#thor x kid sister!reader
terry-perry · 2 years
One time what is it like when auntie hella babysits her neices and nephews at the rogers household and the kids are well behaved . And end of the day they all sleep on the sofa or their beds and hella asleep on the couch?
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"I'm surprised Hela wanted to watch the kids,"
Y/N was too, but not as much as Steve. She knew her sister had grown fond of their children since the day they were introduced to her. Y/N told them all about her (well, maybe not everything) and how she was going to live with them for a while. They seemed okay with it, especially little A.J. For some reason, he grew the closest to Hela. Perhaps he saw something in her that no one else did.
"Well, she really enjoys their company," Y/N stated as they parked in front of their home. "Better her than Loki or Thor, if we're being honest."
"Remember when we came home and found A.J. and Nat tied up and Daisy on the roof?"
"Can't believe they taught her how to fly. How?!"
They snuck inside, not wanting to make too much noise if the kids were already in bed. They were asleep, but they certainly weren't in bed. The television was still on, a random cartoon playing, while toys were scattered all over the floor along with the girls. Y/N stifled a giggle upon seeing Daisy and Nat passed out in different areas of the living room. Daisy was drooling over a half-finished page of her coloring book while Nat was snuggling her Winnie the Pooh plushie.
"Looks like they had a fun night," Steve whispered as he quietly went over to pick Nat up and take her to her room.
Y/N could only hum in agreement, now invested in the sight of Hela sleeping on the sofa. A.J. was right there with her, snuggled up next to her. Y/N sighed fondly as she waved her hand over them. A blanket appeared that she draped over the pair. She gave them one more smile before going over to pick Daisy up.
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idkwhatever580 · 19 days
Where Did You Learn That?!
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Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x reader
Prompt: It’s a casual day when Tony brings the team to a new area to show them something. And Y/n surprises everyone.
Warnings:cursing, sexual innuendos, stripper pole usage (don’t worry there’s clothes), degradation, praise?
Pronouns: unspecified
A/N: I saw this video on tt and I immediately had to do this drabble . Lmk if you want a smutty pt. 2
Y/n’s pov
It’s everyone’s off day in the compound so we’re all just chilling out. I’m laying down in between nat’s legs on our designated couch in the living room.
She’s playing absentmindedly with my hair while everyone does their own thing.
Wanda is playing with Peter and America on the switch.
Thor is chowing down on poptarts.
Yelena is eating Mac and cheese while cringing and gagging about Kate’s latest boyfriend. Saying how “she doesn’t know how anybody would ever want to do something like that” and Kate obviously banters back with “says the aro ace person”
I smile at their friendship. And then I look at Bucky and Steve, Sam is helping them catch up on the greatest movies of all time.
Well everyone is taking part in that, but it’s Sam’s turn. I obviously made them watch every single Barbie movie when it was my turn. Especially the newest one. God Margo Robbie is so good. And of course Natasha made them watch all the Bond movies.
Anyways. We’re all just having a chill day.
Until Friday starts talking
“I have been instructed to inform everyone that Mr. Stark has something he’d like to show you. In the west wing.”
I frown and say outwardly to anyone who will answer
“I thought the west wing was under construction?”
Thor shrugs his shoulders and says
“I guess not anymore. Let’s go look!”
We all make our way over there and along the way Clint, Carol, and Vision join us.
We walk into the west wing to find a big ass room.
Tony is standing in the middle and says
“Welcome to the new party central!”
The lights go up a bit but not a lot. Just enough to see that there are multiple stripper poles, bars, and party amenities scattered around.
I raise my eyebrows and everyone either groans or cheers a bit. I don’t say anything I just walk up to Tony and point at the pole in the middle of the whole area. I whisper
“Is that one currently spinning? Or stationary?”
He smirks and says
“That one is turning right now. Imagining a hot girl already?”
I shake my head and say
“Something like that”
Then walk up to the pole. I’m a few feet away from it and I look down and see my outfit. It’s a baby shirt and jeans. I might fall because I’m a bit rusty but who cares. I used to be amazing. It can’t have gotten that bad right?
I shrug my shoulders and go for it. I do my most remembered and most practiced routine from my stripper days. BEFORE I became Natasha’s girlfriend.
She doesn’t know about it either.
Watch this for what it looks like :))) ⬇️
I hop down from the pole and flip my hair back and look at the avengers who all have different looks on their faces
Wanda, Steve, Kate, Thor, and Peter all have their mouths wide open and they are blushing hard.
Clint and Vision are unimpressed, probably because one is a robot and one has a wife who is also my sister. (He is literally my brother in law. He’s not gonna be impressed when he knew what I used to do)
Yelena looks disgusted naturally.
Bucky, Carol, Tony, and Sam are impressed with my skills.
And Nat. I can’t determine what her look is right now. So walk to her and take another look at everyone as I rest my arms around her neck. She absentmindedly rests her hands on my hips. Everyone is still looking in awe so I say
“What? Like it’s hard?”
That snaps them out of it.
Peter, Kate, Yelena, and America all go to the poles to have fun on them. They’re just kids.
And the rest of them walk away or start talking.
Natasha though, grabs my hand and leads me to the corner far away from everyone.
She is about to say something but Wanda walks up to us and says
“Uh- that’s- um- that was really cool.”
She’s blushing so hard and I smile at her. She’s a cutie.
I smile and say
“Thank you Wands”
She smiles and walks away quickly.
I giggle at her flustered state and turn back to Natasha and say
“Was it good?”
She scoffs and says
“Good? Are you kidding me?”
She pauses long enough for me to cut in
“Are you mad? I’m sorry. I didn’t think you’d be mad if I did it in front of everyone. I know you like showing me off to everyone just to make them know who I belong to.”
I ramble a bit about her possessive tendencies with me. I also like feeling like a trophy wife sometimes.
She shakes her head and says
“No that was fucking hot. Why didn’t you tell me you used to do pole?”
I shrug my shoulders and say
“I guess it just never came up. We don’t usually talk about strippers you know?”
She nods her head and then says
“Well, I’m gonna need a few things from you from now on. Can you handle it?”
I nod my head and say
“I’m sure I can”
She smiles and kisses me and I pull away to say
“What are the things?”
She smirks and leans in to kiss my neck and says into my ear
“One- you’re gonna get fucked tonight. Two- I’m gonna need a personal show now. And three- I want at least one dance at every party. I want everyone to see what a good slut you are on the pole. Then I want them all to be sad that you’re all mine.”
I let out a shaky breath at her words. I think I get a high from feeling like a trophy wife. Only sometimes though.
I thread my hands through her messy, slightly wavy hair and pull her head back to look at me.
For some reason I get a kick of confidence and say
“I’ll do all of that for you. If I can do whatever I want with you tonight”
She raises her eyebrows at my sudden dominance but then smiles softly and says
“Whatever you want you say?”
I nod my head and say
“And you can’t say otherwise. Unless of course you are uncomfortable with it.”
She smirks and says
“I think I can handle that.”
She steps back and holds out her hand and says
“Do we have a deal?”
I nod my head and shake her hand like a business woman. And she then pulls my hand so that I get pulled up to her and she whispers against my lips
“Let’s start now. I have a feeling we have a long night ahead of us”
I nod my head and she drags me to the bedroom.
A/N: this turned out a lot longer than I thought I would. And I know how I said I’d be taking a break but I couldn’t get this off of my mind. <3
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lowkeyerror · 5 months
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Notes: Slightly sad but overall happy and super fluffy, Christmas themed, happy holidays everyone!
Summary: You miss your family during the Christmas season, making you feel isolated. However Wanda reminds you that there are still people who care about you here.
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Christmas was hard for you. It reminded you of all of your losses. Your parents, your sister, and your team. Watching the snow fall together only reminded you of those that fell with you during the war. You were always a little more zoned out during the season. Focusing was harder than it ever would be.
You had a new team that was not dissimilar to your military family, the Avengers. This wasn’t your first Christmas with them, but it was the first time you couldn’t pretend to be filled with the Christmas spirit.
They didn’t really know what was going on with you, but they could guess based on your past. Earth’s mightiest heroes were string warriors on the field, but they weren’t savvy when it came to emotional turmoil. So, they let you sulk to an extent. They would drag you out of the house, but they let you sit out any activities.
That’s how you ended up sitting alone in a nearly emptying ice rink Tony had rented out. You watched as members of the team skate on the ice with their friends and family members. Clint had brought Laura and the kids, Tony brought Morgan, Bruce brought his cousin Jen, Thor had brought Valkyrie along with Loki. Even Natasha brought Yelena out for the day.
You hold a sad smile on your face seeing them enjoy each other.
“You aren’t going to skate?” Wanda sits next to you adjusting her skates.
You shake your head, “I think I’m good just watching.”
Wanda sighs at your words, “Where’ve you been these past couple of days?”
Your brow furrows, “I haven’t gone anywhere.”
Wanda jabs a finger against your forehead, “We both know you haven’t been present up there. What’s bothering you?”
You want to close off and you are prepared to do so, until you catch Wanda’s eyes. They’re filled with genuine care and worry. As much as you hate to admit it to yourself, you don’t want to push her away.
“I miss my family. My parents, my sister, my friends, they’re all gone. It’s hard to not think about them around this time of year. The past couple of years I’ve been good at keeping it inside, but it’s too much this year.”
Wanda understands, probably better than anyone else in the building. She finds herself reaching for your hand, “Tell me about them.”
Your eyes grow wide for a second, but nonetheless you search for a memory to share, “For Christmas my mom would always make this pie. It wasn’t really a pie, more like a cheesecake. She called it a banana split pie. My sister and I would always have some silly competition for the last slice. One year we did a performance for my mom and dad and the winner was supposed to get the last slice of the pie. So, picture me 13 years old, scrawny as can be, determination on my face, as I belt out the lyrics to Last Christmas by Wham. It’s just as over the top as you’re imagining it.”
Wanda laughs a bit, which only widens the small smile playing on your lips.
“Now my sister wasn’t going down that easy, she did a dance routine to All I Want For Christmas is You. My parents were split, they couldn’t pick a winner. So, while my sister and I were arguing about who was better, my dad ate the last slice of pie,” you can’t help but roll your eyes.
Wanda cackles openly this time, “All that hard work for nothing?”
“Exactly! I poured my heart out, I could almost taste the pie.”
The two of sat with the warmth of your story. The woman had succeeded in lifting your mood. It almost made you want to go out and skate with the others, but there was a lingering sadness after you realized that you’d never share a moment like that again.
“I miss my family too. Pietro loved Christmas. I never really knew if he preferred getting gifts or giving gifts. I think he was just happy to have everyone together” Wanda speaks up.
“Do you have a favorite gift from him?”
Wanda smiles while looking at the ring that adorns her finger,” He gave me so much more than just physical items. For a long time, it was just us, my parents died when we were young. Piet gave me comfort, more than anyone probably ever will. This ring belonged to my mother; it was a gift to her from my Papa. I thought it had been lost in the bombing that destroyed our home. Years later, after our parents were long gone, he gifted me this ring. I don’t know how he got it, but he did. I don’t think I ever hugged him that hard. I cried against him, and he held me. I was only a teen, still a child really, but I cried like I was a 4-year-old. This ring, it’s like my entire family on my finger. My mama, my papa, and Piet.”
You have tears brimming your eyes as they shift from Wanda to the ring, “It’s beautiful, Wanda.”
She nods her head, holding back her own tears. She takes a large breath and holds out her hand, “Skate with me.”
It’s not a question, but even if it was, you doubt you’d say no to her. Reluctantly you lace the skates and follow her on to the ice. The red head nearly falls after her first step onto the ice. You were quick to place your hand on her waist.
You chuckle from behind her,” Have you done this before?”
You don’t see the rosy hints of her teeth, “Yes, I’ve just never been particularly good at it.”
Once you’re sure that she’s steady, you move to face her. This time you hold out your hand and she looks at it skeptically, “And you’re good at this?”
You scoff and tell her to watch you. Skating around the rink is simple enough, you show off a bit with a simple figure 8. Then you skate back up to her, “I think I’m pretty ok, what did you think?”
She gives you a side eye, “I get it you’re a professional skater.”
You shake your head and extend your hand again, “Let’s do a lap together.”
Wanda hesitates.
You reassure her once again, “We’ll stay close to the wall, I promise to not let you fall.”
She places her hand in yours, “If I fall, I'm taking you with me.”
“Fine by me.”
The two of you begin to skate laps in the rink hand in hand. Wanda refuses to let go of the rail for the first few laps, until she’s content with just holding on to you. True to your word, the woman doesn’t fall. You revel in the happiness that radiates off of her as you move on the ice.
“Teach me how to do the 8.”
“I can’t promise you won't fall if we're going to do the 8,” you warn her.
She shrugs a bit, “Just promise you’ll catch me, and we should be fine. “
Now it is you that has the tint on your cheeks. You nod and slowly show her how you do the figure 8. You can feel her eyes intensely watching every little detail of your movement.
She tries a few times on her own, coming really close but not being able to complete the 8. The frustration that’s building within her shows on the outside. It reminds you of a child having a tantrum. It’s quite adorable. She’s nearly ready to give up and you can tell.
“Hold on to my hips, we’ll do it together.”
Wanda lets out a huff of defeat before carefully skating behind you. Her hands rest respectfully on your hips. You begin to make the figure 8 and she follows holding you tightly, scared she might fall. Once you’re down you hear a small applause erupting for the two of you.
“Double infinity, nice,” Tony says slow clapping.
“I think the real miracle is Y/n keeping Wanda from falling on the ice,” Natasha chimes in.
“Careful Nat, before my powers accidentally trip you,” Wanda playfully taunts the spy.
Nat holds her hands up in defense, “It was just a joke, Wands.”
This moment feels warm, like the memory of you singing your heart out in front of your family on Christmas day. It’s partially the playful banter from the Avengers, but the other part is the woman standing besides you with her arm steady around your waist.
Her kindness, her comfort, it was like a heater in a cold room.
The attention naturally shifts from you and Wanda when the kids call for attention. You take this as your moment to head back to the benches and sit for a bit. Wanda trails behind you, a little more skilled than when she first stepped on the ice.
“I needed that, thank you” you say to Wanda, eyes shining up at her.
“It was nothing, Y/n. Besides I feel like the one who won the exchange, now I can skate without falling on my ass.”
The humor does little to cut through the sincerity of your voice, “I mean it Wanda. Thank you for skating with me.”
She matches your sincerity, “I know it’s a hard time for you, but it’s nothing that you have to face alone."
“Wanda, Y/n! You lot done for the night already?” Thor screams from across the ice.
Wanda looks like she wants to skate some more, but she can tell that you want to rest.
You beat her to it, “Go, I’ll join back in a bit.”
She eyes you tenderly, sticking out her pinky finger “Promise?”
You nearly snort at the childish antics, but still find yourself locking your pinky with hers, “I promise, now go."
She gets back on the ice, and you watch gleefully as she skates around with much more confidence. Fearful of breaking your promise, you find yourself back on the ice not long after Wanda. You skate with her and the others until it’s time for the rink to close. You almost don’t want the day to end, but you’d be lying if you said you weren’t exhausted from the activity.
As soon as you’re back at the compound you quickly shower and then prepare for bed. For the first time this month the minute your head hits the pillow you’re out like a light. No intrusive thoughts, no unwanted feelings, just sleep. It feels good when you wake up a full 8 hours later.
You get ready for the day in your room. As you open the door to exit, you’re met with your skating partner from the day before.
“Good morning,” she says cheerfully.
You send her a grin, “Morning, what can I do for you?”
She extends her hand, and you grab it, letting her lead you through the compound.
“Where are we going?”
“The kitchen,” she says as if it is a full answer.
You continue to allow her to pull you around, “What’s in the kitchen?"
She shrugs, “You’ll see in a second.”
Once you’re finally in the kitchen, Wanda stops walking right in front of the refrigerator. “Okay, close your eyes.”
You give her a look as if to say ‘really’ the look in her eyes directly challenges yours and with a huff of annoyance you shut your eyes. You hear Wanda going into the fridge but resist the urge to open your eyes. It seems like an eternity before you hear the fridge close. You fidget in your spot a little as your anticipation builds.
“How long until I get to open my eyes?”
“Open them now.”
When you open your eyes, they immediately widen. Tears build at the edges of your eyes. Your eyes move from the counter to Wanda.
“Is this- did you make my mom’s pie?”
Wanda smiles softly, “I don’t know if it’s exactly like your mom’s, but after hearing your story, I Googled a recipe. You didn’t really describe it in great detail, but I wanted to do this for you.”
Without any hesitation, you wrap your arms around the redhead. You hug her tightly, unable to properly express the immense amount of emotions you are feeling right now. She hugs you back just as tight, rubbing your back soothingly.
“I know it’s morning, but do you want a slice?” Wanda’s tone is delicate as she speaks to you, knowing how vulnerable you are at the moment.
You pull away from the hug and wipe at your eyes a bit, “I would love a slice.”
Wanda cuts you a slice and watches nervously as you lift a fork full to put in your mouth. As soon as the dessert hits your tongue, your mind is flooded with memories of your family Christmas parties. It was just like your mom’s. This time the tears spilled over as you put the fork down.
Your glossy eyes meet Wanda’s, “It’s just like hers.”
There’s so much more you want to say to Wanda, but you can’t. The tears are flowing too fast. The magic user attempts to wipe them away, but they’re coming faster than she can manage.
“I really hope there are some happy tears in there or else I’ll just feel like an asshole for making you cry,” she continues wiping away your tears.
Her statement makes you laugh, “They’re all happy tears, I promise. I’m just- this is the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me.”
“Just think of it as a thank you for the skating lessons,” Wanda says nonchalantly.
“Why did you make this?”
Her eyes don’t meet yours as she gazes at the floor. You can see the bright pigment dusting her cheeks as she plays with the ring on her finger.
