#ALSO LIKE HE WILL LITERALLY CALL US STUPID IN FRONT OF THE CLASS. brave words for a man within tattling to the guidance counselor distance
rustystars · 2 years
immovable object (he's just an asshole & not gonna change) vs unstoppable force (Well maybe he just needs to get laid)
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johnkrrasinski · 4 years
So It Goes... 
full masterlist
Pairings: Rock star/Bassist!Bucky Barnes x female!reader (AU)
Word count: 7,149 
Warning: fluff, SMUT! but mostly just me falling in love with bucky, really.
Summary: natasha romanoff aka your annoying roommate coerced you into the howling commando’s live performance at a divebar near your dorm. little did you know, it was going to lead you to the man of your dreams aka the charming rock star boy/bassist, james buchanan barnes.
a/n: this one’s written for @sourpatchkidsandacokecan​‘s “Little Darlin’s Mysteru AU” challenge. i chose band/rockstar au. here’s another love letter to bucky barnes because i love that man with my entire heart and every fic that i write about him is basically just me expressing my deep affection for this man. hope you guys enjoy this one cause i certainly do! also, rock star/boy band bucky is such a concept omg i’m in love
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You laid in your twin-sized bed as you heard the chirping sounds of the birds outside of your window. They were singing cheerily as if they knew what you were feeling and they were celebrating with you. It felt like you were in a Disney movie that you used to obsess over as a kid, where you are the lovestruck princess because you just met a handsome prince who swept you off your feet at first sight.
The birds outside of your window are your animal pals who swoon over you swooning and they spontaneously harmonize and dance to this newfound joy. You couldn’t resist the smile taking over your face. It was too early for you to be awake on a Saturday morning. You were always up by 10 AM. No more, no less. But it was currently 8.45 AM and you still had at least one more hour to get up and be productive.
But not today. Today, you were going to welcome this exhilarating sensation in your bones, and you were going to savour every second of it. Because you couldn’t shake away those baby blue eyes and that suave, boyish charm. The way, they electrified you by first glance and made you tremble when those pupils dilated. You could still feel the way his soft, plump lips hypnotized you last night. And the raunchy way he held you at the bar.
Even when all was said and done, he found a way to haunt you in your dreams.
And you didn’t mind one bit.
You were currently in the middle of a crisis due to your upcoming final week. If there’s any word to describe you as a college student, it would be ambitious. The idea of failing or getting less than B+ makes you go ballistic. You were an active student. You joined multiple organizations that expanded your social life. You got along with mostly everyone in your classes and you had your professors’ respect too for your excellent grades and polite manners.
But your lack of dating life irked no one else more than your roommate, Natasha. You loved Natasha with your entire heart, really. She was like a sister to you. You were an only child so you cherished her older sister role in your life. She was, in fact, several months older than you and she always protected you like her own. Starting from the asshole that broke your heart in high school, despite only knowing him through your story, to incessantly pushing you to stop being such a nerd and have more fun.
Natasha was the kind of woman you don’t wanna mess with. She was loyal, brave and quick-witted. She knows how to keep her GPA high, whilst also maintaining a fun social life. She managed to do it all so effortlessly. 
“C’mon, y/n! Just one night! You need to let loose and release all tension on your shoulders, baby. It’s good for your brain before finals start!”
“Noooo, Nat. Rock bands are not my thing and I’d have a higher chance of acing the tests if I study now, okay? Just go. Have fun without me and tell me how it goes.”
“But my boyfriend’s performing, y/n. And I want you to meet him! I promise they are really good. Even if you're not into the music, you can still go for the drinks, right? Also, they’ve got other cute members available so, you might find your own rock band boyfriend too if you go.” She winked. Her smirk was menacing.
“Ugh, I’m not interested in finding a boyfriend, Nat.”
“I know, but wouldn’t hurt if you do, right? Then we can go on double dates and have them write songs about us. Oh God, it’s going to be awesome.”
“Whoa, slow down. I haven’t even learned their names, yet and we are already discussing double dates?”
“Alright, let’s just start with putting on your sexy clothes and meet them yourself. Then we can move onto picking one gorgeous beast for you.”
“What makes you even think that they’d be interested in me?”
“Don’t be ridiculous, y/n. Have you never owned a mirror? You are a total babe. You just need to get yourself more action.”
“Ugh, I don’t know, Nat…”
“You are going. And I’m not leaving until you get up and put on something cool. I have patience, baby and I’m going to annoy you all night if you stay. What do you prefer? Going out and have fun and meet some cute boys or me annoying you all night so you can’t study productively.” She glared at you. Her tone indicated that there was no compromise.
“Alright, I’m going. But that’s only because I wanna meet your boyfriend, alright? Not because I wanna find a boyfriend or whatever stupid shit you’re thinking.”
“Yay!” She jumped in excitement. Her face was content with joy and satisfaction from succeeding in persuading you. “Alright, let’s dig through your clothes.” She started rummaging your shared closet and observed meticulously each one of your outfits. “Hmm… Let’s try this one!” She picked up a strapless black sequin dress that you hadn’t worn in forever. You didn’t even remember packing it up in your baggage and brought it with you to your dorm.
You began stripping yourself out of your oversized hoodie and high-waisted shorts. You didn’t feel embarrassed changing in front of Natasha, you had seen each other naked many times. You were roommates after all and sometimes, you just had to be comfortable with the fact that you had private body parts underneath and within the course of four years, eventually, you had to get used to flashing one another at some point.  
You put it on as you started to feel a little uncomfortable. You weren’t used to wearing skimpy dresses. Already wearing it for less than three minutes, you were constantly lifting the hem of the dress to prevent it from exposing your boobs and revealing your inner thighs. And the material felt itchy on your skin too. “Nat, I’m not sure about this. Let’s just wear a leather jacket and jeans.”
“Nonsense! You look bomb! Give your leather jacket and jeans a break, alright? Okay, turn around so I can see your behind.”
You twirled as she said, restlessly.
Tonight was going to be a longspun night…
The air felt crisp against your skin, as the breeze swept through your freshly curled hair, causing a few strands shading your sight. You struggled to walk steadily in your 7-inch heels that belonged to Natasha because you didn’t have a pair of your own. You were cool with wearing ankle boots pairing them with a sparkly dress. But Natasha didn’t think it was a cute look.
“What? Boots and dresses don’t go along, honey. Oh my, you need a serious makeover!” She was derailed.
You eventually settled with a silk red dress with a seductively low cleavage on the front, exposing the globes of your breasts. You were already as uncomfortable as it is, this dress didn’t make it any easier to act normal.
So you had to endure walking in these deadly shoes of torture, whilst clad in nothing but a scanty material with makeup painting your entire face. Great. What had you gotten yourself into? Damn you, Natasha.
You and Nat were walking arm in arm to the bar where “The Howling Commandos” were performing. That’s the name of the band that Natasha’s boyfriend was in. They have been a group for 5 years now, they had been doing this since they were in high school. Clint and the rest of the members were several years older than you and Nat. As soon as they graduated, they decided that they wanted to keep making music rather than working mundane, dead-end jobs.
Yep, Natasha told you that much.
Clint and Nat had been dating for two years now. They rarely saw each other due to the band’s packed schedule. Although, they would FaceTime each other every night, talking about each other’s days. You heard it all, from their most disgustingly adorable flirtations, to the most inappropriate, not so PG-13 confession.
They would literally pretend to smooch one another through the screen when you were doing your homework or when you had your nose deep in a book. You’d try to cover your ears by putting on your earbuds and turning up the volume so you could give them privacy but also, you didn’t wanna hear them talking about what they wanted to do to each other if both of them were here.
You knew Clint well enough to not feel like you were meeting a complete stranger. Natasha would often tell you to say hi to him and she had told you a lot of wonderful things to Clint. Clint would often talk about the band too on the phone, how someone called “Bucky” would piss him off by stealing his leftover sandwich. Or someone called “Sam” would often interrupt their chat by reminding him that it was soundcheck time.  
“I gotta go, babe. Sammy’s not gonna stop yelling.”
“Aw, okay, tell the boys I say hi! Love you.”
“Love you too, baby.”
It’s like a daily podcast for you every night.
The dive bar where The Howling Commandos were performing thankfully wasn’t that far from your dorm. Natasha was super thrilled when Clint told them that they were going to perform here. They were finally able to see each other after a while, and because this was going to be their last gig until they come back with a new album, he said he was going to stay and spend some time with Nat.
You were happy for both of them. You’d never say it out loud but, a part of you was secretly jealous of their love. They managed to maintain such a fun, loving, and healthy relationship despite the distance and differences. Natasha once told you that she was never one to settle with a man for too long but, Clint changed the game for her. You smiled at the thought. They were genuinely in love. If you were to find yourself a boyfriend, you wanted the type of love that they had.
But not tonight. You were okay with being single. Just because a part of you wanted what Clint & Nat had, doesn’t mean that you actually need it or you’d die. You were too much of a goal-oriented person to be chasing over something that should come naturally. You had grown so comfortable in being alone, that you stopped desiring love so much. It wasn’t getting you anywhere. So you lived your life, being grateful for your friends and family. You invested your time in your education and passion. You were content.
When you arrived at the bar, the room was full with a crowd. You walked in with Natasha trying to make a space for yourself so you could walk through them. You could barely anything else due to the number of bodies blocking your view. Natasha held your hand as she took the lead and fought through the crowd to get to the front, where she could get the best view.
There was a blonde-haired woman standing on the front, so close to where the band were going to play. When Natasha slightly grazed her whilst trying to stand next to her, she didn’t look the slightest bit happy. She glared at Natasha as Natasha noticed. She glared back at her.
“Excuse me, there’s more space in the back, maybe you can stand there instead of cutting through the line.”
“Excuse you, miss. I’m dating the band’s drummer, so I can stand wherever I want, thank you very much. If you don’t like that, then the exit is right there.” She pointed to the door of where we walked in from.
The blonde woman rolled her eyes as she folded her arms against her chest. After you stared at her reaction, you realized that you actually know her. She was in the same social science class with you. You had never really talked to her because she often sat in the back and immediately left after the class was done, but you remembered her name. Her name was Dottie Underwood. Your classmates called her Dot. The ones that she liked anyway.
You decided to stay quiet and let it pass. It’s not like she even recognized you even if you start a chat with her. You don’t think it was a good idea either since she and Nat literally just snarked at each other. You directed your sight to the stage and waited for the famous Howling Commandos to appear.
One of the spotlights turned and highlighted a man walking on stage before he talked into the microphone at the centre. “And now, ladies and gentlemen, a group of brilliant lads, that make all the ladies go feral wherever they go, and their showstopping music are going to make us sing and jump tonight. Please welcome, The Howling Commandos!”
The crowd roared with cheers, the sounds of their enthusiasm filled the atmosphere. Their claps were jovially in sync as four, drop-dead gorgeous young men stepped into the stage as their presence shifted the energy in the room.
The first one was a blonde-haired with breathtaking bone structure, forming a ridiculously handsome face. His hair shone under the spotlight like the sun amidst the clear sky. He had an amiable demeanour about him. His smile was gentle and welcoming. He waved to the crowd and stood directly behind the microphone.
The second one to walk in was a dark-skinned man with an undeniable charisma oozing out of him. He had a neatly trimmed beard that only added to his spicy appeal. His smile was radiant as he also waved the crowd. He stood on the left side of the stage, a couple of steps behind Steve who was apparently the lead singer.
The third one to walk in was Clint. He was everything Nat described him to be. Placid and nonchalant. His smile was amenable as he greeted the crowd. He walked directly to the background, where the drumset was placed. He sat down on the drummer’s chair as he picked up the sticks he was going to play with.
The last one to enter was a literal Disney prince coming to life. His prominent boyish charm completely bedazzled you. His blue eyes gleamed under the spotlight as they lingered on you for a second. He immediately shifted his gaze as he kept walking towards the right side of the stage, but you swore that when he caught you staring dumbfoundedly at him, you could see the flash of a quick smirk on his face.
He only nodded to the crowd as he confidently picked up the bass guitar that was previously placed on the floor and put on the leather straps around his neck. His eyes turned back to you as you found yourself still bluntly staring at him. Something about him just enchanted you. He had that boy-next-door charm about him but also, a bad boy persona that was irresistibly enticing.    
That flash of smirk that you saw earlier resurfaced and it was getting harder for you to pay attention to anyone or anything else in the room other than him. His gaze grew more intense as the noises of the crowd faded into the background. You were lost in this lethal game of eye contact until Natasha accidentally elbowed you by screaming her lungs out to respond to the lead singer’s introduction.
“Good evening, SHIELD’s Nest! How are we feeling tonight?” The lead singer vivified the crowd. They responded with a reassuring reaction. “I’m Steve Rogers and these are my buddies,” he turned his head to the left, as he started introducing the other band members.  “The handsome guy right there is Sam, and in the back, there’s Clint, our brilliant drummer boy and this ladies’ charmer right here is Bucky.” As he pointed to the magnetic man who had held your attention hostage since he first walked in.
“And we are The Howling Commandos.” He paused for a second before carrying on with his prelude. “Alright, so the first song that we’re going to play tonight is called ‘Rusted Love’. Enjoy.” Steve removed his mouth from behind the microphone and started cueing the band to play. “1,2…”
Sam and Bucky started strumming the first few notes as a few people cheered. Then Clint jumped in, flaunting his talent in mastering the drum with his sticks. The energy in the room felt more energized as people started moving a part of their bodies. Then Steve amazed the room with his sultry voice, singing the words that echoed through the Sound system of the bar.
“I’m a flying kite in a hurricane, you paralyzed me with your touch and your lips got me addicted…” Steve shut his eyes, relishing the rune. You had a feeling that those lyrics wouldn’t just stay lyrics tonight…
They played another four songs that night. The crowd danced, jumped and screamed the words to their song passionately. You, on the other hand, was probably the most tranquil person in the crowd. You didn’t really know much about the band, let alone their music. So when everyone was constantly pushing you because they were too lost in the moment, you eventually tried to get out of the crowd and sat on the bar instead. Natasha was also too lost in supporting her boyfriend, that she almost didn’t notice you leaving.
Through the vibration of the crowd and the music, you had to really lean in to get Natasha’s attention and to get her to hear you. “Nat! I’m gonna sit in the back and wait there. I’m a little thirsty.” She had a giant smile on her face due to the zest the band inflicted. “Okay!” She yelled back, then carried on with her foxy moves.
You struggled to walk through the crowd, trying to not step on anyone’s feet as you made your way to the barstool. What you didn’t notice was, Bucky’s disappointed on his face when he saw you walking out on him. He noticed that you weren’t exactly as thrilled as anyone else. Although, he noticed your stolen glances as you shied away from him when he stared back. He even tried to wink at you once but you immediately looked to the floor, hiding away your blush. He swore he saw the way your cheeks reddened. Not that he wasn’t used to getting that reaction anyway…
You exhaled a breath of relief as you finally broke out of the congested mass of people. You sat on the barstool as you ordered a glass of rum and you waited as the music still reverberated robustly in your ears. You sat there as you started looking through your Instagram. Nat’s icon was the first one to appear in the row and you clicked it to see what you were expecting. She recorded a video of the band, then zoomed in to Clint, as he was ardently drumming the beat.
She put on a heart eyes and fire emoji with the text; “that’s my man!”. The next one was her and you singing along to the second song they played that night. You were able to actually mouth the words after they played the last chorus and you were a quick learner, so you memorized the repeated words easily after the third time. You scrolled through your feed a few more minutes until your order finally arrived.
“Enjoy, miss.” The waiter winked at you. He was probably in his mid-20s, he had warm brown eyes and a sweet smile. His dark hair was slicked back as you stared a little longer than you should. He was obviously attractive, but, you didn’t say anything back to him. You just smiled back in a friendly manner and uttered silenced thanks.
After sitting by yourself for about a half and an hour, like all good things, the show must come to an end. Steve Rogers concluded the show with a final thank you and goodnight as the spotlight shut down, like the drapes closing over a theatrical show. The crowd clapped and some of them started leaving, while others immediately went to the bar to quench the thirst from screaming along to volatile rock music and jumping up and down, getting lost in the tune.
Natasha patted your back as she jumped on the empty chair next to you. Thank God, she was quick on her feet, otherwise, she wouldn’t have been able to get a seat. “Hey! God, I need a full shot of whiskey right now.”
“Yeah, go crazy.”
She scoffed. “Huh. As if that wasn’t crazy enough, back there.” She signalled the bartender to make an order. “So, what do you think? That was fun, right?” The cute bartender from earlier walked to her as he asked her what would she like to drink and she quickly replied.
“Yeah, they’re pretty good.”
“Pretty good? They’re damn talented. Especially the drummer back there. He totally killed it.”
“Yeah, okay, they are amazing. But you know their music isn’t my kind of music, so can’t say  I really enjoyed it that much.”
“Okay, but you must’ve at least enjoyed the view, right? Don’t think I didn’t catch you and bass boy making several eye contacts back there.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You took another sip of your glass to cover your embarrassment.
“Oh my God, you totally do! Look at you blushing!”
“I’m not!”
“Yes, you are! Admit it! You like Bucky, don’t you?” She playfully pushed you to tease you.
“Oh my God, shut up Nat! You’re causing a scene!” You tried to lower yourself, now that you’re able to speak in a normal volume.
“Nope, I won’t stop until you admit it. Don’t worry, y/n, Bucky’s always been a charmer, so I totally get your attraction.”
That caused a peculiar sickness in your chest. It’s not like you were falling in love with Bucky, no. You didn’t even know him enough to like him. He may be an eye-candy but if he’s really as “charming” as everyone is saying, then that means, he’s one of those dangerous fuckboys that you should avoid at all cost. Because that means, he’s probably only going to manipulate you into thinking that he really cares for you, when in reality, he only wanted to get in your pants. Nope, not gonna happen to you. You weren’t going to be a new notch in his belt.
“Well, then that means he is bad news and that gives me even more reason to feel anything but attraction toward him.”
“Oh, no, y/n, I don’t mean it like that. He’s really sweet, and he’s always been the most chill one in the group. Trust me, you’re gonna love him. Just, give him a chance first, alright? I’ve known him long enough to know that he’s into you.”
“Into me? Nat, he doesn’t even know my name.”
“He will.” She winked again, as she took a sip of her whiskey.
Not long after that, Clint appeared from behind, without Nat realizing. He surprised her by wrapping her waist from behind as he whispered into her ears; “how’s my best girl?” Nat was slightly stunned but as soon as she realized it was her boyfriend, her expression instantly turned into a joyful one. “Hi, baby!” They immediately smooched as she wrapped her arms around his neck while standing face to face now.
“Did you like the show?”
“I loved the show, you guys killed it as always. Oh, and by the way, this is y/n, my number one bestie and the best roommate anyone could ever ask for. Now you finally meet her in person!” Her excitement was genuine.
“Hi, y/n! Heard so many great things about you, but you probably can’t say the same, huh?”
“No, actually I can. Nat wouldn’t stop talking about you every night even when I’m blatantly ignoring her.” You joked.
“Well, is that right?” He looked at Nat to assess the truth on her face.
“Yep,” you carried on. “She would say you’re hot, funny and kind, and all these wonderful things. Including the ones that I’m not supposed to hear.”
They laughed. They kissed once more, as Clint stood next to her seat, ordering a drink for himself. Next to you, you could hear Nat saying, “oh, where are the boys? Are they not thirsty?”
“They’re just packing up, babe, they’re gonna join us in a few.”
“Good, ‘cause I think there’s someone y/n would like to meet.” She teasingly wiggled her eyebrows at you, as you sent her a murderous glare. Your lips silently mouthed, “what the fuck?” but Clint picked up her tone and he quickly got the message.
“Oooh, who is it? Is it Steve, Bucky, Sam? Just let me know which one you like and I’ll deliver them at your door tonight, y/n. They’re all single and ready to mingle anytime now.”
You laughed nervously. “No, no, no, no. Nat’s just saying shit.”
She turned her head to her boyfriend and shook it.  “No, I’m not. She and Bucky practically eye fucked on stage.”
You instantly slapped her arm, staring deadly into her eyes. “Ouch!” She put her hand on the spot that you struck, even though it wasn’t even that hard. Classic Nat. Dramatic as always.  “Nat, you can’t just–”
Before you even managed to finish your sentence, she darted her eyes to somewhere behind you as she pointed at whatever got her distracted. “Oh, here they are!” She smirked. She raised her eyebrows at you before she stood on her feet and hugged the anticipated men.
“Hey, guys! Killer show back there!” Nat started hugging Sam and he kissed her cheek, and then she moved onto Steve and the last one to join was Bucky. You muttered ‘shit’ to yourself as you pondered on how you should act. Should you act like nothing ever happened during the show between you two? Or were you going to address the elephant in the room, and just straight up flirt with him, now that he wasn’t being so closely watched anymore?
You didn’t know which would be the best option so you just took a big gulp and drank down the entire glass of Rum you had left. Maybe if you were less sober, you wouldn't excessively overthink. You weren’t even sure whether he was really staring at you or not. For all you knew, he could be staring at another beautiful girl in the crowd that was standing beside or behind you. And if you act impulsively now, this would be like that cheesy moment on Rom-Coms, where a girl waved back to the guy who she thought was waving at her but it turns out, he was actually waving at another girl who was coming from the same direction as her.
Nope, you weren’t going to be that girl.
So you just smiled and nodded along as Natasha introduced you to the rest of the boys. You didn’t want to be rude so you sat on your chair, facing them with an interested look, even though all you wanted to do was just shrink and leave this goddamn place.
“Hey guys, here’s my bomb-ass bestie slash roomie. Her name’s y/n! Isn’t she stunning?”
When Steve was about to offer his hand to you, Sam immediately inserted himself in front of you and Steve. “Well, hello, good-lookin’. Can I buy you a drink?” Sam, being the cool dude he was, he leaned back against the bar counter on his elbows as he shamelessly flirted with you.
“Nope, thank you. I just had one.”
“Oh, you look like you could use another one. Here, let me get that for you.” He cued the bartender to make an order and you instantly tried to stop him, telling him that it wasn't necessary, but it looks like the bartender was already taking his order for you.
And then, out of nowhere, Bucky suddenly stooped in like a hero. “Hey, Sam, why don’t you back off? This one’s mine, alright?” That elicited a questioning look out of you. “Mine?” He didn’t even know you.
“Oh wait, so this is the one you told us about in the dressing room?” What the hell? You thought. They were talking about you as if you weren’t there at all.
“Yep, so why don’t you fuck off and get out of here before I get myself drunk enough to shit on your bed?” His tone was menacing but you could tell that this was a normal, daily conversation between the two.
“Jeez, alright. I’mma leave. You don’t need to wave your dick all over my face.” Before Sam moved to another spot, he patted you on the back and said, “good luck.”
What? What the hell was that for? The bartender came in with your order and served another glass of Rum right in front of you.
“You don’t need to drink that if you don’t want to.” He carefully spoke to you, as if he was trying to not scare you away.
“No, I think I need to. Tonight’s been a pretty crazy night.” You took a sip, the cold drink felt nice on your tongue.
He chuckled. “Yeah, tell me about it.”
“Oh, how crazy can it be for you? Isn’t this like, what you do, every night?”
“Yeah, but, you never really get used to it, you know? Sometimes you just wanna sit in the bar and have a nice talk with a pretty gal and hide in the booth or something.”
That… Warmed up your heart. Damn, if this is his way of flirting, it was truly working. You could see now why everyone was calling him ‘a charmer.’ He really had a way with words. And stares. His baby blues really know how to captivate you and froze you on spot.
“I’m Bucky, by the way.” He offered his hand to shake yours.
“I’m y/n.” You shook it with a smile.
“Did you like the show?” He asked.
“Gotta be honest with you, buddy, your music isn’t exactly my kind of music. But you guys were awesome.”
He paused for a moment as if he was contemplating what he was going to say next. “Think I got a little distracted up there.”
“Oh yeah? Why is that?”
“Cause there was this pretty lady in a red dress that I couldn’t take my eyes off of.” His gaze even grew more intense now. He was looking at you like you were the only thing in the room. Then his eyes darted to your lips, as he licked his. And before you knew it, he started inching his face closer to yours as he held his gaze on your plump, painted lips, while you could feel his breath more and more as the seconds went by.
