#this one plays with the idea that someone who isn’t angel knows they aren’t them
empydoc · 21 days
that isn’t me. [a “self-aware” angel concept]
“Angel? Have you seen my jacket?”
it doesn’t take a genius to gather if it is or isn’t themselves when they look in the mirror. at least, at face value. nobody shares your face as much as it is your own.
you might have a twin or a sibling that looks like you. they aren’t you, though. they don’t have your blemishes or your teeth. not your hair or your eyebrows. none of those little details.
some people might wake up and look in the mirror and think ‘wow. i look so different today.’ and go about it.
i can’t. that isn’t me. that isn’t my face.
he opens the door and i look away from their reflection.
“What was the question?” I smile bashfully. He gives me a faux annoyed look- one that feels like it should be gentle, but in some way there’s judgement there. Is that something they’ve come to terms with? Something I should find endearing?
“Have you seen my jacket?” He appears to repeat, his tone softer. I give a general scan of the room, their fingers playing with the sleeves of my shirt before I shake my head.
“No,” I reply, “I’m sorry. Maybe you left it at work?”
He pauses, giving me a look that holds what I could consider confusion. He’s leaning against the doorframe with crossed arms.
there’s a silence in the pause that i don’t like. what did i say that sounded wrong? what would this person say instead? how do you pretend to be other than yourself?
He then interrupts the discomforting silence.
“That’s definitely possible. I’ll look when I go in.”
I nod, thinking the conversation would end at that point, but it doesn’t. There’s only a short pause before he tilts his head to the side, his eyes softening.
my- or, their- heart is pounding.
“Hey. Are you alright?” He asks.
it’s at this point i realise i don’t actually know this man’s name, but it feels as though it’s on the tip of my tongue. i look back at him almost dumbfounded, looking over his face for an answer to a question i hadn’t asked.
“Yeah.” I lie through my teeth, “when’re you leaving?”
“Five minutes?” He responds, before insisting upon the previous question, “are you sure?”
then is when i realise.
“David,” I smile, “don’t worry. I have, like, a little headache. Not even that.”
David looks at me quietly. He doesn’t seem satisfied, but not because of my poor excuse. Instead, it’s as though he’s heard news he couldn’t hear.
“Okay,” he then says, practically a whisper- “rest up.”
He leaves the room and I blink a few times.
there’s an air of confusion to me. a man who calls me angel. david. a person who isn’t me. angel.
i look back at the mirror. it feels a bit clearer now. not a smudge. my hand reaches out and presses fingertips against the surface, leaving prints.
i pull away and whisper to myself words i don’t speak.
“You aren’t me.”
I then respond.
“Pretend to be so.”
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suashii · 7 months
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info ⭑ suna rintaro x reader. 1.4 wc. sfw ノ fluff ノ alcohol 
note ⭑ repost from last halloween :3
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you can’t count the number of times you’ve heard that name in the past thirty minutes and it’s really starting to bother you. you haven’t been able to go from one room to the next without someone stopping you to bring up this suna figure. did you and suna come together? i didn’t know you and suna were so close. oh my gosh, you and suna are the cutest! every mention of the name confuses you because 1) you have no idea who suna is and 2) what the hell does he have to do with you?
it was easy to brush off at first but the more you drank and the more his name came up, it was beginning to get a little harder to quietly sit back and ignore. after all, it’s difficult to enjoy a party when every other person that passes you is asking you about some guy you don’t know. so, in an attempt to save your fun, and in the holiday spirit, you decide to take on the mystery that is suna.
you quickly learn that the task is a lot easier said than done.
firstly, you aren’t even sure of what you’re looking for. you’ve never heard of this guy’s name before tonight so it’s a safe bet to assume that you don’t know what he looks like. and on top of that, the large crowd and your tipsy state don’t make your search for the elusive man any easier.
running into suna’s friends seems to be much more likely than actually coming across the man himself. when you canvas the game room, you meet atsumu who tells you that suna is probably tucked away (by himself, on his phone) in a corner of the living room. you don’t find him there but you do find komori who suggests peeking into the bedrooms upstairs—parties have never really been suna’s thing, he tells you. the rooms that aren’t locked on the second floor are vacant and with no new guide appearing to hand over a helpful clue, the last thing you can do is check the growing line for the bathroom.
shocker—he isn’t there either.
after this wild goose chase that has yielded absolutely nothing, you’re beginning to think that everyone at this party came together to play an elaborate prank on you. suna must be a ghost or not exist at all because it’s impossible to have not found him after looking for so long. you’ve never considered yourself to be a quitter, but it’s starting to sound like a pretty tempting title as you sit at the counter in the mostly empty kitchen sipping from your solo cup.
maybe i should just give up, you think.
yes, it’ll be annoying to spend the rest of halloween as the package deal to some random dude but as soon as you come to the realization that he’s probably putting up with the same strange treatment, you think it can’t be that bad—at least there’s someone to share your suffering with. the thought is meant to be reassuring but it only makes you want to find this guy even more. though, at this point, it would take a miracle from an angel for you to run into him before the night is over.
“there’s my angel.” the unfamiliar voice (and the seemingly telepathic abilities of its host) causes you to stiffen before you regain your composure and turn around to see who’s addressing you. if the descriptions you got from atsumu and komori were accurate, this has to be suna. there are plenty of guys on campus with dark hair but you doubt any of them have eyes similar to the gray-yellow ones currently staring you down.
you’re about to ask if he’s the suna you’ve been hearing about all night when you get a look at what he’s wearing. atop his thick strands of dark hair sits a headband with red curved horns and you can just barely see a matching pointed tail sticking out from the waistband of his pants. he’s even spinning a trident lazily in his hand. it’s only then that you realize why he called you angel; you’re decked out in white with a pair of wings attached to your back and a fluffy halo hovering over your head. you click your tongue. “you’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.”
“woah,” he raises his hands in mock surrender, a smirk pulling at his lips, “this angel has quite the potty mouth.”
the furrow in your brow deepens with his remark which only makes suna’s grin widen. he has to admit, the unwarranted assumptions of his “new relationship” he’d been hearing about all night piqued his curiosity. he couldn’t have imagined the reason everyone kept approaching him with questions and their congratulations was that the two of you wore an accidental couple’s costume. suna finds the fiasco and your reaction to it hilarious. you, on the other hand, aren’t as entertained.
in fact, you’re a little irked that you wasted a chunk of your night away because someone just so happened to wear a costume that complimented yours. if you had been a little less inebriated, you would have apologized for your uncalled-for outburst and tried to enjoy the rest of the party but the swimming feeling in your head brought on by the punch you’ve had a little too much of has other plans.
you swallow down the remaining contents of your cup, licking your lips to collect the sticky liquid that lingers. your eyes find suna’s before you ask him, “where have you been? i was starting to think you weren’t real.”
“around,” he replies with a shrug and then smiles upon seeing the way your lips part in annoyance at his answer—or lack-there-of. he clears his throat to keep the laugh bubbling up from spilling out. there’s a wobbly smile plastered on his face as he continues, “it was kinda funny, watching you roam around looking for me.”
you’re beginning to question whether or not the horns and tail attached to suna really are fake because he truly is devious. “you chose a fitting costume.”
“thank you,” he says despite your statement not being a compliment. he purses his lips in deep thought, spinning the triton in his hand. “you’re not really living up to your angelic image, though. are you sure you dressed appropriately?”
that, you can’t help but laugh at. in all honestly, you think that this exchange would have been a lot more pleasant on your end if you had run into suna earlier—before you started drinking, before people made the connection that you two were matching, before he had time to play that game of cat and mouse with you.
you have a feeling you might regret this decision tomorrow when you’re sober, but after putting so much time and effort into finding him, it wouldn’t make sense not to give suna a chance to get to know you. for the first time since you’ve seen him, you smile at suna. “stick around and you’ll find out.”
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hihi~ manon here :3 ! thank you for giving this a read! if you enjoyed, please consider reblogging and/or leaving a comment! much love from me to you ❤︎
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blackopals-world · 9 months
Oh, okay, I see! Umm. I have a couple things to throw out, that also have my own thoughts and I was also thinking of other possible Yuu ideas if you’re interested in them( just what their “!” Is for and personality, not who they’re matched with) and up to hearing about them. Uh. This ask though is for the creature post and-
Me, a person who loves mythology and folklore: My time has come-
Theatre kid!Yuu as a changeling(or some other shapeshifting creature, I know of the background surrounding changelings and can understand why one may be uncomfortable with changelings(I am also the ✨neurodivergent✨))
Harpy!Yuu as a Manananggal(I know that harpies are already mythical creatures, but think about it)
Maid!Yuu as a Brownie (yes, you read that right, though it can also be spelt “broonie” or “brùnaidh” and they are a type of fae, but ,ah)
Special Forces!Yuu as a Grim Reaper(I just think it’d be neat if their role was to guide and protect the dead on the way to the afterlife instead of being what people usually expect/think of reapers, and also because they themself are often depicted as scary and dangerous, and they are, but they more so just. Guide souls to the after)
Vet!Yuu OR Marine Biologist!Yuu as a Selkie(I want them to go on a rant of how selkies are NOT half seal half human, their lower body is NOT that of a seal!(this is my being frustrated by Selkie designs that aren’t actually selkies, but the art is still really good/nice))
Oookay, that’s all of them that I had prepared. Uh. And of course, these are just suggestions, you don’t have to add anything if you don’t want to or you can pick and choose which you’re interested, I hope this isn’t coming off as forced and I apologize if it does-
🎭Theater Kid!Yuu- Shapeshifter
The ultimate actor.
Can play any role and use any voice.
They spend time endlessly rehearsing.
Likes to play pranks by pretending to be an injured animal to have people take care of them.
Allergic to iron.
Will not use their powers responsibly
They don't consider any one form their true form. They simply are.
Agender icon.
"What's gender? Is it edible?"
🧹 Maid!Yuu- Brownie
Got inside after someone left a bowl of cream out
They set up shop and began cleaning at night.
During the day they hide out in the form of a dormouse.
They have a fuzzy tail
They fix up broken items. You might find an extra mismatched button on your shirts.
Don't leave a mess on purpose. It's impolite.
If they feel taken advantage of they with make a mess and leave.
Leave out a treat for them and they will reward you in kind.
You'll never lose an item again. It will appear just where you remember it. Unfortunately, that always the last place you look.
🔫Special Forces!Yuu-Reaper
It's hard work and the coworkers are the worst.
One of the many reapers tasked with dealing with the recently deceased.
Really prickly due to being constantly tasked with the most stubborn ghosts.
"Shut up before I kill you again!"
Believes Sam was a Reaper (is he? Possibly)
Their skin has white skeleton tattoos. But when they are working their skin turns translucent and reveals their actual skeleton.
Enjoys their job when they actually get to do it without problems.
Believes in the myth they tell all reapers about that guy sisyphus.
Their favorite job is chasing down wondering souls that are on the run.
💉Nurse!Yuu - Caladrius
They have white wings.
Gets confused for a angel but they are firm that they are not.
Their job is to take sickness and transfer it into their body. Then they fly away with it as they disperse it, healing themselves.
Gives away feathers to ward off danger and illness.
Hates that Savanaclaw students use them as a cat toy.
A long suffering birdy who is losing too many feathers.
🩺 Vet!Yuu- Werewolf
Not the same as beastmen and is firm about that.
They look human most of the time but the whole transformation thing gets in the way.
Is still a vet but if now they are liable to snap their jaws at patients.
They love a good nap in the sun but must resist.
Jack knows to keep his head down if he doesn't want to get along. That just how wolves do. Make nice in the pack or be pushed out.
They don't imprint. If you say that they will rip out your throat.
They don't have soulmates. They have normal relationships like normal people. They just believe in loyalty to make relationships last. They can change partners but they usually don't.
🌊Marine Biologist!Yuu- Selkie
Not a mer just a cute rolly polly seal.
Such a friendly face, but they have sharp teeth.
Keeps their seal skin hidden away.
These days if someone does take their skin they are trained to attack them. Watch out they go for the fingers first.
The seal skin is unique to every selkie so it can't be replaced.
They will always choose the ocean if it came between it and love. But Yuu is a strange Selkie.
They know the tale of Ursilla, a human who loved a male selkie. This is part of why they believe they are destined to be with Azul so that history repeats itself.
Selkies lure their human partners into the sea and most tales say they never return. Yuu attempted with Azul not knowing he was a mer. Very embarrassing.
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hazbinstohell · 4 months
A Drabble—just writing.
Mentions of tied up, necrophilia, cannibalism
Alastor watched as Charlie showed a patron around the hotel. Her excitement was palpable as she gestured to things. The sinner that had entered must of been someone that Angel Dust knew, for Angel had stalked right up to Alastor when he realized who it was,
“Hey Smiles!”
“Yes, my effeminate fellow?”
Angel Dust look over to the patron, “That guy, right there? Get him away from Charlie.”
Alastor narrows his eyes, “Now, why would I do that? Charlie is…”
Angel Dust cuts him off, “He’s into some serious shit, and I can see how he is looking at Charlie.”
Alastor narrows his eyes, “I have quite the trust in our dear Charlie. She indeed holds her own.”
Angel shakes his head, “Nah. He’s into some serious fetishes. He’d have her chained and dead and still be fucking her.” Angel physical shakes as if he is sick.
Alastor looks over at the patron, “I doubt he’ll lay a hand on Charlie…”
But, the demon in front of him takes a piece of Charlie’s hair and drags it behind her ear.
Alastor’s smile becomes a bit sinister as Angel Dust looks over, “Yeah. I know how you are about the patrons touching Charlie. But this guy, even I know Charlie doesn’t need to redeem this guy. He belongs here.”
Alastor looks to Angel and nods slightly, his shadow joining him as he follows the two down the hallway.
He overhears Charlie, “I really can’t, Jay. I’m not into that.”
Charlie looks at the demon, who takes her hand in his, “Oh come on, princess. Me and you could take a few moments breaking in my new bed at the hotel.”
Charlie’s demon form appears, “I don’t think you understand how all this works…”
But the sinner laughs, “Man, they didn’t say you get hotter looking like that. Tell me, do you like those horns stroked as much as…”
Alastor is in between the two and Charlie sighs, coming back to normal. The demon, Jay jumps back, “Holy shit…what is he doing here?”
Alastor smiles wide, “Alastor! Pleasure to meet you! I see our dear Charlie is giving a tour! I’d be happy to join you as the Hotelier here!”
Charlie leans forward and whispers into Alastor’s ear, “Thank you, Al.”
The man looks between the two as Alastor nods toward them, “Ah. I see…so you’re fucking the other?”
Alastor and Charlie both look at him with displeasure, and Charlie answers, “Alastor helps with the repairs and security. He is also the facility manager. He helps as he sees fit.”
Jay looks at Alastor, “Well, if you’d excuse me, since you aren’t doing things to her, I’d like to get to know her…”
Alastor’s smile widened a bit. His eyes narrow a moment, “She is quite something to look at isn’t she? Almost…angelic, if you look at her enough.”
Charlie narrows her eyes and gives Alastor a “what are you doing?” Look. Alastor winks to her and keeps talking, “Yes, Charlie has always been very full of potential and quite the opposite of other sinners.”
Jay looks at Alastor, “Seems like it…”
Alastor decides to turn, looking at Charlie carefully and glides around her. The attention on her makes her a bit nervous, especially when Alastor comes up behind her, his hand gently finding its way to her hair. Charlie suddenly shivers as he unties the end, allowing it to fan out, “She surely is something else entirely. I do believe one of my favorite attributes of her has to be her voice, you know she sings?”
Alastor’s hands play with the golden strands, watching as Charlie’s flesh bumps up.
Charlie doesn’t have a damn idea what’s going on, but the guy in front of them seems eager to get his hands on her, “Yeah? She’d probably sound good screaming too.”
Alastor hums, and pulls her hair. He’s careful, but it’s enough to make her head go back. Charlie’s grunt at being manhandled such away is real, but she is also confused. His shadow she can see on the wall, and its smirk is merry as it takes a finger and presses it against his smile.
Charlie try’s to look at Alastor and a pathetic whimper of his name escapes her. Alastor smiles at the reaction, “Wouldn’t you want your name to escape her dainty lips just the same?”
Jay was so turned on by the display he was desperate, “Look, all I’d need is ten minutes, and I wouldn’t leave a mark…”
Alastor hums a moment, “But…that would be my job, to leave my mark on her skin. Now, isn’t it, Princess?”
Charlie looks over to the other demon, and nods as much as she can with her hair pulled back. The demon can’t take much more, “Man, I just want to taste…”
Alastor’s smirk is wider, and he says, “I don’t know, darling? Think he could make you feel as good as I do?”
Charlie finally looks at Alastor noticing he is ready to come undone on the patron…
Well, this was enough, and might as well loose that one anyway, “Why, Al…no one can make me feel things like you can…”
It was quick after that. His shadow and tentacles appeared, and the sinner could barely scream before Alastor had him pushed against the ground. Charlie came over and leaned down before Alastor could do anything else, “Listen, just between me and you…Al’s a little possessive anyways. I highly doubt he’d ever share.”
Charlie turned and while Alastor’s carnage finished. His laughter a rising addition to the screams that happened. Angel Dust looked around the corner as Charlie came over, “Thanks for telling him. I was getting a bit worried about that guy.”
Angel Dust leans back, “What was that whole thing!? Seriously? He just pulled back that hair of yours, said some pretty…naughty things, and just killed that guy…which now he might be eating…” as Angel Dust had noticed Alastor was now in full on beast mode, “Honestly, it was kind of hot.”
