#let's ignore the fact that there should be jump jets
groan-taire · 1 year
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the fhr brainrot has gotten me and it is unfortunately terminal, so here's my sidestep he might be competent enough but honestly he isn't very good at being evil, he’s just bitter and desperate and lonely
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Sup rogue and im back with another request! Tho for now its just gonna be a vanilla wednesday req, no additional power lore added
Wednesday x Reader
One of the students pranked wednesday by somehow slipping a potion that makes you de-age back into a child for a couple of days and Reader and Enid just takes care of her while she is in this state.
Got this inspiration with this pic
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Wednesday x Reader
"Enid! Y/N!"
The two of you are in the quad when you turn to see an out of breath Xavier and Ajax. The two of them immediately grab your arms to try and pull you somewhere.
"Whoa, what's going on?" You ask, stunned by their urgency. "Hey, cool your jets."
Xavier whirls around with wide eyes. "Someone decided to pull a prank on Wednesday and... You just gotta see this."
When you all enter the classroom where Wednesday was, you're greeted by a peculiar sight. Three boys were huddled in the corner on top of a table. The look on in fear as a small child with dark pigtails stands with a knife in her hands.
"What in the..." You manage to get out. The boys' eyes dart over to you and you can see the sheer terror in them.
"Dude, tell her to back off. It was just a joke." One cries.
"It'll wear off in a couple days. We're sorry, please let us go." Another sobs.
The last boy just trembles between the two. You almost feel sorry for them if it wasn't for the fact that they were dumb enough to mess with Wednesday.
Speaking of, you glance at the small child, who was now looking at you with dead eyes. The knife in her hands was nearly the size of her whole arm. Somehow, her uniform reverted to her childhood black dress, which you've only seen in photos. You look at her eyes again and you catch it. The child-like mirth in them from causing pain and torture. You knew how to handle teenage Wednesday. Let's see if you can handle the child version.
"Wednesday," you started, kneeling down to her level. " How long do you intend on playing with those boys?"
The young goth just gives a creepy smile. "Until I'm bored. It's fun to scare them." Her voice throws you off a bit, but little Wednesday wasn't too far off from her older self. Just a little less restraint on her actions. Enid steps up and tries to help.
"Uh... It's really no fun to just stand there. How about we go and play somewhere else?" While the wolf was normally great with kids, she didn't know what to expect at all with her kiddy roommate. Wednesday just ignores her to stare at the trembling boys, tapping her knife on the floor threateningly.
You lean towards Enid and whisper, "This IS fun for her..." The blonde just sighs.
"Why don't you just grab her and pick her up?"
Everyone just turns to look at Ajax. Suddenly self conscious of his suggestion, he just shrugs. You, Enid and Xavier just point to the girl and say "Knife."
"Oh, right."
You sit on the floor and think for a bit before snapping your fingers. "Oh! Thing could help us out. He should know how young Wednesday operates."
Enid jumps in agreement and goes to find him. You in turn move to sit behind Wednesday, joining her in staring menacingly at the pranksters. She glances at you before turning back to her task.
"Dude, what're you doing??"
You give them a sly grin. "I mean, you had it coming, so I'm just joining the fun."
Enid comes back with Thing in tow, much to the relief of the boys. He scurries over and taps a few times towards Wednesday.
"But I don't want to leave. I'm having fun with Y/N here."
He taps another few times, causing the tiny goth to look at you.
"You'll be with me all day?" Those words made your heart swell.
"Death Heart, I'll be with you for as long as you want me to."
You can see a small upturn of Wednesday's lips and she drops her knife. She wraps her arms around your neck and you pick her up. Turning to the pranksters, you give a smirk.
"You'll be okay for now. Can't say how you'll be when this wears off."
They run off, tripping over each other and you take Wednesday back to her room with Enid and Thing in tow. Xavier and Ajax just sigh, glad to not have to deal with the situation.
You had informed Principal Weems about the situation. It would've been near impossible to convince her if you didn't have a tiny Wednesday in your arms. The older woman just ran her hand over her face and took the names of the bullies before sending you off with permission to skip classes for a few days.
Now in Wednesday's and Enid's room, you and the blonde were figuring out ways to entertain the little girl. So far, she was wandering the room with new eyes, taking stock of her side. Thing followed her around, keeping an eye on her. He tapped for a bit, as if thinking before snapping his fingers and scurrying to the crystal ball on the table. He gave it a slight wave then drums his fingers impatiently.
"What are you doing?" You ask the hand as you walked up. Answering your question, you see Wednesday's mother, Morticia, appear on the sphere.
"Oh? What a surprise. I wasn't expecting a call, let alone from you two." It seemed like a pleasant surprise for her. "What's going on? Is something wrong?"
You were about to pipe up, only to be interrupted by a tiny goth wanting your attention. The girl tugs at your sleeve and you pick her up into Morticia's view.
"Oh dear. I see what's wrong now." While a worried look graces her face, there's a fond nostalgia that accents it. "Tell me what happened."
Wednesday hangs out in your arms as you explain the situation. She's as still as a doll as she watches her mother's reactions. The warmth you emanate almost lulls her to sleep as you finish and she jolts awake at the sound of her mother's voice.
"I see. Thankfully, I am familiar with this potion and those boys are correct. It will take a few days, but it should naturally filter out of her system." You nod in response. "I do hope she'll stay out of trouble in the meantime." Morticia looks pointedly at Wednesday and the small girl just smirks in response.
"We'll do our best, ma'am."
You hang up the... crystal ball and turn your attention to the child in your arms. There's an edge of affection in her dark eyes and you just know that you're wrapped around her little fingers.
"Looks like we'll just have to deal with this until it wears off."
A few days have passed and poor Enid was at her wits end. There were several plushie casualties before you managed to head to Uriah's Heap to get a few dolls for Wednesday to play with. The blonde ended up just letting you take the reins on caring for the small child with the caveat that you made sure she didn't lose anymore of her stuffed animals. It was easy enough for you to do, especially with Thing there to help.
Now, you were sitting on the floor with Wednesday, building a miniature guillotine that her parents sent over for her. This was something you never thought you'd do in your lifetime, but it definitely was fun to see how excited Wednesday was about the whole thing.
"Now we make sure the blade is sharp enough before we attach it." She hands you a whetstone with a sparkle in her eyes. "Can you do it for me? I don't have the strength to do it right now."
"Of course." you take the stone from her and set yourself up. Taking a quick assessment of the blade, you glide its edge along the stone. A sharp 'shing' could be heard each time you draw it across. With another cursory look, you pluck a strand of hair from your head and hand it to Wednesday. She holds it above the blade and lets it fall.
it splits as soon as it touches the edge.
With a wide smile, the small girl pulls you to attach the blade to the guillotine. As you did that, she sets up one of her dolls in the stock and rests its head on it. As soon as you were done, you nod to the girl.
Without missing a beat, Wednesday hits the lever and the blade falls, chopping off the doll's head with a smooth cut. She claps her hands excitedly. Upon the last clap, however, a puff of smoke surrounds the child. It drives you into a panic until it dissipates, revealing Wednesday back in her teenage form.
"Oh good. You're okay." You lean close to try and assess her condition. "No side effects? Still wanna torture those guys?"
The goth stands and checks over herself before nodding. "All seems well. Back to normal." Her eyes turn to you and she lets out a frustrated sigh. "... Thank you for taking care of me while I was... Indisposed."
"No problem," you reply with a shrug. "And I won't mention it. You might have to bribe Enid with more plushies though."
"She has more than enough... But I'll acquiesce, I suppose. An apology for my childish impulses."
With a nod, you get to your feet. "I'll help out with that." You let out a stretch and a groan. "For now, are you hungry or do you wanna find those guys and make 'em pay?"
Wednesday just walks up to you and pulls you into a quick, but heated kiss. "A date will suffice for now. I haven't been able to properly enjoy our time together for a few days."
The kiss left you baffled, but a dopey smile appeared on your face. "Yeah, I missed you too."
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nevis-the-skeleton · 1 year
RANDOM TFP: What if Starscream was happy that Megatron was paying more attention to Airachnid then to him? (Because it means that Megatron will attack him less!) ... What if Starscream actually hopes that Airachnid takes his job, so Megatron will finally leave him alone? ... How would Megatron and Airachnid react to learning this? ^^; 
(if you want to know why I answer like this, you can read the short explanation here : My tumblr glitch )
Oh, an interesting question X3. Thank you for your request lovely anon ^^.
Starscream walked to the main hall of the Nemesis, cursing about Airachnid's unwanted presence. Why was that spider coming back now…?! Knowing her, she was going to do everything possible to ruin his life, especially in front of Megatron!
The Seeker enters the room, and wasn't even surprised when he saw the Techno-Organic. It was to be expected that she would be there, like vermin she could infiltrate everywhere. Airachnid and Megatron seemed to be discussing something, and the jet closed in before saying:
“Hello, Lord Megatron."
The latter did not answer him, ignoring him completely. Oh? That was new? So what? He was acting like Starscream didn't exist now? Honestly, the Seeker preferred that to being yelled at, choosing was almost preferable.
On the other hand, what he didn't appreciate at the moment was that the two robots seemed to be discussing a strategic plan, except that usually it was at the jet to do that. And most often he did it alone, because his Master usually had "more important things to do".
The jet frowned, but it wasn't really anger or jealousy. The main feeling going through him at that time was confusion. Airachnid finally seemed to notice him, but said nothing to him, merely giving him a mocking, condescending look.
Starscream supposed she thought she had won against him by having Megatron's attention, but the Seeker much preferred when his Master didn't notice him. It was unpleasant, sure, but at least it wasn't painful.   
“What are you doing standing there like a picket, Starscream?!" exclaimed the leader of the Decepticons.
The jet jumped a little, and stammered:
“Uh… I await your instructions, my Lord…
- You don't know how to do your job anymore?
- Well, you're kinda doing it actually...
- It's out of your hands now, Airachnid has proven more strategy than you've ever shown! Go get some energon instead! At least you know how to do it!
- Very well, Master."
Starscream gave a light bow, before quickly leaving the room, a smile on his face. He knew it should have upset him more than that, to not work on the plans anymore, but strangely his Spark couldn't be sad.
If he wasn't the one making the plans, Megatron wouldn't have any reason to blame him if the mission failed! The one he would blame would be Airachnid, not him! The Seeker couldn't take the joy out of that thought, for he gained two things: the first was to see that arrogant spider biting the dust, and the second was that his Master would beat him less often!
The jet flew away from the Nemesis, to go in search of energon, while continuing his reflections. There was a catch to this though, and that was that if Airachnid's first plan didn't work, Megatron would give him his role as strategist again...
But, Starscream didn't want to be anymore… Because, even if his plans were infallible on paper, there was always something that made them fall apart. Mainly his Lord, who ended up not following the plan anymore… And usually, the consequence was that the Seeker ended up lying on a bunk in the medical bay.
In fact, for this possible alternative of tranquility to work, he was going to have to help Airachnid a little, discreetly of course. Maybe she'd even end up taking his Second in Command title one day. The jet enthused at the thought. If all those star cycles in that position had taught him one thing, it was that you had no power as a Second in Command on this ship.
Let the spider take this dummy post if she wanted to! Starscream didn't want it anymore! This title only brought him closer to Megatron, often to his greatest misfortune. He didn't want to have to suffer the proximity of his angry Master anymore, that this pest of Airachnid take advantage of it, he was curious to know how long she would last.
Starscream landed in front of a cave, and flapped his wings, still processing the crazy thought he just had. Had he really considered giving up his place as Commander to Airachnid? Had he lost his mind?
The Seeker decided to hide all these strange ideas, and to concentrate on the search for energon. He quickly realized that he was not wrong, because after further analysis he found that this cave contained a large source of energon. He sent all the data to Soundwave, and resumed his place in the sky, to set out again in search of this precious resource.
Ah… sometimes he would like to have to do just that… Just get some energon, without having to worry about anything else… If he wasn't Commander anymore, would he have less insomnia? Less stress…? The more the thought took place in his mind, the more pleasant it became, eventually completely invading him.
Starscream returned shortly after sunset, and feared that he had taken too long… He had managed to find five new sources of energon, but he wondered if that would be enough for the leader of the Decepticons not to be angry at him…
“Starscream, good evening."
The Seeker turned, and faced Airachnid fully, who was closing in with that same smirk on her face. The jet had to do his best to keep his wings from expressing his annoyance, and replied:
“Good evening, Airachnid.
- Well, tell me, you're coming home very late. Are you trying to avoid someone?
- Not especially.
- Oh? Really?
- What exactly are you looking for, Airachnid?"
Starscream didn't bring up the spider's clear familiarity, as he easily understood she was doing it to make him angry. He was definitely not going to play her game.
“I hope what happened this morning didn't upset you too much. said the Techno-organic, in a fake apologetic tone.
- Oh, don't worry. replied the Seeker with a smile. Far be it from me to be offended for so little."
The jet had never been able to get out the idea of ​​Airachnid becoming Commander in his place. In fact, the longer his flight lasted, the more the thought convinced him. What mainly stopped him was if Megatron wanted to get rid of him, or if Airachnid took advantage of her position to harass him. But, he quickly found solutions to these two points.
First, Starscream was the only one who could find energon! If the leader of the Decepticons decided to get rid of him, the Decepticons would quickly die of starvation, and it will not be difficult to convince his Lord of this certain truth! And, as for Airachnid, she'll be so busy with her job that she'll never have time to go after him!
He was now sure of one thing, it was that he was going to do everything possible so that she became Commander in his place! And the beginning of his plan was to provoke her, to push her to go further in her audacity.
“I know you will never match me for this position. Lord Megatron has a little whim, but it will pass. You're just a fleeting little thing, you're far from being a threat to me!
- If I were you, Starscream, I wouldn't be so sure."
Starscream raised his wings in surprise, and turned his head to see his Master and Soundwave advancing towards them. Scrap! How long had they been listening?! The Seeker then said to himself that after all, it was useless to worry about it. Maybe that the position of Commander will go free sooner than expected! The jet decided to put his best acting on the job, and lowered his wings in a fake position of loss of confidence, before sputtering, while sagging:
“What… what do you mean my Lord…”
This seemed to fool the robots with him, as it wasn't long before he saw a haughty smile forming on Airachnid's face. Megatron kept his same stern expression, before saying:
“I have a feeling the more time passes the more you think you're untouchable, Starscream.
- Far… far from me this idea… Master…
- Something tells me that the position of Second in Command could use a little novelty."
Starscream's Spark jumped in his chest as his joy was intense, and he did his best to show a totally different expression. He clutched his wings, with a supposedly panicked expression, then exclaimed:
"No…! You don't think so…!
- You dare answer me?!" Megatron retorted bluntly, raising an arm, prompting the Seeker to put an arm in front of him, to protect himself.
This, it was not comedy… The jet had really been afraid that the leader of the Decepticons would hit him… He had managed to dodge the blows all day, which was extremely rare! He would like it to continue like this.
"It… it wasn't my intention…" Starscream replied weakly.
His Lord frowned, and went no further, no hits, no remarks.
"You're lucky you did a pretty decent job today. Megatron declared. I will therefore be indulgent on your insolence this time.
- Thank you… my Lord…
- If you were as good at finding energon as you were at making plans, I wouldn't have to correct you so often."
The Seeker frowned, and looked away a bit, having to stop himself from rolling his eyes. "It's because of you that most of my plans fail…!" the jet hissed in his mind. It was then that an idea came to the mind of the jet, and he decided to propose it:
“Can I offer you something, Lord Megatron.
- Come on, what?
- Challenge us, Master. declared the flyer, in a position of confidence.
- Challenge?
- Yes, Airachnid and I. Challenge us! Thus, you will see who will be the most suitable for the position of Second in Command!"
Megatron looked pensive, but Starscream quickly saw that the Decepticons leader kinda like the idea, he was quick to smile, and replied:
“That's a good idea, Starscream. For once, I appreciate your audacity. All right, let's do that! Starting tomorrow, the challenge will begin! Don't disappoint me!"
Soundwave and the large silver robot departed, leaving the Seeker and Airachnid alone. The spider glared suspiciously at the jet, and the flyer decided to dispel his doubts by pretending to lose his confidence. The Techno-organic smiled, and moved closer to Starscream, who still tensed, as she invaded her personal space.
"Sorry to tell you like that, Starscream! But you will lose!" Airachnid sneered.
She went away laughing wickedly, while the Seeker lifted his wings in contentment, and a smile appeared on his lips, while he thought “Oh! But I intend to!"
The next day, the two took several tests, all painstakingly prepared by Soundwave. Test of intelligence, strategy, fighting and flying skills. For the most part, it was easy for Starscream to cheat to lose. Except for flying, Megatron had disparaged the Seeker on many things, but it was hard to fault him for anything when it came to his aerial skills.
But, as for the rest, the jet had done everything possible to miss it miserably, without it being too suspicious. During the fight Airachnid had taken advantage of it, but the flyer considered it a blessing in disguise.
He knew that for the intelligence and strategy test, the results would not be given until tomorrow, but that suited him. Thanks to that he had all the field free to falsify the answers of Airachnid, so that she “beats” him totally. He wanted to be really sure that the Triple-changer totally defeats him, so as not to leave a single doubt in Megatron.
It was during the night that he acts, he did not encounter any particular problem to enter the room, and his night vision allowed him not to need the light of the room to move and carry out his personal mission. He got there without any trouble, and didn't have to fix much on the copies of the spider for she have a better score. He still had to adjust two three points of her strategy, but apart from that, not much. Whatever he said, this pest remained intelligent.
Starscream quietly came out of the room, the light Spark, when he felt like he was already free! Soon he will no longer be Commander, and Lord Megatron will leave him alone! He can't wait tomorrow!
Starscream and Airachnid stood in front of Megatron who watched the results with a frown. He looked at the other two, and the Seeker pretended to have a shameful and doubtful expression.
“Good, well the result is final. declared the leader of the Decepticons. Airachnid won, hands down."
The jet sagged in a defeated position, as the spider stood tall, full of triumph! The flyer did his best to hide his smile, his Spark thumping louder and louder, hitting his audio-receivers.
Soundwave suddenly ran towards them, and motioned for his friend to come over to him. Megatron looked at him in confusion, and the other two robots were just as confused as him. It was rare to see the Communications Commander in this state.
The spy plane showed several recordings to the leader of the Decepticons, and occasionally pointed to Starscream. The Seeker frowned, his Spark slowly tightening in his chest, as his Master glared back at him in anger.
The jet lowered his wings in fear, his Lord rapidly approaching him. Megatron violently grabbed him by the throat, and raised a hand, ready to strike him, before shouting:
“So, you try to cheat?! Little pest!!"
Starscream had no idea what to say, as his mind only blamed him for not thinking about the potential cameras. Scrap! He might not be Commander anymore, but he was still going to get hit! He should never have entered this room!
It was then that Soundwave gently took his friend's hand, while shaking his head, calmly signaling him to let go of the Seeker. The two had a confused expression at the behavior of the spy plane, which eventually declared with a series of recordings:
“< Starscream > <indeed > < falsified > < the documents > < of Airachnid > < . >
- What?!" exclaimed the concerned, more than offended.
At this point, the jet genuinely wondered if Soundwave's goal was to help him or drive him even further into his misery, by alienating Airachnid against him as well.
“< But > < , > < his > < intention > < was not > < to harm > < her. >
- What do you mean, Soundwave?" Megatron questioned, clearly confused.
He still hadn't let go of Starscream's throat, but at least the grip was less strong.
"< Starscream > < has > < falsified > < Airachnid's > < documents > < for > < she > < have > < a > <highest score> < . >
- What?! cried out the leader of the Decepticons.
- Impossible! exclaimed the spider.
- < Also > < , > < he > < has > < done > < on purpose > < to give > < wrong answers > < on > < his > < copies > < . >"
"That's it... I'm dead..." thought the Seeker, totally giving up the possibility of having a fairly quiet life... His Master looked at him with a hard look, and growled:
“Actually, you're going to have to explain to me why you did that, Starscream!"
No matter how much the jet looked in all directions, he couldn't create the slightest lie. All explanation died in his throat, along with Megatron's tighter and tighter grip.
"< In any case > < his > < action > < has > < amply > < proved > < that he > < was > < better > < than Airachnid > < . > intervened again the Commander of Communication.
- What do you mean by that, Soundwave? questioned the leader of the Decepticons.
- < He > < has > < succeeded > < in > < finding > < the mistakes > < in > < the > < strategy > < of Airachnid > < , > < as well as > < her errors > < in > < the > < intelligence test > < . >"
The tall silver robot's gaze changed from anger to an expression Starscream couldn't quite read. Megatron released his grip on the Seeker who flapped his wings in confusion. But it seemed no one noticed, especially the Techno-Organic who was far too blinded by anger. "Um…what's going on here…?" the jet thought, totally lost. Was he the only one missing the mark?
“That's a strange way to prove your abilities to me, Starscream. the leader of the Decepticons finally said.
- Uh…
- Even for a simple test, it seems that you are unable not to make the slightest intrigue.
- Uh…
- You won.
- Uh…!
- So stop with your stammering, a Commander must be much more eloquent than that!"
Megatron and Soundwave left the room, and Airachnid glared at Starscream, who was still processing the information. The spider pointed one of her sharp paws at the Seeker, and screamed:
“You'll pay for this! I will make you regret this humiliation! That, I swear!"
She stormed out of the room, mad with rage, and left the jet, which was simply devastated... He had destroyed his only chance of freedom... Starscream had despite himself proven hat he was a "better" Commander than Airachnid, and this victory was terribly bitter.
Megatron and Soundwave walked together through the great halls of the Nemesis, and the leader of the Decepticons had a thoughtful expression. He turned to his friend, then said:
“His goal was to fail, right?
- < Affirmative > < . >"
The ex-gladiator frowned, then asked:
"Have you found a possible reason?
- ……
- Soundwave?
- Be less hard on him, and he will stay. Keep it up, and he'll go."
Those were the only words from the spy plane, which gave his friend one last look through his visor, before leaving.
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aero-sense · 5 months
Honestly a fair response really. Especially with Aang not exactly reacting to Zuko’s racist barbs (which is… odd. I do sometimes think Atla has had strange moments like that, like no one glaring at Sokka’s glib remark on Jet’s death scene in EIP) But: Like the comics didn’t do anything interesting with Zuko’s bigotry at all from what I gather, but even if they had: arguably it wouldn’t have been great to keep it in. Most viewers will never read the comics at all. At minimum Aang should have really raised an eyebrow and made a sarcastic remark about it being such a charming response given what his ancestors did. SRs is such a mixed bag of an episode. It has some fantastic moments but there’s even just other issues like it being implied Katara only has misplaced anger for Zuko which is… uh no.
The show had some pacing problems, esp in B3 because they wanted to crammed so many ideas in there, so a lot of the season is jumping from one plot point to the next, instead of sitting down and dealing with the gravity of what just happened (ie. Jet, Hama). That's how you get Aang hearing FN propaganda demonizing his people in a class and correct it as a comical beat, only to spend the rest of the episode concerned about the FN kids having fun.
And the comics really fell flat on traversing any new dynamics between the FN and the other nations, in fact it straight up regresses them. The FN colonization is defended (once again, doesn't matter if they portray it as "bad" if the person advocating for it gets the spotlight and the victims can't even talk up for themselves), they treat people wanting to return the land as bad as the fire nation fighting to keep their colony, straight up act like there was never an interracial couple before?? the FN mayor hooked up with an EK lady (in a society where ek citizens are second-class...), its a mess.
And it's a shame, because addressing racial dynamics, that kids do face, would only enrich the show, not drag it down. What if Zuko made his comment to Aang, and everyone goes silent for a moment. Maybe Aang ignores it, but it's Sokka and Katara that look away at what he just said before moving on with the discussion. Wouldn't that be enough to show their solidarity with Aang? That they all shared the experience of having their culture disparaged and the dread they'll have to live with it even after making peace with the FN?
its the same thing with Katara, a lot of fans wondered why she would be anger at him, or rather "take her issues out on him". Well if you understand the degree of devastation that happened to her tribe and how that would effect her, then yes, you would understand why sitting by the campfire, hearing everyone praise a guy that just joked about chasing your friends down again, you'll feel a bit on edge.
These aspects deepen our understanding of the characters and their world, because it reflects our own. It's why I could care less about Zuko apologizing to everyone, but how victims of racial violence would feel in the moment, and how they would react. Even if nothing comes out of it, even if there's no time to address every racist remark that comes their way, it's more powerful to watch the characters struggle against it whenever they can, to show it's not something they can let slide anymore.
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5-seconds-of-bucky · 3 years
A/N: Okay, so let’s pretend that Bucky didn’t blip 😉 That is the job I am trusting you with as you read this, dear reader (especially during a certain part, but you’ll get there when you get there) Also, please ignore my lack of original concepts, as I am well aware that I used this similar concept for a Shawn fic a while back (I promise this version is quite different and much better written) Anyways, happy reading! :)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem Avenger!Reader
Summary: Different types of kisses throughout you and Bucky’s relationship
Word Count: 4.3k+  (oof, much longer than I intended. Sorry, friends!)
Warnings: Swearing, reader gets stabbed, mentions of blood, mentions of pregnancy, (brief) mention of death (nobody actually dies)
The First Kiss
It was quiet as the two of you walked down the hallway, save for the occasional sounds of Bucky’s boots scuffing on the linoleum. Whether it was because you didn’t want to wake up anyone else in the compound this late at night or because there was nothing left to say, you weren’t sure.
After months of longing looks and nervous conversations (and a bit of pushing from Steve), Bucky finally found the courage to ask you out on a date. He made it a whole ordeal, even bringing flowers when he asked if you wanted to grab some sandwiches from a nearby deli and eat them at the park. You would be lying if you said you hadn’t been waiting to hear those words for a while now and told him you’d be happy to. Your shy smile made Bucky’s insides melt and he found himself mirroring one back at you.
Now, your third date--a midnight hike through a trail you suggested--was coming to an end.
“Can I walk you back to your room?” Bucky broke the silence, chewing his lip nervously as he awaited your answer.
“Your room is right across the hall from mine. Aren’t you going that way anyways?” you giggled.
“Let me be a gentleman,” he insisted as you rounded the corner of the hallway that led to your rooms.
“I mean, how can I say no to that?”
“I don’t think you can.” His signature smirk and charm had you melting and you stared at the floor in hopes that he wouldn’t see the obvious ways he affected you.
The two of you arrived at your door almost too soon, and you found yourself wishing that your night together wasn’t over quite yet.
“I had a great time with you, Bucky.” You turned to fully face him, looking up shyly into his eyes.
He took one of your hands with his, bringing it up to his lips. “I did too, Y/N. We should do it again.”
“The date or getting eaten alive by mosquitoes?”
