#history just loves to fucking repeat itself huh
my mental illnesses were especially mental illnessing last night and as usual I was crying and sobbing my eyes out
I continue to torture myself and mindlessly scroll and for what exactly? Am I so mad that I can't enjoy the things I love without having pangs of anxiety or constant executive dysfunction so I deliberately do it to get used to it and torment myself in the fucking process? King of retraumatising myself in all honesty. Why am I so scared to change? Why should it be like this? Why do I keep seeing all this injustice in this world? Why do I continue to torture myself over this??? I'm stuck in this fantasy world because reality sucks and me and my family have lost so many goddamn friends. Why can't have fucking peace inside my own head? However much or little I think about all these things, it tortures me to no end. Nothing changes. Everything stays the same because I keep doing the same thing and expecting something different, some kind of fucking miracle. I can't enjoy things in the moment because of how anxious I am and then what do I remember?? Fuck all. I'm fucking scared and angry and depressed and lonely and stuck in this cycle and I don't know how to get out or explain in a way that might be comprehensible to others. I'm stuck in this fucking society with this fucking brain and torturous hypersensitivity, and what have I got to show for it??? And I have a late friend who died as a child over 16 years ago now and I can't fucking let go of that either!! And a classmate who died 5 years ago this August!! How does anyone move forward or let go or get over anything?? I don't think I've got over anything in my entire fucking life, and I have to do it in a garbage batshit world like this!!!
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scar-lie · 1 month
The remaining of you [Natasha]
Summary : Dealing the aftermath of the scene Natasha dreaded to come sooner in her life
Pairing : Natasha Romanoff x Fem ! Reader, Mom ! Natasha x Daughter! Romanoff
Warning : shouting, crying, mention of death, scared little Romanoff, torture, nightmare, I thinks that's
Word count : 2,514
No one has permission to repost my work anywhere, if you see it please let me know.
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“What is your problem, Nat?! You can't just drop her off just like that, like she's nothing.” Wanda screamed at the red head, whose head was low, taking a deep breath and placing her hands on the table in the kitchen.
 "Wanda, please, not now,” Nat whispered, swallowing the lump on her throat. But Wanda’s not having any of her shits anymore; she's tired of seeing how the little redhead heart broke every time Nat refused to do anything with her.
"No, Natasha, I’m not gonna let you throw her like garbage anymore; enough was enough; that girl is trying to at least have your attention, even for a second, but you always rejected her; you don't even spare her even a glance, and it broke her heart.” Saying Wanda was furious was an understatement. She took the girl under her wings a week when Natasha and Yelena brought her in, seeing how the baby was craving some affection and skin-to-skin contact.
"Wanda, please, it's not that easy.” Natasha was thankful that most of the Avengers are on mission and some run their own errands, leaving her, Wanda, and the 5-year-old girl in the compound.
“What Natasha? It is not easy for you to show a little affection to your daughter. You have 3 years, Natasha, 3 years to pull yourself together, 3 years that she's under my wings to protect, to love, admire, care for, and to be a mother to her. She's just a little girl, Natasha, and she's craving her mother's attention. Why can't you give her that? ”Natasha saw the hurt in her eyes, and she knows that it's not only Wanda's emotion she's showing but also the little girl too.
“I want to, Wanda, ok, I really do, but I can't, ok, I just can't,” Natasha shouted, looking up at Wanda with tears in her eyes.
“I want to cuddle her, kiss her, bond with her, spoil her, sing to her, or tell her story. I want to be Wanda. I really want to be a mother to her, but I just can't…….I-I” Natasha shook her head, wiping her tears that were now falling. She knew how her daughter was hurting; she heard every cry; she knew she always knew.
“Then do it; love her; show her that she matters to you because she will not love you or be there bothering you for your attention forever. Don't take her for granted, Natasha; you have a precious girl who loves you more than life itself; don't waste it.” Wanda stands tall in her spot, getting strong for the kid and not cave in and comforting her; she has to do it for the sake of the little girl who's sleeping upstairs.
“Don't let your insecurities get the best of you again; don't push her away like you did with Y/N; if you really love Y/N, you will take care of that little girl you two made; don't let history repeat itself.” Wanda quickly got cut off by Natasha's sudden outburst, with tears streaming down her face.
“You wanna know the reason why? Huh? That's the reason why I can't look at her; I can't be with her because every time I look at her face, all I can see and think about is Y/N, how she lay in that fucking bed unresponsive, how I didn't protect them, that I let her alone with an open window for my enemies to attack freely, and I blame myself for what happened, because if I could just be brave and don't let these thoughts get the best of me, I should have been there to protect them, or I should be the one laying in my own fucking blood, not her.” Natasha then punched the cabinet beside her, wanting to let the emotions out.
“I can't, Wanda, ok, because that day keeps flashing in my mind when I look at her eyes. She reminded me of how stupid, reckless, and selfish I am. Because of me, her mother got killed, and she got kidnapped right after she was born.” Wanda frowned, looking at Natasha with sympathy, so Natasha shook her head, not wanting her pity.
"Don't, Wanda, please don't look at me like that; I don't need your pity, Wanda.” They quickly got interrupted with the cute little voice in the entrance of the kitchen, making both of them look up in the direction.
“Auntie Wanda? ”The little girl whispered, clutching her big husky dog stuff toy that's a little big and taller than her, looking at her auntie with doe teary eyes, pout lips, and her cheeks and tip of her nose are red until she saw the redhead in the room, making her feel small and want to hide, so she scooted to the side, trying to hide in the small cabinet, only the head peeking out to look at her auntie Wanda.
"Oh, sweetheart, what happened? Why are you hiding there? ”Wanda softly talked, walking to the scared little girl, and sat on her heels to be on the same level as the little girl. She quickly wrapped her arm around her auntie, sniffling, and still had a strong grip on her stuff toy, so Wanda took her in her arm, one hand rubbing her back while she cried and one arm under her bump, and swayed her back and forth to comfort the little girl.
��I-I had a bad dream,” the little girl mumbled, soaking her aunt’s shirt.
“What dream is it? Can you tell Auntie Wanda what a bad dream it is? ”She nodded, looking at her auntie and wiping her tears, then resting her head on her auntie's shoulder while playing with the neckline of Wanda's shirt.
“I-I saw blood and bad guys,” Wanda giving her a reassuring smile to continue.
“And……and they took and I saw this fat old guy; he-he said I-I would stay with him from now on, and-and I saw dead body besides him,” the littleredhead cried again, seeing the woman lifeless, not knowing it's her mother she saw.
“Is it the same old guy and the same woman you saw?”Wanda asked softly, looking at Natasha, who has a defeated look on her face and a mixed emotion. She truly can't read Natasha at the moment.
“Yes, the beautiful woman with Y/H/L Y/H/C and arrow necklace, then the guy has glasses and white hair.” This makes Natasha clench her jaw and fist, knowing who the person her daughter is talking about, and she's afraid that the scene is that night her world will stop.
"Shhh, it's ok, sweetheart. You're here with me. You're safe now. He's not going to take you. It's ok.” Wanda gives Natasha a small smile, then goes up to their room floor to comfort the little girl and put her to sleep, leaving Natasha alone in the kitchen with her thoughts.
Natasha is jealous of Wanda. Yes, she's jealous of how Wanda can naturally take care of her daughter, how she loves Wanda, and how they both bond and do everything together. She's  pretty jealous because she wanted a daughter; that's her one dream—a daughter with you.
So Natasha goes to the gym again to get all of her frustration out of her body and mind, to block everything that's bothering her, and maybe, just maybe, it will block the nightmare she has had since your death.
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"No, no, please, don't hurt her. You got me, ok, hurt me instead. Just please don't hurt them,” Natasha begs the faceless woman in charge of guarding her. She's strapped down to the chair in the corner of your room where you're peacefully sleeping with your 8-month pregnant belly. You look peaceful and gorgeous.
But all the begging is useless because four women enter the room, and Dreykov is mockingly smiling at her. She hates it so much, but she didn't think of that; her mind and eyes are in your sleeping body.
When the four women approach you and the three women pin you down, it makes you awake in panic. They made sure you didn't move much, and the other one proceeded to slit open your stomach, making two big cuts, one horizontal and one vertical.
This makes you scream in pain, with tears running down your face because of the unbearable pain you are experiencing. You can feel her hands moving through your insides, slicing you open. You tried to break free to save you and your daughter from them, but you are no match for them; they are strong and can kill you in a second.
“NOOOOO!!!! PLEASE STOP IT! Please, please, I’ll do anything. Stop hurting her, stop hurting them.” Natasha screams, trying to break free from the restraints to try and save you both, but all she can do is watch you suffer from the hands of Dreykov, where she also watches how he takes her right after they cut the umbilical cord.
She watched how they just left you laying in your own bed, bleeding and unable to move or breathe. She watched how life drained out of your eyes, how the color of your skin turned pale, but how you looked at her in the eye while you were dying. 
“Y/N? No please, no don't leave us please, no no noo please, no don't take my baby away no please.” Natasha keeps screaming, crying, and begging, but it's all no use; your dead in front of her, eyes still open, and your daughter is taken away. She's left there in the chair, feeling every pain.
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“Wake up, wake up, Ms. Romanoff,” the little red head shouted, shaking Natasha violently. The other few attempts she made to gently wake her up didn't succeed, so she shook and slapped her to wake up.
“NOOOOOOO! ”Natasha screams, sitting up, beads of sweat rolling down on her face while she's panting, looking around the room until her eyes land on the little redhead who's now on the floor barefoot, head down, and nervous.
She got scared when Natasha suddenly jolted up, thinking that Natasha would hit her or shout at her, so she quickly climbed down, head low and nervous, so she kept taking small steps backward.
This didn't go unnoticed by Natasha, so she took a deep breath, closing her eyes, and Wanda's words kept echoing in her ear: “She will not love you or be there bothering you for your attention forever. Don't take her for granted, Natasha.”
And seeing her own daughter get scared and afraid to be near her is heartbreaking. She knows that sooner or later, her daughter will slip away, so she quickly gets out of bed, going to her daughter, but the little girl quickly backs away when she hears her footsteps.
So Natasha stopped, kneeled down, and carefully reached her arm out with a small smile. This made the redhead look up at the hand and up to her mother's face. Seeing a small smile made her butterfly fly in her stomach, but she was still skeptical; she didn't know Natasha, so she kept staring at her outstretched hand.
“Hey, it's ok, I’m not going to hurt you or scream,” Natasha softly said, making eye contact with her daughter. This brought her to tears, seeing your face on her daughter even though she had Natasha’s fierce red hair, green eyes, and button nose, so she quickly wiped it away for her sake.
“Wh-why are you crying?”Little Redhead asked, stepping forward and reaching out to wipe away the tears that keep running down her face, so Natasha chuckled to cover up the crack in her voice. 
“Nothing; I-I’m just happy and sad at the same time,” she said, giving the little redhead a genuine smile. She was happy that she got how caring you are.
“Can I give you a hug? ”She asked innocently, making Natasha admire her, analyzing every detail on her face, and the silence made the little girl a little bit nervous, thinking that she didn't want hugs.
“Auntie Wanda said if I saw someone's sad, I should ask if I could give them a hug, ca-cause Auntie Wanda said it always works because my mommy used to do it before.” This makes Natasha even fall in love deeper with the little girl, so she quickly hugged her daughter tight, but not too tight to hurt her.
The little redhead smile, wrapping her arms around Natasha, resting her head on her shoulder, happy that she gets to hug her momma for the first time, so she’s relishing this moment, afraid that in the morning she will ignore her again.
“Are you feeling better? ”She asked innocently, so Natasha nodded, cradling her to her arm, and sat at the end of the bed.
“Yes, yes, I am.” Natasha sat the little girl on her lap and looked at her face.
“You look so much like your mother.” The little girl blushed, smiling and getting a little shy at the compliment.
“Th-thank you, you look pretty,” Natasha chuckled, tucking her little girl's hair behind her ear.
“You should go back to bed; your auntie Wanda’s not going to be happy when she finds out you stay awake at this time,” Natasha whispers, and the little girl looks down, fidgeting with her own hands, a bad habit she gets from you when you're nervous, scared, or overthinking, so Natasha stops her hands and holds them. 
“What's the matter? Has something happened?”The little girl contemplates if she will tell her or not, but she has no other choice cause Wanda got called on an emergency solo mission, leaving her with the redhead, so either she should stay awake all night and wait for Wanda to tell her or she should tell Natasha and have a good sleep.
“I-I had a bad dream again,” she shyly said, still looking at her lap.
“The same one you said earlier? ”The little girl nodded, so Natasha took her chin and made her look at her.
“Hey, it's ok, I’m here…… How about you join me in my bed, and we will sleep next to each other? What do you think??”The little girl eagerly nodded; her eyes went wide, and she had a huge grin on her face. She feels like it's her lucky day, spending the night sleeping next to her mother.
“Will you tell me a story? ”She asked, getting in the middle of the bed, and Natasha got under the cover, leaving space for her daughter and inviting her in so the little girl could quickly snuggle at her.
“Of course,"  Natasha starts to tell her a story about how she and her mother met, making the little girl listen carefully and getting amazed by the story until she’s sound asleep in Natasha’s arm, making her smile, and seeing the little girl sound asleep makes her heart melt, so she wraps her arm around her and joins her in a slumber sleep.
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hopefulromances · 11 months
Long Time Coming I Chapter Six I More Than A Crush
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Summary: Being hired as the first female assistant coach in the league was a challenge of it itself. Being a football protigy and University Football Legend was easy enough. Coaching Jamie Tartt was a challenge all on its own.
Word Count: 3.3k
Warning: Drinking/getting drunk, a little bit of angst?
A/N: Thanks for 100 Followers yall! Tell me what you love most about this series so far!
Prologue One Two Three Four Five
A week passed and the team seemed to move on from Man City. Back to normal practices and games. Everyone moved on. But not me. I was still sat on the bus next to Jamie, who had requested me to sit next to him, feeling my head lull as I started to fall asleep. I was still laying my head on his shoulder at some point and his head laying on mine. I could still feel our legs tangled in the seat and our hands almost intertwining between us. I couldn’t have imagined all of that. Could I?
Oh, right. I’m standing on the pitch passing the ball back and forth between Jamie and myself. I blinked myself back to the present and saw that Jamie was waiting for me to pass him the ball.
            “Got your head in the clouds today, ain’t ya,” he jabbed, his cocky smirk adorning his face.
I tried to force out a laugh kicking the ball back his way. “’Spose I do.”
Jamie seemed to notice my vacant mood and took the ball, kicking it around in a few tricks before responding.
            “How as your date with that bantr bloke? Ryan or whatever?”
Oh, right. That too. It was Keely’s idea, of course. After returning from Man City, you had told her everything and how you were hopelessly, horribly, terribly infatuated with Jamie. And while she maintained that you should tell him, she also offered the idea of going on bantr dates to get him off my mind. What’s where Brian had come in.
            “Brian? Oh yeah, he was great!” That was a lie. Brian was dull. Barely asking me a question the entire night and when he found out I worked for Richmond, he suddenly needed perked up and told me all about his long history with football. Suddenly, he thought that coming to a game would be a great second date. Suddenly, he was wondering if I could get him in for free. So no, Brian was not great. “I’m going out with this other guy… Ethan, tonight though.”
Jamie raised his eyebrows at me before shooting the ball back towards me. “Ethan, huh?”
            “Yeah… Ethan.” I kicked the ball back towards him, chewing on my cheek. “He’s an accountant, I think.”
            “An accountant,” Jamie cringed. “What the fuck are you doing goin’ out with an accountant?”
I scoffed, rolling my eyes. “He seems nice! That’s all!”
Jamie kicked the ball up in his hands, starting to walk over to me. “Nice? That’s all?”
            “Look, Jamie, I don’t exactly have a lot of choices.,” I pointed out, yanking the ball out of his hands.
“I just thought you could do better than ‘nice’ is all.” He held up his hands in submission. As we started out walk back inside, Jamie stared at the ground, his feet kicking the dirt as we went. “Where are you goin’?”
“Color Factor? It’s a dancing club not too far from here,” I told him. I wasn’t usually one to go dancing on a first date, but I thought it would be better to not actually be able to hear him talk. Afraid of a repeat from the night before.
“An accountant is taking you to a dance club?!” Jamie asked, stopping outside the door.
We finally made it into the locker room as the other lads were beginning to show up. I headed to my desk in the corner of the coach’s room. Ted and Beard were having an intense staring contest when I entered. I snapped my fingers, in front of Beard’s face causing him to blink.
            “DAMMIT! (Y/N)!” He shouted, smacking his desk.
            “I could see the dust settling on your pupils,” I told him, slouching down into my chair.
Ted checked his watch with a large smile. “That was a new record for me! Thank you for the assist, (Y/N).”
It was nice having Ted and Beard as friends. It was different from my relationship with the boys or even with Roy. Sure, they were older, but they respected me in a way I hadn’t experienced before. They didn’t care that I was younger or that I was a girl, to them I was just their equal.
            “So! Tell us about Brian,” Ted asked, putting his head in his hands and blinking cutely.
 “He was fine, the conversation was a bit one sided,” I admitted, shrugging. “When I mentioned I worked here he started asking for tickets.” Beard blew a raspberry and gave me a big thumbs down. “My thoughts exactly.”
“Well, that’s too bad,” Ted sympathized, giving me his best frowny face.
I gave him a flat smile in return. Training went well. It was good to be back in our routine, prepping for our normal competitors. Now that we had broken our tie streak, we had been doing pretty well. With Roy on our staff, it really felt like we had our groove going.
What wasn’t grooving though, was Nate’s sudden confidence boost. If confidence was what you could call it. Some might call it arrogance, but I was not one to judge. Ted paired us together today to work with the lads. The starting mids and forwards. So, Jamie, Danny, Colin, and Richard to name a few.
We set up a few drills for them to preform to strengthen their endurance as well as their aim while moving. It was a maneuver where they had to move to the left while shooting to the right. Nothing too terribly difficult but it required a good amount of coordination and precision. After another stumble by Richard, I blew my whistle signaling them to stop. I was about to turn to Nate to say something, but he stepped forward before we could confer.
