#horrid little frog child
messengerhermes · 1 year
Look, maybe I don't need to worry about whether the "evil" character has earned their redemption/happy ending, particularly when the evil character is coded as undesirable and abandoned. Maybe I can enjoy the vicarious fantasy that even if deep abandonment and abuse drives someone to their worst, they can still come back from that and find belonging and love.
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obsidiancreates · 16 days
From Regular Wednesday To Regular Whimsday
(I still haven't watched past 41 in OUAW, I keep just restarting it, so for the OUAW gang this is just some unspecified time in the swamps of Hither.)
It starts with Witchlight, of course. A patch of mushrooms, a mysterious artifact that could reportedly "open doors to new worlds of possibilities", and the whims of a 20 year old with ADHD and the ability to write whatever the fuck xey want.
And so the artifact shatters in the patch of Witchlight, and Carnival LeCroux find themselves faced with six deeply confused, highly concerned, and bafflingly identical humans.
"Well this is diffrrrent," Torbek says, scratching his head. "Isn't it usually uuus who Witchlight messeees withhh?"
"Must've been that orb thing!" Kremy searches the mud below them by poking his cane around in it.
"Roman, what is this?" The human in the dark shirt and blue-striped tie asks the one in the white-and-red royal-like getup.
"Don't look at me." Roman points at a human with a similar but more elaborate outfit of green and black. "Whatever this horrid imagining is, it must be Remus!"
"Oh, thank you, brother, it is horrible here! But, I didn't do it! Maybe good ol' Daddo did? He's been a frog before, frogs, swamps-"
"Please, Patton would never bring us somewhere this gr-oss!"
"And I really only looked like that because we were talkin' about Frogger." The human in the lighter blue shirt with the gray covering tied around his neck says, wincing a little and adjusting his glasses. "Virgil? Do you know where we are, kiddo?"
"No." The human in the patchwork purple and black hoodie is tense, ready for either fight or flight (probably flight, based on his general vibe). He looks around, eyeing Carnival Lecroux. "And those guys seem way too active to be any imaginary constructs. ... I told you guys we shouldn't have let Janus convince Thomas to have another glass of wine tonight! We're probably in some... weird nightmare because of it!"
"Oh, blaming me, what a surprise." The final human- well, maybe not. While most of him looks human, half of his face is covered with scales. His cheek has a natural slit implying an ability to unhinge his jaw quite wide but only on that side (so he probably can't actually, because his other cheek would be completely screwed if he tried), and his eye is bright yellow with a slitted pupil.
"Slit pupil means he's venomous," Frost warns his friends. "Right, Gricko?"
"Oh, yeah, yeah. I've never seen a snake-folk before, though, actually."
"He's barely a reptile-folk at all!" Kremy points at the kind of-human. "Either fuckin' commit or don't!"
"Oh, okay, gettin' some strong language here! Let's uh, elt's tone that down, how about, huh?" Patton looks at Remus. "Kinda leaning towards this being you, now."
"What, like I'm the only one who swears between us?! Ro-bro here-" Remus slings an arm around his brother, who quickly shoves it off. "-is the one who came up with Bitchmas!"
"I was in a heated debate! I'm just very passionate!"
"You're a potty-mouth! Even more than me!"
"I have to disagree, Remus. Your deodorant alone is all the evidence I need to contradict you."
"Mmm, but does contradicting me really matter if no-one cares to pay attention, Logan?"
"Oooooh, they've got drama." Twig climbs down from Gideon's shoulders. "This is just like those trashy major images!"
"We are not trashy!" Roman looks at his brother. "Well, most of us are not trashy. And we are not from some... major image!"
"Roman, I don't know that you need to justify us to the imaginary child."
"I'm not a child! I'm a Twig!"
"As in your name?"
"Then those are not mutually exclusive concepts."
"Alright, alright, enough of all this!" Kremy points at Logan with his cane. "Y'all explain yourselves right now so we can get a fuckin' move on!"
"Boy, lotta f-bombs being thrown around by this guy." Patton plays with the sleeves of the hoodie around his neck.
"Why would I explain? The only possibility is this is happening within Thomas's mind, so I see no reason to-"
"OH, GREAT FLYNN RIDER'S SMOLDER! Logan, there is another possibility! A whimsical, fantastical, impossible possibility!"
"That... is already a contradiction within itself."
"We... have been TRANSPORTED TO ANOTHER WORLD!" Roman strikes a pose, one arm aloft in the air and the other held close t his chest as he gazes up into the sky.
"That is absolutely impossible."
"Uh... I dunno." Virgil looks down at the mud and swamp ooze clinging to his boots and pants. "I do feel... weirdly solid, right now."
"Yes! Some kind of incredible magic has taken us OUT OF THE REALM OF PRETEND and into a true fairytale!" Roman's eyes positively sparkle.
"First of all, magic does not exist."
The entire Carnival Crew look at each other. These people are either completely insane, or from what sounds like the worst world ever. No magic is like no stones for building, no wood for burning, no air for breathing.
Logan continues. "Second of all, if we have been somehow transported, beyond all possibility and the very logic that makes up my being, where is Thomas?"
Gideon puffs on his cigar. "Quit talkin' between yerselves! Just answer Kremy's fuckin' question, man!"
"The... alligator-man did not ask a question. He told us to explain ourselves."
"Oh-ho my gods! He's worse than Frost!"
Frost doesn't show if he's offended or not. He simply goes, "Mmm."
"I don't care what you say, Logan-"
"Not new information to me."
"-I am going to treat this as a grand magical adventure! Clearly we have been taken away to a world of magic and monstrosities to fulfill some grand quest, and these uh... strange creatures, are the proverbial tutorial for our journey!"
Gideon leans down to Kremy's ear. "Can I punch 'im?"
"Not yet, Gid. But probably later."
"Mmph, fine."
Roman points at the other party. "My good sirs! We are the Sanders Sides, a group of uh- what's the word you use, Logan?"
"Fine, I shall play along until a reasoning more aligned with myself is presented by someone who will actually be listened to. The word I use is Metaphysical, it simply means not actually physical beings."
"Yes! Metaphysical adventurers from another world!"
Frost leans in, intrigued. "What exactly do you mean, you aren't actually physical beings?"
Logan speaks before Roman can give his own explanation- likely for the best, as the words 'Well, nerd,' were clearly to be Roman's next input to the conversation. Logan, instead, matches the energy of Frost with his clear explanation.
"Well, to put it simply we are personifications of various aspects of Thomas's personality and mental processes. Our main function, and reason for existence, is often to externalize an issue that would normally be resolved through an internal examination and investigation."
"Wow, that's uh- that's really quite interesting. And yet you all take on these uh, these-these roles, and personalities, beyond your intended representations?"
"Yes, and the... severity, of these individualizations has increased drastically over the years."
"So you've had a-a growth cycle! You've developed your minds to contain intricacies and um, and greater depth of character, literally."
"Well- yes, I suppose that is not an inaccurate way of stating it, but again we are not individuals. We are not actually capable of fulfilling many of the requirements considered for actual-"
"OH MY GOSHHHHH!" As Patton cuts Logan off with a joyous scream, Logan's huff of indignation goes unnoticed by all but the fascinated Frost. Instead, all attention turns to the creature who has stepped out of the bushes. Giant round eyes, soft and fluffy fur-feathers, a little beat that the leg of a frog is quickly swallowed into.
"I'm going to cry," Patton breathes, hands clasped up by his mouth.
Logan clears his throat and adjusts his glasses. "It is a very adorable creature. And apparently docile, which I assume means it's with these people."
"OH, of course she is!" Gricko throws himself at the adorable owlbear, clinging to her neck with a hug as she muzzles her face into his. "This is my daughter Hootsie, Hootsie T. Cutesie-Grimgrin!"
"Don't you mean pet?"
Gricko looks at Logan with horror. "No! She's my daughter, and a very bright little girl, oooooh Hootsie, he didn't mean it, they must not have adoption in whatever world he's from."
"What? Of course we understand the concept of adoption, but-"
"Well y'all said you ain't got magic where you're from, so it ain't too unreasonable to assume you're lackin' a buncha other stuff as well!" Kremy gestures at Logan with the ground-end of his cane, flinging swamp muck onto the human's shirt.
Logan sets his jaw and looks Kremy in the eyes while flicking the muck off. "Our world lacking in nonsensical magic does not mean it lacks basic concepts such as adoption. I was proposing a correction because, while it is clear anthropomorphic animal-human hybrids are a normalcy here, that... is just a bear with an owl face."
"Hey! You keep shit-talkin' our niece, I'm gonna punch you right in the body!"
"I am not-"
"AWWWWW, you guys think of each other as family?"
Kremy taps the eyehole if his skull cane topper. "Well, I dunno if-"
"Hell yeah we're a family!" Gideon grabs Hootsie, and by extension Gricko, and holds them both in a hug. "Been travellin' together so fuckin' long an' know so much about each other, what else could we be?"
"I mean we could be a group or uh-"
"Ooooooh, but Mr. Kremyyyyyy, Torbek thinks of you all as faaamily."
The screams of the entire collective, Sides and Carnival alike, could deafen someone unused to either party. Twig and Roman especially.
"Oh-ho, geez, man! We forgot you were here!" Gideon thumps Torbek on the back. "You gotta stop doin' that!"
"He does that a lot?!" Vigril, adrenaline leaving him, drops out of his pose to bolt and sinks deep into his hoodie. The words come out more like spittle, forcing their way through gritted teeth.
"Ooooh, Torbek doesn't mean to. People just forget Torbek exists."
"That's not a terrifying notion at all." Janus keeps his cane hoisted up and arm cocked for a swing, just in case. "There's nothing alarming about a seven foot tall glowing monster who can completely vanish from notice without even trying."
"I knew he was still here!" Remus twirls his morningstar and walks over to Torbek, burying his face in Torbek's closest patch of fur and taking a deep sniff. "You reek! It is delightful!"
"Oooooh- huh? Wait, reeeeally? You find Torbek deliiightfuuul?"
"Oh, abso-lutely! What is that smell, I have never whiffed it before! Is it your deodorant? What flavor is it called?!"
"Uuuuuuh, what's deodorannnt?"
Remus blinks up at Torbek with a grin absolutely carved into his face. "You're going to be my new best friend. Sorry Janus!"
"I don't care at all." Janus examines his "fingernails", despite the presence of his gloves. "The title means nothing to me."
"You love me!" Remus begins to literally climb Torbek. "Now let me see these glowing drug implants! This place is a wealth of new ideas!"
"Please do not encourage my brother," Roman says with a look of disgust.
"We ain't, I think he's just encouragin' himself. And trust us, we've tried makin' Torbek a little more presentable."
"Yeah! When he was all tiny in my inn, he got a nice bath and makeover! But it got ruined as soon as he fell out." Twig holds up her tiny satchel-sized inn for Roman to see.
"Your- oh, look at that! Now that is the kind of whimsy and fantastical magic I was looking for!"
"Speaking of looking, let's look for a way home." Virgil is no longer quite so pressed into his hoodie, but the hood is still up over his head. "What is Thomas going through right now? You guys said when I ducked out, things got bad. Now we're all gone!"
"Oh, sweet Tatiana's beignets, he's right! Thomas could be in serious peril!"
"That's assuming our roles as facets of his personality still apply to us at this moment. Given that we have physical forms-"
Remus's head snaps around and he shouts, "You're all aware of your own breathing!"
Everyone splutters and gasps and makes general noises of upset as suddenly Breathing becomes a conscious effort.
"And we've all got heartbeats!" Remus giggles and claps his hands as even more displeasure rings out, and he simply turns back to trying to part Torbek's fur around the implants and see the scars. Torbek shifts uncomfortably, but his ear twitches and his eyes glaze with a bit of relief- Remus is unintentionally helping scratch a few itches and clean some gunk from Torbek's fur.
Virgil has his hand over his heart. "Is mine supposed to be racing this much?"
"Well, everyone has a different resting heart rate, Virgil. Allow me to- oh my goodness. Ahem. No, that is likely because your, well, you, has spiked with Remus's comments."
"Okay, Virgil, now would be the time to utilize those breathing exercises you've taught Thomas."
"Little easier to say than do, Logan!"
"Well, simply try."
"Yes, and if the racing nature of your heart causes you other health problems, Gricko may be able to help." Frost gestures at the goblin who, when Torbek had frightened everyone, had dropped from Hootsie's neck and landed head-first in the soft muck of the swamp. Gricko puts up a single thumbs-up, still quite stuck and dazed, though his nose peeks out just enough for him to breath without worry of suffocation.
Logan blinks. "He, is your doctor?"
"Not exactly, he is uh- let me pull him out, actually, he may want to correct you."
Frost does not move to pull Gricko up- but up Gricko comes anyway, a shhhhhplop! following some invisible force yanking him from the mud.
"Oh, thank you, Frosty," Gricko says, his voice becoming mumbled and somewhat slurred at the last word. "Anyway! Um, yes, I am not exactly a doctor, I am a druid. I can help with some basics healings but not everything."
"Like Torbek's various raaashes."
"Ooooh, you have rashes? Where?!"
"Remus, you will get rashes if you touch them," Janus says, reaching up with his cane and swiftly pulling Remus down to the ground. "Having a real body means you can actually get diseases now."
"Oh, Janny, you're saying that like it's a bad thing!"
"Which means real, symptoms? Including things like death?"
"I still don't see the issue here."
"Okay. Does anyone have a leash?"
"Ooooooh, yes, please."
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Deity: NokolOb-Zich , Outer god of the Unmaking Inquiry
As you approach the cultists altar, you can’t help but shake the feeling of being watched. Something has witnessed your deeds here, and it is hungry to see more.
Setup: Many occultists will speak of the terrifying obscurity of their patrons, of powers beyond mortal ken that look upon the waking world with little more than disgust or disregard. Few then speak of those powers that are fascinated mortal kind not in the jealous, imitate way of gods, or in the detached curiosity of alien arbiters, but in the rapture of a child staring at insects beneath an overturned rock, or an anatomist over a vivisected frog. The scrutiny of such a being would be terrible, as it can bring unseen powers to bear to poke and prod the object of its focus into the desired stimulus, moving through impossible angles to allow the target of its obsession no possible escape from its probing scalpel.
  NokolOb-Zich is one such entity, a thing that peers through cracks in reality looking for new things to catch its interest. Seldom invoked by dabblers in the forbidden arts, ‘Ob-Zich is less likely to grant its petitioners power or knowledge as it is to crack part their minds and start picking over all the pieces. Still, the Voyeur has itself a following, mainly in other inquisitive sorts who hollow out a part of their own mind to act as the outergod’s peephole into their own lives, absorbing scraps of eldritch insight like some kind of cognitive remora.
Those who have encountered the entity report that it has very little of a physical form, existing as only a sense of being observed and an endless stream of nonsensical questions: “ When will you cry? How does joy taste? What shape is your favorite sound? that lead in the general direction of a conversation”. Others have reported visions of eyes peering through empty spaces and endless grasping hands, though these are likely to be an effort by NokolOb-Zich to communicate its intent rather than a hint at its physical form.
Adventure hooks:
The Voyeur seeks not only to observe, but to provoke, spurring the subjects of its fascination into action so as to better be able to understand them. To this end it may set a horrid monster on a settlement divided by civil strife to see how the community reacts to an outside threat, or haunt a lone individual to test how their mind deals with the pressure. Stranger however is when the entity randomly chooses to be “nice”, creating facsimiles of long departed loved ones to see who a bereaved individual might change, or delivering an oddly appropriate gift to a stranger just to see their reaction. The outer god should never be considered benign, as those gifts are never given out of a sense of selflessness and are most often intended to make the target squirm.
Those seeking to know the dark secrets of history or the possible future will sometimes invoke NokolOb-Zich if their need is great and their self preservation is small. Eschewing traditional sacrifices of blood or treasure, the outergod prefers twisted tales involving the lives of mortals, traditionally involving those who compromised their values or ended up in bizarre or paradoxical situations due to their convictions. Those petitioners who do not have their own stories of mishap are often forced to create one if they wish to trade, creating innumerable networks of tragedy, blackmail, and sorrow that all lead back to the wandering eye.
Terrible is the favor of a god of heedless knowledge, as ‘Ob-Zich’s blessings are likely to manifest in the form of ceaseless visions from across the known universe, just as likely to contain the wisdom of dead civilizations to your neighbors’ dirty gossip. What’s more, the voyeur has no problem distributing dangerous knowledge to those people/cultures totally unready for it, leading to calamitous advances in technology, magic, or warefare for those unready for its burden. More than one disaster has been caused by NokolOb-Zich depositing dangerous information into the mind of an unstable arcanist or inventor, or simply some emotionally immature weirdo given step-by-step instructions to unleashing havoc.
Titles: The Voyeur, The Wandering eye, The all devouring unknown,
Signs: Feelings of being watched, endless questions, constant whispering, alien eyes staring through holes in places where there should not be holes.
Symbols: Innumerable eyes or hands gazing/reaching outward or inward, Peepholes, an eye painted on the ceiling or engraved on reflective surfaces.
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cheelduh · 3 years
How to get Hit-listed by a Stonehide Lawachurl (High School AU!)
Part 6 of the highschool au
Parts: 1 2 3 4 5
Pairing: Childe x fem!reader
Synopsis: Childe’s a menace to everyone when playing dodgeball. Even as his new girlfriend, you’re no exception to his affinity for raising hell during the most tranquil of circumstances.
Warnings: Swearing, bad humor, and absolutely horrid spelling mistakes.
Words: 5.3k
Note: Longest chapter yet sheeeesh 🗿
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Negotiation is an art.
Childe, or "Tartaglia" has utilized the art of negotiations in his daily life. Whether that be scamming the ninth graders with fake weed, or convincing the teachers why he doesn't deserve detention for injecting random fluids from the chem department into the school's resident pet frog.
All in all, by becoming an expert in the field of negotiations, Childe is nothing if not a master, tongue silver and smooth as he takes on a new opponent.
Which is why he dutifully negotiates with you on this Monday morning in front of the History classroom, getting down on one knee and pulling out a—
"I hope to Barbatos you aren't proposing Childe," You hiss, panicked eyes landing on the velvet box he's pulling out. "Considering that we're sixteen and still in highschool."
As if remembering those meagre details, Childe gulps and shoves the box back into his pocket. "Uhhh yeah, I was just, tying my shoelaces?" It comes out as a question.
You let out a sigh of relief, overlooking how he undoes his shoe laces just to do them all over again.
The ring burns in his pocket as he gets back up.
"Why did you call me here?" You ask, hand on your hip, foot impatiently tapping. The tap tap tap isn't because of impatience though, it's because you need something to cover the nervous palpitations of your heart.
He gives you a vicious smile, sinister enough to shake the bones of anyone who's observing, opens his daring mouth to show the imaginary sharpness of his teeth. Then with the confidence of about a hundred shirtless tiktok boys, he finally demands:
"If you don't become my girlfriend, I will kill—"
"Yeah sure thing." You answer before he can finish, soft smile growing.
Childe chuckles evilly, "I knew you'd say that, but I've come prep—wait a minute." He snaps out of his villain origin phase, stumbles back a bit, then his eyebrows are furrowing in confusion. "Did you just say yes?"
You nod, cheeks flaring up. "Don't make me repeat it." Then you look away, too embarrassed to see his reaction.
For a second, Childe's internal conflict following the chain of this event causes him to temporarily malfunction, and all he can do it stare at you in amazement.
It's only when you tell him to stop staring and jump off the school roof is when he snaps out of his daze, a grin festering on his face.
He lunges straight at you, giving you no time to deflect him as he wraps his bone crushing arms around you, then lands a soft smooch on your forehead.
"Let go of me you idiot!" You barely wheeze out, light headed not only because of your lungs being squeezed like oranges, but also because of the sloppy kiss he's delivered so ungracefully.
He does so reluctantly, and you're unamused, wiping the stickiness off your forehead with a sleeve as he steps back.
"Ew what the fuck?" You say, glaring at him. "What's wrong with you?"
He completely ignores you, giddy with excitement. "Ah girly, you have no idea how long I've wanted to do that. I can't wait to introduce you to my parents and eat lunch together and kiss each other during break—"
"Slow down." You tell him, as red as a tomato towards all his suggestions. "We've barely started dating."
"Oh," Childe stops momentarily, then nods in agreement. "You're right. We should start small. How about I walk you to class?"
"We're already in front of class." You nudge your head towards the classroom, and catch Zhongli and Venti peeking from the side of the door, trying not to be obvious.
You narrow your eyes at them threateningly.
Childe tugs your arm, lovingly looking you up and down. "Let's walk to class together anyways. In a circle."
A complete waste of time, yet it's impossible to say no to the face he's making.
Before you guys depart he suddenly stops, gasping loudly, remembers something important. "I have to make a quick phone call."
Childe speed dials Scaramouche, and the latter picks up annoyed, answers the phone with muffled sounds in the back. Something that sounds a bit like pleading and whimpering.
He then mutters something that forces dread into your system. "You can release the hostages."
You hear Scaramouche groan on the other end, muttering a "such a pain in my ass", but choose not to question it immediately.
As soon as the phone call is done and you're back by his side, you point at his phone questioningly. "What hostages Childe?"
He gives you a close eyed smile, taking the fifth.
"What hostages Childe?" You repeat again weakly.
First period goes by smoothly for the most part. Lisa, your so called best friend, once again is bought off like a corrupted politician by your new boyfriend. She sits far away from you, leaving you without any defences against the menace that dotes on you a bit too much.
Throughout class, all Childe does is score Venti's colourful pens, and then writes you annoying little love notes, using the expert origami skills he's learnt from Anthon to deliver them to you.
Despite the threat of distraction these notes pose, the corners of your lips can't help but tug upwards at his enthusiasm and attempt at poetry.
Zhongli makes sure not to ask you two any questions the entire class, leaving you to your own accord.
Lunch comes around soon enough, and your usual table of Diluc, Jean, Kazuha, and Lisa is disturbed by the torpedo that is Childe, and he brings collateral with him.
Kaeya whole-heartedly ceases the opportunity to sit near his stoic statue of a brother purely with the intention to annoy the premature crap out of him, but one look from the redhead sends the chicken-shit right back where he came from.
When Childe forcefu—lovingly feeds you the smiley fries and dinosaur nuggets his stunning mom packed him, Diluc looks just about ready to hurl.
Lisa winks at you two, Kazuha doesn't even bother looking, and Jean tries with upmost effort to keep Diluc from launching himself at the whipped fatui boy basking in your attention.
"Quit embarrassing me." You whisper-exclaim sharply, noticing how Jean passes Diluc—all green in the face, a puke bag discreetly. "Shouldn't you be doing something illegal right now? Or vaping in the stalls?"
"I quit vaping for you girlie." Childe boops your nose with his finger. "Well, at least full time. I still need a puff when I'm around Signora, to like, get rid of her awful vibes."
While it is endearing how he quit vaping for you, it doesn't lessen the need for you to bury yourself alive right here and now.
Then you sigh, pick up a Dino nuggie, and shove it in his mouth, the tip of his tongue flicking your finger. You die inside.
"There, you happy?" The action of feeding him is so...intimate, it sets your heart aflame.
Childe's a lovesick puppy when he chews, imaginary tail wagging a hundred times a second. "Can I have a kiss too?"
Diluc slams his hands on the table and stands up, hurriedly picks up his grape juice and makes a break for it. You don't blame him.
"I'll kill you." You smack him with a napkin, blazing red. "I'll end your pathetic little life right here and now."
By the end of lunch, Lisa and Jean have to restrain you so you don't break the world record for the maximum amount of mutilations that can be done on a single body.
Fourth period is a break. A break from Childe you mean. It's expected of the school's resident bad boy aka menace to skip classes in order to skip over the bodies of his victims.
You bask in the momentary peace, until it's disrupted by a tap on the window. Reckon it's nothing, maybe a bird flew into it, because intentional taps are impossible from the third floor. Except your conviction is hindered yet again by another tap.
What a nuisance.
You finally turn to look outside the window, face down, and spot Childe waving incessantly, rocks in hand, oozing with excitement that can't be concealed and a grin that nearly takes you into cardiac arrest. Without meaning to, you send him a small smile, waving back as Baal drones on about quantum superposition.
Successful in gaining your attention, he moves aside to reveal the hefty corpse of a stonehide lawachurl with a destructive path in its wake. The ridges and bumps of its hide are enough to do a number on the road, ruining the school's playing field.
Your smile drops down into a horrified frown in the span of a few seconds.
"Wow." Albedo, your lab partner whispers from next to you, for the first time distracted in class.
"Yeah," Kaeya whistles from behind you two, one hand supporting his head. "What a gesture."
"Y/N, I'd be grateful if you could possibly obtain a black crystal horn for me from the specimen." The blonde asks, entranced by the corpse that your boyfriend is flaunting off to you with pride.
"Aren't those things endangered cutie?" Lisa makes sure to butt in, as per usual.
Yes. Your boyfriend with several issues and an affinity for chaos brought you the corpse of an endangered geo-infused creature that's five times the size of him. During school hours too, the fiend. Like a cat dragging the corpse of a dead mouse to its owner.
You groan into your hands, heart racing while the fire is coursing through your veins.
That idiot.
Childe is exceptional at a lot of things, like the switch and making weapons out of seemingly harmless things (e.g shiv out of a toothbrush), but what he prides in the most is physical education. With washboard abs, uber tall height, and a dickish smile to top it all, he has everything it takes to showcase his top tier athletic abilities.
He pounces at the opportunity to show off in front of you, wanting nothing more than to have you fawn over his strength. He's sure it'll be enough to have you all over him, wrapping your cute little arms around his muscled ones, passing him his water bottle and dabbing away at the sweat on his forehead. Most of all, he daydreams you planting your soft lips on his to congratulate him after a big game.
Physical education, for you, is a pain. You may be good with your brain, but games exert more energy than necessary, and coordination that lacks logic entirely. You're just here for the credit. The over-achiever part of you walks the extra mile to ensure a grade in the high nineties.
Although witnessing Childe clad in the school shorts and matching polo shirt is enough to make this worth your while, you'll die before admitting it. Especially when he gawks at you as if it's the first time you're wearing the sports uniform yourself. It has you fidgeting with your fingers and tugging your shorts down nervously.
You try not to flip him off like you usually do, especially since it's not even been twenty four hours since he's asked you out.
Mr.Zhongli blows a whistle, calling all the students over to surround him. It's odd that he teaches most of the subjects at this school, seemingly the only adult present, but no one questions it in fear of genshin logic. Moving on, he explains that you have a dodge ball game today.
Lisa groans beside you. She hates anything that requires the exertion of energy, oftentimes bringing a book to read while everyone else screams in the background.
You're relieved, mainly because Childe and Tohma are usually captains, and Childe always picks you to be on his team as a means to flex his skills. For you, it means sitting back and watching him carry your team towards a straight A.
However, all your dreams are crushed when Zhongli announces the team leaders.
"Y/N, I trust that you'll lead the blue team to the upmost of your ability. Childe, prepare to lead the opposing red team."
Your knees shake as you stare at him in disbelief. "But Sir—"
"No buts Y/N." He scolds you lightly, checking off your names on the clip board. "I'd like to witness your exceptional leadership skills."
In reality, Zhongli just wants to reenact a lovers-on-opposing sides trope, wanting to see how the two of you crack under the pressure. In a way, it is an exercise of leadership.
Instead of picking teams, Zhongli assigns teams for the both of you according to his own judgement, trying to make it as fair as possible.
Lisa pats your back after your teammates are assigned, trying to cheer you up. "It's going to be okay. You guys are dating now, so he'll go easy on you."
You look up to meet Childe's eyes from across the court. He gives you a charming smile, which turns downright barbaric as he lifts up a thumb and motions to slash his neck with it. Then he wickedly mouths "I'm going to destroy you."
You blink and turn away as fast as you can in fear. "We're fucked."
Lisa, witnessing the entire ordeal nods alongside you, doing nothing to reassure you because she herself has given up.
Suddenly a hand lands on your shoulder gripping you tightly. "Let's wipe the floor with that g*nger." The voice is ice cold, threatening enough to send a shiver down your bones.
You turn to meet Rosaria, who frowns at you. Most of the time she doesn't really put an effort in dodgeball, but she must've seen your crestfallen expression, trying to comfort you in her own detached way.
Rosaria is the other school nurse in training, alongside Barbara, but somehow her patients end up more injured, sick, or mentally defiled than before they entered the room. She also spends after hours beating up Chads in the school parking lot. Also runs a blog with her booby co-author Kaeya that emphasizes mostly on the dark knight hero.
Spotting the rest of your team behind her, you begin to criticize them one by one.
Standing against the wall is Kaeya, pushing both his biddies up with his crossed arms like an absolute whore. He's breaking about several dress code rules right now. Venti is next to him, drunk off his butt as he beat boxes with Tohma.
Eula mutters under her breath, on and on about seeking revenge on Zhongli for putting her beloved Amber on the opposing team, promising him an unfortunate fate. Xiao is miserably squatting on the floor, sharp eyes observing everyone in the gym, scowl not ready to dissipate anytime soon.
