#we could make another exception and have you two in the same dorm
crowleytwstrp · 4 months
,,Headmage Crowley! I wish to request my pa- I mean my twin sister to enroll too due to some troublesome circumstances. She's very much fine with hiding her gender if that's a problem and she likes girls. It's a bit complicated but I can explain."
-Althea (oc. intro for both)
"Well usually we only accept those that have an enrollment letter... but I have been gracious enough in the past to make exception! I don't see why she would need to hide her gender, but if that what she would like to do, then I suppose she can? The staff and I will need to know what pronouns we should address her with due to this. I would like to hear more about these "troublesome circumstances" so I may make a more informed decision on whether I let her join our fine institution or not.
"I'd like to meet her too when we discuss this if possible! Let me know when would be the best time for us to meet. As for the liking girls part... I'm not sure what that has to do with anything? Night Raven College is a school, not a... what would you kids call it? An otome? It would be improper for staff to help set up any students on any dates."
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Everyone Hates Todo Except You
The best part about Todo is that you don’t have to put yandere in front of him because his normal behavior already screams delusional and obsessive.   You cannot convince me that he doesn’t sniff all your things as soon as you’re not looking.  He’s just so intense.  I love this man, need to catch up on jjk.
~1k words. Thank you to whoever requested this and I hope you enjoy!
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At the Kyoto branch, nobody really bothers sticking their nose in Todo’s business.  But when there’s an enormous mound of trash bags outside his room that just keeps getting bigger, concerning glances and eyebrow raises no longer cut it.  Normally his antics earn a side eye or two, but lately it’s been a little much, even for him.  At the breakfast table the next day, the girls decide to draw straws to see who has to tell him to move his shit.
“It’s not fair!  Why do I have to do it?”  Miwa groans, cursing her bad luck for the thousandth time.  
“It is fair, you just happened to draw the short straw now go deal with it!  We'll back you up.”  Mai grins, knowing full well she rigged it.
Kasumi Miwa would rather be doing literally anything else at this moment.  She timidly knocks on the door, and says, “Todo?  Could you move all this stuff please?  You’re starting to block the hallway.”
“Yeah I’ll get to it whenever I get the rest of this junk cleaned up.  Don’t worry there’s no food waste so there shouldn’t be any smell.”
“B-but Todo…. It's been almost a week now…”  The only response was the muted sound of shuffling.
Miwa looks back in defeat at her so-called “back up” as they peek from behind the corner.  Their best bet now is to get one of the boys to convince him.  And if they fail it’s straight to Utahime-sensei.  
Todo looks at his room, emptier than it’s ever been.  He knew this was the likeliest outcome.  Takada-chan was a beloved idol, and even if she liked him back (which he thought she might have at some point) there was no way she could be with him.  He knew, but it doesn't mean it hurt any less.  There were years of carefully collected merch, thousands of dollars being stuffed into trash bags to be thrown away.  But instead of the despair he carefully denied for years, he didn’t feel any loss throwing away all the autographed posters and pictures.  No, he had something much better now, someone who could actually be with him in this wretched, boring world.  He had his wonderful, gorgeous, beautiful, perfect in every way girlfriend.  And while you weren’t aware that you were destined to be with him yet, he would make sure you’d know soon.  As soon as he finished purging his space of Takada-chan (it wouldn’t do to have pictures of an old flame) he’d confess.  
A few days later he was tying up the last trash bag, ready to enact his plan.  He asked you to meet him under the largest tree in the forest on the edge of the training field.  Several hypothetical scenarios floated through his mind, and he focused on the one where you’d enthusiastically said you loved him back and then he married you and had many children.  As he neared the confession site, Todo felt yet another arrow go through his heart as you came into view.  I’ll never get tired of seeing her.
“Todo, is everything okay?  What’s up?”  A shiver ran down Todo’s spine, goosebumps rising.  God, even your voice was perfect.
“I love you.  Promise me, y/n.  That we’ll spend the rest of our lives together.”  He got down on one knee like a proposal, looking up at you like a devout follower.
“Todo… I don’t know about the rest of our lives but why don’t we start with a date?  I like you too.”  While you were a bit taken aback by his forwardness, you brush it off as Todo being Todo.  You never disliked his honesty and unabashedness.
“My girlfriend!! I knew you felt the same!”  A single tear ran down Todo’s face.   
Back to the dorms, it wasn’t long before everyone found out and congregated at your room to badger you with questions.  
“Ugh that gorilla?  You guys are dating now?”  Nishimiya asked, firmly believing Todo to be an improper and inadequate boyfriend.  
“I thought he only had eyes for that idol Takado or whatever,” Miwa chimes.
“It’s Takada,” Mai corrects, not able to make eye contact with Nishimiya’s suspicious glance in her direction. 
“We’re dating now!  He just asked me out, and he’s really good to me.” you reply, thinking of how Todo insisted on carrying you back to the dorms, gently setting you down before running off saying he needed to ‘prepare’.  
“You can do way better than Todo, trust us.” The girls all nod in agreement.  However, Todo is outside your room balancing a tray of perfectly cooked lunch and a cold pitcher of water.  
“What are you guys talking about?”  he knows already, but wants to hear them say it to his face.  
“How y/n is too good for the likes of you.”  Mai minces no words for Todo.  With the uncomfortable tension rising, the Kyoto girls hastily make an exit.  
“My love, I made lunch for us.  I know I am not handsome, or come from wealth and a good sorcerer family like some of our classmates.  But I will be devoted.  I will never stray from you, I’d die if you asked me to.”  he says, as he sets the meal on your small desk, pulling out utensils and napkins.  His normal confidence seems to waver a bit, and it seems that not even Todo is immune to worrying about what other people think of him.  
“Todo, don’t worry about what they say and please don’t say you’ll die for me.  I like you a lot, I wouldn’t have accepted your confession if I didn’t.  I also think you’re quite handsome.”  
“You love me back?”  he whispers, kneeling at the edge of your bed, looking up at you.  While it’s a bit too early to tell, Todo’s hopeful, reverent look has you obliging him. 
“I do love you back.”  He embraces you, and you can hear his heartbeat in his bare chest.  It feels good to be loved so wholeheartedly, and you’ll give him all the love you have to repay him.  
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gojonanami · 6 months
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✴︎ summary: suguru's popularity is truly a curse, especially when he gets hit on right in front of you. luckily, you both know how to handle those situations. aka i heard this scene from 'no hard feelings' and i had to write a fic about it. ✴︎ contents:: jealousy, crack, fluff, humor, made-up girl from suguru's middle school before he came to jjt, naoya mention ✴ wc: 788
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With the two princes of Jujutsu High, it was unfortunate that you had to date the more popular one. 
And no, it wasn’t Satoru. 
Suguru Geto is the more popular one — probably because of his manners, compared to Satoru’s…bluntness. It didn’t hurt that he was polite, a prodigy, and a perfect prince. And how could you complain? 
Except at moments like this you did. 
It was supposed to be a simple mission. And it was. Two grade A curses the two of you exorcise with ease, and now you had one more night to spend at the hotel Jujutsu High had kindly booked — some of the only real alone time two of you rarely had — without Satoru bursting into either one of your dorms (whether the door was locked or not). 
“Finally a date, a real date,” you sigh, walking hand in hand with him, “should we commemorate with a picture?” 
He smiles, rolling his eyes, “I left my phone at the hotel — I didn’t want any interruptions,” and you grin, as he leans in, breath warming your lips like an invitation, “just you and me, Princess,” 
“I like the sound of that,” you murmur — how was it he still could make your heart skip a beat like that? — utterly unfair. And your lips nearly brush when a voice interrupts you. 
“Geto?” Your heads snap over, as the two of you untangle yourselves. A girl in an unfamiliar high school uniform walks over, “it’s you, how are you?” Her lips are curled too widely, her eyes too eager, and her body language completely ignoring your presence. 
Oh, what the f- 
“Fumi?” He asks, lips in that same smile he gave everyone, the painted polite grin he plastered on, “it’s been a long time,” 
“It has. I heard you are going to a school in Tokyo now,” she smiles, “I stay in Tokyo with my family sometimes, we should meet up. I can you give my number,” 
Suguru opens his mouth to reply, but you cut in, a tight lipped smile on your face, “He doesn’t have his phone, so…” you reply, and she acknowledges your existence for a moment, gaze finally sliding to you. 
“Oh, then maybe I can give you my number and you can send it to him,” she offers, and you tilt your head. 
“No need,” and you can see Suguru glance between the two of you, his hands in his pocket. 
“Can’t hurt,” she flutters her eyelashes at Suguru, pouting, and you wonder if she would count as another curse you could exorcise. Although surely a fly head was more trouble than she would be. 
“Might hurt,” and Suguru’s arm snakes around your waist, physically reigning you in. 
“Me and my girlfriend actually have to get back to school, but it was nice to see you again, Fumi,” and he’s scrawling a number down, “here’s my number,” he waves, before ushering you off. She tries to stop you two, to no avail, as Suguru uses a small curse to draw her attention away for a moment before recalling it. 
“Was that necessary?” 
“Well I think using a cursed spirit was preferable to you beating her with your cursed tool, wouldn’t you agree?” he scoffs, but he can’t keep his lips from curling into a smile, “I didn’t really give her my number,” 
“I know,” you were irritated - not stupid. You knew Suguru wouldn’t cheat on you, but you hear a noise escape his throat — and you know he’s laughing. 
And it looks could kill, he would have been as dead as those curses from earlier, “you find this funny, don’t you?” 
“You getting jealous of some girl I barely knew from middle school? Yes, I do,” he snorts, mirth in his tone, “but I could go back and give her my real number if you want,” 
“Do that, and you won’t have to worry Fumi getting hurt, because she won’t be the one getting their ass kicked,” and he laughs, pressing a kiss to your forehead, before his lips find yours — and you can feel him smile against your lips, “it’s really annoying that all these people flirt with you, but I guess it’s only because my boyfriend’s hot,” 
“Got a catch didn’t you?” he hums, pressing another kiss to your lips. 
“Lucky me,” you mumble, sarcasm heavy on your tongue, and he’s kissing you more insistently, showering your face with kisses until you smile, pushing him off, giggling, “ok, ok! I’m lucky,” you sigh, burying your face in the crook of his neck again as the two of you walk, “whose number did you give her anyway? Satoru?” 
“No, Naoya,” and you snort, pressing a kiss to your devious boyfriend’s cheek. 
“Poor girl.” 
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✴︎ a/n: i watched no hard feelings last night and i couldn't get this idea out of my head. i was gonna write it with gojo, but i remembered how gege said geto was more popular so :)
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I don't know you anymore (maybe I never really did)
let me wrap my teeth around the world - series masterlist here
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pairing: poly marauders x reader (gender neutral)
length: 1.7k
genre: fluff, angst (happy ending to come)
warnings: slytherin reader, some serious emotional dodging and avoidance but you know me it all ends up ok, peter is your bestie and that's just the way it is sorry, no happy ending YET but I promise it's coming this is not a tragedy
a/n: happy ending next week I love y'all too much to leave you with heartache
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"Sorry, love," Remus begins to bend down, hand reaching to pick up the book you'd dropped when the two of you collided in the library, but you quickly shoot your own hand out to snatch it up first. "What are you doing here this late?"
"Getting a book," you say plainly. Remus's brows furrow slightly, his eyes drifting over your figure as if to somehow see why you're acting so strangely.
"Alright, dove. We're all planning on studying pretty late tonight - you're welcome to join us. We can always sneak you back down to the dungeons whenever you're ready to call it a night." Remus is quiet when he talks, that soothing, soft air he has about him making your shoulders drop as you lean against the bookshelf next to you.
"As if I can't sneak myself around the castle without your help," you bite back playfully. A smile twitches across Remus's lips as he thinks, just for a moment, that you're back, that you'll follow him up to his common room and spend the night laying on a couch with him, your legs slung over James's lap while you throw wads of paper at Sirius's head. His heart thumps a little painfully when he realizes that he can't remember the last time you've done that with them - he can't remember the last time you've hung out with them at all. 
It's as if you remember that fact at the same time he does, as the faint smile slips off your face and you straighten. "I can't tonight," you say kindly. "But thank you." Remus blinks as you begin to move past him, your polite voice ringing through his head. Like we're strangers, he thinks weakly. Except you're not even that nice to strangers.
Remus is busy slouching against the nearest bookshelf and wondering what they possibly could have done to make you avoid them so desperately but so kindly when he hears you let out another sigh from where you've walked past him.
"Wow," Sirius drawls as Remus turns to see him and James standing in front of you and you pointedly looking past them, like you're a trapped animal searching for the nearest escape route. "I'd almost forgotten you go here still." Your gaze snaps to Sirius and you narrow your eyes at him.
"It's good to see you," James interjects, seeing the two of you size each other up and eager to avoid a showdown between you and Sirius. "How have you been, love?"
"You see me in class almost every day," you snipe back at Sirius before turning to James. "I've been busy, and I still am now so - if you'll excuse me." With that, you slip between the two of them, exiting the library swiftly. Remus sighs and Sirius scowls at the now empty doorway, James opting to look down at the floor, staring dejectedly like a kicked puppy. No doubt you're holing up down in the Slytherin dorms all night now - as far away as you can get from them. Sirius smoothes a hand over James's unruly curls as Remus squeezes his shoulder comfortingly.
"We'll figure this out," he says gently, and as Sirius looks at him, he begs himself to believe it.
"You lost, Pete?" You don't look up from your book as Peter plants himself in the seat opposite you, frowning at you.
"Like we've never had breakfast together before," he huffs back, and you can't stop the smile that flits across your lips at the confidence that he's so clearly been nurturing. You close your book with a thump and place your chin in your hand, staring at him and waiting for him to continue. "Half the time, you're at the Gryffindor table. It can't be so different for me to come over here."
"Hm, maybe it's not," you shrug, picking your book back up to toss it across the table at him. "Read the back of that. You can borrow it when I'm done - I think you'll like it." Peter picks it up tentatively and gets about halfway through the synopsis before he's dropping it back on the table and crossing his arms.
"You're making them miserable," he says bluntly. You pout in a mocking sort of manner, but Peter's frown tells you that he doesn't believe you're as heartless as you typically let on.
"I thought you just came here to have breakfast with me," you switch tactics. 
"Tell me what's going on with you," he pushes. You straighten up in your seat.
"Why don't you just ask them?"
"I have - they don't know. Every time they try to talk to you about it, you find some reason to run away."
"Would you like to see that first hand?" 
"You can't run away from me. I'll cry," Peter insists. You sniff indignantly, mostly because you know he's right. The two of you stare at each other for a long time, and it's to your surprise that he doesn't waver. Your heart does something strange in your chest when you realize that his determination may be because this is more serious than you'd thought - you're hurting them more than you thought.
"They need to get over me, Pete," you say quietly.
"Why?" He presses.
"Because if they don't then this gets messy. None of us want that," you insist. Peter softens a bit, looking sympathetic.
"It's already messy." The bite has left Peter's voice as he reaches to pat your arm across the table. You look at his hand pointedly and he's reminded swiftly that anyone else who reached out to console you like that would get a smack from you. He smiles as he thinks of the kindness that lives in you that you seem to be blind to.
"I'll talk to them," you sigh, leaning forward to let your head thump down onto the table. Peter pats the top of your head gently and, for that, he does get a smack.
"James," your voice makes him stumble to a stop, whipping around to look at you so fast that you nearly run into him, sidestepping him at the last minute as he looks at you, bewildered.
"Are you talking to me?" He asks, confusion and surprise making his voice thick. Something painful twinges in your chest at his shock. Of course I am, you want to say. Who else would I ever want to talk to?
"Yes," is all you end up saying. James shifts on his feet and looks at you a little wearily.
"Are you ok?" He asks and a breath leaves your lungs quickly. 
"I'd like to talk to you… if you have a moment?" James looks at you strangely, but he just nods and leads you out of the hall to the quiet courtyard. There's no, of course I have time for you, pretty thing. I always have time for you. It's just James, stiff and silent and hurting… because of you.
"Peter says I'm making you all miserable," you say bluntly, regret immediately seeping into you at the way James flinches, sitting on the bench in front of you slowly. You stay standing in front of him, looking down at the way he runs a hand through his curls.
"It's just," he begins, looking around as if to find the answer somewhere, or maybe just to find some way of getting away from you. "If we knew what we'd done to upset you then maybe we could make it better. You're just freezing us out, lovely, and that means we can't fix… whatever it is that's happened."
"It's not…" Now it's your turn to look around vaguely, wishing you could get out from under his sharp gaze. "It's not anything you've done. It's just - it's the way things go sometimes. It's ok, James, you just have to move on." But James's face hardens at that, a sternness you're not used to overtaking his features as he stands so that he can look you eye to eye. You have to tilt your head back to look up at him.
"That's what you want us to do? Just… move on? Forget about you? Pretend we were never friends?" The sombre tone in his voice doesn't suit him, and neither does the timid hurt in yours.
"Are we friends, James? Is that what we all are?" James blinks at that, taking a step back and sitting back down onto the bench rather abruptly. When he looks up at you this time, there's something akin to remorse swimming in his eyes.
"Is that what it is, lo-" the pet name dies on his tongue as he presses his lips together firmly. "I'm sorry. I thought - we all thought that you felt the same way about us that we do about you. We thought… we thought we were all more than friends with you and that you… I'm sorry. We never dreamt of making you uncomfortable." You scoff at his words, shaking your head fondly and toeing at the dirt by his feet with your shoe.
"Uncomfortable?" You say disbelievingly. "Please - you three are the biggest gentlemen I've ever met. I don't think you could make me uncomfortable if you tried." James's shoulders sag in relief, but the look he gives you is still that of a lost, confused puppy. You look past him to see a group of students hurrying to their next class and open your mouth to remind James that the two of you also are officially late, but he speaks before you can.
"Then what is it? Please, just… what did we do?"
"It's like I said, James… it's just a bad idea. It's wrong and I can't do this. I… we have to get to class."
But James doesn't go to class that day. He sits on that bench, staring at the place you'd been standing in, until Remus and Sirius find him that evening. And as the two of them tug him up and inside, all he can think of is how they really have lost you.
