#I was supposed to have a first date today so I’m kinda bummed but turns out he’s also sick WITH THE SAME THING?? LOL and he would’ve
When We Bleed Lore Ramble: Language!
Hello, I am home and bored and like slightly sick, so here have a ramble:
The longer I spent on Terr’rasi the more developed the language becomes, so I figured I’d clear some stuff up!
Today we’re gonna talk about the apostrophes in the language!
So far, there is 5 reasons for them to be there:
1 ) To merge two words in order to create a new one. Best example: Terr’rasi! The first part of the word is obviously derived from the simple term Terra. The second part of the word rasi simply translates to language.
Other examples:
Kai’e —> Kai means you and e means are/to be, so kai’e becomes you are
qi’avwe —> qi’ means like and avwe means we/us so qi’avwe becomes normal (because Terra is so exclusive and so focused on bloodlines and fertility culture that only Terran culture and people can be considered the standard in their language —> it’s become so common to them that they don’t notice the, for lack of better word, micro-aggression in their language)
But it doesn’t apply to EVERY word bc grammar sucks in every language so you also have words like avwe which means we or us. a is me or I and vwe is and so avwe (we/us) literally is me and
2 ) to show ownership. For example kiia means daughter. na’kiia means my daughter. It goes na’ — my, ka’ — your and k’ — their
3 ) to negate something. we said before that qi’avwe means normal. tn’qi’avwe means different. if a word or phrase is prefaced by tn’ it becomes the opposite
4 ) to make a verb imperative. there’s two forms of this! Let’s use the word esii or quiet as an example!
a) ‘jn, which makes a word a command and can be considered rude in certain contexts. So esii’jn becomes the phrase Shut up!
b) ‘j, which makes it a polite request for action, so esii’j becomes Could you please be quiet for a moment?
5 ) phi thought it looked cool and hasn’t decided on a deeper meaning yet or if it will get one. The in-story official explanation for this is that language evolves and some older grammar rules prevail in spoken language but don’t make sense in the written form (which is a real life thing in every language so I’m good bullshitting as much as I want :D) examples: Ai’gia (cavalry), anne’eka (please)
In spoken language reasons 1, 4 and 5 can hardly be identified. Reason 2, 3 can be identified because the prefix before the apostrophe is stressed and there’s usually a short break in the word where the apostrophe is.
I hope this wasn’t too confusing and kinda semi interesting!! I def had fun rambling :D
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whereisten · 4 years
Cat and Mouse
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | more coming soon
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Summary: You’re the daughter of an extremely well-known pastor. You’ve lived a quiet and sheltered life, that is until you meet and fall in lust with a gang leader they call the Grim Reaper.
Pairing: Gang Leader And Yandere!Taeyong X female reader (college student)
Genre: angst, SMUT, violence, if you squint there may be some fluff
Warnings: graphic and violent scenes described, murder, mentions of religious practices (this in no way is meant to offend followers of Christianity), blood and death mention, character death, gun and knife mention, profanity, toxic relationship, little alcohol use, drug addiction themes, stalking, manipulation, blackmail, waterboarding (torture), obsession, posessiveness, sexual assault is briefly mentioned. Breast fondling, thigh riding, corruption/innocence kink, pet names, recording of sexual acts, oral sex (male and female), car sex, unprotected sex, penetration, sir kink, breeding kink, bdsm themes (choking, restraints, knife play, intense gun play, blood play), orgasm denial, overstimulation, c*eampie. Ohmygodihopeilistedeverything
Word Count: 26.2K (I had to make up for not updating this for MONTHS)
Tag list: @teddybella @suhfluffy @adorejaehyn @jennieshairstrand @markyongcore @promisesandchances @yeetyeethoe @ericafujimura @5shotsamericano @jonginvlog @dudamoreira12 @saratyongf @ncteaxhoe @steamyjaehyun @neostains @stansuperm @alreadyblondenow @suhweo @daanniee @shiningstarsarah @kikomizukii @thepeachystars @ashleyyxoxo @katallest-katolis @onestop-shot @lollokilnala @jaehyunswifey​ @chlwpgk​ @theworld-accordingtocasey​
DISCLAIMER AND A/N: where do I start? First of all, as mentioned in part 1, Taeyong is a manipulative and evil man in this, please remember this is fiction and definitely DOESNT represent the real Taeyong. The acts of violence are graphically described, I’m talking blood and gore, please do not read if you are sensitive to these things. Also, Taeyong is yandere in this, Hes not a true and honest lover and I hope that we all understand that what he does is sickening and wrong. This is also influenced by the manhwa, Killing Stalking. With that being said, I am so sorry for taking forever to update this, but I hope you all think it was worth the wait at the end❤️
[A Week After Thanksgiving]
“Mark...I’m so sorry this happened to you.”
You held Mark’s hand as you exited the elevator in the hospital and squeezed it lightly.
Mark turned and gave you a small smile. “It’s alright, thank you for being here with me now.” His eyes were wide and adorable as they always were. He had no idea that you were the cause for his pain, that you knew exactly who hurt him and could bring him to justice, but refused to.
Taeyong wore his skull mask when he attacked Mark and refused to mention you, so Mark thought he was just the victim of a random attack..he didn’t think it was—personal.
It had a been a few months since it all happened and you were slowly becoming more comfortable with keeping the truth to yourself. After all, you loved Taeyong, you were dating now and you couldn’t bear the thought of being without him. He made you feel wanted, desired, and loved. He showed you new things, he made your life so much more exciting that it was before.
Yes, he messed up by hurting Mark, but he told you he would never do it again..just as long as you did what he said.
And so you hoped that he’d never discover you here with Mark today at the hospital. Mark had to take a few X-rays to ensure that his ribs were healing correctly. You went with him because it’s the least you could do for being the cause of all this.
The two of you now waited for the doctor to come in with the X-ray prints in his assigned hospital room. You shimmy off your coat and hang it on a hook by the door while Mark lays in the hospital bed, still in his gown.
“These gowns are kinda awkward, like If I sit up right now, you’d get a clean look at my bum.” Mark laughed, his eyes shutting tightly.
You laughed out too. “Oh, then don’t sit up please, just imagining that makes my eyes water.”
“Y/n...there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you..” Mark cleared just throat as his tone grew more serious.
Oh no. Is he going to ask you about that night? Does he know that you know who his attacker is?
You nod slowly and bite your lips.
“I feel like..we’ve known each other for a while now..and with finals coming up and everything..I know we’ll be away from each other for a while..but when all this is over..would you like to go..ice skating with me..just me?”
Your mouth falls open and your eyes widen. Was he really asking you out?
“You know..there’s that new park with the Christmas lights and cool decorations..we can grab something to eat before..or-or after, whichever works for you..” Mark swallows hard as he waits for your answer.
“Mark...that’s really..this is really sudden..I’m not sure..”
“It’s okay! Don’t worry about it.” Mark gives an awkward laugh.
“I-I appreciate it, Mark. But I’m kinda seeing someone right now.” You pout and look away from his round eyes.
Had you not known Taeyong, you probably would’ve gone with Mark. It was an adorable idea, you loved spending time with him. And while you couldn’t see him as a romantic interest for all these years, maybe a date would’ve changed your mind. But it was too late, you loved Taeyong.
“Oh? Who is it? How have I never met him?” Mark’s mouth fell, but he didn’t look upset, he looked happy for you rather.
You nodded quickly and opened your mouth to speak, but the grumbling of your stomach interrupted you. You laughed in an effort to cover up the sound, but Mark’s eyes floated down from your face and to your stomach while you clutched it.
He smiled slowly.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t eat anything before we came here.” You looked away, feeling your face become hot.
Mark chuckled. “It’s okay! I’m hungry too, there’s a Starbucks downstairs, wanna grab something for yourself and for me too?”
“Sure!” You jumped up from your chair, thankful for an excuse to leave this somewhat awkward conversation.
“I’ll be right back!”
You headed downstairs and ordered a protein pack and coffee for Mark and a muffin for yourself. You thanked the cashier and hurried back to the elevator.
It was crowded with people at first, but as you approached your floor on one of the higher levels, more and more visitors, nurses and doctors started to exit.
All except for one.
The man dressed in scrubs kept his head down, his hair tucked into a blue surgical cap and his face covered with a face mask. You stood in the corner of the elevator and watched him closely. Something about him seemed off. Why was he holding his head down? Why did he stand in the middle of the elevator with his arms crossed?
But then again, maybe he was worried about something, maybe you were over thinking.
You sighed and leaned your head onto the wall. It felt like the longest ride ever to your floor. You looked at the numbers on the elevator light up as you passed each floor.
But then, you heard the man chuckle lowly. It was a haunting sound, a familiar sound.
His crackling voice echoed in the now empty elevator. Your brows furrowed and you stood up straight. 
“Oh little mouse, what am I going to do with you?”
That voice..
Taeyong turns and walks towards you and before you can even comprehend what’s happening, he presses your body into the corner of the elevator.
You fall back, your grip on your bag with food and coffee tightening as you swallow hard.
Taeyong’s eyes are dark, filled with fire and disappointment as he stares into your eyes.
You barely recognize him in the doctor’s uniform, but you finally notice the neck tattoo he had.
How did he know you were here?
Your mouth falls open, you can’t even form coherent sentences as he towers over you and gives you an evil look like he’s ready to kill you slowly..and painfully.
“You love him, don’t you?” Taeyong spits out angrily.
“Wait..wait Tae, I can explain.” You shake your head.
“He doesn’t have anyone to go with him to his doctors appointment, it’s the least I could do.”
“I don’t give a shit if that loser doesn’t have anyone to be with, you aren’t supposed to be here! You were supposed to listen to me! How many times do I have to tell you you’re mine?” Taeyong’s voice grows louder, he slams his hand onto the wall beside your head.
“You’re the one that put him here! How can you be so..so selfish? He doesn’t deserve any of this?!”
“And I do? I deserve to be hurt by you going behind my back to be with him? You aren’t loyal to me and that hurts, y/n.” Taeyong’s face softened a bit as he searched your eyes.
“Behind your back? You’re not my father! I don’t have to answer to you, you won’t even claim me to your friends and you expect me to be loyal to you?”
“Oh and loyalty? Taeyong, I could easily tell everyone all that you’ve done. I could tell the police, news stations, EVERYONE..”
Taeyong suddenly grips your throat, stopping you mid rant, and leans in closer. “But you won’t..will you?”
You grit your teeth, breathing heavily as he tightens his hold.
“Everything I did, I did for you..you ungrateful brat.” He releases you, but quickly takes you by the wrist and leads you out of the elevator. He hurriedly brushes past all of the nurses in the hallway, no one suspecting him even as he drags you behind him.
He finally finds an empty room. He tosses you inside and locks the door behind him.
He takes your bag and coffee from you and places it onto a table by the window, leaving you standing there in the middle of the room with your mouth agape.
He stares out the window and begins to talk to himself.
 “I let you out of my sight for one moment and you do this to me? I thought I was clear the first time. But it seems I wasn’t. Oh little mouse, don’t you know I don’t like repeating myself?”
 He turns back to you slowly. His low eyes stare into yours as he takes his mask off, and you finally see the handsome face of your lover.
His lips are pursed and he steps closer to you.
“Taeyong..” you swallow hard, nervous by his calm demeanor. He watches you like a predator watching his prey, he’s unpredictable and like a stranded gazelle, you’re not sure what to do, where to run to.
Do you run out the door and make him even more upset? Do you press the buzzer and call for help?
You could do anything to get away from him right now, but you don’t. Why? Because you want him.
“Get on the bed..” once in front of you he pushes your chest lightly, making you stumble on the hospital bed behind you. You push yourself up on both elbows while breathing heavily, watching as he crawls over you slowly and carefully.
His breath now on your lips as you tremble under him. “How will you make this up to me, little mouse?” He tilts his head and stares at your lips, the gazes down your neck.
“Put your hands above your head..”
On impulse, you do as he says.
He still stares at you while grazing your neck lightly with his soft lips. He dips his hand into his pocket and pulls something out, but you can’t figure out what it is.
His eyes break away fro your neck and go to your hands where he tightens one zip tie around each wrist and the metal bar of the bed.
He tightens them tightly, watching as you squeal and fidget under him.
“Taeyong..I want to touch you..please.” 
Your high pitched begging and innocent expression almost gets to Taeyong, but he shakes off the feeling and stares at your chest sticking up in the air.
He pushes himself up away from you, forcing your legs further apart as he takes a kneeling position between them.
Your button down dress rides up your thighs and to your hips as a result, just barely exposing your panties to him.
Taeyong bites his lips and runs his hands up your thighs slowly while groaning. His thumbs press into the soft skin as they work their way up to the apex of your legs.
Your breath hitches and you lick your lips.
“Taeyong..touch me.”
“You’re always begging, little mouse.” Taeyong  chuckles, his hands now running up your sides and squeezing your breasts through the fabric gently.
A shakey breath leaves your lips as you wriggle under him, anxious to feel more as your panties become increasingly wet just from his touch.
He takes your lips on his into an angry kiss, biting the bottom and licking over it. 
He slowly pumps your breast through the fabric, adoring your mewls and the way your head falls back as you ache for more.
“Wearing black I see? You’re dressed appropriately for a funeral.” He chuckles through his lips now covered with your red lipstick then takes his own time unbuttoning the buttons one by one to reveal more and more of your beautiful skin.
Once all of the buttons have been undone, he separates the limp fabric covering your chest and stomach.
You hiss with the sudden exposure to the frigid air.
“Oh? And no bra? Is this how Mark likes it? Oh, what has he done to my innocent girl?”
Taeyong’s look of danger makes you move under him again. His dark eyes are so tempting, but mysterious. You just wish he’d touch you again.
“We..we never did anything, Taeyong. I promise.”
“How do I know you’re telling the truth?” Taeyong runs his cold hands up your abdomen again, this time, letting them rest around your neck, as if to choke you once more.
You fidget under him while you try to think of what to say.
“You’re squirming like there’s something inside you already maybe we should get it out.” Taeyong lets your breasts go and reaches over for something on the small table beside the bed.
He raises the shiny object to his face and smiles widely. “Let’s play doctor.”
His husky voice lets out.
He brings a scalpel to your chest with the sharp blade just barely pressing into it.
You take in a sharp breath, your chest collapsing at the feeling of the cold metal on you.
“Taeyong? It’s doctor to you.”
“Doctor..what are you doing?” You gulp.
Taeyong’s mouth tilts upward into a smirk as he watches the scalpel dance on your skin, threatening to break into it if he just applies a bit more pressure.
“How does this feel, little mouse?” He draws the scalpel along your thigh now, stopping just before your folds.
“Is it cold? Does it hurt?” Taeyong pauses before continuing, looking into your large eyes and glancing down at your swollen, parted red lips.
He then looks down to your beautiful skin and hums lowly. “Mmmmm I like the way your skin is reacting.”
Your arms and neck are littered with goose pimples, every slight tough from the knife makes you shiver, but you’re even more turned on for some reason.
“Can you feel the edge when I press it into you?”
Taeyong looks into your eyes as he presses the scalpel a little harder onto your belly.
“Y-yes, I can feel it, Doctor. Please, don’t hurt me.” You bite your lips.
Taeyong chuckles. “I’m not going to hurt you, I’m in control, just relax. I haven’t actually cut you..yet.”
He bites his lips then looks down at your hard nipples. He feels his member poke through the thin fabric of his scrubs, he knows he can’t hold back, but he’d love to have you like this for a longer time. You’re tied up and on full display just for him. Your eyes still hold that innocent look that he adored. That unknowing look that makes him so weak as he ruins you time and time again.
He circles the scalpel around your nipple. The delicate feeling makes your head spin. You can’t think of anything but him. You moan and bring your body up towards him more.
He looks down at your soaking panties and smirks. “You seem to be liking this a lot.”
He uses a finger to bring down the thin fabric covering your aching opening. You jump in response to his finger just barely grazing against it.
He then takes the scalpel and slowly cuts the fabric, your pussy now exposed to him. He licks his lips and leans down to lick your nipples.
“Yes...that feels good.”
You swear you could cum just from the feeling of his wet tongue circling around your nipple.
He sucks on it fervently as you struggle against your restraints. You can feel his hard member brush against your folds and you just want to stroke it before greeting it with your needy flower.
Taeyong then kisses your neck, his hands still pumping your breasts as he grinds down into you.
“Tell me..where it hurts..” he says in between kisses.
“Tell the doctor what you need, little mouse.”
He licks a long stripe up your neck then bites into it as you yelp.
“Please..Doctor. I need relief down there. I need you to fuck me.” You whine and struggle again.
Taeyong groans and lowers the waistband of his scrubs. He pushes two fingers deep into your opening without warning. Your legs shift on the bed as you throw your head back and moan loudly. 
“How about this?” Taeyong teases you as he slowly moves his fingers in and out, curving the top of them so they hit your sweet spot.
And while it does feel good to have something inside you, you know you need more.
“No..no doctor, I need you.”
Taeyong chuckles as he takes his fingers out and replaces it with his dick, pushing into you so hard, the bed creaks as it moves and hits the wall.
“Yes! Yes, that’s it.” You cry out.
He sucks your nipple again, but your silk walls closing around his aching member makes him dizzy. He anchors himself with his hands on your thighs and focuses on pushing in harder, deeper than ever before.
Your mouth falls open as he ruins you, driving you crazy with each thrust. The sounds of his low groans and his hips snapping into yours fill your ears.
Your mind goes empty, you can only think of one word.
He’s all you can think of as you begin to unravel. He soothes your nerves and needs with his cock stretching you out and you couldn’t be more relieved.
He takes your ankles into his hands and places both legs on his shoulders, burying into you at a different angle.
Your head falls back as you moan loudly, not caring about who could possibly hear you in the hallway or next room over.
He smirks as he looks down at you going insane from his movements. He then places two fingers onto your neglected clit, massaging it as he slides in and out of your quivering pussy faster.
“Oh, I’m going to..I’m going to cum.” Tears prick at the corners of your eyes. You’re so overwhelmed with pleasure.
“That’s it, little mouse, the doctor is making you feel so good.”
He sticks his tongue out and licks your breast again, covering it in spit as you begin to leak onto the sheets below you.
Your eyes shut tightly and begin to roll in the back of your head as you cum.
Taeyong continues to fuck you hard, the metal bar hitting the wall at a steady pace now as he approaches his own high. He watches your quivering pussy swallow his dick and coat it in your cum.
Your body falls weak while you come down. You can only feel over sensitivity as Taeyong continues to use your body. He watches your breasts jump with each thrust and groans, your eyes wet with tears and your wrists becoming irritated from struggling against the zip ties. Everything about you is so perfect to him.
He slides out of you quickly before stroking his member and releasing onto your belly.
He breathes heavily, locking eyes with yours while every drop escapes onto your perfect skin.
He collects the cum with the scalpel he placed to the side. You tremble and watch.
“Open your mouth.” He demands.
You open your mouth and stick your tongue out.
“Lick it, carefully, we wouldn’t want that wonderful tongue of yours getting cut, would we?” He places the scalpel with his cum onto your tongue. You lick it off slowly, praying that you don’t cut your tongue in the process.
While you do that, he traces his fingertips around and in between your folds to collect your juices, then sticks his fingers into his mouth and licks the essence off.
He leans down and kisses you, his tongue circling around yours to combine your seed with his.
You moan into his mouth as you kiss and taste each other.
When he pulls away, he looks onto you lowly and licks his lips.
He tucks his member back into his pants and gets off of the bed while wiping his mouth.
He watches you on the bed with your arms tied to it still, you look up at him questioningly. Why was he taking so long to let you loose?
He fixes his mask over his face. “You’re too good to let go..I’ll have to kill Mark for good.”
Your eyes widen and you tug harshly against the ties. “No! No, no you can’t!”
“Why not? Do you love him?”
“Taeyong! It’s not like that at all! Please trust me, he’s just my friend.” You start to cry, there’s nothing you can do, you’re tied to the bed.
“I'm doing this for us.” Taeyong takes the scalpel and puts it into his shirt pocket before heading to the door.
“No! No you can’t! There’s cameras! You won’t get away with this, Taeyong! I swear I will tell everyone the truth this time!” You tell in a last minute attempt to stop this crazy man from hurting Mark.
Taeyong chuckles. “That almost sounded like a threat..” he turns back to you and gives you a dark expression, you tremble and cower down.
“but I’ll forget about it because I love you..also, my guys will take care of everything, even getting you out of here.Just sit tight while I take care of this.”
Taeyong ignores your cries, shuts the door, and hurries to the elevator. He heads up to Mark’s floor.
Once on the floor, he walks over to the nurse at the main desk on the floor and asks for his room.
“I’m Doctor Lee, I need to follow up with a patient named Mark. Which room is he in?”
Meanwhile, you yell loudly, trying to get anyone’s attention while also trying to slither out of the ties. But unfortunately they’re too tight. The floor also appears to be relatively empty as no one seems to hear you.
After several minutes, a nurse finally runs into the room and is startled to find you naked and tied to the bed.
“Please! Please stop him! He’s gonna kill Mark!”
The nurse runs over to the bed and quickly looks for scissors to cut you loose. “What happened? Who did this to you? Are you okay?”
You’re hysterical as she cuts you loose. She can barely figure out what you’re saying. “No, please don’t worry about me! We have to find him before-“
“Shhh..ma’am you have to breathe, you have to slow down, I am going to help-“
She’s interrupted by the sound of a loud alarm blaring through the hospital.
“Code Red! Code Red! Everyone please find an escape route or escape room immediately.” The automated message echoes through the halls then repeats again.
The nurse’s eyes widen while she helps you button your dress up.
“Code red? Shit.”
“Miss, what does that mean?!” You jump off the bed and rub your wrists.
“That means there’s someone yielding a weapon in the hospital, they may or may not have already hurt people. Come with me! We have to go to the escape room!” She takes your hand as she opens the door, but you pull it away and run off towards the stairwell.
“Ma’am!!” She yells after you but you don’t stop, you run up the stairs to Mark’s floor.
Tears continue to fall as you sniffle and run.
You can’t believe you were so stupid to let Taeyong do this..again.
You could only pray that you would reach Mark in time.
You push the door open and are finally on Mark’s floor. As you run towards it, you notice there’s a loud ruckus by his room.
You run even faster, pushing past the nurses as you get closer. But what you see stops you in your tracks.
Mark is on the hospital bed being pushed by several nurses and a doctor. They hurry to an operating room, but it seems like you were too late. 
Your hand flies over your mouth at the sight.
The same scalpel that Taeyong used on you sticks out of the brown haired boys neck. Blood gushes out and splatters the nurses uniforms. His eyes are closed and he seems to be choking, begging for air.
“I’m not getting a pulse! Move faster, we’re running out of time!!” A nurse yells as they rush past you.
Time seems to move in slow motion. You can’t think clearly, you can only feel pain. Your head spins. You hold onto the wall for support. How could he do this? How could he kill someone innocent? This was all your fault. 
You held your head in your hands and screamed loudly as you banged it onto the wall behind you.
“This is all my fault!! Oh, God! Why?!” You cry uncontrollably.
All the memories of Taeyong flooded your brain. It’s because of him. Your life turned upside down because of the devil with a sly smile and tempting touch. And you fell for it every time, like a fool, you fell into his trap.
You had to get away from him, he wasn’t going to let you go easy, you had to run.
So you bolted out of the hospital and into the snow without your coat or cell phone so he wouldn’t be able to track you.
You ran fast, the cold, harsh air stabbing your throat. Everything became a blur, you couldn’t see where you were going, but you knew that you just had to keep running.
You finally found a bus that had just approached its stop. You jumped onto it and headed to the back immediately. You sat down and held your face in your hands as you sobbed quietly, eventually drifting to sleep.
You’re woken up by a quick tap on the shoulder.
Your eyes open slowly to see the bus driver smiling at you fondly.
“Ma’am, this is the last stop.”
You sit up straight and rub your eyes. “Wh-what time is it? Where am I?”
“It’s 10 p.m, you’re at the last stop on the east side of town. Are you..alright? Shall I call for someone to help you home?”
You shake your head and look outside to see darkness. “No..no I’m fine, I’ll just go, thank you.”
You grab your bag and step off of the bus, walking quickly to the brightly lit downtown area. There had to be somewhere that had an available phone to call your parents from.
But then again, should you call them? What if Taeyong tapped their phones too? What if he was after them now that you were missing? He wouldn’t hurt them if they truly didn’t know where you are, right?
You hold yourself tightly and continue to walk briskly through the freezing streets.
“Miss? Do you need a coat?” A man calls out to you, but you shake your head and walk faster. The last thing you wanted was for some random man to try to “help” you.
Additionally, you didn’t know how many men worked for Taeyong. Once he told them to look for you, they could be anywhere, just waiting in the shadows to grab you up.
You found a table outside of a restaurant and sat down to take a break once you were far away from the man.
You held your head down and rubbed your eyes. 
What could you do now? You’re alone in a new town with no cellphone and you can’t just call your parents or friends.
You were too busy in thought to notice that the lights in the restaurant had been shut off now.
“Ma’am, excuse me, but we’re closed now and I have to put the chairs away- wait, don’t I know you?” The man’s voice interrupted you.
You looked up slowly and sat back in your chair. “Ah yes, I’m sorry, I was just resting..”
You wipe your eyes then rub your hands together to warm yourself, but when you look up at the man speaking to you, you instantly recognize him.
“J-Jaehyun from History 201?”
Jaehyun smiles and drops the garbage bag he’s holding.
“Y/n? How are you? It’s nice to see you.”
You nod and smile. You hoped you didn’t look at terrible as you felt. You had been crying all day, your eyes must’ve looked ridiculously swollen.
“I’m-I’m sorry, for uhhh, coming here like this.”
You looked down at the floor, and away from his handsome face.
You always had a weakness for Jaehyun. He was your partner in class last year and helped you with your final project the most. He was kind, always sparing time to help you with flashcards and study for hours into the late night at the library.
“Oh, no worries! I haven’t seen you around campus a lot this year, it’s nice to see you now! Wait, where’s your jacket? It’s freezing out here.”
“Oh..I don’t have one, I sorta ran here..actually, it’s a long story.”
“I’ll be right back, I’m gonna close up and grab you a coat, okay?” Jaehyun smiled widely then grabbed the garbage bag and turned the corner to go to the dumpster.
You immediately jumped up and started walking. 
Not again, not again. 
You couldn’t get another innocent and kind person involved with Taeyong. If he or any of his men even glimpsed Jaehyun with you, they’d beat him to a pulp.
You paced through the streets, and looked around for any restaurant that would be open late.
You felt terrible for running away from him when he was only filled with good intentions, but you had to to protect him.
About fifteen minutes into walking down a new street, you hear the honking of a car horn.
You step to the right and further away from them, but the person slows down and matches your pace. You don’t dare to look over, you only walk faster and look for possible routes to run through to get away from them.
“Hey! I told you to wait! What are you doing?”
Jaehyun yells out through the passenger window.
“Please, Jaehyun, I just can’t..I can’t be seen with you right now. It’s difficult to explain.” You held yourself and marched forward.
“Whatever is going on with you can wait! Right now, you’re about to catch pneumonia if you don’t get out of the freezing cold. Hop in! And I’m not asking this time.”
Jaehyun turns his car in front you swiftly once at a pedestrian walk way, you’re forced to stop walking. You look up at him with red, watery eyes.
“Please, y/n..I want to help you.”
You take one final glance at the area around you and see no one in sight, so you jump into the car and take off.
Jaehyun takes you to his small apartment.
You step into the living room as he locks the door behind him.
“Do you live here..by yourself?”
Jaehyun chuckles as he takes his coat off and throws it into the coat closet.
His muscles now showing clearly in his tight white shirt.
You gulp and look away quickly.
“Yes, I live here by myself, over 15 miles away from campus..why? Well, for starters, that restaurant we were at is my family’s restaurant. It’s left in my care, so I have to be closer to it than I am to school.” Jaehyun shrugs before continuing. “And no roommates because who wants to be so far away?”
You give a small smile and look at the tiny but cozy apartment. It was much different from your house where you had floors and rooms that were endless.
No wonder why Jaehyun is so humble and giving.
“Yeah, it’s not much, but it’s enough.”
He trots past you and to the kitchen. “Take a seat, I’ll get you a glass of water.���
Jaehyun washes his hands while you sit down onto the couch in his living room. He then sits down beside you and hands you a glass.
“Do you need anything? A jacket, a blanket, change of clothes?” Jaehyun stares at you through wide eyes.
You laugh and smile widely again. “You’re too kind, Jaehyun..but some sweats and a T would be amazing right now.”
Jaehyun immediately jumps up and heads to his room. A few minutes later he hands you Nike sweatpants and a plain white T. 
“The bathroom is on the right, feel free to change in there.”
You thank him profusely before heading to the bathroom.
You cringe when you see yourself. Your hair is messy, unkempt, your eyes are swollen like they were stung by bees, and your neck donned a love bite courtesy of Taeyong.
You washed your face and did your best to fix your hair before heading out.
Once beside Jaehyun, you take a deep breath and explain everything to him.
“Jaehyun...I don’t know what to do..I hope that you will not judge me.” 
Jaehyun shakes his head. “It is not my job to judge, y/n, go on.”
“There’s a man..I love him..well, I think I love him. He makes me feel...new, unexplainable things. He makes my heart weak… but Jaehyun, he is a bad man. He’s hurt my friend, and I-I dont think I can be with him anymore..” you start to cry again. “So I ran away.”
“Shhh..shhh don’t cry, you did the right thing. It hurts now, but I believe you will be happier now that you are away from him.” Jaehyun holds you close, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and looking into your eyes deeply.
Jaehyun was right, you were away from him and running was the right thing to do. But why did it feel wrong? Why do you feel guilty? Why did you feel like the one that betrayed him?
“Would you like to tell the cops about him?” Jaehyun rubs his hand along your arm. His touch is soothing, his broad chest makes him feel at home. You slowly start to lean into him more.
“No..no, I still love him. I can’t..plus he’s smart, he’ll get away with it, and take me again.”
But you want to be taken, don't you, little mouse?
You close your eyes tightly in an attempt to drown out his voice.
“That’s alright then, y/n. We don’t have to tell anyone.”
Jaehyun whispers.
Tell him what I did, tell him how good I made you feel just today. Your legs around me as I fucked you hard into that flimsy hospital mattress. Your essence dripping down your shaking thighs, the way you called my name...
You breathed slowly. Don’t think of him, don’t think of him.
“I’m so scared, Jaehyun, I don’t know what to do. What if he hurts someone else that I love?” You sob into his chest.
“Don’t be scared, y/n. I’m here now, he won’t find you in this little, dingy apartment, okay? And you can stay here as long as you’d like, don’t worry.”
You nod. “I-I don’t have my phone because that’s what he uses to track me. Jaehyun, he’s a dangerous man, you must not tell ANYONE that I am here.”
Jaehyun’s brows furrowed. What kind of man would track his lover? He didn’t like the sound of him, but he was happy to know that you were out of that crazy man’s grasp and with him now where you’d be safe.
“I understand, y/n. I won’t tell anyone, not even your parents.”
You smile and thank him once more.
“You can sleep on the bed, I’ll take the couch.” He says before standing up from beside you.
[One Week Later] 
It’s been a few days since you ran away. You stayed inside Jaehyun’s apartment quietly, not even opening the window to look out at the sunshine and snow.
Jaehyun would visit you during the day whenever he had time. He just wanted to make sure you were safe.
But then he’d leave and head to work or school to prepare for exams.
You prepared for exams on an old laptop that he found at a thrift store for you. You would draft up emails to all of your professors, letting them know that you wouldn’t be able to attend class because you were mourning the death of your close friend, Mark.
Jaehyun would then send the emails once he was on campus so that if Taeyong and his men decided to hack into your account and search for you IP address, they would be met with the college IP address and not Jaehyun’s.
It was an elaborate, but tiring plan, but so far it seemed to work. 
Jaehyun also visited the post office to drop off a letter for your parents. You hoped it would get to them for it explained that you were alright and safe far away from the college. You stated that you needed to take some time away to grieve your loss and you hoped that they would try to be okay with that.
Knowing your parents, you knew they would have a fit at you running away and leaving your cell phone behind. But they had no choice but to accept it, for your safety and for theirs.
The news of Mark’s death hit everyone hard. You saw your college mates mourn and host a vigil on the news and cried once again. They said that the murderer snuck into the hospital in scrubs and a face mask, but all security footage for that day had mysteriously been “lost.” They had no face on camera, and no one to give a description of who the assailant might be...other than you, of course.
You could never forgive yourself for what you did to him. How could you have been so naive?
Now, Mark was dead and his family and friends were experiencing immense pain. 
You silently cried yourself to sleep that day, praying to God for forgiveness.
Taeyong, on the other hand, wasn’t begging for forgiveness. No, Mark’s murder was nothing to him. He was going to take you away from him, and that couldn’t happen, so he got rid of him just like any other enemy that threatened his peace and tranquillity. Instead, Taeyong went about  threatening anyone and everyone in an effort to find you.
Taeyong was furious when Taeil tracked your phone only to find it still at the hospital. You had vanished out of his sight for the first time since he met you, and that was unacceptable.
He slowly started to feel himself go psychotic. He couldn’t focus on other tasks, jobs were incomplete as everything came to a standstill because of his preoccupation with finding you.
“She’ll be back, she has to come back.” Taeyong paces about his office.
“Don’t you think you’ve taken this a little too far?” Johnny sits in the leather chair across from Taeyong’s desk and purses his lips.
“No..no I don’t think I’ve taken it too far, Johnny, but you know what I do think? I think you and the rest of these guys are fucking lazy! You’re supposed to be the best of the best and you can’t find a fucking college girl? How far could she have gotten, she doesn’t even have a car!”
Taeyong slams his hand onto the desk.
Johnny sighs. “We’re doing the best we can, we’re looking for the spoiled brat 24/7. There’s only so many places we can check, wherever she is, whatever hole she’s in..we’ll find it. But I must ask, what if she doesn’t want to be found, Taeyong? If she’s gone through this much trouble, are you sure she loves you?”
“Shut up!” Taeyong throws his sands of time stature to the ground, leaving sand and broken glass everywhere.
Johnny remains unfazed in his seat, for Taeyong did have these tantrums every now and then.
Taeyong walks over and stares at the broken pieces before bending down to pick one up.
“What about her piece of shit father?” He asks, still staring at the three-edged glass in his hand.
“He knows nothing… we traced all his emails and text messages, but nothing. It seems she’s run away from her parents too. Maybe she’s just tired of this privileged life.” Johnny shrugs.
“I don’t believe his lying ass, and you shouldn’t either. Has he agreed to meet with me yet?”
“He won’t meet with you, Taeyong, he's pissed enough to know that you’ve gotten to his daughter. He doesn’t even care that we’ve slowed down our deliveries.”
“Hmmm I guess I’ll have to get nasty with him..” Taeyong’s dark eyes widen as he smirks.
Johnny raises his arms. “Taeyong, when’s the last time you slept? You look like a raccoon. I’ll call over our favorite girl, you know the flexible one. God, I love when she takes us both, that college girl of yours could never do the things she does.”
Taeyong steps towards Johnny, still gazing at the glass with a wild expression.
“Get a good fuck and sleep well after, what do you say?” Johnny lifts the corner of his mouth into a smile.
Taeyong leans down and into Johnny’s face. Johnny's brows furrowed as he leans backward and away from him.
But Taeyong holds the back of his head with one hand and presses the edge of the glass into his neck with the other. 
Johnny groans as it just barely pierced his skin. “Taeyong, what the f-?”
“I don’t want anyone but that “spoiled brat,” and if I don’t get her, I’ll kill all of you myself. I’ll start with you first..so the next time you get a coffee or bagel from Gordo’s, let someone else taste it first..it’d be a shame for it to have just one extra...and deadly ingredient.” Taeyong presses the glass in harder as Johnny hisses.
His eyes widen, Taeyongs grip on the back of his head tightening, his nails digging into his scalp.
“I love her and she loves me..but you wouldn’t know anything about love, would you, Johnny? If you did, you’d know that lovers have to fight sometimes. Not everything is all roses and fucking flowers. She wants me to fight for her, and that’s what I intend on doing. So stop opening your mouth and get moving, I don’t want my dick sucked tonight.”
“You’ve lost your mind.” Johnny lets out once Taeyong releases him.
“And that’s the bad part, Johnny, I haven’t lost it yet. I’m just getting started.”
Johnny huffs and heads for the door.
“Oh, and Johnny boy, send Taeil in.”
[One Day Later]
Your parents eat their dinner after a long day of work combined with worry for your safety. Your dad tried to keep your mother calm and collected, but she struggled to swallow each bite.
“I-I just don’t understand..” she puts her fork down and holds her head in her hands.
“She’s fine, honey. We should just trust her and continue the search. The church has done a wonderful job with helping us look for her. But thank God we received a letter.” Your father continues to chew.
“It’s not enough, how do we even know she wrote that? And that Taeyong guy, why does he keep asking to speak with you about her? What does he know?”
Your father slams his fork down and looks at your mother. He takes her hand and places it onto the table while looking sternly into her eyes.
“Don’t..you ever call that name in this house. He’s a fool and he will never get close to our family.”
“He already has! Him and his men have stalked me for days! I don’t know what they plan to do to us, I’m scared.”
“Don’t worry about them, they’d be foolish to lay a hand on you.” Your father looks into your mother's eyes deeply.
“What have you done? Why are they after us?”
“I haven’t done anything except serve the good Lord.”
He looks onto the table.
She pulls her hand away. “Do you think I was born yesterday? I know all about your dealings with him..” she looks up at the gold walls and fancy paintings around the dining area.
“Do you think I believe all this came from the church? You must think I’m those idiots that you preach to, believing nonsense.” She scoffs.
Your father gasps. “How could you say that? The church..our religion, it isn’t nonsense! I thought you changed from that sinful girl I met so long ago, I thought you were better than this..”
“And I thought you were better than to get involved with a gang leader! But look at you! Desperate for more than we NEED! How is this a Christian life? Look at the example we set for our child, we’ve taught her this lavish lifestyle that we can’t even say we’ve earned honestly like good people, where is our humility?!”
“We’ve set an amazing example! Do you remember where you were before you met me, on the streets scouring for your next fix! Imagine raising your child while in that state, without me!”
She sits and gives him a harsh look before opening her mouth to respond. “You’re full of sh-“
But a loud, compilation of multiple sounds fills the house. Your parents cover their ears.
“What the hell is that?!” Your mom jumps up and looks around. It seems all of the televisions in the mansion have turned themselves on.
“What in God’s name?” As your father listens closely, he recognizes something from audio of whatever is being played on one of the televisions.
I want us to cum..together. I want you to get so full of my cum..Do you want me to fill you up?
He hears the man say.. then a high pitched moan follows.
No. This can’t be happening. It couldn’t be your sweet voice.
Your father jumps up and runs to the closest television screen, the one in the living room.
Your mother follows behind. “What is going on? Was there a power surge or something? Why are they all-“
She stops talking as she is stunned by what is being played on the screen at full volume. The noise is almost unbearable.
The video of you being taken from the back by Taeyong plays on the large screen. Your hair messy, mouth open as mewls and moans spew out, your naked body being pummeled into by the demon as he grips your waist and pulls you onto him. You look into the camera and at yourself before letting out a loud whimper.
Yes...sir, oh God, Taeyong..please I’m gonna..
Your father turns away and stares at the floor intently, trying to drown out your cries and the sounds of skin slapping on skin in the video.
“Oh God! Turn it off!!” Your mother yells.
Your father then looks around the room for the TV remote, finally finding it on the couch.
He firmly presses the power button, but nothing happens. He runs up to the TV and presses the power button on its base, but still nothing happens.
“No..this can’t be happening.” He mutters, his eyes widen.
A new video then starts to play, displaying you naked and kneeling on the ground below Taeyong. Your father recognizes his tattoos as he rubs his thumb along your round lips.
Stick your tongue out, little mouse.
Ah yes..just like that..
Taeyong groans as you lick his tip leaking with precum.
“Unplug the damn thing!”
Your mother yells again as she turns away and covers her ears.
Your father finally reaches behind the TV and tears the cord out of the socket.
Your parents breathe a sigh of relief as the video stops playing.
