#but now our dash is mostly chants
maximumeffort · 11 months
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cheers to all who celebrate
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3cremepie3 · 3 months
Hmmm ideas?
MC is messing around in Ramshackle's basement when they stumble on an old treasure chest. The varnish is chipped at and the wood seems like it's been through immense waterlogging.
The ghosts swear they've never seen it before, and neither MC nor Grim can open it (Grim tried putting his forked tail in the keyhole... it did not go well).
Curious, MC invites their boyfriend Rook, best friend Idia, and ofc Deuce and Ace, to see if any of them can pry it open.
I could see them even calling over Crowley if they get frustrated enough.
Unbearable Treasure
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Synopsis - Y/n finds a promising chest at ramshackle. Only problem is they can’t open it. Can anyone even get it open? GN y/n !
Warnings - cursing, slight offensive humor
A/n - I love this idea it’s simple and cute thanks for requesting.
The old rusty grandfather clock struck 12 in the morning. You couldn’t believe you were in ramshackles basement this early. But you needed clothes somehow. For some reason, the dorm basement seemed to have an endless supply of clothes.
They were mostly Victorian and made you look like an old lady but you knew how to do something upcycling. This time, in particular, you were looking for a dress shirt. Grim held up a light assisting you with your search.
But every so often he got freaked out thinking he saw something and dropped it. “It’s probably just a ghost playing tricks on us!” You would yell at him.
This time in particular he yelped jumping a couple of feet in the air all because of a fly. He landed on something hard that practically shattered his back.
“Oh my god,” you exclaimed. You dashed over to the area where he fell. “Are you happy over my pain,” he cried. “No look at what you found for me scaredy cat!” Grim had landed on a brown chest and from what you could see it had no lock.
“Yes, just my luck.” Your hands went to pry the old dusty thing open but it wouldn’t budge. So you tried again lifting the handle. You chuckled now getting a little frustrated. “Move out of the way,” Grim demanded.
“Let the strong member of this dorm handle this.” Yeah okay,” you scoffed. “As if your paws could move it an inch,” you whispered. “What was that Y/n?” Nothing,” you snickered.
You stood back watching him do his so-called magic. And again the chest wouldn’t budge. Now you were entirely pissed off. The clothes that were in this chest better be the most beautiful you have seen.
You and Grim dragged the chest upstairs. It was heavy having to weigh at least 50 pounds. Now the two of you had better lighting. You could now see the seal that stopped you from getting your precious treasure.
Grim knawed on the box with his strongest asset his fangs. But still, nothing happened. You who had the strength of a 10-year-old weren’t much better opting to kick it. “Don’t hurt yourself, darling.” Your boyfriend warned you stopping your leg from colliding with the chest yet again.
“Hi Rook when did you get here,” you groaned. “A while ago it was fun to watch you guys,” he giggled. “You could’ve been helping us this whole time!” It’s okay I’m here now no need for struggle.”
Rook dug into his pocket and pulled out a long knife. “It was nice watching you two fall into desperation. Especially you my beauty you looked like you wanted to kick the chest into another dimension.”
“What’s in there that’s so important?” Well, I wanted to pick out a nice shirt for our date,” you admitted. “Oo I get to have an early peek then. Now I’m excited,” he smiled. He jammed the knife into the box's crack attempting to open it.
You could see his muscles flex as he did so. He was so handsome while he was focused. “Come on you got this Rook,” you and Grim cheered. “I’m trying but it’s resisting.” Rook was one of the strongest people you knew. He just had to open this chest.
He got up bringing the box outside. “This may get a little messy I don’t want the knife to accidentally break.” You and Grim chanted as his face grew red from exhaustion. “Rook you got this! Come on Rook you’re so close. Keep going,” you screamed.”
“Yeah come on Rook,” they mocked. You looked up to see your two goofy ass friends. “Don’t break his focus, you guys.” You warned Ace and Duece pushing them behind you.
“What’s even happening here,” Ace sighed. “He’s opening my chest and as you can see he’s not having the easiest time.” Yeah, I can tell look at how red he is,” Ace snickered.
“Dude Rook is jacked you couldn’t even last a second doing that,” Duce said. “Hey I have some muscles because of basketball,” Ace protested. Rook paused his actions at first you thought it was because he was annoyed but he dug into his uniform.
“Did this guy just pull out a damn arrow,” Ace gasped. Rook sure did along with other weapons. You held Grim and backed up nervous about what he was about to do. “Monsieur heart and spade may you please assist me.” Ace and Duece let out a breath of relief Rook wasn’t gonna kill them.
“Look here I’m gonna jam these into the crack and we’ll all push and pull at the same time got it.” Yes,” they agreed. “Okay on my count 1,2,3,” Rook heaved. They pulled and pushed both their hands popping out thick veins.
You and Grim watched in amazement. “It’s still not opening,” you huffed. Your head fell in your hands but quickly raised itself hearing distant chanting. Multiple people from other dorms who were passing by lined up against your fence to watch the whole ordeal.
Your fence filled up quickly and you saw too many familiar faces not to join them. By now Rooks skin was practically a bright red. He had bent his leg to assist his hands in pulling his arrow down. You were surprised it hadn’t snapped. Ace pulled with all his might his knees wobbly as he knelt on the ground. Duece practically dug into the chest heavily creasing his shoes.
They continued to struggle painful groans and pants now drowned out by cheers. But their body pressure soon became too much as they snapped backward into your garden. Their weapons still remained as they dusted themselves off.
The crowd booed them disappointed by the ending. You couldn’t stand to see them getting humiliated so you marched towards them. “Since y’all love to talk so much why don’t you try to open this chest your self?”
You challenged them but not one of them stepped up except your headmage. “This whole ordeal was entertaining but I can’t stand to see my dear students disappointed. I’m too nice of a guy for that,” Crowley whined.
He walked over to the chest laying it face up. “Watch and learn,” he winked. He used his walking stick to hit the box. You watched as it opened in one swig but something was suspicious about it.
His smile moved strangely almost as though he was talking while doing so. That’s when it hit you. “He used a spell to open it,” you snitched. The crowd's oos and ahhs soon stopped.
“I guess I can finally see what’s in the chest.” You sat the chest upright so naturally it closed on its own. You opened up feeling proud that you were able to do so. The others joined you as you peeled it open slowly excited to see what you worked so hard for.
You opened it fully to see…. Nothing.
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ornii · 1 year
Bitterly Beautiful, Part 6
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Chapter 6: In The Eye of the Storm
Wednesday sits in the center of her dorm room, reciting a dark chant as she holds the necklace her mother gave her. Surrounded by lit candles, she continues with her eyes closed. Sitting in front of her was an Ouija board with "Goody." Wrote on the front.
"In case you're wondering, I don't hold séances very often. I can barely tolerate the living. Why would I want to commune with the dead? But my mother told me Goody is the only one that can train me to control my psychic ability. The sooner I master that, the sooner I crack this case." Wednesday thought, the door opens suddenly and the gust of wind bellows, knocking the candles out, Wednesday thought the seance was successful as a shadowy figure stepped in front of the frame, but much to her disappointment, it was just Enid.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt your... Uh, do I even want to know?" She says.
"I was reaching into the black maw of death to contact a relative."
"Feels very on-brand for you. But you should be careful, (Y/n) told me summoning spirits from the after life is like super dangerous."
"(Y/n) severely underestimates me." Wednesday replies coldly.
"I guess, he was pretty serious when he said it after i made him watch Paranormal Activity with me."
"... You forced a blind man to watch a horror movie with you?" Wednesday asked as Enid clarifies.
"Well it was mostly just him holding my hand and me telling him what was happening." Enid explains, she peers over to the Ouija board and sees the name.
"You have a relative named Goody?"
"She was one of the original outcasts. Been attempting to summon her, but she seems to be ignoring my entreaties."
"Oh, you thought about using one of my scented candles? The aroma of steak tartare is to die for." Enid smiles, suddenly, a slip of paper was dashed under their door.
"..Maybe Goody answered you after all." Enid said, and Wednesday approached and read the note in magazine cut out letters. "If you want answers, come to Crackstone crypt at Midnight."
"I doubt she communicates in magazine cutouts." Wednesday said, and she and Enid now make their way to the crypt, Enid being obviously afraid of the darkness and what lies within it. Enid jumps at the howl of an animal.
"You insisted on coming along. I was fine on my own. Seems like our wannabe dееp thrоat is already here." Wednesday and Enid approach the door to the creep, with the hinting smell of death.
"Ew. What died?"
"Smells like childhood. Come on."
"Second thoughts. Why don't I just stay out here? You know, as a lookout." Enid said, which Wednesday ignores and simply heads inside, she slowly creeps around the Crypt, using her flashlight to analyze any possible hint that could have been left by the assailant, but what caught her ear was the odd whisper from behind the tomb.
"Whoever you are, show yourself. Try anything and you'll lose limbs." She says with an ice cold stare, much to her disappointment, (Y/n) and others step out, with a cake.
"Surprise! Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you / Happy birthday, dear Wednesday / Happy birthday to you!" They sing, which Wednesday just glares at (Y/n), as thing crawls on his shoulder.
"I should have known you two were behind this. What part of "no party under the penalty of death" do you not understand?" She says as she looks at the cake which was a grim reaper, with a pink balloon.
"I thought my cake design was pretty inspired." Xavier says.
"The pink balloon was my little touch. Why don't you make a wish?" Enid says, Wednesday as per usual ignores their friendly banter and turns to see something written in Latin, etched onto the wall.
"Wait, it's Latin. Fire will rain... when I rise."
"That's not really a wish..." Enid said.
"The first part of that was burned onto Nevermore's lawn. It can't be a coincidence."
"Wait, we're never eating that cake, are we?" Ajax asks, Wednesday slides her hand along the Etched words, and has another vision, this time she's before a gate to a manor. And beyond that gate was Goody.
"Crackstone is coming. Crackstone is coming." She repeats and disappears into the fog, Wednesday is surprised by Goody again, this time next to her.
"Goody. You're the Raven in my bloodline. Wednesday. I was told you could teach me how to control my ability."
"There is no controlling a raging river. You must learn to navigate it without drowning. Time is not on our side. To stop Crackstone, this place you must seek."
"Do you always speak in riddles?"
"Do you always seek simple answers? The path of a Raven is a solitary one. You end up pushing the people you care about away, unable to trust others, only seeing the darkness within them."
"Is that supposed to scare me?"
"...It should." goody replies, as Wednesday comes back from her Vision, knowing what could lead down the path.
The Next Morning, Wednesday is doing her homework, when things crawls along her shoulder.
"Careful, that's my cold shoulder." She says.
"Don't blame Thing. The party was me and (Y/n)'s idea. Everyone deserves to be celebrated on their birthday." Enid says approaching.
"I prefer to be vilified."
"What happened? It looked like you were having a seizure."
"I wasn't that lucky.”
"Can I at least get some kudos for pulling one over on you?"
"The subterfuge was impressive." Wednesday admits, her train of thought was crashed by thing dragging something from her bed, she sees the tag and reads it. "May your 16th be as sour and misery-filled as your desire." "Your ever-doting mother and father." They asked Thing to hide it before they left on Parents' Weekend." Enid says and she opens it, much to the horror of Enid. A taxidermy set.
"Ew! That's so gross."
"I would've preferred live squirrels." Wednesday says, she looks over to Enid; who hands her a present.
"While we're still accepting presents" she says smiling, Wednesday opens it to, a, scarf? A rag?"
"Well, do you like it?" Enid asks excited.
"What is it exactly?”
"It's a snood, silly. I made it in your signature colors. And you want to know what the best part is? I have one too! We can wear them together to class!"
"Oh, Enid, this is far too unique to wear to something like class. I suggest we wait for a more special occasion, ...like a funeral." Wednesday said, they continue through their day. (Y/n) was investigating the burning, kneeling down and touching the burned and seared grass.
"Found anything yet?" Wednesday asks behind him, he stands up as she walks up next to him to also investigate the grass.
"I did, more or less, flames are natural no magic or supernatural occurrences. But..."
"The ground, where it burned reeked of gasoline. Meaning they had to have set the gasoline down for a while and let it seep into the ground and then burn it. It was planned, premeditation at best... but no Normie could get into Nevermore."
"So You're suspecting one of us?" Wednesday asks.
"No, well i can't rule the possibility out, you've made a few enemies but not enough to kill you. Also i "found"  this." He says and hands her a slightly rectangular box, Wednesday cautiously takes the box. She reads the tag, "From (Y/n), Hearts to Wednesday, Broken hearts with many "XO" and "Hugs and Kisses" in pink, which didn't fit well with the pink wrapping paper which read "To my Future Wife."
".. Are you sure this is for me?" Wednesday said.
"Of course! I got Enid to do the wrapping and message. " (Y/n) to Wednesday." Black wrapping paper, Something basic." He says, Wednesday says nothing and unwraps it, and sees a black box. She opens it to a pair of gothic black leather boots.
"Hm, black leather; very utility like." She says, he takes one and opens his palm, he slams it on his palm, and from the Toe roll, a blade ejects from it. Surprising Wednesday.
"Hidden blade, much more convenient then a blade on your wrist like some assassin." He smiles, and Wednesday takes it.
"I can see you put much thought into this gift... Thank you." She says, and he gently nudged her.
"See? You can be nice."
"Me not acting upon the want to strangle you every day Is me being nice." She says, he just laughs and turns back to the burned ground. "Will you be seeing Eugene?" (Y/n) asks.
"Yes, i suppose it's the least I can do."
"Well, after that, since you obviously hate birthdays with people, why don't you and me celebrate? Alone together, maybe some cemetery with black roses, a picnic, maybe read some Edgar Allen Poe, or dig up graves, whatever you're feeling." He says, Wednesday never heard such a better night to spend. It almost made her smirk, but her lip quivers just slightly.
"While that seems Dreadfully Pleasant, i believe you and I know there are more pressing matters at hand then some picnic date. There's a murderer around and I plan on finding out who." She says. (y/n) looks obviously upset, but puts it to the side.
"You're right, sorry about that." He says, he senses Wednesday leave; and he just lets out a sigh of sadness.
"I haven't always been against birthdays. Each one reminds me I'm a year closer to death's cold embrace. What's not to like about that? Besides, my parents always made sure my birthdays were memorable." Wednesday said, remembering a her 10th birthday, where with a piñata, she knocked it open to live spider crawling out, absolutely terrifying the other children.
Wednesday is inside the Hospital checking on Eugene.
"But now parties and presents and games, it... it all feels so trivial. Goody warned me I was destined to be alone, and that I would be sorry for it." she says, someone clears their throat behind her and she turns and rose up to see Dr Kinbott, her therapist.
"Dr. Kinbott." Wednesday said, and she smiles, holding a bouquet of pale roses.
"I haven't seen you since our session with your family, which was... certainly one I won't forget. How are things with them?"
"My mother and I spent some quality time together. Got our hands dirty."
"And I managed to keep my father out of prison. What brings you here?"
"Eugene's moms, I'm working with them. Trauma like this leaves emotional scars on the whole family. They had to head home for a few days, so I promised I'd check in on him."
"I'll leave you to it." Wednesday prepares to leave, but Kinbott asks.
"Who's Goody?" she asks, Wednesday, halting in her tracks turns to face her, "She's a very distant cousin. Very distant."
"Sounds like she doesn't see you for who you really are."
"She sees more than you know. I want to assure you I remain as cold and heartless as the first day we met."
"I doubt a cold, heartless person would be sitting by her friend's bedside feeling guilt for his condition."
"I didn't ask for a free session."
"Consider it my birthday gift." Kinbott replies before Wednesday left. She decided to return to the cafe to sit and read a book on pilgrims, trying to find any information on Crackstone. Her reading was interrupted by a cup being gingerly placed on the table, which read "Happy Birthday" in the foam. Tyler sat across from her:
"I know you're usually a quad kind of girl, but I've been working on that all week."
"Birthday, yes. Happy, never. Is there anyone Thing didn't tell?"
"Well, who do you think delivered the cake? Yeah, I went with the 98% dark chocolate ganache knowing your... preferred color palette. Oh, is that, uh... that Enid's gift?" Tyler asks, seeing the Snood next to Wednesday.
"It's perfect if you're fleeing a war-torn country on foot."
"Come on. Don't you like a day that's all about you?"
"Every day is all about me. This one just comes with cake and a bad song."
"So, if I asked you out to a non-birthday, song-free dinner... would that be something you're interested in?" Tyler says smiling, and Wednesday looks at him, a hint of disconnect in her eyes.
"I have a tight deadline. Emphasis on dead."
"Term paper?" Tyler said.
"It's about how whitewashing the sins of our past will come back to kill us all."
"Oh..." he replies, Wednesday slides him a drawing of a gate.
"Have you seen that before? Uh... What's that supposed to be?"
"Never mind."
"Okay, did... did I do something? I just feel like you've kind of been ghosting me. Am I wrong?" he asks, Wednesday never had a response to it, just silence.
"Guess I got my answer." Tyler replies, he stands up to keep working when his father enters.
"That threat burned onto the lawn at school, it's also etched on the wall inside Crackstone's crypt." Wednesday said to him.
"Don't tell me you've been digging up more bodies."
"There's a connection there. I know it."
"I'll put out an APB on the dead pilgrim."
"I figured since you no longer have an old vendetta to obsess over, you're free to solve some real crime."
"Your father and I buried the hatchet. Maybe you should do the same."
"I don't bury hatchets. I sharpen them."
Xavier was within his studio, painting. Wednesday enters.
"I need your help. Don't gloat." She says, Wednesday hands him the photo as well.
"What, do you want some drawing lessons? Your line work's a little shaky. I saw that in a vision."
"Do you recognize it?" She asks, Xavier shows Wednesday a much more well done drawing, amazing.
"When did you draw this?"
"Couple days ago. I started having those dreams again, like before, it was bad one, (Y/n) helped me talk it through."
"Was the monster in them?"
"No, but I could feel it in the shadows. You know, kind of lurking in my mind."
"You know where this is? Yeah. It's the old Gates mansion. I pass it when I go running. Why?" He asks, before an answer could be given, a covered painting drops down, which was of Wednesday during her cello session. Beautifully drawn in black. Wednesday just looks at it, the beauty of it.
"Okay. Listen... After the dance, I just wanted to forget about you, but I couldn't. So I started painting and that's what came out. I can hear you up there playing." Xavier raises his hand to it, and the painting begins moving, playing "Cello Concerto in E minor" by Elgar.
"I can tell how you get lost in the music. I feel like it's the only time I get to see the real you." Xavier said, and Wednesday for a moment was truly mesmerized by it all.
(Y/n) sits down in Weems office, who is less than enthusiastic to see him there.
"Now, Mister Healy. As my job as Headmaster, I must ensure the safety of all Nevermore students, you included within that, especially due to your.. circumstances." She begins.
"Im Blind, Not Handicapped, I can take care of myself, I'm not weak willed."
"Your will seems to deteriorate when it comes to Miss Addams." weems responds coldly, (Y/n)'a attitude softens up a bit. Weems sighs and leans in a bit.
"I understand your.. Feelings towards her, Remember i was your age at a time. I knew how hormones and emotions can drive us to do, foolish things. But I'm telling you, sometimes it's best to stay away from someone. As the term goes "Let sleeping dogs lie." Mister Healy, for you own good." Weems says, and (Y/n) scoffed.
"The last time I checked my mom wasn't a shape shifter, you may be the principal but you cannot control who i can or cannot see. I'll keep seeing Miss Addams as much as i want."
"You mean as much as She wants. You mean, she can just as easily toss you to the wayside as quickly as you entered her existence.” Weems replies, but she shrugs.
"I suppose puppy love cannot he avoided.
"I am not in love with her!" (Y/n) retorts, getting annoyed.
"Your emotional outburst says otherwise. Let me tell something, why I brought you to this. The Mayor was hit in a hit and run an hour ago, and Miss Addams was in the back of his vehicle when the incident happened. She's fine, someone getting hit by a car? Was probably on her Bucket list. Wednesday is a Black cat, dragging misery and despair at her wake. Just try not to get caught up in it." Weems says, "You're dismissed.", (Y/n) was actually at a loss of words, he stood up and left. He steps out of her office and turns to the window and can just barely sense via the reflecting sound waves, the window which stood before Wednesday and Enids dorm.
"(Y/n)" a voice says which scares him, he turns around to Wednesday.
"Jumpy?" She asks, he tries to laugh it off.
"Something like that Heh.. so, what have you been up to?" He asks.
"Scratching off my bucket list." She said, there was an awkward silence until Wednesday said something, off.
"Your offer, I've.. reconsidered it." She says a bit reluctantly and (Y/n) smiles.
"Great, so, lovely cemetery? 8? He asks. Wednesday keeps her stare at his smile, almost as if she's transfixed on it. "But, you can't go off of school grounds, can you?" He adds in, a bit disappointed.
"I have that covered." She says. After Wednesday was brought back, she decided to reconsider Tyler's plans as well, and Enids. She enters her dorm room and immediately begins.
"I've been thinking about my less-than-enthusiastic response to your surprise soirée. And I must admit, I regret not showing my gratitude towards you more appropriately."
"You really mean it?"
"Take the win, Enid. If only there were a way for us to get off campus and have a little birthday redo. Just two best friends. Too bad the school is on lockdown. Would you look at that full moon..."
"Oh, how about I say I'm about to wolf out and get a pass to the lupin cages? And say you volunteered to lock me in!"
"My deviousness has finally rubbed off on you. Good."
"Oh, we should wear our snoods!"
"Oh, I... I believe I left mine at fencing."
"Actually, you left yours at the Weathervane. Luckily, Bianca brought it back." Enid hands Wednesday her Snood, much to the disgust of Wednesday.
"Like a monkey's paw." She says.