“It just seemed like the right thing to do. I wanted to do something nice for you for the holidays.”
You want her to look at you. In fact, you need her to look at you. You place one of your hands on the small of her back pulling her closer to you. Once she is as close as can be, she has no choice but to meet your eyes.
“I want to thank you,” you say, eyes boring into hers.
She nods ever so slightly, “Thank me then.”
Your lips press against hers gently. The first thought that slips into your mind is the softness of her lips. What follows is the feeling of warmth spreading across your body as the two of you kiss. You wonder for a moment if your lips taste like bananas (they do). Wanda doesn’t mind, your lips against hers fills her heart. The same warmth you feel courses through her. The kiss doesn’t end until you hear someone clearing their throat in the kitchen, but even then, you don’t jump apart, you just pull away from each other.
“I hate to interrupt, but uh I was wondering if I could get a piece of that pie,” Clint says eyeing your pie.
A protest was about to leave your lips, but instead a smirk played on them instead, “Sure Clint, you can have a piece.”
The man reaches for the pie, but you pull it out of his reach, “If you can beat me in a talent show.”
Clint looks from you to the pie a few times before rubbing the bridge of his nose, “Fuck it, I accept.”
You smile at the archer, “5pm sharp, hope you can impress the team or else no pie for you.”
He leaves the kitchen grumbling, but the smile never leaves your face.
“Old habits die hard I see,” Wanda says teasing you.
“It’s the pie, it makes me do it,” you laugh, and she laughs with you. You peck her lips again, “Thank you, Wanda. This means everything to me.”
“I’ll make it over and over again if it keeps you kissing me like that,” she says like a joke, but you hear a slight seriousness to her tone.
“I still have to kiss you a thousand times, just to thank you for this one. So, expect plenty more kisses in the future. I think kissing you might just be better than the pie.”
The two of you laugh again, warmth filling the kitchen of the Avengers compound. It floods into your system as you revel in this moment with Wanda. She feels it too, as she tries to memorize every detail of this moment. It was more than just a first kiss; this was the moment that you knew Wanda was the warmth you needed to get through the winter.
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jungle-angel · 3 months
A Boy And His Critters (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: You and Bob think your oldest child might be an animal whisperer
Warnings: Mentions of birth, pregnancy, cuteness overload etc.
Tagging: @floydsmuse @callmemana @attapullman @withahappyrefrain @bobfloydsbabe
It was late in the afternoon in early spring, on a day when the hawthorn trees in your yard had just begun to bud and flower. Your birdfeeder already had more than enough visitors, your three cats, Freya, Thor and Pumpkin, having eyed them from the living room window. Already there had been fifteen calf births within the last two days with Bob, his father and his brothers and sisters having to wake at some ungodly hour to help with the births.
You were in the living room of your home in Montana, the soft Disney piano music playing from the speaker on your laptop. Bob lay on the spread out quilt on the living room floor, one pillow under his head and the other under his tummy while he gently rocked Baby Rudy in his little baby hammock. The sun streamed through the windows as you sat close to your husband and baby, the other three outside with their grandparents or aunts and uncles while you were busy carding the freshly shorn sheep's wool from the week before. You set aside your brushes and quickly took a snapshot of the sweet sight, hoping to add it to the photo album later.
You heard a loud meow and felt that familiar bushy tail brushing against you, looking down to find Thor rubbing against you. "You need a good brushing," you chuckled, teasing him with the carding combs.
"S'it the cat again?" Bob mumbled with a yawn.
"Yep," you answered, getting back to your work. "Rudy asleep?"
"Mmmhmm," Bob answered. "M'gonna go see if Dad needs help and come back for a nap."
Bob rose from his spot and kissed you before heading out to the barn to see if his father needed any help. "Hey sleepyhead!" the older Floyd greeted, tipping his black cowboy hat a little.
"Hey Dad," Bob answered sleepily. "Everything good?"
"Yeah everything's lookin good," Joe answered. "The hands have it all down so we don't have to worry until the spring auction. The baby go to sleep?"
"Just went down for a nap," Bob yawned. "I think I might too, my eyes are starting to itch."
Bob and his father conversed back and forth, totally unaware at first of the clanking of a metal bucket and the hurried footsteps of five year old Auggie.
"Bud?" Bob asked when he finally saw. "Whatcha doin?"
"Nothin Daddy," Auggie chirped.
"Doesn't look like nothin," Joe chuckled.
"I gotta go milk the cows, Papa!" Auggie announced.
Joe and Bob were humored to say the least, more so when they saw Smokey, the crotchety old rooster weaving his way in and out from between Auggie's legs. They followed behind him to make sure he didn't get into trouble, when he approached the female dairy cow that Joe and Irene had taken in, singing in his chirpy little voice, one of the farm songs he had learned in his kindergarten class at the so-called "hippie school" he attended with the other Dagger children.
"Holy shit," Joe chuckled. "Get a load of this Bobby."
Bob was thunderstruck when he saw the old bat following Auggie into the barn with Smokey still clucking away between his little cowboy boots. Normally it would take two or three of the hands to lead her in, but here was Auggie, five years old and barely up to his father's hips, leading her into the stall with no issues.
"Un......believable," Bob laughed.
"How the fuck does this kid do it?" Joe wondered out loud, a broad smile on his face at the sight of his grandson.
Bob quickly pulled out his phone and began recording, hoping to be able to show the others when they had a chance to come by. Auggie chirped away as he milked the cow until a startled moo came from her.
"Sorry Peach, but that's what Daddy does to Mommy and it works."
Bob stifled a squawk in his throat but not before Auggie began yelling at him in his best Shrek voice.
"August Robert!" Bob laughed.
Auggie hurried over but Bob was in too good a mood to discipline his son. "Sorry for using a dirty word, Daddy," he apologized.
Bob picked his son up and kissed his cheek, Auggie's glasses falling slightly off the bridge of his nose. "I'm glad you said sorry, but Daddy should remember the rule the he and Mommy put into place."
When Bob was able to go back inside, he showed you the video including the one of Auggie's Shrek impression.
"You'd think he was an animal whisperer by the way Smokey follows him around," you laughed.
"Sometimes I like to think so sweetheart," Bob yawned as he lay on the couch.
You set aside your carding combs and the wool, covering Bob with the spring quilt and snuggling in beside him, the two of you proud as ever of Auggie.
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ynscrazylife · 1 year
could you write any fanfics or headcannons about the avengers doing family stuff? like going shopping altogether? with a the reader being the daughter of tony stark and something like y/n!stark x peter parker? just fluff
Domestic Avengers Would Include . . .
It would be difficult to get all the Avengers to go shopping at once but where there’s a will, there’s a way
The hardest to convince would probably be Natasha and Bucky but they love you, so they’d join you anyway
You and Wanda would take forever in the changing rooms (forcing Peter and Vision to hold all your stuff)
Thor would go straight for the food court, marveling at all the Midgardian food
Tony would probably go to any of the tech or expensive stores
Nat would browse and window shop with Steve and Bruce
Sam and Bucky would get into some fight and would nearly be kicked out
By the time you get to the court room, Thor would have all different kinds of food and candies
(Peter has to literally drag you away from the candy at a certain point)
I think this just goes to show that if you give them the chance, the Avengers are really a family and can be domestic
They all look after each other, but especially of you and Peter
Natasha, Wanda, and Carol are like older sisters/aunts, Steve, Bruce, Thor, Vision, and Clint are like uncles, and Sam and Bucky are like older brothers
Wanda always cooks. She and Pepper would teach you how to cook
The team all fight over Wanda’s cooking
At first, Steve tried to teach you how to drive
It did not work out
Next, Nat tried to teach you
(You nearly crashed into someone that day)
Finally, Bruce taught. He’s pretty chill so it worked out
The Avengers would also help you with homework. Nat has experience with helping Clint’s kids after-all
You go down to the lab to get Tony, Bruce, and Peter’s help for math
Steve and Bucky for history
Steve would def help with art (hc he’s an artist)
Carol would help with any space related classes like Astronomy
Vision would check your grammar and punctuation and spelling (he’d edit your essays)
they all insist on seeing yours and Peter’s outfits and everyone has an opinion
(Your wedding day will be so much worse)
Wanda almost buries you with the amount of outfits she picks out
And they get so many freaking pictures
It’s a little insane how many pictures they insist on taking
“We need one of Peter opening the door.” “We need one of Y/N coming down the stairs.” “Clint, you’re in the background, move!”
They send you off in a limo paid by Tony
You and Peter have such a sweet and fun night
They’d also definitely go to your graduation
Tony pulled some strings to get all the Avengers tickets but finding seats next to each other was a challenge
They clap and cheer the loudest
And take you out for the best ice cream
Okay okay but . . . Movie nights
Sam insists on popcorn from the movies, forcing Steve to go out and get a million bags of popcorn
Everyone takes turns choosing movies
(That backfires when Bruce chooses a nature documentary and everyone revolts)
(Which you have to force everyone to do)
Going out on the roof and Star gazing
Which means you had to force Tony and Bruce to build you a telescope
It’s worth it though
The Avengers just being the best, most supportive family you could ask for
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riseofamoonycake · 3 months
Then maybe... something for Thor? 👉👈 anything 😚
Arms of the Thunder
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🌩️ Pairing: Thor x Female!reader
🌩️ Warnings: mention of forced and arranged marriage, angst
🌩️ Implied happy ending
🌩️ Thanks @praisethesuuun for the prompt!
You didn't ask for it. For any of it.
And still it happened.
No one paid attention to your tears, to your prayers and implorings, to the desperation that danced in your eyes as soon as you heard the news, to the clothes that were crumpled after having squeezed them between your fingers until they were almost torn; adamant, your family, the same one that you thought had your happiness and well-being in mind, turned its back on you and left you alone, without caring about your broken heart and, indeed, looking at you with a compassion full of mockery.
Nothing but a spoiled child.
«But I… I don’t want to get married. I’m fine like this…» 
The proposal of Great Odin cannot be rejected. Do you understand it? He offers you a marriage with his son and you act like a little girl!
No buts. Thor is strong, young and handsome, he is more than capable of looking after you and in time you will learn to love him. Trust us.
«I don’t think so, and I don’t want it!»
Grow up, Y/N. Grow up and open your mind, or stay in your misery. However, the decision does not change. You will marry The All Father’s son whether you want it or not. Clear?
Grow up… in these months of waiting, of a long suffered winter and missed spring, the only thing that has grown is your agony, your sadness, the silence and the immobility. The Nordic pantheon… why such a choice? Why the cold of the North, the beaches black like liquid ash, the endless nights? Why the deceptions of Loki Silvertongue, the terrible aura of Odin, and… Thor. Thor Lord of Thunder… Thor who never speaks, never smiles, who inspires fear, but not a single idea of ​​love. Thor… he cannot be your husband. He cannot be! Why? Why?
«It’s not fair… it can’t end like this», you keep repeating to yourself throughout the day, every hour and minute, week after week, locked in your room, unable to feel joy for small and big things, the thought of what will happen approaching unstoppable and cruel, all aimed at poisoning your every moment of freedom. The doors of the building where you reside are always closed, but it doesn’t matter, they could also be open and you wouldn’t escape anyway, because you have lost that impulse too; just as you lost and continue to lose weight, and color, and even your voice. If no one wants to listen, what is the point of using it?
Your family observes everything and doesn’t comment, and in the eyes of your siblings you read the annoyance: they consider all this a whim, the trampling of the toes of a woman who acts like a kid and doesn’t understand that things are done for her good, and therefore they persevere. The marriage arrangement that Odin has proposed is too convenient for the entire house, and that is why they flaunt the choice with pride, struggling to contain their anger at your behavior; they don’t even ask you why you have to act like this, so every day you distance yourself more and more from them, coming to hope that this marriage will at least have the benefit of taking you away from a nest that is no longer it.
Unexpectedly, it is Odin who responds to this silent invocation; Odin, who arrives at your house on a summer day and asks for the presence of the entire family, except you. You remain in the garden without a protest, patiently waiting for the meeting to end; nor are you upset when a flock of maids, led by your sisters, comes to take and drag you into the bathrooms to get ready and settled. Something big has just been decided, and it doesn’t take long to become known: «You have been invited to the palace of the Great Odin! Do you think about it? You will spend the summer with them, together with your fiancé! Are you not happy? My, my, how envious I am… I would like to be in your place!»
You breathe deeply and don’t reply, let yourself be washed, prepared and dressed up without a word, and you smile inside when your sisters frown and notice how every dress is too large and doesn’t suit you like before; you even sneer, seeing the spite in their faces, and allow yourself to hope. If Odin doesn’t find you attractive enough for Thor or simply not up to his standards, there is a chance he might break the contract; and that is what you want with all of yourself, every part of you reveals it.
For his part, the All Father does not comment when he sees you appear before him: he remains impassive observing you with his one eye and from the height of his person, and does not reveal either regret, affection, annoyance or satisfaction; he simply looks at you for a few moments, reading your soul like a book, and then turns away without a word. At this point, you know that you have to follow him wherever he wants to lead you. Despite your hopes, for now he hasn’t broken the agreement, so you barely respond to those who greet you, you don’t look anyone in the face, you wish never to return to this place; and you move on, because it can’t get worse. And you move on, because whatever lies ahead is all you still have left.
As you suspected, the first thing that welcomes you is the cold: a chill that puffs on your face and then penetrates you through your nose and mouth, and takes up residence in your body. Odin’s handmaidens offer you cloaks, blankets, everything that can bring warmth; but you are unable to warm up and remain shivering in the middle of a strange building, too tall and too empty, which you already hate. You don’t even give it a glance, not even a chance to enter your heart, and you shut it out of you with resentment. Thus, erected in the center of the room like a statue and surrounded by a group of people whose words and questions you can barely hear, you only realize after some time that someone is observing you discreetly, without wanting to invade the space and take away the last fragment of freedom you have; and when you raise your eyes, you meet those of your betrothed.
Standing on one side of the room, his face half hidden by the white coat he is wearing, his gaze welcomes you without hurting you, it is not full of heat but not as cold as you thought; it is as if he is waiting to see what stirs in yours. His long sunset hair and the marks that pulsate on his skin are the only notes of color together with the golden irises, but they are traces of light that do not dazzle, which he seems to hold back on purpose so as not to scare you; and for some reason, for a few moments, you feel that he understood you, that he really saw you, and that he respects what you feel.
Maybe he also doesn’t want this marriage like I don’t want it?, you ask yourself as you look away, slightly uncomfortable, and close your eyes in sadness; when you reopen them, Thor is gone, and you mentally thank him for it ― as well as asking for his forgiveness. Now you realize: he is not to blame, he didn’t ask to have you as a guest now, nor as a wife later. Probably, if it had been for the god, none of this would have happened, and he had to bow to a higher law; in this, perhaps, he is more like you than anyone else.
However, it doesn’t help you appreciate the environment you find yourself in: the parties that light up the halls of your building, the carefree voices, the moments of joy and pure leisure couldn’t be further away, because here everything seems to be inspired to the severity, rigor and icy calm of winter…  even when it isn’t winter. Fortunately, the god you feared most, Loki, has not yet revealed himself and according to palace rumors he is too busy elsewhere to do so, and Great Odin has never officially requested your presence, although he always notes when you appear; but not even the other gods are great company, as if they don’t trust each other and prefer to keep their distance, without even spreading too many smiles. At another time, or if they were other people, you would consider them boring, pompous and not at all interesting; but the Norse deities are simply different from you, another level, another world. Even the storms that ravage these lands are something unknown to you: not intense and sudden rains scented with grass and rivers, not dry and fast thunder, not shades of green and puddles that fill roads and woods; but blizzards of ice and snow, flashes of white and blue, rumblings near and far that last for days, anguishing darkness that is lost in a sky with a womb so deep that you can’t see its end. That void, that inverted abyss that instead of making you sink swallows you from above, terrifies you and makes you huddle in on yourself while you observe the black clouds from behind the curtains of one of the corridors of the building and wonder when they will go away, if after another day of storm there will finally be the blessing of the sun; and as you blanch for a thunder, this time so close that even the glass and walls shake, you immediately realize the presence of someone next to you and slowly move your gaze to the figure of Thor, who has silently appeared at your side.
The god looks at you for a few moments, then gently takes the curtain from your hands and covers the window, leaving the sky outside the building. «You are very pale. Are you feeling good?»
You remain silent for a moment, intent on listening to the sound of his voice: it is the first time you have heard it. Then, you pass a hand over your face and try with all your being to hold on words that come out anyway. «I don’t want to be here», you murmur, «I don’t want…» I don’t want you.
«You are freezing. You are not used to this cold yet, you need to cover up more.» Not at all hurt or affected by your words, his face impassive, Thor takes off his white coat and in an instant wraps you in it, rolling up your sleeves and arranging the collar so that it can keep your neck and shoulders warm, tightening it a little to make it adhere better to your body.
You let him do it without replying or moving and you watch with curiosity as your person disappears inside the garment, too long and wide for you but actually warm and comfortable, then you stare at the face of your betrothed and frown. «Why are you doing all this? I behave ungratefully, I tell you that I don’t want to stay here and in return you keep me protected from the cold. Why?» This time the tone becomes pleading: you really wonder what pushed him to approach you, what makes him talk, why with you. Does he feel pity? Guilt, or embarrassment?
This time, the God of Thunder doesn’t reply, but only looks at you. You don’t force any other words and remain silent as well, listening to the storm calming down a little and becoming the closest thing to a peaceful night. You hug Thor’s coat tighter and he adjusts it again, then a hand stops on your head and your hair receives a light stroke, a delicate touch that is the kindest you have received in days, which remains despite being so fast that it can seem like an imagination, a dream.