And then… His lips were on yours. It’s like the clock just stopped ticking and every noise faded into the background and you were the only two people in the room. His lips felt soft against yours, and the way he licked your bottom lip made your head spin. You ajarred your mouth to let his tongue enter as it got tangled with yours.
You were aware that Nat, Clint and Steve who were having a conversation are now watching you like hawks, but you couldn’t care less. Not when Bucky’s hands grabbed your face, so he could have more control over your mouth. You were practically out of breath by the time he looked into your eyes, that are now slightly darker than a few seconds ago. He loved the sight of you, with your lips slightly swollen.
“Let’s go somewhere more secluded.” You could only nod and then took his hand after he offered you his as you got off the stool. He led the way and you couldn’t help but notice the glances that were thrown by several women along the way. They were staring at him with incontrovertible full of hunger eyes, one even shamelessly put her hand on his shoulder, as she coquettishly smiled at him. Bucky only smiled back and nodded at her but he kept walking with you in his hand.
Even if you were practically a pair, you felt invisible. Everyone’s eyes were on you, but not precisely on you. This must’ve been something normal to him, you thought. You weren’t used to big crowds and inundated with attention, and you weren’t used with unquestionably holding a stranger’s hand and letting him take you wherever he had in mind. But you did anyway, and you weren’t having second thoughts.
Bucky led you to the cramped lavatory and locked the door. The lack of space made it even harder for you to breathe when Bucky was this close to you. He pressed his body to yours, as he kissed you once more. Slowly, but you felt the spell in your bones. “All I could think about on stage was tasting those luscious lips.”
You were spellbound by his magic. You could barely speak another word when his baby blue eyes were looking at you so intensely like that. But you gathered every cell in your body to utter the words anyway, “do it again, then.” You boldly challenged him.
He grinned a Cheshire cat smile. He grabbed your face again and eagerly consume you with his mouth. He then moved his hands to the back of your thighs to elevate you onto the sink. He put his hand on your thigh and the other hand went to the back of your head as he grabbed a fistful of your hair, while still kissing you even deeper.
He pulled away to stare at your distraught state and asked the question, “can I touch you?”
You licked your lips, as you nodded. “Please.” His mouth was on yours again, as the hand that was on your thigh moved to the bottom your dress, delicately inserted his fingers to feel you against your red lace panties. You could feel yourself growing wetter and wetter as he motions his fingers in circle harder.
Your breath quickened. Your mind was getting hazy as the second passes by. The right strep of your dress had fallen off of your shoulder, and Bucky utilized that opportunity to pull down the other strap and he began groping your breast, tenderly pinching your nipple. That elicited a petite yelp out of you. He groped your breast once more as he was still toying with your nipple.
He began kissing your neck, shortly finding your sensitive spot as you threw your head back. You shuddered. Your hands grabbed his hair, wanting to feel him closer. “Bu- Bucky… Please. I need to feel you.”
You didn’t wait for his response and immediately lifted up his shirt. You were stunned by the sight under the dimmed light of the bathroom. Clothes really didn’t do this man any justice. He should never be allowed to wear any coverups, ever again now that you had seen him. He was sculpted by the Gods themselves. His biceps felt robust in your dainty hands and the V-shaped line on his hips led to somewhere you really wanted to wrap your lips around.
Your hands quickly zipped down his jeans and his boxer along with it, and you didn’t hesitate in feeling his throbbing member right there, right then. It felt tremendous in your trembling hands, and you felt it getting harder with every stoke of your palm.
“Oh, fuck, doll, don’t stop.” His voice was raspy in your ears. It was the sexiest goddamn sound you had ever heard.
“Yeah, just like that. Go faster, doll.” He sucked your earlobe and his hand fisted your hair, making a mess out of it. You didn’t mind one bit. You wanted to be a mess for him and only for him. You somehow still managed to pamper him with all the senses you had left, even if your mind was clouded with every part of him.
“Bucky, put it in me. Please.” You begged with a quavering voice.
“Your wish is my command, doll.” In a second, he pushed into you and it sent an electrifying jolt all over your nerves. You threw your head back in mingled pain and pleasure. He felt even more full now that he was fully seated inside you. He lifted you from the sink and pushed you to the wall on the opposite.
You circled your arms around his neck as your back was slammed against the concrete. Then Bucky began thrusting vigorously. You shut your eyes and moaned his name. Bucky, on the other hand, didn’t. He kept his eyes wide open to watch you with full attention. He loved seeing the way you were drunk in him. The way you forgot your name more and more every time he slammed back into you.
He loved the squelching noises ringing in his ears, better than the melody he was used to creating in the studio. The sound of your heartbeat was far more gratifying than the way Clint played his drum. Oh, how he could write an entire album solely about you in this state alone.
“You feel so good around me, doll. So. Fucking. Tight.” Your moans became louder with his filthy words in your ears.
“I’m gonna make you mine.” This time, his voice was sultry. It was rather beguiling than mortifying.
His hips kept moving and out of you with a vehement tempo, and then just like that, you crumbled. You screamed your pleasure, not caring if anyone could hear you. Bucky was still moving, trying to reach his own climax. Shortly, he was with you. He unleashed his cum deep inside you, adding the mess that was dripping all over your thighs.
You were a beautiful mess. And Bucky loved it.
After a few minutes, coming down from your high, you breathed into Bucky’s neck, not wanting for it to be over yet. You were a little scared that Bucky was going to walk out and pretend nothing ever happened between you. You didn’t know how many bathroom stalls Bucky had brought different women to and fucked them silly right there. You had a lot do unravel about him, yet, you weren’t certain whether he wanted to let you in or not.
“You okay?” Bucky whispered into your ear. You only nodded, still a little hazy from ecstasy.
“I’m gonna put you down now, yeah?”
“Okay.” He slowly set you on your feet, as he was still staring at your face. You leaned against the wall, trying not to collapse. Bucky picked up his shirt and put it back on along with his jeans and boxer.
“Let’s get out of here.” Bucky offered you his hand, like the gentleman that he was as if he hadn't just fucked you into oblivion in a public restroom.
You took his hand with a smile. You didn’t know what was going to happen after you walk out of the door, but you were going to savour every second of being in his arm if this was going to be last time you’ll ever see him.
You went home with a contented smile on your face. You were like a teenage girl who had just been asked to prom by her crush. How could you not, when Bucky offered to walk you home and left a kiss on your cheek before he called it a night?
Natasha was going to stay at Clint’s hotel, so you were supposed to walk home alone. You knew eventually this was going to happen but Natasha and Clint used it as a reason so Bucky and you would spend the night together too. You didn’t mind one bit, though. You wanted to elongate your time with Bucky and your wish was granted.
You offered him to come inside and stay for a little while, you were secretly hoping that you could go for the second round, but Bucky only chuckled and shook his head.
“Not tonight, doll. I ain’t that kinda man. And you need rest. But I’ll call you tomorrow, yeah?” Then you and Bucky exchanged your numbers and he waited until you were really gone from his sight.
You walked up to your dorm with butterflies in your stomach and sparks fly all trailing over your footsteps. Thank God, Natasha wasn’t here. If she were, she would’ve relentlessly teased you all night and made you admit that she was right to coerce you to come.
And you would’ve had to admit that she was right. And you didn’t like admitting that you were wrong.
But tonight, you were going to admit it to yourself though. Sometimes, doing something that frightens you the most would endue you in ways you couldn’t possibly imagine.
And you were going to thank your lucky stars tonight for embedding Natasha Romanoff in your life because, without her, you would’ve stayed in your shell and Bucky could’ve fucked someone else in that restroom instead of you.
That might’ve happened in another universe, but not tonight. Tonight it was you and you were really hoping that you were going to see him again in your dreams tonight. You had one taste of him and it wasn’t enough.
Bucky texted you not long after you took a shower.
“Dreaming of me, yet?” Wink emoji.
“Well, if I were, I wouldn’t be texting you right now, would I?”
“That’s true, but at least you’d be drenching your sheets because of me and I don’t think I have a problem with that.”
“I don’t need you to do that, maybe I can use some toys in my drawers tonight. They seem pretty bored.” Thinking emoji.
“Oh, doll, you are killing me here…” Drool emoji.
“You like it.”
“I do.”
“Goodnight, Bucky.”
“Goodnight, doll. Thinking of you here.”
You turned off your phone and the screen went black. You changed into your pyjamas and washed off the remnants of your makeup and let the slumber take over you.
Bucky’s face loomed over you, somewhere in a fancy balcony, the view of the city stretching over, added to the beauty of the scenery. He was wearing a navy blue suit with a white dress shirt and no tie. The first couple of buttons were unbuttoned, giving you a majestic picture that he was. His hands that were in his pockets, took yours as you exerted yours to him.
He leaned in with a bright smile under his stubbly face, his blue eyes sparkled like Sirius star.
“Fly with me, doll.”
“What if I fall?”
“Then I’ll catch you.”
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pikapikabishes · 3 years
It's Okay Now(Kirishima x gn!Reader)
Disclaimer: all characters rightfully belong to their original creators, only thing that is mine is the plot. Also do not copy my writing. Thank you
Summary: Class 3A's Y/n was having a jolly day hanging out with the BakuSquad, including her amazing bf of over 6 months, Eijirou Kirishima, even with all the stress piling up, like a shaken soda bottle ready to burst, until said explosion finally happened. Triggered by the littlest, probably stupidest event
Warnings: anxiety (?), panic attacks, not eating for days, mentions death, suggestive themes, a bit of swearing
Mentions: mental breakdown, overworking oneself, starvation, hyperventilating, ugly crying, kiri being absolutely biggest sweetheart, daddy!Kiri breifly
A/n: this is my first fic on Tumblr so please be nice, and if you enjoyed it, like and comment
Everything hurt. My head, my eyes, my chest, my mind. I don't even know what happened. One minute I'm perfectly fine, having a good time with my friends, the next I'm in this situation.
Im sitting in the middle of my dorm on the floor, crying and sobbing over the smallest thing. I admit being stressed with everything going on in my life; with upcoming school exams , training every single day to improve my ultimate moves, and the biggest clicher... my dad's passing a couple months prior.
This whole time I've just been bottling it all up, trying my hardest to put up a brave front as to not worry my mom, who already has a lot on her plate, my friends and boyfriend, Kirishima. To be frank, I haven't even told my class or Kiri, keeping a bright smile as to not hint them in on my life crashing down around me. Some days are easy to keep up my smile, to let my mind focus on something else, and then there are harder days when everything reminds me of my dad.
I was real close to him, we did a lot of fun stuff together; going to amusement parks, going out to see movies we both were really excited to watch, going out to eat at our favorite restaurants.
It still doesnt feel real after all this time. It felt just like yesterday he was perfectly fine, we were celebrating my grandma's birthday, and literally the next day, I find him stiff and eerily still in his bed. And then everything crashing down on me as the paramedics regretfully tell me that my dad was no longer of this world, when I sob into the phone to my mom that my dad was gone, when I listened to my grandma's wails as my mom told her of her son's passing.
It all felt so surreal, like if I go over to see my grandma at her house, I'll see my dad sitting there in the living room, greeting me with his smile and warm hugs and kisses.
I sob harder as I remember all the times we watched Disney movies and me crying at some scenes as my dad happily comforts me. Buying me a toy from one of the movies I adored at the time. Him gifting me a puppy when he moved into a new neighborhood and I didnt have anyone to play with.
My head's pounding, a deep pressure in my brain, as I clutch tightly to the same doll he bought me all those years ago. My screams silent as I try to keep my classmates from finding me in such a pathetic state and worrying about me, my brain not processing that everyone was still at school. I fought to take control of my emotions again, wanting to be strong for my mom, grandma, and my friends. Unknowning of the pace of my breathing as I desperately tried to grasp my emotions.
My stress and anxiety climbing higher with each panicked breath. All those late nights I stayed up studying as much as I can for the midterm exams, catching up to me. I even forsaken eating as to study so I can at least get a passing grade. And the times I didnt spend studying was spent training to try and get my mind to focus on anything rather than fully face the reality that I no longer live in a world with my dad in it.
When was the last time I had a fulfilling meal? Three days?? And the time before that?? I dont even remember, the pounding in my head preventing me from thinking too much. All I can think about is what caused this stupid meltdown in the first place, my frustrations climbing higher with my stress and anxiety.
Today was one of those days where it was hard to keep up my smile for people. In an attempt to cheer myself up, I made myself the same lunch my dad and I used to make together for later, excited to eat as this was my first actual meal in days.
As I stroll down the hallways to meet up with Kiri and the rest of the BakuSquad, someone in a rush, bumps into me full force, causing me to fall and drop my lunch on the floor. I only had a moment to grieve as I see my precious lunch splattered all over the floor before the person that bumped into me uttered a measly, rushed "sorry" before hurrying on their way, stepping my lunch in the process.
I stayed there in my position on the floor, looking at my lunch with grief. I know it was stupid to start crying over something that can be replaced with something else that Lunch Rush made, but there the crocodile tears were. My heart and mind had wanted that lunch.
Without thinking I got up and ran out of school and towards the dormitories, deaf to the calls of my fellow 3A classmates and the incoming call on my phone.
I was brought back to the present by the sound of pounding coming from my dorm door. I was still fighting for control, not able to send a reply without my sobs mixing in with my voice.
"Y/n? Are you okay?" A familiar voice sounded through the door. Of course it would be Kiri to be checking up on me. "I tried calling you to see where you were, but you didn't answer. Tsuyu told me she saw you running off upset when I went to go looking for you."
For some reason I sobbed harder, barely able to keep quiet.
"Princess/Prince, please tell me what's wrong, I'm getting really worried."
He stayed quiet for a moment, anxiously waiting for my response. And of course my body betrays me when an ugly sob wracks through my very being, unable to quiet it down.
"Princess/Prince, are you crying?!" Kiri's voice carried his panic and worry. "I'm coming in!" He warned before slamming the door open.
I barely raised my head to meet his worried crimson eyes as his giant frame took up most of the doorway, frozen. His expression falls at the sight of the giant crocodile tears running down my face, distress written all over my expression.
Without saying anything, he rushed over to my side, his big, warm hand landing on my back, immediately rubbing gentle circles as to comfort me.
"Baby, what's wrong? Tell me," he asked, voice trying to soothe me. I shook my head, unable to say or utter a word and I dropped my head again, breathing erratic. "You're hyperventilating, baby. You need to try and calm down a bit."
More sobs was the only thing I responded with. Hearing some shuffling, a moment passed before a soft calming melody sounded through the storm in my mind, along with the sound of gentle falling rain. It was the same several hour music track that I would usually listen to when something was bothering me.
I've always loved the sound of falling rain and ocean waves.
Kiri dropped his phone to the floor, letting the music wrap us in its soothing melody. He brought his hand to my cheek to gently bring my face up and face him. His expression sad as he gets a better look at my distraught, of the crocodile tears streaming down my face, of the deep sadness in my eyes.
Letting his other hand to join my face, he gently wiped away my tears as I tried to control my breathing. "Baby, you have to calm down. It's okay now, I'm here," he said in a gentle voice, bringing me up onto his lap, and wrapping his strong arms around me.
I clutch onto his uniform jacket, burying my face into his chest as I sobbed away, ruining his uniform with my tears and snot.
He gently rocked the both of us, bringing one of his hands up to my head as he softly brushed his fingers through my hair. "Shhh, baby. It's okay. It's okay," he whispered in my ear.
I don't know how long we sat there, listening to falling rain, Kiri rocking us, whispering calming words into my ear before my breathing was back to normal and my sobs turning into sniffles. Even long after I've calmed down, Kiri still held onto me tightly, grounding me from the storm whirling in my mind.
Only when I lifted up my head from his chest to look up at him did he give me a soft smile, reaching up to brush away strands of hair from my face and eyes. Then, Kiri reached over to his phone, pausing the music before turning back to me.
"Feeling better?"
I slowly nodded my head, my voice hoarse as I finally managed to give a reply, "Yeah, a little bit."
"What happened back there?" Kiri asked, his brow furrowed in worry.
Tears were already welling up in my (e/c) eyes, my bottom trembling as I fought to hold back the tears. Kiri reached up one hand to hold my chin, his thumb softly brushing my bottom lip.
"Please baby, I hate seeing you so distraught," he told me, eyes full of concern as he continued to stroke my bottom lip, as if trying to coax the words to come out, to explain what was paining me so much so he can fix it.
"I-" I stuttered, sniffling back the tears. "I miss him."
"Miss who, baby?" Kiri asked, confused.
"M-my dad," I said, voice now shaky as the tears started falling again. "I m-miss him so much."
Kiri seemed to come to the conclusion that I might have only been extremely homesick. "Why dont you go visit him today then? It's Friday, so you can just stay with him for the weekend."
I violently shook my head. "I-I can't."
"Why not, baby?" He started stroking my back again to try and comfort me.
"H-he died! Two months ago!" I sobbed, pressing my face to his chest again.
"Oh fuck. Shit, I am soo sorry baby. Why didn't you tell me?" Kiri asked, hugging me tightly to him. "I would've been there for you."
"I-I didn't w-want to w-worry y-you," I cried.
Kirishima started rocking us both again, his grip on me tighter as if trying to hold me together. "Of course I'm going to be worried baby. I have been worried about you. I noticed you've been distancing yourself for a while now, but I didn't want to make you talk when you weren't ready. God, I'm so unmanly, not realizing that you were in so much pain all this time." He placed his hand on top of my head. "I am sooo sorry, baby."
I sniffled, shaking my head. "D-Don't be. I w-was the one who d-decided not to t-tell any of you g-guys. I-it's not your f-fault."
"But why didn't you tell us baby? You know we all would've been here for you."
I shrugged. "I-I just wanted to be s-strong for y-you guys. I d-didn't want to w-worry any of you."
"Oh, babe." He pulled back enough to look at me. "You are strong. But it's okay to lean on us, on mee. Just because you're crying, doesn't make you weak. You're mourning, and its okay to cry when you're mourning. It just shows how close you are with your dad and how much you're missing him."
"But... But it feels like my fault though," I cried.
"What do you mean?" His brows furrowed again in confusion.
"I... I was there that night. The night he passed." I wiped at the tears even though it was fruitless with how the tears continued to fall. "We were all happily celebrating my grandma's birthday. We were all laughing. And I went to sleep a bit late that night. I noticed how his was position in his bed when I got up to use the bathroom, but I didnt think any of it. My dad sits in that position sometimes, and I know that he goes to sleep way later than me. And when I woke up at 11 the next morning because of my grandma calling for me, I got up to see what she needed. You remember, that my grandma cant really move around that well anymore?" I asked him.
Kiri nodded his head, remembering that I helped my grandma when the two of us had dinner with my dad and grandma. "So when I got up and headed towards her room, I saw my dad in the same position. But figured he must've just fallen asleep... Then I went to use the bathroom after helping my grandma, and when I looked closer, I noticed how swollen his feet were. I... I knew my dad was always sick and his legs getting swollen all the time, but... I-I just didnt think I'd find him like that." I cried, covering my mouth as another sob wracked threw me. "Vomit... All over the blankets and his bierd... A blood clot hanging from his nose-"
"Shhh, its okay, baby" Kiri hushed me, rubbing my back, "If it's too much for you, you don't have to explain anymore."
After waiting for my breathing to stabilize again, I continued, "I... I just feel like if I had checked up on him before I went to bed... Maybe... Maybe the paramedics would've been able to save him..."
Kiri grabbed onto my shoulders to pull me away so as to look me dead in the eyes with a stern look. "Y/n, listen to me. It is not your fault," he said firmly. "Okay? It is not your fault. Sometimes these things happen."
"But-" I started, but he cut me off.
"No but's. Okay? I know I havent known him as long as you, but I could tell from the first time I met him that he was soo proud of you. And probably still is." His words made me cry harder, my bottom lip trembling again as I tried to pull myself together in front of this amazing man in front of me. "There's no need to beat yourself up over this," Kiri said, pressing a kiss to my forehead as I started bawling my eyes out again. Kiri started rocking us again, holding me tight as I let out all my sadness and anguish.
"Shhhh... It's okay... Everything's will be okay..." He mumbled in my ear. "Let it all out."
We stayed like that for the next hour as I let out all my suffering, the scent of his cologne, the comforting words, and the sound of the music track all lulling me to sleep, my mind and body too heavy to fight it off.
I woke up to a dark room, the sun long gone over the horizon. I blearily blinked my eyes open, feeling my tears dried over the skin of my cheeks. All of a sudden, a warm hand slides under my shirt, rubbing a thumb on my stomach. A face was then buried into the back of my neck, a soft pair of lips kissing at the skin.
"Morning beautiful/handsome," came Kiri's sleep filled voice
"Mmnn what time is it?" I mumbled.
Kiri pulled away for a moment, turning to reach behind him for presumably his phone on my nightstand. Squinting at the glare of the phone, Kiri gave me an answer, "7 o'clock at night, so its just about dinner time." Dropping his phone back onto the nightstand, he resumed his position of spooning me, completely dwarfing my body with his giant frame. "You haven't ate lunch right?"
I shook my head. "Or breakfast. Or dinner last night. Or any meals for the past few days."
"What?" Kiri shot up, glaring down at me. "And the time before that?"
I shrugged, my brain too drained to think of a solid answer. "Couple days."
"I know, I know. I shouldn't be skipping my meals everyday. I should eat at least once a day."
"Is that why you look thinner? Cause you've been skipping your meals??!"
I shrug at him. "I was busy studying for the midterms. Besides I never went 3 days without eating something."
"That's not the point!" Kiri rubbed his hand down his face before looking at me with worry. "You shouldn't be skipping any meals or overworking yourself like this." He reached over to brush a lock of hair away. "Babe, my heart hurts at the thought of you not taking care of yourself."
I place my hand on top of his, leaning into his touch. "I know... I'm sorry. I didnt mean to worry you like this. I just... couldn't come to terms with reality so I busied myself to make me forget the pain. On the bright side I came up with this new, awesome ultimate move I've been dying to show you," I said with some excitement, trying to cheer him up.
He scowled sternly at me for a moment before sighing, shaking his head, any trace of worry and frustration gone from his face as a small smile took over his lips. "Alright fine." But then the stern look came back as he firmly told me, "But I'm not letting you skip any meals anymore, even if I have to force you to eat. And you're not doing no studying or training this weekend."
"Wait, but-" I tried to counter, stopped when the stern look in his eyes intensified.
"No if's, and's or but's. Unless its yours up in the air as I fuck you so hard you wont be able to do anything this weekend but relax."
I blushed and swallowed loudly. "Good, now wait here while I go get you a plate. Bakugou's supposed to be cooking tonight." He leaned down to plant a kiss on my lips. Then another. Then another and another before pulling away only slightly to look into my eyes with that familiar dark look in his eyes, a smirk forming on his handsome face. "Maybe I should grab you two plates. You're going to need it for fuel for tonight."
My faced burned as I realized what he meant. He chuckled darkly before standing up and walking towards the door. "I'll be back in a few. And you better be stripped down to nothing by the time I get back." Turning back towards me with a seductive look. "Don't you worry about a thing, baby girl/boy. Daddy's going to take real good care of you this weekend." Then he opened the door and stepped out, closing the door behind him.
I gulped loudly, already feeling that familiar heat down below.
It was going to a long weekend.
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This is me - Remus Lupin
“I am not a stranger to the dark.”
The only thing Remus knew from the day he was bitten by Greyback was that he will have to hide all his life. He knew that people will never accept him and will consider him as a monster. The dark will be his only friend even if he feared it. All he asked for in his life was to have some stars to bright up his nights.
“Hide away, they say Cause we don't want your broken parts.”
When he went to Hogwarts, he thought his life would have changed. Dumbledore told him that he can be a normal kid, that he doesn’t have to be scared, that nobody is going to get hurt. But all he saw was scared faces being focused on his scars, the ones that he could not cover with clothes. There were scars all over his body and people started making fun of him. They said he didn’t deserve anything in his entire life. They told him to hide away and that’s what he did.
“I've learned to be ashamed of all my scars.”
