#sons of anarchy
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for-score-world · 3 days
130 notes · View notes
charmingsoa · 2 days
✶ Where the Wild Things Are: Two ✶ ■ 1960s Sons of Anarchy story ■
⌃ Jax Teller/ OC x Thomas Teller/OC ⌃
Warning: Please read with caution. This story will include: drug use, physical, verbal, and sexual abuse. miscarriages, sexual content, alcohol use, homicide, cursing, etc. ★ If You would like to be tagged in future updates, simply leave your username in the comments.
Taglist: @oskea93, @keyweegirlie @ravennaortiz
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As the California sun beat down on me, the wind whipping through my hair as I rode on the back of the motorcycle, I couldn't help but reflect on the narrow-minded beliefs my parents had instilled in me and my brothers. Growing up in a conservative household where conformity and judgment were the norm, I had always been taught to view anyone who rode motorcycles as nothing but trash – individuals destined for the depths of hell.
My parents, staunch believers in their own sect of holy rollers, held strong prejudices against those who lived differently or held alternative beliefs. They saw the world in black and white, with no room for shades of gray or understanding. But as I clung to the back of the driver, feeling the freedom of the open road beneath me, I realized how misguided their teachings had been.
The rider in front of me, a stranger whose name I learned was Tig, exuded a sense of liberation and rebellion that I had never experienced before. The rumble of the engine beneath us seemed to drown out the judgmental voices of my past, and for the first time, I felt truly alive.
When the group first pulled up in front of me, I didn’t know whether to take their offer or run for the distant hills. Growing up, the horror stories of gangs kidnapping young girls and doing the unthinkable were ingrained in my psyche as my mother preached of their dangers. She would spew words of hatred and fear whenever the topic arose, warning me to steer clear of any suspicious-looking individuals or groups that might pose a threat.
As I stood there, frozen in indecision, the leader of the group stepped forward with a smile that seemed almost too friendly for someone in his position. His eyes held a glint of mischief, but there was something else there too – a hint of vulnerability that I couldn’t quite place.
"Hey there, don’t be afraid," he said, his voice surprisingly gentle. "We’re just a group of travelers looking for some company on the road. We mean you no harm."
I hesitated, my mind racing with conflicting thoughts. Should I trust this stranger and accept his offer of companionship, or should I heed the warnings of my mother and make a run for it? The decision weighed heavily on my shoulders, the consequences of each choice playing out vividly in my mind.
In the end, curiosity got the best of me, and I found myself nodding hesitantly, agreeing to join the group on their journey. As I climbed onto the back of his bike and we set off down the road together, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was embarking on an adventure that would change my life forever.
As we finally started to slow down upon entering a small town called Charming, I couldn't help but notice the reactions of the locals as the bikes rumbled past. Pedestrians on the sidewalk stopped in their tracks, their eyes widening with surprise and disapproval as they watched the group pass by. Disapproving looks were etched on their faces, and I could almost feel the judgment radiating towards them.
The quaint shops and cafes that lined the main street seemed to quiet down as we rode through, the sound of the engines cutting through the peaceful ambiance of the town. I could see the whispers and sideways glances exchanged among the townspeople, their curiosity mixed with a hint of fear or disdain.
The men didn’t seem to mind the disapproving looks from the townspeople – smirks on some of their faces as they revved their engines a little more as they passed by. The sound of the engines roared through the quiet streets, echoing off the old brick buildings that lined the road.
As they pulled into a side entrance of a garage, I knew this was officially the end of the line for them. I watched as they parked side-by-side, each backing their bikes into their assigned spaces. The engines sputtered to a halt, the sound gradually fading into the background as the men dismounted and stretched their legs.
I quickly gathered my things, removing myself from the bike, my legs feeling equivalent to jelly as they gathered the strength to hold up my weight. The adrenaline that had fueled me through the ride was now dissipating, leaving behind a feeling of exhaustion and exhilaration.
I leaned against a nearby lamppost, watching the scene unfold with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. The men exchanged nods and grins as they gathered in a loose circle, their leather jackets creaking slightly as they moved.
One of them, a tall man with a patchwork of tattoos covering his arms, pulled a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and offered them around. The faint smell of smoke mingled with the lingering scent of gasoline, creating a heady mix that hung in the air.
As they lit up and took long drags, their faces relaxed into expressions of contentment. The tension that had hung over them during the ride seemed to melt away, replaced by a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose.
The door to the business slowly opened, an older woman stepped onto the concrete below. Her presence commanded attention, exuding a sense of authority and confidence that made it clear she was not to be underestimated. The leather pants she wore hugged her figure, accentuating her strong and graceful movements as she made her way towards the men.
Her blonde highlights caught the sunlight, creating a halo of shimmering gold around her head. Despite the warmth of the day, there was a coolness in her gaze that hinted at a steely resolve beneath the polished exterior. I observed from a respectful distance as Gemma interacted with the men, her gestures filled with warmth and affection that spoke of deep bonds and shared history. She moved among them with ease, exchanging hugs and kisses that spoke of a familial closeness that went beyond mere camaraderie.
A tall man approached her from behind, his presence exuding a sense of quiet strength and authority. He wrapped his strong arms around her small waist, drawing her close in a gesture that was both protective and intimate. The woman’s laughter rang out, a clear and joyful sound that seemed to light up the space around them.
Their lips met in a brief but tender kiss, a display of affection that was unapologetically open and genuine. There was a sense of ease and comfort between them, a connection that ran deep and unspoken, forged through years of shared experiences and challenges.
My eyes moved away from the couple as the door reopened, this time revealing a blonde man. He looked to be in his early 20s – shoulder length hair resting against his work shirt. I don’t know how I looked to those around, but it was almost like how a cartoon character’s draw drops to the floor – he was gorgeous. I watched as he stepped off the stoop, sauntering over to the circle of men, clapping them on the back as he welcomed their return.
I was so caught up in the enigmatic presence of the blonde man that I failed to notice another individual had quietly slipped into the corner with us – the older woman with a knowing smile playing on her lips. Her voice, smooth and seasoned, cut through the hazy atmosphere around us.
"You lost, kitten?" she inquired, her tone a curious blend of amusement and concern. Her eyes, framed by fine lines that whispered of wisdom and experience, held a glint of something indefinable, as though she saw more than just the surface of things.
Startled by her sudden appearance and the unexpected nickname, I turned to face her, momentarily at a loss for words. The air between us crackled with a kind of unspoken understanding, as if she could see right through the facade I presented to the world.
“Sorry-“ I stammered. “I – uh-“
A smile spread across her face as she placed her hand on my arm, her touch warm and comforting. "You must be the little one the guys picked up on their way home. Tig told me all about you when he called a little while ago."
Memories of when we stopped at the gas station hours before came flooding back – the smell of gasoline, the flickering lights, and the sound of chatter from the other customers. I remembered my eyes connecting with Tig’s as he spoke animatedly in the glass box, his voice carrying a sense of urgency and excitement.
"What’s your name, sweetheart?" the woman asked, her eyes kind and curious.
Tucking a loose red strand of hair behind my ear, I replied, "Catherine. Catherine Landry." My voice was low, almost a whisper, as if unsure of my own presence in this moment.
The woman's smile widened, a glint of recognition flashing in her eyes. "Catherine Landry," she repeated softly, as if savoring the sound of the name. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Catherine. I'm Gemma."
As I started to speak, the sound of gravel crunching beneath heavy steps caught my attention, drawing my gaze away from Gemma. I turned, my eyes following the path of the approaching figure with blonde hair that glinted in the bright sunshine.
He walked with purpose, his strides confident and measured, his presence commanding attention. The gravel shifted under his weight, creating a rhythmic pattern that seemed to echo the beating of my heart.
As he drew closer, I noticed the intensity in his gaze, the way his eyes seemed to search and assess, taking in every detail of the scene before him. There was a certain magnetism about him, a silent strength that seemed to radiate from his very being.
Gemma's expression shifted slightly, a flicker of recognition crossing her features as she greeted him with a nod. "Hey baby," she said, her voice warm and welcoming.
As the two embraced one another, I stood there, a silent observer to the intimate moment unfolding before me. The man's eyes remained fixed on me, a hint of curiosity and something else I couldn't quite decipher lingering in their depths.
Gemma's arms wrapped tightly around his waist, her embrace filled with a sense of familiarity and comfort. There was a closeness between them, a bond that seemed to transcend words and time.
I watched as they held each other, their connection palpable in the air around them. It was as if they shared a history, a story that only they knew, leaving me on the outside looking in, a stranger to their world.
As they finally pulled away, a silent understanding passing between them, the man turned his gaze back to me. There was a question in his eyes, a silent inquiry that hung in the air, waiting to be answered.
As Gemma turned her attention back to me, her warm smile lighting up her face, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions swirling within me. "Catherine," she began, her voice filled with a sense of familiarity and fondness, "This is my son, Jackson."
Jackson. The name echoed in my mind, stirring something deep within me. I looked up to meet his gaze, finding a pair of eyes that held a hint of curiosity and a touch of amusement.
Gemma's introduction caught me off guard, her words painting a picture of me as a lost soul in need of rescue. "She's the little thing that Tig and the guys picked up along the way," she explained, her tone lighthearted but tinged with a hint of motherly concern.
I couldn't help but inwardly roll my eyes at her explanation, feeling a twinge of annoyance at being likened to a stray puppy. It was true that I had found myself in an unexpected situation, but I was no damsel in distress in need of saving.
As I exchanged greetings with Jackson, a sense of curiosity sparked within me. There was something about him, a quiet strength and a depth in his eyes that hinted at hidden layers beneath the surface.
Jackson smirked and his eyes roamed up my body, a wave of self-consciousness washed over me, causing a slight flush to rise to my cheeks. His gaze held a hint of mischief and confidence, leaving me momentarily flustered in his presence.
"It's nice to meet you too," I replied, trying to maintain a composed demeanor despite the flutter of nerves within me. There was something magnetic about Jackson, an undeniable charm that drew me in even as I felt the weight of his scrutiny.
Gemma's proud voice interrupted the moment, drawing my attention back to her as she spoke of her son. "Jax is the leader of the group," she said with a hint of pride. "Along with my other son, Thomas." The revelation that there were two brothers leading the group took me by surprise. “Club comes from a strong line of Teller men," Gemma continued, her tone filled with reverence and hope for the future. "Hoping to continue that tradition in the future." She affectionately patted Jackson's chest, her gesture a symbol of both maternal pride and a legacy to uphold.