However, they would now have to unplug each and every TV in the house that blasted a sexual video of you.
“What is this? Is he doing this to blackmail us?” Your mother starts crying.
“I’m going to kill that bastard…”
“He’s ruined our daughter! Oh, God..how could we not see the signs?” She runs off to her bedroom with her ears still covered. The house is filled with the music of your moans and Taeyongs grunts. All the videos of you and him that he had taken played throughout.
Your father’s face is haunting, he looks dark, strange, his eyes shaking as he thinks of what to do next.
[Two Days Later]
Your mother enters the hair salon as she usually does on a Tuesday afternoon.
She greets the stylists and goes to the back room where her hair is to be washed before the cut.
After waiting for about 10 minutes, a stylist enters the room and places a black robe around her, tying it in the back.
“How are you today?” The male voice says smoothly.
“I’m alright.” Her eyes are still a bit red from crying, she was really worried for you, especially after seeing the videos that Taeyong had taken. She’s too preoccupied with her thoughts to look up at the man.
“Lean back for me. Close your eyes, just relax.”
The man takes her head and leans it against the wash bin as she moves to get comfortable.
“I can tell you’re going through a lot right now.”
“Yes...I am.” She nods slightly and closes her eyes.
The man hums then places a small amount of shampoo onto her hair before wetting it with the hose.
He massages her scalp with slow and tenuous movements, pressing his tips into her scalp while making circular motions.
His thumbs place pressure onto the back of her neck, carefully kneading into it and loosening a knot.
“That feels good...I don’t think I’ve had you before..” your mother lets out, she’s holding back an embarrassing moan, for his fingers just feel so incredibly good.
Her mouth falls open.
“Of course you’ve had me before..”
“I would definitely remember these hands.”
The man chuckles. “Oh? I hope your daughter remembers them.”
Her eyes open quickly. “What did you say?”
She tries to sit up in the chair, but the man grabs her by the hair and forces her back down.
“Relax, mom..it’s just me, Taeyong...I’m not gonna hurt you if you do what I ask.”
He continues to massage her scalp and hums a low tune. Your mother's eyes grow, she looks above her and sees the red haired man with crazy eyes. She reaches back to grab at his arms, scratching his skin as she squirms in her chair.
“Let me go! Let me go! Help! Someone help me!”
She yells for help, but the terrified stylists in the salon's main lobby sit in silence. Johnny has already locked the doors to the salon and holds two pistols in his hands, ready to aim at anyone that makes the slightest move.
“No one can help you, my love, only you can help yourself.” Taeyong smiles then grabs her arms and places them across her chest.
“I’m gonna ask you once..” he walks around the chair and bends down over her, gazing into her teary eyes.
“Where is she?”
“I could ask you the same question! What have you done to her?”
“Everything I did to her you’ve already seen on your TV. I know you’re hiding her from me. Where. Is. She?”
“Fuck you! You’ll never see her again! Even if I did know where she is, you’d have to walk over my dead body to get to her!” She spits out but Taeyong only laughs. He looked crazy, his red hair disheveled and eyes dark, his skin was extremely pale like he hadn’t gone outside for a while.
“Sweetheart, that’s no problem for me, but I’d rather not have to watch her mourn your death.”
Taeyong walks behind her and turns the hose on again, but this time he grabs a towel from the counter behind him.
He forces your mother’s head back, nearly breaking her neck in the process. She grunts and breathes through gritted teeth before grabbing at his arms again.
He throws the towel over her face and pours water onto it. Your mother starts to choke, she can’t breathe as water soaks through the towel, flooding her mouth and drowning her slowly. Her nostrils flare as they attempt to take in oxygen, but only take in water as well.
She flails about in the chair, her legs stomping and her nails leaving deep scratch marks into Taeyongs skin.
Taeyong hisses but laughs as she struggles to breathe.
“You’re a tough one. But all you have to do is tell me where she is..”
A muffled scream escapes.
“What was that?” He turns the hose off and lifts up the part of the towel covering her mouth.
She takes in a deep breath and coughs up water.
“Please! Please stop! I don’t know where she is!”
Taeyong replaces the towel and begins to waterboard her again.
“Hmmmm do you expect me to believe that?” Taeyong growls out. He’s growing impatient.
Another muffled sound escaped her after a few seconds.
Taeyong lifts the towel. “Ready to talk now?”
“Yes! Yes..” she chokes.
“I think her father knows..where she is, he told me that a member of the church saw her..please you can’t hurt her! She’s not a piece of shit like my husband is. She’s kind and a good person, please I beg you to not take out your frustrations on her.” She sobs.
Taeyong lifts the towel off completely.
“I won’t hurt her..I love her. I’m just a little..upset is all.” Taeyong speaks softly. 
“And your husband..well he’s been ignoring me..that doesn’t make me happy..”
She stares and shakes like a cold, wet dog.
“Call your husband..” he hands her phone back to her.
She hesitantly dials him up. Her mind is filled with regrets for giving in, how could she put your life at risk? How could she tell the truth about your father getting info from a man that saw you in the city on the east side? The man said he had seen you come off of the bus and offered you a coat, but you quickly refused and walked away. That’s when he saw you meet up with a guy at a restaurant not too far away.
Your father had already figured out who you were with after he visited the area himself. He’d seen Jaehyun close the restaurant, he followed him home and the next day he followed him to the library on campus.
He had an insider watch closely over Jaehyun’s shoulder as he signed into your email account.
The truth was known to him, but he wouldn’t tell anyone or seek you out himself. He thought it’d be best if it remained a mystery. Even to his own wife.
“Hello?” Her husband answers.
She sniffles. “He’s here...you have to tell him where she is..or he’ll kill me!”
“No, oh God, no...where are you?!” He asks but before she can respond, Taeyong grabs the phone away from her and presses the ‘FaceTime’ button.
Once he answers, Taeyong smiles widely and places the phone in front of your mother. He rests his chin on her shoulder as she cries.
“Hey there, pastor, long time no see.”
“Taeyong..you maniacal asshole, leave my wife out of this!”
“But why? You’ve been ignoring me so I decided to spend some time with her. I must say she’s a lot nicer than you. She reminds me of your daughter too..”
He looks at the side of her face before kissing her cheek softly. “I miss her so much.”
“She told me that a little birdy told you where y/n is..let’s not waste anymore time. Tell me now!”
“I can’t do that, I can’t put her at risk!”
“Are you sure you want to keep saying no to me?” Taeyong grabs a pair of trimming scissors behind him and holds it to her neck, pressing the tip in to show obvious indentation.
Your mother cries out loudly. “Just do it!”
He shakes his head and bites his lip. “I’m sorry, honey, but I can’t give our daughter to him.”
His wife’s eyes widened. “You-you can’t be serious..you’re gonna let him kill me?”
He starts to tear up. “To protect our daughter...I have to.”
Taeyong chuckles. “Well, would you look at that..the crazy bastard doesn’t care about you.”
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” The pastor shakes his head as it lowers.
“But I know what he does care about..money..”
Taeyong lifts the scissors out of your mother’s neck and places it onto the counter.
“See..I knew he wouldn’t care if I threatened your life, mom..I knew he wouldn’t care if I posted those videos of me fucking his daughter all over that grand house of his..but I do know he’d care if he loses his church..”
Taeyong takes his chin in his hand.
“What would happen if during one of your wonderful sermons..I put those videos of me and your daughter on the big screens.. Ah yes that online streaming service you have that reaches millions..oh, how disastrous would that be? All those families tuning in to porn unknowingly..you’d be ruined, wouldn’t you pastor?”
“How could your daughter be with me, a gang leader?”
Your father looks back at the screen furrowing his eyebrows and tilting his head. “These threats won’t work, you wouldn’t dare.”
“Oh, but let’s not stop there, pastor. Imagine what chaos would ensue if those emails between us just so happened to leak...a pastor..conducting the drug business in his own town?”
“Just tell him where she is, God damn it! He’ll ruin us!” Your mother yells.
“Everything would be stripped away from you..it starts with the church, then harassment from the media as they call you a hypocrite…I’ve wanted to let the people know who you truly are for the longest time..I’ve spared you, but now, I have nothing to lose. I’ll fuck up your life, pastor.”
Taeyong grins an evil smile that the pastor just wants to smack from his face.
The pastor closes his eyes and sighs. He just couldn’t let the world know the true criminal he was and furthermore, he knew Taeyong would eventually catch up to you. What was the point of holding back?
Then, he thought of a plan, something that would catch Taeyong off guard. Taeyong’s weakness was that he believed he always had the upper hand in every situation, he’d never suspect what the pastor was about to do to him.
“Fine..but I won’t tell you where she is, I’ll bring her to you..tomorrow, meet me at the corner of 5th and Herst, in the alleyway. I’ll have her there for you.”
Taeyong smiles. “Perfect. Until then, your wife and I will keep each other company, maybe we’ll watch some movies and enjoy popcorn or something.”
“Taeyong, no, I need her.”
Taeyong chuckles. “Are you sure about that? Just a few minutes ago you didn’t care that I had a pair of scissors in her neck..”
“Yes but..”
“End of discussion,father, I’ll see you at 9 tomorrow night. And don’t even think about bailing on me, because for each minute you’re late, I’ll remove a finger or toe from your beautiful wife.” Taeyong ends the FaceTime call.
[The Next Day 9:30 PM]
Somehow, you were able to burn the onions.
You turned away for just a split second, then turned back to see your once white onions become black.
“Damn it.”
That’s when you hear the door open. You were cooking dinner for you and Jaehyun. It was a late dinner, yes, but Jaehyun had to close the restaurant. 
“What’s this?”
Jaehyun laughed as he entered the kitchen and saw you tossing black onions into the sink.
“Uhhh..I’m cooking..well trying to cook spaghetti and meatballs..it’s not as easy as Gordon Ramsey makes it seem.”
You pout.
“Oh, you didn’t have to..” Jaehyun places his bag down and steps beside you in the kitchen.
“I know..but it’s the least I can do, you've welcomed me into your place and kept me safe, and for that, I’m forever thankful.”
“It’s nothing, really, I’m just helping you get away from what sounds like a crazy man.”
Jaehyun places his hand on top of yours.
You turn and look up into his gorgeous brown eyes.
He steps closer, his steamy breath tingling your forehead. You look at his lips and lick your own, you always had a small crush on him and now he was right in front of you, making your heart shiver and your mind cloudy.
He leans forward while still looking into your eyes 
“The pasta is sticking to the bottom of the pan.” He whispers, almost seductively.
Your eyes widen as you step back and turn to the pot with the pasta.
“Oh! You’re right, oh no!”
Jaehyun laughs out.
“Hey!” You smile, feeling your face become hot from embarrassment.
“You’re cute.” Jaehyun takes his bag out of the kitchen and goes to his room.
“Thanks but I just wish I could cook!” You yell out to him.
He changes into a white t-shirt and pajama pants and walks back into the kitchen after a few minutes.
He watches from the entry way as you pour olive oil,  a bit too much olive oil, onto the pasta. He smiles to himself.
“Being cute is enough, I like having you here.”
“Really?” You raise your eyebrows, then look back at him with an innocent expression.
“Yeah..” he nods and steps close to you once again.
“I-Jaehyun..I’ve always..” your words stumble out of your mouth as his close proximity makes you hot again.
He towers over you, licking his lips and crossing his arms. “Always what?”
You shake your head. You thought of Taeyong and how a part of you still loved him. Jaehyun was nice to you, you couldn’t ruin the friendship you had.
“N-Never mind.” You look away.
Jaehyun tilts your head back to his while holding your chin.
“Say it...please.”
You search his eyes, you’re enamored by him, completely taken aback by his touch and warmth.
You begged for God to forgive you for having sinful thoughts when you looked at him, you wanted to lay kisses onto his collarbones and run your fingers through his hair. You wanted him to kiss your lips for a long time as he wraps your legs around his waist and touches you..everywhere.
He leaned down, watching your lips part.
You were so close..but then..his phone rang.
He closed his eyes and sighed before stepping back. “I’m sorry, I’ll be right back, I think it’s my lab partner.”
You nod then turn back to your bubbling spaghetti sauce.
“I don't know what you’re talking about, I don’t know where she is!” You hear Jaehyun’s voice raise from his bedroom.
Your brows furrow. Who found his phone number? Who found him and possible found you? You hadn’t left his apartment since getting there.
You walk over to him and stand in the doorway, watching as Jaehyun angrily addresses the person on the phone.
“You’ve got the wrong number!” He hangs up and turns to you.
“Who was that?” You ask quietly, as if the person on the phone can still hear you.
“Someone that claims to be your father..”
His phone rang again. 
Your eyes widened as you stared at his phone screen. “Ask him..what time was I born.”
If it’s him, you needed to talk to him, you needed to tell him that you’re okay.
Only you, your father and your mother knew the time you were born.
3:33 A.M
Your father always praised it as a holy time. “You’re an angel” he’d always say.
Jaehyun answered the stranger and asked the questions like you asked him to. “If you’re her father, what time was she born?”
He put the phone on mute then turned to you.
“he said 3:33 AM..”
Your eyes grew as you reached for his phone. “It’s him!”
You unmute it. “Dad?”
“Yes, dear, oh my God, thank God you're okay.” You can hear him start to sob.
“Dad, it’s okay, I’m okay.” 
“I knew my prayers would not be in vain..” he cries.
“I need you to come back, sweetheart. We’ve got him, and we are gonna put him away for good, but we need your help.”
“Dad..what are you talking about?”
You look up at Jaehyun, his arms crossed and his brows knitted.
“That crazy man! He’s been after you since you ran away, but I got him! I tricked him into meeting up with me. He thought I would turn you in to him, but instead I had the cops ambush him. They arrested him, he’s being brought to the station right now, thank God.”
Your head begins to spin, your eyes start to blur as water fills them. “W-what do you mean ‘they arrested him?’”
How did they find out that Taeyong was the one to kill Mark? And why did you feel a sudden sense of despair now that he was arrested? He deserved it, right?
“Taeyong kidnapped and assaulted you, that’s what I told the cops, y/n. I told them that you ran away to get away from him. You have to come in as soon as possible to give a statement.”
“No..n-no, dad I can't do that..it isn’t true”
Silence falls over the phone. “What do you mean?”
You start to sob as you thought of Taeyong and all of your moments with him.
“I-I love him. I can’t deny it, my heart hurts just knowing he might be put away.”
Even after all he did, you still felt something for him.
“Are you stupid? This man is a monster! I saw the things he did to you in those videos!” Your father spits out into the phone.
“Yes! And I let him do those things, I enjoyed it! I can't lie to you or to the police!”
“You leave me no choice! If you don’t come back, I’ll come and get you myself! And I’ll have Jaehyun arrested for kidnapping too!”
You gasp. “Dad..you can’t do that..” sniffling, you look up at Jaehyun.
“He has nothing to do with this.”
“Then come home and make a statement! This is the only way out..for BOTH of us, we have to take him down!” Your father yells over the phone loud enough for Jaehyun to hear.
You hang up the phone and hand it back to Jaehyun.
He shakes his head slowly as he takes it. “Y/n...you don’t have to go back.”
You wipe your eyes. “I’m sorry, Jaehyun, I’m so sorry for all of this. I have to go back and make things right or...you’ll end up like….” Mark. You didn’t finish your sentence because Jaehyun still didn’t know that you knew who killed Mark.
“End up like who? You know what, it doesn’t matter.. Y/n, just stay with me, you’ll be okay..” the sorrowful look in his eyes eats away at your heart.
He reaches out for your hand, but you pull it away.
“Jaehyun.. I’ll be okay, I’ll see you on campus.”
Jaehyun sighs and looks away.
“I’ll need a hoodie.” 
You grabbed one of Jaehyun’s hoodies and headed out of his apartment and to the closest bus station. Jaehyun walked you to it, and even waited for the next bus to arrive before he left.
As it approached, he felt his heart beat heavily in his chest. He was worried for you, but donned a small smile when you turned back to him to say bye.
You took his face in your hands and placed a light kiss on his cheek. He frowned as you pulled back and looked into his eyes.
“Goodnight, Jaehyun..I’ll see you soon.”
While on the bus, you thought of everything that happened. How worried and upset Taeyong must be about you running away. But he killed Mark, he killed an innocent person and your heart aches for your loss.
So why did you worry about Taeyong’s current state in jail?
Once at the bus stop, your mother gave you a big hug and held your face in her hands. “I’m so sorry to make you do this, honey, but I’m so happy you’re back home.”
You smiled softly, attempting to hide your worry as you looked into your mother’s drained face. She looked like she hadn’t rested or eaten well.
“I’m happy I’m home too.” 
Your father nodded and hugged you too, but didn’t say anything, even during your ride to the police station.
When you entered the station, an officer took you into a room where they would ask you important questions.
“Please let me go in with her, she’s probably traumatized!” Your father begged as they took you away.
“Sir..we can’t let anyone else in, she isn’t a minor, so there’s no reason for her to be accompanied by a parent. We will provide her with whatever she asks for and give her as much time as she needs to tell us what happened.” The detective spoke to your parents as they waited in the lobby.
Your heart ran wild, your hands shook and grew sweaty as you stood only in what seemed to be a slowly collapsing box. You felt like you couldn’t breathe as the clicking sound of the door shutting behind you echoed in the room.
It was just you and the detective now.
“I’m going to turn on the light in the other room beside us..Once it is on, you will be able to see the room through this one-way mirror. I need you to identify the man in front of us..but do not worry, we can see him, but he can’t see or hear us. I ask that you answer honestly, but do take your time. We need as much info as possible. Understood?”
You nodded and swallowed hard. “Y-yes.”
She flicks the light switch and your heart drops almost immediately.
Taeyong sits in the center of the room, his wrists bound together with handcuffs. He looks tired, pale, like he hadn’t slept since you left.
The bags under his eyes donned a dark, almost black shade, and made him look even more dangerous than he did before.
Your mouth fell open. He looked like a sad puppy for the first time, he didn’t look like someone that could possibly kill an innocent person. He didn’t look like a gang leader at all, no, he looked like an innocent boy.
You wanted to run to him, hug him and apologize for leaving him. You wanted to see him happy again.
You start to twiddle your thumbs. “I-I can’t do this.”
You turn to the detective, but she places her hand on top of yours and nods slowly. “Yes..you can. Don’t worry, survivors like you often have this exact moment of uncertainty. But it is important that you take your time. Let’s start with a basic question. Do you recognize this man?”
“What is his name?”
“Taeyong..his name is Taeyong.” You slowly start to speak more.
“How long have you known the suspect?”
“Suspect..” you whisper. “I’ve known him since July of this year..but…”
“What is it?” She turns to you, still holding the voice recording device in her hand.
“Why..why is he a suspect? What did he do?” You sounded ridiculous to the woman, but she didn’t notice that your eyes had not moved from watching Taeyong. You were falling for him over and over again silently. If it weren’t for the glass in between the two of you, you would’ve taken him into your arms and kissed him like there was no tomorrow, for you had missed him as well.
Taeyong could sense your presence even though he couldn’t see you. He was pissed that he had been set up by your father, a part of him knew that his guys could get him out in time, but he still hated the fact that he was made to look like a fool.
He knew he would kill your father as soon as he could instruct an assassin to do so, but that still wouldn’t solve his ache for you. He was overjoyed when your father finally agreed to bring you to him, he even made reservations at the finest restaurant in town to celebrate your reunion. He would kiss your lips all night long and lay beside you until the sun came out. He would never let you out of his sight again. But sadly, tonight nothing went as planned.
And to hear his father accuse him of engaging in non consensual activities made him furious.
“Dear...you’re the one that claims he assaulted you..is this not correct?”
So he wasn’t being arrested and charged with Mark’s murder, they had nothing on him for that. He was being falsely accused of a crime against you.
Taeyong stands up and walks over to the mirror. His hands still in his cuffs as he places them flat against the mirror. He searches for your face, knowing he won’t be able to see it even if he tries harder, but hoping that you’ll see his face filled with regret and pain.
“Y/n…” he calls out to you softly.
You can’t hear him, but you can see your name fall from his sweet lips.
You place your hands onto the glass to match his, tears falling from your eyes.
How can you accuse your love of a false crime? Especially when he looked so weakened, so low and desperate?
“No..no he didn’t kidnap or rape me, it was all consensual…” you state firmly, your eyes still locked with Taeyongs.
“Are you saying that this man, Taeyong, has never touched you without your consent? It’s okay you can be honest with me, he can’t see you.”
You shake your head. “I allowed him to love me..each and every time...because I love him..we love each other.”
“Ma’am, do you wish to press charges against Taeyong?”
“No, no I don’t, I want to be with him.”
The detective sighs and clicks the stop button on her recorder.
“Okay, if that’s the case, then we will have to set him free.”
You step out into the lobby as your parents stand up to greet you. You wipe tears away. “I couldn’t do it..I couldn’t lie.”
Your father’s face falls. “W-what are you saying?”
“She has decided to not press charges, you guys are all set to leave, the suspect is a free man, so I’d suggest leaving before he does.”
“You can’t be serious! She’s being manipulated by him! That’s emotional abuse!” Your father yells.
“Please, you have to understand, our daughter is not like this. He’s turned her into someone else..he’s violently seducing her.” Your mother begs.
“I understand, but there is nothing we can do. If she says she does not want to press charges, then we are only wasting our time here. Our station could be in deep trouble if we keep the suspect any longer just for your daughter to change her mind.”
Your mother looks away.
“Pastor..” the detective turns to your father, “please, come with me.”
You and your mother step aside while the two talk. 
“You of all people know how powerful Taeyong is..how could you get us into this mess?! He has information on all of us and we arrested him before he could use it against us, but now he’s free and aware of our plan! You were supposed to have her plead a case so strong, it would put him away for life! Do you know how much danger you’ve put me and the other sergeants in? This business that he runs affects ALL of us.”
The detective speaks angrily to your father.
The police were just as involved in Taeyongs drug movements as he was. They’d take a profit from the business made in the city, they were the ones that planted it on criminals that needed to be put away.. they also provided it to CEOs and big white collar men so that they wouldn’t be arrested for possession.
But the police had been upset for quite some time at how Taeyong controlled everything, they thought it should be one of their own, not some street kid that had killers everywhere, ready to strike.
“There’s no telling what he’ll do now.” The detective cursed.
“We still have the videos..” your father looked to the floor.
“Videos? What videos? The ones of them having sex like normal adults? Yeah, those are gone anyway, you know that hacker of his works fast.” The detective rolls her eyes.
“I’m sorry..but don’t worry, we still have another chance..”
The pastor had devised a backup plan in case this one fell through. He’d send you out of the country to another school and under a different identity. Then he’d tell everyone that you had been murdered by Taeyong, and would conjure up evidence against him.
You were in the car, heading back home when your parents started to argue.
“This is ridiculous!” Your dad yelled.
“Don’t blame this on her! You’re the one that got involved with this guy!”
“She has the power to end all of this!”
He retorted.
You sat in the backseat and looked out the window, thinking of Taeyong and whether or not you should’ve lied.
“But that’s alright, we’ll send her away to that one catholic school in Italy! She’ll be able to repent and beg for God’s forgiveness!”
Your father let out.
You turned to him.
“You heard me..you’re going away, you’ll be finishing your studies elsewhere so you can be away from this monster and return back to Christianity. Don’t think you’re off the hook after what we saw in those videos. The sins you committed..I can only pray for mercy.”
“No! You can’t do that!” Your voice rose.
Your mother turned to you. “Your father is being a bit dramatic right now, but it’s true. It’s for your own safety.”
“Mom..don’t send me away..” you panted.
She reached out and laid her hand on your thighs. “Sweetheart, it will be okay, we will visit you whenever we can, and you’ll get to travel! It will be so exciting to leave this town behind.” She gave a small smile before turning back around. 
Your father calms down slowly. “Y/n..” he takes a deep breath. “I don’t want to be so harsh on you, but..”
“What..who is that?” Your mother squints and looks out onto the front yard of your house. 
Multiple men stand along the front of your house, dressed in black and those same glowing masks that you could never forget. They were haunting enough, but as they stood still with large weapons and motorcycles beside them, you felt a chill run down your spine.
“No…” your father says with wide eyes.
“It’s him.”
The car slowly comes to hault.
Your dad locks the doors. 
“Stay inside.”
“What are we gonna do now? The cops aren’t gonna come, are they?” Your mother rubs her temple.
When you look through the front glass you see him at the center, leaning onto his motorcycle.
“How the hell did they get through the front gate?”
“Don’t be an idiot, you know they have their ways.” Your mother turns to him.
But all you can do is watch Taeyong. The way he sits coolly on the bike, leaning his head back as he runs his fingers through his crimson hair.
He removes his mask and places it beside him on the seat.
He’s alluring, beautiful. The night sky only adds to his sexy and mysterious aura. 
“I want to go to him.” You whisper. “He’s here for me.”
“Are you insane?” Your dad turns to you.
“No, but you’ll send me off to another country whether or not I want to..I can’t do that.”
“Y/n..sweetie,no..” your mother starts but you quickly unlock the door and jump out of the car, running out of it and to Taeyong without care or worry.
You have no thoughts, just desire. You want to be beside him, you want to feel him again.
You hug him tightly.
“Little mouse..” he whispers into your ear while looking over your shoulder and onto the dumbstruck face of your father in the driver's seat.
He hugs you tightly and rubs your back. 
“Taeyong..I’m sorry, I was scared.”
“I know..but I’ll never hurt you, you know that.” He leans back and grips your throat while looking into your eyes. He gives you a wicked smile as he rubs his thumb along your bottom lip.
He then leans down and kisses you hard, forcing his tongue into your mouth.
Your teeth clink against each other as your heads turn.
You pull yourself closer to him, not caring about your parents or anyone else watching the two of you. You feel amazing, your craving is finally satisfied as his tongue licks your lips.
He pulls away and looks into your eyes. “We have a lot to talk about don’t we..”
Your father jumps out of the car and walks up to the two of you.
“This is enough! Stop terrorizing us! Give us our little girl!” He cries out.
Taeyong’s eyes flicker up to him as every one of his guys points their gun at your father in unison, stopping him in his tracks.
“You’ve got some nerve, pastor…” his mouth lifts into a smile.
“But I’ll make a deal with you.. I won’t tell anyone or the media about tonight or your involvement in drug crimes..”
Your mouth falls open, what did Taeyong mean?
“Just as long as you leave us alone AND pay all of us double the amount for each delivery.”
Your father stumbles over his words, his eyes racing from the men that point guns at him then to your face.
“Please..anyone, anyone but her.” He begs.
Taeyong chuckles. “No..no, I want her. She’s not just “anyone.”
He looks down into your eyes.
Your father sighs and accepts defeat, as he sees how enchanted you are by him. There is no going back, you've been completely corrupted by him.
“Fine. But please don’t hurt her.” He steps back.
“Goodnight, pastor..” Taeyong waves and smiles wickedly.
You jump onto Taeyong’s bike and head off to his apartment.
Once in his place, Taeyong takes you to his living room.
He instructs you to stand in the center while he takes his leather jacket off and plops down onto the couch.
“Taeyong..I’m sorry.”
You play with your fingers behind your back and bite your lips. He looked amazing in his black button up and black jeans. Three buttons were open to reveal his toned chest.
“I know you are...but that’s not enough..where were you?” He tilts his head and spreads his arms out along the top of the couch.
“I..I was with a family member on the east side. Please Taeyong, I was scared I didn’t know what to do! Please forgive me.”
“What do you do in church when you beg for forgiveness, little mouse?”
“I...pray, I get on my knees and pray.” You nod.
“Then what should you be doing right now?”
You instantly fell to your knees on the hard, cold floor. You whimper at the harsh pain you felt. 
You put your hands together. “Please..please don’t hurt anymore people.”
Taeyong’s cat eyes lock with yours as your heart races. “Little mouse...I was in so much pain when you left me. I’m upset so I need you to answer me honestly, where. were. You?”
You begin to tremble. “Taeyong, I’m here now, isn’t that enough? My aunt decided to help me deal with the loss of M-“
Taeyong’s eyes widened. “Mark? I got rid of him for you! For us! What is there to mourn?”
“Taeyong, he was my friend, nothing more, I need you to trust me if we are going to make this work.”
You licked your lips as you spoke through furrowed brows.
“I trust you..do you trust me to protect us? To protect what we have?” Taeyong leans forward.
You nod quickly. “Yes.”
He stares into your eyes for a moment then leans back into the chair. “Prove it, crawl to me.”
Your mouth opens to protest but the glint of danger in Taeyong’s eyes stops you. You just need to do what he says in order to get what you want. The aching in between your legs had no plan to go away until you were satisfied by him.
You crawled over slowly then kneeled once you got to his bent legs.
You sat up straight, the heels of your foot under your bum, and looked up at him through your lashes.
He was so handsome, you wanted to climb up onto his lap and make love to him.
He waved a finger. “Take your sweatshirt off..”
Taeyong had noticed that you wore a men’s hoodie, and he wasn’t too happy about it, but he ignored his suspicions.
“Who does this belong to?” He took it from you as you lifted it over your head, your breasts falling victim to the crisp air in the apartment.
“It’s my..cousin’s!” You answered quickly.
Taeyong threw it to the side and looked back at you. “I hate when you lie to me, sweetheart.”
“I’m not lying! I promise!”
Taeyong keeps eye contact with you as he reaches into his waistband and pulls out his gun.
He takes the safety off and places it right in front of you.
You shy away from the intimidating weapon and whimper.
“If you’re telling the truth, lick it like it’s me, little mouse.”
You’re hesitant but raise your head back up. You stick your tongue out to lick the underside of the gun first, your eyes brimming with tears.
“Don’t cry, love, I won’t hurt you..even though I could pull this trigger right now and end it all..” 
Taeyong watches your eyes widen.
“I could end the pain that I’ve experienced because you threw me away.”
You shake your head. “I didn’t throw you away, I love you!”
“Keep going..don't stop until I tell you to, or I’ll be even more upset. What did you say we needed to make this work? Hmmm trust..that was the word. So trust me..”
Taeyong sighed
You continue to lick it, the cold metal leaving a bitter taste on your tongue.
“Use those pretty lips.” Taeyong feels himself harden in his pants as he watches you below him blow the gun like it’s him.
You flatten your tongue along the round tip of the barrel then sink down onto it completely. Your cheeks hollowing as you imagine that it is Taeyong’s tempting member in your mouth.
“Fuck..you’re beautiful..” Taeyong pushes the gun in and out of your mouth, watching as your spit coats the metal.
Your eyes are locked with his as he begins to palm himself through his jeans. He pushes the gun in deeper and faster  to hit the back of your throat. You gag as tears run down your cheeks.
He can’t take it anymore. He removes the gun from your mouth and places it down onto the couch behind him.
He quickly zips his pants down, allowing his cock to spring free. You lick your lips and replace the gun with his cock, enjoying the salty taste of his precum and moaning onto him. You move your head up and down rapidly, using your tongue and the plush inside of your hollowing cheeks to bring him to the edge. He groans and throws his head back.
He holds the back of your head and bucks his hips into you. You gag, his rough movements making your throat feel raw. Your jaw becomes locked. But he goes even faster then holds you down against him as he cums in your mouth. The feeling of him finally using you to orgasm is beyond satisfactory. Your underwear is soaked.
Taeyong pants and leans back into the couch. “Tuck it back in for me, little mouse.”
Taeyong flinches at the feeling of your cold, soft fingers on his limp cock.
You zip his pants up and wait for more instructions.
Through low eyes he motions for you to go to him. You stand up straight and wipe your mouth and cheeks.
“Take off your pants, sweetheart.”
You immediately draw your pants and underwear down in one quick sweep, your heart beats fast. You want to feel him so badly.
Taeyong bites his lips while looking into your completely naked body. “You’re gorgeous and you’re all mine..”
He holds your waist and brings you down onto his lap.
“Do you want to ride me like a good girl?” Taeyong’s husky voice enters your ear, his fingers dip in between your thighs, tapping against your dripping folds.
You hiss and breathe heavily.
“Yes, what?” Taeyong holds your neck and looks into your eyes.
“Yes, sir.”
“Good girl..” he pats his thigh.
You give a puzzled expression. “I-“
“It’s easy, just move like you did on the stool..” Taeyong smirks.
“Okay.” You nod and place your hands on his shoulders.
He grips your waist again and presses you firmly onto his thigh, pushing your body forward and backward while looking into your eyes.
You let out a whimper as the rough fabric presses onto your flower.
Your soaking heat coats his jeans. You move faster and faster. Taeyong watches your face twist as you experience a strange mix of pain and pleasure.
He presses his tongue flat against your nipple. You grip his shoulder harder and moan out his name.
He circles his tongue around the swollen bud then pulls away.
“How do you feel, little mouse?” He flexes his thigh under your open legs, making you yelp and fall forward at the unexpected friction against your aching pussy.
“It feels..so good, sir.” You struggle to get out, your hips rocking back and forth. You find that one spot that makes you weak and continue to ride against it. Your clit feels incredibly stimulated by the rough material. You feel raw, but sexy under Taeyong’s gaze.
“Sir..I’m going to..” you gasp.
Taeyong licks the other nipple while his hand massages your breast, pumping it while pressing his fingertips into the soft skin.
Your body shakes onto him, you throw your head back and moan loudly as you come undone on his thigh.
The combination of his swift tongue on your nipple and his clenching thighs on you sent you overboard. You saw stars.
Taeyong smirked then grabbed your ass to force you to keep moving on his thighs. You trembled and cried out as overstimulation set in.
“I’ve missed you, little mouse, I’ve missed the way you taste.” He whispers against your chest then lifts you up and places you onto the couch beside him.
You’re on your back still recovering from your orgasm when he crawls over you slowly. He holds your ankles kissing along your right leg as he slowly places it over the couch. He then lays down and faces your leaking and exposed pussy.
“Mmm so pretty.” His warm breath makes you flinch.
He picks up his gun and teases your entrance with it, sliding the metal in between your folds as you cry out.
You try to pull yourself up on the couch, but he pulls you down by the waist. Your knees clink together.
He presses the gun into you harder, rubbing it up and down, just barely touching your clit. He spreads your legs open again, his fingers digging into your thigh.
He bites his lips as he uses the round tip to part your folds and tease your entrance, swirling around the juices that escaped earlier.
“Fuck..I wanna taste you..”
He licks the gun clean of your juices as he watches you below him with dark eyes, you lick your lips and moan.
“Ahhh you’re so needy, little mouse. Should I fuck you with my gun or my mouth next?”
He rubs your clit with the gun as he bites his lips and waits for your answer.
“Keep going, sir. I like it.”
Taeyong leans back down and kisses your clit. “Why not both?”
He places one finger into your throbbing pussy slowly circling it around. You whimper and arch your back as it feels good to have something finally inside you. He then places another finger inside to stretch you out. He slides them in and out easily while using his thumb to press onto your clit. His fingertips tap onto your g spot teasingly.
“Oh my god!” Your arch your back even more then massage your breasts. The sight of you below him like this makes him weak. Your skin sweaty and hair disheveled, your lips swollen and red from you biting them. You’ve been corrupted by him yet again.
“That’s it, sweetheart.” He removes his fingers and replaces them with his gun, carefully sliding it in and out as you adjust to the cold metal not inside you.
“Fuck.” Taeyong curses. Something about your pussy welcoming his gun makes him dizzy. The danger of it all is unbelievably hot to him.
“How does it feel?”
“It feels..strange, but good, sir, please keep going.” You prop yourself up on your elbows and  look down at the black object sliding easily into you. You let out a moan.
“So good, s-sir.” 
Taeyong pushes your legs further apart .
 You begin to ride it yourself, your eyes floating from the wet gun and to Taeyong’s veiny hands and muscular arms decorated by tattoos. His red hair is parted to the side but a strand fell into his forehead during all the action.
His lips are red and plump, just begging to be kissed by you.
Your velvety walls begin to clench as you move up and down onto the object faster. Taeyong watches your fucked out expression while you chase your high. Your breasts bounce fervently as you move your body faster. Endless whimpers leave your lips.
“Are you going to cum?” Taeyong leans back down over your opening and lifts up the skin above your clit.
He flattens his tongue against your clit then circles the tip of it around it.
He pushes his tongue in firmly, licking upwards at unpredictable paces ll while never letting your eyes contact go.
You throw your head back as your eyes roll in the back of your head. 
“I’m…Taeyong!” your body shakes, the knot in your stomach finally being relieved, you can’t finish your sentence. Taeyong’s tongue drives you crazy, you can’t think straight. Your body felt like it had been transported to another real mmt as his tongue still massages your clit.
You fall back into the couch, your movements stopping.
Taeyong takes his gun out and licks up your cum while closing his eyes and savoring the taste.
He places the gun beside him then leans down to kiss you so you can taste yourself.
“I love you...but I’ll just have to punish you for running away.” He kisses your forehead as your eyes open.
That itch for Taeyong had been satisfied, but now you had to deal with the consequences of your actions.
“I have something to show you.” He whispers while taking a strand of hair out of your face.
He takes you to the guest room where he has placed a large, wooden cross onto the wall.
At the ends are straps for one's arms and legs, your eyes grow.
He takes your hand and brings you closer to the large cross while smiling. He turns to face you.
“Did you think I’d let you off this easy? Tsk tsk” Taeyong smirks. He quickly lifts you up and places your legs around his waist. He then lifts your arms up one by one and attaches them to the cross. He backs away and allows your naked body to dangle.
“Taeyong..please! I said I was sorry!”
“And this will prove to me that you truly are…I had trouble sleeping because I was so worried about you...now, I must return the favor.” He says as he brings both feet together and buckles your ankles to the cross as well.
He steps back and marvels at the beautiful sight of you on the cross.
He smiles. “Y/n...you’re my savior, you’re all that I need, you’re my religion, and I would do anything for you.”
“Taeyong..please, my arms hurt.” You cry out.
“Shhh don’t beg, my love.”
He turns and grabs the remote for the TV right across from you.
He presses the “on” button and you immediately see a video of Taeyong taking you from behind. 
“I’ve made a special movie for you..it will play our most special moments over and over tonight. This will ensure that you will never forget what it’s like to be with me again.”
“Taeyong, I never forgot about you..” you say softly in a final attempt to be let down.
“Then why did you stay away for so long?” Taeyong growls out, his eyes are wild, like he is holding back a deep anger.
Your mouth falls open into silence.
“My love..I hope you can appreciate this gift.” Taeyong then exits the room, leaving you alone with the bright and loud TV playing compilation videos of you and Taeyong having sex, along with disturbing videos of murders being carried out by his gang.
You cry silently and close your eyes tightly, but you can’t drown out the sound. Your arms and legs hurt from being strained for so long, you’re not sure how much more you can take after just an hour.
“Taeyong!” You call out but there’s no answer.
You stay suspended on the cross and cry throughout the entire night.
You struggled against the restraints from time to time, until you couldn’t even feel your arms. You closed your eyes tightly and looked up, down, to the side..anywhere but forward where the TV was. And somehow, you were able to close your eyes and fall asleep to the sound of your moans and Taeyongs deep voice in the video. But soon you were woken once again by a violent and disturbing video of torture or murder.
The next morning, Taeyong came into the room and untied you. He shut the TV off and carried your strained and numb body to the shower.
“Taeyong..” you whispered softly, your tired eyes opening slowly as you drifted in and out of consciousness.
“Yes, little mouse, I’m here..” He kissed your cheek, then trailed his soft, warm lips down your jaw and neck.
He helped you shower then took you to his bed.
He then covered your body with a blanket and sat on the edge of the bed beside you. He bed smelled like a field of flowers, the plush and bouncy pillow below your head felt especially heavenly.
“Did you do all those things to those people?” You mutter out with your eyes closed.
“Yes..they were bad people, they deserved their punishment, just like you deserved yours..”
Your eyes open wide.
“But lucky for you, you’ve begged for forgiveness and gained it from me.”
Taeyong gave you a small smile. “You should rest now.”
He was about to leave but you called out to him.
“Taeyong...do you trust me?”
The last thing you wanted was for Taeyong to do some digging to find out who you really spent time with during those two weeks. If he found out you were lying and found out about Jaehyun, that would be the last straw. He’d lose it. He would kill the both of you, and maybe your parents too.
You wanted reassurance that he would let it go once and for all, that you could move on and be like you were before.