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welldonebeca · 5 months
Glitter and Goo (II)
Summary: When you have to go on a mission to a different planet together, Bucky is hit by a mating ritual flower, and some feelings you two have been hiding come up. AKA: It’s a sex pollen fic with a side of breeding kink. WC: 1.8k words Warnings: Romantic tension. Fluff. Dirty talking. Sex promises.
If you like my work, consider buying me a coffee or subscribing to my Patreon. It’s just $2 a month and I promise you won’t regret it.
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You fixed yourself dinner, lemonade forgotten, barely processing the taste of the food as you watched the way in front of you.
Space was beautiful. It was so strange to see those stars so clearly.
Yet, it was so scary sometimes.
You got something ready for Bucky too, saving it for when he'd wake up, putting some music on before moving off to work on the research of the element already.
It was maybe two or three hours later that the sound of a phone call got your attention.
"FRIDAY, pick up," you asked.
The sound stopped for a moment, and you took your gloves off.
"Doctor Sparkles," Tony greeted. "Got time to talk?"
You scoffed at the silly nickname.
"What's up?"
"That sparkly thing you sent over," he told you. "Thor said it's pollen."
You rolled your eyes.
"No shit, Sherlock," you shifted to the other side, where you'd been working on the pollen. "I gave it a look under the microscope, but I'm not exactly good at alien biology."
It just looked sparkly. Sparkly pollen, that was it.
"Anything on the goo?" you asked him. "It dried really fast, I didn't have time to take a second sample to look into it myself."
Maybe you could cut some of the fabric of Bucky's clothes. Even if it had dried, it could have left something there.
"We got someone smart looking into the one too," he told you. "Are they from the same plant?"
"Yep," you crossed your arms. "A flower exploded on Bucky. He got really grumpy about it."
There was silence on the other side.
"It exploded?" Tony asked. "Like... what?"
You rolled your eyes.
"Like a flower explosion, Tony," you told him. "What else can it mean?"
More silence.
"I gotta check something," he decided. "Are you going anywhere?"
"Yeah, I was thinking about visiting Pluto," you sassed back. "I heard it is really pretty this time of the year."
A sound caught your attention for a moment, and you looked in the direction of the dorm.
Had Bucky woken up.
"It's not worth it," Tony told you. "I'll be back in a minute."
He hung up, leaving you to scoff. It wasn't like you had anything else to do, anyway.
"Ma'am?" FRIDAY called. "Agent Barnes is behaving strangely."
That made you stiffen up.
"Define strangely?"
The damn pollen.
You pulled up a tranquillizer from the side of your table.
If it had made him violent, it was best not to even get close to him.
"He has broken his bed, ma'am," the system told you. "And... I believe he's trying to copulate with your pillow."
He was...
"What?" you shouted back. "What do you mean, he's trying-"
But another call came through again.
"It's Tony, ma'am," it told you.
You grunted, covering your face with a hand.
"Pick it up," you cocked the tranquilliser. "Tony, tell me you have good news, because I think I have a problem."
"I do," he told you. "And it isn't venomous."
You sighed. Good, at least that.
"The flower that Bucky might have encountered is part of the mating rituals of-"
"Quick answer," you interrupted him, worry already filling you. "I don't have time for the sociology lesson."
He snorted a bit.
"It's a sex flower," he told you. "It makes you horny for your mate and facilitate reproduction of a highly infertile-"
You blinked, shocked.
"Wait, it's a sex pollen?" you asked. "Tony, this isn't funny!"
Where had he gotten that explanation from? Someone's fanfiction story?!
But he laughed on the other side.
"Except that it is!" he corrected you. "It enhances romantic and sexual attraction towards one's mate-"
Was he talking about animals?
"It is actually highly sought after by some Asgardians struggling with their fertility," Thor spoke on the other side. "It quickens up the production of eggs and sperm to ensure reproduction."
You had to pinch yourself to react, still shocked.
What the fuck?
"And how does that affect humans?" you asked.
You were met by a bit of a hum.
"We don't have many answers on that," Tony answered at last. "But probably the same as Asgardians?"
"If so, there's nothing to worry about," Thor assured you, not sounding worried at all. "It only hits those who are actively around their partners."
You glanced back at the dorm. Well, that didn't sound very right.
"Partners?" you asked. "Like boyfriends and girlfriends? Wives, husbands, spouses...?"
He confirmed with a hum.
"Yeah. People who we have strong romantic and sexual feelings for, a bit more than just passion," he told you. "Bucky will be just fine."
"Ma'am," FRIDAY called. "Agent Barnes has dented the wall with a punch. I believe the door can only resist another five of those before breaking, unless you activate quarantine mode."
That didn't seem to go over Tony.
"Wait, what?" he asked. "Why is he punching the ship?"
You stood up quickly.
"I gotta go check on him," you decided. "Thor, is there a chance he... might..."
Hurt you.
His voice was tainted with worry when he answered.
"Violence is unlikely," he told you. "Unless you try to keep someone away from their mate."
You exhaled slowly, trying to calm your racing heart.
Holy shit.
"Okay," you spoke slowly. "I'll call you back if I need anything else."
"Wait, what?" Tony gasped back. "Where are you going?"
But you pressed the screen near your station, hanging up.
You could hear grunts when you walked near the dorm and jumped in shock when you heard Bucky's fist against the door again.
"James!" you shouted. "What are you doing?"
He stopped.
"Y/N?" Bucky called suddenly, half whimpering. "Where are you?"
You neared the closed door.
"How are you feeling?" you asked, instead. "Are you alright?"
He knocked on the door, a little weaker.
"Please," Bucky begged. "I need you."
You swallowed down, eyeing the door, worried.
Was he going mad with lust?
"Please," he cried.
Heat pooled in your belly, a soft smell making your face warm.
Was that him?
He smelt so good.
"Please?" Bucky insisted.
You stopped your tranquilliser slowly, walking near the door, but when you tried to open it, it was locked.
"FRIDAY," you called. "Open the door."
There was a moment of hesitance.
"Are you sure, doctor?" the system asked. "It's still possible to put Agent Barnes in quarantine. It's only 36 hours until we arrive back home."
You shook your head. No, you wouldn't leave him alone.
"Open the door," you commanded once more. "Don't ask me again."
The sound of the locks moving was loud, and you opened the door slowly when you found it unlocked.
James didn't move when you stepped inside, just far enough from the door that you walked in easily.
His face was so flushed, and he was drenched in sweat.
You reached for him slowly, touching him gently on his cheeks, and he exhaled, looking at you with pleading eyes.
"Where were you?" Bucky panted, sounding so sweet and yet so needy, his hands moving to cover yours. "Where had you gone?"
It broke your heard to hear him like that, so lost. You had left alone!
He watched you with his bright blue eyes so soft, and it was as if he hadn't been slamming the door moments ago.
"I'm sorry," you caressed his skin. "I was making dinner. Aren't you hungry?"
Bucky shook his head, hand moving down slowly, touching your body gently. First your waist, wrapping his arm around you so slowly that you knew you could step away and stop him any time you wanted.
He put his head in your neck, sniffing you, nuzzling into you as if you were the most precious thing he didn't want to let go.
You shivered when you felt him sniffing you, pressing close to you, his body hot.
His big hand travelled down a bit, near your hip.
"Hungry," he mumbled into your neck, licking your skin.
Bucky's fingers searched around your jumpsuit on your back, tugging on your jacket and your utility belt.
"Smell good," he whimpered. "Can smell you..."
You sighed out.
"Smell me?" you squirmed.
You could smell him good. It was so good.
"Smell you wet," Bucky hissed, unhooking your belt and throwing it away. “Smell your skin… wanna bury my head in your tits, find your sweet smell in them.”
You gasped, surprised.
"Bucky! Something could break!"
He tugged on your vest, lips travelling up and down your neck, and if he was that insistent there, you couldn't help imagining what he'd do if he put himself between your legs.
"Want to break you," he took his hands to your belly and pulling on the clasps of your best, nearly breaking them. "Make you mine. No one else will have you."
He wasn't speaking any tense.
Bucky threw it away, grabbing the front zip of your suit and tearing it.
Did he know how hard it was to get a jumpsuit that fit your tits? They were too fucking big for most of them, you had to get a bigger size and adjust the rest of your body!
Still, you couldn’t complain as his big hand pushed into your clothes, grabbing your chest, squeezing your breast over your bra.
"No one else can have you," Bucky babbled. "You're mine."
Bucky took your clothes off so quickly you barely saw it, and he picked you up, laying you on the bed.
For a moment, you thought he would take you just like that, but he took off his clothes before moving and kneeling in front of the bed, looking at your face with such a soft pleading look on his face.
"Please?" he whispered. "Can I have you? Please?"
You swallowed down, leaning onto your elbows.
His mattress was practically on the floor, the legs broken, and it would be so easy for him to just crawl to you.
"Want to give you my babies," Bucky pleaded with you. "Want to be yours, please."
You swallowed down, breathing in deep. Oh, how good he smelt. You had to fight yourself not to bury your face into his neck and sniff him.
The flower... it had to do with mating rituals, wasn't it?
"What are you going to do?" you asked him.
Bucky swallowed down.
"I want to make you feel good," he promised. "I'll treasure you, I'll never let you go."
You pressed your thighs together, a bit warm between them.
His fingers clenched by his sides.
"I'll fill you up," Bucky promised. "You're so empty, aren't you? I'll give you everything!"
You swallowed down again, feeling your pussy clenching at the idea.
His babies. He was going to give you his babies, right?
Your eyes travelled down his body to his cock, and it was so hard. There was so much precum.
Oh, he was going to fill you up, right?! Give you his cum!
Bucky was going to breed you.
You nodded, sitting up.
"Please," you tried to grab his hand. "Please, Bucky."
“Glitter and Goo” was first posted on my Patreon on April 2023. To read it now, subscribe to my page, it’s just $2 a month and I post 6x a week.
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Forever Tags: @emoryhemsworth​​ @amythyststorm33​​ @shaelyn102 @yknott81​​ ​​@maximofftrash​​ @kgbrenner​​ @thefridgeismybestie @magpiegirl80​ @mogaruke ​ @shadowhunter7​​ @musicalcoffeebean @megasimpleplan4ever​​ @deemoriarty​​ @05spn18​​ @malindacath @kdcollinsauthor​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112​​ @widowsfics @frozenhuntress67​​ @averyrogers83​​ @notyourtypicalrose @nerdypinupcrystal @giruvega Marvel forever tags: @its-daydreamer23​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112 @tayrae515imagines @indecisiondecisions? @afanofmanystuffs​​? @patzammit​​? @thevanishedillusion? @widowsfics​​? @alexisshoto ​​ @dreams-of-feysand ​@dragonqueen0606 @izbelross @isabelle-faith
Glitter and Goo: @art2emily
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g1rld1ary · 2 months
omg hiiiiii! just saw your requests opened, so excited! i was hoping you could write something for lockwood with the enemies to lovers trope. anything you feel like with that is awesome! and ofc if you don’t want to feel free to not write it 🩷🩷
what once was ; anthony lockwood x reader
➻ synopsis: you and lockwood hated each other, you had since you were just starting out as agents. when your team is made to work with his on a big case, deeper feelings might just get revealed
➻ word count: 10K (exactly, what are the chances?)
➻ warnings: swearing, mentions of kissing, angst maybe?, injuries
➻ thank u so much for this request lovely!!!! i am SO sorry this took almost a month, but it's the longest fic I've ever posted here so hopefully that makes up for it a little?? if this isn't what u had in mind pls let me know and I'd be happy to write something different! ik it might not be exactly enemies to lovers but I hateee when the dynamic has no respect or reason to be lovers. anyway thank u for the request lolol!!!! xxxxx
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You thought you were a good person. You dedicated your life to fighting ghosts, you helped old ladies cross the street, you recycled when you could. That was enough to be considered a good person, right? You were almost totally convinced, except for the all the vile things you had to say about Anthony Lockwood.
He was, with no exaggeration, the bane of your existence. You had known him all your life, but hadn’t been friends with him since you were both twelve, just beginner agents. And yet, despite all of this hatred burning up within you, it seemed like the universe wouldn’t give you a moment of peace.
You understood running into his company every once in a while — agency events, maybe the occasional case, but lately it seemed like it was every week you had to face Lockwood’s nauseating grin and infuriating attempts at being charming. Whether it was your respective teams being sent on overlapping missions, picking up more supplies or just trying to pick up a coffee after a draining night, you had started to see Lockwood everywhere.
When you saw him again whilst you were picking up some doughnuts for your team you couldn’t help yourself snapping at him.
“God, are you obsessed with me or something, Anthony?” You barely spared him a glance as you finished the transaction with the cashier, quietly thanking him as you left. Lockwood did the same, practically throwing down his cash to catch up to you.
“You wish I was obsessed with you! I am just as unhappy as you are, trust me.”
“So what, you chased after me just say something we both already knew? Or do you have something you’d like to say, an apology perhaps?” You chanced a look in his eyes. Hurt flashed through them, and you felt a sick sense of satisfaction.
“I’ve told you before and I’ll tell you again, I don’t know what you’re talking about!” He cried, almost dropping his own box of pastries when he ran a hand through his hair in frustration. You didn’t try to hide the rolling of your eyes.
“Whatever,” You huffed, before being struck with an idea. “By the way, did you hear that I’m now a team leader? That makes me the youngest in at least ten years — maybe ever. Pretty good for someone not fit to be an agent, don’t you think?” You feigned an interest in his opinion. His face dropped for a moment, then contorted to become almost polite.
“That was never—” You interrupted him with another sigh.
“Anthony, I really don’t care to listen to you discredit my achievements anymore.” You left him on the side of the street, marching back to your dorm at Fittes. You didn’t need to hear him tear you down and ruin your self-confidence more than he already had — not that you would ever tell him that. Lockwood was similarly disgruntled. Every interaction between you two turned into a fight regardless of what he said; he just couldn’t win.
You had a week of blissful distance from Lockwood and Co before you ran into them, quite unfortunately. You and your team had been assigned to an apartment that allegedly housed a few Type Ones, nothing serious but the residents had complained of hearing noises at odd hours. You held a bit of doubt — living in the dorms had forced you to become accustomed to the most bizarre noises at night, and those were most definitely not ghosts. Plus, adults tended to be paranoid; the noise could be anything from rodents to their little children being awake in the early hours of the morning.
Still, you had a job to complete, so you trudged your small team up to the apartment in question, ready for a quick job and to be cozy in bed before midnight. When Lockwood and Co were standing outside the apartment next to your appointed one, your face dropped into a scowl.
“What are you doing here?” You snapped, talking directly to Lockwood. He hesitated for a moment before turning to face you, brilliant smile shining.
“Lovely to see you again too, sweetheart, we’re actually here on a job? Nice of you to come as our clean-up crew, but that really won’t be necessary. Run along now.” You had to hand it to him, Lockwood had perfected his condescending tone. You were going to respond when the girl behind him began to talk.
“Hey, I recognise you! You’re—” Lockwood cut her off quickly.
“Alright, Luce, I think it’s time we go inside, don’t you?” He was shepherding the girl through the apartment door before you could process what was happening. George, to his credit, looked highly amused at the whole thing. You always liked George, even when he was at Fittes, and seeing him was usually the only upside to your interactions with Lockwood and Co.
“Who’s the girl?” You asked, nodding your head to where she and Lockwood had disappeared to.
“Lucy Carlyle,” He answered, “She’s a Listener — still learning the ropes.”
“And she knows me how?” George just smiled, and you could tell he was keeping secrets.
“I’m sure you’ll find out one day.” He began to follow the rest of his coworkers and you pouted.
“I hate when you side with him!” You called after him, before composing yourself and directing your own team to start the night. They just went along with it, used to your behaviour, and set up your equipment for the mission.
It was not going well. You could all feel a supernatural presence, but no ghosts and no signs of what you’d thought might’ve been the source. Plus, all you could hear was the apartment next door — their stompy footsteps, their laughter over the tea you knew they always had, and one of them wouldn’t stop knocking on the fucking wall.
It was supremely childish, and you would put all of your bets on it being Lockwood trying to throw you off your game. Unfortunately, it was working. And your bad mood was spreading to your teammates. The mission was certainly not going well, all four of you picking fights and throwing digs at each other as you searched uselessly for what could possible be the source, all with no confirmed supernatural presence.
Just as you were about to say something really cruel to your favourite member of your team, the words died in your throat. The temperature rose a few degrees, and you could practically see all your negative thoughts floating away. By the looks of it, your teammates all felt it too. When the freezing shock of the change wore off, you all resigned to embarrassment, realising exactly what had just happened.
This was only furthered when Lockwood waltzed into the apartment, cocky grin practically blinding you.
“Guess that another successful mission for Lockwood and Co now includes saving the careers of egotistical Fittes agents too now,” He crowed, and you rolled your eyes so hard you thought they might disconnect from your face.
“Clearly,” You tried to keep your tone level, “The source wasn’t in this apartment, so we couldn’t have found it regardless of if you were here.”
“Plus they were just Type Ones. You didn’t save any lives, Lockwood,” Your best friend, Sarah, piped up and you smirked.
“Maybe not in the physical sense,” He conceded, “But I definitely saved the career of the ‘youngest ever team leader’ — don’t think you would’ve kept the position for very long if you couldn’t fight a simple Type One.” You turned red in humiliation. How dare Lockwood act so high and mighty, like you owed him the career you fought so hard for? You wanted to express all the seething fury that burned your tongue, but the only thing that came out was a vicious declaration.
“I hate you, Anthony Lockwood.” Lockwood at least had the decency to look somewhat hurt. Although you’d been arguing for years with the insults only getting meaner as you both grew up and developed more precise vocabularies, neither of you had ever vocalised any hatred before. It cut deeper than Lockwood thought it would. You didn’t wait to observe the intricacies of his reaction, storming out of the apartment, making sure your kit bag hit him heavily as you passed.
“Well,” Lockwood broke the awkward silence that fell over the apartment, “I think we’re all done for the night. Let’s go.” Lockwood and Co began packing up their kit bags and gear, Lucy sweeping some leftover magnesium dust under an armchair. Lockwood paused in the doorway, looking back to Sarah with a curious softness.
“Make sure she’s alright, yeah?” Sarah nodded, swallowing a curious look. With a final nod he was gone, leaving the rest of your team to wonder what had just happened to shift the dynamic.
