#i've thought of a few. other. new and different short hair looks for her that i might post about (some are other maria ones i think)
oveliagirlhaditright · 11 months
So, if Kairi has to have short hair again in Kingdom Hearts IV--which I imagine there's a good chance that she will. I feel like Kairi herself prefers short hair. And it makes sense for her to keep short hair now that she's a warrior, so that her hair can't be used against her in battle--one hairstyle I would personally love for her to have would be this one:
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Something akin to Maria Deluca's from Roswell season 1.
It does that flippy thing, like Yuna or Selphie's, but it's also different from theirs, because instead of doing that on either side of the head, the hair is flipping out behind the head, if that makes sense.
I just think it's pretty. And it bonus points in that it could seem like Kairi was inspired by her friend Selphie, or something like that, while also still being original.
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goldengleams · 5 months
cut my hair - l. hughes
In which you and Luke come back to each other after you cut your hair.
Warnings: alcohol, underage drinking, angst, college melodrama Word Count: 4.5k words (let's go!!!)
A/N: Super excited for this one! This is inspired by “cut my hair” by Tate McRae and I would encourage you to listen to it while you read! Hope you enjoy and leave me some requests while you’re at it :))
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Just wanna cut my hair, lose myself, make you sweat
Go out and get messed up, find myself in your bed
Just wanna cut my hair, little black dress, can't forget
Just wanna show you whatever she do, I can do it better
"Yo, Moosey, is that Y/N?"
Luke couldn't help but follow your figure from across the bar. He could always find you in a crowd, no matter the amount of people or the size of the room. His hand dropped from the shoulder of the girl standing next to him, his date for the night.
"Uh, yeah. Yeah, I think so," Luke said to his teammate Mark standing next to him. He suddenly felt hot, pulling on the collar of his shirt to allow himself to breathe a little easier.
"She looks good, man." Mark wasn't wrong, you did look good. Your head was thrown back as you laughed at something your friend said, looking happier than he had seen you since you fought before winter break.
Luke wanted to slap Mark but he knew it would do no good and he would be lying if he said he didn't agree with his comment. It had only been a few weeks since you had stopped talking, but he felt like it had been years.
You looked different, but it was a good different, he thought. Your hair was short now, right at your shoulders, highlighting your collarbone and your chest in the strapless black dress you wore. You were surrounded by a group of your friends. He recognized them as the ones who had picked you up from the house he shared with his teammates that fated night. He remembered how hard you had cried, unable to look at him after you fought about him leaving for New Jersey and the trust issues that clouded your vision. Luke remembered how he was unable to answer when you asked when the last time you had gone out on a date was. He wished he could've shown you how much he cared but he was too afraid to admit that he didn't want to lose you. He couldn't admit that he was just as afraid as you were. And then, before he knew it, you were storming out and you were on a break.
Luke regretted that moment. He couldn't tell you, because he was too nervous to text first, but he wanted to apologize. If he could have stopped himself from ever pushing you away, he would've never ended up standing with someone he didn't know.
Luke and a few of his teammates had been invited to a sorority formal, which is how he ended up in the back of a more formal bar far away from campus with a date he barely knew. Rutger's girlfriend had begged a few of the guys to go with some of her sorority sisters and Luke and Mark agreed, but he wanted nothing more than to be by your side.
"Dude, you're staring" Mark commented. "Maybe you should go talk to her."
"I don't know if she'd even give me the time of day," Luke said. “I fucked up.”
"You'll never know unless you try, Lukey. Besides, you probably just caught her on a bad day. What did you say to her anyways?
"I told her that she was overbearing and that I was going to leave soon anyways,” Luke said, close to Mark’s ear so his date couldn’t hear him.
“Oh,” Mark stammered. “Yeah, that’s bad, Luke.”
“Thanks,” Luke chuckled humorlessly.
“She’ll hear you out, dude. Just tell her how you really feel. Trust me, girls love honesty!" Mark said, already moving away from Luke to follow his date to the dance floor.
Luke sighed, rolling his eyes at Mark's immaturity. He knew he was so focused on his future that he had lost sight of the present-his college teammates, his classes. Most importantly, he had lost you. Maybe this was his chance to get you back.
I've been playing nice little too long, yeah
Drivin' on the high road hit a dead end,
I'd tell you but we just don't talk,
I've been having selfish thoughts
Your friends were so excited to go out and celebrate the first week of second semester. You could tell some of your girlfriends were crushing hard for some of the guys in the bar, but your mind was elsewhere after spotting a certain someone across the room.
For almost all of break, besides the holidays, you had been trying to figure out how to move on from Luke Hughes. You and Luke had clicked immediately, and even though you had tried to take the relationship slow, it was no use. Within two months, you were dating. Luke was proud to see you cheering for him at games and you became a staple at Thursday movie nights at his shared hockey house. You and Luke fit together like pieces of a puzzle.
Which is exactly why you couldn’t figure out why your boyfriend had started sending short messages and declined your affection starting after Thanksgiving break. Luke constantly claimed he had hockey practice or a team bonding event, but it was all proven to be false when you showed up at his doorstep one night to confront him.
Rumors found Luke Hughes like a moths to a flame. Whether it was his future in the NHL or his relationship status, your Michigan social media gossip pages never missed a beat. That week in the fall, Luke was apparently single and talking to a girl from the sorority the hockey team regularly hung out with. You never thought you were the jealous type, but with Luke’s odd behavior and his lack of communication, you thought the worst.
Even now, as you stood in the bar, you got a chill as you thought about the night you confronted him. Luke had the nerve to sit on his bed as you paced in his room, asking him simple questions that he had trouble answering.
He knew that you cared so much about your relationships with others so he used it against you, saying you were bombarding him with messages and he was sick of it. You couldn’t remember every sentence you spoke, but you could remember the hurt you felt when you realized that Luke just didn’t care about you like you cared for him. He had said it himself, he wouldn’t be around much longer, implying that you should both just move on. You didn’t wait for him to deal the final blow, instead, you called for the breakup and left before he could say anything else.
“Earth to Y/N! You want a drink?” Your friend, Caroline, asked. She waved her hand in front of your face to get your attention.
“Uh, I’m good. I didn't expect him to be here and I'm a little overwhelmed,” you replied. You hadn’t locked eyes with Luke, but you were afraid the moment was coming sooner than later since you struggled to tear your gaze from his tall figure.
“How about a shot then? They’ve got those green ones that are really good, and will make you forget that tall idiot who has been staring at you all night,” Caroline tried again.
I've been working hard while you're six drinks in,
Tossin' in the dark, feel you under my skin,
Once I start I just can't stop,
I've been having selfish thoughts
You were about to decline her offer when you saw who Luke was standing next to. You recognized Rutger and Mark easily, but you had only just got a clear view of Riley Jones, a sorority girl standing next to him. You had forgotten that there was a sorority formal the first week back from break, and of course, you had ended up at the same bar.
“No fucking way.” You muttered under your breath, but Caroline was too attentive.
“He’s with Riley. He’s at the stupid sorority formal with that girl who’s in our biology class, C.”
Caroline gasped, always perfectly dramatic in every situation. “It's always the sorority girls, I swear!"
You nodded, finally able to turn your head away from Luke’s direction. Sighing, you pulled out your phone to check the time, only 10:23. You had made a deal with your friends that you couldn’t leave until 11, but that deal seemed much easier when your ex wasn’t factored into the equation.
“He shouldn’t even be here, it’s the middle of the season and he can’t drink, anyways,” you grumbled to your group of friends. They were hoping to have a Luke-free night, especially with the start of the new semester, but you all had forgotten the sorority that would be gracing the bar with their presence that Thursday night. Caroline rubbed your arm, assuring you that you weren’t alone in this situation.
“Well, he's definitely an idiot for losing you, but he doesn't seem too interested in his date," Caroline said. "Don't focus on him, the night is still young! And, not that you needed it, but you seriously just had the glow-up of winter break. Luke's missing out.”
"New year, no more being sad over stupid boys!" You lifted up your nearly empty drink to clink it with your other friends' glasses.
Your other friends chimed in and you laughed, Caroline wasn’t wrong. Despite crying over Luke for a few days, you refused to lay in bed and rot just because he had made you feel small. Instead, you opted to take out your anger at the gym over break, so you knew your dress that night fit you better than ever before. You had also decided to do a hair transformation and cut it quite short, a style your friends at college hadn’t ever seen on you. You knew you looked different and you felt confident.
“Why don’t I get us the shots before we hit the dance floor? On me!” You could feel your layer of liquid courage settle over you. Luke was closer to the bar than you were, so it was almost inevitable that he would see you if you got the drinks.
"You know he's over there, right Y/N? Don't look now, but he's staring at you." Your other friend, Lexi, said to you. Of course you knew. Luke was one of the tallest guys in the bar and he easily towered over the other guys that were hovering close to your friend group. Just as you went to look at him, he redirected his gaze to Riley and laughed at something she said. The nerve of him. You rolled your eyes and stood up a little. If he wanted to play hardball, so could you.
"Yeah, I wanna give him a taste of what he's missing."
“Okay, get it girl!"
You sauntered over to the bar, leaning over just enough so that your chest was on display in the new black strapless dress you had bought. It hugged you just right and showed off your assets quite well. The music was pulsing and the lights were pretty dark, so it was a shock when you felt a hand on your back.
There's no right way to say it,
Want you so bad, I hate it
Good girls, so overrated
So overrated...
Luke watched as you pulled out your phone to check the time. Even from across the room, he could see your bright lockscreen light up your face. The glow illuminated your bright smile and your dimples, and suddenly he wished he was right next to you to see it.
"Hey Luke, want to dance?" Riley's voice caught his attention. She was standing right in front of him, staring up at him with her big brown eyes rather excitedly. He hesitated, unsure of what to say, but Riley just kept on going.
"Mark said you liked to dance, so I thought..." Riley continued to ramble but Luke had already tuned her out. He didn't really care that he was caught in Riley's scheme for the night, he just didn't want it to look like he was actually with her.
"Mark's an idiot," he chuckled. "I don't dance."
Riley rolled her eyes, unimpressed at her date who was standing up against the wall. "Can you at least just put your arm around me again? My ex is like, right across the bar and I need to make him at least a little jealous."
Luke didn't mean to ignore Riley's plea, but he had lost you in the crowd. You weren't standing next to your friends anymore. He felt his heart rate pick up at the thought of losing you again. He scanned the room and finally found you leaning over the bar. If he could get Riley to move over a few steps, he could maneuver his way to the bar counter and maybe-
"Are you looking at Y/N?" Riley asked. It wasn't exactly a secret that you and Luke had broken up. All pictures of him had been removed from your social media and Luke hadn't been playing his best hockey by any means. Luke's trance seemed to end abruptly as he cleared his throat to try to come up with an answer, but it was no use. In the time he had been pondering his plan, some guy had sidled up next to you. Luke recognized him, his name was Chris, he was in your major and lived down the hall from you. He always said hi to the two of you when you passed him on the way to your room and Luke couldn't lie, he was pretty fit, too. He let out a shaky breath.
"Uh, no," Luke fumbled. "I was just thinking about getting another soda up at the bar."
"Luke, I know you've been staring at Y/N over there all night even though I'm your date," Riley hummed, seeming only slightly disappointed. "You should go talk to her. Girls are a little scary, but we just want to be loved. Look, I'm gonna go chat with my ex across the bar and show him a fun time, okay? You got this."
Riley walked away from Luke, leaving him standing there a little dumbfounded. Was it really that easy? Chris seemed to make it look easy, standing too close to you at the bar countertop, making you laugh as you waited for whatever you had ordered.
Luke found himself moving closer to the bar without really having a concrete plan in place. Would you ignore him? His runaway thoughts ended when he heard his name called.
Just wanna cut my hair, lose myself, make you sweat
Go out and get messed up, find myself in your bed
Just wanna cut my hair, little black dress, can't forget
Just wanna show you whatever she do, I can do it better
"Luke! Hey man!" Chris called. In his drunken state, he had practically whipped around and made you fall when he caught sight of Luke. When you realized who Chris was calling for, you immediately shook his hand away and turned back to the bartender who was almost about to get to you to take your drink order.
"Chris, don't," you tried to say as quietly as possible. Luke was getting closer to you to try to say hello but you wanted none of it. You ignored Chris and Luke greeting each other and kept your eyes trained in front of you. You refused to give in.
"I gotta get back to the guys, I'll see you later, Y/N? We can watch that new episode once you get back!" Chris called, giving you a side hug as you said goodbye.
"Hey, Y/N," Luke said. His voice sounded soft and timid and you couldn't help but feel your stomach fill with butterflies. This was the closest you and Luke had been since before Christmas and now it was the middle of January.
"You look beautiful, I love your hair," he tried again, finally standing next to you. You hated how tall he was in the moment, his frame completely isolating you from anyone else, since you were at the end of the bar.
"Thanks," you said. "New year, new haircut is how the saying goes, I think."
Luke laughed nervously, sitting down on the barstool next to you. He had let his hair grow out over break, you noticed. He was turned towards you, trying to get you to talk to him. You felt your face get hot at the thought of him being right there. He was so close, yet the last time you saw him, he pushed you so far away.
"I didn't know you were here," he tried, wanting you to look at him. You couldn't help the scoff that escaped your mouth.
"Sure you weren't staring at me all night? Caroline said she caught you ignoring your date, Hughes."
You held back laughter at the way his eyes widened. Caught. The bartender finally turned your way and you ordered shots for you and your friends, handing him your fake ID and flashing a smile as he handed it back to you quickly. Luke asked for a soda and he went to prepare your orders.
"I didn't know you were seeing Chris."
"I'm not, he just has manners and actually enjoys being in my presence, Luke."
Luke coughed, trying to break up the awkward tension between you two. His mind went back to your first date, where he had taken you ice skating. He remembered how hard you laughed when you fell, needing him to lift you up and hold your hand tightly to stay upright. Even thought you barely knew each other outside of a mutual friend, the conversation flowed easily. You two had never been awkward around each other, even in the early stages of your relationship.
"So," Luke began.
You rolled your eyes and put your hands on your hips, turning square to him. His gaze dipped to your neckline where your chest was accentuated and you almost laughed. While you hadn't dressed for him that night, it was like fate brought him to you just so you could make him weak. Perfect.
Couple years back so sensitive, yeah
Movin' like that gets repetitive, yeah
Singin' bout the same old stupid ass things
Sad girl bit got a little boring
"I haven't heard from you in a while, Y/N."
"Well, you weren't interested in texting me anyways so I thought it would be easiest," you taunted him. “Remember when you told me I was too much to deal with?”
"I wanted to apologize for that," Luke sighed. "I wasn't thinking straight and I took it out on you, I'm sorry."
"Glad it only took you two months to realize you were an asshole and lost the best thing you ever had."
Luke was stunned at your bluntness. You stared right at him when you said it, your confidence unwavering. Fake it until you make it right? Your heart was beating fast. You didn't really drink often, but when you did, Luke knew how unfiltered you could be. He always found it amusing, the way your cheeks would flush and how sassy you became. It never failed to make him feel hot all over.
"God, where is that fucking bartender?" You mumbled, quickly looking past Luke to avoid another awkward sentence spilling out of your mouth. You were already two drinks in and wanted to keep feeling good.
"You're right," Luke said, still staring at you. "I know you wouldn't say that if you were totally sober, but I agree. I fucked up and ruined us.”
You could barely focus as the bartender asked you for your card and you fumbled to get it out of your phone wallet. Luke quickly got his card out and handed it to the man instead.
"Luke, don't. You're not even supposed to be in here mid-season," you chided. "And you don't have to pay for me, we're not together."
“Would you ever want us to be together again?” Luke asked quickly.
Luke’s question made you freeze.
“I’m not doing this here, Luke.”
“Just answer the question, Y/N.”
“I never wanted us to be over, Luke. But you made me feel stupid for wanting all of the things you gave me at the very beginning. I wasn’t going to stick around just to get my heart broken.”
You felt lighter now that the truth was out in the open. You’re sure Luke knew it too, by the guilty look he wore on his face. Everyone told you how good you and Luke were good together, but it was the two of you that still couldn’t figure things out.
“What if we get out of here? We can talk about how terrible I was back at my place,” Luke asked. He looked hopeful, almost too content. Three months ago, you would’ve jumped to do anything Luke suggested, but now, with him taking another girl out and his actions, you swiftly shook your head.
“Can’t, the girls and I are staying out for the night. But I hope you have fun with Riley, enjoy your night, Hughes.”
The shots and his soda were set down in front of you, breaking up the moment.
“I hate when you call me that,” Luke grumbled. You smirked knowingly. You always called Luke by a nickname, never his last name.
“Well, I hate when my ex is at the bar with another girl, but here we are,” you fired back.
"Riley went off with some other guy. Her ex, I think," Luke admitted.
"Sounds like fun," you shrugged. You tried not to get your hopes up at his statement. Luke had hurt you in the past.
"We only went together because Rutger set us up, Y/N. I don't even know her."
"Well you looked pretty smitten with her from across the bar, Luke." You said back, not caring that you blew your nonchalant cover. You tried to pick up the small tray of drinks, but stumbled in your haste to steady yourself.
"She's not my type, I thought you of all people would know that, Y/N. She literally just went to go fuck her ex in the bathroom."
"That doesn't make me feel any better Luke, oh my god," you scoffed, a little disgusted that you knew more information about Riley than you needed to know.
"Y/N, wait," he urged, standing up now to tower over you again. Luke's skin was glowing from the heat in the place and he looked at you breathlessly. "Hear me out, please. I know I fucked up, I know that. But I was scared that you'd leave when I play pro hockey and I didn't want to get left behind."
You took in a breath, unable to say anything. Suddenly, it felt like you and Luke were the only ones in the whole room.
“Give me one more chance, please,” Luke said quietly. “I hate that I hurt you.”
No right way to say it,
Want you, so bad I hate it
Good girls, so overrated
So overrated...
As you held the tray, you quickly glanced over to your table, where your friends were staring at you. You were unsure of what to do. You could keep walking towards your friends, forget Luke, and move on with your life. Or, you could do what the new you would do-make him sweat over the mistakes he made, maybe end up in his bed.
“You sure you won’t get sick of me?” You questioned. For the first time that night, Luke could see how sincere you were, the old you that he had loved and lost. He wouldn’t mess up his chance again.
"I could never get sick of you, Y/N. I hated not being able to call or text you and I missed your hugs and the way you laugh when you watch The Office, because you always have it on and you love how sarcastic it is, and how you-" Luke couldn't finish what he was saying, even though you would've enjoyed hearing it, because you had put the tray back down and stood on your tippy toes to kiss him. Your lips crashed against his and you swore you could feel fireworks going off inside your body.
The drinks on the counter were forgotten as his hand traveled to your back, trying to pull you closer to him. He toppled back on his barstool and you stood between his legs, feeling him press up against you. You let out a breathy laugh as you realized how hard he was in his dress pants.
"Jesus, Luke," you whispered in his ear, dropping your head to his shoulder, only a little embarrassed that you just made out with him and your friends were probably watching.
"Don't laugh," he stuttered out. "It's been a long break." You could see how blown his pupils were, pure bliss all over his face as you stood eye to eye.
"I'm not laughing," you said, but couldn't help giggling. "And yeah, it was a long break without you, but I don’t ever want to fight like that again, Luke. I’m serious.”
"Don't move yet," he begged. Luke's hands found your waist and he held you in place, blocking the hard on he was sporting. You smirked as you ran a hand through his hair, you had never seen him so desperate before.
“I was trying to have a serious moment, Moosey.”
“I know, I just can’t focus, not when you’re in that dress,” Luke mumbled, face buried in your neck. You felt your whole body shiver and you knew you wouldn’t last too long. His breath danced along your neck, making you want more.
"I'm glad you like it," you whispered. "I guess I'll have to wear it more."
"Hope it's easy to take off," Luke trailed off, alluding to your intimate moments that he craved.
"Well, what if we move soon and we call an uber and go somewhere a little quieter than this? Then we can talk." You mused. He looked at you contentedly and nodded quickly.
"And you can drop off the shots as a peace offering to my friends when I grab my coat," you said. Luke looked a little nervous but you assured him your friends wouldn’t make a big deal. You knew you weren't very convincing, but it didn't matter, because Luke was practically jumping up to carry the tray of shots over to the table where your friends were sat. They tried not to stare at the two of you as you walked over, but it was no use. There were grins on all of their faces as you said your goodbyes and grabbed Luke’s hand to pull him out of the bar and into an Uber to start the real fun of the night. And if Luke pressed you up against the outside of bar, made out with you the whole uber ride, and kissed you until you knew nothing but his name, that was a secret you'd never tell.
