#like this isn't a hate thing--i think both her series are pretty well-known at this point
rhys-ravenfeather · 5 months
Me, who has never watched Hazbin Hotel, just doing my own thing as people argue back and forth against or in defense of the show:
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cynthiav06 · 12 days
Question. do you think Percy should have stayed Single? Or ended up with somebody other than Annabeth? I Really think he should have stayed Single. Because I personally don't Like Percabeth, I don't Ship Percabeth and I don't Like Annabeth at all because of the way the Shippers act, or The way the characters themselves in Canon Act, like how Percy just does whatever Annabeth says, or how Percy is scared of Annabeth, Or how fans make it seem like Percy would become an Emo Edge Lord if something happened to Annabeth, Or How much she Belittles and Degrades him (I hate the nickname Seaweed brain), Especially since she acts like Percy cant do anything without her That moment when She and Reyna were talking about how ("Percy Couldn't find his way out of a Paper Bag without you")Made me SO mad it made me Dislike Annabeth even more and Dislike the Percabeth Ship as a Whole, I even hated when she Pretty much Restricted percy of using his powers You Know? "The sea doesn't like to be Restrained" well here it is.. being restrained...Exactly what it hates, and I hate how the Fandom makes Percabeth a Godly Ship saying they are the "It Couple" which they aren't and how They treat anyone who doesn't like Percabeth or Ships Percy with someone else other then Annabeth, but the one thing I HATE the most is how they make EVERYTHING percy Does Romantic for Annabeth like she's the only person who matters to him (Percy Only Remembering Annabeth (a Girl he's Known for only a couple years) Instead of The woman Who RAISED him by a goddess who isn't even the goddess of Love Made me SO MAD and Even when Annabeth made Percy remember when he was in the River Styx when it should have been his Mom made me mad) which is why I mostly believe that Percy Should have just stayed Single (I'm all for an Aromantic Percy) or At least Give him a Love interest who he can be Comfortable around and doesn't have to Constantly walk on Eggshells around her (I wished he Dated Rachel) or Hell Even make him Gay i've saw characters who have Better chemistry with Percy then Annabeth IMO but this all just my opinion.
You honestly don't know how long I could rant on this exact subject.
It's partly Annabeth's fault, and it's partly Rick's fault.
Anyone and everyone who has read the Pjo and HoO series should have noticed how illogical Percy's personality change was.
Percy Jackson, the hero of Olympus and the strongest demigod to ever live, sassy as can be, laid back but scary beyond measure if you cross him and an absolute menace to his enemies and loyal to death.
That's who he is, and Rick remembered that initially, and even till Son of Neptune then he just forgot how Percy someone he himself wrote to be this way is.
It's like Percy has no identity of his own, and he is only significant if he is with Annabeth. Like hello, he's the main character people, is the Fandom seriously going to degrade the main character, especially when the said mc is Percy Jackson???
Percy, despite his own issues, is and will always be foremost in helping people. He would be the first person to help keep the seven together. He would be the first to try and make a bond. He wouldn't have some stupid and illogical and totally ooc beef with Jason. Instead, he would help Jason be more sure of himself to stand up to Jupiter and for himself.
He would help Leo personally to bring back Calypso and they would both shit talk Olympians and how fickle their oaths are.
He would literally do anything to save Nico. Like hello, are you telling me that the boy who at 14 took it upon himself to bear the Great Prophecy, which he thought who end up killing him just to save Nico from that fate????? He would go absolutely madly feral to save Nico from the Giants.
If Piper and Reyna had their screws all properly fit they would see that Annabeth and literally everyone else would be all left to die if it wasn't for Percy. Percy gets himself out of everything by his own efforts and his own strategies. (Annabeth's rarely work). It's time the Fandom acknowledges that the best strategist in the verse is Percy, no questions asked and finally give him due credit for all HIS efforts.
Percy would never ever leave Sally unless it was for a quest, especially not when she was pregnant and absolutely not to go to college, something he hates especially when it concerns New Rome.
Here's a thing about Percabeth shippers they care about Annabeth's plans and her dreams, not Percy's. It is literally so out of character for Percy to want to live in New Rome a place that invests in a child army, a place that despises his father and wouldn't even build him a decent temple, a place so extremely cut off from the sea.
If Percy wanted to live in peace and grow old, he would do it in a place of his choosing close to his mother, Paul and Estelle, and close to the sea. But here's the thing about Percy.
I don't think people get this, but Percy can't just up and leave, nor would he want to. His damned fatal flaw is LOYALTY. He would never ever leave demigods or anyone helpless by leaving Camp Half Blood. Sure he would take less quests on but he would ALWAYS stick around and Rick did him so dirty by making all his thoughts revolve around Annabeth and insinuating he would let others suffer just fine to be with Annabeth.
Percy gave up immortality because he took Sally's teaching to heart as she did so too when she denied Poseidon's offer. He did it for himself for demigods it didn't have shit to do with Annabeth, but of course, he would look at her because she represents his life as a demigod.
Rick making Percy see Annabeth near the Styx and making him remember Annabeth instead of Sally is just him bullshitting. We all know Percy is a mama's boy, and he would do right by Sally always, so him giving a girl who he has known for barely long enough has no basis to it.
And Percabeth stans literally can't take a mention of a single alternate Percy pairing that alone is the biggest red flag. Because they know their ship is toxic and that Annabeth is the root of it.
For the PEOPLE IN THE BACK aka toxic stans:
Annabeth's fatal flaw is HUBRIS, and she is by nature controlling and condescending, and her character had the chance to GROW and CHANGE, and it would have been the most epic character growth sequel but she did not and she is CONTROLLING, DISMISSIVE , DEMEANING.
The newest Read Riordan entry literally has Annabeth saying that she needs to catch up to Percy cause he scores a better grade than her in school (even there Percy is smarter folks there you have it) and she literally says if she doesn't catch up Percy might start calling her SEAWEED BRAIN. So it is a demeaning nickname she gives Percy and continues calling him that even after knowing how Gabe similarly verbally abused Percy.
This is the fandom's IT couple? Wow. Percy literally is going against his own nature of being free and unrestrained like the sea because of Annabeth's controlling nature.
The worst of her behavior is when she blames Percy for his disappearance when she dismissed him when he was talking about his trauma induced by Gabe, her beyond toxic treatment of Rachel, especially when she unreasonably asked Percy to supress the use of the very power that got them out alive (she is scared naturally but she cannot force her own fear on Percy when he did nothing wrong).
So yeah, Percy Jackson with anyone but Annabeth. I am all for aromantic Percy, but personally, I find Perachel to be more appealing.
Trust me, I could rant about this for hours, especially how Rick butchered Percy's personality and made it full of Annabeth, especially how he threw Percy's insecurities and trauma and PTSD out of the gutter post tartarus.
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 8 months
Hi! I was told to come here by another rec tumblr. I'm just gonna copy what I asked them...
I'm not sure if you can help with this, but I'm looking for triad fics with Derek/Stiles and a third. I don't have anyone specific in mind for the third person. I'm just craving a threesome pairing with Sterek. Maybe with the story revolving around Stiles? I'm not sure if this is too vague or if you even rec fics like this. Thanks!
Hopefully you have some recs?
I've heard that 3 is the magic number. That's right, right?
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Just one of the pack by pterawaters 
(1/1 I 5,370 I Explicit I Stiles/Derek/Scott)
Stiles is the new kid, well new kitsune in town. It doesn't take him long to catch the attention of Scott McCall and Derek Hale, the leaders of the Beacon Hills wolf pack. Stiles isn't sure he'll be a good addition to the pack, until Scott and Derek convince him otherwise.
How to Fill an Empty Loft by bloodwrites
(1/1 I 5,457 I Explicit I Stiles/Derek/Isaac)
Derek returns to Beacon Hills in search of a connection. He finds it in Stiles and Isaac.
Triad by Blue_Five
(16/16 I 37,414 I Mature I Stiles/Derek/Jackson)
Werewolf Alphas take two mates when they build a pack ... or at least that's supposed to be the way it works.
@lovesouthernsweettea suggested these!
Sweets by i_might_be_in_over_my_head (a whole series!)
Activity Ideas When Trapped in a Cave by Onlymystory
(1/1 I 2,684 I Explicit I Stiles/Derek/Isaac)
“I hate everyone here,” pouts Stiles. He doesn’t. But then again, he really does. There wouldn’t be a problem if he had gotten to go hunt down the damn goblin with Allison and Scott. But no, they had insisted on bringing Lydia along instead of him. He’s like 89% sure that Allison and Lydia finally got Scott on board with a threesome, hence the split. Which again, not the worst thing ever. But there are ways he’d like to be stuck with Isaac and Derek, both of whom he’s had a thing for pretty much since the day Derek pulled his “I’m the Alpha” routine at the police station and since the day Isaac got all up on Jackson at the rave. And since Stiles has had regular appointments with his dick since he discovered it had other uses, he’s thought about the two werewolves A LOT. Trying to hunt down a goblin who apparently thinks it’s fun to fuck with people on Halloween in the rain is not how Stiles wants to be stuck with the stars of his fantasies.
I Choose You by Inell
(1/1 I 4,397 I Explicit I Allison/Derek/Stiles)
After a pack disagreement, Stiles is joined by Derek and Allison to deal with a threat. This gives Derek and Stiles the opportunity to finally explore what's been developing between them, but they don't expect Allison's request to join them.
Even Better by Inell
(1/1 I 4,825 I Explicit I Allison/Derek/Stiles)
Allison joins Stiles and Derek for a night to fulfill one of Stiles' fantasies.
Together by BustersJezebel
(1/1 I 11,367 I Explicit I Stiles/Derek/Allison)
Closing his own eyes, Derek threw back his head as he let go of their hands and opened his mouth in an uncontrolled roar of ownership.
Triad by Blue_Five
(16/16 I 37,414 I Mature I Derek/Stiles/Jackson)
Werewolf Alphas take two mates when they build a pack ... or at least that's supposed to be the way it works.
Put your loving hand out, baby. by MBlack93
(10/10 I 98,725 I Explicit I Allison/Stiles/Derek)
"You trained me too well, and I listened, like you always said, 'Don't only trust your magic, always have a backup  plan."
He then gives a two-finger salute, the sign he has trained with his pack, and before she can react, two shots are heard in the clearing. Blue blood starts spilling out of her mouth before she coughs and falls to her knees. Her eyes are wide and focused on Stiles.
Stiles sits on his haunches in front of her, so he's on eye level with her. "It's pretty stupid that people keep underestimating me. You should've known better-" Lydia screams in the distance, and Stiles knows it's time.
After the warehouse disaster, Stiles finds himself surrounded by a couple of people he hadn't expected. Like at all. See how Stiles becomes more badass, starts his own pack, and finds love in unexpected places.
Badass Supernatural Immortals by Inell
(10/10 I 111,074 I Teen I Poly)
When Stiles and his team of badass supernatural immortals receive a vision involving a werewolf pack being burned alive, they take a trip to Beacon Hills, California to stop it from happening. He certainly doesn’t expect two major complications to his life in the forms of Peter Hale and his nephew, Derek.
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dvasva · 7 months
Tbh? I think the radiant emperor duology deserves more critique than it gets in its tag, so after stewing it over for a couple weeks and also discussing it with my friend, I have decided to do it myself.
So. Spoilers for She Who Became the Sun and He Who Drowned The World ahead.
First off, so nobody accuses me of hating the series, I liked the series. I'd say I'd give the first book a 4.5/5, I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I like both books. I truthfully skipped the fisting scene, it triggered some dysphoria that I wasn't comfortable with personally but I don't have problem with it existing in the book, it's good where it is, no changes.
No, my critiques come mostly from the second book, hwdts. Which sucks because I absolutely loved Baoxiang in it, it's a well known fact that my ideal type is pretty, really mean, characters. ('What about Madam Zhang?!!!???!? Shes mean and pretty!!' I hear you ask. Give it a second cause i will get to my beloved madam zhang) So, my critiques are mostly organized as 'The first part I didn't like in Hwdtw that signals the thing that became my biggest issue, the bits in the middle that i did like along with the bits that I felt didn't really work well, and Act 3 which is where my issues really were exacerbated.'
By the end of book one, I had a general annoyance but acceptance that Ma Xiuying was a bit of a weak character, and not weak as in 'dang shes a woman and cant fight' or any other sexist way you may interpret that, but weak as in structurally, she didn't really have as much depth as other characters. I thought she didn't have as much time put into her character as others. And yeah you could have a million character analysis essays over Ma and her place in the story and etc, but for me, her setup for the next book as potentially having conflict with Zhu or her own morals was the most interesting part of Ma. In general I think a lot of people tend to overlook this flaw partly because Ma is a cis lesbian character and the main 'love interest' in a book that is usually marketed to people as sapphic, which yeah there is certainly a sapphic relationship in the book but I think saying it's a major part of the book is really giving the relationship a load bearing wall ot isn't strong enough to carry. The Radiant Emperor Duology is not a romance, first and foremost. To describe it as a wlw romance is gonna leave people who read ot specifically for that reason kinda dissappointed by the end of book 2.
My big critiques didn't start until book two, and a particular scene, though. Ma, at the start of book two, was generally filling the niche of 'nagging wife' to zhu, which yknow, is a fine place to start from. I was a little disappointed there was no further discussion of Ma's disapproval of the morality of Zhu's actions, and in fact the dead child was pretty much entirely forgotten by Ma in favor of being Zhu's wife. Which, yknow, sure.
The Scene I had issue with happened (Spoilers once again) after Zhu finally captures Ouyang and imprisons him at her base of operations. Ma, dressed in her empressly regalia enters his room with the intention of being the bigger person. She walks in, looks at the stripped down and humiliated general who killed her father and famously is also really a women hater, and tells him she forgives him for killing her father. And then she gets upset and cries when the prideful general who hates women gives her a dressing down and taunts her and is like 'I'm glad I killed your father'? She nearly cries because Ouyang was mean to her (notably only cause he was mean to her and didn't gracefully accept her forgiveness, not because he killed ehr father) and runs off to Zhu. And Zhu responds with 'Wow, he's just a weirdo, everyone likes you and everyone in existance immediately knows you're a good person and you change people.' Which, my friend suggested before she finished the book, was a case of Zhu placating Ma and dismissing her feelings which would be an interesting dynamic.
Really my hangups with this scene come from multiple parts.
1. Ma' few character traits including being observant and reading people really well (a thing she's praised for in book 1) and having good social intuition are completely thrown out by her thinking being alone with ouyang and forgiving him would be a good idea and then her being shocked and upset when he spat on her forgiveness. And
2. Zhu's response is never once treated by the text as her dismissing Ma and placating her, and Zhu's statement despite never being shown to be true before and that moment being the first time it's ever mentioned, ends up becoming Chekov's moral purity by the end of the book, where the plot hinges on Ma being able to magically heal a damaged character's mind enough for Zhu to win in the end. Which I will get back to. There's a lot of other stuff happening between here and the end.
So, before I get back to Ma and her role in the story, I'll address some other bits from after this scene. Both problems and things I enjoyed generally.
Madam Zhang and her parallels to Baoxiang and her being the absolute queen of dissociating really was interesting (before act 3). She was a very compelling character who I completely understood and felt positively about. She had a way more interesting relationship with gender imo than Ma did, especially in book 2. I didn't really like that she was overwhelmingly shown having sexual villence done to her, that felt weirdly like a punishment. But, I did like her a whole bunch, and I liked the look we got into her head. She was probably my second, maybe third, favorite character in the whole book until Act 3.
I really, really liked Ouyangs dynamic and relationship with Zhu. The weird sexual tension between them, their weird kinda nonsexual but also kinda very sexual S&M relationship. It was somehow the most sensual, sexual part of a book that featured Madam Zhang having sex with multiple people, and Zhu going down on Ma, and a lot of other mentions of sex or scenes involving sex. Tbh I feel like, in a way, Ma was left to the sidelines for most of the book because Ouyang became the primary 'love' interest for a hot second there and the only reason Ma could get her spot back was Ouyang and Zbu's separation. Also, from what I've seen when people talk about this book, they always kinda try to express Zhu and Ouyang's dynamic as very nonsexual and nonromantic, as platonic mostly. And there is no inherent superiority of romantic over platonic, but I think to insist that it is only platonic, and not a strange swirl of romantic, platonic, sexual, frustration and relief, and a swirl of familiarity and vulnerability all wrapped into one, is doing the dynamic a bit of a disservice. And ther is, imo, very clearly a subtle hint of romantic intent and interest on Ouyang's part before he realizes Zhu has a body he hates.
Which is also another point I didn't like. Ouyang and Zhu's relationship end felt off. The entire bit with the pirates felt off, but especially how Ouyang found out about Zbu's body, and how Zhu reacted. I think Ouyang finding out second hand, from a combination of being suspicious and from Jiang saying it, was a poor way for that to be revealed. I think there was a better way for that to happen that woyld have felt more like a betrayl to zhu than this did. The fact that Zhu and Ouyang were so in tune and could see each other perfectly, but this one thing was a blind spot for both of them because of how unaffected by gender Zhu was compared to how overaffected by gender Ouyang was is a really interesting thing to explore, an interesting disconnect between two character's whose entire basis for their relationship is 'like recognizes like'. I think Zhu seeing it as a betrayl would have been more impactful if she had presented this informatuon to Ouyang herself and been rejected than how it went down. And, I think her not realizing Ouyang would be disgusted that he felt connected and felt a sameness to someone with a body he found grotesque and that he feared would have been more interesting for zhu, who views herself outside of womanhood and didnt really think that other people would not see her outside of womanhood, if she was the one who told ouyang herself.
Also, less importantly, think going into Ouyangs annoyance that zhu kept moving his target further away was a good move but it wasn't expanded on as much for my taste. I also really liked it when (spoiler) Xu Da dies, and that entire part despite some minir bits, was extremely good in that Zhu finally has tasted loss. She had, up until that point, been riding a wave of positivity, she was the underdog who won over and over again despite all the odds and despite her own reckless choices. So I did appreciate that everything went wrong for her at least once. that would have been, imo if other things were changed, a good place to end a book two in a three book series. Which will make sense as to why I mention it im a bit.
I also didn't like how Ma was nonexistant unless the plot was like 'ok we need to remind people that Ma exists.'
And there's of course other stuff but those are the main points of acts 1 and 2 that i wasn't fond of or that i liked.
Act 3 is a wholely different behemoth which can be encapsulated with 'I wish it was longer but also different' (courtesy of the convo my friend and I had).
My friend and I both agreed that we liked this kind of courtly drama game it was playing. My friend doesn't tend to like the structure or writing style of a lot of the chinese wuxia, danmei, or courtly drama translated books i read, so it was nice to know that the genre content isn't the issue for her there.
The biggest problems I had with the ending though was 1. I think Baoxiang and Ma had an interesting dynamic despite it being really rushed and how distasteful I found the entire concept of Ma being such a good wholesome goody good good person that she could change Baoxiang, quiet his demons and fix him in some way. That was annoying in an otherwise interesting dynamic. And 2. I think Madam Zhang's character traits and cleverness and all that were wiped away to make her inexplicably jealous of Ma in a way that I don't think fit her character and just served to fit a trope of jealous empress who hates the favored concubine.
So, here's my major proposed changes.
1. Ma gets sent to Khanbaliq extremely early on. Like, act one maybe after ouyang is captured early. This serves three purposes. A. Ma has something to do and is more present in the story. this could be a good xhance to let her actually feel frustrated or upset at Zhu in some tangible way that needs to be resolved or talked thru eventually. B. she gets more time to build a relationship with Baoxiang, whose entire defeat hinges on him having a strong connection with her. and C. Her absence in the other parts of the book feel less like she's being ignored or forgotten. It makes Zhu's lack of haste more than just a way to annoy Ouyang, and turns it into an interesting moral choice. Should she rush to Khanbaliq to save Ma or trust that Ma will be ok in favor of gaining power? Her lack of haste means Ouyang leaves, depressed, and she loses Xu Da, all while she doesn't even have the assurance that Ma is ok, she is truly at her lowest point with nobody with her. If Ma is in Khanbaliq and that's explored, then Zhu and Ouyang can also explore their dynamic without Ma feeling a bit like she is battling for Zhu's attention.
