#but idk the vibes are different this time like i rlly dont think anything is going to go wrong for awhile
skull-mulch · 2 years
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httpiastri · 4 months
idk about brainstorming but the way i loved you just give me the vibes of being in a completely fine and chill situation (like with ollie??) and not being able to fuckin chill and enjoy it remembering of how wild and crazy it was with paul
like, things being fine but the voices inside your head won't leave you alone because you know you miss the wild part and also feels a little guilty bc howww can things be fine ollie be such a sweetheart, and you not be able to enjoy it???
and also paul kinda noticing that you're a little bored because he knows both you and ollie 😬
ANYWAYS i really love you writing and I really hope you write this idea bc i just LOVE it!!! ollie and paul have such different vibesss you were really a mastermind in this one
AAAAAA !!!!! thank you so much for this!!! i can rlly see this so clearly 🤭 like being with ollie is so good, it's perfect in so many ways. he's a true and complete gentleman all of the time; buys your mother flowers when he visits your parents, opens all doors for you, always making you feel safe. and it's so easy for you to feel guilty because you know you should think it's all perfect for you and you should feel so satisfied. but you just don't. something is off.
cue paul aron (who never really left your life lol)! every time you see him, it's like you get thrown back to the days when you used to be with him, and you get reminded of how great things were (at times). and paul reads you so well, the two of you were almost inseparable before and you know each other like the back of your hand, so it's easy for him to notice how unhappy you are in the relationship. he's good friends with ollie so he knows how gentle ollie can be, and he knows that isn't all you need in a relationship...
but on the other side, ollie also senses all of this. he knows what your relationship with paul was like; he knows how intense it was and how strong your love for each other was. and ollie notices the glances you take of your former lover, the way you suddenly get glossy-eyed and how your mood is affected when paul is mentioned in a conversation.
the thing is, ollie is headstrong and doesn't like to give up without a fight – he'll do anything he can to keep you. so he tries to find ways to make your relationship more like the one you had with paul, but... it just doesn't have the same spark for you, no matter how hard he tries....
thank you for your sweet words 🥺🥺 i dont remember when i first had the thought of them to that song but i really do think their vibes match it !!! and i've also kinda been thinking about that swedish house mafia & the weeknd song, cant remember the name..... but like "he seems like he's good for you, he makes you feel like you should, all your friends say he's the one, his love for you is true" for ollie, and then "but does he know you call me when he sleeps? does he know the pictures that you keep? does he know the reasons that you cry? does he know where your heart truly lies?" for paul...... like omg paul isnt your boyfriend but you still can't help but share secrets with him sometimes 😭 im going crazy, sorry
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shu-ramyeonz · 2 years
so are we getting the titles thing
replying to this anon, sorry for anyone uncfomortable with being tagged KGVHJFUGHB i will bow down and teleport to ur house to worship you in return - btw ty for this question , it seems super interesting 😭😭 ive never done anything like this before idrk how this will work side note: these are only ppl ik, i obviously havent talked to EVERYONE on enhablr so im so sorry, also ill be making my moots list soon so expect to be tagged once more IM SORRY JASOFJJDID
@heeseongism - enhablr’s it girl: i have explain this before but the unnecessary hate for being funny AND pretty just proves that shes a celebrity atp
@jaylaxies - enhablr’s leader: yk the 4th gen leader things, i rlly dont think ur on enhablr if u dont know aria, shes honestly the ariana grande of this app ( OH SHIT I JUST REALIZED THERES ARIA IN ARIANA, praise my play on words pls ) anyways she literally is our president KEOSIDUSJ and shes so humble despite being one of the biggest blogs give this woman an award
@hee-pster - enhablr’s first love: not just cuz she was one of my first friends but she just gives off those vibes , plus her smuts are unforgettable like ur first love, also she cant be replaced ( no matter how many rebounds u try to find THERE IS ONLY ONE JAN ) shes so unique and also so mature too UGH CMON everyones ideal type srsly
@svnoohe4rts - enhablr’s sunshine: shes honestly so cute and KOSJDONS idk i love her sm , shes just super silly and easy going i feel like if she walked past me id melt into the floor, she just makes everyones day
@aminatalks - enhablr’s baby: idk dont ask me, this is a genereliazed statement but everyone honestly just loves amina cmon now, shes so precious everyone here TREASURES this woman and im ready to defend her 24/7
@end-hyphen - enhablr’s older sister: i was gonna go for enhablr’s best friend, i think that fits too - but little sister fits better because she’s always there to listen and she’s superrrrrr supportive, the no.1 hype girl honestly, she’s just super funny and chill and someone ppl feel safe w
@donghoonie-3 - enhablr’s icon: she just inspires so many people, and makes everyone day honestly, everything she says makes me laugh but also dont be distracted bcuz she has the most sexy asf hard thoughts?? then somehow shes the sweetest funniest person after?? duality indeed
@forjongseong - enhablr’s girlboss: she has NOOOOOO misses on any of her posts/comments/interactions, super interesting to talk too and also she’s so mature while also being so friendly? she’s just the type of girl id envy if i saw her cuz she has such an amazing personality and she is the sweetest person on this app, HER AND ONLY HER END OF CONVO
@thots4hee - enhablr’s angel: once again dont be fooled bcuz when she gets horny she gets WHOREEEEEENYYYYY, but aside from that she’s so funny and sweet and she talks in the most precious way i need to put her in my pocket fr
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@hyunjinsr - enhablr’s happy virus : honestly she just has an adorable smile and she’s so wholesome to talk to, i feel like knowing/seeing her happy just makes me happy too and she adds sm positivity to the dashboard its INSANE how a person can make my day
@criceofpain - enhablr’s happy pill: this one is different bcuz she’s so funny to me, specially when she talks in filo and she just swears like 100x million times, she also writes smuts that make me wanna drown myself bcuz its THAT GOOD,
@vivvys - enhablr’s sassy/duality queen: i dont think ppl understand, viv is so so insanely funny, shes up there when it comes to people who have made me laugh, LIKE A LAUGH NOT JUST A “hehe thats funni” a real “BWGAHSHSKASHA” ykwim? but then i see her defend herself and her friends and speak out on what she believes in and it’s like okay she will not take y’alls disrespect, she’s also the coolest person ever, like i idolize her honestly
@jojayke - enhablr’s little brother: WE HAVENT TALKED ONCE LMFAO, but i do follow his blog and support on the sidelines thru anons, but anyway i feel like ely is just such an amazinggggggggg writer that its like seeing ur little brother grow up to be such a talented and creative person? how honestly pls step up to the mic and teach us how 🎤🎤
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kristiliqua · 2 years
ok So . the ipre ! is benchtrio + sbi plus schlatt bc i needed someone to be lich barry :) fuck yea
sooo tommy and wilbur !! are the twins (the brothers) - tommy is taako and wilbur is lup :] - in Their specific dynamic . or smth . as in - no one is like . Fully a character , they have different roles n characteristics (?) from different characters n stuff -- like . tommy isnt Fully like taako , he's just like taako w the twin slash brother stuff - he's kinda more like magnus . Kinda
ranboo ! was the journal keeper :) is a cleric slash wizard (psa - i do Not know Any dnd shit , not rlly . all ik is from taz lmfao -- so if anything is inaccurate to the game , i ,,, dont care) and is a full elf ! theyre shy n nerdy like lucretia n barry , ig
tubbo is a fighter ! the protector of the group (like magnussss) :D !! isss a goat hybrid . idc if its not in dnd shhhush -- beeduo r in a queer platonic relationship :] their relationship's dynamic is similar to barry n lup's - ranboo is like barry and tubbo is like lup !
