#pretty sure i snapped into front like 2 minutes ago because we took our hair out while eating grape flavour
lunarflare64 · 6 months
Oooooo hello! I'm new! I'm purple like Acid is green so I think I'm literally the concept of a colour, artificial grape flavour package colour specifically. Don't know why the others don't wear skirts more, they're so fun, very gender in an agender he/they way yknow? Gods I'm energetic huh, getting complaints about wasting our limited energy by bouncing in place but whatever, we need to move around more
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dreamwritesimagines · 3 years
Burn The Witch 1 - Decoy [Bucky Barnes x Reader]
A.N: Here we go my loves, the first chapter! ❤ I hope you like it, and please let me know what you think! ❤ Thank you! ❤❤❤
As always, I don’t own anything.
Word Count: 2200
Warnings: Mentions of blood, violence, death, manipulation, language.
Summary: Trouble has a way of following certain people.
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Sometimes you wondered whether you would run away screaming when you were a child if you knew what kind of a person you would turn into.
It wasn’t exactly your fault though. For years and years, several people had put the blame on several different things. Eventually they would reach the same conclusion though; the psychiatrists, your superiors, the very few people you could call your family, they all agreed on one thing.
It wasn’t you, it was the abandonment.
The abandonment you went through when you were a teenager had somehow started this domino, and there was nothing anyone could do to stop this constant fall, not even you.
But as you would figure out soon, you were lucky. Instead of being consumed by your anger, you could direct it somewhere else. You were recruited and trained from a very young age, and somewhere along the way, you realized that if you wanted to survive you were going to have to sacrifice certain things.
Forgiveness was the first one to disappear. Guilt was another.
Then fear.
Then, love.
Ah well. Worse things happen in the world every day.
If anything it made your job easier.
You cracked your neck and opened the door to your apartment, the key sticking to your fingers because of the blood on your hands for a moment and you made a face as you shut the door, leaning back.
A very long shower and a bottle of wine sounded like a good idea.
You placed your gun on the table, took the dagger strapped to your thigh out of its holster and got the knives out of the heels of your shoes before flinging yourself onto your couch and turning the TV on.
“Also called Sokovia Accords 2.0 by the critics—“
“What the superheroes think about this remains a mystery—“
“The first time caused a huge rift between Captain America and Iron Man but nobody knows the new Captain America Sam Wilson’s comment on it—“
You didn’t get to change the channel again when your phone started vibrating in your pocket, making you sit up straight. You muted the TV, and checked the caller I.D before you answered.
“Hey there.”
“Hi, how’s Paris?” the cheerful voice of your best friend reached you, “Had enough croissants yet?”
A small smile pulled at your lips. After your only parental figure had left you to go God knew where, General had decided to adopt you and raise you like a daughter. His actual daughter Chloe had welcomed you with open arms, and you had been best friends since then.
Her being the top analyst of the division didn’t hurt either.
“Mm hm, because that’s all I’m doing. Eating croissants, visiting museums—”
“Killing and maiming targets...” she mused, finishing your sentence for you and you heaved a sigh.
“Somehow that last one isn’t included in the city guide,” you pointed out. “Chloe, you know this is a line for—“
“Official contact from General, yeah yeah,” she said, “In my defense, you didn’t pick up the phone an hour ago when I called you from my phone.”
“Do you know how hard it is to use touch screen when your hands are covered in blood?”
“What happened to your sniper rifle, did it fall into Seine?”
“It required close combat,” you said, “And the target swallowed the chip before I could get it, so I had to perform a spontaneous autopsy.”
“Just so you know, whenever you talk about your job I have to watch like a hundred cute videos after I hang up.”
“Happens.” you said, “How’s everything?”
“You missed us already?”
You grinned, “Maybe.”
“Good, because dad wants you back. He’ll contact you any day now.”
Your head snapped up and you stood up from the couch, “Really?”
“Duh. Have you seen how negotiations for these new Accords are going? It’s going to be a mess and we need you here.”
“The second one hasn’t passed officially.”
“Well no, but you know how my father thinks.” she said and you tilted your head.
“Are we sure it’s General who wants me there and not you?”
“Okay, that was one prank ages ago and I didn’t hear the end of it!” she protested, “Don’t you trust me at all?”
“You know, I’m being the perfect friend and calling you to give you some good news but if you’re going to be like this, my news can wait until you get here.”
You pulled your brows together, “What news?”
“What do I get in return?”
“My endless gratitude,” you deadpanned, “Come on. What news?”
“You can’t tell anyone yet but I think you’re getting a promotion.”
Your breath got caught in your throat, “You’re joking.”
“Don’t forget about me when you become a handler, you hear me?” She let out a laugh, I need friends in high places.”
“Your dad runs the division Chloe. It doesn’t get any higher than that.”
“That doesn’t count!”  
You pressed a hand over your chest, “Just— what kind of a promotion are we talking about?”
“I mean I snooped around his files and casually committed treason.” she said, “But even I don’t know yet. They must be still making the adjustments.”
You opened your mouth to reply but then your phone vibrated again and you lowered it to check the message on the screen.
It was simple but again, all his texts were simple and to the point.
From: General
Time to come back. Jet leaves in 2 hours.
Here goes my shower and wine night.
“Chloe?” you said, walking to the sink to wash your hands so that you could start packing, “You want anything from here? I’m coming home.”
The best thing about being on the move all the time was that you could pack in minutes and the division would take care of the things you had left behind.
Apartments, belongings-
Not that you carried any belongings with you, or bought any more than necessary. It would’ve made you form a bond, which was less than ideal for any spy.
You suppressed the yawn splitting your face and made your way to General’s office. This jet-lag was going to make your life pretty difficult in the following 24 hours, and you were painfully aware of it, but it wasn’t like you could just ask for some time to rest.
That could wait. Your job was more important.
“General?” you knocked on the half open door and he raised his head to look at you before motioning you to enter the room.
“Y/N,” he said, “Close the door please. It’s good to have you back.”
“Thank you sir.”
“Take a seat,” he said and you cleared your throat, then perched on the edge of the chair.
“I’ve heard you eliminated the threat and got rid of our target quite fast,” he said, “And we have the chip now.”
You nodded silently, pushing your hair behind your ear.
“Well, that shows me you’re ready for the next step,” he said “No reason to beat around the bush, you’re getting a promotion.”
Pride burst through your system but you tried to control your expression to stop the grin threatening to pull at your lips.
“Thank you sir.”
“Here are the details for your next mission,” he said, handing you a file that was stamped as Top Secret and you flipped the page to find information about your next identity.
Alias: Shrike
“Shrike,” you murmured to yourself, turning the pages, “Like the bird?”
“Mm hm. I assume you’ve heard about the Accords issue?”
You looked up, “Only a little,” you said, “The first one was a disaster and the government had to drop it after The Blip due to the public’s reaction, resurrected people insisted that the superheroes were the ones who saved them, not the government. Then the government said they would go over the details and change it in a way that would benefit both the public and the superheroes, but I haven’t seen the new version.”
“There were some adjustments but to be honest with you, it’s the same deal. We can’t have superheroes running wild with no orders,” he said, “I need you on both fronts, one with terminating specific targets, and one with….well, you’ll see.”
You flipped the page and blinked a couple of times, your stomach dropping.
You were good, but you weren’t that good.
“You- you’re sending me after Captain America, sir?”
“Ah no,” he said, “Don’t worry. Wilson doesn’t have a past we can use against him, and trust me, we checked. The guy is an actual hero but we need a bad guy.”
You turned the page and shut your eyes for a moment.
Bucky Barnes.
Right. You should’ve known.
The government wanted and needed Captain America on their side, but Bucky Barnes could fall for all they cared.
“Sir I appreciate your trust in my abilities but not even an army could take down the Winter Soldier the last time—” you started but General shook his head.
“Y/N, you’re not going to kill him,” he said, “That’s the second front I was talking about. We need you to get close to him, to form a personal bond and gather intel we can use in the future.”
You gawked at him, “I’m sorry?”
“Barnes is the perfect candidate. He can help us with necessary information to prove to the public that superheroes need to answer to someone; us. Besides if it all goes bad, we can just say he was a threat. With that kind of past no one would think he was innocent to begin with.”
Your head was spinning. Scratch that, the whole room was spinning.
You were good at finding and terminating targets, not forming personal bonds or playing this
“When you say get close to him….” You trailed off, your voice way too weak and he smiled slightly.
“You’re an attractive woman, I’m sure you’ll have no problem with that.”
That. That was your promotion.
Not an operations officer, not a handler, but a lover who also happened to kill people.
They were going to use you as a honey trap for him.
“Sir, I don’t think-“ you started, but he held up a hand.
“Before you say no,” he said, “Let me remind you that this will benefit your career greatly, and you will have your own team. Show us you can handle it, and the position you want will be within your reach, you have my word. You want to be a handler, don’t you?”
You dragged your fingernails on the file, deep in thought.
“Barnes is one of the many dangerous people we may need to stop one day, and the only way to do it is to keep him under control and learn everything he knows until we’re ready to take him in.”
“But if these new Accords don’t pass—“ you started but he shook his head.
“Even if they don’t, and that’s a big if,” he said, “He’s still a valuable asset to have. We all have to perform certain missions, Y/N. Even if we don’t particularly like them. You will thank me in the future, when your career flourishes.”
Your blinked a couple of times, a bitterness appearing in your mouth.
“Of course,” you managed to say, “You’re— you’re right sir. It’s a good plan. I accept the position.”
“Great!” he clapped his hands together, “We have a target for you for tomorrow night, there’s this gallery opening. He needs to be eliminated, I think you can handle that? Start planning how it will go with Barnes as well, we can’t lose any time.”
You pursed your lips together and closed the file, “Of course.”
“Congratulations.” he leaned in slightly, “Your dad would be so proud of you if he could see you now.”
You tried to swallow the lump in your throat, but it felt like it was getting bigger and bigger.
“I don’t need his approval,” you rasped out and walked to the door, but stopped when you heard him speak.
“Shrike,” he used your alias for the first time and you looked over your shoulder.
“I don’t have to remind you that this mission is top secret. If he figures out who you are, or what you’re up to…” he clicked his tongue, “Kill him.”
You paused for a moment, then tilted your head and smiled at him.
“As you wish, sir.” you managed to say, then walked out of his office as if someone was chasing you. You made your way straight to the bathroom and slammed the file on the marble counter, then pulled out the small picture sticking out from the corner. It was an old black and white picture of him with Steve Rogers, probably taken in the 40s, both of them smiling. 
When you lowered the picture to attach it back to the paper, your eyes caught the tiny print under his aliases.
Confirmed Kills: Exact number unknown (Credited with 100+ assassinations)
You were in way, way over your head now.
“Oh, fuck.”
                                  Chapter 2
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xmalfoyweasleyx · 3 years
He flirts with everyone - F.W
Summary: Y/n gets drunk at the opening party of the joke shop when she sees her best friend Fred flirting again. She accidentally tells him about her feelings when she thinks it's George...
A/N: Normally I write smut but I LOVE this idea and I had so much fun writing it! I'm a little insecure about it because it's not smut, so please give feedback. I hope you'll like it! x
Warnings/Includes: Drinking, alcohol, insecure reader, 1 mention of sex, really passionate kiss, angst to fluff :)
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Today was THE day, the opening of Fred and George their joke shoppe. It all started in the evening, with a big opening party.
Y/n was outside watching the doors of the shop, preparing herself to walk through. Dimmed music and lights could already been noticed where she was standing. She was a little nervous. The twins are her best friends, they knew each other since they were little, but it's been a month now since she's seen them. That was long for them, it was the longest they haven't seen each other, ever.
When she opened the door she was overwhelmed with the loud music and all the people in the room. How is she supposed to find those twins? But before she started searching properly, she already saw George standing there. You really couldn't miss him, with his tall figure and bright smile he stood out of the crowd.
"George!" you screamed. George turned his head immediately and smiled bright.
"Y/n! Finally!" he grinned and he gave you a big hug.
"It's so pretty in here, congratulations Georgie" y/n smiled. George seemed proud, she was thrilled to see him back but she couldn't stop herself from wondering where Fred is.
As if George could read her mind: "I think Fred is.. er.." he said while looking around.
And that's when they saw him standing next to the stairs. "There" George added. But both of their smiling expressions changed when they really saw him. Like we all know him, Fred was flirting again. Y/n knew she really had no single right to care about that, but the jealousy hit her like a truck. And George knew that.
A pretty tall lady was standing next to him. They were both laughing and giggling. Fred looked so damn handsome, she thought. His suit, the hair,... It was beautiful. Y/n watched how Fred gently laid his hand on the woman her shoulder and she seductively moved her fingers against her glass of alcohol. ALCOHOL that's it.
"Where's the alcohol" y/n asked George. He had a worried look on his face. "Y/n I don't think... I... Fred is just-" he stuttered but y/n cut him off. "I don't care, you don't owe me an explanation and certainly not in your brother's place, now give me some firewhisky or something" y/n stated.
"I know you're in love with him y/n" he explained full of pity. Of course George knew, you were his best friend and it was obvious to him but not to Fred. George always had to watch how you were hurt when you saw Fred with another girl, it happened back at Hogwarts too.
"Oh. Well. If you know then give me the drink" she kept asking. George nodded. They walked to the table with the drinks and George poured something in for her.
"You're not going to say hi to him?" he guessed. "Nope" y/n answered and she threw the whole drink down her throat. George felt sorry for her but also laughed a little, he liked drunk y/n after all, it was always fun.
An hour later there was already a dance floor full of people dancing their soul out. Including y/n. The alcohol was exploding in her body and she poured another shot down her throat when she saw Fred dancing with the girl from before or was it another girl already? One thing y/n knew for sure was that the girl was hot.
Her favourite song came on so she danced and danced... When suddenly, she didn’t know if it was an half hour later or maybe only 2 minutes, she felt someone pressing her shoulder.
Y/n turned around and saw Fred. “When did you get here?” he asks confused. Y/n decided not to answer and she kept dancing, swaying her hips to the music. “Weren’t you planning on saying hi to me?” he tries again.
“Nope” y/n responded trying to ignore the boy. She wasn’t even able to look into his eyes because she knew she would just melt.
“I’m going for another drink bye” she muttered, trying to get away from there as fast as possible. When she turned around Fred grabbed her arm to stop her.
“I think you’ve had enough, love” he whispered.
“You don’t get to tell me what to do Fred Weasley and you certainly don’t have to call me love” y/n said angrily, leaving Fred confused.
Why didn’t she say hello to him? Didn’t she miss him? He missed her and this is what he gets? Fred didn’t understand a thing.
“Wow, calm down, what the hell is wrong with you?” he scoffed now getting angry too. "With me? Why don't you just go back dancing with that girl you stupid git" y/n insulted, immediately regretting what she just said. Fred was hurt. Angry. He didn't understand this at all.
"You're mental" he snapped. Tears started to form in y/n's eyes and Fred walked away. Leaving y/n there guilty, sad and drunk...
Y/n ran outside, finding an empty doorstep on a random house next to the shop, where she could sit on. Tears fell down when she buried her face in her hands. She didn't want to be so mean to Fred, but maybe shutting him out was the best way to get over him?
What y/n didn't know is that Fred regretted what he said too. He saw how hurt she was and he hated seeing his best friend like that. So he decided to go look for her.
His heart broke when he saw y/n sitting there, her hands in her hair and tears falling down. Fred sat next to her without saying a word. Y/n looked up and smiled, not knowing it was Fred.
No, she thought it was George, he knew how she felt after all. Normally, y/n was the best in telling them apart, but after all that alcohol, she made a big mistake.
Fred on the other hand, thought y/n knew it was him. He had no idea y/n thought she was sitting next to George.
"Are you okay?" Fred asked. "I messed up" y/n cried.
"You didn't mess up" he ensured her, trying to calm her down, but it became worse. "I did! Oh why am I in love with your stupid brother" she sighed, leaning down to lay her head on Fred's shoulder (or what she thought was George his shoulder).
Fred was shocked. In love with my brother, he thought, so she is in love with George? Did that stupid twin of him make her cry like this?
"Are you in love with my brother?" Fred gasped, trying to hide the hurt in his voice. He would never be able to watch how y/n dates his brother, the thought of it made him sick. He didn't want y/n to be in love with someone else and especially not his own brother.
"I thought you knew" y/n asked confused. "No, I didn't" Fred whispered, almost inaudible.
Y/n was confused, she talked about this with George just hours ago? But she forgot it already when she remembered how mean she was to the boy she loves with her whole hard.
"I love him, George, but he'll never love me the way I love him" y/n sobbed.
Fred gulped. Did she just say George as in: she loves George. Or did she just say George to him?
"You don't understand, I wanna have his babies!! I want to come home and see his smile, I want him to fuck me into oblivion!!! Please help me George" y/n suddenly screamed dramatically, still very drunk.
Now Fred was sure, she thought she was talking to George. Which meant all she said was about him. He wasn't able to move. Fred was shocked. How? When? Why? He had so many questions.
"But he flirts with everyone, every piece of woman he can find, he flirts with it. I'll never be enough" y/n sniffled.
That's when Fred finally put all the pieces together and realized why she acted like that. She must have seen him talking to that girl. All those girls. Has he really been so blind? And did she really think she's not enough for him? His heart broke and glowed at the same time.
He wanted to tell her so many things, he wanted to explain everything, to apologize. He wanted to tell her so so so much.
But he couldn't, he was speechless. It was like he was glued to the floor and turned into a puppet with empty strings.
"George?" y/n stammered when she saw the look on his face.
Fred only responded with eyes full of pity.
They looked in each others eyes for a moment, when suddenly, she realized.
The scar, the pattern of freckles and the chubbier cheeks.
It was Fred.
Y/n gasped loudly. "I-I-... Fuck." was the only thing coming out of her mouth.
She panicked, embarrassed and afraid of what will come next. So she grabbed her wand. The only idea that came up was to apparate away from him.
She waved her wand but before she even did something she felt Fred grab her arm and in a second she was in a room with him. He was first.
"Where are we" she asked. "In my apartment" Fred answered.
Y/n nodded and an awkward silence filled the room.
“Do you really think you’re not enough for me?” Fred whispered.
“What does it even matter” she huffs.
Fred took a step closer and he grabbed her hand. Y/n her eyes widened. “Do you really think that?” Fred repeats.
“Yes” y/n answered weakly.
“Why?” he questioned interested.
“Fred, look at you, you’re a handsome owner of a shop who played quidditch for years, I mean, look at that chest, you are funny, you are sweet, all the ladies drool over you and you flirt with all of them. They’re so pretty and I’m... I’m, me.” y/n rambled.
Fred’s heart was beating hard inside his chest, her honest words made his knees go weak. If she only knew how he saw her. How pretty he thinks she is. He was stupid for flirting with those girls right in front of her. It was his fault, her insecurities.
“I don’t want to ruin our friendship, I know you don’t feel the same way, well that’s obvious, but I can’t see you that much any more, because when I see you I just want to rip off that shirt and kiss-“ she rambled and rambled like she was already doing the whole night, as if there was a ramblingpotion in her drinks.
But Fred cut her off by grabbing her shoulders and pushing her chest close to his.
“For Gods sakes, shut up woman” he whispered with a smile and he kissed you.
It was not just a kiss, it was something you both wanted to do for so long now. You both had never felt this way before. The passion was unexplainable. Fred grabbed y/n her ass very gently making her gasp a little, now he could enter his tongue. They fought for dominance. Y/n pulled on his red locks and pressed her body impossibly closer to his. She wanted to feel close to Fred, she wanted to show him how much she loved him.
Fred felt the same way, he left a very gentle bite on her lip, making her moan a little. His heart was swollen in his chest and he finally understood what they meant with those belly butterflies.
He was going to marry that girl one day, and like she said: give her his babies. The thought of her (actually) funny confessions made him grin on her lips.
“What are you smiling about” y/n chuckled when she left his lips.
“Nothing, nothing” he grinned.
After recovering from their passionate kiss, y/n and Fred were sitting on his couch. They talked and talked like they always could keep talking about random stuff. But now the topic was a whole different one.
Fred made sure y/n realized how bloody sexy he thought she was. He promised he would try his best to only flirt with her and he talked about how he liked her too back at hogwarts. Y/n couldn’t believe it at first but after talking for a while she was convinced.
She laid in Fred’s arms while he drew little patterns on her back. She enjoyed his smell and how warm he felt. It felt safe, it felt like home.
“Thank god, finally!” they heard a voice coming from across the room. It was George.
You all laughed.
“Without you we wouldn’t lay here like this Georgie” Fred joked.
“But I didn’t do anything?” George furrowed his eyebrows.
“I know” Fred laughed placing a soft kiss on your head.
join my taglist :)
general taglist: @rudypankowisdaddy
@malfoysdamnapple @marrymetheonott
( I hope you’re not disappointed because this has no smut )
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skiesofthesketchy · 4 years
Stood Up {1}
Pairing: JJ Maybank x reader
Summary: You have a date with your friend that you’ve liked forever, but he never shows up.
Note: Heyyyyy Please read the warnings before proceeding. This is one of the darker things I’ve ever written, and it might trigger some people so please be careful. I’m usually a fluff writer but I’ve been feeling... ya know, down lately so this is what I made. I’m working on the second part to Unsend still, but haven’t been in the mood lately so sorry it’s taking so long!
Let me know what you think! :)
Word Count: 6.5k
Stood Up: {Part 2} / { Part 3}
WARNINGS: Violence and abuse! sexual violence! trauma! swearing, angst
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WARNINGS: Violence and abuse! sexual violence! trauma! swearing, angst
Y/N’s P.O.V.
10:00 PM
I pulled my sweater tighter against me when I felt a small burst of wind, the chill making goosebumps surface on my bare legs. I looked left and right down the black street, but nobody was around. It was quiet, almost silent besides dried leaves scraping against the pavement, and the only light was the orange glow from the street lamps and the red neon sign above my head casting onto the empty street. It was a nice night, even with the cool breeze, but I could feel my nerves kicking in.
I tried to remain optimistic though. Maybe he’s just running late... I pulled out my phone again to see if JJ had texted me back, but he hadn’t.
On my way! See in you 20 :)
I sighed, looking at the last text I sent him. I only sent it hoping to remind him that we had plans tonight in case he forgot. He always forgets. 
‘He’s just a forgetful person,’ I tell myself for what feels like the thousandth time. It’s usually that phrase that makes me feel better, or ‘He’s got a lot going on.’ I never make it a big deal when he misses our plans, even though it feels like a small piece of my heart breaks off and dies every time it happens. 
‘This time is different though,’ I told myself. It was just yesterday that I mentioned the movie theater was showing a bunch of Quentin Tarantino films this week. I tried to act like it wasn’t a big deal, just a fun thing me and my friends could all do together, but I was truly very excited about it and really hoped they’d be down. 
“Are they showing Kill Bill?” JJ asked with a smile. The other pogues didn’t seem interested but I was happy that JJ was. 
“Yeah. Tomorrow night actually,” I shrugged.
“We should go.”
I smiled softly at him. “Sure, if you want to.”
He chuckled, blue eyes lighting up as he poked my cheek. I knew he could see right past my nonchalant demeanor. “That’s your favorite movie ever. Of course I want to go see it with you! My treat.”
I ignored the fluttering in my belly, but couldn’t hide my smile. He remembers my favorite movie and wants to watch it with me. “You don’t have to pay for me,” I shook my head with a laugh. I didn’t expect him to, but the fact that he offered made my chest warm. JJ doesn’t have much money to begin with, and with what he does have, he usually spends on weed and beer, necessities in his daily life.
“No, no,” he tsked, bringing me into a hug. My giddy grin was thankfully hidden in his chest. Being this close to him always makes me feel lighter than air, warmer than the summer breeze. “You’re my girl. Let me take you out,” he finished, chuckling into my hair. 
I felt heat rise to my cheeks, like I always did when he called me his girl. I nodded in agreement once I pulled away from his embrace. “Ten o’clock tomorrow, okay?”
“I’ll be there,” he replied, saluting me with a wink before turning to join the conversation the rest of the pogues were engaged in, leaving me to internally gush about going on a date with the boy I’ve liked since forever. 
Maybe it wasn’t a date, or maybe it was. I didn’t really know, but I didn’t care as long as I got to spend time with JJ. It really did feel like this time was different. My thoughts swirled, wondering if he likes me back. Wanting to take me to a movie makes it sound like he likes me, right?
Date or not, I wanted to look nice, so I spent more time getting ready than I normally did. I experimented with some light makeup, trying to make it subtle but still pretty. I left my hair down after making it look somewhat decent, something I hardly ever do because my go-to is always putting it up. I even picked out a dress to wear but made sure to choose one that JJ had seen me in plenty of times. I didn’t want to look like I was trying too hard, but still hoped he would notice my appearance and think I looked pretty. 
10:10 PM
The movie started ten minutes ago, and still no word from JJ. I glanced down at my shoes and hugged myself tighter. ‘Maybe he did forget... again.’ I didn’t want to believe it, giving JJ the benefit of the doubt like I always did. But he still wasn’t here.
Yo are you coming? I sent another text.
I was really excited about tonight, not just because I’d be seeing one of my favorite movies in the theaters as if it was premiering for the first time. Now I just feel... heavy. Like I’m carrying the weight of the reality I should’ve realized a long time ago. If I was important to him, he would remember our plans.
My frown deepened. That’s what it comes down to, right? If he actually cared about me, he would be here, or at least tell me he’s not going to make it. Constantly forgetting our plans is a huge sign that he doesn’t like me the way I like him, that I don’t matter to him enough to follow through. It’s a sign I’ve been ignoring even though it’s been there the whole time, blaringly obvious and all too painful. 
No. JJ does care about me, even if it’s just as a friend. He’ll be here. He told me he would be.
10:20 PM
Spinning around and looking at the movie theater entrance, I thought about going inside and watching the movie anyway, but I suddenly wasn’t up for it anymore. This sick feeling in my gut was all I could think about. 
Of course JJ doesn’t like me. Why did I get my hopes up so high when all he’s ever done is not show up? It hurts. It feels like something crawled up inside of me and slashed its claws at my dumb, naive heart. Its terrifying and hoarse voice whispering in my ear, “What did you expect?”
Perhaps this is my fault; letting myself fall for someone that doesn’t feel the same. JJ Maybank: one of my closest friends, the biggest player on the whole damn island, and the most emotionally unavailable boy I’ve ever met. Of course I had to fall for him. I’m a fucking idiot. 
I slumped my shoulders, feeling defeated and tired. It’s like I was tossed to the side without a second thought, much like the trash lining the curb. My throat tightened with the emotions threatening to pour out in sobs, but I held them back. It’s not his fault. I’m the one with these stupid feelings, waiting around for him to feel them too, but he doesn’t. 
10:30 PM
I checked my phone one last time, still nothing. With a deep sigh, I started walking towards the direction of my house. I focused my attention on my sandals hitting the sidewalk, each step feeling like another crack in my heart. 
‘You’re fine,’ I told myself. ‘Don’t cry. You’re fine.’
But I wasn’t, and I felt the stubborn tears brim my eyes. I turned the corner and this street was much darker, the street lights dim and far apart. The sound of someone else’s footsteps pricked my ears, and I kept my head down to hide my frustration and the sadness running down my cheeks. I wanted the footsteps to belong to JJ, finally showing up but just a bit late. I knew better though, and didn’t bother looking up. 
“Well, look who it is. A little pougie.” I halted in my tracks, my eyes flicking up to find his cold ones, and I shot him a glare. As if I needed something to make my night even worse. Fucking Rafe.
“Not even gonna say hello?” he asked. I kept my posture stiff and my stare hard, trying to act tough even though I was most certainly in a vulnerable state.
“What are you doing here, Rafe?” Rafe was predictable in the way that he lived to torture me and my friends. That’s the only reason he’d ever be caught dead in The Cut.
He stopped right in front of me, his tall frame dark and intimidating. Even under the blanket of night I could see his eyes were bloodshot and a sickening smirk lined his lips. He ignored my question as his eyes dragged up and down my body, making my stomach twist and skin crawl. “Where’s the rest of your dirty crew?” he spat.
“You’re lucky they’re not here.” I kept my tone steady, but I could feel my hands start to shake and an uneasy feeling settled inside of me. I need to get out of here. 
With hands stuffed in his pockets, he leisurely walked around me, eyes still glued to my bare legs. “You look pretty,” he whispered. “Were you on a date?” 
“Then why are you all dressed up, darlin’?” His gaze met mine again when I spun around to face him, and with the way his features slightly softened, he probably noticed that I had been crying. “Oh. You were stood up, huh?”
Is it that obvious? “No,” I snapped. 
He chuckled darkly, stepping even closer to me, and I took a step back. “His loss.” Then he just stood there staring at me while I was lost in a sea of confusion. Is he trying to be nice?
“Well. It’s been not so nice talking to you. I’m going home now.” I turned around to escape this unpleasant conversation, but I was spun back around with the man’s grip on my arm. 
“Don’t leave. I’m not done talking to you.” I felt fear creep under my skin as I looked up at his face again, hardly able to make out anything but his eyes. He wasn’t asking, he was demanding. 
“Leave me alone.” I tried to snatch my arm out of his grasp, but he pushed me into the brick wall of the building we were in front of. 
The sudden movement caused me to stumble and twist my ankle. “Ow! Rafe, what the fuck!” I felt the pain shoot up my leg, but couldn’t focus on it for long. Rafe’s menacing features had panic surging through my veins as he came closer.
I pressed my back into the hard wall trying to separate myself as much as I could from the man towering over me. “You’ve had a rough night. Let me make you feel better,” he said. He stepped into me, his chest pressing against mine as he looked down at me.
“Get the fuck off of me,” I choked out. 
His wicked laugh fanned over my face and I felt angry tears fall. “Come on, little poguie. At least I actually want you.” His words seemed to drive a knife into my chest. JJ doesn’t want me, but I don’t have time to think about that right now. I can hardly think of anything right now. 
My palms rose to his chest, but he caught my wrists in his hands, keeping me from shoving him off. He laughed again, and the realization that Rafe isn’t sober washed over me like a tidal wave. What have I gotten myself into? “Let me go!” I screamed.
He shut me up by forcing his mouth onto mine. I screamed against his lips but he pressed into me harder. I started thrashing my body under the weight of his, but his hold became tighter. He brutally clutched both of my wrists into one of his large hands while the other came up to slap over my mouth, cutting off my cries.
“Just let it happen, darlin. Enjoy it,” he whispered into my ear. Hot tears ran down my face as I felt his lips on my neck. He sucked harshly on my skin as I squirmed, trying desperately to escape, but I couldn’t. Even if I couldn’t, I would die trying.
His mouth attacked my throat while I struggled between him and the wall. With the adrenaline pumping through my body, I used all of my strength and pushed him as hard as I possibly could. With the few inches I created between us, I picked my leg up and stomped my heel into his foot. 
I prepared to bolt with the time I had bought myself, but a second later he was landing a ruthless slap to my face. I registered the burning pain as he pinned me to the wall with his body again. “Oh, now you’re really gonna get it, pogue.” His sudden anger shook me to my core, his sick laugh echoing in my ears like a fire alarm. 
His hand landed on my thigh and dragged along my skin, pushing my dress up higher and higher as I felt the screams get caught in my throat. I dug my nails into his arms but he wasn’t bothered. He kissed me again and I took his bottom lip between my teeth, biting down hard until I tasted blood.
He yanked his head back, face twisting in rage. Even with his violating hands still searing into my skin, I brought my knee up into his crotch, and he yelled in pain. I didn’t waste any time and took off running, but I was yanked back by my hair. 
“Fucking bitch!” My head throbbed as I crashed to the ground, feeling my elbows scrape the pavement. I was seeing stars as I felt Rafe’s weight drop on top of me, his form straddling me. I threw my fists wildly into his stomach and chest, desperately trying anything to escape him, but I knew my efforts were becoming futile. His ring-clad fist connected with my cheekbone and a sob crawled its way up my throat.
“Stop!” I screamed. His hand suddenly grabbed my throat, cutting off my cries once again. I clawed at his skin to get him to stop, but he only increased the pressure on my esophagus until I couldn’t breathe, and I squeezed my eyes shut. My world was spinning and my terror didn’t let me register the pain anymore, only the horrendous realization of what’s happening to me taking over my thoughts. 
After what felt like minutes but was only a few seconds, I felt his breath fan over my face from where he hovered over me. “You’re not fucking worth the trouble.” He released my neck and I felt him get off of me, but I dared not open my eyes. I was too scared of what might happen. It surely became known when I felt a sharp kick to my stomach. I whimpered, then he landed another kick to my side. “Nobody wants you now! Nobody will ever want you! You’re just a dirty little pogue,” he seethed. 
“Fucking bitch,” he spat again, and I heard his heavy footsteps as he stormed off, leaving me on the ground in pieces. 
11:00 PM
I finally sat up, finding the strength to put myself together again, but was pulled into a coughing fit, my throat burning. I wish I could say I was numb, but I was brutally aware of the torment my body has been through, of the emotional trauma I’d have to live with. 
I carefully stood to my feet but folded in half with arms wrapped around my stomach, clutching myself in pain. Everything hurts. I forced myself to straighten, holding back the tears. I felt broken in every way possible, but I willed myself to figure out how to get help.
I picked up my bag that had been tossed to the ground and rummaged through it for my cell phone. With a heavy heart, I called the one person that I needed more than anyone.
But of course, he didn’t answer. More tears were shed, even though it felt like I couldn’t possibly cry anymore. “Answer, goddammit,” I sobbed. I called again. “Please, JJ. Please. I need you.” Again, the call went to voicemail. 
I let out a wail of anguish. Even with nasty bruises already forming on my skin, the loud shatter of my heart is what hurt the most. He’s never here. Even when I need him. 
I didn’t even want to call anyone else. My ankle, my face, my stomach, my throat. Even though I was shaking in pain, I wanted to wallow in my heartbreak alone, so I slowly started walking again, and limped all the way home. 
JJ’s P.O.V.
“How was the movie last night?”
I stretched my arms over my head with a yawn, barely registering what John B. asked. “Huh?”
He chuckled and sat next to me on the pullout couch in the living room where I slept. “You got back pretty late last night. I’m guessing you and Y/N had a good time?” Now I’m thinking it’s not just my sleep induced brain that’s making me so confused.
“What do you mean? I wasn’t with Y/N,” I groaned while rubbing my eyes, the sunlight seeping through the windows too bright and annoying.
“What do you mean, dude?” His eyebrows furrowed and his eyes suddenly flashed with anger. “You were supposed to take her to a movie last night.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” I grumbled, getting even more annoyed. He doesn’t have a right to be pissed at me, not when I have no idea what he’s even pissed about. It’s too fucking early for this shit. 
John B. stood up with a sharp laugh. “I can’t believe you forgot again, man. Seriously?”
I sat up, my anger matching his now. “You wanna tell me what this is about?” He shook his head before looking at me again, baffled. 
“Y/N? Kill Bill? You guys had a date planned.” 
I glared at him before realization finally hit me. I slapped my hand to my forehead. “Fuck. Was that supposed to be last night?”
He shook his head again. “You’re unbelievable, really.” I sighed. It was an honest mistake. At least I know she’ll forgive me. She always forgives me. 
“I’ll fix it. I’m sure she won’t be mad.” John B. rolled his eyes. “And it wasn’t a date, by the way.”
“Yeah? Did you tell her that?”
“Stop talking in riddles, man. What the hell do you mean? Of course she knows.” He hit me on the back of the head, reminding me of my headache, the dreaded hangover starting to take effect. “Hey! What was that for?”
“She likes you, idiot! No idea why, considering you’re just a dick that doesn’t bother to show up to the plans you guys make.”
“Is this why you’re yelling at me? She doesn’t like me, dude. Not like that,” I rolled my eyes. I could punch him for getting on my case over nothing. Y/N doesn’t like me, and missing plans has never been a big deal. I just want to deal with my hangover in peace.
“You don’t deserve her. And she doesn’t deserve your shit,” he said, walking away into the kitchen. 
“You’re getting mad over nothing. Fuck off,” I grunted, head in my hands. I need coffee and advil. His yelling is making my headache worse.
He sauntered back into the living room, throwing a bottle of painkillers at me, too forcefully if you ask me. “Just tell me, if you weren’t with Y/N, what did you do last night?”
I smirked, remembering the events that took place. “A hot blonde that I met at the boneyard,” my smirk widened. I expected some sort of congratulations from my best friend like usual, but I was met with a scoff and a water bottle being thrown at me.
“You’re a prick. You know that?” 
“And you’re an asshole. What do you want from me?”
“Whatever, dude. Let’s just hope Y/N forgives you this time,” he snapped, walking away and finally leaving me in much needed silence.
“She will!” I yelled after him, hearing his bedroom door slam shut.
I sighed before gulping down the painkillers for my headache. I grabbed my discarded shorts from yesterday on the floor and grabbed my phone out of the pocket. I had forgotten that I put it on Do Not Disturb mode after the hot blonde and I left the party. Girls like it when you give them all of your attention, and aren’t distracted by calls and texts. 
I sighed again when I saw the text’s from Y/N.
9:36 PM: On my way! See you in 20 :)
10:10 PM: Yo are you coming? 
I sure feel like an asshole now. I hoped that she would’ve watched the movie without me anyway, but considering she called me twice at 11:00, she probably didn’t. I feel even worse now that I can see she waited over an hour for me. I typed out a text to her, but I wasn’t sure how to word this apology.
Hey, sorry I missed out last night. Got held up :)
I opted for keeping it nonchalant, not wanting to make this a big deal. I’ll make sure she knows how sorry I am the next time I see her. I’m not worried though. She’s the only one out of the pouges that doesn’t get mad at me when I do stupid shit, and she always forgives me. This time won’t be any different.
I laid back down with my arm covering my eyes, and I thought about what John B. said. Y/N doesn’t like me. She’d be stupid to like a fuck up like me. No, no, we’re just friends, and have been for years. I laughed at the thought. 
John B. was right about one thing, though. I definitely don’t deserve her. She’s way too good for me, especially when I’m not good to her.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
I stood in front of the mirror and peered at my naked body in the reflection, tears spilling down my cheeks for what felt like the millionth time. 
My eye was swollen and bruised, a cut on my cheek from Rafe’s ring. Large spots of sickly green and deep violet stained my torso. Dark rings around my wrists from his tight grip. A lighter purple ring wrapped around my neck from where Rafe’s hands had cut off my breathing. 
My hot tears dripped from my face and landed on my collarbone, bringing my attention to the hickeys littering the side of my neck too. I wanted to vomit. I could take the physical assault, but that’s not all this was. He violated me. Kissed me. Sucked on my neck while his hands traveled under my dress. 
Going to the police was a thought that bounced through my mind, but I couldn’t, not yet at least. I was much too unstable. I needed support if I was going to report it, but I still hadn’t told anyone what happened. I spent all of yesterday locked in my room, letting myself wallow in the pain.
JJ had texted me yesterday morning, apologizing for not showing up. A simple text wasn’t enough this time. He texted me again that afternoon.
I’m really sorry, Y/N. I’ll make it up to you. Please don’t be mad at me :(
I wasn’t mad. I was heartbroken, and didn’t bother responding to that text either. If he had shown up, I wouldn’t have been assaulted by Rafe. If he was there, we would have been happily watching my favorite movie, eating snacks and probably laughing at the gore displayed on the screen. If he was there, I wouldn’t have been crying in the dark streets alone, trying to wrap my head around the fact that I could have been raped. That I was almost raped.
The other pogues were trying to get a hold of me yesterday too, inviting me to their plans, but I never responded to anyone. I didn’t want to face them, or anyone for that matter. I didn’t even think I wanted to tell them what happened. It was all too much, and I didn’t want to relive it by telling anyone what Rafe had done to me. Not to mention it would add even more ammunition to the war between us and the kooks. 
I don’t feel any different today, still just wanting to curl up in bed and be alone for probably forever, but I don’t have that luxury today. My mom had left for work this morning before I even woke up, but she sent me a text asking me to run some errands. When I protested, she gave me the whole lecture on how I only ever spend time with the pogues and never help out. I didn’t have a choice. 
With one last glance in the mirror, I wiped the tears off my face and started getting dressed. I had to cover the bruises somehow, but makeup was not going to do the trick. Despite the hot temperature outside, I threw on a large sweatshirt over my sports bra. If I put the hood on, nobody would notice the disgusting marks lining my neck. I found a pair of my mom’s oversized sunglasses and they covered enough of my face to hide the cut on my cheek along with the black eye. I put on shorts and shoes and grabbed my bag before looking in the mirror one last time. Nobody would notice.
JJ’s P.O.V.
“Have you guys heard from Y/N?” Pope asked the group. “She hasn’t responded to any of my texts for like two days.” I frowned. At least I wasn’t the only one she was ignoring. I thought that she was probably still mad at me for bailing on our plans, but since she isn’t responding to Pope either, maybe she’s just busy with other things.
“No, I haven’t,” Kie answered. “Pretty weird, right?”