“The mosquitos were endearing but I was more so thinking of another date.”
“I’d like that.” You squeezed his hand before letting go, pushing your door open and taking a step forwards before Bucky’s hand grabbed your wrist. He gently spun you back towards him, his charm suddenly replaced by a more timid look.
“Um, can I . . . would you let me . . .” he glanced down to your lips. “Can I kiss you?”
You didn’t respond, simply placing your free hand on his cheek and leaning towards him. His hands both went to wrap around your waist as your lips brushed and your other hand came to rest on his chest. The kiss was slow and soft. There was no need to rush as you stood there in the hallway at 1:45 in the morning, wrapped around each other like you couldn’t let go.
You finally broke away, feeling Bucky’s chest steadily rise beneath your palm as you calmed your own breathing. You tried to play it cool on the outside, though you were screaming with glee internally.
“Goodnight, Bucky.” You slowly slipped out of his grasp, a twinkle in your eyes that hadn’t been there before.
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
The Welcome Home Kiss
Your eyelids seemed to droop more by the second as you tried to keep yourself awake. The caffeine you had earlier could only do so much to curb the sleepiness that was settling in your bones. The fact that you were sitting in your bed at the moment probably wasn’t helping, but you were too tired to move.
Waiting up for Bucky seemed like a good idea until it was 2:30 in the morning and he still wasn’t back. He would probably scold you when he got back, saying how sleep deprivation didn’t look good on you, but you didn’t care. You hadn’t seen your boyfriend in a week and you missed him. If you had to pull an all-nighter to do so, so be it.
The sound of footsteps outside your door pulled you from your thoughts. It only took a second to recognize the familiar clunking of Bucky’s combat boots, causing you to perk up as you waited for him to peek into your room.
The footsteps paused outside your door for a moment and you held your breath in anticipation. The door didn’t open though, and the footsteps became fainter, presumably walking away from your room.
Does he think I’m asleep? You frowned. Usually, he at least opened the door to check in on you.
You pulled the blanket off your body, getting out of bed and padding out of your room towards Bucky’s. You did your best to stay quiet as you twisted the door knob in case he was already asleep. It wasn’t uncommon for him to pass out as soon as his head met the pillow after a mission. Lord knows he needed the rest.
You were met with an empty room when you peeked your head in. You almost left, assuming that your excited mind had been playing tricks on you, when you caught sight of light peeking out from beneath the bathroom door. A smile crept its way onto your face and you closed the door behind you, sitting on the edge of his bed and waiting for him to come out.
A few more minutes passed and you debated just letting yourself fall asleep there when the bathroom door swung open. Bucky stepped out, wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt that you had tried to steal on multiple occasions. He didn’t notice you until he was almost to his bed and lifted his gaze from the floor, jumping back with a “shit!” when he saw you.
“What are you doing up, doll?” he asked once he regained his composure.
“Waiting for you,” you replied simply, pulling him into a hug as soon as he sat down next to you. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too.”
You pulled back just enough to press your lips against his, relishing the languid movements of his lips against yours at the absurd hour of the morning. His arms traveled down to your hips as yours moved to wrap around his neck.
“Welcome home, sergeant.”
The Fevered Forehead Kiss
You were burning up.
The sweat drenched shirt you were wearing was sticking to your body and the fact that Bucky, AKA: the walking furnace, was laying next to you, wasn’t helping in the slightest. His arm was slung over your back, which made your situation that much worse. He seemed to be sleeping peacefully: a rarity with him. Moving out of bed was sure to wake him up but you really needed to change your shirt.
You sighed, deciding that you needed to get into some dryer clothes if you had any hopes of falling back asleep before the sun rose. Prying yourself from Bucky’s grip as carefully as possible, you swung your feet over the edge of the bed and stood up. A wave of dizziness overcame you, forcing you to brace yourself against the wall. A quiet groan escaped your lips when the dizziness started getting worse rather than fading away. Your vision started to tunnel: a surefire sign that you were going to pass out.
A pair of arms wrapped around you and Bucky’s face came into view. He gently eased you back onto the bed, supporting your back as he layed you back down. You felt a hand brush over your cheek as the dizziness faded and your senses returned.
Bucky frowned at how warm your cheek felt beneath his touch. You were feeling a little warm when he carried you to bed after a group game night--of which you had fallen asleep halfway through--but he didn’t think much of it then. He smoothed some hair back from your forehead and rested his lips there to better judge your temperature.
“Shit, doll. You’re burning up,” he murmured.
“It’s really hot in here.” Sleep was clawing at you but you were uncomfortable beyond belief. “I need to change my shirt.”
Bucky silently helped you out of the shirt you were wearing, throwing it in the hamper before shuffling over to the dresser to get you another one. He grabbed the first one he saw, making his way back over to where you were laying and helping you into it.
“Get some sleep, sweetheart,” he said as he pressed his lips to your forehead once more. “I’ll be right here.”
The “Shut Up!” Kiss
The Quinjet was filled with chatter as the team headed back to the compound after a successful mission. You managed to get the intel you needed and nobody got hurt in the process--well, nobody except you, but no one needed to know that.
You managed to get yourself stabbed in the right bicep when you were making your way back to the jet. It wasn’t horribly severe, it just hurt like a bitch. You were quick to take care of the Hydra agent and keep moving, knowing the team was going to want to get back to the compound as quickly as possible to celebrate. Missions without some kind of injury were a rarity with you guys.
You just assumed that you’d wait until you got to the compound and stitch yourself up there without anyone knowing. Seemed easy enough of a plan, right?
“Hey, doll,” Bucky said as he sat down in the seat to your left with a kiss to your cheek.
“Hey, babe.” You leaned your head on his shoulder, snuggling into the warmth radiating off of him.
“I’m so ready to get in bed.”
“You said it.”
You were able to block out the pain coming from your arm for a moment, allowing yourself to relax in your boyfriend’s presence instead. That was, until Bucky’s arm came up to wrap around your shoulders. You winced when his hand brushed over your wound, cursing internally when you felt him stiffen up next to you. Of course he was going to find out.  
He pulled his hand back, seeing it covered in red. “Is that blood?”
“Yes but that doesn’t matter right now. You know what does matter? Getting to bed cause you look-” You sat up, rubbing your hand over the wound yourself, finding that there was significantly more blood there now than there was earlier.
“You are literally bleeding right now!” He raised his voice slightly and you glared at him, not wanting to draw attention to the situation.
“I know but-”
“I love you but if you shut the fuck up right now, Y/N-”
Bucky grabbed your face, quickly bringing your lips to his. “You are going to stop talking and let me take care of this, okay? No ifs, ands, or buts. I don’t wanna hear ‘em.” His voice was stern but you could see the concern in his eyes.
“Okay,” you sighed, dropping your eyes to your lap.
“Now let me see your arm so we can fix you up.”
The Top of the Head Kiss
“You don’t think it’s too soon, do you?” Bucky asked Steve as they sat in the kitchen. It was early on a Thursday morning, when everyone else was either asleep or doing an early morning workout. The two super soldiers had already finished their daily morning run and decided to enjoy a cup of coffee in the kitchen before the rest of the team showed up.
“Buck, I thought you were going to propose after the fifth date. You’ve been together for almost two years. I think it’s about time,” Steve answered with a chuckle, enjoying the bashful look on his best friend’s face.
“I just wanna do it right, you know?” Bucky bit the inside of his cheek as he contemplated the right way to propose for what was probably the thousandth time. “I know she doesn’t want something that’s so romantic it’s cheesy but I want it to be special.”
“I’m sure you’ll figure it out.” Steve patted Bucky’s arm as he got up to put his mug in the sink. “You know she’s going to say ‘yes’ no matter what.”
“Yeah, I know. It’s just scary trying to-”
“Morning boys.” Your groggy voice rang through the kitchen, causing Steve and Bucky to immediately shut up.
“You’re up early, sweetheart,” Bucky commented as you made your way over to him.
“Thought I’d be productive today.” You ran a hand through his hair, still unruly from his run, before placing your lips on top of his head. “Whatcha’ guys talking about?”
Steve and Bucky shared a panicked look. “Uhh . . . super secret boy band stuff.” Bucky’s hands made their way to your hips, fingers messing with the hem of your shirt.
“Ohh, okay. Let me just grab my breakfast and then I’ll let you plan your little boyband stuff.” You ruffled Bucky’s hair and busied yourself with making a bagel, winking at him before leaving the kitchen.
“You better hurry up,” Steve chuckled. “Cause she’s gonna figure out what you’re doing soon if you don’t.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Bucky grumbled. “I’m working on it.”
The Passionate Kiss
“I’m so hungry!” you complained as you took your suit off, having just returned from a mission. You weren’t able to eat lunch earlier and your stomach was making sure you knew just how much it did not appreciate that.
“We stocked up the fridge yesterday so you should be good to go,” Bucky said from his place on the edge of the bed. His eyes stayed glued on you as you slipped on a pair of shorts and one of his Henleys.
You smiled brightly at his words and made your way over to him, giving a quick peck to his temple and grabbing his hand. “Care to join me?”
“Course, doll.” He stood up and followed you out of your shared room, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you into his side as you walked to the kitchen. Everything was going according to plan.
The mission you just came back from? It was fake. You didn’t know that of course, but Bucky had Steve and Tony help him set it up so he could get ready for what he was planning on doing tonight without you either finding out or getting overly suspicious. What was he planning on doing, exactly? Proposing. He was finally going to propose tonight.
You and Steve were sent out on an undercover “mission” in which you had to pretend to be a couple in order to attend a ball and gather intel on a possible new Hydra branch. Bucky wasn’t quite sure how Tony managed to set the whole thing up, but he decided not to bother himself with the logistics. There were more important issues at hand.
He patted his pocket as you parted from his side to grab plates. Yup, the ring was still there.
“Why don’t I get the plates and you grab what you want from the fridge, sweetheart?” he suggested.
“Oh no, I got the plates. You grab whatever you think is good. I’ll eat whatever.” You took two plates out of the cabinet and made your way to the table, your back to the fridge.
This is going to be harder than he anticipated.
In his debate to decide the perfect way to propose to you, Bucky somehow came to the conclusion that the best way to ask you to be his future wife was by spelling out “Will you marry me?” on the refrigerator with a bunch of magnets. A picture of the two of you from when you first started dating was placed next to it with a heart magnet, and Bucky was pretty proud of himself for the idea. He forgot, of course, that you could be a little oblivious sometimes when it came to noticing things.
No need to stress about it. She’ll notice eventually.
Bucky grabbed some things from the fridge, microwaving a few before bringing them over to the table and sitting down in the seat next to yours. “Bon appetit!”
“¡Muchas gracias, señor!” You smiled, already dumping a few things onto your plate and digging in.
“That was a completely different language,” he chuckled.
He shrugged his shoulders. “Tell me ‘bout the mission.”
“It was alright,” you said through a mouthful of food. You swallowed before continuing. “I don’t know why they sent Steve with me instead of you. You’d think that since we had to pretend to be a married couple, they’d have me go with my boyfriend.” Damn, Tony really didn’t try to be that subtle, did he?
“Yeah, strange . . .”
“Anyways, it was pretty easy. I didn’t even have to go to a debriefing!” You put some more food on your plate, noticing that Bucky had barely touched his. “You okay? You’ve hardly eaten.” You motioned towards his plate.
“Hmm? Oh, I ate before you got home so I’m not that hungry.” It wasn’t entirely a lie. He ate, just not a lot to be considered a meal. Nerves.
“Uh huh.” You gave him a weird look as you took a bite of food. “You’re up to something.”
“Me? Up to something? Never.” He watched you finish your food and sit back with a satisfied groan.
“Okay, sure.” You gave him a playful glare as he took your plates and got up to put them in the sink. You grabbed the leftover food and containers, and put them in the sink, nudging Bucky’s hip with yours.
“You trying to start something, doll?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Maybe I am.” You looked back at him, completely missing the colorful magnets on the fridge yet again as you opened it and put the food back inside. Your hand caught the ‘W’ when you tried to take your hand off of the refrigerator handle, causing it to fall off and clink on the ground.
“Ill you marry me?” you read off the fridge, a confused laugh escaping your mouth. “What?”
Bucky playfully shook his head. He walked over to you, picking up the fallen magnet and putting it back in its place. He leaned against the fridge as he watched you read the phrase again.
“Buck, are you being serious?” Your eyes lit up, though there was a hint of hesitance in your voice.
“I don’t know, you tell me.” He pulled the black velvet case out of his pocket, getting down to one knee.
Your hand slapped over your mouth, trying to contain the squeal of joy threatening to jump out. “Bucky!”
He flipped the lid open. “Y/N Y/L/N, will you marry me?”
You bit your lips together, nodding your head vigorously. “Yeah. I think I’ll marry you, Bucky Barnes.”
Bucky stood up and you grabbed his face, crashing your lips onto his. It was messy but perfect for the moment. Your heart was beating a million times a minute but you paid it no mind as you tried to pull Bucky even closer.
“I love you,” you said once you pulled away for breath. Your eyes watered as you tried to keep tears from falling.
He leaned back in to slot his lips between yours again. “I love you too.”
The Relieved Kiss
Bucky wasn’t sure what exactly to expect when he rushed out with the team to find Captain Marvel lowering down a giant ship in front of the compound, but nothing could have prepared him for what he was about to see.
He’d been a mess since Thanos snapped away half the universe. Unbeknownst to him, you were up in space when the battle happened, leaving him to assume that you had dusted away with the millions of others and left him behind to pick himself up.
While Bucky suffered in his own personal hell down on Earth, you were stranded in a broken spaceship with Tony and Nebula. Up until your rescue, you were sure that you were going to die up there, staring into the void of space. You recorded a message for Bucky after Tony recorded his for Pepper in hopes that it would someday make it back to him. Then Captain Marvel came to save you and bring you back to Earth; to bring you back home.
Bucky ran up with Steve to help Tony, supporting the man who looked like he’d been to hell and back a few times. He stepped aside once Pepper ran up, choking on his own breath when he looked back to the steps of the ship.
You held onto Nebula’s arm as you slowly stumbled down the stairs. Bucky let out a sob at the sight of you, immediately rushing up to help you. You felt so fragile in his arms and it took everything in him to not collapse to the ground in shock, not sure if it was relief that you were alive or horror at your condition
He held you to his chest as tightly as he could once you made it to solid ground, his vibranium arm holding you up by your waist while his flesh hand held your head to his chest.
“Oh my god,” was all he could say as he stood there, body shaking as he cried
“Hey, I’m okay.” Your hand shook as it came up to weakly pat his shoulder. He could tell you were completely out of it: eyes distant and mind barely there. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw someone approaching, ready to help get you to med bay.
He pressed his lips to the crown of your head, gently rocking you back and forth in his arms. “You’re alive.”
You tried to pull back in his grip, forcing him to loosen it slightly. “I love you.” You leaned up to kiss his lips, though it ended up being more of a brush of your lips than an actual kiss.
“I love you too, sweetheart.” He kissed your hairline, scared that kissing your lips would steal more oxygen away--something you desperately needed more of in your system right now. “You’re gonna be okay.”
The “Holy Shit!” Kiss
You weren’t sure how much longer you could keep it a secret. You were sure he would’ve figured it out by now: the sticks in the trash, the sudden avoidance of certain foods you would usually never pass up, the second heartbeat that now accompanied your own.
It wasn’t that you didn’t want him to know--you had actually been trying for a baby for a while now--you just weren’t sure how to tell him. Is this how he felt before proposing?
The opening of your bedroom door interrupted your thoughts. You were met with the sight of your husband shrugging off his jacket when you turned around. He cut his hair recently. Something about it being “too hot for this shit.”
“Why are you wearing a jacket? It’s June,” you giggled.
“The air conditioning is fucking blasting and I got cold while I was doing my paper work, if you must know,” he said, laying the jacket on the chair you were standing next to. He left a quick kiss on your lips, leaving you craving for more.
“You’re crazy.”
“I’m crazy? I think you have the wrong guy here, doll.”
“No, I don’t think I do.” Your hand caught his, tangling your fingers together. Should I just tell him now?
“You keep thinking that. Steve asked me to help train some agents here in a few minutes so I gotta go now.” Another quick kiss and a wink and he started making his way out the door.
“Wait, Buck!” He turned around, almost out the door. “I need to tell you something real quick.” You motioned for him to come back over.
He took a few steps forward, a confused look on his face as you grabbed both his hands in yours. He could hear your heart rate picking up, which only served to worry him.
“So, I was wondering if you would be free to go to the hospital about eight months from now?” You gave a small smile, hoping he’d catch on quickly. “I’m not sure what the exact date is going to be quite yet but I’d really appreciate it if you could be there.”
Bucky frowned. What business did you have at the hospital that you scheduled nine months ahead of time? “Babe, what are you talking about?”
“I think we’re going to need to find our own place too. We’ll need a lot more space.” He still wasn’t catching on. “I doubt having three people in here would be super pleasant.”
He frowned even more and you simply giggled, bringing his hands to your stomach. “I’m pregnant, Buck.”
“Ohh!” He let out a sigh of relief, glad that that was all you were worried about. “Had me worried for a second there, doll.”
It was your turn to frown. “What?”
“From the way you started, I was worried you were dying and this was some sadistic way of telling me.”
“Nope. Quite the opposite, actually.”
“Was wondering when you were going to tell me.” His thumbs rubbed circles into your belly.
“You knew?!”
“I heard the heartbeat weeks ago. Took me a while to figure out what it was but I figured you’d tell me when you were ready.”  
“Damn your supersoldier hearing.” You leaned your head on top of his shoulder, letting out a small groan.
“Holy shit though,” His voice was soft as he rested his chin on your head. “we’re having a baby!”
“Yeah,” You lifted your head up slowly to see the biggest grin on your husband’s face. “we’re having a baby.”
A hand came up to cup your cheeks as he leaned into your lips, kissing you deeply and trying not to cry. “Holy shit!”
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teklarn · 3 years
𝔂𝓸𝓾'𝓻𝓮 𝓷𝓸𝓽 𝓶𝔂 𝓫𝓸𝔂𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭 - 𝓴. 𝓫𝓪𝓴𝓾𝓰𝓸𝓾
character(s): katuski bakugou x gn!reader 
a/n : y’all this was gonna be for kirishima bc i love possessive kiri but like it works so well with bakugou. first part will be from third pov, following parts will be from second pov (reblogs are greatly appreciated !! <3)
summary: bakugou x gn!reader. they have feelings for one another but have no idea how to express them, however y/n has someone pining for their attention. 
genre: uhh idk a lil bit teeny-weeny dash of angst i guess 
warnings: mild cursing, possessive bakugou, mutual pining, jealousy, aged-up to third year, possessive y/n, love triangle (square?), implied manga spoilers but not directly stated, tiny bitta tokage slander (sorry lol), slow burn romance (like SLOWWW SLOW BURN), lowkey enemies to lovers, like a lotta tension between bakugou and y/n 
word count: 3k
UNEDITED w/ minimal or no typos. i shoved it into grammarly’s ass and prayed for the best okay 
here’s pt 2 loves <3
- - - 
y/n was used to picking and their skin, irritated at the girls fawning over bakugou. they were always on the sidelines, watching from afar, jealousy warping their heart. could these stupid girls not see that bakugou didn’t even care for their attention? 
this time it was setsuna tokage who was begging for his eyes on her. y/n assumed it started in their first year when they’d been put against one another when the classes still had a clashing rivalry. (they still did, much more tame now, however.) 
she leaned forwards, tugging on his short sleeve. bakugou’s uniform jacket was slung over one shoulder. he’d lost a lot of his angry demeanor from when he was younger, however it was easy to tell when he was pissed. it was inevitable he wasn’t going to lose his temper entirely. 
it was easy to ignore the girls—most of the time, at least. what was ticking y/n off the most was the fact that bakugou didn’t seem pissed at all. his face was neutral, almost like the perfect mirror of todoroki on a daily basis. his eyes were not fired up in his usual ‘get the hell off of me’ manner. he was relaxed. 
it didn’t seem like he reciprocated tokage’s feelings, however he wasn’t doing anything to get her off him and it was pissing y/n off to no end. 
her sensuous lips were pushed into a slight pucker as she spoke, arching her back in a manner that made it appear much more provocative than she probably intended. 
bakugou stood there, eyes flicking from her grasp on his sleeve and back up to her eyes. he didn’t say anything, didn’t move, only kept looking her up and down. not in a romantic way, of course. right? 
y/n scoffed at themselves. they swallowed the lump in their throat, shoving down the pinging envy in their chest with it. why wasn’t he reacting? 
heat rushed to y/n’s cheeks. why do i care? 
tokage was nearing his face. she didn’t have any intent to press her lips to his, which y/n was more than glad for. 
y/n had come to the conclusion they had feelings for the explosive boy weeks ago. perhaps they always had, but now that they were fully conscious of them... gosh, it was frustrating. 
“you’re staring again.” 
y/n turned to see kirishima, the only other person who knew about their feelings for bakugou. he’d lost the twinkle in his eyes after first year. he’d picked up a dominating sneer and a withering glare reserved for anyone who desired to cross his friends. everyone at UA had after what went down. it was a shock most of them survived anything. 
“so?” y/n snapped, shoving their hands away and kicking a pebble before them. kirishima and y/n continued their walk through the courtyard. 
“so it makes you look creepy.” 
“no, it doesn’t. he didn’t even notice me.” 
kirishima snapped his fingers. “partially my point here. that’s bakugou katsuki, you really think he’s going to notice you?” 
“excuse me?” 
kirishima pursed his lips, twiddling his thumbs. “i didn’t mean it like that, y/n. it’s just...well, he has so much to work for.” 
y/n raised a brow, questioning his nervous antics. 
he continued. “bakugou works hard. probably the hardest worker in UA aside from midoriya. and it’s bakugou. he doesn’t really see a point in relationships. you know that.” 
“it’s not like i’m looking for anything with him, though. gosh, kirishima, you’re acting like this is some school girl crush.” 
he tilted his head, giving y/n a look that screamed, are you really sure it’s not though? 
y/n huffed out a breath, crossing their arms. they’d already vomited up their feelings, why all of a sudden call it a crush? sure, it was a tiny crush that was no larger than the brain of a dinosaur. 
“i can swear that it isn’t, kirishima. you’re looking too deep into things,” y/n defended once again. 
the red-head held his hands up in surrender, sucking his lips in to avoid another snarky comment slipping out. 
the two looked up at the towering building that had been home to them for the past three years: Heights Alliance. 
during their second year, the teachers had settled with having the dorms set up in a way that allowed the students’ rooms to be set up in a gender-neutral fashion. they’d been able to select new dorms beside whomever they wished. rooming next to kirishima was a blast, but the only person bakugou wanted to room next to was him. 
mina had moved in next to you, and kaminari to her right, and sero right across from y/n. 
y/n had no issue being squished between a group notorious for their goofiness and ability to never take anything seriously, however (especially on weekends) they were exceptionally loud to the point they were sure China could hear the blaring music. 
friday was finally going to be over in a few hours. y/n felt a giddiness well up inside them, anticipating the weekend. it’d been a rough few days, for everyone, not just them. 
class 1A had been bombarded with assignments and pop quizzes. y/n was lucky they finished it all in class. some of the homework was finished when they’d sacrificed their precious free time to get it done, but in the end, it was worth it all. 
y/n let their bag sag down their arms as they entered Heights Alliance. 
bakugou had just been asked out on a date. for the third time. first time, he’d denied. second time, he had to shove tokage off him. third time, he’d calmly accepted her offer, and she’d skipped away with more than a smile. 
she’d squeezed his bicep, gave him a wink and an unnecessary peck on the cheek that bakugou had wiped off the moment she turned her back. he was now in his bathroom and, despite her not wearing any lipstick, he was scrubbing his cheek raw so that the skin was a blotchy red. 
the date was tonight, and he found himself wanting to go, and questioning why he accepted in the first place. 
bakugou forgot about tokage the second he won that match his first year and tossed her in the cage. he only noticed her when she and her group of friends giggled and passed by. (it was mostly her chortling, but whatever.) 
he continued rubbing his cheek aggressively with a scratchy towel. he was repulsed by how he had stood there without bothering to snap at her to leave him alone for the third time. 
instead, bakugou’s mind had buffered, and if he was in a video game, he had surely glitched. he should probably just tell tokage he didn’t want to go anymore. in fact, he never wanted to go in the first place and wants to jump out his window and escape. 
it was almost comedic. the thought of him going out on a date? goodness, he wanted to throw up. 
as he continued scrubbing the cloth along his cheek, bakugou found himself more than grateful for how much his quirk made him sweat. if it wasn’t for the nitroglycerin-like substance he produced, his skin would be scratched and dried up. 
a knock sounded at his door. silence came, until the knock found its way to his ears. a set of three knocks, then five, then it was a needy banging. 
whoever was on the other side heard his audible groan and shuffling feet dragging across the floor, because they knocked a lot harder. 
he swung the door open, hinges crying out. 
bakugou’s upper lip curled in disgust. tokage twirled her hair around a finger, eyelashes sticking together with mascara. “katsuki,’ she greeted. 
his eyes narrowed on her. “don’t call me that.” 
“what should I be calling you, then? baby? or honey?” 
oh yes, bakugou wanted to vomit. what even was her name again? whatever, it didn’t matter. “lizard teeth, listen. i-” 
“lizard teeth? why would you address me like that?” 
“because i don’t know your damn name, alright? i don’t-” 
“tokage. need me to spell it out for you?” 
“no. shut up. i need to-” 
“you should remember it, because i was one of the few who got in through recommendations, remember?” 
“and yet here you are in class 1B. can you shut the hell up now?” 
“well, you’re just being shitty.” 
“why are you here, tokage.” more of a demand than a question, as bakugou’s questions always came across if he ever bothered to ask them. 
“because, for our date tonight, I need to pick up some things and I really hope you’re up for coming with me.” 
“no. stop pushing. and I don’t want to-” 
“come on, grouchy.” tokage activated her quirk, one scale slipping into his dorm and pushing him towards her. she gripped the collar of his shirt and grinned. “come with me for a short bit, and I’ll count that as our date, m’kay?” 
bakugou opened his mouth once more to protest, but tokage silenced him by pressing one slender finger to his lips. 
“I’m fully aware you don’t want to go on this date with me.” 
he relaxed, shoulders slumping. if bakugou was younger, if he was even just a little bit more stubborn as he had been before, perhaps he’d be out of this mess already, or never in it in the first place. 
tokage let her hand fall back to her side—both of them. the scale returned to her lower calf; the jet-black leggings she wore now had a perfect hole in them.
“do you think i’m dense, bakugou?” 
“then why ask me out?” bakugou felt himself leaning back. 
“because if i can get under the skin of that stupid little...what do you like to call them? stupid little extras? yeah, that stupid extra who can’t stop fluttering googly-eyes at you every minute, then i’ll be perfectly content.” 
