#to which I reply 'My mother is the coolest person I know and also I am never speaking to her again after all the pain she has caused me'
public-trans-it · 19 days
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Figured I would make a post of all my various FFXIV OC's.
Warning: There are more than just these 4, those are just the big ones. Also, this is like 5 years' worth of weekly RP with my FC, and we very much leaned into the absurd over-the-top fantasy of the FF series. So, like... boy HOWDY is this gonna be a lot. Edit after finishing writing this draft: it was far more than I thought oh my god I forgot how bullshit all of this was. However I added a clear indicator of where you can skip the most bullshit parts.
(All infoblocks are how the character would describe themselves. Summaries are (mostly) my own words, unless I think its really funny to not do so.)
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I also have redacted a lot of info about other people's characters cause I'm not entirely comfortable sharing all of them here. So the names of other characters, and also my FC's name, are entirely removed. I've also tweaked some of the details slightly, mostly just the timing of certain events, and combining/removing a couple of the T'alia's (yes there used to be more). Also spoilers for a few bits of MSQ, but does include things up to the end of Endwalker.
If you don't want what is basically a summary of a four year long RP campaign, you can get the short version by just reading the entries for the four characters listed above.
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Name: T'sraetn Slein Race: Miqo'te/Garlean (Mixed race) Clan: Seeker of the Sun Gender: Cis(ish) Woman (She/Her)
T'sraetn was born in the capital city of Garlemald, child of a garlean scientist, Varrick lux Slein, and a miqo'te conscript-engineer, T'alia Raio. Her father was researching the Echo, trying to find ways to replicate its effects with a garlean soul. When the Garlond Ironworks rebelled and fled for Eorzea, T'sraetn's family fled with them, though Varrick was killed in the process, his research stolen by his former boss, Aulus mal Asina.
T'sraetn became fascinated by all forms of magic in Eorzea, following the paths of the Arcanist before branching out to other fields. She continued to find stronger and stronger opponents to test her magical prowess against, eventually awakening to the Echo and being recruited to the Scions.
The events of 1.0 through Stormblood happen relatively the same as they do in the game, though T'sraetn went missing after the battle with Shinryu. She reappeared once again after the events of Shadowbringers 5.3 (sort of, see below), now sporting several cybernetic augments throughout her body, with all of her limbs being fully cybernetic.
She initially had no issues with her augments, barring a few exceptions. However, after the events of Endwalker, she grew to hate them. She believed these augments were the only thing that allowed her to survive her fight against Zenos and that he should have been the one to walk away from their final confrontation. She eventually underwent a dangerous procedure to remove her augments and replace her limbs with vat-grown cloned organic transplants.
T'sraetns version of the Echo manifests it in a bizarre temporal distortion. Time feels as if it passes differently for her, with her experiencing weeks or months in the span of time that others claim to only experience days. In combat, she experiences her own death over and over again until, eventually, she survives the fight. The way that Zenos and Fordola experience their Resonance makes her feel a kinship with them in this regard, and has lead to her developing an unhealthy obsession with both of them.
T'sraetn has grown disillusioned with the life of adventure, and now spend much of her time drinking and reliving her fight with Zenos, hoping at some point she will discover her life since that point was just a very long vision, and if she just did something different in the fight, they would both have survived.
The rare times she is sober, she spends studying the primal Alexander, as well as the remains of the Tycoon in the depths of the Crystal Tower on the First, hoping to someday unlock the secret of how G'raha managed to change the past, while she continues to fail.
She funds these expeditions by selling her services to the goblins of the Wolves Den, helping them refine and test their designs for human pilots.
(Here she is, Ms. Warrior of Light herself. I do find it hilarious that 'Mech Pilot' is a lore friendly profession to have, so I had to go for it. I technically have two versions of T'sraetn! (Well... 3) One is the version I used in my Free Company's weekly roleplay for about 4 years, who is not actually the Warrior of Light, and the other is, in fact, the Warrior of Light herself. However, everything canon to the FC version is more or less canon to the WoL version. We won't be getting into the third version on a SFW blog. The bit about her dad was written back in Heavensward. Needless to say, I was absolutely DELIGHTED once Stormblood was released, and a large chunk of the plot focused on exactly that.)
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Name: Killer Kweh Race: Unknown Clan: Unknown Gender: Unknown (They/Them)
Killer Kweh is a vigilante who began to harass T'sraetn's FC around the events of late Shadowbringers, keeping tabs on the various villains and scoundrels that the FC let slip away, thinking the power of friendship would be enough to save the day. Together with their chocobo, Wark Warrior, the two would track down and kill those the FC had spared. They eventually began to confront the FC, trying to pressure them into no longer forgiving those who wronged them.
Their identity remains a mystery to this day, and will likely never be discovered, no matter how often the other FC members says things like "T'sraetn the mask doesn't even cover all your hair, and we can clearly still see your tail." or "Can you hide your chocobo's costume somewhere else? We need to clean the stables."
(I kept this glam and now use it for PLD/RDM. Originally I was actually planning to have Killer Kweh be an entirely different character, but the FC kept making jokes about the tail showing, and I decided to roll with it cause having it just be T'sraetn the whole time was FAR funnier tbh, and we needed something light hearted at the time.)
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If you don't want to read a whole boatload of FC lore, you should skip all of this. (Scroll down until you see the quest complete)
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Name: T'alia Raio Race: Miqo'te Clan: Seeker of the Sun Gender: Cis Woman (She/Her)
The first of the many, many, MANY faces of T'alia, who served as one of the central antagonists for much of the FC's life.
As mentioned above, T'alia was an engineer working in Garlemald before her family attempted to flee alongside the Garlond Ironworks, her husband being killed in the process. Wrought with guilt over his death, T'alia vowed to attempt to continue his research once they arrived in Eorzea, studying the soul and how various things could affect it.
Where her husband turned to the Echo, T'alia instead turned to the void, and to the tempering effect of primals. She made a pact with a voidsent, offering it not her own soul, but the soul of her research subjects, in return for studying its effects on them.
She eventually joined a Free Company, finding them to be perfect test subjects and developing an obsession with helping them grow stronger. She carefully examined and documented the effects on them and their aether after various fights with primals and voidsent, all under the guise of helping them grow stronger.
The idea of the FC needing to grow stronger became more and more compulsive, culminating in her trying to graft the soul of her voidsent into the aether of an injured FC member, an act which was the last straw and resulted in the FC turning on her.
She harbored no ill will against the adventurers, and continued her experiments from a distance, using facilities within abandoned garlean bases to construct various monsters for the free company to "train" against, frequently against their will.
(The FC I was with from 1.0 up to Stormblood Launch had a lot of drama. I originally made T'alia as a way to shop around and play with other FC's. When I joined my current FC, they mentioned not having any real dedicated antagonist for their RPs, and so I decided before the first RP I joined that T'alia was eventually going to make a heel turn, and played her as friendly but also very clearly having an ulterior motive. Also T'alia is still my MCH glam!)
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Name: T'alia Raio Kime Race: Disembodied Soul Chimera Clan: Specter Yeah :) Gender: Monster (It/She/He)
T'alia's research into metempsychosis culminated in the preservation of her soul, at the cost of the willing destruction of her own body, obtaining a state not unlike those of the Ascians. She began growing multitudes of clones of herself, experimenting on them, merging them with beast men, and creating terrifying new chimerical bodies with which she continued to 'test the potential' of the FC.
However, these bodies and her soul mixed like water and oil, and she was never able to fully utilize them. While each one was quite powerful on its own, under her control they were exceedingly frail, and she would find her soul being ejected from them long before the point the body itself failed. This eventually forced her to turn back to her original field of engineering, augmenting these bodies with cybernetic enhancements.
Eventually, she invited the FC to one of her most ambitions plans to date, which she referred to as "The Merger", a combination wedding ceremony and business merger between both herself, and another rival of the FC's who also was heavily proficient in the field of engineering. This event was, in truth, an experiment where she splintered the timeline and merged it together again. During one timeline, an FC member was killed and replaced with a cybernetic replica crafted by T'alia and her new wife, while in the other timeline the FC member lived on as normal.
T'alia's plans for all of this were seemingly lost when her corpse was discovered in some ruins, impaled by a chunk of white auracite that kept her from escaping the vessel she was inhabiting. This drove her wife deeper into despair, and the widow blamed the FC for allowing this to happen, becoming a far bigger threat to them in the process.
(It was a running joke in our RPs that T'alia would keep getting called an Ascian, only to respond, "I still don't know what that is..." While she did achieve a similar form, it was elusively through her own research, and she never had any affiliation with the Ascians/Ancients)
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Name: Tali Race: Various Clan: Various Gender: Nonbinary (She/Her)
Shortly after T'alia's death, one of her augmented clones began interacting with the FC. She revealed she was the one who killed the 'real' T'alia, an action she had no choice in taking. Several of this clones augments allowed T'alia to control her remotely, and she had taken control of her body to kill herself. These augments still remained in place, and even with no one controlling them now, they still prevented certain actions, such as revealing what T'alia was planning.
This T'alia clone continued to work alongside the FC, eventually being welcomed with open arms as a full fledged member, with the FC renaming her 'Tali' to differentiate her from her creator.
While Tali already differed significantly from her creator, she felt a deep unease about being compared to her. She took up the gunblade and began to dabble in various shape changing magics in order to further differentiate herself from T'alia, resulting in frequent damage to her body and need for replacements of her various artificial limbs. All the while, unfamiliar memories began to surface in her mind, revealing that the memories of T'alia's own past that she had planted in Tali weren't sticking.
While she was unable to reveal T'alia's plans to the FC, she was more than able to be reckless about leaving around too many maps about where T'alia's various facilities were located, leading the FC on missions to shut them down and uncover more details about T'alia's plans, with Tali quickly piecing the details together and becoming both more distressed and more frantic to get the FC to uncover the rest.
Over the course of these expeditions the FC found T'alia's main base: a facility located in a rift in spacetime filled with a massive number of clones. Thousands of clones of T'alia, as well as hundreds of clones of every single FC member.
This facility housed enough clues for the FC to realize two things: first, that T'alia was being coerced into her actions by some other entity that she had been plotting against, and second, Tali's differences to T'alia came not from her augmentations, but from the the fact that she was never a clone of T'alia at all, but her own daughter T'sraetn, augmented and brainwashed into becoming a pawn for T'alia to use.
(Yes the DPS symbol on the blue background is intentional. It's a joke about me always off-tanking at the time, and being a 'Blue DPS'. The name Tali was actually a typo from an FC member addressing her, but everyone immediately realized it would be a great way to differentiate this other version of T'alia, and so we kept it. Also, we had a running joke in our RP's that Tali's arms just fell right off about once per RP night.)
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Name: T'alia Allengray Race: Miqo'te Clan: Seeker of the Sun Gender: Cis Woman (She/Her)
Pouring over T'alia's research notes, T'sraetn and the FC eventually found the source of what T'alia had been pushing them all towards, the entity that had plagued her for her entire life: T'alia.
This other T'alia eventually made her presence known by possessing a shape changing quicksilver construct that the FC had defeated, forming a new body for herself. Taking the old T'alia's role as antagonist (though never posing anywhere near as much a direct threat), she was happy to monologue to the FC, and even gave them a linkpearl to answer any questions they might have.
This other T'alia (who the FC simply refered to by her surname, Allengray) was a copy of herself from a different timeline, who had trapped herself in a perpetual timeloop that lasted from the moment of her birth, to the moment of her death. Her original self became nothing more than a disembodied specter within the loop, forced to observe the same events play out over and over again. Over the course of the more than 5 million years she spent trapped in the loop, she slowly gained the ability to subtly influence the members of her FC, with a far bigger influence on each loops iteration of herself.
In her original timeline, Allengray and the FC had fought a devastatingly powerful primal, Lich. As they began to realize their conventional methods of killing primals would not affect it, they eventually chose to build a temporal cage, crafted from the remains of Alexander. The device would contain one aetheric being, and one mortal being, binding the two together. Lich would be trapped within it, and bound to the lifespan of whoever activated the device. While Allengray was not the one selected to bear that burden, she stole the device in the dead of night and sacrificed herself to it, rather than watch any of her friends suffer. Instead, she was left to be tortured for millions of years, watching Lich kill her friends over and over again while she could do little more than watch, and whisper to each version of herself to beg them to find a way to stop it.
(Another kept glam! Allengray is my BLU glam. I actually introduced her as a palette swapped version of another FC members 'Monster of the Week', which was the quicksilver construct that Allengray possessed. She was a bit of an amnesiac trickster for a bit, as her soul adjusted to her new body.)
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Name: T'alia Allengray Lich Race: Primal Clan: Aetheric Parasite Gender: Primal (It/Its)
Eventually, Allengray revealed Lich's true nature. Unlike other primals, Lich did not exist as a body. It was more of a parasite that existed in the lifestream, devouring the souls of those who died, which is why it had been so difficult to find a way to stop. And over the course of hundreds of loops, it had grown and adapted to exist within a person's aether, feeding off of them.
Specifically, that of Allengray, where it had latched itself into and fully consumed her. While the timeloop was still connected to the lifespan of each timeline's T'alia, Lich was free to wreck whatever havoc it wanted on the FC, manipulating the timeline to ensure they would suffer over and over again to amuse itself. Even if they found a way to kill it, which the FC occasionally managed to do, the timeline would still be reset on its death, meaning the most the FC would ever be able to do to it is doom another timeline to be the victim of its wrath.
Moreover, with this timelines T'alia now trapped in white auracite, she could never truly die, allowing Lich to remain in this timeline indefinitely.
This timelines T'alia (which is T'alia Raio, in case you lost track. Very understandble if you did.) still managed to get the last laugh. Through their various interactions, the FC of this timeline had become a force of abominations. Fractured primals, artificial constructs, temporal anomalies, and voidtouched avatars, all untouchable by Lich. A fierce battle ensued, Lich toying with FC with the knowledge that killing it wouldn't stop it, even as it clearly grew frustrated.
In the final moment of the battle, the FC revealed their ace in the hole, one of their enemies who had a far bigger grudge against Lich than anyone in the FC. The wife of this timelines T'alia, holding a recreation of the device that trapped Lich and Allengray in the timeloop in one hand, and the white auracite that held her wifes soul in the other. Binding the device to herself and her wife, the two became banished from this timeline to spend eternity with one another, replacing Lich and Allengray in the loop.
Lich did not have time to make its feelings on this development known, as the FC shredded it apart and destroyed it for good.
(I've always fucking loved the concept behind Lich, because in case it wasn't clear by now, I am ABSOLUTELY FASCINATED by death and how we relate to it, and wish Lich had a bigger role in Final Fantasy (I love you Stranger of Paradise). In XIV in particular I felt it had so much potential as a primal. Plus "Killing the embodiment of death itself" is such a final fantasy ass final boss. We did later get something like that in Endwalker, but I'm still very happy with my take on it.)
(Additional fun fact: this timeline is the 72,323nd loop that Lich and Allengray were trapped in. Since I'm going with a dumb quest formatting for this, I'll say first person to correctly guess why I chose that number gets... idk... a trust banner of their character and/or a wallpaper made of them? This post contains all the information an FFXIV player would need to guess why I chose that number.)
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Name: Noraliene Haillenarte Race: Elezen Clan: Wildwood Gender: Cis Woman (She/Her)
Despite all appearances, Noraliene is an elezen born to House Haillenarte in Ishgard. A member of House Dzemael dosed her drink with a fantasia during a banquet, and when she awoke the next morning as an Au Ra, she found herself the target of a horrible campaign to undermine House Haillenarte by claiming they are heretics, as well as an attempt to use her as "proof" that Au Ra are companions to dragons and must be purged from the city.
She was exiled by her family and escaped the city the next day, being pursued by several members of the Ishgardian Church seeking to kill her for her supposed heresy. Cold and exhausted, she eventually collapsed in the snow, where she claims she froze to death before being resurrected. In truth, she was rescued before that point by Ysayle, and her blue skin is a result of being tempered by Shiva.
After Ysayle's death, Noraliene took her place and helped lead her followers in reintegrating into Ishgard. She had no desire to return to the place of so many bad memories, however, and decided to join up with T'alia's FC shortly after T'alia revealed her true colors, granting them her aid as the new avatar of Shiva.
Despite her tragic past and icy aesthetic, she actually has a very warm and bubbly personality, eager to share her love of Doman Romance novels with anyone who will listen, and excitedly prying into the love life of anyone who was willing to share. She eventually grew tired of the constant stress and drama of being an adventurer and married another Ishgardian exile, choosing to move far away from Eorzea with her new wife.
(Did I make this character just as an excuse to spam the Diamond Dust emote during RP nights? You can't prove that. She was actually made so that I could join the RP easier when other people wanted to host an RP, instead of trying to bullshit together another reason why the FC was just willing to team up with T'alia again. The Diamond Dust spam was just a bonus. I also have a 26 page screenshot comic about her origin story that I've written out, and just need to actually take the screenshots for, but EFFORT...)
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Name: Muddied Glory Race: Au Ra Clan: Raen/Xaela (Mixed race) Gender: Cis Woman (She/Her)
Muddied Glory is the orphan daughter of a Raen and a Xaela who were both killed touring Eorzea while she was just an infant. She was placed into the foster care of a Hellsguard woman, who gave her the name she has now.
At a very young age, Glory was adopted by the Church of Halone, where she became a devoted follower of their doctrine. As she grew, she would eventually find herself blessed by Halone with visions into the lives of those she would grant absolution (Its just the Echo), and very rarely, she will wake up in the morning with no memory of the previous night, the events of her own life falling away so her memory could instead be filled with the knowledge of a killer who must be brought to justice, delivered to her through the eyes of their victim.
Her conviction of faith is never stronger than when she faces on these killers, and from the moment they lock eyes with her, before even a single word is said, they are filled with the terrifying knowledge that she is there to bring them to justice. (This is the usual reaction people have when the woman they killed last night shows up in front of them.)
(Glory is me going "Hey remember that one Sahagin Priest in MSQ? Where we learned what a fully realized Echo was capable of? Yeah we need more of that", with the additional silliness of the character in question having no idea it's happening to her. Once again, I was very excited when Zenos exhibited the same ability, and then again with the In From The Cold solo duty in Endwalker.)
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Name: Ifrit's Bride Race: Tempered Clan: Thrall Gender: Seemingly Trans Woman (It/She)
While there has not been a cure until very recently, being tempered has never been a 'one and done' affair. A primal is fully capable of tempering a single person multiple times, corrupting them far beyond the point of recognizability, as seen most commonly in Leviathan's drowned.
Ifrit's Bride is an example of that. It is unknown what rank or purpose she served among the followers of Ifrit, only that it was far more aetherially corrupted than was the norm for the followers of Ifrit.
After plaguing them for years, she was eventually captured by the Brotherhood of Ash where they worked with the immortal flames and the new anti-tempering magics lent to them to attempt to see if the process could be combined with the Brotherhood's Sacred Ash.
(Technically, she wasn't given the name Tempered Lass until after she was cured, so I should have used a different name for the trust banner. But also fuck making another one, I'm almost done with this post. Also I can't do tribal dailies on this character anymore, because I refuse to complete 'Losing One's Tempered' so that I can always keep some Sacred Ash on hand.)
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Name: Tempered Lass Race: "Prefer not to disclose" Clan: "Prefer not to disclose" Gender: So Fucking Much (She/It)
The result was... mixed. While they managed to cure the Bride of Ifrit of her tempering, she had no memory of anything prior to the point of being cured, and her body remained warped.