Don't forget to like, reblog and comment! Let me know what you want to see next!
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fandomrose · 5 months
Furina post 4.2 reverse comfort.
Hi again. A Furina post 4.2 reverse comfort. I've been working on this for a depressingly long time.
There is implied spoilers but not many. This is also friends to probably, eventually lovers. Starting with the friends in this fic.
This is alot more angsty than the Neuvillette one. It does have descriptions of injury and disassociation. I drew on my own experiences with my own disassociation and helping others through theirs.
I really wanted to do one for Furina because I wish to hug the poor woman. She's been through too much.
I hope you enjoy 💙
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You clutched bags filled with cooking ingredients. Ever since learning that your 'former' Lady Furina was living off of macaroni from a certain blonde haired traveller and 'talkative' flying pixie. You decided to pay her a visit, said flying pixie freely telling you where she lived.
Nerves coursed through you. It had been a few weeks since you had seen Furina. Since the prophecy had 'not' come to fruition your services as a private investigator for 'solutions for the prophecy' was no longer needed. And when Furina stepped down from her position as Hydro Archon you stopped seeing her. 
'Diva archon' is what people called her but you knew her better than that. You can't have claimed to be close but, you had seen glimpses of the hidden care and love she had for the nation she governed. True god or not you saw glimpses of all she sacrificed over your few years working under her. You had grown fond of her and the trail she was put through almost broke your heart. 
You steeled your nerves before knocking on Furinas door at just past midday. There was silence before you heard rustling, the unlocking of the door and it opened giving you the first look at Furina in 3 weeks. 
She had slight bags under her eyes, she looked thinner and her smile was not as bright as it used to be.
"Why hello, it's certainly been a while since I've seen you,-" she started off attempting the same theatrical countenance she had before but it quickly faded. "Why have you come here and how did you find out where I live?" 
The thought of her finding it worrying that you knew where she lived didn't cross your mind. "The travellers companion may have let it slip my lady." 
She sighed, "Please don't call me that any more just 'Furina' is fine." Her voice now sounded tired, a slight rasp of exhaustion present.
"Alright my- Furina... um," there was an awkward air between you two, one that you were determined to dismiss. "I was wondering if you would like to spend the afternoon in familiar company... I brought food if you'd like to have dinner."
Furinas eyes narrowed slightly. "Did Paimon also tell you that I was living off of macaroni."
You had somehow forgotten how sharp Furina was. "Yes.. but, but I didn't just bring food, I thought I'd teach you to make more dishes other than macaroni. Still quick, easy and involving pasta but different. Also baking bread. I thought it would go well with what we are making...." You felt yourself ramble, trying to convince Furina to give you a chance.
She looked like she was fighting with herself for a moment. You hold your breath waiting for a response. "Okay.. that sounds nice actually." 
You sigh with relief "Alright lead the way my- um- Furina." You watched as she flushed a slight pink before leading you inside. Her home was modestly furnished but well coordinated and clearly to her aesthetic taste. She led you through the short hallway and into her kitchen. It was up to Fontaine’s modern standard with an oven and hobs, a sink and a new cooling machine that was recently invented by the Fontaine research institute for the storage of Fonta, but had been later discovered to increase the shelf life of many different foods. They were currently very expensive however. You wondered how she was able to afford it with no job. Her shelves were almost bare however, it made you glad you came with ingredients and a few extra essentials. 
"Here you can put the food on the counter." Furinas gestured to the counter close to the oven. "What are we making?" 
You nod and pull the ingredients out. "I thought a cottage pie and some garlic flat bread would be a good start. I also brought the ingredients to make some simple crěpes for dessert." 
"Great ... I don't know how to make any of that, are you sure you want to bother teaching me?" 
"Of course Furina, why would I bring all this if not to teach you." 
"I guess you're right, so what are we starting with?" Her voice was hesitant, you begin to wonder if she was really up to this. What if you were pushing her too hard?
"Ah I thought we'd start by preparing the bread.."
You show her the steps of baking bread. She follows your instructions diligently, her smile broadening and confidence returning with every step she gets right. "This isn't as bad as I thought it'd be. Then again of course I could learn anything I put my mind to."
Seeing her smile again was all you wanted out of today. If you were being truthful with yourself. 
"Now we let the dough rest for about 45 minutes.. in the meantime let's prepare the potatoes for the mash that'll go on top of the shepherd's pie."
You teach her how to peel a potato with a paring knife. Or rather you try to. As she pulled back the knife her hand slipped on the potato and she nicked her palm with the knife, a long thin line of blood appearing on her palm. You were focused on your own potato when you heard her yelp in pain. You immediately drop the knife and potato you were peeling and rush to her side assessing the damage.
"Furina! What happened?" You gently grab her hand looking at the wound. "Where is your first aid kit?" She didn't speak, only pointed to a cupboard on the other side of the room, her eyes glued to her wound, pearls of tears collecting in the outer corners of her eyes and all you want to do is draw her into your arms. 
But first the wound, you gather the first aid kit and sit Furina down at the table in the kitchen and quietly bandage her hand. The cut wasn't deep, which was good, but she barely flinches as you clean the wound, which was a point of concern. You sense she's not up for criticism or questions so you keep things to yourself while you finish bandaging her hand. 
I take a deep breath and try to talk to her again now that the wound is dealt with. "Furina? Are you up for continuing or would you like me to take over?" She didn't respond immediately seemingly not even hearing you, you are about to attempt to get her attention again when-
"No. You- you take over." She sounded exhausted again, and almost defeated. Worry crawls through your stomach all the way up into you throat but you hold back for now. Not quite sure how to deal with this Furina.
"Alright." Is all you can say, softly as not to startle her. As you continue prepping the meal peeling the potatoes, boiling them in milk for extra creaminess and seasoning with salt and pepper. You start up another hob and cook the meat, frying off the fat before adding, flour, worcestershire sauce, a splash of red wine, tomato paste, chopped bell peppers and onions. While the mixture reduces you prepare the dough Furina made earlier, spreading a mixture of garlic butter rosemary and thyme over the dough and place it in the oven. 
You catch Furina glancing at you while you work. You turn off the heat on the meat and take some of it from the pan in a small spoon and carefully carry it over to her. "Would you like to taste test Furina?" She looked up at you in surprise before nodding slowly. You offer the spoon to her and she leans forward and closes her mouth around it without taking it out of your hands. 
A moment of silence, while you might usually feel flustered at this kind of action. But with Furina seemingly still out of it, not registering what she'd done, it was just concerning. You take the spoon away and turn around.
"Is it good?"
A tired "Yea" is the only response you get. It'll do for now. You finish off the cottage pie by arranging it in a dish putting the meat and veg mixture, then the creamy mash before sprinkling a generous helping of parmesan cheese over the top of the mash and putting in the oven for 20 mins. The bread is almost ready to take out and could make a good starter. 
You set a time and sit by Furina, slightly awkwardly, not knowing what to say. You'd been so focused on your tasks you hadn't realised how strange it felt to be around Furina in a casual setting and especially not when something seemed to be bothering her so greatly.
"Furina.. How's your hand?"
"It's fine, doesn't hurt much anymore."
Your concern was beginning to reach a peak. She couldn't look at you for some reason. And her voice was so weak it was barely there but you don't know what to do without crossing an unspoken boundary or making things worse. 
The bread timer goes off. You rise from your seat to take it out, putting it on a rack to let it cool for a few minutes. 
You look over at Furina, her form slumped and defeated looking, her eyebags somehow more prominent than when you started. You didn't understand what could have made her this way. Overall yes, you were there at her trial after all, at the end of it you were just happy she wasn't actually executed. But what happened today? Was it the injury? But why would that cause a near catatonic dissociation? 
You didn't want to push, instead you just cut up the bread and offered her a piece, on a small plate, in the hopes that some form of stimulation would reawaken her. She slowly picks at the bread, putting small pieces in her mouth. 
The second timer goes off. The cottage pie is ready, so you remove from the oven, find two large plates and serve the food.
She looks up at the food and picks up the fork, slowly digging in to the cottage pie. You watch with interest hoping maybe food would perk her up at least a little. And perk up she does. Finally a smile graces her face, small but there.
"This is lovely, thank you. Truly a meal worthy of the great Furina De Fontaine." She made an attempt at her energetic performance but was still tired it seemed. 
You smile at her in what you hope is a pleasant and reassuring manner. "Well my lady I am glad it's worthy of your greatness."
She laughed that same haughty laugh you'd grown to enjoy hearing even if it was a little strained with exhaustion.
"Would my lady enjoy some crêpes to cleanse her palette of savoury tastes?"
"Yes, a batch of crêpes sounds wonderful my humble chef." 
You stand and bow hoping this play was helping her recover from whatever state she was in. Turning to make a small batch of crěpes you don't notice the way she slumps in her seat.
You dust the crêpes in powdered sugar, lemon juice and fill them with cream and chopped fruit. A plate of two crěpes is placed in front of Furina with a smile. Your smile fades seeing her downtrodden look again. 
"La- Furina? Is everything okay?"
"It should be... but it's not" was her response. You watch as tears slip down her cheeks. She tries to quickly wipe them away. "Ahhahaha.. how silly, I don't know why.. an overflow of hydro yes it must be."
You walk round the table and stand by her. "Furina, you can tell me what's wrong. You- you don't have to hide anymore." 
It seems that small push was all it takes for her to allow herself to break. She turns and practically falls into your arms and sobs. "It was going so well. But then I messed up again. I really am useless" She cried into your arms, her sentences broken up by bouts of heartbreaking sobs.
Saying anything felt like a bad idea for now so you remove her hat and simply stroke her head while she cries into your chest. You don't know how long it takes but you patiently wait for her tears to dry and her sobbing to subside. Grabbing a soft handkerchief you lift her face and dab at her cheeks. You watch her eyes widen as if she realised she was actually crying into a living person rather than a plushie. 
"I- I-" 
"Furina, it's okay.. you aren't useless and you are still learning right. You have no idea how many cuts and burns on my arms and hands I have scars for just from cooking. Hahaha. It happens my lady. But if I may be so bold, it's not about the accident is it?"
You pause before speaking again, not wanting her to have any excuses you make sure to beat her to the punch.
"Have you mourned yet? Your status as an archon? Your position in Fontaines elite? Your friendship with Monsieur Neuvillette? Anything else I am not privy to."
It wasn't the most elegant way to put it. Some might call it cruel but she needed to confront this in order to move on.
You begin to regret your decision when you see Furina hang her head and cry again, much more subdued this time. You open your mouth to apologise but-
"You're right... I've been ignoring it all instead of dealing with it. I thought I could just move on, and 'improve myself' and everything would be okay."
She spoke so harshly of her own thoughts. You shake your head and sigh.
"Don't be mean to yourself Furina. Your only mistake was isolating yourself, but if I may be so bold, again, I'm here. And I want to help you, I've always liked spending time with you so I'd be more than happy to be your friend."
She began to sob again. "You want to be my friend? You'll stay by my side even when I'm like this.." 
"Yes Furina, that is what I want. As long as you want it to." You open your arms letting her hug you again. She was crying, but at least her tears were happy this time.
This was probably the start of something wonderful.
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thefallennightmare · 5 months
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gif created by me. feel free to use, simply give credit*
Pairings: Noah Sebastian x Fallen Angel!OC
Warnings: swearing, angst, fluff, smut, mythological talk, violence.
Summary: "Blinded by a fear of feeling, these are the kings we chose. Lost and looking for the meaning, I've been searching high and low" It came crashing down on him. This is the story of the highest banished angel from where she came only to find home in the arms of a mortal man. This mortal realizing he'd face Lucifer himself to keep her.
Lethia: Archangelus Oneironaut also known as Archangel of Dream Walking. Across worlds and dimensions, she walks within. Uncovering dangerous secrets, leaving her cast out, isolated- that is until she begins to learn what it means to feel.
Authors Notes: I hope you all enjoy what I have planned for this story because it's going to be amazing!
Tags[OPEN]: @thescarlettvvitch @blackveilomens @crimson-calligraphyx @cookiesupplier @lyschko666 @shilohrosechicken @thebadchic @iknownothingpeople @sammyjoeee @malice-ov-mercy @kaelyn-lobrutto24
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I stood before the old, cracked, mirror, completely bare, and a scowl stared back at me as I took in my new appearance. I felt off; wrong, and despised the darkness that encompassed the room. I held my hand out in front of me to look at the long black nails; sharp as knives. My gaze then took in the sight of the wings that protruded from my shoulder blades and a sob left my lips when I realized that I didn’t look like myself. The ink that covered my arms had no true meaning or designs but one held my gaze longer than the others. 
It was on my ribs and the design was of a snake wrapping around a hand that held an apple. I titled my head in confusion at it, unsure as to why this design was the one that stood out to me so much. 
Up in the kingdom, my hair was down to my back in golden waves, my nails were short nubs, and my skin was pure with no ink. But I wasn’t sure what I was more afraid of, my wings or my eyes. 
My eyes were blood red as I stared at myself in the mirror. It was as if pure evil was in my presence.
The devil. 
My body shook at the thought, not knowing where that word came from, and the noise my wings made echoed throughout the abandoned building I was holed up in. The wings that I felt disgusted by. Angels were known by their wings and everyone knew of my bright golden ones. But now, the darkness that caused my fall had taken over every aspect of my form. 
My wings were black as the night sky but seemed to almost glow in the darkness of the building. What used to be soft and weightless was now heavy and jagged as it felt like a crushing weight against my back. I wrapped them around myself, hiding underneath the dark feathers, and I let out a shuddering breath. I despised the way I looked now and turned my back to the mirror, refusing to look at myself any longer. 
During my time in the Kingdom, I never was present when angels fell but I heard many stories. In all of them, an angel never changed during their fall. They lost their wings but their looks remained the same. Throughout the entire history of angels and the Kingdom, as far as I knew, I was the only angel that drastically changed. 
Was it because I went against the King? Was it because of who I found myself in bed with before my fall?
I didn’t know where I went from here, unsure of the path I needed to follow. Since creation, I followed some sort of leader or order but now my purpose didn’t matter. 
Through all the doubt and confusion, there was one thing I knew I needed to do. I sat with my legs crossed and took a deep breath while letting my eyes flutter shut. I’d been in this place for the last few days, hiding away from the outside world, as I tried to center myself. Even though I was upset with the way my appearance changed from the fall, I was glad that my powers remained; especially the fact that I was able to become aware of my surroundings. I was in a different time period and while at first, I felt different, an outcast among mortals, with hours spent dream walking I was able to learn more about where I fell.
The cool air brushed along my bare skin, my nipples perking, as I let out a long breath, finally feeling weightless when the scene in front of me changed. No longer was I sitting in the abandoned building but instead, I was standing in front of yet another mirror, still naked. I looked in the reflection of the glass seeing a bed behind me with orange lights glowing from behind it. There was a figure sitting at the edge of it with a piece of fabric wrapped around his waist and water dripped from the long strands of his hair. 
The window to the bedroom was open and a crow perched itself on the sill of it, cawing when our gazes locked. I’d seen this crow many times before when I dreamed walked, almost as if it was my familiar. 
With another caw from the bird, the man on the bed snapped his head, brown eyes drinking me in as I shifted on my feet and when his hand extended towards me, I studied the tattoos that seemed to cover every inch of skin. 
I twitched as if hearing my name on his lips awoke something within me. 
“Come here.” 
Instantly, he pulled me into his lap and my hands rested on his shoulders. It wasn’t only his hands that were tattooed, almost every inch of his chest, stomach, and arms were as well. 
He brushed the hair from my face but I kept my gaze cast away from him, not wanting him to see the darkness behind them. 
“Don’t hide from me, Lethia. I want to see those eyes.” 
A finger lifted my chin where briefly our gazes locked and my heart beat widely in my chest. His name weighed heavy on my tongue but I refused to say it. He licked his lips before they pressed delicate kisses along my jawline, down to my neck, and I sucked in a breath when he used his grip on my hips to move me back and forth on his lap. The fabric that covered his bottom half did nothing to hide the outline of his cock as it pressed against my heated core. 
“Say my name,” he rasped in the crook of my neck leaving bites against the skin. 
I did my best to shake my head as a moan fell from my lips. Unlike outside of the dream state, I was able to feel his touch; his fingers gripping my hips, his teeth scraping along the pulse point of my neck, and the head of his cock breaking free from the fabric and sliding against my folds. 
There were many times in the kingdom that I found myself intimate with other angels, my most recent lover the reason for my fall, but something with him was different. The way my heart pounded so hard in my chest, I could hear it in my ears. Or the way my stomach burned with desire and spread through my entire essence. 
“Say it,” he poised the head of his cock at my entrance. 
I shook my head. “No.” 
A grunt sounded from the back of his throat before he switched our positions so he was leaning over me while I lay beneath him. My fingers quickly worked through the long strands of his still-damp hair, marveling at the softness of them. Intense eyes stared down at me, lip caught between his teeth. 
“You’re an angel.” 
“Shit,” I mewled when he finally pressed his cock between my folds, filling me up completely. 
Not giving me a second to breathe, he began slamming into me with such force I scratched my nails down the tattoos of his chest and stomach to try and grab onto something. 
“Say. It.” He punctuated each word with a hard snap of his hips. 
His fingers linked through mine and held our intertwined hands above my head. The fire burning from his eyes was almost too much to take so I dropped my gaze lower to his neck and I sucked in a breath at the tattoo. 
A snake wrapped around a hand that held an apple. 
The pad of his thumb brushed against my swollen clit in fast circles and my toes curled as the orgasm washed over me in a tidal wave, his name finally falling from my lips. 
My eyes snapped open with a choked breath as I nearly stumbled over in my position on the floor. I was back in the abandoned building, alone, and quickly rose to my feet while trying to gain my composure. When I dreamwalked in the past, there never was a set destination, only going where my brain and heart guided me. I wasn't sure why it led me to the man who saved me a few nights ago. 
My skin prickled with desire, the feel of Noah still heavy on my senses, and I squeezed my legs together hoping it would kill the ache in my core. It wasn’t uncommon for angels to lay with other angels; I had before, more recently with Lucifer. Which, some above in the Kingdom would say that’s the reason why I fell. 
But with this mortal, Noah, something felt different inside of me. An unknown heat burned my entire soul at the mere thought of him. Although I couldn’t feel his physical touch, his emotional touch hindered me in the most confusing ways. 
With a deep breath and a roll of my shoulders, my wings sank into my back while I reached for the jeans and shirt I stole from the store around the block. I quickly got dressed and slipped into my black boots. I tried not to let the thoughts of those brown eyes and the tattoo on his neck hinder me from my current mission. 
I needed to find a church. 
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My feet pounded lightly against the pavement as I left my car parked in the street, ready to meet up with the guys for a late lunch. I’d been in the studio most of the day and when Jolly called about getting something to eat, my stomach growled in agreement before I could. 
“You need to get out of the house, Noah. You’ve been locked in the studio the last three days.” 
I didn’t bother arguing with Jolly because it was true. The old, battered, notebook I used to write my lyrics never left my side the last few days, my current page being bookmarked by the long black feather; the one Lethia left behind in her wake. The image, the thought of her taking over every part of me. Even in my dreams, she felt so real. The touch of her, the scent of her, and her sweet sounds especially the dream I had mere hours ago felt so fucking real. Even the crow that watched us from my window. 
I was still perplexed as to why for the last few weeks I kept dreaming of Lethia, long before even meeting her. And why ever since I did meet her, the dreams felt more intense; real. 
Running a hand through my hair, I rounded the block and pushed past the large crowds of people that poured out from the bar, stumbling into the streets; dressed to the nines in costume. With Halloween a couple of weeks away, some of the local bars were having Costume Nights, hence what I was seeing right now. There was a sudden commotion just past the group of people and I stopped at what I saw.
“What the fuck,” I muttered the curse into my hand as I rubbed my jaw. 
Lethia was standing at the corner of the block with her hands wrapped around a man's wrist. 
“What gives you the right to say those vulgar words to me?” the anger in her voice radiated down the block. 
The man, dressed in a white toga and golden leaf crown, tried to rip his arm from Lethia’s grip but hissed out in pain. 
“Those jeans do wonders for your ass, sweetheart. Those tits are begging to be grabbed.” 
A scowl pulled on her lips. “Mortals. You’re disgusting. You all think you’re owed anything you desire.” 
“I’ll give you whatever you desire,” the man traced a finger down her face. 
