#girl i literally had to unlock the towers in the last game it was literally a CORE PART OF THE GAME. I KNOW WHERE FUCKING GERUDO DESERT IS.
Fiesty will get burned Sweat pea/Reader (Y/N) smut warning
Its been a rough two weeks since the Southside Serpents joined Riverdale high. But we all got used to it. The Bulldogs stopped harrasing them, the Serpents laid back and Midge was finally laid to rest with her real murderer in prison.
Toni, a Serpent girl who I befrended the first day they came in school, was sitting next to me in the school lounge. We were casually talking as usual with Betty and Ronni. Soon after Cheryl joined us and we couldn’t help but gossip around the Vixens and the latest dating rumours. The bell rang and the usual gang of boys with Serpent tattoes came our way. 
Jug was talking with Archie, while Fangs and Sweet pea went for a hot cup of coffee from the machine behind me.
“When are you reptiles going to learn that you can’t be eyeing down our girls?” Reggie Mantle, in his full shine, blurted out.
“What the hell is your problem, Mantle?” Sweat Pea replied, his big body ready for a fight.
“I saw you eyeing this bimbo out” Reggie said pointing his head towards me. Sweat pea was all well familiar with my name as he usually saw me hanging all day with Toni. 
“First, do not call her anything else but her name, and second, what’s the problem if I was?” he said.
“First, this asshole Foggarty was screwing Midge, and now you think you can screw another of our own?” With this words that Reggie had spoken I had had it.
“Listen you testosterone filled dickheads, I am not a piece of meat you can fight over. Lay off Mantle, screw you and your stupid Buldog shit, he can do whatever he wants.” I heard Sweat pea chuckle so I turned to him “And you arogant jackass, don’t think we all girls fall in your feet cause you’re tall and got some looks going on. We’re not that blind!” I finished off proud of myself and the shoked looks I had brought to their faces. Everyone around us, especially the Serpents, cheered me for this comment. Fangs was uncontrollably laughing behind Sweet pea's shoulder.
“Well, we have to admit you are some Serpent lady material. No one has put Sweat pea on his place that good so far.” Toni said smirking at me from her place she took next to me.
“Nor has had the balls to talk to a Serpent like you did! Watch it!” Sweat pea shortened the distance between us so I was directly looking at his face literally breathing my air in his lips.
“For sure these balls are bigger than yours, Sweat pea!” I smartmouthed him,which earned me more Serpent cheers and toast in the air from Toni and her coffee cup.
“Wanna bet on it?!” He casually laughed and raised his eyebrow at me.
“If you want to make me laugh, go ahed!” I sad 
“Oh, you are fiesty one, aren’t you? I will make you scream under me!” he said so sure in himself.
“For help, you mean? Yeah, probably!” I laughed daring him to close the distance even more. I started to like this little competition we had on who will come up with more bitter comment.
“Alright, you two. If you’re gonna fuck, take it to somewhere private. We want to study here so let’s go!” Ronni had interviened to stop us from ripping each other after Reggie left the room with disgusted look on his eyes. But I can assure you, the other Serpents loved the show.
The rest of the day went pretty boring. The classes were boring, so were the homeworks and the project. Me and Toni were texting all the time. She was going back and forth how she still couldn’t believe I put Sweat pea to his place.
As I was walking out the doors towards the lot, I saw his sitting on his bike waiting for someone. 
“Hey,fiesty girl!” He said when he saw me nearing him.
“What the heck do you want now, Sweat pea?” I asked as I was trying to pass him by and go to my car.
“We didn’t finish our earlier conversation. I thought you had more to say about me and my balls.” he smirked with his hands crossed in front of his chest, making it look even more muscular. I had to admit I had definitely laid eyes on him, even if Reggie was exaggerating and he did not eye me out.
“I’ve got a lot more to say if you are ready to hear it. But I’ll save it to myself. I don’t wanna hurt this little Serpent bad boy impersonator’s ego.” I said lightly patting on his chest while trying to walk away.
“Not so fast! You got my interest. Wanna go for a drive?” he said holding my hand firmly, not letting me go.
“Where are you going to take me? By the river where you plan on drawning me because I got the balls to tell you to shut the fuck up? And let me remind you that I am pretty sure my balls are bigger than yours.” I snapped back trying to yank my hand form him.
“I don’t plan on killing you. That would mean I will not see your pretty face again. Who would smartmouth me then? But I do have the intention of making you scream, as I said earlier.” he laughed out as he started the engine of his bike and shoved the helmet in my hand. “Hop on!” 
I debate for a little with myself. I had interest in this ball of rage since he entered the school. As time went on and the more I hung with Toni, the more I learned that he is not that bad at all. At least I got that his honor sense was much bigger than the one any other dickhead at our age had. 
“Well, are you coming?” He asked smiling, ready to drive off.
“I better be coming or you are going to be sorry for making me do this”I said as I hopped on the bike behind him.
“You never miss a change to out smart my words” He roared the machine “I have the full intention of making you come, at least a couple of times.” he added, underlining the word “come” with his tone as we drove off. 
The ride was joyful but pretty soon I found myself in fron of his trailer. He stopped the engine and I got off. I gave him back the helmet. He set it down and got off the bike himself. Then we walked to the front door in complete and utter silence. He unlocked the door painfully slow to me and let me go inside first. I took a look around and turned only to find him towering me with his tall figure. I didn’t say a word nor did he. By that time we had said it all. We got the idea of what we both wanted to do with the other and so did our peers, as it seemed.
I slowly walked a few steps closer to him and I pushed his Serpent jacked off his broad shoulders. He smirked and took off his grey tee over his head revealing to me his muscular chest. I looked him from head to toe and touched his chest with my hand slowly. It made him not move an inch. I bit my lower lip and looked him straight in the eye. “Are you going to kiss me or you are going to stay here half naked the entire time?” I sad pushing myself into him.
“Not another invitation is needed, fiesty.” he answered as he closed the distance between us. His lips met mine and it all went blank. Clothes were flying everywhere around his kitchen. He reached slowly for under my bum and lifted me up to put me on the countertop. The cold tiles met my naked thighs. His lips were trailing kisses down my neck making me gasp for air with each kiss.
“Aren’t you a little too dressed for this, boy?” I asked undoing his belt and then his jeans. He didn’t respond. He was too busy taking off my underwear, letting it join the pile of clothes next to the table. He pushed down his jeans and his big and rock hard dick was exposed in front of me.
“What are you gonna say now, ha? Last chance to back out or else you will scream my name by the end of it.” he said all the while touching my already wet folds.
“I am not scared of you, Pea. Show me what you got. Prove me I was wrong.” I dared him.
Slowly he closed all space between us as he entered me in one move. How good it felt! His hands held my thighs and he started pulling out and pushing back inside making me whimp and moan loudly in his ear while he was kissing my neck. His breaths were deep and quick. His mouth eventually found its way to my breast, sucking and kissing on the skin. It made me throw my head back in pleasure. 
Again in one easy motion, he picked me up again and moved me to the table. My legs wrapped around his torso to bring him even closer, if that was any possible. His trusts were getting quicker by the minute, making me slowly loose control. His lips found its way back mine and started playing dangerous game of biting and sucking.
“Girls who play with fire get their fingers burned” he wispered in my ear as he continued to pound in and out with deep trusts inside me.
“What make you think I don’t like to play with fire,ha? Maybe I will burn you more than you will burn me!” I said.
He pulled out of me and took my hand to pull me up in front of him. After that he turned me around and gently pushed me forward so I rested my palms on the surface of the table. He entered me from his position behind me and resumed fucking me hard one more time. 
“You’re dripping wet, you know that? It drives me fucking crazy how wet I made you. I bet you can feel how big my balls are now. Do you have anything to say?” he hissed in my neck.
“Yes, I have. Shut up and make me feel those balls! I wanna be wet just by thinking of you and it’s not going to happen if you continue to talk.” I told him bending over a little bit more to grant him more access to me.
My moans were becoming uncontrollable by the second and so were his. I was already shaking under him as he grabbed me by the hair, gently pulling on it. 
“Are you close, my fiesty girl? I can feel you getting tighter. Cum for me. I want to feel you. Scream for me as you let go. I want to hear you.” I obeyed him. I nodded my head and leaned back into him giving in completely to the sensation of my hard orgasm rocking my body. My muscles trembled and I pressed myself further into him as his name slipped off my lips. I felt him smile at the crook of my neck as he let out deep throated moan and let himself cum as well. 
We were sweating and still trembling from the sex we just had. But he didn’t miss the chance to remind me what I had said. 
“So, fiesty! What do you have to say now? I didn’t hear you scream for help. I heard you screaming for me not to stop and my name, as well. I guess I was right.” he said as he leaned back at the counter after he had put his boxers on. 
We both knew it wasn’t going to be just a hook up fight. It all went on from there with me puting him in his place after which I was always shown what I can get if I ask politely. But to ask politely for a booty call from Sweet pea is never as fun. 
I went right up to him after I put on my panties as well and pressed my body into his. “Shut the fuck up! Do you ever stop being so cocky? Bite your tongue and kiss me.” I ordered as I pulled his head down to meet my lips. He snaked his hand around my waist pulling me closer to him and giving in the kiss. 
When I went into his bathroom to refresh myself after our little fiasko, I looked into the mirror and saw two big black purple hickeys on my neck. He made sure it would be visible for everyone the next day that he had proven me wrong and I learned my lesson. Oh, boy! He was in trouble and so was I.
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dollslayer · 3 years
Shots or Dare
Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: A drinking game goes one step too far. Or does it?
W/C: 1,551
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, drunken antics, hangovers, swearing
A/N: Just a quick little oneshot for y'all! I'm working on some bigger stuff but wanted to put this out there just for kicks. If you like it check out my other stuff and reblog/comment! Cheers!
Main Masterlist
‘When will yo finally jsut go on s date with me?’
You sent it before you could even really register your actions. This is why you should’ve volunteered to be DD. Drinking on Girl’s Night always lands you in trouble. Trouble in this case, comes in the form of a dare and the persuasions of an equally drunk and far more excited Wanda.
“You finally DID IT! YOU DID IT!” Wanda hollers as she jumps from the booth in celebration.
Your hand shot up to cover her mouth, noticing several tables in the bar were looking towards you. You wobbled a bit and held the table for support with your other hand. You shushed her and sat back down.
“Did what? What did I do?” You asked, seeming to be the only one not in on the joke.
“Check your texts, lover girl” Paling in fear at her words you swipe up on your phone and read. Oh, God.
‘When will yo finally jsut go on s date with me?’ Read: 1:19AM You felt the blood rush from your brain to your cheeks in sheer humiliation.
You tried your best to recall a few minutes ago when Wanda was practically typing out the message for you as Nat looked on in amusement. You were playing Shots or Dare, a very dangerous game you now realized. Wanda dared you that you wouldn’t finally say something to Steve, whom you’ve had a crush on since you joined the team. You were always so much bolder when you were drunk.
Now sobered in an instant having seen that not only had you actually sent the text but that he’d read it. Your superior officer, your teammate, your friend. God, I must seem so sloppy. How do I even solve this? What do I even say? How soon could I realistically transfer out so I never have to see him again?
Your phone sat shakily in your hands as your thumb hovered above it, unsure what to type. Before you could Nat snatched your phone from your hand and put it in her pocket. You were about to protest when she just shook her head at you.
“It’s too late and you’re too drunk. He probably thinks you’re kidding. Just sleep in my room tonight we’ll fix it in the morning” She offered.
Even though Nat herself was 4 or 5 drinks in she always seemed to have her head on straight. You swallowed and nodded before hiding your face in your hands.
“Relax, I’m sure he thinks it’s hot you’re just going for it! My turn! I choose dare!” Wanda changed the subject with a clap of her hands and eagerly awaited her dare. You didn’t know how you were going to get through the rest of the night without freaking out about it so you ordered yourself another drink and got to forgetting.
Staying out until almost 3, the group of you stumbled your way back to the tower and into Nat’s room. You promptly passed out in full makeup and without changing your clothes. You’d wake up to a hangover but that was tomorrow you’s problem.
And a problem it was, not six hours later you awoke to loud knocking from down the hall. You groaned and turn into the couch cushions hoping to fall back asleep. The knocking came again and you ignored it, sighing in comfort when you heard whomever it was retreating back up the hall.
Unable to sleep, you got up slowly and tried to gauge the severity of your hangover. Deciding you’d rather deal with this in the comfort of your own room you wrestle to get your shoes off your feet and carry them in one hand while you open the door with the other. You do your best to sneak down the hall to your room, only being a few doors down from Nat.
You make it just in front of your room when you drop your shoes and wince at the sound it makes. You steady yourself on the door to pick them up when you hit your head on the handle. It stings and you cringe at the feeling of the long handle getting stuck in your hair. Surprised, you hiss at the pain and drop both your shoes again as you desperately try to untangle yourself.
You could not be more of a mess if you tried. Maybe if you puked right now but all the willpower you had left was preventing that from happening. After a moment of all but ripping your hair from your head you’re free with one final jerk forwards, which of course, causes you to lose your balance and topple forward.
You put both your hands out and brace for the carpet burn of the collision but it never comes. Instead you’re being held steady by two large hands and all you can think to do is pray that it isn’t who you think it is. No God would be that cruel.
You slowly look up and find yourself eye to eye with Steve. No God except this one, apparently. He looks concerned as he helps you back up slowly to your feet. He picks up your shoes and opens his mouth to speak but nothing comes out. He looks you up and down, taking in your appearance trying to assess how best to approach the situation.
You’re suddenly very aware that you’re still in last night’s clothes and that the mascara on your eyelashes is smudged from where you fell asleep. If the Earth could swallow you whole right now you’d have no objections. You feel sweat from your nervousness mixing with last night’s too. I am a literal human disaster, this could not get worse. Please, please don’t bring up the text.
He clears his throat. “I, um, I saw you texted me last night.” Fuck. “I knew you were out with the girls, just wanted to make sure you made it home okay.”
You hide your face with your hands and huff out a breath of embarrassment.
“Yeah, um, thank… you… Yeah I’m good” You were not good. On top of the trainwreck of an encounter this already was your knees are giving out on you. You need to lay down now. Maybe get some food in you.
Steve rushed forward to pick you up again when you caught yourself against the door and fumbled to unlock it.
“Why don’t you let me do that?” He moved you gently aside to fiddle with the door before opening it and ushering you inside.
He set your shoes down by the door and helped you out of your jacket.
“When’s the last time you ate something? Or maybe you need some water?” He offered.
You shook your head at him and stuck your hands out to feel your way to your bed. This was already so embarrassing, Steve didn’t need to continue to see you like this.
Steve shook his head slightly and tsked at you. He helped you into bed and then looked at you with his hands on his hips, like he was contemplating his next move.
“I’m going to make some breakfast, do you think you could get a shower in that time or do you need to rest? Regardless after that you’re going to eat what I made and drink a whole glass of water, no protests.” He spoke gently but firm as he walked towards the door.
“Steve, please you don’t need to do this, I’m so sorry jus’ lemme get some sleep you don’t have to do anyth-”
“I said no protests. Now if I come back here in 15 minutes and you’re not in that shower I’m gonna be upset, do you understand?” He was using his Captain voice now and you rolled your eyes before giving him a lazy salute.
“Aye aye, cap” He chooses not to respond to your smart ass response, only chuckles as he closes the door behind him.
One very woozy shower later you managed to only kind of puke your guts out and put on a clean pair of clothes. You exited your ensuite to the smell of bacon and eggs. Having gotten all the puke out of your system your mouth was now practically watering at the prospect of food.
Steve was sat on your couch with two plates and he stood to greet you.
“I didn’t know what you like but I figure you can’t go wrong with the classics. I figure while we eat we can watch one of these so-called ‘classics’ you’re always on my case about watching?” He grinned at you and waited for a response.
You shuffled over to your couch and plopped down beside him.
“Why’re you doin’ this for me, Steve? You don’t have to do any of this, I’m good” You kept trying to insist, feeling guilty that you were so hungover earlier and messy in front of him on top of your very infamous drunk text.
“Well this is a date isn’t it?” He smiles down at you with a boyish smirk and all you can do is return his expression and think of what movie to pick. Maybe Shots or Dare isn’t all that bad. This time at least.
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catxsnow · 4 years
Summary: You and Bruce were best friends your whole life until you grew apart. Seven years later, things changed when Batman shows up. Pre-Robin Batman
Warning: blood, angst, some fluff, mentions of smut at the end but it doesn’t go into detail at all. Swearing. 
A/N: I’ve had this in my drafts for like three months whoops
Word count: 4.3k
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You had known Bruce your whole life - literally.
With your parents being best friends, the two of you had been inseparable since you were in diapers. Growing up, he was the one person that you could always rely on and the only person that was able to make you smile when you were sad. Bruce knew more about you than you ever knew about yourself.
When his parents died, your whole family grieved alongside him. For a while, it had brought you even closer. You found yourself staying over at the Manor to watch over Bruce alongside Alfred. Nights that you would hear him crying, you would sneak in and sleep next to him. Even during school when kids would tease him you would stand up for him.
When high school rolled around, you found yourself closer than you ever had been with Bruce. One drunken mistake between the two of you and the next day it was all across the school that you were dating. For the first time in a long time, you saw him genuinely happy.
You weren't going to leave his side for anything, at least that was what you had thought.
As Bruce grew older, he also grew farther apart from you. Less evenings were spent together and soon your weekends went away too. He took over his family's company and disappeared off your radar at the same time. You were heartbroken by his absence. For years you had watched over him, now he had left you.
You had seen him all over the news. Paper headlines about what WE was planning for the future or some fancy gala that he attended with girls hanging off his arms. You couldn't help but think of the pang of hurt that ran through your chest every time you saw him with someone new. He was gone from you life and by the looks of it, he wasn't coming back.
There were the rare times that you would run into Alfred. He had raised you nearly as much as he had raised Bruce by the amount of time that you spent together. You always asked how Bruce was and it seemed to be the same answer every time: he's good, working hard at WE, keeps to himself half the time.
You had lost hope that you would ever get to be close to him again. Maybe you had lost hope when he had broken up with you after high school. Maybe, you out grew him and his life. The reality of it all, was that you had just given up.
If Bruce wanted to be a part of your life, he would have made the effort in the past seven years. Instead, he sat at the top of his Wayne Tower without a single thought of you. Why bother missing someone when they never missed you?
Just like any other night in Gotham, it was cold. You sat in your apartment with your blanket wrapped around you and a hot mug in your hand. Some movie played but it was more background noise than anything. Over the years, you had gained the bad habit of zoning out when you were alone. This happened to be one of those times.
Memories of you and Bruce as kids running around the Wayne Manor. The two of you getting in trouble with his parents and eventually Alfred. Apart, you were both well-behaved children, together, you were hooligans. No matter how many times you had gotten lectures, you would never stop your games.
You missed those times. Free of responsibilities, free of pain, free to do anything you wanted. Those days were long gone, and no amount of wishing would get them back.
A loud thud had brought you out of your daze. You nearly screamed at the sight of your window and if you weren't there to see it yourself, you wouldn't have believed it to be true. A dark figure hovered on your fire escape right outside your window. This was Gotham, you were terrified at first.
It wasn't until the figure turned his head that you realized it was Batman himself. You had heard the rumors of him in the city and what he did at night. You wouldn't have believed them either if you didn't have a run in with him.
It was several months back. You had worked late that night and the walk to your car had apparently been too late to go by yourself. It wasn't even half way there when some creep tried to grab hold of you and do god knows what. If it wasn't for Batman popping in and beating the ever living hell out of him, you weren't sure what was going to happen.
As far as you were aware, his intentions were good, but his methods terrified you. He showed no mercy against that man and you had been unnerved by him ever since. You were thankful for him that night, but you hoped to never run into him again.
Now, he was standing at your window looking like he was about to pass out and smearing blood all over the glass. You didn't know why he was there, or if it was just coincidence that it happened to be yours. It couldn't be, you were five stories up and if he was desperate enough, he wouldn't have gone to yours.
So, here you were debating whether or not to let him in to your home to see what the hell was wrong with him and what he wanted. For some damned reason, you had gone against your gut and unlocked your window for him to crawl in. Batman nearly collapsed against the ground, his hand against his side.
"(Y/N)..." he mumbled out. You didn't know how he knew your name, but that wasn't your worry at the moment. A gash as long as your forearm tore through his skin. He should have been at a hospital, but you suppose that wasn't really an option for him.
"Holy fuck," you breathed out. His eyes fluttered in and out of consciousness until finally resting. If it wasn't for the faint rise and fall of his chest, you were sure that he would have been dead. You scrambled to your pathetic excuse of a first aid kit and went to work on his wound.
With the blood wiped away, you could see that the gash wasn't particularly deep. He had lost enough blood to concern you though and if he lost any more you were sure you were going to have to call an ambulance.
You drenched the wound with alcohol but you couldn't bandage it unless his suit came off. Instead, you settled on cutting away the weakened material and placing long bandage on as best as you could. It wasn't near perfect, but at least he wasn't going to die in your living room anymore.
As the adrenaline started to wear off, you realized just what kind of mess you were in. The great Batman was passed out on your floor by god knows who and you had no idea why. You paced around your living room, blood staining your hands and your heart racing a mile a minute. This was by far insane.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," you muttered to yourself. What was going to happen when he woke up? If he woke up? What if he died and you had to explain to the cops why Batman was dead in your home? That wasn't something that you could handle. However, you knew that if he had risked his well-being to show up at some random person's apartment instead of the cops, then you knew you couldn't call 911.
The curiosity of who was behind the mask was eating you alive. You couldn't fathom who was idiotic enough to try and fight crime in Gotham in a suit based on an animal. He was out cold, there was no way that he would know if you took one little peak under to see who it was.
With a sigh, you went against your desires. Instead, you grabbed one of the pillows on your couch and tucked it under his head. The nervous twitch in your limbs wouldn't go away and you were sure that it would never go away while he was here. With high hopes, you drew your blanket around yourself and took your place on the couch once more.
Not once did you eyes live the unconscious body on your floor. Blood was no longer dripping from his wound but it was still smeared across your floor. This was the last thing that you expected to happen that night.
It was hours that you were staring at the same place. Hours of wondering if he was going to be okay and who he really was. Batman's mask was the last thing that you saw before sleep had consumed you.
You woke up the next morning with a start. Sprawled out on the couch with your blanket half on you. Memories of what happened the night before hit you like a freight train. Batman.
The man that had shown up last night was no longer on your floor. The pillow that he had was returned onto your couch and the remnants of his blood was the only proof that it wasn't some fucked up dream. You scrambled off your couch and ran around your apartment to see if he was still within it.
Thankfully, he wasn't. Instead a note was on your kitchen counter that hadn't been there the night before.
'Thank you. I owe you. -B'
Short and brief, it was still more than you were ever expecting from him. However, it wasn't the note that had gotten you shocked, it was the writing. You knew that handwriting from anywhere, you had grown up with it.
From learning how to spell and write, to passing notes in class, and for a brief moment in your life - love notes. This writing was something that you would recognize from anywhere at any time. It was Bruce's.
There was no way, Bruce couldn't be Batman. He was the owner of a multi-billion dollar company he didn't have time to dress up in a costume. Bruce was just some rich kid who slept with any woman he wanted to. Right?
There was only one way to find out - and you were going to make sure of it. You knew your way to the Manor like the back of your hand. Your parents had driven you there hundreds of times and Alfred even more. You knew the ins and outs of that place more than anyone. It had been your home for a long time too.
However, driving up to the gates filled your heart with terror. It had been seven long years since you had been here and you didn't know if you were ever welcomed back. Not to mention that if your theory was wrong, you would look like nothing but a deranged fool trying to get back into Bruce's life.
It was worth the risk, it had to be. When you were kids, you always made fun of how Bruce would write his ‘B’. It drove him crazy but he refused to ever change it - it was exactly like how his father wrote it. Elegant and flawless. 
The gates opened wide before you could even put your car in park to get access. The closer your drove up, the more you got nervous. Seven years without seeing Bruce, far too long for someone you thought was going to be in your life forever. You didn't even know what you wanted to say to him or where to even start.
The door to his home was surprisingly unlocked. You were sure that this must have been Alfred's doing, as well as being the one to let you in. He didn't appear at the front door like he used to upon your arrival. Then again, maybe he just didn't want to get between you and Bruce.
The Manor hadn't changed much since you had been there last. In fact, it didn't look like it changed at all. The study still looked the same. Shelves of books lining the wall and a sturdy wooden desk in the middle. That was always one of your favourite places to be.
You continued your journey, each room bringing back memories that you had completely forgotten about. Times that you and Bruce ran around, nearly destroying everything in your path. Others where the two of you would try and sneak up on Alfred. You felt a sense of longing the farther you went through his home.
It wasn't until you reached Bruce's room did you finally stop. His door was closed and you weren't sure what was going to be waiting for you on the other side of it. You did know, that if you stayed out there for any longer you would have turned right back around and pretended as if this never happened.
So, without even knocking, you had flung his door open. Bruce was buttoning up his shirt of the day. He looked surprised to see you there. Not that you could blame him, it had been close to a decade since you last spoke.
"(Y/N)," Bruce's face lit up. He finished tucking in his shirt as he stalked across the room towards you. "What are you doing here?" Bruce lifted his arms up as if he was going to hug you but you had stepped back. Confusion filled his eyes and he lowered himself back down.
"You have a lot of fucking explaining to do, Bruce Wayne," you snapped. A fire filled your eyes but Bruce had acted as if he was confused. "Showing up to my apartment last night half fucking dead in a bat suit? Are you fucking insane?"
"What are you talking about?" Bruce asked. "I was here last night, ask Alfred." You rolled your eyes at his life and fished the note out of your pocket.
"I know your hand writing, Bruce." You shoved the paper in his face until he grabbed it from your hold. "It might have been a long time since I've seen you last but you still haven't learned how to lie to me."
"(Y/N)," Bruce kept calm. "This is ridiculous, do you honestly think that -" You had cut him off with an attempt to jab at where the wound have been from the night before. Just as your fingers grazed the material of his shirt, he had caught your wrist. Darkness filled his eyes like you had never seen before.
"Take off your shirt."
"I didn't realize that we were going to get so close so quickly again," Bruce tried to joke, but you could hear the strain in his voice. You had too much frustration in you to try and listen to him change your mind.
"Now, Bruce!" You raised your voice. Bruce dropped your wrist and hung his head low. He should have never gone to your apartment last night. However, he was on the street below fighting a gang of men that had him far too out numbered. He knew exactly where your home was, it was the closest place for him to go.
Reluctantly, Bruce did as he was told. It was agonizingly slow as he undid the buttons of his shirt and pull of the material. Just as you expected, a long bandage covered his torso, right where you had patched Batman up the night before. It was changed, this time done much neater than yours.
You jaw was tight as you looked at his scarred skin. With a huff of air, you had stormed out of his room and towards the front door. This had been exactly what you were expecting and yet the truth seemed to sting a wound that you hadn't felt in a long time. Betrayal.
"(Y/N)! Wait!" Bruce called out for you. He latched onto your wrist once more and stopped your movements.
"Seven years Bruce! You dropped out of my life seven years ago and never tried to see me again! Do you know how much that fucking hurt me? We had been best friends my entire life and you just fucked off without so much as a reason why! I was so lost without you, I was alone!" You felt tears well up in your eyes.
"You don't get to come to my apartment needing my help and then pretend like it wasn't you under that mask!" You ripped your hand out of his hold. "Fuck you Bruce. Fuck you for leaving me. Fuck you for making me wonder what went wrong for so many years. Fuck you for breaking my heart!"
Your voice finally cracked and the tears spilled down your face. Bruce could feel the grief rolling off you. He knew what it was like to be consumed by the pains of your past and he never realized how badly he had hurt you. Leaving you was the only way to keep you safe while he was on this journey to become someone else.
Bruce pulled you into his chest. Sobs racked through your entire body as he held you close, just like when you were younger. One of his hands rested on the back of your head, keeping you as close to his heart as he could.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," he whispered to you. You would understand why he did what he did one day. Once this pain was gone from you, you would be able to see that he did it to keep you safe. He never wanted to hurt you, of course he didn't. Bruce loved you his whole life, that was never going to change.
Heart-wrenching sobs echoed through the manor. It broke Bruce to see you like this, to know that he was the one to cause you this pain. He was different now, but his place for you in his heart was just the same as it always was. No matter how cold he got, you were always able to bring the brightness out within him.
"I didn't want you to see me change into the person I am now," Bruce tried to explain to you. Your cries had quieted but the tears continued to flow. "I'm not the same person that I once was. I just... I couldn't drag you through that. I didn't want to. You were the only good thing out of my life and I couldn't bare the thought of tainting you with this... darkness in me."
You pulled away from him and wiped the tears from your cheeks. "Just because you dress up as a Bat at night didn’t mean I didn't want you in my life," you shook your head at his ridiculous train of thought. There was still anger in your voice. "I've known you forever. Don't you think I didn't know that you changed the second your parents died? You've been wearing a mask for a long time before you decided to change it to this one."
"I'm sorry," Bruce averted his gaze. Guilt that he hadn't felt in years consumed him. He always told himself that keeping you away was for the best. It was the only way to protect you and keep you safe against the crime he went against.
"Sorry isn't going to cut it this time, Bruce," your hands drew into fists. "How the hell did you think I wasn't going to want to be part of this? You never even asked me! You needed me then more than ever! Now more than ever! And you choose to be a selfish asshole instead. You never thought about anyone but yourself."
"I did this to protect you," Bruce tried to argue. He should have known that you wouldn't understand why he did what he did. After all these years, you were right - sorry wasn't going to cut it. He felt terrible for just leaving you, it was the biggest mistake that he had ever made.
"Protect me?" You raised your voice even more. "Nothing could ever hurt me as much as you leaving my life. If you wanted to protect me, you wouldn't have left. It's been seven years since I've seen you, seven years of trying to forget about you.
"I loved you, Bruce, more than anyone. You ruined that the second that you walked out my door for the last time," You scoffed, turning away from him. Your throat felt constricted and tears burned your eyes. Bruce leaving you was the biggest heartbreak you had to endure. No man ever proved to be better than him, you couldn't move on.