            “Richard! Have you lost your ability to run at high speeds?” He shouted, approaching the boys. “Has your right leg fallen off and grown back as a second left food?”
            “No, my legs are gorgeous, as always,” Richard retorted, kicking his foot in the grass.
            “Well, you could have had me fooled,” Nate spat back. “This is simple football, next time I see you stumble you’ll be running laps for the rest of practice.”
Richard frowned, his face darkening in disappointment. The rest of the boys looked uncomfortable as well. None of them were achieving well in the practice and the thought of being bereted for learning a new skill is never good. I knew I had to step in.
            “Alright, Nate.” I placed my hand on his shoulder and pulled him back lightly. “Richard, you’re second guessing yourself before you make the pass. It’s causing your footing to be misplaced.” I began to show him the footing myself, step, cross, step, kick. Richard watched intently. “You need to really land that step before the kick, that’s where the power comes from.”
I looked over the group of boys, looking for any signs of questioning among them. They all stared unwavering at me, really listening to what I was saying. My eyes eventually landed on Jamie. He, of course, was having no issue with the exercise. Though, that may be, in part, due to me showing it to him during one of our early morning practices together. But, in this instance, I helped for a teaching moment.
            “Jamie!” I called out to him. “Why don’t you show them your technique.”
            “I think you should do it,” He responded quickly, quirking his eyebrow at me. “You’re the expert.”
I opened my mouth to shoot back a quick response but quickly closed my mouth into a straight line. He knew I was dying to show off my football abilities. He knew I was capable. He knew I was the best one to show them. I heard a scoff to my left and knew it was the unbelieving thoughts of Nate coming out. Jamie shot him a quick glance before locking his eyes with me again, and quirking his slitted eyebrow at me, challenging.
I stepped forward and took control of the ball in my dribble. Passed the ball over to Jamie to assist and started to jog right before quickly changing direction and heading left. Jamie passed the ball heading towards the right of the field. As it came towards me, I focused on my footing. Step, Step, Cross, step and… kick! I sent the ball through the air without missing a step, sending it flying towards the right side of the goal and landing with a swish. The boys behind me rushed me with cries of celebration. As if I had just scored the winning goal of a match. I couldn’t help the giddy laugh that left me as they jumped on me.
Through the celebration huddle, however, I saw Nate, unmoving from his spot near the sidelines of the field. The scathing look of underlying anger was enough to send anyone running. I started to frown but then Jamie’s face filled my view. His smiled was so blinding I almost had to look away. But I couldn’t. ‘I told you so’ was written all over his smug face as he clapped along with the lads. Man, I loved it here.
I felt good going into my date. I was riding the confidence wave from the day into the club. I was early, of course, as I always am, and I went up to the bar to wait for him to arrive. It was still pretty early in the night so not many people were there yet. I sent a quick text to Keely letting her know I had arrived and was okay. She sent me a quick reply letting me know she knew I looked gorgeous and that it was going to be great!
            “Can I get you something?” The bartend behind me asked, washing a cup.
            “Oh! No thank you, I’m waiting on someone!” I explained to him taking a seat on one of the stools. He nodded and walked off.
But then 8 o’clock came around and he didn’t show. Then 8:10, and 8:30 and no word. I refreshed my messages on the app, looking for any sign of why he wasn’t here yet but there was nothing. Every now and then the bartend would come back to ask me if I wanted to order anything, but I insisted on waiting.
Eventually I sent him a message asking him if everything was alright. Read, no reply. Fuck.
Around 9, the bartender placed a drink in front of me.
            “What is this?” I pulled the drink towards me, not really waiting for an answer.
            “It’s on the house,” he told me, a sympathetic look on his face. “Sorry about your dude.”
Ah! Love a good sympathy drink. But at this point, I was too frustrated to care and took a long sip of the drink. The club was becoming more packed with people and the music was turning up. I took one last look at my phone, begging for him to say something, but nothing ever came so I decided it was time to go.
I downed the rest of my drink, thanked the bartender, and hopped off my stool. I had almost made it out when I heard a voice call my name from behind me. It was so loud so I couldn’t quite make out the owner of the voice, so I looked around trying to see where it was coming from.
Out of crowd, Jamie fucking Tartt appeared. He had his hair down and was wearing a Hawaiian shirt on that was open to about halfway down his chest and God did he look amazing. I hate to fight to make sure my eyes didn’t roam down his body as he approached me.
            “Jamie? What are you doing here?”
 “You mentioned it earlier, so I wanted to check it out.” He shrugged, bringing his beer bottle to his lip. “You look fit, where’s the bloke you’re with?”
            “Oh!” I looked around like I was trying to find him. “He’s… uh, oh right! He didn’t show up so I- “
            “He what?” Jamie practically spit out his drink at me. “He didn’t come?”
I tried to play it off like I was cool, but I could feel the embarrassment heating up in my cheeks. Jamie was the one person I didn’t want to see right now. He looked so fucking good, and it was making it very hard for me to focus on anything except his gorgeous face.
            “Yeah, uh… it’s been like… an hour,” I told him, trying to sound unbothered. “So, I was just heading out.
            “Well, that’s stupid of him,” Jamie snorted.
I waved him off. “No! It’s fine! I’m fine. It’s all fine! I’m just gonna go home. I need to get rest anyways… got training tomorrow, ya know? Shouldn’t have even come in the first place. I mean like! Ahh! It’s so crazy, are you hot, it’s really hot in here?”
Jamie stared at me while I rambled until I eventually tapered off into an uncomfortable silence.
            “You should come with us,” Jamie finally said.
            “Yeah, I’m here with Isaac, Colin… uh, I think Dani is here as well.” He turned and pointed into the dance floor where, somewhere, the rest of the lads were. “They’d love to have you join us.”
            “I don’t know, Jamie… I’m not… I’m not sure if I’m feeling up to it,” I admitted, looking towards the door.
            “Please.” He reached out to turn me back to face him. “You look fit as fuck and you deserve to come have some fun with us.” Now my face was flush for sure. If it wasn’t the heat, it was the fact that Jamie was touching me and calling me fit. I bit my lip as I weighed my options.
His hand slide down to my hand as he started to pull me into the crowd.  “Look, if you stay and, somehow, you don’t have fun, you can blame me later, alright?”
I let him pull me, finding a smile coming back over my face. He looked so excited as his hand gripped mine, pulling me through the throngs of people. I felt myself getting swept away in him and for a second I let myself. I squeezed his hand.
            “Fine, fine, let’s do it.”
He cheered and turned around, not letting go of my hand and started leading me through the crowd. Eventually, we came into a smaller opening where Isaac and Colin were dancing. Dani wasn’t too far away, two women dancing quite close to him.
            “Lads!” He called out, pull me up to stand next to him. “Look who I found!”
The boys cheered when they saw me. Raising their beers and various other drinks towards me.
            “(Y/N)!” Colin cried, coming forward to hug me. Jamie finally let go of my hand to let me go to him and suddenly, I felt very cold. “So, glad to see you here!”
Luckily, they didn’t ask too many questions about what I was doing there, and Jamie didn’t give anything away. In face Jamie stayed by my side practically the whole night. Just for tonight, I decided to let him be mine. All his attention was on me as we dance with each other. Finding myself getting pressed closer and closer to him as more people entered the dance floor.
Throughout the night, the boys made sure I had a good time, suppling me with drinks and not allowing me to pay. But Jamie kept special attention to me. He constantly was making sure I was okay and warded off anyone who tried to approach me.
His eyes being on me felt so surreal. Like somehow, all those emotions that had bubbled over last week were being cleared up in his gaze. At some point, someone bumped me into him, I found myself falling into him.
            “Woah!” He helped me steady myself, his hands falling on my waist mine on his chest. I looked up at him, my mouth suddenly going dry. “You alright?”
I couldn’t speak so I just nodded and pulled my hands from his chest. But his lingered on my waist as he started to sway to the music. My eyes were big as I looked up at him and he looked down at me. He was so close to me; it would be so easy for me to lean up and kiss him. The liquor in my system definitely was egging me on as my hands landed on his biceps, God had they always been so solid? My eyes darted down to his lips and a smirk came over his face. For an instant we were leaning into each other, and the music was fading away.
When suddenly, a hand was on my shoulder yanking me away from Jamie.
            “(Y/N)! I love this song!”
I was going to kill Colin. But he didn’t seem to notice my glare as he started dancing to the song that was playing. I looked back at Jamie, who wouldn’t look anywhere near me, and felt my heart sink.
Maybe we really weren’t meant to be.
The night was pretty much over after that. Jamie ended up driving all of us home and we piled into his car. I ended up in the back with Colin’s head on my shoulder as he took us throughout the city dropping us off.
Finally, though it was just the two of us.
            “I’m sorry, by the way, about Ethan.”
Oh, that! I had forgotten about that.
            “It’s whatever.” I shrugged, slumping down in my seat, suddenly very intrigued with the window buttons. “Nothing I’m not used to.”
Jamie chewed on his thumb as he considered my words. “What’s that mean?”
            “I mean,” I let out a long breath. “I’m just like that, I guess. Not people’s type?” When Jamie didn’t say anything, I continued. “Brian just liked me for my job, Ethan probably showed up got one look at me and left and you-" I caught myself, almost saying too much to the wrong person. I was surprised at my own candor, chalking it up to the alcohol in my system. “I’m just saying people don’t like me like that. That’s how it’s always been.”
It was silent for a while after that, and I felt myself falling asleep to the steady rumble of the road. Eventually we pulled up outside my apartment building.  I sat up in my chair, rubbing my eyes.
            “I think that’s stupid,” Jamie finally spoke.
            “I think that’s stupid,” he repeated, looking over at me. “That you think that.”
I frowned. I hadn’t meant to upset him. I had just learned to lower my expectations when it came to romance to save myself a lot of pain.
            “Jamie, it’s nothing personal.” I found myself unable to meet his eyes. “I just know what to expect now.”
            “Well, I think you deserve fucking lightening.”
I snapped my head back over to him. He was looking at me earnestly, a soft frown lining his cheeks. Suddenly, I was much more sober and knew that if I didn’t leave now I wouldn’t be leaving the car at all.
            “Thank you, Jamie,” I decided on, speaking softly. “Thank you for everything… tonight.” I let myself sit in his car for a moment longer before tearing my face away from him. “I’ll um… I’ll see you tomorrow morning, right?”
That made Jamie smile. “I’d like to see you try and beat me hung over.”
            “I’ve done it before,” I laughed, opening the car door. “Don’t count me out!”
            “I never do,” he replied, sincerely.
That dumb butterfly began fluttering up in my stomach again.
            “Goodnight, Jamie.”
            “Goodnight, (Y/N).”
And with that, I closed the door and watched as he drove off down the street.
Taglist: @heletsmelovehim @higherthanheroes @ajax-petropolus-wife @oxxolovemelikeyoudooxxo @optimisticsandwichgladiator @kno-way-home @sleepy-time
as always, send me an ask, leave a comment, let me know what you think!
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michwritesstuff · 2 years
Love Made Me Crazy (Top Gun: Maverick:Jake Seresin)
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a/n: haven’t written something smutty in a while so here you guys go! was listening to this song and pictured a love/hate relationship with some “benefits”…so enjoy :)
summary: female reader (she/her) x jake “hangman” seresin Nothing and no one in this world annoyed you more than Jake Seresin, Mr. Bagman himself. Four years alongside him at the Naval Academy followed by 13 weeks at Top Gun fulfilled a lifetime amount of heated arguments, ‘friendly’ competition, and sometimes borderline flirting/sexual tension. When you’re called back to Top Gun for a special detachment, history has a funny way of repeating itself. Best way to get over someone is under them…right? (call sign: Aries…because i’m an aries duh) notes/warnings: 18+ only! (minors dni) slightly angst idk, but then soft at the end; explicit mention of sex: oral (male receiving), choking, slight degradation/ slut shaming word count: 3.1 K
You weren’t exactly sure how you had gotten to this point, breathless and fucked out as Hangman continued to relentlessly pound into you. His face ducked into your neck as he managed to balance on one forearm.
“Taking me so well huh Aries?”
You could barely respond; ragged pants and needy breaths was all you managed.
“Look at you, can’t even fucking speak, but you’re still so needy for my cock, aren’t you?” he teased, his hot breath lightly fanning over your ear.
Mustering all the energy and focus you could you managed a scoff.
“Just shut up and fuck me Hangman” you demanded.
You could practically feel the beginning of a smirk as he pulled his head back, his bright green eyes piercing into yours.
“Pretty sure that’s EXACTLY what I’m doing,” he responded. You could feel the light and teasing tone of his voice as he continued his movements, only speeding up as he continued to carry you through your release.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
That was the first of many hook-ups with the infamous Jake “Hangman” Seresin while marking your return to Top Gun.
Something about being back felt weirdly nostalgic, the constant competition and yet growing teamwork between you and your fellow aviators was always enough to throw you for an emotional roller-coaster.
Nights at the Hard Deck led to reminiscing and dramatic retellings of all your encounters with each other over the last ten years.
Phoenix was a year younger than you, never running in the same circles back at the academy. But being called to Top Gun as some of the only female aviators pushed the two of you to become better friends than you could ever imagine. As the years passed by, she became more like a sister. She was undoubtedly your best friend; she knew everything you could possibly ever say by just reading the look on your face.
The current look on your face screamed DON’T YOU DARE, as she began to recount how she had found you and Rooster drunkenly making out on the back porch of the Hard Deck all those years ago.
With Bradshaw it never meant anything, you were friends, truly and earnestly. So sure, a few nights with heavy drinking led to some miscellaneous make-outs, but never anything more. You could contently say that you didn’t mind.
The group erupted into a boisterous echo of laughter, your face sinking further into your hands as your cheeks flushed a deep red.
“And I’d do it all over again,” Rooster called out to you from across the pool table, a teasing grin adorned his face.
You laughed, shaking your head in response.
“Always the charmer Roo,” you called back.
The rest of the group laughed continuing to play their previous game of pool. However, you hadn’t missed the hardened expression on Hangman’s face as his eyes seemingly lingered in your direction.
You looked over at him mouthing “what” to which he just shook his head in response, taking a sip of beer before returning his attention to the game.
He didn’t speak to you at all the rest of the night, yet you could still feel his eyes focused on your direction as you mingled with the rest of the team. His piercing gaze sent chills down your back; you couldn’t shake the odd feeling.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
It had been about a week since the night at the Hard Deck and about a week since you had really spoken to Jake. He tried his best to avoid you during training, always dragging Coyote around with him so he was never alone.
You hated to say it, but you were kind of starting to miss him. Sure, he could be annoying, but he was always annoying you…and now—nothing.
You were confused to say the least, especially considering how just a few weeks ago he had you pinned underneath him in his dorm after a particularly busy night at the Hard Deck that led to everyone taking way too many shots.
You sat beside Phoenix as Maverick began pairing everyone together for today’s training.
“Phoenix and Bob, you’re flying with Rooster, Coyote you’re with Harvard and Yale, and Aries and Fanboy you’ll be with Hangman.”
Phoenix had shot you a knowing look, of course she was caught up with all your Hangman drama and tried to be your voice of reason as she made sure to remind you of all the red flags he presented every time you talked about him.
You stood up, walking over to where Hangman had already started instructing Fanboy on how he wanted to attack today’s drill.
As you approached Hangman stopped, looking to you before he continued to walk past, shoulder slightly shoving you out of the way.
“Try to keep up Aries,” he stated smugly as he headed out to the Tarmac.
You turned to give him an incredulous look but was met with nothing as he continued towards his plane. Returning you attention to Fanboy you gave him an accusing look.
“What’s up with him?” you asked.
“Don’t ask me, isn’t he always acting like a dick.”
Fanboy had a point, Hangman wasn’t the best wingman, that much was clear.
“Well let’s get this over with,” you stated, grabbing your helmet before you followed in suit to take off.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
“180” you counted as you felt your nose brush the ground before pushing yourself back up.
Your training run had gone exactly as you expected, Hangman leaving you alone and out to dry as Maverick got a missile lock on your plane.
As you returned to the base you couldn’t help but laugh as you heard Hangman struggling to find Maverick on his own, calling your name several times for help.
“I’m dead dickhead,” was all you said before cutting your radio off.
As you finished your push-ups and gathered your gear you were met with Hangman’s figure drawing closer as he marched across the tarmac towards you.
“What the fuck was that?” he called.
You gave him a confused look, a look that clearly fueled him more.
“Seriously Y/L/N, I was blind up there with no visibility of Maverick and your radio was just off…what the fuck?”
It was your turn to become upset. You couldn’t believe the audacity of the man in front of you. You hadn’t talk to each other one-on-one in a week and now he was choosing to scream at you after a grueling training day.
“Really, you’re mad at me? You’re the one who took off and left me up there alone.”
Tired of the screaming match taking place you just walked off, leaving a frustrated Hangman behind.
“Fuck you Aries,” he called after you.
You turned around to flip him off a large and fake smile across your face, “You already did!” you called back.
 ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
The tension between the two of you had followed you throughout the night. Greeting everyone but him as you settled into your usual spot at the Hard Deck, a long day of training behind you.
Rooster pulled you into a side hug as you kissed his cheek, whispering something about going to the bar to get another beer.
As you made your way through the crowded bar you grabbed Penny’s attention, waiting patiently as she went to the back to grab some more inventory.
Your eyes wandered towards the group of aviators in the corner, instantly meeting his bright green ones. You were always drawn to him, like a drug you couldn’t help but be addicted to him and always looking for him in any crowd, no matter how infuriating he may be.
Your attention was pulled as you felt someone slide into the bar stool next to you, their body shifting so they were leaning into you more and blocking your previous view of Hangman.
“Hi beautiful, can I buy you a drink?”
“No that’s alright, I’ve already got a tab going.”
“Oh, then do you want to buy me a drink?” The guy asked jokingly.
You had to admit it was funny and quite smooth, but he looked a few years younger than you, much younger than you preferred your men.
“I’m Jacob, but my buddies call me Wolf,” he extended his hand out to yours.
“Aries,” you responded shaking his hand a playful smile on your face.
