#villain asked hero to join sides with him
chiearsworld · 2 days
Reporter! Reader x Prohero Izuku Midoriya
As the first rays of the morning sun peeked over the horizon, the city of Musutafu came alive with the bustling energy of its residents. Among them was y/n, an ambitious reporter for the city's leading news outlet. Today was a special day, one that had the potential to define y/n's career. It was the day of the much-anticipated interview with the Number One Pro Hero, Izuku Midoriya, also known as Deku.
Arriving at the agency, y/n couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. The towering building was a symbol of hope and safety, a testament to Deku's dedication and tireless efforts in protecting the city. With a deep breath, y/n walked through the revolving doors, greeted by a friendly receptionist who guided them to the top floor.
The elevator ride felt like an eternity, but finally, the doors opened to a spacious, sunlit office. There he was, Izuku Midoriya, standing by the window with a warm smile. His presence was as commanding as it was reassuring, his green eyes sparkling with a kindness that put y/nat ease.
"Welcome! It's a pleasure to meet you," Deku said, extending a hand.
"The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Midoriya," y/n replied, shaking his hand firmly.
"Please, call me Izuku," he insisted with a grin. "Shall we get started?"
The two sat down, and y/n began setting up the recording equipment. As the interview commenced, Izuku spoke passionately about his journey to becoming the Number One Hero, the challenges he faced, and the values that guided him. His words were not just inspiring but also deeply personal, revealing a side of him that few had seen.
"You've mentioned before that being a hero is not just about strength, but also about heart. Can you elaborate on that?" y/n asked.
Izuku's expression softened. "Being a hero means more than just defeating villains. It's about empathy, understanding, and the willingness to go above and beyond for others. It's about being a symbol of hope, someone people can rely on. Every decision I make is guided by the desire to protect and uplift those around me."
As the interview progressed, y/n found themselves captivated not just by Izuku's words, but by his genuine sincerity. It was clear that his heroism stemmed from a place of deep compassion and unwavering resolve.
After the formal questions were over, there was a moment of silence, a comfortable pause that allowed y/n to gather their thoughts. Izuku took this opportunity to turn the tables.
"You've asked me so many questions about being a hero. But I'm curious, what drives you in your work as a reporter?"
Caught off guard, y/n smiled. "I guess it's the stories. The chance to uncover truths, to share experiences that can inspire and inform. Much like you, I want to make a difference, in my own way."
Izuku nodded thoughtfully. "That's a noble pursuit. Our roles may be different, but our goals are very much aligned."
As the interview concluded and y/n began to pack up, Izuku extended an invitation. "If you're interested, maybe you could join me on a patrol sometime. See the world from a hero's perspective."
Y/n's heart skipped a beat. "I would love that. Thank you, Izuku."
With the promise of future adventures, y/n left the agency with a renewed sense of purpose and a story that would undoubtedly touch the hearts of many. Little did you know, this was just the beginning of an extraordinary journey alongside the world's greatest hero.
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stealth-black-leg · 9 months
Crocodile really is The Character of all time.
He's first introduced as a terrifying villain in the shadows who's killing an entire country of thirst and orchestrating a civil war while posing as their hero. He runs a vast criminal organization while having immunity from the government. He's viciously cunning and dreadfully powerful. The first time Luffy fights him, he never even touches him and very nearly gets killed. It takes him THREE times to finally beat him, and hardly. Just by the events in the Arabasta saga, Crocodile would've gone down as an amazing character and villain.
But then.
But then, like eight arcs after Arabasta, Luffy breaks into Impel Down, where Crocodile happens to be imprisoned. And he just. First he says HISASHIBURI DANA MUGIWARA in an incredibly deep and sexy voice that has me giggling and twirling my hair. Then he gets blackmailed by IVANKOV who knows A PERSONAL SECRET OF HIS and we're all looking at him like
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AND THEN Crocodile joins Luffy to break out of prison and go to war, but not before taking a detour through Newkama Land because god forbid Crocodile showed up at Marineford wearing dirty prisoner rags. On their way out they meet Blackbeard, who starts rambling about his evil plan and Crocodile is like "who" and Blackbeard says "me" and Crocodile replies "no, who asked you" and moves on because he really couldn't care less about that mf.
And then. And then.
They arrive at Marineford. And Crocodile PEAKS at Marineford.
He shows up in this huge battlefield and he hates EVERY SINGLE PERSON on it. Fuck you, Whitebeard. Fuck you, Doflamingo. Fuck you, Sengoku. Fuck you, Mihawk. Fuck you, Akainu. He's completely unhinged. An agent of chaos. And if he ends up picking a side, he does it because FUCK COPS THAT'S WHY and isn't that the noblest of reasons.
And then he comes back over a decade of publication later to create a bdsm gay polycule with a sex dungeon along with a misanthropic swordsman and a clown.
Not to mention he's also Luffy's mother
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r3ynah · 4 months
What's wrong with clones? what's wrong with me?
Dani was greatful for her mom, she was greatful that he was supportive and living when she first met him, and even after the fight she was happy that Danny didn't throw her away with hatred in his eyes, she would've understand it nonetheless, just imagine someone assaulting your DNA to make a copy of you? it was traumatizing or the both parties, based on experience.
But if it wasn't for Danny, she wouldn't be here at this place were she stands. It has been about 20 years since she was born, and her mom step backed from heroism and passed it down to her which she accepted with pride. Her mom deserves a break.
And without her she wouldn't be part of the Justice League, and wouldn't be meeting all this amazing people, they have loved dani and took care of her ever since she joined. and she was happy. what more could she ask for? well she was a bit lonely afterall.. and that was selfish of her, she already have her mom, her friends, what else could she even ask for?
Dani, Hero name Wraith, walked down the halls of the watchtower when she heard a ruckus in one of the meeting rooms, letting her curiosity get the best of her she took a peek in the room, where she found a bunch of Heroes surrounding a boy that looks a little too much like Superman. and Superman in the corner holding his head in stress? Agony? Dani doesn't know.
She stepped into the room, only for Wonder woman to notice her, She gave Dani a wave which she returned with a smile, she moved near Wonder woman in curiosity and asked: "What's going on? why's the Adults surrounding a kid?"
Wonder woman looked at her with a stare she didn't understand, before she answered. "He's a clone of Superman, we found him trying to kill the man, just last week, and this is the first time he's let out." She explained while pointing at the kid.
Dani let out a gasp of delight, "Really? Holy shit. I got to talk to the kid!" Before Diana could stop the girl she was already at the new clone's side, pushing the other heroes away.
The Clone angrly stared at the new person, infront of him. "What you'll interrogate me too?."
"What? Why would you think that?" Dani giggled as she circled the boy, her eyes darting back and forward to superman and the boy to see the similarities. "Ancients, you really look like Superman, what's wrong with you?"
"What do you mean by that?" The kid asked very confused.
"I mean you're healthy and fine, i don't get why the league is going haywire towards you." Wraith chuckled, as she floated upside down infront of the kid.
Silence embraced the room, as the sound of a steel chair echoed throughout the room.
"Didn't you hear what Wonder Woman said Wraith?" Superman walked big steps towards the two making other heroes take a step back, from the man of steel. "It's a clone."
"okay, Okay, Wait i feel i said something wrong?" Dani returned to her normal position, making sure she's not levitating upside anymore as she looked at older man infront of her in confusion. "What's the problem here?"
The room was quiet huh that was unusual with, there was a thick atmosphere that you can cut it with a knife.
"The problem? This is the problem." Superman angrily stated as he pointed at the kid, who looked ready to fight the man infront of him any second now.
"What? superman i don't get its just a clone and a child-" Wraith was cut off rudely. by the man infront of him.
"Ofcourse you don't get it, you don't get how it feels to be cloned, you don't get how traumatizing it is for your DNA to be stolen, That is not a child." Superman snapped, making Dani take a step back. "So stop acting like its a normal kid, that thing will never be like us, because its a mistake created by some lousy villain, who tried to stop and kill me, clones don't deserve love nor respect, and they certainly don't deserve families. Now Stop acting like you get it."
Silence, surrounded the room as Superman finished letting his anger out at Wraith who stared at him wide eyed confusion seen her face, she looked at her peers who only looked apologetic and those who looked down the floor and then there was batman
she shifted her gaze towards the, boy who she can see was trembling, The boy was crying. oh no. no. please don't cry.
"I get it." Wraith stated, keeping her ground, only babies cry she wasn't a baby now, she grew out of that phase.
She returned her gaze back at Superman who still was looking at her. it really looked like he didn't mean to snap at her. But that shit Hurt who knew he had it him, is this what Danny felt when he found out about her, was he in reality sick of her? no. No. Danny loved her, he said so himself.
"Wraith please no-" Wonder woman, called out trying not to get the girl in more trouble.
"No. I get it. I'm really sorry for you Superman, and how you got traumatized by some of your DNA getting stollen, I am really. But with all due respect you can't treat him like a thing, because he's a clone." Wraith spoke back, now more confident than ever. the kid perked up from this and raised his head, he was really crying.
"And what do you know about that? Wraith." Oh no Hero names, She knew she struck a nerve, Superman was back at being angry.
"What I know, is that you're right, clones don't deserve love and respect, clones don't deserve anyone because all they do is hurt and destroy." For a second everyone thought Wraith changed sides. Wraith glared at superman, he wanted her to agree with him, oh she'll agree with him alright. "Clones like me, don't deserve anything."
Everyone in the room was shocked but to scared to speak, afraid to start something.
"Thank you, Superman. For showing me that I didn't deserve my mom, Because to be honest you're fucking right, all I did for my mom was pain and agony." Dani was now raising her voice, at the man infront of her.
"You're a clone?" Superman managed to ask, his eyebrows almost touching his hairline.
"Hell yeah, And you know what age he got me. Fourteen, He became my mom at the age of fourteen, he took care of me at the age of fourteen, he loved me like his own daughter at the age of fourteen" Wraith laughed out loud, tears threatening to stream down her face. "You know what's funny superman? I tried to also murder him, I tried to also kill my template. And yet he took me in, and said that it wasn't my fault. it wasn't my fault that i was born, It was never my fault, he comforted me as i cried to him about my other brothers who i watched slowly die and melt apart infront of my eyes, he didn't hate, he didn't isolate, he only loved and cared."
Wraith was now crying. as she gritted her teeth.
"you we're right. I didn't deserve my mom. if he had just killed me from the start, he would've been more happy and not worry about me, My mom is the kindest being in the world in my own eyes, and he'd done everything for me ever since he was fourteen." Dani looked down at the ground, with clenched hands. "I was born as a six years old, but in reality i was only two months old. it's funny how im the same age right now when my mom first had me. My body maybe 20, but my brain is 14, keep that in mind Superman."
She looked around her peers, but couldn't see anyone but her reflection in those glass walls, she's crying, she didn't want to cry. "You've been hating on that kid, but Superman let me remind you that kid." She looked at the child who was still sitting on the chair but now with a look of confusion, eyes red from crying. "Is only a few months old despite its physical appearance, you've been hating on a newborn baby, like a deadbeat dad, and that's just sad."
Dani can hear a snort in the background. She swore that sounded like her mom.
Superman looked defeated and guilty, Dani was tired she wanted to cry, in the arms of her mom, but she can't leave the other kid here, so she made a rash decision. "If you don't want him, I'll take him."
Protest engulfed the meeting room, but Dani didn't care, she passed Superman and headed towards the black haired kids, direction. "Wanna come with me?" she asked, while having her hand out for him to take.
The kid looked at her hand, before grabbing it. Dani smiled and summoned a portal, she took the kid with her, her mother's not gonna like this and she might take a break from JL a couple of months, Oh well its all worth it.
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alisonwritesimagines · 2 months
Wayne Family Garden ~Batmom Imagine~
Summary: Your plan on growing a garden. However, you don’t have a green thumb. Luckily, you know someone who does.
Author’s Note: I'm obessed with the Wayne Family Adventures on WebToons. Like you don't know how obsessed I am with them.
BatFamily Masterlist
Reader’s Pronouns: She/Her
Warnings: fluff, Poison Ivy and Harley know the Batfam's identies (its canon)
Side Note: This is a secondary blog. If you comment a question down below, I will not answer since this is not the main blog. Please send the question to my inbox if you want a response back!
Do not repost this anywhere!
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"What do you think Alfred?"
"I think having a lemon tree could really benefit the garden and our groceries," Alfred tells you.
"Maybe we can have an apple tree too?" You said.
"Sounds delightful. And Master Bruce agreed to your garden?"
"Yup. Said we can have it on the side in the backyard. And we can grow whatever we want," you smiled.
"We should start off small then," Alfred said.
"Right. So then a lemon tree, an apple tree, and carrots?" You asked.
"Sounds good to me," Alfred smiled.
You had been growing more bored around your home now that most of your kids were adults and had moved out of the mansion. So after seeing a good amount of gardening TikToks, you wanted to start your own little garden. But there was one slight problem, you didn't know how to garden.
So there was one person you could think of who could help you start off. You didn't want to bother Alfred more than what he has to deal with so you used your husband's technology to find a certain someone.
The apartment complex looked a little run down but yet again, you knew this was where they would be laying low. You knocked on the front door, only to see Harley Quinn opening it up.
"Mrs. Wayne? Whatcha doin here?" Harley asked you.
"Hiya, Harley. I'm looking for Ivy. Is she around?" You asked.
"Yeah. What's going on?" Harley asked.
"Harley. Who is it?" You heard Ivy ask.
"It's Y/n Wayne! Batman's wife!" Harley said excitedly.
"Hi, Ivy. I came here to ask for a favor," you tell her.
"Uh sure. What's up?" Ivy asked.
"I am currently planting a garden at my home but the problem is, I don't know how to garden. I was wondering if you can help me out," you asked her.
"Don't you have a butler who also knows how to garden?" Ivy asked.
"Yes but I don't want to bother him more than my family already has. And besides, I need more females around the house," you mentioned.
"What are you trying to grow?" Harley asked.
"I would like to start off with a lemon tree, an orange tree, and an apple tree. But I know those take a couple years to grow but I would like to begin growing carrots, tomatoes, and green beans as well," you tell her.
"Those are good to start off with," Ivy mentioned.