Jealousy stabbed my chest seeing how close he was to Lethia but before I could step in, she had twisted his arm over her head, causing him to flip over onto his back, slamming into the pavement below. He tried to fight it but Lethia simply stepped on his chest, keeping him locked in place with her boot. 
“What the fuck,” he struggled. 
Lethia pressed the heel of her boot harder into his chest. “I should eviscerate you, right here. In front of your friends who simply can’t stand up for you. How pathetic.” 
One of the guys’ friends snuck up behind Lethia to try and wrap an arm around her neck to pull her away but she must have heard or sensed him because she whipped around, knocking him back with elbow. 
“Fucking bitch!” The second guy cried out, clutching his bloody nose.
Toga guy scrambled to his feet but Lethia was two steps ahead of him and kicked him in the nose, knocking him back down. 
“How is she so strong?” Toga guy spat out blood. 
Hearing the crowd next to me muttering something about calling the police, I cursed and pushed my way through, knowing that if I didn’t do something soon, Lethia would be in a position she couldn’t fight her way out of. 
“What the fuck!” She screamed as I quickly scooped her up, tossing her over my shoulder. “Unhand me! NOW!” 
Her hands smacked against my back but not wanting to risk staying around the mess of bodies at my feet, I quickly ran back down the block toward my car. 
“Can you stop smacking me?” I grunted while shifting her position on my shoulder. 
“LET ME GO!” Lethia tried to knee me in the gut but I wrapped my arm tighter around her legs, keeping her locked in place. 
It took a bit of trouble but I managed to reach for my keys to unlock my car just as I walked up. Yanking the door open, I gently dropped Lethia into the front seat, her feet kicking widely at me. 
“I swear to gods if you don’t stop kicking me, I’m going to leave you here to deal with those assholes on your own,” I said with agitation. 
It was a lie. I had zero intentions of leaving her here with them, even if she could handle herself. 
Lethia halted her thrashing for a moment, tilting her head up towards me as I leaned over the car. 
“Gods? What Gods? There is only one King,” she said. 
Sudden commotion from where we just came from caught my attention and I saw Toga guy and friend frantically looking around. 
“Shit,” I cursed while quickly buckling Letha into her seat. 
“What is this contraption? Why can’t I move?” 
Ignoring her shouts, I shut the door and ran across to the driver's side, easily slipping behind the wheel. Thankfully I was able to drive away without the two guys noticing Lethia was in my front seat.
“What the hell was that about?” I asked, glancing at her briefly. 
She kept pulling on her seatbelt. “Those men said such vulgar things. I couldn’t allow them to get away with it. 
The sound of the blinker echoed in my car as I turned left, our destination unknown. 
“I’m pretty sure you broke both of their noses,” I chuckled. 
“I would have done more if you didn’t pull me away,” Lethia grumbled under her breath, the seatbelt snapping against her chest. 
She didn’t even flinch. 
“You need to let me out of whatever this thing is.” 
I raised a brow. “Have plans?” 
Her red eyes assessed every inch of my car before her gaze fell on the side of my face. 
“None that concern you,” Lethia replied flatly. 
I hummed while pulling the car to a stop at a red light. My fingers drummed against the steering wheel as silence filled the tiny space between us. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as Lethia stared straight out through the windshield of the car. 
“Do all mortal men have staring problems?” Her lips were pulled in a tight line. 
I bit the inside of my cheek to keep my smirk away. “I’ve never seen eyes your color before.” 
When the light turned green, I began driving again, hoping Lethia would give me an inclination on where she wanted to go. 
“There’s quite a lot you don’t know about me, Noah,” she clicked her tongue on her teeth. 
My cock twitched in my jeans at the way my name sounded on her lips and I shifted in the seat, my knuckles turning white from how hard I was grasping the steering wheel. 
I cleared my throat. “I’m glad to see your injuries healed up nicely.” 
“I said they would, didn’t I?” Lethia smugly smiled. 
Ignoring her witty remark, I pulled into a parking lot. She gazed up out of the window at the large yellow M sign. 
“No,” I shook my head with furrowed brows. “Mcdonalds. I thought you might be hungry.” 
She fell back into her seat. “I don’t eat.” 
I continued to stare at her, confusion etched in my bones. This was only our second meeting and every time she either said or did something that made me question where she came from. 
“I know you said you weren’t hungry but what if-.” 
Lethia suddenly sat forward. “Is that a church” 
With narrowed eyes, I followed her finger as she pointed to a building across the street. 
“Uh-yeah?” I answered with hesitation. 
“Thank you,” she gave a curt nod then all but scrambled out of my car. 
“Wait,” I followed her movements by walking in front of the car. 
But it was too late, Lethia was already halfway down the block. 
“Where are you going?” I called after her. 
“I need to talk to the King!” She waved a hand over her shoulder and then slipped into the sudden darkness that encased the church. 
I never pegged her to be the religious type, needing to talk to her king this late in the evening but then again, I didn’t know much about her to begin with. 
My feet went to follow but the buzzing from my pocket halted me and when I peered at the screen, I knew I couldn’t ignore this. With a long sigh, I got back into my car, Lethia still heavy on my mind. 
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I sat in the long, beaten, pew, and stared up at the altar where a lone statue of Jesus stood. His arms spread wide as if it was accepting everyone’s sin with a stone face; literally. A low scowl pulled on my lips as I glared at the statue. 
“I don’t understand why your creation was more important than ours. The King always favored you more than us.” 
An ear-ringing silence filled the large space of the church as I continued to sit there, waiting for any kind of sign from above. 
“I’ve followed you since my creation. I was your number one for as long as I can remember. However, you cast me out because I loved someone other than you? We were all your children but didn’t think twice about turning your back on me.” 
I sat forward with a start, hands gripping the pew in front of me and my long black nails dug into the wood. 
“Why did you cast me in a different time? Is this punishment?” 
The only noise in the church was the sound of the old building creaking with the blowing wind from outside. 
“Fuck, give me some sort of answer!” I bellowed, my voice echoing. 
More silence and that’s what finally made me rise to my feet with a start and I spat on the floor. 
“Why did I think I’d get any answers from you? I’ll figure this out on my own.” 
Turning my back to the altar, my footsteps bounced off the marble walls as I pushed open the doors of the church, bounding down the steps with newfound adrenaline. It was foolish of me to think I’d get the answers I deserved in a building that was built for two things; worship and greed. 
My fire eyes stared straight ahead as I pushed my way through the bodies of mortals whose problems paled in comparison to mine. My mind was filled with so many different things, that I hadn’t realized I walked straight into a body, never feeling his touch, until my voice was called; quite loudly. 
My gaze snapped up towards those familiar brown eyes, filled with warmth and concern. 
I was wrapped in one of his arms, although I couldn’t feel it, I knew his fingers were grazing over my lower back; I felt it in my heart. 
“Are you alright? You look pretty upset,” Noah asked. 
His scent tickled my nose and it brought back memories of when I walked in his dream earlier. I was able to feel everything in his dream; his touch, his lips on my skin, his cock as it buried deep inside of me, and my orgasm as it ripped through me. 
But here, in the flesh, I couldn’t feel any part of him on my skin. My lip quivered because out of all the confusion on where my life went moving forward, what dug the knife deeper into my chest was the fact I couldn’t feel him. 
He’s a mortal! Why does my heart yearn for him in ways I don’t understand?
“Are you following me? It seems like everywhere I turn, you’re there!” I snapped, ripping myself from his embrace. 
Something flashed in his eyes. “I promise you, I’m not.” 
The tattoo on his neck caught my attention as it peaked through the hood of his black sweater and I felt my hands twitch at my sides. My long nails practically begged me to dig into the bright-colored ink because it mirrored the one on my ribs. There had to be some kind of connection between us, hence why I thought of Noah when I fell and how easily it was to walk into his dream earlier. Not to mention our matching tattoos. 
His long hair was pulled back, only a few strands falling into the soft features of his face, and it was then that I noticed the large bag on his shoulder. 
“What’s that?” I motioned towards it.
“My guitar,” Noah shifted it on his back. 
“Yeah,” he nodded with a faint smile. “You know, for music.” 
“You play- music?” I spoke slowly. 
“Yeah, I have a band. Bad Omens.” 
The proud smile on his face made something flutter in the pits of my stomach and I shifted on my feet at the uncomfortable and unknown feeling. 
“Do you know Luce, then? He used to play music all the time for me.” I wondered. 
If the King couldn’t give me the answers I sought, I knew Lucifer would if I found him. 
Noah’s brows furrowed. “The name doesn't sound familiar, sorry.” 
Cursing, I ran a hand through my hair, it still shocked me that my hands smacked my shoulder instead of continuing to run through long longs. The short length would take time to get used to.
“Why don’t you let me take you home? It’s getting kind of late.” He suggested. 
I waved him off. “I was kicked out of my home.” 
Noah’s jaw dropped slightly. “So, where are you staying then?” 
Movement over his shoulder caught my eyes and I sucked in a breath; familiar emerald eyes staring back at me. They were calling me in, pulling my soul back to his. Black strands of his hair were combed back, further showcasing those bright eyes. His olive-colored skin I spent many nights in the Kingdom kissing sparkled under the moonlight. 
“Lethia, come home.” His deep rich voice spoke to me. 
“Lucifer,” I breathed. 
Noah’s face twitched. “What?” 
Ignoring him, I pushed past him and through the sea of people, trying to reach Lucifer until his form vanished with the blowing wind.
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zablife · 1 year
Tachipen (Part 6)
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Part 5
Tommy x female reader
Summary: John reacts to the news of his betrothal and Y/n finally learns of his true feelings. Seeds of a rivalry are planted between the two brothers. In 1924, the jealous actions of their past come back to haunt them as the vendetta begins.
Author’s Note: Tommy meets y/n in 1919 and the story goes thru present time which is the year of the vendetta, 1925. I'm borrowing some events from canon S3 & S4 with a few changes and condensed storyline.
Warnings: language, violence, arranged marriage, mention of arson, kidnapping
"You've done what?" John asked, blue eyes narrowing in the dim light of the parlor. Tommy only nodded in confirmation and John looked away in disbelief. "Christ, Tommy!" he exclaimed.
"It's the only way forward, John. You can end this war," Tommy stated, eyes darting to John's clenched fists. The anger beneath the surface was threatening to spill over as it always did when he was being told what to do. His younger brother abhorred his sense of authority.
"A war you fucking started when you brought Y/n here!" John shouted, the toothpick in his mouth wobbling precariously. Then he stopped short, staring ahead as he remembered your offer to talk to your aunt. "Is this why she took you to see Zilpha?" he asked, voice now eerily calm.
Tommy swallowed thickly, recognizing a look of hurt wash over his brother's face. It might have been a shift of smoke from the fireplace, but he swore he saw John's eyes turn glossy as he awaited an answer. "Tommy?" John insisted.
Tommy let out a frustrated sigh in response. "You didn’t ask for Y/n to come live with you. What's the difference if it’s another girl now?” he reasoned. 
John clenched his jaw as he turned his gaze toward his brother. "You have no idea what I want because you never ask. Did you ever think I might care for Y/n?"
"So much you were fucking Lizzie last week?" Tommy retorted.
John lunged toward Tommy and Tommy grabbed him by the shirt front, slamming him against the wall. 
On the other side, you jumped at the sound of the commotion, one hand coming to rest over your heart. The voices of the two warring brothers carried through the thin walls loud enough for you to hear in the kitchen and you stopped to listen despite your better judgment.
"What the fuck are you doing, eh? Do you love Y/n?" Tommy asked, searching his brother’s face for the truth as John pushed against him.
John gulped, fight leaving his body under Tommy's firm grasp. "I've loved her since she arrived, but Pol said to let her alone," he confessed, hanging his head when Tommy’s hand fell away from his throat. 
Tommy stepped back, tugging his shirt sleeves back into place as John staggered along the wall to stay upright. Pinching the bridge of his nose, Tommy sighed with exhaustion, knowing there could be no other outcome once a pact had been made.
He opened his eyes to find John leaning over the sofa, plucking one of your discarded hair ribbons from the cushion and clutching it in his hands so tightly his knuckles began turning white. He stared at Tommy with the desperation of a man who still held out hope, despite already knowing the verdict.
“Doesn’t matter now, it’s done. The Lees will hold us to it or there will be bloodshed,” Tommy warned as he approached his brother cautiously.
"It's what the Lees want or you, Tommy?" John asked, as he caught his brother gazing at your black, velvet ribbon.
"It's what Y/n wants. She made the deal with Zilpha, not me," he confessed in a low voice.
"She did?" John asked with a loud sniff, hand brushing his nose harshly as he tried to keep emotion at bay.
Tommy confirmed with a nod. 
John pitched forward, allowing his head to hang low and breathed deeply, the thought of your rejection stinging far worse than Tommy's betrayal ever could. After a few moments, he stood to his full height and addressing his older brother in the same flat tone he used during the war, he repeated back the orders given to him like a good soldier. "I'll marry Esme Lee."
"Good," Tommy agreed.
You held your breath as you listened to John leave the house, the door crashing against the frame forcefully as he went. A single tear slid down your cheek as you whispered, "I'm sorry, John. I love you too."
On the morning of John’s wedding, you helped the children dress and you took special care with Katie, braiding her hair and intertwining wildflowers you’d picked together as an added adornment.
“All finished,” you proclaimed, attempting an encouraging smile as you turned her to face you. There hadn’t been many words exchanged, a tinge of sadness around the edges of the day where happiness ought to have been.
As you held her small shoulders, you felt an almost imperceptible shake, then you noticed her lashes dampen with tears threatening to overspill her deep blue eyes.
“Why do you have to go?”  she questioned, a few tears escaping as she furrowed her brow in a mixture of confusion and anger as if she might force you to stay by her will power alone.
“It’s time,” you answered simply, reaching up to dry her damp cheeks gently with your fingertips.
“Because you and dad have been fighting?” she asked, looking up at you with sorrowful eyes.
"Oh, Katie...," you exclaimed, inhaling sharply, knowing she had probably overheard more than she should have in recent days as you and John sniped at one another under the stress of making new arrangements and the dreadful ache of emotion left unspoken.
“Your father is remarrying so I have to go live with Aunt Polly and help your Uncle Tommy in the betting shop,” you began, but you knew she was a clever girl who would need a bit more than that.  “But you’re right, we haven't been getting on as well as we should. Things will be better with your new mum. You'll be happy, you'll see,” you promised her, reaching out to give her hand a reassuring squeeze. As an afterthought you added quietly, “I hope your dad will too.”
She threw her arms around you, hugging you tightly as though she’d never let go and you patted her back comfortingly. “I’ll be mad at him if you want me to,” she offered between sniffles, voice muffled by the thick material of your dress.
You laughed silently at her act of solidarity before answering, “I’m not mad anymore, just a bit sad like you, but I’ll be alright. Come on, we have to go or we’ll miss the ceremony.”
The deafening crack of fireworks exploding overhead woke Henry who had been peacefully sleeping in your arms since the dancing began. Blinking in confusion and rubbing his eyes with chubby fists, the toddler immediately burst into sobs. You tried to quiet him with gentle rocking and his favorite lullaby, but nothing seemed to help.
No one paid much attention as the party was well under way and most everyone was too drunk to care about a crying babe. You scanned the crowd for Polly, hoping she would be ready to leave, but you couldn’t find her as you dodged whirling skirts and men shooting celebratory gunfire up to the sky.
Pressing your hands to Henry's ears, you sought peace and quiet away from everyone just as a soft voice called out to you. “Would you like me to take him?” You turned to find John’s new bride with her arms outstretched toward you and you nodded hesitantly. Feeling as though you couldn’t deny her, you passed the child to his new stepmother and much to your astonishment, he stopped crying long enough to capture her veil between his fingers, rubbing it against his cheek as she giggled. 
“Looks like John, don’t he?” she remarked, stroking Henry’s blonde curls. You nodded again, unsure what you should say to her. Did she know who you were? It seemed foolish to explain now if she didn’t. 
Before you could say anything more, Tommy strode toward you from the dark shadows between vardos, eyes fixed on you determinedly as though he’d been searching you out for some time. “Y/n, may I have a word?” he asked.
Seeing Henry babbling away happily to Esme, you crossed to join Tommy by a large bonfire.
“Enjoying the festivities?” he asked, fishing his cigarettes from his pocket.
“I was thinking of leaving actually,” you said, pulling your arms into your body as you realized how chilly the night air had become.
Noticing your shivering form, Tommy removed his jacket and placed it around your shoulders. As he came close, you breathed in the scent of tobacco and whisky, so like John, but with a tinge of something earthier as though he’d just come from the pasture. It was oddly comforting and you focused on the scent to calm yourself, feeling a rush of emotion return to you as you watched John approach his new bride and place his arm around her with Henry squealing in delight between them.
“I know why you proposed that particular strategy with your aunt,” Tommy said, interrupting your thoughts. He looked down at his cigarette before daring to find your eyes in the glow of the firelight.
You swallowed harshly thinking about where your fit of temper had landed you, watching the man you loved speak his vows to someone else. “Maybe it wasn’t the right thing,” you mused, your whispered regret carried away on the wind to Tommy’s ears like the closely guarded secret it was. 
He shook his head softly, “No, this was meant to be.”
Your turned to look at Tommy with trembling lower lip, but no words would come out. 
He stepped closer to you, rubbing his large palms up and down your arms soothingly. “Hey, look at me,” he instructed and your heart skipped a beat as you found the courage to look into the hypnotizing blue of his eyes, like a tide drawing you inward. “You did what was best for the family. I know you were angry at the time, but what you did took courage and sacrifice. I won’t forget that.”
“And John? Will he forgive me?” you asked, blinking back tears.
“He’s gained a good wife in Esme. I’ve no doubt he’ll thank you for it in time,” Tommy said, reassuringly. It seemed as though he wanted to add something, but stopped himself and you stood together for a moment in awkward silence before he dropped his hands to his sides and shoved them back into his pockets.
You dried your eyes and shifted the coat around your shoulders as Tommy led you to his car, offering a ride home. He said he didn’t want his newest employee wandering the streets of Birmingham alone in the early morning hours, but you had to wonder. His protection over you seemed like more than a formality. 
1924, The Grace Shelby Institute
"You alright?" you asked as Tommy guided you toward the room where tea and cake were being served after his speech.
"I fucking hate speeches," he muttered as you passed a group of ladies associated with his charity. "Grace was better at this sort of thing," he mused.
You nodded in understanding as he fidgeted with his tie nervously. You pressed a hand to his shoulder, stopping him before he entered the room. "Let me," you offered, shifting Charlie to your opposite hip and reaching up to straighten the silk knot to your satisfaction.
Tommy grasped your hand in his, searching your eyes for a moment before admitting, "I'm sorry about the other night. It won't happen again."
Feeling a heat rise in your cheeks, you bit your lip unsure of how to respond. His advances hadn't been unwelcome, but you wondered if it was merely the grief causing him to act.
"Don't be sorry," you said with a small shake of your head. Just then the door swung open and your eyes locked onto Linda, standing in the corner and surveying everyone with a judgmental stare. "It's just...what would your family say?" you asked, hesitantly.
Grasping your chin and turning you to look at him, Tommy stressed, "We haven't done anything wrong, eh?"
You nodded, wishing you could agree with his sentiment, but you knew no one would ever believe that. "Maybe it's too soon though," you suggested with soft eyes, hoping he would trust you in this.
Tommy studied you for a moment, unsure if you were in need of more reassurance or distance. There had always been a fine line in your relationship, your agreement with one another shifting over the years until he could no longer think of the right word to describe exactly what you were to him.
Rushing toward you with a giant smile on her face, Ada triumphantly proclaimed, "Tommy, there's a woman who wants to discuss a two hundred pound donation with you."
"Go ahead, I'll entertain Charlie," you assured him.
However, the task grew more difficult as the afternoon wore on. The child was growing more restless by the minute as ladies gathered to coo at him and pinch his cheeks adoringly, taking turns to express their condolences or offer praise for Tommy's parenting.
When it was clear that Charlie needed a nap, you excused yourself and weaved through the dense crowd in search of Finn who was supposed to drive you home. Struggling to hold an ill-tempered Charlie, you suffered his kicks and jabs as he refused to be contained within your embrace. Finally, he pushed against you with the strength of ten children, suddenly sliding down your body and hurrying off on chubby little legs before you could grasp him. He toddled away precariously in between people’s legs as you rushed after him, calling his name.
“Charlie, come back!” you cried, but he only squealed excitedly at your game of chase and ran faster. With no other family members in sight, you hurried after him on your own, wishing you'd chosen more sensible shoes.