Night Falls and (Y/n) sneaks out of his room and outside Nevermore. Taking a few cautious steps, he stops abruptly, as he senses something next to him. He turns left to a red car.
"Can I.. help you?" He says, and Tyler awkwardly laughs.
"Sorry I was, waiting for Wednesday."
"... Why?"
"Let's go." Tyler and (Y/n) jump as Wednesday appears in the passenger.
"Uh... Uh... Hi. Nice to see you too." He says, Enid then arrives, getting in the car.
"Wait, he's our Uber driver?"
"Uber driver? I thought we were going on a date."
"Date?" (Y/n) Said, obviously shocked.
"I thought this was a girls' night out." Enid says to Wednesday who stares forward.
"There's been a change of plans."
"What's up with the weird matching hoodie scarf things?"
"Don't ask. Just drive. Get in." Wednesday says to (Y/n), as he soon begins to realize he's been duped, but if Enid is going he is too. He gets in the back seat with Enid, absolutely fuming. They drive to the Gates Manor, and Stand before the gate.
"Seriously, you wanna go in there? This place is creepy AF." Enid says, obviously not up for this
"I know." Wednesday said.
"So you lied to me about the date..." (Y/n)'s voice wasn't the suave heroic or the gentle sweetheart, it was angry, betrayed, sad.
"I didn't want to celebrate my birthday by going to dinner or a surprise party. I want to do this."
"Then you shoulda just said so. You didn't have to trick us." Tyler says, and Wednesday turns to him.
"If you want to go, you can. I'm going to go check out the garage." She unlocks the gate and enters, Enid follows and (Y/n) does, silently. They reach the front of the old manor and left to the garage doors which don't open.
"Let me try." Tyler says, he attempts were futile as well, (Y/n) walks up. "Move." He says, Tyler steps back and (Y/n) grips the handle of the door and yanks, somehow with absolutely monstrous strength he tears the garage door off its hinges and drops it on the ground with a loud boom. He turns to Wednesday.
"Let's get this over with." He said and they entered the building. It was dim with blood red lights inside, but what was most shocking, was a blue Cadillac inside.
"This hit the mayor." Wednesday said.
"Okay. This just took a dark turn. We need to call Tyler's dad right freaking now." Enid says, growing in worry.
"Why? So he can take me back to Nevermore and get me expelled? It's not gonna happen." Wednesday continues forward and they reluctantly follow.
"This is the night I'm gonna die." Tyler says sadly,
Enid was whimpering quietly, (Y/n) felt her grasp his arm tingly and he keeps her close. They enter the living room and to the main part of the home, before a fire place in as a painting.
"Here they are. The Gates family. They scrub up well for psychopaths. There's Garrett, his outcast-hating father, Ansel, and you must be Laurel. They're all long gone. So the question is, why did Goody lead me here?"
"Seen enough?" Tyler asked, and Wednesday continues to look, noticing that two engravings in slight pillars on the wall don't seem the same, she presses against one and it moves, the sound of interlocking mechanisms echo in the house and the painting comes don't into a latch, revealing a mural to Crackstone.
"Who doesn't have a spooky built-in altar in their family library?" Tyler said looking at it with the flashlight.
"Ours is in the living room. More seating for year-long Dia de los Muertos." Wednesday says, Enid whimpers harder and squeezes (Y/n) like a stuffed teddy bear, Wednesday turns around and sees them, a hint of, anger washes over her and she turns back to investigate and notes burned candles, and the warmth from their put out stems.
"They're still warm. (Y/n), Tyler, you two check the rest of the ground floor. Enid and I will search upstairs."
"We will?" enid says looking at Wednesday, she desperately looks at (Y/n).
"It'll be fine, just do what she says so we can leave, if you get scared I'll be Downstairs for you." He says, she hugs him tightly and lets go. Enid and Wednesday head upstairs and (Y/n) walks off.
"Uh.. don't you want a flashlight?" Tyler asks, "What for?" He asks, "You know so you can see beeee.. tter..." Tyler said as his voice began to drone on as he realizes his mistakes.
"No... I don't think I'll need a flashlight”, he snaps back and heads to the Kitchen. Upstairs, Wednesday and Enid reach a splitting hallway.
"All right, you go left, I go right." Wednesday said.
"You seriously want to split up? In here? That is literally how every best friend dies in a horror movie."
"The faster we search, the sooner you can leave." Wednesday said, before Enid walked off.
"Why am I even here? I know what my mom would say. "Enid, you're a doormat." "You're too needy." "Show some teeth. Nobody likes a desperate little furball." Shut up, Mom. Get out of my head!" Enid yells, downstairs under her, (Y/n) is looking though the cabinets. Empty, he turns on the water and sees it runs.
"Hm..." he says, he kneels down past the sink and opens it to reveal basic boxes of things but a matchbox. He picks it up and sniffs it. "red phosphorus and antimony sulfide.." he said. Feels.. burned, someone used it.. Wednesday was right someone was down here.. Shit. Tyler cmere.." he said and there's silence.. "Tyler? Tyler!" He yells and hears growling, something dripping on the floor. He enters the living room and tries to sense the origin of the sound and looks, horrified.
"Oh... Shit."
Upstairs Wednesday and Enid begin to head downstairs before the shadow of the monster was downstairs.
"Enid! Wednesday! Run!" (Y/n) yells, they bolt back up as the monster comes upstairs.
"The dumbwaiter. Go!" Wednesday and Enid hide inside and shut it tight. It was silence before it scratched the metal plate, scaring both girls.
"Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God!" Enid looks terrified, the monster slowly creeps closer to the dumbwaiter, before (Y/n) comes and leaps on his back, using his cane to strangle it.
"GO RUN! GET ENID OUT OF HERE!" He yells, the beast screams and tries to grab him, he backs (Y/n) into a wall, slamming him and forcing the dumb waiters rope to snap. and drop the girls down the chute, they crash into the badement and they hear fighting. (Y/n) ducks and rolls from the beast, he grabs dust with his hand and clenches it.
"Go dtuga Belenus Tóirse d'anam!" He yells, he blows the dust which somehow turn into flames!
"May Belenus Tourch your soul!"
The flames hit the beast and makes it spiral out of control. Enid and Wednesday rush around. They reach an exit and Wednesday actually looks around, and sees it's hard fill of severed limbs.
"What are you doing?!" Enid yells.
"These are the body parts from the monster's victims." Wednesday said, they hear something being slammed hard against the wall, monster crawls down the stairs and Wednesday luckily escapes out a window with Enid who storms off.
"You okay?"
"Since when do you care?" She says and walks back.
"Where are you going?" Wednesday said.
"(Y/n)! He's still in there." They step back to the front and see a trail of blood, they follow it to see (Y/n) leaning against a tree, a deep wound in his side. Tyler Is there with a small burn on his arm. Wednesday quickly rushes to his side.
"You're hurt." She says and for a moment, a look of guilt washes over (Y/n) who's being helped by Tyler up. A rag was offered, suddenly by Xavier who, conveniently was there.
"Where'd you come from?"
"Here. Take this." he says and pushes the warm rag into (Y/n)'a back who has muffled yells of pain. Enid looks like she's about to cry. And Wednesday realizes that this is all her fault, blue and red lights flash in the distance. The police arrive, seemingly from an anonymous tip. But when they enter the garage or basement, it's all gone. Everything is, like it never even existed.
"You directly violated my explicit order and left campus during a lockdown. Not to mention putting your peers and yourself in danger." Weems stands before Wednesday, who can only watch as Weems fumes. (Y/n), Tyler and Enid almost murdered; breaking and entering. All of this from Wednesday herself.
"Which is grounds for expulsion. I know. And you have every right to exercise that option. I do believe it would be a grave error on your part."
"I think contrition might be in order right now, Miss Addams. Not hubris."
"I'll never apologize for trying to uncover a truth." Wednesday shows a competed photo, of a pilgrim and woman seemingly facing off.
"What is this?" Weems asks.
"It's a warning from Rowan. Is this why he tried to kill you?"
"His mother drew it before she died. Said I was destined to destroy the school. But I think I'm meant to save it. Now you know what's at stake. Everything you vowed to protect, no less. I think I deserve another chance...Please." Wednesday asks, and as angry as weems is, this seems. Truthful.
"One more infraction... One more step out of line and you will be expelled. No ifs, no buts."
"(Y/n), Enid and Xavier are spared as well—"
"And no more negotiation! Good night." Weems leaves, and Wednesday returns back to her dorm, (Y/n) winces in pain as Enid sighs.
"Sorry! Sorry!" She says and cleans the claw mark on his back.
"It's fine, I'm okay.. I just need some sleep." He says laughing a bit, trying to convince Enid he's okay, but the pain his killing him. Wednesday walks over, arms folded.
"Are you alight?" Wednesday asked, and (Y/n) just shook his head.
"Dont act like you care." He responds coldly.
"You're being dramatic—"
"Just, Shut up!" He yells; he stands up, limping a bit, Enid tries to help him but he shakes his head. He walks over to Enid, boiling with rage.
"First, you lie about wanting to go on a date with me, you then drag me and Enid to some haunted murder house to fuel your own investigation! I told you our deal and you broke it! You could have gotten Enid killed!"
"Deal?" Enid asks, and (Y/n) scoffs.
"Yeah, the deal was that as long as she never put you in this investigation I'd help her, but you broke it! You dragged us to that place with that monster! Something could have happened to Enid! To you.. I wouldn't forgive myself if you got hurt, but you wouldn't say the same for me."
"(Y/n)—" Wednesday began but he cuts her off again.
"No! You don't give a shit about anyone but yourself! You'll lie, manipulate and use anyone to get what you want. All the time we spent together, the times you helped me, did you actually care about me or was that just to manipulate me into helping you?" He said, Wednesday, could only be silent, he scoffs again and limps to the door.
"Guess I got my answer, glad to know how you really feel about me now... now, I refuse to be some pawn in your game." He leaves; slamming the door as Wednesday watches, Enid gets up and begins to pack.
"Where are you going?"
"Yoko's room. Thornhill said I could crash there for a few nights."
"There's no need. I spoke with Weems. You, (Y/n) and Xavier won't be punished."
"Am I supposed to thank you?"
"I already apologized. It's over."
"Over? Tonight was the icing on the birthday cake you couldn't even be bothered to cut. You'll use anyone to get what you want, even if it means putting them in danger. We could have died tonight because of your stupid obsession!"
"But we didn't. And now I'm one step closer to solving this case. That is what is important."
"I've tried really, really, really hard to be your friend. Always put myself out there. Thought of your feelings. Told people, "I know she gives off serial killer vibes, but she's just shy."
"I never asked you to do that—"
"You didn't have to because that's what friends do! They don't have to be asked. The fact that you don't know that says everything. You want to be alone, Wednesday? Be alone!" Enid, rightfully angry leaves with a bag. Wednesday is alone, Goody accurately predicting what happened. Wednesday sits against the window, contemplating wether what she did was truly right.
"Goody warned I was destined to be push everyone away, to be alone. Maybe it's inevitable. But for the first time in my life, it doesn't feel good. There's also something else. A gnawing feeling. That death is close at hand. Watching me. But I won't be intimidated. And I will never give up. That house. That family. Crackstone. The monster. Somehow me. We all seem to be connected like a spider's web. And when Mayor Walker got too close to the truth, he was silenced. But I won't be. So whoever's watching me, know this. I will find you.
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𝗟𝗶𝗳𝗲 𝗜𝗻 𝗦𝗲𝗮𝗯𝗿𝗼𝗼𝗸
⇛𝗪𝗲 𝗚𝗼𝘁 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝘀!⇚
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𝟯𝗿𝗱 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻 𝗣𝗢𝗩 ‧˚₊꒷꒦︶︶︶︶︶꒷꒦︶︶︶︶︶꒦꒷‧₊˚⊹‧˚₊꒷꒦︶︶︶︶︶꒷꒦︶︶︶︶︶꒦꒷‧₊˚⊹
Welcome back to Seabrook, where belonging is everything.
We're a strong, united and tight-knit community. And that's a good thing 'cause it wasn't always this way. There was a time when we had to protect ourselves. Legend has it that when the first settlers came to Seabrook, they found wild beasts with sharp claws lurking in the forest.
Which sparked an epic battle. Seabrook settlers bravely fought off the monstrous attack. And discovered a powerful energy source. Realizing they discovered a precious resource, they safeguarded it from the beasts.
They weren't going to let anyone steal their treasure. So they hid it. And the town prospered and grew rich by harnessing the precious energy source. Seabrook benefited greatly as it grew strong, happy, and unified.
The beasts were a distant memory.
Seabrook forgot monsters could be real.
Until clearly, they were. A little lime soda mixed with a dash of industrial strength Seabrook energy... And boom! Zombies were created. In a lot of ways, Seabrook's moved on since then. But it's hard to bury your past...
"Moon! Moon! Are you ready for school?!" I heard my dad ask from downstairs. My hazel eyes shot open, and I quickly jumped from the bed.
"Uhhh, yeah, I'm coming!" I yelled back.
"Shit, shit, shit," I muttered, looking around the room, and quickly settled for a black tank top and some light blue jeans. I ran into my bathroom and quickly put my white hair into a man bun before grabbing my bag.
I turned to walk out of my room, but I felt myself weaken, and I started coughing profusely. I managed to contain myself after a little bit and looked down at my moonstone necklace.
It's losing its charge.
"I gotta find them," I mumbled sadly, thinking about my pack and if they were okay.
"And mostly, I need to find her." I continued looking down at my friend's bracelet, which was gray. Over the years, I desperately tried to find my pack as well as my mate.
I howl on a full moon every night, just praying that they can hear me, but to no avail. Luckily, Zed and Zoey were there to comfort me during the hard times, and I feel so lucky to have them, even if they aren't my real family.
I've been thinking about Willa every day, wondering what she looked like when she was all grown up and if she was even more beautiful than before.
"Moon! Let's go!" Zed yelled, and I quickly snapped out of my trance and went down the stairs.
"Sorry, I took so long. Hey there, little rascal," I said, giving Zoey a big kiss on her forehead and making her giggle.
"Hey dad," I said, giving him a hug before taking some toast and going out the door with Zed.
"Have a good day at school, kids!" He called out as we left the front door, just in time to see Eliza.
"Hey Liz!" I said, giving her a hug, which she returned with a smile.
"Hey, hey! Ho, ho! This demolition has got to go!" Eliza chanted out loud.
"They can't tear it down, Zed. Seabrook Power hasn't worked for years. It's an important part of zombie heritage," Eliza protested, and I nodded.
"Yeah, I agree, and I also feel a strange connection to it; I just can't pinpoint what." I said.
"This is progress, Eliza. And now we can even go to Prawn." Zed has been boasting about Prawn for weeks since monsters were never allowed to go, and he's been obsessed with taking Addison with him.
"I'm loud and proud to be a zombie!" Zed yelled, and I clenched my ears, shooting him a glare.
"Sometimes too loud," I growled, elbowing him in the ribs, making him groan with a pout.
"Soon, Z-band tech will get so good that zombies will blend right in. I dream of the day we ditch our Z-bands and let our inner monsters roar," he said after he recovered.
We're back here on the scene And everyone's together With zombies on the team It's better than ever, better than ever
Those moves won't get the gold Green hair is so whatever Well, you'll never break the mould 'Cause we're better than ever, better than ever
Tearing down the power plant You're welcome Seabrook, I'm your man To build a place where everyone can cheer I'm making zombiekind cool, not feared
Making progress, that sounds great
But what's the price we have to pay?
(Zed, Moon, Eliza)
Ready for a new day, ready for a change People, zombies, everybody say
Hey! We got this! Teaming up to make progress Change the rules, you can't stop this Together we rise, you know we got this Hey! We got this! Teaming up to make progress Change the rules, you can't stop this Together we rise, you know we got this
I wish that I could call I hope you get my letters Hope I get asked to Prawn It'd be better than ever, better than ever
Oh, Addison my love Gargargaza are forever
We pull the strings We run the show 'Cause we're better than ever, better than ever
We're finally allowed to go to Prawn Gonna get our ziga ziga zombie on Counting down the days, I've been keeping track Kinda wishing Addison would write me back Imagine me taking her to the dance
A human and a zombie hand in hand
Ready for a new day, ready for a change People, zombies, everybody say
Hey! We got this! Teaming up to make progress Change the rules, you can't stop this Together we rise, you know we got this Hey! We got this! Teaming up to make progress Change the rules, you can't stop this Together we rise, you know we got this
Here in this hall Up on these walls Picturing Addison beside me Then they will say We're all the same And they can see the life inside me Oh, what's it gonna take? What's it gonna take? What's it gonna take? What's it gonna take? What's it gonna take?
We got this! We got this! Ready for a new day Ready for a change People, zombies, everybody say
Hey! We got this Teaming up to make progress Change the rules, you can't stop this Together we rise, you know we got this Hey! We got this (come on!) Teaming up to make progress (picturing Addison beside me) Change the rules, you can't stop this Together we rise, you know we got this
Hey! We got this Teaming up to make progress (picturing Addison beside me) Change the rules, you can't stop this Together we rise, you know we got this
Hey! We got this Teaming up to make progress (picturing Addison) Change the rules, you can't stop this Together we rise, you know we got this
"Bye, Zed," we waved to him as he waved back and disappeared from our sight.
"So how's the search been going?" Eliza asked me.
"Not good God, I miss them so much, Liz," I sighed, and she gave me a side hug.
"Don't worry, Mo, you'll find them soon. I can feel it in my undead heart," she said, and I chuckled as we walked off.
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Day 313,
I think we’ll be out of chant transcription to correlate to book text after another evening or two of work on this.  Once that’s done, I’m not sure what our next step is.  Go back to the cathedral and transcribe more of the chant?
After going through all this, it occurs to me that we got incredibly lucky in our timing that we happened to arrive at the cathedral to make our transcript not all that long before the “reset point”, allowing us to correlate the sarcophagus opening to that change in the chant.  Of course, that assumes that the chant actually does contain the full contents of the book and that parts aren’t repeated or in a legitimately random order each time.
But anyway, far more interesting to write about my and Lin’s clandestine castle excursion the other night.
We lucked out in that the clouds had mostly cleared up by the time we met down at the docks, allowing up some degree of moon- and starlight to see by so that we wouldn’t be entirely reliant on lanterns.  I don’t think I’d ever been out and about the Village at this late (or perhaps this early) of an hour.  Most houses had covered their interior crystals for the night, rendering the streets darker than I had ever seen them.  It lent an eeriness to my creeping about with my own half-covered lantern.  And yes, I say “creeping about” for there was a certain amount of guilt to what I was doing, although at the same time that made it all the more thrilling.  A small, juvenile act of rebellion against the normal way of things.  I suppose that thrill was what made me suggest the impromptu outing in the first place.
Lin was already waiting for me with a boat and oars picked out to borrow-and-definitely-not-steal.  After some brief discussion we decided that she would row and I’d sit at the prow with the lantern to make sure we weren’t about to run into a rock or reef or something.  It made the weight distribution on the boat a little awkward, but we managed.  Fortunately, Lin had been out enough with the fishers in the past that she had a rough idea of areas to avoid, which was particularly useful since we were approaching low tide.
The course we set had us skirting a fair distance around the castle island rather than heading directly toward it.  While our whole outing may have been inherently reckless, neither of us cared to tempt fate with being dashed on the cliff face that took up most of the island’s perimeter.  It took us the better part of an hour to maneuver our little boat out to where the castle island was now between us and the Village.  From there we could just make out the spot where the cliffs sloped downward and opened up into a small cove.  Even then we could not make out more of the castle than a silhouette of spires above treetops.
As we guided the boat into that cove it became apparent that there were once docks here as well, although now all that remained were scattered wooden pylons sticking up above the water and crumbling stumps of boardwalk on the shore.  It had all gone unused long enough that a reef had grown among the submerged ruins.  Ostensibly we slowed down at that point for safety, but just as much, we were taking our time to look around and beneath us.  While the fish we saw darting in and out of our lamplight were not as colorful as their diurnal counterparts, the undulating polyps of the corals themselves (extended for nocturnal feeding I presume) had a fluorescence to them, subtle under the moonlight, but set off more dramatically under the light of our crystals.  Once we reached a spot where we seemed unlikely to drift into anything, Lin told me to cover my lantern as she covered hers.  After a moment of letting my eyes adjust to the dark I realized that since passing over the reef our rowing had stirred up a trail of soft blue bioluminesce behind us.
I asked Lin how she knew about that.  She said she hadn’t before coming out here, but had noticed something slightly off about the water behind us and gotten a hunch.  Of course, we both wound up leaning over the side and waving our hands around in the water to stir up a glow.  Our hands didn’t come out looking any different though, so it’s different from whatever properties the lake of stars operates by.  A small voice of a past life whispered in the back of my mind about plankton and algae initiating a chemical reaction in response to water turbulence to ward off predators.  I silenced that voice for ruining the magic of the moment.
The trip would have been worth it for the sight of that cove alone, but we still had a castle to find and then get back before the sun came up.
Not trusting the dock remnants, we opted to simply beach the boat.  A quick glance around before heading into the treeline found the overgrown and hollowed-out shell of a small building near the docks.  We did not take the time to investigate or speculate.  
We also noticed remnants of where the surrounding area may have been paved at one time.  This led us to a thinner spot in the trees.  The ghost of a long-gone road we presumed.  Only one place that could go.
Between the overgrowth and the darkness however, it didn’t take us long to lose the road once we were surrounded by the trees.  But, thanks to using the bracelets to get the direction to Cass and knowing the castle was between us and the Village where she was, we had a decent idea of the direction we needed to go and just kept pushing forward.  I wound up in front due to the pale ring making progress easier for me, which is how I almost walked off the edge of a cliff.  Would have actually walked off the edge of a cliff if I hadn’t shouted in surprise when one foot hit air instead of earth and then been pulled back by Lin.
