#scott is a sam wilson fan
twobrothers · 11 months
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azazel’s special children should’ve unionized
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stuckonjbbarnes · 11 months
sleepover with the oc's (& the boys crash it 👀) pls 🖤
The Proverbial Punching Bag {OCs x Marvel Mens}
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Summary: Immediately following the ending to At Least Not Alone, the gang has a sleepover.
The OC Fics (in order of appearance)
A/N: Thanks for never giving up on me writing about my OCs and helping me remember who did what @buckysmischief
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“We’re still having a sleepover right? Steve didn’t ruin it, right?” Sasha whines.
“Yes, you’re all still welcome to stay, even Steve.” Sawyer adds before acknowledging her ex, “I forgive you for the way it ended. I don’t regret anything that happened after, so stop beating yourself up and let me be happy in my fucked up choices. Be happy with your own choices, that’s all we need.”
“I- knocking cuts Steve off.
“I’ll get it!” Jazzy jumps up, “I called in a reinforcement and he’s bringing more pizza!”
The door swings open and like a flash Sawyer leaps over the couch and throws herself into a man. Pietro watches over his bottle of beer, as she’s twirled. The rest of the group watches in mostly confusion, save for Sam and Bucky who share a similar look of recognition.
“J? You guys know Joaquin?” Sam asks, attempting to piece something together.
“Know? I grew up with him!” Jazzy smiles, “He’s my favorite cousin.”
“I’m your only cousin.” Joaquin pouts, playfully jabbing her in the ribs.
“And therefore my undisputed favorite.”
“You know those two?” Sawyer throws a thumb over her shoulder towards Bucky and Sam, “I’m so sorry…”
“I’ve done a mission  or two with Sam…Bucky, I see your sleeve is still intact today.” The man grunts in reply, not at all the Bucky that Sawyer was used to but rather reminiscent of his soldier days.
“Would it kill you to be nice to new people for 2 seconds?” Sasha unsurprisingly berates him, causing a blush to creep across Bucky’s cheeks.
“It actually might,” Sam smirks.
“Fuck off Sam.” Bucky gripes, causing the whole of the apartment to erupt in laughter.
“Wait…so you guys are like friends? I thought you hated each other.” Joaquin’s eyebrows knit together and he receives both looks of sympathy and some eyerolls.
“Frenemies.” Tali shrugs.
“No no. They love each other.” Monroe intercedes.
“They’re both boring. Can we move on to someone significantly cooler?” Jazzy asks.
“Can we not bring my brother into this?” Loki groans.
“J, who are you texting? Sitting over there with a goofy ass grin on your face…” Sawyer turns her attention to Torres.
“Just the love of his lifeeee.” Sam teases.
“Her name is Wren. If you must know.” Joaquin says, eyes not moving from the screen, “She’s just a girl from Tinder.”
“...that he saved from a shitty date. Twice.” Sam adds, throwing pieces of popcorn at the man.
“Well I want to meet her.” Daisy pipes up, earning a round of ‘of course you dos’ from the group. 
“No..no. Daisy’s right.” Sawyer agrees, “I’d like to meet her too.”
“This wouldn’t be the first time they shared feelings over something.” Scott chuckles.
“SHE THREW A POTATO AT HIM!” Loki and Tali both yell, much to Steve’s embarrassment.
“I think I’m missing something here.” Joaquin squints.
“It’s a lot to unpack.” Pietro shakes his head.
“I think you could write several movies with the amount of drama and hysterics in this friend group.” Sasha offers, “I would recommend running while you can.”
“It’s too late. He’s been introduced. He knows too much.” Tali smiles, looking less than friendly.
“Hey, miss witchy-woo, tone it down for like 5 seconds.” Scott interjects, “We’re making friends here.”
“This is the most fascinating night of my life…” Joaquin murmurs, “...and I’ve been curb stomped by a supersoldier.”
“BUCKY!” Sawyer’s jaw drops as she takes in her closest male friend.
“Woah. Woah. Woah…I did NOT.” 
“Sorry…flag-smashers.” J attempts to hide his grin. “I don’t think I’d be here right now if Barnes did it…”
“I can’t believe you think I’d curb stomp someone, Sawyer.”
“Bucky…you killed the majority of my newsroom.” She defends herself, “All I’m saying is it could’ve happened.” “He’s only known me for a few months.” Joaquin interjects.
“Have you seen, Mr. Grumpy-face over there?” Monroe challenges, “If stares could kill.”
“I told him about the staring thing…” Sasha sighs.
“We’ve all told him Sash.” Sam adds. 
“Can we stop ganging up on me?”
“See how not fun it is to be the proverbial punching bag?” Daisy asks.
“As the proverbial punching bag, I’d have to agree that it’s Bucky’s turn.” Steve nods.
“I hate you.”
“That’s your best pal.” Joaquin states, “...read about it at the Smithsonian.”
“And sometimes I hate him…”
“Sometimes we all hate each other.” Jazzy chimes in, “makes sleepovers more interesting.”
“So what do you say, Torres, you in the group or what?” Bucky asks and Joaquin breaks into a slow smile.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
ask to join my tag list! :)
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evelynn-cain · 11 months
The coffee maker:
(Just a small one shot from my marvel collection; inspired by parks and rec )
Tony called us all in the kitchen for what he called a 'very important emergency meeting'. It was just me, tony, sam, bucky, peitro, wanda, scott, peter, and thor left in the tower.
I rubbed my eyes trying to get the sleep out of them.
"What was so important that you had to wake me up this early Stark?" I asked annoyed.
He sighed and pointed to the coffee maker
"Okay, who broke it? Im not mad i just want to know." Tony said.
"You have like 3 other ones." Sam observed
"This ones my favorite one and it has more features than the other 3."
"I did. I broke it tony." Peter said
"No, no you didnt. Bucky?"
He put his hands up in defence.
"Dont look at me, look at Sam."
"What? I didnt break it" sam defended
"Huh, weird,  howd you know it was broken?"
"Because its sitting in front of us and its broken." Sam said, pointing at the coffee maker.
"Suspicious." Bucky whispered
"If it matters, Wanda was the last one to use it. " said peitro
"Liar! Everyone knows i dont drink that crap" wanda yelled
"Then what were you doing over here the other day huh?"
"Because i used the wooden stirrers to push my cuticles back. Everyone knows that, Peitro."
"Okay lets not fight, i broke it." Peter tried to prevent a fight. I stood next to scott and observed.
"Who do you think did it?" I asked him
"Probably bucky." I smiled at his answer.
"Who broke it?!" Tony asked a little more sternly this time.
