#anxiety support
positivelypresent · 1 month
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If you’re feeling anxious, some of these might help!
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justseveralowls · 2 years
Message of the day:
You do not need to be beautiful to justify your existence, you do not need to productive to justify your existence, you do not need to be useful to justify your existence. You are allowed to just be, you deserve to take up space and experience the world, no strings attached.
You are valuable just as you are in this moment, and you always have been, you do not need to prove your worth or perform a role to exist in this world. You are you, you are human, and that is enough.
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sugarhai · 9 months
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being spooky eases my anxiety
calming coloring pages & supportive wallpaper sets
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🍃As we approach the new year and everyone is making resolutions and plans, I really want to share two apps that have helped me with my mental health ,because they might help you too.🍃
I absolutely adore this app, it lets me set realistic goals for myself while I raise my little bird and use the “rainbow stones” that are earned by completing activities to create what I find to be a safe environment for the bird. It also has soundscapes, timers, breathing exercises, wind down stretches and a few other things that help anxiety. You can also connect to friends with it and send them “vibes” to let them know you’re always there and it’s just a very sweet app.
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Calm Harm
Now this one was recommended to me by my therapist and I haven’t had it long but it has really helped. It is an app for preventing self harm, I use it whenever I feel like I’m going to and it gives me small activities to choose from instead and breathing exercises. It is hard to turn on the app sometimes but it’s helped enough times that I feel like it might help someone else.
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cryinginmyroomsposts · 6 months
I suffer from the loneliness of deeply despising being misunderstood while I push away anyone who tries to understand me.
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quinnmadclown · 8 months
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Hospital friend 🐶 Everyone love him!
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littlemisshesitant · 10 months
about me
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hello, my name is gillian.
a few months ago i set up an instagram account dedicated to sharing my journey with anxiety with the world. the beginning of 2023 has been a difficult one on my mental health and when i set up this instagram account, i had no idea whether it would be a positive thing for me or not, but i have enjoyed engaging with a wider community of people who have been or are going through something similar. not only has it helped me find new strategies to cope with my anxiety, it has also helped me feel less alone. and i guess that's one reason i wanted to set up the account...to prove to people that they are not alone and a lot more people face anxiety than perhaps what they realised. so, then i thought, why not set up a tumblr blog too!
i wanted my first post to be an introduction to me. and by me, i don't just mean my anxiety, but to the actual person i am...the things i like, don't like, my ambitions in life, etc. anxiety is a very big part of my life and despite how difficult it is for me to do so, i am trying to embrace it whilst not letting it define me. so, i'll get the bit about my anxiety out the way first, and then i will talk about gillian.
my journey with anxiety probably began much earlier than what i even realised. from a young age, i have always been timid and have always preferred to keep myself to myself and my small circle of friends. i have always been approachable to others and for the most part well liked, but i had no desire to be popular or have a large friendship group. large groups of people overwhelm me and the kinds of kids who were part of the popular crowd were too loud and intimidating.
my anxiety as i know it now probably came to light in my mid-teens. between the years 2012 and 2014, i faced a lot of hardships both personally and within the family (think bereavements, parent mental health, financial difficulties, exam stresses etc), making them a difficult few years for myself and my family. things did begin to get better for us moving into 2015/2016, but i was very emotionally and mentally drained. my anxiety began manifesting socially at first, making it difficult for me to make plans with friends outside of school. it didn't help that one of my friends at the time would then use my social anxiety as a reason to not invite me out places which affected my self-esteem massively.
over a period of a few months during my a-levels, i felt so unlike myself and found things to be overwhelming most of the time. there were many days where all i wanted to do was cry but for the most part kept it under bay because i felt like i was just being stupid. but then one day i ended up crying over smudging my mascara and confessed to my mam that i felt miserable most of the time and couldn't shake the feeling. with her encouragement, i went to speak with my gp, which is when anxiety was first used to describe what i was going through. it was an emotional appointment but it did help with offering me some relief.
as i mentioned at the beginning, my name is gillian. old fashioned, i know, but i'm named after my dad's late older sister so i think that makes it quite special. i am currently in my mid-twenties, and i'm very thankful to say i work in my dream job as an english teacher. to ge the job i have, i spent a total of 5 years at university - a 3 year bachelors degree, a 1 year teacher training course, and a 1 year masters degree. teaching has been a dream of mine since being very young and i've worked really hard to get to where i am. i'm not talking just physically but also mentally too. i quite often ask myself how i managed to become a teacher but i am trying to train myself out of thinking that...i wouldn't have gotten here if i wasn't good enough!
away from teaching, i'm one of them weird people who will tell you i am massively introverted but will regularly be seen out and about socialising. don't be fooled by this, all of my socialising is done with the same handful of people. i am very comfortable with the friends i have in my life and prefer not to have a massive friendship group and the friends i have are either slightly more extroverted than me or at a similar level of introversion as me. i need them all for different reasons i suppose...eg i have one particularly extroverted friend who has massively helped my confidence in social situations but i have one particularly introverted friend i am probably more extroverted than who is helping me to build confidence in my ability to guide and support others if that makes sense.
