don’t sound so sure,” she laughed, and you blushed, quickly turning towards the closet. You opened the door, and entered, shutting it behind you. You wondered who they would send it, though with Alexa's knowing look you had a feeling it wasn't going to be good. It was a mystery how much time had passed by the time you heard the door open behind you.
“Hello mystery stranger,” you called, waiting for the door to shut again before turning around. 
“You have seven minutes, y/n!” Alexa called, followed by a chorus of cheers. “Guess correctly and you can thank me later!”
You furrowed your eyebrows at that, that must have been a clue, right? “Hmm, how should I go about this, because I’m assuming you’re not allowed to speak, right? That’d make it too easy,” you pondered, and with no response from the person in front of you, you presumed you were right.
“Okay, I have an idea.” you declared, holding your hands out in front of you. “My hands are in front of you right now, grab one of them.” You waited patiently for them to do so, and soon enough you felt something hit the side of your hand. “That’s my hand, grab it.”
They grabbed your hand, and you immediately registered that they had large hands, long fingers, there was no way this was Lia or Lexa, they both had comically small hands. On second thought, so did Jimin, so that left the rest of the boys. “Here’s what I’m thinking, I’ll ask you a series of questions, and if the answer is yes then squeeze my hand once, if it’s no, then squeeze my hand twice. Make sense?”
One squeeze. “Okay, cool cool. Let’s see,” you pondered, trying to think of a question that would get the most people out at once. “Oh! Okay, do you have roommates?”
Two squeezes, “Okay, well that rules out Jungkook and Tae since they live together.  Do you have a pet?”
Two squeezes again, “Well alright, then you’re not Namjoon or Yoongi either. So you’re either Hoseok or Jin.” you stalled for a second, wondering what the odds were that this was Jin in front of you. Alexa wouldn’t do that to you would she? Who are you kidding, she’s tipsy, of course, she would. Your heartbeat increased mildly at the possibility that this was Jin and the possibility that you two would kiss, but you knew deep down that if it was him, you’d rather just take shots because kissing him in this closet was not at all how you wanted to do it.
“Final question,” you said aloud, figuring out what you would ask. “Do you feel strongly about the financial crisis in Ecuador?” A laugh from the person in front of you confirmed your suspicions, it was Jin. Whenever the two of you were together and ran out of things to talk about, he would always ask you the most random of questions, that one is one of his favorites. 
“I feel very strongly about it, almost as strongly as I feel about the American peanut butter famine of 1834,” he joked, and you laughed, it was such a dumb joke, but it got you every single time. It absolutely had nothing to do with him, and you thinking he was the funniest person alive, not at all.
The two of you quieted down, and you heard Jimin call for four minutes left. Suddenly, you remembered why you were here, and what you had to decide. “So,” you said, trying to decide how you were gonna get out of this. “How’s it going?”
“Oh you know, just grand,” he said, and you heard him shifting his weight from one foot to another. It was then that you also realized he was still holding your hand, cute. “You have a decision to make, don’t you?” he asked, and you blushed, thank god for the darkness of this closet.
“I think it’s a group consensus, no?” you asked.
Jin chuckled, and you felt his thumb run over your knuckles, your mind raced at the feeling. “I mean sure, but I’m cool with either.” You were pretty sure that you died of cardiac failure after he said that, there was no way he had just said that.  “Plus the idea of taking two shots right now makes me wanna die,”
“Hmm, you did kinda suck at taking shots,” you joked, trying to ease your nerves, and he playfully swatted your shoulder. Your hand hung loosely at your side, and you took the moment to wipe the sweat off on your jeans. “So you’re cool with either? You’re sure?” you asked, your voice slightly panicky.
You sensed his arm moved as it wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to him. You held your breath, what the fuck was going on. “I’m sure, are you?”
You felt your head get fuzzy and you weren’t sure if it was from the alcohol or the way you could feel each of his fingers as they rested on the small of your back, but you definitely weren’t sober anymore. “I don’t want to kiss you in the closet,” you said quickly, your hand instinctively balling into a fist. “Not like this.”
“What do you mean?” he asked quietly, a touch of hurt in his voice, your heart ached at the sound. “Would you rather take the shots?”
