#I never like telling people about my anxiety because it’s ridiculous but if u read this now u know a thing about me
bugdogg · 10 months
It’s late enough, I remember mentioning here that I was doing a gender assessment and I finished it and decided to do nothing. Not taking testosterone or anything just came out thinking “I’ll buy a packer or something, maybe a binder too and see”
Warning ig for talking about my feelings on my sex and my whole struggle with it and some anxiety issues too ech, idk if people find that gross or annoying but warning anyway
Ik I don’t wanna be a girl fully but I like having tits and I’m not unhappy with a pussy but I’m maybe 90% sure I want a dick more. I don’t want to lose my pussy because then I’d feel like I’d have to do anal(??) like it isn’t mandatory but I’d like to keep my vaginal opening (this sounds gross but that’s like the actual term for it ig).
So then i considered no surgery just testosterone to hope my clitoris would enlarge (is that the word I think idk). But then I learned about all the effects and decided no thanks, I don’t wanna look too masculine but I want a dick, like I feel like that seems more correct to me, it’s what I feel like I’m supposed to have. I also considered a metoidioplasty (if that’s correct, I wrote it down hope it’s right) but I never fully asked about it and became nervous to talk anymore with the doctor.
And whenever I say this stuff i second guess myself, like no you don’t know that you’re just doing this cause it’s a big thing rn or like it’s a fetish. And Ik that’s untrue Ik I’ve felt like this since I was 12 but i have the kind of anxiety that makes me doubt myself to the point of asking others for what they think is best for me but gender doesn’t work that way, no one decides this but me. The assessment freaked me out because when she asked me why I wanted this I didn’t know how to say it was CAUSE I KNEW ITS WHAT I WANTED, THIS IS WHAT MY BRAIN IS TELLING ME SOME PART IS SAYING THAT. But I had to be convincing and now I’m back to second guessing, “maybe you were wrong, you’re probably just confused, you’ve-“ Ik this is all stuff people say to other trans people, especially people my age. I know the shit I tell myself is rooted in that transphobic bullshit but I somehow always think I must be stupid, “yea those people know what they want but you don’t”
I know I want this and I want to stop arguing with myself, I want to at least feel confident in this. I don’t know how I even managed to doubt myself this bad but im typing it now so it can shut the fuck up.
I know im not a girl, I know I don’t have to be anything to prove that, I can dress however I want and enjoy whatever I want, it wouldn’t define my gender or my sexuality or any of it. I don’t have to change my sex if I don’t want to, I don’t have to keep it like this either. If I want to poke fun at my gender than I can it’s my identity I can be silly with it I can be fun with it, it isn’t that serious. And last thing which I find kind of embarrassing but I’m fucking typing anyway, I can call my clit a dick if I want to, it’s fine it’s my body, I can call it what i want
(Also idk what I consider myself gender label wise, I just focus on my pronouns and what I want physically. Idk if that makes sense idk)
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azuree1733 · 8 months
Gotham war rant- :D
Ok so at first I really hated it and was like in the same boat with everyone about how cat woman vs Batman is stupid and unnecessary and don’t get me wrong I still am, the whole idea of her training people to be criminals with rules is ridiculous. However as the comic progresses and we see the whole other plot of Batman (Zur) and the rest of the family dealing with him is actually a really cool concept for two reasons. 1- because we get to see the family work together and it opens up future storylines with those characters so they can be written in either team-ups or solo comics and 2-acknowledging the whole Batman has multiple personalities (not like Bruce Wayne but all the other little “characters” in his head because we saw not just Zur locked away in his brain but there was a bunch of other “characters” up in his little mind prison) is really useful to help “retcon” mischaracterizations of him in that past and present like oh Batman gave one of his sons medically induced anxiety nope wasn’t him, he doesn’t know how to deal with children? Nope different personality. I think it’s a smart move and if they somehow get rid of these personalities by the end of the run (medicate him send him to therapy god knows he needs it) then there whole plan of making the batfam get along will seem so much less forced and it will make Batman a much more consistent character.
I also think they are setting it up for someone to die and ik we’re all thinking Jason but personally I’m thinking it’s gonna be Tim bro never dies so it’s gonna catch everyone off guard, it means nothing tho since he’ll come back immediately but with more trauma! For Jason it makes more sense for him to just leave like honestly stop trying to force him into the family. He can make appearances but that’s it, they just need a good writer who actually likes him to give him a run where he can actually have character development. He’s not super hard to write he’s literally Batman but he’s not afraid to break the no kill/no gun rule, yet he also has morals so he’s not gonna kill a bunch of innocents. (Also Jason finding out his bio dad is alive arc when???) (or Jason becoming a father arc when? Cause he would be such a good father I will show y’all panels if u disagree) (kinda want him to go back to a bit of an assassin/mercenary arc tho)
Anyway that’s my lil rant I kinda went off on a tangent, idk if u can tell yet but I really just want a good Jason comic 😛
If anyone reads all this yapping you get a gold star cause what 😭🫶
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kinktae · 2 years
the fact that you will bring up mental illness as your defence but still not try to understand other writers problem is so sad rosie . your readers also read other peoples (at least i do] so i am upset you only think about yourself like this .
u know what FUCK IT this shit is not happening twice to me. do not read if u don't want angry rose!! and if ur anon? please just leave. me. alone.
in 2019 i got attacked like fucking crazy and when I shared how much it affected me bc i have problems with anxiety specific pertaining to my safety (since i was getting fucking dox threats) and a fucking mutual of mine made a vague post saying i was "guilt-tripping ppl with my mental illness." and guess what the fuck ur doing to me now!!! doing the same shit to me!!! do u know how damaging that was for me? someone who already does not open up to anyone??? to be told i cant open up to my readers on MY blog??? this was some real world shit okay. i deadass went to therapy. I'm talking about this affecting my REAL LIFE okay not just some blog on tumblr dot com. I paid real money to fix a real problem that this shit hellsite created for me. How fucking stupid is that!!!!!!!!!!
to this day i struggle feeling like I can't fucking talk about my mental illness bc ppl would think i was using it as a weapon. my anxiety got so bad that to had to drop out of fucking college. even now when smthn is wrong and my loved ones are in person asking me whats wrong i feel my throat close up like i shouldn't speak. i have to FORCE the words out of my throat. This isn't me blaming tumblr for my mental illness. IM responsible for my mental illness. so I've learned to set boundaries.
You don't like how i do my tags? fine. unfollow. block. i genuinely wish u the best of luck. genuinely. i mean that with all of my person. But i will not. WILL NOT. be told that i cant talk about my mental illness?? I AM MENTALLY ILL. ITS NOT A TITLE IF IT AFFECTS HOW I LIVE MY DAY-TO-DAY ITS APART OF ME TF???? what the hell does insulting me in my inbox calling me all sorts of names and sending fucking asks talking shit to other authors have to do with community? fuck that. If that's what this community does, then I'm not a part of it. if i am telling u that i cant handle this conversation nor give u the result u are wanting and nothing productive will come out of it its bc i am setting boundaries and respecting ur time. this sooooo vile i don't even have the fucking words. ill be honest ill have to go back to see what i posted bc i did act on emotion and just rambled but i don't remember dropping "i use tags how i want bc I'm mentally ill!!" anywhere.
All i ever want to do is write. I love bts. I love writing. it is my one true love in this world and sharing it with my readers has given me more than I could ever explain. They are my everything. You guys are my everything. And I'm sorry this app has robbed me of feeling comfortable to talk to you guys about everything.
From now on im won't be answering anything that isn't pertaining to my fics or bts. I'm sorry but when this is just ridiculous. I won't have my happiness and sanity destroyed by this app anymore. This has exhausted me. There's a reason I will never make anymore friends on this app. There's a reason I don't answer pms anymore. Because my best wont be good enough for some ppl and i don't know how to healthy cope with that because GASP!!! IM MENTALLY ILLLLLLLL!!! So the only solution is to no longer engage. I'm done. I'm moving forward from here on out. The tags stay. Anything outside the realm of this blog doesn't exist. Just gonna post my once a year silly little fic and move the fuck on. toodaloo!
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how do you think katsuki would handle a reader with social anxiety? I struggle with it from time to time myself. btw it's your fault i literally cant read other bakugou fics anymore bc i constantly compare them to your works 😩 the way you write him is so ACCURATE. Like u manage to hit the hammer on the head every single time
okay so in general, i think he’d do great w/ someone with social anxiety. he’s not super social himself (read: katsuki, by choice, is the most ridiculous hermit ever) so i dont think he’d mind mostly staying inside or keeping to small groups for the sake of his s/o!!! in fact i think he’d probably prefer it
bc ive always felt like he’s got a bit of social anxiety himself, you know?? like he doesn’t ever say much unless he’s starting a fight, and he never seems all that interested in going out. personally, i think its bc bakugou feels like he has to perform as this big, strong, hyper-masculine guy in public, so its not surprising that he’ll want to avoid doing that whenever he can. and if that means staying inside 24/7?? staying in his own space where its quiet and calm and non-stressful ?? and he gets all his s/o’s attention, all the time bc there’s no one else to bother them??? pls mans is thrilled
and his own social anxiety stuff is also rlly apparent with how close he stays to u when y’all are somewhere unfamiliar. like, he’ll swear up and down that its “Because you’ll be fuckin’ lost without me, idiot. ‘m not gonna waste my time lookin’ for you.”
but no that’s not it at all. rlly its bc being around new people always puts katsuki on the defensive, and honestly, he’d much rather avoid that entirely by only sticking by you. i see bakugou n his s/o being that couple that will go to a party, sit by themselves in a corner clearly having the time of their lives, and then leave early to go home and do the exact same thing (pls he’s so weird and embarrassing i love him)
omg and if u tell him that you’re getting super anxious and want to leave from anywhere, bakugou will totally just nod and agree. bc chances are he wants to leave too. he’s actually wanted to leave since the second he walked in lmaoooooo
i also think he’d be super good about nonverbal cues too tho !!! like u could never get away with forcing yourself to stay in a social setting just for him. bc the second he sees you starting to chew at your nails ?? shaking your leg beneath the table??? pls mans is already 3/4th of the way thru planning an exit strategy.
omg ty ty for the kind words, ur so sweet!!!! i’d love to say my writing is indicative of like, crazy skill haha but no rlly its just bc bakugou lives in my head full time. ive got full on brain rot for him ;)))
hope u enjoyed @lychichi :))) ty for the ask, lovely !!!!!
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wienerbarnes · 3 years
A Certain Romance (1/6)
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 2,513
Warnings: fake dating au, mention to past abusive relationship
A/N: im so EXCITED to start posting this series lmk what yall think!!!
He couldn’t quite think of a word to describe the restaurant.
The deep tones of maroon on the walls contrasting against the clean, stark-white tablecloths, tablecloths that have been so deeply washed, soaked in bleach and radiating chemical residue beneath plates of fancy and over-priced dishes for people who have too much money than they know what do with.
Ratatouille is the special for tonight, priced at $32. Side dishes extra, of course.
The overly simple decor on the walls with lighting so dim you’d think they forgot to pay the electric bill, all in the name of minimalism and an art form you just wouldn’t understand.
Bucky has news for them, though. Minimalism won’t get rid of their depression and anxiety, and a $30 plate of vegetables won’t bring you happiness.
His collar feels tight around his neck, even though the first two buttons on his shirt are undone. The longer he stands around waiting for Sam, the more ridiculous he feels. He’s sweating suddenly, and all he wants to do is leave, go back to his apartment, to Alpine, and take off this stupid monkey suit of an outfit.
Where r u?
Should be sitting pretty at a table already. Wearing a cute lil red dress. maybe blue, not sure.
“Son of a bitch,” Bucky mumbles under his breath after reading Sam’s text.
It’s Bucky’s fault at this point. Not only is this not the first time Sam has done this to him, set him up on a blind date and tell him it's him he’s meeting and not a girl, but it’s not the second either. Sam has done this three times, and this is going to be the fourth. How do you let this happen to you four times?
It’s not a surprise either when the date goes horribly all three times, either. The girls are always nice and always beautiful, but Bucky’s in such a sour mood by the time he reaches the table that it’s a failure from the start.
That’s a good word to describe the restaurant. Sour.
“Excuse me, I’m looking for a table under Sam. Or maybe Bucky.” He approaches the hostess, praying that whoever Sam has set him up with isn’t here and that they stood him up.
“Ah, yes, your date has been waiting.” She tells him, and he tries not to roll his eyes.
The walk through the restaurant to the table makes him feel more ridiculous than when he was waiting. He feels all eyes on him and it makes his skin crawl, even though when he glances around, everyone has their eyes on their own date; their date that probably wasn’t sprung up on them by a man who dresses up like a bird for a living.
Careful not to trip over his own feet in the dark room, the only lights being small bulbs on a thin string from the high ceiling, he sees a table that’s probably for him.
The only table with one person sitting alone, he spots you looking down at your phone with a slight frown on your face. Sam was right on his first guess, you’re wearing a deep red dress, thin straps over your shoulders and he can see through underneath the table that it flows down to your calf. Nude heels adorn your feet as they are crossed at the ankle, and he can’t help but feel a little bad.
Just because he thinks minimalism and expensive meals are stupid doesn’t mean that other people don’t enjoy them.
“Hi, uh, sorry I’m a little late.” He greets as he takes his seat.
You look up from your phone and give him a closed-lip smile, an unspoken way of saying it’s alright, but he’s seen that tight smile on too many girls before to know that, no, it’s not really alright.
“I’m Bucky, what’s your name?” He asks, hoping that the sooner he starts the conversation, the sooner he can get the fuck out of here. Respectfully.
As far as introductions go, this has definitely been the most awkward. Neither of you know what to say. Not that he’s about to go around giving Sam advice about setting him up with people, because he certainly wouldn’t want Sam to take that as him asking him to try again, but he couldn’t have set him up with someone worse.
It’s painfully awkward, and he feels himself sweating again, blushing from slight embarrassment at this disaster of a date.
The waiter hasn’t even brought out the bread yet.
He can’t do this.
“Listen,” He begins after a few minutes of silence and the two of them awkwardly glancing around the room, as though the avant-garde art pieces are the most interesting thing either of them have ever seen.
“I’m sorry if I don’t seem like I want to be here, it’s because I don’t. And it’s got nothing to do with you, it’s just that Sam told me I was meeting him here because he thinks he knows best when it comes to setting me up on dates even though I’ve told him countless times that -”
He stops when he realizes you’re laughing. Giggles escaping from behind your manicured hand that’s attempting to cover your mouth, he can’t believe you’re laughing at him. As if the date couldn’t get worse.
“Sorry, I don’t mean to interrupt you.” You tell him, the most you’ve spoken the entire night, only really telling him your name and a few one-word answers a while ago.
“It’s just that I don’t want to be here, either. And Sam also told me I was meeting him here, not a date. And I thought that was funny.”
That bastard, Bucky thinks. But he appreciates that it’s the situation you find funny, and not him. He’s never had a date laugh at him before, and as tough as he is, he can’t lie and say it wouldn’t hurt his feelings.
He opens his mouth to say something but another man in an equally ridiculous monkey suit such as his own approaches the table, a basket of bread in hand.
He can’t help but notice how small the breads are and the fact that the butter is individually wrapped in those small tinfoils - not even The Cheesecake Factory does that, they bring butter in a tiny dish - but he doesn’t say anything.
At least now he has something to do with his hands.
The two of you both pick at the bread in your hands, and while the tension is somewhat eased at the table with the confession that neither of you want to be there, it’s still silent and awkward, as neither of you have spoken again.
Bucky doesn’t know what causes him to say it, maybe it's the obligation he feels to keep the conversation going and fill the silence, maybe his mind just insists on making the evening worse, because apparently that’s possible.
“My best friend died. Recently. And Sam’s been setting me up on these dumb dates to take my mind off it.” He says, and he sees out of the corner of his eye your hands pause around the bread and your head lifts slightly to look at him, though he doesn’t do the same.
“Sam was a little better about it at first, using distracting me as a way to distract himself while we both grieve. But he’s got the whole Captain America thing, helping his sister, working with Torres; he got over it a little quicker than I did and… expected me to get over it, too.”
He’s afraid to meet your eyes. He’s not sure why he just told you that, or why he felt like he owed you an explanation in the first place. He doesn’t even know you! What does he care if the date is awkward? He could leave now and never see you again and not feel bad about, and yet he sits here, sacrificing his own comfort in order to attempt to salvage the evening by being honest? Is honesty even what you want?
“My boyfriend beat the shit out of me. If we’re sharing tragic backstories, I mean.” You reply, looking down at your own bread now that Bucky’s head has snapped up to look at you, a humorless smile on your face.
“Had to move states, change my name, the whole nine yards. And while I wasn’t grieving a best friend, I was grieving… myself. My old life. And Sam doesn’t just distract himself by setting you up on dates, he’s been doing that with me, too. And, so, I kind of get what you mean, when you say that other people get over it and expect you to be okay, too.”
Another pause of silence, but the awkwardness is gone now.
“How many times have you heard the phrase, The grieving process is not -”
“Linear? Too many times. If I had a dollar for everytime I heard that, I’d probably have enough money to afford a plate at this place.” You finish for him, a disgusted look on your face. Almost the same look he had on his face when he entered the restaurant.
He laughs, though. The first time he’s laughed tonight.
“Are you two ready to order?” The waiter interrupts again, small booklet in hand, and thick French accent in the air. Of course, the waiters here are French, how is he even surprised?
“Do you mind if we have a few more minutes with the menu?” Bucky replies, not receiving much of an answer as the waiter looks him up and down, gives him a curt nod, and leaves the table once more.
“Listen, I don’t know about you, but this place looks like… I don’t even know, but it just looks sad, and I know a pretty good pizza place a few blocks away. If you don’t mind walking. Or continuing this date as friends?” He squints as he finishes his question, hoping you won’t take it as him playing hard to get, and actually want to be friends and absolutely nothing more.
“You had me at pizza.”
With the bread from the restaurant in hand and his jacket around your shivering shoulders, the two of you make your way down the sidewalk, stomachs rumbling at the thought of cheap, greasy, slices of pizza.
Sitting among people in their pajamas and otherwise casual clothing, it’s safe to say the two of you are the best-dressed people in the joint. Bucky tells you this and you laugh again, agreeing. Slice after slice goes down easily, much easier than any plate at that stupid clownhouse of a restaurant.
The conversation is easier, too. It’s almost like it was so bad before because of the suffocating atmosphere of the restaurant, The Fork, a stupid name for a stupid place.
What was that word he said before? Oh, yeah. The restaurant was sour. The pizza place, though, run by two older, heavier men with ungroomed mustaches and dark pit stains, is much less sour.
“I surprisingly had a good time tonight. I’m really glad we both came to an understanding of not wanting to date due to our individual unresolved trauma and issues, that we should probably be in therapy for.” You tell him, after thanking him for paying the six dollars both your copious amounts of pizza slices cost.
“I did, too. I’m just glad we didn’t have to stay at that dumb restaurant, I mean what was Sam even thinking with that place?” He rubs his fingers over his eyes in lasting disbelief. He’ll never let Sam live that place down.
“Speaking of Sam,” You start, stepping out of the pizza place as Bucky holds the door open for you, “Would you mind telling him that the date went well?”
“I mean, technically it did, didn’t it?”
“It did. But if we tell him that we left with a newfound friendship rather than sore legs and sex hair, he’s just going to keep setting us up on more shitty dates. I mean he’s great, but he does a better job at being Captain America than he does at being Cupid.”
“Agreed. He’ll just keep setting us up with people until we end up dating one of his picks, regardless of friendships made along the way. He’s too competitive, he doesn’t see friendship as a success, only a boyfriend or girlfriend.” Bucky admits.
“So… if he asks, we’ll just say we’re going to go on another date? And then whenever we hang out, we’ll just -”
“Be extremely and explicitly clear about it to him.” Bucky finishes.