"(Y/N)," Bruce's voice went soft. He reached out to grab your shaking hand. To both of your surprises, you let him. His hands were calloused after the years of hard work he had gone through. You felt small in his grip, just like the child that you were when you were his best friend.
"I should have never assumed that you wouldn't want to be part of this life," Bruce went on. You finally turned back to face him again. "I wanted to keep you safe and that was the only way that I knew how at the time. You're one of the only people left that I truly care about and I couldn't bare the thought of losing you."
"I've been with you since birth, Bruce. Don't you think I want to be with you until death as well?" You held hope in your eyes that he would take you back. After all this time, all the anger and frustration that you had at him, it seemed to wash away the second that you looked into his beautiful blues.
Bruce Wayne was a stubborn, arrogant, asshole. He had been for a long time, but you knew that he was still one of the most caring people in the world, even if he didn't show it. Deep down, as much as you didn't want to believe him, you knew that what he did was to keep you safe.
He was a genius man, both in business and in life. He knew how the world worked and fought against it to make it right again. You respected him, even when you were mad at him. Bruce had a way of getting the world to love him, even if it was never the real him that he showed. You were the only person that knew the real him - besides Alfred.
"(Y/N)," Bruce dragged his hands up your arms until resting them at the base of your neck. Though he looked older, more muscular since the last time that you had seen him - he was still the same man you loved. Without another word, Bruce tilted down to meet you lips. It had been years since you had kissed him, yet it only felt like yesterday.
Without breaking your kiss, he led you back into his bed room, slamming the door on the way. You didn't have intentions of this happening - none at all. You came here to get mad at Bruce, finally have so long awaited answered, and leave with a weight off your chest that you had been carrying around for years.
Sleeping with him was not on your agenda.
Bruce was a player, he knew how to get his way. It didn't take him long to master the art of distracting women and avoiding an unwanted conversation. He had managed to do it to you lots when you were dating in high school and by the looks of it, he still had a hold over you. Bruce knew how to get to your heart, and your pants.
Moans of pleasure cascaded through his room. The years apart had left you more experienced and god did it show. Bruce had gave you more pleasure than any other man in your life ever could. He still knew you better than anyone - in nearly every way possible.
"Fuck," you breathed out. A layer of sweat covered your bodies as you laid against his sheets. Heavy breathing filled the room and you were still soaking up the orgasm that he had given you. "That shouldn't have happened. I'm still furious at you."
"I know," Bruce kept his voice tight. The wound that he had gotten the prior night was flaring up with pain but it had been worth it to be with you again. "I know that nothing I do will change the past... but I'm giving you the choice now. All I want is for you to be back in my life, but once you're in, there's no going back.
"This new life I have is dangerous, you need to know that. But if you're willing, I'd love to have you be a part of it," Bruce asked. He wanted you back, he always wanted to crawl back to you and beg for forgiveness. The better part of him always stopped himself.
"Why did you come to my apartment last night?" You changed the subject. "Why not back here? Or a hospital, or anywhere else?"
"Because I knew I could trust you no to reveal who I really was."
"Then why leave the note?" You barged on. There were so many questions that you had for him, but these two were the ones that were bothering you the most. He was smart enough to have known that you could have figured it out. Batman was far too cautious to be so stupid to leave a note for a stranger.
"Because I was hoping you would figure out that it was me all on your own," Bruce confessed. He had one arm rested under his head and the other resting on his chest. He didn't look at you, too afraid to see what your reaction was going to be with his words. "And you did."
"I'll join you, Bruce. You can't shut me out again, I can't handle another heartbreak like that," You decided. Being back with Bruce, even for this short time had filled the emptiness in your chest that had been void for years. He was the missing piece in your life, and as much as you knew it, you tried to fill it with anything else.
"I promise."
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virgojeons · 4 years
true love (jjk)
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summary: you and jungkook spend your first christmas together. 
alternatively, a merry love story based on the lyrics of true love by ariana grande.
genre: fluff, humor, college au, established relationship, holiday series, jeon jungkook x reader
word count: 4.6k
warnings: cursing, implied sexual content, excessive use of pet names
wattpad version here, ao3 version here
a/n: well, here i am!! pls be gentle with me, this is the first time ive ever posted my writing on here and ive been debating it for months lmao. i truly truly hope u enjoy!!
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on the first day of christmas when you gave me all them kisses, boy you showed me things, come hold me please and never let me go.
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"Five days until Christmas and you're still decorating the tree?"
You yelped at the sudden sound of your boyfriend's voice, dropping your over-accessorized ornament and watching helplessly as it shattered against the floor.
Immediately, you whined. "Jungkook!"
Jungkook suppressed a grin at the furrow of your eyebrows and the pout of your lips, kicking his shoes off and tossing his coat onto the couch. He didn't mean to scare you, really. You even knew he was coming over. It's just that you left the front door unlocked (as you always did when he was on his way, despite him constantly scolding you for it) and there was no way you would've heard him come in over the sound of Jingle Bell Rock blaring through the house.
"Sorry, baby," He chuckled, bending down beside you to help pick up the remnants of your best ornament. "I didn't mean to scare you."
You glared at him in between collecting the shards of glass in your hand. "I spent hours making that."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah. Hot glue gun burns, sparkles stuck on my face and everything."
Jungkook took the pieces of glass from you with an amused look on his face, standing from his kneeling position to toss them in the trash can you had earlier moved to the living room for easy access. "I'm sorry. I'll make you another one."
"It's not the same." You sulked, finding fun in being stubborn and giving him a hard time. It was getting increasingly difficult though, with his rosy nose and ears and that little gleam in his eyes.
It was then that he made his first move of the night, tugging you by your oversized Rudolph sweater so quickly that you had to latch onto his shoulders for leverage with a squeal. His grin only seemed to grow once you were officially in his space, taking notice of your lack of pants and the snowflake stockings that appeared to be in their place instead.
"You don't look too sorry," You chuckled, heart stuttering at the way he was gazing down at you in such close proximity.
Jungkook shrugged, nudging his nose with yours. "I'm just happy."
They were such simple words, but it was the way he said them, the way he looked at you when he said them. You couldn’t lie, the excitement of spending your first Christmas together, completely alone, was incredibly infectious. It was gross and it was corny and everything else you swore you would never be, but you were in love with Jungkook. Devastatingly so. You from nine months ago probably wouldn’t even recognize the present you; a fact that friends, family, and even Jungkook alike loved to tease you about. Cracking the so-called ice queen was a feat to be celebrated, apparently. Whatever. He was yours and you were his so you didn’t quite care about the technicalities of it. Even if the story went a bit differently, in your opinion. 
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The brutal snow and temperatures of February were beginning to fade into spring when you met Jungkook. 
You and Jimin had been attempting to finish your economics homework together in your favorite coffee shop; a hidden treasure that was a ten minute walk from campus and ticked all your aesthetic boxes. You two were sipping from your respective hot drinks, neglecting your heaps of bookwork in favor of discussing the new season of Stranger Things. Jimin was deep into his theory of Hopper still being alive when his eyes flickered to the door at the sound of the bell, widening slightly in recognition before a bright smile took over his face.
"Jungkook!" Jimin called, waving whoever it was over.
You followed his gaze and turned your head in the direction of the entrance, growing curious when the boy walking towards your table wasn't familiar to you. It took you less than five seconds to realize that the boy in question was attractive. 
Like, extremely attractive. The kind of attractive that should not be subjected to the way you look right now. 
It took you even less time to whip your head back around, glaring at Jimin with wide eyes and a panicked expression.
He met your glare with a confused scrunch of his eyebrows before it slowly transformed into a smirk, quickly catching on to what your pointed look was for. The night before had been a late one. You, like any other normal millennial, had impulse bought a pretty yellow Nintendo Switch solely for the new Animal Crossing game. As soon as it arrived on your doorstep you were retreating into your room, tearing the package open with squeals of excitement.
Maybe you completely lost track of time and played until your eyes were bloodshot and you heard birds chirping outside. Maybe you got an astounding two hours of sleep. And maybe you had fallen asleep without setting an alarm and woke up thirty minutes later than usual. 
The details were insignificant though, because you were throwing on a pair of leggings and the first sweatshirt you saw, brushing your hair and your teeth, and hastily sprinting to your car all in record time.
No sleep. No makeup. No breakfast. And worst of all, no coffee.
And so, it was blatantly clear you had no desire to let a boy that beautiful even glance at you in that state, let alone introduce himself. But it didn't look like you had a choice in the matter, because moments later he was towering over your table with a stupidly handsome smile.
Jungkook grinned, reaching out to do that Weird Bro Handshake with Jimin. "Hey, Chim."
You were already plotting various methods of painful revenge in your head.
"Hey, Kook. What are you doing here?"
"I kind of work here," He chuckled. "Well, as of like, yesterday. Today's my first day."
"Oh, so this is the new job you were telling me about," Jimin nodded in realization, then his eyes flickered mischievously to yours. You’re rapidly shaking your head. "You know, this is my friend ___'s favorite coffee spot."
A scowl immediately takes over your face, only to be wiped off and replaced by a sickeningly sweet smile when Jungkook turns his head to look your way. The instant your eyes meet his you quite literally want to melt into the floor. 
Jungkook smiles at you. Like, really smiles. "Hey, that's cool. We'll probably be seeing a lot of each other then, right?"
Across the table, Jimin snorts, which only adds to the way your cheeks are absolutely flaming. You send a harsh kick to Jimin's leg as inconspicuously as you can, all while batting your eyelashes at Jungkook.
"Uh, yeah! We probably... will."
Jungkook looks positively amused, but if he notices Jimin rushing to clutch his leg, he doesn't say anything.
"Sweet," He grins again. There's a brief few seconds where you two are just gazing at each other, stupid and shy, until Jimin loudly clears his throat. "Right, well, I should probably go clock in. Let's chill sometime this week, Chim."
"Sure thing." Jimin sings, smugness plastered all over his face.
Jungkook waves, already backing away from the table with his eyes on you. "Nice meeting you."
You feel yourself flush again and you absolutely hate it. "Nice meeting you too."
With a final smile, Jungkook disappears behind the employee doors. The moment he leaves your eyes are screwed shut and you're slamming your head against the table. The silence speaks for itself. You don't even need to see Jimin's face to know that he's either smirking or stifling his laughter.
"Don't." You warn.
"You just blushed," He says anyway. "Like, four times."
"I most definitely did not blush."
"You did. You still are."
"I'm embarrassed!" You wail. "That's literally the only reason why. I look like I got ran over and dragged for three blocks."
"Jungkook sure doesn't seem to think so," Jimin hums, snickering as he sips his coffee.
"He likes you." He insists.
"He was just being polite." You defend.
"That is literally my childhood best friend. I think I would know."
This makes you pause. Then you sigh. "He doesn't even know me."
He doesn’t disagree. But then again, "Not yet."
"Stop trying to play matchmaker, Jimin. He said five words to me," You spoke firmly, exasperated as you downed the final sip of your latte. "Plus, I'm just focusing on me and my degree right now. No distractions."
Jimin knew that you were already worn out, and even though he was mostly joking around, he wouldn’t want to push you any further. He’d drop it.
"Fine. We'll see who's right in the end, though."
For now.
"I will dump that hot coffee over your head."
As it turns out, Jimin was kind of right.
It takes a grand total of four visits to your favorite coffee shop before Jungkook asks you out. The first time you were by yourself, nose buried in a book as Jungkook was clocking in. He wasn't able to speak to you until about an hour later, when the morning rush had passed and you had finally lifted your head from whatever was in that book. 
You were honestly dreading facing him again, but you were prepared and actually presentable this time. Also you were kind of starving. And so, you hesitantly approached the counter. Jungkook took your order, both of you all fidgeting hands and sheepish smiles. You mentally patted yourself on the back when you spoke without any real mess-ups, and prayed that the cool girl aura you always tried so desperately to maintain was being transmitted. 
Not like you were trying to leave a lasting impression, or anything.
He hand delivered you your coffee and muffin with a beaming grin, all while his new boss glared at him from behind the counter. He didn't have to know that you knew cashiers weren't supposed to serve the food.
The second visit was a few days after. You were with Jimin again, shooting down every jab he made about you only wearing a pretty dress because you knew you would be coming here. Jungkook joined you both during his break. As soon as he untied his apron and sat himself directly across from you, it struck. You knew you were screwed. You just couldn't stop staring at him. The chin in the palm of your hands and sparkles in your eyes type of staring. You would be much more ashamed if you couldn’t see the way he was staring right back. Jimin found this hilarious, of course, and would subtly find ways to connect you two in conversation. You weren't sure if you loved or hated him for it.
It was that visit that Jungkook insisted on sharing his slice of strawberry cake with you, claiming he wasn't that hungry. The both of you were embarrassed, whacking his arm and dismissing him as Jimin complained about being the third wheel. By the end of his break, Jungkook was positively smitten, you were begrudgingly infatuated, and Jimin was awfully smug. He reluctantly said bye to you both, and you were slouching forward with your head in your hands the moment he disappeared from visibility.
Jimin looked extremely pleased. "Believe me now?"
"Focusing on school," You protested. It was a weak one, but. Well.
"Are you trying to convince me or yourself?" He mused.
And suddenly, you were frantic. Panicking. This was definitely not a part of the plan.
Quickly packing up your things, you groaned loudly. "You. Maybe me. Or both. I can't think in this place anymore."
"You'll be all over each other by next week."
"Shh!" You were childishly covering your ears and speed-walking out of the café.
Try as you might, you couldn't help yourself and returned the very next day after all your classes had finished. Jungkook was already there when you walked in, taking a customer's order but doing a double take and flashing you a smile when you appeared in his line of sight. This visit consisted of nothing but pretending.
Pretending to be studying. Pretending you weren't listening to him take orders just to hear his voice. Pretending you weren't sneaking glances at him. Pretending that the way your eyes kept meeting wasn't making your skin prickle. And you were just fine pretending, until suddenly he was in the seat across from with you his apron off and a steaming hot chocolate in hand. You tried your hardest to remain indifferent, you really did. But then he was pushing the beverage towards you with gentle eyes and his smile hopeful, telling you it was his treat because he noticed how hard you were studying. And then you were melting right along with the marshmallows in that mug.
The two of you talked about your majors, your families, your favorite shows, even Jimin. You asked about his tattoos and he explained them with ease. You also may have pulled out one of the oldest tricks in the book at the sight of his knuckle tattoos, gasping in feigned wonder when you pulled his hand against yours to measure the size difference. 
His hand could swallow yours whole and still have some leftover, you discovered. It was a very rewarding experiment.
You made each other laugh and blush down to the very last second of his break. Scarily enough, being in each other's presence was so annoyingly addictive that you found yourself hesitant to watch him leave. You could tell Jungkook felt the same by the way he dragged out his goodbyes. I work again on Thursday, maybe I'll see you then? Your fingers brushed as he softly took the mug from you. It was really fun talking to you. You were biting your lip to keep from smiling embarrassingly big. You look really pretty today, by the way. And then he was off.
You made a strangled noise the second you were outside with your fingers frantically beginning to type a message to Jimin.
promise not to say i told you so :///
Jungkook asked you out on your fourth visit. As soon as you approached the counter, he just blurted it out. As if it was something he couldn't hold on his tongue any longer. You couldn't hear yourself say yes over your brain malfunctioning and the powerful thumping of your heart, but you knew you did. His heartbreakingly gorgeous grin told you so.
On his break, Jungkook brought you a latte with a heart carved in the cream. You just couldn't conceal the coo that escaped you, which quickly resulted in his cheeks reddening. 
Cute, you thought. 
He quizzed you on your personality and the type of activities you liked to do, admitting that he would use the information to conjure up the best date you would ever go on. Six days later, Jungkook stayed true to his word. Not only was it the best date you had ever been on, but you were completely certain it would ruin any other dates for you moving forward, unless they were with him. Much to your annoyance and also utter delight, you were so sure of Jeon Jungkook and your brief but striking time together that you kissed him. Right on the swings of your favorite childhood playground, first date rules tossed aside.
He was so caught off guard that his eyes expanded to twice their normal size and your teeth banged together. You drew back, slightly mortified and ready to jump to your death from the tallest slide on the playground, but Jungkook was huffing a laugh onto your lips and grabbing your face like it was nothing. Then you two got it just right, and something clicked. The earth fell off its axis and you were rendered breathless and all that nauseating cliché shit you chastised as a myth. And from that day forward, you two were completely, tooth-rottingly, inseparable.
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"Easy," Jungkook proclaimed, pecking your lips. "We finished the tree."
He set you back on the floor gently, releasing a dramatic breath of air as if lifting you to place the star on top of the tree had actually winded him. As if he wasn't a muscle pig. You rolled your eyes and told him as much.
"Don't be a baby, muscle pig," You shoved at his bicep, only proving your point further when he didn't move an inch. ‘And I finished the tree.”
Instead, he caught the hand that you nudged him with and pulled your back to his chest, caging you between his arms. "Muscle pig, huh? That's what you think of me, baby?"
You flushed at the teasing lilt in his voice, suddenly very eager to escape his hold. But try as you might, he just wouldn't budge. A loud laugh left your throat as you flailed in his grasp, his muscled arms bulging in the turtleneck you bought him for his birthday a few months ago. Suddenly, you decided that you would be returning it for your own personal peace.
A high pitched whine left your mouth, one that lost all its seriousness once it was drowned out by your giggles. "Jungkook, let go of me!"
You would just not stop wiggling, and Jungkook could not stop laughing. He could live the rest of his life like this, his brain pauses to think. He's so happy.
And when you're thrashing so violently that your heel kicks his pocket with a force that has an object clattering onto the floor, Jungkook has never reacted faster in his life. Instantly your imprisonment is gone, and Jungkook is on your floor in a flash. Your eyebrows draw together at the sight of him scrambling for whatever it is, and all you're able to see is a sleek black case before he's quickly stuffing it back in his pocket.
You're eyeing him when he rises back on his feet. "Feel like sharing?"
Jungkook whistles noncommittally. "Not particularly, no."
There's a drawn-out beat of silence where you're just gazing at each other, neither one of you backing down. And then you're crossing your arms, and he's looking at your nose and your forehead and anywhere but your eyes, and then you're arching an eyebrow. He looks at you and breaks. Defeat.
"It's your present," He lets out a heavy sigh. "Well, the main one anyway."
You positively squeal. "Ooh! Can I see? Please?"
"Baby, it's the 20th."
"Can I have a hint?"
Jungkook blinks. "No, you cannot have a hint."
You're instantly pouting, but Jungkook expects that, because he knows you better than anyone else. Which is why he knows that you're a little spoiled, with a bit of a bratty streak, with just a dash of calculated charm that you use to your advantage to get just about anything you want. He's never seen it as a bad thing. In fact, he finds it cute. A little hot, too, if he's being truthful.
Anyway, he came prepared. Just as you're opening your mouth to no doubt make him spill the surprise, he's hushing you with a bruising kiss to your lips. The kind of kiss that makes you go pliant against him, the kind that makes you make a little noise in the back of your throat. The kind you've been waiting for all night. 
It’s the trick that never truly runs its course. 
And Jungkook is melting, too. Melting, turning to mush at your very feet, until you're moving backwards and clutching at his shoulders, ready to push him onto the couch.
"Mmm," He's humming against you, before he reluctantly draws back. He lets you chase his lips once, twice, before he chuckles lowly. "Hold on, angel."
You're suddenly feeling warm all over after his kisses, wanting nothing more than to cuddle into him into the couch and feel him next to you. Or maybe above you. With that chain you always tugged on dangling in your face. You really weren't picky.
You watched Jungkook break away from you and rummage through his bag with a frown and a newfound heat at the pit of your belly. "It can't wait?"
Like he said, he knows you, which means he knew kisses alone wouldn’t be able to satiate you nor get you to stop asking questions for the entire week. No matter how mind-numbing they may be.
"One second," He promised, and you definitely counted at least five, but he quickly found what he was looking for all the same. "I brought a surprise. Well, two surprises."
He was holding both of his hands behind his back with this stupid grin on his face. You squinted for a few seconds, suspicious, before breathing out a laugh. "Are you ever gonna show me?"
Jungkook looked way too happy with himself.
"The most important surprise is mistletoe, obviously. Gonna have to find a way to glue it on to the ceiling above your bed." And there was that mischievous little smile that told you he had every intention of carrying that out.
You folded your arms over your body and scoffed. Even if you were trying and failing to keep your lips from quirking up and possibly, maybe finding it a little harder to breathe all of a sudden. "You're unbelievable, Jeon."
He just winked and held up his other hand, pulling a gasp from your lips the second you realized what it was.
"The Polar Express!"
"I had to check like, four different stores in the mall to find it. That's why I got here a little late, by the way. But I thought we could make some hot chocolate like in the movie and watch it together and," Jungkook pauses to think, licking his lips. "There's a 'ride my train' joke in here somewhere but I don't know how to say it."
He's snorting at his own delivery before you are, and once your giggles permeate the air he's invading your space again with a lovesick smile.
"You are the sweetest boy," You praise, holding his pretty face with both hands and peppering small kisses all over it the way he secretly likes. "But you make me sick to my stomach sometimes."
If anything, this makes him smile even wider. "I love you too, baby."
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You and Jungkook are in complete darkness besides the light coming from the TV in your room playing Polar Express. His head is on your shoulder with his arm strewn across your waist, and his entire leg slotted between yours. He's soft. He smells like the lavender body soap you keep in your shower. His gentle breaths hit your neck every time he exhales and you're now cliché enough to believe that the heart underneath you beats in tandem with yours. 
Both of your stomachs are filled from the takeout he ordered for dinner and the peppermint hot chocolate you made while he was in the shower. You're still mentally replaying the moment he stepped back in your room, towel wrapped around his waist with droplets of water cascading down his body. His prominent abs and tattoos and wet hair had you scrambling to sit up, clearing your throat as you tasked yourself with handing him his mug. If he noticed you ogling him, he surely didn’t react to it.
Made us some cocoa, you said.
He brought the beverage to his nose and sniffed once, twice, before his entire face bunched up. Peppermint is nasty. Then he was gulping it down.
I thought it was nasty, you laughed in disbelief.
Nothing you make me can be nasty. Thank you, baby.
And now you’re thoroughly warm from the tips of your fingertips down to your toes, and you figure it has less to do with the cocoa and more with the way Jungkook so obviously loves you. The way you love him.
Feeling a tugging at your shirt, you look down to see him peering up at you with a dazed twinkle in his eye. "You're not hot in this?"
You purse your lips and pause, knowing what was coming. "No. Are you?"
He has the decency to look a little clueless. He was always doing that, in a playfully childish way you grew to love.
"Actually, yeah I am," Jungkook furrows his brows, like it was something he was just now realizing. And then he's sitting up and pulling his shirt over his head, and you're instantly staring at his back and remembering the way it feels to rake your fingers up and down it, and he's turning back to you with a lazy smirk. "You don't wanna take yours off, angel?"
You swallow. "I'm okay."
Jungkook starts to laugh, that cocky laugh that is equal parts douchebag-ish and sexy. He's most definitely turning you on and he most definitely knows this, which is why you're glaring at him until he reaches over you and picks up the mistletoe from your bedside desk. He dangles it over your heads, makes sure to wriggle his eyebrows suggestively when he does it, and you want to laugh, you really do. You would probably roll your eyes and call him a nerd too while you were at it, if it weren't for the way he was changing his position and starting to lean over you. Crowding your space in your favorite way. 
Jungkook hears your breathing pick up once you're directly under him, watches the way your lips part and your eyes change for him, and decides to go for the kill.
Nothing about the kiss was soft or gentle. Jungkook clearly had a point to prove and knew how he wanted to do it. The dangling mistletoe was soon forgotten in favor of holding your face by your chin, landing with a chime on your wooden floors. He worked your mouth open in that sloppy, messy, dirty way he only exhibited when he was feeling particularly desperate. Saliva pooled at the corners of your mouth and you were trembling underneath him, clutching at the warm skin of his back. It was nasty, absolutely obscene the way his tongue was in your mouth like his life depended on it. And you loved it. You couldn't stop making these little sounds, and Jungkook was groaning into your mouth right along with you. You were seconds away from pleading for him to do anything he wanted, to make you his, when he's abruptly pulling from you with a wet pop and a string of saliva between you.
Your ragged breaths fill the air, both of your chests heaving as you take a second to attempt to drag yourself out of the haze he's built around you two.
The asshole has the audacity to laugh. "Hot yet?"
"You don't have to bring out the mistletoe to kiss me, you know." You eventually say instead.
"I know," He pants, still smiling like the all-consuming beauty he is. "But you love Christmas. And it's our first. Wanna do it right."
You feel the need to close your eyes, let his words sink in, and so you do. You let the statement blanket over you until you're positively beaming, and when you open your eyes, he is the same. You are so irreversibly in love and you think he might be perfect. You tell him as much.
"You're perfect," You say, all soft and starry eyed. You're nodding when he starts shaking his head, and when the tips of his ears begin to turn red and he's putting his head down, you're giggling and putting both hands on either side of his head to get his eyes back on yours. "I love you a lot."
Jungkook is so happy. "Love you most."
And then he's leaning down again. This kiss is much less frantic, more steady, but still passionate and still with Jungkook, which means it fills your body with heat all the same. Your head is floating and you're squirming under his hold again when you break apart for air.
There's no point in trying to resist him anymore. You never can.
"I'm gonna take my sweater off now."
Jungkook scrunches his nose, and grins. "Okay."
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read part two here!
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touch down (like a seven four seven)
fill for Supercorptober2020′s prompt: fall
read on ao3
Kara has seen seasons change more often than anything else, on this Earth and the others—in this universe and then some.
Fall remains her favorite though. The marvel of leaves changing from green to various shades of orange and red holds quite the candle to the bluest ocean she’s once seen on a planet one or two lightyears away, or the unfading gold light of the sun from another.
(Maybe it reminds her a bit of Krypton, of red that means life and the rebirth that will follow more than death and destruction.)
There’s really only one shade of color that measures up to how much she loves the season. Her favorite shade of green. But it’s currently on the other side of the world, hidden in the safest place she and everyone in their team managed to think of in the span of a week that’s also been riddled by every sort of attack Leviathan could send their way in their attempts to break Lex Luthor out; and under the most strict instructions of absolute zero contact that Alex has made them both swear to, no matter how much every inch of Kara’s body aches at the mere thought.
But Alex has promised in return that it’ll all be over in two weeks. And Alex never breaks her promises. Kara opts to believe that as she stares at the expanse of the city. Her eyes sweep over the seas of green and red for some semblance of comfort, draining the last dredges of her coffee for the littlest warmth it can offer before chucking the paper cup inside the bin.
Four more days. Kara thinks she’ll be fine.
Kara is most definitely not fine. 
Two days left—and yes, she definitely has them crossed out in glaring red on the calendar that she’s stuck on her fridge door for this very purpose—and everything that can go wrong has gone wrong.
As it turns out, Leviathan has one last trick up their sleeve: an ace in the form of a White Martian that Rao knows how they managed to pull in. It has morphed itself as one of their agents assigned to transfer Lex to the new prison cell they’ve built solely for him, and then switched itself back to its towering form just as Alex has unlocked the gates.
The next thing Kara knows, there’s a hulking alien wreaking havoc all over the DEO, with a gaggle of Leviathan soldiers right behind it. But it’s the boom that ultimately catches Kara’s attention, ringing in her ears in a way that isn’t supposed to. 
Loud, and throbbing, and deafening.
Her muscles scream in protest next—or maybe it really is her, her own voice that’s shrieking in pain as she watches the worst shade of green course through her veins. At the corner of her eye, she catches Kal-El not faring well either, falling to his knees in his struggle for air.
Kara’s never been one to hate anybody; has made it a habit to give second chances, a third, a fourth, some fifths.
But she really, really, really hates Lex.
Lena though, Kara loves.
Rao, Kara loves her so fiercely. Her unrestricted laughter whenever she and Kara win at game night. The witty retorts she’s no longer scared to throw at Alex’s way.
Her courage. Her tenacity. Her brilliant mind. 
Her loyalty. Her good heart. The biggest, greatest good heart Kara’s ever known.
Kara may be the Girl of Steel, but Lena is Kara’s very own personal hero.
It’s something that Lena has never failed to prove. Even during moments when she’s not supposed to. 
(Maybe especially then.)
She pops in—quite literally, too, jumping out of a blue portal that pops out in the middle of the fight out of nowhere—armed with two small grenades concealed in one hand, and what might as well be Kara’s heart in the other.
Her broken Lena is pained at first, as she pleads at her to step right back into the portal where she’s come from. Yet, it only gets buried beneath the soundless explosion that follows when both of the grenades leave Lena’s hand and split open at the peak of their arcs, a bright light then filling the room and practically blinding everyone save for Kara and Superman.
What comes next is a blur. Between the much reinforced yellow sun grenades and the adrenaline from finally seeing her favorite pair of green eyes after the longest two weeks of Kara’s life, Kara can’t recall much. Just a ton of punching and kicking, freezing the White Martian until it’s almost a literal block of ice, and the kiss Lena gives her before she goes after Lex’s escaping chopper, wrapped in good luck, kick his ass to the next galaxy, and I love you to the ever expanding universe and back.
When it’s all over and Lex is back and finally secured, Kara kisses Lena this time, wraps it in you’ve always been the best out of all of us, I missed you so much, and I love you to the universe and back too.
“How—when—but—” Alex sputters as she looks around the mess she’ll have to fix later. Though, ultimately, her gaze settles on Lena, her eyes wide and wild with a mix of utter confusion and unbridled reverence she can’t quite manage to restrain. “You promised!”
“I did,” Lena agrees. But there’s a smirk that takes over her face that Alex can only roll her eyes at. “You made me promise not to contact Kara, and I adhered to that completely. You just never made me promise not to talk to Winn.”
Right behind the other woman, Winn waltzes in as if he’s been beckoned, stepping out of a similar portal that Lena has earlier and gaping at the same mess that Alex is already getting a headache from just thinking about.
(Kara’s sure it’s a mechanism from the future, a technology Lena isn’t even supposed to wield yet, and yet, she does. Of course.)
An exasperated sigh escapes Alex’s lungs, but it’s gratitude that fills the space between them, one that’s soon gone as Alex pulls a surprised Lena to a grateful hug. It’s a sentiment she has no problem letting Lena know, either. “Thanks for saving our asses.”