Jackson rolled his eyes at his mother's suggestion, a hint of amusement danced in his gaze.
"Trust me," he stated, his deep voice carrying a sense of authority that cut through the air, "She's really the one in charge."
The bond between Jackson and Gemma was palpable from the very beginning. It was clear to anyone who observed them that they shared a special connection, a closeness that went beyond words. Jackson was the one closest to his mother, their relationship built on a foundation of trust, understanding, and unwavering loyalty.
In contrast, Thomas seemed to be as far removed from Gemma as possible. There was a distance between them, an unspoken divide that hinted at unresolved issues and unspoken tensions. While Jackson and Gemma thrived in each other's company, Thomas seemed to seek solace elsewhere, distancing himself from the intricate web of relationships that defined their family dynamic.
Jax and Gemma's bond ran deep, a complex tapestry of emotions that intertwined their fates in ways that were both captivating and destructive. They fed off each other's energy, their connection fueled by a sense of mutual need and dependency that bordered on obsession.
Thick as thieves one moment, brutal enemies the next, their relationship was a rollercoaster of emotions that played out like a high-stakes drama. Time slipped away, leaving behind a trail of unresolved conflicts and simmering tensions that threatened to erupt at any moment.
The heat that Gemma placed between her two sons was a double-edged sword, igniting a fire that fueled their passions and their conflicts in equal measure. Theirs was a relationship fraught with complexity, where love and loyalty mingled with jealousy and resentment, creating a volatile mix that kept them locked in a perpetual dance of push and pull.
Thomas felt the weight of his mother Gemma's favoritism like a heavy chain, binding him to a perpetual cycle of disappointment and resentment. From a young age, he watched as Gemma showered his older brother Jackson with praise and attention, leaving him in the shadows of Jax's achievements. Despite his best efforts to earn her approval, Gemma's preference for Jackson was unwavering, creating a toxic atmosphere of rivalry and animosity between the Teller brothers.
"So, from what I heard, you’re hitching to San Francisco?” Gemma spoke as she looked at me with curiosity. “What’s so important down there that you had to leave home for?” She pushed past her son, taking hold of my arm as she started walking up towards the building.
“From the looks of you-“She did a once over. “Looks to me like you’re running away from something – midwestern lifestyle, perhaps?” Gemma's keen observation caught me off guard, her words cutting through my carefully crafted facade. I shifted uncomfortably under her gaze, feeling exposed and vulnerable in a way I hadn't anticipated.
I cleared my throat nervously, feeling the weight of my confession hanging in the air. "My parents are very conservative – conservative and very religious," Her eyes closing in understanding, Gemma listened intently as I opened about my inner conflict. "They're lovely people – " I began to backpedal, feeling a need to qualify my earlier statement. "But the life I want to live doesn't match with how they want me to live. I want to be able to be free and do what I please, but they're all about the image and how the Lord wants us to live our lives."
"You ran away?" Gemma's voice was filled with concern and empathy, her eyes searching mine for answers.
I nodded slowly, the memories of that night flooding. "Left in the middle of the night after my father beat me with a switch," I confessed, my voice barely above a whisper. My eyes cast down to the ground, unable to meet Gemma's gaze as the shame and hurt of that moment washed over me once again. "He called me awful names, and my mother just sat there and watched."
Gemma's back straightened, a steely resolve entering her expression as she processed my words. "Doesn't sound to me like they're lovely people," she stated firmly, her voice tinged with indignation.
I shrugged my shoulders, “That’s just how they are – been like that my whole life.” I knew I shouldn’t be making excuses for them, but they were my parents. “I’m the only daughter – I was supposed to be the epitome of a perfect daughter.”
“What could be so bad that your daddy beats you?”
I watched as she pulled out a cigarette, gesturing for me to take one as well. She quickly lit the end of the stick, the smoke invading my lungs with ease. “I started messing around with boys at an early age – sex, drugs, dancing. Sex was my go-to though. They didn’t want their only daughter being known as the town whore, which I guess I became. I was supposed to save myself until I was married – only letting my wedded husband lay between my legs.”
Gemma chuckled, a wry smile playing on her lips. "Sounds a lot like my folks," she remarked, her voice tinged with a mix of resignation and humor.
"I just needed to get away, and after seeing all those people on the nightly news coming out here and living life their own way and being free and peaceful –" I paused, the weight of my words hanging heavy in the air. "I just need that in my life right now. A life where I can be free and do whatever I want to do. And if that means I have to do negative things to get to that place, then so be it."
As I spoke, I felt a mix of determination and uncertainty churning within me. The longing for freedom and self-expression had grown into a burning desire, fueled by the stories of those who had dared to defy conventions and carve out their own paths. The allure of a life unbound by limitations and expectations beckoned to me like a distant star, promising a sense of liberation and authenticity that had eluded me for so long.
“You know –“Gemma started. “The Frisco area isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.” Her tone matter of fact. “I know it looks all peace and love on the tv screen but it’s really just a bunch of homeless hippies that are looking for attention and free handouts.”
I let out an annoyed sigh.
"Listen, little girl," her voice took on a more serious tone, the lines on her face softening with a mix of concern and affection. "You've accomplished the biggest goal you set for yourself – you made it all the way to California." She paused, letting the significance of the moment sink in before continuing.
A wide smile slowly spread across her face, reflecting pride and admiration. "By what you just told me, that was the ultimate goal. Now, I know going a little further south for the whole peace and love movement was the next quest, but I think for your sake it would be better for you to stay here."
“I don’t know anyone here, though.” I was grasping for excuses.
Her face twisted in a mix of concern and determination. "You weren't gonna know anyone down there either." She tossed her cigarette down, the ember extinguishing under the pressure of her heeled shoe. "You've managed to meet a whole crew of men that will now look after you if you choose to stay. You've met me and Jax – you'll get to meet Thomas when he decides to come home. You're no longer around strangers, baby doll. We can be your family – a family that'll treat you right."
Her voice softened, the edges of her tough exterior melting away to reveal a deep sense of care and protection. "We've seen the world through different lenses, faced our own battles, and carved out our own paths in this chaotic dance of life. But amidst all the chaos, we found each other – kindred spirits bound by shared experiences and unspoken connections."
The older woman's eyes held a glimmer of hope, a silent plea for understanding and acceptance. "You have a home here, among friends who will stand by you through thick and thin, who will lift you up when you stumble and celebrate your victories as their own. Take a chance on us, darling. Let us be the family you never knew you needed, but always longed for deep in your heart."
I would end up staying in that small fucking town for the next 25 years – my whole world coming to revolve around the Teller family and the Sons of Anarchy.
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bullet-prooflove · 5 hours
Show Me: David Hale x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @hatersaremymotivators @bennykk @kelpies-shed
Companion piece to Graffiti, Crime Wave, Distraction Art School, Girl With The Crooked Smile & Feminism
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It’s raining when David picks you up from the art studio. Your hair falls across your face in wet waves as you climb inside his jeep in a thin camel coloured overcoat, a long black skirt and Doc Martens.
Even soaking wet, with mascara running down your cheeks you’re the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen. He tells you that just to see you blush. He loves seeing the pink creep across your cheeks, the way your face lights up.
He realised early on that you enjoy being complimented. The men before him never knew how to cherish you, he thinks it’s a God damn shame.
It turns into praise in the bedroom, sweet nothings whispered against your skin as he tells you how good you make him feel, how pretty you look, how he loves the sound you make when you come and he makes you come a lot. Your pleasure is paramount to him, if you’re not having fun then neither is he. He gets off on getting you off.
“You have fuck me eyes right now.” You tell him as he angles the heater towards you and it’s his turn to blush because he’s always so damn transparent when it comes to his feelings for you.
“I was thinking about what I’m going to do once I get you out of those wet clothes.” He tells you, glancing into his mirrors before he pulls away from the curb.
“Why wait?” You ask him as you begin unbuttoning your white shirt. There’s a peek of black lace and he’s hard already, his cock straining against the confines of his uniform. “Find a place to pull over and show me.”
Love David? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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tumbleweed-writes · 2 days
Wrong Number: Chibs Telford X Reader One shot
When reader texts some enticing photos to the wrong number and not to her ol man, she's met with some surprising but hoped for results.
18+ Not full smut but implied.
She let out a frustrated groan as she followed him into the clubhouse, his legs far longer than her own making him move too far ahead of her. The words left Y/N’s lips a low growl erupting from her throat as they entered the clubhouse making their way behind the bar. “I swear to God, Tigger. I’m going to kill you.”
The outlaw biker in front of her only chuckled in response to the threat he clearly was not taking her as seriously as she would have hoped. “Well that’s a little dramatic.”
She glared up at the flip phone in his hand as he held it far above his head out of her reach, her cheeks growing all the more crimson from both anger and sheer humiliation. “Delete them. Delete them right now , Tig.”
Tig had the audacity to actually giggle at the request, shaking his head. “You’re one hundred percent sure these weren’t meant for me? I mean I don’t think you’ve been accepting of any advances I might have shot your way, but if this is your way of giving me a green light then I fully accept.”
A frustrated groan left Y/N’s lips, her cheeks growing even more flushed as she thought of the two sensual photos she’d accidentally texted to Tig’s cell number instead of the cell number she’d been intending.
She fully blamed herself for the slipup. She’d taken the photos after having a little bit of whiskey, the booze loosening her up enough to decide it was a brilliant idea to take some provocative photos for her man. It wasn’t their first venture into this game.  
It sure as hell wasn’t her first venture into taking erotic photographs. Her past job had consisted of having risque photographs taken of her and posted on both vanilla and not so vanilla websites. Cara Cara had just been one site she’d done some solo work for.
It wasn’t something she’d ever dreamed of doing. It had started as an easy way to make a quick buck in college after she’d become familiar with a girl who’d done some similar work and had gotten her into the scene.
Y/N had been a broke college girl hoping to make some fast cash so she could eat something other than ramen for dinner. It had gone further than just a one time thing though. 
Y/N had always considered herself to be pretty open minded, so it had not been too difficult to lean into doing more fetish material the longer she’d worked. She’d been able to find plenty of work doing some S&M material. 