2. Madam Zhang is suspicious of Ma, or feels actually tangibly threatened by Ma. In act 3, Madam Zhang's anger towards Ma feels really out of place. She got exactly what she wants, she is empress, her emperor isn't interested in removing her from her position and her position isn't threatened by anyone. Baoxiang won't get rid of her, he won't demote her, he has shown zero sign of ever even considering it. So, why is Madam Zhang jealous of Ma? Imo, especially since she very clearly has dissociated into oblivion and has no love or affection for anyone anymore, and no real desire or motivation to secure her position further aside from maybe producing an heir to make sure shes taken care of after Baoxiang dies, there's no reason for her to be inextricably jealous of Ma. It kinda just erases all of Madam Zhang's political savvy and cunning into jealous, petty woman, and that sucks. If she was suspicious of Ma's intention, or Baoxiang genuinely expressed spmething that actively threatened her position, her hatred of Ma would make sense, but instead she hates Ma cause Ma is ugly and spends every night with Baoxiang. She hated rice buckets concubine cause that concubine used a lot of funds and competition genuinely made her position less stable. She needs better motivation for hating Ma.
3. As I mentioned earlier, Zhu needs to be the one to tell Ouyang that she does not have a dick. That's just all around better, it feels more like a betrayl to bare your secrets and be rejected, etc etc.
4. The duology should have been a trilogy, with book 3 starting when Zhu is at her lowest, ouyang is dead, ma is in khanbaliq, Xu Da is dead, a new guy is the emperor. This is where a book three should have started. in a series that has so many important characters, i feel like it needs more space. she's in a 10 gallon tank when really she needs a 30 gallon tank. Lots of it, especially towards the end of book 2, felt rushed and the extra book will absolutely push that back a bit and make it less rushed.
Anyways that's my critique of The Radiant emperor duology. Once Again, I liked the series, its one of my favorites i've read all year. I don't dislike it, and having a critique or opinion about something doesnt mean I didn't like the book or understand the book (because obviously if i understood it i would understand why its flawless). I liked it, there are things I wish were different, that's it.
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wheelie-butch · 15 days
tell me about what ships you have for your monprom ocs :)
sorry to leave you waiting like a month but I have finally got some things to share!! Uh I guess I'll go through them one by one, some have more than others!
Mikey I don't have any proper ships for, I think they've got so much to adapt to that figuring out dating is low on the list, but I felt like I could imagine them in a poly situation somehow though I'm not sure who with 🤔 When I first created them I considered shipping with the wolfpack but I think they're just friends and wouldnt really see each other in that way.
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Mallory I also don't have any proper ships for, though I find it funny to think they have a crush on Miranda. They see the good in everyone a lot and probably would be somewhat taken in by her cutesy exterior. They're too focused on all their extracirriculars to spend much time trying to date, but they actually do hook up with other characters on occasion, I'm thinking Polly and I'm not sure who else. Everyone is mostly confused how they have time in their busy schedule.
And they do actually have some admirers! Scott and the Wolfpack both have "crushes" on Mallory, and occasionally will ask them out. Mallory always gently turns them down though, as they feel the werewolves are only interested in them because they are getting confused by their love of bones (mostly correct). I'm sure the boys would treat them well though if they ever did say yes and I did a self-indulgent little doodle of it once :)
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So Lupa is well known as a serial heartbreaker and she has slept with and later ghosted pretty much every female character in the series. Vera is one definite exception, mostly because after years of knowing the Wolfpack she took one look at Lupa and went 'oh god another one' and is immune to her 'charms'.
The one person Lupa has serious feelings for is Dahlia! (Their shipname is DahLupa) The story so far is basically Lupa early on when she joined Spooky High did her usual thing of hooking up with Dahlia, then ghosting her, and she thought that would be the end of it. However, she soon found out that Dahlia is close friends with the Wolfpack and Scott, so often came over to visit or joined them for activities. She tried to keep her distance, feeling awkward because of how she'd behaved before, but to her surprise Dahlia was extremely chill and basically happy to try and continue with a clean slate as friends. Dahlia's enthusiasm and constancy as a new friend eventually won Lupa over and she became her first (and only real) friend at Spooky High. Over time Lupa started to catch real feelings for Dahlia, but now feels too awkward about her previous bad behaviour and afraid of losing her new friend to act on it. So basically there's a lot of pining and Dahlia being obvlious and homoerotic butch bro stuff going on. I'm not sure how they get together just yet but I do think they'll be good together once they manage it!
(art by @ corantus )
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Okay so Georgie I have 2 kind of ships involving her. First isn't exactly a ship but basically her and Vera hate each other but they keep hooking up for hate-sex at parties far more often than either of them would like to admit hehe... Gorgon + Gargoyle it just kind of makes sense...
But her actual ship is for Martin my revenant oc! They've been best friends for a few years, and she has a secret crush on him for much of that, but it takes a while for them to get together. It's probably best I explain this in Martin's section though...
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hehehe Martin... so my main ships for Martin are the Wolfpack Alpha and Georgie, and I recently decided they fit into the same timeline! I'll explain Martin + Alpha (ship name deadwolf) first!
Okay so Martin has like a longtime crush on kind of the whole wolfpack but mostly Alpha basically since he started at Spooky High a few years ago. His friends tease him a lot about his terrible taste and he mostly plays it up for them but the feeling is genuine as well. His feelings come from a couple of places. He's sexually attracted to Alpha because he's hot, but there's also a kind of complicated gender envy/affirmation thing going on too. Martin's trans and so the envy element comes from like he sees the Wolfpack as super confident and masculine. They've also (completely unknowingly) actually given him gender euphoria on several occasions too. The Wolfpack barely know who Martin is 99.99% of the time, he's not sporty so he's off their radar in that respect, and his crutches mean hes off-limits in terms of picking on people, so they mostly just forget who he is despite being classmates for a long time. But there's been a few times when they've been nice to him and forgotten about it immediately but it meant a lot to Martin - like they caught him checking out his facial hair in the bathroom mirror and told him it looks awesome, or given him the 'guy nod' in the corridor, or been impressed by his top surgery scars while getting changed for gym (they believed his joke about it being from a bear attack.) So yeah Martin does have reason to feel well towards them too.
Unfortunately for him, since they have basically no memory of who he is, all his attempts to bond or flirt have always fallen flat. The poetry incident was probably a low point -- for Valentine's day he wrote Alpha an anonymous love poem and left it in his locker. He failed to account for the fact that Alpha is an idiot unable to understand poetry though. Alpha, confused by the message and vaguely remembering Martin as 'that guy in our class who likes writing books maybe??' asks Martin to help him read it. So Martin has to spend lunchtime in the library with his crush, explaining what his anonymous love poem meant, while the whole time Alpha is being like 'man poetry is weird huh lol. wonder who sent it? I hope it's [classmate] they're hot haha'. RIP Martin.
Where this goes I'm going to screenshot the notes from my phone for the next bit:
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Though if I'm honest I'm not sure if Deadwolf ever are on proper speaking terms again... lol.
And I've started writing out some scenes of the deadwolf -> morgie saga I'll screenshot here:
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I don't have much content for morgie yet but I'm planning on adding to it in the future :)
UH so yeah I think that's all my monprom oc ships for the moment! Thank you for asking lol I hope it's fun to read about
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surielbonecarver · 1 year
In defense of Tamlin
I never really had the chance to like tamlin because the person who recommended acotar to me told me not to get attached to him, so I was riding the tamlin hate train until acowar. After I finished acosf, however, I started to reevaluate how I felt about pretty much all of the characters because I started to realize my feelings about some characters was influenced by semi-spoilers and after I finally caught up on the series I noticed my interpretation of the story was different then what I'd been told.
Once I realized that, I quickly got off the tamlin hate train and am currently (affectionately) riding the Rhys hate train lmao. (Affectionately, because, at the end of the day, I'm a bat boy stan, but I acknowledge that Rhys is kind of a pos too).
Tbh I still don't feel one way or another about tamlin (I'm not into blonds, sry), but it's a little wild to me how many people jump on hating him when objectively (subjectively) he really doesn't do anything. At least, imo he doesn't do anything to warrent all the hate. The hate he gets seems so wildly inflated compared to what he did, imo. Same with Nesta, actually. People treat them like they're the worst villains in fictional history, and???? To me, Nesta is a bully at worst (not to say bullies aren't bad, but people act like Nesta tossed Nyx off Ramiel or something). And Tamlin, most everything he does *from his point of view* makes sense to me. Not to excuse his behavior, but I find myself wondering if I would've done any different.
Like how people jump to defend Rhys for withholding information about Feyre's pregnancy. Tbh, if I were Rhys, I think I might've done the same thing. And when Tamlin joined forces with Hybern to get Feyre back...
Keep in mind that Rhys has played the villain for 500 years. For the last 50 years, he made everyone believe he was willingly working for Amarantha, killing and torturing innocence. (He literally put a severed head in Tamlin's garden in book 1 both to antagonize and warn him). That is the Rhys Tamlin knows. Tamlin has known Rhys as a villain for 500 years, but Feyre has known Rhys for what... 2 years? 3?? And Rhys showed a very different side of himself to Feyre. So Tamlin and Lucien believing that Feyre was kidnapped and mind controlled/manipulated by Rhys when that's what Rhys has been doing for 500 years is valid. When I look at it that way, Tamlin being willing to team up with his enemy to rescue someone (he loves) he believes to be in danger isn't *that* bad. And I probably would've done the same, if I'm being honest. Rhys has definitely done much worse.
Tamlin teamed up with Hybern to rescue Feyre. Feyre destroyed the Spring Court... because Tamlin tried to rescue her???? Rhys has mind controlled people to do things they wouldn't normally do (Feyre has, too), and Tamlin *knows* this. So ofc Tamlin is reasonably confused and concerned when Feyre (who had been riding the Rhys hate train pretty hard), all of a sudden writes him a letter saying "I'm in the night court with Rhysie~ I'm doing just fine so you don't have to come get me~ teehee~ ✨️". Let's also not forget that from Tamlin's pov, he doesn't know that Rhys has been teaching Feyre to read and write, so receiving a letter from "Feyre" was probably highly suspicious.
Tamlin also being over protective and overbearing to Feyre after under the mountain makes sense. *She* was his trauma. He forsaked his land and people to send Feyre back home and to protect her, but she came back and *died*. He lost her, and he doesn't want to go through that again. Obviously, as someone from the outside looking in, I think what he did was wrong. However, if I look at everything that happened from his point of view, he never had any malicious intent and did everything out of a want to protect Feyre. This ended up being a detriment to her mental, physical, and emotional well-being and ultimately drove her away, though.
It's like I sometimes say: sometimes you're not the one that's best equipped to help. Tamlin wanted to help Feyre, but he just wasn't the one. And trying to be the one only made things worse. (That and very poor writing/recons, but that is a different story).
Besides locking her up (seriously, I felt my heart crack a little at that part), I genuinely wonder if I would've done any different. I'd like to think I would've communicated with Feyre better and tried to help her through her trauma, but again that's outside looking in and I don't have 50-500+ years of trauma clouding my judgment.
Tamlin is the type to hope that his trauma will disappear with time (technically, a lot of characters are like this too, but this isn't about them). And going back to what I said about Feyre being Tamlin's trauma (or a very big part of it, at least), you see that's exactly what he did. He ignored the warnings and the triggers and hoped that it would eventually all go away/get better with time. And when you look at it like that, how many of us can really point fingers at him? I know a lot of people who ignore their problems and hope that they'll eventually go away. In that regard, do some people hate tamlin because his red flags are similar to their own, but they just don't want to admit it?
After Feyre dismantles the Spring Court, that's when Tamlin realizes that Feyre wasn't being manipulated by Rhys and that she was with him because she wanted to be. So his feelings turned sour as he felt she'd betrayed him. Which, again, considering Rhys *purposefully* played the villain for 500+ years, that's not a wholly unusual conclusion to come to.
Anyway, tl;dr tamlin ain't so bad
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twoidiotwriters1 · 9 months
Daughter of Olympus (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: Here's the playlist for the fic, have fun -Danny Words: 2,642 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter / Next Chapter Listen to: 'She's So High' -by Castlecomer
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VIII. I Commit a Hate Crime
Lily isn't happy about me leaving, but she isn't sad either. I have the irking suspicion that I'll be the one who calls first. Camp's where Thalia Grace is, so Lily will have someone to hang out with, they're both equally scary.
Before I leave, Lily gives me the Aphrodite figurine from her Mythomagic game, and she's blessed it, or at least that was her intention, that's what counts. It'll keep my spirits up when things get hard.
Tyson gives me a dove made of metal scraps, it's beautifully crafted, and I cry when I see it. The Stolls give me back my teddy bag—I didn't even notice it was gone!—fully stashed with candy and ambrosia for emergencies only.
"Your new mom will give you veggies and all that healthy food," Travis ruffles my hair. "We're making sure you get the good stuff as well."
"Hey, my mom gives me a balanced diet!" Percy exclaims. "She makes the best chocolate chip cookies!"
Lily holds my hands and squeezes them. "Always on the lookout."
We press the scars on our wrists together, like a high-five gesture. "Thank you for the figurine. I'll keep in touch."
"You better," she grins.
"Mom's here," Percy announces, then he pats Lily's shoulder. "Look after the camp for us, alright, Lily?" 
My friend blushes furiously, she mutters a reply and walks away. 
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Leo's mood worsens after he checks Festus's circuits. "Not my fault. Festus, you're making me look bad."
"What's the matter?" Ara keeps her distance, but she's paying close attention to what he's doing. 
Leo opens the control panel and his shoulders fall. "Oh, Festus, what the heck?"
"What is it?" Ara presses anxiously. "What happened?"
"Everything's icy!" The boy complains. "All of it! This is nuts, it looks like Festus's been sleeping in a freezer!"
"Maybe Khione did it, she didn't seem to like us..." Ara climbs the dragon again, the purple cloak flies behind her as she moves. Leo can't help but notice how quick she is. "Can you fix it?"
"Can I fix a pretty girl's dragon? Yeah, but I'll be honest, one more of these godly stunts and Festus could be done for," he sighs, sitting back down and staring at the panel in defeat.
Ara kneels next to him, her face is so full of worry, that the boy's jealous of his own dragon. What did Festus do to make her love him this much?
"Hey, I'd build two Festus for you if I could, I'll try my best to keep him going," Leo tells her. "You care a lot, don't you?"
Ara caresses the dragon's head with a gentle hand. "I was the one who brought it back..."
"You?" Leo can't help feeling attracted to this girl, she's full of surprises. A well-made ten from head to toe. "Is he like your son?" He teases her, trying to get rid of the butterflies.
Ara wrinkles her nose, which makes it worse for him 'cause for a moment she looks even cuter. "You probably think it's obnoxious, considering I didn't build him—"
"You probably think I'm stupid for naming him," he replies. "You've known him the longest—"
"I just poked around until he woke. I was trying to save a friend and—"
Leo laughs. "Every time you tell me a story, they end or start with 'I was trying to save a friend'. Is that all you do?"
"Emphasis on trying," she replies, a tiny smile on her face. "When you're a demigod, it sort of becomes like second nature to step in when someone needs help."
Leo then hums and changes the subject because no, Leo never looked out for anyone but himself, so he can't relate to this. "Must be easy for you, you're a tiny wonder woman." 
Ara laughs and it's like fireworks go off in his mind. He can't stand how giddy she makes him.
"I wasn't always this strong, you know? Two years ago I was four feet tall, and as brittle as a feather."
"Now that's a story I wanna hear," Leo smirks.
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So picture me on the first day of school, clutching onto Percy's worn-down hoodie as we walk into the building. He stops in front of my locker and places a hand on my shoulder, he's forgotten about my empath touch, and the worry and anxiety hit me double. 
"What's the plan?" He asks me.
"We eat together," I glance at the strangers around me. "If a kid makes eye contact for too long, I pretend I didn't notice..."
"It might be a monster, or I might get locked up in a janitor's closet."
"You're small, Ara, but you have charm on your side," he eyes me with concern. "Use it."
As a twelve-year-old who has lived years in a controlled environment, his behavior is confusing. "Aren't you supposed to tell me to have fun?"
Percy snorts. "It's a school, Ara. We don't have fun here."
I nod in agreement, he knows better, after all. 
We go our separate ways. The classes are dull, and I struggle with my dyslexia and ADHD but it's not the worst... then I meet the other kids. 
You see, demigods' rules work differently than the ones mortal kids have in public spaces. For example, at camp, you could almost kill someone during training, but that's alright cause they also tried to maim you so you're even.
Here is like they can't wait to be on the FBI's most-wanted list. I've seen students commit war crimes and the teachers don't bat an eye. The popular kids, dear Zeus, they'd make Adonis feel like a clown. One time I wore Percy's old basketball shorts to P.E. and I swear you would've thought I showed up covered in pig's blood.
Puberty's standing outside my window pointing a shotgun at me. My hair isn't soft enough, my eyes are too small, and my nose is too large for my face—but I'm not going to stand in the middle of my living room and whine about it.
I begged Percy to give me the shirts and hoodies he no longer wanted because I liked them. I even liked the things he didn't like. He'd gotten this sweater for Christmas that he absolutely despised and the next time Sally asked about it, he said that I had taken it hostage and "refused" to give it back. 
I think she knows he was lying, but Sally likes how our sibling dynamic bloomed so quickly. The three of us are amazing together, every Friday is movie night, every Sunday is game night, and sometimes Sally tucks us in—or just me, when Percy is feeling too grown up. I'm perfectly happy when I'm not reminded of my existence inside a human body. 
There is one event I remember vividly, and it reminds me that no matter how important I am at camp, in the mortal world, I'm still a nobody.
My first date ever.
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Leo's glaring at the disk he's holding like it's the source of every single problem in his life.
"Sir, is that disk bothering you?" Ara nudges his shoulder. "Just melt it out of existence!"
His brows knit together. "Dude, don't even joke about it..."
Ara's intrigued by his reaction, and she cocks her head to the side. "What's on your mind?"
"Oof, let's not go there!" The boy makes a face. "Are you seriously not afraid?"
"Of you?" She smirks. "Leo, I know a guy that can raise the dead. I don't think your situation's that alarming—"
"What about that line in the prophecy? To storm or fire the world must fall."
"If I could get rid of the fates, I would," Ara groans. The sky thunders. "I said what I said!"
Leo gets up abruptly, staring at the mud with wide eyes. 
"You... You killed my mom."
"What?" Ara looks in the direction he's glaring at, but nothing's there. "Leo?"
He seizes a piece of plastic, throwing it into a puddle of waste. "Leave me alone!"
"Leo!" Ara gets up. "Who are you talking to?"
He looks at her with frantic eyes, but before he can reply, a loud crash comes from inside the building behind them. Ara draws out her sword and runs, Leo catches up quickly and almost leaves her behind, but Ara stops him from rushing into the place.
"Follow me, don't be a hero," she whispers.
As soon as they enter, the smell of something rotten makes her gag. Piper calls out to them, and Leo freezes. They hide and listen as a heavy voice speaks:
"Told you it was nothing."
Ara's knees buckle and she holds onto Leo. Piper's voice comes back, but they can see it's not coming from the girl. "Leo, help me! Help—" Then the creature changes its voice. "Bah, there's nobody out there. No demigod could be that quiet, eh?"
The boy shakes her shoulder with wide eyes, demanding an answer. Ara points to the logo on the wall and mouths: "Cyclops." 
"Probably ran away, if they know what's good for them. Or the girl was lying about the two other demigods. Let's get cooking."
Ara and Leo recoil closer together, she closes her eyes as an emergency light blinds her. Ara's nose to nose with Leo, and her heart flutters at the proximity. He smells just like the forges at camp, and that is weirdly comforting to her.
"First lesson for rookie demigods: Cooperation is the best tactic for survival," she whispers at him.
Jason and Piper are tied by the ankles with thick chains going all the way down to their necks. Piper's moving but Jason's limp, an ugly bump on his forehead tells Ara he's got a concussion. The girl's hand holds the hilt of her sword tightly. Three cyclops against two demigods. Not impossible, just challenging.
She crouches next to Leo again and lifts three fingers, trying to remain calm, and then points at his tool belt silently asking if he's got something there that could help. "We don't have to fight them." She thinks, hoping he understands. Leo rummages through the contents of his backpack. 
The boy works as quickly as his mind comes up with an idea. He's got a stack of tiny remote control units in his hands and locks eyes with her, pointing at the cranes. They'll have to be fast, so it's time to use one of her wildcards. 