Charlie thinks a moment, “I don’t know! It’s I think just how Alastor deals with his friendship with me. He’s very protective, but, I think he just has become really fond of the hotel!”
Angel Dust jumps as he sees Alastor back to normal, walking toward the pair of them, “Yeah, whatever toots.”
Alastor comes up to Charlie who looks at Alastor, “You ok?”
Alastor swipes at something on his coat just a moment and then meets her eyes, “Angel told me how dreadful that sinner was! You could have been hurt, dear. However, even I admit that I might have gone overboard…”
Charlie has to laugh, as she leans over to fix the lapels of his coat, “Sure. Yeah. Overboard.”
Charlie drops her hands and smirks, “It…was kind of hot Al…”
Alastor narrows his eyes, “Hmm? I guess it is Hell, it’s always hot! Let’s go down and see Husk for a nightcap!”
Charlie shakes her head and follows the Radio Demon down the stairs. Alastor leans in to whisper in her ear, “And maybe after, you and I can talk about the hands of other patrons on you.”
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herrlindemann · 1 year
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Orkus - 1997, interview with Paul (and Ollie)
Thanks to Ramjohn for the scans!
Rammstein is on everyone's lips again, adorns all the covers and is already on a big tour again. So reason enough to take the opportunity to do an interview with Paul Landers (guitar) and Oliver Riedel (bass) at the Munich Kempinski Hotel.
Orkus: You have great success. Do you still have wishes or dreams?
Oliver: We are currently fulfilling that by doing a tour in America at the end of the year. These are our next wishes and goals.
Orkus: Who would you like to tour with in America?
Paul: I would like to take a band that draws a wide audience and performs in halls that hold like 10,000 people.
Orkus: Can you think of a name for that?
Paul: No, I don't know. We're going on tour with KMFDM. So we took them with us to Germany.
Orkus: Do you want to translate the lyrics into English for the tour and the success abroad?
Oliver: We keep thinking about whether we should do it, but then we keep noticing that foreigners are so into the German language.
Orkus: Have you ever thought about how young people react to your lyrics, how they might take them literally?
Oliver: In principle, there is no danger. If so, they're already crazy.
Paul: This isn't the first time we've been asked this question. This danger also exists with horror or action films. You assume that our lyrics propagate violence, which is not true at all. And even if we did advocate violence, someone wouldn't do anything violent unless they had the urge to do it first. And then he would get the inspiration somewhere else. Maybe ‘Heirate mich’ got more people married? Should be checked... or at 'Laichzeit'; the frogs really got going that year... (laughs)
Orkus: What is the meaning of 'Du has(s)t'?
Paul: It's about all sorts of things. Everyone has their own images in their heads. We had other ideas for the lyrics, but we chose this one because it had the best 'melody'.
(So, so, but we heard that Till is coming to terms with his past in this song, but well...)
Orkus: And what about the video? Does that also have 'no' message?
Paul: Everyone sees it the way they want.
Orkus: Where did you get the idea for the 'Engel' video?
Paul: Our video company said — at the time the Prodigy video with the two rooms was up (Breathe) — we have an idea, we see two rooms, window in the middle. On the left you are in 10 cm oil, on the right the angels in white clothes and there the camera goes back and forth. And we said: "Well, let's not do that.”
We sat down and made up our own minds. A video is also a question of money and we then implemented 70% of our idea. We just wanted to reshoot the end of 'From Dusk till dawn'. Maybe it was stolen shabby, but we didn't do it consciously.
Orkus: When Flake gets the dancer's foot in his mouth; did you have to persuade him to do it, or did he enjoy doing it?
Paul: He didn't enjoy it at all. The scene that looks so funny in the video lasted 2 hours. It was very cold in the room. The tequila substitute was apple juice, so over the course of the evening he had about 100 gallons of apple juice downed on his lap, which wasn't much fun afterwards. Flake has to do things that no one else dares to do. He's actually the bravest of them all. Same with the boat at ‘Seemann’. Where he is carried by the audience with this boat. No one else dares to do that either, and he has nothing to do in this song anyway — so it makes sense.
Orkus: How come you're suddenly being played on VIVA again?
Oliver: VIVA didn't want to broadcast us until we were in the charts. And they thought we'd never get on the charts.
Paul: VIVA now stands as the 'Good Uncles'. In fact, they aren't. They didn't play us at first and the video for 'Engel' was initially rejected. MTV played us with 'Seemann' first, but at a time when nobody was awake. So you paid extra attention. But for VIVA, they just jumped on a moving train.
Orkus: What did you think of the television appearances you did?
Oliver: I think we don't do that that often anymore. We come across as so lax because we couldn't decide how we would be filmed there. We always try everything and didn't know that television sucks. But we definitely tried.
Orkus: How has Rammstein changed your private life? For example, do you have less time?
Paul: I've never had time. What has changed is that I now take my phone number from the phone book.
The real friends are there, and it's the same there as always. They know you, they know how you are, they are happy or suffer with you, everything is fine there. And then those who don't know you. They always see you as a Rammstein member and praise you. (Below or above the waistline?) They envy you, and actually only see success and then think you've become weird. Because of the success, the people around you want to see you differently, and that's pretty tough. You're being pushed into a position you don't want to be in. The success of Rammstein came more by accident and unplanned. And we didn't have to bend over backwards or make compromises. And our friends know that too.
Orkus: You all have children, don't you?
Paul: Nah, two don't have children...
Orkus: Then I hope you're not the two.
Paul: Yes, unfortunately it's us, but we can answer for the others.
Orkus: Alright. What would you wish for your child?
Paul: ... that's too complicated for me, to be honest ... that it doesn't get sick? ... And then what do we wish for? ... I wish for my child that the mother doesn't buy so many toys. But she does anyway.
... we don't have a good answer to that, we have to think about it longer ... the question is too good for us. write that!
Orkus: Okay, continue. Is there life after Rammstein?
Paul: We firmly believe that it may be over in six months or a year. In that respect I'm looking forward to it, because my life was good even before Rammstein and will be good afterwards. I'm really looking forward to the second record. We have just as many problems as before, just of a different kind. Our problems lie in maintaining the good mood internally. Success affects you more or less. You just have to recognize the problems and come up with a solution for them.
Orkus: Do you also have problems with each other?
Paul: No. Or shall we not say more or less than usual. The band is like a relationship and everyone knows what happens there. The relationship to each other is different after a month than after 3 years.
Orkus: Did you actually meet?
Paul: We are friends. 5 were friends, or 6. But one with one wasn't. And now everyone with everyone, except for a few. So they were friends with someone else.
Orkus: Uh, how???
Paul: Well, as an example, I was friends with Flake. I always relaxed with Till at the weekend when I felt like it. We went to swim. I was friends with Richard and with Schneider, our drummer. The only one I wasn't friends with was Oli. But Oli was friends with Richard again.
Orkus: Now I get it. What do you think of bands emulating Rammstein?
Paul: Unfortunately I don't know any, but I would listen to the CD with interest. I'm a little happy about it, because when you're imitated, it's like praise.
Orkus: Do you actually want to change your style, do something different?
Paul: Yes, but we already wanted to with the second record. That's probably the music that's inside of us. We try it with another producer or another studio. I don't want to compare us to Picasso, but he also had his style when it came to painting. We also have a certain style, but when we started we were constantly compared to the Krupps and Laibach. The music like Krupps, singing like Laibach. In this respect, what we do is not that unique.
Orkus: The artwork on the new album immediately reminded me of Marilyn Manson. Do you know why?
Paul: The photos were taken when nobody knew Manson. That was over a year ago. I would also compare us to a Prussian military band and Marilyn Manson to a gay and lesbian satanic band. I don't see any similarities there and, to be honest, I think his image is better than ours.
Orkus: Finally, let's do a short brainstorming session. What do you think of when you hear the following words: East / West?
Paul: Too bad.
Orkus: ….
Paul: Oh, I have to answer with more than one word?
Orkus: Would be nice, yes.
Paul: Mmh, the best things don't come to mind until the next day. So east/west is like husband and wife, which is better? Nobody knows for sure...
Look, I grew up in the east, you can't end that with a bang. It might take 40 years, then it'll be the same again, but until then... My son will be more Western than me.
Orkus: Aha, so you do have a child after all?
Paul: Yes...
So look, it's all natural. You are a victim of your environment, everyone is like that. The people of Munich, for example, are different than Berliners, and the people of Hamburg are different again.
Orkus: Backstreet Boys?
Paul: We have the same bus driver.
Orkus: Drugs?
Paul: No more or less than other people in the area, as now non-amp musician consumption. It flares up at times, but in principle average or even below the average of the normal population.
Orkus: Respect?
Paul: You usually have it wrong in front of people. Or anything.
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elliepassmore · 2 years
The Genesis of Misery review
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5/5 stars Recommended for people who like: sci-fi, space operas, prophets, false prophets, political intrigue, LGBTQ+ rep, morally gray characters Big thanks to Netgalley and Tor for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review! I found this book to be really intriguing in a multitude of ways. For one, the stone bending and holystone stuff is interesting to me and I liked puzzling out holystone vs normal/dead stone, and I kind of like that the distinction is left to the reader to figure out. I also liked the interplay between an advanced sci-fi civilization that, at the same time, has bans on things you would typically think of when you think of 'sci-fi.' Then there's the religion aspect. All of this put together makes for a book with a lot of layers to what's going on, all of them complicated. I've seen in a couple places that there's a Joan of Arc aspect (retelling?) in the book, which I can definitely see, though it isn't super obvious if you aren't aware and/or if you aren't familiar with Joan's story. I can see the parallels between the war in this book between the Heretics and the Faithful and the real 100 Years War. The religions are obviously different, but there are veins of the same stuff in an altered form, which I found to be interesting. I really liked Genesis (she/they). She's gotten herself caught in this big lie about being a messiah in order to avoid being arrested for a crime. Naturally she knows she's lying, but most everyone else is eating it up and so she plays along. I thought their attitude toward what's going on was very relatable and realistic, and I enjoyed how they were able to use their practiced smooth-talking to come across as this wise and all-knowing mystic. She does kind of tip in an interesting direction toward the halfway point, and there's some stuff that's revealed to Genesis that makes her uncomfortable and she does react to that in a way that I'm not sure I like. I definitely like their character, though by the end I have mixed feelings, but I'm 100% interested in seeing where the next part of their story goes. I also particularly liked Ruin, who has all sorts of interesting ideas and advice. Is Ruin a delusion? An angel? Something else? Who knows, Misery certainly doesn't. Ruin is in parts a helpful guide and an annoying near-constant presence for Misery, but I liked hir mysteriousness and attitude. I do hope Ruin will be in the next book. Lady Lee Alodia Lightning (she/her) is also an interesting character. A princess, she gets wrapped up in what Misery is peddling and ends up as one of the mech pilots in Misery's group of 'outlaws and outcasts.' She's quite antagonistic for the first half of the book, angry and defensive in different parts. But she opens up more to Misery and becomes a staunch ally. Lightning also makes for a fantastic liar, and her fast talking has been created at the hands of a monarchy, which makes her a good person to have on your side once she decides she's on it. The cast of characters is pretty decent in size, and while not all the characters get the same attention, I did feel like they each had a backstory and life of their own. I would've liked to get a better feel on Ghost, who I feel like gets mentioned once or twice but is otherwise looked over. Also Tank is someone I'd like to know more about, so hopefully we'll see more of her in the next one. Overall, I greatly enjoyed this book and can't wait for the next one. There were some things that felt a little predictable or obvious, but that kind of happens with every book, so it didn't really take away from things. Misery makes for an interesting main character and they were enjoyable to read.
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artificialqueens · 1 year
🎁 Our Party (Sashea) for Mock-Star - Teri
SECRET QUEEN 2022 by Teri, for @mock-star-aq
a/n: hi Mock! I was your secret creator. I hope you enjoy this little thing. I had fun writing my first Sashea :)
And thanks Veronica for your patience with me, you’re an angel
“Sasha! Welcome.” Vander opened the door, dressed in all black. “And who’s your guest?”
“Hi, I’m Shea. Sasha’s girlfriend,” the other girl introduced herself and reached out her hand. After a slightly awkward handshake Vander let both of them inside.
While Sasha disappeared into the crowd to say her greetings to her friends, Shea looked around. There were roughly fifteen people, most of them dressed as various creatures. Even the house was decorated into more of a scary style than a winter one. It looked like someone trying to celebrate Halloween on Christmas. 
Shea started to question her decision to come here, but then she remembered she was doing it for Sasha. She promised her that she will meet her friends and Shea wasn’t someone who gave up easily. She took a shot that was handed to her by a guy dressed as a werewolf and went in the crowd, trying to find her girlfriend.
When she found her, Shea grabbed Sasha’s hand and dragged her to the middle of the living room. Someone pushed the furniture aside and a few people were dancing. “Shea I can’t dance!” Sasha protested, but Shea wasn’t taking no for an answer. Her favourite song was playing and she was set on making Sasha dance with her. 
“I’ll show you,” she assured her. Shea placed her hands on Sasha’s hips. “Feel the music baby,” she said as she guided the way. They danced together and Sasha even started smiling after a while. She was well aware of her terrible dancing skills, but with Shea it was fun. Nonetheless she used the first opportunity to get out of Shea’s grip and escape to the safety of the non dancing crowd. Shea laughed as she saw Sasha run, but she went after her anyway.  
Now Sasha was talking to someone, who later introduced themselves as Disasterina. Shea stayed for a bit of the conversation, but she eventually made her way to the snacks table, where she stayed for most of the night. She didn’t know what else to do here. Sasha’s friends were… interesting to say the least, but Shea had no idea as to how to start a conversation with them. 
“I have been looking for you,” Sasha said, when she later spotted Shea. “For a second I thought you went home,” she joked, but Shea didn’t smile at that. “What’s wrong?”
Shea looked around to see if someone was listening, but everyone was busy gathering around Hoso dancing on a table. “This just isn’t how I imagined our first Christmas together. At a Halloween party.” Shea looked down, feeling a bit embarrassed. She knew this meant a lot to Sasha, but her friends just weren’t for Shea. 
“Oh,” Sasha said. She was silent for a moment after that, thinking about what Shea said. “Do you want to go home then? I will make up some excuse." 
Shea nodded. Sasha took her hand and led her to the door. On their way out they passed Evah throwing up in a corner. Sasha stopped for a moment to tell Vander, who was cleaning up the mess, something about not feeling well. Vander uderstandingly nodded, smiled and wished Sasha to get well soon. Then they returned back to their cleaning job.
"Is this better?” Sasha asked, sitting down on the couch beside Shea. A Christmas movie was already playing on the TV and Sasha placed two mugs onto the coffee table. 
Shea almost immediately laid down her head on Sasha’s lap. “Your friends are cool, but they’re just not the company I’d enjoy. I’m sorry Sasha.”
Sasha’s hand started stroking Shea’s hair. “It’s okay. I only care about you.” Sasha bowed down to gently kiss Shea’s head. “Now please tell me we aren’t watching that shitty comedy you love so much.”
“Not making any promises,” Shea grinned. 
“So it is that comedy,” Sasha deadpanned. “I hate you.”
“You love me." 
Sasha smiled. "I do.”
a/n: hi Mock! I was your secret creator. I hope you enjoy this little thing. I had fun writing my first Sashea :)
And thanks Veronica for your patience with me, you’re an angel
“Sasha! Welcome.” Vander opened the door, dressed in all black. “And who’s your guest?”
“Hi, I’m Shea. Sasha’s girlfriend,” the other girl introduced herself and reached out her hand. After a slightly awkward handshake Vander let both of them inside.
While Sasha disappeared into the crowd to say her greetings to her friends, Shea looked around. There were roughly fifteen people, most of them dressed as various creatures. Even the house was decorated into more of a scary style than a winter one. It looked like someone trying to celebrate Halloween on Christmas. 
Shea started to question her decision to come here, but then she remembered she was doing it for Sasha. She promised her that she will meet her friends and Shea wasn’t someone who gave up easily. She took a shot that was handed to her by a guy dressed as a werewolf and went in the crowd, trying to find her girlfriend.
When she found her, Shea grabbed Sasha’s hand and dragged her to the middle of the living room. Someone pushed the furniture aside and a few people were dancing. “Shea I can’t dance!” Sasha protested, but Shea wasn’t taking no for an answer. Her favourite song was playing and she was set on making Sasha dance with her. 
“I’ll show you,” she assured her. Shea placed her hands on Sasha’s hips. “Feel the music baby,” she said as she guided the way. They danced together and Sasha even started smiling after a while. She was well aware of her terrible dancing skills, but with Shea it was fun. Nonetheless she used the first opportunity to get out of Shea’s grip and escape to the safety of the non dancing crowd. Shea laughed as she saw Sasha run, but she went after her anyway.  
Now Sasha was talking to someone, who later introduced themselves as Disasterina. Shea stayed for a bit of the conversation, but she eventually made her way to the snacks table, where she stayed for most of the night. She didn’t know what else to do here. Sasha’s friends were… interesting to say the least, but Shea had no idea as to how to start a conversation with them. 
“I have been looking for you,” Sasha said, when she later spotted Shea. “For a second I thought you went home,” she joked, but Shea didn’t smile at that. “What’s wrong?”
Shea looked around to see if someone was listening, but everyone was busy gathering around Hoso dancing on a table. “This just isn’t how I imagined our first Christmas together. At a Halloween party.” Shea looked down, feeling a bit embarrassed. She knew this meant a lot to Sasha, but her friends just weren’t for Shea. 