Okay, “cliff” might be an exaggeration seeing as the ledge was hardly taller than I was, but it still would have been an unpleasant tumble into the water.  Yes, water.  We’d found the castle, and the castle had a moat.
Clear of the trees as we now were, it became apparent that the cliffs visible from the Village were the outer surface of a steep-sided crater or caldera, forming massive wall around the island’s interior.  The outer wall of the castle itself and the moat in front of it seemed to stretch from one cliff to the other, bisecting the island.  As our lanterns did not illuminate much of anything beyond that outer wall (taller than most buildings in the Village), we decided to cover them and let our eyes adjust to the dark so that we might better make out what we could of the rest of the moonlit castle.
Even then, it was not significantly more than silhouettes against the night sky and we were only able to make out broad strokes.  The most obvious thing was the sheer scale of the edifice, easily large enough to swallow up the Village multiple times over.  After that, beyond the outer wall the castle seemed to share the cathedral’s flare for tiered rooftops and flying buttresses, although there seemed to be a lot more archways built into the walls.  Another trait shared in common with the cathedral were the trees growing atop and through and against the walls and rooftops.  I suspect that the treetops seen from the Village are in fact growing on top of the castle.  It’s enough to make one wonder if they were planted that way intentionally but grew out of control after centuries without pruning.
Interspersed throughout were the towers.  I cannot say for sure how many there were or if there was any pattern to them.  Most seemed to have bridges extending from their sides halfway up, either connecting to the main body of the castle or to other towers.  Or both.  I can’t even begin to guess at their purpose.
What Pat had said before about being able to get lost in the place for days suddenly made a lot more sense.
Back out where we were, the moat was maybe twice as wide or so as the average Village street.  Uncovering our lanterns once more as we walked its length we saw arched windows at multiple floor levels interspersed along the outer wall.  Curiously, these windows appeared below the water line as well.  We couldn’t tell how deep the moat went, but it was at least as far down as the wall extended above the surface of the moat.  Even stranger, there were what looked like bridges or support structures extending from the submerged sections of wall to our side of the moat.  And lazily swimming above, under, and around all of this was the aquatic life inhabiting the moat.  Mostly fish of various kinds, but at one point I think I caught a glimpse of what looked like a large turtle.
Now that we’d found the castle, we’d technically accomplished what we’d set out to do, but while we’d said we weren’t going to go inside, now that it was in front of us we found ourselves egging one another on to at least find the entrance.  Said entrance took the form of a wooden bridge some distance down from where we’d emerged from the forest.  Ancient as it looked, it didn’t appear to be part of the original construction.  More like a makeshift replacement for where the middle of the original stone bridge had collapsed into the depths of the moat.  A relic of Pat’s childhood exploration perhaps?
Upon reaching the bridge and looking across at the open gate on the other side we looked at one another and agreed that we’d done what we set out to do and it was time to go back.  Trying to go in would definitely be a bad idea.  Even if it was just setting one foot inside the gate, seeing what we could see from there and then turning around and going back to the boat.  It probably wouldn’t hurt but we still shouldn’t do that.  Who knew what we might find?  Or might get tempted by to go just a little further in?  Just a little bit more at a time until we really get lost and turned around.
Yep, we definitely weren’t going to do any of that.  We congratulated one another on our good judgement and expressed gratitude that we were both here to rein in one another’s curiosity.
We then proceeded to cross the bridge.
Or rather, we proceeded to get halfway across and then the wood that seemed to be creaking-but-stable collapsed under me and dropped me into the moat.
Waking or dreaming I just don’t have good luck with bridges, do I?  I say that in jest now, but in the moment it was terrifying and my mind was in fact flashing back to that nightmare fall and expecting my body to fall for hours then shatter.  The visual parallels between the moat and the Catacomb chasms didn’t help at all either.  In the end, the worst that came of it were some scratches from where I fell through the bridge and some panicked and disoriented flailing after hitting the water.  Fortunately, I’d been half expecting us to crash the boat or something on the way over and for once in my life didn’t have my journal on me to get ruined.  I don’t know how I managed to hang onto my lantern through all of that.
Not long after I fell in, Lin jumped in after me, managed to calm me down and together we swam back to the side we came from and found a place to climb up.  At the top we both collapsed on the wet grass, laughing long and hard from adrenaline and absurdity.  In retrospect, the “nearly drowned” that I wrote yesterday was probably an exaggeration (especially since we didn’t set off Vernon and Cass’s bracelets), but it felt like it in the moment.
Two other observations about the castle and moat that we were able to make from up close though.  First, the water was fresh, so apparently not connected directly to the sea.  Another spring I assume.  Second, there were more windows (or at least structures that looked like windows) carved into the side of the moat away from the castle.  Just how big is that place?  Does it run under the whole island?
But, yeah, we took that as a sign to go home already.  I was nervous about Lin going back on the bridge to retrieve her lantern, but she wasn’t about to just leave it behind and then need to explain where it went.  Fortunately, we made it back without further incident with the sky just starting to turn a bluer shade of black by the time we tied off the boat.  Hopefully whatever water we dripped into it the boat’s usual user wrote off as rain.
Lin was smiling when we parted ways for the morning, and for once I was absolutely sure it wasn’t a mask.  So, yes, dumb and dangerous as that all was, it was worth it.
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what happened the first time Wes tried to crack open the Danny is Phantom conspiracy did he like, confront Danny first or was it all behind his back like, maybe hoping ground zero would be lost among the gossip and that Danny wouldn't find out who spilled the beans once everyone knew
I mean it obviously wouldn't work because nobody believed him and the gossip didn't take off very far beyond a few people talking about Wes being kinda weird
I should absolutely write a fic about this.
I am absolutely going to write a fic about this.
"Hey Fenton! Fenton!!" Dash came bounding over and threw a meaty arm around his shoulder.
"Jesus Dash! What?!" Danny buckled under the weight (pretended to anyway) as Dash gave him a surprisingly lighthearted punch on the arm.
"You haven't heard?! Wes has this total batshit insane theory, it's hilarious!"
Dash was in a genuine giggle-fit, Danny didn't think he'd ever seen him this merry, he was also starting to suspect he was going to leave this conversation being the butt of the joke somehow. Wait-
"Wes? Who the heck is Wes?" Danny asked, it wasn't like he knew everyone in school, like Dash seemed to.
"He's on the basketball team, you know, tall guy, red hair, threw a sick move at least month's game! You know, WES!"
"I didn't watch that game."
"Oh," said Dash, flatly, "Oh yeah, almost forgot you're a total nerd. Anyway, like I was saying!"
Dash grabbed Danny by the shoulders and nearly lifted him off the floor.
"Wes thinks," he could barely speak through his giggling, he even snorted a few times, "Wes thinks your secretly PHANTOM."
Dash dropped Danny back down as he doubled over laughing.
"Could you imagine?! You! You're not even DEAD!" Dash honest to god slapped his knee in mirth.
Danny went through an incredibly swift array of emotions in the span of about five seconds.
The first was fear, clear and bracing, then came confusion, how did he know? Had he seen something? Then there was hope, Dash didn't believe it, and if DASH didn't believe it, maybe nobody else believed it either. Then relief, he could roll with this, he could TOTALLY roll with this! Dash was right! It was absurd, it was ridiculous, it was hilarious, him being Phantom? What utter nonsense!
Sam and Tucker had been standing by his side at a Dash-safe distance, looking absolutely horrified. Sam looked ready to jump in and lay down a swift defence, but Danny gave a quick little low wave for her to stand down. He got this.
"Oh my god SERIOUSLY?" Danny busted out a slightly hysterical laugh, okay so he wasn't completely over the initial terrified anxiety.
"How could I- I mean what- WHY does he think I'M Phantom?! I mean how does that even work I don't-"
Dash clapped him on the shoulder, this was probably the most contact he'd ever had with him without being physically assaulted.
"I know right?! Like apparently he thinks you look alike? And he's all like 'But I've seen his eyes glow green' and 'they're never in the same roo-hoo-hoom." Dash wheezed and started hacking and coughing.
Danny carefully constructed a look of offence.
"Hey I mean, it's not THAT funny. Why couldn't I be Phantom! I know how to use a Fenton Thermos! Look I even HAVE one right-" he torn open his backpack and pulled one out, making sure to fumble it in a terrific display of fuck-uppery and drop it noisily on the cafeteria floor, he dropped to his knees trying to grab it but knocked it under a table.
A few girls standing nearby who'd been listening in started tittering, one of the guys sitting at the table snorted milk through his nose and Dash was just about on the floor in hysterics.
Even Sam and Tucker covered their mouths in an attempt to look like they were holding in laughter. Tucker muttered to Sam, just loud enough for people around to hear.
"I mean, he's our friend and we love him, but god that was painful to watch. He knows he's terrible at ghost hunting! He's got like, nothing but thumbs."
Danny climbed under the table, grabbed at the thermos and lifted it up as he crawled back out.
"See! See! I have a thermos! I could TOTALLY be Phantom!"
Sam walked over and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "It's okay bud, I think you'd be a great Phantom." her voice was thick with her usual sarcasm, soaked in pity though it were.
Danny's ears burned in embarrassment, he might have been humiliating himself on purpose, but it was still humiliating, watching everyone laugh at him for being so weak and incompetent. He was grateful to his friends for pushing through their discomfort and keeping up the act, it was still painful, but it came with a wash of pure unadulterated relief.
Nobody believed this Wes guy, nobody thought it could be even remotely possible. People would talk about it for a little while, have a laugh, maybe there would be a few memes and in-jokes, but eventually it would drop off. People would forget all about it and it would be just another notch on the gossip mill belt.
Even if someone DID believe it, they could never admit it for fear of vicious ridicule, for once in his life peer pressure was his friend.
And then Wes walked in.
Once Danny saw him he realised that he did recognise Wes, he'd seen him hanging around Kwan a few times, and chatting with Star, he was also in Danny's english class. That was about as familiar as he got with the guy, they'd never spoken a word to each other.
Wes had a terrifying expression of seething fury ripping across his face. He was glaring at Dash.
"It's NOT. FUNNY."
Dash was completely unable to stand, it was honestly overkill, Danny almost thought he was hamming it up on purpose, but maybe not, his face was turning an alarming shade of red after all.
"Wes don-" Dash gasped. "Don't do this to me man, I can't brea-" Dash was gasping for air, trying desperately to hold down the giggles.
Danny could almost see steam rising as Wes seethed. Then suddenly that furious stare was shooting daggers straight at him. Danny shrank into himself, looking as small and helpless as he possibly could.
"Uh hey Wes, um, I've heard the news." he joked tacking on a nervous laugh for emphasis. "Uh, soooo," he tossed the thermos from hand to hand, nearly dropping it again. "Is this like, just a joke or do you really-?"
Dash continued to wheeze, Kwan was holding him up by the arm, muttering about getting some water to cool off.
Wes strode over until he and Danny were face to face, he was taller by a good couple inches, even more so with Danny making a conscious effort to appear small.
Wes jabbed a sharp finger into his collarbone.
"Don't think I'm fooled by this pathetic act you've got going on, I am ONTO you, Phantom." he spat.
Danny glanced sidelong at the table beside him, silently begging for assistance, they only watched in silence, strained faces trying not to laugh. A glance the other way to his friends, they simply shrugged.
"Um, okaaay," Danny started backing away slowly. "Uh look Wes I am honestly really flattered but, do we really look that alike?" Danny ran a hand through his hair and then pointed up at Wes. "I mean we BOTH kinda have Phantom's haircut."
Sam deadpanned from the sidelines, "Maybe they're BOTH Phantom."
"We should start marketing that haircut." Tucker muttered to himself, tapping something on his tablet. "We could make a fortune, are you any good at hairdressing?"
Sam shot him a look of disgust and did not dignify the question with a response.
"Don't play dumb you two," said Wes, flipping his focus, "You're definitely in on this!"
The entire cafeteria was awash with giggles by this point. Just about everyone had heard about Wes' theory, but were mostly convinced it was some kinda joke. Now? Now they knew Wes was straight up fucking delusional.
He glanced around as people laughed, at him. At HIM.
"It's not funny!" he yelled over the crowed, the tittering increased in volume. Someone across the room yelled-
"Hey if I get the haircut, can I be Phantom too?"
One of the goths stood up on her seat.
"I've GOT the haircut! Mom says it's MY TURN to be the Phantom!"
There was a fresh round of mirthful laughter, some kids wheezing as hard as Dash had been. Another few kids piped up above the cacophony, throwing jokes of their own.
"I've got a soup thermos so I'm Phantom now, sorry sweaty I don't make the rules."
"If I wear a Phantom shirt does that make me Phantom ALL the time or am I only Phantom when I'm wearing it?"
"I have an ass, Phantom has an ass. Conclusion: I am Phantom's ass."
"Tag yourself I'm the thermos."
Wes had been trying to scream over the din, infuriated, desperate to find SOMEONE who would listen.
Danny gave him a pat on the back.
"Hey, if it makes you feel any better, The Guys in White once hunted some guy down because he had white hair, if a government agency can fuck that up then-"
Wes slugged him.
It wasn't a particularly solid punch like Dash's hits, it was quick and precise, Was wasn't a brawny guy, but he was lean and fast and had good aim.
Danny whuffed out a heavy breath as Wes' fist collided with his sternum and he collapsed to the floor.
Everyone in the cafeteria lost their shit, a few people screamed and one table of football jocks all stood up chanting, "FIGHT. FIGHT. FIGHT. FIGHT."
Tucker ran over to him as Sam stepped up and without hesitation slammed a fist straight into Wes' nose.
The footballers lost their minds, one of the goths stood up on their table screaming "REPRESEEENT!!"
Wes backed up immediately, crying out from the sharp pain blossoming across his face, he'd never been hit before and couldn't pull his thoughts together quick enough to throw a punch back at her, so he was taken by surprise once again as Sam placed a solid roundhouse kick to his stomach.
He had certainly not been expecting that kind of brute strength from her, she had incapacitated him swiftly and effectively, barely having broken a sweat.
One of his teammates hollered over the crowd and came barrelling down on the goth, she dodged without batting an eye and darted nimbly out of the way, giving the guy a quick kick in the pants to throw him off balance as she rocketed for the cafeteria door.
As Wes took a deep breath through his mouth, his nose dripping blood, he realised that Danny and Tucker were gone. The fight had lasted only seconds but Sam had run distraction well enough for the boys to take off without anyone noticing, a glance around showed Tucker supporting Danny about to exit through the cafeteria doors.
The doors opened to an out of breath Mr Lancer on the other side.
"'The Light Fantastic!' WHAT is going on here?!"
Oh they were all so fucked.
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loth-wolffe · 3 years
Make a Wish
Pairings: none. a lil bit of captain rex x reader if you squint.
Summary: the torrent company prepares something for your birthday<3
Word count: 1,4k not proofread
A/n: So!!! i know I've been dead for the past week, but today's my sweetiepie ana @leia-saveourskins birthday!!!! and she asked me to write a little something for her so I came back from hell bc i can't really say no to mi bb ana. congrats bubs!! i hope you have the most amazing day today and always. hope you like this heheh<3 tqm mucho. mwah mwah mwah
Rex had called you to the hangar, something about Anakin needing some help with something, his words rushed as if he didn't have time and you felt confused, it wasn't like there weren't any more mechanics working at the time, and the General had given you half day off, "as a birthday present," he had told you, after a little hug and a congratulations.
You rushed your steps, hair still slightly wet from the shower you took before and the thought of getting more engine oil on you made you roll your eyes.
This better be good.
Once you got to the hangar door, you found it was closed, frowning, you commed Rex.
"The door is closed."
You hear him coughing, a few murmurs are heard and you never felt more confused in your life, what was going on.
"Yeah, sorry." He mumbled, "Ahsoka locked it by, uh, accident." Rex sounded nervous, and for some reason it made your heart beat faster. Did something happen? If it required for the General, Commander and Captain to be in the room, it must be important, but then again, there's no power in this galaxy that could ever torn them apart.
"Its open now."
It's not long before the door opens before you, and as soon as you step into the room, a chant of "surprise!" is heard, keeping you in place as your brain processes the image before you, tears filling your eyes as soon as it settles in your heart.
Everyone is there, your fellow mechanics, Anakin, Ahsoka, the troopers you had become friends with, even the General of the 212th was there, with big smiles on their faces, a big sign with messy letters in aurebesh that read Happy Birthday colored with the 501st blue hung between two ships, it was almost falling off, but the thought warmed your soul. The "ay" looked incredibly smaller as they run out of space compared to the wide H at the beginning, they all had different styles, and you wondered if they agreed to write one letter per person.
"I–" you started, but words didn't come out, you were left speechless, many emotions running through your mind and your heart that you couldn't pick one to express what you felt.
"Thank you," you whisper, blinking quickly in hopes for the tears to disappear, but they don't, much less when Ahsoka comes for you and holds your hand, leading you towards everyone.
"Ah! it's nothing, the boys insisted we should celebrate." She told you, the mischievous smile she wore told you she was to blame.
"The boys? Snips you couldn't shut up about the surprise party for a week." Anakin said, walking towards you before enveloping in a warm hug, one that lasted longer than the one he gave you a few hours prior. "Happy birthday," he murmured softly in your ear, and you smiled widely.
Anakin hasn't been nothing but nice since you joined the Resolute, times spent at the hangar fixing whatever ship he completely destroyed in his perfect landings, and you were completely past knowing him solely as The General and more as Anakin.
"Thanks, boss."
He chuckled, ruffling your hair before Ahsoka pushed him away.
"Hey, we all want our hugs gramps," she said as she gave you the tightest of hugs, laughing quietly when you hear Anakin huff in annoyance. "Hope we have you many many more years with us."
It took you a while, to be congratulated by everyone, Obi Wan being the first right after Ahsoka, Rex lingering a bit more than most, his cheeks a sweet shade of pink as he stumbles over his words.
"I uh," he scratches the nape of his neck, aware of the line of clones behind him waiting to hug you, "I, I know this isn't much but," his eyes look down to his feet before meeting your eyes, golden eyes filled with nothing but affection, his fingers fumble awkwardly with his belt as he tries to take something from one of the many bags. "I got you this."
He gives you a little bouquet of flowers of your favorite color, already placed in a cup with water to keep them from dying.
"Rex you–" for the second time in the past hour, tears fill your eyes, a lump in your throat makes it hard for the words to be pushed past your lips, "you didn't have to."
"I wanted to." He frowns slightly, looking at the little box in your hands, "like i said, it's not much, but–"
"It's perfect, thank you."
You kiss his cheek, feeling like melting from all the love you're receiving, but mostly because how even now, in the middle of war, between so much death and suffering, they still find a moment to celebrate life, to still be kind, to be thoughtful and caring.
The tips of his ears turn red, and you giggle softly before thanking him again, he nods as he moves for the next person to give you his best wishes, a few give you little kisses on your cheeks, and others give you stiff hugs that made you chuckle.
Jesse is the last one to hug you, along with Hardcase and Fives.
"Happy birthday to not only the best mechanic in the GAR, but to our best friend as well." Jesse says before giving you a bone crushing hug, a loud, breathless laugh leaving your lips as he leaves a very wet kiss on your cheek.
Hardcase doesn't wait for Jesse to leave before he's hugging you too.
"Happy birthday!"
And it's not long before you have all the boys crushing you in the biggest bear hug you've ever had, feeling a bit claustrophobic for a moment but that doesn't stop you from enjoying the moment, your heart swelling with love.
When they all pull away to let you breath, Fives places a hand over your shoulders, walking you towards the Generals and the Commander waited for you.
"We got another surprise for you!"
"Oh really?" You ask, looking at Echo when he places himself on your other side, throwing his arm over your shoulders as well and walking in sync with you and Fives.
"Fives really insisted on it."
You hum, confused once more, but as soon as you meet with the others, you find what they were talking about.
There's a big cake being held by two astromechs, the white frosting perfectly placed under the blue letters that held your name right on the middle, sprinkles of at least eight different colors, one of the corners had way too much yellow and there was a tiny smiley face on another.
"There's no birthday if there's no cake." Fives stated, and everyone agreed.
"We made it, so we're not completely sure if it's good," Tup sheepishly admitted, and you almost melted at the thought.
They were too sweet, incredibly so that your heart couldn't take it.
"Thank you guys, I'm sure it's amazing."
"Oh! you cannot cut it without blowing the candle," Obi Wan spoke, patting his clothes trying to find the candle Anakin made sure he didn't forget.
He placed it on the when he found it, giving you a dashing smile and a wink once he did. R2 was quick to lit it up.
The boys made sure to be loud when singing the happy birthday song, Hardcase and Jesse making their voices as low and loud as they could, making Dogma roll his eyes and Fives laugh for most of the song.
Tears left your eyes a few times, overwhelmed with the affection they all had for you, your cheeks hurting with how wide you were smiling.
"What did you wish for?" Fives asked you at some point, to which you shook your head as you took another bite of cake that –to everyone's surprise,– it was actually good.
"Can't tell you."
"Why not?"
"Some say that if you say your wish, it won't happen." He scoffs.
"Sounds like bullshit." You laugh loudly, which makes Fives' face break into a smile.
You don't tell him, though, that you didn't wish for anything. Not really, for everything you wanted was right there, with you, the feeling of home, of warmth. Knowing you belonged somewhere, in a family you found all by yourself, surrounded with joy, and love.
They made sure it was your best birthday ever.
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The Wolf & The Hound
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Chapter 4: Blessed Name Day
Summary: Ever since your conversation with Sansa, Sandor has disappeared. Was she right?
Notes: First update on the new blog!
The next two weeks were so crazy preparing for Sansa’s coronation that you barely noticed that Sandor wasn’t around as much as before. It crossed your mind as you lied down in bed at the end of the night, but you were so exhausted from the day that you fell asleep before your mind could begin to panic. 