tommy is a rogueee !!! and is a decent wizard as well ! he's learnin the magics :)) - he excels in transmutation magic , which he learned Purely bc of the prank possibilities . he is Surprisingly good at it (he started learning magic bc of wilbah) -- he is a quarter elf and the rest is human bbyyy (crimeboys r biological brothers)
wilbur is a wizard :) !! (and a lich cough cough) he is learning rogue skills (haha brothers learning each other's skills haha) and is pretty okay at it . doesnt put Too much time into learning it . he is half elf n half human ! he has long pointy ears , while tommy has human sized ears that r a little pointy :)))
phil was the captain of the ipre .! he becomes the director of the bob . he is Maybe tommy n wilbur's bio father - three quarters elf n one quarter human , he is . is a magic man , wizard stuff and cleric . also is good at fighter shit too ! he's the one who erases their memories , like lucretia , w the same motivations n intentions as well :) ! (he asks ran for his journal , and bc he's the captain n ranboo trusts him , ranboo gives him the journal and ,, yea)
techno is phil's assistant in the bob !! lad's a fighter B) uhh . might be part elf or a hybrid or smth , not sure . he's called the wordless one :))) so ig he's Sorta like davenport but also Definitely Not
schlatt is lich barryyy - he's friends with wilbur . is a ram hybrid , and uhhh . is the red robe that appears thruout the arcs n stuff , aka barry . lich barry . yea
now for the more minor ish characters !!!
charlie slimecicle is roswell and instead of clay its slime . i take no arguments fuck u , its perfect
i wanted june to b someone like . correlated to charlie butttt - it ended up being crumb .! ik theyve like . Never interacted , but i feel like the vibes work , so . crumb cuptoast it is
the uhhh prophet lady in refuge is karl . for pretty obvious reasons
errr the main robber guy in refuge (idk) Could be sapnap ? or at least Implied to be sapnap ? bc why not
john slash the hunger isss eret , i think ! n ranboo is the one to talk to xem :))) umm - angus is shroud , bc why not . HURLEY N SLOANE ARE PUFFY N NIKI !!! in that order . its perfect and i take no arguments on that one
karry n killion (btw if i misspell any names then thats my bad But idc . dont point it out bc i literally couldnt give less of a shit lmao) are guqqie n aimsey !!!!! in that order :)))
umm garfield the deals warlock ? i originally made him quackity but for Reasons (that youll know very soon) he is now ted nivision !!!! and leon or whatever (the gachapon guy) is scott smajor . its the vibes , man
i did Not know who to have as johann . so i chose cpk bc he has similar vvvvibes . and uhhh i made sneeg be avi bc i could :)
juaquin is eryn !!!! we love juaquin n eryn in this household
lucas is sam , and moureen (lucas' mom) is ponk !! bc we need sam to want to save someone for crystal kingdom to happen n whatnot
noelle is clementine :) ! n kravitz is quackity . i previously made it clara but ittt just didnt fit well enough for me , so . quackiteeee it was
also the raven queen is ofc , mumza :D
klarg issss ,, henry , i guess .? its kinda eh to me but whatever idk 😭😭 he could just stay as klarg honestly
i made magic brian be billzo bc its funny . magic billzo . (that Does mean he fucking dies but um . L)
btw i had the idea for tommy to have a pet fish , like magnus w steven . and the pet fish would be named clementine and live in a magic sprite bottle (iykyk) But . noelle is clementine and unle -- IN THE MIDDLE OF TYPING I GOT THE IDEA OF NOELLE BEING SHELBY NVM NOELLE IS SHELBY SHUBBLE NOW . so clementine in the sprite bottle is real now ig :]
umm - hodgepodge n upsie are both different versions of sam nook - ig sam nook is sorta just . the general base of any ai sam makes for robots - hodgepodge is sam nook: education edition and upsie is sam nook: elevator edition which is Sorta confusing bc when u shorten them its both EE but like . yea (also i realized i could make one of them fran but . i feel like neither fit so ig not)
JENKINS IS JACK MANIFOLD its perfect fuck you .!!!! benchtrio (mainly tommy ,, n tubbo) just harass him on the rockport limited lmfao
jess the beheader is beau (the beheader) !!! and i had graham the juicy wizard be replaced with scar and grian bc i wanted them somewhere in here :))) theyre the Wacky Wizard Duo (tm)
im prob forgetting some characters but errr ehhhh Whateverrrr . um - istus n pan stay the same ! same with fisher and junior :]
also id like to point out that i kept the sapphic rep as sapphic rep in this au as well . bc i think its neat B))) (didnt want to replace the rep with cishet white men shit lmaoo)
nnnnn thats it .!! uhhh - if u have suggestions feel free to give some :)) Constructive criticism , pls ! kk ty for reading B) !!!!!
