#i was a little bit older when i got my first pokemon card as well bc a child thre ice at my face (it hit me that time
grandtheftpoptart · 1 year
I was in schoolage for the first time at work and a kid called me stupid because I called the knight in chess a "horse", and then another kid threw ice at my face twice (missed both times bc im too fast) and then hit me when we went inside :(
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hangmanapologist · 1 year
 Lonely Hearts Club Band | Bob Floyd
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Bob Floyd x reader
a/n: I liked this idea more in my head but it was my resolution to finish at least one of the ideas in my drafts so you guys are stuck with this one because I miss working in a record store!!!!
summary: Bob tries to find something to distract from the loneliness, he finds her instead
warnings: brief mentions of death, fluff, mentions of grief
Many people knew Bob Floyd but they never really knew about him. Even those who thought they did.
They knew he was a Cancer, that his coffee order was a flat white and that his dog was his best friend. Bob never really seemed much deeper.
It wasn’t that he was afraid to let anyone in. Bob wanted nothing more than to spend hours talking about nothing and everything in between but he came to accept the fact that maybe romantic love wasn’t on the cards for him.
Physically, Bob didn’t think he was completely repulsive but socially? He was always the guy in the back, and no one gravitates towards that guy.
He was always gonna be the geeky band kid who went to prom with friends because he couldn’t get a date, the one who was never asked about what he did on the weekend, the one that everyone he worked with called a wallflower but really, they didn’t actually ask him anything about himself.
So, to feel less lonely, he started collecting things. He started with normal kid things, he had a pretty sick rock collection, Pokemon cards, Spiderman comics. His dad helped him put shelves all over his room to display them. They finally made him an interesting person. 
As he got older he graduated to records.
He was 13 when he bought his first record. He had saved all his birthday money and his Dad promised to take him to the small record store on the corner of the block after his piano lessons. All it took was a little bit of begging and agreeing to stop playing the drums after 8pm.
He still remembers the smell and the shrill ring of the bell as he opened the door and the way his eyes widened beneath his glasses, like a kid in a candy store, as he gazed at the songbooks, cassettes and vinyls that spread from one end of the store to the other.
Truthfully, he didn’t know where to start. So he asked his pops for help. He knew everything. Bob thought he was the smartest guy in the world and trusted every opinion he had. That’s how he ended up with his first record, “Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band”. 
From there, it was a sordid love affair. He collected every vinyl he saw and played them until the grooves were worn in. He bugged his dad relentlessly, begging him to teach him every song he knew on the piano until his hands were cramped and he was playing ‘Hey Jude’ in his sleep. 
When his dad passed, not long after he had left for the navy, Bob played the piano during the funeral. He hadn’t touched any ivory keys since. He was all by himself to face the world. 
Curiosity had well and truly killed the cat.
“Will you hang with Rocky while I go take a look around” he questioned, gesturing behind him. “Take your time, we’ll do another round of the block.” Bob didn’t even wait to catch the last part of sentence while he pushed the door open and stepped inside. There wasn’t a shrill bell as he stepped in; but the air smelled like coffee and old vinyl sleeves and he could hear the faint croonings of Sam Cooke echoing through the store.
“Will you hang with Rocky while I go take a look around” he questioned, gesturing behind him. “Take your time, we’ll do another round of the block.” Bob didn’t even wait to catch the last part of sentence while he pushed the door open and stepped inside. There wasn’t a shrill bell as he stepped in; but the air smelled like coffee and old vinyl sleeves and he could hear the faint croonings of Sam Cooke echoing through the store.
It wasn’t busy but people filtered in and out of each section, some armed with songbooks, some with records. Others with both.
Bob headed straight for the classic rock section. He still had some vinyls at home, though his collection was much smaller than what it used to be. He still made a habit to listening to them as much as he could. He’d spend most of his mornings off cooking and doing laundry while The Beach Boys played throughout the all too quiet house. He still had a piano. He didn’t play anymore but it was a memory he always liked to look back on fondly. 
His long fingers comfidently flipped through the records, trying to find some of his favourites he forgot to bring with him. “You son of a bitch, there it is!” he smilled to himself pulling out the sleeve, handling it the way someone would handle a baby. He browsed a couple of other sections while making mental lists of ones that he wanted to add to his collection. He let eyes flit along the walls of songbooks and merchandise as he made his way to the register with the record safely under his arm. He stood at the counter humming alog to himself while he waited to be seen. He could see someone shuffling around a sideroom and he let out a gentle cough to alert of his presence. Then he saw you.
You know in romantic movies where the love interest appears and a cheesy 80′s song plays in the background? That’s how Bob felt. 
“Did you find everything you needed today?” you smiled. Bob thought you had a very pretty smile. It lit up the whole store.
He thought he could hear birds chirping when you smiled. You coughed gently, snapping him out of his trance. 
“I have a revolver” he blurted out, referring to the album, which was still half hidden from you. Not his best phrasing. “You know, if you didn’t have such a trustworthy face and an album under your arm I’d be pretty worried right now.” you grinned cocking an eyebrow playfully. Bob felt the blush creep to his cheeks under your gaze as he stuttered out an embarrassed sorry, handing the album over to you as he fished for his wallet.
You kept sneaking glances of him as you rang him up. The way he fished for the cash and pushed his glasses up his nose as he smiled at you endearingly. “That’s $25, whenever you’re ready.” “Oh no, it said $31 on the t-” “Oh yeah, that’s just a pricing mistake. Happens all the time.” you waved him off nonchalantly. You were lying of course, but the handsome man in front of you didn’t need to know that.
Your fingers brushed as he handed you the crisp bills in exchange for the bag. He had nice hands. Gentle but firm, you imagined.
He wanted to say something but he didn’t have a single thought that wouldn’t make him sound like a total weirdo. He just stayed there smiling at you, for what he thought was a second. It was clearly longer as the tapping on the glass broke him from his trance. “I think your friend is looking for you sir.” you smiled softly as you leaned over the counter and pointed toward the window. He caught a whiff of your perfume and swore he had died and went to heaven.
“Oh yeah, work stuff.” He nodded as he pushed his glasses up a little. A nervous habit. Was it hot in here? Was he the only one sweating? God what if you could tell he was sweating?
“You have a nice day now sir, don’t be a stranger!” you chirped watching the the handsome stranger awkwardly half run to the door, all six foot of him. “You too” he turned on his heel in a split second. “It’s just Bob.” “Okay, just Bob.”
You had a feeling you’d be seeing a lot more of ‘just Bob’ now.
“You lied to me.” Bob said approaching the counter, leaning a muscular forearm on it. “Bob?” you turned around questioningly upon hearing the slight drawl you had found yourself thinking about over the past few weeks. “You gave me an employee discount, I kept the receipts” “Look at you Nancy Drew.” you mocked as you continued wiping down the counters.
It was near closing and it was only the two of you in the store. If it was anyone else you would have done your best to hurry them out, but you didn’t mind his company. He’d become somewhat of a regular stopping in once or twice a week, usually buying all the classics everyone started with, you gave him the employee discount every time. Last week it was Queen, A Night At The Opera. This week who knows? He had his favourites though, usually The Beatles and their respective members.
“I brought you a coffee, as a thank you. I hope you like cappuccinos.” He offered the cup to you and you accepted graciously with a wry smile. “A cappuccino is good.”
He went to turn on his heel but you called his name out and he turned back questioningly, almost as if he thought he was hearing things. “We have books- I mean, you like The Beatles right?” you questioned as you dug through the stock below the counter. He popped his head over, looking down on you curiously as you rustled through boxes. “Yeah, Sgt. Pepper’s was my first record” he confided nostalgically, chin resting on his hand. You let out a little hmph of triumph as your fingers curled around exactly what you were looking for. “We got a song book! I remembered you like them so I held it back for you. You said you played piano right?” you leapt to your feet as Bob leaned back, avoiding a collision.
“Oh…” he scratched the back of his neck avoiding your eyes. He felt awful, you were clearly so excited to give this to him and here was, keeping you past closing and probably about to offend you. “I haven’t played in years really… not since my dad passed. It was kind of our thing.”
Bob hated this part of conversations. The part where people’s eyes filled with pity and they started talking down to you like an upset child, but you weren’t.
You grabbed a sharpie from the cup on the desk and opened the book, scrawling digits on the cover before you slid it across the counter. Making your move across the chess board. Throwing the ball in his court. “That’s my number. If you ever want to get back into it. I give piano lessons to some kids after work on Wednesdays but I’m sure I can squeeze you in.”
So he considered it.
Bob thought nothing bad could happen in your presence. Not with the way you smelled like vanilla. Or the way your lipstick stained your coffee cups. Or the way your hair always looked so soft. Not with the way your smile alone lit up the darkest corners of a room. You were like a halo of light in a big, dim world.
He could hear you shifting back and forth on your heels, waiting for any sort of acknowledgment on the offer.
“Can you do Thursdays?” You squinted your eyes in mock concern but couldn’t fight the smile bubbling to the surface. “I’ll ask my guy… see what I can do.” “Then I guess I’ll text you when I’m home” he smiled coyly, raising the book in acknowledgment.
“I take vanilla… in my cappuccino.”
Of course you do.
You paced around the the living room, the only sound being your shoes on the hardwood floors and your quick shallow breaths. Bob had called when he left to let you know he was on his way and all of a sudden you weren’t feeling so sure about this. What if you embarrassed yourself? What if you had been too insistent and you had upset him? You ran your hand through your hair, tousling it until it was somewhat presentable before the knocking on your door echoed in your hallway.
“I told you to just walk in, you know?” you said pointedly letting Bob in. “I don’t know about you, but my mama raised me with manners, miss” he teased with an exaggerated twang, trailing behind you.
His eyes followed every last detail as you showed him around your home. There were pictures lining every wall. With friends, with family, on vacation, in the store… you name it and you probably had it framed somewhere. No sign of a boyfriend though. Not that he had a chance but it’s nice to have a little hope. Ever the eternal optimist.
“…but you didn’t come here to see my bedroom.” you trailed off, nudging him from his trance while guiding him to the piano in the living room. If he was honest he would tell you he only caught the end of that sentence but it’s okay to not be honest sometimes.
Bob was a beautiful man. You studied his features in the warm light of the room as his eyes flit across the notes on the page in front of him. His eyes were honest and when you looked in them you were drowning and you didn’t care about coming up for air. When he smiled he smiled with his whole face. His eyes crinkled, his cheeks dimpled and a lopsided grin adorned his cherub like face. He lit up the room like the sun lit up the morning sky after the long, cold, dark winter nights.”
“You have pianist hands” you blurted out while he half heartedly banged out another Billy Joel song on the ivory keys. The ‘lesson’ was long over and the room was filled with laughter as he attempted to play some of the worst covers you have ever heard. “These are million dollar hands I’ll have you know! I’m not sure how the navy would take that compliment” “Oh shut up. You know what I mean.” In an act of courage or stupidity, maybe both, Bob gently grabbed your hand resting on the keys and held it up to his. “They’re so small” he pouted, only half mocking you. “Maybe you just have freakishly big hands, bully someone your own size Lieutenant.” you leaned in slightly, pushing his hand back. 
“Can I play you one more?” He leaned his forehead against yours with pleading eyes. Jutting his lip out for dramatic effect. You rolled your eyes playfully. “If you play one more Billy Joel song I’m gonna get evicted.” “No. I promise. It’s one my dad taught me.” His face softened at the word and your heart sighed for him. “This ones for you papa Floyd” you said toasting your coffee mug to the ceiling. Bobs eyes followed forlornly. “S’ones for you pops.”
Your shoulders pressed flush together as his fingers worked across the keys. A soft, familiar tune came from them and you felt him hum along. “Hey Jude, don’t make it bad, take a sad song and make it better…” his body pushed against you in encouragement, prompting you to join in softly while he sang.
The last time Bob had played this song was at the funeral but something was telling him it was time to move on. To make it the song he remembers without tears clouding his eyes while he hurries to the bathroom. It was hard to be sad while your head lay on his shoulder and you looked like angel. Sang like one too. Maybe his mama was right. Maybe angels were real.
He finished the song with a solemn smile as you lifted your head. “That was really nice…” you grabbed his hand, squeezing it reassuringly. You wanted him to know that you were there for him.
Your touch sent butterflies to his stomach. He thought about every time your hand brushed his. Every time you called his name cheerily over your shoulder when he came in. Every time he wished he was going home with you. Every time he wished the lipstick stained coffee cups were littering his car.
“I think I want to kiss you” you hadn’t meant for it to come out so suddenly. You didn’t even know you were speaking until you stopped. Your cheeks were flushing red under his gaze.
He felt all the air leave his lungs. He thought about this a lot. Maybe he was still dreaming. But the soft press of your lips on his confirmed otherwise. Your hand cradled his face like he was made of glass. Bob had never been treated so gently. You pulled away but kept a hold on his cheek. He liked that. It reminded him he wasn’t about to wake up to his alarm. “Can you kiss me again?” you barely let him finish the sentence before you were pressed to him. His hands instinctively pulled you into his lap where you fit like pieces of a puzzle.
“Stay the night, I just want to kiss you” “Where’s the bedroom again?”
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lordamaranthus · 3 months
I’m trying to reign in my excitement for the Pokemon legends Z-A game since it’s coming out next year
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I made a bingo prediction sheet. A large chunk of these are just things people have been speculating/hoping for, some are things I want, a few are things I do not want, and a few of them purposefully contradict each other
With some long winded, too detailed explanations for most of them under the read more :]
[These are just for fun, and purely speculation/hopes]
Mega Charizard Z: [/hj] For the love of fucking god GF I do not want to see this lizard anymore. I know you’re obsessed with him. I wish to be free.
Kalos Starters/Random Mix of Starters: I feel like even though we had a random mix in the first Legends game, it’s not a guarantee that they’ll be doing the same for this one; I think it’d be cooler to finally give the main three Megas instead, but I wouldn’t complain if it did end up being a random selection
Tera Raids of the box legendaries in SV: They were skipped over when they brought the older legendaries in the dlc; please, I would like to see my children again
[Fade to Black, SFX, Fade back in]: Since you’re giving the game an extra year and not forcing the Devs to spew out the game as fast as possible, that means we’re getting a little bit better animations, right?
Set in the Future/Past: I’ve seen a lot of people go back and forth over this because of the crumbs we were given, so I figured I’d put both on here so I could win either way 💅💅
Megas are the next Nobles: I’m just going on a whim since this is only our second Legends game, so who actually knows what the plot points are going to be
Slightly Cleaner Art Style/Exact Same Art Style: This is another one I’m personally hoping for, I did really like the way the last one looked, but some things were a bit weird to me, like the light purple shadows on everything. When the trailer comes out I’ll be changing this card once I have my answer
AZ. In general.: I just wanna know more about him. Crumbs, even. Gimme info on that weird ass tall fucker.
New Megas: This is gonna be a free space, and immmm really hoping it is a guaranteed free space
Ultimate Weapon Plot Point: The emotions I felt coursing through my pre-teen body when the weapon fucking rose from the ground and knocked over several houses? Gimme that but multiply it.
More Lore of the War: Kind of a filler space, but also I thought it sounded funny when I typed it out
Emmet in Paris/Ingo: A lot of people immediately jumped to the conclusion that it would be Emmet becoming French for this game, but I’ve seen a few arguments[jokingly] for Ingo, so I’m covering my bases and putting both on here. I’m not getting my own hopes up, I’m going to assume neither are in the game juuust in case
New forms for the legendaries: I am a Gen 6-er who’s starving for crumbs. I never see my legendaries anywhere. I think Megas would be fuckin badass but honestly I’ll take a singular grain of anything
Xerneas and Yveltal fighting: God of Peace vs God of Destruction, fighting? Unheard of. Revolutionary story idea. I’d eat it up.
Diantha’s Ancestor: We got to see one champions ancestor, let’s see another’s :D However. They must be fashionable. This is non-negotiable.
Mega Mewtwo Z: Exact same as Charizard, I feel like if you give one a mega you’re obligated to give the other one as well, or else people will complain or question it too much. I put them in the same column because I feel confident that you can’t have one without the other
Volo: A lot of people are speculating this because he says some stuff after you fight him, and while I would definitely prefer to have a different antagonist for this game I wouldn’t really complain about it either
New Legendary/Returning Mythicals: Maybe a new one kinda like how we got Enamorous, but im mostly hoping that the mythicals come back for this game because I’m trying to have a living Dex in Pokemon Home and I have NONE of the mythicals. Like at all. I am not selling my soul to get them
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pierswife · 1 year
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@wyrmmak SOOOOOO TRUE well get ready for the Manda Lore Unlock cause this one is a fun story
Okay, let's go all the way back to November 2019. It's my third semester ever of college. I was doing so freakin good at avoiding leaks and spoilers for Sword and Shield (except for official release trailers) and was just SO excited to pick up my preorder after class (it was an 8AM Friday lecture and I sadly couldn't go to the midnight release even though I was invited got a call from gamestop that night and everything). I even requested the day off from work too because I'd be dammed Taco Bell kept me away from my pokemon and it was midterms too so extra excuse to request off (did this with Three Houses too fun fact). This is to set up how this man absolutely blindsided the fuck outta me when I first saw him.
So here I am, absolutely powering through this game having the time of my life playing it because idgaf what people say and idc how much a pokemon game may suck, if I have the ambition I'll finish it in less than a week. Keep in mind, I had no fucking idea who Piers was. And then I get to Spikemuth and I am ABSOLUTELY loving the vibe and the music and I am absolutely jamming out to everything. And then I get to him and he gives his little before battle speech thing and tbh I'm enthralled because I just love the way his dialogue was written and also just found it so cool that he was the still 7th gym leader without being able to dynamax his pokemon and honestly commended the fuck out of it (I'm not a big fan of it myself and only used it when I absolutely had to). I'm also just a sucker for his aesthetic and found myself getting a little crush after finishing his gym. Also his battle music was a fucking banger and I would just constantly listen to it for a few days after. And then we got to the lead up to Rose Tower and I fell harder when he just kinda shows up and basically is 100% down for some anarchy to help the kids stop Rose. And then GOD the post game where it shows that he's just such a good older brother and constantly worried for his sister, but also accidentally adopting the player character and Hop along the way and being the most tired mom friend like ever, icing on top of the cake. And I was cackling when at the end of the post game he gives you his rare trainer card and basically goes "never contact me for something like this ever again" and just LEAVES. Had me giggling like a maniac. So yeah by December that year I was pretty down bad.