But it was felt, on a subconscious level. Your protective shadow was not there and it left you cold. Maybe Sansa was wrong. Maybe it wasn’t you that he wanted to court, but he told Sansa that to hide his true motives. 
The morning of the ceremony, you were up long before dawn and dressed so you could race to Sansa’s room to help her. As Brienne was the only woman of the Queen’s Guard she met you at the door and entered a step behind.
“Good morning, my lady. Are you ready to begin your day?” You curtsied shortly after you entered the room, Sansa standing next to the window to look out over the courtyard. 
“Good morning, ___. Yes, please. We have a long day ahead of us. Ser Brienne? While ____ tends to me, can you please have the kitchen bring up breakfast for all of us?”
“Yes, my lady,” Brienne bowed and left the room.
While Brienne was gone, you went to work filling Sansa’s bath with hot water, bathing and dressing her, and finally brushing her hair as Brienne returned with a member of the kitchen staff carrying a huge tray of food. Sansa wanted to wear her hair unbound as she wanted all the attention on her new crown and gown. So you gently curled the ends.
You then helped her dress in her dark grey dress that had many representations of the North. From the red leaves of the Weirwood Trees to a sleeve made of crow feathers to the metallic bodice that was a mirror of Weirwood branches. One sleeved looked like fish scales to represent her mother while the collar looked like a dire wolf for her father. She was beautiful.
If she was nervous, Sansa never let on. Holding her head high as you busied yourself getting her ready for the ceremony. You then stepped back so Brienne could escort her to the Great Hall. Normally, you would follow Sansa everywhere, but you wanted to quickly get her room ready so it was more fit for a queen.
You raced to change the sheets on the bed, clean her bathroom, douse the fire and clean out the ashes before creating a fresh fire. The floors were swept and cleaned and windows opened to air out the room. The last thing you did was dash down to the kitchen to make a small bundle of cinnamon and rosemary and ran back to place it in the fireplace to burn, so her room would smell welcoming when she returned.
Then you went to your room to bathe and change into clean clothes before you raced to the Great Hall. The room was packed with representatives of the remaining Northern Houses, her brother, Bran Stark, as well as Sansa’s uncle, Edmure Tulley from Riverrun, and Robin Arryn of the Eyrie. You tucked yourself into a back corner where you could easily see the dais. The normal high table had been removed and replaced with a new Throne of the North, with dire wolves on each end on the back. 
Sansa entered the room and was trailed behind by her new Queen’s Guard. You hadn’t had a chance to admire the new armor this morning. The current five members wore black armor with a grey dire wolf head on the chest plate and grey capes trailing behind them. Sandor looked amazing in the new armor. He had even trimmed his beard to appear less scruffy for his new queen. And like the other guards, he kept his eyes ahead as he escorted Sansa to her new throne.
Once there, the maester placed the new crown upon her head as he announced the new Queen of the North. It was a simple band, molded to look like the Stark pattern with two dire wolves meeting at the front. 
The moment the crown touched her head, the North chanted: “The Queen of the North!”
You could not be more proud of the young woman you had helped raise. She looked every bit the queen that she had planned to be when she was a little girl and promised to that monster, Joffrey.
That night, all of Winterfell filled with loud voices, music, and the distant howling of wolves as everyone celebrated their new queen. You took a moment here and there to drink a glass of ale or wine, but mostly you tried to busy yourself so you wouldn’t focus on the fact that Sandor and Sansa were talking once again.
Yes, Sansa told you that Sandor really wanted you. But seeing them together made it so hard to believe those words. Especially when Sandor had yet to confirm them.
So that night you went to bed early to save your heart.
The next morning you were up early again and off to Sansa’s room, where you got a surprise from Arya in the hall.
“And where are you going?”
You furrowed your eyebrows. “To Queen’s Sansa’s room? I have to get her grace ready for the day.”
“Absolutely not! We know you’ve been lying to the staff about when your name day is, but you forgot we grew up with you. You have today off while the feast is prepared. Now head back to your room, a bath is being drawn and food is being brought up.”
Your jaw dropped in shock. “But Ser, I’m just a handmaid.”
Arya wouldn’t hear it. “You kept by my sister’s side, especially in King’s Landing when I couldn’t. You are family. Now go.”
Confused, but slowly growing happy at the sisters’ insistence of taking care of you, you went back to your room to enjoy a quiet morning. A brand new dress was awaiting you on the bed, no doubt a gift from Sansa and you couldn’t wait to change into it. You took your time, enjoying the warm bath, the good food, and then sitting in front of the fireplace in your room in a towel as you gently dried your hair, using your fingers to break up any tangles. 
After you finally put on the new dress, you left your room to walk the grounds. Fresh snow had fallen during the night and your footsteps were muted as you made your way to the Gods’ Wood. For once, Bran was not parked in front of the giant weirwood tree and so you took a seat at the stone by the trunk. 
You were quietly praying to the Old Gods when a deep voice interrupted your thoughts. 
“Forgive me, Little Wolf. I hope I’m not disturbing you.”
Your heart leaped in your chest at his voice. A voice you had not heard in weeks. Raising your head, a small smile graced your face as you answered. “No. I was merely speaking with the Old Gods. Thanking them for another year and for watching over me so I was able to return home safely.”
Sandor frowned at your words and you wondered what his relationship with religion was. He was from the South, but he never seemed the type to visit the Great Sept while in King’s Landing. 
“You believe in all that?” He slowly approached you.
“I don’t know,” you looked down at your hands as he stopped at your feet. “I did when I was a child, but much of that changed when I traveled South. But I know I cannot turn my back on them completely.”
“And why is that?” Sandor questioned.
“I believe they kept me alive. No one taught me to fight like Arya, no one taught me how to scheme my way to safety like Queen Sansa, and no one was by my side to fight for me. And yet, I not only survived King’s Landing but getting home as well.”
Sandor crouched until he was in your line of sight. Snow was drifting down from the deep red weirwood leaves, dotting hit hair and beard giving him a soft look to his tough face. 
“I believe you are not giving yourself enough credit, Little Wolf. I saw with my own eyes how you can take down a man when cornered.”
Your face grew warm at his praise. “Thank you. But I hope to never have to do that again.”
He cleared his throat and shifted on his feet. “You won’t. Not while I’m here.”
“You promise?”
A small smile graced his lips. “I promise, Little Wolf. I will never leave your side until you command it.”
You let out a shaky breath. “That’s unrealistic. You’re Sansa’s guard.”
“Aye, I am. But you are her handmaid and where she is, you are. I will protect both of you.”
“Thank you, Sandor. That means a great deal to me.”
“Does it?” Doubt crept into his eyes. “Most might be scared off by the idea of my following them around.”
“Aye. There was a time you frightened me as well. But that was before I truly got to know you.” You held a hand up to stop him from interrupting. “Now, that is not to say I don’t know your past. I am well aware of you who were. But any fool can clearly see you are no longer the man who left King’s Landing during the battle against Stannis.”
“I’ve tried. After my fight with Brienne, I was saved by a Septon. He taught me a few things. And before you comment - I can see your curiosity - he was once like me. So he would be the only religious fucker I’d listen to.”
You gave a small laugh. “Yes, that makes sense.”
His face grew serious. “There is something I’ve wanted to speak with you about. Something that has been on my mind for a while. But with the coronation, I haven’t had the time.”
“Well, you’re here now and I have the whole day to myself.”
“Aye, I know. Sansa told me where I could find you.” He ran a hand over his beard, trying to find his next words. “Little Wolf, I know who I am. I’ve done horrible things, things no one should be proud of. I’m no knight and I’m not a rich man. But I’m trying to change so I don’t- so I won’t be someone so frightening. You are a beautiful, quick-witted woman who can survive, even if she may not believe so. Any man would be lucky to court you.”
You took a shaky breath as he forced himself to meet your eyes.
“Would you...allow me to court you?”
The God’s Wood became still at his words and you tried to comprehend what he had asked you. Did Sandor really ask to court you?
“You...want to court me?”
Sandor tried to hide his face falling, mistaking your words for a no. “I know that may not seem something I would do, but I wanted to do right by you and our queen.”
You reached over and took his hand. “Sandor, I would love to court you.”
While his face did not betray any emotions - as was standard for this stoic man - but he reached up with his other hand and cupped your cheek. You placed your free hand over his as you felt yourself smile. Sansa was right! He really did want to court you.
He shifted on his feet and leaned in, the question in his eyes. And the answer was on your lips as you leaned in the remainder of the way to close the gap. It was the first sign of affection Sandor had ever given and he felt no place was more appropriate for a Northern girl than under a weirwood tree. So you would know how serious he was about you.
His large hand moved from your cheek to the back of your head to hold you closer to him and you moved both of your hands around his neck. Sandor pulled away after a few moments and you could feel how warm your face was, despite winter flowing all around. 
“We should get you back inside, Little Wolf. The Queen will have the feast ready soon.”
“You’re right, we shouldn’t keep Her Grace waiting.”
He climbed to his feet and held out a hand to help you up. Then after tucking your hand into the crook of his arm, he lead you out of the God’s Wood and back to Winterfell. You could tell he felt a bit awkward at the formality of courting so you squeezed his arm.
“Sandor, I know you are worried about doing things right for me - for us - with our courting. But perhaps instead of doing what others would expect, we do what truly would work for us?”
“What do you mean?”
“I know you are trying to change yourself, but we both know you are not a romantic man. There will be no vase of Winter Roses awaiting me in my chamber. So instead, let us move forward as us. You will show your affection your own way. And I will do the same.”
You looked up at him and could see the smirk forming. “Aye, that sounds like that path may suit us better.”
Inside the Great Hall, many of the lords and ladies who had traveled for Sansa’s coronation were there and the feast was already set up. All that was missing was you.
Sansa looked up from talking to Arya, a smile growing on her face. “There you are! We were afraid we would have to begin without you two.”
Arya snorted. “Looks like the old shit got some words to share.”
Sandor growled. “No one asked you.”
Sansa smirked. “Are we celebrating two things today?”
Your face grew warm. “Yes, Your Grace. Sandor has asked to court me.”
Arya rolled her eyes. “About damn time. You haven’t kept your eyes off her since we found her in the woods.”
“Shut your mouth, you little shit.”
“Whatever. Let’s get the drinks going.”
“Good idea, Arya.” Sansa turned back to you. “If you wish to announce your courtship tonight, just say the word. Otherwise, the kitchen has made your favorite tonight. Blessed Name Day, ____.”
“Thank you, Your Grace.”
Sansa stepped forward to give you a quick hug before she continued around the room to speak with the other lords. Sandor took this cue to lead you to a table where he poured you a glass of wine. Plates of food were brought over and Sandor took a seat across from you.
“So what will you do?”
A smile graced your face as you picked up your fork. “Tonight, I will just enjoy the food and wine. And perhaps, a few moments alone with you. Tomorrow, we can worry about expressing our news.”
“Moments alone?” He raised an eyebrow. 
“If you feel up for it later.”
“Anything for you, Little Wolf.”
Tagging Crew:
The Wolf & The Hound
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tobealostwanderer · 3 years
Fight Night
Frankie x GN!Reader
Your best friend promises her brother's friend to fight him in the ring. You go to cheer her on, worried for her safety, but leave with forever friends and a crush
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"Are you shure you wanna do this though? You never did matches before.. You can get seriously hurt" the nervousness in your voice was unmistakable but that didn't stop your asshole friend of laughing at you. "Love, I need to teach these men a lesson" she said with a tone of mischief. "And you will get laid. Which will be payment enough for me. Because gosh you are tense. Anyways when will you be here?"
"I'm getting in my car now. I will get there in 15 ish minutes" you answered her. You gave your normal goodbyes before you hang up and threw your phone on the passenger side with a sigh.
Maddie, your best friend, was a boxer and could absolutely kick ass. Her brother, Jack, kept pestering her how she should take her skills to a proper ring and knock some guys out but she always said no. Until a few weeks ago. When she met one of Jack's friends and he dared her to fight him in the ring. And being a hotheaded person, she took up that deal without thinking. And now it's Friday, just after work, and you were on your way to support her with Jack.
The relatively short ride was spend singing along to some Fleetwood Mac songs. Your old car only played CDs and so your dash was full with them. And as you drove up to the ring, belting along with The Chain, you spotted Maddie and Jack's cars and managed to park close by them. Turning down your car, you send a quick prayer to whoever God was listening to keep your friend in one piece, grabbed your phone and went in.
The place was packed. People were screaming, making bets, watching the two persons go at it on the elevated ring. The place smelled like sweat, cheap beer and blood. It made you a bit uneasy, especially being surrounded by mostly men, so you set off to find Jack as quick as possible. Which was hard, with only the spotlights on the ring being a source of light, the rest of the room being dimmed by some wall lamps, faces were hard to see.
In fact, Jack saw you before you saw him. Suddendly he was in front of you, grinning. "C'mon! I saved us a seat next to my friend's friends. They are pretty cool" he yelled over the noise. He grabbed your arm and dragged you to a bench with four men. All were holding a beer and all were reacting differently to the fight.
The first one, a slim, tan guy with black hair was totally invested. He kept yelling and cheering when the guy he was rooting for managed to hit his opponent. He looked slightly drunk, but he wasn't being annoying as of yet.
Next to him was a taller and broader guy. He sat there, seemingly unamused. Probably waiting for his friend to get in the ring. He didn't look too approachable.
The third guy was like the first one but a bit more toned down. He cheered every once in a while but wasn't as hyper like the first guy. He had blonde hair and a mischievous sparkle in his eyes.
And the last one... Didn't look like he belonged at all. He was silent, although not in a threatening way like guy nr. 2. He didn't seem uncomfortable, just seemed like he didn't want to be in such a rowdy and busy place. You couldn't blame him.
"Guys" Jack called, making them all look away from the ring and to the two of you. "This is my sister's friend" he introduced you. "And these are Santiago, Tom, Will and Frankie. They are Benny's friends, but Will is his brother." Jack explained. You nodded and smiled at the bunch.
After a beat of uncomfortable silence between the group and you, you decided to sit down next to the silent one, Frankie, and you smiled kindly at him. "What is someone like you doing in a place like this?" He asked, a bit awkwardly. Is he trying to flirt? You thought. No.. can't be.
"Gotta make shure that my best friend isn't torn to shreds. I have faith in her but you never know" you said with a grin. "If she loses, however, I might need to kick her ass. For doing this. Because sometimes she barerly has any braincells" to that Frankie laughed and his eyes shone a bit more than the dull brown they were when you first quietly observed him.
Conversion with Frankie after that came surprisingly easy. Especially since you weren't much of a talker. It was a great distraction from the two guys that were beating eachother to bloody pulp no more than 5 meters away from you. Frankie was kind and made bad jokes to which you laughed. You learned that he was currently a car mechanic but classifies himself as an "all in one handyman", meaning he could basically do anything according to him.
You in turn told him about working at the local library as their barista for their in-shop coffee nook. It was the easiest and calmest job you ever had, since most people that came to a library were already calm people so you didn't have to deal with a lot of "entitled bitches". Again Frankie laughed, but before he could say anything the new fight was announced and it was Maddie against Benny.
You turned to the ring, seeing your friend standing there tall and proud. A lot of guys wolf whistled at her as she got ready. Opposite of her was Will's brother, Benny, and they truely were look alike. Or it might be their equally blonde hair. He had a big smile on his face, like he couldn't wait to fight her.
After a few minutes of preparation, the bell went and the two went ham on eachother. You had to give it to them both, they were strong and fast. Equally matched. From your right you heard Santiago call "I am betting 20 bucks on our Ben". To which you almost immediately replied "I am betting 40 on Maddie". He looked at you in shock, and as your eyes turned up to Frankie, you saw him looking in shock as well.
Before Frankie could protest though, Santi had jumped forward and shook your hand. Yelling a loud "Deal" before returning to his seat and starting to cheer for the younger Miller.
Frankie held your gaze, at first he looked like he wanted to say something, but then he shook his head and just smiled "Tell you what" he said "If Ben wins, I get you a drink. If he loses, you get me a drink. Deal?" To that you grinned and shook his hand "Deal."
The fight took a while, because the two were well matched, until Benny got a few good hits in and it didn't look well for Maddie. You heard Santiago cheer and chant "Go Benny Go!" With Will. Maddie however came back with more fire than before and managed to hit Benny in a few weak spots and within a minute, he was groaning on the floor and called out.
You and Jack cheered and Maddie locked eyes with the two of you and grinned. She then helped Benny up and clapped him on the back as they both went back to the dressing rooms. "I think you owe me money!" You yelled at Santiago and he grouchy pressed a 20 in your hand. With that in hand you went to the bar to get two beers for you and Frankie.
This was just one night in many to come. You came in with only worry for your best friend, and left with forever best friends and a crush on a certain curly haired, hat wearing man. And you wouldn't have it any other way.
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Another excerpt from Catlition for you, this time featuring part of a battle scene. Warning for peril, scary images and blood (it’s not graphic, my books are rated PG, but have a warning anyway. Mostly I just wanted to use ‘scary images’)
           Finally, night fell, and the fortress grew still.            Ribbony, his siblings, and Kit, waited on the wall, watching the woods for any sign of the wolf army. All around the fortress Rendalawo’s army stood, waiting, a ring protecting those inside.            Then, movement.            There, in the shadows along the edge of the woods, Ribbony could see shapes slinking. They flowed, smooth as a river, across the fields before Rendalawo and formed a long line to the door of the fortress.            It was too dark to properly count them, but Ribbony saw the line stretch from a few tail lengths in front of Rendalawo’s gate all the way back to the edge of the Forest. His heart pounded so hard that it throbbed down into his paws and rose up into his throat as a low growl. He was afraid, and itching for a fight. He hated this. Hated the waiting. He wanted to use his nervous energy for something useful- and killing wolves would certainly be useful.            Then, as one he saw the wolves lift their heads towards the starless sky. They let out one, long howl; an eerie, chilling sound, amplified by the hundreds. Ribbony heard creatures start to mutter and whimper around him.            Anger rose up inside him, drowning out his own fear. The wolves were trying to scare them, demoralize them before the attack even started.            Well, he wasn’t going to let them.            Even as he thought this one of the wolves stepped forward. He was bigger than the others, and even blacker than the night around him.            “Rendalawo,” called the wolf, his voice cutting through the silence like a knife. “I am Cogg, the Wolfking, and I have come to make you mine. Surrender now and I will spare your creatures from a bloody end.”            “We will never surrender to you,” Koja’s voice rang out loud and clear. “The wolves will never be the masters of Rendalawo, or the Forest. Go back to your mountains where you belong.”            Koja’s words seemed to give the creatures around him courage. A muffled cheer rang out that Ribbony and his Catlition quickly took up. Soon the whole fortress seemed to be roaring its defiance of the Wolfking’s demand.            The cheer faded, and in its place came a coarse, mocking laughter. The Wolfking had thrown back his head, howling in amusement. His army followed suit, and Ribbony suppressed a shudder at the terrible sound.            “Your arrogance will be your undoing,” said Cogg. “If this is your choice then you will all die, slaughtered in defense of your foolish hopes.”            “Our arrogance,” hissed Dora. “He’s one to talk.”            Ribbony muttered his agreement but didn’t take his eyes off the Wolfking. Cogg turned and walked back into the sea of his army, until Ribbony couldn’t see him in the dark anymore.            The wolves began to howl and chant, the cacophony of noise reawakening Ribbony’s anger. Suddenly, torches sprang to life in the army below them, and Rendalawo could see its foes. There were hundreds of them, stretching out like a blight in all directions. In their midst Ribbony saw war machines rumbling along. Worried whispers and whimpers increased around him and Ribbony could take it no longer.            “Catlition song on three,” he said. He looked at the others and they nodded, eyes wide. “One, two…”
           “OH WE ARE THE BRAVE!
           WE STAND TRUE
           FOR ALL THAT IS GOOD!
           WE FEAR NONE
            When the song ended they sang it again, and this time the creatures around them joined in. By the fourth time the song was being shouted from all the walls of Rendalawo. Their song drowned out the wolves’ howls and chants, and Ribbony even saw a few of the ones nearby looking confused.            ‘Did they think we would just give up?’ he wondered.            And then-            Fire flew over Ribbony’s head. He ducked, yowling on instinct. Whipping around he saw a fireball land on the midst of the defenders on the lawn. There were shouts, and within moments the fire was out.            Before they had time to congratulate themselves half a dozen more of the flaming balls were launched over the walls. The fire-fighters rushed to put them out and-            “Ribbony!”            Ribbony was shoved to the side as a grappling hook landed where he had been standing a second before. Dora stood half on top of him, fur fluffed up and eyes wide.            “Pay attention you idiot!” she said, and he heard the panic in her voice.            “Sorry!” Ribbony scrambled to his paws and looked over the wall. Several wolves scrambled up the rope attached to the grappling hook. Ribbony glanced at Dora and grinned, then pulled the hook off the wall and tossed it over. He was rewarded with the sound of furious howling from below.            He turned and looked along the wall, seeing several more hooks lodged at the base of the crenelations. Explorer and Creamy were dislodging them almost as soon as they appeared. Kit had vanished, but when Ribbony risked another look down at the lawn he saw his friend’s white fur dashing around with the fire brigades.            Ribbony turned back just in time to see the first wolf come over the wall. It was massive- bigger than Bee had been- and black, like their leader, but with gray paws. It oozed over the wall like a shadow and stood, fur fluffed up, yellow eyes glowing like a creature from a nightmare.              Ribbony drew his sword. The wolf turned its glimmering gaze on him and grinned, teeth glinting in the torchlight. It drew no sword, but simply charged him head on, jaws aiming for his throat.            Ribbony stepped out of the way at the last second, swinging his sword at the wolf’s throat. Its last howl turned into a gurgle, and it collapsed to the ground, blood pooling beneath it.            Ribbony didn’t waste time thinking about what he had done. He had grown beyond that in the past year, out of necessity. Some creatures were simply cruel, and some had embraced the darkness slowly and unwillingly, but all those he had killed had chosen their paths, and they would have killed him and those he loved if he did not kill them. The only remorse he had for his actions was that he wished there was no need for them at all; that no creatures ever fell into darkness.            Wolves lay dead by Explorer and Creamy as well. Not far from him, Dora stood, breathing hard and staring at a dead wolf with one of her knives buried in its chest. More inky black shadows slipped over the walls and attacked, and as Ribbony swung his sword at another wolf he knew they were in for a long night of fighting.
