#also ive just been in a really good mood too so ive been able to focus more on weightloss than other stressful things
skull-mulch · 2 years
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ajbullet · 6 months
My thoughts on episode 1 and 2 of Percy Jackson and the Olympians: (spoilers)
- The ACCURACY of the little Percy casting was unbelievable. They look identical.
- The SARCASM 🫶🏻👌🏻
- I’ve never been able to connect with Sally Jackson as a mother-figure in the books just because of my own rocky relationship with my mom, but the way she’s played really made me believe in her character and her love for Percy. It gives PERCY’s character more grounding and their relationship really drives the show.
- Sally just sitting in the rain with Olivia Rodrigo playing. Mood.
- “You fell in love…with Jesus?”
- The friction and “betrayal” between Percy and Grover was super interesting to see and I’m really glad they touched on that more than in the books
- I’ve been pronouncing Brunner wrong. Dam.
- Sally saying goodbye to Percy, knowing she was probably going to die 😭. Percy screaming for her.
- the Minotaur fight was awesome
- “YOU DROOL WHEN YOU SLEEP” Omg I can’t believe she said it. Leah’s delivery was different than how I imagined it but I loved it. She’s so matter-of-fact
- Again, I’ve always struggled with connecting with Luke’s character just because I felt like he was a little two-dimensional in the first book and then after that, you know, he’s evil and while I understood his motivations, I just didn’t really…care? Idk but his portrayal really helped me understand the depth of his betrayal and just how heartbreaking his story really is. I already love him more than I’ve allowed myself to from the books
- “She’s my little sister” I love their relationship while it lasts. Seeing how close they are really adds to the layers of both of their characters
- I’ve also been pronouncing Thalia wrong. Double dam.
- Leah. As. Annabeth. I’m going to be completely honest, Ive loved Leah from everything I’ve seen about her but I was nervous just because of how precious of a character Annabeth Chase has always been to me and I didn’t know if ANYONE, not specifically Leah, could live up to those expectations but omg I love her. Her bluntness. Her facial expressions. Her voice and delivery. Her sure movements and confidence and self-assuredbess that has come from success after success and training for so long. The way she is so unashamed to admit to using Percy and only watching him to see what he could do for HER. In her short amount of screen time so far, Leah was able to add layers to this character I’ve loved for so long that I didn’t even know where there. I never wanted her to leave the screen. My only complaint is that she didn’t have more lines. She is my Annabeth Chase. She’s not from the books. She’s not from the movies. She’s her own version and she stole the show.
- Luke saying Annabeth has a plan and that Percy will know what to do, only for PERCY TO BE FLOSSING AND PEEING AND PETTING GECKOS and trying so hard not to drive himself crazy with his ADHD and having nothing to do. I genuinely laughed out loud. Might be my favorite part.
- the fight scenes are so well choreographed.
- CLARISSE. She’s too pretty. I can’t hate her. And her ELECTRIC SPEAR. When it broke and she screamed, I got chills.
- The trident.
- Annabeth KNOWING Percy was Poseidon’s before anyone else cause she’s “always 6 steps ahead”
- People already keeping such important info from Percy “for his own good”
- “You are Poseidon’s son” “No, I am Sally Jackson’s son!” Might just be my favorite line. It’s so true. She raised him. She sacrificed everything for him. She loved him and cared for him and taught him that he wasn’t broken, he was singular, a miracle. She died so that he could live.
- Sally Jackson is parenting goals
- The way Percy instantly changed his decision to go to the underworld as soon as Grover told him his mom could be saved. Their relationship is unmatched
- Walker Scobell is already pretty well known, but I have a really good feeling his popularity is going to skyrocket after this show. He is such an amazing, dedicated actor. I know exactly what he is felling 100% of the time.
Overall, I absolutely loved it. In two episodes it’s become a comfort show that I can’t wait to continue watching!!
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Nimona headcanons cause I love this chaotic little family
I’ve seen a lot of people say Ambrosius is a morning person and Bal is a night owl 
And I have to respectfully disagree 
Will Bal pull some all-nighters in the lab? Absolutely 
But this man is the most early bird coded character I’ve ever seen in my entire life 
When he isn't fully invested in a project he can't stay up past 10 pm
He wakes up at 6 am refreshed and barely needs caffeine 
I’ve also seen a lot of people say he’s a dedicated coffee drinker but something about this man screams “Coffee gives me migraines” 
Ambrosius on the other hand 
That’s an insomniac if I’ve ever seen one 
He’ll get ready for bed around 9 and then stay up til 3 in the morning
Poor babe needs coffee in an IV
He used to wake up really early back in the institute cause he was forced to run a mile every minute he was late to class 
And he’s a heavy sleeper so after the wall came down and he quit being a knight he wouldn't wake up before 1 pm even with Bals help 
And Nimona is just as bad 
Most nights Ambrosius will leave the room because he moves a lot when he can’t sleep and Bal is a light sleeper 
He’ll sit in the living room watching tv while trying to sleep and most of the time Nimona will join him 
Every once and a while Bal will find them laying on top of each other on the couch and will take them back to their respective beds 
And if you’re wondering what their favorite show to watch together is it’s those house-flipping shows 
But not for the reason you think
Most people watch those shows cause they think it’s inspiring 
Ambrosius and Nimona talk about how terrible these people are at their jobs  
They’ll go on hour-long rants about how these people are stripping the houses of everything that made them a home
(Ambrosius is a sentimental bitch and would be a maximalist after leaving the institute prove me wrong)
When Nimona is bored she’ll go into the city disguised as Bal or Ambrosius 
And she’ll fool literally everyone it’s a pretty common occurrence for the boys to be at home and then they hear the other swearing like a damn sailor because there are already news articles about it
The only people she can’t fool are Bal and Ambrosius 
Bal will shut them down almost immediately 
They’ll walk over to Bal and won’t even get a word out before Bal says “Shift back Nim you’re freaking me out”
They always make a big deal out of being caught making big decorations like “I’m getting better and one day I’ll fool you” 
And he’ll hum in agreement but he knows that it doesn’t matter how good he gets or how observant he is he’ll be able to fully copy every little detail 
The details that Bal has spent the past decade and a half remembering  
You know the little things like how he can’t say Bal or Nimona’s names without smiling even when he’s pissed
Or how he scrunches his nose when he laughs 
Ambrosius always acts like Nimona tricked him
He’ll let them get comfortable in the character and then he’ll drop the bomb 
Something small and inconspicuous like “Hey Nim do you want pizza for dinner?” and they’ll excitedly proclaim “Hell yeah pizza!” 
It takes them a second to realize they’ve been played and when they do they never make a big deal about it
They normally just mumble a curse or two and walk away with their tail between their legs (literally)
The first time Nimona tried to trick Ambrosius was when he was having one of those days 
You know the days when even breathing feels like a fucking battle
This was in a really awkward period too
Like right after Nimona and Ambrosius started trusting each other but right before they really started to get to know each other 
But she knew the boys well enough to know if Bal came home to a sad Ambrosius then he’d be in a bad mood for the rest of the day 
And she knows that the only thing that can cure a mopey Ambrosius is Bal 
She walked into the room and started talking to Ambrosius and was kind of surprised and a little bit peeved about how well she was fooling him
Until he said “You can drop the act Nim I know it’s you” 
They kind of just sat in that silence for a minute until Nimona said the first thing that came to her mind 
“You want me to find my sax?” 
Bal shouldn’t have been surprised to find Nimona disguised as him serenading Ambrosius with the worst freestyle jazz he’s ever heard (which is saying something)
He didn’t even say anything he just sat down and cuddled the love of his life while watching their kid try and play the sax while breakdancing
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cerebralinvasion · 1 year
Hiii! I have a BSD request! Its a bot dark but its related to something that Ive been working through lately. Can you do as many bsd characters as you can reacting to their S/O getting emotional on their birthday because they "didn't think they would make it this far"? Like they struggled with severe depression and suicidal thoughts/SH in their childhood and honestly didn't expect to make it to the age they are now? Its almost my birthday and I've been struggling with the same thing so i wanted some fluff with my favorite characters to help me through it! :) thank you so much!
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trigger warnings: mentions of past self harm, depression, and suicidal ideation (reader no longer struggles with those things for the most part)
characters: fyodor, nikolai, dazai, ranpo, yosano, poe, chuuya, jouno, akutagawa
notes: ack sorry this took so long D: i know it’s probably long past your birthday by the time i get this out, but i wish you a happy birthday and i hope you enjoy anyways :))
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♡ fyodor being fyodor knows exactly what you’re feeling
♡ he understands perfectly why you’re getting emotional and reacting the way you are
♡ and he doesn’t judge you for it in the slightest, he thinks that the way you feel is perfectly valid
♡ he’s just not sure exactly how he should approach the issue or how he can actually help you
♡ but he really does want you to feel well
♡ it’s likely he’d wait for a calm moment between the two of you when there’s not much else going on
♡ something like enjoying a cup of tea together during the morning
♡ he’ll very very subtly poke at the topic and wait for you to explain it all yourself
♡ and once you do he’ll take that chance to comfort you now that you’ve brought it up
♡ “there’s no need for tears, alright? the past is is past and you’re here and well now. that’s what matters. no matter what you thought, you did make it this far.”
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♡ nikolai is able to tell what’s up when you’re getting upset, even if you try to hide it
♡ but he’s not too keen on making you feel bad or being too blunt when it comes to this
♡ so he mainly tries to focus on distracting you and giving you the best birthday he can
♡ lots of surprises and things for you to enjoy, stuff that makes you personally happy
♡ he kind of pretends to be oblivious to the fact that you’re down for the most part
♡ because he doesn’t want to accidentally make you feel like your emotions are dampening the mood
♡ because they’re not!! your feelings are perfectly valid to him
♡ so instead he only subtly touches on the topic near the end of the day once everything begins to settle down.
♡ “hmmm… you had a good time today, right? so it’s a good thing you’re still around! and as long as i can see your smile then all is right!”
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♡ yeah dazai definitely gets the feeling
♡ but also… it’s dazai
♡ don’t get me wrong, he wants to be able to comfort you and make you feel better
♡ but he just… doesn’t know how
♡ he doesn’t need you to explain or tell him what’s wrong
♡ he already knows
♡ and he’ll probably try to make you feel better by diverting your attention
♡ making a big show of celebrating your birthday, giving you gifts and trying to make it the best birthday he can
♡ he wants to celebrate not only your birthday but the fact that you actually made it this far, even if you didn’t think you could
♡ so his cheesy over the top words proclaring him to be ‘completely at your service for the day’ and all the effort he put in to cater your birthday to you
♡ is kind of his way of telling you that he’s proud, and that he thinks you deserve to celebrate
♡ it’s not until later that night does dazai express his feelings directly
♡ when you’re both half asleep and holding each other under the blankets
♡ “i’m so happy you’re still here to celebrate. i hope you had fun today. and i want us to do this again.”
♡ again… that’s right
♡ he wants to make sure he can celebrate your birthday again
♡ and again, and again after that
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♡ despite his skills as a detective, ranpo can be pretty oblivious
♡ but he knows that somethings up, even if he doesn’t know what
♡ and he doesn’t like that! it’s your birthday! and you’re his partner!