Overall I just appreciate how he's a pretty chill and down to earth dude, but 100% is so fucking down for violence (think along the lines of "violence is the question and the answer is yes"). I also just love how like... prickly he seems on the outside before you do kinda get to know his character a little bit more. I've always found characters like that super neat in general! The more I learned about him the more I felt "hey, this would be someone I'd be super comfortable being myself around" and he wouldn't mind my Mentally Ill Moments and would actually sit with me and help me work through them (because my and a lot of people's headcanon is that he's been through some shit himself so he understands). I also have the old fic I wrote forever ago where he helped me repierce my ears (cause irl I was repiercing them in my bathroom lmao) and that was just absolute nail in the coffin I would die for this man. Tbh it's a mix of his mannerisms and how you could fill some stuff in with headcanons (a lot of which a majority of the fandom agreed on) and how I just see him as someone who I could just let my guard down around and relax that made me like him so much.
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deadmomjokes · 3 years
Now I'm intrigued about the eevee army! It sounds like theres a story there and I would love to hear it!
Okay SO.
Back when the first Pokemon wave hit the U.S., roughly the late-90s and early 2000s, my family got massively Into It. By my family, I mean my big sister and my cousins, who were living with us at the time. Being somewhere between the age of 7 and 10, I was really just along for the cute little critters.
My sister and cousins, though. Full-tilt obsession. They had the fancy training mats and everything, though they got so good they didn't even need the mats to keep things straight. They used every bit of spare change to buy packs and boosters in the hopes of getting shinies and more powerful rare cards. It was exactly the kind of thing you'd expect from a herd of young geeks.
My mom, while somewhat disturbed by the fervor with which 4 of the 6 young children in her house started flipping out over little cartoon animals(?), didn't actively discourage it until the physical fights started. But that happened later. For the first few months, she was all too happy to feed the frenzy because it made birthdays and Christmas SUPER easy-- everyone gets a pack of Pokemon cards in their stocking. Yay! Christmas made, and it barely takes up any storage space.
What's the one thing common to all random-chance-card-buying games? You get a bunch of weak, common cards in every pack. Sometimes that's all you get. But hey, that's Baby's First Gambling; you keep going back for more because what if you get that really powerful Shiny Charizard this time?
Now, I was not into the game aspect, nor into the collecting aspect. I just thought they were neat. I gave mine names and played games with them like they were dolls. I would use the Energy cards as food and have them run a little restaurant or go on a picnic. It was adorable and slightly embarrassing.
Now, back to the pack-devouring habits of my older sibling and cousins. In their quest to build the perfect, unbeatable deck, they accumulated quite a lot of 'useless' cards. Among those were plenty of low-level pokemon like Eevee.
Little me LOVED Eevee. (Heck, big me loves Eevee, they're the best.) Cutest pokemon ever, like a fox, a dog, a cat, and a squirrel all at once; everything I loved rolled into one adorable, fluffy little package! So I started asking if I could take the leftover Eevees for my Eevee city I was building with legos. "Yeah, sure, whatever, here you go."
I started doing this with other cards, too. Hey, can I have these energy cards you don't use for your electricity-heavy deck? Cool, thanks. What about these special action cards that don't work with your preferred type? Neat, thanks! I built up this big collection of castoff cards while my cousins and my sister duked it out for game supremacy.
Eventually, my cousins moved out. My big sister was left with nobody to play with... except me. I had never played, nor did I really want to. I didn't take it very seriously when she tried to teach me, mostly just going along with it to appease her. I would play the standard Gardevoir deck against her Blaziken deck, and she'd kick my trash every time.
I'm not sure how or when it first occurred to me, but one day a light went on. You lose when you have no more playable pokemon, right? Well I have, like, a billion Eevees. I'd never run out. I could use those. So I rebuilt the Gardevoir deck. One Gardevoir, and a billion Eevees. Because my Eevees didn't need any special energy type and I wasn't focusing on special attacks or actions, I could use literally any energy I had laying around, and my dozens of Eevees. I loaded the deck with that and only that. Sixty cards of energy and Eevees.
I don't know how, but it completely broke the balancing mechanics of the game. I smeared my sister's carefully curated Blaziken deck. She decided it was a fluke, so she used her Charizard deck. I won again. She cooked up a deck that was heavy on the Fighting types, which Eevee was weak against. Still, I won.
She threw everything she had at my Eevee Wall and never made it over. Turns out, "Keep chucking little fox squirrels until they wear your opponent down piecemeal" was not a strategy that designers and playtesters had accounted for. (Which I feel like they really should have, because this is supposed to be a kid's game, right? That's a totally kid thing to do. But anyway.)
My sister was ENRAGED. In her view, there was no way I should have been able to win by just spamming Eevees. It was a violation of the spirit of the game, and also, how did my wimpy little 50-health Eevees keep taking down her Onyx???
Nevertheless, Eevees persisted.
Our reign was glorious, if short-lived. She got so mad she quit playing altogether. She would rather not play at all than face my Eevee Army again. Which, now that I think about it, was kind of a jerk move, but I was, like, 9? And really tired of playing this boring card game when I had a whole soap opera plot to get back to with my little Eevee clan. The Queen was missing, guys! I didn't have time to play cards when the kingdom was in peril!
(For anyone concerned, I did eventually agree to play with her 'normally,' provided she made the deck for me and was fine with a hard limit of one game per day. I only realized looking back on it that she totally rigged my deck to make sure that not only did she win, she never had to look at another Eevee again.)
But yeah, maybe they've fixed things a little since the OG edition, but Eevee Army worked every dang time and it's still one of my proudest un-achievements of childhood.
Moral of the story: Never underestimate the power of a bored little girl and some really cute filler cards. Also, Eevee is the best.
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ceasarslegion · 3 years
Whenever I hear the moral panic about liberal agendas or whatever the fuck I think about my childhood
For all the faults my family has and the issues i have with my parents, I will say that I never grew up in an environment that limited my access to the outside world. What I mean by that is that I was raised sex positive, alcohol was never a taboo but just something to exercise some care around, weed and psychedelics weren't even considered drugs, none of my media was limited (save for appropriate age restrictions when needed) or considered corruptive, and even the conversations around hard drugs were pretty open. In summation, I was told "what someone does to take the edge off is their business. As long as they don't hurt anyone because of it, you can't make moral judgements on the things they do that only affect them."
I didn't realize how rare that was until i started growing a bit more. To me, that was just the way of the world because I wasn't taught any different. No one hid what sex was from me, or kept me from listening to that Satanic Heavy MetalTM, and instead of just being told something was wrong and bad, I was told the whole truth about things like drugs and alcohol and allowed to make my own informed decisions on them when I got older. Hell, just yesterday while we were looking for a new fridge, my dad joked about how one of the compartments would be perfect for storing my weed and then called me a dopehead.
And then I grew a bit more comprehensive. In a pretty small and very homogenized conservative town. In the most conservative province in Canada. I knew what religion and god was being from a Jewish family, but I was told that was my decision to make and that no one else could tell me what I believed in, and no one's beliefs were any better or worse as long as they weren't hurting anyone. Many of my teachers and classmates disagreed on that, and everything else I was taught.
Suddenly I had teachers and peers telling me that if I didn't believe in jesus that I was going to hell. Suddenly I had other kids' parents yelling at me and my parents because their kid told me that babies came from storks and I told them the truth. Suddenly the other kids weren't allowed to play with me because I was "corrupting" them. So I hung out with the very few and far between other kids from progressive families, but even then, I had an elementary school teacher send us to detention for trading pokemon cards at recess because she claimed that they were demons we were letting possess us.
Thing is, if it was just other kids parroting their parents' shitty beliefs, I could write that off and forgive pretty easily now, at 22, having matured quite a bit since my primary school days (I'd hope). But the fact that TEACHERS, adults who knew they had a certain amount of authority over the children in their care, abused that authority by indirectly punishing the kids that didn't conform to what they wanted precisely because they didn't makes this shit more than just a question of kids being their parents' mouthpieces.
I remember my days of early sex ed. I'm sure the conservative hell province that is Alberta would be happy to toss the very idea of it out of schools altogether, but it's federally mandated, so they had to teach it. But the federal government doesn't dictate what's in those curriculums, that's up to the province. Which goes about as well as you'd think in a province like that. My parents pulled me out of it after I came home parroting pro-life bullshit because they told us in class that the clitoris doesn't exist, and that abortions work by poisoning a full-term baby to death. If that makes me the first Albertan kid to get pulled out of sex ed because it was too conservative, I don't want that title.
This is all an extremely long winded way for me to say that if you honest-to-god believe that there's any such thing as a "liberal agenda" then you've never been a kid from a liberal family in a conservative town. However, as I've pointed out here, there is definitely, undisputedly a conservative agenda. And if you think about it for more than 2 seconds, you'll notice that all these things they tried to impose upon me were based on lies. My parents fully researched everything they taught me and didn't insult my intelligence by hiding things from me if I asked. I remember asking them things and they'd sometimes say "I don't know, let me find out for you" but that's what you're supposed to do, not just repeat the conservative propaganda that's been fed to you all your life. But every single thing that others took issue with was because of lies and puritan pearl-clutching. They had to build this "liberal agenda" strawman to justify their attacking a family who raised their kid on factual evidence instead of bullshit. And honestly, I think the self-projection hit them a little hard ie attacking a child for not hurting anyone in a way they didn't like and then claiming I was "shoving my liberal rearing down their throats."
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steve0discusses · 3 years
Yugioh S5 Ep 19: Yugi and the Only Neck Accessory He Didn’t Really Want to Wear
Been busy! Hopefully stuff will open up soon as I’m taking a hiatus on a different quarantine project and will be finishing painting the entire roof of my car this week? One can hope. Sanding the rust off the whole top of a car takes a long time it turns out?
Also, fun Yugioh fact, I recently painted a book cover for an author who is older so she’s never seen the show, and she looked at my tumblr, saw my Duke Devlin fanart and was like “That’s him. That’s my main character. OMG. You captured him perfectly!” and I was like “Ma’am that is Duke Devlin, hence the single dice earring on his lobes there, but we can work with this.” and now a spiritual Duke Devlin is on the cover of a Wuxia-style fantasy trilogy on the Vella. Had to give him a top knot and delete the eyeliner for Wuxia reasons but uh, that’s just Duke.
So long story short, fanart can get you work, don’t even worry about posting that stuff online because most people don’t even know it’s fanart anyway and older ladies freakin love it.
Back in Yugioh, the team was doing their best to navigate a map through the woods and they do about as well as they normally do.
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And inside Tristan lifted up the floorboards and was like “I found the only way out, this is it, this is the only way.”
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And they ended up in something that has a color scheme I would actually associate with a jungle. Finally. We have finally left California (in order to go to another Hell.)
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Youknow, when we went to California, we visited Hell, and when we went to India, we also took a stop at the nearest death destination. There’s just so much death on this show and sometimes I forget because there’s been a ghost in our party for so freakin long it’s been normalized.
(read more death imagery under the cut)
Joey freaks out at a flock of crows and reveals in this episode something I never realized about him before.
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Like I’m not always the perfect observer as I’m sure you’ve noticed, but I love that this is canon for probably only this episode, but I will never forget it for the entirety of this series.
You go on hating birds, Joey.
Bro was like “Maybe it’s a deep cut about Mai Valentine because she’s a harpy lady” but eh...pretty sure we spent like an entire season of Joey telling us that Mai was a good experience? Would be incredibly funny if immediately after all of S4, Joey was like “You know what? Screw Mai, guys.”
So my thoughts...it’s probably just a literal bird experience. Like I had a friend who hated deer because once she went to a petting zoo, got some pellets to feed the deer, but her finger was sticking up, so when the deer came over to nibble on some pellets her finger went up it’s nose by accident. She was so disgusted by this event that was entirely her fault, that she brought up how much she hated deer basically whenever we saw one.
So like...maybe Joey fed a bird wrong at a petting zoo. I can see him getting bit by a parrot because he was too Joey Wheeler.
But now that we’re in a graveyard neighborhood, Pharaoh decides to hop out because there’s a lot of ghosts here and he needs to practice socializing with his peers.
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So that’s just a Yugioh monster doing the ostrich dance, right? Like this is a meme from like 2010 but on Yugioh in 2003(4?)
Good to see the Ostrich dance here in the land before Vine.
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So they pull out their Pokemon to do some antics, Tea looked like she was about to do something useful, and Yami does a yump across time and space to get her as far away from playing (not)cards as quickly as possible and y’all...sure was a position these animators animated.
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Holy crap.
And I was going off about that scene last season where they woke up in the same bed like...
...have these two been together this entire time? Like together together?
They’re like...way more comfortable than you’d figure they’d be considering Yugi nearly passes out every time he gets a hug. But Yami just like....How long has this been going on? As long as Joey’s fear of birds?
Like obviously this show would never cover what the hell Yugi may be thinking about this overreaching move here, because we’re gonna gloss right over that, and just run away up a flight of stairs. No one mentions this ever again. Which is mind blowing for an anime to do. I think in most anime I watch, the kids would be like “ahh ahhhh I bumped into a booooob!” like it does for I want to say every other episode of My Hero Academia. But in Yugioh, they saw that low hanging fruit and they were like “we expect a higher level of maturity out of our audience. Now here’s a fleet of ostrich dancing tree monsters with faces for crotches.”
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They decided to sprint up this flight of stairs, and it enough of a slope to deter the monsters who are only unbalanced weird legs.
I want us to take a moment and admire this background painting. I can’t unsee the rocks that are all the same size, just piled on top of eachother. Did Alexander the Great just plop rocks here--or was the mountain made up of tons of similarly shaped boulders?
Like there’s a lot of nice bg’s in this arc, don’t get me wrong, but this one...I’m just trying to wrap my head around the logic of it.
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At the top, they meet a pantheon, that is immediately blocked by this wall, because if this arc had a tagline, it’s “Yugi gets inconvenienced every 4 seconds.”
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Bro was like “Clearly they would have pushed it over if Tea wasn’t slacking off” and like...she is actually. Look at her. Only used one hand? Slacker.
Joey was disappointed he couldn’t push over a massive wall, and the team decided not to analyze how much Joey Wheeler thinks of his own strength and instead fixate on these statues.
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Usually in anthro characters they kinda look birdlike but act human. But what about an anthro that’s just a bird? Like human torso, but can turn his head 180 degrees? Yugioh made me ask this question.
And then Joey was like “wait, there may be a solution that isn’t just to use brute strength!”
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Youknow it is a bummer that Kaiba couldn’t witness Joey own a dragon while he himself only has a robot jet dragon. Although, the jet is probably faster, stronger and overall...better than this baby dragon. It would have been great for Kaiba to witness Joey under-utilize this dragon and forget he has it for like huge swatches of the episode.
And then Grandpa pulled some body horror out of nowhere.
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I mean that is really gross.
I guess Grandpa can’t use Blue eyes, because Kaiba ripped it up, Grandpa can’t use Exodia because Weevil tossed it off a boat, and grandpa can’t use the card that’s just a building because...it’s a building.
So instead Grandpa has a bunch of meat and bones that look like something out of Doom. It’s probably from a more obscure Konami property, but I forget which.
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I’ve seen Tristan hold back Joey in this hold, first time it’s been Tea.
So much shipping in this episode, it’s wild.
It’s also wild how low my standards are for what could possibly be shipping when it comes to Yugioh because of how freakin tepid all of these characters are, which as I’ve brought up before, I really don’t mind.
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So Yugi decides that because Grandpa was folding his arms like one monster and it made a gem light up or something, to just do the video game thing and use the giant ass statues as clues.
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Why was this arc not a video game? Like parts of it really feel like it was meant to be.
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So Yugi falls down a hole, where the walls cave in like it’s that dumpster in Star Wars but like...it barely phases him.
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Also...Yugi might be able to see in the dark. It’s never been brought up but like...the more I think about it...has Yugi ever struggled to see without the lights on?
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After Joey disappoints everyone, he confronts death.
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And Pharaoh and Yugi decide to solve the puzzle of “how do I get out of this trap dungeon room” which, honestly, is probably what they’re doing every time they hang out in the brain pyramid.
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So they summon their mascot monster, and surprisingly the show decided its ability to fly cannot help them out here.
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Kuriboh manages to become enough of a doormat to push Yami up to the stone and they end up in a set of weird cuts that ended in this?
Like seriously it was like flashes of light and then they were just...up here like this.
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Hey like...
Alexander the Great, my man...
Were you planning to put that stone in the middle of a exhaust vent hoping someone would touch it? Because there’s no way anyone would rationally have done that. You would need to fly to do it. This is the world’s worst DM.
Like Yugioh pulls a lot of fantasy nonsense but this arc is a lot more like a “it’s a kid’s show, just go with it.” arc than most of them. It’s not a bad vibe, necessarily, it’s just not the vibe I’m used to.
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So once I witnessed maybe the most boring conversation I’ve ever witnessed about corn (this was on a twitch stream, by the way, a guy was playing an interesting game, and then a guest came on and started talking about corn and plants for 2 hours) and they would not shut up about how all taxonomy is wrong because there are no such thing as trees and how all animals are labelled incorrectly, and then they started comparing it to like all sorts of mushrooms and phytoplankton as you would if you clearly got a little bit high before dumping your corn knowledge on a twitch stream.
Anyway, after that bizarre experience I suffered so I could learn how to play an obscure video game, I think I can safely say, that while I know everyone here thinks a bird can’t be a dog. If you’re a high biologist: a bird is absolutely a dog. Apparently you can just do that if you’re the most boring biologist alive and no one will argue with you because to do that would involve talking to you. We’ll just say a bird is a dog and no one can fight me or I will talk about the corn book that this guest on this twitch chat was thinking about renting from the library about the different types of corn mutations inherent in freakin Indiana. Therefore, Joey’s fear of birds and dogs is same.