She was given into the care of a Hellsguard woman who gave her a very... on the nose name, and there it was discovered that without regular treatments of the Brotherhood's Sacred Ash, she would once again begin hearing the whispers of Ifrit compelling her. She is also particularly gullible, but it is unclear if that is a result of the process that cured her, or simply a natural character trait for her.
While the Brotherhood of Ash welcomes her with open arms and is happy to provide her with Sacred Ash at no cost, Temmie prefers to try to live in Ul'dah. She is frequently found among the refugees, helping them for far too little coin for what she needs to sustain herself.
(The reason she can't remember anything is cause there is nothing to remember. Despite appearances, Temmie is not an Au Ra, she is a Miqo'te. Specifically, Temmie is a clone of T'sraetn created by T'alia to test the effects of tempering. Also, if it wasn't clear, her and Muddied Glory are foster sisters.)
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Name: Gyococo Gyoco Race: Namazu Lalafell Clan: Namazu Dunesfolk Gender: "Depends on how much you are paying." (She/Him)
Gyococo is a lalafell adopted and raised by namazu. Once the Far East started becoming a more popular tourist destination for Eorzeans, she began seeing more and more lalafells, eventually growing curious enough to wish to visit and explore the land her real parents hailed from. At least, that's what he told people.
In truth, Gyococo cared little for pursuing his ancestral culture and just saw what she assumed would be an ignorant and unassuming market she could swindle as a merchant. What she found when she arrived in Ul'dah, however, was a society of cut throats and swindlers worse than any namazu could ever hope to achieve.
After months of barely scraping by, he eventually turned over a new leaf. She befriended an illiterate playwright and now acts as her scribe and editor. While he is far from the rich woman he was hoping to become, she lives comfortably and is happy with where her life is at.
(I don't touch Gyococo much, mostly because the playerbase is really fucking weird about lalafells and really fucking weird about trans women, and the overlap is... not fun, honestly.)
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Name: Gaeli Cat Race: Gaelicat Clan: Gaelicat Gender: Gaelicat
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eruhamster · 15 days
not to be annoying but i do think a lot of people mischaracterize falin. shes got the most drastic canon v fanon thing going on. which i guess makes sense bc 1. we dont see much of her and 2. lot of the fan stuff are anime-onlies that have seen even less
but i think like a good 90% of the time i see falin-centric art or posts im like hrm hrm hrm thats all wrong no nope no-siree
she's just a cool chick that takes life as it comes, doesn't hold grudges even against a mother that apparently was trying to beat the magic outta her, finds her older brother the coolest person in the world, and has autism about observing life (and death, she loves the ghosts she has a connection to) and nature and taking care of things (including taking care of her brother, which is why she's even in the dungeons; she saw her scrawny mess of a brother and decided she had to fix that).
and i think my favorite part that people don't talk about is... she would have done the same for marcille or laios if it were one of them that was eaten. you could see it in her eyes:
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it's what shuro misunderstands about her. it's easy to see her feminine, cute, good girl pieces and forget the rest of her. but she loves things to an ends-of-the-earth extent; the kind of caring that makes you a little insane. and that's how I think she and laios end up on the same page with their weirdness. they have different interests, but they are the same level of committed to those interests.
it's easy to love her, because she probably loves you just as much, if not more.
EDIT: for the love of god stop reblogging this only to add some comment or tag or reply saying 'op you forgot [BLATANTLY FANON INTERPRETATION]'. falin as we know her is not a pushover/people pleaser/infantilized, see this version of my post. also stuff like 'female shuro was in love with laios in the genderbent comic' and 'falin was going to marry shuro because she felt bad' are just things you made up in your head
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frodo-with-glasses · 2 years
What are your headcanons for the rest of Bergil's family? When I was younger I always imagined that maybe his mom was pregnant when she was sent away during the war, and then after she came back Bergil had a little sister. I think Iorlas is his mom's brother? and his grandfather in Lossarnach is his mom's dad. Iorlas and Beregond get along great. No idea what Beregond's side of the family looks like aside from "dad exists". Any thoughts? ~meg
Okay so I DID write an answer to this a couple days ago when you first sent it, Meg, but then tumblr ate my reply and I was too frustrated and busy and in pain to try to write it again. BUT I'M BACK!! LET'S TALK ABOUT MY FAVORITE GONDOR FAMILY!
Oh dude I am so glad to hear I'm not the only one who headcanons that Bergil has a baby sister! I dunno what it is about Beregond, but he just gives me "has a daughter" vibes, y'know? Like dads who've only raised boys are one way, but dads who've raised girls just have something different about their personalities, and I think Beregond has that.
Originally I thought that Bergil's baby sis was just a couple months old when the women and children had to leave Minas Tirith, but I think I like your take on it even more...just the constant anxiety thrumming in the back of Beregond's mind like "my wife is with child and I have to get out of this war alive so I can meet my new son or daughter" is just.....mmm. *chef's kiss* Tasty tasty angst, you love to see it.
*hums under my breath* Gotta go, gotta get the job done, gotta start a new nation, gotta meet my son—TAKE THE BULLETS OUT YO GUN—
I think it's a safe guess to say that Iorlas is Bergil's maternal uncle. Families in LotR tend to pass down similar names (Baranor, Beregond, Bergil...Eomund, Eomer, Eowyn...Arathorn, Aragorn...you get the drift), so everyone on the paternal side of the family—that is, Beregond's side—probably has names that start with B.
.......Which then gives us a bit of a clue what Beregond's wife's name might be!! It probably starts with "Io"! And their daughter's name might too. 8-D
(LotR language nerds, what's a good feminine suffix for a Gondorian name?? Asking for a friend. Totally don't need it for fic writing or anything *cough* And don't say Ioreth, that one's already taken.)
It's also probably a safe bet that the maternal side of the family comes from Lossnarch. Beregond was probably born and raised in Minas Tirith, and when he got married, his wife came to live with him in the city.
ABSOLUTELY Beregond gets along great with his in-laws, how could he not?? :-D Bergil seems to speak of Iorlas as if he's a constant fixture in his life, so Uncle Iorlas probably comes to Minas Tirith pretty often. Maybe on business? Perhaps he has a job that requires a lot of travelling, like a postal courier? And sometimes Beregond and Bergil and the whole family to go Lossnarch to visit the grandparents too. Bergil thinks Uncle Iorlas is the coolest guy ever (second to Dad).
As for Beregond's side of the family...I dunno. I feel like if he had any brothers on active duty, we would've heard about it. But I also doubt that Beregond was an only child, given how most ancient cultures tend to place value on large families. Maybe he only had sisters?? Would explain a bit about him, actually. If his father and mother are still alive, said father was probably too old to be of any use in the City when the war started, and both of them left with the other refugees early on.
......I don't know why I feel like Beregond's mother is dead. Probably just because most of the women in LotR are either dead or missing. I really do feel like she's not around anymore, even though I have absolutely no evidence to substantiate it.
But I can DEFINITELY tell you 1000% that there was a heckin' baby boom in Gondor after the War of the Ring—it is an observable trend that humanity's first response in the aftermath of wars and other widescale tragedies is, for SOME REASON, to procreate—so Bergil very likely had a new baby sibling within a year or two after the Ring was destroyed. Hahaha giggidy
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idyllic-affections · 8 months
Yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo
Tis' I, 🐉Anon!
I enjoyed those brainrots between you and Kaixserzz about Kaveh and Younger sibling![Name]'s relationship with each other and their... "differing" views of their mother, to say the least- and how it affects their relationship as the siblings grow up. I always enjoy those sort of part-character analysis part-drabble fics(?) That really dive into the perspectives and nuances of the characters, as well as address the issues that come up with issues like your mom deciding to bounce and re-marry… while both her children are still clearly wrestling with the grief of their fathers’ death (and one of them maybe or maybe not blaming himself for their death). Quite the intriguing read all around! The dichotomy was just lovely.
And oh yes. Yes yes YES! Dragon parents for the absolute W I N!!! Dude, dragons are the absolute coolest fantasy creatures, it ain't even up for debate. And dragon babies going through their growing pains ;-;Since dragons are reptilian, do you think they shed their skin like irl reptiles do? I imagine it'd be as painless as the horn shedding (I can't get the image of somebody witnessing that for the first time- maybe while giving the lil' guys™️ headsets and unintentionally brushing up against a horn- and just fucking FAINTING on the spot from sheer shock).
Oh oh, imagine dragon parents waking up (or getting woken up) to their dragon kiddies teething on their horns of tail, they're a tiny bit annoyed by it, but also find it really cute, so they decide to be wilfully ignorant for that moment.
Oh oh oh, you know how often in fantasy settings, how dragons tend to have "hords" of valuable items (most often loads and loads of prescious metals and gems… which would be oddly fitting for Zhongli, in spite of his horrible financial skills lol). Imagine the Dragon kiddos having their own little hords, but rather than gold and jewels and gems, they collect pretty looking rocks, feathers, sea shells (from visits to the beach with papa dragoon)... and maaaaybe some gold/mora/credits that they just so happened to find strewn around the streets.
hi lovely hello!!!! i'm sorry that this response is a little late but i am here to reply now ajskahahf <3
that's why i love having those kinds of discussions! it really creates a good opportunity to exchange thoughts and ideas about how such a specific scenario might affect each child differently. there is a ton of nuance in issues like that. i personally cannot sympathize with faranak. i don't like her. i don't care if she turns out to be genuinely sweet like kaveh. i do not like her whatsoever and i don't think her actions are justifiable. but from a writer's pov, it is... a lot more nuanced than that. and that's why i find such discussions to be really fun and enjoyable!
YESSSS DRAGON PARENTS...... pleasejshssng...... that is such a good question though! i feel like they would shed. or maybe some specific types of dragons would shed. but if they did shed...... imagine them taking little baths with warm water to help make it easier... i feel like that could be very soothing and comforting, especially if the dragon has a friend helping (because sheds have been known to become stuck sometimes, so i imagine it would be helpful to have someone gently hold on to the skin. i am planning on getting a snake soon so i have a handful of random bits of information related to this kind of thing stored in my brain!). i definitely agree that it's painless, though. AND THE HORN SHEDDING THING LMAO I LOVE THAT fucking PASSING OUT because the poor victim--who is presumably not a dragon of any kind--is just in pure shock
PLEASE teething on their horns and tail... i imagine it would be a little uncomfortable, but it's just very cute because this baby has the most innocent look in their lil eyes. and dragon parent also happens to know that it's probably helping relieve some of the pressure caused by their teeth coming in, so... they just deal with the slight discomfort it causes. maybe they also gently chide their kid later, but it's not severe punishment or anything.
YOU KNOW. AS SOMEONE WHO HAS A LITTLE HOARD OF GEMS AND MINERALS... i like this idea. i grew up collecting seashells and pretty rocks and honestly it's such a cute idea that the dragon children would do something similar. also you're so right about zhongli AJSHAKFHSNZG
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dailynabu · 4 months
Boyfriend is a really calm guy. He is slim, tall and the cutest boy to ever exist in this Earth. He always calms me down and whenever things gets harsher, especially with Mother, who's not exactly a good character in Me story.
Today I saw Boyfriend really mad, but not warm rage; that "cold" rage. Context is that Mother said she's gonna sue me because apparently I stole house's keys. The funniest fact is that I didn't even touch those keys: they lost it. I swear to God I haven't touched it.
But I am so tired of this everyday-fight in this place I cannot call 'home'. It's really exhausting. My parents tried to kicked me out three times now and I am dying to move far from them, it is truly and really so exhausting. I am not even sad, I don't feel any type of sadness nor sorrow towards it, I don't hate her, but I am gonna be bluntly honest: sometimes I wish she just went away. Not dead, I don't think it'd be better, but my family would get SO much better without Mother. I also understand it's pretty disfunctional, but everyone here is trying to heal in their own way; she is not. She always makes it worse.
I feel so sorry for Mother, I also understand it's not my fault. She didn't deserve to be in such pain; neither do I. I hope she can heal and be happy before dying, I cannot deal with the fact she'll live like this till she die. She already did it for more than 40 years... Time for her to try happiness and healing.
I know that if she truly regretted her past actions and words and tried to be a better person, I'd forgive her wholeheartly. I don't think I'll ever feel that son/daughter love, but I'd not feel this intense injustice that led me to so much rage during years.
So Sister texted me and, despite me always defending her, she wasn't able to do the same. I tried defending myself again by saying I didn't take any keys. She kept accusing me.
Indeed, she said that what I did was "shit action". Like it was okay for my mom to accuse me of ROBBERY. Like I DID steal the keys. That moment I felt hurt. Not the first time she betrays me. Still, it hurts.
So I said: fuck it. I'm not stressing by trying to prove I did something I did NOT do.
I sent her a voice text, as calm as I could (which is fairly calm, to be honest): "Listen, Sister. You don't even answer my texts anymore, you don't care for anything I send to you. So NOW you're coming at me, accusing me and using the term 'shit', basically saying that I am, in fact, a criminal? Don't come at me with your morality lessons". She listened and didn't reply.
Boyfriend was sleeping and I wasn't in the mood to put him in all of this shit, but he woke up and listened. Asked why, I said I wasn't in the mood to tell him, but I eventually would.
When I was arriving at home, while he was driving me there, I explained calmly. He was calm too, but for the first time I saw his cold rage: he was MAD, but not I-wanna-break-everything, more like: "it's an absurd and it doesn't make sense at all. The only reason why she's getting mad is because it is you and not any of your siblings. I know you didn't take nor lost the keys, you know, she knows; she doesn't care. She wants to make your life a living hell".
I was... Shocked. He never said anything so explicit because he didn't want me to be inflamed, but today he basically... Lost his shit, I guess. "Well... I know...". "And that's why we're studying and working. We're moving together soon, I'm taking you with me and you'll never have to deal with them ever again".
Once I was at home he texted me: "I am so mad, I am sorry, but I am so mad". He is mad. It makes me think that it's because not only he loves and cares for me, but he sees and listens to me. I am not invisible and I'm not unheard. And I am valid and it is okay to feel bad.
Caring is the coolest and kindest thing someone has truly made for me.
I love him and I love his mind and his heart. I hope I can make him the happiest ever.
(About feeling rejected and how I've been unfairly treated all my life, since I was a young kid. About another betrayal of my sister and how it breaks my heart, about how I feel unconditionally loved and cared for my boyfriend and how I want him to be extremely happy, always).
— 16.01.2024
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mydogisveryadorbs · 4 years
falling | jj maybank x reader
summary: jj never meant to fall in love with you, it just happened
warnings: cursing, drug use (weed), little angsty, SOFT JJ, fluff, fluff, fluff
a/n: thank you for this amazing request sweet anon! i hope you enjoy it!
masterlist :)
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(gif credit to the owner)
6.5k+ words
Rain is something that every Kildare resident has become accustomed to. The rainy summer months were simply a nuisance to everyone who lived in the OBX. 
You couldn't quite understand the contempt the people of this town had for the bad weather. To you, the rain was refreshingly familiar. It reminds you of splashing in the puddles with your older brother and being playfully scolded by your mother for tracking mud into the house. The rain is your childhood.
When you spot the dark clouds on your way out of the house that morning, your mood becomes instantly brighter. You play upbeat music as you walk to visit your dad at work. 
Your father is the manager of Kildare’s finest Resort and Spa so you practically grew up there. Making friends has never come easily for you and so some of your finest childhood memories were made running through the grass fields in the courtyard and being the honorary taste tester for the kitchen staff. 
The rain gives you an extra skip in your step and you rush through helping your dad with some of his paperwork so you can get back outside quicker.
Not every Kildare native has the same mindset that you do. To JJ Maybank, the rain is a reminder of the days he was forced to stay inside with his father. The cracking thunder reminds him of being hidden under his bedsheets in fear, with no one to comfort him.
The blonde’s fingers quickly fumble to punch in the well-known number of his best friend. The phone rings, and rings, and rings, until the crackly sound of John B’s voicemail box fills his ears. He tries Kiara and even Pope, before ultimately giving up.
The one day his bike is in the shop, it rains and none of his friends answer their phones.
Despite every instinct he has, JJ knows he has no choice but to walk home in the rain. His clothes are already sopping wet against his skin even after a brief minute of standing under the downpour.
He shivers, arms wrapping around his body as he prepares himself to make the journey home.
Before JJ can even take one step forward, a bright yellow blob moves towards him, catching his attention. The blob slowly morphs into a figure as it approaches.
“Hello,” a sweet feminine voice calls out to him. JJ’s brows instantly furrow at the sight of the teen girl in the bright yellow raincoat, holding an equally bright, yellow umbrella.
“Um, hi?” he replies over the sound of the rain, his voice coming out in more of a questioning tone.
You quickly move your hand so that your small umbrella is covering both of your heads.
“Thanks,” JJ mutters, still confused. You offer him a sweet smile. He takes the moment to scan your face. You're easily one of the most gorgeous girls he's ever seen and he wonders how he's gone this long without noticing you. 
“You looked like you needed it more than me,” you explain with a shrug, eyes falling away from JJ’s piercing blue ones. “Where are you headed? I didn't drive here but I'm sure my dad wouldn't mind if I borrowed his car to take you home.”
His eyes widened in realization. “Oh, um, your Mr. (Y/L/N)’s daughter right?” You reply with a simple nod. “It's fine, I'll just walk.”
Your lips pull down into a sudden frown and JJ has an intense urge to make you smile again. “It would be much faster for me to drive you,” you urge, “Plus, if you walk home without an umbrella, you'll definitely catch a cold.”
JJ can't help but smile softly at your kindness which you eagerly return with one of your own. “How ‘bout you just let me borrow your umbrella then?” he asks jokingly.
“Well that would work, but this is my favorite umbrella.” This is a lie. You have two other umbrellas just like it at home.
“Well I guess you'll just have to give me a ride home then,” JJ gives in.
Your smile grows as you link your arm with the blondes and pull him to your dad's fancy sports car. JJ gives you directions back to the Chateau and you oblige. 
The two of you make conversation for almost the entire drive, only breaking when you stop to turn up a song you like. JJ is pleasantly surprised when you never mention the length of the drive or the rundown houses you pass.
A few minutes later, You pull up to the chateau, putting the car in park. The car goes quiet besides the sound of rain hitting the rooftop. 
JJ looks over at you with a soft smile. “Thank you, really, for the ride,” he tells you genuinely as he gathers his things.
“Any time, Maybank.”
Over the next two weeks, you start to spend a little more time at the hotel, bumping into JJ anytime the opportunity arises. The blonde is used to eating his lunch on his own in the back room, but when you ask if he'll join you for lunch on the golf course, he can't possibly say no.
“So then my friend John B had to practically drag me out of the water,” JJ says, continuing his story about getting stung by a jellyfish. “I couldn't walk for three straight days.” His words are muffled by the bite of the sandwich he has in his mouth causing you to giggle. JJ smiles at the sound, wanting nothing more than to make you laugh like that again.
“You know I've always wanted to learn how to surf,” you tell him, causing his eyes to widen. “But after your stories, I might not,” you add with a laugh.
“You've never been surfing,” the blonde asks in disbelief to which you respond with a head shake. “How long have you lived here?”
You smile. “All my life.”
“You've lived here all your life and you've never been surfing?” 
“I've been paddleboarding,” you offer with a sheepish smile.
JJ chuckles slightly at your lame joke, but mostly at how adorable you are. “Come surfing with me tomorrow,” he says, softly grabbing your hand in his causing you to blush hard.
“Yeah. I have the day off and my friends and I were planning to go anyway.”
Your eyes widen and you gulp slightly. “Your friends are going to be there,” you ask warily.
JJ nods in confusion. “Yeah my friends will be there, unless,” a look of realization sweeps over his face, “Oh. You don't want to go with my friends.” His hand drops yours onto the blanket you brought.