@ash-grimmy @masterfuldoodler @waterglider0
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
The wolverine and the diaper boys (X-men evo story)
Jamie Madox whimpered softly as he limped and groaned, trying to will his bladder and bowels to hang on as the young mutant made his way to the closest bathroom. "Oh man..stay in daddy..stay in daddy.." the poor boy whined, his sponge bob PJ's were already stained from other nighttime accidents and the professor had made it clear one more and it was back to bed time diapers for the youngest member of the mansion. Since he was already teased as was for his choice in jammies, and for sleeping with a teddy bear Jamie didn't even wanna think about the humiliation he'd endure if he had to wear the thick bulky diapers that Mr.Logan had show him when relaying the professors threat. If Jamie had been smart, he would of never gotten into a burger eating contest with Kurt before bed, but the German boy had been claiming HE was the biggest eater in the mansion and well, it was a matter of pride! or something stupid like that. all Jamie knew was he was paying the price for it now as his guts churned and gurgled loudly and he felt the pressure building on his back door as he hobbled along. 'Cheeks together cheeks together don't.push! Cheeks together cheeks together don't.push!' he mentally chanted. amazingly the little guy did make it to the bathroom door, and reached to turn the handle.. only to find it locked. "Nooo.no no no no no.." Jamie whined and knocked on the door. "H-hey! gonna be much longer in there?" he called out. from the other side of the door came the voice of Bobby Drake. "Ngggh sorry, i'ma be awhile, milkshakes are NOT my friend!" he called out. Mentally Jamie went over the floor plan for the mansion and tried figure out how close he was to the next bathroom, and how long he could keep his Barney the dinosaur print underoo's clean..and the math wasn't looking good. 'Times like this I reallly wish I had Kurt's powers.' Jamie thought as he slowly started to hobble, determined to at least make a honest effort to go boom boom in the potty, even as a spurt of pee dampened his underoo's. 'I think I can I think i can I think I can!' became the new mental chant even as wet and loud poots escaped from Jamie's bottom with every step and he wasn't even close to the next bathroom, feeling his cheek burning even as he started to take shallow breaths with his mouth from the stink he was trailing behind him. 'I'm not gonna make it..' he realized finally and moved over to a wall to brace himself. there was no point in tormenting himself trying to hold it when it wasn't going to happen and he'd just have to try and deal with the fallout out after as he shut his eyes and started to relax. 'Sorry Barney!' He thought mournfully. Relaxing his sphincter and giving a slight push, everything went out of Jamie's control as his cute little rosebud was forced open, a massive log of shit sliding out and pushing out the seat of the underoo's. even as the thick waste coiled in the back and started to puff out his butt the front of his undies and jammies darkened and a torrent of piss spurted out, spraying the wall even as it ran down his legs too, a puddle forming on the hard wood floor as Jamie let out a groan then a moan of relief as he push out out a second thick log to join the first. Just like any other time poor Jamie took a epic level dump like this his wiener was sticking out strait, making a massive tent in his undies and jammies as a side effect of his unusually large prostate, which went hand and hand with his larger then most adults sized wiener. spreading his legs to allow the stinking mass of dookie that was staining poor Barney's face Jamie let out a second, lower moan as the mass reached his hairless balls. "O-Oh gawd..I'm gonna..gonna.." he was panting now, eyes closed and the thick smell of his mess assaulting his brain. feeling his balls starting to tighten up any and all common sense left the poor mutant and with a dopey grin on his face he started to sing. "B-Barney is a dinosaur from o-our imagination.. A-and when he's tall he's w-what we call-" "Jamie what are you doing?!" Came the gruff voice of Mr.Logan. Jamie's eyes shot open even as the song died, trying to think of what to say, or to at least stop himself from the THIRD mess he was about to add to his poor abused undies but instead of anything that might of explained himself, he slipped as he turned to talk to Mr.Logan and fell hard on his stinky butt, squishing the mess and gasped girlishly and cried out as he came hard with Mr.Logan watching before blacking out.
Logan had been on his way to check in on bobby, after seeing him flirting with some of the girls drinking milkshakes despite knowing what they did to him. it was only by chance that he'd taken the route he had to go and check on the iceman when he'd been assaulted by the stench and sounds of Jamie's accident. Honestly the whole thing would of been cute if not for Logan's enhanced sense of smell AND knowing that he was gonna have to A) tell chuck about this and just somehow knew that B) it was gonna end up his job to diaper the boy. (To be fair Storm had made Logan a deal, he was responsible for the diaper need of any of the students and she attended to changing the professor as need, and was willing to swap. given the choice of maybe having to diaper a teenager or wiping chuck's poopie crack, Logan hadn't hesitated to take the deal.) Banging on the bathroom door while holding Jamie, Bobby went to yell at him to go away before being cut off by Logan's growl and quickly the bathroom door was unlocked and Logan came in. 'great, because as if putting up with Jamie's smell wasn't bad enough.' the Canadian thought with a grimace. There was the iceman, plain black PJ bottoms around his ankles and trying to cover up his tiny boyhood as Logan tried to breath as little as possible carrying the zoned out Jamie to the tub. "Ugh, he stinks!" Bobby whined, holding a hand to his nose and Logan just glared at him. "Glass houses bub." "ehehehe.." getting Jamie's top and pants off, and just tossing them in the trash Logan held the poor poor in the air, hands under his armpit's and used the mirror to inspect the damage. It was a pleasant surprise that the undies had held up as they were bulging with the boy's soft swerve, though there was brown smudges all over his thighs and Barney's once smiling face was almost lost, covered by brown stains. "Holy heck.. how much did he eat?" Bobby asked, jaw dropping. he would of said more but right at that moment a cramp hit him and with a grunt and a series of wet noisy fart he was filling the bowl with his own waste. '...If i make it though this night, there is nothing anyone can ever do to me that will top this.' Logan thought dryly before turning on the shower head and getting the dazed Jamie to stand in the tub for him. Thankfully the shower had one of those detachable head and Logan brought it down and after getting the water nice and warm got Jamie's hands cleaned first. this being far from the first time he had cleaned the boy he knew Jamie would be going into thumb sucking mode any second and Logan couldn't be sure if the boy had touched his stinky butt or not and didn't want him to get sick. right on cue as Logan went to start spraying down the boys behind, Jamie's left thumb found it's way in his mouth and he nursed on it babyishly with his eyes closed and drooling a little as Bobby watched blushing.
Bobby's Bm had finally finished and he was taking his time wiping himself, as he watched Logan go to work cleaning Jamie and then finally tugging the undies down. talking softly to him when Jamie gave a babyish whine. For whatever the reason Bobby found himself getting jealous of the attention the little pants pooper was getting and wondering if he'd enjoy the same clear that Jamie was getting right now. he was also fairly jealous of the size of Jamie's now soft manhood, which easily surpassed Bobby's baby dick (a full 3 and half inches when rock hard) he was shaken out of his daze when Logan cleared his throat, and Bobby realized that the older man had been trying to talk to him. "For the third time, if your finish can you go to Jamie's room and get me the diapers out from under his bed? it's that or you can stay in here with him while I go and get them." Logan said, a annoyed edge to his voice. "O-Oh right! S-sorry!" Bobby squeaked and stood up, flushing the toilet and tugging his PJ's up then dashing out of the bathroom double time. 'diapers? Jamie has diapers?' Bobby thought as he walked fast to Jamie's room. it was smaller then the other rooms which made since since he was the only one in it unlike everyone else who had a roommate, and as he came in Bobby couldn't help but notice that the room was decorated more like a five year olds then a 12 year olds. Barney and paw patrol posters on the walls and there was a unmistakable stale urine smell in the room even after Jamie had mostly stopped his bed wetting. Checking under the bed there was the pack of thick overnight diapers just like Logan had said and Bobby could help but notice that with the flexible sides that the side of the pack boasted, he might even fit into the nursery print diapers himself. 'Maybe i should steal one, just to see. i doubt anyone would notice.' Bobby thought as he looked down at the package, and bit his lip. 'what am I even thinking? why would I wanna try on one of these things!? come on Bobby, get your shit together!' he scolded himself. still the idea was just too tempting to pass up and since his room WAS on the way to the bathroom, Bobby did a little stop off, thankful that his roomie was at a sleep over , and tossed one of the crinkly diapers into his room before heading double time to the bathroom.
Jamie was blushing big time as he was more or less with it as Mr. Logan dried him off with a fluffy towel. his thumb was soaked in drool and he couldn't even bring himself to make eye contract with the teacher. "Sowwy." he lisped around his thumb. "Ngggh...accidents happen kid. But you know whats gonna happen now don't you?" Logan asked. "...I hafa wear diapies." Jamie lisped again. 'I swear to god, he just too damn cute like this.' Logan said, and allowed himself to smile. "That's right kiddo. but only at night. Unless you start having day time accidents." "i won't mister wogan! pwomise!" Jamie whimpered around his thumb and shook his head fiercely at the thought of his thick puffy diapers on under his jeans at school. he'd never live it down! "Good. I'll be diapering you half a hour before bed and you're not to remove the diaper yourself, I'll check you in the morning unless I'm away on a trip, then storm or Scott will." Jamie wrinkled his nose at the thought of Scott checking his diaper and frowned. "Not Scott! he's a jerk!" Jamie huffed, his thumb finally coming out of his mouth. Logan snorted a little and smirked. "Yeah, I think so too." He chuckled. "but for the most part I'll be handling it." there was a knock at the door and then there was bobby, holding the thick pack of diapers and blushing. "H-Here you go Mr.Logan." Bobby said, shifting a little. Logan raised a eyebrow as he took the package, noting the smell coming off of Bobby, it was one he was semi used to since he was living in a mansion full of teenagers, a slight shameful arousal and as Logan looked at the pack, he could of sworn there was one missing. 'Heh..No way. what am I thinking? Bobby wouldn't be a little diaper thief.' Logan thought, then out loud said "Thank you Bobby. you can go back to your room, I'll mention to the professor what a help you've been tonight." "O-Oh don't mention it!" Bobby squeaked, rubbing the back of his head and waving a hand. "U-Uh Bobby?" Jamie squeaked out, Looking at the older boy, unashamed of his naked state (well save for the towel) but still blushing."Y-Your not gonna.tell anyone about my..you know.." the boy whined, nodding at the pack even as Logan tugged one of the childish diapers out. "Heh, No worries squirt, my lips are sealed." Bobby assured him, then gave a little wave and took off. getting Jamie to lay down on the floor, Logan got to work getting the puffy diaper taped snug around the little guys waist, after of course sprinkling him with baby powder that had the little guy giggling like crazy when it made Logan's sensitive nose twitch and caused him to sneeze. With Jamie in his puffy diaper, Logan picked him up, setting him on his hip with a arm under the boys puffy butt even as Jamie coo'ed and nuzzled into the older man. which as much as Logan hated to say it, made him smile. 'Almost makes having to smell his shitty undies worth it. almost.' he thought. quickly getting to Jamie's room, it was clear the little guy was super tired (though who wouldn't of been after a bowel movement like that?) and Logan didn't bother getting Jamie in more pj's he just laid the sleepy boy on his bed, rubber sheets crinkling and tugged up the boys blanket. "G'night mister Logan." Jamie mumbled, eyes closed and his thumb heading for his mouth. "Night little guy. see you in the morning."
In his room Bobby was blushing all over as he he stripped down, and was looking at himself in the mirror. He was holding the unfolded diaper up and pressed it to his front, and could feel his cheeks burning. 'Oh man..If Ray was here I'd never hear the end of this.' Bobby thought, thinking of his roommate. The smart thing to do would be to bury the diaper in his trash can, and put the idea of wearing it out of his head. Of course it would of been even smarter not to have stolen in the first place. 'well..I suppose it couldn't hurt to try it on..' the teen thought and gulped. shaking a little despite himself he tugged the diaper up and got it tapped on, and looked at himself. it was a little lopsided since he wasn't exactly used to diapering anyone, let alone himself, and it was a bit snugger then he would of liked but his eyes light up as his looked at himself. 'I look so friggen cute!' Bobby mentally gushed, and grinned like a fool. he couldn't resist patting his butt, feeling the slick plastic and rubbing the front, then popped his thumb into his mouth, thinking about how babyish he looked. Just thinking about being a big baby butt was making his heart beat fast and he closed his eyes, and rubbed the front of his diapers even as his thumb slide in and out of his mouth, drool going down his chin. He was about to make a mess in the front of his diapers when suddenly he heard a deep 'ahem', and opened his eyes. looking into the mirror and seeing that standing behind him, arms crossed and NOT looking impressed was Mr. Logan. "I came by to say thank you for being a help and to make sure you knew not to blab about Jamie, But I think we need to have a bigger talk." Logan said. "..would you believe a evil psychic Mutant ma-" Bobby started but Logan cut him off. "save it." Logan said and pointed to the bed for Bobby to take a seat. "..Yeah I didn't think so." Bobby whined, and waddled over, squirming and leaking into the diaper. 'he could of let me finish...'
"So do you want a chance to explain why you stole one of Jamie's diapers and were getting off in it, or should I just skip to the part where I give you your punishment?" Logan asked. "P-Punishment?" Bobby squeaked, and whined. "Y-Your not gonna tell anyone about this are you Mr. Logan?!" The brown haired boy looked terrified and brought his hands together. "Please! I'll be a laughing stock if this gets out!" he whined. "I SHOULD let the professor know, but Chuck will wanna make it a whole thing. I will let you off with a warning this time, and one minor little punishment. Now for the record, I'm not punishing you because you're getting your jollies off in huggies. to each their own, as long as your not hurting yourself. you're being punished for stealing. if you wanna wear diapers, ask Jamie for one, or get your own." Logan started. "O-Ok.' Bobby whimpered, nodding fast and blushing. "However since you wanna be a little diaper boy SO much." and Logan paused and smirked, he could hear the pounding of Bobbies heart. "You can wear that diaper for the rest of the night, and to school in the morning. I don't expect you to use it, but I WILL be checking you when you get home and I MIGHT pop by the school at noon hour." Logan finished. "W-What? I can't wear this to school! what if someone-" Bobby whined and started to fuss. "Figure it out, or we can go and have a talk with chuck." "..You are a fair but evil evil man." Bobby whined and grabbed a pillow, hugging it to his chest. "Yeah yeah, I know. anyways, that's your punishment, Now I'll be going, and feel free to finish what you were doing when I came in, though in my experience, diaper boys find their huggies a lot less appealing after they've creamed them. food for thought." Logan said and ruffled Bobbies hair, then got up and left. "and if you need a diaper change, come knock on my door crinklekins. I've got a spare pack of Jamie's." he added, then left. "Oh god! I'm sooo freaking doomed!" Bobby whined as the door closed, flopping onto his back and putting the pillow to his face. thinking about waddling to school, and what would happened if he was busted,the worst images popped into the teens head, though the more he thought about the other students pointing at him, teasing him.. or making him suck on a pacifier in just his diapers and a baby bonnet.. well he rolled onto his tummy and started to hump the bed. 'mmmfffh..everyone making me be a dumb..big..baby..and making me poop my diapers..' Bobby thought and it wasn't long till the iceman made a mess in his diapers, barley having the mind after a body wracking orgasm to cover himself up before conking out.
Jamie yawned as he woke up to his Micky mouse alarm clock going off, and for a second was thrilled to realize that he hadn't wet the bed for a change, only to look down and see the diaper around his hips and not that the designs were gone off the front. as he recalled the night before he blushed and sighed, then slid out of bed and went over to the dresser, tugging out a pair of loose fitting PJ bottoms that would hide the bulk, getting ready to go and see Mr.Logan. or that was the plan but as Jamie waddled to the door,doing a semi cowboy walk, it opened and in came Mr. Logan. "heh, going somewhere cowpoke?" he asked with a smirk. "I.i was coming t-" Jamie started, blushing but grinning as Logan came in and shut the door behind him. "I know little guy. but FYI, from now on just wait on me in here, your diaper is sticking out a little more then I think you noticed." Logan said, and then patted the boys butt making him yelp but grin even more. "Alright, you kept your diaper on like a good boy. you can get changed." Logan said, then started to head out the door. "Oh..you..don't wanna help?" Jamie asked, sounding a little disappointed. "heh, I got someone else who needs checking up on. see ya later squirt." Logan chuckled and let himself out. Jamie tilted his head, wondering if that meant what he thought it did, and he wasn't the only bed wetter at the school.
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nachohypno · 4 years
Nate and Dave Ch. 13
Didn’t take long for us to leave the shopping street. We did take a few pictures together, mostly for storing. Dave is pretty photogenic and looks great in all of them (He even wanted to take his tank top off for a few! But I assumed that would attract unwanted stares. Silly old Dave...)
We left our bags at the back seat and drove off towards Dave’s house. Something I always liked about living in a town: Everything is close, and yet, a car never seems a bad idea. Maybe my ass is just lazy, but I enjoy relaxing next to Dave as my werewolf boyfriend just drives us safely towards our destination.
“I forgot to ask… Are your parents home?” I like Mr. and Ms. Walker! I really do! But there’s so many things you can do when a couple of werewolves with heightened senses are in the house with you. I have a feeling that they can hear every single sound in the house.
And that’s not really fun. I don’t think it’s intentional though, but it’s pretty hard to have a heart-to-heart moment when you think everyone is listening to you.
“Nuh-uh.” Dave mumbled, as he parked outside his garage. “Pop’s working during the evening, comes back by the time we’d be out of school, so we have quite a few hours before our private time is over. Mom’s out with some of her friends I guess, she doesn’t like spending much time ‘locked away’.”
“So, you really want to have a pool day? We’re a month or so away from Winter, big guy.” Not intending to sound like a party pooper. The day was nice and you can survive without a jacket, but I don’t think I’ll be going into the pool. Catching a cold isn’t something I look forward to.
“I’m always up for some swimmin’, but get what ya mean, bruh.” He turned off the engine and looked at me. “You can relax by the pool, and if things get really cold we can just go to my room and warm ya up!”
We entered the house. I couldn’t hear a single sound inside, which was a comforting thing.
“Lose the clothes! Lose the clothes! Lose the clothes!” Dave started chanting, as he stripped in front of me as fast as he could, soon standing naked in the middle of the living room.
I always liked how easily he loses his clothes at every chance he gets. Maybe he likes having his built body at full display for others to admire? I mean, who wouldn’t admire him?
The meaty pecs are not too big, but not exactly small either. His 6-pack abs are perfectly aligned and seem ready to take a few punches, breaking your hand in the process.
His cock was hard, of course. His cock was always hard when he’s naked, like an automatic thing. 
He seems like a 15 years old with those levels of horniness, and yet he makes such a great job holding himself back instead of suggesting to have sex everyday. I don’t know if he jerks off though, maybe he’s just happy to see me.
“I… prefer to stay clothed?” Such a party pooper, I know, but I’d rather not worry my mom with getting sick because I want to seem cool for my boyfriend. I’ll get naked in the bedroom, but the pool seems out of the question right now.
Dave frowned. “Still worrying about gettin’ cold? Wait here and strip, I’ll get ya a solution, bruh.” He raced upstairs, our bags in hand. I loved how the locket dangled in between his pecs, such a cool detail.
I did as told though, not because he told me to but because I was curious. And a little part of me didn’t want to be lame. That train is gone now, though, right?
I waited for my puppy boy, as I started feeling the cold getting to me. It wasn’t bad, but not exactly the most pleasant thing in the world. I stayed in my boxers, because I wasn’t looking forward to the air invading my ass.
A minute later or so, the jock dashed down the stairs with his varsity jacket on one arm, and a pair of towels on the other. He was already wearing his speedo, but it failed to hide anything due to his hard on.
“Uhm… Could you go soft like… down there?” I asked, trying to sound as nice as possible. Perks of having a werewolf soulmate, apparently everything you say sounds always as nice as possible, Dave is just happy to comply with everything that I may want or need.
Including controlling his body functions, like how his dick just got soft all of a sudden and the speedo looked a bit less revealing. Still, it fitted him quite well.
“Not gonna swim, right?” Dave asked, giving me a finger gun. I shook my head, before laying a towel on the ground and just laying down. “A’ight, watch these moves then, bruh!”
He jumped in the pool with a cannonball, making a big splash, before giving me a thumbs up and smiling. I clapped a lot, to show him some enthusiasm before he sank back down and started doing laps. I rolled my eyes, and started scrolling through my phone.
Dave pulled himself out of the pool after finishing another set of laps, and started drying himself off like a dog: Shaking it off.
I covered myself with his jacket, and I heard him chuckle. “Water’s so nice today, bruh. You should give it a try!”
“Are you really not cold? It’s okay if you are… We can do something else instead.” I knew he wasn’t but I was worried about him.
“Chill out, my body’s as warm as a lighted chimney.” He finished drying himself off with a towel and sat beside me on the stone floor. “Us werewolves can take some really cold temperatures, especially while wearing our fur, babe.”
Huh, that awakened my curiosity!
“So… everyone in your family is a werewolf?” I asked, reaching out for my phone. I had to write this down or otherwise I would forget about it! I had made a special text file for my research on Dave’s… wolfiness.