They smile at each other satisfied, satisfied knowing they’re finally going to outsmart the bird man, they’re finally going to be done with shitty, last-minute blind dates that they never wanted to go on in the first place.
“Do you need a ride home?”
“Oh, no, my friend’s on her way to get me now.”
“I’ll wait with you then.”
Cheesy flirting ensues as the two of you joke about fake dating, competing to see who can think of the worst pick up line. Bucky feels a bit embarrassed that he probably would’ve used a few of these a few decades ago when he was a fresh, young man, but he doesn’t dare mention that to you. No need to give you more ammunition to use against him, and especially no need to risk you mentioning it to Sam.
Your least favorite, and evidently his favorite, is If happiness starts with “H,” why does mine start with “U”?
He laughs as you dramatically gag on the sidewalk, almost not noticing the car pulling up to the two of you.
“This is me. Oh, here’s your jacket by the way.” You move to take it off from atop your shoulders but he stops you.
“Hold onto it for me. And also, mention to Sam that you’re holding onto it for me.” He winks.
“Will do. Boyfriend.”
“Drive safe. Girlfriend.” He opens the passenger door for you, greeting your friend briefly, and offering a hand out to help you sit inside, closing the door after you’ve clicked your seatbelt.
He watches the rear lights grow smaller and smaller as you disappear down the street, and he begins walking back to where you two came from. His bike is still parked at the restaurant, after all.
That was probably the best date - not a date, friend date - he’s ever been on, and by far Sam’s greatest success yet, even if it’s not the romantic relationship he probably intended.
It was nice to talk to someone without the pressures of impressing them, the intrusive thoughts questioning their deeper motives or what it is exactly they want out of a date with him. He tried engaging in the whole hookup-one-night-stand culture once, and didn’t like it at all.
Not to mention, he’ll never have to go on one of Sam’s set-up dates again! And he didn’t even need to get a girlfriend to do so!
The night couldn’t have ended better, and he can’t wait to tell Sam all about it.
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spookierdeer · 3 years
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here’s the mane 6 all together. i went through a couple edits of them until i was happy with them and i think i’m finally set on them now!
fun facts below the cut
when they move in together, fluttershy stocks up on lint rollers. not for fur or dust that you’d expect to see due to her veterinary practice, but because pinkie tends to leave a trail of glitter and confetti. this is especially noticable when she’s bouncing around.
pinkie is an earth pony born with latent chaos magic. this is really rare and exhibited itself in strange ways when she was a foal. as a grown mare, she can control it better, even if it still catches people off guard on occasion.
fluttershy is a flutter pony purely because i heard jenny nicholson talk about it once and i got it stuck in my head. she’s very tall however, super willowy compared to earth ponies (as are most flutter ponies).
fluttershy is taller than both rarity and starlight glimmer, but it’s hard to tell as she keeps her head down and this makes her appear slightly smaller.
fluttershy runs the ponyville vet clinic and is an animal whisperer. she also patches up her more rambunctious friends from time to time.
fluttershy is the begrudging midwife to her friends because some of them are ridiculous and don’t go to the doctor when they should. she is very tired and deserves every cup of coffee she makes them buy her after the fact.
the flutter pony gene is more dominant than most other species genes, so if any non flutter pony and a flutter pony have a foal, it usually ends up being a flutter pony. the only exception are kirin.
rainbow dash is a trans mare
rainbow is the second shortest of the mane 6, barely taller than pinkie. don’t mention it or she’ll destroy your knee caps.
rainbow can also pack away calories like nopony else. do not challenge her to an eating contest or you’ll end up sick and regretting it.
apple jack is average earth pony height which means she’s dwarfed by her flutter and unicorn friends. twilight is on the smaller side of unicorns (as sunset shimmer).
aj is a disaster lesbian. she’s tripped into mud quite a few times around pretty mares. no, she does not want to talk about it.
aj is also well known in ponyville and beyond for being one of the best no holds barred wrestlers around. before she became a mom, she also did some mud wrestling. once she had her foals, she put that behind her if only because it took time away from farm work she didn’t have; she’s still jacked, however.
twilight sparkle is a hornless unicorn, a very rare birth defect. she had to deal with a lot of bullying growing up because of how mules and donkies tend to be the butt of the joke to the average pony. she also had to deal with her tail being stepped on a lot, so as an adult she keeps it tucked to her side.
despite her lack of horn, twilight still has magic abilities. they can be very wild and hard to control due to not having a horn conduit. she spends most of her young life learning how to handle this and becomes one of the most learned unicorns of her time.
twilight is asexual/demiromantic.
rarity is 1/4th mule and gets her long ears from her dad’s side of the family. this has been a topic of rumor amongst the other fashion moguls and like of manehatten. some have even gone so far as to say her horn is fake and other ridiculous claims. rarity would originally just scoff and act as if she couldn’t possibly be related to a mule, but eventually learns her lesson friendship story style after hearing similar rumors about twilight.
the two go on to help stop uhh fuckin discrimination against mules and donkies i guess?? holy shit i didn’t mean to make it a racial allegory but here i am fuck dude, anyway
on a different note, twilight is in a polyam relationship with rainbow dash and tempest shadow. she loves both her girls very much.
rarity is a disaster bi, but in a different way than apple jack. rarity is accidentally an embarrassing asshole to cute ponies and this is what lead to a lot of fights between rarity and other members of the mane 6. the only one who almost never took it to heart was pinkie because she could tell just how embarrassed rarity felt and that she wasn’t doing rude things intentionally. pinkie and eventually fluttershy help rarity stop being such a dunce around cute ponies.
rarity eventually stops dying her grey hair away. she does it out of anxiety, but eventually aj and her friends help her relax a little and understand that going grey isn’t going to mean she isn’t beautiful.
bonus fun facts about other characters i’ve drawn, but haven’t listed here:
tempest shadow is blind in one eye.
lyra and bonbon are happily married.
angel has a love/hate relationship with pinkie. she’s so nice and knows how to brush angel just right, but the mare is taking cuddle time with fluttershy away >:(
starlight glimmer is the only voice i have a headcanon for and it’s heather mcnamara from the off broadway production of heathers. (example)
sunset shimmer is the shortest unicorn i’ve designed so far. she’s shorter than pinkie pie and is an absolute bitch. (i love her.) she is also married to starlight glimmer; they are the bitchy moms at PTA meetings who will destroy you <3
derpy hooves is named ditzy doo in my au. she’s a postpony and scrunchie collector.
dr hooves is named tick turner and he makes and repairs watches and clocks.
bulk biceps is a personal trainer. he breaks his coffee mugs a lot.
ditzy, tick, and bulk biceps are all dating each other in a polyam relationship. for their anniversary, ditzy and tick bought bulk some super nice metal cast mugs; bulk ended up crying a little because he’s a big emotional baby. they love him.
if uve read it this far thank u for listening 2 me. plz talk to me about my ponies i love them <3
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gojology · 3 years
Job Benefits. (Part 4)
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CONSPIRING. - Chapter Four
you can find part three here :
part three : routines
pairing : ceo! gojo x female reader warnings : cursing, no proof reading, no editing wordcount : 2494 a/n :  this is so bad, i... i am so sorry. in my defense i haven’t written in a while, but i hope u guys still like this regardless </3
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     Almost immediately after stepping foot into the room, you’re greeted with a minimalist, yet clean looking interior. Large window panes with Tokyo’s beautiful sunlight filtering into the already lively room.     There’s a few co-workers you can see sitting by the vending machines on plush arm-rest chairs, the cushions colored a beautiful tan alongside oak wood arm rests and chair legs. Others are on their phone, texting and furiously tapping and a feeling of anxiety immediately eats you up whole. You were seriously starting to regret coming down here, what was the point other then to make Gojo jealous? You could’ve very well eaten in your office- and what you were doing was childish anyways.      You stood in the entrance way of the room, nervously fidgeting, eyes scanning for Keto Sugaeru amongst the faces that were starting to blend in. You can only vaguely remember how he looks like from the few visits he had made to Gojo’s office, jet black hair, usually tied in a bun, always a kind, yet careless smirk on his face. He was handsome, which would be a definitive beacon amongst the rather disgruntled looking office workers.     “Hey, are you gonna move or what? Blocking the damn way.”     You hear a gruff impatient voice behind you, and you twist around, stumbling with the newfound height of your high heels as you did so. A man’s eyes bored into your own, glaring at you with a mix of hatred and annoyance. You gulp, finding yourself unable to respond, instead averting your gaze to the floor meekly.    “You gonna talk? We don’t have all day, sheesh, they’re hiring anyone into the workforce nowadays huh-”      “I’m sorry- I uh, I’m r-really new here so...” modestly giving the man a kind smile, but he seemed to have no patience for you.     As if a divine being heard his rude comment and immediately swept down with some karma, a firm, large hand is placed onto the man’s shoulder that you hadn’t seen prior. It gripped the flesh tightly, and the mysterious man glared directly down at the now squeaking rude one.      “Did I hear that right?” is all he says, a few co-workers are twisting their heads towards the altercation, now you’re sweating bullets. You grip onto your lunch so tightly you’re afraid it might burst, and those incredibly long fingers of his are inching towards the stout man’s collar.     Eventually, the perplexing man smiles kindly, retracting his hands to his sides, now lifeless and slack. “Please, Nishima, refrain from picking on people. We don’t tolerate this in the office, and don’t be dumb enough to do it in front of someone who has direct connections to the Gojo family. Run along now, I’ll leave you off at a warning. You’re lucky I’m in a good mood.”     The man grumbled a few times, kicking at the floor before heading out, you turn your head to thank the man, looking at him with an admirable gaze, but you realize something-      He has the jet black long hair you were searching for before any of this happened, it’s tied up in a bun, and it looked ridiculously smooth and soft. Something you’d pay to drag your hands through and play with. He has that carefree grin displayed on his handsome features, shamelessly showing off his good looks. Tall, and he definitely had a familiar voice that took you a while to put a finger on it.     This had to be him.      “You frozen girlie? I haven’t seen you around in the lunch room- here go sit there, that seat’s super comfy.” he gestures to one chair, and you snap out of your trance, nodding in response, yet still unable to fully register what just happened to you.      “Sugaeru?” you blurt out, your eyes wide while stumbling like a just born fawn towards the spotless table. How good was your luck today? He came to you.      “Suguru.” he corrects, looking back at you, a teasing curve to his lips. “Holy, you completely butchered my name, I think I know you from somewhere-” for a second, he looks like he’s seriously thinking before he beams. “You’re Gojo’s secretary, Y/N, aren’t you? What brings you down here? Gojo told me that you’re usually reserved in your own little world and you do everything in your office.”      You stammer, still unable to believe your luck, but your shoulders are relaxing and the tension has completely evaporated into thin air. “Uh, yeah I’m Satoru’s secretary. I- Um, I wanted to... Get some water?” that was a horrible lie, even for you.      “Rookie mistake.” Suguru pulls out the aforementioned chair for you before walking to the other side of the table to place his lunch on the tabletop carefully. “Water here is super overpriced. You should bring some from your own house if that’s the case! Colleague to colleague, just don’t tell anyone I said that, or else I’ll get in trouble.” winking at you, he twists the lid to his container presumably holding his food, instantaneously a cloud of steam emerges and a delicious scent wafts through the room.     After a moment of silence between the two of you as you both opened your lunches, you clear your throat, meaning to make conversation. “Thank you for saving me back there.” sheepishly, you smile at him. “It’s really appreciated, I just couldn’t believe how rude a person could be, especially since u-uh... You know, he could’ve, like, just walked around me?” stuttering, you grab your utensils in an effort to look relaxed and comfortable, even though you had no idea how to speak to him.     “Atta girl, no problem.” he responds warmly. You feel safe in his shadow. “Hey, if your Gojo’s friend, you’re my friend. Don’t worry about it. I heard you’re new to the office.” he pauses, looking around the now bustling room before covering the sides of his mouth and whispering towards you. “Secretary position was open for a while because no sane person in Tokyo wants to be Gojo’s secretary.” sitting back down while snickering, he takes a bite out of his lunch.      Giggling, you finally ease up. As opposed to Gojo, Suguru’s more sincere and straight to the point. He’s funny in his own way without being obnoxious.      You scoff. “Yeah, I can see how anyone could go insane from working with the guy. It was the only good secretary position open, though...” you muse aloud.      Suguru crosses his arm over his chest, your eyes carefully surveying his attractive figure as he does so, a thoughtful smile on his face. “Well, imagine being friends with him for more than 15 years. I’m sure I’ve gotten a few screws loose.” he says suggestively, wriggling his eyebrows.      You cover your mouth, trying not to laugh- but it just spills out of your lips, and you forget that you just met the guy, that’s just how friendly he was. “Don’t say that!”      “What? It’s true!”     You didn’t quite know it just that, but a seed was planted that day- you and Geto’s relationship, and it would only blossom from there.  ‧₊˚✩彡.     Gojo’s paranoid.     It seems like there’s a secret that he’s not in on, he realizes that Geto’s visits to his office are growing more and more frequent, yet he spends less time at his office, rather, spends all of his time at yours. Feeling left out was never a positive emotion. In response, Gojo would increase his visiting between the two of you, “accidentally” walking in on the both of you casually chatting, but it’s like he’s a ghost in the room. He’d get a few lukewarm stares and a few polite greetings, but that was that.     He’s not sure if it’s jealousy, or what.      He knows he should be supportive of his best friend potentially getting a girlfriend, and he tries to be- but something about Geto and you together really pissed him off, he just doesn’t know why. Maybe it’s the way the pairing between you two seemed so natural, it would be almost sure that a relationship would occur soon that angered him. Having dating co-workers was almost never a good thing.      Deep down he knows that’s not it.      As the weeks past by, the visiting grew almost unbearable, hearing your laughter- your giggles- from jokes that weren’t from him was infuriating. Listening to the repetitive clicking of your heels down the stairs into the break room was driving him insane, and eventually he can’t even open an email or do anything involved with work. You and Geto were constantly on his mind, and he’s morbidly curious as to when the friendship occurred- or if it was possibly more than that.    His first attempt at getting to the bottom of things was bringing it up between the two of them, him and Geto, just as casual chit-chat, but it didn’t go exactly as planned.      Geto would have a sympathetic, almost mocking grin on his lips, but those eyes of his were telling enough. It was a whole other book of lust and need, for you. Brushing the topic off with a wave of dismissal, he’d chuckle and put a mask of friendliness on, but Gojo’s known Geto enough to see where this was going.      He couldn’t have this, everything was brought to him on a silver platter, so it was only natural for him to feel like he needs you, even if he didn’t. Perhaps you were another trophy to his endless collection to him, he just didn’t know. He’d never felt so strongly of a woman, much less his secretary, something was brewing inside of him.    One thing he doesn’t understand is why Geto. He’s flawless in appearance, restless, impossibly good at sex, why weren’t you stroking his ego? Whatever, this was another topic of conversation, what he needed to do now was win you back.     He calculated in his office the average time in which Geto would visit, music drowning out the muffled talking, and finally he’s ready and absolutely certain that this would be a good time to chat you up. Having everything planned out, an aura of confidence radiated from him.      “Y/N!” you hear a chirp from the door, lifting your head up in excitement, you realize it’s not your beloved Suguru, rather, it’s Gojo. Gluing your eyes back on your computer screen, not even bothering to peel them away, you clear your throat in acknowledgement. “Sir?”      A smug grin flickers across his face for just a second before he pulls out one of the chairs across from your desk, scooching it a bit further away for some extra leg room before promptly sitting down. “Knew you’d remember to call me sir, I knew I hired well when you stepped into the interview room, so sharp.”     You don’t detect a shred of sarcasm in his compliment, and finally you turn your gaze upon his face. This was certainly out of the ordinary for you, as he hadn’t visited as often with Geto in the picture now. Gojo’s not wearing the iconic black shades that concealed his cerulean eyes, now, they’re out for you- his private audience.     His eyes are brimming with energy and mischief, almost like a child’s. They’re transfixing, like diamonds handpicked and placed into his eyes. You’re overwhelmed from your work once again- a direct consequence of Gojo neglecting his own, yet something about this greeting reminded you of one of the first few times he had visited you, when he stole your carrot pen. Thus, causing you to direct your undivided attention towards him, he seemed promising, after all, what was the worst that could happen?     “That’s besides the point, Mr. Satoru. Is there any reason why you came here? I’m actually finishing up a report right now and the deadline is in two days.” taking your coffee mug up from it’s usual spot on the tabletop, you sigh in relief as the warm liquid goes down your throat and set it back down, anticipating his answer.     In usual fashion, Gojo chuckles good-heartedly. “It’s your fourth month anniversary you’ve been working here, or third, or second, fuck like I remember. This is a cause for celebration and you’re worrying about finishing up a report?”    “You’d know better then to come to me with an offer of slacking off if you knew my fourth month anniversary of working here was coming up.” you respond coolly.     His eyes slightly widen, before he lets out a dry chuckle. “Ah, I missed my sassy secretary, say, why don’t we celebrate? We can go out for a staff dinner in celebration. I’ll pay, no need to worry. It’ll be confidential information between the two of us.” tugging at his collar, he quirks an eyebrow, you’re visibly thinking.      “Does this imply you want this dinner to only be between the two of us? Why’s that?” you pry, a tinge of hesitance in your pitch.     Ah, shit. This was going off the tracks.     Gojo taking a hand to his chest defensively, he loudly announced, “It’s important to build a positive connection between the two of us! We’ll be working together for years to come, of course. So skeptical of you, why do you look so down?” the retort was cheeky, and good at that, as it left you speechless.     “I’m not sad, or anything-” you pause, your mind had gone blank. “I- Um... I-” attempting to return to your work instead, you give him a dirty look, but he stares back with such intensity you don’t know how to feel. “I’m doing work, don’t screw up my train of thought, please?”    “You definitely weren’t saying that when I offered to take you out to eat, come on, spit it out.” he tsks. Utterly defeated, you sigh.     “I wanted to invite someone.” you spit out, obviously embarrassed.     Gojo pretends to act shocked, before excitedly inquiring, “And who might that be?”     “G-Geto.” there was no point in lying now.    He oohs, looking down at your shaking hands and back up at your face. “Ooooh, Y/N has a crush on my best bud? Who woulda thought!?”    Your cheeks going warm, you shake your head furiously. “No I don’t! I- Mr. S- Sir! This is so unprofessional of you!” stuttering, you drop your head on the desk, arms pillowing the sides of your head and groaning.     “How cute. Anyways, you accept that dinner date?”     You lift your head back up, sniffling. “It’s not a date!”    Giving you a shit-eating grin again, his eyes twinkle. “Oh, but it is.”    “I- Aghhhhh!” putting your head back down on the desk, this time without your arms, you don’t know how to respond, so instead you make a mockery of yourself.    Laughing, Gojo decides not to tease and you and instead says, “Meet me in Shibuya district, there’s a super nice restaurant, I’ll drive to your house, no need to worry about transportation. 9 PM, see you there!” his voice grew more distant down the hallway, you can still hear the clicking of his shoes and his deep humming.     So you had a date tonight,     Now how would that go?
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honeybvnnyy · 4 years
stray kids when their s/o is pregnant with multiples—
written by: 🐝
genre: fluff
warnings: pregnancy, swearing
thank you to @mrsunshine999 for requesting this!!
bang chan ♡
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• chan’s so prepared to be a father!!
• he’s terrified, as most first time parents usually are, but he’s so so so SO excited to be having kids with you
• he’s even happier when he finds out you’re having twins
• “i want more 🥺🥺”
• “they haven’t even cOME OUT YET-“
• “could u squeeze out more babies please 🥺🥺🥺”
• chan is sosososo protective of you
• it’s really sweet actually
• he’s always touching you in some way, just wanting to make sure you and the babies nearby
• chan likes to touch ur bump
• like,, A LOT,,,
• if he could choose, he’d never let go ☺️☺️
• chan definitely spends a lot of his spare time thinking of names for ur kids
• unfortunately, neither of you can seem to agree on anything
• you both decide to wait until after the babies are born to come up with something
minho ♡
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• okay so y’all are having triplets
• he’s thrilled
• get used to ridiculous name ideas tho,,
• “babe...”