♡ he thinks you really deserve to be happy and have a good day
♡ and he thinks that beating around the bush won’t help you feel better
♡ so while he will initially wait for you to tell him yourself
♡ if he decides your taking to long, he’ll just jumpstart the conversation
♡ so he very bluntly asks what’s wrong with you
♡ it might’ve come off as rude if you didn’t know him better, but you can tell he genuinely wants to know
♡ when you do tell him he’s kind of like ‘oh’
♡ and he sits there quietly for a little while
♡ because he doesn’t exactly know what to say
♡ it’s not often that he cares about being sensitive with others feelings and being careful about making them happy
♡ but when it’s you, he puts in a lot more effort to watch his words
♡ he thinks a lot more before he speaks, because he really does care about how you feel
♡ “you didn’t think you’d make it this far, but you did, didn’t you? you’ve made it through.” he pauses for a second before beginning to speak in a quieter tone. “and you’re going to keep making it through. so don’t be sad anymore… please?”
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♡ oh my god
♡ what’s this?
♡ a single person in this list that actually has good communication skills?? impossible.
♡ but for real, yosano doesn’t beat around the bush
♡ the second she gets an inkling that you’re not doing well, she brings up the topic
♡ in an actual normal way
♡ she’s not overly blunt to the point of rude, but she’s also not skittish around the topic
♡ a soft ‘are you alright?’ with a concerned glance to you
♡ when you do explain she’s very understanding
♡ while she may not specialize in psychology, it’s still something she has some basic knowledge of
♡ so even though she can’t say she’s experienced the same feelings you have, she very much so understands them
♡ “and yet you’ve persevered despite the circumstances. i know it hasn’t been easy, but you did it anyways. it took a lot of strength and i believe that’s more than enough cause to celebrate. because you deserve a wonderful birthday and many more.”
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♡ poe is really nervous about accidentally making you more upset when it comes to this
♡ he really wants to make you happy! and he hates seeing you sad
♡ but he just doesn’t know what to do, and is really scared of doing the wrong thing
♡ so he tries to be cautious
♡ being extra soft with you and making sure not to say anything that could touch a sensitive subject, for the most part
♡ though at some point, one of you is gonna give
♡ whether it’s you finally confessing to him about the way you’d feeling
♡ or it’s him just getting to worried seeing you so down
♡ whoever brought it up, when you do begin to explain he’s very quiet, encouraging you to speak your mind without interruption before he responds
♡ “i’m so sorry to hear you feel that way…if you ever need my help, please let me know. i really do care about you and i don’t know what i would do if you ever needed me and i wasn’t there for you.”
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♡ chuuya loves you a lot it’s true!
♡ but he definitely doesn’t notice you feeling down at first
♡ it’s not that he doesn’t care! he cares about you so so much
♡ it’s just that, he’s not very… observant
♡ he pays attention, yes, but he’s not the very best at reading people
♡ he might be able to tell that somethings up, but he won’t be able to figure out what exactly is wrong unless you tell him
♡ so as soon as you do explain why you’ve been down it instantly clicks for him
♡ and he feels like a dumbass for not getting it sooner
♡ he makes sure to let you know how genuinely proud he is of you
♡ and how happy he is that you made it to where you are today
♡ “you’re so strong, i hope you know that. i’m so proud of you. i’m so lucky you’re alive.”
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♡ unlike chuuya, jouno is very observant, especially when it comes to you
♡ so he was able to tell what was wrong
♡ especially since he was aware of your history with both self harm and suicidal thoughts before now
♡ does this mean he knows how to talk to you about it?
♡ absolutely not i’m so sorry
♡ while jouno is very much used to observing and being aware of how others felt, due to their heartbeat
♡ he’s not at all used to actually caring the way he does when it comes to you
♡ so he’s not exactly sure how to genuinely make you feel better, but that’s not to say he doesn’t try
♡ “you don’t have to explain anything if you don’t want to. but if you need to talk i’m here to listen, yeah?”
♡ like he said, he’ll listen if you’d like to talk
♡ but if you’d rather not have a discussion he understands that as well
♡ if you don’t feel like talking about it, his method of cheering you up would probably involve distraction
♡ telling you interesting facts and stuff to get your mind off of it
♡ because while he’s not the best at filling a conversation with comforting words he is decently adept when it comes to small talk and casual chatter
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♡ akutagawa is not a man who understands emotions very well
♡ not his own and certainly not others
♡ but if there’s one thing he knows it’s that he wants you to be happy
♡ and he’s worried because he doesn’t know how to do that
♡ but he really really wants to, more than anything
♡ he doesn’t know how to approach the topic
♡ even if he can tell you’re upset, he fears if he brings it up, he may make it worse
♡ so it’ll be up to you to tell him plainly how you feel
♡ “i… i can’t say that i will know how to help you when you feel this way, but i can say that i will always be on your side. and if you ever need it, i am always here to listen. i’m glad that you’re still around.”
♡ it’s quiet and mumbled, his words unsure and shaky
♡ he isn’t used to talking from the heart like this
♡ but every word is true
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peculiarxafternoon · 2 years
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pile 1 pile 2 pile 3
𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙖𝙨 𝙖 𝙘𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙗𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙮
paid readings | ko-fi
hello, darlings. before we start anything, i would like to warn you that this reading is not going to be as detailed as my other ones. it will not have any sections, for one, and it will generally be more low energy (not in vibration just,, in effort? i guess?). for the past couple of months ive been struggling with my motivation, mood, and mental state, so i hope for this reading to act as a warm up of sorts, a way to dip my toes into this again and start over. thank you for your patience, and for the people who still like to listen to what i say, i appreciate you lots!
still, i like this question and this concept a lot, and i hope it resonates with you! it was definitely nice for me to do, anyway.
take a deep breath and focus on your ideal life as a celebrity. then, pick a pile intuitively.
! for entertainment purposes only!
! constructive criticism and feedback are welcome!
! decks used: rider waite tarot deck, mermaid tarot, astrological oracle cards!
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pile 1
(cards: the sun, the empress, the lovers, nine of cups rx, two of cups rx, the hanged man rx, strength rx, three of pentacles rx, sagittarius)
before i even started shuffling i got major jisoo vibes for you all, and honestly that seems to be the case here. when i think about jisoo, class, femininity and elegance come into my mind, and with the empress and the lovers here, that seems to be the case for you too. you would definitely be extremely famous (like, to a concerning degree for your safety and privacy) since most of your cards are major arcana. i see you doing brand deals left and right for brands like dior, channel, and vivienne westwood, and being really popular for simply knowing how to sell a product, even as an affiliate.
something that's also really interesting is that you would probably get into a lot of dating scandals, or people would try to dig up secrets and end up making things up about you. it would get to the point where you wouldn't even be able to look at people for too long, because everyone would go crazy over a possible spark between you two. that would get you down tbh, like i just see you looking at the headlines with a frown, wondering how on earth people come up with these things.
still, i feel like a major part of your brand would be your ability to be happy on your own and your confidence. even your haters would be amazed at how you carry yourself, and how you manage to always look and feel good. even if that isn't how you would truly feel, you would surely come off as someone who has their shit together, who is determined to achieve whatever they want, and who knows that they can get whatever they set their mind to. it would be so inspiring to see you emerge victorious after being wronged again, especially since i sense you would have an underdog backstory. people would root for you, because they can see themselves and their struggles in you. and if you can achieve so much, then so can they, right?
i see you having a very clear goal in your mind, of where you want to get, but it would often get you to be more stubborn and grumpy than normal. while you would be known as a sunshine of sorts, it could get pretty exhausting for your team when all you can focus on is one specific deal, reward, or result. no matter how much you would achieve, you would have this need to go further, experience more things, create more art, get out there more. that, if you started in a music group or band of sorts, would make you step away quickly after you achieved fame. some would think it's for the best, others would think the opposite. i don't see it affecting you much, though, because you would realise that the support is much greater than the disdain, and that you work much better alone, anyway.
thank you for reading!
pile 2
(cards: the moon, nine of cups rx, seven of pentacles, the hierophant rx, seven of wands, strength rx, king of swords, queen of swords rx, mars)
this pile gives off a very introverted vibe – for a celebrity, at least. you guys may have gotten famous accidentally or under weird circumstances (like taehyung going to the audition to support his friend, or people being casted while walking down the street), so it would take a while for you to get used to the popularity, along with your new lifestyle. it wouldn't be too hectic, though , i don't see you being extremely famous, just enough for you to be recognised on the street but not stalked, you know?
still, it would often feel draining, especially if you surround yourself with others a lot for your job. it would physically tire you out, i see fatigue being a big issue you would have to deal with, and it honestly could show on your face, but you would keep it under control more often than not.
you would come off as very generous, probably doing charity work, volunteering, or raising awareness for special causes. you would also leave the impression of someone witty, who knows how to manage and advertise themselves. you and your team would make very smart moves that would make your popularity skyrocket, and you would play a big part of it too. if your job involves some sort of writing – whether that means you would be an author, lyricist, rapper or poet – you would be extremely well-known for your unique style and smart lyrics.
i also see you being extremely unique in the projects you take on, your style and execution would differ greatly from other people in your field. naturally, that would attract a lot of opposing opinions and impressions, but i don't think you'd care about what others would have to say. like, you got famous by chance, the best you can do is enjoy it while it lasts, right? if you're a woman, or someone who is more feminine in their ways, some people may find you aloof, cold and unapproachable, but they would just be intimidated by you (as people are when they see a successful, decisive woman, heaven forbid) so, again, nothing to really worry about. i also sense that you most likely don't conform to gender norms, anyway, and would ride your own wave, expressing yourself the way you want to and living your life to the fullest.
thank you for reading!
pile 3
(cards: the hermit, seven of pentacles, the lovers rx, two of cups, ace of cups rx, then of pentacles rx, six of pentacles, king of pentacles, jupiter)
you guys would be the type to get. shit. done. no matter your field or experience, you would see projects through and deliver your 110% while you're at it. I'm definitely getting some sort of perfectionism from you, though, like you would often feel dissatisfied with your work because, even if you gave all you had, there is still something you could have done better. it seems that it would be pretty well known, too, that tendency of yours, so people would want to work with you even more because you would never slack off.
you may also go on hiatuses often? like you would take big breaks to isolate yourself from everyone and everything and just,,, focus on bettering yourself? it reminds me of tyler from twenty one pilots, when he literally disappeared off the face of the earth for almost two years and then released a full length album with fully developed lore behind it. or taehyn from txt who admitted to locking himself in the recording booth until he gets some sort of progress. you get the vibe. while behaviours like that may seem a little extreme to some, i get the feeling that you would be completely self made, and kind of an underdog for the first years of your career, so it would make sense that you go to such lengths to achieve good results and somewhat satisfy your perfectionism and survival instincts.
i see you being a very comforting presence for your fans, and sharing your life advice with them. some may even fantasise about being your friend or dating you, because you would seem like such a great person to have around. i keep thinking of suga from bts, so it's likely that you would give off the same aura. also, very ambitious, you would be known as someone with a lot of potential and a bright future ahead of you.
you would also be very well known for your pr management and relationships with people within your field (or just other celebrities). i don't think that your love life specifically would be broadcasted, but people would be very invested in your friendships and the people you hang out with. you left a recording studio with a coworker late at night? headline. you hung out with a director and posted a story about it? headline. you laugh at a friend's joke while walking down the street? headline. you would just have some really good friendships, possibly with other famous people, and maybe some romantic relationships as well. still, people would be mostly supportive of them, since they know that you always prioritise your art and work, and since they want the best for you.
thank you for reading!