So they use Dark Magician to save them from the statues, and Yugi busts into the pantheon again because they got to open this casket before a time limit that I kind of forgot about, tbh.
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And inside the casket, is...this thing!
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(enjoy this line on the bottom of the image I don’t feel like fixing it)
And you may say to yourself...it looks like it’s just floating in mid-air, that’s silly, and so I want to introduce you to the next panel where you can see that it is...quite literally...just floating in the air like a video game.
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and it just slurps itself onto Yugi before he can be like “nonono.”
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Wasn’t there some horror movie where you were stuck in some sort of body brace that slowly tortures you (was that Saw?) This has that vibes. Like man that looks uncomfortable to wear over a jacket and two belts and a collar that is another belt.
That and I...I gotta appreciate that Yugi popped his collar while wearing body armor and chunky necklace. What 00′s fashion appreciation right there.
Bit like...this isn’t breathable, right? Like Yugi’s gonna finally take this thing off and his jacket will just be completely soaked in sweat?
Anyway, that’s it for this post, next week we’ll see if Yugi can walk through a doorway in that thing.
Also, I can’t bring up the ostrich dance without sharing the vines of my generation
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ohbeaby · 4 years
So the all of the boys we have met really are just rich. The only one who isn’t is probably Mammon but even he is only in debt due to some of his strange spending habits.
So this is just a silly little thought about how the boys might react to an MC who isn’t very rich at all and has habits to save money.
While they all take decent care of their clothes they also tend to just throw them out if a hole is made or a stain appears. Belphie might keep his longer out of sheer laziness but it’s not like he’s trying to fix any of the issues with his clothes he’s just too lazy to go get more.
MC probably has a small sewing kit and some tricks to get stains out of just about any fabric. The brothers try to throw clothes away and Mc swoops in your save the lightly used fabric from the garbage. They also have a small collection of patches and fabric strips that they give to Levi if he needs extra material for his cosplays. All the saved clothes get returned to the brothers who are very confused as to how the holes all got patched up and WHY MC would bother patching them.
This spills over into Purgatory Hall when MC learns Solomon keeps ruining his clothes in different disasters. The issue is the word disaster clearly has different meanings to everyone because MC just about loses it when they learn that the “disastrous” state of his clothes is just some tears and some small spots where a potion spilled.
All the boys confront MC at some point about why they keep fixing their clothes and MC just explains that they find it wasteful to throw the fabrics away when they could easily be repaired and maintained. They’re all mildly impressed but don’t say anything, though there is a distinct lack of clothes being thrown away after everything is done and some even come to MC for repairs.
So when MC first got there no one really paid attention to what they were buying for themselves. The brothers simply didn’t care because it’s just some human. As they get to know MC more though they start to pay attention and realize that MC isn’t exactly buying the highest quality in anything. I imagine Lucifer might be the first to actually say something.
MC: I think I want to get some hot coco.
Lucifer: Yes that doesn’t sound nice. Some milk and cream with coco powder- What are you doing?
MC: *holding up a box of instant hot coco* This is what I usually get. Just add some hot water and it’s okay.
Lucifer: *internally screaming at how terrible that sounds compared to what he was imagining* Do you...not know how to make hot coco?
MC: *laughing* Oh I know! It’s just more expensive than this.
Lucifer makes sure to accompany them on their grocery shopping trips and tries to get them to be a bit more open to buying more expensive cuts of meat or cheeses. He just wants them to enjoy some of the nicer things they feel comfortable indulging in.
Asmodeous probably has a heart attack when he realizes MC is just buying the most affordable shampoos and body washes. Poor boy isn’t able to comprehend that MC doesn’t want to drop 100’s of dollars on soaps.
Asmo: But look at how many harsh chemicals are in there MC! Your poor hair isn’t going to feel healthy at all!
MC: I mean...it gets my hair clean yeah? So it’s fine.
Asmo: At least get a body scrub! They help make your skin feel so soft!
MC: Is there one not quite as expensive? The one in your hand is a bit more than I expected.
Asmo: ...I don’t know what’s in the cheaper ones though. They probably don’t have as much moisturizer.
MC: Soooo I don’t need it?
Asmo: *screeching because he doesn’t know how to convey what the issue is*
Asmo takes time to find more affordable products that at least have a similar quality to his high end taste. He doesn’t like it but he does know he can’t force MC to buy the products he would normally use.
Mammon is VERY confused when MC is looking at jewelry of some kind but it’s like glass or shiny plastic instead of actual crystals or diamonds.
MC: Oh these charms are cool! Look there’s a crow!
Mammon: I mean...I guess? They aren’t real crystals or anything though. Looks like hard plastic.
MC: Eh? Why does that matter? *laughing* I’m just window shopping anyways.
Mammon: Window shopping?
MC: You know? When you’re just looking around but not actually going to buy?
Mammon: But if you want it why not just get it?
MC: These charms are each more expensive than my average meal! I can’t just drop that kind of money on little trinkets!
He’s probably the most understanding about all of it since he gets not having money. The realization that MC doesn’t actively seek out anything remotely expensive turns him to trying to save up more money to get them nice things.
Leviathan is probably the one to make MC the most uncomfortable with his spending habits. He is known to spend egregious amounts of money on things that don’t have an actual function aside from just being part of a collection. MC on the other hand will buy little knock off things like key chains or stickers because they don’t want to spend so much on the official merchandise but they still like whatever show or game it is. MC also knows how to make their own cosplays and repurpose things for props and accessories.
MC: *showing Leviathan some cute little charm from Pokemon or something* I love this one it’s so cute. I wanted to get the set but that was quite a bit more!
Leviathan: *sees it and knows immediately that it’s knock off and not even close to official merch* The colors aren’t even close! Look it doesn’t even look like the original character!
MC: I mean it’s pretty close. Maybe it’s just hard to make that color?
Levi: Why not just get the official merch?? It’s much better quality
MC: But the official is ten times more expensive. I think this looks close enough.
Levi: ...okay look I THINK I have an extra set with that character in it.
MC: ...extra set??
Levi: Well I buy more than one so I can sell them later.
MC: More than one??????
Leviathan makes it a goal of his to get MC whatever merch he can for their interests. He doesn’t like the idea that MC just settles for lower quality stuff just because they don’t think they should buy it. This is HIS Henry after all, only the best quality for them.
Satan also struggles hard trying to understand MCs spending habits. He prefers to get new books when he can as he doesn’t like the idea of buying a used book that someone ruined (ie. the corners have small bends or there’s a pencil mark in them, he has high standards for his books lol). The only exception he has is older books that are limited quantity. He gets frustrated when he sees MC carrying books around that look like they’ve been through hell and back in his eyes. He initially thinks MC is the one ruining their own books.
Satan: Really? The semester started a week ago and your books already look this bad?
MC: Bad? I thought I got a good deal on them.
Satan: Well when you bend the corners like that of course they look bad. Is that a coffee stain? Really?
MC: What? We haven’t even gotten to these sections yet. I’m not sure what you’re issue with my books is.
Satan: Well why are the pages all bent here of you haven’t gotten to these sections yet? Are you just incapable of taking care of your stuff?
MC: Maybe it was the previous owner? I take care of my stuff, don’t even try and pull that card.
Satan: ...previous owner? Like you’ve just gone and bought a used book? Why?
MC: Well actually it’s a rental, it was cheaper than-
Satan: RENTAL?!
Satan then insists that he buys MC all new books despite their protests. He isn’t going to sit around and let them use older books if it can be helped though he does start to understand why MC doesn’t mind used books when they show them places with discounted or even free textbooks and PDFs. It’s kind of handy to not have to pay a large sum for a physical copy when he can just have a free PDF of an older version on his laptop.
Beelzebub starts questioning what the humans habits are when he takes them shopping in place of Lucifer and sees them picking up instant noodles and coffee. He may be willing to eat almost anything but even he knows that stuff doesn’t taste the best and can’t be the healthiest for them.
Beelzebub: What about this brand? It’s got those little veggies in it.
MC: But it’s three times the price. I can just chop up some chives and put it in this for cheaper.
Beel: Why does the price matter?
MC: I don’t like spending too much if I can help it. Oh! They have frozen pizzas!
Beel: *increasingly concerned about the humans poor eating habits*
Beel probably starts taking them out to restaurants more or trying to rope them into cooking with him. He isn’t sure if they just don’t know what good food looks like or what their deal is so he’s just going to try and show them and hope they get the hint. He does avoid eating anything healthy they bought, like yogurts or frozen fruit.
Belphegor. King of sleep. Ruler of comfort. The one you know KNOWS how to take a good nap. He is absolutely pissed when he sees MCs room for the first time, most importantly their bed. The pillows look awful and the sheets are the cheapest ones you can get at the store. He confronts his brothers about the humans poor sleeping arrangements to which they all say “it’s what they chose when they first got here.”
Belphie: No. Unacceptable. Throw it away.
MC: You’re being ridiculous, I’m not throwing my pillows away.
Belphie: They don’t even have a shape they’re so flat! You have no comfort standards!
MC: My bed is comfy!
Belphie: The only comfortable part is the mattress which is also the only thing you didn’t choose.
MC: What’s wrong with the rest of it?!
Belphie: Those sheets are scratchy, the blanket is thinner than a piece of paper, those pillows look sadder than a kicked puppy, do I really need to go on?
MC: You’re being completely unreasonable.
Belphie drags Asmo and Mammon to the store to get MC a whole new bed set and even insists on getting them a new mattress. MC gets barred from their room for a few days until everything is set up. Belphie cares, he just wants MC to be comfortable, it’s important to him that MC sleeps well.
Overall I think the boys will learn to be a little more accepting of MCs habits. They also become increasingly more aware of how much richer they are than them and try to make MC as comfortable as they can.
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Love Doesn’t Do Encores Ch5 Sponsorship
(Hey everyone I apologize for the late chapter. Also I should mention this story will contain my own headcannons about the backstories of some of the characters and info on the league cards and that the next chapter might be a lil late cuz of irl stuff.)
The trainers had arrived.
Professor Magnolia hummed in the middle of her trip to the kitchen as you and Leon watched from the couch. You both had a pretty good idea of who it was as the excited knocking continued when an answer didn't come from anyone instead. Eventually the professor answered.
"The door's open!," she shouted towards the door and you were impressed when she didn't flinch with how fast it flew open and in came the two children you both were waiting for. Hop and Gloria with excited smiles on their faces.
"PROFESSOR!," Hop greeted as he came right in and you blinked when Leon stood up from the couch and walked on over to stand next to the professor.
"Why, Hop dear," Ms. Magnolia greeted as he came up to her, "So these must be the new trainers Leon requested the starters for." She then turned to Gloria. "And this must be your friend, Gloria."
"And rival!" Gloria stood proudly which made the Professor chuckle.
"I see." Her eyes looked over to the bag on Hop's back, a few Pokeballs visible in a pocket on the side. "Oh? I see Wooloo has made some new friends. I trust you two received the pokedex from Sonia. I'm sure you'll have it complete in no time."
"Hey, Professor, do us a favor, would you?," Hop asked with a nervous face and the older woman turned back to him with a hum. OH BOY! You knew exactly where this would go. The professor would convince Leon into sponsoring the two for the Gym Challenge but not before he had them give a battle to convince him otherwise. "Help me convince Lee he should endorse us for the Gym Challenge!"
By now Leon had stood next to the professor as she hummed and turned her head to the Champion. "Oh Leon, why wouldn't you endorse them?"
Here it comes.
"Ehh." he sighed. Reaching a hand up to take off his hat and running his other through his long purple locks. "Hop and Gloria only just started out as pokemon trainers..." Both teens smiles dropped and they looked at one another. "There's still loads they don't know yet! Plus after today's little incident...Maybe they're not ready to take on something like this."
"BUT LEE!," Gloria interjected catching his attention. "You were younger than us when you first started out on your journey!"
"Yeah! And Sonia had to help you how many times?," Hop gestured to him like it was obvious.
Leon hummed with a frown. "Yeah, but I'm always hopeless with directions. I never went into Slumbering Weild at all, except to get you two out, but that's totally different then walking in intentionally."
"Now Lee," Ms. Magnolia looked at him. "It's in every young child's nature to make mistakes. It's all a part of growing up and becoming stronger. Dearie, I thought your dream was to have everyone in the Galar Region become strong trainers. Isn't that right?"
He hummed returning the hat back to his head. "Well...yeah. You're not wrong. That goal's precisely the reason I gave them both pokemon, in fact."
"Well then why don't you give them a chance to make mistakes and grow," she suggested as he still had that Skeptical frown. Leon hummed and looked back to the two. "You made plenty of mistakes too, Lee. Don't forget. You said so yourself."
"I know, I know." A hand came up to rub his chin. "And it does look like they caught a few pokemon by themselves." A small silence passed over them as you watched with a smile knowingly, and the two teens looked almost scared of his anwer....Before he sighed again. "Right then...In that case, how about this?" He held up a finger pointing. "Let's see if the two of you can show me such a brilliant battle that I'm left no choice but to endorse you. If I think you two have a good enough fighting chance then the endorsement's all yours."
"YES!!," both teens cheered with Hop doing an arm pump but it was enough for Leon to smile at them.
"And don't worry. I'll make sure both your teams are in good shape before the battle starts." He paused and looked out the window for a moment. "....It's been almost the entire day...We better go outside and get started if you two are going to be back home before dark too."
"RIGHT! I'll be waiting outside, Glory!" And again Hop dashed away
"HEY WAIT!! NO FAIR!!" She frowned and ran after him with Leon chuckling.
"Hurry it up, Glor! You've gotta battle me so I can get myself that endorsement!," his voice echoed back outside.
"Ah those two. I don't think I had that much energy even when I was their age." You got up Sobble chittering as the professor chuckled and started towards the door, cane thumping against the floor. As you two followed her out.
Leon sighed. "Yeah. Well I better get out there. If something goes wrong they'll need some help and someone needs to watch the battle they put on."
The three of you piled outside, you two slowly going out after the professor and finding the two teens already at the battle court a lil ways from the purple house pokemon already out and ready to go and you blinked. Oh. Looks like they did get some new pokemon.
"ALRIGHT!," Leon called side stepping past the professor fast and quickly walking towards the two, catching their attention. "Listen you two! The reason I'm unbeatable is because I learn from every battle I see or take part in. That's how I've gotten to where I am today. So show me something good in this battle!" He finally made it to the middle of the court and looked between the two for a moment. "Ok! The same rules of your first battle will apply to here as well. The first one to become unconcious or knocked out of bounds loses!"
"I'm interested in seeing how you two young trainers battle, too." Leon looked over as the you and the Professor stepped beside him and she finally made it to watch with a smile. "Now remember to give it everything you got. That's the best thing you can do for your pokemon and for yourselves, too."
"Good luck you two!," you added with a wave Sobble chirping in agreement.
"I'm going to become the greatest pokemon trainer there is!," Hop declared, Wooloo baaing in total agreement with him on the field, "And to do that I need that endorsement to take part in the Gym Challenge!" He pointed straight to Gloria. "Come at me with everything you have so we can prove to Lee that we've got what it takes!"
Gloria huffed hands on her hips. You figured by now that would probably be her default pose like Hop's was that couched fist pumped one. Not that you judged. "HA! If you want a show you've come to the right person then!" She pointed back. "Guess you'll be tasting my victory again!"
"We'll see about that, Glory! IT'S TIME FOR MY LEGEND TO BEGIN!," he shouted pointed out to the field challenging, "LET'S GO, WOOLOO!!" The sheep pokemon baaed out challenging to Gloria's...bird pokemon?? You didn't recognize it. "Have you gotten a bit stronger?"
Gloria hummed. "I'd say so. I wouldn't have this new pal here if I hadn't! What do you think?!"
"I think me and my test will put you to the test and see!"
"OH YEAH! WELL IN THAT CASE! ROOKIDEE USE HONE CLAWS!!," Gloria barked an order to the small bird pokemon and you guessed that the pokemon was a Rookidee. The small pokemon gave a tweeting noise and jumped in air, and you had to blinked when all of a sudden there was a dazzle of bright white light in the shape of slash marks. You blinked and....nothing happened. The wooloo was still in the standing position. What was all that about?
"You're confused?" You snapped to the professor as she smiled seeing your confused expression. "Hone Claws is a move that allows Rookidee's accuracy and attack to rise for their next attack. A smart or dumb move depends on what Hop does."
"WOOLOO USE TACKLE!!" The wooloo followed it's master's orders and quickly rolled into a ball and headed straight for them. You were surprised when Gloria made no move to stop it as her Rookidee remained standing as the wooloo was about to hit- The Rookidee was knocked back a few feet from the Wooloos tackle with a chirp and Gloria still did nothing.
"USE HONE CLAWS AGAIN!!," she ordered and this time you turned your head from the bright white attack reflecting the sun's light.
"HA! Didn't you see the first time that Hone Claws didn't work, Glory? USE TACKLE AGAIN!!" Hop taunted before ordering another assault. Again the same thing repeated with Gloria doing absolutely nothing and letting the rookidee be hit away a few more feet. Two or three more hits and Gloria would be ove-
Your eyes widened, Hop's question replaying in your mind. Head snapping to Gloria who remained unmoved. 'Didn't you see the first time that Hone Claws didn't work, Glory?'....Hop had no idea what Hone Claws really did did he!? You looked at Gloria who still did nothing as her pokemon shook it's head. That sneaky gal! She knew exactly what she was doing and so did you! Gloria was buying time for Rookidee's power to rise enough before delivering a powerful attack raised from the two hone claws attacks! Hop had no idea what was about to come his way!
"USE TACKLE TO YOUR MAX STRENGTH!! KNOCK'EM OUT!!," Hop ordered and the wooloo obeyed. Rolling fiercely towards Gloria's Rookidee as she did nothing to stop the upcoming hit-
"PECK!" It all happened so fast you could barely register it, didn't help it happened at such close range too. As soon as the wooloo was just barely a foot away from it, Gloria quickly ordered a ..Peck, and a direct power hit was delivered right to the wooloo's front in a grey cone shaped blur. Which resulted in a loud baa from the wooloo and it was knocked backwards. Rolling head over heels over and over again until it landed on it's side and slide the rest of the way before Hop's feet.