• “yes, minnie?”
• “could we pleeeeaaase call the babies soonie, doongie and dori??”
• you: 😐😐😐
• minho: 👁👄👁
• “absolutely not”
• much like chan, he’s fiercely protective of u
• if anyone so much as looks at u the wrong way, they’re getting a shoe thrown at their head
• and when ur babies are finally born he’s the same
• one of his cousins said the babies weren’t even that cute and i’m pretty sure he burst a blood vessel trying to suppress the urge to throw a table or smth 👀👀
changbin ♡
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• not to roast him or anything but when the sonographer said y’all were having quadruplets he passed out,, in the middle of the sonography room,,,
• “can you check again??”
• “sir i’ve checked 1000 times, i’m certain-“
• “just chECK AGAIN-“
• once changbin got over the initial anxiety, he was over the moon about it
• “damn, is my sperm on steroids or smth??”
• “changbin pls 😭😭”
• he’s seriously caring tho
• he always makes sure you’re on time to your prenatal classes and doctors appointments
• and he’s all read up on the latest child rearing tips and tricks 😌😌😌
• but absolutely expect changbin to pop ur pregnancy ball from bouncing on it too hard
• (we all know changbin has a phat ass)
hyunjin ♡
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• you were both really nervous about having triplets, but hyunjin more so than you
• mostly bc he felt so powerless
• you were carrying T H R E E babies when most people only have O N E
• so he promised himself that he’d be there for every moment of your pregnancy, holding your hand every step of the way just to make sure you never felt intimidated or alone
• 😭😭😭 don’t mind me 😭😭😭😭 just sobbing over hyunjin 😭😭😭😭😭
• he buys designer baby clothes all 👏the 👏time👏
• u try and tell him to slow down but he doesn’t listen
• “c’moooon, we’re having triplets! we’re gonna need lots of baby clothes!”
• “not designer baby clothes! they’re just gonna poop and puke all over them!”
• “idc, no child of mine will be dressing like some n00b”
jisung ♡
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• ur pregnancy was quite a tough one
• you both knew it was likely gonna be that way, but that didn’t stop it from being any less difficult
• “these kids kick too damn much”
• “c’mon, it’s a good thing they’re kicking. it means they’re healthy and active.”
• “that’s not the issue, it’s that they’re kicking each other and i’m getting caught in the crossfire”
• “do you need me to have a word with them?”
• “sure?” 🤨🤨
• “hey, you two. quit fighting”
• *the babies continue to beat the crap out of each other, elliciting a groan from you”
• “don’t make me come in there! i’m your father and you will listen to me.”
• it didn’t help much but it’s the thought that counts
• (dad!jisung has me so soft 🐝)
• on a similar note, jisung ALWAYS knows how to lift ur mood when ur feeling particularly hormonal or sensitive
• whether it’s giving you a back massage and cuddles
• or just listening to you vent
• jisung tries his hardest to be a supportive presence bc having twins is a big deal and not everyone knows what ur going through
felix ♡
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• being pregnant with triplets was an experience to say the absolute least
• ur pregnancy was so w e i r d
• strong!! pregnancy!!! cravings!!!!
• onion rings with strawberry jam 🤢🤢
• pickle juice and vanilla icecream 🤢🤢🤢
• apple slices and mustard 🤢🤢🤢🤢
• felix insists on cooking for u
• he’s so disgusted by ur food cravings, but pretends not to be bc ur so sensitive that any sort of criticism will have you bawling ur eyes out
• and if you start crying, so does felix
• and then everyone starts crying
• felix is sosososoSO gentle with u
• he’s very careful not to wake you in the night
• and he’ll help you put ur shoes on and get dressed when u get too big to do it on ur own
• which he loves 💕❤️
• looking after you is a big thing for felix, especially with three babies on the way
seungmin ♡
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• he had this weird premonition/feeling/dream that y’all were gonna have a lot of kids
• but seungmin could NOT have comprehended that y’all were having quadruplets,,,
• he’s similar to changbin in that he was in a state of shock and disbelief when he found out (unsurprisingly) but it didn’t take long for him to get used to the idea of it
• bc quadruplet pregnancies tend to be shorter, he wanted to get all the important stuff out of the way first
• like putting together the nursery
• he enlisted the help of his group members bc there was just so much stuff to put together
• chan, hyunjin, minho and changbin got the most stuff done, whilst jisung, jeongin and felix sorta just fucked shit up
• you and seungmin sorta just watched from the sidelines like: 🤭😮
• making sure that you felt confident in yourself as a parent was really important to him
• which brings me to this cute fact: seungmin compliments and praises you ALL👏THE👏TIME👏
• “you’re so good at this!”
• “your bump looks so cute, i’m gonna rlly miss it”
• “our kids are rlly lucky to have u as their parent”
jeongin ♡
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• jeongin couldn’t make it to the first scan because the weather was so awful and no bus would take him, so you went on your own and called him after to tell him the good news
• “we’re having TWO babies??? in one go???”
• “yes, innie, we’re having twins!!”
• “but I’M a baby!! can u really handle two more???”
• as much as you two both like to joke, ur pregnancy really matured him as a person
• jeongin was determined to be the best possible father for his children, no questions asked 😌😌
• so he read all the books.....
• and went to all the prenatal yoga classes.......
• and did all the things you’re supposed to do.......
• but, for jeongin, that didn’t quite feel like enough
• he only felt ready to be a parent when he spoke with his dad and grandpa, who both confided in him that they felt just as unprepared and inadequate as he did and that’s sorta just a part of being a parent
• fortunately, that gave him a lot more confidence
• and when your due date came, he handled everything so calm and confidently
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northcarolinanative · 4 years
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐰?
TW: Mentions of Anxiety and Sexual Assault
Request: tw; jj imagine, angsty, fluff, yk that jazz. but specifically touch on topics like sexual assault (while having jj as boyfriend but not breakup after gf is assaulted)? idk i don’t ever find much of those and it almost makes me feel sometimes like it’s not that valid which it needs to be shown that it is. totally ok if u can’t write that! sorry if this doesn’t make sense
A/N: This is a topic that is very serious and I did not want to romanticize it anyway. This is very heavy, sensitive, and something that I know, sadly, a lot of people can relate to. If you are struggling with anything please reach out to anyone, you don’t have to go through it alone. As always, my inbox/ requests/ messages are open:) PLEASE let me know what you think. I am so nervous about this one. Shout out to @softstarkey​ for helping me read over this fic and giving me amazing feedback <3
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Full Masterlist 
Y/N had been acting differently, she knew it, her friends knew it, and her boyfriend knew it. Their once outgoing, life of the party friend had shifted to stand by the wall, hidden by the shadows instead of dancing on the countertops. Their fashion-forward friend had exchanged her on-trend summer wardrobe and colorful bikinis for black, oversized attire. Their once touchy friend had now become completely closed off, not letting anyone come close to her. They thought that maybe it was a spout of insecurity, or maybe just an off week when it started, by it had lasted about a month now. 
Everyone was worrying, but JJ could not stop worrying about her. She had become withdrawn from him, every time he would rest his hands on her, he could feel her tense up. When they would kiss, it would be short and chaste, never long or emotional. JJ thought that it may have been something that he had done. The other pogues were trying to help him rationalize that it wasn’t his fault, she was being distant with all of them. 
JJ texted Y/N asking her if she was coming to the bonfire that night. He assured her that it would be small, just the pogues and a few of their other friends. The kids from The Cut had other plans though. When Y/N arrived it was anything but small. She was terrified that Josh might be there, he was the last person that she wanted to see, but more importantly, she didn’t want  JJ to see him. She shifted uncomfortably looking at the mass of people covering the sandy beach. She took a deep breath before walking forward, knowing exactly where to find the other pogues. 
On her way through she was trying to politely squeeze by the other party-goers making it so that she can get to the keg. Once she found her friends she would hopefully have a sense of security in the large crowd. Certainly, he wouldn’t bother her when she was around all her friends. Her eyes lit up as she waved to her best friend Kie through the crowd. Kie was quick to grab Y/N outstretched hand, pulling her out of the sea of bodies and over to the pogues, who were serving alcohol. JJ was quick to wrap his arms around her from behind. He felt her stiffen as she had been in the past few weeks. He held up a red cup in front of her. “For you my lady,” He said, faking a posh accent and bowing, causing both of them to laugh. Y/N reached over to kiss JJ, but just peck before turning back to Kie. JJ noticed the way that Y/N wrapped her self up with her arms while sitting next to Kie though, and the way that her eyes scanned the sea of people in front of him. Something was off, but he just couldn’t bear to ask. He was scared that it was him, that Y/N was different because of him. 
Y/N and Kie sat on a piece of driftwood for most of the night, talking with other pogues and a few tourons. Kooks would sometimes walk by on their way to the keg, causing Y/N to tense up. Kie was talking to some touron about the issue with single-use silverware. “You mean to tell me that everyone was like, yeah, I’ll use this fork for 15 minutes so that it can then sit in a landfill for 500 years just so that I don’t have to do the dishes.” She ranted. “Ridiculous.” She finished, obviously worked up by the tourons lack of interest. “Y/N here agrees” She nodded towards Y/N. 
Y/N laughed nodding her head. “She got us all bamboo toothbrushes for Christmas last year,” She stated, causing the group to erupt in laughter. 
Kiara laughed with them. “What? It’s practical.” 
Y/N tensed as she heard a voice behind her. It was Josh and his group of underclassmen groupies. Her skin went cold. He was talking to JJ, she could hear their banter from the fire. Josh was a Kook which meant that JJ already despised him. 
“Y/N!” Kiara waved at her as she moved beside Y/N from her spot a few seats over. “Earth to Y/N” She laughed, but when Y/N looked back over at Kie, she saw the way that she was drained, the laughter that was there before was gone. Kie followed her gaze to Josh and JJ, watching the two as Josh walked away, opposite JJ but towards Y/N and Kie. Y/N quickly turned back to Kie trying to start a conversation desperately. 
“So you and Pope yea? That’s uh different.” Y/N said. She was interested in Kie’s life, but she knew that Kie would gush about it. 
“I mean yea. Who would have thought Pope, you know, he’s got his head screwed on right, and he’s–” 
She was cut off by Josh sitting down beside Y/N. She instantly tensed at the closeness. She wrapped her arms around herself, trying to make herself as small as possible while he spoke to Kie. 
He held his hand out over Y/N’s lap, causing her to flinch, to shake Kie’s hand. Kie’s eyes were filled with concern as she watched Y/N. She had never seen her act like this before. Kie cautiously took the man’s hand as he introduced himself. “My name’s Josh.” He said bringing her hand up to kiss it, just as he had done with Y/N’s that night. Y/N zoned out feeling her breath become unsteady but tried to calm herself so Kie would not become suspicious. 
“Kie,” She said pulling her hand away quickly, shocked by the upfront affection. 
Josh snaked his arm around Y/N’s shoulders, as she could feel the vomit in her stomach rising, wanting to get rid of all the beer in her stomach. “Y/N didn’t tell me she had another Kook friend.” He said flashing a smile at her, but Y/N’s eyes were trained to the ground and she was frozen under his arm. Kie sent a worried look over to the boys by the keg, catching Pope’s attention. 
“JJ, somethings up,” Pope said tapping JJ on the shoulder as he was pouring a beer. 
“What are you on about?” He laughed looking at Pope. 
Pope pointed to the fire that Y/N and Kie were sitting at. “Kie gave me a look, and if I’m not mistaken, that’s a Kook, cozying up to Y/N, you’re girlfriend, right now.” JJ felt the heat rise to his face as he shoved the cup that he was holding into Pope’s stomach before storming over to the three of them. JJ was quick to shove the guy from behind. Due to his grip around her shoulders, Y/n was sent tumbling too. Josh got up quickly, standing defensively, both hands clenched at his sides. Kie quickly moved to help Y/N up and over to the side and away from the fire as the two began fighting. 
“What the hell bro?” Josh asked JJ, throwing his hands up. 
“Don’t touch my fucking girlfriend. You may be a Kook but I’ll kick your ass all the way back to Figure 8.” JJ said moving toward him. 
Josh snapped his head in your direction, with a quick smirk. “Your girlfriend, huh?” Josh said starting to patronize JJ, seeing how far he could push it. Y/N knew what was coming. Kie noticed her change in breathing, it felt like someone had punched her in the stomach. “She didn’t mention anything about you the last time that we were here.” Josh paused a smile on his face. “Ya know when we were making out, over there in the woods.” 
Josh barely finished his sentence before JJ’s hand connected with his face. All they could see was blood. Josh stumbled back making his way toward the road. “Whatever, she’s not worth it man.” 
By now there were tears streaming down Y/N’s face as she turned to walk down the beach. She couldn’t breathe, it felt like her lungs were on fire. Kie followed after her, trying to console her while the boys were trying to keep JJ from starting another fight. Somewhere along the way, Sarah came over with a bottle of water, asking Y/N to try and drink it. 
Once Y/N and JJ settled down, the fight seemed to have dispersed the party, the pogues sat down on the dark beach silence falling over them. JJ thought about it more and more, what Josh had said. He was convinced that she had cheated on him, but he didn’t want to believe that Y/N could do that. He didn’t think she could, but her actions recently all seemed to mirror that. He hadn’t seen the way that she stiffened up around him as Kie had, or how she had tried to curl up and disappear when she heard his voice. 
JJ was the first to break the silence, he wanted to get it over with, even if it meant in front of his friends, who didn’t seem to wanna leave. “Did you do it? Is he telling the truth? Did you cheat on me?” JJ’s words came out angry and aggressive, causing Y/N to pull her knees further into her chest. Kie shot him a death stare as she continued to run her hand up and down Y/N’s back to comfort her. After what she had witnessed over the past month, pieced together with tonight’s information, she had a feeling that she knew what happened. 
Y/N took a deep breath and looked at JJ, but his head was turned, looking out over the dark ocean. “Yes, he was telling the truth but I didn’t-” a sob escaped from Y/n’s mouth as she coughed, Kie leaning down to try and help, even trying to shush me. JJ thought I cheated on him. He thought I would do that to him. “I didn’t cheat on you. At least I didn’t want to.” I said dropping my head into my knees crying. “I was going to the van to get a jacket, he stopped me, and I was drunk so I was weaker and couldn’t get him off me and-” Kie wrapped her arms around Y/N, who was trying to justify herself, holding the girl as she shook. 
A look of realization crossed JJ’s face as he stood up. Anger boiled through him, making him want to hurt Josh even worse than he had. He let out a grunt as he kicked the sand in front of him. 
“Look this is the last thing she needs right now ok.” John B said as he looked over and pointed at Y/N practically crumbled in Kie’s arms. “That should be you.” He said before backing away and standing next to Pope and wrapping an arm around Sarah leading them back towards the van. 
JJ took the short few strides to where he could kneel down in front of her. He looked at Kie, silently asking for a moment alone with her. “You okay?” Kie asked as she slowly removed herself from around the girl. Y/N sat back up nodding at Kie, before using the sleeves of her shirt to wipe away the tears on her face. Her eyes met JJ’s as Kie walked towards the van, joining the others. JJ slid his arm around her watching to see how she reacted, pulling her close when she fell into him. The short silence that fell over them seemed necessary, as they both sorted through their thoughts.   
Y/N was the first to speak, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I was scared that you would be mad or wouldn’t believe me. I mean... “ She trailed. 
JJ turned, putting his hands on either side of her face. “No No, this isn’t on you. This wasn’t your fault ok?” JJ said, shaking his head. His eyes started to tear up as he began wiping even more that were falling down yours. He took a deep breath, “I know why you didn’t tell me, but moving forward, don’t hide something from me, okay? Nothings gonna come between us, I don’t want that fear to stop you from getting better, or getting the help that you need, okay?” He pushed his forehead against hers, letting them both breathe for a moment. JJ’s thoughts wandered to all the changes that had overcome Y/N’s character over the past month. He felt guilty for not being alarmed enough to ask. 
“I should have noticed, I’m sorry baby,” JJ said, pulling her closer to him.
“I did want anyone to. I am ashamed of it, I feel like, like it’s my fault.” Y/N choked out, she felt like she couldn’t catch a breath. 
“This is not your fault.” JJ repeated as he ran his hands through your hair. “Me, the pogues, Sarah, and whoever else you need are here for you. We can get you a therapist, or talk to the police, we’ll be with you every step of the way.” He let his hand rub up and down her back. He knew that whatever steps came next were going to be hard, but he wanted to help Y/N in every way that he could. 
“Thank you JJ” She pulled her head up, looking into his eye. “I’m glad I have you, really. While I didn’t get to choose to tell you, it feels better to have it out there. This all feels a little bit more manageable with you by my side.” She leaned forward and kissed JJ before pulling back. “I love you JJ.” 
“I love you too Y/N,” He said as they both smiled. JJ pulled her into a tight hug again. “Oh, and I’m not letting you out of my sight from now on.” 
“Oh boy” Y/N laughed, making JJ feel a little better.
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free-pool-trash · 4 years
folklore - isaac lahey {7/?}
Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait I’ve been ridiculously busy the past few weeks 😓BUT!!! As compensation I made this part super long and fluffy with sooooooo much Isaac/reader content (enjoy it while you can because shits gonna be messy from here on out 🤭🙈)
Having said that, I don’t have my laptop right now as I moved houses and my stuff got put into storage so I’m working with the mobile version 😓 sorry in advance if formatting is weird I tried to make it better 😓 also there’s no continue reading button so sorry if this comes up on your dash 😭
Let me know what you think tho I’d really appreciate it 💕
Word count: 5.5k 🙈
Warnings: Fluff 😳, mentions of blood, Derek being a PAIN IN THE ASS, Isaac being the cutest 😌✨, ✨kissing✨, swearing
Tag list (open as always): @makeusfreefromthisfandom om, @cece-lives-here here, @chocolate-raspberries , @belsandthings , @dancing-tacos-23 , @truly-dionysus , @britty443 , @tanyaherondale , @furiouspockettoad , @yunsh-17 17, @random-thoughts-003 , @gloomybrieyxb , @futuristicslimemongerbanana , @linkpk88 , @big-galaxy-chaos , @im-a-stranger-thing , @riaisnotcool (I think u had a username change but idk let me know and I can fix it), @its-evita-here , @pad-foots , @sweetpeabellamyblakedracomalfoy , @bookswillfindyouaway , @what-the-hap-is-fuckening , @awkwardnesshabitat , @pieces-by-me me, @wreny24 , @kerosene-angel (if this is the wrong username I’m sorry it wasn’t working the way I had written it down so I’m assuming I just took it down wrong 😳 it it’s not you let me know and I’ll remove you), @marveloucnco o, @babypink224221 let me know if you’d like to be added <3 (strike through means tumblr wouldn’t let me tag you)
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The days you’d spent in Mystic Falls bled into weeks and soon enough you were being beckoned back to Beacon Hills with a head full of things you hadn’t had a clue about two weeks prior.
There, of course, was the matter of Peter- who was now dead, well technically, he was murdered.
Derek’s first course of action as Beacon Hills’ new alpha was to break the news to you. He’d killed him but due to Scott and Stiles’ constant text updates, you knew it would’ve had to be done sooner or later. But still, you had a feeling that this wouldn’t be the last of him. That small intuitive feeling in the back of your mind told you that you’d see him again soon. You just hoped your next meeting wouldn’t be happening because you ended up buried next to him.
Over the course of your stay with Alaric, who had left you in the care of the Salvatore brothers- Stefan and Damon, you’d honed several new vampiric powers. As it turned out, some of the powers you possessed were completely unfamiliar to the vampires of over a hundred years.