The first two years at Hogwarts were the most difficult ones. He was put into Gryffindor and had other three roommates, but he didn’t feel brave at all though. He was scared to show his scars and himself. For this reason, he always wore long sleeves shirt even in summertime. The look of other people on him was starting to give him anxiety and they started to call him ‘loopy’. He started to be invisible: he hid himself in the library where he could be alone with his books, but every time he returns to the dormitory, he found his roommates laughing together and they immediately stopped when he entered the room. The look they always gave him was a mix of curiosity and worry.
“Run away, they say No one'll love you as you are.”
James, Sirius and Peter were the names of his roommates and he realized that they bonded together since day one. Remus started to think that he was not worthy their attention or their friendship. They were perfect and he was just a monster. What was he thinking when he told Dumbledore that he wanted to attend his school? Why didn’t he stay away from this magic world that he loves but hates at the same time? One day, to Remus’ surprise, they started to ask him the smallest things like “How was your day?” or “Did you like the charms class today?”. It was in that moment that Remus thought that he could be somebody to someone, but every time he tried to tell something about him, he heard the voice of the wolf inside his head. All it says was that he will never have friends, that he will be always left alone and that nobody is going to love him the way he is. Little did he know that he was completely wrong.
“But I won't let them break me down to dust I know that there's a place for us. For we are glorious”
With the passing of time, James, Sirius and Peter started to talk to Remus more than expected and in a short time they became a strong quartet. They started to tell each other’s secrets: everybody knew that Sirius was the black sheep of the family and that he wanted to leave that house as soon as possible; everybody knew about James’ crush on Lily and how much he was in love with her even if he acted always like an idiot with her and everybody knew Peter’s little addiction with candys. Remus had a lot of secrets, but all he could tell was that he loves chocolate and books. But one day, they discovered Remus’ biggest secret: they found out that he was a werewolf. When boy asked them how did they do that, they answered to him calmly saying “Remus, man, do you think we’re stupid? You disappear every time there’s a full moon and the next two days after that you’re staying in the hospital wing, you have scars all over your body that you’re always trying to cover and every month, when the full moon is close, your body hurts so much that we can hear your bones asking mercy for you.” Remus was shocked and started crying, shouting to their friends to leave him because he was a monster, but all he could hear after that was “C’mon Remus, you’re no monster. You never hurt anyone.”, “Remus, you fold your sock. Excuse me if I don’t die of fear in front of you.” and “Mate we are already planning something to help you during those nights. You can’t tell us to leave now.” And for the first time, Remus was grateful to have friends like them.
“When the sharpest words wanna cut me down I'm gonna send a flood, gonna drown 'em out.” 
James, Sirius, Remus and Sirius started to call themselves the marauders and there was nothing that could tear them apart. They were four faces of a single man and, if everyone is going to hurt one of them, the other will be hurt too. Remus started to feel more comfortable around them: the boys were always trying to make him understand that he is worthy of everything and that he shouldn’t be ashamed of his scars. Remus put his trust in those guys and loved them absolutely with all his heart. The day when they all became animagi for him, all he did was hugging them and thanking them for everything they were doing for him. He was literally happy to not be alone when facing one his biggest fear.
“I am brave, I am bruised I am who I'm meant to be, this is me.”
The night of the first full moon they spent together changed everything. James, Sirius and Peter were all waiting for Remus to transform into a wolf outside the door. All they could hear was screams and the sound of bones that were breaking and changing their forms. That first time, they cried a lot without making a sound because their friend had to go through all this alone and he never complained about anything or showed a little pain or a help request. They thought that he was the bravest person they have ever known. When the wolf took the control of Remus’ mind and body, they entered the room as their animagi forms. The wolf didn’t trust them at first and was already planning to attack them, but somehow Remus told him that they will be his pack from now on and the animal accepted it, because he finally had some company too. When the moon finally disappeared and Remus turned into himself again, he watched all his friends and gave a smile to every single one of them. Sirius was the last one to leave the place and helped him with some of his wounds. In that moment, Remus said: “This is me. Was it too scary? Were you scared of me”? But all Sirius could say was “You were the Remus I’ve always knew. Brave, strong and beautiful. I will never fear you.”
“Look out cause here I come and I'm marching on to the beat I drum.”
Since that day, the friendship between these four guys became stronger every day. They spent seconds, minutes and hours together and, after the full moon, Remus always knew that his best friends were going to be besides his bed in the hospital wing to treat him with some chocolate and sweets and that Sirius was ready to give him the best hugs in the world. The boy whispered in his ears that he made it another time and that he is going to be okay. Thanks to these guys, Remus started to choose his path and to be the boy he really was with his sarcasm, his terrible sense of humour and his affection. He started to show more about his personality, but his body was still one of his insecurities.
“I'm not scared to be seen I make no apologies, this is me.”
It was thanks to Sirius that Remus started to feel more comfortable. The pretty boy with black hair and grey eyes was always there to encourage self-esteem in him. Every time he looked at himself in the mirror and Remus complained about getting a new scar, Sirius always traced it with his finger and touched it gently while saying that this will make him look cooler. He always told him that he was brave, that he was beautiful with all those scars and he really should not covered them, because they were a proof of the battles he is fighting every day and of the fact that he is always winning them even if it may cost a little price. Sirius’ words were a great comfort to Remus and they helped him so much that one day, during a warm day of spring at Hogwarts, he wore the quidditch t-shirt that James gave to him after the match where he caught the first snitch of his career, to thank him for the support he gave him and for always being the best person alive. Everybody could not believe their eyes, because Remus Lupin was not afraid to show himself and he looked so good with all this confidence. James and Peter shouted, “Looking good, Rem!” but when James realized that he was wearing his old quidditch shirt, he ran and hugged Remus so hard that they both fell on the ground while laughing out loud. Sirius watched them with a smile on his face and he also gave a big hug to Remus and repeated into his ear that he was so proud of him. And Remus embraced him with more strength and he felt like his life depended on it.
So, if Sirius and Remus started to have feelings for each other after all these events, well…that is another story.
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akahana · 3 years
That was a damn workout. The club was divided into half for the second meeting. You girls had decided to learn a choreography by the Korean girl group; Twice, namely the choreo of I Can’t Stop Me. The boys decided to dance Stray Kids’ God’s Menu. They were pretty good. Except for Aoyama who pretty much made up his own steps. He said he wanted to stand out no matter what. And he had just joined recently.
“Everybody, on the next Friday, I’ll be teaching the choreo that will be done by partner. Club session over!”
“Wait- Mina what?”
She faced you. “Oh, girlie I remember I paired you with Katsuki right?”
“Yeah, but can’t we be partners?” You asked.
“No can do,” She waved her head. “I’m sorry, but the two of us are already close. And we do this partner thing to get the members of the club together. This is how I made our circle of friends.” She added with a grin.
Lastly she said; “Plus I need you and Bakugo to hang-out so you could fix your constant bickering. You always fight with each other. May it be in the classroom, the hallway...You can can bicker about anything; anywhere! You never run out of topics to bicker about! Anyway, I have to meet Momo now- she’d been calling me for the past hour, BYE!!!” And she fled to who knows where.
You sighed. You’d have to deal with the freak with the anger issues more.
The weekend came over fast, the weekdays passed by faster, ‘til it was Friday again. It’s the Friday wherein Mina teaches the partner dance.
Aizawa had to consume 20 mins of your time before you could finally get to club meeting. You texted Mina in advance. After the talk with Aizawa regarding your quirk, you arrive at the meeting 20 mins late as expected. When you opened the door, everybody was with their partner, except for Bakugo who stood up from his seat when he saw you. He kept his frown on while he dragged you to an open space to start as Mina repeated Corazon Sin Cara for another round of practice.
You were clueless about why he had dragged you there, since you didn’t know the steps yet.
“Just follow my lead.” He stated, positioning you into how Mina was positioned with her partner Kirishima, then you hear the Bachata music play.
He did not touch your torso with his hands, but he showed you how you were supposed to move your hips. He placed his thigh between your legs as your hips moved. You felt heat rush up to your face. No one had ever been close to you like that. Not a male, to say the least. You felt awkward and stepped back a little, earning yourself a questioning look on his face. But he respected the space you have created between you.
Although he was a good dancer, he definitely was NOT a good teacher. You evidently pissed him off which in return annoyed annoyed the hell out of you because of how ill-tempered he was with teaching.
“I told you to go this way!!!” he yelled.
“Then this way I shall go!” You mocked.
He got fed of how sarcastic you were and you got completely pissed off by how he always raised his voice at you.
You decided you were ready to leave. But he decided he wanted to leave as well. You clashed at the door, fighting over who should be the first one to go through the door. No one won eventually. You both fit through the door at the same time. You went to the direction of where the dorms were headed, and he followed.
“Stop following me you prick!” You shouted at him as your pace went quicker.
“I’m not following you stupid!” He growled as he ran to the dorm.
And since you also were as childish and competitive as him, you raced with him to the dorms.
The next 6 days passed by, and it was Friday once again. You tried to dance. You forced yourself, you weren’t like this during practice. You usually were enthusiastic during club meetings. You didn’t know the reason behind your fatigue. Maybe because of the lack of sleep caused by the overnight studying for the exams? Extra training hours with you class adviser? Playing sports with your new friends Tokoyami, Todoroki, and Ojiro?
They were all factors, but you didn’t exactly know which of them caused you to be like this. Bakugo noticed your state.
Practice finally ended. You sat down the floor drinking water and leaned against the cold wall behind you. You closed your eyes for a short while, but hadn’t you known you were slowly drifting off to sleep.
The clock showed the digits “7:00”. 
You had finally woken up. That was when you noticed a familiar song playing on the speakers. It was Pony by Ginuwine. You scratched your eyes and tried to unblurry your vision. Then you looked up to the familiar figure in front of you doing isolation moves. You realized he was dancing the pony dance from Magic Mike. You were surprised to see him dance like this. This dance style was pg-18. When danced by normies or non-dancers, this dance would look funny. But he made it look good. He got every step right, each move landing on each beat precisely. You were blown away. For the first time, you noticed how hot he was. Most especially since he was wearing his infamous black tank top.
Bakugo was passionate when it came to dancing. You saw that as you watched him move. You tried to keep as quiet as you can, for him not to notice you. You saw him do a few body rolls, hip thrusts, before the song had finally ended. Then he met your eyes through the mirror in front of him. You thought you saw him blush for a while, but when you blinked for a sec, it was gone.
“Sleeping stupid has finally awoken. Get your ass up here. You wasted three hours of my time. We have to polish our dance. I don’t want to lose to Kirishima.” He called you that every time you awoken from a nap. It was supposed to be sleeping beauty, but he changed the latter word thinking he’s funny. And lose to Kirishima? Everything really is a competition for this chonky-haired asshole.
Ashamed, you stood up. And finally, you were feeling okay. No more dizziness.
Then you noticed that it was the only two of you that remained in the club room.
“Where are the others?” you asked.
“At the dorms already.” He snarled. “If you hadn’t slept and wasted our time then we would’ve been at the dorms right now.”
“I’m sorry,” you said, taking him aback. It was the first time you’ve said that to him. You always bickered, but you’ve never said sorry to him afterwards. You were quite vulnerable today.
You walked to his spot, positioned yourself, maintaining the distance you’ve created like you always did every single time you practiced this partner dance routine. But this time, he didn’t tolerate it. He groaned while he pulled you closer to him. You were a little shocked, as this was the first time he touched your hips.  Held, as a matter of fact. He trained how your hips were supposed to move to the beat. He literally said: ‘Fuck consent’. Mad man. His teaching skills had improved. And he didn’t shout at you anymore. Maybe because he finally got tired of messing with you.
You two stopped when you were both tired and worn out. (ooh~) You finally were able to dance to the rhythm accordingly. He was about to exit the door when you called out his nickname.
“Kacchan!” He stopped. It was the first time you called him that.
You too, were taken aback. You expected him to throw a tantrum and go on a rampage and shout to you about how you should stay in your lane. But he didn’t. He only answered calmly with a;
Little did you know, the ash blonde liked it very much when that nickname of his came out of your mouth. He didn’t know why. He just fancied it.
“I-I, can’t walk alone in the dark...” You muttered softly, almost inaudible.
“And why the fuck? What do you want me to do then, carry you?”
You thought at this time of the day- or night, perhaps, he would already be tamed and be too tired to snarl back comments.
But no, ‘This blonde’s pride and ego will never wear out.’ You thought to yourself. You mustered your courage, told yourself to be brave, and hissed at him before facing towards the direction of the dorm and walking that path.
“Fine then! I hope you get taken away by some villain or whatever and just disappear! Why do you have to be so mean at all times?” The throbbing head pain came back to you, and along came the mild dizziness.
“Ugh, as if.” He retorted back even though he felt guilt wash over him.
The guy just couldn’t keep his mouth shut. Bakugo waited for you to get a little farther, before he walked behind you, lighting up a few sparks from his hand to keep your little friends sane. You had a quirk similar to Tokoyami. Differences were; what you had were wolves, and they have the ability to detach from you. If you didn’t have enough power, they would refuse to listen to you, and they could go haywire, damaging your environment including you also. They actively bugged you during the night, whenever moonlight shone on your skin they would sense it and you’d hear them howling in your head pleading for freedom. But because of Bakugo behind you, which you were oblivious of, their howling aren’t as bad as usual. How was Bakugo aware of all this? He had been observing you since you’ve beat him at the UA sports festival.
Then you tripped. Face first on the ground. Suddenly you heard a burst of laughter.
“SHUT IT YOU DUMB FUCK YOU LOOK LIKE A MONKEY LAUGHING LIKE THAT” you went loose. Maybe you went a little too far. Uh-oh. He stopped. You knew you were in trouble. You got up and tried to run for your dear life but you suddenly fell down again. And another burst of laughter was heard. This time you had no more power to lash out on him and you cried. You were so tired of that day, and your head throbbed endlessly, plus the fact that your knees are now bleeding because of scraping them on the pavement twice.
The blonde freak’s laughter went to a halt and ran to you. He saw your knees and he quickly wrapped his handkerchief on the left. He wrapped the tank top he got from his bag around the right one. Then he put his bag in front of him and pulled you up on his back. Tears had stopped flowing from your eyes, and suddenly, your stomach was contaminated with butterflies. You did not complain, you remained silent as his feet continued to walk toward the dorms.
*after an almost not-so-awkward-walk in silence
He let you get down from his back. You already were at the building. You wouldn’t admit it to yourself but you wished the walk had been longer.
“Clean yourself up.” He said before he left you outside. The girls from your class approached you with worried expressions on their faces. They talked to you and interrogated you, then led you inside to help you get ready for bed.
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headshxtina · 4 years
Brave - Koishi Sugawara
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Genre: Fluff, au
Warnings: Language! And that’s all hehe
Song of the day:
Hope you enjoy! I just wrote this out if nowhere since I’ve been in love with him so much,, forgive me for the cliché-ish plot djjdjd this is my first tumblr fic i’ve only written one-shots before all my fics are on wattpad 🥺
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“Dealing with the kids is pretty hard, right?”
Sugawara asked, eyebrow slightly lifted as you were oblivious to his appearance again because of being too concentrated on the lists of teams Karasuno were about to have practice matches with in two weeks.
“Oh? Y- yeah...”
The boy leaned down to the notes, nonchalantly humming, but it seemed like he was focused on your expression more than the tough lists that could match the math revise papers you get.
“Are you tired of replacing Yachi? She’d be absent for pretty long. maybe for MONTHS...” Sugawara left out a soft sigh, being his considerate self as usual, or at least that what was you thought.
He was also known for being the gentle parental figure and the sweet, gentle setter of the team. He was training very hard with the team, even though he wasn’t usually the main setter.
But he seemed to not mind. He appreciated how his appearance helped his fellows practice more consistently and more focused, not to mention his calmness and skillful way of thinking during the matches. You liked that about him, but the recent thoughts about him have been... different from the past ones. Like an evolution. Like how his smile was like an efflorescent kind of spring, how the gentle color of his eyes was like clouds passing the clear afternoon skies, and his comforting smile that sometimes you couldn’t face, and how his iries sometimes were labyrinthe whenever he turned to yo-
“Hey? HEY...?”
Your thoughts stopped in a halt.
“You accidentally kicked your coffee...”
“Oh my GOD... I’m so sorry, I- OH SHIT!”
His shirt was filled with the smell of cappuccino.
The latter lifted your frown up by caressing the corners of your lips and gently pulled them up, ended it with a soft cheeks pinch.
“Hey... I have extra shirts. I’m okay, you know how third years always know how to prepare.”
“Oh. Okay. I’m still so sorry though.”
“Remember to not kick your sprite next time.” He mocked you and went to grab an another shirt. “Do you need me to buy you an another coff-“
“Okay then! Don’t worry about me. Poor you... so focused on work.”
His footsteps echoed around the practice room, as the team weren’t there yet. Suga went early because he said he “wanted fresh air and some time to talk to the new manager”, which is you.
The sun rays soared the clear sky, replacing the early aurora. It was somewhat idyllic, it reminded you of the halcyon ages, the early mornings when you and your ex-boyfriend would walk into the convenient stores on the way to school, how he would share his coffee with you. Cappuccino. Always cappuccino.
But that was before your break-up last year. Your heart has promised itself to create a barrier from any emotions from being hurt deep down from his getaway. but somehow, it has lost its composure.
Just because of some other boy.
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“Yes Daichi!”
Sugawara fist-bumped Daichi when they got an another point for the red team.
They were having a practice set, as always.
“Aye! Y/n, are you tired?”
Your thoughts stopped wandering when you felt a gentle hand on your shoulder.
“Oh! Asahi! How’s the match going?”
“Oh! Yamaguchi asked me to let him replace me for a while. Homeboy’s doing good. Like look at him. Awww...”
“Proud dad you are, Asahi.”
You two left out a small chuckle as he could feel something going on instantly with his left and nimble instinct. And a compassionate soul.
“Y/n, you like Koushi-boy, right?”
Asahi saying that left a huff out of your lips.
“What? Who said that?”
“Nah, just feels like it. Sorry if i’m wrong. But man, the way you’ve been looking at him these past months since Yachi left means something.”
Your tongue was mixed in dirt and cut dry. Somehow, your saliva was nowhere to be found in the back of your throat.
“Uh... Yeah. Sugawara. I l-“
Your warning reminded Asahi that it was the practice room you guys were standing in, not in the supermarket.
“Okay. But uh...”
“Hm?” He asked as soon as the words left your lips again, like a reflex.
“Dude doesn’t even look at me. No chance. Still painful since my last break-up. No way. I don’t even think of-“
“So,” Asahi stopped you in a gentle manner and leaned in. “I know it hurts, but feelings can’t be stopped. We are human. Being hurt and showing how you feel isn’t bad at all... It’s called being brave. And after it, you can be even stronger. You have to take over your fears. You have me here advising and sharing everything with you. Don’t think of covering it up. It’s better if you just tell Koushi. And, to be honest, you are too focused on your papers you rarely observe how he looks at you.”
You punched Asahi in the stomach, which made he chuckle a little bit. “Ow!”
“Anyways... Yamaguchi’s going in again. You should get out there.”
The way Asahi smiled at you told you to DO something. Do a thing you’d never thought of doing again.
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The night at the Karasuno rest house was a mess and rowdy as always, filled with the laughs of Tanaka, Nishinoya and Hinata in the halls, and the shouts from Daichi and Ukai telling them to shut up.
It was eerie as the clock hit twelve. Kageyama and Hinata weren’t practicing as always, they fell off asleep after the practice that day, since they had to do about ten laps of running around the school for having a fight and then forgetting about it again.
You were closing your eyes, but it stung. You couldn’t bare to sleep with your heart beating so fast in the middle of the quiet and calm night air.
Your head was full of Sugawara. No, you couldn’t push the heavy brick blocking your emotions out of your heart. It would be forgotten, as many other emotions.
But no. It had been there for months.
Refusing to continue that annoying phrase, you slipped into your slippers and walked out the hallways, out into the staircase in front of the house.
Everyone must’ve been asleep by then. Even Asahi, whom was in the same class as you and understood you the most. There was no one to talk to.
Your lips left out a sigh and as you were just about to close your eyes to meet with the sounds of the night wind, a figure passed by you in silence, a little observant as you realized it was a silhouette of someone.
“Y/n? Aren’t you supposed to be in your bed right now, idiot?”
It was no other than Suga.
“Should be you more, turd. It’s literally midnight, why the fuck are you still here?”
“Can’t sleep.” He replied. “Just thoughts...”
“Too many thoughts are up in my head, couldn’t sleep either.”
You earned nothing but a look down to the ground between both of you. The boy said nothing, as he diverted his pupils to the sky. Immediately, the sight of his face being illuminated by the carressing moonlight holding his face so firmly and softly made your heart fly out of your chest again. Something inside you was urging you to say just three words. Just. Three.
But the past memories triggered them away. You could not get yourself hurt again.
The voice of Asahi stuck inside your head.
“I know it hurts, but feelings can’t be stopped. We are human. Being hurt and showing how you feel isn’t bad at all... It’s called being brave.”
You opened your lips in a short second, which was noticed by Suga.
“You were about to say?”
Your heart was competing with speed of your tongue. Competing with the tears about to fall right down your face. But just three words was the easiest thing you could say that time. No way back.
Your tears could drop at the moment. Your tongue could be cut at that moment. Your trust in love could be crushed again.
He stood there, looking at you, a little bit observant and calm.
“I like you. Ever since Yachi left for the business trip. I just... don’t believe after that stupid break-up, I could ever let my emotions happen again. I...” You choked on the tears beginning to fall from your lids. “I could be he- heartbroken- again- I’m so- sorry-“
Your hiccups were the sound of pain to him. He immediately walked in nearer to you when your tears started to fall. They kept on wetting your cheeks. They dropped. Fell. Wet the road. They were salty upon your lips and your soft hiccups.
“Why? Why would you ever be one? Why would you be a failure? You just did the bravest thing." His voice was soft and was faded between your hiccups. You couldn't quite hear or see the caring look on his eyes when he touched your fingers and hesitated for a little before caressing them and molding them inbetween his.
You kept on crying loudly and sobbing. You didn't care about anything anymore. You knew it was a failure saying those words. And the feelings you've kept for so long. If Asahi broke the brick wall of Datekou, then you'd just broken the walls keeping your emotions flow out again.
Noticing you didn't reply, Koushi just quietly planted a soft kiss on your temple, and he kept on kissing when he turned to you and you nodded, he kissed all the way down to your cheeks, feelings your tears touching his lips, but he kept on kissing and stopped at your neck.
"Don't wanna do the licky licky thing over here-"
That left out a soft chuckle from you, which made him a little happy.
"Now... All you have to know is that you're the bravest you've ever been. You're always so brave..."
Before he could notice, your sobs quickly turned into lazy snores as your head bumped down onto his shoulders. The boy realized you had fell asleep and smiled, and there was a beautiful flower blooming inside of his heart as well. His love for you these past months have been opened up by you, not him. He felt like a wimp for not saying it first, but he finally felt happy you'd broken out of your tight shell.
So his hands went to caress your hair between pulling his fingers down your lucious locks. They were soft, opposite to the way his heart was beating for you.
“Sleep tight, sugar. I love you so much.” He whispered.
Asahi and Kiyoko were no other than the ones who brought you two up to your bunks, chuckling at each other, knowing everything by the way you two both fell asleep on each other on the staircase, Suga's hand still holding yours. Firmly. Like he wouldn't ever want to let it go.
═ ∘◦❦◦∘ ═
As the alarm clock rang through the eerie silence, you heard everyone groaning in tiredness as Tanaka shouted against Daichi that he wanted a little more sleep and quickly snored again against the soft blanket.
Everyone got ready with huffs and complains under their sleepy breaths, Hinata fixed his funny-looking disheveled hair while shouting at Kageyama for stealing his snacks.
When Karasuno got into the practice room, hyper and ready for an another day of practice, you immediately noticed that familiar silhoutte passing by and stopping right in front of you.
"So, here's a thing, Y/n."
His lips figured in about a few seconds.
"I also... like you back. I love everything about you."
You flashed a smile at him, your eyes still puffy from last night. He just went in and gently kissed the corner of your eye. "Don't cry because of me again, that was.... heartbreaking to see."