Back in your dorm at Fittes, you were still fired up. Pissed off by Lockwood’s ego, his audacity, you had practically already paced a hole in the floor upon your short return from dinner. All of these years and he still didn’t believe you were a capable agent, let alone team leader! You may not have really hated him; it was hard to truly hate someone who you shared so much history with, but you were glad you said it. Glad you hurt him, even a little. Maybe then he’d know how you felt.
He had — probably unwittingly — saved you arse though. It was one of your very first missions and unfortunately Lockwood was right; a team leader who couldn’t defeat a simple Type One, or realise that their case was a goose chase in the wrong apartment, wouldn’t last. So although he was the one who had told you you couldn’t be an agent in the first place, you probably owed your current position to him, which only mad you more mad. It was an endless cycle of being angry at Anthony Lockwood.
When Sarah came in to sit on your bed, you still weren’t done, taking the opportunity to verbalise your stream of thought.
“He is simply the worst person in the whole world and has no respect for me! I mean, he wouldn’t have helped at all if it didn’t serve his own inflated ego ,” You said, throwing your hands in the air in anguish. Sarah simply watched, barely concealing her amusement.
“Ok, but have you considered maybe he just argues back because you hate him? I mean, where did it start?” You huffed, vaulting yourself back onto your mattress.
“When we were twelve years old, he told me I couldn’t be an agent. I said ‘fuck you’ and have worked my bloody arse off to be one despite it, and to become the youngest team leader at Fittes, and yet every time I see him he still tries to sabotage my career or make me look stupid! God, he drives me up the wall!”
“So you’ve said all these horrid things because he didn’t believe in you?” She laughed a little, eliciting a deep frown from you.
“You don’t get it,” You said, tone solemn, “He was my best friend. He was supposed to believe in me even when everyone else said it was dumb.” The dampened mood brought a premature end to your conversation, Sarah leaving you to your thoughts and feelings as you dwelled on the past in a way you would usually forbid yourself from.
You pulled a framed photo out from behind your stack of books on the shelf. You and Lockwood as children, smiling brightly on a day at the beach, a spade in your hand and a bucket in his, your free ones intertwined as kids often do. You didn’t know why you’d kept it after all these years, looking at any photo of Lockwood typically made you mad, but you felt a bit guilty discarding the keepsake, especially the handmade frame his parents had given you one birthday before they passed. Plus, the memory untouched was one of your favourites — one of the last of your carefree days in childhood when you and Lockwood were best friends and both your families were whole. You held it softly for a moment, indulging yourself in being swept away by memories before deciding enough was enough and returning to the present, distracting yourself with a novel you’d picked up.
You were given a few weeks to cool down, blissfully free from any trace of Lockwood. You thought he must’ve been aware of the heightened tension between you recently, since you’d seen Lucy shopping around Arif’s and ran into George whilst getting your usual Friday night takeaway.
Hearing your name being called from around the corner of an aisle you turned quickly, reflexes on edge. Seeing it was just the redhead you relaxed, making yourself smile.
“Oh, hi, Lucy. How are you?” You made polite conversation, continuing on with your shopping. She replied cordially, a vague awkward air between you that you were both trying your best to overcome.
“We’re all really sorry about the case the other day, by the way. We didn’t mean to take it over or jeopardise your job or anything.”
“It’s nothing,” You assured, “I shouldn’t have let my emotions get the best of me, every agent knows that.”
“Yeah, but if Lockwood hadn’t—”
“Lucy,” You interrupted, “You don’t need to condemn Lockwood, or defend him. We both know where we stand with each other and that’s ok. I hope that doesn’t stop us from being friends either; you’re sweet.” Lucy managed a smile, revealing a pretty sparkle in her eye.
“I’d like to be friends too. Maybe we just won’t tell him,” She giggled, and you nodded gravely.
“Sounds like a plan.” You left Arif’s with a bag full of groceries and plan for coffee sometime.
George was less forgiving than Lucy. As you bickered over who got the last can of Coke in the restaurant’s little fridge, he imparted some of his very much unwanted advice.
“You should apologise. I think you crossed a line,” He said and you rolled your eyes.
“He questioned my right to even be where I am — I think I have the right to be pissed at him.”
“He didn’t mean it,” George said quickly. Almost too quickly.
“How would you know?” You narrowed your eyes. George recoiled — he’d been caught.
“You know,” He trailed off, “Lockwood’s not like that. You should know that better than anyone.” You huffed again, fed up.
“I knew,” You corrected, “He’s shown me exactly how he feels about me now. And I am absolutely fine with that. I’m taking the Coke.” You ended the conversation abruptly, snatching the can out of George’s grip.
“But Lockwood doesn’t like any of the other flavours!” He called after you. You exaggerated a laugh, not looking back as you opened the restaurant door quickly.
“I know!” You yelled over your shoulder. George watched you leave, calculating look in his eyes. You said you hated Lockwood, he didn’t doubt you believed it, too. But he knew that most people didn’t remember which fizzy drinks their enemies liked.
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Thankfully, you got just the distraction you needed. Your team had been given one of the most exciting cases on the Fittes roster. One of those old boutique hotels with funnily named rooms and a long, terrible history that had you buried in fascinating research. You couldn’t believe your team had been given the assignment, it was a sign that you were really beginning to be respected as a team leader in the agency. So, you couldn’t screw it up.
You and your team had been practically camped out in the Fittes archives, researching as much as you possibly could about the old hotel. There were a smattering of unfortunate deaths across the years — some darker than others, but you were confident it was nothing you couldn’t handle. The owners hadn’t specified exactly what supernatural experiences they had seen around the hotel, just that it was clear there were several presences around and they wanted them all gone to reopen the hotel as soon as possible. This did admittedly make you a little apprehensive — you didn’t actually have a solid idea of how many ghosts you’d be dealing with, and it was anyone’s guess how many of them would be Type Twos.
Finally, you were confident you and your team had done as much research as you could, and you were prepared for anything. And so you packed your kit bags, took the train ride and rocked up to the hotel mid afternoon, confidence overflowing. By nightfall you’d been on a tour of the grounds, set up your base and had started brewing some tea to get you all in the zone. You took a glance out the front window, seeing movement in one of the windows of the house next door. It was owned by the people who ran the hotel and they intended to open it as a second venue, but delegated the job to some smaller agency since the stakes for it weren’t as high.
It was all going well for a while. You had a plan to go room by room, making each ghost free before finishing in the majorly haunted kitchen. You were inclined to believe there’d be a cluster of Type Twos there since it was set alight years ago, and the accident had been swept under the rug in favour of saving the business.
The entryway was easy; a few Type Ones that practically led you their sources, clearly just wanting to finally be laid to rest. There was one nasty Limbless that gave you all a fright, but your researcher, Ben, was always miles ahead of the rest of you and knew exactly who the ghost was and therefore how to put him to rest. You told him you owed him a beer later and moved on, crossing a single room off the floor plan and shifting into the library, which was not so easy.
You started to think things were not as great as you originally anticipated when you turned to face the mass of Type Ones. Not the end of the world, a little bloody annoying though. Sarah seemed to agree, kicking the leg of a couch in frustration. The four of you figured your way out of it, though significantly depleted of supplies.
You returned to your home base to recoup, physically and mentally battered.
“What’s the plan?” Sarah asked, chugging down mouthfuls from her water bottle. You bit the inside of your cheek as you thought hard, tapping your fingers insistently on the old wooden table.
“Alright, I think we’ve got enough for one more safely. Kyan, you go outside and get the rest of our equipment whilst we hit the second bedroom.”
“If we’re right then there should only be the one ghost there, right? The strangled woman?” You nodded in response to Ben, mentally drawing your plan.
“And if you’re wrong?” Kyan asked.
“We won’t be,” You affirmed, tapping twice on the table to get you all moving.
Kyan left the building to go fetch the spare supplies and the remaining three of you ventured into the second bedroom. Everything was as it should be; lower temperature, creeping feelings of unease and miasma. You’d put together your chain circle and were feeling good about the Type Two woman you were facing, well, as good as you could in those circumstances.
That was, until it wasn’t just one Type Two. Despite the research and preparation you’d undertaken, there was definitely more than one Type Two enraged by your presence in the room at that moment. There was the woman, an angry apparition of some sort — you didn’t have the time to exactly figure out which subtype she fell into when a man also appeared. Shit. He wasted no time showing you he was aggressive too, and your heart sunk into your toes.
Doing some quick mental calculations, you announced the new plan — to get out. As team leader, you refused to be responsible for an injury or something worse because you wouldn’t back down when you knew you didn’t have enough defences left.
“Soon as it’s safe, get the fuck out of here,” You said, feeling to make sure they were still both in the circle with you as you stood with backs inward. “Use your defences as liberally as you feel you need to — we’re all getting out of here tonight.”
“What about the sources?” Sarah asked nervously, “We’ve only got one or two so far.”
“Who cares? Most agencies get one or two a mission and we’re in a giant bloody hotel. We’ve got more nights to get this done. We can’t get it done if you lot go off and die, can we?” Ben shrugged.
“S’pose not. Let’s go.” With that the three of you made a run for it, bolting out the bedroom door and into the corridor.
“Oh fuck!” You yelled, dodging out the way of another phantom headed your way. Evidently your previous endeavours had attracted the attention of some of the other ghosts inhabiting the hotel, none looking all that happy.
Your swear words didn’t falter as you continued the escape, ducking and jumping and making an utter fool of yourself to ensure you all made it out alive. You’d been covered by Sarah a few minutes ago with one of her magnesium flares, and so returned the favour without hesitation, only faltering slightly when you realised it was your last. You tried not to worry about it too much, you were nearing the laundry where there was a back door you could get to.
The closer you got to your escape the fewer visible apparitions there were. That was a good thing, your chances of ghost touch reducing greatly. However, that didn’t mean you weren’t still being hunted. A poltergeist had found you somewhere along the way, and the stream of things being thrown at you hadn’t ended yet. You’d vaguely felt something heavy hitting the back of your head and shoulders, but the adrenaline pumping through your veins was withholding the pain for the moment.
You’d crossed the threshold into the laundry, the back door within your sights. Maybe you got complacent, believing the end was nearer than you thought. Maybe it was just awful timing. However, as your feet hit the tiles of the room, you were being swept off your feet by the washing machine sliding into you, crushing you between it and the wall. You cried out unintentionally, feeling a sickening crack inside your chest. Your teammates turned back, door wide open and safety in sight.
“Don’t you dare come back for me,” You croaked, the wind pushed out of you. “Or I swear to God I’ll come and haunt you.” Ben took the threat and ran, ducking out the door into the fresh air of the night. Sarah hesitated, turning back to lock eyes with you, regret painted across her features. With a final threat she left too, leaving you to try and push the machine away from you in order to make your own escape. However, in an unfortunate series of events, the adrenaline started to wear off after your chase and you felt the sharp pain running along your skull, a thick drop of blood making its way down from a strand of hair into your left eye. Plus, you were pretty sure the machine had broken one of your wrists as any pressure you put onto it trying to move the machine set your nerves on fire, leaving you just your legs to try and make an escape. Turns out it’s harder than it looks to push a stupidly heavy washing machine away from you with your legs when you’re incapacitated on the floor.
Seeing your best friend the strangled woman approaching you sighed, trying to resign yourself to your fate. There was no way you were making it out without a miracle, and you were never the lucky kind. As she spotted you, you sealed your eyes tightly closed, unwilling to watch your own demise. It never came. When you chanced one eye open all you saw was sparks, the unmistakeable smell of a magnesium flare filling the room. You didn’t know what to feel. Relieved, of course, pissed off that your team had disrespected your wishes and endangered themselves, faint from the adrenaline and blood loss. Mostly faint, you decided, as you lay your head back against the tile, a sleep sounding like the nicest thing in the world suddenly.
You must have passed out for a minute or two as when you opened your eyes again you were in the air, distant voices yelling over the explosions and lights, but you felt a million miles away. You cuddled yourself into the body of whoever was carrying you — they were warm and your body felt ice cold. Everywhere you looked appeared blurry (and slightly pink, presumably from the blood in your eye), so you granted yourself some mercy and simply closed them. You thought you heard a mumbled “Hold on for me,” But you couldn’t be sure, everything was ringing in your head and the weight of staying awake was heavy on your foggy brain.
The next time you woke up was about half an hour later, or so you guessed. The sky was fractionally lighter than you remembered seeing, inching towards dawn, and you were laid down on dewey wet grass. The cool of it was nice on your skin, though you knew it would do major damage to your hair. Not that that was your greatest concern at the moment. You pushed yourself up on your elbows slowly, looking around at the scene that was coming into focus. Your team were on one side of you, looking exhausted but mostly physically fine. Straight ahead of you was Barnes, not looking as disappointed as you thought he would after a failed case. To your left was Lockwood and Co. Why were Lockwood and Co here? Why was Lockwood looking at you so intently, and why did he look like he was worried about you?
Only the first of your questions was answered. Evidently Lockwood and Co were the ‘small agency’ the hotel owners had given a chance for the smaller house on the edge of the property. They heard the commotion your team had made and Sarah’s screaming outside the kitchen door and came to save the day — of course. You were about to put up the protest that you didn’t need saving but it died in your throat when you saw the serious looks of everyone around you. Clearly this wasn’t the time for any of your bullshit.
“Clearly this case is bigger than your team can achieve,” Barnes said, and the fire was reignited within you. He must have been able to see what you were going to say and cut you off, “But I’m not taking you off the case.”
“Thank you,” You said quickly, tension in your shoulders releasing slightly.
“Lockwood and Co will work with you until the hotel is ghost free.”
“What?” You and Lockwood cried in unison, and you felt his eyes fall back on you. You refused to meet his gaze.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Sir—” You started, being cut off by Lockwood.
“We don’t work well together—”
“I happen to know you both need this case, or do you not care about the future of your jobs?” Barnes raised an eyebrow in the intimidating way only he could pull off. He had you there. Failing in a case, especially one that resulted in a near death experience would certainly jeopardise your trajectory at Fittes, and, unbeknownst to you, Lockwood and Co were pretty desperate for some good representation, unable to receive the praise deserved from the Combe Carey Hall case. You looked at Lockwood to find him already searching your face. After a moment of silent arguing between the two of you, you turned back to face Barnes, exaggerated smiles on both your faces.
“We’ll do it.” You smiled sweetly. A few more formalities sent Barnes and the other DEPRAC officer off, and only the two teams were left standing around, shifting uncomfortably under the weight of all the kit bags.
“So what do we do now?” Sarah asked, a thought very similar to the ones bouncing around your head at the moment.
“Breakfast?” George suggested, and you didn’t think you’d ever seen your team agree to something so enthusiastically. The group of you all headed back to the train station, but Lockwood didn’t let you continue in the line to get your ticket. Instead he pulled you away from the crowd, seeming to have already told Lucy what was happening, judging from her cheerful wave goodbye.
You glared at him, yanking your arm away then groaning at the pain.
“What are we doing, Lockwood?” You asked with an exaggerated huff.
“We’re going to the hospital,” He said, unbothered by your protests. “And don’t say you’re fine because it’s clear you’re injured. I’d say a broken wrist, concussion and maybe a cracked rib, but we can let the doctors tell us I’m wrong, I’d be happy for them to tell you otherwise.” That shut you up, not least because you knew he was probably right. You’d been given a shot of adrenaline and a few painkillers by the DEPRAC officer who accompanied Barnes over, but you probably did need actual medical attention.
It was a very awkward cab ride to the local hospital. You and Lockwood were so used to arguing by now that silence felt like the only other viable option. You couldn’t make small talk, what would you even talk about? The only thing you knew about his life was his childhood, and you sure as hell weren’t gonna talk about that. The tension was palpable in the backseat, and when the cab driver wished you good luck for the hospital visit, you figured he didn’t just mean because of your injuries. You did force yourself to thank Lockwood when he paid for the ride though, even if it was just for the sake of the day moving on faster.
At least the waiting room created its own noise; beeping and chattering and footsteps filling the silence between you two. You struggled with the form in front of you, inconveniently having your dominant hand be out of working order. You painfully etched out your information over an embarrassing amount of time before Lockwood huffed loudly and snatched the clipboard from your lap.
“Fuck’s sake,” He muttered, pulling his own pen from his suit pocket, beginning to scribble down the answers for you. You just relaxed, your tired, drug-addled brain being allowed to rest for a moment. It wasn’t until he asked about your health insurance that you fully realised he was answering the questions by memory and forced your eyes to focus on the paper. Sure enough he’d gotten it all right, birthday and middle name included. You glanced up at him curiously, but it seemed like this was the moment he refused to make eye contact. You only had to inform him of things that had changed since you’d fallen out, neither of you verbalising that fact.
Things didn’t change when you were called into the doctor’s office either. The mix of pain, medicine and sleep deprivation led you to embrace the exam table and bordered on falling asleep as Lockwood talked for you. He’d gotten the rundown of the actual events from Sarah and his brief moments when he saved you, and explained the night as you got an x-ray for your hand. Plus, as you were waiting for the cast (it was, in fact, broken), he explained your previous medical history — the knee you dislocated when you were nine and the broken pinky finger from the year after. You only had to participate to explain the injuries you’d acquired during your career as an agent; the ones from after you and Lockwood stopped being friends.
The whole trip was extremely bizarre and slightly unnerving, and you were glad to get on the train on the way back.
“You were wrong about one thing,” You said, pulling out your walkman from your kit bag.
“And what’s that?” Lockwood asked, and you got the impression he was bracing to be yelled at again — you felt almost bad.
“No cracked rib for me.” You grinned, beginning to laugh uncharacteristically. You didn’t know why, it really wasn’t that funny, but Lockwood followed suit soon after. The two of you laughed borderline hysterically, much too energetic for that hour of the morning when everyone else was still heading to work. It only tapered off when your poor ribs couldn’t take it anymore (not broken but aggressively bruised), and the two of you fell back into silence. You had your music and Lockwood had a magazine you suspected he’d stolen from the A+E waiting room.
The only other time you spoke during the trip was when you summoned the courage to utter a somewhat genuine “Thank you.”
“Thanks. For not letting me die. And stuff.”