“Oh,” Sasha said. She was silent for a moment after that, thinking about what Shea said. “Do you want to go home then? I will make up some excuse." 
Shea nodded. Sasha took her hand and led her to the door. On their way out they passed Evah throwing up in a corner. Sasha stopped for a moment to tell Vander, who was cleaning up the mess, something about not feeling well. Vander uderstandingly nodded, smiled and wished Sasha to get well soon. Then they returned back to their cleaning job.
"Is this better?” Sasha asked, sitting down on the couch beside Shea. A Christmas movie was already playing on the TV and Sasha placed two mugs onto the coffee table. 
Shea almost immediately laid down her head on Sasha’s lap. “Your friends are cool, but they’re just not the company I’d enjoy. I’m sorry Sasha.”
Sasha’s hand started stroking Shea’s hair. “It’s okay. I only care about you.” Sasha bowed down to gently kiss Shea’s head. “Now please tell me we aren’t watching that shitty comedy you love so much.”
“Not making any promises,” Shea grinned. 
“So it is that comedy,” Sasha deadpanned. “I hate you.”
“You love me." 
Sasha smiled. "I do.”
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naorende · 2 years
deadman x DéspairsRay interview in Shoxx Vol.133 (March 2004)
For those who don’t know, Aie, Toki, Takamasa, and Mako are the Deadman members. Sorry for foisting my old VK fandom on y’all hahah. This is purely for those in the tags. ^_^
- In February you're going to have the "VS" tour together. How about your plans for this tour? Zero: Let's do something we can decide about right here and now. aie: Good idea! Hizumi: That sounds interesting. Zero: For example paper sumo. all: (laugh) [* In paper sumo the players fold their own "sumo wrestlers" and put them on a table. Then they start tapping on the table and the person whose paper doll falls last is the winner. XDDD] aie: So I'm looking forward to playing with you in February. How was the tour? Hizumi: How was it? aie: Huh? We weren't touring. Was there anything interesting during your tour? Other than the shows. Hizumi: Other than the shows. all: (laugh) Toki: Something that can't be mentioned in an interview? aie: Did you have a lot of free time? Hizumi: Not at all. aie: That's unusual. Takamasa: Isn't there something you can't live without recently? Something you "must have", otherwise you can't sleep? Hizumi: Let me see... Takamasa: I think Tsukasa has something like that. Tsukasa: Huh? I'm only into nabeyaki-udon at the moment. [* a kind of noodle dish] Takamasa: Nabeyaki-udon... (laughs) aie: How about you, Takamasa? Takamasa: Me? I'm getting into electronics recently. aie: You mean the ero DVD you bought in Los Angeles? Takamasa: Not that!! Toki: Up until now it was kinda safe. Takamasa: Not that kind of electronics!!... Or maybe it's the same?... Anyway... aie: Are you busy at night because of your PC? Takamasa: Katakata all night. (laughs) [* It's an onomatopoetic word for tapping/rapping sounds, in this case the keyboard's. (At least I hope he means the keyboard... XDDD)] Not good, you can't print something like this! aie: By the way, did you buy a Mac, Tsukasa? Tsukasa: Not yet... But I want one, to use it for music or pictures. Hizumi: In DéspairsRay there are two people right now who have a PC, Karyu and me. We both have a Mac. aie: In our band it's Mako and me who have a Mac. - Who uses the PC for making music? all: (silence) - Aren't men good at electronics? It feels like it's not true in your case at all, or am I wrong? aie: No, I'm not good at it. We all aren't. I don't even know much about guitars. Hizumi: I'm very good at [electronics]. Karyu's not. Takamasa: But he has two PCs! Karyu: I'm not really using them. I only know how to turn on a Mac. Hizumi: With that it's already "system shutdown". (laughs) - Why did you buy one? Karyu: I want to make music on the PC, but I can't get used to it... Hizumi: (laughs) He can't watch DVDs and can't burn CDs. all: (laugh) Karyu: And I don't have internet, either. Hizumi: But he has an OS X. - You're not interested in computers, Zero? Zero: Not enough to buy one. If I had one I would use it a lot for sure. I like to use handys for example. - How about deadman? aie: I think among us Toki is really good. He can use the computer very well. I don't know how to use it at all. [* Now comes a part - until the interviewer's question - that was very unclear to me. They use very colloquial language (without subjects of course =_ =) so I can only guess what they were saying. m(_ _)m] Toki: You mean my obsession with disk space? aie: Yes. (laughs) Toki: I delete everything all the time. Hizumi: It's bad if the [harddrive] is filled? Toki: It has to have lots of free space. Hizumi: Just like me. (laughs) aie: Same with handys. If someone doesn't call him he deletes [his number] immediately. all: (laugh) Toki: It's scary if there's not enough memory. I also throw them out immediately if I drop them. Takamasa: Because you're obsessed with free space? Toki: Yes. - What do you usually use the PC for? Toki: For Yahoo Auctions for example. Hizumi: Oh, me too! Toki: Really? It's cool, isn't it. [* Imagine you bought something from Yahoo Auctions and it came from Toki or Hizumi - and you don't even know it! =w=] - Zero mentioned handys before, but which one of you has a really good one? Hizumi: Karyu. He has a FOMA. Karyu: I like useless things. - With whom do you do "hello~"? [* Her words literally, I think she means waving to each other. XDD The new models have videophone.] Karyu: Nobody. Hizumi: That's why I didn't buy one. Karyu: I chose it because sending mails is cheap, but I'm not doing that either. Zero: I write a lot of mails. About 50 a day. Although they are all stupid as far as the content goes... (laughs) - How about Tsukasa? Tsukasa: I'm using [my handy] quite a lot. I take pictures and send them to the others... Hizumi: Just to make things clear, his phone is still black and white. [* a terrible sin in Japan, where everybody tries to keep up with the latest gadgets XD] all: (laugh) Hizumi: There's no camera in it! Tsukasa: I take a lot of pictures. [* This comment remains a mystery to me... o_O] Takamasa: Is the battery all right? Tsukasa: Somehow! Takamasa: Maybe its life span is not over yet... Tsukasa: Sometimes they can't hear me at the other end of the line. - So you're not really using it? Tsukasa: I am, but as long as I can talk on it I don't care what kind of phone I have. all: (laugh) - Well, it turned into a normal chat, but let's talk about the "VS" tour now. Last time you did sessions together. Is there something you want to do this time? aie: Yes! I like sessions quite a lot, so I'd love to do it. Toki: Yes. What should we do? Hizumi: All 8 of us on different instruments [from what we normally play]. all: (laugh) - If someone can play the drums properly, then it will be OK, won't it? Hizumi: Karyu, you can play the drums, right? Karyu: At high school level... aie: Toki, how about the bass guitar? Toki: It's gonna be amazing. (laughs) - When you have a session you just see what happens at the live? Karyu: Last time it was like that. It was very dangerous! Hizumi: It was funny. Mako: Yes. Karyu: Nobody knew when to start playing. Everybody had a different thing in mind. (laughs) Mako: I have a bad memory. I don't even remember our own songs properly. (laughs) What were we talking about? all: (laugh) - I'd like you to finish this conversation with comments so that the fans will be looking forward to the shows. Hizumi: There will be a session with all 8 of us. I'll play on the theremin. (laughs) Mako: We'll do each other's songs. All of them. all: (laugh) Karyu: Will we be able to remember them? Anyway, this will be something new. Hizumi: Nobody has ever done a "cover twoman"! (laughs) Takamasa: We have to start preparing right away. Hizumi: You'll start practicing as soon as you got home? all: (laugh) - OK, finally what do you expect from each other? aie: Going out [with them]... Hizumi: (laughs) Suddenly you want to go out? aie: Always! Last time in Osaka the shop closed before our match was over. Now I wanna finish it. [* I wanna know what game it was! Bowling again? ^^] - Yes yes. [* Ms Arakawa is losing patience again. XD] Hizumi: (laughs) OK, then I make a decent comment... Since we have this good opportunity to have a twoman tour together, it would be great if we both could do something that surprises the other band.
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spookyrobbins · 1 year
unfortunately, no matter how you write callie, someone is going to be upset. some of the people who love her, like to pretend she’s never done anything wrong in her entire life. i actually can’t really think of a moment where she actually admitted to making a mistake, especially in a relationship. she plays the victim a lot but that’s also because her best friend fed into all of it. if she was forced to think about how she felt during the whole izzie and george situation, i think she’d be horrified at how similar it was to the whole mark/callie/arizona one.
i love both of them because they aren’t perfect. they’re human. but it was always arizona saying things were her fault. it took both of them to destroy their relationship imo
i do have to agree with the other anon. it’d be refreshing to see callie actually not come of as an angel. the “you’re nothing” fight never should have happened, but the complete lack of boundaries in her relationship with mark allowed it to. callie brushing mark’s behavior off is just unsettling. i’ve always loved the idea of bailey, or even alex, ripping into callie about how she treated arizona when it came to mark.
i’ll read anything you write, though. even when it’s just arizona being miserable all the time. lol
yeah i think callie’s very much a product of her environment in that carlos sort of coddled her and then both mark and arizona hold her up on a pedestal and arizona in particular rolls over for her a lot. so there are very few times where callie is actually expected to admit fault.
totally agree - their faults and problems are what make them interesting, especially at least imo bc you can so clearly trace the origins of those problems. arizona fucked up in the biggest way but they both had all of these tiny fractures that led into them breaking up.
there was a bit of bailey getting on callie about mark in the last installment of the series. there is defs some more stuff about the mark issue and related things on my discord if people are interested.
i would say it’s partially bc it’s nice to have a softer callie who does choose arizona and partially bc it’s exhausting getting scolded/yelled at for being mean to callie that i’ve shied away from soem of it. i know you can’t please everyone, but sometimes in this fandom, it feels like i can’t please anyone and that’s tough, especially when i feel like i’ve put out tons of pretty good quality fics over the past few years. this isn’t me complaining, just explaining why i’ve made some of the choices that i’ve made.
and anons, please don’t take this as a rebuke of you! its very refreshing/reassuring that you all do want to see that more flawed callie, and do want to see harsher interpretations of the you’re nothing fight bc i feel the same way! and honestly knowing that i’ll have some readers who won’t be pissed about it is super motivational!!
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yourfandomfriend · 1 year
The Empty Dragon
I wanna bother you with a plot bunny, even if I never get around to writing the fic. It’s not going into the tags. It’s just for whoever I give the link to. Crowley fans.
For years now, I’ve been brewing a plot for a SPN fic series set in The Empty. It begins at the moment of Crowley’s death-- at least, from his perspective, that’s when it begins. Instead of getting dragged down to nothingness, he gets shanghaied into a medieval fantasy world called, “Meta-Land.”
He finds out the place was created by Metatron. Unlike the other residents of the Empty, who lack free will and imagination and aren’t big readers, Metatron has vast knowledge of storytelling. He’s capable of world-building, literally, and his dreams in death are a beautiful story-driven world, so big and real and detailed that he can pull other residents of the Empty into it-. Accidently at first, but over time he’s pulled in all our favorite angels and demons to play knights and warriors and bards and wizards and trolls.
The catch is, they don’t have the powers they had in life. Most of them live like humans, emotions and all, and he uses joy of earthly pleasures as a bribe to get them to stay. Ultimately, the fear of returning to nothingness keeps them playing along and avoiding death but many aren’t happy about it.
Metatron’s cast himself as the King Arthur of his world, naturally, but it’s chafing him that there isn’t a Mordred -- a real theatrical villain -- to play against. Someone with the brains and creativity and style to give him a real challenge. So he deliberately summons Crowley into his world and tried to sell him on the idea of playing his villain. He’s not out to hurt Crowley but he’s not good with boundaries, either.
After everything Crowley’s just been through, he doesn't wanna play. He doesn’t wanna feel or try or think too hard about who and what he’s lost. Or, god forbid, gain something new just to lose again. He doesn’t wanna be alive in any way. He just wants to sleep, forget his heartbreak, and pretend he doesn’t care. But Metatron won’t let him leave the Timeshare Presentation until he’s satisfied.
So, Crowley makes up his mind to travel as far as he can from Metatron’s castle, in a straight line, and keep moving until he can’t anymore. A conscientious objector and the only sock in this puppet theater that isn’t afraid to walk away from Omelas.
Metatron sends all kinds of allies and obstacles and adventures and cool stuff and annoying shit after him to prove to him that this place is fun. Or, at least, to be so irritating Crowley will wanna fight him on principal. But one of the cool things in Meta-Land wasn’t of his making.
There’s a fuck-off dragon flying placidly over the land. Not a human-looking dude in a suit like on earth, but a fairytale dragon, big and black and having a very nice time. It turns out that thing is the cosmic entity that controls/is the Empty. Metatron’s stories act as a sleep aid and it frequently comes to Meta-Land to dream and play.
Metatron: “Admit it. That’s worth the ticket price alone.”
Over the course of the story, Crowley starts picking up followers like barnacles who, in the spirit of resistance to Metatron but lacking the imagination to do anything alone, just start rallying around him, assuming he knows what he’s doing or where he’s going. (He doesn’t.)
Guys like Gadreel, Hannah, Balthazar, Raphael, and, of all fucking entities, Pestilence, become almost like a band of Merry Men (If Robin Hood was constantly telling them to fuck off).
Eventually, Crowley realizes that his insistence on nihilism and isolation and nothingness in this world is turning him into something else. It’s turning him back into Fergus MacLeod, and that realization is enough to sober him out of his fugue state and inspires him to come up with a plan to leave Meta-Land without going back to nothingness. 
He realizes at the boundary of the land, where it’s thinnest, that Metatron isn’t the only one who can make a fun dream world and decides to make his own -- a Noir Mystery world. And everyone's welcome to follow.
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ahundredtimesover · 3 years
Inevitable (01) | JJK
Pairing: Jungkook x (f.) Reader (ft. ot6)
Genre/Tags: exes au, parents au, baseball player!JK; angst, fluff, smut (18+)
Series Warnings: foul language, alcohol consumption, minor character death, explicit sexual content in future chapters (oral, unprotected sex but be safe please!)
Chapter Word count: 6.9k
Summary: You convinced Jungkook to break up years ago so he could pursue his lifelong baseball dream. Now he’s back home, staring at you, and the little boy next to you who looks unmistakably like him.
A/N: Couldn’t stop thinking about how Yang Jungwon’s role model is Jungkook and they have similar features (especially as kids) and the sweetest smiles! Hence, the little angel we have here. I hope you enjoy this first chapter! Also, you can message me if you want to be part of the taglist!
Series Masterlist || Previous || Next
You stare at the grocery list, eyes squinting to try to read the words you’d half-mindedly written down this morning. 
Your boss convinced you to take Friday off when it slipped that Jungwon has been having separation anxiety lately, as he hasn’t spent time with his mother this whole winter break. 
You’d been doing overtime - on weekdays and weekends - and your boss, a mother herself, knows that overworking would take its toll on you and your son, especially as a single parent. It’s why you’re here now, grocery shopping with the little one, something he enjoys doing with you, too.
Still, it’s just one day and it’s not really enough to compensate for all the other days you work your ass off at the company, but the pay is good and the people are kind; those have been enough for you to stay the past two years. 
A smile forms on your face once you decipher the crooked words on the piece of paper you’re holding up. You can make out the word ‘banana’ right before ‘milk,’ ‘choc’ somewhere near ‘ice cream,’ and ‘bron’ just next to ‘cereal.’ Brown cereal? Did he mean cocoa pops?
Jungwon has improved his writing and vocabulary and you pat yourself on the back for the times you’d forced yourself awake during your Sunday rest time just so you could guide him on his workbook. You congratulate yourself for thinking of showing him flash cards while he scrubs himself in the makeshift tub during bath time. And you thank the heavens for your best friend Taehyung’s bright idea of setting up a blackboard on the wall on Jungwon’s side of the bed so he can doodle until he falls asleep. 
“Am I not the best uncle, muffin?” Taehyung had asked the little one then, who always knew what to answer. 
“You and uncle Joonie are the best,” Jungwon had said. 
Your kid is a ball of fluff, you’d almost think it’s genetic because you definitely are not one, but the other half of him is. 
You brush away that thought before your chest begins to tighten. You choose to think that Tae and your older brother Namjoon, whom Jungwon spends the most time with apart from you, are true softies and he’d definitely gotten it from them. 
You’re still smiling, insides warming enough to brave through the January cold until you realize that you’re no longer hearing your son’s buzzing sound that he does when he plays with his airplane. For all his softness, he does give you a heart attack every once in a while because of his tendency to scurry somewhere that piques his interest. It was probably the aisle that had those chocolates he wanted so you pick up your basket and rush to the one right next to where you are.
Your heart drops to the floor at the sight of your son standing in front of a man who’s crouching down, tinkering with the toy. It probably disassembled again and this does not earn you a pat on the back this time for forgetting to buy Jungwon a new one that’s more age-appropriate, and for not paying enough attention. 
You’re partly shocked and partly curious - he’s a shy kid, tends to run back to you at the sight of an unfamiliar person, wide eyes usually on full display when someone tries to get his attention.
But not right now. He’s still wide-eyed but he’s sporting a shy smile, one he tries to suppress by biting his lower lip. Wonder where he got that from. Such mannerisms aren’t genetic too, right?
The mystery man hands him the toy airplane, which Jungown clutches to his chest. He bows at the man and whispers a ‘thank you.’ If that man wanted to do something bad, he would’ve taken Jungwon already but he hasn’t. You’re glad that at least a kind man has found your son. 