Younger than you wanted? Yes. Attractive man in uniform? Definitely.
Penny returned, placing your beer on the bar in front of you.
Jacob spoke up, “You can put the miss’s beer on my tab,” he smiled shyly.
You went to thank him before a large hand clamped onto his shoulder, interrupting you both.
“Beat it kid,” Hangman stated firmly.
Jacob went to protest but you noticed Hangman’s grip on his shoulder tightened. He got up, but not before looking back towards you.
“I’ll see you around Aries,” he stated, the warm smile on his face quickly replaced as Hangman’s hardening glare sharpened.
You rolled your eyes as Hangman replaced Jacob’s position next to you. He reached over the bar slightly grabbing a bottle of tequila, Penny shooting him a warning glance as he put a hand up in defense.
Annoyed as you might be the exchange was quite amusing. The slight smile on your face did not go unnoticed.
“Ah there she is, thought you were serious and uptight all the time.”
Your smile was quickly erased by an annoyed look as you glared at Hangman.
“Well, if you weren’t being so confusing and being a dick to me all the time I might smile more” you commented snarkily.
“And maybe if you weren’t giving it up to everyone in the Hard Deck then I wouldn’t be such a dick,” Hangman responded, shooting back the shot of tequila he had poured for himself.
You were confused before it all clicked, and realization set in across your body.
He was jealous. Jake “Hangman” Seresin was jealous of you spending your attention on other guys. Ever since the story of you and Rooster resurfacing, he had been completely distant and standoffish.
"Wait a minute" you giggled. “Are you, “the” Jake “Hangman” Seresin jealous?” you teased.
He immediately scoffed, rolling his eyes as he turned to fully face you.
“Oh please. Jealous? Hate to break it to you hun, but I’m not jealous of anyone. It’s usually the other way around matter of fact,” he replied.
You gave him a knowing look that basically meant that you did not believe him.
“Oh really?” you asked.
You stood from your place on the bar, walking back to the pool table where the rest of the team had been awaiting your return.
Hangman’s eyes followed your body as you made your way over to Rooster who now stood leant against a bar table, making casual conversation with Phoenix and Bob.
“Hey Roo,” you smiled up at him as he pulled you into his side like he had done earlier, his hand now lightly resting around your waist on your hip.
You glance back to see that Hangman had followed you back to the group, his jaw set and eyes hard as he stared at Rooster’s hand on your hip.
Not jealous my ass you thought to yourself.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
An hour had passed, and the crowded bar continued to fill as the civilian crowd began to file in.
The warm breeze of the ocean air crossed your face as you stepped out onto the back porch to catch a breath of fresh air, your thoughts interrupted as you felt someone move beside you.
You turned to look at him, “Hang—”
His lips pushed themselves swiftly to yours, silencing you for a moment.
“Really need to learn when to close that pretty mouth of yours Aries,” he taunted. His lips now ghosting over your ear.
“Hmmm, I seem to remember you liking my mouth, especially when it was open and around your cock,” you teased back, your hand trailing down his chest towards the tent forming in his slacks.
This time instead of shutting you up with his lips, one hand gripped yours where you were lightly applying pressure and the other pushed a piece of hair behind you ear before gently placing it on your throat.
You gasped, burying any response you could have possibly managed. You could see Jake’s eyes darken as he felt you swallow.
“Not so talkative now, are we pretty?”
You nodded your head no.
He leaned forward, leaving breathless kisses along your neck before he continued.
“Good, now you’ll stay that way until I tell you, understood?”
You nodded your head.
“Words princess, wanna hear you say it.”
“Yes Jake”
His grip on your throat tightened gently, just enough to feel pressure.
“Uh uh, nope. Its Lieutenant to you.”
“Yes Lieutenant,” you breathed.
“That’s a good girl.”
Hearing those words fall from his lips could have made you come undone right there.
He continued his attack on your neck before he moved the hand placed on yours to your waist, pulling you closer to him.
“Now why don’t we put these pretty lips to good use?”
“Jake, out here?”
His grip hardened again.
“Hasn’t stopped you before, has it?” his tone more serious and demanding than earlier.
You gave him a stern look before he loosened his grip, turning from you completely.
It was a complete 180 from the Jake you had seen just a minute ago, a very horny and forward Jake.
Now he seemed unsure and insecure.
“Jake?” you stepped forward, grabbing his arm lightly to look at you.
His green eyes stared into yours, silent and waiting for you to continue.
“If this is about earlier with that guy or with Rooster—”
You could see him audibly scoff at the name.
“So, Rooster…” you continued, but before you could Jake cut you off.
“Uh, I don’t know what it is about him. The guy just pisses me off, in like very sense. But then he’s there laughing with you, getting you to laugh or pulling you into his side, and I just—I lose it. It’s like I can physically see red.”
“So, you are jealous?” you ask seriously, a small teasing smile still slightly present on your face.
Jake’s eyes roll again, and you swear if he rolls his eyes like that one more time, they’ll get stuck like that for eternity.
“I guess so…” he mumbles quietly.
You almost miss it, almost. But just to clarify you ask him to repeat.
“FINE, YES!” he exclaims.
“I was jealous.”
He turns to gauge your response and all he is greeted with is a large smile as you put your hands on both sides of his face, pulling him for a kiss as you state, “I tend to have that effect on people.”
He laughs into the kiss with you.
“I can’t help it, love made me crazy.”
You froze as the word fell from his lips. You could sense his hesitation as well.
“Love?” you asked, you hands falling from his face to around his neck.
“Uhm, yeah, I don’t know…I’m not even really sure—” he started to ramble on before you kissed his lips gently.
“Really need to learn when to close that pretty mouth of yours Hangman,” you stated, mocking his words from earlier.
His signature smirk reclaimed the place on his phase as just nodded his head lightly, “Touché”
Your hands sank from his neck and continued down until they landed on his belt. His arms fell to yours, holding your hands in his.
“Y/N” he whispered.
“Lieutenant” you spoke, you could see him swallow as he waited for you to continue.
Sinking to your knees as you spoke, “I want to show you how loving I can be.”
He removed his hand, choosing to grip on the railing behind him for support as your hands made quick work on his belt.
You tugged the thing off as quickly as you could before pulling down his uniform pants, his erection pressed firmly against his briefs.
You had done this before, several times with him, but you were always surprised by his size. It truly gave another reason for him to be Hangman.
Pulling his briefs further down to pool around his ankles his erection sprung free, slapping against his toned stomach.
God he was gorgeous, you would stare at him all day if you could.
Looking up innocently you leaned in until the tip brushed against your lips. Giving it a quick kiss, the contact making Jake throw his head back.
You swirled your tongue around the tip, hands moving to the base of his cock, aiding you in your movements. You continued your focus on his tip until you felt a buck from Jake’s hips. You had to admit, he could be a little needy.
You continued, his moans and buck of hips pushing you on. Good lord he was so hot, knowing that you were the one getting him to act like this was almost too much.
One particular buck was a little more forceful than before, causing his tip to graze the back of you throat. You gagged slightly, swallowing quickly to continue. The vibration ran through his cock and to his core. He was close, and you intended to get him there.
“Y/N” Jake groaned out, pulling you away slightly.
While you were sure he wanted to get you to orgasm, you’d be damned if you stopped now.
You moved your hands from the base of his cock to around his thighs where you were practically bracing for impact, nails digging into his skin while you bobbed your head faster and faster.
“Fuck Y/N,” Jake nearly screamed out, doubling over so his front half was folded over you.
You felt his cock still before twitching and releasing into your mouth. You swallowed him easily before giving his cock one more soft kiss.
As you moved up you helped him pull his uniform back on. While he adjusted his belt you just smiled at him warmly.
Leaning in for a soft kiss he moaned as he tasted his release on your lips.
“You taste so good, could eat you every day,” you teased.
“God, Y/N. I love you so much, I think you’ll be the death of me.”
“That’s what I’m planning on Jake”
You spent the rest of your night cuddled into Jake’s side as you received confused looks from some and knowing ones from others.
Phoenix just smiled as you told her Jake would take you home and that you’d see her later.
anyone catch that twilight reference with new boy jacob being called wolf? :)
a/n: If you like my work please support by liking/reblogging. Also, feel free to message me about ideas. I haven’t written in a while because I don’t have a lot of time, but when inspiration hits i’ll sit down for hours
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mrose2023 · 1 year
Lights, Camera...
***basically Scream 2 but Mickey is a solo Ghostface***
Sidney was running to the theatre on 100 percent autopilot. Hallie. Not Hallie.
Suddenly, music coming from the theatre caught her attention. Gus, the theatre director. He was a good man. Kind and supportive, she could trust him. She burst into the building in desperation and panic, crying out “Hello? Gus? Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello...” Eyes scanning the stage, she notices a familiar sight. A blue polo shirt. Derek’s. She turned the contraption, suddenly a star fell from the ceiling. On it, a masked man. Sidney removes Derek’s mask. “Derek? Oh, God. Derek? Derek. Oh, God.” “Thank you. Thank God, Sid. Thought I was going to be up there till opening night.” Desperately trying to untie the tight ropes which kept him bound, Sidney struggled. “He's out there. He killed Hallie.” “What are you talking about?” “The killer. He's here.” “Where?” “Right here”. A familiar voice, the one which sent chills down Sidney’s spine like nothing else in the world. “You're fast, Sid”. “Get me down. Hurry.” Derek pleaded “I wouldn't do that if I were you. You really wanna trust your boyfriend?” then the voice changed “Don't you know history repeats itself? Sid?”
That voice. Sidney’s heart felt like it was about to jump straight fro m her body. Her friend, the one she trusted above the man she was supposed to be in love with, slowly peeled the mask away from his face. “Mickey,” Sidney whispered, utterly stunned and saddened “Surprise, Sidney,” Mickey said using the Ghostface voice changer “What the fuck?” Derek exclaimed, the betrayal by his best friend beginning to sink in “Since Derek here disappeared on my ass, I been on my own all fucking night. Thanks a lot, partner.” Mickey started to rant
“You motherfucker. Sid, he's crazy. You know me better than that.” “Come on, Sid. I got to have a partner. I couldn't have possibly done this alone.” “Oh, no, Sid. Sid. No, no, no, no.” “It's okay, Derek. We got her.” “You... Sid, he's lying.” Derek pleaded with his girlfriend, “Sid. Sid. Untie me. Sid, untie me.” “Hmm. Boyfriend. Killer. Boyfriend. Killer.” Mickey teased, his manipulation tactics clearly working on Sidney, who was unable to continue untying her boyfriend. “Sid, the man is lying. Untie me. Sid. Untie me. Untie me.” “What do you think, Derek? Sidney experiencing some deja vu?” Mickey smirked “No. No. I am going to fucking kill you. Fucking kill you. You are dead. Dead.” Derek roared Sidney screamed as Mickey shot a bullet straight through Derek’s heart, as he grimaced with pain and blood slowly began to run down his naked torso. “Derek. I'm sorry.” Sidney started to cry I never... would've... hurt you. Never. Sidney sobbed in horror and pain as her boyfriend took his last breath.
Feeling smug his cruel planned had worked on Sidney, Mickey sauntered over to her with confidence: “You should really deal with your trust issues, Sid. I mean, poor Derek. He's completely innocent. And such a nice boy too. He's bright and funny and handsome. Decent singing voice. And he was going to be a doctor. This was just the kind of boy you'd like to take home to Mum. If you had a mum.” “Fuck you!” “Oh. So vulgar. Did Billy let you talk to him this way?” “Billy was a sick fuck, just like you,” Sidney snarled Rolling his eyes, Mickey responded, “No. Billy was a sick fuck who tried to get away with it. Mickey is a sick fuck who wants to get caught. Yeah. See, I've got my whole defence planned out. I'm going to blame the movies. Pretty cool, huh? It hasn't been done before. You see, this is just the beginning, a prelude to the trial. That's where the real fun is because these days it's all about the trial. Can't you see it? The effects of cinema violence on society. I'll get Dershowitz or Cochran to represent me. Bob Dole on the witness stand in my defence. Hell, the Christian Coalition'll pay my legal fees. It's airtight, Sid. I'm an innocent victim.” “You're a psychotic.”
“Yeah, well. Shhh. That'll be our little secret.” Mickey whispered with his gun pressed to his lips, “Because people love a good trial. It's like theatre. They're dying for it. And I've worked hard to give the audience what they want. That's what Billy was good at. He knew... it's all about... execution.” He pointed the gun at Sidney who, unbeknownst to him, had stealthily unfastened the frat necklace Derek had gifted to her earlier that day. “Yeah? Well, you're forgetting one thing about Billy Loomis.” “What's that?” “I fucking killed him,” Sidney growled with vengeance before swiping Mickey’s right eye with the Greek letters on the necklace, causing him to cry out in pain. “You piece of shit, she kicked him in the stomach before running off, but didn’t make it far before he was able to catch up. After some scuffling, Mickey was able to overpower Sidney and cornered her using his knife.
"Sidney...you've got a Linda Hamilton thing going. No, it's nice, I like it." With that, he grabbed the wheel at stage left and turned it. Derek's body was pulled upwards. Sidney's eyes were stung by tears, her throat beginning to burn. Derek, I'm so sorry...
Triumphantly grinning, Mickey returned to Sidney's side. "All of this...just for fame?!" the disgust on Sidney's face and in her voice was palpable. Mickey chuckled lowly "well...infamy, technically. Any why not, baby? It's as good a motive as any. I'll be in the papers everyday, on every news forecast. People all over the world will know my name, my face. What I did and how I did it. Ted Bundy, the Nightstalker, the Menendez brothers...they'll have nothing on me."
"What went wrong with you, Mickey? Why are you like this?!" Sidney's voice barely a whisper. This earned a scoff from her friend-turned-enemy. Not that he was ever really her friend. "Does it really matter, Sid?!"
He was approaching her, vicious smile on his face. "It's nothing personal, kid. To be honest, I always kinda liked you." He smirked, running his thumb over her bottom lip.
The look in his eyes was chilling, animalistic.
Sidney had seen that look before. Stu Macher, that night in his house when all was revealed and he & Billy Loomis lost their lives. Sidney never wanted another man to look at her like that as long as she lived.
She pulled away from his touch, the temptation to bite him almost overwhelming. But she knew the consequences of enraging him.
Mickey re-produced his knife from his trousers, running it down Sidney's face with an almost delicate touch. She began to whimper softly. Even if she disarmed him, he had a firearm also within his reach. It was hopeless.
"C'mon", he whispered almost seductively, "you must have known this was going to happen sometime. Forget what that dweeb Randy would say. The rules are always changing, and now even the final girl has an expiration date. Ripley, Nancy, he'll they'll probably off Laurie Strode herself..."
Suddenly, a gunshot run out - echoing around the theatre. Cotton Weary was there, armed.
Panicked, Mickey clung Sidney tightly to him - pressing his knife to her throat.
“Don't you fucking move. Goddamn it!” Cotton jumped onto the stage with determination. “I have had a very, very bad day, and I would like to know exactlywhat the fuck is going on here. Sidney?”
“Cotton, meet Mickey. He's the killer,” Sidney responded, her assailant pressing his face against here.
“I can help you, Cotton,” Mickey begun to make his case once Cotton pointed the gun in his direction
“You don't need her. As long as she's alive, you're never going to be the lead story. That's what you really want, isn't it, Cotton? Just let me kill her... right now. Then you're the only survivor. You're the *star*. You can be the star witness, tell the world how I tried to kill you…and would have succeeded, but you defeated me with your bravery and quick-thinking and saved Windsor College. Come onnn….you know you want it” he whispered excitedly.
"No. No, Cotton, don't you listen to him-"
"Cotton, I can help you," Mickey reiterated, "I get it, the desire for fame. Fans. Why else do you think I'm doing this?" He chuckled darkly.
"We are not alike," Cotton responded sternly.
Mickey rolled his eyes "oh c'mon Cotton. You don't have to play that game with me. I know there's a darkness in you. I see it. I can see it right now."
Cotton scoffed "you know nothing about me...and I don't think you're in the best position to psychoanalyse"
"Fair enough," mickey rolled his eyes with a forced laugh
"You need to let her go,"
"And why would I want to do that? Why would *you* want me to do that? She sent you to prison for a year!" He laughed maniacally, wildness in his eyes.
Cotton grimaced. He tried to be a good man, but it had been rather difficult for him to forgive the young girl struggling nervously against the other man. She may have been sixteen, but she knew better. She should have known what kind of man Billy Loomis was.
He may be free now, but the beatings from other inmates whilst guards looked in the other direction... The sexual threats. Hate mail. The spit launched in his direction daily. That was tough to forget.
He offered a glower at Sidney, getting some undeniable satisfaction from the look of fear in her eyes and her continued struggle against the man with the knife.
Oh. Well... It's, quite a predicament you're in, Sid. I mean, he makes a good point,” Cotton said suavely as Mickey grinned sadistically and rubbed Sidney’s cheek in a way that would appear affectionate under different circumstances, “Betcha that Diane Sawyer interview's looking real good right about now.” A moment passed. Cotton made eye contact with Sidney, then Mickey, then Sidney again…
“Consider it done,” she confirmed A moment passed before Mickey realised what was really going on, and a mere split second passed between him looking at Cotton with a panicked expression and Cotton shooting him cleanly in the centre of his forehead, causing him to take Sidney down with him. Sidney lay flat out for a few moments, before awakening with a cough. She glanced over at her assumed friend and would-be killer. The large, bloody hole in his head coupled with a dazed expression made clear Mickey Altieri was no more.
“Wow. That... was intense,” said Cotton, slowly taking in that he had taken a life. For real, this time, “Hey, Sidney...look, I want you to know that I would never, ever do anything to hurt you.”
“Cotton, give me the gun.” Sidney commanded politely, clearly still hesitant about him.
“Yeah. Okay. Sure. Take it.” Cotton handed it to her with no hesitation. Things would always be complicated between the two, but he wanted Sidney to know she could trust him really.
