#dr. stephen strange x y/n
imagines--galore · 1 year
Okay okay so, first hi hello how're you? I hope you're doing well. Second, I'm rewatching doctor strange and I had a thought
So for majority of it, he struggles with his hands obv and it makes me think. How would he react to an s/o with carpal tunnel and arthritis?
Every once in a while my finger will dislocate and I'm just oh okay and put it back. And when my carpal tunnel acts up It'll hurt a lot to hold anything remotely heavy
I can also repeatedly pop my wrist cause its funny to see my mom get grossed out. (In reality I'm just dislocating and relocating multiple times over and over lmao)
Pairing: Dr. Strange x Reader Rating || Genres || Warnings: T. Romance. If you're not comfortable with what has been requested, please do not proceed. A/N: I actually laughed out loud when I read your request. And I hope I got the aspect of it right! I hope you enjoy it!
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"Well this is just fantastic isn't it?" You grumbled as you found your arms being tied behind your back by a magic-user thief attempting to.....well rob the New York Sanctum.
"Shut up." The man said. At least he sounded like a man, judging by the deepness of his voice. He wore a black ski-mask to hide his identity, so it could be a woman. The physique didn't really give anything away. Or he could be wearing a disguise. Or she.
Argh! Your mind was still a little slow since you hadn't had your coffee.
You still couldn't figure out how the thief had managed to sneak in despite the magic wards. Not to mention he(you decided it was a he) had managed to jump you. Then again, you had walked into the Sanctum kitchen half asleep and still groggy from waking up. From what you could detect, he wasn't a very strong magic user, so incapacitating him would be easy.
But you were wide awake now, slightly pissed off, and cranky as well. Not to mention the bruise to your ego at being caught unawares. So you would play it out.
And enjoy every second of it.
Well you were going to, if Stephen hadn't portaled in at that very moment.
"Welcome home, Honey." You called in a mocking voice, just as the thief turned to press the blade of a knife to your throat.
Huh, where did the knife come from?
Stephan froze up, though the expression on his face was one of pure fury as he glared at the would-be thief. Magic fizzled at the tips of his fingers. "You come any closer-" The thief let the threat hand his voice cold.
"What do you want?" Stephen asked, getting to the business part as usual.
"The Ring of Gyges." You frowned in confusion. That ring was at the London Sanctum.
"Ha! You're at the wrong Sanctum then, buddy." You couldn't help yourself as you let out the laugh, prompting both the thief and Stephen to glance at you.
"Y/n." Stephen called your name in a warning tone, knowing how much you loved to goad the enemy with your banter to draw their attention away from the prime target.
The thief glared at you. "My sources say its here." He insisted. "Well your sources are wrong." You said in a mocking tone. That seemed to tick him off, as he raised a fist and moved to punch you.
But you were much much quicker.
With a twist of your wrist, you managed to dislocate it, allowing the ropes to loosen. And with your other hand, you caught his fist. You grinned at his perplexed expression, raising your dislocated wrist, and watching in amusement at the horrifying look that morphed over his features as he stumbled back.
"Maybe next time, make sure your captives are properly incapacitated." You said. With a flick, your bones were back in place and you threw your leg out with all your might. Catching the thief across the stomach you watched as he went flying, crashing into a nearby table. He seemed to hit his head as he went since he instantly passed out.
Rolling your wrist to make sure it was alright, you turned your attention back to Stephen, who was looking at you with an amused look on his face, a smile barely concealed.
"I still find it amazing how callously you do that." He nodded towards your hand, to which you shrugged. "I've gotten used to it. Though he caught me on one of my good days. If he had tried to take me captive a couple days ago, I wouldn't have been able to do much." You admitted, thinking how your carpel tunnel had been acting up and even lifting a book had been difficult.
It didn't help that most books in the Sanctum weighed a ton.
Walking towards you, he took your hand in his. You watched as his scarred and trembling hands brushed against your palm and fingers. Allowing your eyes to meet his, you gave him a small smile. "We make quite the pair don't we?" You asked, referring to the state of his hands and your own issues with arthritis and carpel tunnel. He sighed before nodding, lifting one of your hands to press a kiss to the inside of your wrist, the one you had dislocated a few moments ago.
You smiled at his brief show of affection before turning to where the thief had begun to stir.
"I'm gonna put some coffee on. We're both gonna need it while we interrogate him." You stated before kissing his cheek quickly and strode off to the kitchen.
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chaosvillainy · 6 months
*Planning to take down Scarlet Witch*
Strange: I’m not going to seduce her!
Y/N: And no one would judge you. It’s understandable. She’s very powerful, intimidating, beautiful, not to mention very well-muscled.
Strange: I am never going to seduce her, but I’m starting to think you might be…
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geeky-politics-46 · 7 months
Kinktober 2023 - Day 6
Sex Tape with Doctor Stephen Strange
"A Picture Is Worth 1000 Words"
Smut - Explicit content - NSFW - 18+ only!
Summary: You are feeling self-concious & down on your appearance, but Stephen has an unconventional idea of how to make you realize how sexy & beautiful you really are.
Warnings: Smut (NSFW) - 18+ ONLY - body image issues, voyeurism & exhibitionism via photo & video, dirty talk, swearing, pet names, oral sex, creampie, vaginal sex, slight daddy kink, a bit of fluff & a little angst.
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You weren't even sure what had triggered your self-image issues at the moment. Honest to God, you were just sitting in bed watching a YouTube video, pursuing the sidebar recommended videos when you started comparing yourself to other people.
It didn't matter if it was just a random ad or a promo for a TV show. You started sizing yourself up to all the actresses, models, and even some normal people. No matter who it was, you felt you couldn't compare.
Your stomach was too big. Your butt was too small. You were too short. Too plain looking. Hell, sometimes you weren't even sure how you compared to average. You didn't think you were hideous, but you forever felt like the ugly duckling. Like the potential to be beautiful was there. It just never blossomed. Or, like you sabotaged being pretty by not having enough restraint to eat better or lose weight. 
For once in your life, you wanted to be the bombshell. You were too weird to be the girl next door. You always fell into the quirky/cute and funny category. People fell for you once they got to know your personality, but you knew that never once had you stopped a guy dead in his tracks across the room. 
In an effort to make yourself feel smaller, you dug around for your massive old sweatshirt. The one you wore whenever you were feeling sad. The material had piled up in places, and it was starting to get holes in others, but the super stretchy material still felt just as big and cozy as if it was brand new. The dark eggplant purple color was also somehow soothing compared to the mostly blacks and grays of your daily wardrobe.
You had settled back in, deep in your own thoughts, when your partner entered the bedroom. You had been with Doctor Stephen Strange for a while now. Long enough that you had more or less informally moved into the Sanctum. You got to spend more time with Stephen and didn't have to pay rent. It was a win-win. The only downside was that you couldn't hide from him when your inner demons reared up. 
You didn't even realize he had been talking to you as he changed out of his sorcerer's robes and into his sweats for bed. It wasn't until he sat down in front of you and lifted your chin up to look directly at him that you realized you weren't paying any attention to a thing he was saying. 
"What's wrong, sweetie?"
You hated the genuine concern on his face. He spent his days literally saving the universe, and here you were trapped inside your own spiraling thoughts. 
"Nothing is wrong."
You said it while staring down at your hands. You were never good at hiding things from Stephen when you were face to face.
"Even if I wasn't a brilliant doctor, MD, and PhD, I know that's your 'I'm sad' sweatshirt. So something is definitely wrong." 
You closed your eyes and shook your head, trying to jiggle loose the thoughts that were waying you down. Not wanting to waste Stephen's time with your shallow worries. Yeah, he was your boyfriend, but he had plenty more vastly important things to do than talk you off a self-image cliff.
"It's stupid, Stephen."
"Don't care. You've listened to me say stupid stuff plenty of times. This just makes us one closer to even."
You rolled your eyes at him, and you knew he wasn't about to give up. Stephen was the most stubborn person you had ever met. In fact, his stubbornness was part of why he pursued you for so long before you finally agreed to go out with him. If he was set on finding out what was bothering you, nothing would stop him until you told him.
So after another moment of trying to get him off the topic, you finally relented and told him what had you feeling down. Shrinking down farther into your sweatshirt as you spoke, fumbling for the right words. Letting the cozy fabric serve as its own kind of armor.
"I don't even know what got me thinking it, but I'm just feeling down on myself. That there just isn't anything about me physically that is special. I don't think I'm ugly, I just don't get why you bothered to even give me a second glance. Let alone what keeps you interested. You are the great Doctor Strange. You are so hot, Stephen, and I'm just me. I'm just plain. I'm chubby with stretch marks. You are gorgeous. You could literally be with the most beautiful women in the world."
You could see him almost flinch when you called yourself plain and that you doubted how enamored he was with you. Even if he knew it was only a passing thought, he never wanted you to question his love for you. Ever.
When it took a few moments for him to say anything in response, you immediately started to take it all back. Not wanting to drag him down into your funk with you.
"See, I shouldn't have said anything, I'm just having a bad night and -" 
Stephen cut you off with a passionate kiss. The kind of kiss that could make you forget your own name. Cupping your face in both of his hands before pulling away from your lips to place several more small kisses on your forehead and in your hairline. Gradually adjusting so he could pull you closer and wrap his arms tighter around you.
"First of all, I love you so much you don't even know. So don't think for one second I would rather be with anyone else. Second of all, I know that you don't necessarily see what I see when you look in the mirror, and you don't even have to believe me, but you are gorgeous. Do you not see that half the other guys practically trail you around like puppies? Rogers turns bright red when you smile at him, and it's a wonder Barnes and Wilson haven't followed you home like strays yet."
That made you laugh. You did know Steve had harbored a crush on you before you started dating Stephen. Tony had let that spill one night after a party. Both Sam and Bucky were such flirts all the time with everyone. Of course, they always acted sweet on you. You assumed it was just them or their way of being nice. You would have to pay better attention next time you saw them, though. Just to see. 
"If one of them does follow me home, can I keep him?" 
You squinted your eyes and pouted your lips at Stephen. You loved giving him a hard time, and he loved giving you one right back.
"Absolutely not. Even if they scratch and howl at the door all night long. I'm the only one who gets to keep strays, and that only applies to America. On a good day, maybe Parker."
You giggled and shook your head in agreement. America was definitely a great addition to your little family. It did lift your spirits a little thinking about all of that, but it still didn't leave you feeling better about yourself. 
Stephen could see the way you were picking at the skin on your hands. Like you were trying to pick away the self-consciousness or what you felt were imperfections. It was a habit he noticed you fell into when you were extra hard on yourself. So, in an effort to distract you and stop you from picking at your skin, he took one of your hands in both of his.
"Do you remember the day you held my hand the first time? Do you have any idea how terrified I was? I was terrified that you were suddenly going to realize how broken and ugly my hands are. How damaged I am, and realize just how below your own league you were dating. Still are, by the way, so maybe I shouldn't say anything. You are the sexiest most beautiful woman I have ever met, inside and out. Every inch of you is incredible and perfect to me. I thought that before you even said a word to me, and getting to know you, and falling in love with you has only made me more sure. There is no one in this universe I could ever find sexier or more special."
"Tell you what, I have an idea..." 
Stephen stood up from the bed, moving over to shut the bedroom door. Throwing the lock, too. Now that you had a teenager running about the Sanctum, it was better safe than sorry. Then, he pulled his phone from his pocket. Setting it on airplane mode as he walked back over to you.
"How about I show you what I see? Give you some actual physical proof of how beautiful you are? A picture is worth a thousand words. I imagine some more revealing, naughty photos would be worth even more."
You chuffed at him and raised a questioning brow at his suggestion. 
"Stephen, are you seriously suggesting that I let you take naked photos of me as a way of making me feel better about myself? Are you sure that isn't just gonna make you feel better?" 
His signature cheeky grin was plastered on his face, and his bright blue eyes were twinkling with mischief.
"Can't it do both? Besides, you know I've asked before for something I can enjoy when I can't have you with me, and I think you look perfect right now. Already in our bed. Already cozy and dressed for bed. Few layers to take off. This is the you I want to see when I'm not here with you."
He came over to where you were still sitting on the bed. An extra swagger in his step and a grin because of the blush you were now sporting. He started to pull teasingly at the hem of your sweatshirt with the hand he didn't have his phone in.
"Come on, take this off. I want you to see how sexy you are. I promise I will let you delete them if you want, although I certainly wouldn't mind keeping a couple for myself, but I want you to see how you look when it's just you and me. Right here, in this bed. The version of you that only I get to see, at least I do hope it's only me. A woman who puts all those supermodels and Playmates to shame. Even first thing in the morning. A goddess if one ever existed, even with bedhead and morning breath." 
Layer by layer, you let Stephen slowly strip off your clothes and arrange you on the bed. His fingers and lips adoring every new inch of skin that he exposed before proceeding to take picture after picture. Lovingly caressing every spot you deemed less than perfect. Letting him talk you through pose after pose. Some were simple and basic, normal poses. Some a bit more sultry with little left to imagine. The less clothing remained, the more bold he got with your poses. 
As your impromptu photoshoot went on, he also tried to distract you from feeling self-conscious about your body coming into view. Sometimes, by making you laugh. Sometimes, by getting a goofy look on his face as he just kind of stared at you. Almost awestruck. 
"You really have no idea how much I fantasize about you, do you? How much of my day I spend trying not to think about you? How when we first started dating, I felt like a teenager trying to control his raging hormones because all I could think of was this. What it would be like if I got the privilege to get this beautiful, incredible woman naked in my bed. That I swore if I got you here, I would never let you leave. I hate that someone ever made you feel like you are anything less than gorgeous, whether in your ratty sad sweatshirt or all dressed up. Although, this, no clothes at all, is definitely my personal favorite."
You tried not to tear up at his genuine sweetness. You could feel your cheeks blushing at his statement, too. You buried your face into the pillow you were holding before softly turning and peeking out at him from the side. Only to find him waiting for the moment you locked eyes with him to take a photo. 
In a sudden burst of confidence, you bit your bottom lip and rolled onto your back. Letting the entirety of your body be on display. Laying back and resting your head on the pillow and stretching your arms up overhead, your legs spreading on their own. You closed your eyes and arched your back as you inhaled deeply. Like you were a cat basking in the warmth of the sun. 
Your mind was completely clear of all thought until you heard a stuttered breath from your lover. It was a sound you had never heard Stephen make before. It sounded like he was looking at a priceless piece of art or one of the seven wonders. He sounded like he was in awe. Like he was in awe at the sight of your body and your beauty.
You were about to dismiss his, what you were sure had to be, over embellished praise, but then you opened your eyes. You were rendered speechless by the look of utter wonder on his face as he let his cerulean blue eyes wash over every inch of you. For possibly the first time, you saw him really seeing you, and it melted any remaining self-doubt you had in that moment.
You immediately reached out to pull Stephen to you. Wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him sweetly. Rubbing your nose against his and whispering loving thanks against his lips.
"Thank you, Stephen. I love you, and even though I don't necessarily see what you see, you always make me feel beautiful. Why don't we take a few pictures together, or maybe a video or two? Maybe I want something for when you aren't here too." 
Stephen's eyes darkened at the suggestion. You had your suspicion that Stephen had a bit of an exhibition kink. You had sent each other pics before, a short video clip or two, and sexted all the time. You knew the idea of filming the two of you fucking would intrigue him. A wicked smile found it's way to his face. 
"Oh sweetheart, you have no idea how many times I've thought of you asking that or that I've thought of asking. Are you really okay with filming us fucking? Of course it's just for the two of us. Sorcerer's honor. " 
Stephen started trying to fiddle with the phone, trying to figure out the best way to set it up to film the two of you. Finding it hard to concentrate after you started leaving kisses on his neck. Stopping to bite and suck at the spot just below his earlobe before continuing to whisper his darkest desires in his ear.
"Well, Stephen, actually the idea does get me a little hot. Maybe if the video turns out really good, a few seconds or minutes can get leaked to a naughty site or two. Anonymously, of course. I don't want to share you with any other woman, but I wouldn't mind showing off all the ways I worship you. Let everyone see how lucky I am. Maybe get some outside opinions of how we look together." 
Stephen's eyes practically rolled back in his head at the thought. He never would suggest it himself, but he kind of loved the sound of that. Of the world getting to see how good the two of you looked together. Of seeing how well you both fit together. How your bodies were made for each other.
He scrambled off the bed using the pile of books on the dresser to create a tripod to set up the phone. Hitting record and making sure the bed was centered in the frame before coming back to join you in the sheets again. He used his magic to strip himself of his clothes. If you two were going to make a sex tape, he was gonna put some extra showmanship in it.
You couldn't help but giggle as you reach your arms out towards him. Stepben didn't waste a minute before he started crawling up your body. Teasing and nipping at your bare skin and making sure to snuggle and rub his goatee against you. Your hands immediately grabbed in his dark brown hair, loving how soft and full it felt in your fingers. 
As your lips connected, you both groaned in pleasure. Your bodies grinding and rubbing. Letting your hands roam all over Stephen's body now that you had plenty of him to touch. You could feel Stephen's cock already erect between you. Truth be told, taking those photos of you had essentially acted as foreplay for him. He was ready to go by the time he was setting up the camera. 
You moaned when you felt his hard shaft slide against the crease of your hip, so close to your sex that was starting to ache for him. Your legs reflexively spread even more on the large bed, and your nails scraped down Stephen's sides. 
"Is there something you want, baby? Tell Daddy what you need."
A sly smile on his face as he spoke. Loud enough to make sure the camera heard. Descending back on you and starting to kiss your neck. Sucking a patch or skin into his mouth hard enough to ensure you would bear a mark the next day.
Your brain finally coming back into focus when he playfully bit the same sensitive spot. His bright blue eyes met yours, and he gave you a cheeky wink. 
"Come on, pretty baby. Don't get all shy on me now. Not after you let me take all those naughty pictures of you. Plus, this part was your idea, after all. So you better speak up."
A soft groan pulled from your throat as you arched your back and ran your hands up his strong arms. Letting your fingernails scrape along his shoulders. Leaving little red scratches marking him as yours. 
"Want you, Stephen. Want you to fuck me. Pretty please, Stephen. Fuck me like only you can, baby."
He rewarded you with a deep kiss, letting his teeth nip at your bottom lip before he started working his way down your neck. Stopping to whisper a "that's my good girl" in your ear before continuing down to your collarbones. Raising his voice once again so it would be audible on the video when he started speaking again.
"You know you are the only one I want to fuck right? This is the only body that gets me this fucking hard. Your's is the only pretty little pussy I dream about filling up every chance I get. Want you full of my cum all the time. Want everyone to know you're mine." 
You felt over the moon as Stephen started to kiss his way down your body. Stopping and spending a little bit of extra attention every time he hit a spot that elicited a gasp or moan. Making you arch your back to give him access to every inch of bare skin you could.
He momentarily popped back up to kiss your lips. Suddenly taking your hand in his and lowering it so you were cupping his hard length. Letting his hips rut forward as you started to eagerly massage his hard cock. Already moving to sit up, anticipating taking him in your mouth, only for him to push you back down on the bed.
"Nope, I'm not done with you, baby, lay back. Just wanted you to feel how hard you got me. Feel how much taking those naughty photos of you turned me on? And they are all mine to enjoy, just like my cock is all yours to enjoy."
With that, he promptly began working his way back down your body. Coming to rest between your thighs, pulling your legs up over his shoulders. Leaving small nips on the sensitive flesh of your inner thigh and rubbing his facial hair against your skin to tease you.
A soft "Stephen, please!" escaped from your lips as you impatiently waited for his lips and tongue to work their magic on you. Feeling your hips thrust on their own when you felt him blow against your wet cunt. Making your sex flutter and clench. One of his favorite sights. 
"Make sure you don't hold back any of those pretty noises darling, want to make sure everyone can hear. Look at the camera as I eat you out, baby." 
You followed his instructions and let your head turn to the side. Keeping your eyes open as you stared into the lens. Trying to fight the inkling of self-consciousness tugging at the back of your mind. 
Those thoughts vanished completely the moment you felt Stephen's warm tongue make its first pass through your folds. All you could focus on was the feeling of his mouth on you. The scratch of his goatee against your most sensitive spots. He was taking his time. Lavishing your cunt with long licks and sucking kisses.
Stephen was a perfectionist, and that translated into every aspect of his life. Including sex. His photographic memory helping to make sure he knew exactly what way to lick and suck at your pussy to bring you to climax in record time. Only using his fingers on occasion. He could get you there with his mouth alone. Tonight was clearly going to be one of those nights.
Your back arched as he suckled on your clit. Keeping your gaze locked on the camera lens. Making sure to give Stephen the sights and sounds he wanted for your video. A long moan falling when you felt his tongue thrusting in and out of you. Hitching your legs up higher and farther apart so he could go deeper while letting your hips start to rut against his face.
As soon as he could feel you getting close to orgasm, Stephen pulled away and pounced on you once again. Wasting no time before he started to slowly thrust his hard cock into you. His lips biting at your neck.
He growled when you whimpered at the feeling of his cock bottoming out inside you. Holding perfectly still and letting you start to squirm beneath him. Wanting you to beg him to move. 
"Tell me what you want. Want you to say it again. Say it to the camera, sweetheart. Tell them why you're whimpering."
Your face now contorted into a pout as you tried so hard to get any sort of friction. Stephen's hips pushed flush to yours, holding you firmly in place.
"Want you to fuck me, Stephen. Need you to fuck me hard. Make me feel good, daddy. Please make me cum. Please."
He smiled and kissed you deeply. Bringing his hands to cup your face and giving you another moment of sweet intimacy before he gave you what you wanted. Pulling away and pulling your legs up over his shoulders. Scooting you just a little so the camera would be able to see his cock stretching and filling you. Once he had you right where he wanted you he began thrusting. 
"You asked for it, sweetheart. You turn me on so fucking much. This is just gonna be the first time I make you cum tonight. I'm not gonna stop until you feel like a goddess. My goddess." 
You reached up to intertwine you fingers with his as he started fucking you harder. Leaning forward so your ass was slightly lifted up off of the bed and his tip was pummeling that sweet spongy spot on your front wall. Making you clench around him each time he hit it. Your voice coming out in little squeaks and the sound of skin slapping punctuating Stephen's movements. 
You could already feel your orgasm building when Stephen moved to bring one hand down to begin rubbing at your clit. Pulling his cock out long enough to smear some of your wetness on the swollen bundle of nerves. Your cunt immediately clenching around him as he started tracing small circles there with his thumb. 
"That's it, my love. Can feel you getting close. You better cum soon because I'm not gonna be able to hold on much longer. Wanna fill you up every day. Mark you as mine. Inside and out. Fuck, baby, I'm gonna cum."
Stephen's own dirty talk getting the best of him. His head dropping down to watch his cock slamming in and out of your drenched cunt. Your pussy gripping tight around him sending him over the edge. His thrusts getting faster and his fingers on your clit mirroring his hips.
He let out a deep groan as he started cumming inside you. The feeling of his warm thick cum filling you triggering your own orgasm. Your cunt drenching his cock and his cum filling you completely. Your moans mingling in harmony with Stephen's. Your hands that were still clasped gripping each other tighter. 
Stephen's body falling onto yours and your lips meeting for slow, sweet kisses as your highs continued to ebb and flow. The sensations slowly fading as you came back down together. The feeling of Stephen's weight on top of you lulling you closer to sleep. All worries and neuroses disappearing and receding back into the depths of your mind. 
You were with Stephen, and Stephen loved you exactly as you were. He only had eyes for you, and he would love you no matter what. Even on days when you couldn't see your beauty, you knew he would help you to see it. Even when you didn't love yourself, he would give you enough love for both of you.
Eventually, Stephen rolled to the side and pulled you with him. Settling you under the covers and holding you close. Pressing kisses all over your face as you floated in the twilight space between waking and sleep. Not moving or pulling away until your breath settled into a steady rhythm that told him you were close to sleep.
Then Stephen stood up and went over to the phone. Stopping the recording and bringing the phone back over to the bed. Setting it down on his nightstand and purposely not setting his usual morning alarm. He wanted to sleep in with you tomorrow. He would deal with Wong later.
You were too exhausted to review the products of your photoshoot right now, but the next time you were feeling down or self-conscious, Stephen would be ready to show you just how beautiful you really were. If you still didn't believe him, maybe he would bring up the idea of an outside opinion like you suggested. You would have the world drooling over you, and he would get to gloat that you were all his.
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Stephen Strange Taglist: @starkiller-queen @glitterylokislut @verycollectivecreator @chatampr @maskmare931 @lovecleastrange @wheredafandomat @mkixx @evelynrosestuff @katefullerrr @littlepinknightmare @foofarny @stygianoir @moonroyalt @saturnsbabe69 @blaxdet @blackrose-92 @ironstrange1991 @ghxul-x @nancy-thompsons @wolfatheartandsoul @dangerouslittlefairy @n0obmaster-69 @oliveoilthoughts @onebatch--twobatch @yourmajesty13 @blondekel77 @lil-sweater-slut @gwephen @taramaria @sinceimetyou @slashersrus @coeurgrenaty @cc13723things @just--a-magpie @supervengerslock @strangelockd @dont-feel-so-good-peter @kingsmanperfecthartwin @ghost-lantern @inlovewithloki16 @thefalconandthewinterwidowshield @itssmaugtheterrible @katherinemaximoff @veryfancydoilies @cute-angi @mochacake2016 @prix19 @alexfanficnook @anotheroddfish @namor-is-the-way @xourownsidee @baes-x @dreamingsmile @negar77rd @imaginesfreetotake @ppatricia34me @rougepetale @tis-vereon @divinearchangel @sherlux @hiddlechive @ginnykate @thatesqcrush @friendofplenti @yuugenmomo @holdmyowos @the-royal-petals @lokislov3 @captaincarmel164 @lucimorningst4r @mydearalmira @petalcranberry @singhfae @emotionsareforuglypeople @trappedinlimbo15 @veryladyqueen @icytrickster17 @kentucky-criedfricken @briefhandsstudenttoad @calamityismyspecialty @sinisterstrange616 @patbrdac @trojanaurora @azu21 @massivehahaao3tree @strangesgirls @tobios-shawty @evelyn-kingsley @rmoonstoner
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vickiee-mcmuffin · 9 months
A helping touch
Word count: 3k
Pairing: Stephen Strange x Female Reader
Trope: Explicit Smut, Age gap (18+ Warning, Minors DNI)
A/N: I hope you like this little idea that came to mind. Thank you for helping me with ideas @strangelockd and gif credit goes to @thelostsmiles
Summary: You are intrigued by the new arrival at Kamar Taj. He has a scruffy appearance, but you offer to help him out when you find out why.
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You were one of the youngest people at Kamar Taj since you were in your early twenties, but you had quickly adapted to the environment. You had officially been enrolled there for just over two months. It all started when you lost your job. You didn’t have a single person to help you, so you had gone to Kamar Taj since there was nowhere else for you to go. All you had wanted was a little bit of help, but you ended up staying at Kamar Taj, learning the mystic arts.
Your time at Kamar Taj had pretty much flown by. You weren’t one to start drama or crave attention. You just liked to keep to yourself, getting all your training done. But that quickly changed when you had a new arrival at Kamar Taj. His name was Stephen Strange.
He was rather scruffy when you first saw him with his unkempt hair, but you still couldn’t help it when you stared at him. For a moment you had wondered if he was homeless and that he had visited Kamar Taj for a helping hand – just like you had done earlier. But it didn’t take you long to figure out that the story was completely different. You found out more about him after you introduced yourself to him one day, asking him why he was at Kamar Taj.
Stephen was nice to you. He had confessed to you that he had lost his job and his home after getting into a terrible car accident that damaged his hands. The accident was so bad that they had to put eleven stainless steel pins in his hands – not to mention all the nerve damage he had.
You had been beyond surprised when he told you that. That was news to you since he usually kept his hands covered up with a white cloth. You could only just barely see the faintest of scars on the tips of his fingers. You had also discovered that the accident was why Stephen looked all scruffy. Thanks to his hands being all damaged and hurt, he couldn’t really shave his beard or cut his hair since his hands shook so much.
The story shocked you. But part of you was glad that he felt comfortable sharing his past with you…
It was later that day that you decided to help Stephen out. He looked like he needed it and you just felt so bad for him. You were also certain that you had a little crush on him already.
Leaving your room that evening in nothing but your pyjamas, you moved to Stephen’s own room, making sure to walk as quietly as possible. You didn’t want to wake the masters up.