The jobs had started coming in and soon her coursework and college attendance had started to taper off. She’d dropped out and decided to take the option with more money. She figured college would always be there, the ability to make money while she was still desirable enough would only be a fleeting chance though.
She’d leaned more into her job within the industry and a promise of fast cash even if it meant doing something that at times had made her life more complicated than it needed to be. 
Her past employment was part of how she’d met her man to begin with. She’d become a friend of Lyla Winston’s through her work. Though Y/N’s job in the industry had only consisted to fetish material based on photographs and the occasional solo work, and Lyla’s work in the industry went far beyond that, the two women had still become friends.
When Y/N had decided that she wanted to move away from the industry and find something a little more straight-laced, Lyla had suggested a bookkeeping job at TM Auto. 
Y/N could admit a big push out of the industry had been the suggestion that she might want to consider starting to do some video work with partners. It felt less like a suggestion though and more as though she was being pressured into it.
She had been fine with the photographs and the solo work had been tolerable. She wasn’t interested in going any deeper into it though. She’d been searching for an out, and Lyla’s offer to get her an interview at TM Auto had been a perfect escape route. 
She’d always been good with numbers, so she’d decided to take the offer to interview for the bookkeeping gig at TM. 
It had not been easy to get the job of course. Gemma Teller Morrow had her suspicions about the young woman who’d come to interview even if Lyla did give her glowing praise.
Y/N knew Gemma was well within her right to be suspicious. She knew her past employment had given her a reputation and she was well aware of what assumptions people made about her. She’d been around a few of the girls in her industry who seemed to view SAMCRO as a chance to hook up with an outlaw and get a quick thrill. Ima was a perfect example of the type of girl who put a bad taste in Gemma’s mouth when it came to anyone who Lyla associated with. Lyla herself had a difficult enough time shaking her reputation and being respected in SAMCRO’s world. 
Y/N had found that she had to make it pretty clear that she was only interested in the bookkeeping gig. She had made it quite known that she had zero interest in trying to land herself a guy in a kutte. She made it obvious that she was not looking to seek a sexual thrill out of hooking up with a criminal. She had been unashamed to declare to Gemma that this job opportunity wasn’t her attempting to become a croweater or even an attempt to walk on the wildside. 
Gemma had taken a chance on her desperate enough for the help at the garage. Lord knows she needed all the help she could get at the garage.
The majority of the Sons had been serving a 14 month sentence in San Joaquin correctional facility, The Sons on the outside were struggling to keep the business going, and Tara Knowles had been expecting a new member of the family while trying to balance a growing Abel Teller. 
Gemma knew her attention needed to be spread between the garage, her place as the Queen of SAMCRO, and her son’s growing family. 
So, Y/N had worked as an extra set of hands at the garage. She’d proven to be a great help at the office at TM Auto working both with the books and doing work within the office once Gemma had needed more help.
Her employment at the garage had not gone unnoticed by the few Sons on the outside nor had it escaped the eyes of a few non patched club hang-arounds who worked in the garage. 
It had not taken Y/N long to realize that the men around the garage were most likely familiar with her past work. There had been a few snickers and crude comments whispered among the men. They’d not even made an attempt to hide them from her. 
She’d not minded the ogling stares nor the lewd whispered comments. Or at least she’d tried to pretend she’d not minded them.
She’d learned in her past career that she had to have thick skin. Opie Winston had been kind enough. He’d been dating Lyla when Y/N had begun working for TM and he’d seemed approving of her even if he didn’t always seem to approve of his girlfriend’s line of work.
One other man had seemed to shy away from the obscene remarks and leers. In fact, Chibs Telford had proven to be a complete gentleman to her.
She’d been suspicious at first. She was almost certain the sweet gentleman act was most likely an attempt to charm his way into her pants. Lord knows she’d had a few guys try the nice guy act once they figured out what she did for a living.
She had soon realized though that the nice guy act was far from an act.
Chibs genuinely seemed to be prone to treating her like a lass after his own heart. 
It hadn’t been hard for them to form a friendship of sorts. It had been less hard once Chibs had shut down a less than quiet vulgar remark made about her body and her past bondage work by some foolish nonpatched mechanic around the garage. 
It had definitely created some sexual tension between Chibs and she that had not gone unnoticed by a few people around the garage. 
She’d considered if there was something more there than friendship, but had shied away from pursuing anything. She’d told herself that even if there was some lingering sexual tension that it was likely just that. 
She’d grown accustomed to the knowledge that most men in her life viewed her as more of a sexual object and less than a fully formed person. She could admit that she feared Chibs’ interest in her leaned more on the sexual side of the coin and she couldn’t bear the disappointment in finding out that he maybe didn’t view her past lust. 
She’d been unaware that he’d held his own reservations. Chibs had been certain that a young attractive woman like her most likely wasn’t interested in him. She was far more than the former fetish model the guys around the garage had labeled her as. She was a gorgeous woman but that wasn't the only thing that had him so taken by her. She was clever and funny and sweet as can be. He was enamored and it scared the hell out of him. 
She had come into his life at a strange time. He’d recently come to the decision with Fiona to end their marriage now that Jimmy O’ was no longer a threat and they were free to live their lives. They’d realized those lives were best lived only as coparents to their daughter and not as romantic partners.
It had been a painful choice but they’d both known they’d changed in the years since they’d last been able to behave as a married couple.
He’d been mourning the end of that chapter of his life and had been trying to focus on keeping the club afloat with most of his brothers locked away.
Y/N had provided a tempting escape from the stress and heartache. He’d been unwilling to lean too far into the temptation of that escape though. 
He’d been unwilling until he just couldn’t help himself anymore. 
The cross over into friendship into something more had happened a late night at the garage where they'd been the only ones remaining; he working late in the garage on a stubborn Harley rebuild and her working on some stubborn books.
A shared joint had loosened up reservations between the two and a kiss had happened. The kiss had lead to a passionate make out session on the little couch at TM Auto and the makeout session had led to her being bent over the desk at TM Auto with him taking her from behind.
After that encounter she’d expected things to be awkward or worse had feared that he’d disappear once he got what he wanted. She knew that old saying: when men got what they want they never wanted it again.
Much to her shock Chibs Telford had wanted it again and again and again.
The want had continued as the months had gone by. 
Once his incarcerated brothers had been released Y/N had feared that her time working in the garage had come to an end, but to her shock Gemma had asked her to stay on.
Y/N had even begun taking some online courses in accounting. 
Things with Chibs had continued on, though much to her chagrin they’d not exactly placed a label on it. 
He’d not seemed to be in any rush to make whatever they had going on together public knowledge either.
She’d bit back her annoyance once it had hit her that she didn’t seem to be just another bedroom partner for Chibs. It had become clear that she was his only bedroom partner.
She’d heard the prodding and teasing from his brothers towards Chibs about his neglect of the croweaters and prodding over just who was keeping his dick wet.
Little glances Chibs sent her way had gone unnoticed for the most part. If anything his brothers had assumed that the older Scot had a crush that he wasn't acting on and had not looked into it any deeper.
Chibs had also made it clear that he didn’t want anyone making a move on her either. Kozik and one of the prospects Miles had made the mistake of trying to push up on her, and Chibs had just about cracked a tooth making an excuse to get the men far from the woman he’d been spending his nights with.
Y/N had come to the irritated acceptance that pushing Chibs into putting a label on them and making things between them public knowledge was not something she could force. 
She would be lying though if she tried to pretend that lately it wasn’t becoming more and more obnoxious though.
A big part of her wanted to scream at him to piss or get off the pot.
Perhaps that was why texting him naughty photos more frequently had become a habit lately.
She’d had hopes that maybe reminding him that she was there and was willing would push him to at least think about her as something more than what she was beginning to fear she might be to him.
She had hopes that seeing her in such provocative positions in his dorm room of all places would plant the idea in his head that she could spend every night in his dorm if he wanted it. If he wanted to make it clear that she was his and actually put a label on it then she would be happy to be in his dorm anytime he wanted. 
She knew it was probably a dumb idea. If she wanted him to place a label on it and be open about it with the people in their lives then perhaps dirty photos weren’t the right move? The dirty photos were supposed to be a secret after all. 
Their entire courtship had felt too secretive for her liking. 
She was beginning to lose hope though. She was considering stepping up her game. She was tempted to let Kozik take her on that damned bike ride he’d been offering her for months now. Maybe seeing someone else be so willing to be seen with her in public would light a fire under the Scottish idiot’s ass?
She’d been toying with the idea but she had a feeling it would just bite her in the ass.
She had allowed the whiskey to push her to once again try the naughty photo angle. Maybe if he kept seeing her in such a state in his dorm room he’d take the damn hint? 
The red dress had been a praised favorite of her intended texting partner. The red lace of her bra had been a new purchase that had been made with him in mind. The push up bra made her assets look so tempting. She’d realized he liked her in red. 
She was almost stunned that Tig Trager had not recognized the dorm room that had been featured in the background of the two photos that had been sent his way.
The small glimpse of the dorm room would have most likely given a hint of just who those two photos had been meant for had Tig bothered to pay attention to the background.
She glared up at Tig as he held the cell phone up even higher, a chuckle leaving him as she attempted to reach up her arms stretching as high as she could. The height difference made the feat an impossible one though. The cell phone remained far from her reach. 
She was tempted to kick him in the balls and get the damn phone that way, but she wasn’t willing to fight dirty…not yet at least.
She spoke another frustrated growl leaving her throat. “Tig, this is not funny, delete them right now.”
Tig replied a sigh leaving him. “I’ll delete them if you tell me who they’re intended for. Please tell me it isn't fucking Kozik. I’ve seen the looks he sends you Y/N. You deserve way more than that blonde moron, trust me? Oh, Christ. It’s not one of the damn prospects is it? I know both Miles and V-Lin stare at you like you’re a steak dinner and they’ve been trapped in death valley. Please tell me you aren’t giving it up to one of them? I think we both know you’re way more woman than they can handle.”
Y/N felt her cheeks grow pink remembering the poorly thought out scheme to perhaps use Kozik’s interests in her to get a rise out of Chibs.
She had to agree with Tig’s assessment somewhat…Kozik was somewhat sweet…but not the brightest.