She supports her forehead on the handle of her sword, praying with all her heart. "Lord Hermes, if you're listening... help." Ara opens her eyes and looks at Leo, the boy doesn't even question her actions, his mind already on the next thing. 
"Rarr! Don't try your pretty talk on me, girl! I'm Ma Gasket! I've eaten heroes tougher than you for lunch!" The female cyclops calls Piper a spawn of Venus after she tries to use charmspeak on them.
"Never fought a child of Olympus, though," Ara thinks with pride. Leo and she work in silence as if they've done this a thousand times before. The girl reaches out and he hands her wire, Leo holds out a hand and Ara gives him the screwdriver.
"What was that, you ingrate?" Ma Gasket snaps at one of her kids.
"Nothing, Ma. I said you got a soft heart. We get to work for you, feed you, file your toenails—"
"And you should be grateful! Now, stoke the fire, Torque! And Sump, you idiot, my case of salsa is in the other warehouse. Don't tell me you expect me to eat these demigods without salsa!"
"Yes, Ma," Sump replies. "I mean no, Ma. I mean—" 
"Go get it!" Ma hits him on the head, and Ara thanks her for disorienting the babies beforehand. Piper catches a glimpse of them and gasps. "What's the matter, girl? So fragile I broke you?"
"I think it's my ribs, ma'am. If I'm busted up inside, I'll taste terrible," she lies.
"Good one!" Ma chortles. "The last hero we ate—remember him, Torque? Son of Mercury, wasn't he?"
"Mercury!" Ara thinks with delight. It seems she made the right call when she prayed to Hermes, he'll definitely want to get even with these clowns.
"Yes, Ma. Tasty. Little bit stringy."
"He tried a trick like that. Said he was on medication. But he tasted fine!"
"Tasted like mutton. Purple shirt. Talked in Latin. Yes, a bit stringy, but good."
"Purple shirt? Latin?" Piper questions, having the same thoughts as Ara and Leo.
"Good eating," Ma hums. "Point is, girl, we're not as dumb as people think! We're not falling for those stupid tricks and riddles, not us northern Cyclopes."
"Oh, I've heard about the northern Cyclopes! I never knew you were so big and clever!"
"Flattery won't work either!" The monster says proudly. "It's true, you'll be breakfast for the best Cyclopes around."
"But aren't Cyclopes good? I thought you made weapons for the gods."
Ara can't help but think about her brother, Tyson. He's not really her brother, but he calls her sister because Percy does, and she doesn't mind adding him to her family tree.
"...Titans lost. No good! No more need for Cyclops weapons."
"Oh, no! I'm sure you made some amazing weapons."
"Squeaky war hammer!" One of Ma's babies picks up something and slams it against the floor. It sounds like a big angry duck.
"Terrifying," Piper approves.
"Not as good as the exploding axe, but this one can be used more than once." 
Leo gets impatient and a couple of wires spark in his hands. The young Cyclops reacts, throwing a huge truck in their direction. Ara and Leo roll to opposite sides, Ara runs towards the catwalk and as she does she prays to both, Hermes and Mercury. 
"I need to be faster!" She pants.
Almost immediately, her skin starts glowing green. Ara has Hermes's blessing now. Her feet move so fast that she's barely touching the floor, she reaches the catwalk as Torque flies up, and without thinking, Ara jumps and stabs him between the shoulder blades with her sword.
He turns to dust and therefore Ara has nothing to hold on to so she falls, but being the best climber in camp has given her the great skill to know how to land without hurting any of her soft spots. She gets up like it's nothing, still glowing as she moves towards Ma Gasket with her sword ready.
The girl sneaks between Ma's legs and slices one ankle, enraging the Cyclops and distracting her. Sump comes back. "Ma, I got the extra-spicy—" 
Leo moves the crane in time and slams the young Cyclops onto the ground with such force that he instantly turns into dust. "You busted my boys!" Ma Gasket shrieks. "Only I get to bust my boys!" 
"That's not something to be proud of," Ara lifts her sword again. "Get a parenting book!"
Leo tries to slam two cranes against Ma, but she breaks them easily. Ara's eyes wander up. "Leo, throw me to the engine block!"
"Just do it!"
Ma Gasket throws the robotic arms toward Leo and he barely dodges them. Ara climbs the crane at the speed of light. "Any more tricks, demigods?" Ma Gasket growls.
"Heck, yeah, I got tricks!" Leo distracts her as Ara gets to the top. "Take one more step, and I'll destroy you with fire!"
"Would you? Cyclopes are immune to fire, you idiot. But if you wish to play with flames, let me help!" Ma Gasket laughs.
The monster throws hot coals at him and picks up a barrel of kerosene. Leo bursts into flames but as he does, the robotic arm where Ara's crouching Spider-Man style rises up. She jumps to the engine block. Leo is completely intact, holding the melted remote like it's Play-Doh.
"You live?" The monster gasps. "What are you?"
"The son of Hephaestus," he states proudly. "And I warned you I'd destroy you with fire." 
Ara holds onto the block and slashes the chain keeping it in place. She coughs as a cloud of golden dust puffs out from under the heavy block.
"Not immune to engines, huh?" Leo laughs. "Boo-yah!"
"You didn't destroy her with fire, though," the girl points out as she jumps off the block.
"Sunshine, you looked just as hot to me," he replies, looking at her with a huge smile.
Ara faints without warning.
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Next Chapter ->
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sopebubbles · 2 years
Friendly Fighter Fodder (vol. 1)
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Please grab a warm beverage of your choice and gather round! Maddie and I want to share some of our thoughts on the ongoing BTS series, "Fighter." If this isn't your thing or you rather make up your own opinions or wait until the end to read this kind of thing, no worries! This is all just for fun because creating complex characters is one of our favorite parts of writing!
It's also important to note that there will be no spoilers here. Anything discussed will be based on information already available through the story. And with that being said...
It's time for some armchair psychoanalysis 🥳🥳🥳
Ready Jungkook?
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He's ready.
So it's pretty safe to say that Y/n and Taehyung did not have a healthy relationship. They were both lying to each other. Y/n didn't even give her real name. And at this time, still doesn't use her real name. When discussing the break-up, Maddie brought up a great point... "Their relationship was unhealthy, so why would their breakup be healthier? Like, did Val explain things clearly to him? No, not at all! But is her mind in a normal place at all? Is her mind even capable of working 'normally' after so much trauma? No. She's legitimately thinking: the person I am, the real me now is such a fucked up person that Taehyung cannot possibly ever love me and I won't sit around and beg him to because I don't deserve that [love]."
Personally, I feel really bad for Y/n. Outside of everything else she's been through, she never let herself grieve the relationship she had with Taehyung. She did genuinely care about him, she even says that she loved him, but rather than accepting that which she doesn't feel she deserves, it's easier to tell herself it's all a lie. Neither of them were truthful, but it doesn't change that they had something real. Yeah. But I also think her love of him was love for the version of herself that she was with him. So mourning for their relationship is a lot about mourning the life she can't have too.
Think about it this way, between 15-20 her life wasn't her own at all. This is the time when we do so much discovery about who we are and Y/n was literally just trying to survive. Now for the last two years, she's had "freedom" and she let herself believe her life could be "normal" only to find out what she's known deep inside all along...that it was only a facade. And now she's dealing with that realization while hiding in a home with people she doesn't know and whose profession she hates and has severe trauma-associated with. Yes, exactly and it isn't as if she's consciously dealing with all that. No, she's worried about killing Joaquin because she thinks that will magically make all her problems disappear. Right. And I think there are a lot of people believe that trauma recovery always makes a person behave in sympathetic ways when that's simply not true.
I think a really important point is that her mind is a real mess and she has coping mechanisms for quieting that. Mainly through exercise. Which is why she craves it. Her sense of self is a mess. But at the point in life where most people are trying to find that sense of self and being able to try new things and meet new people to form those pieces of identity, she was a prisoner, fighting for her life. So, if her personality appears a little erratic, well, of course it does. I think on some level she's trying to figure out what the best personality is to survive and get what she needs at any given moment, but she has no flipping idea what it is. What I find really interesting is that when she justifies her feelings against Taehyung, she says that she was lying about her past and he was lying about his present, which is why he was worse than her. But in a lot of ways, Taehyung is actually the same guy she dated. He just also happens to be a gangster. Meanwhile, Val is a persona in her mind that she created because she thinks "good things" happen to girls named "Val." So yeah, Taehyung is being a massive dick in a lot of ways and he is not respecting Y/n's space, but he's just acting how he's always acted. I mentioned it in comments before, but I'll say it here again. Y/n expressed her insecurity at being left. Y/n expressed her insecurity about Taehyung not wanting to have sex with her. Y/n feels really insecure about who she is and what she looks like and whether or not Taehyung will accept her as she is. So him being possessive was a way to reassure her. He was trying to do the right thing.
Even if his behavior mirrored Joaquin's in a lot of ways, I don't think Y/n consciously recognized that. Or at least not at first. She hasn't made relationships or gotten to know people on her own before, and here she is falling for this guy who treats her like a possession and no, it's not healthy but it's what she's used to.
Y/n isn't any less toxic than Taehyung is in this situation, and she doesn't know how to be.
I think, and I wanted to illustrate this with that discussion of dreams in today's chapter, that she still really only thinks of safety, not even necessarily of happiness. She hopes that maybe, when she's safe, then happiness will find a way. That something will be clear then. She just literally doesn't know what that could even look like.
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Oof. I think we'll stop there for now. Please look at this cozy picture of Tae as a token of my gratitude. Thank you for tuning in! We love interaction, so stop by any time!
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wandsolsen · 3 years
Nine Bucks
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Summary: Natasha wants to take you on the perfect date, but things may not go the way she planned.
Warnings: none?
Word Count: 6,054
↳ Based on one of the episodes of the series ‘This is Us’.
↳ Please, be aware that English isn't my first language, fell free to tell me if there are any mistakes.
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When Darcy suggested a girls' night out at karaoke you didn't turn it down, thinking it would be a good idea to enjoy the last days of spring break with your two best friends.
The karaoke bar was located in an area that wasn't known to be very safe and you soon noticed that the place wasn't very frequented, since there were very few people for a Saturday night. But you didn't really care about it, in fact, less people meant that you, Darcy and Monica had more courage to sing the songs at the top of your lungs, without feeling ashamed by your completely out of tune.
You had just sung What's up? by 4 Non Blondes, your cheeks slightly red and your breathing fast from using your vocal cords too much, when Darcy said to you: "Okay, don't look behind me with what I'm about to tell you right now." You instinctively glanced over your friend's shoulder. "I told you not to look!" Darcy exclaimed in a whisper, giving you a light pinch.
"Sorry." You said, touching the spot of your arm where she pinched. "Spit it out!"
Darcy took a deep breath before revealing the mystery. "There's a woman at the bar who hasn't stopped looking at you since the moment she arrived." You really wanted to look in the direction of the bar, but you continued to stare at Darcy. "She looks like she can kill everyone in this room with all that leather she's wearing, but she is pretty. Very pretty."
"Hmn." You mumbled, not very interested. "What am I supposed to do with this information?"
"Talking to her would be nice." Darcy put her hands on her hips. "You know, you're single... And she probably is too, since she's alone in an almost abandoned karaoke and hasn't stopped staring at you."
You chucked at your friend's words. Darcy was trying to get you to date someone for a while now, she and Monica had their respective partners, and you were still terribly single. They went on double dates, which meant that you were usually left behind when they went out on the weekend. And Darcy always hated to leave you alone, she even forced you to go on one of the dates, and wasn't very pleasant, seeing that you had to witness two couples completely in love while you had no romantic interest in sight.
And to be honest, after having several unpleasant dates, you really weren't looking for any relationship right now, and even if you were, you knew that the right person for you wouldn't be in a karaoke like that. "I'm not going to talk to her." You said, very confident.
Darcy sighed, irritated. "Monica, help me out here." She said, pulling your other friend by the arm. "Tell Y/N that she should talk to the woman at the bar."
"The redhead?" Monica asked, Darcy nodded in response. Then, Monica looked at you with her lovely eyes. "Ah, you should talk to her. She's pretty."
"See?" Darcy spoke with an amused smile. "Even Monica agrees with me."
"I already said I won't." You didn't change your mind.
"Look, the worst thing that can happen is she says she doesn't like Star Wars."
"The woman is interested in Y/N, not you, Darcy." Monica spoke, knowing that for you, a person who doesn't like a movie where people fight with lightsabers and control objects with their mind wasn't the worst thing that could happen.
"Still, it's how we distinguish good people from bad people." Darcy said earnestly and looked at you with a lot of determination in her eyes. "I thought you liked women, not that you were afraid of them."
Can't I feel both? You thought, followed by a sigh. You knew Darcy well enough to know that she wouldn't give up, especially with Monica on her side. It was a lost battle, no use arguing.
"Okay, okay. I'll go talk to her." You said, raising your hands in the air in surrender. A bright smile appeared on Darcy's make-up face as Monica whispered good luck to you.
Knowing that Darcy wouldn't pinch you again, you took the courage to finally look at the bar, and there was, in fact, a redhead sitting completely alone, as your friends described. She wore black leather clothes that highlighted every right place on her body, making it almost impossible not to have inappropriate thoughts. Her red hair cascaded about her shoulders and she had green eyes that could very well kill you if you stared at them for too long.
What your friends lied, however, was to say that the woman was pretty. Pretty was an understatement for what you were seeing before your eyes. The woman was completely gorgeous, the breathtaking kind of type. If you had seen her earlier, you wouldn't have made such a protest to go talk to her.
You walked towards the bar in slow steps, trying not to show how nervous you were, especially since you knew that Monica and Darcy were watching every move that you were making.
Quietly, you sat on the red bar stool beside the redhead, without knowing what to say. You soon notice the drink she had in her hands, the transparent liquid with no smell of alcohol clearly indicated that she was drinking water.
You tried not to frown, what kind of person went to a karaoke alone to drink water?
You pushed that thought away, realizing that you had to say something to start the conversation.
It had been a long time since you flirted with someone, which meant you were totally out of practice. You didn't know if you should start with a polite greeting or go straight to flirting, and no smart pickup lines crossed your mind if you wanted to choose the latter.
But before you could say something that you'd probably regret later, the woman, whose name you still didn't know, spoke first: "You sang very well before," her voice was husky and deep, the kind that could make your legs tremble under the table, whether it was out of excitement or fear, it would only depend on the redhead.
The intriguing woman next to you chose to start with a compliment, but you knew she was lying about saying you sang well, given that you were totally out of tune. You sighed, realizing that this would be another one of those boring flirtations, where the woman would say anything to please you just to have you in her bed.
You opened your mouth to thank for the fake compliment, but never got the chance to do it. "...For a deaf audience." She completed, looking at you with one of her eyebrows raised and an amused smile at the corner of her lips.
Your eyes widened slightly at the redhead's words, you definitely weren't expecting that. But you liked it, that was definitely better than a fake compliment. "I totally screwed up with the music, didn't I?" You played along.
"Screwed up is an understatement." She continued teasing you. "Now I understand why this place is empty, you scared everyone away."
A chuckle escaped your lips as you nodded. Perhaps you judged the woman wrong, and she wouldn't be like your previous dates after all. "I wasn't completely alone, my friends helped me keep the customers away from here."
"Yes, but they didn't sing like a screaming goat in pain."
"A screaming goat in pain?" You had to restrain your urge to laugh at the comparison, the woman nodded in response. "C'mon, I wasn't that bad."
"You say that because you weren't listening right." She took a sip of her water. "My ears were almost bleeding."
You chuckled as you ordered a drink. You sat more comfortably on the stool, no longer minding the fact that Darcy and Monica were curiously watching you from across the room. Suddenly, you felt your shoulders relax, not remembering when they became tense in the first place. The redhead's presence soon pleased you, making you want to talk to her more.
"But you still remain here." You noticed, as soon as the bartender brought your drink.
"Well, let's just say that my ears were begging for help while my eyes were begging to stay." She looked deeply into your eyes, and you feared she might see your soul, you tried not to swallow a dry. "It's not every day that I see such a beautiful sight."
You took a sip of your drink, expecting her to make some teased comment at any moment, but she didn't. When you realized that the woman was actually serious, you felt your cheeks heat up. "I hope it was worth it." You said, hiding a smile.
You looked at the redhead, catching her green eyes staring at your lips, you tried to ignore the strange nervousness in your stomach. You thought she would look away embarrassed, but she didn't, remaining staring at your mouth, without any shame. "It was." She whispered, causing shivers to run down your spine, you didn't let it show how nervous you were, much less looked away from her, not wanting to be the one who gives in.
Slowly, you moved your hand that was resting on the table towards her. You watched as her eyes dropped from your face to look down at your approaching hand. You might just be imagining things, but you could swear you saw the woman's breath fail for a brief second with your approach.
An innocent smile played on your lips when you showed her your hand in greeting. "My name is Y/N, by the way."
The redhead looked at you with an unreadable glow on her eyes. She squeezed your hand firmly, making you feel how soft her skin was. "Natasha."
And then, without even realizing it, you engaged in a very pleasant conversation with Natasha. For some unknown reason, you felt you could trust the redhead, so you practically told her everything that was going on in your life at that moment. You had the courage to mention your deepest dreams and your strangest habits, some funny stories and some with a not-so-happy ending. And you also confessed that you had been single for a long time - something that you immediately regretted saying, fearing you sounded too desperate.
Natasha didn't take her eyes off you for a moment, listening to each word attentively, loving to see the way you gestured as you spoke and how sometimes you got lost in the middle of your own words. From time to time, she made a teasing comment to get a giggle out of you. She loved the smile that crept across your features and how you teased her back - especially when you teased her back.
And when you were in the middle of your crazy story about when you and Darcy stole cheese from a supermarket to help Monica with an emergency at her house, you realized that you've been talking for long minutes non-stop, not giving Natasha a chance to talk about herself. "Oh my god, am I talking too much?" You asked, a little embarrassed that your mouth seemed like an unstoppable machine. "Because I feel like I'm talking too much."
Natasha smiled at you. "If I say no, I'd be lying."
Your cheeks turned slightly red. "Sorry." Natasha quickly denied it with her head. "It's fine, really."
You sighed, mentally making a note of not saying anything more about yourself all night long. "Please tell me something about you."
Natasha straightened on the stool, feeling a little uncomfortable, she opened and closed her mouth without knowing exactly what to say. You thought it was cute how nervous she was, even though you didn't understand why. "Well, my name is Natasha Romanoff."
"I'm pretty sure I already knew that." You said followed by a chuckle.
"My last name you didn't."
You moved your lips to say that you wanted to know more about her besides her last name, but a man's thick voice interrupted your speech, causing you and Natasha to immediately look towards the sound.
An elderly man started to sing Don't Speak by No Doubt in a deep voice that was pleasing to the ear, hitting every note with perfect mastery. It was a better performance than you could ever do. "That old man isn't terrorizing the customers like you did minutes ago." Natasha said, with an amused glint in her eyes. "Please, never sing into a microphone again, for the sake of humanity."
"Maybe not into a microphone," you crossed your arms, "but certainly loud and clear in your ears."
Natasha's eyes widened, causing her to carry a fake startled expression on her face. "You wouldn't dare." She said, in a very dramatic voice.
You pressed your lips together trying to prevent the giggle that wanted to escape your lips. You frowned your eyebrows wanting to maintain a serious expression. "Believe me, I would."
Natasha just smiled and turned her gaze back to the elderly man who was singing the song better than the original version. Your eyes wandered around the place, soon you stopped your attention on Darcy and Monica, who had tired features on their faces, probably already wanting to go home.
Your assumption was confirmed when Darcy's eyes met yours and she made an exaggerated yawn, it was her very-not-subtle signal to say that she wanted to call it a night. But you didn't want to leave, and unlike your friends, you were feeling wide awake.
You turned to face Natasha, who was still watching the man sing, moving her head slightly with the rhythm of the music. "Do you...Do you maybe want to get out of here?" You asked, but soon regretted how the way your words sounded when you saw one of her eyebrows raised in a mischievous tone. "I don't mean it the way that it sounded, I-"
"No, it's okay." Natasha said, her voice was calm. "I was going to suggest the same thing." She touched your hand that was resting on the table, her fingertips were cold, but her palm was warm. You soon entwined your hand in hers, your fingers fitting perfectly together, as if her hand was made to hold yours. You tried to ignore the butterflies in your stomach and the difficulty you felt breathing, but it was almost impossible since that was all you were feeling. You were looking like a silly high school teenager in love. "I heard there's a carnival a few blocks from here, do you want to go?"
