#alex høgh
alexhandersenblog · 9 months
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💯💯💯 my new favorite picture of him 😍 || via udkant on instagram
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synintheraven · 8 months
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I lied guys this is my new favourite drawing by me 😭
+ a few close ups under the cut because I love the details and everyone should see them (;
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thepaperpanda · 1 year
Lights Above Our Heads || Alex Hogh Andersen x fem!reader
Masterlist ❄
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Summary: A charming spectacle awaits you when Alex takes you on a tour of the mountains
Warnings: none :)
Word count: 1289
Authors: Fenrir & Cass
A/N: today’s prompt: Watching the Northern Lights
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It had been one of the coldest winters in a long time. A cold winter like this would freeze the blood of anyone who didn't take sufficient care to stay warm at heart and core. However, despite the coldness engulfing the world, Alex decided to take a little trip with you, his beloved girlfriend. 
As Alex crossed another snowdrift while wearing a thick, red, 66°North jacket, thick, black pants and boots reaching slightly above his ankles, and a black hat pulled over his head, he glanced over his shoulder to see if you followed him. "Is everything okay there, Y/N? We're close!"
Angrily waving your hand at him, you nodded, saying, "It's fine! I'm just questioning my life choices here!"
As Alex made his way back to you through the snow, he offered you his gloved hand as he improved the camera case on his shoulder. He made sure you were walking after his traces in the snow, saying, "Come on, I'll help you."
Sighing deeply, you squeezed his hand and vowed to never let him drag you on another adventure again.
As the two of you walked up an icy, snow-covered hill, he reminded you firmly, "With all due respect, hun, you've always wanted it yourself. I want to see the northern lights, that's what you've been repeating like a fucking mantra."
You bit back a little sarcastically, "With all due respect, hun, I don't want any more trips if it means freezing my ass off in a mountain of snow!"
"You don't have to be a drama queen. It's not that bad," Alex commented, squeezing your hand a few times. You haven't been far north, trust me, it can be much worse." 
After walking in silence for a bit, Alex made a brief stop near a fallen fir tree, all covered in snow. "What a beautiful scenery, isn't it, darling? Can you pose for me?"
As you walked up to him, rubbing your hands together, you murmured, "It's going to cost you, love."
"It will cost me, okay, but what?" He teased back.
"A kiss," you smiled, tapping your cheek.
Alex didn't need to be told twice - he hugged you, pulled you closer, but before kissing your cheek, he rubbed your noses together.
Before pulling away to pose for him, you laughed and grabbed his chin to kiss him properly.
While Alex was setting his camera, he instructed you what to do with your hair falling from underneath your woolen hat. As soon as he put the lens on, he took several shots, changing the parameters every time to achieve more depth from the pictures. "You make the perfect model, sweetheart."
As you winked at him, you replied, "I want to hear that when you take care of me once I get sick again."
He gave you a look with an eye roll. "Don't make a duck face, baby, we're not taking a selfie."
"Why! I look sexy with a duck face! You could take some fun pictures, so we have a souvenir of our trip."
Even though he didn't want to admit it, you were right. As Alex packed his camera back into its case, he sat down on the fallen fir tree next to you. "Thank you for taking a week off from work. It has been quite a while since we were somewhere together."
With a soft aww sound, you kissed his cheek. "The first reason is that I wouldn't let you go alone, and the second is that you asked so nicely that I couldn't refuse, plus I needed a break from my job."
Alex wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer, enjoying the moment and your presence while staying silent. "Is it okay to continue climbing the hill now? Have you rested?"
"A few more minutes?" You asked, nuzzling closer to him. "I just want to savor the moment a bit longer."
In the moments before he commented, Alex straightened his back after noticing something. "Babe, take a look at that!"
The aurora lights played above. In the midnight blue, the northern lights were a river of green.
Taking a moment to look up, you whispered quietly, "Wow... Is that it?"
"Yes, yes it is."
You said eagerly, "C'mon! Don't sit like a stick! Grab your camera and take some pictures! And we should take a picture together! With lights in the background, it will look so pretty hanging in our bedroom."
"Don't worry, they won't vanish anytime soon," he assured, resting his chin on your shoulder while looking up while making sure to hold you as close as possible. "Let me savor this moment a little longer."
Your smile softened, and you took his hand, moving even closer. As you nuzzled him, you whispered, "You know? I love you."