also have a little additional taz crimeboys doodle for ur troubles , Smile
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appreciatingtokrev · 1 year
my excuse of invading ur inbox today is to tell u abt my tr ocs 😁😁 and we will be discussing three of them today!! (mind u i havent thought abt these kids since like end of last year so bare w me if there are any blanks left)
OK SO first oc’s name is haitani reiko. if u havent already noticed she is in fact a haitani 😭 her nickname is sleeping beauty bcuz for abt like 2-4 years she’d been in a coma n shit but during a battle the haitani brothers were in against another gang she had woken up 🤯 and as the good bros they are they immediately left the battle to see their sister. so its kind of a given that theyre a bit overprotective of their lil sis. but she doesnt like how her whole identity in the gang world is being the younger sister of the haitani brothers so she wants to go out n kinda create her own identity yk? she isnt rlly a fighter but she joins a few minor gangs to get her name around. and i dont rlly think im gonna write her in anything rn cuz her character is rlly weak. but here is an old fanart i did of her :3 (i do have a picrew of her that i’ll show u at the end of this ask <3)
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next is i think my fav child, futamo aisume<3333 im not even gonna lie he was kind of a self insert oc but i still love him 😭 hez written as shion’s child hood best friend, having the nickname “the great’s shadow” so hez kind of the side guy that patches up shion when hez injured, but he can still fight. he was in tenjiku w shion but once they were defeated shion kinda just left him behind (also cuz he went to jail lol) so idk prob wakasa took in futamo and brought him into brahman. hez got a similar kind of loyalty as sanzu to mikey and koko n inui and hez rlly blunt. the black cat to shion’s golden retriever imo<333
and last but not least there’s takumi! ngl i kinda just doodled him a bit in an old notebook but i loveddddd him. hez basically just bonten’s bartender, the guy who deals with everyone’s worries n someone they all trust to vent to a lot. sometimes all of bonten go to visit him at once but most of the time they all just go for a quick drink by themselves. takumi’s closest to maybe ran ig? ran’s a bit of a flirt to everyone so hez naturally like that when he meets takumi, and like takumi was kinda just like this is kinda funny, i like this guy. so he kind of matches ran’s energy at a subtle level. i wanna say takumi is an ex gang member from like a different region but when he moved to tokyo and started looking for a job, he had his connections from the past that led him to bonten.
so yeah! a bit messy kinda made some stuff up on the spot but those r my ocs<3333 love them all v much and i miss them so much my ocs era was good. so so good. but here are their designs :3 (in order of reiko, aisume and takumi)
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taku you don’t need any excuses to talk to me <3 (actually nobody does i’d be happy if i got an anon ask that says ‘hi’ n nothing else tbh) but you especially don’t need one okok. but yes ocs!! 👁
ngl i love reiko’s nickname you’d assume that she’s like. idk pretty and always tired or smth idk but the actual meaning behind it is so much better...
no no no self inserts are cool >:( don’t talk him down like that adhjgdhf
honestly i have. not rlly any other thoughts 😭😭 but but but so far i really like your little guys (especially aisume-) they are. they make my brain go brr kinda but like just vibes and feelings no thoughts. idk. but i like them a lot yes yes
also. picrews <3
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echoesofadream · 1 year
5 8 10 !
5. Who is your favorite K-Pop rapper, and why?
jungkook just kidding. it used to be yoongi but I think its hoseok now. why well hes got the nicest voice and best verses, as for solo albums I like them. lyrically maybe I prefer namjoon or even yoongi but thats only one aspect, d-day was kind of a disappointment for me meanwhile jung hoseok has never not served in his life. and like as a rapper, I just love his style, hes so special. also I know it seems like im mixing up kpop and bts but im not. but fine ill choose a non bangtan rapper too.. lisa just kidding. maybe dreamcatcher dami? or soyeon
8. What's your favorite K-Pop fashion trend?
idk how to answer to this question but whatever le sserafim has going on. sorry... ummm y2k a la newjeans, XG? I know nothing but I rlly like the aesthetic of XG left right and shooting star mvs. um. .-.
10. What's your favorite K-Pop choreography, and why?
most recently unforgiven le sserafim, before that ditto new jeans and antifragile le sserafim. I dont know why
EDIT I just remembered how obsessed I was (am) with set me free pt.2 jimin choreography, it's actually an all time favorite. and bangtan ON and black swan .
EDIT 2 actually all of these that ive mentioned are choreos ive learnt to different degrees and at different times (full choreos for the three first I mentioned but only chorus (and post chorus for smf pt.2 although that part was so fast that I didnt really learn it in full speed).
I think the first three I mentioned are my faves bc they are so satisfying. kind of groovy?? im so sad that I dont have the terminology to talk about this properly.. I would really like to. but unforgiven and antifragile are kinda the same vibe, antifragile choreo really fits the afro-latin/reggae genre of the song and unforgiven im not sure what the genre is but I feel like its similar, or like idk cowboy/western vibes... I just like the elements of both dances, but I dont know the names of them.
ditto I love so much... the schoolgirl upbeat dance, but with the slow tune in the background, the fast and slower elements, the dreamy vibe... clearly I dont have a lot of knowledge on dance or music I would love to learn more, im trying to, but im sorta realizing talking about things like this makes me happy so I will continue to do it but I know I am not knowledgeable at all
black swan I like because it is beautiful and heightens the song, I feel like there are elements of contemporary dance in it? and ballet. which is very fitting to the song and lyrics, and pretty and artful. ON I like because it is so powerful I guess. they have other powerful stages it's just that these were among the first one I watched, but I also feel like its a bit different from their earlier stages. the drums and the explosive chorus part. I hate when you listen to a song and it EXPLODES and then you look at the chorus and theyre barely doing anything just waving a hand or a tiny jump like no! they kinda fail at this in the last chorus because they just walk but they are forgiven because they explode with the song before that. also the dance break.
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waitingforminjae · 2 years
wait why do you think some of the members didn't like j*y p*rk? I remember there being rumours of 2pm bullying him and while that's very fun to think about alot of the rumours came from people who biased him and hated the other members so i dont rlly believe those rumours 😔I like your thoughts/meta on kpop idols so I just want to know why you think some of the other members didn't fuck with him
I've always thought he did something really stupid (not the MySpace thing) because even after the MySpace thing he hadn't left the group and jyp even went on a show to talk about how he went to america himself to make sure he was practicing his dancing and singing and also said that he was fundamentally a good person then a few months later he was kicked out because of a serious personal issue in his private life or smth.