“who the hell are you talking about?” 
“alright, so you are oblivious.” tokage took a step back and crossed her arms. “are you both unaware of how you’ve both been pining for each other’s attention? y/n, that classmate of yours.” 
“do you know their name or do i have to describe in excruciating detail what they look like?” 
“no, no i know who you’re talking about. but you’ve got to be shitting me, alright? there’s nothing there.” 
“i’m from 1B, and if there’s something going on in 1A, monoma is going to tell us.” 
“shithead, get out of my face.” 
“you still have to go out with me.” 
“why the f-” 
“because, bakugou. if you don’t, i’ll be sure to make sure y/n knows about your feelings, whether they’re real or not.” 
“why would they care? more importantly, why would you care?” 
y/n kicked their feet up and down, a lollipop in their left hand, phone in their other. kirishima was in his bathroom while y/n was playing a game on their phone. they’d stashed away a bunch of candy back in their dorm and had snatched a handful for the two of them to share while hanging out in kirishima’s. 
he was currently combing a hand through his hair, and then proceeded to rummage through his cabinets. 
kirishima emerged with his lips puckered. “want to come to the  drug mart with me?” he stuck a thumb to his door. 
“what for?” y/n didn’t take a glance away from their phone. 
“this.” he chuckled softly. when y/n looked up, kirishima had two fingers parting his hair. the roots were a jet black, just growing long enough to become the slightest bit visible. 
“you’re going to fry your hair.” they were already shoving their phone away and tossing their sucker into the trash bin. 
“it’s a monthly tradition to do this, y/n. it would be fried by now if i was bad at it,” he joked, tapping his roots once more. 
y/n laughed alongside him as they exited the room. 
it was late, and the lights made everything feel like it was set in a world of backrooms. when the rest of the world is sleeping, it is more than quiet, and nothing feels real―possibly in the best ways. 
kirishima scratched at his chin, staring intensely at the hair-dye boxes lined neatly on the shelf before them. 
y/n tapped their foot, not out of impatience, but because of the creep staring at them through the aisle. yes, through. 
between the boxes of hair dye and scattered makeup products, the beady eyes of setsuna tokage could be seen. she smirked when she tugged her hostage closer. 
bakugou’s height had shot up to around six feet in the past two years, so all that was visible was his chest and the black sweatshirt loosely hanging off it, however his grumbling and stream of colorful language was unmistakable. it was him. 
“you okay?” 
y/n’s head snapped to their friend. “what?” 
“you seem on edge. is something wrong?” 
“nothing. nothing is wrong.” 
“you sure? if you need to talk, i’m here.” 
“yeah, yeah, i’m okay. don’t worry.” 
“alright.” kirishima held up a box, wiggling it in one hand. “got it.” he gave y/n a toothy grin. 
“good.” y/n snatched his arm up and dragged him along. 
“woah,” kirishima released a breathy chuckle, tugging his arm back. “what’s got you in a hurry?” 
“nothing,” y/n said, shrugging. “just wanna get home.” 
gosh, kirishima knew them too well. his eyes squinted just a bit, and there was that playful grin lingering on his lips, just ghosting over his face, barely visible to anyone who didn’t know him. instead of pointing out the obvious, which was standing just a few aisles behind, kirishima decided to play around. “goodness, honey, the kids are going to be fine back home.” 
heat raced to y/n’s face. “what?” 
kirishima winked. “it’s nice that you care about them, but care about me a little, would’ya? i miss you, too,” he said a tad louder. 
this caught bakugou’s attention. his eyes clashed with y/n’s, and he didn’t look away until y/n did. even a few seconds after, y/n still felt the blaring heat of his gaze upon them.
kirishima slung an arm around his friend, enjoying their flustered image. of course, he would never even think about pushing boundaries. the thought never crossed his mind, but he knew they’d let him know if they were uncomfortable. 
when y/n looked back as kirishima led them away, bakugou’s jaw was clenched, and his eyes were alight with jealousy. 
of course, y/n didn’t notice the emotion flaring. 
tokage smirked, clutching his loose sleeve. 
y/n looked back to their friend, and kirishima flashed them another knowing smile. bakugou was getting antsy with his best friends’ hands all over y/n. well, not all over, but a tap on the shoulder was enough. 
despite the way kirishima’s face dropped, y/n swiped his arm away and wandered over to tokage a bit more angrily than intended. they glanced up to bakugou, who was reaching up to retrieve something for tokage. 
“what brings you guys here? didn’t expect to see you.” inside, y/n was screaming. gosh, their heart was angry. 
“just running errands together.” 
bakugou? going for errands? with tokage? 
“cool, cool,” y/n said, nodding. “i was doing the same with kirishima.” they paused, awkward silence filling the space. 
impatient as ever, bakugou tossed the item into tokage’s basket and clicked his tongue. 
y/n didn’t know why. why were they being so stubborn? despite their protesting thoughts and their entire body screaming to hold back, y/n wrapped their fingers around bakugou’s wrist. 
“actually, bakugou, i have something to ask you. i need your opinion on it. you’re smart, right?” y/n’s voice lifted at the end. although they couldn’t see the, what the hell are you doing face kirishima was making behind them as subtly as possible, they could definitely feel the glare burning into their back. 
“tch, of course i’m smart, shithead.” 
“we’re actually kind of in a rush,” tokage spat out, snappier than usual. 
“do you think i fight okay? i need someone  with a perspective like yours to know if i do.” 
“what kind of question is that, dumbass? i don’t care if you can fight well or not, just so long as i can beat the shit outta ya.” 
tokage let out a low growl. 
y/n smirked, hand still around bakugou’s wrist. “i’d like to know if i can beat you, then, so you can tell me if i’m good or not.” 
ohgoshohgoshohgosh where was this coming from? 
bakugou squinted. he leaned in closer, like he didn’t hear them. “speak up.” 
y/n knew he heard them correctly, but he got awfully close. 
feeling a little sneaky themselves, y/n ghosted their fingers over his strong jaw, tilting his head closer so they could speak clearly into his ear. “let’s train together,” y/n said, staring tokage dead in the eyes. 
it was a stupid rivalry, really. they’d both been accepted through recommendations. they’d been friends all throughout middle school, and yet when y/n made it into 1A, tokage felt it a necessity to excel at everything and rub it in their face. no way was y/n letting them get away with this. 
“i want to see how strong i am.” y/n let their voice drop just a bit. “you’re strong, right?” 
“are you taunting me?” bakugou said, voice nearly a whisper. he still hadn’t moved from leaning down and hadn’t bothered to move y/n’s fingertips from his jaw. 
“absolutely not.” y/n sent a small grin in the direction of their rival. “let’s just see who can beat who. we’ve never been against one another like this.” 
tokage huffed, tugging bakugou back. his eyes were softened when they met y/n’s, and there was simmering, small grin on his face. 
tokage, however, looked less intrigued. “he’s not your boyfriend.” 
y/n shrugged, already backing away. they spread their arms in a mockery of surrender. “he’s not yours, either.” 
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iwantutobehapppier · 3 years
Pairing: Alpha!Bucky x Omega!Reader, Bucky x Reader
Summary: You and Bucky end up stranded in a safe house after a mission. Should be fine, except your early heat and Bucky’s secrets.
Warnings: +18 only. Smut, knotting, A/B/O stuff, dubcon
Word Count: 3,401
A/N: Okay this is for the 6th Night of Chanukah. So sorry for the delay. I really hope you guys enjoy and I apologize for any spelling or grammar errors. I’ll read it back over later.
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Bucky observed your mannerisms from the pilot seat of the Quinjet. Your scent was becoming musty and he knew exactly what that meant. In fact, his whole body knew, the way he would naturally gravitate to you when your scent took on this unique change. The raging hard-ons and the… nocturnal emissions. He felt like a teenage boy when your heat came closer.
He wasn’t sure this mission was a good idea for the two of you. It was an expected smash and grab then lay low but with your oncoming heat, faster than he recalled last time, Bucky wasn’t sure about your safety.
Not from the targets. No, you could hold your own.
Your safety from him.
Bucky wouldn’t call himself feral by any means as an Alpha but to say he was untethered around an omega was putting it lightly. Specifically you. Your smell even without the musky allure of on-coming heat is entrancing to him. He was never sure how to broach the topic of the two of you, after all, he’d have to confess to something Sam playfully jab at him about. 
But Steve knew better. Bucky was a one Omega kind of Alpha, as was Steve. That’s how it was ingrained in them and no amount of brainwashing could undo instincts. 
Landing the jet you jump out of your seat to get your gear on for the mission.
However, Bucky did have one other issue when it came to talking about any of this with you, your avoidance of him if at all possible one on one. 
He assumes it’s his overbearing Alpha presence, in the past Omega’s had commented on his scent which made him stay clear of them. What was worse and unthinkable was your avoidance due to his past with Hydra. 
You’d lost everything to them at a young age when your powers came out in their warpath to obtain you.
Shaking the thoughts from his head he clears his head to focus on the task at hand. He knew focusing would be instrumental in the success of this mission, given the thickening of your scent. Setting the autopilot to return the Quinjet he confirms the location of the safe house before exiting the Jet so it can return.
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The mission was barely a success, while you and Bucky had been able to take out guards from afar your scent was spreading and alerting the enemy of your arrival. Bucky had taken lead, making you stay farther back. And finally told to go get a car for travel to the safe house
Huffing out in frustration you kicked dirt up making your way towards the already cleared front entrance. The last thing you wanted to show in front of Bucky was weakness, he was a man of duty and efficacy. He was an Alpha you admired and fantasizes about. The last thing you needed to be was a thorn in his side.
After all, you put so much effort into being an exemplary team member, not being in the way, only noticed when doing what needs to be done. Effective and unnoticeable. It was how you lived your life. 
Your oncoming heat due to your designation was ruining your first duo mission with Bucky, and honestly, you would rather be shot in the head. To be an inconvenience and deterrent on a mission, to be one to Bucky no less. It made your chest squeeze, your growing heat scent sour. 
Locating a quick get-away car you pull out your kit to unlock the door, your mind wandering as you began the task of hotwiring, something you could do in your sleep after years of “borrowing” cars.
What if he was hurt because you didn’t have his back?
Worse, your mind supplied, what if he’s disgusted by your heat? 
Oh, that hurt.
Your stupid heat wasn’t supposed to be starting for another two days, let alone pre-heat scent spikes. Though, if you were honest the last couple of heats had been irregular in starting. One even started without any lead-up, just bam you were ruining your clothes and craving a knot like an Omega on her first heat. 
It was embarrassing, and thank god Bucky had left the common room well before it started. When Nat found you, you let a comment slip that Bucky was nearby but wasn’t affected by your smell. She simply scoffed mentioning something cryptic about only one Omega for Bucky.
At that moment you thought nothing was as embarrassing as that, well tonight you proved yourself wrong. This was the most embarrassing thing ever. Certainly, after this, you’d be on desk duty for a while until your heats got under control.
The loud explosion signals Bucky’s success in taking down the hideout you wait for him to appear and he does making a brisk jog for you. Once in the car, you take off. The only conversation between the two of you his instructions to the safe house. His hand over his nose was enough to keep you silent and compliant. Clearly, your scent had gotten worse. 
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You two make it to the small cabin 2 hours later, and you’re sweating even in the cool temp. You tired to air the car out but the open windows only proved to push Bucky’s smell directly in your path and that only made your thighs clench, slipper with your slick. You watching Bucky shift in the seat in what you assumed was uncomfortable at your growing arousal. Missing when his metal hand rubbed on the growing erection trying to soothe his own ache.
You both jump out of the car once parked needing out of the confined space of smells, desperate to put some walls between each other. Yours out of shame, Bucky’s out of necessity. 
He wasn’t sure how much longer he could handle this. He’d never been around an Omega in their heat, sure pre and post but never right in the thick of it. He was a faithful man about Omega’s, if he’s with one that’s the one. Wringing his hand he heard you cry out in pain. He may not have experienced an Omega in their heat but he knew you didn’t have anything here to help you go through this. But he did. 
He had the thing you needed, and god did he want to give it to you. You whimper out, even with a wall between you two the sound carried as if he was beside you. He was getting restless, the longer your scent permeated the air, the harder it would be for him to keep his distance. Bucky would rather have this conversation now while you were both somewhat coherent before he did something he’d regret later without permission.
With wide steps, he finds himself in front of the door where you laid. Bucky inhales deep and it was a mistake, the voracious growl he can’t stop from smelling you scares him, and the hint of sour in your smell scared you too.
Knocking is the only thing he can manage to do, the doorknob in his metal hand crunching under pressure. When you call for him to enter the knob falls and he pushes the door open. Taking a tentative step in he sees you on the bed.
Curled up, simply in your bra and underwear, skin shining with sweat or slick depending upon where he looked. The smell was better than anything he’d ever smelt. 
Smelling Bucky closer, you felt your abdomen spasm and more slick produce from you. Your body readying you for the Alpha who smelled so tantalizing and forbidden. Not bothering lifting your head to see the sexual temptation of this Alpha your voice muffled. “Unless you’re here to help you need to leave now.”
“I,” Bucky pauses, “I want to help but I gotta tell you something first.” Closing your eyes tightly you were dreading his next words. Obviously, it would be just sex for him, what good are you to an Alpha such as Bucky Barnes?
“Go on,” you nod your head trying to hide your rejection before he can speak by keeping your head down in the bed, but he catches the faint sourness in your sent. He won’t let it deter him though.
“You know I’ve never been with an omega,” Bucky shifted awkwardly at his confession. Your head lifted looking at him in barely disguised shock. Never been with an Omega? It seemed unlikely, perhaps he meant since Hydra.
“Even before?” You paused not wanting to elaborate on what before was, doing your best to ignore the growing slick and cramping frequency.
“Yeah, even before. Just beta’s.” His head bobbing up and down, the metal hand running through his short locks a nervous tick you found endearing. But now, with this new knowledge, you were trepidacious. 
“So what, am I some kind of uncharted territory for you to conquer?” Bucky’s eyes widen at your words, baffled you would think so little of him but then again what actions has he taken to show otherwise he thought to himself.
“What?! No! I just-” His backpedaling was annoying, you could be just sex, it would be hard to work together afterward but to be a conquest, an experiment that’s just too far. 
“The connection between an Alpha and Omega is tantric and pure during a heat, you can’t do this because you just want to see what it’s like,” your ire making the room smell of burnt hair.
“I would never-” He tries once more to take control of the conversation but god you were stubborn.
“Cause Bucky if you just think I’m an object that you carve one minute and-” He cuts you off, voice raised.
“Will you let me talk!?” The boom in his voice making you cower at reflex from a loud Alpha. Your pheromones pushing out a pleasant scent to calm him. 
“I’m doin’ this because I care about you,” Bucky looks down while your eyes round at his confession, you sit up on your knees edging towards the end of the bead. “I think about you a lot, and not just cause your smell is everywhere Omega.” 
Looking up you’re in front of him, his eyes widen to match yours. He’s never called you by your designation before, your name, and maybe on the rare chance doll but never this. Your scent permeates the air around him.
“If we do this-”
“Okay Alpha,” your voice more confident than it had been since Bucky broached this subject. 
He knew he should tell you he’d mate you, that nothing would stop him but he couldn’t find it in him with your consent, and the way you smell he fell. In an instant Bucky is on you, lips colliding, fingers digging into your flesh. You mutter against his lips. He pulls away only a fraction.
“Nest,” you whimper, slick pooling down your legs. “I need a nest.” Nodding his head as Bucky doesn’t trust his voice he kisses you once more only to disappear out the door.
When he returns he has the pillows from the couch, a throw blanket, and even some couch back cushions. Leaving once more he finds the laundry room and grabs all the blankets and sheets he can before dumping them on the bed. You can’t help the laugh that bubbles up when he returns.
He leaves to get more but you call out his name. He turns back to you with a brow raised. “This is enough but clothes, I need clothes. I need your clothes.” You inform pulling your shirt from the ground where you had ripped your clothes of for reprieve from your heat. 
“Right,” He rips his jacket, sweater, and undershirt off throwing them in front of you before taking his pants off to do the same. 
You’re body humming with giddiness as you build the nest with his scent and yours slowly molding together to give a safe space. Too consumed in your task you miss the shift on the bed, Bucky coming behind your bent form tucking his pants into the intricate weaving you had done with the clothes and sheets.
Rough warm hand and cool sleek metal land only your hips. You whimper at the feeling, falling into the just set nest.
“Oh sweet Omega,” voice enticing against your ear while he leans over you. His chest barely touching your back but you can feel the heat radiating off of him. His arms slip down yours, intertwining your fingers. Suddenly he falls back pulling you with him to hand in his lap.
He’s hot, so hot, or maybe it’s you? You wiggle on his lap, feeling his erection bare against your covered back end. He shimmies you on his lap, the space allowing for his engorged cock to jut out between your legs.
You salivate at the sight of his large cock twitch. “You see that Omega?” a tingle slips down your spine at his rough voice in your ear. 
He reaches down with his flesh hand holding your hand he wraps your fingers around the base, feeling the beginning of his knot swelling. It’s just the faintest bulge to the eyes but in your hands, it feels fully formed. You know it’s not, your omega instincts tell you it’s not but you shake your head anyway.
“Too big,” is all you can get out, heat consuming any syntax. 
“Oh my sweet omega,” mewling at his endearing words he chuckles. “It’s not even near popped, but it will be.” his hand leaves yours holding him. “Once I’m rooted deep here.” His hand covers your mound, pushing the soaked fabric to the side he slips his fingers between our swollen folds. Twirling fingers along your clit you buck on top of him, crying out.
“I think my Omega is ready,” you writhe against him, moaning in agreement at his words. You were beyond ready, you had been ready the moment you stepped into this cabin but you had to wait. Had to wait for your alpha “Present.”
Your omega instincts move you immediately to your hands and knees. Bucky’s metal hand slides up your spine to between your shoulder blades pushing you down to your elbows and your ass up higher. Satisfied with your position he raises to his knees.
Pulling your underwear down to your bent knees at the same time he takes his red cock weeping cum from the tip. He feels something crawling just below the surface, a sensation he’s never had when fucking a beta. 
It had been bubbling at the surface when he began to smell you but now, with you presenting, his cock head slotted at your entrance you rock back pushing his cock head but not entering just yet, needing more force to take such a bulbous tip, something is slipping away. 
No, you shouldn’t be trying to take it. He snarls at your movements and you freeze. Satisfied at your response he pushes in, it’s almost impossible, but when he swivels his hips and growls your name he’s in. Then he’s pushing all the way in, your walls suffocating him, struggling to take him. But you will take him. Slick is pouring around him and out of you, your body desperate to take everything he gives.
Blood is rushing in his ears, he can barely make out the sounds you are making. All he can feel is your body beneath his, the way he’s dominating you, how your pheromones release the most exquisite sweet smell when he enters you. Had he known, if he had only known…
“Bucky,” you sigh in relief when he bottoms out, your full, more full than any time you could recall. It was like he was made to reach every part of you. He growls out and you’re quick to correct yourself. “Alpha.”
“Fu-uck,” he gets out, eyes squeezed tight. “I never knew-” he can’t finish his words. 
“I know,” you concur, “I know.” 
He pulls back and slams into you faster than you’re prepared for. You wail and your arms collapse under you but you turn your head, pushing one side of your face into the mattress that smells like you, like Bucky. Together.
Fingers dig into the sheets, drool pouring out your mouth and your eyes roll back when he pulls back to shove himself back in you, your body jerking forward at the force. 
Something wicked is climbing up Bucky’s back with each thrust, the sensation mudding his brain but it’s different from the brainwashing. It’s different from anything else he’s ever felt. It’s part of him but something he’s not familiar with. As he continues to thrust back and forth you move with him.
He holds your hips still, hissing as he slowly pulls back. Punishing you for trying to take control. A pitiful wail falls from your mouth when he eases his hips forward into you. “You are mine Omega,”
You nod your head against the bed, anything to stop this slow pace. “You will submit to your alpha.” You whimper out a scratchy “Yes Alpha.” It’s enough.
He pounds into you, no not pound, pummels. His pace is fast, unforgiving, and more pleasurable than anything you’ve felt before. 
Your hair falls in front of you, displaying your mating gland to him. It calls to him, the rush of blood making it swell, preparing for him, for his mark. He just knew it. Never mind it was always inflamed during an omega’s heat.
The wet slap of flesh meeting, his staggered breaths, your moans growing in volume, the taste of your sweat when he licks a trail up your back, the smell of your fluids combined that’s squelching out with each thrust, it’s all a new symphony to his senses. 
One that sends him further to the place he’s wanted to be for decades. When he swivels his hips moving in and then out of you you’re crying, gushing out around him, cumming so suddenly you’re gasping for breath.
Your limp but Bucky holds you up by your waist, Your plaint body swaying with his thrusts, never once losing his tempo. He’s chasing something, something a fleeting thought that he may not want to do so but it was too late. Too late and too good.
When you finally regain the sensation of your body he’s never stopped once. For a moment you’re worried but remember Bucky is more than a simple Alpha. He knows you’ve returned to your sense before you can say anything.
He hooks his arms in yours, pulling them back behind you at your elbow joint. Thrusting wildly your breasts bouncing with each thrust.
“Are you ready to take my knot?” He growls, his voice is deeper than anytime you’ve heard before. If it wasn’t for the heat fuzziness overtaking you maybe you’d register the warning sign.
“Yes Alpha, please.” You whine instead, begging for what your body craves, the very reason you’re in this position. 
“Are you ready to be marked?” He nuzzles into your neck, licking your mating gland. Something doesn’t feel right about that. 
“Alpha?” Your head moves to the side to move him away but Bucky remains steadfast in his attention on your gland.
“Mine forever,” his voice is garbled, you’re fairly certain his smell has taken on a spicier sent. He’s in a rut. The base of his cock is swelling, catching almost in the last thrust. He pushes in all the way and it pops.
“No!” you try to struggle but he has you prone to his desires. “What are you-” 
It’s so much at once, his knot is caught and you feel his cum flooding your insides. Nothing slipping out at the pulsing knot keeping you sealed
You cry out when his teeth land on your matting gland piercing with ease. The groan that vibrates from his chest shakes you. There’s a pop and then snap sensation that reverberates through your whole body as the mark takes.
He pulls his teeth back, licking and humping against you, pushing himself further into you though it’s impossible to give you more his instincts demand he is rooted to you. After a few more seconds he is rolling you both to your side, releasing your arms and warping his around you to cocoon you in his sent.
“You’re it for me,” his voice is rough but he sounds like your Bucky. “There’s no choice.”
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I’ve been throwing around this idea in DMs with some people for a really long time, so I thought I might as well post it somewhere for once. I have an AU where Terry McGinnis gets to exist at the same time as the rest of the Batfam. I’m just going to put down a few of the general ideas of how this would work, and anything that deviates from “standard canon” here.
Terry was still made by Cadmus, Project Batman Beyond went into effect right before Dick took up the mantle of Robin, and Terry was born before they could cancel the project. On top of being Bruce’s biological clone-son, Cadmus also decided to eugenically “perfect” him, making sure Terry would be at the peak of human potential. He’s not a Meta, but he’s definitely a cut above the rest. This boy hit 6’10” by age 16.
Terry’s mom, dad, and his little brother Matt were all killed when Terry was 10, mimicking Bruce’s story to make sure he’d go down a similar path. He jumped from foster home to foster home for a while, even once sharing a room with Duke, before one of them got themself kicked out.
Terry lived his whole live on the East End of Gotham, he knows just about everyone, which actually helps him as a hero. The advantage to knowing everyone’s deal means he can talk desperate, but genuinely good people out of doing something stupid.
He spent a year in juvie, and once he got out, he randomly received an invite to a charity event at Wayne Manor. Never one to turn down free food, Terry borrowed a tux from one of his old neighbors and stuffed his face in the corner. Just like with Harper, Alfred immediately took a liking to Terry.
I’m not exactly sure how he’d stumble onto the Batcave, especially during a party, but let’s just pretend he got very lucky. I also don’t know why he’d steal the experimental suit Bruce had out (his iconic Batman Beyond suit), but ignore that for now, I really just want to focus on Terry already established as a superhero.
Terry takes up the mantle of Black Bat, instead of Cass taking it.
He’s a not-so-surprisingly fast learner when it comes to this life.
On paper, the reason he lives in Wayne Manor now is because Bruce hired Terry to be Alfred’s protégée, meaning Terry usually has to drive Bruce around, help with shopping, cooking, and cleaning. Terry doesn’t actually mind all that much, and he gets pretty good at it. I wanted the fact that he tries so hard to be good at housework and everything to more or less imply that even without Terry’s special enhancements, he would still be a great Bat, as he would have worked just as hard.
Terry, Tim, Duke, Steph, Harper and Cass are all the same age, the six of them more or less form a team of their own. You can almost hear their brains all shut off when they’re all together. Terry and Cass definitely date shortly after Terry becomes an official Bat.
Terry always calls Bruce “Mr. Wayne, sir” in public. Everyone outside of the Batfamily thinks Terry is just being polite. The rest of the Bats all know Terry is doing it just to irritate Bruce, and they all love it.
Terry seems to dote on Damian just as much as Dick does, if not more. He reminds him of Matt, as they’d have been the same age.
When Terry is revealed to be Bruce’s clone-son, the two have a lot of trouble actually deciding how their relationship should be classified. Terry is never legitimized, regardless.
Terry quickly becomes one of the best fighters of the Batfam, especially since he constantly fights dirty. He once bit down on his own tongue and spat blood into someone’s eyes.
Terry lost his right eye in an explosion at a point, getting a cybernetic replacement. As Terry, it’s near indiscernible from a normal eye, but when he’s in disguise, he sets it so the sclera is black, something he uses to further differentiate himself from his secret identity.
He took up Jason’s habit of wearing a Nightwing/Robin mask under his helmet, in case he ever loses his helmet.
He mostly uses the same kind of gadgets as he does in Batman Beyond. Jet boots, wrist-mounted Batarang launchers, glider wings, stuff like that.
Terry’s very insecure about his intelligence, always feeling like he’ll never catch up to the others. Doesn’t help that a lot of people refer to him as the “dumbest Bat.”
In terms of other changes to the usual Batfamily dynamic, Cullen takes up the mantle of Oracle, becoming everyone’s mission control.
A big turning point in Terry’s story is when Heretic shows up, and is revealed to not be Damian’s clone, but a reanimated, aged-up Matt.
Anyways, these are just a bunch of my general ideas. I have plenty more but I don’t know what else I should say on this post.
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writingsfromhome · 3 years
Crystal Clear
A/N: Here’s some fluff, friends to lovers I’ve had going on while I work on something bigger :))
“Y/N,” a strange man calls my name. I look him up and down but I don’t think I know him.