As soon as I get some juicy new information, I write it down to satisfy my inner nerd. Never thought I would be so invested in investigating a supernatural creature, but yet again, I never thought I’d have a werewolf as my soulmate!
“Uh… not quite?. Like, I think there’s a fifty percent chance if one of the two is a normal person, but we don’t really care about that. It’s not like it’s a super important thing to have a werewolf son.” He tried to explain, putting on his sunglasses again and sitting beside me. “It is pretty important for my pops but between you and me, he’s just kinda racist.”
My fingers tapped the screen as I heard everything Dave had to say. I mean, not the part about his dad, but the werewolves’ children having a fifty percent chance to inherit lycanthropy.
“But,” He resumed his explanation. “Most of my family is a werewolf, maybe there’s just one or two not werewolves out there? There are a lot of Walkers, that’s for sure. Not sayin’ we mate like bunnies but… I do have a lot o’ cousins.”
“Any siblings?” I asked, but he shook his head in denial.
“Nope. I’m an only son, bruh. I always thought it was because I’m an alpha, and dad says I got the jackpot with that rank. Heheh.” A smug look on his face, he flexed his arms while pointing to himself with his head high. The guy was trying to seem narcissistic or he was really proud of himself.
He looked cute anyway. The speedo was holding his now-soft cock perfectly, and you could see his shape through it. Muscles in all the right places… the guy looked like a really little hulk. Just… human-like, and not green.
I took my eyes off him for a few seconds to finish writing this line at my notepad. ‘Werewolves seem to mate and reproduce themselves quite frequently, but it varies on a subject vasis.’
“Hey nerd, drop the phone.” Dave said, in a commanding tone. I definitely wasn’t expecting it, but I looked at him again and he seemed a bit annoyed. Maybe because I wasn’t giving him much attention? He wasn’t flexing anymore, then he started walking closer.
I tapped my way to the ‘Save’ button before leaving my phone next to me. “Uh… sure thing? What’s with the attitude?”
The puppy boy didn’t stop to answer, but instead got next to me and grabbed my hips in a swift move. Supernatural speed or reflexes, whatever you want to call it, I loved it. “Just enjoy it, babe…” He mumbled, before leaning in for a kiss. I closed my eyes as I kissed him back, and could feel my body being lifted from the nice towel on the grass.
His warm skin against my naked chest, only protected by his varsity jacket. A few seconds afterward, the varsity jacket was off. The locket necklace was cold, but I didn’t mind. I just enjoyed the moment, just like he said.
Dave was walking, but the kiss distracted me. My mistake was closing my eyes, because I didn’t see his prank coming. 
“One… two…” He started to swing me towards the pool. I opened my eyes as soon as he started counting, but I only managed to say a surprised “Dave-!” before he interrupted me.
“Three!” SPLASH. I fell in the water. The cold water, but my body was quickly getting used to it. I stayed underwater for a few more seconds to fully embrace the cold temperature, I knew that I would shiver a bit less if I did that.
I had my eyes closed once again, because I never got used to my eyes touching water, but I did feel the water movement as Dave jumped right after me.
I swam back to the surface. I’m not a good swimmer, but this area of the pool wasn’t that deep so I could touch the bottom with my feet and keep myself up with small jumps.
“Hey, hey. I got’cha now…” Dave mumbled, catching me in his arms and keeping me from jumping. I hugged him as tightly as I could. His body was still warm, so it felt really good. Like some kind of underwater stove.
“T-Thanks, big guy…” I managed to say. I would have loved to avoid seeming a weakling, but even with Dave’s hot body, I still felt myself getting colder the longer I was in the pool.
Pulling me closer, he leaned in for a good make out session which I really appreciated. I wrapped my legs around his waist and we stayed like that for a good while.
...Until the coldness was too much for me, that is. There’s a little line between ‘being a party-pooper’ and ‘my body can’t hold this temperature anymore’. The wind wasn’t making it any easier, making me feel colder at every part that stood out of the water.
“D-D-Dave… Let’s head... back in, okay?” I managed to say, holding him close. The jock nodded, and swam over to the edge of the pool, making sure to keep me as close as possible.
Once we were out, I reached out for the towel I was laying on a while before. Dave was shaking the water off him like a puppy boy would do, so he was okay in that part. Then, I noticed him getting zoned out again as the fur on his body started to grow. 
‘Oh, geez, I love this part!’ I thought, noticing a tail appearing behind him and his muscles growing with the yellow-ish/brown fur on his skin.
His human head morphed into a humanoid wolf one, two little fangs sticking out of his dog snout with a little black spot appearing where his nose was. His hands grew paw pads and claws, before finishing the transformation with a howl after going out of his self-induced trance.
I kept drying myself with the towel, hoping to get warmer with that, but then the puppy boy tackled me. I managed to grab my phone from the ground as he said “Don’t ya worry, my love. Gonna take good care of you…” before picking me up and dashing inside. He was already warm before, but his fur was really comfortable and helping out with the cold.
A few minutes later, the big guy entered his room with me on his arms. I felt like those couples on tv, being carried by my big and strong boyfriend towards his bed. Dave gently left me on top of it and then laid down next to me. A tight hug afterwards, I could feel the coldness fading away as a very comfortable warm invaded my body.
Dave’s POV
Nate fell asleep in my arms. His shivering stopped, and he was warm again. 
I sighed, such a dumb move I’ve made. But hey, gettin’ to werewolf form to warm him up was pretty smart, right?
Reluctantly, I pulled away from him and tried to get up from my bed. Any other day I would love to do this, he’s my soulmate! Weeks after noticing him, I still couldn’t believe it. I’m supposed to make him happy and safe, fuck.
I grabbed the bedsheets and made sure Nate was well-covered in them. ‘Only the best for my boyfriend’ I thought. I shivered the bit at the thought of having a ‘boyfriend’, but that’s what he is. A guy. THE guy, the one I love the most in the world.
Magic can be quite funny, huh. How a soulmate can turn my whole world upside down. I would be beatin’ the heck outta this guy if he ever implied that we’re meant to each other. And now I fell in love with a guy. Karma’s a bitch, some say.
The sight of Nate being so comfortable in his sleep, not shivering anymore, just happily dozed off, it pushed all the buttons for me. He had to be happy, I had to make sure of that. I want to be a good soulmate for the guy I love.
Looked down at my hands, I noticed I was still in werewolf form. Mom hates when we go werewolf while we’re at the house, because the fur gets all over the floor sometimes. She’s not home though, so I can do whatever I want.
Nate’s phone was firmly held by his owner. He had all that investigation thing in there, so I guess that’s why. I knew he wanted to know more about me and my lycanthropy, and I was honored to help him! He wanted to try and understand me more? He’s the best!
I rubbed my hairy wolf head, what to do now? Should I wait for him to wake up?
I mean, I’d love to spend time just cuddling with him, but I kinda feel guilty for pulling him into the pool like that. Gonna start listening to him if I want to stop fucking up.
Nate’s really nice to me, and never tells me I fuck up, but there’s always that little possibility I actually fuck up our dates quite often and he just never tells me, and I love him too much to hurt him in any way.
That’s also why I’ve been trying to control my strength, too! Our first days together, I almost crushed the guy down with my weight, but after some practice I managed to keep myself at bay to make sure he’s comfortable with me around!
I clenched my fist and threw a punch to the air. A little unfamiliar ‘cling cling’ sounded as I did so, the locket. Watching it filled me with joy and a warm feeling. It’s like I carry a little reminder that I’m Nate’s soulmate. 
A puppy boy, always ready to please my owner in any way possible.
My own words, the ones I wrote on the little note inside the locket, resonated through my mind. “My heart, body and mind belongs to my lovely soulmate Nate Hall.” Followed by my signature. It was cheesy, and maybe a try hard-ish thing for my taste, but it was the truth. Nate was my owner and I was his puppy boy.
I held the metal thing tightly in my hand, before letting it go and turning around, heading out of my room. Empty house, still plenty of time to have fun.
I had to walk in tiptoes, because my heavy footsteps may wake up my boyfriend. I could just change back into human form, but I felt stronger and faster while in werewolf form. Any excuse I have to use it will be great.
Out on the corridor, I looked for the attic trapdoor’s handle on the ceiling. The attic is a pretty dirty and dark place, we just use it as storage. So, I assumed mom and pops would store their family treasures or memories. Boxes filled with old books, photo albums, letters and other trash. 
Somewhere in those boxes had to be my old copy of the ‘Being a werewolf: How to keep the secret safe and live among the human society.’ book. (Sounds lame, but I ain’t making that up!).
So, time for a good search. I can’t search it by smell, because I would only smell dust and humidity.
My claws made it a bit more harder to search through the boxes without breaking stuff, but I managed to search through quite a few of them pretty quickly. No luck so far.
A box next to a small window had a little ‘Old stuff from Dave’ tag on it. Mom liked to organize stuff, I don’t know why I didn't look for this one to begin with.
I opened the top of the box and began searching through full notebooks filled with gibberish writing from when I didn’t know how to read or write. I was quite the slow learner, according to a few old teachers. Then, there it was.
A brown book, with a wolf doing a thumbs up to me, with silver letters that read ‘Being a werewolf: How to keep the secret safe and live among the human society.’ And a little seal of quality on the bottom of it that said ‘Approved by the supernatural council’. This would make a perfect gift for my nerdy boyfriend.
I decided to look a bit more around that box and other ones, just in case I found more stuff for him, but I’ve been up in the attic for quite some time, apparently.
“Uh… Dave?” A dazed Nate asked, still in my room. I could hear him perfectly, great part of the heightened hearing.
“Comin’ up!” I answered, trying to sound loud enough for him to hear me. Searching for treasures would have to wait, my soulmate needed me.
I left the attic and closed the trapdoor, before running into my room. Another rule, my mom doesn’t like us running in the house because we could break the furniture, but pops always gives me a free pass on that one.
“Need anythin’? I’m so sorry for pushing you in down there, bro…” I tried to apologize, but Nate didn’t seem mad at all. Nor disappointed, he just seemed… comfortable. “If you want me to do something to make it up for you, just say it and I’ll do it. Anything. Oh, wait, got you this book for your investigation...”
I sometimes think I can exaggerate when around Nate, but there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for him. And that’s not poetry, I mean it quite literally.
There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for him.
I gave him the book and Nate examined it carefully. “Being a werewolf… Is there actually a whole guidebook about being a werewolf?” He asked, before leaving it on my night table. I nodded, wondering if he liked it or not.
“Thanks so much! And about before, don’t worry about it.” Nate said, breaking the few seconds of silence. “I mean, I’m not dead so… it was just a fun prank!” Huh, I thought he would actually be mad at me after that. “Hey, c’mere.”
I did as told, while he reached out for my wolf head. I started giving light kicks to the floor as he scratched the back of my ear. There’s no way I can describe the pleasure this gives me. It’s just… the best thing in the world, next to him.
“‘sides, you also brought me up here and warmed me up. I can’t be mad at you for being such a good puppy boy! Who’s a good puppy boy? Huh? Who’s a good puppy boy?”
An urge to answer overwhelmed me. “I am!” I said. “I am a good puppy boy! Woof!”
“Yes, you are! You’re the best puppy boy ever, aren’t you?” He continued, now scratching my neck. My kicks came out a bit stronger now, as the pleasure went up. My cock was already rock hard, this was amazing!
“Yeah! I am your puppy boy, bruh! Woof, woof!” My urge to bark wasn’t a new thing, either. It was like my animal instinct and my human mind were at a bit of a struggle right now. I didn’t care though, Nate’s happiness was the thing that mattered the most to me right now.
“Come up on the bed, we’re gonna have some puppy fun, right puppy boy?”
I nodded excitedly, before climbing my bed. I loved how small Nate looked when on my bed. Probably because I’m way bigger than him, and the bed was actually made to fit my werewolf form on it.
“Also… could you just… zone out for a bit? You know, like we’ve practiced, puppy boy.”
No time to think, though. Had to obey.
If Nate was the center of my world before, then he just became the center of my universe as my mind emptied from every thought that didn’t involve obeying him.
Nate was my soulmate, my owner, the most important person in my life without a doubt. And I was just a simple puppy boy jock.
“My heart, body and mind belongs to my lovely soulmate Nate Hall.” Those words resonated again in my mind, this time stronger, as Nate pulled his wet underwear off. “Take off your speedo, puppy boy.” He ordered.
I was smiling, and my tongue was lolling out. I obeyed his order without a single doubt in my mind. Pure bliss by just obeying my soulmate was a great thing. Nate moved me like a ragdoll, having one of my hands wrapped around his cock and the other around mine. “Now, start jerking us off.”
It was an honor for me. My owner wanted me to jerk him off! I couldn’t disappoint him!
I did my best, trying to control my strength well enough so he could enjoy it without pain. I replicated my own moves on my cock, pleasuring myself as well. Nate was just laying there, eyes closed and arms behind his back. He moaned from time to time.
While we already went through the ‘fucking’ stage, I never knew if Nate enjoyed it as much as I did. We never did it again, so it’s hard to know.
But hey, any moment with my soulmate is an amazing one! 
I kept stroking him for quite a while, not minding anything but focusing on bringing him pleasure. My own pleasure was another thing, but he included it in his order so I had to pleasure myself too!
Then, he pushed my hand off and grabbed me by the locket. “That’s enough for now, let’s just cuddle together, all right?”
My answer was a bit of panting, as I did as he suggested and wrapped him in my arms. I hoped my fur warmed him a lot more, after the shitty move I pulled before.
“I love you, puppy boy. You’re the best and only puppy boy in the world for me...” A little yawn as he laid on my pecs.
I smiled, feeling myself blush a bit but it would have been not distinguishable at all due to the fur in my face. This was one of the few times that I had to fight against the influence of being ‘zoned out’, not for a bad reason, but because I wanted to answer him.
“I… love you… too, my love…” I managed to say, quite happy but still a bit unemotional. Eh, did my best there, and Nate seemed happier, since he hugged me tighter.
“Let’s just nap for a while… Okay?” I don’t know if that was an order, but I almost immediately dozed off.
Chapter 14 is already available in my Patreon!  And by pledging you also get access to other stories before they go public!
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Tricks & Treats 4/5
Chapter Four: Electromagnet
The throbbing grew worse over the next few hours as the Autobots repeatedly questioned Starscream and his Trine about the gold. Optimus Prime and his lackeys seemed convinced that Megatron wanted the gold for some undisclosed, but surely dire purpose. Oddly, and despite Skywarp’s obvious gluttony, none of them seemed to guess that the purpose might be culinary. Starscream refused to say anything. He hoped Skywarp and Thundercracker had the sense to do likewise, but he had no way of knowing since the Autobots had been smart enough to question them separately, in shielded detention cells that prevented them from using their comms to confer with one another or call for help. He had to hand it to the Autobots; they were learning.
Eventually his cell door opened and his two Trinemates stumbled in, shoved by a pair of Dinobots. Starscream lunged for the door, but it slammed shut. The two colossal lizards, who seemed to take their role as guards with utmost seriousness, eyed him with a smug air before they sauntered off down the passageway, tails swinging in time with their heavy, ponderous strides. Starscream glared after them.
“Why are they putting us together?” he demanded.
“I dunno, why wouldn’t they?” Thundercracker stumbled as Skywarp lurched against him, groaning. “Come on Screamer, gimme a hand, will ya?”
“It doesn’t make sense,” Starscream muttered, seizing Skywarp’s other arm. He nearly let go again when a feverish heat imprinted itself on his palms. "He’s burning up!”
“Yup,” Thundercracker agreed. “Got the gold-sweats.”
“Frag it to the Pit, Skywarp! How much of that slag did you eat?”
“Trick-or-treat, trick-or-treat,” Skywarp chanted, “trick-or-treat we say! If you don’t have treats for us, we’ll never go awaaaa—ay!”
“C’mon, Warp,” Thundercracker urged. “Just a few more steps.” They shuffled forward, but Skywarp tripped, his foot striking sparks from the edge of one of the floor-tiles. He lost his balance and plowed face-first into the wall where he remained for several moments before sliding to his knees.
“Hmmm, coooool,” Skywarp purred, rubbing his cheek against the metal bulkhead. “Niiiice.”
“I suppose that answers my question,” Starscream muttered, running a finger beneath the edge of Skywarp’s bowed helm. His digit came away with a thin golden sheen. Starscream sighed. “Actually, I guess it answers all my questions. They couldn’t get anything useful out of Skywarp in his current state, so they’re hoping that by putting the three of us together, we’ll talk about something more informative.”
“Well, they’ll be waiting a while,” Thundercracker said as he sank down beside Skywarp, looping an arm around him and pulling him away from the wall. Skywarp curled into his side, shivering and moaning softly.
“Belly hurts,” Skywarp complained.
“I’ll bet,” Starscream said unsympathetically. “Serves you right.”
“An’ they took my treats away,” Skywarp continued, his tone mournful. “Even what I had in my subspace.”
“They searched your subspace?” Starscream wasn’t surprised. The Autobots had searched his subspace too, but Starscream kept anything useful or potentially interesting in a secret partition within his subspace, one which only the most experienced hacker could have hoped to access. He knew they’d find it eventually, but he was hoping to be out of here before it came to that. Not that things were looking especially hopeful right now.
“Too bad they couldn’t take what’s in your belly,” Thundercracker murmured. Skywarp burrowed into him with an anguished groan, and Thundercracker drew him closer, raising a hand to stroke one of his intakes. “Dumb-aft.”
Starscream snorted. “He’ll be lucky if he gets out of this with nothing worse than a case of the sweats.”
Thundercracker grunted in agreement.
Starscream prowled to the door and peered out through the bars, scowling at the empty corridor. There were several detention cells in the Autobot brig, but all the others stood empty. As one might expect, Starscream supposed. The blast-doors at the end of the hall were sealed with a heavy locking mechanism which Starscream could have made quick work of, if only he’d had his null-ray. Sadly, he did not. The Autobots had confiscated his rifles, along with all their other weapons, and they had not neglected to remove his null-ray’s master power-relay. Without it, the weapon was useless.
Of course, getting past that door would only land them face-to-snout with several huge, highly zealous robo-lizards. Starscream didn’t like their odds against the Dinobots even at the best of times, and he and his Trinemates were hardly at their best today. He sagged against the wall, careful not to touch the bars, and glared. Mostly at Skywarp, but occasionally also at the door at the end of the passage.
Perhaps he dozed. He’d been known to fall into a stupor that resembled sleep when he was trying to work out a problem. In the far distant past, there’d been someone to rouse him from that state. Someone with large, warm hands, who would take him by the shoulders and gently guide him to the nearest chair. Or, better yet, would effortlessly carry him to a berth that smelled of rain-clouds and spent passion and—
A loud, metallic ‘thunk’ jolted Starscream from his reverie. He peered down the length of the corridor to where the blast-doors had cycled open, and had to re-set his optics several times. He’d been half in a dream, a dream which had taken his thoughts down familiar and dangerous pathways, and now the embodiment of that dream was walking toward him, large as life. So large, in fact, that he’d had to angle his massive wings so that their tips would not scrape against the ceiling. His large, presumably warm hands were holding a tray upon which rested three small energon cubes. The one in the middle glowed a slightly purple shade, while the other two were blue.
The towering figure paused before their cell and crouched, just slightly, to insert the tray into a receptacle in the wall beside the door. There was a soft hum, as if the contents of the tray were being scanned. Starscream suspected that was exactly what was happening. Finally, a small door slid open on his side of the wall, and he was able to remove the energon cubes before the tray retracted again.
“I see they’ve got you on rations duty,” Starscream remarked acidly. “An excellent use of your intellect. You certainly picked the right side, Skyfire.”
“I asked for this duty,” Skyfire countered with a smile. “The purple cube is for Skywarp. It contains a medication which should ease his discomfort.”
“Or kill him,” Starscream shot back. “How do I know these aren’t poisoned?”
“You don’t. You’ll just have to trust that our side of the war doesn’t operate that way.”
“And what would you know about how your side operates? You’ve only been in the war for—what, two Earth years?”
“About that,” Skyfire replied with an affable shrug. His gaze was warm; dangerously so, and that soft, clean rain-smell was wafting through the bars. Starscream caught himself leaning forward, flooding his senses with it. “You should be careful,” Skyfire added, pitching his voice to an intimate rumble intended for Starscream’s audials alone. “These bars are magnetized, you see. Electro-magnetized.”
He turned and strode away, humming. Starscream stared after him until he disappeared through the doors, then shook himself. The bars, while energized with a field that would shock anyone foolish enough to touch them, were not electro-magnetized. If they had been, he—and his Trinemates, and the Dinobots—would be stuck to them. Which meant that it was code for something. Something Starscream would find hidden in plain sight, just like the electromagnet he’d once stashed aboard an oil platform so that Skyfire could escape the Decepticons.
Starscream swept his gaze over the stark, featureless walls of their prison, then settled, finally, on a floor-tile. A floor-tile which sat ever so slightly askew within its housing. A floor-tile Skywarp had tripped over.
“Thundercracker!” Starscream lobbed the purple energon cube at his Trinemate, who caught it deftly. “Make him drink that.”
“I don’t care if you have to force it down his throat; just do it.”
“Yeah, but what if it’s poison?”
“It’s not!”
“How do you know?”
“I just—” Starscream broke off as the lights went out. All of them. An alarm wailed in the distance as water began pouring from the ceiling. There was a shout from the far end of the corridor, followed by an animalistic bellow which could only have come from one of the Dinobots. Starscream dove at the loose floor tile, scrabbling with his fingers until it came loose. When he pried it up, his hand closed around a familiar object. The master power-relay for his null-ray. Within seconds, he’d snapped it into his cockpit canopy where it belonged, and applied a hefty dose of null-ray to the mechanism that was holding their cage shut.