“Jungwon, sweetie. Come here, please,” you call out, moving a bit to try to get the man’s attention to express your thanks but he’s sporting a hoodie that’s engulfing his face. Maybe you should’ve been more scared. 
The stranger shakily stands up and turns as Jungown runs to you with his eyes not leaving his little toy. 
Your eyes, on the other hand, can’t leave the figure standing just a few feet away from you, like a bad dream but that isn’t exactly a nightmare. 
He’s here. He’s home. And he looks just as gorgeous as you remember - expressive onyx eyes, pretty thin lips, defined jawline, muscular build...
His own eyes move from you to the kid next to you, trying to come up with explanations, mind reeling at what this could mean. You sounded so tender, so loving, so… motherly.
You both say at the same time. His eyes are fixated on Jungwon, probably trying to figure out who the child is to you.
“I’m babysitting,” you panic. 
Jungkook’s eyebrows furrow and just as he’s about to open his mouth to say something, Jungwon decides to not be shy in front of a supposed stranger.
“Mama, that man fixed my plane!” He excitedly says, and you hate to crush his little moment of joy. 
Jungkook’s eyes are now saucer-like, not at all minding that you were caught in a lie but that you, the woman who’d broken his heart all those years ago, have a child. A child whose eyes uncannily and painfully resemble his. 
You and Jungkook both seem to be in a daze, your own thoughts swirling in your heads at the situation that neither expected would happen. 
You stopped watching his baseball games about two years ago and had avoided whatever news about him would come up. Except recently when you’d heard about him possibly signing with a South Korean baseball team. Looks like did because he’s here, and he hasn’t been in years. 
You’d heard from your brother that Jungkook had been doing well with the LA Dodgers and you hadn’t expected that he’d up and leave what had been his home the past four or so years to, well, come home. You’re glad he is but you also aren’t prepared for this.
Jungkook, on the other hand, had tried his best to forget about you soon after you walked out on him that December evening, almost succeeding multiple times until he gave up altogether. He came home last week, earlier than what he’d told the media, since he knew they’d be hampering him about his homecoming, given his recent signing with the Doosan Bears, one of Seoul’s professional baseball teams. 
He’d spent the past few days in Busan to visit his mother and arrived from his 4-hour drive just an hour ago. He’d hoped to reach out or run into you but didn’t expect it to actually happen today. He definitely didn’t expect you’d have a son, too.
“Mama, did you get my banana milk?” Jungwon asks, breaking the bubble of confusion and shock between you and Jungkook, both unbelieving at the reality of you finally being in the same space, breathing the same air after so long. 
“Yeah, I—” you start, placing the basket down and picking up your son, suddenly feeling nauseous. 
Your mind is a puddle of thoughts and you just know that incoherent words will escape your mouth if you don’t leave right now so you make a run for it, or at least try. You walk briskly, clutching Jungwon tightly with his arms wrapped around your neck, so you don’t see him smiling at the man following both of you. 
Jungkook calls out your name, prompting Jungwon to state that the man who’d fixed his plane knows his mother. 
There are more people with their pushcarts near the exit, making it hard for your quick escape. Jungkook is catching up and upon realizing you won’t turn back to acknowledge him, he talks to Jungwon instead.
“How old are you, buddy?” Jungkook asks, legs clearly made for this. He’s panting though, you can hear it in his voice. 
You can’t make a scene so you just try to walk faster.
You feel Jungwon release an arm and you know he’s putting out the ‘four’ sign, something he likes to do. 
“When is your birthday?” Jungkook asks shortly after.
Oh god, you think. Jungwon loves this question. “July 6!” He exclaims. 
The footsteps become faint and you’re brave enough to turn back as you near the exit doors. Jungkook stands there, dots connecting, mouth agape at what this means. 
You leave the supermarket and run to your car, hurriedly placing Jungwon on the car seat and driving away, willing the tears not to fall. 
“Who was that, Mama?” He innocently asks. 
You admit that you’d thought about the day you’d see Jungkook and let him know about the little one too many times, but this isn’t how you planned it to happen - in public, when you’re incredibly tired, and when you haven’t thought about what you’d say. 
This isn’t how you planned on telling Jungwon, too, so you tell a half-truth, like what you’d done a few times before.
“He’s a friend, sweetcheeks. He’s just a friend.”
The tears eventually fall about 5 hours later. 
You got home from the grocery - without your groceries, watched cartoons with Jungwon, had food delivered, then prepared him for bed. 
You’re now sat on your couch, wine glass in hand, as you try to make sense of the overwhelming emotions of seeing the man that was once your world. Technically, Jungkook still is, considering that your son is half of him. 
But it’s different now. Too much has changed since you broke up with him, since he left 5 years ago to chase his dreams of playing for the Major League Baseball in the US, the dream he’d shared with his father, the dream he’d spent his whole life chasing.
Baseball had always been Jungkook’s world; a given, you always thought, since his own father was a baseball star himself, whose dream of playing for the MLB materialized during a trip to Boston as a teenager, the blinding lights and massiveness of Fenway Park and the roars of the crowd cheering for the Red Sox so alluring that he’d made it a point to watch a live game at least once a year. 
His own career as a professional player for the South Korean league had been commendable, leading his teams to championships and even playing for the 1996 Olympics. That had been the second best experience of his life, the first being Jungkook’s birth two years prior. Marrying his wife was a close third, and it was something the pair always laughed about. You know this because Jungkook raved about his parents a lot, used to talk about them like he just lived next door to his mother - whom he called everyday, like his father was still alive.
His father didn’t have the luxury of getting scouted by American teams because baseball wasn’t as big then, but his dream of playing for the MLB never faded. Just like what his own father had done, he’d taken Jungkook to a live game every year since Jungkook was six, and tried to watch in every baseball park of every major league team. 
They’d only make it to seven though. By that time, the cancer had been debilitating and he had to give up that annual date with his only child. Watching the Lotte Giants in their hometown of Busan had been enough for 13-year old Jungkook, who’d likewise been fascinated by the game, so was waking up in the wee hours of the morning to still catch MLB games on TV. 
Jungkook was 14 when his old man passed. 
He rarely talked about his father’s death. He also rarely talked about his father outside of baseball. He was a father-coach, Jungkook used to say, not the scary, stage father type who pressured him but the incredibly supportive, only slightly critical one. He’d made Jungkook fall in love with baseball, made him have a reason to wake up everyday, made him have something work hard for, fight for. 
After he passed, baseball became something Jungkook hung onto, something he used to remind him of the man that made him who he is today. It became the most sacred part of himself, not for the popularity it gained him nor the praises he received, but because it showed the best parts of him, which were also the best parts of his father - his self-confidence, his tenacity, his grit, and his resolve, his passion for his craft.
Baseball taught Jungkook the value of hard work, of commitment, of focus, while at the same time reminding him of his physical capabilities and limitations. 
It’s why he took his Sports Science course seriously, knowing that until his last breath, he would live for the sport. He’d play until he’s physically able, and do everything else when he can’t. 
Jungkook had always been a good leader - another trait he got from his father, served as the pillar of strength of every team he’d been a part of because of his vulnerability that allowed others to trust him, to believe him.
His self-confidence may border on arrogance, his forcefulness and intensity may be perceived as aggression, but behind his intimidating aura on the field - partly personality, partly physical prowess - is a tender human being who gets excited over sweets, gushes over Ironman merchandise, likes making blanket forts, squeals over baby animals, enjoys bear hugs, and who just loves to love. 
Those were what made you fall for him in the first place. They were what made your naturally cold exterior dissolve until your heart had become bare for him, until your insecurities had become insignificant, until you’d exuded almost the same joy that he had. 
Seeing him today just brought the memories back, as if nothing has changed with what you felt for him, as if the pain you felt when you told him it was over, when you walked out and he let you, was just a breath away. 
You didn’t realize just how much you missed him until you saw him again, until his proximity reminded you how his laugh used to sound, how his wide eyes and sweet smile looked like, how his sensual touches used to feel.
The tears fall again. That pain, that love - it’s like they never went away. 
“Uncle Tete!” Jungwon squeals as your best friend picks up your son from the floor, swinging him around in a circle, soft laughter reverberating through the walls of your cozy apartment. It only takes a few rounds before Taehyung puts him down and complains that his arms already hurt. 
“What happened to working on arm exercises?” You chuckle.
“Don’t remind me, you know I hate lifting weights. Plus, like that would make much of a difference,” he exclaims, slim arms out, being swallowed by his sweater. “I’m not an athlete, you know?”
You flinch at the comment and so does he.
“Sorry, too soon?”
“Yes,” you say, rolling your eyes and settling in the kitchen, a bit farther away from Jungwon, whose eyes are now fixated on the TV.
“Hey, I wouldn’t have known Jungkook was back if he hadn’t decided to revive our group chat yesterday after 2 years to ask everyone if they’ve seen you recently because you apparently have a kid and he believes he’s the father.”
“Pretty straightforward, huh?”
“He didn’t wanna waste time. Didn’t even care that your brother is in the same group,” Taehyung shrugs. 
“Probably knows Namjoon won’t check.”
“True. But still, how bold of your ex.”
“What did the guys say?” You ask, curious if they ever caught on. Your twice a year appearance since college graduation seemed to be enough for them.
“Yoongi cursed. Jin spammed with theories because he’s convinced you haven’t had a boyfriend in years. Hoseok sent a video message of his reaction, which was really just him freaking out. Jimin acted surprised.”
“And you?”
“I left the group chat.”
You smack his arm, earning you a scowl. “Real smooth, Kim Taehyung.”
“Well, what was I gonna say? ‘Yeah, Jungkook. Your ex-girlfriend was actually pregnant when she broke up with you and you’re totally the father?’”
“You could’ve feigned ignorance, you know, or like denied it until I figured out what to say.”
“___,” he deadpans. “One look at Jungwon and it screams Jungkook. His name isn’t actually subtle, okay? Look at your kid, he even dresses up and eats like the father he’s never met!” 
You motion for him to tone it down but Jungwon is busy watching the Avengers cartoons in his Ironman pajamas while sipping his banana milk. 
“I’m not projecting!” You say, defending yourself because you know that’s what Taehyung is gonna say. 
“It’s not my fault that my kid chose Ironman as his favorite Avenger no matter how many times I pushed Captain America to his face, okay? He didn’t even mind the shield I bought,” you pout. 
“And he won’t drink plain milk. If it’s not banana, it’s chocolate. And he loves sweets, loves to hug people, has the cutest laugh…” You sigh, still racking your brain on what parts of your son he got from you.
“Maybe the universe is the one projecting, you know? Like it just had to find a way for Jungwon to be connected to Jungkook, if not physically then by other ways.”
“Your theory is sweet but I doubt it, Tae.”
“My theory is backed by evidence. And a father’s instinct because that shit’s real. Jungkook was still around during those first two months, the bond probably developed then.”
“Jungwon was the size of a raspberry. It’s highly unlikely.”
“Can you just stop deflecting? The father of your son is here. What are you gonna do?”
“I don’t know! Get my shit together and figure out what to say? You know I’m not ready for this,” you exclaim.
“Funny that you knew exactly what to say when you broke up with him but now you don’t,” Taehyung cocks an eyebrow.
“Are you my best friend or are you out to get me?”
“I’m just saying. You made that decision all on your own. Didn’t even confide in me,” he pouts. “I could’ve thrown some other options that didn’t require you breaking his heart and yours too, and going through all this by yourself.”
“Except I didn’t go through all this by myself,” you pat his head. “I had you and Namjoon. You were all I needed. Still do.”
“We can never take the place of Jungwon’s father, you know that right?” 
“I know, I just… He’s not just my kid’s father, Tae. He’s my ex-boyfriend too. The man I loved.”
“You mean love. The man you still think about, and miss terribly.”
You squint at him as if in question. It’s been years since you and Taehyung had shared an apartment where he’d seen you cry almost everyday. It was something he wasn’t used to because you don’t cry, especially in front of others, not when you found out you were pregnant, not when you walked into Jungkook’s apartment only to walk out of his life. Not when Jungkook skipped graduation and left early for the US. 
Everything changed after Jungwon’s birth. It’s like all the tears you never cried decided it was time. And you had years’ worth of it.
“Your kid’s a lot more perceptive than you think. He tells me sometimes that he sees you cry when you’re in bed or when you’re watching TV with him, and why else would you be crying if it wasn’t for that man?”
Of course he does. Jungwon, again just like his father, is thoughtful and pays you a lot of attention. Seriously, what about you did this kid inherit?
“The dam breaks every once in a while, I can’t help it.”
“Now you can,” Taehyung says as he gives you a hug. “You should talk to him. And soon. You know he deserves it.”
Jungkook stares at the ceiling, unwilling to move from the comforts of his bed. Head throbbing from the bottles of SoJu he downed with his older cousin, Jin, last night, the events of the day before are mighty clear in his mind.
He’d really seen you, the woman who once laid residence in his mind and his heart that he could not get rid of no matter how hard he tried, because you’d broken every possible thing you could when you decided to break up all those years ago. 
He remembers that night so clearly, how he’d been excited to finally spend time with you so he could ask you to go with him to the US. You chose to break his heart instead, deciding by yourself that it wouldn’t work out. The only reason he agreed was because he’d been too hurt to even think of another way, but whether he agreed or not, he knew you would’ve walked out of his life regardless.
But there you were yesterday, dressed in your favorite-colored down jacket, hair longer than he remembers, little kid in tow calling you Mama.
He’d just gotten back in Seoul after a visit to his mother. He’d made sure to be sneaky, as he wanted some peace and quiet before all the interviews and events he’ll need to attend because of this “homecoming” that everybody seemed to be making a big deal out of. 
He was doing well with the LA Dodgers, even had meetings and possible offers with the Boston Red Sox, the team his father obsessed over. Jungkook was well on his way for bigger things in the largest baseball league in the world. 
He  decided to sign with the Doosan Bears instead, not even his hometown baseball team. He’ll chalk it up to missing home, maybe breaking ground so he can play in the Olympics, too, just like his father. 
He was gonna seek you out, that was definitely part of the plan. He still considers the breakup as partly one-sided and he wanted to know how you were doing. He also knew he was bound to run into you because there was no escaping your circle of friends, who apparently seemed clueless as well. 
Except for Taehyung, obviously, because he’s your best friend and he definitely would’ve known. But you’re here in Seoul, how did you dodge the rest of them? And Namjoon had really been able to keep everything a secret?
There were so many questions. Jin took it upon himself to be his confidante last night because surprisingly, Jimin, his best friend, had been mum about it. Jungkook and Jin spent the rest of last night scouring through social media for any trace of you and that kid but there had been none. 
Jungkook is desperate, not just because he wants to see you but the child… looked like him. 
The grocery was a few neighborhoods away from his,  but it was next to the bank he was in so he decided to just do his shopping then. He’d been going through the sweets aisle, ready to fill the pantry of his new apartment with his favorite snacks, then he heard a thump and a soft quivering voice. 
He turned to see a little boy looking sad over his toy airplane whose one wing had been clipped off. An adult didn’t seem to be around and he definitely trusts himself more than any other stranger so he’d approached the kid and asked if he needed help.
Curious doe-eyes met his questioning gaze, until the little kid took the airplane and its broken wing in his arms and cradled them. 
“It’s hurt,” the kid had said, and he felt his heart burst at the cuteness and softness of this child. Jungkook took the toy and easily fixed it, the sliding slot probably too hard for his little hands to maneuver. He was about to ask for the kid’s name when he heard a familiar voice call out, the kid looking up and scurrying away from him.
And then there was you. 
Everything felt hazy until the kid called you his Mama. You’d picked him up and started walking away before Jungkook could even greet you. He’d seen your abandoned grocery basket, which he could easily pass up as his own because of the same things he’d buy for himself. 
The wheels were turning in his head and it wasn’t until the kid, apparently named Jungwon, stated his age that Jungkook pieced everything together. Or at least the possibility.
Could Jungwon be his child?
At the thought of this, Jungkook froze, watched your figure disappear from his sight, the eyes of the child boring into him as you walked away again. The kid let out a small smile and Jungkook had seen enough pictures of himself as a little kid in the news the past few weeks to be reminded of how he looked like, and he looked like that. It was unmistakable. 
The scene plays in his head again and Jungkook feels the throbbing of his chest match the throbbing of his head, the need to confirm his suspicions and know the whole truth seeping through his veins. He tries to calm himself down, which is difficult, but he knows he needs a level-head if the truth is what he wants from you. 
It’s just past lunchtime and he calls Jimin for help. As he enters the passenger seat, Jimin asks his friend for the destination.
“Take me to Taehyung’s place.”
Jungkook is running on adrenaline. With a sober mind now and a still-aching chest, he’s willing his body to relax but he’s unable, focused only on finding the truth.
There’s concern and an air of acceptance in Taehyung’s face when he opens the door to Jungkook, the idea of him showing up here having something that Taehyung has considered. Jungkook has at least half a mind to reach out to someone else before going to you. 
Taehyung welcomes him in, knowing better not to argue or match the other man’s emotions. Jungkook doesn’t ask questions though and instead heads for the refrigerator, bites his lips at the sight of the same brand of banana milk he’d seen in your grocery basket. 
He walks around the apartment, not missing the small basket of toys by the window. He opens a room that’s actually Taehyung’s art room and sees a paint set for kids, a framed photo of him with Jungwon placed on a shelf and next to it is a painting, the words “Jeon Jungwon” written at the bottom. It’s all the confirmation that he needs.
