#So he's trying to be the picture perfect parent and give Chris a normal picture perfect childhood
littlecrittereli · 16 days
Guardianship au,,,,,save me guardianship au,,,,,,,
If you don’t mind the questions, how’d the Tortuga gang react to Chris tagging along? I assume they understood Chris would be joining them early on into Martin being accepted, but I imagine the situation was more like. Martin snagging a new job on the Tortuga >> realizing he can’t take this job and leave his brother alone >> Chris says don’t worry just take me with you >> Martin nervously asking heyyyyyyyy is it cool if my little brother comes with?
Obviously everyone had to be cool with it eventually, but do you know what Aviva, Koki, and Jimmy had going through their heads when a mildly emo, 14yo Chris rolled in with a deeply anxiety-ridden Martin?
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This is kinda the awkward phase of the team's relationship where they know Martin is struggling, but he's not willing to let them help just yet.
The second Chris finds out about the Tortuga it becomes his life-mission to convince Martin to let him go on the trip (it will not be difficult at all to convince him)
Martin is just hesitant because he wants to make sure he's not being selfish in his decision to join the team. Of course Chris wants to go too, but Martin is trying to think of his best interest.
Of course, he eventually realizes that the team genuinely cares about them and he's willing to let them help out with Chris, and then the found-family can commence!!!
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theflyindutchwoman · 9 months
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So, I guess this is our official first date. Mm, last night was, for sure. I mean, it's a better story for the grandkids. We've got grandkids now. Nice.
Bookending the episode with Tim and Lucy's first and second dates is such an ingenious move. Particularly since both dates have a very distinct tone : if their first one was all about Tim and Lucy setting their boundaries, this one showcases how they perfectly match each other - and not just at work...
No more awkwardness, no fancy restaurant… This time, this is just them at a food truck, a subtle callback to all the times they ate together during their shifts… And that's why it also appears more true to them. There's an incredibly romantic feel to this scene - in a way, even more than that first date. The fairy lights behind them gives off this warm and delicate glow, creating an intimate atmosphere, reinforced by Tim and Lucy sitting extremely close to each other, her thigh between his.. This feels so much more like them and it shows in how much more comfortable they both are in this setting. Right down to their debate on whether this is their first official date or their second. It's not quite their typical bickering, but it is close. Their relationship is slowly shifting, towards something even better, without losing their dynamic.
They're so much more at ease that Lucy doesn't even hesitate to casually mention their future grandkids, as if this is completely normal and not mind blowing at all. She's obviously being playful but what it underlines is powerful. At no point does she try to take her remark back or look like she might regret saying it. She looks right at Tim. And the implications this has… This is someone who has always wanted to keep things casual with her former boyfriends - a label she even had trouble using in the first place. Someone who was uncomfortable at the idea of meeting Chris's parents and who was panicking at the idea of moving in with him. So the fact that she can joke about grandchildren on her second date says how much she is committed to this. And it's the perfect echo to that first date where she was expression her desire to take things slow. It's her way of making sure that Tim understands that just because she doesn't want to rush things, doesn't mean she is any less committed. She wants that future with him.
Tim's reaction is everything. He may have been caught by surprise, as his double take indicates, but the way he raises his eyebrow, still smiling and gently teasing her just shows how awed he actually is by this. His eyes are shining with excitement and his voice is so soft. His answer is so simple - Nice. But the weight it has… He's absolutely picturing that future in that moment. And his smile speaks for itself. The man is elated. But more than that : he is finally at peace. I don't think we have ever seen him this relaxed before. This is the look of someone who has finally found his person - one who wants the same things as him - and realises that he is getting it all. It's like a weight off his shoulders… We know he wanted to have kids with Isabel but it didn't work out, Ashley didn't want them and at that point, he probably thought that it was not in the cards for him. He was ready to settle and give up on his dreams. But now? He realises that he can have it all. And it's a pure bliss. And this is something Lucy knew. She was the one who asked him if he wanted to have children. She saw how he was contorting himself into someone he wasn't because he didn't think he deserved better. She pretty much did the same, not wanting to fight because it wasn't worth the bother. And I love that all along, she wanted that love story and she's also getting it.
Not even a moron trying to steal a car right in front of them can ruin this moment. But how significant is this that Tim doesn't try to pursue him. That's not something he would do for anyone. But some things matter more… Like their first real kiss. The way Lucy has his undivided attention… how he gently caresses her face, his other hand on her thigh, before slowly leaning in, almost shyly, both smiling into the kiss… how he dives right back for more, like he does every time, as if he can't get enough… This is the epitome of softness...
And how beautiful is it that their first real kiss is completely different their previous ones. And how meaningful is it that Tim is the one to initiate it this time around. Go on this date, maybe a second date, have our first real kiss… Their checklist is now complete!
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VelvetCardiganBucky’s Recommendations 2021: Week 17 | April 18th – April 24th
Welcome to week 17 of my recommendations, if you would like to be featured on a future list, I follow the hashtag #VelvetCardiganBucky, message me, tag me in your future works, or reblog this post and link to your story, one-shot, Masterlist, writing challenge, etc.
Be aware some if not most stories and writers on this list are meant to be consumed by an audience of those 18+. My blog is also an 18+ blog.
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«Last Week
Week 18»
My Masterlist
My Fic Rec List of Mafia/Mob Bucky/Sebastian & Steve/Chris/Andy
Stuff I Posted This Week
Forever & Always: Stage 1 - Denial | Pt.1 » Bucky Barnes x Witch!Reader & Platonic Avengers x Reader — Y/N “Birdy” (nicknamed by her family), comes from a long line of witches and warlocks, living her days at the New Avengers Compound, alongside her friends. The Avengers are part of her family and her family is always welcome to the compound. Things for once seemed to be going well now that all was right from the attack on Thanos, everyone was alive, all was forgiven, friendships were thriving, that all ended when Birdy’s brother came calling with sad news, their mother had suddenly passed. These are the stages of grief Birdy faces, through the loss of her best friend, her protector, her mother.
His Favorite Day » Chris Evans x Reader — Chris’s favorite day of the year is your birthday.
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Bucky Barnes
*No Hidden Messages by @jobean12-blog » TFATWS!Bucky Barnes x Reader — Sam sends you a picture of Bucky and the endgame is priceless. | Honestly I love me some dominant Bucky, and if Sam had sent me that picture I would have dropped my phone and been like yep that my babe. I was thinking something more dirty but I’ll keep that thought to myself. 😉
Sucker Punch by @buckyblues » Boxer!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader — Bucky thought he knew what was his, until he accidentally let it roam free. | Someone come dump a cold bucket of water on me please?
Someone Like You by @startrekkingaroundasgard » Bucky Barnes x Hydra Agent!Reader — Taken from their SHIELD prison cell, the reader finds themself alone with The Winter Soldier negotiating for their life. | I really enjoyed reading this, the sass of the reader and how Bucky handles them. It’s just so perfect. Nicola says there is more to come for this pair and I’m so very much looking forward to it.
(Mini) Series:
Happy & So Happy by @mrwinterr » Rockstar!Bucky Barnes AU x Female Reader — You meet your favorite artist and get more than what you bargained for. | The smut in this is hot and by the end you are hoping the reader gets a happy ending not a tragic one.
*A Tender Heart 💜 Pt. 3 by @river-soul » Alpha!Bucky Barnes x Omega!Reader — You’ve been sweet on Bucky since you started working at the compound six months ago. Normally quiet and mild mannered, an unexpected fight with a coworker brings Bucky into your orbit. [A/B/O dynamics and explicit sexual content, 18+] | I feel the love that is radiating from this story and I really love it and the little bit of smut we get in chapter 3 is perfect!
the (after) party by @buckycuddlebuddy sequel loft music » fuckboy!bucky barnes x reader — “why don’t we have this thing they call goodbye sex? one last time.” he leaned forward, his lips brushing your ear. “i’ll make it good for you.” | In some strange way it was therapeutic to read this but at the same time I felt bad for the reader in the first part. Second part you are rooting for her but still feeling bad. I will say the smut in this is perfect.
Just Like Dad Pt. 3 🦾 Pt. 1 🦾 Pt. 2 by @ladyfallonavenger » Bucky Barnes x Reader — Bucky finally confronts Steve and moves forward with his life. | Very sweet ending and I loved it.
Sweet Dreams 🥞 Pt. 4 🥞 Pt. 5 🥞 Pt. 6 🥞 Pt. 7 by @jedimastermelkor » Bucky Barnes x Reader & ? x Avenger — Your daily routine involves waking up in the morning, going to work and sulking at night. But then you meet the man you’ve fantasized about for your entire life, Bucky Barnes. At the same time, you’ve caught someone else’s eye and his first step in winning you over is to cook you breakfast. But will you be welcoming of that person’s affections? | I like how she named the puppy Pancake and the first thing the mysterious avenger gave her was pancakes. I don’t want to give too much away but things are getting really good and you find out who the mysterious avenger is in chapter 6!
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Steve Rogers
*Caught by @giorno-plays-piano » Bluebeard!Steve Rogers x Reader — If he kept you warm, saying words of love to you every day while he looked you in the face, you’d marry him even if in a year he hanged you just like all his wives in the dungeon of his castle. | It’s dark but in a soft way and it’s so good. I highly recommend you go and read it.
Drabble Request by @angrythingstarlight » Mafia!Steve Rogers x Reader — We find out how Steve and Reader met before they ever got in a relationship. Takes place before Tell Me What You Want. | I loved this so much, I was laughing and pictured this whole piece so vividly in my brain. Also I just want a part where Bucky teases Steve about that night in front of reader making her giggle, maybe at the wedding?
(Mini) Series:
*Yuánfèn 📖 Pt. 4 by @writerwrites » Steve Rogers x Reader — When you’ve lost everything and try to run away from your problems, you keep finding a way back to the one person who completely understands. Can you make another person happy with a broken heart? | I always look forward to the updates on this story. It brings me so much comfort and the relationship that is blossoming between the reader and Steve is beautiful and organic. I highly recommend this.
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*Just Like Her Old Man by @rebelwrites » Chibs Telford x Reader — I asked for: Parents get called into school for a meeting due to their daughter fighting, and trying not to be proud. Taking them out for a treat after the meeting. | It turned out so great. If you knew me at my Sons Anarchy Days, you know I loved Chibs the most. This feed my love for him even more. Thank you Heather!!
*A Simple Solution by @sweetlyscared » Andy Barber x Fem!Reader, Ari Levinson x Fem!Reader, Andy Barber x Fem!Reader x Ari Levinson — You and Andy had a purely sexual relationship for several months, and you’d started to grow attached to him. Unfortunately, life has a way of complicating things, and a chance encounter at a bookstore had you stuck between a rock and a hard place. | We all owe a huge thank you to Sweet Lee, for writing and posting this. She wrote our dreams out so perfectly, and if you haven’t thought of this now you can. It’s just so hot and good, I for one am very thankful.
(Mini) Series:
*Give In 🐈‍⬛ Pt. 23 🐈‍⬛ Pt. 24 🐈‍⬛ Pt. 25 by @overr-written » soft!dark!Lee Bodecker x Reader — She didn’t think she was anything special. So when the intimidating Sheriff takes an interest in her, she can’t help but feel a little unsettled. Her boring life is about to get a little interesting. | I love this series so much and the lengths that the chapters are. I really am going to be sad when this is over. I don’t ever want it to end. 😭
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Seal Team
Imma Take Care Of Your Body by @rebelwrites » Clay Spenser x Reader — Reader is the only female member on Bravo who also has a no strings attached relationship with Rebel. | Let me just say this is hot, like really hot. Give me a glass of water and let me cool down. Thank you Heather for blessing us with this.
Tier One Babysitters by @bravo-four-seal-team » Seal Team; Ray Perry x Naima Perry — Ray and Naima ask the team to watch 6 month old Jameelah. | I promise you will be laughing.
You Are Perfect by @rebelwrites » Clay Spenser x Reader — Clay tells you everything he loves about you. | As a big boned girl this meant a lot and has me wishing for a Clay Spenser to call my own.
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the-bau-quinjet · 3 years
Round 2: Tik Tok
Bucky x reader
Part 2 to Round 1: Fruit Snacks
Summary: You enlist Peter to help you prank Steve, Sam, and Bucky.
Warnings: Language!
Word Count: 1795
a/n: Ahh, part 2! Gotta love tik tok. This entire part was inspired by the first Chris Evans tik tok I linked... I linked all the tik toks I referenced, but the descriptions in the fic have been edited a bit to better fit the scene!
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"Peter!" You called to him from the other end of the hallway as he entered the elevator. "Hold the door!"
He smiled back at you, holding the doors open as you ran down the hallway.
"Perfect. I need your help." You whispered as the doors closed, never knowing if a super soldier could hear you or not. You had an evil glint in your eyes that clearly said you were scheming.
"Oh, okay. What do you need Ms. L/N?" His eyes were wide, never having seen you this devious before.
"Peter. How many times have I told you to just call me Y/N? You make me feel old, and I am not old." You huffed, stalling for time.
"Right, Y/N. Got it. What do you need my help with?" He asked as the elevator doors opened.
You peaked your head, looking both ways before exiting. You gestured for him to follow you, exiting the compound and walking toward the gate where May was picking him up after a date with Happy.
"I need you to play the video on this flash drive at Tony's next party." You said when you reached the end of the driveway, handing him the mentioned flash drive.
"Why?" He took the device, albeit with a bit of hesitation.
"Because, I'm pranking Steve, Sam, and Bucky. They tried to get me the other day and failed miserably. Honestly, just watching them on edge has been great, but it's time for payback." You smirked, knowing the prank wouldn't do any real harm.
"Oh, Mr. Stark told me about that!" His eyes were wide with recognition. "Good job with the fake crying, I would've loved to see it."
"Well, you can help me get them back if you play that on the projector screen at Tony's next party." You nodded toward the flash drive, wanting to confirm the plan.
"What is it?" Peter looked nervous, unsure if he should get involved.
"Don't worry, it's nothing bad. Just a few tik toks I found from fans. Three for each of them." You smirked, already picturing the blushes. This would really get Steve and Bucky more than Sam, but when you came across the first video you couldn't not do it.
"Alright. I'm in!" He smiled, happy to help you. "But, why can't you just play the video?" He questioned, obviously not well versed in the world of pranks.
"Because, if they see me doing anything out of the ordinary at the party, they'll know something's up. I have to act normal, so it's a surprise." You outline the plan, explaining the need for two people.
"Why me?" He asked again, genuinely curious.
"Because, they won't think I'd go to you for help. They think you'll do anything to get them to stop teasing you, so they won't see it coming."
Peter nodded, understanding your logic. "Wow. You've really thought of everything." He smiled as May pulled up.
"I know. It's going to be great." You smirked, turning and running back inside before anyone could see you.
The night of the party, it took everything in you not to wear the world's biggest smirk.
Sam, Bucky, and Steve have been on edge ever since your warning, waiting for you to strike. They were huddled by the bar, appearing deep in conversation.
"Hi boys." You greeted them from behind, causing them to jump at the intrusion.
Sam recovered first, smirking at you. "Y/N. We've got a theory."
You raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue.
"You warned us about your next prank, and then planned nothing." You bit your lip, trying to appear deep in thought.
"Interesting theory. What do you have to support it?" You tilted your head to the side, waiting for more of an explanation.
"It's been a week, and you haven't done anything." Steve started, less confident than Sam, but still sounding sure.
"I haven't?" You questioned, enjoying watching them squirm. "You sure?"
Bucky shook his head with a grin. "You're doing it again. Trying to make us paranoid."
Your gave them your sweetest smile, running your hand up and down Bucky's arm. "Whatever you say, dear." You said it with mock reassurance, then walked away grinning.
The three men shared a look, trying not to seem overly paranoid, but failing.
You felt eyes on you for the entire party. There was never a minute at least one of them wasn't watching your every move. You were fairly certain they were even keeping tabs on Wanda and Nat, just to make sure you hadn't enlisted their help.
You chatted with Nat, Wanda, and Pepper, danced for a bit, and ate some food, all while ignoring their stares.
Around 9:30, Peter managed to get the video queued up. All eyes were on the projector screen at the sudden noise.
A tik tok started playing, flashing different images of Steve as the music played.
"Hush hush hush, blush blush blush, you are now my big fat crush."
Steve's face grew redder as the video played, turning into a tomato by the end.
"Love me, and hug me, and touch me. And well, fuck me."
Another video immediately started playing, also featuring pictures of Steve.
The caption read "Let me present to you: Steve Rogers Walking" backed by some sexy music.
"When marimba rhythm starts to play, dance with me, make me sway."
Clips of Steve walking, whether it be in uniform from a news clip or in suits from press events, graced the screen.
He was hiding his head in his hands, too embarrassed to even think you could have done this. He had been watching you all night, you couldn't have set up the video.
Bucky and Sam laughed as a third video started to play.
The on screen text read as follows:
"People: how do you sleep at night? Me:"
A girl fell into her bed, swaddled in a blanket covered in pictures of Steve.
The screen flashed black for a few seconds, making everyone think the impromptu display was over. That is, until a new video began playing.
A heavy bass started thumping as a girl appeared on screen, counting down with her fingers along with the sound.
"3, 2, 1."
Sam appeared on screen, a plethora of his most used interview and press clips being played.
He was enjoying the praise, although slightly embarrassed at the video being played in front of all these people.
Another video began playing, showing Sam acting out different Avengers in a game of charades.
"Oh!" It was highly edited to draw attention to his amusing sound effects.
Finally, a clip from an interview Sam did with Steve and Scott came up.
"The problem isn't the kids, the problem is the parents."
You knew he wouldn't be embarrassed by the same things as Steve, so you chose a few random videos you found to call him out for not always thinking before speaking.
The screen flashed black again, transitioning to videos of Bucky.
A clip that had gone viral from Sam's account was edited with new music, resulting in the crowd hearing Bucky say:
"Suck my dick!" Followed by the song "if you gave me a chance, i would take it."
These videos were really just for you. You watched them so many times while looking for the three best ones.
Although, Bucky's wide eyes and rosy cheeks definitely didn't hurt.
The next video began with Sexy Back by Justin Timberlake.
"Take it to the chorus. Come here girl."
Pictures of Bucky flashed across the projector screen, showing off his physique. You don't know where fans find this pictures, but you loved them for it.
The last video of Bucky was a pov someone made about yours and Bucky's relationship. Although the two of you were flirty, nothing had been discussed.
Maybe that's why you chose this one.