“Yeah, I wonder what’s up.” Pope’s face looked concerned suddenly, and I found my own expression matching his.
“Why don’t you ask JJ here,” John B. said, tone sharp with annoyance. Kie and Pope both whipped their heads towards me, eyebrows raised in question. I just scoffed, turning my attention back to waxing my board.
“What the hell did you do?” Pope asked. His accusing words pissed me off. Who said this was my fault?
“Nothing, okay? I just forgot we had plans, and--” I was cut off by John B.
“No surprise there,” he mumbled under his breath. 
Kiara sighed, her disappointed eyes casting down on me. “Seriously, JJ?”
“What? You guys can’t pin the blame on me! I got distracted, it wasn’t my fault.”
John B. scoffed and I wanted to punch him, much like yesterday morning. “Yeah, what was her name again? The distraction, I mean.” I rolled my eyes. 
“Come on, dude. Not cool,” Pope added with a shake of his head. With all three of them staring at me in dismay, it felt like my friends were attacking me. It’s also like they knew something I didn’t. Why is everything always my fault? 
“Stop turning it into a big deal. I just forgot, okay? I already apologized, so it’s fine.”
“So she forgave you?” JB asked, eyes narrowed like he already knew the answer.
“Well, no...” I let my head drop, looking down at the golden sand with all of our beach gear. “She never responded. But come on, this is Y/N we’re talking about! She never stays mad for long.” The words were meant to get my friends off my back, but I found myself taking comfort in them too. I had never really seen Y/N mad before, but if she actually was mad at me, I hoped she’d let me make it up to her and forgive me. I let myself believe that everything would be fine.
Nobody had anything else to say, only sighing and turning their gazes away from me. I felt the anger sitting in the pit of my stomach, but at least they dropped the subject. I’m more upset that this might actually be my fault. ‘Y/N isn’t the type to get mad easily,’ I reminded myself again. But she’s also not the type to ignore her friends. My mind drifted, wondering if she’s okay. 
“Eat up, boys,” Kie said, taking a stack of sandwiches out of the cooler she brought. We all sat down on our towels and started eating, but I couldn’t shake the thought of Y/N from my mind. Maybe I should text her again.
Hey. We’re all at the beach having lunch if you wanna join us. Even if you don’t, that’s ok. Just let me know you got this. We’re all worried about you. I’m worried about you...
I typed it out, but couldn’t bring myself to send it. If she really is ignoring us, I’m sure it’s for a good reason. Maybe it’s best to just give her space. She’ll reach out when she wants to. Whatever the reason, though, I really hope it’s not because of me. She’s the one person I can always count on to be on my side, and I don’t know what I’d do if I was the cause of her distancing from us.
“Oh, no way. It’s Y/N!” Pope interrupted my thoughts. My head turned to see where he was looking, and sure enough, it was my girl, passing through the boardwalk.
Pope was up on his feet and ran to her, calling over his shoulder that he’ll bring her over to us.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
“Y/N! Hey!” I stopped in my tracks when I heard my name being shouted, and I noticed Pope running up from behind me.
“Oh, hey Pope,” I said, trying to swallow down my nerves. I didn’t plan on running into my friends here. I didn’t need them finding out about what happened the other night, so I put on a half-hearted smile, trying to act normal, trying to act okay.
“Where the hell have you been?” he asked with a laugh, pulling me into a bear hug. I held back my wince from where he grabbed my sides, the bruises there shooting pain through my body. 
“Oh, ya know,” I gulped. “Just busy with my family.” I was glad that my sunglasses were dark enough so that he couldn’t see my eyes. If he could, he’d know I was lying within seconds. “Sorry I’ve been M.I.A.”
“It’s alright. Come on. We’re having lunch right now.” He grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the beach, and the other pogues sitting together on the beach came into my focus. 
My eyes widened. “Uh, no, Pope. Sorry, but I have to go.” He stopped and gave me a weird look. “I... I’m running errands for my mom,” I shrugged, hoping he would let me go so that I don’t have to talk to the others, talk to JJ. 
“Just come say hi then. Everyone missed you!” He tugged my hand again, but I didn’t budge from where I planted my feet in the sand. 
“No, Pope. Really, I have to get going.” I didn’t have any other excuses up my sleeve, and I could feel my resolve coming undone. He gave me another weird look, probably wondering what the hell is going on with me. I wanted to tell him. I did, really. But I was not ready to talk about it. I didn’t need him or the others seeing what I looked like under this sweatshirt, or the black eye I was sporting under my glasses. I knew it would only cause more problems, more rage, and I couldn’t handle that right now. If anything, I just needed a hug.
“Is everything okay?” I looked down at my feet and sighed, trying to muster up the strength to lie to one of my best friends. When I looked back up to him, he had sent a look towards the pogues, and they all got up and started making their way over.
“Yes, Pope. I’m fine,” I breathed out a laugh, trying to cover up my panic. “I gotta go, now. Really.” I turned around to run away, but I was too late. The pogues had already crossed the beach and were surrounding me. 
“Y/N! Hey, we missed you!” Kie smiled, pulling me into a hug. Again, I had to hide my grimace from the pain that engulfed me so that my friends couldn’t see. I knew I couldn’t keep up this act for long, and I felt my heart sinking further into my chest.
“Yeah, I’m glad we ran into you,” John B. smiled with a nod in my direction. His expression was soft and kind, and it strangely made me feel like he understood that I wasn’t all the way okay.
“There’s my girl,” JJ’s voice rang through my ears. He looked relieved, and pulled me into his chest, squeezing me tight. This time, I wasn’t able to hold in the small noise that escaped past my lips. When he pulled away, he looked down at me with concern. “You okay?”
I pushed him away. “Yeah, I’m fine.” I couldn’t put on a half-assed smile this time. He’s the one causing my pain. The one that bailed on me. The one that wasn’t there when I needed him, leaving me alone and in broken pieces on that horrible night.
“Why are you wearing a sweatshirt?” Kie laughed. “It’s like one hundred degrees out here.” I just shrugged my shoulders, even though I was dying under the heavy material and the heat of the sun. I looked over my shoulder down the boardwalk, trying to avoid their worried glances, especially JJ’s. I could feel his eyes burning into me, and I couldn’t bear the weight of it for much longer.
“Yeah, what the hell? It’s burning hot out here,” Pope added, and pulled my hood off my head. 
“Pope, don’t,” I said. “I have to go.” I turned away after putting my hood back on and started walking, not even caring that they definitely know something’s wrong now. I just need to get away before I break down.
JJ was the one to catch up to me, leaving the pogues behind us and sharing worried looks. “Y/N, wait.” He grabbed my wrist, and I winced at the contact. “I just wanted to say that I’m so sorry for missing our plans. I got held up with a touron, and you know how it is. She was so hot, how could I not go home with her?” he laughed. Looking up at him, I felt my heart shatter all over again. Of course. He wasn’t with me because he was hooking up with some girl. This fucking hurts more than the punch Rafe landed to my face, and I felt anger swell inside of me.
“Come on, you’re not mad at me, are you?” He smiled, bringing his hands up to cradle my face. He was being his charming self like usual, which is precisely the reason I even fell for him in the first place. But his cute dimples and bright eyes aren’t going to fix anything this time. If anything, they’re just another stab to my chest.
He could sense I wasn’t giving into him. “I’ll make it up to you. Promise,” he pouted. My lips parted to speak, but no words tumbled out. He suddenly ripped my sunglasses from my face.
“JJ, don’t!” His face dropped at the sight of my bruised eye. The glasses fell to the sand when he stepped closer to me, eyes scanning my face. I pushed him back, but he swatted my hands away.
“Y/N?” His features quickly turned from worried to angry. “What the fuck happened?” I felt tears pricking my eyes, but I held them back as I tried to push him away again. He yanked my hood off my head and I knew he was piecing it all together now.
He reached for the bottom of my sweatshirt, and my hands grabbed at his to try and stop him. “Leave me alone,” I yelled, but he didn’t. Despite my attempts to stop him, he had grabbed the bottom of my sweatshirt and started pulling it up over my head. “JJ, stop!” I yelled again, but I couldn’t fight him back anymore because it hurt too much. He had taken it all the way off, leaving me just in my sports bra, my beaten body on full display.
A series of gasps surrounded me as the other pogues gathered around us again, shocked and bewildered expressions on their faces. I watched JJ scan my body. His eyes lingered on the bruises on my belly before flicking to my face again, and then my neck. With the way his eyebrows furrowed and he clenched his jaw, I could tell he was examining the hickeys on my skin. Tears ran freely down my cheeks, and the silence was deafening. 
“Oh, Y/N...” Kie whispered, eyes becoming glossy.
“What the fuck happened?!” JJ burst. His face was twisted in rage as his hands reached for me. I stepped away, but he grabbed my arms. “Who the fuck did this to you?!” I shook my head, trying to swallow the sob that was making its way up my throat. “Y/N, who the fuck was it?!”
“JJ! Lay off!” John B. spoke up. Kie had wrapped her arms around me, wanting to shield me from our angry friend. They could tell JJ wasn’t helping. 
John B. and Pope pulled at JJ’s arms to get him to step back, but he exploded even more. “YN! Tell me who did this to you!” Seeing his reddened face and furious eyes made my own burning anger swim to the surface.
“Stop yelling at her!” Pope told JJ, him and JB still holding the blonde away from me.
“No! I swear to god I’m going to kill ‘em. What the FUCK happened??”
“It wouldn’t have happened if you had bothered to SHOW UP!” I flared, my voice slicing through the chaos among the group. My heated gaze met JJ’s, and his entire face fell at my words, the rage washing away from his pools of blue and replaced with sadness.
Everything seemed to still at my outburst, even my tears. I watched as JJ crumbled beneath the weight of my words. As angry and heartbroken and hurt as I was, I wanted to see him this way. I wanted him to feel guilty. 
“I should’ve known you wouldn’t show up. I should've known you wouldn’t answer when I called you for help. Because you never do.” With every word I spat, I could see the effect they had on him. I kept my ruthless stare fixed on him. “Congrats on fucking some touron, though.” 
Everyone stayed silent as I picked up my sweatshirt and sunglasses from the sand. I glanced at JJ one last time before putting my glasses back on and turning around, leaving everyone behind me without another word. 
Read: Stood Up - Part 2
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tooweirdforyou · 3 years
Platonic! Straw Hats x Teen! Reader » Continued. PT 2
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Request : Can we have more teen reader with the straw hats and they protect them and teach them things
Hi, do you mind if we get more platonic teen reader with the straw hats?
Is there going to be a part 2 of the teen reader and straw hat Pirates?
I FINALLY FINISHED. I didn’t realize how popular this would be, holy crap. This is the first time I had someone request for a part 2 for something, let alone 3 people. It feels kinda nice 😂
I’m trying to keep reader GN, but if I end up writing female pronouns or hints of a female reader, then I’m sorry :(
this might be in parts, ( should I turn this into a multi-fic? lol )
includes interaction w/ : Nami, Sanji, Chopper & Usopp!
Summary : continuation of life with the straw hats, as a teen. This time, they will get you to open up! >:)
“So, treat them nicely, okay?”
Nami’s sing-song voice fills the room as boys stare in surprise at the sudden appearance of the two girls and their younger crewmate.
You felt a little uneasy in the presence of the crew, their eyes lingering on you as you shifted you weight.
“Er.. im sorry for.. staying in my room a lot.. and.. for.. making you worry..”
Even though Nami already explained the reasoning for your actions, you still felt the need to apologize. However, when it continues to be silent, you feel yourself fidgeting with the hem of your shirt.
Then your Captain spoke. Well, laughed.
Everyone turns to Luffy, who is grinning widely. “Apology accepted! Who knew you were just shy the whole time? We assumed you didn’t like us! Shishishi!”
Your eyes widen at him and you felt an embarrassed blush creeping up onto your cheeks as you look down to hide it. “I-I’m sorry.”
Robin places a gentle hand on your shoulder and smiles softly to the crew. “Well, now that we know the truth, why don’t you spend the rest of the day with us? One by one.”
“I like that idea.” Nami grins before glancing down at you. “Well? Who do you want to spend time with first, [Name]?”
You blink at her before looking around to see them staring expectantly at you, offering rather kind smiles to you, patiently waiting for an answer.
“..I don’t know..”
The others deadpan and sweatdropped at your response before Nami sighs softly. “That makes sense, you wouldn’t know where to start.”
Nami then grins. “Then, I’ll volunteer and go first! Sound good? No complaints? Great!”
“Hey! How come you get to go first and show [Name] stuff?!” Usopp points a finger at the navigator, narrowing his eyes as he frowns.
Nami simply sticks out her tongue and gave a childish expression. “Because I volunteered! Now let’s go, [Name]!”
Dragging you away with the pull of your hand, Nami pulls you off towards the aqua lounge despite the many protests, complaints and calls after her.
“W-wait, is this a good idea?.. I don’t—“
“Of course it is. You want to spend time with us don’t you?” The navigator smiles once you two enter and shut the door.
Now it was just the two of you, in the lounge.
“Well..” you trail off, still feeling awkward and perhaps a little bit nervous about all of this.
It was pretty sudden after all, just minutes ago you were in bed reading a book and now, you’re playing play date with your crew members.
Nami softens her smile and went over to the couch and took a seat, patting the spot beside her.
“I know this is a lot. We don’t have to do much but talk, and maybe get you to open up a little more. Tell me about yourself!”
Hesitantly, you nod and walk closer towards her, before sitting down beside her, turning your body to face her.
“...what do you wanna know?..” you mumble, Nami barely catching it but still heard it anyways.
“Anything about yourself. Your family, your life before you became a pirate, your favorite foods, hobbies, any crushes you might’ve picked up along our journey~” the navigator winks at you making you blush faintly at her, turning away with a sigh.
“I don’t have any of the sort.” You scoff lightly, closing your eyes but Nami wasn’t convinced. “Oh?”
“What about that pink haired marine? Koby, wasn’t it?”
You snap your head to her quickly, brows furrowed.
“Koby? Marine Captain Koby? I’ve hardly met him. Besides, he’s a marine. Even if I did like him, it wouldn’t work out anyways.”
You turn away once more, Nami grinning at how quick you responded and how much you talked just now.
“If Koby wasn’t a marine, would you date him?” Nami hums and you kept silent, though the red hue forming on the tips of your ears were enough for her.
“..he’s attractive.” You mutter and Nami giggles.
“Okay, okay, so then, how about any of the older men we met? Traffy isn’t that much older.” She thinks for a minute, her thumb and forefinger under her chin.
You raise a brow at her question. “You mean the Captain / doctor?.. Law?.. he seems.. really annoyed easily. He’s so frowny and never sleeps.”
“Not much different from someone else..” Nami sings under her breath making you playfully roll your eyes.
“I wouldn’t go for him either. He’s attractive, I guess, but... no. I think the fact that I’m in Luffy’s crew too, he might be pretty annoyed already.”
“I think it’s just Luffy in general.” Nami sighs and you smile a bit at that.
“Okay, how about that red haired one? Eustass “Captain” Kid?”
“Too violent.”
“Ace or Sabo?”
“Luffy’s brothers.”
“Perona? The Ghost Princess?”
“I don’t like her ghosts.”
“She’s gorgeous and rich, but no.”
“She’s into Zoro.”
“Anyone from our crew?”
“We’re family.”
“You’re kidding, right?”
“Any of Sanji’s brothers?”
“They have no emotions.”
“Silvers Rayleigh?”
“A silver fox, but no.”
“Anyone in Whitebeard’s crew?”
“Izo is absolutely stunning .. and Marco seems really nice, I guess.. but no.”
“That empress, Boa Hancock?”
“She’s too into Luffy..”
Nami heaves a sigh as she leans back and crosses her legs, one over the other.
“So the closest one to your attraction.. is Koby.”
You shrug and smile slightly at her defeated look. “I’m not really into anyone...”
“Perhaps you’re just young. You’ll definitely be growing in some..” The orange haired female eyes your body for a good minute, making you shift. “..areas real soon.”
“Right.. what about you?”
You shift in your seat and made yourself comfortable on the cushion. “Is there someone you like?..”
Nami blinks before looking up and thinking for a moment. “..I guess there isn’t.” She answers and you raise a brow. “I thought you like Luffy..”
The navigator seems offended at the statement, recoiling at the thought. “Luffy’s a huge pain in the ass. And besides, like you said, we’re a family.”
The corner of your lips tug upwards slightly. “And Vivi?”
This shut the female quick, and you can see the pink tint of her cheeks. “Vivi’s a friend.”
“Well, that friend, most likely shares the same feelings.” You hum, looking straight at her calmly. “I mean.. you’re very beautiful. Everyone would love you.”
Nami’s eyes widens at the unexpected compliment from you, her heart feeling warm at that, but you didn’t notice.
You didn’t realize how much you ended up talking, your voice felt dry and sore in a way. Though for some reason, you didn’t mind.
You kind of enjoyed this time with Nami, despite only talking about possible crushes of yours.
Instinctively, you rub your throat and Nami notices, standing up and offering her hand. “Come on, we can talk more later. You’ve talked enough, I’ll take you to Sanji.”
“Are you sure? I figured you’d want to spend more time together..” you clear your throat and Nami just smiles gently.
“We have everyday to do so. Besides, I’m sure it’s been a while since you talked so much so I’m happy enough with what you gave me.” Nami says, helping you up and began leading you out.
“Time for you to spend time with someone else, and don’t worry, I’ll make sure the others don’t force you to talk and Sanji makes you something to help your throat.” She assures, making her way back to the kitchen, which didn’t take long.
“O-okay..” you nod, eventually making it to the door and Nami just opens it up, seeing only a few of the members, so some must’ve left.
The four in the room look up at the door and find you, instantly smiling at the sight of your form.
“Already done?” Chopper questions in confusion and Nami smiles. “I would’ve spent more time with them but there’s so many of us, so we should make it short and easy for them for today.”
Robin, Brook, Chopper and Sanji nod in agreement at their navigator and Robin smiles gently.
“So, who would you like to spend time with next?”
Nami nudges you to speak in front of them and you turn to Sanji.
“Uh..Er.. Is it okay if I spend some time with you?..”
Sanji widens his eyes, clearly a bit surprised but nonetheless, smiles in joy. “Of course, [Name]-chan!”
Nami then ushers the others out, the only one to sulk being Brook but Nami was quick to slap his skull.
The door shut closed and you awkwardly stood there, shifting your weight. You never spent much time with them, despite fighting battles alongside the crew, so you weren’t sure what to do or say.
Sanji, noticing your discomfort, smiles lightly and gestures for you to sit at the counter as he stood behind it, in the kitchen.
“So, [Name]-chan. Is there anything you want to drink?”
You look around the dining room, taking a good look since this was one of the first times actually being in here.
“..Tea?.. my throat kind of hurts...” you mumble, reaching up to rub your throat again and Sanji nods. “I know the perfect thing! Ice or hot?”
“[ Either one ].” You answer, shifting in your seat and making yourself comfortable a bit in the stool and watched as Sanji quickly went to work.
Watching him silently from the counter, you lean on your palm and thought for a minute.
What were you supposed to talk about?
You hardly knew much about them and isolating yourself from them let you absolutely awkward and unsure of what to say or do, so you hoped Sanji would do something.
But the poor blonde cook kept silent, figuring that’s what you’d prefer as he made your drink.
So you had to do it.
The blonde hums gently, letting you know he was listening.
“Uh...so.. what’s for dinner?..”
Sanji stays silent for a moment, taking in the hesitation in your voice before turning around to face you. “.. Anything you want, [Name]-chan. What do you want to eat?”
You ponder a bit at his question before feeling your stomach growling at the thought of a particular food. “..Can you make [ Food ]? It’s from my homeland and.. it’s really good.”
Sanji’s eyes lights up and he grins widely. “I’d be honored to make a dish native to your homeland, [Name]-chan!” He deflates a little bit and leans back. “However.. I’m a little worried I won’t be able to make it as good. I know I have the proper ingredients though, I’m sure.”
Sanji’s been studying on his own time, with the small assistance of Robin, knowing she was also studying up by gathering information from your island.
You offer a small smile as Sanji turns to take the drink he made and set it in front of you. “It’s okay.. I trust that you can make it even better.”
Sanji widens his eyes at the sudden compliment and encouragement, feeling his heart warming towards his younger crew member.
You take the cup in hand and brought it up to your lips, taking a light sip of the beverage.
“I see.. in that case, we shall have [ Food ] for dinner tonight.”
Your smile widens just a little bit at his announcement and you continue drinking before seeing Sanji still staring at you. “What is it?..”
“Would you like to help me?”
You pause in your movement, eyes wide at his question. “You want me to help you? I can’t cook.” You furrow your brows at the suggestion.
I mean, sure you had some BASIC skills, but nothing as extravagant compared to Sanji.
“I’d love to show you! Besides, I’m sure you can also offer me some tips and suggestions on your home dish.” Sanji grins assuringly, bringing a small, comforted smile to your lips.
And so, after handing you a spare apron and letting you prepare yourself as he got the ingredients set, the two of you got to work.
Sanji moving towards the cutting board, you point to the vegetables set out by him.
“You should start cutting these up.. they should be bite-sized.” You inform, Sanji nodding and quickly cutting up the given ingredients with ease.
While Sanji finished with that, you began to look for the pots and pans and after finding what you needed, you did what you needed, ( whether it’s boiling water, filling a skillet with oil, etc. ) and set it onto the stove to heat.
“[Name]-chan, I can handle the stove. I don’t want you to accidentally burn yourself with the fire or the oil, so I’ll leave the cutting and mixing up to you.”
Nodding your head, you move aside and let him take your place before moving towards the cutting board.
‘.. how can you cut vegetables so beautifully?..’ you sweatdrop and began preparing what you needed to do before looking around.
Your eyes widen a little in remembrance and realization and you set the items down before heading to the rice cooker. You open the lid and find the pot empty and pulled it out, looking for the rice grains.
It didn’t take long to find it, fortunately, so you began to put in a few cups, and with the amount of food you were bound to make for Luffy, more than four was needed, obviously.
You did what you needed to, plopping the pot back into the cooker to cook the rice before going to the cutting board.
“Sanji, should we.. cook the meat first or cut it first?..” You trail off, unsure yourself as you went over to the fridge to find the meat.
The blonde cook ponders for a second before speaking. “It’ll be best if we cut first, so we can cook it all a lot quicker.” You merely nod in response as you pull out the required meats and brought it over to a new cutting board set up.
“Do you know how to cut them?” Sanji inquires, turning to you, which you nod in response. “I mean.. it’s just cutting it into smaller pieces. Right?..”
Sanji chuckles. “Yeah, in a way..” He lowers the flame on the stove so the oil/water can sit before moving to your side. “Here, let me show you.”
And so, with another cutting board and knife, he teaches you the correct and efficient technique, explaining which parts to throw and which parts to save.
“And then you cut them up into this size and set it aside to use. Did that make sense?” You nod at him, making him smile as he returns back to the stove.
Prepping yourself, you began to cut the meats into bite sized pieces, getting rid of the unnecessary parts and discarding them into the trash, exactly like Sanji had explained to you.
‘This feels nice.. cooking with Sanji.. even if we aren’t talking, it’s kind of, comfortable..’
The tiny curve of your lips move upwards as you thought silently, but distracted thoughts flooded your head as you no longer became focused on cutting.
‘Maybe, I should ask to cook with him more often.. it’ll be great to learn and spend more bonding time with him.’
You were so lost in thoughts, you forgot what you were doing and suddenly hissed in pain.
The sound was loud enough to catch Sanji’s ears as he widens his eyes and turns in a panic. “[Name]-chan! Are you alright?”
“Yeah, just a cut..” you poke at the blood, watching it drip down a bit quickly. ‘Guess I cut more of my skin than I think, by the looks of it..’ you frown.
“Let’s get you to Chopper.”
“H-Huh?.. but I’m fi-“
Sanji wastes no time to pick you up, as if you broken an ankle, and began carrying you over to the medical office.
An inaudible sigh escapes you, you relaxing in defeat as you thought about the medical office.
Sure, you’ve hurt yourself plenty of times before, nothing too fatal but enough to need patching up from Chopper. You were always up and out of the office pretty quickly, so you were curious to what the room even looked like.
Sanji knocks twice before opening the door with ease and walks in, seeing the little reindeer at his desk. “Sanji, [Name]! Something wrong?” The chirpy reindeer asks, a smile wide on his face.
“[Name]-chan’s hurt.” Sanji explains briefly, setting you down gently onto the bed and you turn to the little doctor.
“It’s just a cut.” You bluntly state, showing your finger and Chopper smiles lightly. “Nothing serious, at least! We should go wash and get it bandaged before an infection comes though.”
You nod and stand back up to head to the sink in the office, Sanji offering a weak smile. “I’m sorry, [Name]-chan. You got hurt because—“
“Huh?” As you stop in your tracks and turn back to face the blonde, you peer up a bit and shake your head. “It’s not your fault... I just got lost in my thoughts.” You murmured out, turning away.
You turn back to the sink and began washing your hands. “You should keep cooking, Sanji.. I look forward to you making [ food ].” You sneak a glance back at Sanji and held a ghost of a smile to him. “Cheer up, okay?”
Sanji widens his eyes at your expression, before he lets out a relaxed smile and light chuckle. “Yeah.. I’ll get to it then.”
With that, the chef left you alone with Chopper, who returns with his supplies.
“All cleaned up? Head on over to the bed and sit again!” Chopper smiles and waddles over to the bed before hopping up onto the edge.
You follow after the tiny man and sat across from him, holding out your finger.
Chopper, who kept silent to focus, began to clean up the cut with alcohol and wrapped your finger into a bandage.
‘Guess now is a good time to spend time with him..’
“So.. you came from Drum Island.. right?..” You internally sigh for being so awkward around them. Thankfully, they didn’t seem to mind.
“Yeah! It’s where I learned to study medicines from Doctorine!” Chopper excitedly claims, looking up from his task, which he finished.
“Doctorine? Oh.. you mean like your guardian?” You prodded at your finger a few times, seeing the wrapped bandage.
“Something like that. She taught me everything I know.” You nod at him and look to him. “Guess she must be a genius, since you know a lot. Right?”
Chopper widens his eyes at the compliment before waving you off with a scoff.
“Flattery doesn’t make me happy at all, don’t think you can fool me so easily~” Chopper sings, blushing as he danced on the bed.
Your eyes held a hint of amusement at Chopper as he calms down. “But you’re right. Doctorine is the best doctor I know.”
“I bet she is.” You stand up and dust your clothes, gesturing to your finger at the doctor.
“Thanks for patching me up, Chopper..” You watch the reindeer put on a wide smile and nods eagerly. “No problem! It’s my job!”
You pat his head lightly and nod, heading to the door. “I’ll get going then, see you later..”
With that, you exited the medical bay and shut the door behind you, wondering what you should do next.
‘Now what?.. Should i go back to Sanji to help?.. or should I find someone else?’
You wandered the upper deck aimlessly before making your way down to the main deck, where you found Usopp fumbling with something.
‘Hm. Usopp..’
You make you way over to the sniper, watching him suddenly jump up and cheer. “Eureka!” He hollers excitedly, startling you.
“Um.. did something.. happen?” You mumble, somewhat cautious as you step towards him.
Usopp jumps in fear when he hears you, before visibly relaxing and grinning determinedly. “Yeah, I finished my creation!”
He holds up his latest work, which seems to be an advanced archery bow.
The bow itself has an attachment that can carry arrows so you don’t require a separate bag, and it’s string seemed much more flexible to allow better accuracy and distance.
“Oh wow, that actually looks really cool..” you quietly awed, eyes widening in interest as Usopp chuckles eagerly.
“Right?! I’ve been working on it to better advance my stealth, since guns can be pretty loud, and slingshots can be tricky sometimes!”
He then smirks down at his bow and arrow in his hands and holds it up, readying an arrow upon the bow and aimed at the can that sat on the railing.
“But these bad boys are tipped with several of my ammo so I don’t need to grab the mini seeds anymore, since these arrows already have the affect!”
Usopp lets go of the arrow and it pierces the can with ease, knocking it into the ocean.
“Woohoo! Alright!” Usopp cheers, laughing hysterically. “Haha! I did it!!” He jumps around in joy, you watching with a slight smile. “Yeah.. you’re a brilliant inventor and sniper after all.”
Usopp pauses, eyes widening as he flushed a bit at the unexpected compliment, before snapping his head to you.
“You want to try, [Name]?” He smiles widely and held out the bow. “I can help you aim if you’d like!”
You thought for a bit before nodding, actually a little bit excited. “Yeah, sure. It looks really cool.”
Usopp felt his pride building up at your words and grins. “It is cool! Here, hold this and I’ll go set up the cans.”
Taking the bow, you inspect it closer with interested eyes. ‘I don’t remember the last time I touched a bow.. did I ever?’
Usopp returns quickly to your side and smiles, pointing to the cans. “Alright, [Name]. Now just hold up the bow, ready the arrow and take aim!”
You nod in understanding, steadying your arms and aimed directly at the center of the cans. Pulling back the arrow, you lined it up into position, going on Usopp’s count.
“Alright, and..... fire!”
You release your hold and watch the arrow shoot straight into the center and knocked itself into the ocean, like Usopp’s.
“I did it!” Your eyes widen and you smile to yourself. “That was awesome!” You turn to Usopp with bright eyes, but Usopp just laughs. “Nice shot!”
Usopp holds up his hands excitedly and you smile softer, hanging the bow onto your arm and high-fived him. “Yeah.”
“You sound like you’re having some SUUUPPERRR~ fun!”
The two of you turn to the source of voice and find Franky grinning at the two of you from below deck.
“Yeah, I just showed [Name] my latest creation and she just made a nice shot with my bow!” Usopp grins and Franky whistles. “Not bad, kid!”
The corner of your lips move upwards, a sheepish expression taking over your face. “Thanks..” you turn back to Franky and spoke. “What are you up to?”
“Ah, fixing something with The Sunny from down here. Almost done but it’s a little difficult, especially since I’m adding a new feature. Wanna check it out?”
You glance to Usopp, who nods that it was okay, and you return the bow, heading to Franky calmly.
“Yeah, sure.”
A/N : YAY, that took so long. I’m really happy with how this turned out, and I’m extremely excited to get to Zoro, Luffy and Brook’s interaction but unfortunately, I reached the limit so this is what happens, I’ll have to make a part 3. ;-;
Anyways, I’m so sorry for the long wait, I seriously hope this was worth the wait and that you look forward to the other’s interactions and then the final family interaction!! :DD have a lovely day/night, everyone ! <3
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sir-subpar · 3 years
Where have you been? (Part 2)
*Warning: Blood/Gore*
Five weeks. That's how long Boyfriend had been missing. Five weeks with still no sign of the blue-haired man, it was starting to drive Pico mad. The longer this went on, the harder it was for Pico to think positively. He was starting to struggle with sleep, sometimes going days without so much as a wink of rest. His fiery orange hair was messy from him constantly running his fingers through it. It was hard to relax when someone you care about was unaccounted for. Whitty and Hex were still helping out, which Pico appreciated, but it did little to ease his fears. The three of them met up and searched for Boyfriend as often as they could.
It was late in the afternoon, another day going by with no luck finding Boyfriend. The trio had resorted to putting up missing posters for Bf, splitting up to scatter them around town. It did little to help, especially when random vandals would tear them down or draw all over them. Every time Pico saw one of the posters being ruined it pissed Pico off to no end. He didn't think it was possible to want to strangle a graffiti artist as much as he did. By some miracle of willpower he refrained from doing so (that, and he didn't know who was doing it). Pico sighed angrily as he hung another poster, his thumb turning white as he pushed the tacks into a wooden pole. His gaze lingered on the poster. In the picture, Bf was smiling. He looked so happy.. Pico felt his chest tighten around his heart. It felt hard to breathe, but not impossible. He clutched the front of his vest, fidgeting with the teeth of the zipper. Pico could only imagine what Boyfriend was going through, and his imagination was not kind. As much as he tried to ignore the worst possibilities, he struggled to stay positive. 
What if Boyfriend was dead? 
He hated the idea. He didn't want to think about it. Surely he was alive. He had to be somewhere! Anywhere! He couldn't be dead! Pico tried to ground himself by thinking of other possibilities. Maybe Bf was just hiding from everyone because he didn't want Gf and her family to know where he was. Pico grit his teeth as more anger suddenly rose from his core. Girlfriend… he was honestly starting to resent her. Sure, most people don't want to see their ex after a breakup. Pico understood that, sure, whatever. But when someone goes missing, it's good to help find them. Especially when you're the last one to have seen them…
Pico was suddenly brought back to reality when he heard his phone buzzing in his pocket. Whitty was calling. The two exchanged phone numbers after they went to that diner weeks ago. Pico tapped the green icon to answer, and brought the phone to his ear. "Hey Whitty. What's up?" Pico asked, his anger faded a bit, now being distracted with the sound of Whitty's voice. "I just wanted to let you know that Hex can't help us for a few days. He's got some computer virus that's apparently been a bitch to remove." Whitty sounded agitated. Pico figured he was probably worried about his best friend. "Is he gonna be ok?" Pico asked, he was already missing one person, he didn't want to lose another. "Yeah, some tech guy's helping him out. He should be fine soon..." Whitty paused. "Hey, do you want to meet up? I'm out of posters to hang." Whitty's tone changed a bit, Pico couldn't quite figure out why, but he brushed it off. It didn't matter anyway. "Yeah, I'll pick you up. Where are you?"
Pico drove in silence as Whitty sat in the passenger seat. He felt a little bad for the bomb man as even with the seat pushed all the way back, he barely fit in the car. Pico's car just wasn't designed with people over 8ft tall in mind. Whitty had the chair leaned back so he wouldn't hit his head on the ceiling, his knees were bent just so he could fit in the car. Whitty's hands were in his pockets, despite the lack of space in the car, he seemed like he was relaxing a bit. 
"Hey Pico." Whitty broke the silence. Pico let out a hum, signaling he was listening. "I had this random idea for the next place we should check."  "Hmm?" Was Pico's only reply. He was tired, but he wasn't gonna quit for the day just yet. "You know that bridge close to the freeway? The one over the ditch?" Pico had to think for a moment before he caught on. "You think he might be hiding out in the ditch?" Pico asked, a little glimmer of hope making itself known. Whitty shrugged. "Maybe. I dunno. It's a common place to hide." Pico turned on his blinker, he had to drive to the opposite side of town to get there but at this rate it wasn't a big deal. If there was even a chance of Boyfriend being there, he had to take it. He had to make sure Bf was safe. 
After Pico parked the car, he and Whitty climbed down into the dry ditch. It was now night, the darkness making it hard to see anything. Except Whitty's eyes, that is. In the complete darkness, Pico noticed Whitty's orange eyes were glowing. He could partially see the tall man's body as the warm light from his eyes reflected off of him. Pico found it fascinating. It was oddly comforting, like a fireplace. Pico found himself getting lost in them.
 "... Pico?" Whitty's voice interrupted Pico's stupor. Turns out the inside of Whitty's mouth glowed too. "Huh? What?" Pico asked, a little lost thanks to his little daydream. "Are you alright? You seemed out of it." Whitty asked, shifting awkwardly as he stood. Pico felt uneasy, did Whitty see something in the dark that he hasn't noticed yet? Were they alone? Pico quickly shoved his hand in his pocket and whipped out his flashlight. As soon as he turned it on, and the light flooded the ditch, he realized no one else was near them (at least no one was close enough to see). So why was Whitty uncomfortable? Like someone was staring at him? 
Pico had almost physically face-palmed. He was staring at Whitty. He just stood there in silence and stared at this dude's face in the darkness. From Whitty's point of view, that probably came off as creepy. Now he felt a bit guilty for being so weird. Damn it, he had to say something to break this weird silence! But what? Should he apologize? Or just brush it off so they don't have to talk about it? 'Damn it Pico, say something! Anything!' He mentally chastised himself. Just when he was about to blurt out what probably would have been nonsense, Whitty piped up. "Did my eyes creep you out?" Whitty asked, sounding disheartened. Pico suddenly panicked, speaking before his brain could filter it. "What- No! No. Not at all. Your eyes are cool! Like a jack o lantern or something. They're neat! They like.." Pico cleared his throat to compose himself again. He had to give a rational response. "I think your eyes are fascinating. I didn't mean to offend you, I just got distracted. I'm sorry." Pico's face turned a light shade of pink out of embarrassment. He hoped his disjointed response would somehow make the situation less awkward. Whitty's eyes widened, and his cheeks glowed a bit as his expression shifted from surprised to bashful. He started rubbing the back of his head, a nervous habit, Pico assumed. "I… thanks. I've had people say my eyes remind them of Jack O lanterns before, but I think this is only the second time someone's used it as a compliment. Bf was the first." Whitty confessed, his tone sounding fond. Pico smiled a bit, of course B would say something like that. Pico snapped out of his trail of thought before he got more distracted with reminiscing. "Speaking of… we should get back to looking for him." Pico stated, bring their focus back to the task at hand. Whitty nodded. The two chose to walk throughout the ditch, hopefully they'd eventually find a sign of Boyfriend under these bridges. 
Each step they took echoed off of the cement around them. It was a little eerie. Pico was glad that he wasn't alone, Whitty seemed like he could hold his ground. It was comforting. After a few minutes, they came across a blanket laid out next to a few plastic water bottles. They couldn't necessarily say they belonged to Boyfriend, but it felt like they were on the right track at least. They continued their walk, hoping to find more signs of Bf. A few more mostly uneventful minutes went by, then they saw someone not too far ahead of them. Pico lowered his light a bit so it wasn't shining in their eyes, but he could still see them pretty clearly. They were leaning their back against the wall of the ditch with their arms crossed. They had what appeared to be a goat skull for a head with long horns er.. Horn. Pico noticed that one of their horns had clearly been broken off. Their face had multiple large cracks all over it. He wore a dark blue hoodie that matched his hat. His jeans were either a darker shade of blue or black, Pico couldn't quite tell. The skull-faced stranger had turned their head to look at Pico and Whitty, clearly having noticed Pico's flashlight. His black eye sockets with glowing yellow pupils staring them down. Pico admittedly got a shady vibe from him, but he was accustomed to shady people due to his type of work. He decided to approach the man, but not get too close, he just needed to know if he had seen Boyfriend. "Hey. Mind we ask you something?" Pico called, hoping the stranger would cooperate. "What do you want?" The horned stranger rudely snapped in a clear Russian accent, he was clearly agitated. Pico wasn't that fazed by the man's rudeness, again, he was used to that kind of behavior (not to mention he wasn't all that polite or well mannered himself). "We just have some questions. We're looking for a friend of ours, maybe you've seen him around." The man appeared to relax a bit after hearing that. His expression was less aggressive. "What does your friend look like?" He asked, his tone a bit less harsh than before. Pico pulled his phone from his pocket and scrolled through his gallery until he found a picture of him and Boyfriend. He turned the phone around to face the man. As soon as he saw the photo, his eye sockets widened, and he tilted his head back a bit in surprise. "Boyfriend?" The man questioned.
Now it was Whitty and Pico's turn to be surprised. "You know him?" Whitty asked, bewildered at the man's recognition of Bf. "Yes, we are… acquainted. I see him a lot lately." That, admittedly, made Pico angrier than it probably should have. This guy knew where Bf was while no one else did. B had trusted this guy instead of Pico? Or Whitty? Pico once again asked himself the question that plagued his mind for weeks. 'Why didn't he come to me?' Pico tightened his grip on his flashlight. He should be glad. They finally had a potential lead. Pico forced the irrationality down for what felt like the 100th time that day. "Do you know where he is?" 'Please. Tell me you know where he is.'  Pico begged internally. The man nodded his head in a 'sort of' fashion. "I know where he's been hiding lately. It's not too far from here." He looked around a bit, as if checking to see if they were alone. "You know that little theater on Chavez road? The closed one? He's been around there lately. You'll find him if you go there." Pico suddenly felt a small rush of relief. That sounded promising. "Thank you, Mr..?" "Tabi" "Thank you Tabi. We appreciate it. Oh! I'm Pico, by the way. This is Whitty." Whitty waved, and Tabi nodded in acknowledgment. Tabi bagan to walk away. "Take care of Boyfriend you too. He's fragile right now." He called before departing. "We will," Whitty replied, "Thank you." Pico mumbled one more time before he and Whitty rushed towards the car. 
For the first time in weeks, Pico felt hope. He felt almost giddy in a sense. Soon this nightmare could be over. Soon Bf could be safe. But there was still a chance that they wouldn't find Bf. There were a lot of emotions running rampant in his head. Nerves, excitement, doubt. He couldn't remember the last time he was this conflicted. Various 'what ifs' both positive and negative coming forth to give their piece of mind. Pico gripped the steering wheel of his car tightly, his knuckles turning white. 
Tabi's words echoed in his head. 'Take care of Boyfriend, he's fragile right now.'   