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! do not copy or repost my work !
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hiii its the anon from yesterday who yapped abt alastor being softer to the other hazbins during/after the tickle war, and ive come to provide you with some lee AND ler al content :)
so, after briefly reading thru this blog, i can tell that everyone loves al being SO obvious when hes in a lee mood (me included tbf). so, on top of his shadow being a menace n' him being 10x more touchy/twitchy than usual when he wants to be tickled, id like to give him another tell (that i HOPE?? someone hasn't brought up yet???): his good ole ears/tail!!!
methinks that whenever he's in a lee mood, his ears pin down/to the side whenever someone approaches him, even if they arent planning on tickling him!! yk, a common sign of submission in animals. as for his tail, you couldn't rlly tell unless he had it uncovered, but it'd be face down and 'tucked between his legs', (not ACTUALLY/FULLY bc if he ever caught himself doing that he'd make himself stop immediately out of sheer embarrassment gfajafakags, but he does the closest thing to it)!!! both things he doesnt realize he's doing unless pointed out, and i imagine it as the final push a ler would need to wreck him. like.. imagine someone from the hotel who's been seeing al run around all day, just out the corner of their eye, but theyre able to pick up on him being more twitchy and clingy than usual. plus, his shadow acting up.. and then the pieces all slot into place once they approach him to ask abt it and they see his ears fold back :) they then continue to make those ears flap and that tail wag :)))
AND like i promised, some ler content, still concerning al's ears/tail bc not only am i obsessed with them, methinks they'd also be good tools for him to use as a ler!!! for the cherished moments where al uses direct physical touch instead of magic to tickle his lee, i think it'd be adorable if he brushed his ears/tail against their sensitive spots, especially if he often does so '''accidentally''' after learning about it :) these are the first two scenarios that came to mind that fit what im talking abt, but feel free to imagine your own/smthn different:
ler al and lee husk, with husk having a really sensitive chin/neck!! al keeps pulling him close, making husks attempts at pawing (ha) him off futile by al scrabbling at his ribs and stomach, which eventually leads to al leaning his head forward n' makin' his ears accidentally flap against husks neck/chin, which makes the poor kitty *squeal*. theres like that brief moment of 'oh no' from husk before al leans back in and purposefully wiggles his ears back and forth against husk until hes laughing so hard he cant breathe 🥺🥺🥺 al is teasing him the entire time, much to his chagrin
and, for the tail!! ler al and lee angel dust!!! ive always imagined angel with a sensitive stomach, so al would either have to be holding him down/or against something in this scenario, but just think abt how cute it'd be for the two to be play-fighting but then angel lets out a *yelp* whenever al's tail brushes along his stomach!! angel'd get his own 'oh no' moment where al's suddenly pinning him down, using his hands to tickle angels armpits and ribs while his tail absolutely wrecks his stomach. angel would be making witty comebacks to al's teasing if he had time to breathe :)))
okokok that should be all its past midnight here i need to sleep!!! anyways ajagsfaggaha ty for reading hope you liked ittt :)))))
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And the scenarios too omggg, I freaking LOVED the unintencional thing of the ears going down, animal features doing silly things when someone is in a lee mood or being tickled is my weak point (Alastor's tail totally wags when he's tickled tho I am SO SURE)
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itsaspectrumcomic · 4 months
man ok idk if youll be able to advise on this or something but like. do you know anything regarding dealing with like internalised ableism?
i live in a rural part of ireland, right? and idk what it is about rural ireland but some of the people are heinous. my school is in a small miserable-ass town and like. God, man. not everyone sucks, of course but like. jesus lol additionally i have a ~mildly ableist~ mother (a "we're all a little bit autistic" and "erm. youre not disabled because youre not in a wheelchair or blind/deaf" etc etc type stuff. + "npd = bad person" which isnt particularly good for me specifically because i have npd (that i both Cant get an official diagnosis for, for various reasons, and im not really Looking for one either because i know what i am and its not like you get support for it because ~ooh scary narcissist~.)
and like. idk if this is Obvious but that can kinda cause a weird-ass relationship with You (being Me in this case, yk how it is with the second person perspective when. ranting) and The Concept Of Being Disabled. like, objectively. im disabled. im autistic, ive definitely got adhd (that im hopefully going to get examined for at some point cause college stuff requires it for the disability forums and stuff. gotta love that. fuckin 80% comorbidity right?), ive got a laughable number of repetative strain injuries, i have a sensory processing disorder, an endocrine disease that effects my Entire cardiovascular system, a spine that felt a lil quirky and bent in too much. so on a so forth
but also like. it feels wrong to call myself disabled. yk, like im doing a disservice to all the other ~actually~ disabled people (being Anyone but me lol) (none of this is At All helped by the fact that my mother refuses to listen to me regarding Jack Shit about my health in Any way. "oh you nearly passed out on top of a hill because of your cardiovascular condition? erm youre just not exercising enough actually" "you dont have depression [said while i was filling out an assigned mood diary after being forcefully brought to camhs for Reasons" like. shut the fuck up and Listen to me please. at least Entertain the idea that i could be right about something for fucking once lmao. cause ive been right about EVERYTHING regarding my mental health so fucking far so. fuck off /nay ofc) (also man. like, even if you ignored the physical issues ive got im still disabled on account of being autistic. like, motor function is fine, despite being a lil clumsy and/or unsteady sometimes but like. my emotional needs are Fucked. think of the response youd get if you asked a. fuckin. 8 year old or something to do algebra. but with a very emotionally stunted and traumatised 17 year old lol. lmao, even /lh)
so like. if youve got. any advice or whatever on any of this thatd be Super cool + no pressure obvs. sorry this is a whole. like. fucking essay's worth of Random Guy Complaining To You On The Internet lol
-🐢 <- just so i can find this again if you respond. i Like Turtles. i am Normal about the tmnt and also turtles The Creatures. i wont talk at length about turtle mutant anatomy (i am deceiving you)
Internalised ableism is a really hard thing to deal with, especially when you're surrounded by people who constantly re-enforce it. I've also spent a lot of time worrying that I'm not disabled 'enough' to deserve certain accommodations, that I'm making an unnecessary fuss. But the truth is, autism IS a disability and if there are accommodations that can help support you, you deserve access to them. You're not taking away from others with disabilities by advocating for yourself.
It's taken me a long time to understand this and I still worry sometimes. What has helped is talking about my experiences with people I know understand, like my therapist or best friend, and learning about the experiences of other autistic people through books, social media, YouTube and even real life.
I'm sorry your mother and others aren't being understanding - remember that's a them problem, not you, and try to spend your time with people who do understand.
🐢🐢🐢 <- the turtles wish you luck
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bbyquokka · 2 years
☁️ — comfort with ot8
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➥ pairing: ot8 x GN!reader
➥ genre: fluff | angst
➥ synopsis: how skz would comfort you
➥ warnings: insecurities | mention of exercise in changbin's section | feeling 'under the weather' | off days | self doubt | pet names
➥ words: 3.1k
➥ a/n: ive been feeling a little meh lately. writing this gave me some comfort and i hope you also find comfort in it
Feedback and reblogs are highly advised and appreciated!
➥ m.list – ➥ you can also read it on my ao3
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̥۪͙۪◌- ', Chan꒱ ↷
Concerned. He hadn't heard from you in a while, which is odd considering you two are glued to the hip. You've been ignoring his calls and texts, which only lead him to worry even more.
he thought you needed time alone, for what, he doesn't know. He wishes he knew but unless you tell him, he has no idea
he'd be led to think that he did something wrong. Did he say or do something to upset you? the poor man would be worried out of his mind.
After a week of no contact, he would have the courage to stop by your place, but first, he would shop for a bunch of snacks. Once he saw how drained you looked, he would drop everything and wrap his arms around you. "Chan. I haven't bathed for a week, I smell." you'd protest, weakly trying to escape his grip.
He wouldn't care. seeing you so drained and energy less broke his heart. He'd softly scold you for not contacting him, saying it's important that you don't struggle alone whilst rocking you from side to side.
You'd break down. Broken sobs and hiccups shaking your body. His warmth and scent got the better of you, breaking you down. He'd allow you to cry into his chest, not caring you was getting his clothing wet with tears all the while, soothing you softly.
after your little breakdown, you'd feel better. Chan would wipe away your tears and snot with his hands, making you pull a face. Chan would roll his eyes and laugh saying it's nothing.
"I have some snacks. let's shower and watch a movie together. I'm not leaving until I know you're a million percent okay."
̥۪͙۪◌- ', Minho ꒱ ↷
He has his own love language. it's subtle. He doesn't buy you chocolates or roses and you're okay with that. Sometimes, he finds it a little challenging to show that he loves you, feeling worried that you might not feel it.
but you do. Minho knows you well, too well. He knows you better than anyone else, which is scary but also good. He caught the signs way before you did.
your irritation. sudden outbursts. low moods. no motivation – he recognised it all before you even realized, which is why he came prepared.
"I really don't want to go out, lino. I cannot be bothered."  Minho would protest, whining softly. you didn't have energy to go out in public and be social, it's hard enough to get out off bed in the mornings.
You became suspicious when Minho drove you to the countryside, nothing but trees and hills could be seen as well as small cottages. You'd question Minho but only receive a "you will see when we get there. be patient kitten." 
Soon, you'd stop by a small farm, a small bubble of excitement bubbling in your stomach. So this is why Minho told you to wear your Welly boots! 
Minho knows you adorable animals so he surprised you with a trip to the local farm, which was run by a family. You spent the day petting the cows, feeding lambs and holding chickens. You bought some local groceries, supporting the business. 
Your eyes lit up, a smile never leaving your lips the whole time. This is what Minho loved, he felt proud knowing that he was able to cheer you up again – even if it was just something small.
"I knew you were feeling a little under the weather, so I thought I'd surprise you to help cheer you up again. I hope you loved it, kitten." 
̥۪͙۪◌- ', Changbin ꒱ ↷
You're a fresh couple, dating for only 2 months, however, you have known him for 4 years. Changbin is your workout partner, you both never skip leg day.
However, when you message Changbin out of the blue, claiming you didn't want to exercise, he became concerned. He stopped by your place to be greeted by a sullen looking you. 
"off day?"  Changbin just knew. He's observant, he knows and remembers the littlest details about you. Your cute habits he adores and he can spot when your moods change so it's not much of a surprise to him when he learnt you're feeling under the weather.
He'd wrap his strong arms around you, squeezing you gently. Oddly, his chest would feel soft and squishy despite the fact he works out a lot, but you love it. You have extra pillows in the form of changbin's chest.
"I'm sorry for skipping today. I really want to do something though." a soft, sad mumble. Changbin would shake his head, exclaiming it's okay. As a suggestion, he would say you could take a walk instead.
You'd smile weakly, agreeing before getting changed into something warmer. You'd take a walk up the mountains, Changbin's warm hands always holding yours, fingers interlocked.
He wouldn't want you to leave his side. You'd take cute selfies together, pick some fresh berries whilst talking about this and that. You'd explain how you were feeling and why you were feeling that way. Changbin is a good listener so he would be listening very carefully whilst also giving you advice.