You and Bucky were having a fake conversation that went as follows:
Y/N: "Bucky, I like your last name."
Bucky: "Oh thanks, that's sweet."
Then, in sync with the music in the background:
Y/N: "Can I steal it from you?"
Bucky: "Of course, doll."
Y/N: "What'd he sayyyyy?"
The crowd laughed at that one, knowing how the media and fans speculate about your relationship.
Finally, the screen went dark, no more videos lined up to play.
You made your way over to the guys as everyone resumed their normal party activities.
"What a show guys. Really well done. Don't forget to thank your fans." You slow clapped, enjoying their flustered faces.
"How long were you planning that?" Steve, blush just beginning to fade, questioned you.
"I've had the video made for 6 days. I started planning the second you left for the store." You grinned, enjoying the high of a good, harmless prank.
"We've been watching you all night. How did you manage to queue the video?" Sam questioned, eyes narrowed.
"I had help." You shrugged noncommittally. You wouldn't give up Peter's role in the prank unless he wanted you to.
"From? We had eyes on Nat and Wanda." Bucky questioned further, but you just shook your head.
"I can't reveal my sources." You laughed again at their matching looks of annoyance.
Suddenly, something clicked for Bucky.
"So, you chose all of the videos?" He sounded so curious, you couldn't help but fill him in.
"I did. It didn't take long. The internet is full of videos of the three of you. They were pretty fun to look through." You laughed at a few videos you opted to leave out of the montage.
"What's this about you liking my last name then?" Bucky had a new confidence about him with this question.
Having expected this question at some point, you had already thought of how you would answer.
"Well, the fans want what they want. Maybe we should give it to them." You stepped closer as Sam and Steve awkwardly shuffled away.
"You think so, doll?" Bucky relied, hands moving to your waist.
"I don't see why not." You closed the distance, pressing your lips to his in a moment you had been thinking about for months.
You moved together, pulling each other closer even when you were already chest to chest.
Eventually, the sound of a throat clearing caused you to break apart.
Tony was playfully glaring at the two of you.
"L/N, if you ever use my protégé to pull a stunt like that again, at least include some videos of me." He whined.
You laughed at his statement, having expected him to be annoyed at you interrupting his party.
"Can do Stark."
He walked off as you turned back to Bucky, whose mouth was hung open like a fish.
You gave him a questioning look as he sputtered.
"Parker helped you?!"
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deluweil · 3 years
Buddie 4x14 review - if you haven’t watched it yet don’t read.
The episode starts where we left it, once Buck was on the ground, it seems like he was thrust back into reality. I noticed two things here (connected with 4x13) Eddie didn’t close his eyes until Buck was safe behind the truck on the ground. And the second thing is that Buck was spurred into action the moment Eddie’s eyes closed.
And I mean this was some BAMF Buckley right there, that was SEALS trained Evan Buckley! 😱🤩 It’s like training and instinct kicked in and all that mattered was to get to Eddie and get him help as soon as possible, sniper’s bullets be damned. I gotta say it was executed to perfection❣
Big kudos to both Oliver and Ryan for delivering this whole sequence in a heart-wrenching, beautiful manner.
The shooting doesn’t stop and they get Eddie out of there under fire, I really like the 133 captain and crew, they worked so well with the members of the 118, it seemed effortless. (I’m not touching that subject, but let’s picture Buck lifting Eddie bodily up into his arms and in to the truck for just a second here. - I mean we wanted it but not under these circumstances)
Buck taking the role of medic when finally getting Eddie into the truck, is so amazing, he’s usually the one either in need for treatment or the one who stands back and let’s Hen, Chim and Eddie do the medic stuff, it is their jobs after all, but he doesn’t sit back and let the medics of the 133 to take over, he does it himself. 
He tore Eddie’s uniform’s buttons open (again, that’s not how any of us wished for this to happen), tore the pressure bandage wrap open and pressed it down on the wound, he did not step back from Eddie, until he absolutely has to, at the hospital. 😭
Eddie, my poor baby, was lying on the ground of the truck, bleeding and half conscious and the one thing he focused on was the blood on Buck’s shirt and he asked him if he’s hurt. I mean I could totally cry, because that’s Eddie. Best friend, combat medic, protective and caring, that never goes away even as he’s lying there bleeding. 🥺🥺
Eddie was legit ready to forget his injuries and try to get up and take care of Buck if he was hurt too. He loses consciousness only when Buck assures him that he’s not hurt.
Buck’s frantic litany of “Just hang on, we’re almost there.” and “I need you to hang on” (“I need you”, not we, not Christopher, “I need you”) was really hard to watch, because even though we all read and wrote it in fanfics thousands of times, watching it actually play out was heartbreaking, I totally teared up with Buck there.🥺🥺
For firefighters the job ends at the hospital doors, so Buck naturally, out of instinct stops from following. But that’s Eddie taken away from him and he looks frozen, at that moment he must have thousands of thoughts running around his head.
“You ok Buckley?”
Buck’s broken “No.” was maybe expected, but it was also earth shattering of sorts. This is Buck standing there, knowing (especially after the well incident) that when Eddie is not okay, he’s not either. 😭❤
I want to point out that I loved the fact that the 133 didn’t just drive away or waited outside for the cops, they went in after Eddie. And after trying to check in on Buck, the Captain of the 133 went in too.
I’m going to point out a parallel here between S3 Finale and S4 finale, in 3x18 Eddie asks Buck if he’s ok as his ex-girlfriend was taken in the ambulance with her new fiancé, Buck’s response was “What’s next?” and going back to work. He was okay, because Eddie was with him, and there was still work to be done.
Here in 4x14, Eddie is taken from him to the hospital, and Buck doesn’t know if he’ll live, so Buck’s obvious answer here is ‘No’.
Later we see Buck exiting the hospital, in his firefighter uniform. I’m a little disappointed we don’t see him cleaning up, I know that could have made for a hell of a scene, Oliver would have killed it, and us in my opinion.
Taylor is coming to the hospital, not as a reporter but as a friend. She was worried. I like that side of her, when she knows to put away the reporter and to make sure her friend is in one piece. Her character development is shown beautifully in this scene. 
Buck, in no condition to pretend and speak to the press, turns away from her, he doesn’t trust her at that moment and he doesn’t trust himself not to break down there. He’s teary, still in shock and his hands are shaking like crazy. (in complete contrast to the usual Buck, where he can be in danger or wrap up a crazy rescue and he is normally completely steady.)
Taylor, offered to take Buck to Eddie’s house to see Christopher, telling him he can’t go see Chris looking like he does now. “You can’t got see his son like that.” - At first hear and several others it sounded like “Your son.” - of course it’s not but either way it would have been true too, because in a way Buck has been co-parenting Christopher for a very long time now. And indeed later when Buck gets to Eddie’s house he is washed and dressed in civilian clothes.
The scene with Oli and Gavin killed me! I thought for sure the breaking down will be done in private, but Buck couldn’t hold it together in front of Christopher once he found out Eddie is going to be ok, and Christopher comforting Buck was so so sweet.
Christopher’s “like the ones who fixed you?” Kind of gives us a certain idea as to the conversation Eddie had to have with Christopher when Buck was hurt. His sweet “Then he’s going to be ok,” he says it with such conviction, only adding “right?” only as an afterthought.
And as if he manifested it himself Buck then gets a text from Bobby that tells him that Eddie pulled through surgery and it looks good.
Buck actually dropped the phone from the relief and he started to cry, and sweet, adorable, national treasure Christopher puts an arm around him and tells him that Eddie is going to be okay. I definitely cried with Buck here. It was such a powerful scene and it was portrayed so well by Oliver and Gavin. 
The “it’s going to be okay Buck” was kind of a call back to 3x01 - when Christopher reassures Buck and tells him “You’re going to be okay kid.” - I love these two together so much! ❤❤
When Bobby gives them the talk in the firehouse about how they proceed from there, Buck is standing with his arms crossed, looking completely dejected. And when Hen asks about the safety of their families, Bobby says there's no reason to believe they are in danger, Buck pipes in with “We didn’t have a reason to believe Eddie will get shot helping a kid either.” Buck is traumatized, and worried, he sleeps at Eddie’s house looking after Christopher.
I loved Christopher waking Buck up, and them having cereal breakfast together, a call back to Eddie and Christopher having breakfast together in 2x04. Buck doesn’t sit next to Chris, but across from him - to me it says that the seat between them is usually reserved to Eddie when they’re together at the house.
I love how Christopher’s teasing Buck about him snoring. And Buck is later confused because he’s unsure of whether or not Chris really understands what’s happening, but Carla assures him that he already lost his mother, unfortunately he understands better than he or she thinks. Which again should give people a new appreciation for Christopher’s sunshine child attitude.🥺❤
Carla showing up to take Christopher to school, is showing relief that Buck could finally sleep, which means that he didn’t for at least a couple of nights. She’s also asking him how it feels to go to work, Buck doesn’t even think about the sniper, for him all that matters is that Eddie is not out there with him and it feels off. (call back to 2x18 when Eddie seemed pensive about being back at work but Buck was not with them.)
Carla, bless her, retorts that that is not what she was asking - obviously she meant, she was worried about the sniper, but that is not Buck’s main worry, his head and his heart are somewhere else.
The crane scene was insane! I laughed when Chimney looked to Bobby and asked him “Can you blame him cap?” and Bobby flat out responded “Yeah!” 😂
The rescue was really impressive. However if Eddie ever found out about this he would probably hit Buck over the head with something heavy. It just goes to show that Eddie is Buck’s impulse control and vice-versa.
Bobby and Buck’s interaction wasn’t one of anger, Bobby was terrified and Buck was guilty but unapologetic, because he couldn’t protect Eddie but he could protect the rest of his family, so he did just that. Bobby didn’t have anything to say other than give him the same response Eddie did in Monsters - “Don’t do it again.” - Because for one, in my opinion, Bobby knows where Buck is coming from and also Bobby knows, he knows Eddie is Buck’s impulse control, knows he’s his anchor, he knows that Buck will only be his relatively normal self when Eddie comes back.
I’m not even going to touch the Taylor scene, yes she was worried, and yes she scolded him in a friendly way, but that kiss felt so out of left field for me, especially since Buck was just packing a bag to go stay with Christopher and Eddie was still unconscious at the hospital.
Also she freaking friendzoned him last episode, how fickle do male writers think women are? She gets a little scared and kisses the guy? Lucky they didn’t write in a sex scene! That was an insult to women everywhere in my opinion. It could have been set in so many better opportunities, why now? And if she’s scared now what’s to say that won’t make her leave like Ali did? I have a whole tirade about it but I will let it go for now.
Now I know ya’ll are like - Eddie woke up because his spidey senses told him someone was kissing his Buck (and I do not negate that point lol), but he just woke up and he asked for Buck. I find it so deliriously endearing that I need a moment even as I’m writing this.🤗🤗
I have to point out that there is no scene of Buck, Eddie and she who will not be name together other than the second when Buck walks in (read ran through the hospital corridors) and Eddie has only eyes for his partner. 👀❤
Afterwards it just the two of them, with a brief facetime to Christopher. I love that Eddie thanks Buck for staying with Chris, and Buck pretty much breaks down the logic behind the decision, like a true parent. - Christopher’s comfort came first in Buck’s eyes, and really that just demanded a hug right there.
“Is he doing ok?” 
Buck’s response here, was very honest, a lot more honest than I expected, “better than me.” He said. Buck openly admits to Eddie, “I kinda lost it when I told him you got shot. I’m sorry I should have held it together.” To be honest, I’m very curious as to the ins and outs of Buck and Eddie’s friendship, especially during quarantine, they seem so much closer, a lot more open. More honest than you'd expect two male, straight, lead characters to be with their friends.
Buck would have played it down and shared only the essentials when it’s anybody else. With Eddie he openly saying here, in his own way, ‘I was terrified, and heartbroken, and ‘couldn’t imagine my world without you.’ - ‘I couldn’t function with a clear head.’ - ‘all my masks were shattered.’ 
“You were there for him when I couldn’t be, that’s what matters.” Eddie knows, buck, he understands him better than anyone, he’s telling him here in his own way that it’s okay, and he loves him just the way he is - it was his way to reassure Buck that he was doing just fine.
But Buck’s “Still I think it might have been better for him if I was the one who got shot.” - Eddie looked like he was ready to get up and smack some sense into Buck. 
I want to point out that Buck’s response to Eddie being hurt or in danger is nowhere near the same as his response to anyone else in danger. Case in point in 4x14 is Bobby, he is inside, probably injured, in a fire with a gunman - if it was Eddie, Buck would have waited 0.1 seconds before he disappeared back into the flames to help Eddie. 
With Bobby, he was calm, cool, calculated, he knew what Athena would do because that’s exactly what he would have done if it had been Eddie and he is ready with helpful details and a plan. He wants to go with her, but doesn’t argue when she says no. 
Eddie is Buck’s Bobby, and it reflects all throughout this episode, and I think I had some parallels pointed out in 4x13 too. So I don’t know what scripts Tim reads or if we’re all watching the same show but buddie exists and thriving as far as I’m concerned.
Buck is also the one to pick Eddie up at the hospital - he tells him that the nurse is getting his meds and discharge papers ready, which means that Buck did all that process, he was busy getting Eddie discharged. (Take a moment to soak it in.)😌
Eddie sits Buck down to talk, to be honest this talk went pretty much the way I expected it. 
Eddie explains why he had his will updated, and that Buck is Christopher’s legal guardian if anything happens to Eddie. - I love that after all this time, sweet Buck is still surprised. 
He asks if Eddie didn’t need his consent for this and Eddie’s reply is: “My attorney said you could refuse.”  
I also love, that even shell-shocked, Buck knows that Eddie knows him “You know I wouldn’t.”
And Eddie assures him that he does in fact know Buck, and he knows that Buck loves Christopher as much as Eddie does “I know you wouldn’t.” 
(”I had to do it.” - “Yeah, I know you did.” this was a call back to 4x05 where Eddie understood why Buck did what he did. And knowing what we know now, I can assume that even though Eddie understood and forgave Buck, he didn’t have to like it.)
“No one will ever fight for my son as hard as you.” - call back to 3x03 anyone? 
“There’s no one I trust with my son more than you.” - and Eddie proves it time and again.
And here he is basically giving Buck permission to give hell to his parents or anyone who tries to take Christopher away from His Buck. - And I love it!! 🤗❤
Buck, smart, handsome guy that he is, asks the right question again - “Why are you just telling me now?”
“Because Evan.” That first name that even took Buck by surprise, because Eddie only ever called him Buck, to our knowledge anyway. - Eddie was talking to Evan Buckley, not Buck, and yes they are two separate entities living inside one hunky firefighter. - This is Eddie saying, I know you’re frayed around the edges, I know I’m asking for a lot right now but I need you to hear me.
“You came in here the other day and you said it would have been better if you who were the one who was shot,” and I think for Eddie, who was lying on that firetruck floor bleeding out, and his only concern was that Buck may have been hurt, that was the worst thing Buck could have said. 
“you act like you’re expandable but you’re wrong.” 
Eddie has been where Buck is at that moment, losing his wife, watching his best friend nearly die time and again. - Really at this point Eddie just wants him safe, and if telling him about Christopher is what will do the trick, then he is not above playing dirty.
Eddie is telling Buck, you are my partner, you are Christopher's second parent, I love you, Christopher loves you, I don’t know what I’d do without you. - Because Eddie has been without Buck before and he was completely lost. - And that’s before they became even more intertwined as they are now. 
I love the second before Buck and Eddie enter, Eddie’s house, before Buck opens the door, Eddie looks like he’s steeling himself to get in and Buck has a knowing grin on his face, somewhere between ‘ready?’ and ‘they’re happy you’re back be nice.’ 👀😂
I hated the jump forward, but everyone standing on the roof looking good and Eddie with those sunglasses? wow!! 🥵🤩
This was an all out buddie episode, and I was totally there for it!! I really hope for many more, because these two give me life!!