Outside, the rain drips slowly from the roof and slides on the windows, tracing its patterns; and suddenly it smells of grass, of waterfalls, of home. Inside, you find yourself caressing the white coat with your fingertips, closing your eyes and savoring all the warmth and calm that is descending on your body. The cold is no longer there, now, and when Thor looks at you again to check on your condition, you can’t help but smile a bit. «Thank you», you whisper then, letting the words die and no longer disturb you.
Thor nods his head, then his arm remains close to you. You look at him out of the corner of your eye, then lower your eyelids and let the night win over the world and prepare what will follow.
Maybe, tomorrow won’t be so terrible to live through.
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abbyromanoff · 11 months
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PAIRINGS: Natasha Romanoff x reader
WARNINGS: angst, death, not mentioned but suicide is implied near the end, guilt, grief, think that’s all!
You all can blame @daddynattt for this idea since she is in love with angst 🙄
No one is permitted to steal, copy, or reblog my work as their own!!
Ever since the blip, the end of many lives, the cruel act of a man with no heart, everything had changed. It was quiet in the compound, you could practically hear a pin drop. There was no life there, every living human was dead on the inside. You had lost and you had grieved, you all did. But no one took it as far as Nat had.
You’d wake up to silent sobs from another nightmare or a bright light on the desk as Nat hunched over her work. She tried to find a solution on her own, taking the nearly impossible task on her own when no one else would. To her, it seemed like everyone had moved on so easily. It was almost as if they didn’t even love them, like the family she thought she had was secretly filled with hatred and lies.
Vision was dead, Wanda blipped along with many other Avengers and Shield agents she held dearly to her heart. But worst of all, she lost her sister.
After their childhood, being split up, and finally rejoicing together for a short amount of time, all of it went to waste. She felt so guilty, not only had she canceled the plans she had with Yelena due to her job and what she thought would be a simple mission, but she had let her sister vanish once again because she wasn’t good enough to save her. She wasn’t a kid anymore, she wasn’t weak, so why couldn’t she save her? She may not have had powers like Wanda and Thor, or Super-Soldier Serum like Steve or Bucky, hell, she didn’t even have a special suit like Tony. But the difference between her and the rest is that she never gave up.
When she was set on something, she was determined. No matter what struggles were sent her way, she’d tough it out and learn how to deal with it one way or another. Everything she did was for the people she loved, never for herself. In her mind, as long as everyone else was happy, she could be happy. But she never learned how to do so.
Many times she’d have to hear stories or read articles on how she was a useless Avenger, and every time she tried to act like it didn’t get to her, but you knew exactly what was going on through her mind. She already thought she was a monster due to the Red Room, but hearing it said to her face was different, it made her realize how unloveable she really was.
You tried and tried to get her to open up at some point, even dragging her along to couples counseling where she refused to speak a word and then missed every other session. You would always end up being the one comforted but never the one comforting, and it pained you to know she thought she had to go through this alone.
But it had finally gotten to be too much. You couldn’t handle the one-sided relationship, you knew she loved you more than anything, but she didn’t trust you enough to let you in.
So, you looked for her around the compound one day, not being surprised to find her in the gym. She was beating the bag harshly, and your mind instantly went to the remembrance of what she had told you before; when she was in pain mentally, she’d like to inflict pain physically.
You waited for her to notice you, but she had the second you stepped foot in the doorway.
“What’s up?” She asked, her voice wavering from being out of breath for so long. She tossed a small hand towel that she used to wipe the sweat off of her face on her shoulder and chugged down excessive amounts of water from her bottle.
You looked down, the floor suddenly keeping your mind busy.
“Babe,” She called out again. “What do you need?” She undid the wrapping on her hands that had turned red from the bleeding of her knuckles. You rushed over, grabbing her bottle and squeezing some water onto her towel to wipe her hands. She hissed when you did, trying to draw her knuckles back but you held them in order to help it heal.
“I know it hurts-“
“Y/N, just-“
“You need to be more careful next time-“
“Y/N! Just fucking stop!” You were stopped in your tracks, your eyes trailing to look at her face with hurt. You furrowed your eyebrows, standing up and tossing the towel back onto the bench she sat on.
“God, you never fucking listen to me, why can’t you just shut up for one second? That’s all I ask, for some peace and fucking quiet around here.” She stood up abruptly, speed-walking past you and bumping her shoulder with yours. You were too stunned to speak, and when you regained composure, she was gone. You were tired of bowing down to her, giving in and letting her have her way so she could be satisfied, when would she ever listen to you?
You chased after her, calling her name repeatedly until she finally stopped, sighing heavily and turning around to face you.
“What did you just say to me?” You crossed your arms over your chest, giving her a stern look like a mother yelling at her child.
“I didn’t mean it, alright? Just- I need some space-“
“No, Nat, I’m not going to just keep letting you do this to me, it’s not fair! Look, I love you, I do. But there comes a point where my patience finally gives out and that is now. I’m sick of this, okay? Your problems may be my problems but that does not mean they’re my fault and you get to take it out on me when you feel like it! Do you think this is fair to me? Do you think I deserve this?” She opened her mouth to respond but you quickly shut her up with one look.
“The answer is no, no I don’t deserve this. So you either need to get your act together or I’ll have no choice but to let you go.” Her eyes widened just barely as she tried coming up with an excuse in her mind, but the only thing there were apologies.
“I-I’m sorry.” That was it? Just a sorry?
“No, sorry isn’t going to get you out of this one, Nat. You’ve done this over and over, I voice my opinion and you shut me out and say it will never happen again but it always fucking does! When is it ever going to end, Nat? Because I’m getting really, really sick of this.” You waited for something from her, anything, any bit of remorse or more than a half-ass apology. She didn’t give you one, only standing there with her arms hanging lowly at her sides and her chest heaving up and down from her prior workout.
“Alright then.” You walked past her, your shoulder bumping hers and she instantly got brought back to minutes prior when she did the same to you, but this time it wasn’t her hurting you, it was you hurting her. She tried calling your name, once, twice, and a third time. But you ignored her each time, wiping away the tears on your cheeks and silencing the sniffles escaping you.
Her head hung low in shame for most of the day. When you were in the same room, you didn’t even spare her a glance, acting as if she wasn’t there. When you went to bed, she tried holding you but got shoved off. She slept terribly that night, her night terrors returning worse than before.
When she woke up she headed straight for the office, contacting Rhoedy for the fifth time this week. She had been begging him for Clint’s location, and while each time he came up empty-handed, she didn’t give up.
This time though, he did have an answer. Her head shot up immediately and, without even thinking about you or your argument, she left. However, she sent you a quick text stating she’d be back soon and she had some business to handle, not realizing that that simple action was what ended the debate in your mind. It was clear you didn’t matter as much as her work, you weren’t a priority anymore. So, you made sure she wouldn’t have to worry about you anymore.
You grabbed your suitcase from under the bed and packed all of your belongings, hesitating over the framed photos of you and Nat together before deciding on leaving them. It was best to remove all of her from your life if you were going to be without her.
You left a note and that was her only warning when she returned home. She broke down in Clint’s arms as he held her tightly, nearly crying himself at his best friend's actions.
“They’re gone, Clint. They were all I had left and I fucked it up.” She muttered, choking on each word as more sobs left her.
“No, no, you didn’t mess anything, okay? Once we fix this, you can go after them. But right now it’s too dangerous, you have to let them go for now.” She didn’t want to agree but she found herself nodding along with his statement. Once she saved the world, she’d fix her relationship, she’d fix herself. She’d get help, she’d listen, and she’d do anything to save this.
“I won’t lose them?”
“No, of course not! They’ll understand, they always do.”
Living on your own had been tough, but you managed. It was especially hard without the love of your life, but you had to accept that it was over and possibly for good. The silence was still louder than ever, although it somehow felt different than with Nat. It wasn’t a fearful quiet, it was more peaceful, if anything. But still, it felt empty without your other half there with you. You tried to convince yourself that you were okay, but you weren’t. You needed Nat, now more than ever. You may have been the one who ended things but that didn’t mean you couldn’t work this out, all you knew was that you’d at least try to do so.
There you stood in front of the doorway to your old room, the door somehow looking duller than before. You looked everywhere for Nat, but you came up empty-handed. You then saw multiple men standing outside and rushed over to them, not taking notice of the way they could barely look at you.
“Hey, do any of you know where Nat is by any chance? I really need to talk to her.” You heard sniffles amongst the lack of responses. It had already made sense in your mind, but another part of you almost didn’t want to believe it. You turned to Clint.
“Clint? C’mon, man, where is she?” Still no response. He only looked out to the water, his eyes gazing upon the sky as he hoped to see his friend. But there was nothing but clouds and a blue sky. It was crazy to realize that the world would still go on without her, that he’d have to find a way to live without her being a key point in his life. The little smiley faces she’d put on the end of texts would now just be a memory, and the care she held for others could never compete against another.
“Clint? Please..please answer me.” He walked over to you slowly, wrapping his arms around you in a hug. He held you tightly as he tried to force the tears to stay still, the bile in his throat nearly breaking.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, Y/N.”
“No, no, no, no, this- this can’t be happening, I..I was just with her weeks ago!” He listened as you ranted on, knowing deep down that you had grown similar to Nat, you couldn’t handle the truth. She was gone, and you had nothing but the memories and guilt left with you.
“But, how?” Questions ran through your mind, racing with every possibility and every fear. Clint didn’t want to tell you the truth, that the reason she was dead was because he didn’t fight hard enough. He knew Nat would probably slap him if she heard him say that, but he also knew that it was true. If he had just been faster, stronger, tougher, he would’ve been at the bottom of that cliff, not her. He wouldn’t have had to witness your reaction, everything would’ve been easier if she just let him die. But you both knew her, and she never gave up, and she’d never let someone she loved die in her arms, not again.
“We, uhm, we had to get the stones back and travel through time to do so. Well, me and...Nat were paired together, we were sent off to a place called Vomir, apparently almost ten years back in time. The man, Red Skull was his name, he told us, and I remember his voice so vividly, ‘a soul for a soul’. We both knew what he meant and- and we fought, we fought hard. But..but she, she just doesn’t quit, she doesn’t go down. I tried, Y/N, I really did.” You could hear the sincerity in his voice and the way he could barely let a word out without another sob following. You two were alone outside now, the guys having gone inside to leave you both be. While they all loved Nat, you two were the only ones she’d ever count as true family.
“S-she told me when you two first got together, that if this ever happened, that if she ever died, she wanted you to have this.” He grabbed a piece of jewelry from his pocket and placed it in your open hands. You looked at him, receiving a nod, a silent approval to open it.
“Oh, baby.” Your thumb traced along the photo placed in the locket, it was one of you two on your first-ever date. The restaurant you were planning on going to had closed early that day and you two were left stranded. So, Nat brought you to the compound and into her room before turning on a movie. You two had set up a pillow fort with so many blankets that you could keep warm for years on end. She had taken the photo when you two kissed, showing your smiling faces pressed against one another. Your hand was grasping her cheek while hers was holding the camera. And, while it wasn’t visible in the photo, you could still remember her free hand on your shoulder, you could practically still feel it.
“But, what about you?”
“She had three things placed in a box under her bed. One was that locket for you, one was a letter for me and my family, and the other was this small paper with four pictures of her and Yelena. You know, the ones you take in those little booths.” He paused for a moment. “She really did love you, Y/N, and I hope you know that. She wasn’t easy to talk to, she was just raised that way, but trust me when I say that she loved you with all of her heart. I mean, her heart would practically beat for you, and I had never seen her so happy in the entire time I knew her. She didn’t love a lot of people, but she loved you.” He stood up and joined the men in the compound and that’s when it all came crashing down, what have you done? If you had known months before that the argument you shared would’ve been your last, you would’ve cherished the moment instead.
Nat had saved the world. But little did she know, she was your world, and now she was gone. She had always been a fighter and continued to do so in her last moments, fighting for what was right, fighting to keep her family alive. Fighting with the thought of you in mind.
She was scared of losing you, not even considering that you ended up losing her instead.
So that week when you buried her empty casket, you made a promise. A promise that someday, soon enough, you would join her, and you two would be together for all eternity. And that day came nearly six months later when you were buried next to your love, locket still tied around your neck, right where it always should’ve been.
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𝐻𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑌𝑜𝑢 | Morpheus( Dream) x Goddess!Reader
A/N: Holy smokes guys! I never expected this story to get so much likes and positive feedback, thank you so much! I hot carried away with his chapter but didn't want to make things longer since the real action will start in the next chapter! Thank you so much for your comments and love, and have a good reading!
And in case someone wonders the meaning of the triplets,
Alora means "dream" or "my beautiful dream"
Aksel means "Father of peace"
Amund means "respectful protector"
Series Masterlist
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Heimdall had always been a mindful watcher, that was a fact. He had served Odin and Thor and now, he was serving you, never ever leaving his place and always watching.
For a threat, for someone to appear.
There was no need to say who that mysterious person was, the Heart of Asgard and the Queen of 9 Realms has been missing for over a century now.
Now, Heimdall never described himself as an emotional man. He was a warrior, he was the right-hand man of the Queen and he trained the next generation of soldiers but... He was also a simple man, who grew up with his two bestfriends. The friends who got themselves in trouble more than he can count, the friends who were always on the crack-head side, and the only friend he had left...
For a century now, he had watched every universe, listened every mortal for a news from her. Anything to let him know that she was alive. Her people were miserable without her, though there was a Heart of Asgard apart from you, your youngest and only daughter, she was barely able to stay alive without her mother.
Remembering the triplets that were such joys to be around, he smiled softly at what they done earlier that day. The kids, surely taking after their mother, had barged in his tower with many handmade gifts, mostly flowers and put them all around, saying that they were making everything seem more beautiful.
He wouldn't admit having favorites, since he adored three of his nephews and niece, but the youngest one, Alora, the newest Goddess of Dreams and Hope, was the apple of his eyes.
In many ways, she looked like her father, the unfortunate man who has been captured but now were freed, like her two older brothers. Black hair, a pale skin rivaling the whitest marble and the universe for eyes. As soon as she was born, after hours of labour, he knew then and there that she would have people wrapped around her finger with the cute, dimpled smile she gave around herself even when she was just born.
And the sight of three newborns clutching on their mother thightly had made everyone in the room coo with tears in their eyes.
What he never understood was, the reason behind you not wanting him to reach out to Morpheus and tell him about his children. He never understood why you hadn't told him anything before he left, or even later but you only gave a sad smile, not saying anything. Instead, you made him promise something as if you knew what would happen to you.
"Heimdall, you're the only family I've left. When something happens to me, I want you to look after my kids... Could you do this?"
Shaking his head at the memories flooding inside, he could already feel that a certain someone was coming. The thing is, he didn't want to explain everything that happened and possibly anger an Endless who was already angry as it is...
And how could he just casually tell him that he had three kids?
"Hey, you know what? Your wife was pregnant when you had gone to that mission, gave birth a few years later and then disappeared?"
"Uncle Heimdall! Uncle Heimdall! You won't believe what happened!"
Yeah, another thing was, while their sister aged very slowly, the boys Aksel and Amund didn't, looking almost like a 6 year-old. They barged in with toy swords and a flush to their cheeks, a proof of running from the palace to here as the energetic boys they were.
"What did you two do again, hmm? Causing troubles again?"
"Nooo! Why would we ever do that?"
"Yes, uncle! It seemed like you were judging us though..."
Argh, why did you have to give birth to literal copies of Thor and Loki, Y/N?
Whining at Heimdall, who was shaking his head at their cute, yet wrinkly face which was covered with mud, he had taken out a napkin and cleaned their faces while listening their training with one of the soldiers at the palace.
Though it was hard to decipher what they were saying since they were talking so fast, another thing they must have gotten from you, he liked listening to their normal child life while he was stuck here most of the times. And besides, kids always had an ear to hear what was going around.
"And the warriors were so cool! When we grow up, we will be just like them!"
"Yeah, and we will defend our home! Just like mama did!"
Chuckling at their widened eyes with passion, he raised a brow teasingly at them. "And who's going to rule over Asgard? Don't you want to be like your mother?"
Blinking their eyes silently for a few seconds, they immediately gathered together to talk in hushed whispers, not knowing that he can actually hear them.
When they were done, they nodded their heads seriously at each other, as if to show that they agreed on something very important and turned to him with a look that was similar to yours, one that you would always use on him whenever you judged him for not seeing the obvious.
" Of course Alora will be! She is way smarter and calmer than us!"
"Besides, doesn't she always say that she wants to be the Queen after our mama?"
Nodding his head absentmindedly, he sensed someone entering the kingdom through waters, knowing full well who it was. "Aksel, Amund, go to the palace immediately."
Looking confused at the sudden change of mood, two of the triplets wanted to ask what was wrong but seeing the wide and cautious eyes of their uncle, they nodded their heads and ran away hand in hand.
Watching their little backs disappear over the horizon, Heimdall took his sword away and ran outside. While running on the bridge that lead him and whoever came to the grand city, he stopped at where the bridge met with the soil and landed his sword into the ground harshly, creating a gush of wind at the border while a black figure erupted and stood before him over the water.
Look as cold as the weather in Jotunheim, coat flapping around as if it had his own mind, stance stiff and posture tired yet strong and with a screaming heart for one thing, Morpheus stood there and looked down at the friend of his wife, who was possibly the only one who would be able to give him answers.
"Heimdall, Watcher of All... It's been a while..."
"It sure has, Lord Morpheus, King of Dreams and Nightmares...
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"Heimdall, what's the meaning of this? I do not have time to waste when my wife needs me."
Not hearing him and what he had to say, Heimdall led him to where the palace was while people were looking up and down at Morpheus, knowing exactly who he was and what he had caused. Not that they knew it was out of his control.
Morpheus always adored your kingdom as much as he loved his, not that he would verbally say it. Many trees and the streets were all eye-catching even from a distance away with their tall and high structures and the high towers that greeted ones that entered and your sculpture that were shown alongside your father and the other kings, while you were the only queen, and he couldn't help but be proud of how far you've come.