Then you look over at Childe's team in the distance. Jean with a determined look on her face as she listens to Childe's game plan, and Diluc crossing his arms with his brows furrowed in concentration. Even Amber, the best baller in the school, is stretching out her arms, assisted by the gifted princess of the school, Ayaka.
Not only that, but Childe has the king of dodging on his team—Kaedehara goddamn Kazuha. Beidou shoots you a wicked smirk, winking at you until she's disrupted by Ningguang's shove.
"Oh my god." You cry out when the realization hits you, falling to your knees in despair. "We're completely fucked!"
"No we aren't." Rosaria mutters lowly. "You're only fucked if you want to be. Don't you dare throw in the towel before the fight has even begun."
"But I—"
"Stop it." She grumbles again, rolling her eyes. "You're being annoying now. If you lose the game, that makes him the dom. Don't you want to be the dom?"
She's right. You do want to be the dom.
Her words of encouragement, and not at all veiled insults somehow allow you to find motivation deep within yourself. You get up and stomp towards the rest of your team, calling their attention with your newfound confidence.
"Listen here soldiers!" You shout out, determination clear as day. "I know I am not capable of leading. I know that I barely have the physical capabilities needed to defeat the opposite team."
You take a deep breath, pointing at your cutie patootie boyfriend across the gym as you seethe. "But that man, that harbinger of chaos, that instrument of war, is nothing but a tyrant. And I cannot let such a tyrant be a victor in this battle. Not when innocent lives are at stake."
Tohma speaks up, sending you a bewildered look. "What lives—"
"Shut the fuck up soldier!"
"Yessir!" He immediately stiffens, saluting you.
"Are you ready soldiers?" Your voice booms, and everyone reinforces their priorities, except for Kaeya though. He just lazily smirks.
After Zhongli places the balls in the middle, everyone prepares for the battle of the century.
'Gods, please let us win this war' you pray to the archons above, closing your eyes in concentration.
'Give me the strength to flex my superior skills' Childe wishes, then adds on quickly 'also I want to dominate this world.'
'Give me the strength to make it to Friday.' Rosaria prays for nobody but herself, rolls her eyes at all the unnecessary dramatics of this dodgeball game.
"3..." "2..." "1..."
Zhongli ends the countdown by blowing hard into a whistle, signaling the beginning of the game.
Not even two seconds later a ball whooshes past a few of you at the speed of light, followed by a tail of fire. The ball of death kisses Kaeya square in the nose, sending him reeling back into a wall with enough sheer force to cause an indent.
Everyone winces.
Before you all can reel in from the initial shock and make sense out of wherever the hell that asteroid came from, Zhongli's voice booms throughout the gymnasium.
"Mr. Ragnvindr, headshots are strictly forbidden. You are out!"
With a scoff, Diluc, satisfied with his work, leaves the court with no apparent qualms. He accepts his defeat with the upturned corners of his lips.
Rosaria pokes Kaeya's body with the tip of her heels, then cringes when he shakes awake, up from his short lived knockout and sends a wink her way.
"Getting handsy when I'm unconscious? I didn't think you'd be one to partake in such vulgar activities." His eye twinkles in mischief, and if his momentary defeat at the hands of brother has him fuming, he doesn't show it one bit.
The only thing that keeps Rosaria from knocking him out for real is the blood that trails down onto his lip. She doesn't want to clean blood off her shoes, especially since it's a pain in the ass to get off.
You're about to tell them to get up and take this seriously, but a softball does your job for you when it darts straight at Rosaria. With pristine accuracy, the girl manages to pitch herself away last minute.
You swivel in Childe's direction, who wears a remorseless grin, which only grows wider once you pick up a blue softball next to your feet.
The glare that he receives has him shaking in exhilaration. More so than the elation he'd felt when he took down that Stonehide Lawachurl for you, as a gift of promise.
You begin to bark out orders. "Eula, Xiao, and Rosaria cover the front and act as decoys."
They nod immediately, but Xiao still clicks his tongue in distaste as he starts following orders.
Then you offer Kaeya a hand. "Get up princess. You're on sniper duty."
With Diluc out of commission, the battle is fair and square now considering both sides have the same amount of people. Ergo, no one's at a disadvantage.
That is—until Lisa fake trips over pure air, landing on the floor in a dramatic slow motion.
You roll your eyes.
"Oh dear! I think I've twisted something." She cries out, crawling away from the battle field, acting as if she's paralyzed completely. "Don't worry about me. I'll cheer you on from afar. The battle has begun, and it seems as if I've become the first casualty."
You don't let the countless amount of Lisa's betrayals get to you, even this one. It's just her personality to flake out on anything and everything that requires her to do more than below the bare minimum.
Focusing on the match, your eyes are only on Childe, just as his are on you.
You aim the ball straight at his ribs, step back a bit, then propel the ball in the air with as much energy as you can, using your entire body as a power outlet. The ball spins in the air, reaching the awaiting victim.
Childe, unbothered, dodges the ball with perfect precision, the ball not even grazing his clothes at the least.
Your jaw drops open, and you're about to move for another ball until he grabs the same ball you threw at him. With the sharpness of a predator locking in on its pray, he focuses on you like a missile locks on its target, launching the ball in the air for power that has you trembling, second to the powerful ball that was thrown by Diluc.
With your pupils dilated at your impeding doom, it's Xiao that grabs you and thrusts away.
The ball lands on the floor, smoke rising.
"Holy shit!" You shriek over everyone else's grunts and shuffles. "Are you trying to kill me?"
"Isn't it poetic?" Childe shouts back while he slides away from the balls being thrown. "Lover against lover. Either you're by my side, or in my way. And right now, you're in my way." He narrows his eyes dangerously. "Albeit reluctantly, I will take the victory babe. Even if we are on opposing sides."
"There was zero reluctance in that throw asshole!"
You thank Xiao, who wipes his hands on his pants in disgust. "Filthy humans. So pathetic and weak."
Mildly offended, you roll your sleeves up and begin to fight with everything you've got as soon as he walks away.
The dodgeball game goes as expected for the most part, Eula carrying for most of it with the flow of her skills.
Tohma actually tries like the presumptuous asshole he is, aims straight for his girlfriend Ayaka, and takes her out completely. His only justification for that is "I ain't no simp!"
He shelves his cocky attitude when facing Childe with a sense of dignity and prestige you didn't think he had in him.
The two one of a kind fuckbois puff out their chests so that they look more hefty than they are, having some kind of an Alpha match. The 'me stronger than you. me dominant. me get all the women' type beat.
Unfortunately, Childe manages to fence him with his throws, and lo and behold, the square off ends with a dejected Tohma dragging his feet to the nearest bench.
Eula oversees that Ningguang and Beidou meet a quick end, taking their slower dodging to her advantage. You're actually rooting for her, tasting a sliver of victory that you haven't reached yet. So close, yet so far.
Amber trips on herself in the middle of throwing a what should've been coordinated ball, and it loses most of its momentum. Xiao is directly in front of it, and will probably be able to catch it with ease.
Ah, another short victory.
If Childe loses his expert baller, he's only left with Kazuha and Jean, whom's lack in the art of throwing is made up by their ability to dodge most of the fastballs.
However, all your plans and hopes are crushed when Eula slides in front of Xiao last minute, sticks out her foot, and let's the pathetic product of Amber's would-be downfall hit her on the leg with the total force of about 0.0000001 newtons.
Your chances of winning have just went down by a staggering 60%.
"Eula!" You cry out, collapsing on the ground. "How could you?"
Tohma cups his mouth and bellows obnoxiously from the bench. "SIMP!"
"I cannot avenge my clan if I win a false victory." Eula crosses her arms, casting her gaze down in visible uncomfortableness. "Amber will pay her dues in two business days. Mark my words."
It all a load of cap. She's sleeping with the enemy and you know it.
You grit your teeth. Fuming with an abundance of rage, you pick up three balls and throw them all back to back, taking out Amber and Kazuha simultaneously.
Childe's heart flutters in another kind of delight when you pluck out his team members one by one with no hints of remorse.
In retaliation, Jean and Childe work in sync to swiftly take care of a distracted Rosaria.
"Shit." You hiss underneath your breath.
It's Venti, Kaeya, Xiao, and you who are the only remainders of your short-lived team. It's still two more people than Childe and Jean, giving you the upper hand briefly.
It's a mystery to everyone how Venti is still standing. You reckoned you would've lost him as collateral during the beginning of the match, but it seems he's able to hold his own.
When you squint hard enough, you realize that Xiao has been t-posing in front of the nonchalant SoundCloud rapper that's about as high as a kite. He must've been defending him throughout the entire round.
His defenses are all in vain once Childe correlates another attack with Jean, sharp-shooting four rapid balls that are secured on their targets.
Xiao swerves to the side, avoiding most of them, until one is about to reach a nonchalant as shit Venti.
You scream at him, eyes widening as you run towards them in slow motion. "NOoOoOOOo-"
The yaksha doesn't waste a moment, shifting so that he's covering Venti's body with his own, which to be honest is a pretty heartwarming sight.
The ball hits his lean back, a sharp thud following when it hits the floor.
Xiao is out. But his sacrifice is so inspiring that it brings tears to Zhongli's eyes, makes everyone in the gym go silent in awe.
Even the sadistic Childe melts, cerulean eyes gaining back their light, halting his fire.
When Xiao finally uncovers Venti's body, he speaks from the bottom of his dead heart. "I'd do anything for you..."
Venti shakes out of his baked state, blinking at him stupidly with a nervous chuckle. "Ehe~? I don't even know who you are."
The entire class sweat drops. Whatever slip of compassion on Childe's face earlier has become nothing but a memory. Even your eyes dim.
The next time Childe aims and locks at Venti, it's not with malicious intent. It's a favour, for you. In a way it adds dimension to who he is and the lengths he's willing to go for you, even at war.
Venti steps away with a bounce in his gait, hands behind his head.
Kaeya and you are the only ones left standing now, and the game becomes too tight knit to tell which side's going to win. It becomes utter chaos, balls being launched every second, stamina slowly decreasing as everyone lurches away from their demise.
As laid-back  and charming as the boy presents himself to be in front of the ladies, he's not very patient when it comes to facing circumstances like these. He's side lined for most of the match, finding it boring. And when Kaeya gets bored, the intensity of the tide changes, and everyone knows they're going to get a run for their money.
Kaeya coasts a hand around your hips, pulls you real close, purposefully leaning his bust into the side your innocent arm.
When Childe's smile drops, and the glint in his eyes reads 'DANGER' in full caps, you know it's time to be properly scared.
Your blood runs cold, mouth opening briefly and then clamping shut immediately.
"I'm so glad to be on your team Y/N. Maybe this'll give us the chance to become...closer." His hot breath fans against your ear, voice loud enough to be heard by onlookers.
Suddenly everything stops, falling into an unsettling silence.
You attempt glance at Childe, being met with a glare that's directed at the Captain of the Skating team. The ball in the orange-haired boy's hand deflates from the sheer intensity of the squeeze.
The tension becomes unreadable. Even Zhongli is caught mid-sip with his tea.
Quickly, you shrug off Kaeya's arm. "Childe, he's just fucking with you—"
Childe cuts you off by hurling a ball with nothing but the objective of cold blooded murder.
Kaeya whizzes past you, successfully ducking to avoid the hit, and his amused laugh rings through your ears. He rolls away from the following attacks, chucking his own series of colourful balls.
The events that unfold are blood-curdling enough to make even Satan boil his pants with diarrhea.
You take the clear opportunity presented by their concurrent dumbassery to take out Jean, the ace of the other team.
Childe's rage blows over when Kaeya eventually loses interest and takes the L, playfully winking at you while walking backwards to the rest of your team.
Now that all the distractions are dealt with, Childe's eyes flicker to you, and you share a murderous glance.
"Finally," He slaps the softball with a free hand, lips thinning into a homicidal smile. "I've been waiting for this. You better not disappoint me."
While Childe may be a violent anarchist who's only aspiration in life is to become a government contracted killer, he's also supposed to be your sweet boyfriend.
Slowly, you inch towards the front. "We don't have to do this Childe. We can coexist peacefully."
"Peace was never an option Y/N." He sighs, cracking his neck. "Besides—how else can I prove myself in your eyes? You may be my greatest weakness, but you are also my greatest adversary."
"I don't know, maybe start with not trying to obliterate me?"
"I'm obliterating you out of respect." He counters with a playful pout.
"Well I'll be paying my respects to your grave!" You lurch ahead into a sudden assault, yeeting as many balls as you can his way.
"That's my girl!" Childe whistles, grin widening psychotically when he goes all out, leaving you with an absence in favorable openings.
Out of nowhere, the fire alarms start going haywire, along with a beep in the PA system, which stops you two in your tracks.
A panicked voice of who you assume to be Yanfei shrieks through the comms. "CODE ORANGE! CODE ORANGE! EVACUATE THE BUILDING, THERE'S A STONEHIDE LAWACHURL ON THE PREMISES."
As if on cue, the ground starts rumbling and a Stonehide Lawachurl bursts through the halls and into the gym, looking around for something. Or rather, someone. It's sharp bumps and ridges make an indent on the floor, cracking it in.
Everyone falls into a state of panic, Zhongli trying his best to evacuate the class from the emergency back door as quickly as possible. "Settle down class, we have to follow protocol."
You, devoid of any emotion or sense of fear, turn to your boyfriend in such a calm manner it strikes an ominous dread in his stomach.
You stare.
Childe stares harder.
“I thought you killed it."
"I did." He retorts slowly, switching to gaze at the raging beast in amazement.
"Then why is it in the school!" You seethe, glaring daggers at his side profile.
Childe chuckles sheepishly, scratches the back of his neck. "I may or may not have stuffed the body in the boys washroom. Y'know, for safe keeping?"
The Lawachurl locks it's gaze on you, the prey, and then roars furiously. Turning into its geo-enhanced state, it begins charging at you with all its might, the target being solely Childe.
Leave it to your boyfriend to get on the hit list of an endangered beast.
"Fear not my vibrant girlfriend. Our first date can be surviving this." Childe cheekily kisses the top of your trembling hand before grasping it tightly and making a run for it.
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Nanny pt. 2
It is DONE and it’s over 3k words, good gods.
@debellatis @sociowithatardisachevyandawand @littleflowerwannabe @sani-86 @thatunwantedbard I dunno if you all wanted to be tagged but I did it anyway
CW: broken bones, one gun threat (not serious), assault via heavy handbag, hospitals, drugs (consensual), a little Horny, and uhhhh lemme know if there’s anything else, I dunno what tagging is. Also this was just for fun so I didn’t really try to keep it clean.
Jaskier almost sobbed when Geralt asked Jaskier to marry him; not because he loved Geralt, but because he wasn’t sure if Geralt meant it.
Of course Geralt would be grateful to Jaskier. But was he mistaking that gratefulness for love? It had happened before; people asking Jaskier to marry them just because they felt a duty to. Such engagements had never gone well.
The difference was, he wanted to say yes this time.
He swallowed hard, and said softly, “Can… can I think on it?”
Geralt nodded and tucked the box back in his pocket. “Yes,” he said. “I’m sorry I upset you.”
Jaskier shook his head. “I’m not upset, just--a little overwhelmed, right now.”
Ciri, who had just walked into the living room where they were sitting on the sofa, saw Jaskier’s face and ran to him, scrambling into his lap and hugging him. “It’s okay, Jaskier,” she said soothingly. “You can cry.”
Jaskier had to smile, and hugged her back. “Thanks, dearheart.”
Dinner was not as tense or awkward as Jaskier expected. Geralt cooked, Jaskier set the table, and Ciri tried to help them both. Jaskier shook his head at Ciri’s pleading to help with the pan-searing. He’d already had to scold Geralt for letting her stir boiling liquid with her tiny, clumsy little hands. The man simply did not understand children.
Or… maybe he did. Maybe he was just trying to let her feel included in cooking. Would they like baking? That might be fun. He could just imagine them both covered in flour and food coloring, Geralt dismayed and Ciri laughing…
No. He dragged his mind away from such thoughts. There was no point thinking such domestic things when Geralt had asked him to marry and he’d stalled. Yes, it was nice to imagine living with them as a husband and father, but he wasn’t ready.
They all ate, and talked and laughed, and Jaskier read a book to Ciri afterwards and Geralt picked her up gently when she dozed off to take her upstairs and put her to bed. Jaskier bit his lip and wondered if he should keep thinking tonight… no, there was no point. He’d just scare himself more. Better to go to bed, and think in the morning.
As he stepped into his room, he had a horrible thought. How could he continue working as a nanny if he was married and had a stepchild of his own? How would he support himself and his family? Maybe he could go back to teaching? Would Ciri mind a daycare?
Actually, it would be very good for her to go to a place with other people. She should have contact with other children.
Jaskier shook his head hard and got ready for bed. He should not think of these things when he needed to sleep. He could think about them in the morning.
But he couldn’t turn his brain off. He thought about jobs and childcare and Geralt in recovery and laws about guardianship and whether Geralt’s family would accept him or not--oh so many things racing through his brain. He couldn’t sleep until one in the morning.
When he woke, it was to Ciri’s laughter from downstairs. There were a lot of books and blogs that talked about how a child’s laugh was the most wonderful sound; Jaskier wondered if those people had ever been woken up by a pounding headache due to a bad night and a child laughing raucously. Jaskier got out of bed sluggishly, decided not to put on day-clothes, and walked out of his room in his baggy flannel pajama pants and MCR t-shirt. The shirt was a little small, but he really didn’t care.
Jaskier was not thinking at all when he stumbled into the kitchen, went straight to Geralt at the counter, and thumped his forehead down on Geralt’s shoulder.
“Um,” Geralt said.
“Uuugh,” Jaskier groaned in reply.
“Jaskier needs maple syrup too!” Ciri yelled, and Jaskier winced. So much noise. He wanted to lay down again, but it was his job to be up and alert. He was failing that quite badly, but Geralt’s shoulder was warm and he smelled good.
Jaskier realized this was extremely unprofessional. But Geralt didn’t mind. So surely it was okay.
Pancakes were finished, and Geralt gently pushed Jaskier to the table. Jaskier grumbled but sat down with a mug of coffee and tried to wake up.
“What’s happening today, Daddy?” Ciri asked Geralt, pouring way too much syrup on her pancakes.
Geralt shrugged. “I have to go to my job interview,” he explained, “And then I’ll pick up some carryout for dinner. Jaskier?”
Jaskier took another sip of coffee. “Maybe another trip to the park?” he asked Ciri. “Fresh air will do us both good.”
Ciri’s face lit up, and she cheered, “Yes!”
Jaskier escaped to the bathroom while Geralt played with Ciri, and took a long, warm shower, sighing in relief as his achy body relaxed. Now if he just had someone to wash his back and hair for him, this would be the perfect shower.
His mind flashed to Geralt’s rough fingers running lightly over his skin, in his hair; the warmth of Geralt standing at his back, breath quiet but hot on the back of Jaskier’s neck; pressing flush together and Geralt burying his teeth in Jaskier’s shoulder--
Jaskier lurched back to the present, and hastily scrubbed himself down, ignoring his stupid semi. This was the fourth time he’d had such thoughts and it was highly unprofessional. Geralt was his employer--although it felt more like friendship every day, and indeed, Jaskier had insisted that Geralt not pay him during the legal battles. But still. It felt… wrong.
Shame made his semi go down and made his headache come back. But he was clean, so there wasn’t much point in staying hidden. He sighed heavily and turned off the water, shivering as his body cooled, and got out of the shower--just in time for Ciri to bang on the bathroom door and yell, “JASKIERRRR DADDY’S GONE, CAN WE GO TO THE PARK NOW?”
“Just a moment, dear one,” Jaskier called back, hurrying to dry off and put on clean clothes. He had already had the experience of an impatient Ciri bursting into the bathroom while he was still naked. She didn’t do it to Geralt; only Jaskier.
She groaned dramatically and stomped her foot, but did not barge in or yell more. Jaskier finished dressing, tossed his towel in the hamper, and opened the door. Ciri was pouting magnificently, but when Jaskier crouched to pick her up, she immediately held up her arms and snuggled close as he rose.
“Can you be my mommy?” she asked, as Jaskier carried her to her room. “Since I already have a daddy?”
Jaskier’s face burned, but he laughed lightly and set her down on her bed before going to her dresser and searching for outdoor clothes, since she couldn’t wander around outside in just her nightie. “I suppose,” he answered, picking out a pair of purple jeans. “I don’t really mind. Do you want to wear these today?”
“I want to wear the froggies!”
Jaskier smiled for real and put the purple jeans back, taking out the denim overalls with the frog embroidery. “As your highness wishes,” he teased, and Ciri giggled.
As a five-year-old, she wasn’t very adept at putting her own clothes on, but she tried very hard, so Jaskier let her. She got it right most of the time, after all. And she should learn independence when she could; Jaskier wouldn’t be around forever.
Why did that make his heart hurt?
When she was prepared, Jaskier grabbed his wallet, keys, and phone, filled up Ciri’s blue water bottle covered in My Little Pony stickers, and followed her out of the house.
The walk to the park was peaceful, if one didn’t count the old man who came out of his house waving a rifle and threatened to shoot Jaskier for the crime of taking care of a child not his own. Ciri ignored the old man. Jaskier did as well, mostly. He’d been threatened and hurt too many times to drop his guard around such people.
The park was full of children, perhaps a school trip; they all seemed to be first or second graders. Ciri gasped in delight and tugged on Jaskier’s sleeve. “Mommy, can I go play?” she begged, swinging off his arm.
Jaskier smiled. “Yes, of course, love. Tell me when you want to leave. I’ll be by the tree.”
Ciri squealed and shot off to the playground. Jaskier watched for a few moments, then went to the big tree he claimed whenever they came here. There was no one under the shade of its limbs, so he slouched against its trunk and watched as Ciri clambered all over the playground equipment and tried to make friends. A few of the older children were kind to her, but most ignored her. Jaskier frowned worriedly. How was she going to form a positive opinion of others if she was ignored? He should really convince Geralt to send her to daycare.
His heart lurched. Sending her to daycare would mean dismissing Jaskier.
Slowly, Ciri’s excitement turned to desperation, as the other children got rougher, pushing her around and not caring that she was smaller and couldn’t fend them off. Jaskier straightened and took a step forward, thinking that he might as well step in and take Ciri home--
Some horrid little boy in a red polo shirt and expensive jeans shoved Ciri off the platform that was open to the pole.
Jaskier’s world turned into glue. He saw Ciri fall--he felt himself lurch into a run--but he wasn’t fast enough, he just wasn’t. She hit the ground, and screamed. There was something wrong with her wrist.
The world snapped into place again when Jaskier landed on his knees beside Ciri and put his arm around her protectively, barely noticing the children who had drawn back and were staring. “Let me see, love,” he murmured, holding out his hand. “Let me see what hurts.”
She raised her arm, weeping hysterically. There was a piece of bone sticking out of her wrist, which was not working properly at all. Jaskier went cold, and kissed her head before picking her up. “It’s alright love, I’ll call an ambulance. You’ll be alright. I know it hurts--”
Something heavy and hard edged smashed into the side of his head, and Ciri screamed in terror. Jaskier stumbled, but kept his balance, and turned just in time for the thing to smash into his face and break his nose.
“You kidnapper!” shrieked the lady who had swung her heavy purse at him. “How dare you grab a child not your own!”
“He’s my mommy!” Ciri yelled back, tears and snot dripping down her face. “He’s my mommy, not a kidnapper!”
Jaskier’s head stopped spinning long enough for him to gasp out, “Excuse me,” and try to walk to the parking lot.
The purse hit the back of his neck, hard, and he bit his lip so hard he thought the skin might split. He kept walking, and Ciri kept crying, and the chaperones kept yelling at each other.
Finally, they reached the parking lot. Jaskier set Ciri on one of the large rocks delineating the edge of the park, and fumbled out his phone, dialing emergency services with shaking hands.
“Hello, this is Medical Services, what is your emergency?”
“My daughter’s wrist is broken,” he explained, not even bothering to try and explain nannying. “She was pushed off the playground equipment and landed on her hand. We’re at Vengerburg Park, east side.”
“Alright, sending an ambulance to your location. Please keep her hand and arm supported, and do not try to set it yourself.”
“Yes, of course. Thank you.”
“Do you want to stay on the line while you wait?”
Jaskier thought about it, then said, “Yes, thank you.”
“Alright. The ambulance should be there in ten minutes. What does the break look like?”
Jaskier described it as well as he could when he was so woozy, and tried to soothe Ciri. Shock had caught up with her, and her crying was less hysterical and more mechanical. Jaskier kept her arm straight, and when the ambulance came, he carried her to the medics. Then her tears freshened, and she shrieked, “NO! No, I don’t want to leave mommy!”
“I’m her mommy,” Jaskier explained quickly. “Is there room for me in the ambulance?”
The medic who had reached for Ciri pursed his lips, then said, “Yes. You have a broken nose and a probable concussion, based on your eyes and coloring, so you should come too.”
Jaskier nodded and flinched as his neck protested, but stepped into the van with the medics and Ciri, and tucked himself into a corner, trying to make himself as small as possible. Ciri’s sobbing trailed off into sniffles, and when they gave her a painkiller, she sighed.
Jaskier wondered how Geralt would feel about his daughter being in the hospital.
The answer to that was ‘extremely fucking pissed’.
Jaskier had been put in a separate room from Ciri, which they had both protested; but maybe that was better, because Geralt’s fierce growl outside his door, telling the nurses to let him see Jaskier, was rather frightening.
Geralt was let in, of course, and immediately walked over to Jaskier and touched his hair, looking both furious and devastated. “What happened?” he asked. “I talked to Ciri, but…”
Jaskier tried to smile. “She was pushed off the playground equipment,” he slurred; they had given him the kind of drugs that made him floaty and only half in the world. “When I picked her up, a woman hit me because she thought I was kidnapping Ciri. I didn’t think I had a concussion, but the doctor said so.”
Geralt’s mouth tightened, and the tips of his fingers slid down to rest on Jaskier’s cheek. “How long until you’re released?” he asked softly.
“Oh, probably about a week,” Jaskier said hazily. “I’ll be fine, though. Is Ciri alright?”
“She’s sleeping,” Geralt told him, “But the nurse said she’ll be able to recover quickly. Something about young bones.”
Jaskier nodded. Then he asked, because he wasn’t sure if this was an elaborate daydream, “Did you mean it? When you proposed?”
Geralt looked confused. “Of course I meant it,” he replied. “Why?”
Jaskier hummed, eyes closing. “Ciri calls me her mommy now. It’d be nice for her to have two parents, no?” He sighed and murmured, “And I like you a lot, too.”
Geralt ran his fingers through Jaskier’s hair. “Yes,” he croaked. “That would be nice.”
A few months later, Jaskier was making rude jokes with Lambert, a sharp-dressed gentleman who was supposedly a lawyer but might also be mafia, at Jaskier and Geralt’s wedding. Eskel, who was apparently Lambert’s civil partner, was more rumpled in his denim shirt and corduroy trousers over muddy boots--but that didn’t mean he didn’t have a more refined sense of humor.
Geralt’s ex had showed up with a toaster and drawled, “This is what people give just-married people, right?”
Jaskier, thinking about the two toasters already in the modest pile of presents, still managed to smile and thank her.
The ceremony had been brief, but the party afterwards had been going for three hours. Jaskier was enjoying Geralt’s family and friends; mainly rough folks who worked heavy manual labor jobs, but some were friends from Geralt’s group therapy. For the last hour, Jaskier had been insulting Lambert and Eskel cheerfully, while learning about them and their lives, and they had been insulting him back while asking questions about him. At one point Lambert tried to intimidate Jaskier, but he just booped Lambert’s nose and cooed about how cute he was until Lambert smacked him. Eskel had cackled at his partner’s scowl.
Jaskier’s family had not shown up. Typical. And none of his school friends wanted to associate with him after that run of bad luck. Regis came, but Regis was just looking for a new sugarbaby.
About when Eskel and Jaskier started flirting, solely to make Lambert mutter and frown, Ciri approached Jaskier and tugged his jacket. Her hand was still in a cast, which she had covered with cat stickers and rainbows, but she had absolutely refused to be left behind.
“Mommy, I’m tiiiired,” Ciri whined, rocking back on her heels. “When can we go?”
Jaskier smiled and picked her up, and she snuggled her face into his collar. “In a bit, love. It’s not quite eight. Also I have to finish convincing your uncles that they’re missing out now that I’m married.”
She giggled and squirmed a little, then asked, “Is that why Daddy is mad?”
Jaskier, Eskel, and Lambert looked over to where Geralt was talking to Regis, his face carefully blank. Jaskier hummed, and said, “Maybe. Shall we go claim him?”
Ciri nodded vigorously.
So Jaskier strolled over to Geralt, Ciri on his hip, and when Geralt and Regis looked at them, Jaskier drawled, “Sorry, Reg, I have to remind my husband how much I love him,” and kissed Geralt thoroughly, smirking at his smug little hum.
Around eight, Ciri started getting truly cranky. The party broke up, with everyone saying goodbye specifically to Ciri and mostly ignoring the happy husbands. Lambert said goodbye, shook Ciri’s hand solemnly, then grabbed Jaskier’s face and kissed him. Geralt promptly punched his brother.
Going home was nice. Ciri fell asleep in the car, and only grumbled a little when Geralt picked her up and carried her to bed, humming softly. Jaskier smiled and ferried the presents inside.