As you rounded the corner toward the empty offices, you heard his tiny shoes squeaking against the polished floor and heard his giggles as a door opened suddenly. Perhaps he was finding a place to hide to try and continue this little game, you thought, but that particular activity would have to wait. You were determined to get him home.
“Please, Charlie!” you called a bit more softly, hoping he would peek his head out and come running back to you upon hearing your distress.
“Sound so sweet when you beg,” a low voice rumbled behind you. The imposing figure removed his fedora and you gasped when you recognized one of Angel’s men, Enzo, looking down at you in amusement.
Your heel wobbled under you as you tried to back away from him and you stumbled in your hurried attempted to regain balance. “What do you want? Did Angel send you?“ you gulped, trying and failing to conceal your fear.
Your reply only infuriated the man. He captured your arms in a painfully tight grip, pulling you into his large frame, before leaning down to hiss in your ear, “Angel’s dead, you fucking puttana. You ought to know, you started all of this.”
You felt your mouth go dry and your hands began to shake as you thought back to the night John set Angel's restaurant ablaze. There had been no peace with the Italians since, only an escalation of violence. In the wake of Grace's death you should have known the Shelbys would retaliate and now, according to the tradition of the vendetta, they would pay dearly in return. It was in this moment that you remembered Charlie and prayed he was hiding himself well as Enzo slowly dragged you toward the exit.
To your horror the empty hallway soon filled with the sounds of a screaming child and the sight of a second man holding Charlie’s wriggling body in his arms.
You thrashed wildly against Enzo to reach the boy as you pleaded, “Take me and let him go. Please, he’s just a child. Don’t hurt him!”
Unwilling to hear any more, Enzo silenced you by placing his large hand over your mouth and nose. You continued to struggle until you could no longer breathe, the room spinning around you and black spots dancing across your vision before you gave into the darkness.
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dolliehina · 2 months
Hello! Since you're taking requests, how about gender-bend Epel? Do they look girlie or are they now dude-adjacent? Does this impact her relationships at all?
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I've thought about this for a while, and I never really settled on anything until I saw what @quartztwst thought Fem! Epel would be like, and I completely agree. So, just make sure to check out their post on it!!
♡- Fem! Epel is an interesting girl.. uh. She's the kind of girl who's like, "I'm not like other girls," but she's not a pick me??? She just is the kind of girl who says "I don't wear makeup" or "Ew that's such a girl color," and kind of be the type of girl who acts tough and not "girly", not to set herself apart from other girls, but because she doesn't wanna seem weak or like a "damsel in distress" yknow? Except the way she goes about it is more toxic.
♡- I always thought Fem Epel would be the kind of girl who would cut her hair short, like pixie length to seem more tomboyish? She doesn't really mean to put other girls down, nor is she trying to. She just wants to be seen as a tough girl, so she sort of abandoned her femininity?? Like stopped wearing dresses or skirts because she wanted to be taken seriously. (But she doesn't do it for male validation, and she doesn't put down other girls for what they do in front of men. She really only acts like this - ONCE AGAIN, to be taken seriously, even though she's going about it all the wrong way.)
♡- But after book 5 when Fem! Vil fixes her (Period) she starts to embrace her feminine side more? She realizes that there is strength to being feminine and dolling up. So she starts wearing dresses, makeup, and all of that stuff again, but she still doesn't drop her tough girl act. She still acts all tough, probably swears, and just wants equality tbh.
♡- If you're dating Fem! Epel after book 5, I don't think it would make much of a difference because she would date her lover because they didn't underestimate her or see her as weak. And even after book 5, if you're supportive of her starting to embrace her femininity and feminine side? She might as well just marry you.
♡- Fem Epel! Would be a bit insecure at first because she didn't know if you were dating her at first for her more dainty side that Vil made her do? Or if you genuinely liked her. But she will let the accent slip (Yeehaw 🤠) around you, and if you like it, she would start showing it more, but would try to make sure you could still understand her, lol.
♡- I personally don't think Fem! Epel would really care about gender? If you're a girl, she might be confused, but she'd try it out (and she loved it). If you're a boy? Cool, though she's a bit shy around you because she had never talked to boys her age, and she tries to act more feminine around you, just because she doesn't know what to do around boys?? And that's what Vil told her to do?? If you're anything else? Slay, she's willing to try new things. After living with Fem Vil, she has an open mind to it.
♡- But the whole feminine thing aside, she's a very sweet girl, and she means well. She'll bake you apple pies, tarts, maybe carve you a heart apple? She's not good with romance, though, so you might have to teach her a few things. She likes motorcycle dates or stargazing. She just wants to spend quality time with you tbh.
♡- If you date her, you date her family. She tells them all about you, and you better treat her right, or all of Harveston will know. Her Meemaw is already planning your wedding. Just know Harveston is a small town, so they do kind of rush things, so just be prepared for that. She will tell them to stop, though, for her sake and yours.
♡- Overall? 8/10 quality tomboy gf. As long as you don't try and tell her how to act or what to do, not to mention get her town to like you? You're Gucci. She's sweet and considerate but is prone to physical fights with other girls. So just.. yeah, make sure she doesn't get in trouble.
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thiscrying · 10 months
She looks like fun.
single chapter: kenny.
━━ 🥢 A/N : I am writing this at 04:46 in the morning as a way to thank the repercussion in my other posts, I never really expected that I would receive so many likes, since I am new here, love you all of you and thank you for all the support.
━━ 🍷 WARNINGS : NSFW, bad cliché story
━━ 💋 SYNOPSIS : "dance as if somebody is watching, 'cause they are."
You were at a big party, you didn't really know anyone and you were only there because you needed to get together since you're new in the city, people seemed to have a really good energy and the atmosphere of that place was really nice so you decided to buy a drink to let go more. As you walk to the bar in your high heels, you notice some guys staring at you, this felt fucking amazing. "Hi! Can I get a mojito, please?" You said, standing at the bar and turning to see people dancing behind you, it seems that everyone is pretty excited to be here. You notice a blonde-haired boy in a orange parka staring at you, he looked confident and he got even hotter when he smiled at you. You get your drink and walk confidently with your black short dress to the dance floor, as you start dancing, you notice looks fixed on you, also listen to some compliments and superficially hear a interesting conversation that caught your attention. "Fuck, I've never seen this girl here before" A dark-haired boy said, looking at you with his eyes widened. "I've never seen anyone dance like this, look how she moves her hips, dude" "Yeah man, she must be wild in bed, and look at those tits, bro" You keep dancing while listening people talking about you, you felt like the main character for the first time in you whole life. Then suddenly, a group of girls approaches you. "Hey girl, you look totally amazing" A blonde girl with a red dress said, you were too drunk to remember this conversation the next day so you just listened to her. "Yeah we were talking about that, we've never seen you here, are you new here?" This girl asked, playing with her, are they friends? You ask yourself, trying to get your mind off your thoughts and answer her. "I actually am! I came from another country" You said, taking a sip from your mojito, it tastes different but still good. "That kind of explains why you dance so well, have you been interested in someone already?" The brunette said curious with a cute smile on her face, you couldn't hear much because of the loud music, but you still understood some words. "Well, there are a lot of hot people around here, especially the girls" You answered laughing a bit because of the alcohol, you didn't had any kind of expectations about him, it still worth a try. "But there's this specific guy, i haven't taken my eyes off from him since I got here" You point to him and he waved for you, smiling again. "Oh, Kenny? The blonde one? He's a man whore, i could totally make it for you" When you hear her words, you started smiling automatically, Bebe looked at Wendy smirking. "And if you really want to know, he has also been keeping an eye on you since you stepped here, most people have been, but he in particular? He didn't take his eyes off you for a minute" Really? he seemed so out of my league! "Would you really do this to me? Thank you so much! I'll go grab another drink" You walked away from the girls, left your mojito glass on the bar table and asked for another one. The blonde boy you were interested in approaches you, the lights were reflecting at his hair and face. "Hey cutie, do i know you?"
"Well, not at all! I'm new here" You could barely hear his words, but you still answered "You're kind of my type, you know? Can I get you a drink? It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Kenny, and you are?" Kenny said, kissing your hand. He had such an intense look that I could spend hours looking without getting tired. "I'm Y.N and it's my pleasure." Looking deeply in your eyes, he just approached your face, staying a few inches away from your lips. "Should we go to somewhere else to know each other better?" God! He was so attractive, i could kiss him right now. "I have a better idea..." You push him and drag him to the dance floor, dancing wildly on him as he presses your waist, you take a quick look at Bebe and she gives you a wink, you knew exactly what you had to do. "You look so fucking hot" He approaches your lips and press it a kiss while the loud music plays, thus pinning you to the nearest wall and intensifying your kiss, he was definitely one of your best kisses, his hands roamed all over your body, squeezing your thighs and making you want more and more. Separating yourself only by shortness of breath, after a while kissing, you notice a boner in his pants. "Will you fix this?" You didn't answer him and you just holded his hand and took him to the bathroom, locking the door and making him sit on the toilet lid.
"Get on your knees, princess." You without stalling too much, did what he asked, he smiles eagerly, lowering his head to kiss you once more before reaching into his underwear and pulling out his hardened member. "Will you take it all?" You nodded with your head and his breath hitches sharply when you begin licking him. "Oh god..." He breathes heavily, running his fingers through your hair as you continue pleasuring him. He wasn't caring about people hearing him, he lets out an audible moan as you wrap your mouth around his shaft, sucking gently while stroking it slowly. You stand up and starts undressing yourself, taking off your dress and climbing on his lap. As you start moving, bouncing up and down on his erection, he moans loudly. "Fuck Y.N!" He grips your waist tightly, unable to control his movements as you ride him. "This feels amazing." He groans deeply, gripping your hips tighter as he thrusts upwards meeting each bounce of yours. He wraps his arms around your waist, holding you tightly as he continues pounding away inside you. His breathing becomes heavier as sweat drips roll from his forehead. He smirks devilishly, pushing you off his lap and flipping you over onto your stomach. He pins your wrists above your head, pinning them in place with one hand while he slides himself back inside you with the other. "You like that, don't you? Being taken by me like this?" He leans down and begins to nibble on your neck, moaning deeply as he slides himself in and out, hard and fast, causing you to let out moans of pleasure each time he hits your g-spot. "That's it, let it out. Scream for me." He teases, to rubbing your clit slowly. He looks at you with an evil grin, knowing exactly what he has planned next. "I see... Someone is getting crazy with this big fat ass" He was looking into your eyes and squeezing your butt "Oh I am definitely getting crazy with your big fat ass" He growled seductively before capturing your lips in a deep, passionate kiss, his hands roaming over your body, exploring every nook and cranny he could find. "Oh, I can feel that, Y.N. I can feel the heat radiating off of you. You're so turned on right now" He moved back slightly so he could look deep into your eyes. "Tell me how much you want me inside of you." He demanded playfully, pressing himself harder against you, he let go of one leg and grabbed both sides of your hips firmly, pulling you towards him forcefully. "Beg for it, sweetheart. Beg for what you need now." he commanded sternly, staring deeply into your eyes as he pushed himself inside of you. "Please Kenny, fuck me!" He smiles smugly, reaching around behind you and grabbing hold of your ass firmly. "Good girl." He begins rubbing himself against you slowly, enjoying every second of your reaction. So, he puts everything inside you at once, picking up the pace and slapping your ass. "F-Fuck Ken! I'm getting close!" He grabs your tits and plays with your nipples, making you moan louder and cum all over his dick. The feeling of your walls tightening around him makes him cum too. "Now, put on your clothes before they think we died here" he says, laughing and putting his clothes back too. "Hello, you pervs! We heard everything!" You come across Bebe and Wendy waiting for you at the bathroom door, you got into serious trouble.
This is definitely shit, i hate this so much, I wrote in the form of thanks for the repercussion in my last posts, I love you! 💘
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wildgirllz · 1 year
Come sit with me?
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Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Word count: short and sweet
Warnings: none, just fluff :]
Summary: Dean Winchester and Y/N who have secret crushes on each other, finally confess their feelings for each other, while sitting on the hood of the impala.
As the sun began to set on the dusty roads of Kansas, Dean Winchester leaned against the hood of the Impala, a beer in his hand as he watched the sky turn orange and pink. It was a peaceful moment, and he savored it, knowing that the life of a hunter rarely afforded such luxuries.
But as he looked up, he caught sight of someone in the distance - a figure making its way towards him. As they got closer, he could see that it was Y/N, one of the few people he trusted in this world.
"Hey there, Y/N," he greeted her with a smile, feeling his heart skip a beat at the sight of her. "What brings you out here?"
"Just needed some fresh air," she replied, giving him a smile that sent his pulse racing. "Mind if I join you?"
"Of course not," he said, gesturing to the hood of the car. "Plenty of room up here."
As she climbed up next to him, Dean couldn't help but notice how good she looked. Her hair was a little messy from the wind, and her eyes sparkled in the fading light. For a moment, he forgot how to speak.
"So," Y/N said, breaking the silence. "How's Sam doing?"
Dean frowned a little at the mention of his brother. He'd always been a little insecure about Y/N's relationship with Sam, even though he knew it was just platonic. They'd been friends since childhood, and had a bond that was hard to break.
"He's good," Dean said, taking a swig of his beer. "Busy with the research, as usual. But you know him - he loves that stuff."
Y/N nodded, taking a sip of her own drink. They fell into a comfortable silence, both lost in their own thoughts. Dean couldn't help but steal glances at her, admiring the way her lips curved into a smile when she saw something she liked.
He'd always had a bit of a crush on her, but had never acted on it. He didn't want to ruin their friendship, and besides - he'd always assumed she was more interested in Sam. They spent so much time together, it was hard not to assume there was something there.
But as he looked at her now, he couldn't help but wonder if he'd been wrong all along.
"So," he said, clearing his throat. "What about you? Any new cases on the horizon?"
Y/N shook her head. "Not really. Things have been pretty quiet lately. Which is a good thing, I guess."
"Yeah," Dean agreed, taking another sip of beer. "It's nice to have a break once in a while."
They lapsed into silence again, but this time it felt different. There was a tension between them, a spark that had been missing before. Dean couldn't explain it, but he knew it was there.
He turned to look at Y/N, and found her staring back at him. There was something in her eyes that made his heart race, a longing that he'd never seen before.
"Dean," she said, her voice soft. "I need to tell you something."
"Okay," he said, putting down his beer. "What is it?"
Y/N took a deep breath, and then spoke the words that Dean had been waiting to hear for years.
"I've always had a crush on you, Dean," she said, her cheeks turning pink. "I just never knew how to tell you."
Dean felt his heart skip a beat, his mind racing as he tried to process what he was hearing. Y/N had a crush on him? All this time?
"I...I had no idea," he said, feeling a smile spread across
Y/N nodded, a small smile on her lips. "I know. I tried to hide it, but I guess I wasn't very good at it."
Dean shook his head, reaching out to take her hand in his. "No, you were. I just never saw it. I always thought you were into Sam."
Y/N laughed softly, shaking her head. "No, Dean. It's always been you. From the first moment I met you, I knew there was something special about you."
Dean felt his heart swell at her words, his thumb stroking her hand gently. "Y/N, I don't know what to say."
"Say you feel the same way," she said, her eyes meeting his. "Say that you've had a crush on me too."
Dean didn't hesitate. "I have, Y/N. For a long time. I just didn't want to ruin our friendship. But now...now I don't think I can keep pretending."
Y/N's smile grew wider, and she leaned in closer to him. "Then don't," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "Don't pretend anymore. Just be with me, Dean. Be with me."
Dean felt his heart race at her words, his mind reeling with the suddenness of it all. But at the same time, he knew it was what he wanted. More than anything in the world.
"Okay," he said, his voice husky with emotion. "Okay, Y/N. Let's do it."
And with that, they leaned in towards each other, their lips meeting in a soft, tender kiss. Dean felt a surge of electricity run through him at the contact, his arms wrapping around her as he deepened the kiss.
For a moment, they were lost in each other, lost in the rush of emotion that was flowing between them. It was like they'd been waiting for this moment their entire lives, and now that it was here, they didn't want to let it go.
When they finally pulled apart, they were both breathless, their eyes locked together. "I can't believe this is happening," Dean said, his voice thick with emotion.
Y/N smiled, leaning in to kiss him again. "Believe it," she whispered against his lips. "Because it's real."
And it was. Over the next few weeks, Dean and Y/N explored their newfound relationship, taking things slow and enjoying each other's company. They went on hunts together, snuck away for secret dates, and spent hours talking about anything and everything.
It was like they were living in a dream world, one where everything was perfect and nothing could go wrong. And for a while, it was.
But as with all things in the hunting life, their happiness was short-lived. One day, a case came up that required them to split up, with Y/N going to investigate one lead while Dean went to another.
It was supposed to be a routine investigation, but when Y/N didn't check in for several hours, Dean knew something was wrong. He tried to call her, but her phone was dead. He tried to track her, but her trail went cold.
By the time he found her, she was tied up and surrounded by a group of vampires. Dean fought them off with everything he had, but in the end, it was Y/N who saved him, using a hidden knife to take down the last vampire just as it was about to kill him.
As they lay on the ground, breathing heavily and covered in dust and blood, Dean knew that he couldn't bear the thought of losing her. Not now, not ever.
"Y/N," he said, his voice rough with emotion. "I love you. I don't know how to say it any other way. I love you so damn much."
Y/N smiled weakly, reaching out to take his hand in hers. "I love you too, Dean," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "More than anything."
For a moment, they just lay there, holding hands and looking at each other. Then, slowly, Dean leaned in and kissed her, pouring all of his love and passion into the kiss.
It was like they were the only two people in the world, lost in each other and oblivious to everything else around them. And for a moment, everything was perfect again.
But as they broke apart, reality set in once more. They had a job to do, and they couldn't stay there forever. With a heavy heart, Dean helped Y/N to her feet, his arm around her as they made their way back to the Impala.
As they drove back to the bunker, they were both silent, lost in their own thoughts. Dean couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if Y/N hadn't been able to save him. He couldn't bear the thought of losing her, not after everything they'd been through.
When they finally arrived back at the bunker, they were both exhausted and covered in dirt and blood. But as they stumbled into the kitchen, they were greeted with the sight of Sam, waiting for them with a hot meal and a relieved smile.
For a moment, Dean forgot everything else, enveloping his brother in a tight hug. "Thanks, Sammy," he said, his voice choked with emotion.
Sam hugged him back, his own voice just as rough. "I'm just glad you're both okay," he said, his eyes flickering over to Y/N. "Are you okay?"
Y/N nodded, smiling weakly. "Yeah, thanks to Dean," she said, her eyes never leaving his.
Sam smiled, nodding. "Good. We'll clean up and then get some rest. We can deal with the rest of the cleanup tomorrow."
As they ate, Dean couldn't help but feel like something had changed between him and Y/N. They had been through so much together, and he knew that he loved her more than anything in the world.
But he also knew that the hunting life was dangerous, and that they couldn't always be together. It was a hard truth to accept, but one that he knew he had to face.
The next few days passed in a blur of hunts and research, with Dean and Y/N working side by side as they always did. But now, there was something different between them, a newfound sense of closeness and understanding.
They didn't talk about it much, but they didn't need to. They both knew how they felt, and that was enough.
And so they continued on, hunting and fighting and living their lives. But no matter what they faced, they always had each other, and that was all that mattered.
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layla4567 · 7 months
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TVA!Loki x Fem!reader
Summary: ⚠️Takes place in the events of ep 5 of Loki⚠️ (with a twist). After the loom explodes and the TVA workers return to their original timelines, Loki must reunite the band back. Warnings: No proofread, fluffy Loki x reader interaction
Word count: 5k A/N: Despite being a Loki x reader, I was tempted to make Loki and Mobius flirt in the scene where they are chatting in Don/Mobius' house xd
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New Jersey 2002
You stopped in the middle of the city near a square to photograph the buildings. The golden light of the sun reflected on the glass windows and acted as a mirror where the blue sky and some passing clouds were reflected. The golden hour, always the perfect and ideal time for photographers like you. You crouched down to get a wider shot of the tall building, you shot your camera a few times from different positions until you were satisfied with your work, you stood up and admired the photos with a smile. The square was full of people walking their dogs or children playing with balls or hide and seek, smiling you decided to go closer to see if you could photograph some people in motion.