“I had Winn’s help,” Lena tries to curtail.
Yet, Alex refuses to let her. But she does pull back to give Lena some room, knowing that even after everything and despite all the good she’s done, there are still some things Lena isn’t used to receiving. So she makes a show of looking over her shoulder where Winn is, as if watching his reaction when she says, “I’m sure all he did was send you the blueprint.”
Winn gasps aptly. “How dare you. I sent her the materials too!”
Lena laughs, lets herself be pulled by Kara this time, and sinks into Kara’s arms where she knows she belongs.
In a tiny park that lies at the outskirts of the city, this is where Kara finally gets to enjoy the beginnings of her favorite season.
She basks in the scent of the cool Autumn air that fills her as she drops her weight on the back of one of the wooden benches facing the small lake. And there’s a kind of warmth that spreads all over her chest that has absolutely nothing to do with the cup of pumpkin spice latte resting in her hands.
It’s Lena. It always has been Lena.
The one constant in Kara’s life that she knows she can depend on—though there was a time that Lena wasn’t, and Kara will spend the rest of her life making up for that—even more constant and sure than the changing seasons.
Lena who knows each one of Kara’s smiles, and the reason behind every crinkle in her forehead. 
Lena who probably will never understand Kara’s affinity for feeding ducks, but brings a loaf of bread anyway.
Lena, who Kara is sure now she loves even more than Fall itself.
“So how was Undredal?”
Lena hums, burrowing into Kara’s side as another breeze ruffles her hair. “Very green. Very humble. And the people are lovely.”
“Yeah?” Kara replies. She leans down a little bit to plant a tender kiss on Lena’s temple, and then adds with a teasing grin. “Met someone?”
“I did, actually,” Lena says much to Kara’s horror. “He’s cute, and quite the perfect gentleman during our dates. A bit scruffy but it works for him. Comes up to my waist when he stands to greet me every time he sees me.”
The rest of Lena’s words don’t seem to register in Kara’s mind, her thoughts suddenly stuck on a loop that repeats nothing else but dates, and her heart pounding in a way she really doesn’t like—has her sputtering through. “D-dates?”
Her face twists in a way that sends a jolt straight to Lena’s heart, aching to soothe it. She forgets about her quip entirely then; says, “He’s my neighbor’s dog, darling. They were a kind elderly couple that baked scones for me almost every day that I spent there.”
“Oh,” Kara mumbles as realization dawns at her, the rest of Lena’s words finally filtering in; can’t help but whine, “Lena.”
“They do keep trying to set me up with their son though. I must admit I admire their persistence.”
(But, oh, Kara loves her so.)
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get-your-fics · 4 years
Suburbia - Part Three
Playing Games
Summary: You have the seemingly perfect life, with the perfect house and the perfect husband. But the illusion threatens to be unraveled when you start to have strange but familiar nightmares.
Pairing: Albert Wesker x reader
Series warnings: Smut, dub-con/non-con, breeding kink, sex pollen, blood, violence
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You were running again.
The undead creatures were hot on your trail, hissing and snarling and growling like animals. The same one lunged at you again, but you easily evaded its attack and threw it backwards as if it was second nature for you. You sprinted towards the bright light in front of you, glowing like the light at the end of the tunnel. You kept your focus straight ahead, your heartbeat pounding in your ears.
You expected the dream to end as you drew closer, but it continued on. You stepped into the light, and the doors slid closed behind you with a mechanical whoosh, locking the monsters out on the other side. You doubled over with your hands on your knees, desperately trying to catch your breath. When you stood up, you saw that you were in a completely white hallway that seemed to stretch on and on forever in front of you.
Next thing you knew, men in white lab coats were on you in a second, poking and prodding at you with advanced technological devices. “Sir, subject 107 has completed the test.”
You heard the thud of solid boots and looked up as another man entered your field of vision. His broad shoulders and large, well-built frame intimidated you. He stood out in the white hallway clad in all black. A pair of dark sunglasses concealed his eyes, but besides that, his face was a blur. Whoever he was, he exuded an air of smug confidence and authority.
“By running away like a coward,” the man said. His voice was low and gruff.
“I’m done playing your game.” You barely recognized the voice as your own, bitter with a hardened edge to it. It felt like the words weren’t coming from you at all.
The man laughed, sending chills down your spine that made you visibly shiver. “You’re not done until I say you are.” He turned his back on you. “Take her back to her holding cell.”
Two of the lab coats grabbed onto each of your arms and started dragging you away. You grit your teeth and jerked against their hands on you. You shook one of them off, sending him flying into the wall. He hit it with a resounding bang, his neck breaking with an audible snap. You kicked the other one in the chest, knocking him back against the wall. He slid down it and crumpled into a lifeless heap.
Once freed, you barred your teeth and ran at the man in black. You jumped on his back and started scratching at him with all your might. He reached behind him without looking, and you felt a sharp prick in your neck as he stabbed you with a needle. Almost immediately, all the strength left your limbs. You slipped off his back and landed onto the floor.
Your vision grew fuzzier, and the world swirled around you in a blur of black and white. The last thing you saw was the man in black leaning over you. “We’re going to have so much fun together, you and I,” he whispered before everything faded to black.
You gasped as you sat up straight in bed. You clutched your chest as you hyperventilated. Your hand absentmindedly fluttered to your neck where you had been injected in the nightmare. You felt like you could still feel the sharp sting as the needle entered your flesh.
There was a shift in weight on the bed beside you, and the covers rustled as they were drawn back. “Honey, what’s wrong?” Your husband’s arms wrapped around you and pulled you back against his chest. When you still didn’t respond, he cupped your face in his hands and forced you to look at him. “Sweetie, please, tell me what’s wrong.”
You stared into his eyes. They were so full of caring and concern. “I... I had another nightmare,” you stuttered. “But this time, it was different.”
He furrowed his brow. “What do you mean?”
“After running away from the creatures, I was in this hallway.” You took a pause to suck in a breath. “There were these scientists, and this man. I couldn’t see his face, but he was dressed in all black.” You felt tears well in your eyes as the nightmare came back to you in full detail. “I think they were experimenting on me.”
“Shhh, it’s okay,” he spoke soothingly. He carded a hand through your hair and rocked you back and forth. “It was just a dream. It’s not real.”
“But it felt real.” You pushed away from him. “These aren’t nightmares. They’re real things that happened to me, I know it. I don’t know why I can’t remember, but I think talking to Alice and Rain yesterday unlocked something in my memory,” you urged. “I know how this sounds, but you have to believe me.”
“No, I don’t think you do know how this sounds,” Albert sneered at you. He stood up, towering over you. “Don’t you realize how crazy you’re acting? Undead monsters? Experimental tests?” he said incredulously. “You’re letting your imagination run rampant. They’re just dreams - nothing more, nothing less." He shook his head at you disapprovingly. "I don’t know who you are, but you’re not acting like the woman I married right now.”
You felt your heart sink in your chest. Hearing it all out loud did make you realize how absurd you sounded. “Albert, I’m sorry.”
“I have to get ready for work.” He turned his back on you and walked into the bathroom. He slammed the door shut, shrouding you in darkness.
You listened to him clomp around behind you, from the bedroom to his office to the bedroom again as you painted your nails red in the bathroom. Finally, he stopped his clomping and appeared behind you in the mirror wearing a wide grin.
“I’m heading off to work now.” He placed a hand on your shoulder and kissed the top of your head. “Be a good girl for me while I’m gone, okay?”
You smiled back at him. “I always am.”
His smile only grew. “I know.” He gave your shoulder a gentle pat before leaving, briefcase in hand. The smile slipped from your face the second he was out of sight.
You finished painting your nails and heard the muffled rev of a car engine starting up. The garage door opened and closed, and the noise of the engine faded down the street. You capped the nail polish and gripped the edge of the sink until your knuckles turned white.
You stared at your reflection so hard you thought you would burn a hole through your mirror image. You let your gaze rake over your hair, your facial features, the flimsy nightgown covering your body, the flawless skin of your collarbone where there should be puncture wounds. You looked back up at your eyes. They seemed dark and void of light. Was there even anything behind them? Did you have a soul? Or was none of these real? Was this all some illusion, some fantasy you concocted for yourself that you only woke from when you were sleeping? You swore the mirror would shatter under the heavy weight of your contemplative gaze.
You pushed off of the sink. You had made up your mind. You wanted answers.
You walked out into the hall to the mystery door. Without hesitation, you jiggled the doorknob. It was still locked. Growing frustrated, you cried out and kicked at it. You stared in shock as the force of your kick broke the lock, and the door swung open on its hinges with ease. You leaned inside the dark room and felt along the wall for a light switch. You found it and flicked it on. You winced and blinked rapidly as your eyes adjusted to light flooding the room.
You didn’t know what you were expecting. Something sinister, maybe. But definitely not whatever this was.
You stepped inside. The walls were painted a pale yellow, and the carpeted floor was plush under your bare feet. You walked over to the solid, white dresser with a mirror above it. You reached out for one of the many plushies lined atop it and squished its soft center. Continuing your perusal of the room, there was a hamper in the corner and a bookshelf stocked full of books. You picked one up and flipped through it. They were all children’s books. You put it back and moved on. On the other side of the room was a toy box and a rocking chair next to a crib, and a changing station...
It was a nursery.
You didn’t know how to react. There was nothing overtly nefarious about the room. It was rather normal, and yet there was something off and fake about it that sent chills down your spine. What was inside this room didn’t give you any answers. If anything, it only raised more questions.
You left the room and walked across the hall to the door of Albert’s office. You tried it, and it was locked. You kicked it like you did with the other one, and it caved in. You walked inside and switched on the light, the lamp by his desk flickering to life.
His office was ordinary. There was a long bookshelf along one wall, and a large, oak desk on the other side. You ran over to it and practically ransacked it. You pulled out the drawers and dumped them onto the ground. You sifted through the piles of papers on his desk top, searching for something, anything, that would give you some clue as to what was going on. But all you found were work reports, transcripts from meetings, bills, receipts, budgets, grocery lists. You looked through the files on his computer. Surprisingly, it didn’t require a password to access. It was more of the same, excel sheets and emails between employees.
You sat back in the middle of the room surrounded by the mess you had made. Maybe you really were losing it. You were so sure something larger was at play here, and yet all you had found was a nursery and an office. Albert had probably just finished renovating the former and planned to surprised you, which was why he had kept it behind closed doors - literally. You must have hallucinated cutting off your fingers. All this time inside wasn’t doing you any good. Maybe when Albert got back, you would ask him to take you on vacation somewhere, get away from the hum drum of day to day life. Or maybe he had the right idea, and a baby would eat up more of your free time.
You rose from the ground with a sigh and started putting everything back in its rightful place. You were finishing shuffling the papers on his desk when your hand accidentally knocked over a bronze statue of a doberman pincher. A rumbling came from behind you, and you turned around to see the bookcase split in the middle and slide apart to reveal a hidden part of the room.
You slowly stalked forward. When you stepped inside, the room illuminated with a garish and fluorescent glow. It looked to be some sort of lab, tubes filled with electric green and blue liquid lining the white walls. You padded across the cold, tiled floors to a desk. Above it were several televisions displaying surveillance footage from multiple places inside your house - the bedroom, the bathroom, the kitchen, the living room, the dining room, and even the nursery.
On the desk were various manila folders marked confidential in big, red letters. Each one had a red and white insignia with ‘Umbrella Corp’ printed underneath. You spotted one labeled ‘Subject 107’ and flipped it open. Your eyes scanned over the words in neat, black typewriting font:
”Subject 107, otherwise known as (Y/N) (Y/L/N), was successfully injected with the T-virus. Her cells bonded with the virus, granting her superhuman abilities such as advanced strength, speed, and regenerative healing. Unlike Project W, 107 does not require regulated doses of the anti-virus in order to keep her levels in check. Instead, her antibodies mutated of their own accord to balance out the amount of T-virus infecting her cells. It is not completely certain why this is, although test results show that her genetic DNA may be what makes her an ideal host for the T-virus.”
You reread the paragraph over and over before closing the folder. You picked up another one and searched through its contents. There was a calendar that looked normal enough, but upon closer inspection, appeared to be keeping track of your menstrual cycle. You moved to the next file; it was a list of every meal you ate throughout the day. You came across a stack of printed out reports that documented your time in the house. You skimmed through them, a sentence or a note catching your attention every now and then:
“Subject is responding well to the fertility treatment, however, still has not been able to conceive.”
“Subject has been describing reoccurring ‘nightmares’ that depict scenarios similar to tests she endured in the past. This could be a side effect of the memory erasure.”
And, the most recent, written and printed out mere hours ago:
“Subject’s nightmares have further developed. I believe this was caused by conversing with the Alice and Rain clones from yesterday. It seems her repressed memories are appearing in her dreams. If this continues and the subject becomes suspicious, we should consider enacting the contingency plan before the situation gets out of hand.”
You dropped the folder on the desk as if it had burned you. You turned your attention to the computer. Unfortunately, this one did need a password to access it. You tried several phrases you had read in the files, such as ‘subject107’ or ‘projectw’ or ‘umbrellacorp,’ but none of them worked. You chewed on your bottom lip in thought as you blinked at the bright screen. The keys clacked under your fingers as you typed in ‘(y/n)(y/l/n)’ and hit enter.
It took a second before the computer loaded to a plain, red background. There were several folders scattered all across the desktop containing what you were sure were varying levels of important information. But one folder in particular called ‘Project Eden’ caught your eye. You clicked on it, bringing up several video files. You scrolled through them and chose one titled ‘Trial 017.’
The window popped up. You made it full screen and pressed play. It looked like footage from a security camera high up in the corner of a room. It was all white, the only furniture in the room a bed with a metal frame bolted down to the floor. You squinted at the screen. You could barely make out a figure in the bed, and your eyes widened in shock when you realized the figure was in fact you.
You were wearing a hospital gown, and your wrists and ankles were strapped down to the bed. You hardly recognized yourself. Your hair was matted and mussed, dark circles hung under your eyes, and reddish-purple bruises decorated your skin. The door to the room swung open, and four men in lab coats followed by the man in black stormed into the room.
“Hold her down,” the man in black boomed. Your heart stopped beating when you took in his facial features for the first time. Even with his sunglasses on, you knew who it was.
It was Albert.
The men grabbed onto your arms and legs as you started to thrash. Albert produced a syringe full of a clear liquid and held it up threateningly, the sharp point of the needle glinting in the light. “Hold still. This will only hurt a little bit.”
You reared back and spat in his face. “Fuck you, Wesker!”
He didn’t even flinch. He merely lifted his gloved hand and wiped away your spit in one swipe. “Struggling will only make this more painful for you, (Y/N).” His voice sounded so unfamiliar, so unlike him. “We can either do this the easy way or the hard way.”
You sat up and bit into one of the men’s arm, ripping out a chunk of flesh with nothing but your teeth. He screamed and let go, clutching his wounded arm in horror as blood stained his white lab coat. You cried out in anguish as you broke free from your restraints. You leapt onto one of the men, snapping his neck with a twist of your hands. You released him, and his head hung limp at an unnatural angle.
Wesker sighed. “The hard way it is.”
He grabbed you by your collar and jerked you back against his chest. He snaked his arm around your waist as he injected you with the foreign substance. You grimaced and clawed at his grip on you helplessly. “Get out of here. Now,” he hissed at the men.
They instantly scurried away like rats towards the door, dragging the corpse of their colleague along with them. Once they were gone, he threw you on the ground and scrambled on top of you. “Get off of me!” you whined, but your defiance was weakening. “Get off...”
You tried to crawl away from him, but he pulled you back with ease. He flipped up your skirt, and you were disgusted to see that you were bare underneath the hospital gown. He unzipped his pants and took out his hardening cock. He held you in place as he gave himself a few strokes. He positioned himself at your entrance and pushed into you fully with one thrust.
You let out a high-pitched wail as he didn’t hold back, slamming into you at an inhuman pace. You fought back at first, but as time dragged on, you watched as your face contorted into an expression of pleasure. Your pained grunts morphed into moans, and you rocked your hips back against him desperately, beads of sweat dripping down your forehead.
Wesker chuckled darkly above you. “That’s right. Stop resisting and let go.” He wrapped his fingers around your neck. A strangled moan escaped your throat as he tightened his grip, your irises now mere rims around your blown out pupils. “I told you we would have fun together. We’re going to change the world.”
You hit pause on the video. You couldn’t handle seeing anymore. You inhaled a shaky breath. Memories came flooding back like a dam had broke in your brain, of you locked up in that room, no way of telling time, of scientists running experiments on you and treating you like a lab rat, of being subjected to tests with those horrid creatures, of Wesker torturing and abusing you relentlessly. You felt a drop hit your cheek, and you touched it with your finger. You hadn’t even comprehended the tears starting to leak from your eyes.
“So, you finally figured it out.”
You whirled around to see Wesker standing behind you. He looked exactly as he did in the video, as he had in your nightmare, dressed in all black leather with a pair of shades covering his eyes. You hadn’t even heard him pull into the garage or his usually heavy footsteps as he climbed the stairs.
“I have to say, I’m proud of you,” the corners of his lips curled into a sinister smirk, “but you just got yourself into a world of trouble.”
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callunavulgari · 3 years
Scrapbook 2021 | Part I
For anyone that’s new to this, this is how I keep track of all of the things I enjoy and/or create throughout the year. I have literally been doing this since I had a livejournal. I think the first one was 2011? Maybe? In which case, woohoo, ten years of scrapbooking!
It’s a nice little snippet of my life and helps to organize my brain.
A reminder:
Normal font - Indifferent/Neutral Italicized font - Enjoyed bold font - Loved with an asterisk* - All time favorite (bracketed titles) - Re-watches/Re-reads strikethough - Disliked
Goals are: read 80 books, finish five video games, write more than 20 fics or something larger than 20k, and write either an original short story or start a novel. 
Past Years
(Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring)
(Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers)
(Lord of the Rings: Return of the King)
Robin Hood
(Age of Ultron)
From Up On Poppy Hill
(The Mummy)
Raya and the Last Dragon
(My Neighbor Totoro)
(Hunchback of Notre Dame)
(Beauty and the Beast)
Weathering With You
A Deadly Education | Naomi Novak [Fin]
Home Body | Rupi Kaur [Fin]
The Sunken Mall | K.D. Edwards [Fin]
Bloom | Kevin Panetta [Fin]
The Angel of Crows | Katherine Addison
All the Stars and Teeth | Adalyn Grace [Fin]
The Adventure Zone: Vol 1 | McElroys & Carey Pietsch [Fin]
I Hope You Stay | Courtney Peppernell [Fin]
Pillow Thoughts | Courtney Peppernell [Fin]
Piraneesi | Susanna Clarke [Fin]
The Ex Talk | Rachel Lynn Solomon [Fin]
The Adventure Zone: Vol 2 | McElroys & Carey Pietsch [Fin]
The Adventure Zone: Vol 3 | McElroys & Carey Pietsch [Fin]
The Angel of Crows | Katherine Addison
Alice Isn’t Dead | Joseph Fink
Winter’s Orbit | Everina Maxwell [Fin]
Fireheart Tiger | Aliette de Bodard [Fin]
Alice Isn’t Dead | Joseph Fink
Fire | Kristin Cashore [Fin]
Bitterblue | Kristin Cashore [Fin]
The Witch’s Heart | Genevieve Gornichec [Fin]
Winterkeep | Kristin Cashore
Alice Isn’t Dead | Joseph Fink [Fin]
Winterkeep | Kristin Cashore [Fin]
The Memory Theater | Karin Tidbeck [Fin]
These Violent Delights | Chloe Gong 
(Red White and Royal Blue | Casey Mcquiston) [Fin]
Rule of Wolves | Leigh Bardugo [Fin]
Alice Isn’t Dead | Joseph Fink [Fin]
Not the Girl You Marry | Andie Christopher [Fin]
The Echo Wife | Sarah Gailey [Fin]
The Midnight Library | Matt Haig
Catherine House | Elisabeth Thomas [Fin]
Séance Tea Party | Reimena Yee [Fin]
Lumberjanes vol 1 | Noelle Stevenson [Fin]
The Unseen, Christmas and New Year Special
The Penumbra Podcast, Juno Steel arc, Heart of It All and What Lies Beyond
The Penumbra Podcast, Second Citadel, Strong Arm of Justice and The Priestess’ Fortune
I Am In Eskew, Episode 16
Welcome to Night Vale, Episode 67, 68, and 69
The Magnus Archives, Episode 190 and 191
The Magnus Archives, Episode 192-194
The Adventure Zone, Episodes 15-60
The Magnus Archives, Episode 194-200 [Fin]
The Adventure Zone, Episodes 60-TAZ BALANCE ENDING
MBMBAM, Episode 1
I Am In Eskew, Episode 17-22
I Am In Eskew, Episode 23-END
Alice Isn’t Dead, Episode 18-END
His Dark Materials, s2 [Fin]
Watcher Entertainment
Buzzfeed Worth It
(Black Sails, s1)
The Queen’s Gambit**
Cherry Magic
Wandavision, s1
Watcher Entertainment
The Owl House
(Little Witch Academia)
Star vs the Forces of Evil, s3, s4
Buzzfeed Unsolved: True Crime
Heaven’s Official Blessing
Wandavision, s1 [Fin]
Watcher Entertainment, Puppet History & Watcher Weekly
Falcon and the Winter Soldier
Word of Honor
Word of Honor, s1
Watcher Entertainment, Puppet History
Falcon and the Winter Soldier, s1
Kim’s Convenience, s1, 2, 3, 4
Leverage, s4
Shadow and Bone, s1
The Great, s1
Hades, 37 hours [Fin]
Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla, 35 hours
Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla, 35 hours
Hades, 75+ hours? 
Animal Crossing: New Horizons, 16 hours
Persona 5 Royal
Animal Crossing: New Horizons, 45 hours
Persona 5 Royal, 141 hours
Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla, 35 hours
Concrete Genie, 3 hours
Concrete Genie, 6 hours [Fin]
Animal Crossing: New Horizons, 65 hours
Persona 5 Royal, 160 hours
Monster Hunter Rise, 2 hours
Civ, 5 hours
Modern Rustic by beethechange | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 22k | “I think,” he says, finally, “that if we looked around this place hard enough, we’d find a rose underneath a—a glass thing, what’s it called—losing petals. Metaphorically.”
easy livin' by sarcasticfishes | Buzzfeed Unsolved (Fallout AU) | Ryan/Shane | 6k | The Wasteland - and Ryan - through Shane's eyes.
(in nocte consiliam by oxymoronic | Bartimaeus | Bartimaeus/Nathaniel | 4k | London, 2003. Britain is on the brink of war, and someone is trying rather hard to kill John Mandrake.)
made of glass the way you see through me by uneventfulhouses | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 19k | Will it always be like this? Ryan wonders, watching Shane lope up the snowy walkway and pushing his way through the front door, humming some jolly old tune in that way Shane’s prone to do. Theatrical, performing for an audience even though Ryan is the only one around.
All Your Stars In View by alpha_exodus | Harry Potter | Draco/Harry | 18k | Life after the war is difficult for Harry, especially when the only thing that makes him feel better is, oddly enough, being around Malfoy. So when Malfoy asks to paint his portrait, Harry can't refuse, even if it means baring himself in more ways than one.
13 Genuinely Awful Things About Steven by thefourthvine | Buzzfeed Worth It | Steven/Andrew | 10k | Andrew’s learned to like cake, he’s learned to like oysters, and he’s learned to like Steven.
we’ll make a brand new start of it (in old new york) by misantlery | Buzzfeed Worth It | Steven/Andrew | 10k | “Just to be clear,” Andrew says. “You want me to pretend to be your boyfriend at a party to spite your high school bully and your high school girlfriend and possibly the entire state of Ohio?”
Russian Roulette Croquembouche by misantlery | Buzzfeed Worth It | Andrew/Steven | 9k | “Get that on your business card,” Andrew advises. “Steven Lim, video producer, world traveler, fancy dessert boy. Human cream puff.”
rose-colored boy by juniperProse | Buzzfeed Worth It | Steven/Andrew | 2k | Andrew’s eyes are pink.
Like Wildfire by makemadej | Watcher Entertainment | Shane/Ryan | 20k | “Is this gonna be a thing with you?” Ryan demands. “You can’t keep committing to stuff that no one else knows about! When people online say they want you to be more open and vulnerable, this is not what they mean.”
Scratching the Itch by bendingsignpost | Doctor Who | Rose/Ten | 20k | Her mum had always told her that blokes had only one thing on their minds, but this was taking it to an entirely new level.
lie back and let me unlock you by Lise | The Untamed | Xiao Xingchen/Xue Yang | 7k | Xiao Xingchen, reluctantly, admits to certain fantasies that he has. His friend is happy to indulge him.
in our respective ways by Lise | The Untamed | Jiang Cheng & Lan Wangji | 6k | Jiang Cheng has his golden core back. But he seems to have lost Wei Wuxian.
By Proxy by Lise | The Untamed | Jiang Cheng/Lan Wangji | 12k | Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji, looking for comfort in all the wrong places.
some good mistakes by Lise | The Untamed | Jiang Cheng & Lan Wangji | 18k |  Or, the one where Wei Wuxian vanishes and Lan Wangji, reluctantly, asks for Jiang Cheng's help tracking him down.
efforts in a common cause by Lise | The Untamed | Xiao Xingchen/Xue Yang/Song Lan | 12k | Everybody's walked out of Yi City alive. Now it's just three badly adjusted adults (and one badly adjusted teenager) trying to make things work - a project somewhat derailed by a night hunt that turns out to be something else.
swinger of birches by astronicht | The Untamed | Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian | 23k | Lan Zhan is a little witch in the house on the hill, whispering out a love curse. Wei Ying is a witch undead, undone.
let me desecrate you by hkafterdark | The Untamed | Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian | 6k | “Dangerous words.” Wei Wuxian drew back. The flickering candlelight gave him an otherworldly appearance; that, and his beauty, unchanged since the first time Lan Wangji had seen him. “You aren’t afraid to be at the mercy of the fearsome Yiling laozu?”
The Demon Affair by stereobone | Yu Yu Hakusho | Hiei/Kurama | 9k | Kurama accidentally seduces Hiei into a relationship.
i came to win (and i won) by paperclipbitch | The Queen’s Gambit | Beth/Benny | 3k | They play chess, and they fuck.The two things are not the same.
Sylvain Gautier Would Love To Try To Solve All Your Problems Through Sex (Hey It Might Help) by Fall Out Boy by harriet_vane | Fire Emblem: Three Houses | Sylvain/Felix | 22k | In which Sylvain wakes up on the wrong tour bus, and refuses to be their sex therapist (unless Felix asks nicely)
Turnabout and Start Again by runningondreams | The Untamed | Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji | 34k | WIP | Wei Wuxian lives. The siege fails.Thirteen years later, Lan Wangji wakes in a body that is not his own.
μήτηρ, in the Greek by antistar_e (kaikamahine) | Hades | Nyx & Persephone, canon relationships | 37k | At the end of this recounting, she tilted her head and asked politely, Is this not how you have children?Uh, no, said Persephone.
that voodoo that you do so well by veterization | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 18k |  Ryan buys a voodoo potion oil at Voodoo Authentica meant to attract Yummy Boys. Appropriately, things happen.
A Bridge Between by Runespoor | Spirited Away | Gen | 3k | Years later, Chihiro moves into a new apartment; her parents help.
the ghost king's bride by arahir | Tian Guan Ci Fu | Hua Cheng/Xie Lian | 10k | Ghosts won't stop giving Xie Lian flowers, Hua Cheng won't stop teasing, and Xie Lian is out here doing his best, man.
Side bitch out of your league by rohkeutta | Captain America | Steve/Bucky | 3k | “I tried to call Sam,” Captain America says, bewildered. He’s sprinting like Usain Bolt and doesn’t sound even a little out of breath. Fucker. “Who’re you?”
cause in your warmth (I forget how cold it can be) by madnessandbrilliance | Promare | Lio/Galo | 7k | Lio is always freezing. Galo is always warm. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out the rest.
backdraft by broments | Promare | Lio/Galo | 32k | It happens in an instant, Galo gaping like an idiot while Lio presses forward to defend against the perceived threat, the weapon sparkling but not burning as it kisses Galo's throat.
your perfect crime (& how you laugh when you lie) by aroceu | The Untamed | Lan Zhan/Wei Wuxian | Death Note AU | 8k | The first time a convicted murderer dies of a heart attack in their jail cell, no one thinks anything of it.
Yosuke will now die for you! by DragonBandit | Persona 4 | Yosuke/Souji | 5k | ...This, causes problems.
dramamine by brawlite | The Untamed | Song Lan/Xue Yang | 7k | Song Lan is having a bad morning. Help comes from the last person he'd expect: Xue Yang.
Hearth and Home by lady_ragnell | Leverage | Alec/Eliot/Parker | 1k | When Eliot goes to a temple, or when he’s in one place long enough to build a shrine, he doesn’t do it for Ares. He does it for Hestia.
Where One Ends and the Other Begins by kalliopeia | Leverage | Alec/Parker/Eliot | 30k | Nobody’s particularly shocked when the job goes spectacularly sideways because their loot turns out to be magic. Parker and Eliot begin reading each other’s minds, accidental sharing happens, and shenanigans result.
Hungry Thirsty Roots by coolkidroland | Persona 5 | Akechi/Akira | 56k | In which Akira absolutely does not learn to leave well enough alone. **
Without Grasping Yet by Angelic_Ascent | Persona 5 | Akechi/Akira | 8k | Akechi and Akira end up far too cramped for comfort in the Morgana bus. And then they're left alone in Mementos.
Falling Up by KivaEmber | Persona 5 | Akechi/Akira | 2k | “If it helps…” Akira spoke up suddenly, his tone morbidly amused, “I forgive you, for shooting me in the face.”
