#i had a group of 3 kids just asking me about pokemon and it was so cute
grandtheftpoptart · 1 year
I was in schoolage for the first time at work and a kid called me stupid because I called the knight in chess a "horse", and then another kid threw ice at my face twice (missed both times bc im too fast) and then hit me when we went inside :(
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
(Yes, join me in the Hypnos lullaby brain rot /lh) anyway, may I request a “lost silver” gold meeting another Pokémon trainer reader? Like the reader is also a champion of thier home region and they suddenly got transported to the void where gold resides and maneges to befriend him? If not that’s completely fine (by the way love all your work, your super cool!)
Yippee brainrot time. Also thank you! <3
You were the champion of a later Pokémon gen game, always waiting for a worthy challenger to battle you.
Unlike the other Pokepasta champs, your game wasn't haunted/corrupted so life was relatively normal for you.
Usually you went into town in disguise to keep your Pokémon healthy, fed, and happy--making sure their spirits were up.
However, one night when you're about to put your starter in its pokeball to sleep...both of you are suddenly transported to a pitch black void.
You were in a panic, understandably, wondering where everything went and why it was so dark.
Then your starter notices a lonely Unown
Something looked different about this one.
Before you can try to catch it, the psychic Pokémon flies past you without warning, and you turn around-
Just in time to see a young trainer with missing limbs, hollow eyes, and a pale face--somehow floating in this mysterious void with you.
"My Arceus....a-are you okay?" Obviously that didn't seem like the right question to ask, given that this kid was very much not okay.
He didn't answer you, though. He just stared at you with a sad look.
You knew that all the healing potions in the world won't help him with his...injuries. But you wanted to try at least something, so you dug up some potions from your bag.
Yet your starter tapped your shoulder, making you turn your attention to the air, where several more Unowns appeared to spell something.
"They won't help."
It took you a second to realize they're speaking for him. Thank goodness you studied their language growing up.
"..oh, sorry. I figured I could at least try." You frowned a bit, though he seemed to appreciate the gesture as the Unown group spelled out "thank you".
Despite his frightening looks, he had no ill intent. He was just sad and lonely.
So you two chatted for a bit, with him saying his name was Gold. He introduced you to his own Pokemon team comprised of a Cyndaquil and half-dead Celebi.
You actually got along with him just fine! And he could speak for himself, albeit very little.
He was a champion like you, though he was unwilling to say what happened to him.
Oh well, best not to pry unless he trusted you enough.
All in all you made good conversation with him. And he finds your willingness to help him endearing.
At some point he leaves the void and takes you to meet Hypno, Gray, Steven, and Glitchy Red.
Though Gold is surprised when you still wanna hang out with him the most. But it makes him happier than he has been in years.
Most trainers who see him just scream and run.
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xerith-42 · 5 months
Minecraft Diaries Stoner Headcanons
Part 2 in the Aphverse Stoner Series!
Disclaimer: I haven't watched Season 3! I mean, I have, but I don't remember any of it other than that Blaze was in it-- And I just checked the wiki and he's a villain? Uhm. No, he isn't. Hatsune help me I'm going to have to make a whole post about that now... anyways, pretend Blaze is just like another guard Irena gathered because she just collects them like they're pokemon.
Blaze our beloved to start us off. Uh, pipe weed is really common in Ru'aun, it's actually a primary export. And well, Blaze is a pretty big fan of it. Once when he's smoking weed with his friend, he comes to a realization.
"Listen, listen. We use earth with the plant, fire by lighting it, and air to inhale it. What we're missing is water." I am saying that Blaze made the first bong in the MCD universe. Or that he at least came up with it and was credited for the original idea. These two are very proud of their idea and want to spread it everywhere.
Pipe weed is not allowed at the guard academy, and guards are expected to remain sober, even though alcohol is okay?? Doesn't really make sense to a lot of new cadets, including Laurance, who's able to smuggle it in, and hide it from Garroth.
Vylad does actually smoke pipe weed, particularly while on his own during those 15 years. It helps relax their muscles, and causes a sort of numbness that helps keep the calling quiet.
When he tells Laurance of this, both of them share it together at some point.
Dante used to smoke weed with Laurance on slow nights in Phoenix Drop, and even smoked it with Nicole a few times. He quit when he found out Nana was pregnant.
The number one smoker is Travis. His mom had a stock pile of it he found, enough to last years, and it's one of the main things he brings with him to Ru'aun.
When Travis and Blaze meet, they are instant friends. I don't know what happens in Season 3, but this is all that matters to me. They would be BESTIES!!
Despite being banned by the church, Zane is in a position of power so the rules don't apply to him. He never does it when he has something serious going on, but when Zane has some downtime, he'll light up a bowl to take the strain out of his shoulders.
A downside of being a Shadow Knight is that your lungs are much more used to inhaling smoke and dealing with heat thanks to the Nether, so they have some insane tolerance. Like, Vylad was smoking so much, and Laurance is never not frustrated at how much he has to go through in a single sitting just to feel something.
And Aaron? When he was a father? And a Lord?? Of course he was smoking. He was very careful about it, and kept it away from Jacob. And as he traveled with the rest of the cast, he was always careful to hide it from the kids. He didn't quite mind if anyone else saw, as long as they were smart enough not to ask for it.
Travis is not smart enough.
Also Aaron likes wearing the bandana when he accidentally gets a little too high so no one can see how bloodshot his eyes are. Irena can tell by the way he stumbles a little more than usual.
Zoey? Pot head. She's literally an immortal elf, she has tried every drug Ru'aun has ever had and then some. She stops smoking it as much when she's taking care of the kids, but after the group is gone for a few years and she spends more nights searching for a way to bring them back, she picks it back up to try and seem less stressed when people talk to her.
I feel like all Lords smoke just a little. Like, it's such a stressful job. You're constantly having to care for so many people, be a master of subjects you might not have studied, and who knows when one day you wake up to the news that you have to ready yourself for war. People need a way to relieve the stress.
Except Irena. She tried it once when she caught Aaron smoking and it tasted so bad and she did not enjoy the feeling at all. When she becomes friends with Blaze he tries to coax her into it, but she never caves, and he backs off.
LUCINDA on the other hand!! She's a witch! She's a bit of an herbalist! Does she know the perfect growing conditions for the plant of origin and how to cultivate it's harvest for maximum output?? You bet your ass she does!
Blaze x Lucinda x Travis polycule when?
The first time Lucinda and Blaze meet each other he tells her about his innovation of using glass devices to create water vapor that you can smoke, and Lucinda very eagerly drags him into her brewing room and just proudly goes "I have a cauldron!! >:)" And Blaze gets so excited!! He's already trying to figure out what he would have to custom order to work with this, but he needs to try it.
Wait why is that adorable I need to write that now.
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jksj0030 · 14 days
Okay so I have a small update on my headcanon of the kids that I believe SatoKasu would have once older and married. I started a whole story that I have yet to complete but I’m getting ideas. If you don’t remember it was these 3
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Anyways I have to redraw the older twin boys one day but I made an updated drawing of the girl(In the drawing above she’s meant to be about 7 years old) and how I think she would look as a 10-11 year old so here is that.
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So like I said before I have so many ideas for this story that I started. Since it has to do with a future and past storyline naturally I had to think about future pairings and other new ocs that tie into the plot. For example I needed to think of okay these are the kids but who are their family besides their parents? You know the beauty of open endings and fan ideas right? It’s that anything can happen or you can believe anything happens according to your ideas. So I started with Violet/Ayame Misty’s older sister since she plays a role in my story. Now you would never guess who I ended up pairing her with in my headcanon but let me show you.