“Hey, Sid, we should talk about exactly what happened here. You know... I mean,get our stories straight for the press statement…”
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whythewords · 1 year
Sometimes I feel like these journal entries are just me wandering into dark building and standing at a desk quickly scribbling something in a notepad under low light, before I forget it. At times it feels like a form of bargain bin therapy. "I haven't fully organized my intrusive thoughts in such a manner that I'm ready to present them to someone yet, so instead I'll post them on the internet on a page read by maybe three people." I SHOULD go back and do an actual therapy session again, especially since my benefits should be kicking in soon...
Yes, that brings me to the actual first point of this, I've been at the new job for about a month. Once again, it feels simultaneously like it's both slower than molasses and flying by like a jet plane. It's a good job. I can't say that I love it but I certainly don't hate it. It's kind of silly that that's the benchmark for employment now but I'm fairly certain the few jobs that would skip over that feeling are a little harder to come by (famous musician, captain of industry, professional cookie tester, etc.) But at this current job, the culture is good, the people seem nice, there are occasional fun activities within the team, stuff like that. I do maintain my stance on "the job is a means to end, and if, at the end, there's no means to get my own place then....OFF I fucking go to Nova Scotia." Then I get a place, put down new roots etc. It's all very easy. It's not as if anything can actually change in a year's time right? I'm being facetious, of course it can change, it can all change. But still, it's good to have a game plan.
So that's the long term sorted out...at least in broad strokes. What about here and now? Well, I finally signed up for my first open mic in a while. A milestone that should not be, but as things stand now, it is. I'm slowly trying to get back out there. More open mics will hopefully follow, and I'm signing up for more work events...which is odd for me. I'm so very much about my "own time" these days, especially since living with my folks means there's precious little of it to myself...but I'm opting to spend a Saturday to go and do a walk/run for charity with a bunch of people I haven't known for very long. I'm sure that'll be good for me in some way...and I hope I don't regret it.
And part of me can't help wondering if this is a viable alternative to online dating? Going to do an escape room or a charity walk with new work people who you don't quite feel comfortable with yet, is that a way to meet other people? Well, it shouldn't be, and isn't the end goal. The end goal is just, once again, to step outside of my comfort zone and be a little less precious about how I choose to spend my time (read: fight the urge to want to spend every other waking moment on my own). And this is how you do that apparently. Ya get out. Ya go to an open mic, on a Tuesday night...
"A Tuesday, really? I mean it's mid week...I'm probably gonna miss Jeopardy! I dunno man..."
I have to put those thoughts out of my head. Getting out of one's comfort zone begets positive change. Being social, being open. And being open means leaving your house on a Tuesday night.
Oddly, (and I'm certain I've mentioned this before) a time I can recall these kind of moment-to-moment decisions, trying new things, doing a whole slew of open mics, having drinks on the town in the middle of the week...these things all started happening not too long after...my first break up with the woman who eventually became my (now ex) wife.
Perhaps that's all this really is, or all it really ought to be: A re-rediscovery.
History actually does have a way of repeating itself, huh?
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dreamwritesimagines · 2 years
Caught in the Fire 31 - Waves [Bucky Barnes x Reader]
A.N: Thank you so much for your wonderful support my loves ❤ Here’s the new chapter, I hope you like it and please don’t forget to tell me what you think of it! kisses!❤
Pairing: Mobster!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Summary: History repeats itself.
Warnings: Violence, death, crime, explicit language, dysfunctional relationships, drinking, family issues, mentions of murder. This is an AU, friendly reminder that I don’t condone any of the actions depicted on this story and please read with care.
Series Masterlist
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“Okay I admit, I love a good love triangle, very early 2000s but this?”
You pushed at the cookies on your plate around before rolling your eyes.
“It’s not a love triangle.”
“Oh give me a break, even you can’t deny that.”
“They are brothers?” Jace asked as Summer stole a cookie from the plate, and Hunter kept staring at you with wide eyes.
“Well, half-brothers.”
“Did we accidentally teleport into Vampire Diaries?” Jace asked, “Because Bucky would make a great Damon and oh my God, Alex as Stefan—”
“Guys, come on!”
“No no, let him speak,” Summer said. “He has a point.”
You shot her a glare, then nibbled on a cookie.
“You can’t tell anyone,” you pointed at them. “But yes. It doesn’t help that they already hate each other—”
“Yeah, because they both want to fuck you.”
“Am I wrong?” she asked, and turned to Jace and Hunter as if asking for their support, “Am I?”
“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but she’s right.”
“Exactly, thank you!”
“Bucky is my ex, and Alex is my friend.”
“I don’t see how those statements are relevant to this discussion.” Hunter stated. “So wait, if Alex is the firstborn, isn’t he supposed to be the new…crime boss in the city?”
“I don’t think that’s how it works,” you said. “Number one, he isn’t interested in any of that. Number two, he has no training or anything, he couldn’t take over even if he wanted to.”
“But he doesn’t want to?”
“You know what that life is like, Jace,” you said. “Hey, speaking of, when do I get to meet your boyfriend?”
“Wade? You will meet him soon but stop trying to divert.” Jace said. “Why did he not tell you anything?”
“Alex? For some reason he thinks I’m loyal to Bucky.”
Hunter scoffed. “…Aren’t you?”
You made a face. “Not you too! Dude, we broke up!”
“Yeah I know you broke up, but you two still have that weird dynamic.”
“We have history, that’s it.”
“So this whole secretly brothers thing won’t affect anything between you and Alex? Like, let’s say you stopped with the denial and jumped on his bones—”
“I can’t do that,” you cut him off. “He’s Bucky’s brother!”
Jace tilted his head. “Huh. I wonder why Alex thinks you’re loyal to Bucky, such a surprise.”
“No it’s not—” you huffed out. “It’s not like that. Let alone everything else, I’m not looking to date anyone right now, I have other priorities.”
“Like figuring out what mommy dearest wants?” Summer asked and you nodded.
“She gave me her number and as much as I don’t want to do it, I need to call her sometime soon,” you murmured. “I don’t want another surprise visit.”
“Will you tell Emma about her being back though?”
“I have to,” you murmured. “I just don’t know how she’s going to react, and she can’t think that mom will stick around. Because she won’t.”  
Jace squeezed your shoulder as if trying to give you support and Hunter heaved a sigh. Summer shook her head slightly, then raised her coffee mug, mocking a toast.
“Just so you know,” she said. “I’m always up for slapping that bitch.”
You inhaled the sweet smell of the apple pie as you carried it out of the kitchen, then put it on the display counter and turned to Josh.
“I’m taking my lunch break okay?”
“Mm hm. Oh my God it smells amazing.”
“Knock yourself out,” you grinned before you walked back to the kitchen to grab your lunch, then stepped outside to the backyard. There were only two customers sitting there, and you took a seat by the empty table, then sipped your coffee. You typed in a text message to Emma to ask how she was, but before you could send it, someone cleared their throat, making you look up from your phone.
It was a beautiful middle-aged woman with a soft smile, a smile that looked almost familiar somehow but you couldn’t put your finger on it.
“Hi,” she said. “I’m Frances, Alex’s mother.”
They had the same smile.
Your eyes widened and you jumped on your feet, then offered your hand.
“Hi!” you said. “Y/N.”
“I know, heard so much about you,” her smile widened. “Although I have to say, the rumors aren’t even close enough to describe how good you are at baking, I devoured that slice of cherry pie.”
“Oh thank you,” you smiled back and she motioned at the chair across from yours.
“May I?”
“Please,” you said and sat down as well. “Sorry, Alex didn’t tell me you were coming here.”
“I didn’t tell him,” she said. “I figured we could have a girl talk.”
You let out a small laugh. “I’d like that.”
“I love what you’ve done with the place by the way.”
“You’ve been here before?”
“We’re old friends with your mother, Y/N,” she said. “I’ve been here multiple times. She may have her…problems with taking responsibility within her family but she was always a good friend to me. Never told anyone about the real reason why I left the city, or where I was.”
You shifted your weight.
“He never knew?”
“George?” she asked and shook her head. “No.”
“If I may ask, how did you meet?”
She heaved a deep sigh.
“I was fresh out of college,” she started, “Came here for my first teaching job, and one night, my friends dragged me to this brand new club. It was supposed to be this amazing night, all the drinks and dancing and everything.”
You tilted your head, keeping your eyes on her.
“It was really good at first, but then while my friends were busy dancing, I went to the bar to get drinks and there was this creepy man who wouldn’t stop following me around. So I got the drinks but just as I was going to walk past him, he grabbed my arm.”
You frowned. “I’m sorry.”
“Yeah but before I could even say anything, someone threw him to the bar counter quite hard and in a second he was dragged out of the bar and my new hero asked me whether I was alright.”
“Mm hm,” she said. “My own knight in shining armor, if you will.”
You couldn’t even stop the smile on your face. “Love at first sight?”
“Something like that,” she said. “I didn’t know about his line of work back then, and we spent the whole night talking. I wasn’t an idiot, I figured he was someone important and people were scared of him, it was obvious even at that bar. But he was the perfect gentleman with me, and by the time that night was over, I was head over heels.”
You leaned in slightly, desperate to hear more.
“Well I learned about his line of work, but that didn’t seem to change anything for me. I was too in love, too…” she waved a hand in the air. “Too naïve. Weirdly enough, so was George. We had this fantasy that we could live happily ever after. He used to say that when he was with me, he felt like he could escape from everything he had done. Apparently I was somehow unstained by all the blood he shed.”
“I knew that his parents didn’t approve,” she said. “I was a civilian and he was getting ready to take over the business from his father, so I didn’t exactly meet the criteria for what they had in mind for him. George didn’t care about that at all, so I figured it wasn’t important but as it turns out...”
“It was?” you finished the sentence for her and she nodded.
“Couple of months into our relationship, his mother paid me a visit,” she said. “She was brutally honest about the plans they had for George, and I had no place in that picture, I wasn’t cut out for that world.”
Fuck, this was way too familiar.
“Not to mention they already had a girl in mind for him…Winnifred.”
You clicked your tongue, “Ah.”
“Met her?”
“Unfortunately. She’s as sweet as her mother-in-law.”
She let out a small chuckle. “Well, long story short, I was given two options. I could stay here with George and have my parents killed by an ‘accident’ along with everyone I cared about, or I could leave and no one would get hurt.”
Your hands shot up to cover your mouth.
“So I broke up with George, left the city, and moved back to my parents’ place. And then I found out I was pregnant and…the rest is history.”
“Why did you never tell him?”
“Because as much as I hate to admit, they had a point. I wasn’t cut out for that world.” She thought for a moment. “You dated George’s son, right?”
“Bucky, yeah. He’s…” you paused. “Yeah we dated. I heard the same speech by the way, from Winnifred. I wasn’t cut out for that world.”
“Did she threaten you too?”
“Mm hm. But it’s different, I�� Bucky and I have been friends since we were kids.”
She nodded slowly.
“In my experience,” she said. “You don’t really realize it when you’re in it. All that passion and excitement and ups and downs, you can’t see the whole picture— I couldn’t, at least. It wasn’t a healthy relationship, and I really wouldn’t be able to handle that life. I’m really glad I left, and I’m beyond thankful Alex didn’t grow up in all that.”
You swallowed thickly. “You must be very proud of him,” you said. “Alex is—he’s amazing.”
“He is,” she said. “He’s my whole world, and I tried to stop him from coming here but he got his stubbornness from me. No stopping him once he decides on something.”
“Weren’t you worried?”
“Oh I was,” she said. “And I may still see him as my baby, but he’s a grown-up. He can make his own decisions, it’s his life.”
You huhed. “No wonder why he’s so amazing, must have gotten that from you too.”
She let out a laugh. “Oh you’re sweet.”
“And I don’t— I don’t know if you knew about this but…” you trailed off. “George loved you until the day he died.”
She pulled her brows together. “What?”
“Yeah he left a letter before he died and he talks about you in that letter. He never loved anyone else again after you left, I think.”
She swallowed thickly and grabbed a napkin on the table to dab at her eyes.
“Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t mean—”
“No sweetheart, it’s not your fault,” she assured you. “It’s just that being back here makes me nostalgic and hearing that…”
She was cut off when your phone started vibrating and Bucky’s face appeared on the screen. You hit decline, and she shot you a small smile.
“Is that Bucky?”
“Can I see a picture?”
“Sure,” you said and opened your gallery, then touched the picture and showed it to her. She let out a breath.
“It’s like looking at a ghost,” she murmured and you put the phone down.
“Yeah, people say that he looks like his dad but I don’t really see it.”
“He does,” she said and checked her watch. “I’m sorry, I’m supposed to meet Alex but I’d love to continue this conversation later on if we can.”
“Of course!” you said. “It was really nice to meet you.”
“You too Y/N,” she said and stood up, then hesitated for a moment before clearing her throat.
“Your mother is a great friend, but I’m not sure she wants to be a mother,” she stated. “I told this to her as well, I don’t think that’s the life she wants, that’s why she left all those years ago. And you have a sister, right?”
You blinked a couple of times, then nodded.
“If I were you, I’d wait to see if she is here to stay before making her a part of your sister’s life.”
You pulled your brows together. “I will,” you said. “Thank you.”
“No problem,” she said. “It was nice to meet you Y/N. Have a lovely day.”
“You too,” you said as she walked away, and you let out a breath, then threw your head back.
Bucky was at this pub on Steve’s territory, and the reason why you knew this was because you were currently on your way to the said pub. Bucky had invited you and you still weren’t sure whether he had pulled himself together after finding out he had a brother, and the least you could do was make sure he was fine.
You found him by the dark corner, holding a glass of whiskey in his hand and you approached him, then took the seat across from his.
“Hey,” you said. “How have you been?”
He bit inside his cheek, keeping his gaze on the glass before he ran a hand over his face.
“I uh…I told Becca,” he said. “She took it way better than me.”
“Yeah she wants to meet him.”
“Meet Alex?” you repeated. “Oh wow.”
“And she made some good points, as much as I hate to admit,” he said, making you frown. “I feel like I need to sit down with him to go over this whole bullshit. He has no claim over anything yes, but HYDRA could get to him and I can’t have him as a liability.”
“Alex wouldn’t…” you paused. “Hold on, what do you mean HYDRA could get to him?”
“They could use him to start a turf war even bigger than this current one,” he said. “Technically speaking, he’s still my father’s son. Firstborn too.”
“This whole thing is so medieval.”
Bucky shrugged his shoulders and you motioned for a drink at the waitress before turning to him.
“HYDRA is still a threat then?”
“Well, they have been staying under the radar for a while now, since I killed Rumlow.”
Your head shot up. “I’m sorry?” you asked before lowering your voice. “Bucky, I killed Rumlow.”
He tilted his head, a mischievous light playing in his blue eyes. “I have no idea what you’re talking about Peaches, you weren’t there.”
You blinked a couple of times before it dawned on you.
“You’re taking the blame for that?”
“Nah, I’m being honest. I killed him because he had it coming. Didn’t see you there.”
“You can’t just claim that – Steve was there.”
“Steve is my best friend, he didn’t see you either.”
“What about your men—”
“They would die before talking,” he said, his gaze almost reprimanding. “I’m serious, Peaches. Don’t worry about it, okay? I already handled it.”
You thanked the waitress after she put your drink on the table, then shook your head.
“You know how you used to say normalcy moments were like…what it’d be like if we were together?” you asked. “I disagree. This is exactly what it would be like if we ended up together, you covering up for me and us talking about murder as if it’s normal.”
“Cover up is a big word for it,” he pointed out. “I was already going to kill him, you were just faster. No one needs to know about the details.”
You scoffed a small laugh and sipped your drink.
“I can’t stay long, I need to go and read Emma her bedtime story,” you said. “You can use the bakery to sit down and have a conversation with Alex—”
“Peaches wait,” he said softly “Before you leave I… I need to talk to you. I asked to meet you here so that you could leave if you wanted – and I knew you wouldn’t come by my apartment.”
“No I wouldn’t.”
“Yeah,” he said. “I just… I know you’re still angry at me but—”
“Understatement of the century.”
He offered you a small smile, then reached into the inner pocket of his jacket before he put your necklace on the table, making you frown before you took it into your palm.
“What the…” you looked up at him. “I lost it before we broke up.”
“You put it on the sink before Em’s birthday,” Bucky said. “I know.”
“You took it? When?”
“I didn’t take it,” he said. “HYDRA did.”
You pulled your brows together. “What? Bucky, HYDRA was never—”
The thought hit you like a ton of bricks and your breath got caught in your throat, your hands shooting up to cover your mouth.
“…They were in my apartment?” you asked and he nodded slowly.
“You put it on the sink, and went to bed,” he said. “And they sent me the pictures of you sleeping along with this couple of days later.”
A shiver went down your spine.
“Pictures of—of me sleeping,” you repeated and he clenched his teeth.
“I’ve always had a couple of guys by the building and your street,” he said. “For them to be able to pull this shit? I had no idea how far their reach was.”
You let out a breath, staring at him.
“I needed to keep you safe,” he said. “Keep you and Emma safe. And I knew they’d always try to use you against me, and I…”
“You broke up with me,” you finished the sentence for him and his jaw clenched.
“It nearly killed me,” he murmured. “Saying all that to you. But I had to make sure no one could hurt you, and the only solution for that was to get rid of every threat in the city. Why did you think it got so bloody right after we broke up?”
You swallowed thickly. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I needed to make sure I couldn’t crawl back to you until every member of HYDRA was dead,” he said. “To make sure you wouldn’t take me back even if I begged you. Because I knew I’d try to win you back, but if I hurt you that badly…” he trailed off and you heaved a shaky sigh.
“God damn it, Bucky.”
“I know it’s not an excuse but I thought if everyone saw that you hated me and saw me…moving on, with girls at bars and all that, I figured you would be safe. Oh and—since then, I placed a couple of people I trust inside your building. Along with your father’s apartment. He has new neighbors, so do you. Not to mention, the hallways are always under the surveillance in case of any threats.”
“Emma is safe, you all are. No one is going anywhere without someone protecting you, even if you don’t notice them.”
You rubbed at your eyes, then shook your head.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because I didn’t know who they had in their pocket,” he said, “Any rumor of me caring about you would put you and Emma in danger, and Peaches, what I feel for you is not as important as your safety, or Emma’s.”