You knocked on the door, waiting a few seconds before you pushed it open. You found yourself blushing wildly when you saw Stephen standing before his mirror. All he had on were his shorts. He was doing his best to shave his beard.
“Sorry,” you said quickly when Stephen turned to look at you. “I’ll just go.”
“No,” Stephen said softly. “It’s okay. Come in.”
“Hi,” you said, voice all timid.
“Hey. What are you doing here?”
“I just wanted to come and help you out with your hair and your beard. I actually used to be a hairdresser before coming to Kamar Taj.”
Stephen smiled at you. “I’d like that very much, actually. If you’re sure you wanna do it, that is.”
“I am.” You shut the door behind you, moving closer to Stephen. Your eyes lowered and they landed on his hands, gasping when you saw how scarred they truly were. But it didn’t scare you. No. You just thought his hands looked so unique. “Do you have a chair so that you can sit down?”
Stephen nodded, grabbing a chair that had been sitting in front of his desk. He got it settled in front of the mirror, taking a seat.
You grabbed a pair of scissors that had been sitting on a small shelf by the mirror, but before you got to work, you wanted to know if Stephen was okay with what you were about to do.
“Do you trust me?” you asked softly.
Stephen nodded. “I do.”
Grabbing the towel that had been hanging on one of Stephen’s shoulders, you wrapped it around him. Your fingers pulled at his hair, running your digits through his locks before you began to cut the length off. Thick strands hit the floor as you cut here and there, doing your best to keep everything even. It didn’t take you long to get his hair down to a length you thought he’d be happy with. Exchanging the scissors for a brush, you carefully ran the brush through his hair, not stopping until the grey streaks in his hair were carefully tucked behind his ears. You swept back most of his hair so that it was to one side, finishing off the look so that it curled a little at the top, just above his forehead.
“Do you like it?” you asked nervously.
You watched him send you a smile, his eyes on your reflection in the mirror. “I love it.”
You let out a sigh of relief. “Do you still want me to do your beard?”
“Yes, please.”
“Hm, is there another chair I can sit in to do it? Might make it a bit easier.”
“Oh, no, sorry. There’s just this one chair.”
Stephen said nothing for a long while. For a second you wondered if he had regretted choosing you to do his hair. But then he spoke up.
“You can sit on my lap,” Stephen offered. “If that’ll work.”
You felt your cheeks go red at the suggestion. But it did sound enticing. “Are you sure?”
“Of course. Only if you want to...”
“I don’t mind.” With that, you grabbed the electric razor from the dressing table – the one Stephen had been trying to use earlier. Then you moved in front of him, parting your legs and getting on his lap so that you could straddle him. After getting settled in Stephen’s lap, you looked down at him. “How do you want me to shave your beard? Do you want to be clean-shaven? Or something else?”
Stephen smiled at you. “I was thinking maybe a goatee would suit me.”
You smiled back at him, giving him a nod. Then you turned the razor on, the sound of the buzzing hitting your ears. Tilting your head, you began to get to work on his beard. There was a lot to get rid of. You moved the razor carefully along his skin, keeping Stephen’s vision in mind. You couldn’t help but smile when you saw Stephen close his eyes as you shaved off his beard.
To get a better angle, you shifted slightly. But that meant you were rocking your hips against him softly, and you suddenly felt Stephen’s hands grab your hips tight as he gasped.
But you kept moving, not stopping until the only facial hair Stephen had was his goatee. Turning off the razor, you moved to the side slightly so that Stephen could see his reflection properly.
“Well, what do you think?” you asked.
Stephen reached up, rubbing his fingers against his chin. “You did a really good job.”
“Thank you.” Leaning over, you sat the razor down, still sitting there in Stephen’s lap. You looked down at Stephen, taking in his face. You couldn’t believe how different he looked. He had gone from scruffy to… handsome. Really handsome. You’re gorgeous, you thought the words in your head.
“You are too, sweetheart,” Stephen mumbled.
Your eyes widened. You didn’t realise you had said it out loud. “Wait… Did I say that out loud?”
Stephen chuckled. “You did.”
But then you realised what Stephen had said. He had said that you were gorgeous. “Did you mean what you said? When… When you said that I was gorgeous?”
“I did mean it.”
It was quiet for a long moment – until Stephen slowly closed the gap to kiss you. Your cheeks felt hot as you felt his lips on yours, not quite sure how to react at first. All you could feel was shock. Finally, you were just about to kiss him back, and then you felt Stephen pull away.
“I’m sorry,” Stephen said, eyebrows furrowed. “I’m—"
But you cut him off and gave him a kiss right back. You moaned softly, feeling Stephen’s tongue push into your mouth, his big hands on your hips. You began to move your hips against him, forcing a groan from Stephen’s lips. You kissed long and hard, only for you to gasp when you felt Stephen’s hard length right up against you.
“I’m sorry,” Stephen mumbled when you noticed.
But he had nothing to be sorry for. You went back to kissing him, grinding your hips against him again. You were getting wet, your need for Stephen growing by the second.
“I want you to fuck me so bad,” you whispered into Stephen’s ear.
Stephen shifted so that he could look at you properly. “Are you sure? You know I’m older than you.”
“I’m definitely sure. Plus… I’ve always liked older men, anyway,” you said, voice light and teasing. You looked at Stephen carefully, seeing him blush at your words. So adorable, you thought.
“Fair enough,” he told you with a small laugh.
Soon his lips were back on you, and you hurriedly kissed him back. Your hands moved down to his shorts and Stephen sat up a little so that you could pull them down just enough for his cock to spring free. You couldn’t help but gasp when you got a look at him.
“Do you like what you see?” he wondered, a smirk on his face.
All you did was kiss him in response, and he kissed you right back. But you had to get up. Just for a second. Only so that you could pull down your pyjama shorts, letting them hit the floor. It didn’t take you long to get back on Stephen’s lap, kissing him again. The kiss lasted a good few minutes before Stephen pulled away from you.
“You gotta be quiet,” he instructed you.
You nodded. “I will be.”
Stephen nodded and you put your hands on his shoulders, lifting yourself up just that little bit so that the head of his cock could line up with your entrance. Then you slowly moved down onto him, the both of you moaning at the same time as you took him inside of you. You both moaned together and when you had every inch of him inside of you, you pressed your face into his neck. Slowly, you ground your hips against his, with Stephen’s big hands holding you tight.
You slowly rode Stephen, doing your best to stay quiet. Stephen was being quiet too as you lifted yourself up and then you brought yourself back down. You both moved together in unison, and you just loved the feeling of Stephen’s thick cock stretching you out.
But you couldn’t help but moan when you felt the tip of Stephen’s cock hit that sensitive spot deep inside of you. The sound was long and loud, your lips parted as you just let the noise out.
“Shh,” Stephen said.
You sent him a quick nod. You did your best to stay quiet, but it was just so hard.
“You feel so good,” Stephen said with a groan, his words low. “God, you feel so fucking good.”
You kept moving along his cock. Up and down, up and down. Stephen’s thick cock felt like heaven buried deep inside of you. The tip kept hitting that sweet spot, your eyes half opened as you rode his cock.
“Look at you,” Stephen said with gritted teeth. “You look so beautiful taking my cock. Mm, you look so pretty for me. All mine…”
“Oh, Stephen,” you let out, moving along Stephen’s cock faster. You needed to pick up the pace, letting his cock fill you up again and again. You could feel him throbbing inside of you and that just made it feel all the more better.
“I love how you say my name,” he grunted. “You sound so gorgeous saying my name like that. And fuck, you take my cock so well. So, so good. You feel perfect. I can’t get enough of this pussy.”
His words spurred you on and you found yourself just riding his cock faster, letting him stretch you out and fill you up. Squeezing his shoulders tight, you bounced on his cock wildly, your hands moving to his back as you scratched at him. Pure pleasure was taking over your body as you moved up and down, up and down. Even your toes started to curl as your pussy grew wetter, coating Stephen’s cock in your sweet juices. Stephen kept groaning underneath you as you rode him, clearly loving how you were working your pussy along his cock.
“Stephen, please,” you whined out.
“I know, sweetheart. I know it feels good. This little pussy feels so good wrapped around me,” he grunted. “Feels like it was made for me. I just wanna make you feel good. And I’m gonna make you feel even better now.”
Stephen suddenly reached down and grabbed your ass. Holding you tight, he began to pound into you from underneath. You cried out, the noise shrill and loud as he gave you every inch of his cock. You could feel his heavy balls slapping against you as he made you his.
“Stephen!” you cried out. “Mm, Stephen! Yes, yes, yes!”
“That’s it, gorgeous. Say my name. Scream it out. Look at your face. Look at how pretty you look taking my cock. My sweet, pretty girl.”
“Mm, Stephen, yes!”
Snapping your eyes open, you pressed your forehead to Stephen’s, staring right into his dark eyes as he fucked you. Your lips were pouted, mouth wide open as Stephen took you. He kept fucking you, kept giving you every single inch of his cock. Your pussy felt so wet as he slid in and out of you.
Stephen gave you a wink suddenly, and that was when he seemed to use every last bit of energy he had to take you. You gasped, feeling him thrust in and out of you wildly, his thick cock buried deep inside of you. It was the best thing you had ever felt. Nothing had ever come close to the pure, filthy pleasure that Stephen was giving you.
“Stephen, Stephen, Stephen,” you chanted. Your voice was laced with lust.
“Fuck, you feel so good. I can’t believe how good you feel, baby.”
He fucked you and took you, your pussy turning his thick cock all wet and sticky the more your pleasure grew. Moving your shaking hands, you grabbed at Stephen’s hair, yanking at his locks. Stephen seemed to like that as he groaned in response, his thick length literally twitching inside of you.
“I love how you feel,” Stephen grunted. “You have the tightest, little pussy. You feel so good wrapped around my cock. I love it. I love how you feel so much.”
You stayed put, right there on Stephen’s length as he kept fucking you from underneath. His cock slid into you so easily, his tip hitting that spot again and again. You knew he was going to make you cum soon. You could just feel it. The pleasure increased by the second, your heart racing as he thrusted into you at the perfect angle.
“You’re gonna make me cum,” you told him with a whisper. “Oh, Stephen!”
Stephen seemed to take that as a challenge, because before you knew it, his fingers were digging into your ass tighter as he took you, fucking you so fast and hard that you could barely believe it. He hit that spot. That sensitive spot. He hit it over and over, until your eyes shut tightly and your ears started to ring, and then it was it for you.
A second later, your orgasm took over. You couldn’t be quiet. You just couldn’t. You came right then and there, squeezing at Stephen’s cock. You were trembling from top to bottom as Stephen groaned deeply. You guessed that he could feel you clenching around him, his cock throbbing wildly as he pounded into you deep and hard, giving you all of his cock until he lost it.
He grunted, shooting his thick load right into you. “Oh, fuck. I’m cumming. I’m cumming for you, beautiful girl.” Stephen held you right up against him, holding you nice and tight. He kissed you softly. “You were amazing. So amazing, my beautiful girl.”
You couldn’t say anything. You just stayed there, the both of you trying to get your breathing back on track. But soon Stephen stood up, keeping you in his arms. You let out a whine when his cock slipped out of you. Stephen got you settled on the chair, pulling up his shorts.
“I’ll be back in a second,” he told you.
And he was. With a washcloth in hand, Stephen gently cleaned you up before tossing the material to the floor. “Are you okay?” he asked.
“I am,” you said, voice low. You were so tired.
He smiled down at you. “I should ask you to cut my hair again if this is what happens after. Also, that was a total of five out of five star hair cut right there. Great service.”
Chuckling softly, you slowly moved off the chair and put your shorts back on. “Well, I better get back to my room. I don’t want us to get caught together.”
“Okay, sweetheart.”
He leaned in close, giving you a slow kiss. You hummed against his lips, kissing him softly before making your way to his door.
“I’ll see you around,” Stephen offered, his voice warm.
You gave him a bright, satisfied smile. “Definitely.” With that, you made a quick and sneaky exit back to your bedroom, that same smile on your face. 
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Tag list: @butchers-girl @azu21 @polytheatrix @lucimorningst4r @evelyn-kingsley @withalittlehoney @mirikusashes @bobateadaydreams @strangelockd @thealleydog @cemak @stewardofningishzida @lady-harvey @smokeywhalee @floatingfireflies @marym7 @iamsherlocked1479 @icytrickster17 @asherloki @ssinimbrn-catsr0pia @aphroditesdilemma @strangesthirdeye @scxrleth3r @rmoonstoner @stephenswh0re
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‘Good Girl’
Dr Strange x fem!reader
- i got a request for a forbidden love type fic and fuck me this took long. but this inc the best smut i’ve written in a while so bon appetite. enjoy sluts x
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You caught onto Stephen's stare, he was glaring at you with that severe look you've come to expect from him on nights like this. It was like he was testing you. Teasing you. Punishing you for something neither of you could have freely. But all you could do was meet his cool breezy eyes that were filling to the brim with a near calculated hubris and undignified jealousy. The kind you haven't seen since all of this started
You found yourself tossing and turning over thoughts you shouldn't have about a person you shouldn't even be focused on. What was it about Stephen Strange? The man was an anomaly, you don't think you've ever seen him smile let alone blink. Stephen was interesting, you wanted to know more about him, uncover all the secrets wrapped up like a movie reel but he'd never let anyone come close. His trust was always compromised and he had to protect his peace, he was the ruler of self preservation but...you wanted to wreck the bubble he lived in. Before a mission briefing, he held the door open for you, his face was hard and expressionless but his eyes bore into yours with a certain sincerity that made you halt in your tracks.
You had an inkling about the way this made you feel, and you didn't like it. Why? Because it was against the rules, the rules that were designed to be adhered to or you'd get the boot from this team that you worked so hard to get onto. Though it was difficult for you to deny that there was a weird spark settling over your heat everytime you were near him, what made it all the more embarrassing and terrifying was that you were sure he caught onto it
These thoughts buzzed your brain awake. Constantly glancing at your clock didn't do yourself any justice either, for fucks sake it was 1 in the morning and you still couldn't sleep. It was suddenly becoming too hot. You flung the covers off of you and sighed into nothing. Your mouth turned dry and to your dismay you had no water left in your bedside bottle. You hung your head and groaned into your pillow, though it was surprising to see your feet had finally found the floor. Grabbing your bottle, you trudged into the light praying that this was all just a fleeting whirlwind that would end soon
You were good. You were a good girl. You listened to the rules, you were happy in your position. All you needed to do now was stay good. Not matter if the void was calling you
Stephen wasn't an angel. He was blinded by his own self importance and he's made a few albeit questionable decisions that could have put the others at risk. He looked as if he'd seen every single aspect of life-the good, hopeful and the downright ugly. He was experienced...you weren't
All you had to do now was avoid him, no matter the expense.
You left your room and padded down to the kitchen to fill up the bottle, maybe grab a midnight snack in the process- you more than deserved the treat. Although to your suprise, the lights leading to the kitchen were still on. It was probably Natasha or someone else that didn't care about your appearance at this moment, you were counting on it. You approached with caution, however.
And suprise fucking surprise. It was him- the one you had planned on avoiding.
Stephen darted his head up, he was fixing himself a stiff drink at such an unholy hour. You stopped in your movements, stilling at the sight of him like a deer in the headlights. Your heart stopped and pounded against your chest when you finally regained the breath that fled you. Why the fuck was he here? He's not supposed to be here
‘’Oh. Hey.’’ Stephen regarded you with a thick heavy voice. It was so incredibly jarring to see him wear normal clothes, your wild eyes scanned to see he was wearing a plain dark tee and some sweatpants- that clung onto him like a second skin.
"Hey. Aren't you supposed to be at the Sanctum?’’ You found your way around the counter to the sink.
To Stephen's shock, you attempted to keep your cool. He wanted to laugh. He had never seen you ty so hard to act normal- it was amusing and slightly endearing.
‘’I just needed to pick up a few things. Most importantly this bourbon.’’ Stephen's gaze was unflinching as he surveyed your every waking move, committing it to memory as a means to figure you out. His eyes were fervently observing what you were wearing. A button down, the kind of dress shirt a guy would wear under a tux, a quite literally nothing else.
Stephen raised a discerning brow at your purpose. You were so subservient yet you were freely showing your bear legs shamelessly. What a twisted inclination, so out of character. He liked it.
You scoffed. ‘’The difference between us is you're drinking alcohol, I'm drinking water at this hour.’’ A ghost of a smile landed on your lips. You turned the tap on and started filling up the bottle.
‘’Well aren't you the poster woman for sobriety.’’ Stephen joked and you stilled at the words landing on your ears, Strange joking was like a lunar eclipse, it rarely happened and it was kind of magical. You turned your head and bit your lip playfully as your eyes locked with his.
‘’I'm happy being healthy.’’ You smirked and he paused for a beat to study you.
‘’Not healthy enough to join me for a drink?’’ He offered. It would be prudent not to take him up on it but your heart rate was kicking into overdrive and you were slowly getting addicted to the rush he was giving you in such a shot amount of time. Fuck. This wasn't good.
‘’Sure.’’ You replied bashfully and he took out another glass and started pouring, you haven't even had alcohol in you and you were starting to loosen up already. You were finally coming out of your shell. It was rejuvinating to Stephen.
You inched closer to him as you leaned agains the cool marble counter, you were close enough to feel his air and to smell his rich cologne. The sensation of it was heating your blood tenfold. Stephen could feel your eyes raking him up and down- like you were checking him out. It boosted his ego indefinitely.
If he had to describe you, a litany of words came to mind. Shy. Intelligent. Flirty. Hotter than the core of the fucking sun. Sometimes reality is stranger than fiction, he wouldn't have guessed he'd have an actual conversation with you.
‘’Whose is that?’’ Stephen pointed a pinky at your shirt before he passed the glass to you. Your face blushed a muted red and good Lord you looked incredible. Traces of desire were evident on you but he had to keep himself composed. You quickly hung your head and glanced at what you were wearing.
‘’Uhm.’’ You pondered momentarily. "You’re assuming that this is someone elses? That's presumptious of you.’’ You sneered with a certain flirt in your voice, it was fun. Cute. He chuckled lowly before taking a sip.
‘’I was actually going to ask who the lucky guy was.’’ Stephen declared very matter of factly and it made you splutter into your glass, Stephen smirked like an asshole and you had to regain your posture and square you shoulders to retain some sort of dignity.
‘’Lucky guy? There's no lucky guy Stephen.’’ Your eyes bore into his scorchingly, wildfire swirling against wildfire- completely uncontrollable and heady as fuck.
‘’Any red blooded male would want you in their bed.’’ Stephen flirted deadly serious in his inflection but you looked at him through challenging eyes.
‘’Including you?’’ You blurted without thinking.
‘’But you're a good girl.’’ Stephen's eyes darted away from yours in dismissal as he focused back on his bourbon.
‘’Good girl?’’ You repeated like a dumb parrot, it was impossible to contain the shock in your voice.
‘’There is actually a difference between you and I: you're good, I'm not. I don't think you want me to ruin whatever sunshine cocktail you've got going on here.’’
‘’Maybe I've been silently begging you to.’’
He paused to regain a breath.
‘’The things I'd do to you-‘’
‘’Why don't you do it?’’
‘’Don't you always follow the rules? Stephen raised a condescending eyebrow at you, completely knowing of your true nature- you didn't exactly hide the fact that you were a goody two shoes. He traced a fleeting finger around the underside of your jaw, you practically melted into such a cursory and short lived touch before he pulled away. ‘’Isn't that your whole shtick?’’
‘’Don't you like that?’’ You shot back and he was disarmed once more, it was written all over his face. If only he just opened up his eyes and shut his mouth to just see what he's been missing. ‘’Or do I have to put it in words that make it easy for you to understand?’’ You took a swig of your drunk and Stephen just stared down at you like a dumbfounded idiot.
‘’I don't want to taint your perfect record.’’ Stephen grumbled heavy, his eyes turned pale as they alight with a real candor and earnestness that made you loosen up a little more.
Stephen took your pause as a means to drink you in like the bourbon in his hand. Except you weren't fiendish or burning his throat like the liquid courage, you were sweet- so sweet you could throw up. Fresh, full of light and wonder, completely entrancing and you didn't even realise it. But after a while of studying you, you were everything that he wasn't. You were good. A good girl and to be honest he felt like the big bad wolf in your presence. His curiosity could be countered with that of a cat, you were just so different than all the other women that wanted him. Stephen thought that you wouldn't be his type, but he could completely understand how your heart and turnons could be multilayered. What a cliche. You were interested in the older more experienced guy and Stephen would be lying if he said he wasn't so damn pleased about it. He glanced at your shirt and his mood soured slightly, he didn't like the idea of you wearing someone another guy's dress shirt. It should be his. No one elses.
Slow down, Strange. Let's not be hasty here.
That look on your face though made his dick twitch in his pants. Your eyes were wide and guileless yet flirty and playful, Jesus.
‘’Do you want me to put it crudely?’’ You bit your lip, your mouth already running a full course marathon to the man that was already making you wet with his words
‘’Go for it.’’
‘’I want you to fuck me.’’
Stephen looked a little disappointed with your response.
‘’Is that how vulgar you can go? Damn, you really are a goody two shoes, aren't you?’’ He quipped and you were slightly offended, but he want wrong. The fact that you were talking like this to one of your teammates was making your nervous system kick into a hyperactive overdrive. You could lose everything because of this...but it seemed that none of that mattered now. ‘’I mean have you even fucked before?’’ Stephen asked genuinely. He was actually wondering for real this time, have you even considered being adventerous in bed before? Have you ever even been to bed with another man before? Did that mean he would be your first fuck? Your first proper orgasm? Shit, he'd better make this good then.
Calm down. You both aren't doing anything right now...you're just talking...like normal people. That's it.
Stephen took a minute to bridle his thoughts and act like a proper human being. You probably haven't even said the word 'fuck' out loud and it made him want to laugh.
‘’My own fingers don't count, do they?’’ You bit sarcastically, a snarl forming on your face alongside the twist of your lips. Oh you weren't happy and it was easy to see it
‘’Did I strike a nerve?’’ Stephen gave you a look of faux sincerity and you scoffed at him.
You just glowered at him through heavy lidded, lust clouded eyes- the outlines of a plan briefly forming in your head. You took a step back from him and his gaze followed you. You hands slowly fell upon the buttons of your botton down, you teasingly unbottoned the the top botton...then the second button…and then finally the third button. Stephen's eyes watched your ministrations intently and he was goddamn hypnotised by it all; he was also getting slightly annoyed at watching you tease him. You stopped before going any further so it was only your cleavage that was on show. No bra? Stephen thought that was pretty ballsy of you considering how sunshine-y you were.
‘’Is this heading somewhere or am I just wasting my time? Or am I gonna get myself into trouble for something that isn't even worth it?’’ You breathed as you crossed your arms in defiance. So tired of the fact that he was dragging this along...but was the risk worth the outcome? You weren't sure- but you were aching to know.
’We're both asking a lot of questions. I mean if Tony or Fury finds out then-‘’
You cut Stephen off from his words with a searing kiss, you grabbed at his face like it was the last thing you would hold. He was startled at first but he melted into your embrace fairly quickly...Lord, he was yearning for something he wasn't allowed to have. He couldn't have this freely. this freely. No. But he didn't give a fuck when you tasted that good.
‘’I don't give a fuck about Fury.’’ You gritted against his lips.
You couldn't give a shit about him. You wouldn't give a shit about him- not here, not now, not when everyone was prying and wandering eyes saw what everything has come to. Stephen and you were both far too intelligent to let get something as stupid as emotions get in the way, but fuck, it was getting in the way - everytime you looked at him you could practically see the sparks explode in a line from your gaze to his.
You were both private, closed off people; you were both getting good and pretending like Stephen was just another teammate, just another random guy you had to work with professionally, it never had to be too friendly. If anything you would avoid it in most social situations but this was different. You were at a party. Stephen hated parties, you knew damn well. Pillowtalk can actually be helpful. You tried conversing with other agents but you could feel Stephen's stare burn into the right side of your skull, when you quickly peered you saw him with Wong and fucking Tony...it was like the world was against you today and you attempted to surpress your frown. Your fingers tapped at your glass in order to aid in dealing with your scattered thoughts.
Even your fucking drink reminded you of him.
Stephen's glare was that of a lingering one, he couldn't fucking take his eyes off you when you looked so sweet and delicious- he thought you looked incredible in dresses but he preferred you in his shirts, or more specifically nothing at all. He had to conceal the smirk that was so obviously forming on his face; all of the experiences he's had with you seemed to play like a movie reel in his mind and it only made him that much more restless. His scowl formed inwards to himself. He hated being bound by rules and he hated himself for letting it dictate when and how he can see you, it was tampering with his rational steady head.
Stephen was eyeing you like an animal starved of a meal, like a wild salivating dog with rabies and even when you flashed him one simple look, the urge to just grab you and fuck you hard in the bathroom seemed like a less and less insane idea.
Don't be stupid, Strange. She's not all yours to have whenever you please.
Stephen felt indefinitely embittered and apprehensive over the male agents fawning over you and being sycophantic in your presence. They couldn't say no to you even if they tried, but Strange couldn't help but agree with them entirely- you looked lovely...and he was the only one that could actually see you naked. Feel you. Touch you. Kiss you all over, wherever you wanted. Though it does dampen his spirits because he wished he could just grab you and show all these people who you belonged to. He was being quite literal when he said that these agents were chasing you like boys in a schoolyard. Stephen's temple thrummed with an easily identifiable envy, it pulsated in a frisson of annoyance and irritation. Fuck. Your gaze lingered and you didn't back away this time. It was fixed. It was intent. It was an incentive. Stephen just threw his head to the side a little bit as an indicator to follow him in the direction he was pointing to. He excused himself between Wong and Tony and headed through the halls You kept a stiff upper lip and your non chalant and placid character seemed to work to the outside world, but as your feet hit the ground towards him, your inhibitions were fleeing you like ashes from wildfire.
Stephen found a quiet sleek hallway that no one was inhibiting and waited around for you, his hands went into his suit pockets as his primal urge remained the strongest of them all, stronger than the jealousy, stronger than the envy. He wanted you so bad, it reminded him of the first time he truly realised it in the kitchen. His mind was frenzying, he had a thought that startled him: was he in love with you? He felt like a madman but the tension didn't ease when you were here...right in front of him.
You melted into his immediate embrace but you stilled once you realised that anyone could be watching.
‘’Not here.’’ You mumbled but you weren't in any hurry to push him off.
‘’I hate pretending like I don't want you.’’ Stephen grunted before he met your guileless eyes once more, his hand cupped your face and his finger smoothed out the skin of your cheek. ‘’And all those boys think they have a chance with you, they're practically undressing you with their eyes and I fucking hate it.’’ His voice was bitter and angry, the way he said it made your knees turn wobbly. ‘’If only they knew I was your first fuck, that I was there before all of them and I was the one that made you cum so hard-‘’
‘’That would be quite an interesting predicament, yeah.’’ You cut Stephen off with a tongue in cheek remark and he wasn't loosening up in the slightest, your feet inched closer to his and your lips were only a few inches apart. ‘’But, doesn't that make us special? Doesn't it make you feel special? That you're the only one that makes me so fucking dumb for you...that you're the one that makes me make a mess for you. that you are the only one capable of making me feel good? I mean just looking at you tonight made me wet.’’ You breathed against his lips sensually, and he was already giving into you and your perfect machinations.
‘’I've made you bad. You've turned bad. I like it.‘’ Stephen smirked and his eyes lit with a pale fire.
‘’You got your sling ring?’’
‘’No-one will be at the Sanctum, take me there and do whatever you want.’’ You smiled brazenly and he was already forming a portal to his bedroom...a twisted part of him wanted to fuck you in public...yeah maybe next time. Stephen always had to juggle being brazen and keeping his composure, it was a difficult pairing to say the least. ‘’Or you could just death stare at the boys like you've been so callously doing all night? You know they're afraid of you, right? They think you're intimidating, they wouldn't mess with you.’’
‘’But they'd mess with you, and I don't like it.’’ He declared before grabbing your hand and walking you through the portal with a strut you only saw when he was annoyed.
You've only ever been in Stephen's room once but the bed appeared bigger than you remembered- you couldn't wait to christen it in a night of deep throes of passion, you were desperate for it at this point. But then again, when weren't you desperate for him.