“No,” you tell him earnestly, grabbing his hand back. “It's not that I don't want to go with them, it's that I don't think they will want me there.” JJ looks at you in confusion. “You and your friends are the most looked up to friend group on this island. It's an unspoken thing that everyone wants to be you guys. I just don't think they'll want me butting into your group.”
JJ frowns. Is that really what you think of yourself? The blonde has only known you for a few weeks, but at that time he's decided that you are the kindest, most selfless person on this island. Why you are unable to see that, is beyond him.
It's the first moment in JJ’s life that he has the sudden urge to kiss you. But he can't, he knows that. He knows it won't be the last time he gets this feeling (not with your perfect pouty lips and kind heart around him all the time), but he pushes the thought to the back of his mind for now.
“(Y/N),” he says, drawing your attention back up to his eyes. “Trust me, they'll love you.” What's not to love? But he doesn't say that last part out loud.
JJ doesn't know it, but this moment is also the first time you have the urge to kiss him. The urge to wrap your hands around his neck and pull his lips to meet yours. Your heart rate increases rapidly and you push the thought aside as well.
With promises of meeting the next day, you bid JJ goodbye, the butterflies in your stomach not diminishing until the blonde is out of your sight.
The next afternoon you spend thirty minutes trying on all of your bikinis. You want more than anything to have a good impression on JJ’s friends. 
You are slipping a pale green tank top over your bikini as the doorbell echos through your house. “I'll get it,” you tell out, hoping no one gets to the door first.
Grabbing the rest of your things and shoving them into your tote bag, you quickly run downstairs. When you make it to the door you spot your older brother Sam reaching to open it.
“Sam wait,” you yell, rushing to open the door first. You pull the handle revealing JJ. He's dressed in a pair of grey cargo shorts, a worn black tank top, and his infamous red snapback. “Hey,” you say with a smile.
“(Y/N), where are you going,” Sam asks from behind you. You turn around to see your brother giving you a look that resembles that of a worried parent.
“I'm going surfing with JJ and his friends,” you tell him quickly. JJ waves at your brother, slightly intimidated by the tall boy.
Sam looks over your shoulder at JJ before snapping his eyes back to you. “Did you tell mom and dad about this?”
You roll your eyes lightly. “I'm not ten, Sam,” you say sarcastically. “I don't have to get permission every time I leave the house.”
Sam’s eyes move back to JJ, only to see that the blue-eyed boy is already looking at you. “Keep her safe, will you?” he asks with a sigh.
JJ looks at your brother. “Of course,” he promises.
You smile, kissing your brother on the cheek. “Love you, Sam.”
He responds with the same and the two of you are quickly moving off your front porch and towards the street.
JJ watches your expression as you approach the pogue van, expecting some sort of disgust of their old vehicle.
He opens the passenger door for you, making you blush hard, before moving to the driver's seat. “Sorry it's not the nicest car,” he says as the van sputters to life, slightly cringing at the sound of the old engine.
“What are you talking about,” you say with an honest smile, “This is literally the coolest car ever.” You stick your hand out the window letting the wind hit it as giggles escape from your mouth.
JJ’s lips stretch into a wide smile at the sight. 
The two of you laugh and sing along to whatever song comes on the radio. It's just like the night you drove him home from the hotel except now, the sun is shining bright above you.
When JJ pulls the van up to the front of the run down Chateau, you feel your palms begin to sweat. “Are you sure this is a good idea?” you ask the boy next to you, not taking your eyes off the front porch.
JJ smiles. “They're gonna love you,” he says confidently, “Now come on before I die of heatstroke.” He hops out of the car, running around to your side and helping you out.
You chew your lips nervously as the two of you walk up the steps and across the front porch. 
“We're here,” JJ announces as he opens the door for you. 
The first thing you notice when you enter the little house is the pungent smell of weed. Despite not smoking yourself, you don't mind the scent. The second thing you notice is the three teenagers sitting on a worn couch.
A girl with curly brown hair throws her hands up into the air. “JJ’s brought a girl home,” she exclaims with a chuckle. 
The blonde beside you rolls his eyes. “Shut up Kie.”
The girl who you assume is Kiara, stands up, and runs over to you. Much to your surprise, she pulls you into a tight hug. You stand there in confusion for a second before hugging her back. “I'm Kiara, but you can call me Kie,” she says, pulling away. “Those two dumbasses are John B and Pope,” Kie tells you, pointing to the two boys still sitting on the couch. They lift their chins in a greeting.
“So are you guys ready,” JJ asks, breaking the tension. 
The boys stand up and the five of you walk outside before piling into the van. John B and Kiara sit in the front and JJ, Pope, and you in the back.
“JB, where's Sarah,” Pope asks. 
“Couldn't make it,” John B replies, “Said she had family stuff.”
“John B, you're dating Sarah Cameron, right?” you ask sweetly.
John B nods. “Yeah, you know her?”
“Not really, we had English together last year,” you say, watching as the brunette boy’s expression remains stoic. “I don't know if she'll like me though. I kind of punched her brother in third grade for making fun of my friend's dress.”
The whole group laughs loudly and you blush hard, not meaning for that to slip out. JJ uses the moment to wrap his arms discreetly across your shoulders.
“I think she'll definitely like you then,” John B says. “That's badass.”
A few minutes later, the van pulls up to a secluded spot on the beach.
“Wow, it's beautiful here,” you say in awe.
JJ nods as he and Kie take the surfboards down from the roof of the van. “This is our secret pogue spot.”
“Oh,” you say looking down, feeling out of place.
Pope hands you one of the boards. “You're basically an honorary pogue if we bring you here,” he says with a kind smile. “Think of this as your initiation.”
You smile back, relieved that JJ’s friends aren't annoyed by your presence. JJ tries to hide a smile of his own, loving that you are getting along with his friends considering they're the only family he has.
The five of you walk down to the beach, finding a good spot to lay down your stuff. 
JJ can't take his eyes off of you as you slip your tank top over your head. His little heart can't handle how gorgeous you are. You're wearing a small blue and white floral bikini, leaving little to the imagination.
“You okay, Maybank?” you ask, snapping him out of his trance. He nods dumbly, making you chuckle. “C’mon,” you say, grabbing your board in one hand and holding the other out to the blonde.
This sets him into motion and he quickly grabs his own board and links his fingers with yours. He has to remind himself to take in this moment, wanting to remember the first time you ever held his hand. 
“So how do I do this,” you ask once you have paddled out into the water. 
JJ nods. “Normally I would have you do some exercises on land first, but I say you just go for it,” he says, floating on the board next to you.
“Great plan, Maybank,” you say with a slight eye roll. “If I die it's on you.”
JJ laughs. “You're not gonna die, (Y/N),” he tells you. “The waves are small today anyways.”
He explains the basics of how and where to stand before demonstrating on a wave. You admire how his tan body moves gracefully on the board. He makes it look so easy and you smile at the look of concentration he has.
JJ ladles back out to where you are when he is done. “Maybank,” you exclaim. “That was amazing.”
JJ smiles wide. “Now it's your turn.”
You grimace. “It's not gonna look like that.”
“Don't worry, that took years of practice,” he encourages before pointing behind you. “Look, there's a perfect wave coming.”
You look at the wave, gulping in anticipation. “Wish me luck.”
“You got this,” he yells making you laugh. Your heart pounds in your chest as you line yourself up the way JJ had. When the wave comes toward you, you attempt to put your foot where JJ told you. Instead, you miss and fall into the water before you even have the chance to stand.
JJ’s heart drops the moment your head disappears under the water. The waves weren't too big and the current shouldn't be strong at this time of day, but he couldn't help the sick feeling he got watching you fall.
The moment your head pops up out of the water he breathes a sigh of relief. The sound of your laughter is enough to calm his anxieties.
You slide back on your board, paddling back over to JJ. “Well that was embarrassing,” you say with a giggle.
JJ smiles with a small shake of his head. “No one gets it on their first try,” he reassures her. “If you stood up just now I would have sent you straight to a surfing competition.”
A few more tries (and fails) later you notice the sun starting to set over the horizon. 
“You ready to go back in,” JJ asks from his board next to you.
You shake your head. “I want to give it one more go,” you tell him. “But you go in and watch from the beach.”
The blonde frowns. “Are you sure?” 
“I'll be fine, Maybank,” you say with a small smile. “Plus, then you can watch me better when I shred some waves,” you add in a mock surfer voice. 
JJ gives you a slight eye roll before making his way to shore. He meets up with the rest of the pogues who are coming back from up the beach where they had found some bigger waves.
“Getting bored of teaching the newbie,” John B asks when he sees JJ.
JJ gently shoves the boy. “No,” the blonde replies plainly. “She just wanted to give it one last try before we head in.”
The four of them watch from the sand as you make your way towards an upcoming wave.
“I bet you five bucks she doesn't even stand,” John B whispers to Pope.
“Hey,” JJ snaps, turning to look at his two friends. “What are you two idiots doing.”
“Definitely not betting on your girlfriend,” Pope says, sarcasm laced in his voice.
JJ blushes at the word 'girlfriend’. “She's not my girlfriend.”
Even Kie rolls her eyes at this. “Yeah, okay.”
They go silent as you get closer to the wave, watching as you paddle along it. In one graceful motion, you position your feet, straightening your legs until you are standing.
The four pogues cheer as you ride the wave. It's definitely not perfect, but JJ couldn't be more proud. 
You ride the wave in, throwing your board on the sand as you run-up to the group. “I did it guys,” you exclaim happily.
Running up to JJ, you wrap your arms around his shoulders, practically jumping into his arms. He catches you easily, spinning you around in excitement.
The blonde puts you down after a minute, reluctant to let go of you. You look up into his eyes, feeling the tension grow.
“You did awesome, girly,” Kie says, drawing your attention away from JJ.
He smiles as he watches you interact with his friends. At that exact moment, his heart feels so full, but he can't explain it.
After everyone is done congratulating you, the six of you gather your things before piling into the van. You tell jokes and chat on the way back to your house.
You give JJ a soft kiss on the cheek before bidding everyone else goodbye. Despite rolling his eyes when his three best friends make fun of him for it, having your lips on his cheek is the last thing he thinks about before drifting off to sleep that night.
Yes, he's definitely falling for you.
Over the next few weeks, you grew closer and closer with the pogues. A few days after your surfing adventure you met Sarah Cameron for the first time, and after that, you were basically a pogue yourself.
When you invited JJ over for dinner at your house, the blonde assumed your parents would hate him like every other kook family. However, your parents and brother treated him with nothing but kindness and respect (how could they not after all the stories you have told them). 
Looking back, that was the night you knew you were in love with JJ. Watching him laugh and have meaningful conversations with your family made you fall even harder for him.
Tonight, almost five months after you first met JJ on that rainy night, you are lounging on the floor of John B’s living room cracking jokes with your friends.
You told your parents you were spending the night at Kiara’s, knowing that they would ask fewer questions.
“Kie, pass me the blunt, would you,” John B asks from his spot next to Sarah. 
You are sitting next to JJ, your legs stretched across his and your back pressed against the couch. Your eyes watch as John B places the blunt to his lips, inhaling the vapor.
The brunette lifts an eyebrow. “You wanna hit, (Y/N),” John B asks, holding the blunt out with two fingers.
Before you can even open your mouth, the blonde beside you speaks up. “She doesn't smoke JB,” he says annoyed at his best friend for even asking.
You look at him confidently. “Actually, I think I'd like to try,” you say, causing everyone to look at you in shock. 
“You sure?” JJ asks softly from next to you. You nod and John B passes you the blunt.  
Placing it in between your lips, you inhale like you had seen John B do earlier. Only, when you do it, it sends you into a coughing fit.  
JJ rubs your back with a slight eye roll. “Atta girl,” he says with a small chuckle.
It doesn't take long for you to be high out of your mind. You're a lightweight when it comes to alcohol and you probably should have guessed you would be a lightweight when it came to weed too.
At some point in the night, you find yourself sprawled out on one of the hammocks outside in a large, ratty t-shirt you assume belongs to JJ. The stars spin above you and you giggle. 
“(Y/N)?” you hear the voice of the boy you're madly in love with, approach.
“Maybank,” you cheer when he finds you on the hammock. He gestured for you to move over and once you do so he plops down next to you.
You're instantly pulled into JJ’s toned chest and you let your head rest easily on his shoulder.
“Is everyone else asleep?” you attempt to whisper, but it comes out louder than you had anticipated. 
JJ’s hands find your hair and begin to play with it lightly. “Mhm.”
“So it's just me and you?” you ask sweetly, words slightly slurred from the weed in your system. 
He hopes you can't hear how fast his heart is beating from having you this close. “Just you and me.”
“JJ can I ask you a question,” you mumble, the weed making you only slightly more confident.
“F’course,” JJ tells you.
You use your fingers to trace lazy patterns on his bare chest. “How come you never call me any nicknames,” you ask with a pout. “Like I call you ‘Maybank’, y’know and you have a nickname for every one of our friends except me.”
JJ doesn't answer right away and even your wasted mind thinks that maybe it wasn't such a good idea to ask. 
“Because I like your name,” he finally says after a while.
A small “oh” is all you can muster, so the blonde boy continues. “I like saying your name. It's really pretty and I like the way it sounds,” he tries to explain, slightly cringing at his words.
“I like you,” you blurt, but it comes out in a slow drawl.
“What,” JJ asks quickly, eyes widening in shock. When you don't reply, he looks down at you only to find you fast asleep on his chest.
His brain is going a mile a minute trying to comprehend what you said. You must've meant it in a friendly way because there's no way someone like you would like a guy like him. Right?
The blonde lays there for hours, unable to sleep with your words on his mind (and your head over his heart). Finally, he coaxes himself to sleep with the thought that you were high out of your mind and didn't mean anything you said.
The next morning you wake up alone in the bed of John B’s guest room. You have no idea how you got there and have little recollection of the previous night.
You stumble out of the small room with a headache and feeling slightly nauseous.
“Morning, sleepyhead,” Sarah says with a smile when you appear in the kitchen. 
You look around the room, noticing that you were the last one awake. “What happened last night,” you groan, plopping down in the seat between Kiara and JJ
“Well,” Pope says with a smirk. “You had your first official experience with weed.”
You groan again, laying your head in your arms which are folded on the table. You feel a familiar hand rest on your back and you turn your head to look at JJ. He smiles at you and a sea of butterflies erupt in your stomach.
“Well, I should probably get home,” you say, sitting up. JJ pouts at your words and you giggle, leaning over to give him a small kiss on the cheek which unbeknownst to you, makes his stomach fill with butterflies too. 
You bid goodbye to the rest of your friends, before stumbling out of the chateau and to your car. 
JJ’s eyes follow your body until it is completely out of sight. When he finally sees your car pulling out of the driveway, he looks back to his friends only to find all of them staring at him. “What?”
“Just tell her you love her already,” Kiara says with a dramatic groan causing JJ’s eyes to widen. 
John B nods. “Seriously, dude,” he says, “You gotta do it before she gets tired of waiting.”
“What are you guys talking about,” JJ asks innocently despite knowing exactly what his friends are talking about.
“The two of you are madly in love with each other so what are you doing wasting this time you could be spending together,” Sarah reasons.
JJ knows his friends are right, but he doesn't need them breathing down his neck when he does decide to tell you.
You, on the other hand, realized a few seconds into your drive that you forgot your phone. You had turned around and were now making your way back up the porch steps.
“I do not like (Y/N),” lies through his teeth, having no idea that you could hear him clearly through the mesh screen door. “She's just a spoiled, kook, brat that I happened to take pity on. She means nothing to me.”
Each word that passes from JJ’s lips is like a knife to your heart. Completely forgetting your phone, you don't waste any time running back to your car. Hot tears stream down your face at a steady rate as you attempt to get as far away as possible from the boy who broke your heart. 
“Okay keep telling yourself that,” John B says to JJ with a small smirk on his lips.
JJ rolls his eyes, but on the inside, he is longing for your sweet lips to press to his cheek again. The dense blonde has no idea that the girl he loves with his whole heart, is currently broken because of him.
Over the next few days, you make every excuse in the book not to see the pogues, knowing that even being in the same room as JJ would be too much. 
When Kiara brings by your phone from the Chateau, you immediately break down and tell her what you witnessed. The curly-haired girl wants to tell you the whole truth, but she figures it should come from the idiotic blonde himself.
After three days of not hearing from you, JJ’s worry starts to eat him alive. What if you were sick? Or sad? Or what if you finally realized you were too good for him?
Despite the drizzling rain, JJ takes his bike and makes his way to your house as quickly as he can.
When he knocks on your large oak door and your brother opens it, JJ is immediately brought back to the first day he came to your house. He remembers the pride he felt when you first stood up on that board. 
“Hey, Sam. Is (Y/N) here?” he asks, peaking around your brother's shoulder as if you would be standing there like you were that one day.
“No,” Sam says harshly, immediately slamming the door shut in JJ’s face. 
The blonde is left there in confusion wondering what is wrong. He knocks on the door again, louder this time. 
Sam opens the door again. “What?” he snaps.
“I know she's here,” JJ explains seriously. “I can see her bedroom light from her window and she never leaves her light on.”
Your brother scowls at JJ’s words as if it's an abomination that he knows such an intimate fact about you.
“Leave, JJ,” Sam says, slightly calmer now. “She doesn't want to see you.” He shuts the door again, causing JJ’s heart to break slightly.
What does he mean you don't want to see him?
The blonde steps away from your front door and moves under your bedroom window. The rain is falling much harder now, causing JJ’s curls to plaster to his forehead.
He glances up at your window, suddenly having an idea. It takes him a few tries, but JJ is able to scale your house and make it to your small balcony.
He peers into your room, spotting you laying on your bed, with your back facing him. JJ knocks lightly on your window and you snap your head in his direction. 
Your eyes widen when you see his sopping wet form and for a second you forget why you're laying alone in the first place. You rush to the window, undoing the hinges and pulling JJ inside.
Once the blonde is standing in front of you, his words from the other night come rushing back.
“What are you doing here, JJ,” you ask with a small sigh, wrapping your hoodie-clad arms around your stomach.
The blonde frowns. “You called me JJ.”
“That's your name isn't it?” 
“Yeah, but yo-you never,” JJ stumbles over his words. “Are you okay? Why haven't you been answering my texts or calls?”
“I was busy,” you say with a shrug, sitting back onto your bed.
“You know you can talk to me, right,” JJ asks as he takes a small step closer to you. “I'll always be here for you.”
You roll your eyes. “Yeah, okay,” you mumble sarcastically. 
JJ flinches back. “What's going on (Y/N)? You're not being yourself. You are always there for me and my problems, so you should know that I'll always be here for you and whatever it is you're going through,” he tells you honestly.
“Oh yeah because you took pity on me, right?” you snap, looking him dead in the eyes as a few tears fall down your cheeks. A look of confusion spreads across his features. “Because I'm a ‘spoiled, kook, brat’ right?”
JJ's heart drops to the pit of his stomach as he realizes what you are talking about. His eyes well with tears knowing why you've been hurting the past few days.
“(Y/N),” he all but whimpers. His hands reach out for you but you pull back.“Please, let me explain.”
You harshly wipe the tears from your cheeks. “I think you made yourself very clear the other day. Leave, JJ,” you tell him.
JJ shakes his head as panic builds in his chest. He struggles to breathe as he realizes that he is about to lose you before he even truly has you.
His breathing becomes more and more erratic and he squeezes his eyes shut. 
“JJ,” you ask softly, noticing the arising panic attack. The blonde looks up at you, fear evident in his eyes. Despite the pain, he put you through, you still love him and can't stand to see him in pain. “C'mere JJ,” you say softly, pulling him to sit on your bed. You crouch down below him, shushing him softly.