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So yeah the beauty in fan head canons right? Now some of you might say Alain??? Why Alain??? He’s from a whole other region?! So hear me out on my vision. We know how Misty’s sisters are personality wise. We know they’re adored by people all around the world especially with confirmation of that in MPM from Cilan who recognizes them even with being from Unova. Anyways as Misty said in my fanfic “it’s nice to see her sister humbled for once/they need humbling”. For the sensational sisters I can’t see them ending up with fans/admirers(sorry Brock🤣) except one which is the youngest one(misty ending up with ash who is her first fan technically but not like how most fans act as we can imagine and not because of the sensational sister name but because of her skills with pokemon and battles as we saw ash’s reaction in sun and moon). I haven’t thought about who I’d pair Lily with yet but I know Daisy would end up with Tracey based off their moments in chronicles. So I was thinking about who to pair Violet with because of her role in my fanfic. Since the plot starts off in Kalos I couldn’t help but think it would be hilarious if Violet ended up with Alain just because it would be so unexpected.
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In my fanfic I had a scene in which Alain is lowkey fangirling over misty when they meet shocks ash and the rest of the Kalos group after he asks for the girls autograph. Bonnie teased the Kalos boy about them not expecting him to be a fan of the Sensational sisters only for him to say who? Because he was a fan of misty now a member of the elite four of Kanto.
So basically Alain has no clue who the sensational sisters are even with their popularity around the world. So when Violet meets him not being used to a guy who didn’t chase after them ends up unconsciously getting closer to Alain. What I mean is she doesn’t purposely try to change his stance but ends up becoming closer/friends with him naturally. She falls first in this case which takes her sisters off guard because she never does. Alain I would imagine is dense for a while thinking she really wants to be close friends until one day he realizes he actually likes her more than a friend. Though it takes him a while to confess because he doesn’t know if she likes him that way(she does) and him being him hoping not to ruin something he is certain they do have(their friendship) ends up just thinking this small crush will pass until it doesn’t and he just breaks one day and admits it. He doesn’t care or notice that a whole fanbase despises him just for existing and breathing close to Violet🤣(ash ends up respecting his carefree attitude towards the situation since he’s been feeling glares behind his back as well for dating misty not realizing at first that Alain simply does not notice or care for these fans🤣). Anyways that’s how they end up together and how the Ketchum kid trio gets their cousins. A girl who’s the oldest and just a few months older than a seven year old daughter of SatoKasu and a younger brother who’s five years old. This is how I drew them aged up
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Honestly I’ve been debating the boys design so I have a few more drafts. I headcanon he dyes the top of his hair black when older. Anyways I hope y’all liked my small headcanon and here’s an older SatoKasu with Ash having a slightly different hair style thanks to the advice given by their daughter
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turnaboutwriter · 7 months
what is the order of regions we will see Dawn and Paul travel through together in safe travels? SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU UPLOAD AFTER SO LONG GDSALKJGFG
Hi!!! I'm so, so, SO happy to be back, too!!
I can reveal the first three regions to you. I am hesitant to mention the order of the other regions, but I will list all regions that will be featured in no particular order in the story: Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, Alola, and Galar, with two regions being grouped together in one of the parts. Yes, I mentioned at the start that Safe Travels will be 6 parts, but it actually became 7 i lied sorry i just love these two too much.
As you know, we start off with Part 1: In Abundant Relations - the title comes from the meaning of the word Hoenn, "abundant relations." That is going to be 12 13 chapters long, which is actually the longest part in the series. The second longest will be Kalos.
Without spoiling much, Part 2 will be set in Unova (so based on what you know about Part 1's title, try to guess Part 2's title), and will be only 1-3 chapters long. Unova as the next destination lines up with the timeline of the Pokémon anime, when Dawn is in Unova for the Junior Cup. This also should indicate to you that the timeline of Safe Travels follow the anime canon except for the fact that they're all like 10-13 years old and that the anime spans over only like a year or two I don't believe in that cus these characters are too damn mature to be kids traveling unsupervised.
Now, Part 3. If you recall, in the anime, after the Junior Cup, Dawn leaves the BW gang to participate in Johto contests, as she mentions the Wallace Cup. So, that brings us to Johto. I'll tell you straight up, the Johto part is only one chapter long.
That's 3/7 regions you now know the order of.
Now, you mentioned Paul and Dawn travelling through regions "together," but Paul is not with Dawn for the Junior Cup in the anime, nor is he with her when she leaves for Johto . . . so, where is he? You'll have to wait and find out in Part 2 and 3 when we get there.
Originally, Galar was not going to be part of the Safe Travels Saga, at all. I took so long to craft and outline the story on a part-by-part, chapter-by-chapter, basis, and now I had to figure out how to add Pokemon Journeys into the story with both Dawn and Paul making cameos? How was I going to make this work? I was stubborn that I would not take into account the story of Pokémon Journeys, but in the end, I decided to bite and watch Journeys. After seeing Paul's episodes, the inspiration struck so ridiculously, that I outlined the addition of Journeys plot into the story in the following hour.
I promise, I'm working hard to crank out the Hoenn chapters. I plan to upload Chapter 9 of In Abundant Relations around the holidays - it's a big one as we get into the Rubello Town Contest and its aftermath - and then, Chapter 10 after the New Year.
I love hearing from the readers! It makes me so happy! Thanks for the ask and for reading my fanfic!! :)
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go-go-devil · 11 months
2, 7, 8, 10 for the animation asks :D
2) When was the exact moment when you realized just how much you admire animation as an art form unique from other media?
Honestly I fully believe the EXACT moment arose when I rewatched The Secret of NIMH for the second time as a 14-year-old. I had already enjoyed it when I first saw it back when I was 7, but seeing it again with a maturing brain and a finer eye for the craft of 2D animation really made me appreciate how well made the film was, both in terms of technical achievements and story
Of course, this also lead to the faithful event of me looking up the trailer to the movie on youtube and seeing in my recommendations a trailer to a film I had never heard of called Watership Down. I clicked on that video, and the rest was history ;)
7) What is your favorite cartoon series?
Fuck that's too hard of a pick! If I was forced to, though, I would probably swap between Bojack Horseman and Spongebob Squarepants (Seasons 1-3) depending on whether I'm in the mood for depressing or joyful eccentric animal people 🐴 🧽
8) What was the first adult animation you’ve seen?
The very first one HAD to have been The Simpsons. While it took me until I was 9 to actually become obsessed w/ the series I know for a fact I caught it on TV several times before when I was younger
While Simpsons most likely predated it, I do have a very clear memory of the 1st time I ever saw South Park. I believe I was either 5 or 6, seated all alone in the living room at my nanny's house while everyone else was in the kitchen partying, and while flipping thru the channels I caught the last 10 minutes of the episode where the boys and Jesus Christ try to save Santa Claus from a group of terrorists, at the scene where Jesus riddled with bullets and dies. The funny part about it was that I wasn't even scared by it. I legit thought I was watching a serious drama just because Jesus was killed in front of a group of children and just accepted it XD
10) When did you first discover anime?
Technically the first anime I can remember watching were Hamtaro and Pokemon, with Yu Gi Oh following shortly after. However, the first anime I watched after learning what the term anime meant was Death Note. It was a pretty significant moment for me since it was the first cartoon I ever got obsessed with that wasn't made for children, and thus taught me that animation isn't something that's exclusive to kids like me. After that I absorbed as much "mature" anime as I could find to show off how cool I was (and by mature I of course meant shows for teenagers lol)
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springfallendeer · 1 year
Just a general thanks
To everyone who started following/interacting recently. I really appreciate the interactions that I do get here.
The holidays tend to be a rough time of the year as is, and some years the seasonal depression hits harder than others. Even now, six hours to new years where I’m at. Its hitting pretty rough. Honestly guys, just don’t bother reading beneath the cut. Its depressing and I don’t want to be dragging anyone down. This is just something to try and process some emotions.
I’ve been on tumblr for years. I met some of my closest friends here, years ago. One of which eventually went on to save me from homelessness after a long, long string of horrible life events.