Picking up the toaster from Yennefer, Jaskier frowned. It was rather heavy for a toaster. Far too curious to leave it alone, Jaskier grabbed a pair of scissors and cut the tape holding the top flaps down.
Inside the box was a plethora of collars, mostly plain, but several with ruffles, lace, studs, or rings on them. At the bottom of the box was a heavy book and a silk rope. Jaskier’s face was burning, but he picked up the book anyway.
“BDSM for Beginners,” he read, and winced. He wasn’t really into BDSM… but Geralt would look adorable in that pink ruffly collar with rhinestone hearts. There was a note under the book in the box; he picked it up and read it.
To Jaskier -- put Geralt in the pink ones, it brings out his skin tone. Or the amber/gold ones, for his eyes.
To Geralt -- claim that man before Eskel steals him. And remember what I said about tying the cord too tight.
Jaskier put the note down and covered his face with his hands. There was no one around and he was still embarrassed.
“Jaskier? What--is that Yennefer’s present?”
Jaskier nodded.
Geralt came closer, looked into the box, and groaned. “Damn it, Yenn,” he muttered. “Let’s go to bed. We can deal with… that… in the morning.”
Jaskier nodded again and stood. He thought for a moment, then grinned wickedly, stepped closer to Geralt, and murmured, “You know what would be a good wedding present? You, naked in bed, wearing just one of those pretty pink collars, cock hard and lubed up…”
Geralt growled and dragged Jaskier into his arms, kissing him fiercely. “You in that red one with the black lace,” he rumbled, and Jaskier felt a little bit faint, as he laughed breathlessly.
“You know what? Let’s compromise. We’ll both wear one without clothes. Good?”
Geralt kissed him again, and murmured against his lips, “Fuck yes.”
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monstersbabygirl · 5 years
Warm Me With Your Body || M!Naga/Ulrio x F!Reader - SMUT
It’s dangerous at night, your mother has always spouted at you. In her head she’s protecting you, like a mother should with their child... in yours she’s trapping you, damning you to the small cottage you both call home. You were about the head out in the darkness of the night, something pulling you, urging you to go! To ignore your mother’s words and go find something wild!
You had always been the adventurous type, running off whenever the chance was given to you. Always wanting to go fishing or hunting with your father when he had still been a live even if you were too small at the time not to mention a girl. A lot of times you looked back on those days. Ones where you’d pull on his helmet and swing his swear around with your noddle arms claiming to slay any monsters that you found.
Ones where he’d chuckle and root you on only to give a awkward laugh when your mother would get angry at him. You never knew why, you were strong! If she had faith in you the same way dad did you could do anything.
With a sigh you wiped your eyes and tiptoed down the hall, after many years of doing this and running along these halls you learned which steps could get you caught and which ones could lead you to freedom. Your boots made it a little more difficult, you yourself liked to be barefoot in these sort of situations but the seasons have changed and you rather not a worm dig into you skin when the solution was so clear. A candle balanced in your hand, your (e/c) eyes on the flickering flame careful of your surroundings trying not to trip waste the wax that surrounded the stick.
You passed your mother’s room stopping for a second to give the memory of her a soft smile. She worked hard, that was a fact and yet you managed to cause so many problems. You hated to upset her but after months of contemplating you decided that hunting would actually help with the money problem around here. Boars, sold well. Anything with horns and rough skin did, even snakes sold pretty nicely if you could find the right one.
Determination found your features and with a nod of good luck you wished your sleeping mother well. You collected your bow, something your father whipped up for you years ago. Plucking the string a couple times you tested the durability and deemed it worthy before grabbing your satchel full of arrows. You hunted already but only rabbits and such, it brought money but it was time for a change, time for you to work harder! You got outside closing the door behind you, the skies were dark and the wind held many scents. You quite noticeably licked you lips before running over to the stables where your horse rested.
When you had approached the creature took notice and you grinned. Not long after you had clothes it with it’s saddle before you climbed on board. You gently caressed the animal a soft sigh slipping from your lips. You didn’t like killing, nor did you like disobeying your mouth but you saw her struggle, one being with the loss of your father the other trying to keep you safe. However, you say at the age of seventeen and you granted that you knew everything. Such a foolish girl yes. The king had been a tyrant in your eyes, caging his people into the city yapping nonsense about some beast that was claimed to be haunting the forest.
Beast weren’t real, you told yourself rolling your eyes at his speech in the town square. You hadn’t even caught all the words other than “long, aggressive, and tricky!” You nearly laughed then, there were many animals, the fool could have simply seen a poor leopard cub and saw the pattern and freaked out. You giggled at the thought pulling in the ropes that helped you guide your horse, Cali. He was an Appaloosa, truly gorgeous. The creature huffed for a second with a flick of the tail and a head shake and you pouted leaning over his head placing a light kiss on his muzzle.
“Come on Cal, you expect me to carry a beast back all by myself?!”
You whisper yelled playfully before tugging again, he wasn’t moving an inch as it trying to tell you something, trying to warn you. You sighed before leaning back crossing your arms over your chest, a small breeze tickling your (s/c) skin. You lifted a neat eyebrow.
“I’ll buy you more apples..”
The creature started walking and you groaned falling forward dramatically to lay in his mane, letting out a huff blowing the rich locks away from your face. You say back up rolling your eyes mentioning to call the animal a brat.
When you had made it into the forest it was quiet enough, crickets chirping, frogs croaking, and the sound of Cali’s careful steps. You hummed looking around looking for what could be of use but sadly everything seemed to either be sleeping or hiding. It was nice out, the sharp metal of your arrows clinked together ever so often. Your (h/c) (h/l) hair bouncing at each step. Your eyes focused, it was dark but you had practiced so much for this, even if you couldn’t see you could hear... you could feel... you could smell.
A crunch sounded and with intense speed you pulled the ropes to stop Cali who for some reason looked stressed. You drew your bow and arrow pointing into the direction where you heard the noise. Silence settled in and as Cali started to look around you cooed at him. You sighed lowering the weapon guessing whatever had caused the noise sensed you and ran off. your ragged but fashionable clothing swished lightly. You laid your bow on the ridge of his back before petting his mane once more.
“It’s ok baby, calm down. There’s nothing out here.”
You tried to comfort the creature but after tugging on the ropes once more only for Cali to neigh you decided it was probably better to get down and lead the way yourself. With a huff you swung your leg careful to not kick your animal friend in the head, you looked at the grassy ground seeing raindrops on some of the blades before jumping down landing swiftly. You took your bow putting the arrow you had took out not too long ago back away. You took the ropes petting the steed on his muzzle before leading, encouraging the creature to follow which, for the time being, it did.
You were starting to get frustrated, where were all the animals?! Usually in the forest there were deer, wolves, coyotes, and hell practically anything else and you couldn’t find one. You were about to give up, go home and hope your mother hadn’t discovered you absence yet. You took a step jumping when you stepped on something rather questionable. It scared you, the sound it didn’t sound like a twig. Cali neighed rather loudly and took a couple steps back resulting in you gripping the rope shushing him. He called down after a couple of sweet praises.
You hummed again turning ahead again before lifting your boot. And rib cage..you stepped in a rib cage! You stumbled back a little surprised blinking. What the hell was big enough to do this? You brought yourself back to earth squatting down to the corpse. Perhaps a bear..but, the corpse was spotless not a piece of skin or fur anywhere. Fear and confusion started to settle in, even if it was a bear were they capable of completely cleaning off bones? What about a wolf pack, or maybe cougars? You pondered before another crunch, louder...closer than the last time in you without a thought drew your weapon.
You took the shot piercing the animal who gave a wild squeal, the sound echoing throughout the trees. A boar! You thought excitedly letting go of Cali’s ropes and rushing over, to your surprise though the beast had already gained a couple wounds. It spasmed on the ground, twitching and soaking the wet blades in blood. Squeals coming from it until the last breath was giving leaving it limp. You slid to the ground stopping in front of it before clasping you hands together letting your eyes fall shut.
“Thank you poor thing, your death will not be for nothing. Be free and head into the bright light and meet you brothers and sisters who have been taken before you.”
You spoke softly before opening your eyes, the spirit was blue, a good sign really. It was an innocent spirit, the orb flew away fading into the darkness of the sky and you chuckled lightly feeling the blood and rain soak into your long dress. You didn’t mind though. Slowly your hand made a fist around the arrow you had shot before sliding the weapon out from the tender flesh. You say it down in the grass before looking over the body pausing for a second.
There were bite marks. Large ones, two piercings were crimson soaked the dark fur. They looked like... snake bites but, snakes didn’t go after boats for the main reason be that they were simply too big. Even if a snake did go after a boar it’s bite shouldn’t be this size. You grew worried a frown finding its way to your lips before a sigh left you. You slid you arms under the body standing before turning smiling at Cali.
“Look, Cal!-“
“Well, well, well..”
A shakingly deep voice hissed. You froze, eyes widening as the shadow grew past your own, the moonlight shining over you and whoever had found you. Cali let out a horrid shrill before standing on his hind legs then turning and rushing away as if the demon himself was on his ass. You gulped calling out to him but you could hear how fast he was running and it told you he wasn’t coming back. You stood there for a second before smiling nervously, maybe it was just some guy that lived in the forest. It wasn’t completely unheard of after all. You turn mouth opening to say something snarky but as you had to look up your mouth grew dry and eyes a little watery.
T-The beast..
He stood tall, a toned, long hair that hung over his shoulders. If it wasn’t for the snake tail attached to him you would have thought he really was a human. His eyes were bright, eyes like a feral cat, his aura dominating and dark. Both of your eyes connected and he looked irritated. His brows furrowed before his gaze looked down to the creature your held in your shaking arms. He reached a clawed hand out and you flinched as he grabbed the beast lifting it effortlessly. You trembled stumbling back before falling on your ass as his jaw unhinged showing the long, thick, fangs he had in his mouth, dropping the dead animal in head first swallowing it down in a large gulp moving his inhuman body side to side. You watched in terror as the lump slowly slid down.
You jumped when he looked back at you quickly spinning around to scurry away only for the beast to hiss, his tail shot forward wrapping around you crushing you into his large tight coils pulling you back until you were held in front of him. You whimpered, this was why. Your mother had tried to protect you but you had been so stubborn. This was why the king locked the gates at night and you took them for granted and now you were going to die because of your foolishness.
You wished your father was still here.
A cold clawed hand grabbed your jaw trapping you between a point and thumb, nails lightly digging into your cheek. You shook you head the best you could.
You wheezed croaking when the tail tightened around you, moving over your curves taking the breath from you. He lifted a brow leaning in the sniff you before grabbing your wrist with his other hand, you watched him intently - him returning the gaze as he licked a fine line grow you wrist to where you sleeve had slid up tasting the blood that lied there. You shivered, damn it..he was hot. Smoking hot, you didn’t want to admit it but the way his coils squeezed you forcing you to try to breathe harder was making you warm. The intensity of his eyes forcing you to watch as he licked you and oh how hot his tongue felt against your skin. You let off a shudder and a low hiss came from him as he let go of your wrist moving up you your face.
You panted into his face and for a split second you could have sworn you saw a smirk on his lips. His head moved leaving you relieved for only a second until the organ flicked out licking your earlobe causing you to gasp. He was in your ear, his voice slow but promising and you felt yourself melt.
“You like that...little two leg? Don’t lie, I can ssssmell it.. on you.”
You gasped once more a bit louder than before as one of his coils loosened, readjusting itself to where it wrapped around only one of your legs instead of both. You dress lifted and a dark blush colored your cheek as you could feel the muscle wiggle closer and closer until it was against her pants making her moan softly realizing how wet she really was.
“You’re ssssoaking wet..”
The beast purred slightly running his tongue up your neck. You were scared but that’s what made you needy. You had never done this but he was touching you so well! The coils around you held you tighter forcing your thighs to close around the coil between your legs. Without another thought you arched rolling your hips. He watched in what seemed to be fascination freeing your jaw to run his hand through you hair, you nearly relaxed before nails scraped your scalp, a tight fist yanking you hair making your head snap back exposing that (s/c), sweaty throat of yours.
He licked his lips before opening his mouth and before you could get lost in rolling your hips you noticing, letting out a choked cry begging him not to do it. Not to kill you that is. Surprisingly gently his fangs slid out before running down the vein in your throat. You shuddered all over gulping. He hummed lowly before lowering you, dropping you back onto the ground. You panted taking in air as he towered over you. You watched as his hand slid between your thighs and when he cupped your sex you jumped grabbing his wrist.
“W-wait a second! I don’t even know you!”
You cried and he glared at this, his other hand grabbed yours pinning it to the ground next to you. His hand hung over his shoulders kissing against you as he leaned down. The hand on your sex moved and suddenly he was ripping your dress into shreds ignoring your squeal, you cheeks blood red as his face nuzzled your crotch. His hand let go of yours the grip at your meaty thighs pulling them and forcing them open. You.. let him, biting your lip like the slut you were.
You wanted it, wanted it bad, the coiling in your belly being as strong as his coils around you. You hated to admit it but you couldn’t help it. You watched excitedly and he smirked at you kissing your clit that had still be covered by you panties.
“It’s Ulrio.. (y/n)”
You perked when he spoke your name, shock hitting you in a wave as you went to ask how he knew of you. Before you could though he scooted your panties aside and sunk his tongue all the way into your virgin core making you gasp and grab his hair, long dark locks coloring your thighs as you arched your back off the ground. It was a embarrassing feeling, the way his tongue wiggle, swayed, and tickled your tight pink walls. The squeeze he felt on his tongue making him hiss, any thoughts or questions leaving you that quick.
His nails dig into your thighs as his mouth suddenly engulfed your whole pussy trapping your sensitive hard clit in his heated mouth, saliva running down and over your twitching asshole. Your scent was driving him wild, it was driving him off the edge of self control. He ate you out like his life depended on it listening to your cries and begging. You pleaded for more was your other hand came down pulling him even closer your orgasm crashing over you like a tsunami. You yanked, boots digging hard into the grass as your back arched in a fine bow shape, hair messy against the grass as you creamed into his mouth coating his tongue with the new flavor.
A flavor he quite liked.
Ulrio pulled away when your hands loosened giving him a chance to slip out of your grip. He looked over his handy work as he swallowed. You were a mess and all her did was eat you out. Your skin sweaty, clothes torn, pussy covered in spit and glistening. He panted before placing each of his hands on each side of you catching your attention. You peeked at him, his hair like a curtain around you both as her panted against your lips. You lazily wrapped an arm around his shoulders pulling him down into a heated kiss. His tongue sliding into your mouth and down you throat making you gag a little but also allowed you to taste yourself. Your eyes slid shut as a moan left your lips and then suddenly something big prodded at your entrances.
You looked down freezing when you saw the two large cocks, with wide tips and fleshy ridges, precum oozing out of both the tips. Ulrio chuckled at your reaction kissing you once more, his hand moving down to firmly rub against you clit to distract you from the pain that was soon to come. You let of a shaky moan biting your lip when one of his cocks teased the entrance of your hole making you whine. He growled when he slowly pushed in watching as you dug your nails into his naked back. He knew it hurt but he couldn’t let you get away: you were his now, after all these years.
Your stomach bulge noticeably when he was fully inside, he stilled watching as you body trembled with pain and pleasure. He finally had you! He couldn’t believe it..he had been watching you ever since you were a child, keeping up with your age until now. You had came to him as well, he didn’t have to come to you.
He had you and it was going to stay that way. When you were ready he slowly thrusted watching with love as you let out a long moan.
Finally. You were his.
Aight sorry if it’s a bit short but I had started to get lazy. Ulrio is an oc of mine so I might draw him at some point. Anyway hope you hoes enjoyed it somehow!
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jabbajambler · 3 years
The Mandalorian/Din Djarin x f!OC
Word Count: 2,133
*GIF by @hermit-frog​​*
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         I hummed and reached across the small space of the cot only to find it warm, yet empty. After opening my eyes, I realized that I was left alone in the bed with Din nowhere in sight. There was a sharp pain in my chest of what almost felt like disappointment.
         Why was I disappointed? I shouldn't be surprised, really.
         But did it mean something?
                   Who cares?
         A small whisper in the back of my head told me to leave before this could go too far. Both for his sake and for mine. Din has a code he has to stick to and I don't want to be the reason he breaks it. And me? I shouldn't be staying in one place for too long.
        I can't leave the kid, though. He's strong with the force and barely trained at that. If that energy got into the wrong hands - well, again - there would be complete chaos once more.
        I spent so much time on the run, maybe I was finally safe. Then again, hunters are still after the kid.
        I have to stay here.
         I sat up and pulled myself to the edge of the thin mattress. It was quite possibly the least comfortable thing I have ever slept on, but with Din, I would happily sleep there every night.
         I doubted it would happen again.
         There wasn't much in the belly of the ship. The cot, a little bathroom, lots of guns and ammunition, but nothing personal. Does he even have anything personal? Has he spent his whole life hunting and on the run?
         I guess my life hasn't been much different lately.
         I found the helmeted man sitting peacefully in his pilot's seat, soaring the Razor Crest through the starry skies. Part of me wanted to wrap my arms around him but a louder voice said to just sit down and pretend it never happened. I went with the latter.
         "Good morning." I mumbled quietly. I wasn't sure if I should say anything at all.
          He spun around in the chair, his head cocking to the side as he faced me. "You're up." He spoke with a soft breath. "I was going to come back."
          "Don't worry about it."
         "Oh." My heart cracked at the subtle pain in his voice. "I found another mission."
         "You what?" I spat, rising from my seat.
         "What? It's a small mission with people I used to work with."
         My face was heating up at his nonchalance. "Don't you think we should have talked about this first?"
         "It isn't a big deal. It's a simple mission." He shrugged.
         I scoffed quietly, trying not to get too riled up. Things were going well with us and I didn't want to be the one to ruin it but this was crossing a line.
         "Din, I'm your partner. We're supposed to discuss things like this before agreeing to them. We're putting the child in danger!" I ran my hand through my hair, trying to detangle it from the mess it had become.
         "You're overreacting again."
         "Excuse me?" My eyes grew wide. "I'm overreacting again? When was the other time?"
         "You're always making things about you." He growled "Guess what, Princess? This is my ship and I don't need a partner. You tagged along because you wanted to."
         The wind had been knocked from my lungs and the burning rage that built up inside me felt like fire. Along with it, there was a pain that brought tears to my eyes. I wanted to explode and shout, but I didn't.
         My hands balled into fists, followed by the soft crunch of the armrests of the chair I once sat in. I didn't dare look back at it. Instead, I turned and climbed back down to the living quarters of the ship.
         It was about to be a very long ride to wherever we were going.
         We sauntered down the ramp into the base as far away from one another as possible. It was dark and kind of smelled like rotting fish. I had to try to hold my breath just to escape the horrid stench.
         A fairly large man with long, wild gray hair stood in front of us once we reached the floor. His name was Ran, according to Din. He tried to at least brief me on what he knew.
         "This is going to go very badly." I mumbled, only loud enough for Din to hear.
         "Mando!" The man shouted with a wide, gross grin. "Is that you under that bucket?" He held out his grimy hand towards us. "Hey... Who's the lady?" He sent a wink in my direction.
         It took everything I had not to gag.
         "Ran." Din shook his hand briefly. "This is my partner, Myrah."
         I wanted to be mad at him, but I felt my heart thump when he called me his partner.
         "I didn't really know if I'd ever see you in these parts again. Good to see you." Ran threw his arm around Din's shoulders and led him around the ship while I trailed behind.
         "You know, to be honest, I was a little surprised when you reached out to me." He pulled his arm back and began to slow his pace as he spoke. "You know, 'cause I...I hear things." He paused and looked between us with a cocked brow. "Like, maybe things between you and the Guild aren't workin' out."
         "I'll be fine." Din spoke, his tone cold and stern. After our little visit on Tatooine, I'm sure he wanted nothing to do with the Guild.
         "Okay... Well, you know the policy." Ran threw his hands up in mock surrender and stepped towards us. "No questions. And you... You're welcome back here anytime." He patted his shoulder firmly "Especially with the cute one back there." He laughed, booming and annoying.
         "So what exactly is this job?" I asked and walked to the edge of the old balcony, overlooking the Razor Crest. "Some stupid repairs? That's not exactly what we do."
         Ran chuckled and shook his head, walking closer to me. Now I knew where the fish smell came from. It made me want to vomit.
         "One of our associates ran afoul of some competitors and got himself caught. So, I'm putting' together a crew to spring him. It's a five person job. I got four. All I need is the ride and y'all brought it... and extra."
         Din stepped between Ran and I, something I felt like I would have to thank him for later. "The ship wasn't part of the deal."
         "Well, the Crest is the only reason I let you back in here." He let out a breathy chuckle. "What's the look? Is that gratitude?" He joked. "Uh huh. I think it is."
         I looked up at Din once Ran had walked out of earshot. "I change my mind...This is going to go very badly." I hissed.
         I watched his chest rise as he took a deep breath and nodded, both of us following after the creepy man.
         "Hey, Mayfeld." Ran beamed as we approached a bald man who was working on organizing files.
         "This is Mando, the guy I was tellin' you about. We used to do jobs back when...And this is Myrah. His- uh- partner, I guess."
         "This is the guy?" Mayfeld pointed to Din with his eyebrows knitted together.
         "Yeah, we were all young, tryin' to make a name for ourselves..."
           I stepped closer to Din with my eyes wide. "Are you as old as that guy? Because I swear if you look as rotten as him-"
         "Not by a long shot, Princess." He whispered back.
         We were interrupted by Ran's obnoxious laughter. "Yeah, but runnin' with a Mandalorian, that was... That brought us some reputation."
         "Oh, yeah? What did he get out of it?" Mayfeld practically stared daggers at him. For some reason, he already had some vendetta against us.
         "I asked him that one time." Ran chuckled. "You remember what you said, Mando? Target Practice." Mayfeld laughed but his stare returned shortly after. "Man, we did some crazy stuff, didn't we?"
         "That was a long time ago." Din sighed, trying to get the conversation over and done with.
         "Well, I don't go out anymore. You understand?" Ran explained. "So, uh, Mayfeld, he's gonna run point on the job. If he says it, it's like it's comin' from me... You good with that?"
         Din paused, staring Mayfeld down before answering. "You tell me."
         Ran laughed. Again. I suspect he just thought everything was funny, but Kriff, it was annoying.
         "You haven't changed one bit."
         Oh, if you only knew.
         "Yeah, well, things have changed around here." Mayfeld quickly turned to get back to his work.
         "Mayfeld, he's-" Ran nodded in agreement with himself, "he's one of the best triggermen I've ever seen...Former Imperial sharpshooter."
         I snorted and tried to hold back the laugh that threatened to come out. "That's not saying much."
         "I wasn't a stormtrooper, wiseass." Mayfeld quickly snapped.
         He followed us as we began walking back to the Razor Crest. Apparently we were supposed to be meeting the rest of the team. I guess it wouldn't be so bad to meet some of Din's old pals.
         "Razor Crest?" Mayfeld spoke disgustedly. "I can't believe that thing can fly... Looks like a Canto Bight slot machine." He chuckled and led us around. "Alright, the good-lookin' fellow there with the horns, that's Burg."
         The red, horned man dropped a box and grunted as he glared at us. He was tall and ugly, but he must have some use.
         "This may surprise you, but he's our muscle."
         See? Some use.
         Burg stalked towards Din, standing close to him as though he was sizing him up. "So, this is a Mandalorian..." He grunted. "I thought they'd be bigger."
         Mayfeld chuckled and brought us to a bug-looking droid that held a blaster in its robotic hands. "Droid's name is Zero."
         "I thought you said you had four." Din growled with his focus remaining on the droid. He's never liked the robots.
         "He does." A high-pitched feminine voice spoke up behind us. It was sort of squeaky and in my honest opinion, irritating.
         A purple Twi'lek was slowly approaching us while spinning a knife in her hand. She wore a wicked and borderline suggestive grin. "Hello, Mando..."
         "Xi'an." His voice was breathy.
         Wait a second.
         "Tell me why I shouldn't cut you down where you stand?" She swiftly moved towards him, holding the knife to his throat. He, of course, didn't flinch or move in the slightest.
         "Nice to see you, too."
         Oh, Kriff, don't tell me that this is an ex-girlfriend.
         Xi'an burst out into a squeaky laugh and leaned in towards his helmet. I felt my stomach twist into a knot as I felt an overwhelming urge to rip her away. I'm sure it was just a stomach ache.
         "I missed you...This is shiny." She tapped the blade of her knife against his beskar chest plate and clicked her tongue. "You wear it well." She flirted.
         I felt my nails dig into the palms of my hands. Not enough to break the skin, but enough to leave a sharp indentation.
         "Do we need to leave the room or something?" Mayfeld quipped.
         I could feel a familiar heat rise to my face. Not the normal blissful one that I wish I felt, but an agitated one that made my face twitch.
         "I think we just might." I growled.
         "Well, Xi'an's been a little heartbroken since Mando left our group." Ran spoke up with a shrug.
         "Aw. You gonna be okay, sweetheart?" Mayfeld teased.
         "Oh, I'm all business now." She pointed her knife to Din's helmet with a grin. "Learned from the best."
         I could feel the anger bubble in my chest when Xi'an turned and winked at Din. His warm presence neared me, his helmet leaning down to my ear with a soft chuckle.
         "Is that envy, Princess?"
         I shouldn't be angry but I was angry. Still, his voice made me shiver and grow weak against him.
         In a way, that made me even more mad.
         I spun around to say something, but was interrupted by Burg's towering presence. "Tiny." He laughed and followed after the group.
         I looked over at Din one more time, my face feeling hotter than it did on Tatooine under the bright sun. Any words that I could possibly conjure up didn't seem to come out. I kept my glare steady for a few moments more before I took off after the group.
         And here I thought he was sorry for what happened earlier.
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thisisgarnet · 4 years
Okay, so after years, I’m trying my hand at writing fan fiction.
I would really love anyone’s thoughts on this, and if there are still beta’s that exist in Tumblr’s space interested in taking this journey together- let’s chat!
Albus Dumbledore sighed as he looked up at the destroyed home. Once a small cottage- complete with ancient stained glass windows, crooked chimney and peeling roof- the home was now a scene out of a horrid story book.
The back half of the second story was completely dismantled, with only the framing of one room and a small pile of bricks from what seemed to be an old fireplace still standing. The rest of the building was covered with a thick layer of ash that rendered the home unfamiliar to him, despite the numerous visits he completed in the past year. Once lively with large oak trees and a garden bursting from the fencing, the yard surrounding the home was bare with small embers still lasting on the remaining greeny.
“Professor Dumbledore,” interrupted his thoughts, one of the many wizards in black appeared at his elbow. Albus tried to offer a comforting smile as he noticed the Auror, one of his many former students who had entered the position following their graduation, looked sadly up at him. “The father is upstairs, in what used to be the nursery. The staircase is still stable if you would like to see him. I should warn you though- he’s become almost manic at this point.”
Dumbledore nodding, choosing to ignore the tone of the Auror. “As to be expected at a time like this. Tell me- did you see if the child was with him?”
The Auror nodded, turning quickly as his name was called by his peers from the back half of the yard. Dumbledore offered him a wave to continue, and he started into the home. Met with the debris of former personal artifacts and belongings, Dumbledore carefully navigated to the staircase and tried to softly announce his presence in an attempt not to startle the distressed man.
He found the father sitting quietly in a lone rocking chair, sitting with his back to the staircase. He swayed the chair slowly, whispering to the bundle in his arms. Dumbledore approached and noticed that the wizard was still in a set of travel robes complete with a heavy cloak and hat. Approaching with care, he called out to the man with a tight voice.
“Edward?” The man stopped his movement momentarily in response to his name, but instead of responding to the Professor he kept his head low. “Edward, is she okay? Is the young one harmed?”
Edward turned his head slightly as Dumbledore approached. “No. Scarlett is okay.” Dumbledore sighed in relief, but at hearing the voice of the man and at his answer. Edward went stiff hearing the sound, his body pulling the baby in his arm close to his chest. “My wife, you may ask. What has become of her? She is gone. My wife is gone. But your precious child Dumbledore, the key to your future and your plans- she’s here don’t you worry!” Dumbledore paused his movements, choosing to remain on the far side of the room as Edward’s voice grew louder and louder. “I’m not sure why you’ve even come. You have little concern for my family, constantly seeking only to validate your theories about my child’s magic. You pretended to be our mentor and guide through this, but instead my wife is gone and her blood is on your hands!”
“Edward,” Dumblesdore tried tentatively, “Edward I’m sorry that this has happened. You know I exhausted all attempts of keeping your wife and child safe. There are dark wizards who know of her power-”
“I know!” The man was up on his feet, children pressed deeply to his chest as he screamed, storming away from the Professor and heading toward the remnants of the fireplace before him. “I know! What I don’t understand is how they know this. You were the only one to approach us before she arrived, the only one to experiment after her birth and the only one to know of the power she held. Was it you, who sacrificed my wife? You, knowing the prophecy of a child who grows up without a mother, determined to have Scarlett fit that narrative?!”
