jentrevellan · 10 months
Hi! Do you do commissions? /gen
Hello friend! I do indeed, but I am closed for July whilst I work through a small backlog and other little projects. I'll be opening Comms again in August, and you can follow my Kofi page so you get a notification when they open!
Thanks so much for your interest! 💕✨
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sourrcandy · 4 months
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WTW PROMPT WEEK ↳ day 01 ; protagonist & antagonist
psd template by @feelrush
outrun time stars chui yunkei, who takes being fired from the police force hard and misunderstandings worst. stripped of her law-abiding do-gooder reputation, yunkei is forced into a world of supposed normality. but when the mysterious serial killer, sun wukong, she was investigating before her discharge strikes close to home, her investigation leads her to uncover a web of crime and corruption within the kowloon walled city — linked to her family's own dark past.
(*more under the cut, tw blood + descriptions of murder/death)
i. chui yunkei
her blood sings with adrenaline. the dirt path rounds and she eases up on the gas, letting the car swerve through the curve elegantly, and she flies across the finish line. all it takes is the few seconds of nothingness between her car and the finish line to make her feel alive, the rest of the world a distant memory.
ii. sun wukong
the kowloon walled city wants to remember him as a distant memory, a serial killer myth that parents tell their children as a warning to be good. yunkei wishes to be oblivious like them, to live peacefully where her only worries are if the drinking water is contaminated again or if her loud neighbours have brought trouble again with their gambling addiction. but when she closes her eyes, all she sees is blood smeared on the alley wall, a gutted body of a prostitute with the same gold band she has seen over and over again in the past three months.
general taglist. @kazino @serpentarii @seasteading @lasbrumas @sympathyhouse @halcionic @janaisvu
outrun time taglist. n/a
— send an ask to be added/removed.
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gynecologistmsfrizzle · 7 months
okay listen neil newbon would absolutely deserve to win best performance for astarion at the game awards and I’m going to applaud if and when he does. however. if devora wilde isn’t at least NOMINATED alongside him you can all expect me to make some angry posts about it.
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lilaclilypad · 2 years
golden moon hangs in the starless sky,
as she watches groups of clouds pass by,
she sings a tale of loneliness as lullaby,
but who would believe her for she burns so bright?
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writingmeraki · 1 year
Guesung please reject me so i can move on ????????
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rhythm-catsandwine · 1 year
Pride Colors
Pink for being attracted to another guy. Blue for being attracted to girls. Purple for all genders. It was the colors of the flag hung up in HQ. It wasn’t the vegetarian that put it up. The little Danish drummer boy didn’t put it up either. No one thought it was the one that looked like the orange cat. Most thought it was the gentle giant of a bassist. 
It was a regular-size flag, but surrounding it were pictures. Eventually, the entire wall would be filled from corner to corner. Some from the ’80s and some from the ’90s somehow made it up first. They were the random ones random people took. Pictures from those with cameras chasing celebrities. But those cameras were oblivious to what was hidden right in front of their lenses. Crew and bandmates took all the rest. 
“Hey, they’re another one!” Kirk tapped the photo with his finger. “ Rember when that one was taken?”
“Yea after that you had the best sex of your life.” Lars kissed him on the cheek. 
“I thought it was the other way.”  A finger jabbed him on the hip. “ Then there was that one.” Kirk pointed to another one. “You had been as ass the entire day.”
“But I’m your ass.”
“Yeah, but you can be really sweet too.” 
“I’m a sweet ass.”
Master post and Ao3
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luma-az · 9 months
Elle s'appelle Blanche
Défi d’écriture 30 jours pour écrire, 15 août 
Thème : Le corps/six mois dormir
. .
C’est… perturbant.
Le corps est là depuis longtemps, il est impossible qu’il en soit autrement. Il n’a pas été enterré, il a été posé dans la forêt, et la terre, les feuilles mortes et les plantes se sont accumulées dessus petit à petit. Sans oublier qu’on sait très bien que la demoiselle a été assassinée il y a six mois. Une avalanche de preuves le démontre, dont une vidéo. Il ne manquait que le cadavre.
Le cadavre est frais comme une rose.
L’inspectrice s’accroupit tout en mettant sur sa main un gant en latex. Elle a beaucoup de choses à examiner sur ce corps, mais sa première impulsion est de chercher le pouls. La victime a l’air si vivante…
Sous ses doigts, la peau est douce et élastique. Tiède.
Son propre cœur bat à tout rompre. Non, ce n’est pas possible que la jeune fille soit vivante, qu’elle n’ait fait que dormir six mois, à même le sol, dans cette forêt si…
Une forêt si enchanteresse, et si calme à la fois. Pas un bruit, ni un pépiement d’oiseau, ni un bourdonnement d’insecte. Le corps repose dans une clairière, exactement où il faut pour qu’un rayon de soleil doré l’illumine. L’endroit a des allures de cathédrale végétale.
L’inspectrice ne trouve pas le pouls, bien sûr, quelle idée absurde. En attendant elle a trouvé le corps signalé par le promeneur, et en dépit de ses bizarreries il est temps d’enclencher la procédure. Appel au poste, protection du périmètre, envoi de la police scientifique… Elle a hâte d’avoir l’avis du légiste sur ce cas. Vraiment très étran...
Elle était en train de saisir sa radio quand une chouette fond sur elle et lui laboure la main de ses serres. Ah, d’où elle sort, cette saleté ? Ça fait un mal de chien ! Et depuis quand les chouettes se pointent en plein jour ?
En regardant autour d’elle pour chercher son agresseuse à plumes, l’inspectrice s’aperçoit que chaque branche de chaque arbre est recouverte d’animaux. Oiseaux, écureuils, chauve-souris. En-dessous, les buissons sont remplis également de lapins, de renards, de blaireaux, de daims et de cerfs – sans oublier toutes les bestioles de la forêt qu’elle serait incapable d’identifier. Tout ce petit monde reste là, sans un bruit, se contentant de la fixer des yeux d’une manière qui la terrifie.
Lentement, prudemment, elle amorce à nouveau le geste d’attraper sa radio. Toutes les têtes bougent au rythme de sa main.
Une voix bourrue la fait sursauter :
« Allons, ce n’est pas la peine de faire ça, mademoiselle.
Elle se retourne. Personne. Ah, non, son interlocuteur est nettement plus bas. C’est une personne atteinte de nanisme – si c’est comme ça qu’on dit pour être politiquement correct aujourd’hui, en tout cas il ne donne pas envie de l’appeler « personne de petite taille ». Rien chez lui n’a l’air très petit, à part bien sûr la hauteur. Il est très large, très fort, et sa voix ressemble au bruit d’une avalanche de pierres.
Plus que nerveuse, l’inspectrice passe en mode automatique et lui répond d’une voix sèche :
 — Inspectrice Zenigata, police criminelle. Je vous prie de dégager la zone, ceci est une scène de crime dans une enquête en cours.
— Non, répond tout simplement le nain. Ceci est un lieu de recueillement pour nous tous. Vous voulez la voir ?
— De recueill… Monsieur, vous savez qu’il y a un cadavre là ?