Like i feel like insinuating that he was gonna come back then kicking him out obviously is going to cause more backlash and is just more work in general then kicking him out straight away soo🤔
The members were alll sad and left his space open during their mama performance, said things like let's walk together and that 2pm is one on some site then deleted because of the hate that they were getting and talked about him during their speech and everythingbut idk the idea that they secretly hated him makes me happy so I wanna know your thoughts
People also genuinely think he knocked up hyuna and while I don't think he did that I do think he either did something in those few months or confessed to something in those few months of "self reflection"
they did giggle when taec said smth like the hip hop guy who isn't with us anymore and junho did call him the dirt that's been filtered or smth like that so I feel like they don't like him atleast
Maybe it's like an exo situation where the dynamics were a bit off at the beginning and the traumatic experience of losing a member while you have deranged fans and are just getting popular made them all closer because watching old clips with him in them make me cringe and I just can't imagine him sitting doing a vlive with them or him just fitting into the group in any capacity
okay so i got four hours at a dead desk at work so let's get into this lol
(this got soooooo long so i'm putting it under a read more </3)
tbh i'm only joking when i mention 2pm hating him lol i actually don't rlly know anything abt their dynamic w him beyond the one (1) episode of wild bunny i saw with him </3 which i described here and here.
iirc the official story is that he took a hiatus from the group, and then after much discussion w jyp he left the group bc he was unhappy as a kpop artist? which i think is probably true i mean the dude was obviously miserable and as messy as he is nowadays i do think he's happy.
god the rumors abt 2pm bullying him are so funnyyyyy i need to hunt down the article where i read them and read it again lol but i do remember whenever me and my roommate watched that wild bunny episode (after binging soooooo many 2pm fan compilation videos) we were SO shocked by how different and terrible their vibes were aksjdsdkljfflgglhjkl
it really made me realize how much group dynamics are like tetris tbh. like removing that one person made the whole rest of the dynamic fall into place?
like obviously, there is no way to know what their ~real~ personalities were like at the time, because they had just debuted so they all had a persona that they were pushing + a character for that show. but he certainly came across as incredibly immature and irresponsible, and it was frankly rlly uncomfortable to watch......like idk but i think jun.k and nichkhun were genuinely pissed off at him for stealing nichkhun's wallet and ditching them at the karaoke room, going to a club with taec and chansung (who had JUST turned 20), and then not answering the phone. he rlly came across as an older friend who could get you into trouble, but can't get you out.
i also remember the others came across (especially taec) as being "followers", who would just go along with his shenanigans because it was funny or interesting. ofc they were all really young then, and like i said before, this show obvs had set "characters" for them to play, so who knows how accurate my opinion was! but i definitely left that episode feeling very grateful that he left the group, or else he would've gotten them into some real serious trouble.
i think one of the most important aspects of a group's dynamic is their ability to keep each other in check. i think it's important for members to be able to be honest and call each other on their bullshit if they're getting to cocky or arrogant or otherwise becoming an asshole. after all, a kpop group is a brand that you are building together - one person's integrity becomes synonymous with the group's integrity as a whole. that's why scandals are kinda serious business: groups are pushing an image of closeness, ranging from "besties" to "found family". if one member is exposed to be an asshole (or just downright evil, i.e. burning sun) it immediately casts doubt on the other members character and integrity.
i also think that the leader of a group is really influential on the vibe of the group as a whole, and we've seen what a mess jay park is. i think if he had stayed with the group, they would've had a lot more scandals, and had a very negative image as a scandal-ridden group. to be clear, 2pm members HAVE had scandals (incl pretty serious one's, like a couple DUIs), but they've managed to shake them off to have a pretty clean image.
2pm's dynamic as 6 just.....works? like they're fun to watch and it seems like they all genuinely like each other and like working together. i've never really gotten an ~off~ vibe from them, or that they secretly hate each other. especially after seeing them w jay. it just felt wrong and off and uncomfortable. also yeah, i think the whole ordeal of losing a member would naturally create a trauma bond amongst everyone else lol
ik that fans voted jay park the leader bc he got first on their pre-debut show but i have always felt like jun.k should've been the leader the whole time....like again it's hard to know bc wild bunny was obviously very contrived, but he certainly came across as much more responsible and level-headed than jay. i think him and nichkhun are a very solid "hyung/leader" line tbh like ik they've each had a DUI but in general they come across (to me) as very stable guys who take their job and their image very seriously, which is important.
and tbh i'm always a little skeptical when groups w/ a member who's on a scandal hiatus say stuff like "let's walk together" or "2pm is one" or do things like leave their space empty.....like i mentioned before kpop groups are pushing an image of "best friends" or a "family" and when the person hasn't left the group, the idols are still having to deal with and interact with that member's fans. when things are unclear or it seems like hiatus is only temporary, it would be soooo bad for their image to be like "fuck that guy", you know? fans would lose their SHIT and it'd only embroil the group in more drama tbh......but i do agree that if the company's going to cut ties, it's better to do it immediately rather than get fans hopes up.
that got soooooo long sorry </3 but tl:dr idk if they hate him or not but i do think they look at him now and think "man, we really dodged a bullet" lol
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kunikame · 2 years
Omg you seem so into idolish7 … I’ve acc never heard of it but I looked it up and it’s not available in my area but you said it’s also a show? So maybe it’s like enstars idk but it sounds (from what you said) like it has very unique ?? characters yk? I love how passionate you sound about it tho I love when people talk about things they’re super into ^^ I do the same a lot but I also feel like I’m bothering ppl if they don’t respond with the same enthusiasm :’) esp bc I spam a LOT when I’m excited about smth I’m into so it’s nice seeing others who like to really go into detail about their interests yk?? ALSO omg fellow Dazai + Oikawa kin omg 🤝
Also, I’m sure tons of people would love listening/reading your rambles and not feel bothered at all 😊, though i def understand the fear bc i've had some experiences like that but I think it’s very endearing (if that’s the right word) as opposed to people just not being very passionate about anything in particular
I feel super cheesy sending this tbh 😭 last thing tho, do you have any song recs from it? (still not sure if it’s a show or game but songs are always great even before checking the actual thing out)
OH EM GEE HII !!!!! this made me tear up a bit in all honesty ! im so glad i piqued your interest enough to try checking i out !!!! i7 is both a game and a show ! exactly like enstars youre right !!! (you can get the game on qooapp if youd like to try but the show is available anywhere and im pretty sure it follows the exact storyline! (atleast i hope im not missing anything HAHAHA))
i also love when people rant about their interests !! its so endearing and i love when they smile happily and get to the point of waving their arms around and its like their eyes- no, they sparkle and and its so cute i swear
i understand exactly how you feel !! i also spam when im super excited and into the topic HAHA but then i inevitably stop bc ive been told im annoying too many times to count so now its, reflex i guess?
dazai oikawa kin twinsie !!!!!!
haha yeah i know of a couple people who dont mind when i ramble, its the opposite and they actually encourage me to talk to them and make sure i feel safe and comfortable and like im not a bother! i still feel super guilty and annoying though so i stop shortly after starting and they have to encourage me to continue :( i love them very much <3 (it is the right word yes !! and also you can always talk to me if youd like !!!! i love listening to others nerd out about their likes !!! maybe we might even find something to gush over together :D !!)