There was a long silence that filled the room, until bucky spoke up
"Tony, ya know Thors been awfuly quiet."
"Really!?" Thors voice boomed.
"Yeah Really!"
"Oh my god."
They all started to bicker and yell while me and Scott just stood there in the door way.
"Hey scott, wanna know something?" I asked
He nodded
"I broke it. I burned my hand so i punched it." I said with a wide smile on my face.
"Should we tell them?"
I shook my head
"Nah let them figure it out. Im surprised Tony didnt look at the security footage."
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“Nobody fuss at me for the Star Wars reference, but I have a bad feeling about this.”
Steve heard Sam huff behind him, and couldn’t resist speaking up. “That’s the one with the Vulcans and Klingons, right?”
“...I honestly can’t tell if you’re serious or not,” Lang replied over their comm line in a horrified tone. “Sci-fi geeks the world over just shuddered with rage and don’t know why.”
“There’s an art to figuring out if Cap’s asking a genuine question or just messing with you,” Clint offered, somewhere up in the ventilation system. Steve smirked as he kept moving silently down the hallway. “I have yet to master it. Might ask Nat for some pointers.”
“If he gets shit-eating grin on his face right after the question, you know he’s teasing.” Natasha cast a quick glance over her shoulder. Steve let his smirk widen, and she winked back. “But this time, I think he might actually mean it.”
“Ohh no, I might not be fully fluent in Steve-speak but I AM an expert with all things Romanov, and she definitely just teased you. Which probably means there is, in fact, a shit-eating grin on Captain America’s face right now.”
Sam snorted, and spoke into his comlink before Lang could finish sputtering. “Trust me, Scott, don’t go down that rabbit hole, they’ll only drag you deeper. Now, getting back to the mission, does anybody have eyes on the secret entrance we’re supposed to be looking for?”
“Oh, yeah, I found it a minute ago. It’s why I mentioned the bad feeling - there’s some blood on the threshold. Like, only a few drops, but still. Somebody injured got pulled through here, and pretty recently.”
“Well, we are looking into the possibility of a new Winter Soldier program,” Natasha muttered, picking up her pace a little bit. “Would make sense to abduct a couple of disposable test subjects if they’re lacking volunteers.”
Steve started moving faster too. “All the more reason to shut this place down as soon as possible. Joining us, Hawkeye, or have you found another way in?”
Just ahead of them, the archer himself suddenly appeared, dropping down from the ceiling with a vent cover in hand. He set it aside and fell into step with Natasha. “Joining. Whatever kind of set-up they’ve got downstairs, it must be on a separate airflow system - I couldn’t find even a single vertical shaft.”
Soon enough their group of four reached Lang’s position, and the man reverted to normal size before gesturing at an unremarkable stretch of wall. “Trust me, the seams are pretty small, but they’re there. Also, I haven’t spotted any security cameras, but...”
“But any facility worth their salt will probably have eyes on us as soon as we go in,” Steve finished grimly. Six months ago, they would’ve had Tony’s help hacking and disabling security networks, but that option wasn’t available anymore. “So we hit ‘em hard and fast instead of stealthy.”
“Ready when you are, Cap,” Sam stated.
Nodding, Steve backed up a little bit - then launched himself forward, and knocked down the door.
They expected alarm klaxons to go off as soon as their presence was detected. What they did not expect was for alarms to already be going off, deeper within the facility. Steve could hear them pretty well, and even his teammates without enhanced senses managed to pick up the high-pitched echoes. “Ooh-kay,” Lang said slowly, “Sounds like they’ve already got some problems going on.”
Clint shrugged at him, a flash-grenade arrow nocked to his bowstring. “If it makes our job easier, I’m not complaining.”
“Depends on what the trouble is,” Sam murmured, keeping to Steve’s left as they started moving down the stairs. “If there’s zombies, I’m bugging out.”
“...is that very likely?”
“Focus, Scott.”
Their group made it down two stories without zombies or anything else jumping out of the shadows, which could’ve been considered a good thing. But they also didn’t come across any security personnel, despite passing an empty guard station, which gave Steve a bad feeling too. Natasha took point heading down the first corridor they came to, and the sirens got louder. Underneath, Steve managed to hear distant yelling, though too distorted for him to pick out any words.
A pair of guards finally showed up, backing into the intersection ahead of them, cursing quietly as they kept their guns pointed towards- the ceiling?
Clint let his arrow fly. Natasha took down the guards before they could do anything but yelp: one knocked out by a flying kick to the head, the other pinned and restrained with his weapon tossed out of reach. “Hi there,” Steve greeted him, crouching down with a flat smile. “Don’t suppose you’d like to tell us what’s going on?”
The man’s eyes widened as he took in the sight of them, armed and uniformed and unamused. He swore, loudly, before stammering something in a language Steve didn’t know. Natasha did, thankfully, and she replied with similar rolling words. The guard shook his head, adding something else in a fearful tone.
“Apparently, they’ve had a prisoner escape,” Natasha translated. “Small, fast, attacks from above. They have orders not to kill.”
Steve grit his teeth, and heard Sam hiss with dismay. “Someone they’ve already invested time and money into, then.”
“Most likely. Any other questions for this guy?” When Steve shook his head, Natasha quickly applied a chokehold. By the time she stood back up, the rest of them had moved to positions around the intersection. “Splitting up or sticking together, Cap?”
“Together. We don’t know what this prisoner’s capable of, or what kinds of measures these people will use to get them back.” That said, he gestured for quiet, and listened as intently as he could. The shouting definitely sounded louder from one direction, and Steve’s natural inclination was to head that way- but a short, sharp slam caught his attention, from the hallways branching off to the left. “Come on.”
Lang shrank down to hitch a ride on Clint’s shoulder. He, Sam, Steve and Natasha formed a diamond shape as they moved, swiftly covering ground, using hand gestures to signal when to pause and when to go. A few more security personnel crossed their path, clearly more focused on finding the escapee than remaining alert for any other threats, and all went down fast and quiet. Then, around a corner up ahead, Steve heard someone shout- a squeal of something metallic being yanked against concrete- a sudden burst of gunfire.
He sped up, and reached the turn just in time to see a slip of a teenager toss a grown man headfirst into the wall.
A kid. These bastards decided to experiment with a kid.
In the few seconds it took Steve to throttle back his instinctive rage, the rest of his team gathered around him, all of them freezing with the same shock. And then the kid turned, and spotted them.
He flinched. He flinched away, stumbling back, until he tripped on the guard’s dropped gun and landed flat on his butt. Shaky breath sped up, only to stall completely when Steve tried taking a step forward.
“It’s okay,” he said, stopping in place. “It’s okay, son, we aren’t going to hurt you.”
