sweetbaku-blog · 7 years
She listened quietly, slowing realizing both who and what Doremy was and the situation she had found herself in. This was… Reimi resisted a sigh. Of course she knew of youkais, and she could recall glimpses of faded memories of talk of them when she had been a child… Though, even as a ghost, she never thought to actually meet one.
This city really was just so strange.
“Uh, well, sure…” She was so not carving anyone out of anything.
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Reimi looked at Doremy’s lap, then back at the baku’s expression. She really didn’t want to, unsure of what would happen if she did, but if it could get this odd situation over with quicker… So, reluctantly, Reimi moved to lay down and place her head on Doremy’s lap.
“Like, uh, this…? I don’t know if I can just fall asleep so easily…”
“Perfect. Carved out of your bed frame is the most symbolic but I’ll take what I can get.” Not that she would be taking what they made, that needed to stay under the pillow. It was purely the thought that counted and the thought that they might not do as she had asked hurt deeply. “Oh ho, talking to me hasn’t tired you out at all? You’re more persistent then I thought. And more solid then I thought for a ghost.” Doremy blinked as she ran her hands gingerly through Reimi’s hair while they were laid down on her lap. Her stroking seemed clumsy but it was all very calculated the way Dormey’s fingers glacially smoothed over their skin.
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“Not to worry, I have a supremely soothing touch. I’m an expert at sleeping after all. Why not... aaaaahhhh... a yawn to get you started?”
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sweetbaku-blog · 7 years
“…I believe there is a misunderstanding,” she said. “I am not a youkai; I am the daughter of the White Rabbit and am from Wonderland. As far as I know, we do not have youkai there.” Plus she still didn’t know just what a youkai was. 
She did, however, notice the other girl’s ears, not recognizing them but knowing that they were animal ears like her own. “…I do not think I will live that long.” No one in Wonderland did, to her knowledge.
“…I suppose you have a point.” Though Bunny still thought she didn’t get the other lost. If anything, both girls were lost together through no fault of their own since neither could make sense of the map in front of them. “…looks like we’ll just have to go searching for it,” she said, more to herself than to the other before her thoughts were interrupted by a sudden nuzzle near the fur on her collar.
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“…I have not slept with another rabbit since I was an infant, nor have I tried to sleep without pillows. 
Still, I can assure you that bunnies are not very good pillows.” At least she was warm, something that Bunny didn’t mind.
“Daughter of the White Rabbit, you have much to learn.” As Doremy suspected, this was no ordinary rabbit spirit she was dealing with. None ever were but to be closely tied to a figure of human legend as a different and exciting sort of fame. “Not with that attitude, but I can teach you. There is a vast amount of spiritual power that could be yours to tap into.” Or perhaps not. Rabbits did breed like machines and if she had to share that influenced with thousands of other siblings it would be reduced to nothing in the end. Still, a shame she seemed to have no knowledge of her latent abilities. Her parents must have been too busy with important dates to explain.
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“Wise. If we can find who made the map, our problem will be solved.” Well then they would just be passing the problem off to someone else. As far as Doremy was concerned that was the same as solving it. “Oh ho, sleeping with a baku is much easier, no strings attached.” She rubbed her head on the rabbit’s shoulder like an annoying dog. “You’re comfy enough for me. Sleeping standing up or while walking is a challenge but I’m full of surprises.”
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sweetbaku-blog · 7 years
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“There is nothing more romantic then falling asleep in your lover’s arms. Or just falling asleep in the street and having a stranger's arm scoop you up to carry you away. Truly love and zzzzzz’s are in the air this season.”
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sweetbaku-blog · 7 years
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“Yes, this city may have it qualities, but I do not like being taken anywhere against my will. I suppose there is no exit to this, is there?”
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“That’s right, there is no escape for you!” Doremy ran up to the woman in black, almost falling over from exhaustion. it too her a few huffs and puff to get her breath back. “At long last, the tables have turned.” She threw a punch straight for their gut. The force behind her fist would have had a hard time knocking over a plastic cup. “Oh ho, how does it feel to be outmatched by your prey?” Doremy winced and stumbled backwards. That might have hurt her more then it hurt them.