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i8jisoo · 4 years
𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐘 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒 ⇉  skz with pregnant!reader 
bangchan x reader | first part of dad!skz
↬ genre; fluff & a tinge of angst
↬ warnings; pregnancy, birth, talk of vomiting, and lots of cursin
↬ notes; fuck i love bangchan sm and im excited dis the first part of daddy!skz o whateva
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from the moment he knew, he honestly was scared at first and just wanted to pretend like he wasn’t going to be a father
he needed time to evaluate it all, he was honestly confused and scared, he was nervous and doubtful of his parenting skills and providing eighteen years + many years after for his child
u were nervousssss as helllllllllllllll to tell him what was up
“well, i’m- y’know- baby?” you tried to get out, ur words were hella scrambled and he was confused before he came to the realization of what you meant 
silence which is vv concerning 
u knew this was a shot in the dark sorta, u two weren’t even public on the relationship let alone public about a pregnancy?
u guys ended up taking a break for about a month, really not knowing what to say to each-other
u two were afraid, which was normal, u just rly didn’t expect it from chan of all people to walk away from u
anybody else u could expect,, but this?? this was unlike him & u were more scared by that
he wound up at your place, box in hands
(u were kinda at ur breaking point bc u thought he was returning ur things)
(newsflash it was his stuff)
“i’m sorry, i just— being a father? being a parent, i don’t.. i don’t know anything about it, but nobody does when they become one. so, i’m gonna figure it out with you.”
going through the first sonograms w him & crying a lot while u two talked about the future
ur hormones r going to be the death of chan
u are 0-100 holy mooolyy
hes very careful with his choice of words and how he delivers them, not wanting to upset you
chans first present for the baby is a kangaroo, with a matching little joey 🥺
he also is surprisingly a very big fan of kanga from winnie the pooh, which he buys winnie the pooh stuff for the baby JSJSJSJSJJS just bc kanga & roo remind him of u n the baby 🥺🥺🥺🥺 (i rly need to stop)
u were a lil big, having a cute big bump to pair with ur pregnancy, the inevitable announcement was needed to happen if u were ever going to step outside again
chan rly didnt want to announce it bc he didnt know what peoples reactions would be :(
he knew he was only twenty-seven so some people might think it was a bit too early to have kids, but he thought it was perfect the way it was
u guys hid it until u couldn’t, sparking little rumors of ur pregnancy but u both decided not to confirm them
chan obsessing and literally worshipping you in your third trimester
u in his shirts? he was fuckin over
kisses and cuddling all the time, no matter how tired u were or he was, u two would either fall asleep while doing so or lay there for awhile before u were like
“ok i gotta pee, help me up!!”
no but frfr this baby was torturing u the last stretch of ur pregnancy
it seemed that anything u ate either made u throw up or gave u heartburn
ur stretchmarks were getting worse & it seemed like u were getting bigger everyday
u were very insecure the last months, just cause a lot of comments were talking about a bit of weight gain in ur face, which fuck,, u would never be hurt by some comments but with ur hormones and KNOWING u have put on weight, u rly didn’t feel the same
ofc chan knows whats up and hes there to tell u some r e a l s h i t
“okay, yes. you have put on weight, but you’re pregnant. that’s the good thing about it, you’re healthy okay? whether you had a small bump and no extra weight put on or a big bump and extra weight put on, you are carrying a baby. you can lose the weight when it’s over, right? you don’t need to feel this way, okay? i’m the only one who you should listen to about your appearance, i’m here to tell you the truth. you are beautiful. you are the morher of my child, that’s what you are. you’re not ugly, or fat, you’re not anything bullshit that people say to you.”
when u started crying, chan panicked
“nononononoono, don’t cry baby!”
his arms were wrapped around you so tightly, feeling your face pressed against his shoulder and your arms around his neck
“i love you.” u would be rly quiet and his heart would break at the sound but ur i love you, he just— it was so real and he’d never felt like this before
“love u too.” he’d say that shit so proudly and kiss the TOP OF UR HEAD SO SOFTLY 🥺🥺🥺
when u finally went into labor, u were like wow this hurts a F U CK TOO NNN
u woke up to the bedsheets soaked underneath u, pins n needles were all u could feel
u kinda sat there for ten minutes, scaring urself n making urself nervous when u started doubting yourself and feeling the pain become stronger
ur hands were s hh aa kkyy
u would tap chan so softly and feel a little frustrated he didnt wake up but like how tf was he supposed to feel that 😳
u kinda started crying now because u were STRESSED and him not waking up (no shit ur little tap wasnt gonna work but) it felt like he was gonna sleep forever
so ur hands pressed on chan’s shoulders, shaking them a little bit and letting out a,
“chris?” which ur voice was quiet as hell, shaky as hell, and wavering as you whispered to him
him opening his eyes to see your teary ones n hes just so sad that his heart drops 🥺
he never wakes up quicker though and hes sitting up fast as fuck
“what? what’s wrong?”
ur literally sobbing and hes freaked out by this because u have never cried like this
he kinda just wants to go back to bed since ur just crying but he knows smth is probably wrong because ur SOBBING so
“my water broke.”
now its his turn to be nervous cause fuck he is feeling so unprepared
he said fuck shoes on u, slipping u into his own clothes and helping u into the car so u two could go
did i forget to mention the hospital was an hour away 😳
he wants to pull over hearing u whine n grip his hand, noticing ur quietness and ur little mumbles everytime u rest ur head back after a contraction
he doesn’t give a fuck, he will carry u into the hospital and then put u in a wheelchair from the entrance so u don’t have to walk
u have a feeling maybe hes more nervous than u but atm ur fuckin close to losing it over the pain
u two are settled into a room, epidural done and just trying to make u comfortable now
u were seven centimeters which u still had to wait but u both knew u were close to meeting ur baby
when u are at ten centimeters though, chan is just a ball of tears and he’s just so proud of you
your hand was in his the whole time, chan’s lips near ur ear and he’s just whispering for u to concentrate on him and how much u wanna meet the baby
“i—i can’t do it!” 🥺🥺
you were honestly so drained and ur forehead was laced with sweat, ur hands sweaty and shaking in his own from being nervous and slowly becoming weaker as u put ur strength into pushing
“baby, you are probably what? three pushes, maybe you can cut it to one and a half. alright? you can do this baby, we’re so close to meeting our baby.”
that’s all u needed n chan knew it
surprise surprise,, chan was right about one and a half
“it’s a boy!!” which chan would press his lips to yours so quickly, u two crying and letting out watery laughs as your baby boy cried 🥺
he hasn’t felt this much pride and love since debut or releasing an album or tour, he couldn’t express how gifted he was to have deserved the gift of being a father
ofc they introduce you both to kangaroo care, chan so ready to take off his shirt and feel his baby boy’s skin against his own warm skin and he did so
then it was ur turn to hold him the same way, chan asking u if he could pull down ur gown so u could hold him like he did
that was the picture he needed, snapping it and getting you holding the baby against your naked (ofc ur gown was covering ur breasts) chest, your son sleeping soundly with his hands pressed against you
u two were parents now, u both had learned about pregnancy together and now u two were going to explore parenthood together
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©️ maysdiors 2020 :: all rights reserved. do not repost my work on tumblr or other platforms.
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vidcund4ever · 3 years
I decided to answer these questions about my Sim related ships. NOTE: These are just my preferences for my gameplay! I don’t dislike or judge other people��s ships in their games! In fact, I think a lot of them are neat. x3
01. Vidcund x Cassandra <3
02. Vidcund or Cassandra x anyone else. I don’t know. I don’t see anyone else being a good match for either of them.
03. I’m going to keep this Q&A to The Sims franchise. My first ship was Chris x Melissa Roomies in TS1.
04. I ship Vidcund x Cassandra because they’re both shy nerds who have a lot in common, and I picture them both having a love for plants. I don’t think any other girl would see past Vidcund’s demeanor. As for the usual pairing of Cassandra x Don or Darren... Don is a himbo, and I don’t think Cassandra would be into a guy like that. (In my headcanon, she’s only with him to find more information about her mother’s disappearance.) As for Darren, I think his last name says it all: Dreamer. He’s out of touch with reality and would never actually pursue Cassandra. Even if he did and they became more than friends, I don’t think she’d ever live up to his fantasies.
05. I could never figure out who would be a good match for Vidcund until I started sharing headcanons with @nanominyo, and they shared theirs about Viddie and Cassie, and I couldn’t believe I’d never thought of it before! They’re perfect together! ^^
06. For a (very) short while, I had paired Dominic Newlow with Circe to try and make what happened between them in the PSP storyline less heartbreaking, trying to make what happened consensual, but you can’t erase what actually happened, which the sims community reminded me of. :( Poor Circe... Please keep him away from her...
07. I don’t think I ship a couple that most people don’t like (minus the mistake I mentioned above). I think, at worst, my ships are considered lukewarm. If I happen to have one you don’t like, you can comment it. I’m fine with that. XD It could be interesting!
08. Hmm. A ship most people like that I hate? Honestly, I don’t hate any ships (minus, you guessed it: the one I came up with between Dominic x Circe), but there are a few I wouldn’t do, like Pascal and Nervous. I do think it’s a cute pairing, but I also think Pascal is more of a parent figure in Nervous’ life rather than a romantic one. He has a maternal instinct, as we can tell from how he fathers Tycho. Also, I’m not entirely sure he’s over his crush on Circe?
09. Besides Vidcund x Cassandra? XD Buzz x Bella. It’s not a lasting relationship, but it’s one I think makes sense since Bella doesn’t actually like Strangetown. She thinks it’s, well, strange, and Buzz is the most “normal” person she’s met there.
10. Mortimer x Bella. I know they gave off Gomez and Morticia vibes in TS1, but Mortimer remarried very quickly after her disappearance in TS2, and Bella confirmed in the PSP game that she’d only married him for his money.
11. Are we still talking about my favorite ship, or...? I’m going to assume another pairing because I’ve already talked about my favorite one too much. XD Let’s talk about Tank x Johnny, because they’re another ship of mine. OTP, all the way!
12. JRO is popular, and I can see why. They’re all misfits one way or another, and seem very explorative like most sims their age are. It is kind of funny how majority of simmers give them this alternative style because I picture them more awkward than anything. XD I’m unsure whether or not I ship them as a poly relationship. I do see both Johnny and Ripp liking Ophelia, but not necessarily dating her at the same time. Maybe I’ll come around to it...
13. Kristen x Erin. I think they make a cute pairing, but I’ve only seen a couple other simmers ship them. Maybe they come off as straight? I mostly see them end up with male sims, but Kristen x Erin have great compatibility. (Taurus x Aries.) I also think the differences they have, like Kristen being ambitious and Erin being more carefree, maintains balance. Kristen learns to loosen up and accept her true self (like stop straightening her curly hair and start dressing more masculine), and Erin tries to take things more seriously (like pursuing an actual career).
14. I don’t know if I’m doing this right. I’m rating any couple? Because if I am, I’m rating Johnny x Ophelia a 6/10, maybe? They enjoy their teen years together, but as they get older they realize that they’re better off as friends. They have different priorities, as well as viewpoints on life. Ophelia is nervous and paranoid, and Johnny wants someone he can go on adventures with.
15. The way Tank and Johnny tease and fight one another until they admit their real feelings. Even after they do, Johnny keeps up the teasing. He loves the way he makes Tank blush. x3
16. My favorite canon moment of Annie Howell x Nervous is when she brings him back from the dead. He dies in the PSP game, but I don’t want him dead (and neither does Annie), so Annie pleas with Death who, obviously, is willing to make an exception for his son... although he resurrects Nervous as a Zombie. Even so, I think it’s sweet that she brings him back to get married and have a kid and try to live a (somewhat) normal life.
17. AU? As in Alternative Universe? I don’t have one of those. XD
18. I don’t know why, but I have to rant about Dina x Michael. Well, rant more about how they’re typically seen. It’s true that Dina cheated on Michael by kissing Don, but I don’t think the kiss was mutual. (Don isn’t afraid to “take charge” of a situation.) Looking at her memories, her love for Michael is deeper than most think — or that’s my opinion, anyway. After Michael died, Dina gave up on love and decided money would fill the hole in her heart.
19. If you go through my Tumblr, you’ll find plenty of memes that remind me of a lot of different pairings. XD
20. “Today” by Jefferson Airplane is one of the songs I can hear Vidcund play when he sits alone in the dark, thinking about Circe. I don’t pair them together, but for a long while Vidcund thought they’d make the perfect pair.
21. Everyday is a date for Circe and Loki, like conducting experiments on Nervous and eventually Gimi Branko at home, and making evil plans over dinner at a fancy restaurant.
22. I don’t think any of my non-canon pairings would ever become canon. I think the one that’d have the best chance is Johnny x Tank because GAY <3
23. No, I haven’t written fan fiction or drawn my ships. I keep my fiction in game, and I’d love to draw something, but I suck at drawing. XD
24. That’s all for now.
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controloffandoms · 3 years
Buck Begins Fic Recs
For @thisissirius 
Here are a couple of fics that I have written. And I’ll probably add a couple of favorites that I’ve read along the way!
Nothing I Ever Did Was Good Enough
Buck bit his tongue, looking away from his father. It was too early in their get together to have a blow out. He especially didn’t want to have that blowout in front of Chim and Albert. “You know, firefighting, until recently, has had a huge amount of off duty suicides due to improper care of mental health. The department has changed to help firefighters through hard times of losing patients or families in fires by hiring departmental psychologists and having service animals available for visits to the firehouses after really tough calls. If someone isn’t in the right mindset, we could lose more people, not to mention our own people and that person. Mental health is no joke,” Albert stated. Buck had to hide is smile, but he turned to Albert, giving him a knowing look and small smile. His parents spluttered for a few seconds before Phillip turned to Albert. “I don’t think I was talking to you. Mind your own business, this was a family matter.” “Don’t talk to him like that,” Buck nearly growled. “He is family.”
~~Or the one where the parents visit and Buck is in over his head...luckily his family has his back.
~~~~Part 1 in the Nothing I Ever Did Was Good Enough series
Nothing I Ever Did-
~~~~Part 2 in the Nothing I Ever Did Was Good Enough series
"Watch your attitude, Evan," Margaret glared. "Why should I? All you've ever done is put me down and compare me to Maddie and try to make me into her. News flash, I'm my own person and I'm different! I get that nothing I ever did was good enough, but I don't have to keep trying to appease you and let you walk on me or my family. So if you could kindly drop the attitude and rude comments regarding Eddie and Christopher, it would be much appreciated. They invited you into their home and you've been nothing but assholes since you got here! Clearly you came here with opinions and baggage and a want to have your way, but that's not going to fly here. You best just head out of town tonight, you're not wanted here in my life or Maddie's life. We don't want your toxicity melting into our families because I'll be damned if the shit you've said tonight will ever affect my niece or my kid!"
~~Or the one where Eddie hosts the Buckley parents and just tries to be supportive in general...but the parents are nightmares. Featuring cuddles with Chris, Eddie, and Buck.
Not The One You Wanted
“Evan, I don’t know what you expected us to do.”
“Love me anyway,” it had been said like his heart had been ripped out...which, it felt like it had. Because that was the truth, wasn’t it...all he ever wanted was for them to love him anyway. He wanted his parents to give a damn about him but they never did...it was like he was a responsibility that they never wanted.
Maddie had said that their parents had been different back then when they were sentimental and made a box for her...and now Buck knew why. Daniel. His older brother Daniel...a brother that he didn’t even know existed until he sat down with Maddie to look at all the baby photos in the box...and there were plenty...Buck can hardly remember ever getting portraits like these done during his childhood….but his parents were different back then.
-OR- Evan Buckley deserves love and hugs because of how shitty his parents are.
*This is honestly one of my favorites that I’ve written...it’s like a character study while Buck was trapped in the warehouse with some liberties surrounding the reason Buck’s in the warehouse*
He’d been lied to his whole life...Maddie had never thought to tell him about not being his actual sister...his parents were acting like it didn’t matter...like he should just get over it. Buck’s eyes met Chim’s...and his whole body went rigid. “You knew,” he whispered, looking directly at Chim. “You knew and you didn’t tell me?!” He rounded on his sister, “you told him, but not me?!”
“Evan, I was trying to protect you-”
“No, you don’t get to do that! You don’t get to try and protect me! I’m a grown ass adult, I deserved to know but instead of telling me, you told him and even though I’ve known him longer he still didn’t tell me!” Buck shook his head, backing from the room. “I can’t do this,” he whispered.
-OR- Buck finds out the secret Maddie's been keeping from him while his parents are visiting...he is understandably betrayed.
*Basically, Buck Begins and the Daniel scenes hadn’t happened yet and I wanted to know what the secret was, so I came up with this.*
Ambush of the Parents
Based off the new Promo (or the one I just saw) where we see Maddie, Chim, Albert, Buck and (who I believe) are Buck and Maddie’s Parents. Buck’s dad says “you’ve been seeing a therapist?” and Buck responds “Well, the job can be stressful.”
Disclaimer: Please don't read if verbal abuse from parents triggers you.
~~~~Or Buck’s parents  are absolutely horrible and Buck’s family defends him.
Buck Begins
Buck always tried to please his parents. He wanted to be recognized and loved. He tried to get their approval but it was never enough. *Includes flashbacks, this was before Season 4 was even in production*
~Evan had thought that the SEALs would make his parents proud. He tried out for the SEALs, he went through training, but it still wasn’t enough. Then he’d dropped out. That had been the icing on the cake. Evan had never had a big blowout with his parents. He’d always tried to appease them. He tried to be the perfect son…but they never thought he was good enough. So when he dropped out of the SEALs, having a shouting match with his father as a consequence, he left for South America. He bartended and had fun. Then he’d gone to LA and became a firefighter and he hadn’t contacted his parents since the blowout. 
Here are some fic recs that are not my own works
double vision wrapped in last night’s party clothes by amirlywritingfanficnow
"I have always been honest with you." When Eddie's voice cracks, Buck's composure almost cracks with it. "Why can't you just be honest with me?"
When Buck is let in on a long kept family secret, he doesn't know what to do. He almost ruins things with the one person that keeps him from feeling like he's floating away with no way to land, but it ultimately turns out okay with help of a little communication.
*This one pulled at my heart strings a little*
but i leave it in my heart, cause I don’t want to stay in the dark by neoncrayolas
Buck hadn't meant for the confession to come out like it did. He'd wanted it to be more eloquent and not so full of snot and tears.
But once it was out, there was no going back.
Or, part character study of Buck, part coda to 4x05.
*Basically, Buck isolates himself, Eddie gets worried, and Buddie is endgame
Learning to Breathe by TearsThisSideofHeaven
Boy, he thinks as the city lights blur a little in his vision, my therapist is going to have a field day with this.
*Short little fic that delves into Buck’s emotions with Eddie trying to support him
Finally Safe by WinterLioness
In the aftermath of finding out a family secret Buck finds himself going to Eddie. Christopher and Eddie use their Diaz charm to help.
*This picks up on the emotions Buck feels not only because of the family secret but because Maddie kept it from him (not full on hate, but what any normal person would need to work through) and Eddie is there to support him. Features cuddles with the Diaz Boys.
Not Related to the story line of 9-1-1 but has a whole ‘Buck Begins’ vibe because I was world building: The Life We Live
*The Old Guard AU no one asked for* "Athena had seen many a millennium and many men, women, and children die. She had seen the rise and fall of civilizations. She had felt the pain of loneliness and the happiness of community...but she’d never, in her many years of living, seen something like Eddie, Buck, and Chris. She’d never seen this profound of a bond, even between herself and Bobby. After Buck lost Abby and, later, Ali, Athena wasn’t sure he would have let his heart reach out to another person that he could lose...but she was proud of him. He built something that was hard to come by in their way of living. He built a home."
*I’m really proud of this one, it turned out well*
Not Related to the Story Line of 9-1-1, Fics by others!
Please Don’t Say You Love Me (because I might not say it back) by Queerfeministdork
"Say I love you loud, and say I love you often. It was an easy sentiment, and it was a beautiful background picture. But something clenched tightly in Buck’s chest when he saw it flash open as he handed Hen her phone. Because he knew it was a simple thing for most people, that most people could just let those three little words slip out without a care. But he couldn’t. They always got caught in his throat, stuck behind his chest. Tamped down before he could think to breathe them out."
Buck always wished he could just say the words. Turns out, maybe people just know.
*Basically, Buck can’t say ‘I Love You’ as easily as everyone else and panics about it...but eventually, everyone understands.
everything is blue by amirlywritingfanficnow
When Evan Buckley is ten, he discovers nail polish.
In which Buck paints his nails, Eddie is flustered, and May is a matchmaker.
*Basically Buck and Eddie saying fuck toxic masculinity. Buck enjoying painting his nails and Eddie is definitely in love with him.
Coming Home To You by kariberri13
The 118 want to know more about Buck, but the man won't give them many details. That is until the biggest detail walks through the station's bay doors.