a large part of my socialising is actually done with my family, who i am very close to. my family consists of my parents, my two brothers (one older, one younger) and, of course, my two cats - mr. miyagi and nala, who are my two pride and joys. we do things like friday night tv show binge and saturday night film night but have a lot of other family traditions that mean a lot to all of us, perhaps more so now that my brothers and i are all adults (currently we are aged 30, 25, and 23). my mam and i are particularly close, i think on the basis that i am her only daughter, but because we genuinely get on too. she is somebody who understands me better than anyone and i am so thankful to her because she has helped me through so much, and continues to do so day-in-day-out.
i'm sure as this blog continues, you will find out more and more about me, but i'll leave it with this for now. i want this blog to be a safe space for anyone who visits. feel free to ask me questions, respond to my posts, and reach out if you need. sending love!
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dariakea · 2 years
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positivelypresent · 1 month
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Anxious or worried? Try asking yourself these questions!
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justseveralowls · 2 years
Message of the day:
You can get through this.
This task in front of you may be big and seem overwhelming. But it can be done, this roadblock or hardship may be slow or grueling but are not in this alone. Take a breath, give yourself a moment to rest and remember that your resilience is incredible. Remember the tasks that once seemed Herculean that you can now repeat with ease. You are stronger than your fears and worth more than you can imagine
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b-courageous1010 · 1 year
Sometimes I get so caught up and dwell on the times I let my anxious thoughts get the best of me that I neglect the progress I’ve made.
For example, lately when I see an Angel number I’ll log it in my journal and I’ll also write my thoughts and actions at that moment.
For the anxious thoughts I noticed I started including a bullet point of a positive thought to counteract it without out even thinking about it. It made me realized that I have made progress and I am implementing what I learned. Things are getting better!
I can be so hard on myself sometimes and im working on feeling less guilty when my anxious thoughts get the best of me.
I’m human and I’m doing the best I can ❤️‍🩹
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sugarhai · 9 months
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discoverfelicity · 2 years
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You look in the mirror and sometimes see a mess of a human being. But you don't see the lives you've touched, or the people you've saved. You don't see all the love you've given freely, or the extraordinary memories you've made. You are a book of beautiful moments and feelings.
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cryinginmyroomsposts · 7 months
I don’t really get the people who tell me to not “overshare” my trauma to everyone because I need to “protect” myself… because all I know is me being honest and open has saved atleast 5 people and has changed several others around me into thinking before saying something. So yeah I’m going to tell everyone abt the horrors I’ve faced, in the hopes that atleast one of them will know not to unintentionally hurt another person and atleast one of them will feel less lonely.
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godsg111rl · 2 years
y’all, my crippling anxiety has evolved. it no longer tortures me in my waking life but has graduated to haunting me in my dreams (or should I say nightmares instead).
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livingwithbpd92 · 2 years
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BPD & Depression - a harsh truth...
As someone who suffers from bpd and depression this is the harsh truth behind it. BPD affects people in various ways, I suffer from being self destructive and shut down. Unfortunately no drug is able to help me control this, I've been on various mood stabilisers and anti depressants with no success. The harsher drugs just make me very drowsy which affects my life dramatically. I couldn't drive on these drugs, I couldn't work etc, I could barely live. All I wanted to do was sleep, and despite fighting it, I slept for between 16-18 hours at a time. After 3 weeks I came off them. I'm still on a high dose of venlafaxine, an snri antidepressant which has been the only one that mildly decreases my symptoms.
Despite all the mental health problems and traumas I have dealt with in my life, I still proceed to go to the gym, try and socialise, study and I work in senior management for a large logistics company, so we can live ordinary lives. It's just a bit harder for us, as we deal with things differently, we feel things differently.
For the stigma that surrounds self harming, there are a select few out there that do it purely for the 'attention' because something minor happened because they couldn't get their own way... For me it was a release... Just as people use alcohol and recreational drugs for the same thing. It releases adrenaline and endorphins into your body. It can become a severe addiction, just like drugs and alcohol. The longer it goes on the worse it gets, you use more drugs, take larger doses, you drink more alcohol. It's the same with self harm. You cut more and more and deeper to get the same release until one day, the inevitable happens, you hit an artery. Believe me, that was the scariest thing that has ever happened to me. I'm lucky to be here. Thankfully I was first aid trained and knew how to slow down severe bleeding. I also had to try and stop my self from passing out due to the severe drop in blood pressure. I knew if I would have passed out, I wouldn't be here writing this.
BPD and depression or any mental health disorders are no joke. Please take us more seriously. Just like any illness, it is not with in our control and still need help as anybody else would with other illnesses.
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