"WOOLOO!!" He cried almost horrified and dropped to his knees before the pokemon and reaching his hands out towards the spiraled eyed pokemon.
"Wooloo's unable to battle!," Leon shouted pointing to Gloria, "Gloria wins the first round!"
You felt sorry for Hop as he looked really down as he stood back up and took out a pokeball to you assume to put his wooloo in, but you had to wonder...Wasn't wooloo already still tired from their first battle earlier that day?? And from running around to try and catch some wild pokemon before they got here? Gloria probably would've beaten Hop anyways if he had no idea about Hone Claws but this world was a bit different from your game play or any game you could remember. This was a live battle you were witnessing, so of course it'd be more intense. Hop eventually did return the wooloo and pulled out another ball soon after.
"Alright then! Time to shine!," he shouted throwing out the next pokeball. What you weren't expecting was his Grookey to pop out in a flash of bright light. ...Wouldn't grookey be tired as well? Since Hop only had two pokemon he used, it made since he could only use the two he had for the previous battle and pokemon catching, so both might've been more exhausted.
"Are you going to switch your Rookidee, Gloria?," Leon asked looking to her but she shook her head.
"Nah! I'll stick with the one I got, Lee."
He nodded. "Alright! ROUND TWO GO!!"
"YOU WON'T GET THE BEST OF ME THIS TIME!! NOW THAT I KNOW YOUR TRICK!!," Hop shouted at Gloria frowning and pointing towards the rookidee, "GROOKEY USE SCRATCH-"
"PECK!!", Gloria ordered back quickly and..Well you guessed your suspicions were right dead on...because the Grookey wasn't fast enough to dodge the upcoming fast flying attack. You weren't sure if it was a factor of Hop's pokemon being tired or Gloria's rookidee being still hyped up from Hone Claws (or maybe a lil bit of both who knows?), but the grookey was struck in mid air midscratch and tumbled to the ground in a one hit K.O., Hop letting out a startled cry as his grookey was taken down.
The tention was cut by a flutter of Leon's cape and his hand pointing out to Gloria. "MATCH! Grookey's unable to battle! Victory goes to Gloria again!"
You knew it was probably in the gameplay for Gloria to win, so technically you shouldn't intervene or really feel bad about this, because if everything went according to the game, that meant you could go home or wake up from this weird dream you having but-...Hop returned his grookey back into the pokeball with a frown and disappointed look and you frowned too. You couldn't help but feel bad for him losing like this. Dream or not Hop seemed to show real emotion and you felt bad for knowing what was going to happen.
Hop looked glumly to the pokeball in his hand for a moment, before closing his eyes and you supposed, took a breath. Before snapping back up with a smile. "Well, Look at you! Seems you've really learned your type matchups!" He suddenly held up a pokeball. "How's about best two outta three rounds?"
"Sure! Why not!? After all I already won two outta 'em!"
"Yeah? Well I bet you weren't expecting THIS!" He tossed out another pokeball, or you assumed another, they all looked the same to you, and out with a flash of light came a ...Rookidee. Just like Gloria's. "It'll be a close one, but that's exactly my sort of match!"
Your eyes widened a bit. Oh wow. You weren't expecting that for sure. Leon also seemed to be interested as he looked back to Gloria. "Do you want to switch out your pokemon before the final match, Glory?"
After a moment of staring she shook her head. "Nah. I think I'll stick with rookidee and battle it out."
Leon nodded. "Alright! Final match! Ready you two!? BEGIN!!"
"ALRIGHT! TIME TO START THIS OFF WITH HONE CLAWS SINCE THAT WORKED SO GOOD FOR YOU GLOR!!" Hop pointed and in another flash of bright white light that made you blink as the rookidee flew up and gave the same slice attack to the air Gloria's rookidee did from earlier.
"ALRIGHT THEN! LET'S DO THE SAME SHALL WE?! ROOKIDEE HONE CLAWS!," Gloria ordered smiling and the bird pokemon did the same attack from before.
"USE PECK!!" And you all watched as Hop's rookidee honed it's peck ability and with a flap through the air they dove right towards the other rookidee before them.
"DODGE IT!!" You guessed Hop wasn't expecting Gloria to actually dodge the attack and instead use another move based off the Hone Claws attack she ordered from earlier. But with a quick blur, Gloria's Rookidee barely dodged out of the way, but somehow completely missing the attack and then it happened. You had guessed that Hop's rookidee was going too fast to pull up in time as it flew down at gloria's at a downwards strike. Because with a crash and sound that made you and your sobble cringe, the poor rookidee smashed into the pavement battle field as Gloria's rookidee flapped it's wings and fell over, from there the lot of you watched as the poor pokemon continued to roll head over heels unable to stop itself as it rolled towards Gloria who quickly lifted up her leg as to avoid the pokemon who rolled off the field and onto the grassy area behind her. Everyone stood there in silence watching the now still pokemon as it laid there for a moment before it let out a small chirp and managed to lift it's head up just a bit. Not knocked out but probably not able to battle.
"ROOKIDEE!!," Hop shouted in worry leaving his place and running over from his spot startling Gloria's pokemon and as soon as he got close enough, dropped to his knees in front of the tweeting pokemon. Hands hovering over the pokemon. "IM SO SORRY! ARE YOU OK?!" He jumped and looked up as Gloria grabbed his shoulder and gave an apologetic look.
"Match over!," Leon called jogging his way over to them, humming at the sight of the rookidee, "Well...Wasn't certainly expecting that of all things. Hop, put your pokemon back in it's ball. We'll have Nurse Joy at the center take a look at your pokemon on the way home."
Hop immediatly did as Leon suggested and quickly returned the rookidee back into it's pokeball before standing up as you and Professor Magnolia slowly walked towards them. Hop sighed and reached a hand up to rub his head letting his other arm flop to his side. "Man, oof. Gutted that I lost..." He turned to Gloria with a sad smile. "But I'd expect nothing less from my rival! And I even got my pokeball throw perfect, too."
"I'm sorry, Hop," Gloria apologized gently grabbing his arm as he blinked, "I didn't think that'd happen to your poor rookidee. I promise next time I'll try not to let that happen."
Hop quickly looked away clearing his throat and shrugging. "I-It's fine. That's how it is in the real world. The sting of defeat and joy of victory. I guess going through both is the key to the two of us getting stronger, r-right?"
"Gloria. Hop." Both looked back up as Leon smiled down proud at them. "I'm really glad you see it that way. I'm proud you learnt a good lesson from all this. And that being said...Well." He crossed his arms proudly. "After seeing you learn, and after seeing a match like that I suppose I've little choice but to give you both an endorsement as Champion!"
By the way their faces went from smiling to shocked, with their mouths literally dropped open, you would've thought they'd seen a ghost or something, and you couldn't help but giggle at that. Especially when they gasped upon seeing Leon reach behind him and pull out two small envelopes from behind his cape, each one having a small red wax seal on them. Leon proudly held them out to the children and you could see Gloria do her best as to not freak out.
"SHUT. UP. REALLY!? OMG!!" She yelled starry eyed and grabbing the letter from him like it was a teenage girl's first phone. "BEST! DAY! EVER!!"
"YES!" Hop jumped holding the letter up. "Thanks, Lee! I swear I'm going to win my way through the Gym Challenge to reach you!," Hop promised.
Leon laughed happily in return looking proud, and it was a smile which was contagious as you smiled. "You may both still be young, and plenty rough around the edges, but it was a proper battle. Charizard and I were both feeling the excitement in every last cell in our bodies!"...His smile wavered just a bit as he hummed. "But if I can offer some advice after seeing you two duke it out there." He turned to Hop. "You seem to panic a little bit there and your pokemon were tired. My suggestion would be to find the good and bad line between the phrase 'pushing your limits'." Hop paused for a moment..before frow- "Hop, you've always tended to get caught up in things like how you throw your poke ball out..Things that have nothing to do with real strength." He explained softly, "Honestly, I'd been worried about you still obsessing over that sort of nonsense, but it seems you really have grown a bit, Little Brother!" His smile came back and Hop blinked wide eyed before Leon turned to Gloria who froze under Leon's stare. "And I'd like to see more thrilling pokemon battles out of you too, Gloria...But a word of caution. It's obvious where Hop lacks in battle strategics you have impressive moves, but don't get too over confident. There's a fine line between confident and cocky. You two will be going head to head with other FAR MORE EXPERIENCED pokemon trainers and Gym Leaders who's going to have more tricks, more know how, and more success. But always remember practice makes perfect. You two practice and work on your weaknesses and soon you'll be heading towards battling me in no time!"
The smiles came back to both teens once again and you sighed. Well that could've gone much worse, but you were glad that at least things were starting to go as it was supposed to of course, but you had to wrack your brain and try to remember as much of this game as you could! If not for your sake, then the two kids here. The last thing you wanted was something like Gloria sneaking into Slumbering Weild again.
"Alright, Glory!" Hop flashed his friend a confident smile thrusting the letter at her. "You and me are going to train up against one another to aim for that Champion title!! It's like Lee said! The more we keep battling against one another the more our pokemon will grow!"
"You're on, Hoppity! Can't wait for our rematch then!"
Both kids laughed and you smiled even mor- You winced when your sobble suddenly chirped in your ear and turned around on your shoulder suddenly. "Ow! Hey! What's wrong?" You asked as you turned to the pokemon on your shoulder but it's body was half blocking your view as it looked up towards the sky. So you could only see his blue body, but it caught the attention of every other person there as they looked up and saw the shining light with a red trail leading behind it.
"Huh?! HEY! Look there!," Hop shouted pointing a hand towards the sky at it, "What's that!?"
"I don't know but it's coming right for us!"
Everyone watched and you eventually got Sobble's tail off your face just in time to see two sparkles land on the ground a little ways from the Professor's lake. The two teens already making a dash for the shiny objects and of course you fo-...You paused....Wait. Something was coming back to you now...OF COURSE!! THE WISHING STONES!...THINGS! In the game the player used those stones to make their pokemon gigantic! Or dynamax as everyone in this world called it. Looks like you were starting to remember a bit more about all this. In the meantime, Hop had picked up the shiny stones into his hands and gave them a wide eyed look upon realizing what it was.
"Gloria! Would you look at this!?" He smiled widely and turned with excitement plastered all over his face. Gemstones shining brightly in the sunlight. "They're wishing stars!"
"NO WAY!!" Her blue eyes widened looking at them like she had never seen something more beautiful in her life. "THAT'S SO COOL!!"
"Since there's two of them, you should take one yourself!" Hop held one hand out to her and she squealed in ecitement instantly.
"Wishing stones?," you repeated under your breath and apparently the professor heard you because you jumped as she spoke.
"A Wishing Stone is a stone found in the Galar Region with a mysterious power to dynamax a trainer's pokemon. It's said that your dreams will come true if you find one." She smiled at the two exited teens. "And it looks like you two are about to have a lot of luck indeed."
"With one of these, my pokemon can dynamax! They're gonna be massive!" He thrusted the stone into the air as Gloria was still cooing over the shiny stone in her hands, turning it this way and that, inspecting it as carefully as a detective would a case. "YES!!
Which made Leon give a good natured laugh and put his hands to his hips as his little brother looked to him excitedly. "It's a lucky day for everyone here then! Trust you to pull something like this." He nodded towards the stone in his hand. "They say wishing stars fall down for those who have a true wish in their heart, you know." Which made Hop's eyes widen even more.
"REALLY!? Well if that's the case!" He thrusted the gem towards the three adults(you being one of them), "I will be the greatest trainer ever! I will be the greatest trainer EVER!! I WILL BE THE GREATEST TRAINER EVER!!" He shouted out and it made you giggle along with Leon and the sobble on your shoulder giving Hop a scowl from the loud volume. "There! I've said it three times, so surely my wish will come true now, right?" He asked glancing to Leon for confirmation.
"Hop! The three wish thing are genies with the lamps. Not wishing on stars," Gloria said raising a brow at him.
Beside you the professor chuckled, sighed, and shook her head in that order. "Don't be silly, Hop." The boy looked to her as she explained and pointed to the stones in their hands. "Those Wishing Stars are composed of a curious sort of soft containing unknown power. They are one of the most precious resources we have here in the Galar Region." She hummed. "But they won't do a thing for you in that state. Give them to me now, and I'll have you sorted." She gently held out her hand to the kids and Gloria didn't hesitate to give the professor her shiny stone-
"Ah, right. You've done heaps of research on the Dynamax Phenomenon, haven't you, Professor?," Hop asked excitedly but continued before she could even answer. "Then please! Give Gloria and me the power to dynamax our pokemon!"
Gloria held up a hand. "Hop. You didn't even give-"
"First we got to battle the mad pokemon in the Slumering Weild, and now this!" No on noticed the bright orange haired woman walking over from up the dirt pathway. "It really feels like we're getting caught up in the adventure of a lifetime-
"HOP!!" Gloria shouted at him with a scowl startling the boy with a jump as he blinked to her. "You can't dynamax anything if you don't give the Professor the Wishing Star."
.......He blinked. "O-OH! RIGHT! SORRY!"
The professor still smiled kindly as Hop dropped his own stone into her hand beside Gloria's and she pulled her hand back having them. "I do understand your excitement, young man, but don't get carried away. You want to save your energy for the day after tomorrow's journey."
"Seems I came back home in time for all the excitement!," a lady's voice cut through the air and everyone turned to see Sonia just a little ways from the battle court smiling at them. Yapper at her heels panting and barking in agreement to whatever she said. Before she shook her head and started to walk over towards you lot.
"HEY! Sonia! You just missed all the fun!" Leon smiled and jabbed a finger behind him towards the children. "I just got the honors of not only being the Champion Referee, but being the sponsor for two amazing young Gym Challenge Trainers!" He then gestured towards the Professor. "And then even got some Wishing Stars the Professor's gonna make into Dynamax Bands."
"Wishing Stars? You don't say," She smiled glancing to her Grandmother for a moment and shook her head before crossing her arms, "Well I'm sorry if I missed all the action, but if you forget someone had to resecure the gate leading to the Slumbering Wield."
Both children instantly froze...before Hop cleared his throat and looked away with a hand rubbing his neck, and Gloria whistled while also looking away. Riiiight. Totally not suspicious looking in the slightest. And it made you chuckle again at the childish behavior before shaking your head and looking up towards the sky. This world's sun was setting and you had to reach a hand up to block out the harsh light to your eyes. The sky was starting to fade a pinkish purple color and you knew for a fact it would soon give away to the dark black of night. Leon seemed to have noticed you looking to the horizon and so turned his head to to look at the slowly setting sun. You glanced at him from the corner of your eye. The taller man smiling, and the light reflecting in his eyes enhancing the gold coloring and for a lil bit making it look like he had cold coins for eyes. And you couldn't help but watch-
"Hm..Getting kinda late...Hey, you lot, why not have some dinner?," Sonia suggested pointing a finger, "You must be hungry, right? I've been totally obsessed with making the latest trendy curries."
At the promise of food your stomach grumbled a bit and you were thankful for the hopeful gasping of the teens at the promise of Sonia's famous food Leon always talked about..but the Champion shook his head before turning back to Sonia. "Sorry, Sonia. As much as I would ADORE to have your curry, I promised Ma and Mrs. G I'd get the kids back home safely. And it's getting pretty late. If we want to get back by dark we'll have to leave now."
Sonia frowned a bit but nodded in understanding. "I can understand that. Want me to walk back with you guys." She smirked playfully. "Wouldn't want you somehow ending on top of a barn again."
"OH COME ON! It was one time!"
Sonia giggled and you decided to speak up. "It's alright. I can make sure he doesn't wonder off anywhere."
"Oh come on, Y/N! Not you too!"
Everyone shared a chuckle and it was decided you lot would head home for the night, bidding good bye to the Professor and starting on your way as the sun had set for the night. But not before the Professor told Hop and Gloria to come back tomorrow morning and get their new dynamax bands for them to use on their journies very soon. The walk back to their homes was pretty uneventful, the sky got slowly darker and the two children were excitedly pointing out pokemon you could make out in the darkness with their glowing eyes. It was when you four were passing by the town's Pokemon Center is when he and Hop turned to go towards it, but not before Leon turned towards you.
"This is where I'll leave you two for the night," he explained while gesturing towards the center and Hop waiting for him, "I promised Hop we'd fix his team up before we got home."
"Are you sure you won't get lost going home? No offense," you asked him raising a brow and he nodded,
"Yeah. Hop can make sure I get there good enough, and if not I can always have Charizard fly us back home. What about you? Do you and Gloria wanna wait so I can walk you guys back?"
You thought for a moment tempted by the offer but seeing Gloria yawn and how dark it was, you held up a hand. "I think we'll be fine the rest of the way. I don't think I'd want Gloria's Mum to worry about her when it's gettin' dark. And I think I'm pretty tired too."
"I can understand that. You two have a safe trip back."
You nodded Gloria and you bidding the two brothers fair well, before walking the rest of the way home in setting light, Gloria excitedly telling you her captures of a wild Rookidee and Yamper earlier. By the time you both got to her house and inside it was dark, and Gloria's mother was already waiting for you two with dinner. Salads but you weren't surprised with her being a farmer and all in a farming community like Postwick, and you were hungry anyways so you gladly accepted the food offered to you and let Gloria ramble on about her day to her mother fishing out and flashing the official letter to her mother and on and on. She was real excited wasn't she? It was like a blur as you did the nightly routine of taking another shower and later curling back up on the couch with your Sobble curled up against you like a cat would, and you wondered briefly is Sobble was cold blooded and that's why it did it before dozing off for the night.....You know. You think you'd wake up from whatever dream this world was by now and just be on your way to college late in the morning....But no. Again you woke up but this time it was because of the smell of food in the air and your stomach grumbled for you to get up and eat. The sobble groggily chirping in surprise from you accidentally knocking him off the bed as you rose up rubbing at your eyes and your f/c hair all a mess in a bedhead. It smelt like more eggs. You were just blinking around tiredly, sighing at the sight of Gloria's living room when the smell became stronger. Whelp. Looks like you were still stuck here for the time being.