“Oh. You’re welcome,” Lockwood shot you a smile, the glowing kind you rarely got to see anymore.
As you got back to London and closer to Portland Row where your team was waiting, the air seemed to get thicker between the two of you once again. Maybe it was the proximity to the things that had torn you apart or the sense that you had predefined roles to play, but the carefree air between you had dissipated, leaving only the familiar tension that had been building over the last four years.
You followed Lockwood inside, trying to hide the out of body experience you were having returning to his family home after so many years. It had changed a little, of course, but still felt overwhelmingly the same, which both scared and comforted you. All the freaky foreign ghost hunting objects still littered the shelves, and you took the liberty of admiring them once again, remembering the stories Lockwood’s parents would tell about them and the adventures they’d had when collecting them. In your periphery you saw Lockwood hurriedly grab something off the wall by the stairs, shoving it in a drawer, but you really had no interest, choosing instead to reacquaint yourself with the house. The glimpse you got up the stairs showed a myriad of framed pictures of Lockwood and you scoffed — of course his ego would be on full display within his own home.
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
It was surprisingly easy to get into the groove of working with Lockwood and Co. Obviously you already liked George and Lucy, but your team seemed to work unexpectedly well with theirs. You and Lockwood stayed out of each other’s ways, the few times you were left to work together resulting in another stupid argument. The first time when you thought he was calling you dumb, the second over something minuscule; who’d let the tea brew too long so it tasted shit. And then who had to subsequently get up and make the next pot. Despite both of you honestly trying to be professional and get on with the job, it was agreed by everyone that it was simply easiest to keep the two of you apart as much as possible.
However, when the hotel owners wanted the leaders of both teams to meet up for updates on the case, you couldn’t get out of it. The day wasn’t looking good. You’d shown up to Portland Row so you could get a cab together — the meeting being dinner in central London, and had already argued with him over his choice of socks. In your defence, the powder blue socks matching your dress did make it look like you were a high school couple trying to match at a formal! However, George had rolled his eyes and pushed the two of you back out and towards the waiting cab, effectively ending that argument. You’d also teased Lockwood for bringing his rapier to a business dinner, but that was neither here nor there.
You’d held it together for most of the dinner, both of you putting on your best fronts and using your most formal tones to convince the elder couple that you were confident about the case. You found yourself kicking his shins to stop Lockwood from making promises you couldn’t keep regarding the case, and he got you back with condescending remarks, correcting you when he disagreed with how you presented the case. Altogether though you thought you were pretty subtle, and the two of you were presenting a model image of your respective companies.
However, when you shot Lockwood one of your saccharine smiles under the pretence of friendliness — he’d just undermined your authority again and stolen the best piece of dessert that you were going for, as if he didn’t torture you enough — you were shocked to hear the woman across from you laugh.
“It’s so wonderful to see you two bicker like an old married couple,” She giggled, and both you and Lockwood’s jaws dropped. “I mean, it just seems so dismal to be dating in these times, but you two give me hope that the future generations will still be able find love despite the Problem.”
“And clearly you’re both sensible kids, which is very important for a lasting relationship. Working for two different agencies would surely diffuse tensions around all those dangerous missions and such you agents partake in — except for this one, of course,” Her husband chimed in, jolly glint in his eyes.
“Yes, yes, but it’s important to remember to be kids as much as you can. But you two playing footsies all night has proved that you’ve got that covered too. Silliness is just as crucial as being sensible, it’s how a marriage stays fun. We would know, we’ve had fifty odd years of it!”
You didn’t know how to react, and by the looks of it, Lockwood didn’t know either with his signature smile frozen on his face. First of all, you were not playing footsies with Anthony Lockwood — the bruise forming under his trouser leg was testament to that. Second of all, you had no idea how the woman could get your dynamic so incredibly wrong. Aside from all of Lockwood’s double edged comments and cocky corrections of basically anything you said, the two of you had hardly addressed each other directly all night, you might as well have been strangers!
The dinner wrapped up very soon after. The couple had taken a liking to you both and so trusted your teams to handle the case as you saw fit, only making you promise to take a romantic weekend getaway (or honeymoon! As the woman had remarked optimistically) to the hotel once it was completely ghost-free and renovated. For once you were glad that Lockwood was unable to ever shut up as he took the lead, seeming to believe that corroborating their assumption was the best choice in your situation. You weren’t sure you were entirely comfortable with lying to this sweet old couple, but you couldn’t deny that Lockwood was a better talker than you, and would probably handle the situation with more delicacy.
That was how you ended up being led out of the restaurant with Lockwood’s hand on the small of your back. You wondered if he’d ever done this before, and you didn’t know if you meant for a real or pretend relationship. You both said your goodbyes to the couple, flattered by the abundance of compliments they paid you — both personally and professionally, assuring you they were overjoyed to have your teams work the case. Just before they stepped into the cab the woman took you aside.
“Hold onto a boy who looks at you like that,” She said, “You might fight, but when he’s this in awe of you, you’ll find a way to make it work.” You didn’t know how to respond to that and so simply nodded, offering a weak smile as she slid into the back seat of the taxi.
That left you and Lockwood alone. You just looked at each other for a moment, unsure of how to proceed.
“Do you mind if we walk home? I really fancy some air right now.” Lockwood easily agreed, looking rather flustered himself, and off the two of you went into the night.
Neither of you spoke for a while, but you could tell he wanted to. Lockwood always chewed his lip when he was holding something back, he had since he was a child. You sighed and asked him, knowing it was the only way to make the habit go away.
“Nothing,” He said, “Just weird. Don’t you think?”
“Nah,” You lied, “Old people just say things like that all the time. They don’t care to know the full picture.”
“Which is?”
“We hate each other.” Hurt flashed through his eyes, but it didn’t make you feel as good as it did the first time you’d said it.
“I don’t hate you,” He said quietly, almost a whisper.
“I don’t hate you. We don’t get along anymore, but I don’t hate you. I hope you know that.” You faltered for a second. Had his use of ‘anymore’ been intentional to create a stabbing feeling in your gut?
“Oh. I guess I don’t really hate you either, if we’re getting sappy about it.” You tried to diffuse the tension growing between you, not wanting it to evolve into a discussion about what estranged you in the first place. Lockwood refused to apologise and you refused to forget, resulting in the bitter stalemate you’d been locked in for the past few years.
Your distraction came with a glance over Lockwood’s shoulder, and the wisp of a phantom coming into view. Lockwood was trying to continue the conversation about your developing relationship, but stopped when he noticed you frozen beside him. Turning slowly he swore when he saw the ghost, going straight for his rapier.
“Put your hand into my coat pocket,” He said, effectively drawing you from your freeze.
“Excuse me?” You whisper-yelled, not in the mood for him to try and lighten the mood with whatever dumb joke he was trying to make.
“Just trust me, I have flares in the inside pocket, just reach in and grab them to defend yourself whilst I keep an eye on them.” Them? You wondered until you looked around, seeing other ghosts start to emerge from the shadows, attracted by the scene you were obviously creating. You wasted no more time, ignoring the intimacy of reaching into Lockwood’s jacket, grabbing yourself a flare for each hand. With you accounted for, Lockwood told you the plan, he’d fight a path back to Portland Row and you’d cover the both of you with the flares, since you weren’t good for very much else with a broken wrist and no rapier.
It was hardly the most intense situation you or Lockwood had been in, but as the primary fighter in the situation, Lockwood was still putting up a good show of skill. Despite yourself you were entranced, admiring the graceful way he moved with the rapier, so in tune with it you’d think it was connected to his arm. As much as you hated Lockwood — well, you’d just established you didn’t actually hate him. As much as you thought he was egotistical and irritating, you had to admit that you really admired him as an agent. Lockwood was undeniably talented with a rapier — it was the fencing competition that got him started in this business in the first place — but to watch him in action was really something special. If you didn’t know better you’d think it was easy for him, he fought with the same ease and elegance he might drink a cup of tea.
You were so caught up in watching him that you hardly noticed when you arrived in front of 35 Portland Row, both luckily un-ghost touched. You were also alerted to the proximity you’d found yourself in. You’d stayed close obviously, not wanting to be left to the ghosts, but when Lockwood had turned to make sure you were still with him safely inside the iron fence, you found yourself only inches apart.
At this distance you were alerted to just how much he’d changed since you were kids. He was taller, obviously, your chin tilted up to make eye contact. He’d lost the baby fat that used to fill out his cheeks, leaving his face defined and bordering on gaunt — you figured he wasn’t taking very good care of himself, judging on the dark circles that seemed by now permanent. Plus something had changed in his eyes. He didn’t look carefree anymore, something dark and tortured lay behind the charming smiles. It wasn’t hard to guess what it was, and you figured you probably had something identical. However, the small scar on his jawline from when you accidentally flung a plastic toy into his face was still there which drew a small smile from you. Something within you urged to run your finger along it, and you felt your fingers twitch before you realised how inappropriate it was. That instinct didn’t feel so bad though when you caught Lockwood’s gaze shift down to your lips. Only momentarily, but you saw it. And worse? The fact that you didn’t mind. After all of these years and the fighting and terrible words shared, here you were maybe about to kiss Anthony Lockwood. You would be disgusted with yourself if you didn’t have so many other feelings fighting their way to the top.
The front door opening was enough to make you both jump apart, you rushing towards it to get as far from Lockwood as possible.
“Hey Lucy!” You called, practically floating up the front steps you were going so fast.
“Uh, hey, guys. We thought we heard you outside so I got sent to check. Had to make sure you weren’t secretly making out or something,” She joked and you forced out a laugh, far too loud to be real.
“As if! Come on, I’m dying for some tea.” You slid past her, rushing straight to the kitchen for a minute to think.
Lucy watched you go suspiciously, before turning to Lockwood.
“What did you do?” She interrogated, all her scary Lucy-ness coming out.
“I don’t know,” Lockwood replied earnestly, still somewhat dazed himself. Lucy gave him one last look up and down before returning inside, leaving Lockwood to fix his smile on before rejoining the two teams.
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
The week leading up to your team’s next attempt at the hotel was extremely weird. You and Lockwood hadn’t spoken about what had happened (or almost happened) out in the front garden, but you had had a long talk about your behaviour lately. Over a few cups of tea in the kitchen whilst the rest of your teams were working down in the basement, you managed to both admit you were being dickheads. There was no mention of the underlying factors of your resentment, but you both agreed for the sake of your jobs you would try and be friends, or at least civil. No more bickering, no more picking apart small comments, no more rolling eyes.
It worked for a bit, which was really complicating your emotions. On the one hand, Lockwood was lovely, like he’d always been, and it was kind of nice to be able to talk and joke with him again after so many years, although you both carefully avoided the topic of your personal lives. On the other hand, it made you sad to pretend that everything was fine when you knew what you did. He didn’t think you could be an agent; Lockwood didn’t think you were good enough. And you could both pretend all you liked to be friends, but as long as that was what he thought about you it could never be real. So, while you’d both stopped your rivalry on the surface and gotten on with the case, there was a tension bubbling behind your smiles that both of you could see whenever you locked eyes.
It all came to a head when you started discussing your action plan for the hotel. All seven of you were standing in the basement of Portland Row, staring at a blown up floor plan of the place, little figurines representing each of you. It didn’t take you long to realise that you weren’t being represented.
“Where am I?” You asked, an uneasy silence falling over the room.
“You’re not coming.” Lockwood took the fall, even though it had been a unanimous decision whilst you were on an Arif’s run one afternoon.
“Excuse me?” You couldn’t help the biting tone in your words, fury you’d worked hard to conceal bubbling back up to the surface.
“Your wrist—” Sarah tried to reason, but something in you had unlocked and you were not backing down this time.
“You and I know full well if this was a Fittes case I would still be out in the field, broken wrist be damned,” You spat, and you could practically see the gears turning in Lockwood and Lucy’s heads.
“They make you go into the field injured?” Lucy asked, but you weren’t focused on answering her — George nodded for you.
“So who’s barred me from being in the field, on what I might remind you, was my case first.” There were a few moments of silence where no one wanted to be the subject of your anger, but with a resigned sigh, Lockwood accepted the blame.
“It was my idea.” You couldn’t help the frustrated groan that came out of your mouth.
“God, this is so typical! You’ve never thought I was good enough, and now what? Sabotaging my cases? My career? Because you don’t believe in me,” Your voice broke on the last sentence, and you could feel the tears heavy behind your eyes, threatening to fall. You spat a final “Fuck you,” before running up the basement stairs, up to where you knew the bathroom would be for some privacy.
You realised when you were at the top of the stairs that in your time working with Lockwood and Co you hadn’t actually used their bathroom, and didn’t remember which of the closed doors it was. Choosing one blindly you shut yourself inside, finally letting the tears that blurred your vision roll down your cheeks.
You sobbed heavily, indulging all the terrible feelings you’d been concealing for far too long. When the tears weren’t so frequent the setting around you came back into focus, and you noticed with a start you definitely weren’t in the bathroom. The view from the window told you it was Lockwood’s late parent’s bedroom, but the used furniture and messy bed said someone was still living there. Your stomach dropped as you stood, wiping the tears from your eyes. Looking around you were sure this was Lockwood’s room, the suit jacket on the desk chair a dead giveaway. However, a picture frame on his nightstand attracted your attention the most. It was the same one you had in your dorm at Fittes, the one gifted to you by Lockwood’s parents for your birthday. Both of you grinning widely and carelessly joyful. It had been so long since you’d felt like that, even longer since you’d felt it around Lockwood. The thought made your heart ache a bit. His parents would be so disappointed in the two of you. That made you start crying a little again, picking up the photo to examine it closer.
“It’s been there since you left,” A voice from behind you said. “I couldn’t bring myself to put it away.” You hadn’t noticed Lockwood come in and you didn’t know how long he’d been standing there. You put the photo down with a start, turning away to wipe your face dry again.
“Go away, Lockwood. Just give me a minute and I’ll be back downstairs. I overreacted but I need to get over it, okay?” You snapped, praying your face wasn’t still red and splotchy (it was).
“No,” He said, and you turned to face him curiously. “Look, this has gone on long enough and we need to fix things.” You crossed your arms petulantly, a silent challenge for him to fix the damage you believed to be all his. “You said downstairs that I thought you couldn’t be an agent. Why?”
“Don’t you remember when I told you I wanted to be an agent like you?” You scoffed, “You all but laughed in my face! You said I couldn’t do it, that I’d be injured or killed and I couldn’t handle it. I’ve thought about that every case since, you killed my self esteem for years. I thought that if no one else, my best friend should have believed in me. But here I am, youngest team leader at Fittes with the highest successful case rate for my division. All in spite of you.” Lockwood stared at you, and you could practically see his neurons firing and making connections at a million miles an hour.
“That’s not what I said.” You could barely contain your bitter laugh.
“Does it matter? You didn’t believe in me, that’s what’s important.”
“No,” He said, “Because that’s not what I meant at all. I did believe in you — I do. I always have.” You scoffed again as he stumbled over his words. A little grovelling now couldn’t make up for all the years of anxiety and insecurity he’d caused.
“I mean it! If I didn’t believe in you, then what’s all this?” He led you to one of his dresser drawers. Opening it there were a stack of papers and you picked a few of them up, flipping through them. Every single one was about you. Photos from your childhood together, newspaper clippings of your successes throughout the years, the magazine article you interviewed for talking about women in power in the ghost hunting field. Lockwood had saved every piece of media about you, the ragged edges showing he’d ripped them out just to keep them. You remained silent, astonished by this new revelation. You looked up at him, and Lockwood could have cried at the look in your eyes.
“I didn’t say you couldn’t be an agent,” He explained, “Or that’s not what I meant. I meant that you shouldn’t, or more clearly, I was saying don’t. Asking. Don’t you remember? My parents were dead, my sister had just died. You were all I had left, and I didn’t want you to jump head first into the most dangerous job in the world. I wanted to protect you.” It was Lockwood’s turn for his voice to break and tears to arise, and you suddenly felt supremely stupid.
“Oh,” Was all you could say. After all of these years; the insults thrown and dirty looks exchanged, all your anger came from a misunderstanding? Not only that, a misunderstanding that twisted such an earnest declaration of care into something so awful.
“But you did it, and you weren’t just any agent,” He laughed slightly despite his emotions, “You were the best bloody agent Fittes has ever seen and all I could do was watch from the shadows and be proud of you silently. Why do you think Lucy knew who you were already? There were pictures of you all over the house before I made them take them all down when I knew we were working together. I didn’t want to scare you off.”
“But all the arguing…” You trailed off, still unable to completely process this information.
“Just because I love you doesn’t mean you don’t drive me up the wall, especially when you were being — or I believed you were — deliberately obtuse to my efforts to explain myself. But now I see we were just on totally different wavelengths.” You were really struggling, there was a lot of new information being revealed at such a rapid pace that was completely changing your perspective on your whole adolescence.
“You love me?” Lockwood did laugh this time, loudly and with the same charm he usually had.
“Yes, you idiot. I have since we were kids.”
Oh. Oh. You suddenly felt like an idiot. All of this time you thought that Lockwood believed you were weak, not good enough, not worthy of your successes, when in fact it was the complete opposite. And then you thought about how you felt about Lockwood. How his believed lack of faith in you affected you so much because you cared so deeply about what he thought of you. How you could never bring yourself to look away when he was fighting because he was so completely in his element. How nice it had been to be able to joke around with him during your research. Oh God. You thought you simply respected him and his skills as an agent, but evidently the truth had been just out of reach your whole life.
“Anthony?” He was already looking at you, eyes searching deep into your soul. “I think I might love you too.” Neither of you could help the kiddish smiles making their way on your faces, and he wrapped his arms around you tightly before you knew what was happening. It felt nice to be held by him again, the last time would have been after his sister died. These were much better circumstances.
When you both came down the stairs later, no one mentioned your intertwined hands. You all had a lovely dinner at Portland Row, warmth and laughter filling the space and making you feel at home like you used to when you were a kid.
It wasn’t until you were on your way back to the Fittes dorms that Sarah leaned over to you, mischievous grin on her face.
“Tell me you were making out up there, please,” She giggled, and you shoved her away lightheartedly.
“Shut up,” You laughed, “Besides, it wasn’t making out.”
