#I cant guarantee that your twin will be in the same dorm as you
crowleytwstrp · 4 months
,,Headmage Crowley! I wish to request my pa- I mean my twin sister to enroll too due to some troublesome circumstances. She's very much fine with hiding her gender if that's a problem and she likes girls. It's a bit complicated but I can explain."
-Althea (oc. intro for both)
"Well usually we only accept those that have an enrollment letter... but I have been gracious enough in the past to make exception! I don't see why she would need to hide her gender, but if that what she would like to do, then I suppose she can? The staff and I will need to know what pronouns we should address her with due to this. I would like to hear more about these "troublesome circumstances" so I may make a more informed decision on whether I let her join our fine institution or not.
"I'd like to meet her too when we discuss this if possible! Let me know when would be the best time for us to meet. As for the liking girls part... I'm not sure what that has to do with anything? Night Raven College is a school, not a... what would you kids call it? An otome? It would be improper for staff to help set up any students on any dates."
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m0chis-cafe · 1 year
how i think octavinelle dorm members would kiss you
word count; 1.7k
warnings; self doubt/insecurities (azul, mood swings (floyd)
characters: Azul, Jade, Floyd
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Asul Ashengrotto🫧
-one of his vignette stories basically highlights how smooth and nice his and the twin's skin is
-like how it's very soft and Vil strives for that, if Vils striving for it you know it's amazing
-his lips are very soft basically ^
-he's also very shy and embarrassed easily
-when he does show affection it's in private, in the VIP lounge, his dorm room, or just any secluded place where it's just the two of you
-he'd often kissed your palms, shoulder, and just normal kisses (only when you are alone)
-he's just in a constant state of stress, so if it's just the two of you in the VIP lounge and you just hold him while messing with his hair and giving him kisses, hell melt
-you also probably work at the Monstro Lounge, he might give you a quick kiss on the forehead as he passes you if the lounge just so happened to be in a low lighting
-insecure and shy, as stated, and his kisses are the same
-gets more confident over time and will start initiating more often, he honestly just needs reassurance
-sometimes his insecurities get the best of him, and he doesn't understand why you are with him or want to be intimate with him after what he's done
-but be patient, because he really does love you, he just gets in his head sometimes
-if you cant tell i love this man, so much
Both being in a relationship with Azul and best friend with the Leech brother gave you a guarantee that you'd be pulled into working at the Monstro lounge. Yet with the ties you had the workload was much less demanding, yet you somehow ended up working just as much as Jade does every week. With your place, it also gave you permanent permission to enter the VIP lounge whenever you pleased. Now that your shift was over, you were whipping down one of the tables when you realized that you hadn't seen Azul your whole shift.
Glancing around the lounge you still couldn't see him, you did however see Floyd and Jade. Jade was cleaning tables similarly to you, his twin, however, was sprawled along a table most likely sleeping. Making your way over to Floyd you leaned over his face, "Hey Floyd!", He immediately smiled showing all of his sharp teeth, "SHRIMPY!" you giggled at his sudden joy, "Do you know where Azul is?". He groaned rolling his head off the table side, "He's stuck himself in the VIP room all day, boss is no fun". You quickly thanked him and made your way to the VIP room, quickly slipping in.
Opening the doors at first glance, you saw Azul hunched over his desk, head in hand while multiple papers and contracts lay across his desk. His chin was resting in the palm of his hand as his pen made its way across a sheet of paper. It soon joined the many other sheets and contracts that littered his desk. He glanced up to see you standing by the doorway, he smiled softly standing up and making his way to the front of his desk, "Hello darling, what brings you?" yea, he sounded exhausted.
You made your way to stand before him, wrapping your arms around his waist as soon as you were close enough. You explained to him that you hadn't seen him your whole shift and had gotten worried he was overworking himself again. Even if you couldn't see it, he was still embarrassed at the small blush that dusted his cheeks at your genuine worry for him. For him, even though he thought he didn't deserve it, here you were consulting him for something so small.
He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you tightly and kissing the crown of your head multiple times, "Thank you, prefect, for your worry truly makes me feel like a fortunate one."