“No, no, no,” you said frantically, releasing his hand and taking a step back. Even though you knew this was low risk, you’d have to absolutely be blind to not understand the elephant in this closet with you two, you still felt terrified of rejection. “I-I can’t see you, I want to be able to see you.”
At that moment, the door flung open, the light from the outside streaming in, and all you saw was Jin’s face as he looked at you as if he had never seen you before. You wanted to cry, but instead, you pushed past him, and grabbed a bottle of peppermint schnapps off the counter, quickly downing two shots, before going out onto the porch. You absolutely needed some air. 
The commotion from inside followed you faintly as you shut the door, everyone was confused, but drunk enough to move on rather quickly, sending Jungkook into the closet, before sending someone else in after him. You paid them no mind, too busy feeling sorry for yourself that even when the moment was perfect, you still found a way to ruin it for yourself. He had literally told you he wanted to kiss you, and you had ruined it with your stupid insecurities, go figure.
The sliding door opened and you looked up as he stepped out onto the porch, blanket in one hand, and two water bottles in the other. “Mind if I join you?” you said nothing, but nodded in response, and he offered you water, and you took it before he sat next to you. You watched out of the corner of your eye as he wrapped the blanket around him, and it was in that moment that you remembered it was November. Unconsciously, you pulled your knees up, wrapping your arms around them, wishing you had grabbed your jacket. “Here,” he said suddenly, opening up one side of his blanket cocoon. “We can share.”
You peered at him hesitantly, before opting in because even your pride was willing to leave for warmth. He wrapped the blanket around you both, and you moved closer to him in an attempt to get the blanket around the both of you completely. Aside from your shoes peeking out, the both of you were completely submerged, he must have found the biggest blanket in the apartment. You peered up at him and watched as he stared at the street before you, not thinking twice of it, you rested your head on his shoulder. “Jin, I’m sorry for freaking out earlier.”
“Don’t be sorry,” he said, looking down at you. “You were uncomfortable, I should have been more aware.”
“I wasn’t that uncomfortable,” you muttered, and he chuckled.
“y/n you were actually shaking at one point,” you laughed at that, he was right.
“Okay, fine, but I was only uncomfortable with the circumstances, not the idea behind them,” you paled when you realized what you said, but when Jin wrapped his arm around you, pulling you even closer to him, you relaxed a little. 
“Oh so what you’re saying is that I didn’t need to take two shots?”
“Hmmm, maybe not,” you mused, and he laughed. “And neither did I.”
“So why did you?” he asked, the smile dropping from your face as you thought about how you were gonna explain this.
“Jin, I-” you said, your heart rate picking up with each passing moment; it was now or never. “I really like you, I have feelings for you so strong I feel like going crazy sometimes. I’m sure you already knew because Alexa has a big mouth, and I’m the least subtle person on the planet, but that’s why I took the shots.”
“You took the shots instead of kissing me because you like me?”
“Ah no,” you grumbled, getting stressed that he wasn’t getting it. “I took the shots because I didn’t want my first kiss to be in the dark, especially with you.”
“Ahhh, I see what you mean,” he said, a faint smile on his face. He looked down at you, and you felt all the air leave your body as you registered the look in his eyes. It was the exact same as yours had been earlier when you saw him. He had never looked at you like that, at least to your memory. He had, you had just never noticed. 
“I just, I just want to be able to see you,” you said quietly, unable to move, stuck in the way he looked at you. “I’ve never kissed anyone before, and I don’t want to mess up.”
Jin grinned, “You can’t mess up, y/n.” he assured you, and you blushed. 
“I don’t know, I’m pretty clumsy sometimes,” you pondered, you honestly had no idea how to do it, so chances were that you would mess it up. Jin was older than you, a year or so, and you’ve seen him with a number of girls, so you were pretty positive you were the inexperienced one in this pair. 
“It’s pretty simple,” he mused, reaching up to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear. “I could teach you.” Your heart skipped a beat at his sultry tone, he was absolutely gonna be the death of you. “I’m sure you’d be a quick learner.”
“I’m sure you’d be a good teacher,” you said, and his ears turned a nice shade of pink. You mentally grinned at your ability to fluster him, even in this frenzied state. 