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Time Heals All Wounds ~ SCB
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PAIRING: Changbin x fem!Reader
GENRE: angst, miscommunication, fluffy ending, established relationships, fighting, accusing of cheating, rumours, swearing, cute ending,
⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - April 2023
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Almost two weeks. That's how long it had been since you and Changbin had been able to go to bed at the same time as you and even be able to hold you in his arms. With everything going on with work he'd found himself busier and busier as each day progressed. However, you seemed to have found comfort with someone else. While 3Racha were all busy making preparations for a show that they would be featuring on and the rest of the members were on a small break from everything. Leading you to spend all of your time with Seungmin, Jeongin and Felix since the four of you seemed to get on the most out of all of the boys - besides your boyfriend of course. Changbin never had an issue with you hanging out with the guys before, in fact, there were multiple times when he had encouraged you to do so if he was busy with something else except now Changbin was beginning to doubt everything around him. Two weeks of you not being around him but with Seungmin and he was starting to go a little insane. 
You: [7:45am] I'll be with Seungmin today, remember to drink water, I love you xx
What could you have possibly been doing from 8 am until now at 10 pm? It seemed almost silly for him to be doubting the two of you together, Changbin knew that you would never do anything to hurt him and he knew Seungmin would never do anything either but somehow logical thinking was gone out of his mind and he was left with the crazy thoughts. It didn't help that there were now photos of you and Seungmin going in and out of the dorms together or to some cafe in the middle of Busan. 
Why did the two of you go all the way to Busan just to go to some cafe? Was it because you thought no one would notice you there? 
Your romantic relationship with Changbin was hidden for now because JYPE wanted to wait for the right moment to announce that one of its members was dating. As far as anyone was concerned you were a close friend of the boys and an ex-employee of JYPE who now worked with another company.
"Thank you for the ride, you sure you don't want to come in? I'm sure Changbin is asleep by now," Changbin's heart shattered as he heard the comment from you. Were you cheating while he was under the same roof as you? How many times had this happened? The rational side of Changbin had been pushed down deep inside of him and replaced with the Changbin who was convinced you were cheating on him and sleeping with his best friend. His hands clutched onto his phone as he stared down at the images of the two of you together. Laughing, your head was thrown back with your hand on Seungmin's shoulder a slight blush appeared on Seungmin's cheeks as he looked down at you with a smile spread on his face. To anyone else, it would just look like two friends who were having fun together but to Changbin it fueled his deluded belief that you were together in secrecy. 
That all of the dating rumours he'd heard about you both were true and he couldn't seem to shake them out of his mind. There were countless articles claiming that they had seen the two of you kissing or that you'd held hands on the beach together.
"No, I should go. I'm up early tomorrow, but can we do this again on Friday?" Seungmin seemed so happy that it killed Changbin inside, how could the two of you do this to him? 
"Sure, but it has to be a secret. No one can know...Okay? It'll kill him if he found out." You whispered, hugging Seungmin goodbye for a final time before shutting and locking the door, sighing happily to yourself as you kicked off your shoes. Turning around and letting out a high pitch squeal when you came face to face with your boyfriend.
"Jesus, fuck, you scared the life out of me." You whined out holding your hand over your chest as you tried to calm the way your heart was racing. It was almost 10 at night and you'd half expected him to be in bed like he had been for the last two weeks.
"Thought I was asleep, did you? Tried to invite your other man into the house?" You stared at Changbin a little confused and shook your head at him, letting out a nervous laugh since you couldn't decide if he was joking around or not.
"You're usually asleep, I was just going to let him stay over in the guest room to save him driving all the way to the dorms." You explained, staring into your boyfriend's eyes as you slowly took off your jacket and waited for him to say something and when he didn't you turned around to hook your jacket up.
"I know you're sleeping with him." The jacket fell to the ground and you snapped your head around to stare at Changbin completely taken aback by his comment.
"Sleeping with Seungmin?" You questioned, wanting to make sure you were assuming what he said was correct. How could you even think about sleeping with him? He was your puppy best friend, someone you would tease a lot and pretend to bully one another with. There was nothing there but years of friendship and someone you saw as a brother to you, the mere idea of ever kissing Seungmin made you want to clean your lips with bleach. Sure, he was attractive but again he was nothing but the brother type to you.
"You're always sneaking around together, hanging out until late. And what was that about? "it'll kill him if he found out", hmm?" Hearing him repeat the words with his assumption that you were cheating on him hurt. You'd never in a million years hurt Changbin.
"First, we're not sneaking around. You know I'm hanging out with Seungmin and that's it. Just hanging out, friends." You stated, reminding Changbin that it had been his idea for you to become close with the guys in the first place. You were friends with each of them, why wasn't he just accusing you of being with them all?
"We started "hanging out" and look where we are now," You blinked at Changbin. You didn't know if this was some sleep-deprived and overworked side of him but you didn't like that he was accusing you of something you hadn't and would never have done.  
"Changbin, seriously. Why would you ever think I would hurt you like this?" You reached out to touch his arm but he flinched away from you, shaking his head and laughing dryly at you to show he didn't believe you.
"I don't know but it's obvious. All of the articles that are coming out. The secret meetings on Friday, the not coming home until late? What else am I supposed to think?" Changbin was red in the face by now, his eyes tearing up as he stared down at you.
"You're supposed to trust me." You stated calmly. The last thing you wanted to do was cause some kind of big argument over nothing. You didn't blame Changbin for putting two and two together and coming up with five, there had been times when you'd seen articles of him and another idol together and thought the worst. You knew when you were in the wrong mindset it was hard to see through the fog and think rationally about things that were happening around you.
"How can I when you're sneaking around? Going to Busan together when there are plenty of cafes in Seoul the two of you can go to." He rambled out as you rubbed the bridge of your nose waiting for him to at least calm down a little so you could explain everything to him. You walked further into the living room and took notice of the laptop that was open, one article was opening debating how long you and Seungmin had been together. 
For a long time, there had been rumours of Changbin and you but they'd been gone for a while now and suddenly replaced with Seungmin. It seemed as if no one believed guys and girls could be friends with each other, even in the idol industry and you hated that. Even when you were a stylist you'd heard people gossiping about their idols being together even if it wasn't true. 
"You can't trust anything that they say, you know that babe." You called out, glancing at the images that were being used. Sure if they're taken out of context they could mean something but all of it was bogus. Seungmin was like a brother to you, the two of you playfully bullied one another far too much to ever be able to date.
"Do I? Because it all looks pretty damn real to me," You ran your hands over your face, you were too exhausted to deal with this and all you really wanted was to crawl into bed and get some shut-eye.
"Changbin..." You trailed off, yawning a little as you turned to look at him and shook your head. It was too late for either of you to be getting into a fight and you knew he needed to be up early for his day of shooting some more scenes.
"You know what, no. I don't want to hear you come up with some dumb excuse. Or to tell me it's not true when clearly it is." He grabbed his coat and next his car keys, 
"You're just going to walk away without letting me explain it?" You questioned, your hand falling onto your hip as you stared over at him. 
"There's nothing to explain. You're fucking my best friend behind my back, so if you want each other. So be it," Your heart just shattered into a billion pieces right in front of him.
"What's that supposed to mean exactly?" Your voice was shakey as you got the words out, waiting for him to tell you that this was all some mistake. That he didn't mean what he was accusing you of and that he was deeply sorry for what he'd said.
"I'm done. I need space, I can't deal with it." He mumbled, wiping his eyes on his sleeve as he reached for the door again, only stopping when he heard you sniffling a little.
"I've stuck by you through every rumour you had while we were together but you're just going to give up when I get one?" It was true, through your time together there had been plenty of times when this could have had the roles reversed when you could have been the one accusing him but you knew Changbin would never hurt you.
"Because you KNEW I wasn't doing it." He cried out and that was it, you'd reached the point where you could no longer stay calm with him.
"And you should know I'm not either!" You yelled at him, you'd reached your breaking point. How was it okay for him to have his rumours but the second you got one he was calling it quits?
"Seo Changbin!" You yelled as he reached for the front door handle, his body tensing when he heard you call him by his full name.
"If you walk out of that door...that means you don't trust me," Your voice cracked, a few tears rolling down your cheeks as you watched him. Praying that he would see the truth in all of this and turn around and apologise for ever believing it but he didn't The door opened and slammed shut behind him.
Your knees buckled as you fell onto the rug and began to sob, pulling your knees into your chest as the love of your life walked away from you like you meant nothing. As if the last three years you'd spent together were no indication of trust between the two of you. 
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Changbin hadn't know where he was going but he was just gone and out of the house, hearing you and Seungmin talking about meeting in secret was the part that drilled it home that you were cheating. There were almost 16 missed calls from Seungmin, along with some voicemails that Changbin was exclusively ignoring because he didn't want to hear you both lie to him.
It was Friday, four days since he'd spoken to either of you and his final day of shooting on set. Chan and Jisung hadn't mentioned you or Seungmin since the first time he'd come to work after the fight. They knew better than to do so if they wanted a productive day with Changbin, it seemed if anyone mentioned you by the name he'd shut down and refuse to talk unless it was for the cameras.
"We're going to have all three of you stand right in the centre and then we're going to have you announce the winners." The director stated as all three of the boys stood where they were supposed to, Chan clutching a golden envelope. They'd been hosting a small competition to help bring in a few new producers for JYPE and they'd been there to host as well as help aid people who needed it.
"The time has finally come," Changbin called out with a huge smile on his face as he stared into the camera,
"It's time to announce which four lucky people have won the chance at becoming producers," Jisung said as he smiled, winking at the camera before Chan read out all four names. Music blasted through the speakers as each of them came out to thank the judges, giving small speeches to the camera. Once the cameras cut, the contestants began to speak with the guys there was a sudden burst of music once again and confetti began to rain down on them all. The rest of the Stray Kids members came out from backstage and smirked at the surprised-looking 3racha members.
"What's going on?"Chan laughed looking at them as all of the members screamed happily and congratulated the guys on completing the show,
"It's a wrap-up party," Jeongin explained, blowing a sound maker into the leader's face and smirking as loads of people began to flood the stage. Almost everyone who had been working on set as well as the contestants were here, having a good time and shaking everyone's hand.
"Yn and Seungmin had been planning it," Felix said to Chan, loud enough so that Changbin could hear him. The only member that wasn't here with them all was Seungmin and Changbin knew where he would have been.
"Probably to hide the fact that they'd been sleeping together," Changbin grumbled, folding his arms over his chest. As much as he wanted to celebrate the last day of shooting, it was hard to do that when the thought of you played on his mind.
After a few days of being away from you and having time to think about things he knew it wasn't true, he'd known from the start that none of it was true but he'd still let his thoughts get the better of him.
"You know neither of them would do that," Felix told him, wrapping his arm around his shoulder. Changbin had refused to talk to them about what was going on but you'd told Seungmin who told the rest of them. Each of them had previously attempted to make Changbin see sense in it all but he flat-out refused, too stubborn to think about anything else.
"You're forgetting me and Jeongin were there for most of it too. They'd barely make it five minutes without bullying each other, I  know they'd never do that to you hyung." CHangbin stared at Felix before shrugging his arms off him and making his way to the exit, ignoring the pleas of the others to stay and party with them all.
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The door to your place unlocked and you looked up from the sofa where you were laid to see Changbin staring over at you, you said nothing as you turned back to look at the TV. 
"Where's Seungmin?" He called out, noticing the state of the living room as soon as he walked in. It looked like you'd barely moved for the last few days and it hurt him to know you were in so much pain.
"On a date." You mumbled, cuddling into the pillows and sniffling a little. Ever since he'd walked out on you, you'd refused to move from the sofa and wallowed in your pitty, taking his hoodie and wearing it while you cuddled into the sheets you'd bought down from upstairs.
"A date?" Changbin walked further into the room, there were empty glasses of water all over the place, and a few bottles of soju spotted about. It was obvious you weren't taking very good care of yourself right now and it wasn't like he blamed you for it, he blamed himself since he'd been the one to cause you so much upset.
"Yes, that thing couples do when they want to go out together," You hissed, Changbin knew you had every right to be angry with him and he bit down on his lip. Seeing you like this killed him inside and to know he had been the one to cause this? it practically ripped him in two.
"Yn-" He tried to say but you cut him off before he even had the chance.
"If you're here to get your stuff, can you just not talk to me? I'd rather not be accused of something I didn't do again," You choked out, turning your head into the pillow and beginning to cry heavily into it. Changbin dropped his keys and rushed to your side, bringing you to rest your head against his chest as he ran his hands down your back in a soothing motion.
"I hate you," You mumbled even though it wasn't true, your fist curled up as you weakly hit his chest whimpering as you shook your head at him.
"You walked out on me, on us like we meant nothing." You hissed at him as you weakly hit his chest again, Changbin let you as he held your crying body.
"I'm so sorry," He repeated every time you told him you hated him, whimpering and crying heavily against him as he continued to soothe you.
"After I trusted you with yours, you didn't even t-try to extend the same courtesy to me." You sniffled, pulling away from him and shaking your head. The two of you stared at one another, you could see the tears forming in his eyes as he stared back at you and shook his head.
"I'm so fucking sorry, I know I should have listened I just couldn't see past the photos," He whispered as you stared back at him, scoffing a little.
"There has never and never will be anything between me and Seungmin. Ever. If you'd listened to me you would have known that," You grumbled, folding your arms across your chest as you watched him looking down at the floor.
"Nothing will make things right but I will spend every day apologising and trying to earn your forgiveness," He spoke clearly, turning his head to look at you again as you bit down on your lip.
"You accused me of cheating on you," You reminded him, looking up at the ceiling so the tears wouldn't fall down your cheeks.
"In all of the times, you had rumours I never once-" You took in a deep breath so you didn't start to cry again.
"I never once accused you of it. We talked about it, that's what we're supposed to do Changbin," You sniffled, wiping your eyes on the sleeves of your hoodie and shaking your head at him.
"We're supposed to talk things through, you're not just supposed to walk away as soon as things get hard," You finally broke down again and instantly you were wrapped up inside his arms and held against his chest. Both of you sobbed into one another as he continued to hold you, refusing to let you go even for a second.
"I should have stayed. I should have calmed down and listened to everything you had to say that night," He whispered as you nodded your head, cuddling into him. As badly as you wanted to hate him, you still loved him and adored being back in his arms again. it finally felt as though you could be at peace.
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You'd sat there together, cuddled in one another's arms as you broke down every now and again. Talking everything through about your time with Seungmin even though Changbin had told you that you didn't need to. That he trusted you despite acting as though he didn't.
"So, you've been going all the way to Busan because he has a crush on the waitress in one internet cafe?" Changbin chuckled as you laughed weakly, looking down into the mug of hot chocolate and nodding. Once you'd calmed down a little, Changbin cleaned up around the living room and made you both a warm drink so that you could talk things over. Nothing would make up for what he'd done right away but he was going to do what he could.
"Yeah. He finally asked her out the night we got into our fight. That's why he wasn't- Oh my god, the party!" You cried out remembering that you and Seungmin had planned a surprise party for the boys.
"Went off without a hitch, Felix took charge," Changbin explained, drawing small circles on your shoulder as you let out a painful groan. 
"I forgot. After the fight, I just shut everything out." You mumbled, looking at Changbin who was smiling weakly at you and leaning down to kiss the top of your head and pulled you closer to him.
"It's fine, we're making up and that's what's important," He whispered to you, kissing your cheek as he kept himself pressed against you.
"True." You glanced at him and smiled a little, he was blushing a little as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Am I banished to sleeping on the sofa for a few days?" He chuckled but you shook your head, you'd spent too long being apart it was time the two of you fell asleep holding each other for a while.
"You're banished from leaving the house for a while until I've had too many cuddles." The two of you nodded and began to make your way up to bed. While things were going to need to be worked on with trust, you just needed to be held by one another for now and let time do the rest of the work.
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Tagline: @chiisaiblog​ @hanasonmi​ @sw33tnight​ @taestannie​ @illicee​ @army24--7​ @acciocriativity​ @scarletemeterio​ @halesandy​ @aerastus​ @lost-leopard-beanie​ @laylasbunbunny​ @critssq​ @pearlygraysky​ @lenfilms​ @btsiguess-kpop​ @meowmeowisdaname​ @imafivestarkpopstan​
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Referring to how Leona is an actually good leader, it's still very funny to think about how annoyed Vil must be when Epel idolized Leona while fighting for his life struggling under Vil's tutelage. Like "how could you prefer that good-for-nothing-except-his-face over ME?" kinda thing. (Yes I love all of them but I love to see them suffer more <3)
[Referencing this post!]
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Leona definitely projects very different images depending on the circumstances! His club and dorm members all look up to him because, to them, he come off as a role model. He's strong, cunning, and exudes confidence. To everyone else (people he doesn't actively lead, or people he stands on par with in terms of power and influence), he's seen as lazy and rude because Leona does not care for putting on airs and finds social grace tiring to deal with.
Nowhere is this dichotomy better exemplified than in Epel's Birthday Jacket vignettes. In them, Epel, a first year and a Magift Club member, describes Leona as someone who is good at looking out for others like him. This confuses his interviewer, Floyd, who responds that it "doesn't sound like" the Sea Lion-senpai he's familiar with. Epel then confesses to not really seeing Leona much outside of club, so he doesn't actually know about what Leona is like most of the time. This just goes to show that Leona naturally shines and is at his best when he's in a scenario where he has to lead others.