Dumbledore sighed again, this time with a shaky breath and a look of pity. “No Edward. I swore to you that Scarlett would not fill the prophecy, that I would protect your family. I tried to provide the resources needed, and I failed. I am sorry.”
Edward’s disgusted glare bored into Dumbledore, tension in his body as he shifted from foot to foot. From the bundle in his hand came a soft cry, straining to be heard over the noise. Edward dropped all notions of anger as his hand flew up to the child, shifting blankets from her face as she cried loudly. He tried to soothe Scarlett, whispering softly and bouncing her in his arms.
Around the room, remaining objects lifted from their spot on the floor. Dumbledore watched as remnants of toys and children books flew towards the father and daughter, each presenting themselves to the pair for consideration. Edward held the infant up towards the flying objects, as if he wanted her to consider her opinion on each item. Finally, from the half burned toy chest came a small stuffed dog, which flew quickly towards the pair and landed softly on top of the child. The crying instantly stopped as Edward tucked the toy between the blankets.
“Is she often choosing her own comfort items?” Dumbledore asked carefully, attempting to avoid another outburst from the man.
“No,” Edward shifted the child in his arm, issuing Dumbledore a look that said he knew exactly what the Professor was asking. “No, she doesn’t. This is new.”
“One should consider… if she’s attempting to help?”
Edward turned away, choosing to return to looking out to his charred yard filled with Aurors searching the grounds. “Yes, maybe. Maybe she knows it’s just the two of us now.”
Dumbledore took a step back, edging his way back to the staircase. “Edward, you should take your time in this space. When you are finished, I will be downstairs with the Minister. We need to relocate you and Scarlett to a safe house for the evening. Tomorrow morning, you can consider accepting my assistance in recreating a home for your family, but we need to protect both you and the child tonight”.
Edward took a moment before nodding softly, turning to face Dumbledore. “Okay Albus. I’ll follow you shortly.” Dumbledore nodded, descending down the staircase to meet with the Minister of Magic. Edward sighed, pulling the child's face to his and rubbing their cheeks together. “It’s just the two of us now Scarlett. And we’ll figure this out.”
Fifteen Years Later
“Padfoot!” Remus' voice ranged sternly through the Hogwarts Express carriage. Peter squeaked in surprise, a chocolate frog slipping out from his fingers and landing on the cabin door. “Get inside!”.
Sirius laughed roughly, returning his upper body and raised middle finger back through the window. “Just saying goodbye to my mum Moody! No need to get jealous.” Remus rolled his eyes as Peter snickered behind his copy of the Daily Prophet. “I know I know, Perfect image and all. Prongs and I have already promised to keep your name out of everything this year. Don’t worry about your shiny badge and new responsibilities.”
Steam filled the window of the train, and with a sudden lurch forward the boys settled back to the familiar clickety-clack. A moment of rare silence passed between the friends before Peter stiffed in his seat.
“Did you see this?” he asked, bending the folds of the newspaper back and pointing to a short article in the bottom corner. James squinted towards the article causing Sirius to bark in laughter.
“Prongs, love, we all know you can’t read—” James threw a pointed look at his friend, followed by a silent Vermiculus Jinx at the tart in his hand. Sirius gagged as worms began forming in his hand. Remus laughed quietly, but Sirius heard and quickly threw the pile into his lap.
“No really,” Peter sat up straighter, pulling the newspaper back to him. “It says that Scarlett Reynolds was seen entering the Ministry of Magic with a trunk this morning. Do you think she’s finally enrolling at Hogwarts this year?”
James tossed his head back in laughter as the pile of worms fell off Remus and onto the floor. “Are you kidding me? She’s not heading here. Wormtail, you know she’s the best kept secret of the Ministry. She can’t just waltz her way into Hogwarts”.
Sirius agreed, “As much as I love the escape to the castle, I’ve always been envied of her freedom. Never having to attend classes, being able to run around with Mad-Eye and the Aurors. Why would she reduce herself to homework and professors?” Sirius laid back onto the seat, his long legs crossing against the wall behind Remus’ head. “And who knows, a trunk can be used to carry a lot of things. Maybe she’s smuggling dead bodies into the Ministry?”
Peter chuckled, folding the paper in half and placing it on the windowsill. “Yea, I guess you're right. There’s no way even she could finagle an acceptance this late. Dumbledore’s never going to let a sixth year with no experience into the school.” Turning back to his friend, he sheepishly asked, “Okay, can we run through this prank for the feast one more time? I’ve already forgotten my cues.”
The boys sighed dramatically, but James lowered himself to the floor with crossed legs, pulling the Marauder's Map from his back pocket. Sirius quickly launched into a spiel about Wormtail needing to pull his weight more that Remus couldn’t be tied to their shenanigans and soon the three teenagers were engrossed into their planning.
Remus carefully retrieved the Daily Prophet from the windowsill, folding the pages to read the article Peter had pointed out.
Travel Plans for Ministry’s Favorite?
Seen entering the Ministry of Magic this afternoon was wizarding world’s favorite Scarlett Reynolds. Trotting behind her father with a floating trunk, the sixteen year old looked ready to board our beloved Hogwarts Express. Of course Daily Prophet readers know that the teenager had been excused from formal education and instead has received tutoring directly from the Auror Department Head Alastor Moody in lieu of joining her peers in the classroom. The father-daughter duo avoided all questions about the interesting choice of baggage, instead choosing to remind the Daily Prophet journalist about the restricted area provided for all press within the Ministry. This story is developing, so check back to the paper for any automatic updates…
Shit, Remus whispered to himself, folding the paper up with a little too much aggression. I thought she was supposed to ride in with Lily this morning. Mad-Eye’s going to have a field day about this…
“Moody?” James asked from his stop hovering over the map. Sirius was still delivering directions to Peter with a determined passion that caused his arms to wave frantically. “You okay?”
“Yea, I’m okay,” Remus said to his friend with a smile. “I’m just going to go find Lily to report to the Prefect meeting. You all continue without me- you know the less I know the less Finch can get after he drugs me with Veritaserum.”
James' eyebrows shot up immediately, but he visibly tried to keep his cool. “Oh you’re going to see Evans… about Prefect things… of course, of course.” Remus rolled his eyes but silently thanked Merlin that the distraction worked. “You know, I hope she’s doing well. It’s been a long summer. I hope she’s doing well.”
Sirius sighed dramatically from his spot, still laying on the seat. “What he’s really asking Moody is will she ask about me?”
“Can you tell her I said hi?” Peter mimicked.
“Let me know if she looks any different? How does her sweater look? Snugged?”
“Has she been thinking about me?!” James threw an arm out to whack Sirius in the stomach and in the chaos of their tussling Remus slipped out the door of the carriage.
It was only a few minutes after the truce called between Sirius and James that Remus reappeared, this time with Lily in tow. Upon her arrival, James stood up quickly from his crossed leg position on the floor, promptly whacking his head on the trunk shelving above.
“Bloody hell!” he attempted to exclaim quietly as Peter and Sirius snickered. Unlike the four boys, Lily was already dressed in her school robes, complete with Prefect pin showcased on her right lapel. Her hair had gotten longer over the summer, James noted as his vision slowly came into focus. Other than the long layers of ginger falling over her shoulder, she looked just the same. He stepped closer to her, eyes wide and smile unflattering as he greeted her, “Alright Evans?”
Lily on the other hand was terribly distracted from James, her eyes following Remus as he made his way through the cabin of flailing legs and arms to the windowsill. James stepped into her view of Remus, taking her silence as a motion to continue their conversation and attempting to fit as many words as possible in before she turned away. “It’s just so great to see you! How was your summer? How was Petunia? I know she’s not always been the kindest, but I hope you were able to still enjoy your time off —“.
Suddenly, terribly overwhelmed by the slowness of Remus’ motion and overwhelmed by the attention James was demanding, Lily’s hand shot up to press on either side of James’ face. She looked up at him, taking a slow breath as if to center herself on his feature. James blicked down at her a few times, shocked by the sudden contact. She let herself smile at him, “Yes. Hello Potter. I had a wonderful summer, thank you for asking. I hope you had a nice one as well.” As quickly as she reached up to him, she released his face and turned suddenly to Remus, “Sorry, are you quite ready to review… Prefect things?”
Remus smiled, both at Lily’s odd behavior and James’ dreamy smile that filled his feature. “Yes, let’s go”, he said, stepping back through the crowded carriage and pulling the door quickly behind him. Once they were gone, James turned back to his friends with the same stupid grin, causing Sirius to groan.
“Oh Wormtail, be prepared. This is what we’re going to hear about for the next hour.”
Once outside the carriage, Lily snatched the paper out of Remus’ hand, carefully rereading the same article. “Melin!” she whispered, smacking the paper into her hand once finished. “When she didn’t make it to the train this morning, I knew something had to have gone wrong.”
“I know, I know,” Remus pinched the bridge of his nose, shaking his head. “I have no idea if she’s going to make it to the feast at this rate. And you heard what Moody said- if she can’t make this work-”
“- then she can’t come at all,” Lily finished. She looked out the window at the speeding landscape of the villages they passed. “Let’s just hope Scarlett can make it work”.
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jefferoni-quotes · 4 years
Stalling Expulsion
Hey, gems! This is my day 13 of @hamiltonholidaycalendar ! I’m super excited and really proud of this. Sorry if the endings a bit rushed, I ran out of time,,,
Rated: Teen Audiences
TW: Mentions of violence, drugs, death
Whistled tones whipped down the halls of the large country boarding school, as wind teased the maroon common room curtains through extravagant glass windows. Crumpled currant toned bed drapes lined the circular boys dormitory, and the posts hung bed curtains which were open and crinkled. Clothes lay strewn across the old hickory wood floors, a mix of old socks, pyjama pants and unwanted shoes. The whole school had gathered in the great hall for breakfast, all but four. They were huddled in the dormitory bathroom, slinking around waiting for first class.
The eldest being sixteen years old, tall and broad, yet far from the most responsible. The youngest was a lanky French boy, who had recently become fifteen. The other two were also fifteen, but one not far off his sweetest sixteen. None of which were very responsible when it came to fun. Smarts, well, you may suppose they contained some sort of brain-cell. Although it appeared to bounce around their head like a DVD screensaver. You may even conclude, that the four shared a brain-cell, taking single turns on it like small children sharing a piano.
The oldest of them all was the one whistling, he was tweeting a soft tune, one that seems to be without meaning or purpose, but instead one you may subconsciously commit yourself to when bored.
Smallest of them, a boy who had his fifteenth a simple month before, tightened his ponytail and swiped a sniffle from his nose. Perhaps skipping breakfast in favour of hanging around like a gang of uneducated delinquents wasn't their best plan, but at the very least they had learned not to do it again. Not that he ever planned to admit his wrong doing.
One boy, who bore a curled ponytail that hung low, sat on a sink, his back against the wall and his feet in the porcelain bowl of it. He piped up with a skip in his voice, "why did we skip morning meal again?" He inquired in his distinct North-Carolinian accent, as his stomach growled angrily at him. He was missing out on his wake up food of three slices of buttered toast and a pile of breakfast potatoes and his body was not overjoyed.
"Because we don't want to be around Jefferson, Jackie," the smallest replied, sinking down. Jackie was not the boys birth name, but instead a curious nickname gifted to him by his closest of friends. The boy who has spoken had his back pressed against the wall, and he crossed his legs as he sat.
"You know," the French boy started, "I don't really see the problem you all 'ave with Thomas," he shrugged and continued leaning against a stall.
The whistling abruptly came to a close, and all heads turned to look at him. "Dude, he's horrible," the eldest started, "like, do you see the way he acts around Alex? He treats him like some sort of dirty scum he found on the bottom of his polished boots."
"The reason he hates me is even worse! Just because I don't have rich parents to go crawling back to for Christmas. He acts like I'm a dirty spot that he doesn't want to touch. Like... Like I'm food at the bottom of the sink, ya know!" Alexander explained, gesticulating as he did so. John, the student who had been nicknamed 'Jackie', leapt from his resting place in the washing basin and patted Alexander on the back gently in a friendly attempt to calm him down. "Sorry for yelling, Laf... It's just... He bugs me so much."
Lafayette shrugged his shoulders, his wine red blazer - part of his uniform forming creases as he did. "I mean, he's targeting you because you're an orphan, non?" Alexander nodded as a silent agreement and response, "well, 'e doesn't know that I am too."
"I completely forgot about that, Laf!" The broad-shouldered, tall boy examined a little too loudly. He found himself being bombarded by rushed hushing. "Sorry, guys," he rubbed the back of his neck bashfully.
Lafayette rolled his eyes. "Stop apologising, 'Ercules, we know you mean no 'arm," he assured and patted Hercules' shoulder.
"If I meant no harm, then why am I here?" Hercules sighed and shrunk into himself. The other three went quiet, they couldn't answer.
The boarding school was technically called, 'Fredrick's School for Troubled Teens and Youngsters,' but everyone just called it, 'School for Annoying Pricks and Rich Dicks.'
Everyone who attended had been removed from public school for one preposterous thing or another. An assortment, ranging from fights to skipping school to just becoming a general nuisance.
Hercules Mulligan had been previously expelled from three schools, for fighting three people and hospitalising two of them. His reputation was ruthless and cutthroat, not afraid to start an attack at any moment. However, he was simply a big softy.
Alexander Hamilton had been ostracised from his school for arguing with the professor, who promptly frog-marched him to the head master, to whom he fought against once more. He was told to leave and not come back after referring to his head master as, "a pompous fool, detecting the frivolous minds of easy moldable youngsters to bend them to his will."
John Laurens was excommunicated from Church, and from his very Catholic school when they discovered his homosexuality. His father had disowned him from home and sent him off to the 'School for Annoying Pricks and Rich Dicks,' in the hopes that it would, "return him to his Godly roots and strip him of his male desires for other men." His father, Henry Laurens had accepted the concept that sending him to a school where he would spend 99% of his time with guys and had imagined that it would 'fix' his brain into lusting over women.
And then there was Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Mortier, Marquis de Lafayette. His exclusion was a momentous occasion. His head mistress had discovered the acute, shimmering pocket knife in his satchel, after demanding a look as another child had accused him of threatening him with said weapon. The child had ridiculed his younger brother who had sadly passed away just mere weeks before. So yes, maybe he should've been thrown out of school for that. He goes back and forth, contemplating if what he did was incredibly illegal or, in fact, the right thing to do.
The four knew fine well why the other people were tossed from school, however, no one else knew anything about no one. Asking why another person was attending the boarding fortress was distinctly taboo. Like a horrid, violent invasion of protected privacy. Only if the student felt astonishingly close to you, and trusted you with their life and prized possession would they ever confine in you the reason they attended Fredrick's.
Another point, everyone came from privileged backgrounds, that were somehow ruined. Lafayette had rich parents before they died, and then he had a rich uncle. Then he was rich. John’s parents had piles of money, and then they disowned him. Alexander was fairly middle class, and then their debt skyrocketed when his father abandoned him and his mother passed in his arms. And then there was Hercules. The other three spoke much more articulated than him. He just simply couldn’t. He wasn’t from a bad family, but they most certainly weren’t the most educated they could be.
"Listen, Herc," Alexander inexorably spoke up, offering comfort, "we're all here for one reason or another! I called my professor a sithering idiot, and them the head master a pompous fool, John's gay and Laf, hell, Lafayette threatened someone's life. Lets be honest, we all deserve to be here," he peered up at Laurens, who had retaken his position of roosting on the sink, "apart from Jackie, obviously."
John defended himself and chortled. "Hey, I'm not complaining. Before I had to listen to homophobic slurs all day, now, I can simply be a homo every hour."
Hercules' solid frown tweaked, and he turned to laughter. "Okay, okay, fair enough," He lifted his arms up before slumping them down, "you got me."
"Yeah we did," Lafayette nudged Hercules harshly, which earned him a shove back.
His toast lay burnt and uneaten, and half a sausage rolled around his plate depressingly. A metal fork was lazily tossed by his tray, and the red paper napkin was scrunched up on his plate. His seat was barren now, as was the one across from him.
Reticent nattering echoed all over the spiral staircase as two boys clambered upwards towards their shared dorm. Their room was home to eight boys, all of which they both hated, except for each other and one pupil, a young male Aaron Burr from New Jersey and Thomas supposed that Lafayette wasn’t too awful.
Thomas pushed the oak dormitory door open with a dig. He went on speaking, but was silenced by his friend flapping his hand in front of his face. "James-"
"Shush! Can't you hear that?" James spoke, "there's people here..."
Muffled exclamations voiced themselves from behind the bathroom gateway. Thomas crept over and pressed his ear up to the carved antique door as every ounce of his sixteen year old attention span focusesd in on eavesdropping.
There was a blast of flat laughter that exploded from the room, and he furrowed his eyebrows. “What are they saying?” James breathed serenely as he watched Thomas run his fingers over the door handle.
“Quiet, Jemmy,” Thomas instructed in a low voice, “they’re talking now.”
A despicably mocking articulation voiced itself from beyond the door. “Oh yes, I mustn’t! For I shall mess us my sheep’s wool hair! No! Do not touch that! It was sent to me from a Gucci store from my father!” It was in a false Southern accent.
“Holy crap, Laf! I don’t like how much that sounds like him!” The familiar boisterous tones of Hercules Mulligan exploded out the cracks in the door. “Okay, okay, John your shot.”
He heard the rambunctious crackling of knuckles, and a clearing of throats. “Hello, y’all! Rootin’ tootin’! I’m from the fucking South where the grass grows green and I’m better than y’all! Because I’m Jefferson, and I hate you if you don’t have a rich father!”
James, who had been tuned in to the harmful conversations past the door, soared upwards towards him. “Tommy, don’t-“ he muttered harshly. James had been friends with Thomas since the very beginning, he had been there to witness every hardship and every tantalising moment where the world stopped spinning. He was by the teens side throughout each adversity, and would comfort his best friend without exception.
Yet Thomas didn’t listen. He shoved the door open unceremoniously, the sheer force blowing a gust towards the bed drapes. His stance remained strong and rigid as four pairs of brown and hazel sprinkled eyes darted towards him. With the pupils that burned into his skull, from both in front of him, and James who had settled behind him, Thomas composed himself. He ran a hand through his hair before taking it upon himself to stride back to his bed.
His lips remained stuck together as if to be two birds of a single feather. Alexander looks at his friends, and they rise from their resting places, stiff joints cracking like grandmas getting up from their nap in an armchair. Their stomachs rumble hungrily, screaming for nutrients, but they push past it to ignore it. James looks back at his accomplice, who is rummaging through a antiquated, walnut duffle-bag. He can see Thomas’ look of determination as he pulls his hand from the storage unit and wanders back to the bathroom, past the gang who was previously been loitering in the room. In his hand, is a egg-shell painted cardboard packet of sorts, and a rectangular glass lighter. The lighter is black as a cold winters night, and Thomas carries these into the bathroom with him.
“Thomas!” James exclaimed as he spotted the two items. One of the many reasons Thomas was at the boarding school. The bathroom door slammed closed and the all too familiar sound of a clicking lighter.
The four friends glance at each other, sharing a mutual moment of what the hell is happening, as James pounds on the oak door. “Thomas, I swear to god, open the door. I won’t let you do this again!”
“What’s going on?” Alexander hissed from the corner of his mouth. His dashing attempt to be inaudibly failed, as a result of his naturally vociferous voice it failed. Madison’s head rotated to face the not-so-fantastic four with a choleric grimace.
Lafayette opened his mouth to begin explaining, yet no words escaped. Only a brief swept of breath as he fidgeted with his own fingers, bending them in ways that really shouldn’t be possible.
“Why were you talking about him?” James spoke softly, as if the delinquents were toddlers who needed to be lulled off into slumber.
Alexander shifted on his heels. Why this small student was so intimidating fascinated him. James was always a perpetually timid youngster. Someone who sat at the very back of the class, head constantly bent down over his work, hunched and tired. Yet now, his eyes glimmered with rage and every inch of his body shook with unsheathed emotional torment.
“We-“ Alexander started with confidence, but trailed off quickly into inaudible - protecting himself - mumbling.
James rattles his knuckles off the door again. "I won't let you get expelled from another school!" He exhaled and fiddled with the handle. "Just, open the door... We can talk about this." He grovelled desperately. The door handle moved, and Thomas deliberated from behind the gateway. As the wood cracked open, James spread into a grin.
Thomas exhaled smoke downwards, blowing it down to the very depths of hell. "What?"
"You're smoking," John observed with a light shudder. He planted himself on Alexanders bed, tugging at the wrinkled sheets and grasping for the cream pillow, for the scarlet cover of the cushion had been stripped from it, and thrown somewhere across the room, it had been missing for days. Alex theorised that Thomas had disposed of it out the window, or in a garbage can in the main courtyard. Either way, Alexander and the students residing within that dormitory were lucky that a staff member hadn't inspected their room just yet. If it was found that articles of bedding had been cascaded like dirty wash paper then a worthy punishment would be awarded.
“Am I?!” Thomas took the lot cigarette away from his lips and glared at it. His eyes narrowed, “am I really!?”
“Yo, there’s no need to talk to him like that!” Hercules piped up with a stare. “He didn’t do nothin’ to you,” he spat.
Thomas rolled his eyes and took another quick puff of the cigarette before disposing of it in a sink, and running the cold water tap. “Yeah, he said nothing sure.
“Stop,” Alexander insisted, beginning to rise. He observes as Thomas struts into the dorm and throws his cigarettes packet and lighter onto his bed, before dropping down on James'.
Lafayette hastily crept over to beside Thomas and sighed. "My apologies, Thomas," he confessed, "it was wrong of us to... Eh.... Talk bad about you." He stumbled over his words, a bit like a newborn calf taking its first wobbly steps.
"I'm like, 99.99% sure smoking really breaks school guidelines," Hercules chimed in, twittering away in the congregated background.
"Yeah? Why else do you think I'm here? Because I want to be?" Thomas jeered, messing with his hair absentmindedly.
"Well, because your family bathes in pots of melted gold and dines on silver platters served by their monkey butler," Alexander prompted immediately, the words sliding off his tongue like venom before he could halt them.
Thomas and James scoffed in unison. "I'm here because I was expelled for drug use," the jaws fell to the old floors, "weed, mostly. Over the counter painkillers and anti depressants. That sort of stuff, ya know?" He shrugged, so nonchalantly.
“Drugs?!” John exclaimed in utter shock. “How did you even get a hold of them?!”
“Well,” Thomas gridlocked in his tracks, hitting the breaks on his brain, “why am I telling you this?” He sneered at himself, fanning his face in his own stupidity.
“Because... you want someone else to trust?” James mumbled, “other than me...”
Thomas’ face fell and he grit his teeth in annoyance as he came to terms with James’ unsettling words. He ran a tattered hand through his mop of sheep's wool. He remained mute and simply made a random hand gesture.
“James,” Hercules breathed and was quiet for one of the first time ever. Or ever since the others had met him, “why’d you get sent here? What’s the deal?” They all gasped, the taboo had been broken, and Hercules graced his eyes around the room, his pupils widening with terror. “Wait, no! I didn’t- it’s... it’s just, you don’t seem like the person to be sent to Annoying Pricks and Rich Dicks school.”
Madison blinked rapidly in thought. “No, no, it’s fine...” he took a large inhale, “I was bullied a lot... and one day I just... flipped. I attacked them when they followed me to class through the halls. The kid got away with a slap on the wrist and I was expelled. Then sent here...”
“Yeah, just after I was expelled, James came after me. Missed me that much?” Thomas chortled, stretching his arms and for just a moment, his arms and head placement made him look vaguely like a cactus in the dry Arizona sun.
“Not really, class was much quieter. I did lose my only protection though, because someone decided to get high on marijuana in the boys bathroom!” James really emphasised each syllable of the word, ‘someone.’
Thomas frowned lamentably. His sighs echoed around the room. “In fairness!” He stopped, “I actually can’t justify it. I was just being stupid and impulsive okay?”
Alexander cackled away loudly in the back before taking enough initiative to muffle it with his hand.
“Oh you can’t laugh, ‘amilton! You swore your professor out!” Lafayette teased with a snicker and Hercules let out a soft, ‘ohhh!’ punctuating Lafayette’s words.
“Yeah? And you whipped a knife on someone!” Alexander yelled back playfully. Hercules continued to laugh.
“Oh, shut up, ‘Erc! You can’t say anything! Two people in ‘ospital who?” Lafayette jerked, progressively getting himself more and more worked up. His cheeks were glowing a lipstick red and his eyes darkened with fury.
“‘Two people in hospital, who?’” Hercules mocked in a false French accent. It was awfully stereotypical, and fake as hell. But it annoyed Lafayette to the point where he leapt from his bed and pointed pressingly in his best friends direction.
“Lay off!” John jumped up and separated the two with his arms. “Okay! We all did things wrong, like... I disappointed god!” John beamed with a singsong voice, pleading to cheer those up.
“Disappointed god?” Thomas questioned pressingly, his voice ripe with curiosity.
“I was kicked from Catholic school for my ‘deadly homosexuality that could infect others’.” John chortled and moved away from Lafayette and Hercules, adjusting to the fact that the tension in the room was still thick enough to be sliced with a knife.
“Oh damn,” James whispered mistily to himself, scratching at a scab in his forehead, located just about his right ear.
Alexander rolled his eyes. “Oh no! I’ve been infected by the gay!” He yelled and Thomas exploded with laughter. It made Alex smile, and realise that Thomas, in fact, had a nice, boisterous chuckle.
“You can’t pray away the gay,” Hercules spoke in his often loud voice, smirking for the world to see once more.
“We can sure as hell try!” Lafayette knelt on his bed and placed his hands in a prayer motion. “Be gone, homo!”
John fell backwards dramatically and flopped to the floor. His hand touched his forehead as if fainted.
Alex snorted.
The dormitory door clanged with the pound of a fist. “Get to class, boys!” The familiar booming and authoritative tone of Head Master Washington exploded into the dorm.
“Sorry, Mr Washington!” Alexander apologises with a grit of his teeth.
“Suck up,” Thomas mouths and stands, leaving with James hot on his polished heels.
Lafayette stood and nodded towards the ajar door. “Wanna go hang in the courtyard?”
“And risk getting detention?” Hercules scoffed, “obviously.”
“Let’s fucking go!” John exclaimed, picking up his boots and shoving them on his feet.
From the slightly open door they could hear a yell. “Thomas, I swear to god!” And then the muffled reply, ‘what? She despises both of us, let’s just hang out in the courtyard!’
“Sounds like someone else is thinking about skiving class!” Lafayette sniggered, hoisting the door wide open and heading out. “Coming?” Hercules nodded and rushed after him.
Alexander stuck his fist in the air and clapped. “Anything to skip Mrs Reynolds class!”And they ran down the stairs, leaping down the stairs two or three at a time. It was dangerous.
And they loved it.