“So what do you say?” he asked, running his hand down your arm to grab your hand again. Goosebumps appeared in succession, as you realized where this was going. “Is it bright enough out here for you?”
“It’s perfect,” you whispered, grinning as he smiled at you. “You’re perfect, you know that right?”
“Says you,” he cooed, “You know how long I’ve waited for a moment like this? I like you so much, y/n, it actually drives me crazy how amazing and perfect you are.” You blushed deeply at that, unsure of how in the world you had ended up here, but hearing him say the things you had always wanted him to say made your heart race so fast you were sure you were dreaming. 
“So what’s the first step?” you asked, trying to keep your voice calm as you wrapped your arm around his neck. He moved, so you were facing each other now, the blanket falling slightly. You unconsciously tangled his hair in your fingers. He closed his eyes, obviously enjoying whatever you were doing.
“Well you’re doing great so far,” he sighed, his tone breathless. “I was right, quick learner for sure.” you smirked, your fears long forgotten as you felt him lean into your touch. You had no idea that would have such an affect on him, you’d definitely remember that for later.
“What next?” you asked, and he opened his eyes. They were darker than before, and you were sure you were hallucinating. He wrapped both his arms around you, pulling you even closer. His face was inches from yours, if leaned forward you would bump noses. 
“Well I’ll pull you close, close enough to kiss you of course,” he whispered, and you chuckled. “Then I’ll probably compliment you some more, telling you how much I like being around you, how beautiful you are, how long I’ve wanted to do this.” he paused, smiling at you. “Then I’ll lean in closer, and ask if you’re sure you want this.”
“And I’ll say that I do,” you said, “That I’ve wanted this for a long time, I was just too scared to say anything, how dumb was that, huh?”
You both chuckled at that, agreeing that you both had been so scared for no reason. “That’s good to hear,” he grinned, playing with the hem of your shirt. “Cause that’d be really awkward if you didn’t feel the same.”
“Oh I feel the same,” you said quickly. “Don’t even worry about that.”
He smiled at you for the millionth time that night, and even though you should have been used to it by now, you still felt like you were floating. “Well now I’m gonna lean forward, probably a little too slowly just to tease you, and maybe I’ll pause just in front of you,” he whispered, pausing with almost no room between your lips.
“And then?” you asked quietly, afraid to break the moment. “What should I do?”
“Whatever you feel like.”
You leaned forward, closing the gap between the two of you. His lips were as soft as you had imagined they would have been. You weren’t sure what to do once you two had touched, but you felt him move away before kissing you again, this time with more pressure. You hesitantly did the same, and you felt his grip on your tighten, so you must have been doing something right. He pulled away again, and you opened your eyes to see him grinning at you. He leaned forward so his mouth was by your ear.
“You're doing great,” he said, chills running down your spine. “You’re a natural.”
He kissed your cheek, before reconnecting your lips, you moved slowly, testing the waters on what you thought might work, gauging the success rate by how Jin reacted. You weren’t sure how much time had passed before you pulled away again, but you could see that his lips were red, and you imagined yours looked the same. 
“You’re amazing,” you said, heart seizing at the way he looked at you, and it was in that moment that you knew things were going to be okay. “Definitely the best teacher I’ve ever had. I might need a few more lessons though.”
He smirked, “Oh don’t worry, we’ll have plenty of time for more lessons. It’ll cost you though,”
“What’s the price?” you mused, fingers dancing around his face, tracing the outline of his jaw, his ear, his collarbone. 
“A date, with me, this weekend, at a restaurant of your choosing.”
You hummed, pretending to contemplate the idea, “I guess I can do that, but I charge too, ya know.”
“Oh yeah?” he taunted, curious what you were gonna say. “For what?”
You wanted to do something equally as romantic and sensual as him, but in that moment you were overcome with an urge to just hold onto him, to hug him. So you tightly wrapped yourself around him, stuffing your head into the crook of his neck. He returned your embrace immediately, slightly caught off guard by your change in tone, but welcomed it nevertheless. He ran his hands up and down you back as you took a deep breath. You turned your head towards him, tentatively placing a kiss on his neck. You felt him shiver slightly, the goosebumps rising on his skin. “For that,” you whispered, kissing his neck once more, before returning to your original embrace. 