Taeyong looked back at you and gave a questioning look as he raised an eyebrow.
But he didn’t say anything. He leaned down and placed his lips on yours. Your eyes closed and you finally found some strength in your arms and wrapped one around him, your fingers lightly scratching his back as his lips caressed yours.
His fingers press into your scalp while he listens to you moan.
“Should I trust you?” He says before kissing your neck.
You whimper as he presses his chest onto yours, his pelvis resting against you. You widen your legs a little, your breath leaving you as soon as you feel his hard member poke against the blanket.
He continues to kiss your lips, the way his tongue leaves gentle licks along your bottom lip and the way his hands move on your scalp puts you in a trance.
You reach down into his boxers and take his hard member into your hand, cupping it and moving it up and down slowly.
A groan leaves his lips and enters your mouth, you continue to stroke his member. 
He then kisses your neck. “Oh, little mouse, you’re too good and making me feel this way.” He growls and bucks into your hand.
You feel a growing moisture in between your legs.
“You should trust me..I’m yours.” You whisper against his ears as you rub the precum in his tip with your thumb.
“I want to feel you..please.”
Taeyong kisses your collarbone and sucks hard. “Say it.”
“Want to feel you inside me..” 
A whimper escapes your throat. You’re so pent up, you feel you might burst.
Taeyong lifts himself from you and throws the blanket beside you, revealing your naked body and drenched entrance.
“What do you want me to do?” Taeyong smirks, his forehead glistening with sweat. He removes your hand and replaces it with his own, positioning his cock right in front of your needy opening.
“Taeyong…” you gasp as you watch the toned figure above you and run your hand down his abs.
He nearly cums as he watches his name fall from your innocent lips. Your eyes widen and you lick your lips while your chest rises up and down rapidly.
He watches you stare at his cock as he pleasures it himself.
“Fuck me..”
Taeyong chuckles then rubs his tip in between your folds. You moan at the feeling of something finally against your throbbing hole.
He doesn’t waste any more time as he pushes into you, thrusting your body upwards against the bed.
You feel every vein of his wonderful cock as he runs it against your silky walls. You clench without control and whimper as he pushes in harder.
“Are you going to cum so soon, little mouse?” Taeyong tilts his head as he watches your jaw tense. He holds onto your knees, pushing them further apart making you cry out.
Your legs wrap around his waist. Your hands shake and grip his back as if to hold onto your sanity.
He presses his thumb onto your clit. “Answer me, sweetheart.”
Taeyong continues to move his thumb sensually in circles onto your body. He looks into your pure eyes.
Time moves in slow motion as your body trembles.
 You cry out his name one final time and dig your fingers into his back.
Taeyong cums soon after, groaning and releasing onto your breasts as they move up and down rapidly.
He treasures the sight of your entire body shining with sweat and now his cum on your beautiful chest.
He leans down and kisses your nipples before flattening his tongue onto each one slowly.
“Oh..Taeyong..” you moan and close your eyes, your hands running through his scalp.
You cum again a few minutes after. That day, you and Taeyong made love and love again on his bed, your bodies entangled with each other while you change positions. Your tongues never grew tired, your hands covered all areas of skin, your neck covered in love bites. and your bodies sunk into the cloud-like bed once it was all over.
But as you laid down beside Taeyong, you couldn’t help but think about how Taeyong never answered your question.
He never said if he trusted you.
[Three Days Later]
Taeyong dropped you off and picked you up from all of your classes. He didn’t let you see or speak to your parents. But they didn’t reach out to you either. You wondered why they gave up so easily, but then you remembered your father's words. He only wanted to protect himself and his money. It hurt knowing that he was this way all while being involved in illegal activities with Taeyong.
You finally realized that it was your father that caused the break in, you felt betrayed by the man you were raised by.
You started to question your faith, but you still visited the church and prayed. You prayed for your family’s health and safety, you prayed for Mark’s safe arrival in heaven and for your forgiveness. Each time you thought of him, you teared up.
You also prayed for Jaehyun’s safety. You hoped that you wouldn’t run into him on campus, for you knew that he would ask too many questions.
The fact that Taeyong could possibly have his guys watch you on campus to see who you interacted with made you nervous.
No one was safe around you until you gained Taeyong’s trust.
And when you asked for it, Taeyon would only give you a small smile and caress your cheek with his thumb. He’d say you were “cute” or start to kiss you.
But last night he said “soon..I will.”  
You weren’t sure what he meant by that but his words haunted you even as you walked to class.
You looked onto the sidewalk and gripped your backpack, you were about to cross the street at a stoplight when you felt a tap on your shoulder.
“Hey, stranger.” 
You turned to see a dimpled, brown haired boy.
Jaehyun. Oh no. 
You looked around nervously. “Jaehyun! Hey, how are you?”
He smiled widely. “I’m alright, how are you? How have you been doing?” He stepped towards you with a look of concern.
“I’m fine! I’m sorry about what happened, I-I blew things out of proportion.” You smiled back, but your eyes still looked anxious.
Jaehyun looked around, then looked back at you.
“What-who are you looking for?”
“Huh? I’m sorry, what?”
“You keep looking around like someone is watching you, is everything okay?” He whispered.
“Oh! Haha, yeah everything is fine, I was just looking for my friend, we’re supposed to walk to class together!”
“Oh, I see. Well, I’d love to study or even have dinner with you if you have time today..”
“I’d love to, but I already have plans…” you looked out across the street and pretended to wave to someone.
“Oh! She’s over there, I’d love to talk more, but I have to go, I’ll catch you l-“
You start to walk away, but Jaehyun takes your hand and tugs you back slightly.
He stares at your wrist. You hadn’t noticed that when you waved, your sleeve had fallen down slightly, revealing the subtle markings left from the straps Taeyong used to tie you to the cross a few nights ago.
Jaehyun’s eyes grew. “Y/n..what is this? Are you in trouble?”
You tugged your hand away and rubbed your wrist. “It-it’s nothing! I just had a, um, an allergic reaction to this bracelet my mom bought me!”
Jaehyun tilts his head. “Y/n..you can talk to me.”
“I’m fine, trust me..I’ll see you later, okay? I really have to go..” you spring away as Jaehyun opens his mouth to protest.
While in class, you struggle to focus on your studies. You thought about Taeyong, and how you could love someone that killed people. Those videos replayed throughout your mind, but so did the memories of Taeyong’s bright smile and laugh. You can’t push away the feelings you have when you look at him, falling into him every time as he magically makes you forget all that he’s done. Is this love? It felt like it, but something still felt wrong.
“Miss y/l/n...care to join us?”
Professor Li interrupted your thoughts.
You nodded. “I’m sorry, what was the question?”
“In 2 Samuel 11, David displeased the Lord by doing what?” The professor's deep voice echoed in the silent classroom of about 50 people.
Your mouth falls open. You hadn’t read that section and had no clue what the answer was. 
He stepped closer to your desk with his book in hand. “Stuttering? No, David did not do that..”
He looks down on you intimidatingly. You sunk down into your chair as your face felt hot.
“Miss y/l/n, I don’t understand how you can take so much time away from class only to fall behind..you’ve had plenty of time at home to read, isn’t that right?”
“Y-yes, Professor.”
“Then why haven’t you read this? Do you expect knowledge and information to just jump into the tiny brain of yours? You have to read so you can absorb it all, make it bigger.”
“You’re right, I’m s-“
“Don’t apologize, just open the book and read the words, or do I need to send you back to English 101?”
A few snickers erupted in the class. Your vision became blurry as you teared up.
“No, professor, I will read it tonight.” Your voice barely above a whisper. 
“Did we all hear that class? Miss y/l/n has decided to actually do the readings for class, let’s give her a round of applause..” Everyone clapped for you and some students started to laugh out more as the professor rolled his eyes and walked back to the board.
You grabbed your backpack and quickly headed for the door when class ended.
“Miss y/l/n..I need you to stay after class for a few minutes..”
You sighed and stepped to the side to allow other students to leave his class.
Once the room was empty, the professor called you over to his desk.
“Are you okay?” The 50-something year old looked into your eyes over his glasses.
“I’m fine..” you played with your thumbs in front of your skirt.
“Do you have...personal.. stuff going on at home?”
Professor Li was always jealous of your father. He hated how much power he had and made it known to you every time he had you in class, but today he really embarrassed you and you just wanted to run home and cry.
“I understand if you don’t want to talk about it, I’m sure being the child of a pastor is no easy task…” he stands up and stretches.
“But remember to always have faith, to always believe in the good Lord, and to serve him well..”
You nodded. Of course you knew all of this, but why did he make you nervous with each step he took towards you?
“With that being said..I suggest you spend less time with these sinful boys and more time with your head in the books.”
“I’m sorry? I’m not following..” your brows furrow.
He chuckled and looked to the side as he stood in front of you and leaned back on the desk.
“Come on, y/n..these little skirts that you wear even during the winter time..the knee highs..where is your modesty?”
He eyed you up and down and even had the audacity to bite his lips as he stared at a loose button in your top.
You scoff. “Shouldn’t you be worried about your wandering eyes and sexualization of me?”
He stood up straight and looked onto you sternly. “What did you say to me?”
“I’ve done nothing for you to accuse me of ditching class to engage in sexual activities..” you firmly let out.
He laughs then grabs your waist, you jump and try to push him away but he pulls you onto him firmly.
“Let go! You creep!” You shove him away.
That familiar voice echoed in the room.
The professor immediately lets go and looks frightened.
You turn to see Taeyong.
Taeyong doesn’t look at you, he glares at the man that touched you and walks over slowly.
“Hey, little mouse, I was worried about you..” he says coolly, but the look on his face is hauntingly unreadable. You feel your stomach grow sick as he gets closer, the crazy glint in his eyes becoming more and more visible.
He looks at you and takes your face in his hand. He wipes a tear that has fallen down your cheek with his thumb.
“I saw everyone leave class...except for you.” His eyes shift from your face and onto Professor Li’s.
The professor swallows hard, his skin crawling with unease as Taeyong’s aura is dark and nerve racking. He had no idea who this man was but the tattoos, red hair, and piercings told him enough.
“...why is that, professor?” 
“Miss y/l/n is falling behind on her studies, but now I see what, or rather, who she’s been preoccupied with..” the professor eyes Taeyong up and down and looks at him with disgust.
Taeyong smiles wickedly. “I’ll be sure to take care of what’s keeping her from succeeding, Professor..maybe you should take care of those...lingering hands..”
He turns to look up at the crucifix above the professor's desk.
“I'm sure the lord is not too happy about that move you just pulled.” He still has that crazy smile on his face as he takes your hand.
The professors mouth fell open.
“We should leave..” Taeyong did everything in his power to hold back his desire to bash this man’s head on the desk.
You both walked away, but not before the professor let out one final remark.
“Lust..It was a sin of lust that David committed.”
You continued walking as the professor let out a chuckle.
Taeyong drove you back to his place in silence.
“Are you upset with me?” You turn and ask him while in the passenger seat of his brand new sports car.
“No, of course not, I know it was out of your control.”
You didn’t know what to be more worried about. The fact that Taeyong waited only a few minutes for you to disappear from his sight before he searched for you, or the fact that he let your professor off so easily. It was unlike him.
“Will you hurt him?” You ask.
Taeyong hums for a moment and tilts his head. “Maybe..maybe not, what would you like me to do?”
“I-I don’t know, he was so mean to me..” you shocked yourself. Your immediate response should’ve been “don’t hurt him.” But instead, you actually contemplated whether or not he should receive some sort of punishment. Was Taeyong changing you?
“Well, little mouse, I’m sure everything will work out in the end...don’t worry about him, he’ll never place a finger on you again.” He turns to you, there’s a wild look in his eyes that you can’t describe.
You approach the apartment complex and Taeyong parks into a spot designated to him. You click open your seatbelt, but Taeyong holds your hand.
“Hey..” he calls out to you softly and looks down to your lips.
Taeyong is captivated by your eyes, deep and so round. 
He clicks his seatbelt open too and leans over to kiss you, turning his head as his warm tongue brushed against your bottom lip for entrance.
You close your eyes and deepen the kiss, your arms going up and around his neck to pull him closer. Your thighs tighten together as you feel a wet sensation building in between them. Taeyong has this effect on you, every time, he so easily turns you into a begging and needy mess.
Taeyong grips your thigh and pulls it away, leaving you subject to the cold air in the car.
You moan into his mouth as you feel his digits press onto your slit, gliding up and down slowly.
He chuckles. “Ahh such a good girl…” Taeyong kisses your neck as he pushes one finger in, your body shifting in the seat to get a better feeling of his wonderful fingers inside you. The image of Taeyongs veiny, tattooed arm disappearing into your skirt makes you moan with more volume.
“That’s it, little mouse, tell me how good your pussy feels..” He pushes another finger into you then rubs your bud with his thumb.
You bite your lips as his fingers pump in and out of you while pressing onto your sweet spot. But Taeyong taps against it teasingly, barely pressing into it.
“Harder...please.” You breathily exclaim.
“No..you have to tell me how good it feels..”
He says against your neck then bites it.
“Ahh!” You yelp. “It feels good, s-so good.”
He watches your mouth fall open through low eyes, your pussy becoming increasingly wet as he continues to explore your walls with his long fingers. 
He takes your hand and places it onto the tent in his pants. “Do you feel that?”
“Yes..” you bite your lips.
He bucks into your hand as you palm it. “Do you want it? Tell me badly you want it..” a smile falls onto his lips as he whispers against your jaw.
“I want it, Taeyong, I want you..fuck me please.” 
Your hips move on their on onto his hand, you can’t hold back any longer and clench just at the thought of Taeyong fucking you hard in his brand new car.
But Taeyong pulls his fingers out, a pop echoing in the car. He licks his fingers slowly and closes his eyes.
“As you wish, sweetheart.”
You whimper at the sudden emptiness.
“Take your panties off for me, but leave your pretty skirt on..”
You immediately drag your underwear down your legs and leave it on the floor, then turn to Taeyong and wait for his next instruction.
“Get in the back..” he demands and turns the dash cam on his windshield around to record the inside of the vehicle instead.
You go to open the door but Taeyong stops you.
“No, no...through here..crawl back there.”
He smirks as he taps the center console.
You crawl over it, your hands resting firmly against the back seat as your abs flex to bring the rest of your body to the back.
But Taeyong chuckles and wraps his arm under your stomach. He grips you tightly, holding you in place as you whimper.
“T-Taeyong?” You breathe heavily while in this weird position, your ass up and head down as your knees rest on the arm rest.
“Yes, little mouse, I just want to admire you from this angle for a moment.” You hear a low chuckle escape Taeyong. He flips up the frilly end of your skirt.
Your bare ass and dripping pussy is now on display for him and the camera.
He uses his other hand and swats your opening. Your legs become weak.
The high pitched noise you make makes Taeyong grow even more.
He slides his fingers in between your folds, coating them with your slick once again.
“I love your body, sweet girl, but your pussy is my favorite part..it’s so wet, I wish you could see it right now.” His deep, husky voice is laced with lust.
He spreads his index and middle finger to separate and expose your silky hole, but does so at an awfully slow pace. You moan and move against his fingers, hoping to gain more friction.
But Taeyong withdraws his fingers and slaps your ass.
“You’re being impatient, little mouse..”
“I’m-I’m sorry, please..I need you..” you beg.
Taeyong hums as he watches your essence run down your thighs and even to your pink knee highs.
Your arms begin to hurt from holding your body up.
Taeyong continues to play with your flower, pushing his fingers in and out while you’re at this new angle.
As you get closer, clenching around him as your legs tremble, he moves his fingers faster, creating a sinful sound with your body as your high pitched moans grow louder.
Taeyong takes his fingers out slowly just as you’re about to cum. He bites his lips as he watches your smooth skin become even more wet, essence running out of you like a flood.
He can’t take it anymore, he has to fuck you so he takes his arm from under you.
“You may go back now.”
He leaves the car and joins you in the backseat.
He immediately moves to the center of it and brings you over his waist.
You kneel over him and unbutton your shirt. Taeyongs eyes are glued to your dainty fingers revealing your chest to him.
“Taeyong… I want you so badly.” You moan out then lick your lips. 
He looks delectable under you, his ruby red hair pushed back and his eyes low.
He unbuckles his belt and pulls his aching member out.
“Do you want my cock, little mouse?”
He leans his head back onto the head rest while he watches you unhook your bra in the back.
“Then you should take it, right?” He looks down and taps his dick against your thigh.
You nod and kneel directly over his delicious cock. You lower yourself onto him slowly, your hands gripping his shoulders as you cry out from the satisfaction of him finally being inside, filling you up completely.
“Good girl..” Taeyong whispers. He leans back and watches you bounce on him, your breasts jumping and your eyes shutting tightly.
You swivel your hips as his cock slides in and out of you, grinding into your tight, plush pussy.
Taeyong runs his hands along your thighs, pushing your skirt up your stomach so he can finally see you take his cock and cover it in shining slick.
The car is filled with grunts and moans as you ride him, you finally find the perfect spot, his dick curves into you and presses against it.
“Oh!! Taeyong, I’m going to..” you throw your head back, the bundle of knots slowly start to unravel. You move even faster.
“Mmmm..yes, sweetheart, I know..” Taeyong says smoothly before gripping your waist with both hands and picking you up off of him.
“Taeyong! No..please!” You cry out, once again you are so close, only to be shunned away from your release.
He turns you around and lowers you back onto him. He slams into you as he brings a hand to your neck. He presses his thumb and fingers into the side of it as you whimper.
Your legs spread more as Taeyong’s dick curves into you at a different but still satisfactory angle.
He squeezes his hand around your throat and buried himself into you deeper, using your body more like a sex doll as the camera records.
He thinks about how fucked out you looked right now, your mouth open, practically drooling and your hair messy. Your hands grabbing at your breasts and playing with your nipples. He knows he’ll watch this video later and enjoy watching you lose your innocence in the back of his car, he’ll enjoy the sight of each whimper falling from your pretty mouth and your skirt riding up as you kneel over him in cute knee highs.
He then uses his other hand and rubs his fingertips into your clit. 
You gasp as your eyes open. You clench around him without control now.
His hips snap into you harder and his hand tightens around your neck. “I'm going to cum in you, sweetheart, going to fill you so well with my cum. Is that what you want?” He growls in your ear. He can just imagine how beautiful you’d looked with swollen breasts during a pregnancy, the glow of your skin and full cheeks as you carry his babies. Somehow, you’d be even prettier.
He draws circles into your clit even harder, your pussy becoming consumed by him as he combines it with his tip rubbing against your sweet spot with every push.
“Ahh! Taeyong!” You scream his name out. “Yes! Yes!”
“I’m going to push it so deep into your fertile pussy, breed you and make you mine forever, would you like that?”
“Yes! Yes, Taeyong, I want you” your head falls back over his shoulders releasing onto him as his dirty words echo in your mind.
Your body shakes as he releases into you as well, keeping his promise and cumming into your depths as he holds you fast against him.
His fingers push into your mouth. You close your eyes and suck them clean as your movement onto his cock slows.
He slides out of your opening a few more times, making sure that not one bit of his cum escapes you.
He kisses your neck. “You did so well, little mouse. I’m so happy you’re mine.”
[A Few Days Later]
You studied in the library with Jaehyun, focusing on your papers and last minute research before you went home—to Taeyong’s place to sleep. There was barely anyone on your floor in the library, so you figured no one could watch you and Jaehyun there.
Living with Taeyong was definitely different from living with your family, but you didn’t mind it. Taeyong usually stayed out late, but when he did come home, he’d cuddle you and make sure that you’re okay.
 You’d watch movies together and enjoy take out every now and then. Other than feeling like you were being watched 24/7, life with Taeyong wasn’t that bad.
“Do you need me to read over your paper?” Jaehyun leaned over to you. 
You look up from your laptop and stop typing.
“Hmmm that’s a good idea. Thank you! And I’ll read over yours.”
Jaehyun smiles as you switch laptops.
“Jaehyun? What is this?” You’re confused as you only see a blank page on his laptop.
“Oh, I’m sorry about that..just scroll down.”
He watches you scroll down the page.
But there’s only one sentence in the middle of it.
Y/n, will you see a movie with me after finals?
You smile widely and look up at him.
He blushes. “Keep scrolling.”
Pros of dating me: Hand holder Top tier hugs Tall Dimples Good cook Can and will make you laugh Cons of dating me: I might pass gas if I laugh too hard  None :)
You giggle after reading the last sentence. You wished so badly that you could date Jaehyun. He was caring, sweet, a devout Christian, and yes, unbelievably handsome. But the timing was bad. You loved Taeyong, you couldn’t imagine being with anyone else.
And so, your smile faded as reality set in.
You clear your throat. “Jaehyun..I wish I could..you’re an amazing guy, but..”
“Was it the passing gas part?” Jaehyun’s brows furrow.
“No!” You chuckle. “No, it’s not that at all.its just..I’m seeing someone right now..”
“Oh.” He nods slowly, the corners of his mouth slowly fall and his dimples no longer show.
“I’m sorry, Jaehyun.”
He smiles brightly again. “It’s okay! I thought I’d ask, I really like spending time with you, but I completely understand..let’s focus on finals then.”
You nod.
[The Next Day]
Taeyong picks you up from class, but doesn’t take you home.
“Where are we going?” You look at the side of Taeyong’s face, he looks especially striking with the light from the red stop sign on his face, his strong cheekbones peeking through. His eyes are intense, but your attention goes from his hands gripping the steering wheel to his biceps flexing as he turns the car, and from his thighs in his black skinny jeans then to his button down silk shirt with three loose buttons.
 You bite your lips as your mind runs wild with thoughts of him on you.
“We’re going to do something very fun tonight. Think of it as a...couple game! In the end, we’ll be closer than we’ve ever been.” Taeyong says excitedly.
“That sounds fun.” You smile. 
But you slowly came to the realization that this would be an interesting night as you approached a gloomy and daunting warehouse.
“Taeyong..what is this?” You ask as he puts the vehicle in park.
“Come on. You’ll understand once we get inside.”
It’s just the two of you inside the dark box. Taeyong pulls a chain that makes bright led lights turn on above you. When you look around you large cases  and tables all around. It didn’t feel like you were about to play a game there.
You hear a muffled scream and shuffling.
“What was that?” Your eyes grow as you recognize the sound of a man in distress.
“Ah..yes, our contestant..”
Taeyong takes your hand and leads you to the corner of the room.
You stumble behind him as he walks fast. 
You see a camera on a tripod, and as you get closer, you see that it is set a few feet in front of a man tied to a chair with a black bag over his face.
His body is completely tied to the chair with rope wrapping around his midsection and legs.
His hands are bound together on rest on his lap.
The man screeches as he hears the two of you step closer to him.
“Taeyong?! What have you done?” You turn to him and begin to panic. You prayed that it wasn’t Jaehyun.
“I have a surprise for you, little mouse.”
You always dreaded Taeyong’s surprises.
He goes behind the man and tears the bag off.
A breath leaves your body when you recognize the man, even with bruised eyes and a bloody, swollen lip. A rag is over his mouth to quiet him.
“Ta da! You didn’t think I’d let this bastard get away with what he did to you, right?”
Your mouth falls open. “Taeyong..no..I don’t want this.”
You watch Professor Li’s eyes widen once he recognizes you. He cries harder and louder, his shrieks so bone chilling, you cringe.
Taeyong laughs out. “Of course you do!”
He bends down and places his head into the crook of the professor’s shoulder.
“He treated yourself like shit, then touched you inappropriately...don’t you want him to suffer?”
Taeyong smiles wickedly.
“N-no..I..I don’t know.” Once again you found yourself questioning everything you had learned. Does everyone deserve forgiveness? 
“You do know, little mouse. That fury in your veins, that tingling in your body that makes you want to choke this bastard till he can no longer breathe...embrace it. Don’t hold back.”
You look away.
Taeyong begins to grow impatient. “He’s an asshole, what if he goes after another girl in his class? Don’t you wonder how many women he’s fucked just so he can give them a passing grade?”
You close your eyes tightly and feel tears fall on your cheek.
Taeyong stands up straight and walks over to you.
He cups your face.
“Little mouse, you always ask me if I trust you...if you do this for me, if you prove that you will kill anyone that touches you because they’re not me..then I will trust you.”
Your eyes open. You can’t explain this need to please Taeyong, but when you look into his mahogany eyes, you feel a fire start in your chest.
You nod slowly. “I—I want you to trust me, Taeyong, but I don’t know if I can do this.”
Taeyong smiles slyly. “I know you can’t, that’s why we’ll do it together.”
He takes your hand and leads you over to a table with all sorts of weapons laid out.
Professor Li squirms in his seat and cries out so hard, he begins to cough.
He begs for this to end, to be released. You think about Taeyong’s words. 
Taeyong picks up a large and intimidating hedge shears.
He hands it to you.
“I’m going to hold his dirty hands up, I want you to open and close this like they’re scissors. We are cutting the evil away from this world.” Taeyong smiles softly.
The professor is a tyrant and uses his status to lure girls in. He’s disgusting and the world would be a better place without him. You said this to yourself over and over, trying to convince yourself that what you’re about to do is justifiable.
You stand to one side of him while Taeyong stands across from you and on his other side.
The professor still tries to get out of the chair, but he’s bound so tightly, his efforts are in vain.
Taeyong grabs his elbows, straightening out his tied  arms up and in front of him. You open the trimmers and position them around his wrists.
Taeyong’s smile grows. “Just like that, sweetheart. Now, snip snip.”
You look at his trembling hands in front of you, ignoring his tears and snot nose as the memories of him gripping your waist and pulling him onto you flood in. You remembered the intense discomfort, the slight panic before Taeyong saved you. You knew you didn’t want anyone else to experience it.
You pressed the handles together and SHRING. 
His bound hands fly to the floor, blood splatters across your face as well as Taeyong’s.
Taeyong laughs loudly as the old man screams out in pain. Blood gushes from his exposed tendons and tissue. You nearly throw up at the sight and drop the shears.
You back away and look in horror as you finally see clearly what you have done.
“T-Taeyong..” you pant.
“You did so well, little mouse..” Taeyong steps towards you and holds your hands.
The professor passes out from blood loss,his head hangs low.
“I-I killed him?” You sob.
“Yes..you did, now he can’t hurt anyone else.”
“But Taeyong..I..” your hands shake. Taeyong pulls them to his face and kisses them.
“Shhhh...it’s okay, I trust you, all that matters is you and me now.”
You nod slowly. 
Taeyong pulls you closer to him. He holds your face in his hands and kisses you deeply. You’re both covered in blood, but it feels so good to hold each other.
Your heart rumbles and your eyes close, you enjoy the touch of Taeyongs heavenly fingers on the small of your back.
Taeyong is so turned on by you finally proving your loyalty to him. You killed someone even while looking like an innocent angel. It was beautiful, you are beautiful.
Taeyong is electrifying, each kiss sends sparks throughout your veins. The adrenaline still pumps through you as you collapse into him and groan. His lips taste like the sweetest cherry, but he smells like blackberries. 
You can’t take it anymore, you need him on you, rubbing his hands all over you as you make love. You pull your shirt over your head and look into his eyes.
“Fuck me..”
Taeyong smirks and rubs his bloody hands over your chest slowly, pushing your breasts together and pinching your nipples.
You moan out into the empty warehouse as he watches your smooth skin become nasty with blood. Your neck smeared with splattered markings.
Taeyong pushes you into the wall, spinning you around so his chest is on your back.
He gets on his knees and pulls your skirt down at a painfully slow rate.
“Taeyong..please.” You cry out as you step out of it.
He only gets out a low and husky laugh as he places his hands onto your butt cheeks and massages them.
He separates them carefully while staring at your essence dripping from your folds.
He licks his lips then licks onto the slit slowly.
You whimper and push your butt out to him more. He grabs your ankles and licks again, only this time, pushing the tip of his tongue in harder to brush it against your clit.
You yelp while grabbing your breasts and playing with your nipples.
“You’re so hot, sweetheart.”
Taeyong lays his tongue out flat again, going in deeper and flexing his tongue.
On instinct, you grind against his face, praying that he goes a little faster because you’re so close from his teasing, you could cry.
“Taeyong!! Please don’t stop!” You gasp and move faster.
He flips you around by placing his hands on your waist.
“Use me, little mouse.”
He sticks his tongue out then buries his face in between your legs once more, only this time, he maintains eye contact with you. His devilish eyes watching your shining, blood covered breasts and the way you bite your lips.
He moves slowly, but you grab his hair and grind down onto his mouth. He flexes his tongue and pushes it in as deep as possible.
“Ahh! Taeyong..fuck..” 
Hearing you curse is all he needs to hear, his boner straining and flinching against his tight jeans.
You move your hips faster and ride his face as he watches you above him, you can only feel that feeling in your stomach, that release that you’re so close to while looking into his low eyes.
Your clit brushes against his nose over and over, he hums to send vibrations through your core.
Your pussy clenches and your grip on his hair tightened, but Taeyong continues to explore every part of you with his tantalizing tongue.
“Taeyong..fuck..oh my god.” Your hips stop moving and your body weakens, but Taeyong quickly stands and takes your hand.
He takes you with him to the table and brushes off all of the weapons that were on it before.
He presses you down onto the table with his chest on your back again then zips his pants and lets his cock loose. He doesn’t give you time to adjust as he slides his needy cock into your soaking flower.
He brings your ass to his hips and groans. 
“Ahhh..my nasty girl.” His hoarse voice enters your ear.
He snaps into you harder, lewd sounds of his cock gliding into your wet pussy fill the room.
He presses his hand into the small of your back. 
You whimper. “Harder, Taeyong..” 
“Oh? Greedy, now aren’t we?” 
Taeyong brings your ass back onto him so hard, you feel the breath leave your body. You cry out his name as he does it again.
His cock fills you up perfectly, grinding against your velvety walls even as they tremble.
Taeyong pulls out then flips you over.
He wants to see just how well you take him because it just feels so good.
He groans as you spread your legs across the table for him to see your drenched pussy aching for him.
You run your hands down your body and lick your lips. “Please..Taeyong...I’m so wet for you..”
Taeyong holds you by the crook of your knees and pushes into you again, watching as your right opening somehow molds itself around his cock, coating it in your delicious juices.
You bite your lips to hold back a moan while you watch Taeyong bury himself into you. He would’ve sucked your gorgeous tits like he always does but this time he just wants to watch himself fuck into you, he wants to see you become filled with nothing but him.
He grips your legs hard and moves faster, his movement blurring as he chases after his high.
The added stimulation of his new speed makes you clench uncontrollably. You throw your head back and welcome another orgasm just as Taeyong welcomes his. This time, he doesn’t pull out, he thrusts into you one final time and coats your walls with strings of cum.
Your groans and moans mesh with each other and fill the room.
Taeyong pulls out of you and taps his cock against your clit. You moan and flinch at the overwhelming stimulation.
He leans down and kisses your lips as he teases your sensitive opening.
You whine and move your hips against his cock. It is only somewhat limp and even though you’ve just cum, you still want more.
You press onto his chest lightly to stop the kiss. You look into his eyes.
He chuckles. “What? Do you still want more?”
“Yes..” you bite your lips and look at him with wide, innocent eyes, making his heart shutter.
He sits on a chair adjacent to the table and right beside the professor’s dead body.
“Come here, little mouse.” He pats his lap. 
You lower yourself onto him and slowly rock back and forth until you feel him grow inside you.
Ecstasy floods throughout your bodies all night as you make love. You pay no attention to the dead man in the room or your bodies covered in blood. 
You even forgot about the camera with the beeping red light.
[Two Days Later]
Taeyong had just dropped you off at class when he decided to sneak into your parents house. He knew your father would be home and in his office and he also knew that with some bribing, his security guards would easily let him in without notifying him.
Your father plopped himself into his seat, placing his glass of whiskey beside his notepad on the desk, never realizing the figure in the corner of the room.
Taeyong watches as your father opened up his laptop to see nothing but a black screen.
“What the-“ he mumbles and looks over his glasses onto his keyboard. “God damn technology..”
Taeyong clicks the small clicker in his hand to play the video on your father's laptop.
You father squints and looks closely He jumps once the video starts playing.
‘Just like that sweetheart, now snip snip’
He recognizes the voice in the video.
His eyes enlarge.
“What in the-“ 
He tries to pause the video but he can’t, only Taeyong has control.
“Oh..God.” He sits back in his chair when he sees you. his beloved daughter, cute the hands off of a man.
He continues watching as his eyes brim with tears.
He sees the man pass out then you tearing your shirt off. He turns away from the screen and sobs.
“My daughter...my poor daughter.”
“You should be proud of her..”
Taeyong steps out from the corner.
Your father jumps in his seat and grabs his letter opener. “Who’s there?”
“It’s your son-in-law, I knew you’d be thrilled to see me.”
Your father sits back in his chair and looks at Taeyong through eyes of pure hatred.
“what have you done to her?”
“I’ve only allowed her to be her true self. You should be so worried.” Taeyong sits down across from him.
“Yeah..she killed someone, but hey, if you knew the guy, you’d probably kill him too.” He shrugs.
“I will bring you down, Taeyong. And I’ll get my daughter back. You have turned her into a monster like you!”
Taeyong shakes his head. “Oh, you fool, don’t you see that’s why I’m here? To let you know that that can’t and will never happen. Why? Well, if I go down, your daughter goes down too.”
Your father brows furrow.
“Who yielded the weapon, pastor?”
He stays silent and grits his teeth
“Oh, but here’s a better question, where IS the weapon?”
Your father sighs. “I hope you endure nothing but pain and suffering when she finally leaves you!” He grumbles out.
“Ah, is it buried somewhere on this 32 acre land you’ve got here?” Taeyong places a finger or his chin and begins to laugh.
“Ah, yes that’s right, it’s buried here somewhere, in the lawn of the man that knew about the crime because he just watched the video. Was the killer’s father the one that hid it to protect her? Oh no!” Taeyong fakes surprise. 
“Do You follow me? It’s a chain reaction, father. I go down, your baby goes down, then you go down as an accessory to the crime.”
Taeyong stands up and brushes his jacket off. “It’s a pity that whatever you and that detective has planned for me will never work. That pathetic attempt you made at getting me locked up for life showed me everything I need to see, and now, I won’t hold back…”
He leans forward and places both hands on the desk. “I am the grim reaper, after all.”
“Fuck you, you can’t threaten me!”
Taeyong laughs and leaves the room.
[A Week Later] 
With finals over you rarely saw your friends, you didn’t even message Jaehyun because you suspected that your messages were being tracked.
You couldn’t take the risk.
Jaehyun, on the other hand, grew worried for you. He asked your friends but no one claimed they had seen or even spoke to you. Just like him, they always got your voicemail when they called.
He went to your father and begged to see you, but that’s when he learned that you no longer stayed there.
When he asked where you were, your father hesitantly told him about Taeyong’s apartment complex because he wouldn’t stop pushing.
He warned him and even told him that Taeyong was a gang leader, but Jaehyun wouldn’t listen. He wanted to save you. The marks on your wrist made him worried and he knew you needed help before it was too late.
He went to the complex and snuck around, hoping not to be seen by anyone. He waited in his car to see if you’d leave at some point. Once he spotted you, he would call out to you and have you jump in his car. He’d speed off with you to get away from this place.
The upper-class and bougie complex was really quiet. It didn’t seem like many people lived there, but there was an eerie aura that Jaehyun couldn’t ignore.
He waited all night for you in his car, but never saw you. He didn’t see anything to be exact. Well, not until a red-haired man and several other guys in black left. They drove off on their motorcycles with the red haired guy leading in front.
Jaehyun quickly unbuckled his seat belt and jumped out of his car he snuck in through a door that hadn’t been shut all the way. He got onto the elevator and took it to the top floor where Taeyong’s supposed penthouse was.
Once he got to the door with the apartment number, he rang the doorbell and looked around nervously.
You looked at the screen that showed you a real-time video of your doorstep and nearly screamed when you saw Jaehyun. You quickly opened the door.
“Jaehyun! You can’t be here! You have to leave!”
You shook your head.
“I just wanted to know if you were okay! I haven’t heard from you in days-“
“Yes! Yes I’m fine but you have to leave!”
“No, you’re not fine. You’ve been kidnapped by a gang leader. Come with me and we’ll go far away! You’ll be safe.”
You gave him a look of confusion. “What? I don’t need to be saved, Jaehyun. I like it here, and I haven’t been kidnapped, who told you that?”
“I don’t need anyone to tell me, y/n! The fact that you’ve been locked up here all night and have your phones turned off tells me that he’s controlling you! He’s taken over your life and you need to get out from under his grasp.” Jaehyun’s eyes search yours, quietly pleading for you to take his hand and run away with him.
“Jaehyun...you have no idea what you’re talking about…” you sigh. “We love each other, okay?”
“But y/n..”
“Just leave! I don’t want to be with you!” You shut your eyes tightly. Jaehyun has been so kind to you, but you felt conflicted with his words. Was he just a product of your old life that you needed to leave behind? Or did he have a point?
He steps back and nods.
“I’m..I’m sorry”
“Jaehyun..” you start to apologize but he walks away swiftly, holding his head low.
You shut the door and lean against it as his words played in your mind.
Jaehyun turned the corner and was about to head for the elevator when he saw another man walking towards it. The man dressed in all black like the other men he saw downstairs. Jaehyun holds his head down and takes the stairs instead.
Jaehyun jogs down the stairs, and about 7 flights down, he bumps into a group of intimidating men.
They smoke cigarettes in between their tattooed fingers and all turn to him.
“Uh..excuse me..”
Jaehyun moves through a small space created for him to pass through, but his heart races. These men looked like gang members, he wondered if he could get out without being noticed.
He runs down the stairs even faster, he gets to the bottom floor, turning the corner to leave. He’s met with the tall man with a broad chest. He collides into him full speed, but the man doesn’t budge. Jaehyun falls back.
“Jaehyun...leaving so soon?” The man says lowly.
Jaehyun looks up slowly, then attempts to bolt in the other direction, but the man wraps his arms around him and pulls him back. He places a towel coated in chloroform over his mouth.
Jaehyun’s vision becomes blurry, he eventually passes out and stops struggling against the man.
[The Next Night]
You lay your head on Taeyong’s lap while you watch a movie together. Your mind is preoccupied, however, you think about what Jaehyun said. Was Taeyong too controlling?
“What are you thinking about?” His deep voice lets out.
“I trust you to be honest with me, little mouse.” Taeyong massages your scalp.
“Of course…” you answer softly and close your eyes, his long fingers feel good.
“So tell me..who is Jaehyun?” 
Your eyes open and you pick yourself up from his lap.
He grips your chin inbetween his thumb and index finger. “I’ll give you one chance to answer me honestly.”
“He-He’s just a friend..we had a class together and studied together sometimes..” you try to play it off coolly but deep down you panic. How did Taeyong know about him?
“So why did I find this on his dresser?”
Taeyong reaches beside him and dangles your gold cross necklace in your face. You forgot that you had left it at his place.
“I-I must’ve lost it in class.”
“That’s not what Jaehyun says..” Taeyong’s eyes grow angry, he gritts his teeth as he lets your chin go.
“J-Jaehyun? Where is he?” 
“Is this who you ran off to? Is this your “cousin?”
Taeyong stands up from the couch.
“No! No, Taeyong, please believe me. I didn’t stay with him!”
“But he says you did, and I found your necklace earlier today, so are you lying to me?!” 
Your mouth is agape, you weren’t sure what to say, do you tell Taeyong the truth or lie again? Either way he’d be upset.
He huffs. “I can’t believe this..” he pulls out his phone and dials someone up.
“Bring him in!” 
“Okay. Yes I stayed with him, but we didn’t do anything! He was just helping me! I swear!” You cry uncontrollably.
The door clicks open and someone throws Jaehyun inside. His throat is red and bruised with what looks to be a chain pattern.
His hands are tied but he yells as he falls on the floor in the center of the room.
“Do you love him?” Taeyong tilts his head and watches your face, waiting for any slight indication that you are attached to him.
“N-no I dont, I promise he means nothing to me, just let him go!”
You sob.
Jaehyun looks hurt by your words but says nothing, he looks up at Taeyong.
“He means nothing to you? So if I kill him, will it hurt you, make you sad?” Taeyong pouts.