‘’I don't have to admit that I'm a jealous guy because I'm sure you've figured it out already, but I feel like I'm blind and tortured on this. It's childish of me to give into my primeval urge of being the coldest, apathetic guy in the room but with you-‘’ He couldn't even finish his sentence, his big hands just grabbed you by the waist and you fell into him, faces barely inches apart- a fucking sheet a paper wouldn't even fit betwen your bodies, you could sense the heat radiating off of him.
Stephen's words were setting your heart on fire, when he embraced you again your insides were about to explode. His eyes were scorching and wanton and you could only reflect it, you've never seen him this short fused and rousing before.
‘’I'm yours. Only yours.’’ You breathed against his lips before you ducked your mouth to his jaw and neck and planted soft reassuring kisses on his skin. ‘’And I don't want you to not be near me.’’ Your whisper was barely audible and his hands flew up to cradle your face in response. ‘’God, these past few weeks I've had to use my fingers and imagination just to get myself off.’’
With that, he instinctively spun you around and bent you over the front of his bed- using your hair as a personal leash.
Stephen's hands were careless, his fingers pinched you as he worked to get your pretty little dress off, the one that all of the other agents were practically stripping you of with their own wandering eyes. The unwelcome thought only fuelled his roughness, his indifference- the first time Stephen had you, he made sure to be gentle with you because he knew you'd break fairly quickly...but you actually proved him wrong, you were more insatiable than he was. You were a certified freak in bed. He wondered where all of this came from, where you actually got it from specifically. It was unanticipated and prodigious. Your dress turned into a pile of scraps on his bedroom floor, he smirked when he saw you squirming against his sheets.
You only had your underwear on, lacy, classy, cute. After, Stephen ducked down and made quick work of getting rid of your heels and his own suit jacket.
You heated up every room that you walked into.
‘’You gonna tie me up?’’ You questioned bashfully, your cheeks turning a pretty pink.
‘’You want me to?’’
You moaned when he grabbed your waist and slammed you further up the bed, tossing you around like you were his own personal rag doll- it only made you that much wetter.
Stephen grabbed your wrists and you raised them above your head, he took his tie off and the silk wrapped around your wrists; he looped the fabric over your wrists in an infinity motion and tightened it around your skin, you stuggled against it and it only bit into your skin even more- just how he likes it.
He then looped the remaining fabric of the restraint over his iron bedframe so you were quite literally attached to the bed, your arms were already about to go limp. As silence settled through the air, a hard smack on your ass cracked through the air and you moaned at the sheer idea of him leaving his imprint on you. He always had to avoid leaving hickeys and bites on areas that were visible but he had full reign all over all the other places.
‘’Fuck, you're so beautiful.’’ He gaped at you and it only made tour blush that much more apparent
Before he could respond, he viciously grabbed you by the waist again and flipped you over so you were face up, so he could watch you while he made you feel good. The thing only he alone can do. You were a panting pathetic mess already and the urge to remain composed fleeing you the longer he spent with you.
He took off his shirt and then he suddenly ducked down so his eyes were in view of your thighs and glistening heat, fuck you were soaked and it was a beautiful sight to behold.
‘’Stephen...please just touch me.’’
‘’I'm gonna explore you...just like I did the first time.’’ He reassured almost drunkenly, his words blurred by the desire he's spent so long harbouring for you. ‘’Tell me you want it.’’
‘’Yes. I want it bad.’’ You reaffirmed so eagerly it was designed to make Stephen's ego soar. ‘’Fuck...I need it.’’
‘’You seem greedy for it princess.’’
You couldn't even give him a snarky remark, his large hands smoothed up and down your thighs and you felt liquid electricity shoot down your body. Stephen's eyes searched yours as he gawked up at you like a salivating animal. His curious fingers hooked onto your panties and shimmied them down your legs and ended up like scraps on his bedroom floor just like your dress. You were naked in front of him like so many times before and you were just begging to be touched. Stephen planted a few kisses up your thighs as a means to tease and make you squirm.
‘’You say you're bad but here you are...saying yes so easily.’’ Stephen taunted and it only made you whine.
‘’Finger me or eat me out you prude.’’ You bit back harshly and it only made him chuckle lowly, the sick bastard was laughing at you.
He reached out and gripped you by the jaw. A threat and a warning all at once and when you looked him in the eye it dawned upon you. ‘’I'll take however long I please. Now spread your legs wider for me. Yeah?’’
To your dismay, you obliged and his fingers meandered from your chest to your stomach, tracing and moving in torturously slow for you liking- Stephen surveyed the expressions contorted on your face so intently it was like he wanted to burn a hole into your face. His lips pressed down to where your heart laid, then his mouth and tongue flew to your tits. He bit and sucked on them ferociously and your breathless pants seemed to spur him on. He was being intensely methodical and you hated him for it- all you wanted him to do was ram into you already
‘’Shit...I'm so fucking wet.’’ Your voice was like a slur, so drunk off of the pleasure he was giving you.
'’All for you.’’
‘’Huh.’’ Stephen scoffed in pure awe and pride. ‘’You're just have to be perfect, don't you?'’
You smiled in response. Fuck, he was going to destroy you. Stephen's mouth travelled south and his head ducked to your sloppy heat, the sweetest little pussy. The scene was filthy. He kissed your clit and it made you throw your head back and tug on your restraints.
‘’Stop squirming or I won't make you feel good, got it?’’ Stephen gritted with a voice thick with gravel and seriousness. You nodded all wide eyed.
His tongue started working its magic, he licked and sucked on you as if you were the last meal he would ever have. He was obsessed with the sweetness of your arousal, it only motivated him that much more. You always provided for him and now he was the greedy one to take it from you. He grunted into your pussy and it sent vibrations up your body, sparking its way back to your core, you whimpered violently, your mouth agape. Stephen was devouring you, feeding off of your light, consuming every inch of you until you understood that you were his alone. You were clenching around him already and he didn't approve of it and he suddenly unlatched his lips from you to glare at you.
‘mIf you dare think about cumming.’’
‘’I can't take it.’’
‘’Well, you're gonna take it.’’
‘'The other agents wouldn't be as mean.’’ You smirked and it made Stephen's blood roar. His mood darkened instinctively at the idea of them seeing you like this.
‘’Oh if any other man thinks of touching you, they'll be in pieces and you won't get my dick stuffed in you for months.’’ His threat was horrifyingly genuine and you didn't want to take any chances.
Your eyebrows tensed at his eye-opening intimidation and before you could even register anything else, you could hear the clank of his belt and the unzipping of his fly.
‘'Stephen..I-‘’ He slipped the head of his cock inside you before you could finish your plead.
His cock was angry and steel hard as it pulsated inside of you. A whimper escaped your mouth and it shot right down him. You looked borderline pornographic which completely underscored that once light niavete and innocance. Once he got his hands on you, he made you a filthy mess for him. Broken for him. Stephen was selfish and cruel enough to take you with him when burned the world to ashes at your feet- for you. He made sure he was face to face with you, eye contact was so important to him while he did this. He fisted your hair and then tugged it back until you stared straight up at him. He thrusted in and out of you and your legs wrapped around him relentlessly.
‘’That's it...look at me. Look at me while I'm ruining you.’’ Stephen instructed before he engulfed your lips in a searing kiss. ‘’Remember who you belong to.’’
‘’Yours... You... Fuck it's always you.’’ You stammered out pitifully and it was such an endearing thing to hear.
He was making you feel so damn good, he was reaching depths you knew no one else could. He was an expert at his craft and it was paralysing you
Your shaking legs stilled as your heart began to burn with an overwhelming determination to just explode. And you did. With abandon. With euphoria. You gushed onto him and it was a design for perfection, a moan ripped at your vocal chords and you felt your throat turn raw. Stephen's chest started to hurt and his cock throbbed harder, a wash of hot shudders rippled through his entire body once he saw the view on your face. The thrumming of his ensuing grunts travelled all the way up your spine once he started dragging you through your orgasm. Faster and faster until the only sounds of that were ragged breaths, flesh slapping against flesh.
Stephen was so rough and he was half expecting for you to tap out, but you never did. And it made him cum so hard into you, painting your insides a thick white it would be leaking out of you. He was an incredible interior decorator and the thought made him smile which you hastily caught onto when pulled out.
‘’What are you so happy about?’’ You asked softly as he was beginning to take the restraints off you.
‘’Nothing.’’ Now he was the one that was blushing with arousal, he threw the tie away and fell back into bed to envelope an arm around you. To hold you. Embrace you. You'd both clean up later, you just wanted to enjoy your post coital bliss.
Stephen's head hit the pillow and he turned his head to look at you in those pretty eyes he'd spend the rest of his days losing himself in.
‘’You're eyes always glaze over everytime you cum.’’ Stephen remarked and it made you scoff.
‘’Hm, your compliments are always so inventive.’’ You let his big arms engulf you into his embrace and you laid on his bare chest feeling his warmth coat your skin. Stephen stroked your hair rhythmically and you nuzzled further into his neck. Although, Stephen turned serious for a moment and his lips thinned and his gaze narrowed- the silence muffled his eardrums.
‘'I don't like hiding.’’ He said impassively, holding onto you that much tighter. The twisted bedsheets curling up alongside you.
‘’We'd lose everything.’’
‘'I know. I just want to want you freely.’’ Stephen seemed forlorn but he knew it was stupid to be bringing this up again but it was the one thing on his mind.
‘’I think I've gotten used to this little routine of ours.’’
"Because it's ours. No-one elses."
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syngrafaes09 · 1 year
Pivot | Dr Strange x Y/N
In continuation of 'I can help with that'
W/N: Keeping up with the ideas sent by @lady-harvey and @thearcadeyel in the DM, things keep pivoting between...
Warnings: Absolutely 18+
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I could melt, Stephen thought as he silently slid under the covers. He had long forgotten what it would be like to return home after work to find someone warm and beautiful waiting in bed for him.
Y/N mumbled and churned, feeling the dip. She had finally retreated to sleep after her roommate didn’t pick up her calls nor Stephen seemed to return soon. She sighed as gentle fingers caressed her fuzzy hair.
He felt a bit of disappointment when his arms pulled her closer to his chest. Fucking piece of cloth. But it soon followed a wave of guilt. He had left her without a word halfway through… It wasn’t entirely his fault, was it? Wong had held him up longer than it was required. He let out a breath, glancing outside the window. The sky was still filled with the black fog. It will clear out soon now that we have sent those creatures back to their dimension.  
Y/N blinked several times trying to adjust to the light. She remained still, silently watching him stare somewhere, jaw clenched, lost in thoughts, feeling his fingers draw light patterns against the shirt. Even with the messy hair and few dull red cuts across his face he undeniably- She shot up abruptly as the realisation of the events of the past hours coursed through her.
“Sweetheart,” Stephen began, unsure of her thoughts and emotions, “I’m sorry about last night. There were things from other dimensions. I had to go…”
“It was alright. I mean, it was literal life and death, right?”
“Yeah, but—”
“Then I can wait. I’m not that important.”
Faint amusement darted through his weary eyes. “Thanks for the understanding.”
He toyed with the collar of the shirt she was wearing. His shirt, technically. “I thought I left you naked.”
“Naked and aroused,” she corrected.
He hummed and ran a thumb down her neck and in between the valley of her clothed breasts. Her nipples pebbled in anticipation.
“This is not appropriate,” he said, undoing the first button and sweet baby Jesus, she threatened to liquefy under his intense, scolding stare. “This has to come off. Did you try to leave?”
“I had wanted to,” she breathed as his thumbs circled her nipples for a moment.
He noticed the use of past tense and nodded. “Good,” he muttered, pinching her pebbled flesh between his fingers, “It will take some time to clear out the mist. Everyone had been instructed to stay indoors until then. ” It was then she noticed the dark gloomy night instead of the bright sunny morning.
Then he just grabbed handfuls of her aching breasts and crushed them between his palms.
She shoved him away. Then she put her hands on his shoulders, straddling him, her tits were right at his face, and he leaned forward, nuzzling between them. Stephen closed his eyes, mouth drifting towards her nipple. His lips parted over it and latched to it like a newborn’s. 
She arched at the suction and he put his hands on her back so she couldn't get away. She groaned, so aroused by alternate waves of suction and his tongue swirling around it, she squirmed in his lap.
He held her down, shifting his attention to the other nipple.
His tongue languidly swirled in circles around the pigmented skin until the skin was drawn as tight as possible. Drawing in a cold breath through his mouth, he flicked his tongue against the bundle of nerves.
She whimpered and pressed herself further into him. He grinned, looking up at her, one hand travelling between them, rubbing circles on her lower abdomen. Eyes closed, her head tipped towards the ceiling, getting lost in the sensations. He returned to sucking her gently before tugging it in between his teeth.
As he felt her body tense up, he sucked harder, nibbling  - driving her into madness.
“I n-need you in me.”
Stephen pulled back and set her loose. “Condoms’ in the bottom drawer,” he informed, leaning back on the headboard.
Y/N leaned down, opened the said drawer and sucked in a sharp breath glancing at the contents. She had never been much into toys. And he had quite the collection. She grabbed the least complicated appliances of all and a bottle of lube.
“I have never tried this before but… the idea… I would like to try this,” she said toying with the cuffs and the cockring.
Strange smiled at her, “Anything that makes you happy baby girl.” He kissed her one more time, tugging at the cuffs.
“What?” He asked, confused when Y/N didn’t hand them over.
“I wasn’t thinking about myself tied to your bed. I want to restrain you.”
He was swept away by utter bewilderment. No one had done that. To him. Ever. I have always been the giver. Never the taker, he thought. He has been so lost he didn’t realise she had already cuffed one of his wrists to the bedpost until Y/N tugged at his other one.
“Besides, I think it’s fair after what you did to me.”
“Fuck,” Stephen muttered under his breath, straining the restraints, “Thought I was already forgiven.”
“You are. This is a penance.”
“Fine, have me as you like,” he snorted.
She smiled, settling in between his legs and leaned in to kiss which he happily complied. He groaned into her mouth as she slid her hand down his chest and squeezed his growing erection through the sweatpants.
She pulled back only to let her lips roam around his neck, shoulder and chest. Working her way up, she blew a warm breath over his ears, kissing the shell while her fingers gently pinched and teased his nipples.
“Jesus,” Stephen moaned, “Woman where have you been all these years?”
Y/N smiled, resting her hands at his waist, teasing the waistband of his pants, “Learning the anatomy of pleasing you.”
Stephen chuckled, raising his hips for her to pull down the pants. He sighed in relief as his cock sprang free.
She bit her lip at his knowing smirk, lubed him and slid the ring to the base of his shaft. He was big. And thick, she thought, lowering herself on her stomach as she pumped him before turning on the vibrations.
He groaned, the muscles of his leg going all stiff as her tongue darted out and swirled around the head. She continued to lick, peppering kisses, along the length of him. He hissed, buckling his hips, as her mouth licked and sucked his balls.
Y/N smiled, stepping up the speed of vibrations.
“I might lose my patience and use- fuck.”
She took as much as possible of him in one swift go. Her eyes watched him throwing his head back and wincing upon hitting the headboard. I’ll never forget this one. She had been nervous - Would I be able to give him enough pleasure with so little experience? However as her mouth squeezed, caressing up and down, satisfaction burned on his handsome face.
Stephen sat there entrapped, watching her head bobbing, one hand stroking what length of him she couldn't fit in her mouth and the vibrating ring… He continued tugging now and then against the hard metal of the handcuffs even though the wrists burned in pain. He never thought he would like this so much. Oh, her nails, dug into his thigh.
“You're taking me so well, sweetheart-,”
He took a sharp breath, gasping as he felt her teeth gaze at him very gently. She looked up at him, all doe-eyed, flickering her tongue on the underside of his cock.
He wanted to break free, caress her hollowed cheeks, pull her hair to the back, and wantonly fuck that mouth. “Oh, my,” he grunted, feeling himself near the base of her throat. His hips thrusted of their own accord. “I’m so close.”
Y/N stopped immediately. “No,” he cried out at her. She gave him a slow, devilish grin. And sat up, scrambling away from him. It took a tremendous amount of effort when every bit of her ached for him.
“What are you doing?” he grumbled watching her climb out of the bed, relaxing into one of the armchairs beside the bed, across the fireplace.
“I’ll let you come only when you beg nicely.”
“I don’t beg,” Stephen snapped.
Y/N shrugged. She flaunted the control before turning down the strength of the vibrations.
Stephen strained his neck as he continued to glare at her. “You’ll be punished for this baby girl.”
She gulped looking at his darkened eyes. “I-is that so?” Don't be intimidated, she reminded herself.
Y/N hesitated for a moment, then ran her hand down her stomach and in between her legs. She spread her knees and slowly began touching herself. She closed her eyes, knowing that he was watching her every movement, she imagined it was his fingers stroking the bundle of nerves. She smiled wider when she slipped her fingers into her slick slit.
How have I turned into such sex hungry woman?
“I could do better,” he voiced once she started to whimper. She wanted him to but she didn’t want to halt now. Not when she-
She shivered as the wave of heat washed over her.
When she opened her eyes, Stephen was staring at her hungrily, but strangely patient. “Since you are done with yourself, you might finish what you’d started,” he said with a pointed look. “Please,” he added.
Y/N sighed. Still, a little wobbly from the orgasm, she settled in between his legs. He relaxed back watching her slide off the cockring. She wrapped one hand around the base of his cock, squeezing him, while her tongue played around following each line, curve and crevice, as he was the most teasing appetiser imaginable.
Stephen let out a deep low moan, thrusting his hips upwards.
He cursed under his breath as her mouth sheathed him, working him up again.
“Y/N,” he grunted, thrusting his hips in a slow rhythm. Leaving his cock, her hand rubbed his thighs before cupping the balls.
“Don’t stop,” Stephen whimpered as she quickened the pace.
“You look so pretty like this. Guess you’d look better only when my cock goes rampant in that pussy.”
He had been silent most of the time except for the few noises he made, she almost choked at his filthy words. Looking up at him she couldn't think it possible, but those light grey eyes darkened even further when her fingers trailed below his scrotum, applying subtle pressure around the perineum. He jerked in her mouth when she found his sweet spot.
“Yeah,” he moaned, “S-so close.”
Amazed by her own boldness, she stroked him harder.
His insides were screaming guttural exhilaration. He was sure he would go crazy by the time they were going to finish. His hips jerked unsteadily, grinding against her mouth until everything stilled.
It was more and more. Tears welled at the corners of her eyes as she choked on the sheer volume of his semen. Her throat was already full and his ejaculation was nowhere near an end. Lots of it, as if he hadn’t come in months, years, maybe never.
“That was ethereal,” he breathed, “you tortured me so sweetly…”
Y/N smiled, wiping away the drips of cum lining her mouth. “I’m glad you liked it,” she sat up and kissed him. It was slow and gentle at first, their lips moving languidly. When he kissed her harder, she threaded her hands through his hair, pressing herself further against his hot, slick body.
He cast a simple spell after it was too much to bear. She grasped when hands clutched her waist, moving her around. He settled her amongst the pillows. “You have no idea what it took not to break free of those cuffs and fuck you as animals do.”
However before she could say anything he reached beneath, pinching her clit hard, until it hardly even felt like it was a special nub, but something else entirely. “Now, it's my turn to return the favour.” His looming figure left to reach out into the drawers. He snapped his fingers and a red cloth blinded her. “And torment you in the sweetest way possible.”
Stephen stroked her thighs, gradually sliding his hand up until he touched that heated core of her womanhood.
“Oh, doctor!”
“Do you like that, baby?”
She nodded wordlessly.
He put his head between her legs, nuzzling at first. His beard was a little rough on the insides of her thighs. He stroked her with skilful fingers. Then with his lips, and his tongue, he struck fire. A slow, fat lick brought his tongue to her aching button, and as soon as he touched tip to tip, white light exploded through her. His skilful tongue rubbed, nudged, and poked in a rhythm like a giant pulse. She cried out in astonishment, in appreciation at being touched in that right place.
Y/N’s legs twined about his head and shoulders desperately, she was beginning to buck her hips, beginning to come. She bit her lip to suppress a moan as her skin exploded into flames. Holy fuck, Stephen.
“Let me hear those noises, sweetheart,” he crooned against her sensitive flesh, making her wither under his subsequent licks.
She moaned gutturally, her hands grasping fistfuls of the sheet on either side of her hips as a shudder shook her head to toe.
Stephen smiled and gently began to pet her with his fingers. He glided one finger along the gaping cleft, then very slowly and gently penetrated her. Y/N whimpered. He touched her lightly at first, testing her with one finger, moving carefully. Then he stretched her with two fingers, curling them upward as his thumb began to rub tiny circles. He never took his eyes away from her, listening to her breathing speed as his curled fingers found her spot inside. He bowed his head in admiration, bringing his lips to the top of her inner thigh, teasing her before taking the flesh into his mouth and sucking with abandon, while continuing the movements of his hand. It was an extraordinary combination.
Y/N put her own hands on her breasts and her palms rotated the nipples.
He took her again in his mouth until she was weak and quivering, fondling her breasts until they were swollen with hot blood, the nipples stiff.
She tightened even more around his stroking finger and he increased the speed and depth of the thrusts. She reached the peak swiftly, spasms of her pleasure shuddering through her entire body, pelvis rising from the bed as if seeking something in the air.
He reached up his free hand to rub her quivering belly and fondle her breasts. She jerked and made a little sound, and he raised his head to look down at her. Heat bloomed over her cheeks as his thumb brushed over her nipple.
Yes,” she whispered, all her senses hyper-focused on the overwhelming touches.
Stephen kissed her, his mouth skimming over her taut abdomen. 
“Harder,” she pleaded but he paid no heads.
He was kneading her breast gently, and when his mouth finally reached her nipple and closed over it, she moaned and clutched at his shoulders, her hip bucking against his fingers, her senses nearly drowned by the waves and waves of burning pleasure.
Along with those waves came those strange creatures: gratitude and hunger. Gratitude at being touched in the right place, in the way, at the right time. Hunger for something she was after, something she was trying to achieve, and there was always the danger that she’d miss it, wouldn’t find it, or get hold of it. She couldn’t get enough of him. It felt like a punishment.
A silent invisible wave squeezed and squeezed her hot throbbing sex. She felt her entire abdominal area cramp as it would during her period. It was like the sweet torment he had warned her about. Anytime now, she thought, I would burst like a sea fish held under the tap water.
The entire torrent, the pulsing flood of sensation, sent her over an unseen barrier, and she slid, throbbing, down, down, down into hot squeezing pulsing incognizance.
“Oh my God, Stephen,” she squealed as a spray of fluid came gushing out of her pussy and soaked the sheets beneath them.
“Had told you,” he whispered near her ear, “I could do better.”
After regaining some of her senses, she tugged free of the blindfold. As her eyes adjusted, she saw him emerging from the washroom, drying his hands in a towel.
“I’m so sorry,” Y/N said, tears blurring her vision.
Stephen immediately went to her on the bed and scooped her up into his strong arms. “What's the matter, baby?”
“The bed’s a mess,” she cried, burying her face in her hands, “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s just a little wet, it’s no big deal. Are you…are you embarrassed about squirting?”
He watched her face turn red with shame beneath her hands, and he gently pulled them away from her face, shaking his head at her.
“No, no. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. I loved it. It’s so fucking hot. It meant I had given you the most pleasure.”
Once he was sure she was over the edge, he asked her to lie on her stomach and wait for him. He held an unfamiliar bottle, squeezing out a generous amount of lube into his palm, then bending over and rummaging through his toys.
She swallowed hard glancing at the beaded silicone toy, “I couldn't take that…”
“Have you ever tried?”
She shook her head.
“It won't be nasty,” he said, “trust me.”
“I want to but that thing is scary.”
He obliged, tossing it back from where it came and settled, parting her legs.
“Tell me when it gets uncomfortable,” he said, sliding his fingers between her legs. She nodded into the pillow, mumbling okay.
The fingers of his right hand trailed through her cleft, gathering up her arousal, and then continued its indecent path up, slipping between her cheeks. He swirled over the taboo spot, each circle smaller than the previous one until the tip of his index finger was there, pushing gently to gain entrance.
“How does it feel?”
Her breath came out stuttered. He was naughty and corrupt. But he stopped the movements at once.
“There are a lot of nerve endings here.” His finger resumed its swirling, proving his point. “Trust me sweetheart I won’t be doing anything that could remotely hurt you. And I would stop whenever you want me to.”
“Okay,” she murmured.
A shudder rolled down her body as his finger probed the ring of muscles.
“Squeeze and relax,” he guided.
She did as instructed, making little ‘uhs’, as his finger slipped through the virgin muscles of her asshole.
Shame and euphoria battled in her mind as his finger slowly, gently thrusted in her. Her thoughts swirled wondering how she ended up here. She was supposed to be on the giving end. Giving him penance. Instead, he was in charge, finger fucking her ass.
With no warning, she climbed the cliff and jumped off as heat bloomed from deep within her.
Y/N felt tired and sore but she didn’t care. She couldn’t get enough of him. She wanted him inside her. She wanted the ache. She wanted to squeeze him in. She wanted to watch his face. She wanted him in ways she had never wanted anyone before. It was like something had been invented. By him in that very bed. Or something he had unleashed. It was something raw she couldn’t put her finger on.
Finally, when he returned to her side, she got on top of him like her original plan. Her palms rested on his chest, as her hips moved to press and rub her swollen lips against his groin.
She’d never done it before. And couldn’t really believe she was doing this. It felt like she was in charge.
He watched with a hooded gaze as she reached back, held him and tried to put him in.
“Condom,” he reminded her but she denied it.
“I’m clean of STDs if that’s what you are worried about,” she spoke, guiding him in. She was so hot and wet, he slipped in faster and deeper than she anticipated.
“The way you came over my fingers, I can guarantee that you have barely ever fucked anyone.”
She snorted and squeezed her muscles making him hiss.
“I don't want you to get preg-”
“I’m on birth control for medical reasons.” She squeezed him again, “Can you come? Just from this?”
Stephen smirked. “I might if you try harder and longer.”
She continued to clench around him, rotating her hips, and rocking softly until he went mad. He bucked, splitting her in two. His hand flew to her waist, holding her body, lifted her off and drove her down impaling on his cock.
One thrust was enough to have her addicted, he knew that well, so he let his hands rest under his head.
She repeated the action, again and again, ramming herself down on him. Her thighs burned with the exertion. Sweat dampened her forehead and hair as she rode him, her breasts bouncing between the force of gravity and the thrusts. However, she was getting fatigued.
She gave in when his strong, capable hands wrapped around her and pulled him closer towards him. Her head rested on his chest as his hands caressed her back. Then he slammed into her, so deeply, she thought it couldn’t be possible. Wordlessly he proved her mistaken as he did it again and likewise. It felt like he was making her from the inside out. He speared her, plunged inside her, crushing her into him.
She was close and could tell by the way the muscles in his chest tightened, he was close too. She saw his jaw bulging as he gritted his teeth, trying to keep from coming as long as he could. She wanted him to come. To lose control. Just like she had.
Closing her eyes, Y/N channelled the heat of her orgasm to squeeze him, and at just that moment, she felt his cock jump inside my body, seemingly growing even bigger than it had been, then half a second later blasting his hot semen inside her.
Somehow, after many minutes of silence, they smiled at each other and laughed.
“We should do it another time at least,” she said, finger doodling on his bicep.
“Studying or having sex?”
“Both,” Y/N replied, nuzzling into the crook of his neck.
Stephen hummed in agreement, “We should do it regularly.”