“Now I’ll avenge the deaths of my family by your hands. Prepare yourself... once you get in bed!”
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sweetbaku-blog · 7 years
Reflexively she grimaced, having heard that weird slurping noise. And the poking was just the tip of the proverbial iceberg here.
“W-What are you trying to say?!” Even more so, she had to do a double take. Had she heard the other properly? Most of the time, that was the case, but even sometimes she doubted herself. And in this case, what with having to cart around a baku on her back, her focus had been all over the place.
Her features twisted into a scowl. It was ridiculous to think that the other had described her so perfectly. At the same time, denial led her to hope that this other was simply generalizing; such a timeless creature as this surely would have encountered many like her in such a span of time.
Still, she scowled – still, she sprinted, now dashing faster than ever. In her steps there was a more defined path than before, though her form was even less than perfect.
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“I’m fine!” She shouted toward the other, her ire mounting. Even with the explanation, she barely knew what this creature’s objective was. Still– “If you really need a place to sleep, I suppose my place would be better than riding on my back. It’s not like you’re getting much sleep being tossed around here, you know. But, if you try anything funny, I can’t say I won’t throw you outside!”
“You know what I mean.” Dormey twisted her lips, resting her elbow on the girl’s shoulder. “I’m fine. Try to be more creative with your denial.” It really had been more of a general toss into the pond just as the runner was suspecting. Humans were all plagued by worries, just luck that she was dealing with one who had trouble hiding it. Everything would be spread out once she prying into this girl’s dreams, if they were even worth a thorough investigation. She supposed new employees at least deserved the benefits of her unwelcome therapy. “Oh ho sleeping with my employee, how scandalous.”
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What would the upper management say once they found out? Doremy cupped her hands over a yawn. “Nothing funny from me, not to worry. Dreams are always serious at heart.”
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sweetbaku-blog · 7 years
Reimi watched the other female with genuine curiosity – she had been expected her to list off some places to eat, not…
“… What?”
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Reimi sat in silence for a few moments, trying to process just what Doremy could mean. It was almost difficult to not allow her mind jump to some particularly interesting assumptions, however, the ghost was a sweet enough girl to restrain herself.
“Uhm,” she paused, thinking of how to say what she wished to. “Could you… elaborate on that, please?”
She still hadn’t refused, just simply… asked for clarification.
Dormey snorted and laughed in tandem. It was awful. “Oh ho, your dreams of course, not you. I’m not that kind of youkai.” She crept closer to the girl, scooting against them. Surprisingly comfy for a ghost.
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“We are protectors of humans. Did you not have a carved likeness of me under your bed when you were a living child? Well, now that I have you under my thumb I think I’ll demand that you make one.” Worship through idols provided a spiritual nourishment for youkai beyond what she could gain though eating dreams. Without believers in their power, they were weak and insubstantial spirits, only the ‘what ifs’ that clung to worried humans.
Doremy patted her lap again. “Better get counting sheep.”
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sweetbaku-blog · 7 years
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“…okay?” The more the other talked, the more confused Bunny came. However, she soon decided to just roll with it rather than understand, for it was far less confusing that way. Plus, there were other matters that needed to be dealt with.
“…what is a youkai?” She asked, curious despite her desire to find a the way to where she was staying. “…and I did not get us lost; only myself last time I checked.” However, Bunny always managed to find her way eventually and on time, so she wasn’t too worried. She still wished to find her living arrangements so she wouldn’t have to live on the streets, though.
“S-sure,” she said, trying not to buckle under the sudden weight of the girl who seemed content to use Bunny as a pillow. “D-do you have to lay on me, though?”
“Why what you are of course, We cut from nearly the same cloth, except I am much less confused then you are.” Doremy gave a knowing chuckle and ruffled at the bunny’s hair in between their ears. the baku’s night cap slipped down as she leaned on the girl, revealing her own tapir ears. “You won’t worry about it when you are older. After maybe a few thousand years older.”