“C-captain,” the kid stammered. His hands shook. His eyes were wide, pupils too large, but unerringly focused on Steve’s face. “You’re- no, I- I can’t- I-”
Natasha slid around to put herself in the kid’s line of sight. “Hey, little fella. You look past ready to get out of here, huh?”
“You’re- Widow. Black Widow.” The boy looked relieved, for whatever strange reason, but it only lasted a second before the panic came roaring back into his expression. “I can’t- they gave, gave me- a needle- I can’t, think I can’t think-”
“That’s alright,” Natasha soothed, easing a little closer. The kid didn’t flinch from her. “We’ll get you out of here and wait for it to wear off, okay?”
“‘Kay,” the kid whispered. But just as Natasha reached him, he shuddered, all over, and started to tip over. She managed to catch him before his head could hit the floor, and then Lang burst up to full size beside them.
“I’ll carry him,” the man insisted. “You guys are the better fighters, anyway.”
“Could you shrink him down?” Steve asked, still not getting close.
Lang shook his head, but then stopped and shrugged. “I mean, I could, but I’m not the expert with Pym-particles, and we don’t know what else he’s been injected with, so I’d really rather not risk any bad reactions.”
“Fair enough. Is he injured anywhere else?”
“A lot of bruises, already healing. And here-” Natasha gestured to the kid’s feet, bare and stained with fresh blood. “Looks like he walked across something sharp. Broken glass, maybe, but I can’t see any shards in the cuts.” Lang carefully reached down to grasp where she indicated, and pulled the limp kid up and over his shoulder.
“Alright,” Steve said. “New priority. We head back to the entrance, quick and quiet. Ant-Man and Falcon, get him out of here, back to the safehouse. The three of us will come back in to finish the mission once you’re clear.” The others all nodded, and they hastily retraced their steps, back to the front corridor and staircases.
Unfortunately, they didn’t make it that far.
A much larger group of guards suddenly spilled into the first intersection just before Steve reached it - at least a dozen of them, maybe fifteen, and all armed with similar weapons that fired bursts of electricity rather than bullets. His shield could still catch them, but it sizzled with each impact, and Steve’s hands started to go numb even through the thick material of his gloves. “Get back!”
Clint and Natasha continued to shoot around him. Sam found an unlocked door to yank open and led Lang through it. An explosive arrow hit the ground in front of the guards, and with the brief cessation of shooting, Steve dove through the doorway after his teammates.
They found themselves in a long room, some kind of workshop, with multiple tables full of lab equipment and bulky machinery along the walls. Another door sat at the far end; Lang darted off with the kid, Clint and Sam on either side, as Natasha helped Steve block off the door they’d come through. “Well, this isn’t going according to plan.”
He just grunted, shoving a heavy cabinet over. At least one heavy body slammed into the door, but their slapdash barrier held. For the moment.
They ran to join the others, just as Sam managed to break the other door’s lock with a swift kick. New route opened, their group slipped through - only to stop just as quickly, gathered on a walkway across a truly massive chasm. Natural stone bordered both sides, and the dim overhead lighting barely managed to penetrate the darkness below.
“Bad feeling’s worse,” Lang commented, briefly leaning a little closer. The kid groaned, twitching on his shoulder, which served to make the man backpedal for safety’s sake.
“We taking our chances on there being a way out on the other side, or making a stand?” Natasha asked, eyeing the door they’d just come through. The pursuing guards continued to shout, and Steve could hear the undercurrent sound of something cutting through the barricade.
“We take a chance,” he answered grimly. “Widow first, then Falcon. Hawkeye, you and I bring up the rear; Ant-man, keep in the middle and let us cover you.”
Each of them made a quick acknowledgement, and then they were moving - careful, but quick. No handrails bordered the edges of the walkway; no convenient signage indicating how far down the drop went.
About halfway across to the far wall, the first gunshots rang out.
Steve did what he could to alternate with Clint, blocking the bullets coming straight towards them even as arrows flew back in return. More guards spilled out onto the balcony platform around the door, though, giving them wider angles to fire at the rest of his teammates. Sam and Natasha gave a little back with their own weapons, at least, but Lang didn’t have much choice besides hunker down and keep moving.
Then the kid woke back up.
Steve’s only warning came in the form of a horrified shout from Lang, a few seconds before he felt the reverberations of something traveling under the walkway. Traveling fast.
“The hell-?” Clint barely got two words out before the kid flipped into sight, swinging himself inhumanly fast up onto the balcony. The guards weren’t any more prepared for him to come into their midst; several of them could only let loose shouts of alarm before a palm or an elbow or a foot slammed into their bodies.
Not a single one fell over the edge. Instead, the kid kept grabbing opponents he’d just knocked out, turning them into blunt force weapons against the others, tossing around people twice his size and kitted out in heavy body armor.
All too soon, no one remained standing besides the kid. He panted, short in-and-out gasps, arms still raised for combat as his eyes spun wildly, looking for the next enemy.
Steve took that moment to ease forward around Clint. Something in his head managed to click, watching the unknown teen bulldoze his way through the hostiles, and even though the mere idea of it turned his insides cold he still needed to ask- “Queens?”
The kid’s head snapped around towards him.
Chapter 4 of my Slush Pile fic, for all the half-written and unfinished MCU ideas I’ve had over the last, oh, decade or so. With any luck this one will eventually turn into its own standalone story, but there’s no telling how long that’ll take...
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sticksheadsworld · 1 year
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Name: Stick / Eddie
Gender: Non-Binary
Hi! I'm Stick, or Eddie, and I am a writer, artist and a lot of other things, mostly that though. I am pansexual and non-binary, and do not accept any form of hatred on my page, or you will be blocked with no hesitation.
I am open to writing fanfiction, or any stories about any of my OC's if I ever introduce them, if you enjoy them of course.
Fandoms I write for:
Certain characters will not have certain things written about them, especially if they are minors, I will not write smut for minors.
Tony Stark
Peter Parker
Natasha Romanoff
Scott Lang
Steve Rogers
Sam Wilson
Bucky Barnes
Wilbur Soot
Real people:
Bo Burnham
Tom Hiddleston
Benedict Cumberbatch
Chris Hemsworth
Chris Evans
Scarlett Johansson
BVB (the band)
Hannibal NBC:
Hannibal (duh)
Will Graham
Helluva Boss:
Stranger Things:
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington
Robin Buckley
Mike Wheeler
Dustin Henderson
Lucas Sinclair
Max Mayfield
Billy Hargrove
Nancy Wheeler
Karen Wheeler
Will Byers
Jim Hopper
Joyce Byers
Video Games:
Stardew Valley
Patrick Bateman
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Characters will be added to this page if requested, and I will not write for people if they are uncomfortable with it, please inform me if they are not comfortable, I will remove it immediately.