"Thanks. So will you come by my house with me and help me get started? I have the tools and everything to start off," you asked her.
"Yeah. My schedule is clear for today," Ivy shrugged.
"Thank you! Harley! You can come over too," you invited.
"Oh sweet!"
Whenever it was a light night, meaning that there was barely crime for once in Gotham, the whole family would get together for dinner. However, they were surprised to see two new comers joining you all in dinner.
"I expect you all to behave yourselves for the night. Ivy and Harley are my guests as they helped me with my garden today," you tell your family.
"Yes mom."
"And no hero or villain talk in the table. I would like a dinner where we can just eat like normal people for once," you say as you prepped the table.
During dinner, everyone ate peacefully but kept a close eye on Harley and Ivy. It was mainly you talking about the garden and your plans for it.
"What are you planning on growing in the garden ummi?" Damien asked you.
"I would like a lemon, orange, and an apple tree but I know those take a while to grow. But I'm also planning on growing some carrots, green beans, and tomatoes to start off," you say excitedly.
"Just make sure to follow the instructions I gave you," Ivy said.
"Of course. And I'll call you in case anything happens," you smiled at her.
The next few weeks, you were proud of your work. The trees were starting to form slowly but surely. You kept notes to check your progress as well as making sure everything was going smoothly. So it wasn't a surprise for the batfamily to see Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy come to their house every week to help check on your garden.
"They're growing good," Ivy tells you,
"Thank you!"
"If you want, I can help you speed up the process for the trees."
"I know I should wait but I do want to try baking an apple pie and make my own orange juice."
"As long as you keep maintaining it you should be fine."
"Mmm. Okay. Let's do it!"
Cassandra and Stephanie quickly rushed over to Harley's and Ivy's place with the bag from their mom. It had been a couple weeks since Ivy and Harley last visited you and your garden. Cassandra knocked on the door, waiting for one of them to answer.
"What do you kids want?" Ivy asked as she opened the door.
"wanted us to drop this off to you," Stephanie said as she handed her the bag. Ivy looked into it before smiling. A fresh apple pie along with a pitcher of orange juice and lemonade were placed in the bag.
"Tell her we said thank you."
"We will!"
"Let her know that if she wants to start something new, have her call me," Ivy tells the girls.
"We will!"
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Dp X Injustice AU's
So, we have seen the frankly insane about of Dp x Dc AU's that have been spawned over the years. But I never really see any Injustice AU's
And then I thought, which Dp x Dc AU would you actually use for an Injustice AU?
Let me give some examples:
Justice League Member Danny: Danny is a part of the Justice League by the time Superman goes insane. He decides to step in when Shazam is nearly killed by Superman, but gets hurt himself in the process and is thrown in jail. This causes some of Superman's supporters to doubt him, since Danny is just a 16 yr old kid and Clark nearly killed him.
Danny is sill a Solo Hero: Danny is still just a Solo Hero from Amity Park in this. When Superman takes over the world, he goes to Amity to try and recruit Phantom. Danny refuses, and they butt heads. Danny eventually promises that he will continue to just act as a small time Vigilante in return for not joining Batman's side. This changes years later, when Superman is responsible for the death of Jazz Fenton.
Danny is a "Villain": Danny is seen as a Villain because he is a Ghost. At least, that's what the outside world thinks, but the situation in Amity is different. Danny has been seen as a Hero for years now, it's just the rest of the world that doesn't want to accept that fact. So when Superman takes over the world, and tries to execute every Villain, he goes after Phantom. Only for the Entire Town to try and stop him.
@little-pondhead Everlasting Trio Villain AU: So, take Little Pondhead's Villain AU and put it in the Injustice Universe. Danny can be the insane megalomaniac Villain he always wanted to be and not feel guilty because this is a Dictatorship. (Although it does remind him of Dan before his parole). He just has fun, messing with Superman, building insane crazy inventions, messing with Superman, enacting fun Villain plots, messing with Superman, and of course messing with Superman. Meanwhile Superman is just having a horrible time because there is just this random Villain, doesn't even seem to have powers, and he Just. Can't. Catch Him! Batman is looking for Fenton to recruit, meanwhile Fenton is literally here to Not be a Hero. It gets even worse when he brings in his Friends and Ellie.
Danny is the Ghost King: Danny is the Ghost King by now, and Batman's side try to Summon Him to deal with Superman during the whole "Super Pills" event. He shows up just in time to save Green Arrow, but isn't trong enough to kill Superman. He himself gets extremely injured in the process and gets forcibly summoned back to the Ghost Zone to be healed. Now the entire Dimension is gearing up to attack the Living World as revenge for their King being so hurt.
Old Man Danny AU: My own AU. Danny is still an Old Man just living in Gotham when Superman takes over. At one of his rally's to try and garner support and stop the rebellions, Danny stands up in the middle of the crowd and calls him out on all his Bullshit. This causes the whole crowd to start yelling at Superman, which in turn causes Superman to have a Homelander Moment. He kills Danny, who just laughs as he falls to the floor, and causes a riot. What Superman doesn't know, is that Danny was slated to ascend to Godhood at the moment of his Death, so now he has a God of Death chasing him to fulfill his "need to be avenged" urges (its like hunger pangs for ghosts)
Danny as a Medium: Danny is a Traveling Ghost Speaker, like the guy you pay $5 to pretend to speak to your dead loved ones, but he can actually speak to them. Superman is patrolling the world, just making the rounds now that he had conquered the Earth, and comes across Danny's Tent. He stops by in curiosity and asks to speak to his dead Wife. Danny asks if he really wants to put himself through that, but Superman insists. So Danny, instead of just speaking for the Ghost like normal, actually Summons Lois Lanes Ghost to talk to Superman. They have a heartfelt conversation about how it wasn't his fault, and how he shouldn't blame himself, but eventually they get to the topic of Clark talking over the world. She isn't proud, but understands if this is what it takes for him to be happy. She leaves, and Superman is left finally second-guessing himself for the first time in years. Because it doesn't make him happy. (*ahem* Danny still wants to be payed, soooo......)
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carpetbug · 6 months
welcome to the beginning of my ML Feline Blue AU!
in which Marinette is forced to become guardian before ever wielding a miraculous. Chaos ensues when she uses the black cat ring to become feline blue and through a silly little turn of events, Adrien gets his hands on the ladybug earrings and becomes beetle rouge
BIIIIIG thank you to my lovelies @isabugs and @thimbleb3rries for being so kind and encouraging, for their WONDERFUL ART OH MY GOD, and for beta-ing this!
The beginning: Becoming Guardian
1 • 2
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“You’re not going to beat me like that, old man” The looming figure taunted.
Hunched in a ball before him, a much smaller elderly man struggled for breath. Blood trailed from his mouth, combining with his saliva to messily drip from his lips as he fought for air. Just by the effort he had to put into continuing breathing, he could tell this was not a fight he could win. Still, his fists clenched in defiance as he pushed himself from the floor and steadied himself upright on his feet. His spine screamed in protest and searing pain at the task, but he managed to remain standing.
“I know I can not beat you, old man” He coughed, hands trembling slightly. “But I must continue to fight”
The taller man scoffed before taking a step forward “I’ll make sure it's the last thing you ever do, you pathetic excuse of a guardian” He spat, tightening his grip on his cane as his rage boiled beneath his skin.
“I’d expect nothing less from a villain like you, Hawkmoth”
“No need to act like you’re so much better than me. After all, we've all made mistakes, haven’t we Master fu” Hawkmoth sneered.
“Leave my past out of this. I’ve worked to fix what I have broken, you only aim to destroy” Master fu panted, feeling his shoulders to check if his bag was still on his back, and letting out a small sigh of relief when he felt the thick material. Next his hands slowly traveled to support and feel the bottom and sides of the bag, searching for an object. He took another relieved breath when he felt the item's weight, and then he prepared himself for the worst. Bunching his muscles, he sprang into action and bolted away from Hawkmoth.
He focused only on moving forward, getting as far from this wretched evil as he could before time ran out. When he finally collapsed, legs giving out from under him in pure exhaustion, he found himself at the Pont de Arts, above the seine. Hawkmoth was nowhere to be seen, but master fu knew that was only a false sense of security. The villain would find him soon enough. He needed to find someone. Anyone.
“-ir? Are you okay?”
A voice. Master fu looked up, vision shaking just slightly. In Front of him stood a teenage girl, dark hair pulled back into pigtails and eyebrows pushed together with worry.
“Sir? Can you hear me?” She asked with a panicked look in her eyes. “How can I help?” She stepped closer and offered him a hand.
Master fu gathered his strength to pull his bag from his back and carefully draw open the zipper before reaching in to pull out the contents. The girl watched intensely, eyes following his pained movements. He pulled a large dark wooden box from the bag and held it close to his chest, then brought his eyes upwards to meet her face. “I’m sorry, young hero” He said sadly, then joined his hand to hers before she could respond.
An intense feeling washed over him, and he closed his eyes to take a deep breath. This girl was strong. He hoped she will forgive him for the burden he will make her bear.
She flashed an anxious smile “That’s okay, and I promise I’m no hero. Just a normal g-” He cut her off with a sharp tug, then slammed the box into her chest. She gasped as he knocked the air from her lungs, clearly not expecting such a feat of strength from the battered man. As she fought to breathe, Master fu gathered the last few remnants of his strength and lifted the girl from the ground. “I, Wang Fu, hereby relinquish the Miracle Box-”
“Stop! What are you doing!?”
“-and name Marinette Dupain-Cheng the guardian” His body lit up, skin glowing as the box between them lifted upward and burned like a star in the air.
“How do you know my na-?!” Before she could finish what she said, the box dropped back into her hold and the elderly man -still glowing like some sort of deity- held her over the railing and dropped her into the rushing water below. She hit the surface with a loud splash, getting thrown under but quickly resurfacing a few feet away, miracle box still in her arms.
The last thing she saw before being pulled away by the fast moving current was the man falling backwards to the ground in exhaustion as the light emitting from his skin dimmed.
Master fu slowly blinked his eyes open, carefully taking in his surroundings with an expression of pure shock and confusion on his face. He seemed so frail, all of a sudden. Like he had lost all his fight.
“What did you do?!” a booming voice hissed behind him. He started to turn his head to look, but something beat him to it. All of a sudden, a hand tightened around his throat and picked him off the ground, nails digging into the thin skin of his neck.
“What- what’s happening?” Master fus strangled voice hardly escaped his lips. He tried to thrash his legs, do anything to get free, but a fatigue he couldn’t explain had overcome his muscles. Weakly prying at his attackers hands, panic began to set in. There wouldn’t be any escape. “Who are you?” he managed out in a pained mumble.
“I am the next guardian of the miraculous” the seething voice responded as nails began to break through his skin. “I am the consequences of your greatest mistake” the words rang through his head as his vision went black, and sickeningly warm blood poured from his throat.
Marinette struggled to hold her head above the surface and keep the container in her grasp as the river pulled her this way and that. Her mind raced and her lungs screamed, everything inside her begging to let go of that weird old man’s weird old box and save herself instead. Still, her grip remained glued to the sodden wood, as if she would rather drown than set the box free to face the waters’ wrath. Nothing was making any sense. And despite the deafening chorus of the racing water that surrounded her, the only thing ringing in her ears was the man’s words.
He had called her a hero. He had entrusted her with something clearly important to him. He had thrown her into the seine. He had been badly wounded. He had been a complete and utter stranger. What did everything mean? Suddenly, her feet felt solid ground beneath her, and she hurriedly moved to follow it. She pushed forward, focusing on reaching the bank that lay on the other side. Eventually Marinette was able to pull herself and the box from the water onto an empty platform beneath a bridge.
As soon as she was safely out of the water, Marinette threw herself backwards in exhaustion. She laid against the cool pavement underneath her and passed through all the events that had just occurred. What the fuck was this ‘miracle’ box? And why was she the ‘guardian’? Ignoring the new aches in her body, she sat upward and brought the box closer to her.
There she sat for a few moments, toying with the lid and gently tracing the intricate pattern displayed. Taking a deep breath, she slowly opened it.
“HELLO YOUNG MASTER” A loud chorus of voices rang out as a beam of light emitted from the open container and what looked like small differently colored masses of stars flew all around her. Marinette fell back onto her elbows, overwhelmed at the sudden sensory overload. Her vision was a blur of nauseating colors accompanied by what she could only imagine to be auditory hallucinations.
Before she had a chance to speak, to catch her breath or try and scream for help, the almost magical colorful masses slowed until they were still, then began to morph into a solid form. Marinette watched, intrigued and terrified, as these small creatures took shape in front of her. They each seemed to be a different animal, though they all shared an alien-like anatomy. Some had tails, others long whiskers and a few antennas. Two of them caught her eye, a sleek black cat and what she thought to be a ladybug (though it looked much more like some sort of bug-mouse combo).
As if the creatures could read her mind -which they could, for all she knew-, they began to speak in sync. “WE ARE THE KWAMI, MAGICAL BEINGS THAT CAN BESTOW POWERS UPON OUR WIELDERS.” They said, in an almost sing-songy voice.
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mistystepmoonbeam · 3 months
Reborn in Baldur's Gate 3: Chapter 1
Plot: You’ve been reincarnated.  It’s the realization you come to when the tiefling offering you a health potion introduces himself as Tav.  You died and your soul revived in Baldur's Gate 3, at the beginning of the game no less.  But you only have the memories of your past life on Earth, and none of your current one.  
Tav invites you to join him on his journey, despite your lack of abilities or maybe because of it.  You might as well go along with it; where else would you go with no memory of who you currently are, or knowledge of anything that lies outside of the narrative?
There is much to discover about your life in Baldur's Gate, and what transpires relies on the tiefling leading your group as Tav.
Word Count: 2.5K
A/N: This is very self-indulgent so there will by a lot of Gale and Astarion.
“I’m Tav.”
He’s a tiefling, you recall.  Tall and bulky with curled horns.  The dark gray skin tells you he’s descended from Mephistopheles, and his simple leather gear tells you he’s a barbarian.  Huh.  Yeah, that makes sense, he’s Tav, the hero of the game!  Or…the villain?  Your head pounds as memories flood back to you—tieflings, bards, goblins, vampires—you, sitting at a computer debating which choice would garner you the most favour with your companions in…
“Baldur’s Gate,” you mumble.  You slap a hand over your mouth, staying on your knees as you blink at the tiefling.  At Tav.  He arches his brows and kneels beside you, offering you a small vial of red liquid.