If you didn’t know any better, you would have thought he had tears in his eyes for a moment before he blinked them back, clearing his throat.
“I just needed you to know,” he said as you sniffled. “Even if it doesn’t change anything. I never stopped loving you, and I will never stop loving you. Until the day I die.”
“Buck, I—” you started but you were cut off when your phone started vibrating in your pocket. You checked the name on the screen, then hit decline.
“It’s Emma,” you muttered and Bucky nodded.
“My driver can take you.”
“I only had one drink, I can drive,” you said before rubbing at your eyes. “Listen, can we talk later? I just…I need to think about all of this and I can’t- I can’t now, it’s too much. All of it.”
“Of course,” he said. “Whenever you’re ready.”
“Thank you.”
He forced a smile but it didn’t seem to reach his eyes. “Good night Peaches.”
“Good night Buck,” you said and grabbed your purse, then walked out of the bar, your heart still pacing in your chest. You got in your car, then let out a breath, burying your face into your hands.
“God…” you murmured, “I need a fucking break.”  
Chapter 32
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theminecraftbox · 2 years
Wait in the roommates JHAM au Sam spends his time with Techno trying to convince him that Dream what tortured himself, or he's just making up stuff Sam did to him? While also saying that he deserved it? Aside from how stupid that is, all I can image is Dream not really being asleep and listening to Sam go on and on about how awful he is and Techno just going like, "uh huh Warden, definitely." Cause he doesn't want to start a fight and wake Dream. And uh just the idea of Dream hearing Techno, even passively, agreeing with his abuser is just so uh, I love this spin off of an au so much!
/dsmp rp
🥰 yup, Sam tries to convince Techno to be reasonable.
It’s some of the same kind of odd self-delusion that Sam has on display in Daedalus: where he’s insisting that Dream did it all to himself, that he designed these conditions, that he had it coming—above all, that Sam is in the right and any rational observer would agree with him.
Sam is in some ways even more desperate than in Daedalus because he can feel history repeating itself: he CAN’T have failed again he CAN’T. His changes, the whole additional year he sacrificed on the altar of this prison, HAVE to have worked. He cannot stand the idea of Dream escaping, and of anyone threatening the dire need for the things he did.
The other thing about this is… Sam is pretty damn good at reading Dream, and while Dream’s never had the audacity (or the stupidity) of trying to fake sleep in front of him, Sam can probably figure out Dream’s faking.
Which means that he’s saying this stuff with full knowledge that Dream can hear every single word. (Not that it matters. Not that it’s meant to make Dream hurt. That isn’t the point of what Sam does; that’s never been the point.)
And yeah, Techno reacts by… mostly trying to shrug off what Sam’s saying. There’s no point in arguing with a guy who’s THIS out of touch with reality. The vibe is: “Hey, Sam, you ever read? Never engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed man. Sun Tzu. Yep. Art of War.”
But Techno also pushes back a little. He’s not buying it and he’s not shy about telling Sam that. “Right, right. I’m sure those dispensers and chains are strictly decorative. Just to round out the whole hell-prison vibe. Next you’ll be telling me Dream ran into a doorknob for a year, how clumsy of him.”
Dream, listening, has a number of different reactions. First the humiliation of how easily Techno sees how badly he’s been affected—in some ways he wishes Techno didn’t pick up on Sam’s bullshit so easily. Because this isn’t anything Dream wanted someone else to see. It’s… foul, and personal, and Dream is disgusting for giving into it, for not snapping out of it already.
Second, the relief of the outside confirmation that Dream’s NOT insane, this is… torture, and, uh, abuse, and whatever. Which, he didn’t NEED that, okay, he’s not an idiot, he knows all the shit Sam’s done is fucked up, he doesn’t need Techno, like, quipping to confirm what Sam’s done is… is egregious. But listening for so long to Sam telling him it could be worse and that Dream deserves it and everyone would agree with him? Yeah. Well. It hasn’t been fun.
Third, how blasé Techno is. How he always is. It’s comforting, a little bit. Nice that Techno isn’t making a big deal about it, or being dramatic—makes Dream think that it isn’t something huge and insurmountable, he can get over it. But it also makes Dream feel ashamed that he can’t laugh it off like Techno can. (And maybe a quiet, secret part of him WANTS someone to get mad on his behalf. Maybe he wants someone to see what Sam’s done and get horrified and get angry, properly, truly. Maybe Dream just isn’t worth the horror or the anger. Whatever, it’s a stupid thing to think about, because Dream doesn’t actually want that reaction, he doesn’t want pity. It’s useless.)
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salemwritesxx · 3 years
𝕋 𝕒 𝕜 𝕒 𝕞 𝕚  𝕂 𝕖 𝕚 𝕘 𝕠 | ℍ 𝕒 𝕨 𝕜 𝕤
     ⇴ male reader [25, Vigilantes, quirkless]      ⇴ all characters are depicted as [18]+
↳ request: Add on to the ask my bad! {Vigilante reader instead of hero-: When hawks found out he was expecting a baby he immediately kept it a secret from the reader and his friends. Since he doesn't want the hero commission/the public to catch wind of it cause it'll put both of their lives at risk also the public wouldn't be happy to know that their hero is in a relationship with someone who isn't a female- {{Angst!- The hero commission isn't supportive of hawks love life and unborn child_ if they found out about it, they'll probably blackmail the reader into doing their dirty work in exchange for hawks life.) But,, he soon tells the reader after being confronted about his change of behavior and appearance. About 3-4 months into the pregnancy. Time skip to where the kid is born- happy ending🤙🏾
↣ rating: general audiences ↣ warnings: mpreg, size / height difference, lil’ bit of angst with happy ending, discussion of abortion
“No… No, no, no. Fuck!”, he cursed quietly.
Staring in disbelief at the little plastic strip, he put it besides two others. All three of them were positive. There was no doubt. Hawks was… pregnant.
Falling back onto the closed toilet seat, he sighed deeply as tears welled up in his eyes. Keigo wasn’t one to cry easily, but right now everything broke apart. How would everyone react? How would the HPSC react? How would you react? Right now, it seemed like his past was catching up to him, what if everything turned out the same? What if history repeated itself? Would his unborn child have to endure so much as well? Wouldn’t it be better, if it was never born-
“Keigo?”, your voice made him snap out of his dark thoughts.
“[Your.name]?”, hastily wiping his tears and pushing the pregnancy tests into the trash, he tried his best to sound calm.
“So you’re here! I was worried, Kei! You ignored my calls.”, when he came out, you stood there leaning against the wall, a worried expression on your face.
“Ah, no. I was just busy, you know? HPSC needed me again today.”, Kei tried his best to lie and put on his best fake smile.
But you still found it suspicious.
“Are you okay, Baby?”, taking a step towards him, your big hand cupped his cheek and your thumb gently wiped over his red, swollen undereye.
Had he been crying? Keigo? That’s rare.
“I am fine, [Your.name], I am fine. What about you though?”, he kept smiling when he pushed away your hand and walked past you into the kitchen.
“I haven’t heard from you in a while, too, ya know?”
“Ah…”, was the only sound you made as you shyly scratched your neck.
“That’s true. I’m sorry if I worried you, Kei. It’s just… I had to hide for a few days. The police were especially pesky and I couldn’t risk being caught.”
“It’s okay, it’s okay.”, he waved aside, “It’s not like I was worried. I know you can handle yourself just fine.”
This was the last thing you thought you would hear from him, leaving you confused and maybe a little… hurt? Sure, you chose to be a Vigilantes and go out at night to take care of some things your own, but to think your boyfriend wasn’t even worried about you while doing so? Maybe he really did despise what you did and he just never said so out loud. Until now, he had never commented on the illegal things you did, because ultimately, you never destroyed anything and just helped the less unfortunate people, but maybe…
After all, you worried about him constantly and he was a licensed pro-hero, still – many things could happen. Like that, you had a weird feeling that Hawks was not fine at all despite him claiming he was.
And while normally, your little reunion would have been much different, Kei just couldn’t think about anything at that point. All he was thinking about was the baby growing inside of him and what he should do about it…
As weeks went by, you noticed Hawks was changing. His excuse of being “bloated” was weird and got old quickly. Furthermore had your relationship taken a big hit. Few kisses and almost no touching. It almost seemed like he was uncomfortable constantly. You wondered what it all was about. Was it just over? Did your relationship just slip right through your fingers and you couldn’t do anything about it?
Usually, when you were both home, the apartment was filled with dumb laughter. It was so nice being around you, but all Keigo was in the past few weeks was anxious, quiet and easily agitated. His home was his safe place, it’s where he could forget everything and relax. Not think about his work, about the HPSC, but with your child growing consistently, it was harder and harder to relax. In just a few weeks, someone who had a keen eye could probably tell that he wasn’t “bloated” anymore. Instead, he didn’t know what to do anymore.
Then, one day, it must have been around the fourth month of his pregnancy, someone rang the doorbell in the middle of the night. First, Keigo wanted to ignore it, however, as they kept ringing, a thought popped into his head. He hadn’t seen you in about a week, which wasn’t unusual per se as you had to hide from time to time, but for you to not contact him at all was a little… odd. Were you in trouble? Did they find about your connection to him?
Hence, with his own feather in his hand, he was ready to defend himself as he made his way to the door. The rain was drumming against the windows mercilessly. Perfect distraction if someone wanted to raid him.
Though, when he swung open the door, ready to cut anyone and anything, it all came differently. A large body was leaning against the side of the door.
“[Your.name]!”, his golden eyes widened as your own [eye.color] ones looked quite lifeless.
Before Hawks could do anything, you couldn’t hold yourself upright anymore, thus falling through the opened door. Quickly reacting, he caught you, but being so much smaller than you, his feathers had to help lift you and get you inside his apartment. Only then, when he pulled his hands back did he realize what was on his hands and what he had thought to be water, was actually blood.
His heart dropped into the pit of his stomach. Rushing to your side, he literally ripped open your black coat and what was underneath, revealing a gaping wound on your side.
“Kei…”, you suddenly croaked, trying to reach out your hand, which he immediately grabbed and squeezed tightly.
“Don’t talk, [Your.name]! Everything will be alright, okay?!”, he visibly panicked.
He could hide his feelings very well. At least usually. But not this time. Maybe it was because he was hormonal due to the pregnancy, but just the thought of losing you made him cry. Hastily standing back up, he rushed into the bathroom to grab some towels and into the bedroom to get his phone.
“I… I didn’t know… where else to go… Kei…”, you coughed up a bit of blood, even though he had told you to not talk anymore.
“I know, I know. It’s okay, Baby.”, hugging you against his chest, all he could do was sob, “Everything will be alright, okay?!”
With a thumping heart, Hawks stood in front of the door for a few moments, before he knocked and entered eventually.
“Oh! Kei!”, you were just eating your pudding.
“[Your.name]!”, without holding back, he rushed towards your bed and jumped you.
However, hearing your painful whimper due to the ecstatic hug, he immediately pulled back with a small “I’m sorry.”
You, however, just shook your head and put the pudding and spoon away before gesturing him to come closer again.
“No, it’s okay, come here.”, you said with a soft smile as you pulled him in again.
Keigo just following your movement, scooching closer and in the end, hugging you again when you wrapped your own bandaged arms around him. You were so much more beat up than he initially thought…
“Thank you for saving me, Baby. I’m sorry if I scared you.”
“You did!”, sitting back up, his golden eyes were shimmering, “I was so worried about you.”
“Ehh? Didn’t you say you weren’t worried about me a few months ago?”, you just teased him, but Keigo was hormonal and highly stressed, so he reacted way too violently when tears welled up in his eyes.
“I know… But you know I like to talk big sometimes.”, he sniffled.
Quickly, you reached out to softly cup his face and wipe away the tears.
“I know. Hey… Kei. Tell me what’s going on, hm?”
“Huh?”, his golden eyes widened a bit as he stared at you.
“Baby… I know something’s going on. Things haven’t been normal lately and you act different, too. Tell me, if it’s something I did, I can change. I will do anything, but please be honest with me already… Last night, I thought, that’s it. I thought I’d die with things being so weird between us. It was horrible to think about it…”
Looking around for a moment, you were the only one in this room and even if it wasn’t the best location to finally say it out loud, Keigo just couldn’t continue to lie. He had wanted to get an abortion three times and canceled every time because he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Clearly, he wanted this baby. And he wanted you to know, it was just all so… complicated.
“Kei…”, you squeezed his hand one more time.
“Okay…”, sitting down on the bed properly, his other hand reached out as well, needing every bit of comfort and support he could get.
“I…”, biting his lip, he hesitated for a moment before looking up and straight into your eyes, “I am pregnant.”
Your eyes widened and for a second, you just stared at him in disbelief.
“Wait… you…? Really?”
“Oh my God… that explains a lot.”, you kind of laughed while shaking your head, but then you realized something.
“Wait… How long...?”
“17th week… Do you not understand, [Your.name]? I am pregnant.”
“Yes, I understand quite well and I think that’s amazing.”, you squeezed his hands again, a big smile on your lips.
“No, no! You don’t get it, [Your.name]!”, Hawks then suddenly stood up, “This is not amazing. Do you know what that means?”, he sighed and rubbed his eyes.
“We are fucked, [Your.name]. Do you know what happens when the HPSC or the public finds out? Let alone who the father is? What if… What if our baby has to endure everything I had to endure? What if… I become like them? Or what if the HPSC finds out and takes them away from us?”, his voice broke a little at the end, just imagining it…
“Keigo, hey.”, you turned around and placed your feet onto the ground, sitting on the edge of the bed, hence why you could take his hands again and pull him closer.
“You will never become like them.”, you cupped his face, gently wiping the tears away from the corner of his eyes.
“And, Kei, you already made a decision, no? You want to keep the baby – our baby – right? It’s already the fourth month…”
“I do… But… I don’t know what I should do. I am not myself, [Your.name]. I keep crying over stupid things, I can't concentrate when I’m doing my work and I am always scared someone finds out.”, eventually, you pulled him onto your lap, though he was careful not to hurt your side.
“I know you’re scared, Baby. I am too, but we can do it. Together. I will be with you every step. I will protect you.”
“[Your.name]…”, wrapping his arms around you, he buried his face in the nook of your neck, his small frame shaking.
“It’s okay. I’m here, Kei. And I won’t go, ever. We will do it together. And I promise… I promise I will stop going out during the night.”, you whispered this promise into his ear, earning his small sniffles as he clung to you.
“Our baby doesn’t have to grow up in isolation because of my recklessness. I will become a good father. They will have a great life, okay, Kei? We can do it. Whatever the HPSC throws at us, we will deal with it, together. I promise they won’t grow up like you had to.”
The last thing surely broke him as Hawks barely whispered a “Mhm.” back. But at the same time he was smiling, so grateful he was finally able to let you know as the last few months were really straining.
“I wish you were never born! You are a nuisance! You keep me from being free!”
“Why did I not get an abortion? Why did I do this to myself? You good for nothing!”
“-go! -igo! Keigo!”, his golden eyes opened at last.
Breathing heavily and with beads of sweat running down his temple, Hawks stared at you for a moment. Still not really sure what just happened the realization sank in little by little. A dream.
“Hey, I’m here. It’s okay now.”, you whispered and gently kissed him, before hugging him tightly.
Melting into your arms instantly, he buried his face at your chest as one hand reached down to his growing belly. He would probably pop soon.
“It’s weird… I haven’t thought or dreamt about them in over ten years and now… ever since I found out I’m pregnant… I …”, he mumbled more than anything, glad you were there to hold him.
“I know.”, was the only thing you whispered back while gently caressing his back.
When the HPSC trained him, he forgot, or rather suppressed most of his abusive and traumatic childhood. Maybe it was because he worried so much about your little baby that it all came crashing down on him eventually. But he would never become like them.
“Oh-“, both of you felt a little kick, making you giggle.
“Seems like our little baby girl wants to cheer you up as well.”, you whispered and nuzzled his head with your own while your hand reached out to his belly as well, softly caressing it.
“Seems like it.”, Keigo finally smiled a little.
“We will protect her.”, he quietly said after stealing a soft kiss from you.
“We will. And hey, the public took it really well when we outed us. The HPSC can’t do shit to hurt us anymore.”
“Yeah, I know. Thank God.”, cupping your cheek, Kei pulled you down again, before whispering against your lips, “Thank you.”
“Mhmh, for what?”, you chuckled and kissed him again, making him also giggle.
“Just… for everything. I love you, [Your.name].”
Smiling softly at him, you pecked his lips again and whispered an, “I love you too.”
For a few moments, it was quiet as you just cuddled and tried to calm down the excited little girl who was kicking and punching Hawks.
“Say… how do you feel, though? You haven’t been out in-“, but another kiss stopped him from continuing.
“I am perfectly fine, Shortcake. It… was hard, but it was the right decision. You are more important than anything or anyone else, and now with our little nugget growing… what we have is just so much more important to me than vigilante justice.”
The smile that spread across his face was truly warming your heart. It was the right decision and you wouldn’t regret it. You knew how hard his childhood was and you didn’t want that for your baby girl. She should be able to proudly say who her parents were and for that reason, you couldn’t continue your former lifestyle.
After sharing a few more kisses, Hawks then asked for cuddles, which you happily agreed to. Hence letting him shift positions and turn around, careful not to hit you with his wings, he hugged his pregnancy pillow. And then, you slipped your own arms around him, hugging him carefully and littering small kisses onto his neck.
He was so small in your arms, but that’s what he had loved from day one on. Keigo felt protected and loved when he was in your arms.
Calling out for you, Keigo carried the groceries into the kitchen, just to bite his lip instantly when he saw you laying on the sofa. Your little baby girl sprawled out on top of your broad chest, sleeping. Once Hawks came a little closer, he realized you were sleeping as well, thus with a soft smile he just kneeled down in front of the sofa.
“What would I do without you, [Your.name]? You two are seriously the light of my life.”, he thought with a big smile on his lips.
To think he was so incredibly sad when he found out, he couldn’t be more happier now. Everything turned out alright after all, just like you said. Leaning in, Hawks gently kissed his baby girl’s forehead before standing up again, leaving you and Tsubasa alone – at least that was his intention.