I’m one of those examples of how horrible life can be. My mother was horribly abusive to myself and my siblings, physically and mentally. I grew up isolated and never really having friends. I was the weird kid that couldn’t really form bonds with people. Because I was one of those kids that got fucked over by the medical system, I spent the first 12 years of my life drugged out of my mind on ADHD meds that did weird shit to me.
Life has been a process. The holiday season always sucked, because it just made me more aware of how bad off I was compared to everyone else. My mother was the black sheep, and I was her spawn. In the rare event that we went to a family event, we were excluded. So my early Christmases were spent watching everyone else gets presents. Because they were family events, everyone had to sit around and watch as everyone opened gifts. One by one.
My mother was stingy and she cared more about herself than about providing comforts to her children. There were always money issues. By the time I was in my teenage years, I learned never to expect gifts. Not real gifts. The best I could ask for was to go out to eat on my birthday. Any time I was given a real gift - something like a game console, or a laptop - there were strings attached. I was made to feel guilty every time I wanted something.
I still struggle to come up with any sort of an idea for what I’d want when asked what I’d like for Christmas/my birthday. So right now I am struggling. And its a struggle that tends to mix and mingle with other emotional distresses in my life.
I genuinely have a tough time most days, because even though I’m living with and often around friends, I feel alone. And its one of those things where I feel guilty for being lonely. Because its not really anyone’s fault. I just don’t enjoy a lot of the content that my friends enjoy. And by the time I get around to getting interest in something they do enjoy, they’ve moved on to something else.
So even though I enjoy writing and roleplaying and playing games, I just don’t get too. Because my interests never get to line up with the group, I’m the odd one out. The one left out of everything. And by now I’ve just stopped trying to be included, because it just led to additional hurt feelings. It always kinda sucks to finally get someone to roleplay with you, only for you to stop getting responses after 2-3 goes. Meanwhile the friends you were roleplaying with are just, busy with each other. Constantly.
And it is constant. Its a daily thing. Often all day. And while I’ve tried to nicely bring up that I’m feeling left out, its never led to much. You can’t force someone to want to engage in something if they aren’t interested in. And this has been going on for a few years, unfortunately.
In November I caught covid. While I was sick with covid, I somehow discovered the DCA in security breach. And for whatever reason, I just kinda fell in love with them. Again, there were attempts at getting involved in the friend group. But again, I’d developed my interest in something just a little too late. They were back into Pokemon, thanks to the recent release. And I’ve already gotten into Pokemon, only to be swiftly left behind a few days after. More than once.
So I started writing a personal project. And I started to post it. But everywhere I’d ever been active has been dead for years, and the audience I had, existed for a fandom that I can no longer stand to associate with. On pretty much every platform, interactions are dead silent.
Then I start looking into it and I realized that nothing I was posting was even turning up in the tumblr search option. And I’m still trying to get that sorted. And I was just sat here getting more emotionally frustrated. Because God, it really fucking sucks to feel alone all the fucking time. It really fucking sucks to enjoy something only for that love to slowly get sucked out of you because nothing ever seems to give you a break.
Then suddenly, someone took notice. And while I’m not getting a lot of traction on anything, its the most I’ve had in YEARS. And its great. And I feel stupid that it makes me so happy. And it upsets me, because after years of these interactions in personal friends groups - where I finally get involved with something and get to enjoy it, only to be left behind to my own devices. Alone with nothing by my own thoughts for entertainment.
And I know it can happen here. And it sucks. Because its nice to be able to just sit around doing silly shit and being able to enjoy stupid, silly interactions with other people. Especially after horrible days at work or just horrible days with my own thoughts. So I’m excited but I’m scared. I want to sit here and hope things will just continue. That I’ll have those 2-3 people that I might get lucky and be able to maintain a consistent interest with. All the while its just going to eat at the back of my head that in the near future, its all going to be gone and I’m going to be alone again.
And I just don’t really know what to do about it. So I’m trying to enjoy it while it lasts, but its hard. Early life fucked me up and ruined me. Adult life is harder to process. And regardless of whatever might happen, I don’t really have any sort of control over it.
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shadowonwater · 1 year
Pokemon Scarlet Playthrough part 15: The gang gets together, beginning of the journey into the sparkling land, and Time Machines
Playthrough Masterlist
So it really is just a coincidence pretty much that Arven happened to recruit my other friends. I find it very funny that all Arven needed to do to get Nemona on board was to tell her that there would be strong Pokemon, that was all she needed, ha ha, that's my Nemona!
With Penny he asked Clavell about people who were good with technology. I figure he didn't tell Clavell why he wanted someone who was good with tech though. Arven mentioned that they were doing this to help me, and that's why Penny got on board. Arven mentioning that she's old fashioned with how she feels about debts got me thinking about Team Star's code.
So I do find it funny that I'm the only one here who's friends with everybody. Makes me think of a birthday party. Like you can have a core group of friends but the members of that group will still have friends outside the core friend group. So it can be odd going to a friend's birthday party and like the core friend group is there and makes up most of the people, but then there's a few other people there who are just strangers to everybody else but the birthday kid.
We hear Sada and she's like "oh good you're here [insert my name]. And you brought friends" So she tells us where to go. I feel bad for Arven because it looked like it wanted to say something to his mom. She's also paying more attention to me than she is him. I feel bad for him. So yeah, I'll go in the gate next, see what happens.
So poor Kori is scared because it was already hinted that something traumatic happened to it. And Sada says to ride it down to the ground. And immediately I'm like "all four of us? is there enough room?" Well I guess there was, although Penny had a precarious position.
So we get to the ground and I'm like "Wait, where's Nemona?" But the other character's are focused on Koraidon's fear. Kori's like "I'm out of here" and hides in its Pokeball. And then they're like "Wait where's Nemona?" Well she comes running up and is like "yooooo this place is awesome!" And she's right, it is.
So I noticed that 1) I can't ride Koraidon because its hiding 2) the music is fucking amazing 3) the Pokemon battle music is also amazing. Seriously I'm going ham for this music! It's fantastic! It also has got me thinking about how good the dungeon music was from PMD.
Going on, this place is so sparkly! There are sparkles in the wind, the water is sparkling. Some of the trees have crystals at their base. This place is beautiful! tbh, I was imaging Area Zero to be more like a thick jungle, but this place feels like some kind of fairy land. And I mean that, in that this place is both dangerous and pretty.
So Sada told us to go unlock the locks on her lab. I gotta say, why do people put locks on the outside of places? Locks should go on the inside unless you want to trap someone. It's just bad design. So we gotta go to the research centers to unlock them. I bet there will be boss fights. I'm guessing... Tera raids? Tera raids do take four people and there are four of us.
Also one thing I should bring up... Sada talks like a robot and I'm quite sure I know why, unfortunately. I saw fanart, and it's not like I was looking for Scarlet fanart, mind you, it just showed up in my feed because I like Pokemon. So I kinda know what's up. I don't know specifics at least.
So while walking there occasionally my friends stop to chat. But I need to pay attention or else I'll miss what their saying. The first went fine. But the 2nd time a bunch of wild Pokemon were chasing me and they kept interrupting the conversation by battling me. It's hard to read when you're also trying to dodge wild animals tackling you. I think I missed part of the conversation. :( They were all talking about how they met me though. Of course Penny didn't go into details, lol. Going to the research base next.
So I've reached the first research station but I forgot a few other comments I wanted to make. 1) there are some weird berries here that I've never seen before in Pokemon games, help to make this place feel alien. 2) When I was talking about how sparkling this place is I forgot to mention that it fits with the whole Tera thing. What with the crystal theme.
Anyway a Glimmora blocked out path. I guess it was maybe supposed to be a boss battle but I didn't even get a chance to attack. Nemona's Lycanroc took it out instantly. Is this how Arven felt when I was doing all the kickass-ing when we were fighting the titans? I was kinda hoping for a more epic boss battle with all of us, but hey there's time for that to happen still.