*Not focused on his past, but a different story focusing on the fact that Buck is married to Eddie and has a kid that he didn’t tell the Fire fam about.
There are tons more, but this is what I could think of off the top of my head! 
Hope you like them!
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holylulusworld · 4 years
Yours & Mine
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Summary: Two years later your story continues.
Pairing: Alpha!Bucky x Omega!Reader, Alpha!Steve x Omega!Reader, Alpha!Sam Wilson
Warnings: true mates, ABO dynamics, fluff, comforting, two Alpha’s one Omega, protective Alpha’s, scenting, pregnant mate, nesting
A short sequel to: Ours 
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“Watch out!” Protectively blocking the ball threatening to hit you Steve uses his strength to destroy it. “Don’t throw a ball at my pregnant mate.” Snarling the tall Alpha glares at Sam who looks at his ruined basketball in his friend’s hand.
“Cap, my ball was no threat. Can you not act full Alpha all the time? We barely saw Y/N as you and Mr. Overprotective behind her back. This is not normal, Steve.” Sam gives you a wink as he tries to shake your hand and you groan as your Alpha blocks his path.
“Hi, Sam. I’m sorry but my Alpha’s are like a plague right now. Always glued to me and my tiny bump.” Bucky purrs behind you, wrapping his arms around your body to gently stroke your bump.
“You should look for a mate too, Sam. I bet you will become as overprotective as we are with Y/N,” Steve retorts but Sam is still glancing at his destroyed basketball. “Now let us grab lunch and have a walk in the park to get fresh air.
What Sam doesn’t know is that Steve and Bucky fear anyone could try to get hold of their pregnant mate. Being pregnant with two super soldiers pups is dangerous and they need to make sure no one can take advantage of your bond.
“If you excuse us now, Sam. We will make sure our mate has all she needs.” Grunting Bucky takes your hand to lead you past Sam who gives you another wink.
Mouthing ‘sorry’ you wave at your friend while both of your Alpha’s flank your sides.
“I feel like a VIP with two bodyguards by my side.” Squealing you feel Steve tickling your sides and you want to hide behind Bucky.
“Don’t make her all giddy again. Last time she passed out.” Shoving you behind his back Bucky snarls and you smirk as Steve puffs his chest to look more intimidating. 
“She’s my mate too and I know how to treat her right, Buck. Now let me tickle her some more. You know Y/N likes it.” 
Purring Steve rounds his friend to tickle your sides some more until you hide your face into his chest. Your laughter turns into tiny snorts and Bucky smirks as you squeal every time he tickles your back.
“Stop, please…stop…” Giggling you paw at Steve’s shirt and he presses a soft kiss to your forehead. “I give up, Alpha’s…” 
Enjoying the sun, you smile as Steve takes your right hand in his while Bucky claims your left hand.
You relax while looking around the park, watching parents play with their children. You imagine playing with your kids in the park, sharing this experience with your Alpha’s you purr as a little girl waves at you before her eyes land on Steve.
She seems to recognize Captain America and squeals before she runs off to drag her brother toward Steve and Bucky.
“You’ve got quite a fan club here,” Bucky jokes but the little boy walks toward James, not Steve, showing your Alpha a picture of a woman. 
“That’s my mom…” The boy sniffles, pointing toward a woman a bit far away. “You saved her, Sir. Can I have an autograph?”
“Sure, bud. No problem.” Excitedly Bucky sings the picture, ruffling the little boy's head as he imagines his son will be in his arms in a few months. “Great we met here.”
“Thank you so much, Sir. You’re my hero…” Hugging Bucky tightly the little boy smiles up at the tall Alpha. “I got to show my mom the autograph. Bye, Sir…” 
Running off the little boy shows his sister the autograph. Explaining to her he met his hero while she was only talking to Captain America.
“I’m his hero…” Bucky smiles, while his heart swells. Never he got the attention of someone next to Steve. Except for the moment you became his Omega.
“You are a hero, Bucky. I’m proud of both of you. My Alpha’s are heroes and save people every day. Our pups will be proud too and strong.” 
Smirking you peck Bucky’s lips before your grab your men’s hands to continue your walk in the park.
While you talk about your future, your babies and nesting both men scan the park, looking for any sign of a threat to you and their pups.
“Guys, here are only families and children. There’s no Hydra army storming toward us to kidnap me and your pups. Just relax for one once and enjoy the sun, the fresh air, and nature.”
Still worried Steve slings his arm around you, kissing your hair softly while Bucky keeps on checking the surroundings.
Switching places with Bucky your other Alpha searches the park, glaring at any man getting too close to you and your men.
“Can we go home, now? I’m hungry and tired.” Whining you look up at Bucky, tugging at his jacket. “Please…”
“Our Omega misses her nest, Buck. Let’s head back and make sure she gets comfortable.” Steve relaxes the moment you agree to follow your Alpha’s back to the compound.
“I need my nest…” Purring you look at Steve taking your hand in his. “Need more clothes and you…”
Back at the compound, in your room you circle the huge bed Tony got for you and your Alpha’s. Inspecting your nest, you barely take notice of your Alpha’s watching you with a smile on their faces.
You are busy stroking your belly, purring now and then before you take one of Steve’s shirt to place it in the middle of the nest. One of Bucky’s is next, and you nod satisfied with the addition.
“Perfect, Y/N. The nest is safe and cozy for you and the pups.” Steve nuzzles his nose into your hair, loving the way you lean into his embrace.
“We can give you more clothes if you need them.” Bucky glances at the nest, counting the clothes to find out if you used the same amount of his clothes.
“Ten, Bucky. I used ten shirts from both of you.” Smiling you reach out for Bucky, pressing his hand onto your belly. “It’s your son in there too. Both of you will have a strong son. Two little boys keeping my Alpha’s busy.”
“Do you want to rest now? Shall we leave you alone?” Bucky gently strokes your swollen belly, smiling as you shake your head.
“I don’t want to be alone. Can we test the nest together?” Purring Bucky leads you toward the bed, helping you to get comfortable before he changes into comfortable clothes too.
Steve watches you snuggle into your nest, his heart swells as you fist one of his shirts to rub your cheek into the soft fabric while your other hand holds one of Bucky’s shirt to press it to your belly.
Steve is the first to crawl onto the bed, just lying next to your nest to watch you get comfortable.
Bucky is more forward. He snuggles into your back, kissing your neck.
Jealous Steve carefully moves closer to drape one arm over your body. Smiling when you close your eyes, as you feel safe between your Alpha’s.
“Do you ever regret you have to share your mate with me?” Steve whispers as you sleep peacefully. “I mean…”
“I love Y/N, just like you. She's your mate, just like mine. This is not about sharing; this is being with our destined true mate. We don’t share our mate, we just give her everything she needs, Steve.”
Bucky kisses your hair, placing his hand onto your belly.
“She’s yours and mine…I like that, Bucky.”
Pressing his lips to your forehead Steve smiles as you whimper your mate’s names in your sleep.
“And we are hers…”
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All works Tags
@yolobloggers, @meganywinchester, @shikshinkwon, @miraclesoflove , @mogaruke, @shatteredabby, @soryuwifeyxx, @letsdisneythings, @i-love-superhero, @psychicforest, @thevelvetseries, @deanmonandnegansbitch, @sabascio, @goodgodimaweirdperson, @that-place-called-middle-earth, @the-broken-angel-13, @trumpettay, @zxph-yr
Marvel Tags
@stuckys-whore, @notyourtypicalrose​, @voltage-my2dlove​, @thedoctorscamanion, @officialmarvelwhore​, @randomgirlkensy, @juniorhuntersam​, @lumar014​, @doctorswife221b​, @sister-winchesters99​, @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog​, @the-soulofdevil​, @chonisberonica​ , @redroomproperty​, @natura1phenomenon​, @chaoticfiretaconerd​, @heartislubbingdubbing​, @hhiggs​, @sea040561​ , @midnightsilver16830​
Steve Rogers/Chris Evans Tags
@roonyxx​, @stylesismyhubs​, @multisuperfandom​, @mrspeacem1nusone​, @shadowcatsworld , @fallenoutofrose​, @rynabarnesrogers​, @denisemarieangelina​, @gabifernandessn​, @heyiamthatbitch​
Bucky Barnes/Sebastian Stan Tags
@rynabarnesrogers​, @marshyrebelcloud​, @buchanan-lover​
Stucky Masterlist
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rosesgonerogue · 4 years
How to be a Dad 101
Chapter Four - Villain AU
Jasonette July Day Five
“Marinette, Alya is here!” Sabine called up the stairs.
“Thanks Maman, I’ll see you later!” Marinette called back, launching herself down. Sure enough, her best friend was waiting for her at the bakery’s front door. “Nino isn’t with you?”
“He’s helping Chris get all of the kids settled, the sucker,” Alya said, though Marinette couldn’t tell which Lahiffe boy was being called the sucker.
“Are we sure that Chris can handle all the kids at once?” Marinette asked, admittedly nervous.
“No,” Alya said matter-of-factly. “But Nora is going to drop in on then to make sure everything is okay.”
“But are you sure? I just feel bad, you know Jules has been biting. Maybe I should—”
“If you were going to finish that sentence with ‘stay with the kids,’ I will strangle you, Marinette. I love you girl, but it has been three months since I’ve gone somewhere and not taken a diaper bag with me, and I know it’s been way longer than that for you. Give me tonight.”
“Okay, okay, I get it, Alya,” Marinette said, holding up her hands. “I will leave things in Chris’s questionable hands.”
Alya softened a bit. “Look, I get it. Next time we’ll try to plan for a day when Manon is available, she’s really good with the kids.
“Deal. So have we heard if everyone is going to make it tonight?”
“Almost everyone. Adrien and Kagami might be a little late? Rose has a fundraiser she has to be at tonight, but other than that I think we’re a go.”
“Wow, it’s been a long time since we’ve all been together like this,” Marinette said. “It’ll almost feel like old times.”
“It sounds like Max is finally letting us meet his wife. I think Kim has a running bet on whether or not she’s a robot.”
“Kim is still on that? He’s probably just jealous that Max beat him to getting married even though he hasn’t known Camille very long.”
“Hold up girl, you know Max’s wife’s name?” Alya demanded. “Spill.”
“It was nothing much, I only know her because I made her wedding dress,” Marinette said, pausing at the sidewalk corner. “Do we go left or right?”
“Right. But how did you not tell me this?” Alya demanded.
“Even though we’re school friends, I still have to maintain a certain level of professionality. I can’t go tell Paris’s most promising reporter about one of the world’s most promising computer programmers personal life. Besides, Max really wanted to surprise everyone,” Marinette said, smirking. “The dress was one of my finest creations yet.”
“Fine, I suppose I can’t compromise one of the world’s most promising young designers,” Alya huffed. “But she has good taste? This gets more mysterious by the moment.”
“So who picked the place this time? I know we’re trusting Chris with the kids, but you know how Kim gets when we go to his bar, and I don’t know if I trust Chris to watch them all night because we got a little tipsy or something.”
“Well, it is at Kim’s bar, but don’t worry, he’ll be too distracted by Max, so we won’t even be tempted by all of the free alcohol. Besides, you always seem like such a pro at resisting temptation.”
Getting to Kim’s bar didn’t take long, even on foot. Once there, a good portion of their high school class yelled greetings from the back of the bar.
“Alya, Marinette! Good to see you, but where’s Nino?” Kim asked, opening the door for them.
“He’s helping Chris get the kids situated, he’ll be here soon,” Alya said, hugging the muscular man. “Is Max here yet? I hear we get to meet the wife.”
“Yeah, she’s way out of his league,” Kim said, jabbing a thumb towards the corner of the bar.
As much as Marinette had complained, she couldn’t help but smile upon coming into the bar. Kim had fallen into the role of bartender easily, amusing his patrons with tales of akumas and the Miraculous team – although tales of King Monkey were definitely the most popular. It was a clean, warm space, decorated with murals and framed newspaper clippings about any akuma incidents involving their class.
“You must’ve been desperate if Chris is babysitting,” Adrien said, sidling up next to her. “Manon was busy?”
“She had a study group,” Marinette said, bumping his shoulder with hers. While she considered Alya her best friend, Adrien still was, and always would be her partner, the black cat to her ladybug. He knew her mind in ways that no one else ever could. “You caught me. So what do you think of Max’s wife? I think she’s absolutely adorable.”
“Marinette, you knew about Max’s wedding?” someone yelled, positively betrayed.
“I think it’s time for s to join the others, but for the record I completely agree with you.” Adrien offered her an arm to escort her to the rest of the group. “By the way, Kagami says hello.”
“How is pregnancy treating your lovely wife?”
“Oh, the normal. The cravings, the irrational anger, average pregnancy-type things. The last time I mentioned you she nearly skewered me with a fire poker and told me that if I spoke about any other woman that way she would kill me where I stood. After that she cried for a few minutes because she missed you.”
“It sounds like I need to pay her a visit,” Marinette said brightly.
“So we’re just ignoring the part where my life was in danger, typical. I should have known that you would side with her,” Adrien pouted.
“You can complain to me when you’ve been pregnant,” Marinette said, patting his cheek.
“I’d like to think I’m a fairly decent husband, so I would say I’m allowed to be a little offended by threats of homicide.”
“No, that’s just pregnancy,” Nino said, his version of a grand entrance. “The more violent they are means you’re taking good care of them.”
By this point they’d gotten to the larger group, and Max’s wife, Camille, a sweet, auburn-haired woman, brightened. “Marinette, it’s lovely to see you again!”
“Wait, you really did know about this too, Marinette?!” Kim demanded.
“Client confidentiality, Kim,” Marinette said with a wicked smile. “Rose can’t make it, so everyone is officially here, Camille.”
“Oh, perfect,” she said, clapping her hands. “Max and I have an announcement to make!”
“Don’t tell me you’re already having a kid!” Alix groaned. “All of you are making it even more sucky to be single right now.”
“We came to invite you to our wedding,” Max said, pushing up his glasses.
“Excuse me, what?” Chloe asked.
“What we did before was just a little ceremony in England for Camille’s parents. Did you guys really think I could get married without all of you?”
There were a few beats of silence before chaos erupted. Kim had Max in a headlock while at least three of the girls were asking Camille about wedding plans. Nearby Alix was still sulking about being single.
When everyone settled down, Mylene said, “We’re getting old, aren’t we?”
“I’m going to die alone,” Alix lamented.
“We’re still in our twenties,” Marinette reminded her. “We’ve got time.”
“But if you’re still single how do any of the rest of us stand a chance?” she demanded.
“Oh yeah. Sometimes I forget that Marinette is still single because of the whole…” he waved his hand, indicating things he couldn’t put words to, “… situation.”
“Exactly!” Alix spat. “She’s perfect, she makes a perfect mother, and she’s handling everything better alone than any of us can with a significant other! I’m doomed!”
“But Marinette is still looking, just like you, Alix,” Mylene pointed out. “She just did things a little out of order.”
“And I’m not perfect, I promise you,” Marinette said with the weariness that could only be a product of parenthood.
“Is Jules still in a biting phase?” Sabrina asked.
“Unfortunately yes,” Alya said with that same weariness.
“Since we’re on the topic, what was the baby daddy even like?” Kim asked. “We haven’t heard much about him, and from what little I’ve heard, I can’t help but picture him as one of those old cartoon villains twirling his mustache and preying on young girls.”
“Villain works. Although I would have called him a lying, scheming—” Adrien cut off, glancing at the young parents he was situated between, Marinette in particular was known for body-checking people if they used any sort of questionable language regardless of if there was a child present, “-scheming meanie pants,” he finished lamely.
“It’s okay, Adrien, this is a safe zone,” Alya said, patting his shoulder. “You can tell them that Jason is a bastard.”
Nathaniel inhaled sharply, choking on his drink. “Wow… I just… What would you say about him, Marinette?”
“I wouldn’t call him that,” Marinette said, ignoring Alya and Adrien’s protests. “Really, I had no misconceptions about the way things were. We never gave each other our numbers, or even our last names. Something bigger than both of us brought us together, and I don’t regret it. If I’m lucky, maybe it will bring us together once more.”
The class fell silent until Alix groaned once more, burying her head in her arms. “I’M GOING TO DIE ALONE!”
@jasonette-july-2k20 @ira-sairain @myazael @pawsitivelymiraculous @nik-nak-3 @dast218 @queen-of-the-trash-planet-tm  @vixen-uchiha @momothefemur @toodaloo-kangaroo
I thought this chapter would barely meet the word limit I’ve set for myself, but that was not a problem. If you want to be tagged, or if I forgot to tag you, just leave a comment below. Also just leave a comment below regardless, I’ve been helping my family move all week and I need something to keep me sane. In all reality, though, I write like this mainly to improve my skills as well as get feedback on them, so I appreciate any comment you send my way. 
This story is also really different from what I normally write. Despite the premise, it’s WAY more slice of life than I’ve ever done long-term like this, so I especially want to hear your reactions on this! 
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stxvercgersslut · 4 years
Promises 1/2
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[Gif Not Mine]
Pairing: Dad! Ransom x Daughter! Reader
Description: During your sophomore year your father discovers that you are coming home with more and more bruises everyday. Once he finds out where those bruises are coming from he won’t be accountable from his actions.
Warnings: Mentions of bruises, mentione of scars,
A/n: this is my first series like this that I’ve ever made so I hope that you guys enjoy this. If you do enjoy this and it doesn’t flop then I may start a Mini series with Chris Evans characters and Daughter! Reader in different scenarios. Let me know what you think. Sorry it’s short 🥺
A/n: For this particular part the reader is 16 and in 10th Grade (year 11 in England but this is based in America) and Ransom is 37 meaning that he was 21 when y/n was born. In case anyone cares 😂 (when it’s just speech bold italics means Ransom and normal means you
Tag list: @jtargaryen18 @et-lesailes @evansxxx @stargazingfangirl18 @navybrat817 @chuckbass-love @t-stark35
When someone thinks of the perfect father they most certainly would never let the first person they think of be Hugh Ransom Drysdale. In fact no one would ever picture the trustfund Playboy to be the perfect father in anyway shape or form. Let alone love a child at all or even be a father in the first place. To many, even his family, Ransom was nothing but an arrogant prick who cared little about anyone else and more about himself. Which for the most part unfortunately had been extremely true, especially due to the god awful way that his mother and father had neglected him leaving him to be raised by his grandfather. Although, that unfortunately ended with the trustfund baby growing up to recsent every last one of his family members including his mother and father.