She could admit she’d decided against using Kozik as a means to force Chibs hand partially because the poor guy was so sweet…and ditzy. It felt wrong using him to get the man she loved to make a commitment.
As far as the prospects went, Y/N had zero interest in either man. She had a distinct feeling that both men were more boys than men. She had a feeling that the prospects would have zero clue how to please her in the bedroom and didn't have quite the maturity for anything outside the bedroom.
There was only one man who she knew as capable of pleasing her and much to her frustration he seemed hesitant to make things between them public or give any indication to her that this was something more than them having fun.
He always said the same thing the few times she'd brought it up. I'm having a lot of fun with you. I enjoy being with you. I want to keep it to ourselves just a little bit longer.
She could admit she'd hesitated to push him to actually address the issue. She feared that Chibs may never be willing to give her the relationship she desired. She was not looking to rush into the heartbreak she was sure would come if it was said clear and plain that he did not view her as an actual romantic partner and did not want everyone to know she was his.
She spoke a groan leaving her as she continued to struggle to reach the phone she had taken to jumping in place to attempt to snatch it from his grasp. “Alexander Trager, I swear to God, delete those photos or I will murder you and no one will ever find the freaking body.”
“Lass, what’s with all the death threats? What have ya done to piss her off Tig?” A familiar voice sounded out beside her.
Y/N cringed glancing at the Scotsman as he approached the bar, an amused smirk on his lips. 
She sighed at the sight of the man who those damn photos had been intended for. He’d had a long morning, meeting with the Irish and then being drug away on a tow job the instant he’d returned to the garage.
She’d hoped that the photos would be a pleasant gift to him as well as another hint to put a label on this and make it public.
She sighed wanting nothing more than to sink into the floor and disappear as Tig grinned giddy to bring Chibs in on the act of tormenting TM Autos' favorite office worker. 
Tig grinned between Chibs and Y/N as she spoke. “Little Miss Y/N accidentally sent me some very alluring photos. She won’t tell me who they’re intended for and she refuses to admit that it’s clearly me. I’m right, right Y/N? It’s me, you don’t have to be shy. You could have just said the word and I would have given you the Tig-action you’re craving. You didn’t have to go through the routine of sending me dirty photos and pretending it’s not meant for me. Just say the word and I’ll go grab some baby oil.”
“Tig I swear to God.” She snapped, refusing to glance over at Chibs, certain he was not entirely pleased with this information.
Tig spoke a giggle leaving him still content to prod her. “I know, I know baby oil isn’t the best choice, but it works in a bind, babe. I’m a big man, we’re going to need the help.”
Y/N cringed at the possessive growl that left Chibs he not entirely amused at the statement. “Those weren’t meant fer ya.”
“I know, she won’t tell me who they're meant for. You gotta see them, Chibby. It’s fucking torture. I’m afraid it was meant for Kozik. She won’t own up to it, but we both know the idiot sends her heart-eyes at every chance he gets. Herman Kozik is so not worth red lace.” Tig exclaimed not picking up on the irritation and jealousy bouncing off Chibs.
Y/N wanted to melt into a puddle of awkward shame she refusing to meet Chibs’ eyes choosing instead to stare down at the floor. This moment was going to kill her. If she was capable of dying from awkward situations this would do it.
She widened her eyes as Chibs spoke his voice, a domineering tone that made her knees weak and her center clench.“Let me see em.”
She resisted the urge to groan, having to hate that she’d always had a submissive streak, even before she'd gotten into fetish work. She had always had a thing for having a guy dominate her if he knew what he was doing and wasn't just being an asshole. She found it difficult to find a guy who was capable of dominating her without being a dick about it or misusing the trust she gave him. Chibs had proven he was more than capable of effectively giving her the domination she craved. He had proven he was capable of giving her what she wanted while respecting what boundaries she'd placed on the desire to submit to him.
She was quite certain he’d used that same tone of voice in a couple of their sexual encounters though it usually involved him saying far more lewd things. 
That tone of voice was usually reserved for when he told her to take her clothing off and bend over for him, or to get down on her knees and open her greedy little mouth for his cock.
It was so a voice she did not need to hear outside of those scenarios.
Tig did not notice Y/N hitch in breath to the voice he jerking a little shocked as Chibs yanked the phone from his grasp before he had a chance to even comprehend what was happening.
He dared to speak, the playful tone disappearing, he at least having the sense to prove that he wasn't a total scumbag. “Come on, Chibs. I’m sure she doesn’t want everyone seeing them. I was going to delete them…eventually.”
Chibs ignored him gazing down at the photos on the screen, a groan of approval and desire leaving his lips. He reached down clearly making an attempt to adjust his jeans. It was obvious that the photos had the desired impact on the lower region of his body.
Y/N was more sure than ever that she could die of shame and awkward in the moment. She sighed coming to the conclusion that she’d had a good life or at least an okay one..if she died now it would be fine.
She widened her eyes as Chibs spoke his voice loud and clear. “These photos weren’t meant fer ya Lad, Pretty sure, my ol lady meant to text these fuckin glorious photos to me. She may a’been a wee bit tipsy when she decided to send em judgin by the dazed look in her eyes in this firs pic. My Love can’t handle her whiskey. She an I clearly need to have a talk bout drinkin an textin.”
“Wait, what?” Tig spat out his eyes growing wide struggling to grasp the information Chibs had just laid out on the table for him.
Chibs spoke again, hitting the delete button on the photos as he spoke. “I’ll be deletin these Tigger. Ain’ havin ya share what was meant fer my eyes with anyone else.”
Y/N stared up at him feeling as breathless as Tig though her astonishment was for a far different reason. Did he just call her what she thought he called her? Ol lady, his ol lady?
Chibs tossed the phone down on the bar as he nodded to Y/N. “Come on, M’Love. I think ya need to show me jus what ya were hopin fer when ya meant to send those photos to me.”
She moved forward any of the embarrassed awkwardness she’d felt hanging over her leaving her brain her body heating up having the feeling Chibs was going to show her just how much those photos had affected him.
Chibs wrapped an arm around her his hand sliding down to her backside, giving it a squeeze that sent a message that he had zero intention of hiding what she was to him from anyone ever again. 
He spoke his voice picking up that possessive growl he’d shown earlier. “Red lace, Lass? Ya still got it on?”
She gazed up at him, her knees feeling wobbly and her panties getting beyond soaked. “No, I’m wearing something else…purple lace.”
He gave her backside a squeeze, his voice still holding that possessive tone. “Aye, think I’ll like that too.”
He pressed his lips to hers as they made their way down the hallway towards his dorms before he spoke. “Gonna fuckin kill Tig fer seein yer body, Love. Christ, think it’s time I put my crow on ya. Gotta make it clear to him, Kozik, and every other prick round here that yer mine…especially fuckin Kozik. The only way that idiot’s gonna get a clue is when my crow is on my ol lady.”
“As long as it’s not my tit. I’m not giving tit for tat, no matter how much I love you.” She remarked her mind spinning trying to grasp everything he’d just said.
This was more than what she’d hoped for and she’d not planned any of it. If she’d known it was going to be this simple she would have accidentally texted Tig intentionally.
He smirked his lips pressing to hers much gentler as they neared his dorm room. “Aye not on yer tit. Like those too much the way they are, Love.” 
She spoke needing to say the words. “I was almost afraid of what this was between us…afraid it wasn’t what I was hoping…you haven’t exactly seemed in any rush to put any label on it or show me any sign or this being anything in front of anyone. You’ve seemed pretty content keeping things between us so secretive…I actually thought I was going to have to give Kozik a date to light a fire under your ass or at least test you to see if this meant anything to you.”
Chibs cringed realizing she had a point. “Aye, I know Love. Trus me…I know I’ve not exactly been open bout how I feel bout ya. To tell the truth...Ya came into my life at an odd time, Love. I love ya deeply, ain’ felt that way bout anyone in a long while. I was fraid of not bein what ya need…fraid of failing ya. Almos' convinced myself ya were more than I could ever deserve and ya'd realize it sooner or later. I was almos fraid if I put a label on it and let anyone know then I’d lose ya the same way I lose everyone else I love. I thought if the world knew ya were mine then it’d put a target on yer back.  No more though, Lass. This scares the shite outta me, but not havin ya…losin ya due to my own fear…that scares me even more. I love ya too damn much to hide what I feel fer ya m’love.”
He paused a huff leaving him. “I’d kick Kozik’s fuckin teeth in if he ever took ya on a date fer the record.”
She didn’t have a chance to reply as he pressed his lips to hers the words leaving him “Putting my crow on ya as soon as possible, Love. Not hidin what ya are to me.”
“I want it…and for the record. You aren't going to lose me and you are never undeserving of me.” She promised her hand reaching up to caress his cheek, he leaning into her touch a content sigh leaving him. 
He pressed another kiss to her lips as he reached down, opening his dorm. “I love ya, Lass. Love my ol lady so much more than she knows.”
She allowed him to lead her into the room fully content to let him show her just much he loved her. 
Neither heard Tig as the man finally snapped out of his shocked daze, his voice loud and full of relief. “Ol lady…Chibs…Oh thank Christ it’s not fucking Kozik.”
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thesoldiersminute · 6 months
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Sons of Anarchy
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Hi can I request a smutty 3/e/32 cause of the heatwave reader shaves Jax Tellers hair. She wears a tiny dress with nothing under it cause it's too hot. and while Jax is sitting there and she's standing in front of him doing her thing he's going insane cause of that dress and starts stroking her thighs n more which leads to sex in the bathroom 🥵🥰
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3. "Will you let me cut your hair?" + 32. "Can I touch you?" + e. Heatwave
Author's Note - this is a drabble written as part of my 500 Followers Celebration!! find that post here. my first ever Jax fic - god this man is so gorgeous !! anon, i hope you don't mind that i chose to cut his hair rather than shave it - because the idea of shaving his blonde locks breaks my heart honestly :( thank you for this request!! x
my other jax fic.
Pairing - Jax Teller x Female Reader
Age Rating - 18+
Warnings - smut!! cursing
Word Count - 890
Masterlist. 500 Follower Celebration Masterlist.
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You can't watch him struggle any longer.
Jax is in your driveway, working on his bike in the blazing sun. He's shirtless, golden skin on display, sweat dripping down his back. He looks like he should be on the front cover of a magazine.