Tags: @lady-harvey @thearcadeyel @butchers-girl @newavenger
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lilstephenlover · 1 year
y/n: wanna fu*k?
stephen: why do you have to say it like that? it's supposed to be a magical moment.
y/n: hocus pocus lemme strokus
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strangehotch · 10 months
Stephen strange as your boyfriend
—Stephen is very picky on who touches but there are very special people he allows hugs from. (Wong, America and especially you)
—when it comes to his hands he is very insecure but YOU…you adore them you show him that he shouldn’t hide his hands because of the wreck
—he ADORES cooking breakfast for you especially when y’all had a REALLY long night
—when he’s in the library he loves his peace but with you around he loves massages especially after a really tense fight
—there’s something about him and your hips every time y’all are watching a movie he lays on your stomach wrapped around your hips
—he’s very touchy when I comes to you…when he’s walking by he’s either grabbing you by your waist or hugging him
—Stephen LOVES cuddles he’s such a big baby when he doesn’t cuddle you before bed he’s always laying on top of you (not fully but yk head in chest with one leg wrapped around yours)
—you love holding his hands when you’re out in public he isn’t his usual confident self when you’re around he’s like a lost puppy behind you
—when he’s around you he’s very 🥹 ‘you’re so pretty’ but when you’re not around you always notice that he doesn’t show emotion
—he loves when America calls him out for being a softie when you’re around she always like to see him flustered
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leviathanspain · 9 months
he’s got that fire
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doctor strange x reader
synopsis: you have an unusual relationship with your mentor/boss, and when he asks you to be his date to an important awards ceremony, you can’t help but relish in his fire
a/n: stephen strange is so lana del rey coded omff, so heavy sad girl vibes. i haven’t proofread and it’s longer than any of my usual works i think.
he always told you how much of a gift it was for him to choose you. it was always like that, he chose you, like some god. that he had made your life better by choosing to be in it. he repeated that to you whenever you became ‘insubordinate’.
you never really argued though. you knew that it wasn’t ever the right thing to do, especially with someone so arrogant, you’d be wasting a breath and your career if you did so.
but you learned to live with his narcissism, he was the best surgeon in new york, and arguably in the states. his credentials are why you’ve never argued back.
this day was not any different.
“i said that we should do the shunt.” stephen stared at the films. he was cross, had been since the morning and was now profoundly irritated but hadn’t stated why.
“you’ll kill him. think about it, what if we do another approach in a few days? give him enough recovery time so that when you actually do the surgery, he won’t die on the table.” you explained your decision, but stephen had already stopped listening. he was shaking his head, clearly none of this was going as he wanted.
“stephen-“ you closed your eyes, already preparing to apologize for undermining him, when he shushed you. “i-“ you scoffed but didn’t say anything else.
“we’ll do it tomorrow. it’ll be the first surgery of the day, i want it to go well.” he recycled your idea, and turned around with a nod, “get me dr. palmer. i want her to be in there.” he demanded.
you looked up from your notepad and raised your eyebrows, “you don’t want me in there?” you were his student, his resident, you were assigned to scrub in on all his surgeries-
“no. i want dr. palmer. that is final.” he stalked over to the door, pulling it open and letting it shut behind him without another word.
you couldn’t lie and say you were disappointed. you had hoped that after last night, that you and stephen had finally come to an understanding. but this had just proved that he wasn’t capable of listening. and that he was still hopelessly in love with christine.
“dr. l/n.” a nurse had stopped you as you walked around, moping about stephen kicking you off the surgery. she handed you some papers, “dr. strange has requested you in his office. and he needs to sign these papers for the patient in 203.” she smiled thinly, clearly making you do part of her job.
you shoved the papers back, and stalked off.
you had swiped a salad on your way to his office. you had learned from the first few times that stephen requesting you in his office was like attending a lecture, all about him. and you wouldn’t starve if you were going to be stuck there.
you knocked on the door once before pushing it open. stephen was sitting at his desk, an untouched piece of salmon and greens was in front of him. he didn’t even look up when you walked in.
“what’s up?” you set your salad down, including some of your patient files. you took the chair opposite of his, and cracked open your salad.
“i hate it when you speak like that.” his eyes remained glued to his computer screen.
you looked up, rolling your eyes, “one of the nurses said you requested me? might i inquire why or are we just going to stare at each other and pretend like last night didn’t happen?” you were angry.
he could tell.
your voice shook with a twinge of rage that only he could be the reason behind. it was always the same twinge, it was the same twinge earlier when he had requested christine for the surgery.
his eyes broke away from the screen for the first time since you had walked in. he stared at you, as if trying to calculate this moment in his head. he paused, silence taking the both of you as he stared into your eyes.
“i- i didn’t want to have to do this-“ stephen sighed, “we’re at work. when we’re working, i’m your boss, you are my resident. we can talk about us, later.” he sounded so professional that if you didn’t know him so well, you’d probably throw yourself on the floor and beg for forgiveness.
“just tell me why you picked her over me. that’s all i want to know.” you challenged, your eyes boring into his.
stephen scoffed, “i chose dr. palmer because she is a more experienced surgeon than you. you would just-“
“fuck it up?” you finished his sentence and rolled your eyes, “if you don’t have faith in me than that is a reflection on your abilities as a teacher, as my mentor.”
“no it is not. because if you actually did what you were told, you would be on your way to making an incredible surgeon. but you aren’t. you’d be mediocre at best.” his words cut hard. he hadn’t blinked, and you didn’t dare to look away.
it was weakness to look away. you had to be able to continue to stare him down, if he was going to listen to you.
“i do exactly as i am told. last night was the perfect example of that, wasn’t it, doctor?” you raised your eyebrows and incredibly, stephen broke the eye contact.
“get out.” he returned his gaze to the computer screen and you were taken aback.
“i said get out. get your shit, and get the fuck out of my office.” stephen didn’t hesitate to yell at you, which made you want to cringe.
you stood up, sighing as you collected your things, you had almost made it out when you stopped, hand lingering on the doorknob, “this is why christine left you. you’re a fucking asshole, and no one will ever love you.” he had turned, but you had already left before he could yell anymore.
you knew you shouldn’t have slept with your boss. clearly, as you sat at home instead of scrubbing in on a surgery, that it wasn’t working out well.
you had left the hospital after your little outburst with stephen. your pager kept going off, but you had ignored it since they were all from, unsurprisingly, stephen. you tossed and turned in your bed, not having the energy to do anything else.
he had ruined you. he had ruined you from the moment you had entered the program.
but yesterday, he had really ruined you. he ruined whatever perfect balance the two of you had. you knew him, and he knew you, but now you were too involved, too emotionally attached.
you couldn’t even curb your jealously. it wasn’t about your abilities or her abilities, it was the fact that he wanted his ex-girlfriend to scrub in with him, and not you.
stephen stared at the wall. he had been staring at it since you left. assumingely, you had gone home. all of his pages went unanswered, and he knew that he had really, really fucked up.
there was a knock at the door and stephen turned, “come in.” he had hoped it was you, but he never had to welcome you in. you’d always just waltz in, carrying food and random case notes.
“i’ve been looking for your resident all day. i heard she’s the expert on the case?” dr. palmer had graced his office for the first time in a long time. stephen didn’t have the best poker face when it came to surprises, and he couldn’t hide this one.
“uh-“ he laughed slightly, blinking as he focused on her, “yeah she wasn’t feeling well today. she might’ve gone home but the case is at the nurses station.” he didn’t smile, he never did at her anymore.
christine nodded, “hey, stephen.. why did you ask me to scrub in with you? if you already have a perfectly capable resident-“
stephen shook his head, “i- i just wanted you there. i don’t know why- but,” he shrugged, “i cant trust residents, can i?”
christine laughed awkwardly, her attempt at trying to get out of this was already shot to the ground, so she just exited.
you wanted to quit. you had spent all night practicing how you’d do it. you were going to go to his office, set the resignation letter down on his desk and walk out without saying anything.
but you couldn’t even gather the courage to print your letter out. you had left the paper jammed in your printer, half inked, as you left to go to work.
“good morning.” stephen greeted you at the nurses station. it was time for the early mornings rounds. you nodded, but didn’t say anything as you walked off.
stephen chose to ignore the fact that you ignored him, and walked after you, “i am going to need any and all case notes on that patient today.”
you scoffed, “why? you never read any of my notes.” which was true. he always thought your notes were just annoying little scribbles.
“they’re for dr. palmer. she requested that she get any notes relevant to the surgery today.” he responded.
“oh, okay. i’ll drop it off at your office along with all the respect i have for you.” and you turned a corner, leaving him in the dust for rounds.
you were sitting in the cafeteria, head in your hands over your tray of food, you hadn’t even noticed the people gathering around your table.
“dude- long time no see.” you looked up to see one of your old friends that you had met during your internship, thalia. before all of this, before him.
you smiled, a real one in a long time, “we’re residents. we’re lucky if we even have clean underwear.” you joked. she smiled, “i heard you’ve been working closely with dr. strange. how is it? he’s got the hands of a god, you know.”
you blinked, almost happy to be able to get through a conversation that wasn’t plagued by stephen strange.
you blinked, hesitating with your words until it all came spilling out. “we slept together. multiple times.”
thalia’s jaw fell, practically hit the floor as she stared at you in disbelief.
“and we’re fighting right now so i’d really love it if we could just move on-“
“dr. l/n.” you turned at the sound of that voice, abruptly ending your conversation with your friend, you couldn’t hide the shock on your face to see stephen standing in front of you.
he never came to the cafeteria. he was always too good for it, and it was evident that even just his presence was shocking enough. all other conversations seemed to quiet down to complete silence.
“you’re scrubbing in. dr. palmer has another surgery that will run late so-“
you nodded, “understood.”
your unwillingness to say anything more was evident, and stephen would not open that can of shit right in the middle of the cafeteria for all the underachievers to hear.
he nodded, leaving as quickly as he came.
you stared at his hands moving gracefully in the patient. he was a god, it was clear in his work, that’s why he was the way he was.
“suction.” you immediately brought down the tube in your hands, sucking at whatever he pointed at.
his glove caught on the tube, the air trying to suck up his finger. he pulled back, just as you pulled the tube away.
“oh my go-“ you stared at the tube, and turned back to stephen. he raised his eyebrows just as you dipped your head back to laugh.
stephen looked around at the rest of the staff but didn’t say anything as you finished laughing by yourself.
you let out a sigh, your laugh turned into a quiet chuckle, even as you met his eyes, you still couldn’t stifle it.
“i’m sorry.” you apologized, “that was unprofessional and it won’t happen again.” you blinked, head bowed as you waited.
but stephen didn’t say anything, he looked up to stare at you once before going back to work.
stephen asked you to meet him in his office after the surgery. you had to practically throw yourself up each step to get to his office, exhaustion weighing heavy on your bones.
you didn’t even bother to knock this time, you just pushed the door open and dragged yourself in. stephen was sitting at his desk, but he had the case files in his hands.
he looked up once he saw you, and you took a seat across his desk. “you wanted to see me?”
stephen nodded, throwing down the case files, “this is good stuff.”
you blinked. hardly did stephen ever freely give compliments. you had thought you were the worst resident until he had called you “okay” once during an assistive surgery. another surgeon had said that meant you were good.
clearly stephen knew what you were thinking, and he grimaced, “christine suggested i read them.” you hummed in acknowledgment, “and she also told me to apologize.”
you looked at him expectantly, eyebrows raised.
“i am sorry for not calling you, or texting you after..” he mumbled off, “and im sorry for kicking you out of my office, it was rude and i am so-“ he faltered and you sighed, standing up.
he watched as you strode over to his side of the desk, hips swaying in your tight scrub pants. your hand gripped the leather of his desk chair, pulling it back as you positioned yourself on his lap.
stephen watched you carefully, watched as you dragged a finger across his cheek, smiling coyly, “i accept your apology, stephen.” you hummed again, “and i am sorry for what i said.”
stephen held your hips, his large hands tightening around them so you wouldn’t fall. “it’s okay. it’s okay.” he assured you, hands moving to caress your neck, he planted a kiss on your collarbone, just underneath your scrub top.
you shivered at the contact, but you were eager for more. stephen was hardly affectionate, especially at work. it made you wonder how it all even happened in the first place, as he was always so clipped with you.
stephen kissed your neck, sucking hard on the skin that you were sure they’d bruise.
“come away with me.” he whispered, “put on a slutty little dress and come away with me tonight.” he gripped hard on your hips, and you laughed, “what? where?” you were surprised he hadn’t mentioned anything about a trip to you.
“i was nominated for an award in california. the ceremony is tonight and i was hoping that you would accompany me.” he didn’t smile, but there was a hint of one.
“publicly?” you drew your brows together, hand on his shoulder as you looked into his eyes.
“well- people would only assume that we work together. but yes, publicly.” he nodded, and you felt your stomach drop to your ass.
“uh-“ you scoffed, “yeah. sure, i’ll go.” you couldn’t hide your hesitation. the last person that stephen ‘worked’ with was christine, and people would notice.
stephen nodded, “okay. i’ll see you tonight, kid.” his lips brushed past yours as he planted a kiss on your cheek. “tease.” you commented, gripping his shoulder as you hopped off his lap.
“i’m the tease?” he grabbed your wrist and you looked at the tent in his pants. a laugh escaped you, even as you strutted out of his office.
waiting was unbearable. you found yourself glancing over to the clock hoping hours would roll by until it finally did, and you were gathering your things to head home and prepare.
stephen said that he had arranged a private flight to california, and that he and a driver would be at your apartment by 8.
“are you out of here?” thalia, standing at the end of the hallway, broke you out of your thoughts, “i heard you’re going with strange to that ceremony?” you nodded, as you met her at the end, you couldn’t hide your smile.
she nudged you, smiling, “aw im so happy for you. especially after we all thought dr. palmer would go with him.”
your smile fell immediately and you stepped back, “what? why would you think that?”
thalia shrugged, “because he asked her. i heard them in the attendings lounge, when i had gone to find my-“ she continued to ramble on but you had stopped listening. you walked past her and slammed the double doors open. she called your name, but you were already in the wind.
all you could do was practically run out of the hospital, dashing past the front desk and out the doors. you panted, feeling the ache of a sob in your chest. you walked now, breaking down in tears on the way to your car.
how could he have asked her, before he asked you?
you realized you couldn’t go home now. stephen would be there soon to pick you up, to take you to an event that you weren’t supposed to be at.
stephen paced the apartment lobby. your doorman said that he hadn’t seen you since the previous morning. your car hadn’t been parked in its designated spot either, evident of your absence.
“fuck..” stephen muttered, his fingers breezing on the screen as he tried to call you. thing was, you always called him, never the other way around so he couldn’t remember the numbers to even dial.
he scrolled through his call list but it was a sea of unknown numbers, and stephen didn’t remember the last time you called.
stephen walked back up to the doorman, “can i go look in her apartment?” the doorman raised his eyebrows and stephen sighed, “i’m her bo-“ he paused, unsure of what to call himself, he grimaced, “i am her colleague. i just-“
the doorman nodded, there was a look on his face as he looked at stephen up and down, “yeah..i know who you are.” as he spoke stephen realized that it was disdain that this doorman held for him.
but as the doorman let stephen up, he didn’t even care how you talked about him, it was that you talked about him at all.
the apartment was messy. of course it was. you were a fifth year resident who clocked in more hours at the hospital than all the combined time spent at home. but it wasn’t dirty messy, it was a barely moved in, hadn’t had time to unpack messy. the stack of broken down boxes in the corner was evident. he pursed his lips at the sight, but continued in.
your bedroom was close, he could see the edge of a mattress through a cracked door. it was barren, besides the bed and dresser, it was filled with packing peanuts and a box of hospital scrubs. he hummed, stepping out and deciding to check out the next room.
he pushed the door open, revealing a very organized office space. there was a long desk along the wall, a chalk board took up the entirety of another wall, medical scrawl was all over it. pictures of anatomy were hung up, including unknown jars of specimen.
stephen was more than intrigued, he was impressed. the rest of your apartment was messy, barely lived in, but your work was your life, and your office was clear of that.
he trailed towards the desk, a dim light shone from your desktop, and he nudged the computer mouse to turn it on.
dear stephen,
i am writing to formally tender my resignation as a fifth year resident under your tutelage…
there was a mix of worry in his mind that he hadn’t felt in a long time. the rest of the letter was just professional bullshit on your decision to leave him. you weren’t leaving the hospital, you were leaving him.
but he had to get the truth.
it had been hours since the award ceremony. hours since it would’ve started at least, looking at the clock, you knew that it was time to return home.
stephen probably didn’t even make it to your house, since you hadn’t received a single call. the area you had gone to, outside of the city, still got decent cell service, so you knew he didn’t even try.
you no longer felt the rage of being overlooked in your career and in your relationship, all you felt was the regret of believing him. you tightly gripped your steering wheel, and silently drove back home.
stephen waited silently. he had looked through your pantry, trying to find something to snack on until your arrival; he knew he’d be there all night.
but didn’t take anything, deciding that he wasn’t even hungry, just restless and angry, and as soon as he heard keys jingle at the door, he stood up.
“stephen.” you were breathless, your hand was clutching hard on your doorknob as your bag hit the floor. it landed upright, but you pushed it to the side with your foot. stephen didn’t move, watching as you cautiously stepped forward.
“what- what are you doing here?” you swallowed thickly, hands feeling clammy against the rough fabric of your hospital scrubs. you looked at him up and down, eyes lingering on his sharp suit, hands positioned at his side. “i’ve been waiting for you.”
you nodded, “i’m sorry if you missed the award-“ you felt your voice shake, afraid of how this confrontation would proceed. you kept your eyes glued to the floor, afraid to look again into his striking face.
“you think this is about that?” he scoffed incredulously, his eyes narrowing at you. you could just feel the edge in his voice, it was the same edge that had haunted you nearly all of your residency.
he took your silence for shame, and continued, “i found your letter. when were you planning to hand it in? hmm? after you assisted on a major surgery or after i was presented with an award with you by my side-“ it was your turn to scoff. you looked up, walking towards him at a speed that had you now nose to nose.
“you think that i’m proud of being second choice?” your voice broke, and you sighed, knowing just exactly how this would end. stephen’s face fell, and he looked speechless at your emotion.
you inhaled a breath, trying to calm yourself down as you fought to say your piece. “i- i had to hear from thalia, of all people, that you had originally asked christine to be your date tonight.” you felt a tear fall down your cheek, “you come in here, into my apartment, look through my things and accuse me of what? riding your success?” you spat, your voice still wavered, but you carried on, “i’ve had to be second to the greatest love of your life. and i will not continue to be.” you sniffled, looking at stephen right in the eye, “i quit. i don’t ever want to see you or that fucking hospital again.”
stephen was absolutely wordless. he didn’t even know what to do with it, and as he watched you strut down the hallway to your bedroom, he found himself following you.
you sniffled, and noticed he was right on your trail, “get out, stephen. get-“
he stayed firmly planted, and instead raised his eyebrows, “christine is not the greatest love of my life- i thought she was.” you rolled your eyes, not wanting to hear his speech, “until i met you. and i’ve been selfish. i’ve been keeping you from your potential. so you should quit, be a better surgeon under someone who-“ he faltered, and his features softened, “who doesn’t love you.”
you felt your face get hot as you tried to speak. stephen strange just told you he loved you…
“it’s okay.” he stepped forward and you found yourself stepping into his embrace. he kissed your forehead, “it’s okay.” he repeated, assuring that it in fact, was okay.
as bittersweet the moment was, you had to release all of the truth, even if you knew it would only hurt him more.
“i love you, too.” you whispered, hands gathering up his suit fabric, gripping it tightly you didn’t want to let go. but he didn’t say anything, the two of you continued to hug until you practically fell asleep in his arms.
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boop-le-snoot · 2 years
dazed & confused
wanted a woman, never bargained for you // lotsa people talking, few of them know // soul of a woman was created below (i like it)
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sorry this took so long, i got horny multiple times while writing this & had to seek jesus (couldn't find him)
most smut fics are love letters, this? this is hate mail. to stephen strange, specifically. consider this my honest attempt at enemies to lovers. pushing my three favourite agendas: doctor stephen strange, pasta and led zeppelin.
spotify link to the recommended record to play.
warnings: enemies to lovers, trust issues, overthinking/insecure!reader, 18+: face-sitting/riding, dirty talk, stephen's whore mouth, pet names, hitting it from the back sorcerer style, some light bondage, creampie, just filth, okay? softdom!stephen that knows you can be a good girl if you put a little effort into it. brat taming, maybe? word count 8.5k
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"Open up. Open wide," Stephen's stern voice instructed, rolling over you in a wave of exasperation.
You hummed to convey your indignation but relented, parting your lips until the bones of your jaw creaked and the muscles in your cheeks grew taut. Saliva gathered at the back of your throat, tickling it, as you concentrated on not swallowing. Some of it spilled into the corners of your mouth; any other time, you would be mortified as droplets of it slid down your cheek, with Dr. Strange so close to your face that subtle whiffs of his cologne were beginning to reach your nose.
It twitched. So did Stephen's lips.
You could sense the snarky remark bubbling up to the surface of his throat before he even made a sound.
"Be. Still."
I AM TRYING! You attempted to convey, humming angrily and rolling your eyes.
Stephen kept eyeing the runes burnt into the sides of your cheeks and the roof of your mouth all the while his hands kept up a rapid pace, their glow casting a theatre of shadows on his angular face. His cheekbones popped. The treacherous, red curve of his mouth was tense, chapped lips pursed, silver hairs gleaming in his beard that adorns his Cupid's bow.
As your eyes adapted focus, you noticed the large amount of discoloration. It was like Stephen glittered in the golden shine of his spellwork; as it exploded into trillions of little sparks, they set his entire face alight. Like the sun itself had split into opaque gemstones to adorn him.
You forced your eyes to focus on a crack in the ceiling, letting your breath slowly, shakily exit through your nose.
Stephen Strange was a beautiful bastard.
You've told him so - patronisingly, of course, as part of the frequent verbal stand-offs you two had. It was a tale as old as the world: he'd play the superior card, you'd quietly roll your eyes and continue to do your thing - Stephen would annoy you until you were forced to acknowledge him; you, being no blushing maiden, spared him not from the sharpness of your tongue and your wit.
Still, you were glad he wasn't reckless enough for his ego to get in the way of saving people's lives. Most of the time, at least. If you were forced to pair up, there was a reasonable truce until the immediate threat was removed from this universe. The banter during clean-up, you could deal with. It was fun sometimes, even, Stephen's short fuse making him an easy target to unload some pent up frustration onto.
Worstie, a word of the slang variety, snuck into your head as you contemplated the sickly-beige paint on the ceiling. A quick amused chuff escaped you, causing Stephen's focused face to turn down.
"Are you seriously laughing right now? Most of your mucosa is covered in second degree burns."
It was the accusative amusement that had you reeling, internally of course. You briefly set your eyes back on his, making sure he knew your spirits remained as high as ever.
Strange offered a noise of his own. The corners of his mouth upturned again.
"You know, I find you more agreeable this way. Finally, some peace and quiet around here," he remarked conversationally, placing a large, cool, glowing palm over you throat that immediately soothed any lingering discomfort from the enemy's spell. "You could even pass as cute when you're not talking." Evidently, he was enjoying your temporary shift in dynamics.
Temporary, it's only temporary, you told yourself, keeping your breathing even as Stephen obviously tried to make his best of the situation and get a rise out of you. The realization of him being able to win, proverbially speaking, only when you were incapacitated, filled you with no small joy.
"... but that's the good news," he picked up. "The bad news is that I can fix this, but it is going to hurt. A lot."
"Zo it," you rasped, feeling your mucous membranes crack and bleed simply from uttering two garbled syllables.
The sorcerer's pointed look lingered on your face, uncomfortably close and soundlessly loud. His fingers twitched along your jawline.
"Alright," he nodded, to himself, and withdrew to perform a set of complicated hand gestures over your prone form.
It burned, worse than the wretched curse itself. The skin was peeling off you, quite literally this time, taking the runic markings with it, cleansing your vessel with fresh blood. The urge to gag was overwhelming as iron and copper flooded your mouth, dribbling crimson down the corners of your mouth. Your hands clutched at the sides of the chair until your knuckles lost all color; round, fat teardrops slid down your cheeks as your chest heaved.
Stephen observed you with a clinical eye, blinking rapidly as the spell lit up for the final time before dissolving in on itself and taking most of the pain with it. You could breathe again, even if the cool air in the room felt like ice directly over the burns. Sharp and stinging.
"Fanks," you rasped, testing out your vocal capabilities and pain levels, both of which you found bearable.
"Alas, peace never lasts long," the corners of Stephen's mouth returned to their usual, condescending position.
His hands found their frivolous way back to your face, holding it in place as sharp eyes examined the tender inside of your mouth. A long, slender finger reached out for the corner of your eye, wiping a stray tear away from your fluttering lashes, followed by his thumb diligently flicking off the blood at the crest of your lips.
If you wouldn't know any better, you'd think the touch was caring. Tender, even, as the sorcerer's oh so earnest stormy blues traced the fine lines of your face. But you did - know better. It was humiliating, being treated for your boo-boos like a moody child.
You closed your mouth, hands immediately flying to massage the sore, tense muscles of your jaw.
Stephen withdrew his fingers rapidly, clasping them over his stomach.
"Wong took care of the stragglers?" You murmured, carefully enunciating your words. Chit-chatting was going to be out of the question for the next couple of days.
"As always," Stephen's reply was curt, his eyes cast on the wall.
"I guess I'll go sleep it off then," you conceded, spying the clock, its arms showing a little past midnight. Why couldn't the bad guys pick a better time of the day to execute their nefarious, stupid plans?
"That would be best," the sorcerer shuffled in place before clearing his throat. "Doctor's orders."
The tongue-in-cheek remark had you obstinately emit a scratchy laugh. Insufferable, as always, no stress or tragedy could put this man out of his saucy commentary.
You voiced your thoughts on the topic. "Cheeky bastard!"
With a shake of your head, you conjured up a portal directly to your bedroom, stepping into it and lifting up an arm to say goodbye as it closed up behind you, totally missing the long, tired sigh coming from the tall man.
Your apartment greeted you cold; a beeline for the shower and clothes thrown carelessly onto the ground, the smell of French vanilla and sandalwood from your favourite candles - their flames danced, casting moving shadows over the walls. As you paused to remove the last layers of sweat-soaked fabric, the angular obscurities caught your eye, freezing you in your tracks.
Some sorcerers found shadows jarring - it was the reason for the Sanctum's skyrocketing electricity bills - the moving, dancing spots reminded the dimension wanderers of places better left unseen. And you jumped, too, at first, but then a brief memory crossed your mind.
Stephen's sharp features. The way that light, any light, drew immediate attention to his sculpted bone structure and straight, regal nose. When he had leaned over you, as close to share a breath, you traced the smile lines on his skin, the odd scar over his lip. He was sharp, as in mind, so in body. Even the hair he so meticulously styled (must've taken all morning) was divaricate in it's curve.
Under the hot, soothing spray of water, in the privacy of your shower, you allowed yourself to entertain thoughts that usually were kept at bay. Images of Stephen shirtless, dripping with the blood of your shared enemies; chest heaving and strong, defined muscles of his back tense. The way clear sweat rolled down the groves along his spine just to disappear beneath the waistband of his pants that slouched low on his hips.
"Fuck," you muttered, sticking your flaming face right beneath the spray. The droplets bounced off it as you held your breath.
An arduous pull, deep and low in your belly, the kind that rode on the tailwind of an adrenaline rush, had quickly blossomed into a heaviness that sat like a two-tonne blunder, immovable and annoying. Only pure spite and the rumbling of your stomach gave you the willpower to push the knob, turn the water off and throw on some sweatpants to depart for your kitchen.
Briefly flicking through a take-out app, you abandoned the idea of ordering food at this ungodly hour, deciding to throw together some ingredients for a quick and delicious pasta.
Thoughts of Stephen still lingered on your mind, stubborn as the man himself. You didn't want to give into the feelings, completely unwilling to admit the man had somehow found a way under your skin. He still had regular coffee dates with his ex, for fuck's sake! You deserved better than someone's leftovers.
As you felt yourself begin to think in circles, your hands groped for your phone again, connecting it to the Bluetooth speaker and turning it up to highest acceptable volume in the dead of the night. Sultry guitar, intermingled with god-tier vocals, was exactly what you needed to silence your inner turmoil.
Hand busy with cutting and chopping, your legs swayed your tired body to the rhythm as it partook in the mindless task.
One song blended into another as your peace was suddenly disturbed by the sound of your doorbell ringing. Startled, you waited for the shrill noise to repeat itself; it did, more insistent the second time.
Ashamed, you turned down the music somewhat, hastily rushing to the door with a polite smile glued to your face and apologies ready to go. As quietly as you could, you cracked the door open.
"Hi," Stephen was leaning on the wall next to your door, forearm raised. "Took you a while."
"Don't tell me there's another emergency," the smile slid off your face to be replaced by surprise at the choice of his attire.
The ever-present Cloak of Levitation was draped over a baby blue hoodie with a Columbia logo on it. Stephen's sweatpants looked soft and worn and the brand name tennis shoes screamed "upper class middle-aged man". You've seen him in jeans in cardigans, sure, but like this? He looked like he'd just rolled out of bed.