The bars hissed open. He seized Skywarp's arm, hauling him up with his full strength. Thundercracker was helping from the other side, and even Skywarp seemed somewhat cooperative. Whether that meant he’d drunk the energon concoction or his survival instincts were simply kicking in was a matter for debate, but Starscream didn’t have time to worry about that. He kicked the floor-tile back into place as he and his Trinemates dashed into the corridor—and straight into the path of a charging brontosaurus.
“Me Sludge stop Decepticons!” she roared, bearing down on them at terrifying speed. “Stomp Decepticons flat!”
“Oh frag,” Starscream muttered, priming his null-ray. This was about to become the briefest escape ever attempted. His weapon might slow the Dinobot, but there was no chance of stopping her. She was literally going to stomp them flat. But then Skywarp was suddenly in front of him, holding something in one hand. Something that glowed bright orange. It inflated and became… a pumpkin. An energon pumpkin. Skywarp, ever the craftsmech where it came to pranks, had even taken the time to give it a silly-looking face with grinning jaws and glowing yellow eyes. It was among the more ridiculous things Starscream had ever seen, but Sludge froze, staring at the object as Skywarp bounced it on his palm—once, then twice, and then lobbed it at her. The gourd exploded, covering her face with sticky orange resin. She roared, shaking her head to dislodge the stuff, and Thundercracker grabbed Starscream’s wrist.
“C’mon,” he said.
They dodged past Sludge and rushed for the doors.
Author’s Note:  A friend of mine heacanons all the Dinobots (with the exception of Grimlock) as female, and for some reason that idea worked its way into my brain. My Sludge has taken it on wholeheartedly, and seems much happier with female pronouns. Who am I to argue with a giant, stampeding robo-lizard? 
This was written for @darkstarofchaos​ for the @transform-or-treat​ Halloween gift exchange. There are five chapters of it in all, and I will be posting a chapter a day until Halloween! Many, many thanks to @justawayninja or being my awesome beta. Your suggestions helped me get the story to the next level.
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trashfor-imagines · 4 years
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My Senpai | 2
Ushijima x Reader
Summary: You’re Goshiki Tsutomu’s older doting sister, second year at Shiratorizawa and captain of the girl’s track & field team. At your brother’s first practice you sneak in to support him and end up meeting the impressive force that is his captain. Warnings: There’s a curse word or two.
[1] | [2] | [3] | [4] | [5]
If you were honest with yourself, you weren’t really sure why you let it happen, but you did, and now you had to deal with it. Shiratorizawa was hosting the first track meet of the season, inviting five other schools to compete, and you were excited for it. Goshiki had mentioned to Tendo that your first meet was happening and apparently the whole volleyball team was coming to watch you.
The stands were pretty full, mostly Shiratorizawa students and members of all the different track and field clubs who weren’t competing today, but there for support. There were loud cheers when the Shiratorizawa girls and boys competing today stepped onto the field together. Not everyone was participating today for various reasons. It was mostly third years, half the second years, and a few select first years debuting this meet.
You stood with the boy’s team captain and waved at your fellow student body. A series of loud squeals erupted and chants of “Go-shi-ki sen-pai win!” sounded from the stands, making you laugh. You had your own small fan club and they were easy to spot, waving hand made signs with your name and phrases like “Fly Senpai” and “Dream Captain” written on them. A blush rose to your cheeks as you spotted your brother and the boys from the volleyball team sitting with your fan club. Tendo and your brother had even taken one of their signs and started waving it around together with large grins on their faces. It made you happy to see your sibling enjoying himself.
Turning to the boy’s captain, you held out your hand to him and shook his, wishing him and the boys good luck. Separating, you led the girls in doing stretches before wrapping up with a speech about how they should only think about doing their best and if they just gave it 100% of themselves, then there wouldn’t be any regrets at the end of the day. The whistle blew, signaling the start of events.
Your first event was the 100 meter dash. Heading over to the start, you did some last minute leg stretches before bouncing up and down to loosen up your limbs. Some of the girls from the opposing schools openly stared at you and you smiled at them, despite their judgmental gazes.
You wore maroon, high waisted bun huggers and the classic white school jersey with maroon accenting, the symbol for captain on your chest above your heart and the nation’s flag was sewn on your jersey as well, showing you were a part of the national team. Your long hair was neatly tied into a singular Dutch braid with a maroon ribbon.
“I saw in a magazine that she runs for the national team dressed like that too. How indecent!” a few girls whispered down the line from you.
Turning your head, you grinned and they gasped, realizing you heard them. “In fact I do. If I could compete nude, I would. Clothes just slow you down,” you spoke matter of factly. “Too bad our society operates on outdated patriarchal principles intended to suppress women, right?” Giving them a friendly wink, you set yourself up and waited for the signal.
Ready. Set. Go.
You were off in a heart beat and suddenly it was over as you crossed the finish line first. 12.45 seconds. Breathing deeply, you walked it off. You could go faster, but that was plenty to beat them this run. There were only four schools at this meet so according the schedule you had one more go at improving that time. You shook hands with the runners and headed onto the field where one of your team managers handed you a cool towel and water bottle, escorting you across the field to the other side of the track for the 110 meter hurdles. 
13.07 seconds. You came in first, but again that was another time you wanted to improve your next go around. You spent the next 30 minutes relaxing and waiting on your turn for your final 100 meter dash, cheering on your teammates and congratulating them on their wins, encouraging them on their losses. It used to feel heavy to you, helping your teammates shoulder their losses, but now it was almost second hand to you.
Your 100 meter dash came and went quickly. You clocked a healthy 11.58 seconds, but you still weren’t satisfied. Your goal for all of your events was the world record and then to crush it. Walking around a bit, you wrapped a jacket around your waist and made your way over to your fan club to distract yourself, personally thanking the small troupe for coming out to support you as always. You chatted with them a bit before moving on to your brother and his teammates.
“Sister, you’re doing great! I’ve never seen you run so fast before,” Tsutomu exclaimed.
“(Y/N) I’m going to join your fan club!” Tendo shouted as he stood proudly holding up the sign he had. Semi grabbed him and pulled him back down to sit, clearly annoyed.
“We’ve never been to a track meet before so your brother and the fan club have been explaining things to us,” Ohira spoke, offering a smile. The other boys gave their compliments and you chatted with them all, sure to give each of them attention. Ushijima was the last to speak to you.
“Are you competing in any other events?” he asked.
“I have to run hurdles one more time then I have two events left.”
“Is it normal to compete in so many categories?”
You laughed lightly and shook your head. “Not really. Most will just focus on one event. I normally run two or three for high school level meets. For the national team I focus on two, but this is a small meet with a low number of competitors so I’m lucky and get to do what I want today.”
“Excuse me. Captain, it’s your turn to vault,” came one of the third year managers.
“Thanks, I’ll be right there.” Turning to Ushijima, you smiled at him. “I’ve got to fly now.”
“Goshiki, what does your sister mean by fly?” you could hear the volleyball captain ask before you were out of earshot.
You tied the tail of your braid up into a knot at the back of your head and secured it before dusting up your hands and testing out your grip on your pole. The schools agreed on 10 feet to be the starting height. Your standard run at pole vault allowed you to clear 12.5 feet easy so this would be child’s play for a little while. Taking a deep breath, you held up your pole and bent your knees slightly before taking off with full commitment. With a thrust and leap of faith you waited for that moment before letting go of your pole, arching yourself gracefully over the bar. A smile spread across your lips as you felt yourself airborne, suspended in air. It was a peaceful moment just before your body impacted on the safety mat.
The rest of the day seemed to speed up. You had a few more runs at pole vault before you had to run your final 110 meter hurdles. Your time barely improved. There was a small break for lunch and then it was back to pole vaulting and then you had the 4 x 100 meter relay. You were the anchor and the rest of your team consisted of the next three fastest runners - two third years and one first year. Meeting with your team briefly, you offered some encouraging words before heading to your respective places, though by the looks of things, the first year still seemed to be in her head about it. Thank goodness she was running the third leg, you could make up for her if needed.
With a bang the race started. You counted the seconds in your head. If they ran at their optimal speeds, you wouldn’t have to look back, but you knew that today wasn’t a perfect day. Glancing back you felt your heart drop as the first year runner stumbled and fell.
“Kitagawa, it’s okay, just get up!” you called out, reaching out to her.
The first year pushed herself up and your brows furrowed as the other teams passed her. As soon as you felt the baton grace your fingers, you took off, gripping tightly as you made up for the mistake. Your face flushed as you stopped breathing for a moment, pushing through the last few steps.
Second place.
Breathing heavily, you let your head fall back as you walked it off, hands on your hips. You could feel your blood pump through your veins and your stomach felt tight. Feeling physically better, you shook hands with the competition before you headed over to your coach, who seemed pissed.
Second place.
“C-Captain, I’m so sorry,” cried Kitigawa, covering her face in horror. “I let us down.”
At seeing everyone’s dejected faces, you smiled faintly, resting one hand on the first year’s head and with the other, pulling her forward in a hug. You let her cry it out.
“Kitagawa, you should remember this feeling. Don’t ever forget it. Always remember how terrible it feels as a reminder to keep working hard so you never have to feel this way again. We did well enough to have one more chance today. That’s one more opportunity for you to prove to us you deserve to be a part of this relay team,” you spoke, your voice gentle yet firm. You spent a few more minutes thanking the third years for running so hard and doing their best, asking them to help their first year teammate overcome her nerves.
You finished up pole vault, just in time to run the final 4 x 100. The last competitor you had to beat made a mistake and knocked over the pole at 18 feet which you cleared, but just barely. You’d forgotten to make sure your braid was secured into a bun and it fell loose, making the pole wobble dangerously. It was a huge sigh of relief when it didn’t fall.
“Kitagawa, are you still nervous about messing up?” you asked her. When she didn’t reply, you set a hand on her shoulder and smiled brightly. “You already did the worst thing possible and we still qualified for the last run today. So no more pressure okay? Just run. You’ll be fine.” With those final words you went to your anchor position and waited.
And go.
Closing your eyes for a moment, you took several deep breaths before looking back. A smile stretched across your face as the pass was made to Kitagawa and she ran as hard as she could, no mistakes this time. As soon as your fingers could feel the metal, you took off, taking and maintaining the lead until the finish. Your relay team quickly ran over, lifting you up briefly in excitement, causing a joyful laugh to escape you. When they set you back down, you handed Kitagawa the relay baton and tapped the tip of your nose gently and sent her a wink, before going off to shake hands with all the runners.
It was 3:30PM and everything was on track for awards to be handed out at 4:30, so you cheered for your school from the stands, standing with the volleyball club and doing your best to get them fully involved. Ushijima was a bit of a hard one to get into the spirit. You made him hold a sign while you stood behind him and waved his arms above his head. Your fellow peers looked at you as though you’d grown another head, but you didn’t care. He was letting you do what you wanted.
Awards weren’t anything too fancy. First, second, and third place winners were called for each event, handed their respective ribbons, and then the winners would bow and thank everyone for coming. As captain, you shook the hands of all the other captains, socializing for a bit before it was finally over and you could shower and get some rest.
Right after you bathed, you collapsed on your bed, exhausted. Your spirit wanted you to go back out there and run, but your body was in charge right now and it was screaming rest.
A groan escaped you as your phone pinged several times. Glancing at the screen, you sighed, smiling. Your brother said the volleyball club wanted to treat you to dinner. You texted back, letting him know you didn’t want to go out, but if the boys brought back take out, you wouldn’t mind hanging out in someone’s dorm. Mere seconds later you got a thumbs up emoji, time, and dorm number.
You dressed in a pair of black knit bicycle shorts, white cropped top, and a cute pair of pink socks with peaches embroidered on the ankles. Slipping on your canvas shoes, you snuck into the boy’s dorm and knocked on the correct door. A boy from your year named Kawanishi opened the door, his expression neutral as expected, he stepped aside and let you in, briefly wishing you congratulations for winning.
“Thank you, Kawanishi.” You smiled brightly and gave a polite bow to him. Slipping your shoes off, you set them out of the way before walking into the dorm room.
Yunohama, another second year you recognized waved you over to where he and your brother sat on a bed. “Hey, (Y/N). Welcome to me and Kawanishi’s dorm. Make yourself at home. You can sit on our beds or wherever you like.”
Tsutomu smiled at you. “We’re going to the club room in a few minutes. They’re setting up right now.”
“Tsu, you made your older sister walk all the way over here? The club building’s in the opposite direction,” you pouted at him.
He sighed. “I’ll carry you, old woman.”
True to his word, your brother gave you a piggyback ride the entire way there, his upperclassmen teasing him the entire way. You only hugged onto your brother more tightly, relaxed. Opening the door to the club room, your eyes lit up and you clasped your hands together. The guys were gathered around a table that had so many different ingredients and there was a large stack of nori and three very large bowls of rice.
“Temaki party!” you cheered, getting off your brother’s back and stepping inside, making sure to leave your shoes out of the way. Your eyes were basically hearts as you looked at it closer.
“Goshiki told us this was your favorite,” Yamagata spoke.
“You’re the best, little brother,” you stated, wearing a truly happy expression he’d seen for the first time in a long time.
“We’re all hungry, just start eating,” he lightly scolded, embarrassed as he shoved a plate in your hands.
You hummed delightfully as you made a plate, everyone else following suit. Sitting down, Ushijima sat on one side while your brother sat on the other. Soon everyone joined and chatted casually while eating. Watching Tsutomu interact with everyone made you happy. You were absolutely proud of him for growing up so well. A hum from beside you stole your attention and you peeked to see Ushijima clumsily rolling his temaki. He stared with slight irritation as his rice and roe fell out the other end, having rolled it like a tube instead of a cone shape.
Leaning over to him, you whispered quietly, “Ushijima, can I make you a temaki please? I want you to try this combination of flavors and see what you think.”
He stared at you quietly for a moment before nodding. Okay, so you lied a little. You weren’t trying to get him to try something new. You knew he was obviously the prideful type and he was struggling so you created an opportunity to show him how to roll the nori. Slowly, you constructed the temaki, aware of how he was watching your hands closely to see how you rolled it together.
Handing him the roll, you smiled. “What do you think?”
“Good,” he replied after taking a bite.
Satisfied, you went back to eating and chatting. You glanced over at Ushijima to see the state of his rolls had greatly improved and he seemed to be enjoying himself a bit more. You smiled and immersed yourself into the conversation, sparking up a game of pin pon pan where Semi was the champ for three straight rounds, much to Tendo’s displeasure.
“Does anyone know how to give a massage?” you asked randomly, biting into your last temaki. The boys looked around at each other before shrugging or shaking their heads.
“Yamagata knows how,” your brother spoke absentmindedly. “He helped me the other day when I hurt my arm.”
“H-Hey, don’t go telling people,” Yamagata huffed. “And that wasn’t a massage, dummy. I only helped you stretch your arm out.”
“Oh, sorry.”
You smiled a bit awkwardly and got to your feet. “Well, I think I should head to bed. I’m feeling stiff and sore. I was so focused on showering after today, I forgot to stretch out and now it hurts all over. Thank you so much for everything today. I’ve had the best day ever. I’ll never forget it. Good night, everyone.”
They bid you good night and everyone slowly got up to clean. You were putting on your shoes when Ushijima approached you. “I’ll walk you to your dorm.”
You weren’t going to say no that gesture. The walk was comfortably silent, and very welcomed after a loud and active day. It wasn’t until you reached the building door that he spoke.
“I know how to massage.”
Your brows raised in surprise, slowly relaxing as you thought it over. You didn’t have a roommate and as long as no one saw him, then there wasn’t a problem. Plus, even though you’d just begun to spend more time around him, you observed him enough to know he wasn’t the type to say something he didn’t mean.
Motioning for him to follow, you made it to your dorm without crossing paths with anyone else. Your room was fairly simple, decorated with a few cute knick knacks like snow globes and little plants, photographs, and books. You had a couple of posters on the wall of a boy band and the upcoming Olympics as well as a world map, but that was it. It was clean, cute, and simple.
“Thanks so much, Ushijima, I’m really feeling it all over,” you sighed, a small whine to your voice. “Make yourself at home, okay?” You kicked off your shoes and walked over to your bed as you tied your hair up, plopping face down onto the mattress. You turned your head to the side, watching as he walked over and sat at the edge of your bed. Smiling, you turned your head the opposite way to look at the wall.
Your heart began to race as he swept your hair out of the way. His large hands began to make work at your neck and shoulders. Sweet sighs of content escaped you as he worked, easing your pain. A breathy moan escaped you as his powerful hands reached a particularly sore area below your shoulder blades. A blush rose to your cheeks when you heard yourself. Oh boy. You managed to reel it back and almost fell asleep as he finished up your back and sides.
This quiet time with him gave you a clear moment to think about the gentle giant in your bedroom. It’d been a little over a month since you first spoke to him and started spending more time in his presence. It was normal for you to have lunch with the volleyball team, an unspoken rule that your spot was beside him. He said it was to make sure you actually ate something. You noticed him more around campus and he would actively acknowledge you with a nod. He even invited you to have dinner a few times, sometimes with the team, other times just the two of you. You even went with him on runs through town a few times. As you analyzed these moments with him, you wondered if there was more to it. Only one way to find out.
“Hey senpai...do you like me?” you asked, voice softer than you meant it. But it was silent in your room and you knew he could still hear your question. You felt your eyes begin to water and suddenly felt foolish for opening your mouth. This was definitely one way to ruin something.
“I do,” he replied simply and easily. It was a bit too easily in your opinion.
“Senpai... I mean... Do you like me as more than just friends?” Biting your lip to stop it from trembling, you gripped your comforter tightly.
“I like you, (Y/N).”
You didn’t move, you felt frozen in place. Say something, you idiot. Stop staring at the wall and just say something (Y/N), please.
“I’ll let you rest.”
There was some shuffling and the lights were turned off, then the sound of your door opening and closing.
The next day at lunch, you sat outside, climbing up to sit on a tree branch. You were reading another book for Japanese class, Kokoro by Natsume Soseki. Engrossed with the content in your hands, you barely noticed your phone go off. Fumbling with the device, you sighed at seeing 6 messages from your brother wondering if you were joining them for lunch and escalating to the point of asking if you’d been kidnapped. Another ping and your eyes widened as you hastily sent him a reply, telling him he didn’t need to report you missing to the school. You snapped a selfie of yourself in the tree, smiling and holding up a peace sign, and sent it to him, adding that you were just eating outside. His response was an angry emoji making you laugh.
Closing your eyes, you sighed and enjoyed the breeze and shade of the tree. It almost made you forget you were at school. You watched as a bird landed at the end of the branch you sat on. Staying silent, you wondered what kinds of things it’d seen in its life.
“Ushijima,” a female voice called out, making the bird take flight.
You pouted and looked around, noticing between the leaves and branches a girl running up to the said man. Your face lit up. He was silent as he turned to faced her.
“I saw you at the track meet yesterday cheering for Goshiki’s sister,” she started. How curious to bring you up. “I wanted to know if you’d come to my tennis match to cheer me on.”
“Will Goshiki’s sister be there?” You placed a hand over your mouth and your eyebrows raised at his question. Shifting, you reached for another branch and leaned forward, trying to listen better. As the wind pass through, it it was harder to hear over the rustle of leaves.
“No. Why would she be there?”
“I won’t be attending.”
“Oh... Sorry for bothering you.”
You grimaced as you felt yourself slip - your book and hardly eaten sandwich falling onto the ground below you - and now you were awkwardly clinging to one branch with your legs and had your hands pressed against another branch  that was too thick for you get a firm hold of, desperately trying not to fall. A loud gasp and squeal escaped you, eyes shutting tight, as your arms gave out from supporting the odd angle your body was in and you hung upside down, desperately trying to hold your skirt in place. This was definitely not the day to be wearing sheer panties.
“(Y/N). What are you doing?”
Oh hell.
You smiled and let out an uncomfortable laugh. “I slipped.”
“I see.”
Opening your eyes, you gasped at how close your faces were. If he were to just stand on his tip toes you were sure that- You bit your lip, not even entertaining finishing that thought.
“Do you... think you could help me down? I think I’m going to fall,” you confessed.
He nodded and walked around to stand behind you, reaching up to hold your waist. Tilting your head back, you let your skirt drop as you reached back for his shoulders, holding tightly as your legs let go. You felt your heart skip as he held you up seemingly without effort, and your mind was conflicted in whether you wanted him to put you down or not. He carefully set you down, but his hands lingered at your sides, as did your own on his shoulders.
As you stared into his dark olive eyes, you felt yourself break and there was no way to stop the flood of words that escaped you. “Ushijima, I have feelings for you. I want to have meals with you, and train with you. I want to talk to you all the time, in person, on the phone... I want to know what’s on your mind, no matter what it is. To touch you freely and be touched by you. And I want to support you at your games, and it’s selfish, but I want you to support me at mine and only mine. I want you to smile because of me. I want to know you.”
“I also want you to smile because of me,” his voice was quiet, but with conviction. “I accept your feelings.” He pulled you forward, wrapping his arms around you tightly. You buried your face into his chest and held onto his uniform jacket, relieved.
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gravityfissure · 4 years
Blaze Up : Deirdre & Otto
TIMING: Current. PARTIES: Otto & @deathduty​ SUMMARY: The chaos crew reunites and makes some fae nonsense plans. TW: Mushroom manipulation
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Deirdre always wanted to get married; who wouldn’t? A grand ceremony, declarations of love and devotion, there was nothing half-hearted about the affair. She’d read tales of the old fae, who dared to profess their feelings in these ways, bound forever to their love. She glanced over at Otto, dressed dashingly alongside her white gown. Oh, but this wasn’t that kind of a wedding. This was the more realistic sort; the drag-a-human-to-a-fairy-ring sort. And she couldn’t help but to giggle as she led him along. “I’m so glad you came, Otto,” she cooed at him, practically purring into his ear. She was beyond delighted, something inhumanly bubbly. “You’re really going to enjoy it, I know you will. And thanks for dressing up.” Not that he’d stay in those clothes for long, all the fun was in being naked anyway.