“Taeyong! Please don’t do this again.” You reach out to him, but he steps back.
“Why are you crying so much if you don’t love him?” 
You don’t have an answer.
Taeyong is disappointed, he trusted you, he thought you only loved him, but your actions told him otherwise.
“He’s very pretty, I can see why you fucked him..”
“No! I didn’t, we never-“ you start.
“She’s telling the truth. We never did anything because she only thought about you.” Jaehyun finally lets out.
Taeyong nods. “That’s nice to hear, but I don’t like that you are pretty, Jaehyun. I’ll let you live, but I think we should rough you up a little..”
Taeyong looks up at Johnny and nods. Johnny and Jungwoo each take Jaehyun’s arm and hoist him up. They hold him still as Taeyong flicks his Swedish blade open.
“You came here for her, didn’t you?”
Jaehyun grunts, he breathes heavily through his nostrils.
“Well, I’m going to give you something that will remind you of me every day..when you look in the mirror, you’ll remember how badly you fucked up.”
Taeyong smiles.
“Taeyong, please!” You beg one final time c but he ignored you.
“Y/n, it’s okay, I should’ve listened to you from the first time you said no. I shouldn’t have come here, this isn’t your fault!” Jaehyun cries out.
Taeyong places the sharp blade into Jaehyuns forehead. Jaehyun’s screams make you cover your ears.
Taeyong’s wild eyes watch the sharp tip ruin the beautiful, soft skin of his forehead. Blood gushes out and runs all over Jaehyun’s face as Taeyong carves an X into it.
“No!!!” Jaehyun pulls and tries time and time to move his head but the three men on him keep him still.
“Oh God! Taeyong!” You can’t help but sob heavily. You couldn’t believe this was happening again.
Taeyong throws the blade to the side and smiles as he adores his artwork.
The men let go of Jaehyun and let him fall to the floor.
You crawl to him and hold his face in your hands. Taeyong’s smile drops. You couldn’t possibly be touching and comforting another man.
“And so the truth comes out…” he growls.
“Jaehyun, I am so sorry.” You wipe tears from his eyes and hold him as he cries. Your hands shake as you look at the deep carving inflicted by Taeyong.
“It's okay, it’s not your fault.” Jaehyun’s voice is raspy and hoarse after all his screaming.
“Little mouse...if you wish to leave me...then go, just leave. I can’t take this heartbreak anymore. You’ve lied to me too many times.”
Taeyong sits down on the couch. He sighs and looks away.
“I’m sorry, Taeyong, but I really can’t do this anymore. You hurt anyone that gets close to me..”
“Because I love you..but I guess you do not love me too. I expect loyalty from you at the very least.”
“Taeyong, I-“
“Get out of my sight!” His voice raises. 
You look at Taeyong then back at Jaehyun, he needed to get to a hospital immediately.
You quickly stood up and helped Jaehyun.
“I’m sorry..” you say one final time before taking Jaehyun’s hand and running out the apartment. You felt an uncertainty and a rush as you ran down the stairs. You were free from Taeyong but a part of you didn’t want that.
You pushed the exit door open. Jaehyun pointed out his car. “Over there.” 
You grabbed his key from his hoodie pocket and helped him into his car. He was drifting in and out of consciousness so you would have to drive.
Meanwhile, Johnny watches from the window.
Taeyong stares at the floor while feeling heartbreak and disappointment.
“They’re about to leave, Taeyong, should we proceed?”
Taeyong sighs and thinks for a moment. Should he let you go and move on? Could he be without you forever?
“’X’ marks the spot..” he says and a clicking sound echos into the apartment as a bullet is loaded into the barrel of Johnny’s sniper gun.
You help Jaehyun into the passenger seat and begin to walk around to the driver's side, but a sharp sound rings out into the night then a crash follows.
A bullet flies into the windshield and hits Jaehyun, causing his head to explode into a million pieces in the car. His brains and blood splatter all windows of the car.
Your mouth falls open, your eyes water, you become dizzy. The only thing you can do is stumble and walk backwards and away from the car.
No no no no, this can’t be happening.
You fall to your knees and let out a loud wail into the night as Taeyong heads for the elevator.
Your head falls into your hands as you sob. Another innocent person is killed..because of you.
You feel Taeyong’s cold fingers grip your shoulder. Your face still in your hands while you cry uncontrollably. He’s done it again.
“I told you I’d never let you go, little mouse. You can run and hide, but you’ll always fall into my trap.”
And It’s then that you realize, you truly are stuck with Taeyong—forever.
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rosecaffelatte · 3 years
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it’s the little things | yamagata hayato
plot: it’s been a few years since you’ve entered adult life and… work is tough. but you manage, kinda. still, you can’t wait for your weekly date with your long-term partner hayato at your special place. however, you watch him doing some weird stuff… well, time to find out!
genre: timeskip au, established relationship, domestic au | fluff, hurt/comfort | yamagata x gn!reader
cast: yamagata hayato, you, shirofuku yukie
word count: 4k
warnings: swearing, food mention
hikki’s notes: this is for the open underrated characters collab! also, an himym clip about fries was the inspiration for this haha
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“Hirosedori~ Hirosedori~”
Hm? Wait, is that…?
You quickly snap out of your after-work fatigue and soon realize, That’s my stop!
Just in time, you niftily stumble out of the metro. You can feel your heart racing, the pulse in your head doesn’t help your mild headache. As you try to calm down from your workout session for the week, the doors behind you are beeping.
Well, that was something.
As you attempt to fix your appearance, the metro picks up speed and soon leaves you with windswept hair. You let out a small sigh. But before you can drown yourself in self-pity, your phone rescues you. You can feel the corners of your mouth go slightly up as you read the message from Hayato.
Ready for our romantic date? Be there in 15 minutes!
Leave it to your long-term boyfriend to cheer you up without even knowing you’re feeling down. One look on the clock tells you that you’re a bit early.
No wonder. You basically sprinted out of your office but honestly, who can blame you? Today hasn’t been a great day. Actually, the whole week has been – to put it mildly – very shitty, especially since your co-worker Yukie has switched to working only part-time.
two days ago
“As if she knows what she’s supposed to look for! She’s just lounging around in her mansion, scrolling through IG the whole day, chilling on daddy’s money!” Yukie cursed while you grimly nodded your head in agreement.
Apparently, the current owner of your company got bored with resting her sweet bum on the piles of money and decided to pay her inherited companies a visit like she always does for the last six years. It has become an annual tradition at this point.
“Have you seen our supervisor? I have never seen someone so desperate for a promotion!” you growled.
“I’m pretty sure that little brat doesn’t even have the authority to promote anyone,” Yukie agreed. You couldn’t help but smirk. Never in your life had you seen someone roll their eyes that... loudly. Also, bless this lady for spending lunch break together with you, unpaid, one might have to note.
The owner announced her arrival last Friday but didn’t specify when she’d arrive. Since then, it has been a living hell for your department. Thank your supervisor, who’s nitpicking at everything you and your colleagues do. Getting shooed around for no reason when it hinders you from getting actual work done sounds more straining than it first does. Also, who are you putting on a play for?
“Right?! She’s not even here yet, so why all the trouble now?!” While you angrily took a bite from your banana and Yukie watched you in amusement by how irritated you chewed your fruit, both of you didn’t notice the other person walking into the break room.
“Since you have time for a friendly chat, why not grab a cleaning bottle and a towel to clean the office, huh?” your supervisor hissed from behind you. “And you, Shirofuku-san,” he shouted while standing in the door frame, “why are you still here? Your shift ended 30 minutes ago. Grab your lunch and leave.” And with that, he turned back to your co-workers.
Oh, if looks could kill... The only thing that made you feel some joy that day was when Yukie was parroting your supervisor when he walked out, shadowboxing in his direction and pretending to smash her glass bottle on his head.
⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚: *⋆.*:・゚
“Fuck this dude! Just lick the bottom of her shoes while you’re at it, man!” Yamagata cursed. “You did not go to college to waste your skills on cleaning duties! And then he still expects you to hand in today’s workload tomorrow?!” He was pacing restlessly up and down in your shared apartment.
Unfortunately, you had to bring your work home that day. The thought of staying at the office until midnight didn’t necessarily impress you. Surprisingly, you still found the energy to complain about your current work situation to Hayato, who has been your best hype man ever since you got together. You love how attentively he listens to your stories and asks questions, so you can talk smack together. This is not limited to just your office stories.
As he was lividly walking the living room up and down, you rest your head in your propped-up arms on the dining table as you calmly watched your beloved boyfriend getting increasingly angrier at someone he has never met in his life before.
Just a five-minute walk from the metro station to “the birthplace of true love” as Hayato always says. You guessed it, the place where Yamagata took you out on your very first date.
“I better get going. Maybe I can get a table for us.”
Before you knew it, you’re in the middle of the hustle and bustle in the shopping street. It’s full of university students, middle and high school kids who want to celebrate the beginning of their free time with some cheap street food with their friends. As you walk down the street, you notice several groups of adults accumulating in front of bars.
Just the thought of having to attend these voluntary-but-actually-mandatory drinking parties already triggers your migraine. The last thing you’d want to do is hang around people you already see +50 hours a week, but it’s not like you have a choice. Either you are part of the team or you’ll become an outcast who apparently hates spending time with their colleagues. Unlike school, you cannot escape them after a few years. This is where you’ve settled.
Of course, you could change workplaces with your academic background, no problem. But who says the pay will as okay as it is now? Who says that you will get a job in your area which doesn’t require you to move away? Who says that your long-term boyfriend will tag along with you? This is adult life. You cannot run away. Making compromises and trying to make the best out of your situation is the reality.
Life is not a picnic.
Stop pitying yourself. This is what the majority of the workforce goes through and they handle it perfectly fine. Stop bitching.
Still, you can’t help but think that there’s absolutely nothing that can cheer you up for the week.
You are so deep in thought that you almost missed the restaurant. Only the yellow and bright red neon light from the sign told you to stop in your tracks.
It’s a McDonald’s.
Yes, you read correctly. A fast-food chain where you wouldn’t quite expect a professional athlete to dine. You’d think they’d avoid junk food at all costs, but it seems like you need to consume lots of calories after your workout so your body has enough bla bla bla. Okay, to be honest, you don’t even know what the hell a protein is, no matter how often Hayato explains it. And yet, he always asks for your opinion on his sports career as if you knew if his new training plan is hard enough to develop enough muscles.
Don’t act all innocent though, it’s not like you don’t do that either. He’s trying his best to give you thoughtful answers whenever you ask him about how you should proceed with upcoming projects at your workplace like he has the required knowledge to give a real judgment.
“Doesn’t Shirofuku know more in this field? Maybe you can split up the work, save more time like that.”
“Thought so too, but she works part-time now...”
To some, it might seem like unnecessarily wasting your time but there’s more behind that. It’s not really about the feedback but rather you let the other one know what’s happening in your life and what has been on your mind lately. It doesn’t matter if Hayato knows what you’re talking about, it’s that he knows that something is happening in your other part of your life he doesn’t or can’t spend with you.
Having someone lend you a sympathetic ear is sometimes enough than actual advice. That’s why you can always count on him having your back when you’re venting again. Of course, you try to keep it to a healthy amount, but this week has been really… demanding.
It’s hard to find other (and more fun) things to discuss anyways when your full-time job is taking in five out of seven days of your week.
It sure was a rough time adjusting to your new adult life when all you did before was live the irregular life of a uni student. Having two-month long holidays, partying and going out pretty much every week, meeting new people by starting drunk conversations while waiting in line in front of the toilets, going on spontaneous dates in the middle of the night on a Tuesday. But it was time to grow up and your new 9-to-5-life put your relationship with Yamagata to the test. Luckily, your love life is as fulfilling as it was in the beginning.
It’s not about what do you, it’s about with whom you spend your time. If it’s the right person, everything can be fun. Being around each other was already enough to make you feel loved. So, basically, you two still have the same life as before, just a little bit different.
Vacations and off-days were now strategically planned six months ahead…
Wait, wait, wait! What if we split our annual leave in two? Then, we have two nine-day vacations!
“Hayato, I’m impressed.”
“We have one day left right? We’ll take leave on a Monday, have a weekend trip and a chill, tourist-free last day and… babe?”
“Sorry, you kinda turn me on when you have a plan when organizing things.”
…you became grumpy old people when you hear “party” if you can call those “parties”…
“What the hell is the dress code for an adult party?”
“Stop calling it like that! It’s a social gathering for grown-ups to celebrate my co-worker’s birthday. Wear the suit, you look hot in it. Also, did you get something as a gift?”
“Got the 800-Yen-est bottle of wine.”
…you two already found your four friends for life…
“I should really check in with the boys, see how they’re doing. I haven’t talked to Semi or seen Tendou in months.”
“Doesn’t tagging them in memes count as communication and upholding a friendship?”
“You know what, you’re right.”
“That was not what I was going for...”
…and dates, you can make anything a date. Yes, even at your dinner table at home. Simply put on some music or a series as background noise while you’re cooking, light some candles for the romantic mood, just to miss the food that you cooked for three hours with your fork, and splash the sauce everywhere for you two laugh at your miserable attempt to have a romantic candlelight dinner.
“It’s literally pitch-black, I can’t even see your face really,” you laughed while you felt your way to the light switch.
“Don’t you dare turn on the light! I wanna have a romantic candle-light dinner like they always have in the movies!” Yamagata demanded half-seriously while trying to stifle his laugh.
“The flames cast a weird shadow on your face. You look like a creepy figure from a horror movie and I probably look like one too!” you tried to argue, in vain however when you spotted your boyfriend with crossed arms and puffed-up cheeks.
“Romantic. Candle-light dinner. Now!”
Who can be that heartless to reject an angry- and tough-looking adult who is trying to pout his way to get what he wants like a small puppy?
Hm, I can’t spot him…
You stop peeking through the glass door and entered the restaurant, taking a final look around the restaurant before going to the register. But as you’re getting in line, you realize who is getting his order from the cashier.
It’s Hayato!
Just as you are about to sneak up to him and poke him in his sides, your instincts tell you to quickly hide behind a pillar. Something’s off. You observe him powerwalk to the table mounted to the wall and quickly place his tray to, uh…
What the…
Hayato is grabbing a handful of curly fries and stuffs his face with them as if he hasn’t eaten for weeks. He honestly looks like a small child that is trying to eat all the forbidden cookies before his parents come home.
Uh, training was hard, I guess?
But this explanation doesn’t sit right for you. Two things are bothering you.
The first “red flag” is you never get curly fries, ever. Secondly, there are already two large straight-cut fries on the tray, the usual order you to get for this special date along with three burgers and chicken nuggets. But back to the elephant in the room. You watch Hayato intently as he finishes the small curly fries in record time but keeps two, count ’em, two curly fries. He throws the paper away and frantically heads to a free table, leaving back a dumbfounded and even more confused you.
What the fuck was that?
You cannot make sense of what just happened, but instead of wracking your brain over his inexplicable move, you make your way over to him.
Let’s find out.
For the second time of the day, you can feel a smile creeping up the more you close the distance between you and your beloved boyfriend. It’s as if your hair didn’t fall off at an alarming rate over the last few days.
He doesn’t seem to notice you. Well, no wonder when he’s intently staring at the food.
“Hey, handsome. Is this seat taken?” you flirtatiously ask but quiet enough, so nobody from the table around you can hear you.
He looks up from the tray, already knowing who it is. His face immediately lights up.
“Not for you,” he answers with a sly grin and wiggles his eyebrows.
He really refined his wiggles over the last few years. You quickly lean over to him for a quick kiss and take the seat on the opposite side.
“Good, you’re here already. I’m starving!” Hayato gushes and immediately digs into the gigantic Double Big Mac.
You just shake your head as you watch him munching down through the layers of pure protein, you think.
Can you imagine how much an athlete eats? You two always have to cook for four even though it’s only you two living together. Oh, don’t assume that Hayato won’t down a blender full of protein drink after dinner. Sometimes, you feel sorry for him when you watch Hayato force himself to drink a mix of milk, bananas, peanut butter, flaxseed oil, and disgusting chocolate-flavored protein powder. But right now, you’re just enjoying the time with him. Sitting down and relaxing has become a luxury you noticed.
“So,” Hayato asks with his mouth half full, “how was work? How’s Shirofuku? Was kiss-ass shooing you around again?”
“Ugh! I don’t even know where to–”
You stop yourself.
Do I really want to talk about work after work on our special date?
“You know what? No. Tell me about your practice match today.”
You make yourself comfortable and lean against the tables with your elbows. The stress has really taken a toll on your hunger, so you start small with the big fries and begin munching on one fry after another.
“Sure. Uh, we played against Tamaden Elephants. There was this tall guy, undercut. I swear I know him from somewhere, I just can’t put my finger on it,” he says and sips at his drink deep in thought. “Anyways. He was really good at...”
As Hayato tells you about his scrimmage, you just nod and make some sounds to show that you’re listening, kinda. You are way too tired and mentally strained to hold a conversation... The only thing you can generate energy for is eating your fries. That’s literally the only thing; you can’t even keep your eyes open.
I’ll just rest them for a little bit. He won’t notice...
And slowly, you drift off to dreamland unnoticed.
You think. You think you did, only because Hayato hasn’t said anything yet. In fact, he’s stopped talking and is now watching you how you’re peacefully dozing off, still shoving French fries in your mouth like on autopilot.
Do I look that stupid? I can see you sleeping in front of me, Hayato thinks to himself and chuckles lightly. Would be a shame if someone would take a photo... whoops.
Hayato has already whipped out his phone and is taking some photos of the beautiful scene that is unfolding right in front of him. After mesmerizing you for a few more moments, he slightly leans forward and pokes you gently in the cheek.
“Wha–?” You startle up and shake your head lightly to wake yourself up. “I– wow. I actually fell asleep.”
Yup, you should have definitely drunk more water over the day as your head pulsates from waking up so fast. It’s going to take a moment until your brain has booted up to its full performance but when was that ever the case?
“Stressful day, huh?” asks Hayato softly as he unwraps his second burger from its wax paper.
In hopes of becoming more awake, you take a few sips from your coke after you let out a frustrated groan.
“Don’t even get me started. My supervisor really took it too far today. Can you guess what he made me do today?!”
You angrily squeeze the drink in your hand. Hayato takes it out of your hand before it explodes in your face. He nods understandingly as he slowly pushes the other batch of fries on your side of the tray. Just what you need, your comfort food. You can always rely on them! Oh, and Hayato too, of course.
“It’s like you’re reading my mind,” you say brightly before you shove one fry after another into you once more. “Where was I? Oh yeah, my shitty supervisor actually made me do the work of my co-worker because he– oh my God! Look!”
You hold up two curly fries and wave them happily in front of Hayato’s face.
“Well, technically, those were in my fries, so–”
“Nu-uh! These are all mine, muahaha!” you quickly interrupt and eat half of your lucky catch.
They’re so fresh that they still make a crunchy sound. Meanwhile, Hayato is just watching you calmly with a grin on his lips, knowing exactly what’s coming next.
“Say ‘ah’!”
you demand and Hayato happily complies. One bite from your personal piranha and it’s gone.
You are still beaming with joy and carefully examine your recent discovery. The one that’s left is not one of those broken pieces you find at the end of the paper bag. It is still intact that has four swirls. Still hot and crunchy.
“Damn, I can’t believe we got so luck–”
Wait a minute.
Well, has it clicked yet?
Shocked by the sudden realization, you jerk your head up to look at Hayato who just stares back at you with furrowed brows. He has no idea what’s going on in your head right now, so excuse his confusion when you go from a shocked expression to a pleading one. The one with big puppy eyes. You look as if you’re about to cry.
“Hayapyon~” you softly coo as you flutter your eyelashes.
“Uh, yeah?” Hayato cautiously responds, still worried that he’ll actually make you cry if he now says the wrong thing.
You, however, crack a huge grin, ready to uncover his little secret.
“Could it be that you planted the curly fries to cheer me up?”
Hayato freezes up, mouth hanging wide open. His eyes are moving frantically around the restaurant, looking desperately for a good excuse. But since he can’t come up with one, you decide to put more salt on the wound.
“I saw you buy curly fries earlier and devour them like a starved animal.”
“Shit, you saw that?!”
He has finally come back to life.
“Yes!” you laugh out loud. “I left work early and caught you just in time. You looked like a chipmunk when you stuffed your face with those fries.”
“Man…,” he lets out a loud sigh and lets him fall back onto the backrest, “that’s supposed to stay a secret. Now I have to come up with something else…”
“Whoa, hold on. Do you always do this when I’m in a bad mood? Well, now that I think about it, we did find curly fries on our last dates quite often…”
You glance over to Hayato who’s trying to avoid eye contact with you. One of the few moments where he gets flustered and not you.
“I don’t know,” he mumbles as he scratches the back of his head, “you are really stressed for the last few days and tried to distract you from work.”
He finally looks up to you, only to see you internally tearing up with big puppy eyes once again.
“Is that why you tried to cook and ordered food in the last few days? Or ran a foam bath with rose petals and candles for me? Or took over the tasks in the household for me?” Imaginary tears come out of your eyes. “I don’t deserve you.”
“Hey! I do cook from time to time!”
“Eh, it’s more like ‘you wanna cook this recipe but after all these years, you still don’t know how to cook and don’t know what that vegetable is called, so I do all the cooking while you’re waiting for instructions from me after you cut the bell pepper’-ish.”
You quickly walk over to his side and sit down right to him, only to cuddle into his side.
“But I’m still grateful for what you’ve done for me.”
Before he can protest any further, you quickly plant a soft kiss on his lips, causing Hayato to roll his eyes but ultimately admit defeat.
⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚: *⋆.*:・゚
a few hours later
“Hey babe, can you call my phone? I can’t find it anywhere.”
“On it.”
Without even looking, you speed-dial his phone and let it ring for a few seconds until you realize that it made it somehow under the pillow you’re sitting on.
”Found it,” you shout.
Surprised but at the same time not, you look up from your book and fish his cell out. As you decline the call, the screen reveals to you his new locking screen.
It’s you.
And you’re not pretty to look at.
It’s you, asleep, clearly sitting in a McDonald’s with your dry ass lips, glazed with a beautiful layer of grease, your mouth slightly agape. Your hair was statically charged for no reason and was visible flying away from your head. The overhead light helped to emphasize that. You’re not even sure if that’s a new grease stain on your chest or if you actually walked around like that in the office the whole day.
You are too disgusted with yourself that you don’t notice your finger still pressing on the screen until– “What the–” –the photo moves. A live photo. Now you can see in full HD how you’re stuffing your face with one fry after another.
”When… When did he– HAYATO!”
He cautiously, almost hesitantly, peaks out of the bathroom and immediately sprints over to you the moment he spots your appalled expression. Out of reflex, you quickly turn around and guard the phone with your body to keep it out of his reach. He doesn’t play around when he tackles you like that.
“You’re not supposed to see it that early!” Hayato yells as he struggles to pry his phone out of your hands.
“Change it immediately! Your teammates will see when you lose your phone again! I look like shit!!”
“No! You look cute as hell!” Hayato vehemently disagrees as he pins you down.
But no matter how much strength you gather, you’re too weak to stand your ground, literally. While you’re struggling for the phone, both of you fall to the ground and are rolling around on the living room floor. Unfortunately, Hayato succeeds, rolls you off from himself, and runs away from you. You, of course, leap to your feet and chase him through the flat.
“Give it back!”
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coldmilkcreamery · 3 years
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lux in tenebris
~ 𝐯𝐚𝐥��𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞 ��𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 ~
𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: jung jaehyun x male reader 🌹🥀
𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 4182
𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: set in the 1960’s, your relationship with Jaehyun blooms as you navigate a time when homosexuality is unacceptable.
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴/𝘀: hinted homophobia (but never shown)
𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗻 𝗯𝘆 🌙
𝗮/𝗻: because valentines is jaehyun’s birthday !! hbd to my first bias <3 this story is so so fluffy, which is so unusual for me because i’m an angsty writer 🥴 also, i thought of this story while listening to ‘put your head on my shoulder’ !! every time i would write a part, i would listen to it <3 this is the longest story i’ve written, surpassing memories (which is also a jaehyun one btw, i think this unintentionally proves my dedication to him) !! i hope u guys like this because i’ve worked the hardest on this 🥺 happy valentines everyone ! <3
> 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 <
(some time in the 1960s~)
Everybody thought they were friends. The class-skipping, the after-school hangouts, the dinners at Anka’s Diner—everybody thought they were friends. And truly, they were.
But is that really all they were?
“So…” Jaehyun asks as they walk down the halls of Neo High, “Anyone approach for Valentine’s yet? I bet you’ve gotten more than three people to ask you out by now.”
Y/N chuckles, lightly shoving Jaehyun as the latter chuckles as well. “Man, stop it. No one asked me out. And who are you to say that? Star athlete, 6 pack abs, Jaehyun of the Neos, I'd say… 6 girls?”
“7, actually.” They both giggle as Jaehyun continues, “But… I shot all of them down.”
They both near Y/N’s locker, Jaehyun leaning on the ones beside as the former opens his and gets some books out. “Why? 7 girls… neat.”
“I have my eyes on someone else.” Jaehyun says, looking up, blushing at the ceiling, glad that Y/N’s locker door is obstructing the latter’s view of his face.
“Lucky girl.” Y/N says, nonchalantly as he closes the door to his locker. “She’ll say yes, don’t worry.”
“Sure hope they do. So… I'm guessing you're still on the make? You know, looking for a date?” Jaehyun says curiously, unknowingly hoping for a certain answer.
“I told you no one asked me out. And honestly, I’m fine with that. It's a Saturday on the 14th—maybe I should just stay home and listen to the radio.”
“Aww. That's fine little man.” Jaehyun says as they begin their trek towards their classes. “Maybe you could go out with me…” His voice softens, not wanting to alert those around them, “If you can't find anyone.”
Y/N chortles, smacking Jaehyun on the shoulder once again, “Kinda gay ain't it?”
“Nothing wrong with it.”
“You think the people around us’ll say the same?”
Jaehyun hums in acknowledgement as he fixes his tie, replying, “Okay then. Well, see ya’ later alligator.”
Y/N smiles as he sends the boy a wink, entering his classroom as the latter walks to his.
They both knew it. It was mutual knowledge. But unspoken. It was unspoken knowledge. The sly touches, the flirting—they both knew it.
But neither have made a real move yet.
“If you had one thing you could do right now, without being interrupted—without any distractions,” Jaehyun says, lying down on Y/N’s bed, throwing a baseball up in the air as he asks, “what would it be?”
“Hm.” Y/N ponders, pausing the movement of his pencil over the créme sheet of paper, placing it down. “Maybe…” he looks out the window, observing the orange to black ombré, “Moongazing. I just love the moon. The stars too.”
“You always talk about the moon.” Jaehyun stops throwing the white ball knitted with red fabric, catching it on one hand as he sits up. “What’s so bewitching about it anyway?”
“I don’t know.” Y/N continues writing, the graphite marking the pages as it produces the only sound in the room apart from their voices. “It’s… calming. Not to mention, the twinkling stars look pretty too.”
“Twinkle twinkle little star…” Jaehyun sings softly as Y/N chuckles, throwing a pillow at the former.
“If you don’t believe me—”
“I do. I’ll take you for your word.” Jaehyun replies almost instantly. “I always do.”
“Neat. Now flake off. The sun is setting. You live three streets away, and I don't want you walking in the dark alone.” Y/N gets up from his seat at the window, turning to face Jaehyun.
“Walk me home then.” Jaehyun replies, a smirk on his face.
“That would mean I would be the one walking home alone in the dark, you dork.”
“Alright, alright.” Jaehyun replies, getting up from Y/N’s bed to give him a long, warm hug. Their bodies separate as Jaehyun blows Y/N a kiss, walking out the bedroom door, getting a snort in return.
The marmalade sun hides itself on the horizon as Y/N looks out the window, waving to Jaehyun as the latter walks out their front yard, beginning his journey home.
Oh God, was he falling.
It was getting increasingly difficult to resist. The sneaky flirts, the clever comebacks—it was getting increasingly difficult to resist.
And maybe he should stop doing so.
“Baby~” Jaehyun sneaks up on Y/N, whispering the words as the latter stiffens in surprise before smacking him lightly in the face.
“Dude. You gotta stop saying shit like that.” The boy sitting on his assigned chair replies, looking up at Jaehyun who is now seated on his desk. “Why are you here anyways? Don’t you have class soon?”
“You do.” Jaehyun replies, pointing at Y/N before pointing at himself, “I don’t. My first subject isn’t ‘till 9.”
“Hm.” Y/N mumbles as he looks back down on the sheet of paper with two unanswered math problems waiting to be solved. “Well, I forgot to complete this last night because I was too pre-occupied with English, and there’s five minutes left ‘till my class starts so I really gotta finish this.”
“Maybe you don’t.” Jaehyun replies, a plan already devising itself in his mind. “Do you maybe wanna… go to the park?”
Y/N looks up, a smirk forming on his face as he observes the same smirk on Jaehyun’s. They hold a stare for about five seconds before Y/N shoves the gray sheet of paper into his backpack, not caring if it was getting crumpled. In laughing fits, both boys run out the hall and eventually out the school too. Slowing down from their marathon-like sprint, they don't notice that they have their fingers interlocked. Y/N realizing this, he quickly untangles them as he straightens his uniform, Jaehyun unconsciously bummed out.
“Well,” Y/N says, looking up at Jaehyun who was already staring at him, “lead the way, my good sir.”
Jaehyun bows as he jokes, “Why of course, Milady. I’ll have you back in school by 9, just in time for your second subject.”
Both giggle as they skip to the grassy park, unknowingly spending the whole day out of school.
Maybe it was something in the air. Something they inhaled, passing their airways as it made its way to their heart, freeing them from their icy restraints. Maybe it was something in the air—or maybe something in the grass. But it made them both come out of their shells.
What took that damned O₂ so long to enter their lungs?
“Oh shit.” Y/N realizes halfway through fawning about a low-graphic, black and white but new cartoon that had just come out. He looks down on his right wrist as he scoffs. “You said you’d get me back in school by 9.” He says, annoyed, looking up at Jaehyun, “It’s 9:05”.
Jaehyun chuckles innocently, planting his palm on the back of your shoulder. “Well… if people see us here in the park when we’re supposed to be in class… we’ll get detention for skipping.” He says, matter-of-factly.
“Yeah, totally didn't know that, Jae.” Y/N says, facetiously.
“Well… we could go to the movies? Or the fair…” Jaehyun brings his lips closer to Y/N ears as he whispers convincingly, “Or both.”
The flustered pulls away, hands pushing Jaehyun towards the opposite direction. “Fine. But I didn't bring my wallet today.”
“What do you want me to do about that?” Jaehyun replies, a look of sarcasm cascading his face. Y/N rolls his eyes before staring straight into Jaehyun’s, cracking his knuckles. Before he could get a word out, Jaehyun already surrenders. “Okay, okay! Calm down dude.” He chuckles. “But on one condition.”
“I’m listening.” Y/N replies, crossing his legs.
“Be my Valentine. For tomorrow.”
“Dude, you don't have a valentine, I don't have a valentine—”
“Because you turned them all down!”
“Okay fair enough.” Jaehyun admits, “But it's not like I can ask them out again, it would be too humiliating for big ole’ Jae, wouldn't it?” He pouts, sticking his bottom lip out as he stares into Y/N’s eyes.
Y/N contemplates, sighing after a minute as he replies, “Fine.”
Jaehyun jumps in glee as he cheers, acting like a kid whose parents agreed to buy them ice cream.
“Just take me to the movies already.” Y/N sighs yet again, scratching his head as the taller calms down, bowing facetiously.
“Of course, Milady.”
“Shut up.”
The popcorn was exceptional. Splendid indeed. The pop of flavor just made everything fall into place. The popcorn was exceptional—maybe that’s why Jaehyun held the bag so cautiously.
And soon enough, that won’t be the only thing he’ll be holding—and eating, too.
“Mmmh.” Jaehyun moans as he sips his pop, taking a handful of popcorn right after.
“Dude, stop! We haven't even gotten in the theater yet and you're already devouring everything.” Y/N whines, upset. “By the time the movie starts, we’ll have nothing!”
“Chill,” Jaehyun replies, taking one last sip from his straw before he smiles at Y/N, “we can just buy another one.”
“You’re just wasting money.” Y/N groans, not wanting Jaehyun to spend any more.
“Okay, okay.” He replies, sealing his popcorn as they wait to be let in the theater.
Was it the popcorn in the theater? Something that gave Jaehyun the courage. Because Jaehyun had not been this bold 6 months ago. Was it the popcorn in the theater—or was it the soda pop?
It didn't matter. What he was going to do with his newly-found virtue did.
In the darkness, the mono-colored movie played as the bag of popcorn was set in between the boys.
“Remind me why we decided to watch a romance movie again?” Y/N brings his lips closer to Jaehyun’s ears as he whispers, not wanting to disturb the rest.
“People say it’s a good movie.”
“They both die.”
Jaehyun peels his eyes away from the screen to stare at Y/N, a look of disbelief washing over his face. “You just spoiled the movie for me.”
“Everybody knows the story of Romeo and Juliet.” Y/N replies, rolling his eyes.
“Well, I don’t.” Jaehyun whispers, looking back at the projected movie, correcting himself, “Didn’t. I guess I do now.”
“I still can’t believe you didn’t know though.” Y/N remarks, grabbing popcorn from their shared bucket, staring at the movie playing.
“Now I do, and…” Jaehyun looks at Y/N once again, his cheeks burning as he braves and says, “I guess it’s a good thing we’ll both be Romeos tomorrow.”
Y/N lightly chuckles, trying to ignore what Jaehyun had just said, keeping his eyes glued to the movie.
Unsatisfied with Y/N’s reaction, Jaehyun slips his fingers past the bucket of popcorn and onto Y/N’s, resting on the armrest. With the sudden weight and warmth on his hand, Y/N tenses—but doesn’t look at Jaehyun. Rather, he watches the movie intently, silently hoping he doesn’t give in.
Jaehyun leans closer to Y/N, lips right next to his ears as he whispers, “I’m cold.”
And he gives in.
Their fingers interlock in the dark of the theater, the sounds of dialogue from the movie filling the enclosed space up. No one can see them—it’ll be alright.
Jaehyun always found rings cute. A cheese ring, a metal ring, the ring around Saturn. Jaehyun always found rings cute,
But his greatest wish was to put a diamond one around Y/N’s finger.
“This is a scam.” Y/N retorts, hands crossed. He stares at Jaehyun as they stand in line for a hoop game on the board walk’s carnival, a few minutes after their exit from the theater.
“There’s no harm in trying.” Jaehyun replies, his eyes on the prize—a teddy bear the size of a toddler.
“That’s like saying ‘There’s no harm in getting scammed’, Jae.”
“Well,” Jaehyun cheekily replies, smirking as he blurts, “there’s no harm in getting scammed for you.”
Y/N looks at Jaehyun in disbelief as the flirt grabs 3 round hoops, preparing to land them on the moving bottles. Much like Y/N’s prediction, the first hoop falls too early and too far from the bottles, the second slides off after nearing and the third one flies too far and hits the stall owner. Jaehyun cringes as the owner painfully smirks, the feeling of victory of scamming another customer engulfing the latter’s mind, accompanied by the feeling of pain from the metal object recently hurled at his stomach.
“At least we have consolation candy?” Jaehyun’s face agonizes, embarrassment taking over.
“At least we have consolation candy.” Y/N repeats, grabbing a handful as he smiles at the owner and makes a 180°, leaving the booth. Jaehyun follows behind, hands in his pocket as he looks around the fair.
“Oooh,” Jaehyun interests, “What about that one?” He says, pointing at the game with a man in his 20’s trapped inside a container with water below, fate depending on his partner’s aim at the target.
“How about no?” Y/N replies, chuckling shortly after, “If you like water so much…
how do you feel about the beach?”
Tonight was the night. It wasn’t the 14th—it was the day before. But Jaehyun was more than confident enough to make a move. Tonight was the night—and nothing could go wrong.
Or so he hopes.
The tangerine sun meets the navy water once again, its center resting at the edge of the coast. Both boys walk down the beach, hands in pockets as they keep their feelings in.
“Pretty isn’t it?” Jaehyun perks up as he stares at Y/N breaking the silence. “The sun setting.” Jaehyun nods as Y/N continues. “It’s a shame that it’s disappearing soon. Give it a few minutes more and there won’t be a trace of orange on the sky.”
“It’s just how it is.” Jaehyun replies.
“Exactly.” Y/N gleams, the wind blowing on his shirt. “As much as I love seeing the sun, and as much as I hate seeing it go, I see it as a good thing too.”
“What do you mean?” Jaehyun replies, sparkles in his eyes as he stares at Y/N, only the calm waters and the sun’s secant behind him.
“I see it as, ‘if you love something, you have to let something else go’, or something of the sort.” Y/N chuckles, his hands still in his pockets, “I love the sun so much, but if it means seeing the night sky again, I’d give it up every single day, every single time, every single chance I get.”
“You must love the moon and stars so much, huh.” Jaehyun awes as his skin glows under the dying sun’s radiating tint.
Y/N nods as both boys settle down on a spot by the ocean, watching the sun submerge, darker and bluer hues taking over the early evening sky. They sit there for a few minutes, staring at the ocean waves, thinking about their current situation. As they contemplate, the sky has completely changed, from warm hues into cooler and darker ones, the moon showing itself first.
“There you go.” Jaehyun chuckles, laying his back on the sand as he points up, “Your favorite.”
Y/N follows the direction Jaehyun’s finger is pointing at as he looks up at the indigo atmosphere, a faint, glowing crescent standing out. He beams as he appreciates the moon’s presence, basking in it. “Thank you for today, Jae.”
“You’re welcome. Don’t forget about tomorrow okay?”
Y/N nods as he gets up, dusting his shorts off from the sand. The other gets up as well, doing the same as Y/N watches.
Just as the latter is about to leave, Jaehyun speaks up. “Wait!” Y/N faces him once again, a sparkle on his eyes as he wonders why he was called back. “I— I have something to say.” Jaehyun shivers, clenching his fists as he breathes in and out, preparing himself for his own confession. “For the longest time I’ve— I’ve looked up to you and I just wanna say,” Y/N raises his eyebrows, the sound of waves crashing onto the beach filling his ears, “I like you.”
‘I like you’. The words ring in Y/N ears, the syllables painting his eardrums with love. It seems great at first but then he remembers—the predjudice, the shame, the disgrace, the dishonor—and doubles back. “Y-you can’t.”
“Yes, I can.” Jaehyun says as he inches closer to Y/N, his hand grazing the latter’s cheek as he pulls closer. Their lips touch under the moonlight, the stars and benthics as their witness. The taste of strawberry fills Y/N’s taste buds, the savory flavor of intimacy filling his mouth. With the doting feeling of passion engulfing Y/N’s body, he kisses back. They move in sync for a few seconds until Jaehyun pulls away, the feeling of endearment filling his mind as he registers that he had just kissed Y/N—the one he's been pining for for the past few years. Of course, that feeling isn't long-lasting as he notices Y/N take a step back, fear in the latter’s eyes.
“What’s wrong?” Jaehyun questions, his words coming out as a mere whisper. Y/N doesn't reply as he takes more steps back, mortified. Jaehyun reaches his hand out—and that’s all it takes to send Y/N running.
He sprints the opposite direction, ignoring Jaehyun’s shouts behind him. Adrenaline rushes through his veins as his shoes hit the sand continuously, fear and disappointment fueling his run.
Jaehyun is left alone, under the moonlit beach, and instead of hearing his beloved’s voice, only the sound of waves fill his ears, sending him into full regret.
Was it like water? Sometimes everything would be blithe—calm, tranquil water, their insouciant selves enjoying the world. But sometimes it would be erratic too—the unpredictable waves engulfing them and their relationship. Was it like water—their love for one another?
Jaehyun just hopes it wouldn’t dry up.
“Thought I’d find you up here.” Jaehyun mutters as he closes the rooftop door, making a sound as it closes again. It’s been a few hours since the beach incident, the moon already glowing brighter. “Look, I’m sorry for kiss–”
“Don’t be.” Y/N replies, keeping his voice as stern as possible, despite already being on the verge of tears. “It was great, I just,” Y/N pauses, takes in the night sky’s view for the last time before he breaks down, and plants his eyes on Jaehyun, still by the rooftop door. “Don’t you think this is wrong?”