"Sort of," he looked over your shoulder, eyes darting over the items in your apartment. "Wong forgot to renew protective wards. The Sanctum is snowed in. I've got some apprentices rounding up the penguins as we speak," at least he had the decency to look sheepish.
"Penguins?" You wondered, lips twitching at the funny way he was saying that word. "And what does that have to do with me? I'm on sick leave," your eyebrow rose.
"I thought I could bum on your couch?"
No please, no thank you. Both of your eyebrows now rose, appalled at his audacity. You contemplated telling him to book a hotel room, but hesitated, remembering the quick and efficient way he dealt with your wounds a few hours ago. With a sigh, you opened your door, leading him into your apartment.
"Leave your shoes in the corridor and lock the door," you walked back into the kitchen, eyeing the unfinished pasta. A quick survey of the items, you deduced it would be enough for both of you with some to spare. After all, you weren't raised in a barn.
Unlike some people.
Stephen ogled the various knick-knacks scattered around your kitchen and living room without reservation, coming up as far as to pick up and study every photo you had on display. To mask your annoyance, you turned the music back up, pointedly ignoring the creeping feeling of impending doom.
"Is that you as a baby?" Stephen could not hold back his curiosity anymore. He held up a framed photo of a grinning, chubby toddler.
"That's my cousin," your voice dripped with irritation. "Hasn't anyone taught you not to snoop?"
"It was on display," he retorted without missing a beat, but nonetheless put the frame down and approached you, eyeing the chopped onions with suspicion. "Should I worry about getting poisoned?"
"Yes," the deadpan response made him bark a laugh. "But I have one bathroom, so I'll save it for the morning."
"Who said I won't spend the day?" Stephen crossed his arms, staring you down from where he leaned against the counter. "Squatter's rights."
"My neighbours love death metal," the garlic plopped next to the onions and went into the pan, rich aroma immediately filling up the kitchen space. "Especially at eight in the morning. Teenagers, right?"
You could hear the smile creep into Stephen's voice even though his face didn't change one bit. A cherry tomato was quickly snatched from under your knife and plopped into his mouth without as much as a warning.
"Nothing wrong with death metal," his baritone dropped. "I prefer classic rock, but to each their own."
As you prepared to fire off a few choice words about his delinquent thieving tendencies, Stephen pointed at the Bluetooth speaker:
"Led Zeppelin, Dazed & Confused, playing live in Los Angeles in 1972. With bits and pieces of Walter’s Walk and The Crunge," he rattled off, looking, for once, exceedingly proud of himself.
"Huh," the knife froze in your hand as you processed the influx of information. Not knowing what to add, you settled for a flat, "good song. Now stop eating the ingredients."
Stephen laughed once more, no trace of the usual snark and condescension audible in his voice.
"Robert Plant was only 23 when this was recorded."
The water had come to a boil; you dumped the pasta in, stirring the sauce with your other hand. It smelled heavenly; you prayed the music was loud enough and Stephen couldn't hear the chorus of growls coming from your stomach.
"Nerd," you accused him, for a lack of better things to say.
His presence behind you was felt, not seen. With his larger frame inches away, you could smell his aftershave and the leftover crisp of snow he must've brought from the Sanctum. It made your shoulders tense: for the second time today, Stephen was so close, your body involuntary flooded with molten led, warmth spreading from all the small places where you two almost touched.
You felt your knuckles begin to creak with how tightly you had been holding onto the spatula; it took a criminal amount of care to place it on the side of the pan without causing a flurry of noise.
An arm wrapped itself around your waist, letting your back connect with Stephen's chest. The shock froze your limbs and you let yourself be swayed along to the music, electricity sparking up your spine, a slow current running through your heart, your stomach and your hips.
"Everybody's been talking and I swear they been talkin' trash..." Voice low and quiet, the singing coming from the man was more of a hum.
It was still enough for you to strain your hearing, for the rich baritone to add more fuel to the fire of sudden craving.
"The way you push me, I can't take too much of that," another hand, large and warm, took hold of your own that hung limply by your side, bringing it up.
C'mon, c'mon, show me the way! I want to make love to you, little girl, twenty-five hours a day!
You felt true to the song title: dazed by the sudden display of affection and confused by Stephen's unbothered, easygoing attitude. He shelved his vitriol the moment his working hours were over, it seemed. It put you on edge.
Somehow, you thought, that if you'd respond with your usual snark, he'd double down on this strange amicability. And you weren't sure you'd be able to take that. Had he finally realized that the best way to get under your skin would be to play nice? To be friendly right up until you let your guard down and strike right then and there?
"Do I really repulse you that much?" His words startled you out of your negative spiral.
You shook your head, annoyed at yourself and at him.
"You infuriate me," honesty was better than an obvious lie in this case, you decided. Rationed honesty. You weren't about to tell him of the thoughts you entertained in your solitude.
Stephen let go of your waist but kept your hand in his. Without any effort, he spun you, once, slowly, for you to see a wicked smile plastered on his face.
"The feeling's mutual."
You stayed in position, looking up at his face for the longest moment. His neutral-positive expression had you walking a high wire over the abyss of his stormy blue eyes: if you allowed yourself to be distracted, you'd lose all sense of balance and fall, fall, fall...
The sauce was begging for attention at this point and you turned to tend to it, using the few moments of your face being hidden to realign yourself from the bastard's attempts to throw you off-kilter. Who knew it would be sudden tenderness to be the one to put sticks in your wheels? You had done a great job of keeping unnecessary crushes in check before he came along.
The silence became pregnant and you hated it.
"If I had the chance to time-travel, you best believe I wouldn't go kill baby Hitler and shit. I'd go and see these guys live, it would be by far more emotionally satisfying," you offered the first thing that popped into your mind, eager to aid the awkward moment.
"Isn't that right?" He sounded a little too jovial to be surprised. "A wise choice, considering you've studied the effects of time. Intervention in the flow of it would be unwise. You'd look great in flared pants."
"Nerd," you repeated yourself, this time without any heat, choosing to disregard the odd compliment. "Some things are just about enjoyment, for the kick of it. Without any second thoughts. Do you not have hobbies you enjoy?"
"Protecting your reality is a full-time job that demands an unfair amount of overtime," the sorcerer deadpanned, coming up and taking the pot of pasta to drain it without being asked.
"No wonder you enjoy making my life difficult if that's the only thing you do," your mumbling got lost in the sounds of pouring water. Or so you thought.
"And you don't?" As he set the pasta next to the saucpan, his expectant eyes turned to your face, scanning it with rapt attention.
A sigh, one of many when it came to him, left your mouth. You dumped the pasta directly into the sauce, giving it a good stir, before taking the pan off the heat and putting a lid on the food. Mimicking his defensive stance, you leaned against the opposite counter, crossing your arms.
"I'm not the one to yield."
Stephen advanced, trapping your body between it and himself by resting his palms on the counter and lowering himself to your eye-level, an annoying little smirk curving his mouth and drawing your eyes to his lips.
"As a matter of fact, there is something I enjoy," the sorcerer spoke, his breath fanned over your face, landing directly onto your lips.
Your tongue darted out in response, wetting them, as your mouth had suddenly gone dry and heartbeat rose upward in your chest, sitting uncomfortably close to your esophagus.
Seemingly unbothered, Stephen continued, "and that is you. The way you scrunch your nose when you're mad..." His eyes briefly slid down to it, "adorable."
You could only blink, mouth parted and chin lowered. The more you stayed quiet, the wider his smirk grew.
"Your idea of flirting is pelting someone with insults?" Not being one to back down so quickly, you voiced your bafflement.
"And yours isn't?"
No, you wanted to say, but that would have been a lie. Your standoffs, for that they were annoying, definitely had done the job and brought you two together. Closer than ever, in fact. Stephen was barely three inches away from you, lips inviting and face earnest. In his own way.
To back down right now would be to lose.
Eyes squeezed shut, you tasted the offered fruit of Stephen's lips by slotting your mouth over his, surpassing any attempt at finesse. Months of pent-up frustration and a sense of determination stronger than your fear of rejection pushed you to break your number one personal rule of not getting attached to things that could be bad to you.
And Stephen was bad. In the split second it took for your lips to connect, one of his hands flew up to cradle the side of your face, holding you in place as his mouth sinfully devoured yours. It seemed like he had gotten used to holding back, too, evidenced by the sheer hunger that twisted his tongue around yours in a dance of lust and longing.
Blood rushed to your head as the realization set in. Stephen had been pining, maybe even helplessly clutched at the tiles in the privacy of his shower, chasing the hunger pangs for your body with fleeting moments spent together, straining to see things he thought weren't there.
Those sinful images of his bare back flooded your head: skin like caramel, clear droplets sliding down the hills and valleys of strong muscle littered with freckles and moles; like melted sugar or molasses, you craved to collect every sweet drop with your mouth. A low moan rose from your throat, immediately absorbed into the kiss.
Stephen withdrew, panting and flushed, lips glistening with spit.
"Your mouth, does it hurt?"
Aside from the pounding in your temples and the inferno raging in your abdomen, you could feel absolutely nothing. He'd consumed you completely. Not trusting your mouth, you shook your head negative, blinking as it swam and black dots appeared in the field of your vision.
"Good," a curt nod and his hands were back on your hips, figure looming over you and piercing blue eyes staring you down with an expression of exasperated longing.
Before you got cold feet, you decided it best to take matters into your own hands. His stomach tensed under your palms as you placed them, pushing on his body until he took a step back. And then another, this time seasoned with a small noise of confusion.
"Bedroom's that way," you waved your head in the direction of the door, biting your lip at the eager way he immediately turned and, for the lack of a better word, towed you towards it.
Candlelight still danced in the twilight of your bedroom, the space warm and smelling divine. You reached for his hoodie, pulling it upward before the back of his knees hit the bed; blue fabric dropped at your feet the second Stephen landed on your mattress, hands flying up to your waist to steady himself. The simple white tee did nothing to hide his toned physique.
Your hands brushed the immaculately groomed beard, traversing his strong jawline before setting down at the juncture of his neck. You leaned in to place a chaste kiss on his lips, mesmerized by his face in the candlelight. Stephen was just like the sun, for staring at him for too long was dangerous.
"You beautiful bastard," you whispered against his lips, met with a resonating chuckle. Your fingers tangled in the hair on the nape of his neck.
"That's a new one," in retaliation, he bit down on your bottom lip, soothing the sting immediately afterwards by sucking the skin into his mouth and pulling you head-on into another passionate kiss.
Stephen abandoned the curve of your waist in favour of sliding his hands up, mapping the broad of your back and tracing his fingertips down the knobs of your spine. The t-shirt you wore did very little to shield your skin from the electric sparks that his touch brought to your skin. Rows and rows of goosebumps followed in it's wake.
You swore your brain short-circuited when he reached under your shirt. No amount of fantasy could have prepared you for the response of you body when Stephen traced the outline of your breasts, clever fingers immediately finding your nipples pebbled and standing at attention, begging for it as you were driven to push up and into his touch.
Lips migrated from your mouth to your neck.
"Someone's eager," the hot whisper tickled the shell of your ear before Stephen's teeth scratched the tender skin of your neck.
Defiantly, you pressed your knees further into his lap, coming to something unmistakably hard between his legs. The breath he was holding got stuck somewhere between his nose and his throat, erection twitching in his sweats.
"Yeah," your voice was scratchy, snark bleeding into a noise of approval as he squeezed one of your breasts, pinching the other's nipple just shy of painful.
Unclutching your hands from his shoulders was difficult, when you felt like you had to fight to remain in this plane of existence least your arousal shut down all your senses except for the ones needed to experience the torture of his touch. You could spend an eternity like this, in his arms, like a musical instrument in the hands of a prodigy, being expertly, effortlessly brought to a steady crescendo.
"Greedy, greedy girl," Stephen rasped as your hands slid down his chest, fingers and nails mercilessly raking down it and messing up his shirt. He used momentum to rid you of your own top, surfacing bleary-eyed and with toussled hair. "Gonna fuck all that attitude out of you. Isn't that what you need, huh?"
With an impish grin, he wrapped his lips around one of your nipples, applying blissful suction.
Your hands roamed his chest, squeezed the tightly knit muscles of his shoulders almost vengefully. You caught his moan in your mouth, not wanting to give him the satisfaction just yet.
"I can name five better things for your mouth to do rather than talk smack." The impatience, the need you felt demanded a way out. You winced at how needy it made you sound.
Stephen scratched you nipple with his teeth, hiding a momentary grin between your breasts to surface flushed and smirking. His hands found your hips, pushing down your pants with ease, lifting your leg one after the other.
The moment his knuckles touched the soft, sensitive skin of your inner thigh, you shuffled in place - he was so close, almost at the apex, where moisture had left a wet spot on your underwear.
It didn't go unnoticed by him.
"Aww, you're already spreading your legs? Darling, I just touched the inside of your thigh and you're already presenting for me, huh?" Stephen mocked your wide-eyed wonder. His fingertips traced the outer seam of your panties, causing fine hairs to stand up all over your body. Finding you mum and defiant, holding your breath, he reached out a thumb to swipe right at the rapidly growing wet spot. "Showing off for me?"
Your full-bodied shuddering didn't escape the rapt attention of the doctor, either: his hawk's eyes watched you, documenting the conflicting microexpressions, your consideration to just giving in and your inherently stubborn nature.
"Stephen," you warned, threatening not sure what.
The man rubbed a few circles over your clit, delighting in your soft trembling, before placing a chaste kiss on your tummy. The energy between the two of you was electric; like the stand-still air before a storm.
You stumbled when he suddenly grabbed hold of your ass, pressing you into him ass he used his mouth, lips and teeth to mark the expanse of your stomach.
"You were saying, darling?"
You grabbed his hair, pulling it in retaliation. It was not fair how quickly he turned you into a mindless puddle of lust.
"You're an ass."
Stephen chuckled, using his larger form to pull you into him even further, forcing you to crawl onto your bed, only coming to a rest when his head hit the middle of your mattress and you were kneeling between his spread legs.
The outline of his cock in the dark grey sweats immediately drew your attention; it looked thick and long. You audibly swallowed the saliva that gathered in your mouth at the sight.
"None of that," he caught on sternly, pushing you higher up his body, until you were straddling his midsection. And higher, placing your core almost over his face. Your noise of confusion was met with a smug smirk. "You want to shut me up. Do your worst, baby."
There was little more to do that blink; in a second Stephen pressed his nose directly into the soaked gusset of your panties, taking an obscenely loud and indecently long breath. The sculpted appendage brushed your clit, sending little sparks deep into your pussy.
Your eyes fluttered shut, hips involuntarily sinking down, seeking more friction as you became hyperaware of the throbbing in your cunt.
"Nu-uh, keep your eyes open. Look at me, baby," his voice hoarse and slightly muffled, Stephen gripped the meat of your ass to grind you against his face, using his teeth to move your panties to the side. "Make a mess."
Fuck me up, was what you really heard. As soon as your bare skin came in contact with the roughness of his chapped lips and his beard, what thoughts remained quickly took the exit. Experimentally, you ground down, wincing, hearing the slick noises coming from your body.
"Fuck," you groaned through gritted teeth, gripping the man's shoulders for support. Having gotten a sample taste of him, you couldn't stop.
Stephen stuck out his tongue, eagerly lapping up what slick you produced, not caring about it dripping down his chin and glistening his cheeks. The increase in speed and desperation coming from you only egged him on.
"That's a good girl," the sorcerer honest-to-god moaned in between strokes. "You love it like this, don't you?"
"Yes," you rasped, chasing your fill of pleasure. His nose was positioned just right, catching onto your clit with every upstroke and brushing over your labia as you desperately fucked your sloppy hole onto his tongue. "So good."
The grin made an appearance once more; he held your eye, watching with rapt attention as your own vision drifted in and out of focus, swayed on the waves of pleasure.
You were sure his fingers on your ass were going to leave marks for days.
He was holding onto you as fiercely as you rode his face, blue eyes shamelessly documenting every bit of desire on your open face.
The tip of his tongue flicked around your cunt, dipping into the hole to collect the moisture and immediately diving back, over and over. You'd never been devoured so completely and it turned your legs to jelly. Your thighs shook, breasts heaved in rhythm with your hips.
Stephen winked, dragging your pretty much useless form over his face, sucking your clit into his mouth.
You eyes flew shut. The direct assault on your pulsating, sensitive clit was too much; you couldn't take it, torn between pulling away and putting more weight to allow yourself to finally get what you had been craving ever since stepping foot in the shower.
"Stephen, I want to come," you demanded, movements growing sloppier with each passing second.
"What's stopping you?" His innocent inquiry was overshadowed by more and more wet, slippery noises and satisfied groaning.
"It's-" a whine escaped you, thought process interrupted die to his wet beard dragging along your engorged labia majora, "I need more!"
As your bottom lip disappeared behind your front teeth, you could only blink in a lust-induced stupor as golden ropes entwined parts of your body. Suddenly, you found yourself staring up at Stephen, the familiar, soft fabric of your comforter under your back.
Lips shaking and face completely drenched, the sorcerer tore the magic binds, grinning dangerously at your prone form.
You swallowed, legs twitching around his waist. The rapid change in position gave you slight vertigo as blood rushed from your cunt back to your head.
"My, my, what do we have here?"
Stephen used a single finger to move stray hairs, that had been stuck to your clammy cheek, out of your face. The sorcerer's grin only grew as his eyes darted to your flexing throat.
"Aww, baby, I know you need to be filled up to come," he cooed, watching your lips part to take in a shuddering breath, "that little hole is practically begging for me to put something in it. Will you be good for me?" Eyes round and voice soft, Stephen had your full attention. "I know you want to be good for me."
You could do little more than blink, having been pushed further and further into mindless lust by the doctor's honeyed, filthy words. His eloquent speech patterns, wrapped in that deep, velvet baritone, had permanently elevated your standards for dirty talk in just two sentences. You dripped from his voice alone.
The thick, hard flesh of his cock slapped against your tummy, immediately forming a wet, sticky spot under the round, leaking tip.
You arched into him. "I'll be good," you mumbled, swallowing the last remnants of your pride.
"What's that?" He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, kicking off his pants completely, covering you with himself, trying to touch as much of you as physically possible. "Didn't hear you, baby."
"I'll be good for you," you looked up at him through your lashes.
The change in him was instantaneous. The angles of his face grew sharper than ever, lips pursed into a firm smirk. The glint in his eye was positively demonic as he leaned down to pepper your face with more light, airy kisses.
"If I had known before, that all it takes for you to be sweet is putting my mouth on your cute little pussy," he began to grind his hips slowly, angling his cock to hit the spot between your pubic bone and your thigh. "I woulda pulled up one of those patterned skirts you wear right in the Sanctum's kitchen and bent you over the the counter until your word vomit ceased completely."
Despite the cruel-sounding words and the attitude, you sensed no malice coming from the man above you. Your arms had wound around his neck, your hips clumsily attempted to match the pace of his rutting.
Stephen nuzzled into your neck, inhaling the scent of your sweat and smearing your own arousal all over. "You taste divine."
His confession had you take in a shuddering breath, mewling, as his cock slid right over your pussy, giving a touch of barely-there pressure over your engorged clit. Your hips had a mind of their own, chasing after him, fevered and yearning, core hungry and hollow.
"Stephen," your voice cracked with the force of need pulling you taut like a string.
He wasn't done talking yet, but the pace and force of his hips increased, now applying more and more friction to the outer parts of your cunt.
"I know, baby," he soothed, taking hold of your hand and placing his palms over them, leaning on his forearms next to your head. "I'll make it all better, all you have to do is ask. Beg, pretty girl, beg me and I'll give it to you."
Figures. It would be exactly like Stephen, to demand the impossible. You exhaled a slow breath through your nose, mustering up a miligram of dignity to stare the smug doctor down. You sure as hell didn't beg!
It was obvious he had expected some kind of pushback. His grin turned sadistic as his cock slid lower, brushing over your sopping entrance: he froze in place, keeping you at the tip of his cock, heat pouring off him in waves, chest rising and falling rhythmically.
In a split second decision, you attempted to wiggle your hips to get as much of him, as quickly possible.
"Nu-uh," he pulled away from the immediate wiggle zone. "You promised you'll be good," he reminded you, rubbing his damp facial hair, tickling you in the process. "Only good girls get to come on my cock. And you can be so, so good darlin'..." He trailed off, carefully pushing himself back into your space.
You evaluated your options, quickly and painfully coming to a realisation there was no other choice but to swallow the lump of pride and put some work into your own release.
"Please," you mumbled, cheeks ablaze. The words rolled off stiff and clumsy off your tongue, quiet in their novelty. "Please, fuck me."
"We're getting somewhere," his powerful thighs opened you up to him, cool air spreading over your heated sex, "you're being so good for me," another kiss landed over your parted lips, more breathless than the last, "now one more time, show me you mean it."
"Please, fuck me, Stephen," the force of your desire seeped into your words, finally breaking through the dam of embarrassment and trepidation. You mewled again, a high, soft noise, as the fat head of his cock sunk in an inch into your wet cunt.
"Fuck, baby," he grunted through gritted teeth as his eyes squeezed shut. "You have no idea what you do to me."
Slowly, Stephen slid another generous two or three inches in; about halfway through.
The muscles of your sex spasmed, accepting the intrusion and eagerly flexing around his cock, attempting to suck him in for all his worth. You felt every ridge and vein on his girthy, heavy cock, his face blurry in front of your eyes.
"Oh God," you uttered, sensing the gargantuan amount of restraint it took him to not just slide in: Stephen's arms trembled, tummy taut and tense.
As your body accepted the intrusion, he wasted no time in slamming his hips into yours, bottoming out with a single, powerful thrust. Stephen pulled back almost completely and forced his way inside again, allowing himself to enjoy the hot, snug grip of your cunt.
"My sweet girl," his voice little more than an unintelligible growl, his head dropped in a search for your lips. "I got you baby, I got you," sensing you teetering on the brink of overstimulation, he captured your mouth and shoved his tongue down your throat, uncaring about the guttural noises clawing their way out of it.
Stephen fucked you with languid, powerful thrusts that shook your bedframe and slid your body upwards as his cock nosed at the deepest parts of your cunt, a wet, sloppy noise echoing in the room every time he pulled away from you. Your lust flowed freely, soaking your thighs and his, causing your bodies to stick together.
He shifted his hips one way and another, groaning into the kiss with every noise you made, humming as they grew in volume.
And then your world briefly stilled. Your tummy clenched and pussy gushed as Stephen's cock touched a spot that had been often left neglected by your past partners; the scratch of Stephen's trimmed pubic hair brushing against your clit amplified the sensation tenfold, your pussy flexing around his cock.
"There we go," Stephen chuckled breathlessly, and shoved his cock right up against that spot again.
And again, and again, and again...
All you could do was keep your mouth open for the most needed oxygen to get to your lungs; quite literally, the man had stolen your breath away. Noises of intermediate volume left you on the exhales, but you paid them no mind, the sensation having had demanded your full attention. Eyes wide open, they stayed firmly on Stephen's flushed, kind face.
"You look so beautiful when you're about to come," the corner of his mouth lifted into a sheepish grin as he kept up the same even, brutal pace with his hips.
Shit, you realised. You really were about to come.
"S-Step-phen," you voiced your surprise with slurred syllables. "Doc, whas'.."
"Shh, baby," his smile grew. "Don't force it. Just let it happen. You'll feel so good, I promise," he punctuated the softness of his words with a kiss to the slack corner of your mouth.
You obeyed. Despite the aching, pulling desire, you choose to obey his words, letting go of the tension in your abs and hips. The relaxed state of your body allowed Stephen to settle in even deeper between your legs as they fell open, ravishing you; the good doctor had just the perfect cure for the tension you carried around all day, every day.
"That's my girl, you're doing so well for me, so precious, so sweet," the sweet nothings whispered into your ear was like taking small sips of nectar on a hot summer's day.
"Fuck-" you whisper-shouted, body immediately responding to the hold Stephen's words had on your mind.
It seized as your orgasm began: waves that rocked your entire being, starting as small contractions in the bottom of your cunt and spreading throughout your stomach, wave after wave of bliss, until it reached your toes and made them curl in utterly sweet agony. The tide was strong and high, sweeping you under the water and carrying you through the afterglow all with the help of Stephen's gentle, passionate words.
His hips has slowed down somewhat, the motion becoming more fluid in nature; thump-thump-thump of his heart pressed against your chest. He was everywhere, savouring your release just as much as you had enjoyed the supernovae of his skillful touch.
Words didn't come easy to you, but you tried nonetheless. "Stephen, please," you weren't sure what you were begging for. On one side, your sensitive cunt still throbbed and gushed; on the other, you longed to feel the man lose himself in you like you'd lost you mind in his arms just moments ago.
"That's my girl," he chuckled weakly, delicately gripping your hands and giving them a light squeeze. His cock slid out of your hole, leaving you clenching around nothing.
"Mmm," you protested weakly, limbs heavy as you attempted to reach out to him.
"I'm right here," Stephen tapped the top of your pubic bone frivolously, sitting back on his heels. The majestic curve of his cock glistened with your juices; it attracted your attention immediately and Stephen chuckled. "Staring is rude. Now come on, hands and knees."
Your eyes shot up to his face for a second before you looked away, willing your tired body to just cooperate. Lifting your arms and legs seemed like an impossible feat after the earth-shattering orgasm that Stephen had talked you through. One leg after the other, you slid down, rolling into your tummy and squirming at the wet spot right under it. It was all you: reduced to a mere leaky faucet in the sorcerer's presence.
Calloused hands gingerly pressed on your calves, raising your ass in the air.
You squirmed again, wide open for him to see, cold air hitting your sore, abused cunt and causing it to twitch.
A loud, shameless smooch was placed right on it by the man, followed by a long tongue sliding up and down your slit.
You whined, embarrassed and sensitive, shifting you weight away from his mouth as your back arched. It felt almost too much but the memories of that wide, nimble tongue still remained fresh and left you aching for more.
"I'm right here," Stephen patted your bottom. "I'm not gonna hurt you baby, okay? Tell me if it hurts."
His cock was nosing at your entrance once more; as you pushed back onto it, Stephen slammed his hips into yours, fingertips digging into your ass cheeks as he pulled them apart. You didn't need a mirror to know his eyes were trained on your cunt, the place were it hungrily swallowed the throbbing meat of his cock.
Eyes shut, you let your thoughts wander, examining the image in your mind's eye. The way his brow furrowed when he focused on something, smile lines more prominent than ever. Did Stephen bite his lip when he encountered something unexpected?
The bed shook with the force of his thrusts and you with it. Each one aimed well, deep and powerful, it made small, quiet noises leave your lips as his balls slapped harshly against your swollen clit.
"Ahh," your cunt spasmed as he found that spot again. You're were beginning to get sore, but it was a welcoming sort of pain.
"Shh, baby," Stephen panted, voice low and rugged. "I'm almost done. Just a little more, I know you can be good for me. So, so good..." He trailed off, topping it off with a low moan as he bottomed out inside your swollen cunt once again.
You swore your eyes rolled back in your head on their own accord. Blood rushed to your cheeks, your chest, hands gripping the bedsheets desperately and uselessly. Your mind was sluggish, barely comprehending the fact Stephen was using your cunt to get off: the idea felt so, so wrong, but you'd be a rotten liar if it didn't ignite another small storm in the pit of your belly.
"Arms behind your back," Stephen barked suddenly and you winced at how quickly you obeyed. Magic wound around your body once more, securing them into a position that allowed the sorcerer to tug you up: your knees firmly planted on the bed and your top half suspended at his mercy. "Just making sure you don't get lost in that pretty little head of yours," the amount of control this man had was unfair.
His cock kept up pace inside of you; you swore you felt it swell even the moment you mindlessly obeyed his command. The angle let him touch even more of you, both inside and out. You tasted the sweet, hot sweat of your coupling.
The string of magic tied to you was a lead in one of his hands. He eagerly dragged you onto his cock, over and over, the golden binds wrapped around your arms and chest like a straitjacket. A sexy straitjacket.
There wasn't much room for thought when all you could feel, sense and hear was Stephen: his sinful groaning, panting, the obscene sounds of your flesh slapping together. You thighs shook, spit collected in the slack corners of your mouth: you panted out, tongue stiff and uncooperative.
You wanted to feel him come, to fill you up completely, until you burst.
His movements turned sloppier and sloppier until his cock was disappearing into you at a rapid, disorganized pace, the bulbous tip sliding deep inside.
"Fuck, I'm gonna-" the groan he emitted was so close to your ear, you felt it in your cunt.