Looking at the map from where she leaning on the girl’s shoulder, Doremy couldn’t make heads or tails of it. “Well I can’t make any sense of that map, so I guess that mean you have gotten me lost just now.” Where was one of those ‘you are here’ signs? Preferably the type that followed where you go. Or was she thinking of those human info desks. Almost as good to sleep under as the warm fur of a rabbit. Dormey yawned nuzzling against them even more intrusively. 
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“Yes? Have you ever tried sleeping without a pillow or soft bunny? Very unpleasant and you’ll wake up with back pains.”
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sweetbaku-blog · 7 years
And herein rested the problem.
“If you wanted me to move faster, you should have said so! Really, I was only considering your own comfort, but if you insist–” The kicking was never appreciated, but the tugging on the ears was even more of an affront. Her annoyance seeped heavily in her tone, and if that wasn’t enough…
“Really, I hardly think I get enough sleep to even warrant that. Turning over, that is.” She laughed, knowing full well she probably was the only one who thought such a half-assed joke was humorous – anything to keep her from tossing this annoyance into traffic. Her pace stayed the same – quick bursts of speed here and there, fettered by her occasional distraction with the situation. This was all too strange, anyway; she was more concerned with trying to make heads and tails of the situation.
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“B-But–” Back to the real issues here. “I don’t even know what I’m being hired for, besides being your vehicle! And now you’re making it sound like you’re propositioning me, what with wanting to go to bed with me! Honestly, if those were really your intentions, I must say your pickup lines are pretty lame.” Even Araragi-senpai would have been disappointed in the likes of that level of lameness!
“Of you’re receptive to commands? You should have said so sooner. My humans don’t do anything they are told, that why they get into so much trouble. Moving slowly, not addressing their deepest fears and inner turmoil, classic mistakes.” How fortunate she was to find a rare human who apparently would obey what she said! At least, that’s what they were assuring Dormey. “Oh ho, I can fix all that. Us bakus are dream mechanics... and connoisseurs.” She patted them on the shoulder making a slurping noise with her tongue. 
“Of course I want to get into bed with you but I don’t want any of this...” Doremy poked the runners cheeks, then leaning over, poked their chest. “Or this. I’m not interested in your real world pleasures. Perish the thought.” Doremy visibly shuttered. How filthy that was. Literally, the real world was covered in filth and germs. No way to tell where a human had been, except of course to ride on them as she knew now.
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“No, I want to see the you inside your head.” Doremy tapped at thier noggin. “Do you have a beautiful mind that whirs like a well oiled machine, or are you a disgusted monster riddled with doubt and self loathing?” 
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sweetbaku-blog · 7 years
“A youkai? Hmph, whatever spirit or demon you might be, such threats will not force me to back down! Whatever things you can do will never compare to the things I’ve seen!” Maxwell stared at the spectacle that Doremy was doing, holding firm despite knowing how weakened he was. Yet his pride would not yield, his ego would not bend, his mind would not break.
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“You wish to torture me, for what? For you own sick amusements? Well it own’t work! My mind is a rock, unyielding and unbreakable! So conjure your tricks and trickery, you shall never receive what satisfaction you desire!”
“Then it appears we are at a disagreement. You are being a stubborn geezer and won’t tell me your secrets and I don’t plan to relent.” Dormey folded her arms tightly. “In accordance with youkai law, this calls for a duel.” And then she promptly followed her declaration of battle with a large yawn that dragged out her words.
“Buuuuut, I’m too weak to fight you here. And you don’t have a hope of beating me unless you can preform an exorcism.” A wink and smile. “Highly taxing for a man of your advanced age.” Flipping though her book again, she smiled with even greater curvature. 
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“So to even the playing field, we’ll have to do battle in the dream world. Of course that’s my home tuft, a world completely under my dominion. If your mind is as steadfast as you say though, well...” Dormey snickered obnoxiously. “I’m sure you’ll have no problems at all...” Her giggling turned into full blown laughter as she rolled onto her back. “Haha, fending me off. Ha, as if.”
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sweetbaku-blog · 7 years
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Just eavesdropped a dude thanking his girl for a flash. Damn he virgin af.
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“Not from lack of trying on my part.”
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sweetbaku-blog · 7 years
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“But when I show off Reimi’s boobers, what do I get? Not even a hiss...”