— Elle s’appelle Blanche, et elle n’est pas morte.
— Vous la connaissez ! Vous allez avoir de nombreuses questions à répondre au poste…
— Non.
Il s’avance. Il n’a rien de menaçant dans son attitude, si on ignore le fait qu’il ressemble à une force de la nature, et que l’inspectrice n’est absolument pas certaine qu’elle pourrait le maitriser s’il le fallait. Comment peut-on humainement être aussi large que haut ? Elle ne va quand même pas lui tirer dessus !
Mais elle se sent très seule dans cette forêt, sous le feu du regard des animaux dont au moins un a l’air d’avoir la rage, et la situation n’est plus sous son contrôle depuis beaucoup trop longtemps. Elle attrape enfin sa radio et appelle du renfort.
Elle n’entend rien en retour. Pas même en crachotement. Comme si l’appareil était éteint, ou mort.
En attendant, l’homme a presque atteint le cadavre. Il se penche devant et soupire :
— Mes frères et moi voulions lui créer un cercueil de verre. Vous savez, pour la protéger de la terre. Mais elle aimait tellement la nature. Elle aurait voulu sentir les racines des plantes pousser sur elle, vous comprenez ?
— Reculez ! Dernier avertissement ! Reculez tout de suite ou je tire !
— N’est-elle pas magnifique ? ajoute le nain en se tournant vers l’inspectrice. N’avez-vous pas envie de la sauver ?
Elle sort son arme de service de son étui. Elle ne s’en est jamais servi et ne voit pas par quel miracle toute cette histoire ne finira pas en bavure, mais il est hors de question qu’elle laisse s’échapper cet homme. Même si ce n’est pas lui l’assassin – c’était un chasseur, qui lui a arraché le cœur au couteau de survie, un meurtre horrible – il est sans aucun doute un complice.
Et un taré. Il s’agenouille devant le cadavre et commence à nettoyer délicatement la terre qui recouvre son visage.
— Arrêtez ça ! Levez les mains en l’air, ou je tire !
— Vous êtes sûre, mademoiselle Zenigata ? Vous ne préféreriez pas la sauver ? Vous auriez dû la connaître. Elle était si gentille. Vous seriez si heureuses, toutes les deux.
— Je…
Quelle histoire de fous. Du début à la fin. Comment est-ce qu’elle peut se sortir de…
— N’insiste pas, dit une autre voix aussi rocailleuse que la première.
Un autre nain est arrivé, au moins aussi massif que le premier. Et un autre. Combien sont-ils en tout, et d’où sortent-ils à la fin ? Elle n’a entendu aucune voiture !
Le premier lui répond :
— Elle pourrait être la bonne. Elle pourrait la réveiller.
— Non, mon frère. Tu ne vois pas qu’elle est terrifiée ? Elle n’a pas ce que nous cherchons. Il faudrait le cœur d’un prince…
— Les princes n’existent plus. Elle a un cœur de chevalier protecteur, c’est déjà beaucoup. Ça pourrait marcher…
L’inspectrice balaie la clairière du regard, pistolet en avant. Ils sont sept, puissants, barbus, massifs, qui semblent avoir émergés de la terre elle-même. Et ces satanés bestiaux qui n’arrêtent pas de la fixer…
Un nain à la longue barbe blanche prend la parole – sa voix ressemble au grondement d’un tremblement de terre et il est à peine compréhensible :
— Si elle avait voulu le faire, elle l’aurait fait. Patience, mes frères. Le temps n’est pas encore venu. »
Lorsque l’inspectrice se réveille, il fait nuit, et il ne reste personne – ni corps, ni nains, ni animaux. Rien que la vague sensation d’être passé très près de quelque chose d’extraordinaire, et de l’avoir manqué.
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alltimefail-sims · 1 year
I saw some of your posts looking for Strangerville stuff but haven't given a deeper look to your blog. Your version of Strangerville just rocks. I love it and I'm giving you a follow just for that. Also gives me inspiration to go nuts about my own story and not be afraid of making picrews and such lol
Also, trans Erwin, why the hell not? Your take on him is pretty interesting, besides giving him a proper backstory as a family, he's not just some weird kid tending to a curious lil' stall in the desert, and whoever was being a ding dong about it forgets that there are as many Erwins as there are players. It's like every simmer has their own little alternate universe :v
Anyway, I just wanted to spread the love, you go girl
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I have read your ask 3 times now and I am so touched by your kindness. I'm serious - this made my day, and I appreciate you so much! Thank you a million times over. Thank you for following me, I followed you back and you should definitely go nuts about your own story!!! Please share it, you already have fan! 💕 (Plus, Picrews are awesome. People on simblr who complain about stuff like that are buzzkills.)
I just wanted to add that I love the sentiment "There are as many Erwins as there are players...like every simmer has their own little alternate universe." That's kind of an ongoing theme in my Strangerville story, actually, so that really struck me and I couldn't agree more. Perhaps I'm a bit of a sap (and far too attached to this pixel man) but the idea that this fictional character is living a million different lives and being loved in a plethora of different ways is kind of beautiful, poetic even. I think it's sad when people try to police *1* version of the premade sims as "absolute." In my universe, I really wanted to use Erwin as a vehicle for showing that no matter how different you are, how hard life has been for you, there is still hope. Even in loss, even in change, there is growth and love, too.
Thank you for the love, I'm feeling it. 😊
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jaekaicx · 2 years
haunted by the realization that anne would write love choice fanfiction
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priscilla9993 · 2 years
Poisoned Heart Lore
From what I’ve gathered, Alice’s or Marcus’s touch could both kill their loved one. Although Cecelia was the one who would have gotten killed by his touch, it can be presumed that she decided to stay “lost” in Wonderland since the girls needed him more and Rapunzel poisoned her to get her out of the picture anyways, whether she knew it or not.
Cecelia would have known Marcus was looking for her because the locket glowed brighter with each step he took closer to her, but potentially the poison would have jump started in her heart as he did so. If their love was as strong as Ella experienced, Cecelia would also realize he wouldn’t leave Wonderland without her if he saw her. She did the hard thing and possibly left the locket on the teapot so that it would stop glowing and he’d give up with what it meant on his end of the locket. Marcus, in turn, lost his spark to live with purpose after he assumed she had shunned his love of her and eventually went back to his current unhappy marriage to Rapunzel as a changed and heartbroken man. 
Lastly, it comes as no surprise that Alice, in the past and especially after her ruined reunion with her papa, wanted to stay lost in Wonderland until there came a day where a true cure was found there or the curse was lifted.
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ace-malarky · 1 month
In which Olizaar has a perfectly understandable reaction to his future being yanked violently out of the direction he thought it was going
(pertaining to things I Have Not Yet Written in the main story of this because it's really hard to have focus when your co-writer thinks the thing is dead lmao)
 Olizaar sits in the corner of the closet and has to remind himself to breathe. Maybe he’d breathe anyway, but it gives him something to focus on.
 Anything other than the fuss happening above his head.
 Distantly, he hears a dragon roar. Promithio, probably. He’d always been more vocal about – everything.
 Olizaar had thought he’d resigned himself to this reality, if not accepted it.