“You’re from Baldur’s Gate, too?” he asks.  “Drink this, it’ll make you feel better.”
Without much thought you take the already opened vial from him and swallow it down in one small gulp.  With a deep breath the pounding in your head subsides and you can think a little clearer.  Maybe not clear enough to fully comprehend that you’re currently in a video game, or that there’s a small wriggling behind your left eye which means…
More images come to you, a mind flayer holding a worm with too many teeth to your eye,  a githyanki—Lae’zel—pointing a sword at you, and then falling from the ship.  The nautiloid.  Tav’s memories of the ship.
Tav winces as the visions fade.  “Guess you got one of those, too.”
A chill runs down your spine, through each and every bone of your body until the squirming thing behind your eye stops movement all together.  
“I uh…”  You look around at the crash area, taking in the rocks and splotches of fire dotting the land on one side and water on your left, until you meet the gaze of a raven-haired half-elf.  
“This one doesn’t seem to be all there,” she says.  Her voice is as smooth and condescending as you remember, and you find it endearing despite the insult.
“Give them a moment,” Tav responds over his shoulder.  “It’s a lot to take in.”
Yes, especially because this is most definitely a dream.  A very vivid, painful, exciting, insane dream.
“What’s your name?” 
You fear all you can do is blink.  You tell them your name, voice as shaky as your body.  There’s a tremble in your hands that you can’t control, even with a hard grip on the now empty vial.  “And thank you…for the potion.”
Tav lifts, holding a large sharp-nailed hand out to you.  “Can you stand?”
You nod, taking his hand and letting him lift you to your feet. You let your hand drop to dust off your clothes, nothing that you remember wearing.  The last thing you recall was going to bed in a tank top and shorts but you’re now wearing a dark blue overcoat atop loose fitting pants and a fitted shirt.  The borders of the coat are stitched with gold swirls, and based on the softness of everything you wear it has to be expensive.  Somehow, after everything (whatever the Hells that involved) you are quite clean.  Not to mention the bag that hangs at your hip beneath your coat is quite heavy, and another bag that wraps around your waist and sits at your back has the contents clinking together when you move.
You look like a caster of some kind, but you can’t tell which.  You can’t feel anything that would indicate your abilities, but some cold sensation at the back of your mind tells you you can do something.  Like another limb sits in your mind, waiting to be moved.
“We don’t have time for stragglers,” Shadowheart says.
“Yet I helped you,” Tav counters.  There’s a playfulness to his tone that doesn’t match his furrowed brow.  
Shadowheart concedes.  “Fair enough.  You’re welcome to join us in our search for a healer.”
You nod.  Yes, a healer!  They’ll be able to—pain strikes your temples as another memory clouds your mind.  
A truck careening at you, horn blaring—a sharp hit of adrenaline and then…here.
“Oh my God I’ve been isekaied.”  Your revelation earns you quizzical looks from Tav and Shadowheart.  Reincarnated.  Just like those cheesy but addicting books about a girl being reincarnated as a villainess in some cheesy addicting romance novel.  You press your hands to your face, feeling familiar features but still wary.  “Quick, what do I look like?”
“A lunatic,” Shadowheart answers.
Tav hesitates, but describes you.  You.  Not some other face, not a character you recall from the game but you.  Regular human you. You sigh, relief flooding over you.
“As…interesting as this conversation is, we should get moving,” Tav says.
“Agreed.”  Shadowheart doesn’t move until Tav heads to the only direction you can go, near part of the crashed ship.  
“We need to find Lae’zel,” Tav adds.
“Less agreeable,” Shadowheart says.  “She’s probably long gone by now, if not dead.”
“Well we should still keep an eye out.”
You follow the two into the still burning wreckage where they suddenly stop and draw their weapons—Tav a large axe, and Shadowheart her mace and shield.  
“Intellect devourers,” you conclude.  Three sit at the far end of the ship, scurrying towards you at a frightening speed.  With one slash of his axe Tav takes out two of them before they can get close to you, and Shadowheart smacks the other one down.  All defeated in what?  Three seconds? 
The three brains bleed out and flop to their sides, clawed limbs twitching.
“Vile creatures,” Tav says, holstering his axe.  You expect the two to keep moving and check the nearby bodies for gold and supplies, just as you do in the game, but they don’t.  They walk right past the dead man without rifling through his pockets and as you step by you feel your stomach lurch.  To see a bloody disfigured body in reality felt very different from the game. The vacant eyes staring upward, pieces of flesh torn from his stomach…It isn’t until a hand covers your eyes and directs you forward do you realize you’d stopped.  
“Just keep moving,” Tav says, keeping his hand by the side of your head so you can’t see the body.  When his hand falls you keep your eyes on his swinging tail, and follow after him as he turns and moves into the sun.
Barrels and a broken down cart let you know what’s coming next—who’s coming next.  
Your excitement strikes you then, still shaky and confused but awake.  You’re in Baldur’s Gate 3, with Tav and Shadowheart, and hopefully all the others.  
Your eyes scan the water nearby, debris scattered everywhere until you spot a dagger on the dock.  Tav and Shadowheart watch you dart over and pick it up.
“I thought you would be one to attack with words, not knives,” Shadowheart says coolly.
You stash the dagger in a boot, smiling at Shadowheart.  Gods. She was pretty as pixels but seeing her in the flesh, she was something else.  “Well, words aren’t always the best weapons.”
“Can I get some help?”
You recognize the voice without needing to see the speaker.  Astarion is just up the hill waiting to ambush Tav and…kill him depending on how he answers.  
Based on how Tav darted ahead at the sound of someone in trouble (albeit fake trouble) you figured it wouldn’t turn out too terribly.  So they had skipped over robbing the dead, and didn’t explore every corner of the map looking for treasure chests…that didn’t mean things would be different with each companion intro, right?  There’s a plot here, and it has to be followed to a certain degree…right?  There were no screen pop ups to decide dialogue and you all appeared to have free will, which was good.
Your thoughts did little to comfort you as you climbed the hill to find Astarion already pointing his blade at Tav who was apparently perceptive enough to dodge rolling around in the ground with the vampire.  You stopped next to Shadowheart, at ease just watching the situation unfold.
Both men twitch and writhe as their parasites connect.  When their visions fade Astarion questions it, and Tav answers honestly about being in the mind flayer ship and what the worms can do.
You study Astarion’s face as he realizes that he’s somewhat free, but there’s a time limit to the incubation period.  Tav offers for him to join your trio, and just like you remember, he agrees.
“Splendid,” Astarion says.  “Lead on.”
At that the vampire meets your eyes.  Icicles dance up your spine until they pierce the back of your head, making you wince and hold a hand against the spot.  
You grunt at the sudden pain, the sound quiet but drawing attention all the same.  You wave the eyes away from you with your free hand.  “Sorry.  Head still hurts a bit from…having a tadpole put inside it.”
Nobody questions that, though you know it was something else.  Every time your eyes even flit in Astarion’s direction you can feel a push at the back of your head, that phantom limb clenching as if trying to stretch and release itself.  You wish you could say it was the tadpole, but it feels nothing like when you connected with Tav.  
“Well let’s just try to keep our worms separate,” Astarion says, seemingly at you.  “I don’t need to see what’s in your head anymore than you do mine.”
His eyes linger a moment on Tav.  You nod your agreement though he isn’t looking at you now.
“I saw some footprints along another path,” Tav announces.  “There could be other survivors.”
There doesn’t seem to be any question as to who is in charge.  Shadowheart insists on searching for a healer but with a quick convincing from Tav you’re all headed towards a strange looking purple sigil.  
“Looks unstable,” Shadowheart says.
“Best left alone,” Tav agrees.  It was just like a friend's first play through that thought the sigil would kill them, so they never had Gale join their party.  It wasn’t a totally unfounded theory—swirling, sparking voids did seem like something that shouldn’t be touched but everything in this world had a purpose.  Anything out of place or, well, glowing, was important to the story.
But then the group is walking toward the bodies of three goblins discussing supplies.  
They’ll steal from goblins but not humans?  Seems odd but maybe you’re the weird one being so willing to pillage the dead, no matter their race.  You frown, looking back at the sigil and knowing who is inside.  “You sure you don’t want to see why it’s like that?”
Astarion is observing his nails while Tav loots the goblin bodies.  Shadowheart kicks one of the bodies out of her way once fully plundered and looks back at you.  “Be my guest.  But if you get sucked in don’t expect me to come looking for you.”
“I’ll come look for you,” Tav states with a cheeky grin, hands inside a dead goblins pockets. It makes you smile back, so…kind and disarming.  You recall barbarians didn’t have high charisma, but Tav seemed to have it in spades.  Or perhaps your recent head injury was clouding your judgement—after all your reaction to being reincarnated, to being dead, was quite tame. 
“Ah, a true hero.”  Astarion looks between you and Tav, eyes narrowing as if trying to solve a puzzle.
You turn your attention back to the sigil, taking a small step towards it when an arm pops out. 
“A hand?” a voice calls.  “Anybody?”
You slap the waxing hand immediately without a thought.
“Perhaps I should have been more specific,” Gale says.  “A helping hand please?”
“Oh, right!”  You quickly take his hand in yours and tug to no avail.  
“Keep trying!”
You pull harder, wondering if you were going to end up holding a severed arm in your hand as the sigil sparks brighter and buzzes with energy.  You choose to ignore those thoughts and keep trying to free the wizard. 
With one final pull the person connected to the arm comes tumbling out of the sigil.  If it had been Tav to pull Gale free you’re certain it would have been a smooth experience, and he would have stepped back and dodged getting shoved to the ground by the sudden lack of resistance.  But it wasn’t Tav, it was you, and instead of dodging the wizard your feet tangled with each other and you both went down. 
The wind is knocked from your lungs with Gale atop you, his forehead connecting with your sternum and leaving you gasping for air.  Strands of his hair fall onto your lips, soft and smelling of something spicy while his left arm is wrapped around your middle, the other braced against the ground.  You realize he’d been trying to protect you on the way down, but wasn’t quick enough to cover the back of your head, which now throbs from the fresh battering.  
“Ouch,” you croak, voice barely making it out of your throat.  Footsteps approach until Tav, Shadowheart, and Astarion are hovering over you, each with a small smile.  Well…Astarion’s is more of a smirk…
Gale pushes himself off of you and before he can say anything Tav has his hands beneath your underarms and is pulling you up.  His hands slide to your back until you’re steady enough to stand on your own and thank him, rubbing at the back of your head again. 
Throbbing is better than stabbing, you suppose.
“Apologies,” Gale says as he smooths his hair back, “I’m usually much better at this.”
You continue to rub the back of your head as he and Tav exchange dialogue, much of it going in one ear and out the other as you focus on the pain radiating in your skull.  You squeeze your eyes shut and let your hands fall to your sides, giving in to the fact you can’t rub away whatever sensation is there.
“And you my friend.”  Gale is in front of you, drawing your gaze to meet his.  “I am truly sorry for landing on you, but extremely grateful for the help.”
You can’t stop your smile at him anymore than you could with Tav.  “Happy to help.”
His eyes stay on you a moment longer than appropriate, but when they drape down your body you think he’s almost sizing you up.  For a fight, or romance, or maybe to steal your coat you aren’t sure.
You look to Tav for direction, waiting for the leader to…well, lead.  Lae’zel should be next, but that’s when you notice you have an extra member.  With you there it makes five travellers, but nobody has been sent to camp yet.  Wherever that is.  While you’d like a moment to sit and organize your thoughts, the idea of heading somewhere on your own was terrifying. 
“I hear voices over that ridge,” Astarion announces.  Everyone turns towards where he’s looking, just a few feet ahead where the path winds up and you know you’ll find two tieflings looking at Lae’zel.  But you can’t hear them yet.
“Let’s check it out.”  Tav is already moving before anyone can object.  And like ducklings you follow him with Astarion, Gale, and Shadowheart.
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bbyseok · 1 year
sparks in your eyes
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pairing: bakugou katsuki x gn!reader
word count: 1.5k
a/n: happy new year everyone !! ik i’m a week late but please enjoy this :)
content: soulmate au, ua students setting, everyone are third years, the class is like a whole family :’) we love to see it, newly established relationship, fireworks n sparklers, VERY soft katsuki, swearing yes, very tiny hint of angst, mostly sappy fluff for the new year !!
analysis: as the year comes to an end, you and katsuki enter the new one with sparks in your eyes.
they say you see sparks when you kiss your soulmate for the very first time.
and just with that saying, people dreamt of having their first kiss. of finding their soulmate in their first, if they were lucky enough.
but sometimes, your first significant other wasn’t always your soulmate. it wasn’t always your first relationship. sometimes you’d find them further down your life—sometimes, it’d take a lifetime to find who the universe had destined you with.
the frigid air of the last night of december is a chilling reminder that winter is yet to end, unlike the year.
famed class 3-a, now finally in their third years after long months and adventures of battling villains, are celebrating the new year together.
everyone’s gathered in the common area, conversing excitedly as everyone prepares to head into the streets for the fireworks and the countdown. (iida is doing his infamous hand motions as he makes sure everyone is bundled up properly. momo supplies an extra scarf or two.)
and here you are, nestled into katsuki’s side as the two of you wait on the couch with the rest of his friends. denki’s chatting up a storm per usual, and there’s the sound of hagakure and jirou laughing.
katsuki rubs his thumb over your hand absentmindedly as he deadpans something kirishima says, and you can’t help but snort.
it had taken bakugou a couple of months to muster up the courage to confess to you before it'd be too late. with the new year approaching, so is graduation—and the possibility of losing you as you all are thrusted into the lives of being actual pro heroes wasn’t something he was going to risk.
and it had been worth it. these past few weeks are proof of that. having the privilege of being your boyfriend—walking you to class hand in hand, staying up with you to bury all that studying into your head, sharing warmth underneath the sheets of his bed in his dorm room.
katsuki’s tugging you upward suddenly and you blink up at him in confusion, breaking out of your thoughts.
he catches your stare and scoffs fondly. “c’mon, brat. we’re headin’ out now.” he gestures to your classmates exiting the dorm building before he tugs you alongside him to follow them out.