You can see him becoming irritated. His hair keeps falling into his face, getting into his eyes. He repeatedly pushes it behind his ears, to no avail. It just falls again. You're worried he's going to pull it out in a fit of rage, honestly.
"Jax?" you call, rising from the porch to make your way towards him.
He turns when he hears you call his name, beaming smile on his face. The smile falters slightly when he takes in the sight of you. You're wearing a short, colourful sundress, material swishing around your mid thighs. It hugs your body in all the right places, thin straps revealing your lack of bra. He takes a deep breath upon your approach, begging his mind to stop racing with the filthy thoughts.
"Hi, darlin'," he drawls, leaning down to press a kiss to your lips. You're wearing your cherry lip balm, and it takes everything in him not to bend you over the bike right there.
"Will you let me cut your hair?" you ask sweetly, throwing your arms around his neck.
"You want to? Thought you liked it long."
"I do, but it's getting in your way. Just let me take a little length off? It'll stop it from falling in your eyes."
He smiles at the realisation that you've been watching him struggle and could no longer bear it. An angel, sent just for him.
"Okay, baby. Let's do it," he says, kissing you again. Abandoning his bike, he picks you up around the middle and practically carries you inside.
You pull a chair into the bathroom and gesture for Jax to sit while you rummage in the drawer for the hairdressing scissors. When you find them, you move to stand between his legs, big blue eyes watching your every step.
Jax places his hands on your hips while you run your fingers through his hair, combing it gently. You're deciding how much to take off, surveying carefully. You know he won't mind either way, but you still want to make it look good.
You start snipping away, ignoring the beads of sweat that are dripping down your back. It's the hottest day of the year so far, and your air conditioning can only do so much. You wish you could walk around with your shirt off like Jax. He probably wouldn't mind, actually.
His hands migrate from your hips to your thighs, stroking up and down gently. He's making it hard to concentrate, so you double down on your focus, determined to finish the job. Neither of you say anything about the way your breathing has quickened, or the way his is now deep and laboured. His fingers brush higher, and you put the scissors down on the counter.
"What are you doing?" you question teasingly, placing your hands on his shoulders.
"Just sitting for my haircut, ma'am," he answers cheekily.
"Do you try and put your hand up all of your hair stylists dresses, Jackson?"
"Wouldn't dream of it," he winks.
His eyes darken slightly as they rake over your body, up and down. He wraps a strong arm around your back, pulling you into him further. The other hand is still tracing patterns on your inner thigh. He dares to move it higher, and lets out a guttural groan at what he finds.
"Fuck, honey. Are you wearing panties?"
"Nope," you reply, popping the 'P'. "Too hot."
He rests his head on your stomach and trails his fingers along the crease of your thigh.
"Can I touch you?"
"You are touching me, Jax."
"No, baby. Can I touch you here? Please?"
To emphasise his question, he brushes his fingers over your clit lightly. You jolt at the sudden contact, throwing your head back.
"Yes, Jax. Please."
You're suddenly grateful for the grip you have on his shoulders. Your knees are buckling already, balance unsteady. God, this man knows how to play you like a violin.
"No more teasing," you pant. "Need you."
How can he say no to that?
He's fumbling to unbutton his jeans, pushing them down his thighs. He pulls you forward so you're straddling him, and lines himself up. In one swift stroke, you roll your hips downwards and he slides home, both of you groaning.
"Fuck, darlin'."
"Shit, Jax. Please."
You use his thighs and his shoulders as leverage, moving yourself up and down. He thrusts upwards, meeting your strokes, sending pleasure prickling down your spine.
"This fuckin' dress," he groans. You giggle, and the vibrations drive him wild.
He can tell you're close when your hips start to stutter, rhythm faltering. He doubles down, thrusting up with more force. Jax bites down on your shoulder, and it sends you over the edge, white hot and blinding.
Your climax triggers his, hips not stopping until you're both spent and boneless. Your foreheads are pressed together, panting.
"I'm gonna buy you a hundred of these dresses," he chuckles.
"Fine by me," you reply, kissing him deeply.
"Might need one with sleeves, though. Something's gotta cover this bite mark."
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drrav3nb · 5 months
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Know that we have met before and that we will meet again. - Mia Hollow (insp)
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joanna13 · 4 months
being in a small fandom is like being given a bone, chewing on it until you're done with it, burying it in your backyard, and then digging that same chewed up bone months later to continue chewing on it, and then the cycle just repeats.this is especially true for small fandoms that you know won't be getting any new content, so you just have to consume the content you've already consumed thousands of times before.
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he looks like he works with his hands & smells like Marlboro Reds
genre of men: Crush by Ethel Cain (part 2)
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laurfilijames · 6 months
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Flat To Filled
Pairing: Jax Teller x female reader
Words: 3.9k
Warnings: Rated E, 18+. Swearing. Tig being a bit of a perv. Oral sex (M receiving). Unprotected intercourse. Sex in exchange for a service.
Summary: Your flat tire turns out to be a very happy nuisance, and a scene right out of a porno.
A/N: I got a flat tire a couple of months ago and came up with this idea while waiting for it to be repaired, though sadly not by Jax Teller.
"You've got to be fucking kidding," you mumbled under your breath, seeing the low tire pressure light illuminate on your dash.
It didn't seem like that long ago you had finished paying off the loan used to purchase the new set of tires, and as you put your car in park and climbed out of the driver's seat, you prayed it just needed some air and wasn't completely flat.
The tire was smooshed right against the hot asphalt, and crouching down to run your hand along the circumference of the wheel, your fingers caught on a screw buried into the rubber.
At least you weren't rushing anywhere in particular, you thought, having only been on your way to grab yourself a coffee from the cafe in downtown Charming, laughing in realizing the irony in the situation that you were meant to be saving money anyway. The silver lining was that your flat just so happened to take place about two minutes down the road from Teller-Morrow Automotive Repair, and with the sun shining and feeling pleasantly warm on your skin, you didn't necessarily mind going for a walk.
The gates of the entrance were open as you approached, the yard full of Harley's and various members of the nefarious motorcycle club along with some vehicles actually being repaired by mechanics, your presence quickly being noticed by everyone in the vicinity.
"And how can I help you, sweetheart?" a man with black, curly hair and soul-piercing blue eyes drawled, his pervy tone making you grin and tilt your head in amusement as he stood straight from leaning over his bike and puffed his chest out, his hands securing themselves on his belt to help draw your attention to his crotch.
"I have a flat," you began to explain, hooking your thumb over your shoulder in the direction of where your car sat abandoned on the road. "I was hoping someone could take a look and hopefully patch it."
"Yeah, probably, but there's something else I can definitely help you with."
"Jesus Christ, Tig," another man's voice sounded from inside the garage. "Stop preying on innocent people."
The sight of the man defending you made your heart leap into your throat, and suddenly the mid-afternoon sun wasn't the cause of the sheen of sweat growing on your skin.
Messy, blond hair that rested at his shoulders surrounded his gorgeous face like a halo, and if the blue eyes on the first man were anything to admire, his were like looking into an abyss that would swallow you whole.
He didn't shy away from looking you over up and down, a crooked smile dressing his lips that were surrounded by scruffy, bleached stubble, his smile only spreading more to create lines around his mouth when his friend walked past him and slapped his shoulder.
"See, told ya."
He strutted into the garage while still looking back at you obviously, nearly tripping over his own feet, leaving you and the living incarnation of Helios standing somewhat awkwardly.
He nodded his head behind you, "So, what's wrong?"
"Just a flat. There's a screw in it. I was hoping someone would have time to patch it for me."
"Yeah, let me take a look," he grinned again, squinting slightly from the bright sunlight as he wiped his oily hands on a rag he held.
You took note of his slender fingers and how rough and worked yet soft the skin on his hands looked, curious as to what else they were capable of, and how the way the large rings that adorned them enhanced the appeal to feel them on your body even more.
"Is it just down the road?" he asked, beginning to walk over to the wall where a bunch of keys were hung on hooks.
"Yeah, about two minutes," you confirmed, remaining in place.
He held a set of keys up and tossed them up in the air before catching them, "I'll go give it a lift, then. You can wait here if you want. Despite your first impressions they're all pretty harmless."
His smile had you nearly bursting into flames, and holding out your own keys for him to take, your fingers brushed each other, igniting even more heat within your body.
He winked at you as he walked confidently over to the tow truck parked on the far side of the row of bikes, allowing you the opportunity to eye-fuck him just as he had you minutes ago.
Even with how baggy his jeans sat on his lower half, you could tell he had a perfectly plump ass that would no doubt power some hammering thrusts, and his back and arms were shaped nicely by strong muscles that showed through his t-shirt and mechanic's shirt that had the sleeves torn off, making you bite your lip as you thought how this unfortunate event was proving to be anything but.
It didn't take long for him to return with your car being pulled behind the tow truck, flashing you another smile as he hung his left arm out the window, a cigarette hanging from his inviting lips.
You watched the production as a few other mechanics went over and began helping him, the assistance he received allowing opportunities for glances your way, his silent flirting making you flush and shift on your feet.
Within minutes the tire was off and being carried into the bay of the garage, and as he got closer to you, you were able to see the name embroidered in black thread on the right side of his chest.
You mouthed it, the whisper of those three letters feeling like silk on your tongue, and you wondered how saying it out loud and on repeat in the throes of pleasure would make him react; all smiles and that boyish confidence shining brightly as he basked in your praise, or a brutal and claiming side coming to reveal itself after being encouraged by your mantra.
He slammed your tire down on the workbench closest to the door and wiped the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand, smearing dirt and grime across it, and gave you a smile and a nod as he parted those luscious lips and started talking.
"So, you from around here?"
"Yup," you confirmed, placing your hands in the back pockets of your shorts to force your chest out a little further.
He hummed as he started to work, "I would've remembered a pretty face like yours."
"Do you say that to all the girls you help?"
Jax shook his head, his eyebrows rising on his forehead to crease it. "Nope."
He looked completely innocent despite it being a blatant lie that he could barely get away with, and you knew that was exactly how a man like him was likely to get everything he wanted.
"Well, I really appreciate you dropping whatever else you were in the middle of to sort me out," you thanked. "Jax…" you added, his name sounding sinful from how lusty your voice suddenly became.