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yukippe · 4 years
you will have memories because of what we did back then
ginny doesn’t think twice about going back to school.
so she does.
it starts on a summer day. things always start in the summer - is it the humidity? is it the magic boiling underneath the skin of all the underage students away from school?
but which summer day did it start? the summer day when ginny’s eldest brother was married? the summer day when her ex boyfriend was born and a prophecy twanged? The summer day when the boy from the second year diary got his hogwarts letter?
the summer she spent in a sickly house in london with a runaway convict and a mishmash resistance?
the summer before her seventh year she had five brothers - she had six once, and she’ll dream of having six one day - and all five of them told her to be safe. (the sixth did too, the one she pretended wasn’t hers. he sent her a letter that said to be safe, that told her to think about homeschool for her last year. she burned it.)
she didn’t listen to any of them. one brother had already joined the cause, one was recruiting in foreign countries, two more were doing their own type of resistance, one with laughter. the last had known it would come to this since his first year when he became the best friend of the boy-who-lived. her parents are happy to think of at least one of their children at school. they’ll try to wrestle her out of it throughout the term.
ginny goes back to school. she has her own cause to keep alive.
there were children born before the last war - or the first part of this one - and they’re mostly grown now. there were children born during the war, and they’re the ones fighting this one. and then there’s her. ginevra weasley. the first weasley child to be born to peace.
but was she?
she’s done five years of school. her sixth doesn’t really count as schooling, per say. in her first she’s possessed, in her second dementors move into her school, in her third a death eater takes the face of her defense teacher and a boy dies, in her fifth the ministry took their turn and carved scars into her hands and she joined a militia her boyfriend ran and she snuck into the department of mysteries and another man died and she dueled with her life on the line for the first time.
peace seems impossibly far away. peace feels like another fairytale from a barely there childhood. she remembers her years tucked away. with all six brothers, and two parents safe. but, even then every holiday there were two missing spots at the dinner table for a different set of troublemaking twins she never got to meet.
she is supposed to be the first set of children born in peace. they forget that for children to live in peace you have to defeat more than just the bogeyman - the parents must defeat their own demons before they fight off their children.
on the first of september there is only one redheaded weasley waiting to board a train. in her brother’s bed at home sleeps a ghoul sick with spattergroit. every other brother sleep in homes with walls of fidelus charms.
did you hear about-yes that's her-wait is he coming this year-huh?-wands taken-filthy mudb-death eaters teachi-weren’t there always look at sna-headmaster??him??
the last weasley left sees a blonde willowy girl and a stocky brown haired boy waiting in the crowds. she doesn’t meet their eyes, not yet. first she finds the firsties. it’s easy enough to spot them, the few that have made it to the platform this year have nervous parents holding their hands.
she finds them, shakes parent’s hands, loads trunks, brushes hair back. then she tells them all a secret.
a little girl with two black braids stares up at her, a cat napping in her arms. ginny gives her a chocolate frog and whispers, “if anything happens go to gryffindor tower and ask for fawkes.”
the girl repeats back the words, “i’m looking for fawkes, please.” they smile and the girl squeezes her hand and as ginny goes to leave the compartment luna’s there waiting with a dark skinned girl with a pink pygmy puff.
ginny stands next to luna and they watch as the firsties sit next to each other. they practice saying a word, quietly. they whisper, “i’m looking for fawkes, please.” back and forth. ginny’s toes are turning cold. luna grabs her hand and when the firsties start talking about which house they’re dreaming for the two walk away. neither will be sorted into gryffindor, as long as they listen to the warnings they were given when they got onto the train.
the house of the brave isn’t safe this year.
they say it’s hard to leave school because you spend most of your life in it. before ginny turned eleven she went to the muggle school down in the muggle town. she learned her maths and how to play muggle sports and ate her snacks and when she came back her dad quizzed her on everything she learned.
muggle primary school was a different kind of magic than hogwarts, looking back. it had been safe.
on her first day of sixth year, ginny goes to the welcoming feast and when one of the carrows, one of her new teachers, passes by he spits on her. neville wipes it off with his napkin and seamus sets his on fire to make her smile. she does, because she’s a target. It means she shouldn’t have to play safe. she’s never been any good at that.
there are three gryffindor firsties. a boy and two girls. parvati and lavender each sit a girl next to them and tell them jokes. colin creevey shows the boy how to work a camera after he makes sure the boy eats enough.
gryffindor is a long, empty table. four seventh years, five sixth years, four fifth years, seven third years, two second years and three firsties. twenty five lions in robes of gold and red in the entire hall. they all sit at the end of the table, closest to the door and farthest from the professors that are a little too hard to trust this year.
the fall semester does it’s best to bruise.
there is a boy with a scar and two friends by his side that are on the run. they’ve been on the run since the summer. since a wedding with two kisses - one from the bride and groom and one between a boy prophesied to die and his best friends sister. the first kiss was a beginning. the second was an end. i open at the close. the boy sleeps in forests and hunts bits and pieces of souls that sing like the one in his skull. he dreams of green light, and his friends dressed in red, and a mentor with half-moon glasses falling off the astronomy tower, and running through the ministry to see his godfather slip into an archway he can’t walk back through. sometimes, maybe, he dreams of the kiss. the goodbye kiss? or the kiss in the common room, after their win? or all the ones in between? or maybe not.
sprout sits down her ravenclaws and her gryffindors and breathes deep. once. twice. then she begins. the sixth years learn different things this year. they learn how to grow walls, how to set traps, which plants can kill, which plants will heal, the type of things you can find in forests that are safe to eat if you were to find yourself camping - or on the run.
this year herbology is a class on how to survive. neville longbottom stands by her side and tells his friends with forests have the best trees to climb to hide in, and which ones have streams with clean water, and which ones they shouldn’t try because the risk is too big. at the end of class sprout watches him sink into a seat next to his two closest friends and they all hold each others glove covered hands. sprout lets them be and brings her third years to a different greenhouse.
when she leaves neville sinks further into his seat. ginny watches him and thinks, what if i hadn’t come back?
romilda vane screams in her sleep. she wakes ginny up at least once a week. There’s only one other girl in their dorm room, and she charms her curtains quiet. ginny knows the spell, but at least one thing that her mum tried to ram into her head stuck, when people are hurting you help.
ginny and winky have come to a hot chocolate smuggling contract. if ginny calls for her at night winky brings her three mugs with cocoa and marshmallows. one for vane, one for ginny and one for winky. when vane wakes up there's something there to cheer her up, and winky catches ginny up on the gossip she’s heard. she writes it down because she won’t be able to remember it to tell to neville later otherwise.
winky hears what the hufflepuffs whisper when they sneak down to the kitchens, her eyes happen to glance over the notes the ravenclaws pass when she cleans their rooms and the slytherins talk freely in front of her, spilling their secrets without care, for, what difference does a house elf make if they hear something?
“the carrow’s are going to start practicing unforgivables,” winky passes along. ginny’s skin seems to tighten, just at the thought of the cruciatus. she thinks of neville at christmas, visiting his parents. she thinks of the lightning scar on her ex-boyfriends forehead. she thinks of the death eater in year 3 who made her backflip over a desk. ginny drinks her hot chocolate, thanks winky, and waits for vane to wake up.
little maddie jordan, ravenclaw 3rd year, whispers a secret into luna lovegood’s ear on october 3rd. by october 7th every da member at hogwarts knows the first password of potterwatch. river remarks on a beautiful first turnout over the airwaves. ginny sinks into the cushions of a conjured red couch in the room of requirement, neville and luna’s arms wrapped around her and she bites her lip as she hears riot advertise weasley’s wizard wheezes. it’s one thing to know your brothers are fighting in a war while you do your best to mind your business at school. it’s another to hear them help their best friend read off a list of the dead.
in her very first year at hogwarts ginny tried writing in a diary. she had a terrible encounter with a piece of tom riddle’s soul and at the young age of eleven was possessed. one of the horrid things her tiny first year self was forced to do was right terrible things in blood on walls. on every wall she once stained her hands red defacing with voldemort’s words, she now covers in bright gold paint with a new set of words.
luna gets the idea the third week into school and neville finds them the paint and ginny picks the walls. the three of them cloak themselves in disillusionment spells and write their messages during the witching hour. with gold flecks in her hair and splotches on her clothes, ginny beams up at her walls. now, she feels like she’s come back to school for a reason.
kids come asking in the morning, only a few are dumb enough to ask one of them directly, most of them know by now to ask friends who will ask friends who will ask friends. hannah abbott sits next to neville two mornings later with a list of hufflepuffs ginny watches lily cho show luna a charming doodle, when luna shows it to ginny later she sees that the lines of the sunflower are done with names of ravenclaws from first to seventh year that would like to try their hands at fighting back.
the gryffindors pass her notes in class, or come up to her in the common room with shy smiles, or catch her on the quidditch pitch. by the end of the week twenty three of the twenty five lions at hogwarts have their names written in neville’s record book in the room of requirement.
on halloween three little boys with ties of yellow and black knock on gryffindor tower and ask for fawkes. a group of upper year boys in robes trimmed in green and silver practiced unforgivables on them in front of professors. parvati and lavender wrap them up in blankets and romilda vane sneaks down to the kitchens with her friends to fetch hot chocolate.
ginny weasley and neville longbottom won’t hear about this until the next day. they are a little bit busy trying to steal the sword of gryffindor with luna lovegood.
the sword is on display. it’s in a rectangular glass box, on display as if it’s a piece of art or really special relic in a museum. the sword is ancient and all, but something about it makes ginny’s skin crawl. the last time she saw that thing, she was half dead and it was in the hands of harry potter, stabbing a diary and a basilisk and filling her lungs with air again.
the sword of gryffindor shouldn’t be in the hands of snape. luna grabs her hand and squeezes it, luna’s practically got a seventh sense for knowing when ginny’s out of sorts. ginny takes a deep breath and nods. the three of them are still standing in the doorwar, right in front of the stupid eagle that let them off. ginny steps forward, pulling luna with her to stand in front of the sword.
“so,” ginny asks. “how do we get this pointy bastard out of here?”
luna smiles at her, “we could ask the paintings if there’s a key or spell, but then we’d have to wake them up after we went through all the trouble of charming them to sleep.”
ginny looks up at the walls of slumbering former headmasters. normally, theres at least ten or so blatantly eavesdropping, but luna wove some fancy spell to keep any of them from reporting back to snape. “hey neville,” she says. “any ideas?”
there’s no answer for a few seconds. ginny turns back to see neville staring, almost frozen, at the glass case with gryffindor’s sword. “nev?” luna asks.
“are you sure that the paintings can’t see or hear us?”
“as sure as a wringlesquitz.”
Neville nods. Then he walks up to the glass case, lifts up the broom he’d been carrying and smashes it nice and hard against the glass. luna and ginny jump back a bit and then the ringing starts in her ears. oh. fuck. the three of them meet eyes and then ginny lunges forward and picks up the sword. it doesn’t feel quite right, but she ignores it. luna spots a window and the three of them race over to it. ginny pulls her broom out of her pocket and luna enlargens it and they both jump on. neville moves to open the window when the eagle crows at the other end of the room.
fuck. snape’s caught them in the act.
that night while three badgers are fed and have their wounds wrapped the three students that told them to ask for fawkes are stuck doing detention in the forbidden forest.
they’d been dragged out of snape’s office with nothing but detention in the forbidden forest with hagrid. it should be more. even before snape was revealed to actually be the worst and one of voldemort’s followers, his detentions had always been laced with a level of cruelty. luna holds her and neville’s hands and asks hagrid about the different creatures in the forest. it almost feels as if it’s not a detention at all.
they chose fawkes as the firsties password because the da had died with sirius black. but this year it had to come back. it had to come back to keep the first years safe and to keep some sort of light left on hogwarts. hogwarts has always been a castle with walls to keep those inside safe from the outside. this year, and all the years ginny could remember to be honest, the sickness and evil came from teachers. ginny hadn’t known dumbledore very well, but his death should mean something. his name did mean something.
few people knew the name of dumbledore’s phoenix. ginny knew because the bird had helped save her life when she was eleven, hopefully it would help save all the eleven year olds at hogwarts this year, too.
in november the da starts having meetings again. thirty badgers, twenty eagles, and all but two of the lions at hogwarts find themselves in the room of requirement. two slytherins have been given the rings neville made up from some strange plant. the snakes have their names written up in neville’s list of records and every da member knows not to hex them too bad, but it’s not safe for them to be up here. to know everything.
not one member has to walk through the school like they once did in ‘95. neville’s asked for passageways to every common room, ones that only he or luna or ginny can open. the passageways are a little too short to make sense, but their existence is already nonsensical enough. ginny asked luna about it once, when neville first requested them and the room bowed over to fill his every want.
“oh, but gin it’s magic,” luna smiled, her freckles sparkling in the candle light. “it doesn’t have to make sense unless we really want it too.”
the castle is cold, so neville asked for the room to be warm like the greenhouses still are. the room gave him glass walls fogged up too much for anyone to see what lies behind. during the day sunlight bleeds in and lights up the room, at night candles line the walls and lamps hang in convenient spots and a fireplace is found burning low.
the floor was hard and stone, so neville asked for cushions and sofas and more. when the three of them started falling asleep over plans they woke up to blankets covering them and pillows beneath their heads. luna teaches neville how to embroider the nicest ones when nev’s too stressed to get more work done. ginny tries to tidy up the cushions a bit and sleep the floors and water the plants neville drags in.
by the time the da makes its way in, the room’s started to be a bit of a home. everyone helps move the furniture to the walls, the walls that seem to have expanded once everyone trickled in, and they plop all the first years who’ve used their passwords onto the hammocks and ply them with exploding snap and quidditch books. and then they plan, and practice and breathe.
by midway through november another ten students have found their way into the room and susan bones has gone and named this version of the room fawkes’ nest. the name prompts some of the fourth years into helping the first years do a big mural of the phoenix himself on one of the stone walls.
neville tells luna and ginny one night, after they’ve seen all the other students back to their common rooms, that the room’s never been so pleased. it’s never been so scared either, but it’s so terribly happy to be doing some real good.
ginny hugs the two of them breathless at that. this. this feels good again.
if she didn’t go to class her mum would be disappointed. her mum’s heard of some of the things she’s gotten up to this year, and she isn’t happy. she’s proud, of course, but ginny knows her mum thought that going back to hogwarts meant she wasn’t going to be fighting in the war. her mum’s always been a dreamer when it came to her, but ginny supposes she should at least try to do the things you’re supposed to do at school.
the only classes she has with luna are herbology, runes and astronomy, the rest she’s got on her own. there aren’t many kids left in her year and ginny’s trying to take classes that will actually help in case she doesn’t end up playing for the harpies the year after next. so, she goes to classes by herself and does her work as well as she can and does her best to remember everything her teachers connected to the order right on her marked papers.
a day will go like this:
breakfast is spent barely awake, finally getting going when seamus sets something on fire.
1. herbology with luna and sometimes neville. luna frets over neville if hes there.
2. ancient runes with luna, ginny does her best not to scream when she gets it wrong
3. ginny volunteers to be tortured in dark arts so she doesn’t have to cast any unforgivables. unless she manages to trick one of the snakes into volunteering. then she hexs them until carrow gives her detention
4. slughorn praises her average potions skill because she’s the best of the six kids in the class
then there’s lunch. most of the time ginny’s spending it in detention. when she’s not she sometimes sneaks off to flirt with one of the cute hufflepuffs in her year or the year below. luna eats with lily cho and her ravenclaw friends at lunch and neville spends it in the greenhouses with sprout.
5. ginny does alright in transfiguration, all the gryffindors in her year are still in the class because mcgonagall is the only professor that plies them with points for anything they do. ginny doesn’t even lose points when she calls mcgonagall minnie.
6. that’s charms. charms is really defense now, flitwick puts them through the paces of a dueling club and pushes pushes pushes for them to learn how to cast non verbally. he tells them they’ll need it soon.
7. ginny has care of magical creatures with hagrid. it’s nice, she’s always liked the idea of wrestling beasts. her mum blames charlie. charlie blames mum.
8. this is the blessed spare. if she’d bothered with divination for another year she’d have that, but ginny’s trying to get helpful courses. not nonsense.
then there’s dinner. neville, luna and her take turns sneaking food from the kitchens and they bring it up to fawkes’ nest. then they curl up on a cushion or couch around one of the tables with plans and names and numbers and rings and they try to come up with something to do.
8. Before they fall asleep luna and ginny trudge up to the astronomy tower and listen to professor sinistra teach them about the skies. ginny’s fingers itch for a quaffle.
it’s better than it could be. ginny knows it won’t last forever. she holds luna’s hand when she can and she brings vane cocoa when she has nightmares and she takes care of firsties and tries not to think about her brother and her friend and her ex boyfriend off fighting voldemort.
it doesn’t last past the train home for christmas.
luna had the window seat because she likes to look out every so often when she gets tired and it just makes ginny’s head dizzy. neville had the other side because he has long legs and he needed a nap.
luna was whispering star names into ginny’s ear, her breathe warm and ginny’s ears embarrassingly red. ginny can still hear her voice. “gin, oh gin isn’t cygnus just the prettiest? i do love swans. i think i’d like a swan in a pond you know. what about you, gin?”
then they were pulling luna out from her. ginny doesn’t remember that much, she knows she didn’t let them at first and that neville woke up but it was so fast and she tried so hard and-
ginny’s hands twitch for the rest of the train ride, neville tries to hold them but his hands don’t fit the way luna’s did.
when they pull into 9 ¾  neville has to get help from some of their friends to pull her off the train. neville carries their trunks, but he puts pig and trevor and arnold firmly in her hands. her hands cling to them. she won’t let go of them like she-
her mum is smiling when she spots her, but it doesn’t last long at the sight of neville and lavender and lily and susan. the four drop her off at her mums feet and neville asks for trevor, but she doesn’t hear it at first and then it’s
“hey ginny, can i have trevor?””ginny, can i have trevor?””can i have trevor?””i have trevor?””have trevor?””trevor?trevor?trevor?trevor?”
ginny blinks. “of course.” then she hands trevor over and collapses into her dad. bill is next to him and he picks ginny up and carries her out. she doesn’t remember what happens after that.
at home it’s better. pig is let out of his cage and fred and george make fun of arnold and even fleur isn’t that bad, she brings fresh cookies. bill gives her a hug every time he sees her and her mum doesn’t let her out of her sight.
ginny thinks of luna and she-
she doesn’t think of luna. she thinks of hogwarts and she wonders how she’s supposed to get through runs and astronomy without luna-
she tries not to think of luna. she eats and she unwraps presents and she beats her brothers when they race on their brooms in the yard. dad, mum, bill, fleur and the twins whisper at night. order business.
hello we have a new guest today. her name is rover!
hi river, it’s nice to be here and seeing the magic instead of just listening for once.
you’re a listener? aw shucks rover.
oh you know, a little stream got me hooked.
ha! alright everyone, rover’s here to give us an update on the hogwarts situation. she’s either a student, a teacher, or just in very good contact with someone there! so rover, how is it?
well, dumbledore’s army is still recruiting so you know they aren’t taking things easy up there. a good thing too, the carrows have turned defense against the dark arts into just the dark arts and muggle studies is now basically pureblood propaganda. so, if you’re a hogwarts student and you think you need a helping hand ask any of the upper years with the flickering green vines on their fingers for fawkes and that should help.
thank you, rover. i’m sure glad i’ve graduated but we’re all worrying for you. and- i’m sorry for the incident with ms lovegood especially.
oh i - thank you river.
for those of you that haven’t heard, luna lovegood, the daughter of xenophilius lovegood, was kidnapped off of the hogwarts express on her way home from christmas because of mr lovegood’s honest words in his magazine the quibbler. keep them in you heads. Now thank you again rover.
of course river!
and now, for the list of the missing.
ginny goes into town and she learns that the muggles have sent a robot up to mars. and that before that they sent one up to the moon. the muggles call these robots rovers. they’re supposed to send back pictures and watch over the planets.
her aunt muriel comes by. her mum's christmas cards this year asked everyone to stay away because of the son sick with spattergroit in the attic. aunt muriel comes anyway. she pokes and prods and says fleur is too skinny and that charlie needs a girlfriend and which one of the twins is dating the girl and which one is seeing the boy.
(the answer is neither because they both have their heads up their asses, but that isn't the point.)
she clicks her tongue at ginny’s jeans and asks, “oh what’s the fuss about calling her a girl if she’s just going to keep wearing trousers?”
all of that is expected. it’s awful and horrid but it’s expected. and then aunt muriel drops a sixth brother sized bomb.
“oh, is percival not coming?” she smiles her shark teeth. “when he wrote me back last week, he was the one talking about missing christmas dinner. i’d so hoped to see my favourite of your brood, molly.”
when ginny came around there were six brothers waiting. bill was the oldest and had to help the most, ginny was a bit of a chore for him. him and charlie, both. but, the two of them had both scurried off to hogwarts before ginny was more than three. the twins teased her and tormented her until she was old enough to get them back to get them off her back. and ron was more of a friend and playmate than an older brother.
ginny only has five brothers now. but when she was little, the older brother who took care of her was percy. he took all four of them to the pond and to the muggle village and taught ginny how to bake brownies and helped her read her first book. he was a bit of a prat at hogwarts but he wasn’t all that bad. he wasn’t all that bad until he and dad screamed at each other and ginny lost her older brother. percy was the one to call her gin first.
maybe-maybe ginny would let him come home for christmas. but he doesn’t really want too, she’s sure.
fred and george wake her up on the 1st of ‘98 as soon as the sun rises. then they drag her out of bed by her arms and cram her into her coat and carry her down to the frozen pond and lace up her skates before she’s fully awake.
ginny pushes them both over and they grin back at her, fred chasing her one way and george the other. they tackle her into the snow backs and they stay there until their pjs start to get soaked.
george can do a couple of jumps and ginny learned a spin or two from luna. fred just throws snowballs at them and skates around them. the three of them laugh and laugh and laugh.
they start ‘98 as best as they can. then their mum comes down and yells at them, but she’s smiling.
there is no red headed weasley waiting at platform 9 ¾ because there is no blonde willowy girl there to hold her hand. a general boards the train without his seconds. still though, one will be waiting in the castle to greet him and the army when they arrive. 
ginny floos to hogsmeade and mcgonagall walks her to school, “things will be worse this term.” 
“things already are worse.” ginny’s hands twitch. she has no brothers to keep her busy and no mother to keep her eyes on her.
but she has a friend and an army to help. fall bruised, and winter burns.
january twists and turns and all she hears are whispers and screams. she listens to potterwatch in fawkes’ nest. friends ask her about rovers. she wraps her hands, still twitching. she goes to class and the carrows crucios open the words she once carved into her skin when a sorry excuse for a teacher made her. 
things always start in summer, always happen on halloween. winter break is a refuge. when you return from break the trees are gone and every menorah on every house table put away. but- the pine needles are still on the floor and when you look at the table the candle wax hasn’t been wiped down yet.
professor sinistra tells the newt class that the black lake is frozen enough to skate on. ginny glides and twirls and pictures her brothers with her. she glides all the way down to the middle of the lake and stops. here, underneath, is the giant squid. her hand reaches out - for luna’s hand. but luna’s not there. she skates back and hides her skates underneath her bed.
in february ginny and neville start setting up permanent corners in fawkes’ nest. they’re hiding their first years now. winky had warned her months ago. but last night she had a worse twist on it. 
“the carrows are going to start practicing unforgivables on first years.”
hannah abbott, ginny weasley, lily cho. three students, three houses. they’ve all volunteered to sleep with the firsties this week. next week it’ll switch. but ginny knows it won’t be needed for long, they won’t all be able to stay out in the halls and in the classrooms if they’ve already started hiding firsties. 
ginny puts the cots and blankets and chests by the fireplace for now. then - oh shit. “nev?” she calls over. “we can’t keep raiding the kitchens and how’re we gonna feed them?
neville pauses where he’s setting up a table for the first years meals. “oh.” he stands up straight. “fuck uh. hey room? do you think you could help us feed the firsties?”
that’s when the passageway opens. ginny’s jaw tightens. neville looks back at her, “i guess we should follow it.”
“no,” ginny says. “i’ll go. you need to find bathrooms and we don’t know what’s down their. i’ll send sparks if i’m in danger.”
neville looks all worried at her, he fiddles with his cuffs and sighs. he knows how stubborn she is and he knows he does need to find some sort of bathrooms. “don’t be dumb, all right?”
ginny squeezes his hand when she passes him on her way to the passageway. she’ll probably be a bit dumb, but she’s a bit dumb to be at hogwarts at all right now. 
dumbledore’s brother ends up smuggling food to dumbledore’s army. 
neville and ginny take the third week with a fourth year ravenclaw. the ravenclaw’s fallen asleep underneath the three eleven year old lions. neville’s already taken a picture and tacked it to the pictures on the wall with the phoenix mural. ginny sighs back on the old red sofa they’ve had since september. neville collapses next to her and squeezes her hand. ginny closes her eyes, but she doesn’t like what she sees behind them. she opens them and pulls neville back to his feet, ignoring his grumbles, and they dance the same dances they had to learn for the yule ball she made him take her too. neville laughs into her shoulder. 
they taught the younger years how to dance for valentines last week. ginny’s still never danced with luna. the two of them keep dancing to no music. 
she starts having tea with mcgonagall. mcgonagall even smiles when she calls her minnie sometimes now. they start on the 1st of march. on the 17th of march minnie hands her back a marked essay at the end of tea with a note hidden in a code in the notes. 
luna’s safe. lunassafelunassafelunassafelunassafelunassafeLUNASSAFE. it takes ginny three minutes to get that out of the paper and she hugs mcgonagall tight and races out the door. and then she calmly and slowly makes her way to gryffindor tower where she calmly and slowly slips through the passageway and up into fawkes’ nest and then she screams it for everyone to hear, “LUNA’S SAFE!” and when everyone else jumps up and screams back - then ginny starts crying happy tears. romilda vane even tackles her in a hug. 
later, neville will comb through her essay and laugh, bright and loud. “hey gin.”
“yeah?” she asks from where she’s sprawled, sort of twisted up in a hammock as some second years giggle up at her. 
“you, uh, kinda missed something after you saw ‘luna’s safe,’” neville looks as if he’s trying not to smile. 
ginny rolls her eyes, “what’d i miss?”
“harry, ron and hermione are with her at your brother bill’s, they’re all safe.” that’s when the hammock untangles and drops ginny onto the floor, right on her face. they’re all safe. 
the second years fall over each other laughing at her.
easter comes. less students go home for easter, but mcgonagall pushes for her to head home so neville helps her sneak out of the castle and out of hogsmeade and fred and george are waiting there to apparate her out. she waves to neville and makes him promise to stay safe. the both have them have gone into full time hiding with classmates smuggling them work. ginny doesn’t want to have to repeat a sixth year. 
ginny goes to move out of fred and george’s arms to run up to the door of the burrow - but then she realizes it’s not the burrow. “no,” she says. 
“oh gin,” george says, frowning. “we thought you’d known.”
the families at aunt muriel’s. they’ve gone into fucking hiding and they’ve dragged her out of the hiding spot where she’s doing something to the one where she’s as useless as a gnome.
everything blurs together. it’s less than a month spent in aunt muriel’s home, but it feels longer. 
fall bruised, winter burned and spring itches. 
on may 1st her rings burns in one pocket and less than five minutes later her ring tightens around her finger. it won’t release until luna, ginny and neville are all their to untie the one around neville’s finger. she winks at her brothers and jumps into aunt muriel’s fireplace before any of them can try to keep her out of the fight. her fight. as the fire turns green she hears muriel say, “oh molly, you’re daughter’s always been a firecracker.” 
aberforth nods at her, almost smiling, “you’re the first so far.”
“it’s gonna be a long night,” she tells him. she doesn’t know the truth in her words yet. then- the fire crackles again and she turns around to see luna. luna steps forward to meet her and ginny almost tackles her in a hug. 
then they race through arianna’s portrait, ginny showing luna the secrets she missed and they trip out into fawkes’ nest. their army is waiting. their army tugs them forward, she almost loses luna but then their hand’s link together and luna squeezes their hands and - now. now ginny can breathe. she might die tonight, but she’s held luna’s hand one more time. 
when harry walks in the room quiets down. the first year’s don’t know him, but everyone third year down has been forcibly evacuated. neville pushed for fifth year down but then they all reminded him he’d gotten into the ministry with fourth years just two years ago. he let it be. ginny’s heart had twanged. some of them will die. 
but then harry’s walked in and he has a plan. he meets her eye and she wonders if he thought of her. she’s barely thought of him, he left her. she built a better army in the walls of the castle than the one he’d left behind his fifth year. luna squeezes her hand again and she squeezes back. 
her mum really tries to keep her from the fight. harry looks as if he’s on her side and ginny wants to puke, but she gets out anyway. she doesn’t wish she hadn’t gotten out, but she wishes there wasn’t a fight in the castle’s halls as she trips through a battle. she can duel and she does and she sees glimmers of her friends and she does her best to breath and she thinks she understands what neville said months ago when she falls into a suit of armour and it helps her back up.
hogwarts wants to help. 
the night doesn’t seem to end until it does. she makes her way to the great hall and when she does a count she finds six brothers standing. six brothers. her hands itch and then percy’s lifting her up and fred and george are crowding them and bill and charlie are laughing and ron’s tugging her back down to hug her solid. she turns to smile at her mum, disbelieving and her mum is sitting next to her dad and- her dad doesn’t have any legs. just as quickly as they’d all gone up to hug ginny they all rush over to their dad’s side. but - he’s alive. thank everything he’s alive
later, ginny finds luna and they go to count the fallen rings neville made them. they haven’t seen neville yet, but if he was dead their rings would have all fallen apart. dumbledore’s army is only two thirds here with so many other years safe and away. still, they find too many rings. 
harry potter is dead. harry potter is dead and this sick creature who once snuck in and out of her mind is smiling. luna lets go of her hand and ginny does her best to not look as if she’s terrified at the loss of contact, but she doesn’t have the strength to link even their pinkies anymore.
but then - he’s alive. harry potter. the boy who lived, the boy who brought down voldemort, her ex boyfriend, the gryffindor quidditch captain, the founder of the da, a 17 year old wizard. 
a 17 year old wizard that survived. ginny breathes in and out, and later this will be the part she doesn’t remember. 
the next thing she does remember is peace. not peace, not yet. but a breath of air. harry potter finds her and his smile is hopeful and ginny smiles back, but not in the same way and then - there’s luna behind him. she walks up to ginny and harry takes a step back and then she says, “gin, gin you’re okay.”
“you’re okay,” ginny says, just as relieved. 
and then luna grabs her hand and when she squeezes it, ginny leans in and luna’s leaning in and they’re kissing. it’s the easiest thing they’ve done all year and ginny feel’s luna’s smile underneath her own lips. 
ginny goes back to school the next year, because it’s her school. and her girlfriend’s coming with her and they have to make sure that the firsties know that there’s a room where they can go when they’re worried. they won’t ever sleep there again, but if they need a hug from an upper year all they have to do is ask for fawkes. 
hogwarts purrs all through ginevra molly weasley’s seventh year. but, when summer comes it lets her go.
everything seems to start in summer. and the rest of ginny’s life is no different. the sun burns and her hair is fire and she is safe and she is going to finally live in a world of peace one day soon. 
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Chapter 6 (Winter’s Gem) (Bucky Barnes AU)
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Characters: Bucky Barnes x You (AU)
Summary: Bucky Barnes has been scouted by your boss in Felicity Night, you were just a mere young, cleaner in Felicity night and have been living in the basement of the club for all your life. He's the most wanted Gigolo in the city, and taking him away from eager, thirsty women seemed to be impossible especially if he chose to be a Gigolo as his way of living.