You had super speed, it wasn’t just enhanced as you’d previously thought. As well as that, you’d discovered that you could run circles around both Stefan and Damon Salvatore, who were obviously a lot older and therefore should’ve been a lot faster.
And for that matter, they should’ve been stronger than you, they should’ve been able to snap you like a twig. They should’ve been able to. But they weren’t. Because not only were you faster, you were stronger too.
While having super speed and super strength was nice, mind compulsion, your most recent discovery, now that was incredible. All you had to do was look into someone’s eyes and they would become completely entranced to do whatever you told them.
Despite being over a hundred years old, neither Stefan nor Damon had ever seen a vampire quite like you.
They’d never seen a vampire who was also an empath, that, apparently, was usually more of a witch thing. Neither of them had ever come across a vampire bite which had a euphoric effect either. But having said all of that… they’d never heard of someone being turned from a wolf bite. Or a vampire who still had a beating heart, for that matter.
Your only real downfalls were that, for one, your blood’s healing capacity didn’t operate at the same speed for you as it did when being used to heal others. You’d put this down to the possibility that maybe your system had just grown too used to it. To be perfectly honest, though, you had no idea.
Secondly, your empathic tendencies were beginning to bring you down, but it wasn’t just that… it was the way in which you’d been instructed, by Damon Salvatore himself, on how to make them stop.
The plane ride home to California dragged on longer than you would’ve liked, the flight was delayed and you were absolutely starving by the time Derek picked you up from the airport. Your parents were still away, they’d travelled to Romania in search of answers to your predicament and they wouldn’t be home until at least next week, so that left Derek on chauffeur and babysitting duty.
“How are you?” He’d only spoken up thirty minutes into the car ride, you let out a sigh from the passenger seat and gave him a tired smile, you could feel the nerves radiating from him. He was afraid you’d be mad at him for killing Peter, and maybe you should’ve been, but again, you had a feeling he’d be back, and besides, spending time with Damon had helped you realise that everything wasn’t so black and white. It finally registered with you that people like Derek and Damon, the dark mysterious bad boys with secret hearts of gold- they sometimes did bad things but with good intentions.
Once you discovered this, you decided amongst yourself that you’d ease up on your not-really-big-brother in the future. Even if it meant you got hurt a little in the process. If hurting you was what he needed to do to learn his lesson then you’d be willing to make that sacrifice.
So you gave him a soft smile and answered, “Hungry.”
Derek let out a chuckle at that, nodding his head towards the backseat, drawing your attention to the three full blood bags laying on the leather seats.
A delighted gasp left your mouth as you snatched the plastic bags into your hands, wasting no time you stuck the attached tube into your mouth and began gulping the first bag down- it was definitely Stiles’ blood you were drinking, you’d gotten so used to the taste of it you were sure you could recognise it anywhere.
Letting out a happy groan you threw your head back against the headrest, “Stiles Stilinski you are a doll.”
Derek chuckled again, glancing at you fondly before his steely eyes returned to the road ahead.
It was only another 30 minutes before you were back in your driveway. “So are you staying here until my parents get back?” You questioned from the porch as Derek got your bags from the trunk of his car, the wolf shook his head with a smile, “Nah, I’ve got some stuff to do at home.”
“Derek, that home isn’t even structurally sound.” You chastised softly. Surely he’d be happier spending time with the family he still had breathing rather than living in the remnants of what used to be his.
Walking up to the porch, Derek placed your case down gently by your feet and moved himself to stand in front of you. A genuine smile painted his lips as he gazed at you, “New rule.” He stated, placing both of his hands on either of your forearms before going on, eyes staring affectionately into your own, “From now on, I will be doing all the worrying about you, alright? Not the other way around.”
With a defeated sigh, you nodded your head. “I’ll try my best.” That had been a lie. Unable to blind you with his unusually sweet sentiment, through the physical contact you could tell he was scheming.
“Good. Now, go get some rest I’ll come check up on you in the morning.” He kissed your forehead and then made his way back to his car, speeding out of your driveway and out of sight before you’d even unlocked the door.
The house was cold and empty when you’d re-entered. A shiver ran up your spine the second your feet stepped past the threshold. Something was very wrong, and unfortunately, you couldn’t tell what exactly it was that was so wrong. The feeling was unnerving, it was dark and it was agonisingly heavy. Like anxiety on steroids, lots of steroids.
Swallowing thickly, you gripped -more like clawed- at your chest. Nails scraping your skin as you attempted to catch a single breath, though it seemed that oxygen was determined to outrun you as you glanced around helplessly.
Almost twenty minutes has passed as you heaved and gasped frantically, overwhelming dread flooded your chest while simultaneously tears flooded your eyes, and still you didn’t have even the slightest idea of what it all meant.
And then it hit you. That panic- it didn’t belong to you.
Within a second you’d risen to your feet, breathing still staggered while you rushed out the front door, your vampire speed being put to good use as within seconds you were where your panic had led you. Night had fallen by now and it was completely dark, not to mention absolutely freezing, the hoodie you had on doing nothing to protect you from the biting cold in the air. The trail of feelings you’d been chasing had led you to Beacon Hills cemetery and before your eyes, there it was, the something that was very wrong.
Derek and Isaac. More specifically, Derek’s teeth buried in Isaac’s arm. You hadn’t even registered what you were doing when you ripped Derek from Isaac and violently threw him across the cemetery, the impact in which the Hale hit the tree all the way at the edge of the graveyard was a testimony to your strength. You hadn’t even used half it.
Without hesitation, you inspected Isaac’s body frantically, eyes lingering on the bloody bite across his right arm. Slowly and mournfully, your eyes met his, which were wide with shock. His heart was beating out of his chest to the point where you couldn’t ignore it.
“What did he do to you?” The question slipped out as a whisper, your anger melted away only to be replaced by dread as Isaac began to speak, “He offered me the bite and I- I said yes.”
“Isaac…” Your gaze drifted to the bite and you weren’t surprised to see it already healed. “I’m sorry.” You heard him mutter from above you, his anxiety pooling in your chest and mixing with his guilt.
Shaking your head softly you pulled him into you, your arms wrapped tightly around his shoulders while his own arms held you tightly against him as you kissed his temple to release him of the intense anxiety plaguing him. “Don’t be sorry. I understand.”
He relaxed against you upon hearing your words, the two weeks you’d been gone made him realise something, he was utterly useless without you, or so he thought. He felt weak. He felt as though if he didn’t have you as emotional support he was defective. Derek had honed in on that and manipulated it to his advantage, convinced Isaac that the bite was what he needed in order to be strong by himself. To keep you safe instead of you protecting him all of the time.
“Was that really necessary?” Derek’s voice broke the moment and you found anger was surging through you once again. You separated from Isaac to face Derek.
At this point, you didn’t care what his intentions had been, you weren’t going to let him away with this.
“I’m going to give you three seconds to explain why you did this.” As Derek moved to speak you ruthlessly cut him off. “Too slow.” And with that the back of your hand met his cheek, again sending him flying, only not as far this time.
His fangs were barred now, as were yours. Both of your eyes glowing, his red ones threatening as he attempted to demonstrate his power. And yet again, you had a revelation.
You couldn’t stop the laugh that fell from your lips, a synacal and sarcastic lilt to it as you towered over Derek’s form on the floor.
“Oh I get it!” You exclaimed, lip held between your teeth in mock disbelief you pressed your palm to your forehead as you spoke, “You thought you’d go around and stalk some kids so you could add to your big bad pack. Right?” He growled at you and attempted to pick himself up, only for you to give a swift, hard kick to his chest, returning his back to the dirt.
“I guess you told him it’d make him stronger? That it’d make all of his problems go away? And what about the Argent’s, huh? Did you tell him that you were manipulating him?” It was then, again in panic, Isaac spoke up to your surprise, in Derek’s defence.
“(Y/n), I promise it isn’t like that! He told me everything, it was my choice I said yes!” You spared him a glance before crouching down to Derek.
“Well did you tell him how you usually treat your pack?” The words were dripping in venom and the guilt that radiated from the man didn’t deter you from moving forward with you verbal attack, your head turning to Isaac, your eyes sparkling with sadness as you locked eyes with him, speaking hoarsely you wondered out loud, “Did he tell you that he’s a liar? That he doesn’t know how to run a pack? That if he doesn’t understand you he’ll leave you in the dust?”
The look on his face spoke volumes as he recalled the state Derek had put you in the weeks previous.
With a final sneer in Derek’s direction you delivered your parting words, “You better treat him better than you continue to treat me or so help me Derek Hale I will tear you to shreds.”
As you angrily stormed away, Isaac stood in confusion for a second before he began to chase after you, leaving Derek on the dirt floor to help himself.
“(Y/n)! (Y/n) please wait!” He shouted as he was just starting to catch up to you. When you felt that you were at a good enough distance away from Derek you finally slowed your pace.
When Isaac finally made it to your side, he was panting slightly, swallowing the lump in his throat he nervously grabbed your hand.
“I’m sorry.” He repeated, his eyes resembling those of a puppy and you could already feel your composure slipping away from you as you looked at him.
It’d been almost three weeks since you’d seen him, three weeks since you’d made out in the school basement and this definitely wasn’t how you were expecting the reunion to go.
“Isaac it isn’t your fault. I’m not mad at you, ok? I get it. I’m just worried, this town isn’t exactly kind on the supernatural.” You reassured him gently, squeezing his hand and giving him a sad smile.
“Don’t worry about me.” Isaac told you and you had to laugh, “Sorry, babe but I will not be taking my eyes off you until this town becomes normal.”
Isaac’s face was then taken over by, what could only be described as, a Cheshire Cat smile, “Did you just call me babe?” His voice was teasing and you felt your face heating up despite your freezing temperature.
Sucking on the inside of your cheek you tried your best to conceal your growing smile, you shrugged innocently, “Yeah. What about it?” The playful lilt in your voice had his smile widening even more as he began to lean down to you, his face getting closer to yours by the second.
His breath fanned across your lips when he spoke next, “I liked it.” With that, his lips pressed to yours cautiously, as if he was still unsure of whether or not it was okay to do so.
His uncertainty melted away when he felt your lips begin to reciprocate his actions and your hands moved to cup his cheeks.
The both of you could agree that this kiss was different than the last one you’d shared a few weeks ago. “Why is it that we only ever kiss when one of us is coming out as a supernatural creature?” Isaac laughed against your lips as you pulled away with a sigh.
“It would be us wouldn’t it.”
After a few minutes of nagging at Isaac you managed to put all the pieces of Derek’s plan together. Isaac himself didn’t actually know all that much, just that he was the first to be turned, but that alone told you everything that you needed to know.
Derek was now an alpha with no pack, so logically, a pack was what he was building and that would have been perfectly understandable- if he hadn’t started with your best friend.
“There’s a full moon coming up, did he tell you what would happen?” You questioned gently, ready to throttle Derek when the boy in front of you shook his head.
Heaving a deep breath you squeezed his hand reassuringly, the initial excitement of being turned had worn off and Isaac was beginning to radiate anxiety once again.
“Don’t worry okay? I’m gonna call Scott, he’ll be able to help you.” Isaac’s eyebrows came together in confusion, “Scott McCall?”
You nodded your head, “He’ll know how to help.” You tried to convince Isaac without spilling Scott’s secret. Not that it was going to stay a secret for too long, but it wasn’t your secret to tell.
Isaac shook his head rapidly, his hands moving to hold your forearms, his panic at your suggestion hitting you like a freight train as he stared into your eyes, a wild look in his own.
“No no no no. You can’t tell anyone. (Y/n) promise me you won’t tell anyone okay? If my dad finds out I’m a werewolf he’ll-“ The words came out almost as fast as you could run and his panic only intensified when his father entered his mind.
Quickly catching on to his looming panic attack as his eyes began to glow yellow you cut him off, “Isaac.”
He didn’t hear you as he kept rambling, claws growing past his nails and digging into your arm, “No he’ll kill me. Oh my god he’s gonna kill me. (Y/n) he’s go-“
Yes, it would’ve been easy to rip your arms from his grasp that was causing you quite a lot of pain as his nails sunk into your skin as his hands held onto you desperately. However, you had a feeling that his hold on your now bloody forearms was the only thing keeping him from spiralling completely out of control.
“Isaac! Look at me!” Your voice was strict but served to make his amber eyes finally settle on yours.
Gently, you finally slipped your arms out of Isaac’s clawed grip, although you were sure it would’ve been less painful to just leave them, his claws dragged down your arms while you lifted them slowly and cautiously until you replaced them with your hands, using your new grasp of the boy to provide him with some peace of mind.
You focused your energy on shifting a sense of relaxation from your own palms to Isaac’s sweaty ones as you spoke, voice soft again, “I’m not going to tell anyone. It’s just you and me, alright? Focus on me, yeah?” Isaac nodded his head, still slightly frantic but calmer than before as he did as you told and simply focused on you, “Take a deep breath.” You instructed, breathing steadily along with him until his eyes returned to their natural blue colour and his claws retracted.
A moment of silence passed with Isaac slumped against you, hands held tightly in his while he steadied his breathing. You placed your lips to his cheek and then again to the bruise forming beneath his right eye, you hadn’t noticed it earlier. You’d almost forgotten it’d been nearly three weeks since you’d been together, he’d probably been though it with his demon of a sperm doner over the time you were away.
“I’ve missed you.” It was Isaac that broke the silence when your lips disconnected from his injured face.
“I missed you too.” You replied simply, there was so much you’d planned on saying to him while you were in Mystic Falls but at the moment, you felt there were more pressing matters to discuss and again, it was Isaac who spoke.
He pulled away slightly to look at you properly, hands still clasping yours, he gave them a squeeze before he started speaking, “This pack that Derek’s building… I’m guessing you’re not in it?”
“I was never asked. But I’ve kind of already got a pack, which you are more than welcome to join.” You responded hopefully, wishing he’d agree but you knew he wouldn’t. As such a fresh beta he’d stay loyal to his alpha, but, you had to ask.
Isaac nodded his head sadly, “Scott McCall?” You let out a small laugh, at how quickly he’d caught on, “Yeah. He’s not exactly an alpha but he’s helped me out a lot, more than Derek has.”
“Derek told me that wolves are stronger as a pack, he didn’t say anything about vampires though.” Isaac went on, a confused lilt in his voice.
“I found out in Mystic Falls that vampires rarely belong to packs and by vampire nature I don’t need one, but Ric figures that it’s in my nature to want one since it’s all I’ve ever known.” You relayed the information to Isaac.
“Then why not, you know, join mine?” His lip was pulled between his teeth and he was looking at you with a hopeful expression.
“Isaac I just told you…” You said pleadingly, you didn’t want to upset him any further but you also couldn’t throw away the pack bond you’d built with Scott and Stiles when you’d first turned. If it was a matter of Isaac’s pack being made up of just Isaac there would’ve been no problems, it was the fact that it wasn’t Isaac’s pack but Derek’s.
Scratching what you’d decided about Derek earlier, you came to a new agreement with yourself: all of hell would freeze over before you even thought of easing up on Derek Hale.
Isaac threw his head back with a groan, “Come on, (N/n)! We are not going to let our love play out like Romeo and Juliet!” The way he spoke was humorous but it was obvious that he wasn’t really joking.
With a sigh you moved your shaking hands, that were now covered in scabbed over cuts as opposed to their previous status of raw and bleeding, to Isaac’s face. Your thumbs moved gently along his cheek bones as you took him in with an encouraging smile on your face as you told him confidently, “I refuse to let us become a modern day Romeo and Juliet, that’s not happening.”
You pulled him closer to you, slipping your arms around his shoulders and doing your best to ignore the butterflies rioting in your stomach when his arms wrapped tentatively around your waist.
You brought your lips to meet his briefly before fixing him with another determined look, “But listen to me, we might be loyal to different packs but I’m on your side, no matter what.”
Isaac nodded his head in understanding, “If it comes down to it, I’m always gonna choose you.” He responded honestly, arms tightening around you to hold you against his chest, his height causing his chin to be tilted downwards so that he could meet your eyes.
“I meant what I said to Derek, by the way.” You informed, Isaac’s eyebrows rose in confusion again, “If he mistreats you I’ll tear him apart.”
“Should I give Scott the same warning?” Isaac asked humorously and you had to shake your head in order to hold back a laugh.
It wasn’t until you’d separated from your embrace with Isaac that you took into account the fact that your body was now shaking with the cold.
“Come on, I’ve gotta call my dad and probably the sheriff and you’re freezing.” Isaac stated, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and leading you back to the cemetery where you noticed his overturned excavator and the dug up grave plot.
You listened with curiosity while Isaac spoke to his father on the phone, trying to explain exactly what had transpired in the last couple of hours since his shift started.
“How the hell does an excavator just flip over, Isaac?” You could hear his fathers anger through the line and Isaac fumbled for a response, “Someone, or something- I don’t know it could’ve been an animal, but it got pushed from the side and tipped over. I fell into the plot I was digging and that was it, I didn’t see the rest.” He explained weakly.
“You still stuck in hole, you idiot?” You watched as Isaac clenched his jaw and motioned to yourself when he was finally looking at you, “No. No, um, (Y/n) just got back from Virgina, she came looking for me and helped me out.”
“She still there?” His father questioned, seemingly cooling off at the mention of your name. You hated how much that man seemed to like you when he should’ve held that affection for his actual son.
“Yeah, she’s with me now.” Isaac confirmed and you offered up a fake cheerful, “Hi, Mr Lahey!”
“Invite her over while I call the sheriff and see about getting this mess cleaned up.” With that, he hung up the phone and Isaac sighed, “You’re starting to look like Mr. Freeze, let’s get you warmed up.” His arm stayed comfortably wrapped around your shoulder and as you reached up to hold his hand that was hanging over your shoulder you stopped dead in your tracks, “Isaac, I can’t go and greet your father looking like this.”
You motioned to your torn and bloodstained hoodie, immediately regretting it when his eyes widened in shock, “Did I… oh god (Y/n) did I do that?”
Not missing a beat you grabbed his hands and made sure you soothed his panic before you got a rerun of earlier.
“It’s not your fault. You’re new to this, okay? Mistakes happen and that’s fine it’s all part of the process. And look!-” You pulled off the hoodie to reveal your now completely healed arms and hands, nothing but dried blood to show that the claw marks were even there in the first place. “‘M all healed up! No harm done.” You reassured him, bringing his lips to yours to further convince him that you were okay and distract him from the guilt you could feel building within him.
Your arms, although no longer cut, were covered in goosebumps as Isaac ran his hands affectionately down the length of them. “It won’t happen again.” He promised and you gave him a shaky smile, teeth beginning to chatter, “Let’s go home?” Isaac nodded his head, nothing short of ripping his own hoodie off before pulling your arms through the sleeves and moving himself in front of you to zip it up.
You watched completely content as he fumbled with the zipper. His curls were falling in front of his eyes and his eyes were squinted in concentration. The quiet, but triumphant, “got it” he let out when he finally finessed the zipper had you grinning like a fool.
When he moved his focus from the zip and back to your face, he smiled bashfully, “What’re you looking at me like that for?”
The sleeves of his hoodie, that was miles too big for you, hung far past your wrists and brushed against the nape of his neck, your fingers finding a place tangled in his hair while you stared at him, grin ever present.
Your other hand was otherwise occupied being placed firmly against Isaac’s chest, enjoying the feeling of his rapidly beating heart, and you didn’t know it entirely. But in that moment it was beating for you and you alone.
Isaac’s hand made itself comfortable holding your waist, the other holding your own against his chest, keeping it in place.
Neither of you needed to say it. You could both feel it. But still, you found yourself uttering the words, “I love you.”
Not half a second had passed before Isaac echoed your declaration, “I love you.”
“I feel like if I kiss you right now I won’t be able to stop but I’m still freezing my ass off so… your place?”