“You gotta breathe with me,” you tell him, making sure he's watching as you take a few big breaths in. He is able to take a few shaky breaths and soon his heart rate has slowed to a somewhat normal rate, JJ collapses into your arms. “You're okay. It's gonna be okay.”
JJ frowns, pulling away from you slightly. “Why are you being so nice to me,” he asks shakily. “After everything I've done?”
You shrug, looking down.
He uses two of his fingers to gently lift your chin so you are looking at him. “Please let me explain,” he whispers and you nod slightly. “After you left that day, the pogues were messing with me, saying that I was so in love with you n ’shit, so I had to say something that would get them to shut up,” he says quickly, wanting to get through his story so you will stop hurting. 
“Nothing I said that day was remotely close to the truth. You are the most kind-hearted person on this island, and for me to even say that you aren't, it's just, I'm so sorry,” he says. “I never meant to hurt you, but I couldn't have the pogues thinking I was in love with you.”
Your heart falls at his words. “Because that would be embarrassing, right?” you say, trying to hide the dejection you are feeling.
“No.” You look up at him in confusion. “Because I didn't want you to find out before I got the courage to tell you myself.”
“I'm in love with you (Y/N),” he says with a small smile on his face. “I have completely fallen for you. Everything you do, everything you say, everything you are. You’re my first thought in the morning, you’re my last thought before I fall asleep, and you're almost every thought in between.”
The room goes silent and the only sound that can be heard is the rain softly hitting your window. 
“Now is where you say something,” he says with an awkward chuckle.
You open your mouth to speak, but everything you want to say to the boy in front of you is stuck in your throat. “I-” you manage to sutter out.
JJ sighs. “It’s okay,” he says standing up, leaving you to fall limply against your bed. “I figured this would happen. You don’t have to say anything.”
When he moves towards your window, your body seems to catch up with your brain and you run to stop him. JJ turns around, but before he can get a word out, you press your lips to his. 
You swear you see sparks fly behind your eyes the moment your lips meet his. The kiss starts softly at first and then builds with an intensity that has you gripping his shoulders for balance. This kicks the blonde into motion. He places one hand softly on your cheek and uses the other to tug your waist closer to him. 
The intoxicating taste of weed and mint lulls you closer as your lips move together perfectly. Neither of you ever want to stop. Moving your right hand to lace your fingers in his hair, you tug slightly, causing him to let out a small groan. You smile into the kiss before reluctantly pulling yourself away.
“That was…” JJ trails off breathlessly. 
“Yeah,” you agree with a chuckle. “Look, when I first met you, I never would have imagined that I would have such strong feelings for you. I never would have thought that I would miss being by your side, or get butterflies in my stomach when someone mentions your name. When I first met you, I never would’ve thought that I would love you the way I do.”
Tears brim JJ’s eyes as your words fill his heart. “So, you…”
“I love you, Maybank,” you say, not looking away from his eyes.
“Say it again,” he asks in a small voice, eyes wide like he can’t believe the words you are actually saying.
You smile wide. “I love you, so much.”
JJ pulls your body tight to his chest and buries his head into the crook of your neck. “I love you more than anything,” he mumbles into your neck. “I’m sorry it took me so long to say.”
You chuckle, lifting his head off your shoulder and cupping his cheeks with your hands. You place a few soft kisses to his pouty lips causing him to smile wide. “I forgive you, but only because you're cute,” you tell him.
He blushes slightly, leaning down to kiss both of your cheeks and then your lips. Both of you have big smiles on your face when you pull away. “How have I gone this long without kissing you,” JJ says causing you to giggle. He uses the pads of his thumbs to trace your cheekbones. “You’re so beautiful,” the blonde whispers, voice laced with sincerity. 
You blush hard and nuzzle your face into his chest. After a second you look back up at him. “Stay the night?” you ask.
JJ nods. “Of course, my love.”
Smiling at the name you pull him towards your closet. “I thought you didn't give me nicknames,” you tease and he shrugs his shoulders. 
“That was before,” he says with a smile. 
You hum in response, handing him some of his clothes that either he had left at your house or you had stolen from the Chateau. Once he is changed out of his wet clothes, the two of you climb into your bed. 
JJ instantly pulls you snug to his chest and you get comfortable and he presses a soft kiss to the crown of your head. 
Both of you know that everything will change after today. Everything is different now, but for some reason, it feels normal to the two of you. It feels like this was how it was meant to be. Just you and JJ, together.
“I love you, (Y/N).”
“I love you too, Maybank.”
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5uptic · 3 years
hey fanfic spotlight again:)
arm candy by amsves (5up/Fundy, general rating, m/m | 300 words)
Summary: The first thing Fundy does after the stream ends is lean over and engulf 5up in his arms.
a chance encounter by mangoedges (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 450 words)
Summary: Who would have thought Apollo would find his soulmate now?
Desecration Smile by AllianettemiE5 (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 1k words)
Summary: No summary.
She said to me, Oh Death / Come close my eyes by Anonymous (Apollo/Steve, general rating, m/m | 1k words)
Summary: Steve thought the words on his wrist were the coolest thing ever, but they just didn’t make sense. No, really; he even asked 5up–had called him in a possibly drunk state on his twentieth birthday, when a prickling sensation on his arm made him think that he was about to die, 5up, help, and was reminded drily that it was his soulmark, dumbass–and the best his smartest friend (self-proclaimed) could offer was, “Maybe your soulmate’s a poet?” Completely useless. Steve remembered hanging up on him, the click of his mobile cutting off his indignant exclamation. It was only the next day that he looked, properly looked, at his soulmark and tried to make sense of it. Nope. That didn’t work out either; he blamed the hangover. For the longest time ever, he just dismissed it as the universe fucking up. A slash in the middle of a phrase? Ridiculous.
why’d you only call me when you’re high? by LVTO (5up/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 1k words)
Summary: “I miss you,” Steve mumbles through the phone, and his voice has that soft, honest tone that it always does when he’s like this. 5up’s heart clenches. It’s these moments that keep him from leaving like he should’ve done four months ago, these soft-spoken truths that time and time again have him believing that maybe, maybe this time will be different. It never is. or 5up receives a phone call and ponders his life.
jealousy, jealousy by planetwitch (5up/Fundy, teen rating, m/m | 1.1k words)
Summary: 5up and Fundy are best friends and have never crossed that line into something more. Until Fundy gets jealous at 5up's constant admiration for a certain 6 foot tall musician.
mimi's menagerie of the miraculous & the mundane by 5280ft (5up/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 1.1k words, chaptered WIP)
Summary: a drabble for the word of the day, every day, for 100 days.
5up & Co. Throw Yarn at a Wall (and more) by WhenTheFogClears (general rating, gen | 1.3k words, chaptered WIP)
Summary: Hafu neither confirmed nor denied, instead snatching the half unraveled ball of yarn out of his hands forcefully, a cheshire grin finding its way onto her face. Before 5up could clearly decipher the situation, she flung it at him, smacking him directly in the center of his face. or 5up loves throwing yarn at walls, and everyone else quickly picks it up from him. But in different ways.
Inside My Mind by SilverSprinklez10 (5up/Apollo, Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 1.4k words)
Summary: Soulmates are usually a blessing.  But sometimes, a soulmate connection can feel like a curse.
(2021, 190 x 172 cm, oil on canvas) by 5280ft (5up/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 1.9k words)
Summary: Nobody ever painted anything if they’ve never painted the way 5up closes his eyes when he laughs, how his slender fingers wrap around a new tube of paint, how his smile is all teeth and eye-crinkling. Cabanel’s Fallen Angel has curls, but they aren’t 5up’s, are they? Hyllas, in the nymphs, has fair and delicate hands but 5up’s are prettier, especially when he accidentally squirts paint everywhere and slams his palms on the table and goes “fuck!” Steve cackles until he can’t breathe.
Don't Take Me Tongue-Tied by AoDity, LovelyDayForIt (5up/Sleepy, 5up/Apollo, teen rating, m/m | 2.2k words)
Summary: "Sleepy found the ring by luck, something that matches his lover's graceful beauty that he could still afford. Twisted strands of thin silver with a little shimmering opal in the center, it was perfect." Aka: Sleepy's love for Five brought him heartache. If they try, there's still a chance the two could be happy.
implying that the ferris wheel's your body (and i'd really love admission to it) by homeward_bound (David/Hafu/Steve, mature rating, multi | 2.2k words)
Summary: Steve might be drunk out of his mind, but David's just really hot, okay? [or, steve propositions david, kind of. hafu and dumbdog bear witness to his lapse in judgement.]
mi casa es su casa by some_spooky_shit_right_there (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 2.9k words)
Summary: Apollo's soulmate is cautious. Except, apparently, when it comes to coffee. Because, for the fifth time this week, Apollo wakes up to a burnt tongue. It's annoying. He can't really be mad though, because he has given his soulmate so much worse. The occasional burnt tongue is a meager act of penance, comparatively.
I love you too (I love you too) by some_spooky_shit_right_there (5up/Apollo/Steve, general rating, multi | 3.9k words)
Summary: Apollo comes into 5up's coffee shop. He always gets a cup of coffee and either a bagel or a croissant. He always seems tired, and he never comes in on weekends. Steve would really love to find out just who, exactly, he is.
i'm more fool than wise by 5fu (5up/Steve, unrated, m/m | 5.8k words, chaptered WIP)
Summary: Steven Suptic is a brilliant crewmate - ask anyone. Okay so don't ask Janet. Or Dk. Or Koji. You know what, don't even ask - it's pretty obvious he is. But when new recruit and stunningly intelligent 5up boards the Crewfu, Steve isn't so sure he can compete. Not that he cares. Totally. Absolutely. On their mission to gather intel on Polus and find out what happened to the previous crew that disappeared from the planet three years earlier, Steve may realize that maybe he was indeed more fool than wise - and maybe it wasn't a bad thing.
i was praying that you and me might end up together by Qupid (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 7.8k words, chaptered WIP)
Summary: Four years at Polus University. Four first weeks of school. Two strangers become two friends, and maybe even something more. Apollo hates being seen, hates having attention drawn to him, hates living in a world that feels like a game where everyone knows the rules except him. Steve thrives on attention, purposefully draws the gaze of everyone in the room, making his own rules as he floats through life. They're a match made in hell, but Apollo finds that when Steve looks at him, gives him nothing but attention, he doesn't mind being seen after all.
Long Journey Home by some_spooky_shit_right_there (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 9.6k words)
Summary: Homesick and lonesome and I'm feeling kind of blue Feeling kind of blue, boys, feeling kind of blue Homesick and lonesome and I'm feeling kind of blue I'm on my long journey home
there’s so many ways to say “i love you” and i wouldn’t wanna waste ‘em (on someone who, don’t feel it too) by Dear_MaedaysUnwelcomedGhost (5up/Steve, 5up/Hafu, 5up/Ellum, 5up/Kimi, teen rating, multi | 13k words, chaptered)
Summary: Love was a strange thing, 5up found. It was everywhere. And not in the way it may seem. It wasn’t in the adverts of perfect couples with artificial lighting. It wasn’t in the glittery cards made by factories or the flowers sold at grocery stores. Not in the TV shows made to bring in cash and be thrown out, with couples who don’t have anything to hold onto but brief infatuation and physical attraction. But in the friendly smiles of strangers as they pass by. In a mother cutting fruit up for their child. Running a hand through the hair of your partner, as their eyes flutter close and to sleep. Helping a stranger pick up their dropped papers, asking for nothing in return. In the graffiti on the wall by the alleyway you walk by everyday to get to work. To the goods baked by small independent bakeries. Flowers planted in parks to make it just a little nicer, or the ones growing out of pavement cracks with determination.
GuardianPuppy‘s this city needs to be destroyed or at least painted in a different color collection.
spaded_ace’s Casino in the Sky collection.
5fu’s among all this pain collection.
Wait what is this: pretty straight to the point! i’ll regularly share crewfu-related fanfictions to this blog :)
How regularly is “regularly”?: great question! LOL. it depends on the flow of fanfics that get uploaded, which i do not have any control over, but i’m looking forward to do this twice a month. after all, it’s only me doing this and i often run on a tight schedule.
What’s the format like?:
[title of fic with link] by [author of the fic with link] ([main pairing(s)], [fic rating: eg, general rating], [relationship: eg, m/m] | [word count in k], [added prompt to specify if it’s complete or not])
Summary: [summary provided by the author. if it doesn’t have a summary, a “No summary” prompt will be put instead]
(What does WIP mean again?): Work In Progress :)
Why are you doing this?: from the beginning, my blog has hosted conversations about RPF (real people fiction) and crewfu pairings. this has evolved into people sending me updates about certain fics in the crewfu tags every now and then, but i wanna take the next step and just do these things myself. after all, i’m already lurking in the tags often to see the fics that get posted. as someone who is both a writer and a reader, i wanna appreciate fanfic writers and help out other people that want to read fanfic and consume more fandom content!
Will it be AO3 only?: well, ao3 has a very helpful tag system that makes finding fics incredibly easy, as well as allowing people with no accounts to like and comment on fics, so that’s the site i will personally look in for fanworks. but if there are any fics you’ve written or liked in any other platforms, such as wattpad, you can always contact me through my inbox (send an ask or a dm!), and i’ll make sure to include for the next fanfic spotlight :)
Does it mean you won’t reply to fic asks anymore?: yeah, i guess. since i’ll be doing the searching myself it seems counterproductive. but if i ever skip a fic or again, it’s in another platform, or you’ve posted/read the fic a while ago and you want to get more traction on it, hit me up and i’ll take it into consideration!
Will you read every single one of the fics on your list?: oh no. again, i run on a tight schedule, and also i have my own taste when it comes to fics. i won’t be reviewing fics or any of the sort, and my intention extends to simply sharing these fics to this page so people will have easier access to them :) that’s where ao3 tagging becomes SUPER useful!!!
So what’s the criteria for the way you’ll sort out the fics in your list?: word count, going from lowest to highest. in case of fics in other platforms, i guess i’ll put them at the top of the list. i’ll also be looking for fairly recent fics, so let me know if you want any old-ish fic to be included.
I see you talking mostly about 5up/Steve and Steve/Apollo. Can I still send/see other crewfu fics?: why yes absolutely! my goal is to push every fic which heavily features regular crewfu characters - 5uptic and supdog just happen to be very popular pairings. so, to give you a list: core 4 (5up, hafu, dk, steve), apollo, aipha, annie, janet, kimi, ellum, koji… you know the drill. it doesn’t have to be centered on a relationship, or about 5up in specific, etc. my only requirement is that any of the previously mentioned members are a central part of the fic or are HEAVILY featured in it (sorry, minecraft fics with 50+ tags who only mention 5up as an afterthought won’t make the cut :/).
Isn’t shipping Bad™?: well, it’s a little more nuanced than that. i will go out of my way to discourage and shame people who often violate CCs’ boundaries by acting like so and so has a crush on this person, or that this and that are Actually Into Each Other or secretly dating. any sort of tinhat bullshit is a big nono (think larries). but i run on the assumption that people who write rpf understand that what they’re doing is simply write a completely fictional story using real life personalities, and understand the boundaries necessary to do it - aka they’re not tinhats, they understand they can’t assume everything about CCs’ thoughts and personalities, they understand that what they’re writing is strictly fiction, they keep these works only in fandom circles, etc. (but again, it’s only one me doing this, so please be kind if i don’t happen to know that this person is Actually a tinhat or whatever).
show fic: NO. (seriously. i don’t feel comfortable putting my ao3 account out there. please respect my privacy on these trying times <3)
I REALLY don’t care about your rpf/fic talk: fair! i’ll be tagging every single one of these posts as “fanfic spotlight”, so just mute the tag using tumblr settings so you’ll never have to look at these! likewise, you can follow the tag if you want to keep up with it, or search it on my blog to look at the other entries you might have missed.
Hey, my fic is here and I don’t feel comfortable with it being shared over here: no problem! let me know as soon as you can and i’ll take it down <3
39 notes · View notes
alicemitch09writes · 3 years
look, i know i’m an asshole but at least i’m trying
“Look at that, isn’t he amazing?” the blond boy yells, pointing at the TV on display, showing one of those heroes in work.
“Uwah, All Might’s so cool!”
(E/c) eyes followed the boys’ gazes, watching a big hulking figure power through villains.
She could only nod, half-heartedly, keeping her eyes on the screen, listening to the two boys go on about how amazing he was.
Booming laughter sounded off from the screen, the two boys anticipating as the hero turned to the camera. “I am here!”
And then, the boys went wild – gesticulating wildly, words of admiration leaving their lips, eyes twinkling with amazement. Honestly, it was easy to like someone as big and prominent as All Might.
But in a world ruled by quirks, and your perception of them tainted at an early age, it was difficult to really set yourself on where you stood.
“Isn’t he the coolest, (Nickname?)” green eyes turned to the (h/c) girl.
“Uh, yeah…” came the girl’s reply, rather dull and lacking in the same energy as the two boys.
“That was a weak reply, (Name)!” the blond boy turned to her, a bit offended. “You should be crying out like me and Deku! All Might’s the coolest!”
Chancing a look at the said hero on screen, she shrugged, unsure how to reply to that. “I mean, I guess he is.”
Both boys froze at their friend’s lack of admiration for their favorite hero.
“Sorry I’m not like you guys.”
“T-That’s okay, (Nickname).” The green-haired boy says, voice shaky and his eyes sheen with tears he’s fighting off, smiling warmly at her.
“Hey, that doesn’t mean I don’t like him, though. He’s just not my favorite hero.”
The blond boy’s carmine eyes widen at that, the three kids began to walk home together once the show was over.
“Then, who is your favorite?”
“Hm…I guess I prefer the quiet heroes, I guess?” she nods, mind thinking of policemen, teachers, cooks, train staff, and fishermen. “Ones that don’t really stand out but are cooler in other ways.”
“Ah, there’s this one hero I heard about from Kyoto!” Izuku tells her. “He has a healing quirk, but he’s also really good at martial arts and carries a cool staff with him.”
“That’s Merlin!” the girl gushes excitedly, her walking having a bit of a jump. “The Wandering Hero: Merlin! He’s so cool! I think my grandpa mentioned him before, having trained in our dojo when he was still in training. Ma says he was the prettiest looking man next to Pa. And Pa says his quirk’s extra cool if you get to see it in person!”
(E/c) eyes sparkled the more she gushed about this hero of hers, one he’s never heard of because of his rather elusive nature as a hero.
“That sounds amazing, (Nickname)! I wish my family could have known All Might as well!” the green-haired boy’s tiny fists shook with excitement, sharing her enthusiasm.
“Tch, All Might’s still better. Just wait ‘til I become a hero, (Name)…” muttered the blond, hands in his pockets. “Then you’ll see that I’m definitely the best outta the rest.”
She narrowed her eyes at him, looking at her friend in disbelief. Then mischief.
Getting behind him, she kicks the backs of his knees, causing him to topple to the ground face first.
“Ah, Kacchan!”
“What the hell was that for, (Name)!?”
“That was so lame of you, Katsuki!” laughed the girl, sticking her tongue out as she grabbed the green-haired boy’s hand and proceeded to run ahead of him.
Angered the boy rushes to his knees, cheeks definitely not flushed, and gives the two a chase. “HAH!? WHO’RE YOU CALLING LAME!?”
Three little kids ran down the streets, laughing in their wake.
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Traditions in Japan were rather a thing that made the country quite known to the outside world, as many adhered to certain types of customs.
And as per family tradition, certain family never fails to hand over ochugen gifts to the people in your lives.