 The door of the closet creaks open. Olizaar tenses but it’s only Kiri poking his head in.
 The kid spots Olizaar – he hasn’t made much of an attempt to hide himself – and slips in, closing the door behind him. Mihin isn’t with him, and Olizaar is grateful for the drake’s absence. He doesn’t think he could take looking at a dragon right now.
 Kiri clears himself a space to sit at an angle to Olizaar, feet close to touching.
 Olizaar watches him, flinches at another roar, waits. Focuses on his breathing. Feels like he should be moving. He’s always moving. Olizaar never stops, normally. But here he is.
 “He wasn’t pleased when they found me, either.” Kiri offers him a lip bitten smile. “I think I made the concept too real.
 Olizaar frowns. “I didn’t intentionally do this. It was Nyssa’s cliff raptor that brought the egg out of its – whatever that was.”
 Kiri shrugs. “And I didn’t intentionally bond with Mihin, but there you go.”
 Olizaar shoots him a narrow look. “You’re different on your own.”
 Kiri hesitates, then smiles. “Fewer people make it easier.”
 “I meant without Mihin.”
 “Ah.” Kiri looks down. “Well, that…”
 “I don’t think Ishal – well, I can’t imagine her any different. I’ve only known her after she had Mals.”
 “And now–”
 “Don’t say it.” Olizaar cuts him off, holding up a hand. “Please.” His breath catches in his throat and Olizaar coughs like that would clear it.
 “Sorry.” Kiri draws his knees up to his chest. “Maybe I’m not… I just thought…”
 Olizaar flicks a glance at him and suppresses the flicker of irritation. He’s tired of – it isn’t fair.
 Kiri shakes his head before Olizaar can say anything else, which is perhaps just as well.
 One of the dragons roars. Not Promithio, Olizaar thinks. One of the others. They don’t roar nearly as often so it’s hard to say who it is.
 “It doesn’t have to change you,” Kiri says. “But I think we change anyway. Having a dragon doesn’t make it out of nowhere, not… not really.”
 “They just make it a different sort of change, right?” Olizaar laughs, the sound bitter. “And you can’t say no.”
 “Maybe you could.”
 “That would please Promithio.”
 Kiri snorts. “He’d be affronted you didn’t want it.”
 Olizaar tilts his head back against the wall. “Contrary son of a fuck,” he says, almost fond.
 Kiri laughs.
 Olizaar smiles in his direction. “Thanks.”
 Kiri shrugs. “Anyone would’ve.”
 Olizaar snorts. “You think the best of people too easily.”
 “Isn’t it better too?”
 “Don’t you get… disillusioned by people proving you wrong?”
 Kiri tilts his head as he thinks. “People haven’t, on the whole.”
 “Maybe you’re just a good judge of character then. You can tell who’s good for you.”
 Kiri laughs. “Maybe.” He reaches out a foot to tap Olizaar’s. “That includes you, you know.”
 Olizaar wrinkles his nose. “Sure.”
 “No, listen, you can’t say my judgement is good in one breath and then doubt it in the next.”
 “I said good, not infallible.” But Olizaar is laughing, and it finally feels as though the tension releases itself.
 It’s at that moment, of course, that Ishal pokes her head around the door.
 “There you are. Kiri was supposed to bring you back.”
 “You didn’t specify after how long,” Kiri replies.
 Ishal scoffs, clearly amused. “You two have spent too much time around each other.”
 Olizaar forces a grin. “Bad influence, right?”
 “No,” Ishal says. “It’s a good thing, Oli. You always will be.”
 Olizaar avoids looking at anyone by using the moment to get to his feet.
 Kiri scrambles to his feet. “Have they…?”
 “Reached a decision?” Ishal asks. “Not exactly.”
 “What does that mean?” Olizaar asks.
 “That when the egg hatches, it will be the hatchling’s choice to be wild or bonded.”
 “That’s… insane. So I just have to not be there when it hatches.”
 “Have your eyes on a penta like mine?” Ishal reaches out as if to ruffle his hair, but Olizaar is just out of range.
 Olizaar laughs at her. “Every boy’s dream, right?”
 Kiri taps at Olizaar’s elbow. “And – listen, Promithio is – well, he’s not all bluster, but – I can stand with you, if you want.”
 Olizaar does ruffle his hair, and Kiri submits to it with a sigh and a grin. “You really are the best of us.”
 “No, he’s right,” Ishal says. “Now come on. They’re waiting.”
 Olizaar steps close enough and grabs Ishal into a hug before she can instigate it. “Thanks,” he says, face pressed into her shoulder. He has to bend slightly, but it’s worth it.
 “It’s Kiri did everything,” Ishal says into his arm. “Hey, Kiri, c’mere.”
 He stutters out some kind of half-hearted excuse that doesn’t stop him stumbling in easily when Olizaar tugs him.
 “Thanks,” Olizaar says into his hair.
 “I didn’t do much,” Kiri mumbles.
 Olizaar snorts and claps him on the back as they disengage. “Sometime you’re going to have to accept a compliment, you know?”
 Ishal laughs and steps back out of the closet. “Come on.”
 “Yeah,” Olizaar says. “Yeah, we can do this.”
 Kiri bumps shoulders with him and smiles. “Just remember to breathe, right?”
 Olizaar nods, squares his shoulders. “Right.” He leads the way back up the tunnels to where the dragons wait.
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messylustt · 1 year
This is my first request ever so I’m sorry if I’m not clear enough. 😭😭 so Ethan breaking in readers home and he’s horny he just fúcks her right then and there while she sleeps. Reader is dumb so before all of this she doesn’t really notice that ethan likes her even after several obvious hints. If you’re not comfortable with this it’s fine! You’re an amazing writer!!
i was literally about to write something similar! thanks for the request
unconscious confession — ethan landry + reader ( scream ) : ethan can’t help but touch you in your asleep
contents : smut somnophilia (DONT READ IF IT MAKES YOU UNCOMFORTABLE). non con. dark!ethan. wc 1.0k
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He slid through the window that lead to your living room, treading quietly. You had a safety ladder—for fire escapes—right by your apartment, that lead to an alleyway. If it was anyone other than Ethan you should have felt concerned.
Though in all honesty Ethan’s intentions with you were not exactly honourable. Your house was dark, all the lights switched off for the night. Ethan silently stepped through your house until he reached your room. He was careful not to make a creak, even though he knew how much of a deep sleeper you were.
Ethan shut your door behind him as he finally glanced at your sleeping form. His breath hitched.
Your duvet was halfway down your body, resting by your hips as the moonlight shone through your window. He would have tried to crawl through there, but he wanted to make sure you were sound asleep before he got too close.
Your shirt was slightly ridden up, showing a sliver of your stomach. Your hair splayed out around you, as your chest slowly heaved up and down. Ethan walked closer, not taking his eyes off you.
You looked beautiful, unaware and peaceful. Ethan dragged his gaze along your face, as he brushed a stray hair from your cheek. His finger halted, continuing to brush across your cheek bone.
Ethan had always found you pretty. When you joined the group, having met everyone at Blackmore University, you fitted in wonderfully. Always a bright smile on your face as you made everyone laugh. Ethan could never take his eyes off you.