However, all of that changed when you, a new born baby, was left on his doorstep almost 17 years ago today. Of course at first he’d been reluctant to take care of you, thinking you were nothing other then a god awful result to a stupid one night stand that he most certainly didn’t want to look after you. Especially since you were a chubby baby who did nothing but scream, poop and cry whenever you needed something.
You weren’t his, not in his mind. You may have been made from half of him but as far as Ransom has been concerned you were nothing a pest that he wanted to get rid of. Being a father was never something that he wanted, but being a single father was even worse. After less than a week the Male had grown tired of the constant sleepless nights that you brought. Always either needing feeding , changed or plated with and Ransom just couldn’t do it. That wasn’t the life that he wanted but it was the life that he got. And no matter how many times he tried to get rid of you he just couldn’t go through with it. At one point he’d even attempted to call child services after a particular rough night where you had kept him up all night the day before a very important at meal with his family , he’d gotten so close to calling but then...oh then you did the most adorable thing. You just had to go and grab his finger whilst he was feeding you. That in itself was enough to melt the playboys usually hollow heart. From that day forward Ransom had vowed to protect you from all demons. No matter the cost.
Sadly that promise was one that he had failed to keep. For weeks now you’ve been arriving home to your fathers huge house, on the outskirts of New York, with either new bruisee or new scars covering your body and Ransom had just about had enough of seeing his teenage daughter coming home everyday in pain.Seeing you, his daughter, in pain or even just covered in bruises every single time you csme home from school was beginning to anger the Male even more then he had expected. Especially since he could hear you crying yourself to sleep each night, resulting in him practically begging you to open your door to let him. But you never did. Too afraid that he would judge you for crying so much over some stupid teenagers who had taken a joke way too far for way too long. Although Ransom adored you in every single way that one could ever love their child, he could still be quite stern when he needed to. Sometimes he didn’t no that he was being unreasonable to his own flesh and blood, but that was just unfortunately the part of Drysdale’s personality that he couldn’t change no matter how hard he tried. One particular thing Ransom couldn’t handle was tears, even when you were baby he seemed to just shut himself off when you cried. Not knowing how to deal with you. But now you were a 16 year old teenager who was crying every night and coming home covered in battle scars and he just couldn’t take it anymore.
Which was why, currently, Ransom was sitting in his Beamer, parked right outside your extremely expensive private school that Ransom had of course preferred you going to, as he waited not so patiently for you to exit the school. Yeah he hadn’t actually told you that he was coming to pick you up since it was a last minute decision but he wasn’t really expecting you to turn down a quick and easy lift home. Besides, he wasn’t just there to pick you up. No he was really there to get to the bottom of what the hell was happening and why on Earth you kept getting hurt.
Meanwhile, you were currently none the wiser about your father waiting impatiently outside the schools gates in his Beamer whilst you sat in the nurses office for the millionth time this year. Today a couple seniors had cornered you during lunch, teasing you and talking about your father as well as the rest of your family like they were a piece of meat. It wasn’t fair. But unfortunately the comment “Your dads probably disgusted by you! He’ll never be proud of you so you might as well just give up now” made by Darcy, the ‘popular girl’ had been enough to hit a nerve with you. Causing you to, for the first time, punch Darcy square in the face as an attempt to defend yourself. But, like anyone could imagine, that just didn’t end well. In fact, it ended so badly that you were currently sporting a incredibly painful black eye, a split lip and a couple scratch marks from Darcys razor sharp nails. Things like this had been happening for months, even longer then Ransom had ever known. Why was t the school doing anything? Well that was easy. Darcys father was the principle and in his eyes his daughter could do no wrong. Even if she did break your nose several times. “Are you sure you don’t want me to call your father Y/n?” The nurse spoke, pulling you out of your nightmare of a trance as she handed up a clean paper towel to wrap around the ice pack. This was by far the worst incident so far and yet no one was doing anything about it. Clearly the school wasn’t as good as Ransom thought. “N.... no...I don’t want to worry him...thank you though” you stuttered whilst wiping the stray tears from your eyes as you finally stood up on shaky legs as the bell rang, signalling the end of yet another horrific day.
Ransom was stood directly outside the school gates by the time you had finally managed to convince the school nurse that you’d be fine, of course not expected to see him there but also equally delighted that he was. Maybe with Ransom there you’d be able to escape any last minute torture from Darcy right? “Hey d—“ you began before being interrupted by your fathers worried words “Y/n what the hell happened to you? Who did this?” The anger evident in his voice no matter how hard he tried to conceal it. And believe me he really did try to conceal it. This question in itself was enough to startle you. Oh no...this wasn’t good at all. If your father found out about what Darcy and her friends had been doing to you for the last few months then it would 100% end badly. Which would most likely result in you being pulled from the school. Not that you’d mind that. But despite the bullying you did have friends here. Whom of which you did not want to leave. “N..no one I....I just fell” you lied. And not very creatively at that since Ransom seemed to pick up on your attempt to conceal the truth because without another word you were slung over your fathers shoulder and taken into the school kicking and screaming. This time Ransom wasn’t taking no for an answer.
“Y/n don’t lie to me! We have rules for a reason. Come on what’s going on?! Who did this? Who hurt you? The quicker we fix this the quicker whoever did this to you gets punished and the quicker I can get you out of this school for good” Ransom explained as he finally put you down in your normal classroom. God he really did sound like a father now which was enough to make even the 37 year old himself cringe. Never had he ever sounded so weak. But at least he had a good reason.
“Dad I told you No on—“
“I know what you told me y/n but I’m not buying it! So tell me the truth!”
“What do you mean why y/n?!?”
“Why do you want to know so bad?”
Okay now he was starting to lose his patience. Judging by your stubbornness, which you had most certainly inherited from him, this wasn’t going to end anytime soon. In fact if you had it your way you’d most likely be answering him with the same damn response of hours. “Because you’re my daughter? Believe it or not I actually care about you y/n and seeing you come home from school covered in bruises or hearing you crying every single night isn’t nice okay!?? Please just tell me who hurt you? You’re not in trouble right now but if you don’t tell me who hurt you then you will be!” Now he really did sound like a worried father, something that he’d never been shown as a child. No worry was ever emitted from either of his parents so of course he had no idea where all of this was coming from.
You froze, hearing your own father admit that he had heard you crying each night and saw the new bruises that you seemed to come home with seemed to break your heart. Which was of course when you realised just how much Ransom really did care about you. How the he’ll had you not know this all along? Were you just blind? Maybe you were. “You promise I’m not in trouble?” “I promise now who did this to you?”
It took you almost 2 whole hours to finally admit everything to your father about how Darcy had been tormenting you for months on end, even going as far as saying cruel things about him you really anger you just to get a response. You even admitted to why you’d been crying each night. Trying to keep yourself as calm as physically possible since you didn’t want to worry him too much.
But unfortunately the ship had sadly sailed since Ransom was currently seeing red. How had he been so dumb? How on earth had he not thought that you could have been getting bullied? But most importantly why wasn’t Darcy being punished if she had her. Caught several times abusing his daughter? She hose questions continued to swim in his mind as he tried to listen to you. His mind completely filled with range once you’d finally finished speaking. “You’re leaving this school! And I’m calling the police. Clearly school isn’t doing anything about this. So we’re suing!” He spoke unexpectedly. Giving you no other choice but to just go with it. And that’s exactly what he did. Yes it was extremely drastic and most certainly not the right way to go around this situation but if it meant that you would be safe and that Darcy would get fairly punished then Ransom would try anything.
Of course what he really wanted to do was kill that Bitch Darcy, or just brutally injure her for ever even laying a finger on you. But she was only a teenager. If He did that then of course he’d go to prison and you’d have no one, resulting in you either ending up with his parents or in care. Neither of which he wanted for you. So, in order to make sure that he stuck around to make up for his failed promise he just kept his word and sued the school for all it was worth.
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calypsoff · 3 years
Eighty Six.
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This sucks so bad, like this whole situation is horrible. Like Robyn really pushing through with this, she could at least come back home. I am not that bad, I made a mistake let me make it up to her but she is adamant in staying with Mel, Rorrey picks up Rylee and brings her here to me, I haven’t seen Robyn since we landed. That was a whole week ago, I have nothing to do but be at home and just run my business that Rorrey is of course helping me with, it is so kind of him to help me with everything. I was wondering if he hasn’t got better things to do then look after me but no, he said he doesn’t mind, he enjoys my company. Getting this home I didn’t think of moments like this, having to get down the steps by sliding down on my ass, it’s a whole mission but I don’t have my wife to help me. The bedsheets haven’t been changed since she’s left so this is fun, I can barely make the bed too, she did everything for me, literally did everything. But Robyn on the other hand, she is having fun since I have broke my leg. She has been out every night, I am seeing pictures of her out, I am jealous because she looks so well, she looks so happy and acting like I am not giving her heartache, but I am sorry. She does do one thing, cleans my clothes and sends them to me but still, I miss her a lot. Rylee is not filling the void at all “I can always hear you coming down” Rorrey laughed as he ate his cereal “I am not carrying you like that, I nearly died” I chuckled, we are dumb “I hate it because like by the time I be getting to bed I burn off all my food, then I be hungry again” shaking my head “should text me, I will bring you some food” nodding my head “I am glad you’re here though, thank you” it is nice of him “it’s fine, but I will say this. You need a cleaner to come, the home is getting dusty” I sighed out, he has a point “let me call Robyn” I joked “you want your head on a plate” Rorrey laughed “she would have your head nigga” he isn’t wrong.
Rorrey can cook, I have to give it to him. He’s been cooking for me every day “I’m gonna ring my dad, finally” Rorrey cheered “stop dodging your parents, they only want the best for you. Just tell them, you messed up” he laughed, I sighed out. I haven’t exactly told my parents about what happened to me, and that my leg is in a cast, I didn’t even tell them about Robyn and I falling out meaning that she left, they know we was arguing but not that she left the home, so this will be fun “son, I am working” oh he is, I forget that he does “sorry; you on a break or something. I really need to speak to you” the line went silent, that is a disapproving silence because I think he knows that I have fucked up more “Christopher” my dad said “yeah” he knows me well “I have time” I chuckled a little “so erm, yeah. Robyn isn’t living with me anymore; you know when you asked. I lied, I have been on tour with Drake all that time and not seeing my daughter, I didn’t spend Christmas with them either. I spent it alone at the house, she is with her friend. I didn’t spend new year with her either, I went out to Tyga’ new year party. But then we met up in New York, like Robyn had been trying to prove a point to me, a point I was ignoring so what happened was I heard drake admitting he was playing me all this time, that he wanted Robyn. I lost my temper and chased him, and we both fell down the steps and I broke my foot so now I am back home in a cast with a semi naked man in my kitchen” Rorrey laughed out “what is funny about this situation Chris, I am angry with you!” my dad didn’t like the joke at the end, but it was funny to me.
This is why I didn’t want to tell my dad any of this, I know what the reaction would be like, he can be so dramatic at times “I am in shock, so the times you have been calling me and your mother you have been single and going around places, like where? You spent New Years where?” my dad is angry as shit, I am glad I am not in VA, he would beat my ass “you stupid boy answer me!” he shouted “just like Canada and then toured with Drake to like near enough every city in the America, and went to parties and on the New Year I spent it with Tyga, and then stayed at his home” I mumbled “is any of this ok!?” he is shouting a lot “no dad, I understand what you are saying. And I know none of this is normal or good, I thought I would tell you because you needed to know” Rorrey cringed, I think he can hear my dad going crazy “we asked you, me and your mother facetimed you and you said we are ok but then it comes together, I asked to see Rylee and she wasn’t there, you are so stupid. Your wife has left you and you did all this!? You know how stupid you look, you aren’t no Picasso Chris, you are in the same position as me. You have a beautiful, respectful wife and she has left you and you do this!? She has left you Chris, how does it feel, I would be losing my mind over your mother, and you are pointless and pathetic, sitting there in her home in a cast. I am angry with you Chris, very angry, she has giving you so much life and opportunity and you give her shit, I was here! I was here when you were speaking to her. I didn’t raise that; you aren’t my son because I didn’t raise such a disrespectful boy. I kept saying jail changed him, yes jail did play a part but not every part, now you are plain stupid!” putting my head down, I am going to take it because he isn’t wrong, what can I say, I fucked up “first thing Chris, first thing in line is your wife is always right. When your wife says that friend is no good, he is no good! You don’t look the other way, he wanted your wife, and you didn’t listen, you heard the opposite, you practically blamed your wife in this. You judged her, I didn’t raise that no. I didn’t, I am so angry at you. That is your family Christopher, you left this home disrespectful, and you got there even worse” my dad would have beat my ass, I am glad I am not there at all.
I remained silent; I respect my dad so much. He is my everything and what he says is right so I wouldn’t back chat him like that “so now what? You have a broken foot, and my grandchild is where? I can’t believe you allowed your child to be away from you that long, you have the perfect opportunity to be there for her every day where I had to work, I am jealous of that, but you did that? So where are they now? What are you doing to fix this” chewing on my bottom lip, oh boy. This next part is going to be fun “she is with Mel, she bought me back home and said she isn’t coming home. We have been back for a week, and she has been out every night, what can I do with a broken foot dad!?” I spat “everything! You move the world, if the world stops you, you move it. What haven’t you learnt Chris, you knock on that door, you be there. Women will push and push and push until they can’t, and they will stop. You fight Chris, what do you want!? Do you want Robyn?” nodding my head “more then ever, I miss her so much, but she is really not wanting to hear me, you know?” Rorrey pointed at my plate before walking off, nodding my head at him “she doesn’t want to hear you, doesn’t mean she doesn’t want to see you. Do you expect her to come to you? A week alone is too long, you disrespected your wife and then more, you need to be there Chris” my dad is right “I have been laid back” I mumbled “moving aside how I am angry at you, you better. I mean it Chris, you fight for her and show her that you mean it. She loves you Chris, it’s so hard to find love and you got it, this is what you do?” I feel so bad right now.
Rorrey is quiet with me, he knows I needed time to think and just digest what my dad was just saying to me, he said a lot and honestly I do deserve it, I fucked up big time “I can’t eat, but thank you” I said “it’s cool” I feel bad I am wasting it “I upset your sister, but you are here for me? I just find it crazy, you know?” Rorrey smiled a little “my sister loves you Chris, if she didn’t I wouldn’t be here. She asked me to be with you, to stay with you because she didn’t want you to be alone, she is caring for you from afar but the longer you wait around it will get boring and she will see you as nothing, my sister doesn’t wait around, and I am shocked she is for you, but she is loves you. She said it’s me he upset, not you. She asked and I came, I am not going to get involved because honestly, it’s not like you cheated but you need to learn how to talk to my sister too, I don’t like it either, but we move forward” Rorrey is a good man “thank you, you think I should go to Mel’ home?” he chuckled “why not, your daughter is there. As long as I can drive your car then nigga I am down” I chuckled “of course, you can take it whenever” I don’t mind him driving them at all “Robyn is going to be fake annoyed to see you but ride the wave brother” I need too.
Everything is so tiring, meaning that I have to drag my leg around. Climbing into my Urus car was dreadful btu I got there “you know what Rorrey, I think I am going to get Drake back. I am going to air him out for this, what you think?” I need to get his advice, he knows his shit “why not, he hurt you. Maybe you can’t do anything meaning like beat his ass, but you can surely air him out for this shit, it is so childish and petty you know” that means I can, I have been deleting all the posts of Drake, everything. All traces of that nigga, I really fucking hate him for what he has done to me. Going onto my Instagram, I have a little something written out, I want people to know what kind of nigga he is, he is a bitch ass nigga, and it may be long as fuck this post, but niggas need to know that he ran from the fade he was going to get, going to my drafts. I have all this written out, I just needed Rorrey to say I should, and I should. Reading over the post that I made ‘Always believe and trust in your wife when she says the nigga is a bitch nigga, your wife knows who is real and who isn’t but y’all king is a bitch nigga. Someone that can’t handle rejection and then runs from a fade. I know y’all seen me with a cast on my leg, that is because this bitch @champagnepapi ran down the stairs because he couldn’t fight me, this nigga thing he could take my wife, this sick motherfucker that caught herpes from a stripper thinks he could be with my wife! I ain’t even going to get you nigga don’t worry; I am done with you and your sly team that lowkey hate each other. You can come at me with anything because I know I didn’t do anything on that tour. I just need y’all to know that it wasn’t some accident, if you ever look at my wife again I won’t miss’ pressing send on the post anyways, I don’t care anymore.
Stood behind Rorrey as we waited on Mel or whoever to open the door, they are taking their time anyways “they see me here ain’t they?” Rorrey laughed shaking his head, the door opened eventually “sorry, we were pointing on who was going to answer. Come in..” Mel dragged out “what a pleasant surprise, you came along?” nodding my head “to see my daughter” I sad, Mel moved out of the way to let us in “she is playing, well I say that but she is on her playmat” I hate these crutches so fucking much, making my way inside “Robyn is not here by the way” Mel added, I sighed out. I want to ask where, but I will anyways “where is she?” I had to ask “a meeting, so it’s just me, Tina and Rylee” I can wait for her, I need to be persistent in this. I need to get my wife back, I am so excited to see her, I love Robyn.
My mind really hasn’t been on Rylee at all, and it sounds bad of me, but I am just waiting for Robyn to come in, she is looking amazing. Like her body is just looking so good, she is doing the most of course but I need to get her back, stop her showing off her body like that I mean I ain’t like other niggas seeing it but who am I to be overprotective like that, I just need her back “this dumb bitch took us to the damn ghetto” my head shot to the door seeing Jahleel first “what you mean, what she done now?” Mel asked, “she wanted food and then we took a turning, we had her fans chasing us” my smile grew seeing Robyn all smiles, she is smiling and that is making me smile “I was hungry” she said, then she noticed me and her smile went “got lost?” she said, I cleared my throat “I came to see Rylee” I pointed out “should have asked, I could have delivered her to you” licking my top lip “I thought I would save you the trouble” the whole room is so silent, they are listening to us both and watching us “I prefer the trouble” she sniggered “clearly, anyways I am going to change” she walked off bag in hand, she is so fine and she looks so much more happier, maybe it’s me I don’t know but she is very vibrant, I am not sure what to do.
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fanficshiddles · 4 years
Butterfly Into Chains, Chapter 1
Summary: Esme is an omega living in a quaint little town, the Alphas of the town are few but they are an asset to the place. Not like the dangerous and rogue-like Alphas that could be found elsewhere. But one day, a pack of Alphas turn up. And they turn Esme’s world upside down. Coaxing her to the ‘dark’ side and whisking her away… To use as their own omega, to breed and own, in every way possible.