“Who’s asking?”
“Y/N, it’s me? Harry.”
“Oh,” I laugh and greet him how I would have if I’d recognized him under all those layers, in a great big hug. “Your disguise is brilliant!”
“It’s not a disguise,” he says into his coat. “It’s bloody cold here.”
“Coldest day so far,” I accept the hot chocolate from the vendor and ask him for another, Harry could use one, poor thing. His plans this week were changed last minute, and since he was in New York City where his best childhood friend lived, he decided to actually hang out with me. Ever since he got famous, it was hard to catch time with him.
“Did the cold freeze all the English out of you? You’re not even wearing mittens,” Harry accepts his own cup from the vendor.
“I’m got them in my pocket,” I point to the bulge on the side of my coat as we step aside and make our way deeper into the winter festival that was at Bryant Park. “Don’t insult me, I can still make a better cup of tea than you ever could.”
“There she is,” I hear the smile in Harry’s voice more than I see it. It truly was ridiculous--not only was he wearing the thickest parka I’d ever seen, he also had on a beanie and a scarf, as well as knit gloves that held tightly to his hot chocolate.
“I’m always here, you’re just too busy to see me.”
“Not this again,” he groans. I was always giving him grief every time he touched down to NYC but didn’t pop by for a visit. I knew he had a hectic schedule, and even though I wasn’t that bothered I still liked to tease him.
“It’s true, you come to the city so often but I see you once a year. And maybe again when I’m in London if I get lucky.”
“I’m busy Y/N, I talk to you all the time!”
“I know,” I elbow him. “I just like to rile you up.”
“Well now that you’ve got that out of your system,” he tugs my hat over my eyes. “Where are we going next?”
I push it back up, “I thought we could just wander the shops, then get on the skating rink if you’re not frozen to death.”
“Alright I’ve got to pick some gifts up anyway let’s see what’s here.”
We make a good team as we visit stands selling ornaments and kitschy decor, handmade gifts, and hot cider. We sift through exactly what we might want, or what the other’s looking for. And with the light dusting of snow coming down, and the bright lights strung around the Park, it was like walking in a Christmas movie.
“Look at this,” I point ahead. We’d nearly visited all the stands and holiday shops but a festive psychic advertises their services in a small glass booth. “Should we?”
“It’s a waste of money,” Harry scoffs. “She’s just going to read your body language.”
“She might be the real deal-”
“You can’t be serious-”
“C’mon!” I tug his gloves hand and it takes a few but he stumbles towards me. It’s slightly warmer inside and I notice the space heater running in the corner. “At least it’s warm” I whisper to Harry.
“You really want to do this?” He asks one last time.
“It’s just $10-”
“$20 for the two,” the woman almost shifts out of the wall and I hide my jump with a laugh. There’s a curtain behind her, I realize, she must have stepped out.
“It’s just me,” I clarify.
She eyes Harry and Harry eyes her back. “You look familiar.”
“Just have that face,” he shrugs, burrowing into his scarf. “I’m just here to watch.”
She stares at him a moment longer before settling at the small table. I flash Harry a smile before sitting down myself, setting my bags onto the floor.
“Palm reading, cards, what will it be dear?” The psychic asks. I remember the sign out front said cards would be more than having my palm read so I opt for the cheaper option.
“Hm,” she says thoughtfully as she traces the lines on my palm. I wriggle my eyebrows at Harry and he rolls his eyes, but he stays watching her like a hawk. It was cute how overprotective he got sometimes. The psychic glances up to catch him watching her, she then glances at me and tilts her head.
“I see longevity, in life and love, a few bumps but you’re a strong persistent woman.”
Harry grumbles behind me and I resist the urge to say something to him.
“I see success after hard, hard work. But a big success that will change the course of your career.”
“Wow, how soon?” I ask.
“Mmm, after a big milestone. Turning 30?” she continues to examine my hand. “I see a second life later in life, with kids...just one no maybe two children.”
“How about her love life?” Harry asks. “Her last love s’not too nice.”
“Seriously Harry?” I turn to glare this time. He’s grinning with flushed cheeks, knowing it was a sore spot he liked to say i told you so to. It was true, he had told me so about my 3 year relationship but I’d ignored him.
“Your love life,’ the woman speaks up. “Shows me two great loves. One cuts short, the other is as long as your life line.”
“Ooh,” I lean in, interested. “I think I know about the one that was cut short. Tell me about the second!”
“This second...” she traces my palm and I feel a tingle. “This second love is very close, a bit rocky but it will last.”
“A bit rocky?”
“Hm,” she chews her bottom lip. “Time, distance...it will make it rocky. But it lasts.”
“So how close is close?” I ask eagerly.
“Close,” she says with a smile that tells me I wasn’t getting anything else out of her.
“That’s a bit vague isn’t it?” Harry pipes up from the back.
“The future isn’t always crystal clear,” she says without looking up at him.
“Lay off,” I scold him.
“It’s okay, I get nonbelievers all the time.” She laughs. “That will be $10 dear.” When I hand her the bill she stops me as she takes it. “A little free advice?”
“Sure.” I pick up the bags I placed on the floor earlier.
"Don’t be so focused on the life you want that you don’t see the life you have around you.”
“I’ve actually told her that before,” Harry decides we want more of his unsolicited opinions. “Maybe there is something true to all of this.”
“Thanks,” I pocket her words for later. Harry was right, he’d said something along those lines to me before, especially when it came to giving up control and going with the flow on trips and events with him. I always declined his offers, we lived a modest life growing up and accepting these gifts from him always felt so excessive. I wanted to make my own way in the world, but Harry always had something to say. “And sorry for his attitude, he’s not always this rude.”
“Yeah,” Harry shifts forward. “I didn’t mean anything by it, I’m a lot nicer usually.”
“I know,” she smiles.
“She’s psychic,” I remind him.
“I’m also online,” she laughs. “Can I get a picture?”
Harry eyes me, before going in for a selfie with her. I know he usually didn’t mind getting asked in smaller settings but he’d admitted it was something he was still getting used to. It had been a couple years since he became so famous, in such a short amount of time I went from being able to go down to a local pub with my best friend to schedules and security details and a whole other list of complications. Sometimes I hated it, mostly I was happy for him.
“Another day, another fan.” I tell Harry after we walk away from the psychic and he flips me off. “Should we get something to eat and get out of the cold?”
“God yes,” Harry shivers. “Can we just go to yours?”
“Let’s go,” I loop my arm through Harry’s.
Harry wants instant warmth so he hails a cab and we pick up takeout once we reach my neighbourhood. Harry had been here a few times, my roommate had gotten used to the fact that I was best friends with him, and sometimes he preferred to stay here when he wanted to be anonymous. Paparazzi sometimes crowded outside his hotel when word leaked he was there.
We eat ourselves into a food coma and Harry decides to stay the night, not wanting to face the cold again. Since our living room couch sprained his neck the only time he’d slept there, he usually crashed in my bed. His head barely hits the pillow before he’s snoring, I guess the jet lag finally caught up.
I jerk out of sleep, a crashing noise followed by swearing catches my attention.
“I think your roommate dropped something,” I hear from beside me. I turn my face to get a facefull of Harry’s thigh tattoos.
“Y’think?” I croak and shift backwards to see his face. He’s sitting up in bed and scrolling through his phone.
“Guess which psychic is officially internet-famous?” Harry asks dryly.
“Hm?” I’m still calming my heart from waking up so suddenly so it takes a moment to register Harry’s words. “What?”
He shoves his phone in my face, the selfie he took with the psychic yesterday is posted on social media with over half a million likes. He swipes away and a lot of his tag is filled with news outlets and fan accounts spamming the picture. He pulls it back to read a heading: “Harry Styles visits Psychic for ideas on his next album. There’s also Harry Styles rumored to be connected to the Occult...I don’t know what that means. Psychic tells all on Harry Styles reading.”
“How did that picture circulate?” I rub my eyes and sit up beside him. “And where is all of this coming from?”
“She has a Twitter, and she posted the picture.” He shows me, it’s there with the caption A handsome face showed up to my booth at the Bryant Park Market tonight. Get your future told, 5pm to 9pm 7 days a week.
I can’t help but laugh, she was a business woman and she really took the opportunity to sell her service.
“It’s not funny Y/N,” Harry looks furious so I cover my mouth and squint at his screen as he scrolls. A ton of people are responding asking about his future or what he came there for. Amongst them, she responds to only one person: His love life was involved.
My jaw drops, “That’s such a lie! She read me my love life, and life lines!”
“I told you she was a fraud,” Harry jerks the phone back to him.
“She lied for sales, but doesn’t mean she didn’t tell the truth yesterday.”
“If she lied about this she lied about it all and you wasted $10. She only talked about your love life, not mine...”
I remember her words, my second love was very close...could she have meant...
I glance at Harry and he seemed to have followed the same train of thought because we lock eyes, his probably just as wide as mine.
“D’you think?” he says just as I say “Was she...?”
We immediately burst out laughing as the tension comes to a head and bubbles over in a safe trickle.
“Is that what she was trying to say?” I say when I’ve finally caught my breath, my stomach hurt from laughing this hard.
“I guess when she said close she meant close,” Harry’s flat on his back from laughing. “Quite literal.”
“And you were calling her out on being so vague.”
“I’ve got to give it to her,” he shuts his phone off and throws it onto the covers between us, releasing the annoyance. “She’s a good businesswoman.”
“I was thinking the same thing but I thought you might kill me if I said that,” I admit.
We lay on the rumpled covers in silence, I think about everything else she said. The potential of it all is tarnished by the idea of Harry being my second love, for life. It was so ridiculous, unless by love she meant the way I love him now. As my best friend. Our lives were so different, there was no way it could ever work. Not to mention...he was my best friend since forever.
“Have you ever thought about it?” Harry asks out of the blue.
“Thought about what?” I prop myself on my elbow.
“Us, like...the way she predicted?”
“Together together?” I can’t help but laugh. “No never, you’re my best friend!” I recognize the flash of hurt so I backtrack a little. “No offense Harry, I love you but could you imagine?”
“I have,” he says it so quietly as I lay back down. “What?” I ask. He shrugs, “I’m surprised you haven’t. We’ve been friends since...we were 7. You’re saying you never thought about it?”
“No,” I shake my head. “Actually I haven’t. When...what did you think about?”
“I dunno,” he fiddles with his rings. “Like for school dances, when I didn’t have a date I thought about asking you as more than a friend...thought about where that could lead. Or every time you had your heart broke. I wanted to take the pain away and just show you what you deserved.”
“Harry I...” it was sweet, what he was saying. But he never gave a single clue about it the entire time we grew up. He was always chasing girls who looked nothing like me, so I always thought that’s what his type was. Never did I think about anything more with him.
“Not-not recently though,” he forces a laugh. “Just when we were kids.”
“That’s sweet Harry. I had no idea.”
He shrugs, and sits up.
“No seriously I...that’s so sweet. But just so you know, you have shown me what a good man can be. Just by being the best friend ever.”
“Aw,” he swipes my cheek as he gets up. “That’s cute. I don’t know if I’ve done such a good job when you’ve only dated knobs.”
I could recognize his defense mechanism--turning it into a big joke. But he leaves the room before I can call him out and I’m left sitting in the mess of what he’d just told me. It’s not that it was awkward or a bad thing, but suddenly it felt tense and the tension triggered an anxious feeling in my chest.
I decide to get out of my room and find my roommate cleaning up the remains of her broken mug. I offer to clean the spill as she dresses to go out for her run. Helping her distracts me, and when I hear Harry leave the bathroom I lock myself in, and try some breathing exercises to clear the anxiety creeping up. When I realize I was trying to avoid Harry, I scold myself. This was ridiculous and funny! Harry wanted to ask me out when we were kids, it was cute, and that was it. The psychic was a fake anyway, nothing she said meant anything.
I head back to my room where Harry’s made the bed. I change into trousers and my favourite fisherman sweater, and find him having coffee at our small kitchen table with his phone on speaker as he talks to someone. His legs barely fit underneath, so they’re sprawled to the side. He’s still shirtless, and my attention snags on his torso.
I shake myself out of my thoughts as I bump into the kitchen island, and glance up to see that although he was talking to the person on the phone, his eyes had been on me...while my eyes were on his abs. Oh god, I cringe. I try to act casual, mouthing if he wanted breakfast but he shakes his head and points to the call he’s having.
I make myself a toast and try to ignore what just happened but it only adds to the tension from this morning. When he gets off his call he brings his cup up to the sink.
“I think I need another cup.”
“Be my guest,” I move aside. “You sure you don’t want breakfast?”
“Are you going to feed me avocado flax seed quinoa toast?” he teases.
“There’s no quinoa.” I correct, crossing my arms. “But...yes.”
“I’ll take this banana,” he holds the lone banana on the counter. “I’ve got to be in East Harlem by noon, that’s what the call was about.”
“Aw,” I hated saying goodbye. “Are you busy the rest of your stay?”
“I can make it back here,” he says.
“Do whatever you need to do,” I say. “I’m used to being discarded after you hang out with me in the city.”
“I don’t do that!” he reaches behind me to slot his cup in and set the machine to grind his beans. I can smell my shampoo on him, he must’ve showered. “If you want me back, you can just say that.”
The morning sunlight streaming through the kitchen window leaves no room for shadows; the shift in the mood is clear as the daylight streaming in. Or maybe I was reading too much into his words.
“I always want you back,” I look up to his height now that he’s standing so close, and the kitchen tightens further.
We’re stuck in a tableau; with my back against the fridge looking up at him as he gazes down with a curious expression. My mind grows blank the longer I stare. No one says a word, the sound of beans grinding the only noise in the kitchen.
My best friend in the whole world looks torn standing in front of me like this, and as my senses slowly rush back I realize that even if my expression doesn’t show it...I was torn. Because out of nowhere, all I can think about are all the questions I ever shoved away in the dark: what would it feel like if I kissed him right now? And what would have happened to us if he had asked me out to our school dance? Would we still be best friends? Would we have cut each other out? How many universes were we still good together like this? How many universes were we good together as more than this?
An urge to touch his face, make sure this was real, takes over me. But as soon as my fingers brush his cheek he snaps out of his trance and stumbles back like I’d burned him.
He forces a laugh. “I really do need that coffee.”
“Right,” I turn to the machine to put the grinds into their slot but I yank too hard and the freshly ground coffee flies out towards me. “Shit!”
“What happ-” Harry takes one look at what’s happened and turns away, his shoulders shaking.
“I can see you right in front of me laughing!” I shout. “Help me!”
“It’s all over you Y/N,” he turns around, tears in his eyes. “Give me this, I’ll put it far away from you.” He takes the remaining grinds and sets it down. I brush away what’s closest to my eyes so I can see and try to shake it off my sweater but they stick to the fibers of the knit.
“Great,” I grumble. “This is dry clean only.”
“It’s in your hair,” he runs his fingers through the strands that hang over my shoulder. I shake my head to dislodge the grinds; his fingers brush my neck away and tucks my hair behind my ear. “Uhm, that should be most of it.”
“It’s not out of this sweater,” I pout. “Screw dry clean, why did I think I could buy dry cleaning clothes?”
“I can drop it off on the way out today?” he offers.
“That means you’re coming back to drop it off to me?!” I ask hopefully.
His expression softens, “Y/N I’m coming back to your flat. I promise.”
“He promises!” I shout. Even though things were a bit awkward this morning, I got to spend more time with my hard-to-catch best friend and for that I was over the moon.
“We could also try to vacuum the sweater?” Harry suggests.
“So you don’t have to come back with dry clean?” I tease. “I’m not letting you get out of your promise, let me give it to you before you change your mind.” I tug my top off and ball it up, shoving it in his hands. It falls to the floor when he doesn’t hold it.
“Hello?” I look up and he’s a deer in the headlights. “Harry...”
“I can’t do this right now,” he takes a step back. I get the sweater from the ground and hold it out to him again.
“Do you want to wipe the kitchen floor with the sweater too? Take it!” I sigh. “Harry are you really acting so chaste about seeing a girl in her bra?”
“It’s-” he decides to stop mid-word. “You’re not just any girl Y/N, I’ve already made it clear.”
Now it’s my turn to stare--he hadn’t made it clear. “You said you only felt something when you were younger...”
“And you believed me?”
I realize I didn’t, but I wanted to believe him so I hadn’t questioned it. “Well it’s not the first time you’ve seen me in a bra. Can you take the damn sweater?” 
“Yeah I can I’m just...” he seems to calm down a bit, enough to step towards me and take it. “I didn’t have to face this conflicted feeling in me if I didn’t see you often. I can just be the best friend. But now, with the whole psychic thing and you in--like this in your kitchen and I--I’m remembering how much I just want to...”
“Kiss me,” I say.
“Yeah...” he looks away.
“No, I’m telling you to kiss me.” I clarify. His expression would’ve made me laugh if my heart wasn’t beating so fast. I couldn’t believe I was being this impulsive.
“Really? You’re not just saying that cuz of this morning?”
“Fine,” I step out of his reach and cross my arms to hide my shaking hands. “If you don’t want to kiss me-”
He pulls me back too quickly and I bump into his chest. “I never said that.” He says in a tone I’d never heard from him before, it’s serious and sexy and it sends tingles through my body. I press myself up against him and he finally, finally, kisses me. Every bit of tension and anxiety the day had built up releases in the single moment his lips cover mine.
How had I waited this long?
The kiss is gentle, delicate like he’s still not entirely sure I want the same thing he does. I show him I do by using my tongue to open his mouth slowly and the hesitation disappears immediately. We’re a fighter jet taking off from there; I don’t know where I end and where he begins as he walks me to the kitchen island and lifts me onto it, our limbs tangling together, His hands roam down the side of my body, but he stays in the safe zones until I unclasp my bra.
“Oh hell no,” my roommate’s voice interrupts us from behind. I hold my bra close and turn. She stands at the entryway, shaking her head. “Not here. Not on our kitchen island. You two have a room literally 10 feet away...”
“Oops,” I say quietly which seems to set Harry off. My roommate is still shaking her head but I see the smile on her face. I’d caught her hooking up on multiple occasions so it wasn’t anything new. But I didn’t do this often. I jump down, apologizing to her. “Harry’s going to clean the coffee off the floor...I-I’ll find a shirt.”
“Mhm,” she closes her bedroom door and I look over at Harry who’s crouching on the floor in tears.
“This is all your fault!” I whisper but he tugs me down to where he is and holds my face as he kisses me.
“I know you two aren’t behind the island,” my roommate’s voice comes out again. I stay there as her footsteps move to the bathroom and the door closes behind her.
“I hate you,” I skirt out of his reach, and rush to my room yelling another sorry as I head back and find a top. Harry appears in my room as I put it on.
“I guess that was a good time for her to walk in on before it got too far?” he still has a stupid grin on his face.
“I don’t even want to think about it,” my cheeks were burning and even more so that Harry was elated.
“I’ve actually got to head out now.”
I pout but he kisses my pout instead. He promises he’ll be back in the evening and I let him go with one more kiss, my mind catching up with everything that just happened.
Oh my god.
It’s nearly 8 by the time I’m done running all my errands--taking holidays off for work was usually a good decision for me. I had a big family and picking up all the holiday bits before I flew back home was always a big job. I take an Uber home, I couldn’t handle a 40 minutes trip back home carrying everything home on the subway.
I call out to my roommate when I get in but she doesn’t respond. I check her door and it’s open and dark, the bathroom is also empty. She must have evening plans.
I open my door to a surprise. Harry is sprawled on my bed. He jerks awake when I settle my bags down.
“Y/N?” he squints as I turn the light on.
“How did you get in here?” I shrug my coat off.
“Y’roommate let me in before she left,” he rubs his eyes. “Didn’t mean to fall asleep...I had a whole thing planned.”
I’d gone over the whole morning during my errands, surprised and excited and nervous about this new step for us. But I continued to think about what the psychic said, our love lines extended alongside my life line. Even though there wasn’t much comfort or trust in a psychic who used a photo opp as a marketing opp, what she said had come true. And I put my faith in that, calming my nerves about this new step potentially ruining our friendship forever.
“Was that okay?” Harry sits up. “She didn’t think you’d mind.”
“Oh no that’s fine,” I unwrap my scarf and stand at the foot of my bed. “I really wasn’t sure if you were coming back.”
“Of course I would,” he reaches for my hand. “I wouldn’t leave you after this morning, I’m not that flighty.”
“Well we never really got to talk about it,” I say as I sit down. I’d texted him during the day but it never showed he read it, I wasn’t sure how to read into that; finding him passed out on my room meant he was probably on the go all day.
“Are you okay with this?” he says with such concern, I nearly tear up. This was making me way too emotional.
“I am,” I smile at my best friend in the whole world. “I just don’t want to go too fast.”
“We won’t,” he promises as he holds his arms out. I lean in towards his solid chest and he wraps his arms around me. I feel his breath on my cheek, then his lips in my hair. “I’m yours for eternity Y/N, we can take it as slow or fast as you want.”
It was a good thing to say, and I believe him entirely.
We eventually untangle ourselves to get food in us, and even though things are different, they’re also not. We still pick out the same parts of our food to give the other person, we still talk the same shit and laugh at the same jokes. But his hands grasps mine and his thumb brushes over my knuckles absentmindedly. His eyes stay steady on me as I talk like I’m someone new he’s exploring. We kiss after dinner, but we also load the dishwasher and laugh about the one time I’d managed to burn soup from a can. Eventually we end in my bedroom, where we lay together, our conversation growing quieter by the minute, the space between us growing smaller.
And even though we’d slept like this a hundred times before, it’s different now. I can feel it in every atom of my being, I was his and he was mine. And I don’t know how long it’s been like this for it to feel so easy, but accepting it was a no brainer, like accepting the sky was blue or the sun was hot. I remember the advice the psychic gave, I was following it: living the life I had around me even though it wasn’t the life I thought I would have.
There were a million things Harry and I had to figure out to make this work--I knew it wasn’t going to be easy. But I did know that it was right, it was true, and it was going to be forever.
The future may not be crystal clear, but my future with this man was.
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shiny-jr · 4 years
❝ ᴏ ɴ ᴄ ᴇ   ᴜ ᴘ ᴏ ɴ   ᴀ   ᴅ ʀ ᴇ ᴀ ᴍ ❞
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➼ 𝕐𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕄𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕦𝕤 𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕚𝕒
It was a dream.
(Y/n) hummed as they skipped along the brick path. This place was beautiful, a sizable garden surrounded by dark woods. Gentle raindrops trickled down from the gray clouds dotting the sky, but they weren’t heavy enough to block out the setting sun’s orange glow it casted on the earth.
Merrily they jumped in the forming puddles, enjoying this illusion in dreamland. With each hop, water splashed upwards. Not caring if their hair got soaked or their raincoat was covered in droplets, they continued to have fun while singing softly all the while, “I’m singin’ in the rain. Just singin’ in the rain~”
I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream. 
(Y/n) stopped in their tracks, gaining the feeling of being watched. Looking back, they spotted a figure a few feet behind them. Stopping their fun, they faced the stranger fully with newfound curiosity.
The man blinked, stunning lime green eyes that seemed to glow gazed directly at them. “Hm…?” The stranger had a forbidding appearance, unsmiling and staggeringly tall. From his head were two black curved horns against his jet black hair. His voice slightly deep and he spoke clearly, his words echoing in the empty space around them, “Who are you?”
In the near silence, he could hear their quiet heartbeat. It wasn’t speeding up, it remained at a steady pace. The dripping and flowing water from the fountain sounded, calm and soothing. Right, this was a dream, (Y/n) remembered. There was no real man with horns, this was just a figment of the imagination.
(Y/n) stared back unwaveringly, just as confused as they murmured, “A guy…?” Why would a guy with such a strange feature appear in their dreams?
The man studied them from afar, crossing his arms. His expression remained unchanging, his gaze never leaving their form even as he reached a conclusion. “…You are a child of man.” Still, the question remained, what was a human doing in his dreamland? “How did you get here?” For a moment he appeared a bit irritated that his dreams were ruined by this newcomer. “This is a rare moment when I sleep, and I discover you…”
The young dreamer jumped on the stone edge of a large water fountain, continuing to watch the man from afar. Folding their hands behind their back, they too had many questions. Most importantly, “Who are you?”
For the first time since encountering, the man expressed an emotion: surprise. His eyes widened slightly, silent for a moment before beginning, “Who are… You don’t know who I am? Truly?”
“Should I know who you are?”
A smile crossed his features as he shook his head, “That is… exceedingly rare. Disregard that then. What should I call you?”
“My name is (Y/n).” Offering a smile, they hopped off the water fountain and approached fearlessly. Extending their hand out to him, they continued politely, “It’s nice to meet you,...?”
Astonished that this mere human had the bravery to approach and shake his hand. They really weren’t lying when they said they had no idea who he was. Accepting their hand, he felt their warmth against his cold skin, shaking firmly. “Likewise, what a pleasant encounter… (Y/n)? That’s an unusual name…” When they released their hold on his hand, his arm fell back to his side. The corner of his lips tugged upwards into a smile again, “I’m Mal--... Actually, no. I won’t tell you. Not knowing is for your own benefit. The moment you hear it you’ll feel a frost spread over your skin.”
“Okay… Got it, buddy.” (Y/n) calmly walked back to the water fountain, noticing that the man was following from a distance. “So, if you won’t tell me your name, what the heck am I supposed to call you then?”
“For your ignorance, as an exception, I’ll allow you to call me whatever you like… Though you may come to regret that someday…”
(Y/n) hopped back onto the water fountain, balancing on the edge before facing him again. Able to look him at eye-level now that they stood on this elevated platform. “I’ll think of a nickname eventually. For now I’ll just call you my dream buddy!” Gazing into the blue waters, they stepped in the water fountain. The soles of their rubber boots were submerged, creating small splashes with every hop. They paused once they felt the stare of the young man. Turning to face him, they offered him a hand while inquiring with an eager smile, “Wanna join me, dream buddy?”
“...” He raised an eyebrow before slowly accepting their hand, giving in to that warm smile and child-like twinkle in their eyes. “Very well. I will join you, child of man.”
The two dreamers spent their night together, (Y/n) splashing in the fountain and puddles with hops and jumps, while the mysterious man walked along the water with grace and elegance. After some conversation, he explained that the area they walked in was one he recognized, one from a school of magic he attended. The young human found the man to be strange, but interesting and calming. Even Malleus had to admit, this human he discovered in his dreams had a certain charm to them, they were unafraid of him.
“That’s crazy! There’s no magic in my world. The closest thing we have to magic is electricity and technology, but I’m not sure if that counts.” (Y/n) laughed lightly, entranced when their dream buddy spoke of magic, spells, and potions.
“Is that so?” He hummed, intrigued by their comment. A world without magic, huh?
