#ugh.... I've hurt so many people.... and I've been able to run from them to heal all involved except myself...
actual-corpse · 26 days
I played Skyrim today.
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darkdisrepair · 1 year
cr3e45 meta: the witches, fcg, and ludinus
HERE WE ARE the meta as promised. i will preface this by saying i had a wacky dream last night where laudna and imogen held hands the entire rest of the episode so do with that what you will
of course i usually center the discussion around imogen but we'll also be looking at a few other things too!
topics: fcg, imogen, and humanity | fearne and imogen | laudna and imogen
fcg, imogen, and humanity
one of the best parts of the episode was fcg being able to gain some understanding of his origins- that he was meant to be a harmonious automaton at first, and then was later changed to be more violent
i think fcg needed that comfort, in knowing he wasn't "bred" to kill. i think that's something that's been weighing on them for a while, especially because the BIG moments in their backstory were about hurting their friends-
because it's easy to forget all the good things you do, when a lot of it is bad. fcg forgets that he brought fearne back to life, who then saved orym. they have walked through imogen's dreams with her, as a comfort.
they have done so many good things- and yet it took an academic, with that strength of knowledge, to convince fcg of what imogen in particular has been trying to tell them all along:
everyone has the chance to be good. your past doesn't mean anything, because it can't change- but your present can.
it's harder to accept that you do have control. it's easier to let things happen to you, let other people "tell" you what to think or to do- but really living means that you embrace that burden knowing that's what life means. to choose, and to make mistakes, and to take ownership of that.
it's a beautiful message. and for the professor to tell fcg that he was beautiful, and unique- fcg has only ever been a spectacle to most people. but to be told- i see you, and you are wonderful even though you are flawed- ugh.
just so good. so, so good.
and what's particularly striking in this episode is how starkly it's opposed by the other knowledge the group gains:
that the exaltants, and the ruidusborn, really don't have very much control. no matter what they choose, it seems that their path toward ruidus is inevitable.
pushing forward- choosing to learn, to grow- only results in studies that can't continue because the ethics are shady, of otohan going rogue because she wants to know more, of liliana running away from her daughter-
where fcg's journey with being human is learning to find the way into the light- imogen is learning what it means to be human, and hurt no matter how hard you try not to be.
and that's just such a heartbreaking path to be on- because where is the hope for her? where along this journey is she going to get any information that doesn't feel like a horrible revelation?
yes, she's an exaltant- which is something so unique and special- but the source of all her recent anguish- otohan, and by extension her mother- are both exaltants too.
she keeps getting pushed and pushed into all this anger and explosive power and dreams she can't control and god it's so devastating. she wants so badly to be loved, and learn what it means to know herself and love herself- just like fcg- but ever since she got her powers, really, she's been hurt by her own mind, her own body, her own family.
fearne and imogen
three cheers for ashley johnson, for this episode and the last of us and just the queen she is-
but specifically, in this episode i got the confirmation that i've been suspecting- that fearne is really also trying to lean into what it means to feel, and to experience things outside the feywild, by helping her friends.
she has been so beautifully in tune with laudna and imogen, specifically, and part of it might be guilt but also part of it is i think she's coming into her own, and realizing what it means to love people, and care about them.
she's so, so smart. ashley, and fearne, that is- pushing the envelope with ludinus, trying to get the answers that they want, in her own fey way, innocent and so smart.
and when ludinus leaves- she's so in tune with imogen's emotions. the "are you okays" were so gentle and just so aware in a way that fearne in the first 20-30 episodes would never have been. asking imogen repeatedly even though she said yes the first time-
because imogen isn't okay, and fearne is starting to pick up on that. she's already been trying to get imogen to talk about her new powers, but i think witnessing imogen being taunted by ludinus, hearing liliana's name, seeing the answers to imogen's dreams (and their joint identity of being ruidusborn) being whisked away and being unable to do anything-
she knows. she knows that it hurts because hasn't she felt this before, too? her parents, betraying her in many ways? doesn't she know the anger, and the devastation, of finding out that you, their child, doesn't mean anything compared to the grand schemes that your parents are up to?
and it had been imogen, then, that told her it was alright to be angry, to be mean and rude-
and now, i feel like fearne is returning that grace that imogen gave her, but in her own way- it's okay to fall apart. it's okay to be sad and grieve the life you wanted.
i'm so glad that they're both building connections outside of their original connections- fearne and imogen, laudna and fcg.
laudna and imogen
this will be briefer but i loved the moments of protectiveness we got from laudna. we got traces of it earlier with silvery barbs in the previous episodes but imogen and laudna care so much about each other.
it's good to see that, even without talking, they haven't stopped paying attention to each other. it goes to show- you can be friends with someone without talking to them all the time. you can process your shared trauma separately, without that meaning you don't care.
i think they're starting to be ready to talk about it together. there have been glimpses, i think, where laudna has started to realize that you can get secondary trauma by being in someone else's, and i think that's a good realization for both of them.
and she seems ready to talk? at least i think so? and i think time at grandma's house (though unsettling) seems like it will be a great opportunity for a slow down in the story, at least kind of.
OH AND: the "did he do anything to you?" and "no, he just talked"- but i think with imogen, words have always hurt so much more than physical pain.
the knowledge- "she was right, you do look like your mother."
is so much worse. otohan and liliana. liliana and otohan. coworkers, at the minimum, test subjects together- what else is there?
i think this campaign NEEDS a pause, pacing wise, for the characters' sanities. i think imogen in particular (and not even just because she's my favorite) needs time to process things- because if she doesn't i can really see it getting into dangerous mental health territory for her. which i will probably talk about in another meta ;)
if you've made it this far i commend you for that- i'm sorry for the word vomit!
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gray-skiess · 2 years
Hii can I have a Mha and stranger things matchup please 🖤.
She/her pan
I'm 5'6 and look like this
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Personality: I tend to keep to myself unless someone comes up to me and starts a conversation (a lot of people say I'm very intimidating when they first meet me for some reason 😂). I tend to be slightly reserved with someone until I'm comfortable with them, then I'm a massive dork (I love to joke around and make people laugh). I am very empathetic, always trying to keep the people around me happy (even if I'm not in the end) I hate disappointing people so I can over work myself sometimes. If someone is rude or annoying me I tend to get very sassy and sarcastic. I am very protective of my friends and love ones and get very angry if someone hurts them. I'm also a very calm person and it takes a lot for me to get angry/snap. I also sleep a lot....like a lot, unless it's during the school year then I tend to get like three hours lol (it's a running joke in my friend group that I never sleep). sometimes I stop in the middle of talking because I think I talk to much (I've been told many times that I do so I just try not to really talk in a way)i play with my hands a lot, I have a really high pitched (idk sorta cute?) sneeze, I can be very clumsy (I literally tripped on air once😂) when I do something scary my hands shaky after I've done the scary thing (if that makes any sense)
I like reading books, writing, listening to music (mostly kpop). I love love to dance (again mostly kpop). And even though I hate being in front of crowds I do like doing shows where I dance (I've done it multiple times with my friends at school events😊). I love doing my makeup especially crazy colored eye shadow. I love to be outside also. I also like to go on car rides in the middle of the night (I love going to get food then sit in a random parking lot).
I hope you have a good rest of your day/night 🖤
hey darling, thanks so much for the request, i hope you enjoy <3 !
from my hero academia i match you with;
ochako uraraka !
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this is so cute to me i love her a lot ;-; but i feel like i see similarities between you two and you two would be really nice together in my opinion <3
- she would be the one to ask you out but she is so nervous when she does, her cheeks are so red omg. she was a little intimidated by you at first but thought your makeup was cool and that’s how the two of you started talking
- she likes to go on walks with you, sometimes with a destination in mind and sometimes without. overall she just loves being able to spend time with you and always makes the most of your time together
- she loves watching you dance, it’s so inspirational ! seeing you passionate about something makes her so happy and she even does a little research so she can properly enjoy and understand your hobbies
from stranger things i match you with;
lucas sinclair !
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our little adventurer <3 i feel like y’all have similar values and ugh he’s so loving it’s perfect i swear
- he approaches you with a similar way as he did max, more so admiring from afar until the moment is just right. then offers to take you to a movie or to get pizza.
- my love, he is so doting. he worships the ground you walk on i swear. loves taking you bike riding and adventuring with the gang, would love to see your support at his basketball games, and adores it if you join him to a dnd campaign
- like ochako, he loves to love the things you love. if that makes sense. while at times he apprehensive to actually try different things, he’s more than willing to support you <3
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mokutone · 2 years
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YESSSS! sasuke yelling time.
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explanation for the drawing in my answers ajdjanxkajjd
favorite thing about them —despite everything. when he is most himself, he doesn't want to hurt people if he doesn't have to. he can't bear to kill him, he tells team taka that they aren't to kill anyone, he's had an immense amount of trauma done to him, and he knows the weight of it, and if he can avoid doing that to somebody else, it seems he wants to.
least favorite thing about them —uhh my least favorite thing about him is also my least favorite thing about gaara. and a couple other characters in naruto. it's really hard for me to watch kids be in desperate pain and practically begging for help in a situation where nobody seems able or willing to help them. for a lot of sasukes parts in the anime i'm just like averting my eyes lmfao
favorite line —I think I'll pick the most impactful line. Idk if I'd call it my favorite.
you know the bit where kakashi ties sasuke to the tree? absolutely fucking humiliating him and then on top of that, telling him that his quest for revenge, LITERALLY sasuke's fucking ninja way (for all its many many problems!!!!), is useless and meaningless? and how sasuke gets that nasty look on his face and he says: "What if I were to kill the one you love most? How far would you stray from what you just said? I could make you feel true pain." and that line just fucking kills me. i am inconsolable. obviously Kakashi takes it as a threat from a child and brushes it off as one—but it's not! he's quite literally begging for understanding. he's like, if i could just hurt you as much as i've been hurt, maybe you would understand me! maybe this is the only way anyone could ever understand me! maybe then you wouldn't tell me how useless and stupid this one thing, the thing which i have built my life around, is!!! but kakashi doesn't give him that. lol. kakashi's like "well there's no way i'd ever be in that situation bc i there's nobody left who matters to me ,^)" like. great job dude. you had the witty comeback against the child. also told him that you do not care about him or his friends at all. you won the trauma game. congratulations. your prize is unfortunately dealing with your guilt complex around this for the next 6 years when you have to go to war against him. jesus fucking christ. Sasuke was trying. he was fucking trying! despite everything, he was trying, with the one adult he trusted enough to even ATTEMPT explaining himself to. ugh. whatever. i'm normal and i have normal feelings about things. i'm normal. i'm so fucking normal. jesus christ.
brOTP —this is unhinged for me, bc i normally answer these based on characters canon relationships, but i am so fucking desperate for yamato to interact with sasuke. i want it so bad. i have so many ideas. i think that yamato would be very useful to sasuke in his recovery. i hate kishimoto and i hate knowing that this will never happen.
OTP —i don't really care about this kind of thing! naruto, i guess, because naruto is the person sasuke seems to care the most about thruout the course of the narrative, and also because my best friend wuvs them
nOTP —i don't really care about this kind of thing. sakura, maybe. it doesn't really matter to me.
random headcanon —his life skills are atrocious and everyone in his close circle of companions is worried about him when he returns to konoha. Yamato starts giving him cooking lessons (Yamato is also an amateur at this. theyre both learning),
which are unfortunately the trigger for minor and unnoticeable but very regular panic attacks for Sasuke. He's like, having a very hard time believing that anyone could really forgive him, and his ONLY interaction with yamato before this was literally jamming a sword through his shoulder joint and running straight electricity through it. Why would Yamato, who didn't even know him before he ran off, forgive him for that? What does Yamato get out of this situation? When does Yamato reprimand him for the pain he caused? When does the other boot drop? When does he find out what this is all about?
This goes on, increasing Sasuke's tension slowly and steadily until Yamato accidentally triggers a major panic attack (he drops a pot, and Sasuke is so wound up at this point that the sudden metal clang itself is enough to put Sasuke right over the fucking edge) and suddenly it all comes into focus for Yamato, who realizes "oh, this kid isn't just unnaturally stiff all the time, he's actually scared shitless of me, and was only putting up with these cooking lessons because he clearly feared the repercussions of saying he didn't want to, to somebody so embedded in his social circle. fuck."
Trying to make this better, he then takes to inviting Naruto over so that Sasuke has a little bit of a social buffer between him and Yamato. Eventually all of team kakashi + team seven is trying to fit into Yamato's tiny jōnin apartment weekly for free food and entertainment (the entertainment is teasing each other).
unpopular opinion —i like him? and i don't think he's over dramatic. i think he's a fairly realistically written character (up until the end i guess stuff gets weird there) because he's mostly a reactive one, and Kishimoto excels at writing little traumatized guys having intense reactions to things. It's what he likes to do and hes pretty good at it.
song i associate with them —Baby, I'm an Anarchist by Against Me! solely for this line.
No, I won't take your hand And marry the State.
like. skdghskdghsdjhgsdhjgsdjhg
favorite picture of them
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i literally use this all the time. i think things should be easier. i would like for sasuke to be able to pick up that glass of water.
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unprofessional-bard · 3 years
Don't Push It, Pt. 1
Unprofessional Bard's Masterlist
Part 2 (1/2)
Based on this request.
Pairing: Joel Miller x Female!Reader
Warnings: Age gap (the reader is 26 and Joel is 53), a lot of teasing/sexual tension, implied romantic feelings.
Summary: It's been going on for years. They both know better than to act on their feelings, but patience starts running thin when a few boundaries are crossed.
Word Count: 5.280
Author's Note: Okay y'all so I am a whore for Joel with long hair and I unintentionally made this into a fix-it au where Joel is alive. Also, the reader is going to have some OC characteristics to fit the scenario better. Finally, this fic changes POV's a lot, so I'm gonna clear that up:
• ----R and below: The reader's POV.
• ----J and below: Joel's POV.
• ----B and below: Both POV's.
The fic starts off with Joel's POV.
gif credits: nikolai-stavrogin
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"Hey, Joel," Dina called over to the man sipping coffee on his porch.
"Mornin' Dina," He replied as his daughter's girlfriend walked over to him. Her baby bump had grown a little more and it never failed to put a smile on Joel's face.
"There's a little trouble with the patrol today," She said. "Jesse won't be able to make it to patrol with (Y/N)."
"And they're askin' me to fill in?" He sat up a little.
"Yup, Maria told me to ask you if-"
"No problem, sure, I'll do it." He spoke nonchalantly, then asked if Jesse was alright. Dina told him she wasn't sure, that it must be something important for him to miss patrol, which made Joel nod: "You told (Y/N) too, or...?"
"No, but she's gonna be there regardless. I doubt that she knows."
"Alright, thanks Dina," Joel got up and she smiled in return before walking over to Ellie's place.
It was wrong. By the lord it was wrong, but he couldn't help it. You were fierce, confident, determined and disciplined; qualities he came to appreciate in time, but a bit differently only when it came to you. He shouldn't want you, an unknown source in his mind kept telling himself, but he did. He didn't know why, he never found himself being attracted to a woman your age, yet you had him under your spell. Oh the things you did to him...
Worst part was, he couldn't have you, whether he liked it or not. Nevermind the fact that you were too young for him, you probably didn't want him anyways- despite the crystal clear signals he got from you. It was just how you were, though: A little physical and perhaps a little flirty, but he could just be confusing that with your confidence.
Or he could be overthinking everything.
Joel readied his backpack, but realised there was still a little more than an hour before the rendez-vous, so he decided to head over to your place to tell you about the news to kill some time. After he made it there and knocked on your door while calling your name a couple of times, which were left unanswered, your neighbour curiously looked over the fences and called over to Joel: "She left a while ago... For the gym, I think."
"Thank you," Joel smiled politely and earned a wave from the lady in return. He took his time as he walked over to the gym. After he arrived, he looked around for awhile to spot where you were, but when he found it, the sight almost made him choke.
There you were, ankles crossed as you pulled yourself up and chin over the barfix with closed eyes, a frown and a clenched jaw. Sweat laced the sides of your face and Joel's eyes wandered lower: You were wearing a sports bra and matching shorts which hugged your frame tightly and the sun was shining directly onto your muscles, which the lord himself carved out and were also sweaty, but Joel didn't care - it made you look more attractive, if anything. You let out a huff and lowered yourself down, while he tried to collect himself. He didn't want to disturb you so he decided to wait until you finished...