“Find what you’re looking for?” Taehyung asks, arms on his waist now, a bit of annoyance seeping through at the disrespect being shown to him. He gets that Jungkook is upset, but Taehyung knows him, knows he’s probably coming up with his own conclusions in his mind. 
Before Jungkook could say anything, they hear the front door open, Namjoon’s deep voice calling out. 
“Tae, did you get to drop off the groceries at ___’s? Jungwon’s been asking for his milk since yesterday and—” Namjoon stops as he stands by the door, eyes wide at Jungkook standing there, no doubt trying to keep himself together.
“Are you Jungwon’s father now?” He directs the question to Taehyung, the bitterness in Jungkook’s voice not lost on all the men present, including Jimin who’d been having his own battle in his mind because pretty soon, the anger will be directed at him, too. 
Jungkook is the kid’s father, he’s sure of it now, yet the thought of another man taking that role causes an ache in his chest.
“Jungwon sleeps here? Does art with you? Does he call you—”
“He calls Tae ‘uncle,’ Jungkook. The same thing he calls me,” Jimin says, essentially coming out.
“You knew? This whole time?” Jungkook yells, fists clenched as the anger builds.
“Just a few years ago but—”
“And you said nothing to me?”
“It was just 2 years ago.”
“And you’ve visited me twice a year since then and you never thought to tell me that I have a son…” Jungkook flinches at the word, unbelieving that it’s something he’d even say. 
“Look, just calm down, okay?” Jimin tries, but he knows it won’t do much.
“Calm down? I’m fucking livid. I have a…” Jungkook stops himself, willing the tears not to fall. All this time, you had a child that you’d kept from him, without a care of how he would feel.
“Jungkook, just take a breath, yeah?” Namjoon says this time, walking towards the younger man and pulls him in for a hug. “It’s a lot, I know. But just breathe for a bit.”
Jungkook pulls away, a mix of anger and sadness in his eyes. “How could she keep this from me?”
“Only she can answer that,” Namjoon sighs. 
“I need to see her,” Jungkook states after a long pause.
“I can ask when she’s free—” Taehyung offers, ready to get his phone.
“I need to see her now.”
Jungkook finds himself in Jimin’s car, with Taehyung in the backseat talking to you over the phone, saying that he’ll take Jungwon for the rest of the afternoon and that they’re on their way. 
Jungkook listens to Taehyung talk to you with so much care, the way he always had all those years ago. Nothing has changed, really. 
Back in college, people tried to keep their distance from you, afraid of your resting bitch face and usually cold demeanor. Jungkook had heard about you from Jin, a good friend of your brother’s, and couldn’t quite reconcile the incredibly friendly and gentle Taehyung as your best friend. 
It was one of the things that intrigued Jungkook, and he’d find out later on, after pulling all the stops with his flirting and finally getting you to agree on a coffee date, that you really did have a bitch face and you were cold if you wanted to be. 
But you were so unapologetically you that it was refreshing. It wasn’t a defense mechanism or anything, it was just really who you were, but that wasn’t everything about you - you were also caring, protective, generous, extremely hardworking, and very confident. 
Jungkook had fallen in love faster than he could throw a baseball, and he knows he can throw past 90/mph. 
You complemented each other so beautifully that fights were easily resolved, if any, dates were always exciting, and moments together were never boring, even if it was just you quietly working on a paper and him noisily studying his games. 
Taehyung was relentless in befriending you and you caved in pretty easily. “Look at the smile,” you’d said once. “Who can resist that?” You always had a soft spot for your best friend and Jungkook never minded; he’d trusted your relationship and you when you said that he never had to worry about Taehyung.
Except now. Because Taehyung seems to be a father figure to his son, being what Jungwon had needed all these years, while Jungkook had been clueless about it. 
The night you broke up with him, you left him a weeping mess and begging behind closed doors to please don’t go. He felt he’d lost a big part of him, felt the soul-crushing feeling of losing someone again. 
The loss of you was something he couldn’t prepare for and he’d spent years trying to put the pieces again, all on his own, in a foreign country, while chasing his dream. It had been hard but after some time, he rationalized in his mind that maybe you were right, maybe it would’ve been very hard for the both of you given the distance, the time difference, the busy schedules. It wouldn’t have been fair; he’d accepted that.
But keeping his child from him like this? This is too much. This is ruthless. You made a decision again. All by yourself. And he’s angry.
Everyone is thankful that Jungwon is asleep, although it’s a chance for Jungkook to see the little one in slumber, looking like the most adorable boy in the world. 
Jimin and Taehyung agree to leave first, Jungkook not wanting them to wait, although he’s unsure how long this conversation with you is going to last. 
You’ve been pacing back and forth since Taehyung called, informing you of the impromptu visit and Jungkook being unrelenting in his decision to speak with you today. You would’ve wanted to wait, although you know that Tae is right - Jungkook needs to know as soon as possible; he deserves that much. 
In your more than 2 years together, you barely saw Jungkook angry - that was more of your thing because he enjoyed annoying the hell out of you every time and you always gave him shit for it. 
But you two barely fought - you understood his busy schedule and were never really the jealous type, despite the presence of his “fans” (except maybe around Sora who’d named herself as the president of Jungkook’s fan club like that shit still flies), while Jungkook always knew how to make it up to you. He rarely complained, too if you ditched him to work on your projects. 
But this Jungkook is different - his nostrils are flaring, brows are furrowed, jaws are clenched you’re afraid he’d break his teeth. 
You’re different, too. You’re nervous, more reserved, not with your usual crossed arms but with fingers fidgeting at the loss of control. 
You lead him in the living room and motion for him to sit down but he dismisses you. 
“Hi, Jung—”
“I need to hear it from you,” he breathes out. “I know, god, I fucking know but I need to hear it from you.”
You take a deep breath and you say the words you’ve practiced in your head. “Jungwon is our son.” 
You see him close his eyes, bite his lips, and tilt his head. It’s how you know he’s trying to control his emotions.
The silence is deafening but you give him time to process.
“How? I mean, you were on birth control and you said you never missed…” He stammers.
“Pills are not 100%, Jungkook. It just happened,” you explain, racking your brain for days right after you took the test over how it might’ve happened. At one point you stopped; it was no use.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” 
It’s the big question, the one he’s been losing his mind over. It doesn’t matter that it happened; he just doesn’t know how you could make that big of a decision all on your own when it concerned him, the other half of the child.
“You were on your way to the big leagues. I couldn’t take that away from you.”
“But you thought it was alright to take away years with my son?” He seethes. “Fuck, ___. That wasn’t your decision to make.”
It wasn’t, not fully at least, you knew it. But he wouldn’t make that decision, so you had to.
“I made it anyway,” you respond, tone more stern now. 
With all the pain and struggles it brought, it’s the one thing you stand by; it’s a decision you never regretted. Watching Jungkook play in the ballparks his dad never got to take him to, seeing him blow a kiss to the sky before and after every game, and catching him mouth the words ‘I love you, dad’ after his interviews have always been enough to trump everything else.
Jungkook had been living his and his father’s dream. It had always felt worth it.
“Why? I would’ve stayed,” Jungkook yells. 
“Exactly. You would’ve,” you yell back. “I was sure that the moment you knew, you would’ve passed up a dream you worked your whole life for. I couldn’t let you do that. I couldn’t let you make that decision.”
“So you made it for me, by giving me none at all?” He scoffs. “Real brave, ___. And real fucked up, too.”
“It was the only way for you to go!” You exclaim. “If you had known, you wouldn’t have left, you would’ve settled, stayed behind… You would’ve given everything up.”
“Because that’s our child, ___!”
“And we didn’t plan on having him!” You shout, tears prickling on the corners of your eyes now. 
“You’ve known baseball your whole life, Jungkook. Everything you’ve ever done was so you could play in the MLB and you did. You made it happen because you had the best opportunity and you took it, worked hard, got to where you wanted to be,” you rationalize.
He’s panting as he processes your words, mind going again to that night when you walked out on him, making sense of the reasons why, those you verbalized and those you didn’t. 
“I know you, Jungkook,” you sigh, your voice taking him back to the present. “You’d take responsibility because that’s the kind of man you are. You would’ve insisted on taking care of us, on letting go of everything else for us, for your son. And I couldn’t let you give up on your dream, the one thing left of your father…”
“Don’t you fucking dare bring up my father,” he snaps at you, eyes so cold and you feel so small.
“You wouldn’t have forgiven yourself if you let that dream go for us.”
“Then you don’t really know me, ___. Because the hell would I give us up just like that. The hell would I give up time away from my son.” 
He pulls his hair out of frustration, then lets go, tears now streaming down his face. 
“I was 14 when I lost my dad, ___.”
“I know, and I’m sorry—”
“No, you don’t know. And you aren’t sorry,” he retorts, his back facing you as he tries to get himself together. “I had to watch him wither away, had to stay by his bedside and watch him take his final breath because my mother couldn’t. I was 14 and I had to be strong for my parents. And I cried, every single night, for months,” he heaves. 
He turns to face you, wants you to know how much you’ve hurt him.
“I almost quit school because I wouldn’t get out of my bed, wouldn’t talk to anyone. I told you I suffered, that I lost my way,” he continues, weeping. 
But you didn’t know this, didn’t know he suffered like this, that he lost his way like this.
“But the dream kept you going, didn’t it?” You try. “It gave you purpose; you had something to live for, Jungkook,” you continue, reminding him of what the dream meant to him. 
He’d been young but he had so many memories with his father about baseball; it had been the core of their relationship, the thread that kept them connected years after his death. 
“In return for what?” He barks. “Fuck, I would’ve given anything to have my father again. And that includes that dream, ___.” 
You stare at him, his body now crouching down on the couch, unable to fully lift himself up. You’d never seen him like this. He was never afraid to cry but this is different.
Your own tears are relentless, as if telling you that this is all because of you and you deserve this pain. You had broken this man, and you’d done so without regret.
He looks up at you, wipes his tear-drenched face, illuminating the pain, the longing, the anger.
“You took four years of my life away from my son. You robbed me of that chance. You didn’t even give me a choice. How fucking selfish are you? You had no right, ___,” he huffs.
“I just… I know you, Jungkook. You would’ve stayed and then what?” You say, trying to stand your ground, but even you don’t believe your words, at least not anymore. 
“You’ll regret it down the road? Resent us because you had to stay? How would we feel? How would Jungwon feel, knowing that his father gave up his dream for him?”
“Really? You’re absolutely sure that’s what would happen? As if I’m not resenting you now?” Jungkook scoffs. 
“You don’t know what it’s like to have someone be taken from you, to not have enough time with them. But yeah, you need to have the last say always, right?” He says coldly, allowing the silence to let you take in his bitter words.
“You can’t ever feel like you don’t have control so you make all the decisions by yourself. Hurting those in your wake before they hurt you. But it’s all good right because you stand by it? As long as it’s enough to rid you of the guilt even if it hurts everyone else?”
This is how he hurts you - peeling away your layers and throwing them back at you, until there’s nothing left but all the parts you didn’t want anyone to see. But Jungkook had seen them, accepted them, loved you despite them. 
But he’s standing in front of you. And there’s no love in his eyes. You don’t think you deserve it anymore. 
You give him this, the last say. And he takes it. And he leaves. 
Like countless times before, you fall to the floor and cry. You cry until your sounds are loud enough, until you can no longer hear your own heart breaking.
Taglist: @fluffyjoons @jwlmnbt @koremis @mrcleanheichou @kooafraid @purplepommy @btstannies @jeonwiixard @songshin @joondala @hobiade @di0rgguk @fan-ati--c @yn-the-reader @spicybangtanwings @njkbangtan @jeoncookie-bts @miniaturecloud @revehosh @preciouschimine @sherlynxx @dimreads 
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frogtanii · 3 years
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it’s too warm, was your first waking thought as you sluggishly waded through the mound of blankets that encompassed you to get a breath of fresh air (you assumed bokuto and kuroo were the culprits for your warm and fuzzy hellhole). your eyes first fell on the television playing the credits to the second or third pirates of the caribbean movie on mute, the remote haphazardly thrown somewhere to your left as though the person who did so left in a hurry.
speaking of people, there was no one left in the room as you slowly joined the land of the living. a part of you suspected everyone had gone to bed but atsumu or akaashi would’ve woken you up if that had been the case.
belatedly, you recognized voices coming from the front door and your still sleep-addled brain lit up. oh! you thought. food must be here! untangling yourself from the blankets proved to be an exhausting feat because by the time you were done, your body was covered in a sheen of sweat underneath oikawa’s sweats and sakusa’s hoodie.
ugh, gross.
you began to make your way towards the door, the blood rushing through your head preventing you from hearing the details of conversation but knowing atsumu, he was just haggling for a lower price even though you told him repeatedly, that isn’t how pizza places work tsum.
as you drew nearer to the commotion, you started to pick up on the heavy tension in the air, leaving you extremely uncomfortable. you had no idea what the cause of it was but you did know it was making most of the boys upset, who, by the way, hadn’t noticed you creeping around just yet.
a feminine voice rang out from outside the doorway and though you were still attempting to gain your hearing, the sound sent chills down your spine. it sounded saccharine, sweet, familiar, and oh so evil.
even with a head full of cotton, you figured now wouldn’t be the best time to reveal yourself, what with the clear discomfort permeating the atmosphere, but your big fat mouth apparently had other plans.
“‘tsum, just let the poor pizza lady go,” you muttered, the beginnings of a headache making itself known at the back of your skull. you were a little too caught up with the dwarf banging at your head with a sledgehammer to notice the shock that everyone in the room turned to look at you with.
a gentle hand grasped at your forearm, whispering something into your ear before attempting to pull you back to the living room, but that same familiar voice from the door kept you planted where you stood.
“oh, the princess finally makes herself known,” meiko sneered, her face finally coming into focus, striking you with pang of fear straight through your heart. “funny, i thought i left you speechless the last time we... ‘talked’.”
“ya shut yer fuckin mouth,” atsumu lunged at her but was stopped by sakusa’s arm around his waist, successfully holding him in place. meiko just giggled, taking a step into the house, her heels clicking as she glided across the hardwood floors.
in the back of your head, you noted that meiko looked unusually beautiful, her makeup flawlessly done and her outfit complementing it perfectly, almost reminiscent of how she used to be before... well, just “before”.
you watched the boys unconsciously angle themselves as a protective wall around you, the person holding your arm (who you now realized was koushi) pulling you in tighter until your back was resting against his chest.
a part of you couldn’t help but feel a little suffocated but the other, more self preserving, bit felt irrationally safe and protected around these boys. it was nice... or it would’ve been if meiko wasn’t taking herself on a tour around the house as though she hadn’t been living there for almost the past year.
“you all can tone down on the guard dog act. i’m not here to fight,” she said as she pretended to wipe dust off the island. “you’re not?” bokuto’s skeptical voice rose up from behind you, one of his hands finding yours underneath the massive sleeves of your (sakusa’s) hoodie.
meiko shook her head with an empty smile, her perfectly painted red lips stretching unnaturally wide. “no, of course not! i’ve just come here to collect.”
the boys collectively tensed around you, akaashi whispering for kenma to go find yachi and quickly. as he slipped away, you made eye contact with sakusa who gave you an imperceptible nod that you assumed meant one thing — keep her talking.
“collect what?” you asked, your voice coming out weaker than you wanted, but you hoped she didn’t notice. she cocked her head as her eyes snapped to you as if she’d forgotten you were there, but judging by her growing smirk, you knew that wasn’t the case.
“my boys of course!” meiko clapped gleefully, clicking her way over toward kuroo to run her hand over his bicep, laughing when he jolted away from her touch. “they’ve always been mine, you know that don’t you?”
it felt like a cold bucket of water had been dropped over your head. you felt frozen again, the same feeling of dread creeping up your spine as it did when meiko attacked you. in turn, you barely noticed kenma’s return who whispered something to sakusa — an action that didn’t go unnoticed by meiko.
“what’re my boys talking about? are you plotting against me?” she pouted, scooting closer to the pair. kenma visibly paled and moved to hide himself behind sakusa’s broad shoulders. “we aren’t doing anything, meiko.”
wrong answer.
“oh, we both know that isn’t the case kiyoomi. i’m not a fucking idiot.” meiko’s voice filled with venom before moving even closer still. you felt your heart beating rapidly in your chest, your hand gripping bokuto’s even tighter.
what if she brought some kind of weapon to the house? what if she hurt you? what if she hurt them?
before you could think, you were standing in front of the group, the boys calling out your name as meiko’s face lit up. “so the precious little princess wants to take a stand! let me have it then, huh? let me see what all the craze is about!”
despite the fear thudding in your chest, you stood tall, glaring at her with your head held high. “the boys are not yours, meiko,” you declared, her mouth instantly opening in protest but you refused to let her speak.