(Y/n) perked up at the familiar beep, scanning the area for the source of the sound. Their vision grew hazy and everything else, even that strange man, sounded distant. Looking up at him, those gleaming green eyes staring down at them.
“(Y/n)? Is something amiss?”
I know you, that look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam.
(Y/n) sat up with a jolt, feeling the loose pajamas on their skin and their bare feet against the warmth of the blanket. Underneath them they felt the familiar softness of their bed. Instinctively their hand reached out, tapping the alarm clock to prevent it from letting out another screeching beep. Yawning as they fell back onto their mattress, left to stare up at the ceiling while muttering,
“What a weird dream…”  
❂        ❂        ❂        ❂        ❂        ❂        ❂        ❂        ❂        ❂
A few days passed from the night of that dream. That entire day after, they couldn’t help but wonder and look back at it. It felt so real and the scenery was beautiful, and their dream buddy seemed kind. However, after that day, like all dreams, it was forgotten, until nearly a week after.
And I know it’s true that visions are seldom all they seem.
(Y/n) found themself in their dreamland, this time in an environment more familiar to them. A giant park that seemed to stretch forever with the towering skyscrapers of the city over the horizon. Like before, the sun was setting causing the sky to turn dark. Green orbs of light floated in the air, making the space appear magical. Humming as they followed the lights, singing softly as they went along, “A dream is a wish your heart makes, when you’re fast asleep~” Walking along a bridge that arched over water, a skip in their step as they enjoyed the breeze. “In dreams you will lose your heartaches. Whatever you wish for, you keep~”
“My, what a lovely voice you have.”
The young dreamer stopped, turning around only to see that same mysterious man standing on the other side of the bridge. Brightening up, they smiled as they recognized those lime green eyes and those black horns. “Hey, my dream buddy! Malmal!”
“Malmal? By Malmal are you possibly referring to me…?”
“Yeah, you said I could refer to you however I like. You know, since I never got the full name. Just Mal, so I came up with Malmal, or I can call you Mal, either or.” (Y/n) stopped in front of him, frowning lightly as they inquired, “Would you like a different name or something?”
But if I know you, I know what you’ll do.
A smile appeared on the man’s face, laughing in disbelief, “Pfft… Haha! There aren’t many who refer to me with such nicknames. You really seem to know no fear. It is fine. I am not opposed to it, I quite like it.”
“Great! It’s settled then!”
“This is the second time I’ve encountered you in my dreams, child of man. Why is that?”
(Y/n) shrugged before admitting, “I have no clue. I honestly thought you were just part of my imagination at first, but it’s kinda obvious that’s not the case anymore. Everything feels so real, and I can actually remember the dream!”
The man’s gaze drifted towards the end of the bridge, overlooking the water and the greenery of the park. Over the trees he could see strange gray rectangle shaped buildings towering high, almost as if they were scraping the sky. “I do not recognize this place. Is this by chance part of your magicless world?”
“Yep, in all it’s magicless glory!”
You’ll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream.
Much of their time spent together that night, (Y/n) explained their homeworld to their dream buddy. However, their time did not stop there. Every week, the same phenomenon occurred, where their dreams were connected somehow despite the fact they were from two different worlds. Every time it happened, the two met and spent their time together. For so long this went on, and each time Malleus felt more connected to the fearless human that befriended him. Slowly but surely, he began to look forward to the sleep he didn’t need but still desired for a chance at connecting with (Y/n) again.
After three months, (Y/n) fell asleep eager as ever, and awoke in an unfamiliar forest. Sometime before they awoke, their dream buddy, Mal, would stumble upon their location and they’d get to spend another wonderful night together. So, while they waited for him to appear, they pranced around barefoot on the soft green grass, weaving around the pine trees as they sang a song they recalled, “I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream~”
Their dream buddy emerged from the forest, going unnoticed by the human. For a moment he stood off to the side, listening to their lovely voice sing such a pleasant and familiar melody. He watched them dance alone, his lime green eyes following their every movement as a smile curled at his lips.
“You’ll love me at once,”
Once their back was turned, he stepped forward and took their hands in his. Joining their waltz, and finishing the lyric in his low and smoky voice, “The way you did once upon a dream~...”
(Y/n) turned to face the young man, shocked at his sudden arrival. “Mal!” He continued to hold their hand as they visibly relaxed upon seeing it was just their dream buddy. “Nice day, right? Oh, I mean, nice night, huh?”
“Yes, it is a nice night.” Finally pulling his hand away, he inquired softly yet somewhat hopefully, “Are you here you provide me company once again?”
“Yeah! I was wondering where you were, you know. You’ll never guess what happened to me today!”
But if I know you, I know what you’ll do.
After six months of meeting, the strangest event occurred, much stranger than their dreams.
(Y/n) was at a party, a huge gathering at a popular bar. Deciding to take a break from the tight-packed crowds, blasting music, and flashing lights, they snuck away from their friends and found a private area on the balcony of one of the higher-level floors. It was beginning to drizzle, but they continued to watch the sunset without a care as the tiny droplets landed on their hair and their clothes.
Malleus was on one of his nightly strolls, it was peaceful and quiet, with only the chirping of crickets or the occasional hoot of an owl. It was easy to escape the watchful eye of the knights Sebek and Silver, quickly forgetting about them as his mind wandered off to the thought of (Y/n). Usually by now, he’d try to sleep in hopes of seeing them, but the human had mentioned last night that they’d be busy tonight and not have much time for sleep. He wondered what they were doing, who they were with, what were they talking about, where were they, were they smiling at this very moment?
Deep in thought, the fae was unable to think of anyone or anything but (Y/n) for quite some time. He had to wonder, would things be different if they were here in Twisted Wonderland with him? Such a thought made him smile. If that were to happen, he wouldn’t have to sleep to see them only twice or three times a week. He’d get to see them everyday, day or night, awake or asleep. Holding up his staff, he recalled the ancient spell he found in his hours of research. Perhaps, he could get another glimpse of them this way. Underneath his breath he chanted the spell. His pace slowed as he felt vibrations underneath him and in the air, the beating of music distant but he could still hear it and feel it. Lifting his head, he looked around until he spotted a familiar figure.
You’ll love me at once.
(Y/n) tensed upon feeling a gaze on them, fearing it was some drunkard that somehow made their way to the balcony. However, when they turned and saw those familiar lime green eyes and those black horns, they dropped their glass beverage.
The beverage shattered against the floor, the human gaping at the sight of their otherworldly friend before them.
Malleus was pleased the spell worked. He could see them, they could see him. Of course, he wasn’t actually there in their world, but he could sense some of the things around them. The booming music and vibrations, the distant sound of lively chatter. That must’ve all been around (Y/n). Seeing the shock on their face, he chuckled, “Hello, child of man.” Wanting to step forward, to engulf them in his arms, but he couldn’t move a step. He was frozen in place, just mere feet away.
“Mal?” (Y/n) appeared confused, so many questions buzzing in their mind. They too were unable to move forward, but that didn’t stop their questions. “How are you-- How is this-- I-- You’re doing this with your magic?”
“(Y/n)!” Distant voices called. Malleus looked at the source, able to see the hazy figures of multiple people joyfully calling out for his child of man, “What are you doing out here?! Let’s go back in and party!”
Party? (Y/n) skipped their meeting, the times he looked forward to, for a party with those people? He felt the vibrations vanish, and the illusion of his dear dream buddy disappeared as well. Holding his hand up to his jet black hair, he could feel the droplets that remained in his hair from the light rain in their world.
Perhaps it would be best to try a different approach…
The way you did once upon a dream. 
❂        ❂        ❂        ❂        ❂        ❂        ❂        ❂        ❂        ❂
I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream.
It took a lot of work to find a spell that could transfer him to an entirely different world, it took the effort of both himself and Lilia to cast the spell. Even then, only one person could enter and he only had limited time to locate and find his dream buddy. Recognizing the park they often wandered in their dreams, the real thing was here just across the street. Looking up at the skyscrapers, he racked his memories for the one (Y/n) pointed to and called home. Finally, he spotted it.
It was a quaint apartment complex compared to the towering buildings lining every walkway. It was the middle of the night, so barely anyone was out. The building was brick and he imagined a few dozen other humans must’ve lived within, judging by the many windows. However, he recalled the important detail (Y/n) mentioned, about a small garden rooftop and their star-gazing spot.
In an instant, he teleported himself to the roof and saw it. A space made of glass with dew drops covering the clear walls, plants lining the wall and off to one-side within the glass room was a swinging bench. There they lay, his sleeping beauty, fast asleep. His green eyes gleamed, he felt his heart pick up speed as he reached for the door knob, silently entering as to not disturb their slumber.
I know you, that gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam.
Upon entering, he could feel the warmth in the room that contrasted to the cold outside. Instantly, large black wings sprouted out from his back. The black feathers of his wings grazed over the green plants, causing thorns to rise up from the soil and suffocate the plant life that once grew there.
And I know it’s true that visions are seldom all they seem.
Once he towered over their vulnerable sleeping form, he knelt down beside them. Lime green eyes took in every inch of body, his mind soaking in every detail and angle of their face. They were here, truly right here in front of him, so close that he could just touch them. His pupils dilated as he slowly reached forward, cold fingers lingering over their warm skin and soft hair. The contact serving as evidence that this was no longer just a dream he could long for, this was reality. When they began to stir awake and their eyes fluttered open, he smiled as his dear child of man, his beloved dream buddy.
But if I know you, I know what you’ll do.
“Mal…?” (Y/n) sat up, dazed and confused as they blinked sleepily. Perhaps this was still a part of their dream. “W-What are you doing here…?”
That smile on his lips remained as he picked them up, cradling them in his arms while his wings wrapped around them. The black feathers brushing against her skin, for the first time ever, (Y/n) was frightened of their dream buddy. They shivered when his cold skin touched them and those lime green eyes unwavering as he spoke, “I’m taking you home, back with me where you belong, my sleeping beauty…”
You’ll love me at one, the way you did once upon a dream. 
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cherry-lipbalm · 3 years
double trouble. spencer reid.
4.8k words.
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where y/n pulls the short straw and has to double up with spencer.
There is a chart within the BAU: a solid, concise graph that portrays, arguably the most, vital information within the FBI. Intricately designed, Garcia and Y/N had managed to construct a comprehensible guide to who in the team was the most pleasant to share a room with. At first it was a joke, originated from a slow day of nothing but paperwork Y/N had spent in Garcia's lair. Conversations arose, and soon after so did the chart.
It's built up on categories such as conversation, tidiness, sleeping conditions and even hygiene. There are ten available points per category, and Emily loses said ten points for sleeping conditions because her snores can be heard from China. The points are the basis of the game, essential in order to rank the team individually and compile them into a list of favourability. Spencer is at the bottom of that list.
"I don't get it, I'm a delight," Spencer argued, strolling alongside Morgan up the small flight of stairs to the BAU room. Another case had forced them to prepare for the jet in 30 minutes, but Hotch and the rest of the team had very different perspectives on preparation. Especially after what he said when they entered the room.
"Okay, before we start you should know I called ahead to book a hotel and they had limited rooms. We all have one but you're going to have to double up."
Y/N had never seen an American Western movie before, but she imagined that the cliché standoff looked a lot like what happened in the BAU room subsequent to that announcement. Those that had been sitting launched to their feet, uncaring to the chairs rolling free behind them. If someone was holding something it dropped onto the table, or even the floor. Communication faltered, and all anyone dared to do was stare at each other.
When Hotch looked up from his file, he had to do a double take because of the drastic change in atmosphere. His team were all standing metres apart; Y/N had a hand over her gun.
"I think we all know what this calls for," she said.
"Get it," Morgan gestured to the back of the room. Y/N's movement caused a surge of motion as everyone sat at the table attentively. Hotch tried to turn the attention back to the screen with the crime scene photos, but even JJ was more focused on the whiteboard rolling into the room.
Y/N stood by it's side, and on her way forced Hotch into a seat. She grabbed the top corner and flipped it over to reveal the coloured array of pie charts, bullet-points and bar charts.
"I still don't see why this is necessary," Spencer whined from the back of the room.
"I don't see why you've obviously spent more time and effort on this than any of your cases," Hotch added.
"Okay, you two are just jealous because you're at the bottom of the list," Y/N snarked, then addressed the team. "Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today, in holy matrimony, to judge your fellow coworkers and deem who is the least likeable. Spoiler alert: it's Spencer."
At this, the aforementioned agent threw his pen directly at Y/N's head. She shrieked, then turned to him with a glare as she tried to untangle it from her hair. He laughed wholeheartedly, and the team snickered not only at Spencer's attack but the way they were so obviously and obliviously in love with each other.
"This chart makes no sense! I mean, how do I only have five points for hygiene? We all know I'm the cleanest out of everyone here."
"I agree with you Spencer," Y/N said, "your hygiene is at a ten point standard but unfortunately people don’t want to compete with said ten point standard, so that loses you five points, gorgeous.”
Spencer didn't reply (only sulked into his seat), half because he's shocked by the injustice of the chart and the other half because he's shocked Y/N just called him gorgeous.
"Alright! The hat, please," She exclaimed, enticing Spencer from his trance. Garcia presented the fedora over the table, and Y/N began talking immediately when she saw Hotch's mouth open in objection because were they really using the fedora from the unsub they caught last week?
Only four people took turns in picking names out of the hat; ever since in incident in '04 where lack of coordination made for everyone picking a name of someone who had already picked someone else. It resulted in a few brawls when Morgan wouldn't budge from his choice of Garcia even though his name had been pulled by Reid.
It never took them long to pick names out of desperation, considering the name-picking determined how the next 24 + hours were going to go. So when Y/N picked out Spencer's name, no one blamed her when she practically collapsed to the floor.
"That's karma," Spencer said upon her unraveling.
"I thought you didn't believe in karma," she sneered, stomping back onto her feet.
"In situations like these it seems to be the only viable explanation."
Y/N just rolled her eyes at him on her way out of the room, muttering under her breath that she'll be briefed when she's aboard, because she needed a moment alone for a pep-talk on how murdering your colleague apparently isn't socially acceptable.
On her way out, faintly in the background, Morgan caught sight of Emily and JJ fist-bumping victoriously, and realised that Y/N's demise more than certainly involved some foul play. Oh well, he thought, it'll make for good entertainment.
"Science shows us that we feel more personally connected with people who have similar postures, vocal rhythms, facial expressions and even eye blinking. If you consciously sync these factors your brain activity could follow, resulting in what many people call 'clicking' wi-"
"I cannot believe you asked me why you lost seven points for conversation and then followed with that."
"What? What's wrong with science?"
"Oh, Spence, you're so gorgeous but so oblivious," Y/N sighed, exhausted from a mixture of jet lag and Spencer's enthusiastic take on the science of conversation. They had only just stepped foot in the room, and she was already drained from the mere thought of having to bunk with him for the next however many hours.
Y/N is quick to throw her things down as soon as they enter the room. She dumps her suitcase by the door and launches a few more things on the cabinets around her, then tries to ignore Spencer's sounds of distaste as she does this. She's frankly too tired to care, and jumps onto the bed without thinking; she's so enervated she doesn't even realise there's only the one bed.
"Why do you keep calling me that?" Spencer suddenly asks despite the silence that passed and the obvious fact that Y/N is trying to get some shut eye.
All he receives is an incomprehensible mumble from under the pillows, but he takes it as a response anyway.
"Why do you keep, uh, keep calling me 'gorgeous' I mean, I'm not, uh..." he stammers, fidgeting with the room key in his hands while he stands in front of the wardrobe to make it seem like he's doing something and doesn't care as much as he does.
"I'd say it's pretty self explanatory."
He senses the fatigue in her voice, so just leaves it with a shrug of his shoulders and a content smile, then goes to organising his array of sweater vests onto the hangers. When he's done with this, he turns around to make himself a coffee; taking a different approach to the jet lag than Y/N.
At the thought of her, he looks up to see her sprawled out across the bed. She's clutching onto a pillow and seems so relaxed that Spencer has to look away for a moment because he's more than certain he shouldn't be seeing a coworker like this. Nevertheless, he smiles upon her peaceful ambience, and hopes the boiling kettle doesn't disturb her too much.
When it's done brewing, Spencer sips the coffee cautiously and strides over to a small chair in the corner of the room. Here, Y/N's slumped figure is directly in his view, so he can't help but see her so casually on the bed. Wait, the bed... oh shit.
He knows that the chances of him getting the bed are slim. For one, Y/N's pretty much already claimed that territory, and, even if she hadn't, Spencer knew she'd put up one hell of a fight for it. He only hoped there were some extra blankets and pillows that could aid in making the floor at least somewhat comfortable.
"So, uh, Rock Paper Scissors for the bed?" He asks, then slurps his coffee. His voice rouses Y/N for a moment, and he's sure she's dozed back off again until his words sink in and she turns around to him with bleary eyes.
"What do you mean?"
"One bed. Two people," he says nervously and gestures to the space between them.
And it takes Y/N a moment. She looks from Spencer to the bed, then stares at the pillows for a long while, then she looks at Spencer again, then the bed. Then, she lets out a blood-curdling cry so loud that Reid has to cover his ears.
"Why!" She screams, slamming her hands down on the mattress. Spencer can't help but laugh, snickering behind his hand which only infuriates Y/N more.
"Okay, okay!" He moves to calm her down when he can practically see the steam coming out of her ears, "rock paper scissors, come on."
"Oh, I don't want to do that, Spence," she whines.
"Why? 'Cause you know you'll lose?" With his patronisation he raises an eyebrow at her when he approaches the end of the bed, his fist already raised. His condescension makes Y/N irrefutably stubborn, and she knows he's doing it on purpose -because he always does- but she doesn't care when it means she has a chance to beat Spencer at something.
"Fine," she grumbles. She sweeps the hair from her face and sits up straight, shuffling to the end of the bed and letting her legs dangle down; they brush against Spencer's own and he clears his throat amid the contact.
The slap of her fist against her palm indicates the beginning of the game. Y/N knows that she's unlikely to win, because Spencer is bound to have calculated some sure-fire plan to succeed in every round of Rock Paper Scissors.
This is why, when Spencer pulls paper and she pulls scissors, she screams in delight.
"No," Spencer says bluntly, then demands, "best out of three."
"Oh no," she chuckles, "it's never been that way before, it isn't now, gorgeous."
Spencer throws his head back in a groan, kneeling on the floor in defeat. He stays there because he figures he ought to become acquainted with it.
When nighttime rolls around, Y/N is pretty excited. She's already texted the BAU group chat a record seventeen times about the matter, yet somehow the team hasn't gotten sick of it thus far, and may even be more exhilarated than she is. It's the one good thing to come out of sharing a room with Spencer: that she gets to watch him wiggle in discomfort on his makeshift bed of blankets and pillows on the floor.
Except, when it comes down to it, it isn't that fun at all.
He's wriggling, yes, but it's doesn't exactly fulfil her with any satisfaction; if anything, it's just sad. He struggles to reach any form, never mind pinnacle, of relaxation, and Y/N actually feels pretty guilty at the subordination. So when the clock hits midnight and she's still hearing Spencer grunting when he hits a certain incessant bump in the carpet, she gives in and sits up.
Upon the sudden sound of bedsheets rustling, Spencer freezes because he thinks he's going to get shouted at, but it's the opposite that scares him even more.
"Do you want to get in bed?" Her voice sounds, the hush penetrating through the air.
Immediately Spencer rises; he wants nothing more than to take her up on her offer, but he is, unfortunately, chivalrous.
"No, no, it's okay," he whispers back, already delving back under his covers.
"Spencer. Just take the bed, I can't sleep with you tossing and turning," she says, hoping the complaint will cover up her caring behaviour.
"Be careful, Y/L/N, it almost sounds like you care."
"Shut up, do you want the bed or not?"
"I do but, unlike you, I'm actually a good person and wouldn't want to see you lying on the floor-"
"Uh, I'm offering you the bed, aren't I? That's gotta earn me some brownie points," she remarked, now having turned on a lamp. "Besides, if you're that bothered about it, we'll just share."
This makes Spencer stop: his torso is turned abnormally in his angle to see Y/N behind him, the blankets feebly draping across him show the Doctor Who shirt he's wearing, and his hair is a tousled mess that Y/N just knows will take him hours to fix in the morning. Well, that was tomorrow's problem, she contemplated, right now the issue lied in who, if either of them, was going to sleep on the floor.
"Uh, share? You.. uh, you really wanna do that?"
"As long as you don't snore, or kick; whats the harm?"
Spencer avoids dumping information about the harm of them sleeping together: how this kind of physical contact releases oxytocin, a chemical compound in the brain that exhibits feelings of empathy, trust, relaxation and even reduces anxiety. He saves her this because it's just past midnight and he doubts she wants to hear about the scientific risk of them growing to like each other.
"Oh, okay," he agrees instead. He clambers up from his pile of blankets and clutches a pillow to his chest while he stumbles over. Y/N shuffles to one side and pulls the duvet back, and he's more than happy to get under warm, comfy sheets.
"Let me just make something clear," Y/N says while Spencer adjusts into the pillows. He doesn't do this for long because one is snatched from under his head. When he moves to object, he sees it being planted next to his arm, creating a definite border between them.
"Your side, my side," Y/N says sternly, "that clear?"
It's around three am when Y/N stirs awake. At first she can't grasp what's roused her, but then she hears a noise, and assumes there's got to be some construction going on outside because what she hears is alike to the humming of machinery. When she gains a reasonable amount of consciousness, she realises the sound is a bit too close to home.
Her hand reaches out across the bed, and when she accidentally whacks Spencer on the chest, she worries she's awoken him, until the noise starts again and it's here she discovers it's coming from him.
Oh shit, she thinks, please don't tell me my co-worker is having a sex dream while I'm lying right next to him.
He isn't, but Y/N isn't sure the reality is any better.
The moaning sound he first emitted has progressed into some sort of panicked grunt, accompanied by occasional whines. Soon, his body is flinching away from an invisible force.
Y/N knows it's probably best to leave it, that if she wakes him up he might be too confused and scared, he'll be disoriented, but when he starts screaming, she doesn't have anything else to resort to.
"Spence, Spencer! Wake up, hey," she shakes him, and he's awake in seconds. Sitting up straight, Y/N sees him hitting things that aren't there; it's only when she turns the light on that he eventually calms down.
"I'm sorry," he croaks immediately. Then his head is in his hands as he leans on his knees, and Y/N is overcome with a feeling completely foreign to her in regard to Spencer: empathy.
"Don't be, it-... it's okay," her voice takes a calm turn, and she even puts a hand on his back because anything that happens after three am is as good as forgotten anyway.
"You were right, I'm sorry," Spencer mutters. "This'll lose me ten points for sleeping conditions, huh?"
His attempt at cracking a joke does make Y/N smile, but even he can tell it's one of pity.
"Don't be silly. Do you want to, uh, talk about it?"
"I just wanna sleep," he sighs, and falls back into the pillows. Y/N creases her brows in sympathy, then lies down next to him; she stares at the ceiling for a while, and the steadying of Spencer's breathing makes her think he fell asleep a while ago, so she leans to turn off the lamp before his voice breaks the silence.
"Can you keep the light on?"
His sudden ask makes Y/N jump, but she steadies under the softness of Spencer's voice. When she turns to him his eyes are barely open, but he can see the benevolent smile she's giving him; something he rarely sees from Y/N.
"Of course," she says, then lies back down into the indent she's made in the bed.
"Thanks," he replies, and Y/N notices this is the least she's ever heard Spencer talk.
"You know," she starts, "it's not silly to be afraid of the dark; it's basic human instinct. I mean, it's evolution: humans have a... a tendency to be afraid of the dark, our visual sense vanishes and we can't detect anything around us. It's primal instinct, or... something, I guess."
At the end of her ramble, she's afraid she's sent Spencer to sleep, because he's gone uncharacteristically placid, but -yet again- he surprises her.
"Now who's losing points for conversation?"
Y/N's laugh after this is so hearty and genuine that Spencer can't help but smile, grin even. His chest rumbles with a chuckle, and Y/N feels the mattress shake under their collaboration of laughter, when it dies down they're both still beaming.
"Maybe I've been hanging around you too much," she declares. It's a jab, but her cheek rests against the pillow when she turns her head to him because her smile is so wide, and Spencer reciprocates; the act is unfamiliar to the pair, but warming nonetheless.
When it goes silent, Y/N doesn't expect to sleep at all. The Pavlov affect of the light being on tricks her brain into thinking she should be wide awake (something she learnt from Spencer), so she lies there patiently; hands intertwined resting on her chest. She twiddles her thumbs, almost as if she's waiting for something to happen.
"I'm sorry you have nightmares," she mutters.
Spencer's eyes flutter open, and she goes to make another apology, this time for waking him, but he clears his throat so she lets him take the lead.
"S'Not your fault, I just, I don't know. I get these dreams, these weird dreams - ever since I was a kid. I guess they just... developed into nightmares since I joined the BAU," he mumbles. "We see some pretty bad stuff."
Y/N hums, "we do, don't we?"
Her speech doesn't warrant a response, so Spencer just smiles again and they both silently call it a night. Reid is asleep in seconds, which Y/N finds admirable, while she stays still for a while. The way the orange light is bouncing off Spencer's physique makes him look like he's centre stage of an oil painting. The detail she's gaining of his pores and his eyelashes from being so close to him is both daunting and beautiful at the same time. His resting body reminds her of the pieces on display in an art exhibit Spencer dragged her along to one day last autumn. She wonders if he took anyone else to that exhibit, and hopes he didn't.
She soundlessly admires the rise of his chest: the melody of his breathing amid the chagrin of an occasional nose whistle. His hair, once a foreseeable inconvenience, is now an abundance of, what Y/N can only describe as, natural radiance; it's all curls and frizz and length that she's begged him to never lay a hand on. She can't help but run a hand through it. When she does, it's a lot softer than she expected and makes her think, wow I've really got to find out what conditioner he is using while she's untangling any knots she comes across. It only results in more frizz but he'll gel it back with product in the morning (much to Y/N's disappointment).
The noise he exudes when Y/N scratches his scalp makes her heart melt immediately. It is the sound of innocence wrapped up in a ball of revere, the way it comes from his chest and catches in the back of his throat in a small, naive whine. Then he subconsciously curls into her hold and is practically purring when she continues to scrape her fingernails gently across his head.
The ambivalence of it all is what makes Y/N stop. Spencer Reid isn't the kind of guy she ever anticipated to have a crush on. He didn't fit into the pattern of her list of exes, not even one feature of him came close to anything of her usual type. Where she'd normally be taken to movies and dinners, Spencer ventured with her to museums, public symposiums, art exhibits. Y/N can't resist fondly reminiscing on a library trip they took last week that resulted in them checking out each of their favourite books for one another. And while, on paper, this was romantic and harmonious, they were strictly platonic. Barely that; they took the piss out of each other at every opportunity, not even always as a joke. Y/N had collapsed in sorrow when she pulled his name out of the hat.