"I love you too," Alex mumbled quietly and kissed your cheek after. "Despite your sometimes bratish behavior. Even if you are easily offended by irrelevant things. No matter how moody you are."
"You like it when I am bratty. You simply love to put me in the right place."
As Alex slowly opened his camera case, he said, "Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't, especially when I'm fed up with your bullshit." He asked you to hold his Canon camera while he set the tripod after making all the adjustments.
You scoffed loudly, "For sure babe, I will remember this next time." When he wasn't looking at you, you took the opportunity to gently poke his ribs.
Alex mounted his camera on the tripod and set the self-timer. After wrapping his arms around you, he pulled you closer, looking down at you for a moment before kissing you.
Once you were certain the picture was perfect, you kissed him back and pulled away to say, "I love you so much, my talented fiancé."
As Alex went to look at the outcome, he raised both thumbs up with a smirk on his face. "It's perfect! Can't wait to frame it, but let me try something else!" After turning the self-timer again, he returned to you and picked you up in bridal style; his eyes never left yours. "I love you."
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you confessed, "I love you too. I love you more than anything."
As Alex stopped paying attention to the camera, he kissed you tenderly for long enough that he had to break the kiss in order to breathe. As soon as he set you down, he adjusted the hat on your head, so you wouldn't get colder; and then he headed back to take more pictures of the northern lights. "I'm so fucking glad we came to Norway, darling."
You stared up at the sky and the beautiful lights dancing above, thinking about all the memories and plans you two had shared.
The sky shimmered with the green and yellow hues of the aurora; the silence of the spectacle added to its charm. The two of you were just staring silently into the dark as you enjoyed the silence and the stars above. In those moments, all your troubles seemed to fade away, and the world seemed to be at peace. Lights danced in front of you and stretched across the sky. Color was dancing across the sky and it almost appeared to be putting on a show, just for the two of you.
Slowly, you improved your scarf. "My happiness is the same as yours, Alex."
Alex turned his camera into recording mode and pointed it at the sky, then he returned to you. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders after sitting by your side. "I love you, Y/N."
Your hearts were set ablaze by the northern lights dancing silently above your heads.
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ivarandersen · 27 days
I’ve started watching Vikings again! And getting the inspo to write that fic I started like… 5? 6 years ago? … You know, back when I had free time and I didn’t have to pay for health insurance T_T
(All my old tags are still queued up and ready post so that makes life easy lmaooooo>
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ivarsrideordie · 8 months
Can I have you?
Here's a little something that popped into my head a few days ago and It wouldn't leave. I decided I should probably just write it down instead of fighting it.
It's not very long. Probably around 300 words or less. It was something vivid that happened one night. So, yeah. Enjoy.
So anyway, here it is. IYKYK.
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His soft lips caress yours. He gently licks at your lips. The hunger inside you grows. You want him. You need him now. His thick fingers entangle in your hair. He gently pulls, causing you to quietly moan. He takes advantage of your slightly open mouth and probes your lips. His tongue finds yours. His free hand pulls you closer into him. His hand slides to your bottom and squeezes. You moan again as you dig your fingernails into his shoulder blades and down his back. He hisses in pleasure.
He breaks the kiss.
“I love you.” He breathlessly whispers.
“I love you.” You lick your lips and slightly smile.
“So, should we maybe move to somewhere more private?” He says with a smirk.
You look around the room. Slowly, the room fades away.
“Wait! Can I have you?” You say quickly.
“You can have me. You can have all of me.” He smiled with that big cheesy grin you first fell in love with.
Tears fill your eyes. You know what’s coming. You know the coming pain that is about to happen. Tears roll down your cheeks.
He wipes away your tears with his thumb.
“Hey, hey, hey! What’s wrong? Talk to me.” His voice begins to fade.
The room grows so white you can no longer see.
“No, no!” You sob.
You open your eyes. Your vision is blurry from the tears.
You still hear his words echoing in your ear.
“I love you.”
You bury your face in your pillow. You allow yourself time to cry, scream, sob uncontrollably as the pillow soaks up your tears.
That’s it. He’s gone. He’s always gone. He will always be gone.
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If u know/have a blog about Alex Høgh Andersen pls let me know I really want more content of him in my dash! I would like that:
It doesn't talk about his private life
Don't start making PR comments or conspiracy theories about is relationships.