He had tried to sit closer to you whenever you all would gather. He had tried to help you with anything and everything you needed. He had dropped hints—some extremely obvious—about his feelings for you. But you just never seemed to notice him.
Ethan began to trace your face. His pointer going down the bridge of your nose, until he reached your lips. When he lightly brushed along your bottom your head shifted slightly, but you still stayed asleep, unaware of the boy beside your bed.
Ethan drags his finger to your top lip, loving the feel of the plump flesh. He drags his finger across the space between your lips, feeling a slight bit of your spit. His chest had already started heaving, as stepped closer, his knee hitting your bed, as he pried your lips open, slowly and carefully.
He then dipped his finger inside, the warmth of your mouth sent a shiver all the way through his body and straight to his dick. He began to brush over your tongue, before pulling his finger out. He was growing heavy and dazed, as your mouth stayed cracked open a fraction.
He began to shift his gaze down your body. You were just in a loose large shirt, the shape of your breasts telling him you indeed were wearing no form of a bra.
Ethan shifted to the end of the bed, grabbing the edge of the duvet by your hips and pulling it down. He then crawled onto the your mattress, his legs coming to kneel on either side of your hips. He stared down at you, tilting his head as he observed the fall and rise of your chest.
He was mesmerised, and turned on. He then placed his hands by your head, just hovering over you, his breath hitting your face. He watches you for a moment, and that’s when his morals came to call, telling him how wrong this was.
But Ethan was hard, his throat tightening at the thought of your body being on display for him. How you would feel in his hands.
Ethan leant down and placed a delicate kiss to your cheek, testing the waters. He leaned back to look at you. You didn’t even move. Ethan grinned as he began to place sloppier kisses to jaw, leading all the way to your ear. He darted his tongue out to lick your earlobe, as the feel of your skin against his tongue and lips made him want to grind into you. But he refrained, wanting to feel all of you first.
He rounded your neck, as he licked up the side. He was like panting dog just wanting your attention. He kissed and sucked on your soft skin, unintentionally leaving marks you’d probably question the next day.
Ethan’s hands dug into the mattress as he leant back to his knees. He could see his saliva glistening in the moonlight, all over your neck.
His cock was rock hard. There was no way he was stopping now. His hand touched the bare sliver of your stomach as he widens the gap, pushing your top to reveal more of you. You slightly shifted, but as Ethan grew to realise, you weren’t waking up. You were a deep sleeper indeed.
Ethan began to just touch you, tracing his hands across your skin, rubbing, and leading all the way up until he felt the bottom of your breast. He gulped as his other hand went under your shirt. He started to fondle your breasts, squeezing and and tracing your skin. He peeled your top over them, to rest, scrunched up by your neck.
Your nipples are peaked, the coldish air helping even more so. Ethan just stares for moment, trying not to orgasm right there. He was pathetic, but also desperate. His fingers began to circle around your nipples, feeling the bumpy skin. He then switched to his thumbs, rubbing across both. You shifted, the most you had. Ethan looked up to your eyes, seeing that they were still shut.
He started to quicken his pace, liking the feel your nipples. He then pinches one, earning your body to shift.
Ethan noticed the way you slightly rubbed your thighs together. You were wet, and the thought of feeling how much, made his eyes roll. He reached down to lick one nipple experimentally, before kissing your stomach. He shuffled back, eagerly reaching for the band of your loose shorts. Ethan helped you out of them, by placing a hand on your back and raising your hips. Slowly—of course.
Any sort of fast movements would most likely get to wake. Ethan began pulling the duvet completely off, along with your shorts, all the way down your legs. Goosebumps had begun to litter across your thighs and calves. Ethan dropped your shorts at the end of the bed before tracing his finger up your leg to reach the spot he’d been craving.
Fuck, he was starving. He slowly began to rub you over your panties. He went harder over your clit, going in a figure of eight. He caught a quiet whimper leave your throat. Looking up from his spot at the edge of your bed, he saw your brows had begun to knit together, as you go to rub your thighs again.
Ethan grabs your thighs, pulling you further apart so he could see. He kept one hand on your thigh while the other went back to stroking your pussy. A wet patch had formed on them, making Ethan’s pride inflate.
He settled between your legs, peeling your panties off and tossing them to the side. He spread you wider. You shivered slightly as the air surrounded your open pussy.
Ethan watches as he pulled apart your lips with two of his fingers. You were soaked, and Ethan panted at the sight. He held you open, as his thumb began to spread through your wetness, brushing over your clit repeatedly. You shifted, a moan caught in your throat. He then brought his thumb back to suck your taste off. His grin was almost scary as he leant in, licking quickly at your pussy.
Your legs shifted, but Ethan kept them held down, as he began to lap at your pussy, slow and torturous strokes of his tongue. He covered your entire pussy with his tongue, before he pushed it into your weeping hole. You sleepily moaned as Ethan pulled in and out.
He then pulled away, and kissed your inner thigh. He looked up at your face. You had a cute almost in pain look about you. Your lips pursing as your brows furrowed. Ethan’s eyes grew dark as his fantasies wandered.
He crawled up your body, finally pressing his clothed cock against your pussy. Ethan’s breath hitches. He stares at your lips, before kissing you. He sucked on your bottom lip, pulling way to take off his belt.
Your lips were red from Ethans sucking, and as he pulls his cock out, pumping himself slightly, he kisses them again. He liked kissing you, even if you were t able to kiss him back.
Ethan adjusts himself—slightly preparing if you were to wake—before he pushes the head of his cock into you. He hisses at the feeling of your warmth. Your body is hummed to life, while your mind stayed knocked out, probably dreaming your getting fucked instead.
Ethan began to slowly thrust into you, feeling you clench around him. His breathing was uneven as he uses one hand to play with your tit. Rolling it between his fingers as if this were an addiction.
You feel groggy, disorientated, and…horny. You weren’t sure what was happening. Your eyes slowly blinked awake as a pressure fills you inside. A moan slips past your lips before you could stop it. You then felt the body on top of you. But in your sleepy state all you can feel is pleasure.
You can spot messy curls in the moonlit room. And a body, thrusting into you. Your head falls further into your pillow as you whimper. You felt so good.
Ethan seemed to realise you had woken up. He was surprised you hadn’t pushed him off yet, but when he saw your heavy lidded eyes, he realised that you were a heavy mix of sleepy, confused and fucked out. He quickened his thrusts, aiming higher inside you. You choked a moan as your back arched against your bed.
Ethan didn’t dare speak, for fear of ruining whatever state you were in. He just kept thrusting, getting closer and closer to his expending orgasm. Fuck, he felt good, and you felt amazing clenching around him.
He stares down at your fucked out face, open mouth, hooded eyes, and bare body and couldn’t find it in himself to regret.
You hadn’t noticed him before. And maybe you wouldn’t even now, in your haze. But Ethan leant down and kisses you, wanting to feel you kiss him back.
And you do, head spinning with pleasure. Ethan growls into your responding mouth as your tongues clash. He didn’t regret it.