“sooo..” denki elbows sero and kiri with a waggle of his brows before he glances to the rest of the class as they walk, “who’s ready to find their soulmate tonight? i know i am!”
there’s a few who roll their eyes at his statement while others blush—you can feel katsuki’s eyes linger on you but you don’t say anything as you join in the girls’ giggling.
“as if anyone would wanna kiss your dumb face, sparky!” bakugou barks out and the laughing rises.
the electric student sticks his tongue out at your boyfriend and crosses his arms. “yeah, yeah.”
there’s a few more snickers and the class blends into more easy conversations. it feels comfortable, it feels right to be like this. after all, having trained and lived alongside some of these people, they were bound to feel like family.
once you reach the outskirts of the city, everyone begins to spread out for the meantime to grab drinks, foods, etc. some of the class stay behind to still chat and light up sparklers.
you grab one from midoriya, turning to katsuki with a pleading look. “light mine for me, katsu?” you ask sweetly, twirling the stick in your fingers.
he rolls his eyes but he never can say no to you. “whatever. my explosions are cooler than some sparkler, y’know that, right?” even as he says this, he lights the damn thing for you.
“of course, suki,” you snort. once the sparkler burns, you wave it and threaten to jab it at the blonde. he glares at you playfully.
“watch it, brat!” he tells you with a smirk, “don’t wanna start the new year with some charred clothes, yeah?”
the empty threat has you gasping and you hold the sparkler in defense. “don’t you dare, bakugou katsuki!”
he sends you a stupid grin and you dash. he ends up chasing you around the street and you grab another sparkler for defense, maneuvering around your classmates with a shriek.
eventually, your sparklers die out and bakugou manages to snatch you up with a triumphant laugh. “hah! you thought you could run, huh, dumbass?”
“katsuki!” you giggle, “okay, okay! i surrender, lemme down!” when he sets you down, he ruffles your hair fondly. there’s a sudden flash and next thing you know your boyfriend is wrestling a pink-skinned girl for her phone.
(mina had made it out alive and promptly sent the moment to you afterwards, don’t worry.)
time passes and the countdown is nearing its final digits. things had definitely become more livelier as some of your classmates had returned back to the meeting spot and more people had trudged in.
“katsuki,” you say softly, tugging at his fingers as if to lure him away, “let’s head back to the dorms.”
“don’t you wanna stay with the others?” katsuki inquires, quirking up a brow at you. he seems surprised by your request.
you shake your head. “it’s okay. i just wanna be with you.”
you don’t know it but you make his head all fuzzy, especially when you say such sappy shit like that. his cheeks are red and it’s not just because of the cold. “fine,” he huffs, and he’s leading the way again.
once you’re back inside the heat of the common area, you glance at him, still walking towards the elevators.
“dumbass, where the hell are we goin’?” he questions you but he doesn’t protest as you keep dragging him along.
“the roof, katsu,” you simply explain to him, a bit giddy, “so we can still see the fireworks.”
bakugou hums in reply and is quiet during the elevator ride. the doors open and you take the rest of the stairs that lead up to the roof.
you let go of his hand to stand near the edge, looking over the bright lights of the city. it’s as if the buildings and streets are alive, even from this distance. the city bristles in anticipation of the countdown.
“are you going to kiss me, katsuki?”
the question catches him off guard even though he had been preparing for it all night. and the nights before that. (katsuki has been thinking of kissing you for weeks.)
you hear his light footsteps as he comes to stand behind you. “if you want me to,” comes his gruff reply.
you turn around to face him. the radiance of the moonlight slants over his features and though you’ve never doubted it, he’s the finest man you’ve ever seen. “do you?” you shoot back.
he visibly trembles. “fuckin’ hell, of course i wanna kiss you.”
his ferocity makes you forget how to breathe for a couple of heartbeats. “and what if..” you trail off but the question hangs in the air. and what if we’re not soulmates?
he answers you easily, slotting his hands in yours. they’re still warm. he’s like a walking furnace sometimes. “you think i wouldn’t be able to find my soulmate first try?” he snorts.
you roll your eyes then with a small smile. ever the confident one, he is. “i’m nervous,” you then confess quietly, flexing your fingers against his.
“don’t be, dumbass,” he scolds you. “i’m gonna kiss you ‘n it’s gonna be you. you really think the universe wouldn’t give me the perfect soulmate?”
bakugou doesn’t say words of flattery much—his affection is rather shown through actions and while you don’t mind, hearing his declaration has heat rushing to your cheeks.
puffs of air are visible as you breathe, but they mingle between the two of you. he’s so close. the sudden roar of the countdown sounds.
ten! nine! eight!
“okay,” you hum, drawing him closer.
seven! six! five!
“okay?” he says softly.
four! three!
“okay, katsuki.” you smile. “kiss me.”
two! one!
he leans forward and you meet him halfway, lips on his and then—the fireworks in the sky aren’t the ones you see. there’s a blaze and flurry of sparks that envelop you as your eyes flutter close.
you feel as if you’re on fire, the way katsuki’s lips mold against yours and he draws your body even closer. the brush of his thumb on your cheek has you gasping into his mouth and you know he can see it too.
you can still see them as you open your eyes slowly and barely pull away. you can see the sparks in his eyes, can feel the heat of them in his fingertips.
a silence hangs between you but it feels warm. the affirmation of your bond steady in the air, and it’s like your soul is sated. you had found each other.
“you were nervous, admit it,” you tease, utterly breathless and helplessly in love.
instead of vehement denial, his eyes soften and your heart leaps.
“no.” katsuki breathes and melts against you, entirely yours. “i told you i knew it’d be you.”
and when he kisses you again, the sparks are still there.
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How to Plant Snapdragons (pt. 9)
Task Force 141 + König + Keegan x Female Criminal!Reader (except Captain Price, because he'll be like a father to the bunch, and König and Keegan won't appear until later on in the story)
CHAPTER SUMMARY: You go to Las Almas with Soap and Ghost and meet Colonel Alejandro and Sergeant Rodolfo
You are currently reading Chapter 9! Here is Chapter 8 and the Masterlist!
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Chapter 9: How to Be Afraid of Ghost
CONTENT WARNING: Strong Violence NOTE: WAZZUP BITCHES, IM BACK I am very sorry for not updating for 4-5(?) months. I didn't mean to go on a hiatus without any announcements. Things had been quite busy for me lately and I focused on some things (FUCK COLLEGE BUT I PASSED ALL MY CLASSES ANYWAY), and also the reason why I suddenly "went dark" is because of the fucking MW3 Campaign. Yeah, shit destroyed me. WORD COUNT: 2.7k
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You had been to Mexico once. You went to good places it held, but you also walked on the mud it hid in the dark. After all, there could never be a perfect country. Even if someone said that their glorious purpose was for the better good of their nation—most of the time, they were merely heroes in their own stories and villains in the others’. Well, Mexico had good food. You could give them that, at least. But this place, Las Almas, would it have good stuff as well?
You shook off your vest and Ghost’s jacket as the pilot alerted you of the time of the touchdown and slipped into your jacket, fitted to your frame. As much as you wanted to keep wearing the lieutenant’s clothes, you couldn’t risk getting harmed because of loose clothing and failing this stupid mission.
You turned to Ghost as you folded his jacket neatly. “Can I keep this?” you asked and smiled.
He stared at you for a good second, pools of honey you couldn’t read before he looked away. “Suit yourself.”
Your grin widened, and you stashed the jacket into your bag. You hummed as you put on your vest, tightening it to your liking. You patted your pockets, checking each of them, until you felt Ghost’s mask in one, fingers lingering on the soft fabric, and sighed. You put your hands down on your lap and leaned against the cold steel, waiting for the upcoming descent, which didn’t take long.
The plane opened up, and a busy facility greeted your sight. Vehicles drove in and out of the area, and soldiers went back and forth from one place to another. But even when they were bustling, you could feel their gazes land on you—suspicious and judging, whispering among themselves, voices drowned out by the loud exhausts of the transports.
It was something you wished you could get used to. At the same time, you didn’t want to, when eyes held more than they seemed.
You followed Soap and Ghost down the plane, walking towards a couple of men who stepped forward. One of them had his hands clasped behind him, while the other simply stood by his side. Both were, well, good-looking and buffed (which was normal for military men), but eh, not really your type.
They would make pretty models though.
Also, good human shields, if ever.
Johnny, being the everlasting sunshine he was, greeted them first, extending a hand to the man named Alejandro, and engaged in a conversation with him as though they had been long good friends. Then, the sergeants forced the poor lieutenant to join in, who sounded ready to strangle the scot.
Then, your eyes found the gaze of the man next to the Mexican captain on the monitor on your ankle. A frown spread on his face and worsened the moment he saw the smirk that crept up your lips, his eyes darting between you and the half of the 141.
The look of a man confused never failed to be an entertainment. And what was more the obvious expression that said, what the fuck is a criminal doing here? Or something in Spanish.
“And who is she?” Alejandro questioned, finally turning his eyes on you—or rather, down to your ankle, as if the monitor would be the one to answer him.
“She’s sent by General Shepherd,” Ghost immediately replied, batting an eye at you. “She may be a criminal, but she proved excellent in various ways that could be useful to us.”
Alejandro, albeit hesitantly, nodded and extended a hand to you. “Nice to meet you, miss.”
You took his hand, giving it a quick shake. “I’m at your service, sir. And worry not about me going against orders, I pretty much like my head attached to my neck.”
He put a forced smile on his face, one you’d seen way too many times on people. “We’ll see about that.” He motioned at the man beside him. “This is Sergeant Major Rodolfo Parra, my second-in-command.”
The said man, Rodolfo, extended his hand first to Soap, who the fellow Sergeant enthusiastically shook. Then, he batted an eye at Ghost, seemingly hesitant to approach him, but still decided to. Ghost, however, merely stared at his hand, and Rodolfo backed away, clearing his throat.
Soap stepped forward. “Ah, the Lt’s not much of a talker.”
Rodolfo nodded. “I understand.” He turned your way and reached out his hand, which you lightly shook, quickly withdrawing right after. He moved back to Alejandro’s side, who nodded his head towards a direction.
“Follow me, we’ll talk along the way.” Alejandro turned and began to walk, passing by and nodding at soldiers who saluted at him. By the end of the way—or seemingly at both an entrance and exit, several jeeps were parked, and a few soldiers stood by the vehicles. With a wave of hand from Alejandro, the men slipped inside the vehicles, and Rodolfo was the first to get in the first jeep on the line.
“I’d like to sit beside the window—” you attempted to request, but Ghost was quick to shut you off.
“No,” he said as Soap rounded the car, stepping in by the other side.
“C’mon, lassie, don’t you want to sit between us?” Soap questioned, a smile played on his lips.
You slipped inside with a grumble, inching close to the sergeant, before elbowing him. He grunted, but you knew it wouldn’t do much damage to him with all his muscles. At the same time, doors shut as both Alejandro and Simon got inside.
“Tengo miedo de los fantasmas,” Rodolfo mumbled, slightly turning his head to face his colonel.
(I’m afraid of ghosts.)
Your eyes whipped forward, brows slightly raising at his words, which you perfectly understood. You glanced at Ghost, but he merely stared ahead. At the back of your mind, you wanted to snitch on the new guy just so some drama could happen between them, but at the same time, drama could lead to suspicion between these men.
This was why knowing some languages if you travel abroad was great. But it should be fine to keep quiet for now. What the sergeant said wasn’t suspicious, but if they did anything that could bring harm to Ghost and Soap, then . . . 
On the other hand, Alejandro chuckled at the comment of his sergeant and looked back at the three of you. “You know Spanish?”
The Lieutenant remained silent, and you did the same, turning your head to the side to look out of the window, whilst Soap shook his head, and answered, “No.”
Alejandro drew a smirk on his face and turned his attention back ahead. “Oh, you will.”
Rodolfo started the car and drove out of the base.
“See,” you pointed at the window, begrudgingly looking at Simon, who stared indifferently at you. “This is why I want to be next to the window.”
The car passed by two-story buildings, seemingly houses or apartments, painted in pastel colors. People were walking and talking on the street, some vendors and their stands offering their goods, and some other vehicles were parked on the way. It wasn’t much, not even beautiful, but still you’d like to see everything you could see.
“Have you taken a liking to Las Almas?” Alejandro questioned, glancing back at you.
You put your hand down and turned your head on his way. “To be frank, it’s not a liking, sir, rather, it’s curiosity. I’m not from here or anything similar to this place, so I’d like to see how things work here.”
His head inclined a bit to the side, appearing to be thinking of his words. “You’ll be . . . disappointed.”
You smiled. “I’ll be the one to judge that.” Just as you finished your sentence, a truck with men riding on the back, guns in hand passed by. You couldn’t help but whistle at their ridiculous sight, and put your hand on top of Soap’s before he could grab his gun.
He frowned at you. “What are ya—”
“Calm down, sir,” you cut him off, pulling your hand away. “Seeing as no one on the street is reacting about it, pretty sure that’s normal here.”
“You’re right,” Alejandro spoke in a serious voice, once again looking back at you. “Guns are in the jurisdiction of the police.”
“Looks like Las Almas has a huge problem,” you commented and crossed your arms. “Much more than what I’ve heard.”
Alejandro shifted his eyes to you. “You seem to know something about Las Almas.”
With his words, Soap and Ghost also settled their eyes on you, as if they were ready to do everything to get answers out of your mouth. “I’ve been to Mexico, and during my stay, I heard of things about Las Almas. Not exactly the good ones as you probably expected, but I didn’t know things around here would be this bad.”
“When did you come to Mexico?”
“Over a couple of years ago, sir.”
“I see.” He turned back ahead. “Well, things weren’t that bad back then.”
“I suppose those who tried to uphold the laws and resist corruption met their end as the time passed?”
“You’re right.”
You hummed. “Well, without powerful backing to protect them, I doubt they’ll last much in a society like this.”
“And ya also seemed to know things about politics and stuff,” Soap claimed, slightly shifting on his seat.
You met his blue eyes with a grin. “I had met quite a few politicians in my life. Assassinated an Austrian before, and the one who hired me snitched on me. That’s why I ended up on Shepherd’s shackles.”