Thank you for reading this, I hope you enjoy my page :)
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antvnger · 1 year
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Uhhhh hhhmmmmm. Those are good questions, Anon.
I think Sam is a good one for sure. And Nat. I think they both would be really awesome to get to know better. And Thor! Yeah, I enjoyed hanging out with him at the compound during the whole Infinity Stones thing, and I think he would be a cool one to get to know better.
Who would I have wanted to know better and then I met them and changed my mind? Ummm....oh boy. Well, those two surviving Guardians weren't all that nice to me. Sure the talking racoon was cool, but then when you actually listen to what he's saying...Ehhh *shrugs*. Yeah so there's that I guess.
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I am totally not obsessed with the mcu...ahem 😐
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staying-elive · 9 months
So, I was thinking
I'm still annoyed by the shoddy and way too rushed use of Skrulls in Sectret Invasion. I'm not alone in thinking this should've been enacted over an entire Phase, not a six episode show with no big main characters.
A post Blip MCU could've been an ideal landscape for this story. They could've started planting seeds throughout.
Imagine if at the end of TFATWS, when Sharon is shot and bleeding, she's hiding her wound and refuses Bucky taking her to the hospital. Why? Because we, the audience, get to see that she's bleeding purple. 😯 Weird.
Then the show wraps as planned (i.e. it doesn't get derailed by this question) and then in Sharon's post credit, there's the reveal! She's a Skrull! (Takes care of people not liking her villain turn) She's not the Power Broker (fix that), but the Power Broker could also be a Skrull. Madripoor could be a pretty good base of operations for a group of insurgents. Unregulated, shady ties, lots of shady people, etc.)
I'm not 100% sure how this would affect the Flagsmasher/serum plot, but I'm sure there's a way to tweak this too, since Sharon's reason was flimsy,l. Maybe recreating the super soldier serum was a first attempt to create Super Skrulls, but turns out it's only compatible with human physiology, blah blah something. (Maybe while we're at it, tweak some more so that you don't have a case of displaced young people becoming terrorists. I'm sure a good writer could tie these together somehow.)
Anyone, my point is, Phase 4 could've started laying the foundation of Skrulls with hints that we the audience see. Then slowly, the characters discover things are amiss. This would allow for Earth bound stories in Phase 4, and establish new characters as a potential new Avengers line-up.
You could still introduce new characters, Shang Chi and Ms. Marvel, for instance. But these characters would need a major crossover cameo, like how Sam Wilson appeared in Ant Man, which allowed Sam to recruit Scott into CA:Civil War.
If an Avenger, say Sam again or Rhodey or Doctor Strange (or keep Wong appear at the end of Shang Chi!) or NICK FURY, know of these new characters, THEN when the Skrull situation begins seeming more serious and wide spread, our heroes can reach out to these newbies, knowing that they need more help, reinforcements, and knowing that it's unlikely that these unknowns will have been Skrulled.
Everything feels more integrated, connected in an organic way; there's something for an audience to get hyped about and theorise about between films; it allows for smaller films coming off of Endgame's high, giving space to breathe and rebuild; and importantly, the Phase would culminate with Avengers: Secret Invasion. Every phase needs an Avengers team up, and by this point, you could have established the team, form new bonds, and establish the threat with a real sense of paranoia, suspicion and competency.
The downside to this plan is you'd lose the multiverse, or just push it to Phase 5. Personally, I haven't liked any of these films enough to care about losing them, but I know each have their fans. Regardless, I think Phase 4 was absolutely the wrong Phase to introduce such a narratively messy idea to rebuild the MCU around.
These are just my thoughts, though. Curious to know anyone else's!
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literaryavenger · 3 months
Summary: There's a breach in the Avengers Compound and Sam investigates while you keep an eye on him through the security cameras.
Pairing: platonic!Sam Wilson x F!Reader, platonic!Steve Rogers x F!Reader
Warnings: Language, I think. Descriptions of fighting. Best Friend Sam Wilson. My poor attempts at being funny.
Word Count: 1.1k
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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It’s been a few months since you’ve joined the Avengers. You spend your days training, team-building and going on missions. 
You still occasionally follow some leads about Bucky, but nowadays most of the team’s missions consist in tracking down Rumlow, the last Hydra asshole that somehow survived the Triskelion falling on his face. 
The guy that rebranded himself as ‘Crossbones’ is particularly hard to catch and the team's been just missing him for months.
On your off days the whole team just hangs out in the compound, taking turns to assist security and keep it safe, although hardly anything ever happens.
You’re in the Control Room, paired with Sam who’s flying around the perimeter when you see him on camera fly to a roof and look around.
“What’s going on down there, Sam?” you ask him through the comms.
“I had a sensor trip but I’m not seeing anything.” he says, "Wait a second.”
You can see him fixate on one point on the ground, but there’s nothing there. Just as you’re about to ask him what the hell he’s doing, he talks.
“I can see you.” he says with his eyes still pointed at the ground. 
You’re about to tell him that you’re gonna book him a room in a psychiatric center when suddenly a grown ass man appears seemingly out of nowhere.
“Holy shit!” you all but yell.
He opens his helmet and says “Hi.” then he waves at Sam "I’m Scott.”
“Seriously?” you roll your eyes. The man broke into the Avengers Compound, you’d think he’d have a little more common sense.
“What are you doing here?” Sam asks.
“First off, I’m a big fan.” Scott says back.
“Appreciate it. So who the hell are you?”
“I’m Ant-Man.” he says proudly and you snort.
“Ant-Man?”- Sam echoes, smiling.
“What, you haven’t heard of me? No, you wouldn’t have heard of me.” Scott says and you can’t hold back your laughter.
“Sam, this guy’s an idiot.” you say, but he ignores you.
“You want to tell me what you want?”
“I was hoping I could grab a piece of technology just for a few days, and then return it.” the balls on this guy. “I need it to save the world. You know how that is.” 
“I know exactly how that is.” Sam answers, then finally he acknowledges you. “Located the breach. Bringing him in.”
“Sorry about this!” you hear Scott say as Sam goes to grab him and suddenly he’s gone.
You see Sam fall back hard as if he got punched and then he starts flying around, looking for the insect guy.
“Breach is an adult male who has some sort of shrinking tech.” he feels the need to inform you.
“Yes, I have eyes, Sam.” you can basically hear his eyes roll as he lands on the ground.
He goes to step hard on the ground where you assume Scott is, but all he manages to do is get hit repeatedly.