“they aren’t possessions or objects you can own and treat like shit. they are people, real living, breathing people and they aren’t mine either. they have full reign to do what they want, when they want, to make their own choices and decisions. and you know what? they didn’t choose you or me. they chose themselves and their happiness over any bullshit you or i could try and sell them. so please, for the love of god, get your shit together, put it in a box and take it to fucking therapy.”
by the end of your impromptu speech, your chest was heaving but you felt good. really good. adrenaline was rushing through your veins and you felt powerful. out the corner of your eye, you noticed osamu and daichi standing at the bottom of the stairs with something akin to awe on their faces.
yeah bitches. take it all in.
unfortunately, while you were basking in the feeling of badassery, you completely missed meiko’s eyes lighting up with pure, unadulterated,
you faintly heard someone call your name before you were taken to the ground by meiko leaping at you like an animal. the two of you scrambled about on the hardwood, her hands yanking at your clothes and leaving scratches on your skin but you were sure as hell giving her a run for her money.
you finally managed to get on top of her, pinning her arms to the ground but that wasn’t before you gained a hard elbow to the side and a bruise to your face. meiko thrashed and shook in your hold but you were not wavering, trying to keep her entirely still for...
well, for what exactly?
almost as though they were on cue, you heard the sound of police sirens wailing in the distance, growing louder as they drew closer to the house. underneath you, meiko’s eyes widened before she began fighting even harder than she’d done before, her erratic movements making it much more difficult to keep your hold on her.
luckily, you had extremely muscular men at your disposal, one of which (osamu — even though he was a dick, he was still incredibly muscular dick) held down meiko’s arms as the lapd stormed the building.
the police officers easily retracted meiko from your arms and cuffed her, taking her to the back of the cop car, despite her loud and insistent threats on you and everyone you love.
very disney villain-esque.
a kind looking officer helped you to your feet and walked you out to the porch where he began to ask you and the boys a few questions. you answered them honestly and you were genuinely proud of how well you were handling the whole situation when—
“bubs, you’re shaking.” sure enough, when you looked down at your hands, you were twitching uncontrollably, the reality of the events that just occurred finally sinking in.
you were just attacked. again.
you and your friends were threatened.
meiko was sitting in the back of a fucking cop car.
“what the fuck,” you whispered, eyes staring unblinking at your palms. the same officer mentioned something about shock, prompting all the boys to gather around you; atsumu pulled you in between him and sakusa, wrapping his arm around your shoulders, kenma and bokuto took hold of your quivering hands, sugawara and oikawa sat off to the side watching you with blatant concern, and kuroo and akaashi spoke to the officer in hushed tones.
the man nodded and shook their hands before shooting you a pitying smile and heading back to the car where meiko was waiting.
“it’s over angel, ‘s over,” atsumu muttered into your hair, pressing kisses to your forehead in between each phrase. you leaned into his touch but you refused to take your eyes off meiko who was watching the whole scene from the backseat, her eyes wide with anger, hurt, and confusion.
you didn’t bother dwelling on it, instead focusing on evening out your breathing and looking at the car drive over the horizon. you heard yachi’s soft voice calling everyone inside, atsumu lifting you up to your feet and walking with you, never once taking his hands off of you.
still, his words echoed in your head, even as yachi spoke of the end of the hyper house, even as the boys brought you to your room, and even as they all automatically cuddled around you in an attempt to get you to sleep.
it’s over. it’s all finally over.
you couldn’t keep the grin off your face if you tried.
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℗ poker face
it’s over
series masterlist
an - OK THE TITLE IS MISLEADING THE STORY IS NOT OVER YET SKENSM (there are 2 more official story chapters before all the endings :3) also m not the biggest fan of this chapter?? so i’d love to hear what y’all think <33 don’t forget to feed me!!
taglist - if your name is in bold, i cannot tag you
@boosyboo9206 • @geektastic84 • @elianetsantana • @trashy-simp • @infinitebells • @6mattsun9 • @suhkusa • @katsulovee • @kotarosbabygirl • @fucktheworlddude • @insomniacwreck • @calumsfringe • @saltylettuce • @chai-blu • @al3x1ss • @hawksyoongi • @jooleuuh • @loubells • @kissungjae • @liberhoe • @tetsurocore • @animeoverdosee • @duhsies • @saiKishaircLip • @afire24 • @premiyagi • @kit-kat428 • @doctorspencereid • @daphnxy • @kyomihann • @maer-333 • @sinoflust19 • @peteunderoos • @peachiikichu • @iidanotlida • @yongboxerrr • @kac-chowsballs • @tanakaslastbraincell • @memorableminds • @risjime • @starry-magicshop • @sugavwara • @smuttyanimeslut • @kiwibirbs-library • @haijkk • @airybnb • @crybabygumi • @iwaisa • @decaffinatedtealover • @notameera • @kawaii-angelanne • @rintarovibes • @urlocalsimp • @keiarma • @shrimpypenis
the rest of the tags will be in the replies!!
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arcanadreams · 3 years
That time you and your demon boyfriend went viral
hi yes hello obey me fandom!! my name is Gabbi and i have never played a single second of the actual game but i have read enough fanon content for the past year to have this idea swimming around in my head and now i am finally letting this accursed thing out of my brain and putting it in yours
also i’m only doing the brothers because any more than that and i’d have an aneurysm probably. oh and shoutout to @obeythebutler and @beels-burger-babe for inspiring me with their works to feel brave enough to write for this fandom
You and Lucifer go viral on Asmo’s Devilgram story!
You’re in the kitchen helping Asmo with dinner duty and singing along to one of your playlists of human realm music that you like to show him.
Asmo starts filming your cute little dance while you stir the pot on the stove because you are just adorable!
About ten seconds into him filming, Lucifer appears in the doorway with quite the stern look on his face. You know, the one that comes right before a “MAMMOOOOOON” and strikes fear into the heart of all those with functioning eardrums. That one.
He opens his mouth, presumably to tell y’all to shut the fuck up, but then there’s a lull in the music and the eldest can hear your voice ever so slightly above the song’s vocalist and he freezes.
Man stops in his tracks like someone just smacked him in the face with a midair volleyball.
Asmo can be heard stifling a laugh behind his phone.
Lucifer’s face gets so soft and he almost, almost, loosens his metal-rod-through-the-ass posture before you notice him and give a little wave and ask if you and Asmo were being too loud like the considerate darling you are.
Lucifer clears and his throat and says something like, “No, you aren’t. I was just coming to check on how dinner is coming along,” and leaves, after which Asmo immediately presses the post button.
Screenshots of Lucifer’s heart eyes for you go absolutely viral because every demon on Devilgram goes absolutely feral for seeing the eldest demon brother lose his dignified composure. It becomes a meme template. “Get you someone who looks at you like Lucifer looks at MC” and “me at the delivery demon when he shows up with my spicy bat wings” posts become commonplace. (Asmo thinks the memes are totally worth getting strung up with Mammon for laughing at them.)
Much like Lucifer, you and Mammon end up going viral off Asmo’s Devilgram. (Noticing a pattern here?) 
He pulls a silly prank on your asses and honestly I don’t know how you fell for it. But hey, they say “idiots in love” for a reason, so...
You and Asmo are sitting in the common room of the House of Lamentation just chillin. Well, he’s chillin, you’re on the floor studying for an upcoming exam.
The video starts in the middle of a conversation you and the avatar of lust were having.
“No, Asmo,” you say. “Mammon and I don’t use pet names for each other.” Now that’s just a darn lie, and every demon and crow within ten miles of Mammon and you together knows it.
“Really? I find that very hard to believe, MC.~” 
You sigh in response to Asmo’s teasing. “Okay, he has a lot for me but I’m just not much of a pet name person, y’know?” The rest of the exchange goes like this:
“Oh, I totally get it.” *pause* “Hey MC, what do human world bees make again?”
Cue a sheepish Mammon sticking his head in the doorway at the bluntness of your tone when you answered Asmo.
“Yeah, babe?” he looks like a puppy left on the side of a highway oh my god hUG HIM-
Asmo turns the camera back to his smug ass face and in the background you can be heard tripping on the damn carpet trying to get up and hug your mans. (”MAMMON GET OVER HERE SO I CAN HUG YOU” “W-WHAT? I THOUGHT YA WERE MAD AT ME?!?!?!?!”)
Streamer Levi? Streamer Levi.
You guys go viral the first time you make an appearance on one of Levi’s weekly (insert cool Devildom streaming service name here) streams. 
It’s completely unintentional. You had been asking him for weeks to play with him on there, but he’s the avatar of envy after all. He doesn’t like sharing his partner, even if it’s with random strangers who have no real access to you.
However, he has his stream on a Thursday instead of a Friday one week, and you come into his room carrying dinner because 1) You didn’t realize he was streaming and 2) No matter what he was doing, the boy needed to eat. It wasn’t unusual for you to bring him dinner, so you had no idea why he was blushing and stammering even more than usual this time in particular. Boy was speaking in beached whale trying to tell you what was wrong.
Then you notice his screen. Oh! “Hi chat!” You wave, setting Levi’s food down on his desk in front of his keyboard. “M-MC!” He full-on whines, slamming a hand over his mouth afterwards when he remembers his viewers could hear that.
Honestly, they’d meme the fuck out of him if it weren’t for the fact that they are FINALLY SEEING HIS HENRY!!! THE MYSTERIOUS MC!!!
Chat is bombarding you with questions while you make Levi eat dinner. And by make him eat dinner, I mean literally feeding this man forkfuls/spoonfuls while he games because you love how flustered he gets when you do that. 
Does it impact his score? Absolutely. Does he care? Not really when you’re pampering him like that.
You start answering chat’s questions about you while he’s chewing so he can’t tell you to stop LMAO-
You’re a natural on stream. The VOD becomes the most popular on Levi’s account in a matter of hours and soon cute highlights compilations of you and him on that stream start making the rounds on Devildom Twitter.
There was buildup to Satan going viral, similar to Levi in a way. 
Satan does have a Devilgram, but it’s basically a white woman’s Instagram with added book reviews for variety. Unless you’re a reader his account is pretty boring: candles, books, fireplaces, and cats.
However, after you two started reading together fairly often he began posting pictures of your legs draped over his while you sat together. They’d always be captioned with vague ass pretentious literary criticism. 
This goes on for months, and he gains a lot of (horny) followers after the leg pics start up. He doesn’t really get why but you both joke that it’s because you have some damn nice legs and I mean neither of you are complaining about the new following.
You two go viral when he finally shows your face, entirely by accident.
The post is a video, which is already strange for him and grabs attention. In it, you’re scoffing and reading an excerpt of a book, mocking its understanding of female anatomy.
“I’m quoting here, Satan: ‘her breasts bouncing around like giant pacmen.’ I’M SORRY?? THAT ISN’T HOW BOOBS WORK SIR. WHY ARE MEN ALLOWED TO WRITE?” 
(fun fact that is a very real quote from a very real book I really read last month pls save me)
Originally the camera is focused on your body, with your head out of frame to protect your privacy, but your righteous anger made Satan laugh. Like, a real laugh. The one that makes you and everyone in earshot wonder if he truly was never an angel cause he sure as hell laughs like one but anyway-
When he threw his head back, his DDD angled up just a tad without him noticing, and your face was in view for like .2 seconds. Screenshots of it are making the rounds on Devilgram almost immediately: FINALLY THE LEGS’ OWNER HAS BEEN FOUND.
Satan apologizes profusely but you honestly find it funny and you two opt to just start taking selfies while reading with both of your faces in them from now on. 
I’m gonna be real with you: you and Asmo go viral all the time. Pretty much everything Asmo posts can be considered viral because of his social media following and his status as one of the seven avatars of sin.
However, there are some fairly cute highlights to be pointed out among the times you were both featured in a post that blew up.
Your favorite is probably that time Asmo livestreamed on of you guys’ ‘Nail Nites,’ as you call them.
You’re both on the floor, doing your nails and kicking your feet back and forth while talking to chat. A lot of the questions are about your relationship, and there’s a lot of flirting back and forth between the two of you.
A particular clip of the stream does blow the fuck up on Devilgram, though, when someone screen records it and posts it with a bunch of heart emojis edited over it.
“’What colors do you think best describe each other?’ Ooo, that’s a good one, chat!” Asmo claps his hands together excitedly, making sure to be  careful of his nails.
Pretty much everyone expected you to say pink, but you surprised both your boyfriend and your viewers when, after a pensive few moments, you replied with “Hmm...probably yellow or orange.”
“Can I ask why, darling?” Asmo tilts his head in confusion. I mean, yeah, those colors look good on him, but he doesn’t wear them often so he’s wondering about your thought process. 
“Well, in the human world those colors often represent happiness, optimism, and positivity. You’re always the cheerful presence I need in my life when things get hard, so you have the vibe of those colors.”
Asmo proceeds to burst into tears and hug you, messing up both of your nails and prolonging the stream since you both have to start over. But neither of you particularly care. 
Fun fact: Asmo has the clip that demon made of that portion of the stream saved on his DDD and watches it whenever he feels sad.
Beel and you probably go the most viral out of everybody. Like this moment is an entire phenomenon across the Devildom internet. 
It’s a video, or well, multiple videos, taken at the end of a Fangol game that Beel’s team had just won. Everyone is cheering and going crazy, yourself included, and you just really wanted to congratulate your boyfriend.
So, like the rational person you are, you elect to climb up onto the railing of the bleachers and wave to get his attention. 
You were absolutely fine up there, and sat all comfortably motioning Beel over to you. He notices, of course, and jogs over, standing right beneath you and looking up. (Back where you were sitting, Mammon is screeching like a hyena in heat and Belphie, who is laying down, has one eye open to glare at him. The youngest knows Beel would never let you hurt yourself; you’re fine.)
A bunch of assorted demons at the game has started filming while you were sat atop the railing since you were rather noticeable. Therefore, there’s a shit ton of different angles of the adorable events that follow:
You slide off the railing, landing right in Beel’s waiting arms bridal style. You’ve got this brilliant smile on your face as you pull his helmet off. None of the DDDs filming can hear it over the crowd noise, but Beel asks you why you just went through all that trouble and you tell him it’s because you wanted to tell him how proud you are.
Soft boy’s chest puffs up and he smiles this big cheesy smile at you reach up to run a hand through his hair. You feel him practically purr at the contact, and with a laugh you pull him in and plant a big ole smooch on him.
The crowd, at least those of them that can see, scream. Everyone is running high on adrenaline and happy emotions; something that cute causes a ruckus!! When you pull away Beel proceeds to put you on his shoulders and you celebrate with him and the rest of his team.
The videos of you two being adorable go completely viral and there are some threads dedicated to stockpiling every single angle taken of the event. Beel is completely oblivious to the attention but you have a lot of them saved on your DDD.
If you think Belphegor has any sort of social media presence whatsoever then you are sorely mistaken. (Well okay he actually does run some anonymous troll accounts to meme on Lucifer’s posts but that’s neither here nor there-)
Therefore, naturally, you two go viral off of Asmo’s Devilgram. 
Okay so someone in the obey me tag the other say headcanoned that Belphie will go out of his way to nap in ridiculous places and my brain really took that and RAN WITH IT.
So what happens is that Belphie will fall asleep in the fucking weirdest places. I’m talking on top of the fridge, underneath the dinner table, on top of bookshelves...you name it, he has slept there, no matter the effort it takes to get there in the first place. 
And, ever since you two started dating, you would join him. Sometimes it involved putting yourself at risk of great bodily harm, but the little smile he gave when you he saw you fucking scaling the countertop to reach him made it worth it.
So anyway, since Beel adores the both of you to no end, he takes pictures whenever he sees you two napping together, whether or not it is in a crazy place. He sends these to the family group chat because he thinks they’re adorable.
Over a span of weeks to months, Asmo has built up a stock of images of you and Belphie cuddles up in seemingly impossible places. Once he has about ten or so, he posts a compilation of them to his Devilgram with some cheesy ass caption like “The things we do for love <3″.
They become a meme SO QUICKLY. Like UNBELIEVABLY quickly. 
The picture of you and Belphie sleeping on top of a bookshelf, in particular, is a big hit. Memes abound.
“If my girl doesn’t climb up a bookshelf to cuddle my ass, she don’t love me.” “Get yourself a partner who scales bookshelves just to be with your ass.” Etc etc...Belphie doesn’t give a shit but you laugh at a lot of them so he sees that as a good outcome.
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jade-parcels · 3 years
The genshin men: fatherhood edition
With: Childe, Zhongli, Kaeya, Diluc, Xiao, Venti, Albedo and Baizhu
Ajax loves kids and he’ll make that known early on in your relationship
Like...This man wants five or more kids but he’ll settle for four. He dreams of a big family, getting to surround himself with you and your kids every night for family dinners, everyone getting together for big birthday parties or reunions! That’s his dream life! Plus, in Snezhnaya, most families have more than two kids anyways
He will cry so hard when his babies are placed in his arms for the first time, I mean he’s a mess. Nose is running, eyes puffy, lost of sniffling lmao he is so excited to be a dad!! Don’t you dare tell the other Harbingers how much he cried...What do you mean you took a picture when he wasn’t looking??? Hey??!?!
With his obscene amount of mora, he’ll buy a huge house that will accommodate everyone. Anything you want will be purchased that day or within 48 hours, the same goes for the kids
But they’ll all learn to be thankful for what they have. They’ll learn to fight, fish and speak multiple languages. He has high expectations but let’s face it, he’ll be proud of them no matter what
You’re gonna have to be the one to put your foot down though because Ajax doesn’t enjoy being the ‘mean parent’, he has trouble saying no to the kiddos which can create some tension between you and your husband. He has good intentions of course!! He doesn’t wanna say no to those cute, freckled faces!!
Zhongli is nervous about having kids because he’s immortal. So this will go one of two ways. 1. You have the baby and the baby ends up not being immortal (or you adopt a baby who is not immortal) Then he loses you both. OR 2. You have the baby and it inherits his immortality and becomes an adeptus. Now he and the baby will have to watch you die while they both life forever.
Either way...It hurts him to think about because he loves you!! He wants to have a family with you!! He wants to give you that perfect family life every human desires!! But he’s torn
You two will just have to figure it out.