"Who would, idiot."
"Who ELSE would." He mocked you as you shyly looked down.
"So, be my girlfriend? As in girlfriend, not girl-friend... uh... like friend as a girl hsjssjshshdh- Alright, be my girlfriend?"
"Gladly, Koushi."
In a sudden, he caught everyone's attention intentionally when he called everyone to get ready and immediately turned to you, got a nod, and crashed his lips onto yours.
A sweet apple smell from his hair passed by your nose, your lips were perfectly molded together, and his soft breath made you feel even better, ecstasy was filling your body, your hands keeping on playing with his soft grey locks.
Nishinoya and Tanaka's squeals could be heard from afar as Tsukki smiled softly. "Well, Yamaguchi, looks like our setter has fallen in love."
The whole room was filled with squeals and excitement, especially Hinata continuously pulling Kageyama's shirt in surprise, and the latter couldn't care less but gasp and felt so happy for both of you and didn't give a single fuck about Hinata's stupid actions.
"Uh hum." Coach Ukai could be heard from a distance. "Well, looks like our setter has been having a little... makeout sessi-"
"OH SHIT SORRY COACH-" Both of you turned around and realized the whole team has surrounded you guys, including Coach Ukai and Takeda sensei.
"Okay! Suga has a lovey dovey girlfriend, but that doesn't mean we don't continue to practice, remember? You two do that lovey dovey shit at home, not here-"
Everyone laughed at Suga's excitement. In the corner of the room, you saw a smile upon Asahi's lips, his eyes gentle and his grin wide as he raised a thumbs up.
"Good job." The tall boy chuckled as he walked towards you.
"All bets on you, Asahi." You smiled back at him. "Thank you. For everything."
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sunsetscurving · 5 years
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Oh, Cruel Fate (Enemies to Lovers AU)
Ch. 9
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The Demaurys and the Lallemants had been enemies for over one hundred years. And when Lucas first meets Eliott, he hates him with his whole heart even without knowing him, blaming him and his family for his life which is slowly falling apart. But when they are forced to live alongside in the same surrounding, something is changing between them. And this scares Lucas more than anything else.
Warning: Mild Violence
Lucas was already out of breath streets ago. He hadn’t had time to wait for the bus, he needed to be faster than this stupid bus who only came once an hour. So he ran. He ran while some pictures in his heads formed that he never wanted to see in real life.
But all of this could be real in this very moment. And it was Lucas’ fault.
“Lucas? What’s wrong?”
Yann heard Lucas’ alarmed voice and he was grateful that his friend wasn’t in class just yet. His hand which pressed the phone to his ear were already shaking, Lucas panting into the speaker, trying to form proper words.
“My father… I—”
“What? I cannot understand you. Why are you so out of breath? Classes are starting soon and—”
“SHUT THE FUCK UP, YANN!”, Lucas screamed in the middle of his marathon, people turning around as he nearly knocked them over.
“Is Eliott in school?”
“What? Why do you even care? You are really acting strange these days—”
“IS ELIOTT IN SCHOOL?” Putain, why couldn’t Yann just answer Lucas’ questions?
“Yeah, he is. Of course he is.”
“Stay with him.”
“What?” Lucas could hear the confusion in Yanns voice and he couldn’t blame him at all.
“Just… stay in his reach. Please. I’ll be there in some minutes. And when something happens, call the police.”
“Lucas, I don’t understand—”
“Do it for me, Yann. Please.”
And with that, he finished the call and put his phone back into his pocket.
Lucas still had some distance between him and his school and his legs seemed to give up any second from now on. He was tripping, nearly falling down face-first and someone caught him. He thanked this someone breathless and kept running. He could see stars in his vision, he couldn’t breath and all he wanted to do was reaching his destination now. He turned the corner and he knew, that he was too late, when he saw the school and heard the loud voices coming from the inside.
He felt his phone vibrating in his pocket numerous times and pulled it out while running towards the entrance, scanning the messages from Yann.
Lucas, where are you?
Fuck, what are your brothers doing here?
I’m so sorry, I couldn’t hold them back, I called the police. I -
Lucas couldn’t continue to read. He felt sick while opening the door of the school with a bang, running along the empty hallways.
He knew where all of them were.
And when he entered the main courtyard, he saw all the pictures he imagined in his head. Only that they were real this time and not some imagination.
A crowd had gathered, standing around something which happened in the middle of their circle. People were running inside, trying to get help or something. But most of them were just standing around, even pulling out their phones, filming all of this. Lucas clenched his fists and started to push through all of this.
“Let me—"
The people parted as if they could sense the anger radiating from Lucas and he was angry. He could only see red and when he saw what was happening right in front of him, he really felt like throwing up.
His two older brothers were beating up someone.
No, not someone.
Eliott Demaury.
Eliott was on the ground, trying to fight against their fists, but he was already in too much pain. There was blood on the ground and the smiles from his brothers while beating up Eliott where so fucking wrong.
This was Lucas’ fault. He never wanted it to come this far, he never wanted to hurt someone, especially not Eliott after everything that happened. After Eliott saved him.
And now he would save him right back.
Now, Lucas would finally be brave.
Something escaped Lucas. Something like a growl. And in the next second, he was literally jumping at Jules, pulling him away from Eliott and punching him in the face when his brother finally turned around to him.
“You piece of giant shit”, hissed Lucas and punched him again. A collective gasp was running through the crowd but Lucas didn’t care what his fellow students would think of him now. All the years of being humiliated, all the years of crying himself into sleep as a little boy, all of this was now laid inside these punches. He could feel blood on his knuckles and fuck, this shit hurt way more than it always looked like in movies. He was shaking his hand and looked down at his bruised knuckles for a moment, when his brother apparently processed the first shock.
“What the f—”
But before his brother could say anything more, Lucas was already giving him another punch on his jaw. Jules fell back, his hand pressed to his nose which was now bleeding.
“My nose!”, his brother was calling out and Lucas couldn’t hide the smile on his face anymore.
This felt way too good.
“Oops”, said Lucas innocently while feeling some kind of satisfaction inside of he. His attention flicked to his other brother, when he saw Yann pushing through the crowd out of the corner of his eye. Yann was not wasting any second before pulling Louis away from Eliott. Or at least trying to do so.
“I could need some help here”, called Yann in a high-pitched voice over his shoulder as he struggled against the way stronger Louis. Basile and Arthur were suddenly in the middle of it all, too and together, they held Louis away from Eliott. Lucas was grateful for his friends, for their loyalty, for not asking why. If Louis would hurt them, Lucas would show another side of him. But Yann and the other boys seemed to be fine, holding Louis’ arms behind is back.
Jules was too occupied with his bleeding nose than to care about Lucas crawling to Eliott. Eliott was slowly sitting up, his arms shaking while he pressed himself up from the ground. Lucas scanned him and his face, he was bleeding and he looked way worse than Lucas looked back then.
“Come on, let’s get you away from here”, said Lucas in a surprisingly soft voice and laid an arm around Eliott, helping him up.
“I know. No need to talk now.”
Lucas looked over to Yann and nodded at him, mouthing a silent “Thank you”.
“Do you really think this is going to work out? Any of this?”
Lucas stopped with Eliott and slowly turned around as Louis screamed at him that way. The crowd had gone so silent that you could hear the wind ruffling the leaves on the ground. Everyone knew who the Lallemants were and everyone knew that these two were Lucas’ brothers. And everyone also saw just now how Lucas turned against them and helped his “enemy”.
“You two are not a disgrace to our family. You are a disgrace to the human race”, said Lucas in a quiet and calm voice, watching the shocked expression on his brothers face. He tried to wrench himself out of the grasp from the other boys to attack Lucas, but three against one was a game Louis couldn’t win.
Lucas felt so fucking good.
And finally, some of the teachers entered the courtyard with the police who went straight to Jules and Louis. This was not the first time where his brothers got involved into a fight or a crime.
Yann threw a glance over his shoulder pointing with his head to the building behind them and Lucas granted him a thankful smile. And before they talk with Lucas or spot him, he disappeared into the school building with the bleeding Eliott in his arms, keeping him safe, at least for this moment.
And this was the least he could do for Eliott.
“It’s just a scratch.”
“Your whole fucking face is bleeding.”
Eliott lifted his head as Lucas said these harsh words and Lucas held his gaze steadily. Lucas brought Eliott in an empty classroom, getting some wet towels from the bathroom on their way. Eliott could barely walk and he collapsed into the seat as soon as they arrived. Lucas was now kneeling in front of him, looking up.
“So, let me help you”, said Lucas with a softer voice and lifted his hand, but Eliott turned his head away. Lucas halted in his movement.
“Don’t do this”, he said quietly and Lucas winced slightly at the pain which filled the other boys voice. He felt shame inside of him and regret and fear and—
“Don’t act like you care.”
Silence stretched between them, Eliotts words heavy in the air. Lucas felt them like a punch in his stomach, his insides twisting slightly. Eliott turned his head back to Lucas and looked at him with his intense stare that made Lucas heart beat faster involuntarily.
“But I do care”, Lucas protested lightly.
“You ran away from me the last days. I thought…” Eliott took a deep and shaky breath and looked down at his hands, his knuckles bruised from his defense against Lucas’ brothers. “I thought that something changed between us. In that night.”
Suddenly, Eliott straightened and looked at Lucas with an empty and emotionless gaze.
“But I was wrong.”
You fucked up, Lucas. Again. You didn’t want to brush him off? Well, congratulation for achieving the complete opposite.
“No, you weren’t”, said Lucas quietly after some moments of silence. Because he was tired. He was tired of hiding his feelings and he was at a point, where he couldn’t deny his feelings, these… strange feelings, for Eliott. And he was tired of playing the game his parents wanted him to play. He was tired of being a figure on their chess board. He was his own master and he would act on his own accord.
And he would stop pretending. This was the time, where Lucas would start to be himself rather than someone who he was supposed to be.
When Lucas looked up, he found Eliott watching him, waiting for some kind of explanation for his words.
“I am sorry, okay? I –”
He didn’t even know how to explain himself. He was just stupid, afraid what the world would think of him when he was being seen with a Demaury. But this time had to be over now. Too much happened for him to ignore the course his fate seemed to have chosen for him.
“You were right. All the time. This feud is… shit. Blaming you was stupid. Fighting in someone else’s fight was stupid.” Lucas took a deep breath and lifted his gaze to Eliotts eyes. “Pretending that nothing… happened was stupid. I was stupid. And I am here to… to change. I am here to help you and to say sorry. This was all my fault and—”
Lucas stopped his rant and bit his own lip, watching a tiny smile appear on Eliotts lips.
“You are cute when you’re rambling and I wouldn’t want to stop you. But it’s fine. I am glad that you realized how stupid this feud really is. You needed time to figure out all of this by yourself and that’s… okay. This all is new to you and it’s totally relatable to be confused. And I couldn’t have expected from you to be completely different from one day to the other.”
Lucas couldn’t believe the kindness he was being given from Eliott. He didn’t deserve it.
“And I’m sure that your brothers would’ve beaten me up one way or another. You maybe were the trigger, whatever happened, but this doesn’t mean, that this is your fault. Just like it’s not my fault that your mum fell in love with my uncle.”
Lucas slowly nodded and tried to process all of this. Tried to process this new way of thinking. To distract himself, he slowly lifted the towel.
“May I?”
Eliott slowly nodded and Lucas sat up, slowly and carefully wiping away the blood from Eliotts face. Exactly as Eliott did it for Lucas, back then.
“The blood looks good on you. It brings out your eyes”, Lucas murmured quietly while hiding a smirk. Of course, Eliott realized that Lucas chose the same words as he did on that particular night.
“Thank you”, Eliott said smirking. But his smile faltered, as Lucas apparently touched a sensitive spot in the other ones face. Lucas bit his lips again and went on, very carefully.
“Maybe you should go and see a doctor.”
“Or maybe I shouldn’t.”
“What will you say to your parents?”
“That someone beat me up.” Eliott looked at Lucas through swollen eyes. “And no, I won’t tell them about you. We are a team now, right?”
Lucas halted in his movement, but he began to smile. He couldn’t hold it back anymore and he also didn’t want to. A team… A team with Eliott Demaury. The sheer absurdity of it made Lucas chuckle silently. And it also elicited a smile from Eliott.
“The smile suits you.”
Lucas was now close to Eliott, the hand with the towel on the other ones cheek and Lucas could hear his own pulse in his ears. Why did his heart race? Why were his hands cold and sweaty? Why did his eyes travel to Eliotts lips?
“I’m not the kind of person who smiles a lot”, Lucas admitted quietly in the tiny space between them, looking up into the sparkling eyes from Eliott.
The blood really brings out his eyes, putain.
“Well, then it’s time to change that”, Eliott said equally quiet and suddenly leaned it. Lucas nearly dropped the towel. There were times, shortly after the incident with his parents, where Lucas would flinch away every time someone came close to him. There was a time where not even Yann could touch him.
And now… now he didn’t flinch away. Now he stared at Eliott as he came closer and closer…
Suddenly, the vibration of a phone destroyed the nearly magical atmosphere and Lucas was dragged into reality again. Eliott looked equally sad that this moment ended too soon, but he fished out the phone from his pocket and sighed deeply.
“My parents… they want me to come home, now.”
“They heard about the fight.”
It wasn’t a question, it was a statement.
“I am sure that my father is already waiting for me at home too”, said Lucas while slowly standing up. Alone this thought made him sick and woke the instinct to just… stay here. Forever. Maybe not alone but just away from his father.
Eliott nodded shortly and stood up himself. But as soon as he was standing, he swayed on his feet, apparently feeling dizzy. Lucas nearly jumped up and steadied him by throwing one arm around him.
“Easy”, he said softly and looked up to Eliott. Eliott smiled a bit.
“You would’ve caught me.”
“Of course. I don’t want to have even more blood on the floor then there already is now”, said Lucas smirking and Eliott let out a huff of breath which could be seen as a quiet laugh.
“I have to go now”, Eliott said quietly while Lucas was still holding him.
“I know.”
He took his arms away from Eliott, slowly, as if to make sure that the other boy could stand properly. Eliott walked towards the door, every step careful. But as soon as he reached the door, he turned around and looked at Lucas who was standing in the middle of the room, the now bloody wet towel still in his hand.
“If there is something… wrong…” Eliott hesitated and cleared his throat, as if embarrassed by this situation.
Is he blushing…?
“If there is something wrong, contact me, okay?”
A smile was appearing on Lucas’ face. There it was again… the caring side of Eliott, the protective side. Eliott had every reason to dumb Lucas into the deepest ocean on earth. It was Lucas’ fault after all that all of that happened. But he chose to care, he chose to forgive Lucas and he chose to creep closer into Lucas’ life than Lucas ever expected.
“Okay”, Lucas answered quietly.
He watched Eliott as he left and raised one hand to his lips, brushing them with his fingertips. The lips, which were nearly kissed by his enemy.
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Picture Perfect (Alex Høgh Andersen x Reader) Oneshot
Synopsis: Sometimes, the view is too good not to snap a quick shot.
Word count: 7.8k
A/N: Yes I know I said I wouldn’t write for real people anymore but this was initially written for a good friend’s birthday, because she loves Alex, and I didn’t want to leave it sitting in my fanfics folder, collecting metaphorical dust.
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The snow just kept getting on his lens, and the gods help him, he was slowly losing patience. Like every week-end he took a stroll around town, finding a reasonably deserted park or street and tried to capture a few moments. He should have known to bring his bigger camera today as it was snowing – not heavily but enough to be a nuisance.
He cleaned his lens for the umpteenth times and quickly placed the camera back in front of his face the second he heard footsteps approaching, the soft crunch of the snow under their boots betraying their presence.
First a little dog in a sweatshirt came into view, making him smile and snap a picture – just for laughs – then its owner entered the range. An old man, followed by a second dog. He was white haired, his face wearing the signs of time, and his jacket looked a bit large on him.
Alex snapped another picture just when the man reached for treats in his pockets and the two dogs immediately sat in front of him, waggling their tails in expectation of what was to come. He smiled as he tossed the treats, sending them both running after them.
Looking at the photograph he just took, Alex smiled to himself. Over time he had become good at capturing just the right moment, the exact expression he wanted. After that he went on the move again – this place was a bit too void of people for his taste. He usually liked to be able to pick his subject and not have to mind the crowd around him, that's why his preference leaned towards open spaces with  few people.
It was Sunday after all, he should have expected not many people would willingly brave the Danish Winter on a day off. So instead of his usual spots he decided to head for town until he found a place he deemed appropriate.
It was freezing today, but at least it wasn't too humid. Alex rubbed his hands together, cursing himself for wearing fingerless gloves – but it was necessary if he wanted to be able to whip out his camera and take a picture when the opportunity for a good shot arose. As he made his way towards the most lively part of Copenhagen he stopped at a coffee shop and ordered the first hot drink he saw on the menu, just so his fingers wouldn't fall off.
While he stood in the coffee shop he undid his bun, then put his beanie back on, in an attempt to warm up his ears too. He really picked the worst day to scout the streets of the city in hopes of finding the perfect subject. Well, he only had himself to blame, he should have gotten to work yesterday but instead chose to sit in front of a video game all day long.
With a discouraged sigh, he exited the warm premises. His feet took him to the small, narrow alleys perpendicular to the big shopping streets – he always marvelled at how few people strayed from the path and actually explored those streets with nothing but tiny stores, tattoo shops, not very well known coffee places, and art galleries.
He liked to hang out there in between classes instead of going back to his apartment, where it was lonely and silent. Here he had the background noise from the nearby shopping streets, and the tranquillity of half-empty cafés.
In the end he had to cut short his day because it was simply too cold and windy to spend the day outside without catching his own death. After the third hot drink of the day he deemed he was caffeinated enough, and when the effects of the last coffee wore off, he called it a day.
But it was just then, round a corner and sitting on a bench that he saw the perfect picture. A girl sat there, searching for something in her bag – and not finding it according to the frown on her face. A handful of seconds later, her whole face lit up and she pulled a glove out of her purse. She sighed in content as she put it on before rubbing her hands together, bringing them to her mouth and exhaling hot air on them, no doubt to bring her frozen fingers back to life.
The bench she was sitting on faced one of the city's numerous churches, and the street was nearly void of people short of the two of them. If Alex didn't start moving soon, she would notice him observing her.
He detailed her for a short while, taking in her appearance. Her hair was a bit of a mess, but that must be the wind's fault. She wore a thick beige winter coat that hugged her waist and reached her thighs, black tights and brown leather boots that went up to her knees, and a gigantic scarf.
Suddenly she took a book out of her bag and she opened it. Alex's eyebrows shot up in surprise. Who in their right mind would come out here in the cold to read a book? That's also when he realized it had stopped snowing – though it was still very windy.
She didn't seem to mind though, and a fond smile adorned her lips as her eyes scanned the page, as if she was amused by whatever she read.
Without thinking, Alex grabbed his camera and snapped a few shots, capturing the odd but dainty sight before his eyes.
Before the girl felt his eyes on her, Alex walked away, not even looking at the result of the pictures he took – he knew they were the best ones he took today, and by far.
It wasn't intentional at all  or at least that's what Alex told himself – but three days later, when he had two hours of free time in between classes, he ended up at the exact same spot he saw the mystery girl the week-end before. It was ridiculous, the chances of this girl hanging out at the exact same bench to read her book were so slim it border-lined on desperation to come here again.
He felt stupid now, standing here, staring at an empty bench as though she would appear out of thin air if he stared hard enough.
It wasn't hit fault, he just couldn't get her out of his mind. After returning to the warmth and comfort of his apartment he nearly jumped to his desk, immediately plugging his camera to his laptop to see how the photos turned out. They were incredible, he couldn't remember being so happy with his photographs in his life. Maybe he had found his perfect model, and he let her slip through his fingers because he didn't want to look like a creep taking pictures of strangers in the street.
Which he did. So perhaps he was. He chased that thought away. The point was: he needed to find her again, he needed more pictures, and if it meant coming here every fucking day of the week, then he would do it. Clearly she lived here – first off all it wasn't tourist season at all, and secondly, if she was only here to visit she wouldn't spent her days reading a book on a bench.
Granted Copenhagen was a big city, but he could hope, right? Fortune smiles upon the bold – or something like that. So Alex began to walk the surrounding streets, peeking inside every café he walked past, just in case, and ended up where he started.
Maybe fortune would smile on him tomorrow.
The doorbell rang when she stepped inside the small, darkly lit shop, and she smiled to the owner – she was a loyal customer and she knew her way around this little shop better than her own place. The owner, an old man with frame-less spectacles nodded as she walked past him, and gestured towards a freshly delivered pile of books.
She had the privilege of looking through the new stuff before he put it on the shelves for the other customers.
“Read them all already?” The man asked, sitting down behind the front desk.
“Not all of them,” she answered, already kneeling down to have a closer look. It was a small second hand books shop where all the books were piled onto each other, making the whole place look packed. “But I had some errands to ran around here, so I thought I'd come.”
“You're the first person to come today,” the man sighed. “People just don't read as much as they used to.”
“I know,” she said.
They fell into comfortable silence after that and half an hour later the girl had picked five books and paid for them. She left with a heartfelt goodbye and went on her way. She closed the door behind her, making the bell ring again, and when she turned around she nearly bumped into a passer-by and tripped on her feet when she tried to avoid them.
“Gotcha!” The person exclaimed when they caught her in extremis before she face planted on the cold hard ground, along with her bag of books. “You okay?”
She quickly regained her balance, and when the other person let go of her she blushed like nobody's business. Attracting this kind of attention was the worst – now she would forever be the girl who tripped on her own feet to this strange. An attractive stranger at that, which only made her lose more of her composure.
As far as first impressions go, she could do better.
“I- I'm sorry, I'm fine. I'm really sorry, I... wasn't looking,” she stammered out, not knowing what to do with herself – if she could just vanish on the spot that would be ideal. “Thank you,” she added when her last two brain cells caught up on the situation and reminded her of basic social rules.
She damn near ran away from this young, hot stranger with blue eyes before she could further embarrass herself and all of her ancestors by stuttering out some more basic nonsense. When would she learn how to speak? You'd figure a twenty-something cinema major who destined herself to be a screenwriter would know how to use words even in awkward situations, but she just didn't.
Granted this was a particularly cliché situation – she could literally name ten movies off the top of her head that used the girl-runs-into-hot-guy as a first meeting trope – but that only made it worse that she fled like a coward. She should know the dialogue by heart by now. She should be able to turn the tables and walk away with dignity.
But she didn't. She has always been more comfortable with writing than speaking, but this was a huge fail, even for her. She wasn't usually that socially impaired. She face palmed and walked on, hoping that this was the last she saw of the stranger.
He couldn't be a hundred percent sure, but Alex thought he bumped into his unknowing model last week in town. It all happened so fast he couldn't be certain it was her, but she was once again holding books and her hair was a mess, and she also wore a beige coat.
Then again this description matched a lot of girls. She scurried away so fast he didn't even get a chance to say anything to her, let alone ask her if she was his mystery girl.
This time around he didn't have his preferred camera, but his silver process camera that he used for softer pictures, and a more authentic finish result. Nonetheless, he snapped a quick picture of the girl while she walked away, her coat longer than he remember billowing slightly behind her as it caught the wind.
And now he waited. He waited because he only brought his camera to his local shop two days ago to have his photos developed, and he was told to come pick them up tomorrow. Talk about an impatient man, Alex couldn't wait to compare this new shot to the previous ones, to see if it was the same girl, despite the different angle and the fact that he couldn't see her face on the second one.
A lead was a lead, and if he somehow accidentally found a book store she shopped at, it would be the perfect setting for a meeting.
“Hey man, snap out of it!” Franz snapped his fingers in front of Alex's eyes to make him come back to earth. “You know it's freaky as hell when you zone out, you just stop blinking altogether.”
“Sorry,” Alex apologized and tried to bring his attention back on the lecture.
It wasn't his favourite kind of classes, lectures. He tended to get bored really quickly as he was a very energetic person – though some people might just say he has minor ADHD – and he liked it better when he could expand his knowledge through experience rather than boring lectures given by a teacher speaking in a monotonous voice.