He tucked his bottom lip in his teeth, smiling big even with the restriction, his eyes dancing and alight with mischief as his hands paused what he was doing.
"My pleasure."
His words were spoken with such conviction, as well as what you hoped was a promise or at least a hint at a request, and for whatever reason, the more you were in his presence and talking to him, the more daring and confident you felt yourself becoming.
"Is it?" you asked, watching as he leaned against the workbench, his forearms flexing and showing off the tattoo decorating his right one, his glare serious and almost threatening while his lips continued to feign innocence.
"I think it's going to be."
Time passed too quickly for your liking, your very effortless and charged conversations with Jax tempting you into driving the pocket knife that you kept tucked away in your purse into one of your other tires just so you could spend more time with him; his efficient handy-work resulting in your tire being back on your car and good as new in the fastest forty-two minutes of your life.
“You're all set there, darlin’,” he drawled, squinting at you in the beaming sun with a crooked grin as he wiped his hands on the rag he pulled back out of his jeans.
“Looks like it. Thank you.”
“You have somewhere you need to be?” he asked, leaning against your car comfortably.
“Not necessarily,” you answered, part of you praying he would extend an invitation to something that involved you staying longer and having those lips that were still curled into a smile pressed against yours. They were perfectly shaped and full and impossible to stop admiring, and the fantasy of learning how good they would feel refused to quit playing in your mind, deeming him a talented kisser without even knowing.
"How much do I owe you?" you asked, the assumption that this repair would cost the equivalent of at least twenty of those speciality coffees you were on your way to getting making a pit settle in your stomach.
His bottom lip tucked between his teeth and he chewed on it while still managing to grin mischievously, the brightness of it reaching his eyes.
"I think we can work something out."
You swore you had to be dreaming, finding yourself being led through Samcro's clubhouse and down a hallway where you were continuously stopped to be pressed against the wall and kissed until you were breathless, the sound of your bodies slamming against the wood panels and your shared laughs drowning out the loud music coming from the common area.
It always felt good to be right, you thought, your speculations that Jax knew how to kiss exceptionally well turning out to be more than correct, the way his tongue claimed your mouth and his lips sealed against yours making you quickly abandon all morals and sense of reality.
Your fingers tangled in his hair as he walked backwards with you into a room, the scent of stale smoke mixed with a bit of weed overpowering the hint of cologne that lingered, and once inside, Jax pushed the door shut and shoved you up against it.
He slowly peeled his face away from yours, taking a deep, steadying breath, his eyes trailing from your chest up to your lust-drunk eyes while his arms braced on either side of you to cage you between him and the door.
"We do accept cash, too," he smirked, his smile growing when you laughed and shook your head.
"I'm afraid I don't have any on me…"
"See that's too bad," he said, his tone falsely serious. "Non-paying customers tend to get fucked in a situation like this…"
The emphasis and double-meaning he put on that one sinful word made you ache and visibly squirm, and you did your best to keep your hands to yourself while you waited for him to move first, only to fail miserably.
You gripped at the edges of his gray mechanics shirt at the same time your mouth crashed against his, peeling it off his arms with his help as you walked forward, forcing him backward into the middle of the room where he ran into a chair, causing both of you to laugh between kisses.
Next came his somehow still freshly white t-shirt, the pure glee that overcame you when you whisked it over his head and laid eyes on his smooth skin and impressively ripped torso making you feel dizzy, and trying to get to the rest of him as quickly as you could, you hurried to unbuckle his belt and send his jeans that were already half-way down his ass to the floor.
You glared at him hungrily as you reached out for his hard cock that strained against his loose boxers that managed to be an even brighter white than his shirt, and stroked it through the cotton appreciatively, watching his head tip slightly back and his eyes close as he succumbed to your touch.
"Fuck," he chuckled, his abs contracting as he did, hooking his thumbs in the waist of his trunks to get rid of them.
"May I?" you asked, the innocence in your request contrasting heavily to how impurely you were looking at him.
"Since you asked nicely," he drawled, holding his hands up away from his body to allow you to do whatever you wanted.
With an excited and satisfied grin, you tugged on his shorts, your mouth instantly watering as his cock sprung free from them and bounced wildly before you, his size and girth and perfectly veiny shaft confirming that the man standing proudly naked before you was utterly perfect.
"Like what you see, darlin'?"
Rather than answering, you wrapped one hand behind his neck and pulled him into you, kissing him madly and desperately while your other hand took hold of his silky flesh and pumped him slowly from tip to base, feeling him flex in your palm.
You basked in this for a couple of minutes until Jax regained control and guided you somewhat forcefully over to lean against the edge of the desk that sat against the wall, his thigh wedging between yours as he gathered your wrists in his one hand and held them up over your head, his other one left to trail up your side, pulling your shirt up along with it.
His mouth attacked your neck while he teased you, the sensation making you roll your hips on his thigh to get some friction on your needy pussy, and when he growled as he got to your breasts that you hadn't bothered to restrict in a bra today, you nearly came undone.
"Fuck, you're hot," he muttered, roughly tearing up your shirt to remove it from you, and he took a moment to appreciate the sight in front of him before diving to your mouth again, his hand squeezing at the fullness of your chest and pinching your nipple between his fingers.
You whined into his mouth and arched your back in order to get closer to his touch, your body begging to be used by him in any way possible, this self-made porno you were suddenly living out making you hornier than you've ever been before.
"Are you gonna fuck me, or what?" you asked, his keen attention making you feel bold and powerful.
He chuckled and shook his head, his blond locks moving with the action.
"Patience, darlin'. You need to remember who's paying who here."
You nodded and smirked, pushing off the edge of the desk to take hold of his cock again while you slowly sank to your knees, looking up at him through your lashes to see a very satisfied and eager look on his face.
Pressing your lips against his smooth tip, you spread the precum that leaked from it across them and stuck your tongue out, that first delectably salty taste of him making you swallow thickly as your mouth watered, your thirst for him skyrocketing. You gripped the base of his shaft as you eased him inside your mouth, taking him slowly inch by inch until you reached your hand and your nose was tickled by his flaxen hairs.
Bobbing on and off of his length and swirling your tongue around his head each time you passed it, you worked him steadily with your hand, the sound of his appreciative curses and groans making you squirm and shift on your knees and moan as well, taking him deep into your throat so he could feel the vibrations on your windpipe.
"Jesus fucking Christ," he hissed. "That's it, baby."
His praise sent a shiver down your spine, making your nipples harden even more in addition to you gagging on him each time he pounded the back of your throat, the way he bucked his hips and lightly held your head in place encouraging you to want to be wrecked by him in whatever way he saw fit.
He laughed in disbelief as he gently held your chin and told you to stop, mad at himself for doing it, but not ready to end this with you yet.
"Fuck, you're good. That pretty little mouth of yours sure has some talent," he purred, using his thumb to wipe the corner of your mouth.
"Then you should've let me finish…"
Jax chuckled again as he helped you up off the floor, a sound that made you melt each time, his eyes shining with a playfulness that matched his cheeky smile.
"Oh, no," he said, his eyebrows creeping up his forehead. "Your debt isn't going to be repaid that easily."
Your breathing became shallow as the way he looked at you turned from kind and light-hearted to intense and almost dark, and he grabbed your face and kissed you roughly, stealing your breath from you as he leaned into you in an overpowering way, his cock poking you and reminding you of its impressive size that you were about to have to try to handle.
He snuck a hand between your heaving bodies, cupping between your legs where an intense heat radiated, and began to rub your pussy through your shorts with a taunting pressure.
"This pussy's gonna feel good, isn't it?" he asked, dragging his hand harder over the material that kept you from him, the whole act and his question driving you mad. "I bet it's nice and tight…"
"Fuck, yes…" you whined, grinding against his hand even more, your head tipping to the side in an offering for him to kiss your neck.
He did, granting you one of your many wishes, sucking and nipping at the tender skin where your pulse hammered frantically.
After another minute or two of torture, you raked your nails up along his back, feeling desperate for him to give you what you so badly needed.
"Please, Jax," you begged. "I'm so wet."
He pulled away from your neck, kissing your swollen lips sloppily as he removed his hand from between your legs.
"Yeah? Lemme see, sweetheart…"
With deft fingers he ripped open the button on your shorts and tugged them down your thighs aggressively, his pupils blown wide when he noticed how your slick had darkened your panties and soaked them through completely, the corner of his lips curling upward menacingly.
He leaned in and kissed you again, a little sweeter this time, a display of his appreciation for how ready you were for him and how much he was enjoying this game with you.
That only lasted for so long though, the more he danced his tongue with yours the more he felt completely out of control, the need to drive his cock into you coming to the forefront of his mind once again just as it had since the minute he met you.
He released your cheeks from his gentle hold and used both of them to grab onto the side of your thong, tearing them off of you barbarically, the sound of ripping cotton making both of you more feral than before.
You sat up on the desk, holding his head to keep him kissing you as he settled between your legs, his cock nudging your inner thigh dangerously close to your center. It was all heavy, panting breaths and the sound of teeth clashing together as you went at each other furiously, your fingers making a tangled mess out of those gorgeous blond tresses, your nails no doubt leaving red scratches all over his pale skin.
With a sharp inhale to catch his breath, Jax broke the messy seal of your lips enough to look down at you naked and spread beneath him, slipping his fingers slowly through your wet folds to gather your slick on his fingertips, admiring you before slamming them inside you deep enough that his rings prevented him from going any further, pumping in and out before hooking them to massage your g-spot.
Your cries filled the room, the build-up to this making everything feel more intense than you could bear, your hips moving to meet the tempo of his hand enthusiastically and instinctively.
"You want that dick?" Jax asked breathlessly, his cock throbbing and ready to explode if he held off any longer, the sensation of your pussy clenching his fingers and coating them with your juices making it worse.
He was always diligent about wrapping up when it came to sleeping with new chicks, but something about you made him want to bury his bare cock deep inside you and drive into you again and again, the thought of seeing your cunt leaking with his load sending him into a fury.
"Yes…fuckkkk!" you screamed, your consent barely past your lips as he pushed into you, stretching you out over his thick girth.
A shuddered breath escaped your lips as you sought to adjust to his size, Jax giving you no mercy as he immediately started hammering into you with ruthless force.