Starts burst behind your eyelids for the second time as he throbbed inside your spasming cunt, your combined contractions echoing back and forth until the pit of your belly felt warm and full. Some of his cum leaked out immediately, dripped down your labia and down your leg.
Noisily, he let go of the binds and your combined bodies gracelessly crashed onto the bed.
You weren't sure how long you laid like this, warm and safe, full inside and out. Minutes went by lazily, stretching into what felt like eons. You floated above time, above space, lulled by gentle, low murmurs in your ear.
Trembling hands gently parted your legs as cotton brushed over your raw cunt. Noises of protest died on your lips as Stephen shushed you.
"Take it easy," he placed a kiss on your tailbone, doing his best to clean up the biggest part of the mess.
You haven't even noticed him pull out. "Wha?"
The bed dipped next to you, his red, grinning face slowly coming into focus. "You're thinking so loudly."
You weren't? Having thoughts wasn't anywhere on your to-do list in the nearest future. For once, your brain had ceased it's usual violent tapdancing and you could breathe freely, the burden of anxiety removed.
"You did so good for me, baby," Stephen looked so proud and happy, crow's feet around his eyes deep and hair sticking in odd directions, silver strands mixed with dark browns and chestnuts, dying candlelight adding golds and ambers into the view.
Even like this, he looked sinful. Like a fallen angel.
"You're so pretty," was what your brain came up with. You wanted to fall through the face of the earth as soon as the words left your mouth.
Stephen chuckled, placing a kiss on your nose, then one more on each cheek and a final smooch on your forehead. "Says you."
Embarrassed, you hurried to nod your head to hide in the crook of his neck.
"None of that," promptly, you were returned to be displayed to his clever eyes. "Stop overthinking."
"But-" you argued weakly.
"No," his finger, scarred and shaky, poked your nose in what only could be described as petty defiance. "You're not this dense. I know you can do better."
The angles of his face acutely on display, you weighed your options. It wasn't looking good for you: come morning, he'll be gone, odd display of affection pushed aside, and you'd return to work to once more be greeted by the stoic, sarcastic man who's hobby included insulting you for sport.
And as much as you hated admitting it, he was better than you in most things: sorcery, looks, accomplishments. Some people just had it going for them.
"You can do better," you frowned. "You're you, doctor Stephen Strange, surgeon extraordinaire and sorce-"
His lips landed on yours, chapped and puffy, swallowing any protests that your brain could come up with on the spot, leaving you no option but to surrender to the sweet torture of the kiss.
"No," his eyes caught yours, firm and fiery. "And if you don't know what's good for you, well, I'm going to have to show you. You did so good today, after all, and it would be a shame to waste all that potential." His grin turned wolfish.
Shame and arousal flooded your senses as you closed your eyes mutely, finally, finally convinced yourself that sometimes, giving in might be the better option.
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Stephen Strange taglist:
@mikariell95 @sleep-i-ness @toomanyrobins2 @mostly-marvel-musings @persephonehemingway @bluecrazedandbeautiful @slothspaghettiwrites @couldntbedamned @xoxabs88xox @tatestripedsweater @stuckybarton @biiskuitx @heyarely16 @bdffkierenwalker @rosequartzwriting @auroralush @heart_charming @pshychadelichues @dilftallica @starkiller-queen @inas_thing @laura-naruto-fan1998 @lalaooopsie @brwn-sgr @altriestowrite @devilslilbabysblog @pervhotch @treegobonk @agathaharknesslut @persephonewritessometimes @endlessthxxghts @milena-xoxo @popeheywardssecretgf @inas-thing @fuckingarsonistbitch @pathetic-simp @sparrows-corner @turkisherlockian @srapalestina @sourlemonsandlimes @emlynblack @meeksmusic83 @chaoticevilbakugo @vane28282 @saturdaynightzemo @luminevans @danzalladaggers @viva-asgardia @sobeautifullyobsessed
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Glimpse of Us
Summary: Years after the faithful night, reality brings the two back together, with all the years of unresolved pain, feelings and comparisons
Warning: Angst is all the warning I can think off ehehhe, Hard core Angst
Note: ehehehehe the long awaited sequel to She use to be mine is finally here! After what? nearly 2 years. its finally here! I'm so sorry for the long wait and thank you to those who encouraged me to continue on with the next part. I won't dawdle on and let you lot enjoy the concoction i seem to have mustered on. ehehe again sorry for the months delay.
oh and i almost forgot, the italics are best imagined as her singing
P.S. I drafted this post 7 or 8 months after the first part and dear god, how time has passed. Looking back at the story, I'm not really too proud of this one and ended it because I really have no idea how to continue it. I have an idea for a next part (dangerous words coming from me) but I'm not gonna set a date for when I post it because we all know how the last part turned out. Anyways enjoy
😊❤️💛💚💙💜🖤😊 -T
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‘Hey, you’re up in five’`
‘Yah sure, just touching up’ you say as you smacked your lips after applying a bit of lip gloss.
‘You don’t need it’ he replied.
‘Still. I can’t believe I agreed to this’ you scoffed, fiddling with your hair for the hundredth time.
‘You’ll do great’ he smiled ‘Now your hair is fine, you look amazing, and I have to go. Break a leg’ he bid before getting on stage to rouse the crowd. Admittedly, you are nervous. You wouldn’t call yourself a singer, but you do have a good enough voice and can hold a tune. You knew it was a mistake singing in front of Harvey and you were only doing this as a favor. God. You checked the mirror one last time before finding it was good enough.
‘Now for tonight’s performance, A very dear friend of mine has agreed to perform tonight, though with a little bit of persuasion.’ Harvey mumbled the last part, getting a laugh from the crowd and a chuckle from yourself ‘She has a voice made by the gods above, though I don’t remember Thor being much of a singer. She can lure you in better than a siren, but I think that’s the other mythology’ he said cheekily.
‘Now, without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome a dear friend of mine, Y/N Y/L/N!’ he introduced, that being your cue to emerge from the curtain, you stepped on staged and made your way over to the middle where he and the mic was, the spotlight following your movement. You waved and smiled at the crowd, glad there wasn’t much. Grasping the mic, you chuckled as the small crowd continued to clap.
‘Hi everybody’ you began, getting a hello in response from the crowd ‘Wow, thank you for the warm welcome and thank you Harvey for that unrealistic introduction’ you chuckled with the crowd, turning to Harvey who waved you off.
‘Now, taking something off of Harvey’s speech, I am made by no god or am one. Nor am I a siren from the Greek mythology. It did take some persuading to get me to do this and hopefully I don’t regret it.’ You laughed sheepishly.
‘I don’t normally sing on stage or in public really unless it’s karaoke with friends, which by the way is how I got tricked into doing this, so pardon me if I seem a bit nervous’ you smile shyly. Glancing back at Harvey, with a smile on his face, he nodded, pushing you to continue. Pulling out the rest of the confidence you still had stored, you turned back beaming at the crowd.
‘Now to not keep you waiting any longer, Paul if you will’ you gestured to the man on the piano and he nods before gliding his fingers along the keys, playing the start of the song. Letting out a breath, you closed your eyes, feeling the rhythm of the piano before singing the lyrics. Grabbing hold of the mic, you opened your eyes and began.
He'd take the world off my shoulders
If it was ever hard to move
He'd turn the rain to a rainbow
When I was living in the blue
You let your eyes flutter to a close as you gripped the mic firmly. Swaying your body occasionally to melody.
Why then if he is so perfect
Do I still wish that it was you?
Perfect don't mean that it's working
So what can I do? Ooh
Opening your eyes, you scanned the crowd, completely surprised by how the much you can see of the crowd seemed entranced.
When you’re out of sight
You saw you’re your friends in a booth over on the corner, the people entering the establishment.
In my mind
Then the bar where you found him, staring at you. You locked eyes with those beautiful ocean blue orbs that you love loved so much. Stumbling over your words, you nearly forgot about the song but once the piano keys hit the right note, your lips continued in autopilot.
Cause sometimes I look… in his eyes
And that's where I find
A glimpse of us
Eyes leaving contact, you scanned his entirety. The grey streaks at his temples have grown longer since the last time you saw him. The old clean-shaven face he used to don had a goatee. Prominent lines and creases were evident in his features and really the years have aged him well. He wore a suit, complete with a vest, a red handkerchief in the breast pocket and everything. A glass of whiskey at his side and he was still as handsome as the day you left. 
You closed your eyes once more, willing this to just be another trick or hallucination by your imagination. Though it was a horrid idea as memories of the day came back crashing onto you, you let them stay shut as you continued.
And I try to fall for his touch
But I'm thinking of the way it was
There you stood, as beautiful as the day he met you, if not more. In all your beauty, and the signature grin you adorned, you were radiant. Though the spotlight might have something to do with it, you were still a ray of sunshine through the darkest of clouds.
The rest of the world faded out to him and his mind finally faltered. There you were. Standing a few feet away as you introduced yourself. Your hair’s cut short, or at least shorter than the last time he’d seen you. Earrings hid behind your curls and the lightest bit of make-up was applied to your soft features. Though that didn’t hide the blossoming pink tint gracing your cheeks. Your lips glistened with the lip gloss you had on just like you use to. Smile lines drew at the corner of your eyes as you chuckled over your own words, explaining how you ended up in your current situation.
You always smiled, even when you were feeling down, you always smiled. Whether to hide what you were truly feeling or to just be nice to people, you always smiled. He nearly forgot how beautiful that smile was, with only his dreams used to recall that charming grin, since it has been a rarity for him to look you up or even open the box full of pictures during your years together. Even with the picture he kept in his nightstand, he rarely opened the drawer. Funny how this photographic memory of his nearly forgot the most beautiful piece of art he’s ever seen.
He listened to every single word you uttered as he looked and committed every single detail he could of you to memory. Your hair curled into soft waves, parted and pinned on one side. Your frame, fuller since the last time he saw your thin, nearly skeletal figure on that fateful night. You wore a wine-red wrap top that reached down to your wrists, paired with simple jeans and boots, you looked divine. The dip in the neckline of your shirt revealed the top of your cleavage but the gleaming gold necklace is what caught his attention. It was a simple gold bar plate though engraved with a heartbeat on one side. Common and a bit of a cliché now adays but what was special about that was it was an actual heartbeat. His. He gifted it to you when you both got accepted at Metro General. He explained that it was how his heart beat whenever he thought of you. As you tried to find the words to thank him, he made you turn it over to the other side to another engraving. You know I love you so, it said. A line from one of your favorite songs. He remembered how tears brimmed your eyes as you leaped to him, capturing his lip with yours.
What came as a shock to him now was that you were still wearing it. As he continued to look you over, the sound of your chuckle registered in his ears. God, he loves that sound. A sound he hasn’t heard long before you left. Looking back up to your face, he sees the girl he met all those years ago, buried under piles of books in the library on campus. The very same girl that chuckled at his horrible attempt at a flirtatious first introduction. A small smile tugged at his lips both at the memory and the sound. He hasn’t heard that sound in so long, it was a wonder when he heard it last. He just knew it was long before he fucked up and just chose to relish in the sweet sound now.
Now focusing and giving his undivided attention to your voice now, he listened.
‘I don’t normally sing on stage or in public really unless it’s karaoke with friends, which by the way is how I got tricked into doing this, so pardon me if I seem a bit nervous’ you laugh timidly. A chuckle bubbled at his throat as flashes of you singing whilst cooking in the kitchen of your tiny apartment came into view. Wearing nothing but his shirt as you flipped pancakes, singing from Coldplay to Queen at the top of your lungs or humming to Ed Sheeran whilst you worked and studied case filles.
He knew you enough to know that you were nervous, you didn’t have to say it. After all these years he still knew you better than the back of his scarred hands, heck better than he knows himself.
He saw you look to the side and his eyes followed, landing on the host from earlier. With a smile on his face, he nodded, giving you the reassurance you needed to continue with your performance. And it did, he saw how you pulled the last of your confidence before turning back to the crowd.
A pang of jealousy shot through him as he watched. I mean what did he expect, for you to be alone after all these years. A stupidly selfish part of him even hoped that you’d be waiting for him. To get his act together and you’d be back together. It was incredibly stupid; he knew that but that didn’t stop the creeping grip of jealousy from grasping his heart. As much as he knew how selfish the thought is, that didn’t stop the pain and hurt he felt seeing you look for reassurance in another man. Even after all these years.
The smile he had drawn up earlier had faded to a look of melancholy. It was good you had someone, he thought. Someone to be there for whenever you needed them the most, unlike him.
He watched as you turned and gestured to the pianist who nodded and started to fiddle with the keys. He watched as you took a breath, closed your eyes and began to sway to the smooth melody of the music. A small grin was itching at your lips. You were always more comfortable whenever listening to music and this was evident, unbeknownst to you.
Then you started to sing. You opened your eyes, took a firm grip at the mic and the lyrics just came dripping smoothly from your lips. That melodic voice of yours that he loves so much reminded him of the early mornings in the kitchen, the concerts in the shower and the lullabies to the kids under your care. Little did you know but the sound of your sweet voice always comforted him during the hardest times. He didn’t ask you to sing directly but he always listened whenever you hummed a simple tune or sang a song from some Disney movie to calm the kids in peds ward.
He took in every word that came from your lips. From what he’s heard so far from the first verse, it was about how the man lightened and took away the burden and sorrows the singer felt. The way you sang the song, it was beautiful. It was as if you were truly meaning the words that left your lips and he couldn’t help but feel the envy creeping back up at him, though at the same time, he’s conflicted with relief. He didn’t know if you’ve had someone during the past couple of years but as hurt as he is at the prospect of you with somebody else, it sort of gave him a sense of comfort thinking that you were getting taken care off. It eased some of the weight he felt and often times he thought maybe it was good that you separated. All he'd done with you the last few months of your relationship was hurt and neglect you and if you ever found someone that remedied that, maybe it was for the best that you left.
He watched your eyes flutter to a close again. The way your body moved to the melody of the music completely hypnotized him that his drink was deemed long forgotten.
Why then if he is so perfect, Do I still wish that it was you?
At those words, for some reason that gave him hope. He didn’t know if it was just the song but really, just the way you sang it made it seem all too genuine. He still loves you; he knew that very well. He also knows that he had a better chance in coming up with a new strategy in defeating Thanos (despite the many but one failed attempts he saw using the time stone), than ever getting back in a relationship with you.
You are the most kind, caring and understanding person he knew but you were also stubborn. He might have the chance in getting to apologize and to ask for forgiveness, but a relationship was a billion to one cosmic fluke. Though that didn’t stop him from wondering if you meant those words.
You opened your eyes and continued with the song. He noticed you looking at the growing mass of people watching. From the corner booths to the door, he knew from that growing look at your face that you were surprised to say the least at how many were captivated by your performance.
Then you met his gaze. Those soft blues meeting that beautiful shade of your own eyes. God, how much he loved those shining y/e/c orbs could never be put into words. How they twinkle in the light. The comfort and understanding they held and how they always seem to know he felt.
When he woke up from the crash, the first thing he longed to find were your eyes. The warmth, comfort and security they held, he ached to see those beautiful orbs because for the briefest moments he forgot everything but you. You were his main thought. He forgot about the fight, the neglectful months before, the pale, emaciated figure of yours that haunts his dreams, everything. Only the kind, gorgeous face of the woman he fell for all those years ago stayed in his mind because whenever he thought of comfort, the only thing that formed in his head was, no… is you.
He was hurt, in pain, his body ached, he could barely see let alone open his eyes. He needed comfort, he needed you. But when was life ever nice.
Instead, he was met with the fluorescent lights of the hospital room and the horrific sight of the mangled hands that once led a successful career in medicine. There was no warming gaze to be greeted with, only the sad sympathetic ones he now knows to be from the wrong woman and a cold, sterile room.
Cause sometimes I look… in his eyes
You stumbled over your words as you continued to look at each other. You continued singing but your eyes were locked together. Neither of you could look away. Your mouth moved on autopilot as your eyes lost the spark of a flame you had earlier, just like that night all those years ago, replaced by a reflection of the pain and grief he caused. The very same one that haunts his dreams.
A glimpse of us
You finished, your voice fading as the lyrics came to an end. As soon as the piano tuned out, you smiled and gave a little bow at the crowd who erupted in applause before leaving the stage in a hurry. Welled up tears spilled down warm cheeks as emotions and memories continued to riot your mind. After all these years he still managed to make you cry. Why can’t you move on?
You were quick on getting your belongings from the small prep area behind the stage however your plans of a speedy getaway were quickly ousted by the very same gentleman that perpetrated this whole ordeal.
‘You were amazing! The emotion you put in the performance…’ He continued to ramble on, looking past the curtain and to the roaring crowd cheering on for an encore, completely oblivious of his friend’s distraught state. ‘I mean the teary eyes, come on. Doctoring ever not work for you, acting could be something to con…’ he paused after finally getting a glimpse of you, swiftly wiping away tear streaks that ran down your cheeks but the growing redness in your eyes were dead give aways. ‘Shit’ finally piecing things together, he cursed, his attention fully set on you now. ‘It was real. Fuck, are you okay?’ he asked, finding it difficult figuring out what to do, yet a hint of urgency too as he still had to go back on stage.
‘Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.’ You swallowed, lying through your teeth. ‘I just… have to go’ you mumbled quickly, giving him a grin in hopes to resemble something as composed as the friend he knew. Though he knew you enough to know you were not ‘fine’, with great reluctance he let you go, rushing to the stage shortly after exchanging goodbyes and promising to check with him later.
As your friend went back on stage, you quickly took a survey of your appearance on a nearby mirror, making sure you didn’t look as dreadful as you felt. The bit of makeup you had on survived, however your eyes weren’t as forgiving being red. Nevertheless, you sped out to leave.
Considering your options, your only available exits were the front or back door and wanting to avoid individual who has left you in this state (just by being present), you turned to the corridor that lead to the back door but as unfortunate as you were, the exit was blocked by men hauling in delivery shipments and by the looks of things they weren’t going to be done any time soon.
You were antsy enough as it was and waiting by the second for them just added to your agitation. You really needed to leave now.  A lump was lodging itself on your throat and the air around you seemed to be thinning. You need to leave NOW.
Swallowing all the anxieties you had, you had no choice but to rush out the front. You stayed on the side, avoiding the patrons and the one in particular perched up at the bar but unlucky you (your luck really seemed to have vanished really), the man saw your abrupt departure, unbeknownst to you.
You made it out to the street and the open air was a fresh welcome, letting you finally breath, whereas the establishment you had left felt suffocating.
You thought it was done. That the lump in your throat would finally dissolve as you walked down the street, thinking that you had successfully avoided the now famed sorcerer of New York. The hero, Doctor Strange…
but when was life ever good to you.
‘y/n…’ he breathed out, catching the sight of you sprinting toward the doors he entered only moments before. It pulled him out of his reverie, wondering if he should talk to you, what he’d talk to you about, an apology perhaps, contemplation of your years together, however the sight of you pulled him out like it always did, especially in the beginning. He sometimes had the tendency to be too deep in thought, he’d ignore everything and everyone in his surroundings, but he always caught you. Your scent, your voice, let alone your image, it always drew him from his stupor. 
Now the sight of you cemented his thoughts.
Downing the last of his drink, he pulled a bill from his wallet and slammed it down the counter without so much as a look onto how much it was before he scurried out, chasing after you. (Like he should have done all those years ago)
He called out your name once he reached the sidewalk, turning left and right in search for you. The street wasn’t crowded much so it was easy to spot the figure stood still a few yards away to his right. With the last few rays of the dying sun and dim streetlight, he made out the curled head of hair the same shade as yours the figure had, and he just knew it was you.
‘Y/N!’ he nearly shouted, causing a few heads to turn in his direction but not yours. You kept your back to him as he sprinted your way. He knew you heard him. You would have kept on walking had you not.
It only took a second to reach you and when he did, he hesitated, not knowing what to do. He wanted to reach for you and plead for forgiveness. On his knees if he had to. Instead, he opted for another call for your name, hoping you’d finally face him.
And you did, after dropping your hands to your side, he heard a small sniff before you turned to him with your gorgeous smile and said (in a somewhat forced cheer in your voice)
‘Stephen. Hi’
‘Hi’ he replied densely. You idiot, he thought at how stupid his response was.
A silence fell over you both as Stephen canvassed your entirety now at a closer distance. He took in every graceful line, freckle and strand of hair he saw to memory. Every little detail he took in was as important as every breath he took. How bloodshot your eyes were didn’t go unnoticed though. Puffy around the eyelids from crying, red possibly from -he guessed- how hard you were rubbing them just before he reached you.  
Surprising thing is, it still broke his heart seeing the distress you so clearly were trying to hide. The thought of tears running down your cheeks, was illegal. They had no business in gracing your face yet, he can’t help but realize that he just keeps being the reason you were left in that state. Where were all these sympathies back then? He asked himself, the very night flashing through his mind.
‘Stephen’ you said again, taking him out of head again. He missed that though. His name coming off your lips. It brought him back to all the mornings with you in bed, tangled in sheets as the morning glory woke you up and you woke him up with that honey sweet voice with the say of his name. Stephen
‘Sorry, um…’ he coughed, trying to piece a sentence, words, anything really that didn’t end in three syllables.
‘You were wonderful’ he finally managed, okay that’s five ‘Back there at the bar…. you were amazing’ like always, he wanted to add but stopped himself, pointing back to where he just left.
‘Thank you’ you muttered, nodding your head before leaving it down to look at your shoes. The way you responded lacked any sort of confidence, as if you didn’t believe his words or yourself. Truthfully, you were never really the most confident, even back then but always did step up when the situation needed. Either that’s the reason or you didn’t believe him, which considering his case, why should you.
Your hands were fidgeting, he noticed. Running and marking the bones of one hand with your fingers tips before your nails would start to pick on skin. This was something new to him. A new nervous habit of yours he hadn’t known before, so it was most likely picked up after your separation.
The person in front of him wasn’t the same one he knew all those years ago yet, still so similar and the same. He remembers everything about you, so if anything of the woman he knew back then was still in there, he knew by how you were acting that you were uncomfortable, agitated.
‘Really, you were amazing’ he affirmed, really wanting you to believe him, or at least to believe how wonderful you really are. ‘Truly, but are you okay?’
He’d done it. Ask that stupid question and that’s what broke the dam, causing the river to run past it with no mercy.
He heard a laugh at first, your hand raising towards your face. The sound bordered on maniacal, nothing like the one he loved but familiar enough to know he has heard it before. Slowly, your head rose, your hand half covering your mouth, half wiping away the rivers that flowed down your cheeks. The sight finally triggered the memory he was looking for. It was all too similar to that night, it felt like déjà vu.
‘um’ you started, finally managing to say after that little fit ‘I could lie but what’s the point? No. I’m not. I’m not okay because you’re here. Fuck, I actually thought that I could get away from this but no, evidently not.’ You tried to reason, looking him straight in the eyes ‘Christ Stephen, I was okay. I was okay when I was singing, I was okay ten minutes ago but then you just came out of no where and now I’m not okay. I’m never okay whenever it comes to you. Not anymore.’ You spit like venom, unrelenting in your streak to get out all your pain because of him. ‘I thought I could be civil but… I-I’m tired. I’m sorry, I’m gonna go. Enjoy your night’ you hurried, saying your goodbyes and turning your back to him to walk away. You would have gone had he not called you back in such a pleading tone.
‘please’ he begs and for some reason and it compels you to listen. You halt your steps, you don’t turn around, but you do wipe away your tears and he takes that as his chance to apologize for everything. 
‘I’m sorry.’  He starts, his own eyes teary ‘I’m sorry for everything. You didn’t deserve what I did to you and it…’ he swallows that lump in his throat, trying to get the rest of his words out ‘it haunts me every day. You’re the kindest person I know, and I took you for granted. I was an arrogant piece of shit, too self-absorbed to even notice that the woman I love was working herself to death.’ You start to turn around ’You were the purest thing I knew and you didn’t deserve the monster I was. And I am so sorry for who I was then. I’ve changed or I’m trying to change, to be better than- than that monster that hurt you and I could only hope for your forgiveness because, you were always someone I never wanted to lose, and I did. By a stupid mistake and horrible decisions.’ His tears start to run, and you finally face him ‘I never wanted to let you go but I was hurting you more than I was loving you and I understand if I don’t get your forgiveness but, I am sorry. I am so sorry for hurting you. For taking you for granted. For not treating you how you deserved to be treated. For everything. You didn’t deserve what I did to you and hearing myself admit this… really just proves I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but I need you to know that I am sorry. I’m really sorry for what I did and that… that you deserve.’
You stare at him with tears running down both your eyes and he sees the same urge to wipe them away, in you. The hesitant twitch of your arm as if by instinct, to move and act on the need to clear away his tears and comfort him. At least that’s what he interprets the move of your arm because that’s exactly what you would have done, that’s exactly your character and he wants to do the same. To dry away your tears and take you in his arms in respite.
But you act against those thoughts, only balling your fist as some form of control. You stare into him, as if gauging to find the lie in his words yet there is none and he sees something in your eyes that he can’t explain before they dart away. He watches as you scan your surroundings, looking at the people likely to be watching you both but he didn’t care for them. He only cared about you.
When your eyes turned back to him, you closed them immediately, face scrunching as you desperately tried to hold back to tears but to him, it was as if you were so pained by the mere sight of him. He’d be lying if he said that it didn’t chip away a piece of his heart. 
Your head bowed for a bit as you tried to compose yourself but the words that left your lips once you rose again, only broke more of his heart.
‘You’re forgiven’ you were quick to say before turning back and walking away from him. He watched with wet cheeks, as you sped away from him, and he kept his gaze on you until you disappeared around the corner and then you were gone.
For what seemed like forever, he kept his eyes on that street corner, hoping for something that won’t happen. He knew that whatever he wanted wasn’t going to happen, but a man could hope, right? Though hopes are as easy to diminish as they are to ignite. Grief and disappointment, they tend to last.
The sun had set and streetlights and buildings are all that lit the side walk where Stephen stood. A man well known to the people and thus, there were those who were bound to watch the spectacle put on by the hero. Small crowds had formed over time as they watched the powerful sorcerer confess to the dreadful things he’s done to some doctor from before his fame, asking for forgiveness to all the terrible things he’s done.
To new passersby, they’d wonder why a hero of the city stood so stiff, looking at oblivion. They’d wonder for a minute without context before walking away with a shrug, figuring much more important things to think of.
Eventually, the crowd thinned to a trickle, til the lone man was all that remained the lone street, wondering what he had done to deserve you.
A/U: I've read this way too much to do a final proof read so sorry for all the grammatical mistakes and spellings and all that. Thanks for the read though
I'm hoping that the people who asked to be tagged don't mind me tagging them this late in the game and I hope you liked it. Hopefully it was worth the wait @strangesweetheart @evelynrosestuff @vesta-ro @doodle-cat16 @nabiilahadid @evansmusk @circe143 @dracoflaco
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winsteria · 2 years
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This post contains fanfic recommendations for Sherlock Holmes (BBC) and Stephen Strange and his variants. I thought it would be nice to share and recommend to all of you the fics that I love! <3
Note: Most of the recommended fics are fluff, but there will be some angst too. Fics that contain smut will be marked with (S), so for those who don't read them can be aware.
Banner created by me.