NO NO youre always welcome on my blog this is a safe space !!!!! <3 and omg yes youre so right songs just speak louder than your own words sometimes HAHAH ill drop a song from every unit if you dont mind cuz they all have a different vibe obviously !!
my personal fav of them all is 4-ROAR by ŹOOĻ !! theyre like an antagonist unit but that song is a banger i love it sm
from i7 it has to be WiSH VOYAGE its the 1st op i think and it holds a special place in my heart, but i also love MONSTER GENERATiON since its their first song ever <3
i dont listen to TRIGGER much but i rlly like Radiance ! it gives them a whole new vibe and personally i think it fits them well :) slower songs arent a bad change every once in a while ! i feel like they really needed it after all the suggestive songs they have HAHAHA
i repeat myself but i dont listen to re:vale much either (i have favorites can you tell) but if theres a song i really like it has to be SILVER SKY ! i think it suits their vibe really well ! i also like their cover of Dis one. though it isnt their original song, to me its theirs. idk
and finally i was never rlly invested in MEZZO" (dont get me wrong i love sogo and tamaki as a duo but i7 is just.. the more complete version, yknow?) but i really like miss you... and Dear Butterfly ! i like how their voices mesh in their songs, they sound really good together i think !
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sysiphus · 5 days
I feel so much better but I’m sure it’ll hit me again later and I’ll actually have a bottom this time since I know for sure it’s done. Instead of endless agony cause there’s infinite things it could be, now it’s just done and I can start getting past it instead of trying to make sure it doesn’t become something I have to get past. I like the boy but I would rather die than become anything more than friends with someone that’s like this. I think I got attached to the thought of myself not being so different it’s disabling. Like I feel like I tried to walk when I clearly need a wheel chair or training wheels.
And if it is rlly true that it all came from me tryna hold his hand and doting over it when we were cuddling. It’s what I learned to do to men to get sex cause for some reason the men that want sex do that. But I think I missed the part where those men thought that’s what I wanted. Aka the relationshipy vibes men give to get in a girls pants. Lmaoo it came around and stung a man without me even realizing it?? That would be insane. Life is wild. I’m rlly just an alien haha
I can’t fkn wait to find the ppl who get me cause I don’t believe in doing it any other way. Especially not this way. Idk what he’s doing but he’s not oblivious and if he’s communicating without communicating, then what am I unintentionally communicating without communicating? I have no clue I wonder if he would help me understand so I can recalibrate and not misrepresent myself allllll the time.
I genuinely am so grateful for the possibility he will actually tell me something useful like that. Just knowing if I hurt him and having the opportunity to apologize is a blessing even if I dont learn anything new. He rlly is such an angel im so so grateful to him for being the catalyst to ending it w Garrett, for making me feel sexy til he didn’t and for saying he will talk to me about it!
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insert-neologism · 2 months
sugar water by flower face - notes
pov jackie is blue, pov shauna is red
My boy plays a game with my heart on the flatline
idk what to say to that other than 'yeah'
He likes to keep me halfway out
out of her life (doesnt tell jackie abt the stuff she writes abt in her journal) and physically kicking her out of the cabin
You know girls like me we’ve got a slow pulse
Hit the trip switch baby I’m all right
she obviously isnt.
My boy’s got a sharp twist no he’s wicked in the heart
theres rlly not all that symbolism here. references jackies 'coming back wrong' and implies how she like wants to turn shauna to cannibalism, to violence
Feeds me sugar water just to keep me alive
orginial note was 'eating her'. sugar water doesnt really do anything, doesnt nourish; just like the ear. though, in contrast to sugar water the ear makes the hunger be more present (makes shauna aware of it, maybe) (note: idk what sugar water is used for and idk the meaning of it in the song bc i didnt google it. but i interpret it as 'ill give you the bare minimum to keep you alive and sweeten it so u dont know or smht)(update i googled it and i was right at least i think so. sugar addicting etc) anyways yeah jackie feeds shauna herself to keep her alive
Saw him in my dreams again
bridge is like synonymous to dreams to me. probably bc its night i think ive said this before.
He’s wiping down the fingerprints
making evidence disappear; jackie disappears (was never there)
Press so hard I float up to the sky
'press so hard' -> pressure here more or less. floating bc 1 laura lee 2 ascension of the soul after death 3 she looks up and i rlly like that
Hanging round like a puppy til you let me in
just jackie looking at shauna basically. waiting for shauna to come outside n get her (let her in. by coming outside shed not only let her into the cabin but back into her life)
Coming home with a black eye begging for you
shed totally beat sb up for jackie. shes wants her, cant have her (tragedy ensues)
You like to treat me like a child, but that’s all right
the maybe i dont want to wear the red dress and uh yeah shauna does end up wearing it; its jackie telling her what to do and shauna eventually relenting (its not alr as we find out but. yk)
I kinda like it when you talk the way you do
she doess
It’s kind of tripping me up, babe I’ve got it bad for you
she does
Laying back sipping sugar water
(the hug)
I’m so weak for the things you do
Drop to the floor every time I hear your voice
theyre. laying on the ground
Seeing stars on the borderline
jackie is shaunas star<3 also shes rlly far away, unreachable (dead), different than what she really is (shauna-jackie is sharper than jackie-jackie. stars r not dots)
borderline captures like the flashing lights, loud music, what is real? vibe; jackie is not singular here, shes one of many many people that look like her (more or less). the reality (callie) overlaps with imagination (jackie) here.