He wasn’t sure what had just happened, but somehow you had managed to be adorable and extremely hot within the span of seconds, and it was in that moment he realized you would be the death of him. He held you for a while, enjoying your embrace, enjoying the way you fiddle with the hair on the nape of his neck every so often, enjoying the way he was finally holding you the way he had always wanted to.
You couldn’t have asked for anything better than this, you were so happy, you couldn’t believe your luck. Time passed, and with each minute, intoxicated by his scent, you felt yourself growing tired, wordlessly, you dozed off, the alcohol tiredness finally taking effect, and it wasn’t until Alexa knocked on the door, did Jin realize what had happened, and how much time had passed.
She quietly opened the door, “Glad to see my efforts didn’t go to waste,” Jin grinned at her, pulling the blanket over your sleeping form.
“Thank you,” he said sincerely. “Sorry I was so blind before, I owe you for what you did. If you hadn’t messaged me last week, I don’t think this ever would have happened.”
“No kidding, you both are scaredy cats, and we both know y/n never would have said anything, she liked you too much to risk it,” she said, and they chuckled. “Are you okay out here? It’s cold out here, things have calmed down inside, we’re watching a movie if you want to come back inside.”
“I’ll be in in a second,” he said. “Thank you again, Alexa, I owe you one.”
“Just put in a good word for me next time you and Jimin hang out, yeah?” she said shyly and Jin gasped. 
“Really?” he asked, an excited look on his face.
“I don’t know, maybe, he’s cool, he’s handsome, those aren’t bad things.” she explained, a blush on her face, Jin wiggled his eyebrows at her, and she sighed. “Okay I’m going, don’t make me regret asking for that. See you in a bit.”
She shut the sliding door, and Jin looked down at you again, still in awe of what had happened. You shifted in your sleep, in an attempt to get more comfortable, you snuggled closer, if that was even possible. “So Jimin and Alexa, huh?” you whispered, causing Jin to jump at the sound of your voice.
“You’re awake?” he asked.
“Kinda,” you mused, “I heard the door open. I’m glad she said something, cause you’re both right, I never would have said anything, liked you too much.”
He smiled, a deep blush on his face. He wondered how long it would take for your words to have a lesser effect, he secretly hoped it would never come. “Do you want to go watch the movie? Or do you want to sleep?”
You contemplated your choices, “Let’s go say goodbye, and you can come over?” you lifted your head to gauge his expression. “Unless you don’t want to, that’s fine too.”
“No, no, no,” he assured you. “I’d love to come over.”
You smiled, and kissed him again before standing up. Jin followed you inside, grabbing your hand the first chance he got. Your friends all watched as you came in, and Namjoon was the first to congratulate you both.
“It’s about time you did something, Jin!” Yoongi nagged, and Jin let out a shout of protest. You laughed, making eye contact with Alexa. Thank you you mouthed to her, and she smiled, so genuine and full of love. You’re welcome she mouthed back, a knowing look on her face. Next to her, Jimin sat, and you wiggled your eyebrows at her as Jin grabbed your jackets. She blushed, and you grew excited at the new prospect of their relationship. Jimin grabbed her attention as he asked her a question, and you watched as he rested a hand on her thigh, you had never seen her so bubbly and excited, you made a mental note to ask her about it later. Jin returned to your side, handing you your coat. You bid farewell to everyone, and made your way to your car. The drive home was filled with compliments, loud singing to the radio, and plenty of kisses from Jin as you drove. 
By the time you got to your apartment, you felt tired again, and you could tell Jin was finally falling victim to sleep as well. You grabbed some of his old sweats that you had stolen from your dresser, and handed them to him. You shamelessly watched as he undressed, slipping on the sweatpants, but opting out of the sweatshirt. This wasn’t the first time you had seen him shirtless, but it was certainly the first time you hadn’t looked away when he looked at you. Wordlessly, you smiled at him and stripped yourself of your shirt and bottoms. He felt his stare and you turned to take off your bra and put on an old t-shirt. You pulled on some shorts, and turned back to face him, he was laying on your bed, arms behind his head, his muscles on full display. You blushed at the sight, climbing into bed next to him, immediately leaning into his touch as he pulled you onto his chest. You felt it rise and fall with each breath he took, it was incredibly calming. 