Feeling your fingers turning ice cold, he'd shove his hand and yours into his pocket, a small giggle escaping your lips. Changbin would smile at the blissful sounds, kissing your lips softly.
"That's my love. I'm always with you, babe. Don't be afraid to call me when you feel like this, no matter what time of day it is." 
̥۪͙۪◌- ', Hyunjin ꒱ ↷
You miss Hyunjin. He was away for some art convention, showcasing his works. Of course, you're insanely proud of him for his accomplishments, but you couldn't help but feel a little insecure.
Hyunjin has talent and you felt like you didn't have any. You didn't understand why Hyunjin loves someone like you. You're a simple person, liking the simplest and smallest of things. The littlest of things brings you the most happiness.
you work a standard job, money isn't great but it'll do. Feeling like there are better people out there for Hyunjin left you dwelling on your thoughts which only forced you deeper and deeper into the dark hole of despair.
Sadly, Hyunjin would be away for a few days meaning he would be sleeping at a hotel. a few days is typically nothing, but when you need him, it feels like forever.
you would facetime on the daily, mainly at night when everything was done for the day. You faked being happy, smiling and putting on a show for Hyunjin. You didn't want him to worry about you, he's so busy that you didn't want to add an extra load on top.
he would show you the artwork he planned on showing next, and whilst you felt incredibly proud of him, you couldn't help but also feel jealous and insecure. you started questioning his choice of picking you and your own abilities. So deep in thought, Hyunjin became a distant sound, his words sounding fuzzy.
Your vision blurred with tears. Hyunjin would call your name several times, concerned and worried about you after noticing the way you looked so sad 
"Am i– Am I good enough..?"   the barrier you formed around yourself – cracked. Tears streaming down your cheeks, broken sobs shook your figure. Hyunjin was speechless at first. He'd compose himself, soothing you through your phone screen.
You'd tell him everything that had been playing on your mind, ultimately getting everything off your chest. Hyunjin would sit and listen, nodding slowly, his own heart breaking at the sight of you. He'd do anything to be by your side right now but he can't.
You'd calm down with the help of Hyunjin, snot and tears coating your skin. Hyunjin would spend hours convincing you that you're more than enough for him, telling you that you're capable of anything and everything.
he'd tell you to never doubt yourself, you're perfect the way you are. He'd ask you where Kkami is. you'd point your phone down, Kkami curled up on your lap as you sniffled.
"Whenever I'm away, hug Kkami. That way, I will always be with you, no matter the distance." 
̥۪͙۪◌- ', Jisung ꒱ ↷
Stressed. Your part time job was getting to you, your work colleagues and customers constantly screaming in your face, telling you what you should and shouldn't do – you always managed to do something wrong, even when it was right.
On top of work, you were swamped in your studies. Deadlines after deadlines after deadlines. The teachers assumed you just don't like having spare time or have a life at all. You barely had enough time for yourself. You couldn't indulge in your hobbies, Indulge in self care because you were either too stressed or too tired.
You hated how jisung had a carefree life, how he was able to do the things he loves. You love him more than anything in this world, however, seeing him sitting on the wood floor, controller in hand and his tongue sticking out for concentrating – you hated his carefree lifestyle.
Jisung knew you were stressed and exhausted, he just didn't know how to approach you. He has thought of things that he thinks would make you stress free but once he thought back to it, it seemed like a terrible idea.
He looked back over his shoulder into the office room, seeing you stressed, your eyes darting around your laptop screen. He paused his game, standing up and leaning against the door frame.
"I don't have time to play your silly games, Jisung! can't you see I'm swamped in work! Not everyone can have a stress-free life like you!!" 
your eyes widen in shock, mouth opening and closing as nothing but splutters come out. You couldn't speak, you were too shocked. Jisung didn't say a word. He gave you a single nod of his head and walked away. You'd call for him but he never looked back.
Once alone, your anger would bubble to the surface once again, hot tears streaming down your face and blurring your vision. Surprisingly, you no longer wanted to study. Instead, you burst into silent sobs. You didn't want Jisung to hear you, so you'd muffle your cries with your hand.
Snot, tears and saliva ruining your face. Cheeks and eye puffy, calling yourself an idiot. It's not Jisung's fault you're so stressed but he was just there. He, unfortunately, became the target of your outburst and you hated that. 
It wasn't until you heard the sounds of things falling and crashing as well as a frustrated Jisung muttering "fuck" that you decided to go see what was going on. You were stopped in your tracks when your eyes fell onto a makeshift den, a projector showing stars on the walls and ceiling. 
TV and games console inside the den along with a range of pillows and soft blankets, snacks, drinks, fairy lights, plushies. You would be reduced to tears once again, but this time, tears of joy.
Jisung stood next to the den, gaming controller in hand, loving smile on his lips and wearing nothing but sweatpants (he knows how much you love skin ship). He'd walk to you, wiping away your tears and kiss you softly. You'd go to apologize for your outburst earlier but he would have none of it – he understands you're under a lot of stress
"I know you're under a lot of stress lately. I thought we could spend the time gaming and eating whilst cuddling. Maybe it will help you wind down a little." 
̥۪͙۪◌- ', Felix ꒱ ↷
Sunshine Felix. He is warm and comforting. He has a way with words that instantly makes you feel better, but sometimes, it doesn't always work.
Stuck in a rut. Same routine day in, day out. You didn't know how to break this cycle. Eat, sleep, work, repeat. It's draining to you to the point where you don't have energy anymore
everything you loved, your hobbies, favourite things such as movies, food, etc, became dull and boring to you. You couldn't be bothered to get out off bed, simply because you knew what the day was going to hold.
Felix knew something was wrong. He hasn't seen or heard from you for a while. He knew something was wrong when you sent him a blank text with no kiss at the end. "im fine lix." 
He'd take it upon himself to go to your apartment and let himself in.
He'd walk to your bedroom, gently shaking your figure. You'd sigh softly, explaining you didn't want to leave you bed. Felix furrowed his brows, before disappearing to the bathroom to run you a hot bath. He'd pick out some clean clothing for you before picking you up bridal style and placing you in the tub
He'd wash your hair, giving you a massage in the process, whilst you wash your body. He'd help you dry, put on your clothing and help you with your beauty routine. He'd clean your apartment for you before deciding that it's time to bake.
You'd spend the entire afternoon together, baking an array of sweet treats. Your apartment smelt and looked like a bakery by the time you were both done. Later on, you'd both be curled up on the sofa, Felix holding you close to him.
Sweet treats in one hand and a glass of milk in the other. A fluffy blanket covering you both, skin on skin. His warmth radiates onto you, making you feel at home. Felix is your home. You'd soon fall asleep in his arms, feeling happy and content at long last.
"sleep well, my love. I'll be here in the morning. I love you for eternity." 
̥۪͙۪◌- ', Seungmin ꒱ ↷
He seems like the type to not understand nor like skin ship, however, he is smart. He clicks on and understands instantly. He knows your patterns in behaviour and as soon as he notices a blip, he's quick to catch on.
however, he doesn't press you about it. he has learnt not to. He has learnt that you will come to him when the time is right – when you need him – and he will always be there for you, with open arms. And that day finally came.
Seungmin decided to take you out on a little trip, nothing too fancy, just a nice, casual day out together. You visited bookstores, sports shops and more. You soon both had handfuls of shopping bags, with Seungmin carrying most of yours.
You both decided to stop by the local café. It was small, but cosy. They have the best coffee and desserts in your town, plus, you both preferred going to smaller café chains – you like to support those smaller, feeling like Starbucks and Costa drown out the smaller businesses.
Seungmin and you got talking and it wasn't until you started talking about your week that you realised how lonely you had been feeling. With the days being shorter and nights getting colder, all you wanted was Seungmin. You wanted his warmth, his arms wrapped around you. To see his goofy smile and hear his adorable laugh.
You missed him and you had been ignoring it, drowning it out by overworking yourself. The more you spoke about how you felt, the more real it became. It wasn't until Seungmin reached across the table and took your hand in his, that you realised you were crying.
You would laugh softly, wiping away your tears and apologies to which Seungmin would shake his head at you and say it's all okay. He'd stand up and walk to you, gently lifting you up by your hand and pull you into his chest.
His scent, that warm, cinnamon scent would make you whimper, cling onto him and bury your face into his chest. He didn't care where you both were, he knew you needed him there and then. He couldn't wait to get home and hold you – not yet at least. He'd sway with you slowly, kissing the top of your head as you would let out gently and soft sobs 
"Shh, my darling. I'm here now. you won't ever feel alone every again. I promise to stay by your side, no matter what."
̥۪͙۪◌- ', Jeongin꒱ ↷
Sweet Jeongin. Skin ship is not his favourite thing in the world – at least when it comes to his members. You knew he wasn't keen on skin ship and that was okay with you, however, sometimes, you wish he was.
Sometimes, you wish he would be the one to initiate a hug or hold your hand or just a simple peck on the cheek. You love him and you knew from the start he didn't like skin ship, however you couldn't help but feel agitated and annoyed.
"Why is it always me that's has to be the one to initiate it? why can't you??" you'd snap. You'd have a rough day wanting nothing more than to come home and melt into your partner's arms – but you knew that wasn't going to happen.
As soon as you saw him chewing his bottom lip, nervously, you'd insistently feel guilty, stupid. This is Jeongin, your boyfriend. You love him no matter what, he is perfect to you! You'd apologise deeply and Jeongin being a kind soul, would accept your apology and move on.
Months later, the same situation happened. It was like déjà vu all over again. However, Jeongin was prepared this time. He saw how you came home in a huff, brows pinched together, frustration noticeable on your face.
You noticed he wanted to do something, you could tell by the way he was nervously hanging around you. You brushed it off as nothing – he would have done it by now if it was important.
By the time it was bed time, your frustrations were still apparent. They hadn't subsided like you hoped they would, you even took a shower in hopes it would help relax you – but it didn't. You had your back to Jeongin, trying to fall asleep. Jeongin felt anxious. It's not like he doesn't like skin ship, it's just, he doesn't know how to approach you when it comes to it.
He wants to hold you, to kiss you and have you melt into him, he's just shy. He's never done this before, he's never had a long term partner before so all this – is new to him. You'd feel him shifting around, his arm slowly sliding  and draping over your side. You'd be shocked, blushing softly when you feel him pulling you flush against his chest, crotch against your ass, back against his chest.
He'd hold you tight, his warmth surrounding you. He'd take your hand in his, stroke it slowly as he gains confidence. Soft kisses on the back of your neck, hums of contentment. You liked this and so did he. You felt all your frustrations melt away.
"Its not a case of me not liking skin ship, I do, especially with you. It's just, I'm shy. All this is new to me but I promise you, I will hold you and never let you go." 