Bit whenever he would try to say it, you would give him a thight smile and thank him and he would catch the uncertainty that would twist your beautiful face that he adored looking at.
He knew how hard it was for you to accept affection easily, without any condition, and being helped through hardships when you needed. All as a result of your father constantly pushing you further from your limits and expecting a lot from you.
He frowned when a particular memory had resurfaced, as it seemed it was the only thing it was doing recently, a memory of you two strolling in the gardens in the Dreaming, one that was surrounded with roses, tulips and everything you loved.
It was one memory of you, after recreating your kingdom and how... fragile you looked, one that he didn't want to see ever again.
Not that he was able to.
"Stop spiraling into despair, Lord Morpheus. But everything will be told in due time... First, let me take you to the pala-"
"Heimdall, I asked a question... Where is my wife?" Putting emphasis on "my wife", Morpheus was aware that his patience was running thinner every second that was passing with him not getting to know anything about you. He missed you, more than words would ever be able ro describe. He missed having you between his arms, your arms snaking around his waist and hugging him as strong as he was holding you, calling you with all the affectionate words...
He even missed your habit of putting your cold feet and hands on his chest because you were cold and apparently he was hot for some reasons.
Stopping in his tracks, Heimdall took a deep breath and turned to Dream swiftly with a look that was almost similar to the one he wore, a look of utter despair and pain.
"My Queen Y/N is not here..."
The words did nothing to ease his mind, fear running through his mind and his eyes showing it clearly. For the first time like ever, he felt raw fear, his heart started to beat harder, his coat suddenly being a weight that was suffocating him. With shaky hands, he linked them together behind his back and tried to give a somewhat noncholant answer as if his whole existencd wasn't at the verge of breaking completely.
"What... is that supposed to mean? She will be back though, right?" He couldn't help but let his voice became a whisper at the end, showcasing his true feelings to the man he was so ready to destroy just a few moments ago.
"Do you think Asgard would be like this had she come back?" said Heimdall and showed around themselves, with every living creature slowly loosing their colors and vibrant vibes and how everything seemed... silent, dead even.
Had you fell in the clutches of despair so much that your own kingdom, the apple of your eyes, had became a living grave?
Seeing the glossy look he was giving around, and as much as he was shocked to see that side, Heimdall cleared his throat, knowing full well that this topic needed to be talked so that maybe... There would be a chance of making everything as they were.
"This place, our home... is nothing but a void now. Without her, the Heart of Asgard doesn't shine as brightly as it used to. The only reason people are still hopefull is because of the princess and princes that we adore with all of our hearts."
Kids? When did you have them, but the most important one was with who? Was it that Egyptian Moon God? Or maybe Apollo? Or someone from your nation? And here he thought, expecting for you to wait on him... If it was the old him, he would've destroyed the place until he found who dared to touch what was his but now, he wouldn't blame you, he didn't keep his promise even though it was out of his control. He didn't come back as he promised, but there, in that glass, a day didn't pass without him dreaming of you.
"What princes and princess are you talking about? Had she really have that little love for me that she conceived them after-"
"With all respect, don't talk about her so lowly... But I assume Lucienne had forgot about telling you... Shall we continue with our walk, Your Majesty? So that I can tell you the whole story."
Showing the path to the palace, he really didn't know how fast they've been walking, whether from the stares or the gut feeling of it was something bad, Morpheus nodded his head even though he was starting to get more irritated than ever.
Fortunately seeing this, Heimdall just looked at the palace and thought about the time when it all started... with him gone.
"After you were imprisoned, she chose to stay in the Dreaming, trying to stop it from spiralling into chaos. While there, people started to talk. They implied that you had forsaken her out of selfishness, that you were married with her because you wanted the power she held and wanted to use her title... Said how you'd return back to one of your ex-lovers..."
Hearing all of these, Morpheus was shocked at how your subjects were so disrespectful behind your back. To the one who ensured a safe life for them, and his anger showed in the way of the Asgard shaking slightly.
"How dare they? Do they have no respect to our love, our marriage? How could they tell all of these to her?"
Humming as if he was agreeing him, not caring about the shake, Heimdall looked at him from the corner of his eyes, only to see a dark aura surrounding him with thight jaw and a click of irritation but continued, knowing that things were about to get super bad.
The best way to get to that point was asking him about "the surprise".
" Have you ever wondered what she meant by surprise 100 years ago, my lord? In that glass? I assume you did, since it has-"
"There weren't a day that I hadn't dreamt of my beautiful Queen's smile, her gentle eyes boring into mine..."
Raising a brow questioningly at the way his voice spoke the words so tenderly with a dark yet smooth voice, Heimdall chuckled and Morpheus turned to him harshly which elicited a deep laugh from the man in golden armor.
"Forgive me if I used the wrong words, it's just a rare miracle to see ever the cold and unbothered King of the Dreams so... soft and in love... Anways, even though she didn't show how those words effected her deeply, she was in a fragile state therefore couldn't help but get emotional which shook the palace in more times than I can count. But, me and her servants were with her throughout all of it and in the end, it was worth it... The three miracles were born soon after she returned here after providing balance to the Dreaming."
Morpheus, for the better of his judgement, stomped over the man and pinned him to pillar nearby while holding onto his collar with a grip so strong that it could have breaked the pillar. He was sick of all those secret words, tired of people not telling him everything he needed to know. Every second passing by with him not having you right next to him, meant that he was loosing you more and more.
"Watcher of All, I have a very thin patience, especially after years of staying in the glass. My resistence of revenge thinner, and my want for the woman of my life, even more... All of the universe is lucky enough that I only want my wife back... Before I storm off this place, you'll tell me what happened to her and who those 'so-called miracles' are..."
Wheezing and trying to breathe while tugging him off of himself, Heimdall knew he was telling the truth by how his eyes showed vulnerablity, something so rare yet significant to see on people who are ready to sacrifice everything they had for those they cared about. But the shine inside them was the proof that if he didn't do something about it, he would keep his promise of destroying here...
Yet, for one last time, he looked into the dark lord's eyes, to see any lies within, but saw none. He still had his doubts, he saw how cold and dismissive he was to you. He always tried to warn you, tell you that a husband wouldn't do half of the things he does yet, you always defended him, saying that he was no cruel man and never hurt you physically in which he responded with a " What about emotional?" and your only answer would be the silence which deafened all the things you wanted to say.
Yes, he wasn't cruel but he wasn't loving either and most of the times... You were stuck with stone cold walls and a book open over your lap.
That was the reason he didn't want to talk about the kids, your little ones, for fear that he would destroy their lovely smiles and bubbling joy. It was the reason why he begged Lucienne to not tell him anything but in the end, his obstinacy won the war and he came to look for you.
While you always spent your time, dwelling in sadness that your husband wouldn't come and look for you, because he didn't care, neither would he realize your absence.
Why did he not show the tenderness that was coating his eyes now, to you?
" For someone so unbothered, you seem to care about her? Too bad, you didn't show it to her..." Heimdall couldn't help but utter in disgust, shaking him off of himself while Morpheus stood there shocked, yet angry at how the man talked back to him with disgust. As if he had the power to stand against him.
" Before you talk to me like that ever again, consider our positions... I'm Dream of the Endless, King of Dreams and Nightmare-"
"And above all, you were a husband! A husband that didn't provide love and safety she was supposed to have... Tell me, Morpheus, why would I care what happens to me when I have no one left except-"
And in the midst of their verbal fight, they failed to realize that a little girl with jet black hair, ocean-blue eyes and a scared look on her little face who was holding a book thightly between little arms turned over the corner and saw them nose to nose.
"Uncle Heimdall... Who is this? Why are you yelling?"
And with just 3 seconds, 3 seconds that was enough to hate, fall in love, loose everything and get his whole world together... Morpheus stood in front of the little girl with a shocked face, tears strimming down in silver lines at finally understanding what had happened to you and could no longer stand up, finally kneeling on the ground while holding his chest thightly.
Ever since he was free, he sensed- no, knew- that there was someone who needed him. Someone who was weak yet strong enough to fight. And he always thought it was his love, calling out to him, begging him, her sould molding into his...
He knew even before asking Hecate that he had to come here since something was calling him. It was feeling like no other, one that drove men mad, caused the wars between humans and even deities. A feeling where he felt the strongest, and would do anything to get them safety...
Now, he understood. He understood the amount of passionate feelings he had ever since he stepped foot in the waters of Asgard. A silent, unconditional love that coursed through him and engulfed everything he had and even more.
For the little girl that resembled the woman he loved more than anything was standing there with wide, blue eyes... A little girl who was able to bring the Endless to his knees with every little piece she had of him and her mother.
"Alora, stay away from him. Please go to the palace, back to your brothers..."
Squeezing her little yet sharp eyes at the man in black, she tugged at her book closely to her chest and huffed out in irritation with a twitch of her nose. Just like you, my love... Just as brave and straightworward...
"Why are you yelling at him? Had no one teach you it's bad?"
Just as fierce and beautiful...
"Princess Alora, please.... That man is-"
My beautiful dream, the one who painted my darkest nightmaeres into beautiful dreams...
"I know he's my father, uncle Heimdall... I heard his voice countles of times when I was still in my momma."
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Sitting on a lone park, with nothing except the silence of the night around, you were sitting down with your hands clasped together. The chilly air, alongside the scents the flowers emitted, you were peaceful- at least, as much as you could-.
With no one around, no one consisted of Corinthian, Ethel and John, you were finally able to be alone with your thoughts to come with a plan about what you needed to do. In order to get rid of Dream, and well potentially shake the balance of all the universe for a few seconds, the one inside your body had already make enough sacrifices...
Such as capturing you, and ensuring that you wouldn't get out easily by giving your consciousness to none other than John.
With most of the other Gods, their power was linked with their bodies and not their soul, conscious. It was easy to take them, or control them however you wanted to but when you were born, it wasn't the case. The healers told your parents, Odin and Frigga, that you were more powerful than any gods combined, that your soul was the source of your powers. They rejoiced in the beginning, only to be given the bad omens...
" What Heraclitus said was true for you, sister. And it was what brought you to your doom... The world exists a coherent system in which a change in one direction is ultimately balanced by a corresponding change in another... If only you weren't weak, maybe then you would have defeated me..."
It wasn't that Hod, your brother that was currently possessing you, didn't know that you would have even destroyed him completely, erased him out of existence. He was aware the immense power you held, and how those powers evolved into something more inside your children. They were of an Endless and an Asgardian God after all, and one might think that he would go after them too but he couldn't, wouldn't do that.
He didn't even want to cast you away from your body, but he had to so that you'd have a chance at living.
"Forgive me sister... I was once weak, and I won't be again. And I will not loose you either..."
Wiping a stray tear that escaped from his eyes, he gulped down and held his head up. Guilt was eating him alive, for what he had to do but he wasn't going to let anything stop him...
Not even that irritating crow that was standing in front of him.
"The fuck are you staring at? Shoo, come on, go away!"
Kicking it and even shooing it away with his hands, the crow was persistent. Lucienne had sent him to find Morpheus but upon travelling all around the Waking World, Matthew wasn't able to find who he was looking for.
Instead, he found the one thing everyone has been searching for.
"Your Majesty, my Lady Y/N! You're alive!"
"Stop calling me with that name, stupid bird! I'm not her-and did you just fucking talk?!"
"What do you mean, you are exactly her! And my lady, you know that the ravens of Morpheus can talk and communicate!"
Oh shit, does that mean he's somewhere here? But I haven't finished my plans yet!
Hastily getting up, you dugged your hands deeper into the coat you were wearing, not caring about the crow that was cawing at you. You couldn't let anyone recognize you and ruin your plans so, with a wave of hand, you disappeared without much of a track.
But not without Corinthian reaching out to you with that voice you wanted to rip out so badly.
I have found them, my lady...
But what you didn't realize was your plans were already ruined, by a 280 year old woman who was calling to the only person she knew who could help.
The successor of the only man being able to stand against you...
Johanna Constantine.
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Meanwhile in the mighty Asgardian Garden, a certain male was having a breakdown in front of the man who he was ready to have a fight and a little girl, who shook his heart to the core with her big and full of life eyes.
Yet, her eyes were full of knowledge for someone who was 100 at most. The sharp and careful eyes she was giving him reminded of a cautious little pup, waiting for the opposite side to attack...
Which hurted more than he could imagine.
Even though he never said it, there were times he imagined he had a child with you. A daughter, that looked like him but was more like you personality wise. A little funny and energetic kid, running through his kingdom or your gardens while you and him were holding hands just a few meters behind her, sharing loving looks and nuzzling to each other, you putting your face at the crook of his neck...
But now, seeing the cold look, he knew that all of those pastel dreams are far, far away from his reach.
"How... When... When did she-"
"Get pregnant? I thought you would be smarter, my lord. The surprise she wanted to make was this... She wanted to give you the news of her pregnancy..."
With that, Morpheus looked at Heimdall who were looking down at the father-daughter duo with a solemn look and that was enough to make the Dream Lord choke on his sobs and grip his chest thighter, with tears running down his face gradually. He was grief-striken, his heart and soul was in deep agony at the fact that he left you all alone while you were pregnant, in need of care and help. If only he had looked a bit more deeply in your eyes, maybe he would have been able to see the truth there. So that you wouldn't have to face all the hardships alone, while he sat there doing nothing because of his pride...
But now, he understood everything better... What was the point of that much pride while you gave him everything he could ever ask for? Unconditional love, loyalty and children he was proud to have.
How many nights had you spent crying because of the pain your body was going through? Or how many times you had to heal your own heart so that you could have your children between your arms?
Alora, on the other hand, was wary of him. Her brothers may not have remember much, but she did. She knew her mother cried because of him a lot, muttered how she didn't worth anything in his eyes... But she also felt the love they both shared, even for a little girl, emotions were complicated.
But she didn't want to be so cold to him. She could sense whether someone was lying or not and seeing him with red eyes and tears on his cheeks, how his eyes showed every single regret and despair he had in his soul proved that he was way different than from her mother's memory. She expected someone cold, someone evil but seeing a very tall man cry in front of her, something her nanny said was the sign of sincere love, she realized that she shouldn't be so harsh and that whatever happened, he was still her father...
Besides he was so sad, and her momma always said that a little gift would make someone's day beyond our expectations.
At first, when he tried to take a step to her, she took one back which was like a stab straight to Morpheus' heart. He finally had a chance again with his kids but seeing the one he imagined to have be scared of him...
No father should feel that pain.
Feeling bad for what she had done, she took the book to her other arm and toddled up to him. Holding the damp cheek of her father with her much smaller hands, while her blue dress which was a different choice than the rest of the people who only wore golden and white,was making her seem even tinier, Morpheus smiled sadly and held hers between his hands thightly, but not enough to hurt her and two oceans met with each other.
One with the innocence and wonder of childhood, one with the despair and regrets of an eternal life.
Even if she looks cold, she is soft... Much like us...
"I'm sorry for the way I acted... Do you forgive me?"
Her little voice said shyly at him, with a cute flush to her plump cheeks and he couldn't help but choke on his chuckle with a smile at the way she changed her behaviour towards him, becoming like a little kitten trying to win their owner's heart.
"There is nothing to forgive, my beautiful dream... You deserve to feel like that to me-"
"No! Momma said we shouldn't judge people easily! Though I'm angry for you not coming earlier and make us cry, 's fine now!" She said with a beaming smile, which made Morpheus widen his eyes at how easy it was for her to be so bubbly and forgiving with someone she had just met, even if it was her father.
Heimdall was shocked yet pleased as well, seeing how they already started to bond over things they liked. Apparently, a bond between fathers and daughters were stronger than he thought.
Morpheus was, on the other hand overjoyed at the fact that Alora had come to him willingly and was now slowly warming up at the possibility of seeing him more. Her giggles were healing his cold and unmerciful heart surely and slowly and the only thing missing was meeting with his boys, who Alora adored and talked so fondly, and lastly... You.
Before he could have turned to Heimdall who were watching them, who also thought that maybe allowing the Dream Lord in Asgard was actually a good idea since the place had become shinier, Matthew suddenly burst in Asgard, without Heimdall even knowing and perched himself over Morpheus' shoulder who was holding the girl, who shrieked when she saw the bird suddenly, with a supporting hand behind her little back.
And what he had said made him almost drop his daughter in shock, which also was a sign for him to quicken his pace.
"Boss, my lady Y/N is alive but... She isn't herself anymore!"
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"Excuse me for questioning you but... What are you exactly going to do with them? I thought you hated humans?"
"Oh I do, but... These are not just normal humans, Corinthian~"
Looking at you with fear and shock, the man with long hair struggled against his biddings and got his mouth out of the cloth that was stuck in his mouth. To be honest, seeing the woman who was his best friend after all those years trying to kill him wasn't what he thought their meeting would be like.
"Y/N? What... What are you doing? Why did you kidnap us- She's literally a kid!"
"I'm not her... And we both now you two aren't normal. Now be a good boy, and shut up~" you said with a sultry voice while playing with Hob's hair while looking at the girl beside him with a wolfish grin.
"They are no ordinary humans... For one is immortal and the other is the salvation of my sister, the one human she was tasked with protecting..."
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Taglist: @buckys-pillow @diksy1112 @slut4fictionalcharacters28 @daydreamin1220 @justmasblack @mata0-0mata @poemfreak306 @lyria-skyfall @jesllianaquilesrolon @bucky-thorin-winchester @rosewine-5 @zemotr4sh @munsonmunster @mxacegrey @elraeeee @itshamleth @sailorbananabee14 @lu123sworld @jupiterclipse @intothesoul @lovesickollie @winxchesters @auroraravenclaw1927 @iwantagoodstorytoread
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navstuffs · 2 years
Halloween Party
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x GN!Reader
Summary: Aemond kisses his half-sister's best friend (that he always had a crush on) at a party; aka Aemond and Reader drunk making out with masks without knowing who they were.