Was this all really because of Bf and Gf's breakup? It just felt extreme. Most people don't go missing for weeks after a breakup. Especially Boyfriend. This was out of character for him. He hated being alone. There was more to it. There had to be. Pico was sure of it. 
Pico pulled over as the old theatre came into view. The decorative walls were a bit worn, but still beautiful. He knew this old place fairly well, it made him a little sad when it was shut down. Pico and Whitty stepped out of the car. Whitty stretched his arms, glad he could stand at his full height again. The bomb man looked at the various posters on the theater's walls, each one advertised some sort of play or performance. "Huh." Was all Whitty said. "What's up?" Pico asked. "I don't know why, but I thought this was going to be a movie theater. I didn't realise it was one of those performing arts places." Whitty replied. Pico turned to Whitty. "You've never been here before?" Pico asked, genuinely surprised. Whitty only shook his head in response. "Aw man, that's a bummer. This place was nice. It was family-owned, a local theater, ya know? It went bankrupt, but when it was open it was cool… B loved it here." Pico's tone shifted as he reminisced. Going from casual to bittersweet. Whitty tilted his head curiously, waiting for Pico to continue. He didn't make eye contact with Whitty, instead focusing his gaze on the theater's doors. "Ya know… sometimes, after a show, the owners would let B and I use the stage. We'd sing there for as long as they let us. We did it almost every week." Pico couldn't help but feel nostalgic. He remembered those times so well. It was years ago, back when he and B were together. They were memories he cherished. "Sounds like it was fun." Whitty commented briefly. "It was." Pico's tone continued to be bittersweet. Deep down, he hoped that he and Boyfriend could have what they did back then. He always regretted letting B go, but never said anything. Once Boyfriend found someone else, he figured he'd never have a chance again. Pico's vision started to blur slightly. 'Goddammit Pico! Now's not the time!' He mentally chastised himself, he didn't want to cry. Not when Bf was still lost. Not in front of Whitty. He was able to bury this before, he could do it again. Pico did his best to refocus on the task at hand. He needed to stop doing this. 
Pico cleared his throat.
"A-Anyway, we should look for Boyfriend. He's probably around here somewhere." Whitty nodded. Pico was thankful that Whitty didn't pry into his emotions. He'd rather NOT talk about that at the moment, thank you very much. "Let's check inside." Whitty proposed, Pico gave a brief sound of agreement before pulling the front door's handle. Surprisingly it was unlocked. Was Tabi right? Was Boyfriend here? Did he unlock it? Pico made a mental note about the door and continued inside, Whitty following just behind him. Once again he needed his trusty flashlight. The theater was usually dark as is, but it was extra dark with it being the middle of the night. While in said darkness, Pico was briefly reminded of earlier that night when he stared at Whitty's eyes for an uncomfortable amount of time. Pico's cheeks flushed with embarrassment. This was definitely going to be one of those memories that kept him up at night whenever he thought about it. Then, Pico had another thought. "Hey Whitty." "Hm?" "How come you haven't been using a flashlight too? I mean, I don't mind sharing mine, I'm just curious." Pico hoped it wasn't a rude question. "Oh, well, uh.." Whitty began, Pico once again noticing how the inside of Whitty's mouth glowed like his eyes. "I don't really need a flashlight. I can see in the dark." Whitty's cheeks glowled orange a bit, now Pico was convinced that was how Whitty blushed. He found it kinda endearing, to be honest. "That's really cool. Wish I could do that." Pico said and chuckled a bit, feeling a bit lighter in spirit. Whitty also laughed coyly, feeling a bit flattered. "Let's check out the stage first." Whitty directed, already walking towards it. "Yeah, good idea." Pico agreed, following suit. The 'house' was dusty, and the seats clearly hadn't been used in a while. Well, most of them hadn't. Pico paused, getting a better look. He quickly noticed that a few of them had been folded out, the armrests were raised, and what looked like a shiney red blanket was draped across them. Someone had been using them as a makeshift bed, Pico realized. Someone was definitely here. "Psst, hey Whitty." Whitty turned around to face him, Pico waved his hand in a 'come here' gesture. Whitty nodded and approached him. 
The tall bomb headed man leaned over Pico, looking down the same row of seats he was. It didn't take him long to catch on. "We must be on the right track. Wait, is that a curtain?" Whitty reached over Pico to pick up and hold the 'blanket' which was, in fact, part of a stage curtain that had been cut. Pico felt his heart clench. B was using a curtain for a blanket, he must be cold. Pico looked at the chairs/bed. One of the seats had a pile of clothes/costumes haphazardly bunched together, probably being used as a pillow. This was just… sad. Bf didn't deserve to live like this. 
While Pico looked at the seats, Whitty took a second to inspect the curtain. It was red on one side, and white on the other side- wait, no, the other side had red too. In weird splotches and smear-like patterns. Whitty held it stretched out in front of him, the white and red patterned side facing him. The patterns looked inconsistent not just in size and shape, but in hue as well. Some of the red splotches looked darker almost..wet, while others looked faded, like stains. Whitty touched one of the darker red spots with his thumb, surprised when it was actually wet. Realization suddenly dawned on him, this wasn't a pattern. Now he was worried. "Hey Pico?" His scratchy voice quietly called, Pico turned around to look Whitty in the eyes. Whitty held the curtain in a way that only let Pico see the shiney full-red side and not the 'patterns'. "I'm not entirely human, so correct me if I'm wrong but… human blood is red, right?" Pico gave him a confused and worried look, then nodded hesitantly. "That's what I was afraid of." Whitty admitted, turning the curtain around so Pico could see. Pico's white eyes shot open wide, before giving Whitty a panicked look. Pico's heart dropped.
Just as Pico was about to say something, there was a loud *CRASH* from a distance. 
Pico and Whitty's attention snapped towards the stage, it looked like a shelf had fallen over from backstage. Frantic footsteps could be heard. Neither of them had to say anything, they both bolted towards all the noise. Running up the small stairs to the stage. They ran towards the backstage area. Their own footsteps echoing as their shoes hit the wooden floorboards. Whitty, with his longer strides, took the lead ahead of Pico. Once they arrived at the backstage room, they saw the metal Exit door slowly closing. Whitty slammed it back open, dashing through it, Pico not far behind him. Once outside, they had stumbled into a fenced in parking lot. Street lights illuminated the empty lot, now they could see the other person running away from them. They were short, around Pico's height. They had a black hoodie on, the hood was up so they couldn't see their head. Even so, Pico was sure that it was Boyfriend. It had to be. 
The hooded person ran into the parking lot's locked gate. Attempting to climb over it, but they weren't fast enough. Pico and Whitty were on their tail. They still tried, though. They were clearly struggling to get up the fence's bars, it looked like they kept slipping, like they couldn't grip the bars. Just as they were about to make another attempt to climb, Whitty caught up to them. The tall bomb man swiftly wrapped his hands around their torso, easily lifting them off the ground. Like holding a kitten. They helplessly swung their arms and legs, attempting to free themself from Whitty's grip. Amidst all their wild flailing, the hood came down, revealing a familiar face with blue hair. Boyfriend. They found him.
"N-no! Let me go! P-Put me down!" Boyfriend yelled, his voice filled with panic. His eyes were closed, and tears soaked his cheeks. Whitty knelt down to bring Boyfriend closer to the ground, still not letting go. "Hey! Hey… Boyfriend, it's just us. It's okay." Whitty did his best to keep his scratchy voice steady, hoping to calm down the terrified bluette. Despite not having the most soothing voice, it seemed to help a bit. Bf stopped flailing and yelling for the moment, his eyes snapped open. He seemed to have come to a sudden halt. His fearful eyes scanned the environment around him. Pico tried to approach him slowly, he didn't want to spook the poor guy more, but he too, was shaking. He had seen Boyfriend scared before, sure, but not like this. This was a new level of absolute terror. He looked so… fragile. Like if someone so much as flicked him, he'd fall to pieces. This was a far cry from the Boyfriend Pico knew. The dumb, reckless, confident man was no where to be found. What really struck Pico though, was the noticeable dampness of Boyfriend's hoodie sleeves. Pico figured he must have been injured, and he had to help. 
In the moment though, he was overwhelmed. He was happy that they found him. He was also worried about him. Part of him was angry. After all the weeks spent searching for Boyfriend, after spending those weeks bottling up all his frustrations, fears, grief, worry. He had reached his tipping point. He couldn't hold back anymore. The tears in his own eyes couldn't be stopped this time. Pico threw away his inhibitions, and just ran up to hug Boyfriend. Pico buried his face in the crook of Boyfriend's neck, and dug his fingers into his blue hair. He was there, they actually found him. And he'd be damned if he lost Bf again. His own face was wet with tears. "G-god Damn it you- you fucking idiot. Don't scare me like that again. F-fuck." Pico's voice shook, sobbing, his cries making it harder to speak. Whitty let go of Boyfriend's torso, instead wrapping his arms around both Pico and Boyfriend, trying not to cry himself (emphasis on tried). A few of his hot, orange tears fell onto the other two boys, but neither seemed to notice.
After a few moments, Whitty and Pico pulled back from the hug. Pico kept his hands on Boyfriend's shoulders, he didn't want to let go. His attention was once again brought to the dampness of Bf's hoodie, he knew it had to be blood. "B… let's go home." Apparently that was the wrong thing for Pico to say, as soon as he did, Boyfriend panicked again. "I-! N-no! I don't want to see her again please Pico-! Don't make me go back!" Pico rushed to ask what was wrong, startled by Bf's reaction. "B, who are you talking about?" Pico gently grabbed Boyfriend's hands, he wanted to be comforting, but that changed when he noticed Bf heavily flinched, and his hands were wet. Pico gently brought Bf's hands into the light. His hands were cracked and bleeding. Badly. The skin and flesh looked like it was just barely holding on to the bones. Some of the blood was dry and crusty, while some of it was fresh. Pico furrowed his brow. "B… what happened?" Bf began crying again. "Gf.. She.." Bf's voice trembled, his lip quivered. He started sobbing. Whitty's orange eyes widened, in a spur of the moment, Whitty gathered both the shorter males in his arms. Lifting them off the ground and standing at his full height. "Hey Pico, why don't we all head to your place?" Pico nodded, still holding Bf's hands. "You can stay with me, B. I promise I won't take you to Girlfriend. She won't even know we found you, okay?" Bf looked into Pico's white eyes, then Whitty's orange ones, before slowly nodding and letting out a barely audible "okay". 
Whitty carried them to Pico's car, he decided to sit in the back with Boyfriend so he wouldn't be alone while Pico drove the car (they moved the front passenger seat as far up as they could to make more legroom for him). Bf was huddled to Whitty's side, the tall, warm, bomb man made him feel safe. Whitty had one of his arms wrapped around Boyfriend, hoping to comfort him. The bluette was still crying, but not as much as before, he seemed to have calmed down slightly. No words were exchanged during the car trip to Pico's house. 
Once they arrived, Whitty gently carried Bf into Pico's house and carefully set him down on Pico's couch. Pico ran off to grab his first aid kit from his hallway closet, mentally preparing himself for how wrecked the rest of Bf's arms might look. He didn't want to end up freaking out and scaring Bf more. Pico moved to sit next to Boyfriend on the couch. "Okay B, show me what hurts." Boyfriend seemed hesitant, Whitty, who was sitting at Bf's other side, rubbed his back. The small gesture seemed to comfort Bf a little, and he removed the black hoodie he was wearing, hissing as the fabric pulled away from his wounds; he was only wearing a tank top under it, so the damage to his arms was revealed easily. Boyfriend's arms looked worse than his hands did somehow. Cracked and bleeding, in some places, it looked like the skin had stitches only to fall apart more and undo them. He could see the bone in Bf's elbow and shoulder. 
Pico felt sick. It was a mystery how Boyfriend wasn't just screaming in anguish. Pico took a quick glance at Whitty, who also looked appalled at the gorey sight before them. Pico looked into Boyfriend's teary eyes, then back at his arms. "We should take ya to the hospital." Pico said nervously, his gauze and hydrogen peroxide couldn't fix this. "I-I already tried that. They couldn't- *sniff* they couldn't stop it. I-It's magic." Bf confessed, Pico noticed Whitty's expression changed from shock to sympathetic. Whitty gestured to Bf's arms "Was this Girlfriend's magic?" Boyfriend nodded. Pico felt rage bubbling in his core. His attempt to keep calm and collected was thrown out the window. "Did she do this on purpose!? That's it! Imma beat her ass!" Pico whipped out his gun. Furious. "I'm gonna pump that bitch full of lead!" Pico was about to storm out his house when both Boyfriend and Whitty stopped him. "PICO DON'T!" Bf and Whitty said in unison. Whitty gripped Pico's arm (which was super easy seeing as his hand was big enough for his fingers to wrap all the way around Pico's forearm), and Boyfriend hugged him, burying his face in the crook of Pico's neck. "Why the fuck are you two stopping me!?" Pico shouted, still undeniably pissed. "Please don't go, Pico!" Bf cried. "Listen dude, as much as I'd love to see ya give that girl more holes than swiss cheese, if you even try it, her family will kill you. Plus, if ya went to her now, they'll know we found Bf, and who knows what they'd do to him then!"
Pico hated to admit it, but Whitty was right. He'd just make it worse by confronting Girlfriend. Her family was powerful, her parents would definitely come after all of them if he tried to do anything to her. His anger was screaming at him to go and blast her with his Uzi, but reason objected to it. Pico sighed, and put his gun on the table. "Alright. Yer right. I'm sorry." Bf hugged him tighter. "Thank you." He said quietly. "Well, if I can't shoot that bitch, let's at least try to solve… this." Pico gestured towards Bf's arms, which were bleeding all over him in the hug. Whitty rubbed the back of his head, unsure. "Well, demon magic did this in the first place, maybe another demon can undo it?" Whitty offered, Pico thought about it, it made sense. If hospitals couldn't treat a curse, might as well try magic. "I can't say you're wrong, the issue now is finding a demon who would be willing to help. The only other demon I know I wouldn't trust as far as I could throw her. Do you know anyone?" Whitty shook his head. The three stayed quiet. Pico wracked his brain for anyone who might be helpful. Maybe his dad knew someone who could help? Probably not. His brother definitely hung out with demons and whatnot, but most people his brother hung out with were bad news. Not to mention he hasn't spoken to his older bro in a long ass time. That was a no go. Who else could he ask? Pico glanced at Whitty, he appeared to be going over various options in his head too. They were silent until Boyfriend chirped in. "I might know someone. Maybe tomorrow we can find her?" Pico shrugged. "I guess that's just what we gotta do. For now though, you should go get cleaned up. You remember where the shower is?" Bf nodded, and started walking down the hallway. "I'll bring you some clean clothes you can borrow!" Pico called, Bf replying with a distant "Thank you" before disappearing around the corner. 
Pico made eye contact with Whitty. He might not have known this guy too well, having only met him a couple weeks ago, but the time they spent working together trying to find Boyfriend made Pico appreciate him. He wanted to know more about him. Whitty was so helpful, even managing to calm Pico down when he was two seconds away from snapping. He found the gentle giant fascinating and comforting. "Hey Whitty?" Whitty let out a curious "hmm?" 
"I just wanted to say thanks.. For everything. You've been really helpful and great and.. I really appreciate it." Pico's earnest tone made Whitty's cheeks glow slightly. "It's no problem. You don't have to thank me or anything. I just.. Wanted Bf to be safe too, ya know?" Pico nodded understandably. "I wish we coulda met under better circumstances. You seem like a great guy, I uh… I'd really like to keep hangin out with you. Maybe once we get this whole curse thing sorted out, we should do something together? Maybe all three of us should." Pico felt color flooding in his own cheeks now, feeling somewhat nervous. Whitty smiled. "I'd like that." Pico let out a small chuckle. "Cool. Cool. Sounds good." 
An awkward lull took the conversation, neither saying much. Whitty eventually stood up and stretched, feeling a bit sleepy. "Well, I should head out. I'm gettin tired. Want me to meet up with you guys here tomorrow?" Pico hesitantly nodded, he almost offered to just let Whitty stay the night, but if he had plans to go home, who was Pico to stop him? "Sounds good. Imma uh.. Get some clothes for B." Pico attempted to make the situation less awkward, he was never good at goodbyes. "Yeah, that'd be good. I'll see you tomorrow." Whitty and Pico parted ways after that. Now, Pico just had to help Boyfriend. Hopefully this woman he was talking about can reverse whatever demon spell was on him..
Pico let Bf borrow his spare pajamas, and threw Bf's clothes in the wash. He wasn't sure if the washing machine was gonna be able to get all the blood out. As he was going through it, he noticed that the inside of Bf's jeans were bloody too, the curse must've been affecting his legs as well. Pico kept the 1st aid kit out, that way he could bandage what was left of Boyfriend's limbs. While Pico tended to the bluette's wounds, he made small talk with Boyfriend, hoping it would put him at ease. It seemed to help. Eventually it became time to turn in for the night. Both boys were exhausted.
 "Hey Pico?"
 "Yeah B?" 
"Can I sleep in your bed with you? I don't wanna be alone."
"... Yeah. C'mere."
"Thanks Pico."
"No prob. G'night B."
"Good night Pico."
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mochegato · 4 years
Pixie Spy
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
Jason waited on the dancefloor anxiously watching the crowd of people who had just left, ready to pounce on the Sunshine Girl once she exposed herself by exiting the safety of the crowd.  But he hadn’t seen her exit yet.  The crowd had now thinned out enough that he could make out everyone that was still in the group.  She wasn’t one of them. The tablecloths that decorated all the tables did not go all the way to the floor, allowing him to see under the tables.  She wasn’t hiding there either.  There was no sign of her.  She was impossibly gone.
He was so focused on his search, he didn’t notice the wary looks of the people around him watching him as though he might lash out at them at any moment and he wouldn’t have been able to care less even if he had noticed.  He didn’t have a single fuck to spare about their opinions.  He needed to find Sunshine and figure out what the fuck was going on and how he could help.  
He felt a weight on his shoulder and spun quickly grabbing the hand, ready to defend himself against whatever it was.  He relaxed slightly when he saw Dick’s surprised and concerned eyes on him, hands held up in a placating gesture, “Hey, it’s just me Jaybird.  What’s going on?  A rogue?” he asked discretely, stepping closer and lowering his voice so nobody else could hear.
Jason’s eyes returned to the crowd, desperately seeking any sign of her, “No… at least I don’t think so.  Do you see a beautiful, short woman with black hair and a short black dress?” She couldn’t have just disappeared.  She had to have gone somewhere, but he had been watching not just the dancefloor but the exits as well.  There was no way he could have missed her.  She wasn’t someone you could miss.  She wasn’t there and she hadn’t left.  Where the fuck was she?  
Dick watched Jason cautiously before glancing around the room again.  He was getting concerned about Jason.  He wanted to write it off as a drunken fascination with a girl who walked away or an attempt to disrupt the night, but that wasn’t it.  Drunk Jason was belligerent, well more belligerent than usual, not paranoid and possessive.  Disruptive Jason never bothered to hide his glee at the disruption.  This was something else.  
Dick cast a wary eye back into the crowd looking for the girl Jason described.  “I don’t see anyone like that,” he said shaking his head and returning his gaze back to Jason.  He didn’t know what was going on, but clearly that girl was important to whatever it was. They should have known better than to think the night would go smoothly.  He had naïvely thought the worst he would have to worry about was Jason causing a scene for the hell of it, but this was something more.
“Shit!” Jason exclaimed loudly running his hand through his hair and looking down.  He needed to focus on the immediate issues and let the others know their identities had been compromised.  They needed to figure out who she was, what she knew, what she was going to do with the information, and just who the fuck got her involved in all of this, track that mother fucker down and kick the shit out of him for getting her involved in the first place.  Then figure out what was going on in Paris that had caused so much pain she felt responsible for and kick the shit out of that asshole too.
“Sorry about that everyone.  Guess we should have cut the bar off a few drinks ago. Please, continue dancing… and drinking, if you think you can handle it a bit better than him.” Bruce announced loudly with a charming, easy smile for the crowd eliciting a few chuckles from the audience.
“Is this related to what you were asking before?” Tim asked quietly, coming up next to them and scanning the crowd as well, not really sure what he was looking for but searching for anything out of place.
“Yes!  We need to go to the safe room,” Jason growled quietly.  “ALL of us.  Now”
“Did something happen with that girl you can’t find? Did she get taken?  Did she take someone else?”  Dick asked grimly still watching Jason with concern, gauging the breadth of the developing situation.
“Somebody got taken?” Bruce asked joining the conversation.
“Yeah, we did.  Let’s go.  Tim, bring up the cameras for back home,” Jason ordered stalking toward the family safe room without bothering to look at anyone.  
“Jason, we were just about to make the announcement. Is it something that can wait?” Bruce asked stepping between Jason and the door to the safe room.
“Gee, I don’t know, B.  Do you think someone figuring us out and breaking into our… home base is something important?” Jason asked snidely without breaking stride.
Selina sauntered over slowly just in time to see Bruce’s stoic expression pale slightly, not enough for the other party goers to notice but enough that the family could see the change and change their attitude accordingly.  “I’ll do some damage control out here,” she said patting Bruce’s shoulder before pushing him slightly toward the family safe room, a room the family had designated as a safe space in case of emergencies.  It was soundproofed, swept for bugs, and was locked to anyone but the family.  It was meant to be a place they could change into their suits in case something happened requiring vigilante activity.  It also had the added benefit of a place they could send Damian before he actually acted on any of the violent thoughts they knew he was having.  
“And make sure you take Damian with you.  He looks ready to cut someone’s hand off,” she said with an amused smile.  Damian glared at her as he followed his father to the room.  She heard a faint “trollop” as he passed by, making her smile. At this point, she was taking it as a term of endearment from the little terror.  If he really wanted to hurt her he would go after her with one of his katanas, like he did with his brothers.
By the time the family made it to the room, Tim had already pulled up the live feed to the Batcave on his phone.  He got it connected just in time to see… nothing, absolutely nothing out of place.  The cave was empty, the vehicles were parked, the suits and weapons hung up properly, and the computer was resting.  Nothing remotely concerning, Tim grumbled to himself.  It was bad enough dealing with Jason on patrols but now he had to put up with his bullshit here too.  He didn’t want to be here either, none of them did, but at least he wasn’t actively trying to make the situation worse.
Of course it would amount to nothing.  If anyone had broken into the Batcave his phone, along with everyone else’s, would have alerted them to the trespasser.  He and Barbara had set it up.  There was no way around it.  Nobody could be in the Batcave without them knowing about it.  There was no alarm going off, thus there was no trespasser. This was another of Jason’s paranoid delusions or another way to mess with the family, sabotaging the important night.
As soon as the door to the safe room clicked closed, Bruce turned to Jason with a concerned look, “What is going on, Jason?  What do you think got broken into and who figured us out?”
“There was a woman at the party,” he started unsure how much of the encounter he wanted to relate to them.  Before he could continue there were groans around the room.  He glared at them before continuing louder this time. “She seemed uncomfortable at the gala so I started talking with her.”
“How thoughtful of you.  Completely for her own benefit, I’m sure,” Dick rolled his eyes and shook his head. This damn well better not be about Jason trying to get laid.  There were far less public ways to accomplish that than this.  In fact, Dick had been working on one of those ways when Jason decided to take out an entire table in front of everyone.
“If you assholes are done interrupting,” Jason snapped at them, glowering in frustration.  “Out of nowhere, she suddenly stared hard at you guys for a minute then freaked the fuck out.  I finally got her to say she was there acting as a scout for your,” he pointed at Bruce with a scowl, “lover, so he could break into our place.”
“My what!” Bruce asked confused, “Selina?”
“What the hell, Jason!” Dick exclaimed.  Of course it would be Jason.  Of course Jason would end up with someone who was spying on them.  Jason seemed to attract it.  Even if he wasn’t trying to cause problems, he usually was but even when he wasn’t, they seemed to find him.
“Attempting to bed the enemy, why is that not a surprise, Todd.” Damian scoffed from his seat on the other side of the room.
“Fuck you.  I tried to bring her over when she said that, but she got away.  She kept ranting about a lover’s quarrel and a joke.  Whoever she is working with, she thinks you two know each other and are ‘friendly’, Bruce.  And she definitely did NOT know who we were until that point.”
Tim groaned in frustration.  They took their eyes off of Jason for just a few minutes and now he had to clean up the mess Jason had created.  They were wasting time looking at the batcave instead of looking for this girl.  The batcave was a dead end.  Jason just didn’t want to admit that he let himself get played by some girl.  A girl who he let get away, he might add. “Accident” his ass.  Jason didn’t let anyone get away accidentally.  And now they all had to play along with this delusion.  
He looked back at the live feed.  There was still nothing amiss.  He huffed, “She lied to you.  There's nothing going on in the cave.  Not a creature is stirring, not even a mouse,” he gritted out, brandishing his phone around so everyone could see it.  “I told you before, nobody could be there without getting noticed and us knowing immediately.  You got played.  And now someone who KNOWS OUR IDENTITIES is out there and we have no idea how much of a threat she is because you got distracted by a pretty face.”  
“It was I goddamn gorgeous face and she got away when I got distracted by you arguing with me instead of just helping,” he growled at Tim.  “And she isn’t a threat.  I’m pretty sure she’s a hero of some kind.” Jason defended.  He wasn’t sure about much of what was happening but the one thing he did know for certain was Pixie Pop was a hero or vigilante. She was trying to protect people and only got angry when she thought they were interfering with that.  She wasn’t a villain and hadn’t been trying to take them down.
“You’ll forgive me if I don’t trust your judgement here,” Damian drawled.
Jason spun to face him red faced in anger.  They weren’t listening.  People were suffering and they were still acting like it was a joke, just like Pixie thought they were.  He opened his mouth to respond but snapped it shut when he heard the door open.  Selina slid through closing the door securely behind her.
“How is it out there?” Bruce asked grimly.
Selina shrugged.  “Everyone bought the cover story easily.  Those looking for a reason were judging, but the rest thought it was cute. They think he's taking after his dear old Dad.  After witnessing you do something similar at almost every gala, ball, dance, opening, party, fundraiser, celebration, and just regular dinners for, what?  A decade?  Two?  They see nothing strange in your son doing the same,” she said with an amused smile, taking a seat next to Tim on a table he was leaning against to get a better angle on the video.  
“Disappears for a few years then comes back and gets drunk whenever possible.  It's nostalgic for them.  Jason got your drinking, Dick got your philandering, Tim got your arguing, I believe you prefer to call it ‘negotiating’, and Damian got your looks.” Damian nodded satisfied his description was the only genetic trait and the only one that would not be considered a weakness.  “Not that you aren't all very handsome,” she cooed mockingly, squeezing Tim’s cheeks to accentuate her point.
“Just to check, Selina you didn’t send anyone to spy on us tonight did you?”  Bruce asked annoyed.
“Me?  I haven’t sent anyone to watch you guys for ages.”  Selina said innocently.  “Someone was spying on you guys?”  
“That’s still up for debate, but regardless Jason said this girl knew our identities so we should try to track her down, assess the danger we and she are in… after the announcement.”  Bruce was tired before this all started, this did not help.  Dick, Tim, and Damian started to protest but Bruce held up a hand stopping them, “if she was intending to do something she would have made the threat to Jason or come up to us to extort us.  She didn’t so either she’s waiting for us to make a move she can jump on or…” he took a deep breath, “or, she had no idea and doesn’t intend to do anything with it.  I’m more concerned with whoever sent her.  That is who we need to find and we find that person through her.  As soon as the announcement is over, Tim, I want you checking security cameras to track her.”
Tim rolled his eyes and pushed off of the table he was leaning against, taking one last look at the live feed.  “Okay, this break has been fun.  I’m going back to the party.  Jason, just go home and sleep it..." his sentence tapered off as he watched a silvery, rippling portal open near the bat computer.  His eyes widened and his jaw dropped open in shock.  Holy shit, Jason had been right.  "What the fuck!  Bruce!  Look at this.  Dick turn on the television there.”  He pushed a few buttons on his phone and sent the image to display on the TV.
The family watched in shocked silence as a figure emerged from the shimmering pool with an enraged look on their face and hands clenched at their sides.  They stared at the figure trying to decide if they remembered ever having seen them before. The figure was wearing a full body suit in varying shades of brown that seemed heavily padded for protection. Their hair was pulled back into a series of long ponytails forming something reminiscent of a horse’s mane that flowed down their back.  The most unsettling thing about the figure, other than that they were in the cave without permission, was their expression. Even with half of their face obscured by a pair of pince-nez sunglasses, the angry expression was clear.  They glared at the computer but made no move to get closer.
“I fucking told you she was telling the truth!” Jason yelled pointing at the screen for emphasis.
Dick growled and turned to leave but Bruce stopped him holding up a finger to indicate he should wait.  “Can’t do anything without a car anyway.  Call for the car and watch until it gets close.”  Dick nodded and pulled out his phone to call Alfred.
Dick nearly dropped the phone when the figure suddenly yelled “Come out and face me you coward!” in the general direction of the computer as the portal behind them disappeared.
“What the fuck?” Tim whispered confused.  “Do they think there we’re there and camouflaged?”
“Or can they see something we can’t?”  Dick contemplated staring hard at the scene in front of him. The figure wasn’t moving to do anything to the equipment in the cave, wasn’t trying to damage it or investigate it. They were focused on something else, something none of them in the room could see.
They all froze when out of the ether they heard a man’s voice respond. “You ready for them to know we’re here, Spots?”
“Oh, they already know,” the figure growled out.
“Ah, that didn’t take as long as I thought it would,” the voice responded.  “Okay Trixx. Might as well drop it then.”
As soon as he said the words, it was like a curtain dropped and suddenly a man in a trench coat was standing in front of a very active bat computer.  Alarms sounded throughout the safe room, as all of their phones rang out with trespassing alerts.  
“What the hell?” Tim exclaimed.  “The computer was on sleep mode just a second ago.”  He brought his phone closer to his face trying to examine the scene better. He and Barbara had designed the system to detect changes in visual, audio, thermal, and electronic signals as well as vibrations caused by any movement.  Whatever they were using had somehow interrupted detection for all of those. “How the hell did they do that?”
Jason ignored the room devolving into chaos behind him, deciding to study the figure in front of the computer instead.  The hair and trench coat were very familiar.  “Is that Constantine?” Jason asked.
“You absolute bastard!  What was that?” the figure yelled gesturing vaguely behind them and stalking closer to the man.
“Yeah, that sounds like Constantine,” Bruce shook his head, resigned to the situation. “Tell Alfred there isn’t a rush.  Constantine won’t try to do anything he hasn’t already done.”
“You going to hit me while you're like that, Spots? Bit unfair don't you think?” Constantine said barely glancing over to her from the computer.
The figure stared at him shaking in rage for a few seconds before forcing out, something that sounded like “dismount” through gritted teeth. A blinding wave of sea green light engulfed the figure.  When the light faded, a woman in a long red dress and the same glasses as the other figure was standing where the figure had been.  She removed the glasses and shoved them in her purse before returning her glare to the man at the computer.
“That’s her!” Jason yelled, pointing at the screen.  “That’s the woman I was dancing with.  Different dress but same woman.”
“Well at least now we know why she thought it was a prank when she figured us out, assuming she knows who he is, which I assume is why she is working with him in the first place, so she does.” Bruce said rubbing his forehead to ease the quickly oncoming headache.  Whenever Constantine got involved things went to Hell, sometimes literally, very quickly and Bruce had not had enough sleep or bourbon to deal with this.  Contrary to his reputation, he rarely drank but this situation, this situation, whatever the hell it was, justified a drink.
“Fuck!  No wonder I couldn’t find her.  She somehow pulled a fucking Houdini and changed her entire appearance.” Jason yelled exasperated.
Constantine typed a few more things on the computer before finally facing her nonchalantly “Not to change the subject but that is a really good glare. Scarier than Batman, honestly.  I could feel it through the back of my head.  I’m this close to being intimidated,” he said holding his thumb and index finger close together.  “I swear, if you keep glaring at me that…” before he could finish his sentence the woman had delivered a strong right hook directly to his jaw.
Constantine fell backwards, knocking into the chair positioned next to the computer, sending it spinning away on his way down, landing on his hands and knees.  He gently rubbed his jaw with a wince and looked back up at her with a raised eyebrow. “Yeah, fair enough.” He slowly stood back up using the chair and computer to help support him on his way up. “Have fun, kid? Meet any cute boys? Girls? Thems? Guess never asked which way you swing.”
The woman responded by kicking him hard in the chest with a suddenly bare foot.  He fell back against the computer from the impact with a surprised grunt.  Before he could get up she moved her foot on his throat to hold him there, braced against the computer.  She had been careful to place her foot flush on his throat but he wasn’t making any noises so she wasn’t pushing hard on it.  The family were all familiar with the move.  It didn’t allow him to move but did allow him to speak. A good questioning position.
“You left some valuable details out of the multiple briefings we had.  Weeks where you could have mentioned them.  Details like you could have just ASKED for this if you weren’t such a fucking self-absorbed coward.” She seethed at him.
Jason made a gurgling sound as he watched her stand over Constantine, suddenly feeling flushed.  He had not expected her to be able to take down a grown man like that, like it was second nature, effortless.  Two quick moves and he was at her mercy.  He couldn’t stop picturing himself in Constantine’s place, at her mercy, and that thought alone made his heart race and breathing more difficult.  The things she could do to him… He shook his head of the highly enjoyable thought.  Now was not the time for that.
“You know, I’m pressing a lot of buttons here,” Constantine croaked out.  “I might have to restart the whole process if you’re not careful.  Would take time.  Maybe enough for the whole family to return.”
“Fuck you.” She growled at him retracting her leg so he could stand up properly.
“Oh I swing all ways except that way. You may be legal, technically, but you're still a kid and I'm not a pedo.” He rubbed his throat as he straightened back up.  To the surprise of those in the room who knew him, he didn’t react at all. He seemed to accept the attack as justified and turned back around and got back to work on the computer.  Not that they were expecting him to attack back physically but Constantine was never had nothing to say, except now.
“You're an asshole.” She glared at him again crouching down to put her shoe back on.
“Well, yeah, but even assholes have standards.  By the way, really impressed you didn’t fall over there. Standing on one stilettoed leg without falling or losing your modesty?  Impressive. So you never did say, how did it go? Assuming you are done now.”
The family tensed for another attack when they saw her jump into a battle stance.  They watched confused as she switched to a crouching position and started cooing at nothing.  After a few moments, they saw what had drawn her attention.  Alfred the cat had jumped onto the computer like he was chasing after something.
“How the hell did your cat get into the cave?” Tim demanded from Damian.  “He better not mess with anything on the computer.”
“If that second rate concubine touches a hair on Alfred, I will cut her fingers off one at a time.” Damian growled at the screen.
Bruce squeezed the bridge of his nose, “Not quite the Alfred I would have hoped would intervene…”
Constantine looked over at the cat and grunted, “Not looking for a trip to Hell today, but thanks for the offer.  Scat.”  He shooed the cat away and turned to go back to his work on the computer.
The woman looked back at Constantine and frowned at him, “I don’t know if I’m done yet.  I’m still deciding,” she said snidely.  “And don’t you dare go anywhere near this poor cat.”  Alfred trotted over to the woman, keeping his eyes on Constantine the whole way.  When he got to the woman he rubbed up against her legs and looked up at her with a meow.
She reached down to pet the cat gently and start talking to him quietly.
“Holy shit, Demon Spawn.  I think the cat likes her better than you.” Jason laughed.  Bruce put his hand on Damian’s shoulder when he jumped up to charge at Jason.
“No bloodshed tonight, please.  And Jason, stop antagonizing him,” he admonished both of them.  This was shaping up to be the worst gala they’ve had.  And they’ve had galas attacked by rogues before.  That was still more pleasurable than whatever was going on here. Yep, that was definitely the beginning of a migraine he was feeling.
Constantine grunted out a single laugh.  “Yeah, right.  Because you can hold a grudge.”
She stared hard at Constantine for a few moments before something seemed to click in her head.  “Oh my God, he was right.  I was only there because you wanted me to get out and have fun, figuring I’d forgive you for the convoluted plans and the wait.”
“Is that so bad?  You’re still a kid, you should have fun at some point in your life.  Also, who is ‘he’?”
“So you gave me homework?  Are you so old you forget homework is not fun?  Or did they not have things like homework or school when you were my age?” She snarked annoyed, ignoring the last part of the question.
“No they didn’t have homework WAY back then, or paper, we just grunted to each other and absorbed information through osmosis,” he shot her a sour look.  “And fun wasn’t my only goal, but it was an important one.  Why, didn’t have fun?”
“Oh no, I did.  Until I remembered it isn’t something I get to keep, remembered that nothing about tonight sticks except that device,” she said pointing to something on the computer. “Everything about tonight is just an illusion because I haven’t been good enough, because I failed.  Thanks for that reminder.”  A guilty look flashed across her face before returning back to a glare.  “The remaining part of the night was focused on keeping tabs on the Waynes and fending off entitled pricks’ wandering hands,” she said slowly as if explaining something that should have been obvious.
A dark shadow passed over Constantine’s face.  He turned his focus from the computer for a moment to address her directly, “That is not on you.  None of that is on you.  Whatever the fuck your overactive conscious tells you.  That fucking conscious of yours is going to get you killed then I’m going to have to go to Hell to get you out.  I don’t enjoy Hell.  DO NOT make me go back.” He scolded her.  “For the hands, get any names?  I know a few demons looking for someone to… play with.  It wasn’t any of the Wayne kids, right?”
“You wanted me to meet the Waynes, didn’t you?” she narrowed her eyes in accusation.  “Why would you tell me to NOT get noticed by them if you wanted me to meet them?  How was that supposed to happen if I was avoiding them?  Did you really think I was so completely incompetent? ”
“No, I thought you were that gorgeous and innocent looking.  A combination that is impossible for any Wayne to ignore.” He sighed and glanced away seeming to brace himself for the conversation they were about to have.  “I needed you to think you shouldn’t get noticed because otherwise there was no reason for you to go instead of Chat.  And I needed you to go because not only do you need the break but precisely because you were going to get noticed by at least one of the Waynes and noticed in a very particular way that Chat wouldn’t.” he said waggling his eyebrows at her.  
“I thought it would take longer than it did, but at some point, one of the boys was going to take an interest in you and talk to you.  And you being you would figure out their identities and tell him everything.  You’re brilliant and noble like that,” he said sneering at the word noble, making it sound like the most disgusting word he had ever had to utter.  
“The youngest was the least likely to act but he is a bit young for you anyway.  The next one is as smart and focused-on-the-mission-at-the-expense-of-all-other-things as you, so I thought you might get along. The next one is as much of a smartass and has the same fuck-you-to-authority, sarcastic attitude as you, so I thought you two might click.  The oldest is as annoyingly sunshiney as you, so that seemed like it might work. Honestly, I thought he was the safest bet since he hits on everything with tits… Unless he was the one you were speaking with in which case, what I meant to say was… uh… keep an eye on him if cheating bothers you.”
Dick gave an offended gasp at the accusation.
“Yeah, totally unfair description.  You don’t require tits to hit on someone.” Jason said clapping him on the back
“I don't know that I like the idea of you dating any of them. But it would have gotten them involved without me breaking my promise because, I have said nothing,” Constantine said glancing back towards her for a moment. “But it sounds like you did,” he said with a cocky grin.
“Asshole,” she sneered at him sitting on the floor to get into a better position to pet Alfred.
“Yeah, but an asshole that keeps his word.”  He focused back on the computer and clicked around for a few more minutes before discretely glancing over at her, “Sooooo, did being here make you change your mind?”
“Nothing about tonight made me change my mind about bringing in outside help but it did make me reconsider the wisdom of allowing your interference.” She said shaking her head and glaring at him.
“Oh for fuck’s sake!” he growled out hitting the computer in frustration.  He rounded on her and stalked over to her, looming over her.  “Fuck the goddamned, mother fucking mission for ONCE.  Your life is supposed to be more than the fucking suit. Did being in Gotham make you rethink turning down that acceptance letter?”
“What?” She looked at him wide eyed in surprise but didn’t seem scared of his sudden outburst unlike Alfred who jumped up and hissed at him as he approached.
Constantine sighed sitting down near her and looked away seeming to examine thin air over her shoulder, “I know you got accepted to go here but turned it down because of Paris,” he said quietly.
Her lips pressed together in a thin line and turned her head to glare at the same point in the air, “How did you know that?”
“Your partners are worried about you. You turned it down because of the situation in Paris.  You can’t let that be the only thing in your life.  You got accepted everywhere.  You could go anywhere and you should.  Come on, if Gotham didn’t do it for you I can talk to people in Metropolis, Jump City, Central City, Starling City… Just somewhere out of Paris.”
Her eyes flared but she gave out a resigned sigh.  “I liked you better when you didn’t care about us.” She said with a wry smile, suddenly finding the cat at her feet batting at the air to be the most interesting thing in the room.  
“I still don’t,” he said unconvincingly as he backing up and returning to the computer.