Now, regarding Vil and his feelings on Leona... 🤔 It's true that Vil dislikes Leona (and, more specifically, his attitude) and may be disapproving of Epel idolizing the guy, but I get the sense that those feelings stem in part from disappointment, not just blind hatred or not liking how Leona dresses/speaks. Vil's someone who has exceedingly high standards for himself and for the people he surrounds himself with. He despises it when people don't give a task their all, or don't live up to their full potential. That is exactly the case with Leona. Vil has a VERY keen and discerning eye; I suspect that he noticed a long time ago that Leona's not putting forth all of his effort and just doing the bare minimum to scrape by, and that's what further stokes Vil's frustrations with him. An example of this is the very superficial aspect of Leona's looks. Vil admits that Leona has a handsome face, but doesn't dress the part at all. The same goes for his other traits and abilities, and even his grades (which are low due to poor attendance even though Leona himself is insanely smart). That's the thing: Leona could be great, but instead he's wasting it all and choosing to not be "his best" at all times--an ideology which exists in blatant opposition to Vil. Here we have two powerful, intelligent, talented individuals who worked hard to get to where they are now (even though they were already born into affluent families). They didn't choose to just coast by life on their family's names alone. One of them literally makes a living off of showing the world how perfect he is, and all the effort he puts in to achieving that perfection. But the other has gone the other route, not willing to put forth that effort to anything that he doesn't find useful or interesting. They've both become disillusioned with the world, which has provided them nothing in spite of all the times they tried to prove themselves. They weren't rewarded with a heroic role, nor the coveted crown., but they've got the charisma that inspires others to follow them and to show them respect. They can recognize others' strengths and are in positions where they can guide others towards those strengths. They're so alike, and I think that only feeds their dislike of one another. To Leona, Vil's a try-hard that always changes his personality to look good for the public. To Vil, Leona's callous and carelessly tossing away his own potential. It makes them a worthy rival of the other.
DBKHILdsbiDIvqfosd1436g17b Okay, I kind of strayed a bit from the initial ask, but yeah!! Vil would probably be annoyed with Epel looking up to Leona because Leona isn't at 100% all of the time (whereas Vil tries to be). The two have very different ideas of how their energy is best spent, and with Vil being Epel's dorm leader and all, he feels like it's his responsibility to lead Epel the "Pomefiore" way, not Leona's way.
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love-hatred-stuff · 11 months
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> okay, here we are; a happy ending to my dbf!buck story^^
> warning’s the same as in part 1, just keep in mind that bucky is like tfatws!bucky, just without the metall arm ig
> enjoy my sweets<3
It’s been three months and you were living in a dorm with your college friends now. You tried your best to stay busy and distract yourself. Wether it was studying in the library until late hours or letting your girlfriends convince you to join them for all those frat parties.
Because you would be lying if you’d claim that everything that happened didn’t break your heart.
If only you knew how miserable Bucky has been doing…
Your parents had mentioned that he had distanced himself since you’ve been gone and they were really sad about it and wondered what had caused his sudden discomfort.
To be completely honest, it might sound strange, but you were scared to leave him alone. You out of all people knew how lonely he really was. It wasn’t just the fact that he had no other partner in his life or any other friends except for Sam. You know you’ve helped him get over so much by just being there for him, so you could only guess what would happen to him if you weren’t there anymore.
James relied on you a lot. And you gladly took care of him. So you hated yourself for abandoning him like that. He had promised you everything he could have ever given you. Just for you to exist beside him as an exchange. Bucky would always be the man you would’ve married if you could.
Though you barely ever talked about how strongly you felt for each other, the love and affection you’d shared when you were alone had always been your own personal language that only you two understood. A connection so strong, you didn’t need words to communicate.
It was like nothing you had ever felt. Surely James would say the same.
You were conflicted. What could you do to help him but without anybody noticing? Now that you were living elsewhere, it would be harder to meet secretly.
It was four months after your heartbreaking goodbye. You haven’t seen each other at all. So you needed to see him, although you knew it would make things even harder.
You were trying to convince yourself that you were doing this because you didn’t want him drowning in his sorrow and self loath. But deep down you knew you needed him at least just as much.
It had been a particularly stressful night for you. Though it was supposed to be the opposite. You just couldn’t help but feel utterly bad about yourself and overall uncomfortable in your own skin as all those sweaty bodies of people you mostly didn’t know shifted around you.
It was time you talked to him. Because there hasn’t been a single minute in all the time you’ve been apart from James that you didn’t think of him.
You were scared, sure. After all, you practically left him, although he had done nothing wrong, -well at least nothing that couldn’t be fixed. The guilt was eating you alive so you really needed to do something about it.
Maybe now wasn’t the best time to do so because you did have a few drinks. Actually you’ve downed more shots than you’ve done any other night in your life. You weren’t big at drinking. Tonight you just so happened to have the urge to drown your feelings, so you would stop thinking about the man you shouldn’t have, couldn’t have.
Well, turns out, it had the opposite effect on you. That’s how you ended up here. In some bathroom where you didn’t even know how you came up there. With your phone in your shaking hand, searching for his contact. It didn’t take long (despite your problematic, helpless condition) because he was still one of your emergency contacts. Another thing that made your heart sting like an open wound.
It happened faster than you could overthink it. Only a few seconds and you heard your ex lover on the other end of the line speak to you. James had been surprised but he couldn’t say he didn’t desperately wish for this to happen. He just imagined you to be… more amenable.
“Hello? Y/n? Darling, are you okay?” He was getting worried sick by the fourth time you didn’t answer him.
“Oh hi-“ You must’ve slept for a second there-
“Yes, I’m goooood.” Your words came out childish and uncoordinated. That was all he needed to hear to know that you were under the influence of something. He was already up and prepared to grab his keys to pick you up as fast as he could. He just needed slightly more information as on where you were at the moment.
“That’s great, doll. Will you do something for me and tell me exactly were you are?” He spoke softly and slowly but strong and loud enough so you could understand him perfectly.
“What? Oh no! I’m sorry James!” You cried. “I jus’ miss you so much and- and I wish I could crawl up in your arms like I always did. You know that?” And there you were, at the point of breathing a little to fast and uncontrolled for Bucky’s liking.
“That’s okay, my doll. You just tell me where you are and you’ll be able to do just that in a minute, aight?” Trying to stay strong for you was hard for him. Especially when you’ve just said the things that he always dreamed about you confessing to him one day.
It was like his world suddenly had a meaning again. Because you were his world and he was waiting for it to come to life again. Yes, cheesy, but any other words probably wouldn’t put it the way he truly and honestly felt about you.
The breath he’d been holding finally released the moment you told him the address, sounding drowsy, like you would pass out any given moment. And the next sharp breath was taken when he climbed inside his far too expensive truck -the government gifted him as compensation for his trauma- and drove off while hoping he would reach you on time.
It was pitch black outside and if it weren’t for his good eyes, he would’ve needed hours to find the damn street where the party you were at was going on.
All that mattered was you and getting to you before any other person could take advantage of his girl in this state.
The frat house practically reeked of alcohol and whatever drugs were being puffed there. He really didn’t feel sorry for himself to have missed this kind of century -and the experiences that came with it- the moment he swiftly bypassed all the drunk idiots in this place.
James was glad you told him absentmindedly that you were hiding in a bathroom. He figured it would rather be upstairs than were all the people were around.
He ran up the stairs and knocked on the first door he found to be looking like a bathroom door. He would thank god for his good instincts another day Bucky thought, as you opened up pretty quickly and let him inside. He closed and locked the door behind him and was boundlessly glad that no-one else had found you before he could.
You were a smiling mess as you greeted him, suddenly full of energy again.
“James! I miss you so much!” You excitedly threw yourself at him. Arms around his neck, every other part of your body trying to cling to him as well. He dissolved your struggles easily by lifting you up, taking the liberty and putting his hands under you butt to support and hold you against him.
“I miss you more, baby.” He couldn’t believe how lucky he got today.
“No, I miss you more!” It was unusual for you to act this way, it was a sweet sight nonetheless. Even if it would be all just a dream of his, he would cherish this memory of seeing you so happy faced forever.
“Okay, okay. You win!” He couldn’t help but give you one of his big smiles in return.
There was comfortable silence for a minute before he came to speak again.
“I hope you won’t scream at me tomorrow, because I gotta take you home now, doll. And I can’t put you anywhere else but inside my bed. Unless you wanna have your roommates know that your lover is as old as your dad (technically born 1917, so much older than your parents).” He whispered in your ear, making you giggle in the process before maneuvering you out of this shithole of a house.
Oh, he could never forget about the consoling way you smelled. James had found comfort in these things about you and every time he got just tiny pieces of yourself thrown his way it would make him feel at home. He could consume you every day for the rest of his life (respectfully).
The next morning you didn’t even had to open your eyes to know were you were. You could feel his smooth sheets around your body, just like his calloused and strong hands gripped you waist possessively but lovingly.
That moment you knew you’d never leave him again. Not giving two shits anymore about what other people had to say about this relationship. James was yours and he wanted to be yours more than anything else he had ever wanted or could ever want.
Wow guys, I must say, it was quite fun writing this and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.
Tag-list (people in the comments of part 1):
@ijustneedpopcorn @cyberficlya @rabbitrabbit12321 @cjand10 @prettylittlepluviophile @myloveniall
my masterlist
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k1ngdom-of-thieves · 11 months
hi !! i reread your works so many times ! i especially love the TWST dorm leaders with the reader who stops giving them gifts. could i request the same idea with genshin bois? i'd like to see itto, kaeya, diluc, childe, and zhongli, as well as any others if you have an idea! no pressure ofc, and have a good (insert timezone relative term)
It’s been a while since I wrote for genshin so I hope they aren’t too ooc lol
Itto, Kaeya, Diluc, Childe, and Zhongli + reader that stops giving gifts
Arataki Itto
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Itto loved all of the little knickknacks and trinkets you gave him. He treated all of them like they were made of diamonds even if they were just shiny rocks or other simple items.
At first, he didn’t notice that you had slowed down on the gift-giving; nothing against you, he just isn’t someone to pay too much attention to time. He does notice, however, the lack of your presence during the day.
Itto starts getting worried after a while. He looked forward to seeing your gifts but now he was hardly seeing you at all! His heart couldn’t take it anymore and he came up to you and asked if he had done something wrong.
He looked at you with such big eyes, poor thing looked like a pouting puppy. When you explained that you thought he was starting to get tired of the gifts, he couldn’t be more confused. He loved them!
“Hey, hey, who said that? I love each and every little token you give me! Don’t you ever keep me from seeing you for this long either!”
Kaeya Alberich
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Kaeya finds your gifts adorable and he makes sure to tell you when you give them to him. He even has a couple in his pocket when he walks around Mondstadt.
He gets a little disappointed when you stop giving them as much but he figured you were getting busy as of late. Archons know he’s got a lot on his plate himself.
But it had been several days since he had seen you last, and he was worried he frightened you away. So when he bumped into you again, he made sure to let you know he was starting to miss you.
As you explained that you thought he was growing tired of you, he was quick to correct your statement. He’d never admit it, but he was hurt that you thought he would ever feel that way about you.
“What? Oh no, I could never get tired of seeing that face of yours. Come now, there’s no need for the long face anymore. How about we stroll around town for a minute or two?”
Diluc Ragnvindr
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Diluc is used to getting a bunch of gifts from people that find him attractive or want to earn his favor for one reason or another. Normally he pays no mind and just declines them, except with you.
Obviously, he’s not the kind of guy to go jumping for joy when he gets those gifts; but the fact that he accepts them at all is telling of how much he cares. He gives you a small, but still genuine, smile every time you give him something.
When you stop handing them, he takes notice but doesn’t mention it for a while. It’s only when you stop showing up at Angel’s Share that he questions you about your actions.
He waits until most of the guests had left before questioning you. Diluc didn’t want to completely scare you away.
“Y/N? Do you have a moment? Have I caused you to distance yourself from me? I’ve… started to miss your company.”
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Childe really does like the gifts you hand over to him from time to time. It reminds him of when he did similar things for his family, giving them trinkets and the like.
Chide’s a busy guy, so he doesn’t get to see you as often as either of you would like. That’s why he makes sure to save some time to see you whenever he’s in the area. He’s always excited to see what you might have for him this time.
But suddenly, you stop showing up in the usual spots. Nobody in the town gives him much of an answer when he asks about your whereabouts either. He was starting to get worried when he quite literally bumped into you.
Feeling a mix of surprise and relief, he started asking you about how you’ve been. When you tell him you thought he got tired of you, he was very quick to tell you that wasn’t the case.
“What do you mean by that? Course I wouldn’t get tired of you. You’ve never given me a reason to hate you. Unless you did something that I didn’t know of? Kidding! I’m just messing with you.”
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Zhongli isn’t used to getting gifts at random. Working at the funeral parlor hardly has him meeting with people giving him small tokens of gratitude.
Which is why he finds you especially endearing. You really have no reason to be showing up to the parlor as often as you do, and you always had something new to give to him. Sometimes it was a new pastry and others could be jewelry that reminded you of him.
He always accepted your gifts and looked forward to the next. Which became a rare occurrence after a while, and he couldn’t figure out why.
The next time you came by, he was quick to ask you. He was worried that he had offended you in some way, and calmed down slightly when he found it to just be a misunderstanding on both parts.
“Oh? I could never grow tired of you, the days here go by so slowly without your presence. Please keep coming by, I don’t know what I’d do in your absence.”
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mastermindmiko · 2 months
The person at the opposite end of the table (James Potter)
Pairing: James Potter + reader word count: 2237 warnings: none but lmk if you find any warning: Your first date with James after being close friends for years
If you think this didn't completely suck, feel free to check out my masterlist.
a/n: I'm back baby!!!
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I have nothing to wear, and I'm not exaggerating. Coming to Hogwarts, you only bring your uniform and a few spares, many many pyjamas, and a few outfits for hogsmeade weekends, nothing more. Today is crucial. It is the day where I'm going out on a date with James, my James, except that today 'my' has a completely different meaning. 
When you go out on dates, you're supposed to wear something elegant and stylish, but still simple and with enough glamour to make the person that will be sitting on the opposite end of the table like you even more. One, I don't have any attire that suits these descriptions, and two, How is it possible to make the person on the opposite end of the table (james) like you even more when they've already seen you at a ball when you look your greatest and during periods, in a foetal position while your cramps are eating you alive? 
The simple and only reasonable answer is that you can't. 
I can spend the whole hour before I have to meet James stressing over my outfit, which albeit is very important, instead of stressing over the actual problem that I have, but that would be very counter intuitive. 
Everyone of the girls is already gone to hogsmeade, so I've got the whole room to myself to panic, cry, scream, jump, pretty much whatever I want, but I don't know what I want. The reason why the date is later than usual is a part of the problem. James set the date at a later time because he knew that I would need some time to myself before going out, some time to process my feelings, try on some outfits, and of course, panic. 
He knows this because he's helped me get ready for many dates before, I wish I could say the same, but James hasn't ever gone out on a date which means that he's the one that should be nervous, but instead I am. 
He knocks on my dorm room door at the worst possible moment, which is every moment when you're nervous. He looks stunning, like he always is, but he's got a red tint on his cheeks and the same cheeky smile he always gives me, but this time, it's hesitant. I shot him a smile and hoped that it wasn't as awkward as I felt it was.  
"Ready to go?" James says, and I nod. I close the dorm door behind me after grabbing my bag. I walk down the stairs with him. If this was any other day, I'd have already wrapped my arms around him, but this isn't any other day. This is a date.
We walk out of the common room, and I feel everyone's eyes on us, I wonder if they can see that my shoulders are tense or that I'm already sweating -
"How are you?" James asks me, and I find him looking at me intently. Has he always looked at me that way? I let out a noise that sounds more like a squeak, and instead of dying of mortification, I face the other way and shoot him a thumbs up. 
Why do I have to be so damn awkward? This is James for merlin's sake.
We reach the last carriage waiting for us that's heading to Hogsmeade, and James hops on. He reaches out an arm for me to grab, but I choose the railing instead, leaving his hand alone in the air. I want to slap myself because I always take his hand, but it means something different. It's not my friend helping me. It's my date being a romantic gentleman. 
He puts his hand down nervously, and he sits down which brings upon a new problem. Remus and Sirius and Peter always sit next to each other and I would sit next to James due to lack of other options, it had become habitual. My question is: the carriage is empty, there are other options, where do I sit? If I sit opposite to him, it might seem like I'm trying to put distance between us, however, if I sit next to him, I might seem pushy, and- 
I don't get another second to panic when the carriage starts moving, and I stumble next to him. I purse my lips, knowing that fate has decided where I'm going to be sitting for this short ride.
Normally, I would lean into James, allowing him to wrap an arm around my shoulder, earning us many teasing comments from the rest of the boys that we've grown accustomed to over the years. 
Normally, we wouldn't go out on a date at all, so I stayed to my side, shoulders tense and tension in the air. I wonder if James feels it, too. The ride is silent, and when we arrive at hogsmeade, James doesn't offer me his hand to get down, just another reminder that today is different. 
"Where do you wanna go?" James asks, and I shrug my shoulders when I infant have very strong opinions about every single place here. James already knows this and takes us to the three broomsticks. My heart stumbles, smiling at the reminder that James knows me so well. 
Our fingers crush together, and my heart jumps to my throat, and I stumble over air. For what seemed like the millionth time that day, I wanted to slit my own throat out of embarrassment. He grasps my waist, making sure I don't fall, creating a warmth over my waist that makes me want to glue his hands there so he can stay this way forever. Unfortunately, my stupid body blushed, and I took a step back.
We walk inside the three broomsticks and James leads me to a table with two seats, instead of five. I sit down opposite to him, and gaze out the window. Couples are walking down the street, holding hands and kissing. I really really want to do both those things with James, I've been waiting to do them forever, but here I am being stupid, on a stupid date, nearly falling when his hands come even close to mine. He sits down next to me, and he looks at me for a few seconds, I flush and look away. 
That apparently was the final straw for James because he goes, "What's up with you today?" 
"What do you mean?" I say after clearing my throat, he laces his fingers together on the table and says, "You realise that that is the first thing you've said the entire time that I've seen you." 
It takes me by surprise because I register that he's right, we've been together for at least twenty minutes and in those twenty minutes not a single word has left my mouth. I fidget with the napkin in front of me and say, "I'm just not a big talker..." 
"Y/n...I'm James. We've been friends for years, why are you acting like you don't know me? Like I don't know that you can't keep your mouth shut for two minutes?" 
I blush, and he continues, "You tripped when I tried to be even near you...I- if you don't want this, you've got to tell me-" 
"I do want this, I want this so much...".
"I'm just really, really, really nervous."
He looks at me and replies, "But you've been on dates before."
"Dates with people who aren't you, James." I admit, and I must've grown another head because that's the way that James is looking at me. He says, "What's so scary about me?"
"That you know me." I say, and he tilts his head, I elaborate, "Any other date, I talk about many things, ask them about themselves, if they've got siblings and all that, but I already know you, I don't have any of those questions to fall back on. Any other date, I have to wear something to knock them off their feet, but I can't do that with you because you know me. Any other date, I'm not terrified that this will mess up my entire friend group dynamic and on any other date, I wouldn't be this nervous because I've never liked anyone the way I like you and I need you to like me the same way." 