And maybe that makes him immoral, or psychotic or just simply fucked up. But he would do anything to touch you, hold you, and gather your entire attention. He thrusts harder into you, making you fall apart underneath him.
Ethan would do anything to have you kissing him. Panting against your mouth he finally spoke. “You look so pretty…y/n.”
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© messylustt.tumblr please don’t steal, copy or translate my work onto other platforms.
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lilaclilypad · 1 year
traced your golden skin under fairylights,
kissed your dewy lips at sunrise,
at noon i brushed my fingertips along the canvas of your skin
and the stretch marks that run along your stomach, like strands of pink in a sunset sky.
30 notes · View notes
willowbelle · 4 months
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You Know Me
Part Two
this is a part two to this fic: Stay Here, With Me
another poetic fic, enjoy!
i lowkey hate this ugh, writer’s block
❤︎ trafalgar law x reader ❤︎
༉‧₊˚✧ (nsfw, 18+ only) ༉‧₊˚✧
cw: mentions of sex, mentions of both Law's and reader's trauma, lots of fluff and comfort ♡︎
word count: 1,000
𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.
You Know Me
Skin, limbs, sheets, sweat, 
You sat on pins and needles as he stroked your hair, slowly bringing you back down from that place in your mind you hadn’t ever ventured. 
You sat curled up in Law’s lap, in all your nakedness, tears streaming down your face, your vulnerability on full display in more ways than one. 
You felt weak and you showed it.
With each touch of his fingers in your strands, you felt yourself coming undone in his embrace, low sobs emitting from your throat and into the warmth of his tattooed chest.
“Shh, shh, shh,” he cooed, his typically low, monotone voice was now enveloped in a newfound sweetness; comfort. 
Your sobs soon turned to wails, and he squeezed you tighter as he spoke, “Let it out, y/n, I’m here.” 
Law took you down the roads in your mind that even you, the paver, had not yet traveled. 
The dark allies where your trauma lingered,
The grooves of your brain that housed your darkest demons,
you went there hand-in-hand. 
He places a comforting hand on your back, your weak form trembling beneath his tattooed fingers. 
“You’re okay, you’re okay, I'm all ears whenever you're ready, and if you’re not,” he smiles gently, “Then that’s okay, too.”
“L-Law,” you began slowly, tilting your head up to look into his eyes.
And finally,
You shed for him;
Shed your tears,
Shed your secrets,
Shed your skin.
You had harbored these words in your head for far too long, guarded with the shield of your own terror. 
And so, with the gentle pull of his uncharcateristic kindness, 
You let go. 
You inhaled shakily before clearing your throat and gazing back up into his eyes, 
For as long as you could remember, you’d always been scared; scared of sex, scared of silence, scared of men.
But with Law, maybe you were scared because, for the first time in a long time, at the root of it all;  
tangled limbs, soft kisses, wet hair, 
you weren’t scared.
You had always tried to slap the fright out of you, rip it from your bones without giving yourself time to recover. But Law did so differently; he did so gently.
Law pried the fright from your body in his own way, his own tender way. 
And he noticed your wounds, your baggage, 
but he wasn’t frightened by them, 
he covered them in bandages and removed the aching from your shoulders, the loads that you’d carried for years and years. 
And perhaps, for the first time, you could learn to be gentle with yourself, with his hand in yours,
maybe you’re not afraid anymore.
Law’s works quickly, quietly, just how he was taught. 
From the moment you began your relationship, Law studied you, just like he did all things in life; methodically, passionately. 
That’s how he knew just how to prepare your morning coffee; a little cream, a touch of sugar, exactly how you like it. 
He takes subtle glances towards your shared bed to ensure he hadn’t woken you, humming to himself in contentment as he sees you still sleeping soundly. 
Law takes a quick sip from his own mug before taking a seat at his desk, still watching you intensively, steel irises scanning up and down your naked, sleeping form. 
His heart swells in his chest as he watches you, and he sits silently, picking his brain to find the moment where his life took such a drastic turn. 
Law had always been a troubled, cynical man; a tired soul who bore the heavy weight of his own tragic past. 
He was a pesimist in the truest form; a sculptor of despair, carving his worldview from nothing but  the rough stones of skepticism and pain. For as long as he could remember, heartbreak always seemed to follow him. 
But with you, things were different. 
The moment he laid his eyes on you, something new, foreign, and beautiful began to bloom in the dark, unforgiving terrain of Law’s seemingly uninhabitable mind. 
His barriers crumbled for you, just as yours did for him, and although it frightened him, downright horrified him, he simply watched on as his walls came tumbling down. He didn’t scramble to stop it, or run to catch the stones, he just let it happen. 
For once in his life, this guarded, control-freak of a man finally let go. 
He allowed you to take his heart, 
and all that came with it, 
All the baggage,
All the scars.
and love him unconditionally. 
Soon enough, the gentle hum of the coffee maker and the sweet smell of espresso beconned you from your slumber. 
Law smiles softly as he sees you begin to stir, your beautiful eyes fluttering open and immediately scanning the room, searching for him.
You sit up slowly, rubbing your eyes with the back of your hands,
“Law…?” you croak out sleepily.
His voice is low and sweet as he speaks, 
“Right here, sweetheart,” 
He stands, slowly making his way towards you, gently placing a mug of hot coffee in your hands, earning a sleepy, but happy hum from you. 
“Mmm, thank you, you always make it perfectly,” you smile gently at him, scooting over in bed to make room for him to sit. 
He complies happily, wrapping an arm around you.
“I know you, dear,” he chuckles, “like the back of my hand.”
You giggle softly, resting your head on his strong shoulder,
“You sure do, Law.”
“And y/n,” Law begins again, voice quieter, now, 
“I like that you know me, too.”
𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.
©this work belongs to willowhaze26.
do not repost, modify, plagiarize, translate, or share on other platforms. 
comments, likes, and reblogs appreciated!
402 notes · View notes
trivia-yandere · 11 months
two sentence horror story
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you ran up to the first person you saw -  a man inside his car whose tires screeched upon you jumping in front of it - and screamed how you were kidnapped and blindfolded. masterlist | @darkuni63 | @momnomnom | @sweetempathprunetree |
writer: quae (explicit-tae)
word count: 4.284
warning: disturbing scenes, reader is taken, reader makes a dumb decision - don't be like reader, aphrodisiac intake, dubcon/noncon scenes, erotic massages, fingering, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex, impregnation kink, creampie,
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You ran up to the first person you saw -  a man inside his car whose tires screeched upon you jumping in front of it - and screamed how you were kidnapped and blindfolded.
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You take a deep breath, massaging your temples. You were going to explode if you didn’t get out of here - your desk at the office. The workload your boss had slammed onto your desk didn’t match up with your schedule out of work. How were you expected to run errands after? You could barely manage to eat lunch some days and opted to not even leave your desk to do so.
“Doing another double?”
You stopped massaging your temples to turn towards Irina. She has a sympathetic look on her face. 
Nodding your head, Irina nods. “Same.” she groans. “It’s like they think we’re robots.” 
“Tell me about it.”