She let out a doubtful scoff but continued to pet Alfred. After a few moments of silence she cocked her head to the side and looked up at Constantine with an impish smirk. “Awfully coincidental that all those cities have heroes that are roughly my age.  You trying to set me up with more superheroes?  First a bat now a titan?  Or were you leaning more towards an arrow?”
“With Roy!  God no. Jason is as depraved as I am willing to let you go.” Constantine sounded offended.
“Jason is NOT depraved!” she exclaimed affronted.
“Ahh, so it was Jason…” he said looking over his shoulder to throw her a cocky smile.
“Fuck you.” She grumbled with no heat behind it, returning her focus to Alfred, much to his apparent pleasure.
“Already said no to that.  But, if it was Jason, I sincerely hope they were watching that move you pulled when you first came in because he is going to be panting after you after seeing that.”
Her cheeks flushed brightly and Jason preened at causing her to blush even without being there.  She let out annoyed growl.  “This is not the place for this conversation.  Actually, there is no place where I would want to have this conversation with you but especially not where we probably have an audience.  Did you get the information?”
“Almost done.  Someone interrupted me,” Constantine subconsciously rubbed his jaw, “or I would be done already,” he said pointedly.  “And here,” he said throwing a small, white cube into the air but the woman made no move to catch it keeping her eyes on Constantine instead.
“It was important.  Believe me when I say I cut that way shorter than I wanted.  You should really thank this kitty for your lack of bruises,” she said cooing at the cat and petting him more.
“Hell of a thanks for getting this for you,” he said holding up a small device.  “Luckily for us, one of them, I’m guessing Tim, already did the hard work getting the information from the League for us.  Believe me when I say getting it from the League of Assassins would have been far, far more difficult than from the bats.”
“Awesome.  Let’s get out of here before any of the bats come home to roost.  I’m not looking forward to the wrath leaving a wake of bloody and bruised bats would create.”  She stepped away and whispered something they couldn’t hear.  As soon as she said the words, she was bathed in a blinding aqua light again and was replaced with the figure they first saw step out of the portal.
“She has a magical girl sequence…” Dick whispered in awe.
The woman said something sounding like “Voyage” and made a motion to her side.  A shimmering portal opened where she had previously indicated.  “Come on, we’ve been here too long as it is.” She said stepping through the portal.
Constantine looked up at the surveillance camera and gave a wicked smile with a salute before following her through the portal.
The portal closed, leaving the batcave quiet and empty again.
The bat boys stared at the screen for a few more seconds unsure what to say next.  Bruce moved forward to speak when there was movement on the screen.  They watched as a much smaller portal opened back up and Alfred was pushed through, the portal closed quickly behind him.  Alfred turned around and looked around meowing a few times, batting his paw where the portal was.
The quiet of the room was disrupted by a loud phone ringer waking everyone out of their stupor.  Suddenly everyone started talking at once except for Damian who just glared at the screen.  Dick yelled over everyone to silence them pulling out his phone.  “Hey Alfred, we’ll be right out.”  He started to make his way to the exit followed by everyone else when Bruce stopped them.
“They're gone and it's Constantine, it won't be against us.  We don't need to prepare for an attack.  The priority right now is the announcement.  We make the announcement then call Constantine and investigate her.”
“You would choose the one person in the room that was spying on us, Todd.” Damian growled redirecting his glare toward Jason instead of the screen.
“And yet, not the most deceitful one in the room or the most dangerous. Definitely the hottest though. No offense Dick.” Jason said shrugging off the accusation.
“Not the most dangerous to us?  She just threatened to leave a, and I quote, ‘wake of bloody and bruised bats’ behind her.  And she found a way to bypass all of our security to break into the cave and hack the computer.  How is that not a threat?” Tim yelled at him.  This girl was an immediate threat they knew nothing about.  She was skilled and had magic on her side and they knew nothing, absolutely fucking nothing, about her to know what kind of threat she was and Jason was just going with it because she had a pretty face.  He was going to let this girl saunter on into their sanctum sanctorum with no questions at all.  “I know it is hard for you, but you need to start looking beyond your next conquest or you are going to get us all killed.”
“Let me get this straight,” Jason glared at the family, “Dick spent the night talking up a chick that would sell us all out for a dime just so he could get lucky.  Tim spent the night talking up a business man I saw sexually assault someone AT THIS GALA just so he had the chance at a few extra bucks.” Tim opened his mouth to defend himself but Jason continued, speaking over him.  “Bruce spent the night talking up a known thief who was probably casing the guests for a future job, again just so he could get lucky. No offense Selina.”  She bowed her head and held up her champagne glass to show she took it in stride.  And he wasn’t wrong.  That was exactly what she was doing and why she asked for the information on that woman’s designer.  
“And Damian... well Damian doesn't talk to people but I guarantee he spent the night plotting multiple people's murder, mine included.  There’s no way he wasn’t.” Damian crossed his arms and looked away, even more annoyed by the accurate description.  “And I'm getting in trouble because I spent the night talking up someone working with an ally?” he asked incredulously.  
They had all just witnessed the same scene.  They had evidence she wasn’t a villain, she wasn’t a threat.  She was someone they needed to help and they weren’t seeing it.  This is exactly why he hated working with them.  Oh, they wanted to help, but only on their terms. Only if they controlled it and they didn’t control this.  This was an unknown that had been dropped on them instead of them finding and investigating on their own.  They were licking their wounded egos instead of trying to figure out how to help.  They were wasting time with this stupid argument.  “Fuck all of you and your fucked up so called ‘morals’.  She might have been the only really good person in this room, definitely the only trustworthy, honest person and you’re ignoring the situation Constantine mentioned.”
“She was spying on us, imbecile.” Damian growled at him.
“FOR CONSTANTINE!” he yelled back.  How were they still missing that point?  It was like they were intentionally missing it.  “Did nobody else watch what just happened?  Did all of you assholes miss Constantine say he devised this whole thing to get us to help her?  Did you shitheads miss how Constantine is treating her? He ain't treating her like he does us. He’s being protective.  That means he thinks she’s a good guy and a good person unlike the rest of us mother fuckers.  More than that, he’s treating her with kid gloves.  He doesn’t treat anyone with kid gloves, not even kids.  He’s trying to help her in and out of the mask.  He’s motherhenning the fuck out of her.  When have any of you ever seen Constantine act that way about anyone or anything?  She needs our help.”
“ENOUGH!” Bruce yelled silencing everyone in the room.  “Like he told her, this entire night was more about her than us.  He wanted us to know something was going on and for us to get involved.  And he was desperate enough to keep her trust that he concocted this whole plot to make sure we knew without breaking his word. He probably left us a clue by not covering what he got from the computer if not a message.”
“That’s a lot of words for ‘Jason is right’” Jason said smugly. “Come on B, you can just say it. ‘Jason is right.  We should listen to him.’  It’ll make you feel lighter to just finally say it.”
“You can’t be serious father,” Damian groused.
“Stop being such a jealous ass bitch, Demon Spawn.  Just because Alfred tried to run away with her…” Jason smirked at him.
Damian jumped up, face bright red and furious indicating he had every intention of following through with the plans he had been making during the gala.  Bruce stepped between him and Jason, not prepared to deal with the fight right now. They had an announcement to make and it would not look good if the boys showed up with fresh cuts and bruises. It’s hard to sell the story of a happy, functional family when the evidence to the contrary is on full display. “Now that we all agree,” he glared at them all until they quieted down.  “We’ve been in here long enough.  Let’s get back out there and make the announcement and show everyone what a supportive family that is ecstatic to have their brother back we are.  After that, Tim and Jason can go home to start the investigation.”
“Father, I would certainly be more help than him,” Damian objected indicating Jason, “also, there is no reason for me to still be here with these vapid, insolent morons.”
Bruce grunted.  Damian had a point about no reason for him to be there.  And the longer he was here the more likely it would be for him to finally snap and break someone’s hand and maybe more.  “Fine.  Take Damian, too.”  He waved his hand dismissively.  “Now move, we’re making this announcement right now.”
Damian gave a curt nod and turned to follow his father out of the door.  Selina coughed discretely drawing Bruce’s attention back to the room.  He looked at her questioningly.  She eyed Damian and Jason then nodded toward Dick.
Ahh.  She had a point, those three together would result in blood at the very least and the high probability for broken bones, cracked ribs, and dislocated joints, making patrol schedules very difficult until they healed.  “And Dick.  Nobody kills anyone.  I don’t care what you find or what is said, I don’t want any blood to clean when I get back.”
He started walking again but noticed nobody following him. He turned back to them exasperated and raised an eyebrow.  He noted everyone’s eyes on him giving him a deadpan expression and questioning expressions of their own.  “Fine, I don’t want Alfred to have to clean any blood when he gets back,” he sighed.  There was a round of begrudging agreement noises and the family started moving toward the gala again.  
The boys followed him out the door but Dick held onto Tim’s shoulder prompting him to hang back from the rest of the group.  He watched the rest of the family walk ahead of them.  When there was sufficient space between them, he started hitting Tim’s shoulder repeatedly still not looking at him.  Tim brushed off his hands and glared at him annoyed, “What?  You know Bruce is going to be mad we’re not out there.”
“Yeah, yeah.  This will be quick.”  He glanced round to make sure nobody was close enough to hear them.  “Bring up the video of the woman in the cave again.”
Tim gave him a suspicious look but pulled it up. “Okay, now what?”
Dick grinned excitedly, “Rewind the recording to the beginning.  Can you get a better angle of her glare?  I need to see the glare that is better than Batman’s.”  Bruce’s glare was legendary.  If this girl’s glare is that good, he had to see it.  Tim grinned back and scrolled through the different feeds looking for the one that would give them the best angle.
Chapter 3
@loveswifi @mystery-5-5 @dreamykitty25 @ira-sairain @wannajointhecrabcult @susiej1118 @our-presciousss @casual-darkness @ertyzeta @mandy984 @darkthunder1589 @chez-pezeater @emilytopaz @elements1999 @nik-nak-3 @mermaidreject @dramatic-squirrel @thenillabean @alysrose-starchild @phoenixperegrinebitch @nickristus-dreamer @goblinwhoships @g-arya  @no-username2544
 I think I included everyone who asked to be tagged.  I’m sorry if I missed anyone.
I realize there is no actual Jasonette interaction in this and for that, I am truly sorry.  I’m disappointed too.
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hoodharlow · 3 years
The Rat
EL Novio Quarantine Edition: Part 2
AN: Here's Part 2. It was suuposed to be posted yesterday but I spent the whole day out running errands, and I got home late. Hope you enjoy
Warnings: Mentions of dog bites, blood, waiting room scene, some sex jokes, baby talk and baby fever (idk if it’s baby fever but yeah lol)
Word Count: 2.2k 
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"Your mans fans can't be this oblivious." Medelyn told Claudia, sliding her phone to read yet another tweet about Calum and Claudia's friendship. 
At the start of quarantine, fans were surprised to see that Calum was in Torrey Pines and not at his house in Los Angeles. They weren't surprised to see him at the Santos' home. They all gathered that he has become a friend of the family. Some of their fans joked that he was using Claudia to get to Diego so he can then get to Guy Fieri since he obsessively watched Guy's Grocery Games. Some fans didn't think much of it, they were just happy to get Calum content whenever Claudia would record him trying her baking goods for TikTok. 
The one thing that they never guessed is that they were dating. The few fans that listened to Claudia's podcast knew that her boyfriend was staying with her and her family. They just didn't know her boyfriend is Calum. 
"They are." Claudia said, taking a large gulp of her licuado. "They're still trying to figure out if the girl from Taylor's party and Benito's album release are the same person. They're struggling because my hair was straight in New York and curly in Miami."
"Stop," Medelyn laughed. "Speaking of your mans, where is he?"
"He took Duke and Panchito out on a walk. My dad doesn't need him at the restaurant until later." 
"I still can't believe Diego is making him make deliveries." 
"He's gotta pull his weight." Claudia joked.
Medelyn went to check on her sleeping newborn in the living room where he slept on a bassinet. She came back a few minutes later to keep talking to Claudia. It was still a surprise to anyone that knew them back in high school to see them get along. A few weeks ago they talked about it in Claudia's podcast and dissected why they didn't like each other in high school. It had mostly to do with the internalized misogyny and how because they were both latina, they both couldn't be at the top. One of them had to fail while the other was successful. Listeners compared it to how Naomi Campbell and Tyra Banks were pitted against each other. But unlike the supermodels, Claudia and Medelyn were able to put their differences aside and eventually became friends. 
The barking of multiple dogs was heard out in the front yard. Claudia got up from where she was sitting and went to see what was going on. The front door opened and closed as she tied her shoes. 
"That fucking rat has it out for Duke and Panchito and it's owner has it out on me." Calum cursed, unclipping Duke and Panchito's leashes. 
Claudia scoffed and watched him take off his shoes. "You're being dramatic. Mrs. Garner and her dog are literally so nice." 
"The rat nearly attacked Panchito. If it weren't for Duke, we'd be on our way to the animal hospital."
"Ah ha okay."
"Claudia, I'm being serious." Calum got up and put away the leashes in the coat closet. "If you get bitten by that rat then don't come crying that you need a ride to the hospital."
"How the fuck did we end up watching three kids and a baby?" Claudia asked Calum as she slipped on some leggings. "They're not even ours."
"Because you wouldn't let me battle your brother in rock paper scissors. You're so predictable when you play." He said. 
Calum leaned back on her bed and watched her get changed for their hike. It wasn't really a hike, they're just going to walk on the dirt trail behind the neighborhood with her niece and nephews while Danny and Medelyn spend some time together. 
He gently smacked Claudia's ass a few times, watching it bounce against the fabric of her leggings. "I fucking love your ass."
"And I love yours. Jesse is a miracle worker." She said repeating his actions. 
Calum rolled his eyes and followed Claudia out of her room to the living room. Guito, Paloma and Damian sat on the couch watching Duck Tales as they passed a giant bowl of popcorn. The three kids looked nothing alike, but it was obvious they were Junior and Marlene's kids. They all had distinct features from their parents. After spending time with them, it always left Calum wondering about how his kids with Claudia would look like. 
Of course they haven't talked about having kids anytime soon. Claudia was about to graduate and attend grad school at UCLA. Calum knew better than to get in the way of her academic future. For now he just kept the thought of kids to himself. He also knew that Diego would murder him if he uttered baby making and Claudia in the same sentence.
Claudia emerged from the kitchen with a lunch bag and waters. She squatted down in front of the stroller and put in the things in the bottom basket along with the diaper bag Medelyn packed for them. She turned back and caught Calum's eyes permanently glued on her ass. 
"I'm gonna ask Danny for a rematch." he said, pushing himself up from the couch. 
"No you're not." Medelyn said, stopping him. "We need this. We stopped having sex the minute I couldn't see my feet. And add the forty days I couldn't do anything. We need this."
"Cal, don't worry. We'll be back in a blink. Danny is gonna need at most five minutes." Claudia said. She wrapped her arms around him, and pushed back his growing curls. She kissed his cheek and whispered. "When we get back I'll suck your dick."
"Let's get this show on the road." Calum told the kids. "When we get back, Danny and Medelyn can take all of you to Coldstone."
"Can we get Ice Cream cake?" Paloma quietly asked him. 
The three kids cheered. One by one, they went to the front door and put on their shoes. Calum carried the stroller down the steps and helped Claudia put Sebastian in the stroller. After spending a good five minutes on the importance of 'Slip-Slop-Slap' and sunscreen, the party of six plus Duke and Panchito were on their way. The kids walked just a few feet ahead of Claudia while she pushed the stroller. Calum stayed back with Duke and Panchito. He didn't mind, the trail was slightly slanted and it gave him a spectacular view of Claudia's ass. 
About halfway around the trial they all stopped at a bench under a tree. The kids sat down and ate some Gansitos. Claudia set down two bowls of water for Duke and Panchito to drink. 
"You think they're done?" Calum asked Claudia when sat on the ground. 
“Honestly, the last thing on my mind is how long my brother takes o fuck his girlfriend.” She said reaching over for her water.
He took off his windbreaker, leaving him shirtless. He stretched and flexed his muscles. 
"You're so rude." Claudia said before taking a large gulp from her pink Hydro Flask. 
They stayed in the shades area for another half an hour and then turned back home. Claudia and Calum fell into step while the kids raced each other distances determined by what they saw on the ground. They made a quick pit stop at the kids' house because Damian had too much water. He couldn't hold it until they got back to Claudia's house, who lived four houses up the same street. 
When they got to the house, they found Danny and Medelyn passed out on the couch while 'Sortilegio' played in the background. Claudia placed Sebastian on his bassinet and unclipped Duke and Panchito's leashes. Damian and Guito stayed outside wanting to play some soccer with Calum. So Claudia and Paloma migrated to the kitchen to make some brownies. 
 Paloma left to play on her iPad the second Claudia placed the baking dish on the oven, leaving her to do all the cleaning. 
A loud growl followed by a scream came from outside where Calum and the boys were. The front door slammed open with Calum carrying Damian with Guito following him. 
"The rat bit him." Calum told Claudia when he sat Damian on the counter. 
"Let me see." Medelyn said motioning Calum to step aside. She snapped her fingers at them. "Someone get me a first aid. Hopefully he doesn't need stitches."
Calum went to the pantry and grabbed the box hanging on the wall. Medelyn took it and got to work on Damian's arm.
After five minutes of tending the bite, Medelyn wrapped up his arm in a gauze and motioned Calum, Claudia and Danny. 
"He needs stitches. The cut is pretty deep and he may need a shot, too." She said. 
"Fuck." Danny cursed. 
"I'll take him." Calum volunteered. 
"I'll go with you." Claudia said. 
After lots of convincing and crying, Damian, Claudia and Calum were on their way to a community clinic. Claudia's knee bounced while they waited for Damian's name to be called. He had fallen asleep on Calum's arms. 
She texted Junior and Marlene updates. They were waiting outside in the parking lot for them. Ten more minutes pass until they call for Damian. Claudia stayed back while Calum went with him since he was there when the bite happened. Half an hour later they came out. 
"So?" Claudia asked anxiously. 
"The nurse gave Tío Cal her number, but he said no thank you." Damian said sticking a Spider-Man sticker on his shirt. 
"Oh?" Claudia quirked an eyebrow at him. 
"I still got it." Calum smirked. 
"You say that as if you're fifty and not twenty-four." She snorted. 
They made their way to the parking lot. Damian let go of Claudia's hand and went to hug his mom. He proudly told Junior and Marlene that the stitches and the shot didn't hurt. Calum briefly told them what happened and how the someone from the Humane Society was going to over in a few days to put the dog on house arrest. 
Damian rode with his parents on the way back to Claudia's. The car ride was quiet. Calum and Claudia didn't even bother to put on music or a podcast.
"You okay?" she asked him when they got to her house. "Regret not taking the nurse's number?"
"Funny," He said. He took off his cap and scratched his head. "Just thinking about Damian and everything. I don't know, I just feel like this is my fault. Obviously it's not, I wasn't the one who bit him nor that was my dog. But I just can't help thinking that if we played in the backyard like we always do, he wouldn't have gotten bitten."
"I have no idea how to respond because I don't wanna dismiss what you're feeling, ya know. But I just wanna say that I'm very impressed at how responsive and on top of it you were. Like when we have kids, I'm not gonna worry because I know you'll be at my side ready." She said. 
"When?" Calum asked. 
Claudia's eyes widened, realizing what she said. 
"Shit. I didn't mean it like that. Like today when we babysat. You knew what to do and stuff…"
"Miss Santos do you wanna have my children?" He teased her. Noting how uncomfortable she got, he stopped laughing. He cleared his throat and silently counted to five. "Would you ever want kids?" With me? He added in his head.
Claudia stopped playing with the elastic on her facemask and turned on her side and faced him. Calum mirrored her actions and shyly smiled at her. 
"I didn't think we'd have this talk so soon." She giggled. 
"Better sooner than later." he shrugged. "I'd want some or at least one."
"Preferably with you of course. But if Katy Perry drops Orlando Bloom, then we go our separate ways."
"That's fine, I'll just hit him up." She giggled. "Jokes aside, I do want kids. Just not right now. I mean we're in a pandemic for fucks sake. I also feel like it's too soon. Like my parents and brothers had their kids pretty young. I don't want to be responsible for someone when I'm barely learning to take care of me, you know? Like once we're more settled down and whatnot we can talk about starting a family. But for now I don't wanna share you with anyone."
"I agree with you 100%." Calum said, pulling her to kiss her. He pulled away. "We probably shouldn't kiss after coming from a clinic."
"You're right." Claudia laughed, pulling away from him. She pointed behind her. "Plus my dad's watching us."
Claudia and Calum took out their grocery bags from Calum's car when someone cleared their throat behind them. It was Mrs. Garner, the owner of the dog that bit Damian. A few days ago the Humane Society came by and put her poodle mix on house arrest for two weeks.
"Hi, Mrs. Garner." Claudia greeted, pulling up her mask to cover her nose and mouth. 
"You're going to regret the day you crossed me and reported my baby, mark my words. You don't know who you're messing with." 
With that Mrs. Garner turned on her heel and went back to her house. 
"What the fuck?" Claudia said, trying not to laugh. 
"C'mon, your ice cream and dino nuggets are going to melt." Calum motioned her. 
Claudia turned back to Mrs. Garner's house and then back to Calum. "Has she always had cameras in front of her house?"
Taglist: @f-mu​ @another-lonely-heart​​ @sunshinebabycal-deactivated2021​   @calumscalm​​ @karajaynetoday​​ @cherryxwildflower​​ @myloverboyash​​  @idontneedanyone​​ @findingliam-o​​ @5-secondsofcolor​​ @spicycal​​ @sexgodashton​​ @fckingpernico​​ @2fangirl4u​​ @calpops​
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julie-thefatones · 3 years
Ghost of You || Luke x Reader || Part 4
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A/N: Your best friends with Julie, since the stamp was removed from the boys they are able to be seen by lifers at choice and can touch lifers at choice, but are still ghosts. You and Luke grow closer and closer starting to go from friends to more than that and everyone starts to notice, it just takes a little longer for you two to figure it out.
Part 1 , Part 2, Part 3
Side Note: The song that Luke "writes" about Y/N is in fact Moving Along by 5 SOS look it up its a good one
Word Count: 3,088
WARNINGS: 16+ (Sexual References)
It had been weeks since yours and Lukes encounter, in fact you guys have barely talked.... Anytime you guys hung out it was always with the group and only the group and every time he would barely even look at you, you didnt really know what to think of it .... you missed him, yeah you knew that it was gonna be different than before but not this different... You were walking out of 4th period when Carrie came jogging down the hall to catch up with you "Hey Y/N! im gonna walk with you" She said in her normal high pitched Carrie voice, you gave her a shy but inviting smile and then hugged your books to your chest, you hadn't really felt like your self since this whole thing happened, Carrie could see the sadness in your demeanor "Are you okay Y/N? you have been down for like..... weeks" Carried asked with concern, you kind of sighed because thinking about it was hard enough let alone talking about, but you thought your friend deserved an explanation, you glanced in Carries direction "Not really" you said with sadness in your voice "Me and Luke had an... incident so to speak a few weeks ago and it kind of caused a rift in our friendship and now he won't even look at me or talk to me....." you sighed and looked down at the floor "I miss him" you said in a barely audible sad tone, Carrie came closer to you and put a gentle hand on your back showing she cared "Can I ask ... what happened between you and Luke.... you guys were so close, like it was rare to ever see you guys not together" Carrie asked in a soft tone trying not to be pushy, you contemplated on telling her or not *What do I got to loose* you thought to yourself then stopped walking, turning to face Carrie
"Okay.... you just cant tell anyone okay" you said getting close enough to Carrie so that only she could hear what you were saying, her eyes widened with intrigue "Yeah, I promise Y/N" she said urgently to insure you knew that she wouldn't tell a soul "Me and Luke......" you started saying, then stopping to look side to side, to make sure that no one was listening to what you were saying, then looking straight back into Carries eyes "Me and Luke, almost slept together... like it was going to happen but then ... Alex and Reggie Poofed in and then it was a huge mess and then Me and Luke agreed to just be friends and now we are here" You said in a slight urgent whisper, Carries mouth was wide open with shock with her eyes bugged out of her head "Carrie?" you said widening your eyes in concern to why she wasn't answering yet "Carrie!" you exclaimed in hopes she would snap out of it "YOU AND LUKE WHAT!" she yelled in which you immediately slammed your hand over her mouth "Can you not yell maam" you said with tight lips and wide eyes, Carrie shook her head yes under your mouth and relaxed, you released your hand from her mouth in which she started talking instantly "Im sorry! you and Luke what? why am I just now hearing this" Carrie exclaimed in a whispered tone, you sighed and continued walking down the hallway, in which she followed after you "Because I didnt want anyone to know .... I didnt want to make a big deal.... especially since Luke isn't even talking to me ..... I don't know... I just really really miss him" You said in a melancholy tone, Carrie looked at you as if she was gonna say something and then Alex poofed in right in front of you and Carrie, stopping you both in your tracks "Woah! Hey Alex" You said in a high pitched tone, you thought you would be used to them popping in like that by now but you weren't "Luke misses you too! hes driving me crazy" Alex exclaims motioning his hands from his head like he is going out of his mind, You just look at Alex not really knowing what to say, Carrie just looking back and forth from you to Alex waiting for one of you to speak again, Alex continues on with his rant "Y/N! hes so mopey, hes just sitting around all day writing in his stupid freaking song book with his sad Luke face! and anytime I try to ask him to do something or ask him what wrong he just looks at me with that face you know that Luke face that is just like brooding and HIS LUKE
FACE!" Alex says in frustration all while pacing back and forth in front of you guys, messing with his hair in frustration and annoyance, and then he abruptly stops in front of you with wild eyes, grabbing both your shoulders "Y/N! you gotta go make up with him or something! I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!" Alex exclaims, you had to admit this was slightly entertaining you couldn't help but chuckle, but then you sighed thinking about the *You gotta make up with him* part of what Alex said "Theres nothing to make up, we aren't fighting ..... we just ..... I guess aren't as close as we were" You said back to your sad voice , Alex rolls his eyes throwing his hands up in the air doing a slight twirl to face away from you and then a quick motion back to face you "BULL CRAP! YOU GUYS CANT GO FROM ALMOST BONING EACH OTHER TO NOT TALKING AT ALL THAT FAST!! YOU GUYS NEED TO TALK! NOW" Alex exclaims, now pushing you toward the door, Carrie just laughing and then following after to not miss anything "GET HIM OUT OF MY STUDIO, AND FIX HIM!" Alex continues pushing you out the door, him and Carrie just standing in the hallway looking out the door as you walk down the street in major confusion to what just happened, Alex sighs "I really hope I got through to her but wasn't like mean ya know" he says tilting his head to the side as he watched you walk away through the school doors, Carrie tilting her head in the same direction but snapping it up ward to look at Alex "No I think you did a great job! very well executed" She said with reassurance, Alex snaps his head up to look back at her "Thank you, ya know I just ..... I really want Luke out of the studio" He said bringing his hand to heart.
As you walked down the street you decided you weren't gonna go see Luke, it just felt too weird and you didnt want to impose, you just decided to go home... you just wanted to sleep! not talk to anyone or deal with anyone! just sleep! you thought to yourself....... your feet dragged you up the stairs into your room, you slammed the door and face planted on your bed when you noticed something in the corner of your eye... It was your guitar, Luke had kept it with him since he gifted it to you just to keep it safe, but there it was, with its own stand and everything, then you noticed a note sticking out of the strings, you quickly rolled out of your bed to stumble over and read it, you gently pulled the note out of the strings being careful not to damage the guitar in any way, the front of the note read To: Y/N you could tell it was Luke who left it there because of the awful, but cute hand writing, it smelled like him and you thought that was a weird thing to think but .... you missed that smell, you took a moment thinking about the last time you breathed in his scent.... flashing back to the night you guys almost..... you shook your head bringing your self back to focus and opening the letter
Dear Y/N,
Hey.... long time no talk eh? how are you? I don't know why im asking that this is a letter not a text message..... anyway! here's your guitar, figured it wouldn't be any good to ya if you didnt have it. It didnt have a strap or anything so I took the liberty of picking one out for you, I figured you would like this one it has checkers all over it, It will match your vans... and my vans too! thats pretty cool .... I almost bought one for my self I think still might, look at us matching guitar straps! Reggie is gonna be so jealous! Anyway, I hope your doing good ... Oh! and good luck on you French test! I know you were nervous about that, I know youre gonna rock it! you always do
You closed the letter holding it to your chest and smiling, you lightly lifted the guitar strap with your finger to look at it, you chuckled noticing that you were actually wearing your checkered vans today. You removed your finger letting the strap fall gently back to place, you sighed curling your legs up to your chest. You remembered that the band had a show tonight... *Should I go?* you thought to your self... you initially thought you wouldn't go, but it would be nice to support your friends, and maybe you and Luke should talk *Okay Im gonna go!* you thought to your self confidently, but first you needed a nap.
It was 7:00pm, you arrived at the venue of the gig 30 minutes before their performance, the place was packed! you knew you should have gotten their earlier, but it was hard enough to get out of bed to get here... wasn't exactly easy for you.
You danced along with the bands that were on before Julie and the boys, you noticed Flynn and Carrie across the venue, they noticed you back waving their hands in the air in excitement for you to join them, You grow a big smile and excitedly run over to join them... you hug them in a greeting, and just then you heard the announcer say "Please put your hands together for Julie and The Phantoms" the crowd goes wild, Julie and the boys had become quite popular in your town, You, Carrie, and Flynn made it a point to be the loudest ones out of everyone though. Julie entered the stage, alone like she always did, she made her way over to the keyboard and sat down. She pressed one button on the keyboard in order for the boys to poof on stage, Luke immediately starts singing while simultaneously playing the guitar "Thinking bout you lots lately! Have you been eating breakfast alone like me! Thinking bout you lots lately Oh are you moving along!" You had never heard this song before, it must have been new, Luke played and sang effortlessly, you didnt really notice the lyrics until you noticed Carrie and Flynn looking at you with curious wide eyes, Luke sang with such passion in his voice, he always did but this time seemed different. When the bridge came Luke found you in the crowd his eyes getting big but then locking his eyes with yours as he sang, not breaking his stare, singing "Scared of moving on, but you're already gone So if you're moving on, won't you just tell me? Scared of moving on, but you're already gone So if you're moving on, won't you just tell me?" As soon as the bridge ended he broke your gaze, you shook your head in order to get your self to recover, you look over at Carrie and Flynn who were watching you for your reaction, you look back up at the stage, Luke and Reggie were doing their classic move of sharing the mic during the chorus, then Luke broke off, playing the melody on his guitar with such... what seemed like anger, or frustration. You started questioning if you should have even come tonight *Was this a mistake..... he looks mad* you thought to yourself, now biting your thumb due to your new anxiety toward the situation. When the song ended Luke shook his hair which was now damp with sweat, and then he stared at you, you couldn't tell what his emotions were at this moment.... *oh boy, how am I gonna make it through this night* you thought to your self.
The band had a great set, after the new song they played Finally Free, which was one of your favorites, then they did Bright. You were really proud of your best friend and how successful her and the boys were becoming. The whole event was over and the place was now pretty much empty, it was just you, Carrie, and Flynn waiting for Julie and the Boys to come out from the back. You were super nervous to see Luke, you didnt know what to say, was that song about you? you wondered to your self.... in the middle of your internal crisis you saw Julie coming from the back with Alex, Reggie following behind all smiling and then Luke shortly after them, he wasn't smiling though, he was just anxiously messing with the hair behind his head. Carrie and Flynn ran up to Julie to give her a hug to congratulate her on the show, you broke your gaze from Luke in order to do the same, you quickly ran over to give your best friend a hug "Congrats Jules! that was an amazing show!" you exclaimed and then motioned to the boys "All of you!" you said looking at all of them, and then setting your eyes on Luke just a little longer than everyone else, he just shyly smiled in response "Thanks Y/N!" Reggie Exclaimed "Did you like the first song? Luke wrote it about you!" Reggie continued with a big smile and a slight chuckle at the end, Lukes eyes widened with annoyance, Alex just turned slowly to face Reggie, his eye twitching in the process, Reggie just looked confused at both of them "What? was she not supposed to know" Reggie asked like he really didnt know, You just stood there shyly, not really knowing what to say, Carries eyes widened "Well!! Flynn! Julie! Alex! and Reggie! I think there is something over here you guys should see its really cool?" Carrie said breaking the awkward tension, or trying to at least, motioning everyone in to the other side of the venue in order to give you and Luke some privacy "Why whats over here?" Reggie asked confused, in which Alex pulled his arm with annoyance rolling his eyes "Just come on reg!" Alex said with a frustrated tone pulling him in the direction Carrie was leading everyone. Soon enough they all disappeared behind a curtain on the other side of the venue, You turned to look at Luke who had his hands in his front pockets, he looked up to make eye contact with you, a half smile appeared on his face as you guys shared a look, you couldn't help but smile a little too. Luke lifted one leg up and then hoped forward to get closer to you "Soooo....." He said as if he didnt know what to do next, You put your hands in your back pockets, then motioned your shoulders forward a little "Sooooo" You echoed back to him, he chuckled "Did you like the show?" He said motioning toward the stage, you nodded your head yes "Yeah!! you guys rocked it as usual" You said, you felt awkward because you had so many things you wanted to say but you didnt want to overwhelm him or feel like you were over stepping, He made a slight whistle shaking his head yes then looking down at his foot which was resting on its heel motioning side to side, "Was that song really about me?" You blurted out with out even thinking, or realizing what you were doing, Luke froze and then looked up with wide eyes, his lips still pursed from whistling and then he relaxed his position putting his foot down and removing his hands from his pockets "Okay, we're just gonna jump right into it..... yeah! it was" he said with a slightly frustrated tone, you bit your lip not really understanding "Wh- why?" you asked truly wondering why he wrote it, you guys both agreed to be friends and you guys never dated so what was there to move on from, he looked at you scrunching his eyebrows together "Why?" He said back confused to why you were confused, you don't know why but you were getting angry "Yeah!" You said throwing your hands in the air "Why Luke! Why everything! Why have you been avoiding me! why have you been so absent!!!" You exclaimed, starting to tear up "So what we almost slept together! BIG DEAL! THAT DOESNT MEAN YOU HAVE TO CUT ME OFF! THAT DOESNT ME YOU
TURN AWAY FROM ME!" You didnt realize it but you were yelling, tears were streaming down your face, you wiped your tears with the sleeve of your jacket "I missed you so much..... so much Luke..... so yeah why?" you said softer with a crack in your voice, Luke bit his lip in frustration "You wanna know why?!" he exclaimed moving one step closer to you "Because you mean more to me than I could ever imagine someone meaning to me, youre the most amazing person I have ever met!" He exclaimed, now him growing tears in his eyes "AND WHEN YOU KEPT SAYING WE'RE JUST FRIENDS IT EFFING BROKE ME INSIDE BECAUSE IM SO IN LOVE WITH YOU THAT IT HURTS! OKAY! THAT THE FACT YOU DONT WANT ANYTHING MORE THAN JUST FRIEND SHIP KILLS ME INSIDE! SO YEAH I AVOIDED SEEING YOU BECAUSE EVERYTIME I SAW YOU THE PAIN WAS UNBEARABLE BECAUSE ALL I WANTED TO DO WAS GRAB YOU AND HOLD YOU IN MY ARMS AND CALL YOU MINE!" He yelled, grabbing his hair in frustration "There ya go! thats why!" he exclaimed finishing his statement, You stood there gathering the ends of your jacket sleeve in your fists, looking at Luke with red puffy eyes, and before you could respond Luke picked up his guitar, wiped his eyes and poofed out.
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bvidzsoo · 3 years
Poison (Part 2)
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 Author: bvidzsoo
 Warnings: violence, swearing, blood
 Pairing: Kim Mingyu x female reader
 Word count:  18, 095
 Summary:  It seemed like Kim Mingyu’s words were true, once you enter this life style, you can’t just end it. You are forever in the system, forever being watched, even if you were an innocent by-stander. It seems like no matter how much you want to end things with Kim Mingyu, he just keeps pulling you in more and more danger. After all, he’s made it very clear, he wants you.
 A/N:  Oh my God! It’s finally here! Can you believe it?! This beautiful piece of art has been sitting in my drafts half finished for so long that I’m about to cry that’s how happy I am that I finished it. I really hope you will enjoy it and don’t be shy, leave your feedback! I have to say that my Seventeen phase (not me calling it a phase =))) is back real bad this time, so I don’t want to give you false hope, but damn, I have idea for a third part. I’m not saying a third part is coming, but it could come at some point if my writer’s block goes away. Anyways, I’ve said too much already, have fun reading!
     The days after my kidnapping were quiet and uneventful. I would lie if I said I didn’t double check my apartment before leaving it and when arriving at home or checking if I was being followed around. If they kidnapped me so easily in broad daylight, I don’t even want to imagine what other horrific things they could do. And thanks to me being the ever observant person, it didn’t take me long to realize that, in fact, I was being followed around every day. By none other than...Kim Mingyu. Yes, he was everywhere I went. At late evening in the supermarket when I forgot I had no porridge for breakfast and needed it as fast as possible, on a cold morning when I went out for a run and probably froze my lungs because I was stupid, and then the best part...he just had to be there every day at the bookstore. He never entered, only walked by peeking inside, looking like the creepy dude he is. Irene was quick to pick up on it after the third day he went by our window and I tried to lie to her, persuade her into believing that he probably was a new resident in the neighbourhood and was taking walks but no...she kept saying he looked at me and only me every time he passed by the bookstore. So, I ended up telling her only half of the story, leaving out all the gang related things. She was excited to hear about it and kept telling me to go for it but...that’s not a good idea. I should probably stay away from the gang unless I want to get kidnapped again. Yet, Mingyu’s words would sometimes haunt me late at night when I can’t sleep, echoing in my head. There is no way out once you get involved in something like this, is there? 
And yet, my curiosity got the best of me, and one day I couldn’t help it but speak up about it.
“Seungcheol,” I said lowly, turning towards my best friend. He looked up from his notebook, his brows in between a frown and arch.
“I want to meet Seventeen” I said seriously, looking him in the eyes. His eyebrows shot up and he closed his notebook.
“What?” He asked after blinking twice.
“Seventeen” I said again, narrowing my eyes when he just shrugged, “Are you dumb? Don’t play the idiot with me--I will smack you, you know I’m not afraid!”
“What’s a Seventeen though?” He asked, a chuckle leaving his lips. I raised my fist in warning and he scooted backwards, away from my reach.
“Your gang, you idiot!” I snapped after two minutes of silence and of us just staring at each other.
“Oh” He chuckled before he started giggling loudly, making my eyebrows furrow in irritation, “You mean, SVT”
“No, I mean, Seventeen” I snapped, crossing my arms in front of my chest.
“Who told you that? No one calls us Seventeen, Y/N” He started laughing loudly when I huffed and rolled my eyes.
“Kim Mingyu! He told me!” I exclaimed, offended, wanting him to shut up already. Maybe I can threaten Seungcheol with Mingyu and Mingyu with Seungcheol, I have these boys at my knees.
“He’s an idiot, he was playing around with you, Y/N” He chuckled when I rolled my eyes and raised an eyebrow.
“I’m serious, Seventeen or SVT, I want to meet the guys. Let me know the name of the guy who pointed a gun at your head” I muttered with a glare while gazing out the window.
“You know if I do that there’s no turning back, right?” Seungcheol turned serious as he scooted closer to me.
“I was already kidnapped once...there was no turning back the second I decided to interfere with your business, Cheol” I said as I looked at him, a reassuring smile resting on my lips.
“It’s better for you to not know much, Y/N. When you know more, you’ll be more exposed to the dangers that come with this life” Seungcheol said with a smile and I leaned my head against his shoulder.
“Do you think someone would believe me if I said I didn’t know anything? Those guys didn’t and yet I was saying the truth…” Seungcheol hummed while I pouted, glancing down at our notebooks. We were just some stupid kids who went to college to study something so that they can work somewhere later. No one would say Seungcheol was in a gang nor that a gang leader followed me around, life really is full of surprises.
“Besides…” I grinned involuntarily before quickly turning serious, “Mingyu keeps following me around”
“What?” Seungcheol exclaimed, sitting up straight as I raised my head and giggled.
“Yeah, he’s been doing it for weeks now...I think I saw Wonwoo too once…” My eyes narrowed as I thought back to the rainy day when the red car was going way too slow for someone who was supposed to circulate on a busy street. “Idiot, Kim Mingyu is an idiot” Seungcheol shock his head with a tired sigh and I kissed his cheek before going back to studying.
So that conversation led to the current situation aka Seungcheol parking in some underground parking lot of a fancy building. It was in the heart of the city, a rather expensive part of the city.
“Is this the headquarters or something…?” I raised my eyebrows at him when he led the way to the elevator.
“Bingo” He sent a wink while pushing a button, top floor. I hummed, looking back at him with my eyebrows furrowed.