"Yes, of course." You said with a shy smile, not looking Natasha in the eye. "I'll just get my coat and say goodbye to my friends."
Natasha stood up, pulling her hand away from yours, you immediately missed her touch, and almost reached for her hand to hold yours again. "It's a date, then. I'll wait for you outside."
You made your way back to Darcy and Monica, both of them carrying a gleam of curiosity in their eyes, wanting to know everything that happened between you and the redhead.
"So, is she nice?" Monica was the first to ask.
"Yeah, she's fun." You replied, picking up your coat that you left on the chair.
"And...?" Darcy looked at you, wanting to know more. "Did you get her number?"
"Hmn, not really." Your friends gave you a disapproving look, and before they could say anything, you added: "We're going to go to a carnival nearby. You guys can go home without me."
Darcy's eyes blinked several times. "What? Are you going to leave with a complete stranger?" She exclaimed a little too loud.
"Yes." You replied, not understanding Darcy's negative reaction.
"Have you gone completely mad?!" Darcy continued to exclaim. "She may very well be a serial killer who kidnaps innocent women in little-attended karaoke bars!"
"I don't understand." You said, frowning. "You're the one who forced me to talk to her in the first place."
"Yes, to chat and get her number, then only after a few texts arrange a date, preferably by day." You looked for some sign of playfulness on Darcy's face, but her eyes behind her glasses contained seriousness.
"I think you're a little too paranoid, Darcy." Monica, who until then had been watching the whole scene quietly, decided to speak up. "I think Y/N should go on this date."
"Thank you, Monica." You said, casting a provocative glance at Darcy who had to hold back the urge to roll her eyes.
"That woman looks like someone who has a gun holster in the ankle. And you can't convince me otherwise." Darcy remained on the defensive. You had to contain the urge to laugh at the protective way she was getting over you. If you ever had doubts before, now you were sure that Darcy was like your overprotective older sister.
"Look, all I want to say is that Y/N should take a chance." Monica remained on your side, making Darcy realize that it was her turn to lose an argument, she let out a sigh in defeat. A victorious smile appeared on Monica's lips as she looked at you. "You can leave your coat in her car, if the date goes well."
You nodded, even though you knew you wouldn't put Monica's suggestion into action. Her plan was that if the date was a good one, you should purposely forget something in the car so that the person would have a reason to call you back. To be honest, you thought that idea was kind of stupid because you'd never know if the person called because they liked your company or just to return an item of yours.
You and your friends left the karaoke, finding Natasha outside talking to a woman you had never seen before, you couldn't help the frown that appeared on your face. They didn't notice the three of you, too involved in the conversation they were having. You soon realized that the two women weren't speaking English, their mouths emitted phrases in a language you didn't recognize.
"It's Russian." Darcy whispered into your shoulder, as if she was reading your thoughts. "Maybe that one is her partner in crime."
"Shut up." You murmured just in time for Natasha to turn her back and face you, finally realizing you were there. She gave you a tight lipped smile with low intensity, and the woman she was talking to huffed impatiently before walking away, not having the decency to greet you.
You quickly said goodbye to your friends - Darcy made sure that your phone was with full battery and that you would call her in case something bad happened to you - before heading towards Natasha. "Is everything okay?" You asked, seeing the woman she was talking to earlier walk away with hard steps.
Natasha played with her car keys. "Yes."
"Who was that?" You couldn't contain your curiosity.
"My sister." Natasha said, without looking you in the eye, appearing not to like your question.
Your eyes widened slightly. Was her sister waiting for her all this time? Why didn't she go with Natasha to the karaoke bar? And why did Natasha let her leave completely alone? "Did she want a ride home?" It was all that you asked. "I don't mind-"
"No, no, it's fine. Our house isn't very far from here."
"It's quite late." You held your coat closer to your body. "And here it's not a very safe neighborhood."
"There's nothing that can scare my sister, Y/N." Natasha opened the car door for you. "The Chevy is mine anyway."
Seeing that Natasha wouldn't change her mind, you got into the car praying you wouldn't regret it later. The vehicle smelled like leather and cheap perfume, and in the car dashboard there was one dusty Darth Vader bobble head toy. You smiled inwardly, knowing that Natasha was on Darcy's list of good people.
The Chevy was old, it made a lot of noise and Natasha had to make an exaggerated effort every time she shifted gears, and some parts of the fabric of the seats were torn, but you didn't mind about that, Natasha's company was too pleasant for you to care how urgently she needed a new car.
"I didn't take you for the carnival type." You confessed, as you two walked towards the ticket office. "I'm quite surprised."
"What can I say? I have a lot of surprising things." Natasha winked quickly at you, with a smirk on her lips. She made a sign that she wanted two tickets and you immediately started looking for your wallet in your purse. "No, let me pay."
"Are you sure? Because I can afford it." She just nodded in response, and before you could stop her, she handled the man the money.
The carnival was crowded, there were children shouting excitedly and running all over the place with their parents trying to keep up with them, not wanting to lose sight of their children, there were groups of friends having fun on the games, and couples in love sharing food and stealing once in a while a shy kiss from their partner.
And there were also you and Natasha, exchanging embarrassed glances and walking with your shoulders slightly brushing each other, you had to restrain the urge to hold her hand again, remembering how good it felt to have her hand entwined in yours.
When you both were walking near a ring toss game, Natasha noticed that your eyes lit up at the stuffed panda bear, and even though you insisted that it wasn't necessary, she immediately decided that she would get it for you. Surprisingly she didn't miss a shot, causing the people around applaud with admiration. Natasha handed you the stuffed animal with a shy smile on her face and you felt your heart warm up in your chest, thinking it would surely be one of those memories you'd never forget.
After that, you walked a few more steps and a man selling cotton candy caught your attention. "Oh my god, I love cotton candy! I can't remember the last time I ate one!" You said, and soon an old memory flashed through your mind, causing you to let out a slight laugh. "You know, once when I was a kid-" You interrupted your own speech, not finishing your sentence, remembering the promise you mentally made of not saying anything more about yourself that night. Natasha looked at you curiously, wanting to know the rest of the story, you shook your head. "Nevermind."
Natasha's eyes shifted between you and the cotton candy machine, and before you could stop her, she walked towards the seller, returning with a yellow cotton candy and handing it to you. "I really didn't..." You opened and closed your mouth not knowing what to say. "You didn't have to-"
"It's fine." Natasha said with a smile. You asked her if she wanted to split the cotton candy, but she declined, claiming she wasn't hungry. "But I really want you to tell me the story that you didn't finish."
You denied with your head. "I've already told you a lot about me. Tell me something about yourself." Natasha shrugged her shoulders, hiding her hands inside the pockets of her black pants. "I really don't have much to say about myself."
"I don't believe it." You said after eating a piece of your candy. "For example, I didn't know you speak Russian."
"Oh, yes. I'm from Russia." Natasha said, as if it was no big deal. "I came here when I was still little." You nodded in agreement, looking at her with interest, you waited for her to say more, but she stopped there.
"What about your sister?" You kept asking. "She seems... nice."
Natasha let out a huge sigh, and stopped walking to stand in front of you, she contained a serious expression on her face. "Can you please stop asking these questions? These are not things I like to talk about."
Whether it was Natasha's intention or not, her words were definitely a little too rude. Your shoulders automatically tensed up and you no longer felt so comfortable in her presence. "Sure." You said, under your breath, even though you were having a hard time accepting that she didn't want to talk about herself.
You felt something wet touch the tip of your head and immediately looked up to see what it was, raindrops began to fall from the sky. "It's raining." You said looking around you, watching people start to run from the water drops. "Ah, look." You indicated with your head in the direction of where you were looking. "That woman is already selling umbrellas."
You walked towards the seller, but Natasha soon directed you to a covered area. "I don't think it's raining that much."
You looked at the dots of rain falling from the sky, they weren't that strong, but they weren't too weak either. "I guess not." You said uncertainty, seeing people opening their umbrellas.
"I mean, I can buy one for you, but I don't think it's raining that hard, so..."
"No, yes, I'm fine." You said quickly, finishing eating your cotton candy in silence. An awkward atmosphere built up between you and Natasha, and neither of you said anything for quite a while, just listening to the laughter of the other people and the rain that kept falling.
Natasha didn't look you in the eye, making you think that you did something wrong. The fact that she was reluctant to say anything about herself didn't help the situation either, you didn't want to be that annoying person who only talks about herself, and if she didn't open up to you, you could never get into a serious relationship.
Everything seemed to get worse when a couple in love started kissing intensely next to you and Natasha. You looked away from the couple as much as you could, feeling a little embarrassed. Natasha cleared her throat and you noticed that she was as uncomfortable as you were.
And when you decided to break the silence, wanting to leave because you couldn't stand that torture anymore, you and Natasha asked at the same time:
"Can you take me home?"
"Do you want to play some of those games?"
Natasha looked down at her own feet, nodding in response. Your heart ached in your chest, finding it hard to end your date with her so soon, but you didn't want to stand there knowing that nothing was going to happen.
At the same moment that the rain stopped, you both left. And you thought you were the unluckiest person in the world.
The ride home was silent, you only opened your mouth to show Natasha which way to go. She turned on the radio to lighten the mood between you, but it didn't work.
You pressed the panda bear she won for you closer to your body. At least you had gotten a cute present.
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"I couldn't pay for the umbrella." Natasha said suddenly, stopping you from touching the door handle, making you stay in the car. "I started the night with only nine bucks, spent almost all the money on the tickets to get in, and then I bought the cotton candy and the game to get the stuffed panda. If I bought the umbrella I wouldn't have any money for the other games." She explained. "And I didn't know if you'd want to play it or not."
The ride to your house was silent, you only opened your mouth to show Natasha which way to go. She turned on the radio to lighten the mood between you, but it didn't work.
You couldn't wait to throw yourself into bed and forget that you had gone on another date that would lead to nothing. You let out a sigh of relief when she finally parked in front of your house.
"Natasha," you said looking at her with a certain tenderness, "I have money, I said you didn't need-"
"Yes, but I invited you to the carnival." She interrupted you. "It was the least I could do."
You pressed your lips together. "I never thought you were the old-fashioned type."
"I'm not." Natasha spoke quickly. "It's just that... I wanted to prove to you that I can take care of you." Her hand rested on the steering wheel of the car. "But clearly I can't."
You shook your head, not believing the words that were coming out of the redhead's lips. "I didn't ask you to take care of me, I just wanted to go on a normal date."
"But that's the problem, Y/N. You don't deserve a normal date, you deserve a perfect date." Natasha didn't look you in the eye, fearing that her cheeks would flushed if she stared at your face, and being embarrassed in front of others was not something she allowed herself to do.
"You know, the problem wasn't that you didn't buy me the umbrella, that didn't even cross my mind." Your words made Natasha take the courage to face you. "The problem was that you didn't say anything about yourself, I was practically talking alone. Like, I don't even know what you do for a living."
Natasha looked at you warily, her emerald eyes carried a glow you didn't know. Her nails sank into the steering wheel of the old Chevy, the redhead was trying to choose the right words to make the confession she was about to make. "I wasn't at the karaoke by accident." She began, speaking slowly. "I was going to rob the place."
You couldn't contain your surprised expression, Darcy's voice saying 'I told you so" filled your ears, even though your friend was far away from where you were.
However, Natasha's honesty earned your curiosity, and seeing that you remained in the car staring patiently at her, she continued: "Since my parents died my sister and I are having a hard time finding a job. We've never hurt anyone, this would be our first robbery, we had been planning it for a few weeks, but then... But then I went into the karaoke and you were singing that famous 4 No Blonds song and I..." She stopped facing you, her sad laugh filling the air as a nostalgic memory flashed through her head. "My dad used to sing that song every day early in the morning, before dropping me off at school, in a more terrible way than you did." She flashed you a small smile, but it soon faded away when she saw that your expression was serious, you weren't in the mood for teasing.
"Natasha, I'm sorry-"
She shook her head quickly and gestured with her hand for you to be quiet. "It's not your fault, you didn't know." Her words were sweet, but you still felt a little guilty for pushing her so much. "Look, I'm not a person who believes in destiny, but I really believe that you were there for a reason. I didn't want to rob, I didn't want to become a criminal, and seeing you sing kept me from becoming one." Natasha rested her head on the seat, leaning back. "And I don't like talking about my parents and my sister, because it reminds me of the situation I'm in now. It makes me angry, it makes me..." She sighed heavily, her eyes closed, as if she was trying to hold back the tears. "It makes me sad." She opened her eyes to face you again, she spoke the words carefully and in a low tone, as if it was hard to admit about all that. "But I like talking to you, well, I like listening to you talk about your crazy stories. I know it's kind of weird to say this but, you make me feel like I'm home. And I haven't felt this way in a long, long time."
She held your hand that was resting on the seat, your fingers intertwining automatically, with you having no control over them, as if they were meant to be together. Her thumb gently stroked the back of your hand and you softened at her touch, wanting to stay there forever, inside an old Chevy that smelled like cheap cologne, while a cricket chirped loudly outside.
You remained with your eyes fixed on Natasha, not sure what to say. It was too much information for your brain to process, and after everything she spoke, you didn't want to say the wrong words.
"I'm really sorry about the bad date, you deserve better."
An involuntary chuckle escaped your mouth, finding it funny that after everything she told you, that was still her biggest concern. "Believe me, I've had worse dates." You averted your eyes from hers, looking at the road. "My friend told me I supposed to pretend to forget something in the car if it's a really great first date," you were able to say, remembering Monica's plan, "so that way the person has to come and return it the next day." You sighed, settling into the car seat. "But this wasn't that kind of first date, and I'm not my friend."
Your eyes returned their attention to the woman sitting next to you. Natasha's eyes stared intently at you, the green of her irises seemed to penetrate every part of your body, and you felt your breath stop for a few seconds. She looked at you as if you were the only thing she has ever seen, and no one had ever looked at you like that before.
"But the way you touch me," you continued, "the way you look at me, and the way you make me feel, I…"
Without much thought, you removed your hand that was entwined with hers to touch the back of Natasha's neck, you leaned towards her, sealing your lips on hers. Her eyes widened in surprise at your action, but she quickly returned the kiss, running her hands through your hair. Even though it was you who made the initiative, she soon took control of the situation, and it didn't take long for you to realize that Natasha was the dominant type. She had practice, knowing exactly what to do to make your legs tremble. Her kiss was hungry and rushed, making you lose your breath quickly, but her hand stroking your hair was calm and comforting, making you feel safe.
She kissed you like the world was going to end tomorrow.
Shivers ran through your body like never before, no one has ever kissed you so intensely. She quickly made a moan escape from your mouth, and a proud smile appeared on her lips as she kissed you. Natasha removed her hands from your hair to pull your waist closer to her, and you were sure that your lips tasted like the cotton candy you ate earlier.
She began to slow the kiss by lightly caressing your face with her fingertips, before biting your lower lip. And when the kiss finally stopped, you found yourself with messy hair, rosy cheeks, and fast breathing. You wanted more, God, you wanted so much more than just that burning kiss.
However, when Natasha leaned towards your lips, you timidly turned your face in the opposite direction. Crestfallen, Natasha nodded, understanding what you meant. It was only a kiss goodbye, a kiss of pity.
"Goodbye, Natasha." You said, opening the car door and heading towards your house, as your back facing Natasha, an amused smile appeared on your face.
Natasha watched you go away mesmerized, paying attention to every move you made, still feeling giddy from the breathtaking kiss you two had, the cotton candy taste of your lips still present in her mouth.
She waited for you to enter the residence before leaving, only when you were no longer in her field of vision, Natasha turned the key starting the old engine of her Chevy. But before she could step on the gas, she noticed something on the passenger seat beside her, and immediately a joyful laugh escaped her lips, her heart racing in her chest faster than a leopard chasing its prey.
Apparently, it hadn't been such a bad date, and you were like your friend, after all.
Natasha looked at your house one last time, the gleeful smile still on her face, happy that you purposely forgot your coat in her car.
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chaosandstardust · 2 years
Hey, I just thought of something right after I sent you my other anon, about how I agree Kogag was the worst choice to raise Moroha... I mean, I don't watch this show and it's not like I think this excuses any of Koga's shit, but maybe Hachi & others thought that if MirSan raised Moroha, she'd be easy for Kirinmaru and Zero to find, given how Sess who knew MirSan was now apparently with Kirinmaru, and would definitely tell him that any dog hanyo living with MirSan would definitely be Moroha?
I have been thinking about this ask so much because it did give me a moment but what I'm saying is that I want a paycheque Sunrise because I'm pretty sure me and them have put more thought into this than you have.
First off, loving how "Kogag" is catching on. Let's keep it going, loves. 💖
(Putting it under the cut because this got long. Ty, write a short post challenge 😶)
What is more likely to cause a stir? A quarter dog demon child living in a village where they're known to protect half demons/part demons? Or a quarter dog demon child in a wolf tribe that likely has hundreds of members who are anti half demon?
If Koga was a guy who lived in the middle of nowhere in the mountains with like 2 or 3 people around, I could see your point, but he's co-leader (I'm giving Ayame her girlboss moment, he is her simp) of at least two major tribes. The series establishing that there is a Northern Tribe and an Eastern tribe makes me think that there's at least two other major tribes in Japan, and I don't think it would be a stretch to say that they likely interact regularly with some kind of societal system (Koga mentions elders that want to control his life and there's a religious system). That's at least two tribes of wolves, that haven't had the issues that the Northern or Eastern tribes have faced from Naraku, that are likely still very powerful and have lots of members, and that still hate half demons and eat humans.
We see in Shiori's episode, where she's created a haven for half demons, that demons are by and large not that accepting of half demons, still.
So, the show establishes 2 things. 1, there are more demon wolf tribes and likely at least 2 big ones. And 2, that half demons are not universally accepted by demonkind.
Moroha would cause a ripple effect wherever she went. It's part of her heritage. She was always going to stand out. But I think she has a less chance of standing out among humans that she would among wolf demons. Most of the time when humans realized Inuyasha's identity in the original was due to his ears and his hair color, two things that Moroha haven't inherited. The only thing she inherited physically seems to be teeth and claws, both things that can be disguised from a distance. She could probably pass for years as a full human in the right village, especially if they're on the outskirts of town and it's an "open secret" among the demon hunters. Miroku and Sango may even have been able to claim she's their fourth child.
I doubt that Koga and Ayame, regardless of the power they hold would be able to change the entire wolf society all that much in just a few years. There would absolutely be wolf tribe members who'd rat her out, and I'd argue she'd actually be in more danger of being discovered there. By sheltering her, Koga could possibly be putting his tribe at risk by making them open to attacks from not only Sesshomaru and Kirinmaru, but from the other wolf tribes as well. These are the things that you have to think about when you're being a leader, and I highly doubt that Koga isn't placed under intense political scrutiny considering his past choices.
Koga lost most of his tribe, abandoned his territory for months at a time and tried to marry a human. I can't imagine that wouldn't impact his political standing drastically, whether among his own tribe members or the larger society. And then he gets with the granddaughter of the chief of the Northern tribe, which probably helps him out while impacting Ayame negatively, then choses to bring in a part demon child of the woman he tried to marry that isn't even part wolf? Yikes. At best, Moroha would be subject to vicious gossip and bullying, which could make it's way over towards Kirinmaru. At worst, Moroha is literally basically food to them. She is three quarter FOOD.
When Towa meets Setsuna, Setsuna's human comrades are shocked to find out that she's half demon. All three of the girls just walk into villages no problem without any thought to their safety. Which makes me think that sensing demon energy isn't a very common skill among humans, even demon hunters. The wolves on the other hand can literally smell it. They can smell that she's mostly human. She is literally 3/4s food to them.
It's also not established at this point that Kirinmaru or Zero spent any time hunting down half demons after Moroha disappeared. It strikes me as very odd that they are so focused on like two or three half demons, when there are hundreds out there, at least. (Okay but imagine the last episode just ends with a character we've never seen before accidentally food poison Kirinmaru and that's a hanyou and, well, he's been killed by someone who is neither human nor demon 😂😂😂😂). So we don't really know what they were up to in the fourteen years since Inukag's disappearance.