His eyes narrowed with suspicion. “How much of that is true?”
You laughed loudly, although you already knew what would be his reaction. “Take a guess,” you told him challengingly.
“The last sentence,” Ghost joined in, his voice monotone.
You snorted. “Except that.” Then, you gasped, throwing yourself to the window at Soap’s side, making him curse out something you couldn’t fucking understand in whatever Scottish was that. “Look, look, Lt!” You motioned your hand on Ghost to look at the ridiculous sight of someone in a skull balaclava giving balloons to kids.
“What the hell?” Soap’s bright eyes also followed the scene.
You whipped around and smiled at Ghost, who simply stared at you. “If you ever want to quit the military, you can retire with me and live together.”
“How about living in Las Almas since Ghost might fit well in here?” Rodolfo suggested in a soft voice. Alejandro hit him on the side, whispering something, and from the corner of your eyes, you saw Ghost slowly turning to look at him through the rear mirror.
You tilted your head. “But Las Almas has a serious problem when it comes to crimes, so I don’t think it is very much suitable to live in unless you want to be a crime lord or still in the military. And I’m the type of person who likes traveling around. If I were to settle for sometime somewhere else, it would be where I would have already spent some time on, like London, Berlin, or California and—”
“It’s just a joke, please. Don’t take it too seriously,” Rodolfo mumbled, sounding like he wanted to bury himself on the ground at the moment and never appear again.
On the way to the destination, Alejandro had talked more about the way of Las Almas, and finally, what you and the 141 came here for, El Sin Nombre, the leader of the Mexican Cartel who was protecting Hassan. Quite a reputation that person had as Alejandro said they had eyes and ears everywhere.
Having eyes and ears everywhere was also something the one who raised you did. Even if your father was in prison at the moment, you knew he was still pulling strings. A mastermind out of everyone’s league, until he decided to invest in you. Guess the apple didn’t fall far from the tree, now that you were technically imprisoned as well.
You pulled out your balaclava and huffed, putting it on swiftly. You jumped out of the jeep right after Simon and you heard Alejandro spit out his commands in a low, serious voice. You rounded up with the soldiers before a gate and under the Colonel’s command, the group barged in. You frowned as you had seen no man in sight, seemingly the civilians had run away—or were mostly likely driven out by the Cartel.
Alejandro waved his hand to follow him up another gate, which this time, Ghost opened, and gunshots echoed in the air.
“Showtime,” you said under your breath, aiming your assault rifle and blasting a hole through a man’s head, vibrant red painting the dull walls around. You rounded a corner, cautiously looking out for an enemy. You spotted a couple of them, but before you could take them down, they had already fallen on the ground. Your head whipped at Soap and Ghost’s direction. “Showoffs,” you grumbled.
“Said the one who wanted to take two men down at the same time,” Soap remarked, giving you a look, and you heard Ghost huff.
You clicked your tongue and swiftly entered a house, but quickly moved back out as you saw not a soul in sight. Your frown worsened at the unusual lack of men to hold the group back. In these cases, either it would be a trap or they had escaped already.
You glanced over your shoulders. 141, some of Alejandro’s men and the Colonel himself were on sight. The walls obscured your view of the place, there were so many corners where men could be hiding themselves or something else, and such things as Cartels wouldn’t hesitate to destroy a run-down hide-out like this for their good.
Soap shot a man from the roof and Alejandro positioned himself in front of a door, motioning at us. “Secure the house, and we go for Hassan.”
Several voices echoed from inside the place, cursing and hushing one another.
“Take the door,” Alejandro commanded. Soap stepped forward, but you grabbed him, making him look at you.
Before he could utter a word, you kicked the door open, slid on the floor towards a corner, and struck a man awaiting in the hallway. You got up immediately, raised a hand so they wouldn’t follow you, and picked up a baby’s bottle on the ground, throwing it to a room through a slightly opened door. Shots were fired blindly right after and you countered it with a couple of bullets, and it stopped. You pushed the blasted door open and found a man lying on the floor, and the baby’s bottle rolling towards your foot.
“Room clear,” you announced, staring down at the bottle for a second, before moving to the next room. They followed you in and you braced yourself for another onslaught, but this time, Soap was the one who barged in, quickly shooting down the men inside without batting an eye.
“Room clear,” he said and put his hand on your shoulder, giving it a squeeze.
You looked up at him and raised a brow that he wouldn’t see.
Ghost sauntered in the room. “No sign of Hassan.”
Alejandro sighed. “They already moved him.”
You turned your attention to him. “They move fast, hm?”
He looked at you, letting Ghost and Soap rummage the desk across the room instead. “They do. Much more than I expected.”
“So they already know that we’re coming here,” you remarked.
“Highly possible. The Cartel has eyes everywhere.”
You narrowed your eyes and echoed, “Everywhere?”
He nodded to affirm it. “Everywhere.”
“You mean even among your men?”
He paused, staring at you for a good second. “No, I trust my men.”
“A weed is a weed, sir, no matter how good it looks in your garden,” you said in a monotonous voice, picking up a pencil from the ground. “Sooner or later, they’ll bring harm to your plants. And even the plants you put in your garden can bring harm to you if you don’t know what they are.”
Ghost and Soap shot an eye on you, before exchanging looks with each other.
He eyed you cautiously and his serious voice lowered. “What are you implying?”
You remained silent and so did he, until Rodolfo’s voice echoed in your headsets. “The army is rolling in!”
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You can also read the series on AO3!
Taglist: @yyiikes, @the-faceless-bride @sarahedwards16, @sarahedwards16, @kenma-izhu, @kkaaaagt, @cassiecasluciluce, @unicorngirly1, @thriving-n-jiving, @squidalapobre, @tallicaside
(PLEASE DON'T KILL ME FOR NOT UPDATING (and I hope you guys still like to bother to read this fic?)
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ohnococo · 4 months
Fight Night | CHAPTER 8 | MMA Fighter!Sukuna x Reader
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Aoi Todo calls Sukuna out publicly, and it leads to a very uncomfortable discussion between you and Sukuna.
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Warnings: Uncomfortable conversations, reader is slightly upset, kissing, fingering, biting, (light) pussy slapping
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From time to time, curiosity gets the better of you. It’s happened before with Sukuna, when you went without talking for months, and again when he alluded to his previous opponent being a bit of a wildcard. You could just ask him about these things now, of course, but sometimes you wanted to see how he was viewed through the eyes of others. You wanted to compare what the world thought of him to what you were coming to know of him.
As for this particular subject, Aoi Todo, you really just felt like it might be too awkward to bring it up. Not right now, at least, when things seemed to be going so well. Sukuna hadn’t brought him up since the video you’d watched together, only occasionally making vague references to training or “the fight.” So you look for information on him yourself to satisfy your curiosity, making the choice to try and avoid anything that might mention Sukuna’s brother, if they really were still training together like Sukuna had suspected. That was something you’d rather hear from the man himself.
It turns out it’s easy, with nearly no mention of the boy save for a site with an article about the Todo, where he briefly mentions training with his best friend. You see a picture of them together among many pictures of Todo and his coaches in a gym and wonder just how two siblings could seem so different, even just from a photo. The way he smiles brightly, looking hopeful, makes you wonder if Sukuna had ever smiled like that.
As you back out of the site, your search refreshes as hot news repopulates the top results. Articles referencing a recent interview with Todo, topped with pictures of the young man smiling and looking victorious next to pictures of Sukuna looking as terrifying as he always did in these promo pictures. It makes you cringe, but you know Sukuna is a sort of villain to a lot of these people with the way he broadcasts that he has no respect for those he perceives as weak, ready to be a winner at all costs - even if those costs are unnecessarily serious injury to his opponents.
He appeals to the masses in his own way - not a kind but strong hero with a flawless record of good sportsmanship, but someone to split the crowd into a dissonance of boos and cheers as he walks out and towards the ring. Someone to make fans nervous for even the best of the best when they faced him. And apparently, someone with whom Aoi Todo has quite personal beef.
You read through one of the articles, seeing his sentiments translated. Seeing that he’s promised to beat Sukuna to a pulp, for his best friend, his brother, whom Sukuna abandoned as a teen when he had no one else. He proclaims that the boy’s hope could not be crushed, and that he will one day join him in the same organisation. Big words from a newcomer. Big words about a man who, according to the article, has apparently gone through his lengthy and illustrious career without bringing any of his personal life into it. Until now.
It turns your stomach, it confuses you, it makes you want to ask Sukuna a million questions, but you know this little media frenzy over a blurb like that is only one of many sides to a story. You know you don’t feel comfortable bringing up a subject like this either, so you sit there regretting having looked it up in the first place, not liking this information festering in your mind. Not liking that you’d have to push it aside for dinner at Sukuna’s house in only a few hours.
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When you arrive at his house he seems to be in his usual spirits, and you wonder if maybe he hasn’t seen the news. Then, as he takes you to his dining room after giving you your usual praise over what was becoming your typical (and much more comfortable) attire around him, you find that you’re grateful for Uraume’s momentary presence. It gives you something to focus on other than what you’re choosing to pretend you don’t know.
It also gives you something to focus on other than how Sukuna’s eyes narrow at whatever was different enough about your behaviour over just a few minutes to clue him in to you being off.
“Wow, Uraume, you actually can cook.”
Uraume is setting dishes down in front of you both, hair pulled back in a low ponytail, shorter locks kept from their face by a thin elastic headband. They shoot you a look, apparently unimpressed by the sass in your compliment.
“Of course I can, I’m not taking Sukuna’s money for nothing.”
“Okay, okay,” you relent, having meant the remark to be targeted at Sukuna’s eating habits rather than Uraume’s skills, “it smells delicious.”
Braised short rib, a healthy portion of roasted vegetables, coconut rice - you were starting to feel bad for your little running joke about Sukuna’s gym food.
“Thank you.” Uraume takes the compliment, hard feelings quick to dissipate as they now knew what to expect from your humour as much as you knew what to expect from their chilly demeanour.
They look to Sukuna, apparently waiting for his approval as well, but his eyes are locked on you, suspicious. Instead of waiting further, they clear their throat, “Will you need anything else?”
Sukuna finally completes his lengthy appraisal of you, focusing on Uraume with a little more warmth, “No, thank you Uraume, have a good night.”
They nod, dismissing themselves to clean up the kitchen, intending to leave shortly afterwards.
You grab your wine, lifting your glass in an invitation to cheers, hoping the food and conversation would steer your mind from the comment you were trying not to think of. Sukuna lifts his own glass of water, clinking it against yours before you make your toast to the only thing you can think Sukuna would feel was worth celebrating.
“To beating this Todo guy’s ass.”
He lets out a little laugh at that, just the smallest huff of air through his nose, and his shoulders drop a little. Though you still see the remnants of that suspicion there, you’re happy to get on with the evening as you both take a sip of your respective drinks.
Once you’re forced into silence by eating, other than you giving your praise to Uraume yet again even in their absence, you find yourself confronted with that look on Sukuna’s face.
He chews his bites slowly, looking you over, and it’s been some time since you’d felt like he was peering into your mind like that.
“You’ve seen what he said.”
Your cheeks are hot, like you’ve been caught with your hand in the cookie jar, like it’s a crime to look up a public figure. Although it was perhaps a grey area to search for so much surrounding a public figure you happened to be dating.
“I just got curious…”
He leans back in his chair, eyes still on you as he takes a long drink of his water, unrelenting even as you get increasingly uncomfortable under his gaze. Then, he shrugs, as if dismissing the tension outright, “It’s fine.”
His words are one thing, but you’ve come to know him well enough to see that his broad shoulders still don’t fully relax as he brings his fork to his mouth again, speaking before he takes his bite, “Although I don’t care for my business being out there like this.”
You understand how it could be invasive, then worry that he thinks you’ve been invasive too, finishing your own mouthful of food in a rush before you clarify. “That’s all I saw, I didn’t search for anything else.”
His brow quirks, lips falling into a line as he looks displeased that you’re lying to him. “I know you’ve looked me up more than once.”
If you looked a little embarrassed before, now it must be even more obvious, wondering just how he knew. He catches that surprise easily.
“You’ve let it slip before.”
His words have you wracking your brain for when you’d played it much less cool than you’d thought, and something in your face makes his expression soften. A small smile has his eyes crinkling as he takes another drink, apparently enjoying some part of revealing his hand, even if all that hand contained was the knowledge that you thought about him much more often than you let on.
You shake your head, pushing aside the several tangents he’d inadvertently sent your mind on before returning to your original point.
“No, I mean I didn’t look anything else up about your brother.”
Sukuna’s smile freezes, just for a moment, before his face returns to that uncomfortable brand of neutral that seemed to be conjured up when this subject came up. He looks through you as he speaks, “You wouldn’t find anything anyway.”
“I… that’s-“ you push food around on your plate, “well I’m glad not all of your business is out there.”
“Don’t mince words with me.” His tone is stern, broadcasting that it’s an expectation he’s set for you that’s much closer to a demand than a suggestion. Like he expects better.
“I’m not.”
“You are,” this isn’t how you want him to open up, with venom in his voice, “one question.”
Your brow furrows and you wait for this one question of his, then he sighs and clarifies.
“You get to ask me one question about it, then I don’t want it brought up again.”
The clang of metal against glass is louder than you’d like it to be in this room, as you set your utensils down on your plate, sitting back in your chair as you look everywhere but at Sukuna. “I don’t want to pry…”
“Yes you do.”
He can read you far too well now for you to tiptoe around anything, so you just ask your question. “Why don’t you talk to your brother anymore?”
There’s another silence, another step further back into Sukuna’s mind, then he answers. “I started fighting because I had to. And I was good at it. He started fighting just because I did. I wouldn’t support it.” He flicks his hand, in a ‘there it is’ gesture, as if he had really answered much of anything.
“He wanted to be like you?”
Sukuna’s eyes narrow, and you know you’re bordering on stomping over, rather than tiptoeing around the subject as you had been before, but the question is out there and he’s answering it.
“He’s nothing like me.”
“Why don’t you-“
“Enough.” He’s far from shouting, but there’s a power behind his voice that has your hairs standing on end immediately, heart racing as you feel a small chill on the back of your neck. “You’re overstepping.”