“You’re beautiful,” he said, tilting your jaw up to kiss you. Your legs went weak at the feeling, and you laid your hand on his chest. “So so beautiful, I’m so lucky.”
“Says you, world wide handsome,” you joked, and he laughed. Things were gonna be just fine, you could feel it.
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glowingbadger · 3 years
hi sorry to bug you! but in regards to ur upcoming lumine x kaeya fanfic, I'm not sure if its 100% true but f! & m! travellers are underage ;;
I love ur other headcanons tho!
Hey anon! I totally appreciate folks chatting with me about this stuff- here's my take, because I do consider this kinda thing super seriously:
- the travelers appear to be semi-ageless world hopping magical fuckery of some kind. (Google says "around 2000 years old," for all the good that does us). We don't have a ton of info on this yet, but it's really the only reference to a life pre-canon that we get.
However! Those who know me will know that this alone wouldn't be enough to make me feel comfortable writing them. For instance, I don't buy the classic "this loli is secretly a 1000 y/o dragon so it's okay that I wanna smash" - so I feel obligated to look into it more.
- the only other reference to age we get for the Traveller is that they're apparently not old enough to drink in Mondstadt. This is SUPER complicated for a lot of reasons. One is that some people have argued that the Traveller tends to appear irritated by this like they're being teased, so some argue that they are of drinking age, but just look young. That's very shaky justification though. The only thing that makes me consider this even a little valid is that Venti is an absolute fetus and no one seems to bat an eye at his alcohol intake.
- The MORE complicated issue is that of cultural context and how much we simply don't know. What is the drinking age in Mondstadt? Their culture and economy is so alcohol dependent that a high drinking age seems unlikely. But that's assuming that the writing, world building and translations in this game were always ironclad- which they patently are not.
And now we get into the weirdest part, which is the enormous cultural gap that Genshin as a whole suffers from. In China, where the game originates, the age of consent is 14 (ew) and the drinking age is 18- meanwhile here in the US of A, we've got an age of consent of 18 (usually) and a drinking age of 21- so already we're dealing with very different developmental stages and a cultural gap that makes me feel icky. But lastly, consider that the US is extremely prudish about references to alcohol compared to most countries, especially East Asian cultures. The video game rating system is a fuck, and I would put money on the idea that the translators were told to specify that NO, NO, OUR YOUNG LOOKING PROTAG DEFINITELY ISN'T DRINKING WE SWEAR- regardless of any original intended indicator of age
So here's what it comes down to for me:
- this game refuses to make actual sense of the traveler's age
- everyone in this game has round baby faces so the visuals really don't help
- translation is a fuck (need I remind us of the charming kea-luc sworn brothers vs. brothers debate)
- the game constantly and actively encourages you to ship its characters, primarily with your Traveller
- I need a reader insert for a fairly involved Kaeya fic
- goddamnit fine I'll just use Lumine unless Mihoyo wants to give me an actual canon age.
- I am gonna write this goddamn character as an adult so there's no question about my personal intent.