Its not even all that I really struggle with. Don't get me wrong, sir Kogag is a stupid choice. I stand by that. It's the general apathy towards Moroha's existence by Inukag's BEST FRIENDS that I'm struggling with. I just have a really hard time picturing Hachi seeing Miroku, Miroku asking where Inuyasha, Kagome, and Moroha are, and after finding out the answer he doesn't immediately go "babe, want to visit the wolf tribe, oh, you're already on Kirara, KOHAKU WATCH THE KIDS!"
In terms of Sesshomaru knowing Miroku and Sango, well, I feel like MirSan would take that risk. They both have targets on their back from the work they're in, that's not something they're not well adjusted to. And if they moved after Kagome and Inuyasha disappeared, Moroha could've been a good motivation for that and it would've made them harder to find (also I'm assuming they'd throw some of my queen Sango's tricks Sesshomaru's way to get rid of the smell and Miroku would have something that would help with any demon energy moroha is giving off). Sesshomaru and Kirinmaru are both powerful enough that there really isn't a safe place for Moroha, and adding that in with the fact that there would be wolf tribe members would definitely rat Moroha out...
Also, Sango and Miroku saying "we can't take Moroha because it would put our family in danger" implies that Inuyasha and Kagome aren't their family. If we go by the timeline in Yashahime that Rin is 18 and Kagome is 23-25, they've been friends for at least 8 years. They've seen each other everyday. Sango and Miroku, who had already experienced a lot of loss in their life, would want to make sure that Moroha was well taken care of because that's their best friends' child. That's not some random kid who stumbled into the camp one day, that's Inuyasha's and Kagome's daughter. They would want her with them.
I don't think that the writers of this show put much thought over the whole "putting Moroha with Koga" other than "WE GOTTA HYPE THEM UP FOR WHEN HE COMES BACK, GUYS!" Because MirSan are obviously going to come back, that's a given, they're in the first episode, but you gotta be sure to assure the fans that there's a good chance that Koga would come back. Not that it worked, I dont think he is at this point, and Moroha hasn't even mentioned him at all.
Even if Moroha had to go into hiding with somebody who was not them, MirSan would definitely want to make sure that Moroha was well taken care off. I'm utterly baffled by this idea that they'd just let her go off into the wolf tribe without at least checking on her and making sure she's okay. Or demanding that Dumb Wolf Lady/Koga bring Moroha to see them as often as possible. (We were ROBBED of the Hisui and Moroha dynamic!)
I'm pretty sure you and me have put way more thought into this than the writers. You can e-transfer the cash, Sunrise. 😂
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Blank Space
Loki x Reader
1989, chapter 2
"There once was a girl known by everyone and no one"
Summary: It's hard to find the one, but even if you do find him it's always going to be a daily struggle to make it work. Can you even make it work after he broke your heart? The answer to that is complicated, but it all started when you found each other again in the stark tower- and that's where our story begins.
Word count: 4,864
Warnings: medium level angst I guess, and language as always.
A/N: writing this was challenging and I complained about this for like half of my mutuals lol. However, I did find the perfect song to mix with the title track obv and it was perfect to show their past. You will learn more about their past in future chapters.
A/N: thanks to @chrissquares for making me beautiful dividers especially for this series and @nacho-bucky for beta reading it all! A reminder to check out the song before reading/during!
No one is allowed to repost my writing or steal or copy my work! Reblog on tumblr is fine.
Series masterlist
song on Spotify and YouTube
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 "You know him? Y/N, why didn't you tell us?" Steve scolded you as you sat in one of the rooms, in front of him, Natasha, Thor, and Tony. This felt more like an interrogation than a talk.
"Is this an interrogation?" you looked him dead in the eyes, you saw him falter.
"It doesn't have to be if you don't lie to us again."
"I never lied to you."
"You held back information." Natasha said then.
"Fine, yes I know him, I knew him." You sighed, remembering the night you met him, before everything went wrong.
You were walking through the park in the night, was it dangerous? Of course, but you needed to clear your head. That was when you saw him, sitting on a bench in the rain. He was different, you knew that the minute you noticed him- it wasn't even the weird attire he wore, but rather the feeling that came along with him, you didn't feel threatened and you have mace in your bag, so you approached him.
"You will get a cold if you keep sitting in the rain, don't you have an umbrella?" he looked at you and you got shivers from his blue eyes.
"No, I will be fine. Thank you my lady for your concern." God was his voice enchanting. Curiousity got the better of you then.
"You saw him on earth and you didn't say anything? He is not allowed to be here." Tony said, his fingers fidgeting with his cuffs.
"I knew him long before the invasion happened, it wasn't near the time when I became an avenger, or on shield's radar at all." You tried to explain yourself to them. You never lied to then, you never thought you'd see him again especially in the tower. "Look it is all in the past, there is no reason to talk about it."
"You were mad when you saw him, why was that?" Natasha glanced at you, you knew she would read you if you lied.
"Well, I knew him for a while. But he is the god of lies, I don't like being lied to. So that says it all." You shrugged it off.
"So you won't tell me where you're from?"
"I told you, I'm from England."
"No you're not, you're a pretty lousy liar you know?" you smirked at his taken aback look.
"I think you'd be surprised."
"Nope, I can already tell- you're a bad liar. Or you might be good, but I'm better." He gave you a curious look as the rain kept falling around you, the umbrella you were both sitting under protected you.
"He never mentioned you, or going to earth at all. When was this?" Thor asked you.
"Around 2009" it was so long ago, you now realized, but it still felt close to you.
"You should take my umbrella." You suggested to the man but he just laughed as you sat beside him. "What? You said that you need to go, and I live closer than you, I'll be just fine without it, the thunder doesn't scare me."
"I am not quite fond of it actually. But you should get home, it is getting late." He smiled at you and you got up.
"Let's make a trade then, you will take my umbrella" the two of you stood now. "And you will give me your name."
He eventually took the umbrella with a smile, his fingers were cold when they lightly brushed yours, and you went your separate ways.
"You have no reason not to trust me, I never saw him again after 2011!" you just wanted them to understand that it is all behind you.
"I never said I don't trust you, but kid why would you hide this from us?" Steve asked you, you were pretty close, he was kind of like a protective older brother to you- ironic since he is pretty reckless and Bucky is saner than him, but he cared about you.
"It isn't important Steve, he is a liar that isn't new to any of us. It's nothing personal or important anymore."
"Kid it seems pretty personal-" Tony started to say.
"Well it's not!"
"Okay fine, but just know that he will be here for a while until we figure out and deal with this hydra shit. Then after that Point Break over here will take him away." Tony was sincere now, you could see the worry in his eyes, you knew he was affected by the invasion the most. "So take my advice, and make sure that it really isn't personal."
You nodded to him.
"You are however more than welcome to throw him in a little nightmare, I'll pay you." He smiled and you chuckled.
"What are you saying Stark? My lady," oh you haven't heard that in a while. Fuck. "Do not give my brother nightmares, however you plan on doing that." He looked you up and down, and it was as if you could read him like an open book, you didn't have to use any of your powers because you already knew exactly what he thought in his head.
"I'll stay away from him. Just make sure he does the same."
You looked innocent, not harmful, the kind of girl you would offer help to with even the smallest stuff- a good girl. That's what they all saw before getting to know you, and maybe that was you before you got these dark powers, you knew you missed the old you but you could barely remember her.
 "Are you certain that's what they said?" Natasha asked you from the kitchen table as you made her pancakes.
"I know, it sounds weird but it's Asgardian, they have weird names. Plus I doubt they were lying, they were sleep deprived and I can assure you they have been through a lot of stuff before I started to actually talk to them. Ready?" you looked back at her and she nodded.
You threw the pancake back and by the small 'yay' Natasha let out, you didn't have to turn back to know she caught it with her plate.
"Well, I think I'll go and make them write it down because I am certain we are pronouncing it incorrectly."
"Well I tried! Their accent didn't help at all!" you defended yourself.
"You're still pronouncing it wrongly." You froze, turning around to look at Loki and Thor who walked towards the kitchen. "One would think it was made up by how horribly you ruined the word. How would you know they were truthful after all? What could you have possibly done?"
You held his gaze before deciding to not retort back, you ignored that curious familiar look. He has some nerve to talk. You sat in front of Natasha with your own batch of pancakes, the room was quiet before Thor chimed in to break the tension.
"Are those the cakes from the pan? Oh they are tasty! Would you mind making me and my brother some, Lady Y/N?" Thor was actually nice, how could you say no?
"Of course!" you got up with a smile. "Oh, but I'm afraid there isn't enough batter for the two of you I'm afraid."
You let a small frown take over your face, and you saw Natasha's small smile when you turned to make Thor some pancakes.
"You are a bad liar." Loki pointed out and you didn't have to think.
"I fooled you." Soon enough you turned around to give Thor his pancakes with a smile, pouring the rest of the batter in the sink before sitting down to eat. "Oh and Thor, this is the second warning about what we discussed yesterday, I won't hesitate."
"Very well, however you never did tell me what-"
"It's not important." Thor glared at his brother.
"Brother please be more civil, it's for your benefit." You felt Loki's gaze on you as you ate.
"Do tell me brother, how is it for my benefit?" Loki chuckled.
"Well, you have wronged a lot of people here, and so lady Y/N agreed to not harm you if you stay away. We are here to help my friends!" Thor's booming voice alongside his hopeful smile contrasted his brother's.
You should have known he would test it.
"Oh, and how can she harm me now?" the minute Loki uttered these words you glanced at him for a moment, and the next thing he knew, his heart beat loudly as he fell down from the portal in New York, terrified when he saw the Chitauri around him, one monster opened its mouth and Loki was a moment from dying in its clutches when he heard Thor's voice.
"Enough!" Thor said sternly and Loki was back in the kitchen, disoriented as he took in his surroundings. You only nodded at Thor before you kept eating. Loki disappeared a moment later with a green shimmer.
"I don't like using my powers Thor, but if you care for your brother keep him civil." You said, sorry that Thor had to get offended by it too.
"I understand, but he is here to help right now, mere comments are the least harmful things he could do, there is no need to take it to heart." He put a hand on your shoulder and it was warm enough to get you to agree with him. Stopping hydra should be your top priority.
 "I hate it when he does that." Tony groaned at the marking on the ground just outside of the compound.
Thor and Loki were now back at the palace gates, they heard a call, and Loki turned to see Iyllir walking up to him. She smiled at him and he smiled back, grateful for the lack of observant eyes to tell his fake smiles apart from the real ones.
"Prince Loki, what took you so long? You missed our picnic." The lady put her arm through his and he heard his brother snicker.
"How unfortunate. My brother and I still have very urgent business to tend to. I must go to a court meeting now." Loki gently tugged his hand out of hers.
"I thought you said this won't take long?" she frowned at him. She certainly was beautiful, with red hair and grey eyes, always majestic like a lady, and yet he couldn't follow both of their families' wishes.
"Well I am afraid things have changed, I won't stay here for long this visit." With that he went and followed his brother towards the big doors that opened for them and he saw Odin there alongside trusted advisers and of course- the warriors three. And then the meeting began.
Loki sat in his chair, bored as they talked about the mortals.
"Father, I can assure you that as of now there is no need in sending Asgardian forces there. My friends are handling it well now." Thor explained to his father and Loki couldn't help but get distracted.
"Let me help you, Y/N" he asked you, chuckling and biting his lip when you glared at him.
"I can handle it Loki!" you said as you tried to handle the pile of books in your hands so you could get the key for your apartment. He was thankful that you couldn't see his face now as he watched you struggle to balance the books on your thigh.
You let out a small shriek as the books fell out and were about to hit the floor when they just stopped midair, and you looked at Loki only to see him leaning on the wall, arms crossed with a smug smile on his face.
"I bet you liked my help now." You groaned.
"Yes thank you and your stupid magic Loki." You leaned down to pick up the books and stack them again after opening your door.
"If I remember correctly you were, oh what's the word- petrified when you first saw my magic"
"That is a big exaggeration! I was just a bit… startled maybe." You walked into the apartment and he closed the door behind you when you suddenly stopped, turning to him with an annoyed shocked expression, your mouth agape and your eyes wide and not amused. "You knocked my books down!"
You were met with a mischievous grin.
"You hurt my feelings darling, do you have any proof?" you huffed out a breath.
"You are insufferable!"
"You seem to manage so far."
"From what I gathered so far, the group called Hydra there seemed to have a hold of some old weapons of ours, nothing too big yet but we are looking into it to find out if there is more stuff we don't know about."
"And do you really think the mortals can handle this?" Odin asked the brothers.
"Yes father, they are very powerful." Loki couldn't help but agree with Thor, they really did manage to surprise him this time. He never expected her.
 "What is this A children's playground? Stop pulling your punches and fight me." You grunted as you tried hitting Bucky again, you've been too distracted lately, your training didn't go too well and you ended up on the mat more often than not. At this point you considered just using your powers to make it seem like you're winning but now you were fighting Bucky, and from the day you met him you swore to yourself that you will never use your powers on him. He doesn't need anyone messing with his mind again.
So long story short you were getting your ass handed to you.
"I'm not a supersoldier may I remind you, so I'm sorry if I am a little tired! Bucky come on let's take a break." You ducked another punch.
"Maybe your mind just isn't with us right now." Natasha helpfully provided as she sat on the side with a smoothie.
"Fuck off."
"No, really, what is your deal with Loki?" at his mention you delivered a kick to Bucky that made him fall on the mattress with a thud.
"Nothing. Is this good enough for you now Bucky?" you reached out a hand to help him up.
"Now that we got you riled up about him, yes- let's go again." He laughed at the glare you gave him. Your jaw clenched as the two of you got into position.
"Bring it on, Barnes." He went in with his left arm now.
"I will, how did you know him? It certainly looks pretty personal and in-" you turned him around and pinned him to the ground.
"Shut up, just fight me." You heard Natasha laugh beside you and in that moment Bucky took advantage and got you on the ground instead. And you went back.
"What the fuck!" you screamed when you saw the figure in your room, Loki stood there, his face scrunched up.
"Sorry, my love."
"We talked about this Loki, you can't just teleport here- especially when I am sleeping!" you sighed when you saw his regretful face. "Don't stand there like a creep, come here I missed you."
He smiled and you closed your eyes, you still saw the green light that lit up the room when he changed his clothes and got under the covers with you. His hand was cold, making your skin prickle but it was worth it when he pulled you to him and the warmth spread between the two of you.
You fell asleep content with a smile on your face at the kisses he laid on your neck.
"What?" you looked up at Bucky who sat back on his heels, his brow was raised.
"You kind of spaced out, you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm- I'm fine. I probably should go though." you got up. "Bruce probably needs help in the lab."
 "You did not tell father about lady Y/N." Thor stated the obvious.
"Don't call her that. Why would I do that? She is of no import." Loki walked towards his chambers, but alas Thor decided to escort him there with preying questions.
"How did none of us know that you spent time in Midgard?" Thor stopped Loki with a hand on his shoulder.
"That was a long time ago brother."
"And yet it seems that you have quite a history, what happened between the two of you? Were the two of you…?" Thor trailed off and Loki groaned.
"Don't insinuate that, there wasn’t anything. We knew each other for a while and then we didn't. Now, if you will excuse me, I'll go to my room. Alone."
Loki shut the door behind him, in his mind he still saw you and your eyes and then the flashes of the battle of New York. The day was tiring; he decided to get some much needed rest, to get you out of his mind.
The day was exhausting; he had to stay back in Asgard. He couldn't put up illusions all the time, it was taking a toll on him, but it was worth it in his eyes.
The palace was now quiet as everybody went to sleep. Loki wanted to rest too, so he snuck out towards the bifrost. Heimdall had already seen him coming, and was ready to open the way.
"Are you going to keep going to her every night, my prince?" Heimdall asked him and Loki let out a smile.
"Yes. Thank you, truly for keeping this a secret for so long." Heimdall only nodded at him.
"If you are going to keep sneaking out to see her, someone will end up seeing you sometime." Heimdall stepped down and came to Loki. "I think I should show you another way to pass through the realms, I think you are mad enough in love for it to work for you."
When Heimdall showed him the way, he thanked him sincerely, it looked impossible at first but soon enough he was there in your room. You already fell asleep. He watched your figure as you rested, your state of calmness washed over him, and then you suddenly screamed at him, maybe he should have tried to wake you sooner, it didn't exactly matter to him much when just a few moments later he was curled up in the warmest bed he'd ever known.
 "So you see, this part here it seems to be controlled by the holder of the gun, that must be the Asgardian tech combined with our own." Bruce told you as you gently examined the weapon.
"Damn, how long do you think they had that then? Like, just the time that it took them to develop it…" you thought. There were probably much worse things out there at their hands.
"I'd say at least a couple of months. It's a shame about those scientists." He hesitated to say that and you knew why.
"I didn't know they had that, no one checked their teeth. I was doing my job. It's okay, you can talk about it." You shrugged it off. With a power like yours, you have to get used to using it, you must fit yourself to it… because it certainly won't happen the other way around. But you were fine. You were different now.
"Well, next time we will check their teeth, to make sure this won't repeat itself. But at least we got some information before that's good right?" you nodded to Bruce and took out the bullets from one of the guns. There was something red, or was it orange, inside it. You examined it closer, moving towards the microscope to try to see for yourself before you ask Bruce about it.
Curiousity killed the cat.
Before you could reach the table, there was a warm sensation in your hand where you held it and then all you knew was that your hand hurt and you hit the floor, the bullet exploding with whatever was in it. Maybe you should've worn gloves.
Oh well, satisfaction resurrected it.
"Bruce, did you see that?"
"Yes Y/N, are you okay?"
"My head hurts but I'm fine, did you know those bullets do that?" you got up a little too fast for Bruce and your head's liking, but you went to the table nevertheless.
"No, they were fine before, you shouldn't have touched them," he fussed around.
"But I saw something-"
"You need to ice your head, tell me or Cho if you feel anything weird. This isn't something we know about Y/N." he handed you an ice pack for your head and told you to sit down, to which you grumbled but obeyed.
"Ah, Y/N, F.R.I.D.A.Y has been telling me that you've been trying to blow up the lab." Tony laughed at you as he entered.
"No, I would never try to steal your job." You shot back and he winked.
"Okay Elsa, I thought you'd like to know that we managed to make sense of some of the files we found in the warehouse and it looks like they have been making trades and dividing what they found."
"What do you mean?" Bruce asked him.
"That place we found was only dedicated to create a couple of things, but they have more out there, dedicated to building who knows what." Tony groaned, "We will need to divide and conquer this, we can't waste time and there is no way I am letting those Asgardian warriors come here. Don't blow things up kiddo!" you nodded to him, things were getting worse by the minute. You pressed your hand holding the ice pack harder against the back of your head. You were not looking forward to tomorrow, so you kept Bruce company until you were too tired to push it any longer. You went to bed and magically managed to convince Bruce to go to sleep.
 You woke up groaning, you apparently forgot to close the blinds the night before. Going back to sleep will only cause you to oversleep, which will cause Steve to activate the stupid alarm protocol Tony built for him after you annoyed him.
You did not want to wake up to old Captain America songs blasting your ears off.
So you got up and after a short breakfast you reluctantly got on with your duties and important paperwork.
"Miss Y/L/N, you called me? I'm Mike, you asked for an analysis check on some data?" you turned to him then from looking at the board in the small conference room.
"Yes! Hi Mike, thank you. We have some encryptions that probably lead to very specific locations, check radars of isolated places or you know what- scratch that, they could be under our nose in the middle of a city." You looked at him apologetically. "Sorry, I can't narrow it down but we do need those answers as soon as possible. Okay?"
The poor guy looked horrified, his brown eyes were wide and you let out a small sorry when you handed him the big file.
"Yeah, of course Y/N, I will get right to it." With that you were alone in the room once again, going over the information you managed to get from the now dead scientists. This is going to be a long day. You saw it coming and that didn't help at all.
"Oh fuck." You cursed when the cold water from the sink touched your palm, it wasn't badly burned but it still hurt you.
You closed the door to your bathroom and turned around to see him standing in your room. Your eyes locked with blue ones, they certainly were familiar even after all this time, but while you could see the hesitation and the other swirling emotions in his eyes you couldn't tell anymore if you could trust what you thought you knew.
"When?" you felt your blood boil, but you knew you couldn't avoid him forever.
"Sometime after-" you hesitated with your words, walking towards your cabinet to put away the first aid kit you had. "After." You settled with that.
"What are you doing here Y/N?" Loki heard his own heartbeats, seeing you here… After all this time and he never forgot you. How could he?