...but you didn't seem to be finishing any time soon. He didn't want to look like a creep as he stood there and waited, so after you did another pull up and let yourself down, he cleared his throat.
"(Y/N), here you are."
Had you not been already hanging, you definitely would've fell when you heard Joel's voice reach your ears. You opened your eyes to see him slowly approach you, his stupid thumb stuck in behind his stupid belt.
You hated it: You hated finding this man attractive and you hated your guts for occasionally flirting with him - him, who probably would never look at you the way you looked at him. He liked you, of course, he enjoyed your company but not the way you wanted him to. You hated that you had a crush on this man, who became even more gorgeous as he let his hair grow over the last few years, you also hated how he neatly parted it to the left.
Patrol with him was both a treat and a curse at the same time. You got to spend time with him, which made it a treat, but when you watched him- saw him in action, how aggressive he was, heat started to pool between your thighs. He was so rough and precise as he was smart; he always knew what to do under any circumstance, so you almost never worried when you went out with him. He made you feel safe, praised you and played with your heart when he responded to your flirting and nothing came out of it.
You hated it because your little "crush" on him was pathetic, for someone as confident as you. Sure, you teased and flirted with him, but one praise as simple as you did well today and you'd be melting on spot. You even tried to get with other people to distract yourself, to no avail. They weren't Joel.
None of them could ever be Joel.
"Good morning!" You said with a high pitched voice, reflecting your struggle to keep yourself up.
"To you too," He chuckled at your state and watched as you pulled yourself up slowly. "Hey, listen. Jesse ain't gonna make it to patrol today so I'm fillin' in for him."
The way you faltered a little didn't escape him: "Why? Is he okay?"
"I dunno, but I'm sure he is. Something important must've come up," Joel informed you, not wanting to worry you as you seemed to care about him. A lot. Ugh.
"Tsk," You breathed out and closed your eyes to focus on keeping your head above the metal bar.
Joel then spoke again: "Yeah, I was just here to let ya know."
"Okay, well-" You exhaled audibly and suddenly let yourself go. The force of the action sent you flying a little and it almost made you bump into him: "Woah, oh, sorry-"
"Woah there," You both chuckled at the same time. Joel held you by your elbows to help you balance yourself and your heart rate picked up pace when you realised how close your face was to his chest a moment ago - the chest you wanted to get your hands on: How muscular was he? How many scars did he have there? How would it feel to run your fingers through the hair as you ro-
"Uhm, yeah, as I was saying," You snapped yourself back to reality and took a small step back, disappointed by the way his fingers let go of your arms: "I'm done here, just need to do a couple of stretches, then head back and take shower."
"Right. Well, I'll see you at the gate, then?"
"Uh, sure, yeah."
You didn't know what else to say other than stay. You wanted him near you and around you, you wanted to show off to him and you wanted his attention, so you had to think quick.
Joel didn't want to leave either, even though you were going to spend the whole day together. He still nodded and turned around to leave. It was then, when a brilliant idea crossed your mind: "Actually, Joel?" He turned around, gave you a soft look that made you want to run up to him and kiss all over his face. "Could you help me with my stretches?"
If he'd been drinking or eating anything, he most definitely would've choked: "Help you?"
"Yeah," You flashed a smile at him. "It's simple, you just gotta press me down and keep me in place." The widening of his eyes, puzzled face and his tense posture made you shy. "Eh- Normally, Jesse helped me with them."
True. Some stretches required someone to push your body to its limits - when you worked out alone, you stuck to simpler stretches, but right now, you needed a reason to have him by your side.
Joel was torn between leaving, like a responsible person who knew when to walk away would. He was responsible, yes, but his moral compass was thrown out of the window whenever you joined the picture. So far, he wanted to think he was handling his emotions well- by not acting on them and not talking about them.
Now, however, it was as if he was facing the last straw. He had a few boundaries left to cross, and this was one of them.
"Plus, I'm a bit tired to do them. Will you help me?"
Lies. All lies.
You'd been doing these stretches for long enough, even though you'd worked hard, you weren't tired at all. Joel thought this to be the case, so he tried to go around it: "You sure? I mean, how're you tired?"
"I've been training like hell this morning," You settled on the mat. "I don't wanna do these stretches, but I have to. I'm not in the mood to pull a muscle today."
That was good enough for him really: "'Kay," He sighed. "What do you need me to do?"
Your eyes glowed in excitement before you faced forward and explained: "Im gonna lean forward, like this-" You extended your legs forward and lowered yourself down. "All you gotta do is press on my back and stop me from moving away for a few seconds."
A few seconds which felt like five minutes, truth be told.
As soon as he touched your bare back, you sighed, then forced it into a hiss. He immediately retreated his hands, thinking he hurt you, pushing the ludicrous idea that you might have moaned away immediately.
His hands were big and a little cold comparing to your skin which was on fire after the workout, but you'd be lying if you said you didn't do that on purpose. You straightened up and looked at him with an innocent smile: "Your hands are cold."
Not cold enough to make you react like that, obviously.
Joel offered an awkward chuckle from the back of his throat: "You're gonna have to deal with it, missy."
And deal with it you did- barely. Christ, that was a bad idea, your worst one yet. To have his hands on your bare skin, pressing you down made your cheeks burn and mouth hang open as he kept you in place. You almost didn't hear him when he spoke, too busy trying to comprehend the size of his hands and how they'd feel around your throa-
"How many of these do you gotta do?"
"Uh, dunno," You blurted out. "Not too many."
Joel was partly glad, it felt so wrong yet it was just a simple act of help you could've asked from anyone. After 20 seconds of staying like that, you straightened. You went into a head-to-knee position and gave him an okay to press you down again.
You switched to the other leg after half a minute, but you were running out of ideas. There weren't any positions left that you could use his help with, so you played one last card to ruin him: "More."
Good riddance.
"Press a little harder," You pretended to focus and tried your best not to smirk, knowing you had him where you wanted.
"Oh- hm," He cleared his throat and pressed a little more down on your back. If your plan hadn't backfired and made you almost moan through your teeth, everything was going accordingly.
Joel went to pull back, but stopped when you added: "It's been a while since I did these..."
"That enough?" He slowly retreated his hands and stood up, watching you lean up where you sat.
"Yup, that'll be it," You smiled and blinked a couple of times. If Joel had known better, he would've thought you were making him do that, then being all cute on purpose-
It was going to be a long day.
Patrol with the older Miller went as normally as it always was. Part one usually went like this: Meet up at the gate, get your rifles and horses, ride out, reach checkpoint one and sign your names. The road to checkpoint one didn't have any trouble, it usually never did. It was more quiet between you two than usual though. Had you gone too far?
"So, uh," You said once the two of you mounted your horses again. "You coming to the dance tonight?"
"What?" He snapped his head in your direction, looking clueless. "What dance?"
"Well, not a dance exactly but- you know what I mean?" You started riding. "The adults only event?"
He looked really distracted, a bit tense even: "Oh, right. You know those ain't my thing."
"I know," You nodded with a soft smile. "But I haven't seen you in any event ever since you decked Seth."
"Decked?" Joel chuckled bitterly at the memory.
"He deserved it, and more, that prick," You rolled your eyes, making him chortle.
"And nobody managed to shut up about it for the whole month," He sighed with a gorgeous yet tired smile on his face which you managed to see just in time. "So, no thanks. I'll pass."
"Aw, come on," You whined. "You can't avoid coming to these events forever. Please?"
He gave you a confused look, his smile slowly disappearing but not in a bad way: "Why?"
A good question. Oh, no reason, just wanna try and make a move on you, quite possibly jump your bones if it all goes well.
"I wanna make sure you haven't lost your ability to socialise." You offered.
"Really? Why, you're my momma now?"
"Ew, no," You both laughed. "Can't I be sure my friend is alive and well occasionally?"
A word that made Joel stop and think.
You saw him as a friend, huh? Two people, with clear sexual tension and an obvious age gap between them- Friends was an awkward description for him, but it was better than nothing.
He opened his mouth to reply, to insist that he was indeed alive and well, but you stopped him: "You know what I mean."
The conversation was making him a little distracted, he noticed, so he decided to keep his mouth shut until you reached checkpoint two. You didn't press him on, which was also a delight. That's another thing he liked about you: You knew your bounds- in patrol anyways. Or maybe it was because you got to know him well over the time, knew what he liked or not.
Part two went quieter too- infected and conversation wise. Not even a single runner was on sight as you swept through the small cabins and houses. Except for the occasional clear's and nothing here's, you didn't say anything else. Joel itched to talk to you, about anything to break the silence, but he was too lost in thought.
When you finally made it back to Jackson, you finally spoke up: "So? You coming?" He chuckled, mostly out of relief, then you added: "I found a new outfit, I wanna know what you think."
That caught Joel's attention. With a curious smile, after handing over your horses, he asked: "What outfit?"
"You'll see... If you come." You smirked, your close proximity making Joel's heart race.
"Don't get your hopes up," He sighed with a small grin and tucked his thumb behind his belt, the other one gripping the strap of his rifle.
"You're the worst," You punched his shoulder with mock upset, making him chortle and stumble a little to the right. "Anyways, I'll see you tomorrow then."
Joel remained quiet, then you walked away with a soft smile gracing your lips. The words sunk deeper than he would've liked, a sudden wave of guilt soaking his guts with regret, even though you didn't sound disappointed or upset. Lips pursed, he watched you hand your rifle to Peter and sign off, then leave; his steps coming to a halt as you did.
He just might check out what was up at the dance tonight, if he could successfully move himself out of his comfort zone in the following few hours.
"Well well, look who it is," Tommy grinned when you approached the doors of the pub. The night had settled across the sky by the time you stepped outside your place. The sound of music and chatter of the people from inside filled your ears.
"Yours truly," You smirked. "It's crowded in there huh?"
"It sure is," Tommy said as he turned around to lead you inside. "Adults only events tend to attract more people, as y'can guess. Don't you look pretty today."
"Why thank you." You smiled playfully: "For no one, but myself, at that."
You lied through your teeth. You had dressed up in the silly hope that Joel would actually show up. You had been planning on it ever since you came across the item wrapped around your hips in an abandoned clothes shop a few weeks ago, and this event was the perfect excuse for you to wear it. For him.
"I ain't sayin' nothing!" Tommy raised his hands up in defense. "Figured that much, haven't seen anyone catch your interest in a long time."
Ha. Nice.
The atmosphere was lively and the air was warm, full of energy. Chatter and dancing went about the packs of people scattered across the space, but you couldn't see Joel, much to your disappointment - you weren't surprised though. What surprised you was Jesse suddenly showing up.
"Where's Ellie and Dina?" You asked after a while of teasing him about missing patrol.
"They decided to stay behind, I guess." He shrugged.
"What can I get y'all?" Tommy smiled, suddenly appearing behind the counter. Without waiting for an answer, he filled two glasses and pushed them towards you. You and Jesse looked at each other for a brief moment, before knocking it back at one go. "Woah there..."
A round of laughter later, you felt someone's presence behind you, then they tapped you on the shoulder: "Hey, (Y/N)!"
Much to your disappointment, once more, it was a boy named Mark. He was a year older than you, had no features whatsoever matching Joel's prettier ones and he took an obvious liking to you, which in truth you didn't appreciate, even though he wasn't weird about it or anything. You faked a smile and turned to him a little: "Hi."
"Good to see you," Sure. "How, uh, how are you?"
"Busy, actually," You pointed at the glass Tommy was refilling for you.
"Mind if I join?" He made himself comfortable on the stool next to you.
"Yeah. I do." Your smile never faded but your words were laced with poison.
He looked between you, Tommy and Jesse, mortified at your answer: "W- Heh, well, would you wanna dance later, then-?"
"No, I don't." You spoke calmly and turned to face Jesse again, only for him to move to tap you on the shoulder, which Tommy stopped from happening.
"Why don't you go home, huh?" He grabbed his wrist firmly, but not hard enough to leave a bruise of course. "The lack of oxygen in your brain's clearly stoppin' you from understandin' a word as simple as no."
You looked over at the younger Miller, a stern look on his face which seemed to make Mark piss himself. Suddenly, an even deeper voice was heard behind the boy: "I advise you to listen to him, son."
You turned completely in your seat to see Joel grabbing Mark by the shoulders, making him jump, then remove him from the seat carefully. Mark's legs were quick to oblige, making him walk towards the exit, but Joel held him in place: "A-ah, what do you say to the lady?"
"I'm s-sorry, (Y/N)," He nodded quickly. "I'll never disturb you again, I promise."
"Good boy," Joel patted him on the back, which sent him running to the door. Your cheeks were suddenly burning and you couldn't help but smile shyly.
"Tsk, what a jackass," Tommy nodded disapprovingly as Joel took the now empty space next to you.
"You decided to show then, huh?" You smirked at Joel.
"Yeah, figured you'd break someone's wrists and make 'em eat it," He chuckled, tipping his head at his brother in a greeting -God he looked so handsome, was that a new shirt?- before he continued: "Decided it'd be a shame to miss it."
You giggled and lightly pushed at his arm, almost immediately feeling the muscles underneath the rolled up sleeve of his blue shirt: "I'll take that as a I came because you asked and I listened for once." The exchange, obviously, didn't go unnoticed by his brother and Jesse, which made you sit upright suddenly: "Tommy was the one who was gonna break his wrist anyways..."
"Nobody gets to disturb anyone here, especially right in front of me," He said and slid a glass to his brother.
Jesse joined in: "I doubt it, but should he ever-"
"Aw, you guys are spoiling me," You grinned and waved your hand down, pressing the other onto your chest.
You looked beautiful. You were wearing a plain, dark green, mid-thigh, flare skirt; which could pass as a miniskirt, but Joel was no fashion expert. You always did come up with the rarest clothing items (like your sports set that morning), so he wasn't surprised that you happened across the skirt. You also had a simple, white, v-neck t-shirt on- which all in all was the reason you left Joel speechless: You could be wearing something as simple as these, but you'd still look so damn pretty.
A few minutes later, after Jesse and Tommy disappeared in different directions and you were finally left alone, Joel spoke up: "Is this the-"
"What made you-" You gave each other a brief look before chuckling: "You go first."
"Ah, I was gonna ask if this was the outfit you wanted me to see," He said, briefly looking down to point at your skirt.
He watched you run a hand through your hair and bite your bottom lip before answering: "Yeah..." You got up and stuffed your hands in your pockets, which made Joel's heart sizzle. "What do you think?"
He gave you a genuine smile: "I think you look beautiful."
The shock on your face made Joel panick a little, but when you offered a shy little smile, he relaxed: "You- Really?"
He gave you a single, slow nod in acknowledgement, his smile grew bigger when you beamed at him and offered him a quiet thank you, then sat back. You were staring hard at your glass, clearly avoiding his gaze and he found it rather cute, but didn't comment on it.
He was looking forward to chat with you, after all, you were the reason why he showed up, but you were unfortunately dragged away by a couple of friends, Jesse included...
To dance.
An upbeat song he didn't recognise started playing, putting you and another boy, Mick, to action. Everyone backed away to give you two space, then started off with what seemed to be something you'd been practicing for a while. You mirrored each other's moves, it was similar to some folk dance he'd watched way before the outbreak, but it most definitely wasn't a folk dance. Your arms linked occasionally, hands on your hips as you crossed each other's legs with fast movements and other types of moves Joel couldn't name if he tried, but it was organised and fun to watch. It wasn't intimate, too, just a silly little dance as you called it minutes later when you finished and walked to the bar for a drink. You didn't stay long, though, just downed your drink, winked at him and went back to the stage where you and Mick (but mostly you) stole the show.
It went on for two more rounds, to the point your t-shirts were absolutely soaked and your legs couldn't take it anymore. Joel had a particularly hard time in his seat, watching your skirt float around your thighs made him feel embarrassed with himself. Tommy even went as far as to tease him about his constant squirming, but a glare from his older brother was enough to shut him up.
The last dance finished off with you in Mick's arms, leaning back in his hold and closing your eyes with laughter. Everyone clapped you both, which earned you a kiss on the cheek from Mick- which you returned. Joel's jaw clenched unintentionally, even though you and him didn't appear to be more than friends.
Stop. Stop it, you idiot.
He couldn't care less about these types of things, drama about who's dating who and whatnot, but when it came to you he naturally grew curious.