Touch of Forbidden by tirsynni | LoZ | Ganondorf/Link | 2k |  Nabooru warned him not to travel to the Spirit Temple. So of course Link went to the Spirit Temple.
breaking the same old heart by tardigradeschool | The Adventure Zone | Magnus/Taako | 11k | Taako and Magnus in triptych: before, during, and after the Bureau.**
your head is good, it’s loyal, it’s clean by Anonymous | TAZ | Magnus/Taako | 4k | "Here, I do this all the time."Too quickly for him to react, Taako plucks away one of his golden rings and slips it onto the ring finger of Magnus' left hand.
bruising kisses, whispered confessions by tangerine_skye | TAZ | Magnus/Taako | 3k | The trio stop over at an inn for the night. Taako and Magnus share a bed.
i can see what's coming (but i'm not saying it) by pansywaist | TAZ | Magnus/Taako | 3k | His breath is still hot on Taako's lips, distracting enough he almost misses the strained whisper: “I thought I was gonna lose you.”
Emergency Consolation in the Pocket Spa by Anonymous | TAZ | Magnus/Taako | 3k | If Magnus wants to hug a wizard, Magnus gets to hug a wizard.
together for the long haul by kismetNemesis | TAZ | Magnus/Taako | 6k | Magnus and Taako were married on a bright spring day in the year after they saved the world.
thin skin, bruises, and a cold cup of tea by GayFrankensteinsMonster | TAZ | Magnus/Taako | 3k | Sleep is for the weak, and Magnus has no weaknesses, except for his own natural curiosity.
tender is the night by dollylux | TAZ | Magnus/Taako | 10k |  “It’s just…” He runs a hand through the thick bramble of his hair, gripping the crown of it to anchor himself. He sighs, slumping back against the footboard. “I guess I’m just not very good at one on one. Like, not… not in any way.”
a note is attached to the top of the vial by GayFrankensteinsMonster | TAZ | Kravitz/Taako, Magnus/Taako | 5k |  Elves have a lifespan of up to six hundred years. The people that you know don't even come close to that.
Pieces of Memory and Heart by ellemaris | Raya and the Last Dragon | Raya/Namaari | 1k | Raya isn't sure how to heal everything between Heart and Fang, but returning something important to Namaari seems like a start.
the gods laugh by miss_aphelion | The Untamed | Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji | 11k+ | WIP | Wei Wuxian is just getting used to being alive again when he's ripped from the world he knows. He wakes in a place where his sister and her husband live, where his brother doesn't hate him, where the Wen remnants have all survived.
In Your Room, In Your Bed by giraffeter | The Untamed | Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji/Jiang Cheng | 25k | After Wei Ying is disowned, Yu Ziyuan forbids Jiang Cheng from letting Wei Ying live with him. Jiang Cheng lets him stay anyway because Fuck That. He tells his parents Lan Zhan is his new roommate instead.
in the blossom season (in the pouring rain) by varnes | The Untamed | Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji | 14k |  “Doctor Flowers,” Lan Zhan repeats, pointing at the tiny plum tree, just to confirm that his son is suggesting a magical tree named Doctor Flowers sprouted overnight and made their tame family project turn into a verdant jungle.
34 years old - 5'8" - DL - no-BB by withpractice_ff | Ace Attorney | Edgeworth/Phoenix | 3k | Phoenix finds Edgeworth’s Grindr profile
spinning with the stars above by tardigradeschool | The Untamed | Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji | 7k | Wangji returns home to Vulcan for the first time since he left for Starfleet Academy, this time with Wei Ying at his side. He’s not expecting Wei Ying and his uncle to be fast friends, but things go poorly in a very different way than he was expecting.
every breath that comes before by tardigradeschool | The Untamed | Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian | 10k | Or, what if that cup of wine Wei Wuxian drank for Lan Wangji after the Phoenix Mountain hunt wasn't just wine?
never love an anchor by tardigradeschool | Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji | 31k | A fisherman and a selkie fall in love beside the sea. Regretfully, things are never quite that simple.
Be Careful by giraffeter | The Untamed | Song Lan/Xue Yang | 5k |  Song Lan and Xue Yang try to survive a week in their shared apartment without Xiao Xingchen as a buffer.
  won't you let me know you now by tardigradeschool | The Untamed | Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian | 12k | WIP | “Have you ever heard of a mind meld?” Wangji keeps his voice as level as possible, as if he is not revealing foremost Vulcan secrets.
running for a soft place to fall by tardigradeschool | The Untamed | Lan Xichen & Lan Wangji | 10k |  As he leaves for his coming of age test at age twelve, half-Vulcan Xichen has a goal in mind. The rules of the kahs-wan prohibit taking food, water, or weapons. In accordance, Xichen is bringing none of those things, but he does have a compass tucked into his pocket. He is going to find his father.
an act too often neglected by Ariaste | The Untamed | Lan Xichen/Meng Yao | 60k | The single faceless, anonymous photograph on the profile that catches his eye is shot in elegant black-and-white, and there’s something about the crispness of the focus and the markedly off-center composition that says art, for once, rather than mugshot.The caption below is equally sparse: “5’6. Demanding.”
where you go, I'm going (so jump and I'm jumping) by Aria | The Magnus Archives | Martin/Jonathan | 6k | "I don't think so," Alex said. She looked at Martin. "Is this really how it went?"
Morning, keep the streets empty for me by feyburner | The Untamed | Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian | 6k | Ghosts were drawn to the ring roads.
2am on a saturday by detectorist | The Untamed | Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian | 11k | In which Lan Zhan gets high, slides into Wei Ying's DMs, and somehow ends up having the harmonica played to him at 2am in the morning.
Grief Kindly Stopped by ShanaStoryteller | The Untamed | Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian | 5k | Nothing leaves the Burial Mounds alive.
superhero love triangle by Asuka Kureru (Askerian) | Bleach?! | Grimmjow/Ichigo | WIP | 17k | You know those classical superhero-genre love triangles that actually only contain two people? Yeah.
Boat Basin by downjune | The Falcon and the Winter Soldier | 5k |  He thought the 21st century now maybe suffered from an overabundance of classifications for all the different ways to fuck and/or romance a person, but the most important thing—and his therapist had emphasized this—the most important thing was connection.
my touch magnifies by isozyme | Word of Honor | Wen Kexing/Zhou Zishu/Ye Baiyi | 7k | Wen Kexing gets hit with fuck-or-die sex pollen on the way to Longyuan cabinet. Everything would be fine, except Zhou Zishu’s been keeping an unfortunate secret: the nails in his chest mean he can’t get hard anymore.
2020 || Multifandom Mashup
Hades - Official Animated Trailer
Hades Mini-PMV: This Year
2020, I guess
MARVEL || Energy (ft. Easy McCoy + Black Hydra)
obi-wan || give it
2020 ll Multifandom Mashup
Multifandom | Goodbye 2020
Multifandom | Goodbye 2018
2018 Multifandom | MASHUP
His Dark Materials - No Sanctuary
Lyra & Mrs. Coulter | Hurricane
► mrs. coulter || way down we go [hdm]
Wonder Woman || BORN READY 
Vikings | The End of the Journey
MARVEL || Ready Set (ft. Vo Williams)
MARVEL || Here We Go (ft. Chris Classic)
MARVEL || Is You Ready || The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
Never forget || Hualian - Hua Cheng x Xie Lian AMV 
【魔道祖师 / MDZS】Animatic - The First Siege | Safe & Sound
Multifandom || Going Bad (feat. Drake)
Broccolli Casserole--The Untamed
Hey Brother - The Adventure Zone Animatic/PMV
The Adventure Zone: Balance trailer
The Adventure Zone: Balance Arc Trailer (Animatic)
13 Year Olds (A MDZS Animatic by Arcxus)
Multifandom || Die In This Town
DNA | shadow & bone
(Marvel) Wanda Maximoff | Grief
Defying Gravity | MDZS/CQL Animatic
It’s Quiet Uptown | MDZS Animatic
To The Stars
(Marvel) WandaVision || Awaken
Walt Disney Animation Studios | A Magical Journey
We don't have forever.
stop living a fake life.
► Wanda Maximoff | PAINT IT BLACK (+15k)
Multifandom || Take It (c/w Quang Truong) ft. @SEIGE WORLD​
Kylo Ren | STAR WARS
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
MARVEL || Natural ft.ImagineDragons
​ xue yang & xiao xingchen ➤ gasoline
Wen Kexing ✘ Zhou Zishu || Dandelions
Play With Fire - Wen Kexing
TOXIC ~ Wen Kexing ~ word of honor ~ 山河令
(Marvel) Bucky Barnes | Free
Bucky Barnes | Feeling Good
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier || Next Level ft. @7kingZ​ || (Marvel)
Eternity looking down on us.
The complexity of reality.
Captain America
✗ The Crows | Trouble (Shadow&Bone)
Shadow & Bone | Paint It Black
The secret fate of all life.
A Better Version - Jessie Shelton
Start a War - Klergy, Valerie Broussard
Meet Me in the Dark - Melissa Etheridge
ily - Surf Mesa, Emilee
Space Man - Eurielle
To Be Loved - Aurora
In the Blood - Darren Korb
Can’t Help Falling in Love - Tommee Profitt
Astronomical - SVRCINA
Oh Comely - Neutral Milk Hotel
In This Shirt - The Irrepressibles
goblincore + cottagecore
moonlit love letters 🌙💌 (sailor moon-inspired lofi mix)
Moonlight Densetsu Lo-Fi Remix 1 hour version
Peaceful Meditation
Never Forget You - Zara Larsson
Is You Ready - Migros
Recomposed Four Seasons - Max Richter
The End - JPOLND
Love Yourself - Sufjan Stevens
Deja | Daniel Roure
Used To Like | Neon Trees
Material Boy - Sir Sly
Willow - Taylor Swift
Overture - Apashe
Evangeline - Josh Garrels
Gris, pt 1 - Berlinist
Inferno - Hiroyuki Sawano
BAMBAM - Angie
Dictator - Rei Ami
Demons - Hayley Kiyoko
Runaway - Rei Ami
Deep Blue - Marcus Warner
Brave New World - Kalandra
Nero - The Speed
The Path of Silence - Anne Sophie Versnaeyen
Tuleloits - Kerli
Soft to Be Strong - Marina
Relic - Reeder
Ascension - Gorillaz
Will You Follow Me Into the Dark - Klergy
Voidfish (Plural) - Rachel Mitchell
Raya and the Last Dragon soundtrack
Unicorn Wizard - Ninja Sex Party
Me Too - Meghan Trainor
Umbrella - Rihanna
Colors Flying High - Lollia
Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There - Lyn
lovely - khalid
Burn My Dread - Lotus Juice
Progress - The Dear Hunter
My Mother Told Me - Rachel Hardy
Savage Daughter - Sarah Ross
Four - Sleeping At Last
The Other Side - Amarante
Predator & Prey - Griffin Puatu
As the World Caves In -Matt Maltese
Tell Her I Wasn’t Scared - Dan Thiessen
Esmeralda - Adriel Genet
Woods - AfterInfinity
So Human of You - Shireen
Flags of Rome - Jesper Kyd
Do It All the Time - I don’t Know How But They Found Me
Hummingbirds - Venus Hum
On and On - Curtis Harding
Grand Escape - RADWIMPS
my ex’s best friend - machine gun kelly
Sofia - Clairo 
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun - Charlotte Lawrence
Next Level - 7KingZ
Tell Me - Johnny Jewel
Get Out of Town - Firefles
Music for Anglo Saxes
I See Darkness In You - Red Mecca
Satan Is His Name - Holly Golightly
Rocky Trail - Kings of Convenience
Story - NF
Because the Night - 10,000 Maniacs
Use to Be (L.O.V.E.) - Chelsea Collins
Bird on a Wire - Simone Istwa
Huzzah - Nathan Barr
gonna make you feel, boy | Hades | Megaera/Thanatos/Zagreus | 1,101 words | “You can touch, you know,” she murmurs, satisfaction and anticipation warring within her. Her pulse pounds. Zagreus’s eyes have darkened, his pupils eating up all that color. He looks good enough to eat.
how long do we have? | She Ra | Adora/Catra | 1,539 words | “The war is over, Adora,” Catra tells her. Adora hums. “Maybe. Maybe not.”
only fools rush in | The Adventure Zone | Taako/Magnus | 5,209 words | “Okay,” Taako says, sitting down heavily. “So. Ancient ritual to… bring people together?”
til my lungs both billow out | The Magnus Archives | Jon/Martin | 748 words | The knife goes in. The tape runs out.
the echo, as wide as the equator | The Untamed | Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian | 2,927 words |  “Lan Zhan,” Wei Ying whispers after it is done.
1685 words of Buzzfeed Unsolved, tattoo AU
3121 words of Magnus/Taako, Stolen Century verse Posted!
852 words of Steve/Billy
got the morbs: sad/somber songs for sad/somber people
2021: a mix for the year that comes after 2020
Sahara Baby: a mix for songs that sound like Spanish Sahara
Fire Baby: a mix for songs that sound like Play With Fire
Consequences Baby: a mix for songs that sound like Consequences
Paradise Baby: a mix for songs that sound like Paradise Valley
Real Boy: a Zagreus playlist
only fools rush in: a taako/magnus playlist
pomegranate seeds: a persephone playlist
make them bow: a megaera playlist
fuck feelings: a taako playlist
til my lungs both billow out: a jonmartin playlist
i am my mother’s savage daughter: a playlist for the girl
3 notes · View notes
moonstruckholland · 5 years
Happy Birthday? (p.p)
Tumblr media
(the gif has nothing to do with the fic, I was just too lazy to make a moodboard 😂)
Word count: 2,284
Warnings: tiny bit of angst, hella fluff
A/N: This is my submission for @farfromhaz and @angelhaz11's writing challenge! Go send them some love! Anyways, here's writing number two of the night! I really hope you guys like it! Definitely feel free to send any and all feedback, it would make my spooky day even happier 🧡 (I'm technically late but it's still Halloween somewhere so shhhh it's okay)
Sharing your birthday with your favorite holiday, even if it was Halloween, wasn't always as fun as everyone would assume.
Believe it or not, people actually forgot your birthday. You couldn't fully blamed them, Halloween was amazing. What could compare to the candies, scary movies, and fun costumes? Definitely not your measly little birthday parties, especially as you grew older and everyone was trading in trick or treating for Halloween parties that went on for hours into the night.
But you couldn't lie and say it didn't hurt your feelings growing up when you walked into your classroom expecting just one "Happy birthday" and instead getting, "Happy Halloween!" followed by a "Oh, it's your birthday isn't it?"
It hurt your little child heart so much, you decided at the age of 9 to stop telling people your birthday and pretended it already passed whenever someone asked. It was dumb looking back on it now that you were an adult, but back then it seemed like the only reasonable solution.
The only person at school who knew your birthday was your best friend and crush of many years, Peter Parker. You didn't tell him purposely, he stumbled into your apartment window one night in high school, bleeding and in a daze, and you were getting ready for a birthday dinner.
"You look really nice, can I ask where you're going?" He voice was raspy as you cleaned the cuts on his face.
"You don't get to ask questions when you've been hiding the fact that you're freaking Spider-Man."
He decided to keep quiet for a while, not wanting to push you. You waited until he looked less like death to say something.
"It's my birthday," you mumbled, not meeting his eyes.
"It's your birthday? And you didn't tell me? I'm your best friend!"
"Don't start with me Spider-Boy," you glared at him for moment before softly adding, "I haven't told anyone in years."
"Everyone would forget, so I figured no one can forget if they don't know, saves me from being stressed."
"Well, now that I know, I'm never going to forget."
You rolled your eyes, "Don't make promises you can't keep, Parker."
He kept his promise, making a big deal of your birthday every year. One year he snuck you out of your apartment at night and swung you around the city, showing you places you hadn't known existed.
Another year, he brought you to a halloween party at the Stark tower. You never thought you'd see Captain America wish you a happy birthday personally, but it was one of the greatest experiences of your life.
It honestly didn't matter what he did, the fact that he cared and bothered to remember is what made it truly special. You were sure as long as Peter was in your life, you'd always have a special birthday.
Well, maybe not this year. So far today was the worst birthday of your life.
You woke up very late, apparently forgetting to set your alarm the night before. You rushed to throw on clothes and get as decently presentable as you could rushing to make it to your midterm.
“If you’re late, don’t bother showing up,” you could hear your professor’s shrill voice as you practically sprinted to your car.
You drove to class like you were in one of the fast and the furious movies, definitely breaking at least one law in the process. Luckily for you, the roads seemed to be empty, one gift from the universe. You knew if Peter weren’t already in class, he’d probably be with you right now, chastising you for your horrible driving,
‘I could really use Peter right now, swinging to school would be much faster.’
It was then that you realized Peter hadn't sent you his usual good morning happy birthday text he always sent, in fact you hadn't heard from him at all since you threw your into studying yesterday. You stomach clenched with worry for a second before you quickly pushed it aside, remembering you had to run to class.
You made it to your statistics class with minutes to spare, barely. You would’ve felt relieved, except the second you sat down to pull out your materials, you came to the realization you left the cheat sheet your professor allowed you to bring in your folder, laying on the exact spot you put it before passing out last night.
‘Fuck,’ you wanted cry. That dumb piece of paper was your key to passing this test and it was at home. You obviously had no choice but to take the test, so you told convinced yourself the studying you did last night would be enough, trying your best to think positively.
You didn't fail, but you definitely didn't get the grade you wanted. After more than an hour of answering questions, working them out on your scrap paper, you ended it with a 72. You beat yourself up about it the whole way home. The only thing you were looking forward to was seeing Peter and your lovely roommate Casey, and the delicious chocolate chip cookies she made just for you.
You couldn't help smiling as you heard Peter laughing from down the hall. You often came home to Peter already there, a perk that came with giving him a key, making food or literally hanging from the ceiling while studying.
"At least he always keeps me on my toes," you mumbled under your breath, wondering how you'd find him this time as you unlocked your door.
Much to your surprise, he was just sitting on the couch, Mean Girls playing in the background as he played what looked like some sort of star wars game on his phone.
“Hey, Pete!” you called out, closing the door behind you.
“Hey,” he barely looked at you, too into his game.
Taking a seat beside him, you sighed dramatically, laying your head on his shoulder while you waited for him to pay attention to you. That didn't happen for another 15 minutes and you wondered how he could be so into a game that he couldn't even play on one of the many game consoles Mr. Stark has bought him over the years.
"So," he said after finally putting his phone down, "What's the plan for today?"
"Oh, um, I thought maybe we'd swing through the city and go to our little spot?"
"I was thinking we'd do something different?"
"Like what?" You were suddenly filled with excitement, knowing Peter always came up with the best plans.
"You know that cute girl from down the hall? She invited me to one of the sorority parties and I thought we'd go together."
"You and the girl from down the hall?"
"No, silly," he nudged you gently, "You and me."
The excitement started to slowly fade away as you realized he was being serious, he wanted to go to a Halloween party, he probably wanted to meet up with the cute girl, he forgot your birthday.
"Um, sure! Sounds good." You gave him your best fake smile, trying not to cry on the spot.
He didn't seem to notice, going on about the exam he took a couple of hours ago. You nodded at the appropriate timing, making it seem like you were fully invested, and you wanted to me, but you were so hurt you could barely focus.
Eventually, Peter got up to leave and you hated to even think it, but you were relieved. Until you heard his goodbyes.
"I'll see you in a bit, okay?"
"Yeah," you said quickly, practically pushing him out the door.
"Oh, and tell Casey her cookies were delicious."
"What cookies?"
"Her famous chocolate chip ones."
You sighed, "Did you at least save me one?"
You knew his answer from the look on his face, the immediately blush coloring his cheeks and the way his eyes wouldn't meet yours.
"I'm sorry! I forgot! She can make more, right?"
'That isn't the only thing you forgot, Peter.'
Now you weren't sure if you wanted to cry or lunge at him, but Peter was out the door and down the hall before you could do either.
Closing the door behind you, you decided to settle for the former, tears spilling down your cheeks instantly. A part of you hoped Peter was just messing around and would knock on your door any second now, telling you it was all a joke and he would never forget your birthday.
But as more and more time passed, you knew he genuinely forgot.
You tried giving him the benefit of the doubt, tried giving him a chance to realize his mistake. Hours later, when he came to pick you up, it didn't seem like that was going to happen either.
He greeted you at the door like nothing, "Do you like my costume?"
Even upset with him, you couldn't help laughing as he twirled in his Spider-Man suit. "Again, Peter?"
"What? You can't go wrong dressing up like Spider-Man!"
You agreed with him, though you still hoped he was only joking about the party.
He wasn't, he swung the two of you a block away from the sorority house. You could practically smell the booze from there.
'He really brought me to a party.'
You tried making the best out of it, flirting with cute guys and girls, but it wasn't much fun considering most of them were so drunk, they could barely speak properly. And you knew regardless of how much you flirted, there was only one guy you were actually interested in.
So, after an hour and half of torture, you found yourself outside, playing games on your phone while you waited for Peter on the steps.
He came out not long after, sitting beside you, "Are you having fun?"
You barely looked at him, "No, not really."
"Y/n?" He put his arm around your shoulder, "What's wrong?"
"Everything? From the second I woke up this day has been so shitty, I left my notes and tanked my test, you ate the last cookie, which was mine, by the way," you took a moment to pull away and glare at him.
"Then you brought me here, and what hurts the most is my best friend forgot my birthday," you voiced cracked as you finished your sentence, betraying the cool composure you were trying to keep.
Peter opened his mouth to say something, but you honestly didn't want to hear an explaination, you just wanted to go home and leave this day behind you, "It's okay, just take me back to my place?"
He didn't object, looking around for any witnesses before throwing on his mask, picking you up and swinging away.
You didn't open your eyes on the way home, you instead pretended it was a normal night filled with fun and dumb you and Peter things.
'Like it should've been.'
When Peter finally set you down, you were not on the fire escape by your bedroom window. You were on the roof of your building, twinkle lights and candles everywhere. There were tables full of your favorite food, and one had the most beautiful birthday cake you had ever seen.
Peter pulled off his mask, "Did you really think I would forget?"
"I-" you were speechless, he was messing with you.
"It's not over yet," he smiled, "You can come out now."
Instantly, all of your friends and family popped out from underneath the tables, yelling out "Surprise!"
You were immediately flooded by your loved ones, everyone wishing you happy birthday and showering you with love. You were overwhelmed with happiness, tears of joy falling down your cheeks for the first time that night. You couldn't believe Peter did all of this for you, and managed to trick you.
You let yourself have actual fun. It was much easier considering everyone was coherent, plus you were once again blessed by the presence of the avengers. It was hard not to have fun when Thor and Tony were around.
Later on, you snuck away, finding Peter and pulling him to the side. You smacked his arm the second you were alone.
"You ass! I can't believe you did this!"
"I couldn't let this be a boring birthday!"
You rolled your eyes, "You couldn't at least tell me happy birthday?"
He looked away, rubbing the back of his neck, "I wanted to pull a sixteen candles moment."
"And what was that with the party?"
"You had to be distracted while Casey baked your cake."
You shook your head, "You really thought of everything, huh? It's perfect, Peter. Thank you."
"I, um, actually have one more thing for you."
"No gifts! This was already amazing."
"Well," he blushed, looking down at his feet, "It's more of a question."
"Would you maybe want to go out on a date?" He asked so quickly, you almost didn't catch the question.
'Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit,' was all that ran through your head.
"Or not! That's okay too, it's just Mr. Stark told me you liked me and I should make a move because I've liked you for years," Peter rambled.
Your heart literally melted at his words. He's liked you for years? And you didn't know? How stupid could the two of you be?
"Peter," you took his hand in yours, "I would love to go on a date with you."
"You would?"
"Absolutely," this time you looked away shyly, "I've liked you for a while too."
He smiled brightly, letting out a little sigh of relief.
It was right then you knew nothing would be able to top this, it was truly the best birthday ever.
Tagging: @fangirlwithasweettooth @bravest-at-heart @ravenclawmarvel @rachramblesstuff @angelhaz11 @fairytaleparker @parkerpuff @arielweasley @devildisguiseasangel​ @nedthegay​ @parkeroffline​ @petersmparker​ @lovinnholland​ @tomhollandsumbrella​ @awkwardfangirl2014​ @officiallyunofficialperson​ @babebenhardy​ @sleepybesson​ @its-the-unknownspidey​ @antoouu​ @petersstarcadet​ @thollandx​ @xxxxdelenaxxxx​ @smexylemony​ @kxrtwxgner​ @styles-balor4eva​ @80sthottie​ @meghan-8520xx​ @marshyrebelcloud​
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Wrong Side of the Moon (Trixya) - DenDenMonMon
Of Lovers, Friends and Everything in Between. Part 7.- Trans Katya
Title: Wrong Side of the Moon Category: M/F Summary: “I’m Brian,” he said with a heavy exhale. Katya smiled as she looked out the window. “I used to know a Brian.” Notes: I felt like writing something darker, deeper, kinda angsty; let’s see if this turns out to be it. Written: April 28th, 2020 - May 3rd, 2020.
Wrong Side of the Moon
Katya had seen the minivan more than once by now. She wasn’t sure how many times, but she had seen the car going around before. Surely last weekend, maybe the one before that, too. She had photographic memory, and the white vehicle, with little stickers on the backseat’s window, was unmistakable to her.
She elbowed the girl standing next to her, without taking her eyes off the car. “My admirer is back,” she said before lighting up a cigarette and bringing it to her lips.
Kennedy followed the direction of Katya’s stare and saw the headlights being turned off. “Oh, oh. He had never stopped before, though. Are you gon’ do something?”
The smoke left Katya’s lips deliberately slower than normal. She felt sexy when doing so. She knew she looked good; she looked hot. The dark sky didn’t have a single star in sight, the only lighting was provided by the yellow street lamp that had become her best friend. It accentuated her curves just enough to highlight her fit body, but not too much to reveal any imperfection.
She stood there, back against the wall, one arm wrapped around herself, and the other finding support on it to put the cigarette to her lips. She didn’t move, not just yet. She needed to assess the situation. There was something about the bald man behind the wheel that intrigued her. He seemed to be hiding. There wasn’t much of him she could see, even when her eyes had learned to identify shapes in the dark.
One didn’t become a lady of the night without refining one or two senses.
He was nervous, of that Katya was sure. With a sigh, she figured she might as well get this done and over with.
The point of her black leather boot stepped on the butt of the cigarette, and she started her way to him. She purposely swayed her hips with every sharp step she took. The high heels resounding against the pavement reminded her she was the one in charge. And she liked that power.
This routine she knew rather well. She went over to the passenger window and waited for the guy to roll it down. Making sure to bend over slowly, she supported her forearms on the door in a way that pushed her breasts together, and tilted her head in a seductive angle.
“Bonjour,” she let out slowly, enticingly. “You looking for some fun tonight?”
The man faced away from her, his eyes went from one end of the street to another. He seemed to be making sure nobody saw them. He nodded to himself. Katya could see the cogs in his head turning, the inner battle of a first-timer. She could almost hear the voice inside his head, telling himself he could do this, that it was going to be okay, that nobody was going to find out.
When he finally looked at her, his eyes widened in surprise. “Oh, wow. You’re beautiful.”
Katya innocently brought her chin to her shoulder. “Thank you. So kind of you.”
For a moment, nobody said a thing. He observed her and she let him. He was admiring her, in a way that -maybe- nobody had done before. She was used to people looking at her, to have women judging her. She was used to men undressing her with their stares, to pinpoint the moment when she became a sexual object to them. This man wasn’t like any of them. His stare travelled across her face almost lovingly, taking in the beauty of her features. This adoration actually made her feel more uncomfortable than any previous objectification.
“You are, like, very beautiful,” he let out in a whisper.
“I mean, it’s not like I will get tired of hearing it,” Katya said, flipping the ends of her curly hair. She had just cut it herself, and she loved it. The blonde waves ended right above her collarbone, and the bangs were just long enough that they played with her lashes when she blinked. “But, I’m on the clock here,” she continued. “So, unless you are planning on repeating that as you fuck me, I need to go back to my spot.”
He choked on his own breath, surely not expecting her to be as bold and direct. “I-I…” he stopped, trying to control the stumbling of his words. “Wow. Okay. You see, I’m looking for, umm, something in part–” He shifted in his seat. “I just wanted to know if you were… Oh, God. I don’t know how to explain this without sounding mean. Like, I don’t wanna insult you.”
Ah. She had been right. This was his first time. She could have fun with that, play mind games, make him feel embarrassed; most of her tricks liked to be put down like that. Again, he wasn’t like any other client she had had before. Just as fast as the idea had crossed her mind, it was gone.
She nodded her head, agreeing with his silence instead. “You want to know if I’m a girl with a dick,” she said it so easily, so casually. “And I am. Yes, sir. Is that a deal maker or breaker?”
The answer to her question came in the form of a door unlocking. She smiled widely, feeling a sudden relief she wasn’t expecting. She jumped in, pulled the visor down and opened the mirror. Yes, she looked good.
“So, you wanna hear tonight specials or–” she started but was immediately interrupted.
“I want it all,” he said without hesitation.
Katya liked that.
“Very well, then. I live a few blocks from here. Go right on the next light and I’ll guide you from there.”
She buckled up as the engine came to life. He did as he had been told and turned the corner, waiting for her next instruction.
“What’s your name?” She looked at him expectedly. She wasn’t sure if he was the type that would give his actual name but she kind of hoped that he’d be honest.
“I-I’m…” he made a pause, directed his attention to her for a second before staring back at the road in front of them. “I’m Ken,” he said. “My name is Ken.”
Oh, so a fake name it was.
“I’m Yekaterina Petrovna Zamolodchikova,” she introduced herself. She spoke fast, in the confusing way that she loved, and got the reaction that she wanted. “But you can call me Katya.” She waved a hand in front of herself. She couldn’t precisely shake his when he was driving. “So… Ken,” she drawled the name, emphasizing its fakeness. “You are married.” It wasn’t a question, she was stating the fact.
He looked down, to the ring on his finger, and gripped the wheel a little tighter as he nodded.
“And how old is your kid?”
This time he fully turned to face her, his eyes were wide in shock.
“Oh, I just saw all the Barbies,” Katya pointed her thumb towards the backseat, as a way of explanation. “I’m just trying to keep the conversation going, you don’t have to–”
“My name is not Ken,” he suddenly blurted out.
“I know,” she responded with a smile. Her hand landed on his thigh, physically telling him it was okay. “At the stop sign, take a left.”
“I’m Brian,” he said with a heavy exhale.
Katya smiled as she looked out the window. “I used to know a Brian.”