Irina was your desk neighbor, only being a few feet away and separated by a makeshift wall. She isn’t tall in the slightest but her heels make the majority of her height. She has dyed ginger hair that she often places in a low ponytail and the brightest hazel eyes you’re ever seen. She stands over the wall to speak with you.
“Maybe you need a break.” Irina wiggles her brows. “For a few days. Take PTO.”
You’re unsure, and Irina senses this. 
“I was just like you last week.” Irina says. “Bags under my eyes and all. But you see how refreshed I am after my break.”
Irina had a point. She smiled more and had a glow that could only appear when one was out of work - paid at that. You assumed she got the much needed rest and maybe even hit up a spa - you never asked, not one to ever pry.
“I’m not really sure.” you trail off. You had PTO, but only ever used it for holidays and your birthday, and even then it wasn’t as if you did anything out of the ordinary.
“Are you single?” Irina asks in a hushed whisper. The question is odd. She never pried into your life before.
Slowly, you nod.
Irina’s lips curled into a sly smirk.
“I know exactly what you need, Y/N.” Irina backs away and you can hear her at her desk, rummaging around. Her heels click against the floor as she comes to your desk. She places down a small, rectangular card. “A massage.”
“A massage?” you snort. You read the words on the card and hum.
“Between you and me,” Irina starts, whispering once more. “It’s an erotic massage.”
It takes you a few moments to get where Irina was coming from. 
“O-Oh.” you’re embarrassed and unsure what to say. 
“Maybe you just need to relax.” Irina giggles. “You know. Have an attractive man massage you…” Irina trails off. She’s unsure if she should continue or if that would be going too far. “Just think about it and let me know. First time is half off!”
You think about Irina’s words the entire day and when you’re home soaking in your bath, you decide to check out the website.
The website was official, but you needed a code to get in. Irina had sent you one once you asked about it, excited that you were checking into it. 
The website had pictures and videos of said “erotic massages” and you were sure that it was just amateur porn. But you’d admit, the way the men - and even women if that was what visitors were into - massaged their clients, it appeared to be amazing. 
You pondered if that was what you needed. A good massage (and a good fuck). But wasn’t that paying for sex? You haven’t paid for sex before (of course) and you’re unsure how this works.
Reading the website, you are greeted with many pictures of men with their names and important details about them - even STD screenings if you were going to engage sexually with them.
“So, did you book a massage?” Irina asks you the following day, giddy and excited to hear your thoughts. 
You shake your head. “It’s all…so new to me.” you admit.
Irina nods her head in agreement. She understood completely. 
“But I’m not…against it. Is that crazy?” “Of course not!” Irina exclaims. “We all need a good orgasm. You’ll come back good as new afterwards.”
You feel yourself grow hot. “How many bookings did you do?”
“Five days out of the 7 I was off.” Irina cackles. “It was amazing. If you’re interested in sex, you get to pick your poison.”
“Excuse me?” you raise a brow.
Pick your poison.
Your eyes scanned the hundreds of categories displayed in front of you. 
Anal play.
You exhale.
What in the world were you about to get yourself into?
Picking your poison was harder than you’d expect. You weren’t an avid porn watcher, but when you did to get yourself off, there were a few things you’d be willing to try - and a ton that you weren’t.
It took you a few days to even start your own application process. Something about this felt off - wrong. You were technically paying for sex and it makes you feel desperate. You’ve busied yourself with work that finding a partner or even a hookup is difficult. You wouldn’t never thought about paying for an erotic massage to get your mind off of work and destress yourself.
But, you were also too far in. You’ve made an account, browsed through several videos and pictures of said massages and even searched through potential masseurs. 
Your PTO was approved. You had to go through countless documents before your boss would even consider, but you were approved nonetheless and you were excited. You were jittery finishing the last document, the thought of you getting off and picking your masseur. 
“You finished early.” Irina’s voice sounds besides you as you’re strolling out of the office. She has a knowing smirk on her lips, eyebrows wiggling suggestively. “Have you picked your masseur?”
You shake your head. 
“That’s okay.” Irina waves off. “It took me a whole day to decide. As long as you pick your poison, it’d be better to find your masseur.”
You swallow. You indeed had picked your poison and it filtered through hundreds of masseurs and masseuses who experienced doing so. 
Irina suddenly stops walking as you reach the parking garage. She turns to you. “Don’t back down.” she says and you’re confused by her sudden change of tone. “You got this. Just relax and enjoy your mini vacation.”
You nod your head with a slight gulp. “I’ll try.” Your voice is low and meek and Irina only offers a smile and a short wave before she makes her way to her car.
Your mind replays Irina’s words. 
Don’t back down.
You got this.
It was your first day of your vacation and you’ve spent hours scouting through profiles of masseurs. You were sure that you weren’t a picky person - but no one has caught your eye. You contemplated giving up countless times, but you were determined. You needed this - a get away from reality.
A notification sounds through your laptop and you’re taken aback. On the right top corner of the screen shows a little message. You click it and a tab pops up. It appears to be a livechat with the service.
Still deciding on a masseur?
You re-read the message and groan. You type back a response. 
Three dots are forming onto the bottom of the chat and you await a response. 
If you’d like, we can send recommendations.
Your eyes wait in anticipation for the next response. Or what?
We can open your profile for masseurs to find. You would be met with masseurs in your area who fit your poison categories. 
Would you be interested?
You gulp. Having the masseurs message instead of doing it yourself appeared to be easier. You were an indecisive person after all - maybe if your options were limited then it would make your decision easier. 
Yes, please.
The following day you awoke like normal. You showered, ate and got ready to go back onto the site. You were expecting only a few messages from masseurs - not hundreds. Your eyes are wide as you scour through the messages and profile pictures of the men.
Now you were left more indecisive than before. 
Another notification sounds on your laptop and you’re expecting it to be the livechat but it wasn’t.
“Taehyung.” your lips murmur out the name of the masseur messaging you.
The man was attractive. He appeared tall with dark hair and the same dark eyes. In the pictures displayed, he showed countless pictures all from headshots to body. 
The lip ring paired with hydrated lips are what catches your eyes instantly, the sleeve of tattoos are next. His smile was addictive and it reminded you of a bunny.
Your mind was set - Jungkook was going to be your masseur. 
Taehyung’s prices were lower than the others and you contemplated why, but you wouldn’t complain. 
You submitted your own STD screening after you acquired Taehyung’s paired with a driver's license and a masseur’s certificate. 
All that was left to do was speak with Taehyung. Your nerves were getting at you - this man would eventually see you naked. He was hot - insanely so. How many times had he himself done this?
You were suddenly getting second thoughts about this. 
Irina’s words replayed in your head.
You got this.
You inhale deeply. “I got this.” you say to yourself.
You anticipated the phone to ring any moment now, and when it had you instantly grasped it and answered. You mentally slapped yourself at appearing so desperate for a man’s attention.
Taehyung’s voice is deep and smooth. Your legs shake at just the sound of it.
“Hi.” is all you could muster out and a laugh is heard on the other side of the phone. 
“Hi.” Taehyung repeats. “You’re Y/N, I assume.”
You nod without realizing. “Yes.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Y/N. Over the phone, at least. I’m Taehyung.” Your mind flashes with Taehyung and how he looks right now. 