Then the genius takes out his guns and starts shooting and this time is your turn to roll your eyes. “Sure, Sam, shoot at an ant-sized man.”
Sam keeps getting punches and trying to punch back, but all he hits is air.
“That’s enough.” Sam actually lands a punch and Scott gets back to normal size, rolling on the grass.
Sam picks him up and punches him, then grabs him again and takes flight, hitting him but as he’s falling Scott shrinks back.
Sam lands again as Scott enlarges and wraps his legs around Sam’s neck so the latter activates his jetpack and they slide on the ground locked together until Scott shrinks and Sam goes flying through the air.
Sam quickly gets up and hits little Scott with his wings, he gets big but shrinks right back.
You can see Sam looking around. “Do you need backup, Sam?”
“I got this.” is all he says as he flies towards one of the old storage buildings and, when you open the door for him, he goes in.
“Wow, not even a thank you. Rude.” you say, as the door closes behind him, knowing he’ll ignore you. “Sam, I don’t have eyes on you. Is everything alright in there?”
Less than a minute later he’s breaking through the door, his wings clearly malfunctioning.
“What the hell, Sam?!" you yell shocked.
“He’s inside my backpack!” Sam yells back.
He flies around for a moment and then lands on his back, sliding until he comes to a stop. He gets up, seemingly unhurt.
“Are you okay?” you ask him, trying hard not to laugh after the scene you just witnessed.
“I’m alright.” he says as he takes off his goggles.
“So, you still ‘got this’, Wilson?” you can’t help but tease him.
“It’s really important to me that Cap never finds out about this.” Is all he says and you can’t contain your laughter anymore.
“Oh, I’m definitely telling Steve you got your ass kicked by an ant!” you say between giggles and he groans in annoyance.
You’re so busy laughing while watching Sam’s walk of shame on the monitor that you almost miss the agents that come into the Control Room to start their own work day.
“Come on, Falcon, shift’s over.” you tell him as he mumbles about his broken wings. “Drinks are on me, Sourpuss.”
“We don’t pay for drinks. If anything, drinks are on Tony.” he grumbles and you roll your eyes.
“Just move your ass, Grumpy pants.” you tell him and leave the room to make your way to the Avengers living room where you sit at the counter of the bar.
Sam meets you there 10 minutes later, his face still as grumpy as it was on the security cameras.
“You’re pouting.” You point out. “It’s just gear, Tony’s gonna have it fixed in no time.”
“Whatever.” he says, not lightening up.
“Come on, man!” you try to cheer him up. “That could’ve happened to any one of us.”
When he simply glares at you, you try hard to contain the laughter so he won’t try to kill you tonight.
“I promise I won’t tell Steve, just please stop moping like you just lost your platoon.” you can’t contain your laughter anymore and thankfully he follows right after.
“Thanks for not telling Steve.” he says when your laughter dies down, bumping your shoulder playfully with his.
“Not telling me what?” you both turn around and see Steve standing there, arms crossed with a suspicious look on his face.
You and Sam look at each other before saying "Nothing.” in unison, then start laughing knowing damn well Steve’s not gonna buy it.
But the Captain lets it go, as he sits to your other side with an amused “Okay, weirdos.”
Sam leans in and whispers to you “Next pizza night is on me.” and makes you laugh again.
“You’re damn right it is.”
Requested taglist: @sapphirebarnes
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itsss4t4n · 5 months
Who I write for /Rules
I'm new-ish to writing (i used to write fanfiction when i was like 13. i'm 18 now soo..) but I really wanna do it again.
So this is a list of characters/fandoms I write for as well as some rules for asks. Some things may be missing from this list so if you dont see something on this list, feel free to ask. :))
I will add a prompt list to this blog soon but again feel free to request other scenarious. Do add as much detail as you want to a request and please ALWAYS have at least some sort of prompt, as i'm really not good with coming up with storys on my own yet.
I WILL NOT DO SMUT SO DONT REQUEST IT! I might however do spicy stuff (Nothing more than making out tho).
My writing will be for all ages but please still be careful if the fic-warnings include sensitive topics and i might repost some 18+ things so be careful when navigating my blog.
Please be nice and have manners when requesting.
If you have any questions at all if i write for something, or if a topic you want me to write about is okay or not, please reach out through my asks or my inbox.
Also please include what gender/pronouns you want the reader to have (i write for all genders):)))
I write both romantic and platonic for all my characters. Although Teen!readers will always be platonic if the character is an adult.
I also write poly relationships. AUs are also totally on the table (big Fan of celebrity AUs).
Some things I will not write include: Pregnancy, toxic/yandere, student x teacher.
(Also english isnt my first language, and even know in my opinion i speak it really well, if they are any mistakes, thats why.)
Harry Potter
-Fred Weasley
-george Weasley
-lee jordan
-Charly weasley
-Bill weasley
-cedric diggory
-Fleur delacour
-olliver wood
-sirius black
-remus lupin
-James potter
-sirius black
-remus lupin
-regulus black
-Evan rosier
-Barty crouch jr
-pandora lestrange
-lilly evans
-marlene mckinnon
Hogwarts Legacy
-Sebastian Sallow
-Ominus Gaunt
-Gareth Weasley
-Poppy Sweetings
-Imelda Reyes
-Jasper Hale
-Emmet Cullen
-carlisle cullen
-esme cullen
-rosalie hale
-alice cullen
-sam uley
-Paul lahote
-charlie swan
-Leah clearwater
-Percy jackson
-Anabeth chase
-luke castellan
-clarrisse larue
-selena beauregard
-charles beckendorf
-ethan nakamura
-nico di anglo (no romantic fem readers)
-rachel elizabeth dare
-will solace (no romantic fem reader)
-travis stoll
-connor stoll
-hazel levesque (no romantic)
-jason grace
-leo valdez
-piper mclean
Magnus chase
-Magnus chase
-samirah al abbas ( no romantic)
-alex fierro
-malory keen
-tj (thomas jefferson jr)
Kane chronicles (havent read it in a while so might be ooc)
-Carter kane
-sadie kane
-walt stone
MCU (Avengers)
-bucky Barnes
-steve rogers
-tony stark
-sam wilson
-natasha romanoff
-yelena belova
-Peter Parker (tom holland and andrew garfield)
-Wanda maximof
-Piedro maximof
-Clint barton
-scott lang
-stephen strange
-kate bishop
MCU ( Guardians of the galaxy)
-peter quill
-steven grant
-mark spector
-layla el-faouly
Daredevil (Season 1)
-matt murdock
-Foggy nelson
-Karen page
-James wesley
X-men universe
-Eddie Brock
-Harley Quinn
-Jason Todd
-Dick Grayson
Disney Descendants
-Carlos devil
-Benjamin beast
-Chad charming
-Audrey rose
-Harry hook
Tiny Pretty things (Netflix)
-Bette Whitlaw
-oren lennox
-shane madej (no romantic fem readers)
-June park
Jennifers Body
-Jennifer Check
-Colin gray
Ever after high
-all characters
Redacted Audios (no x reader, just ships)
-literally all characters
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xox000xox · 10 months
250 Hollywood Celebrities Sign Letter Demanding Big Tech Censor Anyone Who Opposes Trans Surgeries On Kids
Here are the names of every celebrity who wants to mutilate children. Remember them & for Gods sake, stop supporting their products, movies, shows etc.