A (h/c) girl was headed off to the Bakugou’s first, a box full of fresh harvest from her grandpa’s garden. Coincidentally, it also happened to be Izuku’s birthday and she got him special tickets to that superhero exhibit. To commemorate, she had even worn an All Might shirt!
Reaching the Bakugou’s, she put down the Midoriya’s box, before reaching for the doorbell. Someone yelled inside, followed by explosive remarks, which was something she’s rather used to.
Patiently waiting, she felt a buzz, taking her phone out of her shorts pocket, smiling when she saw a text from the birthday boy, feeling the excitement through his text.
The door clicked open, her smile still in place as she furiously texted Izuku back. As she pressed reply, she then pocketed her phone and readily met a pair of carmine eyes.
Except, the owner of said eyes came from the last person she cared for, smile flattening.
For a second there was surprise in his features, softening slightly as his usual scowl set in. His eyes took in her form, the box, then at the ridiculous shirt she had on. “What the fuck are you wear-“
Behind him, a voice called out. “(Name)-chan!”
It was Auntie Mitsuki.
Smile finding its way back, a rather polite one at that, the teen greeted her back. “Hiya, Auntie!”
Shouldering her son aside, receiving a snarky reply she didn’t bother with, the Bakugou matriarch’s eyes shined at the sight of the young teen. “Look at you, growing up so fast to be this cute!” unable to help herself, she reached over to pinch the younger girl’s cheeks before swallowing her into her arms for a hug. Releasing the girl, her carmine eyes then focused and shined at the items in her hand. “Ah, Shihan really has the neatest harvest every summer, thanks for these!”
“We most graciously bestow our gratitude to you, oh great Bakugou Mitsuki!” the teen implored, rather dramatically, earning a laugh between the two, like a running gag.
Bakugou could only watch, quite amazed at their relationship.
“Oi brat, get this will ya?” snapped his mother over her shoulder.
“Don’t tell me what to do, hag!” screamed the blond back, carefully taking the box from her hands.
Their eyes met briefly before she easily slid them away to focus on his mom, an instantaneous reaction.
“You seem dolled up, (Name)-chan. Got a date?”
Humming, she tilted her head to the side. “You could say that,” at that, Bakugou nearly stumbled in his step but she didn’t notice. “it’s Izuku’s birthday today and I’m just having a birthday date with him in a while!”
At the mentioned of Deku, Bakugou froze in his step, looking over his shoulder to take in her attire once more – a gaudy All Might shirt tucked into some simple denim shorts, then some sneakers.
“Aw, ain’t that cute. Oi, Katsuki, why aren’t you with them!?”
Caught, he burst out a reply. “HAH? Why the hell would I spend time with those extras?” his words got the best of him before he could control himself, her brows knitting together, pain flashing through (e/c) eyes for a quick second. He instantly regretted opening his stupid mouth.
“Anyways," he couldn't help notice the slight strain in her voice, feeling his heart drop "I just came to drop by our ochugen gifts. Thank you again for all your help, Auntie.” Grabbing the Midoriya’s gift box from the ground, the teen worked on a smile. “Please tell Uncle Masaru I said hi!” And with that, she was gone.
Both blonds watch the young girl walk away before the door closed. Without a word, Mitsuki walked back in, giving a quick smack to her son’s head before disappearing into the kitchen.
Her hit was rather soft, reprimanding.
Something unpleasant filled his gut as he dropped the gift box on the dining room table and headed off to his room, pained (e/c) eyes haunting him.
You always hurt the ones you love.
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Does it feel weird to feel close to someone you haven’t spoken to in years? That there’s always been this sort of connection between the two of you that instantly links you together even after days, months, years of zero contact?
Well, that’s how Bakugou Katsuki feels towards Yuroichi (Name).
Ever since they were kids and he was introduced to (Name), she was all he cared about. Well, there was Deku, but he was second on his list.
(Name) had always been special for him.
But then, things changed.
Since being paired up with Deku for his practical exam, he was unsettled. Well, he’s been unsettled for a lot of things for lots of reasons. But basically, what he’s been unsettled about with Deku was (Name).
While he remembered wimpy Deku trailing behind him, there was always (Name) ready to drag him away or be beside him. Where there was Deku, (Name) was sure to follow. They were like a combo; one was never without the other. He hated it.
Deku had no fucking quirk, was weak, small, a shitty nerd, yet he had the fucking gall to stand up and try to be a hero. With that, (Name) shifted her attention and adoration to him and him alone.
Honestly, he didn’t mind that they were quirkless – they honestly just got in the way.
Still, it fucking hurts that (Name) wouldn’t bother looking his way or even saying a word to him. Fuck, even Deku would acknowledge him even if it were outta fear!
Bullying probably made sense to keep her distance, especially since he loved targeting weak quirkless like Deku and her. But to be on the receiving end of those angry eyes, it made him weak. It may have enforced and asserted his dominance in middle school, but to her, it was a disgusting power play.
He may not be close with her compared to when they were younger, but he’s always kept an eye out for her (and Deku, shut up). He knows that she’s an expert martial artist, bagging and winning several competitions and tournaments, was the pride of the school and her family dojo, sleeps a lot during classes, and sometimes, the older kids would pick on her because they knew she was tough.
(However, after that one time in middle school, she stopped with the fighting and worked on a clean slate.)
She never befriended anyone without a quirk lightly, the majority of her friends either were quirkless or had a really minor, insignificant quirk. She didn’t seem to care nor mind. However, Deku remained her closest companion.
He’d see her a lot – in hallways, in class, on the way home, but he never got to be with her.
Nonchalant, lax, yet kind and sweet to others, but to him, she was forcibly polite and civil.
Those adoring, reassuring, warm (e/c) eyes were reserved for that one shitty nerd.
He hated to admit it, but he craved for her attention, yearned for her approval, and desperately lingered on the fact that they were childhood friends, so he’s obliged to keep a relationship, even when now they’re barely acquaintances.
On his middle school graduation, while he was surrounded by his so-called friends and his parents, his eyes easily caught on two people laughing amongst themselves.
Just seeing them, laughing together with cherry blossoms fluttering to paint an idyllic image, suddenly made him feel extremely lonely. His hold on his diploma slackened, fingers and foot twitching, eyes taking his childhood acquaintances in.
Graduating top of his class, with a bright future set for UA High School. He should be excited, right? Ecstatic even at what he’s gained? Yet why does it feel so lacking?
Carmine eyes began to soften, especially at the smaller of the two. Realization dawned unto him, the occasion was rather bittersweet for (Name), as it was nearing a year since she lost her parents and she couldn’t share the joyous occasion with them. Thankfully, she had her grandfather with her, then Auntie Inko, and Deku.
But not him.
Irked, he left before his mom could find them, no doubt, to use the opportunity to snag a photo of the three.
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Nothing hurts more than to realize that the one person – he swore to protect, to keep by his side, had completely shunned him.
At first, they were inseparable. But as the years passed, they drifted apart.
The day (Name) punched him was a literal awakening, a prologue really. It got him worked up. Then the Sludge Incident happened. Her parents died. The light in those (e/c) eyes weren’t as bright as before, even when she got a part-time job.
He knew he was wrong; he won’t deny that (but he won’t say it out loud either), but he won’t ever hide from it either.
After getting into UA, he felt her punch even more at the introduction of his classmates with quirks, as she aptly put it “better and flashier” compared to his.
That stung, hurting his ego.
Damn, the top was a challenge.
But he wasn’t backing down, damn it.
So, what is he was a proud asshole? He had every reason to be! He had compensated with his talents, smarts, and versatility.
Still, to be called out on having a shitty personality boosted only by the fact that he had a strong quirk could do a number to him.
When it came to matters of the heart, he sucked in that aspect.
(h/c) locks, framing a pretty face with (e/c) eyes, they always, always, always manage to catch him off-guard.
Unbeknownst to the green-haired nerd, whenever he opened his big mouth to his friends in 1-A, he’d hope there was something about (Name), no matter how small or insignificant. They even texted.
Pride would always win over him whenever Deku would openly talk about (Name) – Bakugou would pretend to be uninterested, looking out the window while he was actually taking in the nerd’s words like a starved man, he was the only source of news he had because for the first time in their life, (Name) was not there with them. It sucked. (She was very clear on steering away from heroics or people who had a quirk, despite having one herself)
The days were lonelier and duller without her. Deku’s ramblings were something – slightly comforting, but don’t tell him that, but it just missed that one figure next to him.
For all his bravado, just the mere mention of Yoruichi (Name) made him weak. Wait, scratch that, (Name) was a strong person by herself, he did not make him weak, shut up. Hesitate, yeah, that’s the word, she made him falter, hesitate. Whatever.
Thankfully, none of his idiotic ragtag of friends keyed in on that. Save for Deku.
Deku, who’d always known. Deku, that sharp fucking nerd who always tried to be the goody-two-shoes and goaded him to talk to her.
Like fuck he’d talk to him about (Name), fucking no way. He’d rather have his nails done with half-and-half bastard than to have a heart-to-heart talk with fucking Deku.
Still, there was just one thing he was sure of about Deku, one thing he’ll never admit to anyone – or even him, out loud: compared between the two, Deku was always the bigger person. He was kinder, gentler, better.
A part of him would forever be jealous of the fact that Deku had been there for her when he couldn’t. Deku had access to parts of (Name) he was barred from. Deku was protective of her. Deku had (Name).
And as for him? Well, he was probably good as a dead fuck to her.
The punch still stung.
Nothing hurts more than to realize that you never had a chance, to begin with.
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From: (Name) Yuroichi
To: Bakugou Katsuki
I’m glad you’re safe.
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A day after Kamino…
For once, the Bakugou household was at peace, a day after his kidnapping. The day before, there was screaming, yelling, crying from both parentals that probably had dried off for today. At least for the first few minutes of the day.
The doorbell rang, Katsuki called out to get it, desperate for a bit of distraction from the silence around him.
He opened the door then froze, breath hitching. Two breaths, actually.
Carmine met (e/c).
For once, indifference was not the expression set on her face that he was looking at, but a softened expression. So incredibly soft.
An image of a younger her suddenly came to mind, back to when they first met each other.
“Katsu- “stopping, her lips pinched together, a small frown setting in, not ready to say his name just yet.
Hurt flashed in his eyes, desperately taking her in.
When he was kidnapped, first of all, he was annoyed as fuck, but most of all, he was scared. The League of Villains had him by the neck, literally, immobilized him, just to lure out All Might. And the thing that kept him grounded was her, (Name). The memory of her soft expression after they’d washed the dishes, comforting silence between them, that burnt mark on her neck, her telling him to have fun at summer camp. Her text message.
Remembering her presence at his doorstep, his eyes caught hold of the item in her hand – ochugen gifts, he uncharacteristically gestured at it.
“My mom’s not home, so…” his words came out lamely, weakly. So, unlike him.
But she was so lost in her head that she could only nod.
Gently, he reached for the box, their fingers brushing against each other lightly.
Something fluttered in his chest, wildly and tightly. Summer seemed to have come quickly as he was beginning to sweat, the smell of burnt sugar bleeding through.
Head still hung low, he took it as her parting, something in his chest twisting painfully, and he slowly turned on his back.
(Before he headed back in, instincts – maybe, or her heart forced her to, she grabbed hold on the back of his shirt, stopping him, and pressed her head between his shoulder blades, taking in his scent.)
Bakugou didn’t move, feeling her shaking hands balling into fists, as though to ground herself.
“I…I know I said this already, but still, I want you to know,” her voice was shaky, but she continued to speak, taking a deep breath. “I’m so glad you’re safe.” The thing in his chest continued to flutter wildly, threatening to come out. “And I’m so sorry this happened to you.”
Silence followed, likening to a pregnant pause, there was more she wanted to say, but the fear of having your feelings get the best of you seemed off-setting in the given situation, so she settled for that.
Before another word was said, she hurriedly grabbed the Midoriya’s box and clumsily left, completely red in the face.
He watched her leave over his shoulder, she almost ran into the gate, fumbling with the box as she headed to the Midoriya’s.
Suddenly, he felt lighter. The punch no longer hurt, leaving a bruise in its wake. This was the beginning of progress with her, it was something. Proud as he is, Bakugou’s never one to admit his mistakes, but for her, he’ll try.
If anything, she was right about everything she thought about him. Especially the part that he was lame.
masterlist • eight
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ifeelallwrite · 3 years
Let’s talk about Hospital Playlist. (KDRAMA REVIEW)
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note: does contain spoilers
When people ask me what is my favorite Korean drama of all time, with no doubt, IT’S HOSPITAL PLAYLIST. This drama has the comic relief, the emotional scenes, realistic characters-just to name a few. No toxic relationships and petty revenge fights. Nothing else will stop me for saying that this is the ultimate feel good drama.
SYNOPSIS: The drama shows insights into the daily lives of doctors and nurses working at Yulje Medical Hospital. It focuses on 5 doctors who have been friends since medical school, who also play together as a band.
This drama encompasses so many elements and characters so bear with me yo this might be real long 
Hospital Playlist is produced/written by the Shin-Lee PD and writer pairing, whose previous works were the renowned Reply trilogy and Prison Playbook (which are *chef’s kiss*) I really like that all their dramas really highlight humanism, and puts emphasis on creating a heartwarming and realistic series. There isn’t always a major conflict to be resolved, but instead it showcases how different people-in this case mostly those in the medical field-go on about their daily lives.  I also liked their reasoning to produce a medical drama which was that hospitals were where the most dramatic moments occurred, for example during births, deaths or sickness. And since we are still in the Covid-19 pandemic, it ties in greatly to be paying homage to all the medical personnel saving lives. Hence, props to those who were involved in this meaningful masterpiece <3
The drama is not the usual 16 episodes, but has 12 episodes for each season (SEASON 2 IS COMING SOON YAAS) Good thing is I felt that they were still able to weave a dynamic storyline in the first season even with lesser episodes. The writing was just top-notch with the witty humor bits. Additionally, the music is AMAZING. I love the concept of the main characters being a band and playing different songs every episode too.
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Okay, now onto the characters. I thought that every character in this drama was well rounded. Starting of with the main five characters, also known as The 99ers, whose distinctive personalities and natural chemistry make all of them extremely likeable. All main characters are professors of different specialties, and I find the male OB-GYN (Seokhyeong) and female neurosurgeon (Songhwa) very refreshing. Also, I like Shin-Lee dramas always have characters that might be realistic yet hardly seen in other dramas or films. For example, Professor Ahn Jeongwon. Despite being a chaebol (inheritor/heir), he isn’t depicted as a spoilt brat or a cold character, instead as a warm Pediatric doctor who uses his wealth to secretly support patients in need. However it makes him stingy to his friends LOL
To be honest, I really thought I was gonna dislike Junwan due to his cold and tsundere nature. I pretty much believed that he was going to be the party pooper type of the bunch, but with the writer being a master of character development, he turned out to be really sincere and hilarious at times. Same for Ikjun, who apart from his enthusiastic and happy go lucky exterior, cares the most about the people around him. Although Seokhyeong seemed detached and introverted, he shows a emotional side to his friends as well as his mother. Songhwa is literally a girlboss though haha she’s smart, capable and gets along with everyone well. And she’s the most sane out of the bunch. 
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With all the main characters, we have the relationships. Junwan is the first to date seriously with Iksun (the dog or Micky? jkjk) who is Ikjun’s sister. When it first happened I was like not again Jung Kyung Ho (bc he dated his best friend’s sis in prison playbook too LMAO) I think their relationship was realistic and open. It also showed a more sensitive side to Junwan who would do anything for her. I especially liked how he said he didn’t need access to her phone because he trusted her. Yet as all couples do, they have their fair share of ups and downs. Like conflicts on getting married and a long distance relationship as Iksun moves overseas for graduate studies. I don’t really know how to take the ambiguous ending for these two, as Junwan receives the returned box (that has the ring he sent) I really hope nothing bad happens to these two though.
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I’m sure we all love Wintergarden couple though, tbh they’re kinda my OTP at the moment 🤣 It was pretty much a ‘will they won’t they’ relationship with a relatively slow build. I think Gyeoul turned out to be one of my favourite characters. Shin Hyun Been did a good job at portraying her as a straightforward but innocent Resident, who is pretty much openly crushing on Jeongwon. The scenes they had together were adorably awkward (and the scene where he gives her chocopies omg) And when Jeongwon battles his inner conflict to become a priest, the final decision where they kiss was beautifully shot, with the actors both showcasing their emotions extremely well. 
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Then we have Chihong who pursues Songhwa, his professor. Midway through the drama, it is also shown that Ikjun and Songhwa might have had romantic feelings for each other. Songhwa ends up rejecting Chihong’s confession. In my opinion, Chihong was quite a interesting character but I didn’t really like him at the end. (I like the actor though) He did a real jerk move during drinking games, insisting on Ikjun to confess his feelings towards her even though he is already trying not to put Songhwa in an awkward spot. Although his character did end up making a cool exit and when I thought about his incredible story of soldier to doctor, I kinda regret disliking him that much. As for IkSong, In the final episode Ikjun confesses to her one last time, and we are left waiting for Songhwa’s reply. As much as I love this pairing, I don’t think that the ship will sail or maybe not as quickly as we think. I believe Songhwa would meticulously consider the sacrifices to their friendship or other aspects and might not be able to bring herself to it, but I hope it’s otherwise. 
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Lastly not forgetting Seokhyeong and Minha, another Professor+resident pairing. This one’s a bit ambiguous though, mainly because there hasn’t been much romantic development. To me, the most impactful scene came from Minha who had been irritated by continuous night shifts and was on the verge of a breakdown. She ended up remarkably saving a patient, starting off surgery on her own for the first time. Oh man Minha was such a lovable character, I remember feeling so bad for her but extremely proud of her for her accomplishment. Although Seokhyeong seemed a bit aloof and distant (which was intentional bc he’s an introvert) I think the backstory and all the hardships he faced with his family really made me feel for him. I hate to break it to you, but I’m not so sure if the ship will sail because of the phone call from his ex-wife and Minha’s somewhat rejected confession. But who knows, they might pull off a twist 👀
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Apart from all these characters, there are more characters HHAHAH However, I think this is the killing point of ShinLee dramas. Unlike typical dramas which usually focuses on a main character and 2-3 side characters, they like to cast a diverse range of actors (especially those from theatre/musicals and lesser known drama/movie actors) while actually give their characters personality or a reason to be there. I’ve seen many dramas where extras or side characters were kind of irrelevant thus making me feel that they weren’t needed to build the storyline, yet ShinLee dramas hit different y’all. Every role, no matter how small, holds significance to the drama. It really seemed like a collaborative work that shows off every actors skills (and not forgetting staffs) and teamwork.
Anyways because there are way too many characters and too many scenes for me to mention them all, I’ll just talk about some honourable mentions heheh
1. Sunbin and Seokmin confession scene (ahh so cute)
I kinda sensed that they liked each other at the start but I didn’t know Seokmin would ask her out on a date at the end. Even though it’s kinda awkward that they are dating and working with each other though (both are in the same department) but hey the confession was cute and awkward and just warm and fuzzy 🥰
I think we all (would) love Mama Rosa because she’s a real one ☝️ (probably the coolest mother ever) She’s feisty, hilarious and kind to others. Plus her friendship with Ju Jong Su was just adorable and super wholesome. The scenes where they were supporting one another through tough times and hanging out with each other when they felt lonely always put a smile on my face. Oh and how Mama Rosa treated Gyeoul was extremely sweet. (as well as Seokhyeong’s mother) Despite her tough exterior, she’s a likeable character for being a strong but caring woman.