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sweetbaku-blog · 7 years
“ Of  course.  You  will  not  be  in  bondage,  Doremy. “ It should be noted that this is the first time Dream’s actually referring to his new ‘sub-ordinate’ by his name proper. “ If  you  serve  me  well,  perhaps  you  will  see  the  true  first  dream.   The  dream  which  started  beyond  reality,  between  the  cracks  of  what  is  and  is  not.  A  precious  gift  for  those  I  hold  in  highest  regard. “
Dream shrugged. “ Your  job  will  be  just  as  it  has  always  been.       You  eat  dreams  and  nightmares  when  called  upon,  and  you  will  do  just  that.   Sometimes,  dreams  and  nightmares  do  not  work  as  intended.   I  am  not  able  to  continuously  exert  endless  control  over  my  realm.   Ancient  rules  are  always  in  play. “
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From his pockets, Dream took out a small blue stone on a silver chain, and held it out to the Baku. “ This  is  a  small  portion  of  my  being. In  the  realms  of  the  dreams,  we  will  always  be  in  contact.   And  when  I  request  it,  I’ll  need  you  to  clean  up  for  me.  
   You  will  be  a  gardener.                     A  caretaker.
An  important  task.  
I  crown  you  Doremy.                        Grand  Baku of  the  Dreamscape.“
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After his lengthy speech, a black bird flew close from the distance and landed carefully on the lanky deity’s shoulder. The Dream King took out a few crackers, holding them up to the raven, who began to munch on them happily.
“  Another  of  my  animal  companions,    though  this  one  has  been  with  me  longer  than  you. “
“ Matthew. Charmed. Mnch, mnch…” The bird murmured, too focused on his nourishment.
“But bondage dreams are so much fun.” She tipped her hat back and forth. Didn’t want to tease too much in case he actually decided to put her in a real bind. Doremy folded her arms with a small scowl. “Hrrrmmmm, maybe I’ll serve you better if you showed me the best dreams to start with.” She would be lying if it didn’t make her more motivated, and more skeptical of their promises. 
Again she knitted her eyebrows. “That’s not a job at all!.... not that I’m complaining.” Do as she had always done? It didn’t change a thing which was fine by her. In fact she wasn’t planning to add any new duties on to her plate anyway so this was possibly the only arrangement that worked. “I’ve already given myself that title. Again, not complaining. I love the praise. Keep it coming.” 
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She snatched up the chain, waving it in front of the crow to try and bat it away. “Hmph, I don’t need your bird brain lackey nipping at my tail. If anything, they’ll just slow my down. It’s enough that I have to carry around a piece of you. Even gods aren't that nosy into my personal business.” With a haunty snort, Doremy dropped the piece of jewelry down the neckline of her dress. “Or could it be you want to be tight against my bosom at all times?” 
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sweetbaku-blog · 7 years
Now Bunny was confused. First she seemed to be saying that this was a puzzle, only to then turn around and say it wasn’t. Furthermore, as she continued to speak, Bunny couldn’t make heads or tails of it. However, she did feel the other pinching her cheek which caused her to wince before fixing her with a look. “…I thought you were supposed to pinch yourself, not others,” she said, lightly rubbing her cheek where she had been pinched.
Her mild annoyance was soon pushed aside as Bunny focused on the others words and behaviour. She was quite odd and would probably fit well in Wonderland, now that she thought about it. “…so you don’t know if this is a puzzle or not?” She asked, hoping to clarify and make some sense out of this conversation. It seemed that what had began as a simple search for answers ended up branching off into many different topics at once, some of which were a bit too deep to tackle at the moment. “…well yes that can be rather distressing.” Kind of like how she simply hoped to find where she was staying, only to end up in a conversation like this.
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“…expert of dreams?” That was something new, and if she wasn’t so focused on trying to figure out where she had to be, she would most certainly seek to understand that more. “Well…having a bed would be nice, though I would prefer it to be the one assigned to me.” The scientists did assign her to a room…right? If so, then she wondered if she had roommates like back in Ever After. If not, then it seemed she had one now, if the others words were any indication.