But the smile on Spencer's face... his serene expression and soft hair makes Y/N's knees weak for a totally different reason. And she figures this feeling trumps whatever feigned resentment she has been portraying over the years.
Fine, she thought, stubborn as always when it came to Spencer, I'll tell him when he wakes up. She began to bask in the peace that came before whatever storm could potentially riot tomorrow when she told Spencer how she felt. She guessed she had at least a few hours to relish in their friendship and the love they had built.
She guessed wrong.
Spencer's eyes were fluttering open before Y/N had even began conjuring up what she was going to say. Unfortunately, when she made a plan she stuck to it; she was beginning to see why her stubbornness could be such an unattractive quality.
Spencer squinted harshly with the light, and the first thing he managed to see clearly was the discreet panic in Y/N's eyes. He took a quick survey of the room to eliminate what visible factors that could reason her alarm; when he ruled out any unsub with a gun to her head, he relaxed.
Rubbing his eyes, he looked to the window, and it didn't seem to be daylight yet.
"Haven't you been to sleep?" He asked, more than prepared to educate her in the necessities of getting a good night's rest.
"Not yet. You've only been out a few minutes," she said softly, retracting her hand from his locks. Here, Spencer realised he didn't like the feeling of Y/N's absence.
"Oh," he hummed, "I was dreaming. I think Darth Vader was there..."
Y/N chuckled lightheartedly, "of course he was."
Spencer seemed willing to remain awake, but time was limited and Y/N wasn't sure when he'd be dozing off again. So, she made her move.
"Listen, I wasn't going to say anything until morning but, you're awake so I may as well tell you now..."
He's visibly intrigued; with a quirked eyebrow and digging the knuckle-joint of his finger in a rubbing motion in the corner of his eye to try and gain some sense of vivacity. Still, all he can respond with is a drone.
"And I don't want this to, I don't know, freak you out? Or to make anything awkward, so if it does, we can just... pretend this never happened, okay? I mean it."
This manages to obtain Y/N the attention she needs, because, without delay, Spencer has both eyes open and his eyebrows are knitted together in mostly concern. Now, with his eager expression, Y/N wishes he had stayed nonchalant.
"What's wrong?"
"I just... I guess. I mean, I like you? I think? I know, really. I just - you're not like any other guy, and I like that, that's a good thing! I mean, what other guy knows how to build a rocket and make a coin appear behind your ear?"
Spencer chuckles, and his eyes are wide and bright like he's been suddenly granted passage to a whole new world. Mouth agape with wonder, he's like a child being told he can finally play on the big-kid swings: buzzing with excitement and anticipation, just like said rockets he launches and gets in trouble with Hotch for.
"You mean like this?" He asks and leans forward to brandish a dime from behind Y/N's earlobe.
"Okay, like, who does that!" She screeches way too loudly for three am. When she clasps a hand over her mouth Spencer chortles and slowly removes her grasp. He's timid, so initially only presses a chaste kiss to her knuckles, then feels the ambience in the room shift; suddenly everything has devolved from blushing antics and stumbles of words to serenity in a matter of seconds.  
Spencer's pecks adhere to Y/N's hands, lingering on the skin of her knuckles and occasionally peppering to her palms. It isn't until a few kisses later that he brings himself to move closer, and even here his courage only brings him to her cheek.
When the corner of his lips press lustfully upon her face, Y/N doesn't hesitate in turning her head ever so slightly. His lips part, and he breaks away to glance at her and make sure this isn't all one big misunderstanding. But her gaze is matched to his mouth, and soon her lips. In a fumble to close the (already compact) space between them, the kiss they share is warm and breathy, it's passionate and lewd, especially with the arrangement in which Spencer places his hands: cupping one side of her face and the placing the other at her neck so he can rest his fingertips in the hold atop Y/N's spine.
Wherever his fingers touch leaves a trail of goosebumps which Y/N hopes never diminish; she wants every piece of evidence she can muster of Spencer's caresses, however this changes when Spencer's lips begin on the formidable task of her neck.
"Stop," she pants, and the hands that had inevitably reached his hair again are now pushing slightly on his shoulders. Her request makes Spencer drop his hands immediately.
"I'm sorry. Did I hurt you?"
"No, you didn't. It was nice. I just, I don't want everyone to see," she gestured to the red patch that had already formed above her clavicle where Spencer had only been nibbling a moment prior.
"Right, yeah," he breathed. A giddy smile forced its way onto his face when he looked at the way Y/N's lips had reddened and become swollen, especially her bottom (now essentially permanent) pout originated from the persistence of Spencer's tendency to drag his teeth along her lip and enclose it in a bite.
"You know, I predicted this would happen. Scientifically, people are a lot more likely to be attracted to one another after sleeping together. Subconsciously, we feel more capable in our ability to trust that person because we've been so vulnerable and open in a compromising position. The oxytocin we get from sharing physical contact like that is the same we produce in an orgasm."
"Oh," Y/N squeaked, while Spencer lay there with a proud smile on his face, not really registering the effect he'd had on her by using the word 'orgasm'.
"Oxytocin is heavily released during kissing too, so... I guess we're pretty bonded."
Y/N chuckled, smiling at his blushed cheeks. "I guess we are."
"It's, uh, it's actually also called the 'cuddle hormone' because it's primarily recognised as being released during hugging.”
"And that's your way of asking me if I want to cuddle?"
Spencer's smile was unmissable: shifting nervously between tight-lipped and beaming wide, his eyes were the only part of his countenance that stilled; locked on Y/N.
"Yes, I, uh, I believe it is."
She tried to suppress her grin, but it was no use.
"Big spoon or little spoon?" She asked.
"Oh, little spoon... obviously."
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noforkingclue · 3 years
Teasing (Zemo x reader)
Summary: You weren’t sure how this game started between the two of you but you knew that yo weren’t about to lose to him.
Everything tag list: @greenrevolutionary
Warnings: None, just some teasing
Author’s Note: I had way too much fun writing this! I hope everyone enjoys it!
“You don’t trust me.”
You looked at Zemo over the top of your book and raised an eyebrow.
“You don’t say,” you said looking back down, “After tearing my friends apart you really expect me to?”
“And yet you’re here.”
“Only because Sam and Bucky asked me,” you said, “If they hadn’t asked me I wouldn’t be here.”
It was strange being in Zemo’s private jet. A small part of you was excited to fly in one but you had to keep reminding yourself who it belonged to. Sam and Bucky were both fast asleep but you stubbornly refused to even though you were exhausted. Someone needed to stay awake to keep an eye on Zemo.
“You can trust me,” Zemo said, breaking the silence, “You must be tired.”
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath to calm yourself before looking over at the Baron. He was resting his chin on the palm of his hand and looking at you with a soft smile on his face. You shifted nervously under his gaze and didn’t miss the smile that pulled at his lips.
“How can I trust you after everything you’ve done?” you asked
Zemo didn’t reply. Instead he stood up and sat down in the seat opposite you. You pulled your legs up to your chest to avoid touching him and continued to glare at him. Zemo, ignoring your discomfort, reached over and plucked the book form you grasp. Your breath hitched as his fingers brushed against yours and for a split second Zemo paused at the contact. However, he swiftly closed your book with a snap causing your to break out of the spell.
“You’ve lost my place.” You said
“It wasn’t a very interesting book,” said Zemo, “Sleep and when we land I will give you something more to your taste.”
He stood up and returned to his original seat taking your book with him. You shot him one last glare, which was received with a smug smile, before turning over and shutting your eyes. You were very tired and it didn’t help that Zemo was right.
It was a very boring book.
 It was late but yet again you couldn’t fall asleep. There was something about this place that made it difficult to get to sleep, you didn’t know if it was jet lag or the fact that you had to be so close to Zemo. You didn’t trust him and you were waiting for the moment that he was stab you, Sam and Bucky in the back. Waiting for his inevitable betrayal made it hard to relax around him.
“You’re up late.”
You jumped as a smooth voice broke the silence of the night. You spun around and saw Zemo looking at you with a mixture of curiosity and amusement. You just glared at him as you grabbed a mug and tried to look for the tea. A soothing cup of tea always used to help you get to sleep and you hoped that tonight would be no different.
“You’re looking in the wrong place.”
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, determined not to let Zemo get under your skin. You heard him walk towards you as you continued to ignore him. You got up on top of the counters and kneeling on them you opened the cupboards, stubbornly refusing to acknowledge your unexpected companion.
“It would be easier if I-“
“Be quiet.”
You didn’t mean for your voice to be so harsh. You looked down, embarrassed at how rude you were being, before glaring at Zemo. He was standing next to you and he didn’t seem surprised at your outburst. Instead he just smiled and held out his hand.
“I understand your distrust of me,” he said calmly, “But I wish you no harm.”
You looked at his hand in suspicion but when Zemo just wiggled his fingers you sighed. You reached down and took his hand and to your surprise Zemo helped you down off the counter. It wasn’t as if you couldn’t get down on your own but that little action made your heart flutter. You stumbled slightly and Zemo steadied you by putting a hand on your waist. As you looked up you realised just how close your faces were and you felt the blush creep up your neck.
Zemo remained impassive as he pushed you back slightly. You gave him a panicked look when you back hit the counter and you realised you were trapped. Zemo leant closer towards you and you felt his hot breath fan over your face. You could’ve believe the position you were in, you never imagined that you would find yourself trapped against the man who had done so many horrible things to your friends.
“The tea you were looking for.”
As quickly as it had happened Zemo had moved away. He pushed a container of loose leaf tea into your hands and you looked down at it in bewilderment. You tried not to think of the way Zemo’s hands clasped around your own as he gave it to you or the way they lingered there for just a second. When he finally stepped away you were left flustered as he laughed and called over his shoulder,
“Goodnight. I do hope the tea works.”
 You jumped when the door to your room was opened and you looked over at Zemo who was standing in the doorway. The two of you stared at each other for what felt like an eternity before Zemo coughed and said,
“Apologises. I wasn’t expecting you to be in here.”
“This is the room Sharon gave me,” you responded dryly, “Who were you expecting to be in here?”
“I was looking for James and Sam.”
“Well they aren’t in here. You can leave now.”
However, instead of leaving Zemo walked closer to you. You looked at him in the mirror as he stopped right behind you. You were wearing a dress that Sharon let you borrow for tonight’s party and you were trying to get the zip done up. Without saying a word Zemo took the zip and pulling it up the last couple of inches you couldn’t get. It was a moment of intimacy that you weren’t expecting from him. His hands grazed your back as he did your dress up and you couldn’t deny the electricity between you.
“You look beautiful.” Zemo said quietly finally breaking the tension and dropping his hands
“Don’t think you’ll win me over by giving me false compliments.”
“I’d never lie to you.”
You froze as Zemo trailed a finger up your arm and you shuddered under his touch. He leant closer and breathed in the scent of your perfume. You shifted awkwardly under his gaze, the familiar sensation that there was a deeper meaning to it settled in your stomach.
“Wait here,” Zemo said at last, “There is something that I think you might want to try.”
Usually you would’ve snapped at him and left the room but something made you stay. You waited for what felt like an eternity until he returned with a woodened box. He opened it and your breath hitched when you saw a beautiful pearl choker. Zemo stood behind you and careful put it on. You heard the soft click of the clasp latching but to your surprise Zemo didn’t move away. He put his hands on your shoulders as the two of you made eye contact in the mirror.
“See,” he said quietly, his breath ghosting over the shell of your ear, “Doesn’t that look so much better?”
You looked over at him and your noses brushed together. Your eyes flickered down briefly to his lips before snapping back up to his eyes. Zemo smiled at this as one hand moved from your shoulders to the small of your back. Slowly he took a step towards you forcing you to walk back against the mirror. For a moment neither of you breathed, too caught up in each other’s gazes. Then, ever so slowly, Zemo leant forward. His nose brushed against yours and you felt his lips softly graze against yours as he said,
“We should get going. We don’t want Sam or James to come looking for you and see you in this position.”
He took a step back and walked towards the door. When he didn’t hear you follow him he looked over and beckoned you to follow him. You gritted your teeth as you marched towards him and pushed passed him. You don’t know why the bastard was making you so flustered but you weren’t liking the feeling that had settled in the pit of your stomach. The sooner you got away from him the better.
 “Hey,” you called as Zemo ran passed the container you were in, “In here. I think that there’s something you’ll want in here.”
You smiled to yourself as you leant against the hood or the car and waited for Zemo to return. You knew that it wouldn’t be long until he found you. You looked up shyly when you heard approaching footsteps and saw Zemo standing at the entrance of the container.
“Well,” he said with a smirk, “Hello there.”
He stopped directly in front of you and put his hands on the hood of the car, trapping you against it and himself. He looked you up and down before looking back up at your face. You just raised an eyebrow and adjusted the collar of his coat.
“We should get going,” you said innocently, “The others will need our help.”
“They can wait,” Zemo pressed closer towards you, “Right now there’s something more important that requires my immediate attention.”
“What’s more important than saving the lives of my friends.” you brushed an invisible speck of dust off his coat.
Zemo grabbed your hand and pressed a kiss against your knuckles, never taking his eyes off of yours. You had to fight the creeping blush and adjusted your legs so you were sitting in a more comfortable position. Zemo swiftly stepped in between them and moved his free hand up your thigh.
“Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for someone to do this with me?” you asked
“Too long I imagine.” Zemo said quietly
“It’s funny. I’ve worked with people who throw themselves it dangerous situations that could result in their deaths but as soon as you mention something like this,” you gestured towards the car, “They’re suddenly worried about my safety.”
“They shouldn’t,” said Zemo as he brushed along your jawline, “You are more than capable of looking after yourself.”
“And that’s what I like about you.”
Zemo tensed in shock as you continued,
“You don’t treat me like some fragile little doll that might break. You seem to know me, know my limits. You know exactly what, and who, I want.”
“Then tell me what you want.”
“It might be easier if I just show you.”
Zemo’s eyes darkened at your words and a playful smile pulled at your lips. Your hands sunk into the fur lined collar of his coat and you pulled him towards you. Zemo licked his lips as he openly gazed at your slightly parted lips. His hand moved from your jaw to the back of your head and he moved closer. You leant forward and gently brushed your lips against his. You heard a soft moan come from him and felt the hand in your hair tighten as he locked eyes with you once more and-
The jingle of keys made Zemo pause and pull away from you. You gave him a playful smile and jangled the keys at him. Zemo looked between them and you and for once it seemed you had caught him off guard.
“I always wanted to ride in a sports car,” you said as you slipped out from Zemo’s arms and sat in the passenger seat, “But nobody would take me. Why,” you gave him another innocent look, “What were you expecting?”
Zemo’s tone was harsh and clipped and a small part of you registered that you might’ve gone too far. Still, you looked at his annoyed expression, it was worth it for what he had done to you.
 “Alright,” you muttered when you heard someone bang on your bedroom door, “Alright I’m coming.”
You had only opened the door a crack when Zemo pushed it open. He glared at you for a second then slammed the door shut and grabbed you. He pinned you against the door and leant in close. For a moment neither of you spoke, you just took in each other, until Zemo said,
“What was that you were doing earlier?”
“Just the same thing you were doing to me.” You spat back
Zemo’s face went eerily blank and for a second you became worried. Then he smiled at you and roughly pressed his lips against yours. You closed your eyes a moaned into the kiss, not caring about the please smirked you could feel against your lips. Your hands moved to wrap around Zemo but before you could touch him he grabbed your hands and pinned them next to your head. Zemo broke the kiss and gave you a teasing smile.
“What’s wrong?” he asked mockingly, “Don’t you like this?”
You tried to free yourself but Zemo held on tightly. He leant closer and whispered,
“Careful. As tempting as it might be I have no intention of bruising you at the moment. I do not expect Sam or James would be too please with either of us if they saw that.”
Zemo leaned forward to claim your lips once again but this time you were quicker. You turned your head to the side and Zemo kissed your cheek. He sighed in annoyance and said,
“Do you really want to play this game?”
“You’re the one who started in.”
In a flash you were pulled away from the door and flung onto the bed. You didn’t have time to move before Zemo was on top of you. He swiftly clasped your wrists in one hands before leaning down and saying,
“I’m not planning on letting you out of this bed for the rest of the night. I think you need to be punished for your actions earlier, don’t you?”
You didn’t have time to respond before Zemo had once again gave you another passionate kiss. You tried to free your hands but Zemo gave a warning squeeze. You were going to spend the rest of the night under him and if you were being completely honest, you weren’t complaining about it.
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wannabe-fic-writer · 3 years
Moment In Time
Summary: Just when you've gotten out, you’re given a reason to come back.
Warnings: None
Chapter 10 - Final Chapter
Three letters make your heart drop to your stomach. They also make you jump off your couch, practically sprinting up the steps to your room. Throwing the closet door open you go straight to the back and grab your uniform, making quick work of putting it on and grabbing your equipment before you leave. 
Making a call to one of the men in your life who wouldn’t hesitate to look out for you, Nick Fury. He doesn’t waste a second arranging the transportation you need and in little to no time you’re saying a quick thank you to him as you walk onto the jet. 
Before you take off, you send a reply, ‘omw’.
Those three letters bring a smile onto Natasha’s face. She isn’t surprised that it only took half an hour for you to reply, in fact it’s one of the main reasons she messaged you of all people. 
Looking up from the watch on her wrist, she says,“ don’t worry fellas, we’ll be out of here in no time.” 
The two members of her team in the room look over at the redhead. She has a confident smirk on her face and that makes everyone curious. 
Given their current situation of being holed up in this single room in the base of their enemy as said enemy plans whatever it is on the other side of the door, they didn’t see much reason to be confident.
Steve huffs, hands planted firmly on his hips as he continues to pace the room as he tries to form a plan. Sam picks at a thread on his pants, no doubt waiting for a plan to follow. 
But one wasn’t needed. 
It took half an hour for you to reply and another hour before you got there. 
Your presence was first made known to Natasha. Her watch vibrates and she looks down to find a winking emoji on her screen. 
She rolls her eyes, holding back a laugh and stands up, preparing to leave. 
A moment later there’s a knock on the other end of the thick metal door. 
“Please stand clear of the bombay doors.” The voice is deep but she knows it’s you. 
Not saying a word, she steps to the far side of the room. Sam and Steve both frown, but follow suit. 
A faint hissing sound is heard, followed by a small but steady flow of smoke around the door, then it creeks before falling off the hinges. 
It slams against the concrete floor and you step through the dissipating smoke. 
Your eyes flick over the three people in the room and you smile.“ For a bunch of prisoners, you look good.” You tease, eyes lingering on the redhead. 
Steve walks up to you, holding his hand out for you to shake.“ I wasn’t expecting to see you on the other side of the door.” 
“Well I’m nothing if not unexpected.” You pat his shoulder.“ Now, let’s get out of here shall we?” 
The three follow you out of the cell and down the halls, noting the unconscious bodies of the guards they were previously walked past. Sam and Steve are close behind you, Natasha behind them. 
She finds it beyond adorable how your gaze continuously falls back on her. The look in your eyes lets her know you’re checking on her. 
Very reminiscent of the first day you two met, Natasha watches you work your way through this enemy base, taking down the few guards who interrupt your path. 
You stop on the way to get their confiscated weapons back and then you’re out of the building. 
A fire fight quickly approaches. Enemies pour from the building as you escape, each of you returning fire. Not a single bullet on your end is fatal but it definitely debilitates the targets.
One glance back however, reveals a group larger than you expected. It was like watching clowns climb out of their little cars. The facility didn’t look anywhere near big enough for all those people to be inside. 
“New plan. You three move ahead to the jet, I’ll lead them away.” Instant words of protest come from the three teammates at your words and you roll your eyes.“ We can’t keep running and lead them to our getaway. I’ll be fine.” 
With no room to protest, you break away but not before planting small explosives on a few trees ahead of you. You blew the charges, the trees falling and cutting the enemies off from following the three. 
You don’t get a chance to boast about that going just as you planned, because you quickly notice a presence at your side. When you look over you’re tempted to stop running. 
“Natasha what the hell are you doing? You’re supposed to be with Sam and Steve.” 
Shots continue to ring out behind you, the hightech weapons your enemies have burn holes in the trees around you.
“Dammit.” You pull out your communicator, connecting with the jet you flew here and you’re pleased that Steve answers.“ I need you to bring the jet to me-” you pause and look to your side,“ to us.”
He doesn’t hesitate in agreeing. It takes much more running, some retaliation shooting, and a few more mini bombs. In no time you break from the tree line, a small group of enemies still on your trail as the jet lands a few feet away. 
You think you’re in the clear, your shots effectively chipping away at the few enemies who still come. But your foot is barely in the jet when Natasha gets hit. 
It’s like everything slows down. You watch her fall to the metal floor of the jet, her exclamation of pain is loud and clear in your ears, and once it’s over your heart pounds. 
Snapping back in an instant, you pick her up, quickly moving her to lay on the chairs off to the side as you shout for Steve to take off. 
You rush to grab a cloth big enough to cover her wound, then press it against said wound. 
“Hey Romanoff, keep those eyes open.” You pat her cheek, looking into her eyes as they already start to droop.
It’s unclear if she’s losing a lot of blood, the cloth doesn’t seem to be taking much on but she’s quickly drifting off as if she is.
You try your best to remain calm, watching her eyes flutter shut and not open back up despite you calling her name and shaking her. 
“Rogers, pick up the pace!” You don’t mean to shout like you do but your worry skyrockets. 
It doesn’t go away either. While it only takes a short half hour to get back to the compound it feels like forever. The wheels of the jet are barely on the ground before you’re opening the jet doors and carrying Natasha out. 
You rush her to the medbay, Dr. Cho and the rest of her team coming over instantly. She has you set Natasha on a bed and they roll her away. Dr. Cho asks you what happened after you tell her she disappears after Natasha. 
You’re left standing there, heart pounding as you wish more than anything that she’s okay. 
With nothing left to do, you step back into the designated waiting area and you sigh. 
What do you do when the woman you love is injured and rushed to emergency? You worry, and hope, and you stay by her side unless absolutely necessary that you leave.
Since the moment you landed you were right there in the waiting room, pacing back and forth while Natasha was in surgery, hoping with all hope that she’d be okay. Even after her surgery, having been informed that everything went smoothly, you were planted firmly in the chair right beside her bed once again hoping. 
You didn’t move, keeping her hand clutched in yours as you waited for her to wake up. Your worry, that had gone away when she came out of surgery, returned when she didn’t wake up. Dr. Cho said she was fine, minimal blood loss and they were able to use their fancy tech from Ultron to patch up the wound, so why she wasn’t waking up was lost on you.
As the team flows in and out of the room over the course of the passing hours, you know their suspicions regarding you and Natasha were coming to a head. 
They’d been speculating for weeks. Watching as Natasha and you snuck around. The two of you never slipped on the PDA side of things but they’d been around Natasha and you enough to notice something was up and connecting the dots became easier as they saw you at her bedside. 
It’s not until the second day of Natasha still being asleep that you leave. Steve coming in and telling you that you should go get some proper rest, freshen up, and that Peggy was asking for you. To you, the first two reasons aren’t good enough to leave but if Peggy was asking for you, you couldn’t ignore it. 
So reluctantly you do so. Heading home to take a quick nap, showering and changing, before you go to see Peggy. 
During your visit, Natasha wakes up. Wanda and Steve are in the room, chatting away as her eyes slowly open. The first thing she notices when her eyes adjust to the bright lighting is that you aren’t here. 
It’s odd because she swears you were, she could feel the weight of a hand wrapped around hers and if there’s one thing she’d gotten used to over the past ten months, it was the way your skin felt against hers.
“Wh-” she clears her throat and pushes herself up to sit, ignoring the slight tightness she felt at her side.“ Where’s Y/n?” 
Steve’s and Wanda’s gazes snap over to the redhead, their eyes widening as they realize she’s awake. 
“Nat, how’re you feeling?” Steve asks, moving his chair closer to Natasha. 
Wanda does the same on the other side of the bed, her worried gaze flicking over the woman who she’d grown to see as another mentor.
“I’m fine Steven.” She waves his question off like it’s nothing, her eyes moving over to Wanda who she assumes will answer her question.“ Where’s Y/n?” 
The younger woman frowns a little,“ she went home to rest and get clean.”
“Yeah she wasn’t keen on leaving you.” Steve adds, Natasha noting the knowing look he gives her.“ She stayed right there until earlier when I told her Peggy was asking about her.”
“And this is exactly why.”
Every head in the room turned to the door, eyes watching as you walked in with a bouquet of flowers. Nat immediately smiles, heart warming as she sees you. 
“Hey stranger.” You wink at her, finding your previous seat and laying the flowers on the bedside table.“ How are you?” 
She sighs, fingers twitching towards you as she aches to feel you touch now that she’s awake.“ I’m okay. Side is a little tight but it doesn’t hurt too bad.” 
You smile and nod,“ glad to hear it. Thought you were a goner.” You joke making her chuckle. 
Her eyes roll, a quiet laugh falling from her lips. 
The two of you keep your eyes on each other and Steve looks away as if seeing something he shouldn’t. Subtly he nods to Wanda, who has long since been aware of yours and Natasha’s relationship, and the two leave out. 
 Once they’re gone, you scoot closer. Like magnets yours and Natasha’s hands find one another, fingers lacing together and squeezing. 
“Next time I tell you to move ahead, you move ahead.” You say to her, not once breaking eye contact.
After having gone hours without seeing that beautiful green you refuse to look away. 
She shakes her head.“ We were under way too much fire, I was not leaving you alone.”
The corner of your lips quirk up at that, your heart warming at how much she cares for you.“ I could’ve handled Romanoff. What I couldn’t have handled was you being fatally injured.” Your expression shifts to something more serious.“ Not coming home with you, not telling you how I truly feel. And knowing I could’ve changed that outcome. I would’ve been crushed.” 
“That wouldn’t have happened because we had each other’s backs. We always do.” Her hand squeezes yours.“ And I’m right here. So there’s no reason not to tell me how you truly feel.”
It was a deep dive, a free fall even to try and get it out of you. Being in love with each other for ten months and not saying the words didn’t seem to make a difference when it came to you and Natasha. Not when it was shown in every action.
You both know how you feel, despite there being no labels on this or yourselves, it was clear as day that you love each other. But Natasha wanted to hear the words, almost as badly as you wanted to say them.
She watches you, the way your gaze drops for a moment and despite not seeing your eyes she knows you’re debating it. When you look back up she smiles because she sees you’re going to tell her. 