"Good Morning. I was wondering when you were going to wake up." You blinked your sluggish body over and standing there was Gloria's Mum, a plate with an omelet on it. Oh. Well that explained the egg smell at least. She put it down on the coffee table in front of you as you began to fully wake up. "I trust you had a good sleep last night."
"Y-Yeah. *YYAAAWWWNN* Thanks," you mumbled reaching for the food. "What time is it?"
"It's about ten in the morning. Gloria left with Hop a while ago. They said they wanted to try and catch some more pokemon and battle some of the neighborhood kids before they leave tomorrow for the Opening Ceremony, but after all you did yesterday for them I told her to let you rest further."
....OH! That's right! In the game your journey truely begins when the player and Hop leave for the opening ceremony in ..Motostoke you think?? To officially register into the Gym Challenge. So you nodded. "Oh. Yeah. Thanks."
You sat there and ate the omlet for a bit, your Sobble climbing back up onto the couch with a small frown from being tossed over and gave you a chirp to let you know about it. Oops. You should probably remember to not knock him off again. After eating you did what you usually did around here and grabbed your things to go change in the bathroom. During the time you were in there, you didn't here the doorbell ring or see Gloria's Mum happily let in the man on the other side, so it was a surprise when you opened the door all dressed and found Leon sitting on the couch who smiled and stood upon seeing you slinging the backpack holding your pjs in it on your shoulder.
You blinked surprised at the Champion waiting for you. "Leon. What are you doing here?"
"Hey, Y/n!" He greeted giving a smile. "I decided to swing by before I head back."
"Back? You mean you're leaving now?"
To confirm your question he nodded again. " Yeah! But I didn't catch the morning train, got lost in the dark hours of the sun rise and somehow ended up circling my way back in front of my own house." He gave a sheepish chuckle and one hand came up to rub his head. "Not sure if I should consider myself lucky or not, but now I have to wait for the afternoon train at Twelve."
You rolled your eyes but smiled. Yep! That was definately something Leon would totally do, game canon or not. You shook your head before looking back to him, not minding the Sobble who jumped onto your overalls and started climbing up you like a cat would. "Are you looking for Gloria? Her Mom said she left I think."
"Actually I was looking for you!"
That certainly caught you offguard as you blinked and your Sobble finally managed to flop itself over your shoulder as you blinked and pointed to yourself, "Me? Why?"
He looked over for a moment still rubbing his head nervously before closing his eyes and sighing. "Y/n...Never in a million years did I think Hop or Gloria would think taking off into Slumbering Weild would be a great idea, and honestly..That place is so unexplored and full of dangers I wouldn't be even caught lost in there." He looked back up to you. "Those two could've gotten seriously lost or...well I don't want to think about what could've been worse. I don't know how you figured out how they were in there, but that was some quick thinking on your part. As Champion I should thank you for your efforts, but as a big brother I could never thank you enough. But I'd like to try." He smiled real widely at you with that goofy grin you always saw.
You stood there for a moment brain processing what he said, before asking, "Huh?"
He chuckled at your reaction to him. "You lost all your stuff being chased by those wild corvinight right?" He gestured towards the door. "There's a local market and clothes store just across from the Pokemon Center in town. If you're going to be traveling all over the place with Gloria then you're going to need your own seperate stash of clothes and food to sustain yourself. I can help in that department."
You stared......Was...W-Was Leon offering to BUY you new clothes?? Your brain finally clicked back to normal and you instantly shook your head holding up your hands. "N-No! I couldn't ask you to do that!"
"And have you travel around Galar with no supplies at all?"
That made you pause. You didn't really have any suppiles did you?.....Literally nothing but the clothes on your back, a back pack, and one pokeball for the sobble on your shoulder. And now that he mentioned traveling with barely anything-.....You were REALLY under prepared and hadn't even thought of that! No food, barely any clothes, and overall no money at all to buy things with. So in much easier terms, you were absolutely hopelessly broke. BUT Leon was offering to pay for anything you needed- NO! You shook your head. You only helped out because you knew someone would be in danger and you knew the things had to progress in game if you wanted to get home. It'd be wrong to accept money just because you helped him out....But then again you still had nothing, and it'd be better not just for you but for Gloria too if you guys needed supplies for two people traveling around a giant region for who knows how long. Plus Leon is THE Galar Region Champion! He's the most popular person in all of Galar with millions of fans. Logically he'd probably have cash to spare for the supplies and not put a dent in any of his paychecks and you DID need the supplies. So technically he'd be helping out Gloria as well as endorsing her too if she insisted on having you come along.
"I mean-.." You started raising a brow. "Are you sure? I really don't mind and you don't have too!"
"If I didn't I wouldn't have offered, Y/n!" He gave a smile and again gestured towards the door. "Plus..I could use someone to help make sure I didn't get lost on the way there again. I wouldn't want to loop in front of my house again."
Well....Considering all the factors and that he was totally willing- "I mean....Sure! Ok!" You nodded and smiled. "I'm gonna need some supplies if I'm going to be traveling I guess. And since you're offering I guess I can't say no. Oof!"
That earned you a friendly pat to the shoulder from Leon as he smiled. "That's the spirit! Mrs. G won't mind if we leave now. She's already busy anyways."
You nodded in understanding and when he gestured for the two of you to leave again, you walked your way over to the door, Leon being the polite gentleman he was opening the door for you as you stepped out back into the world and the two of you were off. Walking down the road and passing all the normal things you all had done previously on your way towards the Center, which was pretty easy to spot as it was bright pink. And again people awed and waved at Leon as he smiled and waved back. At one point stopping and agreeing to take a picture with a young boy who couldn't have been much older than five or six as his presumed mother took his picture, before thanking Leon and allowing the two of you to continue on they're way. The smells of flowers and veggitation was in the air. You didn't see Hop or Gloria on your way there though despite being out catching more pokemon. You just hoped they didn't decide on going back into Slumbering Weild again. Once you two got to about the center, Leon turned to you and gestured for you to follow him to the left past as a couple od eldery ladies walked past the both of you, both giving Leon a 'WOW!' kinda look. The building he led you too was a brick building with a green and white striped onning over the doorway and a sign above it reading 'Postwick General Store'. In front of the store was a couple crates of you assumed crops the local farmers produced.
"There it is!," Leon explained to you walking towards it as you two got close to it. "Should have everything one needs if they're going on a journey. It's where I got my supplies for my journey long ago, so it should have everything you two need." He assured as you two finally got near it. Once again reaching out and opening the door for you, a small bell going off above you, to which you thanked him and walked in. The inside was cool, and it ...looked exactly like a regular convenience store with a bunch of shelves with things labeled with prices and a few freezers stuffed with more foods. "See? What'd I tell ya?!"
Before you could say anything a different voice caught your attention. "Well, Well. As I live in breath." Both of you looked over to a counter and a middle aged man with dark brown hair and mustache smiled from behind the register. "If it isn't little Leon the champion, eh? Last time I saw you, you weren't much bigger than a beanpole. Now what pleasure does this old soul have to have you walking in here?"
The purple haired man happily waved to him. "Hey, Mr. Frederick! Long time no see!" He happily patted your shoulder. "My friend here needs some supplies, and being the best store in Galar, I thought you would have just the things we needed!"
The old man laughed and nodded smiling. "Well you ain't wrong! Look 'round and see if there's anything to your liking."
That was enough signal for Leon to grab onto one of those convenience store baskets and nod towards the food on the shelves. "C'mon. We'll want to find non perishable foods that'll last longer for long trips! So they should be in-..." He gaze the aisles a look..and rose a brow. "Uh.."
"In the last aisle to the left," the older man corrected him.
Leon pointed to the left. "What he said! I remember now!" You chuckled at him, but he seemed to ignore them as he walked over and you followed. Taking a look at the aisles they seemed to stacked with the regular food you'd find in stores like back where you came from, and the aisle you guys went too could have what could only describe as camping foods. All packed away in plastic wrap and such so well they looked like a hiker's paradise. Especially when Leon hummed at what was available. "I guess a couple trainers already been here. Usually there's a whole lot of this available. But y'know what, that's perfectly fine." You watched curious as he just started grabbing a ...lot more than what you were expecting as he started just grabbing handfulls of packages from the shelves before you. "You can never go wrong with lots of rice and sausages."
"Uh..." You raised a hand.
''There's also plenty of pasta and salad mixes too," he mumbled to himself grabbing more handfulls of plastic wrapped packages of instant foods, "I think you'll like the moomoo cheese here. I used to use these a lot as cheese usually lasted a long time, like these bean tins here. Although steer clear of the pungent root. It's edible but has a strange smell too it. Coconut milk is also good to have on hand, canned moomoo milk is always good-"
"Leon," you intrrupted his rambling as he hummed and looked to you. And you pointed to the now almost overflowing basket, "Isn't that u....a lil much for two people?"
He looked confused for a moment, before looking to the basket and seeming to get it. "OH! Nonono. I was grabbing some for Hop as well. ....I...probably should've mentioned that before we got here I guess, but it slipped my mind." He gave an embarrassed smile. "Sorry about that."
"It's alright." You assured him as he turned. "I think that's really nice of you to help us like this anyways."
"Well, a journey is never easy and if I can make it easier for him I will." Well you couldn't argue with that. By the time you two had walked out of there, Leon was holding two bags and you were holding one after helping to seperate them between the three of you (three of you meaning You, Hop, and Gloria of course) after paying the man with what must've been this world's version of a credit card, and you once again started following him after he turned to you once out of the store and said, "Follow me!" He nodded ahead of you and there was something you recognized. It was the clothing shop you'd encounter in the beginning of the game. It looked fancy compared to other buildings in town, with manniquens wearing clothes in the window, Sign above reading 'Cothes Mart'. "We can grab you two or three outfits in there and that should be that." He paused...before grunting and turning back over his shoulder. "Oh no."
you stopped and looked at him, before glancing at your sobble, then back to Leon again. "What?"
He stared at the pokemon center. "I forgot to stop by the center for something." He turned back to you. "And I have limited time...Here! How's this? Go inside there-" he nodded to the store. "And ask for Martha, she's the lady that owns the store. She knows my mom since she shops here all the time. Tell her that I sent you and to put it on my mom's tab, I'll digit my mum the money to pay for yours!"
You gave him a deadpanned look. "Leon, no offense, but wouldn't that just look like I'm trying to bum off you? If anyone could do that, then it probably would've happened a lot more with you in a lot of identity theft."
"Oh yeah! Tell her 'I got lost on a barn's roof!' That's the code I set up with her after one of my getting lost sprees. Hehe," he gave a nervous chuckle and you couldn't help but roll your eyes. How could anyone get lost and end up on top of a barn? Only Leon you supposed.
You nodded. "Alright. Won't you get lost? No offense."
"None taken. Ill wait for you outside the Center, just be sure to make it quick. I don't think I'd want to miss my second train of the day."
You nodded before the two of you parted ways, you going towards the building, semi heavy bag of foods in your hands towards the double glass doors. Once you reached the door open, a small bell went off and you stood in aw at the fancier looking store than the previous general store. There was....a LOT more included in here than you remembered in game. Much more clothes racks. Much more shoes on shelves. Much more bags. And MUCH more shelves of clothing.
"Good Afternoon, Young Lady." The lady's voice spooked you enough to make you jump, nearly knocking the chirping sobble off your shoulders as you turned to a middle aged dark brow haired lady who looked about the same age as Gloria's Mom as she smiled at you cheerfully. "Welcome to Clothes Mart. Feel free to ask for help if you need anything."
"Uh...." You blinked before clearing your throat. "Y-Yeah?....Martha?" You asked hesitating before pointing at her and she nodded.
"That's me! How can I provide you excellent service today?"
....You looked around a little bit before walking up to her, a few other ladies and young girls were looking at the clothing, this Martha raising a brow as you approuched. Eyeing the others around you before clearing your throat and looking back to the slightly confused lady with uncertainty. "Uh...I got lost on a barn's roof?"
She still looked confused for a moment before her face instantly went from confused to overjoyed like a person had waved a full stack of a million dollars in front of her face. "OH! Of course. Would make sense since the Champion is in town." You sighed relieved as she stood from her place behind the counter with a smile. "Although I wasn't expecting Leon's cute country gal coming in.~ And just in time by the looks of it." She gave a critisising eye over the overalls and green gum boots you wore.
It took a moment for you to register what she had said, and your Sobble gave this Martha lady a scowl as she looked you over. ...And you instantly held up your hands, red faced. "WHA- OH NO!! DEFINATELY NOT! I'M NOT-..HE'S...W-Were just..Friends." Well...You couldn't say exactly that you guys were friends since you've only know him a total of what...two or three days at most outside of a video game. But it was the only thing you could think of to call this.
She paused to look at you for a moment but shrugged. "Small mistake. Any friend of Leon's is a customer of mine." You lightly scowled at her as she smiled and sat back down. "Do let me know when you're finished, Ma'am. And don't be afraid to ask for assistance!"
"R-Right. Ok." You quickly shuffled away shaking your head from the encounter and looking at the Sobble. "Can you believe that?" The Sobble chirped and nodded in agreement with your statement and you couldnt agree more. "My thoughts exactly."
It didn't take long for you to pick out just a few shirts,two black with a pink pikachu and green eevee, and a blue one with an arcanine, and some plain black sweats to go with them. A pair of really good sneakers, a plain blue dress you thought was nice, and a jacket. Before you realized that it'd be impossible to carry it all with your small old backpack. Probably why Victor didn't want to take it in the first place you thought, but managed to find a rather large grey plaid rucksack, it was perfect with it's multiple pockets and size. You were quick to try and check them all out as this Martha lady wanted to chat but you didn't feel so talkative after the way she seemed to judge you with her eyes and quickly just left as fast as you could after she had apparently finished punching everything into someone's online tab she kept and wishing you a "Champion Time, with your 'Friend'!" and to "Stop by anytime!". Man you couldn't walk out faster and get outside holding the heavy bags of clothes and food you had gotten. Thank goodness because you surely just wanted to get back to Leon and help him back to the train station. Just your luck too as you walked past the Postwick's general store and towards the center, you managed to catch sight of Leon. He was leaning down and signing a small girl's book while her assumed mother watched.
"LEON!!," you called out and he looked up smiling at you waving a hand, one of the bags hanging from your wrist.
He waved a hand back, finished signing whatever the excited young girl was holding out to him before nodding to her and her mom before picking up his two large bags and walking towards you as you continued to walk towards him. "Hey!" He greeted once he was close enough smiling. Glancing at the new backpack on your back and the new bag in your hands. "I see you got some new kicks! Good! Sorry I took so long, but I got a lil caught up as you could see."
You smiled rolling your eyes, "I know. And it's fine....Are you sure about all this stuff tho? It's really no big deal-"
"Exactly!" He stated with a wink. "It's no big deal to me either, and I'm not bothered in the least." He gave that wide champion grin. "I make it a habit to use my position for as much good as possible, especially now with the power crisis." He turned to walk back down the road towards the train station and you followed.
"Power...crisis??" Oh yeah! Wasn't there a plot in the game involving that kind of thing? You tucked away that information just in case.
He nodded as you two walked. "Yeah. Been having it ever since I was about sixteen. The Chairman's been trying his best to help and look into the problem, I think?? But so far there hasn't been much progress unfortunately."
"Oh. I see..." You glanced down to the bags he held. They looked a wee bit fully than you last seen. "What did you get at the Center anyways?"
He seemed to perk back up at the mention. "OH!" He held up the bags. "Some more things that two trainers would need for the long trip! Potions, antidotes, one or two revives and awakenings, and a few healers. Trust me. They're going to need them for their pokemon in case there's no pokemon center nearby to help them."
You nodded as the two of you continued to walk all the way to the train station, still no signs of the two children. You remembered someone saying that there was a lot of wild pokemon on Route 2 so maybe that's where they went?? The two of you walked the rest of the way to the train station and he was nice enough to hold the door to the station open for you to walk in, you thanking him. The inside wasn't anything special. A bunch of waiting seats, a man in a small stall like area who seemed to not pay attention to you, what must've been this world's version of an ATM next to a vending machine along side the far right wall, a clock above them, and a pay-to-enter entrance to a grey and yellow train. Well, at least Leon won't miss his evening train. Speaking of Leon he seemed estatic.
"Phew! Made it just in time! And not a minute too soon it looks like." He glanced at the clock on the far wall and frowned again. "Ten fifty eight! It's going to leave in two minutes!" He quickly turned back to you and you blinked as he held out the two bags. "Shoot! I'd sworn we had more time! I have to get on before I miss the second train in one day! Could you give these to the kids for me!?"
You took the bags from him as he nudged them towards you Sobble chirping in curiousity at them as you blinked again. "W-W-Wait! You're not saying good bye to them first?"
"Well I kinda don't have a lot of time," he said gesturing between the clock and train, "I can't be late for this one!''
"Oh right!" Your eyes widened at the clock. There was now one more minute before noon, when the train leaves. So you pushed Leon who blinked. "You should get going then! You only have one minute!"
"OH RIGHT!!" He quickly turned and made a run for the pay-to-enter entrance, once again taking out what must've been a pokemon world's credit card and either letting the machine scan it or pushing it into a small slot in the side, you couldn't tell past his cape tha swished around with his movements. He managed to get past the bars and stopped at the other side to give you one last smile. "Thanks for helping! Maybe we'll get to see each other again-"
Both of you jumped at the loud train horn going off and you pointed. "LEON!!"
"I KNOW I KNOW!! BYE!!" Grabbing his hat he ran to the double doors that opened and closed behind him with a whoosh noise.
You sighed in relief and the train chose that exact moment to start pulling away with a metal groan. Followed by the click-clacking noises you knew only trains could make and you sighed. You did end up just sitting down in one of the waiting seats arms and feet sore from carrying all the things with yo-
"LEON!!" You and your Sobble jumped, the small pokemon tumbling into your lap as you turned your head and a familiar purple haired boy came running in and you whipped your head around to the blur of Hop rushing in. Slidding to a stop in front of the entrance to the train watching as it continued to go past. "AH MAN!" He deflated with a sigh. "...I'm too late."
It was his turn to jump and snap to you as you sat there with a brow rose staring at him. And he relaxed. "Y/N! What are you doing here? WAIT! Did Lee come through here already!?"