Warnings: MODERN AU, DRUNK PARTY MAKING OUT, rhaenyra is okay with her half brothers and sister, SHORT FANFIC, alcohol use, age gap (aemond is 19, reader is mid 20's)
Authors' note: THE HALLOWEEN AU FANFIC NO ONE ASKED FOR! i wrote this drunk but revised sober so lets hope i did a good job lol i have a whole AU series of aemond falling in love with reader that is rhaenyra's best friend. again, as with most of my fanfics, this can be read as a stand-alone fanfic.
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Aemond debates mentally about what he is doing at that Halloween Mask party, even though his sisters Rhaenyra and Helaena urged him to go. He needed to have fun, his sisters and mom said earlier. Aemond isn't a party guy; he never really was, even during his teenage years. Unlike his half-sister Rhaenyra, he wasn't popular. Unlike his other sister Helaena, he wasn't the prettiest and adored by everyone. Aemond was content on being the quiet brother(at least not an asshole like his older brother Aegon) but with Helaena and Rhaenyra insisting so much, Aemond decided to appear at the costume party, wearing a pirate hat with a proper eye patch. Not that losing one eye when he was a kid didn't help him nail the costume. He didn't even bother wearing the rest of the costume, leaving the rest of the clothes at home. He probably looked ridiculous anyway.
Aemond didn't know anyone at that house party, except his siblings. He looked around for your presence but he didn't see you. You were one of Rhaenyra's best friends since her first year of high school and one of the few of Rhaenyra's friends that didn't annoy Aemond. On contrary, Aemond loved talking with you. You were smart, funny, and not futile like the rest of her friends. Aegon teased him about the crush, implying you would never see Aemond more than a single-eyed child. Aemond knew this: you were too hot, too pretty, and too important to stay with someone like him.
Aemond thought he saw Helaena's blonde hair pass him, dressed as a bug fairy (she explained to him earlier the existence of bug fairies) very fast before she disappeared into the crowd. Aemond was not going to message his older brother Aegon, that was also at that party. He couldn't embarrass himself like that. Besides, Aegon would just make fun of him and be no help, demanding Aemond get laid.
So, Aemond decided to hang out by the drinks table. One. Two. Three drinks and Aemond was feeling tipsy. He watched Mickey Mouse and Thor make out and what Aemond thought was a hobbit for Lord of the Rings drunk, being dragged by his friends. Aemond shakes his head, shifting his weight from one foot to another. He would have sat on the sofa if they weren't couples making out there.
When Aemond decided it was time to call a night, a masked Demon wearing a black tuxedo appeared in front of the table, grabbing one of the alcohol bottles.
"I wouldn't drink that if I was you. I saw a hobbit throw something in one of those bottles" Aemond warns, biting his lips.
The Demon turns and smiles at him, thankful and Aemond nods, awkwardly. He had noticed the Demon dancing before, moving their hips against other people in the black suit. They seemed to be having fun and Aemond didn't know if they were drunk. I wonder if they are sweating in that suit, Aemond thought.
With what seems a grateful look, the Demon disappears into the kitchen. They soon come back with two bottles of closed beer and Aemond accepts, making sure they are unopened, with a shy smile.
"Thanks, I guess?" The Demon smiles agreeing and for the first time, Aemond has a familiar feeling like he knows this person from somewhere "You don't seem to talk much, I suppose."
The Demon shakes their head and Aemond notices the powerful long black nails on their fingernails. It isn't hard to understand why everyone's eyes are on them. They are captivating. They are charming. Anyone that could make out with them would be an extremely lucky person. Of course, it wouldn't be him, Aemond thought laughing to himself. The Devil was just paying attention to him due to being saved from getting drugged. That could the only reason they have taken attention to Aemond.
Suddenly their finger points to the dancing floor, a tricky smile on their lips.
"I don't dance. I am sorry" The Demon continues smiling, their eyes shining in the middle of the darkness. Aemond could swear he knows them but can't really quite place from where.
Maybe it's the alcohol speaking.
Maybe it's the alcohol letting the Demon's hand grab his, guiding him to the dance floor. Aemond is nervous. He doesn't know how to move or what to do. He stands there as the Devil starts moving their hips and arms with the song, a slow and sensual ballad. The Devil passes their hands around Aemond hips and moves them slowly with the song.
Aemond had never felt so ridiculous. And aroused.
Aemond passes his hand through the Demon's hips and feels their groin suddenly touch together. Aemond holds back a grunt, hearing a gasp from the Devil. Aemond watches as the Demon moves seductively around him, ignoring all the stares, probably wondering why he, Aemond Targaryen, could get the hottest person in this whole party.
Aemond's hands pressure the Devil's hips into his groins harder and they welcome him, his hard-on rubbing against their ass. It is like no one existed anymore, there was no party, just them. It had to be the alcohol's influence; he never felt so aroused like this. Aemond prays mentally his siblings didn't see him like that.
Before Aemond could react, the Demon locks their lips together. Aemond moans in the kiss, feeling his face burn as everyone is most likely watching them. The Demon just pressures him even more, as if like saying 'Fuck them, let them watch'. Aemond's hard-on is even more noticeable now. Aemond doesn't really know what to do; his hands feel too awkward for that body. He never had done anything like that.
When the Devil's hand starts playing with his belt, Aemond pushes the Devil's away, his hands on their shoulders. The Devil immediately stops, breathing heavily, their lips swollen with the kiss. Aemond stares at their face, and with no choice, runs away. Aemond knows he wants to continue, he knows he wants to feel another hand on his dick, but he can't.
The Devil doesn't follow Aemond. They watch as Aemond flees, making no attempt on following him. They remove their mask, revealing to be nonetheless, Rhaenyra's best friend, Aemond's crush since he was a kid, Y/N L/N.
You wipe the kiss from your lips, a malicious smile forming. You didn't know your best friend's brother could kiss that well.
"Well, shit." You whisper.
You can't wait to taste more.
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mara-tevith-solo · 1 year
Sing a Little Song For Me
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Photo not mine
Part 3 of the drabble set, still in no particular order
Warnings: Capture, Canon levels of violence, threats to an animal even though the animal can and will body people, threats of bodily harm, Quaritch is still a warning, mentions of past violence
Pairing: Colonel Miles Quaritch x Na’vi/Avatar named reader/oc Still no true descriptors
Rating: 18+
Words: 2.3k+
"Toruk Makto!" A voice called out as I circled over the Seadragon, calling my attention to the figure who was standing on the main deck and waving for my attention. A human-dressed Na'vi figure, more accurately.
"What?" I called back, letting Thor swoop low but fast, not wanting either of us to get shot.
"Boss wants a word!" The man yelled back before we were high up again, turning to make another pass "Says it's important!"
"Who's your boss?" I called just before Thor was going high again, taking us out of range as we circled around the whole ship.
"You'll just have to come see!"
"What if I just leave? Nothing is stopping me from just flying away!"
"If you try it, we'll shoot a tracker in your bird and hunt you down!" I frowned at the impossible situation, knowing that he wasn't bluffing, and them hunting me down meant that I'd be in way more trouble than I was in that moment. A man hunt meant collateral damage.
I frowned as I stared at the man wordlessly, making Thor circle higher, not swooping down to exchange words "Jake." I pressed into the radio around my neck, hoping that he could still hear me.
"Ani? What is it?" He asked, already alarmed since I was using names instead of codes.
"I'm being captured by the Recoms. They've got a ship, and it's crawling with soldiers."
"Where are you? We'll come get you." I could already hear him moving, imagining the alarm he was raising with the others.
"No, it'll only end badly." I frowned up at the open sky, closing my eyes so that I didn't get blinded "There's no way out of this for me, Jake. I just wanted to give you a heads up of what's on the way. Figured I could do that at least." I admitted softly.
"Sister, just tell me where you are, and I'll come get you." His voice cracked as he begged for the information.
"Love you, little brother. Give a kiss to the kids for me. Iron Sky going dark." I opened my eyes as I looked back down at the ship, at the Recom who was still standing patiently on the deck, arms crossed over his chest, a sniper standing beside him already sighted in.
"No! Ani! Just te--" I took off the radio and the ear piece, throwing them into the ocean before letting Thor get closer to the ship.
"If I come in, will y'all shoot us?" I asked on autopilot, my eyes fixed on the sniper like she was a poorly camouflaged viper.
"No! Scout's honor!"
"Fine, I'm coming in!" Thor hated the idea to his very core, pulling away from our circling so that he could get a good angle at the main deck, slowing at the last second with powerful wingbeats and a mighty roar, letting me stand on his shoulders as he set down carefully, playing up the wild beast belief the humans had of his kind with more roaring. I stood on his shoulders for a few moments longer, looking over the twitchy soldiers and the bald Recom who was waiting patiently with an amused smile on his face. I was slow to jump from his shoulders, landing lightly before disconnecting our kuru and letting him fly away with another bone rattling roar. "So, now what?" I asked while taking my bow off my back and handing it to him as carefully as possible so that no one got cut by the arrowheads.
"Now," He appraised the bow with reverence before handing it off the a soldier who carried it like it was simultaneously made of glass and a bomb "I cuff you to ensure crew safety. Knife please." I handed it to him hilt first without complaint, even handing him the small one I kept on my left calf before offering my wrists. I growled darkly at the approaching humans as the Recom cuffed me with quick movements, his grip careful like he was ordered to not hurt me, though he did chuckle softly as sailors jumped away from us quickly. I flashed a toothy grin as I dropped my ears back, leaning into the rumors that I was batshit crazy "Come on, cupcake. Time to see the Colonel." He shook his head at my antics but his smile remained, even as he took me by the bicep and began leading me up tight stairwells and hallways. My heart beat loudly in my ears, already knowing who he was referring to but not wanting to acknowledge it until I absolutely had to.
"So who had to die for you all to get access to this rig?" I asked as I memorized the path, locking onto every little identifying feature because there were so few.
He scoffed and ducked low through a doorway "No one, cupcake."
We entered what looked like the bridge, the view was definitely the best, matched with large windows that let every possible ounce of sunlight in, a large projection table in the middle of the room that was flanked by watching eyes "Mom!" Broke the tense silence as movement flashed from the other side of the table, Spider hopping around other humans as quickly as he could manage.
It felt like my heart was soaring as I crashed to my knees, not caring that I was crying in front of the enemy as he barreled into me, arms latching around my shoulders as his head tried to disappear in my hair "Spider, oh my Spider! Thank Eywa that you are safe!" I sniffled as I hugged him as best as I could with bound hands, closing my eyes to the overwhelming relief as the tears continued to pour in earnest. "Have they hurt you, my son? Have any of them done you harm?" I pulled away enough to cup his face in my hands, giving him a once over for any bumps and bruises.
He shook his head, beaming a happy smile as his own tears fell down his cheeks "No, Ma. Dad won't let them." He sniffed, looking over his shoulder to the Recom that I hadn't noticed, leaning casually against the holo-table with his arms folded over his chest, a gleam in his eyes that set me on edge in funny ways. It was hard to look away from the familiar features, the set of his brow, the scowl, the way he wore his gun even. All of it made fear flood my veins and my thigh ache through the bone. I shifted so that Spider was angled in such a way that I could quickly put myself between he and the demon, every ounce of my focus on him and only him.
When he noticed my staring he stood as tall and straight as he could in the human dimensioned bridge, a lavender tint to the bridge of his nose "I see you, Ani of the Omaticaya, Rider of Last Shadow, Mother of my son." He made the motion as he spoke, bowing ever so slightly from the waist as he spoke, his use of the language still shaky, but it was good. He looked to Spider as though asking how he did, what he needed to correct, but Spider's smile widened as he nodded enthusiastically. I blinked in shock at the behavior for a split second, that old computer error noise practically screaming in my ears as my brain refused to process it all.
I decided to pay him in kind, curious to how he would react as I stood, one of my hands on Spider's shoulder until I began speaking, making the motion and inclining my head politely "I see you, Colonel Quaritch of the Sky People, Father of my son." I didn't miss how Spider looked between the two of us, smiling as though you'd just told him he'd won the lottery, neither of us missing how Quaritch's blush moved into more of a lilac tone, neither of us saying anything about it. "So, Quaritch, you wanted to talk shop, so talk." I invited firmly with little more preamble, braiding some of Spider's locks while he was still there in front of me, needing to do something with my hands.
Quaritch shifted with a frown, crossing his arms over his chest again "Let me start this rodeo by saying that I know you're not going to give up the Sullys. I know it'd be a... messy waste of time for both of us, if I asked." He looked at me in that knowing way, though from the Recom body it didn't look nearly as threatening or malicious. "So, I'd like you to teach me and the others how to survive out there in the water. Teach us how to appeal to the People." There was a record scratch in my head as I blinked up at the man, wondering what sort of trap he was preparing for me if I agreed, what he'd do to me if I didn't. "I'm not gonna hurt ya if you refuse, Ani. Stop lookin' at me like that." He sighed, shaking his head and waving my concerns, though I was almost sure I was hallucinating the shine of remorse in his eyes that lasted for a split second.
I sniffed as I squared up, not fully believing his assurances, remembering the past "Why should I believe you?" My voice was firm and unwavering around my words as I studied him, watched every little movement he made. I was sure I could still get off the ship while bound. "You once put a knife through my thigh when I wouldn't defect. I still hear your laughter in my nightmares." Ok, maybe that was a little too much information.
The remorse was back as he held up his hands in placation "I'm not that man." He swore earnestly with his head down in submission. I cocked my head to the side as I studied him in a much newer light.
"He's not, Ma. He's a lot nicer now." Spider nodded as he looked up at me, hope shining in his eyes.
"This isn't The Parent Trap, kid." I reminded him, remembering that gleam from every single iteration of the movie.
"Please Mom!" He begged, pouting up at me as though he had no shame. There again, he was trying to set up his parents, of course he had no shame.
I groaned and pinched the bridge of my nose, cursing softly under my breath, before I was pointing at Quaritch, fixing him with a frustrated glare "I will teach, but the moment you act like that murderous old monster I will not teach another thing!" I swore as firmly as I could, trying to impress my seriousness upon him.
He perked up instantly, eyes shining and ears trained on me like my word was gospel "Fair enough." He nodded with a croon to his tone. I hated that the audiophile in me was enjoying his voice. I hated that there was something to him that instantly put me at ease. "Where to?" He asked, still smiling, eyes still bright, still radiating excitement.
"Pull us in to the nearest uninhabited island. There, I will see if your insanity can be cured." I stared up at him defiantly as I hit him with the line that Mo'at had once hit Jake and I with, the one that had started so much.
"I've got a quota to fill! Not ferry you lot 'round for some heathen mumbo jumbo!" A human interjected angrily, smelling like a shit stack and looking like one too.
Quaritch changed immediately when he turned his attention to the man, still smiling but the previous light had gone out. His ears dropped and it was as though the temperature of the bridge had dropped with them, but I didn't get the sense of being in any danger even still. At least not from him. "You heard the woman, Captain. We have an island to be at." His voice was cold though still jovial, a bone chilling mix as the human visibly gulped.
"I'm not taking orders from some woman, Colonel. I don't care if she's the President of the United Bloody States!" He pressed on despite his fear, and I couldn't decide whether he was just that stupid or that brave, but my money was on stupid as he puffed up his chest to the large Recom.
Quaritch's ears pinned to his head as he closed the space between the Captain and himself, the ferality of his smile dialed up to unprecedented levels but still I did not feel like I was in danger, and it seemed like Spider was of the same mind, just watching the interaction with hard eyes and a carefully aimed scowl at the Captain. "Any orders that come from her, come from me. Do we have an understanding?" He got in the man's space as he leaned down, his voice quiet despite the unconcealed anger in his tone.
There was a tense moment where no one on the bridge seemed to breathe, all of us just watching the interaction, helpless to interject or intervene. "Alright." The Captain finally nodded after a minute, deflating and no longer meeting the Colonel's eyes.
"Good." Quaritch praised with a nod, standing back to his nearly full height, glancing at Spider and I with an apologetic smile. "Give me your hands." He held out one of his own while he waited for me to comply, his fingers relaxed. I obeyed, staring him in the eyes the entire time, and action he reciprocated as he deactivated the cuffs. I was quick to snatch my hands back when they were free, not entirely trusting that he wouldn't bind me some other way if I left them out too long. He smiled tightly, trying to act like my distrust meant nothing to him "I'll show ya around."
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terry-perry · 2 years
Christmas with the fam
Loki*relaxing with a book
Thor and steve * prep for christmas dinner
Reader and bucky* the tree hanging
Valkyrie:We got te drinks
Hela*sits next to loki chilling
The kids*outside and in jackets snowball fighting
A.j:is it true uncle thor dressed as frya to get his hammer back?
Thor: please no
Steve*holds smile*did it happen
Y/n and loki:Yes and we can tell the story
Thor:NOOOOOO >~<
hela: we saved his dress too
Steve and a.j*wheeze*oof XD
*summary the frost giants stole mew mew because want frey to marry a royal to their realm they didnt agree Himdall has an idea Dress thor in a wedding robe or dress with a thick veil covering his face and loki as a pretend handmaiden . Thor drank alot and when the giant asked for freya if he wants to see thors hammer it be like this
Giant:hey freya~ wanna see thors hammer
Thor:HEl- I mean Yes darling~
Giant*presets it
Thor *goes ham attack while in a dress*
Thats how he regained his hammer
Its just a light laugh and yn gave thor a light compliment "you do look beautiful in it big brother^~^ "
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How about for this AU, they were after Y/N? The family refused to marry her off and as an act of vengeance, they invaded Asgard and took what they could, including Mjolnir. How they got it back remains the same lol
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Being Thor's best friend + Týr's Fiance part 2
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Reader: female | Thor x sister-in-law Reader (Platonic)| Týr x reader (romantic eventually)
Notes: you guys liked the last one so heres the second part!, Freyr also comes in! So cool! Also týr heavy, not much thor this time! Sorry
Warnings: bitchy moms bitchy moms oh so bitch moms
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If you fully honest
You didnt remember what happened when you woke up the next day in bed with you sketch book and a few pages spewed on the bed with yourself and a pencil
You felt a large hand, an unfamiliar large hand fall on your shoulder as you stay fake sleeping, a blanket being brought further up your body as your hair was swipped back for comfort and that was all.