“I think it’s pretty obvious I’d been living in a limbo of sorts, stuck between my past and worrying about the future. But you, every second with you, I never once worried about those things. I’ve never felt a need to dwell in the past or worry about the future when you’re my present.” 
Her eyes roll in an overly dramatic way.“ Say the words Y/ln.”
You frown at her rushing.“ How bout you say them.” A teasing tone is in your voice, mixed with a bit of challenging. 
“Oh I will.” She counters.
“Do it.”
“You do it.”
A snort breaks through your lips and you shake your head.“ Knew you wouldn’t.”
“I love you.”
You smile, brighter than Natasha has ever seen.“ Was that so hard?” 
She drops your hand, more like throws it away and you laugh. A full on laugh, clutching your stomach and dropping your head back. If she weren’t pretending to be annoyed with you she would have smiled. 
“Hey,” you push yourself up off the chair, sitting yourself on the edge of her bed, and raising your hand to cup her cheek.“ I love you so much. And I have for so long.” 
Natasha bites her lip to hold back her grin, instead nuzzling her cheek against your hand. When the blush rises on her cheeks you pull her closer, pressing your lips to hers.
Both of you are startled out of your moment when Tony’s voice loudly proclaims,“ I knew it!”
Frowning, you look behind you to see not just him, but Wanda, Steve, Pietro, and Sam as well. 
“Eavesdropping, classy.” You say sarcastically, making to move away, only for Natasha’s fingers to wrap around your arm. 
“Lay with me.” She says and you raise your eyebrows.
“You sure?” 
Nodding, she scoots over and you don’t argue, sitting beside her and letting her press against you.“ They know now.” She shrugs, laying her head on your shoulder.
Tony nods, standing at the edge of the bed with his arms crossed.“ Yeah we do. And quite frankly I’m disappointed that neither of you told me.” 
With a quiet laugh, you wrap your arms around Natasha, listening as he accuses you both of keeping secrets. That just elicits Sam to do the same, Steve starts off on your side saying you have a right to privacy but eventually switches over as he wonders why you didn’t say anything. Wanda just smirks and laughs while Pietro questions what the big deal is. 
Admittedly it’s all very amusing and funnily enough neither you or Natasha are given the chance to answer since they all keep talking. 
While their chaotically mannered conversation proceeds you can’t help but think that at this moment in time, with the woman you love in your arms and your friends teasing the two of you, you feel happier and more at peace than you ever have.
Taglist: @owloftheshadows @natasha-danvers @blackxwidowsxwife @yumusak-yastik @b-5by5 @fayhar @lostandsearching @iliketozoneout @ellobruv @ecruzsalaz
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I was rollin' around and in my mind it occurred. What if God was a HER?
Quick lil one-shot. Erik is onstage at a poetry night.
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The words Urban Fever flashed neon above the familiar stage that Erik had seen countless nights through Open Mics and jazzy blues. Erik took the stage for the former, a first time poet created by the woes of heartbreak. He'd been through a lifetime in under a year.
A packed house sat before him as he adjusted the mic making it taller from the last poet who was 5'6 in her clunky platforms. Lights blinded him from the faces of the crowd and he squinted as the liquor in his system along with the vibe of the room made his mind run backward with reminiscing. His tongue was loose recounting his too brief time with.. Her.
"I swear I lost my train of thought when I passed her, fro godly like a pastor, skin like brown alabaster.
Astral choirs sing jagged edge cause shorty done walked right out of heaven a vision fulfledged."
"E, What you doing," Diamond's irritation cut into his sinful and lustful thoughts. For a minute he forgot he was in a relationship. He couldn't say he was in love but neither could most people. Diamond was down for him at least, he knew that for sure. "E!!"
"Hm?" His mind blanked so bad he missed the turn to take Diamond to work which meant he'd be late meeting his other bitch once he dropped her off. She sighed throwing her arms.
"Really E?" Diamond cut with a look that could kill. She was visibly sick of his shit but still there.. "You gone check this bitch out right in front of me when I'm in the car? Beside you?" She pushed the wheel causing the car to drift slightly into the left lane nearly hitting the car there before he righted it. "You that bold?"
He took a low look at her from the side of his eye as he kept driving. He'd passed the girl because Diamond made him gas the car so not to get hit.
"You trippin."
"Don't do that," she groaned. "Don't LIE. You want the bitch, go get the bitch." Impulsively she grabbed for the wheel again but he blocked her. "Let me out."
"You extra right now, chill out."
"Don't tell me to chill," she grit pushing the side of his head. He gave her another side eye as he contemplated pulling over.
"Just let me turn around.. Okay?"
She groaned as her head hit back on the headrest. "I don't know why I fuck with you, you ain't shit, never gonna be shit, make me feel like shit over your shit. It's just shit."
"So leave then Diamond! I don't need to hear that shit."
"I really should.. I'm not dumb, I know you cheating! I don't know why I stay with you when I know better."
"You know why."
Eight thick inches explained exactly why. He purposely missed the next turn hoping to find that girl walking again before she disappeared.
"I swear to-," she jumped suddenly, "LET ME OUT. I'M DONE, LET ME OUT!"
"Aye, chill. I'm a get you to work."
"NO. FUCK YOU," she pointed popping her door open before the car could make a full stop. He didn't stop and she either had to roll out or shut the door. She slammed it. She was finna be late as hell.. Meanwhile he was circling the area tryna go back to find that mystery woman he'd spotted before. Diamond wasn't dumb. She was shaking with anger, talking to herself.
The tall drink of hot chocolate with the god tier afro stood gracefully at the crosswalk looking like she'd flewn right out of heaven and into Stockton. Erik didn't know what the hell he was thinking.. he wasn't.. but he was damn near leaning on Diamond while steering the car closer to the sidewalk, rolling at a crawl to match this new woman's pace as his current sat fuming in the seat, shoving him off of her.
This new woman was divine. There were diamonds dusted in her skin like he'd never seen on a woman who wasn't on a TV screen. When she walked down the sidewalk, the world became chopped and screwed. That's how fixated he was. Not even Diamond slapping at him or shoving him could break his focus on that woman and her walk as he cruised beside her as though the surrounding traffic didn't exist.
"LET ME OUT," Diamond yelled smacking his face. She'd been trying the break the passenger door handle.. like he wouldn't make her pay for it. He finally stopped the car to let her noisy ass walk.
"Bye," he muttered pulling off to catch up with the fro'd up goddess.
"DON'T TALK TO HIM, HE'S TRASH," Diamond yelled from afar, her voice carrying faster than she could physically catch up. Erik wasn't bothered or embarrassed.
He had to think carefully of what to say. How could he impress this girl without her thinking he was a creep? Following her probably wasn't helping. Luckily she dropped something. It looked like money. Seizing his opportunity, he quickly parked in a no parking zone and dashed to snatch up what he discovered to be a twenty dollar bill.
"AYE.." he called ahead to no avail. He had to jog to catch up and when he reached her side, he noticed she had in earbuds. He waved for her attention and she fixed her eyes cautiously. Her almond eyes lined in jet black were just as black. She gritted on him hard. Even her disgusted face attracted him. She turned her nose up until she saw the twenty in his hand folded the same way the one in her pocket had been. He had her. "You dropped this.."
His hand smoothly ghosted hers as she took it. She felt like velvet to the touch.
She gave him a second look and he bit his lip as he met her eyes wondering how to make his next move.
"Ok.. so that's it?"
Her question caught him off guard.
"You do all that, follow me for damn near three blocks and now you've got nothing to say? That was anticlimactic."
Erik's jaw dropped slightly before he caught it.
"Wanna ride?"
She turned her nose up and he presented his key fob watching her deliberate on whether or not to trust him.
"Might as well.. before you get towed. Goofy ass," she mumbled with humor. There was something about her voice that was familiar and calming, the deep timbre. He rushed to retrieve the car. His face said it all as he opened the car door for her. It wasn't something he'd been in a habit of doing.
"Why thank you," she smirked.
"Of course... Why walk when you can be chauffeured," he commented when he was in.
"I like my woman black as the heart of an Aryan. Black as the back of a diabetic's neck. Black as coffee with no cream. My girl looks like 2 AM in a blackout."
Erik glanced wistfully to his memories ignorant to the soulful groans, snaps, and hums from the crowd. Of course his woman was no more, but he carried her still regardless..
Erik was stuck. He couldn't be away from his peace especially in the quiet moments when neither of them had anywhere they'd rather be than side by side doing whatever. Nail shop? He was in the pedicure massage chair right beside her with a drink and his feet up. Bank? They'd hit the BB&T and the SunTrust in one trip. They paid bills together.
"E, hand me my debit."
"You tryna pay it?"
"Yeah, I gotta pay today."
"I already did that."
"You paid mine?"
She seemed pleasantly shocked which was what Erik wanted.. to make her happy. Especially considering the pushback she got for their relationship. There were a lot of hating ass bitches.
"I heard you talked to Bianca.." He watched for any sign that she was omitting details to spare him. He didn't need to be spared. She took a deep breath and he knew without her speaking that some choice words had been exchanged. Afterall, he was playing Bianca with a whole girlfriend before leaving them both for this new flame. Bianca hadn't reacted well when she found out. "What she say," he inquired with faux calm. He had every intention of cussing out all his exes.. every one of them who had a problem with him moving on. It was the side effect of dating crazy bitches. They were too passionate. They couldn't just let shit rock, they had to harass him and his girl.
"I ain't worried about her, she can try me if she wants.. I'll knock her ass out that's for sure."
"Aight then," Erik smirked. He still planned to say something. "What she say though," he pressed.
"Same shit. She can't comment on anything but my skin because she knows I look better then her."
Erik was disappointed every time he thought of the fact that he'd unknowingly fucked a self hating colorist. He hadn't seen it before but now that he was serious about this new girl, true colors were showing.. and it wasn't just Bianca.
In a moment of fuck it after a sweaty quickie in the post office parking lot, Erik uploaded a chest-up pic of him and his cutie glowing from within with smiles white enough to rival the purest coke. She clung to him, laughing from the gut with crinkled eyes about something they'd both previously witnessed and he was grinning full force. That was the shot. Very pure. It'd brought him joy just looking at it, but others ain't feel what he felt and they had words about it. He cut off a childhood friend over a conversation where the guy'd said something casually insulting.
"How you ain't mean it when it came outta your mouth," Erik challenged. His friend was a damn coon.
Even worse was witnessing the treatment of her when it wasn't immediately clear they were together. She stood firm and held her own with class and dignity but it was work she didn't deserve to have to do. He couldn't be there for it all and even before he'd entered her life these problems were there.. but still..
"You know you perfect?" Erik asked this question at least once every other day to uplift his woman.
"Erik I need you to pick me up from work today," she said one day and when he asked why, she stated that her tire was flat. There was a nail in it. He sighed rubbing roughly through the fuzzy growout at the base of his locs. It had Evil Ex written all over it.
"I'll take take of it," he ensured. "I'll meet you for lunch too, wait for me."
His dedication knew no bounds. His loyalty had never before existed. His feelings for this woman were like nothing he'd ever felt.
Five months in.. he felt the same way. He'd never lived with a woman.. He'd never been faithful in his life, but then he'd never been in love.
Eight months.. she was still perfection through the good and bad and he'd do anything. He saw it all. The attitude, the dookie braids, the subtle insecurities, the slight messiness around the house, the flaws.. and all he could think of was that... he had his eye on a ring.. one with diamonds that matched the diamonds he saw in her soft rich deep brown skin.
"I'm casting all my game hoping she bite. Told her ass: You got that air that I like. Derriere sky high bite down I like to hit it from the bike. She say she love when daddy cum and fill it up just right."
The ring was still in Erik's pocket. It flipped absentmindedly through his fingers as he spoke. Unfortunately she'd never gotten it.
Erik gave backshots through the hour of 5 PM. Both he and his girl had arrived home around the same time and it was on sight.
"Hey.. Bae.. Get up and fix me something to eat," he whispered in her ear as she was laid out and half asleep. He was laid out as well with little energy after emptying himself of everything. He nudged her and she groaned but sat up.
"You can't fix it? I don't wanna move," she snickered.
"Pleaaaase," he begged watching her give in as she stretched. He smacked her ass as she rose. Then he rolled over and closed his eyes, hungry but ready to sleep. He inhaled her fresh scent left over on the pillow. It reminded him of oceans.
The doorbell rang.
He figured it was a package, something else she'd ordered. The closet was full. He drifted off.
When a half hour passed he opened his eyes and she still hadn't returned, she had to be cooking something. The thought hit him to surprise her in the kitchen by taking her as she cooked. It would be sexy..
When he walked out to the kitchen, he immediately entered a state of shock. Not only was she not cooking or coming back.. She had left a note that amounted to this:
Erik.. I'm leaving you for my ex.
Apparently her ex had showed which meant they'd been in contact... she even let him in.
Turned out he'd been a rebound all along.
"I should've known better..," Erik's head dropped in dark humor as his story came to a close. "When a goddess says her name is Karma that means misery. Better run if you got a history. I guess if she's God then God's testing me. Cuz she sure left with the best of me."
@soufcakmistress @itsiesha @ju5tp34chy @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @blackpantherimagines @blackpinup22 @muse-of-mbaku @goddessofthundathighs @panthergoddessbast @thadelightfulone @misspooh @marvelmaree @youreadthatright @forbeautyandlife @theunsweetenedtruth @bidibidibombaclaat @myboyfriendgiriboy @dameshaemonique @hidden-treasures21 @mysidefanting @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @syndrlla97 @winteroflife @thotyana-in-this-hoe   @texasbama @gingerylimonte @princessstevens   @magic-madness-heavensin @wawakanda-btch @wakanda-inspired @blackgirloneshots @thegucciwaffle @thiccdaddy-mbaku @purplehairgawdess @indigoxsummers   @dynastylnoire @iamrheaspeaks @blowmymbackout @they-call-me-le @theblulife @raysunshine78 @sheisexcellent-blog
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mosswillow · 4 years
Jumping In (Dark!Steve Rogers x Reader)
Warnings: 18+ adult content!!, Kidnapping, smut, Dark fic, vaginal fingering, noncon/dubcon, yandere.
Summary: You submit your application to the Avengers as a joke. You’re nowhere near qualified enough for the job. So why do they want you?
AN: A big thanks to @rayofdawnworld for commenting on “Your Room” that they wanted to know about the other Avengers. This one is (obviously) Steve and is happening chronologically before “Your Room.” You can read it by itself though!  I also have a story forming for Bucky in my mind so I’ll probably do him next. 
You’ve always been the type of person to jump into things without thinking. It’s gotten you into plenty of trouble throughout your life but you’ve always managed to get yourself out of it. It’s opened up opportunities for you and taken you all over the world. You put in the application for SHIELD almost as a joke, thinking there’s no way they would ever hire you, especially not to work with the Avengers.
The joke becomes serious when you get a call from Stark Tower offering you a job. You skim over the contract eagerly and sign it immediately, jumping on the opportunity to work your dream job.
After a whirlwind week you find yourself standing in the middle of a high tech training room surrounded by Avengers. Being around a group of people as powerful as the Avengers is intimidating to say the least. The contrast between you and them is stark and you feel your confidence slip trying to keep up with them. They all assure you that you’re doing great and they’re glad to have you with them. It feels like a little family and you get pulled in immediately. You find yourself gravitating to Steve, or maybe he gravitates towards you. He shows up everywhere you go, at the water fountain filling up his bottle, running at the treadmill next to you, stretching on the mat. He watches you spar with different Avengers, giving advice and words of encouragement.
“Keep that arm up Y/N.”
“I will, thank you captain.”
“Call me Steve.”
“Steve.”  You smile.
You spar with Bucky and try to ignore Steve's looks. You don’t know if you feel flattered or uncomfortable with the attention he’s giving you. You decide that he’s probably just trying to be friendly since it’s your first day.
It doesn’t stop though and you constantly find yourself in situations with Steve. He’s in the elevator with you or walking by your room as you’re leaving. You even bump into him at the grocery store.
A week later you open your door to see Steve waiting for you just outside your room. Your heart does a flip at the sight of him standing in front of you. His hair is damp and you try to control your mind from imagining him in the shower. His tight white shirt shows off his muscles, which doesn't help your wandering mind one bit. You shift your eyes away from him and chastise yourself. God, He smells good and you wonder what soap he uses. He gives a cocky half smile and takes a step toward you.
“Good job yesterday.” He says, moving in front of your line of sight.
“Thanks.” you smile and force yourself to look him in the eyes.
He puts his hands in his pockets and rocks on his feet looking nervous.
“I thought I could treat you to coffee?”
Your heart starts beating rapidly. Is he asking you on a date? Steve Rogers asking YOU on a date? It can't be that. The flirting has to be in your head.
“I’d like that,” You mirror him, putting your hands in your pockets. You realize too late that you don’t have pockets though and end up awkwardly rubbing your hands against your sides.  Steve lets out a chuckle and you cross your arms and laugh along with him.
You follow Steve to a nearby coffee shop and he orders you a drink. The two of you sit at a semi-private table in the back next to some barely cognizant university students who are furiously typing away on their laptops.
“How are you enjoying being part of the team?” Steve asks.
“I love it! Everyone is really nice.”
“Are you nervous for your first first mission?”
“A little bit,” you confess.
“I’ll be there with you, don’t worry.”
That was definitely flirting, you think. Captain America is flirting with you.
You smile and take a sip of your coffee. This is like a romance novel, a cute coffee date with a literal super hero. It comes to an end though when you notice a kid taking a picture of the two of you. Steve frowns and cocks his head towards the prepubescent photographer.
“I think we should head back before we get more fans.” Steve Says.
Steve does a silly pose for the kid as he passes by and pulls out a signed Captain America card. The kid stands stunned looking at you as you walk out of the shop. Steve puts his hand on your back and leans in.
“Sorry this was so short. We’ll have to go somewhere more private next time.”
“Don’t apologize! The coffee was amazing, thank you so much.”
It only takes twenty minutes for you to start getting phone calls. A picture of you and Steve is all over the internet. It looks very incriminating, Steve's arm on your back and him smiling close to your ear. You answer your phone and hold it away from your ear as your friend Amy yells at you from the other end.
“Captain America!” She screams over and over again.
“Are you guys dating now or...”
“No, he was just being nice.”
“The picture looks like he’s being a lot more than nice. Please hit that Y/N, if you don’t I’ll scream.”
“You’re already screaming.” you say with a laugh.
“Seriously though, I want to be invited to your wedding one day.”
“Amy! he’s hot for sure but he’s also kinda my boss and I’m not ready for anything serious right now.” The picture of you and Steve is still in your mind. You can barely take care of yourself and certainly aren’t ready for everything involved with dating Steve Rogers.
You hang up the phone and smile to yourself. You can’t believe how your life has changed so fast. One day you’re working security at a hotel and the next you’re working with the avengers and flirting with Captain America.
You shake your foot nervously on the way to your first mission. Your role is simple, in fact it's almost impossible to mess up. You’re nervous anyway though. Everyone tells you it’s normal for your first mission and you take deep breaths trying to calm down.
You exit the jet and make your way into town. Your only job is to distract your mark for five minutes. You check your watch and start your way toward your mark.
“Excuse me sir?”
“Do you know a good breakfast place around here?”
It’s beyond easy. You keep the conversation up for five minutes and end it quickly. Steve gives you a pat on the back after, congratulating your successful first mission. It feels off. Anyone could do what you did. You’re nowhere near as skilled as the Avengers and don’t understand why you would be picked for the job.
“What’s wrong doll?”
“I just don’t feel like I’m really good enough to be part of this team I guess.”
“You’re more than good enough.”
“But you guys are so much stronger... and faster... and smarter.”
“We look for more than those things when picking recruits. Trust me, you’re exactly what I… We need.”
You feel a little better and push away your doubts.
The missions become harder after the first one but you’re still never put in direct danger. They say you need more training before taking on more dangerous roles and you agree. You’re not sure if you’ll ever improve enough though and it makes you guilty, like you’re taking up space in a team that someone else could have. As you start becoming more part of the group Steve starts coming onto you more. He takes you out several times and starts becoming more physically affectionate. You like Steve. Aside from being gorgeous he’s old school, bringing you flowers and opening doors. There’s Something about him that feels disingenuous and your gut prevents you from starting a serious relationship.
You meet a barista at the same coffee shop Steve took you to. He’s cute and you  decide to give him your number impulsively. He texts you that evening and you stay up late texting back and forth. The next day everyone stares at you as you stretch before your training. You’re not sure why until you notice Steve standing outside of his office.
“Y/N, can I see you in here please.” His voice is an octave lower than usual and a chill runs down your spine.
“Of course.”
Steve closes the door and motions for you to sit down.
“I’m aware that you’ve exchanged numbers with someone who is unapproved.”
You nod slowly, confused how he knows at all and why it’s a big deal.
“This is a huge security risk.”
“I already ran a background check on him.”
Steve sits on the edge on his desk and caresses your cheek.
“Why do you want to talk to this boy when you have me?”
You push his hand away.
“I mean, I like you Steve but I’m just not ready for the commitment yet, you know that.”
His eyes narrow and he looks at the hand you pushed away.
“I understand.” He says.
You stand to leave and he calls after you.
“Oh, and remember you have a curfew. I don’t want to have to reprimand you.”
Steve feels different, unhinged. You’ve only been late a few times and only by a few minutes. You push away your worry hoping it will get better. He’s probably just not used to feeling rejected. He’ll get over it.
“Y/N, don’t you dare enter that building.”
“There are still people inside Steve!”
“It’s too dangerous. Help is on the way, don’t do it.”
You rip the com out of your ear and run into the building. There’s smoke everywhere and you cover your face with your arm. You make fast work of reaching the blocked room, breaking the door in and letting the room of people out. You escort them out of the building and to safety.
“Thank you so much.” A woman says, hugging you.
“No problem.” You smile.
The building starts collapsing in front of your eyes and you watch it burn. You walk back to the jet, coughing and bruised and get checked out as soon as you land.
Steve waits for you outside of medical.
“What were you thinking Agent!”
“Not now Steve.”
“It’s Captain and yes now.”
You sigh.
“I was thinking, Captain, that I needed to get those people out and I was right.”
“And what would have happened if the building had come down on you? Help was coming and you had an order. You’re lucky your lungs are ok with the smoke you inhaled.”
You push Steve out of your way and walk towards your room.
“It was a risk I was willing to take,” you call back.
You reach your room and take a long shower, thinking about everything. As much as you want to fit in with them you just don’t. Something tells you that you need to quit. You need to get out of here and never look back. you decide that you’ll hand in a two week notice tomorrow.
The next morning you wake and dress quickly still feeling the same as the night before. You head to your door and turn the knob but find it locked.
“What the fuck?” you pound on the door but nobody answers. You pick up your phone to call for help. It won’t connect to the internet or call anyone. Your computer is the same way. As the day passes you start feeling more and more uneasy. They have to know by now that something is wrong with you. your voice is raw from yelling for help and your hands bloody and bruised from pounding on the door.
Finally, hours later you hear the click of your door unlocking. You open it to see Steve standing with his arms crossed on the other side.
“I was locked in my room.” you say in a quiet voice.
“I know, I locked you in.”
“What’s wrong with you? That’s insane Steve!”
Adrenaline rushes through your body and you start pacing. Everything is telling you to get out. This is not what you signed up for.
“I quit.” you say defiantly.
Steve rushes toward you, pinning you to the wall. None of your self defence training helps you. He’s so much bigger and stronger, trying to fight is a joke. You know your best bet is to stun him somehow and run but you can barely move.
“You can’t quit doll.” He brushes a hand down your body, giving your butt a squeeze. Your eyes widen in shock.
“I’ll report you.”
“To who?”
You start thinking, your eyes darting back and forth. He slides his hand into the front of your pants and rubs the bulge in his pants against you. your breath hitches and you relax your body a bit. You scream at yourself to do something. The hand in your pants rubs against your clit expertly and it takes everything you have not to let out a moan.
“Ah, I see you’re getting it.”
His finger slides to your entrance and he prods you before submerging his finger. You gasp at the intrusion and realize that he’s barely holding onto you anymore. Your hands grasp his shoulders and you lean against him.
“This would have been much easier if you had followed my plan. You had to go putting yourself in danger.” He chides.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Please you’re scaring me Steve.” you say,
“It was going so well but you’re unpredictable, flirting with that barista.”
He pushes his finger in deeper and you whimper.
“If I don’t take action now I might lose you and I can’t lose you.”
“Get away from me,” you beg.
He grasps your hip painful tight.
“You're my girl now, ok? My girl doesn’t disobey me, especially not on missions.”
He pumps his finger, coating it with slick.
You realize that he won’t listen to reason but you try anyway.
“I’m so sorry you’re right I’m your… your girl, just let me go please.”
He pulls his finger out and gives you a kiss.
“See, there’s a good girl.”
He pulls a ring out of his pocket and places it on your finger. His watch vibrates and he looks at it before kissing you on the cheek.
“We can celebrate tomorrow.” He winks.
He leaves you in the hallway and you back into your room, shaking and crying.  You don’t care if he locks you in again. You need to be in a place where you feel somewhat safe and can process everything that just happened. You take the ring off and throw it across the room.
The night is spent curled in your bed crying and the next morning you walk self consciously to the kitchen. Bucky sits at the counter eating cereal and he knits his brow when he sees you.
“Hey, what’s wrong.”
You shake your head.
“You can tell me.” He looks at you with his big kind eyes and you decide to confide in him.
“Steve… assaulted me. He’s out of his mind, saying all sorts of crazy stuff. I don’t know what to do.”
Bucky holds you close.
“You’re his girl Y/N, don’t provoke him and you’ll have a good life.”
You tear yourself away and look at him with disbelief.
“It’s not a secret Y/N and we’re on Steve's side.”
You back away and head straight for the exit hitting Tony on the way
“Woah, what’s the rush?”
“I quit.” you say, tears starting to fall.
“You can’t quit princess, you’re Steve’s.”
Your breaths become shallow and your head starts feeling light.
“How did you think you got the job in the first place Y/N?”
You run to the elevator slamming the button over and over but it won’t let you down.
“What’s wrong with Y/N?” Thor walks over.
“She’s having a hard time adjusting to being Steve’s,” Tony answers.
“Let me out.” you yell.
Steve comes out of nowhere catching you in his arms and you throw your head back and duck. He stumbles back. Other Avengers start to gather and you pull your fists up in defense.
“I want to leave.”
“Come with me back to your room doll, it doesn’t have to be this hard.”
You stand your ground and Steve goes into a fighting stance. You don’t even have a chance, he has you trapped in his arms within minutes.
“I don’t understand.”
“We got your application in the mail. As soon as I saw your picture I knew you were the one I’ve been looking for.” he coos.
“Why go through the whole facade?”