Your Sobble chirped in annoyance righting itself up at Hop, and you nodded as the last car of the train flew by. "You just missed him actually...Hey. Where's Gloria?"
He groaned and reached a hand up to rub his head. "Ah man. I really wanted to say good bye...Oh. Glory's battling one of the local Elementry School kids down the road." He pointed his other hand out the door. "I was kinda hoping I'd get a chance to see him go, y'know..." He looked at you again and seemed surprised at the bags around you...and pointed. "Hey. What's all that you got there?"
You blinked for a moment before looking to the bags, and smiling. Holding out one to the younger boy. "Leon left you guys a fair well present."
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selfdestructivecat · 3 years
Virgil Sanders
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I love you both so much for this.
First Impression
I remember that I actually watched Sanders Sides out of order, since I did not realize there was a chronological order, so I don’t remember which episode I had watched first? But I thought he was broody and angsty and, admittedly, I did think of him as the bad guy for a bit, since he was Anxiety and I have terrible anxiety myself.
Impression Now
He is my favorite character, no competition. He totally fits the mold for my typical comfort character: gruff and distanced, but incredibly loyal and protective. I adore him to pieces and want nothing more than for him to be happy.
Favorite Moment
Oh no I’m not sure if I can choose! I love so many moments! I love him in The Twelve Days of Christmas, his little smile at Patton’s jokes never fails to make me melt (AND THE CARD HE GAVE PATTON, AHHHHHHH HE CARES!)
He was also fantastic in the Puppet episode. I loved that he went along with Patton and Roman’s idea even though it made him uncomfortable, because he wanted to help. Him teaming up with Patton was so darn cute!
(“When you lo-CARE FOR someone, nothing hurts more than their scorn.” Yeah just watch me absolutely sobbing in the club right now.)
And ooooooh I LOVED him as the overworked, stressed techie in Can Lying Be Good! His expression as he faded in the lights or swept the stage were just absolutely priceless. You can tell he didn’t want to be doing any of this but he still went along because he wants to help! He was trying his best!
I could write an entire essay on Flirting with Social Anxiety, but I’ll get to that later.
But in the end, I have to go with Accepting Anxiety: Part 2. Specifically when he was calming Thomas down with the 4-7-8 technique to get everyone out of his portion of the mind. You can tell how much he genuinely cares about Thomas and the others, and HIS LITTLE SMILE DURING ROMAN’S SPEECH! HE DESERVES THE WORLD AHHHHHHHHH!
Idea For A Story
I have tons of ideas bouncing in my brain for stories about Virgil. I recently came up with a Pokemon AU that could be the catalyst for a Virgil-centered story. I also adore stories where Virgil is physically protecting the others or Thomas, since he’s fight or flight.
Maybe for a story idea, Thomas is in a dangerous situation (perhaps getting mugged?) Virgil is terrified, Patton having to try to coach him out of a panic attack while the other sides are trying to figure out how to get out of this situation. Eventually, the attacker takes out a weapon, and Virgil just... stops breathing. All signs of the panic attack are gone, and he’s impossibly still with a hauntingly blank stare.
The shadows seem to close on the commons. Everything moves in slow motion.
Virgil jerks violently, and the next thing they know, the attacker is knocked out cold on the ground and Thomas’ knuckles are throbbing with pain.
Unpopular Opinion
I know a lot of people hate Virgil being characterized as being cute or the like, but I actually don’t mind it? I like characters being able to show vulnerability, and as someone with anxiety who has unwillingly been subjected to situations that forced this vulnerability on me, I think there’s a lot of potential in this area.
I’ve always thought of him as the youngest side, and of course he’s sarcastic and tough as hell, but even the strongest people need support, and who doesn’t need a good cry every once in a while? Give me the other sides taking care of him! And hell, give me Virgil taking care of the others! They’re a FAMILY, your honor!
Favorite Relationship
Prinxiety!!! My love for this ship honestly stems from me searching up fanfics when I first got into this series, and fics for this pairing were popping up the most (and by then, Flirting with Social Anxiety had just come out, so that was just pouring a bucket of gasoline on the flames).
I just adore their banter and dynamic, and how they support each other through actions, and how they used to be enemies but through time and working hard getting to know each other, they became friends! Even if they aren’t romantically confirmed in canon, you can’t deny that they are extremely close (FWSA is absolutely proof of this).
Just... Roman and Virgil working together, Roman willing to give up a chance at love because he realized that it scared Virgil, the infamous push, literally the entire end card for that episode.
Honestly? Through loving Virgil as a character, I actually grew to appreciate Roman more, since relationships need communication and balance to work. I had to get to know Roman better if I wanted to understand their relationship in a romantic sense, and so the side that used to be my least favorite character is now very dear to me.
Favorite Headcanon
I’ve written about Spider!Virgil before because that headcanon owns my entire heart, so I’ll go with another one that I love.
This is a pretty common headcanon that I’ve seen thrown around, so I won’t claim credit for it, but I love the idea that Virgil was basically raised by Janus. He, Janus, and Remus were inseparable, helping Virgil to learn that his spider-like appendages were actually super cool, and that he was valuable both as Anxiety and as Virgil.
But as Thomas grew older, things changed. Remus’ intrusive thoughts became more gruesome and uncontrollable, and although his intention wasn’t to scare Virgil, the anxious side was terrified. Janus started to change as well, eventually believing that he had to act as the villain to look after Thomas and resorting to trickery. Virgil hated it, seeing the person who he used to trust more than anyone hiding things from Thomas and even the other sides. From him.
His family’s new behavior, on top of the new terrifying possibilities life began throwing at him, was a huge factor in his transformation into Paranoia.
Virgil didn’t want to resort to trickery like Janus. He didn’t want to be viewed as the bad guy like Remus. He wanted his family back, wanted Janus to read them stories and for Remus to take him on adventures and to return to normal.
He felt impossibly alone.
When he finally reverted back to his normal self, he left for the Light sides. He doesn’t regret it, he loves Logan and Patton and Roman, but occasionally late at night, he would miss his fellow dark sides so much that it hurt.
And, perhaps on those same exact nights, his past family would be feeling the same.
Ahhh thank you guys so much for the asks! This was so fun! :D
Send Me some Character Asks!
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Old Thoughts (Bucky X Daughter!Reader)
Characters: Bucky X Daughter!Reader
Universe: Marvel, Avengers
Warnings: Coming out, mention of homophobia and not being accepted, yelling
Request: Hi! Would I be able to request a Bucky x daughter where he finds out she’s a lesbian and maybe isn’t so accepting of it at first but at the end he’s understanding/accepting and just rlly fluffy? If you don’t want to do it it’s totally fine
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You’d come home from school grinning and chirpy, which never failed to make your dad smile to see you so happy. It meant you had a good day, and the troubles of everyday life hadn’t gotten in your way, it meant you had positive thoughts and stories to tell, and while Bucky’s own mind plagued him from time to time, seeing his daughter not plagued was his source of quick happiness and content; there was no envy, simply adoration of a father wanting his daughter happy. 
Bucky hadn’t been able to actually take custody of you till you were 5 years old- born when he was under the control of HYDRA, and luckily an agent with what remnants of a heart they had left took you and dropped you off at a fire station. Bucky knew he had a daughter deep down but he wasn’t sure if it was his mind playing tricks on him, but after searching records, dates and some help from Steve and Natasha, he soon found you- not adopted yet. Bucky didn’t hesitate to take you into his care, and since then you were joint to his hip. Bucky only told you bits and pieces of his past as you aged- about him serving in a big war, that he lost his arm and got a metal one and that he sometimes had bad dreams and explained what to do when they happened when you were under 8, then when you reached 10  he carefully explained that he hadn’t been able to take care of you for those first few years because bad people were hurting him, and only when you turned 13 did he actually explain HYDRA to you, and answered your questions in full. Now you were 16, full aware of why your father was so protective of you and you’d already promised to do some sort of work against HYDRA to get some sort of revenge for him when you got older, and if anyone ever brought up your father’s old ‘crimes’, you were always quick to defend him, your father sometimes having to stop you before it became a physical altercation, always mumbling about you being somehow worse than your uncle Steve. 
“What’s got you so happy?” He asked you as you dropped your bag onto the floor. You looked over at him, still smiling, and shrugged. 
“Dunno, just a lot of nice things happened today. I got an A on my science test, I might be allowed to go on a special trip for being a good student and my friends may be able to go as well, and I bunch of other little things, you know? Just a good day.” You explained. “Now, I’m gonna go put my homework in my room to do after dinner. What are we having?” You asked him as you grabbed said pokemon and walked over to your bedroom. 
“Chicken probably.” He answered, getting up to head to the kitchen as you escaped to your room, closing the door behind you, before he noticed you’d dropped something. He walked over, realising quickly it wasn’t homework… It was a card. It was facing down but the heart on the back told him it was romantic. James chuckled, now getting the true answer of why you were so happy, and he picked it up, turning it over. It was homemade but clearly a lot of love and care was put into it, with ‘Will you be my girlfriend?’ written in it with the dots of the I’s being hearts. You and your father had already had a talk about your relationships when Bucky brought up a boy being interested in you when you were little, years after. You requested that he not get involved and you’d tell him when you felt comfortable and will come to him if you had questions or wanted his position, but also if he saw red flags he had every right to point it out to you, but to never on purpose try to scare off a love interest unless you didn’t return the feelings and it was getting creepy. Luckily for Bucky he’s never had to deal with any boyfriends up to this point due to you showing no interest, and you turning down any boy that tried to ask you out. However, at least he was prepared and knew what you expected of him.
He didn’t think much when he opened it for a glimpse on the inside, seeing the continued cute doodles and designs on it, until he saw the name that identified who made it. His eyebrows creased. That was a girl’s name. A girl you had talked about in the past, a girl you’d known for literally years- hell, he’d even met her on several occasions when you had sleepovers and she came over to do homework and group projects with you… He wasn’t prepared for this. 
“Dad can I have-” Your words caught in your throat as you left your room, seeing what your dad was holding, open and his eyes staring into it. You immediately tensed, standing and unable to say anything. His eyes soon lifted and fell to you. He shut it, and lifted it to present it. 
“This is from that girl, right?” He asked. You nodded. “...You accepted it? Why? Why would you do that?” He asked you. You looked back at him wide-eyed. You gulped, before shuffling foot to foot and trying to grow some confidence. 
“...I made her one as well.” You informed him, and it quickly settled in what you were saying. This wasn’t a one-sided thing, it wasn’t an awkward exception to not make your friend feel bad. You felt the same way towards her, and you’d accepted to be her girlfriend, and she yours. He 
lowered the card he was holding. Looking down at it again, before chucking it onto the small dinner table.
“Go to your room and do your homework. I’ll bring your food for you. When you’re done you go to bed” He told you, pointing to your door. Your tenseness faded, your head tilting, and a look on your face Bucky knew far too well; it was the look you gave people who spoke bad about him to your face, a look of ‘what the hell did you just say?’ though he’d never seen you do it to him. “Y/N, I’m not repeating myself-”
“You’re punishing me for being a lesbian?” You asked straight out. He flinched at that word. “You are! You wouldn’t be doing this if it was a boy, but just because it’s a girl it’s a problem?” You asked. 
“Don’t start an argument with me, Y/N.” 
“I’m not! I’m pointing out the fact that you’re being homophobic and you don’t like it!” You pointed at him. “I knew you'd do this!” You accused. 
“Do what?!” 
“Hate me! Hate me for loving a girl! I was so, so scared to tell you when I started having feelings for girls to the point where I never told you! I’ve known I’m a lesbian for literally years and I kept it hidden because I knew you’d turn on me, just like other people have! It doesn’t change who I am as a person in the slightest yet you’re trying to punish me for it!” You yelled at him. Bucky took a deep breath in and held it. You’d never yelled at him before, so full of fury. Each word hit him harder than the last, and hearing that people who you trusted had turned on you partially hurt to hear, especially when you grouped him in with them. But what hurt most was you being convinced that he, your father, hated you. That was crushing. 
“Y/n…” He sighed, putting his hands on his hips, his voice now a lot calmer than before. He had to be the better person, the person you needed… he needed to remind himself that this isn’t the 1940’s anymore; you’re safe and allowed to be open about who you are. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”  He saw you immediately calm till you were no longer hostile but still upset. “I’m sorry. I know it’s not an excuse but I sometimes get that old mindset again. Back then if a girl or anyone came out as gay or anything it never ended well for them, and the thought of you being in danger just made me defensive… Again I’m sorry. You don’t have to go to your room or anything.” He apologised.
Your shoulders relaxed a little. “...Gay people still are in danger, it’s just a lot more hidden. I’ve lost friends, people treat me and my girlfriend weird, I get called names… if anything I need you on my side, kind of like when people talk bad about you…” You requested. Bucky’s jaw tightened before he nodded. 
“Say no more… Can you give me any names of people who are doing this right now?” He asked. You smiled.
“Yeah, but remember most of them are minors.” 
“No promises.” 
Hope you like it! If you have any questions, please send them in! 
*Not my gif
TAGS: @dailyteambucky @mxrvelsaos @klanceiscannon14 @waywardemo @marvelhoeingismyhobby @bellamyblakemorley  @abbybills22 @waywardemo @mutantjediavenger @theoraekensnotsosecretlover @courtneychicken  @graysonmalfoy @bellero @aesthetjic @originalpottervengerlock @supernatural-pan @esoltis280 @lena-stan-xavier @lady-of-lies @sebstanismylife @macbetheliza @mandywholock1980 @cdwmtjb8 @caswinchester2000 @determinedpines
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septicbro1005 · 3 years
1-11 for the asks
only if you want to
1.) First celebrity crush?
Uh... I don't know, if I'm being honest. Probably Cameron Boyce, since I watched Jessie all the time when I was a kid.
2.) Do you work out/sport?
No, but I do wanna start working out again. Mostly for appearance stuff because I want to be more muscular, but I also want to be stronger. I wanna be able to hold my girlfriend in a bridal carry for more than a few seconds damn it.
3.) How popular were you in school?
I mean... people knew me? Like a lot of people knew me and I knew them and we were fine, but I wasn't known all around the school, y'know?
4.) Embarrassing moment?
I was really tired and I was explaining to my chem teacher that when I get tired I "lose all of this" and gestured to my face instead of my brain, and my friend Violet just started laughing her ass off at me.
5.) Favorite actor and actress?
Evan Peters (duh) and Sarah Paulson (also duh)
6.) Little thing that makes you extremely happy?
I bought my gf and I matching necklaces and I wear mine all the time. My gf has to take hers off because she does a bunch of sports, so whenever I see her wearing it, I get super duper excited.
7.) Song that made you cry because you related to it?
ART IS DEAD by Bo Burnham! Whoopsies.
8.) How often do you find yourself thinking about your life?
Quite a bit. I think about what's gonna happen, where it's gonna lead, what already happened, where I fucked up, etc.
9.) Best toy you ever got as a kid?
Hm. I gotta say, this was more of a gift my older brother got, but he let me use it all the time, but it was a pokemon card tin. I think it was when gen 5 had recently come out, so there were a bunch of gen 5 pokemon there. We used to play the game together all the time, but I'd also just look at the cards and get really giddy because I had little pokemon friends!!!
10.) Do you express your emotions well?
That depends. If I'm feeling really happy and good, yeah! If it's more negative emotions, then not really. And with anger, no. Not at all. When I'm angry, I bottle it up (like a dumbass) and then I get angry at myself and then I get all depressed, and it's not good. You'll know I'm super pissed if I end up yelling. Like properly yelling at the top of my lungs. But I hate doing that and I don't do it often, which is good.
11.) Are you happy with your height?
No, solely because my gf (jokingly) teases me for being shorter than her even though she's barely a fraction of a centimeter taller than i am.
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miidnightglosss · 3 years
Boston Tea Party - Part 3 (Matt Connerly: Chapter 1)
Matt Connery - Chapter 1
Matt aggressively threw himself into a chair, scattering multiple bags on M&Ms, nails, and old Pokemon cards. "I'm gonna need chicken blood, salt, five candles, and a bottle of vodka," he said.
Johanna peered over his shoulder, bottles of soda in one hand while she settled her sunglasses on her head with the other. "Vodka? For the ritual?"
Matt sighed dramatically. "No, that's just to make me feel better about ripping a hole in the universe."
"We're just setting up for a party," Sebastian reminded, rolling his eyes. He grabbed the M&Ms from Matt and poured them into a bowl on the nearby snack table.
"Dude, what the fawk," Johanna scoffs with a sort of frat boy-valley accent, lightly punching Sebastian a couple of times in the back.
"We have to get ready, don't we? The party starts at two and it’s already--" Sebastian pulled out his phone and checked the time-- "1:48."
"Shit, he's right. What's all that stuff for anyway?"
"Well," Matt started, "before your boyfriend so RUDELY took my things without ASKING, the M&Ms were for shooting up our noses, the Pokemon cards were for Kiss and Blow, and the nails were just for cinematic effect."
"First of all, I'm pretty sure someone will snort something regardless," Johanna started. "Second of all, those are my Pokemon cards. Gimme back my fucking Flareon. We'll use something else for Kiss and Blow. Third of all, nails are a delicacy that shouldn't be wasted for trivial recreational purposes. Fourth of all, we're not dating."
Yeah, fucking right, Matt thought to himself. It was totally obvious they had a thing for each other. Johanna called it "brotherly love", Matt called it "sexual tension". "Okay, maybe not yet, but eventually."
"Nah, she's engaged to Bartholomew," Sebastian teased. Johanna punched him in the arm, more harshly this time. Laughing obnoxiously, Sebastian ran around the house while Johanna chased him close behind, pillow in hand, smacking him when she was close enough.
Matt rolled his eyes just as Bart, Ciel, and Lizzie walked through the door, all with different snacks in hand. Lizzie's wearing her usual pigtails down, a much more mature look from what everyone is used to.
"Hey, guys," Matt greeted. "We're still setting up snacks and stuff, but feel free to get comfortable."
"Awesome," Bart replied, setting his Mountain Dew: Code Red down on the table. "Where's Johanna?"