Abby Wambach
Adam Eli
Aitch Alberto
AJ Shively
Alan Cumming
Alejandra Caraballo
Alejandra Ghersi
Alex Clark
Alexandra Gutierrez
Alisa Ramirez
Allie Leonard
Allison Goldfrapp
ALOK Vaid-Menon
Alyssa May Gold
Alyssa Milano
Amber Ruffin
Amber Tamblyn
Amy Schumer
Amy Landecker
Andrew Polk
Angelica Ross
Annaleigh Ashford
Antoni Porowski
Aparna Brielle
Arden Myrin
Ariana Grande
Arisce Wanzer
Avan Jogia
Barbie Ferreira
Bebe Rexha
Bella Ramsey
Ben Barnes
Benito Skinner
Benj Pasek
Bethany Cosentino
Bethany Leavel
Billy Eichner
Billy Porter
Bob the Drag Queen
Bobby Berk
Bonnie Milligan
Brad Oscar
Bradley Whitford
Brandon Matthews
Brendan Hines
Bretman Rock
Brian Smith
Brigette Lundy-Paine
Brittany Tomlinson
Busy Philipps
Caesar Samoya
Camila Cabello
Camille A Brown
Cara Delevingne
Chani Nicholas
Chella Man
Chelsea Handler
Cheyenne Jackson
Chris Perfetti
Christa Miller
Cleo Wade
Colton Haynes
Corey Jantzen
Cynthia Erivo
Cynthia McWilliams
Cynthia Nixon
Cyrus Veyssi
D’Arcy Carden
Dakota Fanning
Dan Levy
Darren Criss
David Shatraw
David Oulton
Debra Messing
Deepica Mutyala
Demi Lovato
Des McAnuff
Devery Jacobs
Diana Maria Riva
Diane Guerrero
Dylan Mulvaney
Ed Droste
Eddie Ndopu
EJ Marcus
Elegance Bratton
Eliot Rahal
Elle Fanning
Elliot Page
Emily Hampshire
Emily V. Gordon
Emma Hunton
Erin Reed
Estefania Pessoa
Freddy Thomas
Gabrielle Union-Wade
Gigi Gorgeous
Glennon Doyle
Grace Kuhlenschmidt
Griffin Dunne
Haley Baldwin Bieber
Hannah Gadsby
Harry Lambert
Hayley Kiyoko
Hilary Montez
Ilana Glazer
Indya Moore
Isaac Mizrahi
Jackie Bazan
Jacob Tierney
Jai Rodriguez
Jameela Jamil
James Blake
James Scully
Jaymes Vaughan
Jamie Lee Curtis
Janaya Khan
Janelle Monáe
Janet Hubert
Jazz Jennings
Jenna Lyons
Jennifer Kerr
Jeremy Fall
Jessica Betts
Jillian Mercado
Jinkx Monsoon
Joe DiPietro
Jonathan Van Ness
Jonathan Bennett
Jonny Pierce
Jordan Stenmark
Jordan Firstman
Jordan Roth
JP Saxe
Judd Apatow
Justin Baldoni
Justin Tranter
Kal Penn
Kamar de los Reyes
Karamo Brown
Kate Reinders
Katherine LaNasa
Kathryn Grody
Kellie Overbey
Kelly Devine
Kendrick Sampson
Kevin Harrington
Kevin Cahoon
Ki Griffin
Kimber Elayne Sprawl
Kimberly Drew
Kristin Chenoweth
Lachlan Watson
Laith De La Cruz
Laura Terruso
Lauren Jauregui
Laverne Cox
Lena Dunham
Lena Waithe
Lena Hall
Lilly Singh
Lily Rabe
Liv Hewson
Liza Koshy
Lola Tung
Lorin Latarro
Lovell Adams-Gray
Lucky Bromhead
Mae Martin
Mae Whitman
Maggie Boccella
Maitreyi Ramakrishnan
Mandy Patinkin
Marc Jacobs
Marc Kudisch
Marieme Diop
Martha Plimpton
Matt Bernstein
Matt McGorry
Matt Walton
Medalion Rahimi
Meena Harris
Megan Crabbe
Michael D. Cohen
Michaela Jaé Rodriguez
Michelle Buteau
Midori Francis
Miriam Silverman
Moj Mahdara
Mona Chalabi
Montego Glover
Munroe Bergdorf
Nate Wonder
Nats Getty
Neila Karassik
Nicholas Ferroni
Nico Carney
Nico Santos
Nico Tortorella
Nicole Maines
Niecy Nash-Betts
Nik Dodani
Ocean Vuong
Olly Alexander
Our Lady J
Padma Lakshmi
Patrick Stewart
Patti LuPone
Phillip Picardi
Phoebe Robinson
Poorna Jagannathan
Rachel Cargle
Rafael Silva
Ramy Youssef
Randy Shulman
Raquel Willis
Richa Moorjani
Rob Holysz
Robert Horn
Rory Dahl
Rosario Dawson
Rupi Kaur
Sam Smith
Sander Jennings
Sandy Rustin
Sara Bareilles
Sara Ramirez
Sarah Ramos
Sasha Velour
Scott Turner Schofield
Shawn Mendes
Shea Couleé
Shea Diamond
Sherri Saum
Sinead Burke
Solomon Hughes
Stephen Kunken
Susie Park
T. Oliver Reid
Taika Waititi
Tan France
Tatiana Maslany
Tess Holliday
Tiffany Namtu
Tommy Dorfman
Tracee Ellis Ross
Travis Alabanza
Tunde Adebimpe
Vivek Shraya
Wanda Sykes
Warren Carlyle
Wayne Cilento
Wilson Cruz
Yves Mathieu East
Zoë Chao
Zooey Deschanel
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theyraylovehate · 1 year
Wheel of Fan Fiction Masterlist
Smut 🔥
Fluff 🌸
Angst 💧
*This is like brand new so most of the characters won't have anything just yet*
•Stranger things
-Billy Hargrove
-Steve Harrington
-Eddie Munson
-Robin Buckley (Fem/NB only)
-Johnathan Byers
-Nancy Wheeler
-Jim Hopper
-Joyce Byers
-Will Byers (No smut)
-Mike Wheeler (No smut)
-Max Mayfield (No smut)
Hateful Cuddling - Female reader 🌸
-Dustin Henderson (No smut)
-Lucas Sinclair (No smut)
-Eleven (Jane) Hopper (No smut)
-Iron Man/Tony Stark
-Captian America/Steve Rogers
-Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff
-Hawkeye/Clint Barton
-Hulk/Bruce Banner
-Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes
-Black Panther/T'challa
-Doctor Strange/Steven Strange
-Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff
-Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff
-Starlord/Peter Quill
-Spiderman/Peter Parker
-Falcon/Sam Wilson
-War Machine/James Rhodes