Isaac nodded his head in agreement, “My place.”
Upon arrival at the Lahey residence, Mr. Lahey had greeted you with a wide smile and ushered you into the kitchen where he instructed Isaac to make you some tea, to which Isaac had to restrain a grumble as he’d been planning on doing it anyway.
Mr. Lahey was happily chatting away to you when Isaac set down two cups of tea, one in front of his father and one in front of you, his eyes lingering on you with a certain kind of glint before he turned back to the counter to grab his own cup and returning to sit beside you at the table.
Isaac was, in all honesty, losing it. He didn’t even know why. You were just sitting there, wrapped up in his hoodie, nose ever so slightly pink from the cold, talking politely to his father. It was nothing out of the ordinary but he was finding it hard to think about anything other than how his hoodie would look splayed on the floor of his bedroom.
He wasn’t very good at hiding it either, you could feel it as clear as day. Teenage boy hormones mixing with teenage werewolf hormones were causing havoc and it’d be a lie to say it wasn’t having an affect on you.
Trying to return your attention to whatever Mr.Lahey was babbling about you clearing your throat and took a sip of your tea, keeping your expression neutral as Isaac’s hand slipped to your knee under the table. His attempt to pull you into his mess of hormones was obviously successful as you found yourself ready to yell out in frustration when his hand stayed put on your knee for a solid twenty minutes before his father finally rose from the table.
“I’m going to check out the situation at the cemetery, you’re welcome to stay tonight, it’s pretty dangerous out there these days.” Mr. Lahey offered and you smiled innocently at him as he stood in the doorway, “I think I’ll take you up on that. Thank you.” The older man gave you a nod but said no more before walking out the front door.
“What the hell are you doing?” You finally burst when the front door clicked shut, whipping around to face Isaac.
“What?” He asked as if his hand didn’t start sliding further up your leg the second his father left the room.
You groaned, “Don’t ‘what?’ me when you’re about four centimetres from having your hand between my thighs!”
“Sorry.” He immediately retracted his hand, eyes wide as he realised how close his hand was to reaching the top of your thigh, “I, um, I didn’t mean to- I mean, I did mean to but i won’t do it again if you don’t want me to-“
“Isaac.” You cut him off, lip pulled between your teeth, “I want you to.” You declared and he let out a heavy sigh full of relief, “Thank God.” He muttered before he was pulling you up off the chair and right against his chest.
His lips immediately found yours and his hands were gripping your waist like there was no tomorrow.
At this point, the butterflies in your stomach were going absolutely bat shit feral when his lips began to trail past your lips, to your chin, then to the curve of your jaw. It was when his hand slipped deftly up your side to settle against your jaw that you realised just how much you’d been wanting this.
Isaac’s lips fell further to your neck and you couldn’t stop the hum of approval that escaped your mouth at the sensation of his soft lips sucking and licking at your pulse. “It this okay?” He asked in a mutter, the dainty and nervous nature of his voice contrasting greatly with the confidence and ferocity of his actions.
Your hands tugged gently at his hair to get him to meet you clouded eyes, when he looked at you you were sure that his eyes had flashed yellow, his breathing was getting heavy and you had an inkling that his lips on your neck was the most exciting thing that was going to happen between you tonight.
“It’s more than okay.” You told him with a dopey smile, letting out a laugh when he dived back into the crook of your neck, kissing your skin through a smile.
Despite your words your hands moved to his chest to push him away slightly, “But…” you started as Isaac threw his head back with a groan, “I think we should stop, and maybe revisit this after the full moon passes.”
After taking in a steadying breath Isaac nodded in agreement, “Yeah, you’re probably right.” His hand slipped into yours and he intertwined his fingers with yours, he spent a moment just looking at your linked hands with a fond smile and the look of achievement on his face. It was easy to tell, with the help of your empathic powers, that Isaac was proud of himself.
You yourself couldn’t quite pinpoint why he was feeling so prideful in the moment, but he knew. To be truthful he wasn’t just proud of himself, he was downright ecstatic. He’d been nothing more than your best friend since you were both eleven, and now, six years later he finally crossed the threshold from being your best friend to being your- well actually now that he thought about it, he wasn’t sure what he is to you now.
A few hours passed before Isaac worked up the courage to ask the question that had formed in his mind after his make out session with you earlier.
The pair of you had since gotten comfortable in his bed, which was nothing particularly new. You laid on your side with your back to the bedroom door, Isaac was behind you, his chin tucked in between your shoulder and your neck with his arms around your torso holding you close to him.
“Can I ask you something?” His voice broke through the silence and you responded with a tired hum, adjusting his arm so you could snuggle closer and tried your best to stop yourself from falling asleep while he murmured softly in your ear.
“What are we?” He kept his eyes trained on the dark room ahead of him, his hand grabbing yours as you readjusted his arm and he absentmindedly began playing with your fingers, the action being successful in calming his nerves.
“What do you want us to be?” You asked sleepily in response, a small smile forming on your face as you heard his heartbeat speeding up.
Isaac let out a nervous breath against your neck and you held back a shudder at the feeling, “I was kind of thinking that all the kissing would make us a couple.” Letting out another sleepy hum, if it was even physically possible, you snuggled deeper into his hold. You sluggishly turned your head to place a light kiss against his cheek, “Then we’re a couple.”
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hyodles · 3 years
title: pristine fandom: ikevamp genre: soulmate au angst  word count: 773 prompt: isaac week, day four: AU.
“Soulmates are a wonderful thing!” He heard them gush. “Oh, I hope you find yours soon!” He didn’t have the heart to tell them that he’d never have a soulmate. For there were no mark on his skin which ensured he was claimed by another.
At first, hearing all the stories about how people had met their destined soulmate was wonderful to Isaac. There were so many stories, and even though he hadn’t yet found a mark on his skin, he’d read about others whose mark developed throughout their teenage years, or even, rarely, into adulthood. He still had hope.
He would check his body daily as a ritual, searching, hoping for a sign that he wasn’t alone anymore. Someone to love him for the way he was. If not a romantic soulmate, then a platonic one instead! He’d always longed for a best friend, from watching two children in a playground giving chase to each other, to two adolescents whispering secrets into each other’s ears, to adults going out to bars to meet their beloved friends after work and returning home to hear warm welcomes.
However, after years of waiting, there were no phrases engraved onto his body. The realisation had only hit him in his twenties. That he wasn’t destined to be touched, to be loved, even to be intimately known. Perhaps his body simply wasn’t built for any type of contact from humans.
These thoughts only grew as he became more and more isolated from the world throughout his life, and reached its tipping point after he was turned. After all, who’d want to be near a monster like him? At some point, he’d given up on the entire soulmate idea.
It was two months after he had been reborn, and he was walking past a full-body length mirror in his room as he changed into his ‘work’ clothes. He caught sight of a scar on his arm out of his peripheral vision, and immediately twisted his arm to get a closer look. Failing that, he moved two steps back to the mirror. Lifting his arm to see a sentence engraved into his skin.
If he wasn’t already dead, he figured he probably would’ve died at this point. His heart had seemed to stop as he sucked in a breath. Attempting to figure out what the flipped words meant.
“Don’t worry, I’m not leaving. I’ll stay here as long as you want.” He breathlessly read aloud. The room was starting to spin quite oddly, and before he knew it, he blacked out.
When he came to, he was in bed – Sebastian was peering over him worriedly.
“Sir Isaac, thank goodness–”
“Gods… it was a dream.” Isaac mumbled as he sat up. “Just a dream…”
“A dream?”
Twirling his hair around his fingers absentmindedly as he answered, “Yes, I dreamt something as ridiculous as finding a soulmate mark on my arm…” He lifted his arm up in explanation, and the confused look Sebastian gave him made his stomach churn.
“My apologies, Sir Isaac, but it appears that it wasn’t a dream after all.”
Jumping out of bed despite Sebastian’s protests, he raced to his mirror to check his arm again. Not a dream…? Then surely this was just some strange joke between Comte and his butler? Yes, it had to be that! They must have just drawn the sentence on his body whilst he slept as part of some cruel jest.
He rubbed furiously at his arm and heard Sebastian’s voice amidst his own yelling in his head, probably attempting to calm him down. At some point he registered footsteps walking out of the room – Sebastian would’ve went to get Comte. And yet, he didn’t stop scrubbing for God knows how long. Eventually giving up when he realised it wouldn’t budge.
So it wasn’t ink… But was it even possible for a vampire, someone who was dead, to have a soulmate? The entire idea of soulmate tattoos were scientifically impossible, and he liked to rely on science rather than the supernatural. However, now that he was a vampire, he couldn’t refute the possibility that perhaps… there was someone out there, matched to him.
He didn’t want to admit it, but his entire body felt lighter when he reached that conclusion. Perhaps… Was he allowed to hold onto a smidge of hope?
He met his reflection’s eyes; taking in their bloodshot state, the dark rings underneath. His whole body was shaking – with anxiety or excitement? He couldn’t tell. His hair was messed up from his awful habit of playing with whichever strands he could reach. Overall, he looked a mess.
Perhaps he should shower to rid himself of his exhausted look, then take a walk into town today. …Just in case he happened to meet anyone. Not that he actually believed he’d meet his soulmate or anything. Just because he wanted some fresh air. That’s all.
---- notes: first ikevamp fic lesgo boYS!! special thank u to @scummy-writes​ & @pathofcomets firstly for making isaac week happen (& ur 10/10 prompts) & also for encouraging me to actually finish this kfjdbgdgkj  uhhhh i’m planning like a part two for this but i rlly wanted to get this out on day 4 so here we are!! 
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mirrorforevers · 4 years
silently • graham coxon/reader
this is a direct result of this prompt right here
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don’t b sorry love, we’re all horny here. this prompt immediately took me out of my writer’s block so yeah gsdjsdhgsdj it was a blessing! tysm for sending it n i rly rly hope u enjoy reading it as much as i did writing it aaaaa i literally couldn’t stop. this one has a special place in my heart now.
also please tell me whatchu think abt this one on my askbox! unbeta’ed bc i love danger
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word count: 2.809
warnings: smut. shameless, fast paced fluffy smut.
You couldn't understand why the hell he was so nervous. On the way to your parents' home he asked more questions than a 4-year-old on their way to a park - what are they like, what do they like to do, do they know Blur? Do you think they will find my shoe ridiculous? I'm sure they'll think I’m a weirdo. What did you tell them about me? Even the many kisses you gave him were not enough to calm him down, leaving you to assure him that even if your parents didn't like him - which would be impossible, Graham was never better and more pleasant to live with - you would continue to like him. Very much.
Couldn't live without him, actually.
When you arrive at the door, your mother greets you with a wide, surprised smile - it didn't even seem like she had been begging to meet Graham for months and meticulously planned every minute of the time you would spend together. Her friendly posture seemed to make him more comfortable, the fact that your father was traveling also ended up making him more relaxed. “Dads are always frightening,” he’d say. He agreed to spend the rest of the night there after having an extremely pleasant dinner.
While he does the dishes, you and your mother clean the table when you decide to stop by the kitchen to talk to your boyfriend.
"It wasn't that difficult, was it?" You ask, a daring tone in your voice.
He smiles sheepishly. "Everything went significantly better than I thought it would, honestly."
“You did well. Not that she is hard to please, but you are really sweet.” You kiss him on the cheek. (It's so cute how he still blushes at these things after months of dating.)
"Thank you, love."
"I mean it. I think you deserve a gift for being like this.”
He looks at you, starting to pay even greater attention to the direction of the conversation. “And what do you have in mind?”
You whisper in his ear in the most seemingly innocuous tone you can feign. “I, for one, think you should fuck me senseless in the room upstairs.” He smiles, gaze a little lost in his surroundings as it usually goes whenever he’s pleasantly disconcerted by your dirty talk. Your hands travel his body subtly under his shirt. He hisses: “Can’t wait.” His voice is weak. You love to tease him like that.
You give him a little peck where his mouth and cheek meet – and then you motion to leave after a wink. “See you in a few minutes.”
“Babies, sorry to interrupt,” your mom arrives at the door, instantly killing off the whole mood you’ve created. “I forgot to tell you, but some other people from our family will be here in a few minutes. We’re not done yet!”
Graham’s really confused. You shrug and give him some context – “My family just loves gatherings in general. And they’re excited that I have a boyfriend now, apparently.” To which your mom points: “Exactly! They want to meet you too, Coxon!”
You can feel the anxiety building in him again already. He’s so uncomfortable it hurts, and you know his head is spinning. He doesn’t want to let you down, and after your mom leaves, you go back to calming him down again. “Baby, it’s okay, I promise. If you­’re too overwhelmed we--”
“No, no. I signed up for this. I’ll be okay. I’ll have a drink or two…”
You completely discard this possibility. No associating alcohol to social abilities anymore after everything he went through because of it. “No. We’ll find other ways to calm you down.” After some seconds of a silent yet intense brainstorm, you have an idea. But you won’t tell him. “Ok, I know what to do to take your mind off the pressure. Just wait and see, and no beers, alright?”
“Alright… I guess.”
After giving him yet another peck while he finishes cleaning the plates, you quickly run upstairs to change from the tight jeans and band shirt you’re wearing to a very light and flimsy sundress. And that’s all the clothing you choose. It fits you well, and leaves not much to the imagination. You know it’s a family gathering, but it’s also summer, so no severe dress codes were being enforced in any significant way.
He reads your mind the moment he sees you in the dress, shaking his head in pleased disbelief at the sight. He mouths a small “you didn’t” while a stupidly joyful smile slowly shines over the tight expression of worry he once had. To which you mouth back: “I did.” You then go back to playfully teasing each other a bit while you take care of the sudden assembly’s preparations.
Your family members arrive and, as expected, they’re really thrilled to meet your guy. Graham answers so many questions, and ends up sharing so much of how he feels about you with them, and bit by bit, the warmth and wholesome aura of your closest relatives makes him feel truly welcomed. He feels like he knows you even better now, now that he knows where your energy and vitality come from. He could see bits of your personality in every single one of them – of course you are still the splendid whole, but still. It made sense.
Also, you noticed he didn’t take his eyes off you the entire time. He was hungry and you’re glad your plan worked. It was easier to forget about how hard sociability is when his mind was somewhere else.
After a while, though, you could sense him getting fidgetier. Even though he was considerably and visibly more relaxed than he was a few hours ago, that amount of social interaction, specially while sober, still drained a lot of his energy. You take his hands, announcing you two were getting something else to eat. You go to the kitchen, not bothering to turn on the lights, and though the house is empty you two could still hear the enthusiastic discussion your family is having outside, slightly drowned by the distance and the walls separating you now.
“You did so great, baby.” You smile, giving him a victory kiss while he envelops you in a tight hug. He’s proud of himself too, and he deserves to feel like that. “They love you already.”
“They’re just like you, in a way. I’m glad everything went well,” he sounds relieved, still tired, but relieved. “I couldn’t stop thinking about that proposal you made me earlier, though.”
“I know,” You plant a chaste kiss on his jaw. “I felt your eyes on me.”
This second kiss he gives you feels different. It’s longer. Famished. Purposeful. His hands are friskier now, traveling hastily throughout your body, and you alternate between giving in and becoming progressively more alert of your surroundings. You can have an idea of where this is heading. The swirling of his tongue around yours makes you dizzy, and the feeling somewhat akin to an electric shock – but milder, and definitely more carnal – that flows through your body when he bites your lower lip and brings your hips closer to his brings you back to reality. “We have to be careful,” you whisper, each of your lips just barely touching while you breathe each other’s air.
“I promise I’ll be. You look delicious in this dress, I… don’t know where to start.” He cups your cheeks while drawing imaginary lines across your lips with the tip of his thumbs.
“Think fast. Never took you for a quickie guy.” You chuckle.
“I like to take my time, yes, but some things can’t wait.”
And with that, with the dexterity and carefulness of a cat, he sinks to his knees in front of you, lifting up your dress with one hand and one of your legs with the other, your leg now resting on one of his large shoulders. He takes hold of your hips, angling you toward him. You hiss in anticipation, and you can feel your core burning in expectation too. Your hands now firmly grab the counter behind you for support while you turn behind you with attentive eyes to see if no one’s coming. You’re safe, for now. The thrill of getting caught is one that will never get old.
His eyes seek yours for reassurance. You, without a word, give it to him. You both look lovely bathed in moonlight. He teases you first, kissing and sucking at the skin on your inner thighs, moving closer and closer to your center until after a couple minutes of that sweet agony his lips graze across that aching part of you.
He flicks his tongue delicately through your folds, playing with your wetness. The way his hands caress your lifted thigh so delicately while his tongue inscribes poems to your clit is something that makes your stomach flutter, you simply can’t ignore those tiny adorable actions that make loving him so addictive and rewarding. Keeping yourself silent and struggling to remain somewhat composed to anyone who might see you from outside is a painfully arousing contradiction to the sensations you’re feeling. He’s doing his best to fuck you up, gradually setting a rhythmic pace to his movements with the intent to release the spring now starting to coil tightly low in your abdomen.
“Jesus, Gra—f-fuck. Fuck.” You whisper, breathlessly, while simultaneously suppressing a moan when he delves his tongue even deeper in your core, your fingers instinctively curling and closing a fist on his hair, making him groan. You buck your hips against his lips and you can feel sweat beading on the backs of your knees, heart threatening to jump out of your mouth by how fast it’s racing.
You suddenly freeze when you hear a voice from outside approaching the kitchen and you lightly tap his shoulder. Graham stops on command, but he won’t get up until he’s absolutely certain he should. He sprinkles your thigh with small kisses again, eyes droopy with the high from giving you the pleasure he knows he’s giving you while he admires you. The person heading for the kitchen takes a turn to the opposite side and you sigh in relief. “False alarm. Go on, baby.”
“Yes, ma’am.” You notice he’s panting, and you can only guess how hard he is, judging by the tone of his voice. The time you spent frozen wasn’t enough to completely burn out the fire he’d already created within you, but he’s determined to give you an orgasm before anyone can interrupt you again – now he had two fingers moving, stroking, curling inside of you in delightful ways while his tongue began to work your clit in tight little circles. You could feel him moaning against your sex, he really liked this. And fuck, he was good at it. He slips one more finger into you, his ring finger, making your pleasure soon explode into a trembling climax. You couldn’t stop the little sound you made and he kisses your thigh in reply while still lazily fucking you with his fingers. “So fucking beautiful,” he whispers.
One of your hands move to your mouth in order to cover the sound you really want to make. Graham, once again, looks really proud of himself.
He slowly pulls his fingers out of you and cleans them with his tongue before he lifts up again as inconspicuously as possible. You try to look like nothing happened, and you’re both glad that, apparently, no one’s giving a single fuck to whatever’s going on where you are. Given the realization, you look at each other and giggle. He then pulls you in a hug, voice husky when he teases, and confesses, “You can’t imagine how bad I want to fuck you right here. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me.”
“We’ll have to take this to the bedroom, love.” You reply, still recovering from your orgasm. You can’t risk more than you’ve already risked. He looks slightly…
You smile. “You thrill-seeking bastard. You enjoyed this way too much, didn’t you?”
“Didn’t you?” He questions back, tickling your sides, a wide, satisfied smile on his face. God, you loved him so much. He pulls you back to him again, and you turn to the other side so he can grind against you from behind. He’s rock hard. “We have some thick curtains here, after all.” You say, mischievously, before you close the curtains as carefully as possible. He lifts up your dress once again, this time high enough so he can fill his hands with your breasts, and he, agonizingly slowly, teases your nipples with his fingertips while he keeps grinding against you. This, alone, gets you motivated enough for another round. “God, Coxon, you’re going to be the death of me.” Your voice’s painfully needy, just like every other part of you.