You and Taehyung speak for over a half an hour - speaking business and detailing what you’d be doing while with him. He had gone over your poison - much to your dismay - and agreed that they were mild compared to the rest of the categories. 
“One of your poison picking was to be blind folded.” Taehyung murmurs. “That’s what we would start with when you come. I will be sending you my address shortly and you’ll be greeted upon arrival. I’ll pass you what you’ll need.”
You listen to Taehyung speak. 
“You are familiar with erotic massages, right?”
“Only with what I see on the site.” you curse at how uneducated you were.
Taehyung chuckles. “Cute.” he murmurs. “You’ll be naked, of course. I’ll place a robe and your blindfold in the dressing room.”
“Okay.” you respond, cheeks flushed.
“I can’t wait to meet you, Y/N.”
The following evening you were a wreck. You’ve showered, scrubbing any inch of dirt off your skin. You lightly lotioned your body, your mind recalling that the masseur would be rubbing oil onto you. You combed your hair and placed it into a low bun and when it was time for you to go, you did several takes in the mirror to assure you were presentable.
The address he sent you wasn’t far and when you arrived you were surprised to find that it appeared to be a business - more like a convenient store in size. The windows are large, but not see through. You can see your reflection as you stroll towards the door. 
The door sounds as you enter the small shop. The floors are hardwood and the walls were a light color. In front of you sat a large desk with a computer on the other side - you assumed a receptionist desk. You’re anxious for what's to come when a door to your right opens and Taehyung comes out. He’s wearing a tight fitted dark shirt with a collar and slacks.
“Y/L Y/N?” Taehyung asks with a bright smile, bunny teeth on display. His voice was different in person.  “I’m Taehyung.” he bows slightly and offers you his hand to take, and when you do he gently kisses it. “It’s lovely to meet you.”
“Likewise.” you murmur softly, starstruck by the man's beauty and charisma. 
“If you would like to follow me.” Taehyung closes the door behind him and passes you around the receptionist desk. “Back here is where we’d be for the day.”
You follow closely past two sliding doors. It opens to reveal a large room. The room is slightly darker than the previous one and you assume it was to fit the vibe. One wall is fully stocked with mirrors while the one forward had a dark crimson color. In the middle of the room sat one medium size massage bed and on top of it, one robe, a towel and a blindfold.
“I’ll leave to allow you to get undressed. The robe is optional if you are not yet comfortable with starting the massage. If you are, you can get undressed and place the towel on you.”
“Okay.” you nod your head.
Taehyung leaves and you take a deep breath. There was no backing down now. You had already paid your deposit for your appointment and now you are here.
You begin to undress yourself, placing your folded clothes neatly on a nearby chair. You grasped the towel and wrapped your body with it and laid upon the massage bed. 
A knock sounds a couple of minutes later and Taehyung enters once more. 
“Are you feeling alright?” Taehyung asks. He’s holding a cup in his hands. “I got you some tea. It should help with your nerves.”
You grasp the warm tea being placed in your hands. You nod at his question before sipping the tea. It was delicious and you could taste the mixed fruit infused with it.
Taehyung takes the cup of tea once you are finished with it and he places it down on a nearby table. He faces you. “Are you ready?” 
“Yes.” you say with a gulp.
You lay back onto the massage bed, chest against it and you cross your arms to rest your head. You feel your towel gently be removed from your body and a gush of cold air greets you.
You hum slowly once you feel Taehyung’s large hands begin to rub and tug against your back, rising up to your neck and falling back all the way down your spine and to your lower back. 
“You must work so hard.” Taehyung notes.  “You have a lot of knots.”
You hum in agreement. Your anxiousness and worry were slowly fading as time passes. The massage is amazing and you feel as though you could kiss Irina for recommending you such a sight.
“I’m going to put the blindfold on now, alright?” Taehyung says suddenly and you nearly forgot about your poisons. 
You nod without hesitation and your head is lifted slightly so that the blindfold can wrap around you. It’s tight, but it doesn’t bother you.
“I’m going to step out to grab the rest of the supplies needed for your massage.”
You hear the door open and footsteps sound. It closes a few minutes later and you feel Taehyung’s presence inside the room. 
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“She’s ready.” Jungkook murmurs to Taehyung who is standing outside the room, a box of sex toys ready for your massage. “Don’t have too much fun.” Jungkook calls from down the hall.
“I’ll try not to.” Taehyung whispers low to himself. 
Taehyung places the box of toys down onto a table and marvels at your naked body.
“Are you ready?” Taehyung’s voice is low, raspy and deep. You gulp and nod your head.
Taehyung places a hand along your backside until he’s touching your ass. He rubs it, already placing the oil onto it.
The sounds of your sweet moans are already sending him over the edge. He’s hard and wishes he could have you the way he wants. But Taehyung was a patient man. He waited this long to have you. Paying Irina possibly cost him more than it should and displaying Jungkook’s pictures on the website to assure you didn’t know his identity was risky - but worth it if it meant he could have you.
Taehyung’s fingers fall dangerously close to your clit as he rubs your ass and you whimper at the closeness. It would be a matter of time until you’re a complete and utter mess thanks to the aphrodisiac Jungkook has made for you.
You release a high groan when Taehyung presses a thumb onto your clit. He rubs gently at first and you’re arching your back to get more impact.
Your hole is teasing him, pulsing for him to enter his fingers inside of you - so he does. He enters two at first to stretch you out.
You feel amazing - more than you usually do during sex. You tell yourself it’s because you haven't had an actual man pleasure you in a while and there's only so much a vibrator can do.
Taehyung fucks his fingers inside of you. You moan loudly, unable to control them any longer. 
Taehyung encourages you to arch your back so he can have deeper access by wrapping a free arm beneath your stomach to arch you forward.
“You’re so wet.” Taehyung groans. He removes his fingers to place them inside his mouth and he himself moans at how amazing you taste.
 Taehyung enters his fingers back inside of you and continues to pump. He lowers himself to your ear, enjoying the way you moan so sweetly for him.
You feel Taehyung release you just to flip you over onto your back. You’re trembling still and your pussy throbs, missing the way Taehyung’s fingers felt inside of it.
Taehyung presses a soft kiss against your cheeks before his lips touch yours. The feeling is amazing, no matter how intimate it felt. You speculate that it was a part of his job - to pleasure you in all ways he could. You hadn’t cared in the slightest. 
Taehyung loves the way your lips taste and he wants to savor the taste, but he’s sure he has more than enough time to. He trails kisses down your neck to your chest and he couldn’t help but flick his tongue against your nipple.
Taehyung gropes both of your breasts, massaging as his tongue wraps around your nipple fully and he suckles on it. You’re moaning loudly and breathing heavily at the feeling. Your mind is drifting away from any anxiety you felt - almost as if it was never present to begin with. Your body feels hot and amazing thanks to Taehyung. 
Taehyung trails his right hand between your legs, slapping your inner thighs to allow him access. He rubs your clit rapidly, suckling on your breast as if his life depended on it. 
You squeeze your eyes shut - not as if you could see regardless - and your body feels hot. Your stomach churns and you’re shaking your head side to side.