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webginz · 2 months
i had the worst shower ever. i was like, tripping out. reminded me of my "episodes" i had in middle school. just like voices and not knowing where i am. and not being able to get back to reality.
well now im on my way to the dentist, theres no way in hell they wont be able to notice i was just crying. (from fear of going to the dentist, not from the shower thing lol)
im so scared :(
[took out a part here but it was just about stress and disordered eating things from this morning]
then i got to the dentist and it sucked. long dentist story ahead
okay dentist. everything that couldve gone wrong, went wrong.. i tried acting normal, and we had small talk or whatever like normal dentist x ray stuff, but she could instantly tell something was wrong with me, i guess.
she gave me a health form to fill out. i was still chill and this point and was like oh yeah i have blood pressure problems but its only if im up moving around!! so not doing that at the desntist hehe amirite?! i also checked anxiety and i think thats what she wanted. just personal confirmation everything was gonna go wrong.
after she learned i had anxiety, she was nice, too nice imo... like i was a child. im okay with that though i guess. (i mean.. she could definitely tell i was just done crying)
she was like "the xray blanket is heavy and could help with ur anxiety" BUT I WANTED IT OFF AND COULD BARELY TALK SO I JUST NODDED. it made me feel so overwhelmed immediately. THIS IS WHERE EVERYTHING STARTED GOING BAD
im also just constantly aware of my hair and when you lean back on the stupid dentist seat my hat falls off. its like LOOK THE FREAK WHOS SCARED OF THE DENTIST AND PULLS OUT ALL HER HAIR!!
whatever. so there i am on the dentist chair. bald spots for the world to see. xray blanket sensory overload. sunglasses on top of my regular glasses. but im pushing through.
she starts using the tool on my teeth. a metal vibrating thing that sounds like a drill. my worst most awful fear is high pitched drilling noises. if im in a good mood i can put up with them for a bit, but obviously todays not that day. i try not to freak out, but she notices and asks if im okay and im like "yah" (with tears)
but then my mom comes in and shes like "can you not do it a different way?!?!" "shes freaking out" and just making everything WORSE. (used the chaos here to get rid of the dumb xray thing)
ive been on and off hyperventilating through all of this btw... i heard one of the dentist ladies say "shes crying and breathing really fast..." which was like. kill me now please god.
so back to my mom asking "can you not just do it a different way?" they do have a different way btw. without the scary machine! but then dentist lady says "she used this machine the last 2 times she was here? we dont have enough time to do it manually." (proof i was just having a bad day and i totally can be normal!!! but hearing this made me feel awful like i could feel all the dentists were thinking "she did it fine last time why is she carzy today?!?")
she then asked to step away to find the MAIN dentist lady.
at this point i was crying shaking hyperventilating and felt like i was gonna throw up from nervous energy. also my mom is pestering me a bunch (shes concerned but making everything worse, her hearts in the right place tho ily mom)
so big boss dentist lady is here. she says she looked at the xrays (from the beginning, remember?) and i have A GAZILLION CAVITIESSSSSS!!!!!
she says for my dental things from now on i should go to a SEDATION DENTIST!!!!
i was so out of it i didnt even know what to say. well now i do!!!
im not usually that scared. i was having a VERY BAD morning.
the dentist i go to now is all women. the sedation dentist is a MAN, that none of the women there had ever met. I HAVE TO GO MEET A MAN TO SEDATE ME SO I CAN BE ALONE WITH HIM? SO HE CAN DO MY TEETH? i might have a silly joking tone to this post but with this im being so serious. im scared as hell that thats just gonna end with me being raped.
i dont like male doctors/dentists/anything and always have my mom with me when i have to. there was a female assistant when i had my endoscopy and female nurses when i had my surgery. i dont want to be alone, asleep, in a room with a man i dont know. JUST BECAUSE IM SCARED OF THE DENTIST???
god i keep seeing stuff in the corner of my eye as im writing this. i think my psychosis is coming back for some reason.
every things going wrong today and forever
pls like/reply this post if you read it all im sorry for my ranting
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artinandwritin · 2 months
For the ask game 6, 10, 11, and 14... hopefully those can fill your time but let me know if you need more lmao!
AGH TY for asking so many!! Im certain ill be able to fill a lot of time with those <333
6. Favourite ships; like i mentioned on your post, for me it really fluctuates what ship is in the front of my mind on any given day. Ofc, hiccstrid is a big one (theyre really good to me personally) and I'm currently also in a big snotstrid mood bc of my friend @spacenintendogs 's dragons off the coast au! (Also p l e a s e if you aren't familiar yet with dragons off the coast im begging you to look into it, its such an interesting take on a modern au and Rose's writing and worldbuilding is absolutely phenomonal). Fishlout also takes up a space in my heart, adore them so much! The dynamic is so good.
Ruffnut and her army of men is also so good, and the dynamics she has with Eret, Fishlegs and Snotlout is really fun and has a lot of potential. Tho i do also think she and Heather have potential. As do Eret and Heather! That whole group can just be mixed and matched together haha. Heather and Fishlegs ofc is also wholesome, they deserved more than this!
Due to me being so involved in the oc side of the fandom and being a really big supporter of everything oc (which is common knowledge after 4 years of this haha), I also love a lot of people's ocxcanon ships! Such as Rose's oc Ermintrude and Snotlout, @nosuda-cringe 's oc Mayeth Vang and Snotlout, and ofc the ships you've hinted and teased in otwd (zephbal save me... save me zephbal. I think about them a. Normal amount. Same with castav but i wouldnt let them save me, they need to save themselves first), plus a lot of others. Theyre all very dear to me <333
10: favourite songs from the soundtrack; OKAY so ive actually got history with this! When i was about 13-16-ish i had music classes as part of my middle school experience (lmao) and we were given the freedom to do any project we wanted. In those 2-3 years i used the httyd soundtrack twice for projects!
First I used Forbidden Friendship (that song man. That song) as like. An underbeat or smt? To add things on. Im sure it sounded horrendous and y'know the other kids in my class laughed at me bc of me using an animated movie's soundtrack, but the song did remain a favourite of mine and still is.
The second time I used the soundtrack was just after the third movie released! We were once again granted freedom and I decided to learn Once There Were Dragons on the piano! (Im not certain i still know it LMAO its been 5 years, this was even before I learned about OTWD which is in hindsight pretty funny)
Ofc once again the kids around me weren't amused and I couldn't play piano to save my life (my hands are too small to reach the octaves needed which. Sucked haha) but i had a lot of fun and the song really stayed with me throughout the years, it always brings me at least some sort of emotion <3
11; favourite locations; OH gotta be Old Berk and Dragon Island. We spend so much time in Old Berk during the shows and the movies and the form of the island is just so... memorable, in a way. In school of dragons, i always loved climbing the Great Hall up to Gothi's little hut haha. Miss that silly little island.
Dragon Island is soooo underused but i adore the implications sm! Like, the Red Death's corpse is there (and we all know how much i love environment changing giants) and we haven't really seen it since RoB/DoB. Underused location in my humble opinion.
Honorable mentions to Berserker Island and the weird treasure island from rtte season 1. They really slayed haha
14; favourite animation style; everyone knows i'm a big hand animation girlie so I have to go for those little moments in the franchise where more 2D animation is implemented (like in Fishlegs' leadership dream and the Boneknapper special). The keyframing and the subtle movements are really worth analysing and i absolutely adore how it's used. A real treat for us animators! (Special mention to the animation that's been going around from the live special, so good)
As for 3d styles, I have to say the first movie. It has a very raw edge which i love and it gives everything a great feeling. Plus, the animation error during forbidden friendship they left in the final cut owns me <333
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
Anakin skywalker, Darth Vader, Obi wan Kenobi, Cody.
Overall Headcanons
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Back on my Star Wars bullshit, so heres some overall hcs about some of the characters I love, enjoy. Ft some x reader elements. Can yall tell which character ive been most obsessed with lately?
 Let me know if you guys are interested in more like this, as it’s a good way to get the writing juices flowing.
 Mild nsfw stuff under the cut, but it’s nothing wild.
Anakin Skywalker
-          Anger issues, but would never yell at you as it reminds him of his time as a slave
-          Gets nightmares about his time as a slave and his fears.
-          Wears black because it sets him away from the other jedi. They made him feel as if he didn’t belong, so he was gonna go his own way.
-          When he first joined the jedi he had a really hard time drinking or just using water in general since it was so sparce on Tatooine. Nowadays he enjoys to take long showers and baths.
-          Cant eat too strong tasting foods.
-          Has a real hard time talking about his emotions. Because of this, if he falls in love hed rather go around nursing a crush than actually confess.
-          He falls in love super easily, and gets kinda blinded by it.
-          Touch starved as hell, literally melts into your hands if you cradle his face in your palms.
-          Loves kissing, could spend hours with his lips on yours or just kissing you all over.
-          Oral fixation. Goes hand in hand with him loving to kiss so much. Watch out for your fingers.
-          Has a strong gag reflex, but doesn’t let it stop him.
-          This man is verse leaning towards submissive and you can’t convince me otherwise. Those anger issues make me think he just wants someone to love him and take care of him.
-          Loves you wearing his clothes or wearing your clothes.
Darth Vader (I know he’s also Anakin but whateves)
-          Still has real bad anger issues, but in a more subdued and controlled manner if that makes sense. Still won’t yell at you.
-          Very self-conscious about his body, and is scared of touching anything he cares about because he doesn’t want to accidentally destroy it.
-          Still has horrible nightmares but these are mainly about the purging of the jedi.
-          He secretly listens to recordings from before the fall of the jedi and the republic when he is feeling extra down.
-          Mourns how he can’t kiss anymore. Tries to breathe as quietly as possible when you cuddle because he thinks the noise disturbs you.
-          Secretly still sensitive so it would help you if affirm that you love him.
-          More touch starved than ever, wants you to touch what little accessed skin he has, all the time.
-          Doesn’t talk much anymore. This scares other people as he’s just a large silent scary shadow.
-          I don’t think he has much of a sex drive after becoming Darth Vader, mainly because I think his own body is too damaged, though he would be able to use his hands.
-          Though I think he would like to sit on his knees in front of you with his head in your lap, having you caress him.
Obi wan Kenobi
-          Insomniac to the fullest. He uses the force to keep going.
-          Loves tea more than anything, has a collection of teas from different planets he’s been too in his time as a jedi.
-          Touch starved, as I think all jedi are at this point.
-          Has nightmares and lasting trauma from the many things he went through even before he became a jedi knight like melida/daan and bandomeer.
-          Quite protective of those he cares about, though he doesn’t express it much with words.
-          Doesn’t cry much, so when he does, he just needs someone to hold him as he gets it out.
-          He sneaks out of the temple to eat at Dex´s diner all the time. He brings along Anakin, Ashoka and later multiple clones.
-          Isn’t as uptight as people think. He will bend or break rules regularly, he just isn’t caught.
-          I think he both tops or bottoms, whatever the mood is that day, though I see him as the type of person to refer to it as “lovemaking”.
-          Has had multiple partners in the past, a few being Quinlan, I believe they were casual and just did it to relieve stress and etc, Santine or even Siri Tachi.
-          He is quite confident with a partner, even if he isn’t sure what he’s doing.
-          Likes making his partner feel good, holds you close and maybe even clings on quite desperately at times.
-          A big cuddler, just wants to lay for hours and half sleep with you in his arms.
-          Would keep your relationship a secret for obvious reasons, but would be willing to leave the jedi for you If you got very serious and truly loved eachother.
-          Tries to keep serious at all times, but can be quite goofy and lovey-dovey behind closed doors.
-          Very protective over his fellow clones and the jedi he is assigned.