Sinking through the floor
sorta fit if u see the water as floor yk
you can find the edit here
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orphic-exe-archived · 3 months
(SRRY THIS IS A LOT LONGER THAN I EXPECTED IT TO BE WHEN WRITING. TAKE UR TIME ) (Taking “ask as many questions as you like” and running with it /silly) same anon from before again again. idk kind of rant incoming bcuz i don’t much much of anywhere else to! im sort of questioning being plural but with a big question mark there bcuz it could honestly just be my gender changing too much and the identity crisis 💔 and i feel like for every symptom i have there’s at least 2 more i dont. my gender fluctuates enough already but sometimes specific genders or pronouns seem to come with certain name preferences and moods (to which I’ve always referred to as different “vibes” because that’s the only way i figured to describe things). but each of these sort of “vibes” have started to actually feel like different ppl and ive started to mess around with acknowledging them separately and it does feel nice. im also realizing that even though i don’t hear any distinct voices or anything in my mind, when i think to myself it’s more of actual back and forth conversation than is normal from what ive asked some friends? i never have amnesia at all (other than the usual forgetfulness i have which is very minor) but sometimes ill do things that don’t feel like. myself? like ill forget I drew/posted/wrote something for a bit but when I see it again i remember. and I know i did it, I was there, doing it, even though i feel like it wasn’t me. and not like im not in control of my body when I do it either cuz I very much remember doing it i just dont see why or what my thought process was. i have a whiteboard in my room where I’ve started making doodles of whatever feels like “myself” at any certain time and they’re all kind of similar but still feel like distinct. ppl. and again i physically remember drawing the other ones but it’s still weird. but most of this is just me I guess, because I don’t think i ever act particularly different online or irl around other ppl, it’s always just things i observe when im alone. i also know i have problems with symptoms of things I think I might have only appearing after I overthink it but maybeeeeeee it’s just im noticing it more? probably not. oh also before I forget I’ve also never actually dissociated or anything (at least to my understanding of an out of body experience type of thing. (Well actually I did once and remember it very clearly but that was several years ago when I hadn’t slept for much longer than usual)). its just normal zoning out for me i guess. anyways idk where i was rlly going with this and ik everyone’s experiences r different and obviously strangers on the internet can’t diagnose me with anything but I just wanted to say something ^-^ thank u for reading if u did lol
hey man! i can get that it’s stressful to figure all this out. if it helps, our experiences are pretty similar! our syscovery started with name preferences, feeling really different, and pronoun/gender identity preferences fluctuating. it sounds to me like you could very well be plural!
like you said, i can’t diagnose you with anything. however, there are some ways to try and log your headmates/alters/parts (whatever you’d prefer them called)! for example, the website simplyplural (we don’t use but many systems do) or the pluralkit bot on discord (if you use discord!) these softwares can do things like track your switches, log your headmates with names, pronouns, and descriptions, and more.
there’s no harm in giving those helpful resources a try, especially if you’re seriously considering this possibility. if you have a therapist/some form of professional help, it would be really good to bring these feelings up with them as well.
for now, keep doing what you’re already doing, possibly dabble in simplyplural or pluralkit (or another resource i didn’t list — any notes app could work as well)
i’m gonna start calling you “system questioning anon” in case you have any more questions to send me, as long as you don’t mind!
i also have to apologize— all three of these asks were answered by three different headmates (kumo, oliver, and myself (olly) in chronological order.)
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eaterofstickers · 2 years
the gang as insects 🐛
dont ask me why i did this i dont know either. extensive thought process/explanations and pictures under the cut bc theres something deeply wrong with me
Charlie — European chafer
(Amphimallon majale)
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this one was obvious bc.... well....... charlie's the dirtgrub. that's him. theyre very similar to june beetles, but one of the differences between them is that chafers r significantly smaller :) VERY destructive species in america. on all levels except physical this is charlie
Dennis — Cuckoo wasp
(Chrysis sp.)
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first things first cuckoo wasps are very colorful & known for how pretty they are, which i associated w dennis being obsessed w his appearance. but theres SO MUCH MORE at play here ok dennis is such a cuckoo wasp its insane
"[Cuckoo wasps are] capable of folding their bodies over (or, more commonly, rolling into a ball) as a defensive mechanism."
"[They] cover up their vulnerable limbs and appendages when threatened by rolling up (much like a hedgehog)."
this behavior applies to dennis both literally AND figuratively:
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ok next thing
"They are generally cleptoparasites, laying their eggs in host nests, where their larvae consume the host egg or larva while it's still young, then consuming the provisions."
im choosing to interpret this as taking anything he wants, ruining the lives of ppl around him bc he feels entitled to it...... also he and dee ate their 3rd sibling donnie & i think its rlly funny how that fits here
"Their characteristic "scurry and fly" search pattern when looking for hosts is quite distinctive, even when seen from a distance. They land on a surface, typically either soil or wood, and scurry a short distance, in quick, hesitant spurts, with their antennae quivering vigorously as they go – and then they abruptly take off, typically only flying a short distance before landing again and repeating the maneuver."
cannot for the love of all that is holy put into words why that gives me dennis vibes. so idk use ur imagination <3
to wrap it all up!
"The generic name [of this genus] is derived from Greek chrysis, "gold vessel, gold-embroidered dress" [...]"
.......he's the golden god.
Mac — Pharaoh cicada
(Magicicada septendecim)
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"Magicicada species spend around 99.5% of their long lives underground in an immature state called a nymph."
"[...] [The nymphs] suck xylem sap from small rootlets. This sap is very low in nutritive value and nymphs grow very slowly. They will moult five times, moving on to larger roots deep in the soil as they grow over a period of seventeen years. Finally, they all tunnel up through the soil and emerge into open air, before climbing up the vegetation and shedding their skins for a final time [...]"
using this as an allegory for mac's increasing denial abt his homosexuality over the years, which culminated into him finally letting go and coming out. it took him a very. very long time to get there. just like the cicada. i also wanna point out that these guys r sometimes referred to as "17-year locusts" despite not being locusts.... mac's obsession w catholicism. his fear of whichever disaster god might send his way if he sinned. well mac...... turns out....... being gay isnt a sin. emerge from the ground. be free. spread ur wings
Dee — Hummingbird hawk-moth
(Macroglossum stellatarum)
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i mean just look at it. no further explanation needed lmfao NEXT
Frank — Blue bottle fly
(Calliphora vomitoria)
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again just fuckin look at it. plus theres vomit in its scientific name i think thats very fitting. one last thing:
"A female blue bottle fly lays her eggs where she feeds, usually in decaying meat, garbage, or feces."
yall remember when frank ate that rancid crow? yeah. nasty as hell. this is frank behavior. thank you for coming to my ted talk
[all excerpts taken from wikipedia]
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actualbird · 2 years
djgdgj I was having such a fun time reading Luke and mc's suffering with beer and then you hit me with Vyn's section wHY
Poor Luke and mc having to drink beer of all things. Literally everyone around me who drinks talks about how it tastes bad so my heart goes out to the two of them. From then on the two of them never go near beer ever again.