You spread your legs a little wider to give him better access to you. Feeling cool air against your bare ass, you bite your lip and screw your eyes shut when his hand squeezes your butt. “Dripping wet for me. You’re glistening.” He quietly notes, giving your butt a little kiss - you then look over your shoulder to watch him get his jeans open. His hard cock bounces against your ass as he pushes his boxers down. You wiggle to get him inside you while he tortuously slowly runs the tip of his cock between the slick folds of your pussy. When it bumps against your sensitive clit, you can’t stop the mewl of his name.
After a few more hard breaths, he was inside you. You’re hungry for him too, and the sound of your body clashing against his is something unbelievable. You begin in a faster pace than the one you’re used to – and that’s not a problem. At all. Speed is of essence, but you’re also starving for each other. It feels like no contact is ever 100% enough.
Your hands keep firmly gripping the balcony and when he lowers his chest against your back you can’t hold back the involuntary gasp that leaves your throat and echoes through the empty house. One of his large hands holds your hips in place while he fucks you mercilessly, the other one covers your mouth hastily – his shaky voice betrays how badly this is affecting him too. “Shhh, love. You don't want anyone seeing you in that state. So fucking tight around me.”
He was sinking more deeply into you with each thrust now, and trying to keep your eyes open while his now awaken dominant side is doing that to you, exactly the way you want him to, is torture. You feel like you’re going to pass out from the all the sensorial and contextual stimulation. “You want me to come inside you, baby?” To which you keenly reply with a nod, not bothering to uncover your mouth. This was perfect.
He edged his hips back so he reaches your most sensitive spot and his grip on your mouth constricts when he notices how loud you want to be. “Feels like a dream inside you but keep. Quiet.” His voice lowers to a breathy whisper against your throat and the hands that were holding your hips in place now snaked to the front of your body to help you get off. And like that, you do, coming a second time, this orgasm even more intense than the last. The way your walls twitch around his dick is enough to push him over the edge too, and you feel him spilling inside you. You milk him of every drop, and after you both ride off your high, you feel a tender kiss that lasts for a while in your scalp, a silent “thank you” while he slips out of you.
You put your dress back on place, trying to compose yourself before you can look another human in the eye again. You have a positively overwhelmed, just-woke-up-from-an-incredible-dream look on your face. “You better not get me addicted to this kind of risky shit.”
He laughs while he also does his best to look like not one hair or piece of clothing ever went out of place. “Sorry, Y/N, I think I already did.”
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gladiatortale · 3 years
My DEPRESSION BEATING, fandom obsessing, shit-tastic FANTASTIC year in review!
TL;DR: I’m fixing my mental health and figuring out WHO THE FUCK I AM one fandom filled day at a time! Thank you to everyone who’s been there for me along the way. xoxo
what’s up HEATHENS.
stating the goddamn obvious here, it’s been a HELLUVA YEAR. One emotional rollercoaster after another but we’re ALMOST DONE. I know things aren’t gonna magically get better the second it flips to 00:01 on January first, but I’m excited to put this year behind me, and (SHOCKINGLY) a bit sad to see it go.
It was a year where the whole world completely stopped, we realized what is really important, what is really worth fighting for, and took a GODDAMN SECOND to just breathe.
For me personally, the year (which I’m counting off from November 1st) started out UNBELIEVABLY SHIT. I had just been kicked out of the country I called home for the last four years (thank you Brexit), I had ZERO job prospects, my depression was the WORST it had ever been, and I just didn’t want to get out of bed in the morning. And in the beginning, the pandemic felt like salt in the wound, an extra kick in the teeth to my early twenties that had already “failed to launch.”
But I tried to embrace the madness, really take advantage of the world (that I always thought moved to fast) properly slowing down, and take time to try and become myself again. I wanted to figure out what I loved and try and become a bit more like the person I was before my depression got so bad.
I often say I became that Manic Trash Planet Lady™ you see in sci-fi adventure films; a bit zany to say the least, with a million ideas and a very eclectic fashion sense, but embracing the insanity as it comes...
*cough cough* audrey, get to the goddamn point!
Right. lol. THE POINT IS! 
I’m not 100% “healed”, I’m not sure if I think depression is a “oh look you’re officially cured! hooray!” type of disease, but this year I let myself ENJOY SHIT for the first time in god knows how long. I still don’t know “wHaT i WaNt To dO WiTh mY LiFe”, but I’ve got a better idea and I’m heading in (what feels like) the right direction. And most of all, I can look back and say I am better than where I was a year ago.
So I wanted to say T H A N K Y O U to the mad lads on this website that introduced me to the fandoms, shows, movies, fics... THE SHIT that made me happy this year and were there to be one (BIG) piece in my healing journey.
AND SO, with out further rambling ADO! Here are the highlights of the year marked by my ridiculous hyper-fixations and OBSESSIONS. Thanks for putting up with me ya fiends, xoxox
November 2019  The Arcana (Visual Novel)
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I had just gotten home and I was in a LOOOOOOW place. Randomly decided to download this app when it came up and it proceeded to ruin my life (and my bank account...) for pretty much the rest of the year. It was exactly what I needed to get me through a tough time and I was thoroughly, horse-blinders-up-to-the-rest-of-the-world, OBSESSED. These gorgeous magical fiends ruined me and all I could say was thank you.
Joined the fandom: November 2019 Obsession peaked: Late November Obsession faded: December 2019; I started a new job AND my bank statement came in and I realized I had accidentally spent over SIXTY BUCKS on this stupid app. No ragrets, but I definitely started to phase out at that point. Fandom friends: Velma, (@lanavxds on insta) miss you girlie xx Fanfics you NEED to read: ‘Second Mistake’ by DeathBelle on AO3, because DAAAAAYUM SON. Favourite moments: Basically the whole of the Julian arc. That gangly himbo OWNED my ass for a month.
December 2019 Hazbin Hotel (TV Series)
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Y’ALL okay here me out. Am I proud of this one? No. Is the show crass as hell? OOOOOOOOHHHH YEAH. Did my angsty ass love it at the end of last year? DAMN STRAIGHT IT DID. Goes without saying, but this is NOT FOR EVERYBODY, but it definitely helped me along the way to becoming more comfortable with myself and being open about being the massive geek that I always was, and watching things I enjoy regardless of what people say about it.
Joined the fandom: December 2019 Obsession peaked: Shortly there after. Fandom friends: None. Dipped one toe in fandom discourse and then promptly YEETED the fuck outta there. Obsession faded: January 2019. Still curious to see the full series if A24 actually ever does produce the whole thing, but I have def moved away from it. Fanfics you NEED to read: Haven’t read any. Maybe I’m a pussy baby piece-o-shit, but I DID NOT want to go down that rabbit hole, NO MA’AM. Favourite moments:
Discovering the Hunicast podcast. These guys are a riot and Ashley is a flustered GEM. Even if you don’t watch the show, go watch an episode of these fucking LADS just dicking about and your day will get better.
Watching the first episode with my partner and watching him realize his girlfriend is a total freak.
January 2020 Lore Olympus (Webtoon Comic)
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*Officially* discovered this one thanksgiving weekend in 2019, but my Arcana phase was still raging pretty strong at that point so I didn’t really get in to it until later. EVERYBODY AND THEIR MOTHER NEEDS TO READ IT. It has everything and handles the reality sexual assault and it’s aftermath EXTREMELY well.
Joined the fandom: Late November 2019 Obsession peaked: January 2020 Fandom friends: KELLEY. MA GIRL XOXOXO Obsession faded: June-ish 2020. I’m like 10 chapters behind now, but I still love this story so much. Fanfics you NEED to read: SO MANY ON MY ‘MARKED FOR LATER’ LIST AAAAAH. I have to get to that... NEW YEARS RESOLUTION lol Favourite moments: Having a drunk conversation on New Years Eve in 2019 with one of my oldest friends from high school about how much she loved it too. Helped me see how popular fandom and fandoms, are especially after feeling like I needed to hide my enthusiasm through high school and uni. (THAT WAS A MISTAKE BUT I’LL GET THERE IN A MINUTE).
February 2020 Versailles (TV Series)
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SO FUCKING GAY Y’ALL. Oh my god everyone in this show is so gay. Even when they’re not they still are a little bit. AND BEST OF ALL!! it’s very historically accurate (except for the demon satanic nonsense in season 3, what was that???)
Joined the fandom: February 2020 Obsession peaked: Like??? The SECOND I finished episode one. Fandom friends: none... WHERE ARE ALL OF YOU??? Obsession faded: March 2020. It was a fast and passionate love affair, what can I say? Fanfics you NEED to read: IF YOU HAVE RECS, GIVE ‘EM TO MEEEEE. Favourite moments: 
Showing the first episode to a friend of mine and the *ungodly GASP* that came out of her throat was... PRICELESS.
The ENTIRE throuple(???) relationship between the Chevalier, Philipe, and Palatine. PLATONIC/ ROMANTIC LOVE G O A L S.
March 2020 Yuri!!! On Ice (TV Series)
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*deep breath* ...y’all knew this one was coming.
Was I ready for this show to ruin my fucking life? No.  Am I so glad it happened??? FUCK YEAH.
NEVER IN MY LIFE have I fallen off the deep end so quickly with a fandom. HOLY SHIT. This blog didn’t have much of an “identity” before, but I you said that this is a Yuri On Ice blog now I wouldn’t even be mad (nor could I really defend myself to the contrary... bc??? like??? just go LOOK at my archive). Craziest thing is I watched the first two episodes like?? a solid TWO YEARS ago, but I didn’t continue watching because I was just not in the right head space for all the love and silliness and positivity.
I could do a whole separate post about how much this show and how this fandom has changed my life (DON’T TEMPT ME I JUST MIGHT). But I’ll stick with the highlights for now ;)
Joined the fandom: March 2020  Obsession peaked: Has it peaked?? Went straight up and it still going lol Fandom friends: Sandra, my mentor, my queen @aeriamamaduck, my fandom ride-or-die. Thank you for taking this internet bby under your wing. RACHEL @idancewiththefairies I TRAPPED YOU HERE. MUAHAHAHA xxx Obsession faded: ON GOING. CAN’T STOP, WON’T STOP. Fanfics you NEED to read: jfc, SO MANY.
‘Until My Feet Bleed and My Heart Aches’ and ‘Of Bright Stars and Burning Hearts’ by Reiya @kazliin​ -- Rivals AU companion pieces. Longest fics I’ve ever read and JESUS CHRIST these two fucking SENT ME. Most popular YOI fics on AO3 for a REASON.
‘Tell Me Where Your Love Lies’ by @aeriamamaduck -- Royalty AU, trope-breaking ABO. Ah sweet, TMWYLL, how you’ve killed me over and over again. This BEAUTIFUL wip has SUCH amazing world-building idk where to start (Congrats on passing 50,000 hits!) EVERYONE GO READ IT.
‘Blackbird’ by sixpences -- WWII/Coldwar Spy Fic. I don’t have enough words to describe how amazing this is. It’s elevated to a higher plane beyond fanfic. Just go read it. Thank me later.
‘Zanka’ by rinsled05 @dreaming-fireflies -- The geisha fic that ruined me. *deep breath* AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH *gasp* I’m fine. lol I sooooo not ready for this fic. Holy hell, Aoyagi had my heart in his hands from the first chapter. “’Please’ [...] ‘Don’t give me hope.’“ FUUUUCK.
‘Echoes’ by Reiya @kazliin -- Future fic. First fic I cried at... BOI. I was NOT ready for this. Shouldn’t be surprised given the author, but MAN. “‘A love like that, a love like what they had together, it never leaves completely.’ Yuri spoke again, eyes still staring out onto the ice, lost in memory. ‘There are always echoes.’” JUST FUCK ME UP.
Favourite moments: Oh good lord, where do I begin??
Having two (count ‘em TWO) main characters with mental health issues (Yuuri and his anxiety and Victor with burn out and depression) and NOT MAKING IT THE ONLY ASPECT OF THEIR PERSONALITY. CLAPS FOR KUBO AND YAMAMOTO!!
Everything about Yurio (ESPECIALLY HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH YUUKO AND HIS GRANDPA), that tsundere motherfucker is too pure for this world.
This fandom *properly* introducing me to smut on AO3...
Thinking I was going to get Rachel to like the show... NOT being prepared for her to fall off the deep end and START LIKING REAL SKATING TOO!!
Staying up waaaaaay too late waaaaaay too often to plan out plot points for TMWYLL with Sandra. Love ya dearie.
The warm fuzzy feeling I get every time I think about Victor and Yuuri.
April 2020 Bungou Stray Dogs (TV Series)
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I had a hunch I was gonna like this show considering ALL of the characters are based off of famous classic authors from around the world... what I was NOT prepared for was just HOW MUCH I was going to love it. HOLY SHIT. The art style? Love it. The plot?? Bonkers, but so fun. THE VOICE CAST??? AMAZING. Highly recommend to anyone who wants to get in to anime, great place to start.
Joined the fandom: April 2020 Obsession peaked: Probably this summer? But we have DEF plateaued in a VERY high place. Fandom friends: FIJI. MA BOIIIII @lil-1nsane  Obsession faded: Hasn’t. Hope it doesn’t Fanfics you NEED to read: So so so many. The smut in this fandom is *chef’s kiss*, but here are a few...
‘He Works Hard For the Money’ by CataclysmicEvent @cataclysmicevent2019​ -- Sugar Daddy AU. FUCK MAN. I was not expecting to like this one, but bloody hell. This fic grabbed me by the throat and WOULD NOT let me go. Praying for chapter 16! But the author is working on another STELLAR fic so I’m okay for now.
‘Everything or Nothing’ by CataclysmicEvent @cataclysmicevent2019​ -- University AU. FUCK THIS FIC. Started reading it as I was waiting for HWHFTM to update and BOI, this fic ROCKS. The alternating POV fits so well with the enemies/idiots-to-lovers vibe. Solid 10 outta 10.
‘The City Where Wind Blows’ by @raven-rein​ -- Cancer Death fic. *pained shriek* AAAAAAGUUUUUUUHHHH *gasp* aaaaaaAAAAAAHHHHHHHH, FUUUCCCCCCCCCKKKK MEEEEE. THIS FIC. Only the second fic I’ve ever cried to but I BAWLED MY GODDAMN EYES OUT. FUUUUUUUCK. I was not ready, never would have been ready. This is so tremendously well done, it killed me so beautifully, 
‘Haunted by Hatred’ by DeathBelle -- Canon compliant Soukoku. It is a CRIME that DeathBelle doesn’t have more BSD fics on her page, but this one is still brilliant.
Favourite moments:
The first three episodes. Soooo many break neck plot twists.
Every insane hypothetical conversation with Fiji.
Every time Atsushi or Tanizaki is on screen bc I LOVE THESE LIL BEANS.
June 2020 Trash Taste (Podcast)
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Goddamn I love these chaotic lads so much.
As I became more and more comfortable with myself and my love for anime I stumbled upon these three goons, -- Joey, Connor, and Garnt, -- best known for there SUPER successful (mostly) anime YouTube channels. Even if you don’t watch anime, WATCH/LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST. The focus is mostly on their lives and the overall expat/immigrant experience, with a bit of anecdotal anime references sprinkled in. 
This show is both wholesome and heathenous in equal measure, and after having lived abroad for a significant portion of my (admittedly still quite short) life, it was such a breath of fresh air to hear people talk so openly about how living outside your home country is both wonderful and terrifying. They’re wonderfully candid about the fact that even if you love a place dearly, no where is perfect, and you WILL hate somethings about your new home even if the majority of the experience is fantastic. I cannot rate this show highly enough.
Joined the fandom: June 5th 2020, loved it from the first episode. Obsession peaked: July maybe? I was RELIGIOUS about watching the episodes as soon as they came out. Still watch every week, but less “on time.” Fandom friends: None :( but I have tricked my partner in to listening several times :) Obsession faded: It’s dimmed from where it was, but still going strong. Fanfics you NEED to read: NONE. NEVER PLAN TO. Hard and fast rule, I don’t read fics about real people. Characters played by real people, even that’s a maybe for me. But real-real people? FUCK NO. (some of my) Favourite moments:
Any time Garnt and Connor get into a big-brain-monkey-brain argument and Joey is just LOSING his GODDAMN MIND in the corner.
Bringing a retired Japanese porn star in the show for an honest conversation about consensual sex work and showing people can have more than one career in life.
Everything about the, ‘Are Online Friends Real Friends?’ episode. GO WATCH IT, it’s brilliant.
Garnt making “chotto-THE-FUCKING-matte” an expression
August 2020 Great Pretender (TV Series)
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Spent most of the summer marinating in my BSD and YOI bubbles, until THIS BAD BOI came up on my Netflix recommendations. HOOOO BOI. This is some Anime Of The Year shit right here. Has a pretty original concept (Catch Me If You Can by way of Oceans 11-ish) but generally starts out like most other shounen (sans the super powers). AND THEN EPISODE FIVE HAPPENS. Not gonna spoil it but they TOOK THAT SHIT UP A NOTCH. Brilliant, even with a bit of an insane ending. GO WATCH THIS ONE.
Joined the fandom: August 2020 Obsession peaked: Pretty much as soon as I started watching it. Fandom friends: What’s up Fiji ;) @lil-1nsane Obsession faded: Naturally faded, but so glad I watched Fanfics you NEED to read: None so far! Little scared about this one, heard mixed reviews, but maybe someday. Favourite moments:
Edamame’s “madness arc” at the end of season 2. HOOOO BOY.
Laurent getting fucking WRECKED when Edamame punches him mid way through season 2, kills me every time.
Introducing my partner to anime with this show.
October 2020 Attack on Titan (TV Series)
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In my quest to find an anime that I can watch with my partner, I turned on season 1 of this bad boi. Holy hell I forgot how much I loved this show, NO WONDER everyone lost their goddamn minds when this show first aired. I NEED to catch up before all the season four spoilers come to get me...
Joined the fandom: Winter 2016 Obsession peaked: Basically as soon as I started watching it. Fandom friends: None yet, but I know you’re out there... Obsession faded: 2017, JUST BEFORE SEASON TWO... I should have stuck around longer I know, but it’s slowly coming back. Reeeeeally need to catch up on seasons two, three, and four. Fanfics you NEED to read: GIVE ME YOUR RECS HEATHENS. Favourite moments:
Watching my partner FREAK OUT about Eren’s “death.”
Getting in a conversation with a die hard fan after I hadn’t watched it in three years and saying... “Who’s that blond bitch that cries all the time?”/ “Armin?”/ “THAT’S THE ONE!”
November 2020... kind of. Figure Skating (Sport)
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Okay this one is a bit hard to explain. 
I have been a DIE HARD figure skating for A LOOOOOONG time. My grandmother got me a hat from the 2002 Olympics in Salt Lake City and I remember watching even then. But I first became consciously aware of different skaters, my faves, etc. from about 2010. I vividly remember watching Plushenko skating in 2014 while on a school trip to Hawaii, and my friends laughing at me as I yelled at the TV.
But I didn’t TRULY get involved in the fandom side of it until this year. I had all this knowledge bottled up, but didn’t have any skating friends to talk to... UNTIL NOW. Super ironic that this happened in a year with almost NO skating, but I’ll take what I can get ;) Also did I stay up until FOUR-GODDAMN-THIRTY IN THE MORNING a few nights ago to stream Japanese Nationals on my phone??? YOU BET I DID.
Joined the fandom: Three times; 2002, 2010, and 2020. Obsession peaked: 2014? 2018? Idk it peaks any time someone does something amazing. Fandom friends: Rachel, my girl @idancewiththefairies​, WHY DIDN’T I INTRODUCE YOU TO THIS SOONER??? Obsession faded: Hasn’t. Won’t. lol Fanfics you NEED to read: NOPE. NONE. NOT GONNA HAPPEN. No fanfics about real people. Never gonna change that. (some of my) Favourite moments:
Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir doing THAT routine at the 2018 Olympics.
Rachel​ sheepishly admitting to me that Shoma may have replaced Yuzu as her favourite, and me being SO DAMN PROUD of her for growing and developing her own skating opinions apart from me.