"I'm an avenger now Loki," his name felt bitter on your tongue and you had to swallow to continue. "A lot has changed you know, you don't need to ask all these questions. There is no point to them."
"Oh but there is," at his angry tone you turned around. It was years of bottling the fight that you never had, he never let you have it. "You never wanted this life Y/N! What are you doing fighting out there with heroes or whatever they like to call themselves?"
"They are heroes, they help people. You however seemed to do the opposite from what I remember seeing on the TV." You laughed and shook your head. "I was still there you know, I was right in that same apartment where you left me. And there I saw you on the TV and I didn't even recognize it was you."
"Did you get hurt?" the question startled you.
"No, but it doesn't matter Loki! I am fighting alongside heroes now, I changed since the last time I saw you, this is my place now!"
"Oh darling you can pretend all you want in front of them, but I still know you." He matched your stare now. "This is not your life."
"Well yes it is!" you shook your head when he got closer now, every emotion you never got to express came back to the surface. "Why are you here? Huh? You're the one who left in the first place!"
"I've come here to help-" you stomped up to him.
"You know damn well that is not what I asked." You hated how your voice wavered.
"I did come here to help with the weapons," he continued before you could try to intervene. "And I didn't expect to see you again. But you're here now, and so am I."
"Damnit Loki, we have been through so much together, we weren't dating for only a month or two. A year. We were dating for more than a year and that is a lot." The tears were brimming now when you remembered your theory, that one little theory that ate your heart out, this one theory you found only a few days after. "Or at least here it is. Maybe in Asgard with all the almost-immortal gods a year is insignificant to you- that sure explains it all."
"No, it's not!" he dismissed it immediately and you felt your defenses shattering when he walked towards you. "I know there's pain inside of you, which was caused by me. But I am here now and I can't deny that I can still feel what I felt all those years ago. Just hear me out, we can call it even, just for a little while."
The last time you played this game it left you with a nasty scar. The more that he said, the less you knew what to think anymore.
So you didn't.
You hated the calmness that took over you the moment his lips touched yours, tongue sliding over the other, it left you breathless. You knew it was still love for you, but it was torture, you knew the high will not be worth the pain but he felt too good, too familiar that it made you question that. You didn't know how long has passed, all you knew was Loki, you still fit perfectly with his body which was pressed against you. Time flew by and you didn't know how you got here.
One moment his lips were on yours, the next you were pressed into the mattress, his figure pressing on yours. Maybe this could be good for the weekend… the next moment your legs somehow were wrapped around him and pulled him more into you. His lips trailed down to your throat, making breathy moans come out of your mouth. Your eyes opened and were focused on one spot on the ceiling, when you managed to break out of this delusional pleasure time flew by.
"No Loki, stop." You pushed him off of you. You sat up, curling your legs.
"What? Darling-" he tried reaching out for your thigh but you shook your head.
"You should go, Loki." You didn't look at him. Your hand covered your mouth as you sank into thought.
"Go? Why would I go? I know you feel exactly like I do." You couldn't deny it. You both knew that.
"You left me before Loki, what is the problem with leaving me now?" While you couldn't see him now, you had to get him out of here, so you could think clearly. This was too reckless. "It doesn't matter, this was just a relapse."
He left you there, and once the door shut you broke down, hating yourself for drowning into him again. You knew you were the one breaking your own heart when he took his warmth from the now cold bed. But it is better that you'll break it before he ever gets the chance to do it again.
Tags: @ayybtch  @buckys-other-punk  @chaoticpete   @madcrazy50   @mishkatelwarriorgoddess
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disapoitment · 3 years
Am I about to overanalyse another throwaway gag? Absolutely! This time it's from the classic season one episode, Napoleon Brainaparte.
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So, towards the very end of this episode, our poor, beloved mice are about to meet their tragic end. They're threateningly informed that an afterlife awaits them, and as they cower in what they believe to be their final moments, the viewers are given a glimpse into their heads...specifically, what they each imagine heaven to be like. This scene surprised me on my first watch, because it was pretty unexpected. And surprisingly...sweet?
Let's start off with Brain's idea of heaven, which is shown first.
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Right off the bat we have him surrounded by a chorus of Pinky angels. This is one of the rebuttals I have for people who doubt Brain cares about Pinky...I mean, if I didn't like someone, I definitely wouldn't include them in my idealised afterlife, nevermind multiple versions of them!
Uh, I digress. The thing I actually want to draw attention to here is the fact that Brain actively desires Pinky in his life (or, afterlife, in this case) and can't imagine existing, in any form, without him. We've seen it time and time again, from the episode "Snowball" to that one story from the comics, but this is one of the earliest, most apparent instances of it in the show. This scene alone proves to the audience that Brain isn't using Pinky to reach his goals, but genuinely sees him as a friend and a companion. And maybe there's an unhealthy splash of codependancy in there.
To take this a step further, an afterlife is commonly portrayed as a sort of perfect world; a place of eternal happiness, even. It's safe to assume from this daydream that Brain subconsciously associates Pinky with the same joy and contentment associated with heaven. We can even interpret this scene as Brain viewing Pinky as an angel, which is not only heart-wrenchingly sweet, but makes a fair bit of sense, all things considered.
After all, though Brain himself tends to shy away from explicit displays of emotions and empathy, he's been established to admire these traits in others. In "TV or not TV", he claims to find Princess Diana (who was well-known for her activism) attractive, and he repeatedly praises Pinky's kind nature throughout the series, even when it directly interferes with a plan. He even sabotages his own plots when Pinky objects for moral reasons, eg "Inherit The Wheeze", and then there's the iconic instance of him DESTROYING his own machinery after tearing up over Pinky's Christmas letter. I believe this is why Pinky is an angel in Brain's eyes: he's compassionate, he's pure-hearted, and he's innocent. Well, innocent in the sense of intention, at least. Pinky represents all the things Brain is too afraid to be himself, lest morality get in the way of his goals.
On top of that, Pinky always stays by Brain's side. He's the only person/mouse who has never left him, hurt him, or betrayed him. It's natural that someone so lonely, cynical and self-loathing as Brain would view his polar opposite as a literal angel...or, even more impactfully, a full chorus of them. Of course Brain's idealised heaven has himself as an angel too, but I'd say that's either his ego coming into play (he's both self-hating and conceited) or just to serve as a visual signifier that he's...um, dead. The flock of Pinky angels is what I'm focusing on here, because the sheer amount of them in comparison to Brain highlights them in this miniature megalomaniac's reverie. And also because it's more interesting to take the analysis in this direction! ♡
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Honestly, there's not quite as much I can say about this segment of the scene. Brain is on a throne, so presumably he's imagining himself ruling...heaven? Good for you, Brain!
It's very in-character for Brain to put himself as the centrepiece of his ideal afterlife, and as much as I love this little guy, the angel imagery is obviously ironic. Whether intentional or not, this can be connected to his egotism, as well as his belief that everything he does, no matter how severe or morally corrupt, can be justified by the end goal of ruling Earth and making it a better place. I don't believe that Brain genuinely sees himself as an angel when it comes to his purity, but rather that he thinks all his sins can be forgiven if/when he becomes the "benevolent dictator" (his words, not mine) of the planet...or maybe that's just what he tells himself to be able to sleep at night.
He looks noticeably very content and calm as an angel. I would go off on a tangent about how this is a version of Brain who is finally freed from the burden of his never-ending cycle of failure, and that this suggests that he needs to break out of his world domination obsession to ever be truly happy, but...I'll spare you.
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Oh, Pinky. Poor, poor Pinky. He's so selfless that it stings :(
It says a painful amount that in his idea of heaven...he's not even in it. I don't think he hates himself, yet he's so good-natured that he ends up neglecting his own desires for the sake of others. In this scene, he has literally forgotten to include himself in his own idealised world. I hate to say this, but this could be a result of his codependent relationship with Brain. He's so focused on Brain's happiness and goals that his life almost revolves around him at this point, and as I mentioned before, they fall apart without eachother. Pinky pours his heart and soul into helping Brain, partly because he genuinely believes Brain will make the world a better place, and partly because he'd do almost anything for Brain's sake. His love for Brain is so strong that he's the focus of Pinky's own paradise.
What I find significant is Brain taking the role of every single angel in the fantasy. He's portrayed as a sweet and wholesome creature wearing a cute smile, a stark contrast to reality. Even just him being an angel in the first place implies that this is how Pinky sees him. A big part of the latter's motivation to help Brain take over the world, though scarcely mentioned in the show itself, is so it can become a happier, nicer place for everyone. As a determined optimist, Pinky shares the desire to improve the Earth, and so views Brain as a sort of hero, someone surely worthy of a halo and wings.
His view of Brain as a good person can be explained further when we consider that he doesn't mind being bopped (and in some interpretations, downright enjoys it), can shrug off any verbal abuse, and clings onto any snippets of warmth he receives from Brain. The things others would raise their eyebrows at are things Pinky ignores or adores. I think it's safe to say that, overall, Pinky is the type to focus on his friend's positive traits and simply ignore most of the negatives, as seen in "Pinky's Plan" when he gives an extremely sugarcoated description of Brain to the world leaders. Because of all this, in Pinky's mind, Brain truly is an angel. It's bittersweet, really.
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And here we have it again. Brain on the throne, ruling. This is all Pinky truly wants—for his friend to be happy, fulfilled and at peace, making whatever world he may rule a better place. There's not an awful lot more to say now, since this is just a repeat of the scene from Brain's fantasy, but I think that's the most heartwarming part. These two mice are working towards the exact same goal, and yet their reasons for doing so are quite different: Brain to rule the world, Pinky to make his friend smile. It's almost poetic in its simplistic beauty. The voice actors said it best when they described the show as a "desperate love story", and the little scenes like this only prove that to me.
Welp, that's all I have to say for now! I haven't reached this hard since I tried to get to the chromatica oreos on the top shelf in Tesco. But this was fun, anyway! Thank you ever so much for reading :'D Your patience must be incredible! 💕
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toomanyrobins · 3 years
a little birdie told me pt. 7
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Summary: Y/N “Birdie” Parker left New York and her family three years ago in the middle of the night. Now, a call for help to her best friend brings her back into the fold of the Three Families and their “business”
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Parker!Reader
Content warning: physical abuse, miscarriage, cursing, mentions of forced marriage
Word Count: 2.3k
Notes: thank you to @firefly-graphics for the team cap divider! Makes my life much easier! 💛 
Series masterlist // next part
The next morning, Steve heard someone clearing their throat. He opened his eyes to see a familiar face standing at the foot of his bed with his arms crossed. “Peter, what the hell are you doing?”
“What the hell am I doing! What the hell are you doing? Why is my sister in your bed?”
Steve looked down and saw Y/N burrowed under the sheets. He knew she hadn’t been sleeping well and hated to wake her up. “Let’s go talk in the kitchen.” he put on the coffee maker before turning back to his fuming friend, “Birdie stayed over last night after I had to rush home because Jaime was sick. She stayed to help with him and we fell asleep.”
The tension started to leave Peter, “Oh, is he okay?”
“Yeah, he’s fine. Look, I get that you’re especially overprotective since Y/N came home but if she had woken up first and saw you, she would’ve been pissed. We are both adults and don’t deserve to be treated like criminals for what we decide to do.”
“You’re talking like something might happen.”
“Do you want to hear it?” Peter nodded, “Yes, I like your sister. She’s amazing and I enjoy every second I spend with her. I don’t care about her past and I hope she doesn’t care about mine. We both have made choices and we live with the consequences.”
“You like my sister...how long?”
“I don’t know. She used to just be your sister, the other half to the problematic duo that was her and Becca. Since she’s been back, something has changed.”
“Is this your savior complex?” Peter scoffed at the scandalized look on Steve’s face, “Don’t look like you don’t know what I’m talking about. Before I grew up, I was as strong as a limp noodle, and you and Bucky were always there to pull someone off of me. I just want to be sure you actually want Y/N because she’s Y/N and not because you think she needs saving."
“This isn't like you picking fights with guys double your size. I’m not doing this to hurt you, Parker. But whatever relationship I choose to have will be between us and I hope you can understand that. Because I won’t be the one to make her choose.”
“I hate you a little bit for this,” he ran a hand through his already unruly hair, “I kind of want to punch you.”
“Well Bucky punched Sam when he proposed to Becca. If I get that far, you can punch me.”
“Fine,” Peter took the cup of coffee Steve gave him. “So, when are you going to tell her?”
“I don’t know. Honestly, I’m scared she’ll say she’s not interested.”
“Well, I’d do it fast, before someone else notices how great she is.”
The duo decided to switch over to discussing some business, until they heard some noise coming from the baby monitor. Peter knew he should leave Y/N woke and made a quick escape. Steve walked back into his room, opened the curtains, and put a cup of coffee on the bedside table closest to Y/N. He peeled the blankets back and shook her softly. The only response he got was a grumble and her burying her face in the pillow. He decided to grab Jamie and let her slowly start to wake up. The baby at least was happy to see him that morning and kept saying dada over and over again. Steve brought Jamie into his room like he did every morning and put him on the bed next to Y/N. He immediately started to climb on top of her, wanting attention. “Sweetheart, you have to wake up. We have a visitor.”
“What?” The throaty morning voice that she spoke with sent shivers down Steve’s spine. She slowly sat up and kissed Jamie.
He handed her the mug. “A guy could get used to mornings like this: coffee, baby, and a pretty girl.”
Her face grew warm, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to crash so hard.”
“No need to apologize. We were all tired. Drink your coffee and I’ll drop you off on my way to the Ivory.” The trio moved slowly, enjoying the lazy morning. It hit Steve how comfortable and easy this morning was and that he wanted this to happen again. Their eyes connected in the mirror and she smiled at him. He spun around, “Would you be my date to the holiday party?”
“You want me to be your date?” Steve nodded and she bit her lip, “Yeah, I’d really like that, Stevie.”
He groaned, “What have I said about calling me that?”
“Follow through and I’ll stop.” He chuckled at her cheeky response and finished getting ready. They managed to get out the door on time and while she was bent over buckling Jamie in, she felt a sting on her ass. She whirled around, shock painted her face, “Did you just spank me?”
“You told me to follow through. I’m just doing what I’m told.” Steve walked to the driver’s side, leaving Y/N standing beside the car, a smile on her face.
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A week later, Y/N walked into Steve’s apartment, garment bag draped over her arm, make up and hair already done. They had agreed that she would come over to help with Jamie and they would finish getting ready together. All of them would be spending the night in rooms at the Ivory since this party was known to get rowdy. She was glad to see that their overnight bags were packed for the night and she put hers down as she called out for him. “I’m in the bedroom!” She found him standing in the center of the room in just his trousers and unbuttoned dress shirt. He had a look of deep concentration, his tongue peaking out between his lips as he struggled with his shirt. Y/N laid her dress on the bed before Steve threw his hands up, “Can you help me with these damned cufflinks?”
She laughed at his struggle, laying her things on his bed and taking his sleeve in her hands. “I can’t believe you still are wearing these things.” They had been a gag gift from her their first Christmas after he became her guard. She had bought him Tweety Bird cufflinks and told him that he would always have a little birdie with him even if she ran away from him. She switched arms, “How did you get anything done before me, Rogers?”
Steve looked down at her, “I’m not quite sure, Birdie.” She stepped closer to him and started doing up the buttons of his shirt like it was a common practice between them. He held his breath, worried that the intimate moment would end if he made any quick movements. When she reached the top, she smoothed his collar down, her fingertips grazing his neck. She put her hands on his chest and smiled up at him, “There. Now I’m sure you’re capable of tucking your own shirt in. Yes?”
He simply nodded, worried at what pitch his voice would come out. Y/N grabbed her dress and walked into the en-suite bathroom to change. Steve took a deep breath, his skin burning where her fingers had brushed. He walked into his closet, trying to decide on which tie to wear. His decision making was interrupted by his name being called again, “Yeah, sweetheart?”
“Could you zip me up? I can’t get it.” Steve cursed up his breath, this girl was going to be the death of him. He walked into the bathroom and got the first look at the dress Y/N had been hiding from him. She spun around, letting the skirt swirl, “Worth the wait?”
“You look gorgeous.” Y/N blushed at his compliment and turned around so that he could zip her up. He purposefully took his time, dragging his finger along her back even after he reached the top of the zipper. When he reached the base of her neck, he left a lingering kiss where his hand stopped and walked out without another word.  She let forehead come to rest against the cool countertop as she tried to get her hormones under control. The two of them had been playing this cat-and-mouse game for too long and it was leaving the both of them incredibly sexually frustrated.
Y/N had picked Steve’s tie to match her dress, ignoring his smirk when she chose it. He put everything in the car and the trio drove over to the Ivory. Steve’s hand found its way to rest on her thigh as she sang along loudly to the Christmas music on the radio. They handed the keys to the valet and made their way up to their adjoining rooms. Steve and Y/N quickly dressed Jamie up in his little suit that was too almost too cute to handle. She pulled on her heels and straightened his tie before they made their way down to the ballroom and marveled at the expert work that had been done. Tony and Pepper had decided on a White Christmas theme and the decorations were done to recreate the final scene of the movie. Giant trees were in every corner of the room and garland was strung across the room. An orchestra in the corner was playing music and everyone was in their finest outfits. They greeted their families and everyone was passing around well-wishes. They were complimented on what a striking pair they made and She tried to hide how flustered she was by Steve’s hand coming around to her waist and pull her closer.
Suddenly, Y/N heard her name being called. She spun around and groaned when she realized it was Alice Jones calling for her. That bitch had made her life hell in high school and the last thing she wanted to do was make small talk with her gang of women. She threw her shoulders back, plastered a fake smile and made her way over. Alice greeted her with a kiss of both cheeks, making Y/N roll her eyes internally. All of the women greeted her like they were old friends.
It did not take long for each woman to be trying to up the other of how great their lives were. Thousands of dollars worth of jewelry was flashed as they bragged about their husbands and fiances. Suddenly all of the women were looking past Y/N and fixing their appearances. She looked over her shoulder, confused, and realized that Steve was coming their way. He nodded quickly at the women before turning to Y/N, “Could you take Jamie for me? I need to discuss some things and his cuteness is a distraction.”
“Of course. Give me my little man,” she made grabby hands and Steve handed the baby over, who was all too happy to be with her. He babbled away as he played with her necklace.
The blonde gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, “Thank you for this. I shouldn’t be too long.”
When Y/N turned back to the group, they were all looking at her like she had grown another head. She laughed awkwardly as they bombarded her with questions. She tried to answer them gracefully and without giving away any actual information. No one but she and Steve were entitled to know what they were to each other and if she was being honest with herself, she wasn’t even sure where they stood. They had become incredibly close since she had been back, even more than before and it seemed that they were both waiting for something to push them over the edge and it never seemed to come.
She let her eyes roam over the ballroom. Indy and Peter were off to one side looking like they were discussing something serious as she tried to get him to put down his drink. George and Tony were off to the side speaking with the latter’s old friend, Colonel Rhodes. She watched Steve shake a man’s hand and then walk over to the bar and start talking to Bucky. Alice placed a hand on Y/N’s bare arm, drawing her attention back, “Well we are so glad to see that you’ve finally settled down,” The group of women tittered away, “I mean I remember in high school how all over the place you were. A nightmare! You’ll have to tell us how little old you managed to snag Steve Rogers.”
Y/N smiled at Alice, “Well I suppose I was a bit all over the place. Not all of us can spend so much of our time in one place on our knees. If you ladies will excuse me.” She quickly made her escape and headed towards the bar. Y/N’s attention was drawn away by Steve and Bucky, who quickly traded her a drink for Jamie when he saw the stormy expression on her face. “What a loathsome bitch.” Steve snickered at the disdain in her voice and looked over to see that the group of women was watching them. He leaned over to whisper in her ear, partially shielding her from their gaze. He was sure it looked like he was whispering dirty secrets to her and it wouldn’t take much for him to start. They had been swirling through his head all night. “You’re an amazing woman. Don’t let them get to you.” Her grip slowly relaxed on the champagne flute and Steve nodded as he ran his fingers along her spine, “Good girl.” Y/N tried to hide the fact that the praise from him had any affect on her, but he knew her and noticed the slight shiver that ran down her back.