It’s cold, bordering on angry. A tone you’d heard him use many times with others on your nights out, but never ever with you. You know you’ve pushed your luck, and now you know feel both wrong for that and wronged for the sharpness of his words. Your tells are showing again, something you only realise when Sukuna’s face moves from forcibly neutral to surprised.
He says your name then, low and even, and it’s like you’ve had cold water poured on you. “I haven’t dealt with this. So I certainly won’t deal with it with you.”
It’s as if he means it as a platitude, but it only hurts more that he won’t let you help, even if it was just to listen. But you nod as if accepting it as an end to the conversation, and so does he.
For the first time since he’d suspected something was up, he looks away from you, and it makes you feel like you can breathe again. His shoulders relax, and he closes his eyes and sighs heavily, looking suddenly tired.
“I didn’t invite you here to talk about this, I invited you here to enjoy a meal and to ask you to watch my fight.”
“Oh.” This time the change in subject is welcome, otherwise the tension in the room alone might just suffocate you. You’d already planned to watch it, of course. “I mean, yeah, there’s a few bars by my place that show the fights live.”
“No, I mean do you want to come to watch me fight.”
“Oh… yes.”
He tilts his head down slightly while looking up at you, as if he’s trying to appear as non-threatening as a man like him could. “I’d like that.”
You’d be outright giddy if this had come prior to the conversation you’d just had, but your excitement isn’t too stifled to stop you smiling at him, “Me too.”
It helps put a salve over the tension of what had just happened, though you still feel uneasy for the rest of the dinner. When you bring your eyes up to watch Sukuna across the table you can’t help assessing, and reassessing his demeanour. He seems fine, like that uncomfortable conversation had been buried, but you’d be lying to yourself if you said it had been for you as well.
He catches this of course, sliding his hand next to yours on the table, placing one finger on top of the back of your hand and tracing along your knuckles. He keeps the conversation light for the evening. Your life this week, your plans for the next, when those plans could align with his increasingly rigorous schedule. You eat, you talk, and youdo happily make those plans, telling yourself that you just needed to sleep the unpleasantness of tonight off.
When it’s time to leave you’re grateful for the night being cut short for different reasons than you’d thought you would be. Initially, dinner on a work night when you had to get up early seemed like a good idea if only because you wouldn’t be able to linger in his home and do things you didn’t need to be doing. Instead, you were happy to leave just to have a chance to clear your head.
It doesn’t stop you kissing him at his door before you go, arms around his neck and clinging to his shoulders gently. With how high you were on your tiptoes, and how far you were leaning back to accommodate his kisses, you’d be in danger of falling backwards if he weren’t holding you in place by your hips. He keeps a distance between your bodies despite the firm grip and thumbs rubbing circles into your hips, though you do think of pressing yourself to him once or twice, wanting the confirmation that your lips on his affected him just as much as it affected you.
When you pull back, lips swollen and a little dizzy, you don’t need to feel it, when you can see it in his face - eyes sparkling with want even through his heavy lids and thick lashes.
You take his face in like this for some time, using it as a weight to tip the scales away from your previous discomfort, then finally blink the haze of lust from your eyes as he breaks the silence.
“Text me to let me know you’ve gotten home safely.”
“I will.”
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Once you arrive home you start to do just as he’s asked, even typing out the words, “I’m home.” But leaving things with this pit in your stomach and the unsettled tension has you thinking back to the only other time you’d felt like this since you’d known Sukuna: when you thought you’d never see him again. So you delete the words in the unsent text, instead sending:
call me please
He does. Right away. You answer and he speaks first.
“Is everything okay?”
It catches you off guard, hearing him sound concerned. “Yeah, I’m home now.”
“About tonight…” you trail off, half expecting some interjection but when there is none you continue, “I don’t want you to speak to me like that again.”
This time you let the silence hang longer, until he has to meet you where you are and respond. “Fair enough.”
“I hated how that made me feel. I felt like I was just some lackey-“
“You’re not-“
You cut him off, having to get everything into words before it eats you up from the inside, “Like you were telling me to know my place or like you were just going to throw me away if I didn’t.”
It feels like a lot, like too much, but it was just how you felt.
Sukuna is silent again, before speaking slowly, emphasising each word and making sure you really hear him. “You are not some lackey. I would not throw this away.”
Then he sighs, and you can hear his heavy footsteps as he moves through his home. “You could have told me this while you were here.”
He’s annoyed, but there’s an affected calmness in his voice that lets you know he meant it as a way to lighten the mood. Then, you hear the jingle of keys and sit up a little straighter.
“Now I have to drive over there.”
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You barely have your door open, just the handle turned and an inch of space revealing Sukuna before he’s pushing the door all the way open and coming in, leading with his lips on yours. Your arms are around his neck and once he’s swung your door closed behind you he’s lifting you up and into his arms.
His tongue is hot on yours, and his cock is already straining in its confines as he wraps your legs around his hips, walking you through your home. He takes a wrong turn, heading towards the kitchen, before you manage to separate your lips from his long enough to gesture the opposite way and towards your bedroom.
He doesn’t get the chance to meet your lips again as you lean away, having a moment of clarity in the excitement of him needing to see you so badly after your talk, “Wait, what are we doing?”
“We aren’t doing anything. I’m showing you just how I’ll put you in your place. Properly.”
You don’t know exactly what that means, but from the joy peeking through his smile you do know it’s got a heat blooming within your body.
Then, you find that his proper way of putting you in your place involves stripping you down, something you allow him to do as you’re pulled and pushed along with your clothes coming off, before he’s pushing you down onto your bed. You lean on your elbows, watching him kick off his shoes and waiting for him to unveil his body to you, but he doesn’t. He tugs at your ankles just enough to have you flat on your back again, and climbs on top of you, kissing you, hands groping at your body, pinching at your nipples and groaning into your mouth as you whine and gasp for him.
He props himself up on one arm as he settles next to you, eclipsing the light above as he pushes his hand between your legs. You spread them, accepting his rough fingers sliding through your folds with a moan and a laugh bordering on manic.
“So eager…” He chuckles wickedly at your enthusiasm, circling your entrance as he licks at your open mouth. “Just because I’m not fucking you doesn’t mean you can’t fuck this pretty cunt yourself.”
His touch drives you mad as always, as he dips his fingers for just a moment before pulling them back out to smear your wetness over your pussy. Though it hasn’t left you so far gone you can’t bite back, “I’ve taken care of myself plenty.”
Skilled fingers find their way back inside you, delving deeper, hooking and stirring you up already as he lets the sounds of your pussy speak for themselves. Not for long as he can’t help feigning pity as he looks down on you with your fluttering lashes and wet, moaning mouth.
“Not like I can, hm?”
There’s no opportunity for you to respond, save for with a squeal of delight as he moves fast, fucking you with his fingers, palm slapping at your clit until you’re bringing your knees up as he tugs your orgasm out of what felt like nowhere.
Then, he pulls his fingers out, rubbing at your pussy, just enough firm pressure on your clit to have you clenching for him.
“Fuck,” you want more and you want it quickly, rubbing up against his hand and chasing your high one way or another, “well it’s easy for you.”
You give him that as you lean your head up to capture his lips again. Appealing to his ego, appealing to your need to have him at least keep kissing you if he wasn’t going to make you cum just yet. He kisses back with a force that leaves your body weak as you sink back down, mouth wet and tongue hot before he’s separating from your lips enough to kiss a path down your face and to your neck where he sucks and bites harshly.
You know he’s leaving little love marks, and you don’t care, shivering when he whispers low against your skin, “You don’t make this easy for me.”
He buries his face between your neck and shoulder, biting hard enough to leave you yelping as he slides his fingers back inside you, working you up more slowly this time, groaning out a low, “but I try.”
Sukuna’s movements speed up then, and you’re tangling your hands in his hair - petting his undercut as he gets you closer, then sliding your hands up to tug at the roots as his palm slaps against your clit and you see stars.
“If you ask me to fuck you I will.”
It takes you a moment to even process that he’d spoken, with you dangling so close to the edge. You have to think on it, licking your lips, trying not to let your pussy do the thinking for you. It’s hard, your mind is scrambled already, and you put your hand on his wrist to stop him so you can try and form a coherent thought, even if it rips another orgasm away from you for the moment.
It doesn’t deter him at all, movements steady, though he does place a wet kiss to your neck before speaking low in your ear, “Either way you’re going to cum for me.”
You can accept that much, releasing his hand, pussy clenching his fingers lightly as you feel his lips curl into a smile against your skin. He looks down, watching your pussy swallowing his fingers again and again, watching the way your thighs jiggle and twitch with the intensity of an end you hadn’t even met yet.
You don’t want him to look away right now, even if it’s to admire your body and the things he can do to it, so you hold his face in both hands, kissing his forehead. He looks at you then, slightly taken aback, like you’ve put his mind on ice. His arm is far from frozen though, as he keeps pumping his fingers into you, maybe even faster than before.
“Kiss me.”
The words are barely out of your lips before he’s complying, lips on yours, this time only the tip of his tongue brushes against yours and it’s the final straw that sends you over the edge. You raise your hips into his movements, moaning, panting, making a mess of his fingers and the sheets below.
Once the intensity ebbs, he pulls his fingers out, tapping your pussy firmly enough to leave you gasping as you clench your thighs around his hand to at least steady it. His lips are still on yours the whole time, drinking in your sounds, smiling against you as you whine and laugh when he goes back to rubbing at you firmly but gently.
He gives you a final peck, then another, then another before he leans back, resting his head on his hand as he peers down at you. He makes no effort to extract his hand from your still clenched thighs, and once he slides two fingers back inside of you, keeping them nestled and smiling at the odd twitch of your spent walls, you relax your legs and let them fall open on the bed.
“Feel better?”
You stare at the ceiling thinking, then look back at him incredulous. “Did you really just bust in here to finger it better?”
He sighs, pursed lips barely hiding amusement at your choice of words, ignoring your questions in favour of reiterating his own. “I’ll make you cum til you’re crying and calling in sick to work if you want?”
You did want, just a little, but you know you have things to do in the morning, and so does he. So you just laugh and slap his arm lightly, “Yeah I feel a lot better.”
He smiles, proud, happy, maybe even beaming. “Good.”
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serxinns · 3 months
okay so like, what if there was a reader who was like really happy-go-lucky and kind and what-not but when it comes to battle or sparing they are a BEAST!!! i mean DISRESPECTFUL, folding people like HOT OMELETS IN A PAN! i also like to think what if this reader has a quirk thats like toph from atla and they know like reaaaally rare earth bending techniques like bone-bending and lava bending. how do you think yandere class 1a would react?
btw you dont have to write anything 4 this(though it would be a bit cool if u did, no pressure ofc!!!) i just wanted to share the thoughts in my noggin
(NOTTHEHOTOMELETOMG 😭 y'all are insane)
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•You had a very powerful quirk which was earth bending you had telekinesis and were able to control earth like dirt, and sand, and mentally your quirk was considered dangerous and very powerful but despised that you were the exact opposite you were a happy full of life always smiles and your classmates and some of the teachers love about you
•Your classmates would do anything to protect that beautiful smile of yours they would even fight to the death if that was the final result to make you happy, even in the darkest times you still were always positive and made everyone's day whenever someone was down you made them happy with your silly jokes and encouragement
•you got along very well with the happy, and chaotic ones (Ochako, Kiri, Izuku, Sato, etc) izuku Was writing down everything about your amazing power he wishes to be a hero with you and to always protect you from wicked villains so he can be called your hero or how Kirishima would be your number one "Fan" whenever he always feel insecure your encouragement and compliments motivate him on making him blush making him mumble about how manly you are
•And You got along with the quiet ones as well (Shoto, Jirou, Kota, and Shoji, etc.) Jirou and you would join in and sing happy tunes and talk about your favorite genre and Shoto wanting to have his private therapy section with you because he's memorized your positive aura and words Kota loves when you hang out with his animals he almost cried tears of joy when he saw his pet rabbit resting on your lap he is just in AWE he took a lot of photos that day
•Now nobody saw you angry heck is it even possible to make you angry one time a person rudely shoved you all you did was shrugged it off and hummed your tune, If you were so close to winning a game and you lost at the last second you still would just be like "Oh well!" and just play it again, everyone was curious to see that unknown side was but didn't matter to them sicje they like seeing your smile
That's what they all thought
•One day you were fighting some villain for stealing some money when all of a sudden the villain punched you in the face you were ok and quickly recovered from it but you were PISSED because they broke your favorite hero helmet, you quickly zoomed over trying to hunt that villain down and beat the absolute SHIT out of them while saying saying words that they didn't expect for you to say such vulgar words
•Bakugo wasn't even shocked this dude was cheering for you while the rest of the squad jaws were wide open
•iida was even speechless he didn't even try to stop you just...observed you he was more worried for you then the poor dude gets beat
•Kirishima was just a mess he thinks your a absolute badass, He honestly loved this side of you
•Ochako was just eyes was just sparkling she wanted to hug you right you right then and there and asked to marry you
•While Izuku was shocked he was secretly fanboying dude was writing down this whole new side while giggling to himself he was gonna ask you a lot of questions after this
Aizawa was just shocked while the mic was paranoia mic was begging Shouta to use his bandages on you to restrain you but aizawa was just smirking telling him "Wait wait just a little more" but he had to restrain you cause he didn't want you to kill the poor dude
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lesinquietes · 6 months
Summary: With Dynamight’s help, you solved the crime. He isn’t quite finished with you yet, though.
Adult!Bakugou x Forensic Detective!Reader
⚠️ fluff. suggestive themes.
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You close the manila folder on your desk and lean back in your chair. A breathy, content sigh leaves your lips. The case has been solved. The evidence has been retained. All that’s left is to file the associated documents. Then, you can head home for the evening. Another job well done.
You gaze out at the cityscape. The sunset sprays beams of brilliant yellow and orange towards your office building, reflecting off the large glass windows. The streets are busy with people and cars. Soon, you’ll join the bustle, conforming for the sake of commuting home.
Sometimes, when you sit here like this, you consider how small everyone is compared to the rest of the universe. Most actions that seem supermassive are actually minuscule and insignificant. In the grand scheme of things, you wonder if the job you’re doing makes a difference. Maybe not wide scale, but arguably, Japan could stand to be safer. Heroes do a lot of the rounding up these days, but you think local detective work is still important.