Marius making fun of Vyn and his wine tasting fgidgi perfection. There's this post on tumblr talking about how easy it is to scam wine connoisseurs and how they can't tell the difference between the high quality vintage wine and cheap wine. Once Marius finds it it's over for Vyn. Marius just gained some incredibly strong ammo and he will absolutely use it as much as he can. It'll be an exercise in self restraint for Vyn to not bash him over the head after that. The last section with Vyn and his father had me in so much pain. To have something he liked be ruined by memories...
dgjdfu poor Marius alcohol really doesn't taste good to a child. I'm just imagining mc mentioning the whiskey Luke had in his Christmas SR and Marius immediately being disappointed in Luke. He respects his tastes and the sentimental value of the whiskey but also his tastes are wrong.
DGJDGDJ CELESTINE GOING TO BRING A SHOVEL I LOVE HER. Artem don't complain your friends are amazing and I wish I had them. Celestine and Neil never let him near alcohol when it's not for work reasons ever again. After Atmospherics, Artem wakes up with a hangover, remembers the behaviour that Neil and Celestine noted down and immediately starts panicking. He really did just subject mc to his drunken shenanigans.
All of them are braver than me sigh the smell of alcohol alone ensures I'm never touching it if I can help it. I absolutely loved this headcanon alcohol shenanigans are my absolute favourite.
irt when and how each of the nxx team first drank alcohol
hi, milkyway :DDD
i gotta keep u guys on ur toes!!! funnies one second, strained relationship with vyn's father in the next second, HAHA.
i did try to temper vyn's section with marius being a loveable pain in the ass and kjBKSJKF UR RIGHT!! idk anything about winetasting, both how it supposedly works and how it's supposedly ease to fool winetasters, but if marius manages to convince vyn that this 5stellin bottle of wine is tooootally a renowned vintage from a little unknown town in italy, well. marius is never gonna let vyn live that down.
but yep, ive been on a kick lately of thinking about vyn's relationship with his dad. i watched vyn's bday2 ssr where his dad shows up but i watched it when i had covid HAHA so my memory is kinda fuzzy but overall there was just this vibe like......it's not an unsalvageable relationship, but it's one that has vibes from vyn that are like "why are you here i dislike you i do not want to see you" and vibes from dad de haspran that are like "i wish i was a better father." or maybe that was my covid symptoms talking, i'll have to rewatch the card HAHA.
beer sucks!! IT SUCKS, IT TASTES SO BAD I HATE IT!!! but also when i was a teenager, beer was like the most common alcohol to know about? also the easiest to buy and smuggle places esp if ur Not Sposed To Have It. shoutout to that legendary student in my high school who apparently filled their jug with some kind of alcoholic drink and took swigs of it in class and did not get caught. insane behavior but also rlly impressive!!!
luke and mc dont stay away from all beers after that, but they never drink that specific brand ever again. and in general, beers r just on thin ice. luke, once hes got his bartending experience, can mix drinks that taste waaaaay better
JSBFKJSD WAIT UR RIGHT LOL, this hc in conjunction with SSR Atmospherics creates that hilarious reaction from artem. he panic texts celestine before coming into the office in the last bit of that story like "Does she look disgusted by the general order of the world and maybe the entire concept of who I am as a person?" and celestine texts back "She mostly just looks sleepy, lol"
and all i will say about marius is this: BLEH!!!!!
glad u liked the hc post hehe :3!!!
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ladyjaja · 2 years
entry 5 ... a little about clothes
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im take a break from talking abt the castle to speak some thoughts abt my personal fashion experiences on sl .. sparked by these 2 outfits i did the other day
since i spent a lot of time on sl, i dont really feel that extreme hunger and craving for new clothes anymore, because my closet has plenty and because i know what i like for sure now
i still buy things tho, i love fashion and dressing up my avatars, i especially love dressing up wafa.. its a less expensive version of playing with real life dolls.. i know what stores i like so i just follow them all on flickr and check out anything tht stands out to me ... anyways
i bought the top on the left and the outfit on the right in the same event .. theyre from diff creators..
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this top is by MUSE, and its not originally this color.. i bought it in white
me getting a new piece of clothing lately is almost fully dependent on whether the item is modify or not, and MUSE always has their stuff w/ modify permissions
i think this is an afterthought for many people even long time SL players sometimes .. including myself earlier in my sl life
but overtime i realized i had a bunch of things i didnt feel like i could fit in various outfits or even various avatars.. making outfits was really annoying and depressing,......i started having revelations after spending a long time tinting + combining hairs (this is its own monster)
any modify clothing.. i can tint! and if i can set the texture to white and tint, then all the outfit parts can actually match, and i can use my own colors
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its kind of rare for stores to have full mod clothes anymore .. a lot will offer modifiable versions in fatpack.. insomnia angel does it, and ill buy those if the singles arent mod.. yeah fatpack is so expensive seeming but its worth it to spend more on an item ill use for multiple avatars and multiple outfits, thn a bunch of tops tht only serve one purpose.. or could end up in the trenches of my digital closet collecting dust .. 1 item i can modift and color endlessly keep me happy way longer thn useless shirt
tinting hs become very sacred to me and important in making a new outfit .. and i guess by extension important if im shopping
its a very personal preference but there is something to think about when it comes to creators making clothes no mod .. some people dont want you tinting the stuff they made .. they think modify items are more at risk to be copybotted (it doesnt make a difference)
i feel a certain way when the permission isnt specified anywhere, or if theres no.. like "mod in fatpack!" like it turns me off to not be able to put my cute color on it, at least modify being fatack exclusive give me hope!
this can be advice, but is rlly my personal thoughts.. i think the fact tht i want my characters to feel flat on purpose, because they are flat.. contribute to this.. because i like the minimal texture achieved by tinting, its very subtle.. i tend to keep in mind to buy from places that i know have textures that are soft and can translate well into being tinted
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(some closeup, u can see what i mean w the shadows?)
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now w this second outfit.. its from a store called V.C.LAB.. my first products from this store..and 2 be real maybe my last..
i subsided my preferences on mod clothing like i do everyonce in a while, cu i thought this look woud be really cute for wafa, i didnt buy a fatpack.. and the singles are.. like i mention.. no mod
the skirt i can probably use with other things and the shirt too, but i guess knowing myself i doubt it, this is a unique wafa outfit.. summer vibe for her.. which is fine.. its rare for me though to buy something like this .. supposedly, the fatpack is no mod either
it is super cute ofc
something abt being tinted outfits all the time makes outfits like these stand out more on my characters, like a casual day out
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i dont regret buying it.. but i use petite for matrieya, and the rigging for it (the version of the shirt for petite) is whack, idk if theyll ever fix it? it was a bad omen for me, i want to buy mod clothes forever..
part of me buying this no-mod fit tho is because a lot of mod clothes isnt very modest.. i love MUSE, but its all lingerie mostly.. its very revealing and not at all neutral, i love their clothes but sometimes i want something that cover up more(bold to say cuz even this outfit 'revealing' in a lot of standards, this is just some sl problem & its own conversation), when ur looking for tint only clothing u can run into problems often where u feel like ur getting too much of some clothing and there can be holes in ur wardrobe that take time to fill..