Tom Hiddleston, David Tennant, Chris Evans, Michael Fassbender and Benedict Cumberbatch are the suspects in this fic! As usual Tom being the ‘main’ one. Though they’re all pretty involved in this fic. And I know they’re not in it a lot in this first chapter, but just setting the story up…
Rape/Non-con, manipulation, kidnapping, knotting, forced breeding over and over, gangbangs, emotional trauma, selling of babies, almost constantly pregnant, Alpha fights/violence. -
East Meadowridge was a quaint little town. Known for its tranquillity, and was a hot spot for tourists with it being a seaside town. So it wasn’t exactly suspicious when there were strangers going about.
Although, a certain pack of strangers that just arrived were certainly suspicious. They took residence in the most expensive hotel in town, the entire top floor. Albeit there were only two hotels in town, with plenty of B&B’s scattered around the place. It was still odd.
The pack was obviously an Alpha pack. Five of them, all wearing suits and sunglasses, they turned up in two jaguar cars. And they were the talk of the town.
The mayor of Meadowridge worked hard to try and keep the town as peaceful and friendly as possible. The population was mainly betas, with some omegas and some Alphas. But the mayor didn’t allow packs or gangs to form, making sure that crime was kept low.
It was no secret that Alphas could be dangerous and vicious, but not the Alphas of Meadowridge. They were able to coexist with fellow Alphas, betas and omegas peacefully. Even omegas in heat they weren’t bothered by, able to respect them instead of pouncing on them to mate, which most Alphas from elsewhere would do.
So the mayor was always on edge and quick to nip anything in the bud when strange packs turned up. But this was a first for him, having never dealt with an all Alpha pack.
- Esme burst in through the front door, she went flying past her Mum who was cooking dinner in the kitchen.
‘Woah, woah, where’s the fire?’ Her Mum, Wendy, called to her as she started running upstairs.
Esme stopped dead and ran back down, crouching she looked through the bannister at her Mum.
‘Haven’t you heard about what’s going on?’
Her Mum frowned, shaking her head.
‘There’s an all Alpha pack just arrived in town! They’ve rented the entire top floor of the Seaview hotel. Turned up in fancy cars. Katherine and I are away to go and see if we can get a glimpse of them.’ Esme explained quickly, still a little out of breath from running all the way home after work.
‘Esme, wait.’ Her mum said sternly, walking over to the bottom of the stairs with her arms folded over her chest.
Esme cringed, knowing what was about to come.
‘Your father and I have told you plenty of times, Alpha outsiders are dangerous. Especially for a beautiful young omega like yourself. You are not to go near them, do you understand?’ She said firmly.
Esme sighed and rolled her eyes. ‘Yes, Mum.’
‘Good. Now come and help me with dinner.’
‘I just need to get changed and message Katherine first, tell her I’m not coming.’ Esme said and her Mum nodded in agreement.
Esme went to her room and shut the door. She put her handbag down on the bed and went over to the window as she messaged Katherine, telling her she wouldn’t be meeting her anymore.
She went onto Facebook, and noticed on the towns group page that people had taken a few pictures of the Alpha pack arriving in their fancy cars. Esme zoomed in to get a better look at the Alphas, but couldn’t see their faces well because of the sunglasses. But they all looked well built, strong. Stronger than the Alphas that lived in town, that was for sure.
There were a lot of comments under the post. Many of the beta men and few Alphas were commenting that they looked dangerous, to keep an eye on them and protect the omegas of the town. But there were many omegas and also beta women commenting that they looked hot and should be welcomed like every visitor.
‘Well, this is going to cause a bit of a shit storm.’ Esme muttered to herself before getting changed and going downstairs to help her mum with dinner.
It was just about ready when her Dad, Richard, came home from work. He greeted his wife with a kiss and ruffled Esme’s hair.
‘Dad, stop that!’ She grumbled.
He chuckled and sat down at the table. ‘You’ll always be my little girl. No matter how old you get.’
Esme shook her head and started dishing up dinner.
‘How was work today? Busy I imagine, with the new guests.’ Wendy said cautiously as the three of them sat down to eat together.
‘Indeed. The mayor is going ballistic trying to find out information on these guys.’ Richard sighed, shaking his head. ‘But the names they gave at the hotel aren’t giving us anything. If they gave their true names, that is.’
Richard worked closely with the mayor, whilst it meant he got a hefty wage, it also meant long and sometimes gruelling days. Especially when they were dealing with something such as an Alpha pack in town.
‘Maybe they’re just here to enjoy the seaside.’ Esme shrugged.
Richard looked at Esme with concern, then to Wendy. Who looked concerned, too. They both knew there would only be one reason an all Alpha pack was on the move… To find omegas.
‘How’s your work going?’ He asked Esme, to change the subject.
‘We were pretty busy today, but it helps to pass the time more. Now that summer is starting, we are just going to get busier and busier.’ She smiled.
Esme worked down at the carnival, in the ticket booth. She enjoyed it because that’s where all the tourists would flock to, so she got to meet an array of people on a day to day basis. And she was great with people, so it was the perfect job for her.
‘Good, that’s really good.’ Richard nodded.
After dinner, Esme excused herself to her bedroom. She had decided to call Katherine.
‘Oh my god, Esme! You should’ve seen them, they are… wow. I have no words. They’re like Gods! The Alphas here have nothing on these guys!’ Katherine squealed down the phone.
‘Where did you see them? I’m so jealous. My parents wouldn’t let me out.’ Esme huffed as she lay on her bed, staring at the ceiling.
‘I just casually sat on the bench opposite the hotel, looking out to the sea so it wouldn’t seem suspicious. Three of them left and walked right past me, one of them smiled at me too!’ She giggled like a schoolgirl.
‘So not fair. I’ll need to wait until tomorrow to hopefully catch a glimpse of them.’
‘There’s a few of us going to the bar next door to the hotel in an hour, why don’t you come join us?’ Katherine asked.
‘I doubt I’ll be allowed.’
‘You’re not a kid anymore, Es. You’ve got a job and you are twenty for crying out loud! They can’t stop you. They don’t normally mind you going out for drinks.’ Katherine said. ‘Come on. You never know, they might even be there for drinks since they’re staying in that hotel.’
Esme paused, thinking about it for a moment.
‘Ok. You’re right. I’ll meet you there.’ She grinned.
It took an hour for Esme to get ready. She picked out a nice dress and did her hair up nicely. After grabbing her bag, she made her way downstairs and prepared herself for the questions her parents were no doubt going to ask. But she was pleasantly surprised.
‘Off out?’ Richard asked, looking over the back of the sofa.
Wendy paused the TV, waiting for Esme’s answer.
‘Yeah, meeting with Katherine and a few others for some drinks. I might be back late, but I have my key.’ She said, patting her bag as she made her way to the door.
Richard stood up and walked over to the door, meeting her there.
‘Esme. I’d rather you didn’t go out, not while this Alpha pack is in town… Though I won’t stop you meeting your friends. But I do ask, please be careful. And take this with you.’ He went to his jacket that was hanging by the door and pulled out some mace spray from the pocket.
‘Come on, Dad. I won’t need that! I’ll be with my friends.’ She whined.
‘I know, but please. Just take it.’ He grabbed her hand and slipped the mace to her. ‘It would make me feel better.’
Esme could never resist when her Dad pleaded with her and gave her puppy dog eyes. She was lucky and glad they weren’t making a bigger deal out of this.
‘Ok. I’ll take it. Thanks.’ She smiled and went up on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. ‘See you in the morning.’
‘Or afternoon, no doubt.’ Richard chuckled, opening the door for her.
‘Yeah, likely!’ Esme laughed as she walked out.
Richard shut the door and pinched the bridge of his nose with a sigh.
‘Do you think she will be ok?’ Wendy asked.
Richard went back over and sat down. ‘Yeah, she’s a smart girl. Even when intoxicated she still makes good choices, I am sure she will be fine.’ Richard assured Wendy and gave her arm a squeeze.
Even though her Dad was an Alpha, Esme was super glad that he didn’t try and just make her stay home. She knew that in a lot of other places, omegas did obey Alphas without hesitation. Whether they were a family member or not. It was totally different to their town. But this was one of those times she was so glad for, because she was super excited and hopeful that she might catch a glimpse of these mysterious Alphas.
When she met up with Katherine and two other friends, Dani and Liz, the four of them went into the bar that was next to the fancy hotel.
‘Any sign of them yet?’ Esme asked.
‘Nope. I don’t even know if I’d have the guts to speak to them.’ Dani whispered.
‘I just want to see them. It’s so exciting!’ Esme said, beaming from ear to ear.
The four girls sat down at a table near the bar and not too far from the main door. They ordered some drinks and a few shots as well. They didn’t fail to notice that the bar was a little busier than it normally would be on a Thursday night. And it didn’t take a genius to figure out why. Considering it was mainly females that were occupying the seats.
‘Hey, imagine if one of the Alphas wanted our omega here as their own.’ Dani joked to the others, nudging Esme.
‘Don’t even joke about that!’ Esme said, glaring at her.
‘Yeah, poor Mason would be heartbroken.’ Liz said with a smirk.
Esme just grumbled and downed one of her shots. Mason was an Alpha who she had been matched with, thanks to her Dad and the mayor. That’s what happened with the omegas and Alphas of the town, because there weren’t as many, they were paired off. Keeping it all within the town.
It was rare for a Beta and an omega to have an omega or Alpha as a child. But an Alpha and omega were guaranteed to have either or. And if it was an Alpha, at least having both parents from the town meant the Alpha child would grow up to be a calm and caring Alpha, that would be a good asset to the town. In the mayor’s words, anyway.
‘He never even messages me. I’ve met him three times in the last four months and every time he’s just taken me for dinner and walked me home again. Not even a kiss on the cheek. I’m not even sure if I’m attracted to him or not.’ She said honestly.
‘It does suck that they’ve paired you up like that. So glad I’m not an omega!’ Katherine said, taking a sip of her own drink.
The other two agreed with her.
‘If it wasn’t for the test, I wouldn’t even think I was an omega. I have NO feelings towards him, or any other Alpha in this damn place for that matter. They say omegas are supposed to feel submissive and timid around Alphas, well I certainly don’t.’
‘To be fair, the Alphas here are more beta-like.’ Said Liz.
‘True. But still, I thought I would’ve felt something. Maybe the test was false.’
Just as she said that, the door opened and suddenly the place was filled with the most delectable smell she had ever smelled. It was like a mixture of oak and leather, a very masculine smell. Very… Alpha.
Esme turned her head to see who had just came in the door, her eyes widening.
‘Scratch what I just said… I am pure omega.’ She said in awe, watching as the five stranger Alphas strolled into the bar like they owned the place, and every single person in it.
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lordseochangbin · 4 years
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Heart Stop: NXT 2U (5)
A/N: i’m really out here releasing two chapters a day skdfjnkdjnf this series is like nine chapters long it’s going to over in a week LOL
Word Count: 1238 
It’s a perfect dream until you wake up… right? That’s how you felt about meeting Chan. As if he was the only thing you thought about. The way you felt when you were around him, too memorable to forget.
You wake up to a sleepy Chan, his arm draped around your legs as he fell asleep on the chair he was sitting on next to your hospital bed. You're wearing the typical gown and felt a bit insecure about him seeing you like this. 
Does he know about your condition?
“You’re awake” You hear him mumble. 
“Have you been here all night?” You ask as he lifts his head up from your lap, his hands going to rub his drowsy eyes. 
“Yeah” he yawns, shaking it off. “I just wanted to make sure you were alright.. Changbin told me this happens to you alot in the afternoons”
You roll your eyes, of course Changbin would be the one to tell but you can’t blame him. He probably thought Chan already knew. 
“Often, not much to do about it though” Shrugging your shoulders, you look down at your lap, the blanket still wrinkled from Chan sleeping there. It felt warm, giving you tingles. Not a single friend in your life stayed all night in a hospital with you and you didn’t know how to feel about the sudden attention. 
“And the doctors can’t explain why?” He asks, his voice soft to make sure he mob you with too many questions. 
“There’s not a clear explanation” You answer, fiddling with your fingers. “But don’t worry about it- at this point I’m pretty much used to it”
Chan’s lips form a pout and you’re sure he’s thinking about a way to fix it. A way to make things better- little does he know that his presence is enough.
“Oh!” He exclaims, his eyes brightening as he pulled out a box from his hoodie pocket. “I got this for you..” 
Placing the box on your lap, he opens it for you revealing a pretty silver necklace shaped like a heart shaped lock. You take a look at the small peek at the letters engraved on the side spelling out ‘CHAN’
“It’s so pretty, thank you” You smile, pulling him into a hug. 
“Hold up” He giggles, taking out his necklace under his hoodie for you to see. “I have one too.”
You look closer at his necklace shaped like a  key, realizing the letters engraved were your initials. “Chan.. I don’t know what to say” Your cheeks turn red at the thought of Chan thinking of you every time he wears that necklace.
“Then don’t say anything” He pulls closer to you, lips about to touch before you can hear a cough near the door. 
The two of you turn around to see your doctor. “Ahem, you’re back again Y/N. How have you been?” She says, checking your temperature and making sure your heartbeats are stable.
Looking through the monitor’s history, she panics at the sight and calls another nurse into the room. “Hey, did you make sure this monitor was working all night?” 
The nurse rushes in, giving you and Chan a quick smile before answering “Yes I checked it, why?”
“There’s nothing going on, are you telling me she’s not breathing? C’mon, I told you to make sure it was on overnight and keeping track!”
“I did though!” The nurse protested. 
“I checked too doctor, the nurse did make sure the battery was on.. maybe it's something with the system” You said, ensuring the nurse that she did the right thing.
The doctor furrows her eyebrows, looking at Chan and placing the monitor on his chest. “Let me check you”
To your surprise, the monitor was brought back to life. “Oh- won’t you look at that” The doctor says, laughing as the monitor shows a heartbeat faster than normal. 
“You’re quite nervous huh” She jokes, pulling the monitor away. “Either way, Y/N you look like you could use a nap at home- we’ll just jog down a few things for the record and send you off”
You smile at the doctor before thanking her and ask Chan if he could get your clothes so you could go home.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Hyunjin curled up in a little ball next to you while you watched The Princess Diaries on your laptop. It was like any other ordinary day, where Hyunjin just crashed at your parent’s place and your mom would treat him like her own child. 
“I heard Chan got qualified for the Olympics,” Hyunjin said, scrolling through his phone. 
“Really? He never told me anything” You replied. 
“Maybe he didn’t want to stress you out or anything, but the directors told him that yesterday”
“And he didn’t tell me anything last night” You pouted. Maybe he was trying to be supportive of you and hide it, but you wanted to be supportive of him as well. 
“Hyunjin, do you want to go to Chan’s next meet with me? It’s in the morning so completely off Chris’s schedule for any heart attacks”
“Chris, your heart?” Hyunjin confirms before replying, “Alright I’m down”
You continue to watch your movie before Hyunjin could speak up again. “Do you really like Chan?”
Turning to Hyunjin you pause the movie and reply, “Yeah, it’s just weird I don’t know how to explain” 
“Weird? Like how?” Hyunjin threw his phone off to the side before giving you his full attention, which was hard to believe knowing him. 
“Sometimes when I’m around him, I try to count the number of heartbeats I have like my doctor says”
“Right.. your hearts always beating like crazy around me” Hyunjin responds sarcastically.
“Shut up. Anyways when I’m around him I can’t count any..”
“Pfft. Y/N maybe you forgot how to count” Hyunjin says, picking up his phone again and scrolling through the web.
“No, seriously Hyunjin!” You whine, pushing him away before he could finally comply.
“Okay, okayy I get it. You’re in love” Hyunjin concludes, pointing at you with certainty.
You groan and give up on trying to explain your feelings, resuming the movie while Hyunjin rests on your shoulder. 
“What…. mean…. heartstop” You hear him mumble as he types on his phone. 
“What are you looking up?”
Hyunjin’s eyes glow at the results, “Hey, look at this. Y/N, do you think.. you and Chan could be soulmates?” 
“Soulmates?” You ask, grabbing his phone. 
When you look at his phone you see a picture of a clown and Hyunjin starts laughing hysterically. 
“Hyunjin!” you pout, throwing a nearby pillow at him. 
“Such a joke, my little Y/N is in love” He says, ruffling your hair. 
You get a text message making you smile instantly, it’s Chan. 
“Aah see, you’re in love” He repeats, flicking your forehead. 
You throw your head back and giggle at the text. “Yo Hyunjin, do you think I should take Chan to the beach tomorrow?”
“Doesn’t he have another important match?” 
He does? Why didn’t he tell you about anything? He didn’t mention the Olympics either…
“Do you want to go to his match with me then?”
Hyunjin simply nods as you continue on with the movie but you can’t help to think about why Chan didn’t say anything. Did he pity you now? 
This was exactly what you didn’t want to happen. Hopefully you won’t act up at tomorrow’s match and be able to support him like a “real girlfriend” would. 
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29. Part 4
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My smile grew just seeing my daughter propped up, Robyn is currently burping her. Her little face is like leave me the hell alone I just want to sleep “it’s ok if the baby brings nothing up, it can happen. Just you need to do that. Imagine your next baby, you could be aiming full term and nine pounds” Gaby said, Robyn gasped “oh no, oh my god. Please let’s not think that far ahead but if she was full term I think she would be a fat baby” I am so in love with my daughter, she looks like a real life angel “she got a little blonde in her hair” I said, Robyn looked at me and then looked at Fenty’ head “you’re right you know, my hair as a child had blondes in it and I’m sure you did too, even now” nodding my head “I do have some, she got that light skinned hair” pushing my hair down laughing “so I am always a phone call away, you can call me at any time. Doctor Wen will see you in five days’ time, if you have any worries then please call and I can help you over the phone or I will come to you. Every three to two hours, breast feed. So try and wake up, get into that motion of doing it” Gaby breathed out smiling “I shall go and have some rest, I want you both to get the same. She will be sleeping lots now, but she seems to be ever so alert. And I can’t wait for the documentary to come out, then all my friends will have questions, I just delivered Rihanna and Chris Brown baby” Gaby got up from the couch “it’s been a pleasure, you have both done so great. And Chris, believe in yourself, you can do it ok?” Getting up front he couch smiling “thanks, you have been great and yeah, once it comes out you can speak on it. If we have another, and I say if, you will be the first” Gaby cooed out “I will hopefully be here still but rest now, just like this little one” let me walk Gaby out, I think we are all pretty tired “are you going to sleep now?” Monica asked “yeah, I’m gonna help Robyn to go to sleep, well if she is ok anyways” Monica smiled a little as I walked off to see Gaby out, she has been a good help.