-Valkyrie (Fem/NB only)
-Professor X/Charles Xavier
-Magneto/Erik Lensherr
-Wolverine/James Howlett
-Quicksilver/Peter Maximoff
-Jean Grey
-Storm/Ororo Munroe
-Cyclops/Scott Summers
-Beast/Henry "Hank" McCoy
-Nightcrawler/Kurt Wagner
-Havok/Alexander Summers
•DC/Young Justice
-Batman/Bruce Wayne
-Superman/Clark Kent
-The Flash/Barry Allen
-Aquaman/Authur Curry
-Cyborg/Victor Stone
-Joker/Jack Oswald White
-Harley Quinn/Harleen Quinzel
-Wonder Woman/Diana Prince
-DeadShot/Floyd Lawton
-Kid Flash/Wally West
-Nightwing (Robin #1)/ Dick Grayson
-Red Hood (Robin #2)/ Jason Todd
-Robin (#3)/ Tim Drake
-Beast Boy/Garfield Logan
-Superboy/Johnathan "Jon" Kent
-Artemis/Artemis Crock
-Red Arrow/Roy Harper
-Green Arrow/Oliver Queen
-Black Canary/Dinah Lance
-Miss Martian/Megan Morse
•Umbrella Academy
-Luther Hargreeves (#1)
-Diego Hargreeves (#2)
-Allison Hargreeves (#3)
-Klaus Hargreeves (#4)
-Five Hargreeves (#5)
-Ben Hargreeves (#6)
-Viktor Hargreeves (#7)
-Marcus Hargreeves (#1)
-Fei Hargreeves (#3)
-Alphonso Hargreeves (#4)
-Sloan Hargreeves (#5)
-Jayme Hargreeves (#6)
-Lila Aryu
-The Handler
•Harry Potter
-Harry Potter
-Ron Weasley
-Hermione Granger
-Fred Weasley
-George Weasley
-Ginny Weasley
-Draco Malfoy
-Sirius Black (Older)
-Cedric Diggory
-Oliver Wood
-Neville Longbottom
-Luna Lovegood
-Remus Lupin (Older)
-Nymphadora Tonks
-Lucious Malfoy (Older)
-Narcissa Malfoy (Older)
-Severus Snape (Older)
-Bill Weasley
-Charlie Weasley
-James Potter
Friendly Love - Male reader 🌸
-Lily Evans
-Sirius Black
-Remus Lupin
-Severus Snape
-Regulus Black
-Lusious Malfoy
-Narcissa Black
-Peter Pettigrew
•Greek Mythology
-Beatrice "Tris" Prior
-Caleb Prior
-Tobias "Four"
Zip line of Love - Nonbinary Reader (Requested) 🌸
•Star Wars
-Anakin Skywalker
-Luke Skywalker
-Leia Organa
-Han Solo
-Obi-Wan Kenobi
-Kylo Ren
-Dean Winchester
-Sam Winchester
-Rowena MacLeod
-Charlie Bradbury (Fem/NB only)
-Chuck Shurley
-Jody Mills
-Ellen Harvelle
-Kevin Tran
•The Walking Dead
-Rick Grimes
-Daryl Dixon
-Glenn Rhee
-Carl Grimes
-Maggie Greene
-Shane Walsh
-Rosita Espinosa
-Carol Peletier
-Paul "Jesus" Monroe
-Abraham Ford
‐Tara Chambler (Fem/NB only)
-Aaron (Masc/NB only)
•The Walking Dead Game
-Violet (Fem/NB only)
IT (2017)
-Richie Tozier
-Beverly Marsh
-Eddie Kaspbrak
-Bill Denbrough
-Stanley Uris
-Ben Hanscom
-Henry Bowers
-Mike Hanlon
-Patrick Hockstetter
-Victor Criss
-Belch Huggins
-Harry Hook
•Maze Runner
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stuckonjbbarnes · 11 months
MMU: The OCs
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A/N: This is the culmination of My Marvel Universe (MMU) original female characters. They are near and dear to me.
She Who Wins
I'll Call You
Her Favorite Christmas Story
Like the Flower
My Love Bug
Season of the Witch
Beyond the Yellow Brick Road (prequel)
Puppy Love
So Happy
At Least, Not Alone
Mischief & Marigolds
2. Can also read: Pulled the Rug & Shot me Down for context.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Which one are you?
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wayneskluv · 1 month
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(redoing my intro) — ABOUT THE WRITER ; my name is cora/cor! ; nineteen ; from england ; major boygenius fan <3 ; she/they/he ; jason todd, natasha romanoff, valeria garza & ellie williams enthusiast ; been writing since 2019 ; the majority of my work will be gn!reader
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requests: open! (for fluff ꩜, smut ★ & angst ִ ࣪𖤐) MASTERLIST — MINORS DNI ! — please specify gender of reader when when requesting 🦇
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people i write for ;
- dc ; jason todd, dick grayson, bruce wayne, tim drake, damian wayne, harley quinn, barbara gordon, alfred pennyworth (fluff only), bart allen, conner kent, jon kent, roy harper, clark kent, rachel roth, poison ivy, blackfire, beastboy, starfire, cyborg, wally west
- the mcu ; peter parker, natasha romanoff, pietro maximoff, wanda maximoff, tony stark, steve rogers, wade wilson, kate bishop, yelena belova, sam wilson, bucky barnes, loki, black panther, bruce banner, scott lang, maria hill, carol danvers, steven strange, agatha harkness, peter quill, gamora
- other ; simon ‘ghost’ riley, spencer reid, all the marauders, mattheo riddle, abby scuito, emily prentiss, steve harrington, billy hargrove, robin buckley, ian gallagher, alice cullen, edward cullen, bella swan, regulus black, ellie williams, tony dinozzo, anakin skywalker, rosa diaz, gina linetti
if you have another character in mind, always feel free to request!