I sigh when I'm done and James's eyes are twinkling, he pushes her glasses back and he says, "You don't need all these things." 
"We don't need to talk about those stupid things, and you don't need to wear something amazing to knock me off my feet because you've already done that, a while ago actually. You most certainly don't have to worry about messing up our friend group because you cannot even if you tried, Sirius will not allow it." He laughs, and I chuckle along with him. "And you definitely do not need to be nervous because I already like you more than you'd believe because i know you"
I don't need to give it another thought, for once in his life, James is right. I sigh, "You're really good at calming me down." 
He smiles, "You act as though that's a new thing. Remember during your OWLs when you tried going under your bed because you thought that the exams couldn't get you from down there." He laughs at the fond memory while I flush at my stupid idea. 
"What do you actually want to do today?" James asks after a beat. I think for a second, we always go to buy some prank supplies or candies, and while I still want to do that right now, I want to do something else. 
I abandon my chair and sit next to him on the sofa. I sit an appropriate distance away from him, but he grabs me and pulls me flush against him. 
"That's all?" James asks, and I shake my head, "well, that and this..." I trial off as I reach to intertwine our fingers, in some weird way it makes me nervous, but it also feels so right. James squeezes my hand, and I smile. I add,"And maybe some drinks." 
One of the men that Madame Rosmerta hired comes and takes our order, the same thing we always get, butterbeers. 
James' thumb rubs over my own hand, and while this isn't the first time he's done this, today, it has a different meaning. James asks, "Anything else your beautiful heart desires?" 
It might be too early, but I tentatively lean it to capture his lips with mine. It's not our first kiss, and it's definitely much less messy, filled with fewer confessions, and more comfortable. James reciprocates in a millisecond, and his other hand reaches to cup my face. 
We part for a gasp of air before James leans back in for another peck. It's only then that I realise that we're in public, I blush. What makes me blush even more is the way James is looking at me. I ask, "Have you always looked at me that way?" 
"Definitely." He replies. I want to kiss him again when the man that works here slides over our drinks and says, "Two butterbeers for the lovely couple." 
I don't want to correct him, and he leaves, but I wonder if James wanted to because for the first time today, he is incredibly nervous. I reach for his hand and say, "You okay?" 
He nods quickly, and I chuckle nervously. Maybe he doesn't want to be my boyfriend. I ignore the sunken feeling in my chest and sip on my butterbeer. 
"Do you not?" I ask, after a long sip. 
"Do I not what?" James replies, confused, but looking even more nervous if possible. I take a deep breath and look him in the eye, I say, "Do you not want to be a couple?" 
"Because James, I don't know what we're doing then." I reply, I've never wanted anything casual, and certainly never with James, I want to be able to call him my boyfriend, decline another guy's invitation because I've got a boyfriend, not ponder over whether or not I mean to him as much as he means to me. 
"I do." James says, and I look at him unsure. James adds, "I really really want you to be my girlfriend." 
"James, are you sure because -" I start, and he silences me with a kiss. I can imagine him kissing me once at least every hour in the future. He says, "The only reason why I hesitated because I want this to last, I don't want you to reject me cause I don't think I can take a rejection from you" 
I can see his worries. He's never been out on a date, and a date with a close friend is much more nerve wrecking, that's all aside from the fact that James has spent his entire life being turned down by lily and no matter how tough he tries to act, I know that he was genuinely hurt by the years of rejection. 
I try to soothe his worries, "I'm already out on a date with you, James. I'm not going to turn you down...plus, I'm already your girlfriend, I'm not going anywhere." 
He smiles, but he says, "You could get sick of me." 
"If I could've gotten sick of you, I would've during first year, but I'm still here."
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robertsmithclone · 2 years
I Wait For You (It’s What I Do)
Xavier Thorpe x Female Original Character (Sade Ricci)
Sade Ricci’s fangs just came in two weeks into the school year, so that means a transfer to Nevermore academy. (Does not follow show plot)
1.8k words. (part one)
TW: mentions of blood, slight mentions of eating disorder, very very slight nod to pill addiction, one mention of sexual fantasies, cigarettes
Posting to Ao3 under wonde_rr and Wattpad under SHADYGROVEE
Playlist : it’s in the works
chapter one masterlist
translations at the end
As Sade walked through the doors of Nevermore with her father, she could only focus on one thing; the smell of blood.
Of course her father, Paolo, noticed her tense up and brought his big, rough hand down on her shoulder. “Luce del sole, remember what we practiced.” The dark haired man smiled down at her.
“Papà, I know. I’m fine!” Sade shrugged off his hand as Principal Weems approached with a smile.
“Ah, don’t be like this, mia ragazza!”
After a trip to Principal Weem’s office and a visit to Sade’s dorm, her father had to leave and she felt like sobbing. Boarding school was going to be hell, but it was the only option after her fangs came in not long after the school year started. Nevermore was two weeks in when Sade showed up, and she couldn’t feel more out of place.
She was an Italian vampire. All these people were American. The outcast at a school for outcasts.
Principal Weems had told her to put on her uniform and she’d get a student to give Sade a tour. So, that’s what Sade did. The uniform was bright purple and ill fitting. She already missed her maroon aura.
“Sade, this is Rowan. He’ll be giving you your tour today. I do hope you’ll love it here.” Weems gave her the same smile as before and left them outside her office.
The brown haired boy looked over at her and smiled. “As Weems said, I’m Rowan. How did you pronounce your name again?”
He was awfully nice, and very pretty. Sade thought he seemed suspicious, but she thought that of everyone at first.
“Say-d. Nice to meet you, ragazzo carino.” She made sure to flash her fangs slightly and give him a flirty grin.
Rowan’s face flushed and he adjusted his glasses.
“I have to say I wasn’t expecting an Italian accent, but you’re probably full of surprises.” He grinned slightly. “Anyways, follow me.”
Rowan took her around the whole school, without too many odd looks. She had arrived on a Sunday which was probably a good thing except for the fact she started classes tomorrow with practically no time to prepare.
They stopped at their final destination, the small docks by the big lake.
“Well, that’s it.” He smiled at her and glanced at his watch. “Any questions?”
“Does everyone normally wear their uniforms on weekends?” Sade was slightly appalled that she saw everyone wearing one.
Rowan laughed. “Um, no. Weems just wanted to make a good impression on you.”
Sade rolled her eyes and sighed. Of course, but who even cares?
“So, now is usually when my friends and I meet up for lunch on weekends. You’re welcome to come, but I understand if you’d rather unpack and relax.” He seemed hopeful and despite Sade’s adversity to food, she really didn’t feel like being alone. Plus it gave her more of a chance to flirt with Rowan. She thought he was cute when he was flustered.
“Sure, tesoro. Do you guys go into Jericho for that?” Knowing the small town nearby was important for her escape plan, in better words, escape fantasy.
“Yeah, actually, we do. I’ll text our group chat that you’re coming with me.” He pulled out his phone and Sade caught another grin of his. He couldn’t seem to stop doing that. Grinning.
Rowan’s blood smelled so sweet, and she’d rather have that for lunch than whatever was in town. Sade knew she could bite him in a way not to hurt him, just to get a taste, but she couldn’t disappoint her father by running around biting whoever she wanted.
They finally made it into Jericho after a 25 minute walk with very slight rain the whole time. Sade felt damp, and she didn’t like it.
Rowan led her into a cafe/diner that she had seen on her way to Nevermore. It was fairly empty aside from what Sade assumed was Rowan’s group.
In a circular booth in the corner sat a bright blonde haired girl with a smile on her face, a boy with a large beanie, a girl with braids and a brooding look on her face, a girl with circular sunglasses and straight black hair, and finally the most attractive boy Sade had ever seen.
The boy was obviously tall, he had long hair, and looked like he hadn’t slept in days. Oh, this was going to be fun.
Rowan waved slightly to the curly blonde haired boy behind the counter and slid into the booth with his friends, Sade sliding in right next to him.
They all greeted him with smiles, except for the brooding girl.
“Hey guys, this is Sade. She’s a vampire.” Rowan introduced her to them all and she smiled, flashing her fangs.
“Sade, this is Enid, Ajax, Wednesday, Yoko, and Xavier. Oh, and the guy behind the counter is Tyler. He doesn’t go to Nevermore but we hang out with him sometimes.” He introduced her to everyone around the table and Sade was able to put names to faces.
Xavier leaned around Rowan and put his hand out for Sade to shake, which she did. He grinned at her. “Nice to meet the reason we’re wearing uniforms today.”
“Don’t blame me, bellissimo, I’m not happy about it either.” She dropped his hand.
“Bellissimo?” Xavier looked at her confusedly, but she turned to officially meet the others.
“She’s been calling me Italian nicknames all day, with no explanation, just translate it later.” Rowan whispered to Xavier, followed with a soft laugh.
Xavier just shook his head, and scowled slightly as he saw Tyler walk over and look directly at Sade.
Xavier and Tyler had previously quarreled over various things, but most recently Wednesday. It didn’t really matter because Wednesday didn’t pick either of them. Although Tyler persisted, Xavier didn’t. Xavier knew it was to make him mad, especially with their past. It was unfortunate that Tyler’s kissing skills were so good. Xavier wished he had never found that out.
Xavier thought Sade was the most perfect girl he had ever seen, and if Tyler takes that from him too he just might shoot himself.
“You’re new.” Tyler smiled at Sade.
“Sì, e che ne dici, teppista biondo?” Sade quipped, with a slightly aggressive tone.
It made the table giggle and gasp, but Tyler just stood with his mouth hanging open for a second.
“I’m sorry?” He was confused to say the least, which made the table laugh more.
“So cosa sei, ragazzo barista, uno sleazebag. lo sento.” Sade’s tone was annoyed now. She didn’t really know why she was so bothered with him, probably because she hadn’t eaten since last night, but food disgusted her so she was mean to this Tyler boy instead.
Tyler backed away slightly and Sade slid out of the booth. “I’m going for a cigarette.” She glanced at the table and made her way outside into the light rain.
She pulled a pack and lighter from her bra. Sade loved the smell of nicotine and blood mixed together.
Right as she was letting out smoke, Xavier walked out the door and stood next to her.
“I would offer you one but they’re blood infused.” Sade looked up at him shyly. It wasn’t as easy to flirt with someone like Xavier compared to Rowan. Xavier was different, and being alone with him was scary in a way.
“That’s too bad,” He looked down at her and smiled slightly. “So, what were you saying in there?”
The fact that he asked made Sade curious. What was his motive?
“Oh, I just called him a hoodlum and told him I could sense he was a sleazebag.” She tucked some of her hair behind her ear and took another drag.
Xavier laughed and Sade went weak in the knees. How could someone’s laugh be so beautiful?
“In my humble opinion, you were spot on.” He leaned back against the brick wall and looked up into the sky. She knew there had to be history between them, whatever that may be. Sade could almost smell Xavier’s blood boiling when Tyler walked over.
“I could smell it in his blood.”
“Seriously?” Xavier’s head whipped over to look at her. His eyebrows were furrowed and he had a confused look on his face.
Sade looked back up at him and laughed. “No, you’re too…oh what’s that word? Credulone, I don’t know it in english.” Her face became flushed out of embarrassment and she smiled slightly.
Xavier couldn’t take his eyes off of her. The way she blushed was adorable and he knew how bad this was for him. He already lost the war, that was a fact.
“Gullible?” The corner of his mouth quirked up.
“I don’t know, is that it? Probably. You believe things too easily.” Sade took another drag of her cigarette. There were lipstick stains on it and it was driving Xavier crazy.
“Trust me I don’t, I just don’t know too much about vampires.” He chuckled and looked back up to the gray sky.
“Me either, to be honest. My fangs just came in two weeks ago and I’m still figuring this all out. It’s taking everything in me not to bite you. The smell of your glorioso blood is just too much for me to handle.” Sade lowered her voice and octave when she got to the biting part, and looked up at Xavier with her red eyes wide.
Xavier’s breath got caught in his throat and his face became slightly flushed. He looked down at Sade, sexual fantasies floating around his head just at the sight of her looking at him like that. He knew she should be scary to him right now but she wasn’t. Just beautiful.
“I’m joking, Xavier.” Sade quickly dropped the act, despite seeing the truth in her own lies, Xavier seemed to really believe her, and kind of into it.
“Right, of course.” He shook his head and laughed softly to himself before walking back inside the cafe, leaving Sade alone in the rain.
Sade couldn’t help but lie in bed thinking about Xavier. She couldn’t be bothered to worry about classes with him distracting her.
She reached over to her nightstand and pulled out her blood pills but put them back after reading the label. She shuffled the things in her drawer around and pulled out the painkillers. She popped two in her mouth and drifted off to sleep with one thing on her mind.
Xavier knew he wasn’t getting sleep tonight. Not after meeting Sade. He’d be lucky if he ever got to sleep again, it wasn’t likely with Sade around.
He sat at his desk, sketching her. Sketching her face, her fangs, eyes, body, making her come to life to hear her laughter and see her flash her fangs at him.
He was just lucky Rowan never asked him what he was drawing, and didn’t mind the sound of Cavier’s pencil when he was trying to sleep.
Luce del sole - Sunshine
Papà - Dad
mia ragazza - my girl
ragazzo carino - pretty boy
tesoro - sweetheart (male) or treasure
bellissimo - gorgeous
Sì, e che ne dici, teppista biondo? - yes, and what about it, blonde hoodlum?
So cosa sei, ragazzo barista, uno sleazebag. lo sento. - I know what you are, barista boy, a sleazebag. I can sense it.
Credulone - gullible
glorioso - glorious
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ryuichirou · 6 months
Ace and Deuce special! Kind of… I guess lol Since our last post was about them. But there’re also some about AzuIde!
Anonymous asked:
Context of the latest post? :)
I think it’s pretty self-explanatory, Anon~ But I’ll let the second Anon answer your question:
Anonymous asked:
Hey Ace finally got laid!
The entire twst cast does the “omedetou” clap 😔👏👏👏 Congratulations, Ace!
Anonymous asked:
Not their faults that they share the same room, Riddle. XD Also, poor other two roommates. (Freshmen rooms have 4 roommates, 2nd year have two roommates, and 3rd year have their own rooms. Only Dorm leaders have their own rooms)
No-no, it’s entirely their fault, why would they even do something like this?! (Cue angry virgin noise)
And yeah, I honestly don’t know how their roommates survive this, but who knows, maybe they are out for some reason and ADeuce decided that they won’t get another chance like that and got a little bit too excited~
Anonymous asked:
Do you have any ace thoughts?? I have these like "twst character phases" where one character becomes my chew toy for a week and then gets discarded and ace is my latest victim 🤭🤭
I've kinda been thinking about pining!adeuce except deuce keeps fucking other people to cope and ace is insanely jealous and keeps avoiding him. Maybe he sleeps with one of their classmates (Jamil or epel maybe?? I like jamiace a lot) as a sort of "revenge"?? Which probably works after ace purposely doesn't hide the marks left from his "wicked plan" LMAO
Aftermath is they either fuck and become occasional fuck buddies making their pining worse or they avoid each other and make things worse (either way everyone is getting a headache from these two)
Ace is a nice chew toy, Anon, good choice! We have a similar situation, even though there are characters that are always our faves, right now we’re going through the first book again, so we’ve been kind of rediscovering Ace and Deuce lol
Ace and Jamil are a fun combo (poor Jamil just has to suffer because of his basketball club boys lol), but I honestly don’t know if Jamil would be up for something like that. Maybe he has his reasons though, it all depends on a scenario I guess.
Deuce feeling jealous despite knowing darn well that Ace is purposefully trying to make him jealous… god, how complicated things could be between them lol
I do like the idea of ADeuce being fuck buddies and not dating each other despite the fact that they’re super obviously are into each other and want to be together though; there are some nice doujins about Ace going through a crisis because he definitely wants to keep sleeping with Deuce, but just can’t help but cling to the “we’re just friends” thing, hurting Deuce very deeply. Wow this sounds more tragic that I thought lol but it doesn’t has to be: these idiots are hilarious, and watching them trying to figure shit out, fight, make out and fight again, and then have sex and stop talking to each other and then fight again is peak comedy. And also super headache inducing LOL
Anonymous asked:
Okay someone has to say it, next to Jack Deuce looks like a fucking stick. To be fair, you could be the buffest guy around and look like a stick next to Jack, he’s just THAT beefy
Yeah, Jack is hella big, so he has this aura that makes everyone shrink when they’re near him lol But I’m also prone to exaggerations when it comes to size difference. I love it too much
Anonymous asked:
i was the beach anon..also the dead dove anon from awhile ago, i’d love to discuss the beach scene potential in dms of that’d be ok
Oh hi Anon! :)
Sure, but only if you’re okay with me super slow (I mean it) with my replies. I absolutely hate making people wait and giving lackluster replies, but I also don’t have a lot of time and energy apart from drawing, which makes me a terrible person for chatting…
Anonymous asked:
Hello hi hello I am one simple man who enjoys AzuIdi very much- may your brain always be full of ideas and your hands be capable of completing all your missions
Thank you so much, Anon, it means a lot <3 God how much I want to complete all my missions. There must be more Azul/Idia in the world, and I’m happy to know that there are people who are excited to see them.
Anonymous asked:
So I was looking into your Azuide marriage AU and I find it very interesting so I was wondering if say Idia cheated on Azul for some mysterious unknown reason...what would Azul do??
Ohh thank you for your interest, Anon! I’m glad you like it :)
It honestly depends on the circumstances, but it would still be bad. Azul’s first instinct would be to learn anything he could about that person and how they know Idia. He would talk to Idia about it himself, but even if Idia just tells him everything as it is, Azul needs his own independent research to check if Idia is lying to him or not. Yes he is THAT petty lol
Azul is very bad at forgiving people, and cheating on him is one of the biggest betrayals a person could present him with. Of course, their marriage isn’t a romantic one, but it doesn’t change Azul’s feelings, and he’d be very hurt.