You hadnt even been changed out your outfit of last night.
You sat up
"I did not wish to wake you." Týr spoke, Y/n's sketch book in his hand, setting it on the desk.
"Oh...thank you." Y/n spoke softly.
"You are tired still. I would be as well." Týr chuckled, "we had quiet the night."
Y/n was silent looking around, "You take your work very seriously."
Y/n nodded, oh, drilling another project she supposed, picking up one of the left over sketches some quick, other's well consumed on time.
"Ah....I was having trouble with the beard..." Y/n responded looking over the sketch, "I uh. Was never too good at draw braids."
"I had heard of your work prior, I am certainly impressed."
Y/n nodded, "thank you. Its an ever-growing skill."
Y/n looked at the other pages casually, he watching her intently.
"Uh...yes?" Y/n asked nervously.
"Oh. Breakfast?"
"Uh. Sure..." Y/n responded.
He had brought you breakfast in bed
Thats awfully nice
"Do you enjoy it?"
"Yes. Its good." Y/n spoke, "did you make it?"
He made it indeed.
Still you feel akward eating lunch with this man.
Its a rough start, the trying to get to know you part
He figures, once he starts getting you to talk, you wont be able to stop
Its true in a way, you enjoyed talking about your pass time, and he enjoyed listening.
But besides that you didnt open up much.
"You and Thor are good friends."
"Since we were kids."
"It's nice then. To return after your long journey to friends."
Y/n looked down into her bowl, "I was on a journey. Is that what they told?"
"You're own mother-"
"She's just as bad as your father." Y/n complained, "Both compulsive liars."
"Misery is good company they say."
That caused her to chuckle, he wasnt wrong.
He likes your smile, and you enjoy his witty humor.
You could atleast be friends it seemed like, he's kind, and carring. Good sense of humor.
Also he wasnt like your mother so big plus
Deep deep deep down, you know that you could of become friends with Týr on your own if you werent forced to marry him.
You guys kinda are forced to spend the day together
You both do try and see the postive, but the postive would you not having to wear a dress, so you didnt and came out looking like a bad ass bitch.
So you spend your day together, mostly walking, and sitting, and talking.
Until kids run up to you
"You bested Thor!" One cheered, "me and my sister are gonna be Valkyires! We wanna be like you!"
"Yeah you were so cool!"
"The first male Valkyire?" Y/n asked.
"Yeah!" They cheered, "The Valkyire twins!"
Y/n chuckled, "Well. I am no Valkyire. But. I know a few. And Im sure one day you'll both best the best."
"Come on! Lets go tell mom!"
And they ran off together with happy goodbyes.
Cute. Kids are cute, sometimes
"You're good with them."
"Kids?" Y/n asked, "truth me told I still think Im one myself"
He likes that your comfortable
And you both contuine your talking
It doesn't last long, a charge of kids come at you
"Can boys really be Valkyires!?"
"I wanna be a Valkyire!"
"Me too!"
"Lets battle!"
"Yeah! Come on! If we beat you! We're sure to be Valkyires!"
Oh what have you done
Týr's laughing as a group of kids gang up on you
You have no choice but the crumble
They've resorted to tickling you now
But you wont let them win and chase them causing them to laugh and run.
He thinks it's really an eye opener to see how you are
Plus he thinks its really cute you with kids
Though he doesn't feel like its his place to ask your opinion on kids
Luckily you go through most of the walk without intruption
His talks of peace and all, really intrest you, he knows peace can brought on even without war.
You wish nothing but to agree with him, but you know how cruel people can be, he knows but still sees the postivey in them all.
You suppose no one wants to see there parents in that light, even the worst of them.
Changing the subject he ask what you'd like to do.
Your tempted to say drinking contest.
But end up saying drawing.
He'll admit he's not the best artist, but would love to contuine to spend the time with you
He's expecting a table, just drawing whatever you remember.
Not well. The adventure that comes with it
Climbing on the sea side cliffs, a dangerous but exilerating adventure.
Sure your both shuffling along but soon your jump from one cliff to another and he's worried you'll fall.
He soon learns this isnt your first rodeo, nor second. It's like you were born into this.
"Here we are," y/n spoke, hoping down onto the pebbly beach, "our subject matter and dinner."
Its a two in onw for sure, catching fish and drawing, intresting idea but for sure something he wouldnt mind doing again.
So you both sit together throughout the sunset and until the night takes over.
It wasnt so bad spending time with one another
You best be sure ya'll spendt the night on that beach.
The next morning you woke up on the beach, warm, and happily swaddled in large arms.
Tempted to go back to bed and temptation wins
You simply roll over and go back to sleep.
You wake up later in a bed.
How much later on you don't know, but you wake up alone and covered in thick blankets.
Sitting up you get out off bed, you're chlothes have been changed.
Your hair braided back for comfort
"You're up."
She came over with a pot in hand, setting it on the bedside.
"Týr explained to me you were cold to the touch, he was afraid of any sickness." She explained, "thats what happens when you spend your night on a beach shoeless. Do you feel ill?"
"Oh. Uh. No. Im fine." Y/n told, "thank you."
She nodded, "drink this. For security."
Freya poured Y/n a cup, she thankful and took it.
"How are you two getting along?"
"We're fine....I still dont think of him as..."
"A partner?"
Y/n nodded, "Suppose I am selfish-"
"Its arranged. It's normal to feel such a way. With your conditions especially."
You were quiet as you drank your tea. So Freya knew about what happened to you...
She talks to you a bit more about Týr mostly, and you answer the best you could
Your little "date" with him yesterday didnt go bad after all
"He cares very much about you already. He finds you liberating."
"Whats that suppose to mean?"
"You dont find too many Aesir with hearts tainted that still hold true to there holder."
With that she leaves you, and Thor is walking in.
"I heard a colds the one kick your arse."
"Oh please." Y/n complained, "Come for another ass beatin then?"
"Can't I check on ny friend?"
Y/n shook her head playfully, drinking her tea looking out the nearby window.
"Its good to have you back."
Y/n looked his way, "its nice to be back. Within reason. Cant stand to look at your father or my mothers face for two fuckin seconds."
He laughs at that, and so do you
Its the truth in full honesty.
You cant balme him. Its fucking funny
Yet its all cut short when your mother walks in.
You manage to shoo thor away, as she closes the door behind him.
She received silence, "Have you slept with him child?"
Y/n sipped her tea.
"Have you fucked thor."
"How the fuck am i suppose to sleep with Thor?" Y/n argued, "He's my friend-"
"What does your husband think about this-"
"He likes my fun." Y/n growled, "and he's not my husband."
"He will be within days time."
"He will be within days time."
"Dont you dare mock me. What are you? Five?"
"Oh please a five year old has more balls and intergerity than you'll ever have." Y/n argued.
She scoffed and rolled her eyes, leaving Y/n to her own devices.
Gladly you were by yourself, with your sketch book on the bed side.
You grab it and look through it looking through yesterday sketches.
The pebble beach was the peice of the day, and some pages included small things you found along the way, a small crab, some seaweed, the fire you two had made
And you had even tried sketching Týr a few times, small portraits
Final you decide to get out of bed and get dressed.
You make your way around, finding Týr talking with Sif.
"I'll leave you to it then."
"Sif hey."
"Y/n." She smiled with a quick bow of the head in acknowledgement, "I'll leave you to be."
Y/n watched her leave, "I am glad you are feeling better.
She looked up at Týr and smiled small, "just cold feet it all. You two talking bout smart people stuff?"
"Uh. A book." He responded.
"Which one?"y/n asked trying to make conversation, "Im assuming there is no war in it?"
It went silent, she confused and raised an eyebrow, "you good?"
"I apologize for lying to you." He started.
"I was rather asking how to woo you. You seem great friends with Thor, I suppose me and Sif are much more alike in that aspect of partner ship."
Y/n laughed it a cute sentiment: "very thoughtful of you. You want...an opinion? I would consider myself an expert."
"Very much I would."
"be yourself." Y/n smiled softly up at him, " but dont be afraid to ak me the hard questions. I can take em."
He chuckled, a smooth lightheared sound, "then may I ask: would we have been lovers on a diffrent path? One that is not arranged."
Y/n hummed, "i suppose blunt honesty is how I woo you?"
"Most certainly," he smiled, his fingeds coming up to tilt her chin up.
Despite his large form he was soft, and careful, and his touch could make anyone melt.
"I don't know." Y/n answered finally, "Truth be told Im surpised we even get along on the path we're currently on."
"And why do you say that?"
"I did beat your brothers ass at the accounment dinner."
Týr chuckled once more, "I believe that is what started our friendship."
You could only smile at him.
Then realized what the fuck was happening: your sharing your feelings, your open, your melting at a simple chin lift.
Your....developing a crush kinda sort off...
Oh fuck no
So you pull away, telling him you should...go...and well do something
You dont exactly know what your doing but your running away basically
To do what? To hide from your feelings
Top ten places to hide is the wheat farms especially when there ready to be harvested and its all tall.
Soon enough who you thought was Freya comes along with a baby dragon.
"Looks like we have a guest. Y/n? Right?"
"Im Freyr. Freyas brother."
"Oh. Nice to meet you."
He took a seat without a care, commented on the sky and got to chatting right away, the baby dragon coming into your lap to play
"Ready for the big day?"
"Eh. No one ever is."
"I dont want to marry him." Y/n complained, "not now."
"Well then dont." Freyr spoke, "its that easy isnt it?"
"Unfortunately not." Y/n responded.
"Well why not?" He asked, she shrugged.
"Just. Isnt..."
"But you do wanna marry him?"
"Well. No."
"You said not now."
"I can see why Freya is the one that does all the talking,"
"Ooo, ouch." He hissed, "Someone got a little defensive."
"Is there a point? To your madness?"
"Theres always a point to madness is there not? Madness is what makes the world move forward."
"You are confusing."
"Thanks." He smiled settling down in the wheat, his body relaxed with the sun casting down on him, "lay back would you? Your blocking the sun."
Y/n sighed and scooted over allowing the sun to hit him, she just stared at him.
"You gonna ask me a question? Or ya gonna sit there and stare? I know Im beautiful."
Y/n sighed, "what happens if I do love him? I do marry him? My mother wins..."
"Ah yes. I hate her just as much as you do."
"You do?"
"Mhm. My sister and her got into it. While back." Freyr explained, "she hurt her is all I can say. Nasty blow out really."
"So I let her win?"
"From what I know of her she likes control, your out here. Sitting in a feild with another man. And a dragon." Freyr explained turning on his side, "has Týr expressed anything he likes about you to you? I know he has to Freya. Its yap yap yap since the moment he saw you. Yap Y/n Yap Y/n. Did you know Y/n draws? Yap yap yap. Just like that."
Y/n chuckled, the baby dragon gumming on her hand: "I suppose he does like that Im me...without my mother."
"Hm." Freyr hummed, "your mothers miserable anyways. Fuck it, do what you want. What makes you happy."
Y/n hummed in thought, "cheese sounds like it, it would make me happy right now."
Freyr looked at her, "that does sound good."
And thats how you became friends with Freyer, eating cheese outside the meed hall.
Your laughing with him, talking about things: life
Hes talking about his home realm, the beauty of it even inviting you to come
"Hey maybe you'll come on Honeymoon"
"Oh please."
You guys talk until night has long ago fallen.
So late that you hand over the dragon to him because it fell asleep when you part diffrent ways.
You return back to your room being quiet as possible, your sure everyones asleep at this hour.
Týr had fallen asleep with a book in your shared bed
You were quick to change into your bedware, quietly at that too, doesnt help you tripped over your own shoes
You grabbed the book from the bed and marked it for him putting it off to the side as he had many times for her.
Then carefully climbed over him, to find yourself a spot beside him before falling asleep.
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applejuicefruit · 1 year
Hello. Could you do a Dusan Vlahovic one where he has a day off and helps you take care of your nephews and starts to have a baby fever
dusan vlahovic x reader
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You were currently laying on the floor with your two nephews that were playing like they were the avengers. Your sister asked you if you could watch over them for a couple of hours because she had some errands to do and of course you said yes. You loved spending time with your nephews, especially if Dusan was there with you helping you around. The two kids loved Dusan, mostly because he always plays football with them and teaches them some cool tricks. But right now you were playing the villain and your nephews were Thor and Iron Man, trapping you down to “save the city”. It’s been two hours you’ve been playing and they still had energy left.
Their eyes sparkled when Dusan got back home early from training. You told him your nephews were staying with you for a few hours and he was completely thrilled at the idea.
“Look who’s there” you said to the kids when they saw Dusan entering the apartment. Trying to get their attention to him instead of you.
“Uncle Du!” one of them screamed running towards him.
“Hey big boy” he said to the older while the youngest was slowly crawling to him. Dusan was faster than him so he picked him up in his arms and kissed him too.
“Why is aunt y/n laying on the floor?” Dusan asked, not being able to contain his laugh.
“No no aunt y/n…Loki!” the younger one said trying to form a phrase but Dusan was still having difficulty to understand him, mostly because you liked Marvel and he didn’t so he had no idea of who Loki was.
“Aunt y/n is Loki, the bad guy and I am Iron Man!” the oldest explained so Dusan could understand.
“Loki is not the bad guy…” you whispered, sure that your nephew didn’t hear because you didn’t want to ruin Avengers Infinity War for them, they were still too young for watching that movie.
“Okay okay, but I think aunt y/n should lay on the couch and not on the floor, she could get a cold and you don’t want her to be sick right?” Dusan asked them and they both nodded.
You stood up and mouthed a thank you to him.
“What do you want to do kids?” you asked them once you were back on your comfortable red couch.
“Football!!!” the youngest scream and you started laughing, thinking that now it was Dusan’s turn to suffer.
“Yes football!” the older agreed too.
“Yeah, I think it’s a perfect idea, right Dusan?” you teased him and he laughed.
“Okay okay…I’ll teach you something new” he said and both of the kids laughed.
You were still laying on the couch, watching how Dusan was being careful at every movement he was doing with the kids, trying to teach them some cool things but at the same time watching them in case they would fall or get hurt. He was always so attentive and caring when it came to kids, your mind started to wander what it would look like if you both had kids one day. You were still relatively young, only twenty two so you had all of your life in front of you to take that big decisions but seeing him so happy around your nephews had some effect on you.
After one hour of football they got tired so you and Dusan put them to sleep in your guest room while you ordered something to eat. Your sister texted you that she was coming in two hours and she couldn’t stop thanking you for taking care of the kids, knowing well that she needed a day to herself after being a full time mom, she deserved some time to relax.
“They have so much energy!” Dusan laughed sitting next to you on the couch.
“I know…they’ve been playing for more than five hours straight and they fell asleep just now!” you agreed with him.
“But I love spending time with them…” Dusan said and you nodded. They brought a light of energy into your life and you were happy with them.
“You’re so good with them” you said to Dusan.
“Kids make me happy…they’re so innocent, full of life, sometimes I think about us…and a kid in the future” Dusan confessed and you froze. Did he really say he wants a kid with you?
“Me too…” you said.
“Really?” he asked you a bit surprised of you.
“I mean…maybe not now, but I want a family with you Dusan…I love how you act around kids, you will be such an incredible father, I can guarantee that” you smiled and Dusan wrapped his arms around you, keeping you close.
His hands gently laid on your belly and you felt something you never felt before.
“I can already imagine you pregnant with my baby” he whispered “you would look so good…I would take such good care of you and our baby…” he kissed your neck “you would be an amazing mom, always making sure the kids are happy and safe…”
“Do you think we are ready? For a baby?” you asked him and he nodded.
“I think we are more than ready…I want this with you, a family, a baby…” he said straight to you and you nodded, feeling more confident.
“Let’s do it then” you whispered.
Dusan got so eager that put you in his lap and started kissing you but you stopped him.
“I meant when my sister comes to pick up the kids…” you laughed.
“Oh okay…when is she coming?” he smirked and you bursted out laughing. You couldn’t wait to start a new life with him.
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acciotherapists · 9 months
Little Sparrow Chapter Four
Loki x Reader Mafia AU
When Tony Stark's little sister wakes up deep in enemy territory she assumes her life is over. She'll be killed or worse: used as a bargaining chip against her estranged brother. What happens when the mafia leader, Loki Laufeyson, offers her a deal she can't refuse? No sentiment. Only revenge. What happens when the truth is revealed? Will she betray her only family or betray the man she loves to hate? Little Sparrow is an enemies to lover's fic riddled with betrayal and spice!
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Frigga was watching me carefully as my phone began ringing several times. I tried to ignore the calls but he was relentless.
“It’s alright, dear. You should take the call.”
I nodded and answered the phone.
“Where the hell are you, kid? We’re going sick over here with worry!”
“I said I’m fine, Tony! Can you just lay off?”
The door opened and Loki stepped inside. “I heard yelling. Is everything alright?”
“Is that Laufeyson?” Tony shouted and I pulled the phone away from my ear.
“Who are you talking to?”
Frigga answered for me. “Her brother wouldn’t stop calling.”
“Give me the phone.”
I looked up at him. “What?”
“Give me the phone.”
“Tony, I… I gotta go.”
Y/n, what the hell is going on?”