Matt shrugged. "I don't know. Currently somewhere with Sebastian and a pillow." Right after that sentence dropped from his mouth, Bart power-walked through the house in search of the girl. "I probably could've worded that better."
"I'm not even going to ask," Ciel sighs.
Elizabeth went up to Matt and enveloped him in a hug. "You look so cute today! Normally dark colors aren't my thing, but they suit you perfectly! Although might I suggest..." The blonde reached into a pocket on her overalls and pulled out a cat ring, placing it in Matt's hand. Matt observed its white body as he pushed it down on his left middle finger, its rainbow eyes reflecting the light.
"I bought one for Johanna, too," Lizzie continued, hardly able to keep her excitement. "I know how you two always go to pride every year together and once I saw how cute it was, I couldn't resist."
"Believe me, she couldn't," Ciel huffed, dropping down on the couch.
Normally, Matt cringes at how enthusiastic and cute Lizzie is all the time. However, this time was an exception. "Thanks, Lizzie." Reluctantly, he returned the hug. It's only a few seconds before Ciel mumbled a "too long" under his breath, the three of them laughing as Grell, William, Ronald, and the others walk in.
Within minutes, everyone had a drink in hand and is settling into the party. Matt felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around to see Sebastian. "Oh, hey, man. What's Joey doing?"
Sebastian rubbed the back of his neck. "She and Bart are arguing over something. Nothing serious, I don't think."
"Oh." That's weird. Those two hardly ever fight, Matt thought.
"Yeah..." Sebastian trailed off. "Anyways, you said your dad was supposed to be performing? That would certainly kick the party off to a good start."
"Oh, shit, yeah, you're right." Matt handed his solo cup of blue Mountain Dew to Sebastian. "Hold this for me."
Hearing Sebastian mutter a "what the fuck", Matt made his way outside to the garage his father had converted into a studio. He named it Santa Monica Discharge, whatever the fuck that means. He still has no idea where the fuck that idea came from but his dad practically took LSD every day of his 20s.
Without knocking, Matt quietly opened the door to the studio to see his father listen intently as another masculine figure, probably a couple of years older than him, played a few notes from an Elvis Presley song on a keyboard.
"Oh, hey, bud," August greeted with a smile as he stood up. The other figure turned around as well, still holding the last note he left on.
So, he's got brown eyes, floofy hair, pretty fucking sick tattoos, he's actually pretty skinny but has buffed out arms, and is an overall bean, Matt thought to himself. It wasn't that bad of a description. The brunet was about as tall as August, his hair falling ever so slightly in front of his warm ivory face. His brown eyes met Matt's gunmetal blue before he had to break from whatever trance this stranger has put on him.
Matt shook his head, returning his attention to August. "We were, uh, getting ready for you to perform, whenever you ready." He nodded towards the other male in the room. "Who's this?"
August patted the stranger's back. "This is Christian. I'm pretty sure he goes to your school."
"I'm a senior," Christian chimed in.
"Yep. He came to me seeking musical guidance so I decided to help him out a bit," August explained. "I didn't mean for it to cut into your party, though. I didn't forget or anything."
"Yeah, I should probably get going," Christian agreed, grabbing his bag resting on the floor. "I've got a little project I'm working on anyways."
"H E Y, why not come veg with us cool kids for a bit," Matt offered shakily, immediately mentally kicking himself for acting so stupid.
"Aren't you guys just a bunch of freshmen?"
Matt felt a pit fall into his stomach. "Well, I mean--"
"Nah, I'm kidding. I'm playing with August today, actually."
"Oh, cool," Matt chuckled to himself. Wait, weren't you just about to leave? That don't make no sense. "See you in a couple of minutes then. With that, he turned and left the studio.
The entire way back to the house (a quick 35-second trip, at most), Matt couldn't help but yell at himself for acting like such an anxiety-ridden freak. A gorgeous man WHO GOES TO YOUR SCHOOL walks into your house and what do you do? You go 'oH, hEy, SoRrY, dO yOu CoMe HeRE oFtEn? Really? CUZ I LIVE HERE AAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHHH--
Bart came storming out of the front door, holding his nose, wincing quietly.
Matt began to ask, "Dude--"
"Don't fucking talk to me," Bart yelled, making his way towards the sidewalk, pulling out his phone a tapping a bit.
Slowly, Matt walked inside, hoping someone would have an explanation for what just happened. Alas, everyone was just as stunned as he was.
Someone get a moving van because these last 5 minutes have been a lot to unpack.
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radramblog · 3 years
Full-Art Lands Pt.2
Hello internet persons, this is Rad from 2/9/21 speaking. I am tired from an early early shift at work, and also just got the first vaccine dose, so I’m going to be posting these words written on Monday when I anticipated exactly this level of exhaustion. This might defeat the purpose of “a blog post a day”, but its hardly the first time I’ve done it and also I think I have a pretty solid excuse.
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Anyway. This is a continuation of a discussion of every Full-Art Basic Land set in Magic: The Gathering, starting now with Modern Horizons. It counts!
Modern Horizons
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Kind of cheating, because technically the Snow-Covered Lands are different cards, but unless you’re building around them (or a card like Extraplanar Lens) then they’re functionally pretty much the same. These are also literally the only Full-Art Snows, so if you’re running those then this is basically your only pimp option.
Ultimately these are kind of held back by the fact that, well, everything has to be blanketed in snow. There’s some interesting blues going along with the Plains and Mountain, and there’s some fun sky colours, but the remainder is left a little bland.
I currently believe these are worth investing in, for what it’s worth. Both Full-Art Lands and Snow Basics always go up eventually, slowly, over time, and these are still less than a dollar each for now.
 Secret Lair: Artist Series: Seb McKinnon
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This one is kind of a special case, because there’s just a Swamp. And there are technically two of them, but one is just an older version of the art. So I wasn’t sure whether or not to count these.
Because of these limitations, it’s hard to recommend these unless you have a lot of money and also a mono-black deck. They look great, matching Seb’s excellent style from the other cards in the drop, but it’s a bit of an awkward one. That said, I just have these sitting around, seeing as I got this drop just for the Damnation, so…might as well, I guess?
 Theros: Beyond Death
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Much like Amonkhet/Hour of Devastation, this set has one full-art mixed in with several regular basics. The difference is that these are representative of Nyx, the world of Theros’s gods, with its symbolic and nebulaic art.
There’s no real getting over the part where these just look like the Basic Energy cards from the Pokemon Trading Card Game. Considering WoTC’s hand in designing that game, and that the two are equivalent because, well, WotC designed them that way, it’s a fair comparison. But I don’t think this is why these ones aren’t as good as other full-arts. I have two main issues with these lands, and the first is that, well, there’s no land on them. For a set themed around a specific plane, one would expect that plane to be represented in the art, and Nyx does have actual landscapes on it. I get the space-themed design, but they could have been up in the sky above an actual Mountain or whatnot.
The other is the missed opportunity of these being Nebulae. That’s a fine enough design choice, though the symbology is a bit hammered in, but like. In a set based on Ancient Greece and its astronomical focus, with Gods that look like and are represented by constellations, with a mechanic called Constellation, they probably should have just been constellations. It would have made for a more subtle, less, well, Pokemon look, as well.
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New Un-Set, new basics. These ones are kind of a hybrid between the Unglued and Unstable ones, with that golden frame and almost borderless design. I’m actually not sure how I feel about these, since while the frame looks nice, it’s also kind of pointless, and the texturing on the mana symbols is a little weird. I don’t like how smooth and reflective they are.
The art is at least still excellent. Not John Avon, but Adam Paquette does a great job distinguishing himself, less realistic but still believable places that feel fantasy. I actually feel like Unsanctioned was overall a miss, especially since each box came with like 2 of each of these basics, but that’s not something I’m holding against them.
 Secret Lair: The Godzilla Lands
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Secret Lair has been an opportunity for WotC’s designers to experiment a lot with card frames, though this set of basics doesn’t quite represent that. I’m not sure how well this one did, to be honest, though they did make future basic-only SLs, so fair enough I guess.
So, do you like Godzilla? Because he’s on all of these, along with some other Kaiju from the greater series canon. It’s kind of a little distracting, because the landscapes are otherwise gorgeous. Ironically, though, Godzilla himself is kind of being a scale-reptile in these pieces, giving a sense for just how big that mountain is, or how far away the “camera” is from the ground.
The only Island I see in that Island is Godzilla himself, though.
 Double Masters
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These are just a set of reprints from Unhinged and Battle for Zendikar, but in a more borderless style. I’m honestly not sure how I feel about the Unhinged arts being blown up like this. But this is a reprint set, and these are honestly kind of boring, so eh.
 Zendikar Rising
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Another Zendikar more lands etc. etc. you get the idea. Like the title suggests, this iteration of the plane has a lot of vertical exploration in its flavour, and the new basics reflect this. Especially  in the Plains, Islands, and Mountains, that sense of adventure and traversal is back from the first Zendikar set.
Interestingly, this one doesn’t have any reprinted arts, unlike Battle for Zendikar, even though there’s only 3 of each land here. There’s probably something to be said about distancing this set from BFZ- that set faced a fair bit of backlash, and it is thematically very different from ZNR. There’s also the conspicuous absence of the Hedrons, apparently having been replaced in art and in flavour by the Skyclaves. No, I still don’t know what those actually are supposed to be.
At the end of the day, these cards do end up making Zendikar feel like it’s lost its edge a little. They’re just a bit too bright and friendly for my liking, even with the inclement conditions in some of the images. I think it literally just might be the clear, bright skies in this one.
 Secret Lair: The Unfathomable Crushing Brutality of Basic Lands
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Yeah these are about as edgy as the name suggests. Monochromatic and striking, this set of basic’s iconography is much more evocative than literal, the mood of the colours in their themes, captured largely without them.
It does greatly amuse me that literally all of these arts contains skulls. Talk about gothic. I like these a lot better than the Theros: Beyond Death lands, despite the similarities- Particularly, that the mana symbols aren’t literally just the standard ones- arguably the Island is, but it at least is in the form of negative space.
I can’t get over how thematic these are. Plains embodies community with its weapons and runes and roots, and the human face on the Sun icon. Island represents the vastness of knowledge with its endless waters and starred skies. Swamp is death, skeletons mired in the depths of the surroundings. Mountain is fire, bold and unflinching, while Forest’s gnarled branches running through the skull shows the unflinching nature of, well, nature. They’re all so utterly sick.
 Innistrad: Midnight Hunt
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The most recent addition to this list, and one you actually can’t get yet. I think the frames on these being so thin is excellent, since it means they aren’t taking away from the spectacle of the art- not to mention the monochrome of the border and art.
These pieces are magnificent gothic landscapes, the kind you’d expect to see illustrated on the inside cover of Frankenstein or a Lovecraft story. Each and every one of them is ominous in its own special way, with the Swamp that’s a ruined river town to the rugged cliffside path of (presumably) Geier Reach. And the Island with the waves crashing across the cliffs is utterly gorgeous.
Obviously we haven’t seen these in paper quite yet. And the monochrome may make it difficult to tell them apart at a glance. But these are sacrifices I am willing to make for the sake of style.
This is the sum total of all the FABs. For now. Something I didn’t quite realise when writing this was the sheer number of options for this kind of pimping, and how much they’ve ramped up in production over the last few years. Much like with the increase in cards in general, I suppose, as well as premium product versions like the Secret Lairs. I would be genuinely shocked if the game ever exclusively started using Full-Arts, but I’d also not be surprised if we saw them yearly at the longest. 
Either way, I’m sticking with my BfZ lands, because those are the ones I already have!
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zekejeagrs · 3 years
Hi friend! This is mha-adore; I'm on my main blog because my mha blog is a side blog and I can't send a question from that blog. Just to prove it's me - you came to me asking about a matchup exchange and I asked you to explain what it is and I agreed, and the day after I wrote my side matching you with Shoto, and in our personal messages your recent message is, "I'm so excited to do your matchup!" something to that idea. I hope that's enough to prove it's me.
I'm asking for a matchup with mha please.
I'm a quiet and well mannered person who strives to appeal to everyone I meet. I happen to have a personality disorder and as such, some people get a different idea of who I am. I consider myself friendly but emotionally distant, a friend of mine has accused me of not caring at all because I'm naturally a distant person. I'm mostly very respectful and try to avoid any conflict or fights, but the moment someone insults or fights a friend of mine or my partner I drop my friendly exterior and hone in on the person, insulting them, spilling any tea I know about them, I say whatever comes to mind that I know will make them feel terrible, and I end it by stomping on their foot. With close friends or my partner I'm more talkative - not loud or boisterous, just more talkative. I insert my opinions more, I hold a conversation and I openly give my thoughts about different topics without worrying that I'll upset them.
I'm a trans male who uses he/him and they/them pronouns; I'm pansexual. I'm 19 and a Leo sun, Aquarius moon, Virgo rising. The only characters I don't feel comfortable being matched with are Endeavor, Dabi and All Might.
My hobbies involve drawing (I'm working on a comic), I love to play both Pokemon and Animal Crossing, I enjoy writing fan fiction, studying and playing card games. (Like Old Maid, Go Fish, Crazy 8s, Blackjack, Solitaire, you get the idea.)
My love language is to show my love in subtle ways. Cooking someone a meal they love without being asked to, spending time with them doing whatever they want, giving them hand made gifts and giving them cute pet names like love bug, sweetheart, sweet tea (a different way of saying sweetie). I offer genuine advice to them, even if I know it'll hurt or upset them. I want the best for my partner, even if it means taking the path of most resistance. I want someone who can aim an arrow into my heart. I look for someone who shares my taste in music and who will listen to music we both enjoy together. I like the area of Melanie Martinez, Billie Eilish, Ricky Montgomery, lofi beats and some of the older country music, like from the 80s and 90s. Generic, I know.
As for anything specific, perhaps my matchup's opinion on having children? I'd really like to have a child someday.
Thank you again so much for the matchup exchange offer, it's very kind of you 💗
— matchup exchange
ty sm again for doing this exchange with me! you seem so nice i’m v down to be mutuals/friends with you (only if you want ofc)! also, what would your quirk be? i’m v interested in what it would be since i mentioned what mine would be on my submission to you. i hope you enjoy your match! 
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i match you with...
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| hi yes i matched you with a human marshmallow. one of the reasons why i matched you with taishiro is because of the difference in your personalities and the way he would work well with your personality because of how much he cares. the way you’d meet him would probably be by working at his office. he’d find you to be so sweet that he wants to get to know you better. he actually doesn’t mind how proper and emotionally distant you are because he understands that everyone is different and present themselves differently.
| you’d take some time to open up to him and become friends but he’s completely fine with that! he understands reserved people because of tamaki & only wants you to feel comfortable around him. because of that,,, taishiro definitely always starts the conversations. “how’s your day?” “what did you do over the weekend?” “what did you think of that movie?” once you become more talkative with him and have your conversations, he’d be so happy because he sees it as a new level of friendship.
| that’s when he starts realizing he actually has a crush on you. he’d confess at the end of a long work day and explain that he’d like to be your partner,, “i really enjoy your company and i want to be your partner for a long time- oh i just realized what i said, only if you also want to be my partner- or i mean would like to give me a chance to prove myself-“ idk how he managed to get himself out of that one but it would end with you accepting to have dinner at his house.
| like i’ve said before, taishiro doesn’t mind that you’re emotionally distant. he knows you care and just show it differently than others. the first time he saw you angry at someone he was very scared & shocked because he’s never seen you that way before. he just stood behind you as you absolutely slaughtered the person you were angry at and watched with wide eyes before trying to diffuse the situation. he asked if you were okay and that it wasn’t a big deal that that person was insulting him but he expressed how grateful he was for you standing up for him. he never wants to see you like that again but he’s glad he got to see every part you.
| HE IS VERY RESPECTFUL ABOUT PRONOUNS!! that was probably the first thing he asked you! “oh! he/him and they/them? i go by he/him too!” he’d even write it down to remember because he doesn’t want to make any mistakes or offend anyone.
| taishiro would be so supportive of your comic! he’d check up on you when you’re working on it and bring you cut fruit and water. he’d genuinely be so interested in your drawings and writings— he’s not artistic so seeing it come so easily to someone would be so cool to him. he’d only read and look at what you’re comfortable with sharing though! if you ever ask for any creative help, he’d be 100% down to help you. he comes up with the coolest ideas too and you wonder why he says he’s not artistic.
| on his days off you guys either stay indoors and play animal crossing or walk around and collect pokémon. his island would be so messy so he’d always try to copy your island. island visits & he always leave you gifts. he’d have so many pokémon because he plays when he’s on parole (oops!). he’d jokingly brag about it to you and would offer to take you with him next time but he doesn’t want you to get hurt. he seems like the type to be secretly very good at card games?? he’d just surprise you with how good and competitive he is when you play together and with other people.
| taishiro listens to old country music. he knows every lyric to every dolly parton song and sings when he thinks he’s alone. you’d have to introduce him to your other favorite artists & he’d absolutely love their songs! ricky montgomery makes him cry a little but he’s fine! he swears! even though there’s tears rolling down face!
| PLEASE COOK HIM FOOD! the first time you cook him food to show your love he just blushes and smiles the whole time. he can’t. HE CAN’T! HE JUST LOVES YOU SO MUCH ALREADY HOW IS IT POSSIBLE FOR HIM TO LOVE YOU EVEN MORE??? every other food is ruined for him after you cook for him because your cooking is the absolute best to him.
| he’d love the small gifts you give him, he’d treasure every single one of them and display them around the house. sweet tea would be a perfect pet name for him- he loves it so much. he’d call you love bug in return and cook you dinner and give you small gifts. he’s definitely an acts of service and quality time guy. just being in the same room as you doing separate work is good enough for him. your presence just soothes him and he has a blast!
| taishiro values your opinions very much. he always tries to be the best partner for you and listen to you because you have so much insight. he also trusts you so much and knows you mean well when giving him advice. he just loves you so much, he doesn’t want to disappoint!