It must respect his life and choices. Thanks! ^^
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double show! And thoughts...on "insufferable fans"
it must be exhausting performing one show a day, but 2? In another city. That's gotta be hard on the body and vocal chords. Nice to see that she's taking the time to relax and decompress. 😊😊 hope she's taking care of her voice too. 😊 that's a lot of singing and dancing!
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Sidenote: I can't believe how ridiculous and rude people are just bc he got a GF. They're actually celebrating his premiere not having many in attendance. They're mocking his social anxiety and have created elaborate irrational theories that he was being inappropriate, or there's tension with a co-star. To me it looked like stage position confusion and just being excited, nervous, and goofy bouncing around. Why even imagine things you just don't know, in an ALWAYS negative way? Or try to see negative things everywhere? Or Create elaborate irrational theories about his friends who all like his GF and why they like/follow her.
There's a difference between regular speculation, like "why did he wear that?" "What movie is he filming, who is he dating etc and harmful speculation, like calling him racist bc people don't see him with non-white friends very often or calling him a creeper bc he took a pic of his GF.
They even say "we all know Alex" has a thing for women with boyfriends. Like where did they reach into their imagination for this knowledge? Lol 😂😂😂😂 there's literally nothing like that at all out there information wise. That we as complete OUTSIDERS would know about based on the limited things we see? Not just someone's imaginings. I mean really attacking his reputation to make him seem bad? Why? Do you think if you spout enough lies about them both their fans will all disappear, his career will vanish, and he'll have learned his lesson? And she will disappear completely into thin air or hide. Even suggesting she'd self harm if they broke up. What lesson do you want him to learn? That he shouldn't have a GF? To not be HAPPY? You want to lie about him (and GF), and call him spineless, creepy, racist, stupid to hurt him socially and professionally? Online stuff can actually hurt his career. And again, I'm inclined to believe them when they say friends first and then lovers.
Seriously there's little doubt in my mind why he liked the comment about "insufferable fans".
Lol his GF can't even post a mild pic relaxing before 2 shows (a partial leg and foot does not a naked picture make unless we are in the Victorian era, and legs on chairs are covered up bc it's lewd) without being accused of a variety of things.
If she really wanted attention she'd do what most people do throw on a bikini and pose endlessly. Do any of these haters look at accounts not related to him? She doesn't even post that much outside of work, selfies/pics with BF every now and again but who doesn't? I do. A few times a week. Lol. A lot of people do. Most actresses do. Even actors do the same. Why is it "bad" only when she does it? Why was it cool for Malte's GF to do a bathtub photo, but not Johanne? Why is there a difference? BC she's moving in with her BF Alex Hogh Andersen. And she's an actress on tv and a huge musical, so it's not like it's not normal for her to post what she does. They have public profiles to maintain in today's world. I'm sure some of it is for fun bc it's her life and she can post what she wants. And to Anyone that wants to show off their body: Go for it! It's your body. Be proud of your body! That's great for those with body confidence. 😊 If she posts him they say she wants attention, even if it's his big night. Technically it's her night too, but she didn't mention that in her post dedicated to him. 😊 If she didn't post him at all they'd say she was mad at the attention being taken from her, or she only posts him if she is there bc she only wants a spotlight on her. They'd say she was unsupportive, selfish and etc. Or she's obsessed bc she posts pics of her own boyfriend and sometimes wears his clothes. They act like they have "evidence" when it's really their own negative imagination in hyperdrive. 😂😂😂😂
Lol They'll attack her no matter what, it's so irrational at this point you just have to laugh. 😂😂😂😂
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(6) Alex Høgh & Milly Alcock.
It's tempting to see your enemies as evil, all of them, but there is good and evil on both sides of every war ever fought.
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haseki-huricihan · 1 year
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alexhandersenblog · 2 months
🚴‍♂️🚴‍♂️🚴‍♂️|| via alexhoeghandersen on instagram
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¿Y qué hago yo ahora con tantos sentimientos?
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vakoss · 1 year
Alex tonight via rikkewesti on Instagram
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shxxgisa · 4 months
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• alex høgh andersen •
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elsyscreation · 6 months
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Alex Høgh Andersen avatars
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ivarsrideordie · 2 years
Usually I just reblog stuff but aye carumba! Muy Caliente!
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