You perk up. Speak of the devil.
You glance away from the view to greet Katsuki Bakugou, the hero who spent his time protecting you throughout your most recent case. He’s leaning against the door, arms folded arrogantly over his chest. At once, a smile graces your mouth. As soon as you submitted your conclusion about the primary suspect — with enough evidence, to boot — the Captain of your force implored Bakugou to make an arrest. Of course, the rowdy blonde didn’t capture the villain without beating him to a bloody pulp first. Normally, you wouldn’t condone such behaviour; however, given that the murderer targeted random women every time he killed, you can turn a blind eye. Men like that don’t deserve mercy.
You adjust your position so that you’re sitting upright. You know he doesn’t care; you’re not sure why you do. When you’re satisfied, you raise your fists in the air and reply.
“We did it!”
The exhaustion woven into your words isn’t missed. Since gathering that first sample at the initial crime scene, you haven’t stopped working. He admires your drive to do what’s right.
“Yeah,” he grunts. “Plenty more where that came from, though.”
“True.” You acknowledge, climbing to your feet. “But that’s one down.”
And Katsuki can’t argue with that. In fact, Katsuki finds he can seldom argue with you. It’s not that you’re always right; he thinks it’s because he likes listening to the sound of your voice. It’s unique. It’s calming. It’s something about you that he’s grown excessively fond of.
At last, he enters your office, like a moth drawn to fire. He’s still dressed in his hero garb. You notice there aren’t any scuffs on his pristine skin, indicating that his battle was rather one-sided. This is the first time you’re seeing him after the arrest. Everyone knows he doesn’t talk to the News team unless he has to; reporting to the public falls on the officers assisting his cases.
“You alright?” He asks, watching from a short distance as you gather your belongings.
“Definitely.” You verify. “You?”
That’s a yes. He doesn’t like to be upfront with his feelings. You’re beginning to understand his cues, though. It’s a shame this is the end of your time together; you would have liked to continue figuring him out. Perhaps another high-profile case will pop up and he’ll be assigned to you again. You can’t lie — you’re hoping for that to happen a little harder than you should be.
You throw on your windbreaker and take your knapsack in your hand. He hasn’t moved an inch from the front of your desk. It’s as if he’s been glued in place. The only part of him that’s visibly moving are his deep crimson eyes. He’s fixated on you. But unlike when you caught him at the crime scene, he won’t glance away this time.
“Dynamight, thank you so much for your work today.” You beam at him. “Without you, I—“
“Told’j’ya before, princess, it’s Katsuki.” He scoffs. “F’r fuck’s sake, talk t’ me like a normal person.”
You feel the heat spread across your cheeks. You’re praying he doesn’t notice your change in expression, but who are you kidding? Although the man acts like he’s emotionally unavailable, he picks up on more than you think. You flounder with your response.
“It’s just, we don’t really know each other like that, so I didn’t want to—“
“‘Course we do.” He lifts a critical brow. “You’re comin’ t’ dinner with me now that this shit’s over with, right?”
Mentally, your jaw is unscrewed and on the floor. Is this reality? The Dynamight — the rudest, most impressive motherfucker you’ve ever had the pleasure of working with — is asking you on a date. All this time, you thought his flirting was a game, while deeply regretting that you hadn’t made a move before your time with him was up. Discovering that your crush is mutual reinvigorates you. Before you fuck this up, you muster a reply.
“Uh… yes!” You giggle. “Of course I will!”
You don’t know how you manage to keep a steady tone. The only thing you can’t control is your face. Fortunately, he thinks it’s hella cute. Without considering who might be watching, he strokes your cheek with his thumb to coax back your attention. He nearly melts when you shyly meet his gaze, such a small, innocent smile gracing your lips. He knows it’s too soon to kiss you. He wishes it wasn’t. Instead, he offers you his arm. Your hand feels warm against his bare bicep.
He grabs your knapsack from you — a gentleman’s gesture that’s a little rough around the edges. Thankfully, the execution doesn’t bother you; it’s the thought that counts. Katsuki thinks that might be what attracted him to you. The way you conceptualize him is different. Last week, a woman scolded him for his use of language, even though he saved her purse from being stolen. Shouldn’t it be his actions that matter? Some days, he feels like he’s back in his teenage years, dealing with Best Jeanist’s strict teachings again. People need to learn not to judge a book by its cover.
He guides you out of your office with his hand secured to your lower back. You don’t miss the stares and whispers of your colleagues. You’ll have a lot to explain tomorrow morning.
“You like Indian food?” He inquires lowly, warm breath ghosting over your face.
If you make it in.
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chaotic-orphan · 21 days
hello, could you please continue the heroic betrayal story? i really want to see supervillain and what theyre all about and if hero joins their side or flynn lets them go!!!!
Heroic betrayal (7)
Part one here
Continued from here
“You must let me show you where you’ll be staying, Hero,” said Supervillain, releasing the chains on Hero’s cuffs and stepping back away from them. Hero narrowed their eyes into a glare, keeping their hands close to their chest as they blinked at Supervillain.
“What do you mean, where I’ll be staying?” They snapped. Supervillain tilted his head as he regarded Hero, a small smile on his lips.
He shrugged. A gesture that should have conveyed a casual thing, but Hero saw right through it. “You can stay in the cellar if you like, though I’d say a bed would be far more comfortable.”
“I’d rather you let me go, or keep our contact to a minimum,” Hero told him. What the hell was he talking about, keeping Hero here? Forcing them to stay? They couldn’t… their brain wouldn’t let them comprehend exactly what this meant. The words just kept repeating in their mind drowning out all sense and reason:
Where you’ll be staying…
Supervillain had planned this, every detail, and Hero didn’t notice. They didn’t know, they didn’t see. Supervillain didn’t let a hint slip about this! Taking Hero captive and not letting them go, and it – though Hero would never admit it – it terrified them.
What if they weren’t as good as a detective as they thought they were? What if… Hero’s eyes studied Supervillain’s face. What if they had only seen what Supervillain wanted them to see?
Supervillain hummed thoughtfully, hands going behind his back. “I’ll show you the room anyways. Give you the tour while we’re at it. We’ll see if you have a change of heart.”
Hero’s nostrils flared as Supervillain turned his back and opened the door Hero initially came through. Supervillain’s knowing smirk remained on his face as he glanced back at Hero. “Come along now, I’m not a patient man.”
“I’d rather stay right here,” Hero told him, voice low. A pathetic attempt at stubbornness. Supervillain inclined his head.
“You can walk out the door, Hero, or be dragged out. Either way, you won’t be staying here. Would you like to keep your dignity intact?” He asked, his tone light and charismatic, his words anything but. Hero hated the way he spoke as if everything was certain. As if he could control everything and it would all work out his way.
Though what Hero hated more was the fact that they knew it was better to comply than to rile him up, so they stood and walked through the door Supervillain held open. They turned their head, looking down the long hallway to their right, where Flynn and Villain were. The door at the end of the hall must be where the kitchen is, but beyond that Hero didn’t know.
Maybe it would be better to know the layout of the house, Hero mused, they could plan their escape more effectively if Supervillain was stupid enough to offer a tour.  Supervillain, instead of turning towards the kitchen, went left, back the way Hero and Flynn came, back towards the cellar.
Hero followed Supervillain cautiously, one eye tracking his figure, the other careful to take note of the layout and the route back to the kitchen if they needed to flee on short notice.
Flee to who? To Flynn? A nasty voice mocked in their head.
At least I know what to expect with Flynn, Hero argued back.
Oh yeah… like how you knew he was a lying, backstabbing villain all this time right?
Hero bit the inside of their cheek instead of fighting with their smug, know-it-all side of their brain. At least when they tasted blood in their mouth, they could justify the pain. They could take their mind off of Flynn and the ache in their chest that they fought so hard to ignore.
Hero’s eyes zeroed in on the door to the basement as they stepped into another hallway. They were half expecting Supervillain to open it and shove them down the stairs before laughing like a cartoon villain and slamming the cellar door closed.
Instead, Supervillain walked past it, and Hero followed mutely, swallowing as they passed the cellar door. Now that it was so close, Hero really didn’t feel like going back there. Back to the cold and defenceless cot in a cell where any of them could come down and gloat.
Where Villain could come back and hurt them again and nobody would stop them.
Maybe a room would be better. At least Hero could barricade the door and break the window or something. They could have a better defensive position. Not be subject to their hosts moods when it takes them. Their nose throbbed at the thought of Villain coming down to their cell again and they shuddered.
Supervillain continued down the hall to another heavy door that looked solid and stiff. There was something strange about it, something Hero only noticed after Supervillain stopped in front of it and raised his hand to a keypad on the wall.
Hero stopped in their tracks. They didn’t want to swap one cell for another, and this one didn’t look as escapable as the cell in the basement. At least there Hero could see out all around them, except for the back wall, but a heavy metal door with an electronic lock would prove far more difficult.
There was a small beep ahead and Supervillain glanced back at Hero over his shoulder. A sly smirk graced his face when he noticed that Hero had stopped following altogether, probably standing six feet back.
“Oh Hero, that’s adorable. Are you frightened?”
“No,” Hero said a little too quickly. A denial. They both knew it. While Supervillain chuckled lightly, Hero wanted to punch themselves. “Where are we going?”
Supervillain’s smile was friendly and carnivorous all at once. “I told you; I’m giving you the tour of the house. Here,” Supervillain said, holding the door open for Hero and gesturing for Hero to walk in first. Hero’s throat went impossibly dry, as if Hero inhaled a pound of sawdust. They swallowed to try and restore some moisture in their mouth because what else could they do?
If they refused to comply, Supervillain would just drag them along anyway and there was no way they could fight back with their powers dampened and their hands cuffed in front of them. The weight of their blades on their back felt heavy in a way they never were before. They were right there… if only they could reach them.
Hero jutted their chin up, steeling their expression as they stormed forward and passed Supervillain, vowing that the moment they got free they would commission thigh braces for their daggers instead. That way they could never be in a humiliating situation like this again.
The room coming into focus drowned out Hero’s plans for new sheaths. Once inside the keypad locked room they stopped short and just stared. It was like the meeting room in the Hero headquarters, except, well… bigger. It was shaped like a hexagon with a domed ceiling that came to a point to let in some light through three skylight windows. The wall in front of Hero had two screens imbedded into it. One played the news on mute that was reporting some local event.
The two walls beside the back one had doors that led off to God knows where, but Hero’s gaze skimmed over them, and went instead to the corkboard on the wall to the left. Pictures of all the top ranked Heroes faces were pinned to the board; Superhero’s, Other Hero’s, and Hero’s were pinned to it. Tears pricked the back of Hero’s eyes when they saw Sidekick’s photo pinned to the wall too, a big red X painted over their face. Hero’s hands shook slightly at the sight… they should have never left Sidekick’s side. They should be at the hospital right now.
Instead, they were knee deep in enemy territory, on a tour of Supervillain’s house. Hero had to pull their gaze away from Sidekick’s face, to study the rest of the room, screwing their lips up tight to try and stop them from trembling.
Hero’s gaze dropped to a desk below the corkboard, where a hero scanner and comms sat, both of them were switched off for now. One Flynn must have stolen… been given. Hero’s hands tightened into fists at the sight. All this time… all this time Flynn was betraying them, betraying the Heroes and he had the nerve to be upset that Hero hated him?
Hero’s gaze flicked back up to Sidekick’s face again and they quickly turned away, looking instead to the giant circular table that dominated the middle of the room. A map of the city was printed on top of it. Hero recognised some of the marks that divided some of the city up. Territories that were occupied or controlled by different groups. Some good, some bad.
Hero stepped closer to the map table, noticing the chess pieces that were spread across it. There was a cluster of white on Hero HQ; the King, two knights, a bishop, a rook, but some other white pieces were dotted throughout the map. There were no black pieces, something Supervillain removed no doubt before Hero walked in. They couldn’t give away all their secrets.
Hero searched the table, making note of the pieces, trying to figure out who they were. A pawn was placed on top of central hospital which made Hero feel sick. They felt Supervillain step up beside them, but Hero didn’t bother to look at him.
“Should I take your silence as a good thing?”
“You can take my silence however you want,” Hero replied. Supervillain hummed beside them. He reached forward and plucked the pawn from the hospital and ran it between his fingers.
“Mmmm, does it have something to do with this?” Hero looked away from the map, lifting their head to stare at the news instead. Supervillain continued undeterred. “It is unfortunate what happened to Sidekick.”
“Don’t talk about them,” Hero snapped.
“What had to happen to them. They were interfering. Hot on Flynn’s scent, we had to dispose of—”
“Shut up,” Hero snarled, whipping their head to Supervillain, and stepping back away from him. “Stop fucking explaining everything you’re doing, or have done, to me like I want to hear your excuses!”
Supervillain cocked a brow at Hero’s outburst. He put the pawn back on top of the hospital, not taking his eyes off of Hero as he did. Hero searched Supervillain’s face, reading it for what he was thinking, and they didn’t like what they found. Realising their mistake too late they took a step back, trying to put some more space between them. Once they could put their weight on their back foot they could kick at Supervillain if he came at them.
Instead, Supervillain clasped his hands behind his back, chewing on words, looking for the best ones before he spoke. Everything was so measured. So controlled. It put Hero off, as if Supervillain was more machine than human.
His gaze wandered to the map, eyes running over everything with a critical eye. “Did you notice anything about the map?”
Hero frowned at the question, their attention turning back to the map as Supervillain walked around the table, stopping directly opposite Hero. They did a quick scan of it, their eyebrows knitting together. Did they miss something? No, they didn’t. The heroes know about the different territories. Maybe Supervillain giving away what heroes they thought were important with the chess pieces but other than that…
Hero’s eyes were drawn to the chess pieces, to the Hero HQ. King, two knights, a bishop, a rook. They saw the other rook and bishop somewhere else, but when they scanned the map again Hero realised what Supervillain was alluding to.
Hero hardened their gaze. “There’s no queen.”
“Very good,” Supervillain praised, and it felt like cockroaches crawled down the back of Hero’s neck. “The queen was far too meddlesome for my liking. Your perfect Sidekick you’ll note is still on the board, that was intentional.”