I handed Loki the phone and he smirked as he put the phone to his ear. “Well, hello there, Stark… Your sister? Oh, she’s just fine. She’s been having a nice little chat with my mother. They’re about to go shopping together. Isn’t that fun?” There was a pause and Loki’s smirk grew wider. “She’s mine, Stark.” Another pause. “Don’t worry your little playboy head. She’s perfectly safe with me.” He approached me as Tony assumedly yelled into the phone, moving his finger underneath my chin. “I don’t know if she wants me to return her to you,” he chuckled. “I mean, after all… you let her get attacked and never even came to find her. It was me that found her and brought her back here. I think she’s quite content where she is.” Loki rolled his eyes, pulling the phone a few inches from his ear. “Your brother is loud, little one.”
I smirked, grabbing his hand and moving it to my cheek. “Tell me about it. Try living with him.”
Loki chuckled, returning the phone to his ear. “We can discuss the details of her return once you bring me what I want.” With that he ended the call and tossed the phone on the bed.
“Done with me already, Laufeyson?”
He chuckled. “Oh, little one. I have no intention of letting you go but if your brother and his friends are angry it makes it all the more likely I’ll get what I want.”
“And what is it you want?”
He shrugs. “I guess you’ll find out, won’t you?”
I rolled my eyes. “More secrets, huh?”
“It’s what I do best.”
“Loki,” frigga warned.
Before he could say anything his phone rang and he growled in annoyance, pulling it from his pocket.
“Yeah?... What?... Shit, I’ll be there in ten.” He hung up the phone and turned to us.
“Fandral reported suspicious activity in New Asgard. Someone reported seeing Thor near there.”
“Why would he be there?”
“Looking for her.”
“Why is that a problem?” Frigga asked. “We know she’s nowhere near there.”
“But they don’t know that and I don’t want them looking too deep into that town. They need to stay off our turf.” He pressed a kiss to my forehead and hugged Frigga. “Take her into town and get her some things to wear.” He handed Frigga his card. “I’ll have Heimdal and Syf go with you both just in case.”
Frigga nodded and he left the room.
“Does that happen often?” I asked. “Him having to leave like that?”
She nodded. “Unfortunately, yes. It’s part of the job.”
Frigga took me into town and bought me way more outfits than I needed. I tried to refuse but she insisted, explaining that Loki would want me to have plenty of clothes and feel more at home. Syf and Heimdal seemed nice enough though they didn’t talk much as they were always on alert for threats around us.
It was strange how comfortable it felt talking to Frigga and the time passed far quicker than we realized. She looked down at her watch and chuckled.
“I suppose we should be getting back. Despite my insistence on helping them, Syf and Heimdal carried the bags to the car and we returned to their home.
Loki was waiting for us when we arrived. Syf and Heimdal brought the bags to our room and Loki crossed the room, seeming visibly shaken up. He wrapped his arms around his mother and then me. “Are you both alright?”
“Of course we’re alright, son. What’s happened?”
“It was a trap. Tony used Thor to lure me out. He knew I would come.”
“Did they hurt you?” I asked and he shook his head.
“No, but when you were gone for so long… I worried… I thought you might’ve been hurt. I thought they might’ve gotten to you.”
Frigga smiled, placing a hand on her son’s cheek. “We’re alright, my son. Y/n and I just got talking and we lost track of time.”
“Why didn’t you answer when I called?”
“You know I never bother with that silly phone. I never needed one in Asgard; I certainly won’t need one here.”
“Mother-.” He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.
“Here, hand me your phone,” I said.
He looked at me confused before pulling out his phone, typing in the password and reluctantly handing it over. I quickly found his contacts and entered my number before handing him back his phone.
“Now if your mom and I are together and you don’t know where we are you can just call me.”
He looked down at the screen. “That’s your number?”
I nodded as he pressed a button on the screen and my phone buzzed in my pocket. I took it out, showing him the screen.
His eyes softened and he seemed relieved.
“Not big on trust, are you, Laufeyson?”
He shrugged. “You’re an Avenger.”
“No, that’s not what I meant!” he rushed to explain. “I just… I don’t usually trust anyone aside from mother and Heimdal.”
“Maybe someday you’ll add me to that list.”
He smirked. “Someday.”
Taglist: @honeyrydernot
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4seasonsofart · 8 months
Hunter or the Hunted? | Hybrid Thorfinn (Part 1)
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A young Snow Leopard hybrid meets a Siren hybrid in the most unlikely of cases. Will a friendship blossom, or will the tides of fate pull them under?
Season 1: 6 year old Thorfinn meeting you. S1 Spoilers!
Hybrid Thorfinn x Reader
Hybrid Thorfinn (Part 2) Season 1: Thorfinn sees you after eleven years.
1002: Iceland
The gentle breeze of Mother Nature has gone through the village occupied by so few. Small flakes of crystalline coldness settle on the ground as those few trek through it. A sultry sound mixes in with the ocean waves as if an angel fell to earth and was trapped beneath the sandy shore. The sounds of hungry animals can be heard far off as the lull of the inviting waves draws Thorfinn closer.
The young boy was banned from playing with the others after he broke one of the other kids arms. He couldn't understand why; he was just having a little too much fun.
● Thorfinn met you by chance that day, as he saw you tangled up in one of Leif's fishing nets and crying out for help. Your voice was like the sweetest music he had ever heard in his ears. He almost didn't realize you were crying until he inspected you closer.
● He is always told by his father to help both humans and hybrids alike. You seemed to be a hybrid, much different than him. You were dangerous; that's what Leif had told him. In one of his many long-winded tales, he was informed that Siren hybrids were some of the most dangerous and atrocious hybrids there are.
● They lure humans and hybrids underwater and drown them. Sometimes they eat them, and sometimes they mate with their prey. They may hate humans more than hybrids, but they are not kind to either. One almost forced Leif to marry her, or so he says.
● He couldn't believe his eyes to be in the presence of such a creature, and yet his childlike curiosity did not allow him to feel scared of you.
His tiny hands reach the edges of the net as his eyes scan your body to realize the indents of chains on it. Swollen purple bruises are adorning your starved body as your jagged ribs are sticking out of your skin at a ghastly angle. Even your tail did not come out unscathed from whatever horrors you witnessed last. Long gashes run along the sides of your tail as many glittering scales have been ripped from their very place.
Your music sounded so broken and lonely, as Thorfinn realizes something. You had the same chain marks as the human slave they found earlier in the snow.
His curiosity only grows rapidly as his rounded leopard ears stick up in the air at the sound of a ship approaching. He quickly gnaws you out of the net that was binding you and picks you up as if you were nothing more than a rag doll.  
● Thorfinn takes you back to the hut and tells his mother and older sister about what he found. They both stare at him in pure horror. Both are mixed with a distraughtness over your condition and a fear over your strange arrival at such an inopportune time, the same as the slave.
● While you are being taken care of, Thorfinn gets scolded for poking and prodding at you like a strange animal. You were a strange animal, but so was he.
● You are sleeping peacefully next to the slave as Thors speaks of the promise of Vinland to the both of you. The slave slips into the enigmatic afterlife as you curl up and refuse to make contact with any of them.
This confuses Thorfinn greatly. The young boy yearned for adventure and all that it could provide him with. The young Siren had already seen too much adventure in their short life.
● He cannot ponder that for long as Halfdan knocks down the door and ends up arguing with Thors.
"I found them. Pardon my bad manners, Thors. I'm the rightful owner of that slave and hybrid. Give them back to me."
● Halfdan is one of the cruelest creatures on the planet. That creature has a hybrid owner. One that thinks that any hybrid is below them as they are humans and therefore superior. Someone who locks hybrids up in horrific conditions or treats them like the finest trophies It was obvious that you got the short end of the stick with him.
● Thorfinn tries to defend you as Thors takes over the conversation. Soon enough, Halfdan is leaving with over half of their livestock and a promise of more to come. After all, siren hybrids are rare, valuable, and incredibly dangerous. Anyone with a handful of brain cells would know your worth. 
● Thorfinn pouts at the loss and continues to try to engage with you, but to no avail. He is told that you need rest and food before you are able to even speak again.
● Over the next few weeks, Thorfinn will continuously visit you in the extra room that Ylva set up for you in their now-half-empty barn. He tries to get you to speak and regails all of the stories he has heard from Leif. He is set on making you talk to him, and he will have to talk one day.
● Of course, he would never tell you how he was banned from visiting you in the first place. Everyone in the village was.
● You were seen by many as bad luck, and they didn't want you around. Thorfinn didn't mind you, though. He liked your company, despite how you didn't talk. He could already imagine all of the adventures he could set out on with a siren at his side. You could guide him through the seas and show him Vinland!
● One day is unlike the rest, as he comes in to see you finally sitting up. He runs up to you with an excited smile and invades your personal space. He just wants to know more about you. His tail is wagging excitedly, and his leopard ears are perked up to their highest extent.
He watches your sluggish figure push off the animal furs that cover your slowly recovering body. Your battered body was still covered in an assortment of wounds, although they were fading. Even your stomach seemed to be a little more rounded and your ribs less prominent. Thorfinn could barely contain himself as he saw that you had human legs now instead of a tail.
"Woah, you look so much more human now! No gills, talons, tails, or scary eyes." He states it in an innocent tone, although it could inadvertently come off as offensive.
He sits down next to you on the small cot and is practically buzzing with joy. You look at him with those tortured eyes, and he instantly feels his body shut down. As if time stopped for everyone but the two of you. Your mouth begrudgingly opens to form a single word.
● He shakes you suddenly and begins squealing at the fact that you just spoke to him. He spends the next few hours talking your ear off once again as you warm up to him more. You were around his age and still so quiet. He is unable to understand why you wouldn't talk. You must know so much, and perhaps you even saw Vinland! He tries to coax you to talk more as he talks about his day and other random things.
"Then where does everyone who wants to run away from here... go?"
"One day we'll both go to Vinland. I am sure that you can lead me there."
"Thors took away my weapon. He told me that I didn't have any enemies. Halfdan seemed pretty evil to me. Wouldn't he be your enemy?"
"I almost got attacked by the sheep hybrid today just because I took his animal fur blanket! I was going to give it back. Just borrowing."
"I want to have some of that bread we had a few weeks ago. It was really, really good. There isn't anymore of it. Not a lot of crops grow here. The snow and stuff make it hard on the plants."
● Another week passes as you regain some of your mobility, and Thorfinn leads you out towards an empty warship. He leads you into the water and tells you to follow the ship as it moves. So you do.
● You were already getting anxious enough to be in one place for so long. Hunters never seem far behind in these lands, and you had a really high bounty on your head.
● You had no one then. You have Thorfinn now. So you follow him underneath the waves with immense difficulty. Your injuries aren't completely healed, and you can barely use your water magic. You are six; what does the world expect of you?
● You end up swimming under the water near a rock formation. You feel the hairs on your slimy skin stand up as you shriek. The underwater world goes dark as, above the water, a battle is raging.
● Thorfinn's life passed in the blink of an eye as he watched his father die at the hands of this vile man.
● In that moment, something breaks inside of him. That innocent expression on his face is now nothing but crestfallen hopelessness. He searches for a sign that you are alive under the water.
A single sign may save him from the hatred he is drowning in.
You're gone.
You disappeared.
You abandoned him.
Did you?
That innocence within him drowns under the tsunami of fury now ever present within. He will murder that man, as it is only his right.
Not just for his father, but for whatever happened to you.
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kittenofdoomage · 2 years
Autumn Falls: Saturday
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Summary: Y/N’s had a run of bad luck that’s left her miserable, so her sister and best friend surprise her with a trip to Autumn Falls, the exclusive Californian resort where your every dream comes true. Seven days of relaxation and luxury await her, but will her vacation lift her spirits or leave her longing?
Pairings (reader is female): Negan x reader, Bucky Barnes x reader, Thor Odinson x reader, Sam Winchester x reader, Negan x reader x Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester x reader, Geralt of Rivia x reader, Steve Rogers x reader
Word Count: 37041
Warnings (expect any combination): slight angst and commiseration, non-disclosure agreements, flirting, conversations about relationships, oral sex, vaginal sex, public nudity and skinny dipping, size kink, sex in a hot tub, suspension (sort of), intense sex, breeding kink, yoga, my obsession with Sam’s hands, massages, dirty talk, slight praise kink, vaginal fingering, anal fingering, and squirting, threesome, double penetration (vaginal/anal), handjobs, shower smut, sex in a kitchen, horse riding, wild nature sex, over-stimulation, excessive orgasms,  comfort, companionship, aromatherapy and hot stone massages, anal sex, light BDSM, restraints, spanking/paddling, anal play, double penetration with toys, gagging, cuddling, post-vacation blues
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She had put two and two together by the time Negan left her at the stables, having forgotten them the night before due to how exhausted she felt. Ten hours of sleep had done the trick, and waking up to breakfast in bed delivered by her personal concierge was a welcome bonus. Now, she waited just inside the fence, having been assured by Negan that her companion for the day would be along any minute.
The man that appeared was not what she expected at all. Her mind had conjured an image of some rugged cowboy type but Geralt did not look like a cowboy at all, save for the leather. He looked more like he’d stepped straight out of a medieval fantasy, the long white hair strikingly bright against his dark clothing, and when he approached her, leading a young chestnut mare beside him, she noticed his eyes were a bewildering shade of gold.
“Y/N,” he greeted. “I am Geralt.” He patted the mare’s nose, and the horse snorted, rubbing her head against him. “This is Sunshine. She’ll be yours for the day.” Y/N forced a squeaked “hi”, taking the reins as he handed them to her. “Do you have much experience riding?”
“Uh, yeah, when I was a kid,” she muttered, moving closer to Sunshine with careful steps, letting the horse see what she was doing. “Might need a refresher.”
“Sunshine is a very patient and good-natured horse,” he informed her. “But we’ll take it slow. Do you need a hand up?”
She glanced at the stirrups and saddle, assessing the distance. “I think I can manage it.”
Geralt nodded, a faint hint of a smile on his lips, gesturing for her to try. Her heart pounded, and she grabbed the saddle with both hands, lifting one foot as high as she could to grab the stirrup. Sunshine whinnied but remained perfectly still, displaying the aforementioned patience as Y/N hoisted herself up.
Halfway, she caught her foot, and panic set in; a pair of large hands grabbed her from behind, giving her the leverage to free her foot and swing her leg over, landing a little heavily in the middle of the saddle. The mare tapped her hoof against the concrete floor, lowering her head slightly.
“Not too bad,” Geralt chuckled, rubbing his hand along Sunshine’s neck. “Just hold steady here, and I’ll be back in a moment.”
There wasn’t much choice in the matter but Y/N nodded anyway, smiling tightly as she gathered the reins, smoothing one hand down the mare’s shoulder, attempting to get to know her steed. The last horse she’d ridden was back in middle school, and that horse hadn’t been too friendly - she also hadn’t stayed on very long after he’d bucked, and her mom had decided that was enough horse riding for her.
Another set of hooves clacked across the yard, and she looked up, spotting Geralt emerging from a stall with two packs in his hand and a brown mare’s reins in the other. When he reached her, he handed her one of the bags, and she hefted it up, slipping it onto her shoulders one at a time.
“What’s your horse’s name?” she asked curiously.
“Roach,” he grunted back, walking around the larger mare to hoist himself up. Roach didn’t make a sound, chewing at the bit as he settled himself astride her. “Feeling okay to head out? We’ll keep it to a walk until you’re more comfortable.”
Y/N nodded, waiting for him to take the lead. He clicked his tongue as he gently nudged the mare’s side with his heels, and she stepped off, taking neat and measured steps towards the opened gate.
“Where are we going?”
He didn’t look back as he answered. “There’s a good spot a few miles North where we can stop for lunch.”
That explained what was in the bags at least. 
It was very quickly obvious that Geralt was not as talkative as any of the other people she had met that week, which meant she had to make the effort to fill the silence, though her attention was captivated by the scenery around them. The trail he took her down was picturesque, surrounded on all sides by trees, and about a mile along, the path met a narrow river and followed it.
“Does this river go through the whole forest?”
Geralt glanced back. “There’s a few offshoots from the main river,” he pointed to the right, away from the river they were beside, “which is about five miles that way. It’s not deep here, so we can cross easily on horseback.”
She nodded, looking up at the trees as Sunshine kept plodding along, easily managing the smooth path. For a second, she wished she had a camera, knowing that she wouldn’t remember all of this natural beauty exactly as she wanted to, and she sighed, dropping her chin again.
“Everything okay?” Geralt asked.
“Yeah, just… it’s so beautiful here. And quiet. It’s nice not to be surrounded by people all the time.”
He chuckled. “Yes, it is.”
The path lowered alongside the river, until she suspected they were in the dip of the valley, though she couldn’t see over the trees. Geralt suddenly turned, guiding Roach towards the water and she realized they were going to cross. He paused at the edge, looking back at her, and she pulled Sunshine up beside him, worrying her lip with her teeth.
“Just keep beside me. The water isn’t rough, the horses will be fine.”
She nodded, hesitating for a second when he started to move forward, though Sunshine seemed to know where they were going and followed without her encouragement. The water rushed around the horses’ legs, and halfway across, Roach stopped for a drink before Geralt urged her on.
Once they were on the other side, the path was wider, allowing for them to ride side-by-side, and Y/N tried not to stare at her strange companion. She wanted to ask why he wasn’t wearing a helmet like she was, why his eyes were golden, why his hair was such a strange color, maybe even why he wasn’t as chatty as his predecessors were. But she kept her mouth shut, relaxing a little in the saddle under Sunshine’s calm and expert walk, enjoying the quiet of the forest around her.
She had no idea where they were by the time the trees started to thin out, opening up into a wild meadow with a carpet of flowers and grass. Geralt pulled ahead, looking back at her as the path disappeared entirely.
“We’re here,” he said, slowing Roach to a stop.
Sunshine halted too, though Y/N wasn’t sure she’d given the mare any instruction - it appeared as though she didn’t need it. She waited as Geralt dismounted, dropping his pack to the floor and hooking his horse’s rein over the saddle. He approached carefully, reaching out to stroke Sunshine’s nose and the horse snorted softly.