-          Used to follow orders as closely as possible, but after joining the 212th, has started to follow in Obi wans footsteps and bend rules to fit the situation.
-          Secretly struggles a lot with being a clone and not being seen as a living sentient being by most people.
-          Has issues with his self-esteem, please tell him he’s good enough.
-          Has very little knowledge about kids, the outside world of sex ed, as I don’t believe the kamonians thought it was something clones needed to know.
-          Sterile, as I believe most clones aren’t able to have children.
-          Likes to cuddle and be held close, hold him as tight as you can against your chest. Will listen to your heartbeat and fall asleep to it.
-          Likes it when his partner caresses his scar or holds his face in their palms. Please pepper kisses all over his voice.
-          I think he’s fine with whatever in the bedroom, but it will be kinda awkward or goofy the first couple of times as he figures out how it works.
-          Likes to go slow and take his time, take you in and really show you how much he loves you.
-          Doesn’t keep your relationship a huge secret, as in his squad and some jedi know but not the council or the republic as you could be forced to split up.
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 2 months
hi, im a mutual of yours who is too shy/on&off tumblr to interact, but i do look up to you; and your blog and way of seeing things helped me in the past when i was struggling quite a bit.
Lately I feel as if im lost in life, lost my passions and floating aimlessly without a real goal, detached from the future etc. Do you have any advice? I appreciate ur view on things, hope this isnt overstepping 🌦🌈
hi its ok no pressure too interact w me ona personal level just cus were mutuals i enjoy the ambient bonds that can form on this website its why i stay ^^ and no it's not overstepping at a;ll sorry it took me a lil while to respond i was trying to think of good advice since i often feel lost too---
well firs t n foremost to give credit where credit is due, this bjork reddit AMA response really gets to the bottom of it , ever since i first read this here on tumbr a few years ago it really rly stuck w me:
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the way this answer helped me is like, it helped me realize i dont need to be so regimented i dont need to put all this pressure on myself to create..All that does is feed into self inflicted guilt when i cant live up to my own expectations u.u you see for my whole life i've never been able to plan anything. yes i can think about the next steps i want to take, i can assemble a plan, i can see the logical way forward, but my moods. or like, idek. how to explain..
i cant force anything. if im not feeling it, i cant force it. ive STRUGGLED w this like i dont wanna be this way. because my feelings i cant predict. like for example i worked on music all winter because thats what i was feeling. then suddenly in march i just like, wasnt feeling it all of a sudden. As soon as it hit me i was like Fy767*T&UG*** because i didnt know when it was gonna come back. i still dont know!! im just trying to be patient waiting it out..in the mean time i have suddenly become enthused with drawing again after not ~feeling~ drawing for most of 2023. sometimes i go for weeks where i dont take a single photo and then suddenly it starts flowing again.. my website was also left untouched for most of 2023 until recently.
thats just one example of this repeating pattern in my life that i didnt understand for so long. theres years of my 20s where i couldnt feel passion for anything at all, looking back now i believe those times i was meant to be focusing on stuff in my psyche that needed healing to clear out some headspace for art. and this bjork quote put a lot into perspective it showed me how to reformulate my thinking to be more accomodating to my disposition. when i'm patient & kind w myself, take each day as it comes, let go of the imaginary pressure, let go of "the future", stuff starts to come thru easier.
and maube its gonna show up in ways you dont expect but its true that the mundane world offers so many ways to practice being creative & giving u stuff to weave into the art u want to create.. every water fall starts w a single drop its trueits true :] thats my advice i spose i really didnt meant to write this much but im boooored.. actually my nighttime boredom writing is one of those habits i never considered to b creative until very recently. there's so many small & automatic things we do that can lead to a meaningful life & purpose.
thanks for the question anon i hope this helps in some way , this is whats helped me but everyone's process is different. and i still have moments where im like WTFFF is happening but its easier to ride it out now. i wish the same for you just give it time <3 thanks again xPmd9
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sammyloomis · 6 months
2023 completions
welcome to the 2023 edition of my ramblings about video games i completed this year!! including even more unwanted opinions and even less coherency
total games: 37
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09/01 - Sam & Max Save the World - 8/10
sam and max, freelance police, begin a long string of investigations involving hypnotised celebrities, sentient computers, and conspiracies that go all the way to the TOP, baby
startin the year off good game wise then!! tbh i started this one in 2022 but it didnt make that list cause i just.. wasnt in a game playin mood towards the end i guess fghj but anyway!! really liked this one, ive seen a few mutuals who like this series so i was excited to play it and it was a lot of fun :] defo an old school point and click game and i rly liked the main characters themselves and the supporting cast!! glad theres another remaster i can jump into right after this one
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11/01 - Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil In Me - 8/10
the crew of lonnit entertainment are invited to a recreation of the infamous murder house, the stomping grounds of americans first serial killer, h h holmes. they are hoping the location will help save their documentary, but will you be able to save... THEIR LIVES??
i feel like every dark pictures game becomes my fave dark pictures game as they come out, but this one really was Very Good. i can confidently say this is probably the most scared ive been while playing a supermassive game Ever. the characters, while dysfunctional, grew on me a lot over the course of the game which made keeping them alive even more nailbiting :’] speaking of, the deaths in this one were Particularly gruesome imo, just from a concept standpoint, so big kudos for that too!! my only gripe is that i think the new “features” such as puzzle solving and traversal mechanics just artificially prolonged the runtime without actually adding anything to the experience
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15/01 - Sam and Max Beyond Time and Space - 7/10
even more weird shit is afoot in the second sam and max game, this time our duo facing off against T-H-E-M, the bermuda triangle, and satan himself!! ... or was it santa??
2 sam and max games in one month, this may have detrimental effects on my brain :’] but really, i liked this one too!! not as much as the first, but i still liked the characters and overall story, i liked how it all connected to both the previous game and the events through this one. i found some of the puzzles a bit more difficult and obtuse, but they were still fun. another fun point and click game (tho somewhat dated in some cases fghjk)
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18/01 - Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments - 5/10
the game preceeding sherlock holmes: the devils daughter, which i completed last year, follows the titular character once more, solving 6 of his cases along with his partner dr john watson
eh, not much to say about this one. i certainly prefered the devils daughter, but that one was also kinda meh fghjk. with this one being an older game, the graphics and gameplay were a bit more janky, and i guess theyd changed voice actors for sherlock since this game cause i didnt like his voice in this one tbh. that being said, mystery wise id say its abt on par with the devils daughter. yeah, again, not much to say really :’]
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24/01 - Psychonauts 2 - 10/10
a mole in headquarters, an evil from the past is rising again, and even MORE figments hidden in really obscure places... another day at the psychonauts office :V raz once again must delve into various brains to figure out what the Fuck is goin on
okay this game was literally so fkn good in every aspect. visually stunning, amazing story, brilliant characters both new and returning... GOD!!! what the first game did well, this one blew it CLEAN out of the water, i loved it a lot!! like idk what else to even say, it was just such a solid game i cant think of much to critisise :’]
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04/02 - AI: The Somnium Files - 3/10
kaname date works for the police force for a department unknown to the general public, using groundbreaking technology, he delves into the minds of suspects and uncovers clues using their own memories. when a body shows up resembling a victim of a serial killer from a cold case, he begins his investigation
... man... spike chunsoft rly just know how to make characters that grate on me fghjk for starters ill praise the original concept and interesting story (when it finally got around to being revealed), but i disliked/was uninterested in most of the characters and thought the tropes they kept using were annoying and just plain weird. im not fully sure Why this game was a branching path type game since it never really plays into the plot and the main story could have easily been told with a single storyline. overall, didnt rly enjoy this one, but what can ya do they cant all be winners :’]
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13/02 - Sly Cooper and the Thievious Raccoonus - 5/10
sly cooper, youngest descendent of the illustrious cooper thief clan, had his familys secrets stolen when he was just a lad. now he sets out to retrive what was taken from him and beat up some bad guys as he does
i gotta commend this game for the humour and the creativity with it, and im defo lookin forward to playing the rest of these games based off this one, but i think this first entry suffers from a lot of Jank that made it quite frustrating to play :’] also, there wasnt any way to mute anything except the music or adjust the volume so it would routinely blow the FUCK out of my eardrums. that bein said tho, still fun, very quick game, but im keepin it a low rating cause im expecting to like the later ones better :’]
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26/02 - Hidden Agenda - 2/10
the infamous “trapper” killer makes a final confession while counting down the days on death row, claims he never killed anyone and he can help lead the police to exactly who did. detective becky marney must investige this case one more time and decide if hes lying, or if the killer is still afoot
im so so SO sorry to my friends who like this game but besties.... why fghj for starters i was locked out of playing it for almost 2 years when the app you are REQUIRED to use in order to play this thing just stopped working, and when i finally did start playing the jank didnt stop with just the app. the whole game seems to be a broken mess with textures flickering in and out, characters walking thru solid objects, its MADNESS. the story and characters are so.... not interesting :[ it takes only 2 hours to do a full runthru of the story so i never rly grew to care abt them and theyre so flat anyway that i didnt Want to. if it wasnt so clearly rushed i think itd be good, and some of the acting is actually rly stellar, but overall...... its a no from me
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04/03 - Minecraft - minecraft/10
its minecraft
technically i already got the plat ages ago but this year i finally got the coveted 100% so.... yeah ;w; i mean we all know what minecraft is so like...... idk what to say abt it guys, u already know how good it is (tho the console version is Vasty inferior to pc)
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05/03 - Death Stranding - 8/10
after a world ending catastrophe dubbed the death stranding wiped out modern life as we know it, humanity is scattered across america. its up to sam porter bridges, post apocalyptic delivery man, to travel across the country and unite those that remain
depsite how confusing this game was, and how slow it was paced, and how fkn damn weird it was half the time, i still had a lot of fun playing it :’] i enjoyed the characters, tho wish certain ones had more limelight, i enjoyed the actual gameplay, tho by the end game i was finding it a bit Too repetetive, and i found the story rly interesting, when i could understand what was going on fghj so basically for every good thing i liked, it was countered by something, tho they are fairly small things. also the ending cutscene is an hour n a half long and i was fkn 3 am when i was finally allowed to exit the damn game so, u know, beware of that
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10/03 - Ratchet & Clank - 7/10
young mechanic ratchet, with his new buddy clank, join the galactic rangers in stopping the blargs from destroying countless planets in order to build their own
another game thats been on my backlog for ages, im glad to have this one done and dusted :’] i certainly had fun playing it, but i feel like it was a bit Too kiddy in some places for my personal taste (dialogue and humour wise that is, but since this was also made by insomniac of spiderman fame, it makes sense) and after a certain point the game becomes piss easy with all the upgrades u get, but i still enjoyed it
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03/04 - Sly Cooper 2: Band of Thieves - 5/10
sly and his pals return to their thieving ways after learning that the infamous klaw gang have begun reassembling parts for slys arch nemesis; clockwork. they travel across the globe to stop them
man my descriptions are getting worse fghj but anyway, as with the first game, i rly enjoyed the characters!! and the music, and... thats pretty much it. i really dont know what it is about these sly games that i just cant seem to enjoy the gameplay but i Really Really dont have fun while playing them :[ which is a shame cause, like i say, great characters that id like to spend more time with. if this was supposed to be the best in the series, i think im gonna give the 3rd and 4th games a miss for now, but maybe ill come back to them in the future