Walking back into the living room after helping Gaby out with her things, my eyes are actually burning but I lost sleep for all the right reasons, I witnessed my daughter being born “if you cry then I will cry mom” Robyn said, waking around the couch seeing Monica holding Fenty “she is my first grandchild, I can’t stop crying” Monica is really crying, she is in shock “I didn’t think I would be able to witness such love with my diaghter, to witness such happiness. Robyn she reminds me of you, you were born and you were just like this. You were a big baby too; your father was so happy. Perfection, he was more excited to see you. He said she is my special baby, he knew you was going to be greatness and holding Fenty, I can feel it. She’s going to be destined for greatness with much love and life lessons, she is so blessed to have you both as her parents. The love you both will show her and will make her feel, she’s lucky. I’m so emotional, and she is perfect in every way. Look at her hands, her perfect little nose, Robby had the same nose, your eye colour was a little dark before it came through but I am in love, so I love” I can tell with Monica, she is such a proud mother right now, she’s in awe with baby Fenty “you both need to sleep, take her upstairs. If she does play up, I will be here” looking at Robyn, she is still glowing. It’s like her body is getting back to normal “take her up for me Chris, please” my eyes widened “come on now, you can do it” I have to carry my newborn all by myself “but you need help upstairs?” I want to help Robyn “I will be fine, just leave me and my leaky boobs. We will be behind you both” taking in a deep breath.
I was ever so careful, each step I took, I just was slow with it. I made it up with Fenty not even moving a muscle, she was snug in my arms “took your time” Robyn took the elevator and I took the stairs, I refused to go in there because what if it broke and we were stuck there, I didn’t want my daughter’ first moment being that so I made the trek up the stairs “I know, I just wanted to be ever so careful, she is important to me, just like you are” reaching the top, Robyn smiled at me “this is weird, we have a baby now with us. I want you to sleep also, we need it. And you do need it too” nodding my head “I will, I am just so in love right now Robyn. Just look at her, she is just in peace in my arms. She knows me, you think she does?” her little balled up fist “I think she senses how annoying you are, does it scare you that my mom said she looks like me?” Robyn chuckled, but to be honest that is scary “I am scared but also happy, she is going to love it. She is going to be thinking thank god I look like my momma” Robyn opened the bedroom door for us “I am going to straight to sleep, I set my alarm to hopefully wake me. I just put it on vibrate because I don’t want to scare her, but I have so much to do. So many messages to get by and also announce it on my side” furrowing my eyebrows “Robyn, relax. Please. This doesn’t need to happen; you do not need to be worrying about that right now ok?” I want her to rest, she is here worrying about that “I am not worrying about what people think I just want to get the news out there, and then I can just be like whatever. Fenty is perfect, she is the perfect baby. I am so in love with her, more so the fact I am in love with seeing you with her, to see my daughter have a father like you Chris. She is blessed, I am blessed” Robyn is making me blush, that is too sweet “thank you” I mumbled.
I feel on high alert, my eyes shot open hearing a slight whine from Fenty, she sounds like a kitten, and she literally just started when I put her in the crib and then Robyn fell asleep, I jumped out of bed. This has to be the best gift to me, like I feel a whole new love towards someone. I mean Robyn is always number one, but she is my next, I hope she loves me just as much, but I think she does. Walking over to the crib, Fenty went a little silent, she probably knows but her little eyes are just there adjusting. Picking her out of the crib and bringing her close to my chest “you were all quiet in my arms wasn’t you, your momma doesn’t want me to be awake. I have to be asleep but now I am too excited, I just want to keep holding you, to keep loving you. I just love you bae, you my bae” Fenty smirked, she did smirk and I am not crazy at all but she closed her eyes again “you want to be close to me, I get it. Maybe I can have you in bed with me, we sleep together” climbing into the bed carefully, the more I hold her the more I am just finding it a breeze “Royalty is going to love you, she will think you’re a doll, she will spoil you so much with love” sitting back against the headboard “there you go” shuffling down a little as I placed Fenty against my chest, let her sleep there she is happy there. She has her happy place and that is here, just near my heart.
I remained awake with Fenty sleeping, I don’t mind. I will lose sleep for her “what” Robyn said groggily “huh” looking over at Robyn, moving my eyes away from the TV “you bought her to bed?” Robyn smiled “yeah, she did wake up and then I just did this and look at her. She is at peace, she wants to snuggle and I am it” Robyn snorted laughing “until she recognizes the ugly tattoos, she will not want that snuggle anymore” I gasped “wow, you’re clearly ok now ain’t you” Robyn hissed “just about but I need to feed her, I want to be on time and I want to be perfect for her. I don’t want her to be hungry now” nodding my head “she is literally such a sweet baby, look at how comfortable she is. Just at peace, I feel like she is going to be so relaxed about everything and that is thanks to us” Robyn smiled “you right, when I held her. I just felt whole, like everything I have done in life didn’t amount to this, this was the moment for me. This is what I wanted and craved, I love her and she is lucky to have us, the love we will give her she will drown in it” Robyn is right, we will show her too much loving, she will want us to let her breathe.
I am hype, not going to lie. I can’t sleep so I came downstairs and also I didn’t want to sleep because then tonight I won’t sleep for Christmas day with my ladies, I want us to be up but with Robyn she needs to rest it out, she needs that rest anyways “afternoon” Monica is cleaning “let me help you out with this” I said to her, she has done most of it “I wanted it to be clean before she came down, I did it all mostly” picking up the couch with her “you a strong woman, trying to pick this up” I laughed “I try Chris, I am just so happy. I have had so many calls. They want to see her, we thinking on doing a big video call to the family” nodding my head as I lifted the couch with Monica “why not, I think it’s something that needs to happen, the family want to see her. It is better then passing picture. I don’t know what Robyn wants to do in regards to showing her off so we need to wait it out” putting the couch down “I can’t believe how strong my daughter is, she is such a strong woman” nodding my head smiling, Monica is right because Robyn is and she did so well “Rorrey said he wants to apologise to you, and he said congratulations” nodding my head slowly “I ain’t got no issues, it’s always someone having a issue with me, I don’t be doing anything but if he wants too then that is ok. Robyn wants her family, they was just breaking it up, you know” rubbing the back of my neck “I understand” I am sure that will make Robyn happy but I will still watch him, I don’t trust his ass at all because he is a fuck nigga. My phone started ringing in my pocket, I have been generally ignoring my phone but I just put it on loud now, seeing the caller ID and it’s my sister, I mean I have been ignoring my mother’ calls “hey” answering the call “Happy Christmas to you too little brother and I guess congratulations are in order too” frowning a little “I guess?” I said, what she mean by that “you ran off to London and didn’t even think of letting me know or at least” I laughed “because you’re deluded like mom, she is the one just there putting shit in your mind” I know what my mom is like “I wouldn’t say that, she is just concerned. You get so deep into Robyn that things go messy with each other; look I am happy for you. You look so happy and in love in that picture” nodding my head “thanks anyways, I have to go now” disconnecting the call, I don’t need them.
Smiling at Robyn, she has come downstairs with Fenty, Robyn looks so well like she didn’t just give birth “I was going to come and check on you” I was eventually “were you really, I come down and see you all. I couldn’t sleep any longer” Robyn leaned down to me, pressing a kiss to my lips “you look different now, don’t you think Dennis? I am not crazy am I?” Robyn chuckled as she moved back and started rocking Fenty “I would say you are giving me MILF vibes, very much a mother vibe. You are so vibrant though, you feel good?” Dennis asked “I feel good, I mean a few pains here and there. I am wearing a pad, but I don’t feel like shit, I am very much in control of me. I just fed her and then thought we would come down and see everyone, my mobile is a nightmare. Is it the same here?” nodding my head “Dennis and I have been trying to answer things, we together sent out pictures to your Fenty Corp team, each to post” Robyn gasped “which ones did you pick Chris?” I hope she agrees “a picture from behind you in the birthing pool, another with our hands holding, and the one of us two walking when you were having your contractions. Not too in depth, we thought we would keep that to you. We made headline news too, we trended on Twitter, also Instagram froze when I posted the picture and it’s near got ten million likes, my post!” I half shouted “awww, people are happy for us in a weird way” Robyn wants to work, I can tell with the way she is. She is stood thinking, she never stops “just sit please, stop thinking” I laughed, she makes me laugh when she is constantly just working.
I love the pictures she has chosen to post, I didn’t think she would pick the picture of me holding Fenty just out of the pool, my face is in shock that I did it “I just love the way you are just shocked, it’s just a moment. A fucking moment Dennis got, I want it framed, you can’t even predict that. You delivered her Chris, that is a lot. I find the picture very poetic, so I do want that to be the main picture of you. I also want that framed, and something I will cherish Chris. I was so in the moment that I did see you was doing something, but my contractions were hitting me so bad, so I didn’t see it but honestly, I love this and thank you Chris. My husband” it was nice of Robyn to say that about me “thank you my love” I grinned “so yes, that as my main picture. Also the picture of my mom and I when I was crying. And then the one where I am holding Fenty and crying” raising an eyebrow “it just shows my emotions, it shows why I am so happy right now, you know. These pictures mean a lot and yeah” I am in awe with Robyn, she is my whole heart “that is cool, so to the caption” Dennis said “start with, I came from a black woman, who came from a black woman and today I gave birth to a black woman. At four twenty Fenty Clara Brown came into the world, with the help of her father. I am overwhelmed and I will now be bonding with my princess, thank you for the love” Robyn’ caption is cute, better than mine anyways, but I expected that.
Sitting back on the couch next to Robyn, they are doing that family skype call thing which we are waiting to connect “oh my god! Bitch!” Mel shouted and then she covered her face “don’t cry Mel, she can’t wait to meet you” Robyn said, Mel is crying “I can’t even, like to see you in that way. You’re a whole ass mother” Mel wiped her tears “I am so happy for you, oh my god. Look at her in your arms Robyn, I can’t wait to see her” someone else connected “hey” Rajad and Rorrey said in unison “oh shit! My sister is a mother, let me see my niece” Rorrey said “Robyn, how are you?” I didn’t notice Ronald there “congratulations to you Chris” Rorrey said my name, that must have hurt him “thank you” I want to be nice of course, I ain’t going to be here being rude about it “I appreciate to hear how much you taken care of my sister, my mom sings the highest praises for you and I know mommy wouldn’t lie, she would tell the truth and she said that you are the best and I love to hear that” nodding my head smiling “aye, Chris out here delivering babies though. My god!” Mel said which made me laugh, seeing more of the family enter the skype call, they are all screaming. They all scream when they see Robyn with our daughter in her arms.
Lightly touching Fenty’ forehead, she is asleep like it’s nothing and I have never seen such good hair on a baby, I don’t think new-borns are cure but Fenty, she is so perfect “Chris was a big help, I was in so much pain and then he just helped me deliver her. He literally held her and bought up to me, I was just crying in pain. But Chris was a big help to me, to us. And I appreciate him” looking up at Robyn, she is complimenting me to her family “Chris delivering babies now, well hey! That is so sweet to hear, to hear he was there. I just want to hold her; she is so light skinned. Seeing her through this camera she is so white” Mel said trying to see “anyways family! I want a picture of the screen so can you all smile!” Mel said as she aimed her phone at the screen “and don’t worry they can’t see my niece, she too white for the camera” I laughed, my daughter ain’t that light skinned “she got blonde hairs too, ashy blonde” maybe Mel is right “Robyn’ hair is that! She got all Robyn in her, listen. I want a photo of she, you better send it now. We family” Robyn is being very fussy with what she sends “I will, just that, I don’t want my daughter being on the internet and being sold for the first release of pictures, you know. But I will send you all a picture of her” I don’t think she will get away with not sending anything.
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revisionaryhistory · 4 years
Three Days ~ 59
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The lake had been fun. It was initially awkward, but after we loaded into the boat and were underway it got better. I snagged a spot up front in the bow. I was joined by three girls, now women, I’d known well in high school. We started by talking about our current lives and by the time we'd found a spot to anchor we were telling old stories and laughing through our memories. Once the four of us had reconnected the others were easy with conversations and groupings overlapping. An hour later it felt like old times. There were lots of pictures taken and we were texting them to each other immediately. I posted some on Instagram and sent some directly to Sebastian. I had no problem posting bikini-clad pictures of me in a group, but solo went only to him. I've never been one for posting me. It's usually an activity with people.
There was a dock near the southeast border of the lake for gassing up and they had a sandwich shop. Sandwich included hot dogs, hamburgers, french fries, and onion rings. We decided to eat at the picnic tables. Stowing food was more to pack up and could stink. We were relaxing and waiting for the last ones to finish when my notification went off. Chris Evans was asking permission to follow my account. Interesting. Approved. Not a minute later so was Chace Crawford. Also approved, but with a snarky DM about his pickup lines. He'd hit on me at Kirk's wedding. Very unsuccessfully.
Emma ~ Tell Chris hi and nice to meet him.
Sebastian ~ We’re not talking about you. Much. Ok, we are. Sebastian ~ We're mostly looking at pictures.
Emma ~ The ones on your phone are much better than IG
Sebastian ~ Chace will be the one to figure that out.
 Chris DM'd me, “Can't wait to meet you in person. Hearing very sweet things.”
I sent back, "A few are true. He exaggerates."
"Yeah, he's got a huge crush on you."
"Nice to know."
We watched sunset out on the water. It was beautiful. The haze and clouds made for muted pinks, purples, blues, and grays. I took a dozen of those hoping to catch the perfect one. I was in a group of people, but the sunset had me feeling lonely. It was fleeting and I was back into the party spirit quickly.
Amy thought it was a good idea to take everyone back to our house for a pool party. I did not agree. Our parents were home babysitting their granddaughter and we were about to invade with a hoard of drunk friends. All of whom were inviting more and asking them to pick up booze. It felt very high school and in need of at least a phone call. However, it was Amy’s idea and no one wanted to hear from me last night. I wouldn’t be calling ahead.
I went inside to go to the bathroom and ran into dad. "What's all that noise we just got Katie in bed?"
"Amy invited some friends back to the pool."
"You’re teenagers again."
"Seems like it."
"Try and keep it down."
"I will tell her." Not my party. Not my crowd control. I did my business and went back outside. Amy was making out with Max in the pool. I tapped on her head, breaking their kiss, "Dad said to keep it down."
They went back to kissing. I'd deemed my message delivered and headed to the bar, putting in the code and retrieving a bottle of tequila. When I stood up, I was surprised to see Kai on the other side of the bar. Kai was the boyfriend who broke up with me after rehab. Kai's hands were shoved in the pockets of his swim shorts. He nodded toward the group, "Amy said you'd be ok with me coming. I wanted to check."
My current plan for Amy’s death was drowning. She was already in the pool after all. I pasted a less than genuine smile on my face, "It's fine, Kai. It was a long time ago. How are you?"
Kai was very southern lawyer attractive. Thinking back, he always had been. "I’m good. I did become a lawyer. Work for a firm here in Alpharetta. I got married three years ago. Her name is Melanie. We're expecting a baby in January."
"Congratulations. That’s wonderful."
He nodded, "Thank you. What are you up to?"
"I teach first grade, love it. I play in a volleyball rec league. My best friend's in a band so I go into the city and visit. My boyfriend lives there too."
Kai laughed, "I might have heard about him."
"I bet. He's a good guy. Lots of fun and good to me.”
"Better than I was, I’m sure."
Ah! This was going to be some sort of apology. I cringed and pulled up my shades for a second, "Well Kai, you did break up will me three days after I got back from rehab. You kinda failed at supportive boyfriend."
"Yeah, I did. Sorry. In hindsight, it was a shitty thing to do. Bad timing and a lie of a reason."
"I knew that."
"Sorry. I’ve always felt guilty."
I smiled, "It was a long time ago, Kai. We've grown up. We're both doing well."
"I wish we could go back to friends again. We were friends since middle school."
I don't think he realized that made it worse. We’d been friends before we were anything else and none of that mattered when he left me. It didn’t matter to me now. “I stopped being angry with you a very, very long time ago, Kai. Forgave you for leaving me when I needed you. But there’s no reason for us to be friends now. I come back a couple of times a year. You and I are strangers now. And while I have forgiven you, I’d never trust you again.” His guilt is not a reason for me to welcome him back into my life.
“Wow.” He looked surprised.
I smiled, “I wish nothing but the best for you.”  I leaned back to see under the bar and brought up a couple of glasses. “Drink to old times?”
He looked surprised again. “Yeah, Em.”
“Good.” I poured the tequila and tapped my glass against his. “To happy memories and years of fun times.”
We both drank and he walked around to my side of the bar. It was my turn to be surprised when he hugged me, “I wish nothing but the best for you too, Emma.”
I patted his back, “Thank you.”
Kai let go and walked back toward the pool.
I tell you what, this has been the strangest visit I’ve ever had and that’s saying a lot. I’m starting to get paranoid about what the next three days are going to bring. I poured another tequila and questioned my decision to not hop back on a plane last night. I could be home in my bed or in the city tucked into Sebastian’s bed waiting for him to get home or out with Eli and Angie. All preferable to this mixed bag of what the fuck.
I hung out for another hour before letting Amy I was heading to bed. Family day was supposed to start at about noon. That gave me time to sleep in a little, go for a run, and shower before arrivals started. Of course, because I had time to sleep in, I woke up at my normal time. I texted Sebastian, saying good morning, and was pleasantly surprised when his face showed up on my phone.
“It’s morning, but good is a stretch.”
He looked a little rough, but still handsome. “Good night with the boys?”
Sebastian nodded then winced, “Very.” He filled me in on his night. There’d been lots of laughs and he gave me back story on any conversations. I liked watching him talk. In his hungover state, he was less animated than usual, but his expressions and eyes still conveyed a range of emotions. I laughed at the late-night stories. My favorite was Chris edging between Chace and Sebastian in the bathroom, sharing a urinal with Seb because he couldn’t wait.
My stories weren’t nearly as funny. It’s possible things got out of hand after I’d gone to bed. I’m sure Amy would fill me in. I told him about the conversation with Kai.
“Ouch, you’re tough.”