“…I’m not sure if abyss is the right word for this place, though I suppose you are correct.” She also had a feeling there was no escape anyway, but to have a map to find her way around her new home wouldn’t be a bad idea.
“Exactly. But I knew I wasn’t in a dream; I was just making sure for your sake. No need to thank me.” Some people would have had to pay for such expert cheek pinching after all. Even if it was a dream, that just meant that Doremy was right where she needed to be. As it stood she had some journeying to do. A journey to the nearest bed-like object so she could get back to work. 
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“Yes, I’m a baku. Funny that one youkai can’t recognize another. But perhaps you are still very young. So much to learn, no wonder that you’ve gotten us lost.” Maybe if she could just snuggle up to this rabbit youkai’s warm velvety pelt. Doremy tried to inch closer before not so subtlety leaning on the girl with the weight of a corpse.
“City? Naming it wont help us, unless it has a name on that map. Can I take a look?” She stretched her head, trying to peer over their shoulder to get a peek at the map. 
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sweetbaku-blog · 7 years
“…what are you talking about?!” Callie snaps. “Why did you spit coffee all over me! You’re lucky I didn’t sock you in the jaw!” Maybe this lady had just totally lost her senses, talking about dreaming and never waking up. Being pushed around didn’t seem to bother her much, and her lack of reaction tickles a little primal part of Callie’s squid brain that tells her to keep attacking until she got the reaction she wanted. She takes a deep breath instead, letting it hiss out from between her clenched teeth. “Don’t do that.”
“Oh ho you’re quite observant!” Yes they got it! She had spit coffee all over the inkling. And she was very lucky not to get knocked out. Doremy scooped more snow into her lap, kicking her legs like she was on a swing set. “But of course, I’ll never drink coffee again thanks to the valuable lesson I’ve learned here today.” Maybe tea was the right drink for her, the brew of champion sleepers. If only this inkling could try some warp tapir milk
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“Do you have a pillow by chance?”
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sweetbaku-blog · 7 years
“W-What is it that you think you’re doing?!” There were all kinds of things wrong with this picture. First, the kicking – last time Suruga checked, she wasn’t a horse, and the slapping just wasn’t doing it for her.
In fact, it didn’t feel good in the least.
Her steps came to a momentary halt. If she weren’t so jarred still by the threat of that curse upon her, she would have tossed this being off her back long ago.
Second, that question – the farther Suruga continued down the sidewalk with her on her back, the more the other seemed to reveal her true colors, it seemed. A little good natured ribbing from her was fine, but when it was turned on her–
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“Absolutely not! Look, I’m not certain what picture you have painted of me. It’s true I enjoy a fine piece of erotica as much as the next person, and I’d be happy to provide some recommendations, but that… but it’s not something I’ve ever…” Her words trailed and her face burned, cheeks filling with a faint pink glow. She no sooner resumed, her steps hastening until she was running as fast as she could with the girl on her back.
Embarrassment was one hell of a motivator – for her, anyway.
“–Just tell me where you live.”
“Encouragement to move faster!” Doremy gave them another poke between the shoulder blades when the girl slowed to a halt.
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“Does not seem to be working...” Did that demand more physical direction? Doremy tried tugging on their ears to see if that might act as some sort of activation switch for them to surge with speed again. “Oh ho I hire you and you already want to resign? Is your turn over rate that fast in bed?” She was smirking but it deserved an answer. “Really, it’s an important question.” The girl’s dream life could bee a stake. Too much tossing and turning was no good for deep sleep, as well as clear sign of someone who couldn’t make up their mind. 
Doremy could live without a steady supply of erotica, though not without a blanket to claim as her own. “You won’t learn anything by knowing where I live. The pillow is the heart of the home so I live where I sleep. I suppose your bed will have to do. Don’t worry I can tuck myself in.”
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sweetbaku-blog · 7 years
Callie shoves Doremy into a bank of dirty snow. “Yeah and you coulda avoided that if you were asleep! Why don’t we all just never wake up ever?! Actions don’t have consequences because it’s all our fault for being conscious!” She cries. There’s a snow-covered trash can nearby and she dumps the lid on top of Doremy for good measure. “I know what coffee is!” Then, at the group of humans who’ve stopped to gawk, “What are you looking at?! Keep moving!” That sends them quickly shuffling away from the furious squid.