He watched you, eyelids struggling to keep themselves open as Jesse led you and helped you onto the stool, next to Joel once more. You huffed and giggled, eyes closed with sweat droplets on your forehead. He couldn't help it when his smile grew wider at your tipsy state.
What he didn't see coming was the sudden hand on his thigh and your back against his arm, letting your head drop onto his shoulder as you let out a brief laugh: "Never let me dance and drink at the same time again."
Joel didn't know what to say, he quickly looked around for Jesse only to find him already gone and a couple of people staring at the both of you. With a rush of panic, he responded: "I don't think I'm the one you should say that to, darlin'."
Your hand and the rest of your body immediately retreated when you jumped at his voice: "Joel?!" You looked a little embarrassed and he couldn't help but smirk. "Uh, where's Jesse?"
The question almost made him scrunch up his face, but he patiently waited until the end of the conversation, which was after you've walked away to find the boy in question and he was alone with his own thoughts... Jealousies...
"He dropped you off and went over there, I think." Joel nodded to the direction he thought Jesse went off to - he didn't see though, he was too busy focusing on you when your fingertips had brushed somewhere dangerously near his crotch.
"Huh," You stared around to find him, but Joel figured you were too intoxicated to actually see that far. "You need to stop wearing the same clothes."
He raised a brow at that: "You tell him that."
"Oh I will," You grinned mischievously and suddenly grabbed Joel's glass of whiskey from his hand, then downed it at one go before he could intervene.
"Hey!" He tried to grab the glass from you but you leaned back. "I think you've had enough for the night."
"Says who-?" You pouted and at the very same time, lost your balance, realising that you leaned a little too back. However, Joel caught you; one hand on your arm, the other on your waist and he pulled you back - he didn't know if you did it purposefully, but you practically fell into his body: "Oh! I'm sorry-" You laughed, not looking sorry at all. "Thanks, Joel," You purred, extending the 's' and the 'l' at the end of each word as you grabbed onto his biceps. "You saved me."
"Pfft," Joel couldn't help but let his hand linger on your waist as he made sure you stood in place. Your eyes met when you lifted your head from his chest - the meaning behind his hazel gaze and your own was similar and it lasted for what felt like a whole minute, while in reality it was no longer than a few seconds.
You finally let his arms go and he took it as his cue to remove his hand from your waist (which, for a moment, felt like it had been glued there): "So... You enjoying yourself, old man?"
Joel sighed through his nose, amused at how the alcohol in your system was slowing your speech, then went back to how he had been sitting before you came. Just when you asked, the smooth, familiar tune of Ain't No Sunshine started playing. After all the excitement, a slower music felt nice: "Sure. You?"
"Oh I sure am," You nodded and leaned back against the counter with something of a triumphant smile.
"I can tell," Joel replied, then without turning his head, side eyed you. His stare later on moved down to your skirt. "Why'd you get all dressed up for, really?"
"Huh?" You blinked, not processing if he was asking what you thought he was.
"I, uh- just never took you for the skirt type."
"Is that so?" You asked, eyes widening. "Well, just trying on a new outfit..." You looked down and bit your lower lip, making Joel's heart skip a beat. He mentally kicked himself for not leaving right then and there and continuing to talk to you: "There's actually another reason."
"There's this guy," You turned towards him, placed your arm paralleled across his on the counter and leaned forward a little, pretending to look around. His fingertips scratched against the wooden surface of the counter at the mention of this guy in question. "I don't know his name, but maybe you do?"
He just raised a brow when you looked at him innocently: "He's a bit old, around this tall," Your hand went back and forth in the air as you tried to size the man's height in your mind. "Has pretty, long, graying hair with an also graying beard... A little scar on his nose," You looked at him and leaned in a little more, invading his personal space but not touching him, then pointed at the exact spot on your nose and it was then, Joel realised, that you were indeed describing himself. "He's wearing this blue shirt and, honestly, it would look better on him if he opened another button or two."
I know, I know
Hey I oughta leave young thing alone
But ain't no sunshine when she's gone
He wanted to counter, tease you back, lean down and taste your lips, then place a kiss or two on your neck and bite it softly just to hear you moan quietly into his ear- he also needed to get his shit together, as much as he wanted to do all of that.
He couldn't quite believe his self control when he leaned away from you, especially since the tip of your noses almost touched and he felt your hot breath on his lips. He cleared his throat and quickly looked around to see if anyone was looking- no one had seen the rather intimate interaction so he spoke: "I don't know who that is."
The disappointment on your features was like a knife twisting up in his guts. You blinked a couple of times, but didn't lean back: "S- Sure you do..."
"I don't," Joel insisted, his voice stern. "Maybe you should look for someone else."
Your disappointment turned into embarrassment and anger, making you frown and lean back: "Excuse me."
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
And this house just ain't no home
Anytime she goes away
And with that, you got up and stormed away, leaving Joel wanting, aching and ashamed.
Anytime she goes away
Anytime she goes away
Anytime she goes away
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spacebarnes · 3 years
we we're too young ✧ t.holland
summary: when the pressure of the age ends a relationship, a song comes.
warnings: swearing, fluff at the end
a/n: i really love Louis and the lyrics of this songs are painful, so why not? requests are open! english it's not my first language so i'm so sorry about any mistake, take care of yourself pls! <3 (not my gif)
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When you broke up with Tom, you promised yourself that you would never speed things up in a relationship again.
And maybe that's what ruined everything. Moving in together in your early 20s and starting a new life just the two of you was either the best or the worst relationship decision. But, you were two teenagers in love, sure that you were each other's soul mate, who would dare break your illusion?
It had been almost three years since you left the apartment, ending it all there. You knew you couldn't keep Tom's name from being all over Hollywood, or even coming up as a topic of conversation with your friends, but you could avoid seeing him at events. And that's exactly what you did over the years.
Right now you were getting ready for a performance with Louis Tomlinson and other singers that all of you were giving at a community event for a foundation.
"Hey," you spoke as Lana, your makeup artist, finished applying some blush to your cheeks. "You're already here?"
"I'm in the parking lot," Sebastian replied and you could hear the sound of a car door closing. "Dua is already singing?"
"I think so, why?" you asked as you grimaced so Lana could apply more product to your face.
"Cause i don't wanna look like i only care about you." his voice sounded somewhat agitated, indicating that he was walking towards the door of the building.
"But you only care about me." you replied with a giggle, listening as he also laughed lightly.
"I know but, sounds rude," Lana put her things away and left you alone, not before you thanked her for the amazing job she had done on your face. "And what are you singing besides Too Young?"
"Moonlight, Dangerous Woman, Positions and Nasty." Sebastian couldn't see you, but you had a smirk in your face.
"So you're getting nasty, huh?" you laughed at the comment you knew he would make about the song. "Oh, and by the way. Tom is-" he couldn't finish the sentence because you interrupted him.
"Ugh," you rolled your eyes without him being able to see you. "Can we just not talk about him? It's been like three years, c'mon. Everybody needs to get over it."
"Alright big girl, see you over here. Bye."
The call ended and the sentence that your friend didn't finish started to haunt your head. Why did he name your ex? Sebastian wasn't usually one of those people who always named him, he only did it when it was something important or very urgent, what would have happened?
Your thoughts faded when three knocks sounded at your door.
"Love, you're ready? We gotta go!" the accent of Louis reached your ears and you just tried to hide the smile that formed on your face knowing that you were already going on stage.
"Coming!" you shouted back and gave yourself one last look in the mirror before dropping your cell phone on the little red couch. You saw the screen light up, indicating that you had gotten a notification but you didn't take any notice, it was surely from a fan.
You're gonna die.
I just saw Harry, Sam and Tom in like four tables behind us.
He's here for you.
"I have to say you look very pretty." the boy next to you complimented you as the both of you walked down the big hallway to get to the stage.
"Thanks, Tommo," you thanked him with a big smile. "You look great too, and i'm sure that you are gonna do a show out there."
"Bullshit," he shook his head, hiding the smile that had formed on his face. "But we are gonna rock the stage, and then you will do it by yourself." he said with a big smile, causing one on you and hugging you around your waist.
"Y/N, put this on." the sound guy handed you a yellow headset with your initial engraved on it as you arrived on stage, a big red cloth covering both of you.
"I saw some of your cast friends out there." this made your eyes sparkle a little, you were excited to know that they actually did come.
"Oh yeah, I invited some of them. I'm happy they came to support the event."
"Yeah, but there was this guy," he grimaced trying to remember and bit his lower lip. "I don't remember his name, but he was with two other people."
"Are you sure that he was from Marvel?" you asked with furrowed brows and he nodded immediately.
"Yeah, i've seen his face in the movies before."
"Maybe it was Hemsworth with Liam and Elsa, i dunno." you shrugged and Louis just nodded, trusting you.
The two of you turned on your microphones so you could start talking as you had previously rehearsed.
"So yeah, I hear Louis Tomlinson can't sing at all." you spoke into the mic, causing several of the fans who bought a ticket to scream.
"Well, I hear Y/N Y/L doesn't sing that well. She can't even get to the high notes!" his voice echoed throughout the venue as you two laughed quietly behind the curtain. This was all based on the many criticisms the two of you were receiving.
"Ugh, yeah. And that two assholes have a show tonight." you spoke as you watched the canvas begin to open, making the screams grow louder.
"I bet that they won't even be able to fill half the forum." Louis and you take a step out of the shadows.
"Oh shit!" you exclaimed when you saw how many people were there. You and Louis had sent out a large number of invitations to various artists, but you didn't expect everyone to go. Your eyes quickly visualized Sebastian next to Elizabeth. In one corner was Ryan Reynolds and in the other Lily Collins, there really were a lot of stars in the place. Finally, some fans were right in front of the stage, separated from everyone else.
"They really made it," your friend said between a chuckle before speaking again. "How is it going?" he openly asked all the people, earning several shouts of excitement.
"Alright, so, first of all," you looked to your left for Tomlinson's approval before continuing to speak, he just closed his eyes and nodded. "Thanks to everybody for coming tonight. It really means a lot to Louis and I that you could donate a little money for the kids that belong to this foundation. I didn't thought that so many of you would come today, I honestly just thought Sebastian and my mom would come," you admitted with a nervous laugh, eliciting one from the listeners and earning an on-air kiss from Sebastian "But yeah, again, thanks to all of you for showing up today. I'm sure that all of these kids thank you with all their hearts."
"So many boring things but no action, let's hear it!" Louis said and he walked back a bit so he could sit on the small wooden benches that were on the stage. Unlike the other artists, the two of you wouldn't be doing a big performance for Too Young.
And that's because Too Young is not a very happy song. You and Louis wrote it when you were just coming out of your relationship and feelings were running high. It was a special and painful song.
The melody started to play and you shared a big smile with the guy to your right before you started singing.
we were too young
to know we had everything
too young, I wish I could've seen it all along
i'm sorry that i hurt you, darling, no, oh
we were too young
Emotions and memories began to fill your mind. It was hard to sing this song without feeling a sense of guilt at all.
i've been looking back a lot lately
me and you is all I've ever known
it's hard to think you could ever hate me
but everything's feeling different now
Your eyes were focused on Jake Gyllehaal and Blake Lively talking about your presentation. You had met Jake through Tom and had formed a great friendship, but you were curious to know what Blake thought.
oh, I can't believe I gave in to the pressure
when they said a love like this would never last
so I cut you off 'cause I didn't know no better
now I realise, yeah, I realise
Your eyes searched for Cindy and a couple of friends you knew were here just as you were singing the chorus. You noticed they were making some strange signs and pointing behind them, not understanding, you just furrowed your brows and finished your part of the song just for now Louis to start singing.
You didn't take your eyes off your friends, still trying to decipher what they wanted you to see or something that was bothering them. That's when you looked up a bit at the tables behind them and your eyes met with a curly-haired boy you instantly recognized.
Harry Holland.
You blinked several times to double check if it was him and not an illusion of your mind, but it was. He was wearing a black suit and next to him was Sam, who was wearing a white dress shirt and a brown jacket.
And then there was him.
Tom looked radiant as always. He was wearing an olive green suit with a gray shirt underneath and you looked away quickly when you saw that you two connected eyes for a second, as he had the same lost and in love look that he looked at you with a few years ago.
You felt a squeeze on your leg and quickly turned your gaze to see Louis, who asked you with his eyebrows and gaze if you were okay, to which you just nodded and swallowed dryly before moving your mouth back to the microphone.
it's been three years since I've seen your face
i'm trying to find some better words to say
before I let this moment slip away
'cause now I realise
Some had noticed that you had changed a part of the lyrics and others just kept smiling at the beautiful melody. You turned to look at Louis and just shrugged your shoulders with a small smile.
we were too young to know we had everything
too young, I wish I could've seen it all along
i'm sorry that I hurt you, darling, no, oh
we were too young
we were too young
we were too young
we were too young
we were too young
The song ended and your friend took your hand to move a little closer to the edge of the stage and take a bow for the whole audience, receiving applause for all of them.
"Good luck, love," the Brit hugged you and gave you a little kiss on the cheek, rubbing your shoulder one last time before taking the mic again. "Let's hear it for Y/N Y/L!"
The time progressed and you finished singing your songs as did Louis, thus ending the event and letting the guests leave the place freely.
"So we came here for nothing?" Harry asked before gluing his lips to the glass bottle, causing Tom to look away from you for a moment to look at his brother.
"Oh, shut up."
"He's got a point," Sam joined the conversation, setting the empty bottle down on the table. "I mean, you canceled today's work just to come see her and you're not going to talk to her. Really?"
Tom gave one last glance at his two brothers before returning his eyes to you, biting his bottom lip from nerves and the indecision he felt.
You looked as pretty as ever. You waved goodbye, hugged and made small talk with each departing guest, thanking them for attending.
"Alright, this is what is gonna happen," the older of the twins caught the attention of his two brothers again. He grabbed his satchel from the table and straightened his jacket. "You are gonna talk to her, and Harry and I are going to wait for you in the car." Sam winked at him before motioning to his twin to signal for them to leave the place.
"Don't be a movie star and talk to her." that was the last thing Harry said, patting Tom's shoulder and calling him by the nickname that so annoyed him.
The brown-haired man sat there for a moment with his eyes down, not knowing what to do. And to his bad luck, when he raised his eyes to look for you, you were gone.
Not knowing what to do, he quickly found Sebastian with Anthony and Chris, so he decided to send him a message.
hey, mate.
Sebastian connected glances with Tom and grimaced that he didn't understand why he was texting him instead of approaching him. The Brit just pointed to his cell phone, implying to text him back.
I know what you're going to ask me
She's in her dresser
Don't be a dick, please, and if she doesn't want to talk to you, don't push her.
I won't
thanks x
He didn't wait a second longer and got up from his place, heading quickly to the back stage area and crossing the long hallway to get to your dressing room.
He took a breath of air in front of the red door that had a small sign with your name on it. After a few seconds, he knocked four times.
"Come in!" you said, thinking it was Sebastian and when you heard the door open you spoke again. A cotton circle with makeup remover rubbing against your eye. "Are we leaving now, Seb? I thought that you wanted to talk to Anthony and Chris-" you spoke without paying much attention, until you turned your chair around and met brown eyes and not blue.
"Hey." Tom spoke timidly and raised his left hand to greet you. His lips formed a line.
"Tom, hey," you greeted him so as not to look rude. "What are you doing here?" you asked somewhat nervously, as you knew perfectly well why he was standing in front of you.
'"I just wanted to see you. Your show out there was amazing."
"Thank you." you thanked him with a forced smile and the room filled with silence for a moment.
"Do you think that we had everything back then, but we were too young?" your ex's question broke the silence. And it also broke the barrier of the past, letting all the memories come back.
"Tom, i-"
"Just say it." he said and knelt before you, taking your hands in his and connecting gazes.
His eyes were the same as always. The same ones full of love, and the same ones that shed tears the day you left London to start over in Boston.
"I do."
"And do you think that now we are old enough to make things right?" that question fell like a bucket of cold water, you didn't expect it at all and you didn't want to answer it.
You didn't want to because the answer was yes.
"I think so too," you closed your eyes and just let your feelings speak for you. "I think about it everyday. I think that if maybe if we had been mature enough back then, everything would have worked out correctly."
This was an intimate moment between the two of you, and you didn't need to be unclothed to see each other's nakedness. The two of you were baring your souls completely.