So Glimmora is for sure weird looking but I have one and so does Geeta (which Nemona mentions) I did happen to find it in a ordinary cave but I got the feeling it was a rare spawn. I know that they drop the material for Tera blast. Since Geeta has a Glimmora and gave me Tera blast, and that Glimmet are probably more common in Area Zero... I bet Geeta has been here before.
We unlock our first lock, and poor Arven is completely ignored by his mom again. And there's a gross dusty old bed that can restore my health if I so wish. But most interesting are the notes on the desk. It talks about a [redacted] being that tera energy seems to come from and something about it having a hexagonal pattern. I bet this thing is like Eternatus. Like something that has Ultra Beast/Alien vibes. It's be weird and spooky I hope. And like Eternatus, it's where this special energy comes from. I will continue on now.
Made it to lab two. At the point where Arven was talking about what happened last time he went to Area Zero, right after he mentioned being attacked by a mysterious Pokemon, I ironically was attacked and pulled into a Pokemon battle with Corviknight. So yeah Arven snuck in to try to find his mom but had to retreat because his dog got hurt.
I feel real bad for him. He grew up taking care of himself and learned cooking because no one did it for him. He literally had no one looking after him. Does Pokemon have child protective services? I think Arven really could have used them.
So when we approached the 2nd station we had a run in with a Scream Tail. Afterwards Arven and Penny are like "Was that even a Pokemon?" And me a Nemona are like "well yeah it's a Pokemon, it looks like one and uses moves, doesn't it" what looks like a duck, quack likes a duck. I find the game's insistence of not calling them Pokemon annoying. They are 100% Pokemon, like why is this being called into question?
If I lived in the Pokemon World and saw a Scream Tail with no context, I'd be like like "Oh, it's some weird form of Jigglypuff I haven't seen or heard of before, I wonder where it's from." Like Pokemon forms are a thing. Just because it doesn't look exactly like you thought it would doesn't mean it's not a Pokemon. My gosh!
So Sada is like, "yeah that's a prehistoric Pokemon." and "There's a time machine in my lab." And Penny's like "say sike right now." Anyway from the sounds of it Arven knew she was working on a time machine and was trying to get it working.
Reading the notes around the lab, they just talk a lot about how unstable Tera energy is. But I guess Sada figured it out eventually. In other news... warp pads! Haven't seen these in a while. I can go to the other visited Research Baes or the Gate itself. Oh right and another thing... I wonder how Arven managed to get to the ground from the gate. It's not like he had Koraidon back then.
I'll cut this post off here, but i'm going to keep playing and start working on a new post, see you soon.
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mistiell · 2 years
I just started following, but I would like an Arcane match-up (male character), if it's alright? I binged it 2 weeks ago after my brain decided it needed new blorbos
I am 26, she/her, nickname JCat. 155.5 cm tall (or a little over 5'1), fair-skinned with moles (but I call them [human] sum spots) stocky build and with fluff (I am a good pillow according to the animals and children that have fallen asleep ob me). Medium-length blonde hair and blue-gray eyes with green around the pupils. Wear glasses and have really poor eyesight (near-sighted)
Personality-wise: in character comparison, I am a genderbent, human Toothless from HTTYD, or a combo of Steve Rogers/Captain America and Loki from the MCU (or Phil Coulson if you've seen Agents of Shield). To clarify, I am a pretty friendly and easy-going person, with a streak of mischief. I tend to be a mom-friend in a sense that I make sure that my friends take care of themselves and give good advice (compliment from my friends). While mostly someone who entertains, I can be quite the trickster should the need arise. But I often try to stay within my morals and make sure I don't intentionally hurt those on my side.
While very good with kids (which is why my mom got me working at a daycare for about 3 years) I don't want my own, due to fear of pregnancy and my driven need to venture out and explore the world. But when it comes down to it, I'd probably adopt an orphan if I've taken a big liking to them.
I'd honestly be the Golden Retriever gf ✨️
Likes include: mythologies, animals, cuddles, adventures, sci-fi, magic/fantasy, plushies, D&D (or any Pen and Paper); LOTR, MCU, HTTYD, Star Wars, and Pokemon are my big main fandoms. I adore the A Capella group Voiceplay.
Dislikes: people being taken advantaged of, narrow minded people...well just people being negative, neglectful, and/or abusive towards each other and nature
A few last notes: I have depression and anxiety, social introvert, neutral good alignment (with some chaos), INFP, Ennegram Type 7.
Hope this helps with the match-up
Have a wonderful month
I match you with…
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- You guys would be such a great fit
- He’s also into mythology and sci-fi stuff so you guys would have lots to talk about!
- He’s never had much of an interest in fantasy type things, but it wouldn’t take much convincing to get him to read your favourite fantasy book
- Definitely gets him hooked on the genre
- He considers it a guilty pleasure (even though you have told him several times that it’s not something to be guilty for)
- His response is always, “But Darling, I’m a man of science!”
- You’re both mischievous
- Jayce has his hands full whenever you drop by the lab
- He’s not great with kids, but he’s also not bad with them either
- It’s more that he just has no idea what to do with them
- He he’s honestly pretty indifferent towards having kids. If you don’t want them, he’s totally fine with that
- Most of your dates would probably be something cozy where it’s just you two since you both don’t like going out very much
- He finds your desire to care for your friends and loved ones endearing
- He can’t count how many times you check in on him throughout the day and he’s always grateful when you bring him something to eat when he’s forgotten.
- He does his best to help you through your rough patches with anxiety and depression
- reads up on it and researches different coping strategies
- He loves how excited you get about your interests and will absolutely listen to you and ask questions
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Intro post!
Hi! My name is Jacob (18yrs, he/him), and I'm from the Hoenn region! I used to live in New Mauville, but I recently moved to Mossdeep City because I got hired as a Laboratory assistant to the research station here! I mostly do the grunt work, but that's ok because I have *crippling* thalassaphobia.
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Button - Jumpluff (Starter and Ace)
Button has been by my side since I was a kid, he was the first pokemon I had and he's been my favorite ever since! Every spring I have to put a leash on him, otherwise he'll fly away and explode.
It might be weird to have a support pokemon as my ace, but Button fills that role because he always helps me get out of sticky situations; be it with Sleep powder, encore, Rage Powder, etc.
Bleebus - Magmar (Battle Pokemon)
Bleebus is your usual bulky fire type, and she packs a punch too. I caught her on vacation to Johto about 3 years ago, and ever since then she's been a mainstay of my team. She is also a functioning emergency stove, and that's saved me more times than I can count.
At least 10 people have come up to me just to tell me how ugly Magmars are, but I very much disagree; she's the prettiest Magmar ever!
Chuck - Relicanth (Battle Pokemon)
I found Chuck on a diving expedition as a kid in Pacifidlog town, about 7 years ago. I was pulled away from my group by an underwater current and Chuck brought me back to them! He seemed to hang around with me the rest of the trip, so I begged the tour guide to let me take him and he eventually agreed; and he's been fighting valiantly alongside me ever since! Apparently most Relicanth aren't supposed to be cyan though.
Completely unrelated, but getting pulled away from my group then was mentally scarring. I swear there was some giant pokemon in the distance beelining for me..
Knight - Corvisquire (level 37) (not battling anymore)
I was Wonder Trading about 11 months ago (before it got banned for being unethical) and I was given this lil gal as an egg, so I've had the pleasure of raising her from infancy to now.
She hasn't battled for a bit because of an accident that happened last time, and I think she's still shaken up by it. I can tell she's so close to evolving though! If she could just push a little more I'm sure she wouldn't have to worry about getting hurt like that again.
Megasaw - Nymble (big baby)
Despite his intimidating name, Meg is an extremely timid pokemon (Disclaimer: I lost a bet and had to let my friend name my next pokemon). I haven't even been able to get him to battle more than 3 times total! I've been told that once he evolves he'll be so much stronger and aggressive, but at this rate I doubt it. I'm probably gonna have to spend my life's savings of Rare Candies to get him to evolve.