“What is?” Jaehyun replies, already knowing the answer he would receive.
“This.” Y/N replies, whining dejectedly as he gets up from his sitting position, facing Jaehyun. “This is. We’re both guys, we shouldn't be flirting, let alone kissing!”
“Why does it matter?” Jaehyun questions, stepping forward as he tries his best to keep his tears in.
“It just does Jaehyun!” Y/N yells back, the exact opposite of Jaehyun’s hushed tone, his voice echoing out into the night sky. “It just does.” He repeats, tears pooling on the corner of his eyes.
“If it does, then…” Jaehyun steps back, the feeling of woe engulfing him, “you never liked me the same way I like you.”
“No!” Y/N replies almost immediately, a tear already slipping out, painting his right cheek, “I, I like you Jae, I like you so fucking much. Every single moment we’ve had, every single moment we’ve shared—I relish every bit of it. I can’t stop liking you—I’ll never stop liking you. But,” Y/N pauses, “I’m scared.”
Jaehyun steps closer to Y/N, pulling him into his embrace as the latter cries out onto his shoulder, tears staining his t-shirt, “Don’t be.”
“But I am.” Y/N replies, sniffing as he tightens his grip on Jaehyun’s body. “I’m scared of everything—What if people talk bad about us, behind our backs? What if our parents kick us out? What if we get expelled? What if—”
“Shh.” Jaehyun shushes, his hand rubbing Y/N’s back slowly, the strokes calming the latter down. “Stop thinking about the ‘what ifs’, just focus on me.”
“I’m sorry, I know I overthink a lot.” Y/N mumbles, pulling away from their embrace as he looks Jaehyun in the eyes, the moonlight shining on them. “I’m just… scared of the darkness that awaits, you know?”
“I get you.” Jaehyun replies as he stares at Y/N, melancholic. “And I’ll do whatever it takes, okay? I’ll be your candle, your shining light, anything that’ll get you through the darkness.”
“Thanks.” Y/N chuckles, looking down, noticing the sand still on Jaehyun’s shoes. “But that still doesn’t change what people would think about…” He points to Jaehyun, then at himself, repeatedly, “this.”
Jaehyun hums as he guides Y/N to the ledge of the rooftop, sitting both him and himself down as they stare out onto the deserted school field below. “Remember what you said about the sun, just a few hours ago when we were down at the beach?”
“Yeah, what about it?”
“I’d give it all up. All of it. My status, my family, my friends—all of it…” Jaehyun says, peeling his eyes off the dark field below them and locking them with Y/N’s, passion fueling his words, “if it meant I could be with you. Because as much as I love them, if it means seeing you in my arms, I’d give them all up every single day, every single time, every single chance I get.”
Y/N forces a sob in, trying his best not to break down. “But why?” He replies, feeling tears pool again.
“Because I’m serious with you, dude.” Jaehyun replies as Y/N chuckles, the tears still in his eyes. “I’ve been wanting to tell you all this for a while now.”
Y/N snickers louder, he and his best friend’s intimacy overwhelming him. He takes in Jaehyun’s form, the moon casting its light down on him, and makes a desicion. “Fine.”
“Fine what?”
“Fine, you can be my candle. Fine, you can be my shining light. Fine…” Y/N pauses, trying to find the right words, “Fine, I’ll give this—us—a chance.”
Jaehyun quickly switches moods from his dejected one to a grin from ear to ear, painting over his gloomy look. “Does that mean you’re still my valentine for tomorrow...” Jaehyun pauses, looks at his watch then looks back into Y/N’s eyes, noticing all the sorrow fading, “I mean later?”
“Yes, dude.”
“We have to stop calling each other that now, babe.”
“Ew. Too cheesy don’t you think?”
“Not at all. I think it suits you.”
Both men chuckle as they stare out into the landscape, a completely new bond between them formed.
“Since it’s Valentine’s Day already,” Jaehyun mumbles as he looks toward Y/N’s direction, “do you mind giving me a kiss?” Y/N stops his peaceful gaze on the stars as he locks eyes with Jaehyun, noticing the sparkles in his eyes. “No running away this time though.”
Y/N chuckles before he places his hand on Jaehyun’s cheek, moving closer and closer, feeling their taboo love get stronger and stronger. Their lips touch as he realizes that Jaehyun’s lips taste more like peaches than strawberries. With this thought in mind, he smiles into their kiss, the feeling of fear leaving his body as he feels his best friend’s—now boyfriend’s—lips on his.
Instead of the briny ocean water witnessing their love wither merely 6 hours earlier, it was now the magnificent moon and the stunning stars bearing witness to their young, requited love bloom.
Maybe it was the stigma. The thing that kept them apart for so long. Maybe it was the stigma—or maybe they were both just pussies.
Good thing they grew some balls.
“I think I get why you like the moon and stars so much.” Jaehyun blurts as the two lay on the beach once again, staring up at the glittered night sky, the valentine air floating out and about.
“And why’s that?” Y/N says as he looks up at Jaehyun, curiosity devouring him.
“It reminds me of a phrase in Latin.” He replies, smiling as the bijou stars twinkled at them, as if they were smiling. “It means light in darkness.” Y/N nods. “The moon, the stars—they paint the plain black sky and turn it into something stunning. I can’t look away from it now. Whenever I look up at night, I’ll always remember you.”
“Good for you.” Y/N chuckles, shifting his gaze from his boyfriend’s cheek and placing it back on the painting-like sky above them, miniature dots glistening on the canvas. “What’s that phrase again? If it sounds pretty, I just might get it tattooed on me.”
“Light in darkness,” Jaehyun stops, smiling back at the specs winking at them, “and in Latin,” Y/N looks up at Jaehyun, only to catch him staring back, stars in his eyes,
“Lux in tenebris.”
𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙙: 02.04.21
𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙙: 02.13.21
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mediocre--writing · 3 years
what if when neil found out steve and billy are dating, instead, he goes and beats the shit out of Steve to teach billy a lesson
“billy, shut up or i’m telling steve!”
the pause in the air was so pregnant that nobody dared to move.
billy felt his pulse shoot up so high he was sure he was going to vibrate off of the chair he sat on. he could see the fork in his hand wobble more and more violently as he willed it to stay still.
this was exactly what happened last time.
being too joke-y and playful, max saying something just incriminating enough, and the whole universe coming to a pause, just to jeer and laugh at poor billy hargrove.
the dinner was nice, one of the better ones susan had made, and everyone in the house was smiling.
max and billy were closer than ever, even before the move out to indiana, and felt like true siblings, much to the delight of both parents.
neils nose scrunched. he looked back and forth around the table before raising his steel eyes to meet max’s.
“who’s steve?”
max knew she’d done it this time. she was cornered and her face was burning with shame for what she brought on billy, what she brought on herself, what she brought on the house.
“one of billy’s friends. he babysits dustin sometimes. drives him around, ya know?”
max sounded causal. and it wouldn’t have been suspicious had the room not had a tense air that hadn’t been present prior to the move.
“friend?” neil moved his eyes over to billy, who instantly straightened his posture and set his face as blank as possible. “billy, you’re finally making good friends here?”
billy’s eyes scanned up and down his fathers figure before nodding, “yes, sir,”
neil smiled, “well, that’s great to hear,” and continued eating his vegetables.
billy didn’t move. this seemed like a trick.
there is no way that neil hargrove had so easily brushed off a comment like that without causing a fit or threatening to kill.
billy could still feel the phantom pains that came with the beating after neil had found out about harry.
billy had never experienced that much pain, never felt so fearful for his life as his dads boot pressed into his neck.
how bad it hurt when neil ripped out his original earring and pulled out his hair.
how he couldn’t sit straight for weeks, but still forced himself to in order to seem proper and kind and sweet, like the good son he is.
billy remembers the crunch of his ankle when he fell down to the floor. he remembers the threat on his life if neil even found a trace of billy acting the way he did.
worst of all, he remembers the way his heart ripped itself in half, every string connecting it being brutally ripped and burned on the ends to ensure there was no connecting it back together on the night he told harry he was leaving.
told him not to stay in touch, not to find his new number or his new address. not to even so much as think about billy for too long, in fear that neil would just know.
how he sat in the johnson’s backyard sunroom in the late afternoon and sobbed in harry’s arms.
how he had his right leg on the side of the couch, a big blue cast making it heavier and the splint he had on his wrist making it hard to grab at harry’s shirt.
how harry stroked at his hair and never mentioned the patch in the back that was gone, completely bald in that one spot. never mentioned how billy’s earring had moved sides and how there were three small stitches holding the other ear together.
and, now, billy having to see neil sit at a table and act like nothing happened, he almost felt more afraid than he did then.
monday morning, after billy’s weekend from hell. and no, it’s not what you’re thinking.
billy didn’t get hit once. didn’t get any dirty looks or obsessive nagging from neil.
of anything, neil seemed to smile at billy more that weekend.
billy didn’t dare step out of line, though. he offered to do dishes every night and did everyone’s laundry. he sat in the family room at night and was kind and sweet. didn’t leave the house once, nor did he make any phone calls.
and he was more on edge than ever.
driving him and max to school that day was like a breath of fresh air. even if it was kinda cow-shitty air, it wasn’t neil’s air.
billy pulled up to the middle school curb to let max out, but she didn’t move.
when billy turned to look at her, he saw her staring, slack jawed at something in the high school parking lot.
when billy turned his head, he wished he hadn’t seen it.
steve with his arm in a cast and sitting in a sling. steve with his face bloodier and more bruised than billy had ever made it look. steve waking with a limp as he got into the school doors.
“you don’t think—“ max couldn’t even finish her sentence before billy felt rage take over his entire body.
“get out. go to class. if i don’t pick you up today, go home with one of your friends. do you understand?”
max quickly said yes and got out of the car, billy whipping into his usual parking space before getting out and running, yes running, to steve, who was still trying to get through the front door.
“steve—“ billy stopped a few feet away as steve finally got the door open and walked into the halls.
billy chased after him, which wasn’t hard (steve was limping) but the sheer amount of people in the halls was hard to get around.
“steve! steve, stop!” billy forced himself through the hallways, never remembering them being this crowded before, or maybe that was his anxiety talking.
“steve,” billy finally stopped as he got in front of steve.
“billy, i really don’t want to talk to you right now,”
steve’s eyebrows did that weird thing where they scrunch in the middle and make the ends push down. they make him look more tired than he already is.
“no, no!” billy was freaking out. even without looking, he knew his hands were shaking worse than they ever had before.
“just—“ billy looked around before seeing the boy’s bathroom, gently pushing steve through the doors before locking the two of them in there together.
“is anyone in here!?” billy asked as he peaked under the stalls and checked every inch of the bathroom.
“this is my fault, but you gotta tell me what happened, steve,”
“i—i don’t even know!” steve looked around the bathroom as he leaned, defeated, against the wall next to the towel dispenser.
“you don’t know!?” billy was shouting, “did he come to your house? was this like an ambush thing? did he say anything to you? you have to give me something, steve!”
“i—i,” steve was floundering for the words to tell billy.
“he just— saturday night, i was coming home from dustins and i had to stop and pick up some milk from the 24-hour store and i came out and three of my tires were slashed.
“so i set down my stuff at the car and go back in to ask to use a phone, but someone yanks me back to the alley behind the store and beats the shit out of me, billy!”
billy was rubbing his hands over the stubble on his chin as he tried to process steve’s story.
“told me to stay the fuck away from his son and that he’d kill me if he found out i even looked at you again, alright! all while he’s shoving his foot into my elbow, but not before he pulls up on my wrist and breaks my arm!”
“oh my god,” billy stumbles backwards until his back hits the wall between the sinks, then he starts to slide down until he’s sitting on the floor, forcing himself not to cry.
steve huffs out something that sounds like “yeah” before moving to sit down too.
“did you tell anyone?”
“i didn’t know if i should,”
“you didn’t tell anyone!?”
“what was i supposed to say!?”
“that a psycho jumped you in the alley! what did you tell the hospital?”
steve was quiet for too long.
“you went to the hospital, right!?”
“not... exactly,”
“you fixed your own broken arm?”
“no.” steve looked down then around at the stalls, “i had jonathan help me,”
“well i needed someone to pick me up and i knew he wouldn’t ask questions!” steve admits. “would you want me to tell people?”
billys first thought. of course steve should have called the cops or gone to a hospital. neil hargrove should be arrested for what he did to steve.
the logical part of billy’s brain says. if they take him to court over something like this, it could have too many repercussions.
for one, neil could tell everyone that his son and steve harrington are gay and fucking each other.
plus, it would force neils... home tendencies to come up at some point, and if it didn’t work out in a pretty liberal cali, then nobody in conservative indiana is going to berate neil for ‘taking care of’ his gay son.
it’s a lose-lose situation.
his blue eyes snap back to steve’s face: still kind and reassuring with the huge, grotesque scabs and swelling scattered everywhere.
“it’s why he didn’t do anything,”
the comment, said mostly to billy himself, caught steve’s interest, “what?”
“max... talked about you at dinner friday, and he didn’t do anything. i was waiting all weekend for him to snap and he never did, smiled more, even. now i know why,”
they sat together in thought for a while, a good ten minutes after the late bell rang, before billy cleared his throat.
“you said he slashed your tires?”—steve nodded—“you get ‘em replaced?”—steve nodded again—“did you drive yourself to school today?”
“yea—billy where is this going?”
before steve even got a read on billy’s face, the bathroom door was unlocked and swinging open, billy racing out.
steve, crippled as he may be, managed to get off the floor with his bum leg and broken arm, walking after a brief glimpse of billy as he turned corners before leaving out to the student parking lot.
billy was at steve’s car before he was, reaching through the open windows and popping the trunk, bitching about how steve needs to roll his windows up because people are gonna steal his car.
he reached into the trunk and grabbed the nail bat he knew steve would have there (the bat goes where steve goes).
“hey! billy!” steve is yelling to an empty parking lot, the only response being steve’s trunk slamming shut and billy marching over to his own car before getting in and screeching out of the lot.
steve was still standing there, speechless, as he watched the quick blue car shoot down the road.
steve, ever being the hero, limped back to the school, rifling through his pockets for loose change to push into the phone before dialing the byers house.
joyce picked up after two rings.
“hello, byers house,”
“is hopper there!?” his voice came out scratchy and worn.
“joyce! is hopper there?”
“he’s about to leave for work, why do yo—“
“put him on the phone! now!”
there’s rustling and muffled voices on the other line before steve hears hoppers gruff voice ask what he needs.
“i need you to do me a cop-like favor but as hopper, not a cop,”
“kid—“ hopper sighed and steve could just imagine him running a hand down his face. “i’ve gotta get to work and i don’t have t—“
“i think someone may be getting really hurt but i’ve been asked—well, not asked, but it’s been implied—that i shouldn’t get cops involved but i need you to do this for me, hopper!”
“is it... lab stuff?”
“no! this is like—halfway murder stuff!”
“who and where?”
“billy’s house. i think,”
hopper sighed and was quiet for a moment before giving a quick ‘i’ll go check it out,’
“not as a cop!”
“not as a cop,”
and steve felt useless. he knew he wouldn’t be able to go into class and feel ok.
hell, even if everything turned out alright, steve wasn’t sure when this fluttery, anxious feeling in his stomach would go away.
so, as a sane person would do, steve started slowly driving to billy’s house. not slowly, but the speed limit. just to give billy and hopper time to do something and steve wouldn’t get yelled at by billy for ‘getting in the middle of it.’
but when steve does get there, boy oh boy!
there’s a truck that’s got holes and dents all around it, windows smashed in and the wheels all flat, billy panting with the nail bat held limply in his hand.
neil, however, was standing on the porch, dressed ready for work, holding a shotgun at billy.
steve was parked a bit down the street, but the screaming could be heard with just his windows rolled down.
nothing sounded like anguished yells of pain, just hurtful jabs and ruthless words being spat back and forth.
steve couldn’t have wished harder for hopper to hurry the fuck up.
steve was intently watching the two men, both seeming to think they had the upper hand, when he heard the cocking of a gun taken off safety.
he sees billy’s blond hair start moving backwards, away from the house right as he catches a glimpse of a tan truck in his rear view mirror. hopper.
neither of the hargroves have noticed hoppers truck.
neil shoots a warning shot, one that goes a foot above billy’s head and into the wooded area in front of their house.
billy backs up quicker.
hopper turns his sirens on.
billy’s head shoots left to see the two cars.
neil’s finger lifts off the trigger.
hopper parks the truck, having already called for backup the second he saw neil holding a gun at his son.
he gets out, has that intimidating air about him that makes everything else quiet.
“we doin’ alright here?” hopper asks, hands resting on his belt, close to his gun.
“everything’s fine,” neil grits out.
“‘everything’s fine’ but you’re holding a gun at your boy. explain that to me,”
“listen here, pig, i don’t need you tellin me how i can raise my kids!”
“not questioning your parenting, just your choice of punishment,”
“he broke up my car!” neil yelled, hopper looked over to the (absolutely demolished) truck. “i told him, i told him he ain’t messin with what’s mine and the boy didn’t listen! so i’m just showin’ him how the real world is gonna come at him!”
“the real world is going to shoot him?” hopper asks with a quirk of his eyebrow.
billy has backed up all the way to the end of the driveway, behind where hopper was standing, and steve has gotten out of his car and was walking across neighboring lawns to get closer to billy.
he finally reaches billy.
“what the hell are you doing?” billy asks with wide eyes at steve, trying to keep quiet and not alert his dad and hopper.
“i—i’m not really sure,”
“jesus, you’re an idiot,” billy grumbles as he watches hopper and neil get closer as they talk.
the men are getting within ten feet of each other when hopper gets neil to put the gun down, even closes the part on his tool belt that has his gun.
neil comes off the porch, he and hopper are close, like two feet.
they’re talking quietly, and as much as steve and billy want to know what they’re saying, they don’t dare move any closer.
“—that boy!”
they only catch the end of the sentence, but neil is pointing at steve and hopper has his head turned with a disappointed look at steve.
“you couldn’t have waited in the car?” hopper groans and neil looks outraged.
“you’re telling me you support this abomination!? this is your doing, isn’t it? you allow things like this in your town? do you!?”
hoppers face looks calm.
“yeah, yeah i do,” he smiles, the mustache lifts with the rest of his face. then neil takes a swing at him.
they get into a brawl, but neil, however easy it is for him to beat up teenagers, can’t take hopper. not even on his best day.
hoppers backup shows up soon after, neil getting shoved into the back of a cop car with handcuffs (god, billy wishes he could get a picture of that).
hopper gets statements from steve and billy and susan and max. even mrs. garibaldi, the neighbor whose window looks right into the hargrove house and has written down dates and descriptions of what she sees (what a godsend, that woman is).
hopper has friends with high positions, good lawyer friends who don’t mind doing a good thing for a bad situation.
everything works out in the end.
plus, steve has a gnarley scar along the side of his neck, leading to his ear that billy enjoys kissing all the time. (and a lifetime of aches from waiting three days to do to the hospital for his backwards arm!)
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everybodyscupoftea · 3 years
a very merry christmas
college isaac x reader
Tumblr media
cozy christmas with your boyfriend
happy holidays everyone!! i love you all
(warnings: cursing, wrote about half of this on my phone today)
Christmas Eve Eve
The original plan was that you were going home for Christmas with your family and Isaac was going home with Scott and Stiles to Beacon Hills where he was going to stay with Scott’s family. And then Isaac’s plans fell through, Chris and Allison decided to come into town and he didn’t want to intrude on Scott and Allison’s time and third wheel.
Scott fought with him about it, telling him he wouldn’t be and that he could hang out with Stiles since Noah was joining them. Isaac just sadly shook his head, reassuring them that he’d be fine alone.
When Stiles texted you about it, you immediately called your mom and changed your plans around. She was bummed, but she understood why you wanted to stay. Sad tone in her voice, she made you promise to FaceTime on Christmas day, and you agreed.
The next issue was going to be a way to pitch it to Isaac without him freaking out and insisting you go home. It was bound to happen either way, but you figured there was probably a way you could minimize the guilt he’d inevitably feel.
When you finally broke it to him, Isaac and you were walking to your normal date night restaurant, hands swinging between the two of you. It was quiet and you squeezed his hand to get his attention, “Hey, wanted to talk to you about something.”
He hummed, tilting his head to indicate that he was paying attention, and you bit your lip, trying to come up with the best phrasing.
“I was thinking,” you started.
“That’s dangerous,” he teased, cutting you off.
Rolling your eyes, you walked into him, mostly to get him to laugh, and continued, “I don’t really feel like traveling home this year. Plus they’re going to my grandparents’ house which is an additional four hour trip.”
He furrowed his eyebrows, finally looking over at you, “I thought you knew that was the plan all along?”
Kicking at the snow, you shrugged, “I mean kinda. But I didn’t realize how drained I’d feel after this semester. A seven hour flight just isn’t sounding fun.”
Isaac tugged you out of the middle of the sidewalk and stopped you from walking further, “Are you being serious right now?”
“Yeah. I mean I can FaceTime my family. Might even FaceTime you since you’ll be in Beacon Hills,” you played dumb.
With a sigh, he told you, “I won’t be in Beacon Hills. And I know you’re lying because I’m sure either Stiles or Scott told you as soon as I backed out.”
Which, true, but he didn’t need to know that. So, you denied it again, “I’m not lying, but if you’re going to be here, even more reason for me to not go! We can have a chill Christmas together!”
Isaac shook his head but didn’t comment further, just started walking again, headed to your favorite sushi place. It looked settled, you were going to stay, probably have him temporarily stay at your apartment for the rest of the break because it was bigger and cleaner than his place.
“So,” you said as he held the door of the restaurant open for you, “we can pick up some of your stuff and head over to my apartment.”
He finally looked at you again, soft smile on his face, “Sounds like a great plan.”
Dinner that night was going to be the last one before Christmas, you were set to board a plane early the next morning, but since you’d cancelled your flight, you suggested, “Why don’t we go see the Christmas display at the park and then the lights in that rich neighborhood on the edge of town. I’ve heard they have a bunch of houses with cool displays but haven’t been able to go myself.”
Isaac nodded, pulling the chair out for you before sitting down across from you, “Sounds great.”
The waitress brought out your drinks within a few minutes and asked, “The usual?”
With a smile, you nodded, “Please.”
It didn’t take long for her to bring the food out, and the two of you dug in, demolishing several rolls of sushi pretty quickly before starting on the edamame. Isaac’s foot was nudged in between yours under the table, and he looked up at you every few minutes to smile.
After paying, the two of you stood and joined hands again to leave the restaurant. The waitress waved at you, “See you guys next week!”
Isaac waved back and led you out the restaurant. Joining the foot traffic on the sidewalk, the two of you walked the opposite way from your car toward the park a few blocks away. The walk-through was free thankfully, and he dropped your hand to drape an arm over your shoulder.
Shivering slightly, you leaned into his side as you walked to the first display. It was a pole with ice around it labeled from the north pole and he reached out to touch the ice. Isaac made a face, “Wait, this feels strange.”
Curiously, you reached out too and felt it. The ice didn’t feel very frozen, and you jerked your hand away, wiping it on your pants to dry it off. “Weird,” you muttered.
The next display was animated, little elves making gifts in Santa’s Workshop. Your engineering brain kicked in, and you immediately wanted to figure out how it worked. Isaac smiled at you as you explained how you thought they did it, nodding at appropriate moments.
You did that for the rest of the displays. One with kids ice skating and skiing. One with Santa flying. Another with a ferris wheel and one with a one with a rural Christmas, cabin included. Isaac kept you pulled tightly into his side, giving your hands freedom to wave around while you talked.
“Gonna be honest,” he said when you took a breath, “all of that went straight over my head, but I’m glad you’re having a good time.”
Instead of answering, a hot chocolate stand caught your eye, and you slipped out from under his arm to drag him over to it. Stumbling, his other arm flailed out to keep him from falling, and he made a noise.
“Come on, bub,” you called over your shoulder as he caught his balance.
“Slow down, sweetheart. The hot chocolate isn’t going anywhere.”
And then when you got there they only had two cups left at the table. You gave him a look and he shrugged sheepishly, “I was wrong this once.”
You snorted and let him tuck you back under his arm as you walked away from the display. Something caught your eye, and you tugged his shirt, “Wait! There’s a bench for pictures, we should get someone to take one.”
He sighed, “Fine,” and handed his phone to a girl walking by, asking her to take a picture of the two of you. When you deemed it good, you left the park and headed back to the car. Isaac cranked it up and turned the heat on, rubbing his hands, “Where are we going?”
“Just to drive around, see some of the neighborhoods.”
He nodded and plugged his phone into the aux to start playing Christmas music softly. Both of your hot chocolates set in the cupholders as he pulled out onto the main road and drove toward the nicer side of town.
The first few streets were full of impressive houses but no decoration, and you pouted, leaning your forehead against the window, “When I get a house and get some money, I’m going to have the best decorations.”
Isaac chuckled, “I’m sure you will.”
“You’ll have to help me put them up.”
His thumb tapped against the steering wheel as he turned onto the next street, “Oh, this looks promising.”
The houses were smaller but had plenty of lights, and there were people pulled off to the side of the road. You looked around until you saw a sign that the lights were flickering in time to music, so you switched the radio and settled into your seat to watch.
Isaac reached over with his hand to hold your seat’s headrest, and leaned forward a bit to see better out your window. He was enthralled, you’d seen it before in your hometown, but his eyes were fixed on it.
You found yourself watching his face instead of the lights, and it was like he didn’t even notice. When he finally did look down at you, eyes sparkling, “This is awesome.”
Unable to stop yourself, you reached up to cup his chin and pull him in for a kiss. He was caught off guard at first, but eventually sank into it, kissing you back eagerly. When he pulled away, Isaac pressed a few kisses up your cheek to your forehead and stroked a finger over your cheekbone.
“What was that about?” he asked, a little breathlessly.
“Been wanting to do it all night,” you admitted with a shrug, “but it was really cute seeing you so excited.”
He blushed, “Well, it’s cool.”
The music had looped, and he put the car back in drive, heading toward his apartment for clothes.
You waited in his kitchen while he packed a few things he didn’t have at your apartment already. Looking at the fridge, you realized he’d probably want to cook Christmas dinner. Clearing your throat, you called out, “Isaac.”
He peeked his head out, “Yeah?”
“Did you want to cook Christmas dinner?”
Shrugging, he answered, “I don’t know, what do you want to do?”
“I mean I’m not the greatest chef,” you told him.
“Oh trust me, I know,” he responded with a laugh, “I’m willing to cook.”
“Grocery trip?” you asked, eagerly.
He sighed, walking out with a duffle bag, “I suppose, yes.”
There was a grocery store not even a block from your apartment, so Isaac drove the two of you back, and parked in front of your building. He glanced at his watch, “Damn, getting kind of late. When does the store close?”
“An hour. We shouldn’t need that long.”
“Do we even know what we want to eat?”
“I’m hoping inspiration strikes in the store.”
He snorted and shook his head, “Okay, can’t argue with that logic. Let’s’go.”
“Do you want to bring your stuff up first?”
Waving your words away, he answered, “It’ll be fine.”
When the two of you walked in and headed to the food section, inspiration did not strike like you hoped it would. You sighed, “What if we just buy a bunch of random shit and make whatever we can.”
“Thought not,” you elbowed him in retaliation.
After a few laps through the aisles, you stopped, “What about pizza and wings?”
He cocked his head to the side, “Untraditional, but that’s kind of a vibe.”
“I just really want pizza and wings right now,” you admitted.
Isaac snorted and pulled out his phone, “Let me look through some recipes and I’ll get together a list of stuff we need. Do you know what you have in the fridge?”
You hummed, “Yes, I have nothing in the fridge.”
“How are you alive?” he muttered, glancing over at you briefly before looking back at his phone.
You leaned against the shelf to wait, idly playing with the corner of a bag of rice until the urge overtook you, and you slapped it. Isaac’s head shot up at the sudden noise and you laughed, “Didn’t mean to startle you.”
“You’re a menace,” he growled playfully, poking your side.
“Your menace.”
Locking his phone back, Isaac held his hand out for you to take, and he walked around, putting the stuff he needed into the basket you were carrying.
“I think we’re good,” he finally told you, turning to walk to the checkout lines. You paid, much to Isaac’s displeasure, and about 20 minutes before the store was supposed to close, the two of you were walking out.
“We’re cooking this on Christmas Day?” Isaac asked.
You nodded, “Yeah, think so. I just know the stores are going to be super hectic tomorrow and on Christmas Day.”
“Good call.”
Christmas Eve
Isaac woke up first with a jolt, waking you up in the process. He sat up, looking around wildly, before his eyes caught yours and he relaxed.
“You good?” you asked, not quite awake enough to come up with anything more eloquent.
“Yeah, think so.”
He didn’t move and still looked really disturbed by something. You cleared your throat, “Did you want to go for a run or something? Work some energy out.”
“Actually,” he paused, head tilted, “sounds good.”
Climbing out of bed with a groan, he put on a pair of the leggings you loved and a hoodie. Isaac looked at you expectedly and you pouted, “It’s so early.”
“It’s 11:00.”
“And I wasn’t planning on getting up until at least 1:00.”
Isaac chuckled, “It’s fine, I’ll just go.”
Before he could walk away, you grabbed his wrist, “Fine.”
He laughed, “Meet me in the kitchen. I’ll drive to the trail I know you like.”
You got dressed and walked out to find him filling up both your water bottles. Isaac smiled at you, “Figured we could go get lunch after.”
“Good with me.”
At the running trail, the two of you didn’t stay together. Each of you had separate routines when it came to stretching and different speeds when it came to running. He waved, having finished stretching before you, and ran off, his running playlist blasting in his headphones.
It wasn’t too long after him that you were off, your own music blasting loud enough that you didn’t have to feel your heavy breathing. You paced yourself, hoping to just not finish too far behind Isaac.
It was cold but you survived, wanting to die the last ten minutes or so. Isaac was leaning against the car, stretching out his calves, and he beamed when he looked up to see you, “How’d it go?”
“Not bad. Out of practice, but could’ve been worse. You?”
He hummed, “I feel better. Had a nightmare this morning. Or last night. Whenever.”
“Thought so, but I didn’t want to press.”
Pulling you into a hug, you felt his chest vibrate and his chin on your head when he said, “And I love you for that.”
“I hope so,” you teased, “now, I believe you said something about brunch.”
He chuckled, “I did.”
The two of you chugged some water in the car before Isaac pulled out of the otherwise abandoned trailhead parking lot and started driving to your favorite brunch place that was usually packed on weekends.
Sure enough, there were a bunch of people sitting outside and he let you out to put your names on the list. The hostess knew you and promised it wouldn’t be too long before a table for two was ready.
“Thanks so much,” you told her happily.
“Where’s Isaac?” she asked, looking over your shoulder before shaking her head, “Or did you bring someone else?”
“No,” you laughed, “he’s just parking.”
“Good,” she wiped imaginary sweat off her forehead, “wouldn’t want our favorite couple to be apart on a holiday.”
“Of course not!” you told her, moving over to the bench on the side to wait for Isaac.
Someone stepped in behind you to talk to her and Isaac was right after him, joining you on the bench. He put an arm around your shoulder, “What’s the damage?”
“That’s a big group, she said a table for two shouldn’t take too long.”
“Great,” he breathed out, relieved, “because I’m starving.”
The hostess, no longer talking to the other guy, called out, “Ah the worse half of my favorite couple has arrived.”
Isaac grinned playfully, “You hitting on my girlfriend?”
She laughed, “Absolutely.”
You pretended to swoon, “The only person I’d consider leaving Isaac for.”
Blowing you a kiss, she turned to the next family that walked in. Isaac chuckled, “Gonna miss this place when we graduate.”
“Me too.”
Your table was ready not too long after, a small booth, and Isaac again tucked his feet between yours, something he really liked. Throughout your relationship, you’d noticed he’d gotten more comfortable with initiating touch, and honestly you couldn’t ask for much better.
After ordering him a cup of tea and you a coffee with your food orders, you cleared your throat, “So I’ve been talking with one of my professors.”
Tilting his head, he took a sip of the water before asking, “What about?”
“Mostly about where I should go after graduation.”
“What’s their suggestion?”
“He told me about a company not far from here that hires a lot of graduates from our engineering programs and would pay for my schooling if I wanted a graduate degree.”
Isaac’s eyebrows shot up, “Oh yeah?”
“Yep. So I applied for the internship. I actually had the interview in November. They’re picking the two interns in the next few days, so I should be hearing back soon. If the interns fit in well, I have a really good shot at a full time job after the summer.”
He reached across the table and squeezed your hand, “That’s awesome! How do you feel about it?”
You sighed, “I think it went well, but I’ve been trying to not get my hopes up.”
“Understandable,” he responded, “Managing expectations is really hard though so I wouldn’t blame you for getting excited.”
“Yeah,” you mumbled, “I know. I’d just really love to stay here. And I know you love it here too.”
“I do.”
“I know we just had that discussion about post-grad plans. But I didn’t want you to have to make a huge sacrifice, you know.”
“I do remember you saying that. I’m confident it’ll work itself out and we’ll end up where we’re supposed to be. But I also know how good of a worker you are, and they’d be dumb not to hire you,” Isaac squeezed your hand.
Your cheeks heated up, “Well, you’re biased.”
“Maybe,” he hummed, “but it’s definitely justified. And who knows where we’ll end up, or what you’ll end up doing. Just have to have faith it’ll work itself out.”
“You’re right, per usual.”
He laughed, “Having faith in you and your abilities rarely fails me. Except when it comes to cooking and writing. Jesus Christ.”
Reaching across, you shoved his shoulder, “Rude! Who helped you pass chemistry? I carried our group in that class.”
“You did,” he placated, “but if memory serves me correctly, I carried you through English.”
You laughed, “Fair.”
Before anything else could be said, the waiter brought your food and other drinks. He set everything out, “Anything else I can get for you guys?”
“That’s it for now, thanks,” Isaac answered with a polite smile.
The waiter nodded and disappeared, leaving the two of you, especially Isaac to dig into your food. Not much was said between the two of you, mostly focused on the food.
When he finished, Isaac handed the waiter his card to pay, and you pushed the last half of toast around your plate, offering it to him.
“Thanks,” he took it off your plate.
“Hey did you want to go for a walk after this?” you asked him.
Isaac nodded immediately, “Sounds great.”
The two of you left soon after, one last goodbye to the hostess, and walked down the sidewalk hand in hand. The park was a few blocks down, and when you got there, a children’s choir was singing Christmas carols.
You pulled Isaac to a stop, “I want to listen for a few minutes.”
He relented, listening to them sing O Holy Night, arms around your waist from behind, chin resting on your head.
After a few minutes, he mused, “They’re pretty good.”
“Carolers, it’s always better when they’re good.”
“That’s for sure,” Isaac agreed.
The two of you stayed a few more songs before continuing on your walk. Isaac kept it pretty short, going back to the car after about 20 minutes, which was fine with you, the cold was starting to catch up.
When he started the drive back to your apartment, he asked, “What did you want to do for the rest of the day?”
You thought for a few seconds, “I have some puzzles my mom sent.”
Isaac nodded almost immediately, “Absolutely. We can watch movies and do puzzles.”
“Elite plan.”
When you got back to the apartment, Isaac put Home Alone in the DVD player while you went to pull the puzzles out of your drawer.
“Easiest one first,” he requested, so you picked and dumped it out before propping the top to see what it was supposed to look like.
It was a chill afternoon, the two of you working in relative silence, just spending time together and soaking in each other’s company. You got through the first two Home Alone movies before starting Elf.
“Should we order dinner?” Isaac asked after the second puzzle was finished.
“Sure. We could get tacos.”
“Great idea.”
You pulled out your phone to open the delivery app and to him to let him pick what he wanted. Isaac picked fajitas before handing it back and you quickly selected tacos before placing the order.
“Should be about 30 minutes,” you informed him, “Do you want to start another puzzle?”
“Sure,” he answered, dumping out the third and final puzzle pieces.
“This one’s gonna be hard,” you muttered, biting your lip as you started fishing through the pieces for all the corners to start.
“Two nerds take on a Rudolph puzzle. Who will win?”
“We shall see.”
The two of you worked until there was a knock on the door and you went to grab the food from the delivery guy. You’d tipped on the app but handed him cash too before wishing him a good day.
Isaac had moved to the kitchen, fixing both of you something to drink before sitting at the dining room table, waiting on the food. You paused the movie before sitting down where he’d laid out your food.
“Thanks,” you told him quietly, and he smiled, nodding at you.
One of your favorite things about being with Isaac was that there was never a need to be talking. Sitting in silence with him was comfortable, just soaking in each other’s company. He was super expressive with facial expressions, you could always tell what he was thinking, so verbal communication just wasn’t necessary. Co-existing in the same space was enough.
After eating, the two of you went back to the puzzle. It took well past 2:00 a.m. to finish it and you took a shower, falling into bed after. You tried to wait on Isaac to get out of the shower, but fell asleep.
He did wake you up when he slid into bed and whispered, “Merry Christmas, lovely.”
Cracking your eyes open, still half asleep, you slurred out, “Merry Christmas, sweetheart.”
He chuckled, pressing a kiss to your forehead, “Goodnight, get some sleep.”
“Mhmm, you too.”
Christmas Day
You woke up first this time, blinking at the sunlight filtering through your blinds. Isaac was still breathing evenly, pressed against you.
Unable to stop yourself, you turned around in his arms and lightly started tracing his relaxed facial features with your fingertip. His lips were soft, and you got lost in tracing them.
When he shifted, you moved up his cheek to his nose, cheekbones, and brow bone. Eventually, when you’d done your fill, you started running your hand through his hair, combing it out with your fingers.
Isaac hummed, pressing into it as he started to wake up. You brushed a kiss across his cheek, and he opened his eyes, beaming sleepily.
“Morning,” he rasped.
“Morning,” you whispered back.
Isaac placed a light kiss on your lips, “Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas to you too.”
Inhaling sharply, he asked you, “Pizza and wings for dinner? Do you have something for breakfast?”
“Yeah, I think there’s a roll of store bought cinnamon rolls.”
“Excellent,” he beamed, “I’ll go start on those.”
Climbing out of bed he went to the bathroom to brush his teeth before heading to the kitchen. You heart the coffee maker start a few minutes later before the fridge opened.
It was nice. Not the first Christmas you’d spent with him, but the best one thus far. Just as you went to get out of bed, your phone started vibrating on the nightstand.
Eyebrows furrowed, you didn’t recognize the number but answered anyway, “Hello?”
They asked your name and when you told them, the man said, “We reviewed your application and interview, and I wanted to let you know that we’ve decided to go in a different direction. When you graduate we’d love to talk to you again about a full time position.”
Your heart sank. A rejection call on Christmas Day. After a few stunned seconds, you managed, “Thanks for letting me know. Um, have a Merry Christmas.”
“Thanks ma’am. You as well.”
You sat in bed, phone still pressed to your ear, covers pooled over your lap as you tried to process what had just happened. Isaac walked in a few second later, mug of coffee in his hand.
He frowned at your face, “What’s wrong?”
“I didn’t get the internship,” you whispered.
“Oh no, sweetheart, I’m so sorry,” he said, equally as quiet, and tilted your chin up to kiss your forehead.
“It’s okay. I knew there were a lot of candidates. But did he have to call me on Christmas Day.”
“I’m not sure. Did he say anything else?”
“He said to re-apply once I graduate.”
“That sounds promising, yeah?”
You hummed, “I guess. I think I want to check my emails.”
“Do you want to wait till after breakfast and coffee?” he asked, still looking concerned.
You thought for a bit, “No. If I feel sick I don’t want to ruin the food.”
“Okay. I’ll give you some space.”
Opening your laptop hesitantly, you pulled up your emails. There was one from the company, the official rejection letter, and one from your professor. He apologized, saying you were more than qualified and to not let it deter you.
You weren’t sure how he found out, but you sighed. The last paragraph was interesting though. He offered you a research position in his project and a TA job for one of his intro courses.