"But now we are old enough-"
"But it's not the same, Tom." a bittersweet smile formed on your face. You really wanted to try again, but you couldn't.
"It is the same, and i know it because," he paused and squeezed your right hand even tighter than before. "In the deep of my heart, i still know that you still drink ice coffee in the morning with exactly eight ice cubes. I still know that you always watch the same series because trying to watch new ones never works. I still know that after a concert you take two bottles of water for your throat and take a long nap for five or six hours. I still know that it bothers you that the sunlight comes through the window and hits you directly in the eyes, but still, your dream apartment has big windows."
"And I still know because over the years I never stopped loving you, and I am convinced that I never will." your heart twisted a little when you heard that he remembered every little detail of your life, and how true everything he had said about you was. Tom just remained silent, waiting for an answer from you.
"You know what?" you asked and a smirk formed on your face as you helped Tom up and you did the same. "My grandmother used to tell me the story of the red thread. The red thread binds two people together, and this can stretch, contract or tangle. But it's impossible for it to break."
"So, that means that you would try it again with me?" he asked with his voice full of illusion and put his hands on your waist, desperate to have contact with you.
"I will, yes. And better work this time, Holland." you teased him, running your hands around his neck so you could hug him properly.
"It will, i promise."
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that-little-zebunny · 3 years
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Skin to Skin (First Date)
Pairing: Loki x Avenger!Reader
Warning: Angst, little Gorey-ish details, Fluff
WC: 2,151
Summary: You're new to the team and end up messing it up with the God of mischief on your first day in. Knowing his reputation you're up for a fun time in the compound.
Note: First of all thank you so much guys for the warm acceptance you gave on our 1st part T....T y'all made my heart so so happy. I hope you'll enjoy this part and I'd love to know how you think. Its a bit long so yay enjoy.
2nd day of our wonderful HBC's Week of Love for the lovely @the-th-horniest-book-club 🥰
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You know what's the fun part of fighting the bad? It's that it doesn't choose a great time. It pops up as randomly as it can. So here you are on your second day trying to go around and meet people, when you got a message to suit up.
Small details are that you and your team are going to keep an eye on one of hydras abandoned bases because Friday had detected some activity there.
What you didn't know is the team you speak of is just you, the Falcon, Natasha and Loki. Yup, how fun will it be? You and the person that doesn't like you in one deadly work. You won't be surprised if somehow between the fighting you'll be stabbed by him. You shook your head to remove the thoughts running in it. You really should stop watching suspense shows. You sighed.
After almost three hours in the air you all finally made it in the location. You scratched your head when you saw that the area is surrounded by a lot of trees.
"Looks like we're up for a fun hide and seek game if there's really people here now." Nat said as she fixed all the weapons secured on her belt. Sam agreed. He activated three of his cute little drones to help out with securing the area for treats.
"We should go. All these small talks will not vanish our enemies." Loki said walking past the three of you. You pouted.
"I think that's mostly because of me. Sorry guys." You said as you finished fixing your knives on your belt and grabbing your metal staff. It's your main weapon because it keeps you from getting near anyone when it's not needed.
"No worries cookies, he's like that to everyone. He didn't really have a choice in being here. He's banished here to help." Sam said using the silly nickname they all choose to give you after you delivered tons of cookies to them.
You look at Loki's retreating back sadly.
You're able to get inside the rusty building without encountering anyone.
"This is a bit creepy. How did Friday detect anything here? There's no one in about 10 kilometers." Sam said as he checked the tech in his arm.
"Maybe it's a ghost?" You joked which earned you a strange look from them. "What? I watch movies." You rolled your eyes at them and continued going to another part of the building to check. It looks like you're in a laboratory slash surgery room. That gave you chills. You tried to not imagine how many bodies were cut and gutted in here.
"You have a very unique mind." Someone said which made you squeak. You turned around swinging your staff towards the voice but was halted by a sting hand. Loki held the end of your staff smirking at you.
"Crap…" you whispered. You didn't do anything again didn't you? "I-I'm sorry." You bit your lips as you relaxed, removing your staff from his hold.
"For someone that works with emotions you do suck at it." He said, smirking at you.
You scratched your nape as you stared up at his face, his very very beautiful face. Ugh!
"I know. Its been a challenge controlling my own. I was so used at controlling others." You said remembering your childhood. How you tried to mold your always bickering parents to play nice when you're around and to act as if they loved you. You know they hated it and they hated you but what can you say you were ten and scared. But they didn't care. All they know is you're an anomaly and that they rather not be around you. That's why as soon as your grandma offered they toosed you away like a hot potato.
You shook your head as your most dreaded memory came up. You frowned and turned to look at Loki again.
"Was that you!?" You asked. You're gritting your teeth as you feel the rage consume you. He just stared down at you smirking wickedly. You boinked away the tears that threatened to fall from your eyes. "We're even now." You said gripping your staff.
"Yes we are." He proudly said as he went around checking if he could find anything useful and you did the same.
It really was a lab and they've experimented on people trying to make a brain dead person have functions again. That made your stomach turn especially when you saw the reports of how the patients reacted to that. Some were like dummies and some became vicious. And so many more that you end up closing the files you're reading and you just grabbed them.all to bring them back with you.
"Find anything else?" You asked Loki but he didn't answer so you went to look what he's doing in the room he went in. You found him staring at a cradle.
"There's a body here." He said. That alerted you. Especially when you saw him touch the cradle to open it using his power.
"Nooo Loki don't!" You shouted as the cover of it opened up releasing some kind of gas. Knowing the few things you've read if your guess is correct this is gonna be bad.
You ran to him to grab his arm to pull him away but he didnt move so when you saw the sharp claw like hands coming out the gas you didn't think much and just went in between Loki and the thing.
You gasped in pain as you felt the slicing on your back.
"Good norns! Y/N! You dumb, dumb mortal!" He shouted as he caught you in his arms when your legs gave out. He looked behind you and flicked his hands green mist went to take away the life from the girl from the cradle. You heard its body make noise as it fell down.
Still in Loki's embrace you tried to breathe deep but it ended up just you gasping painfully. The cuts must have been deeper than you thought.
"L-Loki…" you pleaded with him as you felt your breathing start getting shallow and you feel like you're drowning. You must have blood on your lungs by now. You tried to swallow the sobs that tried to get out of your lips and you just stared up at his face. He really have a nice face. It's unfair.
You must have lost your mind because when he caught you staring you smiled up at him which in return got you another frown.
"Stop admiring me. I know I look better than the normal midgard male population. You really must be dumb, why did you jump infront of me. I'm a God I won't be hurt by a mere scratch." He said as he helped you to lay down on the floor as he called out to Nat and Sam on his coms. He turned you on your side to check your injury and you heard him take in a breath.
"Is it bad?" You asked thinking of the worse based on his face.
"Don't get your brain all rilled up, Cookies. It'll be alright." You giggled when you heard him call you on your new nickname.
"S-so I'm cookies to y-you now too." You coughed but still smiling.
"Oh you need to shuush." He said but you can hear the smile in his tone. So your stupidity got you on his goodside.
"How can I s-shuush. This might be my last time to talk. What i-if some parasite is now in me and I'll start walking and biting people." You caughed again as you felt something soothing on your back.
"You need to change what you watch Y/N. That's not healthy anymore." He said, shaking his head. Your back is starting to feel nice now and your head is like it's floating. You giggled again as you touched his face. Even in your groggy brain you felt his emotions. Scared, amused and adoration. Is that all for you? You smiled at him again as your eyes were about to close.
"You should date me Loki." You said. His eyes went wide as he steadied you to pick you up.
"That's the soothing magic talking." He said as he started to walk.
You're about to walk past the table where you put down the files you found when you remember how important they are.
"Wait! Wait! Lemme grab those." You pointed to the tall stocks of folders.
He walked near it and you grabbed them and hugged them on your chest like your life depends on it.
You feel proud of yourself getting them or being carried by Loki. You're not sure which anymore and before he even finds your team you fell asleep.
You woke up in what you guessed as the med bay. You tried to get up and looked around to find no one. You brushed your hair with your hand as you tried to stand but got dizzy. You tried to grip the bed frame for support but you're too slow so you just let yourself fall. You're about to kiss the floor when two strong hands caught you and relief and annoyance flooded your brain.
"You must enjoy being in my arms." He teased as he helped you back on the bed.
"You got nice arms." You joked as you went back on your bed. You took a deep breath and seriously asked him "how did the rest of the mission go?"
"Well, the Widow was able to find some scavengers that tried to loot the structure they came back there before we left and they must have been the ones who triggered Friday's system. The monstrous thing that attacked you is dead officially and we didn't find another of it but we did find a mass grave behind the building." He explained as he sat down on the side of your bed.
You thanked him and relaxed knowing there's no more of that thing around.
"Do you like steak or do you prefer the simple ones?" Loki suddenly asked. You looked at him confused.
"What for?" You asked.
"You have offered me to date you. Have you forgotten?" He said, smirking at you. You felt your cheeks heat up. Crap you did. Mid thinking about tobe a zombie parasite walker time. You looked at him waiting for him to say he's joking but nothing . He just raised one gorgeous eyebrow as he waited.
"You're serious?" You covered your face with one hand as you tried to let what he's saying sink in.
"Very serious, you've felt my darkest emotions I've seen your darkest memories don't you think we're past the getting to know part Sam keep on babbling about?" He said as he slowly touched your elbow with a finger and you felt his sincerity and adoration. Your brain feels like it's about to explode. This majestic person really wants to go out with you. Omg!!!
You slowly nodded and he smiled.
"So stake or not?" He asked again.
"I like steak." You answered back. He smiled and left. Leaving you with so many emotions that you never felt before as your own. Joy, giddiness and something you can't name.
A week after you're out of being stuck on a medical bed you and Loki went to that date. You still can't believe it's happening. He even did all the preparations and stuff. He brought you to a gorgeous restaurant with beautiful music and the tastiest stake you ever had. It was so much fun. He's very funny in his own way. You're both enjoying a walk before going back to the compound when you felt Loki grab your gloved hand. You look up at him.
"What's wrong?" You asked. He just smiled and kissed your hand.
"I'm just very glad I gave myself a chance to know you more and not let what happened to us on our first meeting get to me. You're a very fascinating and beautiful lady Y/N. Thank you for being with me today." He said. You smiled warmly at him as you took off your gloves. You stashed them in the pocket of your coat and brought your hands up to his face but didn't completely touch him.
"May I?" You asked and you saw his face softened. You told him that you will never touch him without his permission.
"Yes…" he answered as he held both your hands and brought them close to his face. He closed his eyes and sighed at the feel of your skin. Feeling that strange feelings again that you can't name you're not sure if it's yours or Loki's emotion. You stepped closer to him and tiptoed to reach his waiting lips. You can't wait to understand that strange feeling but for now you're gonna enjoy how good it feels.
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Tag list
Skin to skin: @delightfulheartdream @victias @kaogasm @marvelgirl7 @alexakeyloveloki @newdaynewyearnewlife @multifandomlife22
Tom Hiddleston and Characters: @jewels2876 @jobean12-blog @CurlyRed2020
The ones with stikes, I cant tag you guys i dunno why T.T
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imagines-choices · 3 years
Ghost Of You - Dakota Winchester x MC
[ Dakota x MC ]
Summary: You always visit Dakota every week for the past few months after he died, but this week was not like any other
Author's note: I started reading WEH and spoiled myself by reading fanfics and now I'm just in denial and I can't accept the fact that Dakota is gone, so I wrote this and a whole bunch of ghost dakota imagines and made the ghost series
Warnings: mentions of death, grief
Word Count: 1,845
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You took a deep breath as you approached the stone, walking through the muddy path. It started to rain slightly just as you arrived in the graveyard, but you didn't care. You needed to see him. You always do every week.
Stopping just in front of Dakota's gravestone, you placed a hand on top of the stone, the tiny droplets of rain pouring down on your hand.
"H-Hey, Um... So it's that time where I go visit you and talk to you again, not that you can hear me right now. I just wanted to let you know that mom and I had some fight the other day about something I said to her. It's silly, really, but I just thought I'd let it out."
"Everyone else is doing well. Uh, Mateo is Mateo. He's always trying to cheer me up by sending me a funny text or something. A-And Lennox as well. I can still recall the time when we first met and I thought she hated me." You smiled at the memory. "They're always telling me that you'll always be here with us, but I just can't help feeling lonely and lost now that you're gone."
"I'm missing you so much right now. And I-I know that you'd probably want me to move on and smile again, but I just can't help think about you all the time."
"Your smile, your laugh, that cheeky look on your face whenever you're planning something I don't know about, or when you're always teasing me. I have to admit, that's pretty annoying, but I would do anything to have you here with me right now. You can tease me and make jokes as much as you want as long as you're here." You laughed as tears started to spill from your eyes.
"A-Anyways, I-I just... really miss you. L-Like, a lot. And you might not be able to hear me right now, but I-I hope you're doing okay up there."
"It's been quite a while since you were gone, but somehow I've always had hope that you can somehow come back. It's really silly, I-I know." You could feel the rain hit your cheeks, blending in with your tears as you smiled.
"I just wish we had more time. I really don't know and don't want to let go of you." You kneeled down on the grown, unable to control the wave of emotions washing over you. Tears flowed freely down your cheeks, hitting the stone path underneath you. You didn't care that your clothes were soaked, or that you might get sick from the rain.
"I wish you were here, I miss you so much." You spoke out, one last time before completely breaking down.
You quietly sobbed for a few more minutes before you felt something light, weighing on your shoulder. You slowly lift your face, turning around to see who's hand it was, when you're greeted by a familiar face, smiling down sympathetically at you.
"Dakota!" You leaped towards him, his arms instantly wrapping around you. You didn't know why you did it. Other people might've just ran away in fear, but all you could think about was the man standing in front of you. He pulled back just a little, to wipe the tears staining your face, his own tears starting to form.
"I missed you too." He responded as you buried your face in his chest, tears freely flowing down.
After a few minutes of holding each other, you started to calm down and your breathing was normal again. You pulled away to look at the ghostly figure in front of you, and you can't help but frown.
"So you're a ghost? Am I imagining things?"
"Something like that. And don't look so disappointed, it took me months to be able to be seen, and it took me even longer to find out a way so people can touch me."
"I'm just glad you're here." You snuggled your face in his chest once more as Dakota ran a hand through your hair.
His head bent down, stopping right next to your ear as he whispered softly, "You should get out of the rain, you'll get sick. And if it makes you feel any better, I can accompany you for a while."
You nodded weakly before feeling him lift you up, never releasing the tight grip on your boyfriend. He guided you back towards your house that wasn't too far from the graveyard. He knew you'd get sick at this point, after spending all that time in the rain. Your mind wandered off as the two of you walked, hand in hand. All of this was a lot to take in. You had just gone from having a normal day without Dakota to crying in the graveyard, and now you're walking with his ghost? This was all too much and too overwhelming.
Your thoughts were interrupted by the sudden harsh pouring of the rain. Dakota started urging you to go faster, and the two of you ran back until you've reached the front of your doorstep. You hesitate for a moment, brows furrowing in disappointment. You didn't want this to end. If he goes, who knows if he'll come back.
Noticing your hesitation, Dakota stepped forward and faced you. He lifted a hand up to your cheek, and as if he read your mind, he said, "Hey, it's okay. I'll see you again later. I won't be gone for long, just until you're somewhere where your mom can't see you."
You weren't sure, but you nodded anyways and before you could blink, he faded away. You kept your emotions at bay and reminded yourself that he'll be back. You stepped into the house to be greeted by your mom, her arms folded across her chest.
"I was worried about you, why didn't you come back earlier? And you're soaking wet."
"I'm sorry, it's–" She heavily sighs and shakes her head.
"It's okay, go shower." You gave her a thankful look as you headed upstairs towards your room. You pushed the door forward, jumping at the sight of Dakota sitting on your bed, examining the photo frame in your room. He smiled once he saw you entering, and you raised your eyebrows in question.
"You okay?" Your mom shouted from downstairs.
"I'm fine, mom!" You quickly shut the door before rummaging through your closet to look for some comfy clothes.
"Don't–" You threw your clothes at the boy-er-ghost sitting in front of you. "Scare me like that." He laughed and set your clothes beside him on the bed.
"What can I say? I couldn't resist, now that I can do these ghostly things." There it was. That smug smile of his that you want to both slap and kiss off of him.