Warning: Profanities. Detailed making out. Inappropriate words. ONE THIRSTY PROTAGONIST IN THE HOUSE. You'll thank me later! *wink wink nudge nudge* 
Words: 3,500 words.
A/N: This chapter is long again! Hehehehe! REBLOG, LIKE AND COMMENT AS YOU READ! GO CRAZY!
Disclaimer: PNG's and pictures aren't mine. However, the whole series, one shots and edits are from moi.
Taglists: @damnbuckyishot @yn-the-reader @iwillmakeyoucraveme @willpoch12 @anxiousamandapanda​ 
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As you began to walk away from your friend, and his patriotic best friend Steve Rogers. Bucky was patient enough to walk you towards the hall. His metal hand grasping tight on your waist with your heart fluttering every once in a while as you stared up at his breathtaking, side profile.
"You're undeniably beautifuuuuuul," You muttered prolonging the 'u' with a tiny pout included. Your eyes glimmering from the beauty who stood beside you. Bucky had no difficulty in carrying your drunk self up in his room, and you were entirely thanking your drunk self that you were intoxicated because this was the first time that you'll be sneaking in a peep to see Bucky's room.
That is if you're only having a peep.
Your compliment caught his attention, making him glance down at you who kept looking at him like how you stare down at your food, completely hypnotized. He smiled a precious one, staring at your lips. "Not as beautiful as you, Y/N."
"I plan to disappoint, Booki."
He scoffed, shaking his head. "Hop, hop baby." Bucky muttered, his fingers clasping tighter when your foot got caught on one of the stairs leading the way towards his private room. You could only giggle, arm tightening around Bucky's neck in which he didn't mind at all. He was already basically carrying you way up, and you've wanted nothing more than to roll your eyes at him and tell that he should've carried you bridal style instead.
He just made himself suffer.
You blew air on his ear, making him go. "What the hell? Y/N.." Sounding irritated by how you blew on his ear, though the stunned irritation instantly faded from the moment he saw you pouting, eyes seeming to be a little watery from the intoxication, and cheeks slightly blushing. "Please don't hurt me," He stopped his steps, dragging you from his halt. Immediately staring down at you, his breathtaking, Steele blue eyes memorizing each and every part of your face that he didn't want to forget.
He repeatedly prayed to the heavens for that. Every damn day.
"I was just trying to be sweet," You quickly responded, scared that he would hate you too just like how your mother does and basically how other people sees you. A complete utter eyesore. Pain began seering your heart once the memories came crushing down on you like a brick. Your mother. The only woman and family in your life who happens to do nothing but inject pain and frustration in your fucked up life. She was one of a kind. A horrible kind.
Bucky licked his lips that seemed to turn dry when he realized how you took his response, interpretting it very differently. Totally a miscommunication especially when you're drunk and emotional. "Everything's new to me, everything's brand new. I know I'm starting to not make sense but," You paused, swallowing the saliva choking up your throat. "I know I'm one crazy, hopeless, lonely bitch. I'm giving you a heads up and one final chance for you to run the hills because you're in a relationship with an ugly janitress,"
Bucky looked at you incredulously, your words coming at him like a missile. He couldn't believe how low your self-esteem were. Totally opposite to what he sees from his perspective. You were basically the medicine to his sickness. No pun intended. He licked his lips, his mind completely elsewhere, finding the right words on how to respond to your rant.
His powdery steel blue eyes was set on you, adoring that certain glint in your eyes that made him want to keep you on his side at all costs, and dang was he whipped without him knowing. "Doll, you're not a bitch," Bucky muttered, lifting a hand to brush his thumb on your cheekbone like a person touching roses, "and I definitely won't run the hills because I'm dating a one of a kind janitress," He emphasized, his thumb tenderly caressing your face that made you feel electricity coursing through your face.
You instinctively took his hand that was affectionately holding your cheek, and your heart skipped a beat when he leaned in to press a kiss on your slightly pimpled forehead. One of your insecurities besides the fact that you had a high hairline. "Now, let's erase those horrid thoughts of yours, alright Sugar?" Your amazing boyfriend whispered in your ear before tugging you with him as you padded through the stairs, continuing your journey.
"Buckyyyyy," you slurred, drowsily blinking as you were watching your own foot step up the last stair. The world was spinning around you, just like a kaleidoscope world but with Bucky in it and it wasn't entirely horrible. Your gorgeously insane boyfriend hummed a reply, waiting for your response as his hands tightened around your waist, dragging you off and turning another hallway to get to your destination.
"Ppo-Ppo?" your words entertained him. He heard that as 'po-po' and thought you were planning on calling security for practically kidnapping you and planning to let you sleep in his headquarters. Simply to say, his room. "What?" he snickered, lowly cackling from your drunken slurs.  "You seriously want to call the police on me, Doll?"
You shook your head hard in disagreement.
Bucky's brows were left in a curious twist that made him pucker his lips in thought, suddenly stopping in your tracks. "Then what, Doll? What do you want?" he cooed, the ends of his tone sounding so tender, so sweet that it could make ants bite you for being so lucky in having him. Despite of his occupation inside the club you were working on, Felicity night.
He had your chin in between his index finger and thumb, gently lifting your head till your droopy eyes met his pale-blue ones that could make your toes curl in enthusiasm. Bucky hummed another soft reply, patiently waiting for your next words. "Kiss me?" you boldly puckered your lips out, tightly closing your eyes as you waited for him to just give you the peck you wanted.
Barnes was left gobsmacked. Staring at your pouted lips angled before him. The more longer he gets to be with you, the more so you surprise him with your characteristics and personality. He couldn't help himself but giggle and chuckle, never hesitating to lean down and give you a loud peck as he puckered his lips back, brushing his dewy, Crimson lips with yours. A satisfying smooch sound leaving his lips once he broke the peck.
"Is that good now?" the latter bluntly asked with a smirk.
You nodded repeatedly, satisfied with the reserved kiss he had just given, giggling in the process of your drunken slurs. "For now, my prince. This frog hasn't turned into a princess yet. Your kiss sucked," emphasis ended on your words.
James couldn't help but raise a brow at that, his smile never ceasing to drop whenever you were in his arms. "You'll get more kisses back in my room," he rasped, the pitch in his voice dropping an octave lower. Sounding utterly sexy for your panties to take.
The loud music faltered and faded as you took the last turn towards his room. Illuminated hallway. Red carpeted floor and dove white painted walls. The floor seemed too familiar for you, thus having a glimpse of a huge double door sat beside Bucky's room distracted your drunken stupor.
It was the boss' room.
Hence, why does your Bucky get to have the same floor as hers? Unlike the others who had their rooms on the second and yours which was unluckily down on the basement, living with the rats and mythical ghosts.
She scrambled onto her feet, giving the big boss' room a double take to verify the images appearing before her if it was true. The gentle, constant pull of her hips from the bewitching metal-armed man who kept on tugging your annoying self towards the the room he unfortunately owned and was given by the person whom must not be named in Winter's point of view.
Straight-grained, reddish brown timber of three tropical hardwood species came into view, your eyes were dreary, pie-eyed prior to your inebriation and also maybe because of a certain gorgeous, handsome motherfucker who managed to keep your mind in a daze despite of how he was doing such simple actions that could get you beguiled.
Bucky inserted the key he had been fumbling around his grey sweatpants; an accustomed measure in which he has been used to back when he was in Maximum Risk. Keeping his sanctuary safe from people whom you cannot trust is just around the corner, especially when he had that particular kind of job where people had the feeling of revenge in the palm of their hands.
He was still aware of people, ever had been since he was a child.
Basically, his mother selling him to different kinds of people when he was an obedient juvenile couldn't tape the trust back together like it was nothing.
To James Buchanan Barnes, trusting people is the least of his worries because he never does. Until you and Steve came along.
He never trusted the hearts of his customers, now that people around him were actually Judas in disguise. His whole life was pure complications and utter betrayals, and when you came along, he could finally see a light deep down the ground he was deeply submerged in. Even just a tiny light that could give him a hope that his life will become better despite of his contingencies.
"How did I ever swayed you, Booki?" you slurred like drunkard, slowly fluttering your eyes close and hearing his bedroom door open. The undeniably well built man swiftly caught you in his arms again, carrying you off your feet as you entered a room which seemed to be too dark for your liking.
Or maybe the lights weren't just still on?
"Mr. Barnes, is this your new way of showing me your red room?" a low, raspy chuckle emerged from the latter's chest which got you whistling like a weak wolf. You felt the cold vinyl tiles brush the bottom of your feet, lately realizing that he had you trapped inside his bathroom when you decided that having your eyes opened was better than keeping them closed.
In which you should have chose to kept them closed as you were faced with a clean, half body mirror.
Expletive profanities came running out of your mouth as you've seen your intoxicated self on the mirror. The homely warmth that your man could give was nowhere to be found, and it was then and there you heard the running water coming from the faucet signaled you that he was doing something you couldn't decipher.
"Is this your new way of inviting me over with a shower session?" you've curiously queried with a naughty smile. It immediately fell because the reflection you were seeing was starting to disappoint you and it was disheartening you big time. Bucky had a fresh damp towel in his flesh hand, he gave you a once over and saw how your smile smell. His initial reaction was to quickly rise from how he squatted inside his shower, swatting his dark shower curtains away before shuffling to his feet.
He didn't want you dancing in your own nightmares. You needed to step away from it, you needed to avoid it so you wouldn't have to become like him.
"Hey doll," The latter softly whispered against your ear, hinting a small accent that could make your toes curl beneath you and so you did. He appeared behind you with a small touch of his fingers on the small of your back, suddenly making you shiver in your own mistake. "Didn't I tell you not to curse when I'm around?"
His dominating stance, and the way his raspy, velvet voice which exerts authority had your heart skipping a thirsty beat and especially down there too.
"But, sir...." An embarrassing purr rolled off the tips of your tongue. You were too intoxicated for your own good, and you'll probably curse the heavens as to why Stan makes the best Martinis in town. You couldn't deny his wonderful offer, especially when it was free and all. Plus, the old goober was smiling in front of you like a Cheshire cat, a plan set on the back of his head which was also sipping its own glass of Margarita.
The old geezer had wicked plans if you've managed to squint your eyes back at him a little longer.
"Jesus Christ," he sternly uttered with a sharp in take of his breath and before you know it, your man had you in his brawny arms, derriere pinned down on his bathroom sink with your legs hastily parting for the latter to slip in between them. The crisp, icy temperature of his metal fingers grasping your jaw, keeping your slanted lips where he wanted as he continued his libidinous ministrations with you. Bucky's flesh hand on your waist, feeling a cool, moist-like cloth perched on your side and it was the towel he was ought to clean your face with.
His voluptuous Crimson red lips that had been in a constant fight of being bitten attacked your unpleasant, chapped lips. A bolt from the blue kept your mind stupefied because as much as you remembered, you were just loathing your very own reflection, yet now you were locking lips with your unofficial boyfriend.
Not that you were complaining because you've had this planned out inside your innocent mind already.
"You need," Bite. "to stop," Nibble. "swearing and," Kiss. "calling me sir," a secretive low moan which caught your ear as you nibbled his bottom lip back, "at the same time,"
Your drunken self couldn't help but feel the day-to-day itch forming in between your legs. It has been a-run-of-the-mill because of your restricted relationship with the highly requested Gigolo in east coast, the sudden impulse when he was around had been bugging you since day 1.
She had Bucky's face in between the palms of her hands, the growing five o-clock shadow tickling the sensitive tips of her fingers as she deepen her kisses. He was giving her the same intensity and probably a lot more than he intended to. There was a soft, involuntary moan which erupted out of you as you felt his probing tongue touch the tips of yours, igniting out a hitch of your breath when you sensed your fingers having its own mind of proceeding towards a place in which you've opted to fondle with.
"Yes," the latter breathlessly huffed in between kisses, feeling your soothing digits tenderly skim beneath his prominent, newly-clean shaven navel in a way that could get his crotch celebrating inside his pantaloons. You continued kissing him with the same ferocity, fondling over the waistband of his sweatpants before you felt cold, metal like fingers tightly grip your wrist to an unsatisfying halt. "N-No, no, not yet," he exasperated with a grump.
"Fuck," The thwarting gigolo muttered a few vulgar swearwords beneath his heaving breaths. You bit your lip with knotted eyebrows, a tight feeling in your chest which you so wanted to scream out loud because of your frustration as well. Didn't he want to continue because you were..you? Or--?
"You seriously leaving me frustrated like this, Booki?"
"Yes--," he automatically responded as he groaned to himself, his metal fingers brushing his tight locks in a disheveling manner. "I mean no! No, Yes?" he asked more so to himself, pulling a step back away from you like you were a fire to his destructive bomb.
The latter had been moving nonstop and it even got to the point of exerting his own push-ups in the middle of his bathroom; white shirt off as he threw it towards you in which you successfully caught in your hands. Bucky's body was built by Michaelangelo himself, he was sculpted to ruin you and probably also the hearts of his customers. Winter was sculpted by the heavens because of the beefy-ness he aspire to feed all the hungry lasses to which could include you in it. You admired the way his body works, how his bionic arm met his flesh body. In fact, it was amazing, though quite depressing because of what backstory it holds.
A backstory that you promise to yourself that you'll know.
He stopped mid-air while executing another set of push-ups, "I can help you--??" you gestured back at him as his Steele blue eyes stared at you with peculiarity before gazing down at your gesticulating hands that formed an 'O'; located in the middle part of you as you shifted it in a up and down manner. James Buchanan Barnes had no words to say at all, especially when you started to motion that certain hand of yours in the fore part of your opened mouth in a push and pull motion, "Or this could suffice? Will a blowjob suffice?" you garbled and continued to show him what you wanted to help him with.
It was as if his body weakened before him once he saw and understood what you meant. Winter didn't know what to do because he so wanted it to happen, he wanted it. Well, every man would. If you were just one of his clients, he would let that happen but it was you right now. You were the one asking for it, and those words coming from your lips seem to sound all too different.
Because James Buchanan Barnes had his heart involved in this one.
You weren't just one of his clients, you were more than that and he was sure of it. Steven Grant Rogers was even sure of it either.
Y/N was a person who was important him, she was as pure as a driven snow just by showing her his doting eyes whenever she sees him holding a bag full of food or those times whether she was being needy and just wanted to share her break time with him.
Though, today was an exception because he didn't expected her to become this much of a wild cat when drunk and Bucky Barnes damn knew well he wasn't complaining.
He so wanted that blowjob from his girl, and waiting for the right time was hurting his crotch and gentlemanly self.
"Or I could just help Steve instead?" you pondered more to yourself when you realized he wouldn't much take up the offer, he fell to the ground, mid air and face planked on the Vinyl tiles of his bathroom. You swayed your feet from above the sink, thoroughly guiltless with doe-like eyes when you saw him cursing the heavens for such a severe punishment for his sins.
"Well, It's not like Steve and I haven't actually done it?"
Hence, it was then and there that James Buchanan Barnes whom goes by the code name 'winter' and is also the highly requested gigolo of Felicity Night, in addition; a best friend of a very patriotic gigolo who could harm nobody started cursing Steven Grant Rogers for lying in front of his face.
What a best friend indeed, he was.
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FEEDBACKS ARE VERY MUCH APPRECIATED, TATER TOTS! Please leave feedbacks if you’re loving this fanfic of mine! Follow my blog to see more of my works and we shall fangirl/fanboy about SEBASTIAN STAN! 
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mischiefarchive · 4 years
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・゚゚・。 ( joshua orpin, demi male, he&him ) — 𝒉𝒐𝒈𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒉𝒐𝒎𝒆 PETER PETTIGREW, the 10TH year GRYFFINDOR student ! i hear that the TWENTY year old is known to be EXPRESSIVEand HEARTFELT and also very GUILELESS and UNFORTHCOMING. however, if you ask me, the fact that they are a PUREBLOOD and leaning towards the side of the NEUTRAL is a lot more telling.
TRIGGER WARNINGS:  abuse, neglect & imprisonment. 
Peter is the kind of person that believes in love, not war and so he is mostly neutral during the war. This doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a side that he leans more toward, he definitely hates the Death Eaters. If it came down to it, Peter would stand side by side with those fighting against them, but he’s doing his best to stay away from it. Instead he, and his band hope to warm the hearts of wizards and witches alike with their music as opposed to promoting a side of war.
Something that can be said as we dive into the personality of Peter Pettigrew is that he wasn’t always a coward. He wasn’t always the person we know him as today. The marauders themselves wouldn’t have befriended him, or anyone if they were greeted to him in such a light. This much we all must know. There was a time in his life, where Peter believed himself to be the slightest bit brave. He like any other would play with his friends until his parents called him in, run around getting his knees dirty. He believed in himself, and even thought that one day he’d make something out of himself. Be a better person than his father was.
Growing up, Peter even found himself siding with those that were neutral. Sure, he had his views on the war but he preferred to stick with the things he found himself passionate about, that being music. He knew if it came down to it, that he would side with his friends or at least that’s what he’d convinced himself of.
To anyone that knew them, Alexander and Ella Pettigrew seemed like the perfect couple, Hogwarts sweethearts. And they were, they became engaged only weeks after they both had graduated Hogwarts and were married before the summer end. The honeymoon went smoothly too, it wasn’t until halfway through the first year of their marriage that Ella began to reveal her true colors, and motives. Deep down she was a cruel and vindictive woman, spending more nights than not abusing her husband in the harshest of ways, both mentally and physically, but no one else had suspected a thing. So, it was easy for her to get away with it, no one ever suspects the wife regardless. Unfortunately, Alexander was born a man of tradition and had no way out either as not only did he still love his wife, but he didn’t believe in divorce.
A year into their marriage, Ella became pregnant with her first child, Nirvana. She mellowed down some, and wasn’t as cruel toward her husband while she carried the child much to his pleasant surprise. Once she was born, the little girl became the light of both of their lives. They seemed genuinely happy again, that changed quickly however when Ella lost her job due to the pregnancy. She blamed Alexander and in doing so, took her hatred out on him once more. Still, around Nirvanathey came off as the two most loving parents.
A couple years down the road, she fell pregnant again, this time she wasn’t as thrilled when her second child was born. She treated him poorly, often abandoning and neglecting the poor boy while all her affection was redirected toward her beloved Nirvana. In doing so, Peter became the type to always act out. He was a real troublemaker, this led to him one-night stumbling across his parents in the middle of an argument and he watched every last second, he watched as his mother turned around and showed herself for the true monster she was. This caused Peter to lash out, barge in and hope to protect his father but he had no such luck. Peter began to be treated in the same way his father was, saved only by someone close by, a neighbor overhearing the cries of the young boy.
After the story was reported, the truth of his mother was unveiled and Alexander and Peter were freed, Nirvana eventually learned the truth. Both shocked and horrified by it all, she couldn’t even look at Ella as she was escorted out of the house and to Azkaban. A year down the road, Alexander met someone else, the loveliest lady, Christine. Everything seemed normal now, they had a loving mother figure and their father was happy. What could make the family happier? A year after Alexander had met Christine, she fell pregnant and they eventually married. However, Peter was thrilled to have another sibling, that excitement quickly left when the child was born and he quickly became the abandoned one once more, it was as if he was just there when he was acting out or making trouble. Finally, at age 11, Peter was more than thrilled and ready to start at Hogwarts.
Peter fit in right away, making plenty of friends. Within a few years, he had formed a small group of trouble maker friends, Sirius Black, James Potter and Remus Lupin.
other info :
CLUBS : frog choir, knitting club. BIRTHDAY : February 9th BOGGART: His mother. PATRONUS : Unable to conjure. AMORTENTIA:
CIGARS – His dad would always smoke them, and still does, especially when he was in a good and relaxed mood.
PARCHMENT & INK – These two go together and connect with his musical routes, the sheet music makes him feel at home and in a place where he’s wanted, which of course he is with his bandmates.
SUNDAY ROAST – This was the first meal Christine made for Peter and his family, and she continued to make it each Sunday and still does. It’s something that reminds him of new beginnings.
Chamomile & Lavender Tea
The night when Ella was taken into Azkaban, aurors stayed around the house for what seemed like hours and hours. Unable to sleep, Peter spent a great deal of time downstairs before being escorted by one of the aurors. They made him a mug of chamomile and lavender tea that night to help him sleep, and ever since he has been unable to sleep without a hot mug of the delectable drink.
Peter and his siblings never really spent time around their grandparents, as Alexander’s parents had passed away when he was quite young and Ella’s refused to speak to any of them once the incident with Azkaban happened. They blamed Peter mostly.
He’s only gone to visit his mother once, and that was all he needed. He waited until he was successful and happy in life to show her how much of a better person he’d become. He didn’t care that she was suffering, for he had suffered for plenty of years and still sometimes had nightmares. Fortunately, he was unable to see her face, which made it all the easier.
Most of his scars have healed, however Peter has a horrid burn on his back that no magic has been able to get rid of. He’s tried everything too, not just magic but muggle things as well.
Being a neglected child, love is a tricky thing for Peter and he doesn’t tend to believe in it to an extent. He doesn’t believe it is possible to fall in love, and find a soulmate. Sure, his father found someone after his mother, but he was said to also be a perfect match to his mother.
The Three Broomsticks
During his third year, when he was first able to venture to Hogsmeade, Peter made his way into the Three Broomsticks and befriended one of the bartenders. She helped him quite a bit, and gave him more of a positive outlook on life. He often spent summers helping out, and this is one of the many reasons why he still goes back to help her out.
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captiancap · 5 years
(this is more of a Prolouge I guess? know I said part 2 of I notice you was going to happen but ive also been wanting to shed some light on this particular boy so here you go pls forgive. TW: Arachnophobia)
Being a security guard means you've seen some odd things. It paid well and you didn't actually have to use the taser as much as you first thought, so you kept doing it. You got recommended to different places but never to far from home.
But seeing weird things was pretty normal. People making out in places they shouldn't be, people doing drugs in places they shouldn't be, people just generally being in places they shouldn't be. One time you actually managed to stop what you think was an attempted kidnapping in a warehouse.
That warehouse has always given you strange vibes even before that incident. It seems to attract all the weirdos, which made some sense because the guy who owned it was a big weirdo too.
Or well... Actually that's false. He wasn't a weirdo. A bit quiet, okay, very quiet, and an odd sense of fashion but he was always polite. Greeting you when you happened to cross paths and occasionally thanking you for keeping watch as well as you do.
You never bothered to ask his name. Why would you? Besides he was easy enough to point out to anyone who wanted to know for themselves.
He's a big guy. Very big. Towering over even your tallest coworkers at a good 7 feet tall at least. And as impolite as this may sound, he was fat, definitely. Dad bod on point, as the kids say. Lots of pitch black hair all over his body covering extremely pale skin , messy and unkept. But you could tell he was strong.
He has to be what with him constantly carrying large containers to and from the warehouse. You've offered to help a few times but he's always brushed you off. Simply saying it wasn't a problem for him.
Alright, whatever Mr. Strong Man.
That was all you really knew about him. He was polite, big, quiet, and could probably bench press two of you. It's not like you chatted with him everyday, infact he only came around about 3 times a month.
It's silly really but after awhile, around summer, you developed a bit of a crush on this mysterious man. You contemplated asking him out, if only just to get to know him more, but didn't want to seem like a creep. In all honesty it was probably very hard to creep him out.
One hot day while he was taking a break from un-loading a few of the usual large containers, you decided to make a move. If it could even be considered that. No dinner or movie offer but you did ask his name.
He turned his head to face in your direction, the dark hair covering his eyes swayed slightly. It felt like he was analyzing you. Like a highschooler analyzed a frog just before cutting it open to get to the real stuff. You waverd, thinking that maybe 'prosuing' him wasn't such a good idea.
"Mastiff." He replied. Russian accent thick, but not incomprehensible. You chuckled nervously and introduced yourself. "I already knew your name" He says. You ask him how that is, a bit confused.
He pauses, then smiles, the slightest twitch of the lips. He points to his own chest and says "Name tag."
You mentally face-palm so hard you get dizzy for a second. Laughing it off once again you apologize for being an idiot. The feeling of being picked apart by his eyes leaves and you two actually have a decent conversation till he finishes packing things away.
You've never seen him smile that much before.
You've made a habit of talking to him when you get the chance. He doesn't seem to mind and is actually very good at conversation. You find out he's a writer and that some of the containers hold large amounts of books he has already read. Not all of the containers though.
He shows up more often, almost once a week. It actually catches you off gaurd when he's the one to ask you for a date. Of course the little crush hadn't gone away but you forgot about actively going after him in favor of enjoying conversation. You agree and he asks when you would be free.
You set up a time and date and for a while its all you think about. You two were going to see some old movie at a drive in who's whole thing was 'the movies are crap but hey free fireworks!'. Mastiff said he went there once as a child and it had scared the Jesus out of him, not the movie, but the fireworks. It sounded exciting.
On that night you tried to dress nice but not over dress. The line between which was very blurred that evening. Mastiff had picked you up at the park a few blocks from where you lived. His car was black, much like everything else he seemed to own.
He looked very nice, or that might be the fact that's you've only seen him in dirty jeans and T-shirts. He had on a simple undershirt and cardigan as well as some actually clean jeans. All of which were, of course, black. Maybe it was a goth thing. He could definitely be a goth.
The conversation as always was enjoyable and relaxed. You learned that he had many siblings, the exact number never specified, and two fathers. Of course he inquired about your family and you told him what you were comfortable with for the time and place.
You arrived after another half hour and parked in the nearly deserted lot. A few kids were running around waiting for the movie to start. Mastiff sets up the blankets on the trunk and you take a seat.
You pat the space next to you but he shakes his head. He says he needed to stretch his legs for a bit. 15 minutes later he's still standing. You scoot across the trunk to be closer to him.
Halfway through the movie you start to hear him mumble when certain things happen. You try to hear what exactly he's saying but it's rough and forgien. Russian probably.
The movie ends and people start to move around and set up fireworks. Mastiff goes to the back seat, bringing back a pack of rainbow sparklers.
"I didn't want to bring anything too illegal." He jokes. He takes a lighter out of his pocket and hands you the sparkler just as the colors start to change. Funny, you didn't take him for a smoker.
You two go through the whole pack while watching people who did bring more illegal items shoot them off into the sky. You look over and see the colorful lights illuminate Mastiff's profile. He should wear color more often, it's nice on him.
He drops you off at your apartment building after it's well into the night. You attempt to give him a small kiss on the cheek but he's so damn tall. He notices your attempt and instead of just bending down to make it easier for you, he lifts you up by the waist and places a soft kiss on your jaw.
You're a bit surprised, flustered, as he sets you down gently. He smiles, "I had fun tonight, when would you be available again?" You stutter out that you would be getting a day off next week, which you have yet to actually ask for. "Perfect. May I see your phone?"
You hand him your phone and he puts his number in. "Call me with the details when you have them alright?" You agree and take your phone back. You say you're goodbyes, he drives off and you head into your apartment.
You scream into your pillow with excitement. Why are you like this? You're an adult, you've had tons of kisses. No one has ever lifted you as easily as he did before but that wasn't so bad.
You spend a few minutes debating if you should text him tonight. No, no, can't be to clingy, plus he's probably driving still. Can't endanger a possible future boyfriend.
Sleep doesn't come easy that night but when it finally does it isn't pleasent. You have a nightmare, a very vivid one. You're actually in Mastiff's warehouse, peeking around with a flashlight. You look at one of the larger containers in the room. You remember this container, Mastiff had said that it held something that used to belong to his father. Something scuttles across the floor.
You whip around and shine your light across the room. Empty. It's just you there. You turn back to the box and everything in your body is telling you to leave it alone and walk away. But you don't listen.
You un-latch the sides and open it.
Suddenly you are hit with the horrid smell of rotten, burned meat. You watch as millions of spiders crawl out of the container and cover the floor. They crawl up your legs and bite you mercilessly. You're forzen as the spiderlings make thier way up your arms and to your face. They dig at your eyes and crawl into your ears and nose. You suffocate.
You jolt from your sleep and make a loud gasping sound. You'll never take air for granted ever again. You lay there for a few minutes, the sun barely peeking in from your window, still feeling frozen but thankful for the lack of billions of legs and tiny teeth scampering across your body.
The horrifying dream began to fade as you started your morning routine. Your shift didn't start till later in the day so you had a few hours to kill. Once again you debated texting Mastiff but decided against it.
You made food and checked all your social media while lounging on the couch. When that got boring you called your boss to actually ask for the day off next week. She agreed rather easily, though the comment about how you've been looking stressed lately wasn't very appreciated. You felt fine.
You did. You swear.
Work was the same as usual. Mastiff didn't show up which was also normal. You found yourself glancing at his warehouse more than usual. You weren't permitted to enter anyone's personal storage but you kept inching closer to it's entrace without knowing.
You stopped yourself before you could open the door.
Next week rolled around and you had finally gathered the courage to text Mastiff. You learned he preffered to call, that's cool, you like listening to him. He told you he was a bit concerned that he scared you off after you not contacting him for a few days. You reassure him that you are in no way scared off and that you were just, once again, being an idiot.