“Use your brain Y/N. Everyone knows we’re together. There’s pictures of us everywhere online. You’ve talked to friends and family about our relationship. It won’t look weird when you drop off for a while because of your job and when you come back engaged nobody will blink an eye.”
You look at the Avengers, you’re family. None of them do anything to help you. Every single one turns their back and walks away nonchalantly like it’s just another normal day.
Steve drags you to your room and closes the door. He walks over to where you threw your ring grabbing it off the floor, and places it back on your finger.
“This doesn’t come off again,” He says.
You look at the ring and back at Steve over and over trying to make sense of all of it. Steve walks purposefully to the drawer you keep your candles and lights several, placing them around the room.
He backs you into the bed and undresses you slowly and meticulously. He sits back and looks at your naked body, taking his time touching and examining every piece. He grabs your legs and parts them, looking at your pussy and two fingers in.
“So wet for me already.”
You shake your head and he lands a slap on your thigh.
“No.” He commands.
“Be good so I don’t have to punish you. You’ve seen me work, you know what I’m capable of.”
You bite your tongue and force yourself to lie still as he slams his cock into you. You cry out in pain and he rubs your arm and whispers sweet things. He kisses you as he pushes his cock deep into you. He grabs your chin and squeezes until you open up and let his tongue in.  you reach out and grab his arms and he pulls at your leg until you hug them around him.
“You can come Y/N.” he whispers
You shake your head.
He reaches between you and pushes against your clit. You fight against it for as long as you can but it becomes too much. An orgasm crashes over you and you flutter around his cock. He thrusts hard enough that you get pushed into the headboard and seconds later he’s coming in you. He smiles down at you, lovingly stroking you face.
“I love you Y/N”
You stay silent and he pulls you into a constricting hug.
“Don’t worry doll, you’ll love me soon.”  
You’ve always been the type of person to jump into things without thinking. It’s gotten you into plenty of trouble throughout your life. You’ve always been able to get yourself out of it,
but this time.
This time you jumped too far.
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harrysgloves · 4 years
Three’s Company (part 2)
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Harry Styles x Reader x Florence Pugh
>>>PART ONE<<<
Story Summary: You deal with your breakup.
Word Count: 5.5k
Warnings: Language // Angst // Pretty sure I made the reader an alcoholic // oh and you know smut!! YEAH bet you didn’t think you were getting makeup sex but oh you are. (threesome so proceed with caution, thanks)
Authors Note: I got carried away... but don’t we all when it comes to them? Anyways, feedback is always wanted and deeply loved. Hope you you guys like it!! xx
"Is this color too moody?" You asked your neighbors cat that was lounging in your living room.
The midnight black ball of fur lazily blinked open his eyes long enough to croak out a "meow" before going back to sleep. Your head nodded in agreement as your 5th beer bottle of the day pressed against your lips.
"No, you're right. It's allowed to be moody." You agreed with the very large, very old, cat who always wandered over to your apartment. His owner, Ms. Thompson, gladly let you babysit him for a few days after she came to your door to find him the first night. Your blood shot, tear filled eyes when you answered the door, fully gave away the fact you'd been crying for the last few hours. 
A bowl of Tupperware with hot chicken noodle soup laid on your doorstep the next morning along with the first gorgeous bouquet of flowers. 
It had been four days since your break up with Harry and Florence. Four days of sleepless nights, alcohol filled days, and meaningless activities to keep your mind off how you were feeling.
Four vases of flowers that you couldn't bring yourself to throw away sat on your cluttered counter. The delicate petals were starting to turn brown around the edges from your lack of care. The notes on each one seemed to glare at you everytime you walked to your fridge to grab another drink.
Each one a variation of, "I'm so sorry. -H"
"When we broke up it was for totally different reasons. I wanted to raise the kids Jewish; you wanted to sleep with men." Debra Messings' voice and the horrible laugh track of 'Will and Grace' filled your lonely apartment. Your comfort show played on repeat. The same jokes, the same voices, the same fucking void in your heart.
It'd be four days and you felt like you were a second away from losing mind.
And sure, maybe, you could have called them. You could have said you overreacted and that you messed up so badly. Instant regret hit you as soon as you had walked out his door.
You'd get over it, get over them but it didn't seem to be as easy as you originally thought.
Everything reminded you of them.
"Love this one." Harry said the last time he'd spend the night with you. Your favorite record played softly in the background when he placed the needle down on it.
"Oh, this is one of my favorite episodes!" Flor cheered as she ran out of your kitchen to the living room at the sound of a 'Friends' episode starting.
"Got yeh this when I was out today." Harry handed you a dumb pen holder. A small Julius Caesar that had pens jetting out of his back.
"Take this before you freeze." Florence mumbled as she moved your blanket slightly off Harry and towards you while you all cuddled in your bed.
Everything that reminded you of them had been boxed off, separated, put away somewhere else until you could look at it again. You were left in an almost barren house that no longer felt like a home, with a cat, that wasn't even yours, sleeping on your coffee table that was littered with empty beer bottles. All while you drunkenly painted your walls at 2 in the afternoon. 
How did shit get this bad?
The sound of a knock at your door called you out of your mind. An instant sinking feeling started in your chest as you walked across the floor. The wave of alcohol that ran through your system calmed some of the nerves but not all of them.
They wouldn't show up here, right?
You could feel the sweat starting on your hand as it rested on the doorknob. Another knock came from the other side of the door made you jump in your skin. 
"You haven't answered your phone in four days! Open up!" One of your brothers yelled from the hallway as his fist pounded on your door. You rolled your eyes as you stood there debating if you could avoid him. Your plan to stay as quiet as possible quickly went to shit. 
"Y/N, do not make me call dad." Your other brother, the one who's slightly fucking scary, voice boomed through your door like it wasn't even there.
You threw your door open to the absolute shit show that was your family. All four dumbass brothers stood outside of your apartment door. All four let out a simultaneous sigh of relief before walking into your very messy apartment.
"Jesus." Jason, the youngest, breathed out when the smell of alcohol hit him right in the face. His nose scrunched as his worried eyes flashed over the room.
"Did you drink an entire liquor store?" Tommy, the one you were closest to, asked as he scanned the damage done to your living room and what the hell you'd been doing to your liver the last four days. 
"Shut up." You mumbled as you sat down on the floor, the couch was deemed unusable by you until further notice. Way, way, too many memories on that dumb thing.
Raphael's lips pursed as he studied the new living room color. He didn't even bother to hide the fact he was judging your meltdown as he turned to you.
You two were the closest in age. You were only 6 months older, and were both adopted at the same time. It definitely didn't make getting along as children necessarily easy. The both of you butted heads so much the other 3 acted more like referees than siblings. Which is why the room seemed to shift dramatically as he turned to you.
"So, you stonewall your way out of a relationship and then ignore everyone who checks on you?"
"Here we fucking go." Jack, the middle child and probably the most sensible brother groaned as he sat down cross-legged on the floor. His head rested in his hand as he stroked Marshmallow's black fur.
"Hey! We said we weren't going to bring you if you started a fight." Tommy snapped right before Jason interrupted.
"He has a point, Tomás."
"Like you haven't had your heartbroken."
"She's the one in the wrong!"
"No she isn't!"
"You can't defend her forever. She has to own up to her shit."
You groaned, your head laid back as you listened to them argue about you, right in front of you. 
There wasn't enough alcohol in the world to deal with this.
"Get out." You said as you stood from your place on the floor, all eyes darted to you as you demanded for your own space. 
"Wait, what?" Tommy asked as the rest of them looked at you like you had magically grown three heads.
"I said, get out. I'm not listening to this. You guys want to fight, go to dad's." You opened your front door, held it wide open for all of them to filter out. Each one gave a sad or sympathetic smile as they left.
"Y/N, I think you should really give them anoth-" Jack tried to reason with you before you shut the front door, hard. The slam echoed through your now quiet apartment as you stood there yet again, alone. 
Your hooded eyes stared at the same spot on your ceiling. Your back rested on the cold hardwood floor of your wrecked living room. Your head swam with a fuzziness that only happens when you spend too many days on a bender.
You were fucked and your heart, your soul, hurt in a way you didn't think was possible. 
You could feel the prick of tears starting again in your eyes as your mind ran over everything. The good times, the bad, the moment you wished you could take back.
Why did you leave that damn house? You could have at least let him explain.
You sighed as you sat up. The uncomfortable feeling of the room spinning only got worse as you shifted forward to grab the drink you'd poured earlier. The glass pressed against your dried out lips as the same laugh reel ran in the background.
Was this your life now? You wondered as you sat on that cold floor of your apartment. You used to be okay with nights like these. You used to be fine being alone.
Now, the silence felt like a stab to the gut.
Your phone that laid on the table vibrated non-stop. The worried texts of people who loved you flooded your phone, you were worried about you too but you couldn't admit it.
Why did this hurt so bad?
Was it because you'd never experienced a loss like this before?
Or was it because deep down, shut away in the corner of your mind you dared to never go to, you knew exactly how you felt about them? And it scared the shit out of you.
You gulped down the rest of your drink. Not wanting to begin the vicious cycle of why you were so quick to give up on them. Why you were so determined to leave before any explanation could be given. 
Fucking hell, you needed therapy.
Your shaky legs walked over to the TV, turning off the reruns. Your glass placed on the edge of your coffee table as you made your way to your bathroom. A hot shower would always fix everything. 
The stream of warm water pounded against your back as you sat in your bathtub. Your mind fluttered around the idea of taking a job that required you to permanently leave the country for a while. Maybe you could fall in love with a nice coast side in Italy or a small Cafe in France.
You didn't notice the sound of your front door opening or the footsteps in your apartment. Your eyes were already so heavy. The steam of the shower only made the low lullaby of sleeper louder in your mind.
Sleep and everything will be better. 
You woke up the next morning in your bed. The bright sun burned your eyes as you blinked away the foggy feeling of sleep that still lingered around you. Your brain felt like a pile of mush as you reached for the bottle of water you kept on your side table.
How did you even get to bed?
The last few days had blurred together into a muddy picture. Everything jumbled together; drinks, painting, TV, organizing your kitchen, looking at apartments in foreign countries online.
"Morning!" Your brother chirped happily as he walked into your room. 
You could have literally jumped out of your skin. You screamed, loudly, almost falling out of the bed.
"What the fuck!" 
"I came back last night and you were asleep in the shower!" He said like you were the dumb one. "A thank you would be nice."
"Why are you in my apartment?" You asked, but only received the blankest of stares back. You knew why he was here. "I don't want to hear it."
"Too bad. Obviously, you need to hear it 'cause your apartment smells like a bar and you haven't talked to anyone in almost a week." He shrugged as he sat on the edge of your bed. The black ball of fur you'd eventually have to give back to your neighbor wasn't far behind him. Small black paws circled around you before he found a place to sleep comfortably.
"This sucks." You mumbled after a bit of silence. You could tell Jack didn't want to push you. Usually, this was a thing Tommy would handle but for some reason, the tribe had sacrificed Jack to be the emotional voice of reason this time.
"You know," he said as his hand ran through Marshmallow's fur. His teeth bit the inside of his lip as he debated what to say for a second before continuing. "you could just admit you were in the wrong and go apologize. I mean, you clearly fucking regret it." 
"I don't." You answered so quickly even Marshmallow didn't believe you. His green eyes stared in lazy disbelief. "I mean I do but… I don't know, Jack. It's weird 'cause I'm so sad but… what if this never gets better? What if it's always like this? Like, we're always struggling to be a normal couple?"
"You're not a normal couple so why would you try to act like one?" 
Your eyes shot to his at the words that poured out of his mouth so carefully. You'd never thought of it that way before. Your brows furrowed as you stared back at the bed. 
Was there a chance for you to make this work with them?
"Look, Y/N, relationships are fucking hard no matter what but you can't just… walk out on people before they get a chance to hurt you."
"I didn't."
"You did. It's kind of your thing, you know?" He smiled softly to you. Not condescending or in a know it all way, in the way only a sibling could without getting smacked. "Not that it doesn't make sense but if they made you happy, maybe you should try to hear their side of it."
"When did you become the smart brother?" You teased with that wide smile across your face.
"Right after I came out of the closet." 
"Shut up." You said through a laugh. The first one you'd had in days. That weight that laid on your chest seemed to have lifted a small amount.
Maybe, just maybe, you could talk this through with them.
You stood on the same doorstep you angrily stormed across not even a week ago. The pink door that you used to love, suddenly felt like a door to the electric chair. 
Maybe you couldn't do this.
You sighed, your eyes darting back to the old Camero you loved just a little too much. Arms crossed over your chest to keep you warm as you stood in your place. You knew you couldn't go back to your apartment this quickly without getting asked questions. 
Raphael, Jack, Tomás, and Jason were all waiting for your post-breakup meltdown if this didn't go well. Each one said they'd stay with you on rotation shifts until you felt better if you needed it.
Which was sweet, but you kind of wanted to rot in silence and alcohol if this went as badly as you thought it was going to. 
Your tongue grew thick as your stomach churned. Your eyes closed as you sighed heavily, your ass plopped down on his front steps, head rested in your hands.
You didn't know where to even start when it came to talking to them. Your feelings were hurt but you shouldn't have walked out without giving them a chance to explain. You didn't want to feel like the odd man out but didn't want to broadcast your relationship. 
The whole thing was messy and complicated. You wished so hard that it'd be easy. That talking about what you felt would be easy.
But you knew it wasn't, it never was, at least not for you. You shoved all your emotions down and kept chugging along your whole life. You pretended everything was fine, even when it wasn't. Which was exactly what ended you up here in the first place.
If you would have told them sooner they would have ended the PR shit.
"Hi." The thick accent from behind you startled your thoughts for a second but you didn't turn around. Your fingers messed with the edge of the rip in your jeans as your eyes focused on the crack in his sidewalk.
"Hi." You said quietly after what felt like a full minute of silence. You heard him let out a small sigh, his feet shuffled forward until he sat down quietly beside you.
You tried to not look at him, knowing if you did you'd burst out into tears. So you stayed focused on the ground, the dead leaves that floated along the road, the grass that was getting crunchy from the cold weather. 
"Y/N, 'M-" he started but you waved your hand to get him to stop. Your head rested against his shoulder that tensed up from your touch. 
You didn't want to talk for a second, just a second. You breathed in the familiar smell of him, the cologne he always wore was faint on his skin. The sleep shirt he wore was your favorite, you realized. The blue sweatshirt always made his eyes look so beautiful.
"I missed you." You said into his shoulder. Your lips brushed against the soft fabric as you spoke. 
"'M missed yeh too." His voice cracked as he rested his cheek against the top of your head. His fingers laced through yours as you moved closer into the warmth of him. "Flor's inside if y'wanna talk."
You sighed, you knew you needed to talk, knew you had to talk about it. You just didn't want to. The feel of him being close to you again, the intoxicating smell of him near. 
Your head lifted from his sweatshirt, only to see how rough he'd been doing himself the last few days. His bloodshot green eyes had large bags under them. His scruff on his face, messy brown curls. He'd done just as bad as you.
You only caught sight of his lips for a second before saying fuck it. Talking could happen later, you'd missed him so much.
Your lips pressed against his with a force that knocked him backwards for a second but you didn't care. No, this was the most "at home" you'd felt in days.
He felt like home.
His lips molded to yours so perfectly, once he got a hold of himself. His hand slipped to the back of your neck to pull you closer to him.
Your heart felt like it was going to pound out of your chest as your lips parted, welcoming him back. 
He pulled you up with him. His hands around your waist, lips still connected with yours as he walked the pair of you inside.
You wished you could slow down the moment. The way he was holding you tightly to him, like he never wanted to let you go again. The fleeting feelings ran through your mind but they all ended the same way.
You fucking loved him, so much.
All your energy was going into not crying from your surge of emotions. The rush of adrenaline was intoxicating, your shaky hands danced in the messy tangle of his unkempt brown curls as you tried to hold onto that shred of sanity you had left. 
"I missed you." You breathed out when you came up for air. His forehead pressed against yours, his body crowded yours to the wall. "God, I fucking missed you." 
He chuckled, a slight smile on his now swollen lips but you couldn't help it. It was the only thing your brain could come up with besides how sorry you were for not giving him a chance to explain.
"Miss me any?" Her voice made you look around Harry. Her arms crossed over her chest but that hint of a smile smoothed across her lips as she leaned on the doorway that led to the entry.
"Wanna see how much I missed you both?"
Maybe this wasn't necessarily the healthiest way to deal with your problems as a couple. But at this moment you could have cared less what a therapist would say about your tendency to avoid things that were important.
You laid on your back, your legs wide open, toes digging into the mattress as Florence's tongue pressed a wide thick lick through your folds. Circling around your bundle of nerves before slipping into you. 
You would have moaned out loud, if it wasn't for the dick rammed down your throat. Your head laid off the side of the bed, your vision upside down as Harry's pulsating member slid down your open and waiting mouth. His hand around your neck, squeezing himself.
"Missed fuckin' yeh throat, pup." He groaned out as his hips snapped against your spit soaked face. He backed out long enough for you to catch your breath before shoving his way back in. Your abused throat would hate you for this in the morning but right now you didn't care.
"Feel good, baby?" Flor asked as her finger curved inside of you, hitting that sweet spot that always made your eyes roll back. She didn't have to ask if it felt good, she knew it did, she just wanted the bragging rights of who gave you the better orgasm of the night.
Harry's member pulled out of your throat. You tried your best to catch your breath as he crouched down to your level. His hands doing the best they could to wipe away all the saliva that ran down your cheeks. Playful green eyes met yours.
"Gonna cum, sweetheart?" He asked even though he really didn't need to. The sound of your moans alone was enough to tell you were close.
"Mhm." Was all you managed to get out, your hands threaded through Florence hair as her mouth joined her fingers. Your eyes closed as you got closer to your high, your skin raised in goosebumps as she did that fucking flicking, swirl, of her tongue that always did you in.
"Good, 'm gonna make you cum harder than that." Harry's words faded in your mind as that crashing sensation washed you away. 
Florence scoffed as her head lifted from between your legs. The back of her hand wiped your juices away as she rolled her eyes at Harry.
"Good fucking luck trying to top that one." 
"Guys," you groaned, your hand over your eyes. "Supposed to be makeup sex, not a competition." 
"Can be both." Harry mumbled under his breath, quietly, but you still caught it. Your eyes glared at him as you turned around on the bed.
"Shut up." You mumbled as you reached forward, your hands around his neck as you brought him up to your level. Your mouth enveloped his quickly to stop the argument.
You pulled him onto the bed with you two. His knees hitting the edge before climbing up the rest of the way as your tongue took control of this kiss. It didn't happen often but when it did you ran with the opportunity. His mouth following your lead until you pulled away slightly, your teeth catching his bottom lip softly causing him to moan.
"Fuck," he cursed as you pulled away that sweet smile on your face like you didn't know that he loved that.
Florence came behind the pair of you, her lips pressed against your shoulder, up your neck, small love bites left here and there before she took the chance to kiss you when Harry pulled away. Her hands pulled on your waist, tugging you down to the bed to lay on your back.
"Ready?" She asked as Harry stroked himself, the nod of your head was all he needed to hoist your legs up. His pulsing tip ran through your folds as you reached for Florence, your arms wrapped around her thighs as you pulled her down on your mouth.
Harry continued to tease your opening. His tip slipping in and out of you easily as your tongue ran rapid through Florence's pussy. Her wetness was almost to the point of dripping down your face. You groaned as you pulled her by her thighs down harder onto you as your tongue circled into her hole. Fuck, you missed her taste. 
You heard the sounds of their kissing, her moans, before he finally pushed his way into you. Your walls clinging around him immediately, pulling him closer into you, making him hiss lowly.
"Jesus, she always so fuckin' tight." His hands embedded themselves into your thighs as he held you open for him. His fingers pulled back the lips of your pussy briefly before you felt Florence shift forward, her core off your mouth as her tongue circled your clit.
Your loud, unabashed moans filled the room. Your mind clouded with nothing but desire and lust, barely functioning at all. Thoughts weren't making sense, you were going based on instinct when your fingers slipped into her cunt that was inches in front of your face.
Harry's grunt and groans as he fucked into your tight cave halted for a moment, his erection pulled out of you briefly. The unmistakable sounds of your girlfriend choking on your boyfriends cock filled the room.
You moaned at the sound, your core clenched as your fingers finally twisted into the right angle. Her velvet walls pulled you in as she tried her best to keep breathing around Harry's thick member.
"Fuck, keep doing that." He panted, accent thick, voice deep with pleasure as you hit that spot in her again. A flood of her arousal coated your fingers as she let out another loud moan, her body slacked on top of you as Harry pulled out of her throat. 
You weren't prepared for when he thrusted himself back into you. Your moan cracked as you gripped tightly onto Florence's thighs. 
"Told yeh I was gonna make you cum harder." He mumbled as Florence let out a laugh. She rolled over to lay beside you, her lips lazily kissing yours the best they could through Harry's rough thrusts into you.
"Make her cum harder than I did and you can cuddle her tonight." Florence smirked, her hands ran over your hair as you pouted.
"Hey! I wanted to cuddle both of you." Your head shot off the bed as you glared at the both of them, who were both very very clearly taking their competition too far.
Leave them alone for four days and you come back to them acting like children.
"Tomorrow night, sweetheart. I got somethin' prove." Harry smiled as he leaned down to you, his lips capturing yours before you could protest, a roll of his hips had you moaning.
Maybe this bet wasn't that bad.
"Yeah, proving I'm better." Florence scoffed again, adding fuel to the fire as her hand leisurely traveled between her legs. A soft moan passed through her lips as Harry basically growled at her through his teeth.
You rolled your eyes at her as she gave you a shrug and a smile. His length pulled out of you again as he lifted you up, switching you over to be on top of him.
He was pushed back into you in less than a second, his hands grasping the round flesh of your ass tightly as he leaned you forward into his chest. His legs pushed himself upwards, hitting your sweet spot every single time.
You were thankful he pulled you into his chest. Your moans rolled easily as his hands dug deeper into your skin, you were teetering on the edge with in minutes. His gruff groans as his sensitive pulsating member pushed into you only added fuel to the fire. 
"Come 'ere, baby." He said as he slowed down his punishing pace his hand left your bum, fingers slipped into Florence's mouth for only a few seconds before finding their way back to you.
The pressure from his finger prodding into your back hole had your eyes rolling in the back of your head. The deep, low, sound that resonated in the bottom of your chest had a smug grin on Harry's face.
He knew he'd won.
His finger and along with his cock fucked into you until you could hardly register your own name. You could feel your heart beating in your core, your nipples so sensitive you could barely stand to have them brush against his own chest. 
Harry hummed as you seemed to lose yourself in the feeling of your mounting high. Florence's hand between her legs, stroking herself faster as her lips pressed to Harry's.
You felt a pressure in your stomach you'd never felt before, building and building, ready to bust any second. You didn't even have time to warn him when you felt the dam release. Your head floated in the clouds as your juices ran down him, soaking the bed.
"Well, fuck, I've never made her do that." Florence mumbled after Harry's final thrust into you. His gloating laugh filled the room as you laid limp.
"Told yeh so." He cooed as his hand ran down your back in soothing circles. Florence kissed softly on your shoulder, your arm, wherever until your eyes finally focused on her.
"You okay?" She asked as she brushed away the hair that was stuck to your face.
"Mhm, wanna sleep." You whined, your head pressed into Harry's shoulder tightly as you felt him soften inside of you. Your hips shifted to move off him but his hand quickly pressed your ass down again.
"Go to sleep, darlin'." He kissed the top of your head before he nuzzled into your. Florence arm wrapped around the both of you as Harry opened one arm for her to cuddle into his side. 
"Mornin', sweetheart." Harry hummed as he rounded the corner to his kitchen. A quick kiss placed on Florence's lips before he picked up the cup of tea she already had made for him.
"Morning." She mumbled into her cup. Her legs pulled up beside her as she sat on the counter. 
"Wot's wrong?" He paused before taking a sip, his eyes studying her as she sighed.
"It's just…" she stared at the coffee pot that hadn't been used in a week. The steaming brown liquid dripped into the vessel below it. She sighed, shaking her head. "I woke up this morning and the first thing I did was make sure she didn't leave again." 
Harry's eyes softened, his hand ran through her hair, lips pressed to her forehead. Trying his best to comfort her which is what he tried, and usually failed, at doing all week long.
"We'll talk to her, okay?"
Flor nodded her head, her lips pressed to his one last time as they heard the door to the bedroom creak open. A shirt you'd taken out of Harry's closet hit your knees as you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes.
"Morning." You said as you gave both of them a kiss, your eyes more trained to the pot of delicious coffee than either one of their faces.
"Y/N?" Florence asked as you poured your first cup, the smell wafting into your senses had your knees almost buckling. 
"Yeah, baby?" You asked without turning around. The glass pressed to your swollen lips from all of last nights kissing, the warm mug felt like a relief to them.
"Can, uhm," she started, you finally turned around to see her looking uncomfortable. Her tongue wet her lips, eyes glanced to Harry before she continued. "can we talk, you know… about everything now?" 
"Right, yeah of course, we should… just-" You could feel the nerves pit in your stomach growing as you nodded towards the table. The three of you sat in your usual chairs, your usual mugs in your hands, but it wasn't an usual morning.
No, now you actually had to talk about what was bothering you.
"Right." Harry said, hoping to get the conversation started with already but the room was dead silent.
"Right." You repeated mostly to fill the awkward silence that was growing thicker in the room by the second. You could feel your ears rushing, the room was so quiet. No TV to drown out the weird atmosphere, no music to cover up the fact you had to talk about what happened.
"So, I guess 'm gonna start." Harry said after he glanced at the both of you two, seeing he was going to have to get the ball rolling on this whole thing.
"Yeh know 'm really, really, sorry 'bout the Gemma stuff. I was gonna tell her the next week after the last interview but she decided to come in early and surprise me." Your lips rolled in your mouth as you listened to him. You knew the whole time you sat in your apartment, drunk, that a version of this was what happened. "And I didn't want yeh to get hurt and 'm so sorry it seemed like I was hiding yeh away from people."
You could feel the start of tears in your eyes. You sucked in a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down from a blubbering meltdown that was about to happen. Which you might have been able to avoid if his hand didn't wrap itself around yours from across the table.
"Just," you sighed, your hand squeezed his as you tried to wipe away the tears that rolled down your cheek. "Just, I should have said it was bothering me before it got to that point and I'm sorry I didn't and I blew up then walked out."
"It's okay." Florence said softly, her other hand laced through your free one. "But… maybe, we should agree to talk about stuff a bit more."
"Yeah, think that would probably be good." Harry agreed as he scooted forward in his chair, his hand wiped away the rest of your tears. "So, yeh gonna stay, right?"
You smiled up to him, your hand laced tighter through Florence's fingers as you nodded your head.
Yeah, you think you'd stay with them.
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