Eeny (dad), Meeny (mom), Miney(daughter), and Mo (son) - Maushold (Helpers)
Honestly, I love these little goobers. They help out around my house and the lab, doing all the things I might be too busy (or too tall) to do. And it's not like I'm forcing them to, Eeny and Meeny actively encourage Miney and Mo to work in order to vent their precocious amounts of energy. They're not too bad at battling either, and have saved my butt plenty of times. They're also the only pokemon I have that can terastalize, which makes sense since they're from Paldea.
Asmodeus - Manectric (pet)
Azzy isn't on my team preview because, we'll, he ain't really a fighter. He's all bark and no bite, n he's even left me to get attacked by pokemon he's 4x super effective to! I still love him though, cuz he's a total lap dog and never shy to ask for cuddles (which I will always happily agree to)
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darudedogestorm · 8 months
Ok maybe i will make an intro/reference post for some of my primary OCs
doesn't contain their full info as for a few of them that would be a bit Too much... feel free to ask me more about them tho i would be so happy
also now realizing these are like. entirely pokemon ocs. oopsie
sorry if the formatting is strange and offputting its because tumblr doesnt like me that much
guy who found meaning in life thru aminals :) (pokemon) basically struggled a lot, felt pretty worthless, volunteering at the local pokemon center kind of turned his life around
if pokemon werent real he’d be a dog guy. but he’s a cyndaquil guy
projects an image of a casually tough guy
works at a pokemon center :) current vet tech student (or well the equivalent of a vet tech in pokemon)
basically works with the system that rehomes/releases surrendered pokemon. like if you’ve ever ‘released’ a pokemon into the wild, he’s part of the group of people who handles 1. can it even Be released into the wilderness (for example it might be too habituated to life with humans to be rereleased safely), and 2. depending on the answer to question 1, where is that thing going
i have a whole system for this but it’s not entirely finished
2 beautiful babies (his quilava), little red and big bea
they are from a puppy mill situation :( brought into the center as part of aforementioned shelter/release program
^ the reason little red is a shiny
also the reason he found meaning in life <3
wurmple kid/skipper
one time i had this dream that i was lance’s (yes the indigo league champion lance) kid who was like super obsessed with wurmples and dgaf about dragon types and he was lowkey disappointed in me about it. and this became my oc
literally like 8 years old
obsessed with wurmples (based off of me in elementary school who was obsessed with dogs)
he likes other bug types by extension but NOTHING will beat wurmple. nothing.
assumes he’ll one day grow up to be a wurmple. it’s his dream
non wurmple related fact: retreats into his beautiful mind palace during times of stress and if he cannot do so he will explode. the wurmple obsession may be a manifestation of this. just like me fr
puzzle enjoyer :)
i wrote up a thing for one of those 50 question ‘tell me about your oc’ things for him but it would be too long to put here LMAO
in a nutshell:
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spawned from my mono bugtype run of pokemon platinum
girl who is basically a bug
views herself as the general of an army of bugs with which she will one day RULE THE WORLD
engages in mithradatism (consumes the poison of her bugs in hopes that she will grow immune)
it has landed her in the hospital once but like that’s whatever. all that hospital trip taught her was that she should be more careful with her doses as opposed to not dosing herself at all
her starter was a spinarak (spinnerrella) who she used to wear on her back, like a backpack
spinnerrella evolved into a ariados so now she just wears one of her shedded exoskeletons from when she was still a spinarak. one day when she’s taller and stronger she’ll let spinnerrella on her back again but for now they must be apart
i dont even know where to start
spawned from a pokemon roleplay with a friend. 10 page google document
works in conservation/ecology
where she got her name (she is #epic transgender) (and #fail bad at names)
current project is dealing with the slowpoke in azalea; after the team rocket poaching incident, there was an increase in naturally tailless slowpoke (“natural” selection, those without tails weren’t poached and were more likely to reproduce before dying). it’s her job to figure out if this is a problem that needs attention, as well as study any other effects the population may be experiencing
being blackmailed out of doing her actual Dream project, which is working to reintroduce the johto starters back into their natural habitats, which they are extinct in
blackmailed by a certain business man for whom this would not bode
has the most insane fucked up family in the world and doesnt even know about it
has a baby teddiursa that she takes care of :) don’t ask her how she got it
if i wrote Everything i had about her here this would be way too long. as it is an introduction rather than a story recap
i have art of her :)
0 notes
valdederon · 10 months
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FLAMES JOURNEY CHAPTER> < # 12 creation of the mewn and the story of its creator as well as the world around them
{ this is a short break from the story to rechrage and also get some lore out.. please note this is not a story for those who want a simple and cute read yes i will have cute and funny moments.. but mine is more twords the harsh reality of life in a more fantasy maner. a dark but also light read yin and yang.. life and death please be patient with me and enjoy the storry as best you can descriptions of injuries will be detailed battles can and will get dark fast in some areas. }
in the world valdederon finds him self in full of stable trades and endless amounts of tradeable goods it can be easy to ignore the fact the mewn all thogh old by human standards in the world of pokemon were some species can reach ages of up to 1000 and further the mewn is new with in this worlds recent history.
(( the drying is a drout and will be mentioned a few times))
about 20,000 years back the world around was decrepid in terms of trade and comerce to buy from markets youd have to carry many bags of many currencies from stone chips to wood tablets bronze and copper coins to gold and silver blanks nothing was ballanced or fair.. were you could find a bag of onions at 3 copper coins that same bag some were else soon is suddenly 300 silver blanks .put simply crime was prevelant.. theft and murder was not uncomon.. teens killing a merchants guard holding a bag of moldy bread just to fead his siblings while he went hungry. life was cruel back then it wasnt un common for entire tribes to dissapear over night due to having not had food for weeks.
but that soon changed when a small village near what is now the pheonix valley guild to the south east near the top of a mountain lived the noble yet tricster prone zoroua and zoroark. a small family distant relitives of the tribes elders often foraged for food on thier own the eldest beeing a young 15 year old. some times moody boy named kelldeer he hunted frequantly in the valley near the mountains some times bringing a single small deer for his family and a large buck for the village only lasting them a week at most with rationing.. none complained knowing how scarece food has been with a drout during that time period.. the vilage poor but fending for them selves despite the cruelty around them keeping to them selves when one day a trade caravan full of sneasel and weevile a rare group who distained violence visited one of thier younglings sick and injured. the elders letting them in after seeing the fear in thier eyes despite the others protests as zoroaks know the history between both sides..
during thier stay kelldeer visits the sick sneasel whos crying only a year and a half old burns on his shoulder from a flame thrower attack .
kelldeer--- what happened
the leader a tired and old weevile scoffs
rex-- what the fuk do you care zoroark your elders let us in not you.
kelldeer--- mom always said to not cling to ones species past or struggles but to always look ahead.. look for peace.. you guys sell stuff???.. what does sell mean
rex thourougly shoucked laughs alittle
rex-- you mean your vilage doesnt trade or.. buy or sell.. uh.. ok say you wanted this stick in my paw… id ask for payment.. like these copper pieces i have.. this is money you give it to me for the value of this stick and i give the stick to you.. though each town and city has its own kind of money.. so you should learn about the worlds currencies first.. most caravans dont make it long because of how many there are.
kelldeer--- thats… horrible.. some one has to do somthing about it.
rex chuckles softly scars up and down his arms his ches and even a larg one across his face
rex---well that will be a day the world celebrates kid.. do your family a favor and forget you ever heard of trading.. kids yoru age are always victims of this worlds ineptitude..its impotence.. just look at my baby boy just last week a group of charmeleons attacked us.. my boy got cought in the cross fire . hes been sick ever since we have no medicine either..
the elder brings abottle of mashed oranberry juice and puts it in the childs mouth
kelldeer---- why.. why did.