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“Now now, while not waking up for ever sounds like the perfect solution, for you that is called death. For me that would be working over time.” Doremy landed in the snow like it was a pleasant surprise. 
“We must face the fact that when we wake up, it is certain that only terrible things will befall us at every waking moment.” Actually it was comfy for being so cold. “Ouch.” She scooped some more of the snow onto her lap.
“Oh ho, I had no idea what coffee was till I tried to drink it for the second time just now. But I realize that it is my mortal foe, the antithesis to my very being. In liquid form.”
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sweetbaku-blog · 7 years
“Oh ho, the weekly mage.”
As the other instantly and silently appeared directly behind her, finally making her presence known through speech, the mage’s hand stopped mid-writing. Rather than turning around in total and utter surprise however, she brought her hand down, keeping the rest of her body still as the stick it was, and uttered a long, loud sigh.
It’d been a while, but…
“Funny to see you here—
She couldn’t forget (not that she ever did anyways) the voice of someone so utterly annoying.
—Having dream dysfunction are we?”
“The ‘baku’,” she thought within her thoughts, with the last word actually making the jump from them to out her mouth, albeit ever softly.
Following both the other’s “greeting” and the sound of her own annoyed “response”, the much louder ‘tap tap tap’ of the tapir’s foot on the ground came next, as a scarlet-carpeted floor came into detailed being without even so much as a fizzle before appearing (there technically always had been a “ground” here, just not detailed within the large expanse). Then came the walls, the ceiling, the shelves, and then the spacial distorting.
After that, the next thing anybody knew, Patchouli was now standing upside down on what could be argued as the floor or ceiling at this point. 
Despite this position however, and the next nonsense that was the birthing and crashing together of dozens of tumultuous archives that jutted forth and out like speeding trains befitting the work of a certain manipulator of boundaries from all sides around her, followed by the sharp rain of splinters and flittering about of hundreds of thousands of pieces of paper, she still continued to simply stare forward at the newly formed wall in front of her, along with her still floating writing, actually taking the time to physically move and adjust a letter that had fallen off balance compared to the rest of its fellows.
Oh, why couldn’t the floating letters have remained as the only real physics breaker in this dreamscape?
Letting out yet another deep sigh, the mage, marker still in hand, brought her arms out and, forming a lower-case T(’t’)-shape, brought with a twist of her hand, twirl of a finger, and a firm pulling on the air, the chaotic heap supposedly meant to resemble the dreams of her equal friend and partner, into a space resembling to an exact tee the librarian’s actual library back at home, notes having been transferred to a chalk board now, marker in hand changed to a piece of chalk.
With bookshelves righted along with their actual positions, Patchouli spoke in something that wasn’t just an annoyed breath of air as she finally turned around to face the other.
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“Your appearance here either means we’re still somewhere on Earth…our Earth—perhaps some place intricately linked to it…or they managed to bring you here as well.”
“Oh ho that’s riiiiight!” So she was on that line of thinking. Good good, it was at least better then assuming they were still stuck in the city. At least this way she could maybe lead them by the nose to shape a nice dream. Doremy clapped her hands in applause.
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“Your spell must have worked, it broke the barrier trapping everyone in that city.” Stepping down a staircase of books she tripped a fell into a pile of paper, the baku’s head poping out from under the mess. “Haha opps.” A acted ‘mistake’ to give the dream realism. “It’s time to settle back to peaceful dreams in Gensokyo.”
Oh yes that was right, this mage lived in the youkai paradise. A sight of that splendor would be perfect even if it was someone else’s mindscape. What was better then eating a dream of home?
Doremy stood and floated off of the books. Everyone flew in Gensokyo so this was natural even within the dream. Laughing again she pushed at the magicians back. It might have been a mistake to make such a mess actually if they couldn’t get the dreamer to find and exit and move on to all that lush greenery there was to remember outside.
“Now don’t you have some books to recover? Let’s take a walk for a change.”
On the Subject of Dreams
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