The rest of the way was spent in a comfortable silence, just two people that shared the same space. No words were needed to fill the air between them. Not even the radio was playing, but nobody noticed. The car moved through the empty streets slowly. They had no rush; if anything, the trip ended too fast. Sooner than expected, she was pointing him where to park.
The building was the very last of the many towers. Usually bathed in light, either by the hot sun or the tender moon. That was the reason why Katya kept lightbulbs at the minimum. The apartment was small, and she liked it like that. She also liked to maintain it messy during the night. She never made the bed when a client left the place, she left the condom wrappers on the floor, the bottles of lube stood open on the nightstand. It was a statement. The men that went there could have her for the hour, for the night even, but they didn’t own her. There were others before them, and there would be more after them.
Brian stood by the door, his hands stuffed in his pockets, as that same realization dawned on him.
“Come, come,” Katya encouraged him. “Why don’t you take a seat while I change into something less comfortable?”
With a nod, he took the seat she was offering and watched her leave. She closed the bathroom door and leaned against it with a sigh. She had literally lost count of how many guys she had brought home, how come this time felt so different? There was something special about Brian, she had sensed as much weeks prior. When he drove in circles, always looking but never stopping. He made her nervous, but in a good way. Like when she was about to ride a roller coaster, anxious about the unknown but fully aware that everything was going to be okay. The way he was so enamoured by her, even without knowing her, made her stomach go up in knots.
She couldn’t go down that road.
This was just another gig; business as usual. This was a first-timer and she was going to give him the night of his life. Not because she had the idea of maybe, possibly, developing feelings for this stranger. No. She was a professional who had a job to do, and she was going to do it right. That thought went through her mind as she changed. She wore her favorite red lingerie, with garters holding her lace stocking in place. From the cabinet, she pulled her backup lipstick and reapplied the bright scarlet shade on her lips. The full length mirror showed her an image that she liked.
It was showtime.
Brian was sitting right where Katya had left him, quietly observing his surroundings. His hands rested on his knees, his feet were a little too close together. It was a cute picture. One that she interrupted just by walking into the room. He immediately straightened his back at the sight of her. She pressed herself against the doorframe, arching her back and bringing her hands up to her breasts. Her mouth opened sexily, as her body slid down slightly before coming back up. Stretching her arm, she grabbed a remote control from a shelf and the sound system came to life, playing one of her favorite songs. The notes were slow and sensual, and the foreign language made everything more mystical.
Ever so slowly Katya made her way to him. First she went around the chair, her steps synchronized to the beat. Her hands glided from one of his shoulders to the other, her nails scratched his neck slightly. She spread his legs and stood between them; finding support on his thighs as she moved to the sexy rhythm of the music. Her body knew how to dance without asking her brain about the next step. The music dictated her every move and she responded. She turned around and bent over. Her ass was right in front of him. She swayed her hips side to side on tempo.
The unmistakable sound of a zipper becoming undone was heard, he surely couldn’t take it anymore and had to free himself.
Brian swallowed hard. “Ca-Can I touch you?” he asked oh-so-respectfully.
She answered his question by grabbing his hands and putting them on her ass, one on each cheek. He lost no time. He started caressing her, his fingers softly kneading the flesh of her butt. Time seemed to stop when she felt his lips on her skin for the first time. Her eyes closed by themselves at the tender gesture. His mouth followed the outline of her panties on one side, then moved to the other. Meanwhile, the palms of his hands drew imaginary circles on her hips, keeping her in place as he left a trail of butterfly kisses.
The song ended. Nothing came on next. Complete silence surrounded them until it was broken by his voice.
“Turn around.”
It was a command, one that Katya could only obey. She did. She straightened her back, and spun to face him, having to look down to do so. His hands went around and found her ass again, only to push her closer to him. This time, his mouth went straight to her stomach. He kissed her skin a few times before his tongue ran against her toned abs. His touch was so delicate, so tender, so hot.
The lace panties did nothing to hide her erection. She was hard, and wet. An incessant throbbing pushed against the red material, making it clear she was ready. He was taking his time to travel across her torso, though. It was almost as if his mouth was taking a print of her every curve.
“Will you tell me if I’m doing it wrong?” he spoke against her skin. “I have never done this before.”
“I will,” she promised, unable to form a full sentence when he was making it hard to even breathe.
Finally, his fingers hooked on the waistband of her underwear. He looked up at her, asking for permission. She nodded effusively. She wanted him, she needed him.
Brian surprised her yet again by releasing a deep sigh; the corners of his mouth curled up, threatening to break into a smile. He pulled down the soft material, leaving it to stretch at her shins. His eyes went up and down her length, the loving gaze had turned darker now. Adoration had mixed with lust, and it was an extremely erotic combination; but there was still something stopping him from touching her.
Katya gave him time, allowing his desire to fight his logic. On the outside, he was so calm and relaxed, but she knew better. She could tell that in his mind, there was a hurricane, trying to tear away everything that had been nailed down by society. He needed to get rid of any preconception left in him if they really wanted to see this through. And, even when she was more than happy to be there to help him, it was a decision he had to reach all by himself.
Her hand cupped his face, and he leaned into her touch. He was letting go. He was ready.
She guided him forward, and he wrapped his hot mouth around her, sucking slightly. Her other hand went to the back of his head, setting the pace. They were soon pulled into a trance, where nothing else existed but them. No other sound could be heard but her soft moaning, and his wet mouth around her. She didn’t fuck his face, as she was used to doing with other men. He blew her at the speed that she wanted. He sucked her off with a certain clumsiness that was almost charming. His hands went up to her breasts, pressing and releasing to the rhythm of her thrusts. It took his fingers pinching through the fabric of her bra, to have her cumming hard inside his mouth. He flinched in surprise but didn’t allow her to pull away, he kept on sucking until she was done; licked her clean until she was soft again.
Katya offered her hands to help him up. “I–” It was probably the first time she was left speechless. She literally had no words to express what had just happened, what she had just felt. “Now let’s take care of you.” She decided to go safe, to pull the attention away from her; to focus on the person actually paying to be taken care of.
Brian shook his head. Lowering his hand, he pulled the hem of his plaid shirt. “There’s no need. I kinda, umm… I’m good.”
“Oh!” Katya looked up, catching the sadness in his eyes. “Hey, it’s okay. We can just call it a night.”
“No.” His answer came out faster than his thoughts. “Please,” he begged. “Not yet.”
Their bodies were so close together. Katya was sure that, if she inhaled deeply, their torsos would be touching. Nonetheless, he was still out of her reach. Even when he stood there, towering her, with eyes that pierced right into her soul, he was so, so far away.
One of his hands went up to her face, his thumb ran against her cheekbone. His eyes scanned her features. “You’re so beautiful,” he told her in a whisper, only for her to hear. “I can’t get over it. It’s unreal.” With every word that left his mouth, his head moved closer.
Katya closed her eyes, expecting to feel his lips on hers, but it didn’t happen. His forehead landed on hers instead.
“What do you wanna do now?” The question came out matter-of-factly, she truly was willing to do whatever he asked her to. She had agreed to comply with his every desire since the moment he finally stopped the car across from her corner.
“Would you fuck me?”
She felt his breath against her skin as he voiced the request. She couldn’t help herself. Stretching her neck, Katya captured his lips with hers. They were soft, just like she had imagined them. His kiss was even softer. Brian tilted his head, pecking right at the corner of her mouth and made his way to the center. He sucked on her bottom lip slightly, ran his tongue against it, and released it. She tasted herself as soon as he pushed his tongue passed her lips. Suddenly, something primitive took over her. She grabbed his face with both hands and pulled him, if possible, even closer. Their noses bumped together, their teeth crashed with each other, their tongues met outside their mouths.
With shaky hands she rid him of his shirt, meanwhile, Brian sneaked his hands behind her and undid her bra. They took on the task of undressing each other in a matter of seconds.
Katya guided him to the bedroom, and they sat on the bed. “As bad as I wanna fuck you right now,” she admitted. “I’m gonna need a few minutes to get things going again; if you know what I mean.”
“Oh, God. Yeah, sure. There’s no rush… I mean, I don’t know about you.”
She simply smiled, pushing him to lay on the mattress. He scooted over until he reached the pillows and she laid next to him, resting her head on his chest. One of his hands immediately started caressing her back. She toyed with his free hand, running a finger on his wedding band.
“Are you sure you don’t have to go home?” She spoke placing kisses around a nipple, unable to stay away from his skin. “Where does she think you are right now?”
Brian sighed. “She doesn’t ask any questions.”
This time Katya fully looked at him, supporting her chin on his chest. “She doesn’t, huh?”
“Nope,” he answered her rhetorical question. “I guess that’s the key to our relationship working so well. Most couples believe in talking, we believe in silence. She will always love me, no matter what.”
“She sounds amazing.”
He smiled. There was a sweetness in his face that Katya couldn’t help but envy. She wondered if anybody had smiled like that when thinking about her.
“She’s the best.” He didn’t talk to Katya. He stared at the ceiling fan as he spoke to the air around them. “We grew up in the same small town, so I guess we learned to be together the old fashion way. You know the type. She gets up early and makes me lunch, irons my shirts, feeds the baby. Like those housewives you see in the old movies, and she has that classic beauty too. I’m lucky to have her by side. She does so much to keep my life together.”
Silence enveloped them then. Katya did her best to analyze his face as he got lost in thought. The room was dark, and only part of his body was illuminated by the moonlight. A few rays made it through the blinds, softening his features and making him look almost like an apparition. It couldn’t be real. That moment couldn’t be happening. He had such a good heart, and was clearly trapped between who he wanted and who he was expected to be. Something, or someone, had forced him to become this family man, to have a wife and kids and carry on an impeccable life. The only issue was that he didn’t seem content with the results, he had gone to her, after all.
“Brian, why are you here?” Katya had never had filters; she always went straight to the point, and this time was not going to be any different. “You have this amazing, picture-perfect family, and you are spending the night with a transexual hooker. I don’t get it. Are you gay?”
His eyes snapped to look at her, yet the soothing motion of his hand never stopped roaming her shoulder blades. “I thought I was,” he confessed. “I always knew I wasn’t like everybody else, like all the other boys. They used to call me names, so I went, found the prettiest girl in town and married her. What point was I trying to prove? I don’t know. I guess I always knew, but I needed to hide it. Then I heard some coworkers talking about you girls. Maybe if I gave it a try…” he trailed off, leaving her to connect the dots and finish the sentence for him.
“We get a lot of those.” She nodded. “Men usually want something, like, in the middle, so they go after the dolls.”
Brian tried to shrug, Katya’s weight still rested on his arm. “I guess you can put it like that, but not really. If I’m being honest, I didn’t think I would come across someone like you. No offense, but, in my head, I was looking for a man in a wig, sorta. Never did I think I was going to find this whole woman.”
She didn’t mean to, but Katya couldn’t help but burst out laughing. It was a nervous response to such a sincere comment. A part of her still needed to learn how to take compliments without finding it funny.
“Why me?” The question left her lips without asking her permission. The tone of her voice went back to serious.
“I don’t know. You just… made me feel things. When I first saw you, you were leaving with a guy. It felt like, when you get in the car, the radio comes on, and you catch the tail end of your favorite song. I don’t know if that makes sense. If only I had gotten there a few minutes earlier. I knew it had to be you, but I was too late.”
If he had planned to continue his crazy analogy, she didn’t let him. Before she knew it, she was kissing him. She thanked him for his beautiful words in the only way she knew how. Her mouth found his in a desperate kiss. It all happened too fast, she needed more and more of him. In a quick move, she placed a leg around his hips and pulled herself to straddle him. The only reason why her lips disconnected from his was to find his neck. She nibbled tenderly, finding a small bundle of nerves that made him moan loudly.
His hands took a hold of her hips, forcing her to stop. She hadn’t noticed she was rubbing against him so aggressively.
The name left his lips for the first time. He said it slowly, tasting each of the letters as they bounced off of his tongue. His chest physically contracted at the sole mention of her name.
His eyes lit up.
The hurricane had dissipated.
He was finally free.
It took a simple stretch of his neck to connect their mouths again. He seemed to be the one losing control by then. Something animalistic took over him; he attacked her lips with complete abandon. Her name was pronounced repeatedly, like a mantra between breaths of air and hungry kisses.
Katya was pulled into a dreamlike state the more he adored her, the more he made love to her mouth with his. She could see the bond being created. The connection between them transcended flesh and logic, reaching a spiritual level that she had only dreamed of. Yet, as magical as this experience was, she needed more. The carnal desire was still there, growing and growing, consuming her.
Their lips parted out of pure necessity to pull air back into their lungs.
“I will now proceed to eat your ass, is that okay?” Katya spoke as she looked at him straight in the eye.
Brian nodded slightly. The mood of the room had changed, it wasn’t charged with fear anymore. The expectation was electrifying, fueled by desire and want, not doubt and uncertainty. It was the perfect setting for a man and a woman to unite for the first time.
He looked angelical, bathed in light, completely nude, both in body and soul.
She took her time to travel down his body. She kissed the birthmark on his chest, played with each of his nipples before she moved on to his stomach. Her lips marked his skin with prints made of deep red. It seemed like no inch of him was going to be left untouched, but she purposely avoided where he needed her the most. Her arms hooked under his knees, pulling them up to have better access.
The first touch was a soft kiss, which provoked a high pitched moan from him. Katya smiled against his skin, proud of herself. The sounds emanating him only encouraged her to keep going. She pulled every trick she knew, and ate his ass like she had never done before. Part of her wanted to stay there forever, making him feel good, using her tongue to take him into unknown levels of absolute pleasure. Her own need soon became too much, she needed to be inside of him, and she needed it yesterday.
A whimper escaped him when she moved away. It took her seconds to get a condom and the bottle from her night stand; and not even a minute later she was positioning herself to enter him. The cold finger, covered with lube, came first, making him jump a little.
“Baby, look at me,” Katya requested.
Brian complied the best that he could, his stare tried to find her face through hooded eyes.
“I need you to talk to me, okay?” she continued. “If it hurts, if it becomes too much, if you like it. Bitch, especially if you like it.”
“Oh, God. Just put it in, already.”
A wicked smile took over her face at his command. “Relax.” Her voice was soothing, and she immediately felt him loosen up. Her hand helped him prepare to take her and, after a few minutes, she could feel he was ready. “I’m going in now.”
Brian screamed in pleasure as she filled him, inch by inch. She moved painfully slowly, giving him time to adapt to her size, but he took her just fine. He felt tight around her, and she had to try extra hard not to roll her eyes. She wanted to take in every single one of his expressions. She wanted to drink in how his face distorted in satisfaction when she started to move. There was no need to go hard or fast, she unhurriedly moved in and out, easily setting the pace.
The sight displayed in front of her was enough to pull her over the edge. Brian had an arm across his eyes, his mouth was wide opened, expelling screams, whimpers and moans. His chest went up and down unevenly as he tried to breathe, and feel, and exist, all at the same time. More importantly, she could see his hard on right under her. His penis was big, really big. It bobbed against his stomach with every thrust. The harder she pushed into him, the harder it would bounce. It was a hypnotizing motion. She suddenly wanted it inside her mouth, and her want didn’t precisely ask physics if it was possible. She was flexible and he was rather large, her body simply figured she could do it.
Bending forward, and taking advantage of her hold on his legs, she pushed his hips up. Before she knew it, she had part of his erection in her mouth while, at the same time, pushing herself inside of him.
Quick as a bolt, his eyes snapped open, not really understanding what was going on. He felt her sucking him. He felt her thrusting into him. She was in him and yet all around him. It literally provoked an overload in his system, causing him to nearly pass out as he came long and hard inside her mouth. She swallowed his full climax while still rocking her hips. It wasn’t until she was sure he was done that she basically slammed into him, finding her release with a scream herself.
The emptiness of their aftermath was suffocating. The room smelled like sex, it smelled like poetry as two bodies physically disconnected yet bonded in levels beyond rational thinking.
Katya dropped into his arms. She could feel sweat dripping down her spine, her bangs sticking to her forehead, and her make up was probably a mess; but she didn’t care. Not when she had his warm hand caressing his back, and the cold moonlight caressing her front.
“Oh… my… God!” Brian let out between chuckles. “I-I honestly had no idea. Like, I didn’t know it could be like this.”
Katya smiled, running a fingernail around his belly button. “It is when you hire an expert.”
It was a joke, it was meant to be a joke, but her words were enough to make the curtain fall. The magic had ended, the spell had been lifted. He had hired her. She was a hooker and he was her client. Nothing more. She had promised herself she wouldn’t forget that, and she did. It was about time to regain control of the situation.
She pushed herself up. “I gotta go change. Just leave the money on the dresser.” She pointed at the exact spot as she stood by the bed. “You can see yourself out, right?”
Brian sat up. “What the fuck? Are you serious? You don’t expect me to just leave, do you?”
Katya scrunched her nose. “I kinda do,” she said in a childish tone, accompanying her words with a pout. Another facade to keep people at arm’s length.
He didn’t move.
She sighed. “Okay, look, if you want, we can do this again another day. Right now I gotta go. I need to go back to my girls.”
Katya didn’t know if she had suddenly developed X-ray vision, or if he was just a transparent being, but she could literally see the connections in his brain trying to make sense of the situation. He was confused, he was angry, almost sad. And he traveled through several waves of emotions in a matter of seconds, until it finally clicked.
“At least let me drive you back,” he offered.
“It’s only a few blocks.”
“Katya… please,” he begged.
It was too late to say no, not when she had given him more of herself than she had anybody else. So she agreed. They both got dressed. She fixed her hair and make up in the bathroom, and he watched from the bedroom, through the partially opened door. He held her by the waist as they made their way to his car, and he held the door for her as she got in, closing it after pressing a soft kiss to the side of her head.
“You know,” he spoke to her, but wouldn’t face her. He occupied himself in settling in the driver’s seat. “I wish I had known you sooner. Things woulda been a lot different, I think.”
“Maybe in another life,” she suggested. “Maybe we already met, you know, in a previous one. It kinda feels like it.”
“Maybe,” he agreed with a nod.
The short drive was done in silence. He left his open hand between them, and her self control lasted less than a block. She intertwined her fingers with his and didn’t let go until they reached her spot.
Brian stopped the car, but didn’t put it in park. She got the hint, the sooner it was all over, the better.
“Well, if you ever want to see me again, you know where to find me.”
“I will, I will. I promise. Thank you… for tonight.”
Trying her best to hide a smile, Katya got down from the car. She spotted Kennedy standing right where she left her, so she concentrated all her will power in making her way to her friend, without looking back. If she did she would surely run back to the car, and ask Brian to take her away with him.
“After a long night of hooking,” Kennedy recited to the night air.
“Shut up, you stupid whore.”
Katya laughed openly, happily, as a white minivan, with stickers on the backseat’s window, drove away.
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crystalninjaphoenix · 5 years
Speak No Evil
A Stitched Story
JSE Fanfic
It’s about time! I got so frustrated when I didn’t have time to write this even when I wanted to. And then I got the idea for Inverted and ended up fixated on that for a while, but this AU is back, baby! I did research for this, boys and girls and others! It’s finally Angst Time! God, I never realized I had such potential for pain. Let’s not just hurt JJ, let’s give him all the misery. And it went on for longer than I planned, too.
Tagging @septic-dr-schneep for inspiring this AU with this post. Also probably worth mentioning this too.
Read the past stories: Stitched Together | The Start of the Nightmare | The Silent Night
>Minor gore warning, probably<
JJ yawned, and looked at the clock. He tried to keep his shop open past midnight every night, in case somebody wanted help with a lunar spell. Those were most effective when conducted at midnight, or at the moon’s zenith. But JJ was not a night owl like Jack or Schneep, and sometimes he just couldn’t stay up that late, especially knowing he had to open at noon the next morning. This was one of those times. The clock read 10:58 and his eyelids were already drooping.
He straightened his posture, stretching. Then, he went through the motions of closing up. Sweeping the floor, dusting the books and talismans on sale, moving the change from the register to the strongbox, turning off most of the yellow lamps, flipping the sign on the front window from “Open” to “Closed.” But before he could go upstairs to his apartment and and his soft, comfortable bed, he had to check the side rooms. There were two: what he called the green room, where he did readings for tourists, and the crimson room, where he kept some of the more useful magick materials...those that he felt safe keeping out in the relative open.
The green room’s entryway was an arch without a door. There was a curtain of beads, but those did nothing except impress the customers that didn’t know anything about magick. A lot of those would pop in, checking out the strange little shop that looked like it belonged in an earlier time period. The green room was sort of catered towards that type, with a bunch of aesthetic junk, most of which did nothing. There was even a crystal ball sitting on top of the table’s fancy cloth, though in his experience flat, reflective surfaces were better for scrying.
JJ rummaged around the room, adjusting the paintings on the walls, checking the chest of drawers to see that everything was in its proper place. It seemed it was...but...JJ frowned. He couldn’t find his cards anywhere. He double-checked everywhere, even peeking underneath the tablecloth. No, they weren’t anywhere.
“Well, that’s a pickle,” JJ muttered to himself. He’d made those cards himself. Imbued them with magick of his own making, in addition to any they might already have. Honestly, the art of the tarot had always struck JJ as a little... unauthentic. It started as a card game, after all. But who knows? He’d learned long ago to never assume anything was ordinary.
Time to check out the crimson room. JJ turned the lamps of the green room off, brushed through the bead curtain, and crossed through the main body of the shop and over to the closed door that led to the crimson room. He reached into his vest pocket and pulled out a small key ring. He selected the larger key of the two and used it to unlock the door. Everything should be in order here, he hadn’t used it all day.
Everything was not in order.
The first thing he noticed was the light. All the lamps in the room were on and blazing. JJ froze. That was impossible. Not only did he keep the only key on his person at all times, not only were there no windows and the vents were too small for anything to fit through, but also the room was protected. There were runes inside the walls and talismans under the floor. Nothing should’ve been able to get in and turn the lights on.
Except it had been breached once before.
JJ shook off the memory. He didn’t like to be reminded of that day. Sure, he’d met Jack and Chase and they’d become his two best friends, but he’d also nearly lost them within an hour of finding them. And that demon...the way he’d barely managed to banish him in time...it had shaken him. He’d doubled the defenses on the crimson room, and on his apartment upstairs, but maybe it still wasn’t strong enough...
He stepped into the room, eyes darting from side to side. The only thing that was different was that his deck of cards was sitting in the middle of the center table. JJ stared at it. There was no way that could’ve gotten here. Was there?
“Who’s here?” JJ called.
The lamps flickered, and JJ jumped as the door behind him slammed shut. He whirled around, pulling desperately on the handle, but the door refused to budge. JJ took a deep breath, trying to calm down. His mind darted between fragments of knowledge he’d learned over years of study. But this was instinctive. He thought he knew who this was. And he knew almost nothing about him.
“So, is it you?” JJ turned back around, putting his hands on his hips. He schooled his features into a carefully neutral expression. “I think you’re the only one who could get into this room at this point. What do you want?”
A few of the lamps flared, then burst with an electric chuckle, leaving the table the only thing truly illuminated. The message was more than clear. JJ folded his arms. “Why don’t you show yourself? I know you can.” Unless...he’d been rather quiet for the last three months, ever since he went after Schneep at the hospital. Maybe he was weakened...? Or he needed time to manifest?
There was no answer. JJ debated just ignoring him. Not acknowledging demons defeated a great deal of them. But he’d already talked to him. Fiddlesticks. Well, might as well go along with this. Who knows what the consequences could be otherwise? And he wasn’t ashamed to admit he was curious. Despite months of research, they hadn’t found much information on him. What if he could learn more? What if he could use that to help his friends?
Cautiously, JJ took a seat at the table. A chair opposite him pulled out, then pushed back in, like someone invisible had just sat there. The deck of tarot cards was pushed towards JJ, who took it, staring at the empty spot where a person should be, and shuffled. He didn’t want any tricks. Then, he held out the cards towards the empty spot. Five cards were pulled out of the deck, then laid on the table like a plus symbol.
JJ raised an eyebrow. “Five-card reading? But are you going to tell me what for?” There was no answer. “General reading it is, then,” JJ muttered. He reached out and turned over the card in the center.
The image of a knight riding into battle upon a black horse. He wielded a scythe, arching over his head. The card’s subtitle read Death. Well, this was off to a fantastic start. “The first card describes your present situation,” JJ said, his voice loud in the silent room. “And it sets the general tone for the reading. Many people see Death as a bad omen, but that’s not the case. It could mean the necessary death of something, such as the harvest in the fall leading to winter, and new plants growing in the spring. But...I’ve never seen Death as the first card. It may mean you’re currently experiencing it, either the death of a project or...” JJ trailed off. It didn’t usually mean the literal death of a person, but in this situation?
He forced himself to turn over the second card. A man carried seven sharp blades. Blood was on their edges, and JJ was sure that hadn’t been there when he drew the picture. “The second card is the past, it shows what events are still influencing you in the present day. This is the Seven of Swords. It represents...deceit.” JJ bit his lip as he thought. “That could mean your life is being shaped by a deception or betrayal that happened long ago. Or maybe not too long ago. Perhaps you know this?” A few more lamps went out, leaving just one above the table. There was a low whine in the air.
JJ hesitated a bit, then turned over the third card. Five crossed sticks, or what appeared to be. “The third card is the future. It explains events that will happen. The Five of Wands symbolizes struggles caused by ambition. In the future spot...it’s a warning. It means you’re pushing your plans at—at the expense of others.” His hands were shaking. The whine was steadily growing louder. “This...this isn’t a reading for you, is it?” JJ whispered. “You’re the querent, but...you don’t need to know these things.” A laugh echoed in the back of his mind.
JJ reached for the fourth card, then stopped. He was starting to have doubts about this. But then the light above flickered, and the whine increased to a piercing volume. JJ winced, then hurriedly turned over the fourth card. Everything stabilized. The card showed a man with brown hair, sitting cross-legged on the floor, holding two blades crossed over his chest. He wore a black blindfold. JJ was sure this card was altered, because he knew his original drawing had been of a woman instead. “The fourth card is the cause of your current situation,” JJ said quietly. “It’s meant to shed light on the event mentioned in the second card. The Two of Swords means conflicting ideas. It can also mean a lack of communication, resulting in...in drastic consequences. Perhaps this led to the deception?”
He didn’t even stop to think this time. Immediately after finishing his analysis of the fourth card, he turned over the fifth. A tall structure rose into the sky of the image. Green lightning was striking it, smoke and rubble flying from the point of impact. Four shadowy figures were falling from the top. It was the Tower. JJ swallowed nervously. “Fifth card...the fifth card is potential. It shows what will happen if you continue on this path. And the Tower...it means disaster. Destructive, uncompromising, collective disaster. It’s approaching. I would...normally, the advice is to just let it happen, and pick up the pieces afterward. But...” JJ looked up. There was an outline of a man, full of buzzing interference, now sitting in the chair across from him. “But this isn’t disaster for you...it’s for us. And it’s what you want. Is that right, Anti?”
The silhouette tilted its head. “Ç̀l̕͏èveŗ̸,” a hissing voice bounced around his mind. “You’re sm͟a̶r͞t̵èr than I t̴h̀o͏u̡ght̨, J̞á̸͕ͅc͈̦̟͎͎̯̠͍̠k҉̧̜͟s̮̦̞͉o̪͈̗̣͈͝͠n̷͔̞̜̙͕͇. But will that s̷̡͝av̧͠e̵̴ y͡ou̴̡?”
“From what?” JJ forced himself to smile. “From you? I got rid of you well enough the last times.”
Anti hummed, annoyed. “ M͡͞á̡͢ybe̢ you did, but that was b̧́͏efor͡e͞͏̸. Now, I k͡n̴ow̷. Did you think Í̸̛ w̨͝a̧͢ş̴ g̛͞o͞͠n̵e͞? I’ve been here the e̛ǹ͢tįr͠e ̕͢ţ̵̕im̵̴͠ȩ. Alwaỳs ther͢e͢. ͞A҉l̶w̕ay̨s͟ ̷w̵at̸c̡h̢i̕n̸g̶.̕ Do you want to know what I s̴̠ͅa̜̼̙̪̪̣͟w̛̩?”
Jameson leaned back. “Is this some roundabout way of threatening to bump me off? Because it’s not working.”
“ O͟͏͢h͢͏͏,͟͠ ͏̶b͏u͠t i̕t̸ i̷̢ş.” Anti stood up. His form was a bit clearer now. Not quite opaque, but JJ could see the colors of his clothes and body. Green lights took the place of his eyes. He leaned forward, and then somehow, though the table should’ve been too big, he was right in Jameson’s face. “False bravado doesn’t suit you, lit̴t̴l̨é o̕͟ń̢e. Not when I can t́a̷̷s̴̀͡t̷e your f͡ęa̷͢r͟͠.” A flash of teeth. “You know the truth I see, don̨'̶t͝ yo͡u͞? Your magick is j͟u̷s͡t ̸́a̧̕ ̸͟li̕e̶. It’s just trying to f̧͡o͞o̧ļ ̧̡̀y̷̵̕o̷u̷r ͝f͝r͏i͡en͟d̨s̸̢ into thinking you’re more helpful than you a̵̜̠̭͉c̡̭̗̯͓͉͖̹t̸̘͓̰̦͠ù̴̫͍̦̪̣̕a͏͈̬̗̖͎͓̤̖l̖̱̜̩̣ḷ̸͔̯̤̗͖̪͔ý̛͔̭̬͠ are.”
“That’s—you’re lying,” Jameson stuttered, pushing his chair back.
“ Abo̵u͞t w̛h̵at͞?” Anti was fully visible now, just the slightest distortion running through his body. His eyes, normally blue, glowed green behind their mask of shadows. “Your magick? Oh, but it doesn’t r̛e҉̨a̧͏l͡l̷̛y͡ do anything, do̡e̴s̷ ̸i͏t? I l̷̤͇ͅe̦͇͇̠̮̤t̸̞͎͍ you win that time. And what are all these so-̶c̵a̛ll̢ed s͝y̵̨͠m̶b̵̨o̶̕l͟͡s͠ of protection doing for you? The room is surrounded, yet h͠͠e̶r͝͝e̕͢ Ì̛ ̡̀a̷͏̢m̕̕, not deterred in the least.” He smiled a twisted grin. “ No͡t́ ̸v͢e̷ry ̵ef̛f́e͢ct͝ive.͏ If only you had r̸e͟a̢l̶̡͢ magic.”