Zhongli will be a strong, male figure for your kid(s) and he will instill that traditional kindness and respect into their behavior. ‘Please’ and ‘thank you’ always, always offer to help someone who needs it, do good deeds and you will feel accomplished, be the best you you can be, alway try your hardest because that’s all that matters
He will be sure that your kid(s) always feel loved ALWAYS. Zhongli will tell them stories, cook for them, take them to school, anything that needs to be done. When you’ve had a rough day, he’ll step in to take over for the night without being asked. He shows interest in everything your kid(s) like and he will do his damn best to display every piece of artwork they make or every pretty rock they find
He...will make a great dad :’)
Ooooh brother, at first Kaeya says no he doesn’t want kids but...Then he starts thinking about it
He observes the happy families that walk around the cobblestone streets of Mondstadt, how the kiddos smile and laugh with their parents. He’ll patrol in the afternoons, usually rounding the corner just in time to see the city’s kids leave school for the day, watching as they all run down the street to go home to their parents or play in the fountain together...Yeah, that really warms his heart
He’d want one or two kids, preferably two to avoid an only child being lonely. He isn’t on the best terms with Diluc but he can admit that they had a great childhood together, playing at the winery and running around as brothers do
Kaeya would be a very patient, understanding father. He doesn’t have much of a temper so he’d use the kids’ mistakes as learning opportunities instead of getting upset at them
He would be obsessed with the kids when they’re babies though oh man if you thought you had baby fever, he has it times ten! He loves holding the baby, watching with a twinkling eye as his baby grasps his thumb with its tiny hand... adorable
And if your kids inherited his eyes, his star shaped pupils that his ancestors passed down to him...He’s gonna get emotional
Everyone at the knights’ headquarters and the Angel’s Share will get sick of him REALLY fast cause he won’t stop bragging about how cute and smart his kids are lmao
Diluc would be such a soft dad don’t even get me started
He loves you so much of course he wants to have kids with you! Is that even a question?? He won’t be the one to bring it up unless he gets the feeling that you want kids but once you ask, he’ll agree so fast
He’ll be grateful to even have one kid with you :’) and he’ll be fine with however many kids YOU want. You want one kid? Perfect! You want four? No problem, the manor is big enough for ten! You...you want ten...? Time to hire some more maids then lmao
Diluc is a worry wart though, he’ll be afraid to hold the baby, feed it, bathe it, he’s terrified of hurting the baby or the baby suddenly hating him. So just help him out!! Cause when he gets comfortable with the baby, he’ll be in full dad mode
He isn’t embarrassed to walk around the manor, conducting business with a baby strapped to his chest!
Diluc is a very kind, gentle dad who will always offer helpful solutions to the kiddos’ problems. He’ll make sure all of their needs are met while also trying to avoid spoiling them... Too much... There will be a fair amount of spoiling...
His own father wasn’t too affectionate with him so that’s why he’ll be affectionate with his kids! Hugs and kisses when he tucks them in at night, big dad hugs when they get home from school, holding their hands in the busy streets of Mondstadt. His father was a great dad! He just aims to be better.
Like Zhongli, he worries about the mortality thing. Since he’s an Adeptus, his kid will certainly be an Adeptus too if you have kids together.
He also worries that his kid(s) will hate him. His duty is to kill demons which means that rain or shine, holidays, special occasions, day or night he’s gotta be ready to go slaughter demonic beings. So he’ll inevitably miss out on important stages in the kiddos’ lives
And admittedly... He’ll be scared of his kids lmao
They’re screaming, crying, barfing, pooping, laughing, screaming again...He can’t predict their behavior. It’s unsettling. All of that goes away one night when you sit him down and place your sleeping baby in his arms. His eyes go wide...And he just watches. This tiny, little baby...Feels no fear for him. It’s comforted by his presence. He almost cries...ALMOST
He’s still pretty much the same Xiao we all know and love but now he has a kid. “Slaying demons is what I do...Hey, go back inside and finish your dinner. Yes, even your vegetables. I don’t care that you don’t like them-...Fine. Don’t tell your mother, bring them to me. I’ll eat them” cute :)
He’s a protective dad and husband, he’d never let anyone or anything harm his beloved family
Venti....does not want kids. He thinks they’re cute! He likes the idea of kids but he knows he wouldn’t enjoy actually having kids
You two already have so much fun together!! You don’t need a kid!! You guys have dogs!! Dogs are like kids! But they’re more independent and they’re cuter!
He’ll feel bad if you want kids and he doesn’t, he really will! But it’ll be nearly impossible to convince him cause he’s made his mind up :/
Venti’ll make it up to you somehow though, he’ll take you out more and show you all of the adventures you guys can have if there aren’t kids around
But for the sake of fatherhood headcanons, let’s pretend he gave in. Venti would be a very caring dad. He would cuddle the hell out of this kiddo and sing to them :’) the only problem is that Venti doesn’t like being tethered to one place for too long so he tends to take off and not come back for a few days... :(
Albedo wants kids mostly just to see what fatherhood would be like. He’s always been curious about what that part of his life would be like so why not have a kid
He’d be good with one kid, two at most cause after practically raising Klee, he knows how some kids can be and...He doesn’t have the mental capacity for more than two kids at a time lmao
He tries his best to show more emotion in his face. We all know he usually sits like this 😐 and goes ‘wow im so happy right now’. If you didn’t know him, you’d think he was bored out of his mind right? So he’s gotta work on that. And when he musters up a smile for the baby and it smiles back at him????? Yeah...He’s gonna try to smile a lot more now
He definitely softens up once he becomes a dad, he shows emotion more than he used to and surprisingly, he takes time off of work. Shocker, I know! He decides that he’s been in the lab long enough and that he wants to be able to be there for these moments with you and his kid(s) :’) :’) He trusts Sucrose and Timaeus to take over for him for a couple hours
He keeps a journal for each kid and writes down the date and time they have their firsts or just interesting things they do ->
- 8/4: Baby sees and plays with a cat for the first time
- 9/5: Baby smacked me in the face and laughed so hard she threw up
-9/12: Baby learns that pulling my hair gets my attention. She now continues to do so
-10/15: Baby stays at Aunt Klee’s house for the first time
Baizhu really loves kids, he works with them a lot and he considers Qiqi to be his daughter anyway but in terms of you guys having a kid together, with his condition he can probably only handle one kid running around
He will do his absolute best to be a good dad. Even if he feels like death, he’ll help change diapers, feed the baby, care for it when you need a break. He isn’t contagious so when you’re sleeping and he feels gross, he’ll sit back against the pillows with the baby on his chest, the three of you resting together (though he doesn’t fall asleep...that would be dangerous for the baby)
Baizhu already tends to nag at you about your health and lifestyle choices but now?? He’ll be a menace. He’ll be constantly evaluating your baby’s condition, checking to see if a certain food is giving them a rash or making sure their skin isn’t drying out. He’s hyper aware of your baby’s health and will be the one to treat them if they get sick
He’s a busy guy since he runs the pharmacy but he will always do his best to be present for your baby’s big milestones! And when your kid cries cause Baizhu’s medicine tastes like shit, he’ll do his best to not be disappointed in their reaction lmao
When you leave him alone with the baby, he’ll wrap a scarf around himself to tie the baby to his chest while he works and...he looks so cute :) dad baizhu <3 <3 <3 <3
Bonus points for him buying the baby toy medical equipment so he can get your kiddo interested in medicine :)
3K notes · View notes
punemy-spotted · 3 years
The Price You Pay
Pairing: Mob!Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: Non-con/Dub-con, mentions of murder, unclear timeline, blackmail, unprotected sex, fingering (F!receiving), smut, esoteric references to past abuse, manipulation, Dark!Fic
Words: 5.2k (holy fuck?)
Summary: You need his help. He names his price.
Notes: This is for @stargazingfangirl18 and her incredible 5K Soft!Dark Challenge and I can't believe I wrote over 5k words for a oneshot, making this the longest piece I've ever written. I took a blend of prompts: Mob!AU; “When I woke up this morning, I certainly didn’t think my day would end like this;” and “That’s a big favor you’re asking for, I think you need to make it worth my while.”
And this was intended to be a oneshot but now I can't stop thinking about it so thanks Siri, I think this is now a part of my WIPs too! Your work is amazing and I had a blast being able to take part in this!
As usual, my work is 18+ ONLY, Minors DO NOT INTERACT
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You went to him first.
You went to him, handed them your business card and I want to speak to Steve Rogers.
Honestly they almost threw you out with an extra hole in your head but then the man of the hour walked right in.
So now you’re here. Now you’re here, sitting across a gorgeous dining table with a ten-course meal laid out and honestly you’re surprised they didn’t tie your wrists to the arms of the chair while you watch him eat and take in the look of those baby blue eyes scanning you over.
He even brought you non-alcoholic rosé, when you said you didn’t drink.
You wanted to talk to me?
Yeah, I do. Thought you’d just sit me in your office, have a consultation.
I like breaking bread with new friends. Have a nice dinner, get the wine flowing — of course, that’s not gonna loosen your tongue, but we’ll forgive it.
Oh. Cool, I like being forgiven.
He laughs at that one and the room, strumming with tension, snaps into amusement. So do you, cracking a half smile on dark red lips, before swallowing down the lump of anxiety threatening to break through and destroy everything. You need this. You need this and you can’t let anything — not your nervousness, not your morals, not him — stop you. You need this and it needs to be done and if this is what justice is in this fucking city then so be it.
Well, sweetness, you’ve got my attention. You want to talk business or pleasure?
That one makes you laugh, a little sharp and a little cruel, and the curling smirk on his face gets a little furrowed because he hears it too — pain.
It could be both, you say finally, picking up the glass of rosé-that-wasn’t, if your reputation is as real as they say it is.
He lifts a bite of cheesecake into his mouth and lets it melt on his tongue while he watches you, somewhere between impressed and incensed. You know the look — you saw it the last time he met you in court, but you weren’t there as allies then. Never thought you’d come to me, he admits finally, sounding halfway bemused at the idea, but you’re full of surprises, aren’t you, Counsel?
You wince, or maybe smirk, eyes on the man before you.
It’s a game, a dance, a ruse, and the woman you thought you were thirteen months ago when you put four of Steve Rogers’s best men in jail for fifteen years — fifteen years longer than any District Attorney had ever managed to do before you, and you were just the rookie they handed a shit case to — is leagues different from the woman you are now, seated prim and proper in the lion’s den.
You’re not innocent. That’s not been your game for years — this life doesn’t leave room for innocence, it tears at you, leaves you tired and broken and ill.
Your colleagues learned to fear him a long time ago, the man before you. Captain America, leading the city, the country, the world into a new era of high tech crime all under his thumb. It’s a pretty shiny shield, the one that sits behind him, but mirrors are black on the other side and his soul is dark as coal.
You’re not an angel yourself, and this deal with the Devil isn’t for anyone but you.
I need someone taken care of.
So you come to me? I thought you were a lady of morals, Counsel.
Certain kinds of morals.
You can see him smile, see the way he raises his glass, the glimmer of malice and amusement in his eyes. So tell me. What’s the name?
You give it.
He’s not in the city, your target, but he will be. A Judge, an activist, real tough-on-crime-sweet-on-justice type of shit. You don’t tell him the reasons why, because those are yours, but you tell him the name. You tell him he’s a problem, you tell him he’s dangerous, you tell him you’ll pay to have him taken care of, you tell him you don’t want to practice in front of that black, black robe.
And he smiles like the Devil he is, watches you with a grin and drinks his whiskey in one last shot before slamming it down, Real woman of the law, aren’t you?
You said that when we met the first time.
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He’s a hunter, you can see it in his eyes. That lion’s mane might be tamed right now but it won’t be for long and you’re playing with wild animals. The eyes on you are ice and daggers, daring you to do the one thing everyone in the office has been begging you not to do.
(Drop the charges, Rookie, the case is just to get your face in front of the judge.)
You upped the charges.
(Rookie, you don’t know what you’re dealing with, there’s other cases.)
You subpoenaed his phone records.
(Rookie, don’t make me drag you off this case!)
You won.
You had no witnesses and a jury you had to drag in from god-knows-where after you proved, over and over again, that he’d paid off the cohort in the courtroom. Finding people with nothing to lose and a desire to do their civic duty wasn’t harder than you thought — it was exactly as impossible as you expected.
But you did it.
That’s what you do, isn’t it? Push and push and fight, claw your fingers at the ledge and pull yourself up, you pay for your crimes in your blood, sweat and tears you pay for the things you could have done then and didn’tdo.
You pay.
And sometimes, that payment bounces back.
And when it was all said and done, when the closing statements were delivered, when the Jury came back out and the Judge — hands shaking, mouth agape, eyes wide — read out the verdict no one expected, you… didn’t feel any better, did you? There was no justice for you in that room, just the searing glare of ice-blue eyes and the burning of your steel spine.
Real woman of the law, aren’t you?
First words he said to you, while the courtroom emptied out and you stood there, facing the man you’d just made an enemy of with your briefcase in your hand and your eyes aflame.
I did my job.
Did you? Is that what you think your job is?
My job is justice, unflinching and blind, Mr. Rogers. I don’t care how much power you have or how afraid you leave this city, I’m going to do my job.
You could always let justice turn a blind eye.
Yeah. I could, but that wouldn’t make this any fun, would it? Thank you for the win, Mr. Rogers — I’m sure I won’t get many more.
You leave him with a smile on his face and the scent of your perfume in his memories.
He leaves you with the pride of victory in your bones and a reminder that your strife could be worth it.
One day.
How do you plan to fill that pit, the one you tossed the corpses of your old self into? The one you let them claw up out of, to haunt you? Remind you?
You’re digging your own grave and you know it, but you won’t let Steven Grant Rogers be the first one to toss a handful of dirt over your corpse.
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But now here you are.
In his dining room, enjoying dessert and some sort of after-meal coffee. In need of him…
This might almost have been a date, if not for the topic of conversation.
So. You want a Judge taken out. What if he’s already on my payroll?
Why would you keep a dead man in your pocket?
You like the sound of his laugh, and you don’t even have the excuse of wine to fall back on when it warms your core. Don’t admit it though, don’t say it aloud, don’t let him get an in. Be smart, cross your legs tighter, keep your eyes on the prize.
You’re so close to the finish line.
That’s a big favor you’re asking for, Counsel, I think you need to make it worth my while.
Worth your while?
I’m not a charity. And since you put the guy I usually use to handle these things behind bars for a few years—
You know I can get him out too.
That’s not payment, that’s putting things right.
You take a drink. Steady on, girl.
I’m leaving the DA’s office.
That stops him.
Oh that stops him good, and he looks fascinated. Interested. You’ve said something he can use as leverage and it’s not just about a job. That smirk on his face is smug and his eyes are darker and he has to know the impact that look has.
Can’t falter, don’t falter, don’t give in.
Am I allowed to ask why?
You’ve done your research. You just don’t know why you’re thinking about it now. Steven Grant Rogers, “Captain America,” leader of a crime family that had too many names to stamp out, bolstered by a mad scientist, a military man through-and-through who turned New York into his own private base against whatever stood against his way.
Get in his good graces and you’re set for life. Get in his good graces and you’re safe, you’re protected, you’re good.
Get on his bad side and you only make that mistake once.
There are no second chances in this game, and here you are, asking for one.
So what? You leave the DA’s office, you leave yourself open to me — you think leaving New York is going to be the thing that stops me, Counsel?
Then what?
Breathe. Steady.
I know you gave me that win on purpose — you could have taken out my last jury cohort. This isn’t about the four men… and you know I’ll get them out. This is something else, but I’m not here to ask about what or why.
He falters just briefly, like he’s surprised you knew, but the crack in his mask smooths itself over as soon as it forms and he’s back to watching you, nodding along in silence while you breathe and watch him and keep talking.
But even then. I got four of your guys in prison. And I know how your organization works — I subpoenaed the documents, remember? Your lawyers are good, but they’re not used to people asking the right questions. You want someone to seal up the cracks you need someone who actually knows what to look for.
You have more than his attention, you have his interest, and now he’s leaning in a little. Imperceptibly, but enough. Scanning over you from across the table, like he’s thinking how you managed to get so impertinent in the face of the likes of him but that’s the thing — when the only thing you have left to lose is your life, you’ll risk everything.
So what are you offering?
Breathe. Don’t. Stammer.
The chair scrapes and suddenly there’s the clicking of guns, aimed and ready until his hand rises up and he stops them and he’s stalking towards you.
This is the lion’s den, sweetness.
The stakes are higher and you ought to be braver and he’s got your chin in his hand before you have a chance to react, dragging you to your feet. Do you know what you’re offering me, Counsel? Low and hissed and hungry, like those perfect teeth might be sinking into your throat in the next moment.
Oh, you have no idea.
You get me. On your payroll — you know. The offer you sent me a year ago.
You think it’s still open?
If it wasn’t, you wouldn’t have met with me.
The chuckle in your face makes your cheeks warm and you’re looking more flushed than you would like, the open shoulders of your dress suddenly feeling a lot more like a mistake the more you realize just what kind of meal he might make out of you tonight.
We might need to have a discussion about your workplace duties, Counsel.
You don’t notice the hand near your thigh until it’s too late, sliding up the soft fabric of your skirt until it’s squeezing your ass, until it’s jerking you towards him, until you’re pressed against his chest and the hand on your chin is now hooked around the back of your neck, thumb pushing your jaw until you’re forced to look at him. Won’t lie, when I woke up this morning, I certainly didn’t think my day would end like this, having your pretty little body in my arms,and you can look as indignant as you want but he’s got the upper hand and you only thought you were two steps ahead of him.
You think I haven’t thought about what it’d be like to put you in your place, Counsel? You’ve got a smart mouth — I wanna know what else it can do.