“Aren’t you supposed to have run down warehouses as your headquarters?”
“Isn’t that too shady and too obvious?” Seungcheol chuckled when I shook my head.
“We are high class infractors, baby” He winked at me and I rolled my eyes while pretending to gag, “Besides, I’m pretty sure Minghao would leave the gang the second he had to place foot in such place”
“Why...is he the diva or something?” I asked with a chuckle while trying to associate a face with the name. Vernon told me but it was long ago and I forgot. Wait, his name was Vernon, wasn’t it?
“No, Y/N, Seungkwan is the one and only diva” Seungcheol said with a shake of his head.
“What does he do?” I asked just as the elevator stopped.
“Gun trafficking” I hummed with a shrug as the doors opened, the elevator leading into a big hallway with a single double door. Seungcheol led the way and went towards the control panel where he blocked my view to not see the password. I scoffed as the door dinged open and he sent me a cheeky grin. 
The room was different from what I was expecting. The penthouse was definitely turned into an office-like place just darker and...illegal. There was a small lobby where Seungcheol instructed me to take off my long coat before we’d go further inside. The air smelled of lavender and I tried not to show disgust as it was bothering me, I never liked lavender. The floor was all black and the walls a rather dark brown, my heels clicked against the marble floor. To our left there were three doors and a place that looked like a kitchen with a bar. To our right there was an open space which was equipped like a living room and there were stairs that led upstairs to another three rooms. Then to our right, facing our backs was a huge glass door that led inside a huge room. I could see inside, it was full of guys. Probably all from Seventeen as they were lounging around on the couches or playing video games. Seungcheol nudged me with a chuckle and I sent him a glare as he led the way and opened the door for me, it was a sliding door. No one seemed to notice us, suddenly with the open door the room was noisy as people were chatting loudly, some even screaming from one end of the room to the other, while others were laughing loudly. I spotted Wonwoo in the corner of the room, sitting in a chair with a book in his hands, eyebrows furrowed in concentration. How could he read when everything was so chaotic around him?
Seungcheol cleared his throat rather loudly and suddenly the room went quiet. I felt uncomfortable when all twelve eyes set on me, curious and calculating. I straightened my posture and walked inside the room with Seungcheol right behind me as he closed the door. There was a certain smell in the air, light smoke floating around. It didn’t even take more than a second for me to find whom it was coming from. Mingyu was sitting on a sofa next to Wonwoo’s chair, hands resting behind his head and his legs spread so wide it took up more than half of the sofa, and the sofa looked huge. His eyes raked over my body and a smirk crossed his lips, making me scowl at him. The guys looked from me to Mingyu then back at me with curious looks, making me further uncomfortable.
“How about we stop staring at Y/N like she’s some sort of alien, I’m pretty sure we are making her uncomfortable” Vernon was the first one to speak up with a comforting smile, a beanie covered his light blue hair from the eyes of others.
“She’s only here to meet you guys, so don’t even think of anything else--” Seungcheol’s voice turned threatening and I chuckled amused, “I’m talking to you, Jun”
A taller man with his hair, still, slicked back shrugged amused.
“How are you?” I was startled when an arm was draped around my shoulders. I turned my head only to be met with Vernon’s beautiful face. Wow, he’s truly handsome from up close.
“Had better days...if only they’d stop staring” I pretended to whisper to Vernon, rather loudly of course, making a few guys chuckle.
“Well, seems like you’ve never seen a woman before” I said with a shrug, a blonde haired guy, who I saw already once, starting laughing rather loudly, “My name is Oh Y/N, nice to meet you guys”
“Chwe Hansol Vernon” Vernon beside me extended his hand and I shook it with a chuckle, bowing my head a little.
“Nice to meet you, Vernon...again” I said with a smile and Vernon winked at me playfully.
“That’s too much” Seungcheol muttered from beside me and before I could react, his hands gripped my shoulders and I was turned away from Vernon.
“Let’s do the tour then” He said with a sigh, pushing me towards the first person to our left by my shoulders.
“That’s Seokmin, funny person please don’t hang out with him too much, he might try teaching you how to be cute--I’m being very sarcastic right now, Seokmin” Seungcheol was glaring at the widely smiling boy who didn’t seem to mind my best friend’s words. I chuckled and shook his extended hand.
“Nice to me you, Y/N” He said while blinking rapidly, “I’ll make sure to spend lot’s of quality time with you”
I giggled as Seungcheol whirled me away from Seokmin while grunting nonsense from behind.
“That’s Jihoon but most people call him Woozi” I offered a small smile at the short man, his sharp eyes made him look intimidating. He didn’t extend his hand nor said a thing so I just walked past him, Seungcheol still hanging onto my shoulders.
“That’s Jeonghan” He pointed at a guy with his hair in a man bun, wow he’s really handsome, “And that’s Joshua” The man beside him had a fancy look and his smile was warm.
“So...you two are my stalkers, I see…” I said playfully and both cracked some grins, while Joshua bowed his head. Seungcheol pushed me towards the blond haired guy who was smiling so widely his eyes disappeared.
“Hoshi, Soonyoung. I’m both, call me whichever you prefer” He said in one breath, taking my hand in his before I could even offer it to him. I shook his hand, his grip rather strong for a skinny looking man like him.
“Hoshi means star in--”
“Japanese!” He exclaimed, interrupting me.
“Yeah” I chuckled a little breathlessly, his energy taking me by surprise. He waved at me cutely when Seungcheol pushed me from behind and we passed by Mingyu, who sent a wink at me and I rolled my eyes at him, and Wonwoo, who I waved at and got a nose scrunched smile back. He was the cutest, I can’t believe he’s part of a gang.
“They are Minghao and Jun, I learned my good Chinese from them,” Seungcheol said proudly and I bowed a little. Minghao’s fur coat was gone but his turtleneck looked just as fancy and Jun bit his lip as his eyes ran over my body. I made eye contact with him and made sure he saw my glare, clearly I didn’t appreciate his openly devouring eyes.
“Junhui” I heard Mingyu call out from behind us, still sitting lazily on the sofa. The four of us glanced back at him and he only raised an eyebrow at Jun, making him roll his eyes with a groan before he turned towards Minghao and muttered something to him in chinese. Seungcheol led me away from the two Chinese men and I turned my head towards him.
“What did he say to Minghao?” I asked quietly and Seungcheol just shrugged.
“Probably just cursed Mingyu, he always does that”
“I’m not Mingyu’s property, can he stop acting like it?” I growled, eyes finding Mingyu who was watching us closely. I sent him a harsher glare than the one Jun got before turning around and towards another blonde haired man. He had full cheeks and he looked like another kind and pleasant person. These guys are so misleading with their appearances.
“Hi, I’m Seungkwan.” He was quick to speak up, his head held rather high and lips forming a tiny pout. He looked funny, I almost burst out laughing.
“Nice to meet you, Seungkwan” I shook his hand with a small smile, “I’ve heard great things about you”
“Really?” His demeanor suddenly changed, his face lit up with excitement before he could contain himself, he still willed his expression to go back to being uncaring.
“Of course” I said with a chuckle as Seungcheol and I walked towards the last person I didn’t know from the room. He was sitting on the floor, playing a video game. I already like this guy, he didn’t even bother looking at me.
“Hi, I’m Chan” He nodded towards me once and I smiled at him.
“Y/N, nice to meet you Chan” He hummed with a small smile as he focused on his game.
“Ah, that’s not right,” Jeonghan said with a sigh, holding the bridge of his nose. I raised my eyebrows at Seungcheol, his chin rested against my shoulder, as a grin spread on his lips.
“Since when are you Chan?” Jeonghan continued and Chan groaned, eyebrows furrowing.
“I told you to stop!” He whined loudly, making Joshua and Jeonghan chuckle to themselves.
“Who’s baby are you, Dino?” My eyebrows furrowed as I looked questioningly at Seungcheol.
“He’s the youngest, we call him Dino too but recently he said he doesn’t like the name anymore...I think you can figure now why” I laughed loudly as I placed a hand against my mouth, Jeonghan sent me an appreciative grin.
“I’ll unplug your game--”
“I’m Jeonghan’s baby” Chan was quick to say and Jeonghan hummed, walking over to pat his head.
“He’s so cute I can’t help it” Jeonghan said with a shrug while Chan groaned. I chuckled and Seungcheol, finally, detached himself from me and walked away with Jeonghan, sending a cute wink at me. I sighed and looked around the room, finally everyone went back to what they were doing. Jun and Minghao were in a corner doing something on their phones while talking. Hoshi was listening to music next to Woozi who seemed to be writing. Seokmin joined Chan in playing the video game and Seungkwan was humming to himself while playing on his phone, glancing at me from time to time and sending me judging looks. He looked truly funny. Seungcheol, Jeonghan and Joshua were sitting on bar stools as they quietly spoke between each other. I felt awkward standing in the middle of the room as I contemplated what to do. I could go over to Seungcheol but they seem like they want to be left alone, Mingyu is not even an option, Wonwoo went back to reading and he’s sitting way too close to Mingyu for my liking and--
“So” Vernon. Right, there’s Vernon, who decided to save me from my misery.
“Yes?” I raised an eyebrow at him and he chuckled.
“I don’t think you want to stand around here for longer”
“No, I don’t, you are right--but, I’m not sitting next to Mingyu!” I said quickly, rather loudly as Chan and Seokmin chuckled. 
“You don’t have to, you see that?” He pointed at the empty spot beside Seungkwan on the black sofa, “That’s my sofa”
“Yours?” I raised my eyebrows at him, “Did you buy it or something?”
“No, but I usually sit there” He said with a shrug and I chuckled.
“You are just a bunch of kids, how are you running a gang?” Seungkwan scoffed while I sat down, placing his phone down.
“We are not kids, I bet we are all older than you” He said sassily and Vernon smirked at him as he sat down on the other end of the sofa.
“I bet I tower over half of you” I said with a shrug while I sat next to Seungkwan, an eyebrow arched. Seungkwan scoffed and stood up, sent me a pointed glare before he stalked off to Hoshi and Woozi.
“He doesn’t like me much, does he?” I asked turning towards Vernon.
“He’s a funny guy” He said with a chuckle while he shook his head, “He needs time to adjust to you. Besides, he’s only playing tough, he’s not really...trust me, he’s my closest friend”
“You’ve known each other for long?” I asked curiously, eyes examining the room again. When my eyes fell on Mingyu I narrowed them, wishing he’d stop looking at us. He was directly across from us, in the other corner of the room, and he was watching us closely.
“We grew up together, everyone in this room...I’ve known them for over ten years” Vernon said quietly, his voice holding love and warmness. My eyes widened as I looked back at him, shocked. Seungcheol never bothered to tell me anything about them, scared he’d expose me to more danger.
“That’s a really long time” I breathed out as Vernon smiled at me.
“Yeah, how did you meet Seungcheol? He refused to tell me anything when I asked about you…” Vernon said with an embarrassed chuckle and my eyes widened again.
“You...asked about me?” I grinned when he nodded his head shyly. He looked cute with that beanie and small smile.
“When I moved here, I was looking for a place to stay at and he accidentally spilled his coffee all over me so...that’s when we first met. Then we met at our university and it turns out, before I moved to my current apartment, our flats were next to each other. The Universe really wanted us together” I chuckled and shrugged while Vernon hummed impressed.
“That’s nice, I tend to say...nothing happens without a reason, so…”
“So, I was supposed to meet him in order to meet you guys?” I raised an amused eyebrow and Vernon nodded with a wide grin.
“I still didn’t forget you pointing that gun at my best friend’s head” I raised an eyebrow when Vernon looked away with a frown, “If you’ve known each other for so long...why would you point a gun at his head?”
“We were being watched, no one knew, only Mingyu and I. Our gang is discreet, Y/N, no one from the outside knows anything about us. They don’t know we grew up together, they don’t know our stories...we are invisible to everyone. It’s partly thanks to Jeonghan and Joshua, who are our aces, but we also never make ties with anyone else if it’s possible. We can’t afford to have weaknesses in a world like ours” Vernon explained with a serious expression and I nodded in understanding.
“But then Seungcheol and I--”
“Oh, he hid you really well for five years. We really didn’t know about your existence” Vernon seemed like a genuine guy, honest as he was willing to let me know more about them.
“Well, I didn’t know about you either so I guess he did a good job” I said with a chuckle and Vernon nodded.
“That gang who kidnapped me--”
“Yeah, they were watching us. They probably followed you around after that and gathered all that information about you, which is really dangerous” I frowned but Vernon placed a reassuring hand on my knee, “Don’t worry, Jeonghan took care of it. You are once again invisible to everyone in this world”
“What if it’s too late?” I raised an eyebrow.
“It’s not, we made sure” He smiled at me. Vernon made me feel safe, like an older brother. He gave off the same vibe as Seungcheol. That was the first thing that attracted me towards him, the safety his presence offered me at first and then his personality. Seungcheol and Vernon are good people despite the things they do, which makes it harder for me to understand. Is there even wrong or right?
“Y/N!” Seungcheol called as I looked in his direction, “I hope you had fun but we are leaving”
“So soon?” Vernon asked as he stood up with me.
“Yeah, she’s seen and heard enough, I’m sure” Seungcheol sent a pointed look at Vernon and Wonwoo chuckled as he raised from his seat, placing the book down.
“Hey, I’m not like that,” Vernon said while crossing his arms in front of his chest.
“After spending so much time with Seungkwan…” Wonwoo said as he walked up to us, “There’s no way you aren’t like that”
“Fuck you!” Seungkwan shouted, making most boys laugh. Do they laugh at everything? I looked at Wonwoo with a smile and he sent a wink as he stopped beside me.
“Someone was maybe bothered by your closeness to Vernon” He muttered quietly, so that only I would hear as Vernon and Seungcheol spoke between each other. My eyebrows furrowed as I looked at Wonwoo, but the realization soon hit me. My eyes fell behind him and there was Mingyu, one eyebrow raised. I rolled my eyes and looked back at Wonwoo.
“If he sent you to tell me this, tell him to go and fuck himself” I smiled sweetly at Wonwoo and he chuckled while shaking his head.
“My thoughts, not his” I hummed while narrowing my eyes at Wonwoo who smiled mischievously.
“We are going, Y/N” Seungcheol gripped my arm and I sent him a glare to which he let go of me.
“He was bothered, really? Let’s make him enjoy the show more” I said with an evil grin and Wonwoo looked confused as I leaned closer to him, wrapping my arms around him. Realizing what I did, he returned the hug and chuckled.
“You are playing with fire, be careful not to get burned” He said after we pulled away and I returned the smile.
“Let’s go--”
“Do I not get a hug?” Seungcheol groaned when Vernon stepped between him and I.
“You get one too” I laughed and gave him a quick hug before taking Seungcheol’s hand in mine.
“Let’s go Cheol, before you become too angry” I stuck my tongue out at him as he rolled his eyes and started walking.
“Bye guys!” I called as I turned around to give them a wave. There was a chorus of ‘goodbye’s’ before Seungcheol closed the sliding door and led us out of the apartment.
“Never doing this again” He muttered and I chuckled as I leaned against the elevator wall. It wasn’t even that bad.
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     One month later things didn’t change. Kim Mingyu still followed me around, even after that night I confronted him while going home from the bookstore. I made sure to lure him into an alleyway and snap at him, but he just laughed in my face and said, “Baby, I hold the gun here so you just keep on walking like you are oblivious to it” and like that, I knew I was just wasting my time if I focused on him. However, there’s something positive in every negative aspect and that in this case is my friendship with Vernon. We bonded faster than I thought we would and we found ourselves making movie marathons every Friday. Seungcheol was against it but in the end didn’t have a choice but to accept it. It’s not like I’m replacing him, he is still my best friend but it would be a shame not to spend time with Vernon when we go so well together.
“So how are things with that guy?” One afternoon Irene asked while we were organizing some books.
“Which guy?” I asked absentmindedly as I was trying to find a book.
“Oh my God” She chuckled as she looked at me teasingly, “How many guys are after your ass now?”
“What?” I chuckled as I rolled my eyes, “Zero guys, you know I’m not interested in anyone”
“Three o’clock and fifteen minutes” Irene said loudly as she craned her neck, stepping away from the bookshelf.
“What are you saying?” I laughed, following her actions.
“There he is, your giant who walks by the bookstore every single day at the same time” Irene said with a grin as we watched Mingyu not so subtly glancing inside as he passed in front of the bookstore. I groaned as I went back to organizing the books.
“It’s been two months, Y/N, I’d be scared if I were you but you most certainly know him as you are so calm about it” Irene said as she walked past me.
“Yeah, I know him but I also can’t stand him so it doesn’t matter” I shrugged, placing a book in its place.
“Well he does care apparently--”
“Irene” I interrupted her with a sigh, “Don’t”
“If I wouldn’t know you better Y/N, I’d say you got yourself involved into some kind of trouble and now he is your bodyguard without you wanting him to be” Irene chuckled as I paused and looked at her. If she only knew that she was almost right.
“Yeah, right” I faked a laugh, which definitely sounded fake even to her ears, but my eyebrows furrowed. I’ve never thought of Mingyu like that before. I did indeed get in trouble because of him and well, Seungcheol, but I didn’t think that he might be feeling guilty about it hence why he started acting like my bodyguard. Peaking a bit outside, my eyes settled on the seemingly empty road. Was Mingyu really the bad guy I was making him out to be?
   Irene’s words seemed to have affected me more than necessary and I was prone to speak to Mingyu. I’m not a liar nor an evil person just because I feel like it, yes, I do not like Mingyu but maybe it’s time I give him a chance? I didn’t judge Vernon nor anyone else from SVT. But maybe that was because they didn’t leave a bitter taste in my mouth, after all, my first encounter with Mingyu wasn’t a pleasant one. But then--how was the one with Vernon? He threatened to kill my friend. 
I groaned as I leaned back in the seat and stared up at the ceiling.
“Three o’clock and fifteen minutes” I heard Irene faintly from the back of the bookstore. My eyes went outside the windows but there was no one, at least not Mingyu, that passed in front of the bookstore.
“So, did he pass by?” She asked curiously. My eyebrows furrowed as I looked towards where Irene’s voice was coming from.
“Oh” Irene sounded surprised as she walked back, leaning against the front counter, “But it’s Wednesday and he’s been gone for three days now”
“I know” I rolled my eyes, “You seem more obsessed over this than I am”
“Don’t you think it’s weird?” Irene frowned as she looked at me, “There was rain, strong wind, ice cold weather and he still walked by--but now nothing, and it’s been sunny all week so far”
“Maybe he finally realized how annoying he is and stopped” I grinned at Irene while trying to ignore the worry beginning to take over me, “God finally listened to my prayers”
“You wish,” Irene said with a scoff as she turned around and walked to a sofa and took a book.
He probably has got some business to take care of, he is a gang leader after all. Or maybe he realized he had better things to do, much to my happiness. Before I could think more of it, my phone started ringing. I picked it up with a smile when I saw it was Vernon.
“Hi” I giggled into the phone when he started making weird sounds.
“Is this Oh Y/N?” He asked in a deep raspy voice.
“Well who am I talking to?” I asked amused as I could hear a quiet snort in the background.
“Be quiet Soonyoung!” Vernon hissed quietly before clearing his throat, “I’m Hansol, Vernon’s twin brother”
“Oh, he never told me had a twin brother,” I said amused, leaning back in my chair.
“Whatever, doing this voice is hurting my vocal chords” I snorted at Vernon’s words.
“So what’s up?” I asked with a smile while playing with my pen.
“I was bored and decided to give you a call” 
“Well good, because I am bored too”
“What about we grab dinner tonight?” Vernon asked in a light tone and I hummed as my eyes went once again outside the windows.
“Sounds great, can Seungcheol come with us?” I knew Seungcheol would get petty about not being invited so...I had no choice.
“Yeah, he told me to actually ask you out…” Vernon’s voice turned quieter, “He just wants a free meal”
I scoffed and laughed as I rolled my eyes, “That sounds like Seungcheol, but I have a better idea!”
“I’m all ears,” Vernon said with a chuckle.
“Let’s invite him and before we could pay for it, leave him there. He either pays or washes the dishes, his choice” Vernon started laughing as I grinned to myself, still playing with my pen.
“I like how that sounds” I hummed as my eyes wandered towards the windows once again. Stop it Y/N!
“Vernon, I have a question…” I trailed off as my eyes wandered to Irene. She was reading, eyebrows furrowed as she was probably concentrating, she shouldn’t hear what I’m saying.
“I’ve been wondering just, you know...how Mingyu follows me around and stuff…” I trailed off as I thought how to formulate my question to sound casual.
“Yeah, everyone knows that” Vernon chuckled, “He’s pretty freaky, huh?”
“Yeah” I snorted as I bit my lower lip, “You know...I haven’t seen him this week so far, maybe he’s--”
“You haven’t?” Vernon’s voice wasn’t surprised, it was more happy, “I can pick you up then from the bookstore tonight!”
“Amazing, yeah” My eyebrows furrowed at the lack of worry in his voice, “Where’s Mingyu though?”
I decided to just blurt it out, better than kicking around the bush. Vernon was quiet and even Irene looked at me. What? Was it that weird that I asked about him? Okay, fine, I confess! Thanks to Irene’s words I became worried!
“Honestly…” Vernon trailed off before clearing his throat, “We don’t know”
“What? And you aren’t worried?” My eyebrows furrowed as I sat up straight in the chair.
“Not really, he does that from time to time” Vernon replied casually and I frowned.
“Well if you aren’t worried...anyways, see you tonight” I cleared my throat and Vernon chuckled before biding me goodbye.
I placed my phone on the table and sighed loudly.
“Not worried, huh?” Irene said loudly as the door opened and signaled a customer. My head snapped in her direction as I threw her a warning glare. She’s lucky we have a customer and I can’t curse her.
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   A week passed by and there was no Kim Mingyu. It felt oddly irritating. I got so used to having him in my shadow that now, wherever I went, I kept glancing behind my back, anxious all the time. I didn’t even realize how safe he made me feel by following me around. And then there was the worry I felt for him, what if something happened to him? Vernon said last week he doesn’t know where he is, no one in fact from SVT knows where he is. What if he got injured? What if someone killed him? What if he just went to visit his family? Girlfriend?
I frowned at my last thought as it didn’t sit well with me. Wouldn’t his girlfriend be bothered knowing that his boyfriend was following around another girl? Because it most certainly wouldn’t make me happy to hear.
“Are you even listening to me?” Irene slammed her hands on the front desk and I jumped.
“Sorry, I’m just studying and didn’t hear you…” I muttered as I glanced down at my notebook, which was long forgotten as I was lost in my thoughts.
“Right” Irene narrowed her eyes at me and I only smiled sweetly, “Anyways, I was saying I’d be thankful if you came and helped me unload the box of new books, it’s really heavy”
I huffed as I closed my notebook and rose from the chair, “Coming, stop whining now”
Irene chuckled and started walking to the back as I left the front counter, however, the door opened signaling a new customer. Irene glanced back at me and nodded as I turned around to go back and greet the person.
“Hello, welcome to--” The words caught in my throat when I locked eyes with the giant. His hair was black and in a normal haircut, short bangs framing his forehead. His flaming and wild red hair was gone. It looked weird, he looked weird. I was used to seeing him with that wild look, he looked dangerous and mysterious...now, he kinda looked normal. As normal as a giant can look.
“Mingyu?!” I asked stunned as I took in his body, his shoulders were, unlikely to him, slouched.
“Hello, sugar” Mingyu’s lips pulled up in a smirk, “Missed me?”
I opened my mouth to snap back at him but something felt off. It looked as if he was in pain, the smirk wasn’t sincere like every other time, it looked painful.
“Where were you?” I narrowed my eyes as I walked closer to him. He chuckled amused and leaned down a bit as I caught his wince this time.
“Worried about me already, sugar? Wait until our wedding day at least--”
“I swear to God, Mingyu, if you don’t stop with that bullshit I’ll cut off your balls before you can say wedding day again!” I snapped, ears red as I stared at an amused Mingyu. Every single day, and I mean that, he told me something connected to our wedding day. When I bought milk, when I walked down the street, when I went and shopped for flowers...he always found something he could connect to our ‘wedding day’.
“But come on, sugar” He chuckled taking a step closer, “Soon you’ll be all mine, my beautiful wife--”
With a hiss I punched his stomach, making him double over. Something was definitely wrong as I watched Mingyu inhale sharply and his face twisted into an angry expression. There’s no way in hell my punch was strong enough to make him double over. Mingyu is not fine.
“Look at me” I demanded lowly as I stepped closer to him. Mingyu’s eyes found mine and before he could say a thing I grabbed his jaw and yanked him closer to me. His eyes widened in shock as he was not expecting something like that from me. My eyes ran over his seemingly perfect face until I found the smallest cut in the corner of his lips. I made eye contact with him and the playful and teasing Mingyu was gone as he gazed at me seriously. I felt captivated by his dark eyes and suddenly I realized just how close our faces were to each other, I could feel his breath fanning my nose. I gulped and continued to gaze into his eyes as if trying to find something in there, something he was hiding.
“Did the customer--Oh my God!” That was the loudest I’ve ever heard Irene speaking, and that was saying a lot. I quickly let go of Mingyu and stepped back as he straightened himself, wincing quite visibly.
“Hello” Irene said with a sweet smile, tucking a strand hair behind her ear, “I’m Irene, Y/N’s co-worker”
“Mingyu” He nodded towards Irene with an amused smile as he kept glancing between the two of us. Irene threw me a smirk and I widened my eyes in warning before turning back to Mingyu.
“Come with me” I muttered as I turned to walk by Irene, leading the way to the back where the bathroom was.
“There’s condoms in the cabinet underneath the sink” Irene whispered as I passed by her and I abruptly stopped walking, making Mingyu run into me from behind.
“What?!” I exclaimed loudly, wide eyes staring at an amused Irene.
“Go on now” She chuckled, pushing us away, “Don’t take too long though”
I made sure to throw a killer glare at her as I continued on leading the way to the bathroom. Mingyu chuckled but remained silent for the rest of our walk as he gazed around. I opened the door and let him enter first before turning on the lights.
“Irene is really funny” Mingyu chuckled as I closed the door behind me, “I already like her”
“I’m going to murder her” I snapped as I looked up at an amused looking Mingyu.
“Careful, sugar, you out of all know the weight of those words” He pointed a finger at me and I swatted it away.
“Sit down and strip” I demanded, crossing my arms in front of my chest.
“Oh” Mingyu’s eyes went wide before a smirk crossed his lips once again, “I like it when girls are so straightforward--”
“Mingyu--” I took a deep breath as I stepped closer, “Just stop it and take off your coat and shirt”
His eyes narrowed at me but when I wouldn’t stop glaring at him he sighed and carefully took off his coat. I watched as he winced and took a sharp breath once his coat was off. He looked at me as if he was done but I only raised my eyebrows and he undid the buttons of his shirt slowly. When it was off, my eyes widened at Mingyu’s torso. His ribs were purple and blue and there was a big gash starting from his left collarbone and stopping right where his heart was.
“Oh my God!” I gasped, eyes wide as I closed the distance between us, “What-what happened, I--”
“Nothing serious!” Mingyu shrugged as he sat on the toilet lid.
“Kim Mingyu!” I snapped, before leaning closer to inspect the big cut. It didn’t look deep, thank God, but it did look painful as hell.
“Okay” He rolled his eyes as I went to take a clean rag from the cabinet and some disinfectant, “I had to attend some meetings last week, out of town of course, and I got in a fight today before returning”
“This is what you call a fight?” I exclaimed annoyed as I started cleaning the big cut. Mingyu hissed and gripped my wrist tightly, halting my movements.
“That fucking stings” He snapped, eyebrows furrowed as he pushed away my hand from his chest.
“Well you can fucking die if it gets infected, so let me do my job” I snapped back with a glare and after a second of silence he let go of my wrist, quite reluctantly might I add. 
“Last time Jeonghan and Joshua checked--” I scoffed and rolled my eyes as Mingyu just waited for me to finish my dramatic reaction before continuing, “you weren’t a nurse”
“Still am not, but I know what to do. My father would get in fights with random people on the street and I always treated his wounds” I muttered quietly, trying to be careful while cleaning the cut. 
“No wonder you’re such a violent lady” Mingyu muttered more to himself and an amused smile appeared on my lips.
“Violent lady?” He made eye contact with me and nodded.
“Indeed, violent lady you are, sugar” I rolled my eyes but couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. Before the silence could engulf us and make me feel awkward, since I am pretty much standing in front of a half naked Mingyu...with a huge cut and bruised ribs and well, I’m also touching that chest...anyways. I cleared my throat and focused on cleaning the lower part of the wound.
“Vernon told me that they didn’t know where you were and then I--”
“Vernon?!” Mingyu exclaimed, gripping my wrist once again tightly. I looked at him with my eyebrows raised.
“Yes, Vernon”
“Vernon Hansol Chwe?” 
“Yes, Vernon Hansol Chwe” I watched as Mingyu scoffed and let go of my wrist with a shove, “You’ve got a problem with that?”
“I--” Mingyu’s voice was rather high pitched as he looked me in the eyes, but stopped himself before saying anything else. I raised my eyebrows expectantly but he just took my wrist and placed my hand holding the rag against his chest, “You just clean this mess up and shut up, I have a headache”
“Of course, you are very welcome Mingyu” I said sarcastically as I finished up his cut. He couldn’t even be grateful after I cleaned the big ass cut from his chest, without having even any obligations to do it. The things I started doing for Kim Mingyu…
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      Things returned to normal, much to my dismay. Mingyu was healthy again after a week and he took that as an invitation to enter the bookstore every time he passed by now. Irene and him quickly connected and I didn’t know how to feel about that. They both would be throwing me teasing looks when the other wasn’t looking and I would just glare back. Sometime last week Mingyu even started bringing us food, even though I told him many times that I didn’t want to eat on his money. Of course he reassured me that he has lots of it and that it shouldn’t worry me, as if that was even the cause in the first place. But I couldn’t fight back, I realized, Kim Mingyu always got what he wanted. Even if I opposed him all the time and gave him a hard time, he still somehow got what he wanted. And that is very infuriating.
That is why instead of studying for my next exam, I was staring at the wall with my eyebrows furrowed. I couldn’t stop thinking about how two days ago he tricked me into having dinner with him. I closed up the bookstore later than usual as we had inventory to do and he offered to drive me home. Any other time I would have declined his offer, but it was pouring hard outside, I had no umbrella and I was tired...and I didn’t want to call Seungcheol as he was busy with some mysterious plans SVT had. So I accepted his offer, a mistake, I realized once I saw him driving in the opposite direction of my neighborhood and towards the most expensive part of town. I was pissed and I still am actually. I groaned as I ruffled my bangs and threw my notebook off my lap, just for my front door to be kicked open. My heart jumped in my chest and picked up its peaceful rhythm as I thought someone broke in to kidnap me again. I was looking around my living room for anything that I could use as a weapon when I heard the familiar voice of Seungcheol.
“I said no!” He shouted in the hallway and my eyebrows furrowed. Before I could go see what was happening, Seungcheol was already storming inside my living room. His eyes found mine and I realized he was really angry. I walked closer to him to ask what was wrong when a throat was cleared in the doorway. My eyebrows furrowed more as I looked confused at the five men standing in my doorway. What the fuck is happening? Jun smirked and threw a wink as he walked further inside as if this was his place, Minghao had an amused smile on his face when he saw me scowling at Jun. Vernon and Wonwoo were grinning excitedly and I couldn’t help the giggle that left my lips and Mingyu was looking around curiously. Mingyu. Again. Of course. I glared at him as I walked towards him and pushed at his, now healed, chest.
“Get out!” I snapped, but my push did little to nothing as Mingyu’s built was almost twice bigger than mine. He looked offended that my first reaction to seeing him was to throw him out of my apartment. He is not welcomed here.
“Seriously?” He asked amused, but the glare didn’t go unnoticed by anyone.
“I don’t remember inviting you inside” I answered him as I crossed my arms in front of my chest. Mingyu scoffed as he looked at the other five men scattered in my living room.
“If they can stay, so can I.” And before I could curse him out, he pushed past me and sat down just where I was sitting seconds before. I scoffed and leaned against my door frame.
“Do you want some drinks?” 
“No.” Seungcheol snapped irritatedly as he ruffled his hair. He was standing next to the big window and drew the curtains together, blocking the view of the city. Something must have happened if he’s so on edge. I opened my mouth to ask once again what was wrong, but Vernon cut me off.
“Don’t I get my hug?” He tried to defuse the tense air in the room, but made it worse when Seungcheol and Mingyu both started glaring at him. I didn’t want to make Seungcheol angrier than he already was, but tormenting Mingyu was always something I enjoyed doing. And Vernon is my friend, I always hug him when we meet. So with a small smile and a shake of my head I walked towards him, he stood up from the ground, and we hugged. He squeezed me into his arms and lifted me up a bit, making me giggle into his neck. Vernon made me feel comfortable and protected. Having him and Seungcheol as my friends felt like having two older brothers and it was a feeling I really enjoyed. Seungcheol was like the stern and over protective older brother and Vernon the funny one and always ready to cause trouble with you kind of older brother. Mingyu scoffed as he looked away and I smirked to myself as I let go of Vernon. Mingyu always acts like a big, bad, tough guy but in moments like this his true self shows. He’s just a jealous, greedy, piece of shit. 
“So…”I spoke up as I walked next to Seungcheol and put an arm around his shoulders, “care to tell me why you six waltzed into my apartment uninvited with a very pissed Seungcheol?”
Seungcheol sighed deeply next to me and took my hand resting on his shoulders in his, giving it a squeeze. He was trying to calm down so I looked at him and offered him a friendly smile.
“Because Mingyu is fucking crazy!” He still couldn’t contain his temper as he looked at Mingyu with the deadliest glare I’ve ever seen coming from him.
“No, Mingyu is just fucking annoying. He can’t take a no, nor a ‘I told you to leave me alone, asshole’, nor a ‘I will fucking put you into jail if you don’t stop--’”
“Shut up, sugar, unless you want to really piss me off” Mingyu spoke lowly, eyes boring into mine as a smirk spread on my lips.
“Oh, I’m just getting started. Or what? Will you put a bullet in my head like you threatened so many times already?” Mingyu’s jaw clenched as he was ready to spring to his feet when Seungcheol chuckled humorlessly.
“Well if he won’t put a bullet in your head, someone else will fucking sure do it.” My eyes went wide as I looked at Seungcheol then at Vernon and Wonwoo. What is he talking about? My heart started beating quickly again as I let go of Seungcheol and straightened my posture. Seungcheol’s eyebrows furrowed as he realized what he said and sighed, shaking his head, “I didn’t mean to make it sound like that--”
“But what you said is right.” Vernon cut off Seungcheol and I looked between the two even more confused. A headache was brewing as I felt a light pressure in my forehead.
“Okay, honestly, what the fuck?” I finally snapped, glaring at everyone in room, especially at Seungcheol, “You have five seconds to explain before I call the cops”
“Yeah, right” Seungcheol muttered underneath his breath and I kicked his shin, earning a hiss from him.
Minghao, however, placed a brown envelope on top of my coffee table and looked at me with a neutral expression. I bit my lower lip, looking at the envelope nervously. What can be in there? Am I a wanted criminal for hanging around with SVT? Or did someone put a prize on my head because of Mingyu? Because he’s always with me and the other gangs probably already think there’s something going on between us? Coming to think of it, Kim Mingyu is a fucking idiot. He couldn’t even keep it on the low that he’s after me 24/7. 
“There’s an auction tomorrow at the Town Hall. We are going to steal a 1.00 carat Diamond ring--
“We are buying it first, Minghao, didn’t I tell you that already?” Mingyu asked with a yawn and Minghao rolled his eyes before he looked back at me.
“It’s not buying if we steal it before we can pay for it, anyways, Y/N, we need you to come with us” I blinked once and then twice as it was quiet in the room. Everyone was looking at me. Oh, now I understand why Seungcheol is so pissed, he doesn’t want to involve me in their business.
“We don’t need you to come, that’s just the bullshit coming out of Mingyu’s brain. We can perfectly do it without you too, we’ve already done it thousands of times.” Seungcheol’s jaw clenched as glared at their leader.
“Watch your fucking mouth, Seungcheol, my tolerance with you is running thin!” Mingyu snapped as he stood up, eyes narrowed at my friend. I sighed and took a step forward in order to stand between these two. I don’t want a gun pointed at Seungcheol again.
“Stop it!” I glared at both before looking down at the envelope, Seungcheol said they’ve done this before so nothing should go wrong. And it’s a Saturday tomorrow, a day I’d rather spend around high class people than study for my crucial exam. A small smirk spread on my lips as I looked up at Mingyu. His eyes were focused on me and when he saw my expression he knew I was in. He took a step back and sat on my couch again as he looked at Seungcheol smugly, who couldn’t see me as I was standing with my back towards him.
“Fine, I’m in” I said loud and clear and Seungcheol grabbed my arm.
“Are you crazy?! This is exposing you into our world so much more! It’s too dangerous, Y/N, please--”
“You think I’m not exposed way too much already?!” I raised my eyebrows with a scoff, “Mingyu’s been following me around daily for months, Seungcheol, you think no one saw him? Saw me? Saw the two of us together and got the wrong idea? Hell, I was exposed by you a long time ago, you just never wanted to admit it because you need me. And because I need you, Seungcheol.” My voice grew soft as Seungcheol looked down at the ground, his grip growing softer on my arm. I placed my other hand on his holding mine and gave it a reassuring squeeze. 
“Trust me, okay?” I whispered as Seungcheol looked me in the eyes defeated and nodded wordlessly.
“Be home tomorrow all day, you’ll have a package sent your way. I’ll pick you up at five in the afternoon.” Mingyu spoke up as he rose from my sofa and patted Minghao on the back.
“I’m only going with you if Seungcheol, Vernon and Wonwoo will be there with me at the auction.” I stepped in front of Mingyu so he couldn’t leave. There were a few inches between our bodies and I tried to ignore his scent and body warmth. He felt really inviting and I hated how easily my body gave in. I got too used to him and that’s bad.
“You don’t get to negotiate with me, Y/N.” Him using my name never meant anything good. He was dead serious. He wasn’t glaring nor speaking in a threatening way, but his words were enough to warn me.
“And you need me, Mingyu, otherwise you wouldn’t be here right now. So if you want me to really go, those are my conditions. And...Wonwoo picks me up, not you.” A throat was cleared behind Mingyu as a way to hide the laughter that bubbled up from Wonwoo. He was enjoying this a lot. He always enjoyed me standing up to Mingyu and never was afraid to show it, he really has known Mingyu for the longest.
“If you think…” He leaned down, our noses brushing against each other, “That you’ll be able to avoid me all night, you are very wrong. You are my girl.”
“Fuck you, I am no one’s, especially not yours.” I said pissed but Mingyu just sniffed before straightening up and walking past me. I glared at the wall as the boys one by one left my apartment.
“See you tomorrow!” Wonwoo smiled cutely and I sighed as I nodded. Vernon waved and before Seungcheol could leave, I grabbed his arm.
“Sleep here tonight?” Seungcheol looked past my shoulder and nodded at the person behind me, no doubt Mingyu, before he gave me a small smile.
“I’ve got to take care of a few things, I’ll be back in an hour”
“Cool, I’ll cook us something then” He kissed my forehead before leaving too. I sighed and walked to the coffee table to pick up the envelope. The big diamond ring stared back at me mockingly and I studied it as I made my way to the kitchen. This will be interesting.
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   I stared at the reflection staring back at me in the mirror with a grimace. Of course Mingyu would pick a dress like this one. Red silk, tightly clinging to my body, deep V cut with thin straps and floor length but with a cut so high on my left thigh that I’m afraid my underwear will show if I take big steps. The heels sent with the dress were a dark emerald green, matching my earrings and purse. When I first saw the dress my jaw dropped, I was mesmerized by the fabric and beauty of it but when I finally dressed in it, I realized how provoking it is. I honestly don’t know if Mingyu is doing this for his own twisted mind or because he wants me to distract the important people he’s stealing from tonight. He sent nothing to wear over the dress so I decided to pull on my white fur jacket that I got from Seungcheol two years ago. He showed up to my birthday with the fancy package and at first I thought he was pranking me, but when I opened the box I was left speechless. He refused to tell me where he got the money from to buy such an expensive gift for me but now I know, it all makes sense now. My phone pinged and I glanced down to see a text from Wonwoo informing me that he was downstairs waiting for me. I took a deep breath and tightened the low ponytail before slipping my red lipstick inside my purse and quickly left, after locking the front door.
Wonwoo had a big smile on his lips when he saw me opening the apartment complex’s door, pretending to take off his hat as I walked closer to him. I chuckled and shook my head as I stopped in front of him.
“Didn’t he just overdo himself?” I asked, rolling my eyes as I twirled around slowly. Wonwoo started laughing, his deep voice raising a few octaves.