You’ve seen the “bad ending” scenario and probably have read my replies about it; although it’s kind of vague, but this is the reaction I’m picturing, to be honest. Maybe not as drastic, but he’ll also stop giving Idia any kind of privacy: either Jade or Floyd is going to be around him at all times, looking at his monitors, watching what he’s doing, who he’s talking to. Just to make sure that he isn’t doing anything stupid~
Oh, and Azul’s also going to scare that other person away or even ruin their life. Easily.
But there are also some exceptions that would make Azul begrudgingly look the other way. If Idia was to have an affair with Lilia or Ortho, Azul is going to just swallow his pride and try to act calm. But he’d still be super hurt and probably punish Idia in some other way.
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mingiswow · 2 years
Tumblr media
⚠️ English is not my first language, so sorry if there's any mistake
ok, is really hard for me to write about him because he has the same age as my little sister 
So it feels weird to me lol 
Baby boy Jongho 
He has such a tsundere vibe for me 
Not because he wants to 
But because he doesn’t know how to act around you
His shyness acts as coldness 
And that doesn’t help him at the beginning 
Bc when you guys met you thought he didn’t like you 
He barely spoke to you 
Never looked at you 
And the word exchange was reduced to sounds or monosyllabic words
But that’s because he couldn’t even look at you 
God you were so beautiful and ethereal to him 
An angel on earth 
So he asked help to your mutual friends 
“Let’s get drunk and then you use a little liquid courage”
It didn’t work the way he had planned because another person was hitting on you and he got jealous 
“Get away from yn they’re mine!” 
Now imagine the scene: he all drunk and tipsy, face red, eyes small and a pout that he thought was making an angry face but was more on the sad puppy side 
But hey! You thought he was cute like that and happy that he liked you back 
Jongho is a very discreet boyfriend 
Def not a fan of pda 
Or skinship in general 
I feel like he leaves the touches and caressing to more special moments
But as soon as you got more intimate in your relationship he became a cuddle bug 
He loves laying down in bed with your head on his chest and your arms wrapped around each other
A comfortable and comforting silence falls upon you two 
He just enjoys the comfort of your presence 
You don’t have to say or do anything, just being by his side he is ultimately happy 
He is quite a sappy boyfriend
He knows that he doesn’t touch you as much as he should but it’s just the way he is 
So he compensates (even tho you tell him he doesn’t have to) with homemade meals, long walks at the beach at night, dinner at a restaurant you said you wanted to try, little flower bouquets every now and then just because, opens the doors for you, pulls the chair for you to seat, hangs your jacket for you
The last romantic™️
He also changes a lot around people because of you
He gets softer
And is a daydreamer 
Sometimes his mind is doing things on auto mode that he doesn’t even realize that he’s thinking of you while practicing the new routine 
The boys don’t complain tho
They are loving this Jongho 
Mostly wooyoung because now he can rest lol 
Like I said, he is a sappy romantic boyfriend that just came out of some teen rom-com from the 00s
And so came his kisses 
Omg I feel like this man's kisses are the absolute most amazing kisses you could ever experience 
He just holds your face between his hands with such love and care
And look at your eyes deeply as he is professing his love by the way he looks at you 
Then he gently touches your nose before finally touching your lips 
His lips are a little rough but that doesn’t mean his kisses are rough as well
No no no 
This man has the softest, feathered and smooth kiss you’ve ever tasted 
He is a slow kisser
Tastes you so deeply
Makes your heart and stomach do backflips in excitement
You feel so so loved
You literally melt in his arms as you hold him
But as we know, most pros have their cons
And jongho is no exception 
He tends to get jealous very easily 
Not because he doesn’t trust you or doubt himself, but more because he doesn’t trust the other person 
He gets overprotective over you very easily 
And this can be quite annoying sometimes 
“Why are you home so late?”
“I told you I was going to go drink with my friend after work/school”
“Well, I was worried. What if something happened to you?”
Because of that, you fight quite a bit 
Not big fights 
But discussions 
That sometimes ends with you going to sleep in some of your friend's house or him in the dorms 
But he learned to pass over his pride and learned how to apologize over the time 
Because I’m the beginning he never apologized because he didn’t want to admit he was wrong 
But you guys talked through it 
You told him how you felt and he told you as well 
So the discussions always end with you both apologizing a few hours after 
NSFW from here on ⇉ minors dni ⇇
I have no other words other than dom
He is a soft man 
But he loooooves the sensation of being a little mean and authoritarian 
I mean, he is the maknae, he’s almost never in charge in his work 
So he enjoys bossing you around 
Even if you are older than him 
He is still dominating you
He is equal parts sweet and mean 
And you can notice in the way he talks to you 
He praises you for being so good to him for holding your orgasm like he asks you to do 
And seconds later he is laughing at your fucked out state and mocking you for begging to cum 
Jongho is a big big big fan of toys 
Because they’re his best friends 
They help him not only tease you but please you 
Has an enormous collection of vibrators, they’re his favorite 
Probably will use a toy every time you guys have sex 
Because he sees sex as this intimate and almost immaculate thing 
So he likes to take his time and enjoy the process 
Loves the little turning-on game you guys play before actually having sex 
Testing kisses and touches, kisses that last longer than they should, lips that go to other places, hands that adventure around each other’s bodies, sweet promises and teases whispered in your ears 
So the use of toys is a prolonging of that game 
Also, jongho is not a fan of giving oral 
Sorry everyone 
But since he uses the toys is all good 
And also, won’t force you to give him head 
But gladly enjoys it when you do 
It’s when he praises you the most tho
He is also a huge fan of sensory deprivation and stimuli
I’m talking about tying you up so you can’t touch him, blindfolding you so you can’t see him, playing with hot wax or ice on your skin so you get extra aware of your senses and surroundings 
But nothing will ever compare to the feeling of fucking you 
This man goes feral when he is inside of you 
He just can’t hold it 
Your walls feel so good around him 
He gets so lost that he does everything in auto mode 
Plays with your skin, your sensitive parts, nipples, hold you by your neck (not actually choking, just holding), pulls your hair (if you have), biting and marking your skin 
He just lets his primal instincts take over 
And if you start scratching and nailing his back he goes even wilder 
He’s not afraid of moaning 
But he just growls
Like an actual animal 
“If you keep marking me like this I won’t last longer sweetie”
It’s a lie 
This man has stamina 
He can go and go and go 
So prepare yourself 
Because when he is in the mood to make love to you - on his own terms of the act obviously - you guys will be locked in the bedroom for days 
But being the gentleman he is, after all of that he will treat you like royalty 
Will clean you up and take you for a warm bath with bath salts that will relax and soothe your body 
Will wash your hair, brush and even dry it 
And if he’s feeling extra lovely he’ll massage your feet and your arms
Then he just cuddles you and lulls you to sleep with his beautiful voice 
He is a gentleman in the streets and a freaky gentleman in the sheets
Requests are open
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(3) 1070 days: whisper grey
Myoui Mina x reader
Part of the series: Palette
Previous chapter: (2) 1446 days: ivory black
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Another filler chapter, sorry please bear with me The next chapter picks up, I promise!
1070 days.  
Ryujin had successfully debuted with the girl-group ITZY and was considered one of the prodigies of the fourth generation of KPOP.
You were extremely proud of her for achieving her dreams, but you couldn't help missing your best friend. Living alone now, Ryujin had to stay in the JYP dorms with her bandmates, and you didn't get to see her that often as she was always busy.
Despite her promises to take you to her concerts, you never saw any colors appear. It was always the same haunting grey, and you were starting to lose hope. You would stand near the stage for every concert, and look down below at the sea of fans and see only a tinted grey version of the world.
However, your photography work blew up on the internet, and you landed a job at W Korea. People praised you for your exceptional talent in black-and-white portrait photography, describing your work as "chefs-d'oeuvre of the shadows". You were acclaimed as the shy but talented photographer who could see beyond color when, in reality, you were just a soulmate-less Wayward who had not managed to gain an ounce of color visibility back in the past two years.
Time was running out, and you were panicking. You had not managed to cross paths with your soulmate at all, and you would think they didn't exist if it weren't for the magnetic feeling in your veins.
"It's for the best," you tried to convince yourself, attempting to stop yourself from finding and interfering with the life of your soulmate. They deserved more than being tied down by a random person in the world.
“We’ll need all staff on hand for this shoot,” announced your manager, Seulgi, during your company’s weekly meeting.
"Why? I have my day off that day," drawled your coworker and close friend Karina, who sat next to you with her lips pursed in annoyance. The raven-haired photographer was definitely not a fan of working overtime.
"Because we will be having a photo shoot of all of JYP’s artists for the announcement of their world tour," explained Seulgi, who then walked over and patted Karina’s head as if she was petting a child. "I’ll give you guys an extra week off for this gig."
Karina harrumphed, trying to hide her satisfied smile.
"That sounds like fun!" squealed Danielle, "Do you think we can get free tickets to their concert? I had a blast during Twice’s concert last year. I can’t wait to see them again this time. Do you think they’ll collaborate with other groups? I think they'll probably have a collaborative stage with ITZY, and Nayeon will try to h-"
"Make her shut up, bro," groaned Minji, nudging Hanni.
"It’s too early for this."
Hanni quickly clamped her small hands over Danielle's mouth, shutting her up immediately.
"Thank you," Seulgi smiled gratefully at Hanni before continuing. "Since there are many groups in the line-up, we have arranged five days for the photoshoot. This includes group photos, individual shots, and all JYP groups together."
You groaned internally. Photoshoots like this often-meant extreme work schedules and lack of sleep. At least you’ll be able to hang out with Ryujin a bit during the shoot if you were lucky.
It was also a good thing that your team consisted of a bunch of funny weirdos who took their jobs seriously, making work a bit more bearable.
Seulgi was one of the most compassionate and understanding managers you could ever ask for and had a knack for calming down your icy CEO (and her soulmate), Irene.
Karina was a talented photographer and filmmaker with stunning visuals. She shared the same perspective on the soulmate connection and knew about your temporary colorblind situation.
"I'd rather live and love freely for five years and die happy," Karina would say when asked why she wasn't looking for her soulmate. You and Karina clicked immediately when you joined the team, and she reminded you of Ryujin, whom you've always wanted to introduce her to.
Minji, Hanni, and Danielle were the “kids” on the team. Despite their youth at only 18 years old, they were all exceptionally talented at their jobs. Minji, the serious and soft-spoken visual director, collaborated seamlessly with you and Karina and often kept the other two rowdy girls in check. Hanni, the lighting technician, boasted her ability to eat bread for a week straight without feeling sick. Danielle, the talkative and positive force of nature, put all artists at ease with her makeup skills and welcoming demeanor.
After the long meeting that seemed to drag on for hours, you took out your phone to text Ryujin.  
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As you gazed at your phone, a faint smile crept onto your lips. Despite not understanding the reason, you felt an unusual sense of anticipation for the upcoming shoot - almost eager even. You told yourself that it was simply the prospect of seeing Ryujin again that excited you, but the faint prickling sensation of your tattoo hinted otherwise.
It seems that with the announcement of the shoot, the bleakness in your eyes gradually subsided, replaced by a subtle, soft grey hue. It was as if a glimmer of hope had entered your world, and the shadows had transformed into mere whispers of grey. Previous chapter Next Chapter
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kimbappykidding · 2 years
Imagine Yeonjun getting jealous at how close you and Beomgyu are.
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The truth was you just adored Beomgyu. You thought he was the funniest person you’d ever met and you loved how random he was. You had the exact same sense of humour so when you first met him you laughed so hard your ribs hurt. You quickly became close friends and soon had lots of inside jokes and gravitated towards one another naturally...which worried your boyfriend Yeonjun quite a bit.
Yeonjun noticed every little interaction between the two of you. How Beomgyu could make you cry with laughter just by how he walked in the room. How after every joke he made Beomgyu would look at you to see if you’d laughed or not (and how you almost always did). How if he was late getting home he’d of course find you in Beomgyu’s room. Neither you nor Beomgyu even mentioned your closeness except to say you were best friends. Yeonjun trusted you both but he still couldn’t help feeling a little insecure and unfortunately Beomgyu bore the brunt of his emotions.    
Yeonjun and all the members were in the studio trying to learn the choreography for their new comeback. It had already been a long and tiresome day but Beomgyu (as always) had tons of energy left and he was using that to target Yeonjun. Beomgyu always loved to imitate Yeonjun and today was no different. When the room went silent he’d “ease” the awkwardness by singing Yeonjun’s part mockingly. Then when Yeonjun didn’t react to that he started copying the choreography Yeonjun was struggling to learn. Finally when Beomgyu went to the bathroom Yeonjun thought he’d get a break but Beomgyu returned minutes later with Yeonjun’s hat and coat on. He started copying Yeonjun’s part very loudly with both the singing and dancing. He refused to give Yeonjun his things back and when Yeonjun realised Beomgyu was doing all three better than him he snapped.  "Stop it okay! I know how hard you want to be me but you ever will be so back off!" he yelled. Beomgyu immediately flinched and looked down hurt. Yeonjun felt regret seeing the hurt in Beomgyu's eyes but his member needed to hear it...or he needed to say it. Either way it was out now and there was no taking it back. "I'm sorry I annoyed you" Beomgyu said quickly removing Yeonjun’s clothes and he rushed from the room. Soobin shot Yeonjun a concerned look and went after him leaving a very unsure maknae line staring at Yeonjun. He couldn’t take their questions or judgement so he just sighed “can we just get this finished?”. The two nodded and rushed to get into position, not wanting to upset Yeonjun any further and again he felt that familiar guilt...but he just wanted to get out of here so he pushed it away and got into position. 
Your POV
You reached the dorm straight after you got off work and Soobin let you in. Beomgyu had texted you and briefly explained that Yeonjun had yelled at him. You were really shocked as it wasn’t like him to be cruel and so you were anxious to see him. You asked Soobin how they both were and he told you Yeonjun was in his room and he hadn’t said much. Apparently Beomgyu was still a bit sensitive but he’d stopped crying and managed to get through training which was good. You were very proud of your friend but you had to check on your boyfriend first, so you made your way to Yeonjun’s room and knocked. 
You heard him call come in and he paused when he saw you “Y/n...hey. “Hey” you said taking your coat off and setting your bag down “I know we didn’t have anything planned but I wanted to see you, I hope that’s okay?”. “Of course” Yeonjun said moving stuff so you could sit down “you know you’re always welcome here”. You smiled happy to hear that before taking a breath. 
"So I heard there was an incident at training?" you asked cautiously and saw the change in Yeonjun immediately. He groaned running his hands through his hair "of course you already know! I raise my voice and Beomgyu goes running to you". "Yeonjun he’s my best friend, of course he’s going to tell me when he’s upset" you argued. "And I'm your boyfriend and his member! Don’t I deserve some loyalty. Why does he always come first?" Yeonjun asked. 
You watched Yeonjun fall back on his pillows all pouty and were very confused. "Where is all this coming from? I thought you always liked how close we are?". Yeonjun sighed "I used to before he overtook me". "Overtook you?" you asked. "Ow come on y/n don’t play dumb. The two of you were thick as thieves. You're always meeting up and sharing jokes, hell even when you're with me you're texting him. Why don’t you just say what we all know, you’d rather be dating him instead of me". You shook your head "because that isn’t true!". Yeonjun went to argue when you interrupted him "no please let me speak. Yeonjun I am close to Beomgyu but that's because he’s my best friend. I am not attracted to him in any way and I've never looked at him like that". Yeonjun watched you to see if you were lying but you were staring right back at him unflinchingly. "You don’t?” he asked and you shook your head "he’s basically my brother Yeonjun. You have nothing to worry about. I love you both but in very very very different ways" you said making him smile slightly with how you said it. "Nobody makes me feel the way you do and I don’t think there's any idol as hot as you. Nobody could compete with you in my eyes". That was like music to Yeonjun’s ears and his mood immediately improved. He sat up looking a lot happier and bumped you with his shoulder playfully. "Hmmm really?” he asked with a light smirk on his face and you nodded taking his hand "really but if you're unsure I'm sure I could prove it to you". Yeonjun looked at you suddenly feeling tense for another reason "I wouldn't say no to that".
***   Later Beomgyu came into the kitchen to see you making hot chocolate. "Hey” you called "want one?". He nodded and you added an extra cup to the pan. "So I spoke to Yeonjun and he won’t be snapping at you again". Beomgyu nodded "thanks y/n...i guess i should stop teasing him so much". You shook your head "no that wasn’t even the problem. He snapped at you because he was jealous. That’s all". "Jealous?" Beomgyu asked "what of?". "Of us" you laughed "how close we are. He was worried I was going to leave him for you". Beomgyu snorted "ow this is hilarious! I am so teasing him for this". You grinned that Beomgyu’s mischievous streak was back and his promise to lay off Yeonjun now forgotten. "Maybe give it some time first yeah?". Beomgyu nodded "of course! I'll let him think we’ve all forgotten about this little incident and then bam! I'll pretend we're running away together". You chuckled "you know the day when one of you kills the other is going to be really awkward for me". Beomgyu shrugged “don’t worry I’ll help you find another boyfriend, I’ve caught Soobin checking you out before so maybe you can go for him”. You paused “okay well we definitely won’t be mentioning that to Yeonjun but thanks for having my back I guess?”. Beomgyu grinned “anytime! Now get back to that boyfriend of yours or he’ll go into another rage and attack me”. You smiled picking up the mugs of hot chocolate “on it, night Beomgyu!”. “Night y/n” he smiled “try not to get me in any more trouble”. You rolled your eyes but nodded “I’ll work on that” and returned to Yeonjun’s room where he was laid in bed waiting for you. 
Yeonjun jumped up when he saw you and took the cups from you immediately. He set them down quickly so he could wrap you back in his arms and shower you with kisses. “I told you, you have nothing to make up for!” you told him and he nodded “I know but I like to spoil you...I love you a lot and I want to show it to you”. You smiled “trust me I feel very loved by you and I love you too. I hope you can tell that?”. Yeonjun nodded “so much, the fact you didn’t laugh at me when I confessed my worries about Beomgyu proves that”. “I’d never laugh at you” you told him...plus I feel like Beomgyu does that enough for me and all the members combined”. Yeonjun smirked “he does but as he’s your friend I’ll let him off for it”. “Aren’t you sweet” you replied and relaxed into his arms even more. 
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