However, a soft tug on his clothes made him stop. And a glance back made him smile and turn once more, following your movement and laying down beside you, softly tucked under your arm, just where he belonged.
There were no words needed as you softly kissed him before your head fell back into the pillow. Your arm securely holding him and Tsubasa and just like that, you were able to hold the whole world in your arms.
And it certainly wasn’t any different for Keigo.
@salemwritesxx || do not repost, edit, modify or translate my works
⇻ salem.talks: I think I repeat myself every time I write for him but… KEIGO IS SO TINY ovo probably cuz I absolutely adore the EndHawk ship and their size difference gives me life? so I cannot help but make it happen when I write x reader with kei. like I can just dream of being as tall and buff as endeavor lmao but yeah this was nice I love preggo hawks!
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wasabito · 3 years
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➽ corruption collab masterlist — hosted by @ultimate-astridwriting and @bummie ♥️
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➽ note: definitely gonna come back and edit this a bit more because threesomes are hard as fuck, no pun intended lmao happy v-day everyone!
➽ word count: 3.2k
➽ cw/tags: polyamory + body worship + threesome + praise kink + public sex + choking + handjobs/fingering + vaginal sex + squirting + established relationship
➽ pairing: akaashi x fem!reader x bokuto
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💿 1. nasty — ariana grande || 2. come on — jhene aiko
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With Valentine's Day fast approaching, it becomes rather apparent that love and romance are in the air. Storefronts are decorated in bubblegum pinks and reds. Flower shops promote their special bouquet arrangements at discounted prices. Even your favorite hole in the wall coffee shop has fallen prey to the spirit of cupid as they announce their new strawberry shortcake dessert and heart-shaped scones.
In lieu of staying home for the third night this week, your boyfriends escort you to dinner at an upscale restaurant in the city. They treat you to a five-course meal and a bottle of wine even pricier than the dinner itself. One would think, after three years of dating, you would no longer be caught unawares by their spontaneity. And yet, here they are, once again pulling the rug from underneath your four-inch heels.
Your gaze flickers from Akaashi's tranquil smile to Bokuto's wide grin.
Adjusting the napkin in your lap, you open your mouth to speak, then pause as the right words fail it come. Brain short-circuiting instead, you let out a confused, "Huh?!"
"We're taking you to Italy!" Bokuto repeats, about ready to hop out of his seat with excitement. He looks to Akaashi, "Three nights in Venice, right 'Kaashi?"
"Yes, we decided on Venice after you told us you'd always wanted to visit. Remember Koutarou's birthday last year?"
"But that was like months ago! Did you two honestly hold onto that drunk little confession this entire time?"
"Of course."
It's in moments like these when you are reminded of their history together, first as teammates playing volleyball, and eventually close friends. Not much longer after that, you'd met and fallen for Akaashi, then Bokuto, and thus began the relationship of today. While you find it a little ridiculous, it seems neither of them has any qualms about this trip.
After all, you are their lovely girlfriend. Why wouldn't they want to make your wishes come true?
Bokuto claps his hands, eyes sparkling. "Everything's already planned out, babe, so don't worry your pretty little head, okay?"
You can't argue with that. Reaching over, you take Bokuto's hand in your right and Akaashi's in your left. "Alright, since you two went to all this trouble for me, I guess I'll just sit back and enjoy it."
Venice is just as beautiful as you imagined.
It looks as if it's floating upon blue-green waters with lots of sunshine, beautiful architecture, and a vibrancy that makes it feel like the city has a life of its own. You are grateful you didn't come by yourself. There is no way you would've enjoyed it without Akaashi and Bokuto at your side.
"We're about a ten-minute walk from Piazza San Marco," Akaashi says as he taps his glasses. His sharp gaze is locked on the map in his hands, likely committing most landmarks and details to memory. "Would you like to check it out?"
"Yeah! Let's do it."
"Off we go, go, go!"
Thus, a majority of your first day in Venice is spent sightseeing.
The three of you take a gondola ride through Canale Grande, then have a peek into the Gallerie Dell'Accademia at Akaashi's insistence, though naturally, you wouldn't have come all the way to Italy and not visited at least one art museum. Afterward, the three of you go to the Le Mercerie shopping district and buy gifts for your friends before finally taking a pit stop for the most delicious gelato in the city.
The sunsets sooner than expected, casting the entire block in deep red hues. Bokuto's mood is greatly influenced by it, and the jetlag certainly doesn't help. He props himself against you, nuzzling you in a way that says he's itching for a kiss.
"Tired, Kou?"
Bokuto hums. "A little... More hungry than anything."
He leans in and pecks your lips with a sated smile. "Maybe I should eat you. I mean, how is it my girl's so damn cute? Not fair, I can't resist."
You snort at Bo's silliness but can't help shivering a little at the tiny implication of his words. He always did like to lay his head on your thighs, leaving a trail of kisses and love bites where he could.
So, the thought of him eating you out made you squeeze your thighs together.
Akaashi approaches with your frozen treats held between his long fingers; having overheard Bokuto earlier, he tucks his wallet back into his pocket.
"We'll get some dinner after we drop off these shopping bags. How does that sound?"
You eagerly take your gelato from him with a smile.
"Sounds like a plan."
Akaashi nods, standing at your other side, close enough to brush elbows though not as close as Bokuto, who was nearly hovering.
The three of you are in one of the narrow, maze-like streetways, basking in the warm, early evening glow. The sweet taste of fruit and cream on your tongue fills you with so much contentment, especially while being with your favorite people. You aren't sure if anything could top the way you currently felt, and the trip has just barely started.
Upon arriving at your temporary place of residence, a quaint little villa on the waterfront just along the shore of Punta Sabbioni Beach, Bokuto immediately kicks off his sandals, dumps the bags, and promptly falls asleep on the couch.
"It's so weird seeing Kou like this." You remark. "On any normal day, he's brimming with almost too much energy, but now he's all tired."
"Well, he did stay up an entire twelve hours on the plane. It was only a matter of time before fatigue caught up to him." Akaashi picks up Bokuto's shoes with practiced ease and places them by the others.
There is a fond smile running along the edges of his mouth as he tucks a throw around the man's larger frame. You help him adjust a spare pillow under Bo's head and then set off to explore the rest of the area.
It seemed like everything about Venice was taken straight out of a romance film, with its cobblestone paths, gothic cathedral architecture, crisp ocean waters, and authentic Italian cuisine. It is no wonder the city's known to draw hapless souls together in romance. Even you fell subject to it, and by each passing moment, you crave to be with your boyfriends.
You are standing at the balcony overlooking the beach, satisfied with your inspection of the villa when Akaashi comes to stand behind you. He holds onto the railings, caging you in his arms, and rests his chin on your shoulder.
"He was right, you know." He murmurs. "You do look good enough to eat."
Blunt as ever. Apparently, something's never change.
Though one might say that Akaashi is as he's always been after high school and college, there is no denying his boost in confidence. After all, he had landed not one but two rather attractive partners.
He kisses your cheek, then your jaw, before latching onto your neck.
The sun's scenic view on the horizon, reflecting upon the beach sands of gold and shimmering orange waves, makes for an excellent backdrop.
You turn to face Akaashi and pull him into a heated kiss. His lips convey a sense of devotion to you, and with each press of them against yours, you can feel just how bad he's yearning for more.
"Kei," you whisper. "Let's go inside."
In a moment, Akaashi whisks you off your feet quite similar to how Bokuto would, though you both don't even make it to the bedroom.
Your other partner had sat up on the sofa, hair flat on one side, scrubbing his eyelids.
"Guys, I'm freaking starving!" Bokuto groans. "Let's get some food or something."
He doesn't even notice how you and Akaashi are breathing heavy or how your clothes are sporting wrinkles that were not previously there. Regardless, Akaashi has food delivered while you went ahead to shower the day's journey away. There are still two days left. You'd get your chance with them at some point.
Sadly, the entirety of day two is spent indoors. Heavy sheets of rain continue to fall, muddying the shoreline. The three of you huddle on the sofa wrapped in blankets with subtitled movies playing in the background.
Even though you would've much rather been out exploring in the city, just sharing in your boyfriend's warmth would suffice for now. Akaashi hands you a steaming cup of something rich in both color and smell.
"What's this?"
"Just espresso." He takes the empty seat beside you.
You savor the taste while leaning against his shoulder. "Mm, nice."
Bokuto keeps his head on your lap, loving how you thread your fingers into his hair.
It is a tranquil kind of peace that soon lulls you to sleep.
Later, when you finally wake up, it's dark, and you're alone. A blanket had been tucked around your shoulders to shield you from the sudden chill. At some point, the television had been shut off along with every light in the room. You might've been a little scared if not for the voices coming from the second floor. Slowly, you creep up the winding staircase, dragging along the blanket around your shoulders.
"Hey, hey, hey!" Bokuto chuckles. "You're finally up!"
His hair is down, wet from his shower, and he holds a thin towel together around his waist. In his hand is a cellphone, and he doesn't hesitate to shove the screen into your face. "Say hi, Tetsu!"
"Hi Y/N, how's it going?"
You blink slowly, still trying to wake yourself up.
"Kuroo, hey… I'm well. How are you?"
"Great, just about to head out for a late lunch. I hear it's almost ten pm over there."
"Yeah, it's an eight-hour time difference."
You and Kuroo continue to chat while Bokuto towels off his hair and puts on clothes. Afterward, you let Bokuto resume his conversation and join Akaashi on the bed. The man had gone full editor-mode with his glasses propped up in his hair as he read through some work documents.
When you approach, he greets you with a kiss on the cheek. "You look well-rested."
"Is that your way of telling me I have drool on my cheek, Keiji?"
He cracks a tiny smile, eyes taking in your features, then he pokes your cheek with his index finger. "Perhaps."
You scrub the corners of your mouth with your sleeve and drape yourself over Akaashi, work be damned. This was supposed to be a special weekend for relaxing.
"I really wanted to go to the beach today." You pout.
Akaashi interlocks his fingers with yours. "Maybe we still can. It stopped raining a few hours ago."
You hop off the bed and head for the window. He's right, the rain had long stopped, and the beach lay bare, lit by only the moonlight.
Maybe a short walk to the beach would do you some good.
The grains of sand feel cold against your feet without the sun to beat down on them, but you don't complain. The air is humid enough on its own that you forgo wearing actual clothes and instead wear a swimsuit along with Bokuto's old Fukurōdani windbreaker.
You walk along the shore, toes digging into the sand, letting the ocean waves lap at your feet to wash them clean again.
At first, it's so eerily quiet without a soul around except you, but even that doesn't last long. You hear Bokuto's voice bellow into the night as he jogs towards you in nothing but swim trunks. Behind him, Akaashi trails slowly after with a blanket in hand.
"We thought you might want some company." He says and spreads the cover on the sand several feet away from the water, content with just watching.
Bokuto grabs your hand and you go running to the water with him, but a second later, you both come sprinting back.
"It's freezing!"
"S-So co-co-cold!"
You collapse on top of him, fingers splayed across his bare chest. However, when you try to sit up, Bokuto has other plans. He keeps you pressed to his chest with both arms around your waist.
"Let me keep you warm, baby!"
You know he meant it in the most innocent way, but you can't help but think other thoughts. Your nerves fray at the image that blooms in your head and spreads like wildfire.
And as Akaashi strokes your back, you know he's probably read your mind.
It's the way your eyes seem to glitter with want that gives it away. Akaashi has always been rather observant, and so your silent cues are something he's always been privy to.
His nimble fingers curve around the nape of your neck, and he tilts his head to capture your lips in a kiss. This one is unlike the one from yesterday. There is no rush, no desire to quicken his haste; instead, he savors the taste of you like it's something to be thoroughly enjoyed.
Underneath you, Bokuto stirs, growing aroused at the sight of his two lovers' kiss. He can't decide whether he wants to join in or sit back and watch. But his large hand comes down to stroke your ass, resulting in a moan you breathe directly into Akaashi's mouth.
"You're not usually so forthcoming, Keiji," you whisper against his lips. "Eager, are we?"
Akaashi pulls away just enough to pepper your face in feathery kisses. "Can you blame me? When I have such a lovely girlfriend here."
As if confirming his words, he slips a hand under your jacket and cups your breast. The pads of his thumb brush along the seams of your bathing suit, caressing your nipple.
"Kou, let's show Y/N just how much we love her, yes?"
Bokuto didn't need to be told twice. He had been in entranced by you and Akaashi, completely taken by the way your lips danced upon one another. But now, he wanted more than anything to touch you, kiss you, hold you.
Bokuto cradles you in his lap, propping your legs open with his knees so Akaashi can kneel in front of you. It didn't take much for him to relieve you of your clothing, namely your swimming bottoms. But the second the air hits your bare cunt, you feel tense.
You aren't sure what it was, but the atmosphere is different. Both Akaashi and Bokuto are so focused on you, it feels like you're under a spotlight.
"You're so pretty, so beautiful," Bokuto says while squeezing your thighs. His warm breath tickles your ear as he presses his nose into your neck. Next, his lips follow suit. "Wanna fuck you, so bad baby. You'd like that, right?"
His words earn him a chuckle from Akaashi, who merely licks two of his fingers, wetting them and sliding into you. Your mouth parts, shaky breaths barely expelled from your lungs. You're hyper-aware of the fact that you're literally being fingered on a beach in the middle of the night, and you can't bring yourself to care. It feels good to be pampered by the two men you love.
For every moan, Akaashi gives you double for your efforts, thrusting his fingers just right, curving them in such a way that has your back arching off Bokuto, who has also taken to fondling your nipples. With every roll of his hips, you feel his cock against your ass, and it pushes you further into Akaashi's fingers.
Your impending orgasm sweeps by so close and yet so far away. All you can do is rock yourself faster.
"Please," you whimper. "W-Wanna come."
Akaashi crooks his fingers, pressing into the perfect spot that sends you hurtling over the edge. Your cunt spasms around his fingers, clenching in intervals you have no control over until his hand is coated with your wet, slick juices that keep coming the more you squirt all over him.
"She's so wet 'Kaashi. Look at our pretty girl."
Akaashi places a chaste kiss on your forehead with a smile.
"She's doing well, so far. Let's see if she can keep going."
Bokuto shimmies his shorts off enough to free his hard cock. He had been uncharacteristically patient until now, but that was soon to change as he lines himself up with your cunt, teasing you with just the tip.
Your whining is unintelligible, but both men understand you more or less.
"Give the pretty girl what she wants," Akaashi says. He strokes his own hard-on at the sight of Bokuto's pushing past your wet folds. "I know she can take more than that."
Bokuto has always been girthy, and it takes you more than a few seconds to adjust to his size, but when you finally do, it feels like heaven.
The position you're in gives Bokuto all the power to thrust into you like a ragdoll. But it's only when you make eye contact with Akaashi that you realize that it's, in fact, the other way around for him in particular. From where he sits, stroking his cock with flushed cheeks and choked moans, you see just how much control you have over him.
"Kiss me." You moan.
Akaashi doesn't let you repeat yourself. He kisses you long and hard even as you grip his throat with one hand and his hair with the other. He kisses you until his lips are red and bruised.
"Good boy. Both of y-you."
Bokuto groans loudly. "Say it again. Keep saying it!"
"Y-You're both so good. I-" your hips stutter against Akaashi's fingers that are rubbing circles into your clit. "Good, so good-"
That's all it takes to take Bokuto over the edge, blowing his load. "Perfect, so fucking perfect."
You can feel another orgasm swelling up inside your belly. You try to tell them but can't, too overcome by the feeling of your body tingling with desire. It's too much, overwhelmingly so; your vision blurs with unshed tears as Bokuto continues to pound into sopping pussy. Pleasure floods every fiber of your being until you're limp and every nerve in your body is set alight.
Bokuto slips out of you easily, a string of his semen following.
You can only look on in a drowsy haze as Bokuto leans over and kisses you and then Akaashi, working him over with a tight fist.
The following morning, you’re the first to wake, but only because there’s a limb jammed into your back and a heavy weight on your chest. It takes you a moment to realize, but it’s Bokuto’s elbow poking you and Akaashi’s head resting on you.
All three of you are a tangle of limbs in bed, but you aren’t sure how you’d gotten there.
“G’mornin’” Bokuto breathes. His lips caress the column of your neck.
You shift into a more comfortable position. Though doing so presses Akaashi’s morning wood against your thigh.
“Keiji, you awake yet?”
“Mmm barely.” Akaashi looks up at you through his lashes, then smiles and nuzzles closer into your chest.
Bokuto, content with being your big spoon, reaches over to touch Akaashi, hands cupping his cheek. “It’s Valentine’s Day!”
“That’s true, should we do something special.”
Thinking about the previous night, you feel desire stirring in your gut. “Could we just... do it again?”
Both men look to each other then back at you, sporting matching smiles.
“Why not?”
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lucemferto · 3 years
I wrote that Wilbur scene I talked about yesterday. I don't know if I captured any of the characters' voices, but I tried. It's around 1,800 words.
Sorry to spoil the surprise, but this scene has a twist!
„I’m not joining you.“
Wilbur’s eyes grew narrow. His cold gaze lingered on Tommy’s face. The boy’s expression was resolute; unwavering.
But there was this slight twitch in the left corner of his mouth. Just the faintest quiver in his lips. A weakness to be exploited.
“This burger van …” Tommy hesitated “… it’s just history repeating itself. It will end with us hurting people again …”
“’With us hurting people’?” Wilbur raised an eyebrow.
As he stepped closer, all the determination that Tommy had projected seemed to vanish in the blink of an eye. Wilbur gave him a wide smile – a thinly-veiled threat behind the appearance of affability.
“Tommy, we never hurt anyone! L’Manburg was a grand old time, Tommy, don’t you remember? Me as president; you as—”
“Maybe it wasn’t, Wilbur.”
Wilbur’s smile faltered. A glower displaced his once outwardly cheery disposition.
“You’re not making sense.”
“I’m not making sense?!” Tommy raised his voice, a blustering anger flaring up and painting over the insecurities that had been so apparent just moments before. “The presidency killed you, Wilbur! And it almost killed Tubbo! I can’t let that—”
“Tubbo?!” A hoarse laugh escaped Wilbur’s throat; more like the angry bellowing of a rabid dog. “Why the fuck should we care about Tubbo?! He betrayed us, Tommy!”