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29/04 - Last Day of June - 7/10
a short game depicting a young couple named carl and june, and the tragedy surrounding their relationship
this game doesnt actually have a plat, which is something im trying not to be too picky about going forward in terms of playing games, but even tho this game was super short i really liked it!! the story is rly simple but incredibly sad, and even though theres a lack of “voice acting” in the traditional sense, there was still a lot of great emotive acting in this. that being said, the fact some of the voices sounded so odd detracted from the seriousness of the plot sometimes, and the actual gameplay was kinda boring, but still a solid short game :]
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29/04 - Predator Hunting Grounds - 1/10
and i dont like it >:[
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03/05 - Linger in Shadows - 1/10
this... isnt even a game apparently
i had it on my list of things to check out while i had the ps plus premium thinking it Was a game, but its not. its a strange kind of “art” thing according to the guide i used. i didnt rly know what was going on fghj. certainly a unique experience i suppose but nothing id recommend u go out of ur way to do, even if it takes literally 10 minutes to get all the trophies (no plat either)
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08/05 - Kurushi - 2/10
ps1 puzzle game, another one from the ps plus catalogue
not much to say abt this one again fghj seems like these last few games have been kinda duds huh :’] ah well, theres certainly better games on the horizon i suppose. as said, this is just some puzzle game from the ps1, janky controls and all. the music is surprisingly good, sounds almost like disney instrumentals :’] not that fun without assisstance tbh
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09/05 - The Gardens Between - 6/10
a very short puzzle game following 2 friends exploring a strange series of islands that tell the story of their friendship
when i say short i Mean short. like even without a guide i got this completely done in 2 1/2 hours, and that included me leaving the game on while i went to get something to eat from the kitchen. that being said, its a very cute game!! i enjoyed the puzzles, the style is nice and Capital-I-Indie, the musics nice and relaxing. the story was also nice, if sad, (can i say nice a few more times??? nice nice nice nice) but i just think this game is Wayyyy too short dfghj i think a lot more could have been done with it :’] glad i didnt pay the full £15 for this as it would have been a bit of a rip off
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09/05 - Nelson Tethers: Puzzle Agent - 8/10
fbi agent tethers is sent out to the minnesotan town of scoggins to investigate the local eraser factory shutting down
damn we’re just flying thru em now huh! ive actually played and 100%’d this game before on steam, as well as its sequel so i suppose im a little biased :’] but i rly like this game!! another short one, and another puzzle one, but i rly love the art style and story, as well as the puzzles being fairly simple but still fun!! its a shame the second game never made it to ps or id complete that one too but yeah, fun and simple puzzle game, defo recommend :] like most games like this tho, i wish it were longer
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11/05 - ABZU - 6/10
you are a diver on a journey through the ocean, discovering the creatures that inhabit the waters
short n sweet indie game (anotha one) and this one was pleasant!! i rly liked the style and music, the story was simple but told fairly well, and just overall a nice game :] beyond that, not much to say tho fghj defo a very pretty game, and id recommend if you have an interest in marine life n such, but beyond that its pretty bog standard indie game
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11/05 - The Pedestrian - 5/10
a short puzzle game where you traverse various signs as the tiny person within them
pretty straight forward puzzle game with a Weird ending that i dont quite understand fghj but overall it was enjoyable :’] most of these quicker games ive been playing lately have been super quick puzzle games so i might be getting burnt out on them, but even then i can appreciate the creativity of this one. its also another game with no plat which, considering it came out not 3 years ago, is kind of annoying
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14/05 - Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons - 4/10
two brothers venture on a quest to find medicine for their sick father
another short puzzle game, with a pretty interesting feature!! you control each brother with an analogue stick each, which can make coordination in some parts quite tricky if ur me fghj overall a pretty decent game, the story was kinda meh for me but i thought the gameplay was interesting, not much else tho
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20/05 - Bloodborne - 6/10
the town of yharnam is crawling with beasts and hunters alike. fight through the corrupted streets and discover the fetid depths of this city and all the inhabitants trying super duper hard to kill you
im editing this from when i first wrote it after immediately finishing the game because i was cranky and frustrated because i cant in good faith give this game a score lower than 5 (mainly because i know the fromsoft fans would dox and kill me). this game is visually very nice, in the sense that it looks Horrible, which fits the vibe. the gothic style along with the monsters are really unique and detailed to the point where some of them are hard to look at. that being said, i personally didnt like this game. at all. i know on a “technical” level its very good, but i struggled for a Long Time to “git gud” as it were and surprisingly, dying a million times because you cant dodge within a 1/2 second window before being stun locked to death GREATLY decreased my enjoyment of this game. and thats all im gonna say about it :V
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21/05 - Black Mirror - 4/10
following the suicide of his father, david gordon returns to scotland from india to inherit his familys estate. however, there are strange mysteries surrounding this house and the family who occupy it
pretty short horror/puzzle game that was pretty light on both the horror and puzzles fghj tho this game had a surprising amount of animation that looks fairly good which was a nice surprise. the characters were fine, and the story started out quite interesting but just felt a bit... weird. especially the ending, the final climax is basically just a bunch of qtes that ends really abruptly with little push back from the villain :’] for a free game i guess i cant complain too much
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23/05 - Vampyr - 8/10
dr johnathan reid, recently turned vampire, has just returned home to london after serving as a field medic during the war. the streets are crawling with rogue vampires, and an epidemic is spreading quickly through the city, all while johnathan is searching for his maker
FINALLY A GAME I ENJOYED. GOD. okay so this was surprising because ive heard a lot of people call this game p mid, and maybe id think the same if it wasnt preceded by a whole bunch of Crap ive recently played, but here we are!! i really loved the chracters, i thought they were all fun and interesting, even the ones we dont meet for too long, and i also found the story super compelling!! the game Does have a bit of jank to it, with weirdly long loading times (even on the ps5) and the occassional graphical error, but otherwise i rly enjoyed this one :]
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31/05 - Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart - 9/10
seperated after dr nefarious begins ripping holes into other dimensions, ratchet and clank must team up with another lombax named rivet and stop the universes from collapsing altogether
man this game was so fun!! i got the whole thing done and dusted over the course of 2 days :’] the writing was still a bit cheesy for me, and as implied the play time is Outrageously low for the steep price (which i thankfully avoided cause ps plus), but the gameplay itselt was Incredibly fun and engaging!! defo a huge step up from the first game in this reboot series. i also rly loved rivet so that certainly helped :’]
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02/06 - Lake - 5/10
meredith weiss, a successful programmer, moves back to her childhood town of providence oaks to fill in her her dad at his post office job. deliver mail to the residents of this lakeside town and decide how meredith wants to end her 2 week stint
pretty cute indie game i got through ps plus, i kinda wish the whole thing Was just a post delivery simulator :’] the characters are okay, the storys okay if a little eh.... i wanna say Loose?? like the plot beats (if u can call them that) feel kinda boring n half arsed. theres also a random romance option in this which feels?? out of place and doesnt actully impact anything that much. overall its an okay game, like i say the thing i found the most fun was driving around delivering post but maybe thats just my autism showing :V
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13/06 - PowerWash Simulator - 10/10
i mean... kinda does what it says on the tin guys
is a 10 a bit generous?? maybe. do i particularly care?? absolutely not. this game is a 10 if ever there was one. i truly dont know how else to sell this if the idea of cleaning stuff with a powerwasher isnt immeditely appealing to you like, maybe You’re the problem :V this game also has a weird amount of lore?? which is also v fun fghj so do with that info what you will
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19/06 - LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean - 7/10
a lego retelling of all 4 pirate movies, with all the usual lego bells and whistles
pretty typical lego game, so the gameplay and stuff is p fun!! ive actually never seen these movies so i didnt rly know what was goin on half the time, especially because this is an Older lego game so theres zero voice acting in this. i also had quite a few crashes and bugs while playing where i had to restart either the level or the whole game, which got annoying during the cleanup grind. overall tho, cant go wrong with a lego game tbh
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17/08 - Chicory: A Colorful Tale - 9/10
after all the colour in the world disappears out of nowhere, you must go on a quest across the picnic province to restore it using a magic paintbrush
you may notice the significant time gap between the last game and this one and uhhhh ngl folks i was Not Gamin dfghj i was Tired n a lil Sad but eh what can ya do, but this was a great game to come back with!! absolutely loved this one, super adorable art style and gameplay that reminded me a LOT of toem, very similar vibes but this game is much longer imo. id give it a perfect 10 if the collectibles weren’t so horrid to find fghjk but other than that cant recommend this one enough!!
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29/08 - Observation - 7/10
dr emma fisher wakes up after the space station on which she resides undergos a catastrophic failure. take control ships ai, S.A.M., and attempt to reboot the systems and find the crew, who have all mysteriously disappeared...
rly quite liked this one!! the fact u control the ships ai is a pretty interesting feature and made the interface really cool and sci-fi lookin, defo alien inspired on that front. i liked the story, even if it Did get a bit confusing, and the voice acting was also pretty stellar!! gotta dock points for some classic indie game Jank, and the fact that there isnt a whole lot goin on gameplay wise (p much entirely minigames that arent that well explained to you that u only end up doing once) but the story and overall eerie atmosphere rly saved it for me
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31/08 - OMNO - 5/10
short indie game where u travel through a mystical world, solve puzzles, and meet extraordinary animals
theres indie games and then theres Indie Games, u know?? this is the latter. and thats not a bad thing!! it just means its kinda... predictable. usual fare of no voice acting, gorgeous music, simple but stylised graphics etc etc. it was pretty cute and the puzzles were fun, but some of the controls felt a bit clunky and like i say, a little boring story wise imo (but maybe ive just played too many of these types of games). perfectly middle of the road :’]
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03/09 - Tacoma - 7/10
you have been sent on a mission to retrieve the ai from a ship where all the crew have seemingly vanished (sounds a bit familiar huh?? all sci fi is the same (affectionately)). explore the ship and piece together what happened to everyone
anotha one, anotha sci fi indie game :’] rly liked the story of this one!! and it was an interesting mechanic to be able to view scenes of the crew via an AR system, and then also view their files and such. despite their limited appearances, all the crew members were interesting and unique, and no spoilers but it made the ending and its lead up a lot more exciting and intense. gotta dock points for how Glitchy this game was, it crashed at one point and started stuttering so bad i had to restart it manually, and also for how short it is. still, good story, good characters
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06/09 - Chicken Police: Paint it RED! - 8/10
a gritty noir point and click detective game where u play as the infamous sonny featherland, one half of the crime fighting duo, chicken police. after a nervous dame shows up on his doorstep about her mistress recieving vague threats, he realises hes gotta take just one last case
anthropamorphic detective chickens..... played TOTALLY straight, mind you. like i was actually totally blown away by this game fghjk its Completely voice acted for one, and its Pretty Fuckin Good voice acting too, the story and mystery is Really interesting, the world its set in is super gritty and deep despite how little its kinda touched on through the story, i was very surprised!! i think the ending and reveal were a bit uhh.... abelist, not to get too into spoilers, but for a noir story i guess its par for the course. still, enjoyed this one!!