"Well go on, I'll be right here."
"Don't even think of doing things."
"I don't know what you mean." The wide grin was still plastered on his face as he leaned back onto your bed. You glared as you retreated to the bathroom before closing the door and stripping down, hopping onto the shower. You closed your eyes in content as the warm water hit your back. You thought of all the crazy events that happened today. To think that all this happened in just one day was hard to believe, just Dakota coming back as a ghost was really hard to believe.
After finishing off, you had just noticed that you left your clothes back in your bedroom. This is going to be interesting, you thought as you wrapped a towel around you.
"Dakota?" You called out and you heard a subtle hum in response. "Can you please get my clothes?"
"Which one?" He pretended to look around the room. "Oh this one?" He asked, grabbing your clothes from the bed and you could practically hear the smirk in his voice.
"Ugh yes just– give me those."
"So you want me to come in through the walls and give you these?"
"N–!" It was too late, he had already phased through the wall, and to your surprise, the clothes made it through the wall as well.
"Here." You could see the struggle in his eyes as he tried keeping them focused on your face, and only your face.
"You're lucky I'm wearing a towel. Now get out before I strip in front of you."
"I certainly wouldn't mind th–"
"Nope! Out." He obliged and you quickly slipped your clothes on before exiting the bathroom, a towel in your hand to dry your hair. Dakota watched as you brushed your hair before making your way to the bed, where he was sitting.
After a few moments of silence, Dakota began to speak up. "I know that this is a lot to process, and you have so many questions right now, but what I need you to know is that you need to go find someone else."
A flash of pain crosses your face and you could see the regret on Dakota's face for being so straightforward.
"Why? You're back now. I-I-We can be together again." He frowned and took both of your hands in his.
"We can't. Just– look at me. We can't have a future together, we can't start a family together. I can't even be seen." Your chest started to hurt from all the thoughts running through your head. Everything the both of you want, but can't have.
"No, we can find a way. A-And for now we can just be together. I lost you, and now we've just found each other again. I can't– we can't– You can't just go visit me as a ghost and then leave!" You squeezed his hands even tighter, trying to keep the tears from falling, but failing miserably as Dakota pulled you towards his embrace and let you cry on his shoulder. You felt something wet against your neck, which could only mean tears of his own were forming.
"The longer I stay the harder it'll be for you to let go of me." He whispered silently.
"I don't care, I-I just want you..." It came out quieter than you intended it to be, but with all the thoughts running through your head, you couldn't think properly.
"You know we can't." His voice was even softer this time.
"I know." You closed your eyes once more, leaning further into him.
"Okay..." He kissed the top of your head, lingering for a little while longer as if he didn't want to stop. He pulled back slightly to look at you, wiping your tears just as he did back when you first saw him today.
"Who knew ghosts could cry?" He cracked up a joke to defuse some of the tension as he laid down, and you smiled at his silly attempt. You let your head fall front to his chest and snuggled into him. You didn't care about the future right now. You didn't think about what would happen after making this choice. What you cared about for now, was being with him.
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al3x1ss · 3 years
Santa, Tell Me
Sakusa Kiyoomi
First one of the Christmas oneshots ✨
Based off of the song “Santa Tell Me” by Ariana Grande
Angst(?) to fluff!
Authors note: Hopefully this is the first of multiple oneshots, the plan is to hopefully get out 3-5 before Christmas, but it will really depend on school and “Just a Friend to You”. Other than that, enjoy! 🖤
Warnings: None!
“I don’t understand why you don’t want to commit, Sakusa.”
“Y/N I do want to be with you, I’m just not ready-“ Sakusa sighs, running his hands through his hair as he looked at you once again. Your arms were crossed, still following him with your eyes in his apartment.
“Sakusa, I have so many feelings for you, it’s unbelievable. I want to hold your hand, kiss you, wake up next to you, but I also want to be able to introduce you to my family as my boyfriend, NOT that we’re dating so that I have to explain the situation just so that my father can say that I’m wasting my time.”
You had Sakusa had been in the “talking/exclusive” stage for about 5 months, with liking each other for about 9. Now, you understood Sakusa wanting to take his time. His past relationship wasn’t the best, and especially with his habits, he warned you immediately when you asked him out, giving you a chance to back out.
But, you never did. And you never thought of backing out, despite how much is hurt to say that the boy you possibly love could possibly not love you back.
“If I’m not ready, I’m not ready, Y/N. When I’m ready, I’ll be ready, but please just be patient with me.” Sakusa said, walking up to you to grab your hand, but you retract your hand before he can even touch you, clasping your hands together.
“I’ve been patient for a while, Saku. Just, figure it out before the holidays. If not, then I don’t really know.” You say, and turned to make your way out the door, without him stopping you.
Santa tell me, if you’re really there
Don’t make me fall in love again
if he won’t be here next year
Turning the corner, you walk 3 more blocks, your apartment building slowly coming into view. Despite your, “thing”, being a germaphobe himself, you and your own roommate as well, living in New York City was a dream of yours. Now, you weren’t as extreme as Sakusa, it more was just avoiding getting sick. However, seeing someone sneeze near you? Take out the hand sanitizer please and thank you.
Santa tell me if he really cares
Cuz I can’t give it all away
if he won’t be here next year
Unlocking the door, you stepped into your apartment, coming in to see your roommate, Lex, on the couch with her laptop.
Did I just add this because I didn’t feel like putting in an OC? Yes.
“Woah.” Lex says, and you face her.
“Tell me why you got that look on your face like someone just made you drop your $4 bagel in the middle of a crosswalk.”
“Ugh,” you groan, throwing your head back as you throw down your bag, plopping face first into the couch next to her as she types away.
“Sakusa again.” You mumble, turning your head to the side so that it’s actually audible. Lex sighs, putting her glasses on top of her head, closing her laptop.
“I think- ya know what I think, I think, you just gotta go on a walk. Get that Christmas tourist in you ya know. Just go to the Macy’s-“
“Too many people-“
“AS I WAS SAYING, go do the basic tourist stuff around the city. I know you hate it, I do too, but even if it’s gross, it makes you happy. I’ll give you money to go ice skating later if you want.” You sit up, staring her in the eyes.
“You’d do that for me?” Lex nods at you, giving you a small smile as tears start to form in your eyes.”
“OH SHUT UP!” Lex tosses a pillow at you, hitting you in your chest. You run and change, grabbing your bag and waving at her as you head out the door.
Walking into the large Macy’s, you stroll around the store, seeing things that you like or you’d want to get for someone as a gift.
A shiny glimmer catches your eye, coming up on a sleek black and silver watch.
Sakusa would like that, you think, about to turn to the employee to ask for the price, however you stop yourself, looking back at it.
Don't make me fall in love again
if he won't be here next year
You walk past the watch, going up the escalator as you stare back down at the section, thinking of Sakusa once more.
I've been down this road before
Fell in love on Christmas night
But on New Year's Day I woke up
You shake your head, turning forward to make your way towards the kitchen section to hopefully find something for your mother.
and he wasn't by my side
You don’t end up finding anything, instead grabbing a jacket for your mother, and purchasing it. After shopping around for another hour, you decide to leave. Walking the streets, you pass by the large nut crackers, taking a picture of them to send to Lex as you know her sister loves them.
Stopping at Baked By Melissa, you pick up a pack of small cupcakes, looking behind you as you wait for the cashier to pack them. You see small flurries of white start to fall, smiling softly at the sight of snow.
“Apparently we’re supposed to get a storm soon, maybe it’ll be a white Christmas.” The cashier says as you turn back to him, nodding slightly as you take the bag out of his hand, giving him a wave as you open the door to leave.
You check your phone, deciding to actually go ice skating with the money Lex gave you. After putting your belongings in a locker and buying your skates, you make your way towards the ice, skating along the icy floor.
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While you busy yourself, staring at the families around, Lex opens the door to reveal Sakusa at the door, letting himself in.
“Alright come in I guess-“
“Where’s Y/N?”
“Wow not even a hello the tREATMENT I GET”
Lex shakes her head, faking disappointment as Sakusa sighs, flicking ear forehead, her hand immediately shooting up to mask the pain.
Sakusa smiles at Lex, taking her dramatics light heartedly as she shakes her head.
“I sent Y/N to clear their head. You really got up there today, Saku.”
“I know, that’s why I’m wondering where they are.” Lex sighs, slightly shaking her head.
“An apology isn’t just gonna fix this again Sak-“
“No Lex, I want them to be mine. I don’t care anymore I just want to tell Y/N I’m in love with them.”
Lex’s eyes immediately soften, a small “aww” falling from her lips. She then throws her head back, slightly groaning in frustration.
“Can’t you do it tomorrow? It’s freezing outside and I don’t wanna change-“
“No it has to be now, Y/N has to know I love them.”
“But Sakusaaaaa,” Lex whines, slightly stomping her feet, “I was gonna shower-“
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After a while, Lex grabs her coat and the two head down the stairs and onto the streets of the city, flooded with people trying to get home and avoid the cold. Calling for a taxi to head to Rockefeller rink. The two sit in the taxi as the traffic told on, finally getting there after 30 minutes. Getting out of the taxi, the two speed walk their way into the center. Trying to spot the passing people coming off the rink, neither can spot you.
A glimpse of light blue passes Sakusa’s eyes, seeing your familiar bag as you walk away.
“Y/N!” He tells, trying to go towards you, but you couldn’t hear him over the load chatter of passing New Yorkers. Leaving Lex to follow him, he starts randomly saying excuse me as he pushes his way through the walking people.
You walk up the stairs, hearing the screaming people around you, seeing the classic clutter around the tree. You stare at it from a distance, then decide to walk towards it.
At this point Sakusa couldn’t care who he was touching. Lex had tripped over her shoe, leading her to sprint back to Sakusa as he finally got a clearing, seeing you walking towards the tree.
You hear a yell of your name, you lifting your head and quickly looking around.
Your eyes finally fall towards the voice, facing Sakusa with a heaving Lex behind him.
“God damnit asthma-“
He walks closer to you, coming within a few feet of you.
“I love you.”
Santa tell me
If he really cares
Time feels as if it stops, you hearing those 3 little words that you’ve wanted to here for the longing months. Your body moves to its own accord, beginning to sprint towards him.
Cuz I can’t give it all away
You grab him by his collar, pulling Sakusa down to lock lips with him, your eyelashes fluttering closed as he holds you tight by your waist. You hear a faint cheering, but your ears block it out, only focusing on your love right in front of you, continuing to kiss him until you’re breathless.
If he won’t be here
Next year
~ Lex 🎲
if you do enjoy, remember to reblog! It helps a ton 🖤
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spicymayo1983 · 3 years
Hiya. This is chapter 13. You return to Yavin 4 where Poe has a surprise planned for you.
As your pregnancy advances you couldn't be more uncomfortable.
Warnings, angst, XXX smut, female ejaculation, pregnancy, pregnant sex, not for anyone under 18.
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Yavin 4
Poe's big surprise was an elopement to your lush, jungle covered homeland.
Neither one of you wanted a large ceremony or reception, it felt inappropriate to you.
You did, however, want to wear your mother's wedding dress.
The morning of the ceremony feels bittersweet. With tears in your eyes you twirl around in front of a mirror, wearing the stunning white gown that your beautiful mother had worn decades earlier.
It fit you like a glove, no alterations were needed. It looked like it was brand new too.
Deep down, you always knew that this day would come, and that your husband would be Poe Dameron.
It was written in the stars, it was your destiny. He was your soulmate, after all.
You were going to have a few kids and live a comfortable, happy life as husband and wife.
It seemed like a fairytale, "seemed".
The only thing missing were your parents. You had always assumed that they would be there.
You felt like you had taken their existence for granted. You still felt like you could've done more to be there for your terminally ill mother in her final years.
You struggle to push aside these negative thoughts as you admire yourself in the mirror with a hint of a smile on your face, Poe was right, you were starting to show just a teeny bit.
"Baby, I hope you're doing well". You tell your unborn child as you lovingly pat your belly. "Mommy and daddy just want to hold you, we love you so much".
The ceremony was held at the ancient temple that you had both spent your formidable years exploring. It was a familiar place with many memories for you. There were only 3 other people there besides you and Poe.
Your best friend, his father Kes and the justice of the peace that was officiating the ceremony.
Poe looked devastatingly handsome in his dress uniform. His face was shaved smooth (but in less than a week you knew he would have a full beard) and his thick, curly hair was styled neatly.
He looked better than a fairytale prince. You couldn't believe that this stunning man was going to be your husband for the rest of your life.
He took one look at you, in your mother's gown, and tears immediately began to well in his velvety brown eyes.
"You're so beautiful, oh my gods". He whispers into your ear.
After exchanging your vows the two of you run off to your honeymoon.
Your honeymoon is scaled down but still very romantic. A beautiful tent had been set up at the edge of the rainforest.
Maybe it's the euphoria of your wedding day but you actually didn't feel like death that evening.
You've been intimate with Poe many times but that night it feels different. You're preparing to make love to your husband and the father of your child.
The two of you slowly, teasingly remove each other's clothing. As Poe kissed and nibbled on your neck he whispered into your ear,
"Lay on your back".
With a smile on your face you follow his command and relax on your back.
He knew that your breasts were still extremely tender so he wanted to do something to make you feel better.
Poe's rough hands on the silky skin of your tender, engorged breasts felt divine. He began to gently massage them in a circular motion, leaning down to suck on your sensitive, darkened nipples lovingly.
With a content sigh you spread your legs wide, revealing your silken folds glistening from arousal.
It didn't take long for his head to find it's way to your sweet spot. Before Poe started to eat you out he stopped and planted a series of soft, fluttering kisses on your lower belly, right where your baby is growing.
The sensation of his full, sensual lips tickled, the gesture itself was so soft and beautiful.
The skin on his face felt unbelievably soft and smooth.
Poe was giving your baby their very first kisses from daddy.
You, on the other hand, receive very different kisses.
He absolutely devours your pussy, licking, sucking, tongue fucking you until you writhe and scream in absolute orgasmic bliss.
You experience a gushing, squirting orgasm all over his handsome face.
Poe closes his eyes and licks his lips, enjoying the taste of your warm, salty fluids.
"That is literally the hottest fucking thing ever". He tells you with a slight laugh as he positions himself on top of you and penetrates your soaking wet hole with one swift movement of his hips.
Poe's cock feels especially large and hard that night as he's making love to you.
Your erect clit brushes against the thick, dark hair surrounding his the top of his shaft, making you curse under your breath.
His balls were soaked in your juices too. You already had no problem getting wet but being pregnant intensified everything.
Your pussy is gripped onto his perfect cock as you experience an out of this world, g-spot orgasm.
Poe cums deep inside of you, you can feel his cock tense up and release.
The rest of your wedding night is spent relaxing and talking about the future.
Mainly the arrival of your baby, both of you are convinced that your little one will be a boy.
"I'm terrified". You tell him with a slight laugh. "Not about giving birth or anything but what life will be like once he's here".
"I'm just thinking about the day when I can start giving him flying lessons". Poe tells you with a slight smile as he leans over and kisses your belly.
"Ugh, only you would say something like that". You tease, laughing and rolling your eyes a little.
"I can't believe you got pregnant the first time we had sex in 20 years". He continues, smiling. "I've never gotten anyone pregnant before, well, to my knowledge I haven't".
"It's been a roller-coaster ride so far and I'm just slightly over the 8 week mark". You explain, smiling softly. "I hope things smooth out a little".
Six months later
You are now nearly 8 months pregnant with your first child.
Just as you had both suspected you were having a little boy. He was strong, healthy and extremely active in the womb.
Poe loved to talk to your belly and kiss it. He also loved to feel every kick and movement.
You just knew that he was going to be gorgeous like his father.
You've experienced the gamut of pregnancy symptoms and couldn't wait for it to all be over with.
Weight gain (50 lbs) a sore back, swollen feet, mood swings, sore, leaking breasts, you've experienced it all.
Poe was on paid paternal leave but he was on standby in case him and the black squadron were needed in combat.
He's been caring for you, cooking, giving you massages and even helping you bathe.
All while he dealt with the burns on his body, which had, at long last, healed.
Your sex drive has been through the roof too. Despite the discomfort you're experiencing in late term pregnancy you've never wanted Poe sexually more in your entire life.