“T-That’s not true!”
Wilbur stepped closer; Tommy took a step back – but the walls of the van were already pressed up against his back. The older man was towering over him, casting him in shadow. A wild and manic energy was glinting in his eyes, bloodshot and red like sundown soon giving way to a dark night.
“He fucking teamed with the enemy, Tommy! What else would you call that?!”
“He still cares—”
Wilbur’s hand shot forward. Like the maw of an angry serpent, it closed itself around Tommy’s throat. All colour drained from the boy’s face – his complexion like that of a corpse.
“Don’t you fucking get it, Tommy?!” Little droplets of spittle rained on Tommy’s skin as Wilbur’s face inched ever closer to his. “Tubbo doesn’t care; he never cared! You were just a fucking tool to him, Tommy! Someone he could use and throw away once you were no longer useful!”
Wilbur’s dirty fingernails burrowed themselves into Tommy’s neck – soon trails of red were trickling down into the boy’s shirt.
“I’m the only who cares, Tommy! I’m the only one who ever cared about you!”
“Wilbur! Y-you’re hurting me!”
“Shut the fuck up, Tommy! I don’t ca—”
The scene halted; as though time had frozen. A figure emerged from the darkness of the burger van.
It was Wilbur.
Though he and the Wilbur currently choking Tommy looked almost identical upon first glance, there were some striking differences: Gleaming red eyes contrasted against tired brown ones; demonic intensity against a dull exhaustion. The first Wilbur seemed almost unnaturally tall and imposing as he towered over Tommy; the second Wilbur carried himself smaller, more guarded.
“I d-don’t …” For a moment the voice of the second Wilbur seemed to falter; but soon he snapped back to a more confident bearing; all insecurity obscured behind a steadfast façade. “No more!”
A deafening silence fell upon the van. Then, slowly, as though unattached from his neck, Tommy’s head turned to Wilbur. Brilliant blue gave way to a searing crimson; fear to a wide, sharp-teethed grin.
“Whaaaat? You don’t enjoy the little play I put on just for you? And I thought you’d be impressed with all the cool ghost shit I can do now.”
With a sickening ratch, two horns ripped through Tommy’s temples. Shadow swallowed his blond locks, transforming them into dark, slicked back hair. Murky, unkempt facial hair sprout from his skin as his once lively complexion grew grey and translucent. Smokey tendrils enshrouded the red and white T-Shirt, before it emerged as a black business suit, the bloodred tie serving as the only blotch of colour.
The ghost of Schlatt had appeared before Wilbur.
“Guess it hit a little too close to home, huh?”
Wilbur’s eyes narrowed. While the illusionary Tommy had disappeared upon Glatt’s arrival, the facsimile of himself was still standing there. Frozen in eternal wrath.
Wilbur’s mouth grew thin. “I wouldn’t do that to Tommy. I would never hurt him.”
Feigned shock contorted Glatt’s mouth into a darkly comical expression. “That’s not what he told me.”
Wilbur felt something icy sting in his chest “What?”
Glatt nodded. “Yeah, it was the strangest thing. I was in my gym doing reps, snorting creatine, you know how it goes, when suddenly I hear some … some whining.”
Wilbur immediately took notice. He knew what Glatt was talking about. The lump in his throat felt like it would soon suffocate him.
Glatt didn’t seem to notice.
“The sound of some low-T beta just letting it all out. And when I go take a look, who else should I find but—"
“Tommy …”
“Don’t interrupt me. Anyway, when I turn the corner, I see this real pathetic mess just sitting on the floor, sobbing. I told him to shut the fuck up, because he was throwing me off my game. But he just wouldn’t stop, so good guy that I am – you remember how great I am with kids!”
“You never were.”
“Oh no, I was! That Tubbo-kid, he had it good in Manberg.”
Wilbur flinched – whether it was because of the bastardized name of the country he had once loved and loathed or because Glatt’s words woke some memories in him that he’d soon rather forget; he did not know.
“You had him executed.”
Glatt nodded, a wistful smile curling his ashen lips. “Good times, good times. Anyway, the little ghost-brat … he tells me his name is Gommy.”
Glatt let out a harsh, bellowing laugh. Wilbur could not share his amusement. He had almost forgotten how much he hated Schlatt’s sneering.
The ghost still had not managed to fully compose himself. “Gommy, that’s such a dumb name! Gommy … you wanna know what a good name is?”
“Is it—?”
The sound came out like a bile-filled belch. Wilbur closed his eyes in exasperation; his fingers massaging the bridge of his nose.
“I figured … Does this story have a point or are you just here to waste my time?”
Glatt frowned. “What, am I not good enough company for you?”
“Not even in the slightest.”
For the first time in their conversation, Glatt’s face grew more serious. His red stare tore into Wilbur; almost drilled into his mind. Wilbur answered the ghost’s stare with what he hoped was a cold, unreadable expression.
But he knew that in Schlatt’s presence, there were no masks to wear. No intent to hide. That ram was the only man that could strip him bare.
Finally, Wilbur had to break eye contact. With a sound of exasperation, he spat out: “Get to the point!”
“‘Get to the point’” The false Wilbur moved his lips, but it was Glatt’s mocking voice that emerged from behind them. “Man, I liked it more when you were a little ghost bitch. You used to come to my gym actually; did some reps. Annoying accent, but damn, what a cute ass.”
Wilbur’s jaw tensed. He had enough of this.
“I’m leaving.”
With a few long strides he had reached the exit of the van. The cold, fresh night air was beckoning him; away from the smell of cigarettes and alcohol.
Then that obnoxious voice called after him again: “Yeah, that’s probably for the best. Ghost-boy didn’t have the nicest things to say about you …”
Wilbur froze. His hand was on the door handle, ready to release him from this dark, stuffy room. It would be so easy to just leave; to rid himself of this headache. He did not need to stay.
“… You’re lying.”
A wide grin stretched Glatt’s thin lips – Wilbur couldn’t see it; but he could hear it in that tone of his.
“I’m the one who’s lying? No, no, no, I’m merely recounting what 'Gommy' told me.”
Wilbur turned around. Glatt’s smug smirk was even more unbearable than he had imagined.
“You know, after he was done bawling his eyes out and blubbering like a little bitch –“
Glatt’s face shifted into warped replica of Tommy’s – big shimmering eyes and a little doll like mouth quivering with exaggerated sorrow: “‘D-D-Dweam, D-Dweam, h-h-he’— Anyway, he told me that while my cabinet was having a grand old time over in Manberg, you were being very mean to him.”
Wilbur shook his head. “I-I’ve changed. I apologized!”
Tommy-Glatt let out another bellowing laugh. It cut through Wilbur like a knife through a paper door.
“You think an apology could make this better!”
Wilbur jumped back. The fake Wilbur began to move once more. With a thundering roar, his fist made contact with the fake Tommy’s temple. A loud thud; Tommy impacted with the floor of the van. But before he could get up, the fake Wilbur began kicking him in the stomach; screaming obscenities and curses.
It wasn’t Wilbur’s voice – it was so clearly Glatt’s poor imitation of his accent. With each kick, Glatt-Tommy’s eyes bulged out of his skull; not like a person, but like a grotesque cartoon. It was a farcical display.
But Wilbur – the real Wilbur – was paralyzed. His mind was clouded with memories and nightmares; fears bloated and distorted by thirteen years of isolation
“That’s not … that’s not what happened!”
Schlatt’s piercing, high-pitched cackling erupted out of Tommy’s mouth once more.
“Boy, Limbo really did a number on you!”
With a jump Glatt-Tommy was up on his feet again – his nose bloody and broken, his skin coloured black and blue; his hateful grin revealing multiple missing teeth.
“Not that you were all that together beforehand – ‘Tommy, let’s be the bad guys!’ ‘No, Wilbur don’t blow up Manberg. If you blow up Manberg, I’m gonna piss my pants—’ ‘Shut up, Tommy!’”
“I never hit him!” Wilbur’s panicked exclamation interrupted the smear show. “I never hit him!”
Glatt-Tommy shook his head; the satisfied grin not leaving his face. “That’s not what he told me! And what’s worse, when that green guy – Dream, I think his name was? – while he was using Tommy as his own personal punching bag, your ghost was off in the woods jerking off or something. And now you're calling Dream your hero!”
Wilbur felt as all colour drained from his face. The van around him began to spin; darkness and alcohol and cigarette smoke choking even the last ounce of the outside air he could smell.
“I-I …”
Slowly the façade of Tommy began to melt once more. Slowly, deliberately. A nightmarish display. Glatt’s and Tommy’s voices spoke in unison; their echo a cacophony in Wilbur’s ears.
“Face it, loverboy. You will always be a bad guy. No number of apologies will change that. He will never forgive you.”
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Cult Girl: Doctorate (Hannibal x Female!Reader) pt. 3
Cult girl gets some unbelievable news.
Trigger warnings: death, emotional manipulation, discussion of cult leaders Koresh, Jones as well as Ted Bundy
"Who the fuck are you, and what the shit are you doing with my dead cousin's phone?" You said, the slam of the car door audible from the speaker.
"Cheerio to you too, [F/N]." Anna answered.
You brought the phone to your chest to muffle the speaker and heaved a sigh.
"It's fucking Anna." You told Hannibal as he climbed into the car.
He buckled his seatbelt. "Put it on speaker."
You pressed the speaker button. "Froot Loops. Why do you have Theresa's phone?"
"Don't you remember?" She asked. "I took it when she died. Hers had a much better camera than my old one. I thought I told you to update that in your contacts?"
"Oh yeah, I do remember that." You nodded. "The body wasn't even cold and you'd already gotten to grave-robbing."
"Hey, that's my sister you're talking about." Anna snapped. "Show a little respect."
You rolled your eyes so far back into your skull you could practically see your brain cells dying. "Why are you calling, Anna? I'm fairly fucking certain I told both you and grandma to never speak to me again."
"Well, grandma won't be doing much speaking anymore." Anna snapped. "Because she's dead."
You sighed. It wasn’t the first time you heard those words, and it was never true. Faking her death was the hammer in her gaslighter toolkit. Meaning that the desired outcome could be produced just as effectively using a combination of other tools, but none were as efficient as a good old-fashioned bashing. The first time, you went through the whole five stages in ten minutes to really sell that you felt something other than relief at her passing. This time, you didn’t have the energy. 
“Did somebody finally strangle her to death?” You asked. “Shame, I would have liked to do it myself.” 
“Are you so completely void of human emotion that you can’t even pretend to be sad?” Anna shouted. 
“No, because I think this is another one of her manipulations.” You explained. “She probably roped you in thinking I’d believe it if it came out of your mouth. But the joke’s on her, because you’ve been her puppet since preschool.”
“You really are something else, [F/N].” Her voice wobbled, as if on the verge of tears. “The woman who raised us had a stroke and died. That’s not a manipulation, it’s the truth!” 
You began to consider the possibility that Anna wasn’t lying. Your voice took on a more solemn tone as you resigned to give her the benefit of the doubt. "A stroke, huh?"
"She died in the hospital." She said, softly.
There was real emotion in her voice. You thought back to that high school production of Legally Blonde, which proved that she was not skilled enough at acting to fake it.
You sighed. The crushing realization that you may very well have been the jerk in this conversation hit you. "So, what now?"
"I know better than to ask you to help out with the funeral." She said. "You didn't come to Theresa's, after all."
The reason you gave for not going to Theresa's funeral was schoolwork. It was a flimsy excuse, but hid your real reasons well enough. Those were much touchier. You couldn't bear the thought of listening to people lie and embellish stories of your cousin's positive influences on people's lives. But you also couldn't bear the fact that at least some of it wouldn't be lies.
You were the one that killed her. Your fiancé chopped up her body and served it to your friends for dinner. Theresa was a sociopath, a narcissist, and plenty other highlights in the DSM-5, but the pain she left after her death was real. It was the most real thing about her. You weren't desensitized enough to face that.
"Good call." You answered, flatly.
"Liam and I will be flying out tomorrow night." She said. "I know I'm in no position to be asking for favors, but if you could come pick us up from the airport-"
"Sure." You answered with a nod. You didn't know what exactly you were agreeing to as you did. Anna's words were just dissipating into the air, hardly reaching your ears.
"Thanks." She said, as emotionlessly as you. That was perhaps the most mutual understanding you'd ever achieved with Anna. And it only lasted a couple of seconds.
That was about as natural a conclusion to the conversation as you could have hoped for, so you hung up.
Hannibal pulled into the driveway and turned off the car. "What are you thinking, love?"
You leaned your head against the window and looked up at the few visible stars. "I've spent so many years wishing her dead and now that it's finally happening, I don't know what to feel."
He wrapped his arm around your shoulders, knowing exactly how to keep you grounded when your mind started to wander off. You rested your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes. He kissed you on the head.
"I thought her dying meant I never had to think about her again." You shrugged. "But now I'm thinking about her and hating every minute of it. And that probably means I loved her. Which is terrifying to think about."
"You think about Jim Jones and David Koresh quite a bit, don't you?" Hannibal asked, squeezing you tight. "Do you love them?"
You shook your head. "That's different. That's academic curiosity."
"But why do we remember them?" Hannibal posited, stroking your arm. "Is it reverence?"
"It's to learn." You answered. "To make sure history doesn't repeat itself."
"Death isn't a sacred thing, my love." He whispered. "Don't feel bad for remembering her as cruel. That's what she was. Don't let anyone forget it."
You chuckled. "Did you know that when Ted Bundy died, a bunch of people near the prison shut their breakers off so the electrocution would be more painful?"
"Interesting." He said, referring less to the fact itself and more to the reason why it came to mind when it did.
"That is to say, I don't actually feel bad that she's dead." You clarified. "I feel bad because I know I should and I don't."
Hannibal pulled you into his arms and placed a kiss on your forehead. "I thought after four blissful years together, you would know you don't have to pretend around me."
You lowered your head. "I guess I'm just scared that if I take off my person suit around you, I'll never be able to put it back on."
"You never need to worry about that, my love." He assured you. “I know it’s scary, but all it takes is a little practice.” 
“In that case,” You felt a smile creeping onto your face, so you let it. “I think we should celebrate.” 
"Well that can be arranged." Hannibal rolled your hair. "With a bottle of Cava in my office."
You felt a laugh coming on, but it just came out as an ugly wheeze. "That is so unethical. I would love to."
"No," He corrected, opening the driver's side door. "It would be unethical to empty a bottle of wine down that pretty throat of yours without a little food."
"It's the middle of the night, Hanni." You objected, though the rumbling of your stomach told a different story. You slammed the car door shut.
Hannibal smiled to himself, disregarding your protests entirely. "Foie gras au torchon, with a bit of brioche, perhaps?"
"Well that sounds like a proper celebration." You grinned, tightening your grip on your clutch excitedly. “Do you mind if I get cleaned up?” 
“Of course not, love, take your time.” Hannibal said, releasing you from his embrace. 
You headed towards the house, a little extra spring in your step. 
“Oh, [F/N]?” He called out after you. 
You looked over your shoulder. “Yeah?” 
“That thing you said about Ted Bundy.” He shoved his hands into his pockets. “I’m sorry to tell you, but that’s a myth.” 
You frowned, feeling kind of stupid. “Shit. I really wanted it to be true.” 
Hannibal smiled, reassuringly. “But hundreds of people still celebrated his death.” 
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michibikionmain · 3 years
Sapnap's Lore Teaser: Assorted Thoughts and Ideas
we are just being FED sapnap content lately huh god bless i aint complainin its about time
I havent looked at it super in-depth yet, but I did watch it a few times through and I have some thoughts/theories/discussions to put out from my assorted ramblings in discord lmfao. theyre below the cut enjoy!! tw for torture mentions and fighting ig? nothing graphic or detailed but just in case :)
The pathway hes standing on looks like the prime path or the pathways leading up to the prison. you can tell based on like the- the wood and chiseled stone bricks. hes near the community house in the end frame where he pulls out the sword. the fact that he pulls out a sword feels important as well because if he was just destroying things, he would use flint and steel or tnt or some other kind of destructive material. but swords? swords are only good for bamboo, cobwebs, and killing in minecraft. so hes definitely preparing to either kill or fight someone as he approaches the community house.
The flashes of kinoko kingdom that appear over sapnap looking at the community house in both the past and present lead me to believe that he's mentally connecting them, as in seeing history repeat itself, and that the symbols of his past memories are "gone" hence the title. So using that kind of inference, he's probably killing someone at the community house, someone that has some kind of connection to kinoko kingdom and probably doomsday or the past in some way.
that narrows things down pretty well in my eyes to Dream, George, Karl, Quackity, or Sam.
I don't think it's Dream. If he's going to kill Dream, why show the community house and not the prison or something? Or allude to the prison in anyway? I feel like their relationship will be an important factor in the Sapnap lore but I don't think that's who sapnap is planning to fight/kill.
Similarly, I don't think it's Karl. Yes Karl's in Kinoko Kingdom and is connected to memory and time and all that, but... he doesn't have the same connections to the past of the smp. He has a lot of lore but its mostly background type of lore i guess? its not tied to a lot of the major plot events, and while its affected sapnap, I don't think its gotten to the point of sapnap wanting to fight or kill karl yet.
George has been there since the beginning with Sapnap and Dream, so he's got the connections to the past, plus he's in Kinoko Kingdom with Sapnap. We also know due to his Dreaming lore that he still cares about Dream and wants him to come back and be with them again outside of the prison. He wants to ignore all the bad Dream has done because he cares for him more than he cares for the server overall. This could be an interesting conflict between their characters and I think it's possible, though unlikely because this is George we're talking about. My mans doesn't DO serious lore like this.
That leaves Quackity and Sam, who honestly id be satisfied with it being either of these two, but I think Quackity is more likely. I'll explain.