It wasn’t what you had intended, but there was an opportunity for experience and research. You drafted up a response, thanking him and accepting his offer. Right before closing your laptop, your email dinged and he’d responded.
I’m so glad to hear that! Meet me in my office the Monday before classes at noon and we’ll discuss the position further!
Revived, you hopped out of bed to tell Isaac. He cheered for you, pulling you into a tight hug.
“I told you it would work out.”
days 20-25 of @obxmermaid’s holiday challenge: alone on christmas, christmas lights, cooking holiday dinner, christmas caroling, christmas eve, waking up christmas morning
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feminaexlux · 4 years
One Last Night in the Life of...
Hello folks this is your pilot speaking, please buckle up for some classic fxl Sexy Awkward coming your way!
Dedicated to @bloody-no-kissu, @chromemist for belated birthdays…
AO3 Linky here
Marinette had argued and eventually won the fight over paying for the smoothies. Luka had felt bad for “ruining” things, but she felt bad for having pushed him into the “date” with Adrien in the first place. She got to the counter to pay and the cashier working there leaned in close. “Hey,” she said. “Your girlfriend’s super cute!”
It felt weird to be complimented when she wasn’t in her own body. “Oh? Thanks? But we’re not going out.”
The other cashier elbowed the first one and said “See? I said she was out of his league.”
“What?!” Marinette yelled out loud. “No I–she’s not?”
“Hmm, I’m glad you’re optimistic!” the first cashier laughed, handing Marinette the two smoothies she ordered.
What the hell, Marinette thought. People were thinking Luka was… what… not handsome enough? He totally was! He… totally was. Maybe not the Adrien Agreste conventional sort of handsome but… What made him attractive was more that he was a freaking Saint and helped out everyone regardless of their circumstances. God, she thought back to when she was 14 and a stumbling mess over a crush that had been, in retrospect, severely crippling to Marinette’s self-esteem.
Luka never made fun of her for that. He'd… actively helped her try to find her own happiness.
And here, again, Luka had been given a bum deal and still stepped up to the task. He was too good for Marinette, honestly. She placed the smoothies down at a table Luka was waiting at. He’d been staring out the window at something.
“I really didn’t know Adrien and Kagami were dating,” Marinette said. “I know he said I got them dating but… all I did was… distract everyone so they could ditch Chloe’s parties together,” she sighed.
“Oh? Hmm. Yeah, I don’t think anyone knew about them. I asked Juleka since she got modeling gigs with Adrien sometimes. She said she had no idea.”
“I guess they had to keep it on the down low,” Marinette shrugged, taking a sip of her smoothie. She’d gotten blended strawberries. Usually she had… passion-fruit, but it seemed a little too sour for her today. She had gotten a blueberry mix for Luka. “It's… I’m not too surprised with what happened. I just wanted to say that… I’m not devastated or anything.”
Luka looked at her, staring at her with her own eyes. It was strange to see them looking so… confused and pained simultaneously. “Let’s take these back to the dorm.”
They chatted lightly on the way back to Marinette’s dorm, mostly about how difficult it was for Marinette to wrap her head around sound engineering and how Luka basically had no idea what was happening in her fashion courses. A few eyebrows were raised when “Marinette” brought back a boy to her personal room but no one had stopped them. They both stepped into the tiny space, and after the door closed behind them Luka asked “Can you help me take everything off? I have no idea how you ladies handle these things by yourselves.”
“It’s definitely easier having someone else help you take your clothes off,” Marinette laughed.
They both paused, replaying back what they had just said.
“I can try–” “I mean that–”
“I just wanted to–” “No no, I know how–”
“I already know what I look like undressed, Luka, let me get this,” Marinette said, half yelling in a slight panic with Luka’s voice. She reached over and unhooked the collar fasten, hastily pulling the back zipper down. “And I guess now you know too, right?” she laughed nervously.
Luka flushed instantly. “I'll… I’ll be right back,” he said shakily, gripping parts of the cute pink cocktail dress Marinette had chosen for the date. He stepped behind Marinette’s changing screen and shucked off the dress, throwing it over the top edge.
He’d seen her undressed, yep. He wasn’t going to go multiple days without a shower. He’d tried his best to not think about it but after two full days of still being Marinette he felt kinda grimy and figured she’d understand the necessity. Especially since there was that date with Adrien. He kept his eyes to the ceiling most of the time but nearly died from shock when he looked down to towel off and discovered The Heart.
What body hair she had down there had been kept neat and trim, probably… waxed actually, except for a patch that was in the unmistakable shape of a heart.
Luka felt like he might have violated some unspoken contract that they weren’t going to judge each other’s body choices. He was judging right then, and he found himself having many, many emotions over it. Some amusement, some “this seems so Marinette”, some wistfulness over not being the lucky asshole who would have discovered it under more natural circumstances.
He also found himself being incredibly turned on.
Now that he knew it was there he couldn’t help himself imagining a giggly Marinette laying back on her bed, her biting her lip in anticipation as… someone… slowly slid her panties off her and uncovered the surprise. God how he wished that’d been him. But it hadn’t, he discovered it the wrong way, he was going to respect Marinette’s choices and her privacy by never mentioning it and… never thinking about it again.
Or desperately try to not think about it anyway.
He shook his head and put on some relatively comfortable clothes. This wasn’t the thing to focus on right now. “Marinette” just had a somewhat boring date with an Adrien Agreste who turned out to not only be more oblivious than Luka had initially thought, but also had already been dating someone else. It didn’t sound like Adrien was going to jump ship to get with Marinette.
And Marinette was probably trying her hardest to not break down in front of Luka. She’d loved Adrien for years. And Luka had slammed that door shut on her unintentionally. So he had to man up and take the L, let himself take the blame, let Marinette work through whatever she needed to while being present to listen if she wanted him around. Not that he could really go anywhere else since she suggested going back to her dorm and this was where “Marinette” was supposed to sleep for the night.
He walked back out and found Marinette laying back in her bed (in his body, that was still going to be weird) rolling her… his eyes at her phone. “Do… you wanna talk about what happened?” Luka asked.
“I don’t really have more to say,” Marinette shrugged. “I’m glad it’s over?”
Luka blinked back at her, somewhat doubtful. “I thought you’d be… well, it was Adrien and I thought you were still… after him?”
Marinette looked down at her phone and the explosion of texts and voicemails she had. Many of them had been from Adrien, in various flavors of “I’m so sorry”, the last text of which she had replied “I accept your apology but I don’t want to talk right now.” A few had been from Nino, also various flavors of “I’m so sorry dude” (she gave the same reply), from Alya going “Holy shit Luka actually did this for you?” (“yep talk later”), and two from Kagami that were practically essays of how she was punishing herself for not explaining more clearly to Adrien, but that she had also assumed Marinette had been over Adrien for a while. The second text said Kagami would continue to punish herself for making the assumption, that she had severely damaged their friendship, and that she would do her best to restore Marinette’s trust (Marinette’s amused reply was “kags ilu talk later”).
Marinette would deal with all of that later. Right now, she just wanted to relax. With Luka. As if I’d done the hard part, she mentally berated herself.
“The funny thing is,” Marinette started softly. “I know I was in the Friendzone and have been for a while. What I finally realized a while back is that I put Adrien in the Boyfriend-Zone, and… that wasn’t really fair to him, you know? He has his own choices to make and… I wasn’t one of them.” She sighed. “I wish I could have realized it sooner and moved on, but I guess there had been a tiny part of me that still jumped at the chance to see what… what things would be like if he saw me any differently.
"So when… today happened it was just… it felt to me like the one last chance where I could finally get some answers. Or closure, anyway.” Marinette looked back up to Luka, who had been standing stock still. She peeked down at the hands and saw that they were trembling. “And I got both, thanks to you,” Marinette smiled.
“Not sure you should be thanking me for anything just yet,” Luka said. “I had kinda yelled at Adrien on the way out. He’s going to think that was you.”
“I know,” Marinette laughed. “I don’t think anything you said was wrong, though. Except for the part where I was in love with Adrien for ages. It lasted like 2 years, tops, and that first year was so cringey. And if Nino had to remind Adrien to think about me it kinda says more about how much we’ve drifted apart over time. So really, you said to Adrien what I’d been thinking myself. I’m just not brave enough to say it like you did.”
Luka pulled out her desk chair and plopped down. “Okay. Alright. That does make me feel better,” he sighed in relief.
“Luka, why are you so worried for me?”
He sat up a little straighter. “Why wouldn’t I be?” Marinette sat up and leaned forward, reaching out to take Luka's… her hands and Luka closed… her eyes. “Dingo told you, didn’t he?”
Marinette laughed a little. “Yeah. I heard from him.”
“Sorry. I’m really trying to not mess up your–”
“Luka, am I important to you?”
He opened her eyes and shut up for a moment, surprised. “Of course you are.”
“Then don’t apologize. I’ve seen the way you’re trying to… make things easy on me. I basically put you on a train wreck today and you’re still being selfless and worrying about me. My hands will be fine, I want to make you feel better. Is there anything I can do for you?”
He laughed, taking in a deep breath. “Don’t think there’s anything I need. Except for getting my own body back.”
“Then what do you want?”
He shut up again. “I don't…” he trailed off. He shrugged. “I want you to be happy, Marinette.”
“Alright, done. Is there anything else?”
“In spite of this… akuma nonsense… I think I’m happy just being here with you.”
Luka wasn’t sure how to parse that… and maybe he shouldn’t read much into it. But he still felt some heat on his face.
“Huh,” Marinette commented. “Am I really that obvious when I blush?”
He laughed. “Yeah, a bit.”
She leaned back while still holding on, pulling Luka and the chair closer to the bed, the wheels of the desk chair squeaking lightly as they rolled. “Come relax on the bed. It feels like a laying in bed kinda day.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Most of the day’s over, you know that?”
“Even better,” Marinette laughed. “It’s just… you know. It's… I’m just thinking…” she sighed. “It’s weird. What do you think we’ll do if we’re stuck this way?”
“I have no idea,” he said, moving to the bed and leaning back toward the foot of the bed, away from Marinette. “I’m barely holding together as it is,” he sighed.
“Is it hard being me?”
He considered. “Yeah, kind of. I think it’d be hard to be anyone but me. What about you? Was it hard pretending to be me?”
Marinette giggled. “I got a lot of pointers from Juleka and Dingo. Really the hardest part was figuring out what to do about erections,” she laughed, then stopped and looked wide eyed, propping herself up her… his elbows. “OH I DIDN’T GET OUTSIDE HELP FOR THAT! Just! Just wanted to clarify!”
Luka choked on air, flushing again. He coughed, pulling up Marinette’s shirt by the collar over his… her head to hide his… her face. Well shit, what was he going to say to that? Oh that’s normal you kinda have to… touch it until it goes away? But… the idea that it’d been Marinette touching him, well, that set off a new wave of really intense feelings and he was glad he kept his… her face hidden.
“Pfft, Luka are you embarrassed?”
“Completely. Give me a minute,” he sighed. After a bit he set her shirt back down. “Yeah, I didn’t warn you about that, I guess,” he said, still flushed. “That… must have been weird for you,” he said carefully, remembering how foreign and mind-blowing the concept was when he was still going through puberty.
“Yeah,” Marinette laughed. “I mean, it’s natural. Bodies are bodies, right? I was just kinda… surprised in the morning, that’s all.” She cleared her throat, also getting a little red. “Sorry,” she sighed. “I guess I should have… asked for permission? To… um. Deal with that?”
He laughed. “I… God, I don’t even know. You can do whatever you want with…” he gestured at his body. Don’t think about it, don’t think about how she touched you.
Marinette raised an eyebrow. “Have you been doing 'whatever you want’ with…” she gestured at him.
He choked again. “No! No, I haven’t done… no, and I won’t,” he said quickly.
“That seems a little unfair,” she smirked. “If you’re telling me I can do what I want, why shouldn’t you do what you want?”
What the hell was she saying? God, Marinette, why are you being so weird right now? she asked herself.
Well. Part of it was… an odd sort of tension snap after that date with Adrien. And she did feel more relaxed than she’d been for years, being able to finally let go of an old obsession. When she got the closure she needed, she didn’t realize it’d come with a sense of elation at having a clean slate for the first time in half a decade.
Even if the universe closed a door on her, she felt like she’d been given freedom. Now she didn’t have to worry about how things could have been. She didn’t have to keep pining away in silence. She didn’t have to watch everything she did around Adrien. She didn’t have to… be someone else entirely just to be able to talk to him.
She regretted that she had put everyone else aside for that silly crush.
And now without Adrien as a distraction, there’d been someone else nearby who made her feel… really good… for just being herself. And she was here with him. There was just the minor inconvenience that they’d switched bodies.
“I’m sorry, am I making you uncomfortable?” Marinette asked worriedly. “It just struck me as… how many people have an opportunity like this? To really experience another life outside of their own? A completely different body? Don’t you want to… explore that?”
What the hell am I saying?
Luka snorted, still red. “You’re kind of amazing, you know that? You’re dealing with this a lot better than I am.” He sighed, putting himself against the wall. He cleared his throat. “I never really thought about it until now. I don’t want to… mess up anything.”
“What if I helped?” Marinette blurted out, sitting up all the way. What the hell am I saying? “I mean, I know how my body works. I could help you… explore whatever you want to? I… I think it might be an interesting experience!”
He took a deep breath, still blushing, but something about his raised eyebrow said his curiosity was piqued. “Are you suggesting that you… touch me while I’m in here?” He pointed at her body.
“Y-yeah, it’s that… if I can teach at least one guy to handle me properly I’d want it to be you!” Oh hell, I just said that, she thought at herself. She opened her mouth to try to take it back, then closed it again, stopping herself. It’d been a conditioned reflex to try to take back the things she said, but she didn’t want to this time.
“Could… you… explain that?” Luka asked slowly, his eyes open wide.
“Okay, so,” she started, trying to sort her thoughts. “I’m finally not hung up over Adrien for the first time in a long time, and it’s in part thanks to you, and I was just thinking well if we’re stuck in these bodies we might as well know how they work? And maybe Ladybug and Chat Noir will figure it out and fix things for us but I also was thinking I want to know more about… what feels good for you and I also want… you to know what feels good for me… if you want that… because I-I… I'm…” She breathed. One last hurdle. “I’ve had feelings for you for a while… And I know this is like horrible timing but… maybe… this might be an opportunity where we could try something? A-and learn more about each other? Together? If you want?”
Here’s to hoping I didn’t get this wrong… she thought. On some level Luka had always been clear about his feelings toward her. He’d even liked her when she was throwing herself at Adrien. But… since she took this long, maybe he’d moved on. At least with the rush of relief sweeping over her with the Adrien Feels all over and done, she might not feel this particular sting so badly if Luka was… was going to turn her down.
No, no, she definitely would so she really hoped he wouldn’t.
“Wow,” he breathed out, shaking his head in disbelief. Her heart stalled. “I… really wish I was back in my own body right now.” He sat up and turned toward her. “This is… a little difficult to say when I’m looking at myself, but… Yeah. Alright.” He looked up at her. “Thing is, once we switch back I’m going to want to use all I’ve learned with you. Probably every day if I get a chance to.”
Her heart fluttered back online double-time. “That’s a naughty way of asking me to be your girlfriend.”
“You started it.”
“True,” she laughed. “Okay. Yes, Luka Couffaine, I’d love to be your girlfriend. Once I get back to being an actual girl again.”
He grinned. “Then I’m all yours. So, what do you want to show me?”
He ended up on her lap, sitting back against her (his) chest. “Th-this is how I usually um… start things,” she said shakily. She had first laughed over the fact that Luka had ended up wearing a sports bra because putting on a normal bra was too “difficult”, but then she got a little more nervous as he took off the shirt and sweatpants he had thrown on after they came back to her dorm.
He hadn’t really wanted to raid through her intimates drawer for anything other than what was necessary. There was just too much of a possibility that he’d discover something even more racy than The Heart.
He had stripped down to her underwear, feeling somewhat less self-conscious than he’d expected. She was going to show him what she wanted to show him of her own body, and somehow that was enough to let him forget whatever discomfort he had for a little while.
“I'm… I’m thinking that it m-might be easier to imagine… just imagine that you’re um… inside my head with me? S-so like it’s virtual reality. Except… you’ll feel everything too.” She was really nervous.
“We can stop at any time,” Luka said, to alleviate any tension. It’d be a little disappointing but he cared about Marinette more than he cared about… a lot of things.
Marinette pressed her… his face into his… her own neck and smiled. Marinette’s body was apparently pretty sensitive in that particular area because it felt way more ticklish than he thought it would have on his own body. Maybe? It wasn’t as if he had anyone put their lips on him like she just did… Maybe she’d be the one to discover that with him. “Hmm,” she said, “I’ll keep that in mind. You let me know when you want to stop too, okay? Wanna keep going?”
“Yeah, to both,” he answered. She laughed against his neck and he felt shivers run down his spine.
Marinette’s body was really sensitive. Good to know.
Marinette traced with her… his fingers down over his… her breasts and stomach, barely touching anything. Fingertips ghosted down thighs and back up to the panties, lazily following around opposite sides of the hem until the fingers met at the convergence point. Then she pressed a middle finger to the slit, rubbing up and down. Luka had no idea how to process this, but it was very… intense.
“What are you feeling?” she asked.
“Hard to describe,” he answered eventually. It was fascinating to feel… whatever it was. There was an insistent signal that something pleasant is happening but otherwise Luka just noticed Marinette’s body was… reactive. He finally started noticing that he was feeling hot.
And wet. Well now, that was… new… ish.
Marinette pulled aside the panties a little bit. And holy shit Luka jumped when Marinette touched the clit directly. “Are you alright?” she asked, stopping in place.
“It… feels pretty good,” Luka said, Marinette’s voice coming across higher pitched and a little breathy. Damn, if it hadn’t been Luka saying it, it would have been hot as hell to hear. “I’m alright,” he said, laughing a little. He said that a bit early, perhaps, because Marinette put her fingertip inside him. That felt… completely and utterly new. He let out a very Marinette sounding squeak. “I’m okay!” he assured her when she stopped in place again.
“I’ll keep going,” Marinette said, her… no, his? voice sounding low and a little excited.
If… if Marinette was getting excited this was going to be a hell of a ride for Luka. She pumped her finger back in Luka and he still had no idea how to process everything. All of the sensations were rushing in, very foreign but… Marinette knew what she was doing. Even if she’d been using another person’s fingers, she knew exactly which spots to hit and exactly how hard to hit them. And she’d gone all in. “Mari–!” Wait, wait, wait. That sounded EXTREMELY wrong coming from her own voice.
Marinette laughed. “Remember,” she whispered against his neck. “Just pretend you’re me.” She just kept going and Luka’s mind was more or less melting away. She reached under the sports bra to pull it up and squeezed a breast. It felt nice, but it wasn't… it wasn’t as intense as Luka had thought it’d be?
Until she pinched a nipple. “Holy…” Luka breathed. He didn’t notice it but he’d been breathing harder and faster. Marinette did something with her fingers and rubbed up against the clit and in that moment all of the nerves in the body Luka was in lit up and threatened to overwhelm him.
“Mmm, yeah, it feels good, doesn’t it?” Marinette whispered, using his voice so goddamn effectively. It’d been smooth and husky in equal parts, and for some reason it… it actually was kind of sexy. Holy crap he couldn’t think his own voice was sexy, could he? Well fuck, he was being fingerfucked by himself so why the hell not. She circled her finger inside, slipping in another digit to spread… spread her body wider. “Tell me, does it feel good?”
“Y… yeah,” Luka laughed. It wasn’t bad, it certainly wasn’t even just good, it’d been so different but it also felt kind of amazing.
“Sometimes I imagine… someone like you doing this to me, you know?” She said that so simply, like it hadn’t been enough that she was inside him. “I came so hard when I thought of you,” she admitted.
Well shit, how was he going to recover from that? “You thought of me?” he asked dumbly. Shit, it felt like he was close.
“I did, and I came while calling out your name,” she continued, turning what was left of his consciousness into soup. He was imagining her and him in exactly this situation, except back in their own bodies, and her body pressing up against his hand and her voice screaming out his name while she came on him.
And then he came.
It was… a different sort of coming than he was used to. Instead of the release crashing like a wave after it had crested to a high point, it felt more like… a boil. Little bursts of sensation and… it kept getting more and more… something. His… no, her body was in a sort of vibrato, rapidly flickering between too much and need more.
Holy shit, he thought. Apparently the sensation continued through for a while, following Marinette's… his finger’s movements. “Aah,” he breathed out. Or at least, he thought he’d been quiet. Turned out not quite, 'cause Marinette slowed down and stopped. He still felt the sensation of coming, just less amplified. Her body was still… tensing and the signals from down there were still pulsing but starting to taper off. “That… was something,” he laughed.
“Mmm,” she hummed against his neck. “Did you like it?”
“It was… yeah, pretty nice,” Luka said with a little hitch in his voice as he spoke. She noticed that he’d still been squeezing his hand into tight fists as she had been working him, but the fingers unfurled after he came. That was a good sign, he was relaxed. She drew out her hand from him and licked the fingers clean as he watched. It was an idle thought: if her juices tasted different from his perspective. The answer was not really. He let out a sigh. “God, I wanna taste you,” he said breathlessly.
She giggled a little. “Why don’t you, then?”
He turned and blinked back her own blue eyes at her, wide and dazed. “Uh, I…” He shifted a little in her lap and stopped moving, freezing abruptly. It took a moment for her to realize why.
She’d gotten hard. God that was so weird to realize.
She was pretty sure she’d gotten turned on when she was imagining him… in pretty much this same situation except with the two of them back in their own bodies. It was pretty bold of her to admit out loud that she’d gotten off to imagining him fucking her in her solo play… But she’d been feeling pretty emboldened in spite of, or most likely because of how bizarre the whole situation was.
She wasn’t in her own body. She didn’t have to think about anything the same way.
“Did you get turned on watching… me?” Luka asked, slightly amused.
“I got turned on imagining us,” she admitted.
He pulled his head back a bit in surprise, but nodded. He shifted again turning to sit sideways across her lap. Then he unzipped her jeans. “Let me take care of this,” he said, a smirk on his face. “As payback.” She let out a very un-Luka squeak as he pulled her out of the front opening of his boxers. He licked her fingers and wrapped them around his cock, squeezing and pulling up and rubbing a thumb over the tip.
And just as suddenly Marinette felt a rush of sensation.
It wasn’t even something that she could name, but all of a sudden she had gone from 0 (okay probably 20) to 80% done with just that… “Ohhh my god,” she breathed out. “Is… is this how it is for men?”
Luka chuckled and continued… palming her? Whatever it was he was doing, she should probably etch that into her memory. For “payback”. There was squeezing and stroking, fingers rubbing the underside and just barely skimming over the flared ridge. He took her thumb and pressed lightly into the very tip, spreading the slick drop over the increasingly sensitive head and sending Marinette so much closer to that 100%.
It didn’t take long to send her over that peak with the way he was using her hands. Marinette groaned and felt Luka’s body strain like a plucked string. Some part of her consciousness appreciated the delicious sound of Luka’s voice reverberating through her. She’d be able to do that to him from her own body someday.
She heard Luka laughing with her voice and after a few seconds of heavy breathing she peeked from half-lidded and suddenly very heavy eyelids. She… felt relaxed, a little bit tired. Hah, men, she thought.
There was a strange buzzing in the back of his mind and Luka could swear he heard some distant raucous laughter. He felt a weird pulling tension in his brain and had in his vision what seemed like an afterimage of… some outline of a neon yellow star?
He looked up and saw Marinette staring back at him in shock.
This was… right. At least, this was how it was supposed to be.
He was in Marinette’s room and…
Apparently back in his own body?
And Marinette was still holding his dick.
“Uh,” he laughed, embarrassed. “I… don’t know what happened but…” He nervously shifted back and noticed his cum was on Marinette’s hands because of course he hadn’t thought about cleanup at the time like a dipshit.
“We’re back to normal?” Marinette asked, noticing the sticky mess on her hands.
He tucked himself back into his boxers and sat up straighter. “Sorry,” he muttered, the heat on his face continuing to build as she got up and rinsed her hands at her sink.
Marinette turned back around and bit her bottom lip while she dried her hands on a towel. “How… how did we… W-was it because we had–”
Luka coughed, cleared his throat and shrugged an “iunno”, suddenly unable to bear with the fact that they’d done what they’d just done. And gotten snapped back to their own bodies because of it? Holy fuck if that’d been the reason they got swapped back that’d be the most ridiculous fucking akuma. What even was the Lucky Charm trigger, their staggered orgasms? Did that even make sense? He shook his head and tried to look anywhere but at Marinette.
He heard Marinette giggling and he looked back sheepishly with a lopsided smile. She walked back across the tiny space and sat on his lap, resting her arms around his shoulders. “We’re back to normal,” she trailed off, a light blush on her cheeks. “Aaand we've… learned a few things,” she continued. Luka just nodded and wondered what was going through her thoughts. “Didn’t you say you’d use what you learned when we switched back?”
Well then.
“Asterr, fade out!” Brielle wheezed through her laughter. There was a golden flash and a starfish kwami popped back into view, giggling along with Brielle.
“That was unexpected!” Asterr giggled, covering her mouth with her fins as the laughter took over again.
“Holy shit I didn’t expect them to go that far,” Brielle kept laughing. “Three days of nothing and all of a sudden they dove straight into that! Has that happened before?!”
“Star-Crossed is a tricky power and sometimes unpredictable, so I hadn’t seen something like this before!” the kwami said. “It depends on which two you switch! Why did you choose them, Bri?”
Brielle shrugged. “One, it’s hilarious. Two, they’re both shy as fuck except for the fucking apparently. Three, I knew they’d be okay, more or less. And four, it all worked out. Luka’s been stoic and accepting but I sure as hell can’t stand to see another year of that kicked puppy face when he thinks no one’s looking.”
“You’re a good friend, Bri,” Asterr giggled.
“I sure am.”
Thanks to @verfound for letting me borrow Brielle as well lol
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purplesurveys · 3 years
survey by chrissylee22dc
Achievements: I guess I’m being asked to list some of mine...some of the ones I’m proudest of, at least, are graduating university with honors, landing a job (liking it is a big bonus), and taking up leadership positions.
Age: I am 22, but never felt quite like it.
Are you planning something right now? Kind of. I’m eyeing a long road trip to Tanay with just myself and go to one of their coffee shops, but idk when I’ll be able to do that. My wallet and bank account are still beat from Christmas lol (and until now I’m still buying gifts for friends), so it might have to wait until sometime next month.
Arizona or Alaska: I think Arizona weather is already quite like ours here, so I might enjoy Alaska a bit (if not a lot) more. There’s generally a lot more factors I find interesting with Alaska, like their food.
Birthdate: April 21st.
Build: I’m quite thin and underweight, but I actually recently made plans to start working out - both to make an effort to be healthy with myself, and also to feel good post-breakup. I’m hoping to see some changes in my body and build in the coming months.
Babies, do you have any? None of those, not sure if that’s still the plan for me.
Blonde or Brunette: Brunette.
Childhood sweetheart: Erm, does Gab count? We technically weren’t kids anymore when we first got together. I wasn’t attracted to anyone as a kid and was more concerned with growing my Pokemon pogs collection.
Current mood: I’m hungry and can go for savory breakfast foods right now, like shakshuka or huevos rancheros. Also a little anxious because I really don’t want to think about work, but tasks continue to pile up for a certain client.
Children, are there more in your future? There aren’t even any to begin with.
Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi just because it reminds me of Punk and my chaotic wrestling fangirl years.
Dad's name: Edgardo, but no one calls him by that full name. He has two nicknames; one of which he hates and only family and friends use, and the other is the name he has permanently introduced himself as in his workplace.
Dating anyone: Not anymore.
Do you plan on having lots of money? Don’t most people?
Dogs or cats: Dogs.
Elementary School: I’m not sharing that.
Eye color: Dark brown/black.
Ever going to China? Probably not right now considering the present situation. I’d love to go to the rural cities and have a peek into their country life.
Early or Late: EARLY. Lateness is a big pet peeve, unless the excuse is super reasonable like Manila traffic or a car accident.
First Crush: The first person I felt remotely attractive to was Andi, from 6th grade. Then she moved to New Zealand and the crush quickly faded out.
Fears: For concrete things, I hate cockroaches and fair rides. For bigger concepts, I fear getting left behind, failing, and not getting approval, and the idea of never being satisfied or happy with who I am, what I’ve done, or where I’ve gone.
Future goals: Have a place of my own, be able to sustain myself, and keep myself alive.
Funny or Serious: I think everyone has to have both sides. I wouldn’t want to hang out long with people who can’t be sat down to just shoot the shit with conversations that go a little deeper. At the same time, I’d be quickly bored with someone who talks about existential or philosophical topics 24/7 and takes everything seriously.
Grandparent's names: On my dad’s side, Dolores and Federico; on my mom’s side, Agnes and Jun. My maternal grandpa is the third in multiple generations of Abelardos in the family, but his nickname is simply ‘Jun,’ because Philippines.
GPA: We don’t measure our grades with that, but we do have a GWA; I’m just not sure how that can be converted to GPA. Mine was in the 1.47 range, which was good enough for cum laude honors. I barely missed out on a magna cum laude honor (which required a 1.45 GWA), so that’s something I’ve always been pressed about and I know I could have clinched it if the pandemic didn’t cancel my final semester, which would’ve given me the chance to pull up my grades.
Going anywhere this weekend? I don’t think so. I want to spend the remaining 5 days of my break completely unproductively.
Giver or Taker: Giver. I like pleasing people.
High School: I attended one school from kindergarten to high school.
Hair color: Black.
Hate anyone for life? I don’t think so. I dislike some people, but I can’t tell if I’ll feel that way for the rest of my life.
Hairspray or Gel: When I’m going somewhere or attending something fancy, I use hair gel to hold my hair down.
In 8th grade, who was your best friend? Eighth grade is freshman year of high school, right? In that case, my best friend was Gabie.
Is ignorance bliss? Sometimes it is. I like no longer being updated about Gabie’s life. Back when I still tried to push my way in, I was miserable. I stopped doing so over the holidays and I just stopped reaching out, stopped trying to communicate, everything. I’ve been a lot happier that way.
Is there anything you wanna share? That’s kinda the goal with every survey I take.
Ice Cream or Cake: Right now, maybe ice cream. I’m very picky about cake, and I don’t like the spongy ones aka most cakes I know.
Jumped rope for fun: That’s exactly what I use jump ropes for. I don’t think I ever used it for fitness or working out except for maybe PE.
Junk around you right now? I mean, not really. I have my embroidery stuff in a pile beside me, but I don’t consider them junk.
Joining anything anytime soon? Not planning on it. I briefly considered joining a gym as a new thing to do for 2021, but in the end I figured working out at home would be enough. Angela recommended the latter as well, so that’s how I abandoned my gym plans quickly haha.
January or July: I guess July? January always feels just a teeny bit stranger than other months, considering it’s the beginning of a new year.
Killed anyone: ...This serious?
Keeping a secret? I keep different secrets from different people.
Kicking someone off your top friends today? I don’t think that’s a thing anymore. Hasn’t been for a while.
Kiwi or Apple: Apple, just because I’ve never had the chance to taste kiwi.
Lost anyone close to you: I’ve lived 22 years, of course I have. I’d be very surprised if someone has lived that long but has never experienced losing people, whether from a fallout, from death, etc. Just this year alone I lost a great-aunt on my maternal grandpa’s side, and a ton of relatives from my maternal grandma’s side.
Last kiss, when and who: Gabie, three months ago.
List 3 people that you'll love forever: I can only think of Angela. And of course, Gab.
Lover or Fighter: Fighter, I suppose. I can be relentless. Right now with my breakup has been the only time I allowed myself to take a step back and not forcibly take things under my control for once.
Middle School: We don’t follow the concept of middle school here. The levels in middle school fall under elementary school as well.
Marital Status: Single.
Mom's name: Abigail.
Music or TV: TV.
Northernmost state you've been to: Batanes, which is as northernmost as northernmost gets in the Philippines.
Nickname: A lot of family members call me Byn, but for the most part Robyn has always been my main nickname.
Name your future boy and girl: I have yet to make up my mind about this.
Naughty or Nice: Nice. I never particularly feel ~naughty, and since the breakup I especially haven’t felt the need to be sexual.
Opened a piece of mail that wasn't yours? Sometimes I’ll open the electricity or water bill addressed to my parents out of curiosity just to find out how much we consumed in the last month. But nothing more than that.
Occupation: I’m an associate at a PR agency.
Owe anyone money: Nope.
Outgoing or Shy: Shy at first but I can get outgoing once I’ve warmed up to a person/situation.
Place you most want to be? Right now? I’d love to be at a coffee shop or bar at a higher altitude, with a view of the city. I used to go to a lot of these before the pandemic hit, but now I’m thinking of doing it again.
Purposely destroyed someone’s life? No.
Planning a major trip? Not really. Most tourist spots require swab tests and I am not having anything go up my nose.
Pink or Black? Love both, but I like pink ever so slightly more.
Quit a class: I’ve never dropped a class. I’ve wanted to, but there was so much paperwork to fill out to do so and I also didn’t want to be behind on my overall schedule.
Quickly...the first word to come to mind: Whistle, because the pink/black question reminded me of Blackpink.
Quitting your job soon? No lol I’m barely two months in.
Quiet or Loud: I can be both, but these days I’ve been quieter.
Riding in an airplane: I have no idea what this is asking.
Ride, tell me about yours: ^ Same.
Running for any political office in the future? No plans to.
Rain or Snow: I guess rain, since it’s the only one I’ve experienced.
Siblings names and ages: Nina is 20, my brother is 17.
Shoe size: I fit anywhere between a size 6 to 7.
Shave daily? It used to be daily, but I haven’t had the need to since the quarantine began.
Shower or Bath: Shower.
Turning 21 was (will be): It’s been a year since then.
Texas, ever been? No but I have relatives who live there, so it’s one of my choice states to visit and stay at if I ever plan to go to the US.
Think you'll live to be 100? I doubt it. I don’t have any relatives who lived until that age.
Tame or Wild: Idk, tame I guess?? I don’t know what this is asking.
Unique quality about you: I feel like this is a question best answered by other people who see and interact with me more than I do myself.
Underwear on? Yeah.
Under your bed lies: Large containers with all the magazines I collected from childhood that I can’t bring myself to throw out.
Under or Over: Idk, you have to be more specific.
Virgin? No.
Vacation time left? I have five days left, including today :( I plan to be the most unproductive or bum-y I’ve ever been, because I have no clue when I’ll have a break this long again.
Voting in the next Presidential election? Of course.
Volleyball or Swimming: I like swimming more, but I like watching volleyball.
Went white water rafting? I don’t think so, but I would give it a shot.
Wearing right now: A hoodie that’s around two sizes bigger for me.
Write a sentence about you: About anything? I’m a little upset with myself for having been a bit lousy with survey-taking during the holiday break. I planned on taking a lot to catch up on the ones I’ve missed out on, but so far I mostly take just one a day lol.
West Coast or East Coast: East.
X-Rays in the past month: 0.
X-Mas plans: Had a get-together with my mom’s side of the family on the 24th; we hosted our own Christmas party on the 25th; and we visited my dad’s side of the family on the 26th.
X, does it mark the spot? Idk.
X-Tina or Britney? Britney.
You lost "it" when? I mean, I’ve had more than one moment where I freaked out...
Your favorite song:  I’m really in love with Saw You In A Dream by The Japanese House. My favorite songs come and go, but this one has been a constant.
Your favorite place on Earth: Sagada.
Yes or No: Idk. I’m not enjoying these vague ass questions.
Zodiac Sign: Taurus.
Zodiac Sign: Idk, I’m still a Taurus.
Zippos are neat, agree? I don’t have an opinion.
Zoo or Circus: Neither.
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charliesradiodemon · 4 years
Pwease pwease pwease do 15 passionately 💗💗charlastor , fat nuggets need it
(I was inspired by a couple of comics that are similar to this fic. For the sake of the fic making sense, Charlie never dated Vaggie and is single here.
Also don’t worry! I’m still working on Arranged Marriage! I’m just also working on many other things! You’ll be seeing an update soon! For now I’m bum rushing for Charlastor week!
Happy Valentine’s Day my friends ❤️❤️)
15. Passionate Kiss
It was Valentine’s Day, a holiday that humans came up with and celebrate once a year on Earth. It was a day of love and cherishing your significant others. Some even used the day to confess their love to another. Charlie remembered when she first heard of Valentine’s Day and only sighed at how sweet and romantic it sounded. But she never had anyone to celebrate it with. In her last relationship, Harold never wanted to celebrate the holiday in any way. He’d always tease her for wanting to practice “lowly human customs”. And before that, the holiday hadn’t even existed yet.
Today Charlie had a slew of ideas to celebrate the holiday with everyone at the hotel. Today was about love, and what better way to turn around a sinner than with love? And chocolate!
Before Charlie could skip out her door, she paused mid-step. “Oh!” She exclaimed, jumping back in surprise. A large red heart, along with a vase of red roses stood in her way. Had she finished that step, she would have crushed the heart entirely.
Charlie knelt and carefully picked up the glass vase and heart before backing into her room. She set the vase by her bedside and felt a smile creep up once she got a good view of the bouquet. The vase was simply brimming with perfect red roses, but there was no card amongst the densely packed flowers. Who could afford such a thing, Charlie wasn’t quite sure. It could have been from her parents, but they weren’t the biggest fans of Valentine’s Day considering the origins of the holiday. Nevertheless she loved the roses and took a deep whiff of their subtly sweet scent before heading out to find and thank whoever left them.
On her way down, she took a quick glance at the heart. She knew what hearts were and how it was a common symbol used on Valentine’s Day and for love in general, but this thing was different. When she shook it, it rattled. There was something inside, but how was she supposed to open it? Could she even open it?
When she reached the lobby, the giddy princess started her hunt at the bar to ask Husk first. When she got there Angel was already leaning against the bar counter, flirting with Husk so early in the morning.
Charlie skipped up to the bar, greeting both Husk and Angel a happy Valentine’s Day. She set the heart on the bar and slid it toward Husk. “Hey Husk, do you happen to know where this came from?”
Angel’s face lit up when he focused on the heart in front of Charlie. “Ohhhh! Who gave ya Chocolates toots?”
“Aren’t they chocolates? I mean it’s Valentine’s Day, it’s gotta be chocolate.”
Charlie knew that lovers would exchange gifts like chocolate and flowers on Valentine’s Day, but she had no clue that the heart contained chocolate. She didn’t even notice that she could open it!
She turned to Angel, leaving Husk to his morning drinking. She placed her hand over the box and looked up at Angel. “Someone left me this outside my door…”
“Did they leave ya a note?”
Angel quirked a brow. “Alright… that’s a lil’ creepy… Do ya think it’s safe? Maybe there’s no chocolates in there.” He pointed to the heart-shaped box with a suspicious look in his eye.
Charlie shrugged and looked around the heart until she found a prominent line under what seemed to be the lid of the box. She lifted it by the lid and wiggled it, letting the box slowly separate from the heart-shaped lid.
When the trio looked into the box, sure enough it was full of chocolates. “Oh wow these look pretty expensive,” Angel took one and closely examined the morsel. “Bet they taste expensive too,” He predicted before tossing the whole square into his mouth. “Yep! Damn that’s good!” He exclaimed before reaching over and grabbing four more pieces.
Suddenly, the blonde got between Angel and her gift. “Hey!” Charlie pouted. Little did she know, Husk also picked up a piece and tossed it in his mouth. His face scrunched and he washed the sweetness from his mouth with the beer he’d already been working on.
Angel scoffed and rolled his eyes. “What, you’re gonna eat all that all by yourself?” He returned to lean against the bar and continued, “So expensive chocolates huh? Whoever gave ya that must really have it bad for ya Charlie.”
Charlie felt her face heat up at Angel’s comment.
“I wonder who the sucker is,” he looked around the lobby to find only a few of the patrons sitting around, waiting for breakfast. “Can’t be one of these bozos.” He huffed a laugh and popped another chocolate in his mouth.
Charlie took one of the squares and took a tentative bite. She perked up as the chocolate melted in her mouth, coating her tongue in it’s sweetness. It reminded her of the chocolates her parents would give her when she was younger. She tossed the rest of the delicious chocolate in her mouth and hummed in delight. “You’re right! It’s amazing!”