Jameson tried to ignore his words, but in truth each one was a blow to his confidence. He’d set up protection around the homes of his friends...were they actually not working? Had Anti slipped through them as easily as a fish through water? Jack, Chase, and Schneep had trusted him. Had he...failed them?
Not wanting Anti to get another word in, he stood up, knocking over the chair in the process, and bolted to the door. Anti made no move to stop him. There was no need, as Jameson found out when he tried to turn the handle, then, frantically, attacked the door. It would not move. The doctor had described something like this in his hallucination he’d had at the hospital, but that was just that—an illusion of the mind. Anti must be stronger now, to affect reality in such a manner.
Jameson spun around, pressing his back to the door. Maybe he could find a way to get Anti out, if he was able to get to his supplies—and if it even worked. He doubted it.
“Well, we ca̴n't h̢ave tha̷t,” Anti said, as if he knew what Jameson’s thought process was. “C̶o̸̡me̷ b͏àc̡ḱ̢ ̷h̷͢e̴͟r̛ȩ̵̷.” A breaking happened, a distortion as the world broke into shades of red, blue, and green. And then Anti was there, in front of him. Jameson shrieked, instinctively trying to push him away. Instead, Anti grabbed him by the wrists and pulled him forward. Jameson fell into him, like the glitch truly wasn’t anything more than pixels. The buzz of white noise surrounded him. It filled his mind. He closed his eyes against the harsh static, and when he opened them, Anti had disappeared.
He would’ve relaxed a bit, but he could still hear the harsh drone. Not with his ears, like he should’ve. It was inside him. He could feel it in his eyes and in his throat. Of its own accord, his body walked back over to the table and sat down in the same chair Anti had been sitting in during the reading. And there it stayed, posture stiff, hands placed firmly by his sides. The white noise lessened a bit, and Anti appeared once again, distorted and crackling. He tilted his head. “Ỳe͞s̵, that seems to have worked as͟ ͠we͏l͝l̴ as I t̵h̨o͠ug̶ht͟ ̷it wòu͟l̷d͝.”
“What did you do?” Jameson was surprised to find his mouth still worked, even if nothing else did.
“I call it p̱̲͞u̴̜̥͉̙̦͍̰͞p̰p̵̫̼̪͕̻͍̠̩e̷͉̝͓̫͓͠t̲̝̩ͅe̢͎̭̞̘̗͈͟ͅe͎̙̻̻̻̼̲̣ͅr̳̘̲i̷̟̤͉̥͢n̖̘̖͝g͍̬̮,” Anti said, wiggling his fingers like a sideshow magician. “It’s a tr̶ic͡k of mine I’ve been using since Halloween. If I keep working on it, o͝ne͠ d̕ay ̢you'̧l͠l ̵s͠tarţ t́o͞ ́ l͏̢í̵̧k̵҉e̷͡ i̶t͠.”
“Never,” Jameson said through gritted teeth.
“ Th҉at'͢s͏ ̨no͡t for̸ yo̕u t͡o de̸ciḑe,” Anti growled. “Now where was I? Ah yes, your ùse̕l͟es̶snes͢s.” He grabbed Jameson by the chin, tilting his head up so he had to look the glitch in the eyes. “You’re just a re͝p̷l̕a͞cem͏ent͡, J̛a͏̷̧c̢k͝s̸̛o̵̸͠n. They lost their magician, and so they got a ǹew̵ ͠ơn̵e. And, given your decoration in here, you would agree with me when I say the new is n̴̸͟e̷ve̡͠r̨ as g͡o̸o͢d as t͏h̕e̡̨͟ ̷o̷l͞d̵͞.”
“That’s your fault,” Jameson gasped. “It’s your fault their magician disappeared. Their hero, too. What happened to them? What are you doing to Marvin and Jackie?”
Anti laughed, blood spurting from his neck wound. “Oh, íf̷ ͝o͞nl̨y̷ y̢o̸u ̛́̕k̀n̛é͟w̢. I wonder if you’d wish they r̨ȩa҉ll͞y die̢d. Or maybe you’re happy here. Happy your wor͟t͠h̴lèss ͠litt͠l̀e͠ head gets praise h̢e̡a̴pęd upon it that it doèsń't ҉de̶s̸e͡r̢ve.” Anti’s form flickered and glitched. He grimaced. “Seems I’m running out of time. Guess I’ll...s̵k͟͡i̴̴p̀̕ ̕t̛͢͞o ̡̧́t̨h̸e ͏cha̡̧se͟.”
“What are you doing?” Anxiety was evident in Jameson’s voice. He tried to push through the static clouding his mind and holding him in place, but to no avail. It was like pushing against a balloon with super thick skin. Every attempt bounced him away.
“Now that won’t be a̛͞n͠y ̷̢f̧͞ú̢ǹ̢.” Anti leaned over him, the blood from his throat dripping down onto Jameson’s face. He couldn’t even blink like his instincts were shouting at him to. “Especially when you’re a͠b͢o͝ut͏ ̕tǫ f͡ìn̡ḑ͏͟ ͝o̧͞ú̢̕t.” He tilted Jameson’s head even farther back. Something small and gleaming glitched into his hand. “ Wh̕y̴ don’t you c̵a͏l͡l f̡or h͢e͢l͠p, J̡͢a̵͟͠m͏̡ie?”
He wanted to. He really wanted to. But he couldn’t give the demon the satisfaction. He gritted his teeth and stayed silent.
“Come on...” Anti’s fingernails dug into Jameson’s skin. It felt like they were drawing blood. “It’s ńo̷̡͠ţ to͝ó̶̕ ̛hard̸, is it? Call for help, I̡ ̢da̧͡r̴͞͡e ̛͝yo͢͟͢u. Cry into the dar͢k̕ǹes͝s͢. ‘Jack! Chase! Henrik! Somebody help!’ S̡ee̸ ̡w͡h̸a̛t̵ g̸͕͓͇̣̤̘̩o͏̹̗̪̹̞̀o̸̶̦̯̣d̸͖͕̫͍͇͖ͅ it ͝do̸es͟ ̷ýou͝!”
He couldn’t take it anymore. He had to. “H-help,” he whimpered.
There was a moment of quiet. The electronic hum started filling the air again. Anti smiled with unrestrained delight. “ B͞u̢͞ţ ̨́͢no͠͝bo̵̴d̸͞ý́ ͏çá̴͡m͞͏ę͢͞,” he whispered. “What a s̵h̕a͠m̴̨è. I’m sure the ot̶her͡s̛ would l͡o̡̕͟v͏̡e̢ to see this.”
The static in Jameson’s mind increased, and a pressure grew in his throat. He tried to cry out, but his voice wouldn’t work anymore. Anti moved his hand, and the small, glinting object he held came into view. It was a needle. A simple sewing needle, threaded with green string. And Jameson knew what was going to happen. He wanted to scream, he wanted to beg, but he could do nothing.
The first pinprick didn’t hurt too much. But the sensation of something that wasn’t supposed to be there, of it being pulled through the hole made his skin crawl. And the next one was much the same. And the next. The strings tightened with each new puncture. Tears began flowing down his face. Anti seemed to enjoy that. He muttered constantly throughout the process, reminding him how he couldn’t do anything, how he was worthless, how his friends didn’t really care for him. Every word drove deeper through the static in his mind.
He didn’t know how long it took, but eventually Anti tied a knot to hold the string in place, then broke the rest of the thread off. He moved Jameson’s head side to side, admiring his work. He grinned. “ Let'̢s ̸s͡ęe͟ ͏w͞h̶a҉t̛ th̕ey̛ ̨t̀hink̛ ͏of͡ t̷̢͓͈͠h̴̪̮á̶̰̻͢ͅt,” he said, tapping the oozing piercings with his finger, stroking the string. There was a lot more blood than there should have been. He loved it. “Go sh̕òẃ̸ them your n͟͠é̸w á́c͟͡ç̢e̷͝ss̛o̶͠ry̨.”
The static overwhelmed him, and the world broke apart. Anti faded away, the last thing to go being his glowing green eyes. 
The world fixed itself, and Jameson found himself kneeling on the floor in a hall somewhere. It looked...medicinal, like a hospital. It wasn’t long before he realized that the static had disappeared. He could move again. Immediately, his hands flew to his mouth, clawing at the thread. It teared at his flesh, blood running down his chin. It was agonizing. It didn’t matter. He needed them out. It wasn’t working. Why wasn’t it working? Why couldn’t he get them out? He had to keep trying. He couldn’t—he couldn’t—
He clasped his hands over his mouth. No, no he couldn’t let—how could he explain? He looked over his shoulder towards the familiar voice. It was the doctor, dressed in his coat and scrubs. Of course, this was a hospital. Schneep stared at Jameson. “What are you—?” Then he saw the blood dripping from between his fingers. Schneep’s eyes widened, and he squeaked. For a moment he looked like he wanted to run away, but instead he ran forward, kneeling beside Jameson. “What is it?! What happened?! Was it him?! Here, let me see.”
Jameson didn’t answer, just pressed his face even harder into his hands. When the doctor tried to pry them away so he could look at where the blood was coming from, he shook his head. Schneep looked at him, a strange light in his eyes. “Please. I cannot help if I don’t know what the problem is. Let me see, my friend.”
It was something about those last two words, coming from Schneep, the one he knew the least about, that made Jameson relax, and let the doctor take his hands away. Upon seeing the mess of blood and string, Schneep froze. His mouth opened and closed, but no sound came out. Silver tears lined his eyes. Then, without warning, he pulled Jameson into a tight hug. “I’m sorry,” he choked. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry...” he repeated the same words again and again, like saying them could change what had happened.
Jameson only let himself be held, and shed a few more silent tears.
It was a chill night. Or was it early morning? It had been close to midnight when Schneep last checked the clock, but after JJ had appeared he hadn’t had the time to look. He’d been on the way to his office, ready to gather his things and go home for the night, only to turn the corner and see Jameson kneeling on the floor, blood coming from his mouth. He immediately dropped everything, dragging him to the nearest operating room.
And now, Schneep was outside on his apartment balcony, pacing back and forth. It was cold, but he didn’t care. He had to think.
“Hey, doc.”
Schneep turned and saw Chase walk out onto the balcony, closing the sliding door behind him. His eyes were rimmed with red. “Hello Chase,” Schneep said dully. “Is Jack still inside?”
Chase nodded. “Yeah, he’s still talking with JJ...or, uh, talking to.” He leaned against the closed door. “He took one of your notebooks and pens. But...JJ isn’t using it.”
Jameson had been quiet. Not that he had a choice anymore, but he hadn’t attempted to communicate in any way. He didn’t nod or shake his head when asked yes or no questions, and he avoided eye contact with any of the others. If he did happen to catch their eyes, he teared up and looked away. Yet, he didn’t want to be alone either. He reached out and clung tight to them when they looked like they might leave.
The one question he answered? When Schneep asked if Anti was responsible, he nodded vigorously.
“Maybe he is not ready yet,” Schneep sighed. “I would not blame him.”
Chase moved position, now leaning on the balcony railing. Schneep stopped his pacing and joined him. Chase hesitated for a moment, then asked “Are you sure you can’t—”
“I tried, Chase,” Schneep snapped. “I broke my best pair of scissors and dulled half the supply of scalpels in the hospital. It is not normal string like it appears.”
“Okay, doc, calm down. I didn’t—I didn’t mean it that way.” Chase’s voice broke. “You’re doing—you did all you can, I get it. I’m just...it’s fucking horrible, man. I can’t believe...I thought shit like this only happened in horror movies.” He gazed out over the quiet city. “I can’t even find a reason,” he whispered.
“Anti does not need a reason,” Schneep said through gritted teeth. “He is a monster.” His grip on the railing tightened. “And the world would be better off without monsters.” Why Jameson, of all people? He was harmless. Maybe that was why. Schneep turned, looking straight at Chase. “If we ever find a way, if we ever get a chance, I am going to kill him.”
Chase considered this. “What about Jackie and Marvin? Only he knows what’s happening to them. We need to get them back, doc. We can’t kill him until we do.”
Schneep paused. “I suppose you are right. Although I wonder...” He turned away again, looking back out over the dark city. “If Anti is capable of something like this, then...if we get them back, what shape will they be in?”
Chase had no answer for that. So the two of them stood in silence, watching the darkness of night gradually recede. If only all the darkness of the world would disappear so easily.
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osmw1 · 5 years
Dimension Wave   Chapter 23 — Frontliners
“… there sure are a lot of casualties.”
That was my first impression once I returned to the First. I’m not sure if the devs specifically made a post-Dimension Wave Lurolona, but all the buildings in here were damaged or in ruins. The town was completely unrecognizable. It’s a little weird thinking two weeks ago, Lurolona was my base of operations but now, it’s like this. Surprisingly, the people going in and out of town were very lively. Well, Dimension Wave was a pretty huge event. I guess in terms of regular MMO’s, it’d be like a major patch or something. People are probably excited about what’s to come.
“Why is it so cold here though?”
Perhaps because the first city is close to the sea or maybe because it’s the spawn point, but Lurolona is usually pretty warm. It felt like an Indian summer lulling me to sleep. But now, after Dimension Wave happened, it’s rather chilly. Now that I think about it, it’s neat how there are temperatures in games. It’s almost as if I’m in a parallel world or something. Now then, let’s go talk to some people and start gathering intel. First, I should talk to my sisters. Then maybe I’ll call Alto. He probably has lots of information from all his connections. As soon as I figured out my plan, I felt something strange about the air around me.
“… is it snowing?”
It was. Many people around me noticed it too and felt just as weirded out as I did. Snow isn’t anything special in a game, but this reeked of a cataclysm. It’s almost as if this were the beginning of Ragnarök.
“… thanks again, Shouko.”
I open my inventory and select the Powder Snow Haori. It wasn’t that cold at sea, so I didn’t need the coat, but I’ll definitely need it, now that it’s snowing. Just like how I worn it last time, the haori surely doesn’t match my Western-style clothes but at least it’s very warm.
I reached the square where I said I’d meet up with my sisters. I had a feeling that they chose here on purpose. Tough-looking warriors in full suits of armor and high-leveled mages with robes and towering staves were hanging around the square. They’re obviously frontliners. It was odd thinking how Shouko was with them just a week ago.
“Now, where are those two…”
I walk around the square in search of my sisters. Compared to our party members who are in regular clothes, these people were absolutely menacing with their swords and armor. But now that I think about it, that’s par for the course in MMORPG’s.
“Big brooo!”
Tsugumi called out from behind. Both of my sisters are using their natural voices in game, so I was able to pick them out instantly. … it’s a little unsettling to hear their real voices in another universe though.
“Hey, Tsumu—”
Before I could finish greeting her, she ran and dove at me—in armor, not to mention. It wasn’t a full set of heavy armor, but it sure wasn’t light either… medium armor, perhaps? In any case, she was a massive projectile that was flying my way.
I was afraid I wasn’t able to, but I caught her. Then, I swung her around three times as if we were in some sort of anime. She was lighter than I thought though.
Her flapping animal ears showed just how excited she was to see me again. I wanted to pat her on the head, but Tsumugi is taller than I am. Maybe it’s a little weird to pat someone taller than small little me. Gah! How lame!
“Hmm?” “What’s wrong?” “Mm… nothing. I’m glad you’re okay, big bro.” “I’m glad to see you safe as well… you seem really high-level though.”
Her armor was black with red accents. It looked like a long armored skirt, both cool and cute. Her weapon was tucked away, but I’m sure she’d look good with anything in her hand. I’m sure people must have lots to say about a regular citizen me with little sister who’s a knight. But hey, we have different objectives, so different equipment is totally normal.
“Ahaha, I just turned level 26!” “… 26?”
I didn’t mean to question her out loud. Sheryl is level 21 right now. Since Shouko and Yamikage took Naval Combat, Sheryl had gained quite a few levels too. It’s just a little odd that they only have a 5-level gap between her and Tsugumi, even accounting for how Tsugumi said it gets grindy after level 20.
“Something wrong?” “N-No, it’s nothing.”
I brushed it off, but what’s up with that? Like with any MMO’s, grinding must be tough. It’s quick to level in the beginning, but players probably need a lot of exp to level up later.
“You must be the brat’s older brother.”
A party of four drew near as I snapped back to my senses. A Human male spoke to me. Whaddya mean “the brat”? She has a name, y’know? Well, Tsugumi is a bit of a brat, but still. The man has brown hair with white streaks and a set of white armor—exactly what you might imagine a hero to dress like in an RPG. He’s probably the party leader. Behind him are a Human female in a robe with a two-handed staff in her hands; a young Jewel male with a magical tome; and a young Elven male clad in light armor. No Spirit? What a shame.
“Yeah, I’m Tsugumi’s older brother. My name is Kizuna.” “I’ve heard of ya. Tsumugi and her older sister turned you into their younger sister, right?” “… more or less. Well, I’m not exactly complaining either.” “Good to meet ya, Kizuna. I’m Rosette, but everyone calls me Roz.”
Roz extended his hand. No reason to refuse his handshake.
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but you’re a frontliner, right, Roz?” “Yeah, I guess. It’s all thanks to Tsugumi and Rei.”
I’m not sure who Rei was, but probably one of the three behind him. For some reason, my first impression of Roz was that he’s like the protagonist to a dating sim. Three guys and two girls—about average for RPG’s. It looks like the one with the big staff is Rei who wields light magic; the one with the tome uses four different elements of magic; and the one in light armor wields a bow. Roz is their tank then? Party leader matches his looks too. Oh, and I was correct in my assumptions. I can just tell. Well, it’s definitely good team comp for an MMORPG, so it’s easy to guess.
“So, how far are you guys with investigating the Dimension Wave?” “I heard that there’s a new location popped up between the First and the Second.” “… a special event map, eh?”
I wonder what’s there. Probably a fight though, I’m guessing. It’d be fitting if a boss monster came crawling out of that fissure in the sky.
“We’re guessing something’s gonna happen in three days.” “In three days, you say?”
—three days later would mark one month since we’ve spawned in this game. Yeah, that would make a lot of sense. It’s reasonable that the first big event would come after one month. Of course, we can’t be 100% sure, so we should investigate into this some more. But we’ll say it’s in three days for now. That means we’re assuming that there’s gonna be a raid three days later. … the first thing I can do to help is tell them about gutting weapons. If I let everybody know now, they’ll probably have time to prepare before the boss fight. I’ve earned a lot from keeping this secret already and these guys have been taking care of Tsumugi as well, so maybe I—
“Wouldya look at that? Sir Hero’s hanging out with a Spirit.”
As soon as I was about to tell them my secret, someone calls out to Roz from behind. It’s a good-looking guy with blond hair. Well, nobody’s really ever ugly in a game.
“… it’s you guys, huh?”
Roz seemed to be a pretty cool guy but now he’s got a frown on his face. Well, judging by how they spoke to him, he probably doesn’t want to get involved with those guys either. Behind the blondie was three other people, all dressed similarly to Roz. Probably around the same level and frontliners too, if I had to guess.
“Spirits may be a weaker race, but that’s nothing you should be saying to people in their faces.”
Roz snapped back at him. Was he defending me? I mean, I literally just met the guy and he’s standing up for me. What a good dude.
“They completely useless if they so much get sneezed on, am I right?”
The four of them were laughing among themselves. … oh, let me have at him, won’t you? These guys look like a bunch of thugs you’d see in a manga or something. I didn’t know people like them really existed. Why did a bunch of normies like them join this game anyway? That’s what’s odd to me.
“Did you forget how much she helped with unlocking the second city?!” “Spirits are supposed to have lots of HP!” “And without her, we would’ve lost.”
Roz and the blondie argued with each other. Frontliners sure are dramatic. Well, this much is expected in an MMO. High-leveled players just love to argue about experience, items, mobs, and the like. I’ve had my fair share of this before. Hmm? I turned around to see Tsugumi tugging at my sleeve.
“They’re people we usually compete with to farm monsters, since our parties are pretty similar.” “I see.”
Their party consists of a tank, a mage, another mage, and an archer too. A typical, effective team. It wouldn’t be a surprise to see them hunting at the same area.
“What are they arguing about anyway?” “So, in the raid to unlock the second city, a Spirit really helped us out. We would’ve all been wiped out if not for that Spirit.” “Well, he’s not wrong in that Spirits do have lots of HP.”
To be precise, it’s Energy and not HP. But their conversation sounds kinda familiar.
“Speaking of which, what happened to her? I haven’t seen her around lately.” “Yeah. I haven’t seen her since about a week… a bit more than a week ago. Maybe she left the party.” “Huh, is that right?”
A bit more than a week ago? That’s right when I stopped fishing.
… wait, they’re talking about Shouko.
If I remember correctly, Shouko mentioned she there unlocking the second city. There’s a possibility that it’s someone else, but everything seems to line up perfectly. Shouko described them as a bunch of bastards before too. It seemed like her enemies weren’t just the monsters. Her equipment is all set up for avoiding getting hit. If she can’t block, then she’d dodge. That makes sense… since she needs her HP for her party.
“Well, Sir Hero, don’t get sucked in by a Spirit, hey?” “You can mind your own business.” “Smell ya later, then. I’ve got better things to do anyway.”
The blondie walked back where they came from. He was pretty pumped up for someone who has “better things to do anyway”. Oh, whatever. Right, I gotta tell them something.
“Thanks, you guys, for helping me find my good friend.”
I meant to shout louder, but they didn’t seem to have heard me. What do they call that? Selective hearing?
“Sorry about that. I apologize if I’ve ruined the mood for you guys.” “Well, that’s only normal in online games. Don’t worry about it.” “Thank you.” “It’s true that Spirits are kinda weak too.”
Other races are better suited to combat. You’d have to really know how to use Spirits to use them effectively.
“I don’t agree though.” “Is that right? It means a lot coming from a frontliner like you.” “They mentioned it too, but we would’ve lost the raid to unlock the second city if it weren’t for Spirits. You guys may be weak against mooks, but definitely the opposite against bosses.” “I see.”
Now that I think about it, Yamikage’s Drain did 3,000 per hit against that Lizardman Dark Knight. She did quite a bit of work there. No other race could’ve done that within two weeks of playing this game, right? And with our HP—or Energy—we don’t die very easily. Well, I know first-hand just how hard it was to get three weeks’ worth of Energy. Regular mobs aren’t all that bad though… and Shouko seems to like the experience gain at sea too. Whatever. I’ve got better things to do too.
“More important is Dimension Wave.” “Yeah. What are ya gonna do, Kizuna?” “I’ve seen Tsugumi already, so I guess I’ll check in with my older sister and other friends.”
I can’t forget that Shouko and them sent me on a scouting mission either. Alto can’t be far off from here either. We’ll learn a lot from Alto, I’m sure. If there’s gonna be a big raid in three days, then I probably should get new equipment too. We’ve got mountains of mats from the monsters at sea. I promised I’d give Romina dibs on special gutted items too, so I should head her way. Three days doesn’t seem like a lot of time to me now. I should be quick and careful with things.
“Then, I’mma go look into this some more, Roz. I’ll leave Tsu—I’ll leave my sister to ya.” “Bro-bro! I can take care of myself!” “You sure about that?” “What do you mean?!” “Hahaha. Tsugumi’s the strongest of us. She takes care of us more than the other way around.”
… that’s a prodigy gamer for you. I headed off on my own as I reflected back on how I treated my sister like she was some sort of dead weight.
contents: /prologue/ /ch001/ /ch002/ /ch003/ /ch004/ /ch005/ /ch006/ /ch007/ /ch008/ /ch009/ /ch010/ /ch011/ /ch012/ /ch013/ /ch014/ /ch015/ /ch016/ /ch017/ /ch018/ /ch019/ /ch020/ /ch021/ /ch022/ /ch023/ /next/
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prettyyyboyluke · 6 years
Needy Distraction
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Anonymous said:
ohhh can you do some smut with daddy kink luke? like overstimulation... orgasm denying,... him dirty talking A LOT.... could you do that?
Anonymous said:
oh baby we are all in for a treat ;)
Once the boys’ new single released they were being paged for interviews left and right, meaning less time I get to spend with Luke. I’m not saying I’m lifeless without him but it’s pretty damn close. Today, the boys had an interview today and I trailed along for the ride, teasing Luke every chance I had. I was looking for trouble and baby I got it. We all gathered in the lounge area they had set out for their stars. Luke and I leaned up against a wall in a corner, chatting casually until they were called into their interview. “I can’t believe you talked me into letting you wear this skirt baby,” Luke said picking up the small material.
“Well I just have a good way of persuasion, daddy.” I whispered. Luke took a deep breath before looking me in the eyes.
“Don’t start that now, you know where that’ll make you end up.” Luke said sternly.
“I can’t help it! I feel so, vulnerable when you tower over me.” I said straightening out his collard shirt. Luke smirked knowing the type of effect he had on me.
“You just love to defy my rules, huh pretty girl?” Luke said, his hands trailing to the inside of my skirt.
“It’s fun daddy,” I pitched, roaming my hands down towards his belt buckle. Luke’s hands met with my covered clit and began to slowly rub circles on it. My legs immediately clamped shut feeling far too sensitive.
“C’mon princess, give me a peak. I wanna know what you’re hiding underneath this.” Luke said kissing my neck.
“Luke we can’t here, the boys are literally right there,” I fought back a moan, letting myself sink into his touch.
“You started the game, gotta end it.” Luke smirked, taking his hand away.
“One minute guys!”
“You’re in for it later pretty girl.”
The interview lasted longer than I expected. I sat outside the clear window playing with my fingers and what not to distract me until this talking session ended. Not to mention I’m practically a puddle in my panties since Luke kept winking and smirking at me through the window. The questions finally ended and the boys all flashed their smiles and polite handshakes before walking back to the lounge. Luke grabbed my hand pulling me out of the chair, “you’re coming with me.” He headed for the family bathroom, and I knew exactly why, but he didn’t need to know that.
“What are we doing in here?” I asked. I was pushed up against the door making it shut, followed by a click from locking it.
“You know exactly why baby girl.” Luke said cupping my jaw.
Luke moved me to the counter and spread my legs. “You wanna show me what you’re hiding under this little skirt? God I bet you’re so wet, I can feel you already.” Luke said, sliding his hands up my thighs. His fingers slipped through the fabric, feeling the type of effect he had on me. Once his fingers made contact with my clit I threw my head back and moaned. “Don’t be shy princess, let daddy know how he makes you feel.” Moans immediately fell my mouth as soon as Luke hit that spot. I rocked my hips against Luke’s fingers, the bathroom walls echoing with my moan. My stomach grew tighter as I felt myself peak. “You wanna come on daddy’s fingers? Awe princess, you’re cute.” Luke smirked and removed his fingers.
I whined. “But, daddy.”
Luke chuckled down at me, “I’m sorry baby, did you actually think I was gonna let you come? Well, only good girls get to come on daddy’s fingers, and making me hard before that interview didn’t do you much justice now did it?”
I sighed, “no daddy.” Luke pulled me off the counter and fixed my skirt and hair before unlocking the door. He grabbed my hand and lead us to where the rest of the boys were, raising their brows when they saw the satisfied smile of Luke and pout on my bottom lip.
“You alright there Y/N? You look a little, disappointed…” Ashton asked before looking at Luke.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just-tired .” I lied glaring at Luke.
“Good thing we’re going out now then.” Michael said.
After dinner had ended, Luke practically sped to take us home. “Go to the play room, I’ll be there in five minutes.” Luke demanded. I turned around and made my way down the hallway that made me feel excitement and fear at the same time. I knew how Luke wanted me when we were in the play room. My hair was to be in a slick pony tail, kneeling by the door, and palms on my thighs. I took a sharp breath in once I saw the door handle move and Luke entered wearing nothing but his familiar basketball shorts that were dedicated to this room. He went to the wall and grabbed a small whip with a curled end. Luke dragged it against my body before putting it under my chin and lifting me with it. “You insist on defying my rules, Y/N. What am I going to do with you?” Luke whispered.
“Punish me, sir.”
Those three words were all it took for Luke to grab my wrists and strap them and my ankles against the holed wall. He then took out the purple blind fold and tied it around my eyes. “You remember our safe word baby?” Luke asked. I nodded. “Say it please.”
“Good girl.” I heard Luke’s footsteps carry him to the drawer as he pulled out a small but powerful vibrator. Once the low buzz came on, I felt a shock once Luke dragged over my body. I began to shiver once the vibrations moved closer to my core. “All you want is to disobey my rules,” Luke began pressing the toy right to my clit, “and I try to be as lenient with you as I can without punishing you,” he took the toy away only to turn it higher and place it back on the same spot, “but you just love to test me, don’t you pretty girl?” My body was shaking with the amount of pleasure Luke was giving me.
“Daddy, please it’s too much!” I cried, moving my hips away as much as possible. He held my hips towards him, pushing the vibrator harder onto my clit. Sharp screams left my lips as I felt the first orgasm pile inside my blood. “Luke, I can’t! I’m gonna come!” I cried. The only thing that was holding me up were the restraints that Luke tied me up with. My pleasure was ripped away in the blink of an eye.
“I’m sorry pretty girl, but I don’t think you deserve to come yet.” Luke pouted, mocking me.
“Please daddy, I need it.” I whined.
“You need it, huh princess? What exactly do you want?” Luke smirked.
“Everything daddy.” I whispered.
Luke’s fingers trailed down my stomach, “what’s everything princess?” My back arched off the wall once he started to rub large circles on my clit. “You wanna watch my thick cock ram into that tight little pussy of yours? Watch how much I make you beg to let you come only to deny it and pound you harder? Watch how you scream my name? You love it when I grab your neck and make you watch how much of a dirty slut you really are.”
My eyes fluttered shut hearing Luke speak of such ungodly things that I love so much. “Yes, yes, daddy please use me. Punish me. I’m yours.” I moaned.
“Good girl.” Luke whispered. He began to undo all the straps and held me up, my body still in a state of frenzy. “We’re gonna play a little game okay princess?” I nodded as I laid back on the red duvet. “I want you to lay here, legs spread, and your arms above your head. You may not move your arms or close your legs. And I’m going to stand between your legs and do nothing but rub my cock up and down your slit and up and down your clit. Over and over and over. I’ll allow the head to just barely part your lips, but nothing more than that. If you break first and beg me to fuck you I just might let you come. No whining, no whimpering, no nothing. Do you understand princess?” Luke asked, sliding his shorts off.