Yuzu’s 2012 ‘Romeo and Juliet’ routine and Worlds. THE RAW FUCKING POWER OF THAT SKATE.
Plushenko, cheeky bastard, changing his 2014 Team Event routine AS IT WAS HAPPENING.
The worlds friendliest rivalry between Yuzu and Nathan.
Any thing the Shibutani’s do, and all they do to break up the stereotype that all of Ice Dancing has to be rOmAnTiC and SeNsUaL to be good.
Watching my early faves become coaches and the D R A M A.
Honorable Mentions:
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Coco (Film): I watched this the weekend I came home and I owe this movie a lot. It is so sweet an heartwarming, and it a roundabout way it brought me back to Tumblr (needed somewhere to vent my feelings considering I watched the movie a solid THREE YEARS after it came out, Tumblr seemed like the place to go lol). Watched in again in 2020 and it’s just as amazing.
Jekyll and Hyde (All media): Loved this book from the first time I read it in my first year of uni. But in December 2019, my fandom understanding reached its PEAK. The musical?? The comic?? YOOOOOO.
Dear Evan Hansen (Musical): I have BARELY engaged in fandom discourse, but the MUSIC. She fucking SLAPS.
Sirius the Jaeger (TV Series): This show is such an underrated gem. It literally has so much; "dead” family drama? Eclectic international group of monster hunters? Cowboys and vampires?? Yes, yes, and YES. And the main character has the same Japanese voice actor as Atsushi from BSD!
Studio Ghilbi (Films): My love affair with Ghibli goes back to when I was about 5 and BEGGED my mom to take me to the library so we could rent Kiki’s Delivery Service on DVD. But that love has been FULLY rejuvenated this year when I went to the Ghibli Film Festival in New York City (ironically in the last week in February). If you haven’t seen them, go watch From Up On Poppy Hill, Whisper of the Heart, and The Wind Rises. Spoilers, you’re probably gonna cry.
If you’ve made it this far, THANK YOU FOR READING! 
And thank you to all the amazing people that made my 2020 not so horrible. Good riddance 2020, don’t let the door hit you on the way out!
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cardiaceyes · 3 years
dunno if youre still into sc but could you do more underworld au? I know it only had one chapter but we need more vampire lena!
this is the other more recent ask i got so here u go more vamp!lena since y’all like it Music: [Apart] AO3 link
[He waits for her to sympathize, But she won't sympathize at all, She waits all night to feel his kiss, But always wakes alone]
“Nightshift is all yours, Danvers. Have fun.” Leslie patted her shoulder as they passed in the hospital’s hallway.
Kara muttered thanks, before moving towards the doorway.
The room was considerably dark, enough to make Kara pause. She hated, the idea that Alex was right on some level. 
“You’re just cursed to become as paranoid as I am, and Kara? I’m paranoid for a reason.”
Maybe she was too- well no. She was. Without a doubt. After the events of the day before? A train shoot-out? The sounds, the sights, the smells. She didn’t feel ridiculous for the way her breath held, and her eyes glanced around the locker room. 
She was on the clock, a nurse during the night shift, but it felt odd- awful. To think about taking a step inside a place as dark as the eyes on the women that-
Her thoughts shifted to the woman, the one that had saved her, for a moment. She was oddly striking, and Kara felt as though she’d seen her before. In the way, you’d see someone in an odd dream, or maybe passing? Kara didn’t think she could forget her.
Suddenly, the sound of a door slamming caused her to jump backward, away from the cold darkness of the room. She held her breath, her eyes scanning hopelessly for whoever was there. For something, because sometimes not knowing was worse. Or, rather, more anxiety-inducing.
Just as sudden as the sound, Kara froze in fear as two very bright blue eyes suddenly opened. She could just barely make out the shape of the person, but the eyes- were stunning. Like an icy bright blue of a frozen lake that hurt to look at. She couldn’t look away, instead, as the figure moved around the room, Kara followed them.
“Lena.” The figure offered. It was feminine, with a slight Irish accent.
Kara blinked, offering a confused, “What?”
The figure didn’t reply immediately. Instead, there was a soft sigh, and the figure moved closer. Part of Kara’s brain told her to run, leave. Do something. To not be a sitting duck, like she was currently. Instead, she was frozen, still holding her breath.
Even as the figure approached the doorway, never stepping into the light, Kara couldn’t move.
Then, a single set of lights flickered on. Kara blinked as the woman that had saved her, the one she found her eyes drawn to, standing in front of her. Hand holding the doorway next to her, near the closest set of switches for the lights.
The woman looked from Kara to the lights and flicked the rest on. She blinked for a moment as if the lights hurt for a moment. As her eyes adjusted, she turned back to Kara, her bright eyes now a normal green. It was enough to make Kara blink. Had she imagined that?
“My name,” the woman let out a soft sigh again, “is Lena. You offered me yours, is it now impolite to offer the same back?”
Kara swallowing as Lena crossed her arms. An amused twinkle in her eyes. 
Kara’s eyes dipped. She noticed- the leather, all of it, was gone. Lena’s corset, had been traded in for a baggy soft dark grey sweater, dark jeans, and- no shoes? There didn’t seem to be any gloves or weapons on her eyes. It still felt- like an odd choice to wear at a hospital.
“I’m Kara.” Was all she could imagine.
Lena rose an eyebrow, tilted her head, and shifted her weight so she was leaning against the doorway.
“I know.”
Kara took in a breath, letting it out slowly. She thought about begging for answers, to know what Lena was- but she didn’t really want those. Did she? 
She was aware that she’d been targeted. The train- she wasn’t a genius, not like some of her friends, but she was smart. She’d been grabbed when she could have been shot. This- Lena had been there. The very real terrifying thought, that yes, this was all connected was there. She didn’t have the nerve to ask about how deep it all was.
So- she asked the only thing she truly wanted to know.
“Are you alright?” Lena blinked at her in shock, “I- I- I mean- uh- sorry. It was...a lot, and you could have gotten hurt? Do you need help is that why you’re here?”
Lena’s mouth parted slightly, and Kara saw a peak of fangs. Something she truly didn’t want to think about, but they were there. Reminding her, this is not normal, that none of this was normal- and that Lena could-
“Why do you care?” Lena finally asked, accusatory, “I could have been someone who tried to hurt you too.”
“You’re good at reading people, Kara. You just trust them too much.” Alex had told her before. “Anyone, including myself, could hurt you.”
Kara took a step forward, and out of reaction, Lena took one back. Her eyes shooting to Kara’s feet as she did, but Kara only stepped forward enough to break into the room and shut the door. Kara had only ever been really good at three things, in her life, to such an extreme they had faults.
Reading people. Trusting them. And telling the truth.
“I don’t think you wanted to, or want to, now.”
Lena huffed a laugh, “What?”
“You would have if you wanted to by now. We’re alone, and you could leave before anyone knew-”
And in the blink of an eye, Lena was in front of her, eyes glowing blue as she snarled- fangs showing, fistfuls of her jacket. Oddly, her eyes lacked conviction or true anger, so Kara relaxed just as quickly as she tensed. 
Lena relaxed after a moment of searching her eyes for something. Probably fear, and Kara was afraid. She was terrified, but, not because of Lena. For whatever stupid reason, she wasn’t afraid of the woman in front of her. Lena’s fists relaxed until she was holding Kara’s jacket by her index and thumb, gently.
“You don’t see me as a monster, do you?” She asked softly.
Kara swallowed, and she didn’t.
She didn’t know why. Everything pointed to Lena not being right, not being human, being something more- but that didn’t mean monster did it? 
“No.” She answered.
Lena’s lips parted again, and she leaned back, stepping away from Kara without a sound. As if she could make no sound. Her head dipped towards the floor, and her arms crossed as she paced back and forth quietly. 
Like she couldn’t decide what she wanted to do. Like she was in conflict.
Kara wanted to help, but she didn’t know how to. She didn’t know Lena. Lena didn’t know her.
“You weren’t hurt, were you?” Lena finally asked, looking up at her. 
Kara blinked, at the suddenness of the question. Maybe she cares? She shook her head slowly, and Lena’s brows dipped in disbelief. 
“I’m okay! I promise!” Kara took a step forward, hands out in front of her to reassure Lena. “Just- just a little shaken still!”
Lena took a half step forward, before thinking about it. Instead, she let out a soft breath and nodded to herself. She unfolded her arms and let them fall beside her awkwardly. 
“Why do you care?” Kara asked before she could stop herself, Lena looked at her confused, “You- asked why I did. Why do you care?”
Lena looked away for a long moment.
Kara let her stand there in silence. She did want to know. 
“I don’t know,” Lena told her truthfully. “Something about you is-” 
“Gravitating?” Kara finished for her. “I get that.”
Lena stared at her, impassively, and Kara worried for a moment that she’d crossed a boundary. That she’d guessed wrong. 
It was weird. This entire thing was weird.
“I have to go.” 
Kara blinked, “wait-”
And then Lena was gone. 
Kara was left blinking into the suddenly empty room, and it was like there was no trace left of Lena there. Not even a trace of wind left, like- like she hadn’t even existed.
Kara considered, for a moment, that maybe she had made Lena up. A figment of her imagination, except- there was a single small piece of paper on one of the benches. She bent down to pick it up.
There was a number.
Kara felt the corner of her mouth tick upwards.
Maybe she does care.
Jack shifted, beside her in the car. His hands clutching the steering wheel as they maneuvered back towards the highway. She loathed the idea they’d have to make their way back to the manor. To Morgan Edge.
“Lena.” Jack spoke, and Lena could hear the concern in his voice, “You can’t do this again.”
I know, she thought to herself, watching as the hospital became smaller in the rearview mirror. I know I shouldn’t.
“We have been friends a very long time.”
She’d thought of all the ways to justify herself to Edge, to Lillian. To- to everyone who questioned her, and yet- she didn’t have a single lie to tell herself and Jack. To justify her interest.
The easiest was simply, “the Lycans want her, and we can’t have that.” But even that didn’t feel like the truth, despite how close it may have been originally to the truth.
Leaving her interaction with Kara, there were no answers to the questions she wanted to ask. She hadn’t asked a single one. Instead, there was only something simmering in her veins she didn’t entirely understand, and a fascination she knew was dangerous.
“You- I can’t do this again.”
“I know.” She told him, still staring in the rearview mirror.
She understood. 
If anyone was to fall, to blame, it shouldn’t be him. It shouldn’t even be Kara. It should be herself. 
It should always be her.
The hospital disappeared out of sight. Lena felt herself tense. She’d been relaxed since leaving Kara. She only hoped Kara’s interest was strong enough to call or text the number she’d left. 
Part of her wasn’t entirely sure if she actually hoped that. Maybe Kara was smart enough to stay as far away as possible?
I hope she’s not foolish enough to give into this.
Give in to what?
Lena wasn’t sure.
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jenniferxprentiss · 4 years
I Don’t Know Anything (But I Know I Miss You) -> 4/?
ch.4 -> I’ll Show You Every Version Of Yourself Tonight
“How did you know?” Emily’s voice wavered, laced with confusion and wonder. “That you were gay, I mean.” “I feel like I always knew but also recently found out. Does that make sense?” She turned, looking at Emily and offering her a lopsided half smile. “Now that I know, I realize I’ve always been… not straight, you know? But I guess it really clicked at the end of our freshman year when I kissed Elle at a party.”
hi hi
I have so much muse for these two. and I love them so much. and I love their love. so here is the longest chapter yet coming in at just under 3100 words. hope u all enjoy!!
song inspo is mirrorball — Taylor Swift
tagging — @whiskey-fluent @babyblockcolorcat @criminalmindsgonewrong @anepiphany @heat-waveee @j3mily @jjsgirlfriend @dont-trustyourfeelings @ellegreenawy @blakes-dictionxry lmk if u want a tag ok!!! luv u all!!!
There was a silence between them, both looking up at the sky. JJ felt her stomach flutter again, nervous nausea settling in at Emily’s lack of response. She tried to find the Big Dipper like she always did when she felt anxiety creeping up on her — a tactic she had adopted long before her sister passed.
After what felt like forever, Emily let her hand rest on JJ’s, shot her a gentle smile of reassurance. She offered her the bottle again, chuckled when JJ chugged from the bottle — waited for her to be done before she spoke.
“Gay? Wow, that’s great, Jen.” Emily let out a breathy ghost of a laugh, shook her head before continuing. “Not good that you’re gay — well, it is good that you’re gay — but good that you’ve got it figured out. That you know what you want.”
“I’m out to my parents, but no one at school knows— just Aaron and you, now.”
Emily couldn’t imagine being herself with her mother — couldn't imagine telling Elizabeth her true feelings about sports and clothing, let alone something as big as her sexuality or who she loved. She felt a pang of jealousy that JJ could be open and honest with her parents, recognized that jealousy was the wrong emotion but couldn’t bring herself to move past it.
“I wish I could be honest with my mom.” Her tone was far away, eyes glazed over as she looked anywhere but at Jennifer.
“I understand if you don’t want to hang out anymore, you know?”
Jennifer’s voice was small, had a vulnerability to it that Emily wasn’t used to. She was so used to watching her be strong, even in the face of bullies, that seeing her so vulnerable — so nervous — was almost surreal to Emily. She took the bottle back, let her fingers brush against JJ’s in a silent understanding — everything is okay, nothing between us in our newfound friendship has changed — before taking a swig of the amber liquid.
“I would never stop being your friend because you like girls, Jen. That’s ridiculous.”
She watched as JJ’s lips turned upwards in a small, shy smile, eyes focused on the ends of Emily’s slightly curled hair. Emily extended her hand, laid it palm up between them as a sign for JJ to take it, both still laying on their backs on the roof, staring up at the rapidly setting sun.
After a moment, JJ took the offered hand, her lips twitching up into a shy smile that accompanied the faint pinkish blush coloring her face. Her grip was soft, hand resting inside of Emily’s hand — admired how Emily’s nails were perfectly manicured and white, a stark contrast to her own unpainted, bitten nails.
There was a silence between them, JJ staring out at the houses below them, cast only in the glow of the streetlights, while Emily stared at JJ. She wondered how she knew she was gay, if she had ever kissed a girl before, wondered idly if liking boys and girls was an acceptable option — wondered, at a place deep in the back of her mind, if she could identify as somewhere between gay and straight.
“How did you know?” Emily’s voice wavered, laced with confusion and wonder. “That you were gay, I mean.”
“I feel like I always knew but also recently found out. Does that make sense?” She turned, looking at Emily and offering her a lopsided half smile. “Now that I know, I realize I’ve always been… not straight, you know? But I guess it really clicked at the end of our freshman year when I kissed Elle at a party.”
JJ laughed softly to herself and Emily had to wonder if she missed some sort of inside joke. Her mind wandered to an image of JJ kissing girls at parties, an unknown feeling bubbling up in the pit of her stomach at the thought. She settled on it being a touch of jealous anger, not a pang of desire or confusion. Emily tried to look anywhere but at JJ’s lips, tried to let her mind wander to anywhere but the girls she had kissed — decided to ask about Elle instead.
“Elle as in Elle Greenaway, co-captain of the cheer team Elle? Recently broke up with Luke?”
JJ let out a vague hum of affirmation, her lips curving up into a smirk. She laughed again, shook her head before looking back at Emily.
“I didn’t know she was gay, she just broke up with Luke.”
“You can enjoy kissing girls and not be gay or bi.”
The thought made Emily’s head spin. She reasoned that she was slightly too tipsy for this sort of conversation, tried to push back the burn of jealousy at the thought of Jen kissing Elle — the thought of them doing more than kissing — reminded herself that she shouldn’t be jealous or angry because she had Aaron to kiss, the star quarterback.
She idly wondered what it would be like to be so carefree — to not care about who she was kissing as long as it brought her pleasure — pushed away the thoughts as to why Aaron’s kisses had never ignited those sparks she had always heard of. They were silent for a moment, Jennifer’s eyes glazed over and focused on a streetlight, deep in thought.
Emily found her own gaze wandering to Jennifer’s lips, the way they were pursed into a slight pout as she thought, found herself wondering what it would feel like to kiss a girl. She wondered if there would be those fireworks she had read about in the romance novels she hid from her mother — the ones she was forbidden from reading but always snuck home from the library under a sweater in her backpack, hiding them in a box in the depths of her closet until she had the time to read them.
“Hey, Jen?” She had so much she wanted to ask but not enough words to say what was on her mind.
Emily had always been fixated on learning, not just in an academic sense. She wanted to know everything about everyone — wanted to know the little experiences that culminated in the person that they came to be, the things that shaped them and helped them grow. It was something her mother never cultivated or encouraged, and for that reason she seemed to be fixated on it even more.
“Before you kissed her, how did you…” She trailed off, bottom lip ensnared between her teeth. She was unsure of how to say it — how to voice her own questions without sounding like she was prying or asking too much.
“How did I come to the conclusion that I was pretty sure I was gay?”
“Yeah, that.” Emily’s eyes were trained on Jennifer’s lips, watched the way she talked and the ever present subtle smile hiding behind her words. “Only if you want to tell me.”
“No, I don’t mind. Pass me that bottle.” Her fingers grazed Emily’s as she took the drink from her, taking a long swig from the bottle before clearing her throat. “I guess I always knew I was definitely not straight. None of my celebrity crushes were men… not even my teacher crushes.”
Emily’s mind briefly wandered to Mrs. Blake and how much she liked her — questioned for a second if it was a crush or just that she liked being a teacher’s pet. She put it out of her mind, eyes trained on Jennifer as she spoke.
“Do you remember when I briefly dated Will in the beginning of ninth grade?”
“Lamontagne?” Emily had a hazy memory of the beginning of ninth grade, so consumed with student council, French club, cheer, and her other activities. “As in FFA cowboy Will? The transfer with the funny accent?”
They both laughed, Jennifer nodding. There was a faint flush coloring her cheeks, most likely embarrassed by the memory. It wasn’t that he was unpopular, he was just everything that Jennifer wasn’t — while she was captain of the soccer team, he was getting up in the early hours of the morning to tend to cows and chickens before school. The more Emily thought of it, she had a vague recollection of Jennifer dating Will briefly at one point — laughed to herself when she realized just how funny of a couple they would be, sporty Jennifer beside Will in his signature cowboy hat and boots.
“I take it the relationship didn’t work out?”
“Not even enough to pretend.” Jennifer laughed softly, shaking her head. “I didn’t do a lot with him but there was no attraction — no excitement. It was a pretty firm idea in my head when we broke up… the gayness, I mean.”
“There were no fireworks?”
Jennifer was silent for a moment, bottom lip ensnared between her teeth as she pondered the question. Emily was right in describing it as lackluster, definitely not anywhere near the fireworks they had read about in books as children or seen in the romance films their mothers watched — but she wasn’t sure if she had ever felt those fireworks for anyone before. After a few minutes of quiet deliberation, she shook her head, confirming Emily’s thought.
“But there were fireworks with Elle? And other girls, I’m assuming.”
“Yes and no, I guess.” JJ pursed her lips in thought before offering Emily a reassuring smile. “There weren’t fireworks, but I knew it was right — more right than kissing a man, you know?”
Emily hummed out a vague noise in understanding, smiled back at Jennifer in an unguarded way she reserved for very few people. Her mind wandered to her own sexuality — or lack thereof — wondered if her lack of fireworks was from kissing the wrong person or the wrong gender entirely.
They sat in silence for a while, both reclined on the roof and looking at the moon above them while the night air turned from cool to cold. Jennifer shivered, palms of her hands rubbing at her biceps, and Emily kicked herself for not bringing a blanket out. She didn’t want to ruin the moment — to break the comfortable silence between them by clambering back inside — decided to pull off her sweater instead, work over a button down blouse and tucked into her mini skirt.
“Here, take this.”