“I’m glad you think so dear.” A radio backed voice came from behind Charlie. She jumped and whipped around. Expectedly it was Alastor who stood fairly close to her with a satisfied grin on his face.
“Wait Al, this was you?” Charlie greeted the radio demon with a wide appreciative smile.
He nodded proudly. “Yes it was! I made it was only the best of the best!”
“The roses too?”
“Why of course! No-“
Angel gasped and yelled, “Woah woah woah! Roses?! Holy shit Romeo I didn’t know you were some kinda romantic!” The group eating breakfast turned their attention toward the commotion.
“Angel, it would be in your best interest if you would keep your mouth shut before I take it away.” He said in a crackling, eerie distorted voice. The air around the bar became increasingly thick with tension. Angel retracted back in fear while everyone at the breakfast table watched with interest, as if they were hoping the radio demon would make good on his promise.
Charlie slid the box between her and Alastor to grab his attention before the situation escalated. “Hey Al, why don’t you try one?” Immediately the heavy tension dissipated at the sound of her voice and Alastor returned his full attention to Charlie.
He chuckled and picked up a piece, casually examining it. “I’m not one for sweets my dear,” he bent forward slightly, holding the chocolate between two clawed fingers. He extended the chocolate right before Charlie’s lips. “I bought these for you, so why not have another and I’ll consider trying one.”
Charlie glanced up at him and then the chocolate. It was an odd deal but it seemed like it was harmless. She shrugged and opened her mouth to let Alastor place the chocolate on her tongue. She shut her mouth and let the chocolate melt over her tongue once more, savoring the flavor.
Alastor admired her face, which lit up with pure joy. Her smile never failed to set his heart on fire and inspire contentment at the same time. Today was the perfect day to show her exactly what she meant to him and when he continued to execute his flawless plan, she would be his by the end of the day.
But then his eyes drifted down to her closed mouth and watched it move with her swirling tongue. Though he didn’t enjoy sweets, his curiosity began taking over. Then his imagination. Then his hands and feet. Unknowingly, he moved closer and used his right hand to tip her chin up. He met her snapped open eyes before meeting her black lips.
He didn’t realize it either when his tongue forced its way into Charlie’s mouth. The dulled down sweetness of the chocolate on her tongue made the flavor bearable enough for him. It was good, even. Though he wasn’t sure if it was because of the high of the moment or the chocolate itself at this point. It was then he discovered that Charlie was kissing him back, her tongue moving with his and further amplifying the sweetness of the kiss.
Realizing what he’d done, Alastor pulled away. He never took his eyes off of her, not wanting to see the faces of the individuals around him. Usually he’d revel in the attention, but now he just exposed a soft side to him no one had ever seen before. He’d have to kill them all- no, that would upset Charlie.
Oh Charlie…
This wasn’t how the day was supposed to go. He’d inadvertently ruined all of his plans to whisk the princess off her feet and now he stood there like a fool. He needed to leave. He summoned his cane and tapped the floor, melting into a shadow that frantically slithered up the stairs.
The room was dead quiet. Charlie looked around to find all eyes on her. Even Angel Dusk was wide eyed and slack jawed in shock. Truly nobody expected that from Alastor, not even Charlie. She turned back around to hide her burning red face. He kissed her, and she kissed him back! Then another realization hit her like a ton of bricks. Today was Valentine’s Day and he gave her presents… and kissed her! Did he really feel that way toward her?
She needed to find him. She’d never find out if she didn’t ask. He went up the stairs so he must have retreated back to his room.
Without another word, Charlie slammed the lid on the chocolate box and sprint up the stairs with it in her arms.
‘He likes me! He really likes me!’ Charlie thought giddily, letting her emotional high carry her up the stairs.
Ever since she met him, she was drawn to his charm, his personality, his voice, his dancing- everything about him. Sure he wasn’t the kindest or most gentle mortal soul out there, but she’d always smile with him around. He was dangerous, Vaggie would always warn her, but Charlie didn’t care. No matter how bad the rumors about him were, she’d look past them and got to know him better. He could cook, he loved his mother and he’d always find ways to cheer her up in his own strange way. To her, he was human: flawed and full of his own unique personality. He was still a monster who committed atrocities, but Charlie still couldn’t help the aching in her heart. It was strange, but the heart wants what it wants.
When she realized her feelings, she immediately feared rejection. It was difficult to be around him at first, but over time it got much easier and she’d managed to push her feelings aside. After all, she didn’t want to scare her professional business partner away.
But now that was all coming to an end. She needed to talk to him and work this out.
Charlie knocked on his door and called out his name. When he didn’t answer, she tried the door knob. Surprisingly it was unlocked and when Charlie slipped into his room, she found Alastor sitting on the edge of his bed, staring blankly out the window with his signature smile.
When she approached, he snapped his gaze toward her. They stared each other down for a few moments. “Al, we need to talk.”
Alastor nodded and patted the bed beside him to which Charlie obliged. They now sat shoulder-to-shoulder in silence. It should have been awkward, but for some reason it felt comfortable. It almost felt natural. Charlie could feel him slowly relax beside her. He was calming down and Charlie smiled knowing that he was getting comfortable around her. Feeling brave, Charlie placed her hand to rest it on top of the hand that sat tensely on his knee. He flinched, but didn’t move away. Instead he shifted his hand to where he held her fingers in a gentle grasp. He even began to run his thumb over her knuckles.
When Charlie looked up at his reaction, he wasn’t looking at her. Instead, his gaze shifted down to their joined hands. His grey cheeks held a hint of red. His closed-lipped smile was soft and content. He greatly disliked being touched and yet here he was, being touched by her and looking completely at ease.
They didn’t need to speak after all. Their actions spoke a thousand words and they understood what the other wanted. This was new to them, but their interactions have never felt so natural and so sure. Charlie sighed and let her head fall to rest on Alastor’s shoulder. He jumped a bit, still not used to contact, but let his head fall to rest on top of Charlie’s head, relishing in the warmth that blossomed in his chest because of her.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Al.”
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nattikay · 4 years
So I don’t typically like making personal posts of this type, as I generally come here to escape all that and relax, but at this point I’m just not really sure where else to go with it, all things considered.
Anyways...I’ve been...stressed lately. No, coronavirus isn’t the root cause of it, but it certainly ain’t helping (as I will explain later).
So the first thing I guess...is my younger sister’s wedding tomorrow. To explain why this is a stressor I first have to reveal a bit about myself, a little deeper than I am usually comfortable doing on the internet, and I know it’s ultimately gonna make me sound like...kinda a selfish butthole.
So...I’ve always greatly valued the concept of marriage and family. It’s a value I hold very dear, I always have, and I’ve always wanted to one day get married and have kids of my own. However, I’ve also always struggled hugely with social anxiety, for pretty much as long as I can remember, and needless to say dating does not come easily to me.
For a while, that was ok because I had other goals to work towards in the meantime...getting into my college of choice...getting into their animation program...doing well in my classes...graduating...getting a job...but now I’ve done all those things, and getting married would be the natural next step in life. 
...if I could actually fall in love with someone. 
So I’m stuck. I feel like I’m just treading water, or running in circles. I feel like I can’t progress and it’s scary. But progressing itself, going out and meeting people, opening myself up like that--is also scary. It’s like I'm caught between a rock and a hard place. A lose-lose situation. 
I did have a sort-of boyfriend towards the end of college, but then I graduated and moved away and, well...things are a bit complicated. I still chat with him online now and then, but we only see each other in-person maybe once or twice a year for conventions. And even though we’re still on good terms in a friendly sorta way, given the time and distance I’m not sure whether or not he’s still interested in pursuing that type of relationship with me, nor am I sure how to bring it up without making him feel awkward.
Sometimes I wonder if maybe I should’ve stayed in Utah after I graduated, found a job there and been able to spend more time with him...but I didn’t...and now a part of me feels like...I dunno....like I missed my chance?
But...all of that’s a tangent...it’s not the only issue...
So anyways...like I said...this is my younger sister’s wedding. For those who don’t know, I’m the oldest sibling in my family. Maybe I wouldn’t feel as stressed if my sister were older than me. But as it is...this is the first time in my life that I haven’t been first to a major life event. And yes, I know, I know it’s not a race, it’s not a competition, etc. etc. etc....I know. But...it’s a reminder.
I’m stuck, and now I’m being “surpassed” and I’m constantly being reminded.
And things seemed to work out so easily for her too. She met this guy less than a year ago and they’re absolutely head-over-heels obsessed with each other. 
and I don’t
I mean, her fiancé’s a good guy don’t get me wrong, and they’re really happy together and I’m glad of that, but at the same time...watching how they are with each other, how they interact...I don’t...know that I’ve ever felt that? And in my head, I wish I could, it seems like it’d be so nice but...
guys, sometimes I feel like I’m broken.
I feel like I don’t have that capacity to get so excited over a real person the way my sister and her fiancé are about each other.
Not romantically. Not even platonically. 
Except...not quite. I do have some capacity to be all giddy. But...it only ever seems to happen with fictional characters, animals, or plushies.
Never real people. Never real relationships.
and I don’t
And quite frankly, I’m terrified, absolutely terrified that that’ll lead me to being forever alone
And yes, I know that some people are perfectly content to live their lives single, and that’s fine and you do you and I’m not gonna judge you or say you’re invalid or whatever; I don’t believe that. But...I don’t think I’m one of those people. Marriage and family is something I hold too dear to my heart to just give up on the idea of having my own.
But...like I said...reminders.
Reminders, reminders, and reminders of one of my weaknesses, one of my struggles, of a concept that utterly frightens me and I have to be around it constantly right now. And when I’m with other people, I have to do it with a smile.
I love my sister, don’t get me wrong. And like I said, her fiancé’s a good guy. I’m glad they’re happy. I don’t want to ruin that for them with my selfish struggles. Just because I’m unhappy right now doesn’t mean I have to drag them down with me. They deserve to have a good time.
But that doesn’t mean I’m not struggling.
So...there. That’s why my sister’s wedding is a stressor for me.
On top of all that...the wedding was supposed to be in April, in Utah. But because of the coronavirus shutdowns, we’ve had to to some last-minute rearrangements, and now it’s tomorrow here in Alabama. This has been extremely stressful on my mom, who really put a lot of dedication into the wedding planning and is bummed that it didn’t work out. She’s been particularly frazzled this past week, constantly scrambling to get all the rearrangements taken care of and terrified that more shutdowns with mess it all up again.
This is why I’m making this post here. Usually I would talk to my mom, or my therapist...but I don’t have another therapy appointment for a few weeks (if it hasn’t been cancelled for the virus) and my mom, well...she has enough of her own problems to deal with right now. I don’t want to burden her with mine.
And then there’s the situation at work. With the whole social distancing thing going on they’re trying to get as many people set up to work remotely as possible. Unfortunately, because of what I do and the way our network works, this entails bringing home my entire computer setup, which is a hassle in itself on merely a physical level. I stuck it out coming into the office longer than most of my coworkers, but my mom texted me today saying that they’re now talking about shutting down all “non-essential” businesses so if I wanted to work at all over the next little bit and not eat up vacation hours I should just bite the bullet and move my setup home. So I did. 
But now there’s another potential problem. I’ve got all the hardware and it should work just fine...but I also need internet connectivity in order to access our pipeline. As we were packing up my stuff, my coworker mentioned that he wasn’t actually sure if the computers had wifi capabilities and that I might have to plug it in directly...which could be a problem, because the internet connection is on the other side of the house from where I’d be working, and even if I moved my setup to that room I’m pretty sure I’d have to unplug the router in order to plug in this computer and then everyone else would lose their wifi...which would really suck with all of us being stuck at home right now, and would be especially detrimental to my dad who is also working from home right now and needs the wifi. 
Granted, I haven’t actually tried to hook it up just yet, so who knows, I might just get lucky and it’ll have wifi capabilities after all...but I don’t know for sure yet.
I mentioned this issue to my mom when I got home today, mostly just to warn her that I might have to make some weird arrangements like a long extensions cord or something (if it doesn’t in fact have wifi). Alas, that turned out to be a mistake...like I said, my mom’s already really stressed with the wedding stuff and a potential work computer problem just added fuel to the fire and then she started stressing about that too even though it’s not really a thing she needs to be worrying about, it’s my problem to figure out...but nonetheless I felt pretty guilty for making her feel even more stressed that she already was.
I don’t know what I’m going to do if I can’t get my work computer connected at home. I guess just bring it back to the office...but that’s assuming people with still be allowed in the building at all come next week. I just...I dunno man. I don’t know.
All this mess has led to me starting to experience certain anxiety symptoms that I haven’t really dealt with since I first went on my medication a few years ago, which means the stress is getting bad enough to...override the meds a bit. I guess. idk, the symptoms haven’t been too severe but the fact that they’re there at all...hng.
If you made it through this whole mess, congrats, I’m impressed
everything’s a mess, everyone’s stressed, I have anxiety and I don’t know who to talk to
not really looking for advice so much as just somewhere to vent and maybe some comfort, idk
Thanks for your time
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The Siren & The Healer (2)
Natasha Romanoff arc
Chapter 2: The Stranger
Platonic Natasha x fem!Reader, Loki x fem!Reader (soulmates?)
Theme: With cracks between the most powerful superheroes of the earth, Natasha Romanoff does not find rest when she is assigned on a mission to find the missing pieces of a puzzling power that once nearly got into the hands- rather, tentacles- of Hydra. In order to unearth the pieces, she must dig through her own past and make a decision that might decide the fate of the earth in the coming wars.
Series: Will contain violence, death, destruction, softness, fluff, smut, friendship, and whatnot
Chapter warnings: it does not have floof. or smut. or Loki.
A/N: This was written a few years ago with an OC in mind so reader has a name but it is a reader insert.
Word Count: This weird pain in my heels has not gone away and it has been six freaking months! And I keep missing making appointments! With either of the doctors! I am so mad at myself. And I am trying to take vitamins for the same and I keep missing them too! Which reminds me I should put alarms. Which reminds me I should put alarms for this. ...and I keep missing putting up those too.
MASTERLIST in bio, love
Time: 2200 hrs
Location: Vienna
The little Iron Man funko pop had been entertaining you for the last two hours when the remaining contents of Harry’s table could not. By now you were practically half lying on his table, the chair rolling to and fro while you hummed the tune to Tender’s Nadir, bobbing your head like your little friend to the rhythm. Harry’s colleague- another assistant professor in the department- had come by to collect his stuff from his desk while you waited. “Why don’t you leave and he’ll come when he can,” he had mentioned, drawing a stare of judgment from you. Leave him? What am I? A monster? I can’ just ‘leave’ him. He’s Harry, man! Shut your trap hole!
"I'm so sorry Koshu. I had to collect some assignments from the students." Harry started with loud gasps of breath before he’s even entered the room. You were kinda bummed he knew you were there. You really wanted to surprise him. Though you had to say, you loved seeing him all flustered. It was quite a rare sight for you. You always so calm and composed friend never broke a sweat no matter how hard things were. Well, the things that were hard for you were a smooth sail for Harry. Even though you’d both come here to study and research in artificial intelligence, you had just dropped out of the course after the first semester and taken to teaching minor courses and skills while learning some yourself. He, on the other hand, had been acing it ever since he got here, winning scholarships and accolades. Not to mention the hearts of all ladies and interested men. And what did Harry do about it? Be as innocently unaware about it all as your crush on him. Stupid son of a sexy goofball!
"Look at you, all red and sweaty! I bet Sammy would love to have you now." you giggled.
Harry stood beside you for a second, blank, until he realised what you meant and flushed a fresh batch of red. Yeah, exes tend to have then effect sometimes. A part of you was glad to have that woman out of the picture- that part being the whole of you. No one wants a toxic girlfriend who wants you because you’re hot and then thinks she rather not because ‘I don’t know, Harry, you’re not as outgoing as I thought my boyfriend would be.’ She should have been glad you were on another continent at that time.
"Yeah. Whatever. Hey, I have to grade these assignments so why don't you head home. I'll finish these and then come back,” Harry admitted before wiping the sweat off his forehead. Ugh! Stop it you tease! Your inner voice was really having a day.
"What? Take them home! I'll cook us some pasta or Indian if you are craving some. Get comfy and then grade these bitches."
Harry raised his brows at you.
“That was for the papers. Not for you students....who do comprise of certain stuck ups if you ask me.”
He blinked before shrugging and nodding in agreement. Hesitating for a moment, he remained quiet, the corner of his lips twitching where it met his beard.
"Yeah, I'm comfy here. You go ahead."
It was your turn to raise arch your brow at him.
"Dude! Stop it!” you lectured, raising her hands in the air. “It’s okay for you to do the laundry but it’s not okay if I cook food for the both of us? And it’s not like I’m a bad cook that you avoid eating my hard work. This is called sharing responsibilities, something, I clearly remember, you lectured me on when we first came here. And I like cooking, it’s like a stress-buster. And I make awesome Indian food and a mean Chicken Alfredo."
“I do...don’t I?”
"Yeah, that you do."
"Thank God. So come home, you twat. Pack those things and let's move. I'm hungry. Let's go before I eat your brains."
Harry smiled sheepishly at his failed attempt for a second and then beamed with happiness from within.
"Alright. Go heat up the car. I'll bring all the material with me.”
You got up with a gush of new energy flowing inside you. Taking the keys from him, you walked for the door.
“Oh! And don't leave without me okay?" He called out from behind you, making you stop, turn and give him a narrow-eyed look. Harry laughed and dodged the duster you threw at him. "Jerk," you hissed through your teeth as you started walking towards the parking lot.
It was only seven in the evening but the sky had already bid goodnight. There were barely any students on the campus. You could hear EDM being played at a distance at some frat house or in someone's dorm. Kids, you thought to yourself, as if mocking them. And then again, you thought to yourself, kids- but now with wistful faraway happiness.
There were only four cars in the parking lot. An old Camry that belonged to a history professor who took night classes. Another one was a Bentley that belonged to a highly infamous professor of Personality Development. The man taught more about himself than about personalities. You never liked that guy.
This guy creeps me out from a mile away, your insides would always remind you.
The last one was an unknown SUV that stood a few meters away from Harry's car. It did not belong to any student or staff you knew.
You took a good look at it as you crossed it and moved to Harry's second hand, Honda. If there was anything Harry and you loved in common more than food, and a bit less than animals, it was this sweet lady. One could find notes, spare T-shirts, cologne, deodorants and much more in there. It could easily be called your second home.
Both of you had spent nights sleeping through all the tipsy- after wild parties during the first year- in this baby. This one had been with you when you’d got here and did not have a dark corner to cry in. Or when you and Harry needed to run away from the buzz of the city and escape into the mountains to rest under the stars and talk about all your deepest desires, darkest secrets and nethermost questions about life and purpose. Not to mention, you’d cleaned up this baby on Harry’s first date just so this guy would get some action- which clearly didn’t happen for this terribly shy guy.  This car had been a constant in it all and had even been knighted with a name.
“Hey Bunny! Did you miss mama? How was my girl today?” 
You were about to open Bunny’s door when your eyes went back to the SUV.
Matte black. Alloy wheels, clearly not of cheap quality. Weird number plate which was not from the state and a little metallic sword that hung from the rearview mirror inside- reflecting the lights from the parking lot right into your eyes.
Something did not feel right. You stood there for a few seconds looking in the parking lot for any sign of the owner.
“It is supposed to look intimidating.”
You jumped at the voice behind you.
A man came out of the shadows of the trees. He was wearing a grey suit and a pin bent in the shape of an eye with what seemed to be a ruby in the middle.
You closed Bunny’s door and locked the vehicle, carefully placing the car keys between your fingers so as to point them away from you and put the other hand around your bag. You took two steps back into the middle of the parking lot, standing visibly under the lights.
“I’m sorry, Sir, do I know you?”
The man stepped into the light. The wrinkles on his face made him look a bit over forty but his well-fitted suit around his body made him look younger and muscular. His grey eyes looked right into yours with a hint of a smile on his thin smooth lips.
“No, ma’am. But I have heard about you.”
You stepped further back into the most lit part of the lot.
“Can I help you, sir?”
You just now noticed the restraint in your voice- into a softer, smoother version of how you normally talked. This always happened when you were intimidated by the person standing in front of you.
“I have been looking for someone who could help me with this concept that is completely out of my league. But considering the things that are at stake, I was hoping you could help me.”
You looked in his direction, confused. More than that, you were frustrated, wondering where the campus guards were.
“I am talking about healing and meditation studies. A few kids who are visiting Europe on a foreign exchange program have shown some interest in getting certified in the course. And I heard you have some sort of experience with that thing.”
The man smiled, this time, his lips extended a bit more while his eyes still stayed grey. Your entire body feel a cold jitter all at once. His eyes. There was just something unsettling about them. Like they were looking right through your clothes, skin, flesh, and bones. 
“Oh! I’m sorry sir. I taught last semester and that was that. I no longer teach or practice it. But you can find teachers for the same more capable than me in the classes going on right now. In fact, the students can directly contact them. Their information is available on the university website.”
The man tilted his head a little as if he was questioning something you just stated.
“Really? You stopped teaching the course? But why? I met some of your students and they gave me really amazing reviews regarding your teaching methods.”
You felt drops of sweat trickle down your back. For a few seconds there, all you did was just blink and feel the fierceness of your heart trying to rise up a little. Finally, you gave a weak smile before answering. “It wasn’t suitable for me. I mean the timings and the hours I had to put in. It was sort of taking a toll on my health. So I don’t do it anymore. I don’t take classes. Neither do I freelance.”
The man was silent for a second while you felt her phone in her jacket. One wrong step and you were ready to press the button of wrath.
“So you’re telling me that healing and meditation took a toll on you.”
You let out one long tired sigh. Here we go. You’d heard that phrase before, more times than you could count.
“Yes, sir”, you muttered, your voice suddenly growing tired, “it does take a toll on you if you’re not careful.”
You wanted to take a look behind you to see if Harry was approaching but did not turn for the fear of the unknown now standing in front of you.
“Careful about what?”
“The things you work on, the ailments for example, who you work with, what energy you are going to work upon slash with,'' you stressed, though stressing as little as you could on the ‘energy’ bit.
“Oh! Like if someone was, say, in an accident, you wouldn’t treat them because that might take a toll on your health. So, you’d rather that person suffer than be treated by you.”
The statement took you by surprise. You had been thinking the man was a sceptical old pervert but here he was asking you questions a healer’s heckler noob does not play with so early.
“Excuse me?” you lost your voice a little. “Sir, it’s a lot more complica—”
The man looked away from you to take out a card from his jacket and hold it out for you to take.
“Why don’t you tell me all about it tomorrow at 8:15 am? Your ride’s here so let’s continue this tomorrow. I’m sure being a healer you have a good reason to not heal someone. Even a…” he paused, his dead eyes looking straight into yours, “loved one.”
And suddenly you were not standing in the parking lot anymore. The dead eyes stayed there with you as everything around you seemed to fade into the distance. Only the eyes, your cold body sweating and a familiar old voice shouting out for you from somewhere far away were present in the void.
You could almost recognize that faint noise accompanying it. A fade white noise was what it seemed to be initially. A part of your mind tried to filter out where exactly where it was coming from. 
It grew closer but now it was somewhat different. You thought you heard someone scream somewhere in the distance.
“Keosha!” Harry shook your arm.
You jumped back into reality, nearly a feet away from Harry’s grasp.
“Hey! Daydreamer!” He called out for you, taking one careful step towards you so as not to scare you away again. “You okay? Where did you go?”
You supported yourself on Bunny. Harry noticed the slow blinks, realising you had been living through some part of your wayward imagination that was not a pleasant one. So, he did what he always did during such times. Rubbing your back to soothe you before taking you in a light embrace.
Your heart was comforted by Harry’s presence, thanking him repeatedly for being there. Your mind was all over the place, looking around you for the cause of this sudden crack inside your mind. The old man was gone.
“Sorry I just got lost in…something. Should we go? We should go.”
Your body worked on its own, getting into the car, closing the door, putting on a radio station to drown out the echo of words left behind.
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im-robins-bitch · 5 years
Yours | sugardaddy!ash 
warnings: implied smut, almost smut, this is sugar daddy ash so 18+ pls
words: 3.6k
this is my first time writing anything like this so feedback is appreciated
Ashton had a soft grip on your butt, holding you in place against his chest. He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead as you wove your fingers through his light chest hair. “Do you want me to get you anything after work doll?” Ashton hummed, making his chest rumble and you nuzzle your head against his shoulder releasing soon you were going to have to shake out of your post-sex haze. 
“Mmm...i can’t think of anything” You sighed, watching the way his chest rose and fell with his every breath. The sun was peeking through the curtains, casting a little light into his shadowed bedroom. 
“That’s unusual?” Ashton chuckled, “sure you don’t have a fever?” He said, pressing his hand against your forehead. 
“Ashton!” You giggled, batting his hand away, “I just haven't seen anything I want is all…” You thought back, trying to even think of the last time you went into town for anything but food, to conjure up the memories of the lively store windows lining the streets of LA. 
“How about I surprise you then,” He suggested. You didn’t reply, starting to pull yourself out of his silk sheets and warm embrace. 
“I should get going, I’m meeting some of my friends.” You shuffled out of bed, your toes digging into a familiar plush rug. You slowly made your way around his room collecting your clothes ignoring Ashton’s obvious staring as you bent down to pick each item up, wiggling your bum at him as you pulled your panties back up your legs, rolling your eyes at the small rip down one of the sides. 
“Are you sure you can’t stay just a bit longer?” Ashton whined, he had pulled himself into the sitting position but he still refused to leave the comfort that his large bed provided. 
“You have to get the studio” You reminded running your hands through your hair, trying to calm down the ball of frizz your hair had turned into. You turned to Ashton again, a smile dancing on your lips when you saw the sad pout on his face and his dramatic glare at the alarm clock.
“Bye daddy” You sang, grabbing your phone from the nightstand pressing a kiss to his lips. 
He shook his head, trying to suppress a smile “stop calling me that,”
“That isn’t what you were saying a few minutes ago” You grinned, giving him one more lingering kiss to the cheek. 
You wished you had stayed a little longer with Ashton.
 ou hadn’t been surprised when your friends turned up late, they usually did, but while Jay was spitting apologize and offers to buy you your drink, Corrina showed up as cheerful as ever in her signature cat eye sunglasses and red fur coat laughing at your annoyance “Babe, you should know we’re gonna be late by now, just come later or don’t complain” She was joking, mostly, but you couldn’t help but suck on your teeth. 
“I was going to, but I remembered the one time I came late and you didn’t and I had to spend the whole time making it up to you while you gave me the silent treatment” You grumped, crossing your arms and sinking further back into your seat. She only rolled her eyes, shaking her hand at you. 
“Because you’re never late, always such a good girl.” She teased making your cheeks turn crimson. Your mind couldn’t help but wander to last night, chills going up your spine as you recalled Ashton in your ear calling you the exact same thing over and over like a prayer. 
“How are the holiday's plans going?” You asked Jay trying to get the memory out of your head.
“Amazing, so we have 3 different countries planned, but we’re hoping to have more. Imagine, me, backpacking across the globe, Rob is so amazing did you know he’s done this two times already!” Jay rambled his head resting on Corrina’s shoulder as he dreamily stared at the muffins.
“He probably with his last two boyfriends.” Corinna laughed, “If you come back with dreads I won't forgive you.” Her laughter died as she hit the front of the counter, giving the barista a bright smile as she listed off all three of your orders. You bit back a smile, knowing this was her way of making up for being late although if you pointed it out she would deny it. 
“How about you?” Jay asked, “Have you managed to scrape together any holiday plans?” 
“Oh, yeah i sorta, figured something out.” You mumbled, chipping away at the nail varnish on your thumb. “I’m going to seoul…” 
“What?” Corinna said, spinning around to face you again, lowering her glasses down her nose. “Last week you said you couldn’t even afford a day trip to florida?”
“Corrina!” Jay scolded
“Who are you even going with?” She questioned, “cause no offence but aren't me and jay your only friends.”
“None taken.” you muttered, “I’m going with Ash, he offered and since it’s my dre-”
“You’re still doing that??” Corrina exclaimed, almost knocking out the barrister when he called her name. “I thought that was a joke? Is that actually how you got the money to go to italy with us?” 
You looked away from her, deciding to look for a free table instead. 
“Wasn’t that two years ago?” Jay asked. You shook your head, surely it hadn’t already been two years since you and Ashon began you started counting the months on your fingers, eyes growing wide when you realised it was true. “Wish my boyfriend would buy me things..” Jay sulked. 
Corinna rolled her eyes “What’s the point in having a boyfriend if he doesn't buy you anything. That’s all boys are good for, and they aint even good for that, my girlfriend buys me things all the time, she even lets me borrow her clothes.” Corinna boasted a proud smile on her face as she played with the ring on her finger. “and she’s not old.” She grinned looking at you like the Cheshire cat “But i suppose some people have to settle for a boyfriend who’s older than the earth itself”
“he’s not my boyfriend and he’s not old.” You pouted, the three of you spotted a table and sunk into the booth, you sitting in the middle of the sofa on your own not feeling like dealing with Corinna’s malting fur today.
“Isn’t it kinda gross though,?” Corrina pondered her eyes lighting up with mischief. “And wrinkly?” She giggled, making Jay snort in response.  
“I just said he’s not old, and he’s actually-”
“Oh god, Jay she’s starting to get a taste for old men.” 
“For the last time he is not-”
“I know! how about we set you up on a date? what was it you said again- oh yeah someone who could snap you in half that was it right” Jay suggested, as corrina laughed at your description of your type. “I think I know a guy we could even set it up for tomorrow”
“Not happening,” You said chipping  at your nail polish again looking down at the table, a light blush on your face. “I just-”
“Come on, you said it yourself, he’s not your boyfriend, he’s probably hooking up with old ladies all the time, one date can’t hurt,” Corrina said, putting her hands together, giving you the best puppy dog eyes she could muster while Jay looked up at you with fluttering lashes and an oversized pout.
The idea of going on a date made your stomach twist in knots, you had always hated dates, nervous beyond repair with new people. You had no desire to be with anyone at the moment, you had Ashton you didn’t need a boyfriend. You opened your mouth about to refuse when you suddenly you pictured Ashton out on a date, a girl running her hands through his dark red hair, you had seen them, in magazines. Pictures of him in clubs surrounded by pretty girls sometimes they made you wonder. 
Suddenly you heard Corrina and Jay screaming in delight, talking about planning outfits and how much fun you were going to have and you released you had agreed to go on a date. You were about to tell them you changed your mind when Corinna looked at you with a bright smile “You know what this means, we get to go shopping!” She squealed. You bit down on your straw taking a long sip of ice tea. Maybe it wouldn’t be too bad. 
You got back home, expecting only to see Maurice curled up on the sofa napping away the day like he always did but instead, you were greeted by Ash, pulling you through your door by your hips, pressing a needy kiss to your lips. You put your hands on his chest pushing him away “what are you doing here? How did you even get in?” You asked, dropping your bag to the floor. 
“You left your door unlocked, you really shouldn’t do that doll.” He scolded, nipping at your neck. You bit your lip, you had been in such a rush to see him last night you had completely forgotten “And I remember telling you this morning that I would surprise you” 
You grinned, kissing him and grabbing at his shirt, pulling him further into the living room. “Well consider me surprised” You rubbed your nose against his jaw before going forward to kiss him again, but he only moved further away from you a smirk on his face. 
“ ‘fraid this isn’t the surprise Doll.” He smiled, grabbing your hands and tugging you through the living room and up the stairs towards the direction of your bedroom “Although I suppose it’s more of a present for Maurice” You raised your eyebrow giggling when he covered your eyes with his hand. 
“It better not be a new mattress, I know you hate mine, but i like the springs” You hummed, trying not to trip over the familiar bump in your bedroom carpet.
“No doll it’s not a new mattress,” Ashton’s other hand was still holding onto yours and he gave it a squeeze when he finally uncovered your eyes. 
Your eyes scanned around the room when you noticed in the corner of the room was a tall cat tower, shaped exactly like Sleeping Beauty's castle. Your eyes started to water as you rushed towards it, your fingers dancing across the roof. “Where did you get this? I’ve been dreaming of this my entire life” You gushed the familiar castle filling your heart with warmth and nostalgia.
Ashton grinned, crouching down with you throwing his arm over your shoulder squeezing you tight. “I had it made for you, I remembered you talking about it and so-” He was cut off when your body slammed into his, sending him crashing to the floor as you hugged him tightly, covering his face in kisses “thank you, thank you, thank you.” You chanted between kisses. He laughed, wrapping his arms around you. 
“Welcome baby” He hummed, he cupped his hands around your face staring deep into your eyes moving to kiss you when your cat jumped onto your head and then to his new castle making you headbutt Ashton. 
You both groaned, grabbing your heads in unison. “Are you ok?” Ashton asked. 
You nodded “are you?” 
Ashton smiled “I think you might need to kiss it better.” You laughed before planting a loud kiss against his forehead. “Still hurts a little I think I need one more.” You kissed him again more softly this time.
You sat up, resting against his large thighs. His hazel eyes sparkled with mischief.  He flexed his thigh making you squirm in shock when you got an idea. You wiggled against his lap, shifting when he sat up as well, wrapping your arms around his neck threading your fingers into his hair, tugging on it slightly. “Doll?” 
You hummed in response, rolling your hips against his thighs, tugging his hair a little harder this time. 
“Baby?” He said again, his hand grasping your cheek pulling you to look at him, a teasing smile tugging at your lips. 
“Yeah?” You replied, innocently batting your lashes. “Do you need anything?” 
“You know exactly what I need baby.” He growled, his grip on you tightening making your thighs clench. 
Your hands uncurled from his neck, trailing down his sides to rest at the waistband of his jeans. Your fingers trailed across the waistband, before landing on his belt. You looked up at Ashton asking for permission when he nodded and your hands grappled with his belt buckle sighing with relief when you finally pulled his belt off, throwing it across the room. 
You pulled down his zipper tugging his pants down his thighs. His hands snaked to your hips and he attached his lips to your neck, undoing your pants with ease, dragging them down your legs letting you kick them off. You let out a whimper when he bit down on your sweet spot. He grabbed your ass dragging you closer on his lap squeezing hard. 
“A-Ash.” stuttered, as his hand smacked against your ass thrusting you forward. 
“Such a good girl for me.” He mumbled against your skin. He dragged his hands up your side only to bring them back down to hook his fingers around the waistband of your panties, slowly dragging them. “Did i rip these doll? Gotta get you something new.” 
Your eyes widened, pulling away from his touch. “I-I-I just remembered I need to go and do something.” You sputtered, pulling your panties back up your legs. You looked into his eyes, remembering the girls from the magazines all over him, picturing him running his hands up their bodies, kissing their lips.
“What? Go where?” He questioned watching you put on your jeans for the second time today. 
“Jay’s I was gonna stay at his today, we’re having a film night” You dashed out your bedroom when Ashton's hand wrapped around your wrist. 
“Y/N, are you ok? I haven't done something have I?”
“I’m fine, you’re fine, it’s all fine, I’m watching films ok.” You explained, your words coming out a mile a minute. You wiggled out of his grasp running down the stairs to the living room. 
“Baby!” Ashton yelled, sighing when you didn’t stop. “Baby!” He huffed, finally catching up to you at the front door while you were trying to your shoes back on. “Look, Y/N if you don’t want to do this anymore I understand, I know-”
“Do you not want to do this anymore Ash? Because it sounds like that's what you want me to say? I know you see other girls-” 
“Y/N what are you talking about-” 
You huffed, cutting him of not liking the direction of this conversation. You darted out the front door slammed the door, hoping Jay would be cool with your impromptu movie night trying to ignore the uneasiness crawling up your throat. 
Your date was going awful.
At first you were quite hopeful, he was the type of guy that used to send to your knees. Broad shoulders, big hands and a nice smile, but your wheelie bin had more personality than he did.  You assumed he must have been shy at first, but when he got the waiter's attention by snapping his fingers at them you knew this was going to be a long night. 
You leaned back in your chair, picking at the stiff fabric of your dress. Deciding not to wear anything Ashton had bought for you had been a struggle as he had somehow managed to fill up the entire contents of your wardrobe, leaving you with a stiff black dress you had worn once to a job interview.
Just as he began to raise his hand to ask, well click, for the cheque you noticed a waiter close to you and asked for dessert, the only redeeming feature of this restaurant was the chocolate orange brownies and you were determined to enjoy something today. Your date sighed in response, but you were over caring about his feelings when his responses had evolved from yeahs to the occasional hum.
The silence between the two of you was becoming unbearable and you were about to try and start a futile conversation again when a group of four rowdy guys came in, laughing with each other. You felt the atmosphere of the room instantly lifted when you heard a familiar giggle. 
Your heart began beating out of your chest when you turned and spotted a familiar head of red hair. You tried to shrink in your chair, pulling up the menu and propping it up on the table trying to cover your face. Suddenly you felt awful, picturing him yesterday when you ran out on him and now you were on a date. You shook it off reminding yourself that you weren't together, he had explained it himself when you first started your relationship. As long as you told him you were seeing someone else he wouldn’t mind...you hadn’t told him. 
“One brownie,” The waiter announced, placing the plate down in-between you and your date. 
“Thanks,” You smiled tugging the plate towards yourself. You looked over at Ashton, almost hoping he had noticed you, but of course, he hadn’t. You felt your jealousy creep up behind you again, he never said that he had to tell you, what was stopping him from doing this same thing, after all, you were doing it. 
You looked from your plate of brownies to your shit date. You remembered when Ashton had brought you some of these because he knew you would like them, you wished you were here with Ashton, you wished you were home with Ashton cuddled up in bed, you wished you had never gone on this stupid date. Never argued with him this morning just because you were jealous. you felt your eyes begin to sting and before you could help it you were crying your tears dripping onto your brownie diluting the thick chocolate sauce.
Your date looked shocked, his mouth opening and closing like a goldfish before he raised his and started clicking. “We’d like the cheque please.” He grumbled. The waiters rushed over, rolling their eyes.  
“It’s already been paid, sir,” 
“What? By who?” Your date questioned while you continued to sob into your plate. 
“That gentleman over there.” The waiter explained, pointing over at your red-haired lover. Making you cry even louder as he asked you if you wanted your brownies to go. 
It felt like Deja Vu as you walked through your door two days later, Ashton standing in your living-room countless shopping bags swinging from his arms. “Ash?”
“Doll! You’re home!” Ashton greeted, holding his arms wide, trying to embrace you but being held back by the bags hitting against you. “Oops.” He smiled dropping the bags to the floor and going to embrace you again this time succeeding. You cherished the moment, wrapping your arms around him taking in his scent. 
“I missed you,” You mumbled, nuzzling your face into his chest. 
“It’s been two days baby, how can you miss me already.” He laughed. You shook your head, pressing a kiss to his chest. “Ok, ok, how about you open your presents.” 
You whined, holding onto him tighter, refusing to let go. 
“Babbby.” Ashton scolded.
“Daddddyy,” You countered making him shake his head and wrangle himself out of your grip. 
“I told you not to call me that,” He said trying not to smile. He sat down on your sofa, pulling you onto his thigh, he wrapped his arms around your waist making you relax against him. “Ok come on baby, how about you open something?” 
You sighed, turning to face him. You cupped your hands around his face, your eyes scanning over his every feature, your thumb rubbing against his cheek. You tried to remember everything, the curve of his nose, the curl of his smile, the exact shade of hazel that made you fall in love with his eyes. You brought your lips together, memorising the feeling of his lips against yours, you nipped at his lips, begging for entrance. When the two of you kissed it felt like two waves crashing into each other. You only pulled away when you had to your body desperate for air. 
You took a deep breath “Ashton I don’t want to be your sugar baby anymore.” 
The smile fell from his lips, his mouth curving into a frown. His hands barely holding onto your waist. “I-you-we-...” He was speechless his eyes growing dull, beginning to sting.
“I don’t want you to buy me anything anymore, I don’t need extravagant gifts, I don’t need any gifts.”
“I-” He interrupted only to be cut off. 
“I just need you.”
Tears dripped down Ashton’s cheeks as his mind tried to process what you said,  “Just me?” He whispered, his lips ghosting yours. You pressed your lips to his so hard you knew they were going to bruise. 