“Yes, sir.”
Luke started to rub his cock up and down my slit making me part my lips, I guess he saw that because he stopped immediately. “Remember pretty girl, no noise.” This was going to be a painful night. I was already deprived of three orgasms, probably more knowing Luke loved to tease. He carried through with his motions, not breaking one thing he said. He tapped his cock against my clit making my legs jerk. “Are you sensitive baby?” Luke asked, repeating his movements.
“Yes daddy.” I responded, my hips bucking each time his cock was threatening to slip inside of me.
“Good.” I could feel my conscious fight with one another, one side begging Luke, and the other remembering my punishments if I moved. The begging side was winning at this point, I couldn’t stay still. My hands ran through my hair, tugging it as my back arched, hoping to get some of Luke inside me.
“Daddy please, give it to me. I can’t take it!” I begged. Luke smirked, ignoring my request. My hands were pulling the hair out of my scalp as Luke did nothing but rub his cock up and down my slit.
“God you have such a pretty pussy, I just wanna play with it all night.” Luke admired. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down before Luke taunted me with this game. Even with Luke teasing me I felt close to an orgasm, my body immediately fell into his touch no matter what he did. I bite my lip and closed my eyes to try and suppress some of the feelings I was given. I wasn’t allowed to touch Luke. Oh no, that’s what he wanted, and I knew if I grabbed his curls I would be in bigger trouble than I already was. “Open your eyes baby, I want you to watch what daddy’s doing to you.” Luke said softly.
I opened my eyes the slightest bit, watching Luke daunt me. “You like watching daddy rub his cock up and down your pretty little pussy? You look so desperate for my touch princess.” Luke chuckled.
“Daddy please I want you inside me. I can’t do it any more.” I pouted. Luke stopped and looked down at me, his eyes concentrated on the sweat that was built up on my forehead to how glossy my eyes looked.
“Well pretty girl, I can either tease you some more or devour you. But, I think I’ll hold off and tease you while I devour this sweet little pussy of yours.” Luke moaned.
I threw my head back into the pillows and whined, “daddy this isn’t fair!” Tears were starting to form in my eyes, wanting to spill.
Luke grabbed my neck and pulled me up to face him. “I’m sorry princess, but didn’t I say no whining? You know the rules of when you tease daddy, you’ll be punished, so why would it be fair for you little girl?” He breathed. “Now, I think you should be spanked for talking to me that way, don’t you agree baby?” Luke asked.
“Sorry, daddy.” I said shyly. Luke sat on the edge of the bed and patted his legs. I lifelessly threw myself over his legs, placing my hands behind my back just like Luke likes. His hand sharply came down across my bum making me jolt.
“You think you can talk to me like that and get away with it?” Luke asked, spanking me again.
“One, no daddy.” I whispered.
“Louder baby.”
“Two.” I said a little louder.
“All this for daddy’s cock, you must be so desperate pretty girl. I know how much you want me to fuck you over and over again until you beg me to let you come.” Luke says, beginning to rub my clit.
My legs clamped around Luke’s hand, “Three, daddy please.” I moaned. Luke spread my thighs open with his leg and held them there. I felt another smack echo the room and a satisfied sigh from Luke. “Four,” I felt the pain build up on my bum.
“Last one, make it good princess.” Luke said before coming across my whole bum.
“Ow, five.” The tears filled the inner corner of my eyes as I blinked it away.
Luke lifted me up, making me straddle his legs. My fingers traced his collar bones as his caressed my bum. “Let me play with your pussy a little longer sweetheart, I’ll let you come don’t worry.” Luke kissed down my neck. I nodded and began to move until Luke held my hips down. “Right here baby.” He tisked. Luke’s thumb traced my bottom lip before circling the flesh and letting two fingers dip into my mouth. “Fuck, you have such a pretty mouth.” Luke said watching his fingers disappear into my mouth. I let them go and watched how he brought them down to circle my clit. I threw my head back and let Luke’s finger work their magic.
“Daddy I love your fingers.” I moaned. Luke hit that one spot consecutively making my legs shake and stomach churn.
“God you’re so fucking beautiful,” Luke whispered moving his fingers faster. My muscles clenched down around his fingers making it harder for Luke to move them. “That’s it baby, c’mon you can do it.” Luke encouraged while moving his fingers faster. My hips moved against his fingers feeling the release it needed to after being denied.
“Daddy, yes oh my god.” I moaned. Luke smirked taking his fingers out and watched them glisten. Luke then switched us back around, towering over me before rubbing his cock against my entrance. Once I felt Luke inside of me, so much pleasure fell through my body. Luke brought his lips to mine, making me fight more for dominance in his mouth since I haven’t touched his lips all night. I was finally able to feel his body on mine, I kissed down his collar bones biting occasionally and going back to his lips. God I had an obsession with them, I just wanted to kiss them over and over again. Luke held my face towards his, biting my lower lip as I pulled back and let a moan out. “Daddy I wanna come, please.” I begged.
“Come for daddy pretty girl, I want to feel you come on me.” Luke voiced. The amazing sensations washed over my body quickly as I feel completely into the mattress. Moments later I felt Luke release into me holding nothing back.
“God you’re such a pretty girl.”
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anonymouswriter2311 · 6 years
Robin having trouble explain Alice to what tinder is.
Thanks for the amazing prompt!!
It had been Alice’s idea to leave the comfort of her small hut that afternoon. After years stuck in the tower, even the thought of spending time indoors when it wasn’t called for, didn’t sound one bit appealing to her. So, she managed to drag the extremely tired and cranky archer out of bed and the two set off on an adventure. While on her latest trip to Wonderland, Alice had heard talk of the local Rabbit burrows, being trampled on and destroyed, so the blonde had decided that she would call by all the local ones, just to check in and to get a cuddle from her little furry friends. Robin had been content in just watching her love play with the little rabbits, having always felt a small twinge of fear for the bouncing creatures. Feeling content that all her little furry friends were safe, Alice began to enjoy the misty walk she had led them on, her hand never leaving Robin’s as they trekked through the mud in a peaceful, blissful silence…until Robin ended up covered in mud from head to toe.
“That is the last time we go rabbit burrow hunting after a storm! I have mud, where mud shouldn’t be!” Robin muttered as they entered the blonde woman’s house, her cloak was weighing heavy on her shoulders as it held all the extra weight from the now dried in mud attached.
“Well, I think that has more to do with you trying and failing to tackle me,” Alice spoke in a sing-song tone, as she hung her own, clean cloak, upon its peg. Watching closely as the archer began to shed her clothes, leaving her in only her underwear and a pale green tank top.
“I was just trying to get one of these…” Robin purred as she snaked her arms around the blonde girl’s frame, digging her fingers into her curves as she drew her in closer. Resting her forehead on the blonde’s, the archer stared attentivity into Alice’s baby blue eyes, before leaning in to brush their lips together over and over, adding more pressure with each brush, until the blonde couldn’t take it anymore and slammed their lips together, bumping noses and biting lips as they did so.
“Mmm, well you can have more of these…after you have a bath because as much as I love you, you are a little stinky,” Alice smirked as she pushed the brunette away from her, a pout spreading across the archer’s face.
“And what are you going to be doing while I’m in the bath?” Robin winked, as she wiggled her eyebrows at the blonde.
“Not joining you if that’s what you are getting at! We both know that my little tub isn’t big enough and I’m not living through that again!” The blonde shivered at the memory of the last time Robin had convinced her to get in the tub with her. The archer claimed that it would be fun, but all it was a pain in the ass…quite literally.
“No fun…” The archer stuck her tongue out at the blonde, who simply repeated the gesture in return, causing them both to giggle slightly.
“We can have plenty of fun later…but now, bath time!” Alice winked, before pointing towards the small bathroom.
“Fine…” Robin smirked before pulling off her pale green tank top and unclasping her bra, letting it fall to the ground.
“Teasing won’t get you anywhere!” Alice said breathlessly, as she licked her lips hungrily.
“In my experience teasing gets me everywhere!” Robin winked playfully before swaying into the bathroom.
While Robin relaxed into the bath, Alice made a point of tidying up the small hut. Carefully she scooped up the archer’s dirty clothes, preparing to wash them when suddenly a small buzzing came from the archers pants pocket.
“Robin?” Alice mumbled as she took the phone out of her loves pocket.
“Yeah?” Robin called out.
“Your magic box is lighting up…” The blonde mumbled as she gently held the magic box in her hand, afraid that she might break it.
“Babe, we’ve been over this. It’s not magic…and it’s probably just game notifications. Just swipe the bar and hit 4689.” The archer laughed, before relaxing back into the tub, letting the hot water wash over her body.
“This thing just keeps getting more and more curious,” Alice muttered to herself as she unlocked the smartphone. Startled as the screen lit up to reveal a small picture of her archer surrounded by a light red circle, before revealing the word ‘Tinder’ on the screen.
“Robin…” Alice called out, confused about what she was seeing on the screen of Robin’s magic box.
“I promise it’s not magic…” The brunette laughed.
“I know that…now. I didn’t know you had such a love for trees.” Alice smirked to herself, having misread the title, assuming that it was all about trees.
“Trees?” Robin mumbled, having no idea what her blonde love was talking about.
“Timber…Oh! That doesn’t look like trees.” Alice gasped as a pretty blonde appeared on the screen.
“Shit! Alice love put the phone down!” Robin called out, as the loud splashes of water followed.
“Woah…what is this thing?” The blonde whispered to herself, as she clicked on the little heart button, making the picture of the pretty girl disappear and a new picture of a brunette take its place. After a few more clicks of the heart button, the blonde girl found herself bored with the other girls and set out to find what else the app had to offer. Clicking on the small person-shaped icon, the screen revealed a number of pictures of her brunette lover and a small paragraph of text.
“Robin Mills…I’m just your average eighteen-year-old, bored with life and looking for a certain honey to entertain me…sorry guys, but this is a girl only event…I’ve got what some would call a magical touch (if you know what I mean), former Evil Mother, weird obsession with stealing so you better protect your hearts, ladies,,…” Alice read out loud, trying her best not to laugh at the words accompanied by a number of cute selfies.
“Please stop…this is the most embarrassing thing I’ve ever had to experience.” Robin quickly ran out, a towel gripped tightly around her body.
“What is this thing?” Alice’s eyes lit up as she held the phone up to her love, displaying Robin’s profile to the embarrassed brunette.
“It’s…it’s a dating app from back in Storybrooke…but I haven’t even thought about it since I met you!” Robin quickly grabbed the phone from her love, before hanging her head in embarrassment.
“This is how you found a relationship back in your world?” Alice mumbled, worried about if she was good enough for the archer that stood in front of her.
“Well…it wasn’t exactly used for finding relationships…it’s more of a glorified hook-up app.” The brunette muttered embarrassed by everything that was happening.
“Hook-up?” Alice scrunched up her face in confusion before it finally clicked with her. “Oh! You’d push on these buttons and a girl would appear and…”
“God No! I mean there are probably girls who…but I never! I never even answered any of the messages!” The brunette was quick to speak, making it clear that she was not that type of girl.
“Why not? Some of these girls are pretty…a lot of blondes.” Alice joked though Robin could tell that the girl wasn’t happy.
“Honestly? Sure, some of them were cute, completely my type, but I never felt any kind of connection when I looked at their pictures or read their bio’s.” Robin smiled sweetly, as she leaned over to peck the girl’s lips gently, as she cupped her cheek.
“Well, they obviously felt something for you…there are loads of people on here asking to meet up…” Alice mumbled as she nudged her nose against the arches bare shoulder, placing a small peck on the now clean skin.
“Well, they’re out of luck, because the only girl I want is right in front of me.” The brunette smiled brightly, as she threaded her fingers through blonde’s hair.
“Really…how many times do I have to tell you that I love you with all my heart before you start to believe me?” Robin refused to back down, keeping her eyes locked with the blondes.
“I do believe you and I feel exactly the same, my love…but look at all these girls, I’m not half as pretty as some of them…sometimes I just worry that you’ll decide to go back to your world and be with someone else, someone with a lot less baggage.” A small tear trickled down her face, but it was quickly wiped away by the archer’s lips, kissing sweet kisses all over the blondes face.
“I love you and all your baggage…and the fact that you go looking for rabbit’s burrows just to check in, and those disgusting sandwiches you eat…and that little face you make whe…” Robin spoke between kisses, pecking her lips, her cheek, her neck.
“I get it…I get it, you love me for me.” Alice quickly cut her off, knowing exactly what was on the brunette’s mind.
“Forever and always,” Robin announced proudly. “And to prove it, I’m going to delete this godforsaken app, something I should have done a long time ago.” The brunette quickly lifted the forgotten phone from the ground.
��No, wait! I wouldn’t mind if you kept it for a little longer…I was having so much fun playing matchmaker!” Alice quickly snatched the phone from her lover as she looked at all the girls the app had to offer.
“You do realize that you are matching them with me? Your girlfriend?” Robin asked in confusion as she moved to sit behind she love, wrapping her arms around the blonde’s slender body as she placed small kisses along the freckled neck.
“Yep! But I know that it’s all just make-believe and that you aren’t going anywhere.” Alice relaxed into her practically naked lover’s arms, having only a thin towel covering her glorious body. “You love me too much!”
“That I do…” Robin purred as she gently released the small knot keeping the towel closed.
The two girls had just finished moving the last of their belongings into their new flat. It was two blocks away from Alice’s Father and right next to the archery range that Zelena had just bought for her daughter to run.
“Was that?” Robin’s eyes lit up as the tell-tale sound of a Tinder match bell rang through the apartment.
“No!” Alice let out a small squeak as the brunette raised an eyebrow at her love. In a flash, both of them were scrambling towards the table, where Alice’s phone lay.
“That was! Oh my god, you made a Tinder for yourself!” Robin shouted as she reached the phone first, unlocking it to check out the girl’s Tinder profile.
“Technically Tilly made a Tinder…” Alice defended herself, even though she could tell that Robin was more amused than annoyed.
“You really did like it all those years ago, huh?” The brunette joked, as started swiping, checking out the local girls that have matched with Tilly.
“Give it back…I’m going to delete it!” Alice demanded, having to stand on her tiptoes as Robin lifted the phone high into the air.
“Not a chance, it’s my turn to play matchmaker now…” Robin teased, before running and jumping onto the couch, with the blonde following close behind. “Oh, this one is so your type.” Robin coed, fully engrossed in the phone.
“Yeah, she is,” Alice whispered as she stared lovingly at the woman she couldn’t wait to spend the rest of her life with.
Next Chapter of Mad Archer Prompts will be out Wednesday! See you on Monday for the next chapter of My Robin!  
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exi-dentally · 7 years
It’s You - Park Jinwoo x Reader
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Title: It’s You. Author: Haru. Pairing: Park Jinwoo x Reader
The boys kept arguing during lunch as the girl left to grab her books for her next class, talking about how Jinwoo should somehow hint that yes, this secret admirer thing is true, it's a real, legit person who had a genuine crush on her and that it, maybe, might be, could be him. "You guys shouldn't involve yourself in my love life." "Says the one who asked for help!" MJ protested and pointing his index finger at him, trying to act all tough but his cuteness gave him away. "You were all like, hyunng!" "Shut up," Jinjin held in his embarrassment as he pushed MJ away, making the elder bump into the youngest of the group. "Just help me get this one," He took out another note from his pocket - this one had a drawing of a backpack on it with hearts and smiley faces - "In her backpack." "Done." Sanha replied quickly, taking it from his hyung and racing after his friend. "If you mess this up, I'm going to kick your ass." "Don't you do that on a daily basis?" Rocky asked, watching as the double doors that  lead from the roof to the second floor of the school. All of them sighed as they sat back down and stuffed their faces with food. "Noona!" Sanha sprinted down two flights of stairs and down the hallway. "I want to walk to our next class together!" The girl turned around at Sanha's voice and chuckled to herself, covering her mouth with the sleeves of her sweater. As the tall sophomore approached the Junior, she spoke, "I don't have a class this period, I have a spare, remember?" "I know, I just want to walk to your locker with you," Sanha improvised, tugging the girl's school sweater and briskly making his way over to her locker. "Is that okay?" "Well you're already here, might as well, eh?" She took ahold of her cerulean colored lock and punched in her code - 25 left, one full rotation, 5 right and left to 26 - to unlock her locker. She then placed her lunch bag at the top shelf of her locker and grabbed her bag. "Where are you headed, noona?" "To the garden across the street," She then slung her bag over her shoulder. "I'm going to finish the book Jinwoo wanted me to finish." "Ah," Sanha then opened his arms out for a hug, happily receiving one from (Y/N) and slipped the note that he was assigned to give to her in the pocket of her backpack and smiled all smugly since he finished the job and pulled away. "Stay safe, alright?" "Yeah, yeah, don't worry." The girl waved the boy off and spun around, heading for the front entrance of the school. Once she disappeared into the daylight, Sanha took out his phone and immediately texted his group of friends on their solo group chat, saying how his mission was a complete success. With MJ literally started to judge him on the group chat claiming that his mission was something a child could do. Just let the kid have fun, MJ, let the kid have fun.
"I got another one, Jinwoo," The girl spoke, lying down on her bed, belly down, as she held the home phone to her ear with her right hand and held the note with her left. "I found it in the pocket of my backpack as I was walking." "Oh," Jinjin acted surprised as he flopped onto his bed, umph sound coming out of his mouth as his belly hit the mattress, throwing his blanket over his legs. "What does this one say?" "'I love you for all that you are, all that you have been and all that you will become," She then folded the note back in half and smiled at the drawing of a schoolbag that was on it. "As cute as this is, I still think it's fake." "You got two. In one day. I doubt this is fake." "You're just saying that," The girl replied and placed the note on her side table next to her bed and rolled onto her back, her hair sprawled out around her head like a halo and her legs dangling off the bed. "No one would fall for a little trash like me." "You're pretty and very talented," Jinjin tried to make her feel better without trying to expose his plan. "Anyone would be glad to date you." "They'd be a little weird though," The girl replied and sighed, kicking her feet back and forth at the edge of her bed, making quiet thump sounds each time she hit the wood bedframe of her queen sized bed - She was a queen, therefore she needed a Queen sized mattress. "I mean, what if they just like me for my appearance and didn't like my personality." "Doubt they'd do that." "Yeah, Jinjin, but the possibilities are endless!" The girl sat up and made a hand gesture that emphasized her point. "What if I don't even know the guy!" "You never know," Jinwoo's reply struck a bit of curiosity in the girl. "Maybe you know him better than you know yourself." "You're being quite mysterious, Jinwoo." "And you're being very oblivious."
The next day, Jinwoo had given each of his friends, aside from (Y/N), the victim of the whole mission, to somehow hide in different places - like in her notebooks, bag, locker, jacket pocket, anything - for her to find. "I question why you can't just grow some courage and just tell her." Rocky sighed as the group of boys walked to school, their notes that they were assigned to give hidden in their back pocket of their uniform pants. "Because hyung is not--" You say shit, you get hit, Sanha. "Shut up," Jinjin replied and crossed his arms. "I'm actually thinking of telling her." "Right," Moonbin rolled his eyes and sized up his smaller hyung, smirking as he towered over him by a couple inches. "And pigs fly." "I think Jinwoo's going to tell her," MJ stood in-between the maknae line and the hyung line. "This could be the one fateful day that he--" "Five bucks says he doesn't!" Sanha raised his hand in the air, cutting off MJ as he spoke, jumping up and down like a kid. He knew he was going to win, there was no way Jinjin could do it. After crushing on their best friend for years, claiming that he was going to tell her years prior and didn't follow through, why would now be the same? "You owe me five dollars if he does," Eunwoo stuck out his hand for the maknae to take, smirking. "Deal?" "Seriously guys! You're betting on my love life now?" "When do we not?" Rocky laughed as he clapped a hand on his hyung's right shoulder, leaning onto him slightly. "We always bet, but with this time we're doing actual money." "Seriously guys?!" "Deal!" Sanha stuck out his hand, grinning ear to ear. There was no way Jinjin had the guts... No absolute way. "I'll join in on this," Moonbin put his hand ontop of Sanha's and Eunwoo, gazing over to the elder of the two. "This is like making fast money." "Seriously! I'm still here! What is with everyone and butting into my love life like this?!" "It's called," Rocky turned around, tugging Jinjin along with him by the bag's hanger strap, making the elder huff and protest against the younger. "Letting loose and going with the flow." "Next time any of you get a girlfriend or, better yet crush on anybody, I'm going to 100% be butting in any chance I receive."
MJ had the note that he had hidden during first period, walking the girl to class and slipping it into her textbook, distracting her slightly by saying the High school jocks we making a complete fool of themselves. Eunwoo had hidden her note in her pocket as he passed by her during the hallways in between period one and two, telling her good luck on the Chemistry test she had in store for her and that, hey, if she failed, it was only the first test of the year, first of many. Moonbin was given instructions to hide her note during lunch when Sanha and Jinjin stole her away from her locker to aid them in their last minute Mathematics homework that needed to be finished before lunch or else they were going to receive a detention. He had placed the note behind her lock, making sure it was held securely before snickering and making his way back to Eunwoo, MJ and Rocky. Rocky was signed up for third period, which he had (Y/N) had shared together - dance. As she was getting ready in the girl's change room, the sneaky dancer hid his given note taped securely on her water bottle which was located in her dance bag. Sanha, since he lost the rock, paper, scissors game against everyone else in Astro besides the leading man, had to find a creative way to hide the note he was given. After slaving over it during third, he finally had an idea. Though it needed time and a big, white lie. "Noona!" The boy ran over to her as he turned the corner, making the girl shake her head and hand him her pencil case. "I can't believe you forgot your pencil case." "I was going to get it, but my locker is all the way downstairs and my teacher already hates me enough!" The younger boy protested as he politely took her pencil case from her, bowing. "You saved my life." "You're just lucky I have a substitute in Korean," A class that she shares with Jinjin - and he literally, even though he was fluent, decided to take just because (Y/N) was taking it. "And all we're required to do is just read novels." "I'll pay you back!" He said as the girl started to walk away, making her lift her arm up an give him a wave without looking back. "Doubt you will," She replied. "You haven't paid me back from buying you banana milk the other day." "What I'm doing," The evil maknae whispered as he walked back to class, unzipping her pencil case and slipping his note inside, covering it slightly with some of her mechanical pencils. "I'll be paying you back plenty." The last and final part to Jinwoo's plan was set after school as the seven of them were walking back to their respective dorms. Rocky and Jinjin were at the girl's sides, Eunwoo and Moonbin in front and Sanha and MJ at the back. "What's with all the papers in your backpack pocket?" Rocky asked, striking up some conversation with his hyung's crush, pointing to the surplus of folded notes in her backpack's left mesh pocket. "Got some more love letters from Mr.Right?" He then elbowed Jinwoo, making the elder punch him for almost giving away his cover. Great acting, Rocky. Great acting. "Actually," The girl tucked a strand of hair behind her ear with her middle finger and blushed. "Yeah, I did... Surprisingly they were everywhere I looked." "How many in total?" MJ piped up from behind the group, trying to act curious as he tried to push his way through Jinjin and Rocky who were at her side. "Five." "Five? Woah! I can't believe someone wrote you that many!" Eunwoo grinned, walking backwards to be able to see his best friend's flushed face. Now that's method acting right there. "We were right about this guy. He's real and that he has a massive crush on you." "You were, weren't you guys?" "We're always right!" Sanha interjected from behind them, bumping into Rocky and sending him into the front row of people. He then held in a laugh from his antics and continue on with his sentence. "We're right about you having a secret admirer, we're right about you being able to win the dance competition--" "Alright, alright Sanha," The girl giggled and reached up to give Sanha's shoulders a pat. "I get it." As the rest of the group were talking, Jinwoo felt his mind trying to piece together a decent sounding sentence as he finished off his plan. To give the girl he's been crushing on for years the last letter he had written for her. "Hyung!" Sanha whined, making Jinjin snap out of his thoughts. "Don't you have anything to say? Noona's been asking why you've been quiet for the past while." The leader of the group lifted up his head to see the concerned eyes of his crush, making him hold back a deep blush. "I'm fine." "Sanha was talking about the silly mistake you made during gym class with him and you're not retaliating," The girl then took a step closer to Jinwoo, getting a good look at his face. "Are you feeling alright, Jinjin?" "Peachy," Was his instant reply as he took a step back, his voice going higher an octave. His palms were sweaty and he could feel the note burning in his pocket. "Just peachy, (Y/N)." "Here's the greatest opportunity to confess," Moonbin whispered to his group, making sure that the two love birds wouldn't hear him. He smirked as he watched, watching his leader and hyung sweat under the hard gaze of his longtime crush. "If he doesn't do it now, you owe Sanha and I money, Eunwoo." "Nope," Eunwoo turned his head to the right to look over at the younger boy, holding up his index finger. "I have a great feeling about this moment. He is positively going to confess." "I dunno," Sanha jumped into the whispering as they observed. It was almost like they were trying to document the newest species known to man on a wildlife tv series. The Jinwoo species is trying to court his chosen mate and finally grow some balls to admit his feelings after god knows how many years. "He looks like he's going to start sprinting the other way again like all the other times." "He always looks nervous." "Yeah, but he looks more nervous now." "Just shut up!" Rocky and MJ said in unison as they looked over at the three who were bickering. "We want to continue watching and listening," More like eavesdropping, but listening to other people's private conversations sounds good too. "To what they're saying and if you're too loud then---" "You don't look okay," The girl spoke as she inspected Jinwoo's face even further, taking into account that, hey, it's literally summer and he could just be overheating or dehydrated. "Do you just want to stop by at the convenience store to pick up something quick to eat?" "No, no," Jinjin side stepped away from her, getting out of her intense gaze and let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding in. "It's fine. Let's just go home." "Home it is, then." Eunwoo handed both Sanha and Moonbin five bucks, groaning about how Jinjin was being a complete fool.
"You could have!!" MJ said as he was pacing along with lecturing Jinjin, who was sitting on the couch, clutching his phone for dear life, on how he could have confessed and things would have been better for everyone. Their skin would be clear once again, World Poverty would diminish, Wars would never happen again, they'd be rich and BTS would notice them. Okay, maybe not that far. BTS would never notice them in this lifetime. "There was a perfect opportunity and you missed it," Added in Rocky, shaking his head in shame. "We thought that this would be your shining moment, hyung." "Told you!" Sanha chimed as he waved a five dollar bill in front of his elders' faces, laughing. "I was right all along." "There's something called," Jinjin lifted up his phone and showed the boys what was displayed on the screen. A picture of the last note Jinjin had written for (Y/N) and her reply - a yes. "You guys should start believing in me when I say I have a plan." "Wha--" "I made her five letters, one for each of you to hide for her in my place, but," Jinjin stood up from the couch and unlocked his phone, tapping on iMessage and opening his chat with his crush and, now current, girlfriend. "I made a sixth one to give to her and explain my feelings," Sanha and Moonbin, at this point were speechless as Eunwoo held out his hand to take back his money that he had given for them supposedly winning the bet. "I may not be a verbal person, but when it comes to writing out my feelings, I can write an entire novel." "And now," Eunwoo gladly took the money from the two younger boys with a smug look on his face. "I get to say - ha, I told you so." "You guys still bet on me?! I thought that was just a joke!" "That's like saying pigs fly, hyung."
A/N: Here’s the unofficial official second part of Secret Admirer that was requested by my wonderful annonie!! I hope this was to your liking and hope the wait! -H.
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Overwatch: Apocalypse Now
TL;DR: Overwatch is slowly building a world of apocalypses and horror stories through references to mythology, literature, and pop culture.  Through these, it continues a cautionary tale of “humanity’s greatest flaw is its own ambitious arrogance,” the same arrogance which caused Overwatch to fall.  It has also presented a few different routes of “hope” to try and break the cycle.
More stuff to read, if you want: Soldier: 76 Fact Sheet, References, and Some Analyses Reaper Art Assets Reaper References  Reaper and Soldier: American Cultural References Ana as the source of conflict
They said to each other, “Come, let’s make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar. 4 Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.” - Genesis 11:3 - 4
UNDER CONSTRUCTION: Like much of the still-growing city, the massive tower at the center of Oasis is still under construction and has no estimated completion date. Though the current structure is already one of the world's tallest skyscrapers, the final plans call for it to extend even further, easily becoming the world's tallest freestanding building. Not much is known about the tower's purpose, other than it ties into the city's massive data gathering and computational efforts. - Oasis Travel Tips
In the hype of Oasis dropping and the ever wonderful jump-pad, many people missed the very quiet and almost hidden lore about the city that was simultaneously released by Blizzard.  The “Oasis Travel Tips” revealed that the “city of science” was controlled by a group of ministries governed by “a brilliant collective of eight of the world's leading scientists.”  Among the lore dropped was the revelation that the Gardens map was intended to evoke the Hanging Gardens of Babylon -
And that “the tower” in the distance was a clear homage to The Tower of Babel.
For those of you who are not familiar with the story of The Tower of Babel, it is a tale from Genesis that explains why there are so many languages.  In the story, all of humanity shared one language, and as means of this communication, began to build a tower to reach the heavens and God Himself.  When God saw what humanity was doing, He destroyed the tower and scattered the people, giving them different languages so that they could not perform such a feat again.  The lesson here is that the arrogance of humanity led them to believe they could build something as impressive as God Himself (or so some say).
While it is difficult to detangle The Tower of Babel from its religious connotations, the emphasis here is that “one should not be so arrogant” or the “higher powers that be” will bring their wrath upon you.
Which is precisely the overarching story that Overwatch’s lore is building. I’ve been wondering for some time how to structure all these disparate pieces of lore into something that connects to the major themes of “Who watches the Watchmen?”, “History repeats itself,” and “The road to Hell is paved with good intentions,” but with Uprising, we finally have a lot more tangible proof that the “grand theme” of Overwatch’s lore - both the “canon” lore outside of the game, and numerous “in-game” references - are building a new version of an age-old tale of the apocalypse and “the ancient horrors” lurking just beyond human perception.  These “larger forces” are dropped through mythology and religious references, but also a number of pop culture and “horror story” references that litter the game.  I’ve tried to collect the majority of them here. But to start with, we need to cover some background info.