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regardless ever since i have this mentality w shopping and stuff i feel a lot more peace with my avatar and my closet.. the edit menu is sacred.. and u will go a long way exploring all its posibilities.. unless u RLLY a diehard fan of baked on shadows
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set-in-stardust · 2 years
whoooshh scar songs 2/2:
don't you know who i think i am?
a penny for your thoughts but a dollar for your insights/or a fortune for your disaster
this man. this man swindles people out of their everything. but at the same time, he loses his everything every single day, sometimes multiple times. he's not really gaining or losing much- if anything, he's losing more than he's gaining.
I'm just a painter and I'm drawing a blank
scar himself, by his own character, is a creator. he paints pictures, scenes, landscapes, cities, myths. scar is. not allowed to help directly with grian's and mumbo's romance and he is in pain.
they say quitters never win/but we walk the plank on a sinking ship
this line is saying, in summary, if scar quits, it's so he can fail on his own accord as opposed to being indebted to others. (it also feels like a line that grian would tell him, and he would have to point out that it's not a sinking ship- grian's just not looking at the docks) he kinda does this, to be honest. if he dislikes something, he won't stop until he's perfected it, but he's also loyal to a cause to a fault.
i could learn to pity fools as i'm the worst of all
i. i refuse to believe scar knows nothing. he must suspect grian's got wings. i feel like while he knows a lot about what's happening, he dislikes that there's stuff he doesn't know. but unlike mumbo, he understands not to push so strongly on things in general.
broken down on memory lane/alone together, we're alone (whoa)
i'm not sure why but this line feels like scar and grian's enchanting sessions. sure, scar's teaching grian, but they're mostly two friends hanging out- one friend helping significantly more than the other. but those meetings feel like a tiny little bubble, where no-one could ever overhear anything.
uh once again sorry for brainrotting in your inbox and i hope you have /have had a wonderful day! i hear songs and i create stories too easily \:
the first line is just SO on point for scar. hes always working towards something and hes gonna get it no matter what (bartering, swindling, cooperating, compromising, etc.)
(it also feels like a line that grian would tell him, and he would have to point out that it's not a sinking ship- grian's just not looking at the docks)
wow, yeah. ur so right about this actually. scar tends to put things on their head and really look at them in a different perspective. he's the little beam of hope in the cave of pessimism that is w&w Grian.
u might not be so wrong abt him not being completely clueless ;)))
AND YES YES YES I ABSOLUTELY AGREE WITH THE LAST PART ABOUT THEIR LESSONS! it's a private little world of their own where they can grow and understand and change and the vibe of that little bit at the end of the song just makes so much sense when u relate it to their sessions. its really great and i love it
also i dont mind the brainrot!! i also create lots of stories listening to music. I'm literally filming a rlly short (like under a minute) piece on Saturday w/ a couple of friends that is VERY LOOSELY based on the song "The (After) Life of the Party" by fall out boy (who could've guessed). maybe ill post it here but idk yet
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gayspock · 3 years
do you have any fashion tips or at least any tips on how to properly research it because im trying to get more into it but i have no idea how to figure out like what looks nice to begin with or how to style anything and every time i try to look myself i just get corporate articles trying to trick me into buying their expensive plain white shirts and idk i like your fashion sense so do you got anything
omg... flattered that ur asking me but honestly!! idk if i have any tips? personally i just kinda wear whatever i want omg 😁 i guess, like- (i'll put this under a read more?)
1. dont feel pressured to overhaul ur whole wardrobe at once or anythin like that. not just bc its mad expensive to drop a load of money like that, but honestly sometimes its just easier to feel out what u might like/dislike by going gradually. take an outfit u wear already and find sth new to add to it, for example. or sth to swap out to make it more ur own. also keeps it more dynamic- bc honestly... u will change with time, and u can overhaul ur whole wardrobe in one go but even if u rlly love it, give it a year or two and its likely its likely ur needs will change. not even just wrt style or whatever. but ik i bought a load of jumpers at once before and i barely wear jumpers any more!!! bc i get too warm nowadays and i feel suffocated in them - when i didnt before.
2. ^ carrying off of tht, i think its always useful to have some "staple" stuff, thats Sound. nice jeans that you feel comfortable in and fit well and plain shirts. you can layer them with whatever new stuff u wanna experiment with and if all fails u can go back to them. honestly if im not feelin sth loud i'll just wear jeans and a shirt i like and then wear a necklace and earrings that match and it looks put together.
3. look at other ppl's styles and dont copy them entirely but think abt wht u like and take elements of them and adapt. even if its a style completely different to urs. if u like it take the idea and remix.
4. when it comes to getting new clothes... personally i literally get like. 90% of my stuff secondhand. depop and charity shops, mostly. depop you do have to be wary with and yah it can suck on there. try to avoid putting money into scalpers' pockets (tho at the end of the day... better than a larger company, tbf) but yeah. theres other second hand online stores too that u can explore and it can take some searchin but u can find rlly nice things in there, cheaper than if u bought em straight from the shops. and with charity shops tbh just pop in whenever ur bored around town bc u never kno when u see sth nice.
5. also whenever u go to buy sth. try to imagine how you would wear it and what with. if you'd need sth else to go with it, or if you have the stuff to compliment it already; if its comfortable and practical, etc... just so u dont buy sth you'll regret. stuff can be unique looking and rlly pull you but if it is gonna just end up in the bottom of ur closet, ur gonna feel like ass and you've wasted money.
6. anyways once you've managed to integrate more specific stuff u like into ur wardrobe, then i think u can just build more on that from there over time. like if u got a rlly nice top and you've just been pairing it with the same jeans for a while, and now you know for sure ur gonna wear it a lot bc you have done so arleady, you can buy sth that might more specifically match with it and kinda build more outfits like that. :3 dont feel to boxed into wearin specific stuff with specific stuff, tho- sometimes if u just throw two random pieces u didnt think would work together, they can work together... tht happens to me a lot omg.
sorry if this is wordy!!! honestly im rlly NOT. fashionable-fashionable if u kno what i mean like idk a lot abt fashion! i just put stuff on that im personally into, and vibe. but i think honestly at the end of the day thts what you're gonna be happiest in! so... 😁
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