I rolled to my side, putting the phone against the pillow, “It’s not my responsibility to ease his guilt.”
“If we were going to be around each other my response might have been different, but there’s no reason. Haven’t seen him in twelve years, likely won’t for at least that long. We talked at the party, laughed. We’re just not going to be friends.”
“No, no, I get it.” He was shaking his head. “I think you might still be a little angry.”
I laughed, “Maybe I should have been less direct. I wasn’t expecting to see him. More indifferent than angry.”
“I don’t know if you should have. I just don’t want to be on the receiving end of your directness. The indifferent version.” He smiled with his using my word instead of his “angry”. “You were pretty direct with Drew in the bar too. I like you having a little bite.” He looked like he was thinking and I stayed quiet. “You are incredibly kind until you’re not. I mean, I think you give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but once they cross over the line where you don’t trust them you have no problem putting them in their place. That’s a good thing. Sometimes people don’t deserve the benefit of the doubt.”
“Ed tells me I let people get away with too much.”
“Do you think so?”
“Sometimes. I can give too many chances. It all depends on how much I care about someone and the size of the bad behavior. I think I’m usually direct and kind at the same time, but when I’ve had enough, I’ve had enough.”
“I tend to sugar coat too much. Then get pissy when nothing changes and sometimes it’s because I wasn’t clear.”
Now I had a question. “Are you sugar-coating and think I was mean to Kai?”
“I was imagining being on the receiving end. I wouldn’t have liked it, but, no, I don’t think you were mean.”
“You’d have to fuck up a lot.” Sebastian’s opinion was important. “I’m direct with the good stuff too.”
“I know you are.” His blue eyes lit up with his smile. “I always know where I stand, how you feel.”
Not always. Not right now. “You read me bedtime stories when I’m sad.”
“And you ask me what I need when I’m anxious.”
“Quite the pair.”
“Yes, we are.”
We just looked at each other for a long time. “Your flight is at three.”
“Twelve, moved up to squeeze in a dinner tonight.”
I looked at the time on my phone, “You need to get to the airport.”
“Yeah.” He turned the camera where I could see his bags. “All packed. I’ll call you when I get back to the hotel for our date.”
Our phone sex date. I smiled and kissed my screen, “I’ll talk to you later.”
I laid in bed for a few more minutes, just enjoying being happy, before I got up and got dressed to go for a run.  Mom and dad were already downstairs having coffee. I walked around the table, kissing both of their cheeks, “I’m going for a run before everyone gets here.”
Mom nodded over her cup, “How late was everyone here last night?”
I shrugged, “I went to bed about ten. Long day in the sun and then old friends showing up. I was done. Kai showed up. That was less than fun.”
“You left your sister to manage all your friends?”
Notice how they failed to ask how I was after an unexpected visit from my ex-boyfriend. I know I did. I thought about the conversation with Sebastian and what he’d said about some people not deserving the benefit of the doubt. The other night was the first time I’d been so confrontational with my parents in a very long time. Like since I was sixteen right before I moved to Seattle. I took a deep breath and tried to pull in some of the calmness I’d had upstairs in bed. “Guys, we’re almost thirty, not thirteen. Hopefully, we’ve grown out of getting so drunk we knock over patio furniture and throw up in the pool. If not, they are Amy’s problem. They are her friends, not mine. She invited them over. I haven’t seen most of these people for over ten years. And are you telling me in addition to not talking too much about my boyfriend or anything else that makes me happy, I am also expected to babysit my sister?”
“Emma, you’re overreacting.”
Again, with the fucking overreacting. I’m not an overreactor. If anything, I’m an underreactor. I’m positive I’m not overeating here. I guess it’s nice to know it’s not they don’t like Sebastian and don’t want to talk about him. They don’t want to talk about Kai either and I know they liked him. I muttered, “Unbelievable”, as I headed for the front door.
I ran far longer than I'd planned.
It took a long time to calm my mind and get into the zone. What often happens once I let go of my thoughts and get into a rhythm is that the thoughts organize themselves. When I stopped or during cool down I could see things more clearly. What I saw when I slowed my pace to a walk wasn't pretty. It had been my choice to leave rehab when it was no longer good for me. It had been my choice to call Ed to get me away from here when it was no longer good for me. I don't remember my parents favoriting Amy before that summer. Twenty-three days that strengthened me and weakened Amy. Broke my family and gave me a new one.
Choices, even ones that are good for you, have consequences. A tangled web of choices and consequences have led to now. This isn't my home. My parents' focus, as it had been since I went to Seattle or before, was Amy. I didn't agree with how they sheltered her, but I hadn't been here. In their view I was strong, I was fine, and they didn't have to worry about me. I had another family to worry about me. When I thought about it like this, it made sense. I'd left because being here was a threat to me. Now me being here was a threat to Amy. The situation was fucked. We'd all done the best we could. We still were. If what I'd told Sebastian was true, I wouldn't change anything if it meant I didn't know Ed, Jill, Olivia, and Harper. I had to accept the negatives too. I don't know what that means for the future, but as Ed tells me I put up with things too long sometimes.
I arrived back at the house as everyone was finishing breakfast. I'd separated myself from family time by taking a run. Or maybe I'd taken a run because I was separate from my family. I poured a cup of coffee and joined them at the table, helping myself to the container of Greek yogurt and covering it with berries. Blueberries for Sebastian and raspberries for me. That made me smile.
After I showered Amy and I went to pick up my grandparents. Amy told me what happened after I'd gone to bed, including her and Max having sex on the big round double lounger. I told her... nothing. I didn’t tell her about my fights with our parents, I didn’t tell her about the conversation with Kai. I most certainly didn't tell her about my phone sex date later with Sebastian, the early morning just woke up FaceTime, or how he'd read me Winnie the Pooh until I fell asleep. I hated it. I hated how yesterday we were back to talking like sisters and today it was not. Again, my choice, but I knew she’d tell our parents, which under any other circumstance would be fine, but I could not take any more. I could, but I didn’t want to.
The back yard easily held the gathering of aunts, uncles, and cousins. Kids played in the pool while adults talked with glasses of sangria and bottles of beer. The last stragglers were finishing their drinks when Katie crawled into my lap. She wanted me to take her to bed and read her a story. When the book was done, she curled up next to me, looked up, and said, "I love you, Emma."
I kissed her nose, "I love you, too.”
I joined my parents and sister in the family room. Amy explained they hadn't known how long I'd be with Katie and had started a movie without me. I lied and said it was fine, I'd seen it. There couldn't have been much left when “Dancing Queen” started playing from my phone. I stood up, "That’s Sebastian. He's in Canada. I'm going to take it upstairs. See you in the morning."
Mom yelled after me, "We need to leave at nine-thirty."
"OK." I connected the call, "Hey, baby, how was your flight and dinner?"
"Which one?"
"Both." His laughter was a balm that smoothed away the roughness of the day. "How was the barbeque and why can't I see you?"
I shut the door behind me and switched the call to video. "I was waiting until I could get you alone."
Sebastian put his arms across his chest, "What kind of a boy do you think I am?"
"A very handsome one." The top three buttons of his white dress shirt were unbuttoned and his tie hung loosely around his neck. "Damn, you look good."
"So do you."
I was in a plain peach t-shirt. He didn't care. To him, I looked good. I went back to his question, "It was fun. Caught up with lots of family. Watched kids in the pool. Mostly sat with my grandparents. Granny was happy to hold my hand and tell me I’m beautiful."
Sebastian's mouth dropped open in a gasp, "I like doing that too." He turned his head to the side looking over my face, "You don't look sad, but you don't look happy either. What's going on with you?"
I looked up for an answer, "I am accepting the reality of the situation. This isn't really home or really my family anymore. Their priority is Amy."
His face fell, "I’m sorry, baby. What can I do? What do you need?"
I smiled a real smile, "Nothing I don't already have." I could see he was struggling to believe me. "Since we were sixteen, they took care of Amy and Ed took care of me. I didn't realize exactly what that meant. Amy is doing better than she ever has. I always thought that when Amy was better." I stopped myself to figure out how I wanted to say this. "It took me coming home while things are good to realize it doesn't matter. Even if she is fine it's all a house of cards. I expected at some time things would be normal, but it won't be. I am changing my expectations."
"How do stop expecting your parents to support you?"
Good question. "You know why Jimmy and I broke up."
"He cheated."
"My parents do not. Amy didn't until Friday."
"Why not?" Sebastian's sadness for me was tinged with anger.
The list of things my parents didn’t know was long. "Just telling them we'd split. I felt like I might drown. The way they wanted to baby and take care of me felt like an anchor around my neck, like I was incapable of surviving a breakup. When I came here for Christmas, they had all these ideas for my life, but they never asked what I wanted. I knew if I told them he'd cheated it would be ten times worse. Does this make any sense?" It wasn't completely clear to me so how could it be to him.
Sebastian rubbed his fingers over his beard, pulling at the grey patch. "I hurt my knee once. They told me to take it easy for twenty-four hours, ice it, stay off it. Then I had exercises and had to move. Walking hurt like hell but it was the best thing if I wanted to heal. Your parents wanted you on bed rest when what you needed was PT. Support to get on your feet. Support should help, not cripple you."
"Exactly!" I smiled and ran my fingers over the video version of his face. "So not having their support isn’t new. I am working on accepting that's not going to change." I watched Sebastian bite his lip and let it slip free. "What's that about?"
"I feel lucky to know you. I'm so fucking proud of you. You don't get stuck in self-pity; you dig yourself out. It's the difference between seeing yourself as a victim or just someone who had something bad happen. They keep Amy stuck and Ed taught you resilience."
My heart stopped and I forgot how to breathe. Not in the good way. In the almost a panic attack way.
"I can do that with work, most things. Relationships." He scrunched up his face and rocked his head from side to side. "I'm learning."
"I'm not always good at it either." Sometimes I needed my ass kicked.
"That’s ok. I'll be here to help. You're still learning too."
I felt a slow smile form across my face and Sebastian raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you supposed to be teaching me something tonight?"
I fought back the laugh at the way he squeezed his eyes shut and scrunched up his face. It took a good ten seconds for him to come back to me. I let go of the lip I was biting, "You ok there?"
"You cause me physical pain." He chuckled and smiled looking at me.
I don't think he minds all that much. "Where's it hurt, baby?" I dropped the tone and volume of my voice.
He made the face again and pointed his finger at me. "Turn off the camera."
My eyes went wide, "Why?"
"The first time I watch you get yourself off is going to be live."
"You have a lot of phone sex rules, Bastian." Still, I switched the phone to voice only. My screen went dark. I pouted. Not that he could see.
"Stop pouting and tell me what you're wearing."
I resisted the urge to tell him if he let me turn the damned camera back on, I'd show him. I didn't need to be taught how to do this. I was confident I could wing it just fine. What I didn’t know was if this was to be purely descriptive, giving each other instructions, or a role-play. It didn't matter. Any would be fun.
"I have on a peach t-shirt. It's not tight, but it fits against my body. Soft. My shorts are white. If you listen close, I bet you can hear me unzip them," I moved my phone lower to make sure he could. I left the phone by my hip, "I'm going to go ahead and take them off. My legs are smooth against my fingers."
"Take off your shirt too. Tell me about your bra and panties." His voice had taken on the timbre it gets when he's turned on.
"Nothing special. No one to see them. Simple white cotton. They do look nice against my tan."
"Next time we're together I’m licking those tan lines."
"Mmm, I'm looking forward to that. Tell me about you."
"Dressed from dinner. Black pants, long sleeve white shirt, black tie. You saw. Tie undone. A couple of buttons open and sleeves rolled up."
"Unbutton them all, but leave your shirt on. I like you undone. What’s going on with your pants?"
"They're tight. I’m not completely hard."
"Take them off. Rub yourself over your boxers. I love feeling you grow in my hand or my mouth. Your skin is so soft."
"Spread your legs. Touch yourself. Over your panties. I want them wet.” I heard a change in his breathing. Subtle. “I’m hard. Had to adjust my boxers. My cock's up toward my stomach where I can rub the underside. Feels good." He let out a little moan and I could easily imagine the little smile on his face.
"Take your cock out. I've got my hand over my pussy. Massaging myself. Warm. Panties are a little damp. I can tell I'm wet though. I can feel it."
"What's it like, Emma?"
"All the blood’s rushed between my legs. There's an ache, a throbbing, almost like I can feel my heart beating. An itch I need to scratch."
"My hand's around my cock. Slow strokes along the whole length. I flip my thumb over the tip every so often." His breath caught. "Hits the spot, you know the one, sends a jolt, like a shock through me. Feels even better when it's your tongue."
"Fuck. Your talking has me squirming. My hand is in my panties. My middle finger sliding from my clit to inside me. So slippery. How tight is your grip?"
"Tight. Not stroking my length anymore. Turned my hand around where my thumbs against the vein. Holding tight above the middle to the edge of the head. Feels good. Thinking about you touching your clit."
"Moving up and down, kind of slow. Tightening my muscles like you're inside me."
Words stopped, but it wasn't quiet.
Our breathing had synced up and there were these little catches, sighs, and soft moans.
"Faster and firmer now."
"Me too. I'm close."
I might not be able to see him, but I knew exactly what he looked like. His face, his body, were starting to tense.
"Feels good. Not as good as you touching me. Not even close."
"If I was there, I'd put my hand over yours. Feel how you like to be touched. So, I can match it. I'd kiss along your neck, taste you. My other hand, my fingers, barely touching your side, over your hip, across your thigh." The last word was interrupted.
" Em... fuck... yes..." Then a few seconds of silence followed by a long sigh.
"Where are you, baby?"
"Unhooked my bra. Nipples so tight."
"Perfect for me to suck on. I'd use my teeth. Run my hand up your inner thigh. Touching close. I can look down and see you touching yourself. God, how much I want to shove your hand away and taste you. Make you come."
"Oh fuck... Bastian." Everything tightened up then let go.
His voice was in my ear, "Turn your camera back on."
When I picked the phone up off my chest his face was already there. I hit the button and saw my face appear in the small rectangle. "Now you want to see me." I stretched with a contented sigh.
"I always want to see you after you come. The way your mouth is open and you lick your lips. Beautiful."
I rolled to my side, "What's an orgasm feel like for you?"
"Tonight. Mmm, for a while it just felt good. Like any touch, nothing special, except the where. Only more. Then it's like a switch. Goes from feels good to oh shit this is amazing. Starts where I’m touching and spreads down to my balls and lower stomach, base of my spine. It's like tightening a spring until it can't anymore and just let’s go."
"Is sex different? The orgasm."
"Oh yeah." His smile and eyes told me he drifted away a little. "I'll tell you all about it next time we have sex." Sebastian raised his eyebrows expectantly.
"Similar. Like you said just feels good. More of a building for me though. Sometimes it's a slow steady increase. Other times like stair steps. I have to remind myself to relax or I clench my butt and thighs too much."
"I've noticed this. You start to rise off the bed and I have to hold you down." He was clearly enjoying the memory. "Does it change how it feels?"
I nodded, "Tightening up takes the focus away. Eventually, everything gets warm, tingly, and tightens up. Finally, it's like a wave breaking on the shore with muscle contractions."
"I feel those."
"I like the resistance of having something to hold onto." His eyes had questions. I had to search for a workable metaphor. "If you're sitting in a chair and lift your foot you can feel your thigh tighten, but if you're on a leg machine with weights you feel that muscle more."
Awareness hit him, "Really?" I nodded again. "I knew you liked, but I like knowing the why." He laughed, "I love these talks."
I joined in his laughter, "It is fun."
"Hang on a sec." He laid his phone next to him and I could hear him moving around.
"What are you doing?"
Sebastian picked his phone back up, "There was a mess to clean up."
It is so sexy that he told me this. The whole conversation is sexy. Lying in bed a thousand miles apart having a casual chat about a not at all casual topic is sexy as fuck.
"What did you use?" I was amused.
He looked at me with disbelief. Not sure if it was the question or that he was going to answer. "My underwear. They were nearby." He stood up and lifted the tie as he walked. "Can I get rid of this now?"
"Do I get to see your bare chest?"
"Do I get... ok well, there we go. Thank you."
I'd shifted my camera lower and flashed him naked breasts before he finished asking. I moved back to my face, "You're welcome."
He held his phone out where I could watch him free his arm and be shirtless. I made an appreciative noise and he asked, "Enjoying yourself?"
"I am." I hadn’t intended to lick my lips. "I'd like to lay by a pool with you. Or a beach."
"Easily arranged." He stretched out on the bed. "What haven't we done that you want to do?"
"In general, or sex."
He shrugged, "Sex is the topic. Tonight anyway."
"I want you to give me a full body massage that veers off track to a happy ending."
"That will be just as much fun for me." His face showed his interest. "I want you to tie me to the bed, blindfold me, and do whatever you want to me."
I sat up enough to take my bra off, giving him another peek "We're going to need a weekend locked in one of our bedrooms."
"My weekend is free. I think I have company coming Thursday."
"My departure time keeps creeping up to get to you sooner.”
He sang, "Oh what a lucky boy."
“Pretty soon I’ll get there before you, waiting on the floor outside your apartment.” I got hit with a memory, "We need to talk about your birthday. What do you want?"
"Well, that depends on how you feel about birthday sex? I like birthday sex. Not a deal-breaker, not my preference, but fun for a change."
He stretched out on the bed and stuck his phone to his leg. I could see chest up. I propped my head upon my hand and adjusted my phone. "I'm speaking from limited experience here." Sebastian tried very hard not to smile. He failed, but he tried. "You're such a man."
He stopped trying, "You're such a woman." His laughter was a wonderful sound.
"Less than good experience the first time because neither of us realized the amount of prep work required." He winced. I shrugged. "Next time I’d researched. I liked it, he didn't. He was too in his head, worried about being dirty. Then there's you. I knew what I was doing more in theory than practice."
"You should feel free to practice on me anytime you want." He cocked his head to the side. "You can come in and brush your teeth while I pee, but that's as far as I want to go there."
"Women have complete conversations while trading places in a bathroom."
"The group bathroom break cracks me up."
"We don't want to stop talking or want to talk about a cute guy in private."
"Mostly the last one." He wasn't wrong. "Oh..." he shook his head and pulled his eyebrows down, "not into period sex. But you've got an IUD. Do you even have a period?"
"Nope, happy side effect." Condoms eliminated the need for the birth control talk. "How do you know I have an IUD? Can you feel the strings?"
"My fingers are up there a lot."
I smirked, "You're dirty."
"About to be dirtier. Turn off your camera."
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