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saberies-stuff · 3 years
Random Ramblings: Winn Schott
Alright, so I had every intention of doing Brainy's post today. Then I actually started typing, and it quickly became apparent that after 1500 words of Lena, I really needed to write about a character who DOESN'T make me irrationally salty. So I decided to switch gears to something fun and light-hearted and do Winn instead. And it turns out that I played myself, because this did not end up fun and light-hearted at all. But this series is meant to be whatever my brain comes up with, and I actually quite like where it ended up, so I'm just going to go with it.
The big issue with trying to analyze Winn's storyline is, well, he didn't actually have much of one. He got a couple random things here and there- the stuff with his dad, being a part of Team Guardian, his friendships with everyone else- and the rest of the time he was just there to crack jokes and invent stuff. They were good jokes, and it was cool stuff, but that does not a storyline make. So, after struggling for awhile trying to analyze something that wasn't really there to begin with, I decided the best thing to do was take all the little pieces of story that Winn got, and see if I could invent a thread to tie them all together into something resembling an arc.
In my opinion, there's a pretty obvious option that would have worked perfectly with Winn's character while still allowing him to be all the things the plot needed him to be. And it's probably the one storyline I wish the show would have tackled: an abusive relationship. I know, that's super heavy stuff for a guy who's mainly known for being the show's resident nerd, but I really do feel like it fits.
For one thing, we already know that Winn has a history of this kind of thing. The episode with his mom revealed how abusive his father was, and even if Winn didn't realize what was going on as a kid, it's pretty much impossible to believe it wouldn't have affected him in some way, even if it was just on a subconscious level. And from the few times he talks about growing up in various foster homes, it's pretty heavily implied that those situations likely weren't great. I don't find it a far stretch to say that he could very easily wind up in an abusive relationship simply because he genuinely has no idea what a good one is supposed to look like. Even if he did, he probably wouldn't feel he was worthy of it; we got that whole monologue with James in the Pestilence episode where Winn confessed to never feeling like he deserved anything. I don't think it'd be out of character for him to end up in a bad situation and stay there because he's convinced himself that that's as good as it gets for him.
There was already groundwork for this in the show, at least the way I see it; all we'd have to do is solve the Case of the Disappearing Girlfriends. This is probably one of the things that bugged me the most about Winn in the show. So many times it felt like the writers were right on the cusp of giving him some actual plot, and then it would all just fizzle out without going anywhere. Let me be clear, I hated both of the women Winn was involved with on the show- Siobhan was a piece of work even before she was a supervillain, and Lyra's aggression did not sit well with me at all- but it was incredibly weird to have both of them just drop off the face of the earth, so I would have liked to see one of them used to give Winn some sorely needed story.
As far as which one, for a storyline like this, I actually favor Siobhan over Lyra. Lyra had her issues, but she was never shown to have the same malice in her that Siobhan did. And Lyra was always more physical, what with the breaking glass and slamming things around, while Siobhan went for the more subtle, manipulative side of things. The vast majority of abuse I've seen depicted on-screen- which isn't done often enough, by the way- is physical, and not all abuse is like that. Mine wasn't, and yes, I've had a deranged fan of the Ship That Shall Not Be Named use that fact against me before, so there are clearly people out there who still believe that cliche. It's a very harmful cliche that needs to be solidly debunked, and I think showing a person like Siobhan as the aggressor in an abusive relationship could have been a great way to do that. (It also would have gotten rid of the idea that abuse is something only girls can experience, which is another very bad trope that I hate with a burning passion, so there's that). I also think it would have added some spice to things when it comes to Kara's human side. A lot of the drama of the show was connected to Supergirl, and Siobhan was pretty much the only time we actually got some conflict specifically focused on Kara Danvers, barring a few minor annoyances like Snapper Carr, so it would have added something for Siobhan to stick around as part of an ongoing plot.
What I love about this is the fact that we don't lose anything that makes Winn who he is. He can still have all the elements he had in the show, but there would be a lot more weight behind them. Suddenly his constant humor isn't just random comedy moments, because we know it's his way of hiding what's going on. Suddenly it makes sense why he's always busy inventing stuff or helping James on Team Guardian, because we know it's how he distracts himself from facing all the issues he's dealing with behind closed doors. Suddenly the episodes with his parents don't seem like out-of-place one-offs, because we'd see how deeply those issues affected him. He could still be the dorky little hobbit we all know and love, but he would have a lot more depth as a character. Part of what drew me to Supergirl in the first place is how each character meant something. Whether it was Kara as a female superhero and a refugee struggling to hang onto her culture while building a new life for herself, Alex's coming-out storyline, or Mon-El overcoming his past and becoming a hero in his own right, all of the characters, at least initially, felt super impactful and meaningful. Winn never really got any of that, so I think using him to explore something that so many people have faced in their own lives, and something that doesn't get talked about on TV very often, would have gone a long way.
When it comes to endings, I actually wouldn't change much about Winn's. I think the future and the Legion is a good place for him, and I loved seeing him happily married with a healthy, functional family at the end of things. If he'd been given a storyline like this, that ending would be all the sweeter, since we'd have been able to see what he went through to get to that point.
I always like to bring the focus back to Kara, since that's where it rightfully should be. A storyline like this would have added something for her too. A lot of her storyline was focused on inspiring people to be better. Pretty much every season finale featured an emotional speech to the citizens of National City, and as cheesy as it was, it was one of my favorite parts of the show. I would have loved it if we'd gotten a bit more of Kara inspiring her inner circle as well, and doing something like this with Winn would give her that chance. We'd be able to see her gradually encouraging him to, as he tells Nia, recognize his own worth, and eventually, when he comes back from the future with his happy ending in tow, we'd know he owed a lot of it to Kara. It would just be another way to illustrate who Kara really is, and how much she means to the people around her.
So yeah, as unhappy a plotline as this is, I do think it would have worked for the show. Winn didn't have much else going on, so something like this could have been added for him without feeling like "too much," and I'm pretty sure Jeremy Jordan would have been more than capable of handling it. My big wish for Winn would be for him to be more impactful of a character, and this is one way I think the writers could have made that happen. This post is probably going to be different from the others, since I was making up a potential storyline instead of analyzing an existing one, but hopefully you guys enjoyed! Thanks for reading, let me know your thoughts, and tell me who I should post about next!
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randomshipperhere · 4 years
Since Toast uploaded the 7k IQ video which is the start of the Lud-Syk trolling duo, more peeps are getting interested about the incident again and I have a lot of thoughts.
I personally believe the most annoying thing about the whole Sykkuno incident a few days ago is that SOME people are like:
"Oh, Corpse would've made sure he was okay" or "Corpse would've done a better job at protecting/defending him"
and some of these people are the same that hate and blame Valkyrae and Toast for what happened. Emphasis on some since most people just want to show their appreciation to Sykkuno and try to comfort him in their own fan way.
Really fucking irks me how they romanticize and make Corpse and Sykkuno seem so much closer than they actually are. There are many friendships like this so I'm used to the life cycle but that doesn't mean it doesn't piss me off everytime.
(Hey remember when Septiplier was at its peak and people pushed away Bob and Wade despite being literal friends with Mark for years prior to YT. Or when Ethan and Tyler first hopped on board[specifically Ethan] and when the trio would play with a 4th person that isn't Jack they would just go apeshit)
I am also not joking or taking it too far but this kind of thinking really pisses me off
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You know what Corpse would've done? He would've been the same as Lud. Lud and Corpse are just new friends. There are still walls and boundaries that they have yet to pass and they really can't do more than what Lud has done. I am a shipper, it is in my username. I live off of the idea of romance. But to drag a real life person that a lot of people romantically ship with in a VERY personal situation (personal enough that Syk would not even tell anyone on stream his problems) is not cool.
The playful yelling was the tipping point. It wasn't the cause. Rae and Toast are both known for their tough love to Sykkuno.
Like look, in those series of events, Ludwig was the most outwardly protective person of Sykkuno in the last game. That was pretty much all he could do due to his limitations and I'm sure Sykkuno really appreciated that. He was body guarding Sykkuno, stood up and talked for him when he was clearly sad, choked up even. Until his character's dying breath. He stood by his side. More like when the lights turned off but you get it. It was sweet, it was nice, he really tried his best (and I love him for it).
The thing is though Ludwig wasn't the only one who tried to help Sykkuno that round. Valkyrae who is known to love killing Sykkuno (for the memes) killed the other 2 people and fessed up for her crimes. One is because she was caught in the act of killing in the 1st meeting by Toast and two, upon realizing that Sykkuno was dead in the 2nd meeting she felt guilty and just admitted to the murder. She wanted to speedrun so Sykkuno could play again sooner. Right after, Toast calls button and gets to avenge Sykkuno by voting out the other impostor, his killer, Tubbo. Toast didn't even get to explain why Tubbo is the killer, he just made him fess up. To say they remotely didn't care is really fucking pissing me off.
BTW I watched Lud and Toast's streams for this specific match and I will say this, Toast had nothing to go off to know for sure that Sykkuno was sad. Him and Rae were trolling back and most likely didn't know how bad Sykkuno's day was. He doesn't read the comments on his live so when he was trying to find Sykkuno in the 1st round, with Rae (for the most part) that says a lot about how much he knows what Syk was feeling at the time with what little info he had. After pressing answers for him in the 1st meeting he just stopped and pretty much figured out what was happening.
Now another thing. After the match, Sykkuno is obviously sad and said he was going to go and get dinner, Rae follows up by saying she has to head out. We sure as hell know that these guys could stream for hours but she stopped there and even deleted her VOD as well. Now why could she have done that. Oh yeah. She must've talked with him. About what. I think you all know at this point. With two people quickly leaving, and two VERY important people in this "drama", Toast changed discussion and asked if the MC server was back up which made the others leave, ending their Among Us game that day. He left a parting message to the viewers and called it a day there.
2:16:50 is where the "yelling" starts and 2:26:00 is where he said this
Toast: Chat, Sykkuno's fine, okay?He's an adult. Okay. You don't have to tell me, or his friends, or him what to feel or what to do.
It's really disrespectful. Knock it off
Now tell me, what about that makes you think they don't care?
Are we also just forgetting that it was Rae that helped push Sykkuno to create his own lobby with people he loves playing with a while back? How this Tsunderae tells him how good of a player he is even when he thinks he just got lucky (god damn, Valorant days).
Are we forgetting how Toast was probably the most important person that helped Sykkuno grow confident in himself? When they hang out together and the bits we've heard from the podcasts, Sykkuno absolutely treasures his friendship with Toast the most (There have been multiple occassions where Sykkuno and Toast are caught on-cam or at least heard in the mic speaking to each other, more often than not in Lily's Just Chatting streams. In fact, I wouldn't put it past those two to be the ones talking in Yvonne's "I got a cat" video and the most popular clip from that was Sykkuno eating a sandwhich which is titled "SUSKKUNO")
The first recent example that came to mind was Lily and Michael's birthday stream.
It happens around 23:00
In other news Sykkuno and Lily's friendship is underrated and I don't understand how y'all sleep on it.
My parting words are Parasocial Relationships suck. Okay, good night.
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prismatales · 4 years
Late Bloomer
Y/N Todoroki already had her life planned out, but an unexpected turn of events may end up changing everything.
This is a side story of the "Endeavor's quirkless child" series and more of a what if? scenario. Also, in this the reader takes Hatsume's place during the battle tournament. This is not neccesary, but I'd recommend you to hear the songs Phoenix from League of legends, i feel like that songs fits the reader during this story.
Some women fear the fire. Some women simply become it.
-R.H. Sin
The Feeling of everyone's eyes on you was nerve wrecking, how are heroes supposed to concentrate on their jobs when there's people around watching their every move? Shoto wouldn't stop staring, was he seriously that surprised you were in U.A.? that you made it this far in the sports festival? was he upset that you had joined Midoriya's team during the cavalry battle? or because you nearly tased his team once during the battle...Were you really considered that worthless as not to make it?.
"Hey, you're Endeavor's daughter, right?" some random student had gotten too close to your liking, the words the used didn't help either and they didn't even notice. more people started to surround you, asking more questions at the same time over and over, completely ignoring how uncomfortable they were making you feel.
"i can't believe he has a sister" a student whispered to his group of friends.
"What's it like to be his daughter?"
"But why are you in the support course instead of the hero course?"
"What's your quirk like?"
"Stop it!" Ren, one of your classmates and friend from the support course yelled at the crowd stepping between you and everyone else "Can't you see she's uncomfortable? you keep asking her questions without even allowing her to say a word!" Hatsume also joined them, both of them knew how much you hated talking about quirks. The both of them distracted the crowd long enough allowing you to quietly step back and make a run for it, neither the students, Hatsume or Ren noticed you were gone until they turned back and didn't see you.
Letting out a deep breath as relief washed over your body after escaping the crowd of student made the tension dissipate. But not the thoughts running inside your head...
"This was bound to happen..." you thought, walking towards the cafeteria to have some water and take a small break before the next event started. The others would eventually catch up, more than willing to help with any repairs your equipment happened to need, fortunately the only thing needing some serious repairment were the booster sneakers you let Uraraka borrow for the cavalry battle, one had been broken while trying to escape the other teams, but it could be fixed on time.
Your plans were interrupted when you crashed into someone, stumbling for a moment before the person's hand shot up grabbing you tightly by the upper arm.
"I'm really sorry, I wasn't paying attent..." looking up at the person who helped you made the words die in your mouth, blood draining from your face.
It was your father...and he was furious.
He didn't say anything, but dragged you away to a place where nobody would hear what he had to say, so focused on the task that even if you had ended up falling for real he'd probably be dragging you all over the floor. The grip he had on your arm was starting to hurt. Taking you to an empty hallway and turning his whole body to face you.
"What do you think you're doing here?! and what in the world did you do to your hair?!" the look on his face was nothing compared to the pain you were feeling in your arm, wincing painfully as you tried to pull away from his clutches.
"I'm studying here! let go of me, it hurts!"
"Don't lie to me! you're just here to distract your brother aren't you?"
Of course....of course that was the only thing he cared about.
Shoto...his masterpiece.
"If you paid any attention you'd notice I don't even talk to him! just like you ordered all of us back home! or have you forgotten We're nothing more than failures to you?!" You growled this time, there was anger in those words, but he paid no mind.
"Do not try to fool me, I saw what you did back there"
He was talking about the cavalry battle, Shoto wouldn't stop staring at you when you went and joined Midoriya's team, specially after the way you nearly tased Iida when they took your team's points.
The grip on your arm wouldn't budge, it was starting to become painfully numb, but Endeavor paid no attention as he started dragging you again.
"You're coming back home and change schools this instant, you're just being a distraction to Shoto"
His words made your blood boil in anger. The rational part of your mind was telling you to stay quiet, that it wasn't a good idea to say anything when someone who could easily inflict third degree burns had a deathly grip on your arm, but that thought was easily disregarded by the emotional part of your brain, only making the anger inside of you grow stronger.
"So that's how it is?...you're just going to get rid of another distraction aren't you?" Endeavor only kept walking, completely ignoring you "Just like you did with mom?! JUST LIKE YOU DID WITH TOUYA?!"
His whole body became stiff, letting go of your arm in surprise and giving you the chance to pull away from his grasp before he started walking again. He turned around furious and ready to reprimand you for mentioning Touya, but the look on your face made him go silent, eyes full of anger, frustration and resentment towards him, it was like he was looking into a mirror and you were his reflection. He saw the way you held the spot he had grabbed on, an ugly bruised had quickly appeared on the spot from the strength he had used, a bit more tighter and it could have probably fractured your arm.
Ironic isn't it? for someone who's face clearly resembles her mother's, (Y/N) clearly had the same glare as her father.
He didn't realize you had ran away from him until the sound of your footsteps resonated through the hallway, running away in a rush and almost colliding with one of your friends, it was that little gasp from almost running into Hatsume that made him turn your direction.
"There you are!, let's make sure your gadgets are working correctly before your match begins! remember you're representing the support course!" Hatsume literally pulled you away, neither of you paying attention to Endeavor's glare, Hatsume was oblivious about it, focused on talking about which gadgets could come in handy during the events, You were focusing on her in order to avoid looking his way, and quickly walked away with her. Endeavor was seething in fury the moment Touya's name came out of your mouth, but he had other matters to care about, and went looking for Shoto, completely unaware he had been listening on the altercation...
Two hours later everyone was watching the battle tournament from the stands, you were sitting with everyone from the support department, quite some distance away from the hero department, and your brother.
The matches were going surprisingly fast, Midoriya's match against Shinso was quick, but impressive....But the moment Shoto's match against Sero began there was a moment you felt something weird on the inside, maybe it was that thing, twin telepathy or the frustration felt by your father's threat, but it was almost like you could feel everything Shoto was feeling the moment he created that massive ice wall, anger and sadness coursing through him....
With each round the pounding inside your chest just kept on getting worse, your turn was getting closer and closer, the pressure of being the only student from the support course AND being the only quirkless participant made the tension even worse, the anxiety you were feeling slowly starting to get heavier, along with that inner voice inside your head that wouldn't stop showing its ugly face no matter how much you tried to keep it at bay. You could almost feel it digging its nails on your shoulders as it whispered in your ear.
"Why do you even bother?"
The next match was about to begin, Mina Ashido vs. Aoyama Yuga.
Then it would be your turn...
Standing up from your seat with shaking legs you could only whisper to your friends who were curious about this behaviour, maybe the class didn't know each other for a long time, but never in all those months did they ever see (Y/N) Todoroki being this nervous, you were known to be pretty sarcastic and would always talk back to people that tried to mess with you or your friends, never taking shit from anybody that wasn't a teacher. This behaviour was new to everybody.
"I need to get ready for the match" taking a deep breath you left the stands and headed towards the locker rooms, all of your classmates said they'd root for you an would be wishing good luck. All you could do was give them a nervous nod and an awkward grin. with each step the nerves were getting harder to control. That damned voice only kept on whispering and mocking you...
"Might was well drop the fight, you already know how it's going to turn out"
A wave of nausea washed over all of sudden, forcing you to make a detour and run towards the girl's bathroom.
clutching the sides of a sink, head tilted down, shoulders hunched and breathing heavily, bile slowly trying to make its way out of your throat.
"You can't do it"
"I can do this...I can"
The moment your muscles tensed, a feeling of pain in your left arm made you look up in surprise and snap out of the trance you had slipped into, it ended up making you look at your reflection, it was something that wouldn't stop making you uneasy, specially the sight of your hair, the memory of your mother's screams as she saw the locks of hair still fresh in your mind, looking at your arm distracted you from those painful moments and focus on the huge purple bruise all around the bicep.
The sight of the bruise only managed to upset you even further, eyes narrowing at the sight of it and gritting your teeth into a snarl, the grip on the sink only got tighter, the pain in your knuckles made it clear.
"He's right, you know..."
In a fit of rage and newfound determination you pulled away from the sink and headed to the locker room for the rest of your equipment, highly focused on the task that you didn't notice the scorched handprints burning on the corners of the sink...
Finally...it was your turn to fight...
Present Mic started presenting both you and your opponent with vigor...
"Offense and defense in one body! The dark samurai accompanied by Dark Shadow! From the hero course, it's Fumikage Tokoyami!!! Versus--The Mystery Genius of U.A.! With the highest Intellect from her generation and sharp mind! From the support course, it's (Y/N) Todoroki!!!
Everyone in the Support Course could be heard cheering loudly, some spectators were confused, for someone in the support course you were wearing nothing but accessories.
Despite being about to fight you were wearing a pair of black earrings shaped like a drop with a matching choker. A metal belt with a leather base, it had four spherical bumps made of metal distributed around the material and two utility pockets the size of your hand around your hips.
On your right wrist a silver cuff bracelet with a metallic black bead on the upper part. On the left wrist another bracelet of black beads, each of them 2cm in size. A pair of booster sneakers with the whole base customized, lastly a pair of black cyber goggles on your head.
"What do you think her quirk's like?" Shoto could hear his classmates Ojiro asking Midoriya, who already had his pen and burnt notebook in hand ready to take notes.
"I don't know, but I'm more curious about her equipment, i don't see anything apart from her belt" Shoto didn't show it, but he was worried about you, Midoriya was right, not only that but Tokoyami's quirk was powerful. He could only hope his classmate wasn't as violent as Bakugo.
He could only watch in worry how nervous you were, and from the corner of the stands he could see his father watching, he seemed angrier than usual, like he was judging (Y/N).
You gulped nervously at the sight of your opponent, he had been one of your teammates during the cavalry battle so you knew about his disadvantage against light, you may still have a chance.