3. Just Do Jae Hak
I seriously love this guy so muchhh omg he’s so funny
Do Jae Hak has a funny amd clumsy personality, though it’s clear he’s been through a lot and is strong willed person. From admitting his indecisiveness to counselling Jun Wan on his love issues, there’s literally nothing to hate about him.
4. Uju and his dadd
The father and son chemistry between these two is so good omg. The scenes with these two are so adorable and heartwarming (not to mention hilarious) It’s amazing to see how Ikjun cares so much for Uju despite his hectic workdays while going through infidelity issues with his ex-wife. Uju is matured for his age and shows his love and appreciation for his dad too, making their interaction a great portrayal of a healthy family relationship💞
5. the food stealing the show🥘
Who doesn’t love food and when a show has great food scenes? Some of the best scenes are definitely when the 99s gather to eat. It really showcases each character’s personality with the tiniest details as well as highlight warm delicious meals. Just don’t watch this when you’re hungry at 2am in the morning guys you’ll be drooling all over your screens HAHAHA
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Of course there are way more aspects, like Hongdo and Yoonbok, Ikjun and Iksun’s pigeon jokes and raps, or Jeongwon drunk crying in the chicken shop with his brother (who was his coach in Reply 1994 when he played Chilbong LOL)
Most importantly, I think it is the themes and messages that you get from the drama that really create such a lasting impression. Not only does it hit you in the feels with the hardships of hospital patients, or the hardworking doctors+nurses who are working long shifts saving lives, it also tackles topics of friendships through the possibilities of platonic and friends-to-lovers relationships. However I think the biggest lesson for me came from Seokhyeong, who learns to live his life doing what he want, with the people he treasures. Although the drama might seem slow at times (mainly because there isn’t really a main plot line/conflict occurring), but this drama would still bring you on a journey where you would laugh, cry and finish the series, begging for season 2 ✌🏻
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fuyuweb · 3 years
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feat. BNHA bakugo, todoroki, hawks
genre. fluff, angst (during todo's, but only if you squint)
Xtra. gn! reader, This is platonic, hawks calling reader "kiddo", just the wee-ist bit of angst (todoroki), Bakugo's scenario is with a child reader!!
Based off of:
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[Bakugo's is only based off of this, doesn't really include the shown dialogue!!]
HAWKS had just saved you, yet again from a villain. You had been working under his agency for the past 2 years, as a sidekick. You always admired him but were too scared to show it. This time, it was different \\ "Woah...You're so my hero Hawks!" With stars in your eyes, you look over to the stretching male, who soon looks back at you. "I literally do nothing of significance?" He quirks a brow at you and snorts. "Wha- That makes me wonder just how unbelievable something has to be for you to see it as significant." You cross your arms, closing your eyes. You could be seen with the slightest smile on your face. However, the male is seen sporting a shocked look, soon morphing into a face of gratitude. He walks over and puts you in a headlock, ruffling your hair; "Who knew you could get so sentimental, kid!"
BAKUGO KATSUKI was a man you really could admire. He was the coolest person you knew! Being out shopping with your mother was tiring, but your opinion surely changed after seeing him on the street \\ Running up to the ash blonde boy, you were sure he was the cool guy from the sports festival! "H-Hey mister!" Bakugo turns around aggravated, soon becoming confused when he sees a child tugging at his pant leg. "The hell is this twerp doing here?" He wants to say more, only to be cut off by the pro-hero with him; Best Jeanist. "Bakugo, that's merely a child. Don't be rude." As soon as the hero turns around, the boy rolls his eyes, looking down at the child. "Whaddya want?" You give him a big smile, only to reply with "Um, I just wanted to say um, You're my hero!" The ash-blonde stares at you for a good 5 seconds before smirking, "The hell I am! You sure know who the best hero's are don't ya" As he's ruffling your hair, he thinks; He could get used to this!
TODOROKI SHOUTO was someone everyone thought was talented. You too definitely thought he was amazing, You told him all the time, but it seems he thought different \\ "Cool...You're totally my hero Sho!" You look at the bi hair colored male, giving him a huge smile. He looks over to you, stoic as ever, and sighs. "I told you to stop calling me that, [name]" He furrows his eyebrows, giving you a tone to show he was a little irritated. You narrow your eyes at him, looking straight into his eyes, and retort, "Yeah? Well, you also told me not to lie, so which is it?" His look doesn't change as he stands up straight, "The former. Don't call me that as if you know me." He walks off, his shoulder brushing yours as he keeps his head down. You stumble a bit, then walk off yourself clenching your fists.
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holy shit this was long
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in which adrien is a science teacher and has to pay his karma by babysitting a teenager that has his exact same humor when he was 15.
Chapter 2 of Chat Noir Is My Science Teacher is up, friends :D
Ch. 2. Mr. Deep
In which Matt is baby and Adrien begins to pay his karma for being a lil shit when he was younger, with interest.
When Matthieu braced himself for the day, the last thing he expected to happen was learning that Mr. Dupain-Cheng, his science teacher, was none other than his idol, Chat Noir.
Yes, Mr. Dupain-Cheng, the dorky teacher who laughed at his own bad science puns and had a themed t-shirt for every day of the week. Mr. Dupain-Cheng, the man who thought grading with “You Tried” stars and cat stickers was funny. Mr. Dupain-Cheng, who was so gullible he didn’t notice when students wanted to distract him from giving a lesson by asking him about his wife because they knew he could rant about her for hours. Mr. Dupain-Cheng, the only teacher that replied with an ‘ok :)’, a meme, and the signature, ‘Sent from my cat-phone,’ when replying to a well-thought email. That Mr. Dupain-Cheng.
How could this be possible? He was so... so uncool .
Read below the cut or on AO3 by clicking the link above.
When Matthieu braced himself for the day, the last thing he expected to happen was learning that Mr. Dupain-Cheng, his science teacher, was none other than his idol, Chat Noir.
Yes, Mr. Dupain-Cheng, the dorky teacher who laughed at his own bad science puns and had a themed t-shirt for every day of the week. Mr. Dupain-Cheng, the man who thought grading with “You Tried” stars and cat stickers was funny. Mr. Dupain-Cheng, who was so gullible he didn’t notice when students wanted to distract him from giving a lesson by asking him about his wife because they knew he could rant about her for hours. Mr. Dupain-Cheng, the only teacher that replied with an ‘ok :)’, a meme, and the signature, ‘Sent from my cat-phone,’ when replying to a well-thought email. That Mr. Dupain-Cheng.
How could this be possible? He was so... so uncool .
When Matt thought about who Chat Noir might be under his mask he always pictured someone bold and dashing, maybe one of those cool guys that worked in those crazy science startups. Someone brave, fearless... not a father of two who, Matt was pretty sure, screeched one time a flying cockroach somehow crawled from one of the sinks in the lab. He pictured someone like Barbara Keynes or Peter Parker.
They were witty and mysterious. Mr. Dupain-Cheng was too nice to be a superhero.
“Matt!” Timo tackled him into a hug as Matthieu and Mr. Dupain-Cheng joined the rest of the class. Ladybug had finished handing out autographs to his classmates and had already left. “Are you okay? Did you see the Akuma? It was so sick!”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Matthieu muttered, as Mr. Dupain-Cheng pointedly put as much distance between himself and Matt. He called the class’ attention to continue their museum visit.
“You’re in danger, kid.” His teacher’s words still resounded in Matthieu’s head. “For your own safety, lay low until I decide what to do with this, okay?”
He didn’t give Matt a chance to ask any questions, to say anything. He basically wanted him to ignore this, to act as if he had just found him practicing some obscure hobby outside school.
As they walked, Matt trained his eyes on the back of his teacher’s head, the blond, messy mop of hair towering over the group of teens.
“Hey, Timo?”
“Mr. Deep is, like, a nerd, right?”
“Yeah, he’s pretty cool,” Timo said, his attention more invested in his portable video game console than in the conversation. “He knows, like, all the animes.”
“That’s not cool,” said Matt.
“Of course it is,” Timo said, finally peeling his eyes off the screen. “We like that stuff.”
Timo had a point, Matthieu had to admit.
“And remember the time he helped me solder that motherboard we used for the robot competition? That was pretty cool.”
“I... suppose.”
Timo shrugged, blissfully unaware of Matt’s current crisis. “I keep telling you, man,” he said, returning to his videogame. “Mr. Deep is the coolest teacher at school.”
After the field trip, Matt went home stuck in a contemplative trance, wanting to decide what the revelation was that truly bothered him: the fact that Chat Noir’s civilian persona was absolutely nothing like what he had pictured, or that Timo was right and the reason why he disliked Mr. Dupain-Cheng was actually because he looked up to him, and that he embodied the complete opposite of everything Matt was taught to be.
The more he thought about it, the more it made sense, to be honest. As any self-respecting fan, Matthieu knew Chat Noir’s career by heart. He had seen those old clips of him as a teenager, cracking witty jokes and one-liners in the middle of battle. It kind of made sense that he’d grow up to be the kind of man that was unapologetically chaotic. Besides, those memes and punny cat stickers he liked to grade with? Suddenly it seemed all so obvious. It was almost as if Mr. Dupain-Cheng was flaunting the truth in front of everyone, knowing no one would peg him as the kind of man who was a superhero. It was all in the same way no one seemed to understand how on earth such a whacky dude would end up with one of the most successful designers in Paris.
Matt suddenly shot up from the comfort of his bed as he contemplated his thoughts.
Ladybug. Weren’t Ladybug and Chat Noir a couple?
Oh my god, is Mr. Dupain-Cheng cheating on his wife with Ladybug? Or backwards? Wait... Isn’t that famous designer his wife? What’s her name, MDC? No, that’s the brand. Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
Does his wife even know? Oh, no... Poor woman! Wait... what if...
Matt gasped. “She’s Ladybug. She has to be.”
He paced around his room, his thoughts going a thousand miles an hour. “I can never let Hawkmoth akumatize me ever again,” he screeched, grabbing handfuls of his hair. “Oh my god!” he shrieked. “Okay, Matt, breathe. Breathe. Just... Think. Okay. This can be good, right? This can be good.”
He kept pacing around.
“Okay, Matt. Okay. You just figured out that Mr. Deep is Chat Noir and his wife is Ladybug... Cool, it’s all cool,” he said to himself in a pitch heightened by the sheer panic that coursed through him. “It’s okay, it’s—.”
He suddenly stopped dead in his tracks as inspiration struck. He gasped excitedly and immediately got on his knees to reach under his bed.
“Of course!” he exclaimed, pulling out a small corkboard he kept hidden under the bed. The board was an indulgent little project if he did say so himself. It wasn’t related to any of his school activities, which is why he had to keep it hidden. Goodness knows what his parents would do if they found out he had been wasting time investigating who Hawkmoth might be.
This wasn’t bad, this was great!
I can help him! Matt thought excitedly. I can help him and Ladybug track Hawkmoth down!
He took a few shots of it with his phone to then ferociously kick it out of view, back under the bed again, when his mother entered his room.
“What are you doing on the floor, Matthieu?” Mrs. Magan, a middle-aged woman with stern eyes, said to him.
“I... lost a coin.”
Mrs. Magan frowned, not making much of the excuse. “Dinner is ready.”
Matthieu let out a silent sigh of relief as his mother turned around, then quickly followed after her, knowing better than to have her remind him a second time.
I can help him, he thought again excitedly. I can be his sidekick!
Matthieu was not one to be late for school, but the day after discovering Mr. Deep’s identity he decided to be extra early, just to make sure he’d be able to talk to him in private. There was always the risk that he’d be late of course, but now that Matthieu knew the reason, he could hardly hold it against him.
Matt was lucky enough to spot him in the Chemistry lab when he arrived. He peeked through the small window on the door. it seemed he was grading papers.
He grinned and immediately went in, hardly being able to contain his excitement.
“Good morning, Mr. Dupain-Cheng!” he exclaimed enthusiastically, causing Adrien to jolt and knock some of the paper sheets to the ground. Matt rushed to pick them up before Adrien had the chance to do so. “So listen, I have thoughts ,” he said as he put the papers back on the desk and fumbled with his backpack to produce his phone. “I was up all night updating my Hawkmoth board, and I was thinking—I was thinking that maybe, you know this philanthropist, Lila Rossi—”
Adrien could only stare dumbfounded at how fast Matt rambled before he even caught the drift of what he was saying. Once he registered it though, he jolted once again.
“Shh!” Adrien hushed at the teen, frantically looking around himself to see if anyone was in the vicinity—even though the door was closed.
“Matthieu, what are you talking about?” he hissed.
“I wanna help you track Hawkmoth!” Matthieu piped with a bright smile, reaching into his backpack again to produce his phone. “Last night, I was thinking, ‘Hey, maybe this happened for a reason.’ I’m pretty good at this whole deduction thing, you know? I’m at the top of the class in almost all subjects and I have like, all the badges possible on the Ladyblog. Also, look, I have this board that I made about all the possible suspects because if you look at the akumatizations there’s a real pattern, and I’m thinking that whoever Hawkmoth might be, has some stuff to work through, because oh my god. Oh, like, this person he—”
“Matthieu, keep your voice down!” Adrien interrupted him. “No! I can’t let you do that. What happened yesterday was an accident, kid. Okay? It’s best if you just... If you just try to pretend like you don’t know anything while Ladybug and I decide what to do. This isn’t a game, Matt. You are in danger. If Hawkmoth ever lays hands on you, there’s no telling what might happen. Stay. Away. From. This.”
Undeterred by the ominous delivery of Mr. Dupain-Cheng’s warning, Matthieu beamed at him. “Don’t worry, Mr. Deep! I’m good at keeping secrets! I—”
“No. It is out of the question, Matthieu. This is dangerous and I—wait, what did you just call me?” Adrien said, suddenly catching the nickname.
Matthieu grew red in the face and smiled sheepishly at his teacher. “Mr. Deep... You know, ‘cause you’re always, like, going off these crazy deep tangents about the physics of akumas and stuff and—Oh my god, that makes so much sense now! Do you study them in your free time? Oh, wow! Do you and Miss Ladybug have a secret layer? Like Majestia and Knight Owl? Wait, actually, don’t answer that. Sensitive information, am I right? Oh! Also, I think Mr. Deep really fits you because you always give us this weirdly specific and deep life advice? And I don’t know how you do it but it’s always on point? Also, your name starts with a D...”
Adrien looked at the boy, shocked, and frankly a little scared that a kid could talk so much, so fast. There’s only one other person he had ever known whose mouth ran like a broken faucet if she was given the chance.
Wait , Adrien thought. Did... did he just pun with my name?
A part of him was flattered, another was surprised, a third one was slightly insulted.
The kid punned with my name. I’m his teacher !
“Matt!” he exclaimed, interrupting Matthieu’s spoken stream of consciousness. “No. This is final. Stay away from this. I don’t want to have to repeat myself. It is final.”
Again, unfazed by Adrien’s effort to act seriously, Matthieu beamed at him. “Don’t worry, Mr. Deep. I’ll prove you can trust me! I would not trust me, too, if I were you. But I’ll prove it! You’ll see.”
The bell rang, and with it came a thankful end to the conversation. At least on Adrien’s side.
“And don’t call me Mr. Deep.”
“Okay, Mr. Deep!” Matthieu said, beaming at him as he made his way out of the classroom. “Oops! I mean, Mr. DC.”
Adrien sighed, glaring at the boy and feeling some sort of karmic entity laughing at him. He knew exactly what Matt’s energetic yet jesterly energy reminded him of: a sixteen-year-old version of himself whose favorite pastime was seeing how much foolery he could get away with before Ladybug decided to murder him in cold blood.
“It’s your karma,” Plagg muttered quietly before his students began pouring into the classroom. “Kid’s your spitting image. Though I gotta say, he blabbers as much as Spots.”
“Oh, shush it!”
“You know you have to tell her soon, right?” Plagg muttered from inside Adrien’s overshirt. “The more you delay, the deeper your grave.”
“I said shush.”
The little god snickered. “Someone’s in trouble.”
Plagg was right, though. Adrien had to tell Marinette about this. It was already bad that he didn’t tell her the moment it happened. She hated it when he did that. But in his defense, he knew she had a tough day at the label and he didn’t want to freak her out. He hoped that excuse would be enough. Plagg had laughed at him when he asked for his opinion about it.
Yeah, he was in trouble.
There was no way but through, he knew this. That didn’t mean his legs could tell the difference between an honest conversation with his life partner and the visceral fear for his survival that was elicited at the image of said conversation. He felt them buckle as he casually leaned against the kitchen island, trying his best to act natural.
The kids had been put to bed and there was thankfully no Akuma in sight. At least not yet.
Marinette sighed with relief as she swiftly undid her hair and reached into the fridge for a bottle of wine. If Adrien hadn’t been so terrified by what he was about to do, he’d allow himself to swoon at her.
Witnessing Marinette shed the tiredness of the day as she swapped into comfortable clothes—usually loose shirts and yoga pants— and poured her drink of choice was one of his favorite things to watch. It didn’t matter that they had been living together for a little over seven years now, he’d never get tired of watching her exist.
“You want some?” Marinette said as she stood on her tiptoes to reach the shelf where they kept the wine glassware.
“Yeah, sure,” Adrien said, then continued speaking after thanking his wife for the wine. “You’ll never guess what happened today.”
“What?” she said, clinking her glass against his before taking the first sip.
“A kid punned with my name.”
Marinette chuckled. “Really? What did he call you?”
“Mr. Deep.”
Marinette snorted as she took another sip from the glass.
“He said it’s because I like to go on deep tangents and because my name starts with a D. Kid can’t pun to save his life.”
Marinette smirked at him. “You’re one to talk.”
He dropped his jaw. “I can’t believe you just asked me for a divorce, m’lady.”
Marinette rolled her eyes and smiled, walking past him on the way to the couch. She placed her wine glass on a small side table and pulled out a sketchbook from one of its drawers. She busied herself reviewing her work while Adrien gathered the courage to nudge the conversation in the direction it needed to go.
“M’lady?” he said from behind her.
“What did you do,” Marinette replied immediately, as she flipped through the pages of the sketchbook.
”I— why do you always assume I did something?”
Marinette turned around and mocked him, then gave him a knowing smirk. “It’s in your tone, Chaton. You can’t lie.”
“I am an excellent liar, I’ll have you know.” He stopped himself from bragging further, seeing as Marinette frowned.
“What is it, Adrien? What happened?”
Adrien’s palms were sweating with anxiety. He gulped. “First of all, I love you and you know that, right?”
“Adrien,” Marinette said, her voice hitching up her tone.
“It’s nothing bad . I mean, it’s a ‘could be worse’ sort of situation.”
“ Adrien !”
“Hypothetically speaking, imagine... what if, er... one of the wielders accidentally revealed himself to someone who, uh, someone who absolutely shouldn’t know? Hypothetically speaking.”
“Adrien, what did you DO ?” Marinette screeched.
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ahatintimestorybook · 2 years
Hopes and Friendships Chap. 8-Path to Dreams
So sorry for the long update!
I actually got back into writing this fanfic thanks to work. February and March was NOT a good time for me and I was having on and off stress, panic attacks, anxiety, etc. So, during the quiet and slow hours of work I’d written the ideas of how the next couple of chapters are going to go down, and BOY I love the path this story is going!
Good news: I'm on vacation from work. It's more of a staycation but I’m gonna need it as work is EXTREMELY busy during March Madness.
Thanks to @gigilefache for being my beta reader! Also give them some love they had a rough day yesterday!!
Once Harriet was back to her dorm she told Mu everything that Headmistress Elizabeth told Harriet about her mother. Mu was not surprised that the headmistress went off on her friend like that, but what had surprised Mu was that her best friend is the granddaughter of the Headmistress.