“Still thinking about that girl, huh? It's a wild goose chase you're on. I'd let it go it I were you, there are literally hundreds of thousands of people living in this city, how the hell do you think you'll find her?”
“I'm counting on luck and fate,” Alex replied with a sly smirk, knowing it drove Franz crazy when he did that.
It was his thing to rely entirely on external influences to achieve his goals, and it was maddening to everyone around him that it worked - most of the time. It was indecent to be this lucky, but it wasn't magic either, and Alex had ended up in situations that ranged from awkward to severely bad because of this.
“Of course you are,” Franz grumbled, returning his attention to the teacher and leaving Alex to his delusions. “If you somehow find this girl and she agrees to go out with you, I'll even pay for your first date,” he snickered.
“Who said I wanted to go out with her? I just want her to model for me,” Alex replied, his eyebrows shooting up. “But you know what? I'll take it. A free dinner is a free dinner.”
“So where d'you plan on taking her? Do I need to make a student loan?” Franz continued to snicker, making fun of Alex's optimistic nature.
“Why do you insist I want to take her out?”
“Man, no one is obsessed with a girl just because she looks pretty on a picture,” he stated in a flat tone, as if he thought is was too obvious to even say out loud. “You have a bad case of love at first sight.”
“I do not,” Alex argued, cringing. “I'll prove it! I'll find her first, and then-”
“Then what?”
Damn Franz, he sounded so cocky what with his raised eyebrow and dumb grin.
“Then I'll take more pictures and nothing else, I'm not looking for a girlfriend,” he huffed, pointing his finger at his friend. “And you'll take back what you said!”
“And you'll pass up a good opportunity to take a pretty girl out at my expenses, so who's really winning in this situation?” Franz pointed out.
“I hate you,” Alex grumbled, short of having a good answer.
They became silent again and simply stared blankly at the board and the teacher. Alex mulled over what Franz said, and he eventually came to the conclusion that he was right. Whatever the outcome, he'll win. In both cases Alex would have a new model, and either prove a point to his friend or he'd get a date with a beautiful girl.
So why fret? All he needed to do now was find her. And get this damn photograph developed.
The paranoia became real after the fourth time she thought she heard the click of a camera while she was out in town. As a creature of habit, she spent a lot of her free time at the same places – the same local book-store, the same coffee shop that made her favourite drink, the same bench that was somehow always unoccupied, as if waiting for her.
But these days she felt like the bench wasn't the only one waiting for her. Which was an insane notion, because who on earth would watch her? Did she have a stalker now? Had she watched too many thrillers lately? A possibility.
So she waved off her worries and sat down to read as per usual, if the weather permitted it. Until another week later, when she walked down the stairs of the coffee shop that made the best chai tea in town, and she heard it again. This time there was no mistaking the sound, she didn't just hallucinate it, and there was someone, somewhere taking pictures – possibly of her.
So far her curiosity prevailed, and instead of running away and scream bloody murder, she decided to discreetly look around to find her stalker. If stalker there was. And she was not disappointed.
From a seat at the coffee house across the narrow street, Alex snapped a shot of the girl. He'd received his second photograph, the one of the girl from the book store, and established that it was indeed his mystery girl. From then on he just went to the book store again and again, day after day, in hopes of seeing her there – for a week straight.
She didn't come, but he saw her again by coincidence – though at this point one could argue they were past sheer coincidence. This was fate at work. He had to talk to her.
But every time an opportunity showed, he missed the window. Instead of manning up and introducing himself, Alex ended up taking a picture or two – or three – and left. Each shot was better than the previous one, each more stunning, more natural. It felt like the elements worked in her favour too, the wind blowing her hair just at the right time, the rain making her clothes heavier, the snow clinging to her, the sun shining on her brown hair and giving her a soft halo.
Alex was awestruck each time, and he hated it because it meant Franz was right, and Franz couldn't be right. He needed a model, he found a muse. He didn't dare think she could become anything more.
The thought itself was abstract and a bit of a stretch. To become anything else but the stranger he stalked on the streets, Alex would first need to get it together and introduce himself.
He almost did it today, he very, very nearly did it. She was walking down the flight of stairs leading to the door of this small café probably no one but her knew about, shielded herself from the elements with her umbrella while she sipped her drink.
He should buy her a coffee next time he spots her reading on her bench, and explain he's been taking pictures of her. Or maybe a cold drink, just in case she decided to throw it in his face. The more time he allowed to pass, the weirder it became to take these pictures – it didn't sit right on his stomach.
On the one hand it wasn't like he wore camouflage and hit in bushes, waiting for the right time to steal yet another pictures of this girl. He still took loads of other pictures, other people than her. She was simply the best, therefore he always came back. And then on the other hand, his folder of stolen pictures was growing, and he had to admit he would be weirded out if someone did to him what he did to her.
After another while, Alex stopped seeking her out on purpose, yet he still found himself in all the places where she hung out. He'd spent so much time walking around to find her that he got used to this part of town, he found some nice places he liked to go back to. And more often than he would like, he still ended up taking pictures.
Now she was everywhere. She was on his mind, in the streets, on the pictures. Maybe he was going crazy? Maybe she didn't even exist, and he'd lost it? Franz thought so anyway, even though Alex showed him some pictures. He agreed that they were good, great even, but he didn't understand Alex's fixation.
Clearly there was more to it than what he said. No matter how much he argued that he only wanted her as model, his friend didn't believe a word of it. He was smitten, and that was the end of it. This revelation felt like a cold shower, and from then on, Alex tried to keep his stalkerish ways to a minimum. Then again, it was easier said than done, especially when he spotted her casually walking by while he was out to finish an assignment at a café or something.
A lot of the time it actually felt like she was posing, just waiting for a photoshoot to start. If he didn't know any better he would think she knew he photographed her – but let's be real for a hot second, no girl in her right mind would let a stranger take pictures of her.
Because that's what he was: a complete and total stranger. She couldn't possibly remember him from the one time she bumped into him, and even if she did, it still didn't make him anything but a stranger to her, they didn't talk, they didn't exchange names.
Alex wished he knew her name.
She wanted to die. A few days of hyper awareness of her surroundings made her spot her mystery photographer, and when she recognized him she felt her soul depart her body and astral project into another plane of existence.
The hot guy with blue eyes. The guy she made a fool out of herself in front of. The guy to whom she apologized to several times despite doing nothing wrong, and then ran away from like he was a diseased.
Now that his identity wasn't a mystery anymore, she felt a little better. Her brain seemed to think that having a hot stranger take sneaky pictures of her was a lot better, a lot safer, than if it was an old disgusting creep. She didn't say anything to her friends because surely they would think her mad. Uhmm yes a really hot guy I ran into on the street is now obsessed with me and follows me around to take pictures. Have I mentioned that he's really cute? They would laugh in her face and tell her to stop watching American teen movies – her guilty pleasure.
Instead of allowing herself to properly freak out over this and run to the police station to report him, she willed herself to calm down and think about the situation. First she needed to determine if he was a mentally imbalanced creep and if her life was threatened. So far it didn't seem so, he stayed far away, didn't try to communicate. Maybe she was imagining things and he took pictures of a lot of different people around this part of town?
Yes, that was entirely possible, if not the most logical explanation of all. She wasn't stalker victim material, she was too boring for that. Nothing ever happened in her life. A tired groan fell from her lips at that thought.
Although he was very attractive, and she caught herself thinking it wouldn't be so bad to have become the reluctant object of desire of a cutie like him more than once. God, if only I didn't embarrass myself in front of him! I wish I'd met a guy like that under different circumstances, make a better first impression, get a chance to shine in a better light! A girl can dream.
Yet, as though the gods heard her wish, the very next day when she went to class, she saw him. At least she thought she saw him, maybe she had become more paranoid than she first thought and started seeing him everywhere. She stopped dead in her track, alarming her friends, and stared without an ounce of shame or care for being discreet. Her friends shook her out of her state of daze and she gathered her wits just in time to see him walk through a door, his signature camera around the neck.
“Hey!” She called him, but she knew she was too far away, and he wouldn't know she was calling him out of all the people in this hallway. “Hey wait!”
“Who are you talking to?” Her friend asked, frowning a bit in concern and tugging at her sleeve. “It's time, we have to go to class.”
She nodded, still trying to see where exactly he went, what room it was.
“Who was it anyway?” Her friend pressed her.
“I just... I thought I recognized someone,” she answered vaguely, but she was one hundred percent sure it was him. She knew what he looked like, she just knew.
Could she be any more lucky?
Could Alex be any more unlucky?
He sat at the park, leaning back on his elbows and soaking in some sun now that the days became warmer. He waited for a friend, and even left his camera at home, which he rarely ever did. Then, right there, he saw his mystery girl. He was far from her usual hangout spots, he wasn't looking for her, he wasn't expecting to see her – he actually hadn't seen her in over a week now.
He took the habit of going to town to take pictures now, despite not searching for her anymore – he had somewhat given up on ever talking to her. She was an ethereal being, surrounded by mystery, and he was scared that putting a name on her face was going to ruin what he found so captivating about her, so she would remain so.
Ridiculous. He just chickened out of chatting her up. As the days, then weeks went by, he realized that Franz had been right all along. Alex had developed feelings for someone he didn't even know, and he felt it was too late to introduce himself now.
There was no chance in the world this girl would agree to be anywhere near him. He spent weeks sneaking shots of her, and looking for her like a true creep in his own right. If he could rewind the tape of his life and go back to that first day when he saw her read in the cold, he would do it in a heartbeat. He would say hi, ask her if she wanted to go grab a coffee, even if he already had three at this point in time.
But he couldn't go back, and he couldn't wipe the slate clean, because the slate was full of photographs of her he took without her consent. He didn't do anything with them in the end, didn't turn them in for one of his assignments, didn't use them for any project. He didn't feel like he had the right to. They sat in a folder on his desktop, and he looked at them when he needed inspiration.
So he didn't move a muscle when she walked past him, oblivious to the fact that he knew her - to her he was just anther face in the crowd.
Then Alex's heart skipped a beat, and he swallowed thickly. Their eyes locked for the briefest moment – so brief he couldn't swear it actually happened. But he knew in his heart of hearts that she looked his way. No just his way, but straight in his eyes. Not in the way one roamed the crowd and locked eyes with a random person, no. She looked him in the eyes, on purpose, as if she recognized him.
It messed with his head a little bit, and Alex felt uneasy enough to get up and walk to another hill in the park once she was out of sight.
What a strange day. And stranger the rest of the week would be, unbeknownst to him.
The more time passed, the less worried she became.
The little voice in the back of her head told her she should be at least a little bit concerned that some guy she saw once outside a book store suddenly developed an obsession with her to the point where he stalked her and took pictures of her. The little voice even suggested she goes to the police.
But she did her own fair share of stalking in return, and the day she saw him in her building on campus was the day she stopped worrying altogether. The attractive boy from the book store was an Art student majoring in photography if she did her stalking right. Who else would go to class with a heavy camera bag and a tripod?
When she realized she became the accidental muse of a photographer in becoming, she relaxed. Now she was amused more than flustered or embarrassed at the thought, and reassured, in an odd way, by the notion that he might simply be too shy to ask her to pose. Who knew she would enjoy the attention? She caught herself playing along on more than one occasion, posing for her secret admirer, and putting more care in her choice of outfits.
She hoped it didn't show too much, but still looked the way he wanted it to.
What started worrying her was when he slowly stopped waiting for her at her reading bench, or by her coffee shop. She learned to spot him easily – his long brown hair, either falling free or tied in a bun, his big black framed glasses, his hooded sweaters layered with a jacket, his grey sweat pants.
Disappointment showed its ugly face when she realized he probably lost interest in her. Until that day at the park, when she saw him. He wasn't taking pictures for once – in fact it was the first time she saw him without his camera. And she got caught staring. For a second that lasted a lot longer than that in her mind, they couldn't tear their eyes off each other.
But luckily her feet kept walking, and when she exited the park she could breathe again. She felt reinvigorated, as though a new life was breathed into her. And she decided to stop being the girl on the pictures. Next time she saw him, she would talk to him.
She wasn't that shy once the ice was broken, but she needed to give herself a good pep talk before taking the oh so scary first step.
Like any girl would do when she was on a mission, she dressed in black, wore sunglasses even though there was no sun, and a beret. Because berets were so inconspicuous and so... so French. Al right, she had no idea what she was doing, but she was doing her best, it had to count for something.
She counted on the little episode at the park to spike his interest again, and hoped he would come out of his lair to find her today. It was Monday, which was the day she saw him most often, the day she usually read on the bench in between classes over lunch. She picked a café with tables outside, one that had a perfect view of her bench, and sat in a corner, next to a huge plant that would hopefully hide her.
And she waited with a coffee in hand, and a book in the other. He sometimes sat here to take her picture so chances were he would pick a table here too. Her plan was flawless on paper.
She finished the fifth chapter when she caught the familiar sight of him from the corner of her eye, and she closed her book abruptly. He ordered something, and when the waiter left, she took a deep breath, mentally braced herself, took off her sunglasses and beret, shoving them in her bag, and she stood up.
Her heart speed up like a race horse on the startling line. She closed her eyes, stopped breathing, and sat down across from him, to his visible astonishment. It was done.
“I wasn't sure you'd show up but I'm glad you did,” she told him, surprising herself with how smoothly it came out. Why was it so difficult to talk to pretty boys?
In the few seconds it took him to recognize her, understand what was happening, and decide on a course of action, she had the time to settle down and even her breathing.
“This conversation is long overdue, isn't it?” He eventually said, leaning back against his chair, a crooked smile dancing on his lips. God he was attractive.
She nodded, because she was momentarily struck dumb by how good he looked.
“I- uhm... I'm curious as to how you're going to explain why you've been following me around, taking sneaky pictures. You do realize I could have gone to the police?” She somehow managed to say, though not helping the little hesitation at the beginning.
“Why didn't you?” He replied, crossing his arms over his chest and raising his eyebrows.
Oh, he wanted to play it like that? Fine. As hot as he was, she wasn't going to turn the other cheek. She came here to get answers to her questions.
“You first, smartass!” She snorted, mirroring his own stance.
He looked up, as if deciding whether or not to oblige her. In the end he sighed and rubbed his eyes with his thumb and pointer finger, finally speaking up.
“I was just out, hunting for a good shot. I photograph people, that's what I do. But don't worry you can't even see your face on any of the shots I made of you, except one. The first one,” he told her. He said that as if it was supposed to reassure her in some way. “When I saw you reading your book on that bench I thought it was... picture perfect. Couldn't resist.”
“So when exactly did I become your Woman in Red?" She asked in a rare show of boldness and sarcasm.
She usually went about things with a dash of subtlety.
“My what?” He frowned.
“It's- it's just a movie,” she said, chasing away the thought. She was used to people not getting her references, but this guy seemed to wait for her to continue her explanation. “About a man who sees a beautiful woman dressed in red and becomes obsessed with her, he desperately wants to meet her, but he's already married.”
Alex thought about it, and let out a little interested 'huh', while staring at her. He nodded, approving her comparison and mentally taking note to watch that movie.
“I actually just wanted to find you to ask you to model for me, but things didn't go as planned,” he groaned, rubbing his face in frustration.
It was hard to process that the mystery girl was sitting across from him right now, fishing out information. And when he said things out loud they sounded ten times worse than in his head.
“Do elaborate, I'm all ears.”
She was so glad her voice and face didn't betray her today, because she wouldn't have survived another round of whatever the bell happened outside the book store weeks ago. “The book store.” This seemed to prompt a reaction from her even though she tried to keep it cool. “It was you, right? I knew it! But I wasn't sure when it happened, you ran away so fast!”
“Sorry about that,” she apologized with a faint blush.
“I took a quick picture of you that day just to compare it to the first one, to make sure it was really you. When I decided the resemblance couldn't just be a coincidence I thought 'great, now I know what book store she goes to'. I decided to hang out there so I could talk to you then, but you never showed up.”
He seemed to have finally decided to spill the beans and tell her everything.
“Every time I saw you it was like you were just waiting for me. Already posing for the perfect picture, so I took one. And another. And another. And the more time passed the less inclined I was to talk to you, because at this point I knew I'd have to admit I was taking pictures without your consent and I'd have to explain that I started hanging out here just in hopes to get a good shot of you. You do understand that I wasn't fond of the prospect? A girl with more common sense than you would obviously have gotten a restraining order against me.”
“Hey!” She protested. “I have my reasons for not going to the police I'll have you know. Just like you have your reasons for not just saying 'hi, can I take a picture of you?'”
“Touché. Anyway I thought it was too late to introduce myself now, so I settled for taking a picture when I saw you, and I stopped trying to force a meeting. Thought I'd leave you alone.”
“What made you change your mind?” She now asked out of sheer misplaced curiosity and no longer to get answers to her questions. He'd answered them all anyway.
“Hey, hey, hey, enough with the questions! First you answer mine and then I tell you all my secrets! Christ this is worse than a police questioning!”
“Oh you have experience in that department I see,” she teased him. “It's simple I knew you weren't some psycho who had an altar with a wall covered in blurry pictures of me, so I let you take pictures.”
She shrugged and Alex seriously put her sanity in question.
“You think you're good at taking pictures discreetly? You're not. You're the worst ninja photographer of all time. When I finally realized someone was watching me, I paid attention. I saw that it was you - the guy from the book store - and from then on I knew what you looked like and one day I saw you at uni. We have class in the same building by the way. I'm in cinema and I know you're in photography.”
“What a small world!” He said, his voice dripping in irony.
“So yeah. Not some creep with a voodoo doll that looks like me, just a student taking pictures of everyone he saw. No biggie. Though it is flattering that you kept coming back to take mine, I admit.” “This is so far from the reaction I expected in case you ever found out. I can't believe you spied on me like I spied on you. I feel weird...” Alex made a face and ran a hand over his chest as if he could better put a word on it by touching the source of the feeling directly.
“I'm sure you do. It's called getting a taste of your own medicine.”
“So you've known I was taking your picture for some time. Yet you let me do, and you say its flattering? Does this mean I wasn't imagining things when I saw you pose for me?”
“Couldn't help myself.” She shot him a mischievous smile. “What else was I supposed to do? You weren't asking me to model for you, and it was always better than freaking out.”
“My bad.”
“Now back to my question! You stopped coming here lately, what made you change your mind?”
Alex didn't answer and instead chose to focus on the empty coffee cup sitting on the table, his fingers spinning it around.
“Was it perhaps our little moment at the park yesterday?” She ventured. Alex flinched and the cup slipped from between his fingers, falling to the ground. “I take this as a yes.”
“So what? You've tricked me into coming back? You could have talked to me at the park,” he huffed, slightly offended that he got played so easily.
“There was no point in talking if you'd abandoned the idea of photographing me, I wanted to see if you were still interested.”
She now leaned on her elbows over the table.
“And instead of sitting on the bench I picked this coffee shop. Today's Monday, the day I see you most often. And I know you like this coffee shop best to sneak pictures, it has a good view of the bench. So I sat in the corner over there and I waited patiently,” she started explaining, pointing at the table she was sitting at earlier. “You're late, you know that? Made me wait over an hour. I was starting to think you'd stood me up.”
“It would need to be a date to stand you up,” he pointed out, trying to play smarty pants with her.
“Well there must be something you like about me given how many times I caught you looking at me.” She shrugged and he stared in shock. “Besides I think it's high time we introduce ourselves. We at least ought to get to know each other's names given how much mutual stalking has been going on between us.”
“Fair point, I'll give you that. You played your cards very well, I admit my defeat.”
“So in case you need to put a name on your stalker folder, I'm (Y/N)," she laughed. “And yes, I would love to go out with you.”
“Alex Høgh Andersen, full time photography student and stalker in training,” he said, holding out his hand for a very formal but sarcastic handshake. “And I don't remember asking you out,” he added with a sly smirk.
“Really? My bad, I must have heard wrong. I thought you said you were meaning to talk to me but chickened out, and that's why we're in this situation in the first place.”
“I said I wanted to ask you to model for me.”
“Isn't that art student code for 'i want to take her to a candle lit dinner, bring her home, ravish her against a wall, and in the morning when the first rays of sunlight hit her sleeping form I'll take an aesthetic nude of her with my Polaroid camera and hang it above my bed'.”
Alex looked like she'd just smacked him with a wet towel across the face. He felt like choking on thin air, and didn't know to say to that.
“I honestly am not aware of a code for such a specific thing,” he ended up saying. She was smiling a bit, mischief still glowing in her eyes, and despite the odd situation and the unlikelihood of it all, he smiled back and braced himself. “But I guess we can coin this code word if you want. My bedroom wall is in need of some tasteful decoration after all.”
“Do you want my number or is it already in your stalker folder?” (Y/N) asked, raising a reading brow.
Alex held out his pointer finger.
“I do not have a stalker folder. I'll let you see all the pictures if you want. I can guarantee they are all anonymous, no one can see your face.”
“Inviting me to your place already!” She laughed. “I can't wait to see your work.”
She winked playfully but she sounded sincere, and suddenly Alex wondered why he was so scared of talking to her. She was a lot funnier than he expected - she looked so serious and dignified when he looked at her through the camera lens.
He took his phone out of his pocket and let her dial in her number while he did the same with her phone. The exchange was quick though their conversation lasted longer than he suspected. They were soon asked to leave because the place was closing, and so they walked away.
“You're different from what I thought. After you almost bumped into me when you came out of the book store I thought you were one of those introverted bookworms with zero social skill and confidence. Another reason why I didn't talk to you, even after I established you were the girl from the bench. If I had asked you to be my muse and you had refused, I would have had to stop, of course. But as long as you didn't know, you couldn't say no.”
“Sketchy logic Alex! Very sketchy!” (Y/N) told him, shaking her head in disapproval.
“I know, but thank you for pointing it out,” he retorted, making her face and rolling his eyes.
“I also notice I got an upgrade from model to muse. This is getting better and better.”
If she wasn't smiling so big and bright and so genuinely Alex might have felt insulted, but he could only smile back.
“They're not the same thing. And they are not mutually inclusive either.”
“Oh I know, I'm just mentally ticking off all the titles you have for me,” she chuckled.
They had started walking aimlessly through the empting streets - neither of them lived in that direction (unbeknownst to each other), they only walked to get some more time together at this point.
“One more thing-” Alex began, gaining her full attention. “I have a friend, Franz. He was so sure you'd blow me off that he bet me a full date, dinner included, that you'd never go out with me even if I decided to talk to you.”
“Well I think I'm the one who talked to you, so...” Alex snorted and he bumped against her shoulder. “Are we going to be nice and do the classic movies and pizza date?”
“Absolutely not. We're gonna make him regret ever betting against me, name whichever fancy place you've ever wanted to go to,” Alex snickered and smiled in a twisted way.
(Y/N) had a strange thought that if they were in a cartoon he'd rub his hands together and do an evil laughter. It brought a grin to her face.
“I'll think about it. Before we go any further I have to tell you something though.” They stopped dead in their tracks, Alex tensed at the seriousness in her voice. “I... I actually live in the other direction.”
The confession first surprised him, then made him laugh, and she swatted him for laughing at her.
“Me too," he said, continuing to laugh. “Me too.”
Bonus “Oh wait!” Alex stopped walking to look inside a small printer shop, yanking (Y/N), who was holding onto his arm, back. “It's still open, great. I have a quick errand to run. Wait here.”
He didn't give her a chance to argue and simply ran inside. (Y/N) quietly stood there, studying the window of a galerie across the road, humming to herself like an elevator playing background music. A couple minutes later he came back with a small plastic bag in hand.
“What is it?” She asked out of curiosity.
“Polaroid film.” He smirked down at her.
If you like my work please consider buying me a coffee <3
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urdearestmom · 6 years
fate (mileven week)
“‘A firebender and a master of the mind shall someday meet
Two halves of a whole, the Nether beast they must defeat
Stronger together, although this at first they may hate
Finally to find that it was always fate.’ What kind of bullshit-”
Mike Wheeler is royally pissed off. He’s always royally pissed off at something, it kind of comes with his personality, but this is the last straw.