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➥ Doctor Strange
✦ Karaoke Night by @annesthaeticc
✦ Uncle Stephen by @writingliv
✦ Musée de l'Orangerie by writingliv
✦ Glimpse of Us by writingliv
✦ Paper Hearts (Series) by @classickook
✦ All I Ask (Part 1) by @brunchable
➥ All I Want (Part 2) by brunchable
➥ One Dance (Last Part) by brunchable
✦ Can't Love You in the Dark by (Part 1) by brunchable
➥ Can't Love You in the Dark by (Part 2) by brunchable
➥ (S) Can't Love You in the Dark by (Part 3) by brunchable
✦ A Soulmate Who Wasn't Meant To Be (Mini-series) by brunchable
✦ Karaoke Confessions by @getlostsquidward
✦ Annoying by @spookyspecterino
➥ Defender Strange
✦ Wardrobe Mix Up by @lykaonimagines
✦ Give Me The Reason by lykaonimagines
➥ Sinister Strange
✦ Notes & Letters by lykaonimagines
✦ Actions Speak Louder by @geeky-politics-46
➥ Supreme Strange
✦ My One Constant by lykaonimagines
✦ Something Interesting by lykaonimagines
✦ Touch Starved by @starks-hero
✦ Comfort by starks-hero
✦ Deep Water by starks-hero
✦ Dinner With the Family by starks-hero
✦ Danger Night's by starks-hero
✦ Different by starks-hero
✦ Sentiment by starks-hero
✦ I'm Here by starks-hero
✦ Meet the Parents by starks-hero
✦ His Remedy by starks-hero
✦ Darling It's Cold Outside by starks-hero
✦ Always On My Mind by starks-hero
✦ Christmas by @geeks-universe
✦ Bedside Manners by @luxwritesfanfic
✦ Don't Take The Money by luxwritesfanfic
✦ Missed You by @sherlockxreader
✦ The Case of the Unread Article by sherlockxreader
✦ I Want One by @victoriaholmeswriting
✦ The Holmes Family by victoriaholmeswriting
✦ Corpses and Roses by @french-vanilla-in-the-clouds
✦ Iridescence: A Composition by french-vanilla-in-the-clouds
✦ Soulmates by writingliv
✦ Night Terror by @fandom-puff
✦ The Feeling Is Mutual by classickook
✦ Safe In Your Arms by classickook
✦ ILY by annesthaeticc
✦ Puppy Luv by annesthaeticc
✦ Bad Hair Day by annesthaeticc
✦ Here Comes The Sun by @aephereal
✦ Pancakes by aephereal
✦ Late Nights & Violins by @daydreamtofiction
✦ Consequences by @theconsultingdetectiveswife
✦ Limerence by @galactic-academia
✦ Spiraling by @stupidthoughtsinwriting
✦ Morning Light by lykaonimagines
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So, that would be the end of this post. If your work is here and you want to remove it from this post, please kindly inform me in the comments and I will remove it! <3
— winsteria
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geeky-politics-46 · 9 months
Show Me/Her Prize
Smut - Explicit content - NSFW - 18+ only!
Pairing: Sinister Stephen Strange x Reader
Summary: You discover Stephen's little panty stealing habit and request a demonstration of what he does with them.
Warnings: Smut (NSFW) - 18+ ONLY - mutual masturbation, dirty talk, panty stealing, slight dom/sub, sub Sinister, slight degradation, fingering, reference to oral sex, reference to vaginal sex, pet names, language
This is a follow-up to my story "His Prize". The idea was first posited in a comment from @ppatricia34me & the mutual masturbation theme requested by @ironstrange1991. Thank you for the ideas, as I'm quite proud of this one!
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"Stephen, did I drop some laundry in the hallway? This can't be all of it." 
Your voice echoed through the Sanctum and quickly found your lover's ear. From his spot in the living room, where he had been perched with some ancient tome he was rereading, Stephen stood up and started to scan the hall you had just come from for anything you may have dropped. 
He carefully placed the book down and continued looking around the floor to no avail. There didn't appear to be anything you had dropped and left behind. He even retraced your steps, ending in the doorway of the master bedroom. Where he found you sitting on your shared bed sorting through a large load of freshly dried laundry.
"I didn't see anything in the hall, my love. Why? What's wrong?" 
By now, you had started separating the clothes into distinct piles. One for his robes, one for his casual wear and boxers, one for your daily clothes, one for your pajamas, and lastly, one for your bras and panties. The last pile was definitely the smallest and seemed to be the source of your conundrum. Without looking up from the pile, you answered. 
"It's just weird, I can only find one pair of my underwear, and there should definitely be more than that." 
Oh shit. 
He tried to keep his expression neutral as you rooted through the piles of clothes again. Checking to make sure they weren't stuck inside sleeves or pant legs. Your eyebrows furrowed together in confusion and slight frustration. 
He knew you weren't going to find them because he knew where they all really were. Sitting in the bottom right-hand drawer of his desk in his study. All stained with his cum. Having taken them to enjoy on his own. He didn't realize he must have pilfered quite so many. He certainly didn't intend for you to notice.
Or maybe he secretly did. Why else would he have kept doing it? Why else would he let himself take another pair without returning the last pair? It had all started with that purple lace pair he loved so much. Now, his drawer held a veritable rainbow of colors and fabrics. 
Really, it was all your fault. He had never been this way before you. Never stolen another girlfriend's panties before. Never been this insatiable before. It was just something about you that had him so obsessed and needy. He practically felt drunk every time you touched him. You just had this power over him. How could he resist taking your panties? 
He could fix this though. All he had to do was make it look like you had just missed a pile of laundry in the dryer. He would just go get your underwear out of his drawer, except maybe that favorite purple pair, use his magic to clean them and then bring them back, saying they were still in the dryer.
Yeah, that was it. That was what he would do. In the future, he would just be more careful about keeping his little collection under control because he definitely didn't intend to stop. He just had to go get them before you finished what you were doing and went to go check the dryer yourself.
"Tell you what, my love, why don't I go check to make sure you didn't miss some clothes in the dryer or drop them in the basement. You know how dark it can get down there. Don't you move a muscle." 
With that, he turned on a heel and walked out of the room in large strides that were just a bit too quick to appear innocent. You waited just a moment to follow him. Assuming that if he was up to something, you wanted to catch him red-handed. 
As soon as he was out of your view, he nearly ran to his office. Quickly unlocking the drawer with his magic and pulling all of your panties up onto his desk. Noticing just how out of control his habit had gotten, but still not wanting to give back any of them. Not when he now had such fond memories of each and every pair.
He quickly started sorting through them, trying to find the purple pair he refused to surrender, and maybe one or two others he just couldn't bear to part with. Did he want to keep the comfy cotton ones that weren't super sexy but held your scent the best? Or did he want to keep the tiny little black lace ones that hardly qualified as panties but looked so good both on you and wrapped around his cock? 
That was how you found him. Standing behind his desk with a mountain of your panties in front of him. Black lace pair in one hand and the cotton pair in the other. Eyes darting back and forth like he was dealing with a filthy Sophie's choice.
Once he realized you were standing in the doorway, he could have quite literally died of embarrassment. He wanted to crawl under the desk and pretend this was all some hormone driven nightmare. His cheeks immediately flushed bright red. Actually, they matched the really soft crimson red pair of your panties that had little penguins on them that also happened to be sitting right in front of him on his desk.
"Uhhh… don't freak out okay. This isn't what it looks like." 
That was the best response to your questioning face that he could come up with. He knew it wasn't a good response. Is it ever good when you have to use the phrases 'don't freak out' or 'this isn't what it looks like'? 
What made it even worse was that he couldn't seem to pry his fingers loose from your panties. So, instead of dropping the two the pairs he had been holding, he reflexively hid them behind his back. 
You tried as best as you could to not give away how close to falling apart with laughter you were. Of all the things you thought you might find, this was definitely not what you would have guessed. Stephen's flustered 'teenage boy caught with a Playboy' appearance made him look even more adorable and 100% guilty. 
You have never felt more confident in your entire life. The big scary sorcerer who was ready to threaten you with death when you fell into his world had not only fallen for you but also apparently had a naughty little habit of stealing your panties. By the looks of the white-ish stains streaked across each and every pair, it also appeared he quite enjoyed himself with them too.
"Well, I guess this answers my question about where all my panties have gone. Doesn't it Stephen?" 
You slowly started walking towards him with an extra sway in your hips. Your steps were slow and deliberate. Letting your fingers drag against the knick knacks around the room as you passed by them. Your body practically thrummed with energy. You felt so powerful seeing how your lover was so utterly entranced by you.
"Are you really that much of a needy boy that you resorted to stealing all my panties to jack off with? Only leaving me a single pair to wear. I guess you are a greedy boy, too. My greedy little panty thief. I can just imagine all three fun you've had with these. I can see it too."
You could see the effect your words were having on him. Somewhere between shame and arousal pooling in his eyes as he softly nodded. Adam's apple bobbing when he swallowed hard. His hands came back around to the desk. His fingers flexing and then grabbing at the pile of your soiled panties. Like a cat pawing at a scratching post. 
"My naughty boy. Tell me baby, do you like them better fresh off my pussy or after you've made them all messy by covering them with cum?"
A groan pulled from deep in his throat at both. Fuck, he didn't want to chose. He loved both. Your essence and smell was obviously why he stole them in the first place, but he kept them afterward because he loved seeing them marked with his cum. It was the same appeal of seeing you covered in his cum.
"I know you aren't shy Stephen, with all the filth you normally say when we fuck. Cat got your tongue honey? Don't worry, I'm not mad at you naughty boy. In fact, the thought of you being so needy and horny that you steal my panties is really hot. It makes me feel like the powerful one." 
By now, you had made your way over to stand next to him behind the desk. His eyes followed you the entire way even though his hands still hadn't let go of your panties. You reached up to brush a tendril of dark hair back from his face. Gently letting the back of your fingers caress his cheekbone on the way back down.
"You're so pretty, Stephen. Do you know that? I don't think I tell you that enough." 
You felt your cunt flutter at the way he keened at your praise. He was still so unused to being complimented, especially by you. He had spent years tearing himself down and you were quite enjoying building him back up. Slowly watching him become more confident in your presence and in your affections.
Reaching down, you carefully untangled his hands from the pile of your panties on his desk. Taking his hands in yours before leading him to sit down in the large armchair behind his desk. Letting your hands come to rest on his broad shoulders after leading his hands to sit on your hips. 
You were very thankful that you had neglected getting dressed that day. Still wearing the oversized t-shirt you had slept in the night before. It made the next part of your plan so easy to execute. 
"Show me, Stephen. I wanna see."
He was sure his brain had completely melted into a puddle at that point. There was no way you were actually asking what he thought you were.
"I said show me, Stephen. Show me what you do with my panties. I want to see how you play with your cock when you are in here alone. Just you and my panties that you have such a bad habit of stealing."
Without looking away from you, he started to reach back over to the desk to grab a pair of the panties that he had squirreled away. Only to stop suddenly when you tutted and shook your head no at him. Making his brow furrow in slight confusion. 
"I don't want you to use any of those panties, Stephen. I want you to use the ones I'm wearing right now. Go ahead. Take them off of me." 
He nodded gently while biting on his lower lip. Clearly fighting the urge to start disobeying your orders and throw you on the desk. He did find this dominant side of you ever so enticing though. He rarely let his more submissive side show, but this he could get used to. 
He placed his hands back on your body, this time letting them graze teasingly up the sides of your thighs. Coming to rest so his thumbs could slide under the waistband of your panties. Glancing up briefly to make sure he was doing what you wanted, the mischievous smirk on your face answering his question. A single nod falling before he started moving again.
Using the gentlest motions he could, he carefully slid your panties down your legs. Letting them pool at your feet and holding out his hand to you so you could steady yourself as you stepped out of them. 
Once you had finished, you moved to sit yourself up on the edge of Stephen's desk. Ready to enjoy the show he was about to put on for you. You signaled for him to continue.
"Go on, baby. Pick them up." 
Without taking his eyes off of you, he leaned down and delicately picked up your panties like they were a precious treasure. His long, beautiful fingers barely gripping the fabric with one hand. His other hand moved to start undoing the belts of his robes before moving to unfasten his pants. His bulge was now quite pronounced. 
You were getting more aroused by the second. You wanted to indulge your own need and slide your fingers between your legs, but you had a plan. That plan was to make him beg to touch you. You wanted to wait to touch yourself until he was on the verge of crumbling.
Even now, he looked a mess. Hair disheveled, breathing heavy. His cock already so hard and flushed. His tip was weeping precum already. His hand gripping his shaft lightly and making long languid strokes. He was clearly being very careful not to make himself cum quickly.
"You have such a pretty cock Stephen. So big and hard. Does it hurt, baby? Bet I know what would make it feel better. Why don't you go ahead and wrap my panties around that pretty cock." 
A wicked smile on your face as he did exactly as you told him. Who knew he could like being told what to do so much? Who knew your panties would look so good wrapped around his shaft? 
You watched for a moment as he stroked himself with your panties. Occasionally moving to adjust the soft fabric so he could caress his balls with it or slide it up and over his dripping slit. Creating little wet stains from his precum before sliding it back up and down his veined velvety length.
"Tell me why you like stealing my panties so much, Stephen? I think I'm starting to like it myself. It's like you're marking your cock as mine." 
He groaned at your statement and bucked his hips up. The urge to fuck his fist faster threatening to overtake him, but he was still holding out hope that he would get the chance to bury himself in your cunt before this was over. So he answered you, in as much detail as his brain would allow at the moment. All while continuing to stroke himself for your enjoyment. 
"I like it because I'm fucking addicted to you. I want to fuck you every minute of the day. This way I get the smell and feel of you without having to bother you. The best is when they are still a little wet when I get a hold of them. Like I got you riled up and wet earlier in the day, or maybe we already fucked and you were leaking a bit of my cum. Have to fight the urge to lick them clean while jerking off." 
You bit your bottom lip and moaned at his answer. It was one of the sexiest things you had ever heard him say. Any self-control you had left was quickly crumbling. Falling apart completely when he added one more sentence.
"... and this is your cock, darling. All of me belongs to you. Always will." 
Your legs started to spread on their own when he told you he belonged to you. You both knew just as well that you belonged to him just the same. Deciding to reward him, you slowly spread your legs before bringing one foot up to rest on his desk. Spreading yourself wide so you were fully exposed to him. 
"Well, this is all yours, Stephen, and I'm sure you can tell how turned on watching you has gotten me. See how wet I am just from watching you stroke your cock for me?" 
A wicked grin on your face as you brought one hand to your cunt and pulled your pussy lips open. Making sure he could see your innermost petals glistening for him. He reflexively licked his lips when he saw your slick practically dripping from your hole onto his desk. His hips now thrusting up into his hand and your panties uncontrollably.
You knew there was no way that he could hold himself back long enough to give you time to make yourself cum with him. You could still enjoy yourself and get him to finish the job after you enjoyed your show. Knowing that watching you play with yourself would help push him over the edge quicker.
So you let your fingers start rubbing at your cunt. Working to spread your wetness over your folds. Sighing at the feeling of finally getting some direct stimulation. You pulled your hand away and slapped your pussy a couple times. Groaning at the tingle it sent through you. Letting your fingers trail back up to circle your clit as you leaned on your other arm for support.
Your bottom lip had made its way between your teeth. Your eyes were hooded and just as hazed with lust as Stephen's. Both of you were completely lost in each other without even touching each other. 
You lowered your hand to slide two fingers in and out of your cunt. Knowing how much Stephen loved it when he could hear how wet you were for him. Your body did not disappoint as you started to thrust your middle and index fingers in and out of yourself. Somewhat frustrated that your fingers weren't as long and thick as Stephen's and that you couldn't quite reach your g-spot the way he could.
It still felt incredible though. Making sure to keep your palm grinding over your clit as you finger fucked yourself. A high pitched moan when you hit the perfect rhythm making Stephen start to lose his own pacing. Knowing he was about to hit his point of no return he couldn't hold back his whimpers any longer and he did something he never thought he would do. He begged.
"Oh fuck baby. I'm gonna cum so fucking hard for you. Can I cum? Please let me cum." 
Groaning at his unprompted begging, you vigorously shook your head, yes. Summoning your sweetest voice, you answered him and granted his request. 
"Cum for me Stephen. Show me how you cum all over my panties. Fill them up like a good boy."
He made sure to hold your panties so that they caught every thick warm spurt of his cum. Making sure to spread it around on the fabric, specifically aiming for the crotch of your panties. He had become well practiced at it. In a way he felt like it turned your panties into artwork. Pieces dedicated to how much he loved you. His orgasm was prolonged by having you there watching and touching yourself. Leaving the fabric somewhat soaked as he kept a hold of them. Once again, he wanted to keep them for himself. Just like all the others.
Once he had started to catch his breath and opened his eyes you pulled your fingers out of your pussy and brought your soaked fingers to his lips. Smiling when he greedily took them into his mouth and began sucking your nectar from them. Letting him enjoy a little treat before offering him a compromise to his panty stealing problem. 
"Tell you what, Stephen, I'll make you a deal. You can keep one pair of my panties for every orgasm you give me tonight. Sound like a plan?" 
You had barely finished your proposition before Stephen was shoving your hand away and pushing you to lay flat on his desk. Moving to loop his arms around your legs. Diving face first into your cunt and starting to devour you like a man starved. 
He didn't even bother tucking his cock back into his pants. He knew he would be hard again before long, and he intended to make you cum enough times he could keep his entire collection.
You might not have any panties left by the time he was done with you, but you would have a hell of a consolation prize.
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Stephen Strange Taglist: @starkiller-queen @glitterylokislut @verycollectivecreator @chatampr @maskmare931 @lovecleastrange @wheredafandomat @mkixx @evelynrosestuff @katefullerrr @littlepinknightmare @foofarny @stygianoir @moonroyalt @saturnsbabe69 @blaxdet @blackrose-92 @ironstrange1991 @rindulacre @nancy-thompsons @wolfatheartandsoul @dangerouslittlefairy @n0obmaster-69 @oliveoilthoughts @onebatch--twobatch @yourmajesty13 @blondekel77 @lil-sweater-slut @gwephen @taramaria @sinceimetyou @slashersrus @coeurgrenaty @cc13723things @just--a-magpie @supervengerslock @strangelockd @dont-feel-so-good-peter @kingsmanperfecthartwin @ghost-lantern @inlovewithloki16 @thefalconandthewinterwidowshield @itssmaugtheterrible @katherinemaximoff @veryfancydoilies @cute-angi @mochacake2016 @prix19 @alexfanficnook @anotheroddfish @namor-is-the-way @xourownsidee @baes-x @dreamingsmile @negar77rd @imaginesfreetotake @ppatricia34me @rougepetale @tis-vereon @divinearchangel @sherlux @hiddlechive @ginnykate @thatesqcrush @friendofplenti @yuugenmomo @holdmyowos @the-royal-petals @lokislov3 @captaincarmel164 @lucimorningst4r @mydearalmira @petalcranberry @singhfae @emotionsareforuglypeople @trappedinlimbo15 @veryladyqueen @icytrickster17 @kentucky-criedfricken @briefhandsstudenttoad @calamityismyspecialty @sinisterstrange616 @patbrdac @trojanaurora @azu21 @massivehahaao3tree @strangesgirls @tobios-shawty @evelyn-kingsley @rmoonstoner
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vickiee-mcmuffin · 7 months
It's always been you
Word count: 3.8k
Pairing: Stephen Strange x Female Reader
Trope: Explicit Smut, Age gap (18+ Warning, Minors DNI)
A/N: Here's one of my old fics which is one of my favs. I've added some extra bits to the smut, so enjoy ;)
Summary: You're in a relationship with a guy called Luke after you were too scared to tell Stephen how you really felt about him. But one night, one thing leads to another when you go and talk to Stephen at the Sanctum.
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When you first arrived at Kamar Taj almost a year ago, it was Doctor Stephen Strange that you first met out of everyone. He was one of the masters there, after all, and despite that – you had fallen for him. Sometimes it felt like more than a crush, though, especially since you and Stephen grew closer and closer as time went by. You always assumed your crush would lead nowhere and you’d get over him, because there were days when you thought nothing would happen with you and Stephen. He was older than you; you were a good twenty years younger than him. Eventually, you decided to just date a guy who seemed a bit more attainable. That was when you met Luke. He was around your age, and you hoped that being with him would diminish the crush you had on Stephen – even though you were going to stay best friends with him.
But it didn’t take you long to realise that Luke wasn’t the man for you. He wasn’t always the best boyfriend. He seemed to only care about himself and his own pleasure, and it quickly got to you. There were days when it seemed like Stephen would listen to you more than your own boyfriend would. And whenever you told Stephen about your problems with Luke, he would always be so kind and caring.
And it was then that you realised that you loved Stephen. But fear got the best of you, and you weren’t ready to tell him the truth. You were convinced he didn’t even feel the same way back, anyway. Part of you was also scared to tell Luke that you wanted to end things. What if he freaked out and got angry?
You were officially stuck between a rock and a hard place.
It was early one evening and you found yourself laying on Luke’s bed. He wouldn’t even look at you, though. His eyes were stuck on his phone. As usual, he was paying no attention to you. But you were over it. If you were going to be with him, he would have to start acting like an actual boyfriend.
“Can you please just put your phone down and come cuddle with me?” you asked with a little pout.
But Luke said nothing. Whatever was on his phone seemed much more important.
“Luke,” you tried again. “Please just come cuddle with me.”
Luke grunted and rolled his eyes. “I heard you the first time, Y/N. I’m busy right now.”
“You barely ever give me any attention,” you said quietly. “It makes me upset. You’re always on your phone, talking to other people, when I’m right there.”
“Well, you’re always talking to Stephen,” snapped Luke.
“Uh, yeah. I talk to him because he actually listens to me.”
Luke chuckled. “I do listen to you.”
“When’s my birthday?” you suddenly asked him. It was a test. If he really, truly cared for you, then he would know that fact.
Luke shrugged. “July 9th.”
You shook your head, trying not to glare at him. “It’s June 9th. See. You don’t listen!”
And he didn’t even seem concerned with that as he tapped away on his phone. It hurt. It really did. And you found yourself with tears welling up in your eyes. You decided right then and there that you were going to talk to the person who actually listened to you. And that was Stephen.
You got off the bed in a huff, determined to get away from Luke. You stormed over to the door, yanking it open in a hurry.
“Where are you going?” Luke called out.
“It doesn’t matter,” you told him bluntly.
“I bet you’re going to him. At the Sanctum.” Luke’s voice was laced with an accusatory tone.
You didn’t answer. You just slammed the door shut, not caring that you were in your pyjamas. If Luke was going to treat you like that, then you were going to put some distance between the both of you. In a rush, you opened up a portal that would take you right to where Stephen would be. The New York Sanctum. You closed the portal behind you when you arrived and took quiet steps to Stephen’s room. Was he still awake? It was late. You hoped he was up.
When you got to his door you saw a small stream of light shining through. That was a good sign. You knocked on the door and heard some noise from behind it.
“Who’s there?” Stephen asked loudly.
“It’s me,” you responded.
“Come in!”
You pushed the door open, finding Stephen there in his robe and a thick book on his lap.
“Hey,” Stephen greeted you.
“Hi. Am I disturbing you?” you asked. That was the last thing you wanted to do.
“Not at all. What’s wrong?”
You sighed at the question. “Can I come and sit with you in the bed and tell you?”
“Of course.” Stephen pulled his blanket back, offering you a spot to sit.
You joined him on the comfortable bed, taking in the situation. You and Luke had just had a pretty nasty fight. And you hated the way he made you feel. You said nothing for a while, and neither did Stephen, until he finally broke the silence.
“What happened?” he asked.
You turned to look at him, noticing the worry on his face. You sucked in a sharp breath before starting your story. “Me and Luke just had a little argument.”
“I’ve just noticed that Luke doesn’t really pay attention to me. He wants to spend more time on his phone than he does with me.” As you said that, you could see Stephen shaking his head. “And earlier, I asked Luke if we could just cuddle. But all he did was ignore me.” The words got to you as you remembered the argument. Tears formed in your eyes yet again, your voice turning all soft.
“Don’t cry, sweetheart,” Stephen said quickly. He pulled you to him, letting you rest your head on his chest as he hugged you tight.
You pulled back a little to wipe at your eyes. “I’ve noticed during our whole relationship that he doesn’t really listen to me. He doesn’t show me that he cares about me.”
“I’ve noticed that too.”
Your eyes widened a little. “Really?”
Stephen nodded at you. “I’ve noticed how Luke upsets you. But I kept my mouth shut. I didn’t want to make you anymore upset. And I didn’t want to lose my best friend. I care about you, Y/N. So much. I love you. I love every part of you.”
Your head snapped to the side as you looked at Stephen, completely taken aback by what he had just said. Did he just…?
“What?” you asked with a whisper.
“Oh, shit,” he muttered, his eyes shutting for a second. He turned away from you, suddenly looking embarrassed.
“Stephen,” you called out to him.
He turned back around. Slowly. And there you saw his bright red cheeks.
“Is that true?” you wondered. “Did you really mean that?”
Stephen sighed loudly. “Yes. It’s true. And I’ve loved you ever since we first met. It broke my heart so much when I found out that you were with Luke. I kept my mouth shut because I just wanted to be happy for you. And I knew nothing could really happen between us, anyway. Because of our age gap…”
For a long time, you and Stephen just looked at each other. You were in the middle of taking in every word he just told you. His confession. But then you couldn’t help it when you sent him a teary-eyed smile. Reaching forward, you cupped his face with your hands. He smiled at you. A sweet, bright smile.
“I love you too. And I always have,” you whispered.
You nodded and leaned over to him, giving him a soft kiss. And then he kissed you back. And it was slow and moving and so, so perfect. But Stephen suddenly pulled away.
“What about Luke?” he asked you.
“Stephen, I’ve given Luke many opportunities. I’m done being treated second best,” you said confidently. You gave Stephen another kiss before eyeing him closely. “I’ve always loved you, Stephen. I’m sorry I was just too much of a coward to admit it.”
Stephen laughed lowly, rubbing at the back of his neck. “Well, that makes two of us then.”
You giggled right back at him before Stephen kissed you. It quickly grew heated, your tongue diving into Stephen’s mouth. His hands lowered and held your hips tight, pulling you right into his lap. Your lips broke apart for a split second, but Stephen wasted no time as he quickly pulled you back into a kiss.
Your arms quickly wrapped around his broad back, with Stephen mimicking the action as he held you nice and tight. Tongues dancing together, you suddenly felt something hard pressing into you. You had to pull away from Stephen when you realised what it was. You gasped, watching as Stephen blushed all over again.
“I’m sorry,” he said, voice all shy.
But you didn’t care. You kissed him fast and hard and noticed just how quickly Stephen kissed you back. Rocking your hips against his, you heard Stephen groan for you. The noise literally had you going weak right there in his arms, your centre growing wetter and wetter.
You kept kissing and rocking your hips, loving the sounds Stephen kept making. Those deep, guttural groans. But you pulled away from him so you could whisper out a request.
“Please make love to me,” you told him.
“Are you sure?” he asked with big eyes.
“I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life.” You meant every word.
Stephen kissed you softly before moving away from your mouth. “Okay.”
He shifted a little so that you were laying on the bed, while Stephen hovered above you. You shared another kiss before Stephen reached down, pulling off your top and exposing your breasts. He threw the top to the floor before he stared down at your breasts, taking them in. He stared at you, at your hard nipples. And then he blushed some more. You found it so adorable.
“You look so beautiful,” he said with a whisper. Then he leaned down, his warm lips kissing your skin. His lips ghosted over your nipples as he paid attention to each breast. Then he sucked one of your breasts into his mouth, moaning as a big hand grasped the other one.
The feeling had you whining. You reached down, raking a hand through Stephen’s thick locks. Your back arched for him, letting pleasure take over. You felt so wet. And it was all for Stephen. He stayed there, licking and sucking at your breast, before reaching down to pull down your pyjama bottoms and panties. They both hit the floor, and then you were completely and utterly exposed for Stephen. Every part of you was on show.
“Fuck,” Stephen hissed as he stared at you. “You’re so beautiful, Y/N.”
He moved down, kissing you hard and fast. Your tongues moved together wildly, but you had to see Stephen. You had to see him properly.
“I wanna see you too,” you said with a whine. “Please.”
“Alright, sweetheart.” He nodded. He got off the bed to stand up, slowly pulling off his robe, exposing his cock.
You literally gasped at what you were seeing. He was so hard. And so, so big. Thick too. You couldn’t wait to feel him deep inside of you.
Stephen got back on the bed and you wasted no time spreading your legs for him. Stephen then got settled in between your legs as he hovered above you. He kissed you softly, and while his mouth was so perfect, you needed him to take you already.
“Please fuck me,” you pleaded with him.
“Okay,” Stephen groaned. “But I’m gonna start off slow. I don’t want to hurt you.”
You smiled at how sweet and caring he was being. “Okay.”
Stephen gave you a soft kiss before grabbing his cock. He ran the tip up and down your wet slit a few times. The swollen tip of his cock was soon covered in your arousal. You let out a sharp moan when you felt Stephen press the head of his cock against your clit. It felt so good.
“Are you ready?” He asked, voice deep.
You nodded eagerly at him. Stephen watched you closely as he pressed the tip of his cock to your entrance, and then he slid right into you with absolute ease. You moaned in unison, and then Stephen buried his face in your neck as he pushed more of his cock into you. You quickly wrapped your arms around him, wanting to feel him close. You could hear Stephen groaning into your ear when he filled you up, right to the hilt as he bottomed out. The noise had you clenching around him.