When the blinding white light began to dissipate, Loki slowly opened his eyes, fearing that he would hurt his eyesight. With his body tense and breathing somewhat nervously, the Asgardian god remained frozen in place trying to process what had happened. With his eyes he looked around the place without moving his head, and he realized that something was missing, too much silence. Slowly his body started moving again and he scanned the entire place, he was alone. His friends had disappeared, including Sylvie, except for him for some strange reason. Scared and confused, he began to walk through the facilities and corridors of the TVA, nothing and no one. Loki went to the pie's room, the war room, even O.B's office but he found nothing, it seemed that the place had been abandoned decades ago. Now more desperate to be alone, he ran through the corridors again until a strong pain followed by a familiar jolt made him stop abruptly, his body was mercilessly torn from space-time to be returned a second later to the interrogation room.
"THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING AGAIN!!"-he growled like a beast
Loki continued timeslipping relentlessly and faster than before to places he didn't know and to others that were familiar or had been before. An eighties McDonalds, outside the window of a jetski shop, etc. Until I return to the TVA again. With a strong and violent shake followed by a hairflip Loki groaned in pain.
"I need to find the others, right now.."-he gasped tired
California 1994
A man with glasses and a small build dressed in a mustard-colored jacket walked through the aisles of the bookstore carrying a heavy hardcover book in his hands. When he arrived with the receptionist, he gave her the book to pay for it.
"The Zartan contingent.. I don't think I've ever seen this one before"
"It's really good! he's one of the greats. I read everything he does!"
"Hmm, I'll have to check it out"-said the woman not very convinced
"I'd hurry. There's only a few left on the shelf"
The woman ran the barcode reader through the book but it didn't seem to work, the receptionist frowned while the little man looked around nervously.
"How weird, It's not reading the barcode"
"I can give you cash, I don't need a receipt ot anything"-he hastened to say, taking his wallet out of his pocket.
"Yeah but I have to ring it up or..."
She interrupted him by opening the book to see the flap where the author's photo was visible, then frowning, she looked at the man again.
"Are you buying your own book?"
A plump woman with short hair approached with a tired expression towards where the two of them were.
Then he grabbed five more books with the same name and handed them to Doug.
"I told you to stop putting your sci-fi books on our shelves"-she sighed
"Sciene fiction is a well-respected and thought-provoking genre.."
"Nobody buys it here"
The amateur writer regretfully grabbed his books and walked slowly to the exit of the bookstore, and when some books slipped from his hands, no one had the decency to help him. Doug headed to his "super secret lair" as he liked to call it, it consisted of an abandoned factory on the outskirts of the city, it had been empty for years and no one had ever come to try to clean it or give it a new use. Still feeling discouraged, the man with glasses closed the iron door with bolts and went to the center of the large room to type something into his computer. When he turned around to leave his books piled on the floor, he could barely walk a few steps when a tall figure dressed in a brown jacket and pants appeared out of nowhere in front of him, making him scream and fall backwards as he dropped the books from his hands. It was Loki
Loki searched the place and then looked at it confused but there was no time to waste, he wasn't sure when he would start timesplipping again.
"What I'm about to tell you is going to be hard to believe"
Loki tried to speak calmly and with slow movements so as not to scare the person he knew as O.B, but the man lying on the ground seemed more surprised, fascinated than scared. Doug stood up slowly and cautiously, blinking and swallowing nervously but still looking at Loki.
"So it's true…"
"Of course I believe you, It's a dream come true..!"-he started to smile
"I think I wouldn't be understanding you"
Doug (or O.B) grabbed a Rubik's cube and sat on a table surrounded by his books stacked like towers of Babel.
"One of my character has come to life and needs my help!"
Loki approached a whiteboard full of notes, they looked like ideas for books. There were names and possible endings and plot twists. Suddenly he grabbed a book and read the title.
"The sons of Yoren? are you a writer?"
"Yes! of science fiction!"
"I'm doomed..."
Loki grabbed his head walking around the factory trying to come up with a plan B since apparently that man couldn't help him.
"Well actually it's just a hobby, my job is to teach theoretical physics at Caltech"
"Wait, so you're a scientist as well?"
"Yes, at least until I can be a full-time writer."
"Yeah yeah, of course. Could you help me now?"
"Yeah, What exactly do you have to do?"
Loki explained to him without giving many details that he had to return to the moment before the explosion, where everything had gone to hell. I clearly spoke to him about the loom but without revealing its use.
"Ok so you time-traveled in a place that has no time right?"
"But that's impossible"
"I know but.."
"You're travelling to a place that doesn't exist anymore, It's equally impossible and therefore It's something you might be able to do"
"That's not sound like science"
"But it's sound like fiction"
Loki looked at him as if he had been told a bad joke, to which Doug sighed and told him to sit on a bench next to him.
"You neeed to control your timeslipping"
"But I can't just decide where I'm going to appear, it's random"
"Even so, you ending up exactly in the places where the people you are looking for are, you are evolving, now you are not only moving through time but also through space. You are like an improved version of those tempads"
"You say it like it's a good thing.."
The man with glasses thought for a moment, pursing his lips.
"Listen, for science there is always a what and a how, but in fiction it's about a why, now, why do you want to go back?"
"Why do I want to go back? I'll tell you, if I don't go back to before everything collapsed, there will be nothing left. I need to save the TVA."
"Good, focus on that why and try to control your timeslipping"
"You mean, right now?"
"Yeah, why not?"
Loki, a little hesitantly, stood up in front of Doug and took a deep breath, opening his arms and looking at the horizon, trying to concentrate.
"Remember, you want to save the TVA."
Loki closed his eyes and exhaled through his mouth, then pushed his chest forward slightly but nothing happened. He tried several times, raised his arms, jumped in place, spun as if he were dancing and moved his arms in circles as if it were a windmill but nothing worked. He stopped breathing hard and combing his hair back.
"This is not working.."
"But it has to"
Doug or O.B got up from the seat and went to get a cup and several pens, he handed the cup to Loki and held all the pens in his hand.
"We get the band back together"-then he placed all the pens inside the cup
"This doesn't look very scientific"
"You said every one of your friends has a temporal aura, right?"
"Well, that's means a group of people would have a collective aura unique to that moment in time. If we can get everyone together in one place, you can read that aura and it will be like coordinates"
"So if I collect all the temporal auras, can I return to that moment?"-Loki said hopefully.
"No!"-He responded smiling.
"W-why not??"
"Because we don't have one of those tempads you told me about"
"But you can build one right?"
"How? It would take me decades to learn all that knowledge."
Suddenly Loki remembered something and took out of his jacket the TVA manual that he had saved before timeslipping, he handed it to O.B.
"What's this?"
"It is a guidebook with everything you need to know, you wrote it"
"So I finally wrote a bestseller!"
"Well, yeah sort of. How about we get to work and-"
At that moment Loki started timeslipping again and disappeared from O.B's sight, throwing the cup with the pens on the floor.
Oklahoma 1982
Sylvie left the McDonalds with a paper bag in one hand and the keys to her truck in the other, it was a beautiful starry night. She left the bag of food to the side near the back of the vehicle. Suddenly a sound made her turn around and when she did she saw Loki standing in front of her.
"This is gonna sound strange, I know you don't know who I am"
“Loki, what are you talking about?”-she said confused
"Wait, do you still remember me?”
"Yes, why wouldn't I?"-She said as if it were something obvious and looking at Loki as if he were a poor stupid guy who doesn't understand anything.
"Well because no one else remembers me, their lives were reset."
"I know, I was there."
Loki was even more confused and slowly approached her trying to check if he had heard correctly.
"I'm sorry but this was not how I imagined it would happen"
"What did you expect then?"
She couldn't say anything else because Loki returned to timeslipping in front of her, she saw how his body stretched and deformed for a few seconds until it returned to normal.
"Ok why don't we sit down and chat for a while, it seems like you need it"
Sylvie grabbed her bag of food and sat in the back of the truck and then pointed to her side for Loki to do the same. He sighed and sat next to her, clasping his hands in an attitude of defeat.
"I need you to help me bring them back..."-he started slowly
"There's no chance I'm doing that"-She laughed nasally
"And why not?"
"Because they are where they belong, living their lives. It's what they should have done from the beginning"
"But that wasn't what they wanted, Mobius liked being in the TVA, he said he didn't want to live any other life other than that."
"Oh yeah? And guess who put them in the TVA in the first place, that's right, He who remains. Mobius said that because he didn't know anything else other than the TVA."-She said grabbing a mcnugget and putting it in her mouth.
"I think you are not understanding the seriousness of the matter, if they do not return to the TVA everything will collapse"
She rolled her eyes irritably, looking away indifferently, Loki frowned.
"Don't you care?"-Sylvie shrugged her shoulders- "Of course not, you're so selfish"
"And? If I want something it's being selfish, so yes I am, what's wrong with wanting to live, huh?"
Loki was reaching the limit of his patience and turned his body a little to face her more.
"What life are you talking about? I'm telling you that even if they don't want to, they have to come back if not everything would disappear, I saw it Sylvie! I saw how the TVA began to fall apart, don't you understand? The TVA is a necessary evil"
She huffed boredly as if someone was giving her a spiel about good manners. Loki poked his cheek with his tongue, shaking his head and looking at the McDonald's, annoyed by her defeatist attitude. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he saw how the large yellow "M" of the building's logo began to transform into thin spaghetti that disappeared into the air. Alarmed, Loki hit Sylvie's shoulder and pointed towards the sign. She turned her head and dropped the bag of food, the "M" had completely disappeared and now the roof of the building was beginning to disappear as well.
"We have to get out of here"-She said worriedly and jumped out of the truck.
"Oh now you believe me?"-Loki said ironically.
Sylvie ignored his comment and took out her tempad, with a quick touch she opened a time door.
"Come on"
She was about to go through the door when Loki quickly grabbed her arm, causing her to walk away angrily.
"We must find the others first"
"Fine, but quickly. This place disappears very fast"
The McDonald's had almost completely disappeared while the trees and bushes were dissolving into threads that rose towards the sky. They both crossed the door without thinking twice, leaving behind the empty and black place.
Ohio 2022
"Ok guys we have a new rule and that is any toy found outside your room is gonna clasified as garbage!"
The gray-haired man dressed in a white shirt and a blue vest began to gather toys that were lying in the yard of his house. Suddenly he stepped on a toy soldier that seemed to have melted in part of his body.
"Is he burnt?"-He grabbed it and sighed- "Yup he's burnt, how did he get burnt?"
Then he saw his son sitting on his back holding something in his hands, he seemed to hide it so that his father wouldn't see it.
"Kevin who gave you the matches?"
"I stole' em"-He simply said with a mischievous smile.
"You have to return them right now"
Kevin smiled even more and ran away ready to do more mischief while his father called him uselessly, his other son, Sean, approached from behind curious to know where the voices were coming from.
"Ugh Sean please, go get him, hurry! If you do I will give you a puppy"
"And a snake?"
"That's negotiable, come on, go"
Meanwhile near Mobius/Don's house a time door opened and Sylvie and Loki passed through it. Only they know the several attempts it took them to find Mobius. Loki saw him from afar and for a moment hesitated whether to go talk to him or not, she looked at him out of the corner of her eye.
"You better hurry before it's too late"
Loki looked at her with a worried expression.
"But you have to come with me"
"What? Why me?"
"Because I need your help to enchant him, he needs to see his memories"
"If you say so.."
Loki and Sylvie headed determinedly towards where his friend's variant was.
Loki looked at Sylvie to introduce herself as well, nudging her.
"Hi"-she sighed
"Hello, do I know you?"
"No, well yes but not yet… but you will! I mean.."
Sylvie rolled her eyes irritated by Loki's attitude, he looked like a teenager.
"You have to go back to the TVA, I can't believe I said that."-She said that last thing quietly.
"Don't you mean ATV's? Because we have plenty and I could sell you one."
"No actually the TVA is an important thing because, well uhm.."
Loki gave Sylvie a quick glance with his eyebrows slightly raised giving her the green light for her to use her magic on him. She wasted no time and approaching Mobius placed her hand on his arm. Sylvie's hand flashed with an emerald glow while Mobius's temples glowed the same color. He closed his eyes in a grimace of pain. When she moved her hand away Don's look was different, he opened his eyes in surprise and looked around lost.
"Mobius..?"-Loki said cautiously as he slowly approached
"Loki, where am I?"
Loki sighed in relief, holding back tears of happiness while Sylvie smiled with her hands on her hips, proud of her work.
"Mobius listen to me, what is the last thing you remember?"
"I remember we were all together at the TVA and then the loom exploded and…and…I don't know, I don't remember anymore."-He blinked in confusion.
"Perfect, I promise I'll explain everything to you later, but first we have to find the others."
Loki was about to take his friend by the arm when a time door opened and O.B came out with a large, more rustic and rudimentary tempad. Loki looked at Sylvie asking with his eyes if she had opened the time door but she shook her head.
"How did you build the tempad so quickly?"-Loki asked
"Well I don't know if 19 months is fast, I had to move when I lost my job and my wife left me"
"Do you want me to enchant him too?"-she said, completely ignoring what O.B. just said.
"We don't have time, Mobius, why don't you go change first? I'm sure you'll find clothes just like mine at your house."
Mobius, who now remembered everything, went into action and a few minutes later he returned with a uniform almost exactly like Loki's. Without wasting time everyone including O.B programmed the new coordinates to visit the other person, and Loki knew it would be hard. In a flash everyone passed through the time door
New Jersey 2002
The four of them arrived at a street with little traffic, there were no people or cars watching which was a good thing because anyone who had seen them leaving through an orange holographic door would have fainted. Loki looked everywhere trying to find you.
"Are you sure these are the correct coordinates?"-He asked O.B
"That's what the tempad says, and I'm sure I configured it correctly"
"Let's go then"-Loki clapped his hands and sighed.
With the god of mischief at the head leading the group, they all walked through streets. People looked at them confused, thinking they were actors in costumes, or crazy. Soon they arrived at a square with people
"Ok, what do you think if we split up? Loki and I will go one way and Sylvie and O.B will go the other."
They all agreed and each one went one way. Mobius and Loki walked through a large part of the park with their hands in their pockets. Mobius seemed calmer but Loki was restless, what would he say to you when he saw you? Could he resist the pain of knowing that you don't remember him?. Suddenly Mobius pulled him out of his thoughts by pointing to a woman sitting on a bench with a camera, it was you. Loki felt his breathing increase and they both headed towards where you were.
You sat on a bench in the square with your camera ready to shoot once again, cautiously you photographed some children running around with fun or loving couples hugging and rubbing their noses like Eskimos. You sighed excitedly, you always wanted to find your better half and live happily ever after like in fairy tales, but that wouldn't happen, in this bustling city no one would want a serious relationship and you were also always busy with your photography work, which It wasn't a bad thing but sometimes it took you away from other things. You brought your camera back to your face to continue photographing your surroundings when with the lens you saw a tall, handsome man walking towards where you were, he was accompanied by a man shorter than him with gray hair. They were both dressed in brown jackets and pants which made you think that perhaps they worked in the same company, or were they lawyers perhaps?
The two men approached you and you slowly lowered the camera. Loki studied you up and down when he was close to you, but the gray-haired man looked into your eyes, smiling. Loki noticed that you looked very different from your TVA uniform, you were now wearing flared jeans with a pink three-quarter sleeve blouse and your hair was styled in two sewn braids. Loki's gaze pierced yours and made you feel uncomfortable, slowly you got up from the seat and clearing your throat you asked
"Hi, can I help you with something?"
You only looked at the mustachioed man because you couldn't stand the penetrating but beautiful gaze of the black-haired man, his ocean-colored eyes had a look between sad and anxious and seemed shiny. Even so, you looked at him quickly out of the corner of your eye from time to time.
"Yes, we need to talk to you, can we walk for a while?"-Mobius said since Loki did not decide to speak.
You said yes with a shrug and stood in the middle while the two men followed behind you. You noticed that the tall man continued to look at you with pity and continued to make you uncomfortable, but damn, his face was so beautiful that he looked like a scared and lost puppy, to hide it you hung the camera around your neck.
"Well? What do you want to talk about?"
This time Mobius gently nudged Loki to make him say something.
"Well I know what I'm about to say will sound strange but you don't belong here."
Mobius looked at him angrily, that was definitely not the way to start a conversation.
"Really? Because I'm pretty sure I was born here in New Jersey."-You laughed sarcastically.
"No, I don't mean that, what I mean is… I…-"
Loki wanted to continue talking but the moment you looked at him with your beautiful eyes he felt lost and fell silent. Mobius rolled his eyes and helped him.
"What my silly friend means is that you were actually somewhere else but you don't remember it. A place called the TVA."
Loki frowned, grimacing, and turned to look at him, opening his arms.
"Ok maybe that sounded better in my head"
Far from getting angry, you looked at them both for a few seconds and then burst out laughing.
"Alright that's the craziest thing I've ever heard in my life, you two look like the men in black."
"What? men in black?"-Loki asked confused
"Oh I love that movie!"-Mobius smiled
You were about to add something else when a short man with glasses accompanied by a blonde woman appeared behind the men you were talking to. The little man seemed nice and was holding a strange thing in his hands while the woman looked like she hadn't smiled in decades. She had a certain charm although that horrible old-fashioned hairstyle did not flatter her at all.
"I finally find you!"-Sylvie said, approaching with long steps.
"Will you excuse us for a second?"-Mobius said to you
The two men approached the woman although she only spoke to the tall guy in whispers, they seemed to have known each other for a long time and you didn't know why that bothered you, as if a thorn had stuck in your heart.
"So? Do you want me to check her memories or not?"-she whispered
"I don't think she'll let you get close, let me try to convince her without having to use your powers."
"I hope you know what you're doing."
Loki and Mobius returned to where you were waiting, sighing boredly.
"Ok where were we?"
"You were telling me that I belong to something called the TVA and blah blah blah" - you said making a circular motion with your hand and before one of them could speak you interrupted them - "Are you sure you don't want my services?"
"Services?"-Loki asked
In response you pointed to the camera hanging around your neck.
"No, we-"
"Actually, yeah! We were looking for a professional photographer."
Loki looked confused at his friend and he winked at him knowingly.
"Well you would have started there, follow me, my house is near"
Before following you, Loki grumbled to Mobius.
"What are you doing? We have to take her to the TVA."
"I know, I know but this way we have an alibi otherwise it will be impossible to convince her, remember how distrustful and stubborn she was, in this timeline it must be the same. In fact, it reminds me of someone."
"Hey!"-Loki said offended, because it was clear that Mobius was talking about him
"You go with her, I'll wait with Sylvie and O.B."
Loki nodded and ran nervously to your side, adjusting his hair and the lapels of his jacket.
"Your friend isn't coming with you?"
"No, in fact he has other things to do first."-he said downplaying
After a long time of walking in silence with Loki giving you quick glances, the two of you arrived at a nice house with a wooden fence painted white, at the entrance there were rose bushes that Loki stopped to see, you turned to look at him and you smiled. When you opened the door you invited him in. Inside was the kitchen, your house seemed small but everything felt so warm, and not only because of the brownish color of the walls or the soft yellowish light of the sun that wafted through the curtains of the windows but everything felt comfortable. and familiar, perhaps it was because everything had your presence intact in it.
"Sorry for not offering you anything to drink, my refrigerator is a little empty."
"Don't worry, I'm fine"-Loki said, looking around the place.
"Follow me, my portfolio is in my bedroom"
Loki followed you slowly, feeling a little uncomfortable knowing your bedroom since he considered it an intimate place. And as soon as he entered your bedroom again he felt that warm feeling like a mother's hug. In front of him there was a window with a balcony and long translucent curtains that reached the floor, your double bed was practically in the middle of the room and a desk with a lamp was in front of the bed. Loki approached the walls, they were full of photographs and paintings, most of them were polaroid photos, some of you but almost all of them were about nature or animals. You walked over to the desk to grab the portfolio and handed it to him.
"Here, this is my job."-you smiled
Loki grabbed the portfolio with smooth, elegant movements as if he were afraid of breaking it. You sat at your desk and took your camera to discreetly take a photo of him. Loki ran his fingers through the pages admiring the photos, you knew how to use lights and shadows to your advantage as well as angles. Your wide repertoire denoted your great talent. Suddenly Loki felt a noise and looked at you, you slowly lowered the camera, biting your lips in embarrassment, he had heard the sound of your camera going off.
"Sorry, you just have a pretty side profile."
Loki smiled sideways and you approached him to show him the photo, the light from the window was shining in front of him and making him look like an angel fallen from heaven. You smiled proud of your work and then looked at him. They both stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds that seemed like hours. After a while, Loki wet his lips and swallowing, he asked you.
"You really don't remember me?"
"Should I?"