“I-I can’t believe the Headmistress would just talk to you like that!” Mu shouted. “Especially about your mother, her own daughter!”
Harriet sighed as she hugged her pillow tighter. Mu loosened her glare and sat down next to Harriet putting her arm around her. “You don’t actually believe her do you?”
“No! Of course not!” Harriet replied. “I just need to know why my mom left! I know she loves my dad, she loves me, and she couldn’t leave us just like that.”
Mu pulled Harriet closer and rubbed her arm in hopes to calm her down. Soon it was silent between the two girls.
“So what are you going to do?” Mu asked, breaking the silence. Harriet looked up at her friend. “Do you want me to take you back to Earth and tell your father about your mom, or would you like to stay here and look for her?”
Harriet thought about the question for a bit. She wanted to do both, but one problem remained: Going home would be great and she would tell her dad the news about her mother, but offhand he doesn’t believe her, and forbids her from going back to Sperenza would be a problem if she had to go back to look for her mom.
Even though she didn’t want to, she had only one choice. “I’m gonna stay here and look for her,” Harriet answered, “there’s no point going back home now. My mom is somewhere in Speranza and I need to find her and bring her home.”
Mu sighed. “Alright I won’t stop you.” She told her. Harriet smiled in reply. “But,” Harriet’s expression changed, “I’m going to help you find her.”
Harriet smiled and hugged her witch friend tight, which suprissed Mu. Mu gave a small smile and hugged Harriet tight back.
“Thanks Mu, you're the best witch friend a human could ever have.”
Mu was happy with the friendly comment. “And you're the coolest human I ever met.” She replied.
Once the sky became dark and the night sky loomed overhead, Harriet and Mu were already in bed sound asleep. Though, Harriet would be sleeping more soundly if not for another specific dream.
Harriet looked around and saw she was back in the same snowy forest. The person calling for her sounded much clearer than last time. “Harriet!”
Harriet gasped recognizing the voice. It wasn’t Mu calling for her it was…
“M-Mom?” She asked.
“Harriet!” Vanessa called out again.
“M-Mom!” Harriet yelled. “Mom! Where are you?!”
“Harriet! I’m here, but you must hurry.” Vanessa called out.
This confused Harriet.
“Hurry? Why?” she asked.
The blizzard then picked up, causing Harriet to bundle herself the best she could as the wind muffled Vanessa’s calls.
Harriet gasped waking up from her dream. She saw that the blankets were wrapped around her almost like a cocoon. She loosened herself from the blankets and looked around till her eyes landed on Mu’s bed. The witch was still asleep, and Harriet was relieved that her dream didn’t wake up Mu.
With a sigh, Harriet got out of bed and looked out the window.
“I miss you mom,” Harriet whispered, “I’ll find you and then take you to all the places dad took me to cheer me up.” She frowned and went back to bed and lied down going back to sleep.
The following morning, Harriet sat alone in class waiting for it to start. To pass the time she took notes and drawings of the things that happened in her dreams. She sighed as she put the finishing touches on her sketch.
“Thinking about your mom, again?” Mu asked.
Harriet gasped and turned around, surprised by her friend. “Oh, Mu” Harriet sighed, “please don’t do that again.”
Mu chuckled. “Sorry.” She she sat down on her desk.
“It’s okay, but to answer your question…” Harriet paused before continuing. “Remember a few nights ago when I had that dream of someone calling for me?” She asked.
“Yeah.” Mu replied.
“Well, I had it again, but I was able to hear who was calling for me. It was my mom.” Harriet explained.
Mu’s eyes widened in surprise. “Seriously?” She asked. Harriet nodded. “Did you see her, did she say where she is?” Mu had a ton of questions, but Harriet shook her head in response.
“I only heard her, but where she was…I don’t know.” Harriet replied.
Soon Miss. Cook came into class, along with the rest of the students, and everyone settled down and got ready for the day's lesson.
“Alright class, settle down.” She said, Soon the class went quiet and faced their teacher. “Okay class, today you’ll be working on charms.”
Mu squealed as her eyes sparkled with stars. Harriet turned and smiled at her friend, “You look happy.”
“I’ve been wanting to learn about this lesson!” Mu replied, whispering to her friend.
“For this lesson, you and a partner,” The second Miss. Cook said the word partner she heard desks, feet and tables being moved as her class seated with who they wanted to be partnered with. “Will work together to create your own charm.” She continued. “Now, if you or your partner have the notes we took last week, use that to help create your charm.”
As Miss. Cook continued about the lesson, Mu gave Harriet her notes about the lesson. “Read it.” Mu whispered. Harriet slowly nodded and looked through Mu’s notes about charms.
On Mu’s notes it said:
Charms are magical items created by witches. Each charm can do abilities such as wishes, looking into memories, and creating good luck. They come in many shapes and colors, and their powers vary depending on such.
The way to create a charm is with a magical clay made by sand from Cowrie Beach, and the plants from Wineberry Grove. Then while chanting, a spell would be stored in the charm. From there the charm is created and can be used then constantly chanting a spell when another spell could be used.
Other than the written notes Mu had jotted down, there were also some doodles featuring Mu and some charm style ideas in her notebook as well.
Then Harriet had an idea. “Hey Mu.” She whispered. Mu turned to face her friend. “Think we can make a dream charm?”
“We can try.” Mu replied, whispering back. Harriet smiled as they continued listening to Miss. Cook’s lesson, or at least the last bit of it.
“When you're done with your charm. Your homework will be to test your charm and take notes to show next week.” Miss. Cook finished. “Alright everyone ready?” The class nodded in reply except for Harriet realizing she only knows the lessons from Mu’s notes. “Great, let's get started.”
Harriet looked around and saw the groups around her already getting started on their charms, and she was the odd one out not knowing what to do. However, before she could freak out Mu put a hand on her friend’s shoulder as she used her other hand to hold the clay.
“Just watch me and I’ll tell you what to do.” Mu told her.
Harriet nodded in reply. “Okay.” Mu smiled and started to mold the clay into an oval shape.
“Harriet, grab my spell book and look for the dream spell that would be perfect for this specific charm.” Mu commanded.
Harriet nodded and took out Mu’s spell book and went through the Table of Contents to find the dream spell section. The human girl read through all the different spells and saw one that sounded perfect for the dreams she’s been having.
Harriet shoved the book close to Mu and pointed at the spell. “How does this one sound?“ She asked. Mu looked at the spell and smiled.
“Perfect!” She replied. Mu looked at the shape of the charm being a crescent moon shaped. “What do you think?”
“I love it!” Harriet replied.
Mu smiled and then grabbed her wand. “Got your wand ready?” She asked.
“Ready!” Harriet replied, grabbing her wand.
“Now we must whisper the spell, if we say it too loudly we’ll end up affecting the group.” Mu told her. Harriet nodded and the two pointed their wands at the charm as they whispered the spell together.
“Dream bright. Dream light. I want to see the dream tonight.” Mu and Harriet whispered together. Soon their wands started to glow together and went to the charm causing it to glow and change color. The charm turned a magenta color as it started to shine.
“Did it work?” Harriet asked.
Mu picked up the charm and looked at it and smiled giving a nod. Harriet sighed and smiled seeing that they are one step closer into trying out their Dream Charm.
Miss. Cook walked by the girls’ desk and smiled at their charm. “Impressive work you two.” She commented. “Can’t wait to see how well your charm will work.” Mu and Harriet smiled, but the former’s smile was a bit wider.
“See, I told you you're good.” Harriet told Mu putting her arm around her. Mu smiled, getting a bit of confidence now thanks to her teacher and best friend.
Once the class was done making their charms the rest of the day was standard for Mu and Harriet. By nighttime, Harriet was laying down in bed as Mu held the charm in her hand. “Okay here is what we’ll do! When you're asleep I’ll use the charm and it should show me what you're dreaming. When you wake up, we will discuss your dreams.” She explained. Harriet nodded in reply. “Ready to do this?”
“Ready.” Harriet replied. The human girl got relaxed and closed her eyes. She took some deep breaths before she let herself fall into slumber. Once asleep, Mu put the dream charm on Harriet’s head and soon the charm glowed as it showcased Harriet walking in that same snowy place, however this time fog covered the area.
Mu quickly wrote down what she was seeing in Harriet’s dreams, and saw her calling out and looking for her mother.
“Mom…where…” Harriet said in her sleep. “Mom.”
Mu reached her hand out, but she backed down and put her hand down and continued to take notes as Harriet dreamed. The latter started to toss and turn in her sleep, and in her dreams saw Harriet covering up from the cold. Soon a gust of wind pushed Harriet back, causing the dream to fade and Harriet to wake up.
Harriet breathed heavily and Mu walked over to her putting a hand on her shoulder. Harriet flinched a bit and turned to see it was only Mu. “I was back there again, but now it was foggy and my mom’s voice sounded more distant.”
“I saw.” Mu replied. Harriet turned and felt calmer knowing that the dream charm did work. “In fact, I may know where you might be.”
“You do?” Harriet asked. “W-where?”
“That’s the thing! It’s gotta be one of two places.” Mu answered.
“Well what are we waiting for! We gotta get going!”
Mu scoffed. “This late and on a school night?” Harriet groaned and frowned, collapsing back on her bed. Mu sighed and laid down with her friend. “Don’t worry. We will find her, and we will bring her back home.”
Harriet sighed and turned away. “I just miss her.” Tears were slowly starting to come out of her eyes.
Feeling bad for her, Mu pulled Harriet close and hugged her. Harriet whimpered as she let out a few sobs before turning to Mu and hugging her back softly crying on her.
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queenofthefullmoon · 4 years
An exhaustive list of Dark Souls 3 bosses I would or would not date
Iudex/Champion Gundyr
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We’re starting off this list with a strong yes. Our boy Gundyr has had a hard, difficult life, and he deserves some good company. He’s tall, strong, and I trust him to protect us as we set a lovely camp site outside of the fire link shrine.
Vordt of the Boreal Valley
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Vordt is big and he is feral which are truly the only two qualities I look for in a man. Together we’d be unstoppable. I mean, think about how easy it would be to go around with him: just climb on his back and let the rodeo begin, baby. This argument alone should be enough to convince you that Vordt is a suitable boyfriend, but here’s another one: if you get too hot in the summer, worry fucking not for your gigantic man can hold his equally gigantic hammer over you and cover you with snow like an italian man covering his pasta with parmesan.
Cursed Rotted Greatwood
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Now while I’m certain it would be a perfect partner for some people, the Cursed Rotted Greatwood isn’t for me. For one, I am not fan of curses, or rot, or weird sticky balls, or strange orange acid, or pale white and slightly viscous hands bursting through a living tree. Secondly, I feel like the crowd of Hollows who group up around the tree would be a big impediment to our intimacy, and I’m not ready to be the mother of 20 Hollows.
Crystal Sage
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No offense but you’d be an idiot for not wanting to date the Crystal Sage. All wrapped up in one package, you get a super competent sorcerer bf, who wears the coolest hat in the galaxy and an equally cool cape, and who overall looks like the upgraded version of a plague doctor. In addition to that he also has a pretty rapier so you can both engage in some sparring (which we all know is the most romantic couple activity).
Deacons of the Deep
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Probably one of the worst options on the list, they’re all crusty, rotting men moaning around a biggass coffin. There are many technical questions. If I dated a deacon, would I have to date all of them? Can we go out on dates or are they obligated to stay next to the coffin at all times? Can I even date them at all?? Not that I would, because I have standards. The only pro to entering this relationship(s?) would be that I’d probably get one of their robes for free, but the cons are so numerous that I’d rather buy it myself.
Abyss Watchers
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Let’s be real and honest even if it hurts. Would I date an Abyss Watcher? Yes. Maybe I’d even date two. However, would an Abyss Watcher date me? No, because they’re all in love with Artorias, and I can’t blame them for that.
Old Demon King
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At first I considered dating the Old Demon King like a Russian Instagram model dates an old, rich American man: with a great deal of fake love but above all great patience in order to be the only person on the will. But then I thought about it more, and what does the Old Demon King have to offer, really? A big firework show that will leave him exhausted like the old creature he is, and maybe some pyromancies. Truly, it is not worth it, especially since I’d have to take residence where he lives, in a big old room filled with the corpses of his kin.
High Lord Wolnir
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I’ve got nothing against Wolnir personally, but I have no interest in skeletons, nor in his army of skeleton children. As stated above I’m not ready to be a mother. I feel like if we got in an argument and he sighed, he would poison me with his awful breath and I would die a horrible death. Also, living on the brink of the Abyss doesn’t appeal to me that much. However I would like Wolnir to be a good friend I can talk jewelry with because let’s be honest, the man (skeleton?) is blinged the fuck out even in death and I respect that.
Yhorm the Giant
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Yes, I would date Yhorm. He was nothing but a sweet, misunderstood giant who always tried to get people to trust him and he convinced me. I would put my life in his big hands. Think of the possibilities. Just like with Vordt he could carry you everywhere but in a less reckless way if you prefer proper manners. You’d never have to worry about not seeing anything at a concert. Also, may I add that waiting for you to show up while sitting on his biggass throne is an absolute power move? Yhorm is a Lord of Cinder, but above all, a Lord of this heart.
Pontiff Sulyvahn
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Would I date him because of his appealing aesthetic? Yes. Would I date him for anything else? No. Sulyvahn is absolutely terrifying, completely unhinged in the most frightening way, which is that he doesn’t look bat shit crazy. I could be thinking that everything is going well in our relationship then suddenly he’d lock me in a dungeon then would feed me to his weird friend because I put a fork in the knife drawer. He could pretend to propose and give me a weird fucked up ring with his eye in it and the next thing I know I’d be running in a field on all fours. I don’t trust like that.
Aldritch, Devourer of Gods
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I’m so sad about Aldritch because literally everything about him is completely unappealing, unacceptable, unnatural, unholy, abhorrent, but he has the delicate and beautiful face of Gwyndolin. While our lovely Gwyndolin looks gorgeous as ever it doesn’t make up for the fact that Aldritch devoured people and probably wouldn’t find love to be a good reason to not eat his partner. The only reason I can find to have a friendship (not even a romantic relationship) with him is if you really like experimenting with cooking and you really, really need someone to taste your inventions.
Dancer of the Boreal Valley
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I feel attraction, which means that just like any other being who feels attraction, I would date the Dancer. She is beautiful, graceful, a bit feral, and would not hesitate to put a flaming knife to my throat, which is the description of my dream woman. Imagine walking the streets with her, trying to hold her hand while it dangles 3 feet above you and she insists on holding her sword, actually, so she might slay anyone who tries to approach you, which she communicates through icy breaths and murmurs. The date of a lifetime.
Oceiros, the Consumed King
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Another awful choice on this list, Oceiros is RABID and also, as far as we know, still a married man. You really want to date a man that hasn’t even gone through his divorce but already looks like this? Me neither. I’m already not big on dragon fucking but the fact that he’s all viscous and has weird growths all over him is not helping. Also, he has children, and we know how I feel about that — although, given how he treats them, he probably won’t have kids very soon (too far?).
Ancient Wyvern
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So I’ve stated that I’m not very big on dragon fucking. With that said, do I think the wyvern is sexy and beautiful? Absolutely so. You’re probably like « Blue you’re sending mixed signals, are you gonna date the lizard or not? » and to that I say, date? Perhaps not. I would however like to form a lifelong bond with this wonderful force of nature and fight by its side, live a long and fulfilling life travelling along with it, only to die at the same time atop the tallest mountain in the world, where our skeletons will be discovers hundreds of years in the future by brave explorers, who will confirm that the legendary songs that were written about us were in fact not just a myth.
Nameless King
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You’ve just read what I said about the wyvern. I feel like the Nameless King really understands me and would respect me for that. We could bond over our love of dragons and other flying scaly beasts and perhaps share some chaste kisses while soaring the sky on our companions. It’s nice to date someone who loves pets as much as you. I feel like he would be a fun guy to hang around in general, maybe he’d let you braid his hair or try on his crown. He can arrange personalized fireworks shows for you with his lightning powers. I don’t think you’d ever be bored around him.  
Dragonslayer Armor
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Dating an empty suit of armor has never bothered me (see: ds2 Ruin Sentinels), however I have beef with the dragonslayer armor. Is it a beautiful armor? Perhaps a bit worn off, but the reply remains affirmative. However, it is controlled by Pilgrim Butterflies, which basically means I’m dating one to multiple of these things in the shape of an armor, and I’ve gotta confess that I’m not down for that.
Lorian Older Prince and Lothric Younger Prince
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Here comes the delicate moment where we have to make a choice without offending anyone. I personally, speaking for myself, in my own opinion, would rather date Lorian. Reason: he is big, strong, and a bit rabid, which I’ve made very clear is my type. I don’t dislike Lothric, but I feel like we’d be better off as best friends who have a really snarky group chat where we shit talk the entire kingdom. That’s pretty good because if I even just slightly disliked Lothric I’m pretty sure Lorian would sense it and would not hesitate to murder me on sight.
Champion’s Gravetender and Champion Greatwolf
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Well the full name is just a formality here, I’m not completely insane so I don’t want to date this rabid wolf. I feel like the Champion’s Gravetender is just a normal dude who’s a bit in over his head and it’s not his fault but he just seems a bit boring compared to all my other options. Instead of a date I think he’d be more of an awkward flirt I had when I was bored and then I came to my senses but didn’t know how to disengage, but in the end it worked out because he was more interested in his work anyway.
Sister Friede and Father Ariandel
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Again a choice has to be made and I will have to be predictable and say I’d date Elfriede. Just like Dancer she’s what the woman of my dreams is made of. She’s graceful and could easily take my life and I think it’s awfully sexy of her to be like that. I think I’d be accepted into the family pretty easily, which is important since Father Ariandel cares about Friede so much. I’d go visit him sometimes, play chess with him, bring him his flail, normal interactions with your girlfriend’s dad.
Soul of Cinder
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I’m gonna be a tiny bit freaky here and say I’d date the Soul of Cinder. Dating it is just like opening a Kinder Surprise egg, you never know what you’re gonna get (sorry Americans for excluding you here). That makes life exciting and doesn’t let routine stall your relationship. Every day you can wake up with the question « What weapon will my darling walk around with today? The flaming sword, or the sorcery staff? » and be surprised by the answer. Truly ideal, but I understand it’s not for the faint of heart.
Demon Prince
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I’m gonna go with a maaaaaaybeeeee? leaning towards no. I mean yes, the Demon Prince is a weird fleshy flaming demon, and that may be a bit gross, but I’ve gotta admit I admire his style, the drama of it all. The care he puts into his entrance, the attitude in his moves. If we don’t date I’d at least want to be friends so he can teach me his ways.
Darkeater Midir
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I have very intense and contradictory feelings towards Midir. In one hand, holy shit, absolutely epic dragon, the spirit of companionship is growing in me. On the other hand, this beast is RABID and pretending I could tame him is foolish, and pretentious. I guess in the end the answer remains that I don’t date dragons, I just want to adopt them as my extremely exotic pets.
Halflight, Spear of the Church
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Yeah I’d date Halflight, I know it’s the easy answer but look at him. I mean shit he’s walking around like a little thotty with his shirt open and you mean to tell me I’m not supposed to wanna date him because he looks pretty much like a regular dude? My boy Halflight WANTS me to date him or else he would not show up with his tiddies out to a sword fight, which as an activity already has enough erotic implications on its own.