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things i won’t write ; underage, nsfw with a male!reader, incest, non/dub con, somnophilia/necrophilia, celebrities/irl people, nsfw with people played by minors, r4pe, incest/step-cest, reader with a specific race—i like my writing to be broad and for everyone (i’m not here to kink shame, i just don’t feel comfortable writing these topics)
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that’s it! likes & rt are appreciated <3
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b00inazkaban · 2 years
I have no idea what to post but can people give me like ideas for fics for?
Master list: :)
IM NOT USING THIS MASTER-LIST ANYMORE! Head over to my second one on my navigation page and request from that one please and thank you my lovelies!
Who/What I'll write for:
Most kinks,
Angst (I’m not a fan of angst but I’ll still write) ,
Aged-Up characters,
Any/All genders
Poly relationship’s (3 -5 Character’s)
Harry Potter/ Marauders / Fantastic Beasts:
Ron Weasley Hermione Granger Neville longbottom Cedric Diggory Ginny Weasley Fred Weasley George Weasley Blaise Zabini Pansy Parkinson Theadore Nott Luna Lovegood Cho Chang (maybe depends on request) Bill Weasley Fleur Delacour Tom Riddle Mattheo Riddle Nymphadora Tonks Bellatrix Lestrange (Younger and Older) Lucius Malfoy (Younger and Older) Narcissa Malfoy (Younger and Older) Severus Snape (Younger and Older) Sirius Black (Younger and Older) Remus Lupin (Younger an Older) James Potter Peter Pettigrew (maybe and young and with the good fancast(s) Lily Evans Marlene McKinnon Mary McDonald Dorcus Meadowes Newt Scammander Thesus Scammander Jacob Kowalski Sweathearts; Queenie Goldstein Tina Goldstein !Young! Albus Dumbledore Gellert Grindelwald (Mads or Johnny)
Stranger Things:
Steve Harrington Johnathan Byers Billy Hargrove Argyle Eddie Munson Nancy Wheeler Chrissy Cunningham Robin (fem aligned only) Eleven Hopper (fluff only) Dustin Henderson (fluff only) Lucas Sinclair (fluff only) Max Mayfield (fluff only) Mike Wheeler (fluff only) Little!mike x Cg!reader; Will Byers (fluff only) Joyce Byers Jim(James) Hopper Enzo Antonov Karen Wheeler Murray Bauman Dr. Alexie Phil Callahan
Marvel/ DC/ Guardians of the Galaxy:
Tony Stark (Ironman) Steve Rogers (Captain America) Bruce Banner (Hulk) Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow) Thor Odinson Clint Barton (Hawkeye) Loki Laufeyson (Odinson) Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch) Peitro Maximoff Bucky(James) Barnes Pepper Potts Peter Parker Dr. Stephen Strange Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel) Scott Lang (Ant-Man) Sam Wilson (Flacon) Eddie/Venom Peter Quill Gamora Drax Rocket Yondu Arthur Curry (Aquaman) Orm Marius Barry Allan (Flash)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:
Leonardo Raphael Donatello Michelangelo April O’Neil Casey Jones
Walt Longmire Victoria Moretti Ferguson Henry Standingbear Cady Longmire Branch Connolly Jacob Nighthorse Mathias
Carlise Cullen Esme Cullen Charlie Swan Jacob Black
Bella Swan
Edward Cullen
Jasper Cullen
Emmet Cullen
Rosile Cullen
Alice Cullen
Barry Allen
Cisco Ramon
Harry Wells
Caitlin Snow
Iris West
Julian Albert
Oliver Queen
Captain Cold
Who/what I don’t write for:
Draco Malfoy (Only character I’m so sorry I just can’t write anything for him unless it’s fluff still don't like writing for him tbh)
I won’t write for Rape,
Smut for agere,
Smut for minor x adult
Kidnapped (maybe tho depends on character and other things)
A/n: Ik minors are on here and still read stuff so I'm not putting a age warning on here, people don't really read age warnings usually but I'll put age warning on the one with smut or suggestive themes. Also, please make suggestions with enough detail for me to imagine and make something with, and this is a safe-space for any and all genders and agere, thanks have a good day!
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weclassybouquetfun · 1 year
Day One of CinemaCon is done, deaded, over!
The slate was pretty much as I expected sans any info on Dakota Johnson's MADAME WEB.
-Jennifer Lawrence was on hand to tout her sex comedy NO HARD FEELINGS.
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-Denzel Washington and his MAN ON FIRE costar Dakota Fanning talked their reunion project, EQUALIZER 3.
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-Also in a reunion project is Joaquin Phoenix and his GLADIATOR director Ridley Scott. Footage from Scott's NAPOLEON - starring Phoenix, was shown. As part of Sony's deal with Apple+ it will have have a sturdy theatrical run before going to the streamer.
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-Carrie Coon, Paul Rudd, McKenna Grace and Finn Wolfhard- clad in Ghostbusters uniform - sent a set video message from their not-as-yet named sequel of GHOSTBUSTERS: AFTERLIFE.
-Martin Lawrence and Will Smith sent a video message from set of BAD BOYS 4.
-Whether they're really playing in Glen Powell's girlfriend's face or just trying to drum up press for their l'il movie, Glen Powell and Sydney Sweeney were on hand to promote their rom-com ANYONE BUT YOU.
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-There was extended footage of GRAN TURISMO starring Orlando Bloom and David Harbour.
-Also on video was Aaron Taylor-Johnson to tease footage from his starring vehicle KRAVEN THE HUNTER. It will be the first Sony Marvel film with an R rating. Confirmed for the film? Alessandro Nivola is playing Rhino.
-Fourteen minutes of SPIDER-MAN: ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE was screened. The animated film takes place a year post SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE.
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Other Sony films promoted: the Priyanka Chopra-Jonas, Sam Heughan (and bewilderingly, Celine Dion) romance LOVE AGAIN, KNIGHTS OF THE ZODIAC starring Mackenyu, Sean Bean and Famke Janssen, the dark comedy THE MACHINE, the John Cho and Katherine Waterson fronted horror film THEY LISTEN, the all-star biblical film THE BOOK OF CLARENCE starring LaKeith Stanfield as the title character who is trying to capitalize on the rise of the Messiah. The film also stars RJ Cyler, Mame-Anna Diop, Omar Sy, David OyelewoBenedict Cumberbatch, James McAvoy and others and INSIDIOUS: THE RED DOOR which will be directed by INSIDIOUS star Patrick Wilson and also marks the return of Ty Simpkins to the franchise.
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