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his opinion on having children
| he basically already adopted tamaki & kirishima, of course he wants kids!
| you’d have to be the one to bring it up because he doesn’t want to seem like he’s forcing you into anything.
| he’s so relieved once you do bring it up though! “yes! i want to have a family with you!”
| it doesn’t matter if you have them biologically, adopt, or have a surrogate— he loves his child so much and cried because he was so overwhelmed with love and finally being a dad.
| he’d be the best dad! (although a bit clueless) he wouldn’t imagine having a family with anyone other than you. you’re just perfect for him.
| he’d also ask if you could adopt a dog
| he is so protective over his family too. if anything were to happen to either of you, he would be so upset because you’re his life.
| overall, taishiro would try to give you and the child the best life!
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i hope you enjoyed! pls lmk if anything is inaccurate or if you want me to make it longer.
@mha-adore @space-cowbop
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insane-weasel · 3 years
Febuwhump Day 2: “i can’t take this anymore”
Sum: Stephen King cliché AU—in where kids find true evil, cliché and then it hunts them to adulthood. Not fully formed idea (not my finest work, more just feeling out characters I’ve never written before). 
CW: Animal death, human death, Stephen King vibes.
George’s back was to the wall, his heart thudding in his chest. His eyes went to the door. It hadn’t fully latched, but he couldn’t move to close it entirely now. It would give his position away. On the other side of the door he could hear the soft final footsteps of someone ascending the stairs.
The scrape of a knife against wood—an absent noise from the hefty blade in the killer’s hand hitting the bannister.
How’d he get here?
His life flashed before his eyes.
Years ago. When George was ten. This started.
“We shouldn’t be here,” Bad muttered. He was hanging back as far as he could, but not too far from Ant, who was holding the flashlight. Sapnap had his own flashlight and was leading the way, and George trailed between.
“Relax. I’ve seen those older guys in here all the time,” Sap reassured. “They probably have something cool stashed in here. Or like a secret lair. Or I don’t know…”
Sap put his hand to the wall of the cave and shined the flashlight down a dark tunnel that was about a foot high and then towards their current path which was narrow and hardly tall enough for all of them to comfortably walk through. If any of the older guys came in here, they must have to crawl.
“I think we made a wrong turn,” George reasoned, glancing behind him at Ant’s calm, but similarly reluctant face. He nodded at that, but Sapnap shook his head.
“Just a little bit more! We’ll turn back if we don’t find anything.”
“What if there’s bats in here? Or I don’t know—wolves?”
“There’s no wolves in the UK!” Sapnap said defiantly.
“There could be a bear in here?” Bad said.
“He’d have to be a skinny bear,” George said, turning sideways to avoid a jutting edge in the stone. The two behind him followed suit and Sapnap stalled up ahead, running the flashlight up the wall of stone. It was a little higher in here, but only by a head.
“Dead end?” Ant questioned.
“No,” Sapnap said and stepped to the side, letting the other three crowd into the closet sized space.
A crack was in the stone up ahead, rocks piled on either side of the crack. A painting of a face and other images were on the sides, nearly faded to extinction. Only when Ant waved the flashlight over them a couple of times, did George make out that they were drawings.
“This must be their lair? Less cool then I…thought,” George said. “I don’t think there’s any Pokemon cards in there.”
“It’s giving me a bad feeling,” Bad said. “Let’s just go. We need to get home earlier this time.”
“Let’s go in,” Sapnap suggested. He had to practically squeeze himself through the crack, sucking his stomach in and shimmying his shoulders until he was through. “It’s bigger on the other side. A lot! It’s like a room!”
Sapnap had moved away from the opening, his flashlight disappearing further into the opening, so George quickly followed, and Ant concerned bent down, tucking his flashlight under his chin to try and squeeze through the crack at the bottom where it was a little wider.
“Guys!” Bad said panicked. “Don’t just—fine, I’m coming. Don’t leave me out here.” George got through with some effort, but straightened and dusted his hands off on his pockets to see Sapnap shining the flashlight up at the paintings and old torches on the wall, that were—well, obviously, out. They looked ancient.
Ant behind him shined the flashlight in the center of the room to the big stone in the middle. He thought it looked like a well of some type, but it was covered.
Bad made it through with some muttered anxieties about their situation before he straightened, standing between George and Ant and hesitantly looking around the place.
“I don’t think this is the college kid’s hideout,” Bad said.
George nodded. “Looks too…old?”
“Lots of old things around England,” Ant commented.
“But what old thing is this?” George questioned, nudging the stone well with his foot.
Sapnap was bored looking at the pictures and turned his attention to the stone well. “Oh, I think it’s like a…what’s the word. A grave but not underground—”
“We’re in a grave?” Bad was alarmed.
“I hope not,” Ant said.
“There better not be a dead body in there or I’m telling my mum you were the one who ruined the clothes lines, not me,” Bad began rattling off.
“Want to try and look inside?” Sapnap suggested, turning to George and Ant, and nudging the stone cover with arm.
“I don’t think we can move that,” George argued.
Ant passed the flashlight to Bad and helped Sapnap. George went to Sapnap’s other side and the three pushed against the stone cover. No luck. It felt like it almost budged, but with a great heave, the children gave up. Sapnap looked at Bad who had his arms crossed across his chest.
“Come on, help us.”
“Piss off,” Bad said.
“Either help us, or go on home,” Sapnap snapped.
“Just so you know. I think we shouldn’t do this,” Bad said, tucking the flashlight under his arm and joining them on one side to push against the stone cover. They managed to move it a few inches this time, and with another good heave push it entirely off the stone well
Ant was the first to recover his wits, and peer over the edge. “Someone shine a light down here.”
“Got it,” Sap had his light pointed over the edge. “Oh.”
“What is it—” Bad shined his flashlight over the edge and winced. “It’s almost worse than a dead body. Darkness. Great.”
“So, it is a well?” George said, looking into the darkness.
“I don’t think there’s water down there.”
“Anyone have anything we can throw down it?”
Ant checked his pockets and pulled out a pencil. “Got this.”
“Toss it in then!”
The boys waited for a moment as Ant dropped it in the middle, and waited to see if they heard something.
“Did you hear it hit the bottom?” Sapnap questioned impatiently.
“Maybe it’s too light to make a noise,” Bad said, and searched his own pockets, balancing the flashlight on the edge. “I think I have a few coins. Gimme a second.”
He ended up nudging the flashlight over the edge and George and Ant scrambled for it, but it was too late. They followed the light down and it landed with a loud clang against more stone. It illuminated at the bottom the dropped pencil as well as what looked like something down there, like a cave.
“Don’t suppose anyone sees a rope or ladder or stairs down there?” George proposed.
“Damn it. My father’s going to kill me. I borrowed these from his toolshed,” Sapnap said, gesturing with the remaining flashlight.  
“I don’t think we’re getting that other one back,” George remarked.
“No need to state the obvious,” Ant sniffed. They backed away from the well and glanced around the room, hoping to see something else worth their time. Bad stuck near Sapnap since he had the only light near and Ant leaned against the well, staring at the pictures on the wall. Most were too faded to make sense of.
George glanced back over the edge of the well absently as he circled the room and saw the flashlight below flicker. He reapproached the well and glanced over, just in time to see the flashlight turn off.
“The flashlight went out down there!” George exclaimed.
“We should leave!” Bad immediately said.
“Prolly the batteries knocked loose,” Sapnap said, turning to face George, bringing the flashlight with him to shine over the edge. Ant didn’t even turn around as Sapnap tried using the flashlight to see down below. Even with Sapnap, sticking his hand down in the well, the light didn’t reach the bottom. “Whatever. We’ll go. I’m hungry.”
“You know, this could still make a good story to tell Skeppy. He likes when you tell him of our adventures, Bad,” Ant suggested and Bad shook his head. “Sapnap, can you shine the light on the way we came in so we can all get out.”
“Yeah, Bad you want to go first?”
“Ant can,” Bad volunteered Ant who snorted.
“Scared the boogeymen followed us here and are just waiting for us to leave to finally get us,” George teased, elbowing Bad who elbowed him back harder.
Ant fake screamed before laughing. “I’m out. Come on, Bad.”
Bad jumped, then elbowed George again, as if it had been his idea. “Cut it out. Fine. Fine.”
Sapnap and George exchanged looks, as Sapnap held the flashlight pointed at the edge, waving it a little in slight tease as Bad wormed his way through the gap. George went next, but a noise startled him and Sapnap when he was only one arm through.
Sapnap swept the flashlight over to the source of the noise, startling Bad and Ant who he plunged into darkness doing that.
Sapnap’s light finally landed on the pencil on the ground near the well. He tensed, almost in disbelief, but then with a sort of cocky assurance, approached the well again, and glanced to George.
George understood the unspoken message. He crossed to stand next to Sapnap as he swept the light down again into the well.
Nothing. Just darkness.
“Guys? Hello? We’re stuck in darkness and I don’t like it,” Bad complained.
“Thought we heard something,” George answered, staring over the edge. He wasn’t really comprehending the darkness, until it suddenly wasn’t darkness. The flashlight had turned on down there, but it was being held by someone. His brain was able to pick out a white face peering up at him, flashlight in hand pointed up at them when Sapnap yelled and startled enough to take a few steps away from the well, leaving George with the ghastly visage of only the illuminated smile below.
“Someone’s down there!” Sapnap said.
“Let’s go!” Bad yelled insistent and George agreed, backing away from the well and to the crack in the wall. He grabbed the flashlight from Sapnap when he was halfway through, holding it for Sapnap so he could work his way through. Bad was clutching Ant’s arm, glancing between them and the way they came in desperately. “We need to go!”
“I know!” George said. “Sapnap, you good?”
“I’m good,” Sapnap said, straightening. “I’ll lead us out.”
“Quickly, please,” Bad said, practically shoving Sapnap as he tightly squeezed past Ant and George to take the lead. He was the one who knew the caves best, but it meant George was taking the back as they left, staying as close as he could to Sapnap, but left in near darkness due to their now limited light sources.
As they squeezed through the tight passages they took before, George found his heart getting steadily faster and more nervous, his sweaty hands picking up more dirt than they ought to as they scraped across the walls of the cave as he followed the sound of Bad’s voice and Sapnap’s light.
It felt like something was right behind them. George knew it would do him no good. There was no light behind them. He wouldn’t be able to see.
But he glanced behind them.
And saw nothing.
But it felt. Like there was something behind them.
Eventually, they got out of their tight passageway they took and were back into the parts of the cave they knew better, jogging lightly to get out of their faster until they were in the parts lit by sunlight. They were dirt-covered, sweaty and a little shaken, but after a moment, Sapnap laughed.
“You guys should have seen your faces,” Sapnap said, laughing.
“What?” Bad questioned, indignant.
“It was probably nothing. Just a moth, right George?”
George thought back to the terrible smiling face below. “Yeah.”
[Present Day]
But as George knew now. It hadn’t been a moth. He felt his hand shaking as he leaned his head back and held his breath, his ears practically homed in only on the featherlight footsteps right outside the door. The steps passed the door after a moment, but George didn’t take a proper breath in, just breathing ever so slightly through his nose.
After all this time. It was back.
It hunted them. It killed some people then.
It’d do it again.
The first death was someone near the sight last time.  
George woke up in the morning without a thought to the day’s events before. There was no reason to be bothered by them, even as he headed off to school. It remained a forgotten trip until he and his friends had made it home and were about to write off the hasty essays and what not and be off to their own devices.
When George’s mom shook her head as he came in, holding the phone. “Oh, George. Not today. Stay in. There’s been an accident near here. The neighbor’s son. He—He fell terribly ill.”
Terribly ill had been a very nice way to say found disemboweled in his bed, his head missing. A very gory death.
The boys discussed it at school the next day. Only Bad and George seemed to reckon it was connected to the cave. “No child murderers live here! We’d have heard of it before if they had,” Bad reasoned.
“Unless a child murderer just moved here,” Sapnap said.
“I reckon child murderers don’t live places. They just keep moving,” Ant said.
“I feel like there was something in the cave,” George said. “What we saw was probably a moth, but it felt creepy in there.”
“Not you too,” Sapnap muttered, taking a bite of his sandwich. “I think you’re over-blowing it.”
But that had only been the first death. The second one, hit much closer to home. While George’s mom had prevented him from hanging out with the others the other day, his father had no same fears and let him leave after he confirmed he finished his chores and what not.
They were in Ant’s backyard, play fencing with swords when Ant gave a cry. “She hasn’t come back!”
“Doesn’t she normally spend all day sunbathing out here,” Bad questioned, ducking Sapnap’s attempted foul move of knocking him upside the head. “She’s too old to go far.”
“But she always comes when it’s dinner time,” Ant muttered. “Mimi,” he called out at the woods, beckoning for his old, arthritis ridden cat.
No cat came.
George had been taking a break and got up, stepping past Sapnap who was doing an impressive job of blocking every hit. “Let’s go look for her,” he suggested to Ant.
They didn’t have to go far.
They saw the figure, yellow, bright and hunched over a carcass with a collar on it. The white mask stained red.
“Mimi!” Ant cried out, and he charged the figure, only being held back by George, as the figure straightened, its white face turning to look at them. “My cat!”
The figure started towards them and George pulled Ant with him back towards his yard. They stopped only when they hit the backporch. Ant was sniveling quietly to himself, and George’s eyes were peeled on the small woods.
Nothing came out of it. But if he squinted he could see a white mask behind the trees.
Sapnap and Bad lowered their wooden sticks, glancing to the two with obvious concern. “Oh god, did she finally croak?” Sapnap questioned.
“Something killed her! I saw her dead body!”
“And the thing from the cave was hunched over her,” George said.
“What—you said you didn’t see anything?” Bad protested, suddenly suspicious. “This isn’t a prank?”
“I didn’t see anything hunched over, Mimi,” Ant said, wiping at his tears. “What are you—”
“The thing holding the flashlight in the cave,” George said turning to Sapnap. “You saw it! It was in those woods hunched over the cat!”
“I only saw the floating flashlight,” Sapnap said. “Nothing—why would only you be able to see it?”
“I don’t know!” George said. He glanced to the woods. “It’s out there. Watching us. I can feel it.”
The boys went silent, eyes turning to the woods. “Where is it at?” Bad whispered.
George focused on the woods, but he couldn’t make out any mask shapes within it. “I’m not sure. I just—I just can.” He made eye contact with the pale white face.
George inched away from the wall, further into the room. He could grab something. This time, the thing knew what George could do. It knew George could put him back in there. That George alone had the power to vanquish him.
Maybe that’s why this time it went after his friends first. Ant was a cat now, there was no curing that. Bad was…wasn’t human anymore either.
He was the only one that could do anything now. George took a deep breath, feeling his heart lock in his throat. There was no escaping it. However, it had gotten out again. Clearly. It wasn’t permanent. Someone had let it out. One of them had to. It took four of them to put it back. It’d only have taken one of them to let it out.
But they got rid of it. They vanquished it. Or so he thought.
Four boys, an old history teacher and a now childless mother stood over the stone well, now covered again. There was now chains on top and as a final send off, plain English explaining why this shouldn’t ever be opened again.
“It’s over,” Sapnap said.
“Three weeks of terror,” the gruff history teacher said. He’d been named Oldman or something, he moved away after this. His voice had a grim humor. “Three children killed, two adults. And all we had to do to put it back was practically bait it like a mouse on a trap.”
His eyes turned to George. “You listen here, young man—”
“They’ve had a rough day, let’s just get out of here,” the mother said. She gestured them out, but George felt the history teacher’s eyes on his back.
He wasn’t surprised when the woman’s back was turned, he pulled George aside properly this time, jabbing a finger in his chest. “You’re the one the curse is tied to. You’re the one who first made eye contact with it. It’s marked you. When it comes back, you’ll be the only one able to put it back. You’re the only one who can see it properly. You know properly how horrible it looks.”
“I don’t—I can’t,” George stammered.
“Your friends’ lives depend on it.”
“Stephen Olderman, leave that boy alone—are you daft?” His neighbor and the mother of one of those boys he’d never learned the name of cut in, shuffling him back to the safety of his group of friends.
But they were never the same. Ant was haunted. Bad was always itching at his skin. And Sap shuddered, a small tick came over him. Almost as if maybe George hadn’t saved Sapnap in time. That the thing had taken apart of Sapnap with it when it was sealed. Like it called Sapnap to it.
Sapnap had to have let it out. He was the only one who had any reason to. He was—possessed to. It couldn’t be helped. He couldn’t blame Sapnap.
But with Ant and Bad taken care of, and Sapnap willing to let it out. Then the only person left that could be a threat was…him. George was alone.
And it floored him. He sunk to the ground, suddenly his mind too blank to think about planning some brilliant escape.
He could hear the room next to the one he was in being searched and he decided he couldn’t run anymore. He was facing the creature. He was the only one who could see it. The thing that called itself Dream.
George stood, crossed the room quickly, his heart beating so hard he felt faint, his vision swimming at the edges. He gripped the brass doorknob and twisted it, throwing it open and getting ready to confront the monster.
It exited the room it had been in, clearly having heard George. It stood a few inches taller than him, with the white mask covering its face. It seemed, put-off, George had just revealed himself. Standing weaponless and unprepared before the monster, George just grit his teeth.
“I can’t take this anymore.”
Dream tilted his head, a question.
“You’re going to keep hunting me down. No matter where I go. I can’t vanquish you. Not with Sapnap…under your control. I give up. Kill me.”
Dream took a step forward, raising the sword, but he didn’t move to kill George, seemingly giving him time to change his mind.
“It’s going to come down to this. We banished you before, but that wasn’t enough. You’d already taken your—taken something—someone—to coerce us into letting you out again. If Sapnap could be…fixed—you’d do it again.”
Dream lowered his head. A nod or small sign of acceptance. Maybe it was nothing.
“We fucked up. We opened your tomb. And now…Ant’s a cat. Bad’s this weird…monster. Sapnap is possessed by something and nearly killed me and you—” George spread his arms wide. “I guess…I’m done running. I’m done.”
Dream took a step forward, pressing the sword to his chest, then lowered it until it was digging into his stomach. He was planning to disembowel him.
“Just one question for you?” George questioned.
The monster looked at him.
“Why me? Why can I see you?”
Dream lowered the sword again, and grabbed George by the collar, dragging him close. He was close enough he could feel his breath hitting Dream’s mask
“I wanted you to see me when I killed you,” Dream said, and ran him through.
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