rex--- food kid.. food sam reason it happens alllll over the place when your tired.. hungry.. your sitsers or brothers crying for even some molded berries.. your emotions take over and some times violence is yoru only answer in your brain all foged up with pain hunger and emotions.
kelldeer-- fine.. if you wont man up i will you have food.. fine give us a years worth and ill give you evry bit of valubles i have and then.. FOR MY DAM SISTER ILL MAKE THIS WORLD BETTER..
the room falls silent as the zoroark whos always been moody but other wise quiet and laied back is now near sobbing tears streaming down his face his mouth a snarl fists clenched as he growls and storms out the entire room dead silent.. as if not a single soul lives untill the infant coughs up alittle oran berry mush braking the silence.
kelldeer---- that kids somthing else..
elder saraphine--- hes got a kid sister.. he gives most of his food to her as shes younger and needs more to grow.. were as hes able to live off what the woods offer. hes out hunter.. one of a few actualy. always asking what can be done to bring us out of this rut we barely have a weeks worth of food with whet he and the other 4 hunters bring for 300 souls.. he worries me.
rex---his hear bleeds for his family.. that look.. i almost thought hed want to pry the food from me.
elder saraphine chuckling--- ha ha ha no he wont do that he cherishes life far to much.. he may not show it but the kids fallen for yoru caravan.. dont be go witten it of as him blabin to blab off hes willfull persistant and smarter then most of us elder folk.. dont tell him i said that we gota stay the wize elders wer are seen as he he he.
rex--- you sly old codgers you folks arent know as tricksters for nothing arent you
she gives a soft blep and smile before wiping the young kits face and cheking the poor kids now healed wounds giving a thumbs up while kelldeer talks to all the sneasel and weevile holding a note book and pen he crafted from a chared stick taking notes about trading and the various currencies they have encountered. soon kelldeer gives all the gems trinkets and other odds and ends to the trade caravan stuff hes collected over hi 6 years of hunting and gathering much to thier shock having enough value to purchase out thier entire food stock of dried fruits meats and even fresh veggetables even getting a toy for his 5 year old sister after they leave the sun is already setting as kelldeers mother prepares a hearty soup with the bounty he gathered.. with rationing a good 2 years of food in terms of dried goods about 2 weeks of veggies as well.
velma--- so i hear you saved the village for the next couple years.
lily--- big bwuva smawt
kelldeer--- lily. anunceate your words please… its big brother .. and its my big brother is smart sweet bean.
she sticks out her toungue making him sigh to tired to fuss with it
kelldeer-- you know the only reason im not drilling it in is because im tire dyou little brat.. behave for mom ok.. dad is out hunting still.
velma--- ha ha hes in for a super shock when he gets back.
they all smile as she servs the bowls of thick meaty sup with onions carrots potatoes deer and beef made with a thick broth and kelldeer looks at the bowl crying silently confusing his sister.
lily--- momy why is he crying.. is he upset the food is bad.
velma--- no dear hes not.. your worried about when the food runs out arent you.
kelldeer---a.and when i head out. im tired of us not having enough food to thrive.. this village used to be so much bigger ..when i was10 we hadd over 500 villagers most of them have left or starved out and now i find we could have been trading for food… 6 YEARS OF ME COLLECTING JUNK… and its suddenly enough for alll of the food i just got us.. more food then ive ever gotten in a week of hunting and gathering.. im going to go out learn about the world and create a universal currency that all can use.. and find trust worthy traders like those sneasel and weevile.
velma-- hun.. think about what that entails.. youl be gone fore ever and what if you dont make yoru coin.. if you want to go you can but be careful.. dont get your hopes up just to get them crushed ok..its ok to dream as long as you dont loose your self in it.
kelldeer--- i know mom.. you said the same when i siad i wanted to hunt ive kept us going this long. but the drying is getting worse.. the rivers are nearly gone the deer are spreading thin.. id i dont go soon it may be tolate to save the ..the world not just the village.
she puts her paw on his and smiles just as his father a rare albino kantonian zoroark often mistaken for beeing a hisuian zoroark
felldon-- somthing smells great
velma--- that would be your sons amazing junk saving us for a couple years.. all those things you thought were just random junk.. he traded for food.. and a toy for his sister..
felldon-- collor me shocked. then.i owe you an apology kiddo im sorry i judged your collections.. but ithought they were .
kelldeer--- food was far more important then my collections..ill miss my treasures but treasures dont fill the stomach..as you once put it.
felldon---i was pretty angry then wasnt i… i apologize
kellderr walks over and hugs his father purring and they all sit down to eat feldon seeing the tear stained fur on his sons face.
felldon-- you ok kiddo..youve been crying.
kelldeer nods eating his soup.
velma--hes a tad bit upset of the state of the village and our food ..hes got a plan aparently.. though i am worried. can you train little lilly to be a hunter when shes old enough.
kelldeer--- ill also show the others were i do most of my hunting in the valley before i head out i know my plan will work out some how. it has to .. for lilly and all the kits in the village and the elders.. those old bats need food just as much as the children.
felldon givs a quiet nod and dinner goes by with a almost sad atmosphere ervyone knowing that soon kelldeer will leave the village into the chaotic and unpredictiable outside world. the next morning kelldeer starts making breakfeast waking up before evryone making some sausage and tomato soup plating evrything up just as evryone wakes up.
felldon--- he he here i was thinking id need to cook thismorning ha ha ha ha
kelldeer--- morning dad. i made yoru favorite today im also going to need help gathering all the hunters so i can show them my hunting paths and such i have a map of the area were i hunt theres also lots of berry bushes deep in the valley as well.
felldon sits down as the others walk to the table
felldon--- sure i can help ya ther kiddo. as long as you tell me this plan of yours first deal.. i know your old enough to venture on your own but i .. im still worried.
kelldeer-- yea i can do that.. my plan is basicly im going to leave and travel the world learning evryones trading systems and currencies.. learn whats most common and use that to make a unified currency of some kind..
felldon smiles and puts his paws under his chin elbows on the table
felldon--- after having talked with the elders and learned more about what happend yesterday..i have to say thats a dam good plan.. just be carefull people out there are scared and hungry by the sounds of things.
kelldeer nods having already gotten more detailed accounts from the sneasel and weevile and the family sits down to eat together lilly beeing as messy as always her furr covered in bits of meat and tomato soup after eating and cleaning up felldon and kelldeer gather up other 4 hunters joanah, mako, nexus and lorkan.
kelldeer-- sorry for gathering evryone suddenly like this but.. i have to leave the village.. before i do that im sharing my hunting grounds with evryone.
lorkan--whoa whoa whoa wait aminute your doing what…
joanah--.. ok.whats going on
mako and nexus in unison--- shut up and listen to the kid
mako--- he did get us food for a couple years
nexus--- we have to ration it but its still more then weve ever had since the drying lets listen to our little hero
kelldeer blushes but explains his plan to them showing his hunting grounds the berry bushes and other fruit picking spots areas hes found wild veggies and.
felldon-- in the mean time we should start training up more hunters lily is only old enough to start learning how to track animals but i know some others who are 10.. and ready to hunt
kelldeer-- hunting when done right is fun.. ill miss it but..if my plan works we wont need to want for food any more.
lorkan and joanah sigh in defeat knowing they cant change the young zoroarks mind
lorkan--your as stubborn as your father some time syou know that.. ha ha ha.
kelldeer chuckles and gives the hunters friendly hugs and begins to pack his stuff after reminding them to collect any odd trinkets , gems or interesting items they find as they can be traded as well hugging his parrents and his little sister he ventures off exploring evry corner of the continent of neonis from the cintrus berry islands to the east to the west in the silva island cluster the mountains north of the river that flows north east into lake palicon alll the way to the most northern edge were a fairly barron but still habitable island houses 2 small citties thriving on mostly fish and birds. he finds that gold and silver tend to catch peoples attention more as wlll as n od choice of metal called xeracine. so he heads back home having spent 9 years traveling to find the hunters have begin finding a few more animals evry week keeping a steady meat supply going lately the drying easing up but food still quite scarce luckily trade caravans having been told of a friendly town have more then made up for the lack of animals.