Quackity is not in Kinoko Kingdom, it's true, but this is a source of conflict for him. He's upset that he's not in Kinoko Kingdom, that his fiancées didn't invite him to their new country especially after spending so much time building a new country for all of them together. We also have many shots from Quackity's own lore streams which show him walking along that same path to get to the prison. Could be a coincidence, but personally? Personally I think it's an interesting parallel, especially when you take in to consideration that in Sapnap's prison visit lore stream he mentioned not wanting Dream to escape, but that he still cared for Dream and loved him even though he fucked up big time. Maybe Sapnap finds out that Quackity has been torturing Dream somehow and goes to confront him about it? This situation makes the most sense to me, at least compared to Sam
Sam lines up with the messages about the past and the community house and the connection between the original SMP/history with the current SMP, but he really doesnt have any connection to Kinoko Kingdom that I'm aware of. He could approach Sam possibly for allowing Quackity to torture Dream in prison, or something along those lines, but ehhhh Makes sense, would work for him to do that, but I'm not really sure how to tie that into the Kinoko Kingdom evidence yet.
No matter what happens though, I'm SO excited for Sapnap lore becuase I think his character is definitely one of the most fascinating on the server and yknow what? ill say it im biased i just think hes neat
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serene-victory-77 · 3 years
Why The Crows Being Teenagers Is Actually Perfectly Realistic
There’s a TL;DR are the end because wow I like to rant.
I lightly discuss the general situations they’re all in to explore how they are frighteningly mature and competent, but it’s not particularly depressing or descriptive, it’s definitely lighter than the books
I thought about this post with a joke first: “People who think that Six of Crows is unrealistic because they’re so young clearly have not spent much time with traumatized honors students.”
It’s a bit of an exaggeration, but the point stands.
But I decided that, hm, actually, I could make a point about this. I totally agree with the aging up of the characters in the Shadow and Bone show, but when people straight up say that the books are wrong or unrealistic for having a young crew, I get annoyed, and here’s why (other than me reading the books for the first time when I was 13 and thinking ‘Huh okay, I see it’ and now being lowkey offended when people say they ignore it for being unrealistic):
On Inej
- At first I thought Inej’s wisdom and general demeanor was one of the most unrealistic things in the book
- When I thought about it longer, I was like “Actually, she’s 16, right? I’ve sent some of the most lyrical philosophy trying to help my friends while in high school. My friends have done the same. It’s valid.”
- Frankly, teenagers love hard-hitting philosophical truths. They love repeating what they’ve read or heard in movies and in books and from family stories. They love sharing little bits of wisdom they have come up with
- Inej’s ability to hear and understand philosophy and wisdom that she was surrounded by for 14 straight years and then sit on it and elaborate it for her friends to understand, or even just to piss them off in Kaz’s case? 
- Teenagers have that. They do it. So, Inej’s Wisdom passes, to me. It’s valid. 
As for her being calm
- You know how everyone jokes that Kaz seems calm on the outside but when you get to his POV he’s like “What the fuck” at the Van Eck house or just straight up “Huh, is this revenge for making tree jokes” at the Djel River thingy in the Ice Court?
- Inej is like that, too. And she gets angry, and she gets confused, or exhausted.
- AKA every quiet kid ever. Like, are you kidding? Have you ever been in a situation in which it’s literally chaos all around you, people are screaming and things are being destroyed (think middle school classroom with bitchy long term substitute and even worse students), and you’re just, calm? You pick up your things, you do what you need to do?
- That’s Inej. Like, what else is she gonna do? She’s smart enough to know that panicking won’t help anyone, and so she just rides it out. Internally she might be like “Why is this happening” but frankly, her being quiet and controlled in most situations is probably a coping mechanism and I respect that
- Pretty sure this is also based on the fact that the Suli have no land for their own and constantly have to keep moving. It might align with generational trauma, I’m sure someone could explain it better than me, but being able to keep your cool while constantly having to change and adapt to new situations, in, say, a country with hellfire politics and no land to call your own? Seems like a hereditary trait that could be useful in Ketterdam, although it’s sad.
On Inej’s abilities
- Simone Biles started training when she was 6 and went to the World Artistic Gymnastics Championships when she was 16, where she qualified in all the events. 
- There are videos of people walking over tightropes as young as three years old. We know Inej didn’t start that young, but not only was she naturally talented at it, but she spent a lot of time practicing. I think it’s valid. Plus, some of her family members do some pretty crazy things in her flashbacks, because that’s the whole point of what they do. 
- Youngest person to beat American Ninja Warrior was 16 year old Vance Walker
- Inej has a variety of of tools that help her wall climb, and while it’s true that she started young and got good really fast, she already had a history of physical work that would help her, and from what we can gleam from the book, a surprising amount of free time in which she was actively encouraged to learn everything she could. 
So that’s Inej! I think her skills are perfectly possible for someone with her history and situation. It’s true that she’s naturally skilled, but that’s not actually all that unusual. And her demeanor and wisdom do fit in with what a lot of teenagers are like and the circumstances she was brought up in
Onto Kaz!
- One thing I hear about is that Kaz is too smart for not having gone to school and also too young to know all that he does
- Do you all KNOW how many self-taught people there have been in this world? The word for people who are self-taught is autodidacts, and honestly a huge amount of famous people apply. Like many, many other people in history (there’s a whole list of them in Wikipedia), he had an vested interest in a field and he learned all he could. Sure, those fields were magic tricks and math, but still.
- Suddenly I have a lot of thoughts
- Okay, think, hyperfixations. That’s essentially what Kaz’s thing with magic tricks was, right? Have any of you ever spent time with an eight year old that clearly really, really loves dinosaurs? Those kids can spout names and facts and identify them by their skeletons and frankly know more than I ever will. Kaz’s was magic tricks. All kids are special.
- Kaz continued working on magic tricks and practicing them for years, so, I think that gets a pass. 
- As for the math! Look, a Fact Of Life is that some kids are just Like That, whether it be possibly from neurodivergence or other factors:
- Flo and Kay Lyman are twins with Autism who basically have the calendar of EVER memorized. Kaz memorizing card decks is sensible, and these ladies don’t need to look up anything to figure it out, so Kaz doing sums inside his head seems plausible. His “photographic memory’ isn’t impossible, although the term itself might be incorrect.
- Katherine Johnson who worked at NASA (yes, the lady from Hidden Figures), was so good at math that she was in high school by age 10 and went to college at age 15. It’s true that she had some teaching, but 1. There’s no evidence Kaz had absolutely no schooling, even if it was just at home with books and 2. Kaz was 9 when he came to Ketterdam, and after Jordie died, when he wasn’t surviving, he was learning. 
- Human calculator is a term that is applied to children a lot and there’s definitely plenty of videos showing how smart these kids are and them doing mental math easily, which he does in the books
- He had a LOT of pressure on him to figure out all he could, and if he wanted to move forward, he was going to have to learn a lot. He spent hours practicing magic tricks, for all we know he spent hours practicing math too. We know Jordie was a bit of a bookworm too, so Kaz from a young age probably already had a reason to learn. Personally, a lot of my love for books was inspired by my older sibling when I was younger
- Young people are adaptable. Kaz is incredibly adaptable. The term prodigy exists because of people like him through history. 
- As for him being rational, there’s no other way to survive. Some of the greatest soldiers in history have been very, very young, and very, very smart. It’s true tacticians are generally considered to be older, but that doesn’t mean there haven’t been very young ones. 
- A lot of the generals I found were like, 19 years old, but Kaz is 1. not a general and 2. in a place where young people take up the mantle really, really quickly, and frankly it’s been like that for a long time. I still think this passes. This isn’t relevant but William the Conqueror was apparently called “The Bastard”?
- Frankly, underground communities of thieves probably don’t go around publishing their escapades so to me it makes sense that I can’t just look up “famous young thieves” and get anything that makes sense, but I did try
- Y’all I tried to do research on youngest escape artists since I think Kaz qualifies and I found myself in what I think is a magicians forum? It’s from 2002-ish and I feel like I’ve just found a relic. I can’t definitely prove they’re all saying the truth, but some of the people there talk about 10-11 year olds at magic camps, so, it’s not impossible for this to be a skill Kaz learned really young, particularly when he made a habit of following around magicians
- I think he passes the realism check overall
For the other Crows:
- Nina being so proficiently multilingual makes sense to me, because she’s been in the Little Palace almost her entire life with all the best teachers they could afford at her disposal. Some people just click with languages. One such would be Timothy Doner, who spoke 23 languages at 16. 
- Nina is a child soldier. She of course can handle the battlefield, although I imagine there’s a degree of trauma that she has to deal with (although it’s true that most of her work was always meant to angle her towards being a spy).
- Jesper was taught to shoot from a young age by Aditi, who was likely incredibly proficient. Plus, there’s mentions of him and his father being on some sort of frontier at one point in the books, so, it’s likely that Jesper got his fair share of ‘being a child soldier” since he would’ve been 15 or younger. Plus, with being a Fabrikator, he gets a leg up
- Jesper’s smart y’all, he just also likes to have fun
- I am a little terrified by the fact that I looked up ‘youngest sharpshooter’ and found out about a 9 year old girl (Addysson “Addy” Soltau) who can indeed shoot guns, but uh, it does prove my point
- Matthias... I haven’t heard anyone really argue about Matthias. He’s the oldest at 18 and again, he’s essentially a religious child soldier. Of course he would be built af and know how to handle himself in a fight, and in a flashback about meeting Trassel, we’re told that he was actually distanced from the other boys and was the biggest and strongest/smartest of the group. Perhaps not compared to Kaz, but still
- We know how Wylan ended up how he is, so I don’t think i have to defend how he’s both a musical prodigy, good at math, and good at chemistry. Plenty of kids who can’t do one thing will immediately gravitate to a different field (think AP math students who can’t write essays, or those kids who could analyse a book and it’s metaphors in class but didn’t understand geometry).
- Granted he took it far but it’s kinda implied that  his father ignored him eventually and what else was Wylan going to do
- I don’t really know how he did chemistry while not being able to read the symbols and stuff, but that’s likely because I’ve never had to learn the way he did and also I really suck at Chemistry, but I refuse to believe that it invalidates his capabilities
Final Thoughts:
- They’re Traumatized Honors Students
- People might say that “it’s unrealistic that all the smart ones somehow ended up together” but again they’re traumatized honors students and those gravitate to each other
- Of course the smart ones ended up together, they’re the ones in those crazy situations precisely because they are prodigies. Nina wouldn’t have met Matthias if she wasn’t skilled and a spy, Kaz wouldn’t have known Inej if she hadn’t been skilled at silence (I can’t explain that one but uh ninjas did/do exist and it IS still a fantasy world). Kaz would have never been a leader of the Dregs in a position to find Jesper if he hadn’t been so determined to rise to the top, and Jesper wouldn’t have been in Ketterdam if his father hadn’t thought that Jesper was smart enough to get that chance.
- You know how those fringe revolutionary artists for new eras end up knowing all knowing each other and even hanging out? That’s them.
- I have decided there is a strong basis for Autistic Kaz, someone who is more studied than me should feel free to explore this.
- I read this book a few years ago, A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah. It’s about this guy’s experiences as a boy soldier and it’s a painful read so I’m not sure I recommend it as a casual read, but he talked about these young kids being able to actually make competent military strategies and handle warfare. It’s an extreme example of what I’m trying to explain when it comes to them being able to handle the brutality of their situation, but it’s true, essentially
- They are definitely serious, but if you think they’re not teenagers I just, disagree so much. They have moments of lighthearted banter, they make light of their situation, they try to support each other Nina covers it so well in her farewell at the end of Crooked Kingdom: The little rescues of laughing at each others jokes or eating together and just supporting each other, is not only a very human thing, but a very teenager thing. 
- Scary experiences that shape us happen all the time, and although for most it’s not the things that the Crows experience, picking each other up is a big part of why they do read as teenagers to me. I’ve seen kids be able to seriously converse about things like being questioned by the police, or being left to their own devices for days at a time, or the general impending doom they all feel, and it’s dark, but they’re also going to joke about silly puns 20 minutes later. 
- Teenagers aren’t exempt from terrifying maturity and competence
- Finally: Despite all I said, it’s a fantasy story and doesn’t have to be realistic
In the end, everyone can believe what they want to believe, but this is my case for my opinion.
TL;DR The Crows are all prodigies and a lot of their achievements and capabilities are based in reality and there are real people who actually achieved things like what they’ve done. Messed up prodigies gravitate to messed up prodigies, hence how they all end up together. When it comes to their mental state, most of them have been brought up their entire lives in situations that required for them to problem solve and keep their cool even when things are going to hell.
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No, and you know what the worst part about this is? I know every character is going to blame Tommy for it one way or another.
Tommy fucked up. He is VERY aware he fucked up big time. But was it all his fault? Wilbur's revival? Absolutely not.
... And yet YOU KNOW not only his friends, the people he cares about the most are going to pin this on him (*side-looks at exile arc* familiar much?), but he is also gonna blame himself for it.
You know this already traumatized kid is gonna put himself through hell and back to fix "his" mistake. To bring peace and safety to the server and to his loved ones. To be forced on the shoes of the hero once more.
But just as an old friend said, good things don't happen to heores.
And here we go again, like an old record we all know by heart. Tommy is going to get blamed for something that, inherently, wasn't fully his fault. And all the friendships and the support and the unity these broken guys managed to create, boom, gone. Again. Tommy is probably going to get isolated. Again.
Because we've already seen what happens when people get together against one common enemy... And Dream wouldn't like that again.
History is really doomed to repeat itself huh.
Tl;tr: Tommy is most likely going to get blamed for Wilbur's revival by everyone else, again. Just how it happened in Exile Arc.
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the-final-sif · 4 years
cw; death, body transfer, me.
Dabi's body is falling apart on him, everyone knows that
He's accepted his own death is coming, and all he wants is to complete his revenge before that happens
Dabi's made peace with his death
But Shigaraki hasn't. He refuses to let his Dabi fade from the world. Even if Dabi’s body is beyond repair, that won’t stop him. He knows Dabi wouldn’t accept anything that required him to give up fighting or his quirk. He can work with that.
Shigaraki spends weeks exploring different option before he finally finds a way to save Dabi that allows him to keep his quirk. The doctor can transfer Dabi's consciousness and quirk into a new body for him.
A nomu body is a possibility, but it comes with a fair bit of risk. Shigaraki is fairly sure Dabi would accept the risk if it would get him strength, but he's not willing to take that chance. Instead, they need an already existing human body highly similar to Dabi's. Then they can do the transfer and once it’s complete they can upgrade the new body so that history doesn't repeat itself.
He starts his search in the most obvious place, scouring hospital records for patients who would be good matches. Any patients currently admitted are obviously preferable so long as they aren't too damaged. It's very easy to get his hands on those.
And just his luck, Shigaraki find an almost perfect match fairly quickly. A long term patient whose health issues are primarily mental. They might not even need to fix those up before the transfer, since the brain would be getting transferred over anyways.
The sex and gender not matching is a bit of an issue, as is the age, the women is older than Dabi, but that's not a big deal. Interestingly enough, she's got an ice quirk. What a lovely counter to Dabi's fire that would be. The more Shigaraki looks, the more certain he is that this is the best possible option.
Shigaraki was planning to bring it up with Dabi, he really was, to run him through all the details first. But there was a skirmish, Dabi got injured and overused his quirk, and sure, there was a good chance he'd pull through, but Shigaraki didn't want to take the risk. Not when they had an alternative so nicely prepared.
He told the Doctor to begin the procedure while Dabi was already out. It'll be a nice surprise for him when he wakes up, Shigaraki decided.
It takes awhile, two weeks to be precise. There's the actual transfer process of course, and then all the bodily modifications that have to go along with it. But Shigaraki is so excited when they're finally done. He even went the extra mile to cut, dye and style Dabi's new hair, so it looks close to what it used to be. White hair is so easy to dye, it’s hardly any trouble.
Shigaraki is honestly impressed by just how much Dabi looks like his old self once his hair is done. Even the faces looked the same after the modifications and ignoring Dabi’s former scars, it's hard to even tell that it's a new body.
Dabi wakes up feeling better than he has in awhile. For the first time he can remember, his body doesn't hurt. His staples aren't pulling, his bones don't ache.
He groans, assuming he must be on pain medication, but then it suddenly hits him the normal haze that brings isn't there.
Jolting up with a start, he tries to figure out what's going on, because he can't feel his staples or his scars at all. When he brings up one of his hands to check for them something feels... off.
It's like someone moved all the furniture 2 inches to the left, but in his body. Still, he's more confused and astounded than upset.
Shigaraki had been talking for awhile about figuring something out to fix his body, promising he'd still be able to fight with whatever he came up with.
Seems like his boyfriend figured it out. Good timing too. Dabi quickly takes stock of himself in a nearby mirror. It looks like... him, but not? He looks less muscular, which is annoying. He'll have to build back up his strength again. But his hair is still the same as it was, so he figures the changes couldn't have been that drastic.
Dabi stretches himself out, wiggling a bit as he does so, and feeling pretty damn good. That's when Shigaraki comes in, brightening the moment he sees Dabi is up. The two of them rib at each other a little, it's just in their nature, but then they get to the matter at hand.
Dabi can't stop looking at himself in the mirror, feeling like he's missing something.
"Man, I was skeptical about whatever healing shit you were going on about, but I gotta admit that this is pretty fucking amazing."
Shigaraki nearly preens under the admission, extremely proud of himself and relieved Dabi’s taking the new body well
"Shouldn't have doubted me." And after a moment, he does have to add. "We did get kinda lucky though. Found a near perfect match for a new body for you in just a few days.”
That gives Dabi pause. He knows they fuck around with corpses from hospitals, but the thought that he might be in one of those is kinda gross. Still, he can put it aside. It's recycling. Sort of.
"Huh. So that's how you did it. Man, I was feeling like something was off. Guess that explains that."
He takes another look in the mirror, trying to figure out why the reflection still looks so familiar to him.
Shigaraki was moving on to different topics, but Dabi drags them back to the prior one.
"Oi, whose body was this before? I feel like I might've met them at some point."
Shigaraki has to grab a paper out of his pocket, he honestly never paid much attention to the name.
"Uh, hang on, she was a chick in long term mental care. I had her name somewhere- Ah. Here. 'Rei Todoroki' ring any bells?"
And Dabi's blood turns ice cold.
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