1. The Nameless City of Oasis
"That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons, even death may die."
I’m not gonna claim to be any authority on Lovecraft, but any Lovecraft or Eldritch horror fan should look at Oasis with a slight skepticism.  Already we have references to the Tower of Babel with the map, and there are numerous in-game lines that imply that something vaguely sinister is going on beneath the shiny surface of the city.
Junkrat: “This place is a bit posh for me…” Symmetra: “The Vishkar Corporation would love to have a presence here.” Zenyatta: “What a fascinating place!  Can science alone unlock the path to enlightenment?”
The most important one, however, is this set (I cannot find the direct quotes, so I’m basing this off memory but):
Sombra: “What are we doing here?” Reaper: “We’re here to see an old friend.”
Now this is extremely interesting.  One of the prevailing fan theories is that Angela “Mercy” Ziegler may have connections to Oasis - she is depicted in the Recall short as being located somewhere in the Middle East, particularly somewhere in present-day Iraq, which is where “the city of Oasis” is located.  In the Reflections comic, she is shown to be working on some sort of “active field duty” in a tent that is brightly-lit.  In the “We Are Overwatch” short, she rescues a young girl on the edge of a large city with multiple skyscrapers in the background.
I know there is already speculation that, if Mercy is in fact located in Oasis, Reaper is “out for her.”  Another version of the theory goes that Reaper is coming to see her to ask her for help with his current state of existence (note that I am not a fan of the “Mercy botched saving Reaper” theory because that has been effectively debunked by Chu).
Because if there is anyone capable of helping Reaper restore himself, it would be “the doctor of death herself,” Angela Ziegler.
We know from Dragons, Recall, Hero, and the Museum Heist that 1) ultimates such as the Dragons and Tactical Visor are canon, 2) Reaper is capable of transforming himself into smoke, 3) Winston’s in-game abilities - including his Rage ultimate - are canon.  At the moment, there is no reason to believe that Mercy’s Resurrection ultimate is not canon.  People will no doubt argue that I’m making a leap of logic here, but until confirmed otherwise, I’d say it’s likely that all Ultimates are canon.
And therefore this means that Mercy knows how to revive the dead.
More than anything, this means that if Mercy is associated with Oasis, that we should be giving a solid, hard look at what exactly this implies for lore.  I’m not saying that Oasis “having Lovecraftian connotations is 100% canon,” but rather it is important to note that the types of references a story builds for itself almost certainly influences the type of story it wants to portray.  The fact that Mercy has not one, but multiple skins that are related to “raising the dead in morally-ambiguous ways” is telling.  She has two Valkyrie skins, the Imp and Devil skins, and the Witch skin (which literally carries “a book of life” on her).
Again, I already know these skins aren’t canon.  That’s beside the point.  The point here is that all of this combined creates a very ambiguous tone about Mercy and Oasis - the undercurrents of mistrust, the sensation that “something lurks in the city,” the feeling that “humanity is playing with forces it cannot control,” the idea that “a doctor who defies death” lives and works there, the idea that the “in-game embodiment of Death Himself” is going there to “visit an old friend.”  These are all things that build an eerie sense of foreboding.
Exactly as Lovecraft would have wanted it.
Lovecraft’s Nameless City builds the groundwork “lore” for his Cthulhu mythology.  The “nameless city” is a city in the Arabian desert, older than Babylon, implied to have been “lost” to the ages as humanity began to conquer the earth.  The ancient race that built the city retreated underground, where they continued their worship of the Great Old Ones.  The human protagonist of The Nameless City wanders deeper and deeper until he is beset by the presence of the ancient race and some form of the Great Old Ones, ostensibly for “intruding on a realm he had no right to access.”
“I think I screamed frantically near the last—I was almost mad—but if I did so my cries were lost in the hell-born babel of the howling wind-wraiths. I tried to crawl against the murderous invisible torrent, but I could not even hold my own as I was pushed slowly and inexorably toward the unknown world. Finally reason must have wholly snapped, for I fell to babbling over and over that unexplainable couplet of the mad Arab Alhazred, who dreamed of the nameless city:
“That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange aeons even death may die.”
Only the grim brooding desert gods know what really took place—what indescribable struggles and scrambles in the dark I endured or what Abaddon guided me back to life, where I must always remember and shiver in the night-wind till oblivion—or worse—claims me. Monstrous, unnatural, colossal, was the thing—too far beyond all the ideas of man to be believed except in the silent damnable small hours when one cannot sleep.”
Here again we have a reference that “humanity is toying with forces it cannot hope to control” - time and death, an understanding of the universe much larger than “simple mortal sentience” can bear.  Above all else, The Nameless City is where the author of Lovecraft’s mythological Necronomicon first begins writing the book, which originally has an Arabic title of “Al Azif,” loosely translated by Lovecraft himself as “that nocturnal sound (made by insects) supposed to be the howling of demons.”
Demons being jinn/djinn, or “genies.”   And there is one character in Overwatch who has a Djinn skin.  
2. God Programs and Null Sector
It always struck me as odd that Zenyatta has not one, but four mythology references that are NOT Tibetan or Nepalese in the slightest.  In fact, he has two Djinn-based skins and two Egyptian skins (Ra and Sunyatta) which always seemed better suited to Ana or Pharah.  Zenyatta did not get a Tibetan skin until the Halloween special, where he got a death-based skin with a Tibetan skull cap (again - I get this is not canon, but it is telling that his Halloween reference was to skull artwork).  I do not doubt that Zenyatta’s skins - much like the other skins in the game - are simply following “a rule of cool” but like Mercy’s skins, they should give us some pause.  In mythology, the djinn are trickster-type creatures that can span a range of morality (again, very similar to Mercy’s Valkyrie and Witch skins), and their whimsical natures certainly match Zenyatta’s, even if their origin is a bit far from Nepal.  
The Ra and Sunyatta skins, however, are really interesting when you consider the fact that the only “canon” God Program currently revealed is Anubis.  
For those of you that don’t know, Anubis is featured in Pharah’s comic “Mission Statement,” where it is revealed to be a supercomputer Omnic dubbed “a God Program” that is capable of mind-controlling other Omnics.  
Which, you know, is the kind of stuff that Lovecraft’s Great Old Ones are capable of doing.  
What is not stated outright in the Mission Statement comic, but is instead implied (once again, by Reaper) in Old Soldiers and in other in-game dialogue, is that Helix Securities is somehow “messing around” with “something beyond their control” by doing strange and possibly unethical experiments on Anubis, and that Anubis “lashed out” against them (causing Helix to send in Pharah’s Raptora squad to put it down).  
The only other characters to have Egyptian mythology skins are Pharah herself (shockingly called “Anubis”) and her mother Ana (“Horus”).  It is implied in Old Soldiers that Ana is attempting to “find out” what happened in Mission Statement through a Talon associate Harkim (the man Reaper speaks to).  
So what does this mean?
Once again, humanity is playing with forces much larger than itself - in this case, a literal supercomputer that rivals “gods” - and the effects of this trickle down all the way to Pharah, Ana, and Reaper, who have to struggle with the aftermath of this “small scale disaster.”  Only unlike Oasis, where a lot of the “inferences” are “non-canon” or simply implied, Mission Statement is canon to the overarching lore.  While the “Egyptian god skins” are non necessarily canon, we can see that Blizzard is pulling in characters like Pharah, Ana, and Zenyatta into a shared “background mythos,” much like Mercy and Oasis.  
And this has direct implications on Uprising’s lore and background.  
In the Uprising comic, we see that Null Sector arises from pushback against anti-Omnic sentiments in London, which city officials and Mondatta were trying to rectify when Null Sector attacked.  Overwatch - more specifically, Commander Jack Morrison and his fellow leaders Ana Amari and Gabriel Reyes - are put in a position where they are forced to make a difficult choice: stand on the sidelines and watch the situation deteriorate even further, or take action and risk getting in further international trouble with their Director and the rest of the world’s governments.  As most people know, they do the latter.  
“Canon Overwatch lore” shows that a team of four - Reinhardt, Mercy, Tracer, and Torbjorn - go into King’s Row and deliver a bomb before taking down Null Sector’s main base and freeing the hostages.  But what is extremely interesting are a number of the new interactions - both canon and non-canon - that can be found in the mode.
(Note that most of these are based on memory):
1. A Torbjorn-Tracer interaction in which Tracer protests that “Not all Omnics are like this.”  Torbjorn responds along the lines of “Look around - this has happened before and this will happen again!”  He seems to be implying that the normal King’s Row map - in which a group of attackers is trying to push an EMP to the Power Plant to disable “hostile Omnic forces” - is a result of the consequences of the events of Uprising, and even that Null Sector may return in the future.  However, this also builds on the old adage of “history repeats itself” which once again is a major thematic issue of Overwatch.  
2. Null Sector troopers will say the lines of “Error: Faulty Programming” when Zenyatta’s discord orb is placed on them in All Heroes mode.   3. Orisa has a new voiceline when being revived where she says “I think I saw the Iris.”  
The last two are super fascinating because we have two new ideas being presented here.  The first is that Zenyatta’s discord orb operates by disrupting mental or computational abilities and works by “disorienting” enemies, allowing allies to target them in their “mentally weakened state.”  Even though this interaction is not canon, it once again builds on the idea of mind control/mind effect that Anubis and Lovecraft’s Great Old Ones have.  Zenyatta’s standard lines about the ability - “Bask in the shadow of doubt.” “Darkness falls.” “You are your own worst enemy.” “There is disquiet in your soul.” - are among some of the most ominous and sinister lines in the game.  With this, Zenyatta’s ties to the “background mythos” of “uncontrollable chaos” lurking at the edges of Overwatch’s fictional world get much stronger, especially now that it’s shown he can perform these same abilities on other Omnics.  
Orisa’s new voiceline is extra telling because previously it was implied that “only enlightened Omnics” could see the entity known as “The Iris,” but now a “one month old” Omnic with limited experiences in the world has implied that she has seen it upon her death and “resurrection” (once again, we should be thinking of all the shady stuff about Mercy here).  Since Bastion does not have the ability to speak any known human language (oh look, another lowkey Babel reference), Orisa is now the third Omnic character to confirm the existence of the Iris outside of Zenyatta and Mondatta.  
3. Gazing into the abyss - Sombra, The Eye Conspiracy, and the Popol Vuh
I know that other people have already put forward the idea that the Eye featured at the center of Sombra’s conspiracy web is “the Iris” - personally, I’m not a big fan of the idea but I want to examine it because the motif of “eyes” is recurring in Overwatch.  We have, at a glance (heh): 1. Ana and Pharah both having “eyes of Horus” tattoos.
2. Ana, Reinhardt, and Torbjorn are all missing eyes.
3. Soldier: 76 with his “enhanced vision” thanks to Tactical Visor.
4. Widowmaker’s “multi-view” camera headgear.
5. Hanzo’s “eyes of the dragon.”
6. Zenyatta’s Iris references.  
7. Winston and Mei both wear glasses (and reference it).
8. Sombra’s Eye conspiracy.
9. Orisa’s new voiceline about the Iris.
10. Multiple characters in masks or headgear that obscure their eyes.
11. McCree’s “Deadeye” ultimate.
12. The literal name of “Overwatch.”
I’ve probably missed some, but in any case, the associated motifs of eyes/vision/watching things is constant and ubiquitous in Overwatch (even down to the name of the game itself), which wraps about around to the very blunt and obvious “Who watches the Watchmen” theme that the series has going on.  With Uprising, we have the implied idea that “Overwatch has steadily overgrown its original parameters and started acting as ‘world police’ for justice and assistance.”  It may mean well, but ultimately, Overwatch is directly told by Director Petras, the UK government, and public protests (shown on the news blurbs) that “its oversight and protections” are no longer wanted or needed, even if its intentions are good and pure.  
It is not surprising then, that the idea of Overwatch “becoming too ambitious - even with good intentions” brought down the “wrath” of something even larger than it, something with the ability to move forces such as Talon, LumériCo, Volskaya, etc.  
Something that “watches” the “Overwatchmen.”  
Personally, I think the idea that the Eye Conspiracy being the same as The Iris is a little on-the-nose, especially since a lot of the “background mythos” is a series of obscure references that require semi-inane “connecting the dots” to find (am I self-depreciating here?  Yes), but it is a promising theory, especially with the new stuff surround Null Sector, Zenyatta, and Orisa.  So while I don’t want to talk to much about “what the Eye Conspiracy could be,” I do want to get into a little bit of “background mythos” around Sombra -
Because it too involves “deaths that cannot die.”  
Dorado itself was rather blindly (hah) designed by the Overwatch team who, in their haste to make a “bright, colorful village map,” drew references from an Italian city by the sea (gj guys, way to double-check your sources).  But the LumériCo power plant was almost certainly designed based on the Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Plant, which exists in almost the exact same location as Dorado’s maps (note that the in-game map within the LumériCo appears to be incorrect, as the Uprising map confirms that Dorado is supposed to be further south on the Gulf of Mexico).  More than anything else, the LumériCo power plants are designed to evoke the pyramids of Aztec and Mayan design.  These were massive stone builds of ritual, political, and social power that were meant to mimic the mountains that gods such as the Feathered Serpent, Tlaloc/Chaac, and Huitzilopochtli were believed to live on.  They were also meant to be displays of power and regality by various kings, queens, and rulers.  
So like the Temple of Anubis, the LumériCo power plant is a remixing of “real world mythologies” with the dev team’s “vision of the future,” a vision where humanity celebrates its diversity and the beauty of its multitude of ideas and histories with a “futuristic twist.”  
But what it also implies is that Portero - the CEO of LumériCo - is imposing himself as a psuedo-ruler in Mexico.  
And that’s not just me “reading the inferences” like with Oasis or Mercy.  This is outright what Sombra calls him in the Sombra ARG.
“Long live the King!
“The King Guillermo Portero of LumériCo invites cordially, his loyal servants, to participate in his crowning event and to celebrate his infinite greed and treason toward the people of México. We gave coordinated the publication of info that demonstrates that Portero is a viper, that have for a long time ripoff the riches of our country for his own wealth. He has corrupted our government, turned our sisters and brothers into beggars, and he won’t stop until controlling the whole country under his dominance. But we, Los Muertos, won’t tolerate the celebration of his reign of corruption. We’ll demonstrate to our new conquistadores (conquerors) who will take the reins of the future of our country! On November 1st, we’ll dethrone the King Viper and we’ll celebrate the recovery of our home.”
Surrounding Sombra and Los Muertos is a mythos of revolution and resistance, notably against a “new world oligarchy” of which Sombra perceives Portero to be “only the start.”  In Infiltration we see her take on Katya Volskaya through blackmail and “trickery,” and in her Origins video, Sombra outright declares war on “The Eye Conspiracy.”
“I’ll find out who really runs the world.  I’ll find their weaknesses and how to exploit them.  And when I do - I’ll be the one pulling the strings.”  
Whether intentional or not, Sombra’s arching story and its motifs parallels one of the major Mayan mythologies - the Hero Twins of the Popol Vuh.  The Hero Twins are symbols of life and death, war and peace, day and night.  In the most famous version of their adventures, the Hero Twins take on the lords of Xibalba (the underworld) and “beat them at their own games” using information, trickery, and cunning.  In some versions of the myth, they go on to become the Sun and the Moon, and watch over the world for the rest of eternity.  
We have seen Sombra challenge “the reign” of Portero and through her leaks, she forced him to resign under public humiliation.  We have seen her start to make a move against Volskaya Industries.  And we know, from her interactions with Reaper, that she is semi-aware that “something is going on with someone in Oasis.”  Michael Chu has stated that Sombra’s interactions with Reaper are canon, and therefore, “the shadow” and “Death himself” are relatively close (as implied by the “you don’t mind if I call you Gabe, do you?”/”stick to the mission” interaction).  
Interesting here too, again whether intentional or not, is the idea that figures who represent or are associated with Death - Sombra, Los Muertos, Reaper, Null Sector, Zenyatta, Anubis, Mercy - are “pushing back” against much larger powers, resisting against those who “watch the Overwatchmen,” and trying to reclaim power.  
4. I’m not the one with the statue.
Before there was Lovecraft, before the Nameless City, before the Cthulhu mythos, there was Shelley’s Ozymandias.
“I met a traveller from an antique land Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand, Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear: 'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!' Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.”
Surprise, surprise - a Very Important Statue of a Very Important Character in Overwatch got referenced in Uprising.  Surprise, surprise - this same statue was depicted from The Very Beginning in the Museum Heist short, before Soldier: 76/Jack Morrison had even been revealed as a character.  
Surprise, surprise - this very same statue is implied to have been blown up in the Swiss Base explosion (you can actually see a “trunkless leg” in the Soldier: 76 Origins video).
And - surprise, surprise - Ozymandias is the “superhero alter-ego name” of Adrian Viedt in Watchmen, the “true antagonist” of the story and whose jaded, misguided morals designs an “impending disaster” in order to try and force humanity to unite against it.  
“Before Manhattan leaves to create life in another galaxy, Veidt asks him if he "did the right thing in the end". Manhattan replies that "In the end? Nothing ends, Adrian. Nothing ever ends", leaving Veidt in doubt about how long the peace will last.”
In Watchmen, there are constant themes of “history repeats itself” and “humanity’s arrogance and desire for personal short-term satisfaction outweigh idealism and hope for long-term peace and prosperity.”  And of course the ever prevalent theme of “Who watches the Watchmen?”
And since Overwatch straight up rips off Watchmen, it’s not surprising at all that these major themes have worked themselves into the “background mythos” and outright lore of the game, its characters, and its world.  Of course, Overwatch attempts to portray its version of Ozymandias - Jack Morrison/Soldier: 76 - in a more...morally acceptable light, framing his decisions as “doing the right thing but ultimately sacrificing his ‘empire’ for it.”  If anything, Uprising shows Morrison as a character “setting out on the right track, but ultimately brought down by the corruption of the larger forces in the world - the conspiracy that invades his organization, that seemingly ‘brings down and blinds (hah) his friends Ana and Gabriel,’ and that literally attempts to kill him.”
Of course, when you read between the lines of the Uprising comic, we can see that “the rest of the world” has begun to perceive Overwatch a rather different way - as a policing force that has started to overstep its bounds, impose its ambitions of “peace” upon the world “through means of trickery and deceit (Blackwatch) and even outright control methods (Overwatch Strike Team),” and aims to “reach for the impossible.”
And so we come to the idea of “the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.”
Much like the Tower of Babel, much like Mission Statement, much like the Sombra ARG, we have a recurring “background story” where “the larger powers that be” are fighting (from their perspective) to “keep humanity in its rightful place,” to restrict and lay low its ambitions and “arrogance,” to show that - no matter how well-meaning - overstepping one’s bounds will result in disaster and strife.  If Overwatch could not achieve global peace “through its Strike Teams and Blackwatch,” then how can anyone else?  
If the Ozymandias of the poem could not maintain his empire and his power, if even Time Itself brought him down and ruined “his works,” if even Time Itself could wear down on the Nameless City, if even after twenty to thirty years of hard work for peace could not solidify Overwatch’s worth in the world -
Then what will defy Time Itself?  
What will break the cycle of history repeating itself?  
Overwatch has set up a few “routes” - all of them paralleling each other - out of this “background mythos of endless horror and despair” it has built for itself.  
The first is Recalled Overwatch - the “Neutral/Chaotic Good” route.  In this Route, Winston and Tracer have begun to rebuild the fallen Overwatch from the rubble, in direct defiance of the Petras Act.  We know that, in due time, Genji attempts to join them (after Dragons), and that he invites Hanzo along.  Other agents who receive the Recall notice are Mercy, McCree, Reinhardt, and Torbjorn.  This is the route that will “do things the right way this time,” where “the darkness” is fought back with “the light,” where “discord and disquiet” are overcome by “harmony and tranquility.”  The uncertainty here is that there is nothing which prevents this route from repeating the same history as its predecessor.  
The second is the Old Soldiers - the “True Neutral/Chaotic Neutral” route.  In this route, we have Soldier: 76 and Ana setting off on their own, looking for “answers” to the “war that never ends.”  What exactly Soldier and Ana are looking for is unknown - arguably, they’re looking for a way to bring down the conspiracy that ended Overwatch, but this is never stated outright.  The problem with this route is that since there’s only two of them, they may never find what they are looking for.
The third route is the “Even Death may die” - the “True Neutral/Chaotic Evil” route.  This is the route that, in my opinion, is by far the most interesting.  It is the route that follows Sombra, Reaper, and Widowmaker.  We know for certain that Sombra is out to find and control “the larger forces that really run the world,” and arguably Reaper “may be in on this plan.”  Widowmaker’s role in this is uncertain.  This is the route that probably parallels the Hero Twins - descending into “the underworld” to fight “the Lords of Death” with tricks, cunning, and intelligence, besting them at their own games.  This is the route that would counter “whatever Great Old Ones exist” in Overwatch’s world with their own abilities - Sombra’s hacking and systems, Reaper’s inability to die, and (if she’s part of it) Widowmaker’s sniping abilities.  The issue with this route is that there is nothing preventing these individuals from being “corrupted” by the same forces that “corrupted” the Eye Conspiracy and led to the fall of Overwatch.
One thing I want to stress is that none of these routes are necessarily “morally or ethically correct.”
After all -
It depends on how you see it.  
There is a lot here for the development team to play with.  It’s taken them quite a lot of time to get their feet on the ground, but now that they have an increasingly solid foundation to work on, they can build their bizarre and beautiful world however they want, with increasingly interesting and oddball references.  With Uprising, we got stuff as wonderfully whimsical as the Selfie and Baby highlight intros, the Contra sprays, the Null Sector skins, etc, but we also got stuff as eerie and surreal as the Zenyatta discord orb lines, Orisa’s “Was that the Iris?” line, the strong implication of Null Sector using reprogramming to make Bastions and OR-14s fight against their will, and Torbjorn’s lines of “this has happened before and it will happen again.”  
What the Overwatch team is building here is a series of “range of canon” background mythologies (some that are “non-canon but merely background white noise that colors how the players view the world,” to “these are kinda sorta canon and you should be paying attention to how we use these references,” to “these are outright canon and we will be using them blatantly for whatever we want”) that develop the world in a set of unique ways.  Even for the stuff that “isn’t canon,” it still exists in the game and it still tints how players interact with the characters, their personalities, and their story arcs.  Reaper’s Mariachi skins and Zenyatta’s Djinn skins may never matter “in the overall story,” but they still show small “slices” of personality that reveal something new about them.  Similarly, Zenyatta’s lines about his discord orb may never “make it to canon,” but they still demonstrate that “something dark” lurks within them.  
And this is, arguably, both the strength and weakness of this style of storytelling: anything and everything is open and available for use.  You can design a world where a map references the Tower of Babel and more or less imply that “the doctor who defies death” lives there, but you can change this at the drop of a hat.  You can create a robot monk whose abilities rely on amplifying “the disquiet” in other characters’ souls, but then say that his statements on these abilities are not “canon.” You can craft a narrative surrounding three old comrades who have had a major falling out and then leave massive gaps in the explanation for this problem.  You gain freedom, flexibility, and openness in exchange for lore that stands on a foundation as steady as shifting sands.  
So yes, I know that like half of this essay or whatever “isn’t canon.”  But if Mercy’s Witch skin has impacted how you view her, or knowledge of Watchmen has impacted how you understand Overwatch as a whole, or hearing Orisa’s voiceline about the Iris has changed your perception of it, then does it matter “how canon” it is?
If it has impacted how you see it
Then it has already influenced how you interpret it.  
This doesn’t even BEGIN to cover all the apocalypse references made by characters like Roadhog, Junkrat, Ana, Reaper, etc.  There are, frankly, a massive amount of voicelines that - once again - shade how the player perceives the characters and the world of Overwatch at large.  This doesn’t even cover backstories like Reaper or Mei or D.va, that latter of whom straight up has Godzilla/Evangelion references in her background.  And this doesn’t even cover stuff like the battle of Eichenwalde, or Deadlock, or “HAL-fred Glitchbot” (who is literally a reference to HAL and Alfred Hitchcock, both elements of “Hollywood horror”), or even the issues around Los Muertos.  There’s a ton here that shows that the Overwatch devs are dropping apocalyptic and/or horror references as varied as Mad Max to Apocalypse Now to 2001: A Space Odyssey to Neon Genesis Evangelion to The Headless Horseman to “the grandfather of all sci-fi” Frankenstein to “the grandfather of American macabre Romanticism” Edgar Allan Poe.  
The “background mythos” of Overwatch is filled with horror story references - everything from The Raven, to Thriller, to Psycho.  Behind the bright colors and beautiful maps are canon stories that imply something darker - a God Program being contained against its will, a yakuza clan that “needs to be reigned in,” a city “building the tallest tower in the world,” an arms-dealing gang “coming back into power,” an EMP being delivered to “hostile Omincs” - and a whole slew of “non-canon references” that display something even deeper, “even darker” that lurks beneath them all.
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Just Talking pt.1
Link and Zelda talk. That’s all that happens. This is just something I wrote while my other (read:better) laptop was busy updating.
Zelda: Ocarina of Time Ganon, or Original NES Ganon.
Link: Tough call. Ocarina of Time. Just because he seemed more... cunning than normal. And he had a cooler design. 
Zelda: Then why was that a tough call?
Link: I miss the trident. Hmm. Bodyguard Impa, or Old Nursemaid Impa?
Zelda: Nursemaid Impa. Bodyguard Impa watched me sleep... it was kind of unsettling. 
Link: She just wants you safe.
Zelda: Yeah. I know.
They lay down on the garden field, watching the clouds for minutes on end.
Zelda: I got one. Marin, Malon, or Cremia?
Link: As in, who was a better friend? Because I literally dated one of them.
Zelda: I don’t know, who had a bigger Impact on your life? Marin helped you escape the island, Malon gave you Epona...
Link: Cremia. Watching her tell Romani she could drink Chateau Lon Lon on that last day... it reminds me why we keep fighting in every game. So that never has to happen.
Zelda: Heavy.
Link: Time for something light, then. Hyrule Castle or Skyloft?
Zelda: Hyrule Castle. It’s no floating island, but we came to the surface for a reason, after all. Epona, or the crimson Loftwing?
Link: Both.
Zelda: Fine. But the two of them, or Flute Boy’s bird?
Link: They are all great, loyal companions.
Zelda: Alright, mister sentimental. How about Ricky, Dimitri, or Moose?
Link: I don’t know... Ricky? Because he could punch things... I guess? What about you? Pirate crew or Castle knights?
Zelda: Pirates. I admire their bravery and loyalty. Oh! Manga or Nintendo Power?
Link: Manga. Nintendo Power’s A Link to the Past comic started out funny and cute enough, but they added a sad ending to what was probably one of the happiest endings in any Zelda game. Never forgave them for that.
Zelda: I liked Nintendo Power. The mangas were never bad but... I don’t know. I just liked the little joke comics. *shrug*
Link: Alright, here’s a good one. Wand of Gamelot, or the cartoon?
Zelda: Link. Must I call for your immediate arrest?
Link: Alright, but you still have to answer me during visiting hours.
Zelda: No.
Link: C’mon. I’ll come back as a poe and haunt you if you don’t.
Zelda: Fine. Cartoon. It had... a few good things.
Link: Heh, yeah. Ganon was hilarious.
Zelda: Speaking of Ganon... who’s the better father figure Ganon? A Tale of Two Rulers, Growing Up Gerudo, or Triforce of Power?
Link: Gotta go with big papa Growing Up Gerudo Ganon. 
Zelda: Are you sure? Two Rulers Ganon gave Rinku a pig. That’s gotta count for something.
Link: Yeah, it was a tough call. Still, I guess I have a weakness for... morally unambiguous good guys as parents. Like the Deku Tree, and my grandma or my uncle. Speaking of Dads, King of Red Lions or Skyward Sword?
Zelda: Is that even a real choice? Skyward Sword. King of Red Lions and I barely even talked.
Link: I suppose.
Zelda: Okay. Toon Zelda or Tetra?
Link: Tough call. I’m gonna go with Toon Zelda, since she’s more useful with her cool ghost powers and all. Tetra is still the coolest girl in the sea, though. Smash Bros move set or Hyrule Warriors move set?
Zelda: Smash bros. Din, Nayru, or Farore?
Link: Nayru. Din made me dance, and that was really awkward. And Farore didn’t do much... she just ran a Link Cable Shop at the top of a tower.
Zelda: Yeah, Nayru was nice. 
Link: Hmm. Magic powers, Sheikah training, or Archery?
Zelda: Sheikah. My magic powers are never effective unless I’m possessed or something. Zelda from AToTR or Triforce of Power?
Link: Not a fair choice. One of them’s the main character. Two Rulers.
Zelda: Hmm.
Link: Of course if you included Knight Zelda from the Demon Road I might have had some difficulty.
Zelda: Knight Zelda is clearly superior. 
Link: I don’t think it’s that clear cut.
Zelda: She kicked your ass.
Link: Lots of Zeldas kick my ass!
Link sighs and traces his finger around one of the clouds. He looks at the Triforce on his hand.
Link: Okay, I’ve got one. If you could have either Mine or Ganon’s triforce, which would you take?
Zelda: I mean, what does your Triforce even do?
Link: Prevents me from getting caught by things.
Zelda: What?
Link: Yeah. Say you want to lock me in a room. There will be a convenient little hole for me to crawl through and escape. Say you lock me in a room and there’s a guard ready to kill me. Once I beat the snot out of that guard the door will unlock automatically. Why do you think that keeps happening?
Zelda: Holy- Definitely that one! I’m tired of getting kidnapped by Vaati or Ganon or Whomever!
Link: I’d trade with you. I’d love to be the one who knows about the lore first for once. I’m always late to the party when it comes to legends and backstory. 
Zelda: Hey. Ignorance is bliss, I say. I’d rather never get caught and always be adventuring than know our inane backstories over and over again.
Link: I don’t know... adventuring gets tiring after a while. It’s nice to take time off sometimes... play a kids game at a festival... deliver love letters for people... search for rupees in cemeteries...
Zelda: What was that last one? 
Link: Nothing.
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