he walks into his little village abit more lively then when he left it but still filled with un ease as food all though stable now has fluxuated frequantly and still does but now childrens lauging and joy can be heard and suddenly hes pounced into the dirt with a playful growl in his face as his sister now 14 is happy to see him.
lilly--- your back your back your back..
kelldeer---good lord could you be any more agressive ha ha ha ha ha.. i love you to baby sister
lilly---- hey im a hunter now.. im not a baby.
kelldeer-- youl always be my baby sister hun.. im older then you.
she smiles and helps him up and they head to thier house.
kelldeer-- i see we have new kits in the village
lilly--- yea about a couple years after you left the hunters managed to fin a small patch of gems uner a cave and collected them though they werent to happy about having to.. and that same day the sneasel and weevile carravan came back to trade food hasnt been fixed but at the moment.. its.. some what stable…… uh..we also have new sibling.. an
kelldeer rubs her head softly--- aww did my baby sister become a big sister now.. whats our siblings name
lilly--..w.what your not upset.
kelldeer---- hell no. im happy to have a new borther or a sister what ever the case may be
after saying that a small white zoroua runs out and jumps into her arms sticking his tounge out
lily-- fell why arent you in bed
Fell---nuh napp nawt tiwed..
lilly picks him up by his scruff and stares him in the eyes
lilly--- you get your white furred little rump back in that bedroom and go to sleep or ill tell mom you snuck into the cookies again
he yelps and runs inside after she sets him down
kelldeer--- ha ha he looks so much like dad..how old is he
lilly--he turns 3 tomorrow
kelldeer smiles and ruffles her main softly
kelldeer--- im proud of you sis..im sorry i was gone for so long but im home ti stay now..got some stuff i need to do still but i think the world is going to change… in a big way.
lilly--um..could i….kell..
kelldeer sees shes embarrassed on somthing.
kelldeer ---whats bothering you sis..
lilly blushes and whispers in hes ear
lilly---i.started having accidents in my nest again and i dont want to tell mom
kelldeer holds back a chuckle and just rubs her back
kelldeer--- mom wont make fun of you sis dont worry your secrets safe with me but.. i think the little rug rat might have loose lips if he finds out his older sisters secret so be sure to tell her your self.
she sighs embarresed but nods. and chuckles
lilly--- other then that can i help with your project
kelldeer--- definately id love the help the project is going to be making a coin the front will have mew and the back a zoroarks face.. your a better artist them i am so id love the help
lily--- he he and your a better hunter then i am guess were even
they head on in the house and he sits down at the table pulling his back pack over and putting materials on the able to stark making coins.
from this point on the world slowly found out about a strange new coin beeing celled the mewn a single xeracine disk with gold on the front silver on the back and intricutely carved mew and zoroark its.. with in 200 years the econimies of the world merged to this 1 coin kelldeers name next to the zorroark and the fron words saying in mother mew we trust.
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cutekittenlady · 1 year
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I posted 862 times in 2022
That's 682 more posts than 2021!
475 posts created (55%)
387 posts reblogged (45%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 558 of my posts in 2022
Only 35% of my posts had no tags
#pokemon - 303 posts
#submas - 157 posts
#pokemon legends arceus - 140 posts
#legends arceus - 123 posts
#pokemon ingo - 104 posts
#subway boss ingo - 101 posts
#monkie kid - 100 posts
#lego monkie kid - 100 posts
#pokemon emmet - 94 posts
#lmk - 94 posts
Longest Tag: 134 characters
#being a morally passive agent free of nuance in order to avoid the social difficulties associated with taking a personal stance is not
My Top Posts in 2022:
Part of the reason I think including Elesa in the "goes back in time to find Ingo" club is just because Elesa is... more grounded? Like I adore the subway boss twins to death, but they're both eccentric as hell. If the people of hisui ever learn that Ingo is from the FUUUUTURE they may end up concluding that all Ingo and Emmets eccentricities are just what people in the future are like.
It'd be fun to have Elesa there to just go, "Uh, yeah, no. No they're not. These two are just a little eccentric. Good guys and even greater trainers, just a bit odd."
400 notes - Posted March 14, 2022
Lol I've seen headcanons about Ingo and Emmet developing a slight resistance to poison and paralysis over time thanks to constant exposure by pokemon.
Imagine someone asking drayden if he trained them to do that, only for drayden to go "They did what?!" this being the first he's heard of it.
484 notes - Posted March 30, 2022
Fun gen 5/gen 8 crossover idea.
In both BW/B2W2 and SwSh you have gym leaders who are also models (Elesa and nessa) who both presumably know people who specialize in some degree in double battles (Emmet and Raihan).
Imagine Elesa and nessa attending some modeling event or party and being friendly rivals in this aspect. They both appreciate each other's hard work and determination and find a sorta kinship in balancing both their careers so they get along while also competing.
Theyre both allowed to bring guests to an event and Elesa naturally brings the subway twins and nessa brings Raihan and someone else (I'd say piers but this sorta thing probably isn't his scene so it's up in the air. Leon's an option but who knows).
Anyway this is very clearly their event so the guys try not to detract from that but...
Well all I can imagine is Emmet staring across the room at Raihan shaking with so much excitement that Ingo has to keep a hand on his chair to keep it from vibrating across the floor, while on the other side Raihan is just emanating the thickest cloud of competitiveness.
The boys struggle to behave themselves all evening but in the end are rewarded for their efforts by getting to officially scrap with each other afterwards.
Just saying, it'd be awesome.
509 notes - Posted March 18, 2022
Emmet: My brother is stuck in the past so I'm going to trust to first group of people who let me recklessly time travel.
Elesa: WHY?!
Emmet: Ingo was 99% of my impulse control.
670 notes - Posted March 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Too cute not to share.
3,902 notes - Posted April 18, 2022
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gumy-shark · 2 years
GUMY DOES UNNECESSARY ANALYSIS ON A BOOK HER 10 YEAR OLD SISTER MADE HER READ: THE RANT my younger sister recently finished the book Jinxed by Amy McCulloch, and she decided in her infinite ten-year-old wisdom that I would really enjoy the book. i read it cover to cover and need to tell someone other than her my thoughts bc she likes the book a lot and I don’t want to make her feel bad for liking it. so, my thoughts under the read more
First, I should explain the book’s premise. it’s sci-fi kid’s fiction, and yes, that does mean I’m being anal over children’s literature for no reason. im fully aware. i just like being nitpicky, and analyzing exactly what elements you like or dislike in a story and why is a very valuable skill to have. BUT YEAH. In this book, everyone owns a “baku,” a customizable robotic animal that is basically a cross between a smartphone and a digital home assistant. Lacey, the Main Character Girl (she is 12 btw so keep that in mind) stumbles across a damaged baku and repairs it herself. she then goes to the official Nerd School, sponsored and run by The One Big Apple-Stand-in Which Has Completely Monopolized Baku Technology (literally nobody is suspicious of this at all). however, her cat baku, Jinx, is not like the other bakus- he’s autonomous.
honestly, the story’s pretty ok. not perfect by any means, but not necessarily bad. yeah it’s cliche. yeah, there’s an unnecessary romance subplot. yeah, the group of friends is not given any sort of proper buildup to justify the friendship levels. it’s a kid’s book, and the relationship between the two main characters is decent enough (although still somewhat lacking). it’s not the story I’m annoyed with.
