#mod: the manga does have a female yuu for the savanaclaw chapter
crowleytwstrp · 4 months
,,Headmage Crowley! I wish to request my pa- I mean my twin sister to enroll too due to some troublesome circumstances. She's very much fine with hiding her gender if that's a problem and she likes girls. It's a bit complicated but I can explain."
-Althea (oc. intro for both)
"Well usually we only accept those that have an enrollment letter... but I have been gracious enough in the past to make exception! I don't see why she would need to hide her gender, but if that what she would like to do, then I suppose she can? The staff and I will need to know what pronouns we should address her with due to this. I would like to hear more about these "troublesome circumstances" so I may make a more informed decision on whether I let her join our fine institution or not.
"I'd like to meet her too when we discuss this if possible! Let me know when would be the best time for us to meet. As for the liking girls part... I'm not sure what that has to do with anything? Night Raven College is a school, not a... what would you kids call it? An otome? It would be improper for staff to help set up any students on any dates."
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