By the time he had rammed himself into the deepest part of you, you were both so close to falling apart, not taking long to get each other right back to the edge where you had been left hanging, the rhythm chosen by him and matched by you one that was sure to put this desk through the wall in no time.
It shook precariously beneath you, and it seemed the threat of breaking the damn thing only spurred Jax on more, his brutal thrusts increasing as he worked even harder to ruin you.
His skin became slippery as he began to work up a sweat, your hands gliding over his shoulders and up the column of his neck as you tried to hold on to him as best you could.
His praise at how good you felt was broken up by a variety of curses, the way he sounded as he got so lost in you making the pressure in your core erupt rapidly, and you strangled his cock through your release, soaking him enough for you to hear the lewd squelching through your mind-numbing euphoria.
"Fuck!" he roared, his last thrusts slowing in pace as you coaxed out his end, his cock pulsing inside your choking walls and filling you up with his hot cum in vicious spurts.
His sweaty hair was stuck to his forehead as he leaned it against yours, chuckling while he fought to catch his breath.
"That was…"
"Yeah…" you panted, hardly able to believe just how incredible it was, your whole body tingling and alive with pleasure.
He smiled against your lips before kissing you sweetly, humming into your mouth while he remained inside you, wanting to relish in the after effects for as long as he could.
You made out until he eventually slipped from you, the loss making you whine and you both to slowly cease your kisses.
“I've never done anything like this before,” you admitted, feeling totally liberated in your behaviour as you watched his sweaty, naked, and absolutely perfect form step away from you, his smile beaming at you once again.
He winked at you, “Me neither," and ran a hand through his hair to try to fix the mess you had made of it.
“For some reason I don't believe that," you chided, tilting your head as you remained in your spot, his cum starting to drip out of you.
“You shouldn't," he purred, strutting back over to you, his eyes fixed between your legs where you could tell by his expression that he enjoyed what he saw.
He held your waist, his head tipping to the side as he looked down at you, his voice low and lusty when he spoke.
"Still have nowhere to be?"
@sotwk @dailydragon08 @sunnys-day @thedreadandthefugitivemind @glassgulls @littlenosoul @glitterypirateduck @momia2910 @maggotzombie @rmwarn90 @paintlavillered @stealfromthedevil @kmc1989 @theesirenteller
I went ahead and tagged everyone I have written down for my Charlie/Will Miller taglist so my apologies if you're not interested in being tagged in Jax fics and I will happily add or remove anyone as they wish!
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redbelles · 4 months
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Morning, kids.
SONS OF ANARCHY (2008-2014) 1.02 Seeds
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thisreadswhatever · 5 months
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Only Mine: Part Two
find part one here
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[description]: jax teller x fem!reader
[wordcount]: 2.2k
[cw]: 18+ only, smut, smut and more smut. unprotected p in v sex, oral m receiving, some almost getting caught tropes (kinda) and just jax having his way with you
[authors note]: so I wasn’t planning on making this a two part series but here we are! this is basically just pure smut but I owed it to you guys after that cliffhanger. thank you again to THAT anon for the fantasy that inspired this second part! it was too good not to write.
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Your hands dug into the front of his leather cutte, weaving your fingers in between the cotton of his shirt. The only sound was the roaring of the bike beneath you, and the wind as it thrashed your hair into chaos against your helmet. You weren’t sure where you were going, but at this point you didn’t care. You squeezed your arms as they wrapped snug around him, tightening as he sped faster into the unknown.
Chibs followed just behind. They had been on their way to a Mayan warehouse earlier that night, before Jax decided to make a detour when he saw your car parked at the bar. When it was clear they had to go, you had begged Jax to bring you along. To your surprise, you had somehow convinced him. His dick was clouding his judgement, but you were both desperate to find an end to what you had started in the backseat of your car.
They parked the bikes in the back of a desolate warehouse, alongside a large empty truck. The building was fenced in with metal chain links and surrounded by broken security lights. From what you could see through the darkness, it was completely deserted.
Jax approached Chib as he rocked the kickstand on his bike as you waited patiently alongside his.
“Bobby and Juice on their way to the Clubhouse?”
Chib’s placed his helmet on the bike, “aye. Everything according to plan.”
“Alright, let’s get this done.”
Chibs placed his hand on Jax’s chest, “ye sure about bringing her? Could be here awhile pal.”
He knew he was right, bringing you with them wasn’t the smartest decision Jax had made tonight. He lit a cigarette between his lips as he walked back to you, “Just a straight forward drop off, Chibs. Stash the shit and get in the truck.”
Jax pulled you into him by the waist as you fumbled to undo the clasp of your helmet. His mouth pressed firmly against you, kissing you intently as his hands held your face to his. He watched you for a brief moment under him, your eyes staring up at him as he held your lip between his teeth. He broke only to smile widely down at you as he spoke, “c’mon, I got an idea.”
“We’ll be inside.” he called out, collecting a black satchel from the back of his bike. Chibs didn’t respond, only chuckling to himself as he watched Jax lead you away. “Kids.”
He pulled you through the warehouse by hand, obviously familiar with the surroundings. The building was dimly lit by a single light that shined from the entrance, just enough that you could see your feet beneath you as you walked.
You didn’t ask questions, just followed as he weaved his way through a thick maze of tall empty shelving units. He gripped your hand tighter as he pulled you into a small room cordoned off in the back of the building, housing the now derelict security unit and remnants of old office supplies.
There was a large display window that overlooked the majority of the warehouse, which would’ve been used to watch the ongoings of the building when it was up and running.
“Wait here.”
You obeyed his order, sitting on an old computer console that towered from the floor. It was just large enough that you could sit with your legs bent alongside it, straddling it beneath you.
The distant light was too far to aid in your sight as you attempted to watch him through the display window. Jax disappeared into the darkness of the warehouse. You could hear the sound of a door opening and closing from the opposite end of the building.
It felt like he was gone for eternity as you sat in silence, waiting for his return.
Suddenly an external door into the office opened, making you jump, and Jax re-entered, this time empty handed as the satchel he carried in with him was gone. He locked the door behind him. He moved toward you, now standing with his waistline parallel to your face. He was looking out into the warehouse from the side of the display window. “Just gotta wait for the pick up and then we’re out of here.”
“How long will we be? This place gives me the creeps.”
“Shouldn’t be long. Then I’m taking you home. We got unfinished buisness of our own, darlin’.”
Jax laid his hands to your cheeks, cupping your face upward to look at him. His thumb stroked your skin gently, as he peered down at you with hungry, desperate eyes.
“How ‘bout you just swallow my cock now to pass the time.”
You chuckled at his adavance, raising your eyebrows at the suggestion. “Here? What if someone comes in?”
Jax lowered himself down, forcing your head to turn on its side, as his lips pressed to your ear. He spoke slowly, unravelling you with every word. “Let them watch. I don’t give a shit. Your instructions earlier were very clear darlin’, you told me to take what’s mine. I’m going to take you, here and now. I’m going to have you where I want you, when I want you. You are mine to take, however the fuck I want.”
You nodded as he turned your face to his, your eyelids batting against your cheeks that were smushed beneath his hands. His thumb found entry between your lips and you instinctively opened your mouth wide for him. He smiled contently at how quickly you obeyed his silent demand. You held your tongue out, and he grasped at your jaw in response, turning your head side to side as he observed every inch of your face. “You are so fucking perfect. So fucking mine.”
You had never wanted him more than you did in this moment. You were prepared to beg and plead on your knees for his cock, you would do anything for it, and he knew it.
“Fill my mouth, Jax. Please.”
He leaned down to you as he unclamped the buckle to his belt, smirking against your lips as he placed them on yours.
He released his long length against your face, and you immediately took it into your hands. His head fell back as you stroked him intently, pressing the tip of his cock against your lips. You planted small, wet kisses against his shaft, as your hands caressed his erection. Once you’d kissed every inch, you took him into your mouth, forcing him in deeper as you pulled him in you by his unbuttoned jeans.
He groaned at the sensation of your wet tongue, circling his length before you choked at the fullness of him inside your mouth. There was nothing quite like gagging on Jax’s cock.
“Look at me when you take me”, he demanded. Your eyes trailed up to him as you swallowed his cock, drool dripping from your chin and down your neck. Moans escaped his gritted teeth and his hands entangled in your hair, collecting the strands into a ponytail behind your head. He tugged at the root to push you in closer, as he used your mouth over and over again.
“Get on the floor.”
You knew better than to question the order. You did exactly what he said, laying against the cold concrete floor that laid beneath you. He stroked his length as he stood above you, instructing you on every move to make.
“Take off your shirt and lay down.”
Once you were half naked on the floor, Jax lowered himself into you. His cock pressed against your waist, as he pulled down your jeans and panties.
“Spread your legs wide for me.”
Jax didn’t wait any longer. He encapsulated himself into your mound, opening your wet folds as he thrusted into you. A gasp escaped your throat as he entered, relief filtering through every inch of your core.
“Oh you’re still fucking soaked for me, babe.”
You couldn’t help but whine at the immediate pressure building between your thighs, desperately trying to hush your voice. It was near impossible to keep from screaming as the heat from your groin was burning to be released. You’d waited for what felt like forever since Jax had you in the same position in the backseat of your car, and the anticipation of being relieved was a feeling you revelled in. He grabbed your throat with his hand as you laid beneath him, your ass crushing repeatedly into the cold tile as he pounded into you.
“Remember what I told you earlier? While my face was covered in this perfect pussy?”
You couldn’t respond, let alone think of anything that happened earlier tonight. You groaned out as the length of his cock engulfed your insides, and hearing him talk this way was sending you over the edge. How the hell were you supposed to think?
“What’s wrong, darlin’? Can’t remember?”
“I can’t think straight- like t-this, Jax,” you admitted. You were staring into his eyes as he pounded into you, fighting the need for yours to roll in the back of your head.
“Let me help you.”
He sat you upright, his dick still embedded in your mound, as he lifted your legs, bending them against him. He pulled at your ass, bringing himself even further inside, the feeling of fullness overwhelming you. Your back was now arched against him, giving him full access to your clit.
“Fuck- not helping-“, you cried.
His hands travelled from your ass to your cunt, circling his fingers over the swollen nub, while he fucked you into oblivion.