You stayed silent, looking at him with a frown, trying to remember his face. His soft features, his gentle blue eyes piercing your soul, the wrinkle on his forehead when he raised his eyebrows in a worried gesture. Something about him told you that you had seen him before, a face like his was not common and would be difficult to forget, even so, you weren't sure if you had seen him in a dream or in reality. Everything was a confusing haze right now in your mind
"I'm not sure but… I feel like I've seen you before…"
Loki raised his eyebrows a little hopefully, he looked down and saw your hands, he slowly brushed your fingers and took your hand gently, intertwining his fingers with yours, you gasped softly.
"How does this feel? Do you remember this?"
The warmth of his hand felt good, the soft caress of his fingers felt good, and familiar.
Loki continued slowly raising his hand from your elbow to your shoulder, he placed it delicately on your cheek and caressed your face with his thumb.
"And this? What can you tell me about this?"
You sighed, closing your eyes and took his wrist to deepen the caresses, within your being something told you that this was not the first time someone touched you like that, with divine elegance and grace. No, it wasn't the first time HE caressed you.
"I think so…"
Loki placed his other hand on your other cheek and brought his face closer, carefully observing your reaction, ready to move away at the slightest sign of discomfort, but that signal never came, your eyes looked at him with calm tenderness, inviting him to make the next move. Finally Loki connected his lips with yours in a sweet kiss. Unconsciously you raised your arms and with your fingers you intertwined and combed Loki's curls like you used to do, like you used to do? since when did you know that? You didn't care because now you felt complete. Loki put his hands on your back, bringing you closer to his body and deepening the kiss. You were both exploring each other's mouths, and God knew you didn't want to break away from the kiss but a word crossed your mind and took up the whole place.
Loki raised his eyebrows, furrowing them in the center, and a wide smile crossed his lips as his eyes watered.
"Now you remember me"
"I still have gaps in my head, but I remember few things, they are more sensations than anything else. I remember feeling your warm touch, I remember moments like this"
Loki laughed shyly, feeling relieved, maybe you didn't remember him completely but you saying his name was better than nothing. Loki bumped his forehead against yours, he was fully aware that he needed to hurry back to the TVA but he wanted so badly to stay here like this with you.
"But, you know, maybe I need another kiss to remember better."
Loki laughed at your mischievous attitude and granted your wish, kissing you passionately. There would be time to tell Sylvie that enchant you and save the loom.
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yelenasdiary · 1 year
i have a request after how cute the last different kind of love on shot was. reader is trying to put dylan into preschool, but it’s very expensive because all preschools (at least in usa) are private. reader is struggling to afford putting him in preschool but he really wants to go and make friends. reader is hesitant to ask natasha as she doesn’t want her charity, but natasha obviously sees reader is struggling and helps pay for dylan to go. bonus points if maybe reader was nervous to go to a parent - teacher conference at said preschool (as a first time parent) and auntie nat goes with us as emotional support. thank u sm!!
Drabble - Pre-School
Pairing: CEO! MobBoss! Natasha Romanoff x Single Mom! Reader (Platonic)
Summary: Putting Dylan into pre-school came with stresses of its own.
Comfort | Mentions of Stress & Finical Issues | 0.7K |  
Notes: Been a while since we visited this AU!! I hope you enjoy this!
Different Kind of Love Masterlist
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"Agh!" you sighed to yourself unaware that Natasha had just entered your office. "What's up?" Natasha smiled softly as she slumped down into the chair across from your desk with a coffee in her hand. "I'm just trying to enrol Dylan into pre-school but all the ones that are close by are private and of course, so damn expensive!" you explained as you ran your fingers through your hair. 
"All of them?" Natasha frowned slightly before taking a sip of her coffee. 
"Well, there is a couple that aren't, but they don't really seem like a perfect fit for him. Also, he wasn't a fan of them because the playground wasn't big enough" you playfully rolled your eyes, "he's so excited to start and make new friends. I took him shopping the other day to pick out his lunchbox and backpack and I'm positive he slept with the backpack still on his back that night" you looked at Natasha. 
Natasha placed her mug on your desk and looked at you as if you could read her mind, "Let me pay for his admission" she offered, once again like money was not an issue for her. Well, it wasn't but still. "Nat, thank you but I can't ask you to do that. I'm just going to have maybe do some over time?" You raised a brow in the hopes your boss would be okay with the idea. 
"You're being silly, Y/n. You already have enough on your plate and Dylan needs his mom at home after a long day, so no. You can't just do some extra overtime" She leant forward towards you, "you're too proud to ask for help. I've seen you stressing over this for a few weeks, and I knew you wouldn't ask me so I'm just going to gift it to you" she adds. 
She was right, you were too proud to ever ask for help. It's always just been you and Dylan, and you've been able to make it work but now that Dylan is at an age where he needs to be around children his own age and not just a couple of hours a day at the park. He needs this and you knew even with the extra overtime, it wouldn't be enough to cover life's expenses.
"Now you're overthinking it" Natasha spoke, breaking you out of your thoughts. 
"Are you sure? I will pay you back every cent!" you replied, causing Natasha to chuckle, "You're not paying me back. It's a gift" she reminded you and just like that, there was no point arguing with her. "Thank you so much" you smiled softly although you couldn't help the feeling of guilt, taking money from your boss to help pay for your child's pre-school. 
"Email me that pre-school you want to send him too and I'll take care of it, okay?" Natasha smiled before taking another sip of her coffee.
In four short days, Dylan would be starting his first day at pre-school. To say he was excited was an understatement. Your big, brave boy couldn't stop talking about all the fun things he was he excited to do, all the new friends he would make and most importantly, bringing home all his artwork for you. Of course, he didn't see how nervous you were to see him grow up and take his big step into a new chapter, but Natasha did.
"He's going to be fine. It's Dylan, the kid could make friends with squirrels if you let him" Natasha handed you a glass of wine as she sat on the sofa beside you. "I just thought I would have a little more time with him, he starts pre-school now and the next thing I know he'll be off to college" you looked to your best friend with sad eyes, "I'm not ready to let him grow up so fast, not yet" you added before taking a light sip of your wine. 
"I'm not a mother but you have to be okay with this, you have done such an amazing job raising him and now it's time to let him explore the world in his own way, he's not leaving you and he knows that you will always be there for him" Natasha assures you of your worries as a mother, every mother's worries. "When's the parent teacher meeting?" she asked.  
"Tomorrow at 9am, I'll be a little late to work" you replied. 
"We. We will be a little late to work, I'm coming. If that's okay of course. Can't let you cry in front of his new friends" Natasha replied with a chuckle before sipping her wine. Playfully you slapped her shoulder and took another sip of your wine, "Thank you, again" you smiled.
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Taglist: @marvelogic | @randomnessbecausewhynot | @blackwidow-3 | @lilsmeaux | @mmmmokdok | @wandanats-goodgirl | @toouncreativeforausername | @agent99galanzo | @marvelwomen-simp | @its-just-geek | @fxckmiup | @loneliestafterparty | @pikachooo3 | @monaekelis | 
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sassykattery · 5 months
No Rest for the Wicked, Pt. 1
Welcome back, everyone! I appreciate your patience in me going on this hiatus. I have begun the process of finishing the finale of this series, and it's time we take the construction cones off the road and go! The rest of Season 3 here we come!
CW: MC is afab, uses she/her pronouns. MC is a demon and poly.
Themes: Romance. Adventure. Engagement.
Characters: MC. Diavolo. Lucifer. Barbatos. OC: Vox.
Minors and ageless blogs DNI
18+ only
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"MC, are you ready?" Lucifer called out to you.
"Coming!" You called back out from your ensuite bathroom in the castle. After one last adjustment of your blazer, you took one more look before heading off to the foyer.
It had been several months since you regained your memory.
"Ah, there you are–" Lucifer said, adjusting his cuffs, and then looking up at you to pause. You were wearing a navy-blue power suit with diamond lined pinstripes, but without an undershirt, your cleavage was on display. Your diamond stilettos clicked across the floors, and you were in your demon form. He was wearing an all-black number, from the tie, shirt, to the entire suit.
"My, oh my, MC," Lucifer purred, opening his arms open to you. You gladly accepted the embrace. "I think I discovered a new kink just now," he murmured into your hair. You chuckled in response and pulled away.
"I take it you like it then. I thought for the interview, I should wear something different," you replied sweetly.
"What's different?" Diavolo asked, rounding the corner and stopping short, not bothering to hide where his gaze landed – on your chest.
"My eyes are up here," you commanded, taking your index and middle finger to guide his eyes back up to your face.
"That is different," Diavolo said, approaching you. He was in a white suit with a burgundy undershirt and black tie. Then he smiled, looking you over in your entirety, "I think I rather like it," he stated.
"We should head to the studio, we'll be starting soon," Lucifer said, checking the time.
"We'll be live in three... two... one... go."
"Hello! And we're live at Studio 666, with an exclusive interview with our soon-to-be Demon Queen, MC, the Avatar of Vainglory!"
You walked out onto the stage, waving at everyone, smiling as you took your seat next to the show host, Vox. Vox was a male pride demon, known for his interviews with the Devildom's elite, including the brothers, royals, and other aristocrats. He was tall as far as demons went, handsome, and quite the smooth talker. His lavender hair accentuated his grey eyes, and he smiled at you broadly. His hair and eye color stood out against his tawny skin. With a jaw so sharp it could cut and a nose broad and tall, he easily passed for godhood in appearance. This interview was televised live to all three realms as your wedding dates drew closer, as did your eventual coronation date with Diavolo.
"Welcome MC! We are so happy to have you join us today," Vox said. "This is your first ever interview, is that correct?"
"Ah, well, one time I was interviewed for the RAD Newspaper, but I've actually never been on television before. I'm rather excited," you replied smoothly.
"How thrilling! So, if you don't mind, we have some questions that has everyone buzzing to know the answers to, and we'd be most appreciative if you answered a few," Vox said warmly.
"Of course, I would love to answer them! Let's start," you replied.
"Excellent. Our first question is, how did you and Lord Diavolo become an item? Was it love at first sight? How did you win his heart?" Vox asked, reading his cue card and then looking up at you.
"Oh, well, I like to think I won him over by being one of the few people to beat him at chess," you answered with a playful smirk, and the audience laughed. "I'm kidding, but no, we actually became good friends first, and we shared a love for chess, so we often play together."
"That is simply adorable!" Vox beamed.
Diavolo and Lucifer watched you from one of the backrooms that were private for exclusive guests.
"Wait, she actually beat you?" Lucifer smirked, taking a sip of Demonus.
"The one time I didn't let her win, but she did anyway, and it went to her head," Diavolo mumbled, watching the screen.
"Moving on. Our next question, it seems you have not only captured the heart of our Demon Lord, but a certain Avatar of Pride. Many of us thought Lucifer was untouchable, but you seemed to have won him over as well, can you tell us about that?"
You smiled sweetly. "Well, I'll tell you, it wasn't easy, however, we have a lot in common, so we have a deep mutual respect and understanding of one another. But I like to think what won him over was my dedication to RAD, the exchange program, and our family," you stated.
"As a pride demon myself, I can completely see why he would be so smitten with you then! Imagine having someone such as yourself at your side, of course you couldn't help but fall in love!" Vox exclaimed, laying thick on the charm.
"Tch..." Lucifer bristled at how chummy the host was being to you. It was Diavolo's turn to smirk then.
"Alright, one more question from our audience and then I have some of my own. How has your life changed since becoming involved with Lord Diavolo and Lucifer Morningstar?"
"Ah, well, it has in many ways," you started to say. "I knew that becoming involved with Diavolo would bring the public eye onto me, though I had a little bit of that being in the exchange program anyway, but I didn't realize that so many people would be interested in my life, as a human or a demon. When it came to Lucifer, I was often met with the glares of the lower demons who were rather fond of him," you said with a mischievous glimmer in your eyes. "Those are the more interesting aspects that I'm sure the fans want to know about. Of course, there are the less interesting things like learning to become a royal, balancing everyone's schedules, things like that."
"Very good, thank you, I think our fans will appreciate your thorough answer. Now, I have a question of my own. You brought up family earlier when speaking about Lucifer Morningstar's brothers, but I want to know, should we expect any little royals of your own in the future?"
"No no no no no no," Lucifer groaned. Diavolo set his drink down and immediately stormed out of the room and found the producer as he stood next to the cameraman at the back of the studio audience filming the interview.
"You cut that this instant or I'll have every single one of you fired," Diavolo murmured in the producer's ear, but you looked out into the audience and smiled, and by the time Lucifer caught up to the prince, you started to speak.
"That is an interesting question. I guess you'll just have to wait and find out like everyone else," you said with a lower tone, but your face never faltered.
Vox immediately caught on to your slight displeasure, and when he looked over to his producer, he saw the very angry glares of Diavolo and Lucifer.
"We'll see indeed! Thank you. Moving on..."
The rest of the interview went swimmingly, talking about the weddings and coronation, it seemed everyone was very excited and ready for the changes coming to the Devildom with your influence, and by the time it was over, several hours had gone by. The director came by and informed you it was one of their highest rated viewings and highest positivity rating. You nodded and sat back in your chair in your room at the studio, getting your hair and makeup touched up for you to go to your photoshoot with Devil Style.
"Hello darling," Diavolo said, appearing in the mirror behind you. The makeup stylist took their leave, and it was just you two.
"My love," you replied with a small smile. He rested his hands on your shoulders.
"You did very well, I'm proud of you," he stated. You looked at him through the mirror.
"I learned from the best," you replied quietly.
"I'm sorry about Vox... I was very displeased with that segment and told the producer-"
"It's fine, Diavolo. I have to learn how to navigate those sorts of things," you interrupted. Diavolo relaxed a little, smiling at your diplomacy.
"Indeed," he replied, leaning down to kiss the top of your head between your horns.
"MC, Lord Diavolo, it's time for the shoot," an assistant came by and informed you both. You nodded and thanked them.
"You alright, princess?" Diavolo asked quietly.
"I'm fine. Just not used to this level of stardom," you replied. He could tell you were telling the truth, but he couldn't help but feel like there was more.
"Alright, MC, you're going to sit in this chair here," the photographer said, leading you to an armchair in the middle of the set, in front of a green screen. It was a high-back chair with a dark burgundy velvet button-tufted back with gold-finished wood, one obviously fit for royalty. They positioned you to sit fully straight up with one leg crossed, arms laid on the arms of the chair.
"And now you two..." the photographer mumbled, positioning Diavolo and Lucifer. Diavolo stood beside you, one arm leaned onto the back of the chair, and Lucifer stood on the other side, arms folded as he leaned against the chair as well.
"Perfect," the photographer said, stepping back. They instructed you all on the different faces and attitudes they wanted. This photo was going to be the cover of next month's magazine, while the next shots were for the printed interview pages with Vox. There were some with you and Diavolo, and then some with just you and Lucifer.
In the final set, it was just you, and one of your stylists came out with a box.
"They want you to wear this for the last set," he said. You nodded and he opened it, revealing a diamond tiara, and your eyes nearly bugged out of your head. You looked up at the assistant and shook your head.
"Surely, you're mistaken," you told him.
"I'm afraid not, princess. The magazine director and I want you to wear it," Diavolo said, walking up to you and your assistant with a broad smile. "It's not your official crown, it's one I had made specifically for this shoot," he informed you. A blush dusted your cheeks as you sat back and allowed your assistant to situate it on your head.
Everyone left you alone, and the photographer then came up to you. "Alright, MC, I want this last set to be all about you, so, tell, how should you pose for this one? I want it to scream your personality or anything special about you."
You thought for a moment, considering their request. After some thought, you whispered to the photographer some of the props you would need, and they instantly smiled, appreciating your vision. Lucifer and Diavolo were ushered out as they changed out the scene, and were only allowed back in when you told them to.
A black lounge chaise was set out, and you had black roses scattered around you, a black side table next to the arm of the chaise, decorated with pomegranates, gold chains, and jewels. As for you, you were stretched out in the chaise, your upper body slightly upright as you leaned against the arm of the chaise, the rest of your body laid out on its side in the rest of the chair. You unbuttoned your blazer, allowing more of your bare torso to show, and in your free hand, you held up a demon skull. Looking at the camera, you gave it a seductive smirk as your vanity shined through your eyes, your body radiating your sin with plumes of midnight blue vapors appeared behind you, still in your demon form of course.
Diavolo and Lucifer were allowed back in after a few of the photos were taken, and they both stopped short at the sight of you.
"I'm so making this into a painting," Diavolo murmured.
Lucifer smirked, but ultimately agreed with the prince's sentiment. Both of them had to go distract themselves as their arousals were getting the better of them.
"MC, you are absolutely stunning. You'll have to come model for us again," the magazine director said to you after the photographer was done.
"You're too kind, but I'd be happy to," you replied hotly.
After the shoot was over, you and your fiancés went out to Ristorante Six to celebrate your successful day. Diavolo arranged for the three of you to have a private room in the back, and you were finally able to relax after a few glasses of Demonus.
"Better?" Lucifer asked, noting your state.
"Indeed. Diavolo, I don't know how you do all that," you replied slowly.
The prince chuckled. "I grew up with it, princess. I'm used to it," he replied, smiling brightly. "But I am very proud of you. You were amazing the entire day."
"I know," you said a little arrogantly with a wink.
"The Avatar of Vainglory, in all her glory," Lucifer muttered. You turned to him.
"Jealous?" you asked.
"Not at all. You two can enjoy that to your heart's content," Lucifer replied smoothly.
"So, with the weddings in a couple months, do you think you've done everything you needed to prepare?" Diavolo asked you.
You finished a fourth glass of Demonus and started a fifth, "Yeah, I think I got everything down. I just hope it all goes okay," you said even slower. Immediately, you finished the glass and poured another. Lucifer and Diavolo shared a glance and focused back on you.
"Are you worried about something?" Lucifer probed.
"Yeah, I'm afraid something gonna go wrong," you replied, then finishing that glass and pouring your seventh. "Jus' like it 'lways does," you slurred.
"Why don't you slow down just a touch, dove," Lucifer said, sliding the bottle of Demonus away from you. You pouted and stared at the table ahead of you, the blue liquid in your drink mesmerizing you.
You buried your face in your hands, elbows on the table. "Jus' seems like ev'ry few months, somethin' comes up 'n I get into trouble," you groaned.
"Darling, you know those things aren't your fault, right?" Diavolo said, putting his hand on your shoulder. You hiccupped and nodded.
"But you can't deny it always causes a lot of trouble for ev'rybody," you said tearfully. Very suddenly, you slumped and leaned over on Lucifer's shoulder, drifting in and out of consciousness.
"Well, that went well," Lucifer deadpanned. Diavolo sighed and waved you and Lucifer off to take care of the bill. You didn't even make it to dinner, to their dismay. Lucifer put his arm underneath yours and helped you out of the booth to take you back to the castle. Diavolo caught up not too long after, picking you up and carrying you bridal style until you three reached the castle doors where Barbatos let you all in.
"Went that well, did it?" Barbatos said, deadpanning as well after looking you over. Diavolo continued to carry you to your suite while Lucifer stopped and looked at the butler.
"It seems someone can't handle their Demonus," he stated, slightly miffed.
Barbatos smirked. "She's young, it's not like she does it every weekend like you and the young master," the butler replied hotly. Lucifer bristled and rolled his eyes.
Meanwhile, upstairs, Diavolo laid you back on your bed, taking off your heels and undressing you. Once you were nude, he grabbed a nightshirt. As he tried to wrestle it onto you, you pawed at his face lightly, giggling quietly.
"Darling, it would be easier if you cooperated," he mumbled.
"Mm, but I want you~" you purred, dragging your hands down his chest, trying to fiddle with the buttons of his suit.
"Not tonight, you need to go to sleep," he replied softly. You then blinked a few times, tears shedding and rolling down your cheeks.
"I just want to make you and Luci proud, Dia," you said softly with a crack in your voice. You finally let him put your nightshirt on and then he scooted in close, cupping your face.
"My sweet, sweet princess, you make me proud every day. You demonstrate a strength that I would have never guessed you had, and I never seem to stop being impressed by you," he cooed. He placed a chaste kiss on your forehead.
"Will you stay? Can Luci stay?" you pleaded very sweetly.
"Anything you want, my love. Let me go get him and I'll go change. I'll be right back." You nodded and settled into bed.
By the time the two demons returned to your suite, you were out cold, snoring loudly in the middle of the bed in a starfish position. They thought it was adorable, and they managed to situate you so everyone could fit as you were sandwiched in-between the two.
Thanks for reading <3
Post made by sassykattery. Do not repost. Reblogs and comments appreciated.
Tags: @l-d-8 @itsmeninerz @flemmingbamse @loquacious-libra @delphi-dreamin @biteable-pink-pixie @themythicaldisaster @bontensbabygirl @dajitm @marvelous-maniac
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doberbutts · 7 months
Ask game: 9 and 17?