“Mingyu always had good taste and right now he hit the jackspot,” There was a sly smirk on Wonwoo’s lips as he pushed off the car, “All eyes will be on you tonight.”
“I guess that is his goal?” I asked with a sigh as I sat inside the car after Wonwoo opened the backseat door for me, “I have to distract the important people so that you guys can steal peacefully?”
Wonwoo chuckled and shook his head before closing the door and jogging to the driver’s seat. I buckled up the seatbelt and got comfortable on the leather seat, still not used to the softness of the fabric of my dress.
Wonwoo sat inside and started the car smoothly, slowly taking off, “You being there with us tonight is just Mingyu wanting to show off. He’s not using you as a distraction, although that’s what will happen probably. I know you hate the situation you are in, but Mingyu is never letting go of you. You can hate him until the end of your life but you got him wrapped around your fingers, something he will never admit.”
“I don’t understand what’s so special about me. There’s so many women out there who would willingly be with him, who are, hell, desperate to be with a man like him!” I exclaimed as I looked out the window.
“Trust me, I don’t understand either” Wonwoo started laughing and I rolled my eyes in a playful manner, “It’s mainly how loyal you are to Seungcheol. You really left a deep impression on him when you stood in front of that gun pointed at your friend. Many would have ran away just by seeing the situation that was unfolding when you stepped in. I knew you’d bring trouble upon us when you left Seungcheol’s vehicle--”
“You were in the van!” I exclaimed, leaning forward in my seat gaping. Wonwoo glanced back at me through the rearview mirror with a cheeky grin, “I knew it! I knew someone was inside the van still, I felt it!” 
“Yeah, I’m about to make a bold statement, but I’m one hundred percent sure we even made eye contact!” I gasped and soon we were both laughing. Sometimes I still can’t wrap my mind around the fact that these men are part of a dangerous organization, hell, they are even more dangerous. That Seungcheol, the nicest and most caring man I know, is a drug dealer lord and that Vernon, the funny and reliable friend, is a hitman. Even Wonwoo, who always makes me laugh and loves to read in his free time, he’s the designated get away driver who’s caused numerous accidents that killed innocent by-standers. It’s a crazy world I got dragged in accidentally and no matter how much I hate it, Mingyu’s right, there’s no way out for me. So I better woman up and accept my fate of always having someone in my shadow to protect me from unknown dangers.
“Just smile and be nice to everyone Mingyu will introduce you to,” Wonwoo spoke up, bringing me out of my thoughts, “And try to keep your witty remarks to yourself until at least you are alone”
“Great, we are here” I muttered to myself as suddenly my stomach felt like an empty hole. I gulped and undid my seatbelt, about to open my door when someone opened it for me. It was Seungcheol and I took a deep breath before stepping out.
“Have fun, by the way, you look absolutely stunning!” Wonwoo called after me and I offered him a small smile as Seungcheol closed the door for me.
“My God” I breathed out as I looked around at the people swarming the place, all looking fancy and expensive. I’ve never seen so much luxury at one place ever in my life. Rich people really have it all.
“I thought I could do this, but I’m on the verge of throwing up, Cheol!” I whisper-shouted as I gripped onto my friend’s forearm. He sighed and I looked at him, taking in his outfit for the first time. He was wearing a dark red tuxedo, looking really handsome. His black hair was gelled back and the lip piercing was missing, he looked weird without the accessory.
“You have to put that lip piercing back the second we leave this place” I said with furrowed eyebrows as Seungcheol chuckled and pushed me back gently, getting a good look at my outfit.
“I’m going to fucking murder Mingyu, what are you wearing!” Seungcheol’s exclamation earned a few cross eyed looks and I pinched his hand to warn him to keep it down.
“A very expensive designer dress that I picked out myself with great care.” Mingyu seemed to teleport as he spoke up from next to me, eyes locking with Seungcheol, “Why? Do you have a problem?”
“It’s too revealing!” Seungcheol hissed and I sighed as I grabbed his arm.
“It’s fine, it’s just for tonight, Cheol. Let’s not cause a scene, okay?” I spoke softly, trying to calm him as I noticed people looking more frequently over. It could just be because Mingyu is standing next to me, I don’t know, but I don’t want to test our luck tonight. A hand touched my arm and I cringed a little when Mingyu intertwined our arms, but I stayed quiet deciding to follow Wonwoo’s advice. 
“Do your job, S.Coups, it’s why you are here tonight.” Mingyu’s voice was stern as he shot Seungcheol another look before taking off towards the entrance. I remained quiet as I followed his lead, taking in the beauty of the place. The chandeliers hanging low were covered in sparkling crystals and the floor and wall were all marble. The place looked breathtaking. My attention soon turned to the bodyguard standing at the next door, a notebook in his hands.
“Kim Mingyu, Oh Y/N” Mingyu spoke before the guard could even speak up, checking our names on the list. He gave us a nod and Mingyu started leading the way once again. As we walked inside the spacious room, music flooded my ears, nice slow music, and chatter. People were everywhere you looked, holding drinks or nothing in their hands, and laughing and talking with each other. Towards the front of the room was a small stage where the live band was playing and in front of the stage numerous empty chairs, for the auction later. We walked towards the right back of the room, where round tables had name tags on, and as Mingyu found ours we stopped. I shrugged my fur jacket off and hung it on the chair, placing my purse on the table next to the champagne glass. I felt eyes on me so I turned to look at Mingyu. For the first time tonight, I looked at him and took in his outfit. He was wearing all black, dress trousers, a vest without any dress shirt underneath and a sparkly tuxedo jacket with chains on. His black hair was styled in a way that left the impression that he had bangs but with the undercut it looked really nice. My eyes ran over his body once again and I tried to ignore the dryness of my throat when my eyes spotted his naked chest again. A chest on which a fading scar could be seen. He looked jaw dropping and I could see why so many ladies were looking our way. His look screamed danger, excitement and pleasure.
“I see I’m not the only one taken by my partner tonight” Mingyu smiled, genuinely, his sharp canines showing. I was speechless for a second and it made his smile widen. 
“Don’t expect me to obey you after tonight” I tried to scowl while trying to say something logical, off thrown by his smile. 
“I am not” He chuckled and stepped closer, eyes sweeping over my form for the nth time, “I really wasn’t going to choose this dress, but now I’m really glad I did”
“Something revealing not being your first choice? What a shock!” I placed a hand over my mouth mockingly and Mingyu rolled his eyes as he stepped again closer, little to no space between us now.
“We’ve spent so many months together and yet you still don’t know me, I am quite offended,” Mingyu said with a pout and my eyebrows furrowed.
“It’s not like we spent that time getting to know each other” I shrugged as my eyes wandered around the room, “You follow me around all the time while I yell at you to leave me alone...which makes me wonder, do you not have a life that you have to participate in?”
“Very funny” He glared a little as I offered him a sweet smile, “I take care of my business before I decide to stalk you”
“I’m glad you are aware that it’s called stalking what you do”
“Is it still stalking when the other one likes it?” He leaned in and I looked away in an attempt to ignore the closeness. My heart was beating so fast in my chest I was afraid the music wasn’t loud enough to cover it and Mingyu would hear it. I tried to distract myself even more as I furrowed my eyebrows and tried to spot a familiar face in the mass of people present in the room with us.
“Stalking is still stalking, Kim Mingyu, no matter the feelings tied to it” Finally, I answered back as a low humming sound came from the male standing too close in front of me. I made the mistake of glancing at him, our gazes catching each other and eyes locking. 
“When will you admit that you like having me around?” His voice was barely a whisper and I probably wouldn’t have heard him if my senses wouldn’t have been in overdrive. Everything around me felt on fire as I gulped, trying to collect my thoughts. He never stood this close to me before, we were almost pressed up against each other. His body warm drew me in more and more and I found myself staring at his pink lips, tongue poking out to wet them. The action snapped me out of my staring and I quickly looked back up, our eyes once again connecting. Mingyu’s pupils were dilated as his eyes narrowed at me, and I cleared my throat awkwardly. All these feelings were suddenly overwhelming and confusing, since when did I start feeling this way around Mingyu?
“Never” I whispered, barely audible, as Mingyu leaned down. I panicked, eyes searching his face as I didn’t know what to expect from him.
“There you are!” A cheery voice greeted from behind Mingyu and I basically ripped myself away from the tall giant as I raced towards my friend, Vernon, who wasn’t standing far from us. My heart was hammering in my chest as I threw my arms around Vernon, hugging him tightly. He chuckled and hugged me back just as tightly, eyebrows playfully furrowed when I pulled back.
“Jesus, I never thought someone could miss me this much” Vernon laughed and I giggled along, trying to ignore the burning look coming from Mingyu. He was pissed that Vernon interrupted us, was he planning on kissing me? Was Mingyu about to kiss me? No, question, was I about to actually let him kiss me? The answer to that question was scary because I instantly knew the answer, so I smiled tightly at Mingyu before grabbing Vernon’s arm and pulled him towards the bar, far away from Mingyu.
“Why are we in a rush?” Vernon chuckled confused as I took deep breaths, trying to calm myself.
“Just running away from Mingyu, the usual, you know” I muttered as the bartender looked our way and I waved my fingers at him.
“I’d like a Cuba Libre, please” I asked politely as the bartender turned around and started preparing my cocktail, “Vernon, you have to promise me something”
“Uh, alright?” He asked with raised eyebrows as the bartender turned back to us with my drink. I went to grab for money but realized I left my purse on the table, where Mingyu is. I turned to Vernon with puppy eyes as he just grinned and handed the bartender a lot more money than that Cuba Libre cost.
“Thanks, I left my purse at the table”
“You can give it back after we go back and--”
“No!” I snapped, eyes wide, as I grabbed the glass firmly in my hands, “The promise I want to ask you is keep me away from Mingyu, all night.”
“All night?” Vernon’s eyes widened as he gulped and looked past my shoulder, back towards where the round tables were situated.
“All night.” I nodded my head firmly and took my first sip of my cocktail.
“Uh, shit, let’s get moving then!” My eyebrows furrowed when he pulled me after him, I almost spilled a little of the drink on myself, “Mingyu’s headed our way”
“Run!” I screeched quietly as Vernon laughed and started pulling me through the masses of people, doing everything to lose Mingyu.
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   And that’s exactly what Vernon and I did for the past two hours, we ran from Mingyu. We hid in the back garden, we danced on the dance floor to the slow music when we couldn’t see him, we socialized with people Vernon knew and even met some new ones, then went to the bar to get some more drinks when we made eye contact with a very pissed looking Mingyu. I was actually having a lot of fun, the night going a lot better than I was anticipating it to go. Vernon was amazing company and I couldn’t be more thankful for him accepting my little plan, knowing he’d have to suffer the repercussions later on for disobeying direct orders from Mingyu and hiding me from him. 
“See those guys over there?” Vernon nodded subtly towards a couple not far away from us, standing at the end of the bar.
“Yeah, why?” I asked as my eyes swept over the place, trying to act casual, but also to see if I could catch a glimpse of Mingyu. I haven’t seen him in half an hour which was starting to make me uneasy. 
“Undercover cops.” Vernon said lowly, lips barely moving as he steered the olive oil in his drink.
“No shit, are you forreal?” I slammed my third Cuba Libre on the bar a little too hard, eyes widening as I glanced towards the couple, who were looking at us now. Vernon frowned lightly and then suddenly laughed as he looked at the couple.
“She had a little bit too much already!” He called with a friendly smile, nodding towards my drink. I looked at him offended but quickly covered my reaction with a somewhat drunken giggle. The couple laughed along with me, nodding their heads before they walked away.
“You can’t react like that--”
“I’m sorry!” I quickly cut him off, realizing I was putting the reason why we were here at stake if I was reacting like that, “How many of them are here?”
“Are you kidding me?” Vernon laughed, downing his drink in a one shot, “This place is full of cops, Y/N”
“Holy shit” I muttered amazed as I looked out at the crowd on the dance floor then back at Vernon. However, I tensed up when my eyes fell on the man we’ve been avoiding for the past two hours, “Shit, the devil’s here, Vernon--” Vernon gripped my arm as we took off, leaving my drink on the counter as I looked back at it with a pout. We were weaving between people as Vernon headed for the dance floor, until our path was cut. I looked up and swallowed hard at the dark eyes and dark glare directed at us. Vernon just smiled as he nodded at his boss, about to go around him, but another pair of hands caught my other, free, arm.
“She’s staying.” Mingyu’s voice was hard as he didn’t even bother to turn our way. I shook my head as I looked at Vernon, asking for help, but my friend just sighed before letting go of my arm held by him.
“Traitor!” I snapped at him as my eyes widened, feet moving as Mingyu started walking.
“Sorry!” Vernon mouthed before he walked towards the round tables in the back of the room, leaving me alone with Kim Mingyu. I sighed as I followed after him wordlessly, not realizing he was leading us to the middle of the dance floor.
“If you’re about to bring me to a secluded place and blow my brains out, you should know that I’m not afraid and I will cause a scene, scream and--” I gasped as my chest collided with Mingyu’s chest. One hand around my lower back, pulling me flushed against him, and the other holding my right hand in his. I looked ahead, over Mingyu’s shoulder, as I hesitantly placed my other hand around his shoulder. He was holding me too close and suddenly my heart was hammering in my chest again. I wish I could have avoided him for longer, at least until the auction, when it wasn’t possible to dance anymore.
“I don’t appreciate you running around with Vernon” His voice was clear in my ear as he swayed us to the slow music. 
“I don’t appreciate you forcing me into doing things I don’t want to do” I snapped back, referring to us dancing right now. It was a lie, a lie I wasn’t ready to admit yet. His body felt right against mine, our hands made for the other, our bodies knowing the next step of the other.
“I didn’t force you to come here, Y/N” Mingyu sighed and I gulped, making eye contact with a blonde haired woman who was glaring at me. I glared back at her before speaking again.
“Yeah, but you didn’t ask me if I wanted to dance with you” 
“You are my date, Y/N, we are supposed to dance together” His grip on my hand tightened a bit and I hissed, knowing he could hear me. I made eye contact with another person, an older man this time, who was smiling, and smiled back at him.
“Yeah, you know, it’s a little late to say ‘pass’, but...pass.” I muttered as I turned my head a bit towards Mingyu’s, staring at his jawline. Images of him smoking when he took me to his house and cooked Fajitas entered my mind and I clenched my jaw. This really isn’t the time to think of something like that, it happened months ago yet the memory is crystal clear in my mind.
“You really do not understand, do you?” Mingyu snapped, finally letting his anger show. I chuckled as a lady greeted me and I nodded back at her, ignoring the way Mingyu’s fingers dug into my lower back.
“Understand what?” I pulled a bit away to be able to look in his eyes, eyes that held a lot of anger. I gulped and quickly looked away, my hand sneaking up from his shoulder to his neck. He tensed a bit and twirled us around a bit more aggressively as I held onto him.
“These people know who I am, Y/N, so that means they know who you are. What do you think it looks like to them when you are running around all night with a man who works for me, you proceed to hide from me with his help and even dance with him more than once?” His voice grew lower and lower and more pissed by the time he finished his sentence.
“I don’t know?” I answered quietly, not exactly understanding what his words meant.
“You are my girl, Y/N, and everyone knows that here. And running around with a little skanky boy all night long shows how little respect you have for me and how much I let you get away with. This is not the fucking time to parade around and create a shit show, sugar, people here are all from gangs from around the world and the country. One wrong fucking move and they will blow your brains out, not me, sugar.” I grew stiff in Mingyu’s arms upon he finished talking, growing silent as I looked around with wide eyes, seeing this place in a different light for the first time. I didn’t know that, that’s why Seungcheol was so against it and annoyed. I’m exposed to all these people. They now know who I am and know that I am Mingyu’s, or whatever.
“You’re such an asshole” I scoffed as I pulled my head back, making eye contact with the man holding me, “Do you realize you just exposed me to the whole fucking mob world?!”
“You did that to yourself when you interfered with our business, sugar” He said with a smirk, eyes holding less anger but just enough. He pissed me off and I tried to take deep breaths to remain calm, but it was hardly doing anything.
“Maybe if your man didn’t hold a gun against my best friend’s head I wouldn’t have--”
“Not my problem, I’m not in the mood to listen to your pathetic whining, again.” Mingyu snapped, quickly shutting me up but not exactly expecting me to cause a scene knowing where we were and who were around me. But I tried to either way, when was I the one with enough brains to not do anything reckless? I ripped my hand away from his abruptly and raised it, ready to slap Mingyu across the face, but he reacted almost a little too late. Before my palm could connect with his cheek he gripped my wrist and twirled me around in a pirouette, making my blood boil. I was back in his arms again, now in a tight grip as he pressed me against his body fully, restricting me as well in the process as he caged my arms between our bodies, one hand pushing my head next to his neck and the other keeping me tightly against him by my lower back. The thought of fighting back against him flashed quickly in my head but before I could wriggle myself out I made eye contact with a panicked looking Seungcheol. He looked ready to jump in the middle of the dance floor and pull me out of there. At first I thought something bad happened and we had to run, but I soon realized it were my actions that attracted more unwanted eyes on us and Seungcheol was begging me with his eyes to stop and save it for later, just let it go for now. My hands gripped the chains on Mingyu’s vest tightly as I clenched my jaw and stared at the ground, ignoring the quick falling and raising of Mingyu’s chest. I think I really messed up this time, even Mingyu had a limit and I just crossed it. I let out a shaky breath and Mingyu’s grip loosened just a little bit, but he didn’t let go. More and more people took intrigued glances our way and I knew I fucked up, they saw me trying to slap the shit out of him, they could see just how pissed both of us were. I guess it looked really bad if a gang leader’s partner disrespects him continuously, maybe it shows he’s got no power. I don’t know what these people think, but I have to fix my mistake. I closed my eyes for a second and took a deep breath as I tried to pull my head back, but Mingyu didn’t let me.
“Let go, please” I mumbled as I caught the gaze of the glaring blonde again. Mingyu didn’t hesitate before the hand was gone and I was able to pull my head back. The lights dimmed in the back where the tables were and I figured the auction was about to happen, so I acted quickly. I broke eye contact with Mingyu and leaned in quickly, barely pressing my lips against his, hoping to everyone else it looked like a real kiss. But the hand was back on the back of my head and Mingyu’s soft pink lips pressed against mine firmly, making my heart hammer quicker than ever before. The music slowly died down and people started clapping, I pulled away and stared at Mingyu’s stained lips by my red lipstick. I took a deep breath and untangled myself from him and started walking away, knowing he’d follow me. I couldn’t look at him, embarrassed that I had to do that in front of everyone, in front of Seungcheol and probably even Vernon. A hand on the small of my back guided me through the people and back to our seats. When we sat down Mingyu grabbed a napkin and patted his lips, his eyes boring into my profile for the whole time. I shivered and cleared my throat as I took my glass of water from the table and gulped down a big amount. A man walked up onto the scene and I could see the crowd dispersing as people walked towards the chairs and others towards the round tables. A man in a purple expensive fur coat strutted past our table and down the aisle, turning briefly and nodding. Mingyu’s nod back caught my attention and I realized it was Minghao and he was walking towards the front chairs, placed there for the auction. I didn’t realize Mingyu wouldn’t directly participate in it. And so, the auction started and I stayed quiet and slumped in my seat as all the lights were directed at the stage now. 
    Halfway through the auction I felt two hands gripping my shoulders in a reassuring way and I jumped in my seat, taken by surprise. First thought was Mingyu, but he was sitting right beside me, so when I turned around I was met with Vernon smiling reassuringly at me.
“Can we get some air?” I whispered as another painting was sold at an outrageous price. Vernon glanced to my right and I followed his line of vision to be met with Mingyu’s glaring eyes, he raised an eyebrow.
“Can I go out?” I muttered while avoiding eye contact with Mingyu, the taste of his lips ebbed into my mind forever. 
“Don’t stay for long.” He snapped as he looked at Vernon then back towards the auction, a diamond ring being the next object. It must be the ring for which we are here tonight. I took Vernon’s hand and followed after him as he led us towards the garden which was lit up by little fairy lights, a marble bench placed between two beautiful rose bushes. I took a seat on the bench and hugged myself in an attempt to warm myself, I left my fur coat inside.
“Have you seen Seungcheol?” I asked, raising my eyebrows as Vernon strolled around the garden, staying in ear shot distance so he could hear me.
“He’s keeping an eye on the auction, making sure Minghao gets the ring” Vernon answered from somewhere behind me, I couldn’t see him as he was behind a tree.
“Like a bodyguard” I mumbled to myself with a small smile, even here, Seungcheol is protecting someone. Light smoke floated in the air and I turned around, eyebrows furrowed as Vernon finally came into view. A cigarette was between his lips as he inhaled deeply and then blew the smoke out.
“You smoke?!” I asked shocked as I rubbed my arms up and down, cursing Mingyu for choosing a dress with so little coverage when it’s almost winter.
“Just when stressed” Vernon shrugged and threw his cigarette into the bin with a chuckle. I shook my head at him and looked up with a small smile as he stopped in front of me, looking down with a friendly smile.
“Do you do this often?” I asked quietly, looking around the garden.
“Yeah, like...this.” I made a suggestive face and Vernon frowned before widening his eyes. He realized that I was referring to the auction and them stealing the item they were supposed to pay for.
“Pretty often, yeah” He nodded with a pout and shrugged his suit jacket off, “As often as there’s an auction that can offer us something good”
“Why does Mingyu need a diamond ring anyway?” I asked as I watched Vernon step closer and place his suit jacket around my exposed shoulders. I quickly placed my arms into the sleeves and pulled the suit jacket tightly against my body, the warmness making me sigh.
“Won’t you be cold?” I looked at Vernon as he took a seat next to me, he just shook his head and pointed at his long sleeved black shirt that was made of silk, like my dress.
“Business is business, I can’t tell you all of our secrets, Y/N, Mingyu really will have my head if I do” Vernon chuckled but I didn’t find it funny. I frowned as the kiss flashed in my mind again and I shuddered, side eyeing Vernon to see if he saw my reaction.
“Fuck Mingyu” I muttered finally and Vernon started laughing before placing his arm around my shoulders.
“Enough of Mingyu,” He grinned cheekily as if he knew something was eating me inside, “How’s college going?”
“Honestly?” I raised my eyebrows before groaning loudly, “I’m ready to drop out”
Vernon laughed again and squeezed my shoulders, “Seungcheol hyung did tell me not to mention college too often”
“Yeah, I’m actually close to walking inside and triggering Mingyu enough so that he blows my brains out--”
“Hey, no.” Vernon frowned at me and he turned my head towards him with his free hand, our faces pretty close, “Don’t say stuff like that, it’s never funny”
“Sorry” My lips formed a straight line as I felt as if we were being watched, but ignored it, maybe someone got bored of the auction and is just roaming around, “You know, we always talk so much shit when we are together, but I never asked you...how did you join the gang?”
“Ah” Vernon sealed his lips tightly in a tight lipped smile as I rested my head against his shoulder, “Well, Seungkwan and I have been friends since middle school. He always caused trouble and I always saved his ass. So one day he got into some really serious shit and there really wasn’t much to do but to suck it up and give those men money, they wouldn’t leave us alone. But then we started not being able to gather the money, they also raised the price, and I realized Seungkwan was slowly becoming more and more paranoid and he...developed depression quickly…”
I squeezed Vernon’s knee in a reassuring manner and he sighed before clearing his throat to continue, “I don’t know how much Mingyu told you, but everyone in SVT knows each other since high school. However, I met Mingyu in my last year in middle school and I thought he was really cool. So I tried to befriend him, but one day Seungkwan and I had a massive fight in the restroom, he was in a booth and heard everything so the next day I woke up with money on my desk and a note saying, ‘Meet me on the roof’--”
“Let me guess, Mingyu lent you money so that you could pay those men?” I asked as I raised my head and turned toward Vernon again.
“He did, he gave us more money than we needed, and I took it because we were desperate. In order to show gratefulness I decided to join him”
“No questions asked as to what he did? You just joined him blindly?” I raised my eyebrows as I discovered something new about Vernon.
“Yeah, I have the tendency to jump into things without learning more about them,” He giggled to himself as if he remembered something, “Seungkwan was really pissed, he even gave me a black eye when I told him I joined Mingyu’s gang”
“For once I respect Seungkwan” I mumbled with a chuckle and Vernon laughed loudly. It was pretty obvious that Seungkwan and I didn’t really get on well when we were around each other. He always finds something that he could pick on and I just always have something to fire back at him. 
“Calling it a gang is so weird now” I raised my eyebrows as Vernon grinned, “We grew so much, Mingyu has a whole empire now. You still haven’t realized that you are dealing with the biggest, strongest and most dangerous mob leader of South Korea, Y/N” 
I gulped as I looked away from Vernon then back at him, “Sometimes I wish I didn’t insist on going with Seungcheol to that parking lot, he offered to take me home first but I didn’t want him to waste his time. I really hate Mingyu, you know--”
There was a crashing sound coming from behind us and both Vernon and I jumped as he tensed up. But nothing else happened so maybe it was coming from inside?
“And then there’s times when I really can’t hate him, you know?” I continued as I gazed ahead, feeling Vernon’s eyes on me, “He’s funny sometimes and nice and then there’s times when he acts like a teenage boy with a crush and I think I hate him more for that. If he was always cruel and irritating, I wouldn’t even bat an eyelash his way, but he’s just--”
“That sounds a lot like you like him--”
“Hell no!” I snapped and pushed Vernon’s head away from mine, his arm slipping from around my shoulders as he started laughing loudly, “You need to check your hearing if that’s what you got from my rant, honestly, Vernon.”
“Sorry, sorry” He was still laughing as I huffed and stood up from the marble bench, but before I could walk away, arms were around me, hugging me from behind. I rolled my eyes and turned my head so that I could look at Vernon.
“I’m not forgiving you because you hug me, okay?”
“But you love my hugs” Vernon pouted and I rolled my eyes again as I leaned down and kissed his cheek, pulling away with a wide grin.
“I love everything about you, alright?” Vernon grinned back and was about to talk when stomping was heard and someone cleared their throat. Vernon’s expression fell and he was quick to let go of me so I turned my head to see Mingyu glaring at us. Great. I can’t wait to go home and not see Mingyu for two days, I’m about to cry, I swear.
“See you inside” Vernon patted my head before walking past Mingyu, leaving us alone, again. Traitor, I grimaced as I watched Vernon’s back until he was gone.
“It seems like you forgot what I told you not even an hour ago, sugar?” Mingyu stepped closer meanwhile I took a step back and glanced away.
“You told me it was okay--”
“This is an open place, anyone can see you, sugar” I raised my eyebrows as Mingyu kept coming closer.
“Well, no one was here, I made--”
“Maybe Jun was right, you are nothing but a pain in the ass. I should kill you.” Mingyu raised an eyebrow, eyes boring into mine as my mouth dropped open.
“If you can tell me just one occasion when you actually listened to me, I won’t have to debate whether to kill you or not” All emotion disappeared from Mingyu’s face as a smirk was plastered on his lips, a smirk I ached to punch off his soft and pink lips. My heart started beating quickly as I tried to read Mingyu, to understand if he’s fucking with me or if he actually means his words. I gulped as he looked at me expectantly and I started thinking of all the times he told me to do something, but I always...ignored him. 
“You know” I stepped closer to him, deciding to ignore his words, “I could always run inside and tell them you will steal the ring before you have to pay for it. The place is full of undercover cops and well, other gangs. I’m sure neither would appreciate it” 
I shrugged as I smiled at Mingyu, however a painful grip on my upper arm yanked me into him, making me grunt. Mingyu’s jaw was clenched as he looked into my eyes, my heels bringing me to eye level with him, his nose flaring.
“You still provoke me after I told you I’m thinking of killing you?” He looked so pissed that his chuckle was something between frustration and amusement. 
“So then, kill me.” I clenched my jaw as I stared him in the eyes, challenging him to do it, “Let me guess, you can’t?”
Suddenly something hard was pressing into my stomach and I sucked in a sudden breath, wanting badly to glance down at the gun but refusing to give Mingyu the satisfaction of seeing me nervous. There was a click and I knew the safety was off. I could feel my hands shaking as my eyebrows furrowed as I searched Mingyu’s blank face. He wouldn’t do it, right? He can’t kill me, he likes me. Vernon’s words rang through my head and I gulped as Mingyu slowly started smirking, a devilish look crossing his features. I went to pull away from him but he kept me in place and suddenly there was a louder click as I gasped and closed my eyes tightly, waiting for the pain to hit my body. I never said goodbye to Seungcheol or my parents, Vernon. When I felt nothing but numbness and nausea I opened my eyes to see Mingyu still smirking, gun still in his hand but not pointed at me anymore.
“You still think I can’t?” He whispered as he raised his eyebrows. My hands continued to shake as I pulled my arm out of his grip and managed to glare at him.
“I hope you root away in hell.” I whispered shakily as I raised my hand and slapped him across the cheek, the loud sound echoing around us. Mingyu just laughed as he didn’t look at me and caressed his cheek. I stormed off towards the entrance of the building, trying to hide my shaking hands.
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       The rest of the auction was a blur as my mind kept replaying the time when I kissed Mingyu and then it suddenly cut to the gun being pressed into me and the click of the trigger. A light ache crossed my stomach every time my mind wandered back to the memory and all I wanted to do was stand up, run home and throw up. I wanted to throw up and then take a hot shower, hopeful that it would wash away tonight. I feel like tonight’s events will have a big effect on our relationship and it surely won’t be for the best. I crossed every boundary Mingyu had and he proved it to me he wouldn’t hesitate in killing me, even if the gun wasn’t loaded. But before I could register what the host of the auction was saying, I was pulled from my seat, fur coat and purse tossed into my arms, as a firm grip guided me towards the exit and finally towards the parking lot. I wanted to see Seungcheol so badly, I wanted to hug him and just cry in his arms. I just needed comfort from my brother, the man who knows me better than anyone else. But before I could even cry out to him, I was pushed inside a white Mercedes, seatbelt forcefully secured and then the driver sat inside and started the car. I stared ahead, aware of the tension in the car, but unable to function properly anymore. Tonight was a disaster, mainly because of me, and I just want to delete it from my mind. The car glided through the lanes aggressively and suddenly I missed Wonwoo, who is a patient and calm driver. Mingyu was speeding at an ungodly speed, but I couldn’t be bothered to yell at him like I did so many other times. I was actually glad, I would get home faster and even faster away from him. The tires screeched when the Mercedes came to a stop, the force sending me a bit forward in my seat. I sighed as I undid the seatbelt and grabbed my fur coat and purse to open the door. As I pushed it open, the driver’s door was slammed closed and I closed my eyes for a second to prepare myself for another death threat. But my mind just wanted me to get away, so I tried to quickly close the door, without slamming it like the ungrateful little shit Mingyu did, and without a second thought took off towards the front door, thinking I could outrun Mingyu. But I barely took five big steps when I was pulled backwards, a loud groan leaving my lips.
“Tonight was shit, just please let me go up--” The wind got knocked out of my lungs at how aggressively Mingyu’s lips pressed against mine, my eyes widening. I’ve been thinking about doing this again tonight, but a part of me was finally scared of Mingyu. A part of me finally realized who I was dealing with. A dangerous, merciless, handsome mob leader, and he could kill me right now by using this kiss as a distraction and also muffling my lips from screaming--I pushed Mingyu away, eyes still wide as I could feel my hands shaking again.
“You can’t--you can’t just--”I tried to catch my breath and calm my hammering heart, “You can’t just point a gun at me, pull the trigger and then kiss me! I’m not an object you can just push around, bend to your wishes and use for pleasure! I’m sick of it all!”
The last statement came out as a choked up scream as I tried to keep the tears from falling, shaking my head at Mingyu as I slumped against his white car. Tonight really is a fucking nightmare.
“I’m sick of you constantly pushing me away! You’re making me crazy, Y/N!” Mingyu’s usually leveled voice rose octaves as he came uncomfortably close, making me look down.
“What if…” I bit my lower lip, trying to control the trembling in my voice, I was about to tell a lie and I needed to make it sound real, “What if I don’t like you? Will you still force yourself on me? Because then you really are a piece of shit.”
Sometime during these months, when Mingyu was nice and approachable, I discovered a softer side of him, a decent, human, side of him. A side that was immensely attractive, a side I found myself liking and wishing to see more often. He was driving me crazy too, because I didn’t know anymore if I was scared of him or excited to see him. At least, tonight, I had no fucking idea anymore.
“You like me” His answer was more of a let out breath, his lips curled in a simple smile, “I know you do.”
“No, I don’t!” I snapped, looking up at him irritated, “At least not tonight”
“You had to learn the hard way, sugar, it’s not my fault” Mingyu sighed and I huffed as I rolled my eyes.
“Right, point a gun at me and then pull the fucking trigger but surprise! It has no bullets. No. I’m not doing this, I just want to forget this stupid night and ignore you until you get bored and leave me the fuck alone!”
“I told you I will never leave your side” Mingyu whispered, a shit eating grin spread on his lips. It took the little self control I still had to not kick him in the shin as I glared at him.
“I will go to the police, I’ve really had enough of you!”
“Oh, no, I’m so scared!” Mingyu mocked a scared voice as he widened his eyes in fake fright, “As if the police could do anything”
“I’m sure the police can’t wait to get their hands on you and actually lock you up” It was my time to grin smugly at him, his expression instantly becoming pissed, “Oh the things I know…”
“I dare you” He stepped even closer, his body pressed against mine, pressing me into the Mercedes. I gulped as I ignored the shivering of my body and my still shaky hands, trying to keep my eyes glued to his.
“You know I have the guts to actually do it, don’t ask for something you can’t handle, Mingyu” I whispered watching him sigh, his breath hitting my face, before he licked his lips. Without thinking, I licked my lips as well and the action caught his attention making me curse myself. I was trying to avoid this moment, yet here we are, my eyes were closed before Mingyu could even lean in, my chin tilted for him. This time, his lips pressed lightly against mine, like when I tried to fake the kiss on the dance floor, and he waited for me to give my permission. When I pressed back my lips against his, his large palm went to my nape and held it firmly, our lips moving slowly. I felt bad for the expensive, white fur coat when it dropped from my hand as I went to thread my fingers through Mingyu’s hair. I raised my right hand and tried to find the roof of the Mercedes to place my purse on it, the kiss turning a lot needier than before. Finally finding it, I let the purse rest on the roof and quickly circled my right arm around his neck as I pulled Mingyu even closer, our lips parting as Mingyu tried to dominate the kiss. For the first time he didn’t fight back as I took over, our tongues dancing together as I hummed when his hand started to roam my back underneath Vernon’s suit jacket. I tugged on his hair when his grip on my nape became a bit too firm, warning him that I would end this make out if he didn’t stop with his power play. But the tug fueled something in Mingyu as his hand on my back traveled higher and suddenly started tugging Vernon’s jacket off, pressing continuous pecks against my lips. I ran out of air, lungs on fire, as I tried to tell him to stop, but he pressed a hard kiss against my lips and my complaint got swallowed as Vernon’s jacket fell off my shoulders. The coldness covered me in goosebumps as I latched onto Mingyu again, trying to warm myself. He pulled away, chest falling up and down at a quick pace, as he nibbled on my lower lip, his canines sinking into my lip. I opened my eyes and pulled my head back to stop him from kissing me again, but instead his lips started kissing my jaw, making me sigh.
“Do you want me to get pneumonia?” I mumbled as I grabbed his head with both hands, stopping him, “That suit jacket was the only thing keeping me warm.”
“That suit jacket is Vernon’s” Mingyu’s words were airy as he tried to catch his breath still, eyes glaring just slightly.
“So what?” I shrugged and went to pick it up but Mingyu pressed me up against the car again firmly, “Seriously? I’m freezing!”
“You will not wear Vernon’s or any other men’s clothes, yeah?” Mingyu raised his eyebrows as he searched my eyes and I smirked as I made eye contact with him. Little jealous piece of shit, I chuckled as I pushed Mingyu.
“Well, then I’m going up” I picked my fur coat up and reached for my purse, stepping around Mingyu.
“Yeah, we should go up before you get sick--”
“Oh no” I chuckled, turning back to face Mingyu, “You are not coming up with me, Mingyu”
“Why not, sugar?” He asked with a smirk as he bent to pick up Vernon’s suit jacket.
“Because I’m not sleeping with you tonight…” My eyebrows furrowed as the thought wasn’t as repulsive as it was a few months ago, “Or anytime else. Besides, you held an unloaded gun to my stomach and pulled the trigger--”
“Emphasis on unloaded” Mingyu pointed out as I rolled my eyes and started walking again towards the main entrance.
“I really hate you Mingyu”
“Vernon says you like me a lot--”
“You were eavesdropping?!” I squealed as I turned to face him again, “You’re a piece of shit!”
“I know, I know” Mingyu mumbled as he rolled his eyes and walked up to me, “Seems like you still have a thing for this piece of shit though”
“I do not!” I snapped and Mingyu chuckled before leaning down and pecking my lips.
“I will never ever again kiss you, so I hope tonight’s kiss will last you a lifetime of nightmares” Mingyu chuckled before he walked past me and dropped Vernon’s suit jacket into the trash bin.
“Mingyu!” My eyebrows furrowed as I shook my head at him, finally reaching the main entrance to the building.
“What? He can afford to buy another one”
“I really liked that jacket though…” I muttered as I entered the pass code and opened the door, stepping inside. I turned to see Mingyu glaring at me as I held the door open just enough for my head to peek out a bit, “Even though I have to admit that your outfit tonight was really hard to resist. Would love to see the rest of what’s underneath too”
My eyes traveled from Mingyu’s exposed chest down the rest of his body while biting my lower lip, to look up at a frozen Mingyu, jaw clenched. He suddenly started walking towards the door and I quickly closed it before he could reach it. I smirked when he glared at me and showed him my middle finger.
“I know the pass code” He warned, hand reaching to type in the numbers. I showed him my middle finger again before taking off towards the elevator to ride up to my floor. He will never get past my three locks on the door that I had installed yesterday.
Part 3
91 notes · View notes
ah-ga-seven · 4 years
Till’ The End of Summer - Chapter 8
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>> series masterlist <<
Pairing: Choi Yeonjun x Reader
In a Nutshell: College!AU, Rich Kids, Friends to Lovers, Fuckboy athlete Yeonjun, Overprotective Best friend Soobin, contains all of TXT and other Idol cameos, Omnipresent perspective.
Synopsis: You and Yeonjun are caught up in a cat and mouse game because of unspoken feelings and endless pining for each others’ attention. With the summer break approaching and lots of college parties, will you finally get a chance to explore your feelings for each other; even though the world and Yeonjun’s reputation makes things complicated?
Word count: 4.8K
Genre: Angst.
Idol Cameos: BTS Namjoon, MAMAMOO Hwasa (Hye-Jin)
Warnings: Mentions of a broken family, abusive parents, conflict and death.
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He studied her with a neutral facial expression. He tried his best not to give away any emotion with his eyes as he averted his attention to his uncle.
“You told her I was here?” Yeonjun asks calmly.
Namjoon looked at his nephew apologetically and sighed. “Jun, I’m sorry but I had no choice. I promised her I’d reach out if you ever contacted me.”
Yeonjun rolled his eyes, scoffing as he grabbed his keys out of his pocket as a sign that he was about to leave.
“It was a pleasure, but I have to go, thank you for your hospitality Hye-Jin noona,” he added as he kissed her cheek as a goodbye, but before he could make it out of the kitchen, his name was called once again.
“Yeonjun wait.” His mom cooed
Yeonjun turned around on his heels in annoyance, his calm and collected composure faltering a little as fire spewed from his pupils.
“You don’t return my calls. Or respond to my text messages.” His mothers’ tone changed to a pleading one. She desperately needed him to listen to her, and Yeonjun was pretty sure he had never seen this type of emotion from her before, not towards him at least.
“Then you should’ve taken the hint,” he bites back arrogantly. “Now that I moved out of the house you suddenly want to pretend like you’re a mother? I’ll pass. What fancy dinner do you need me to attend now? Do I need to act like the perfect son again? Complete the image of a picture-perfect family for your stockholders?”
His mother was taken aback by his outburst. Yeonjun was never one to pick a fight, especially with her. She had to admit that she enjoyed the fact that he was sticking up for himself, but if the circumstances were different, she would have probably scolded him for acting up.
Yeonjun was getting more and more agitated as all of his bottled up emotions started to unravel. He knew he was being incredibly disrespectful and out of line, but he didn’t care.  
He’d soon go back to never seeing her again, so what was the point in holding back.
“Yeonjun…” Namjoon’s tone altered to a much sterner one. “Hear her out.”
Yeonjun dramatically pulled out a chair and plopped himself down on it. He crossed his legs, resting his arm on the dinner table. “Let’s hear it then. What so god damn important for you to drive 6 hours in the dead of night to look me in the eye for?”
His mother sighed, fluttering her eyes shut in defeat as she shifted in her seat. “Your father is sick Yeonjun.”
It didn’t quite click to him what she meant by that, so he just deadpanned her in the eye, waiting for her to explain.