“Jax- oh my go-“
He smiled as he watched you lose yourself in your climax, succumbing to his cock. His head fell back in pure bliss as he felt your orgasm squeezing him.
“I told you, you’re mine.” His cock pushed further into you as his hand tightening around your neck, the skin turning a shade of red at the force.
Your head nodded violently, “I’m yours-“ you somehow managed to muster out, your voice cracking under the pressure of your orgasm and his hand around your throat.
Just as Jax was going to unravel with you, you were interrupted by the sound of the main entrance door opening, followed by footsteps. “Did you hear that?”, you whispered.
Jax leant backward enough for him to peer over the display window. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the darkness to realise who the intruders were. It was Bobby and Juice.
“Is it Chibs? Do we need to go?”
Jax looked back down at you, sprawled half naked against the floor and completely, totally his. Seeing you this way, he couldn’t of cared who entered the warehouse, he was going to finish claiming you no matter who watched. He gleamed at the sight of your flushed pink cheeks and hair utterly strung awry, all the result of his doing. “Oh no, darlin’. I’m not finished with you yet.”
His cock found your entrance again, sliding into your dripping mound as he bit back a groan. “You feel so fucking good- taking me so well-“
You tried desperately to suppress your scream, failing as a squeal slipped through your lips.
Jax quickly placed his hand over your mouth, and you were thankful for the aid in silencing your whimpers. He roamed over your body and face, watching as pleas left your eyes, begging in desperation for another release. His lips pulled into a devilish smirk as he lowered himself completely into you, forcing his cock to push even deeper into your mound.
You groaned into his hand, his hips finding a way to submerge even further into your core. Jax was enjoying every moment of this, watching as your composure expired around his cock, while he never wavered, just holding himself there within you.
“You gotta be quiet for me now, darlin’,” he murmured slowly into your ear. “Can you do that for me?”
You nodded at his request, struggling to move from the weight of his body pressing against you. His hand tightened around your mouth as tears began to stream from your eyes, overwhelmed by the urge to stay silent against the extreme fullness you were enduring.
The footsteps grew closer, as Jax pushed deeper and deeper into you with each thrust.
You could hear Bobby lowly calling out, “Jax, where you at?”
He ignored his calls, focused entirely on you beneath him. Nothing else mattered to him but the way you felt wrapped around his cock.
He was relentless, repeatedly finding a new depth with each thrust into you. His hand stayed out against your mouth, and you bit at the skin to suppress the groans that couldn’t be muffled. He quickened his pace, and your fingers squeezed at the leather of his cutte as you found your final climax. Jax hunched his back, bringing his face to yours as he found his release with you, filling your aching cunt with his seed.
When he recovered from his end, he began to trail plentiful kisses from your chest, and up your neck. He paused at your jawline as he pressed a tight smile against your skin, nibbling at the flesh.
“You’re only mine.”
find my masterlist here
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bullet-prooflove · 15 hours
Girl With The Crooked Smile: David Hale x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @hatersaremymotivators @bennykk @kelpies-shed
Companion piece to Graffiti, Crime Wave, Distraction Art School & Feminism
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It’s your smile that David falls in love with, the way the left side of your mouth quirks up just a little higher than the right. It makes something warm blossom in his chest as you catch him watching you over his coffee cup. His cheeks flush as you laugh and he tries to hide his own grin by taking another sip.
This feeling, he’s never had it with anyone else. He’s never felt so light, so free.
It’s the first time you’ve stepped outside in Charming as a couple. You’re sitting in the diner waiting for your pancakes to arrive. Usually your dates take place in Stockton closer to where you live but you’d wanted to see his place, his world and honestly he’d liked having you there, amongst his things, in his bed.
“Are you sure you want to be seen with me?” You asked him when he’d offered to take you out for breakfast. It’s the first time he’s seen you unsure of anything.
“Why wouldn’t I?” He asks you, his thumb ghosting over your cheek as he looks into those beautiful eyes of yours. A man could lose himself for hours when he looks at you, David has several times.
“You’re the Deputy Chief and I’m…”
You trail off and it takes him a minute to decipher what the problem is. You know his family is political, his father was a county judge and his brother’s on the town council. All the men in his family hold positions of power, they chase wealth, vote conservatively and discuss optics. They expect David to do the same.
You subvert all of that.
You’re an outspoken feminist, who creates art and makes her living from taking off her clothes.
It’s going to be the talk of the town and David could not find himself giving less of a fuck. He’s so stupidly in love with you, he doesn’t give a shit who knows it.
“You are beautiful, sexy and fiercely talented.” He’d told you, completing your sentence as his forehead had come to rest on yours. “And I am lucky to have you in my life.”
You’d blushed then and David, he had kissed you until you were breathless underneath him all over again.
“I meant what I said.” He says as he sits across from you in the diner, his fingers entwining with yours. “I’m incredibly lucky you chose to be with me.”
“I don’t think luck had anything to do with it.” You tell him, your thumb chasing along the inside of his hand. “Me and you, I think it was always meant to happen.”
David swallows hard past the well of emotion in his chest because truthfully, he believes that too.
Love David? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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dilfgifs · 1 year
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CHARLIE HUNNAM ✧ JAX TELLER SONS OF ANARCHY Season 7, Episode 1 — “Black Widower”
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pumpkin-writes · 6 months
i'm sorry
jax teller x reader
warnings: mature language, some mildly steamy smoochin', mostly just soft, fluffy, sappy jax. you know, what the show robbed us of.
word count: 1.1k
notes: as requested by @thisreadswhatever
i hope you enjoy, love! i had so much fun writing this 🤭 thank you again so much for your request & positive feedback on my other jax stuff ❤️
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you had hardly slept. you tossed and you turned, you stared at the ceiling, you stared at the empty space in the bed that jax normally slept in. the two of you fought for hours the previous night, and ended up going to bed angry. you never went to bed angry at each other, and really you two didn't fight. but with all of the stress of the club, jax hadn't been himself lately, and he unfortunately took it out on you after dinner last night. what started as an admittedly snide comment from you about dirty dishes or something irrelevantly domestic like that turned into a screaming match between the two of you. you spewed things like "arrogant" and "mama's boy" at him, you finally broke down and told him how much you hated that he never talked to you about club stuff. and when he erupted back, he called you things like "nosey" and "ungrateful" all things that stung when you heard them, but what got you is when he called you a bitch. it wasn't what you were used to from him by any means, he typically adorned you with pet names and practically worshipped the ground you walked on.
jax knew he fucked up, the second the word left his lips. things with the club had really been getting to him, and suddenly, he felt like his world was falling apart. all his knew was the sons of anarchy, it was his legacy. but since he'd found and read his father's journals, he wasn't so sure of that anymore. he wasn't sure of most things, and he hated the uncertainty. he hated how on edge he'd been lately, working late, sometimes not even getting a chance to see you before you were off to bed. but he always came in and slipped under the covers with you and wrapped you up in his arms. god, he wished that's how last night went. just when he thought he'd been lucky enough to spend the evening with you having dinner, he had to go and fuck it up. he didn't even realize how fired up he'd gotten and how out of hand your argument got until he saw tears instantly swell up in your eyes in reaction to him calling you a bitch.
he took the liberty of sleeping on the couch, not knowing where to begin when it came to his apology. just as you barely slept, neither did jax. instead, he stared at the ceiling until the sun came up, just thinking about how he could make this up to you. was he really willing to lose you over an argument? an argument that shouldn't have even happened, he thought, but either way, the answer was absolutely not. by the time the birds started to chirp outside, he couldn't wait anymore. if he was going to do this, it had to be now, while everything he wanted to say was still fresh in his brain.
the sound of the bedroom door creaking open behind you made you go stiff. should you just act like you're asleep? before you could even decide, you felt the familiar feeling of the duvet lifting and jax sneaking under it. you bit your lip, unsure if you should just turn around and say something; tell him to leave, or tell him how upset you still were. but you stayed frozen on your side, waiting for his next move. that's when you felt him scooting closer in toward you, the warmth of his body radiating against your back. with a final, swift movement, he'd wrapped his arms around you and pulled your body flush against his.
"good morningggg," his voice was low, yet still possessed a sing-song tone that made the corner of your lips start to curl up into a smile. his hand started to work it's way up, then so gently down your arm, and jax found himself nuzzled into the crook of your neck. "i know you're awake." he mumbled into your skin before pressing a kiss to your neck, sending shivers down your spine, another kiss following not a moment after. "i'm sorry."
you sighed and finally gave up. you couldn't just sit there and pretend to sleep while he was trying so hard to get you to face him. although you still felt conflicted about all that had been said the night before, you hated not talking to him. not sleeping beside him. and he knew just how to make you weak, peppering your neck and shoulder with more and more kisses. it was kind of nice to have him so desperate for your attention and forgiveness. maybe you'd let him keep trying to prove how sorry he really was.
you shifted a bit in his grip before fluttering your eyes open to meet his baby blues. how are you supposed to stay mad at at face like that? but you kept it together, following through on making him work for it. "are you now?" the tone of your voice was so very obviously teasing him, and he knew it once he saw the cocky smirk you sported. if you wanted to play this game, he was down. "i am so," he began, all while he snaked his arms around your waist entirely, grabbing a proper hold of you. "so, so," his head dipped down and your foreheads met in the middle, "so sorry." seeing jax this way made you gush on the inside. you were starting to feel bad, almost, and you didn't see yourself playing hard to get much longer.
you were practically stuck in jax's arms, he'd been holding onto you pretty firmly and didn't intend on letting you go until he made things right with you. you'd been eye to eye, faces only inches from one another and all you could think about was his lips. his soft, beautiful, generous lips that you just couldn't take your eyes off of. and jax noticed, of course he did. he knew you wanted to kiss him, or him to kiss you, and hell, your wish was his command; no need to say it out loud.
without another second of hesitation, jax leaned into you and pushed his lips to yours hungrily. it's all you need to give in and accept his apology, returning his energy and moving in synchronization. you felt him softly bite your bottom lip, and it incites a soft moan to escape from your lip. you feel jax smile against your lips before pulling back from you, leaving you longing for him to keep going. "i knew i could make it up to you." his words made you roll your eyes, and all you could say in response was what you'd already been thinking all morning. "maybe you should be sorry more often."
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