She handed Jennifer the sweater, bit back a small smirk at the way the argyle sweater would look over ripped skinny jeans and a band tee. They both sat up slightly, Emily watching transfixed as Jennifer slipped her sweater on, smiling brightly and murmuring a shy thanks.
“Pre-warmed, I like it.”
Emily tried to ignore the butterflies in her stomach when she looked at Jennifer in her sweater — wondered if this was the way Aaron felt when she wore his letterman jacket. She reasoned with herself that she was probably being ridiculous, this wasn’t anywhere near the same, she had simply loaned a sweater to her friend.
Somehow, her eyes kept wandering back to Jennifer’s face, watched her quietly as a ghost of a smile tugged at the corners of her lips. The way Jennifer’s eyes shone with a silent wonder, watching the cars go down the road made Emily’s heart clench — made her wish she could find a quiet joy in the little things.
“Have you ever thought about it?” Jennifer’s voice was raspy, cleared her throat before looking over at Emily. “Kissing a girl, I mean.”
“Yeah.” She nodded, tried to keep her tone calm and even — tried not to show her curiosity. “I’ve never… but I’ve wondered.”
“Never acted on it?”
“No. My first kiss was in eleventh grade.”
Jennifer tried not to act shocked by Emily’s admission, but it was almost unbelievable to her that someone as cool and popular as Emily had only recently been kissed. She cocked her head, idly wondered if Aaron was Emily’s first — not just kiss, everything— made a mental note to ask him if Emily was his first too.
“Was it Hotch?”
“Yeah, it was Aaron.”
A small smile played on Emily’s lips at the memory — remembered it like it had been yesterday. They had been dating for a few weeks and she had told him that she wouldn’t kiss him until the time was right — didn’t believe in kissing before he even got to know her. They had been to dinner and were walking around her neighborhood hand in hand, stopped in front of the duck pond where she ultimately let him bend and kiss her. She laughed softly to herself, thought that it would have been truly perfect if there had been those fireworks, but there weren’t — only a tingle of something in the pit of her stomach when their mouths connected.
She never understood the point of kissing — never understood how it was as pleasurable as people described it. Emily remembered Elle telling her about making out with Luke during a movie, so absorbed in each other they barely watched the film, and she just couldn’t fathom how kissing someone could be that good — could be anything other than the awkward chaste meshing of two pairs of lips.
“I… have a question.” She kicked herself for even opening her mouth, took a swig of amber liquid from the bottle so she could blame it on the alcohol.
“Is it — kissing, I mean — good? It’s always felt so awkward with Aaron…”
Jennifer let out a small noise of agreement, lips pursing and brows furrowing in thought before smiling — so gently and warmly that it made Emily’s stomach flutter. There was no judgement in her tone, in her gaze, only inviting warm energy that made her feel safe and unashamed.
“It depends on who you’re kissing. When I kissed Will? It was awkward and bad. But when I’m kissing a girl I’m definitely aware of how gay I am — I could seriously kiss a girl for hours. Their lips are soft and it’s just better… like butterflies.”
Emily nodded, let Jennifer’s answer sink in, her mind wandering. She wondered if she would like kissing a girl — if it would be any different. If those butterflies would worm their way into her stomach the way Jennifer described. She couldn’t be gay — not with a boyfriend that she found unashamedly attractive — but wondered if there was a halfway point between gay and straight, decided to put that out of her mind for a moment.
“I’ve always thought about it. Trying it with a girl.”
“Do you want to…? We could, just to see.”
She felt her heart race at Jennifer’s suggestion, at the way her stomach flipped with nervous butterflies. Her mind was a bit too hazy to rationally think — to sort out the pros from the cons, consider the offer clearly. Emily’s drunken mind reasoned that no, it wouldn’t be cheating on Aaron because sometimes girls kiss their friends — it could be like practicing to be better for him.
After a moment, Emily nodded, slow and deliberate. She sat up, pushed the glass bottle back through the window into her bedroom before turning to Jennifer, a nervous half smile on her lips. She wondered if she would be good — if Jennifer, with more experience in general, would think she was inexperienced.
Jennifer sat up, scooting towards her so they were sitting nestled in each other — Emily’s legs thrown over Jennifer’s lap. She cupped Emily’s cheek, thumb stroking over the soft skin, eyes trained on her lips just barely an inch apart.
“Are you sure?” Jennifer’s voice was raspy, barely heard, her lips brushing against the corner of Emily’s mouth as she waited for an answer — if she was sure she wanted to go through with it.
Emily could barely choke out an answer, heart thudding in her chest and stomach flipping. She couldn’t tell if it was desire or anxiety, but rather liked the way it felt — the way she felt wanted and cared about.
“Yes, I’m sure.” Her voice was too soft to even be a whisper, eyes fluttering shut. “You can kiss me.”
There was a sharp intake of breath from both of them as their lips connected, Jennifer pulling Emily into her. It was like the world slowed down, and nothing mattered between them other than the press of their lips, the way Jennifer exhaled against Emily’s lips and let her tongue dance out and brush across her bottom lip.
When they finally pulled apart after what felt like a few seconds and an eternity all rolled into one, they were both flushed, cheeks pinkened and chests heaving. There was a soft smile on Jennifer’s face, eyes shining in a way that made Emily’s heart leap.
Emily tried to ignore the fact that in all the times she had kissed Aaron, she had never felt anything like this — so good and true. Her stomach felt like it was fluttering, lips tingling from the touch. Was this the fireworks? The dull burn in the pit of her stomach was almost distracting — almost made her miss Jennifer’s soft murmur of a question.
“What’d you say?”
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah. I’m good.” Emily smiled, tried to look anywhere but at Jennifer’s lips — settled on her sparkly blue eyes instead. “You?”
“I’m okay. No hard feelings, right?”
Emily nodded, glad that nothing would be weird between them. Jennifer was her first friend outside of her mother’s influence — the first friend that looked past her outward appearance and got to know the person she was, outside of the cheerleading, rich girl exterior shell of a person she hated so much.
“So… still straight?”
“Yeah, still straight.”
Emily forced a laugh, afraid to admit the butterflies in her stomach and tingling in her lips from a simple, chaste kiss from her friend — tried to push back the feelings of confusion and desire, of something suddenly clicking and giving way to a new level of questioning herself, questioning everything she thought she knew.
“Good. Wouldn’t want to turn you gay.”
“You could never.”
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
Horror Villain x Reader || Drabbles
Plot: Having the kid of a Slasher. These have vastly different blurbs though so they have lil’ titles! 
Includes: Freddy Krueger and Michael Myers 
Warnings: Freddy’s one includes the kidnapping of a child by their father (A child killer, to boot). Other then that, what can I say? This is Slasher fanfiction, Freddy is himself. Michael’s is pretty humorous though... :D
I really wanna build on these some more! I plans to write a oneshot where Michael and reader eventually get ‘back together’ sort of? And a prequal to Freddy’s where Maggie visits her half brother and Luke questions her and reader about their father. 
Note: Freddy is going to call you mummy if you are woman, man, or gender neutral. And I’m going to spell it the American way because it just seems more fetishized that way and more like the wrapped up Egyptian dead people the English way. I am not sure how you would accidentally have his child if you have a penis, but who knows in this universe. 
Anyway, I hope you enjoy! 
Freddy Krueger: Luke // ‘Protecting your child from his father’
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“Hey! How are you?” I call, breathless to the receptionist -Judy, - sitting in school office. She looks up and a haze of confusions crosses her pretty green eyes, and I try not to worry. There could be any reasin this woman is confused to see me that is unrelated to my son’s whereabouts. Deciding not to wait for her to tell me how she is because the anxiety in me clenches around my heart like a boa constrictor, I paste on a bigger smile ask. “Where’s Luke? He didn’t come out when the bell went.”
Maybe he’s in the sick bay, or… I don’t know. What other acceptable reason could there be that my son is not here with me?
Don’t think like that.
My smile must look stiff and sharp at this point, because Judy starts very slowly. Cautious. “… Hi-His Dad picked him up, Miss L/N.”
Dad? My nose scrunches up in utter confusion. I’m absolutely certain that I had Bradley taken off the register as Luke’s secondary emergency contact- I stood right here with this woman for half an hour figuring out how to do that. And besides, why would my ex-husband pick up my son from school and not tell me? Luke doesn’t have a-
His… his Dad? Freddy couldn’t have. I’ve been giving Luke Hypnocil pills since he could take them, crushing them every night and stirring the dust into his dinner. I haven’t heard any signs of Freddy for 8 years and a couple months. Let’s set aside that crazy, ridiculous theory for now. Because its impossible! Even if he did want to do something with Luke, he would try to get to him through his dreams, yes? It would be too risky to come on out here and take him from school. That’s crazy.
“What?” Where is my goddamn son? Who took him?
“U-um, uh. A uh, ‘Fredrick Krueger’ took him about an hour ago. His name was in the system, and they looked a bit alike in the eyes, s-so I-we just assumed it was okay.”
For a moment I think I’m going to die on the spot. Then I spit out. “Is this a joke?!”
Its too horrible, too unthinkable to be true. I’ll say it again; I haven’t heard from Freddy in nearly a fucking decade, and that’s the way I was hoping it would stay. What is this.
“N-No, Miss L/N.”
“Did he say where they were going? Did Luke say anything?” My baby. Starting to breathe heavily now from the effort of staying calm and thinking too fast for a clue as to where my son is and what the hell is going on. Did this chick even look at Freddy’s face?! This school is just handing babies over to suspicious men who look like they should be in the burn ward of the intensive care unit?!
“Miss L/N- “This woman is scared, I know, and anxious as she looks with wide eyes all around me instead of at my eyes but she’s really grating on my nerves. A maniac has my son and she is going to give me all the information she has.
“Do you remember your dreams last night? Or the last couple nights?” That’s how assume Freddy got in the system, manipulated Judith here to do it for him. Maybe he left a clue.
“My- my dreams? Um-mm, well I… “My hand slams down on the bench between us so hard the pen attached to a string attached to the early leavers clipboard jumps up a little. My hand shakes, and as she quickly recalls her dream I read through the most recent entries on the board for the early leavers. Right at the bottom, in tiny handwriting that does not belong to Luke is the name Luke Krueger under student and ‘Doctors appointment’ under ‘Reason for leaving’, and a smiley face. I take a deep breath and turn back to Judy with eyes of molten lava. She fumbles with her glasses, on a string around her neck. “I-I remember a junk yard in a couple… “That’s it.
Already flying to the door, I call back. “Have some child’s school exit forms ready for me tomorrow Judy; Goodbye.” And promptly, I fling the door open and run for hell and leather for my car.
“LUKE!” I scream into the old junk yard, hands shaking but courage as strong as an ox. Nothing, not even death itself will stop me from saving my kid. Looking around every corner and trying to listen to any sound over the loud beating of my heart in my ears, I speed walk around, heading towards the burnt down old shed, yelling for Luke every 2 seconds because I’m deluded into thinking any second he might hear e, and come running out safe to me. When the horrible thing, the shed, comes into view, I feel sick. Its still burnt up, and rust litters the ground around its four walls but its standing.
They’ll be in there.
Forcing myself ahead, because I never wanted to see this, the place Freddy was killed -Because it’s something so terrible. Not because I give a fuck about what happened to Freddy, - I open the door and immediately there they are. It takes me a second to catch my bearing’s, because this place has such an awful feeling and I’ve never been in a situation like this and I don’t know what to do, and because theirs a child killer with his filthy hand on my 7 year old son’s shoulder.
“Luke?” My eyes soften as soon as they find his. Glancing from him to Freddy’s other hand to see if he has a weapon, especially that glove to find nothing, and back to him, I gesture for my him to come here. “Come over here, baby. Its okay.”
He doesn’t say anything, just frowns and whimpers, looking wearily up at the man who’s holding onto him and for an awful second I think Freddy’s going to pull a fast one on us and pull out a razor or something… but then one finger at a time he lets go of Luke and Luke rushes to me so fast that the force pushes me back a little when he reaches me, wrapping his little arms around my waist and digging his face, shaking so I’m well aware that he’s crying now, into my stomach. I drop to my knees and look him over thoroughly, searching for any indications that this ‘doctors’ appointment’ that he was taken for occurred, but theirs nothing.
A sick taste wells up in my throat as I realise this, and as Luke burrows into me again for more hugs and I wrap my arms around him I look back to the problem. “What-What’s this doctor’s appointment I read about? Just a cover?”
“Not in the slightest! But I thought we should probably wait for you before starting… Mommy. I got us a good deal- family pack!” With that, Freddy takes out a scalpel and grins madly. I tighten my grip on Luke. “Who should go first, eh?”
“Stay the fuck back.”
“Oh, I think not!” I gently tug Luke back as Freddy advances, wondering if it would be smart to make any sudden moves right now.
“I called the police!” God, I wish I had now. But I was too focused on getting here before something awful happened that I…
Oh my god.
He stops coming towards us, but then an evil, knowing smile creeps across his mouth. He tilts his head, calling my bluff. “No, you didn’t.”
“Uh, yeah I did!” So, I’m buying for time. Main objective: Save Luke. Leverage: Me. Freddy’s a being made completely up on vengefulness and anger at this point, and I escaped him. He hates that.
Stroking the back of Lukes head with my thumb in thought, I know what I have to do and make like him giving him a little, worried head kiss- but really whisper to him that our car’s in the carpark and my phone is in the passenger seat. He clutches me tighter. Oh, baby… I wish I could come with you.
“You called nobody. Don’t try to bullshit Daddy. Now, I think our little bundle of joy should go first, more fun for me! Little blast from the past, ey?” He takes another step towards us, causing me to jolt back violently from fear, because I’m so close to saving Luke and if Freddy makes any sudden movements, we both might be done for, and tats just unacceptable. That scalpel is unnecessarily big. Where the hell did he get a scalpel that big?! What is it for? Crocodile surgery?!
Luckily, we’re closer to the door then Freddy is -oopsie made on his part,- so when I let go of Luke he goes straight out the door and before Freddy can reach the door and slip out after him, and push myself hard against the door, slamming it closed. For a second everything is still, which is a scary thing when it comes to this killer, and I just sit there on the ground and watch his scary face just be still.
His eyes, though, expressive as they are, reveal how utterly furious he is.
Then slowly he looks down his chest at me, aiming that mad anger at me as his shaking hand grips the weapon so tightly that his knuckles go absolutely white. “You bitch.”
Michael Myers (RZ): Rachael // ‘Visitation’
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“Morning Rache!” I exclaim, setting down cheerily on my 12-year-old’s bed as golden early morning light slips through her purple curtains and leaves stripes on my thighs. “It’s Sunday!”
“Why does it always have to be so early with him? Its not church.” She informs me, sleep thick in her voice as she pulls the doona up over her head and rolls over so her back is to me.
“He thinks very highly of himself.” That or this is when visiting hours are.
“I see that.”
“So… “Like I always do on Sunday, I put pluck the blanket away from her face to see her eyes are open and she’s already fully awake. She always is on Sunday morning, it’s because of what she knows is coming. I tuck some of her hair behind her early, and speak gently now, like always. “You wanna go see your Dad?” It always, always, always needs to be her choice. She always says yes, though.
For a moment this time, she pauses. Then deeply rolls her eyes and flicks the blanket back up over her face. “Yeah, okay.”
“Alright. We’ll head off in half an hour, then. Oh- maybe you can tell him about the awkward you got!” I exclaim, brightening immediately because my baby is so smart! Captain of her class, and she just got an award for doing well in maths! Her teacher even told me at parent-teacher interviews that she’s getting the work so much easier than any of the other students. This has been the same since she started Elementary school. Dunno where she got those brains from, but I like to believe if it’s me and not Michael. And I am so proud of her.
“Yeah, I will. Can you get out now so I can get changed, parent?”
“Whatever!” I exclaim cheerfully, like the immature one between us two that I am as I leave the room and shit the door behind me, heading to make her toast. She is more like Michael, in that regard. So focused and serious- I, on the other hand, have Goldfish brain.
Which makes a lot of sense when I ask myself ‘What made you think fucking the Shape of Haddonfield was okay?’ because then I remember ‘Big man, strong hands, big dick’ and I remember.
I’m a moron. Was, a horny moron. But no more! I am a mother now, and mothers don’t get horny! No, no. Ahahaha.
… But that doesn’t mean I regret having Rachael. No fucking way. She’s the mother-fucking light of my life, and I’ll have sex with Michael a thousand more times if that’s what it would take to keep her.
Wait, that doesn’t sound right.
… Ah, oh well. Toast!
When we get to Michael’s cell, Rachael goes straight over to the door and uses her foot to move the little stepping stool they keep right there, specially for her -well, I bought it and made them keep it there, but that’s just semantics,- and hops on so she can peer through the window to her father. I stay back a few feet with Dr Loomis, my jacket hung over my crossed arms. Because I don’t have anything in common with Sam Loomis at all, as we have previously discovered on these visits, I turn bluntly to him and ask, shamelessly. “So, how’s he going Doc?” Even though Michael’s condition hasn’t changed since he was six, that is what I ask.
Loomis offers me a crooked, humourless grin and explains that nothing has changed, but he did make Rachael a new mask. “Oh, that’s nice.” I say, although really, don’t think that’s nice. Does Michael think I have endless wall space for these things? I don’t want my home to look like his sanatorium cell. I have taste!
Hey, don’t judge me. The only way I can get through these visits is by being sarcastic and making jokes to myself.
And to Loomis, but he doesn’t really like me.
Probably because I make sarcastic jokes about his most dangerous patient.
Eh, oh well.
I turn back to Rachael to see her holding up her award to the window so Michael can read it, and after I lean to the left a bit to see inside the cell I see that he is doing so. He’s just sitting in his dressing gown on a desk chair at the other side of his cell- no wonder Rachael has to talk loudly!
He communicates through head shakes and nods, and sometimes even writes on a white board he always has set on his big -big mannnnnn. Oh jeez, the thirst is still strong, despite him now being an irritating part of my life… I have to get up at the ungodly hour of nine on a Sunday for this. Just to get a new stupid mask and stand back here with Doctor humourless, - lap, which I do concede, is pretty sweet. He doesn’t communicate that way to anyone else, as Loomis told me, except for with her.
Visitation usually lasts an hour and half, if Michael’s feeling ‘chatty’, And he definitely is today, so our visit bleeds into breakfast time so we join him -without a door between us and him,- for breakfast in the cafeteria. Rachael and I sit on one side and Michael and Loomis sit on the other. Mostly Rachael and I chat during this time, but Rachael looks to her father every now and then for his reaction.
“Hey mum, do you want the last pancake?” Rachael asks, eyeing the last fluffy breakfast food just as hungrily as Michael just after Dr Loomis gets up to go check quickly on another patient, leaving us as a ‘family’ for a little bit.
I pat my tummy. “Naw, I’m stuffed! Why don’t you and your dad share it.”
A little smile breaks across her little face, making me grin too. She’s so cute! She’ll always be cute, I don’t know if she’s 37, a pasty scientist and mildly mangled from experiments gone wrong, she’ll still be adorable. I’m sure Michael agrees. “Okay!”
As she goes off to get the pancake, I leap to take the chance alone to have a chat with Michael myself.
Or attack him.
Placing my elbow securely on the table between us, pointing at him, I squint. “Stop making her masks, Michael! Anything else, really!- We’ve had this talk before, multiple times. You know I have no wall space!”
He shoulders jump, like he silently chuckled at me, and my squint-greasy, just enhances.
“You know what you’re doing, don’t you?”
After a moment, he veeeeery purposefully shrugs those huge shoulders of his. He does know, he does. I knew it!
“Ooooooooh… “I nearly shake with annoyance, returning to my seat properly and glaring I hope subtly from my side of the table as Rachael returns and carefully tears the pancake in half for them. As she does, I watch and just sit and take great pleasure in the fact that they wont even trust plastic knives around Michael. Ha!
He see’s the too-happy glint in my eye and drinks all my juice.
Damn him.
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