On your sixteenth birthday, you’re supposed to get some kind of hint as to who your soulmate is in the form of something written, whether that’s something like a poem or just a simple one-liner. Nobody knows where these things come from, they just show up near you the morning of your sixteenth. It’s probably the Fates, or something. Mike doesn’t know, and it doesn’t really matter. When you meet your soulmate, they strengthen whatever power it is that you have, because another thing about this crazy world he lives in is that every human being is born with an affinity for something. However, some people possess powers more dangerous than others.
Mike Wheeler is one of them. He’s the only magna-powered person in his whole family. His older sister can lift twenty times her weight and his younger one can talk to animals, neither of which really interferes much with their daily lives or anyone else’s. His mom’s power is the ability to do anything perfectly. That’s actually a really useful one, in fact. His dad’s is perfect memory. He remembers exact dates and exact sequences of events, which can also be useful in some cases.
Mike, on the other hand, was born with the ability to create and manipulate fire. He’s also immune to it. When he was a baby, his mom had fed him and then he’d burped and set her blouse aflame, and that was how everyone knew that Karen’s boy was a firebender. It’s pretty cool and can be useful sometimes, but it’s very volatile, which is what makes it dangerous. He has a hard time controlling it, especially when he’s angry, which is a lot of the time because he has an extremely short temper. His whole life is just a vicious cycle.
So, when he wakes up on his sixteenth birthday and sees a wretched-looking piece of paper right in front of his face, he’s not surprised. What pisses him off is that it’s a fucking prophecy. He not only already has this stupid power, now the only hint he has to finding the single person in the world who might just love him the way he is is a goddamn prophecy. He can’t even meet his damn soulmate in a normal way.
He takes a picture of the paper and sends it to the group chat he has with his four friends. They’re the only people who have been brave enough to stand being close with him. Most of the school population is afraid of him; afraid that he’ll get angry and incinerate them, or something.
The Destroyer: guys i got my soulmate thingy
The Destroyer: woke up with it next to my face
The Destroyer: and it’s a fucKING PROPHECY WHAT THE FUCK
The Destroyer: IMG.347
The Destroyer: can’t even meet my goddamn soulmate in a normal way goddammit
The Vanisher: calm down mike
The Healer: idk what a nether beast is but sounds legit
The Healer: so you’re gonna hate your soulmate when you first meet apparently
The Destroyer: fuckinG GREAT THANKS DUSTIN
The Vanisher: where’s lucas when you need him
The Speedster: i’m here just
The Speedster: idk how to contribute to this
The Destroyer: i swear i’m going to set myself on fire
The Mimicker: if only that would actually work .
The Destroyer: stfu max i dont have time for your saltiness
Mike has to put his phone down because he can feel his body temperature rising and if he lets himself get too carried away he will spontaneously burst into flame. He hurriedly gets dressed in his specially-made flame-retardant clothes and pulls on his blocker gloves before making his way downstairs for breakfast.
At school, all he can hear about is the new girl. Apparently she just showed up this morning and no one knows what her power is. People have tried asking her, but nobody’s gotten anything concrete so far.
Mike couldn’t give less of a fuck. He’s not concerned with other people’s business. He hates having people in his, so why should he care about others’? In fact, he is so busy not caring about what other people are saying that he doesn’t even notice the person coming out of the restroom before he slams into her. She drops the bag she’s carrying and he drops all his books.
“Watch where you’re going next time,” growls Mike, bending down to pick up his stuff.
“Same goes for you, asshole,” comes the harsh response.
Mike stops in surprise. No one talks to him like that. Ever. They’re all too afraid of his temper to even try him. He looks up to find an unfamiliar face glaring back at him. This must be the new girl.
She’s quite pretty, but he hates her on sight. He’s not sure why; maybe the fact that she called him an asshole has something to do with it. He may or may not have deserved it, but that doesn’t mean he has to agree with it.
“Watch who you call an asshole, asshole,” he says bitingly, then picks up his last book and shoves past her.
He can feel stares on him, but he thinks people are mostly looking at the girl. She didn’t know who she was dealing with back there, otherwise, she probably would have run away just like everyone else does.
In chemistry, for which Mike isn’t allowed to participate in labs for obvious reasons, he doesn’t have a lab partner. Even if he did his classmates don’t trust him enough to sit next to him. He’s just sitting down and getting his books settled when the door opens again and in comes the same girl he just bumped into. She sees him right in the front row and her whole face wrinkles as if she’s just smelled something disgusting. A few minutes later, after she speaks to the teacher, she walks over to the empty side of Mike’s lab bench and drops her stuff before sitting down.
The girl openly looks him over again, and Mike feels himself shiver but he keeps his gaze directly forward. Something about her is off. Maybe she’s magna-powered too?
He sees her open her mouth. “I know what you are. And I hope you know I’m not afraid of you.”
Mike doesn’t say anything, merely picking at his nails as if he isn’t in the least affected by her words. What does she mean she’s not afraid of him? Who does she think she is? Even his friends are afraid of him, to some extent.
Mr. Lewis starts the lesson, and during the period Mike comes to know that the girl is named Eleanor Hopper. She’s his age. Her dad’s the new chief of police and today is her first day of school in Hawkins. She moved from Chicago. All irrelevant things that tell him nothing about who she really is, or as she would probably put it, what she is. Mike finds himself suddenly burning with curiosity (not literally of course, but he’s close). He wants to know what she does.
At the end of class, as they’re packing up their things, Mike turns to her and says, “You should be afraid of me.”
Eleanor raises a brow. “Why? So you can keep doing and saying whatever you want because no one will try to tell you you’re wrong?”
Mike feels his face twist into a frown. That’s not how it is at all and his face is getting hot, which is never a good sign. “You don’t know anything about me.”
She shoves her pencil case into her bag aggressively. “I know enough about pyros to assume your basic qualities, and I don’t like you. You all need anger management and a lesson in humility.”
“What did you call me?”
She gives a sarcastic laugh. “Pyro? Short for pyrokinetic? I recognize the blocker gloves, idiot. God, you don’t even know what your kind are called? Pretty stupid for someone in an honours chem class.”
Eleanor then exits the chemistry classroom, leaving Mike behind her with his blood boiling.
That’s it. He can’t stand her.
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withlovingregards · 6 years
AU Yeah AUgust Day 6
Day 6: Hogwarts
Fandom: Pokemon World Tour United. A Pokemon RPG Podcast I recommend to everyone!
I just have to explain something real quick before you read, because I don’t really go over how I made this world work.
There’s still magic and learning spells obviously, but the way that the students learn and perform an expanse of spells is to capture Pokemon as their familiars. So when they have a certain Pokemon summoned, they channel their spells using that Pokemon’s type. EX: if we have a grass type, the spell they use, if just a regular spell, has more power to it than just the witch by themselves and also has some grassy element to it.
ANYWAY. On to the fic!
"Are we actually doing this for real? Like, I kind of thought it was a joke a first, but now that we're here I'm a little iffy."
"Yeah. I don't know if this is a good idea y'all."
"Of course it is! Don't you want to be able to perform some cool spells no other kids can do?"
"I don't know Cira, fire spells are pretty cool."
Cira looked over her shoulder at Cobalt and gave him a look as she adjusted her green robes. Used to these kinds of looks, he barely even flinched. Mostly because his mind was still set in stone. Fire spells were awesome!
"What's better? A small fire blast spell, or Shadow Ball?"
Rose sighed and rolled her eyes, immediately stopping where she was, forcing the others to stop with her. The blue haired Gryffindor refused to move another inch until they finally figured out what the heck was going on.
"Listen, it would be cool, yeah, but they call it the Forbidden Forest for a reason. It was literally the first rule we were given when we came to this school. 'Don't go into the forest or you'll die'."
"Headmaster Acorn didn't say we'd die."
"I'm paraphrasing, Victor. Are Ravenclaws always so literal?"  
"Yes," the other three all said at once, much to Rose's annoyance. Even Biscuit yipped in agreement.
"Listen, if you losers want to head back, that's fine. But I'm going into that forest,” Cira threw her thumb over her shoulder to the dark and spooky forest, “and I'm coming back with a ghost type whether you like it or not. And I'll be the head of the class because I have a Pokémon no one else in our year has."
"Why can't we just wait until a New Moon when all psychic Pokémon come out? You like them too!"  
"Because they're almost impossible to find!”
Cobalt raised his hand at this, though once he remembered he wasn't in a class, he put his hand down. "I can probably find one. Hufflepuffs are good finders!"
"Then where's that homework from Sky's class you said you lost?" Rose asked, cocking her brow at the taller boy beside her.
"You know I didn't lose it," Cobalt grumbled, rubbing the back of his neck and looking away.
"If we continue on like this, someone is going to find us. So hurry up and decide if you're going into the forest with me or not."
"Well, we can't exactly abandon you now," Rose conceded begrudgingly, pulling out her wand, "but let's at least come prepared with our Pokémon in case we get ambushed."
"Good idea!" With a flick of their wrists and a simple spell, four Pokémon appeared in front of each student; two fire, a water type, and an electric type.
“Alright guys,” Cira started, placing her Joltik on top of her head as she usually did, “We’re going to go into that forest, we’re gonna dominate, and we’re gonna come out with the best ghost types of all time!”
“Quil?!” Treble squeaked, looking up at Cobalt with unusually wide eyes. Chuckling, Cobalt kneeled down to pick up his Head Familiar, patting him on the head as he did so.
“Don’t worry, we’re gonna be fine. Our Defense Against the Dark Types class will come in handy here, and we’ll show everyone how smart we really are!”
“Cyndaaaa.” Treble didn’t sound convinced.
“Bango, will you calm down! If groundskeeper Emma finds us out here after curfew we’re toast!”
As soon as Rose uttered the word “Emma”, the Growlithe immediately stopped jumping around and barking, going completely silent. Bango looked around, ears flat back, looking for the weird groundskeeper always giving them side eyes.
Squeakers seemed to be the one more excited by going into the forest, seeing as it was already waddling that way, ready for a fight. Victor was very reluctantly chasing after him, Biscuit clutched tightly in his arms.
“Wait, don’t go without us, you’ll get hurt!”
“Follow that penguin!” Cira exclaimed, almost bouncing as she continued their journey into the Forbidden Forest. Rose and Cobalt turned to each other, sharing a look between them.
“This is going to go horribly, isn’t it?” the blonde asked, covering up Treble as best he could so he wouldn’t hear.
“Oh, most definitely. Let’s get it over and done with.”
So the four young witches and wizards set off into the forest, all but Cira uncertain as they approached the large expanse of trees. The red headed girl lead the way, quickly stepping into the darkness, though it lit up soon after with a gentle spell powered by Raimi. Orbs of light surrounded the duo, bolts of electricity sparking off from them every now and again.
“We’re going to need more light than this, come on!”
The other three followed her direction, reciting the same spell to create a circle of lights around their form. Rose’s was white, the color of the hottest flames one could make; Cobalt’s a standard red and orange, though they were large for such a simple spell; And Victor’s were small and blue, the light shimmering like the moon on the surface of a rippling lake.
“How far are we actually going to go in? And what if we get lost?”
“Don’t get your trousers all in a bunch Victor,” Cira waved off, “We’re not stupid. We’ll walk in a perfectly straight line until we get too far, then walk back the same way!”
“There’s a tree ten feet away from you that would get in our way. And another one, like, five feet after that.”
“Fine, a mostly straight line!”
“That sounds like such a bad plan,” Cobalt muttered, following the group as they walked in this so called “straight” line.
The forest only managed to get darker and darker, a thing none of them thought possible, and as they rounded certain trees, the forest even seemed to eat up the light they produced. The group made sure to stay far away from certain sections, since that seemed like something they should really only deal with in the day time. As they continued on, Cira only got more and more frustrated, unable to spot a single ghost type, and feeling the confidence of her friends falling away.
“Maybe it’s just not the right time to find them? We can always come back another night at a different time, and maybe we’ll have more luck,” Cobalt suggested, putting on a brave face for Treble, who was shaking like a leaf as he frantically looked at their surroundings.
Cira wheeled around to look at the other three students, pointing her finger at them. Their faces seemed to go white, and the Slytherin found she rather liked this effect she had on them.
“Ghost type don’t need a certain day or time to appear, they’re always there. Around every corner, in ever dark room, they can just show up! We even have actual ghosts in our school!”
“I’d even settle for a dual type! Ghost/fire, ghost/fairy, just anything with the word ghost.”
“But we’re not leaving until we find something! As of right now, I almost don’t believe this forest has any Pokémon!”
“WHAT?!” She yelled back, finally paying attention to her friends. All three of them, as well as their Pokémon, seemed to be pointing behind her, the color gone from their skin and fur.
Almost comically slow, Cira turned, eyes turned towards the ground, though once she saw the figure before her, she did a slow pan up of the huge being in front of her. A large purple orb with eyes looked down on them, the air around it a purple mist. Once it had everyone’s attention, its mouth opened wide, showing a fanged smile.
And then it cast Scary Face. And all four of the children screamed.
Victor quickly scooped Squeakers up under his other arm and ran as fast as he could, followed by a petrified Cobalt and crying Treble. Rose, trying to ignore the fact that she had indeed screamed, was putting on a brave face, and was able to calm down just a bit once Bango drew closer to her and started to growl at the thing.
“Cira, this is your chance, go!”
“R-right!” the girl exclaimed, whipping out her wand and pointing it at the ghost. It had been in the middle of laughing at their misfortune, but once it saw the mysterious stick, it was somehow able to cock its head in confusion.
“Alright Raimi, let’s do this! Captis Monstrum!”
“Jol~ TIK!”
A bright line of lightning came from Cira’s wand, striking the ghost and turning it yellow for a moment as the spell engulfed it. The ghost only struggled for a second before it poofed away, leaving nothing but a bit of dissipating mist. The only proof of its existence was the new swirling charm that dangled from Cira’s wand.
“I... I did it!” Cira shouted, jumping up into the air, admiring the new, shining charm.
“Yeah, cool, but let’s get the heck out of here before we run into something even worse!” Rose growled, grabbing onto her friend’s robe and pulling her away until she also realized the danger of their situation.
Thankfully, they were able to follow their trail back out of the forest, and were also lead by the sound of what sounded like shouting? And as much as they didn’t want to investigate and face the crimes of being caught in the forest, they sure weren’t going to stay in here any longer than necessary.
Thankfully, it wasn’t a teacher, or at worst Emma, waiting for them as the trees faded away. It was just Roxie, Rose’s fellow Gryffindor, who held an almost sobbing Victor against her side.
“I can’t believe you would take him into this forest, when you know you’re not even allowed to be in there in the first place!”
“What? It wasn’t my idea-”
“I can’t believe you just left us behind like that Cobalt!”
“Yeah,” Cira joined in, “especially after you convinced us to follow you into the Forbidden Forest!”
“Guys,” the Hufflepuff whined, before Roxie hit him over the head, causing swirls to appear in his eyes. As the other girl dragged them all away, still consoling Victor, Cira and Rose shared a high five.
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solyongtherainbow · 6 years
Title: Words I Need Pairing: Akamatsu Kaede/Saihara Shuichi Rating : General Audiences Word count: 2907 Potential Trigger Warnings : N/A A/N : This is my secret santa gift for @justthingsandstuffandcrap for @danganronpasecretsanta! Sorry it’s a little late + I went off the mark on your request but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless! Summary : Saihara Shuichi, a dark magic user, meets the princess of light, Akamatsu Kaede. AO3 Link
Saihara stood in front of the palace. This was it. This was the day. He was going to meet the Princess, Akamatsu Kaede.
It had been a year since the Princess had returned from her tour after her sister, the queen, had been killed, and she was looking for a partner. She had also stated that either man or woman was welcome to come.
“But will she really like me?” Saihara thought. “She is literally the princess of the brightest town around, while I… I have had to stay in hiding for my whole life because of my dark magic.” That was also the reason Saihara was wearing a hood today, as his dark raven hair might give him away compared to just about everyone else with their light hair.
Saihara pulled down his hood, took a deep breaths and walked through the gates of the palace.
Akamatsu Kaede sat on the throne, poised and ready. One of her most trusted servants, Amami Rantarou stood next to her. <i> All right! It’s time. I need a suitable partner to run this kingdom with me now that mother and father are gone. I...I still can’t believe they’re gone…. </i>
“Ma’am, are you ready?” Amami asked. “A-all right, let’s do this!”
“The first contestant may enter!”
<i> A few hours later… </i>
It had been three hours. Many had entered, many had been turned down. Some had been considered suitable and told to come back the next day. But no one was certain to be of assistance to Akamatsu Kaede.
“You may leave.” The recent contestant exited. As soon as he had walked off, she sighed. “Amami-kun, can we take a break?” She sighed. “With every contestant, I doubt the future of our kingdom.” “It seems as you don’t have much confidence, in yourself or our contestants. Your parents aren’t here anymore, you know...” Amami took a hard look at the princess. She sighed again. “Shut up.” Was all she said before leaving the hall.
Saihara entered the palace. A elegant, grey-haired servant directed him to the hall where she would be meeting people. It was a long and wide marble hall, with a purple carpet down the middle.
There were lots of people at the end of the hall, waiting to be called upon. <u> Too </u> many people.
<i> What’s going on? </i> He wondered. The grey-haired servant entered once more.
“Gentlemen, the Princess has requested a break and will be back shortly.” She said curtly yet loud enough to be heard, and left. <i> Oh, it’s just a break. </i> This gave Saihara some time to calm his nerves.
There were no benches or anything to sit on, so he settled for leaning against a wall. Some were sitting, but Saihara considered that slightly rude and he wanted to make a good impression. He started to listen to the other men talking.
“Man, this is rough.” “Isn’t it? How many has she turned down?” “She must be kind of picky about this.” “Well, I don’t blame her, we’re in a pretty serious state.” “What do you mean?” “Haven’t you heard? We might go to war soon.” Saihara listened closer. <I> War?! </i>
“War?! What are you talking about?” “You haven’t heard about it?” “I heard that the previous king and queen were killed by some other foreign country, and she’s seeking revenge.” “No, no, that nation’s been attacking our borders.” “Well, whatever it is, she needs someone to rely on in this time.” “A strong man, probably.” “A confident man.” “A wise man.” “No wonder she’s being so picky.” “At first I didn’t like how she was so picky, but now I get it.”
Saihara started to think to himself. <i> Strong? Confident? Wise? I’m none of those. I’m just some normal guy who happens to like the princess. Why do I like the princess? Well, she’s kind, smart, brave, confident, caring, and just...nice. All the things… that I’m not. </i>
<i> I’m just a normal guy. </i>
Akamatsu Kaede eventually came back in and sat on a gold and amethyst throne a few steps up.
Princess Akamatsu Kaede. Right there in the flesh.  She wore a mostly light purple sleeveless dress with an unusually large, dark purple bow on her chest. There were light purple ruffles on the right half of her skirt, and on the right side was a simple, darker purple cloth, the same color as her bow. On the bottom edge of that half, there was a black lace. Lastly, she wore light purple gloves the same color as the majority of her dress. On her right was the royal scepter. It had a gold handle and some sort of, once again, purple, spherical jewel at the top. Probably a amethyst of some sort.
As for Akamatsu himself, she was exactly like Saihara had imagined. She wore a gracious and beautiful smile. Her build was lean, but obviously strong yet very graceful. Her hair was long and blonde, going down to the middle of her back. She wore three hair pins embroidered with pink, purple, and clear jewels to hold her bangs back.
“Next!” She called. Her voice was strong and commanding, just as Saihara would expect a Princess’s voice to be. What he didn’t expect was the tone of the order, it was tired and frustrated. Saihara gulped. He started to walk down the aisle.
“Name?” A servant asked. He was standing next to her and had wavy green hair. “Saihara Shuichi.” He bowed. “Excuse me, could you say that louder?” The servant leaned in. Saihara thought he had said it loud enough, but repeated himself, a little louder this time. “Saihara Shuichi.”
The servant looked over to the princess. “Well?” Akamatsu spoke up. “What do you do for a living?”  She said the question straight to his face, just as she had done with everyone else.
“I’m a detective. Well, just an apprentice actually.” Saihara scratched his head. “How old are you?” “I’m 21.” “Monetary status?” “Low-class.” “Magic type?” Saihara stopped for a moment. “I’m afraid I cannot provide that information, ma’am.” “Hmmm….”
“Is there a reason you are wearing a hood?” Saihara was caught off guard, but he had seen it coming. “Ah, I have a pretty bad scar on my forehead.” Akamatsu also noticed he hadn’t met eyes with either of them the entire time.
“You’re an interesting one. Just shy?” Akamatsu said that almost mockingly and leaned in as far as she could while sitting on her throne. “Ah, um, I guess you could say that.” Saihara blushed a bit.
“Hmm….Come back tomorrow.” Saihara turned around, feeling slightly accomplished at the fact that he hadn't been completely turned down. But she was kind of intimidating.
As he walked back, people murmured and stared at him. He pulled his hood further down to avoid their piercing gazes.
He came back the next day as he had been told. There was about twenty people there, a huge decrease from the day before.
Sahara wore a clean, midnight blue suit. Over it was a black, sparkling sorcerer’s coat and he wore the hood, of course. His pale skin contrasted the entire outfit. Later he realized that this costume wasn't the best choice in style but it was too late to change it now.
With the other people, there was just as much variety as the day before. It was practically a rainbow of people.
There was a witch, wearing pink and black. Saihara thought that she looked like a rabbit. A scruffy, possibly cosmos-type, wearing simple purple. And a short, probably psychic-type, judging by the manipulative look in his eyes. He was arguing with the witch. Saihara glanced away from the competition as to not make himself even more nervous.
“The princess will now enter!” The same green-haired servant from yesterday announced Akamatsu Kaede’s arrival. Saihara twiddled his thumbs.
It was just like he had expected, the princess arriving gracefully, looking beautiful as ever, wearing a slightly different dress from the day before. This one was more suited to be called a ballroom gown.
What he didn't expect was for the princess to walk in where they were waiting. Nobody expected that. “Hello, young men and women.” Everybody took a step back. “P-princess!” The witch stuttered. “Hello, Miss Iruma.” She smiled. “Welcome. Today I will be simply be observing you all. This will be a small party, just for us. Please enjoy yourselves.” She smiled once more and walked off to the food table.
All of them seemed thrown off guard, but they soon settled into the mood. People chattering, dancing, eating. It was fun. Except Saihara wasn't exactly a party person.
Which is why he jumped when the green-haired servant from earlier said “Yo, how's it going?” right in front of him.
He seemed to pop out of nowhere, even though Saihara was leaning against a wall. “Oh, um, good, I guess?” The green-haired laughed. “You really weren't prepared for this, were you?” Saihara shook his head. “Well, best of luck. No hard feelings, ‘kay?” Saihara looked up to get a better view of the servant. “You're going to try as well?”
“Yeah, I've known Miss Kaede ever since I was little.” He ruffled his hair. <i> First name basis… </i> Saihara thought. “I don't know if I could serve her best as a partner or as a servant, that's why. I'll be fine with either outcome. Whatever the princess prefers.” Saihara nodded.
“Oh, we haven't introduced ourselves, have we? The name’s Amami Rantarou. Nice to meet you.” He held out a gloved hand.
Sahara immediately felt stupid for not wearing gloves. He took the hand. “Saihara Shuichi.��� As they shook hands, Amami commented, “Wow, you really <u> are </u> nervous, huh?” Saihara didn't deny it. “I'm not exactly a party person. I'm slowly losing confidence with all of these people around, too.”  He looked down at his hands.
Amami chuckled. “Do you know how do dance?” Saihara felt even stupider and shook his head. “Well then,” Amami pulled him onto the dance floor. “I'll teach you. You'll have to know if you want a chance with the princess.” Saihara almost tripped. “Um, thank you.”
Saihara really was grateful. Amami was a good teacher. Saihara even felt confident when he had learned all of the basics. “Wow, you're a fast learner.” Amami commented as they twirled across the dance floor. “Oh no, i-it's all thanks to you.”
Eventually they both got a little tired and went over to the food table to get a drink.
“You know what,” Amami breathlessly said between gulps, “If I end up serving you, I would be more than happy.” Saihara almost choked on his drink. “Wh-Why is that?”