Still...tilting your head up towards the stands where your classmates were cheering gave you a push of confidence...and then you saw him as well...
Your father was watching...
"Is this some kind of sick joke? You've never paid attention all these years, now you're just waiting to say 'I told you so' once I lose the match, don't you?" Those thoughts only fed the frustration you felt on the inside. For some reason your body started feeling weird, it was warmer than usual, probably by the anger...But you wouldn't give him the pleasure of pulling you out of school without a fight and turned back to face Tokoyami.
"I'll show you what I can do"
"Sixth match, start!!!"
"Dark Shadow!"
Tokoyami's quirk activated, Dark shadow coming out through his chest quickly charging forwards. Though the moment it got closer Dark Shadow got hit across the face by something.
Everyone looked in wonder as a metallic spider-like limb came out from one of the bumps on the belt striking Dark Shadow with force. Hatsume was shaking on her seat excited as she used her quirk and saw the support companies watching with interest.
Dark shadow charged again, grabbing the attachment before it could strike again, just to be hit by another leg, both coming from the bumps in the front of the belt, it became a back and forth fight between the bird like creature and your gear, each trying to strike and block one attack after another.
While Tokoyami was barely moving from his spot you were slowly going from left to right, looking for any blind spot, Dark Shadow could move a long distance, but if he got too far Tokoyami could be open for attack during a few seconds.....Of course Tokoyami was also observing the situation and caught up with your attack pattern, Dark Shadow's attacks became faster, making it hard to block, until another two limbs came out of the belt.
Everyone was cheering as the battle kept going, this time it was starting to get serious, both Tokoyami and you started circling one another, Dark Shadow's was getting even faster than before, then it managed to grab two of the attachments in the front, and broke them.
"Shit!" the other two were called back, the broken ones were letting out sparks, the distraction was enough for Dark Shadow, he grabbed you by the shoulders and began to try pushing you out of bounds, just for the other limbs to burrow themselves into the ground abruptly, making you unable to be moved.
"I need to go on the offensive"
"Oh! she's going to use the beads!" Ren was getting excited, and so was the curious crowd as they saw you yanking off the beaded bracelet before throwing the beads all over the floor right in front of Tokoyami's sight.
Kaminari laughed "Is she trying to trip him?" thinking Tokoyami wouldn't fall for something like that until the beads exploded like flash grenades, startling Tokoyami, Dark Shadow and the crowd.
"what kind of jewelry is that?!" a hero in the stands was surprised until Hatsume began explaining your gadget's functions with excitement.
"Todo-chan's equipment is meant to be subtle, that's why it looks like normal accessories!" she beamed when the support companies were looking in amazement at the match, some of them were taking notes. Her explanation left some heroes amazed by the idea that something so subtle could be so tricky.
Tokoyami pulled his arms from his face, blurry vision from the flashes left him vulnerable, he didn't see you running towards him with the goggles covering your eyes from the light, then he felt how you landed an elbow strike to his face following with a side kick that left many people cheer in amazement.
"Thank god Natsuo insisted on the Kickboxing lessons!"
"An impressive ambush by Todoroki (Y/N)!" Present Mic was yelling to the crowd, Shoto was astonished by your movements, not expecting his sister to be a talented fighter and neither did Endeavor who's disapproval was yet to leave his face, so what if you were good at fighting? you were still quirkless...
"She's Endeavor's daughter, right?" even far away from the stands those words still ended up reaching your ears making your whole body freeze on reflex.
no....please no...stop
"Why isn't she using her quirk?" those words were like a key unlocking the door of a prison where a horrendous monster was being restrained, that prison was your head...and the monster slowly crawling its way out...were your thoughts.
"See? you're Useless"
"Why did she stop?" "Is she alright?"
Tokoyami realized you stopped attacking and took the chance. Dark shadow got closer, this time it was gripping your arms and began pushing you back again, the feeling of its claws on the bruise only making you flinch at the massive amount of pain, your feet dragging dirt from the strength it was using, the robotic limbs had tried to dig their way on the ground, but even that wasn't working, it only slowed down Dark Shadow, the edge of the arena was slowly getting closer.
That's when Shoto noticed the bruise and quickly realized what caused it, he too had ended up with similar ones when your father would drag him to the training room, he could feel his left side getting warmer, furious at Endeavor for hurting you.
Before Dark Shadow could keep pushing you positioned your left foot firmly on the ground, a burst of compressed air erupting from the sole of the sneakers with tremendous strength causing you to slide to the left, away from Dark Shadow's clutches and rolling on the floor from the force.
"Those are her booster sneakers! they have enough power to lift an adult man off the ground!" Hatsume kept bragging about your equipment, distracting them from the subject about your quirk, or rather the lack of it.
Tokoyami's attacks were becoming faster and harder to block, specially with two missing limbs from your belt, pulling another beaded bracelet from one of the pockets from the utility belt, this time throwing it whole before it burst into light again and quickly ran towards him again.
But this time he was prepared, Dark Shadow had protected him, and rammed itself towards you, accidently hitting you in the face and sending you rolling back on the floor, making the crowd gasp when they saw your nose had started bleeding as you were lifting the upper part of your body from the ground and panted hard.
"Todoroki-san!" Midnight's voice was loud and firm "Out of bounds!"
"What?!" Looking down, your were sitting in the middle on the line due to Dark Shadow's attack "no..." Tilting your head up you accidently made eye contact with your father, the look of disapproval on his face making you look down again, bangs covering your eyes as your shoulders trembled and hot angry tears were close to come out....making something snap inside you, all the frustration, anger and resentment suddenly exploded inside of you into a hot rage. The feelings inside your chest clawing their way outside in a desperate struggle to come out.
"It's over for you, you should start saying goodbye to all your friends"
Everything went silent in the stadium, nobody said a word as you slowly started to get up, nose still bleeding and eyes set into a glare. Tokoyami was observing quietly. Then something inside you throbbed painfully, your head felt like it was going to explode as you held it from the sides with both hands.
"Worthless, you're a failure, a distraction"
"Shut up!" you screamed, the pain was getting worse making you fall on your knees and curl into fetal position, tears rolled down your face from the amount of pain, It was so intense that you didn't notice the way everyone was looking at you.
Or rather they were looking at your hair, there was a reddish glow coming out of it and somehow it was making the (H/C) dye disappear from the locks making it look like it was being evaporated. It started to become longer and it was burning like someone had attached fire extensions on your scalp, making it reach down your waist and flow smoothly in the air like gravity had no control over it.
"Something's wrong" Shoto's thoughts came out without him realizing. His classmates were looking at him with curiosity "what do you mean? Isn't that her quirk?" he was hesitant to answer, he felt like he had no right to talk about it, but he was afraid "...She's quirkless..." There were gasps all over the bleachers, amazed of how long you had managed to hold your own against one of the strongest students in the hero course with only equipment.
Unknown to Shoto his father was also watching in surprise, interest and deep down slight traces of worry. Did the doctors made a mistake when they diagnosed you all those years ago?
The glow began getting more intense, a mix of red and golden energy began to appear around your body in smooth waves, the moment it made contact with the bruise on your arm the wound glowed red before it disappeared into the air like soft embers.
"What's happening?!"
Your mind was in a panic, the sight of your own limbs engulfed in flames became a blurry memory, replaced by a pair of arms full of burns and bandages, you recognized those arms, they belonged to the only person who cared about you during your childhood, the only person who took care of you when everything else was falling apart, the only person that called you "Firefly".
Those were Touya's arms...
"No...Make it stop...Make it stop!!!" You could only hold your head in horror as the memories of your brother came back in a rush....Touya's body being engulfed in flames...the way he always held you affectionately...the burn marks all over his body...how he always called you "Firefly" with such a tender voice....and the day of his funeral...
it was too much. The energy surrounding your body began swirling uncontrollably trapping you inside a vortex. You didn't notice the way your eyes started to glow with a golden light without a trace of the pupil or iris.
"You need to stop Todoroki! She's losing control on her quirk!" Aizawa was screaming through the mic, it was obvious by the look on your face this wasn't normal, he remembered reading your file after all and seeing the part where it said you were quirkless.
Midnight swiftly tried using her quirk to stop you, but as soon as the fragrance coming out of her body got close the aura ignited it, almost like it was protecting you. 
The tears in your eyes were quickly evaporated by the heat, pain and fear overwhelmed your every thought.
"Make it stop!!....Make it stop!!...TOUYA!!!"
The vortex was abruptly pulled into your body and burst out just as fast, causing a massive shockwave through the arena, everyone in the stadium could feel force of the the heat and the wind, even Endeavor had been pushed back because of it.
Cementos had luckily created a concrete barricade around the people on the bleachers just in time when they realized you lost control over the flames. Once the wave subsided the sight in the arena was similar to the aftermath of a wildfire, traces of fire and scorched marks littered the whole arena, Tokoyami was barely holding on and exhausted, having no time to get away in time he used Dark Shadow to protect him from the shockwave at the last second. 
Worry filled the whole stadium when they saw you laying on the floor passed out, the energy surrounding your body had finally disappeared and your hair had gone back to its short appearance, this time back to its natural red color.
Hours later, after the tournament had ended Shoto made his way to Recovery girl's office to check on you. Concern clear on his face at the sight of your motionless body in a Stretcher and the paramedics making their way to the ambulance while Endeavor supervised the procedure with a keen eye without adverting his gaze from your unconsious self, making one of the paramedics shake nervously. 
Shoto was quick to approach a serious looking Recovery girl. "What happened to my sister?" she gave him a look of concern "They're taking her to the hospital to run some tests, her wounds were already healed by the time she arrived" she turned back to look at you "but her quirk completely drained her, so they're going to try and figure out why it took so long to manifest".
The hospital kept you in observation for two days, leaving your siblings worried out of their minds when Natsuo and Fuyumi saw the match's footage, worry sept in them by the way you desperately called out for Touya, it was heart-breaking for them to see just how much you missed him, after all out of the whole family you had been the more affected by his death right after your mother...
The second day your eyelids slowly fluttered open, the bright light from the room made a pained groan leave your parched mouth, it felt like someone had shoved a handful of cotton down your throat, your body ached painfully, begging to get out of the bed...
Wait...bed? You swiftly got up into a sitting position startling the person standing beside you, it was a nurse checking the fluids from an IV bag connected to your right arm were flowing properly.
"Todoroki-san! I'm glad to see you awake" she offered a gentle smile and poured a glass of water before handing it over, holding it in place for security and instructing you to drink slowly, the fresh liquid felt like heaven on earth, making you sigh in happiness before you looked at her with questioning eyes.
"Let me go get the doctor, he'll explain everything to you" She left the room before you could ask her why you were in a hospital room in the first place, it took ten minutes for the Doctor to arrive and quickly began to run some basic checkups before he explained the whole situation...
Meanwhile Endeavor was in his office when he got a call from home, Fuyumi told him the hospital called and you had woken up, She mentioned both her and Shoto were going to visit you and that Natsuo was already waiting for them in the hospital. After hanging up he turned his attention back to the video playing in his computer. It was the footage of your match, he watched with intensity the moment the energy around you turned into a vortex and the moment the shockwave rattled the cameras. 
Then there was the part where the energy had healed your wounds, the bruise in your arm disappeared in an instant and by the time they took you to Recovery Girl all of the scratches and your nose were healed. With proper training you could easily rival Shoto in terms of power...If only your quirk had appeared early, you could have probably surpassed even Touya's firepower by now.
Meanwhile Fuyumi, Natsuo and Shoto were outside the hospital room where the doctor was giving them the full diagnosis as well as some instructions.
"Y/N needs to get plenty of rest, She's perfectly healthy but it would be a good idea to watch out for any changes and avoid any stressful situations for a few days, now about her quirk...after checking her family history my theory is that it took a longer time to manifest due to a mutation"
Once the doctor finished explaining everything and walked away the three went inside the room, they saw you sitting in the middle of the bed hugging your knees closer, one of your hands in front of your face while looking at it with an empty look.
"(Y/N)?" Fuyumi was the first one to speak, their worry on their faces quickly changed to surprise when your hand started to give a soft glow, the same energy from before started to appear in gentle waves this time only in your hand, causing a sad laugh to come out of your lips.
"This changes everything...doesn't it?" The aura started to grow brighter, swirling faster before vanishing as quickly as it appeared. Fuyumi went to sit on the left side of the bed, her hand rubbing your shoulder in comfort.
"All this time...I got used to the idea of never having a quirk...of never being like you guys..." your voice started to break, smiling sadly while small tears prickled the corners of your eyes "and just when I'm finally starting to accept it...Just when I think I found...what I wanted to do with my life...!" Your sister quickly pulled you into a hug as you cried, face buried on top of your knees, Natsuo was quick to join in, Shoto could only stare as he stood closer to the bed, unsure of what to do, this was the first time in years he's been this close to you and it made him feel out of place. 
He was ready to walk out of the room...until he saw you looking at him with a sad look on your face motioning him to come closer, Shoto sat next to Fuyumi with hesitation, unsure of what to say or do but then one of your hands grabbed his left one, surprising him with you gentle hold and the small smile on your face.
"I saw you match on TV....he's right you know" He knew what you were talking about, Midoriya's words...it made his hold on your hand become tighter...
It's your power.
That's how you four spent the rest of the day, together and talking about the future, catching up for lost time, Shoto quickly offered to help you train with your quirk. Of course, at the mention of training everyone thought the same thing.
What would happen with your Father?
The answer came three days after being released from the hospital. The doctors said you could go back home after one last check up, they also recommended to go easy on your quirk and gave Fuyumi a prescription for some eyedrops, the drawbacks of your quirk were overheating and irritated eyes if you overused it, one advantage though was that with the healing part of your power it took longer to overheat.
When you guys arrived home Endeavor was waiting inside, he only looked at your uncomfortable face once before leaving for a mission, he didn't say anything, which made both of your sibling to look at him with confusion. During that time you trained with Shoto in order to get better control over your quirk, both completely unaware that your father was watching your progress from afar.
The vortex from he sports festival never appeared anymore, whenever your quirk was used the fire aura would only envelope your arms up to the forearms, your eyes would glow again and your hair regained the fire extensions.
"At least is not a fire moustache" Shoto had to fight back the urge to laugh at your comment. Before you could keep up with your training there was a scream coming from the house that startled the both of you, running inside you saw Fuyumi sitting on the kitchen floor, there were pieces of glass and blood mixed with water all over the floor, the both of you rushed to her side.
"What happened?!" Shoto asked her while you were checking her injured foot. She had a look of pure agony on her face at the small cuts, a medium sized piece of glass was still lodged on her bleeding foot.
"I-I was holding a glass of water and it slipped from my hand..."
"I'll go look for the first aid kit!" he only walked a few steps before you stopped him, looking at Fuyumi's foot with a look of pure concentration, one of your hands hovered above her injury before it started to glow along with your eyes, the three of you were so focused on the matter that nobody paid attention to Endeavor, who had come back earlier from work and stood in the kitchen entrance watching.
"This might hurt a bit, do you trust me sis?" You gave her a reassuring look as your fingers slowly came in contact with the shard, she stared for a few seconds before nodding and holding her breath, her eyes were closed tightly, she had always been uneasy at the sight of blood.
Breathing deeply in concentration your fingers took hold of the glass and with a swift tug pulled it out of her wound before throwing it aside, making her yelp in discomfort for a moment, your hand quickly going back near her injury, the aura slowly starting to crawl its way down your fingers towards her foot, surrounding it with energy before making the wound slowly stop bleeding and closing shut without a trace of a scar, it was like Fuyumi never got hurt in the first place.
The aura in your hands dissapeared and your eyes went back to normal, letting out a deep breath before looking back at Fuyumi.
"Does it still hurt?" She started flexing her toes to check, but her attention had been somewhere else as her eyes once filled with pain were full of admiration and surprise when she caught sight of your power, it was far different from the vortex that appeared during the sports festival.
"It only hurts a little bit, but It’s okay...Y/N, your quirk is so gentle, and beautiful" She hummed with a soft smile on her faces, those words however made you blink in surprise for a few seconds, before looking at the palm of your hand.
All these years the idea of fire being something gentle never crossed your mind, everytime someone asked what was the first thing you'd imagine at the mention of fire, the answer would always the same.
"My Father"
People always thought it was out of admiration for your father. But nobody knew the truth, with the thought of fire came Endeavor, with the thought of Endeavor came anger, with the thought of anger came destruction...with destruction came the memories of a broken family, burned away by his ambition and desire for power.
Fuyumi's words were like a switch in your head, no longer the thoughts of fire reminded you of the past, the word 'fire' developed a different meaning, something that can destroy, but that can also make way for new life, just like a....
"...Phoenix" you whispered softly, catching everyone's attention, it took a moment for them to understand what you meant, until your palm once again started glowing and the aura came back to life, this time with a brighter glow.
"That's my quirk...Phoenix"
"It seems you finally have control over your quirk" your father's voice came out of nowhere, startling the three of you, his arms crossing and a look of confidence on his eyes that made an unneasy feeling grow inside your chest.
"You will transfer into the hero department with Shoto"
There it is again, the feeling of surprise being replaced by anger stirring inside of you, he's never paid attention to your existence until it became convenient for him, his desire to surpass All-Might still blinding his thought made you angrier by the minute. When he turned to walk away you were soon following after him, Shoto helped Fuyumi stand up and avoiding the remains of glass on the floor.
"You can't do that! I'm not leaving the support department!"
"You're going to change courses after the internships and that's final, both you and Shoto will become exceptional heroes, stronger than All-Might and anyone else"
"No! I'm not switching classes, I've never wanted to be a hero before and there’s no way I’m going to become one now!"
That's how it started, both of you engaged into a screaming match, both Shoto and Fuyumi only watched as both you and your father had ended up activating your quirks, the sight of his face and your hair covered in flames would have been funny if it wasn't for the screams you were throwing back and forth at each other.
"If you keep this up I'm running away from home!"
He only scoffed at the threat
"You wouldn’t do that, you have nowhere else to go"
Shit, he was right, none of your family lived nearby, and you always refused to talk to your mother's family out of spite for disregarding the abuse your mother had to go through, the last time they tried to talk was four years ago, but they were always ignored. And you didn't want to be a bother to Natsuo...
Then an lightbulb went off inside your head. Giving Endeavor a challenging look before you started talking again.
"Very well then..." Shoto was dumbfounded by your answer, had you really given up that easily?! But then you continued. "I'll move into the hero course, but only if you can answer this question, and if you do, I'll switch classes without hesitation, but there's a catch, you can't ask for help from anyone if you can't answer"
The look of confidence on your father's face as he accepted your terms almost made you scream in victory, buy in order to make this work you had to be quiet.
"Very well, go on"
You looked at him in the eye, the room was awfully silent until you opened you mouth and the question made Endeavor's eyes go wide.
"When is my birthday?"
The whole room fell into an uncomfortable silence, he tried to say something, but no words left his mouth, his eyes went to Fuyumi until he remembered the rule, no help from anyone. Shoto wanted to scream, your hands went to your hips with an indifferent look on your face. Ten minutes passed and he didn't answer.
"See? You know nothing about me!" You ran to your room and quickly came back with a bunch of papers before throwing them at him.
"All this time you thought I only went to U.A. to mess with my brother and never realized I had potential to do so much more, these are my grades and exams results, I have the highest grades in the whole school, you don’t even know this but my friends called me yesterday, you know what they said?"
He looked at you, report card in hand.
"They heard the support companies were going crazy over my equipment, they all want (Y/N) Todoroki to do an intership with them, not Endeavor's daughter. If you ever try to switch me into the hero course without my knowledge...I'll start failing my classes on purpose, imagine what people will say when the genius of U.A. and Endeavor's daughter starts failling her classes...now, if you'll excuse me, I need to prepare my uniform for tomorrow's class" You turned back to go to you room, but stopped in the hallway before turning your head back to him, a furious glare on his face, the paper in his hands was starting to burn away by his flames.
"Oh, and by the way...My birthday's on January 11, I'm Shoto's twin, remember?"
Walking away with a victorious smirk on your face the sound of your father's screams felt like music to your ears.
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Hope you guys enjoyed this, please let me know what you think of this side-story!
I want to thanks my friends @godtieruwu @undead0relived and @mysticalite for helping me with some aspect for this story and listening to my ramblings.
Also, @mysticalite drew some fanart of my Todoroki!reader and it's so lovely! It's a comparison between reader and Rei!
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