“Just you.” You confirmed. His arms were tight around your waist as he pulled you both off the sofa, swinging you around making you squeal as your legs flailed out. “You don’t mind?” 
“MIND? I’ve never wanted anything more.” He sniffed, “Fucking hell baby, I thought I was about to lose you, why would you word it like that?” 
“Hey, i thought i was gonna lose you too!” You scowled, pecking him on the lips.
“Baby, I love you more than anything how could you ever think I would let you get away.” He croaked. 
“You love me?” 
“Was it not obvious? I built your cat a fucking castle,” Ashton giggled.
You pecked his lips again. “I love you too,” and again “so” and again “so” and again “much”
“Be mine? properly this time.” He asked, his eyes staring deep into yours, his breath panting against your lips. 
“I’ve always been yours”
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Two Hundred Ninety-Five: Out to Dinner ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Hyūga Hiashi, Hyūga Hanabi ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
Well...today’s the day.
And he has...no idea what he’s supposed to do.
They arrange to meet in the early afternoon, Hinata promising her father she’d use the morning to tend to some of her homework before taking the rest of the day off. Hiashi agreed, and so Sasuke arrives at her house at about two in the afternoon. And even after several hours to sit and think about it, he still has little to go on in regards to what a date is really...supposed to be. A few minutes are spent sat in the car, nibbling his lip in thought.
...now or never.
Getting out of the driver’s side, he gives the house a once-over. It’s a two story white craftsman, on a large corner lot with a sizeable, well-kept yard. All it needs is a picket fence and you’d see it in one of those magazines housewives are always drooling over. He’d know: Mikoto always has one lying around someplace, dreaming of remodeling their house.
Walking up the path to the front door, he gives the bell a ring. He texted Hinata five minutes before he arrived, but...well, he’s expecting someone else to answer the door.
And it turns out, he’s right.
Hiashi is who pulls it open, beholding Sasuke properly for the first time. Sasuke, in turn, does his best to stand in some manner that doesn’t look forced, but not too relaxed, either.
“You must be Sasuke,” the Hyūga muses.
“Yes, sir.”
“...you needn’t call me sir. Mister Hyūga is polite enough.”
“Er...right. Is, uh...is Hinata ready…?”
“I believe she is finishing up. You may come in to wait, if you wish.”
“...thanks.” Stepping in to a tiled entryway, Sasuke just sort of...lingers, not daring to get his shoes on any carpet. The interior, like the exterior, is mostly white: everything is greyscale, light and airy. It’s...probably the nicest house he’s ever been in. His own is nothing to sneeze at, but...wow. This place is nice.
Hands in his pockets, he watches as Hiashi retreats out of sight. Well...so much for making small talk. But maybe he’s glad for it, honestly. They haven’t exactly gotten off to a good start…hopefully Hinata won’t take too much longer.
But before she comes downstairs, another person walks past: her little sister, Hanabi, who Sasuke has heard...very little about. Looking very much like her father with the same face shape and hair shade, she pauses as she catches sight of him.
...there’s an awkward moment of staring.
“...you Hinata’s boyfriend?” she asks, speaking past a stick of pocky in her mouth.
“Uh...yeah. That’s me.”
“...you’re hotter than I thought you’d be.”
As Sasuke balks, she breaks into a laugh, waving a hand and continuing on through the house.
...what was that?!
It’s then Hinata comes down the stairs, slowing to a stop as she catches his expression. “...are you okay?”
“...yeah. Just...met your sister.”
Understanding seems to brighten her face. “Oh...that explains it. She say anything...weird?”
“...she thinks I’m hot.”
She can’t stop a snort. “Yeah, that’s...Hanabi for you. She’s in that weird eighth grader stage.”
From another room, the younger sister calls, “I HEARD THAT!”
Hinata just rolls her eyes. “Ready to go?”
“I think so.”
“Okay...let me go say goodbye to my dad, then we can head out!”
“No need.”
Hiashi then rounds the corner, Hinata looking a bit surprised. “Oh! Well...Dad, this is Sasuke, Sasuke...this is my dad, Hiashi.”
“We had a...brief introduction when he arrived,” the patriarch assures her. “So, I suppose this is where I set the boundaries? Home by ten, and do call if you have any major changes in plans. Which...would be?”
“Uh...thought we’d go hang out at the mall, maybe catch a movie and some dinner…?” Sasuke shrugs.
Amusement flickers Hiashi’s lips for just a moment. “Agreeable. Do be careful, Hinata.”
“I will. See you when I get back.”
The teens then make their way back outside and into Mikoto’s SUV. As Sasuke does up his seatbelt, he mumbles, “...that was the most awkward introduction I’ve ever had in my life.”
Hinata can’t help a giggle. “I’m sorry...m-my dad’s really...stiff. He’s too serious, but...he tries.”
“He didn’t hate me?”
“If he hated you, we wouldn’t be in the car right now.”
“...okay then. So, uh...mall sound good to you? I...really have no idea what else to do. It’s where I go to bum around with Naruto most of the time.”
“Sure! In all honesty...I don’t even know what movies are playing right now…”
“Then we’ll both be surprised.” Backing from the driveway, Sasuke steers the car toward downtown, the mall soon looming before them. Once parked in the garage, they head up into the building proper. “Got any favorite places to browse?”
“A few, but...they’re mostly for clothes. I don’t want to b-bore you.”
“I don’t mind.”
“Um...there’s also a neat bookstore, with board games and stuff?”
“I think I know that one...should we start there?”
They mosey, taking their time and window shopping on the way. Sasuke very rarely goes in most of the shops in the mall, preferring to just walk around and people watch, maybe peruse things in the displays. His allowance pays okay, but he prefers to save and splurge on stuff for his PC or games for his Playstation.
The bookstore is pretty busy, filled mostly with younger kids. But that doesn’t stop Hinata from looking over their puzzles and books, Sasuke observing a model train do its laps alongside a few tykes.
Without him looking, Hinata takes a small video of it, smiling behind her phone.
In the end she buys a few new books, Sasuke finding an old school PC game he used to play in elementary school to splurge on. Sheepishly explaining the educational title to her, he glances over as she giggles.
“I remember that one! It was on the computers in the library!”
“Yeah! I didn’t think you could find it anymore...maybe it won’t even play on my computer, but it was only ten bucks...might as well try.”
From there, they go to the in-mall cinema, picking a movie at random based on the posters. It’s a comedy, the pair sharing some overpriced candy and popcorn. Sasuke quickly grows a bit bored, but gets a kick out of Hinata paying rapt attention and laughing every few seconds.
...she’s so cute.
After that, they wander a little longer, Hinata dragging him into a rather...eclectic place with weird clothes, crystals, incense, and fancy glass sculptures.
“Oh, wow...look at that one!” Hinata points to a lion posed atop a rock. “It’s so pretty…!”
“You like lions?”
“I was...a big Lion King fan as a kid.”
“Mhm!” She gives him a glance. “What about you?”
“Everyone has the Disney movie from when they were a kid. What was yours?”
“Actually, it was uh...The Black Cauldron.”
“Really?! That one was so scary!”
“Yeah, that’s why I liked it! No one else really seemed to, though...my brother was all about Hercules.”
“Aww, I love that one…”
“...you gonna buy that, then?”
“Oh gosh, no...it’s way too expensive.”
“...what if I go in half?”
“Sasuke, no!”
“You want it, don’t you?”
“W-well, yeah! But -?”
“I’ll pay half.”
Torn between stubborn refusal and longing, she bites her lip before giving in. “...oh, okay! But I owe you.”
“Whatever you say.”
Once the fragile artwork is carefully wrapped and put in a box, the pair make their way to the few restaurants on the main floor. “What sounds good?”
“Anything, really...that popcorn didn’t fill me up at all!”
They head into a grill, ordering and chatting as they wait.
“Are you nervous about state?”
“...yeah, kinda. Mostly I’m just psyched we’re going, but...now that we’re going? I wanna go all the way.”
“I bet you will.”
“I dunno...there’s a lot of good teams. But we’ll sure try.”
“I’ll be there to cheer you on, okay? Sakura said she’d go with me, since she and Naruto finally g-got together.”
Sasuke pauses for a moment. “...that doesn’t bother you?”
“...should it?”
“You liked him for a long time.”
“...well, I’m not what he wanted. And that’s okay.” She gives him a shy smile. “...and you liked me for a long time, so...m-maybe it’s only fair.”
“Is that why you asked me out?”
“No! Well...maybe partially. But also because I like you, and...I w-want to give this a try.” After a small hesitation, she puts a hand atop his own on the table, earning a small blush.
After going out for dinner (and Hinata indulging in dessert, which Sasuke skips with his lack of a sweet tooth), they wander a little longer to let their meals settle. Then back to the car they head, both clearly disappointed the evening is almost over.
“...well, did you have fun?” he asks, maneuvering out of the garage.
“I did...a lot, actually. And thank you again for the lion...I am going to pay you back for that!”
“You can try,” he teases.
Pulling along the curb at her house, Sasuke walks her up to the door, hands in his pockets as she carries her few bags from her shopping.
“...thank you for taking me,” she eventually offers as they idle.
“Yeah, well...thanks for asking me,” Sasuke counters with a hint of a grin. “...it was really nice.”
“Would you...w-want to do it again sometime? Well...maybe something different, I mean, but another...d-date?”
“...I think I would. We’ll, uh...plan a bit more next time.”
Hinata giggles. “...okay.”
...another silence blooms.
“...well...I better get inside…”
“Yeah, I gotta get home, too.”
“Text me when you get home, so...I know you made it okay?”
After another pause, Hinata hesitates for a moment before swooping forward atop the step. Lips give a press to Sasuke’s cheek, which quickly blooms red. “...goodnight.”
“...night,” he manages to reply, watching her head in. Blinking a few times, he then dares to grin, walking on air to the car.
...maybe this whole date thing isn’t so bad.
     (This is a sequel to days 149, 168, 183, 271, 287, and 294!)      hhhhh I have an early morning tomorrow and now it's 2am BUT I GOT THIS DONE xD More of the sports verse: they're on a date! Finally! And neither of them know what they're doing, lol - but at least they had fun x3      Anyway I REALLY gotta go, so...thanks for reading!
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So this idea came to me while RPing and it wouldn’t leave me alone. Because of the military, Steve takes quick showers. Even though he’s no longer an active SEAL, that habit is just one of the things that stuck....until he and Danny began dating. Yeah, he’s still very action-packed, acts first and thinks later, it’s the Classic Steve TM. But he’s changed. At first, he’s a bit bummed because he thinks he’s getting old and that’s his body retaliating or whatever. He gets really bummed...until one night after making love, that it dawns on him. 
Yeah after some really brutal case where he and his team nearly don’t make it, he and Danny straight out fuck. It’s passionate, it’s intense, it’s primal. All the fear and worry and anxiety gets let out. And to be honest, that was the sort of sex Steve was used to. Clock in, clock out, a celebration of kicking today’s ass and being able to live another day. 
Then there are the days when he and Danny make love. They take their time, they worship each other’s bodies. The whole universe melts away and the only thing that exists at that moment is them. It narrows down to just them and Steve has never felt a stronger bond. It scares him, the intensity...but it also gives him this warmth to his soul that no one ever has before. And in those moments of the aftermath, when he’s spent and feels boneless...Danny curled up next to him, no space between them, Danny’s breathing letting him know he’s asleep and lulling him into an even more peaceful night...it dawn’s on him that it’s nothing to do with age, but with Danny.  
With Danny, he’s allowed himself to sleep in and not feel guilty about ‘wasting’ hours that could be spent doing something ‘productive’. He could lay in bed, holding and watching over Danny, listening to the birds chirp outside, watching and feeling as the sun rises higher and higher until Danny awakens naturally on their days off. 
With Danny, he’s allowed himself to have that extra serving and it had nothing to do with it being fuel for his body but the mere fact that it’s fucking delicious and he loves it and Danny thinks he deserves it.  
Small ficlet: 
After a case where they saved the child of a hotel owner, they’re given a free weekend pass to one of the suites. Steve takes up the offer and lands them the honeymoon suite. He and Danny share a bit of an awkward moment when they realized that they are dating and maybe should be considering marriage? But it passes because it’s a weekend ‘away’ when they’re not supposed to be stressed about anything. 
They dine in the hotel’s lavish restaurant and get to act all couply. They make their way upstairs unable to keep their hands off of each other like a pair of lovestruck teenagers. They make love on some of the most comfortable sheets Steve’s ever laid in. 
The next day when he wakes up he sees Danny in a bathrobe and he raises an eyebrow, “You know we’re alone, right?”
“I know. But these are so damn fluffy. It’s like being wrapped up in a cloud.” 
Steve smiles before he asks, “Is that the water running?”
“Yeah, I’m running a bath. Since we got the honeymoon suite they got a big ass tub. Don’t judge me okay? But after that case, I think I need it.” 
“You deserve it,” Steve said, surprising Danny a bit. Steve’s never seen the points in baths. Danny jots it down to one of his military things that will just forever be a Steve thing. 
“Where are you going?” Danny asked as Steve headed to the bathroom. 
“To the bathtub.” At Danny’s stare, he clarified. “It’s a honeymoon suite, babe...it’s made for two.”
“You’re...joining me?”
Danny was gonna argue but decided against it. He just went along with it. He decided to grab one of the champagne bottles from the fridge and two flutes before making his way to the bathroom. Seeing Steve in a bubble bath should be insanely hilarious for some reason, but it was way more of a turn on. Danny popped open the bottle and served them before stripping himself of the robe and joining Steve. 
Steve leaned back and Danny settled between his legs. They clinked their glasses and sipped their champagne between kisses and caresses. 
It turned into another quiet, reflective moment for Steve. Danny resting against him, feeling safe and comfortable in his hold. Trusting and loving Steve with everything he had, even when they weren’t in danger. If anyone would have told him he’d be a bath lover a few years ago, he would have either laughed or punched them. But now, as he laid here with Danny...it made sense. 
“This is nice...” he commented. 
“Mmm...it is. I know you’re not really a bath guy but thanks. I really am enjoying you like this.” 
“It’s not gonna be an everyday thing. But every once in a while...we can indulge.” 
“Really?” Danny asked, teasing disbelief in his voice. 
“Yes really,” Steve told him as he pressed a kiss to the side of his head. “I...I’m happy Danny.”
Danny smiled, “Good. I mean, considering how much drunk us ate from the minibar last night, I sure hope you’re happy. I don’t think that was included in our guest package.” 
Steve chuckled but corrected himself. “No, I mean...for the longest time I’ve been...content. I’ve been okay. Or told myself I was because what other choice did I have? I’ve been luckier than most. I came back from many tours. I’ve come back from many kidnappings, most of them thanks to you...but for a very long time that was who I was. Just another SEAL.”
“You rose to Commander. Had a lot of feats. Many honors, babe.” Danny tried to make Steve feel better, thinking that Steve was upset about his life choices. 
“I know. And I am proud of that, don’t get me wrong. I’ve very proud. But after service...it’s kinda hard coming back, ya know? In the field a lot of it just disappears and it’s about the then and there. But here, on the island, with the team...there’s more than the case, ya know? It’s the people. And...it’s not just about being practical. I can indulge. I can splurge. I can be happy...and really, it’s all thanks to you.”
Steve cupped his cheek and pulled him in for a kiss. Danny craned his neck as best as he could before he decided to just turn around complete and saddle Steve. They kissed again, properly but gently. It was slow, pure, and full of love. When they pulled back, Steve was staring at Danny with all his love and devotion. 
“You. You make me want to keep protecting you and the world...to keep my military side. But you also pull me away just enough to be just the man I am inside and enjoy the life I’m protecting. You let me be more than content...you let me be happy. And I am. I’m happy, Danny...and I’m happiest when I’m with you.”
Danny choked up a bit and playfully slapped Steve’s shoulder, “You jerk..you’re gonna make me cry.”
Steve smiled as he grabbed Danny’s hand, kissed it, and then interlocked their fingers. “I think we should come back here next year.” 
“Mmhmm...yeah. But next time...let’s have this room serve its purpose.”
It took Danny a moment for him to realize what Steve meant. “Are you...did you..?”
“Danny Williams...will you marry me?”
“Fuck yeah!” 
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softforcal · 5 years
What about like ravenclaw!reader gets asked by a professor to tutor slytherin!michael since he’s failing and Mike is 100% sure that like the reader is a stick in the mud but then he learns that they pulled like an amazing prank on Filch and suddenly he’s very intrigued by them since they have a goody goody exterior?
-okay, so Michael has noticed you because you are a complete teachers pet
-we’re talking Teachers straight up call you by your first name and are always calling on you in class and telling you how they ‘adored your last essay’ or how ‘your potion is absolutely perfect’
-he has a bit of resentment because of that
-and when a prof tells him that he needs a tutor he fucking knows who his tutor is going to be
-he trudges into the library and finds you sitting there and just collapses into the seat next to you like “lets get this fucking over with.”
-meanwhile you’re kinda like fuck the profs for sticking me with this dumb ass
-like. it feels like they’re punishing you and you’re kinda ticked off about it
-i mean, the Slytherin is cute but he’s always dicking around and distracted in classes so you’re not surprised he isn’t doing well
-and his hair changes colour with mood but part of you has always guessed that thats a complete lie and he can change it at will
-its a dull, bored grey as you begin explaining the homework
-he groans and rolls his eyes and crosses his arms over his chest like such a little brat and you’re just like fuck my life
-”can you not make your hair grey right now. like, do you have the capacity to even pretend to want to pass this class?” you snap
-his eyes meet yours, “i can’t control my hair colour.” he states.
-now it’s your turn to roll your eyes, “we both know that’s not true Clifford. now. since i’m being so kind as to tutor you, i’m thinking maybe a nice royal blue colour to go with my robes. or do you want to fail this test?”
-he’s kinda shook because you’re already being more sassy than he expected
-tbh he kind of thought he’d just show up and annoy you into forcing the teachers to let you not tutor him
-he groans as his hair flares a nice blue, “fine. happy Princess?”
-”yes.” you snap back.
-an hour in you’re only half way done the questions and you sigh, looking at the time, “i’ll be right back. don’t move.”
-he watches you leave and decides to follow you because if there’s one thing Michael can pick up on it’s mischief and he’s getting weird mischief vibes from you which makes zero sense but his mischief-dar has never been off
-you go to a janitor closet in the library and whisper a spell under your breath that Michael can’t hear from where he’s standing behind a book shelf
-when turn around it looks like you’re going back to the study table so Michael rushes back so he’s there when you return
-you have a bottle of water in your hands and as you’re walking you trip a little and the water gets all over the ground, “shit, i gotta get Filch.” you say, leaving again only to return with Filch who is being a complete ass to you
-Michael is watching the whole thing and not knowing what’s happening
-you sit down and Filch comes back with the mop
-he sets it in the water to mop it up but all it seems to be doing is moving the water around
-in fact, it looks like there’s more water than when he began mopping
-Filch is sputtering and cursing as he continues to try to mop up the ever growing spill
-Michael looks at Filch then to you as you try to hide your grin by looking down at your text book
-it clicks. you enchanted the mop. and Filch has no idea.
-Michael stiffles a laugh as Filch gives up and leaves
-”what did the guy do to deserve that?” Michael asks
-”i have no idea what you’re talking about. but if i did. i would say it might have something to do with him being an ass to first years.” you answer, flipping through your text book
-after that, Michael pays more attention to what you’re saying
-he ends up actually learning something? he’s shook
-he gets so into the work that he doesn’t even notice the two of you have been there for like three hours
-you finally sigh and close your book, “i have to go, but if you need more help i’ll be here the same time tomorrow.”
-”okay.” he says as you leave
-you don’t expect him to come the next day
-so when you show up and he’s there waiting, a book already open, you’re shocked
-he looks up when you approach and his hair flairs blue as he grins, “ready to study?”
-he can focus pretty well when he sets his mind to something and you finish all your homework super fast
-”why don’t you just pay attention in class? you’re not bad at this stuff.” you point out
-he shrugs, “teachers aren’t interesting.”
-”oh, but i am?” you laugh
-”after your stunt with Filch, fuck yeah.” he laughs
-you stand to go and as you’re leaving he calls “thank you!”
-you just smile and keep walking
-going to your class the next day and when class ends the teacher pulls you aside and is like “i don’t know what sort of potion you slipped to Mr. Clifford but whatever you’re doing is working.”
-practically every teacher pulls you aside and is just like what the fuck, some of them are actually concerned that you’ve bewitched him or something because the homework is in his writing and he definitely wrote it but… what the fuck
-showing up to the library and sitting down and just being like “the teachers think i bewitched you. you must have been a really shit student before they forced you to get a tutor.” and he just laughs cuz “you have no fucking idea.”
-so far it’s really only been you interacting with the Slytherin boy which you are more than fine with because Slytherins have bad reputations but Michael is actually decent
-he laughs and giggles so much part of you is like, why the fuck isnt this squish boy in Hufflepuff
-but then at the same time, he’s a mischievous little shit so you assume thats the main reason
-showing up to the library after class and almost bumping into Slytherin!Luke, “you’re Y/N right?” he asks, “you’re Michael’s tutor.”
-so this is a development. the fact that other Slytherins know who you are in relation to Michael is a bit unwanted but whatever
-”yeah. and?” you ask
-the tall blonde laughs, “just wanted to see if you’re as cute as he says.” your heart drops and Luke’s snakey grin widens, “you’re definitely Mikey’s type i’ll give you that much. well, if you ever decide to take that Ravenclaw stick out of your bum and do something about it, don’t hurt the guy alright?”
-”uh. okay.”
-he turns and leaves and you are standing there shook
-did a Slytherin seriously just come and, first: throw his best friend under the bus for being into you, and second: threaten you not to hurt him?
-so weird
-you go sit down and begin to study and Michael shows up later, he looks a little agitated as he sits across from you, fingers fussing with some of the bracelets he’s wearing, “hey uh… did Luke come talk to you?”
-”yup.” you answer, continuing to read your notes
-Michael’s fingers tap against the table, “uh… did he say anything weird?”
-you look up at the fidgety Slytherin boy and realize how anxious the little muffin is and your heart softens. his hair is a dark black colour and part of you wonders if when he’s really stressed he really can’t control it
-you think about what Luke said about pulling that stick out of your bum
-Michael is sweet. and you two have a good time together which is something you never thought you’d be saying about a Slytherin. and he’s super cute
-you close your book
-Michael watches, biting at his lip anxiously
-”he was a bit weird but that’s okay. i don’t have much homework today, want to go walk down to Honeydukes and maybe grab some sweets?” you ask.
-this lil squish is shook for a moment but grins and agrees, his hair turning blue again, as it always does when he’s around you
-”so what did Luke say… exactly?” Michael asks as the two of you are walking down
-you realize that he really is just a small anxious nugget and you have to tell him
-”he pretty much said that you like me and if I date you and hurt you, he’s going to be mad.” you answer.
-Michael stops walking, “he didn’t.” “he did.” “what the fuck.” “yeah, aren’t Slytherins supposed to be loyal to each other or something?” you laugh
-”when i see that fucker next time i swear i’m going to prank him so bad-”
-”you know, i think he was just looking out for you. plus, we’re here now.” you point out, lacing your fingers with his
-Michael laughs, looking down at your interlocked fingers “it’s funny, i’m the Slytherin here but you’re the one with all the power.”
-”is there something wrong with that?” you ask, becoming on guard for any sort of toxic masculinity red flags
-”not one bit.” he grins, using your hand to tug you to his chest as his arms wrap around you and he presses his lips to yours
-his tongue dances across your lips and his hand slides down to your ass, making you moan
-he grins into the kiss and when he finally pulls away you let out a laugh to collect yourself, “there’s the Slytherin i know.”
-his grin widens at your acceptance of his House and puts his arm over your shoulders as the two of you continue to walk to Honeydukes
-”you know, i think you shouldn’t be mad at Luke.” you point out, “he’s a Slytherin, he must have planned for this to work out.” “are you saying Luke actually successfully wing-manned me? that’s a first.”
-so you go get Honeydukes candy and walk around and talk and he’s super cute but still does little mischievous things like try to touch your bum or but his hand in your pocket which you’re cool with until you’re in places other people can see it
-walking back up to the castle
-”so we have that test next week we need to study for.” you state
-”okay Ms. L/N.” he grins cheekily
-you roll your eyes but say goodnight
-the air leaves your lungs as he presses you against a wall and kisses you, one hand on your hip and one in your hair
-when he pulls away and says goodnight he winks before leaving and you’re kinda shook
-next day in classes is normal, he sits in the back, you sit in the front
-you go to the library to study and he comes in and is somehow playing the song ‘Hot for teacher’ and proceeds to serenade you in the back of the library
-you’re his tutor but the thought is funny
-forcing him to settle down and study
-he refuses to study without a kiss
-rolling your eyes but accepting as his fingers tangle in your hair
-thanking god that your study area is in the back of the library where no one ever goes to
-his hand goes to your thigh and you realize you’re really starting to see the full force of what him being a Slytherin actually means
-it means he’s a horny kinky little shit is what it means
-he still manages to focus on homework which is pretty chill
-but he whines and pouts until you give him kisses when he finishes each question
-he’s just the cutest
-imagine him in a snap back too, like this boy is so gorgeous
-i don’t know where that came from and it’s not even connected to the HC. just. Michael in backwards snap backs and that eye brow piercing
-he’s a happy little bub
-but he’s getting so good at the classwork that you two are done pretty quick
-”you know we can hang out and go on dates that don’t include studying right?” you laugh. long pause, then: “riiiiiight.”
-he begins to tell you about all the pranks or mischievous things he has planned
-you point out small flaws in his plans or things he could do to make the prank better
-he melts over you
-”who would have known you have such a wild side.” he grins, nuzzling his face against you cheek while his arm goes around your shoulders
-he begins to implement your suggestions and its like the whole has a prank epidemic on their hands
-you two are a fucking menace
-but no one knows you’re together yet so people have no idea whats happening because all of the sudden the pranks are hard core and they’re like “this can’t be from Michael, he’s never gone this far before” because you and Mike are a pranking dream team
-about two weeks into you and him ‘dating’ he sits next to you in one of your classes, “i figure if i actually take notes in class, we can spend more time together not having to study.” he states
-and then. this boy. actually fucking takes notes.
-teachers are shook
-a few are even like, “Mr. Clifford you can return to your seat now that class is starting.” and he actually says “i think if i sit in the front i can take better notes.” and the teachers are blown away
-another full day of classes where teachers are pulling you aside like ‘what the fuck have you done to Michael’
-but he’s a determined Slytherin and his goal is time with you and the cute look of pride you get when he actually excels in school so it makes sense that he’s being this way
-Slughorn is the first teacher to piece it together. as a Slytherin himself he sees through you and Michael. he mentions it in the staff room and all the other teachers are shook that they didn’t figure it out first
-but then, they wish they didn’t fucking know, because suddenly they pay a lot of attention to where Michael’s hands are when he’s sitting next to you in class.
-so you two are being pretty low key about it
-and Michael is an announcer at the Quidditch games which is funny
-until one day you’re sitting with your housemates and a Slytherin starts to hit on you and Michael straight up, through the mic in front of everyone is like “Parker, that’s my girlfriend you prick! back the fuck off!”
-meanwhile, Slytherin Luke, Cal and Ashton show up and drag the guy away from you
-so they all knew.
-and now. every single person in Hogwarts knows too
-Michael gets suspended from being the mic guy at games for two weeks
-but #worth
-Michael grumbles and comes to sit with you in the stands for the remainder of the game and all of your Ravenclaw house mates are shook
-but the way you lean in against him, his arm over your shoulders, is cute as fuck
-being more open about your relationship is a blessing
-Michael’s Slytherin house mate who hit on you comes and apologizes and you suspect Michael and his posse had something to do with it
-Michael sitting with you in every single shared class
-his Slytherin friends crashing your study dates sometimes
-because ‘they need school help and if you helped Mike you can help anyone.’
-but also because they want to know you better because they’re a brotherhood and Michael is important to them
-they all have their own way of telling you not to hurt Michael and it’s hilarious
-”if you hurt him… i’ll be very angry with you.” “yeah that definitely scared the shit out of her Cal, nice one.”
-and Michael with his Ravenclaw hair is adorable and people think it’s the fucking cutest
-like how can your Ravenclaw house mates be pissed when he’s such a lil squish who loves the shit out of you
-everyone realizing that the new prankster fucking everyone over is a joint effort between the two of you
-study sessions getting dirty as fuck
-kisses aren’t the only reward for getting a question right ;)
-”Michael, this doesn’t make any sense, you’re the one answering correctly, why am i the one getting rewarded?” you ask after orgasm number three
-”because you’re my tutor so my correct answers are because of you babe.” he smirks from between your legs
-you two would totally come up with a code by his hair colour
-like, if he’s in a kinky mood he makes his hair dark, with different levels of darkness meaning different things.
-grey is like a semi dom thing whereas black means call him daddy or sir
-yellow hair means soft, lazy, giggly sex
-so the two of you meet up and you look at his hair and if you don’t agree with his mood you shake your head and he changes it and quirks an eye brow at you until you’re in silent, coded agreement on exactly what kind of sex ya’ll be having
-Calum figuring it out because every time you and Michael sneak by and his hair is black the two of you are extra loud and kinky
-one day you show up and Michael’s hair is yellow and Calum lets out a shaky breath, “thank fuck it’s a soft sex day, don’t know if i could deal with another loud one.”
-everyone looking at him and it clicks with all of them and they all flip their shit because you and Michael totally non-verbally communicate about sex in front of them ALL THE TIME IN CODE
-like what the fuck
-i am living for this what the actual fuck.
-Luke takes full credit for the whole thing happening
-people actually keep track of when you and Michael have exams or tests and days that you get your marks back because on these days the two of you are 100% boning the shit out of each other
-everyone knows when you both pass your tests because ya’ll LOUD
-he’s just such a teasy, cocky Slytherin
-Slytherin Michael is into over stim fam. he just is.
-the first month of dating being wild because he’s figuring out exactly what you like and becoming a fucking pro at it
-he’s a pleaser
-he’s smug as fuck about being with you
-this is my OTP. what have you done.
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malcolmbrights-a · 5 years
Title: my soul calls out to find a love that binds (2/?) Who: Claudia Daviau & Rachel Temperance & Beth Mclean (though they aren’t mentioned in this part) Rating: PG-13 Notes: LOL AN ANTI SOULMATE AU SINCE I’VE READ LIKE 10 AND ENJOY THE CONCEPT. Claudia questions why soulmates stay together if they don’t care for each other. Then she meets her soulmate Rachel, who she loves at first in a very superficial way, but things end up not working out because Rachel brings out the worst in her. Then she meets Beth who has no soulmate and turns out to bring out the best in her. This doesn’t have any of that in it yet. But I’ll get there. HOPEFULLY, I’LL WRITE THIS ALL.  Other Parts: 1
TW: none
Claudia meets her soulmate during her freshman year of college. The first thing she notices about her is that her eyes are so huge and hazel brown that she has a hard time looking into them. She tries hard to, but when she does, her eyes land on her pink lips and those are plump and rather kissable. Confused by this sudden wave of attraction, she swallows, and looks further down - only leading her to catch a peek at her cleavage, which makes her immediately go back to looking into this gorgeous woman’s eyes. “You are the sun,” she says with a bright smile on her face, a piece of paper in her hand as she looks at Claudia. “How does that sound?” Claudia gives her a confused smile and wants so badly to pull on her own collar, but resists. The words her soulmate says aren’t said to her and aren’t about her like she’s always imagined. They relate to a play that her soulmate wants to be apart of. The new is kinda funny to Claudia, and she wants to laugh out loud because of it, but she doesn’t, instead, she just grins and tries not to look fucking stupid. 
“It sounds really pretty coming from you - is it supposed to?” Claudia asks her, finally finding the words. The girl’s smile turns into a grin, and then she leans forward to pick up the bottom of her pants to show Claudia the words Claudia’s just said to her. After, she jumps up and down and claps her hands. A hug is then given to Claudia, causing Claudia to tense up a little - because she doesn’t like to be touched after having been touched so much as a sick child. She does ease into it though and doesn’t hate it. This girl is her soulmate, after all, and therefore their future is probably full of moments like this. The idea makes Claudia smile to herself. She likes the idea of being hugged every day and receiving affection from a soulmate. The thing is, she’s always imagined her soulmate to be a man, so this is all so very confusing. In the past, she’s found woman attractive, and she’s idolized some of her lady friends a little too much. But she’s never been involved with a woman and is confused that she’s attracted to the one in front of her and doesn’t mind the idea of being with her forever. 
The girl squeezes her hug, and then she lets go, her hands still resting on Claudia’s hips as she brings space between them. “Yes, I’m supposed to be a princess. She’s infatuated with the baker’s daughter and they’re soulmates,” she states, looking into her eyes. And as Claudia looks she feels an intensity, but also a hollowness? She can’t tell if that’s how she’s supposed to feel when she sees her soulmate, so she shakes it off, but something really isn’t right. But still, again, this woman is her soulmate, so she’s supposed to accept her flaws and probably isn’t supposed to expect a boatload from her when she was created for her. “I’m Rachel, by the way - I’m glad to be your soulmate. You, yourself, are very pretty - I’d even go as far as to say beautiful. So I feel like I’ve gotten pretty lucky.” She releases her hands from Claudia’s waist. “My friend Jen, her soulmate was the ugliest man I’ve ever seen. She looked at him like he was the most handsome man she’s ever seen, but all of our friends think he looks awful. But you, God, you’re beautiful.” 
Claudia bites her lips and her confused expression twitches into an overly confident grin. “Thank you. You’re beautiful, too. Did you want to go to lunch or something?” she asks, confused at her question. Why would she ask her to go to lunch with her? This is all new and she should fucking prepare herself before making a fool of herself, since, for crying out loud, she can barely make eye-contact with her. But she’s braver. Stupidly brave. So it comes out of her mouth and she can’t fucking take it back, even if she really, truly wanted to. 
“Sure, lunch sounds fine. Where did you want to go? What time?” Rachel asks her, picking up her script. 
Claudia watches her, and pauses to think. “The diner a few blocks away from here. “Tara’s” it’s called. They have amazing food.”  
Rachel pushes a piece of hair behind her own ear. “Alright, then - Tara’s.” She pauses. “Also - soulmate - what’s your name? You never told me.”
Claudia holds her head high. “Claudia.” 
Her emotions are a little unpredictable. Sometimes she feels neutral and sometimes numb, while other times she feels everything at once. She never knows how she’s going to feel each day and she’s always worried she’ll feel nothing, opposed to something. Or maybe that she’ll go her whole life feeling like a blackhole swallowed her whole, instead of feeling some form of emotion. But she does feel things, that’s for sure. Claudia is ran by her emotions and has always been ran by her emotions. While she tends to think logical during emergencies and during times where she has to, a majority of the time, when she feels like doing something or saying something, she will do it. So, this lunch date - if it counts as one - with Rachel, has her hoping she doesn’t say anything wrong, and hoping even more that she makes her feel a little more than neutral today. Not happy per-say, but alright, since today she’s been feeling sorta ‘meh’. 
Rachel doesn’t arrive on time, though. She takes longer than the time she said she’d meet her and that makes Claudia shake her foot repeatedly and her hands sweat just a little bit. Having no idea whether or not Rachel is just late, or if she’s heard something bad about her, has her thinking the worst. She fears that maybe Rachel isn’t interested in her? That maybe, even though she called herself lucky to have her as a soulmate, that she was hoping for someone more interesting who could actually look her in the eyes. Rubbing her temples, Claudia releases a sigh and then looks at the clock on her phone. It’s been fifteen minutes since, but it feels like an hour. She thinks of leaving, but before she can convince herself not to, Rachel shows up.
“Sorry I was late. I was still practicing my scene. I totally forgot about you for a minute there, but rest assured, I wouldn’t miss getting to know you for the world.” Rachel greets, taking a seat at the table. When she looks at Claudia, Claudia can make eye-contact this time. There is still a hollow feeling in her gut when she looks at her, but she ignores it again and doesn’t think of it much. With her blonde hair up in a ponytail, make-up to the nines, and floral dress, Rachel looks like nothing bad could come of her. Claudia also doesn’t want anything bad from her since they are soulmates, and she doesn’t want a shitty soulmate. 
She has heard of shitty soulmates in the papers though. Soulmates who’ve killed other people behind their soulmate’s back - the other not discovering until it’s all just a little too late. Soulmates who use their other soulmates and the fact that their soulmates for their money. Soulmates who manipulate and abuse their soulmates. They all exist, and she’s heard just as much about them on television as she’s heard about the healthy soulmates in film and books. They exist. But with Rachel, again, she doubts she’s anything like that. There’s no way in Hell she could be. 
That feeling is still there though, and it reminds her a lot of the first time she’s on a new medication for her bipolar. How she feels like she’s starving and something is scratching her insides, and when she tries to eat, she can’t keep it down. She can’t tell if it’s her nerves. Or if she’s just being stupid, but it’s yet to go away. And she hopes it does, or at least once they get a conversation going. “I can’t wait to get to know you, too. I’ve been curious about my soulmate since ever since I was a child. I knew mine was out there I just - not to be rude - didn’t know she’d be a woman. I always thought I’d be with a man, so this is all really really surprising to me. But you’re gorgeous and I’m like in awe that we’re linked together,” she rambles, not knowing how to slow down during moments like these. 
Rachel smiles back at her and nods, picking up the dinner menu to take a peak. Claudia is a bit bummed out that she can’t see her face anymore, but she’s happy she has the chance to fucking get her shit together. “I think it’s pretty neat that we’re linked. And you’re fine. I never expected my soulmate to be a woman either. I heard of same-sex soulmates and I’ve had girlfriends, but quite honestly, I never expected to have this.” She puts her menu down to smile at her, again this time, Claudia feels a little less nervous about the hollow feeling she received from looking into her eyes earlier. 
“Yeah, I heard of them, too. But this is all new to me - no girlfriend no nothing. I’ve just known I’ve been attracted to women my whole life, you know? I just wasn’t really sure about it until a few months ago.” Claudia clears her throat. “You didn’t ask all of that though, did you?” She wasn’t going to apologize for speaking too much though. She’s never been one to apologize for anything, especially now, and she’s not about to fucking start. Even for her soulmate. The way she’ll apologize is if she knows she’s done something wrong, and at the moment, that doesn’t seem to be the case
Rachel shrugs her shoulders. “No, I didn’t ask, but I like knowing these things. I want to know everything about you. Like, so much. I barely even know you.” Rachel puts her menu back up and Claudia picks her up to copy her. She looks above it to see if Rachel looks back at her but she doesn’t. She’s apparently focused on the menu. 
“Where do you want to start?” Claudia asks, curiously, having no idea what Rachel wants to know about her since there’s so much she could know. Claudia is from Boston, if Rachel wants to know that. She’s twenty-years old. Has always wanted to be a criminal psychologist. Then her favorite television shows are the funny ones, and not so much the ones that are tear jerky - because she isn’t one for crying during those. She was adopted, she could also say, if Rachel decided to ask. You know, if she wanted to ask anything along those lines. 
But she doesn’t. Rachel, puts down her menu and the question that leaves her lips is a surprise. “Are you bored?” Rachel’s eyebrow goes up and both of Claudia’s do, her back pressing against the back of the booth they’re sitting at. “Not bored here, but in general. Not all the time, but with life and school, and stuff? Do you want to just run away or do something crazy?” Rachel’s eyes grow a little bigger and Claudia feels like she’s looking into her soul. 
“Yes, I’ve felt that way - why are you asking? Is it because you feel that way, too? I mean, sometimes I do impulsive things to make that feeling go away, but it doesn’t really last.” Claudia can’t believe how honest she’s being with Rachel, since she’s not exactly one to tell anyone her life story or much of anything about her. But since Rachel is her soulmate, she supposes why not. If she’s going to be honest and open with anyone, right? It’s going to her be her. It /has/ to be her, right?
Rachel nods and doesn’t say anything further. She skips over the subject and asks what Claudia is getting to eat. Claudia is somewhat confused by this, but in the end, she gets to learn more about Rachel, and Rachel learns more about her. It’s all fine and right. 
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