He's more than happy to indulge you too. Mainly he's been pleasuring you orally because intercourse was just too awkward.
Poe was indeed the perfect husband and was going to be an even better father. He was caring, considerate and totally devoted to you and his child.
It's late, and you are two days past your due date. Both of you have been discussing ways to jump start labor, sex being your last option.
Side by side with shallow penetration was your only option, his penis was too long to penetrate you fully because of your sensitive cervix.
Poe had to insert himself carefully, inch by inch, it felt like absolute torture.
You're able to take 6 inches, but you can tell as he's thrusting that he's frustrated that he can't be fully inside of you.
"Fuck it, go deep". You beg him, as his thick cock stretches your sensitive, wet walls.
"Are you sure? I don't want to hurt the baby". Poe replied as he kissed you on the neck.
"If anything it might send the kid a message to get out". You tell him with a laugh.
Poe indulges your whim and carefully slides fully inside of you, immediately his large cock hits your cervix but instead of pain you feel intense pleasure.
"Oh gods that feels incredible!" You moan, closing your eyes and biting your lip. "Don't stop, go harder".
He thrusts hard into you, as you cum hard your wet pussy grips his cock and you squirt all over him.
"Wow". Poe gasps as he's drenched in your fluids. "That will never not be the hottest thing ever".
Your own climax triggers his, he's filled you with a huge load, so much so that you can feel it run out of you.
Afterwards, as Poe cuddles you nude, you laugh a little and say,
"This kid needs to get the message and get out already, I'm not kidding anymore".
"He'll be out when he's ready". Poe replies back quickly as he kisses you.
Poe was joking but you really weren't. You couldn't wait for the pregnancy to go ahead and be over with..
End of chapter 13
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guess fell asleep to early and woke in the middle of the night :D (i am not proud of myself. pls manage ur sleep schedules well)
but YEAH seeing diluc and kaeya being,,, well, diluc and kaeya,,, their sibling relationship is adorable, idk about you all but it's kind of clear that they still very much care about each other. better bickering than ignoring, to be honest.
which brings me to my next point: imagine being their older sibling! I'm going to go with a big sister because that's where my experience lies (hehe), and also because i've seen more of them having younger siblings rather than an older one.
this can go so many ways, including her acting more like the younger sibling, lol. maybe she hasn't been seen around mond because she's an adventurer who left home a long time ago, or perhaps a scholar studying in some faraway nation. whatever it is, most people didn't know the ragnvindr brothers had a predecessor.
i'd love if she's shorter than both of them: i headcanon her signature move to be getting in between them then grabbing both their ears and giving them a pull when she has enough of their bickering. both brothers hold her in high regard, and it's kind of funny to see two perfectly capable, not to mention powerful young men look like grumpy puppies in front of this lady who has her arms crossed. have i mentioned that they also fought for her praise in the past?? one will get especially salty to the other if only one of them gets told they did an amazing job. diluc pouts while kaeya huffs, both avoiding eye contact with you.
whether she can engage in combat or not is flexible, but for me personally i see her more as a scholar. there has been an incident where she just had enough of their teasing, so she threw the nearest object she had— which happened to be some books. one nailed diluc right in the forehead that sent him stumbling back, and as kaeya cackled at his brother’s misfortune, another, slightly heavier one smacked him right in the nose, knocking him to the ground. another one was when she defended herself from a treasure hoarder with a thick textbook by hitting him repeatedly on the head. up til now, sometimes, when they see her pull out a book they can't help but flinch/freeze up 💀
but also because she's the mother figure neither of them never had 🥺 back when diluc was cavalry captain, and now kaeya, she would bring them food if they ever forgot, checking in every once in a while to make sure they're not overworking themselves. takes care of the boys whenever they get sick, and also scolding them because most of the time it’s either because of kaeya’s antics (sneaking out with diluc to play in the thunderstorm), or diluc training to hard. she also likes to brush and tie their hairs, often petting, ruffling, and running her fingers through them. when they were little, if one of them gets nightmares, they sometimes crawl into her bed late at night and she'll wake up with little keaya or diluc nestled in her arms, falling back asleep with a smile on her face.
when crepus’s death happened, she tried her best to console both boys, not wanting her family to fall apart permanently because her father wouldn't want that. she doesn't want that. she loved them both too much.
she saved her tears for a few days later, by his grave after thinking both brothers were gone, asking where she went wrong, and if there ever was a chance for them to be together again. little did she know, both of them where listening from different places.
a few years before the traveler came, she left to study in sumeru, a small part of it due to her not being able to stand the suffocating tension between the brothers. her heart hurts just thinking about it. i headcanon it was during her leave that they eventually started trying to at least acknowledge each other again, to be civilized, if not for their father, then for her. they'd meet up at his grave sometimes and that's when talking was, ironically, a little easier.
that's all i can think of rn, i need to go back to sleep because tomorrow’s actually a very important day— but yeah! feel free to add anything. i bid you (and everyone else reading this) a good night <3
- 🍡
wowow! look at these head-canons 
you put so much time and effort into these and ugh, I bet being another sibling in their family would have made such a huge impact on them. T.T 
and then you make it sasddddd with Crepus’s passing - man the strength to be put together in front of others is so intense and (I love this character trope so much - probably because its how I want to be) 
these were very lovely and *mwuah* thank you for sharing!!
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babyboyblasty · 3 years
Bakugou made it to his room and closed the door behind him before throwing himself into bed without even taking off his uniform in exhaustion. He was totally worn out today. Being a girl really takes a lot out of ya. He had to physically restrain himself from launching forward at a couple of extras that whistled at him like he was a damn dog. It pissed him off.
The blonde got to relax all but ten minutes before there was a series of knocks on his door. He would've ignored it if the knocking wasn't persistently getting louder the longer he waited. With a groan, Bakugou got up and swung the door open. He was prepared to lash out on whoever it was when he suddenly found himself getting pushed aside as Mina walked in past him like she owned the place. The pink girl was followed by round face, ears, frog girl, invisi-bitch, and last but not least, ponytail. At least Momo had the decency to look apologetic as she sheepishly closed the door behind herself. "Sorry, Bakugou-kun. They asked where I was going and I told them I was coming to see you to help you out with your new uniform and.. well.." she trailed off, looking at the rest of girls who were currently looking around his room with curiosity and awe. After all, they had never been in his room before. All except for Mina.
They ignored his glare at the uninvited intrusion.
"Sit, please" Momo smiled and gestured towards his bed. He scoffed but did as told, watching as she unrolled a measuring tape then came forward. "Arms to the side" she hummed and he did, too tired to argue. She measured his hips, his waist, and his bust before telling him to stand to measure his torso, arm length, and a few other things.
"So Bakugou-chan, how do you like being a girl so far?" invisible girl asked and the others nodded in agreement, looking up with interest. They were all sitting on the floor in a circle around him and Momo. They looked like kindergartners waiting to be read a book.
"It sucks" he rolled his eyes and again they all nodded. "Sometimes, yeah" Uraraka sighed, resting her chin on her hand, "but otherwise it's fun!"
"Let's go to the mall tomorrow, Blasty! I want to dress you up in so many things" Mina squealed and Toru joined in with a squeal of her own, grabbing Mina's hands in excitement.
"Hah!? Do I look like a damn barbie to you?" he spat out. Momo was finished at that point and now had their back to them as she pulled up her shirt to use her quirk.
"You have the face for it, kero" Tsuyu put a finger to her cheek, tongue poking out slightly to the side.
"Ugh, don't even get me started. I've always been jealous of Bakugou's skin" Jirou grunted and Uraraka made a noise in agreement. "Me too! What's your secret, Bakugou?"
He scoffed. "I don't have a secret, losers. The old hag's quirk is glycerin. She passed on the good skin gene to me, I guess" he shrugged. All the girls continued gossiping and giggling before Momo was turning back around and wiping her forehead with her arm. "I hope this is okay, Bakugou-kun. I just made you the necessary'' she smiled and handed him the pile of clothes. He took them and looked over each one. It was basically the same as what that brown bag had that morning but this one was to his size. Momo also included three pairs of bras and three pairs of panties. He held up a navy blue bra to look at it closer before handing it back to Momo. "No."
"Bakugouuuuuuuu~ your back will hurt if you don't wear it" Mina whined. Really, she just wanted to see him in one.
Mina sighed before she smirked. "Just as well. Figured you were too much of a little boy that you feel your manhood threatened by a simple bra. Midoriya definitely wouldn't care" she shrugged, faking nonchalance. The others held their breath. SHE WAS POKING A THREE HEADED BEAST! WHAT WAS MINA DOING!
"WHAT'D YOU SAY, RACOON EYES!?" he yelled and she smirked. Got him.
"I'm more of a man than any of those other bastards. Even like this!" he growled. "Gimme that" Katsuki huffed and snatched the bra out of Momo's hands, chucking his blazer and uniform shirt off him and put it aside on his bed to fold later. He wasn't an animal.
Jirou looked up from her phone and blushed a dark red. "Ahh- BAKUGOU!!! YOU CAN'T JUST DO THAT!!!" the short haired girl flailed her arms around before she covered her face. Bakugou put on the bra and reached back to clip it into place. Momo was impressed at how easily he was able to do it.
"There. Happy?" he frowned, arms crossed. It only served to push his breasts up and Jirou felt like dying in second hand embarrassment. He did it like nothing and the rest didn't even seem fazed! The girls all cheered and Mina even whistled. Yup. He was definitely hot and Invisible Girl was suddenly glad no one was able to see how she was pointedly staring.
That next morning, the girls all helped Bakugou get ready. He doesn't know why but now that he was a girl too, they all seemed to have collectively agreed to ignore every threat and snarl he sent their way and clinged to him more instead. It was a unanimous decision to adopt him into their girl group.
"Oi! Watch it, round face" Bakugou snarled but Ochako remained unfazed as she continued brushing out his blonde hair. His hair as a girl was the exact same as before and she was amazed at how soft to the touch it was. She always assumed it'll be hard and crunchy because of the spikes.
Katsuki buttoned up the uniform shirt over the bra Momo made him and slipped the dark green skirt up his perfectly smooth and fair legs. They made a compromise regarding his underwear and Momo made him boyshorts. There were absolutely no bruises or scars on him whatsoever, and if he had any leg hair they were so light that they couldn't even see them. Ochako finished and let him put on his knee high socks and shoes (which Mina let him borrow since his regular shoes were too big). When Momo handed him the tie it wasn't a surprise when he absolutely refused to wear it. He slipped on the blazer and Hagakure spritzed some sweet smelling perfume on him. He would've killed her if she hadn't left running.
"You look great, Blasty!"
"Bakugou-chan does look rather stunning, kero."
"The clothes hug your body perfectly, Bakugou-kun!"
Bakugou let out a 'tch' sound but the slight pink to his cheeks gave him away as they all insisted on walking with him towards class. He let them tag along but that doesn't mean he talked to them. They didn't mind though as they all talked amongst themselves. Walking the halls of UA with his backpack thrown casually over one shoulder, eyes set dead ahead, Katsuki didn't notice the way some random students' mouths dropped as they looked at him. Who wouldn't look when the blonde boy-turned-girl looked absolutely gorgeous!?!? To the people outside of class 3A, perhaps they thought that Bakugou had an unknown twin sister that transferred to the hero course recently. If they knew it was the explosive boy himself then maybe they would've thought twice before trying to approach him. Let's just say that a general education student with a bubble blowing quirk almost got turned to charcoal.
When Bakugou entered class in clothes that actually fit him, the reactions he got tripled from last time his classmates saw him. Deku could have had a stroke with all the blood that rushed to his face. "K-Kacchan!?" he sputtered out, hands flying up to cover his mouth. He was just happy his nose wasn't bleeding. A few seats away, Kirishima's face could have rivaled his hair and he found himself having to keep remembering that this was his best bro he was looking at. Sero was stunned into silence and Kaminari could have short-circuited from sight alone. Todoroki looked the same as always and would have seemed completely unfazed if the slight blush on his cheeks and the bit of frost on his right shoulder didn't betray him. Shoji cleared his throat and looked away, a rosy tint just barely showing over the top edge of his mask. Iida looked red and constipated. Once again, Mineta found himself having an inner dilemma and gripped his head in frustration, cursing the world that they had to make Bakugou, of all people, look so good as a girl.
The blonde may have not noticed any of this as he went to go sit, but the girls sure did. They smirked amongst themselves and all went to their desks just as Aizawa came in to start homeroom morning announcements.
[word count:1523]
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kuronanox · 4 years
A promise in heaven - Julius Novachrono
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"Let me go!"
"No, you know I can't do that."
"I hate you Julius I can't stand looking at you."
Yanking her arm from his grip she cried and screamed. He tried to hold her and comfort her but she refused. The feeling of betrayal overcame him.
"Why don't you trust me!" Julius shouts, letting his emotions get to him. "I only love you and I've proven it so many times! What must I do to make you stay."
(Your Name) shakes her head and looks down at the floor. "Nothing, how could you love a broken person like me?"
"(Your Name)." He says with a crack voice as she looks back at his pained eyes. With one last yank Julius let her arm go as she ran away.
It was 10 years ago and it still hurt him till the present day. At first he laid around his room and neglected his duties more. After a few months he knew she wasn't coming back.
Julius looked out the Clover Kingdom and sighed. She was a troublesome girl and often got into trouble a lot. He just wanted to be there for her and protect her from the cruel world.
They met when she was running away from a group of thugs, she had stole a bag of gold from them out of desperation of money.
"The dumb bitch is running around the corner!"
(Your Name) ran as fast as should could, she was running out of money and by the next week she was going to be on the streets again. Turning the corner she came across Julius and he looked shocked.
Clicking her teeth she advanced towards him and kicked him in the stomach and made a run for it.
Julius was the wizard king but getting kicked by a civilian shocked him that he couldn't move.
"It-it's the wizard king!" The thugs yelled and ran away back to their homes afraid he was going to send them to prison.
(Your name) looked back to see no one as she sighed and smiled. The money would last her months till she can get a steady foot.
"That wasn't really nice miss." Julius says in front as her mouth gasp and she pulled out a dagger.
"Move or else." She says with fear in her voice.
"Hey hey, I won't hurt you. Tell me where are you from?" He gently says holding her hands down safely.
Knitting her brows she scanned him up and down. Shaking her head she shut her mouth.
Julius sighed and took the bag of gold from her. Her eyes widen "Hey!"
"Tell me, why are stealing gold from under ground thugs?"
"Because... isn't it obvious. I need the money."
"Get back to work!" Marx shouts to Julius as he spaced out for the 5th time that morning. "Ahh I'm sorry, I got distracted again."
Picking up a piece of paper to sign Marx gives a sympathetic look and walks away. He knew Julius was thinking about her. (Your Name) the only person to bring out his smile besides when he saw new types of magic.
Julius and (Your Name) were in love but she couldn't handle the life and the people here.
It seemed like everyone was against their relationship at the time and tried to bring them down. They succeeded as she left a part of Julius left with her.
"I'll help you back to your feet." Julius offered as he brought her to safety in his office.
"I don't need help from you." She sneered looking away from him.
"Alright well I guess you won't be needing this either." Julius smirked dangling the bag of gold as her eyes followed in desperation.
"Ugh fine! What do you want me to do?"
"You can get a job as a server at one of our nicest restaurants in the kingdom."
(Your Name) crossed her arms and took a seat across from Julius, listening to the opportunity she has.
"Fine, where will I stay till I can get a place?"
"Um here!" He exclaimed with a bright smile as she gave him a smug look.
"Whatever, deal."
A loud thunder clashed as (Your Name) eyes opened from her sleep. She sat up from bed and pushed her hair away from her face.
"Why do I keep dreaming about him? I left him I shouldn't be this sad."
"(Your Name)! You have your regular!" A coworker had shouted out to her.
The past few months she was working there she became a natural and tips became so easy to make.
Julius also became a regular because he wanted to check up on her to see if she was okay and also because he was entranced by her.
She smiled to herself and turned to see Julius waiting patiently for her.
"The usual?" She asks him as he nodded.
After her shifts he was always there to walk her back safely and at the same time she was still staying in his office.
"You know I can get my own place now."
Julius stiffens a bit and gives a weak smile. "Actually (Your Name) I wanted to talk to you about sometime."
"Um alright." (Your Name) says noticing that he was acting unusual that night.