Otto had no idea what Deirdre had in store for them with these mushroom rings. In fact, he didn’t really know what compelled him to say yes to even come along with her in the first place. Though considering their last meeting had involved spawns trying to rip him limb from limb the idea of a mushroom circle hardly seemed all that bad, mushrooms could be fun. He’d gotten high on enough of them to know that much to be true. Maybe they’d get around to that naked dancing this time. But as requested, he’d dressed in a trim grey waistcoat and blazer with an accented purple tie and pocket square to offset the colour scheme and keep it tasteful. “How could I say no when you asked so nicely? And you did ask real nice, so I’d never say no.”
"That's why you're the best, Otto." Deirdre grinned, leading him around trees until they reached a clearing. The fae—mostly gnomes, pixies and leprechauns—clapped as Otto appeared in sight. Everyone was naked. Two pixies flew up and dropped a crown of flowers and dirt on Otto's head. "They're happy to see you." She smiled. The ring was right there, staring at both of them. But Deirdre didn't want this to be some rough marriage, of Otto dragged into the center and made to dance. She liked Otto, perhaps not romantically, but just enough to want to be kind to him, even like this. "Okay, Otto," she skipped to the center of the ring, leaving him. "When you're ready for the ceremony, step in front of me, right here." The rest of the fae were careful to keep out of the ring for now. This was Deirdre's marriage, even they knew that.
“You’re so sweet,” Otto laughed as they walked, really having no idea what any of this meant or really what it would mean. Admittedly, he didn’t really care either way. If it was a good time and there was some fun to be had then that was more than enough for Otto to agree. Brushing a bit of stray dirt off his face he fixed the flower crown so it sat a little straighter on his head. “Me? Ha, they don’t even know me.” Man this was weird, granted not the weirdest situation he’d walked into. New York had provided plenty of interesting environments but nakedly dancing fae and mushroom parties? There were a few gnomes - also naked sat on different levels of a nearby tree, some playing little leaf woven drums while others playing a little ditty on wooden carved flutes. It was all rather… merry. Still, he looked back to Deirdre as she skipped into the circle. Was he meant to say something? Fae custom was admittedly lost on him, but it didn’t seem all that bad really. What could go wrong? Still, with a final look around at those gathered assembly he stepped over the boundary of the circle to stand opposite Deirdre feeling a weird pulse of energy as he did so. Weird. “Do I need to say something?” he whispered but trusting Deirdre enough to follow her lead in whatever was going on.
The marriage was complete. Deirdre felt the mushroom magic reverberating around her bones. It rattled and kicked, dancing its own jig inside of her. Three leprechauns grumbled up as Deirdre took Otto’s hands in hers. She beamed at him. The leprechauns jumped up, stacking on top of each other until they were about humanoid height. They clicked and whistled through a speech, which Deirdre didn’t understand, but thought was touching. When they finished, the fae clapped and cheered again. “We’re married,” Deirdre confessed to Otto, breaking into a large grin. “You're going to be a devout husband and serve the mushrooms with me, am I clear, you pathetic human?” Otto didn’t know the mushrooms, and if she were a touch sober, she might have felt bad. But this was the way of the fae; lure them in, make them yours. “Now…” She smiled as the rest of the fae piled in the ring, dancing and creating a mishmash of music that sounded good to Deirdre, who could hear the mushroom tune in her head. “Dance for me, Otto.”
The wash of magic was weird, and nothing like the sorts of magic he’d ever experienced in the past. It almost felt as if some invisible force was wrapping its way around his wrists, around his ankles and yet as fast as that feeling settled it vanished. Distracted by the leprechauns he didn’t initially notice the change in Deirdre’s demeanor up until the declaration. Married? He looked back to Deirdre suddenly, confusion writing itself all over his features and a sinking feeling settling in his gut. “Hold up, married? As in death do us part?” Granted… Now that he looked at Deirdre’s dress and his own suit… And the flowers, he could see the potential misinterpretation and he started to laugh, nervously, “good joke Deir… real funny.” But pathetic human? “Now hold up I’m not even hum-” not fully. He didn’t view himself as just human. Yet despite any protest he wanted to make he found himself compelled to agree. "Crystal." But then Deirdre spoke a further command and some foreign power seemed to overwrite any kind of hesitation or will to question. All he wanted was to dance. And dance he did. After all, she had asked and he only wanted to please her. “Well… it’s no fun if you don’t dance with me now is it?” he said after a jump and a turn holding his hands out as he continued to move to the mishmash of music that seemed to be growing louder and louder.
"Hmm, more like fairy ring do us part." Deirdre giggled, playing with the ends of her dress, swirling about. "We're not actually married, you silly-billy. I'm in love with Morgan, and I don't want to marry anyone but her—but she doesn't like the rings and so I have to take what I can get here, you see." She giggled again, skipping around Otto. He had such a stabbable body. She could sink a knife in there or there or—she tapped his shoulder. Even there. "But we're ring-married. As in you obey me and I think about sparing your life." She hopped back around to face him, laughing as he danced for her. She jumped and clapped, doing away with her white dress as quick as she could to sway with naked purity to the beat. "You're a good dancer, Otto. But I have big plans for you. Tell me—" she didn't command him to stop dancing, he needed to continue until she was bored of it. "—what you think is a good time. Your powers are interesting. I think we can use them in interesting ways and—!" She paused to giggle again. "Let me tell you about the mushrooms. You see, they take over the mind! No more pesky thoughts for me. Only mushrooms. And at the end of it all, you'll join the mushrooms." She kicked at the ground. "As in I'm going to bury you here, but first...we have our fun."
Perhaps Otto should’ve been more alarmed than he was, dancing about under a fae’s control. Maybe he should’ve even been angry, and perhaps later that would be the case. Having his freedom violated so plainly and vicariously. And yet he couldn’t help but feel partly entertained by everything that was happening, it was all very mad hatter esque sans the tea party. And hats. Why weren’t there hats? But Deirdre was talking and he heard what she was saying. Not married? At least that was one relief to come out of this whole thing. “Is this always how this is gonna go when you invite me somewhere? Dress me up all spiffy, then try to murder me? Tell me you don’t do this for everyone Deir. I was starting to feel special...” Maybe he was special, she had invited him to get ring married, after all. He hopped and skipped and even threw in a cartwheel for good measure bouncing back to his feet with glib joy. “A good time? Oh easy, well first you just gotta break into some rich folk’s home and take all their magic stuff they think they have a right to which they don’t. Then sell it for a profit and get piss drunk on the rewards.” There was no hesitation in answering, he wanted to tell Deirdre didn’t he? Anything to make her happy. Anything at all. “That’s funny… ‘cause I don’t even like mushrooms but they’re always on pizza. Who thought to put mushrooms on pizza? It’s like pineapple but worse.”
“I do murder a lot of people….” Deirdre tapped her chin, pausing her dancing to take a jaunty trip down murder-memory lane. But she wouldn’t murder Otto, not just yet. Or, really, she hadn’t decided what she was going to do with him. And then his sprouted his ideas (after cartwheeling into a pixie, which Deirdre laughed at as the pixie flew into a tree in their confusion). Yes. Theft was good. The mushrooms liked theft. They could bring everything back here and dance around it. “You’re so smart, Otto!” She giggled, dashing up to him to join in his dancing, planting a kiss on his cheek the soonest she could reach it. “I like that! Let’s steal from people. Let’s steal a buncha stuff from ‘em! Oh! Oh!” She jumped, joyous and jaunty. “You can take whatever you want. And sell anything you want. I don’t care. But I want the toasters. Ooh, that’ll show those pesky humans! Who's gonna toast their bread now? NO ONE!” The fae cheered around her, as if her idea was the greatest they’d heard. “DOWN WITH TOASTERS! DOWN WITH TOASTERS!” She chanted, “you can stop dancing and start chanting with me, Otto!” Her decree on the end of toasters bounced around the clearing, when she grew bored, she commanded Otto to stop and continued with her disorganized thoughts. “Mushrooms on pizza are bad. You’re so right. Mushrooms aren’t for eating, they’re for worshipping. You’re like, the best fake husband ever, Otto. You’re soooo smart.”
Otto didn’t really care that he just kicked a pixie in the face, all he wanted to do was dance. But it felt good to see Deirdre happy. Yes, because all he wanted to do was make Deirdre his mushroom wife happy. They would have mushrooms all day every day. “What did I tell you I’m a fungi. Ohhh-- can I draw mushrooms on the wall? Can that be my signature? We’ll be renowned.” Anything to please the mushrooms and please Deirdre. “I can? I can!” he cheered happily, oh he would take so many things but the idea of taking toasters. “You’re a genius! We’ll toast them all why? Because we’ll have their toasters!” The urge to dance suddenly stopped, but he immediately launched into a chorus of “DOWN WITH TOASTERS!” in line with the crowd of jaunty fae-folk around them. Eventually it subsided and Otto plopped down while the other fae continued to dance, “mm. You know what we should do? We should build a shrine to them. Imagine it! A mushroom shrine right in the middle of town? Nobody would miss it. We could put lights and flowers all around it! Magic mushrooms in the town plaza! So everyone can see them!”
Of all the humans she’d brought into rings with her, Otto was by far Deirdre’s favorite. But that seem to be his legacy, he was her favorite human she’d taken to a cemetery to play Sudoku with (of which there were only two, but that was beside the point). “You’re a fungi?” She looked at him. He looked pretty human to her, and pretty pretty. “Ooh! Yeah, that’ll be really good. We can steal stuff and draw mushrooms. We’ll be the mushroom bandits---but we’re not stealing mushrooms, to be clear. Unless it’s to free them in the wild, mushrooms should be freed.” And no human, none that she’d ever stolen, gave such great ideas. “Yes,” she plopped down with him. “A mushroom shrine. That sounds perfect! Everyone can see how great the mushrooms are.” She broke into a smile just imagining it. “More!” She slapped her fist into the ground. “More ideas, husband! I don’t have long on this mushroom high and I need to make the most of my time. We need to go big! The biggest!” She gestured with her hands and fell over, giggling into the grass. “We’ll make the shrine huge. It has to be. Maybe we should hang some bodies from it.” She sat up, “what do you think?”
Otto would have been pleased to hear about his newfound position in Deirdre’s list of humans. Or well, human adjacents. Humans were so boring after all. “Yeah, I’m fun and I’m a guy. Soooo… Fungi” he grinned like it was the smartest revelation in the world. Which right now it felt like it was. “Right. No stealing mushrooms. Unless we’re giving the mushrooms mush-more-room,” he giggled as they settled on the grass. This really was pretty great all in all. “Ohhhh hm,” his face contorted in deep thought before it brightened. “Mushroom soup!” he exclaimed wildly, “ but- we fill the local swimming pool with it.” A genius idea really. And the mushroom shrine? Really there was no better idea. “Yes. Or bones. Or bodies and bones and mushrooms! Because bodies become mushrooms right? You’re so clever Deir!”
Deirdre swapped ideas back and forth with Otto. At some point the day dissolved to night, and just talking about escapades turned into actually committing them. It was then she realized that, whatever the two of them were doing---or going to do---it was a very good idea. They had all the time in the world to steal toasters, paint mushrooms, make shrines and fill swimming pools. And she imagined that there was no better pair of people up to the task. “You know, Otto,” she pulled him in close, “I think you really might be my favorite husband.”
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charlieweasleyxmc · 5 years
Getting Hit
(Y/N) tapped at her face paint, trying desperately not to wipe it away, though her nose itched fiercely.
Her friends parted as they walked to the stands, each of them going to the entrance to their house’s stands. When she and Rowan reached the top of the (Y/H) stands, they could hear shouts of “Go! Go! Gryffindor!” and “Go Ravenclaw!” echoing across the stadium.
“Wow!” Rowan gaped around, “I don’t think it’s ever even this packed.”
The horns called and the Ravenclaw team whipped out into the pitch, spinning around the stands.
Another horn called.
“Gryffindor!” someone yelled.
The Gryffindor team sprang out of nowhere, darting past the stands. A ginger haired boy rushed so close to the (Y/H) stands that the wind from his pass picked up (Y/N)’s hair and sent it flying around. She brushed it away from her face quickly to see Charlie fly back towards the center of the pitch where all the players were gathering around Hooch.
It seemed the whole audience held their breath.
The gong rang and the players darted into the air.
“The seekers already look like they have sights set on the snitch!” the commentator, Murphy shouted from his box. “Wow! The game could be over in…oh, it looks like it was just a Honeyduke’s golden sweet paper dropped from the teachers’ stands.”
(Y/N) glanced across the stands and almost started giggling when she saw Professor Dumbledore looking very embarrassed in the front, patting at his robes.
Rowan laughed with her, but then they both tore their attention away from Dumbledore back to the game, (Y/N) searching the players frantically for Charlie.
And there he was, his orange hair helping her to see him despite his fast pace.
What was he doing? She thought. Had he seen the snitch?
A bludger streaked through the air and (Y/N)’s heart skipped a beat before Charlie dodged it easily.
The second year beater wasn’t so lucky.
The crowd gasped as the ball hit him across the shoulder, sending him flying from his broom.
(Y/N) jumped, standing up and reaching for her wand, but Professor Dumbledore got to him first, his spell resting him gently on the ground.
“Wood’s down!” Murphy called, “We can’t even be two minutes in and Gryffindor team has already lost one of its beaters.”
(Y/N) glanced at the ground, where a group of adults and students were huddled around the place where Oliver had fallen.
She shuddered. That wouldn’t be an easy injury to recover from.
She turned her attention back up to the players and noticed Charlie hovering on his brooms above Wood, looking concerned.
Cheers that roared across the stadium broke her attention and shocked Charlie back into the game.
“What an amazing shot! The Ravenclaw team scores ten points! That girl is ridiculously impressive! Does anyone think she’d go out with me?” The crowd roared with laughter and (Y/N) glanced up to the commentator’s box to see Professor McGonagall scolding Murphy.
She turned, looking around, and she could see Penny from where she was at, looking grim.
The Ravenclaw team passed the quaffle around, the chaser’s moving like dancers until an interception from the Gryffindor team stopped their advance towards the goalposts.
“And it’s Gryffindor with the quaffle! They shoot! They—”
(Y/N) couldn’t help a cheer escape her as she saw Andre dart across the hoops, blocking the score. Pride welled up in her for her friend.
“What tight broom work!” Murphy called, “Egwu is the most agile keeper I’ve ever seen in all my years of watching quidditch! Which is a lot, in case anyone was wondering,” Murphy added.
(Y/N) giggled.
“Ravenclaw is up by twenty points! Will Gryffindor make up the difference before Charlie Weasley catches the snitch?”
“Murphy, you can’t predict who is going to catch the snitch,” they all heard McGonagall growl, her voice getting picked up by the microphone.
“What’s the matter with that, Professor? We all know it.”
Laughter erupted through the audience and the Gryffindors cheered the loudest.
(Y/N) watched with her house as the players darted to and fro, chasers zig-zagging back and forth as they passed the quaffle or blocked the throws. The single remaining Gryffindor beater struggled to keep up against the two Ravenclaw beaters as he tried to block the bludgers from hitting his teammates.
“And we’ve got Gryffindor and Ravenclaw head to head, both have scored forty points. Oh wait!” Murphy chirped and the crowd gasped, “Charlie Weasley’s spotted the snitch!”
(Y/N) darted her gaze up.
Charlie was tearing past the (Y/H) stands, his red clothing whipping out behind him.
“He’s got it…he’s got it…” Murphy was chanting.
The Ravenclaw seeker was charging across the pitch, trying to reach the snitch before Charlie did.
If he doesn’t pull up soon, he’ll—
Charlie zipped out of his way just as the seeker nearly crashed into him, he went wheeling around, flying towards the ground when a bludger went careening toward him.
The only remaining Gryffindor beater had been too bogged down on his own. In an uncontrollable spin, Charlie couldn’t dodge the bludger and (Y/N) gasped as it went through the front of his broom, shattering the wood to pieces.
Charlie fell out of his spin, falling towards the ground at an uncontrolled pace, trying to remain in control of the remaining half of his broom.
He finally managed to slow it, his broom coming out from under him ten feet above the ground, and sending him rolling across the grass.
“Charlie!” (Y/N) dashed from her spot, running past people as she darted towards the stands’ stairs, charging down them.
She could hear Murphy’s voice and the audience’s cheers.
“Incredible! After all that, Charlie Weasley held onto the snitch! He’s caught the snitch! Gryffindor wins!”
She sprinted the last few steps and onto the field.
She could see a figure lying on the ground in the middle of the pitch. Nobody having reached him yet.
She fell down beside him. He was on his stomach, face in the dirt holding the snitch over his head.
Charlie, she growled inwardly, turning him over with a gentle shove so he was belly up.
“Are you alright?” she cried, wiping at his dirty cheeks with her hands.
He was grinning at her, “I am now.”
“And (Y/N) (Y/LN) comes to our wounded hero’s rescue! What a great day of quidditch everybody!”
“I caught it,” he said smugly, lifting the snitch.
“Oh, honestly,” she growled.
The crowds cheered, many of the Gryffindors coming down from the stands to surround Charlie. It took a while to fend them off until (Y/N) finally yelled loud enough that their star seeker needed to be taken to the infirmary or he might never play again.
That got everyone to back off.
Except for his captain, the older boy that (Y/N) had seen shirtless in the changing rooms the week before insisted on helping her support Charlie up to the hospital wing.
“I hope Wood’s, alright,” Charlie murmured.
She accepted the captain’s help gratefully and, together, they got Charlie into the castle and to Madam Pomfrey’s domain.
“Oh, dear, Mr. Weasley! Didn’t I just see you in here last week?” Charlie didn’t have time to answer before Madam Pomfrey continued, “Honestly, between you and William getting cursed every other weekend, one would think the Weasley boys had a death wish! I hope your younger siblings aren’t so reckless!”
Charlie grimaced.
He pulled out of (Y/N)’s and his captain’s grips to stumble towards one of the already occupied beds.
“How’s Wood?”
“He’s asleep now,” Madam Pomfrey whistled, sidling up beside him. “I gave him a tonic to keep him from feeling. It’ll keep him asleep for a few days at least, until I’m sure his head won’t be spinning from the pain.”
Charlie nodded, solemnly.
“Come now, Mr. Weasley,” Madam Pomfrey said, resting a hand gently on Charlie’s shoulder, “let me give you something for your recovery as well.”
“He’s a little banged up,” (Y/N) said, following Charlie’s captain to Charlie’s bedside as Madam Pomfrey instructed him to get on it, “fell off his broom and rolled from ten feet in the air.”
Madam Pomfrey nodded, examining him.
“Well?” (Y/N) asked as the woman straightened, lifting her wand in the air as a yellow light faded from above his bed.
“No broken bones,” Madam Pomfrey said, “I believe you should be able to handle this one, Miss (Y/LN).” She gave (Y/N) a curt nod before she bustled over to check on Oliver and her other patients again.
(Y/N) shivered, moving forward to perch on the chair beside Charlie’s bedside.
“You can go,” Charlie said, looking at the Gryffindor captain, “I’m in good hands,” he smiled at her then.
She gulped.
The older boy nodded and (Y/N) didn’t watch him go.
“Sooo,” Charlie said, once they were mostly alone, “what medicinal magic are you going to be doing on me?”
She only shrugged, trying to be nonchalant. She had done this loads of times; she should be able to do it now.
Reaching down, she pulled open the cupboard that was by every patient’s bed, pulling out two tiny glass bottles. She sent them on the counter and turned back to Charlie.
He was grinning at her.
She scowled at him, which only made him chuckle.
Reaching into her robes, she pulled out her wand, hovering it above him, she whispered the words Madam Pomfrey had taught her quickly.
Charlie immediately looked calmer.
“What are those?” he said, tipping his head lazily to look back at the potions on her cupboard.
“One’s for the pain, one’s for sleep,” she said.
He nodded as if she completely understood.
“So,” she said, unstoppering one of the potions, “how do they mend brooms?”
Charlie’s face darkened and she immediately wished she hadn’t asked the question.
“They don’t.”
She cursed herself, silently, of course. She was in a hospital wing. First rule of medicine. Don’t ask the patient anything that will give them anxiety.
She was already botching this up.
“I’m sorry,” she said, sadly, “I shouldn’t have asked.”
He smiled slightly, and she could tell it was hard for him to do, but he did it anyway, just to try to reassure her.
It hit her like a ton of bricks and she felt her insides go all gooey. She almost immediately banished those emotions from her mind. She was a healer right now; she had to remain impassive.
She did her best to ignore his smiles, or the way his eyes brightened as he watched her about her work, but her mind befuddled twice more before she got him to take both potions.
“That’s it,” she hummed, “you should be out in less than a minute if you’re any bit normal.”
He grinned, a tired, dragged grin, “you should know better, (Y/LN),” he said. “I’ve never been any bit normal.”
She smiled and his eyes closed slowly, his breathing growing calmer.
Just as she was about to rise, his hand reached out and grabbed hers, not hard, but urgent, and she stayed where she was.
“Charlie?” she asked.
But there was no answer, and yet the hand wouldn’t move.
She could have pulled herself from his grasp easily enough, she knew, but she didn’t.
It was done. Her work was done. And he wasn’t awake, so maybe it would be okay, just this once.
Moving slowly, she crossed both her arms on the bed beside him, his hand and lower arm folded into them, and then she rested her head on the entire bundle, turning her head just so so that she could see his chest and his face as if she were looking up at him.
He breathed and she let herself do it. Just this once.
She melted.
This incredible Bill and Fleur artwork reminded me of this scene.
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