“Fuck,” Stephen moaned out.
“Are you okay?” you quickly asked.
Stephen moved so that he could stare down at you. His cheeks were so red. “Yes. You just feel so good wrapped around my cock.”
You gave him a quick kiss. “Please move. Please.”
Stephen’s eyes were stuck on you as he began to move his cock. He was moving slowly, but the pleasure was still there and had you letting out little moans. You dragged your nails across his skin, digging into him. But you had to have more.
“Please move faster,” you begged. “Please.”
Stephen did. He thrusted into you that little bit faster and harder, and you couldn’t help it when you let out a long moan. The sound filled the room right up. You couldn’t believe how good he was making you feel. The pleasure was so new to you, and you had no idea that sex could feel so good.
Stephen kept moving in and out of you, his cock stretching you out. He was moving fast and hard and it was exactly what you needed.
“Oh, please don’t stop!” you let out.
“I’m not gonna stop.” He leaned down, giving you a rushed kiss that you eagerly returned. Stephen placed his hands on either side of your head and suddenly began to just pound into you wildly.
“Stephen!” you whined out. “Mm, fuck me just like that!”
Your shaky hands reached down as you grabbed at the blankets, pulling at them as Stephen took you hard and fast and so, so deep. Your knuckles literally turned white as you grabbed at the blankets, getting lost in the pure pleasure that Stephen was giving you. The sound of skin hitting skin filled the room and you loved every second of it.
Stephen suddenly pushed his cock into you nice and deep. The swollen tip of his cock was pressing up against that sweet, sensitive spot – a spot no one had ever reached before.
“Mm, your cock feels so good,” you cried out.
“Fuck.” Stephen suddenly lowered his body, pressing up against you tightly.
You kissed each other hard and fast; all the while Stephen kept hitting that spot again and again. You circled your arms around his back and let out a long moan when you realised that your orgasm was quickly forming. It was something you had never felt before. You needed it so bad.
“You’re gonna make me cum,” you whined out. Stephen was fucking you so good. He knew exactly how to touch you. Exactly how to make you feel good, and you knew you were going to meet your orgasm any second now.
That seemed to trigger something in Stephen, because he began to pound into you wildly from above. You kept crying out, letting Stephen know just how good he was making you feel. Your back arched as that wild feeling grew more and more. You kept moaning, unable to believe how good you were feeling – and how it was Stephen of all people who was making you feel so good. And then the feeling hit you. Your orgasm. It hit you hard and fast and you lost it right there on Stephen’s cock.
“Oh, Stephen!” you moaned out, letting your orgasm take over your body. It felt so good. You were growing wetter and wetter by the second, letting Stephen pound right into you.
Stephen fucked you right through your orgasm. He was dragging out the pure pleasure, allowing you to feel every second of it. He groaned deeply, and you had a feeling it was because your pussy was clenching right around Stephen, pulling him deeper and deeper into you.
He kept pounding into you and you suddenly felt something else growing. Another orgasm. But it felt so much stronger than the one you just had. It was building up, second by second, the heat just growing the more Stephen fucked you. And he was fucking you so good, so hard. He seemed to be entirely focused on your pleasure alone, his cock stretching you out and filling you up at just the right angle yet again.
“Stephen, please keep moving,” you whined as he kept on thrusting his cock into you. “Oh, fuck. I think I’m going to…”
"Just let go, sweetheart," Stephen told you.
After those words left his mouth, you felt yourself coming undone. You couldn’t say anything. All you did was scream loudly as you came a second time, the feeling driving you wild. You were gushing right around Stephen’s length, making you feel so wet between your thighs. It was something you had never felt before, and you kept feeling yourself getting wetter the more Stephen fucked you. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head and you saw white, your ears ringing. All you could feel was complete and total pleasure as you felt your body shaking. Stephen was dragging out that wonderful feeling with his cock, like he wanted to make sure that your orgasm was lasting as long as possible.
You whined and cried out, eyes shut tight as your strong orgasm hit you. You still didn’t say anything and instead just let out sounds of pleasure, your breathing unsteady as Stephen fucked you good and hard.
Eventually, the wonderful feeling faded, and you found yourself letting out soft whines as Stephen kept moving in and out of you, his cock twitching inside of you.
“I’m gonna cum,” he muttered out.
“Mm, you can cum inside of me,” you whispered, wanting to feel him lose himself inside of you. “I’m on the pill. Please cum inside of me. Please.” You needed it. You had to have Stephen – every part of him.
It seemed as if that was all Stephen needed to hear, because a second later, he was giving you a few more deep thrusts before letting out the deepest of groans. And then he came. He came right there inside of you, filling you up. He lost all control, giving you every drop of cum he had to offer.
He was panting wildly as he pushed in and out of you. Soon his breathing settled and he laid down next to you on the bed. You were in the middle of catching your breath too. You were still trying to process what just happened with you and Stephen.
Stephen seemed to get his breathing back on track and got up. He put his robe on and then headed off into another room. He came back with a washcloth in hand. You laid there, body still shaking a little, as Stephen cleaned you up gingerly.
"Did you know you squirted?" Stephen asked you as he cleaned up your sensitive area gently.
You stared at him for a long moment before you shook your head. That must have been what you were experiencing earlier when you felt so wet between your thighs.
"No, no man has ever made me do that before... Until you of course," you told Stephen and he sent you a smile before winking at you. He then stood up and made his way back over to the other room to put the washcloth back.
After he returned from putting the washcloth back, he climbed back into bed with you and covered you with the warm blankets.
“Are you okay?” he asked lowly.
“I’m okay.” You nodded at him. You moved over to Stephen, laying down on his broad chest as he wrapped an arm around you. It felt so good to have him cuddle you, to have him hold you close.
It was quiet for a while. And you figured that Stephen just wanted to get some sleep, but then he broke the silence.
“So, when do you plan on telling Luke that your relationship is over?” he asked.
It was a good question. Shifting slightly, you looked up at Stephen. “I’ll probably tell him tomorrow, I guess. If he listens to me, that is. He barely even listens to me when I’m talking. He probably won’t even listen to me when I finally break up with him.”
“Does Luke listen to you about anything?” Stephen asked with a furrowed brow. He looked offended on your behalf.
You shook your head at him. “I don’t think so. He doesn’t even know when my birthday is. And he doesn’t know the stuff I like, or the stuff I don’t like.”
Stephen’s eyes widened. “How could he not remember that your birthday is the 9th of June? Or that your favourite flowers are roses? Or that you hate spicy food?” There was such disbelief in Stephen’s voice, like he couldn’t even process the fact that Luke didn’t know those things about you.
You looked at Stephen for what felt like an hour. You were in total shock. How was it that your boyfriend didn’t know any of that stuff, but Stephen did? Stephen knew you better than your boyfriend did. Better than anyone else, it seemed.
“How… How do you know all of that?” you finally let out, your voice a bit shaky. Your mind was still a little hazy from your love making session.
Stephen just smiled at you. “I actually listen to everything you tell me.”
You returned his smile. It was big and bright, and that was because you were experiencing full, pure joy. You kissed Stephen softly and slowly, loving the way he gently kissed you back. You were right where you belonged. Right there with the man who actually knew you. You were so lucky that the two of you had found each other – even with the Luke hurdle that had been thrown your way. But he could be dealt with later.
“I love you, Stephen Strange,” you said with a whisper.
“I love you too, Y/N,” he said, his voice laced with what you could only describe as pure love. You and Stephen laid there together, wrapped up in each other’s arms. Your eyes fluttered shut as pure exhaustion took over. But you were truly over the moon that it was Stephen that you were with. Because he was the one who listened to you. He was the one who cared for you. And he was the one who loved you.
And you loved him just as much.
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Tag list: @butchers-girl @azu21 @polytheatrix @lucimorningst4r @evelyn-kingsley @withalittlehoney @mirikusashes @bobateadaydreams @strangelockd @thealleydog @cemak @stewardofningishzida @smokeywhalee @floatingfireflies @iamsherlocked1479 @icytrickster17 @asherloki @alice-bcmf @aphroditesdilemma @strangesthirdeye @rmoonstoner @stephenswh0re
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wint3r-h3art · 2 years
I Need You, Doctor | S.S x Reader
Summary: Stephen Strange doesn’t like that you have fun without him while he was out.
Word count: 1.8K 
Warning: bondage (mild), sex toy, suit kink/shirt kink, fingering, dirty talking, unprotected p in v, creampied. alluding to age difference (both party are consenting adults).
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A/N: I’m just Stephen Strange’s hoe, and after MoM, I need to write something. Please enjoy this brain rot. There’s literally no plot or any sort of spoilers in this.
Reblog and comment are greatly appreciated and encouraged. If you enjoyed my works, please follow @wint3r-library​ for  future updates. No beta, so I missed anything, i’m sorry.
*** Do not copy, or translate my works without permission.
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Sweat trickled down your temples as you watched Stephen Strange pacing back and forth with hands behind his back. The floorboard below him groaned and moaned beneath his feet as he was in deep thought, trying to figure out what to do to you. His gray streaks gleamed beneath the dim orange light of his bedroom as your eyes followed his movement. 
Stephen Strange had the white sleeves of his shirt rolled up to the elbows. You swallowed hard at the way his arm muscles bulged and strain with each movement. He had a few buttons undone at the top, exposing his chiseled chest to you. The sight made you ache but sucked for you since Stephen Strange got you tied up and spread out on his bed.
He paused suddenly, turning to look at you. His piercing gaze filled with mischief as he stroked his chin, admiring his work. His gaze fell on your gleaming slit. You swallowed at the way his tongue darted out to lick his lower lips.
“You’ve been a naughty girl, do you know that?” He finally spoke. His deep, baritone voice sent a shiver right down your spine. You always joked about how much you can cum by just his voice alone. He laughed it off, but you sensed the curiosity that lies beneath his visage. 
You strained against your restrain, but to no avail. Stephen smirked at your effort.
“Tell me, sweetheart. What were you doing while I was out?” he asked as he slowly crawled his way up to your body. Heat radiated off of his body. Your breath shuddered. He was watching you with those blue piercing eyes like a predatory watching its prey. The sight alone made your pussy throb and ached terribly to the point where you started whining. 
Strange cupped your face in his hand, forcing you to look him in the eyes. His face was merely inches away from you. He smelled of wine and sin, and you wanted more–you wanted to get closer so you could taste him on your tongue.
“Nothing.” Your voice came out no more than a whisper as your gaze bore into his. His pupils were already blown wide, and by the way that impressive bulge slowly dragged along your leg, he was more than ready to jump your bone.
“Oh, I don’t think it was nothing, sweetheart.” Stephen let go of your face before he picked up the vibrator and held it out to you. The soft whirling sounds emitted from the wand as it buzzed right in his hand. “Want to tell me again what you did when I wasn’t here?” 
You let out a shaky whimper as you looked at him then at the buzzing vibrator, but no words came out. Stephen was running out of his patient. He huffed before pressing the wand against your clit, making you gasp immediately for air. 
You were straining hard. Your body arched off his bed as you desperately tried to push your hips forward to meet the sweet relief that the toy brought you, but Stephen had other plans. He firmly pinned your body down as he withdrew the vibrator away from your pussy, and gave you a warning look. 
“Good girl gets to come, remember?”
You whined at that. You wanted to tell him no–that you didn’t care what he wanted. You just wanted him to fuck you instead of teasing you like this.
“P-Please. I need you, doctor!”
“Impatient, aren’t we?” he smirked as he pressed the wand harder against your clit, causing your body to jolt and strained below him. 
“Please, doctor! Please, I want you to fuck me,” you pleaded in between your gasp. “Want your big, fat cock so bad.”
Stephen growled lowly in his chest as he switched the vibrator off and threw it aside. You were gasping and panting as your pussy pulsated to your heartbeat. You wanted more–you needed more, and Stephen Strange was the only person who can sate your appetite.
With a wave of his hand, your restraint disappeared. Stephen barely had time to react when your lips crashed into his in a hot searing kiss. It wasn’t a loving kiss or a sweet one. You were all tongue and teeth with him, while your fingers raked through his neatly combed hair. Stephen let out a low, rumbling moan that seemed to come from deep inside his chest while he returned the kiss with the same ferocity.
You palmed him suggestively, feeling how hard and heavy he was under your touch. “Doctor, you’re so hard for me,” you looked at him under your lashes when you pulled away from him. Stephen’s nostrils flared. You could see the muscles of his neck strained as he tried very hard to control the urge to just pushed you back and fuck you right into the mattress. 
Your hands trailed down to his belt. You gave him a slight tug, waiting for his protest, but Stephen just licked his lips as he watched you. Feeling bold, you quickly unbuckled the belt and undid his pants. Your mouth salivated at the sight of his hard, stiff cock, standing so erect and oh so proud just like him. 
Your hand gently wrapped around the shaft, thumb gently grazed over the glistening slit. A deep, low growl emitted from his chest once more, making you glance up to meet his hungry gaze. Your hand slowly pumped up and down from the base to the big fat tip. The motion made him gasp and moan as he watched you with his mouth hung agape. His dark brows creased into a deep frown once he realized that he was supposed to be the one who was in control.
Stephen quickly took your hand in his and pushed you down till your back hit the mattress. His body quickly covered yours as his mouth now covered yours in a hot, and messy kiss. His lips trailed down along your jawline, then to your pulse point, where he lingered momentarily as he was sucking at your tender skin. His fingers reached down to your soppy, wet opening. Stephen lazily circled your clit first before he pushed inside you, sending a jolt straight to your core. His lips trailed further down to your collarbone, then to the valley between your breasts. His hot and heavy breath fanned across your feverish skin. Your nipples were stiff and ready for him to taste.
Stephen didn’t waste any time as his mouth covered your mound, sucking at it before he let it go with a soft pop. You shuddered beneath him as he continued his assault on all of your senses. He licked and sucked at your stiff peak, nipping at it between his teeth, while his fingers pumped in and out of you hastily.
“Doctor…” you whined. Your eyes drifted shut when you could feel your body begin to clench and flutter. Stephen groaned above you while your nipple was still in his mouth. The reverberation shot right to your pussy. You reached out and wrapped around his head as the coil  in the pit of your belly snapped, releasing waves of pleasure right through you.
“Fuck, yes, baby! That’s it–that’s it. Let it out. I got you,” Stephen mumbled as he continued to finger fuck you as you were still riding off the wave of your orgasm. You whined softly once you felt his fingers leaving you. You just laid there, staring up at him. 
“Still want my big, fat cock?” he asked, before licking his wet glistening fingers. Stephen moaned lowly in his chest as his eyes trained on you.
You nodded eagerly. “Please…I need you, doctor,” you begged again. Stephen began to unbutton his shirt, but you stopped him.
“Leave it on. I want you to fucking me with this shirt on,” you bit your lips. Stephen let out a low, animalistic growl before his lips captured yours.
He entered you swiftly, sheathing you all the way to the base. Both of you moaned in unison at the way his thickness filled inside you. Strange’s hips pulled back slightly before he pushed forward, sending sparks of pleasure straight through you.
“So fucking tight for me, baby,” he grunted as his movement steadied. He was fucking you with a purpose–a determination to show that he will always be the one in control. 
“More, please,” you sobbed, your eyes clenched tightly as you focused on the hard pounding he was giving you. Your hand gripped tightly around his bicep, nails dug right through the sleeves of his shirt. 
Stephen gladly abided your request as he withdrew his hips all the way out before he plunged right back into you with a force that sent air right out of you. His breath left him in a hard grunt. His teeth were bare in a snarl as he slowly lost the last bit of control he had left. Stephen worked you faster and harder as he slammed himself into your wetness. It wasn’t long before the second orgasm hit you. 
Stephen wasn’t too far off from his own release. A loud growl ripped right out of his lips as he began to cum. You were already melting and lost in the haze as you were still riding off your own release as spurts of his cum filled you up, making you shudder and clenched around him.
Stephen rolled onto his back beside you, breathing quite heavily as he stared at you. Euphoria engulfed you, keeping your body warm as your heart began to slow down. The quiet stillness filled the room briefly before you felt Stephen shift beside you. Glancing to your side, you watched him ripping his shirt wide open, popping off the few buttons in the process. Stephen grunted as he rolled down his pants and threw them onto the floor. 
Your bit back a smile as you tried to now gawk at his now naked body. 
“Don’t give me that look,” he grumbled as he swiped his hair away from his now sweaty forehead. 
“What look?” you asked innocently. He replied with a groan before he pulled you onto his chest.
“The one where you want to go again….Gimme an hour or something.”
You couldn’t help but giggle before placing soft kisses on his chest. “Take your time, old man.”
Stephen growled before he rolled you over. “Old man?! How dare you? I guess I have to show you what this old man can do.”  With that, Stephen’s mouth was on yours once again, swallowing all your laughter and giggle. 
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syngrafaes09 · 1 year
I Can Help With That | Dr Strange x Y/N
“That is definitely a new strategy to pick up guys.”
“I’m sorry?”
“Never seen someone studying Fitzgerald’s neuroanatomy in a bar unless you have developed some new strategy to pick up brainy guys with that.”
Warnings: Little smutty
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“I’m buying this place,” Tony announced as he drained another glass of whisky.
“You can’t,” Natasha hissed from his side. “You’ll only piss off Pepper more.”
Tony groaned and looked at Stephen, “Does this mean I can’t party at the tower nor buy myself a bar?”
Stephen smiled and nodded, sipping his martini. 
“Can’t you do something to change her mind?”
“My god, Tony,” he exclaimed indignantly, “I can’t believe you want to use me for such petty purposes.”
“You are no fun doctor,” he mumbled and ordered another drink then glanced at the crowd. “How about I find someone to get you laid, and you help a little in return?”
Stephen shook his head. “I can get laid without your help. Besides I agree with Pepper, you indeed need to party less.”
“Oo look at them,” Tony discreetly pointed to a group sitting a little away from them, “those two are totally eye-fucking you.”
Stephen sighed and turned a bit to give them a quick glance. Not my type, he thought and finished his martini. 
“Anyone thinking of hitting the dance floor? Thor asked, sliding off his stool, to no one in particular.
“I’m,” Tony and Natasha answered in unison, following suit.
“You are acting all grumpy today,” Tony complained before leaving, “just get laid, get things off your head and you’ll be fine as fuck. Oh look, one of them just left for the washroom.”
Tony wasn’t wrong. The recent attacks had left him spent. But he still wasn’t interested in sleeping with someone, not yet. After two shots of tequila, he handed over his card, waited a moment and walked towards the smaller section of the bar, the one with less loud music and small round tables.
That was when he noticed her. Technically, he noticed the book first. 
“That is definitely a new strategy to pick up guys.”
She looked up from her reading. The perfect doe eyes. A beautiful dark shade of chocolate, swirling to blend into caramel at the iris. He suddenly forgot what he was supposed to do here.
“I’m sorry?”
It took him a second to say, “Never seen someone studying Fitzgerald’s neuroanatomy in a bar unless you have developed some new strategy to pick up brainy guys with that.”
“Not interested,” she frowned and continued reading from her book.
Had she outright rejected him? That too him?
Breathe, Y/N. breathe. She reminded herself as she tried to focus on the pathway of the spinothalamic tract. He might be all sexy with that voice and looks but that’s not going to help you pass the exam.
She sensed the chair beside her move, and soon he was staring at her like the tempting Lucifer.
“So you aren’t trying to pick up anyone?”
“No,” she replied, not daring to look at him. “I have lost my keys to my apartment. And my roommate is supposed to be here. So, here I’m waiting.”
“Why not enjoy yourself while you wait?”
She marked the page and put the book down, finally looking at him- she forgot what she was supposed to say. He was totally gorgeous and, as he had said, seemed ‘brainy’ with those white streaks. He raised one perfect thick eyebrow at her. What had he said? Something along the lines of enjoying,  she guessed.
“I have got exams in a few weeks. So trying to make up for the knowledge I haven’t gained.”
Having got her attention he smiled at her. And she loved the way his orbicularis oculi produced those radiating lines at the lateral angle of his eyes, “And in what subjects are you lagging?”
Y/N reprimanded herself. She was going crazy. Nevertheless, she answered him, “Biochemistry and neurology.”
He nodded and glanced at her book. “I can help with that.”
“Excuse me?”
“I can help you with neurology,” he said, then added, “Only if you would like that.”
“Why? Are you the ‘brainy’ professor?”
“Not exactly, unless you consider a former neurosurgeon ‘brainy’ enough.”
Her jaw dropped. “I, uh,” she struggled to string her thoughts together. Great. He was not only gorgeous and sexy but also super intelligent. And she had fucked up well.
“I’m sorry. You’re absolutely ‘brainy’.”
He grinned. She felt her heart doing an erratic happy dance, “I would be more than grateful for your help, but I’m sure you are not here to pick up a student to tutor.”
“I wasn’t, sweetheart. What’s your name?”
Sweetheart? If she was going crazy then, now she would be certifiably insane. “Y/N L/N. And you might be - doctor?”
“Stephen Strange,” he replied and watched her eyes going as wide as they could.
“The Doctor strange?”
“Yes,” he laughed, “I’m the Dr Strange. So, would you like some help?”
She nodded.
“My place is nearby,” he tilted his head, “And this is hardly any place to study. Shall we?”
“Sure,” she murmured and stuffed the notes and book into her backpack.
“Do you fancy a walk? A cab? Or just a portal?”
“We can walk.” He nodded and held out a hand to her, which she took.
The walk was brisk and quiet as they hurried, heads down against the wind of the late night. She looked around the neighbourhood, realising she had passed them quite a handful of times while taking the late-night walks.
“My apartment is another few blocks away,” she said, after they settled on a couch beside the staircase, in front of a fireplace.
She watched him snap his fingers, and embers erupted in the fireplace. Showy, she thought as he settled next to her.
“Well, that sounds great, doesn’t it? You can visit me anytime you need my help.”
“There would be a next time?”
“Don’t you think there will be?” He asked, slightly disappointed. “Is this a one-night stand?” Common. Don’t be so desperate. Get a grip!
“I don’t know,” she shrugged her shoulders, “In time you’ll realise I’m not your type,” she gave out a nervous chuckle.
Cute. “And what do you think is my type?”
“Bold, sexy, graceful and… experienced?”
“I like cute, shy and naive as well.”
She was pretty sure her cheeks were red, and in no time her body was spontaneously going to combust into flames. 
He reached out a hand and pushed her curly brown hair behind her ears. His hand skimmed across her neck, pausing at her pulse point, which had been going crazy ever since she met him. “Why don’t we get started? Weren’t you doing the tracts?” 
Back to earth, Y/N. 
He grinned, and his hand dropped. Her skin burned everywhere he had touched. 
“Yeah,” she was immensely proud to conjure a reply.
By the end of the third hour, she was considerably tired. 
He was explaining various cases of misdiagnosis of Parkinson’s he had seen when felt she couldn’t take any new information anymore. But she waited with forced patience for him to finish.
“Stephen, I don’t think I can study anymore.”
“I know,” he said, taking the book from her hand, and placing it on the coffee table. His coat jacket was long gone, and every flex of muscle under the fabric of his white shirt tossed her in a puddle of embarrassment and arousal.  “Tea? Coffee or hot chocolate?”
Definitely coffee. She needed the caffeine to walk back- Her thoughts were lost as he rolled up his sleeves. Oh, those veins… those long, long fingers. She could feel her hormones having quite clearly their night out.
After he conjured them two cups of coffee, he heard a sharp intake of breath followed by an ‘Oh my God’. 
“You know, you can stay the night here.”
Y/N gripped her cup tighter. What an attractive way to embarrass oneself in every possible way in a few hours! The sorcerer and mind-reader fact had completely slipped out of her mind.
“Just like a one-night stand?”
Stephen hummed. “Minus the sex part, if you wish.”
When she didn’t speak anything for a long minute, he spoke, “I wasn’t reading your mind the entire night, if that’s what you are upset about.”
“Very gentlemanly of you,” she said, sagging in relief. 
Then he turned down the lights. It was dark with just the light from the fireplace. They talked about trivial matters, getting acquainted a little, her minor routine and his sorcerer duties.
“You’re a great teacher, you know?” she said, fishing her things into the bag.
“Really?” He grinned and she felt it shoot right into her stomach. Get a grip, she reminded herself.
“Yeah. you explained things in a better and easier way. I don’t think I would have been able to cover half of the topics-”
“Y/N,” he interrupted her, “I wasn’t looking for you to shower me with compliments. It’s just that I never thought of myself as much of a teacher in any field of work. I can teach myself but others - I'm not any good at that.”
“You underestimate yourself.”.
“Everyone who knows me a little would beg to differ.”
Sitting still for a minute, she watched him sip from his cup, she didn’t know what to say to that. “I should get going,” she said, finally getting up.
He frowned. Looked at his watch. And she noticed a flicker of disappointment in his features.
“It’s too late. But if you insist, I’ll walk you home.”
Y/N didn’t like the juxtaposition of reason and passion in her situation. She swallowed her nerves. “I guess I’ll stay then.”
He smiled, took her hand, and pressed his lips against the inside of her wrist. Her whole body shuddered. He pulled her back to the couch, then closer, until she was pressed against him.  She felt all her organs dropping right on top of her uterus like all their supports were lost.
She looked at his lips. Tread lightly, he reminded his desires. “It could always be a one-night stand minus the sex,” he assured her.
She chuckled and rested her head on his shoulder, “I don’t mind the sex part.”
His eyelids fluttered when her hand came up close to his face. Hot fingers pressed into his burning skin as traced his jaw before settling on his chest. Oh god, he had forgotten what a touch could do.
“Besides, I ought to make it up to you to ruin your evening.”
Stephen’s eyes had darkened as he stared at her. Her breath hitched. Have I done something wrong?
“You didn’t ruin my evening. I was looking for a distraction.”
“I was certainly not the sort of distraction you were looking for.”
“You were definitely the distraction I didn’t know I needed. Talking about things that my life used to revolve around wasn’t morbid. It was refreshing. You don’t have to do this because you-”
He was cut short as she closed her mouth over his.
Stephen held her close with his free hand when she pulled away from the kiss. He carefully placed his cup down. Then kissed her again, slowly, deeply and tantalisingly. At that moment she felt the geometric sum of all her nerve endings going crazy. 
He pulled away, ducked his head, and placed a hot kiss on her neck.
“Let’s go upstairs,” he stood and offered her his hand like before.
Y/N examined the bookshelves flanking the bed as Stephen peppered kisses on her neck. There were a few volumes of classical literature, few books of modern literature, some medical books and the rest -  the bulk -  of them, she guessed, were of sorcery.
His hands slipped under the sides of her shirt. Her back arched in response, however, he pulled her back to him, until they were plastered. She could feel every ripple of muscle even through the fabrics.
You are awesome, she reminded herself.  Not insecure. A bit shy and inexperienced maybe. He had said he liked that. So no big deal.
But when his hands slid forward and downwards, she was super conscious of the little pudge that sat above her jeans. The dimpled flesh on her thighs. Work out regularly right from tomorrow. 
Dying… Dying to taste every inch of her skin. He never thought he would get this desperate. He had wanted to take off their clothes slowly, dramatically, however, he snapped his fingers getting rid of them at once.
Y/N grasped at the sudden assault of cold air.
“I’m sorry,” Stephen said, whirling her around, “I’m a little too eager.” His hand reached up and weaved through her subtle curls as his lips moved hers.
Feeling the hard length of him poking her stomach, she moaned, giving him the perfect opportunity to slide his tongue and deepen the kiss. 
She pulled away for a breath and he trained soft, wet kisses across her jaw, neck and chest before gently nibbling at her nipple. Her fingers tugged at his hair, a contented sigh escaping her lips.
Then they heard a noise. Three steady knocks on the bedroom door. “Strange,” the man bellowed. Another two knocks.
“What is it, Wong?” Stephen groaned. “Don’t come in.”
“Get in the bed,” he instructed her as he conjured a pair of sweatpants.
“I have been trying to reach you for the last twenty minutes. Why aren’t you answering the phone?”
“Because I haven’t heard it ring.”
She watched in frustration as he slid out of the room, closing the door behind him. Their voices grew dull.
Y/N waited. Ten minutes. Thirty. Then another hour. She glanced at the clock on the nightstand and sighed. It’s three in the morning. Maybe he’s not coming back.
Getting out of bed, she looked around for her clothes. She peeped into the foyer. Dead silence. Great! She was in a perfect stranger’s house all alone without clothes.
Continuum: Pivot
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