“Things aren’t looking good for him,” she explains. There wasn’t even a hint of sadness in her words.  
Yeonjun knew that the only thing him and his mother had in common was the hate they shared for that man. Even though they both couldn’t stand him, she always took his side. She had to. The consequences were too high for her not to comply with her husbands’ wishes, but it’s not like she would tell Yeonjun that.
Deep down Yeonjun knew what this meant already. His dad had a history with heart disease, but somehow, he felt like his dad was something more of an invincible parasite. Somehow the worst types of people tend to live the longest. But if this means what he thinks this means, then that philosophy would quickly be invalidated.  
“His condition is deteriorating fast Jun-ah.” Namjoon chimed in carefully, studying his nephew's body language.
Yeonjun was looking at his balled fists. He didn’t know how to feel towards this new information. His dad was dead to him a long time ago, but this hit differently.  
He felt weird about it. No sadness, no guilt, he oddly felt like laughing at the irony of it all, but he was too dazed to react. He guessed that somewhere deep, deep, VERY deep down inside of him he wished for a better relationship with his father, so getting this type of confirmation that it would probably never happen was depressing to say the least.
He licked his pouty lips before deciding to make eye contact with his mom again.
She wasn’t sad either. She just looked back at him stoically, waiting for him to speak up.
“How long does he have left?”
“He’s been holding on longer than expected, so any day now I guess.”
Yeonjun didn’t expect such a straight forward response, and he certainly didn’t expect this short of a time frame.  
His mother tried to study his emotions but then it clicked once more. She doesn’t know the boy that was sitting in front of her. She could pretend to know what he was feeling but she couldn’t. His frozen yet distressed state was heartbreaking to see as his pupils were darting back and forth. His mother knew that she was part of the problem on why he can’t deal with his emotions, and the realisation made her stomach turn in regret as she kept looking at him.
It’s not like she didn’t love Yeonjun, it’s more so that she didn’t know how to.  
“He wants to see you,” she says breaking the silence.
“He wouldn’t tell me.”  
Yeonjun stayed frozen in his seat. The awkward silence made the atmosphere even tenser than it already was. His mother, however, seemed to be just as unfazed. She gave him time to process and didn’t seem to be in a hurry to leave either.  
“Yeonjun…you literally just found out your dad is dying, you must be feeling something right now,” Namjoon says sitting down next to him. He patted his back in comfort, expecting him to either burst into tears, throw a tantrum, scream at them or all of the above. But he stayed calm, collected, icy, just like his mother.
“It’s not like he was up for father of the year,” Yeonjun mumbles, shaking Namjoon’s affectionate arm off of him. He didn’t want to be comforted; he didn’t want to hear any of this. Yeonjun didn’t need yet another thing to go wrong in his life right now.
What he did need was you. If anyone could make him feel something it was you, and only you.
He couldn’t even process last nights’ events and now he had to deal with a literal death in the family? Did the universe hate him or something?  
He sighed throwing his head back as he rubbed his temples in agony.  
“I know that this must come as a shock, and the issues with your girlfriend only fuel that fire, but I want you to know that our door is always open for you, you know that, right?” Hye-Jin says softly, sitting down next to Yeonjun on the opposite side of her husband.  
Girlfriend huh? Damn, that stings.
“You have a girlfriend?” The tone of his mothers’ voice rose in surprise.  
“Had,” Yeonjun says crossing his arms as he furrowed his eyebrows.
She really didn’t know him at all. She wanted to though, but she wasn’t sure how far she could go without scaring him off completely.  
“How about we take a walk together?”
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It was 9 AM and you were wide awake. You think you got a full 2 hours of sleep, but you weren’t sure since you were too busy tossing and turning.
Mia insisted on sleeping over, and you knew she would never take no for an answer, so you decided to just let her have her way.
Even though you wanted to be alone, you were also glad that you weren’t.  
The talk you had last night with Mia made you feel much lighter.  
Mia knew everything by now. She knew about how serious you and Yeonjun were about making things work, and how much you’ve come to care about him in such a short time.  
Mia was uncharacteristically quiet throughout your whole conversation last night, but you didn’t think much of it, since this must all come as a shock and she probably needed some time to process.
You grabbed your phone to see a million messages from Soobin asking if you were okay and if Mia was with you.
You felt bad for ignoring him, knowing that he’d probably be worried sick about you two, so you texted him to come over.  
It didn’t take long for him to get to your apartment, less than twenty minutes to be exact.
Mia was still sound asleep as your doorbell rang. You got out of the bed to open the door for Soobin, and were surprised to see Taehyun with him.
“Hey…” you say softly.
Soobin didn’t say anything. He just wrapped you into a tight hug and buried his face in your hair. Somehow you thought he was angry with you, but this wasn’t something an angry Soobin would do.
You melted into his embrace and suddenly you feel just how tired you really were, both mentally and physically. There were a lot of things left unspoken, and none of you knew where to start picking up the pieces.
He let go of you slowly and patted your hair. “It’ll be ok,” he assured.
You simply nod at his comment as Taehyun greets you with a hug as well. Soobin made his way into your room to wake Mia up from her immensely deep sleep while Taehyun and yourself sit down on the couch in your living room.
“Yeonjun hyung didn’t come home last night.” Taehyun says worriedly. “We’ve been trying to call and text him but his phone is off.”
Your head snaps up into Taehyuns direction and you see deep bags under his eyes that matched yours. “We’ve been up looking for him.”  
You sigh, rubbing your forehead. “Where could he have gone?”
“We don’t know. We contacted all of his friends but no one has seen him.”
“I…I hope he’s ok,” you say thinking out loud.  
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“Mia, baby…wake up.” Soobin nudged her softly, he laced his fingers with his as he sat on the side of the bed.  
Her lashes fluttered open slowly, she thought she was hallucinating for a second but when she felt his hand caress her cheek she sighed, slowly coming to her senses.
“Never ignore me like that again.” Soobin says sternly.
He didn’t come to pick a fight, but she needed to know that the way she walked out in the middle of the night to look for you with no form of transport all while refusing to answer his calls was not done.  
Not only did he have to worry about Mia, but about you and Yeonjun as well. “I understand that you felt like y/n needed you, but I needed you too. We could have at least gone together but you didn’t even give me a chance, you just stormed out.”
Mia bit her lip. She knew she was wrong, but it was more a spur of the moment type of decision.
“I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just felt like the guys were ganging up in y/n,” she explained softly, holding on to his arm as he kept caressing her face sweetly.
She felt bad for ignoring him, seeing how worn out he looks right now she figured that they didn’t have any luck in finding Yeonjun.
She sat up, giving him a kiss on his cheek as she leaned into him. He wrapped his arms around her waist. “I’m sorry,” she said nuzzling her face in his neck.
He sighed. “It’s ok, let’s just….find a way to fix this mess.”
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Uncomfortable was an understatement for the silence between Yeonjun and his mother.  
He decided to accept the offer of taking a walk around the block together. The clicking of his mother’s heels and the chirping of the birds in the trees was the only form of auditory stimuli to them being together, so she decided to change the previous topic.
“Do you want coffee? There’s a small coffee shop across the street.”  
Yeonjun just nodded, awkwardly putting his hands in his pocket. They had to cross the street together but there was no zebra crossing or working traffic lights to regulate the oncoming cars.
Before his mother could step off the sidewalk to cross the road, Yeonjun protectively pulled her back as a reflex, making sure it was safe to cross.
Their relationship was complicated, but it’s not like he wanted her to be run over by a car.
She looked at him in surprise, taken aback by his touch and his manners.  
Yeonjun sighed, sticking out his arm as a sign that she should link arms with him. She hesitated but complied anyway, knowing that he was probably trying to meet her halfway.
She expected Yeonjun to be a lot more hostile, quiet and reserved like he always was. She expected him to be more on edge and afraid to interact with her as he did before, but she figured he had matured a lot in the year that he spent away from her and his father.
He blossomed; it was evident. He was confident and manly. He was a lot more vocal about his feelings and found solace and happiness in being away from home.
It made her happy that he seemed to have found himself at this school, with his friends and even a potential girlfriend? She really thought Yeonjun would be a loner for the rest of his life given his quiet and obsessively hard working nature.
As they made their way to the small coffee shop. Yeonjun opened the door for his mom to walk in first.
She reluctantly let go of his arm, giving him small smile. “What do you want to have?”
“Something incredibly strong.” Yeonjun huffed.
“We should’ve gone to a bar then.” His mom joked light-heartedly, which earned a small smile from Yeonjun’s end.
“How about an iced Americano?”  
“That’s fine.”  
Yeonjun took a seat at the back of the café, it was busy despite the early hour. And somehow he was thankful that they weren’t alone. As he looked at his mother interacting with the barista, he suddenly felt super weird about the whole thing.
He’s having coffee with his mother.
With….his mother.
It was almost as if he was stuck in a dream of some sort. As if he was catapulted to a different reality where they got along and went on coffee dates every Sunday morning to catch up.  
His mind trailed off into a day-dream. He started thinking of you again, of everything that had happened last night. Somehow it felt like it happened days ago, but before he could snap out of it himself, his mother returned with the drinks.
“Here you go, I told them to put in an extra shot of espresso.” She handed him the cold plastic cup as she sat down.
He looked up, returning to reality as he took the first sip of his much-needed caffeine boost.
“Thank you,” he says softly stirring around the straw.
“What were you thinking about?” she asked crossing her legs. She hated how she couldn’t read him, and how much he reminded her of herself.
Yeonjun made eye contact with her again and studied her face. Anyone could tell that they were mother and son. They looked like spitting images of each other and it was almost scary to see how she scrunched her nose as she took a sip of her still too hot coffee the same way he does.
“How weird this is,” he answered honestly.
“I wish it wasn’t,” she admits, putting down her cup, as she looks at him insinuatingly.  
Yeonjun nearly choked on his coffee. He looked at her wide-eyed as he cleared his throat, trying to regain composure.
“What changed?” He questions genuinely confused at his mothers sudden confession.
“Your dad won’t be able to control me anymore,” she said with a bitter smile.
“I never got why you stayed with him.”
“I had no choice. I know you think that I didn’t care about you, but I stayed with him so I could keep an eye on you and for the sake of my family's company...”
“How does that make sense.”  
“If we divorced, do you honestly think he would let me have custody of you? There is so much more on the line than you can imagine Yeonjun. It’s a matter of billions.”
Yeonjun sighed, getting more and more impatient with the constant vagueness to her words.
“The life of your son should be worth more than all the money in the world.” He bites back, his tone more venomous than he intended.
His mother was taken aback by his comment, but she understood his anger. How could she not?
“I admit that I should have tried harder to protect you from your father, but I was just as scared as you are. For what it’s worth…I’m sorry,” she says choking up a little..
Did he just hear that right? Was that an apology?
His eyes grew in size as he saw the brims of her eyes fill with tears.  
“Don’t cry, stop,” Yeonjun says frantically reaching for a napkin, handing it to her.
She sighed, taking the napkin from him to dab away the liquid before it could ruin her make-up.  
“It’s going to take time,” she says. “But I’ll try to change. I want to be in your life more, but only if you want me to.”
He bit his lip, absentmindedly playing with the straw of his drink. “I’ve been doing well without you and dad. I have made friends that are like family, I’m doing well with my studies and I’m even on the basketball team. I’ve never felt more at home in my life. I don’t want that to change and I can’t just forget about something I suffered through for 21 years of my life, I can’t just forgive you because you said you’re sorry. Even if dad is dying.”
His mothers’ shoulders fell in defeat, she was sure that he was going to cut ties with her after this, he had every right to, and she wouldn’t have done anything differently.
“But,” he starts. “I’m willing to come home with you for a while. I want to speak to him while I still can, and it doesn’t feel right for you to be alone when he…you know…”
She couldn’t believe her ears. She was happy that he was willing to do this and she realised it took great maturity from him that she didn’t even know he had. 
She took his hand, surprising Yeonjun in the process at the sudden affection.
He sighed, squeezing her hand in comfort. He wasn’t sure if he was doing this for the right reasons or not. Of course, going home in a situation like this would be the natural thing to do, but he had to admit that this was the perfect reason to run away from all the drama here as well. Maybe if he went back home for the rest of summer, he could forget about you for a while, and focus on rebuilding the relationship with his mother and get some sort of closure with is dad before it was too late.
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The four of you talked about last nights’ events for a while now, about why Yeonjun and you decided to hide your relationship, why you panicked and mentioned Wooyoung, and about what was said in the aftermath of the unfortunate kiss. It was almost like a full therapy session.
“I got sick to my stomach when he told me to go sleep with Wooyoung instead. I just…snapped. I don’t understand why he would go that far over something so stupid and out of my control. He was way out of line, and I realise that I never should have slapped him but I…he promised he wouldn’t hurt me and that’s exactly what he did.”
“He was scary. I haven’t seen him like that, ever.” Taehyun affirms.  
Mia gave Soobin a look you couldn’t quite read, but you noticed it.
“What was that?” You say shifting your attention to them, narrowing your eyes in suspicion.
“Mia…” Soobin’s tone was warning her.
“She needs to know.”
“Know what?” you and Taehyun say at the same time.
Soobin sighed. “The night before the party, Yeonjun came home crying.”
“What?” you were shocked to say the least. It was the same night he left your house in a hurry with that dumb excuse, and the same night you snuck into their apartment when nothing seemed to be wrong with him.
He’s too good at hiding what he feels. And suddenly you start to doubt everything you know about him.
“Something happened, but he wouldn’t tell me what. He told me about his parents in more detail and…Ugh I shouldn’t say anything.” Soobin says suddenly stopping mid-sentence. "I promised him.”
“The circumstances are a little dire, don’t you think?” Taehyun says. “If it will help solve the situation then we need to know.”
You nodded in agreement and give Soobin a hopeful look.
He sighed in defeat. “His dad, he was abusive.”  
“What?” Taehyun says in disbelief.  
You couldn’t respond or compute. You just sat there zoning out to when Yeonjun told you that he didn’t have a good relationship with his parents, but this…you could have never imagined this.
“Take it from the one with a psychology major, Yeonjun probably reacted the way he did on purpose. I think he wants to protect you from himself. He pushed you away because he’s afraid he can’t give you stability since he’s never had it himself. Most abuse victims go through self-loathing and self-doubt to deal with their feelings. ” Mia says in all seriousness.
You look at her, angered at the fact that she didn’t tell you when you poured your soul out to her last night. You thought it was your fault that he snapped at you the way he did, and now she suddenly wants to play the psychiatrist?  
“You knew, and didn’t tell me?” you looked at both Soobin and Mia, your voice was shaky but it was evident that you were upset.
Mia sighed, running her hand through her hair. “It didn’t seem like the right moment.”
“When is it ever the right moment? If I knew, I would’ve seen right through him. I could have talked some sense into him instead of literally hitting him in the face! Do you know how awful that makes me feel? I put my hands on him and you’re telling me his dad has been doing that to him his whole life!?”  
You were raising your voice at them at this point, and you didn’t care.  
Taehyun grabbed your hand to calm you down in response.
Mia closed her eyes at your loud voice and flinched. She felt sorry, but she felt like she did the right thing by waiting for Soobin to tell you.
“It wasn’t our secret to tell y/n.” Soobin says calmly.
He’s right. This wasn’t their fault, but you needed to blame someone. You sigh burying your face in your hands, trying to calm down as Taehyun softly patted your back. “It’s okay to be frustrated, but don’t take it out on us…we’re just trying to help. We want the best for both of you.”  
“I’m just so tired of all of this,” you say choking back tears of frustration.
The silence was disturbed by the loud ringing of Soobin’s phone. It startled you and everyone looked his way.
“It’s Beomgyu,” he says staring at the screen.
“Well, pick it up, it could be about Yeonjun.” Mia says nudging him.
Soobin accepted the call immediately and put the phone on speaker.
“Hyung, Yeonjun is leaving,” Beomgyu says in a panic.
All eyes in the room turned to shock and confusion as all of you looked at each other
“What do you mean leaving?” Soobin says as he sits up, alerted, and stressed.
“He got home, he’s packing his bags, and he’s leaving. He said something is going on with his family but he wouldn’t say what and he also didn’t mention how long he’d be gone for.”
Mia and you look at each other in distress. What the fuck was going on? Why does everything seem to go wrong all at once?
Taehyun grabbed his phone and started typing frantically, you averted your attention from Soobin to him and saw that he was Googling Yeonjun’s family name and the company names to see if there was any news.
How did you never think of that? These people are loaded corporate people, the internet must be full of information about them.
“I’m coming home. Make sure he doesn’t leave before I get here,” Soobin says as he hangs up.
“Hyung, wait,” Taehyun says as his eyes widened. “Look.”
He turned the phone so everyone could see.
“Daniel Choi to step down from CEO position due to health concerns,” you read out loud.
“Health concerns?” Soobin says confused as ever.
“What does that even mean?” Mia huffs.
“The article didn’t go into detail, but if he has to step down from his CEO position then…I guess it’s serious,” Taehyun says making sense of it all. “The timing is just…terrific,” he adds.
“I’m worried about him,” you say under your breath as you nervously bite your lip.
Even though you’re still mad at him for the way he acted, the empathy you felt for him overshadowed your anger.  
“Let’s go find him then,” Soobin says as he got up, grabbing his car keys and jacket. “Right now.”
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Soobin slammed the car door and rushed upstairs with Taehyun, Mia, and yourself trailing behind him.
He opened their front door and was greeted by a defeated looking Hueningkai and Beomgyu, seated on the couch in silence.
“Where is he?” you say barging through the door.
“He left ten minutes ago; we couldn’t stop him.” Hueningkai sulks as he throws his head back on the couch.
“What did he say?” Soobin asks, sitting down next to Beomgyu, putting his hand on his shoulder to console him.
“He said he had a family emergency and that he didn’t know how long he’d be gone for.” Beomgyu pouts.
“If only we know where he lived.” Hueningkai says as he looks at Soobin.
As the rest of your friends start to come up with theories and discuss everything that has happened, you start to remember something you saw in Yeonjun’s room the night that you were trapped under his bed. It was unpacked box, and you were sure you saw his last name on the label.
Before you knew it, you were already on your way to Yeonjun’s room, which earned you both startled and confused stares from the rest of them.
The boys and Mia follow you to his room, and as you get down on your knees to reach for the box under his bed, the confusion on everyone's faces only multiplied.
“What…are you doing.” Beomgyu asks as he gets closer to you.
You ignore him, taking out the box and looking for the label you spotted. “Here, I think this is his home address,” you say pointing to the label.
Soobins eyes widened, he handed the box to Taehyun, the smart one, to inspect it further.
“The package is from Choi So Ra, I think that’s his mom. It also says Happy Birthday, so it must be from last year.” Taehyun says listing all his findings.
“Why didn’t he open it?” Hueningkai questions in confusion
“That’s not the point, If his mom sent this then we know where he's going!” Mia says excitedly.
“How did you even know it was there?” Beomgyu asks you, scratching the back of his head.
“I saw it when I was hiding from Hueningkai the night before the party,” you explain in slight embarrassment.
Hueningkai’s soul nearly left his body as the realization hit him on why Yeonjun was acting so strange that night. “You were here!?”
You shrug apologetically. Sitting down on Yeonjun’s bed.  
You spot the ugly leopard coat on his clothing rack and your mind starts to fill with bittersweet memories.
How did everything go to shit so quickly when things were looking up for you guys?
“If that’s his address then…what are we going to do with it?” Beomgyu asks, sitting down next to you; looking at Soobin with his big doe eyes.
Soobin cleared his throat, taking the box from Taehyun.
“Everyone go pack your shit, we’re going on a road trip.”
Chapter 9 
288 notes · View notes
stxrrywildflower · 4 years
for better or for worse (2)
pairing - spencer reid x reader
summary - when the people they love the most are kidnapped and ripped out of their hands, the bau does everything they can to get them back before it turns dire
warnings - mentions of case, angst, injury details
series masterlist
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drugs were coursing through your veins. you could tell that from the minute your eyes slowly opened.
instead of being met with bright lights or some random room, you were met with total darkness. the cloth veil over your head prevented you from seeing anything. a second cloth was secured around your face, acting as a gag to prevent you from calling out.
your head lolled slightly, due to both the drugs and actually having some form of control over your movements.
the cloth was violently ripped off, now exposing the environment you were in.
your eyes met andrew’s, who was sitting across from you. through still hazy eyes, you looked back and forth, desperate to try and figure out your surroundings.
penelope was to your right and leslie to your left. next to her was kristy, then andrew, krystall, and finally will.
the seven of you made up an almost perfect circle, one person facing another. you were tied of the same way, arms restrained behind the chair while your legs were tied to the base of the chair.
everyone was still fairly loopy, though penelope was sober enough to have tears already flowing down her cheeks.
“welcome everyone!” a voice called.
the three men, the same ones who delt with the fabric over your faces, stood in a triangle around the edge of your circle. each had on a full face masks preventing you from seeing their identities.
“what the hell do you want with us,” andrew spat out after managing to get the gag out of his mouth. everyone was more than fine with him taking charge, he was the fbi agent after all.
“you,” the one with the blue mask started, twirling a knife in hand, “are going to tear your other halves into pieces emotionally and i’m sure physically.”
he went on for another few minutes, the others chipping in occasionally. the whole thing was strategically planned out, unless the team found you, you wouldn’t be getting out anytime soon.
you were the first one to receive any form of an injury.
your occasional snarky and sarcastic personality trait was coming in force. as the three men entered the room, only to taunt the group, you couldn’t help but call them out.
“imagine thinking your going to get something good out of kidnapping all of us,” you started. “you guys are a bunch of morons who’s heads are pretty much wanted on platters by the team and i’m-” you were cut off by a hard punch to your cheek.
a gasp espacped your lips, pain radiating in both your eye and nose. a thin steam of blood trickled down your face. between the drugs hitting you even harder with the final effects on your body and now this, you were extremely exhausted.
they left the room soon after that, no clues or hints on where they were going.
“you okay?” will’s thick accent took a second to process in your head.
“fine,” you grumbled, moving your head to the side to wipe the blood from your nose on your shirt. “the teams going to get us out of this,” kristy spoke, as if to reassure herself. “i know they will.”
back at quantico, the team all sat around the table, still looking down at the phones. “i really hate to say it, but there’s little we can do until the kidnappers make contact.”
“are you joking?” spencer exclaimed, “do you really expect us to just sit here and wait while everyone is probably being tortured by the bastards who took them?”
they hated to admit, he did have a point.
j.j. led luke out of the room, keeping one hand on his back to comfort the agent who was moments away from breaking down crying.
“spencer, a word?”
the genius grumbled to himself quietly, pushing his chair back before following emily out of the conference room and into her office. “i need you to calm down,” she spoke gently.
that was easily one of the worst things she could have said to spencer.
“no i’m not going to calm down prentiss,” spencer snapped. “i lost maeve to an unsub the same way. how dare you tell me to ‘calm down’ when y/n is missing and we have absolutely no idea where her or the others went.”
emily frowned slightly at the mention of the event from almost eight years ago. while the current unit chief wasn’t on the case, she had heard about it while in london and did everything she could from where she was to help out spencer.
“i want you to take a walk. we need your head clear and ready to work,” emily spoke gently. spencer opened his mouth, wanting to protest but shut it quickly. he wanted to do as emily said, for your sake at least.
spencer shook his head, leaving the office after grabbing his bag and heading towards the elevator. maybe some fresh air would do him some good.
“why not me,” luke mumbled, barely audible to the blonde agent.
j.j. had taken luke to morgan’s old office to help him calm down. her motherly instincts had kicked in, especially as she knew how emotional luke could get in situations like these, stress adding on as it involved penelope.
“why did they take penelope instead of me? i’m apart of this team too,” tears started to flow down luke’s cheeks. j.j. pressed her lips together, wanting to stay strong enough for both his and her sake. her mind creeped back to will, desperately hoping he was okay.
“i don’t know luke, i really don’t. but trust me when i say, we will find them,” she reassured, wrapping an arm around the fellow agent. “thanks j, do you mind giving me a minute alone?”
j.j. nodded, squeezing his shoulder one more time before standing up just as her phone rang.
“my mom is coming down to get the boys. matt, she can take a few of yours,” j.j. announced once she met up with matt and rossi. they needed the kids handled so full focus could be on solving the case.
“joy is also flying in, she was on her way even before this whole thing. she can watch keely and the others” rossi chipped in. emily joined the group just in time to hear rossi’s offer.
matt nodded, the three parents in mutual agreement. “i’m going to meet up with tara and get started on some work. i mean what else can we do.”
“how’s spencer?”
“frustrated,” emily answered. “i’m honestly suprised no one else is on his level.”
j.j. sighed. “emily i don’t know what we’re going to do,” she admitted. “agents aren’t supposed to work cases when they’re personally involved. and with this, i mean we all are. what are we even supposed to do?”
“we really need reinforcements.”
“have you heard?”
“yeah i’m about to head over now. you?”
“same. are we really bringing our badges out of retirement?”
“hey don’t say retirement. makes us sound old.”
“and yes we’re heading back. they’re family, and they need our help.”
with that, the phone call ceased.
the bullpen seemingly stopped, all eyes going over to the glass doors. none other than aaron hotchner and derek morgan stepped in, bags by their side and visitors badge clipped to their pants.
their styles altered greatly. hotch was dressed down in jeans and a patagonia quarter buttoned pullover, work boots as his shoe of choice. morgan was the same, opting for a t-shirt and zip up instead.
agents nodded as a sign of respect at the two former agents, their legacy with the bau team was still looked up to.
the current bau team seemed empty.
no one jumped up to greet them. no one hugged. no one could even muster up a convincing enough smile.
they all just looked down, going back to their individual work. spencer and luke were at the genius’s desk, chairs pressed close together as they put together information. rossi, j.j., and tara were in the conference room, boards put up with pictures of the phones as well as screenshots from street cameras. that left matt and emily who were engaged in a deep conversation.
emily stopped when she noticed the two men lingering. “go help spencer and luke. let them know to meet up with the other three when they’re done,” she ordered.
“thank you for coming, i wish we could meet under different circumstances,” she spoke, expending her hand out for them to shake. “we can talk in my office.”
the two former agents followed the current unit chief up, not bothering to sit in the chairs, preferring to stand. “bet you didn’t expect to be back in here,” morgan nudged hotch.
“is the team holding up okay? everyone seemed a little numb,” derek commented.
“how’s the investigation going? what do you have nailed down so far?” hotch quickly added.
“nothing, we have absolutely nothing. just broken cell phones and the word ‘love.’ we don’t have a tech analyst so we can’t even figure out half of the stuff we need to. no one can even focus right because we’ve had the people we love taken away with no means of communication or no clues. i think it’s understandable that we’re a little numb. and i just don’t know what to do because i’m dealing with myself and keely and also having to be a leader of the team,” emily stopped herself, running her hand through her hair to calm down.
her rant was pretty all over the place, mirroring the emotions she was feeling.
“which is why we’re here,” hotch stated. “morgan and i have the most clear heads out of everyone. if you say the word, we can lead this investigation and track down the unsubs. it would be the easiest way to make sure we get everyone back.”
emily nodded, wrapping her arms around herself. “okay. just please help us find them,” she pleaded. “we will, i promise.”
it was almost five hours before the mixed team found anything. a postal service worker stepped into the bullpen, holding a box and ipad in the other. anderson talked to him for a moment, motioning for emily to come down.
“i have a package for emily prentiss. you just need to sign here,” he repeated. emily was still hesitant, but leaned forward to write her signature.
emily held the box out in front of her, careful to keep her movements still as one wrong movement could set it off if it was in fact dangerous. she brought it up to the conference room, placing it on the table.
“it’s not an explosive,” derek determined after his examination. silence fell over the room.
tara was the one who leaned forward to open the box. her hands were shaky, directly due to her nervousness. no one knew what was inside, other than that it wasn’t a bomb.
all eyes were on the box, listing as the tape was cut open, them the cardboard flaps lifted.
bloody jewelry was inside; three wedding rings, two necklaces, a bracelet, and finally a helix earring.
spencer took a sharp breath. each piece of jewelry belonged to an individual taken. yours was the earring, an anniversary gift from him. the usual gold piece was now stained red.
the hope the team had for you all being alive cracked just a little bit more.
☆ ☆ ☆
tags - @zozoleesi @emxlyprentxss @spencerreidfanatic00 @mrs-dr-reid @irjuejjsaa @ogmilkis @sageellesworth05 @mortallythoughtfulgurl @brainyreid @ah-blossom @kissessforharryyy @ssareidbby @spencersglasses @spenciepoo338 @mggstyles @emilouu @loki-an-idiot @reidsmyhusband-emilysmymistress @pianofirepirate @ssa-morgan @afuckingshituniverse @spencerslatte @reminiscing-writer
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moonflower-31 · 4 years
I Won’t Forget You - Spencer Reid x Reader
(Part 1) 
Part 2 
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female Reader 
Warnings: Murder Case descriptions and mild language  
Tags: @dra-reid 
Now you were incredibly nervous. More so than three weeks ago when you took the final exam. 
"Come on, (Y/N/N), you passed the damn test! Of course they want you to shadow the BAU." Gabriel tried to assure you, lying lazily on the sofa of your shared apartment. He munched on a bag of potato chips, reminding you to get on him about that later. 
"You don't know that, Gabe. Just because I passed the test doesn't automatically mean I'm a good fit. Sure, I've wanted to be a part of the BAU for as long as I can remember…"  
You sigh and rub the back of your neck with a nervous hand. "B-but that doesn't mean I'm the best candidate. My chance of success here is barely 15% at the most compared to the hoard of agents who applied for the BAU shadowing opportunity." You paced back and forth, gesturing wildly towards your best friend as you tried to calm your desperate nerves. 
"Girl, calm your tits." You turn your head, looking into the gorgeous brown eyes of your other roommate. "You and Gabe both passed. You both have great opportunities. That's more than I've gotten worth in tips for the past 3 years." Iris insists, shoving Gabriel's legs off the couch so that she could sit. Gabriel rolled his eyes and purposefully put his legs in her lap. This then began a small fight between the two of trying to win over the other. 
"(Y/N), real talk, was it me who got a shadowing opportunity to be a fuckin' profiler's protégé?" He asks, sipping on what felt like his third coke of the morning. 
You exhaled annoyedly and shook your head, giving into Gabriel's little attempt at giving you a 'lesson'. "No… though you did get offered a job. An undercover one too. I'm not even gonna get paid half of what a real profiler makes." Exasperated, you sigh and groan in front of him, biting the inside of your cheek. 
It wasn't that you didn't believe that you got accepted. No, you knew that you probably had planted some bias in Agent Hotchner three weeks ago that had helped you get accepted. No this was more doubt of 'what if I get placed on Dr. Reid's team?' 
Recently, although you had tried everything to dream of something--anything else, the handsome doctor had been firmly cemented as the star in your nightly adventures. And each morning you'd woken up with a bright red face. So that question of yours? The idea that this whole 'crush' business couldn't get worse? It got worse. 
And unfortunately, Gabriel picked up on it. 
"So what I'm getting paid more? Your job has more branches to reach out to. I can only go so damn far. And that means I can pay more rent for you." He insists. "Something tells me this ain't about the job though." He teases, wiggling his eyebrows flirtatiously and flashing his whiskey-colored eyes. 
You rolled your eyes, blushing immediately at his inquire. "N-no… no this is only about the job."
"Uh huh, sure it is. It totally isn't about a certain Lover Boy you met that could potentially be the agent you shadow." He teases, swirling a pointed finger at you. 
Iris slaps his arm. "Oh hush. If she don't want to talk about him then that's fine. She's fine without a damn man on her arm." She insists, finally getting Gabriel's feet off of her legs. "Damn it, Gabe! Again with the crumbs?" Iris complained, swiping at the potato chip crumbs that had accumulated on the sofa. She pushed a strand of her dark brown hair behind her ear, trying to clean up the mess Gabriel had made around her. 
Gabriel just shrugged. " That's only 'cause you're only into girls, Iris." He insists, popping another chip into his mouth and crunching obnoxiously. "And yes, again with the crumbs." He says sarcastically. "But seriously, (Y/N). Just go. You'll do fine, I'm sure. There's nothing you and that mind can't do. Be sure to get me that pretty boy's number though. I wouldn't mind gettin' me some Chocolate Thunder." He playfully growled, winking at you. 
You groaned and chuckled. "Fine fine, I'll see what I can do. Try not to destroy the place while I'm gone?" You beg, grabbing your small bag and being sure to re-check your hair in the microwave reflection. 
"No promises! Have funnn!~" 
You rolled your eyes again and snickered. You quickly say your goodbyes and leave the apartment, hoping that the day wouldn't be as bad as you thought it would be. 
You really felt the 'butterflies' now as you stepped out from the elevator. You swallowed nervously and picked at the button at the end of your blazer sleeve. 
What would Spencer even say? Would he be happy you were the one who was accepted? You hoped so. He seemed to enjoy talking to you when you met. You now wished you had the confidence to have asked for his number or to perhaps meet up for a chess game. He seemed like the kind of guy who would prefer a chess match to going on a date.
You took in a deep breath. You needed to calm down. You were going to be fine. You'd gotten this far. There was no going back. 
You exhaled the long breath and finally pushed through the glass entryway to the bullpen of the BAU. You took a moment to take in your surroundings to hopefully be able to differentiate between which offices were who's once you met their owners later as you assumed you would. 
Then, when your legs decided to work, you turned your attention to the familiar face walking towards you. 
"Agent (L/N). It's a pleasure to see you again, this time as a graduate." Agent Hotchner greeted, extending a hand for you to shake. You bit through your nervousness and took his hand, shaking it earnestly. 
"Likewise, Agent Hotchner." 
"Hotch is fine. You have a desk in front of Dr. Reid's, you should have a licensed badge and holster there as well. You already know Agent Morgan and Dr. Reid, correct?" He asks, flipping through your file. You nod in response. 
"Yes sir. We spoke the day I took my final exam." 
"Good. Come with me, I'll introduce you to the rest of the team. You understand the parts of this job is like that of an actual profiler?" 
"Yes, I read it over in the job details, sir." You answered, following Hotch as he began to guide you into the bullpen. 
Almost immediately you gained the attention of three heads. One more following a blond haired woman who entered after you did. 
"Everyone, this is Agent (L/N). She's our shadow graduate. She will act as a profiler just like the three of you. She will be shadowing Agent Prentiss. I'll leave you all to get to know her. We're reviewing a case in twenty minutes." He alerts before he turns on his heel and starts walking towards his office. Guess that was Agent Hotchner for you. 
"So, we meet again baby girl." 
You roll your eyes playfully and turn towards Morgan. "So we do. Do tell me how you survived without me, Agent Morgan." You teased, winking at him. See? You could flirt. 
Spencer looked up at you with a wonder. He had been told you were the shadowing Agent, but he hadn't prepared himself for how you would look on your first day. Your clothes fit you perfectly. And he could see the slight indent on your cheek, signalling you were biting the inside again. It was adorable to him. How was he going to focus with you around? 
"Good to see you again, Dr. Reid." You greeted, snapping him from his slight haze. He jumped slightly, blushing momentarily. 
"U-uh yeah. Yeah you too. And just Reid is fine." He nods towards you, effectively raising your nerves another level. 
"So you’re the shadowing agent. At least we'll have less testosterone around." A woman with dark brown hair greets. You assume her to be Agent Emily Prentiss from her eyes. She was the agent you'd be shadowing. 
"Right." You agree, smiling with a slight giggle. "And your Agent Prentiss, right? And the woman behind you is Agent Jareau?" You guessed. Your memory was unbeatable sure, but sometimes you got names wrong. Some names might've changed within the last memory you saw them and when you see them again. 
Prentiss smiled. "Yep. Emily or Prentiss is fine with me. But she goes by JJ within the team." Prentiss gestures behind her, showing you the blond woman who waved at you sweetly. 
"Hi." She greets, extending her arm. You take her hand and shake it. "I'm JJ. You can call me that if you'd like. Jareau is fine too, if you prefer it." She assures. 
You nod in understanding and let her hand go. "Thank you. I'm glad I'm not outnumbered by men. Even if one of those men has a higher IQ than me." You snicker. 
Spencer looks up almost as if he was summoned, looking at you in interest. Morgan glances from you to Spencer, wondering what exactly you'd meant by that. "And what is that supposed to mean?" He asks, a teasing smile finding a place on his face. 
"O-oh… sorry. I don't mean to brag. I have an IQ of 167. And I can read at a maximum of 10,000 words per minute." 
Morgan grinned. "Ooh, she's coming for your title, Pretty boy." Morgan teased, shoving Spencer’s shoulder. Spencer rolled his eyes at Morgan’s teasing, more focused on you. You might not have as fast a reading speed as him, but you were quite intelligent. You enjoyed it when he began to explain certain statistics. He wondered what he'd done to earn your attention. 
"He's right, she might try to take your place as resident genius, Reid. You might want to be careful." Prentiss teased, a slight smirk on her lips. 
"Guys, really, He's the genius here. I'm just some newbie agent here to shadow one of you for a year to see if this is the field for me. That's all." You assure, raising your hands in front of your chest in surrender. 
"Oh we know. Teasing just our thing. Especially with Spence." JJ assures back, resting a hand on Spencer’s shoulder. She carried a file in her hand. Probably the next case, you guessed. You wondered if you'd even get to go on this case, considering how brand new you were to this. 
Spencer sighed and you giggled a little. "And I'm sure he enjoys it. Did you know that affectionate teasing can actually be beneficial? It can help you gain insight into who you really are and gain access to your excesses. It's actually interesting to think about." 
Morgan rolled his eyes and groaned while Prentiss shook her head. "Here we go, another one of him I gotta deal with. Derek groaned sarcastically. You giggle and smile again, glad to get the rest of the group to stop teasing Spencer as much. 
"What can I say? If I find something matches a situation, why not give out the info? It might help. How many times has Reid's insight been helpful on cases?" You asked. 
Reid blinked a few times at you, staying remotely silent as he waited for his teammate's responses. Were you really defending him? After you'd barely even met him? 
"Plenty of times." JJ interjected, smiling still just as brightly. 
"See?" You point out. "Sometimes having some extra facts up there can help with problem solving." 
"Yes, being able to draw on that information is what helps me to find solutions to a multitude of problems while we're on a case." Spencer finally spoke up. 
You grin at him. "It really does. It's how I finished the test so early. That and studying. That's kind of unavoidable." 
You giggle slightly after finishing your response, hearing a quickening click of heels rapidly approaching you and your little chat circle. You turn around and smile at the very eccentric blond haired woman who had appeared behind you. 
"You're Agent (L/N), the new shadow, right?" She asks, smiling at you brightly. After you nod she smiled even brighter. "I'm so glad you're here. I'm no longer drowning in testosterone!" She exclaimed, making you laugh heartily. 
"True true. And you are… Technical Analyst Penelope Garcia, right? I've read about you." You guess. And you assume you guessed right as soon as Garcia's eyes widened with surprise and glee. 
"Oh you already know me! That's great!" 
"Hey, by the way how do you know of us already? I think I would probably have forgotten everybody's name if I just looked up news articles." Morgan asks, shifting his weight off of his desk. 
"O-oh… uh…" you stutter. You'd forgotten to tell them of your hyperthymesia. Well, better now than never. "I have a condition called hyperthymesia. It's a disorder where I can't forget anything. Well, mostly anything. I still got the infancy amnesia like everyone else, but that's it. I can tell you exactly what I wore to school on my tenth day of kindergarten. And what I learned."
Morgan and Prentiss widen their eyes. "Really? You can't forget anything?" Morgan clarifies. 
"Yep. It's all up here." You assure, pointing to your head. 
"That is like, so cool. I wish I had it. No wait, no I don't. I'd never be able to forget the invasive information I have to learn about all our unsubs." Garcia rants, making you giggle. 
"Yeah, you don't want it." 
"Why choose the FBI? Especially with your condition?" Derek asks, giving you a questioning brow. 
"Look, I know I'm never going to be able to forget anything about these cases. But I want to help people. Not like a police officer. But really save people. And put the killers and rapists in prison so no one else is hurt. I've always wanted to profile, so here I am." You say sternly and almost inspiringly. Morgan thankfully backed off afterwards. 
Spencer's smile never left his face as he listened to your reasoning for choosing this line of work. Sure, he'd heard it before, but he liked hearing it. Spencer soon after stood up as soon as he saw Hotch leave his office, waiting for the announcement. 
"Everyone meet in the conference room. We'll be leaving in 40 minutes." He announces. You sigh and start to grab the badge and holster from your desk, assuming you wouldn't be going. 
"You too, (L/N)." He continued. 
You widened your eyes and didn't even think to fight the smile that crept onto your face. Morgan smiled at you and nudged your shoulder. "Look who's coming on her first case on her first day. You got a go-bag ready?" He asked. 
"I have one packed just in case in my trunk. Hotch told me to be prepared." You answered back a tad sheepishly. Morgan grinned back at you, semi-impressed. 