“Well, I can see a good person in you. I feel like I can entrust you with the princess, regardless of your magic type.” Amami pointed to Saihara’s hood.
Saihara quickly pulled it further down. “I-is it that obvious?” He whispered. “Nah, I just noticed while we were dancing.” Amami whispered back. “Honestly, I don't mind, and I doubt the princess will either. Speaking of which….” They both turned around as a special someone walked up towards them.
“Hello there.” Akamatsu Kaede seemed to almost float across the dance floor to them. Saihara resisted the urge not to jump again. How did people always manage to sneak up on him?
“Hello, m'lady.” Amami bowed, and Saihara quickly did as well. “Hello, ma’am.” he stuttered out. Akamatsu stared at him as they rose up. “Oh, you're the shy one. What's your name again?” “S-Saihara Shuichi.” “Well, Mister Saihara…” She held out her hand. “May I have this dance?”
Saihara stood, stunned for a moment, before taking the hand. “Yes, ma’am.” Saihara heard Amami laugh behind him and frowned, wondering if he had done something wrong. “Good luck. You got this, dude.” Amami whispered before walking away.
When Saihara turned around, he caught the princess smiling as well. He was thinking about what he could have done wrong when Akamatsu pulled him out of his thoughts. “Shall we?”
Saihara was dragged once more onto the dance floor. He did his best to remember Rantaro’s dance lessons. He was focusing so hard, he barely stopped himself from once again tripping when Kaede asked him “So, how are you doing?”
“Oh, um, I’m doing fine. H-how about you, ma’am?” Saihara stuttered out a reply. Kaede noticed his nervousness. “Ahaha, I’m fine as well. I’ve been a little stressed lately,” she admitted, “but this party is really helping me relax.” She gracefully spinned them around. “That’s good to hear.” Unconsciously, Saihara observed her carefully.
“Hmm...Mister Saihara, what are your talents?” She seemed to be doing the same. “M-my talents? W-well…” Saihara thought for a moment. “Well, officially I’m a detective, but I think I still have a ways to go. Currently, I’m studying so I’m not making much money, though…” “Do you know anyone personally in the royal palace?” “Well, I just met Mister Amami, and I have done a case for you, but I doubt you remember…” “How about friends in general?” “Besides my clients, who I haven’t seen in a while, no one…” <i> This is basically an interview, isn’t it? We’re going for traits, reference people,...</i>
“Do you have any reason as to why I should pick you?” That was a question Saihara was expecting but didn’t really have an answer to. “Um, I’m not one to brag, so please excuse my indecisiveness...I...did overhear that we’re going into war, and maybe I could help with strategy....Although I wouldn’t want to command the troops all by myself, I definitely think one person can’t handle all of the pressure…” Kaede looked deep into Saihara’s eyes. “Mister Saihara, what is your opinion on revealing the truth?” “R-revealing the truth?”
They were still dancing. “You’re a detective, aren’t you? I’ve always wondered what a detective’s opinion on revealing the truth is. You must have had cases where you were afraid revealing the truth because of the backlash. To face the truth...and to accept the truth...It’s harder than most people think.” Akamatsu twirled, and since Saihara couldn’t have been more than an inch taller than her, he awkwardly stretched his arm. “Revealing the truth, huh... Well, of course during cases, I need to consider all of the factors and deduce the truth. It could have an important effect on people in the future, so if I have to be cold, I will be. I don’t interact with people much outside of my work, but… occasionally there will be a case where the truth will have a deep effect on someone. In those times, I think about my first case.”
Saihara had an almost dreamy look on his face as he retold the story. “My first case was actually your case. I don’t think you remember, though... A close friend of yours had been murdered. I was still a child at the time, but you had heard of my abilities and requested that I solve your case secretly. I accepted and solved the case. It turned out that your friend was a spy for a rival nation, so he was killed by one of her most trusted servants.”
“I had found out the truth and was debating whether to tell her the truth or lie to keep you happy. You obviously wanted the truth, but I didn’t want to hurt you...and...it was you, princess, who told me to never be afraid of the truth. You were the one who told me to trust myself, and have more confidence. And...I told you.” He was blushing profusely by this point. “I...honestly doubt you even remember saying that, but that experience gives me confidence to face the truth when I need it the most. You taught me not to be afraid of the truth and face it head-on when needed...” Kaede is staring at him. “Ah, sorry, was that too long?” That’s all Saihara said, but internally he was screaming <i> Did I overshare?! Does she even remember?! I think I talked too much…. </i>
“So that <b> was </b> you.” She had a plain expression on her face. “You do look a little familiar.” “Y-yeah.” Saihara gulped. They were still dancing, although it had changed to an incredibly cheesy slow dance sometime during his rambling.
“I did say that, didn’t I…” She smiled and began to chuckle. Her body moved with her laughter, making it harder for Saihara to dance. He wobbled a little and tried not to stumble. “O-oh, Miss Akamatsu…” She stopped laughing, still smiling. “I’m sorry…” She wiped her tears.
“It really was you.” She pulled off his hood, and before he could pull it back on or back away, she pulled him into a kiss.
It was soft, comforting, warm….Saihara heard the fireworks exploding behind him. Akamatsu felt the rose petals fluttering onto her cheeks. The whole world stopped in that instant. Nothing else mattered. The only ones who existed the world were them, and them only.
Akamatsu pulled away, gasping for air through more of her tears. “Those words just came out of my mouth at that moment...but I’m glad you grew through that experience. And those are the words and confidence I think I need in these times.”
“Mister Saihara, will you…”
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jejublr · 7 years
A/N: Anon requested an extra fluffy seatmate!Seokmin scenario so here it is! I tried writing this in paragraph form but soon realize that I’m much comfortable writing in bullet points. So I hope it’s okay, Anon ;_; I hope you all enjoy!
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Seokmin is the class clown ok we all saw it coming
He’s so funny and l o u d and it’s borderline annoying but the fact that he’s so nice and friendly made him into everybody’s good book 
Everyone agrees that the day Seokmin was born was the day the sun shone a little bit brighter 
Talks back to the teacher but never gets into trouble because he’s actually funny and never offensive also because they think he’s hilarious
Random dance offs with Senior!Soonyoung during breaks in the school yard
Got into detention once for suddenly dancing on the cafeteria table as part of the dance off 
Had a good chase with the school discipline master and security because of it
Someone uploaded the video on YouTube and he’s kinda internet famous
He basically does the most stupidest things with Soonyoung just for laughs 
Watching them is like dumb and dumber but you don’t know who is which 
Does the most hilarious body gags that leaves people horrified wondering how the f*** can someone’s face contort like that 
A favorite among freshmen because he’s so friendly and kind and overall has such an attractive persona
Everybody wants to be his friend, wishing that some of that glimmer would rub off them
Remember when I said he’s in everybody’s good book? Ok well 
He’s in everybody’s good book but yours 
You see, you’re straight up straight A student, student body president, and all-star athlete and you got no time for jokes
You can’t help but think that Seokmin’s all jokes and no work 
All he does in class is crack up jokes and is practically an airhead whenever the teachers ask him questions
You can’t help but wonder how someone like him can ever graduate from high school 
Unfortunately, Seokmin’s in the same class as you 
And worse, he’s your seatmate omg whyyyy
Trust the divinities to seat you with someone you avoid any social interactions with
He always tells you the lamest jokes (at least in your opinion) whenever he got the chance
But you just end up getting frustrated because Seokmin?? I’m trying to do my work here?? Can’t you bother someone else??
Seokmin: ;_; but I’m just trying to make you smile..
You didn’t know but Seokmin has the biggest crush on you
You don’t realize it but Seokmin sees you as a literal goddess 
He admires how driven and focused you are
How you seem to take hold in every situation with a cool head and a calm approach
How you are so talented and seem to have your s*** together compared to him
Tbh he does all the stupid things just to catch your attention
Everyone literally notices how extra he becomes when you’re around as if he’s not extra enough
But all his jokes and attempts to impress you seems to just annoy you even more 
He can’t help it since he doesn’t know how else to express his feelings but through humor help this poof cinnamon roll omg
So he’s stuck in this constant loophole where he makes jokes that makes you even more annoyed as the day goes and he doesn’t know to to get out of it lol
One day, you were called to the teacher’s office bc they told you someone needs some tutoring on a subject
When you got there, guess who needed the tutoring?
Yep you guessed it, it’s him
When he saw you he goes :D
But goes D: when you turned to leave to find the teacher because you’re not having it
Surprise surprise the teacher won’t take no from you
So now you’re stuck tutoring him in the school library after school great
You try to teach him all the concepts but he’s not getting it
And you think he’s not being serious because although his book is open in front of him, he keeps on making jokes and trying to be funny
One day, he decided to tell you how he feels. Maybe that way you’ll take him more seriously.
“Y/N, I have something to tell you..” he started
You cocked an eyebrow because he seemed so serious as he looked at you 
Actually, it’s the very first time you’ve seen him so serious
“What do you want.”
Seokmin mustered up all the courage in him and took a really deep breath and starred at you right in the eyes and said
“I like you” 
“lmao nice one, Seokmin, you still got thirty more questions to go”
And for a moment he looked like he wanted to cry but he averted his gaze from you back to his book
You didn’t know but he wanted to bang his head on every wall in library and take your face in his hands and just say
You’re completely unaware that he literally just confessed to you
He doesn’t blame you, though
He knows that maybe the fact that he jokes too much made you believe that everything that he says is a joke
He doesn’t give up though
He tries to imply his feelings towards you through his jokes
“Are you Google? Because you’re everything that I’m looking for.”
“Hey Y/N, do you know why I don’t like candy? Because you’re already sweet.”
lmao those are straight up pickup lines, Seokmin
also i apologize for the bad pickup lines aaaaaaa
They’re so bad that one day, you finally had enough.
“You know what, Seokmin? I’m so tired of this. If you don’t want to study and just joke around, I see there’s no point of me being here and tutoring you. I’m done here.”
You got up, packed your bag and left, not even casting a glance backwards
He’s quite relieved that you didn’t because he can feel his eyes watering because why is he so stupid???
He stayed silent in his seat for a good half-an-hour after the incident, contemplating and the other students in the library are concerned bc they’ve never seen Seokmin so down and defeated before 
A freshman named Chan was brave enough to actually come up to him and ask him what happened
“Are you ok bruh”
Again, he feels like crying when the kid asked him and he wanted to scream out NOOOOOOO I’M NOT OKAYY THE LOVE OF MY LIFE JUST LEFT ME but he figured it would ruin his reputation as a hyung so he said he’s fine
Chan’s like “lmao stop lying we heard everything” 
Seokmin: D:
Chan took a pity in him and decided to help him out
“You know, if you want to prove someone that you like them you should show them that you mean it. You should work hard for what you want.”
And Seokmin’s like “!!!”
“That’s it! I’m going to prove to Y/N that I’m going to be better in my studies!”
He kissed Chan on the cheek and with a new light in his eyes, sets out on his mission
Beating you
I meant academically, not physically gosh
So he set out a study plan and promised to himself that he’s gonna try and get better grades and show you that he’s serious
He also wants to show you that he’s capable of being as driven and focused as the other students
One day in class, he didn’t try and make jokes when class started so everyone was like omg is he ok?? is Seokmin sick?? why is he so quite?? is the world ending??!! 
lmao they don’t know but he’s just trying to focus on getting better grades
As the days go by, little by little, Seokmin’s progress is showing
He’s getting better in his studies and again, everyone was like !!! Seokmin! How?? Congrats, dude!
And he’s never been happier bc turns out, he can do this
Also, the look on his mother’s face when he gave her his exam paper was so worth it
But what makes him sad is that you still seem indifferent about him
You haven’t talked to him or even looked at him since that day
He was bothered but he figured he just needs to work harder
So he did
One day, you were just going home when you passed the school library and what you saw caught you off guard
You see Seokmin sitting in one of the desks, actually studying
And you can’t help but feel surprised but also proud because wow, kid’s actually putting an effort
So you kinda observed his behavior for a few days to see if he’s actually taking his studies seriously now
And to your delightful surprise, he is
Everyday on the same hour, he would go to the library, sit down at one of the desks and started studying
He may make a few jokes and chat with few of the students present there but he does study
Seeing that he actually wants to be better and the fact that you might’ve overreacted and was a complete jerk to him the last time, you decided that you want to go back to tutoring him
Imagine his surprise when one day, you just sat down next to him, pulling out books and worksheets and he’s like “what are you doing here?”
And you suddenly feel shy and awkward bc wow you really just went in like a hawk and didn’t even consider the fact that he might’ve been hurt after your outburst so you’re like “I’m tutoring you, but it’s ok if you don’t want to I’m just going to-”
And as you got up to leave, you can feel his hand grab your wrist and you feel your face turning red as you look back at him
He has the softest look on his face, and what almost looked like desperation in his eyes and said “Please stay”
And at this point your face is so red and you’re embarrassed and for some reason, for someone who’s so good with words, you’re at loss
So you nodded, sat down, and you both set out to study
Soon, you realized, against your initial prejudice, Seokmin is funny
He makes the weirdest jokes, makes stories so much more entertaining and makes the funniest imitations of teachers that makes you laugh so hard that the librarian actually bans you from the library
You actually don’t mind but now you don’t have anywhere to study
But Seokmin got an idea so he took you somewhere near school
Turns out he took you to Soonyoung’s regular dance studio
There are chairs and tables in the studio so you could study
At first you were hesitant bc are you sure this is okay???
He promised it’s fine and that he always goes there with Soonyoung 
“It’s not like this place is used much. Only my friends and I come here on the weekends”
So you start to study there after school instead of the library
You start to enjoy Seokmin’s company in class
You guys would joke and talk as you do your works and you think hey this is actually quite fun
You don’t understand why you were so high-strung before and realized that you didn’t need to sacrifice fun to get good grades
You started to see why people like Seokmin so much
He’s such a breath of fresh air and has such an amazing personality that he practically glows
You realize that whenever Seokmin’s not in class, it feels quite and there’s something missing
One day, you dropped your pen and as you leaned down to pick it up, Seokmin swooped in at the same time and for a moment your eyes meet and you never realized how Seokmin’s eyes are such a deep brown they’re almost black or the fact that he’s actually really really attractive????
So you’re like “:O” and he just gave you one of those smiles that rivals the sun itself and got back to his seat
lol you don’t know but he’s actually d y i n g inside
But later that night, you couldn’t sleep thinking about him
You used to be so mean and stuck up to him and it leaves you wondering how he’s still so nice towards you
How can someone still be so kind and genuine after the hell you gave him??
Remembering all your bad deeds left a bitter taste in your mouth and you just feel so guilty
So you decided to repay his kindness
The next day, Seokmin noticed a box on his desk in class
He’s like who in the world?
He thought someone has put it on the wrong desk and that the gift was meant for somebody else 
Until he saw his name on the card on the box 
He went on to open it and turns out, it was a box of chocolate
He picked up the card and read it
“Hey Seokmin, I just want to thank you for being such a kind person and such a good friend. I’m sorry I’ve been such a jerk to you and although a box of chocolate won’t mean anything compared to the times i’ve been mean towards you, I sincerely hope you’d forgive me -Y/N”
cue inner squealing 
He tries to contain his screams as he whipped around to find you but you’re nowhere to be seen lol you’re hiding in shame in the bathroom fyi
He’s so touched by the fact that you even thought of giving him something but honestly he would accept your apology anyways
You came back when the bell rang and you can’t find the courage to look Seokmin in the face as you take a seat but then you grabbed your wrist and said “Thank you, I mean it. I never thought go you as a bad person, though :))”
Everybody in the class was like “OMG :O”
But you’re awkward so you just gave him an awkward smile and took a seat
Later that day Seokmin went to Soonyoung and went “OH MY GOD TODAY Y/N GAVE ME CHOCOLATE, DOES THAT MEAN WE’RE MARRIED NOW”
Soonyoung’s like “lmao Seokmin, you still have a long way to go, young one”
Anyways, you guys become kinda shy afterwards but you’re still friends 
You and Seokmin became a team for that semester’s exam period
You guys would stay late in the studio studying and would take turns in treating each other coffee
“Omg Seokmin, which question are you now”
“I’m on number 17 rn”
“Omg what I gotta catch up >:(”
You guys never talked about it but you do steal glances at each other as the other is working
You always feel so shy and giddy whenever you caught Seokmin’s eyes on you and you never seen someone whip their head so fast when you did
It’s endearing
But it’s also exam season so you don’t really want to get caught up and derail your whole study plans and get distracted so you pushed the temptations to act on your feelings neither does he
You guys become each other’s biggest supporters and you can feel all your time tutoring and studying with him pays off as he’s actually really good now that it’s kinda scary and intimidating??
But anyways, exam season passes just like that and today is the day you’re announcing your results
You’re actually really nervous bc so much has been happening lately that you’re scarred it’s gonna affect your studies and be reflected on your paper 
But you got #1 but you were even more shocked to see that Seokmin’s #2!
And you’re both like !!!
And you both went in for a hug but when you did, you realized 
‘Omg I’m hugging Seokmin”
He’s also ‘Omg I’m actually hugging the girl I like WHAT DO I DO”
And the whole class was like ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
The hug ended awkwardly for the both of you but you tried not to care
As you were going home, Seokmin stopped you and asked you if he can walk with you
with a blush You said yes
So there you two are, walking under the warm summer sun, a comfortable silence wrapped around you like a blanket
“..You remember the time I told you I liked you?” he asked
You laughed and were like “Yeah, ofc, those times were w i l d”
And he kinda looked at his feet and you were wondering why is he suddenly so quite?? This is not a Seokmin behavior
“Wait, YOU MEANT IT??”
And he couldn’t look at your face because he’s so embarrassed and all he wanted to do right now is to run straight home and scream into his pillow bc yES HE MEANT IT
You’re like “:O”
There was another silence and this time it’s kinda awkward because 1) Wow turns out you’re the dumb one between the two of you and 2) WHAT DO YOU DO?!
But you’re so done of all these romantic tension that has been building up some week and you’re like f*** it we’re all gonna die anyways so you put up a facade, turned to him and said
“You know, I still got time until my curfew. We can go get some drinks at a cafe if you want.”
lol you’re sweating and dying inside
And he stopped walking and looked at you crazy and the way he looked at you make you wish that some random blackhole can just swallow you now until the biggest smile you’ve ever seen broke onto his face and he said “Sure! :D” and it made you all squishy inside to see someone so happy
As you walk towards your destination, his hand tentatively seek yours out and it was shy at first but his grip was strong once you latched onto it
Outside, you’re both are a blushing mess at this point but inside you’re like O M G I’m holding hands with the most attractive person on earth
Once, Seokmin stopped in his tracks completely and you’re like WHAT HAPPENED
And he’s like “Is this a date???? Does this mean we’re dating now???? :O” and the look on his face is just so innocent and cute you can’t help but asdfghjkl Seokmin you’re too cute
It’s totally a date btw and you’re totally dating
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valisi-clark · 7 years
I need to clear my head out. I can’t creatively write when it’s so cluttered in here. 
Warnings for drugs and a ghost story and all of the gore that goes with both of those things, no joke. 
Lately, I’ve been talking about personal shit pretty often. Tumblr has been a pretty great outlet for that, and I’ve gained some really great friends through this platform. And they haven’t heard things about my life before. And they’re interested! I didn’t think anyone cared about this personal shit. 
Recently, I asked my partner why I felt so out of place when I share those personal stories. The conversation was pretty interesting. He said something along the lines of: 
“You’ve taken a lot of risks. That’s why you have stories like that. Not everyone is willing to take risks.” 
And shit. He’s right. 
“When you tell war stories, do you feel like the story sounds made up?” I asked him. 
“Yep,” he said. He also mentioned that specifically the stories about body gore always sound made up. I won’t tell the details. It’s his story. 
Isn’t that weird? I know that the shit I’m talking about has happened to me personally, but when I talk about it, it sounds like I’m fucking telling a bunch of lies. He knows that the things that happened in the war definitely happened. He didn’t collectively imagine it with other soldiers. So, why does it sound so fucking outlandish when we talk about it? 
I like taking risks. Not necessarily for the adrenaline. Just because I want to see what happens. 
In my hometown, there wasn’t any way to entertain ourselves except fuck in cars, try drugs, and break the law. Any time a new restaurant came to town it made a shit ton of money because people were desperate for something new. But it would always close down within a couple of years. There are certain buildings in that town that you just don’t buy because it’s not going to succeed, no matter what you put in it. You could put a miniature Walmart in some of those buildings, and it would still fail. I’m literally saying that Walmart cannot lift the curse of those failed-business-buildings. That’s the kind of town that I grew up in, and I loved it and hated it simultaneously.
There was a house in my hometown that was considered “haunted”. The story that went around about it was the owner murdered his entire family and then hung himself. But that’s not true. It was just an old house that was easily accessible, and kids broke into it because it was something to do. The family never took care of it, and of course it looked shitty after years and years of sitting. Shitty houses always look haunted because we know that it’s wrong for them to look that way. The constant break-ins didn’t help matters at all. I was never brave enough to go into it while it was still standing, but eventually it burned down.
A few weeks after it burned to the ground, Finn and I went to check it out. We picked up a few things and put them in the back of my car. Bricks from the fire place. Tiles from the bathroom wall. Knobs from the knob-and-tube wiring, which you won’t see in a house because it was such a fire hazard. We had done things like that before. We steal stupid shit from abandoned places because we had no concept of ownership if the item wasn’t worth anything.
We broke into another abandoned house, and she ripped a medicine cabinet out of the wall and took it home for a makeup case. It was fucking cute. 
That’s a couple of my favorite memories with Finn. Finn had gorgeous, long, red hair. And a beautiful face. Pale skin. Slim, long fingers. I was fascinated with her hands. They were so small compared to my giant Sasquatch hands. I’m now educated enough to officially say that she was a smol. I don’t remember her laugh anymore, but I know that I loved it. Her sense of humor was exactly like mine. We both loved Disney princesses. 
Fuck, I think I loved Finn. I met her when I was in high school, and I didn’t like her because the guy that I had a crush on had a crush on her. That type  of complicated, and oh so important, high school shit. One day, I said something really shitty about her to someone(I don’t remember who), and when I walked away from that conversation I realized: “Fuck. I don’t want to fight her. I need to tell her what I said before someone else does. I’m not this shitty.” 
After a couple of classes, we had break. I ran through the school, found her, and asked to talk to her outside. She gave me a weird look and said sure. We went outside, and I said something dumb like: 
“Hey, I called you a bitch because I’m jealous of you. I don’t know you, and I’m sorry that I said that. I didn’t want you to hear it from anyone else.” 
And she was surprised. Mostly surprised that I told her to her face, I guess. Later she told that she thought I invited her out there to kick her ass, and it surprised her that I apologized instead. She knew that I had a crush on the guy who had a crush on her, and she wasn’t sure how far I was willing to go to make sure that I won his dick-trophy. As an adult, that all sounds very stupid, but that’s how things started.
Anyway, I have a lot of memories of her. She had the worst boyfriend when I first met her. He was such a shitty person. I think I remember watching him yell at her in her front yard one time. One morning, she came to school crying because of something he had said to her, and I told her something sickly sweet like: “It’s not fair that you’re so beautiful even when you’re crying.” Me, a poet, right? Fucking lame ass high school pick-up line. But it was true. She was beautiful even with makeup and snot running down her face.
I spent so much time with Finn. I would go and pick her up, bring her back to my house, and we would color pictures, and talk about everything, and take naps together. Snuggling her was the best. She smelled so good. Sometimes we would stay up late at night and just laugh. She always complimented my mom’s food. She never wanted to leave my house, and I wanted her to stay forever. Whenever I hugged her goodbye, my arms felt so empty when I let go. I hated taking her home. I wanted to be her home. 
That was the point that I should’ve asked Finn to be my girlfriend, and I didn’t. I was afraid that I wasn’t really bisexual. I thought that maybe it was just popular to be bisexual at the time, and that’s why I thought she was so gorgeous, and funny, and perfect. And I was afraid to come out as bi when I wasn’t even sure if that was real. 
When we were older (she was 21 and I was 19), Finn moved in with her friend Skitter. I was so fucking jealous of her friendship with Skitter. That jealousy didn’t make any fucking sense to me, and it still doesn’t. But I was so jealous that they lived together and had such a close relationship. 