A story from my childhood:
Hmm I've told quite a few good ones on here. I think I've never talked about this one on tumblr before.
When I was in 2nd grade, I had a truly evil teacher. She hit us, scratched us with her nails, came up with cruel games and crueler punishments. She mostly targeted myself, a Korean girl, and the boys (the girl and I were the only poc in the class). When I say truly evil I mean it- she would grab us by the back of the neck with her deliberately sharpened nails and squeeze hard enough to leave marks. One day she did that to a boy with short enough hair that his parents noticed- they called the other parents of the class who checked their kids' necks and found similar marks. She'd always told us that our parents knew about what she was doing and told her it was okay, and that we'd be punished worse for telling anyone because then everyone would know we'd been bad. Surprise: our parents did not know.
ANYWAY that's not the story but rest assured she did get fired for this after all the parents raised a huge stink about this woman.
In 3rd grade my school was aware that they now had a bunch of incredibly traumatized 7-9 year olds who needed some extra help because they'd been terroized for several months, and devised a buddy system with the school's nicest teachers. Mine was my actual 3rd grade teacher and she was such a beautiful and lovely soul.
I spent many weekends working on homework sprawled out on her kitchen floor, eating fruits and sweet treats she made herself, chasing her very fat orange cat around, helping in her garden. She- I feel- embodied what an elementary school teacher should be. Genuinely, I don't think a nicer person exists. I have one particular memory of sitting with her on her patio, me covered in dirt due to whatever garden activities I'd been up to, eating cool watermelon and drinking iced water, asking her a million questions about all the different things I'd learned in class and seen in the garden and heard on the news etc. And her ever-present patient smile as she answered my questions in her own gentle way.
The year after, she went on extended leave due to "a health problem". She never came back during my time at that school. Later, in high school, I was at a Christian camp thing and bumped into her there. She looked like she'd aged about 25 years. I called out to her, and she heard me say her name and told me in a very wobbley and halting voice "I know you were one of mine, but I'm sorry, I can't remember your name. It's the cancer, you see."
She died a few months later. She had brain cancer. I cried when my mom handed me her obituary. I was just talking to my mom about her the other day, how I remembered chasing her cat around during that summer.
The moral of the story is, I guess, that you never know the impact you'll have on someone's life. I don't know if Ms Metzler ever thought that I'd be sitting here thinking of her more than a decade after she passed. Or if she knew just how much she helped me recover from the woman before her. Or if she knew that her garden, her patio, her bright orange cat, and the cool tile of her kitchen floor would make such an impression on me that I still remember them vividly even after a brain injury. She didn't remember me at the end. But I'll remember her forever.
3 things that make me happy:
Vanilla or cinnamon scented candles
Lofi playing softly in the background
The warm pressure of a dog laying on me
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buffyfan145 · 25 days
Had some more thoughts about the new LOTR movie "The Hunt for Gollum" and which characters are likely in it besides him. Putting this behind a cut for spoilers, though if you read the books and/or watched the fan film of the same name on YT you'll know a few. That being said I do think they'll expand this with more plots and add more characters both from the movies and the books, also since this is just the first of at least 2 new movies coming. I've also included a fancast here for 2 roles I hope are finally cast for this and weren't in the movies.
First is Aragorn. He's a major part of this and likely will be one of the main characters that carries over into the 2nd of these new films. Highly doubt it'd be a de-aged Viggo so we're likely going to get a younger British actor here. It's hard to fancast since we don't know the age range they'll be looking for, but something tells me it'll be a 30something actor especially with how many of these movies they're planning. Did see a fan suggest that Viggo can play older Aragorn telling this story to his children, so we'd get 2 Aragorns connecting it which I like.
Arwen is next. She wasn't in the story, but we know her and Aragorn's relationship began around the same time. There's been rumors these movies were going to feature younger versions of the characters last year, so this fits too. Plus, they need a female lead and their romance is one of the popular ships. Like above I think they'll cast a younger actress that resembles Liv, but like the fan suggested Liv could also play older Arwen.
If it sticks to the story Gandalf will be in this too as he tasks Aragon with finding Gollum. Now I can see Ian agreeing to having himself de-aged for this but not sure if they need that as I don't think he looks that different. The story is more about Gollum and Aragorn, so he'd be in a few scenes.
Next is Legolas. He's in the story too and would show more about his and Aragorn's friendship. Would be interesting if Orlando would come back too as I think he'd be ok with getting de-aged too but only slightly for him as he just looks a bit older.
Then this could be where we finally get Arwen's twin brothers Elladan and Elrohir!!! 😀 A lot of us always wanted them in the movies and it is strange they were cut out (though some think they are in the background of a few scenes). They're close friends of Aragorn too and easily could assist him in this. This is where my fancast comes in as both Harris Dickinson and George Mackay popped in my head to play them. Both are talented rising British actors, have dark hair and blue eyes, are tall, and I think look like Liv's Arwen, as well as the movies' Elrond, Galadriel, and Celeborn to look related to them. Also, Harris and George get confused for each other a lot (and played the same character as Harris couldn't be in the feature film version of "Femme", which he did the short film, and the recast him with George) and some thought they were brothers. They could just get one of them to play both if they want identical, but some fans think they're fraternal but do still resemble each other so two actors who look alike work too.
Then if Elrond, Galadriel (I'm certain Cate could still play her), Celeborn, or anyone else from the original LOTR movies are in this, or other characters from the books they could also add that weren't like Glorfindel for one.
Finally Sauron. There's a part of this story where Gollum is taken and Sauron himself tortures him to find out where the ring is. Gollum even explains he saw Sauron in full form and that he was missing a finger and spoke to him. So will they get Benedict Cumberbatch back to voice Sauron and/or actually play him in live-action as so far only "Rings of Power" have had an actor playing where you can see his face.
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clumsy-jiminie · 4 months
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ɪɴᴇᴠɪᴛᴀʙʟʏ ʏᴏᴜʀꜱ | ᴘᴊᴍ | ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴏ
❝ ꜰɪʀꜱᴛ ɪᴍᴘʀᴇꜱꜱɪᴏɴꜱ ❞
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↣ summary :: Kiara Smith had dreamed of true love for as long as she could remember. from being obsessed with the Disney princesses who found affection in the strangest situations to dressing up as a bride from kindergarten to fourth grade. it was the only thing she ever truly desired, so much so that a pleasant smile and kind eyes could have her smitten in seconds. right when she thought she found the one, a chance encounter with Park Jimin—the city’s famously perfect fuck boy with a smile so warm and a heart of ice—has her feeling quite the opposite. he knocks her off her axis and derails her life as she knows it, yet the universe seems to have another plan for the two.
↣ rating :: 18+
↣ genre :: fluff, angst, smut, e2l, slow burn
↣ pairing :: business owner!jimin x fem!artist!oc ft. taehyung
↣ word count :: 4.1k
↣ chapter warnings :: mature language, public intoxication
↣ notes :: tame chapter with just a glimpse into their friendships. next chapter is when the fun really begins. also, this story takes place in 2022, since that's when I started to write it originally and it just makes the most sense to me
↣ next :: previous :: series m.list ↢
ᴄʀᴏꜱꜱ ᴘᴏꜱᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴡᴀᴛᴛᴘᴀᴅ
if you have any questions, comments, or concerns PLEASE don't hesitate to message me or send me an ask! my inbox is always open. 💖
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"it seems that they're happier than me. seems like they're where I wanna be. I've got a heart of a hopeless romantic."
-hopeless romantic, sam fischer-
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"Taehyung!" Jimin called out as he saw the dark-haired man stepping out of his car. He began to walk towards him as the man offered him a wave before meeting him halfway. The two hugged upon arrival, patting each other on the back as they greeted each other. Taehyung kept his word and has been texting the blonde over the past few weeks. After working through schedule differences, Jimin invited the man to hang out with some friends to get him out there again. Supposedly, Taehyung had become a recluse from those active college days when people who didn't attend the school knew his name.
"It's fucking freezing," Taehyung complained as he walked alongside Jimin. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his coat. "Wasn't it just 70 degrees the other day?"
Jimin chuckled, feeling the breeze nipping at the exposed skin on his neck. "You've been here for how long, and you're still not used to New York weather?" They expertly weaved through people as the streets grew more crowded. It was a Friday night, not that it made a difference for New York City. As usual, the city was alive. The strip lined with bars, clubs, and your occasional food stop sang a melody Jimin grew to love.
"I can't deal with this place's flip-flop weather." He huffed, slowing with the other as they joined a short queue. "I miss California. At least there, winter was always a nice, consistent 70. Sometimes 60, but never below a damn 50."
The blonde laughed, shaking his head as he covered his mouth. He was glad that he stumbled upon Taehyung at that art show. He missed him and his antics. He thought about his younger often but never had the time to reach out. "You have a point. Cali was like summer year-round. Have you visited recently?"
Taehyung nodded, pulling out his phone from his pocket. "Yeah, I just checked on my parents last month."
Jimin smiled fondly, remembering Mr. and Mrs. Kim. "That's nice; what did your girlfriend think?"
"She didn't go."
Jimin's eyes went wide for a second before his brows furrowed. He kept his thoughts to himself, knowing it wasn't his place to intrude. He found it odd, though, and as hard as he tried, he couldn't help himself. "How long have you been together?"
Taehyung glanced up from his phone, looking to the sky as if the dulled stars could give him the answer. "Um, two? Three years?"
Jimin's brows lowered. "You're not sure?"
"Eh, you stop counting after two anyway." He said with a wave of his hand.
Jimin looked ahead, his jaw clenching ever so slightly. It's not your place, he thought to himself. A girl as beautiful as her, and he couldn't even remember how long they'd been together? He wondered if the man remembered their anniversary or made some half-ass attempt after forgetting. But it wasn't his place. He was sure whatever Taehyung was doing kept his partner happy, even if it seemed the bare minimum. He decided not to pry any further to keep the energy high for tonight. He filled the silence between them with small talk, little nothings that the two didn't care much for. 
After entering the establishment, Jimin began to lead Taehyung through the crowd. Intense music and passing conversations filled their eardrums. Some girls had one too many drinks, swaying wildly in their seats, and men whose eyes wandered in the room hoping to find a "friend" to take home. The blonde led him to a table further into the establishment.
"Hey!" A group of men shouted once they reached the table. A few glasses were on the table, letting the newcomers know they started drinking without them.
"Hey guys," Jimin grinned as he took off his coat. "This is my friend Taehyung." He introduced the dark-haired man as they sat in their seats. The blonde then glanced at the faces surrounding them before the corners of his lips pulled down into a frown. "Yoongi couldn't make it?"
A man with midnight locks and round-framed glasses sitting on his nose shook his head, his large hands messing with a shot glass until it fell. He startled himself, dark eyes glancing at the other men at the table to see if they noticed. "Boyfriend problems." The table erupted in a collective sigh. 
Jimin raised his hand to grab the attention of a waiter. "I swear, he needs to find someone less toxic."
Another dark-haired man nodded, plush lips formed into a pout as he fidgeted with a napkin between his fingers. "He claims he's his muse, or whatever the fuck that means."
Taehyung then locked eyes with the man sitting next to him. The man furrowed his brunette eyebrows, and his short platinum hair ruffled slightly. The ebony-haired man furrowed his eyebrows until the other gave him a heart-shaped smile. "I knew I recognized you from somewhere!" He exclaimed, reaching out to pat him on the back. The rest of the table glanced at the two, eyebrows raised. "He's my neighbor!" He beamed.
It took a minute to hit Taehyung, but when it did, a smile grew on his lips as well. "Hoseok! Shit, it's been a minute."
"Well, since Jimin has no home training," the other dark-haired man said, prompting a hey from the blonde. "I'm Seokjin."
"And I'm Namjoon." The man with the glasses said.
"I was getting there," Jimin grumbled, finally getting the attention of a waitress. He placed an order for the table.
"Sure you were," Seokjin joked with a smirk. "So what do you do for a living, Taehyung?"
"I'm an architect," he said as he leaned onto the table. "What about you guys?"
”I'm an accountant," Seokjin said.
"I'm an art gallery owner," Namjoon said, earning a nod from Taehyung.
"I work for Jimin," Hoseok snickered while Jimin rolled his eyes. The waitress returned, placing shots and beer in front of the men. 
"We work together," Jimin corrected, taking a swig of his beer. He playfully glared at the platinum blonde. "Besides, you were holding it down for the past year."
"Psh, I was only reading off your text messages to the people." He waved off Jimin, causing the man to shake his head.
While the others chuckled, Taehyung's brows furrowed as he looked at Jimin. "What exactly do you do?"
"I own a couple—"
"Four," Hoseok cut him off with a teasing smile. 
"Dance studios around Manhattan and Long Island." Despite the interruption, Jimin continued with that playful glare in his eyes. "Hoseok and a couple of people teach the Long Island locations, and I take care of the Manhattan ones."
"Oh wow," Taehyung nodded. He vaguely remembered Jimin mentioning that was his dream. It was unbelievable how he accomplished it already.
"Cheers to that," Seokjin said, raising his shot glass. The other three men followed while Taehyung hesitated. He glanced at Jimin, eyes drowning with uncertainty. The blonde couldn't help but smile softly, offering him a comforting nod. He grabbed his glass, clinking it with the rest of the group before taking it to the head.
Jimin placed his glass back on the table, seemingly unaffected by the intoxicating liquid that warmed his chest as it went down. Taehyung's face visibly twisted — his nose wrinkled as the corners of his mouth pushed downward. His tongue made a brief appearance as he tried to physically shake the taste out of his mouth. He couldn't remember the last time he had a drink. Maybe college? The other men chuckled at his reaction, finding him amusing.
"The first one is always bad," Hoseok commented with a noticeable frown on his lips. "It'll start tasting like nothing soon enough." Taehyung nodded as he called the waitress over, ordering himself some water.
"So, how are the wedding preparations?" Seokjin asked, looking at Hoseok.
The sound of Jimin choking on his beer didn't take anyone by surprise except for Taehyung. "What?! You're engaged?!" The blonde stared at the other, eyes wide and jaw dropped. Hoseok just nodded, a broad smile forming as he looked down at the table bashfully. "To Momo?" He questioned lightly.
Hoseok nodded again. "Of course, she's the love of my life." He looked at Jimin, causing the table to erupt in an aw. Taehyung glanced around for a moment before shifting in his seat.
"Congratulations!" Jimin beamed, leaning back into his seat. "Damn, you leave for a year and miss everything."
"I got the video of the proposal if you want to see it," Namjoon offered as he pulled out his phone. Jimin leaned over to Namjoon so enthusiastically that he practically knocked over his drink.
"I really thought we weren't going to make it for a second," Hoseok admitted, hearing the memories playing from Namjoon's phone. "Jin honestly saved us."
Taehyung tilted his head as he picked at the fries the group had ordered. "What do you mean?"
Seokjin leaned back in his seat, taking a sip of his beer. "I'm like the relationship guru of the group." He lifted his left hand, a silver band glimmering on his ring finger. "Happily married, 12 years strong." The smile that formed on his lips was genuine, almost prideful.
Now, Taehyung choked on his drink, catching the group's attention. Their conversation slowed as they watched him closely, ready to help. He swallowed hard; the gulp of air water going down his esophagus put an ache in his chest. "12 years?" He repeated, eyes wide as Seokjin nodded. "And you're how old?"
"Holy shit." He stared down at the table, hand running through his dark hair as he did the math. "So right out of high school…." He chewed on the inside of his cheek as disbelief clouded his mind.
”How's the wife anyway?" Jimin asked with a smile. He was so happy that his friends had found love; healthy love at that. He wanted nothing but the best for them.
"Amazing and pregnant," he grinned.
Jimin and Namjoon shared a gasp. "Congrats!" The blonde said, causing everyone but Taehyung to cheer quietly. 
Seokjin raised his hands, silently telling the men to stop. "Thank you. She's almost out of the first trimester."
"Are you having a baby shower or a gender reveal?" Hoseok asked.
Seokjin shrugged, smiling to himself as he thought. "I don't know; I wouldn't mind doing both, though."
"I'm sorry," Taehyung said. Everyone looked at him while his eyes locked with Seokjin. "I know I just met you, but… within 12 years of being committed, you've never stepped out on her once?"
"No." He answered quickly, with no thought to it whatsoever. His brows lowered while looking at the dark-haired man, almost offended by his genuine question. "I never even had the thought to."
Hoseok, Namjoon, and Jimin all exchanged the same look with each other before looking to Seokjin for his answer.
"How?" Seokjin repeated as he sat up. "Because I love her. And I will love her until the earth's end. We always choose each other at the end of the day. We choose to love, choose to be faithful." His stare hardened. "Are you in a relationship?"
Taehyung suddenly felt small under Seokjin's gaze. "Yeah…," he said quietly.
"And you're actively choosing her?" He asked with a raised brow. Taehyung looked at him for a moment as if he suddenly froze. His gaze lowered toward the table as he nodded. "Then you have nothing to worry about."
"Shit, and I thought I was just here to get drunk," Namjoon mumbled, causing everyone to laugh off the tension. Jimin looked at his old friend, watching as he fiddled with his fingers. The blonde wondered why he would ask that. Why would that thought cross his mind and leave his lips without hesitation?
"So!" Hoseok looked at Jimin. His energy practically screamed out at him to be saved, and he knew how to cheer him up. "Do you wanna hear from the Jung wedding chronicles?" Jimin's eyes finally met as he nodded, the corners of his lips tugging into a small smile. "We finally found a place after weeks of traveling between three. And now, it's the best part. Colors."
Seokjin laughed wholeheartedly while the other two men looked confused. "Lemme guess, your living room looks like the inside of a Home Depot paint section."
Hoseok groaned loudly, shutting his eyes as he fell back into his seat. "Yes, oh my god. I swear girls have some kind of super eyesight because she showed me three blue swatches and said they were different colors!" The group laughed at his frustration, but Taehyung only let out an uncomfortable chuckle. "I love the woman to death, but I swear I'm gonna lose my mind doing this. She cares so much about every little detail, and I'm just happy to be marrying the love of my life."
"Ew," Jimin chimed in as he sipped his beer. He grinned, scrunching his nose up slightly. "You're so in love; it's gross."
"To gross for you to be a groomsman?" Hoseok asked, quirking a brow while smirking.
Jimin's eyes lit up, though he tried feigning a grimace. "Ugh, of course, I would love to be one. Are you kidding?"
Taehyung suddenly stood up, causing everyone to look at him. "I gotta go."
Jimin furrowed his brows. They've only been here briefly; if he remembered correctly, Taehyung said he could hang out until late. "Where are you going?"
"I just, um…." He stuttered, trying to find a reason besides not wanting to sit at a table full of married people. Happily, married people. He pulled out his phone, seeing a text notification on his Lock Screen. "Kiara needs me to pick her up." He gave Jimin a half smile while Hoseok furrowed his brows and glanced at his phone. Taehyung looked at the rest of the table. "It was nice meeting you all. I hope we can hang out again soon." He nods at them before walking away.
Once Taehyung left, the tension in the air finally dissipated. Everyone's shoulders relaxed as they exchanged the same look of awkwardness. That same heaviness from earlier reappeared in Jimin's chest, prompting him to chug at least half of his beer in hopes of drowning it.
Namjoon cleared his throat. He was quiet most of the night for a reason. "He's a little…, odd." He said slowly, choosing his words lightly.
"Yeah," the rest of them said in unison. Jimin and Hoseok shared a look, speaking silently. Hoseok shook his head as he looked at his phone again.
"Well," Seokjin clapped his hands together before calling for the waitress, "another round!”
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A few blocks down, four girls seemed to steal the breath of everyone they passed. They walked down the sidewalk as if it were a runway, and they were models. Out of the whole population of Manhattan, only a few had it. People moved out of the way for them. Men gawked as they passed, earning hits in the arms of their significant others. Girls couldn't help but stare with envious eyes while whispering off with their friends. It took a lot to steal the attention of other New Yorkers, but the group was used to it. They didn't mind it as they were too wrapped up in their own conversations.
When they reached their destination, the girls ducked into a building. It was their go-to karaoke spot, an experience that grew into a weekly tradition in the colder seasons. The four had the intention to sing until their vocal cords were raw. The interior was dim; the bulbs in the ceiling gave off a red light. They stood in a corner, out of the way of traffic, while one of them ran up to the counter.
"I swear to god, he's still in love with you," Kiara told Valerie, causing the woman to huff. She flipped her wavy midnight hair over her shoulder, her onyx eyes rolling as her blush pink lips formed into a smile. Her warm, beige skin turned pink as she thought of the man still wanting her.