“You’re about to cum.” Taehyung chuckles darkly against your nipples. He licks it one last time before lifting himself up. He continues to fuck his fingers inside of you, eyes watching intently the way your pussy gushes out your juices onto the massage bed.
You flinch just as Taehyug removes his fingers from inside of you. 
Taehyung isn’t upset that you’ve squirted and managed to make a mess of yourself - it’s exactly what he wanted. 
“We’re not done, baby.” Taehyung says and you shiver at the pet name.
Taehyung needed to taste you before he could fuck you. He rounds the massage bed and lowers himself to your legs, already wide and inviting. 
Taehyung licks along your clit and he grunts. He nods his head from side to side, fingers firmly gripped on your thighs to assure you do not move.
You were overstimulated and going crazy. You’ve already came once, but Taehyung was determined to make you cum again - and again until you’re begging him to stop. 
Taehyung’s glad he got you in his grasp; so glad and excited that he would be able to eat you out everyday. You would never leave his side again.
“It feels so good.” your words appear slurred but you couldn’t help yourself. 
Taehyung watches your face, your lips are opening and closing and a few times even being bitten by your teeth. He’s positive you’re overwhelmed with pleasure - you worked so hard everyday and you never had the chance to ever relax.
But now Taehyung has entered your life and you no longer need to work.
Just as Taehyung felt like you were going to cum - due to your heavy breathing and loud moaning, he removes his tongue from your clit and he slaps it.
“I’m going to fuck you.” Taehyung states. His initial plan was to pleasure you, using all of your kinks you displayed on your profile. But you and he had eternity together so he would always get the chance to another time.
Taehyung removes his pants and underwear in a swift movement. He always fantasized what your pussy would feel like and now he would finally get the chance to.
Taehyung releases a long groan as he enters you. Your pussy was amazing - so wet and tight just for him. He wants to go easy on you knowing that you hadn’t had sex in such a long time, but he can’t. He’s uncontrollable, fucking into you at such a brutal paced that the massage bed is screeching against the floor. 
Your breast are bouncing as Taehyung fucks you. Your head is thrown back and your mind is swirling. The sensation never feels enough - you never felt like this before. Even with the amount of times you managed to cum, you could never get enough.
Were you this stressed? This cock-hungry?
You’re unsure how long Taehyung fucks you. It’s as though you completely black out.
You get flipped onto your front and he fucks into you at the same brutal pace, slapping your ass hard until it bruises. He wraps a hand around your neck as he does so and whispers filthy words into your ears, but your mind doesn’t allow you to fully comprehend what he’s saying.
You’re so far gone and fucked out that Taehyung isn’t sure you’ll remember the amazing feeling you are experiencing - but you and he had eternity together.
Taehyung flips you so that you are on top of him, yet you have no control. You came three more times and Taehyung twice, yet the both of you were insatiable. You would be sore the following day, but it's alright. This is what you came for in the end - to be wrecked by him and him only. 
Taehyung groans, fingernails digging into the skin of your hip. Your arms are wrapped around him as he drills inside of you. Your tears are stained to your cheeks - tears of pure joy and pleasure. He was going to cum again - inside of you like he had before. He ponders what you’d look like swollen with his child - round and healthy with enlarged breast to nurse his child. 
Taehyung grunts. “So beautiful.” he compliments, sending a kiss onto your shoulder. “So beautiful and all mine.”
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Your eyes widened when you managed to escape out of the small window. Your hands and knees are bleeding - having been scrapped against the broken glass. You run and run, never stopping. Your legs want to give out and your lungs ache for air, but you cannot stop now.
You’re unsure how long you’ve been gone for, trapped in the dark room by Taehyung. 
Were people looking for you?
You hadn’t been outside since the day you arrived at your appointment - a day you regret greatly. You awoke bound to and blindfolded by Taehyung, him assuring he would unbind you as soon as he could trust you - and he never had. Each day you endured whatever the man wanted to give - your mind refusing to believe this was your reality. 
You’re unsure how you managed to escape, but you don’t dwell on it. The freedom you feel now is overwhelming. You begin to cry, the tears blurring your vision. 
Your feet reach a road and you finally manage to stop. You fall to your knees, heaving for any bit of air your lungs are willing to give you. 
Lights shine on you and your hands lift to cover your eyes.
A car was coming.
A car.
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You ran up to the first person you saw -  a man inside his car whose tires screeched upon you jumping in front of it - and screamed how you were kidnapped and blindfolded.
The man's eyes are wide when he rolls down his window and says. “How did you get out, baby?”
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Your eyes widen to match his in pure horror as you recognize the voice - the same one belonging to the kidnapper you escaped from.
You shake your head, paralyzed with fear. This wasn't the man you met for your appointment, but you'd never forget that voice.
Your feet turn to run away, but you feel arms wrap around you. You're yanked off of your feet and into the large car. You scream for help - any help that you can find, but you aren't saved.
Taehyung enters the car and shakes his head. Your wrist are bleeding and he's sure you fought long and hard to get your hands out of the cuffs. "To think I was about to take the cuffs and the blindfold off for your good behavior." he tsks, locking the door and speeding down the road.
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forgotten-daydreamer · 4 months
I'm sorry, but if the first thing you do to your dead-and-resurrected son after he reveals his identity is to beat him mercilessly, maybe consider therapy??
I get it, Jason did all sorts of stuff that's, how do I put it, frowned upon, but he went after people who trafficked children and sold them drugs- not after innocents or minor criminals.
"I'm what this city needs." sums his whole character up. If violence against the violent is what it takes to ensure the civilians' safety, then so be it.
Can you blame a kid who was raised in a house that was constantly on fire (fig.) because of drugs and abuse if he grows up to despise those things especially when kids are involved? Can you? I, for one, can't, and don't want to.
Jason was 101% right to do what he did. And he was 101% right for telling Bruce off for his clouded judgement and useless moral code.
Again, "I forgive you, for not saving me. But why on God's earth is he still alive? [...] I'm talking about [killing] him [the Joker], just him, and doing it because he took me away from you."
You can't not get what Jason means with those words, they aren't hard to decipher, there isn't any hidden message. Jason wanted Bruce, his father, to get rid of his son's murderer because said son was pried away from his father's hands, starved, tortured and blown the fuck up. A kid, barely a teen, was fucking killed, and his father brooded and mourned but didn't get shit done to avoid violating his own moral code.
I don't believe in the "once you start, you don't stop" myth, because trust me, if Bruce had let Jason kill the Joker, if he'd "supported" his decision (not like "Yes, do it!" but at least "I understand, I see your point, I won't stop you.") Jason would've probably stopped killing after that. Or, maybe he'd have stuck to major drug dealers and lowlives involved in human trafficking and underage prostitution- maybe only the ones that had been in and out of Arkham for decades and didn't show any remorse.
Jason would have, 101%, become less violent, less murderous, and less scared. He would've healed.
(BTW I love the whole Under The Red Hood arc and I'm happy that things went the way they did because, as a fic writer, I have lots of fun with all the angst! I love it, wouldn't have it any other way. Just- you know, just saying what could've happened!)
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