Jade Leech🍄
-he's so proper but also enticed by you
-like Azul, his lips are very soft and are just really nice to feel
-he's much more affectionate in private, but that isn't without saying that he would show PDA if he felt like it
-when kissing him he sometimes tastes like... mushrooms, or sometimes just salty. at first, you were confused, but then he convinced you to join the mountain lovers club and you ended up also consumed by mushrooms and curiosity like Jade (the salt is just unexplainable, for sure)
-when he asks you questions about humans, you'd quip back with one about merfolk
-hed randomly kiss your cheek or nose while you were explaining something about humans or your home (he just thinks you are cute)
-he would also be so gentle with you
-he's used to floyd mood swings irrationality and being the voice of reason, so I feel like he's very gentle and soft with you because you don't make him be on his guard all the time
-Jade would take his breaks in the mostro lounge at the same time as you just so you both could sneak away to a quiet place just to be together for a little
Jade was leading you through one of the mountains near NRC, he said that he read about a kind of mushroom that could only be found near running rivers. It had a bright aqua-blue color to it. He wouldn't specify why he wanted this specific mushroom, all that he wanted was to go the next club meeting and that you had to come with him.
He dragged you up the walking path while rambling about sadi mushrooms and their properties. You half listened to him as you tried to take in the surroundings of the new trail that you had never been on. While your gaze was stuck on a particularly bright-colored butterfly, you hadn't realized you had come to a stop until jade leaned down right in front of your face, he looked slightly discouraged. "Have you found something else more interesting, my pearl?" You raised your hands to cradle his jaw leaning up to kiss his nose, "just saw a butterfly is all, shall we continue?"
He tilted his head in your hands, "whatever do you mean, we're here." As he stood back to his full height and stepped to your side you now saw the river running in front of you. As soon as you remembered you started surveying the shores of the river banks for the mushroom that Jade so desperately seemed to want. within a few seconds, you spotted the brightly colored mushroom, pointing in its direction you saw Jade follow your finger, "there, is that it?" You heard him chuckle and a hand being set on your head lightly ruffling your hair. He leaned down to kiss your cheek, "yes. that would be it, my pearl."
Floyd Leech🦐
-even if it wouldn't seem like it, his lips are also soft
-still stems from that vignette where they use stuff from the twins to make a moisturizer for Vil
-his kisses would be so energetic and quick
-he will not care about PDA, if he feels liek it he will just be affectionate in any way no matter whos around (if your comfortable with it)
-if his mood changes randomly during the day hell spend the next few minutes looking for you, all you'll hear is him yelling your name before you get squeezed and kissed all over your face
-he'd most commonly just litter kisses all over your face, or your neck/collarbone
-if you visited him at basketball club, be prepared to get smooched in front of everyone else
-you also end up having a similar role as Jade, which is caring for Floyd when his mood swings happen (AKA- cleaning up the aftermath/helping him)
-you're the only person that can chip up his mood when he's in a funk
You were sat in one of the corner booths at Monstro lounge waiting for Floyd to finish his work. He kept coming by your table to delay his job, but you kept shooting him away so he could actually finish and be able to have free time. All while sipping on the usual drink you got and scrolling through magicam, occasionally texting the group chat you had with the rest of the freshman.
You heard someone clear your through and you looked up to see Jade standing at the edge of your table wearing his usual small smile. You offered him a slight one back, questioning him "what brings you Jade? is Floyd Ok?". While the concern in your voice for his brother was sweet, Jade felt bad burdening you with Floyd rash mood swings, alas he cracked and shook his head. "I'm afraid he has fallen into another one of his fallen moods and has retired to his dorm room, would you be as kind as to check on him? I would but as you can see were quite busy.". Glancing around you noticed the lounge was considerably fuller than it was when your first got there.
You quickly finished your drink and assured Jade that you would check on him. Winding your way through the tables and patrons, you made your way to the actual rooms of the dorm. Knowing the way to his door by heart, you didn't bother knocking and slipped into the open room. There you saw Floyd just sitting on the floor next to his bed looking in his lap, until he realized your presence then his face quickly morphed into a smile full of his sharp teeth. "SHRIMPY!" you giggled softly shaking your head at his repetitive antics. you swiftly made your way to his side, once you were close enough he was able to grab you, tugging your figure into his lap squeezing you. Simply lacing your hand through his hair as you felt him nuzzling into the space between your shoulder and collarbone. He left small kisses wherever he could. once he seemed to be in a better mood you pulled back to look him in the eyes, "feeling better now?" he nodded and sealed it with a soft kiss to your lips.
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