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08/09 - The Testament of Sherlock Holmes - 5/10
a mutilated bishop, a deadly poison, and some other shady bullshit, its another sherlock holmes game
this is actually the oldest game in the series thats avilable on ps, ive kinda gone about playing these in the exact wrong order :’] that being said, i do think this is my Least favourite of the 3 ive played thus far. like crimes & punishment, this game also has plenty of jank, and the voice acting is a lil ehhh stiff for my taste. the puzzles were fine, the story was fine, overall just Fine. this game follows 1 case rather than multiple like its sequels do
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10/09 - Garfield Kart: Furious Racing - 4/10
basically a mario kart clone but with garfield :]
now i am not one who loves racing games. in fact i suck quite badly at them. so u may wonder why i have a racing game in this list and well?? im ngl i bought this game as a meme and it ended up being so hard i had to put it down for a while dfghj BUT i came back to it and after hours of sweatin and gamer rage i DID IT!!! but at what cost. the game is fun, it looks nice, tho the only real garfield references it Has are its racers, the courses are kinda bland and generic. also the trophies...... my GOD the trophies..... not even a plat btw hhhh anyway if u like racing games check it out but if u Dont then DONT
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17/09 - The Last of Us: Part 1 - 8/10
in the fungusy zombie apocalypse, smuggler joel is tasked with taking an immune girl, ellie, to a group of freedom fighters to create a cure. a remake of a remake :’]
obviously its good. i mean cmon. i remember watching a playthru of the OG og game wayyy back when so i kinda knew all the plot beats, but playing it myself in this beautiful 4k ps5 remake was Glorious (dont get me wrong, i think it was totally unnessesary to remake it AGAIN but it do look pretty). i can certaily see why this game has such a cult following and got the reception it did. maybe a Tad overhyped?? maybe a tad. but still good!! gameplay is solid, story is solid, characters are solid, whats not to like?? docking points for the frankly OBSCENE price point (luckily i got mine Mega cheap but go-LLY)
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03/10 - The Last of Us: Part 2 - 10/10
after a devastating loss, ellie begins a gruelling quest for revenge and runs the risk of not only losing the ones she loves, but herself as well
i mean. fuck me guys. fuck ME. if the first game is good then this one is straight up glorious. the story is Vastly improved, so much tension and grey morality and Bone Deep Agony, emotionally and physically. its just such a hugely better game, both story and gameplay wise with a Bunch of new features and they arent afraid to take you to Extremely dark places with characters we already love and brand new ones too. this games going to be sitting with me for a long time i feel
and thats it for 2023!!
kinda fell off the gaming wagon in the final few months of this year due to a variety of reasons, but lets hope i can keep gettin games off the ol’ backlog in the new year :]
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enidtendo64 · 9 months
not being able to say this being one of the main reasons i got too fed up with shadowban and made a new account to be able to say this: your art of wenclair soccer au has been living rentfree in my mind for the past few months since ive seen it for the first time on twitter, wednesday going crazy cause she wants to be punted by enid's shots, amazing, i wanna write a one shot about it so much
also the way you draw wednesday's intense eyes is the best thing ever, i keep being in aw how good it is, magnifique etc
Awww man thank you so much!! I'm sorry I got to this so late but I really appreciate this ask!!
TBH like Wednesday saw Enid annihilate that ball and send it to space and said "Oh shit me too??" and that's such a mood I too love women's soccer
Thank you so much! I love Wednesday's eyes! I think Jenna Ortega has super expressive eyes and she uses them a lot with Wednesday to convey what she's feeling without having to even say anything so I try to do something similar whenever I draw her
also I think it's just fun to draw Wednesday eyes only no mouth only EMOTION
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melloncreamsoda · 2 years
Second years when you get a bad haircut
TW/CW: crack, GN!Reader, headcanons
extra; ive been crying over mine for two days there's no reason my hairdresser fucked uo such a sinple style bro crying emoji and i will also find any excuse to write about the octotrio anyway i hope u enjoy!!
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You wanted to change up your current hairstyle, it was simple really– just a little off what you already had. But no! The hairdresser just had to find some way to fuck the entire thing up. You really thought that everything would be different, especially in another universe; but at this point you can't tell if you aren't being clear enough, or it’s truly in the veins of a hairdresser to do everything wrong. Your eyes are puffy from crying all night but time isn’t going to stop for you. You wear a hoodie over your uniform, as well as a hat underneath– you were not going to take any chances, especially being in a school full of rowdy boys who know no limits.
Riddle Rosehearts
Homeboy quite literally does not give a fuck, or so it seems.
Riddle is sheltered, and has not seen the many of the wonders of the world. So seeing your hair in such an eyesore of a state– he had to take 5.
But of course he is a gentleman and definitely isn’t one to disregard your feelings.
Need a better coverup in place of your hat? He has a shitload and will not hesitate to spend money if necessary.
“It’s not as bad as you think I prom- What do you mean my face is red!?”
Ruggie Bucchi
He’s seen worse, from where he’s from.
A little bad haircut won’t change how he sees you anyway, even if he might be teasing about it and snicker while looking at you  from time to time.
It’s all in good fun though… unless you’re sensitive, but he can’t promise he’ll put a complete stop to it! He just wants to lighten the mood, I promise.
Hair grows back eventually, right? Don’t let one shitty haircut ruin your entire week.
“...Anyway have I told you about that one time where I was getting chased by stallholders and accidentally ripped a chunk of my hair off? Yeah, had a bald spot for months.”
Azul Ashengrotto
Wanna sign your life away to him?
Is what he’s implying when he says that “he makes a mean hairstylist.”
Well unless he’s feeling nice, he might just offer to cover your absences from school and write notes for what you missed out on.
But there’s only a slim chance that he will not be asking for payment after this whole phase passes.
Azul will try to reassure you, though he isn’t the best at it.
“It’s… unique..! Some people would love your hairstyle. Eh- to have? Well…”
Floyd Leech
He knows no mercy.
He is going to rip your hood off or either snatch your hat and put it in highest corners he knows you won't be able to reach.
However, even if you do, by chance, get it back, your joy will only be short lived. He can easily sneak up on someone and running away will be no big deal with those long legs of his.  
One upside to this, is that he doesn’t bother to snap any shots of your very vulnerable state; reason being that he enjoys watching the raw, sheer terror on your face whenever you sense his presence nearby. 
As sadistic and twisted– in its own way– as it is, seeing his blinding smile and hearing his boyish laugh can’t help but make you smile and have fun alongside him. 
So maybe the bad haircut isn’t that bad after all.
“Shrimpy! Catch me if you can… If you feel like touring the whole school of your fresh cut, heheh!”
Jade Leech
He’s trying his best to reassure you that you’re being much too harsh on yourself, I promise… Even if that means he’s trying his best to bite back a grin whenever you bring it up.
It’s not that you look bad, it’s just the way that you’re so obsessed with it reminds him of him when he was younger– once he got a bad haircut and cried about it for a week.
He does try to steer your attention away from the bad haircut to the best of his abilities; perhaps it’s the feeling of dejavu that he wants nothing more than to protect you from self doubt.
You’re his wittle bittwle precious gemstone and will make sure that you never hear of a bad haircut ever again!
“It’s alright Dear, I promise. I’ll take you to a much better, extravagant salon. Unless you are able to put your trust in my unrefined talent? Fufufu…”
Kalim Al-Asim
In all honesty, he doesn’t see an issue with it. He just can’t understand why you think it’s so horrible.
But if you really insist and won’t shut up about it, he’ll snag this opportunity to introduce you some of the most glamorous or simple headpieces back from his hometown!
He has everything to cater to your wants and needs, and you best expect that he milk every opportunity, especially for his beloved.
Even if it means giving Jamil more work to prevent him from overspending… but hey! It's the thought that counts
“Hey hey! Look at this, I think it's really gonna help to accentuate your features! Of course it’ll cover your hair… :(“ 
Jamil Viper
He doesn’t really care, or is let alone even free enough to notice.
But if you make enough noise about it, he might not even bat an eye towards it. 
He assures you that you look fine, and might even place a chaste kiss on your cheek to get you to shut up if you whine too much about it.
Maybe he’ll try to fix it, maybe he won’t, perhaps he’ll even spare you a glance for a good heart chuckle every once in a while.
“Please stop making such a mes- FINE you have my attention.”
Does not care now, and I don't think he ever will.
Hair will grow back, but if you really want, you could hide under his shirt or something…
He’s practically half asleep all the time, so your hair will be back to normal before he even knows it.
He’ll draw his sword to protect you from any potential teasing if you really dislike it, granted that he’s fully awake at the time.
“Just lie down for a bit, I don't like seeing a frown on such a pretty face.”
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Welcome Back. 🥳
If you have to list most fave songs within album. How would each of the song rank in your list?
Thank you.
Hi @misslauwie! I assume you're asking about Face. If not, then so be it because that's what I'll be talking about 😄
I'll make this brief and not an in-depth analysis. I actually avoided Face for a while after its release. I did listen to all the songs immediately and as a first impression, I liked everything, but I took a step back. It's difficult to explain because I myself don't know exactly what was so odd. It felt like I'm listening to the music made by a stranger, but then again isn't a good thing when an artist reveals a new side of themselves through creative means? So why the cognitive dissonance? Well, one answer would be because all of us have this image in our head of that person. And while there is a general consensus, some things we perceive or make up in our heads will differ because we project onto them. And it happens often and really easy when we're focusing on that artist every single day. I find that it's a bit too much, at least from me. It was difficult to be able to fully understand, appreciate or even critique the music without some distance. Which is what I did and a couple of months later I decided that I can and want to listen to Face casually.
And I'll tell you what transpired. Like Crazy the English version is the only song from the album that I have added to a spotify playlist that I listen to everyday at work when I'm writing/editing. It's right there in between an IVE song and Kylie's Padam Padam. It's such a damn good song. From the musical arrangement, the lyrics (emotions on ice, let me have a taste???? Damn, I'd have that tattooed somewhere), the way Jimin sings. The entire production is top notch. I want to listen to it on a vinyl record at a party in an apartment at 2 am in the morning kind of vibe. An 80s throwback, but it also has that contemporary aspect to it. It's a type of song that fits well with the trends in the last couple of years, but impressive enough to stand out. If it had radio play, it would have become a hit with the gp. Like Crazy is that song that could have been BIG if only it got the means to it.
Second it would be Letter, but not for some deep reasons or whatever hidden meaning behind it. A lot of the times when I listen to music, I don't think about some back story. I doesn't mean I don't think about the meaning of the lyrics, but maybe I just like the melody and the voice. Letter initially made me think of a Studio Ghibli movie, something about adolescence and young adulthood in the summer. It would be perfect for a soundtrack. And now I also associate the song with that period in my life in March because who was on a 3h train ride running away from town because life is shitty and had Letter on repeat the entire time while crying and wearing sunglasses so the other people on the chairs nearby wouldn't see? Yep, that's Letter for me.
Coming in third, Set Me Free Pt. 2. No need to go into detail, I've written about it when it was released. But I don't listen to it anymore and I'm still not a fan of the rap part despite understanding the creative reason behind it.
Alone and Face-Off. Both good songs, but I don't think about them. For no particular reason, it's just that I'm not in the mood to have them casually in a playlist. But if from time to time I choose to listen to Face entirely (usually on a train ride), I don't skip them. I do the album entirely, beginning to an end (and skip Interlude: Dive).
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