THE WORLDBUILDING AND TONE HOWEVER, HAVE NO EXCUSE! one look inside this book told me it had a #girlboss Let’s Get Women Into STEM! message, with healthy dashes of “kids and their cellphones” and there is neither subtlety nor any sort of reconciliation of these ideas! it should not take more than half the book before even one character expresses the thought that maybe the tech conglomerate that literally takes over and owns entire company towns all over North America, might not have everyone’s best interests at heart! even then, the corruption is alluded to be because of one singular guy, instead of, i don’t know, a flaw in the system of entire education systems being owned by one megacorp from the ground up! and let’s not even get started on the implication that asking for help makes you a worse engineer.
the worldbuilding is about as shaky as jello on a fault line, btw, bc there is 1) little if any cohesion between worldbuilding elements, 2) bootlicky exposition on already-explained topics which does not add anything at all, and 3) a corresponding lack of development into other introduced parts of the world, including but not limited to the pokemon-style baku deathmatches that middle-school children compete in and are forbidden by NDA to tell even their parents about.
furthermore (this one’s really nitpicky btw just annoying to me) despite willy wonka and the chocolate factory being directly referenced, our “Charlie” characters trust the obvious Slugworth copy, and the opposing megacorp he represents, to have their best interests at heart as well.
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prof-peach · 2 years
Hi Prof, I was wondering, can a shiinotic safely be kept as a companion for a family with a small child? If so, do you have any tips for keeping it happy and healthy?My 3yo son recently became afraid of the dark, so I set out at dusk to catch a morelull to be a night light and companion for him. Long story short, I ran into a Grimmsnarl trying to eat this poor shiinotic, and I panicked and threw a pokeball, rescuing the little guy. (Then I ran like heck from the Grimmsnarl!). It looks sweet, b
So long as a Shiinotic likes someone or something, it will not harm it, nor drain its energy. Best bet? get them to get along first, to avoid any issues. These pokemon do not like to be poked, prodded, pulled on, slapped, chewed, they are statistically calm individuals, with good natures, often sharing excess energy with those who need it. IF the kid does any of this stuff, perhaps wait a while before letting them chill together, and perhaps buy a regular nightlight. Respect for pokemon comes first here, so thats something to work on with them if they haven't figured it out just yet. 3 is very young to have a companion, and i'd very much hope you would be the one to do the actual work of caring for the pokemon. This species needs outdoor time, shaded woodland to forage and hunt in, they feed on anything with a pulse, and can even root into underground networks of others like their kind to communicate. They are a species that likes a large group, for safeties sake, so let them return home now and then to socialise, see their family, be a regular old pokemon for five minutes. Remember, a pokemon is not a babysitter. I get very nervous seeing people discussing very young kids mixing with pokemon, we forget very easily that they are tough, physically strong, sometimes a little misinformed creatures, that don't always have the same values or thoughts in mind about safety as we do. Never leave the pokemon in charge, do not put the safety of your kid in their hands, do not allow them to babysit while you go off and run errands. Should something go wrong, the courts will ALWAYS side with the kid, even if the pokemon did something totally natural to them. This can lead to pokemon being put down for human error. Not very fair on them at all. So step 1) bond the two in secure safe environments. If they have enough food available to drain energy from, they wont bother with the kid, or you. Allowing them out to roam and hunt will aid this. They can drain adults without severe effects to the humans health, but usually if they like you, they don't tend to do this. Step 2) slowly introduce the idea of the pokemon being with the kid at night, see how the pokemon feels. You caught it by saving is sure, but did you ask if they had a family back home? or if they want to even be a house pokemon? I'm sure you can understand if a pokemon has youngsters, that they may want to go back to care for and protect them. This is a conversation you two must have.
step 3) if the pokemon is ok with the idea, and the kid likes it too, then begin to introduce the idea of the pokemon leaving once it notices the kids asleep. This will give the mon a break, and let it go and relax and rest elsewhere, they're nocturnal, so it having to stand around all night is kind of lame for it, not very enriching. I guess thats it? I dunno, sounds to me like an actual nightlight is a less complex, more viable option, some even look like morelull, theres some cute designs out there that would pose less problems and more safety.
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incarnateirony · 3 years
Love that Misha confirmed Jensen had a deancas song on volume 2 and we ALL know which one that is. Funny it caused such a fustercluck with people harassing other people until they got banned in my server over it but hey. Man. VINDICATION
For those that don't know, there was an exodus in my server over the most... IDK. Hysterical wank about this. Might as well finally tell it. It started with people trying to clown over Watching Over Me, and then a random group of "it kids" following them around to shit on them.
The clowning fun tried to move four channels, and was pursued by classic lines like "this is disrespectful to jensen", "you can't KNOW know", "it's a SONG", etc etc, half-arguments that are themselves against the rules coded into the server.
The people doing it knew better but when I told them to stop being dicks and what rules they were breaking, they were an "it crowd" that literally argued they had the right to break the rules. Which, uh, no, you don't. Also "What did you expect of course we're a clique" was said.
Considering I had considered most of them friends, while anyone else would have been kicked immediately, I gave them 3 days to stop, but they spent those three days tagging me while I was playing pokemon or working to kick up fights about it again. So I put out an announcement.
Their response to this announcement was to run into a different discord and, quite literally, plot a server coup, and invited all my other admins to emotionally extort over the course of days. At first, my admins thought, hey, people deserve to vent, no big deal.
Then I got an emergency message from another admin "SHUT DOWN ADMIN, NOW, DONT ASK JUST DO" so I flicked it off and find out they're losing their SHIT because they had convinced an admin to go rogue and give them powers to go in and delete whatever the FUCK they want.
Channels, the server, whatever. A few were acting unstable enough I have reason to believe the server itself could have been nuked. They also called me a "cartoon villain" for saying "Nobody can give you the power to do this now. Nobody." Like the whole plan of theirs isn't literally cartoon villain.
Then, yet again, I gave them 3 days to like, change their minds, explain themselves, and a few did turn around and realize they had been MAJORLY emotionally manipulated.
Again, normal people would have been banned in an instant over that, but these were ex-friends basically being given another chance, but while in their spiral, insisted I was the one spiraling, while giving them a chance to stop... acting wild? A week now?
Many threw a fit and left. A few lurked, and I should have kicked but again didn't, only to blow up later. They spent weeks footstomping that admins MUST delete any channels they ever contributed to, i m m e d i a t e l y. Neverminding who all else contributed what there.
Like I want you to imagine this happening on a forum. A dudebro gets banned for like trying to hack the forum then throws a hissyfit demanding every thread he ever commented on be deleted. Yeah, that's basically what they sounded like.
Their initial excuse was that somewhere in the vat of a year old server there may be private info that someone would doxx them over, like anyone's gonna dig back through 192123971283 messages to find something they may or may not have said of their own accord.
Then it turned into "you'll steal my meta", like my entire server wasn't started by me teaching people *my* meta that they ended up basing theirs off of. Basically, petty excuse after petty excuse to try to have some righteous cause.
After that, these folks went around into people's dm's pissing and moaning and one siding the story. I didn't even say shit because my drama isn't everyone's business but they just as manipulatively made me lose a few friends that had no place in the drama/server.
Anyway, they're still out there, like what half a year later now, causing bullshit about this, while you guys just now are getting the tea on it, because damn if it isn't topical, they went on a whole ass authoritarian spinout over... people clowning and being right. Like some dumber, low-stakes version of Jan 6 that was even less organized somehow.
Yes, some of these are popular names in fandom, not truly BNFs but people that are decently known. Honestly many of them are people I lifted out of unknown obscurity to begin with.
So anyway that's the story of the POLOL exodus over a bunch of people trying to clown patrol people that, apparently, were literally right anyway, and how that turned into a failed server coup over being told to stop being dicks.
There's even wilder chapters of this I skipped over, like when I DID delete rooms they were high end contributors to and make a new empty copy like they demanded, only for, when I did it, them to scream I was "mad with power deleting rooms" in my own server...that they asked for.
So rolling back to core, damn if it wasn't funny to hear that out of Misha. Like yes Vol 2 does in fact have a deancas song GEE I WONDER WHICH ONE IT IS, COULDN'T BE THE ONE WITH ALL THE MAJOR KEYWORDS
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