You two arranged to meet at a nice local cafe that Thursday. Once again the line between dressed appropriately and over dressed was unclear to you, but you managed. You walked in and immediatly you saw him. Gosh he sticks out like a sore thumb in a place like this.
Black, as always, is the preferred hue. But he looked good and comfortable so you suppose that's what matters. You walked over and sat across from him. He smiled at you, which still felt odd to see.
"You look nice, what's the occasion?" He asked. You joked with him saying that you had a date with a really cute guy and wanted to make a good impression. He chuckled, "I'm sure he already thinks you're great."
You blushed.
It was a nice brunch. Excellent conversation as always. You didn't bring up the dream but you did tell him about that one secret hobby you're embarrassed to tell most people about. He thought it was charming. You blushed alot that day.
You noticed he didn't eat much yet still paid for everything. You told him you felt a bit guilty about that but he brushed it off.
"It's no problem. Really." He would tell you. You weren't so sure about that but he shut you up real fast with another gentle kiss. You swore that he would be the death of you and he laughed.
That's how it went for a long time. Dates happened more frequently, you learned more about him but not enough for him to lose that mysterious air that drew you too him in the first place. You shared embarrassing stories, him admitting that before taking it seriously that he used to write for smut magazines, and you confessed that incident in school where it was totally you who did it but you just kept your mouth shut and someone else got blamed.
You got close. Not -let's move in together and have babies- close, but close enough that you've spent a few nights at his house and vice versa. It was one of those Saturday mornings in his kitchen that he officially asked you to go steady with him.
It didn't take much convincing for you to say yes. You really liked Mastiff, and from the sounds of it he really liked you. Being able to call him your boyfriend was like iceing on the cake. And you called him that alot.
'Boyfriend' often took the place of his name in conversations. It annoyed him a little but you were having fun so he let you get away with it. He had his fair share of nicknames for you as well, some of the Russian ones weren't all that appropriate but he wouldn't tell you which ones.
It was comfortable. Very comfortable. For awhile. He hid it well, but not forever. It actually surprised you that he told you of his own accord more than what he told you.
He realized one night while eating that if he wanted to be serious with you that he needed to confess something. You got the call and headed over to his house right after your shift ended.
He didn't look... Guilty. He looked calm and stoic, like when you first met him. You took a seat at the dinning table and asked him what was wrong. He said nothing. He just leaned over the table and kissed you. That's when it hit.
A strong taste of iorn. Of blood. You reel back and see the small stream of red coming from his mouth. Of course you freak out and start asking if he's hurt. He shakes his head and tries to explain but as he opens his mouth you see long, bulbous blood stained fangs.
And you're frozen again. You're standing frozen in your boyfriend of 8 months kitchen, watching as he tries to explain that he isn't human all the while small streams of blood run down his jaw.
That's the first time you see him get close to crying. He doesn't actually but he gets close. His voice wavers and his hands shake only slightly. But he gets through it. He gets through his confession of being... Something you can't remember... And waits for your response.
You run.
What were you supposed to do? Stay? Hug him and tell him it's okay and you still love him? He most likely just ate someone.
You can't go back home so you stay with a friend for a few days. You're still in shock for the most part and she's kind enough not to ask questions. It's on the 4th day of this hiding out plan that he contacts you. It's a simple text just saying 'Please'. Your heart hurts a little when you read it.
You know he prefers to call, to hear your voice.
You type back 'what'.
You and him talk but it's mostly him trying to explain again. He asks to meet up, somewhere public so you can be comfortable, and you stare at the screen of your phone.
You take a deep breath, then write out your reply.
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bat-snake · 5 years
Prison Break - Tumblr version
Prisoner 777 was nearing the end of his patience, as Zim babbled on about his intents for the MacGuffin of Chekhov V. Something about destroying the human child he was foolish enough to continue tangling with. He wasn't even focused on Zim anymore. He watched his three children behind the containment tube they were imprisoned in, huddled together for heat and comfort. Attached to the tube was a massive red button - the same one that threatened to 'erase his children from the universe'. Below that, the words 'ERASE CHILDREN' were painted in large blocks. 
(continued after break)
The manipulation was stacked together cruelly; though Prisoner 777 always hoped it was a bluff, he wasn't going to take the chance. The littlest sucked its own hand quietly. They all looked disheveled - unlikely not being fed adequately. He wasn't quite sure how they hadn't keeled over from Zim's complete obliviousness to the care little Vortians required; someone else had to have been keeping them afloat. It took everything to remember that he couldn't just tear off his awful prison jumpsuit, pluck them out of the containment tube, and nurse them. Thousands of light years apart, and the faded, fuzzy communications screen was the closest he could get to them. Suddenly, Zim's defective SIR bolted to action, abruptly shrieking "OH! BUTTON!", dashing toward the massive read button on the containment tube. "Zim! Zim, stop him!" 777 desperately shouted "And I'll be rid of the Dib Boy once and for -- GIR, no!" Zim whipped around with a scream as the SIR thrust his hand up and slammed his on the button. "Beep!" 777 felt everything inside him drop and go numb, as a bright flash consumed the containment tube and he heard terrified squeals within it. He could have sworn he saw their little bodies vaporize into dust - and the dust into nothing. The flash faded. The containment tube was empty. The SIR unit stood next to it, tongue hanging out for a moment, and continued pressing the button. "Beep! Beep! Beep!" He cheerfully chanted, oblivious that the young Vortians were gone.
777's hands clasped to his mouth. He trembled violently, struggling against his own clenching throat for words. "My babies. MY BABIES!" He choked out, knees nearly giving out as he collapsed into deep sobbing. "MY LEVERAGE!" Zim wailed. "I'll never get the MacGuffin now!" He dropped dramatically, clutching his head and falling prostrated onto the ground. Leverage? MacGuffin??? "Curses to your Macguffin, Zim!" 777 cracked through his devastation. "And your horrid robot!" He covered his eyes and sank at the knees. "MY MAGUFFIN!" Zim squealed, shoving off the floor and bending his back dramatically. Not even hearing. For only a moment, GIR watched in limp repose. He watched Zim on the floor howling about the MacGuffin. He watched Prisoner 777 sob heavily on the lab screen. In a swift beat from silence, GIR began to join in the noise, letting out a long yell. "EVERYBODY'S SCREAMING!"
Around the corner of the lab and down another hallway, a small platform perched at the very end of another room, with a small dome hanging from the ceiling. A small, scrappy piece of paper was taped haphazardly to the platform. " 'Erase Children': Point B" scrawled sloppily across it. A small flash beamed down from the ceiling dome, dropping the three young Vortians onto it, each poofing back into existence. They looked around the darkened room, dazed and confused. After a beat of silence, the smallest one started weeping. "Where's Daddy?" The biggest of the trio wobbled onto its spindly legs. "DADDYYY!" The middle called. The biggest grabbed the smallest by the hand and hauled it down the hallway, leading its siblings with it around the corner until they could peek around to the lab. Zim was back on his feet; only 777's horns were in frame, as he had keeled over in his devastation. They shirked back, noticing Zim nearly face them. "Computer! End the call!" He released one last emotional scream, before snapping to normalcy. "Well. I guess I can't get anything out of him anymore. Thanks a lot, GIR." He glared at the little robot, who was running in circles, still screaming. "Guess I'll have to 'erase' the brats for real and find a new Vortian to serve me." He shrugged. "778's free though...so's 779..." He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "780 died in that Horrible Space Blob Incident..." He continued to mumble and parse his options as he sorted through an array of weaponry. He shuddered at the memory of the Horrible Space Blob.
The young Vortians froze up behind the wall they hid behind, watching Zim quietly. "Hey." A hushed voice came from behind them. They looked up and behind them, and noticed a creature they'd never seen before. Sort of like their own. The feet were wrong. It didn't have horns or antennae. Fur on the head. "I'm Dib. I saw everything." He whispered. "I was here earlier and then Zim forgot I was here when your dad called." "Daddy?" One of them perked up. "Uh. Yeah." Dib picked it up. He squinted a moment. He could carry all three of them easily. Present them to Professor Membrane as real aliens. Get acclaim as the Boy Who Proved Aliens Are Real and Kicked Zim's Butt. His imagination ran wild thinking of the respect and honors he would receive. He imagined his dad's pride. His dad. His dad who he had just had an enormous argument with about the ten-legged frog-like creature that escaped from Zim's house. It had to have been an alien! It had complex teeth! Frogs didn't have complex teeth! Frogs didn't have tentacles! Frogs didn't have---
Dib stopped his train of thought, having a return of the horror he felt, as he witnessed the Vortian children appear to vaporize - and somehow worse - their father's distraught reaction. "No! You're babies! You need your dad!" He pointed a finger up. "And I know where Moo-Ping 10 is!" He scooped up the other two. "Okay. Gotta go before Zim starts looking for your demise." His tone dropped off as he shuffled to a transport tube, squeezing just behind an oblivious Zim as he kept listing off potential new Vortians to extort. "888 would be too repetitive..." He mumbled. "Bye bye, Dib! Bye bye, babies!" GIR squealed with a wave, watching them ascend up the transport tube. "Dib??? Babies??? BYE BYE?!" Zim whipped around, just noticing Dib's feet before they disappeared from view. "HEY!" He called, before hanging his arms limp at his sides. "Now I have to...wait for the thing to come down..." He grumbled.
Dib jumped out of the toilet that led to the lab, dashing for the door to get just a few more seconds of speed before Zim could catch up to him. Out of the house, he stopped dramatically at the edge of the sidewalk. "To my house where the ship is!" He turned on his heels toward the direction of his house, and walked at an even, but quick, pace. The tube out of the lab was a long ride. He had time to walk. It didn't take that long to get into his garage, even when he had to configure holding all three in one arm so he could open the door. All the while, they were peeping out little complaints. Asking for daddy every other time. He hurried to Tak's Ship, where he had left it parked after another recent escapade. "Hey! Ship!" Dib rushed to it. "We have to get someone out of Moo-Ping 10!" He fixed his hold on all three of the Vortians. "Your dad? Again?" Tak's Ship groaned. "No! Their dad! Do you know about Prisoner 777?" Dib asked. "Designer of the Massive? Creator of my ship class? Responsible for an array of weaponry and technology?" Tak's Ship listed off. "Yeah! That guy!" Dib grinned. "I'm not letting a Vortian even touch my interior! Let alone a Vortian's butt!"
Dib rolled his eyes. "Again with the butts--he can be useful! He can...uh...repair you more than I can, he can help us fight Zim." Tak's Ship was quiet for a moment. "Fine." It tutted. "But the Vortian brats stay behind." Dib frowned. "No, they need to come too. 777 thinks they're dead, but if I leave them behind, Zim's probably going to 'erase' them for real." Dib rattled with urgency. The ship was silent. "If it helps, I can put them in a basket or hold them in my lap. Or both." Dib sighed. "Fine." Tak's Ship replied after a pause. Dib looked down at the babies, who gazed up at them - he only then noticed how terrifyingly huge their eyes were. "So uh...you guys want some milk for the road or something?"
Zim was nearly at Dib's house - in human disguise - when the garage door opened and Tak's Ship shot out from it into the sky. Zim watched it fly further and further. Past the stratosphere. Into space. "Ooooo! Now I have to walk all the way back and get my ship!" He growled.
As the ship shot past the moon, Dib fumbled with getting a fresh carton of milk open. Gaz would surely have his neck for it - it was a special brand she had specifically requested. The babies needed it more as far as he was concerned - and he would be sure to replace it. He pulled open the top, dropped a bendable straw in, and held it up to one of them. "Okay, here you go." He offered. The biggest baby looked at the carton and straw suspiciously, before clamping its mouth on the straw with a short suck. Its eyes bugged out and it spat the straw out. "NO! YUCK!" It screamed, shoving the carton away and then sobbed, hanging its arms and head over the basket's edge. "I'm hungry!" Dib looked at the carton it had so fiercely declined. "But I gave you--" He stammered. "I'm hungryyyyyy!" The littlest wailed. "I'm cold!" The middle one chimed in. "I want daddy!" Dib could feel his energy drain with every single complaint - and he wasn't even doing anything. This was going to be a long ride.
On Earth, Zim was not getting the motion that he needed. Dib would get to Moo-Ping 10 soon. 777 would find out the "erasing" had been a bluff the whole time. That couldn't happen. GIR, however, had other ideas, as he rolled around on the floor in front of the couch, bawling. "I WANT TO GO TO PIRATE TOWN!" He wailed, pointing at the colorful commercial that was playing on the television for the tenth time that day. It featured a horrifyingly ragged costumed character pirate, hobbling around a grimy dock, joined by dozens of human children as they displayed the dozens of rides and snacks the park had to offer. Singing a theme song that Zim realized immediately wouldn't leave his head for days. On one cut, the pirate's peg leg fell off the costume and into the Big Big World of Pirates moat.
Hello/Me Mateys/Let's go/down to PIRATE TOWN!!! Hello/Me Hearties/Let's have/fun at PIRATE TOWN!!!
It ended with a red, battered-looking parrot puppet swiftly squawking out the address and legal information. "BRAAK! PirateTownisnotresponsibleforheartattacksstrokesseizuresandappendicitis! Turnleftattheturnpike! BRAWK!" It rattled, its beak moving with no regard for sync; it was so aged that threads split on its buttoned eye until it nearly fell off. "No, GIR. We're not going to Pirate Town!" Zim sighed, pinching between his eyes. "We have to stop Dib before he gets to Moo-Ping 10 with 777's little brats! The ones you're acting like right now!" GIR laid prone upwards on the floor. "Can we go to Pirate Town after?" He sniffled. "No." Zim crossed his arms. GIR continued wailing, at a louder pitch than before. "FINE! We'll go to Pirate Town after we find Dib!" Zim relented. "HOORAY!" GIR popped onto his feet. "Let's finally get into the ship." Zim grabbed GIR by the hand and led him back down to the lab. "I'm gonna meets Squawky!" "GIR. No. Squawky is terrifying. And gross."
Dib was nearly at his wit's end. All three babies were crying. All three had now refused the milk he brought along. It had been shoved away, and spilled in multiple parts of the ship. Dib clutched the littlest one, who had been complaining the most about being cold and tired, rocking himself and the baby while wearily choking out a lullaby from his own infancy, out of patience, and wildly out of tune. "Este lindo niño! Se quiere dormir! Cierra los ojitos! Y los vuelve a abrir!" It didn't work. At all. No one was happy. Least of all Tak's Ship, which had been bitterly silent. Until...
"Alright, we're there!" Tak's Ship suddenly blared. Dib recognized the right-angled floating pillars of Moo-Ping 10. "Look, your dad's in there!" He pointed wearily. He fell on deaf ears. "Do you have a better plan this time?" It asked. "This time, I'm going to disguise myself." Dib put the baby in the basket. "As what?" Tak's Ship asked. "I dunno...a prisoner?" Dib shrugged.
A drawer shot open. Inside was a neatly arranged Irken soldier's uniform. "How about an Invader?" Tak's ship asked. "Wouldn't hide my hair, eyes, or skin." Dib noted. "I still have one of Tak's holoforms." The ship responded. "It's the bracelet." "And what about getting him out? There'd be all kinds of paperwork and I'd have to prove things..." Dib started listing. "I'll fabricate that too." Tak's ship spat impatiently. "Just get that Vortian out quickly before I lose my patience with his horrible brats!"
Dib quickly redressed himself in the Invader's uniform - he wasn't too thrilled with Tak's old purple getup, but he didn't have much choice. He draped his coat over the basket the baby Vortians were in. They finally went quiet as they were swathed in darkness. With a click of the bracelet, he almost appeared to morph into a young, purple-eyed Irken. "Ugh. You look a smeet on the first job." Tak's ship 'gagged'. "What's that supposed to mean?" Dib gawked as the ship found a space to dock at and opened its shield. "Just take the fabricated papers up front." The ship shot out a block of papers at Dib. "Do I really look that young for an Irken?!" Dib flustered as it closed. "Just go!"
Dib looked at the high wall of the official entry point and passed through the door. It was remarkably empty, save for the blobby alien behind a high window. "Uh..." He approached meekly. "Hi. I'm Invader..." He looked to see if he had fake designation. "Invader Bid??? I'm Invader Bid!" Dib stood on his tiptoes to slide up the stack of papers. "And I'm on orders to bring Prisoner 777 back to Vort!" He bit his lip, hoping the attendant would fall for it. She mumbled and shoved the papers through a scanner. It beeped and screeched and chugged noisily until it dinged. "Hmmm there's been a fewwww mistakes." She drawled. She looked up and down at Dib. He felt like he could sweat bullets. She'd s surely see right through the forgery! "But youuuu look like you're newwww." She fumbled her glasses. "I cannnn make the fiiiiixes." She made a few little scribbles and stamps on selected papers. "Okay. Cool. Where do I go to get the prisoner?" The attendant pressed a small green button. Shortly after, two hulking guards stalked in from side doors. "He's heeeere for 777. Transferrrr to back to Vort." She pointed at Dib. "Haw. Little smeet on his first job." One of them chortled. "I'm not a smeet! I'm a big boy!" Dib stuttered. "Come on, kid." One of the guards bumped him. "Prisoner's in recreation." They transported him to another block of the prison, into the recreation center. It was quiet inside. It wasn't much for recreation.
Most of the prisoners were seated solemnly on the bleachers. A few others stood awkwardly in corners. A hulking brown lizard-like prisoner was cradling 777, who was curled in a small ball, weeping raggedly. "777 is being transferred back to Vort. Empire's orders." One of the guards stamped his foot for their attention. The prisoners all looked at them. 777 weakly lifted his head from the lizard's arm. "And they sent this boy to do it?" The lizard rose up, still holding 777. "What? Is this your first job?" He pointed at Dib. "Uh yeah..." Dib finally relented. "It sure is my first job." He nodded and put his hands on his hips. "You know what happened earlier today? Invader Zim got all three of his kids killed!" The lizard pointed at 777. "Well--his robot is the one that did it. But he still needs to be held accountable! He's the one that separated them on Vort!" 777 covered his eyes weakly. "I...was not told." Dib lied to his teeth. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a job to finish!" He gestured for 777 to be handed over. "G'raggo." A guard pointed at the giant lizard. "Now." G'raggo looked down as 777 gripped his arm in wordless desperation. "Sorry, friend." He gave 777 a small squeeze of a hug and delivered 777 to the guards. Dib held him upright while he was cuffed at the wrists and neck, forcing him to stand and not collapse onto the floor again. He felt awful. And worse still imagining if he was being transferred for real. By some older, uncaring Irken just looking to get a job done. He grabbed 777 by the arm and led him to the exit. "Come on." He said lowly, with a gentle pull. 777 didn't weigh much differently than Zim - but he felt heavier as he forced himself to walk in his exhaustion. "Why are you doing this?" 777 crackled a few minutes after the transport box stared moving. "Why now? Why now when my children are--" He faltered. He couldn't raise his hand to his eyes. Instead, his horns (surprisingly to Dib) flopped over his head as huge tears rolled down his cheeks. He tipped forward in a loss of balance. One of the guards lurched to grab him by the shoulder, but Dib caught him around the waist. "Uh, I know it's procedure and all...I don't think we need to worry about the cuffs." Dib sheepishly smirked. "Fine." One of the guards grumbled. "But just this once, kid. No other prisoner's going to be this easy to haul around." The cuffs were undone. 777 took a long gasp of breath and pressed his hands to his eyes.
The box stopped back at the entry. Dib pulled 777 out through the doorway backwards, still hauling him by the waist. "So uh...anything of his to collect from here?" Dib asked. "Hmmmm..." The attendant disappeared into a melted puddle and oozed down a hallway (glasses still on top of the globby sludge), and returned with a box. She oozed back onto her seat and reformed. "In here iiiiis..." She opened up the lid, revealing a thick, gray fabric. It came unfolded when she removed it. "Onnnly one blaaanket?" Dib watched 777's small eyes widen as it was pushed through to him. He picked it up gingerly and stared at it for a moment. He clutched it close, pressing a corner to his cheek. Now he just looked like a dried out husk. This was continually more and more unpleasant. "Okay. We've...got that." Dib cleared his throat. "We best be going." "Goooooood luck, Invader Bid!" The attendant waved a gelatinous arm at him. Dib waved awkwardly as he pushed the door open with his back. He was quiet for a little bit as he dragged 777 across the parking lot. Only listening to him as he found his voice again. "I've lost everything." He croaked. "Everything was fine until Tallest Myuki was killed. It wasn't even my fault, Bid! It wasn't my fault! It was Zim!" He heaved for breath. "I could handle prison on Vort - it was still home, I was still an engineer. I still had my cohorts and friends. My children may have been born in that prison, but I still had something!" He looked at the blanket. "But I don't know what happened! I was happy to help Zim if he asked! But after I gave birth...I don't know if he was jealous that I was giving them more attention, but...the best I know is I had to decline helping him because of the babies and..." He came to a stop to catch his breath. He ran a hand over the blanket. "And he transferred me here. And he took my family from me. He told me that if I didn't comply, he'd..." He faltered. "Yeah...I've got the idea." Dib looked behind himself to make sure he was close to the ship. 777 sighed. "You're just a boy, Bid. I'd understand if you've heard stories Zim, but you can't underestimate him." Dib watched his expression turn to anger. "And I was a fool to trust him." "Well." Dib reached the ship. "I know I wouldn't trust Zim." He watched the screen open up. And wondered how to get 777 in; he certainly wasn't in a state to himself. He stepped into the ship, and using all his strength, swept 777 off the ground, around into the ship, and bringing him down on the seat with a small thud. "Ow!" 777 shouted. "Why did you--" He snarled as the ship closed and started to take off. "Had to get you in somehow." Dib shrugged and whipped his coat off the basket - which 777 had not yet noticed. 777 seethed on the seat - but only for a moment before something leaped out from the basket and hitting him square in the stomach. "DADDY!" It squealed. It happened twice more. Once on his stomach with the first. The second in the middle of his chest. "What?!" 777 wheezed, winded and unsure what had happened. The ship shot further into space. In the streaking blur of stars, 777 was finally able to gather himself and watch as his babies clutched him. "What..." He sputtered. "...Babies..." He whispered, sitting up and gathering them together against him. "My babies!" He curled himself around them and wept again. Now, overcome with joy. "Bid! How is this possible!?" He beamed at Dib. "How were you able to get them, I saw--" He stopped, looking at the floor. The milk carton was on the ground, where one of the babies had thrown it in their refusal to drink from it.   "Why would you leave this on the floor?" He asked, picking it up. "There's protocol against that. Even an Irken on the first job should know that. Not to mention what would happen if it sank into the wiring. And..." He sipped from the straw. His brow furrowed. He gagged a little at the taste. "Eww, that's too sweet--And no real Irken would be able to handle this kind of liquid concentration." "It's yucky!" The biggest baby swatted the air in its direction. "Cold!" The littlest chimed in. "It sure is, sweetie." 777 grimaced at it. He watched Moo-Ping 10 disappear into the distance. Far enough away that they couldn't be followed. He poured some of the milk over Dib's head. Dib only shuffled awkwardly as the liquid dripped harmlessly down his face. "You're not burning!" 777 lurched up onto his feet, pointing in alarm. "What are you, really!?" Dib grinned. And switched off his disguise. "I'm Dib!" He flourished as if he were in a cartoon about girls transforming into superheros. "The Dib Boy? Zim's Dib?" He blinked in confusion. "But why would you..." He stuttered. "After everything..." "Yeah, I was in Zim's lab when everything happened. Turned out the 'Erase Children' tube was a teleporter." Dib explained. 777's expression turned dark. "I knew it. I knew he was bluffing!" He hissed. "But I couldn't take the risk." "Yeah, especially since he was going to leave you to rot in Moo-Ping 10 and 'erase' them for real." Zim let more information spill. "Was he?" 777 looked at his babies. Watched while they cuddled frantically.
He breathed out heavily, hauling each one closer to his face and nuzzled them. It went on for a few minutes like that. Dib wasn't entirely sure. It did take a while. Dib moved himself as far to the opposite side of the ship as he could, giving the family some space while they snuggled and reconnected. He noticed a great deal of soft headbutting. "Okay." 777 sighed and took a sharp breath, wiping his eyes. He sat up, gently getting all three lowered a little bit. "Okay...who's hungry?" He unzipped his jumpsuit and pulled his arms free from the sleeves, letting them drop limply, and reclining back into the seat. The babies perked up eagerly. "What are you--AAUGH!" Dib spun around, facing away from them while he started to roll up the thin black undershirt he wore underneath. "How about some more warning!?" He grabbed his coat and threw it over his head. "At least you can look away!" Tak's ship hacked.
Zim barely had success getting GIR down to the lab. GIR had spent too long trouncing around the house and lab, singing the Pirate Town Song. And just as he was about to board his ship, he got notification for a call from Moo-Ping 10. "Hm! Could that be Prisoner 777?" He wondered as he trudged to answer the call. He found the administrator Dib had interacted with. "Gooood day, Invaader Ziiiiim. I'm inforrrming you that Prisoner 777 has beeeeen transported baaaack to the Vort Prison, on Imperiaaaaal Order." She dragged. "Transported?! By who!?" Zim slammed his fist on the console. "Am I, the Mighty Zim, not paying for his imprisonment?" "Yees, well...Imperial Orderssss, you know. Besiiiiides. It was a neww Invader's first job. Ooh! He's still praaactically a smeet!" "Who is this baby smeet boy that moved my prisoner!?" Zim demanded. "Oh, Invader Bid, I believe?" The administrator tutted. Zim stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Hmhmm. Hmhmmm. Invader Bid. Yes. Bid. Bid? BID! Biiiiiid!!!" He paced a moment. "Thank you for the information, Blobby Prison Lady!" He made a finger guns gesture. "My naame is Maarrtha--" "Computer, turn it off!" Zim cut her off.
"So! Dib is running a wild goose chase with 777's spawn and this Invader Bid has my prisoner!" He paced some more in thought. "Dib and the bratlings can come to a dead end, I destroy them all on the way back, I track down Invader Bid and destroy HIM, 777 is still right where he should be. Space jail!" He whirled toward GIR. "Do you know what this means!?" He pointed at him. "We goin' to Pirate Town?" GIR perked up. "No, GIR. Not yet." He shook his head. "It means everything's working out for Zim!" "Master! Master!" GIR waved an arm excitedly. "Yes GIR?" Zim folded his arms." "If you're an Invader, and he's an Invader...and he's a smeet boy, you's a smeet boy!" Zim's left eye twitched. "I'm not a smeet, GIR." GIR giggled. "You'll always be MY baby smeet boy!" "...Sure, GIR. Sure." Zim rolled his eyes. His arms went limp as GIR hugged him. "Baby smeet boyyy."
Dib slowly turned back toward the Vortians, pulling the coat from his head. He thought for a moment that his father might scold him for being rude - and neglecting a moment for scientific study. The undershirt was down again. 777 had tied the sleeves of the jumpsuit around his waist at some point. The babies were finally quiet, at long last. One splayed across 777's stomach, head on his chest. The other two each rested on his shoulders, cradled in his arms. The gray blanket draped behind 777's back, enveloping all four of them. "Uh. Hi." Dib waved awkwardly. 777 half opened one eye. "Hi." "Sorry." Dib cleared his throat. "Ah, it's fine. We needed the space." 777 carefully shrugged. Dib watched the babies sleep. "Jeez, they just...wouldn't quiet down on the way." He flopped back in his seat. "It was always cold or hungry or tired or wanting you and just..." "Noise." Tak's ship cut in. "Infernal noise!" "Yeah!" Dib agreed.
"You did take nothing with you but cold milk with nothing to heat it. And expected them to take it from a straw." Just as one of the little ones started to kick its leg in its sleep, 777 gave it a few gentle thumps between the shoulder blades with his fingertips until it burped and settled back down. "How was I supposed to know they weren't weaned? Besides, it's not like I...would still have my baby bottles sitting around." Dib started defensively, but trailed off in fascination with how quickly the baby's discomfort was identified and resolved. "They only have one tooth each." 777 had a dumbfounded silence. He picked up the carton and started reading the nutritional label. "Ooo, yeah, no. They were right to not like this." He gritted his teeth. "Yeah, they'd be really unhappy if they actually had their fill of this, even with me here." He looked strangely relieved. "Which means Zim wasn't giving it to them. With all the times he communicated with me, I would know if he was."
Dib laughed. "He can barely keep grips on his own robot! He'd lose his mind with him and three screaming kids!" "Speaking of Zim, what are we going to do about him?" 777 asked, rubbing his chin. "I'd imagine we're going to your home planet?" Dib nodded. "Yep. Earth. It's...something. I haven't had much luck gaining respect and my dad doesn't believe anything I say about aliens or the paranormal, and my sister is going to flay me alive for taking that milk out of the fridge, but...it's the only home I know." Dib sighed. 777 crossed his legs in thought, and let the child on his stomach slide softly down until it fell cradled in them. "Zim will have been told that 'Invader Bid' picked me up, and we'll likely think we're on our way to Vort. It wouldn't actually be stopping him. But I'd like to have a few 'words' with him." His eyes narrowed coldly. "Perhaps we could even surprise him with Invader Bid?" Dib gave the idea a moment of thought. And grinned. "Sure!"