Slave Knight Gael
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I’m gonna say it unashamedly and I’ll say it again: I would date Gael. He’s been nothing but helpful and when he tries to attack you it’s to help his little lady that he’s adopted as his niece. We love a chaotic parental figure. Maybe he’s a tad bit old and dirty but there’s nothing a good bath can’t fix and I’m sure he’d appreciate having someone taking care of him for once. Again, he’s got that slightly unhinged quality to him that makes him delightful. When I walk around with my partner I want us to instill both fear and fascination in people which we would be able to accomplish perfectly well.
Dark Souls 1: Remastered date list // Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin date list
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danasmonster · 4 years
Comparing the SKAM Remakes: ISAK (Part V)
Robbe (wtFOCK/SKAM Belgium)
The Differences:
OK let me start off by saying this is the most turbulent Isak/Even relationship yet. They lie to each other (Sander & Robbe), they yell at each other (Robbe), and they call each other homophobic slurs (Robbe). They also say “I love you” a lot more . . . 
Instead of pawning the weed off on someone else, Robbe had the weed pawned off on him
Unlike Isak, Robbe is still going through the process of finding a place to live. His mom has just been hospitalized and his dad lives really far away from his school, plus they don’t get along. 
Also, instead of Zoe (the Noora character) being in London, it’s Lisa (Linn) who is studying abroad, thus making the room available. It was a bit like the writers thought “meh, this character is just window dressing” and replaced her with Zoe, and it was nice to see more of Zoe's interactions with all the characters since she is more central to the series. Honestly both Zoe and Milan seem to really look after and take care of Robbe, more so than the other incarnations of Eskild and Noora. 
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Milan is way more in your face about making out with men in front of Robbe than Eskild was. 
Both Robbe and Sander are in relationships with girls when they meet, however neither has been long term. Sander’s relationship with Britt has only been going on for six months, as opposed to four years with Even and Sonja. I think this is pretty significant because you could feel a lot of history between Even and Sonja and that is missing here with Sander and Britt. 
Robbe never lied to his friends in order to spend time with Sander, which was nice
But then he also totally freaked the fuck out after they kissed in the pool and went on the offensive with Sander, calling him a faggot and pushing him away . . . yeeek. I liked that Isak never took the hate for himself out on Even, never pushed him away. That Robbe did it here was understandable yes but I think I still prefer the orig. I mean Sanders face goddamn
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Robbe broke up with Noor in person instead of just avoiding her/generally treating her like shit until they just fell apart 
I also liked that while yes the boys were creeping on the dancing girls like in the orig, in wtFOCK they were actually invited to be there as part of an actual audience. It didn’t feel as gross here.
Robbe and Sander didn’t just ditch the girls before the bike/pool scene - the girls went off on their own earlier and requested to be alone. It felt a little less dickish this way.
And OH MY GOD THE VIOLENCE! There is very explicit homophobia in the form of slurs and an actual physical attack on Robbe and Sander. No other incarnation has experienced such blatant hatred from other people. 
And what the fuck, Sander??? Sander flat out lied to Robbe when he told him he had broken up with Britt. 
There is also definitely some homophobia on the part of Moyo/Madhi and Aaron/Magnus. I mean, they actually call being bisexual gross and say they would be creeped out to be around a gay guy because he “might be into them.” That’s more than just ignorance, it’s intolerance, something that wasn’t present in Madhi and Magnus. Moyo in particular is way more of a dick. 
The scene where Sander has a bipolar episode is a little different because Robbe never tries to contact Britt, but somehow she is still there? Also her opinions on whether or not Sander’s feeling for Robbe are real hold a lot less weight considering they were only together six months as opposed to four years. Then instead of Sander’s friends and family taking care of him, he admits himself to a mental health facility. Then Jana/Eva encourages Robbe to just give up on Sander. Eeesh. 
Instead of Aaron/Magnus having a bipolar mother helping Sander understand it better, it’s Moyo/Madhi. Moyo also gives the minute by minute advice to him instead of Britt/Sonja. 
My Favorite Parts: 
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I love the street art/graffiti subplot. I’ve always loved this type of art (when it is art). That first scene where Noor took Robbe to spray paint was so atmospheric, another song added to my playlist (
by The Bugg & Ina Copeland)Honestly any scene with Zoe and Milan was fantastic I liked when Milan readily admitted to going through everyone’s stuff when they weren’t home. I love the way Zoe is taking care of Robbe by making him food and just generally making him feel welcome when he moves in to the apartment with her and Milan. She was also really sweet when she made sure his wounds were disinfected after he was beaten up and making sure they were bandaged. Milan snuggling up to a sleeping Senna was great. I also really enjoyed the little taste of couple life from Zoe when she complained about Senna’s snoring. Zoe’s line was definitely on point. I don’t know how her relationship will end for her but this ideology is paramount to having a healthy relationship, period. 
“We’re a couple now but we also have our own lives”
It was really great and amusing foreshadowing when Noor replied to the boy’s saying all the chicks that go to the art school are hot with “
You haven’t seen the boys yet.
” Enter Sander.  
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When Robbe meets Sander and they go around the store riding the grocery cart. It’s so carefree and happy and while I miss the pure absurdity of watching Even take all of the paper towels this scene was absolutely wonderful
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The Halloween party was fucking epic.
Trick R Treat
by Josh A and Iamjakehill, added to playlistThe conversation between Milan and Robbe about Milan’s gaydar was really good, with the beginning of his response definitely tailored toward Robbe, and the look he gives him is so telling it’s uncomfortable. He was basically like, “I know you’re gay, bro.” Milan describes his gaydar as picking up on subtle signals, 
A certain look in their eyes. Or . . . It’s a bit like there is something in them that is desperately trying to get out. 
The conversation between Jens and Robbe about how sex isn’t everything was a prime example of how to be a good bro and healthy masculinity and I fucking loved it
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The conversation between Milan and Robbe where Robbe admits to having feelings for another boy was super sweet. I feel like Milan was kind of taking on an Eskild/school nurse hybrid role here because he was mostly just encouraging Robbe not to keep everything inside and to be himself. His relationship with Robbe seems a bit more paternal and I love it for this version.
The scene where Robbe is actually open and honest with Sander about his conflicting emotions about his sexuality was much appreciated
The scene when Milan was describing a very butch guy on the bus becoming all soft like when he looked at him was great. Everyone melts for you, Milan 💋
Have I said how much I love Zoe and Milan??? Also I can’t wait to see Zoe and Senna’s story when I go through all the Nooras, Senna definitely seems like the best William so far. I know they break up in the last episode of Robbe’s season but I have hopes they will get back together.
It was absolutely amazing to watch Milan put Mojo in his place
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The scene where Zoe and Robbe go Christmas shopping is terrific. I just love watching their friendship 
The scene of everyone opening their Christmas presents together was also adorable 
Things I Missed:
The funny, quirky little moments like the metal leg conversation between Even and Isak right before their almost first kiss or the absurdity of the paper towel scene when they first meet
The scene where the whole boy squad is together and giving Isak relationship advice. In this one is was just Jens and I felt let down that Aaron and Moyo couldn’t be there as well. 
And a shout out for Noor, who gets my vote for best Emma
Noor (Emma) kissed Robbe after he complimented her, not after he insulted her. 
Robbe also seems to have more of an actual relationship with Noor than Isak had with Emma. 
Noor is definitely the coolest version of Emma so far, both in personality and appearance. I mean not only does she look fucking great but she was so sweet about how Robbe couldn’t get it up when they tried to have sex. 
I really love the development of their relationship in this and how much more complex it is than in the original.
I also love that she and Robbe seem to have repaired their relationship and can be friends by the end of Robbe’s story
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whack-ed · 4 years
Between (Fred Weasley x Slytherin Reader!) Part 1
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Synopsis: Y/N Y/L/N never quite understood why all these things always happen to her. Nobody understood why she was put in Slytherin. But in her fifth year at Hogwarts, many things were cleared up. Your parents, your friends and also, that one should not be named, all these things explained the why. Her blood was stained, but she could not disagree more with the philosophies that made it like this. Between blood and love. Y/N had to make a choice.
Warnings: agnsty; mentions of death; sad reader.
Reader: Female
Words Count: 1.5k
Author's Notes: Am I doing my first imagine? You bet I am. This plot was from a fiction that I wrote on wattpad, but I decided to turn it into a imagine here on tumblr. The  idea of this imagine is that it has some chapters, so if you want to be taged in the next chapters, comment "i solemnly swear that i am up to no good" here. Also, and also, the names of your family members are fixed. So let's go to the history.
It was a rainy sunday morning at the Y/L/N family mansion. The house was known to many in the magical world. There had never been an owner who was not a family wizard, the mansion was always passed down from generation to generation, there is no Y/L/N who had not lived under this enormous roof. It is a typical English mansion, made of stones in dark brown tones, with three floors (visible to the naked eye, at least), small trees symmetrically cut to follow the same straight lines as the mansion, filled the front garden and, a considerably large staircase leading up to the huge entrance door. Y/N never really liked the place, she thought it was too big and not very welcoming, especially now. As much as the house was always full of relatives and employees, to the girl it always seemed very empty.
Y/N grew up inside the Y/L/N mansion, along with all her family members who lived there, she detested most of them, especially her parents. They had an obsession with blood purity and maintaining the family's reputation. She did not agree at all with the philosophy of her parents, and the rest of the family. The only person she had ever been able to talk to, the only person who really understood her, was her paternal grandmother. Harriet Y/L/N was a very friendly lady, with a wide nose and a small smile, very delicate blue eyes. Mrs. Harriet, or as she likes to be called, Grandma Harriet, did not match the layout of the mansion. She was always wearing loose white clothes and a witch hat adapted for those who care for plants, Y/N reminded of the hat that Professor Sprout wore. Everyone in the house always saw Grandma Harriet as a basketcase, thought she was crazy, but Y/N always thought she was the wisest person in the family.
Despite the presence of her grandmother, the year that ended was not easy for Y/N. She had finished her fourth year at Hogwarts, together with the Triwizard Tournament, and also with Cedric Diggory, who was to be her best friend. After the unfortunate event, the information that the Dark Lord had returned came as a bonus. Many said that Harry Potter was lying and that Dumbledore had gone mad. How Y/N wanted these people to be right. She, more than anyone, knew that the Dark Lord had indeed returned, and her family ... She would rather not even think about it. All the girl did during the winter break was to advance reading the fifth year books, so she could even for a moment forget everything that happened and everything that was going to happen. He exchanged letters with his friends too, including Draco Malfoy. Draco's family was very friendly with Y/N's family, as they shared the same ideals. Although Y/N thought completely different from Draco, the two had a great friendship. They were in the same house at Hogwarts, they were the same age, and despite their regrets, they had a good laugh together when it came to making fun of teachers.
- Daughter, dinner is ready. - Said Eva, her mother, when opening the door to her room.
Y/N was lying on her bed reading a letter she would receive from Draco in a few minutes. The boy was just saying that he was about to go crazy, as the climate inside his house was getting heavier and heavier. Y/N knew, and so did Draco, where all of this was going to take him, all these meetings at the Malfoys' house, was not a good thing.
- Letter from whom? - Asked his mother entering the room.
- Draco - Y/N replied without taking her eyes off the letter.
- Draco? I like his family a lot, I'm glad you are friends, he ... - Said the woman standing in front of him looking directly at a photo in which Y/N was with Hermione Granger. She hated the fact that her daughter was a friend of a mudblood. - It's a good influence for you.
- Yeah, I agree with half of what you said - Y/N said finally looking at her mother, with a sinus smile on her face.
The rest of the night spent slowly at the Y/L/N house. Y/N couldn't bear to hear the prejudiced comments from Klaus and Hanz, her uncles. Usually whenever the girl thought about saying something, her mother looked at her with an explicit disapproving look. But lately, even that the girl was not doing, she was quiet, something in her will fade. Since Cedric died she had not argued once with her uncles and cousins, which was the custom for a girl. Everyone had noticed the difference, but no one dared to say anything, they preferred it that way.
At the dinner table her father, Petrus, commented on the change in the Hogwarts faculty, that Dumbledore was a scum, that it was absurd that no one had done anything about it yet. Nothing new to everyone at the table. As soon as dinner was over, everyone went to their corner of the house, and before Y/N could go up to her room with a jar of caramels, the doorbell rang. As she was closer to the door, she went to answer it before Pugsley, one of the mansion's house elves, did so.
- Okay Pugsley, I tell my dad that you were busy polishing his shoes, he won't be bothered by that, will he? - The girl laughed.
- Thank you my mistress - The elf smiled making a short bow - You are the cool soul of this house.
- Coolest, Pusgley, coolest soul of this house. We need to improve your vocabulary huh, I'll help you later. Now, I need to answer before someone sees us, you better go.
And so the Elf went to enjoy the rest of the night somewhere, until he was asked again.
Y/N opened the door and was surprised, she just couldn't tell if it was good or bad. In front of him were Lucio, Narcissa and none other than Draco Malfoy. The girl smiled when she saw the boy.
- Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy, what a surprise to see you. - He smiled politely at the couple in front of him, pretending the best he can. - Draco - He nodded and gave a half smile. - Come on in - Y/N gave the couple and their son a ticket to their mansion.
- Very good to see you Y/N, you are more beautiful every day - Narcissa said sympathetically.
Lucio was about to say something to Y/N when Petrus arrived against the couple, greeting them like the great friends they are. If the friendship of the two families was not based on horrible concepts, they would even look like nice people. Draco's parents were accompanied by Y/N's parents to the living room to talk. The boy stayed behind with Y/N.
- Hey. How are you? - Draco said with a loose smile on his face, he knew his friend was not doing well.
Y/N didn't say a word, just indicated for stairs and the two went up to the girl's room. Once there, Y/N closed the door and simply burst into tears while hugging his friend. She had been holding them for almost a month. Draco could be insensitive to many people, but with Y/N it was different, he really cared about the girl. As much as he didn't like her friends, including Cedric, he would never deny her a hug of comfort. And deep down, even though he didn't want to admit it, Draco wanted that hug to last forever.
While Draco and Y/N were in an affectionate and personal moment up the stairs, their parents had other plans for this meeting.
- So you really saw him, Lucio? Petrus asked the blond man in front of him, pouring him a glass of whiskey.
- Yes, he is stronger than ever, he thanked me for being one of the only ones to be on his side, it was an honor - Lucio replied, even though he knew it had not been so.
- Merlin! It must have been wonderful - Eva said with a smile on her face.
- And as it was, finally after years of waiting he finally came back. I can't stand to see Hogwarts in that state anymore, full of ... wizards of an impure lineage. Teaching that we can mix, what will become of our race in this way? - Lucio commented with disgust in his voice.
- Don't even tell me, every day I have more problems with Y/N, she insists that we can mix with these people. But I know she says it out loud, we created it so well, it's just a phase - Eva said, wanting to believe her own words.
- When the time comes, she'll have to make a choice, you know that don't you, Petrus? - Said Narcissa sitting like a lady on the dark sofa in front of the fireplace.
- Yes. And certainly she chose the family, I have no doubt that she will be a great diner - Firmed Petrus.
The truth is that none of the four adults there believed in it very much, but none of them would have the audacity to speak out loud, that perhaps, when the time came, Y/N would be a traitor to her own blood.
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 4 years
You wrote the original novel with the late Terry Pratchett. What did you love about Terry as a writer?
He was the most wonderful writer. He was a craftsman who regarded art in the same way that a really good medieval craftsman regarded his craft. If you build it right, it will be beautiful. You don’t set out saying: “I’m an artiste and I’m going to make something beautiful.” You set out saying: “If I craft it right, it’s going to be beautiful.” It’s like a 12th century cathedral or a piece of Chippendale furniture. It will inspire awe and beauty because it’s so well built.
Why is Michael Sheen so well suited to the role of Aziraphale?
He is a massive fan of the book. He read it as a 20-something at drama school and loved it. When this production was being discussed, he was the first person I went to. He said: “Ah, yes, you want me to play Crowley.” “No,” I replied, “I want you to play Aziraphale.” Crowley is the sexy dude in the sunglasses, but Aziraphale is the heart of this story. He is also the one that changes. That’s very important to the story - who changes? The Crowley at the end is the same as the Crowley at the beginning. But the Aziraphale at the end is not quite the same as the one we went in with. He’s grown and changed. I needed someone who could show that progress.
Why does David fit the role of Crowley so well?
In my head, David was the dream casting for Crowley, but I felt sure it wouldn’t happen. That’s the best way to avoid disappointment. So when David said he’d love to do it, I was just delighted. He brings an insouciance and a slouchiness which I love. He’s not playing it as Doctor Who or any other previous characters. His Crowley is so much loucher than that. He’s a slightly cynical, wonderful demon.
How did other castings happen?
We got a lot of people because they were big fans of the book. For instance, Jon Hamm read it and loved it, although he confided in me that he thought it was unfilmable! I wrote him an email saying: “I’ve written the new part of Gabriel. He is the leader of the angels. I need someone to play the coolest, smoothest, best-looking angel. Will you do it?” I quickly got reply saying: “Oh my God, I thought it was unfilmable, but I love these scenes!”
What did Douglas McKinnon give to the show?
What he brought to the production was even more than we were expecting. He and his director of photography have made something stunning. But the most amazing thing is Douglas’s eye for detail and just how unexpectedly beautiful he has made this world. It absolutely gives me a kick to see it brought to life. It’s magical.
So Douglas has endowed Good Omens with an amazing look?
Definitely. This world has its own visual language. It’s gorgeous and glorious. I showed an early version to Jeff Bezos, the head of Amazon. His reaction was: “It doesn’t look like anything I’ve seen before.” What a lovely thing to say.
For many years Good Omens was going to be a movie. Why does it work better as a TV series than a feature film?
Because when you have got six hours, you throw away less of the original book. You can even add stuff. When I broke down episode three, I realised there was not much of Aziraphale and Crowley in it. So I wrote a whole new 20-minute, mini-movie of Aziraphale and Crowley through the ages - in Roman times, with medieval knights, during the Second World War. How much fun was that! I got to indulge my inner fantasy. I was writing my own fan fiction!
Everyone is really committed to this production, aren’t they?
Yes. It’s a hugely loved book. A lot of the cast are huge fans of the book, which means that they’re very passionate about the project. For instance, Josie Lawrence, who is the only original cast member from the radio version of Good Omens, was desperate to reprise her role as Agnes Nutter, but at first it was impossible. She was opening that week in Mother Courage. But we really wanted her, so her director very kindly stood in for Josie at the technical rehearsal for Mother Courage - which never happens - so Josie could do Good Omens. People are willing to go the extra mile to be in this, which is wonderful.
Why is the book of Good Omens so popular?
People love the relationship between Aziraphale and Crowley. When I was writing the script, I was determined never to lose sight of the fact that on some weird level it’s a love story between Aziraphale and Crowley. People might grab the wrong end of the stick, but it’s a relationship that develops over 6,000 years. It’s a rather strange and glorious friendship between two incredibly different characters.
While Aziraphale means well, he’s wrong an enormous amount of the time. Meanwhile, Crowley is a demon who sees the worst in human nature and yet is right a lot of the time. There is a line from the book, where Aziraphale says: “Imagine how terrible it would have been if we were at all competent!” They are gloriously incompetent, and the fact that they’re more human than they care to admit drives the plot and is one of the things that people love about Good Omens.
What do you hope that viewers will take away from Good Omens?
I hope people will fall in love with the characters. I want to make something that bears rewatching and gives you something more every time you rewatch it. I know moments in Good Omens pay off with repeated viewing. When you rewatch it, you think: “Oh my God, that’s why they set that up.” Mostly, I want audiences to walk away in love with Michael and David and want to spend time with these characters. The best thing about good TV is that you’re spending time with characters who become part of your family. I hope the characters in Good Omens will become part of your family.
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