"Good. Now come on, can't start without you." 
You smile brighter at Morgan’s comment, adjusting your badge and holster before grabbing your bag again to head into the conference room. 
Once inside the room, you find the man you recognize to be SSA Agent David Rossi already seated. He stands and smiles at you. "You're the new agent, right?" He asks, reaching out his hand. 
"Yeah, I am. I'm Agent (L/N). It's a pleasure to meet you, Agent Rossi. I've read your books. You're a great author." You greet. He smiled warmly back at you. 
"Welcome to the team. Hope you find this to be the field best suited for you." He says kindly as he takes his hand back. You nod to him. 
"I sure hope so too." 
You then both take your seats; you soon finding out that the only seat left available was next to Reid. You fought the incoming blush and took your seat, thanking JJ for the electronic tablet that she placed in front of you with the information of the case. 
"How'd you know?" 
You blink and turn towards the source of the sudden voice, smiling when you see Spencer turned slightly toward you as he flipped through his paper copy of the case. Guess he wasn't one for technology. 
"Know what?" 
"That teasing in the affectionate format can be beneficial to overall mental health? I haven't considered researching it." He asks. You sigh slightly in relief. 
"Oh, well… I have a Bachelor's degree in psychology, and I took a minor in social science. I did a little more research of my own. It was never an assignment, I just enjoyed it and wanted extra credit if my teacher would give it to me." You giggle. Spencer nodded in understanding, looking from you to the case again. 
"No technology, huh?" You observe. He looks back up at you and nodded with a slight laugh. 
"Yeah, I prefer books and paper. My phone is the least modern one that my phone company would sell me." He says, pulling it out to show it to you. 
"Interesting. I'm kinda indifferent. I love reading though. Whether online or otherwise. Especially poetry." You express. 
Spencer smiles at you again, letting out a soft, half laugh before he turned his attention to JJ and the case she was presenting. 
"The bodies of three men over the course of the last 3 months have been found in the lower parts of Illinois. The most recent one of John McAllister just one week after the last one. The Galesburg PD office connected the pattern and has contacted us for our assistance." JJ informs, turning on the screen behind her and showing the images of the three men. 
"Each man was found castrated, beaten, and without signs of a struggle. They also share the same hair color; dark brown." She adds. 
"This unsub is castrating them post or antemortem?" You ask. 
"Fortunately post-mortem. It seems to be our unsub's MO. Each man had differing injuries, but all were castrated." JJ clarifies. 
"This unsub is bringing down men who all seem to be built physically. Men who could defend themselves. This unsub might be after the power aspect of these kills." Rossi points out. 
"Perhaps… if you take a look at how each body is placed, it's almost careless. Like the unsub didn't even try to hide the bodies." Spencer adds, looking up at Morgan who spoke up next. 
"Could we be dealing with a female unsub? Or is this a man who has a harsh view of masculinity?" He asks. 
"Is there any other connection? Perhaps places they visited? People they knew?" You ask. 
"There isn't anything yet. Garcia, can you take a look at each of the victim's financial records and anything that puts them somewhere that the other victims also were?" Hotch asks. 
"I'll do that and get them right back to you as quick as I can." She answers, her face in the corner of the screen in front of all of them. 
"Good. We'll discuss the rest of the file on the jet. Wheels up in 30." 
You can't help but feel a little giddy. This was your first case! You just hoped you packed enough clothes for however long this case was going to take you. 
"You ready?" 
You turn your head and smile at Reid's presence behind you. He was holding onto the strap of his messenger bag and looking at you as you both packed up to get on the jet. He looked cute in a dark cardigan and black tie. His shirt underneath it all was navy blue, pulling together the look nicely. 
"Yeah, just a little nervous. But I'm sure it's just those damn butterflies." You teased. He laughed and shook his head. 
"I'll see you on the plane." He says with a bright smile before you two parted ways for a brief while. Now all you had to do was get your go bag from your car and get to the Jet in 28 minutes and 32 seconds. Easy, right?
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indefiniteimagines · 4 years
Not Even For A Minute || Poussey Washington Imagine *Requested*
Summary: Poussey has a crush on the reader and thinks she doesn’t like her back, but she does.
Pairing: Poussey Washington x Reader
Warnings: Fem!reader, lewd language/comments, language, reader doesn’t have a preferred sexual orientation, use of R slur, angst, fluff
A/N: Holy shit! This is my first piece of writing in actually only a couple of months, but I’m claiming years because I am officially back like I was in high school. I’m so sorry if this is not my best, I am EXTREMELY rusty, so take it easy on me for now :) 
It was dinner time at Lichfield and it was only my second meal in my new home. My new home filled with almost 200 other women. For the next 5 years, I will see the inside of this cafeteria 3 times a day, 21 times a week, 1,095 times a year and a whopping 5,473 times in total. You’re probably wondering why that matters, but it matters.
I take my tray and do a quick search for a place to sit. I find a spot at the very end of one of the middle tables. It was the only seat with no one in a two foot radius of me. I sit down and look at the food in front of me. My first dinner includes spaghetti, two mini oranges, a salad, and a brownie. It’s not horrible when you think about it. It’s a pretty standard meal. Well it would be without the questionable odor coming from the meatballs. I close my eyes and sigh. 
“Maybe she’s deaf.”
“She ain’t deaf.”
“She can’t hear you if she’s deaf, dummy.”
“Fine, then you try, Angie.”
I was so deep in my own world that I almost didn’t notice the cherry tomato that hit me in my head. 
“Hey, girl!”
I opened my eyes and looked to my left.
“Are you talking to me?” I asked with a hint of a nervous tone.
“Uh yeah, have been for the last 5 hours. You retarded or something?”
“5 hours ago? No that can’t be right. Remember, we was in the laundry room 5 hours ago, Tucky.”
“Jesus, Angie! I was being snide.”
“You mean sarcastic?”
“Snide means sarcastic.”
“Then why not just say sarcastic?”
I watched as “Tucky” closed her eyes and tilted her head in annoyance.
“I’m sorry, but did you guys need something?”
Tucky’s eyes snapped open, “Uh, yeah. Why’re you sitting here?” She took her bottom lip into her mouth as she waited for my response.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know anyone was sitting here.”
“She never said that,” Angie said while flashing her pearly browns.
“I’m confused.”
“Wow maybe she really is retarded,” Angie said.
“Tucky” nodded at Angie, “I think you’re right, Ang. Here, I’ll break it down real slow like for you: You don’t belong here.”
“Look, I don’t want any trouble. Just let me finish my dinner and I’ll never sit with you again.” I tried to reason with the little troll, but she just wasn’t having it. 
She nodded her head while picking up her milk carton. She then poured it all over my food. “Seems to me like you’re done.”
All I could do was stare with my mouth open. 
“Why did you do that?!”
“BECAUSE YOU DON’T BELONG HERE!” She screamed as she stood up and let one of her fist hit the metal table.
“Dogget! You’re done! Empty your tray.” A CO finally intervened from the next row over. Dogget and her Meth Mates got up from the table and walked out. 
All I could do was sit there with my head hanging low as I let a few tears escape. I’m not usually this weepy, but in my defense, all I wanted was that little brownie...which was now swimming in a pool of used milk. 
*A few tables over*
“Fuck was that about?” Poussey asked her family as she nodded her head over to the other table; finally arriving with her tray. 
“Mmmm, Meth Mouth and her cult were fuckin’ with one of the newbies,” Janae replied in the middle of finishing her bite.
Poussey hovered over her chair to get a good look at the bothered inmate and sat back down while shaking her head. 
After having a mini pity party for myself, I got up and dumped my spoiled tray before leaving the cafeteria. I go back to my temporary bunk and buried myself under my blanket. 
“Cheer up, Kid. You’ll be out of here sooner than you know.”
I gave a pitiful grin to the nice older woman.
“I like your eyeshadow.”
“Duh,” she said as she threw me a wink.  
I let out a sigh, got comfortable and laid in my bed until morning.
I finally fell asleep, but only for 2 hours. At the ass crack of dawn, I was woken up by the morning announcement, which had absolutely no enthusiasm. “Good morning, ladies. Try to seize the day. The world is your oyster.”
“You’d think she’d quit if she hates her job so much.” That was the first time I heard the redhead with the horrible bed head speak.
“Bell is about as enthusiastic as a wet bag of hair, but she’s one of the good ones.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” she said groggily.  
“You joining us for breakfast?”
I drifted back to sleep before I could hear her response. I woke up in what seemed like an hour, but was only 30 minutes. For the slightest second I forgot where I was. I opened my eyes and was met with DeMarco standing right in front of me.
“Well good morning sleepyhead! Nice of you to join the living.”
“What? What time is it?”
“You see a clock in here? What I do know is that you got 10 minutes left for breakfast. You better hurry.”
I hop down off my bunk and start to change.
“You don’t talk much, do you?”
I gave her a shrug as I zipped up my jacket and headed for breakfast. I arrived in the cafeteria and was able to get my food right away since there was no line. Some tables are still filled, but some are also empty. I scan the room and pick the table farthest away from Doggett and her followers. I was in the middle of eating my eggs when Angie walked by and sneezed on my tray. 
“Oops, ‘scuse me,” she said with a shit eating grin.
“God damnit,” I whisper to myself while trying not to deck this bitch.
“You shouldn’t say the Lord’s name in vain like that.”
I look up at her through hooded eyes, “Walk the fuck away.” My voice was low and I kind of scared myself.
“Oooo, devil eyes. Hey! She’s got devil eyes,” she says louder than the first time, except now she’s giggling and pointing at me while backing away. Doggett sucks her bottom lip at me while flipping her hood and getting up to walk out. I can feel people starring so I do a very quick observation and then stand up to leave. 
“Empty your tray,” the guard at the door told me. “Get some coffee while you’re at it. It’ll help you stay full until lunch.”
 I look up at his name that’s stitched into his shirt. Ohhhh, so this is O’Neil. I heard some of the girls talking about his scandalous relationship with CO Bell. Good for them. I turned around and went to dump my tray before following the advice and going for the coffee. 
“Yo, why they always fucking with her?” Poussey asked the table as she watched in disapproval as Y/N dumped her tray.
“Why do you care?” Taystee asked while rolling her eyes.
“For real? You ain’t notice that ever since China got out, Prince Charming over here been lookin’ for a new helpless, basket case? I mean, shit.”
“Aye don’t talk about Brook like that. Not cool, Cindy.”
“ “Cindy”? Bitch, fuck you think you is? My mama? Ugh, check ya tone.”
“Whatever man. I’m just tired of seeing Meth Madness fuck with people like they run the place.”
“Again, why do you care?”
“Shit just ain’t right, is all.”
“Mmmhmm,” Taystee replied as they got up from the table.
I turn around after filling my mug and notice that it’s just me, the inmates that clean up and the CO’s supervising them. I carry my warm mug through the halls and I notice there’s not as many people crowding them as there were last night. 
“Inmate! Where you are supposed to be?”
“Uhm, I’m not really sure.”
“Wrong answer!”
“Don’t get smart with me. Jefferson! Tell inmate...Y/L/N where she’s supposed to be.”
“Well, since it’s after lunch, we’re supposed to be headed to our work detail. Not whatever you was doing, apparently.”
The tall guard with the creepy mustache looked down at me and raised his eyebrows.
“Thank you, Jefferson.”
“I don’t have a work detail yet.”
He closed his eyes and sighed. When he opens them he looked back at Jefferson, “you work in the library, right?”
“Take her with you.”
She sucked her teeth, “Man, what do I say when someone asks why she’s there? No offense, but I ain’t taking no shots just because she’s somewhere she’s not supposed to be.”
“What’s a shot?”
“Jesus fuck. Will you both get out of my goddamn sight?” 
He snatched my mug; Jefferson and I gave each other a look and started towards the library. When we got there it was almost empty.
“You know, the labels are there to help the books be put back in their respectful place, not to look cute. I mean, damn.” I notice Jefferson chuckle at the girl we hear before seeing. She’s talking to a pair of inmates who are whispering to each other before tossing another book down and scurrying off. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” she calls after them, but to no avail. She sighs to herself before returning back to work. 
“Hey, P! Whatchu up to?”
“Practically cleaning up behind bitches. I mean, why is it so hard to put a book back in its original spot? Jane Eyre belongs in literature, not SAT Prep,” she called back.
“Truly first world problems,” Jefferson said unamused.
“Yooo, you ever heard of “Oedipus”? It’s mad crazy. Like this one part where the main dude...” she kept talking as she rounded the corner to finally come face to face with us.
“...who’s this?”
“Our puppy dog for the day,” Jefferson said as she rolled her eyes.
“Oh alright then. Well I’m working over here in history. Y’all can start in fiction. It’s a fuckin mess over there.”
“Um, then why don’t we all work in fiction?”
“Did you not hear me say it’s a fuckin mess? Have fun.”
I walked away, smiling to myself. I didn’t think anyone here would care for books like I did.
After the work day was over, I separated from the two friends and went back to my temporary bunk until dinner. The next day I followed Jefferson back into the library.
“Oh, puppy dog is back.”
Jefferson turned her head to me, “Don’t you know when you gettin your work detail yet?“
“Sorry, still no.”
“As much as I’m sure you love the view you get, I’m gettin tired of you following me.”
“I can ask someone if I can work somewhere else.”
“T-ha! And make me look like a problem? I think not.”
“Nah, we could use the extra help in here since bitches can’t put shit back where it’s supposed to go. Hate to break it to y’all, but foreign language is even worse than fiction was.”
“My god. Can’t you help us over here instead of doing whatever it is the fuck you doin?”
“Uh no.”
“Why not?”
“Because I’m President of the Library.”
“Says who!?”
“Suzanne,” she said as a matter of fact while leaning forward to show us her ID that read “President Washington: Library”.
“Aw damn. It’s official and everything. Man, that’s some bull shit,” Jefferson said as she walked away.
All I did was look at the Presidential badge and smile.
“Since you don’t complain like some people, just know you’re first in line for Vice President. Just don’t tell Taystee,” she told me on the sly.
“Ohh, got it.”
“I’m Poussey, by the way,” she said extending her hand.
“Y/N. Nice to meet you.”
“Yeah you too.”
She has a beautiful smile.
Towards the end of the work day, I found myself near Poussey’s section. Since our work for the time being is pretty much done, I start to browse the shelves when I spot a book dear to my heart, “Alice in Wonderland”. I get a mini rush of serotonin and pop a squat up against one of the shelves. I lose track of time, until I realize I no longer see anyone. “Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality”. You are right about that, Mr. Carroll.
“Hello?” I’m immediately startled. I start to shuffle to my feet and by the time I stand, I’m met with someone else.
“Whoa, shit. My bad. I didn’t think anyone else was in here.” Shit, I must’ve I said that out loud.
“Sorry, I guess I lost track of time.”
“It’s cool. So you haven’t been assigned a work duty yet, huh?”
I shook my head.
“I, uh, I must admit that this is the best job. Call me bias, but it’s the truth.”
“Thanks,” I say with a slight smile.
“You’re the one Pennsatucky and her crew keep messing with.”
“Yeah, that’s me.”
“Y’all got beef on the outside or something?”
“No, but I found it’s better to not provoke a methed out mental case.”
“Not wrong there. Well, I’ll see you around. Oh and be careful with Alice, she’s my favorite.”
The next few days were the same. I would follow Taystee into the library and listen to her and Poussey be absolute clowns. Poussey and I got to be closer since we were usually the last two to leave. We talked about how much time we have, our family, and she even told me about the Vee drama. During my stint of unpaid work in the library, I was finally able to change out of the highlighter jumpsuit and into a khaki set.
After an hour or so into a shift, I found myself distracted with my favorite book, “In Five Years”.
“Oh uh, that goes on the second to last shelf right behind you.”
“Huh? Oh yeah. It was actually already in the right spot, but it’s one of my favorites,” I tell her as I put the book back.
“What’s it about?”
“This woman named Dannie-“
We both looked towards the door and saw and the same pasty CO that sent me here.
“With me.”
I gave Poussey a grin and walked towards the CO,
“Where are we going?”
He didn’t answer me and just kept walking. I followed him to a warehouse that smelled of Clorox and musty water.
“Janitorial. Your job assignment. Morello will fill you in on what to do.”
“Oh yeah I can do that. No problem.”
The first couple of hours involved cleaning the halls, but I moved on to the Spanish bathrooms. Poussey was right, the library was the best job to have.
*A few weeks later at dinner
“I don’t know why you’d let Edward Scissorhands cut your hair and not me.”
“Because Danita only charges me a bag of Doritos. Not two cokes. Plus, she don’t even ask for the Cool Ranch flavor!”
“Beggars can’t be choosers. I do two cokes worth of work, Child.”
I laughed at Taystee and Sophia having their little banter in the food line. I walked with them to the table and sat down.
“...but then the dragon realized the little ghost girl was friendly, even though she was cold as ice. Fire and ice, that would never work!”
“Why not? What happened to opposites attract?” I ask sort of challengingly. 
“Mommy said ice is used to put out fires. Well, technically water is used to put out fires but ice is just water in solid form. So the fire would go out!”
“But do you know what happens when fire and ice mix?”
“The world goes dark?”
“No. They make steam,” I gave Poussey a “subtle” smirk.
“Mommy says steam is for showers, crab legs and “fun times”.
“I miss making steam with a fine gentleman with a curve on that dick.”
We all laughed along at what Cindy said and I agreed with her.
“There are just some things your fingers can’t accomplish,” I said jokingly while being serious. She pointed her fork at me, “I like her.”
Poussey was noticeably quiet throughout the rest of dinner. Only chiming in to seem interested. She didn’t even finish her tray before she was dipping out.
“Wait I’ll come with you.”
“Nah, stay and eat. I’ll catch you later.”
“Uh oh. Trouble is Lezzy Paradise?”
I almost didn’t hear Cindy as I kept watching Poussey leave the cafeteria.
“Stop it.”
Taystee rolled her eyes and shook her head.
For the next few days, it was hard to get ahold of Poussey. Since we knew each other’s schedules, it was easy for her to avoid me.
Meals were no better. She made sure to get there early so by the time I was sitting down, she was done.
“Aye, you need to fix that,” Janae told me with her eyebrow raised.
“I don’t know what the problem is.”
“I know you are not that dumb,” Boo said as she sat across from me.
“She’s kicking her own ass because she broke the #1 rule of being interested in pussy...” she continued.
I looked at her as I was waiting for her to continue.
“Never fall in love with a straight girl!”
“Love? What-When did I say I was straight-”
“The other night when that one was talkin bout curved dick and you chimed in basically foamin at the mouth at the thought,” Taystee said.
“Noooo, I was joking.”
“Yeah well, apparently she don’t know that.” I looked at Janae and sighed.
I had to wait until the weekend to see her. It was pouring rain and there was a leak in the library and the cleaning warehouse had a slight flood, so neither of us had work.
I snuck my way to her bunk only to discover her to not be there.
“There’s only one place she’d go...” Janae told me.
I made my way down and opened the door.
She was right.
“...there was another before you, but she got out. There’s a time machine in the laundry room. That was their place. That’s where she goes to think.”
“How’d you find me?”
“Your bunkie.”
“What do you want?”
“What’s going on? Why are you being so weird?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said standing up.
“Are we not friends anymore?”
“Friends,” she said with a sarcastic chuckle.
“Can we please sit?” I gestured to the inside of her hiding spot. She backed up slightly to let me further in to the time machine and we both sat down. Neither of us said anything for a while until I did,
“I’m not gay...”
She nodded her head with a sad smile on her face.
“...but I’m not straight either. I’m just me. I’ve dated guys, I’ve had experiences with girls-”
“Experiences? But you’ve never dated a girl?”
“No, but for the past few weeks, I’ve really wanted to,” I said with a slight smile.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because of this. I didn’t want to say something stupid and mess this up. And because I’ve never dated a girl before, but I have dated guys, I didn’t want you to think I was using you. I thought that because I don’t identify as anything, you wouldn’t like me back.”
“I thought you didn’t like me.”
“I didn’t want you to get hurt.”
“Look, I got my heart broken not too long ago by a girl that promised me forever. She didn’t identify as anything either and she ended up falling in love with a dude when she got out. We were both in a dark place when we met and getting to know each other and eventually falling in love helped. I could’ve given up on love and fate, but I haven’t yet. Look, maybe this-..this connection that we have, challenges what you thought you were. And maybe I'm gonna get my heart broken in a thousand different pieces again. But those are maybes. You can't live your life according to maybes.”
The next few months were bliss. Poussey and I have connected on a level I didn’t know was attainable. 
Today is Valentine’s Day and right now we’re back in the time machine. We’re both laying down, holding each other and looking up at the ceiling. 
“It’s about a woman named Dannie who’s this a high-powered corporate lawyer. She’s one of those types who has everything planned out. The story has a lot of twists and turns because her five year plan goes differently than she thought.”
“So why is it your favorite if it’s so inconsistent? For a woman who knows what she wants “Dannie” sure seems okay with settling.”
“It’s my favorite because it mirrors me. It mirrors us. In five years I saw myself at some job a teenager would have with my only responsibility being my phone bill.”
“What do you see now?”
“I see me with our dog, Keith, holding signs with your dad on your release day. Then I see us heading to our apartment where you can see it for the first time in person. Then we’ll go to our jobs, pay rent, and hound our parents for travel money.”
“I’m in your future?”
“You are my future.”
She gave me a kiss when there was a bang on the cardboard door, “Hey kids! They’re doing interviews in the bunks,” Boo informed us.
When we got to her dorm, there were a few guards asking ladies questions about love.
“Does anyone else want to be asked questions?”
“Yeah, I do,” Poussey said while raising her hand.
I feel Taystee put her elbow on my shoulder, “What the hell?” The rest of the family comes around.
“Okay Washington, what is love?”
“Love. It’s just chilling, you know? Kicking it with somebody, talking, making mad stupid jokes. And, like, not even wanting to go to sleep, ‘cause then you might be without ‘em for a minute,” she looked at me, “And you don’t want that.”
•taglist: @mina672
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This Christmas - A Harry Styles Series (Part 12)
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Two life long friends. Secretly in love. Home for the holidays. Will they risk everything by telling the other how they feel? Or will they spend another year loving from afar?
Read these first    
Prologue   Part 1    Part 2   Part 3    Part 4   Part 5  Part 6 Part 7   Part 8   Part 9   Part 10    Part 11 
Waking up the next morning alone in your childhood bedroom was a little disappointing. It was a strange feeling not waking up with the warmth of Harry by your side. The fact that it had only been a couple of days meant you were in for a rude awakening once you went back to your flat in London. Speaking of which, neither you or Harry has brought up what would happen next, but it looks like you’ll have your trip to discuss it.
After washing your face and brushing your teeth, the realization it was Christmas morning and the aroma of your mother’s traditional Christmas morning breakfast taking over the house quickly brought your spirits up. Once you were done, you went straight downstairs, still wearing your Christmas pajamas, and your mouth watered at the sight of food on the table.
“Happy Christmas!” you smiled, hugging your mother.
“Happy Christmas, honey,” she smiled. “Everything is almost done.”
“Awesome, need any help?” You asked.
“Want to grab plates and then get your father?” She asked.
“Sure thing,” you smiled.
You went over to the cabinet taking out enough plates for everyone and placing them on the table. You decided on going ahead and getting everyone drinks as well before going in search of your father, who was in his office getting the present for your mother. It was something he always did. He had to wait to put it out last minute because if she knew he had purchased something for her, she would make him take it back.
“I really think she’s going to like this one this year,” he smiled, holding the box in his hands.
“You say that every year and while she does usually like them, she still complains,” you laughed.
“True, but she only stays mad at me for a couple of hours and then she lets herself enjoy the gift,” he shrugged.
“Traditions, right?” You smiled.
“Gotta love ‘em,” he said.
After stuffing your face with all Christmas breakfast, it was time to open up presents. You all took turns opening your gifts. Thank yous, gasps, laughs, and a few tears were shed with each opened present. At the end of it all, there was nothing but wrapping paper and empty bags and boxes scattered around.
“How is that we have grown children and there’s still a mess on our floor on Christmas morning?” Your mother laughed.
“Because everyone’s a kid at Christmas,” you smiled.
Next up on the family traditions was watching another Christmas movie before getting ready to head over to Anne’s. This time you picked How the Grinch Stole Christmas. You helped your mother clean up the mess while you watched the movie and spent the rest of it cuddled up on the couch, drinking yet another cup of hot chocolate.
When the movie was over, you went up to your room to get ready. You always wanted to look nice on Christmas, spending extra time on your hair and makeup and wearing a nice outfit. However, this Christmas you wanted to look extra special. Luckily, you packed a new deep shade of green dress that fit you perfectly. It wasn’t too tight, but it still flattered your figure, which you loved.
You paired it with red heels and a deep, red lip. To add in a little extra festiveness,  you put on your Christmas tree earrings. They were definitely a little much, but you loved them. When you met your parents downstairs, they both smiled at you.
“What?” You blushed.
“You look absolutely beautiful,” he smiled.
“Thank you,” you smiled.
“Okay, ready to go to the in-laws?” Your mother smirked.
“What?” You laughed.
“Well, now that you and Harry are dating, we’re all officially family, right?” She smirked.
“We’re only dating, Mum, not getting married,” you laughed.
“Not yet,” she winked.
You shook your head with a laugh before following them out the door.
Harry woke up yet again to a pillow being thrown in his face.
“Go away, Gem!” He mumbled, throwing a pillow towards the direction of his sister.
“Harry Edward Styles it is Christmas morning and it’s time for you to get your ass up,” Anne scolded.
“Mum?” He snapped up, instantly regretting the sudden movement.
“Yep. You have five minutes to be downstairs,” she smirked.
“Sorry!” He called out after her.
Harry groaned laying back in bed trying to wake himself up. He had gotten back only three hours before and he was slightly regretting his decision on sneaking out of the house. But who was he kidding, it was well worth it. Any time spent with you was worth more than lack of sleep.
Finally sliding off the bed, he goes into the bathroom to brush his teeth and wipe his face. Looking into the mirror, he noticed a few remnants from the previous nights. Your lipstick stained his lips and various places across his chest and neck. He smirked, remembering the details of each one as he took a washcloth to try and get the red smear off. He would have loved to keep them there for the time being, but he didn’t need to advertise his whereabouts only a few hours ago.
When he made it to the living room, piles of presents were separated based on the three of them. This was always their thing. All the presents under the tree would be piled together based on who they were for and then they would each take turns opening a present. It would have been easier to just let one person go and open all their presents, but it made the magic of opening presents last a little longer.
“Happy Christmas,” Gemma smiled, hugging him.
“Happy Christmas, Gem,” he smiled, hugging her back.
“MY babies!” Anne smiled, wrapping her arms around both of them and pressing kisses to their cheeks.
And that was something she has done every single year and probably will continue to do when both of her children are well into their fifties.
“I can’t believe it’s Christmas,” Gemma said, sitting down on the floor next to her pile of presents.
“I know. The fact that another year’s over, too,” Anne said.
“Okay, John Lennon,” Harry joked.
“Smart ass!” Anne laughed, throwing a pillow at him.
“For fuck’s sake, I’m taking all the pillows in this bloody house and hiding them forever,” He laughed.
“Hey, we don’t get to do this very often, so we have to make it a good one,” Gemma shrugged.
“And what’s that? Bug the piss out of me?” He asked.
“Exactly,” she smirked.
He rolled his eyes, getting himself some coffee, before sitting back down near his own pile of presents. He enjoyed getting presents, but he enjoyed giving them the most. He loved being able to buy his family things they wouldn’t be able to purchase for themselves. He was happy he was in a position to help his mother and sister whenever they needed it. Of course, being who they are, they didn’t need it quite so much, but it was there when they did.
After presents that included multiple gag gifts causing them to laugh uncontrollably, they all sat around eating breakfast and talking about different Christmas memories. Next, everyone went up to their rooms to get ready for everyone to come over. Of course he was the first one back downstairs, so he started getting things ready to cook while he waited for his Gemma and his mother to get back down.
Anne came down first and the two of them got going on the cooking. Harry’s job was to slice and dice everything, while Anne did the rest of it.
“So,” Anne said. “Are you and Y/N official?”
“Um… yeah, we are,” he smiled.
“And you’re happy?” She asked.
“The happiest I’ve been in a long time,” he smiled.
“I know,” she smiled. “I can tell.”
“I don’t even know why I’m asking this because I’m pretty sure I already know the answer, but are you happy about this?” He asked, throwing chopped veggies in a bowl.
“Honey, all I’ve ever wanted for you is to be happy and to live a life that you want,” she said. “I’ve always thought you and Y/N would be each other’s person, but I knew I couldn’t be the one to tell you that. You two had to figure it out on your own and sometimes the only way to find your way to who you’re meant to be with… you have to be with other people.”
“So, you’re saying it was probably  a good thing for me and Y/N to just now get together?” He asked.
“I do,” she nodded. “Think about it Harry, when all of this… when you were in One Direction you were still so young and traveling around the world the majority of the time. You weren’t ready to have a serious girlfriend and had you and Y/N tried back then, it really could have fucked up any chance you two might have had. And then what? You two would have missed out on a life together.”
“Wow, I guess I didn’t think of it like that,” he said.
“Which is why I’m happy you two are trying not to focus on the past,” she said. “I know it’s easier said than done, but everything has its way of working out. It may not be when we want it, but it’ll come when we’re ready for it.”
Harry smiled, wrapping his arms around her, “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” she smiled. “And next time you want to sneak out and in the house in the middle of the night, please just use the front door like a normal person.”
“Uh… you know about that?” He winced.
“You’re needy son, I’m surprised it took you that long to sneak over to Y/N’s place,” she joked.
“I really don’t understand why everyone keeps saying that like it’s a bad thing!” He laughed.
When you arrived at Anne's house, you suddenly felt a little nervous. You weren’t sure why, but wondered if it was because this would be the first public outing for you and Harry. And it wasn’t even public, just close friends and family. You hated to know what it would feel like when you actually did accompany him in public, which is something else you would have to discuss.
Before your father could even knock, Harry had opened the door with a huge smile on his face.
“Happy Christmas!” He cheered.
“Oh boy, someone’s already had a few glasses of wine,” your mother jokes.
“I’ve not!” Harry laughed.
“Well we’re bloody in for it when you do,” she laughed, kissing his cheek. “But Happy Christmas to you, too.”
You giggled when Harry looked at you, “I don’t know if I should be offended or not,” he said.
“If you have to ask, you already have your answer,” you said.
He smiled, slipping his arm around your waist, “You look beautiful…. And those earrings… are lovely.”
“Smooth,” you laughed. “This is my Christmas earrings. I’ve worn them every year for like four years.”
“That doesn’t exactly shock me,” he said.
“I might have to get you a pair,” you smirked. “We could match.”
“I’d love to, but sadly I don’t have any piercings,” he sighed, dramatically.
“Oh, we can change that with a sewing needle and a trip to the bathroom,” you said. “It’s not stopped you before.”
“You heard about that?” He winced.
“Of course, I heard about it. You act like I’ve been living under a rock for the past six years,” you rolled your eyes.
“Sorry, sorry,” he put his hands up in defense.
“Anyway, how was Christmas this morning with your family?” you asked.
“Entertaining,” he laughed, handing you a drink. “Yours?”
“Traditional,” you joked. “And also very entertaining.”
“Maybe one day we’ll have our own entertaining tradition filled Christmas morning,” he winked.
“Can’t wait,” you smiled.
The rest of the day is filled with games, food, laughter, and drinks. You were having the best time and it felt even more special having Harry at your side. Eventually, Anne brought out Christmas Home videos and you all laughed at the memories. But there was one you had forgotten all about. It was of you and Harry probably about five or six. You two were cuddled up together, holding hands, and watching a Christmas movie.
“Who is your best friend in the whole world?” Anne smiled, pointing the camera at Harry.
“Y/N!” He smiled.
“And Y/N who is your best friend in the whole world?” She asked.
“Harry!” You smiled.
Both of you wrapped your arms around each other in a great big hug.
“That’s when I knew,” Anne smiled.
“Knew what?” Harry asked.
“That one day she would be officially a part of this family,” she smiled. “And on that day, I would give her this.”
Anne held out a wrapped box, the one Harry was supposed to have given you the other night. You looked at her confused before ripping off the paper and opening it up. Inside was a stocking with your name on it. The same exact stocking and font that match Anne, Gemma and Harry’s stocking hanging on the mantle.
“You always wanted one,” she smiled. “And now you have it.”
You smiled, tears forming in your eyes, as you wrapped her up in a big hug. “Thank you,” you whispered. “I love it.”
“You’re welcome, sweetheart,” she smiled.
As the night died down a bit, you and Harry headed outside to the backyard.
“Christmas day is such a bittersweet feeling,” you sighed.
“How come?” He asked.
“Because once it’s here… it’s over and soon after the magic of Christmas… the feeling of Christmas is gone until next year,” you sighed.
“Well, at least we’ll have each other,” he smiled. “And we’ll know it may have been the magic of Christmas that brought us together.”
“Okay, how many Hallmark movies have you been watching?” You laughed.
“It’s true,” he laughed.
“Yeah, it is,” you smiled, wrapping your arms around him. “Whatever the reason, I’m glad we’re finally here, together.”
“Me too,” he smiled, holding you close.
And to make the moment even more romantic, it started to snow.
“Oh wait! I forgot, one more present,” he said.
“Harry, seriously, I’ve had enough,” you giggled.
“I think you’ll like it,” he said, handing you a box.
Inside the box was mistletoe, causing you to laugh.
“What’s more romantic than this… kissing under the mistletoe while it’s snowing on Christmas Night,” he smiled. “Merry Christmas, baby.”
“Merry Christmas,” you replied with a smile before pressing your lips against his.
And that is how This Christmas quickly became your favorite.
THE END! I hope you all enjoyed this series and look out for the companion series coming soon! :)
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Motel Business
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: You're on the run with Steve, Sam and Bucky and you share a motel room with Bucky, which is great until he sees something that makes him very hungry and very horny. 
Warnings: Smut (fingering, vaginal penetration, unprotected sex and beginning of female oral sex at the end.) 18+, language :)
Words: 1,302
A/N: Written for the @the-ss-horniest-book-club​ for the extended drabbles. I just want to thank this amazing family for 1. Allowing me to be apart of you and 2. For giving me the best advice and confidence to proceed writing smut. I finally wrote it and I don’t know if I should be proud or embarrassed 😂 
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"Where is that goddamn brush!” You whined searching through your duffel bag over the side of the bed. The water in the bathroom had stopped running about 5 minutes ago and you were desperately looking for your hairbrush. “I know I packed you, you little bastard.” You sat up on your knees, spreading them to balance yourself as you leaned over the bed farther. Your loose nightshirt bunched up on your hips. If Bucky were to walk out from the bathroom now, he would have an eyeful of your heat. 
Which is exactly what happened. Bucky had opened the door quietly and stood frozen in his spot as his eyes flickered down to your exposed pussy. Your bare lips parted and entrance leaking what he could imagine was something sweet and delicious. 
Bucky cleared his throat and carried on putting a shirt on. You sat back up and sighed. Pulling your nightshirt down as you ran your fingers through your tangled hair. 
“Hey. Did you have a great shower?” You asked but trailed off when you noticed quite a large bulge in the front of his sweatpants. You concentrated on keeping your eyes focused on his face. 
“Yes it was great.” He smiled and removed his sweatpants. His boxers doing nothing to hide what he was packing under them. Bucky pulled the duvet back and climbed underneath. You joined him a few seconds later and got comfortable, flicking through the TV channels. 
- The pressure between your legs woke you from your wonderful dream. You don’t remember what time you fell asleep but when you opened your eyes, it was still dark outside. The pressure kept building and you let out some sweet and soft moans. You could smell your arousal from under the covers, and the wetness you heard was unmistakable. 
“Oh god, that feels good.” You closed your eyes. Certain you were having a wet dream. Your hand reached between your legs and you gasped when you already felt a hand down there. 
“Bucky. Please... I need more.” You begged, your legs spreading more open and your hands coming up to massage your own breasts. Bucky removed his hand from between your legs and wiped your excess juices on his boxers. He kicked the duvet off the bed and lowered his boxers, throwing them over his head. Your pussy was tingling and you clenched around nothing. “Hurry up!” You demanded, lifting your shirt over your head and he chuckled, laying down between your legs. His cock pressed against your entrance. You raised your hips up around his waist and he slid in inch by inch. Your wetness guiding him through the process. 
“Oh MY GOD BUCKY. Fuck how big are you?” You whimpered and took some breaths. He was filling you right to the brim and you were worried he would end up suffocating you. It’s a very good job your pussy didn’t need to breathe.
It had been a very long time for Bucky and he almost came right there just from the raw feeling of you. Your walls hot and breathing around him. Your wetness gathered on his shaft down to his pubic bone. He was scared because he hasn’t done this for a very long time and was worried he had forgotten what to do. But when you bucked your hips and moaned because his engorged tip was rubbing against your sweet spot perfectly, it gave him confidence. And slowly but surely, he slid almost all the way out, only to snap his hips in with force. 
An almost scream ripped from your throat. He was so painfully hard and you’ve never been with a man who has been this big, thick and hard before. Not to mention he was hitting that deep spot just right. Your head was pressed firmly against your pillow, and your mouth opened to the shape of an ‘O’. Your hands encircled around his shoulders pressing your bodies together. 
“Oh Bucky. Yes just like that.” You moaned and he went harder, sending the bed into the wall behind you creating a knocking rhythm with the headboard. He buried his face in the crook of your neck, breathing in your delicious scent. Beads of sweat glistened on both of your bodies. “Harder baby. Let me feel you.” You whispered in his ear, then gently tugged on his earlobe. 
“Y/N.” Bucky moaned, his fingers gripping either side of the pillow as he slid his cock in and out of you with delicious pressure and speed. “Fuck, you’re so wet. God it’s been so fuckin’ long.” He whimpered, holding back his orgasm. You wrapped your legs tighter around him, your heels digging into his butt cheeks. His pubic bone grinding against your clit. 
“Come on Buck. Let go.” You encouraged, the bed knocking louder against the thin paper walls. “Come on. I can feel you swelling inside. Cum Buck, I’m right behind you.” He listened to your words and went deep and slow. He came with a loud whimper that turned into a groan. His flesh hand squeezing your breast as he emptied his liquid inside of you. Your hand slipped between your joined bodies and flicked your clit. You came just seconds later, both moaning loudly when your walls clamped shut around him and gushed out all over his semi-hard cock. 
“Fuck me.” He whined and panted out of breath. You rubbed soothing circles around his shoulder and smiled tiredly. 
“That was amazing.” You said followed by a sweet kiss to his plump lips. “You remembered how it worked.” You chuckled and he joined in. 
“I couldn’t help myself. I saw you without panties earlier and I had this raging hard-on ever since.” He sighed, slipping out of you and falling back to his side of the bed. 
“I really hope this isn’t a one time thing.” You said quietly. Bucky interlaced his fingers with yours and kissed your knuckle. 
“Absolutely not.” The lights from outside were starting to stream through the windows. The two of you gazed into each other’s eyes and smiling like love-sick teenagers. 
There was a light knock on your door and you groaned, throwing your nightshirt on and smoothing out your post-sex hair. You opened the door with caution, considering everyone should be asleep. 
Steve stood on the other side and rubbed his neck. His biceps bulging out from his shirt he was wearing. 
“Hi Steve?” You asked, wondering what was wrong. 
“Hi Y/N. I’m sorry to disturb you but we heard knocking next door and thought you might have needed us? Is everything alright? Did something happen with Bucky?” 
You blushed hard and heard Bucky chuckle from under his pillow. As soon as you said it was Steve, he got embarrassed, knowing why he was knocking and hid under his pillow. 
“Oh I- No everything is fine. Bucky was tossing and turning and our headboard is quite loose so with each movement he uh- he knocked it into the wall. I’m sorry for waking you though.” 
“Oh alright. Just thought I’d check and-” He stopped talking and his eyes narrowed to a spot on your neck. “Is that a hickey?” 
“Okay goodnight Steve.” You blushed and shut the door. 
“We leave in 3 hours!” He shouted through the door and you heard his footsteps leave. 
“Oh. My. God. Do you think he heard?” You asked Bucky with a laugh as you got back under the covers. 
“I can hear Sam snoring from here. Pretty sure he heard your ‘Oh Bucky yes just like that!’ moans.” You swatted at his chest and he laughed. 
“Shut up or put that mouth to better use.” You joked and he growled. 
“Is that an invitation?” He lifted your shirt off over your head for the second time tonight and kissed down your body. Your breath hitched when his stubble rubbed against your thighs. Your hands trailed through his soft locks and moaned when his tongue slid through your seeping folds thanks to your previous orgasm. 
“Yes. It’s an invitation. Fuck, don’t stop.” 
“I don’t plan to.”
My teensy-weeny taglist: @jobean12-blog​ @finleyjayne​ @nano--raptor​ @marvelgirl7​
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