On Skitter’s 21st birthday, I went over to Skitter’s house and got high with both of them. That was the one and only time that I smoked spice. It was the worst fucking thing. I know that I wasn’t a pleasant person when I was high. I was so fucking high that I left the planet. I had a dream that I went to Neptune and almost drowned, but I woke up because I was choking on water my body was trying to vomit. Thankfully, I didn’t throw up all over Skitter’s lap. I don’t remember how my head got into her lap. I guess I crawled over there. I’m pretty sure that I ruined Skitter’s birthday by being a piss-poor drug virgin. But I’m not really ashamed of what I did. I don’t regret it. I learned a lot from experiencing that. 
I don’t remember how long it took, but eventually, Finn moved out of Skitter’s house and into the house with her new boyfriend. They had a kid together, and I visited Finn a lot. I was still pining for her. I remember that I still wanted her because I talked about buying a house, her moving in with me, and us raising her child together. She was into it. But if I had really done it, I doubt she would’ve actually moved in with me. I realize now that our feelings were very mismatched. 
There’s not really a word for this kind of thing, I guess. I wouldn’t consider her the one that got away. I don’t think she would’ve been happy with me. It’s alright that it didn’t work out. But I still think about her. I still think about that one risk that I didn’t take. I’ll never know what would’ve happened with her. She probably would have rejected me completely, and that probably would’ve been more satisfying for me than wondering what might have happened if I had just fucking tried. 
This has helped a lot. I thought that I was still pining for her, but I’m actually just irritated that I didn’t take the risk. I’ve done so much crazy shit, but I didn’t have the balls to take the leap for that girl. Dumbass. Lesson learned. That’s alright now though. I’ve taken a lot of risks since then. 
When I met my current partner, I fucked him the first night that I met him. That wasn’t usual for me, but I didn’t care. Intuition and Curiosity both said yes. Risk dragged all three of us the whole way. I moved in with him four months later, hours and hours away from my hometown, giving a giant middle finger to my safety net. I’m still here with him almost four years later. He’s exactly who I want for a partner. There are still risks to take. 
Writing Smack has brought up a lot of memories that I’ve forgotten. It’s just not fun to admit that writing a piece of fiction which was intended to give me some kind of peace has brought up so much shit that I’ve purposely forgotten. But fuck it. By the time this is over, I’m going to be better. 
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queercapwriting · 7 years
hey :) i fully appreciate you're busy and closed the prompts and all so please don't worry about writing this but i really like the idea of adrian reassuring a younger trans kid who's struggling with accepting themselves that they're valid and maybe sanvers walk in and give their two cents idk i'm just having a really rough time and yeah sorry
He’s had a key to Maggie’s apartment since he and his parents moved to the other side of the city and he needed a place to crash closer to his job after school when he was on the graveyard shift.
He uses it frequently enough, but less so now that he spends most of his time off at college in Star City.
But he’s used it tonight, because she needed a place to go, a place to just breathe, a place to be alone with only good people, only safe people, and Maggie’s apartment was perfect for the job.
He sent her a quick text to let her know he was over, because while he’d gotten fairly used to being over when Alex and Maggie got home, kissing and taking turns slamming each other into the front door before realizing he was there, he didn’t think that’s what Kaylee needs tonight.
Because Kaylee was only fourteen and she’d called him in a panic and he’d skipped biology lecture to drive all the way home, home to his old high school, because Kaylee was a freshmen and she knew – like all the other queer kids in the school – that they could always call Adrian when they needed anything.
And Kaylee had been misgendered three separate times by three separate people today, and a couple of other girls had snickered when she walked out of the gender-neutral restroom that Adrian had gotten at the school a couple years ago, and she needed him, needed him, needed him.
“I’m sorry, Adrian, you didn’t have to drive all this way, I wouldn’t have called if I thought you’d – “
“What, you wouldn’t’ve called if you thought I’d give a shit about what you’re going through? Pretty sure that’s actually literally the reason you called me, girl.”
Kaylee smiles through her wet eyes at that, and she sits up a little straighter. Adrian holds her closer to him and waits, waits, because she’s spilled all about her day but hasn’t yet started to use feelings words, and he’s had this talk, this cry, himself, enough times with Maggie to know those were next.
“I just…” She wipes her tears and he nods, gives her a small smile. She puts her hand up to his face and pauses, and he nods again, a bigger smile now. She touches his stubble and grins through her tears.
“It was a pipedream when I was your age, honey.”
“I just feel like I’m never gonna get to where you’re at. Like… like, people are always just gonna see me as a guy in a dress, and what if like, what if I’m just gay, what if I’m just making a big deal out of nothing? So what if I have to wear a collared shirt when my mom wants to take me to a thing, right, I mean girls wear collared shirts – “
“But babygirl, when cis girls wear collared shirts, ain’t nobody trying to tell them they’re not legit women like the fuckers are trying to tell you.” He stops, bites the inside of his cheek, and sighs. “Butch women aside for a second, bless them.”
Kaylee smiles and nods softly and sighs into his chest, his binder stiff under his shirt.
“You gonna get surgery soon?”
Adrian grins and nods, still waiting.
“It’s just long. Every day. Every day at school and every night with my parents and all those stupid times in between when I’m just trying to be in the library or go bowling or some shit and everybody needs to stare and try to figure me out, and my parents won’t let me get pills or even patches and my voice is starting to drop and it makes me want to just never say anything, not in school, because it’s just my body proving that I’m not real, that I’m just never… never gonna… I just… Adrian, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, you should be in class, I just… I’m sorry…”
“Shhh, no, babygirl, no no no.” He gathers her into his arms and smooths her hair away from her forehead and he smiles softly down at her. “Kaylee. You are so fucking beautiful, you know that? Even with all that snot you got going on,” he teases as he offers his sleeve. “High school’s not gonna last forever, hun. I mean, it feels like it will, especially when you’re just starting out. But I promise you, you’re just as tough as you are gorgeous, and you’re gonna get through it. And then life doesn’t get better, not automatically, that’s some rich cis white guy bullshit, but you’re not by yourself, Kaylee. You’ve got me, you’ve got the rest of Spectrum at school; Ms. Macguire’ll fuck anyone up if you tell her about what happened today, she’s good people. And Detective Sawyer – “
He gestures all around them, at the apartment littered with evidence of two women living and loving together. “She’s got your back, just like she had – still has – mine. The world’s shit, Kaylee, but you? You’re a princess. Nah, better, you’re a motherfucking queen. You gotta know that you’re perfect, just like you are, even – maybe especially – on days like today when the whole universe tries to make you forget. Okay? You’re perfect, Kaylee, and you’re gorgeous, and you are a beautiful young woman, no matter what motherfuckers try to tell you. You get me?”
Kaylee nods and sighs and jumps as the front door opens, as Maggie and Alex appear in the threshold with two large pies and a six pack of root beer.
“I heard we have a beautiful lady joining us for dinner tonight,” Maggie announces, her eyes falling on Kaylee as she beams, and Kaylee blushes, hard, at being addressed like this, at being validated like this, by a grownup – by a police officer – that she’s never met.
“I’m sorry to crash your place, Detective Sawyer,” she says, and she starts to get up to shake her hand, but Maggie waves her down.
“Sit, relax. Ally, baby, you wanna give the kids their pizza, I’ve gotta pee like you can’t believe.” Maggie winks at a giggling Kaylee and kisses Adrian on the cheek briefly as she strides past him to the bathroom.
Alex stares after her for a moment before also kissing Adrian and offering a hug to Kaylee.
“I’m Alex, Maggie’s girlfriend.”
Kaylee blushes again. “Well, I figured, otherwise Detective Sawyer’d be bringing home some other woman and from what Adrian tells me, I don’t think she’d do that.”
Alex laughs heartily and Maggie shouts from the bathroom, “Damn right I wouldn’t, Alex is with the FBI, she’d kill me and the poor girl before I even got the chance!”
“Oh please, Maggie, don’t be fronting like you’re a player, Alex’s got you in the palm of her hand.”
Alex smirks and preens and high fives Adrian as Maggie mutters something incoherent from the bathroom and Kaylee watches it all with tears in her eyes, tears because is this really what she can have, one day? Is this really what she can be part of, even now?
“Rough day, sweetheart?” Alex asks as she doles out pizza, remembering when Kara was her age, remembering when she was her age.
Kaylee nods and looks at Adrian so she doesn’t have to tell it again.
“She got misgendered and laughed at a bunch. Sometimes it happens randomly, you know, and sometimes it’s like all at once and you just can’t, you know? Today was one of those all at once days,” Adrian explains quietly as Kaylee bites into her pizza and lets Alex hold her hand gratefully.
“I’m sorry, beautiful,” Maggie says as she slips back into the living room, kneeling in front of Kaylee like she does in front of Adrian when he’s got a similarly dejected, defeated look on his face.
“We’ve never met, right, but you wanna know what I see when I look at you?” Maggie asks, and Kaylee nods with wide eyes and frozen fingers.
“I see a beautiful, brave young girl who’s not in the place right now that she’s gonna be in forever. I see a massive science geek, because only the geekiest of us let the iodine stain our fingers like that so that everyone knows exactly how much we love bio lab. I see a young woman confident enough to wear circle glasses in a world that still associates them with either John Lennon or Harry Potter. I see a girl who is perfect, exactly as she is, and who’s only gonna keep getting more perfect as time goes on, if she just sticks with it, keeps being herself, because the girl I see in front of me? The girl I see in front of me is absolutely amazing. And for the record, I’m talking about you, Kaylee, not my girlfriend, whose glasses are distinctly rectangular.”
Kaylee laughs and Kaylee cries and Kaylee lets herself fall into Maggie’s arms because Adrian is like a grownup to her and Adrian will always be her queer parent, but maybe she can have more than one.
Pizza and root beer and queer parents all night?
Maybe she can get through school tomorrow, after all.
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jonboudposts · 6 years
Facing Modern Fascism: You No Longer Have Any Excuses
In Britain, the rest of Europe and America, fascism is now a genuine threat again.  This is not something that has any nuance; there is no argument for seeing both sides.
In Britain the most visible present activity is the movement around Little Tommy Lennon Stephen Robinson, presently in prison (again) for violating a court order while risking derailing a court case against men accused of sex crimes. However, despite these facts, a well-funded movement has grown recently calling for his release from prison on political grounds.  The centre of this group are Islamaphobes of various stripes including reported funding from foreign entities like Rebel Media and Middle East Forum plus the runt of UKIP who now have an overtly Islamophobic leader and are making alliances with the far right (including European and US organisations allegedly funding them).
His rent-a-mob have taken to the streets in mostly small numbers but in some places like London, there have been quite a few of them (although less on 14 July than on 6 May).
The mainstream press, always mostly a shower of worthless shit, are now off the handle and are condemning anyone who disagrees with them.  In particular this is most vicious concerning the ever-changing state of Britain’s attempts to leave the European Union.  Front pages of the Daily Express, Mail and Murdoch rags proclaim anyone not advocating for hard Brexit is a saboteur or traitor; while the continued, detailed stories of how the Leave side cheated and lied are rejected as Remain conspiracy.
We know that extremists are inspired by this sort of thing; two examples are white supremacy-loving ultra-nationalist Anders Brevik who after killing nearly 80 people in Norway in 2011 was found to have a newspaper file in his mum’s back bedroom of Daily Mail stories about European cultural loss being the fault of Muslims (apparently Melanie Phillips was a favourite).  
Then there was Thomas Muir, who murdered Labour MP Jo Cox after getting upset that his mum had a black boyfriend.  He was associated with now-defunct racist gaggle Britain First and had many white supremacist publications at home (probably brought from his mum’s house).
With the kind of numbers now being seen in the streets of Europe and the elect-ability of some of these fuckers, things have gotten severe very quickly. You would think people would be rushing to uphold democratic values and decency against the death-worshipping horror of fascism; but for some reason they are not.
 The Problem
We have to address the issues as to why many people do not want to associate with the anti-fascist movement.
The first is carelessness and selfishness on their part.  Nothing coming from these thugs or these policies touches them and therefore they do not care.  
The second is being stupid enough to fall for the ploy.  Some no doubt buy the surface value argument (coupled with their general hatred of the left) that people like Little Tommy and Katie are free speech advocates and as putting the pieces together is beyond their ability and/or desire, they do not realise that no one’s free speech is being restricted; it’s just typical victim-hood narrative.  
Thirdly, there is cowardice.  Similar to selfishness is their gutless inability to stand up against anything as inarguably evil as fascism.
Fourthly, we have to acknowledge the off-putting aspects of this brand of left politics (and I do not use the word ‘brand’ mistakenly). Unite Against Fascism and Stand Up to Racism are organised by many people associated with the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) and this turns people off.  The SWP have many draw backs, such as trying to cover up sexual abuse by one of their high-level members and basically being overgrown kids wearing revolutionary costumes.  Like fellow grown babies Class War, no one could really get behind them because what they do is silly gestures.
However, I also have to speak in their favour.  Some people I speak to often call both UAF and SUTR ‘fronts’ but I have no idea what they are a front for (that is silly bourgeois language) and them along with many associates of Class War are always in the street opposing fascism, no matter how dangerous.  This will always give them an edge on the rest of you.  I greatly respect HOPE Not Hate for the work they do, but I have far more problems with them and their division tactics than the others.
So after talking all that shit about each group, I must call for unity against a very clear threat to all people, culture and life.
Fascism is a serious threat again, weather Alt Right or alt light. We must all act against it or face the consequences and ignorance is unacceptable.
If you were on the recent anti-Trump demos around Britain, there is no reason to not take part in antifascism work.  Those demos were anti-fascist, not only in spirit but practice; both Unite Against Fascism and Stand Up to Racism had a big part in organising; many people not associated to those groups were there for active anti-fascist reasons against the Trump administration.; this was the bigger issue we fought regardless of differences, because everyone recognises they are the biggest and most powerful far right government around presently.
 What We Must Do
Overcome Division – left wing divisiveness is the biggest pain in my arse and I am sick of it.  I have no doubt I am not alone here.  We must put it to one side, admit we will never agree on everything and try to respect those differences in people who are brave enough to stand up to fascism; I am not asking you to attend a barbeque with people you hate; just hold a line against far right extremists (which is greatly preferable to a barbeque).
Make the Movement Your Own – who cares which group want to sink money and time into organising the street resistance? Go there, do your own thing, form your own local groups and tackle this extremism the best way you think, although I would advise paying close attention to history and practicality – don’t waste time with what doesn’t work.
If you really do not want to take to the streets, then support those who do. From providing the vital research work to battling it out online to even just helping your friends fight the scourge of decent society, you can make a role for yourself and will be just as respected for your efforts.
Be Honest: Immigration is Great – most decent people will openly say they have no problem with immigration, but that is not good enough.  We need to say very specifically that our countries (Britain in particular) has been greatly improved by immigrants in culture, food, music and many other ways.  No one should be treated as badly as they are simply for coming from somewhere else.
Absolutely No Middle Ground with Racists and Fascists – fairly self-explanatory; these are dangerous and I say evil people.  They are only having a moment right now because they are being bankrolled by far right organisations with revenue (they are literally a rent-a-mob). When pressure is put upon them by an unyielding forces of good, they fall away; did in the past and will do in the future.
We know how appalling our attention-seeking, hateful enemies are and none of that matters.  The truth has become a near-redundant currency in the real, living world and unless we act now, it will likely be gone forever.  So many people speak of pride at their grandparents standing up to fascism in the 1930s and 40s.  Now it is your turn.
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Amon Part Twenty Four
As soon as Gray and Vickers walked into the bar they knew it was a bad idea.
There was a collection of veterans in the dark bar, all of them paused to watch the duo walk into the bar slowly.
“Let me do the talking.” Vickers said quietly.
“I don't speak grunt, all yours.” the mage answered.
With a purpose the paladin walked over to the bar and put a small pouch of coins down. “I would like to buy a round of drinks for the brave men who have given so selflessly.”
The bartender opened the pouch and counted the coins quickly. “Round on the cow.” he said pulling out a bottle and a set of glasses.
A few people stood up to move towards the bard but a voice called out from the back. “We don't need charity from a high and fancy paladin.”
Gray whispered to Vickers. “Yeah, you do ALL the talking.” and took a step back.
“Is there a problem friend?” Vickers asked already knowing the answer.
“Problem?” the voice asked. “Problem? The problem was seven months ago.” a grizzled orc walked out of the shadows. “Where were you?”
“I don't follow.”
“I know you don't! That's the problem.” the orc raged.
Vickers took a second to center himself. “I'm sorry, I am Vickers of the Silver Hand.” and held his hand out.
The orc slapped the hand away. “I am Herezgor Flametusk of the I don't give a damn club. No one here wants your drinks.”
Vickers sighed. “Though I am tauren we are all of the same horde...”
“You think this is a race thing?” Herezgor screamed getting into the paladin's face. “I was a sub commander of chief Skullcrusher! I worked side by side with some of the bravest men I have ever met. Orc, troll, tauren, nine hells we had a goblin and I had no problem with them at all. No friend this isn't a race thing, this is a class thing.”
“Have I done something to offend you?” Vickers asked, getting to the end of this patience.
“Where were you when the Wetlands were overrun by enemy forces? Huh? Where were you when Nerkros was slain?” the orc asked.
“I..I was in studies.”
“Where were the Silver Hand then?” Vickers could smell the cheap whiskey on the orc's breath and knew this fight had little to do with him personally. “You prissy damn paladins, only coming in when your damn gods say its ok. What about before? What about when the fight can be won? What about day after day in the mud and swamp waiting for the enemy to come? Where the frack are you then?”
Vickers wisely said nothing.
“That's my problem with paladins, with the Silver Hand and with you.” the orc took the shot glass filled with whiskey the bartender had poured, held it up and then poured it out in front of Vickers. “You're no warrior, you're just a zugger in armor.”
The orc was blown off his feet as a mystical bolt came flying from behind Vickers. The bar froze as Herezgor was held off the ground by Gray's magic.
“You shouldn't call people that.” the blood elf said in a dangerous voice. “It's rude.” Three other orcs stood up and a wave of power came off the mage, throwing them, the tables and chairs back against the wall. “Me and Herezgor are having a private conversation, please do not interrupt.” looking back to the held Orc he said. “That word, it's offensive. You can tell by the way I am offended.”
“Blood elf dirt.” Herezgor spat. “What's wrong? You a zugger too?”
The orc screamed as Gray;s magic began to squeeze him.
“Stop.” Vickers said grabbing the mage's arm.
There was a flash of light as Vickers was thrown back violently, all the way out of the bar.
His head rang for a moment and then he looked over to the right and knew he had suffered a concussion.
Twin and Kaz were leading a regiment of guards in what could only be called a congo line of marching. The orcs took two steps up and then kicked one leg to the side before taking another two steps.
Then Twin saw Vickers in the road he stopped the guards paused, looking as confused as they ever had.
“Go away!” Twin ordered and the guards began to wander off.
With one leap Twin covered the distance from the back gate to Vickers. “What's wrong?”
Vickers slowly got up. “Graymark.”
“So I am going to give you a choice.” the mage said to the orc. “You get to pick the animal you're going to live the rest of your life as. Sheep, goat, how about a penguin? Ever see a penguin? I bet you'd love being one of those.”
“What the hell are you doing?” Twin asked, walking into the bar slowly.
“Etiquette lesson.” was all the mage answered.
“Gray.” Twin said in a calm voice. “Put him down.”
“I don't think so. He owes me an apology.”
Twin took another step towards the mage. “Well he's unconscious now, so he can't apologize for anything.” He took a step in front of the mage. “Gray, please put him down.”
The mage made a dismissing gesture and the orc fell to the ground.
“Ok!” the bartender said, pulling a rifle from under the bar. “You need to get out of here!”
Graymark turned to the bartender and saw the orc raise the gun in fear.
Reaching into his bags he pulled out a sack of gold and tossed it on the bar. “For the damages.” and walked out.
Twin looked at the damage around him and asked the bartender. “What the hell happened?”
The bartender, who had taken the gold shrugged. “The orc called the paladin a zugger and the mage went berserk.”
Twin, who knew a lot of orc, didn't recognize the word. “What's it mean?”
The bartender looked up at the warrior. “It's a man, who likes...other men you know?”
And Twin indeed did know.
“Tell chatty over there when he wakes up, if I hear him call someone that again I will personally make him nine pounds lighter from the shoulders up. That's a promise.”
The bartender made a dismissive wave as Twin walked out of the bar.
Kaz was making sure Vickers was ok when the walked out.
“Where did he go?” he asked the panda.
Kaz pointed to the small lake behind them. “What happened?”
“I know why he left Silvermoon.” Twin said walking over to the dock.
Graymark was tracing the air with arcane energy, making mana flowers and letting them float down to the water's surface. When Twin walked up he said nothing to the troll.
“So in you culture, all life is sacred huh?”
Graymark said nothing.
“What about furthering of the race? How they look on that?”
The mana flowers faded from view.
“Yeah I thought so. So let me see, in a perfect world with perfect people you all are supposed to go and make more perfect people and if you don't...”
Graymark glanced over at him.
“You're either forced to or you leave?”
The mage sighed. “You are branded an outcast and told never to return or you are instantly involved in an arranged marriage where there are, I swear to you, yearly check ups to see if mating has occurred.”
“Ouch.” Twin said looking out across the water. “Well that sucks and I'm sorry your race sucks but you can't go blowing up random bars every time someone gets mouthy.”
“You're talking to me about losing one's temper?”
“I am, so that should tell you how serious it is.” He moved closer and looked Graymark in the eyes. “Look, I know what is it like to hate the world. I mean really hate the whole thing. To despise it from top to bottom and the urge to kill the idiots that populate it. I really do, and before I met you guys I would have said I was done with it. I just wanted to die making sure my teeth were sunk into the throat of someone else to make sure I didn't go alone.”
“And now?”
The troll sighed. “And now I understand the word Amon.”
“I don't recognize it.”
“In my language the word for family is Amin, meaning the blood you were born into.” Gray nodded. “I was born into half a family, I have a half brother and a mother and that's. My brother's dad died years ago and my dad..well he didn't stick around so my mom was left with the burden of raising me alone. Our life, our family were considered...you would say low class but the word is e'drak which literally means walking trash. My brother took off the first chance he had and when I came of age I took off so I wasn't a burden to her anymore. It was Kreuzer that found me, gave me a home and a purpose. And when he died...I wanted to die also.”
Gray cocked his head. “Not that I mind, but why are you telling me all this?”
“Shut up.” he said flatly. “So when Kaz found me I was ready to die, ready to just tell this shit life to go fark itself. And then we met you two and now...I get it. Amon.”
“What's that mean?”
“Amin is the family you're born to, Amon is the family you make on your own.”
Gray stood there speechless.
“I know we all just met and I know it's stupid but...”
The blood elf stepped forward and hugged the troll.
Twin froze for a moment and then gave the mage a soft pat on the back before pulling back.
“You do that again and I will kill you.”
Gray nodded with a smile.
“I don't care what you are, I care who you are. You're my little brother and I can't have you going off starting stupid fights in the middle of nowhere.”
“I'm 1,100 years old.”
“You're my older brother so I can't have you running off half cocked since we both know that is what I am going to do and only one of us can be nuts at a time.”
“I got it.” Gray said as they walked back to Kaz and Vickers.
“Tell Kaz and I will also kill you. This time slowly.”
Gray nodded again.
“And don't tell the cow either, he looks like the weepy type.
“And again, hug me at your own risk.”
The mage laughed. “I consider myself warned.”
“What was all that about?” Vickers asked when they caught up to them.
“I was...triggered.” Graymark said. I apologize, will never happen again.”
“We still don't have any information about Nefarian's Lair.” Vickers brought up.
Twin pulled his dog tags out. “Oh, I'll handle that.” and walked back into the bar.
“He's going to get killed.” the paladin said out loud.
“Magic necklace.” Kaz said studying Graymark. “What did he say to you?”
The mage smiled. “He told me to grow up and stop throwing tantrums.”
Kaz's eyes narrowed but he said nothing.
He could smell a lie when it was told to him.
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