Hero raised their eyebrows at Supervillain in silent question and froze at his expression. There was no hint of anything human left in him, it was as Hero had imagined Supervillain to look like. Devoid of emotion and yet alive with a vibrant authority that made Hero want to hide away, to cower from — as if Hero was looking directly into the sun, eyes burning but they couldn’t look away.
“An incentive for you, Hero,” he said, his lips twitching up into a cold mockery of a smile. “A gift while you’re here, to make sure you follow the rules.”
Hero recoiled back a step, horror painting their features, as if Supervillain had killed a puppy in front of them and punched them at the same time instead of spoke.
“As long as you behave, well,” Supervillain continued, sea-green eyes drifting down to the pawn over central hospital. Hero’s heart thrummed in their chest and seemed to stop at Supervillain’s next words. “Let’s just say, Sidekick can remain on the board.”
Hero let out a shaky breath that was trapped in their chest, shaking their head. The chain between their cuffs rattled as their hands shook, tears pricking the back of their eyes as their gaze turned accusing and filled with a helpless-fuelled hatred.
“You— you’re threatening Sidekick’s life if I don’t do as you say?!” Hero demanded, voice teetering on the edge of hysterical.
Supervillain tilted his head, as if trying to understand Hero’s emotional response.
“I told you, Hero,” Supervillain began, walking around the table back towards Hero who was too focused on the pawn over the hospital. “We can be civil, this can be a beneficial relationship for us both. I can have you far away from the city, where I know you can’t interfere in the next stage of my plans, and you can rest easy knowing you’re saving Sidekick’s life.”
It was as if the world crumbled underneath Hero’s feet. They wanted nothing more than to collapse there and then, their body flooding with adrenaline as the weight of Supervillain’s words hit them.
It was all too much.
It all felt like too much.
Hero wanted to scream and cry, and punch something— no they wanted to punch Supervillain and Flynn because…
Hero flinched as a comforting hand came down on their shoulder, eyes widening slightly because when did Supervillain get that close.
“It’s a win-win, Hero.” Hero shrugged his hand off their shoulder and stepped back. Wet eyes filled with unshed tears met Supervillain’s sea-green eyes with a helpless kind of hatred. He smiled politely. “You’ll see,” he promised, “in time.”
Hero half expected Supervillain to gloat further, or press Hero on why they were nearly crying, maybe even be cruel and make fun of them. Supervillain walked passed Hero to the door that opened with a beep. Hero followed him with their eyes, biting the inside of their cheek and re-opening the wound.
“Let’s continue the tour, now that we have the unpleasantries out of the way.”
Hero stared at Supervillain, blinked and took a breath and started walking out the door without being prompted this time. They could feel Supervillain’s hungry gaze following them as they submitted compliantly, but what else was there to do? Now that he had threatened Sidekick, who was already in critical condition.
They wanted to be sick. After everything, Sidekick was only in hospital because Supervillain wanted to get to them. They wanted Flynn and Villain to capture Hero and bring them back here, where they— Hero swallowed the sob that threatened to climb their throat — where they would be… staying. Until Supervillain says otherwise.
It all felt so final, so formal, so decided when Hero didn’t make a decision. Supervillain was in control, that’s why he wanted to give Hero the “tour.” Not to show Hero around and let them see all the exits and escape routes, no. He wanted Hero to know that even if Hero knew the way out, even if they knew what doors would be locked and where the keys were, even if escape was within their reach — it didn’t matter.
They couldn’t leave.
If they left, Sidekick would be killed and it would be all their fault.
“Ah, Flynn,” Supervillain said behind Hero. Hero pulled themselves from their thoughts, raising their eyes to see Flynn standing at the corner between the cellar hall and hall that led to the dining room. He looked worried, his eyes not leaving Hero, who couldn’t quite meet his gaze. “Perhaps you’d like to show Hero to their room?”
Hero felt Flynn’s eyes on them, searching their face, imploring them to look at Flynn but they couldn’t. Their stomach was flopping like a fish out of water, threatening to throw their dinner up any moment.
“Uh, yes. I will, thanks.”
“No problem,” Supervillain replied, mirthful as he strode past Hero and down the hall towards Flynn. He clapped a hand on Flynn’s shoulder as he passed and shot one last look over his shoulder at Hero. Hero met his gaze once, fleetingly, then turned their head away again.
Flynn was the first to move, walking closer to Hero who stood like a kicked puppy in the middle of the hall. When Supervillain turned the corner he smiled a satisfied smile to himself.
It was so easy to get Hero’s defence to crumble, and now that Hero wasn’t a threat to his plans, well… the city was about to change.
Whether it wanted to or not.
Orphanage roll-call: (lmk if you wanna be added or removed): @xenlust @books-are-everything @micechomper @shywhumpauthor @aarika-merrill @xxgalgurlxx @0eggdealer @watermelonrandom @tippytappytyping @silentpotat0 @swift-perseides @gloriousqueen101 @ladygwennn @books-are-everything @isnortkoolaidpowderteehee @memepsychowhowantsuperpower-blog
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Dick grayson x male powered reader who's the son of Oliver queen
Powers can be whatever like vibration control, vocal manipulation etc
Dick Grayson x male reader
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You would most likely have met Dick when he was still robin and joining up with the titans alongside Roy as you both were working under Oliver. You would both be able to use a bow and arrow, but you focused more on your other powers where Roy focused on the bow.
You have the ability of sound manipulation, echo location and mimicry, meaning you can mimic any other voice or sound. Meaning human voices, animal noises or anything really, even computer sounds or stuff like that.
I feel you and Roy would be closest in the beginning since you’ve known each other for way longer than you’ve known the team. Then over time you both get closer to the team, and you get along the most with Dick.
During missions you’ve always kept track of everyone using your echolocation, meaning your always clicking your tongue softly during the day, as its just become a habit and second nature at this point.
It becomes a sound that your team all come to expect and which ends up comforting them to some extent as they know your always keeping an eye out for them. So if you were to go silent over comms they’d know something was wrong.
As you grow older your relationship with Oliver suffers the same way his relationship suffers with Roy. You and Roy have different issues with your dad, but its enough to go low contact or cut contact completely outside of hero work.
You spend a lot of time trying to take care of Roy who’s spiraling even worse, and you end up leaning on Dick a lot during this time, making you two grow even closer as he’s the only person you can be vulnerable around.
During this time your feelings for each other really develop, but he knows you aren’t doing well mentally, and you know he’s in a similar situation to yourself with Bruce, so you both suppress your feelings.
At some point you both end up moving in together in Bludhaven, and you become a hero of that city alongside your dear friend and crush. When you upgrade your suit you end up making it a little more similar to nightwings, and less like Green arrows, which everyone notices but no one really mentions.
Dick immediately falls even more in love with you when he sees you wearing his colors or with a suit similar to his own. Which the team always uses to tease him and make him flustered.
As roommates you two live like you’ve done before, though you get even closer. Now that you live together you two end up cuddling a lot without really realizing. You hug each other, cook for one another, or just care for the other.
You sass him using your mimicry, meaning if he says something you’ll say it back in his own voice, or even copy your friends and teammates voices if you have too.
You’ve used your mimicry multiple times during patrols to catch criminals as you can copy their allies voices to make them put their guards down.
Working side by side only solidifies your feelings for each other, and you would confess your feelings during patrol one day, after you’ve just had to scream down some bigtime villain and you two were standing on a rooftop overseeing the police taking the villain away.
Dick would just be looking at you, watching you be so serious about what you do, and hed just confess right then and there without really meaning too.
Youd stop your clicking out of shock, turning to look at him with wide eyes as you quietly ask him what he just said. Dick would go red and start apologizing, saying he must have said something wrong, or you didn’t hear anything.
Then you take his hand and tell him you feel the same way, leading to you both standing there blushing. It ends up with you clearing your throat and saying you should get back to this conversation after the villain is put away, to which Dick agrees.
After you two get home from patrol that night you talk through your feelings and end up dating after making sure you’re both on the same page.
No one is surprised when you two start dating, your friends and family just casually tell you two they’ve been waiting for you both to come out with your feelings.
After all this time your relationship with Oliver has gotten better, and Dicks relationship with Bruce has gotten better too, so you both spend time with the others family. Though, you spend more time with Dicks family just because they’re a lot closer than your own.
The way you and Dick live doesn’t really change, as your both overly affectionate, just now you can kiss. Which you do, a lot. Dick loves to kiss you, so much. He’s waited all this time to be able to do it, so he can’t get enough.
Listening to you click your tongue for your echolocation is one of his favorite sounds, as he likes laying on your chest with his ear pressed against you so he can hear it even better. It comforts him and helps put him to sleep.
You both wear each other’s hero merch, there’s no question about that. Of course, nightwing is your favorite hero and you’re his favorite hero if anybody asks during the day.
Your friends and family are probably sick of how lovey dovey you two are even after months of being together, though Alfred would find it endearing since he’s just happy to see Dick so happy with someone.
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ao3sbatfamily · 25 days
Hey do you have any recs for fics where the batfamily does something that absolutely should not be possible and everyone is like wtf?
I feel like in most of the JLA meet batfam fics, the JLA focuses more on batman have kids and less on the fact that they usually did some terrifying shit. I went with cryptid batfam.
This was made into a series, so make sure to check out the sequels.
'Growling in the Shadows' by GayBatBoi
It was Martian Manhunter who interrupted his thoughts this time. “I have not met many humans who have met this Batman, but the ones I have talked to did not broadcast fear when thinking of him. In fact they seemed to feel more hopeful and safe when talking about The Batman.
“I don’t know, this just seems like a bad idea. Isn’t there anyone else we could try first?” Clark whined. He couldn’t exactly just say ‘I don’t want to go because I’m scared’. The others would never let him live it down.
“We all know that there are precious few heroes we can ask to join us, Clark. We must ensure that the hero we ask is as strong as possible to make up for our small amount of warriors.” Diana chimed in again, always the voice of reason. “A few strong teammates is far superior to many weak ones.”
“I’m still not convinced this Batman character is a good guy at all.“ He pouted, arms crossed like a child throwing a tantrum. He didn’t care. If Clark had to Gotham he could at least sulk about it a bit first.
“We could always offer him the position as a trial run. If he’s a good guy then we recruit him full time. If he’s a villain then at least we can keep a close eye on him and take care of it if we need to” Green Arrow took Flash and Diana’s side.
“I think it’s worth a shot. It is not as if there are many heroes to choose from and this Batman may surprise us yet.” Wonder Woman smiled.
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brucewaynehater101 · 28 days
i want you to know that i scroll through your posts and interactions just to find all your fic recs and open new ao3 tabs.
your tim parenting Bruce au has destroyed me and I love it so much thank you for your service.
do you have any more particularly gut wrenching aus cooking up in your genius noggin?
Heeeey. How'd you know I had a new AU I haven't released yet?
But before we get into that, thank you for the compliments. Angst is my favorite flavor.
As far the AU, you know the saying, "You either die as a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain"?
I feel like that could fit Tim so well.
How I imagine the AU to start out would be Tim as Robin. He's in the batcave with Bruce as the man is showing him a particularly devastating case. Bruce, his mentor but not his father, turns to Tim with a grimmace.
"There's a reason we have a code, Tim."
They both glance at Jason's memorial and Bruce's hands start to shake.
"As much as we may want to give in to our desires and emotions, we can't stoop down to their level. There needs to be lines we won't cross, even for the greater good."
Azure eyes snap to arctic ones, begging for the younger to understand.
"We do this to protect others, even those who are twisted and foul. We aren't the judges or executioners."
Tim nods in agreement, and Bruce's shoulders lose a little of their tension. The older man pats the teen's shoulder in pride before his attention goes back to the murder case.
Tim, as Robin, had many interactions with Bruce that shaped who he was as a vigilante. How much force to apply when fighting, what lines to cross, and acceptable codes of conduct were taught to the kid in several instances. It didn't matter that Bruce himself had broken them or that, on very rare occasions, Dick also broke them. They were rules Tim was expected to follow, and they were reasonable lines. Of course, Tim did everything he could to meet those standards. He may have trained with Lady Shiva, and YJ may get into so whacky ordeals, but there's no excuse to go outside of those bounds.
It became difficult, though, when Jason beat Tim into the floor of Titan's Tower. When Jason, after hurting several family members, was welcomed back. It became a strain on Tim when Bruce enacted the 16th Birthday present fiasco or Tim found out about what the man had done to Dick (the bruise he left on Dick's face after Jason's passing). It was demanding to follow those rules when Damian came into the picture and when Dick handed him Robin.
When Tim found that painting of Bruce, when Dick and the JL turned their backs on him, when YJ wasn't there to support him, some part of Tim said "fuck it." Why should he follow standards he had to leash Bruce into obeying? The man wasn't even here anymore.
He still tried, but he gave less effort to it. He didn't want Bruce to find out when he returned after all.
But Tim? He never returned from that desert. As far as the Bats become aware after Tim sends them the data for Bruce and then blows up the bases, Tim died in the explosions he caused.
And the rest of the AU goes into Tim exploring how the guidelines Bruce gave him were bullshit, so he slowly starts to let more and more go until he has no moral bounds anymore. He's seen Bruce, Jason, Damian, Barbara, Alfred, and Dick all break one or more of these "rules" that were placed on Tim. So why should Tim go along with it?
What does it matter if he betrays, manipulates, tortures, and kills if it saves the most people? What does it matter if he commits suffering if he's helping people?
Until, one day, Bart and Kon are on the other side of the battlefield from Tim. While Bart is steadfast in defeating Tim (no matter how much it pains him), Kon is devastated that Tim never told him he was alive. He doesn't even care that Tim is a villain. If he had just asked, Kon would've joined him.
It's too late now. Bart needs Tim to stop, Tim can't let Kon join him, and Kon is torn between his duty and his friend.
So Tim does what he always does, he sacrifices himself. He allows them to take him into holding, executes his plan to murder all villains left, places restrictions on the JL (so they'll never hurt anyone the way they hurt Tim and abandoned his friends again), and then Tim disappears. Bart opposing Tim was the sign that Tim was in the wrong. He knows that. If he wasn't, Bart would've been on Tim's side no matter how morally grey he got.
Tim had crossed into the black.
He became what he always feared he might one day be.
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