Zim cackled as his ship finally broke the Earth's atmosphere. Gir listened with a vacant stare for a moment and slowly started to join him. He cut off with a surprised "Whu--" as Tak's Ship blazed by his own. "Dib's Tak's Ship!" GIR pointed. "I can see that. So the Dib has realized his efforts were in vain and has returned, tail between his legs, like the sad, sad boy that he is!" He snickered malevolently, leaning down with his palms pressed together, and snapped back up. "Okay, let's go mock him!" He turned the ship around. "I'll mock Invader Bid later!" He followed the ship to a long, empty field where it stopped. "What's he doing down there?" Zim wondered. He pointed the ship's long-distance camera, and saw a young Irken hop out of the ship. Zim gasped dramatically, seeing 777 follow behind. "Could it be?! The baby smeet boy Bid?!" He squinted. "Wow, he is a baby smeet boy! They're letting them out early these days! Look at that smeet face and big ol' smeet head! But why does he have Tak's Ship?!" He brought his ship down to the clearing. He approached the young Irken, first with formality. "Hello, hello, little smeet boy! What brings you to the planet the Tallest have assigned to ME for takeover?" He brought his hands out from behind his back and pressed them together, hunching his back. "Why, I didn't know this was YOUR planet!" Dib pressed his hands to his Irken cheeks. "We had to make an emergency stop on our way to Vort! Something leaked through my ship's floor!" He staggered dramatically. "Could it have been the sad, sad tears of your prisoner?" He pointed at 777. "By the way, welcome to Earth! Shame you couldn't get here before your children were erased from the universe!" He laughed malevolently. "It's a shame, I would have liked you to come sooner, but...Moo-Ping 10 has a good deal for captives. And I don't have to keep you imprisoned in my base." 777 scowled silently as Zim rambled. "So." Zim pointed at Dib. "Advice from one Invader to another. Don't get involved with the planets or prisoners of other Invaders!" He lurched up into Dib's face. "Why, I didn't mean to! I was commanded to!" Dib put his arms up 'defensively'. "Well, let's check in with the Tallest!" Zim's remotely opened the camera from his own ship. "CALL THE TALLEST!" He yelled.
It took a moment for them to answer. "...They have a jingle now." Zim cleared his throat as a little tone played. It was just Almighty Tallest Purple singing. There was a victory. I gotta say, you did quite well. It's difficult to say how proud I am of you The Great Irken Empire We conquer worlds because it's fun The tone stopped as the holographic screen opened to the Tallest, Red gripping a drink and Purple munching on popcorn. "Zim, what is it now?!" Red rolled his eyes. "My Tallest. I have been told that one Invader Bid has been given permission to move MY PRISONER, Vortian Prisoner 777, from Moo-Ping 10, where I pay for his keep, right back to Vort from where I moved him! What is this decision to move him back to Vort!"
The Tallest cast confused glances at one another. "Who's Invader Bid?" Tallest Purple. Zim stuttered a moment. "Invader Bid! It was his first mission! He's got smeet face!" He pointed his camera at Dib, still wearing his Irken disguise. "...We don't know that Irken. We haven't even assigned any new Invaders!" Red almost crushed his cup. "But...then...who...???" Zim stuttered. Dib clicked off the bracelet, shedding the disguise. "DIB!?" Zim shrieked. "DIB WAS THE BABY SMEET BOY!" He pointed in alarm. "Which means..." He watched as 777 lifted each of his babies out of Tak's ship. Zim paled, realizing everything that had happened. "Has that Vortian engineer always had Vortian smeets?" Purple asked Red while 777 stalked toward Zim. "Oh...777." Zim laughed nervously. "Uh..." He shrank back. "So, do you still think we're 'old friends'?" 777 stopped a few feet from Zim, arms folded. Zim remembered the interaction during his short stint at Moo-Ting 10.
"But are old friends, aren't we, Prisoner 777?" "You have my family hostage." "Yep. Old friends."
"You think you can say that to me, after kidnapping my children, letting me think they were gone from the universe - then leaving me to rot in prison? While they were still very much alive? Of course until you took it upon yourself to really--" He stopped what he was saying, wrist twitching at the thought of what Zim could have done. "Uh..." Zim stepped back. "Look, about the 'erasing' thing, I just...wanted to make sure you'd still work with me. I would never have really done it! And when you thought they WERE erased..." Zim's prior logic started to crash down on him. "Uh yeah, it didn't make sense, right! Right, we both agree on that! We're...! We're...old...friends!" Zim noticed the milk carton in 777's hand. "Why do you have that? Where did --- 777 DON'T!" Zim nearly tumbled backwards, as 777 readied to hurl the carton at Zim. It sailed over him, spilling some of its contents onto him. His skin sizzled on contact and he dropped down to the grass, wailing in agony. "Huh. Maybe that was the MacGuffin of Chekhov V all along." Dib rubbed his chin. "Chekhov's Carton. Heh." He mused to himself. "Nope." 777 huffed and continued to stalk toward Zim, curled in a ball on the grass. 777 could hear that the Tallest were still in transmission, cackling at Zim's pain. "Aaaah, 77--AAAAH!" Zim barely had time to notice 777 raise one his hooves over him and stomp it into him repeatedly. "MY TALLEST! MY TALLEST, VORTIANS HAVE HOOVES!" Zim shrieked out, not realizing the Tallest were still laughing. "Are we recording this?!" Purple dropped his arm on Red's shoulder to support himself. Dib looked over his shoulder as the three babies watched. The biggest one hobbled over, standing a little bit behind its father until he stopped. Zim struggled to uncurl a little bit, finding one of the baby Vortians staring him in the face. "eeeugh..." He almost lifted his head - until the baby jumped and kicked him square in the face, like a pocket-sized kangaroo. Zim only mustered a squeak, which turned into a "hurk!" as 777 seized him by the shirt and thrust him against the side of his own ship - within sight of the Tallest. "How about a new agreement Zim?" He snarled. "Do anything to threaten my children again, and I'll stomp you to death with my hooves like the bug that you are." Zim grasped his arm until 777 let go. He drooped up against the side of the ship, wheezing. 777 found the milk carton nearby and drizzled some of what was left in it on Zim's head. "Enough, enough! I GET IT!" Zim wailed, swatting the carton away as his skin sizzled. "You've made your point!" 777 leaned down to his level. "Don't make me do it again."
Without another word, he picked up the biggest baby and rejoined the others. "This isn't fun anymore!" Tallest Purple exclaimed. "Yeah, really not fun." Tallest Red agreed. "Turn off the transmission!" The feed cut, leaving a screen of static. "That...was a little terrifying." Dib shuddered. "But awesome." He picked up the two little ones and joined 777 in Tak's Ship. "I...guess you're coming home with me." Dib realized. "If you'll just be re-imprisoned if you go back to your home world and have nowhere else to go..." Dib scratched his cheek. 777 took a moment to realize... "Yes..." He sighed. "You're right." He smiled at Dib. "You've already done so much for me and my family today. Thank you." He put an arm around Dib and hugged him to his shoulder. "There's an old mattress in the garage and we can set up a few blankets." Dib gave it some thought. "Oh but when Dad goes looking for the lawn mower..." He tapped his fingers to his palm. "Then you can prove you're right." "Yeah, but...that means you'd get locked up again. For science this time. You've been through that enough as it is." 777 looked to his side. "We'll deal with that later." He sighed. "For now, I just want this nightmare to be over." He gathered up the babies and held them close.
Zim wheezed on the grass. He struggled to pull himself along, feeling the skin where the milk spilled start to split and peel. And burn. He had bruises on top of bruises. Vortians had hooves. Sharp, knife-y hooves. He had to remember that. He needed help getting back to his base. He couldn't get off the ground and he was sure something in his squeedlyspooch ruptured. "GIR?" Zim squeaked. "GIR, where are you?" He rolled onto his stomach. He saw GIR sitting in the grass, chugging what was left of the milk in the carton. "GIR, come help your master!" He reached out to GIR. GIR's lights switched form blue to red. He jumped up, throwing the empty carton aside. "Yes, my Master!" He scurried to Zim, hauled him over his head, and tossed him into the ship with as squealing "YEET!" Zim curled up in the seat, as GIR climbed back into his ship, lights turning blue again. "GIR." Zim coughed, sitting up as much as he could to set the controls back to the base. "I'll take you to Pirate Town when I'm done healing. I promise..." "Hooray!" GIR threw his arms in the air as the ship started to lift into the sunset.
Dib had changed back into his normal clothes and set to work clearing the junk that had piled onto an old, stained mattress. Boxes might as well make a good security wall or makeshift headboard. He discovered some were full of broken junk and parts of machinery. 777 helped intermittently, stopping to give his children attention. It was efficient until they needed to eat again, so 777 placed them in a wrap around his body. He'd found some loose-fitting pants that wouldn't constrict his legs - while his jumpsuit laid in a pile next to the wall. "I'm going to burn it." He'd declared as he shoved it aside after removing it completely. There were a few objects that 777 fixed with ease, and clearing even more space than Dib expected. "That dinosaur's been broken for...ages. I tried to fix it on my own, but I guess at some point I forgot about it." Dib remembered. "My dad tried to help, but I wanted to do it on my own." "Well, it's fixed now." 777 pulled the tail down on the toy dinosaur he was holding. Three mechanical roars blared from it. "Interesting..." 777 passed it to Dib. "Well...mattress is clear." He looked at the old, stained thing that was just a little sunken at the foot from years of weight on it. "It's not in the best condition..." Dib cringed. "Dib, I've been sleeping on a prison bed for..." He sighed. "I don't even know how long. My children haven't even..." He trailed off, wrapping his fingers around one of them. "Well, they've known nothing else but that." "I guess I'll go get you some blankets, then." Dib went to the entry door to the house. He was surprised to find his father there, with a mug of coffee and scribbling on a notepad. Upon closer inspection, it was just silly doodles and spirals. "Hi, Dad." He waved. "Good evening, son!" Membrane waved with a greater flourish. "How was your day, Dib? Anything alien or supernatural?" His voice was teasing; but he also seemed serious. "Well...yeah. But also...kinda down-to-Earth?" Dib realized he could flub some details. "And how was that?" Membrane asked. "I found some kids who lost their dad. And I helped them find him." Dib smiled a little bit. "Excellent, excellent!" Membrane clapped his hand on Dib's shoulder. "I'm proud of you!" "But...oh man! The whole way they were screaming and crying and didn't want to drink the milk I gave them - also Gaz's milk needs to be replaced before she kills me - and they were just...completely..." Dib stopped before he rambled off the deep end. "And then they got back with their dad and it was like a light switched. They were calm and they were happy and they...drank their milk and they went to sleep and..." Dib felt Membrane's hand come down gently on his head. "You learned child psychology!" Membrane chuckled, ruffling his hair. "Yeah..." Dib fumbled his fingers a little bit. He stepped close and hugged Membrane around the waist. He squeezed in a little bit. "Lesson cut deep, hm?" Membrane set his mug down and wrapped his other arm around Dib. Dib nodded. "Yeah..." He pulled himself away, rubbing his eyes under his glasses on the verge of tears. "Anyway, um...I need to go cover something in the garage!" He choked. "I just...need some old blankets and an old pillow." He sniffed hard, and tensed his shoulders. "You know where to find them, son." Membrane patted his shoulder. "Thanks..." Dib shuffled to the bedding closet, found the most appropriate blanket and pillow that he could, and returned to the garage.
777 had sat down on one of the boxes. Quietly mumbling in what Dib had to guess was his own language. The two bigger children were asleep in his lap. The third was cradled under his chin, half dazed in exhaustion. Dib crept past, throwing on one blanket too oversized for the twin-sized mattress, then a second thicker blanket. And finally the pillow. "Goodnight." Dib said quietly, stopping by the door to make sure 777 heard him. "<Goodnight>" The response came naturally in 777's first language. Zim smiled, having learned what he was sure was his first truly alien word, and returned to the main part of the house. With the door securely closed, 777 lifted all three together and carefully took a few steps to the mattress. He sank into it, wrapping the top blanket around himself. It was true that the mattress was sunken and old. That the blankets were pilled and patchy, having seen better days. That the pillow was lumpy. But it had been an eternity since he had comfort like this. The little ones woke up momentarily to take notice of their change in surrounding. It was minor in comparison to the rest of their day. They had been traumatically teleported. Brought into space starving and exhausted. Reunited with their father. Watched their father kick their kidnapper to a withering ball. Found a new temporary home with some attempt at their first real bed. 777 had thought he would be the one to take the light years of travel to get them back; he never expected at all they would come for him. Either way, he had them back. He settled himself in, leaving a little bit of his stomach exposed in case someone woke up hungry. His last thought before falling asleep was making a note to give them all a bath.
Late at night, Gaz stumbled her to the kitchen for a midnight snack. She hoped for some sugary cereal with the specialty milk she asked for. The ultimate midnight snack combination. She was startled to find a goat-like creature peering into the fridge, its silhouette illuminated by the florescent light. It was wearing one of Professor Membrane's old, baggy T-shirts; it was so big, one sleeve hung off the alien's shoulder. It turned its horned head to her, pinkish eyes wide and glowing, gripping a cheese stick in its mouth. It was holding a baby in one arm. They started at each other quietly for an uncomfortable amount of time, until the alien shut the fridge and scuttled away into the garage. "Ooo-kay." Gaz sighed heavily with a groan.  She went back up the stairs and pushed into Dib's room. She was surprised to find he wasn't in there. He wasn't on the couch either. Which meant... She found him sleeping with their dad, arm draped over the side of the bed while he slept. "Dib, one of your dumb aliens looking in our fridge." She snarled, approaching the edge of the bed. Dib groaned a little. "Purple? Goat legs? Horns?" He mumbled. "Yep." Gaz nodded. "It had a baby too." "Ehh, that's Prisoner 777. Leave him alone. He's had a rough day." He waved his hand. "Also he's got like, three babies." He rolled away from her direction. "Mmhmm, Mmhmm. Yeah, I'm not calling him that; cool gamer tag though." Gaz nodded for a brief moment, then abruptly jumped onto the bed and seized Dib by the shoulders and rattled him. "WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY MILK, DIB!? I SAW IT WASN'T IN THE FRIDGE!!!" Dib wasn't quite sure how the next few minutes passed. But when he came to, Gaz was on Membrane's opposite side, tucked into his arm and snoring loudly. It took Dib a moment to realize that he too had been pulled to Membrane's side. He shrugged, opting not to question what happened and fell asleep again.
It had been a few days. Zim was still in terrible pain. But a promise was a promise. His skin had healed enough that he could endure the day. But he had to endure it wearing a comically oversized tricorn hat with ironed-on skull and crossbones and black T-Shirt reading "I Went to Pirate Town" (in its own branded typeface). It was not a dignified look, worse in his already undignified human disguise. GIR ran circles around him as they stood in the middle of the nautical theme park, swinging a giant lollipop with glee, in his own "I Went to Pirate Town" shirt and bandanna wrapped around his head. He wouldn't stop squealing. "We gotta go on the boat ride, Zim! WE GOTS TO GO ON THE BOAT RIDE!" He tugged on Zim's arm, pointing at the Big Big World of Pirates moat, filled with miniature lifeboats on a rail under the water. "Fine. We'll go on the...Big Big World of Pirates." Zim rolled his eyes but it wasn't long before GIR was running headlong for a costumed parrot in front of the restaurant- that had a bizarre combination with a 1950's soda shop theme. "SQUAWKYYY!!!"
Zim could only watch in horror as GIR leaped at the parrot. As GIR seemed sail in slow motion, Zim knew that with the rest of the day was going to go...he almost started to prefer getting stomped by Prisoner 777.
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kayura-sanada · 5 years
Name five female characters that are your favorite. Most of the time I don't like female characters unless I can relate to them.
Literally off the top of my head:
1) Matilda (Matilda) - Smart girl, uses her powers for good, overcomes adversity, chooses to act to help others. No real flaws, but the entire point was a child taking power back from the adults who hurt her, so A++ work.
2) Miss Honey (Matilda) - chooses kindness over cruelty despite her past, acts despite her fear, tries to protect those around her despite having little power herself
3) Chihiro (Spirited Away) - starts off weak, but grows into her own strength, her ‘strength’ is not physical but of will and honor, puts herself at risk to help someone she loves, shows phenomenal growth, chooses to act respectfully, shows humility and temperance, is literally an embodiment of how feminine traits are strong, too
4) Josephine Montilyet (Dragon Age: Inquisiton) - smart, shows moderation, does not advocate against entire groups of people on either side, went through a bad moment and chose to try to use communication over violence from then on, once again shows that strength comes from the heart, biggest flaw is her desire to shelter her family from basic responsibilities
5) Jack (Mass Effect) - physically strong but emotionally weak, uses violence and rudeness as defense measures, is still capable of great loyalty and even love despite her horrid past, perfect illustration of how people are shaped by their pasts and hold very real trauma from it (and that trauma isn’t pretty), even when she forms close relationships with others she still remains badass
6) Tali (Mass Effect) - Smart, naive but shows a growth into maturity over the three games, literally kicks off saving the galaxy from Saren despite being treated like trash by said society for being nothing more than a member of her race, is awkward af socially, total nerd
7) Okoye (Black Panther) - badass, strong of heart and will above even physical strength (of which she has plenty), shows stalwart loyalty not to love but to duty and country, takes pride in herself, doesn’t show weakness but has a character that would absolutely pretend she had none even if she was driven into the ground by it, would love a movie about just her, screw the people demanding a movie for Black Widow, give me more Okoye please and thank you
8) Shuri (Black Panther) - oh look another smart young woman, still maintains childishness while being smart (thus shows she has intelligence but not yet wisdom), allowed to have strong emotions, biggest weaknesses are arrogance and societal egotism but has never been outside her society to understand niceties and I mean the arrogance isn’t completely unfounded but I despise arrogance in any form so
9) Fiona (Shrek) - physically strong but the physical strength is a footnote instead of Literally The Only Thing That Makes Her Strong, starts off arrogant and judgmental but learns about acceptance and equality from being with Shrek, gets angry and makes mistakes and is allowed to by the narrative without being treated like everything was her fault for daring to get angry, chooses the ‘greatest thing you’ll ever learn’ person over escaping her curse
10) Namine (Kingdom Hearts) - makes mistakes but works to fix them, loneliness and pain lead to poor choices, helps others, acts as guide, uses her powers to help from the sidelines, literally gives her own life so those she considers the ‘real heroes’ can come back and save the day, needn’t have a keyblade or random powers of light to be instrumental in defeating the darkness, tries to keep going even when she’s hurting, deserves a happy ending, dammit
1) Esmerelda (The Hunchback of Notre Dame) - strong of heart, stands up for others despite the danger, shows kindness and empathy, is the absolute best characterization of how feminine traits can still, when matched with fortitude and conviction, be powerful and even seem on the surface to be masculine
2) Tiana (Princess and the Frog) - fandom gives her crap but she’s literally the first all-out Disney princess to not have ‘naive’ and ‘super friendly’ as her core personality traits, works hard, diligent, believes in herself, shows pride without resorting to cruelty toward others, falls to despair when life kicks her hard but picks herself right back up and keeps going, in the end chooses ‘what matters’ and realizes that her father wasn’t a martyr but the one who loved her enough to pick her up so she could reach her dreams, keeps working hard even after the romance
side note: Tiana’s friend Charlotte deserves more love because she’s a spoiled rich brat but her best friend is the little girl from the opposite side of life and she is ready to help out her friend every time she sees Tiana needs it, so I can only imagine that the only reason she didn’t try to help Tiana out financially was because Tiana never asked her for help
3) Cinderella (Cinderella) - gets crap from fandom people who don’t realize she just wanted to have a nice happy night at a ball, shows kindness and empathy even in a shitty situation, still gets angry enough to nearly punish Lucifer, was raised in an abusive household so has normalized the abuse, still chooses to break free of it once she sees a better life is available to her, shows off the strength available in a purely feminine character, deserves more love and appreciation
Well! That was literally off the top of my head, and once again I overdid it, lol. I don’t need to relate to them so much as I need to see them as real. It’s absolutely possible to create phenomenal female characters that captivate people! Most writers just… don’t do that. (Note that, despite my being an otaku, only a couple of these are Japanese characters. That would be because the stigma of ‘female roles’ in Japan is still atrocious, and that is clearly apparent in their works.)
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svtmafia · 6 years
First Time You Met Them (Pt. 2)
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You went to your father's business nearly everyday, even if it was dangerous. Dangerous as in he's a mafia boss.
But you've been doing this for half of your life so you're used to it, even if your father would never let his precious child join his horrid mafia. That didn't stop you from getting into every little thing that came up in his office.
"Ooh hello there new boy, I've never seen you before!" You called out to gain the attention of the small boy sitting in the chair outside of your father's room.
"Oh. Hi." Was all he said, without looking up.
You pulled up a chair and sat in front of him, determined to make him talk. "The boss isn't here today, I'm taking all of his appointments since I'm his child. So, speak up."
"Ah, sorry. Didn't realize I was speaking to such an important person," He stood up, "My name is Woozi. I'm here for... a job?"
His tone of voice was highly suspicious, "Are you sure?" You glared at him, "What's your family name? Or should I ask for your real name?"
'Woozi' gulped, "Um- Lee."
"Have I seen you somewhere before, Mr. Woozi Lee?"
He gritted his teeth and sighed, "Fuck it, I'm through with these games. You're coming with me." The8
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"How long were you planning on keeping up this stupid game?" Someone squawked from behind you.
You turned back with a cocked eyebrow, curious about the situation going on around you. Instead of a peaceful discovery, you hit straight into a man with stern eyes surrounded by three other men. Your instinct told you to run, but you were held in place.
"Are you going to answer him?" Some frog-boy chimed in from behind the man who apparently squawks. You loosened up as this boy spoke, as he had a soothing voice.
You choked on your words, "G-game?" Nothing else would spill out of your mouth. You were at a loss of words.
The frog-boy stepped forward and made himself eye level with you. Cautiously studying you up and down, he looked down in defeat.
"You're not Lee Sunmi."
"Sorry- um," He appeared to be fumbling over his words now, "I mistook you for someone, but-"
The squeaky man patted the frog's back, probably signalling for them to leave. The two other boys began snickering as they left by themselves.
"My name is Minghao. I'd like if we saw each other again." 'Minghao' cracked a smile, completely changing from his crude manner a moment a go. The boy that was left let out a scream before running to join the ones who abandoned him. After an awkward exchange of numbers, you parted ways; very confused and wondering about Lee Sunmi.
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"[Y/L/N] [Y/F/N]. Fancy seeing you here!" A strange voice called out to you. Though you'd never heard the owner of it or met them, you knew exactly who it was.
You spun around quickly to confirm your suspicions. You were right. Kim Mingyu stood there with a stupid grin on his face. A face that could make anyone melt, out of love or disgust. You had no idea which you were feeling in this moment.
"No hello?" He cried with a pout on his face.
"Why are you here?"
"I heard you'd be here, I wanted to meet you. After all, you're next in line for boss when your father croaks. Right?" He was right, but you weren't going to tell him that. He probably already knew anyway due to the fact that he was in the same position not long a go. Then you heard that he fucked it up and you couldn't help yourself from laughing.
Thinking of his situation still brought a small chuckle out of you now, "Alright, screw-up. You met me, time for you to get the hell out of here."
"I don't recall you owning this area... In fact I believe it belongs to Seventeen."
"Oh, it belongs to S. Coups?"
"Don't test me, asshole." Mingyu's mood suddenly changed after he discovered you were mocking his position. You rolled your eyes, deciding you had enough. He was right about who the parking lot belonged to, so you had no room to stay there.
Mingyu called out as you walked away, "I think we'll be seeing each other soon, though! Thanks for coming!" He sounded enthusiastic once again, as if he won this 'battle'.
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It was a dangerous world out there, and a casino definitely wasn't a safe place for you to be either. Especially when you were only fifteen. However your friend, Seungkwan, promised nothing bad would happen. He basically owned the place, and he was only fourteen. That being said, he really isn't that trustworthy.
He dragged you into it by saying he'd introduce you to his 'cute' friend, Seokmin. He was a genius at poker and any game really. At least that's what Seungkwan said. You and Seokmin were apparently perfect for each other just because Seungkwan saw you playing online poker once.
"Look, [Y/N]. Don't say any of your stupid shit today. Seokmin is a true intellectual and won't play around."
"Seungkwan. You said he's only fifteen, why would he act like that?"
"Don't ask me!" Seungkwan shouted as he pushed you towards a table. There was a boy sitting there, who you assumed was Seokmin.
He noticed you instantaneously, "Ah, hello ma'am, nice evening? Isn't it?" You could easily notice how unnatural he was acting.
"I don't know what Seungkwan told you about me but I'm not very proper."
He sighed, "I know. I thought I'd try to do something to impress you, though."
"Well, I've heard a lot of your jokes through Seungkwan and those impressed me so," As soon as you mentioned jokes, a bright smile formed on his face.
"Really?! I have a lot of great jokes, so don't worry!"
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You were just casually sitting in a restaurant by yourself, seeing as it was your birthday and you wanted to do something fun. Your friends were all busy somehow, though.
You felt awkward being one of the only people here. It was expected since you're in a bad part of town, but someone told you that they have good food. And who were you to pass up a delicious meal?
There were five other people in the place, and you couldn't help but stare at a pair of them. The boy with a sweet, round face immediately caught your attention.
You accidently continued stared at him for a few minutes, and he surprisingly didn't notice. When the waiter walked up to his table was when you finally tore your eyes away.
It seemed he was a loud type, as you could hear him across the restaurant. "I don't like salad. Or eye contact!" It felt as if his words were directed straight at you, and when you looked to him again, you were right.
"Yeah! That's right! I'm talking to you!" For someone who didn't like eye contact, he was sure making a lot with you now. So, maybe you got to lost in his beauty before that you didn't notice him looking back at you.
The foreign-looking friend he was with urged him to go over to you. Your instincts made you shake your head no, which only pushed him further to come near you.
The two of you maintained eye contact as he stood up but due to him not paying attention, he tripped over his own chair, breaking your stare-off.
He noticed you breaking out into laughter, making him pop up off the floor quickly and dash towards you.
"I'm sorry, this was all just an excuse to get closer to you," He rubbed the back of his head, "I'm Seungkwan. And I tend to be dramatic, my friends say."
You flashed a smile, "I think I could get used to that."
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It was another simple day at your father's shop. No one wanted to come in and buy the busted computer hardware that he found in random places. You couldn't blame them. It was all old or chipped in so many places, how could it even work?
Every other hour you'd get a customer that would walk in, but they'd only want to use the bathroom. They didn't even bother to glance at the technology. Your father might as well start charging for people to use the toilet.
A small group of 4 boys came through the door, breaking your thoughts. You gave them a small bow as a greeting and one of them surprisingly returned your greeting.
He immediately went to work on searching through your inventory for whatever he needed. You kept an eye on him, because he was the only person who ever searched through the items. You truly had no idea what to do since it's been so long. However, the rest of his supposed friends just sauntered around, shooting a few glances your way.
Before you knew it, the polite boy was standing in front of your counter. "Excuse me, do you have any of the Canary's?" He asked, sounding quite confident while asking for a bird at a technology store.
"Yeah, uh, let me just... go in the back and see..." You walked away as he stood there with a smile.
You were really just going to see your father and see what he says.
You peeked your head through the door, "Hey, some kid just asked for a bird? Is that a name that I just don't know?"
"Oh- I'll deal with it!" Your dad yelled as he rushed out of his room and threw whatever he was working on the floor.
"That definitely wasn't shady." You said to yourself.
"[Y/N]! Come meet my favorite boy!"
"Oh, god."
You walked over to see your father firmly shaking hands with the nice boy.
"What is this, a drug deal or something?" You murmured as a joke.
You swear you saw your father shaking his head yes.
The boy coughed, "I'm Hansol. It's great to finally meet you."
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"What the hell is going on? Why can't I just go home and find my own entertainment?" You heard someone shouting behind the door. As a professional dancer, that wasn't the type of thing you wanted to hear. You guess it just wasn't his type of thing and his friends forced him into it. That's what usually happens in these gangs. Half of them want it and half of them don't. As you heard the man who set this up, Yoon Jeonghan, trying to coax the complainer into the room, you felt a pair of arms wrap around your chest.
"Oh, hey babe. Didn't expect to find you here!" The voice belonged to Jung Jaehyun, one of your past clients. You struggled to get him to release his grip by shaking and hitting his arms with your own.
You sighed, "There's a whole gang outside of that door. Let go of me now or so help me..."
"So help you what?" Jaehyun carried on talking about things you'd do, while you fiddled with the knife strapped to your upper thigh. You only wore dresses to these types of things for easy access. Of course, you had to be cautious when dealing with the people that you do.
Everything happened in an instant. The complaining boy busted through the door asking "What's wrong?". You swiping your little pocket knife and making a quick guess on where to hit. Jaehyun screaming. Three fingers falling to the floor.
Before the boy could even react to the rival member, Jaehyun rushed and dove out of the window he must've came in.
The new boy pouted, "Looks like you didn't need me after all..." He seemed disappointed that he missed the excitement.
You just shrugged as he noticed the fingers still laying on the floor. He half cringed, but remembered that he's seen worse.
"You can call me Dino. I promise I'll be much better to you than that asshole who just fled."
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