Phew, sorry for the rant lol, but I really want to impress on folks that I don't take this sort of thing lightly and I do seriously consider things like this! I'm really, genuinely open to hearing other people's thoughts on this, and other characters. ❤️
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transfemstarscream · 3 years
being a rodimus enjoyer is so fucking painful. its like man i really enjoyed this character who made incredibly fucked up and horrible mistakes that had enormous and resounding consequences - not even for him, but for those he cares about - and watching him overcome his horrible guilt not just about the mistakes he made, but the fact that he doesnt necessarily regret making them, all while being an incredibly complex character whose healing *doesn’t happen all at once* and who goes on to continue to fuck up because you dont magically recover from 4 million years of having your shitty decisions excused if not validated just because you take a guilt trip. and then u go to look for content and its just all “lollllll look at this silly guy xD look at this idiot who cant do anything xDDD omg i bet he gets on megatron and ultra magnus’ nerves so much *reduces him to comedic relief*” im SICK OF IT!!!!!!! sorry this was a huge rant but oh my god please…. please i just want content for this character where his personality isnt reduced to “lovable dumbass”
and the funny thing is? for half of his on-screen time... he's not really that nice of a person? i'm not saying he isn't kind or good— rodimus is a good person, who does a lot of considerate and kind things— but he's not really that chatty or friendly as everyone makes him out to be in fan content? he has moments where he's visibly (and easily) frustrated (either at the situations or the people around him), he does not like everyone nor treat them pleasantly right off the bat (a certain someone), etc. rodimus is legitimately a good person, but i feel like people don't understand that good people are flawed. not in the "well yea duh he gets on everyone's nerves lol dumb twink" i mean he can legit dislike and outright hate the people around him and there's nothing inherently wrong with that. he's a captain of a ship— he does what's right because he can, he should, and he wants to. he's allowed to be angry that he's fucked over by the people around him usually (and kind people being visibly upset over being fucked over doesn't make them "morally grey" lol). he's allowed to be frustrated that he's made some really stupid decisions and has to live with them. he's allowed to be a bit of an ass, because it doesn't take away the fact he's a good person.
and it even gets worse when mental health comes into play because no one can be decent towards people with personality disorders. when people call rodimus narcissistic, they mean it as an insult. people take rodimus' canonical traits and overinflate/use them to further demonize or explain why "he's actually not that good of a person". because the idea that a good person is narcissistic is seen as an actual "flaw" to people. it's so obvious they'd rather just erase all that legitimately complex character work and positive portrayal of a good person who isn't villainized for his emotions or "non-traditional characteristics" and just have a blank slate they can use for the weirdest things imaginable. because really, why take a second to second to search up the definition of nuance and realize rodimus isn't just a one-dimensional archetype when you can write him into your fanfic about how annoying and dumb he is?
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gunsatthaphan · 3 years
(Same anon who talked about Japanese bl)I watched cherry magic live and absolute bl was released last week. Except for some ig post from the actors(like any actor who post about their work), there was nothing. I actually prefer that. I want to watch the cast interviews but nobody ask nothing important. I don't want to watch multiple interviews of the same cast answering how they felt when they were kissing or something. I mean they are actors for God's sake, it's their literal job. Do they ask the same question to actors doing straight roles? It's disturbing. Even artistic works like itsay suffer from that. But luckily the show's documentary gave out a lot of info. I want to know stuff like that, not about their feelings regarding kissing the same gender. Only some actors give honest offscreen intimacy. I feel like bkpp, maxtul, kaoup are in that category. Although maxtul give enormous fanservice, it feels like they are having fun with it and are actually close and not just 'pretending'. And bkpp, it seems like, were more close before the release of itsay. I think nadao actually cares about them and they are consciously backing off because of the fame. And kaoup is just kaoup😁 the other anon is right, it's cringecringecringe.
Sorry for the long rant but ignore this if you are done with the conversation.
hi there!
sorry for the late reply. 
That’s very interesting. I wouldn’t say I like it when there’s absolutely zero promotion bc that can come across as them not caring about their show lol. But there’s a middle ground. 
And you’re right, it’s their job but also I understand where these people are coming from? Like they’re not anime characters they’re real people lmao so I get why they would like,,,, try to get closer by crossing lines I guess. It’s wrong. But I get it. 
Also I agree, the problem of these interviews is not only the inappropriate questions but also the fact that it’s literally not innovative at all? They always ask the same crap. Even if it’s just about the show. So I have to give it to the actors for always being so nice bc I would be exhausted af lmao. 
MaxTul are a healthy example of how it could be handled. Which is to just not give a fuck lmao. They’re genuine close friends and they’ve been in the industry together for so long so they don’t need any of that bs. They just kinda of go with it but also make fun of it which is amusing. (Although that memories-event was so cringy I couldn’t bear watching that hjfjbh) I just feel bad for new and younger actors who have to endure that... 
I don’t really follow bkpp so I don’t know about them. And Kaoup are just pure chaos lmaooo. They just have a good off-screen connection & I think they don’t really care either. Which is why I love & respect them 🥺
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