"I've been feeling this for a while, but I really enjoy your company and would like to have you by my side and would be sadden to see you with anyone else."
"Did you just confess to me?" She laughs as he grabs the back of his neck and lightly chuckles.
"Well lucky for you I will accept!"
(Your Name) gets a message from Marx asking her to return to the Clover Kingdom. Throwing the paper away she goes out and starts to harvest her plants because winter could get harsh.
"Why does that mushroom keep sending me updates about Julius! It's been years and I've moved on!" She tries to convince herself and dig in the dirt planting some tomatoes.
"I'm home!" (Your Name) shouts as Julius hoisted her from behind.
"I'm glad you got back safe. How was work?"
"Ugh I had a table leave without paying but either than that it was good."
Julius smiles and kisses her
gently on the on the lips taking her to the shower.
They relaxed in the tub as he told her about his day and all the new magic he saw.
"Seems interesting, I'm not really gifted in magic..."
Julius notices her sadness and lifts her chin to his face. "You are more than enough to me, I'll be here to protect you."
"But I won't be able to protect you! What if something happens to the kingdom and you can't stop it! I won't be able to help."
Julius sighs and drys his body along with her as they laid in bed.
"Shh, stop. Nothing will ever happen. I promise."
"Julius, don't make promises you can't keep."
"I promise." He whispers to her, laying his head on her as she sadly smiles and lets him drift to sleep.
Julius thought back about that time, he promised to protect her and the kingdom. As he fought licht he had a small feeling of guilt.
He was about to break his promise, he thought about (Your Name). Wondering if she was still alive or in trouble.
When Licht plunged his sword into Julius, he smiled. Maybe it was better this way. He was getting older and a new wizard king was bound to happen.
Then he thought again. "Maybe this time I'll get to be with (Your name)."
Although he wanted to cry no tears came out.
"What are you reading so intently?" (Your Name) asks Julius as he tried to hide the letter but was snatched out of his hands.
"Wow everyone hates me here. I told you Julius I'm nothing but a burden to you and the kingdom!"
Julius sighs and looks out the window, it was the 10th letter that week regarding (Your Name) and how she didn't deserve to be with him and how weak she was.
"No one thinks that."
"Everyone thinks that. Stop trying to hide the truth from me. I know no one accepts our relationship. Especially bird braid Nozel.”
Julius sits up from his chair and brings her to an embrace as she hugged him. "I hate this. I hate myself."
"Shh, stop."
(Your Name) sighed, even when going out alone people yelled and called her names. Some refused to let her in the store or provide service. Although she never let Julius know, he knew.
"We will be okay, I promise."
She scoffed and hugged tighter in his embrace. "You and your promises again."
Opening the millionth letter again from Marx she scanned through it and was about to throw it away when she read that Julius had passed away and her attendance at Clover Kingdom was necessary.
Her mouth went dry as her eyes watered. Packing everything that was important to her she hit the road and left to see him.
It was when she entered, Marx immediately brought her to the body. Holding in her cries she saw his face. He was at peace, no more work no more duties to attend. He was in heaven.
"I wish he could have seen you one last time if we had known he was going to pass." Marx states looking down at the body.
Crying ugly tears she screamed and took his hand with hers. "I'm sorry I left Julius. You know me to well I was to stubborn and I selfishly left you."
The days passed and she lingered in his room and bed looking out the window it had been raining the last few days.
No announcement had been made to the public yet, although everyone had been curious where the wizard king has been.
“Yo.” A gruff lazy voice calls by the door way.
Sitting up she calls out. “Yami.”
“Still see you lounging around?”
She laughs and looks down at her hands. “Yeah it’s been tough. Glad to see you are doing well.”
Yami puffs out some smoke and leans against the door. “Yeah, you too. Thought you were dead if I’m being honest. Julius never told me what happen.”
Sighing she looks up to Yami and gives a weak smile.
“I wish it was me rather than him.”
Silence fold between the two as they listened to the rain fall. “Well I gotta show you something.”
“Just follow me.”
Walking down the hallway they make it to a balcony.
“It’s raining Yami.”
Turning around he was gone.
She saw that the kingdom was a mess, the buildings were destroyed, the people were trying to rebuilt their lives again.
“(Your Name).”
“I don’t have time to see this Yami!”
“Well after all these years you still have some sassy in you.”
“You know I don’t really need-“ turning her body in slight irritation she sees Julius standing behind her with a smile.
The smile that lit up the world and all that was there.
“I’m back (Your Name).”
Giving him a big hug she rubbed her face in his chest. “I’ve missed you, I’m so sorry.”
Julius caresses her hair and embraces her.
“I forgive you, this time you are saying.”
“But how did you come back? I saw you out cold.”
Julius looks away slyly. “It’s complicated, we will get back to that another time. At the mean time we have lots to catch up on.”
Grabbing her hand they walk back to room and sit on the bed.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” She says back holding both his hands looking down ashamed.
“We will fix this (Your Name), nothings ever perfect.”
“I know, I’ll stay and I’ll push past the obstacles that tear us down.”
Julius kisses her hands and brings them to his face.
"I didn't break my promise and came back."
(Your Name) punches him lightly and scoffs.
They lay in bed and look out the window together. "Well looks like we have a lot of work for the kingdom in the next few months."
"I like the we." She says and he kisses her forehead.
"It's always going to be we for now on." Julius says closing his eyes, enjoying this peace of heaven he could stay for a while.
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hanadoesstuffbadly · 3 years
Daughter of Giants
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"You should move along, Giant, we don't want your sort around here." The bartender's voice was low and authoritative, the voice of a man not easily ignored, but one didn't need the ears of a bat to make out the tremors coursing through it. Everything about him was a well made manor with good foundations, but Aravis could tell it was built on sand. Give him a little shake and everything would start slipping.
Aravis smirked and tapped her fingers idly against the bar's puckered wooden surface. A part of her cursed  how ineffective her disguise had been proving recently, even after she's taken to covering her folc markings. The last thing she needed now was to have word of a nomadic folcwoman travelling the Engle Lands like a sad silk trader. Her tankard's rim just brushed her lips as she held it there and she concentrated on the fact that the man had not moved along, still standing just out of sight behind her mustard coloured hood. If he just needed a shake, why was she feeling inclined to rattle him until the very bricks of his character were dust to be scraped off of her heel. Maybe she was too tired for this today, too done with walkers and their sloppy, indelicate ineptitude. But at the same time, her ichor was roaring through her veins, violet and rushing. It made her lungs burn like magma beneath the island's crust. Her titanic heart yearned for a fight. It had been too long.
"My sort?" Silk dropped into her tone inadvertently, turning her deep, hoarse, broken voice into an almost mechanical purr. Fear rippled through the room like ribbons. It was a cool breeze in a suffocating glare of self-importance and Aravis breathed it in.
"You're a bounty-hunter!" Not the bartender, but a nasal, underdeveloped voice called from the crowd of patrons that had interrupted their own meals to gawk like a gaggle around what had been a peaceful evening drink. Aravis didn't bother seeking out the speaker (though she suspected one of the pasty, mealy shepherds seated closer to the entrance. An easy escape, she mused, smart choice.) Her brow, however, creased at his choice of words. Bounty hunters were perhaps the lowest of the low creatures grovelling on the earth's filthy surface. Turning in fellows of your kind for the reward of others? Had they no sense of honour or kinship at all. Had a folcman or woman acted in such a way, they would be plunged beneath the clouds to the endless oceans below and ripped to shreds by the wild, Bacchic merpeople of the depths. Honour, trust, loyalty; mere dramatic concepts to be learned and forgotten by those thugs like poor poetry.
"Now what would give you that idea?" Likely her stature or lack of ladylike grace. Maybe-
"The ends of your hair. They're white." The thought died before it even took shape in her mind. A chill crawled up around her shoulders, turning the thick muscle there into cold stone. She was frozen in place, barely able to open her mouth to reply through gritted teeth, her head bowed lower toward the counter and her tankard rested against her suddenly ringing forehead.
"Why," she ground out, "would that," turning slowly like a tin doll, her eyes flashed, "mark me out?" Moonlight flashed against a bronze knife behind the bar and it set the room aflame. The man- boy really- stood and quaked like a tethered kite before the entrance like it was a headwind. He had a round, dark, unfinished face; the face of a scholar or bard, not a warrior. Nevertheless, Aravis wanted nothing more than to turn it blue with bruises.
"I've heard stories," He shuddered and searched any face but hers for help "my father's a pepper merchant, he told me about you and your kind." The idea of some miserable, slimy, slithering underwalker's tongue speaking of her ‘kind’ made Aravis' fists curl. "Your hair is dark and- and blue, right?" He was slipping, but didn't run. Yet. "He used to say, when- when what was inside your head became darker, your hair literally started paling in comparison... Making the tips turn white... And- I-I thought..."
"Tom Tom, that's enough." Hissed the bartender.
Aravis was very still. Whispers are meant to be lost in the chaos. Aravis’ words were like breaths, yet each one rang in the floorboards and out of the door like the echoes of screams.
"Your father is well-learned. Darkness seeping into every crevice of the mind, turning you into a miasma veiled in flesh? What better fits that description than a callous, underhanded criminal? What could be so dark, so evil, as to turn the tips of my hair so pale?"
With one hand she tore the hood from her head. And not a breath was drawn as their pathetic faces took in the blank, dull cascades, the colour of new snow. Cold and dead. White to the roots.
She closed her eyes when the whispers started seeping into their fear, and as always, before her there stretched a great gash in the clouds on which she, still an adolescent wrapped in sunlight, stood. Beneath that crevice she saw the island of the underwalkers. But she wasn't looking at them. Instead, all that filled her vision was the great, massive warrior lying like unwanted venison beside the hulking, grotesque, monstrous corpse of a Beanstalk. And the underwalkers were dancing. At their head, leading them on there stood a creature of pale flesh and golden hair. To others he might have looked like a child, beautiful and beaming. Aravis knew what he really was. The axe was still in his hands. That smiling, glittering face was the last thing she saw before the vision cleared and Aravis opened her eyes to the bar counter. 
Shards of metal and broken wood lay before her. Her hand was bloodied by purple ichor. Still lodged within the cut were some remains of the crushed tankard. But it was her eyes that were burning with pain.
The whispers had ceased. And so had the roar in her veins. She was ice.
Standing, she swept her cloak aside to rest both hands on her hips, her feet apart. She was taller now than she had been when she entered, and now the crest of her ringed headband just skimmed the ceiling. Everybody in the room cowered below her. It felt right.
"Indeed. I am a hunter. But what I'm after is not the reward of a slippery, stupid nobleman. It is justice. And it is mine alone." the low rasp of her voice grew full and round as pride swelled within, "as a daughter of the mighty Laestrygonians."
At the name of her folc, new horror trickled into slow running red blood all around her. So many eyes darted to the door, for escape. Many more became fixed on her lips or, more specifically, on the teeth that lay behind them. Aravis didn’t need to be a mind mage to know they were wondering how much mortal flesh had been shredded upon them. That stout bartender was the first to finish quivering.
"Who do you seek, great Giantess? I will tell you all that I know, just don't hurt any of my customers, I beg of you!" Ugh. Begging. Typical underwalkers.
"I'm hunt Prince Jack of Gaul. As I have for almost ten years." Voice rising such that everyone might hear, she let fear carry her words. "He has taken something very precious from me, many things in fact, and I intend to exact justice."
“But, he’s been missing over three years! Many young princes have been.” Aravis was well aware of that. So close. She had been so close she could see the ridiculous peak of his hair, illuminated under dragon fire. But the presence of one of the more powerful fae had forced to keep her distance. But she had him cornered. It was almost over. And then he was gone.
“Haven’t you heard? They’re back, now.” Every head turned back to the scholarly boy by the entrance. “Yeah, the entire Fearless-”
But Aravis was deaf to the world.
They’re back now. He’s back now. He’s back. Again, and again, and again. The sound of clouds being split down the middle and the shining eyes of the blonde, beautiful murderer. And dancing. Aravis’ eyes were filled with axes, ichor and dancing.
Her bident spear was in her hand one moment and whistling across the room the next. The boy- Tom Tom he’d been called- was pinned between its prongs like a fish, flailing and panicked. He grasped at the twin spikes which were twice as thick as his arm. As Aravis strode over, he just resisted going limp.
With her feelings crashing and shrieking in her head, Aravis paid no attention to the fact that the ceiling had splintered around it. She didn’t notice the splinters to timber that clawed at her waist, nor the frigid night air whipping her face as she waded through the bar like mud. People the size of dolls scurried for the exit, while the one she wanted remained pinned. Until she knelt down and gripped the long handle of her weapon, pushing it closer into his throat.
“Where?” Was all she managed. Everything inside was a storm that even she herself was becoming lost in.
“I- I don’t know! I was told by a friend!”
“WHERE?!” Her bellow ricocheted off the dark sky itself like thunder and the bident spear-head pressed harder against his trachea until he gasped for air.
“STONEBURY!” Violent sobs wracked his body but Aravis did not relent, “GLASS STONEBURY! MY FRIEND HORNER IS IN GLASS STONEBURY! HE CAN TELL YOU!”
Only then, with a grunt of dark satisfaction did she pull the spear from the wall, releasing him. With the first real, tangible feeling she had felt in years melting into her veins, she shrank back down until she was practically the same stature she had been when she had arrived. The bar’s roof was gone, allowing freezing wind to howl through. She cared not.
Aravis finished a drink that had been abandoned on a table in the panic. It was revolting, crude stuff, typical for underwalkers. But a smile was curled on her face regardless.
"What will you do once you find the prince? He's a hero, and has many powerful friends!" So the bartender had stayed, she hadn’t counted on that. She graciously turned to look at him, feeling lighter than she had in almost four years.
"Simple. I will rend his arms from his sides. I will cast his broken body across the air until each and every bone is ground into dust."
"They'll see you coming, people have already run to tell others of you."
"You speak as if I’d intended this to be a slaughter. You are wrong.” Aravis’ hood fell to the floor and her hand reached into her satchel. She sighed softly when her fingers met the gentle, rippling fabric of her cloak. Her mother’s cloak. “It’s an execution.” she pulled it free, letting it grow in size until it could wrap around her completely. Her legs and torso disappeared from sight. “And I must have him know his sentence.”
Turning, she vanished behind the concealment of the cloak and into the darkness of the night. The Engle Lands were solitary, located deep in the marshes of Fairytale Island. 
It wasn’t far to Glass Stonebury. And then all that was left was to find this Horner.
Just an intro that I couldn't get out of my head since creating Aravis (her name was Astrid originally). I kinda want to write a whole fic about this but I'm not sure since it would be pretty much all my ocs... I'm imagining basically zootopia but with a Giant princess and a bounty hunter.
Also ive already started about two big projects with no third chapter soooo.....
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dangan-happy · 3 years
I would like to say thank you to mod taichi, mod rantaro and mod komaeda. I am the anon who was desperate, the one who struggles with academic issue, keep sleeping past midnight because of extra chores, and struggling with executive dysfunction. I don't know how to refer myself haha
It's funny, I saw the notification from your blog about my ask when I was REALLY in need of comfort unexpectedly. it was one of the worse day, I failed the selection to go to college I'm aiming for. there is an alternate way by taking a test but it was a huge and important thing for me, because other relatives would talk (or possibly brag) about how their children are doing wonderfully in academic stuff to my parents. I don't want my parents to feel embarrassed because of me. so of course, it gives me a LOT of anxiety. my heart is beating rapidly that my chest hurts so much.
Then I receive your response to my ask. It's very comforting, it calmed me down. I may teared up a bit. I really appreciate the advices, encouragements, and hugs. (I love hugs) Especially mod komaeda's advices. Thank you so much, I appreciate them. They really mean a lot to me. I didn't realize how much I needed all of these. To be honest, when I was re-reading my ask, I almost can't believe I typed all that. I didn't realize how much I struggled and desperate I am. It was truly a moment of weakness lmao
I've been struggling to respond your response because,, well. I'm still struggling haha. Unfortunately, after I send that ask, things are getting hella rough for me. It was one of those unlucky phase of time, where your days get worse each day, except this time is WAY worse because I'm going to graduate in a month and I have an important exam in two days. Then I got hit by other problems too like a member of my group project doesn't corporate so we were late to submit and it was even half done (it happened just a hour ago and it gives me an emotional breakdown because it was an important one but I'm fine now), I got blamed for something I didn't do (this happens a lot anyway but I'm very drained mentally and physically), I accidentally spat something that I've been keeping to myself to my parents and made them angry (I don't want to talk about my true feelings to them bc they only make me feel worse or worse, they get upset), more homeworks to catch up and more stressful stuff .