"Why did you even break up with him?" Another girl named Samira asked. She popped her gum before blowing a bubble that took away the shine on her two-tone chocolate and raspberry lips. Her button nose wrinkled, folding her arms over her chest as she leaned to the side. She had golden brown skin and long hair the shade of obsidian that fell down her back.
"Because he was too boring," Valerie whined, her full lips sticking out into a childish pout while the girls groaned audibly and rolled their eyes. "He was too stable! He had a job, a car, his own apartment…."
"Oh my god, he had a job?!" Kiara gasped dramatically, sarcasm laced in her silk voice. "And a car!? And a place to live?!" She raised her hand, placing it on her forehead as she leaned on Samira, pretending to faint.
Samira laughed as she held her up, ignoring Valerie's glares at the two. "God forbid you meet a stable man in New York City! The absolute horror!" She joked through giggles.
While Valerie swatted her hands at the girls, the one who ran off returned to the group. Her skin was fair, the red lights tinging her to a soft pink. Her almond eyes, bright despite their dark color, watched as the girls interacted. Her hair, shoulder-length black, was pulled into two low ponytails. "The room is ready!" Her sweet voice cut through the commotion of the girls, offering each of them a smile to match. 
Valerie stopped her attack, throwing her arms around the girl to embrace her. "Momo! They're making fun of me!" She whined like a child while Kiara and Samira stuck their tongues at her.
"Aw," Momo cooed as she rubbed Valerie's back. She playfully glared at the girls. "Shame on you two. You know she's not all the way there!"
Valerie gasped while pulling away from her. "Hey!" They all shared a laugh while Momo led them down the hall to one of the reserved rooms.
The women quickly got comfortable in the room, stripping themselves of their winter coats and placing them onto the corner of the couch. They ordered some food and drinks and sang to their heart's content. Everyone felt warm, laughing as they purposely sang songs out of tune. The drinks were strong, and none of the greasy appetizers they ordered had soaked up the alcohol. Needless to say, within the hour, they were already tipsy. They took a break, plopping and spreading themselves on the couch.
"You know, I met the most interesting person a couple of weeks ago," Kiara said as she put her phone down on her lap. She stared up at the ceiling as flashes of plump lips, a sculpted jawline, and a dazzling smile appeared before her eyes.
"Who?" Valerie asked.
"Someone to replace Taehyung?" Samira smirked as she scrolled through her phone.
Kiara glared at the girl. "No!" She leaned her head back again. "Just someone…."
"This someone had to be important for you to keep remembering them," Momo commented, looking at Kiara.
She couldn't stop the small smile that formed on her lips, giggling softly at a joke no one but she knew. "He just had the shittiest pickup line I ever heard."
"What was it?!" Samira asked, suddenly interested. "I love a corny pickup line."
The smile on Kiara's lips grew, "He compared me to one of the pieces in this art gallery I went to, saying something about us having a beauty no one contained." Despite being corny, she couldn't help but find it charming. 
The girls burst into laughter, clapping their hands as they fell into the couch cushions.
"Oh my god, was he like fifty?!" Valerie giggled.
Kiara shook her head, covering her mouth as she laughed. As everyone calmed down, she took a deep breath. "But he was such an ass when I rejected him."
"How so?" Momo asked.
Kiara's face scrunched up, her arms folding over her chest. "First, he called me a liar, and then he said it was a red flag for Taehyung to be late."
"I mean, it is," Samira mumbled, prompting a smack in the arm from Kiara.
"The point is he couldn't take rejection! And called me a liar!" Kiara said in defense.
"Maybe he was just having a bad day," Valerie added. Kiara shrugged. Her rejection might have been the icing on the cake for him. Not everyone was an asshole just to be one.
”In other news!" Samira practically shouted to fill the silence that overcame the girls. The other three jumped slightly, but the girl paid no mind as she flung herself over Kiara's lap to meet Momo. "Let's talk, my love. So about these colors…."
Kiara and Valerie let out a loud groan, followed by a roll of their eyes. "No wedding stuff on girls' night!" Valerie whined.
"Yeah, you promised!" Kiara added while poking at the girl's side, making her flinch.
Momo laughed at the two, eyes filled to the brim with fondness. "You did promise. And I'm not paying extra for off-hours talks."
Samira pouted, then sighed when her half attempt of begging failed, being met with no change. "Fine," she whined as she got up. "This is probably my favorite wedding I planned so far, and I may just be a little obsessed."
”A lot obsessed," Kiara said with a smirk.
Samira stared at Kiara for a moment. "You right," she shrugged before plopping down on the couch.
"Alright! Round two!" Momo exclaimed as she grabbed the small tablet that controlled the TV.
Another hour had passed before the group stumbled out of the establishment with a little more alcohol in their system than before. The streets had become crowded with people—some drunk while others seemed to rush to their destination. Samira and Valerie said their goodbyes, disappearing into the sea of people as they left the two Long Island fish in the sea of city dwellers. Kiara stared down at her phone as she leaned against the brick wall. Despite being warm from the alcohol coursing in her veins, the winter wind still nipped at the bare skin between her dress and thigh-high boots. She stared down at her phone before clicking on a specific contact name. She placed it to her ear for the fourth time, hearing it ring before going to voicemail.
"Need a ride?" Momo asked while putting her phone to her ear.
She bit her lip for a second before sighing heavily. "Yeah," she mumbled. "I don't know why Taehyung's not answering. He said he wasn't gonna be out late."
Momo shrugged her shoulders. "When does he ever answer, though?" She commented before speaking to the person on the other end. Kiara huffed, looking away from the girl. She hated it when Momo was right. She hated when any of her friends were right. Sure, Taehyung had some very annoying qualities, but everyone did. No one was perfect. They didn't know the side of Taehyung she fell in love with, and they didn't have to. Though, being left out in the cold was a downside. "Hobi should be here in a few minutes," Momo said, dropping her phone back into her purse. 
Kiara nodded, feeling an odd weight in her stomach. Momo and Hoseok were the picture-perfect couple. Their relationship was something comparable to the big screen. Anyone from miles away could take one glance and tell they had immense love for each other. Kiara wondered if people could tell that with her relationship. She hoped so, at least. Love surrounded her from all angles—her parents' relationship, her brother's, her friends'…—that Kiara couldn't help but yearn for the emotion. If she had it on paper, why was she still getting these feelings while watching couples interact?
As she slid into the backseat of the car, she greeted Hoseok. He handed both girls a bottle of water before proceeding to drive off. She tried not to look at the couple, considering that heavy feeling didn't subside yet. She didn't want to see how he lovingly gazed at her friend. Despite how happy she was for them, she couldn't help but compare her relationship to theirs. The fact that they were together only two years before Hoseok popped the question, compared to her four years and counting, made her queasy. She stared out her window to distract herself. The alcohol kept her quiet as she watched the buildings passing by. Bright lights shone like the stars in the sky, reflecting off of the water as they crossed over the bridge. She picked up bits and pieces of the couple's conversation as her thoughts drowned them out.
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kwrenreads · 1 year
chapter four
pairing/s: royalty!seventeen x princess!sibling!reader + the slightest non!idol!yang jungwon x princess!reader
warning/s: none
word count: 1,281
a/n: new character again SKDJHDSH also, i sincerely apologise for leaving you guys and this fic for a couple of weeks. my teachers have been on our necks lately w finals coming up and other projects needed to be submitted. but i'm hoping to get this flowing smoothly soon as i really see this as a form of leisure, and i'd like to continue this when i'm taking breaks from studying. let's see.
this is also what i imagine y/n is wearing
as always, feel free to leave your thoughts, comments, idea, etc. in the comments, my messages, or submissions. i like reading them and also are a great form of review.
i hope i've added everyone in the taglist and if not (and if you wish to be added), feel free to leave a message, reply, and/or comment. ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
chapter three - masterlist - chapter five
picture(s) from pinterest !
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“Since when were they meant to arrive today? I swear the letter said it was next week.”
Jeonghan huffs in frustration, fingers playing around with his shirt collar and cuff sleeves — eyes on his reflection the metal decorations the throne room provided.
Everyone seemed to agree in their own way.
Mingyu and Dokyeom stood surrounding Joshua as the older boy fixes Minghao’s accessories, no doubt waiting for their turns as well.
Seungkwan and Vernon helping each other as a pair, the former having a few more words to say than normal. “I swear, they did this on purpose — why else would they come unannounced?!”.
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That same morning, the whole kingdom was alerted by one of the roaming guards that another kingdom’s horse and knight were found riding along the road, miles towards Pledis, adorning the Yang’s family crescent. The possibility of the carriage not far behind occupied by the Yang family themselves high.
Which meant the kingdom had to be up early to prepare. The town square already filled with vendors and entertainers despite the sun not rising yet. Families opening windows, people moving around — making everything more presentable than it already is.
The palace staff were the same. The cooks up preparing the dishes for the day, cleaners ensuring everything was spotless, gardeners maintaining up the facades. Everyone was on the move.
The royal family were no different.
Despite being half done, everyone was already down the throne room to welcome to the visitors.
Almost everyone.
Seungcheol finds himself frowning upon the lack of his youngest sibling. “Has anyone seen Y/N?”
His voice halts everyone’s actions, worry washing over the room’s already tense atmosphere.
Jun, Wonwoo, Soonyoung, and Jihoon straight themselves up, alert, ready to split up to look for the princess — the only four who were fully ready (physically, anyway). “Cheol hyung, I can—” Chan’s offer comes into a halt when the double doors burst open, revealing the person they were just looking for.
“I’m here! I’m ready! I’m here…”
Y/N slowed herself down, taking deep breaths after just almost running down the staircases. Everyone goes back to their previous doings, meanwhile Seungcheol remains still — watching as Yun-hee, a palace staff in charge of their style and appearances when it comes to important events — whom the princess had grown really close to throughout the years — follows closely behind. His attention particularly on the item shimmering on her palms.
“Slow down, princess. I’m not as young as I was before, you know…” she says, facing the younger girl. Y/N smiles sheepishly, allowing Yunhee to fix the fabric of her clothes and the stray pieces of her hair.
Seungcheol releases a deep breath, feeling himself relax for the first time that morning. “Noona, thank you so much for coming in at a short notice. Send my gratitude to the others as well,” Seungcheol says, standing next to the older woman who only regards him with a wave of her hand. “Aish, you don’t need to. You know we’re always going to. Besides, I would hate for the Yang’s to outshine you lot. Who knows what that old rat has up her sleeve this time.”
Y/N laughs at the rather not nice nickname. “Unnie, that doesn’t mean we cannot just not appreciate you,” the pout had Yunhee smiling knowingly, playfully pinching her cheeks, making the princess scowl. Yunhee and Seungcheol laugh, the former finishing the details of Y/N’s attire. “What do you think?” Y/N asks as Yunhee retracts her hand, giving the both of them a spin. Adorned in just plain white trousers, and a blouse resembling blue hydrangeas, Seungcheol could only hope he'll not be breaking anyone’s bones today. “You look beautiful, gongjunim.”
“I knew this top would go well for you. You look like a flower, flower. Although, I’ve got one more thing to add.”
Yun-hee clutches on to the free fabric between her collarbones and shoulder, pinning down a brooch. It was of a begonia, the petals shining as the light hits the metal. “It looks beautiful, Yun-hee unnie. Thank you.”
Y/N gives the woman a hug, letting her go and walking towards Chan.
Seungcheol and Yun-hee follow her movements, the two unknowingly sharing the same thoughts. “Do you know what I’m going to say to you, Cheol?”
“I know, noona. Let’s just hope we’re wrong this time around.”
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“You’re majesties, may I present — the Yang Family of the Kingdom Beatric.”
Trumpets echo the room as the grand double doors open to reveal a group of people. The people entering were one way or another adorned in shades of dark blue and gold. Beatric's colours.
The siblings stand up in unison, an acknowledgement of greeting towards their guests.
The woman who stood in the middle smiles, one that could be described as pleasant, but the palace knew too well not to fall so easily. “It’s nice to see you again, Minjee.” She greeted, as if they were long term friends.
All heads snap towards the queen. As if the tension wasn’t already high, the anticipation of what the queen will reply only heightened the atmosphere. Minjee from her seat only acknowledges the woman with a nod, gaze stern and almost frightening. The woman doesn’t appear to be bothered, turning her head towards the king. “And Dongmin! I hope you are doing well.”
The king hums, eyes darting towards Seungcheol.
Despite having Dongmin having the official title of being the King, the job of being one was long ago passed down to his eldest son.
Since then, Seungcheol — along with the assistance of Soonyoung and Jihoon —had taken control of the majority of the kingdom’s negotiations.
It was no surprise to everyone in the room (and to practically everyone else of the kingdom and those aware) that Dongmin had to look at Seungcheol first, but the woman stood cluelessly, eyelash batting at the king. Everyone else observes the silent conversation occurring, breaths released when Seungcheol only nods. Dongmin clears his throat, standing up.
“Eunmi, welcome back to—”
“Oh! It’s a pleasure to be here Dongmin!” Eunmi cuts off.
The siblings find themselves getting more agitated the longer the woman stays in their presence, Seungkwan in particular eyes formed in a glare.
Y/N had tuned the woman out, attention focused on the only person not familiar to her yet. He looked around her age, hair a very deep shade of brown that matches his eyes. His posture was straight, giving him the aura she only really found and felt around her own oldest brother. The boy turns his head, meeting the princess’s curious ones.
The two stayed staring at each other, trying to figure each other out.
The contest was only broken when a loud clap echoed the room. Y/N blinks, her attention back on Eunmi, who still remained unbothered by the room's awkward atmosphere. “Dongmin, I hope you don’t mind but the travel really tired us out, isn’t that right Jungwon?”
Y/N stood confused as the boy — now she knows as Jungwon — remains silent, only eliciting a shrug for a response.
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The next set minutes of events went by without a problem. The staff were asked to show the guests their living quarters for the next few weeks. Eunmi remains ignorant of everyone’s feelings towards her, even if Jinae, a member in-charge for cleaning had a clear glare towards the older woman.
The siblings together went their separate ways, Seungkwan, Hansol, Chan, and Y/N walking up the stairs towards their hallway.
“Who do you think Jungwon is?”
The question only remained unanswered between the 4 siblings, each having no idea or a single thought about the boy.
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taglist: @cosmicallyfaye @belladaises @satsukiaisu @haneulparadx @mythicalamphitrite @xxluckydreamsxx @tyongf-sunflower99 @gaebestie @megseungmin @playboygeniusphilanthropist @listxn @sahazzy
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cookies-and-music · 5 months
Greed They both suck. At least they found eachother.
Implied violence.
Anya was an orphan, raised in a traveling company. As a child, lacking any talent, she collected offerings from the audience and learned to pickpocket.
When she was 12, a fortune teller joined the company, elegant in appearance, with a face that maintained austere beauty. She posed as a grand lady, teaching Anya to walk and move with lightness, to eat with refinement and to smile with grace.
Anya observed the noblewomen of the cities, with their extravagant dresses, eccentric hats, and sparkling jewels, and thought that such things would suit her better. Meanwhile, she ate chunks of stale bread.
Anya learned to play and sing, starting her own performances and making her own money.
At the age of 14, Anya asked the fortune teller to read her future. The fortune teller had taken a candle and placed it between them. Anya watched the flame move between them, drawn first to one side and then the other.
"You will be rich, as you desire," She assured her. "You will be surrounded by splendor and have much power, but for every day you spend happy, twice as many sad days will follow."
Anya stopped listening when she mentioned power. Happiness meant little to her. In the end, it was a relative concept, different for everyone; for her, happiness would be wealth.
"How do I obtain it?"
"You must follow a knight clad in black with a serpent's tongue."
[] [] [] [] []
At the age of 16, Anya heard that a group of knights from the second army had arrived in the city where they were performing. In small towns, everyone got nervous about such news; anyone with even a tiny secret feared that the soldiers had come for them.
She felt the same fear while performing on the small stage in the town square, when the soldiers stopped to applaud her song. She smiled in the sweetest and most innocent way she knew while continuing to perform.
Then she saw him. The man in black.
He didn't clap and he didn't smile.
The man in black returned every day at the same time.
Anya performed, and he sat on his horse, watching her.
On the fourth day, Anya made a switch. She let another one of her sideshow companions take her place on stage, and she moved through the crowd with the offering basket.
The man in black furrowed his brow, expecting to see the malnourished girl with the battered guitar. He dismounted.
"An offering for the show, sir?"
He lowered his gaze, finding her in front of him. She was short, with big eyes and curly brown hair framing her face.
He didn't give her more than a glance and tossed a few coins.
"Why are you in town, sir?" She tried to catch his attention.
"Crown matters." He crossed his arms.
"What kind?"
"Private." The man in black grabbed the horse's reins and began moving through the crowd.
Anya handed the basket to one of the kids in the company, watching him pass behind her from the corner of her eye.
"I've seen you here often. Do you like my show?" She pursued him.
"I don't come here for that."
"Then for what?"
He stopped, turning to look at her. Anya smiled. He observed her face for a moment before getting back on his horse.
"Have a good day, Miss," he wished her before leaving, parting the frightened crowd.
[] [] [] [] []
Anya spent the rest of the day asking around about the knights and the reason for their presence. At first, she heard there was someone in town with a heavy bounty on their head; then, they were looking for someone missing but not a criminal. Some said it was the son of a noble, and others claimed it was the missing daughter of the tsars. The latter sounded absurd, but most people insisted it was true.
Many young women presented themselves at the tavern where the soldiers resided, claiming to be the missing princess of the tsars. Anya saw the line extending outside. She shook her head; this was madness.
The tavern had only one entrance and thus one exit the soldiers could use. She saw the line move throughout the afternoon until darkness fell. In the evening, the remaining girls were sent home, and from the door emerged him, the man in black.
Anya rose from the filthy street floor and gestured, "Sir!"
He turned for a moment, sighed, and began walking faster.
Anya chased him until standing in front of him.
"I know why you're here." She reached out a hand between them, as if to stop him. "And please, listen to me."
He crossed his arms.
"I know why you always came to my show," Anya took a breath. "It's because I resemble the tsaritsa, isn't it?"
The man furrowed his brow.
"I have eyes and hair of the same color, the same height—"
"The tsaritsa is much taller."
"I can wear heels."
They stared at each other for a moment.
"You know you're not the tsar's daughter, right?"
"But I could be," Anya straightened up. "I'm the same age the princess would be today, just an orphan raised on the streets, I have no past, which means I can be anything."
"And you would be willing to do anything because you have no future."
She nodded, finding nothing wrong with it.
"Clearly, you seem very determined to find this girl; you'll gain something you ardently desire, otherwise, you wouldn't spend your time searching for a needle you're not even sure exists in such a large haystack."
He stared at her.
"By choosing me, you secure whatever has been promised; otherwise, you could spend years searching the country for someone likely dead, achieving nothing".
They looked into each other's eyes. Anya thought that his were darker than the alley they were in; while Kirigan thought that it could work. And if something went wrong, he could claim he had been deceived.
"You can call me Kirigan." He reached out a hand to her.
"Anya." She shook it with a smile.
"Well, Miss Anya, it seems you and I have an agreement." Kirigan leaned down towards her. "But if one day you regret it, remember that you came to seek me."
She nodded, swallowing, more due to the proximity to the man than his words. She immediately withdrew her hand.
"Tomorrow morning at dawn, we leave."
She nodded again, wrapping herself in her cloak as she walked in the opposite direction.
"Oh, and Miss Anya," Kirigan called her one last time, remaining fixed in the shadows of the alley, "make sure your friends in the company don't become an obstacle for us in the future."
Anya took a deep breath, nodding as she kept her gaze low.
She knew he was right.
[] [] [] [] []
During the night, Kirigan was awakened by a huge commotion and the city bells ringing.
When he reached the center of the town following the crowd, he saw a massive fire engulfing the wagons and tents of the traveling company.
He grabbed the arm of one of his associates, a Tidemaker who had come to help.
"Are there any survivors?"
"Only one, sir, the young one there." The Grisha pointed. "She was the one who raised the alarm."
Kirigan nodded, letting her go.
A few meters away, Anya met his gaze, wrapped in a blanket that someone had brought for her. She looked at him with tear-streaked but totally expressionless, stoic face. In that moment, Kirigan understood that he had made the right choice.
Kindred spirits are indeed drawn together
Hi everybody, this is a one-shot that could become the first of a collection, depending on how it goes. It's a sort of AnastasiaAU (?) but not really, you deciede. English is not my first language, so please do tell me if there are any mistakes.
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