Dismounting was easier than mounting, especially with help. Y/N hit the ground with a low grunt, brushing herself down as she smiled up at the strange white-haired man. His lips pulled back in a tight grin, but he looked away to arrange Sunshine’s reins the same as Roach’s.
“Won’t they run away?” Y/N wondered aloud.
He laughed. “No need to worry,” he assured her, turning away. The horses didn’t seem to care about their newfound freedom, wandering off a few meters to find the freshest grass on the field. Y/N remained where she was, watching as Geralt got down on one knee to unpack his bag. Out came a blanket, some bottles of water, and half-a-dozen containers of food. Slowly, she moved closer, shrugging her own bag off. “I think Megan gave you the rest of the food.”
She paused, holding her bag in her hands as he set about spreading the blanket, and when he was done, he moved back for her to sit down. Lowering herself to the ground, she tugged her bag in front of her, opening it up to find fruit and sandwiches in labeled packages. “I wasn’t expecting a picnic,” she joked, pulling everything out.
“There isn’t much else to do this far out,” he replied, tearing the lid off of a bottle of water. “We’re near the furthest edge of the ranch property, and it’s either a long walk or a comfortable ride. Besides,” he took a swig of the cool liquid, fixing her with a strange smile, “it’s quiet.”
“You’re not like the other guys I met this week,” she murmured, shifting so she was cross-legged opposite him. “They were… chatty.”
“Sometimes you have to learn to be comfortable with the sound of nothing. To be comfortable with just yourself.”
“It’s not just me here though,” she whispered.
“No,” he replied gruffly, though he sounded amused, “it’s not.”
Some birds chirped loudly as they flew overhead and Y/N smiled, leaning her elbows on her knees as she inhaled deeply, savoring the sweet crisp air. The chin strap of her helmet began to itch, so she quickly took it off, shaking her hair out. “Did I really need this?” she chuckled.
“Insurance purposes,” Geralt grunted.
“Okay, that makes sense,” she conceded, laying the helmet on the blanket. “Why don’t you wear one?”
He grinned, reaching for the punnet of grapes he’d pulled from his pack. “Hard head.” Plucking one grape from the bunch, he casually tilted his head back, tossing the grape up and catching it in his mouth.
She watched him for a few moments, trying to figure him out. So far, she felt like each “companion” had provided a lesson, or an introspective thought - seizing the day, returning to activities she’d previously enjoyed, learning to relax and roll with it, as Negan kept telling her, to practice the self-care she’d avoided for so long. Overall, it seemed like this place was supposed to be somewhere she rediscovered herself, and she had, though she couldn’t figure out what Geralt was supposed to be showing her at all.
“Aren’t you going to eat?”
His question made her look up with a shy smile. “Yeah,” she mumbled, pulling one of the containers towards her. “Just lost in thought, I guess.”
“Thinking about what?”
Maybe just straight up asking him was the best option. “I’m just trying to figure this out.” He tilted his head a little, obviously unsure what she meant. “This whole week, it feels like… lessons.”
Geralt stared at her, amusement in his golden eyes. “And what do you suppose the lesson is today?” She shrugged and he chuckled. “Maybe you’re overthinking things. Maybe there is no lesson to be had at all.”
Overthinking, she mused. It wasn’t like she didn’t do that all the time anyway, analyzing every tiny occurrence, every sentence, every encounter. Sometimes she laid awake at night going over events in the day, or stuff she hadn’t thought about in months.
Was that the lesson? To stop overthinking things?
Roll with it.
She smiled, picking up a stick of cheese. “Maybe you’re right.”
They ate in silence, though she stole several looks in his direction that didn’t go unnoticed. The horses grazed nearby, occasionally flicking their tails or wandering to a fresher patch of grass, and when Y/N was done eating, she laid back, looking up at the sky and the few clouds that slowly dragged across it.
“It really is so peaceful here,” she whispered, closing her eyes and sighing softly. “Going home is going to suck.”
His answer was a low chuckle, and she smiled to herself, keeping her eyes closed, listening to the nature around her. Birds chirped, the sound carrying on the light breeze, and somewhere in the distance, something called out, a low noise that she didn’t recognize but sounded a little like a cow. Beside her, Geralt shifted, and she opened her eyes, rolling her head to the side to look at him.
“What do you do, when you’re not taking women on isolated horse rides?”
He looked at her, the same expression of amusement on his face as before. “My primary duty is the horses,” he murmured. “In truth… you’re the first guest I’ve entertained here. I’m not what you would call a people person.”
She wasn’t surprised; he didn’t strike her as the sort of guy who liked many people. But the admission that she was the first guest he’d entertained was surprising. “Negan said you all signed up for this. What made me so special?”
A grin tugged at his lips, and he shrugged, leaning heavily on one elbow. “You intrigued me.”
Suddenly she wanted to see this “file” that had been mentioned, and all the information that they had on her. She didn’t feel particularly interesting or “intriguing”, so she wasn’t sure why Geralt would have found her to be that way. “Can I - can I ask why?”
The smile on his face made her squirm and she lifted herself up, inadvertently shifting a little closer to him. “Curiosity,” he said quietly, making eye contact as he spoke, and the intensity in his oddly-colored gaze sent a shiver down her spine. “Most of the guests here, they’re not… genuine. You’re different.”
“How can you know that?” she teased.
He shrugged, gaze unwavering. “How can you not?” His answer stunned her into silence, and he chuckled lightly, reaching out to catch her chin in his fingers. “Maybe the only lesson you needed to learn here was that you’re worth something. That just being you... is special.”
“I don’t see how you can get all that from a file.”
“I’m good at reading people.”
Shooting him a look of disbelief, she sat up, crossing her legs underneath herself, resistant to the idea that anyone could find her attractive or interesting. Geralt watched her cautiously but curiously, one thick brow arched higher than the other.
“Let me tell you what I see,” he murmured, sitting up straight, close enough that if she turned her head, her nose would be inches from his. “I see a beautiful woman. I see someone who has fought more battles than she should have. I see someone -” His fingers slipped under her chin again, sliding up to cup her jaw and force her to look at him. “- who was told she wasn’t good enough and believed that lie.”
He was so close, the earthy, warm scent of him almost clouding every thought. “If I was good enough, he wouldn’t have found someone else,” she whispered brokenly, trying not to let the tears get far enough to fall.
The look he gave her was gentle but frustrated. “And you never considered that it was him that wasn’t worthy of you?”
She hadn’t. Not for one second. And that was ridiculous when she thought about it. “No.” A shuddering breath passed her lips and she swallowed, transfixed by his eyes. “I feel like you’re going to kiss me.”
Geralt smiled. “That’s because I am.”
There was barely time to snatch a breath before he’d closed the distance between them, lips meeting in a soft caress that quickly turned hard and passionate. He licked into her mouth, coaxing little moans as his hands slipped around her hips. She shouldn’t have been surprised at the ease with which he hauled her into his lap, manhandling her until she was straddling his wide hips.
Her internal conflict from only seconds earlier was dispelled with the lust he was igniting in her, and when his hands wandered up underneath her sweater and shirt, she whimpered into his mouth, breaking the kiss to breathe. He smirked up at her, rocking slightly so she could feel the effect she was having on him.
Without the benefit of his mouth distracting her, their surroundings suddenly rushed back, and she looked around nervously. “Is this a little, uh, exposed?”
“There’s no one for miles,” he replied, moving his hands up further, bunching her clothing as he swiped his thumbs along the sensitive skin underneath her breasts. “No one to hear you scream,” he added, a filthy grin on his face.
He moved, rolling them both until she was pinned under his larger frame, finding her lips again to silence her surprised squeak. She responded in kind, twisting her fingers in his shirt and wrapped her legs around his waist to grind against him. The move made him groan, and he pulled back with darkened eyes, licking his lips hungrily.
“These,” he plucked at her pants impatiently, “are going to be a problem.”
She giggled, biting her lip as she released his shirt with a slight shove against his chest. “I can’t take them off while you’re on top of me,” she pointed out.
Geralt laughed under his breath, getting up onto his knees before reaching for the offending jodhpurs, tugging them down. Her panties went with them but she was left with no time to be bashful about her partial nudity when he instantly pinned her again, initiating another kiss that almost distracted her from the hand sliding between them. His fingers brushed her damp sex and she arched into his touch, grunting needily into his mouth.
“What about yours?” she gasped, clinging to his shoulders as he pressed two thick digits into her soaked hole. “Geralt -”
“Shush,” he growled, mouthing at her throat. “I’ll fuck you when you’re good and ready.”
His voice was thick and syrupy, rumbling against her skin as he stroked his fingers inside her. She hummed, gasping when he found the deepest spot inside her, making her hips jerk in reaction to the sudden intense stimulation. He didn’t stop, holding her down while he fucked his fingers into her harder, finding a rhythm that made her pussy clench around him, drenching him with her juices.
“You’re so wet for me,” he purred, sliding his thumb against her clit, smirking at the quiet little mewl that left her lips. “Let me feel you cum.”
She nodded absently, too busy drowning in pleasure to really process his words. Her only thought was how good it felt as the ecstasy built in her core, threatening to explode out of her. Geralt didn’t stop, watching her face as she fell apart, and moaning his approval when she shuddered, practically dripping around his fingers.
“That’s it,” he praised. “Keep going.”
“I-I can’t,” she moaned, tossing her head from side to side. “I ca -” The denial trailed off in a cry that disturbed the birds in the trees meters away. He still didn’t stop, thrusting his fingers until she could hear how wet she was. Her mouth opened in a silent cry as she quivered in his hold, and when he slowed, withdrawing his hand, she whined needily, tugging him into a kiss. “Please,” she whimpered, swallowing air furiously, “fuck me.”
Her fingers were already at his belt, peeling the thick leather through the fastening before he could catch up. Between hungry kisses, she got the belt open, and he shoved his pants down, blindly fisting his cock and pressing the thick tip against her. She gasped, rolling her hips, desperate to feel him filling her.
He growled against her jaw, nipping at her as he teased her, rubbing his cockhead through her folds. “Open up for me.”
Without hesitation, she spread her thighs wider, and Geralt groaned, penetrating her with one smooth stroke. His hips pinned her legs back, forcing her to feel every single inch buried inside her; her eyes rolled back, whole body going limp for a split second. He held deep, kissing along her throat as he unzipped her sweater and shoved her t-shirt up over the cups of her bra.
“Let me see those pretty tits,” he murmured, tugging at the cups of her bra until they were tucked underneath. It wasn’t the most comfortable thing ever but she couldn’t bring herself to care when he sucked a nipple between his lips, using his tongue to make it hard. He moaned, the sound vibrating through her, and before she could process every single point of stimulation, he started to move, fucking into her with short sharp thrusts. 
Everything faded away in pleasure, and Y/N couldn’t think beyond how good it felt to have him inside her. He left teeth marks on her breasts as he sucked at them, and she was sure there’d be bruises from his hips as he ground into her, using his thighs to keep her legs wide. She didn’t even try to fight the building pleasure in her belly, and when she began to cum again, Geralt covered her moans with kisses, fucking her through one orgasm and into another.
He slowed, allowing her a moment to breathe and think. Her whole body was buzzing with need, and her fingers itched to touch him; it didn’t take much to unbutton his shirt, letting her hands slide over his muscular and slightly hairy chest, unable to miss the scars that littered his skin.
“Ignore them,” he whispered, batting her hands away to pin them above her. She nodded, humming against his mouth when he kissed her again.
She moaned, tilting her head as he dragged his lips along her jaw, still thrusting against her lazily. Her thighs were burning with the ache of being held so wide but it only added to the bliss of it all, and as he picked up speed again, she let her eyes fall shut. He slipped one arm underneath her, forcing her whole body flush with his, making her painfully hard nipples scrape against his chest. A high-pitched whine was cut off with another kiss, and his throttled grunts vibrated through her when her cunt clenched around him.
This orgasm was a slow ripple that got stronger as it washed through her, leaving her shivering underneath him, leaving imprints of her fingernails in her palms as she curled her hands above her head. She broke the kiss, panting as she turned her head to the side, opening her eyes again when Geralt’s teeth sank into her neck. The pain caused unexpected pleasure, and she bucked, crying out loud enough that the horses both lifted their heads in surprise.
He released her, and she looked up at him, feeling the heat of embarrassment in her cheeks. She pulled her arms down, grabbing his shoulders as he drove into her again, and her shame was gone in a matter of seconds. Despite his forceful thrusts, Geralt didn’t seem to be anywhere near done, and already she was beginning to ache from each raw stroke.
“I can’t,” she moaned, pushing at him. “I - gah -”
He slowed to stop, holding himself inside her. “Am I hurting you?” he asked softly.
“N-no, just -” She choked on the words. “I’m a little… chafed.”
“I see,” he chuckled, withdrawing slowly, though he didn’t pull away. Instead, he slid down her body, taking the pressure off of her thighs for a split second before his equally broad shoulders were pinning them apart again. “Let me kiss it better.”
His mouth was hot on her skin, and she made a token effort to resist before she collapsed underneath him, squirming and panting as he began to tongue-fuck her. His tongue felt almost as thick as his cock, and though it didn’t penetrate nearly as deep, it was still incredibly gratifying. She moaned, writhing enough that he reached up to pin her down with one arm, growling against her soaked cunt. Sliding his tongue up to her clit, he used his other hand to press two fingers inside her, letting his saliva ease his path.
She wasn’t sure she was capable of cumming again but Geralt was nothing if not determined. He sucked on the tiny bundle of nerves as he fucked his fingers into her again, and within seconds, she felt the renewed stirrings in her core, unable to do anything but ride it out with a throaty moan that seemed to echo across the field.
When he withdrew, she went limp, a feeling like white noise spreading from head to toe. He watched her, chest heavy, one meaty hand wrapped around his cock, the other on her thigh, and she knew he could feel how hard her blood was pumping. “Do you want me to finish?” he asked, and she nodded, forcing herself up onto shaking arms. “On your knees then.”
Her limbs felt like jelly but she managed to comply, shrieking in surprise when he grabbed her hips to pull her backwards. The sound turned to a moan when he entered her again, the new angle allowing her to appreciate how deep he was all over again. He held her there for a moment, then started to move, pulling her back to meet each stroke.
Everything was overstimulated, and she could feel her body practically vibrating as he fucked her, chasing his own end now and dragging her along for the ride. She cried out as his thrusts grew harder, the pleasure making her arch and drop, bare breasts pressing into the blanket. His cock thickened inside her, then he came with a roar that made Sunshine snort and trot off a few meters where she wouldn’t be startled again.
With a final grunt, he slumped over her, sliding his arms around her waist as he kissed along her shoulder. Y/N hummed, content to turn to jelly now she’d gotten what she wanted, and he didn’t seem to be in any rush to move her, waiting for a few moments before gently easing her down. The blanket was soft enough that she just lay there, uncaring about her bare ass or the cum running down her thighs.
“Don’t go falling asleep on me,” he warned in amusement.
“I won’t,” she replied, yawning as she rolled onto her back and righted her shirt. “Uh, where did my pants go?”
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She couldn’t deny that the ride back was a little more uncomfortable than the ride there, her sensitive pussy rubbing against the saddle with every step the patient mare took. Geralt had obviously noticed her squirming, smirking at her and laughing under his breath every so often. By the time they got back to the ranch, she was ready for a hot bath, and she tried not to whimper when he helped her down from the horse, big hands easily carrying her weight.
“I had a really, uh, good time,” she rushed out, blinking up at him nervously.
“Glad to be of service,” he replied quietly, bowing his head briefly before taking Sunshine’s reins in one hand and Roach’s in the other. “Enjoy the rest of your stay, Y/N.”
It was easy to find her way back up to the main building, and she headed straight for her room, needing to change into something a little less ruined. Halfway through changing, someone knocked at the door, so she threw on some loose fitting pants, and hurried to answer. Negan was outside, waiting patiently with a smile on his face.
“Good evening, princess,” he greeted softly. “Have a good time?”
Her cheeks filled with heat as she forced a smile, though it was likely he knew what she’d been getting up to. “Yeah,” she hummed.
“Can I come in?” She stepped back, holding the door open and he slipped into the room, turning back to face her as she closed the door again. “So just a good day, huh?”
“Do you really want details?” she laughed, shaking her head as she returned to the bedroom, aware of him following and lingering in the doorway, leaning on the frame. “I enjoyed the horse riding, and the picnic.”
He chuckled, reaching up to run his thumb along his lower lip. “And how are you feeling? Tomorrow’s your last day.”
The reminder gave her pause as she picked up a sweater, holding it in her hands as she let the sudden disappointment sink in. She hadn’t thought much about her return home in less than two days' time, content to live in ignorance, but now, it seemed too close. Home meant work, meant confronting her feelings again, being an actual functional person in a world she hadn’t tried to be a part of for a while. “I guess… nervous.” Lifting her head, she met his gaze. “This place is like a dream. I feel like I’m gonna forget it all when I get home, but that nothing’s gonna feel as good as it does here.”
He pushed off of the doorframe, walking towards her slowly. “I think,” he started, reaching out to cup her elbow in his warm hand, “that you’re gonna remember this for a long time. I think you needed to discover something positive, that you need to remember to love you first. And I also think, you found that here.”
She looked up at him, searching his face for any deception, wondering if she could really trust a stranger that had known her a few days. “I hope you’re right,” she whispered. “I don’t wanna be… like before. Not again.”
His hand dropped from her elbow, his expression turning a little more playful. “I was wondering if you wanted dinner in the restaurant tonight?”
Hesitation stayed her answer. “Just dinner? I’m a little… achy.”
His eyebrows lifted in amusement. “Just dinner. Maybe a movie. I promise,” he held up his hands, wiggling his fingers, “I can keep my hands to myself.”
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Thank you for reading! Lemme know what you thought 🎃
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