Basically anxiety is on my ass 24/7. It's the worst time of my life.
But whenever I hit rock bottom I would re-read your response and it lifts me up, you know? It always cheers me up reading your kind words about me, and as cheesy as it sounds, it makes me feel hopeful haha. But I never felt this hopeful before. So I'm very thankful for it, and thankful for the other mods who work hard helping other people too who come to this blog. Because even though I'm still struggling and facing the worst time right now, I'm not doing as bad as before.
Is it alright if I ask for another hug? Sorry, this whole ask ended up with me venting again haha. But I really am doing not as bad as before... I guess I'm doing better. Step by step maybe. Again, thank you so much!!
( By the way, this is out of topic but... hopefully people who know me don't recognize me on this blog for this question haha (if they do then oh well. shrugs): which one does look scarier for you, Once-ler from Lorax or the character designs from the movie called Cats (2019)? I'm not hating the movie, my friend and I are having a lighthearted discourse about it. u_u )
(Neither. Neither one is even that scary at all, for I fear nothing ~ Mod Hajime 🍊🌈)
O-Oh, welcome back, kiddo! Whoa, that’s quite the ask you got here. But it’s more or less an update, i-if I’m correct, and a decent one at th-that. Like you said, it’s all step by step progress, wh-which is still progress no matter how you look at it.
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I-I hate to hear that there’s been a few extra bumps along the road since your last ask, b-but I’m at least glad to hear that you’ve been making some sort of progress. Progress is still progress, no matter what. I-I’m just glad that you came to us. I-I’m just some average programmer, but I will agree that Nagito and Rantaro did amazing. Nagito’s... quite the interesting kiddo, but he means well, and Rantaro’s a brotherly figure th-that everyone likes, one way or another. Me? Ah, well... I-I can at least give good hugs, I guess?
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S-Speaking of hugs, I’d love to give you one. I-I can at least do that right, heh. I’ll give you as many hugs as you want, kiddo. I personally don’t mind at all.
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Hey there anon, you don't have to worry about referring to yourself, I remember you just fine! Hey, how's that for awesome timing huh? I'm glad you could read our answers when you needed it. I'm sorry to hear that you were having a worse day, but hey, it sounds like there's a way to make that test up a different way, so I'd give your all to trying that route. Don't give up just yet ok? Damn, yeah, I'm no stranger to the whole family bragging thing, that's a whole lot of pressure I think both of us can do without. It's really thoughtful of you to worry about your parents in this scenario, but you can worry about yourself too ok? Regardless of what you do, they should still be proud of you, and if they aren't, they're completely oblivious to your intelligence level and the amazing things you can do. Aw, I'm smiling real hard hearing how much our response helped, I'm always worried that I didn't help, or I somehow made it worse. Not gonna lie, this did give me a confidence boost. Hey, it's ok, you were in a more emotional state. It wasn't a moment of weakness. Everyone breaks down like that from time to time, and I'm happy that we were here to help you at the time. So don't feel bad about that, you're only human, and it's ok to get like that.
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You don't have to worry about having the perfect response either. As much as I wish we could, we can't automatically fix any anons' problems, we can only toss our two cents in and cross our fingers that it helps. The good news is that you came to us with your struggles again, so we can try to help some more. Eesh, yeah, those periods are never fun. Pretty sure Komaeda knows more about them than I do, but I can understand at the least. First of all, congrats on graduating! That's real impressive all by itself, so hopefully you can take some pride in that. Ugh, ok, wow, the second part of that. Damn I got hit with all the feels. I hate it when group projects go like that. I'm usually stuck with all the work, or the one who's up at one am trying to finish the damn thing. I think I'm getting kinda incoherent, so sorry about that. I'm glad you're doing better on that end though, hopefully things work out with that. Aw man, I'm really sorry to hear about the blaming thing. Is there any way to prove your innocence? I'm not saying go all class trial or anything, but is there any way for you to argue your case? Even if it happens a lot, that doesn't mean it's ok. You shouldn't have to get used to things like that.
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Yikes, yeah I can totally relate to the last part too. I'm also the type to clam up about my feelings because I don't wanna make anyone mad, but that happens some times, and honestly you had every right to say how you feel. You're keeping this all in, and it's gonna take a toll on you. Yeah, that's a whole lot of stress for one person to carry. I'm really impressed you haven't crashed and burned under the weight, seriously, you're an amazing, strong, resilient/ person, and it just blows me away. Trust me, you're gonna get through this stressful time. You're getting close to the end of it, and I know that you're gonna make it through. Damn, I'm smiling and blushing now. I'm really really glad we were able to help you out that much. Good! It's not cheesy at all! I'm glad you're feeling hopeful! The little steps are just as valuable as the big ones, and the fact that you're at least doing a little bit better is fantastic. Of course you can have another hug! It's ok, we're here to listen to vents, so say whatever you want to, no one's gonna judge you, I promise. Yeah, step by step, that's how you do it. 
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Oh damn, that's an interesting question. Honestly, I unironically love the Lorax movie, so the Oncerler ain't scary to me. Cats however...that was a trip. I don't have a better way to describe it, it was just a trip. So the Cats designs are way scarier. Like if I met the Onceler in a dark alley, I'd be just fine, but if I saw a cat-human-thing in a dark alley, I'd run for the hills. However, if I met the onceler fandom in a dark alley, that's a whole other story. Ok, I think I'm rambling again, so I think I better stop talking. Keep making those small steps forward ok? You got this.
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W-wow... my advice actually helped someone? Please tell me your joking, or better yet pinching me. I can’t believe my little words could affect you so much.... I think I’m tearing up... hehe. I gotta admit, Rantaro and Taichi did a better job than me! What else do you expect from two amazing Ultimates! Anon, I’m terribly sorry to hear that some things have turned up and made your life a bit more harder, but I want you to keep your chin up ok? You’re doing amazing Anon, I can truly tell! Having a partner that doesn’t help with group projects stinks too! It’s ok that you vented again, it’s always good to speak your mind when you feel bad! Helps to let other people hear to so they can help you! And hey, compliments from Taichi? So nice of you! Never heard myself being called an “interesting kiddo” it’s cute!
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I thought you’d never ask! I’d love to give you another hug! As long as you’d let me, I get worried when people want to hug me since I’m utter garbage, but if it makes you feel Hope, then I’m happy to oblige! Ah, and the Onceler or the designs of cats? I’d say the cats, I remember everyone having the hots for the Onceler once, so he can’t be that bad, right?
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enbeast · 4 years
hey yall I noticed that there don't appear to be any transcripts for A Study In Ichor, so I figured I'd type some up, please note I am literally just going off the audio and I might get some stuff wrong.
mission 1
Workhouse Owner (WO): RUN FASTER, WORKER FIVE, THAT TREADMILL WON'T TURN ITSELF. As you can see, Master Yao, our workhouse not only provides food and shelter for three hundred inmates but makes a healthy profit too. For example, Worker Five has been running on one of Cubbad's “treadmills” for a mere twelve hours today and has already milled five hundred pounds of flour. Got the odd nail in it but it's good enough for the Rutherhive slums [laughs]
Sam Yao (SY): Twelve hours? Without a break?
WO: The alternative of life on the streets is an excellent motivator. And with your investment we will be able to build even more machinery, maybe even increase rations to three bowls of gruel a day.
SY: I want to use my inheritance for good, and if I'm honest, I have some concerns about your worker's wellbeing.
WO: Oooh I seee~ Yes, I suppose it is rather fashionable nowadays to worry about unfortunates, but I assure you Master Yao, once you've had to make your way in the world, like myself or your uncle, a fine man, you'll learn that revenue is the important thing, not how it's made.
(note, as Sam talks there approaching footsteps)
SY: Surely, there's a way to- OW!
WO: YOU THERE, IN THE CAP, watch where you're going, you just ran into a potential investor. Where's your worker number?
Pick pocket (PP): (in a stilted cockney accent) Sorry, Guv'ner.
SY: No, no, it's fine, I was in the way.
WO: It is not fine. Young lady, break time isn't for another three hours. Get back to work. (retreating footsteps from PP) I'm dreadfully sorry, Master Yao, this workhouse is full of ingrates.
SY: My watch! It's gone, the chain's been snapped...
WO: That worker stole it, she's a pickpocket! Worker Five get off that treadmill and chase after her DON'T COME BACK WITHOUT THAT WATCH!
SY: Uh, I'll come with you, Worker Five, I don't want to make a fuss, but that watch is important to me. Come on, let's run.
SY: Hey, mind your step, Worker Five, I've heard about this, rows of people crushing animal bones to make fertiliser. Ugh, the smell is awful. Pickpocket just ran out into the street, we've got to follow her! Five, I hope you don't mind if I call you Five, through that door! (sound of door opening) There! I see her, she's heading towards the Temm's tunnel, it goes under the river from here to Whopee, an engineering marvel- a-apparently, my uncle's an engineer, he's building an underground railway. I try to keep up with the industry but... It doesn't come naturally... I mean, I-I know the tunnel was built using Bruno Cockren's tunnelling shield but I still barely understand what that even is, I don't ac-ARGH! Oh! (gasping) Five! If you hadn't pulled me aside that horse and cart would have run me over! Ugh, I-I'm sorry, I should have been paying attention, but well I-I don't often get to talk to anyone who isn't my uncle, or someone who's interested in my inheritance... Not that I need all that money, of course. I just want to be sure it's going to help people, it's what my parents would have wanted. That's why the watch is so important to me, it was the last thing they ever gave me before they died. Reminds me of what's important. If, if it was any other watch, I'd... just have let that pickpocket keep it, I'm sure she needs it more than I do... Ah, she's just hopped the barrier at the Temm's tunnel, it's in that round red brick building the entrance shaft is underneath, come on, Five, let's experience this engineering marvel first-hand, quickly, before we lose her!
SY: Ah, this tunnel is incredible, can you believe we're RUNNING under the Temms, makes me feel a bit funny... Mind you, we're here now that it's safe, uh, some of the people that built it died in the flood... Oh! Maybe I should spend my inheritance on something that'll make projects like this safer for workers, what do you reckon Five? Oh, Oh no... The pickpocket's already climbing the stairs! Ah- she's getting away! (panting) Whopping's all alleys, if she slips down a back street, we'll never find her! Up the stairs! Run!
SY: (panting) And we're out of the tunnel, the pickpocket just ducked down that alley, after her. (Running sounds) Uh, we've got you cornered, now please. Give me my watch back.
Amelia Spens, formerly known as the Pickpocket (AS): Oh, I don't think so. Lads! (sounds of several sets of footsteps closing in) You're surrounded.
SY: Five, it's a gang of pickpockets.
AS: I'd have been happy with just the watch, but since you followed me, allow me to introduce the Abel Street Gang, they're all over the rooftops and they've all got knives.
SY: Please, don't hurt us, Five here has nothing to do with this!
AS: There'll be no need for bloodshed as long as you both give me all the money you're carrying.
SY: Five doesn't have anything, but, uh, (mumbling, followed by the sound of a heavy bag of coins hitting the ground) That's all of mine.
AS: W-he-hell, aren't we the wealthy one.
SY: I-I've got more! Lots more! And I'll give it to you, I promise, just please return the watch. It's my most treasured possession.
AS: I see! Not an especially experienced negotiator, are you. Hmm, let's take a look at this watch, see what's so special about it. Hmm, pearl face, silver plating, and... an engraving...
SY: It's uh... it's Chinese, those are my parent's names, and that's mine. Sam Yao.
AS: Y-you're not even going to try and make up an identity? What- (laughing) You're lucky I'm just a pickpocket and not someone REALLY nefarious, I- Helloo, what's this? (music starts playing)
SY: There's a tiny music box behind the face, that melody was special to them.
AS: Ooh, a bit twee if you ask me.
SY: So you'll give it back?
AS: I might have sold it back to you for a few sovereigns before you told me who you were, but as my luck would have it there just happens to be something that only you can do for me, Sam Yao. Your uncle's digging a railway underneath London, isn't he?
SY: H-how did you know that?
AS: I read the Society Pages, in my line of work one needs to know who's on course to inherit what fortune, and which Saloons they're likely to fall out of after one too many brandies.
SY: My fortunes from my parents, not my uncle.
AS: Yes, but you're his ward, or at least you were until you came of age recently, correct?
SY: Yes.
AS: There's something I want to show you. Follow me and keep up the pace. There are far more unsavoury types than me in Whopping and they'll take more than your watch. Run!
SY: What's your name?
AS: I'm not telling you my real one, but you can call me Amelia.
SY: Uh, if you don't mind me saying, Amelia, you're quite well spoken for a pickpocket.
AS: Well, even an educated woman is not replete with options in this day and age. We might have a woman on the throne but I had to choose between penury, marriage to a seventy year old rector, or this.
SY: Well, it's not easy for me either, I'm lucky I have money because, well, being Chinese, people have misconceptions.
AS: Yes, you really should choose your friends wisely. Down this side street.
SY: Ugh, Mm. What IS that smell?
AS: Cover your mouths with your handkerchiefs, both of you.
SY: It's alright, Five, you can use mine.
AS: The smell is coming from that huge pipe, you see the emblem embossed on it?
SY: Ah! It's from my uncle's engineering company!
AS: That's right. The pipe is a ventilation shaft from his railway tunnel, now let's get away from it so we can breathe.
SY: (Gasping) Whoah, Oh that's better. What is going on down there?
AS: That's what I want you to find out.
SY: Ugh, it's the workhouse owner.
WO: (approaching footsteps) (panting) Master Yao, I followed you all the way from Rutherhive, one of my workers told me this woman is actually part of the Abel Street Gang! She only came to the workhouse to target you.
AS: This worker, was he a handsome fellow? Smarmy grin?
WO: That's right!
AS: Brent. (Sigh) That'll teach me to use former paramours as spies. Fine. (gun clicking) Hands up!
SY: Amelia! Don't shoot him!
AS: I'm not not aiming it at him, Sam, I'm aiming it at you.
WO: Steady on!
AS: Mr Workhouse Owner, unless you want future investors to know you got this one killed, I'd advise you to stop following us. Sam, Five, come with me or I'll shoot you both. Run!
AS: We lost the Workhouse owner, time to put this away (clicking sound)
SY: We would have come with you, Amelia, there was no need for the gun!
AS: Don't tell me how to take a hostage. Now listen carefully, for reasons that elude me, not everyone who falls on hard times opts for criminality, some people would honestly rather perform manual labour, and your uncle happens to be a proliferate employer of such eccentrics. I wouldn't care, except that many of his employees have family in the Abel Street Gang.
SY: I can ask my uncle to pay them more. But... He doesn't really listen to me. I'm Rather naive, apparently.
AS: Well, fortunately I have no need of your dreadful negotiating skills, I need you to solve an even stickier problem. Several of your uncle's workers have gone missing. Even though I've repeatedly explained to my gang that it's a waste of time caring about anything besides one's self, they're refusing to work until they learn what's happened to their loved ones. It's hurting my bottom line.
SY: That's awful... For the workers.
AS: Ahh, they're probably dead. If WE can barely breathe the noxious fumes near the ventilation shafts, what do you think it's like underground?
SY: I can't imagine! Those poor people... I'll stop what's happening, I promise, even if I have to spend every last penny of my inheritance.
AS: Do that and I'll give you your watch back.
SY: It's a deal.
AS: Mm, my favourite words. Righto, well, if that's settled then I'm off. There's a debutante ball this evening and I need to be in good time if I'm going to harvest some pearls. (retreating footsteps)
SY: There she goes. Look, Five, ah, I feel a bit awkward asking you this, but, would you maybe consider working with me? You were quick out there, really impressive, I've just moved into a house by myself and I could do with a hand. I promise it'll be a lot easier than the workhouse. I know it's been a funny old day, but for me it's actually been nice having someone to talk to. Talk at. Sorry, I know I go on a bit. But if you want to let's shake on it. You did save my life. Great! Now, I'm starving, how about some steak and oyster pie? Maybe we'll come up with some ideas about what happened to those missing workers over dinner., then tomorrow, we'll visit my uncle. Lord Earnest Van Ark.
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