He doesn’t give you a chance to use that mouth to lash at him, lips sliding over yours, swallowing that indignant yelp with a punishing kiss. Nipping at the plushness of your lower lip until you open your mouth and yield to him with a sigh of reluctant surrender, let his tongue slide past that barrier for him to explore. He’s got his fingers wound through your hair, just a little too tight and whether the whimper in your chest is because of the pain or because of the want, he doesn’t care.
Knew you’d be sweet, Counsel… softly, when he pulls back to look at you, take a look at those love-swollen lips and your ruined lipstick, the pretty way you pant at him already, the heat burning your cheeks. Pay no attention to the slick warmth between your thighs, pay no attention to the way he makes you burn already, pay no attention to how your fingers have curled into the lapel of his coat to hold yourself steady, pay no attention to how you suddenly miss the pressure of his lips.
All that smart-talk and now you’re quiet, Counsel? F’I knew it just took a kiss to get you to shut up, I would’ve done that at trial, he’s purring in your ear, soft and sweet and you should push at his chest, so uncurl your fingers girl and push.
I didn’t say I was selling my body, there’s your harshness, and there he is, laughing at you again, the grip on your hair jerking your head back until you’re looking into those dagger-cold eyes again.
You don’t make the rules here, Counsel, I do, and you need me more than I need you. So if you want to make sure your Judge can’t start wreaking havoc on your career… you might want to get used to readjusting it for me. I promise I’ll make you feel nice, if you let me…
And if I don’t?
Then I take what I want and I don’t feel bad for not holding up my end of the bargain. Your choice, Counsel, you cum willingly and I’ll give you everything you want. Don’t, and it’ll hurt you more than it hurts me.
That’s not a threat, that’s a promise, and suddenly you’re more scared than you ever thought you’d be, wondering if you’ll need to sell another part of your soul to take him down after. How much of yourself will you put up as collateral to get justice for the wrongs you were never able to correct?
You’re afraid.
Oh sweetness, you’re afraid.
Here? Now?
No, Counsel, we’re gonna do this right, aren’t we? You wanna be in bed with me, I’ll take you to bed with me. Come on, say it. Say the word.
Say no. Say no, rail and fight, stamp your heels into the expensive leather of his shoes, jam your knee into the sensitive between his legs, scream and yell and tell him you will never let another man take advantage of you again to help you reach your goals. Do it. Do the thing you swore you would do the next time a man like him — men who think they can take anything from anyone, men who think they own the world and the women in it, men who think you aren’t strong enough to fight back — propositioned you just like this.
You’re selling your soul to get rid of a man just like this.
But that’s coiling heat in your core that wasn’t there the last time, was it? That’s want. That’s the realization that you like the way this predatory smile feels, that you like the way this one wants you. You’re not her, not scared and alone and helpless. You could fight back and run and maybe escape if you were lucky.
You could choose.
He’s let go of your hair to stroke your cheek with the backs of his fingers, soft and sweet, You gonna give me an answer, Counsel, or am I gonna have to take it?
Say something. Say no. Scream. Say no say no say no say— Yes.
It’s a whisper. A desperate, soft whisper. A helpless, lonely whisper. It’s enough.
He sweeps you around until you’re pressed with your back against his unyielding chest, feeling him flex with every movement, broad arm wrapped around your shoulders from the front. All of you are dismissed, and that’s when you remember there were others in the room with you. Others who just watched you concede to becoming Captain America’s newest plaything and the burn on your cheeks is more shame than lust. You pull at his arm briefly, futilely, earning a tighter hold for your efforts and a whispered don’t make me choke you, before you are half-walked, half-dragged out of the dining room.
The walk to his room is slow and agonizing as you’re pulled along, barely struggling but barely helping at the same time, tears sliding down your cheeks as you come to terms with what’s going to happen next — no one is going to save you tonight, no one’s going to interrupt and drag you out, this is your job and this is your place and here you are.
No one speaks. There’s no sound but the steady tap of your heels and his shoes on fine marble. Even your sobs are silent, even your breathing is muffled, until the stairs are traversed and the faintest click of a lock turning opens the door to the rest of your life.
You made a deal.
Time to pay.
Sit on the bed.
You move as if in a trance, and he watches your face, the hint of waterproof mascara failing to do its job, the smudged ruby red of your lipstick. Don’t give me that look, you knew what you were signing up for when you walked into this house, Counsel.
His hands are gentler than you’d expect, when he wipes away the streaks your tears leave down your pretty cheeks, coaxing you to look up at him, We’ll set ground rules later. Tonight? I wanna see if I can get that mouth of yours to beg for me.
It won’t, you snap without thinking, knifeblade sharp and cruel, ready for a fight again. He promised you that once, in a hiss you thought you’d misheard but no, you heard him just fine and now if he thinks he can quench your fire and have you pleading just because you sold your body for the prospect of revenge then he’s wrong.
Thing is, he laughs like that’s a challenge, and the hand holding your chin so gently is wrapped around your throat before you know it, silencing your voice with just the right application of pressure. I can do this all night, Counsel. Do you think you can last that long?
Fear. Anger. Indignation. You are fury made flesh and he is manipulating you with just the barest press of his palm and sliding over you, until you’re laid out there on soft sheets and he’s looming over you, splaying that big hand out and sliding it down your throat, over your chest, feeling the ruching of the fabric under his palm. You wrapped yourself up like a present for me, didn’t you sweetness?
The change in nickname isn’t lost on you but here you are, glaring up at him while he smiles so beatifically it leaves your blood boiling and your skin steadily warming. The rise and fall of your chest is hypnotic, every angry breath a swear you don’t utter, every inhale your protests dying in your throat. What can you say, what would you say, right now? There’s nothing that can change the way he looks at you, or the way his eyes flicker from ice to blue fire the more he takes stock of the pretty little thing he’s about to start sharing his bed with.
Fuck, you’re beautiful, that one shocks you, but not as much as the sudden rush of cold air when he tears the emerald green fabric of your dress down and reveals the soft swells of your breasts, nipples peaked from the sudden cold.
You don’t get much time to gasp, just something soft and strangled before he turns your voice to whimpers, wrapping lips around that pebbled tip and laving his tongue over sensitive flesh. Where are your words now, Counsel, while he threatens the softness of your chest with the scrape of his teeth, when he slides his hands over the round curve of your thighs and parts your legs so he can press himself between them, so he can press himselfagainst you? Where is the knife-dagger of your wit to protest each soft, suckling kiss to your skin, each press of his fingers like he could just squeeze his ownership of you into the plushness of your hips, into the sweet swell of your ass? What do you say to the dirty little thrust of his hips as he bucks with his own burning need, reminding you just how much this is for hispleasure as he will make it for yours.
You would, could, should push him off and instead what are you doing? Curling your fingers into the silk-smooth of his comforter, desperate to writhe out of your own skin away from the burning pressure between your thighs, the foreign, unfamiliar heat you suddenly feel like you might be craving.
Anyone ever touch you like this before me, Counsel?Warm breath splays across your skin when he questions you, eyes fixed on yours and he waits. Answer him, answer him, tell him he’s nothing, tell him you’ve had better, lie and destroy that ego, lie lie lie lie—
He looks like you’ve just told him the best news of his life, eyes wide and blown with lust, Oh is that right? You’re saying no one’s ever touched you this good? Or just no one’s ever touched you at all?
You don’t have to answer. The furious blush on your cheeks? The way your eyes slide away from his? The way you writhe, trying to press your thighs together to relieve the pressure and finding the effort futile? If the man’s grin could get any wider, it would, right now. Oh sweetness, we’re going to have so much fun exploring your body together…
He pulls back just enough to take a look at you, already flushed and writhing and overwhelmed and if he could take a picture of this right now he would. He’ll save that for later though. Tonight? Tonight is just the two of you, and his hands are back to your skirt, pushing the tight fabric up over your round hips and revealing the lace of your panties… just before he rips them off, to the sound of your indignant yelp Steve!
You’re going to call me Captain, sweetness, we’re not close enough to use my name just yet.
No. No you’re not, and he’s not sure you’ll ever be — he rather likes the idea of hearing you whimper out his title when he gets you desperate and wanting.
He touches, slow and steady, watching you try to jerk away and tutting at you when you do, fingers at your delicate nerves like an assault on your pleasure. Bite your lip, bite back the moans, whine at him like he’s wounded you, You’re so wet, sweetness, you’re so desperate for me aren’t you, as he palms his cock to relieve the pressure on himself. You’re going to beg before he does and he’s patient, he’ll last the night.
St-stop it, it’s too— he shushes you ahtahtaht and rests his free hand on your mound, holding you down so his probing, inspecting fingers can take stock of the velveteen plushness of your delicate cunt. It’s too much, too much and you want to scream the moment he presses one finger into you, already overwhelmed, already so tightly wound the barest touches are unraveling you steadily.
You’re such a pretty thing, all desperate and needy, sweetness. You wanna cum already, don’t you? So busy, never gave anyone the chance to fuck that stuck-up bitch right out of you, did they? It’s almost pitying, isn’t it, the way he talks, hums at you while you’re reduced to a whining, whimpering mess so soon, so desperate for the release he’s on the edge of denying you, feeling you flexing around his finger and then the second leaping jolt of your body when another joins the inspection. Taking careful stock of the pretty cunt he owns now, and he’s careful to curl his fingers just right as he seeks the spot to hammer just to get you to scream.
You don’t, not yet, but that’s okay too, because he sees the way you take desperate hold of the sheets, the way your eyes roll backwards just slightly, the way you strain against his heavy hand to arch your back. Gotta tell you, sweetness, I imagined you under me a thousand and one ways but this one, right now? Tops the list. You ready to beg for me?
Do it. Do it and end your pleasurable torment. Do it and be released from the pressure, the coiling want. Surrender to him. Let him have you.
The white hot rush of your orgasm is not unexpected to him, his curling, cruel fingers having found the sweetness of your g-spot, but — you, too busy climbing the ranks to think of your own pleasure, too busy demanding your due from an unjust world explore your own warmth beyond that of a memory of a college hookup you would rather forget — you left breathless and wanton in the heat of the explosion he draws out of you, mewling something desperate and pleading against your own will and the song of it fills his ears like it’s all he’s ever wanted. There it is, and I thought we’d be here all night. A thumb flickers over the nerves at your entrance and you practically jump, something between a yelp and a moan escaping your lips.
First one’s just a treat, sweetness. Now on, you cum when I say you do, understand?
You nod.
Oh you nod, and you are lost, here and now. Sensitive and broken and there is so little of that steel spine here, writhing in his sheets and ohyou don’t know the things you do to him.
Think you can go again, sweetness? He’s purring, smug, twisting fingers stretching you slowly, muttering under his breath about how fucking tight you are around his fingers, how good you’re going to feel for him, and the smugness on his face is slowly fading into a dark consternation, brows furrowed like he’s somehow angry at you for being plush and delicate and fuckable.
You’re almost begging him to stop, and yet the pressure is building again, the twisting, coiling heat that leaves you breathless and mewling and he looks like he might be trying to immortalize this moment forever. Say it, sweetness. Say you need me. Beg me for my cock.
That’s it.
That’s what you need to, you need to beg, you need to give in. No more fighting, no more arguing no more —
Please what, sweetness, come on now. You got a way with words. The snarl is so barely contained.
Please, Captain, please just…
What do you need, sweetness? The fingers are relentless, the buzz in your nerves is overwhelming, you can barely even hear yourself talk, much less him.
Please just fuck me, Captain, I need your cock! It’s hurried and it’s crude and it’s desperate and it’s exactly what he wants as just another wall crumbles and you fall off your pedestal right into his arms.
He’s barely able to resist the buck of his hips, the need to be inside you, the knowledge that you are soft and velvet and you could be all over his senses just like this.
When did he free his cock? You don’t know, you just know it’s practically salvation when he sinks into you, when he fills you like you’ve been desperate for and Oh sweetness…pours from his lips just as you hiss out something like praise right back at him.
You’re so full and he’s so gentle, at first, like you’re made of crystal in his arms, like the slow shifting of his hips might have you shattering underneath him if he’s not careful. Cradling you, even, sliding your legs around his narrow hips as he leans in and takes a hungry kiss from your wanting, whimpering mouth.
Love this look on you, all wrapped around me, whispered low and slow into your ear, sweetness you have no idea how good you look…
Melt into those compliments, melt into him, because the way he’s holding you is divine and you can feel him so deep in you it’s making your head spin. When did your arms end up around him? When did you start clinging to him like an anchor, start winding your fingers through his hair, start leaving the marks of your nails on his back to the sound of his own needy groaning?
He noses your cheek and leaves a mark of ownership on your neck with hungry lips, knowing you’ll bruise a beautiful flower right over your pulsebeat and continuing the steady assault on your nerves, cunt-first.
Harder. Faster. More.
And oh, sweetness, you do shatter.
You shatter all around him, you shatter into something divine and rapturous, full of him and filled with him and he cums so deep inside you as you do, still fucking you through your joined climax, hips rutting and breath hitching and nearly furious at you for the way his vision whites out too, the way he feels like he can Never get enough and so he hisses that at you like an accusation while his thoughts reorient back to reality, back to smugness, back to the control you took from him while he tried to strip you of yours.
In the end, as he pulls away from you and sinks to the side of you, watching your sweet expression as you return to the reality of your new situation, he is satisfied… thoroughly.
Oh yeah, I think we can make this a working relationship, Counsel.
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hillarysss · 3 years
astro observations
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A lot of cancer placements love to call people by cute loving nicknames specifically “angel”. I don’t know why I’ve met so many cancer placements that love the word angel.
Libra placements either do too much on clothing or dress really basic & simple.
Moon in 4th individuals are really intuitive but may even be more psychic when they’re connecting to someone that makes them feel a lot of emotions. They may need your favorite shows name or something to connect because they connect through emotions.
10th house stelliums can actually be pretty scared of the spotlight. It is a stellium, so there is nervous energy around.
Having Uranus dominant influence in a chart tells me you ask for advice, but do your own shit anyways
Mercury sextile / trine saturn usually can make someone have a hobby in writing that they excel in. They can communicate better throughout older people too.
Saturn opposition ascendant can indicate you grew up too quick but others don’t see you that way. You may always have been told “ you need to grow up more”
I’ve noticed a lot of scorpio placements can hurt people by staying quiet about things like their emotions a lot.
Scorpio risings aren’t that intense AT FIRST. Most scorpio risings actually fear confrontation.
Saturn in 8ths could have a toxic way of working. Their work could’ve been something that really cause major change. Their work could’ve been really harsh. They could’ve overworked themselves often.
Having 8 degrees can make someone really psychic.
People who lack a lot of water can actually be more sympathetic than the ones who have a lot. Water signs can be very dangerous as they know how emotions work & very vengeful.
Gemini mercuries & any gemini placements always be forgetting little stuff like car keys etc.
Gemini placements may have to watch / stimulate themselves while eating. May like to have their phone on the toilet.
I’ve noticed a lot of pretty women have mars in cancer & they tend to be the ideal type for a lot of men.
I’ve noticed a lot of Venus in leo women have slightly wavy / curly hair.
A Venus in Leo would feel really ugly if their hair isn’t done well. 
Men with scorpio placements really know how to charm women. A lot of women tend to get the wrong idea with scorpio placement men (sexual & flirtatious). While women with cancer placements tend to charm men easily.
Aquarius moons if their relationship with their mother is not detached, can have the “best friend” type relationship with their mother.
Venus - neptune aspects can make someone use filters / a lot of editing in their pictures. A distorted image.
Leo placements protect their friends a lot. They turn into an aggressive lion.
I swear every aquarius placement always wonders why they’re labeled as “detached & unemotional”
Sagittarius rising women have really nice curves / butt.
Pisces placements love to rub their feet together, this just makes sense.
Having any of your big three in the °18 degree can indicate a lot of madness towards you. Especially if it’s in the moon. You’re most likely very unstable and judgmental. If it’s the mercury though, your words are knives to people. (UNDERDEVELOPED)
Having gemini degrees will make someone more chatty / knowledgeable wherever it is touching it.
Having a lot of mercurian degrees can make someone seem like a “know it all”
Lilith in taurus go very far with their money. They are the type to constantly check their bank account if even more afflicted. They could end up wealthy, but it’s usually a painful ride.
Venuses in taurus probably fantasize about providing their crush with whatever they ever wanted in life wether it is a car or etc. They are also willing to work a lot for financial support in family matters.
Taurus placements aren’t that stubborn when it comes to people. They are in fact very giving. They’re only stubborn on their opinions etc.
Capricorn & leo venuses are very similar.
Virgo venuses are very underrated. They’re very helpful friends & that help you find your worth a lot.
Venus in 6th= validation towards people liking your work.
Venus in 8th= In love when you meet someone who understands you take a lot to open up.
Venuses in 8th usually have a very high sex drive. This can make their partner think they’re only in it because of that. They like to express their love with that too.
A lot of harsh marsh- saturn people are asexual / have low sex drive. (opposition, square)
Venuses in 7th may have a thing for lawyers / people who specialize on helping people with critical manners. Like a big turn on.
Chiron in 6th individuals could be very insecure going to places like the gym & school etc.
Empty 11th house placements could actually prefer online school rather than in person school. (It’s as ease here)
Chiron in 3rd could’ve been bullied in younger years. (early education).
Chiron in 12th could encounter a lot of bad spirits.
Moon in 8ths could have special contact with the death. Hence psychic abilities are at play. Especially with emotional connections.
Pisces placements could make a lot of money from selling their feet.
Cancer placements tend to get heartbroken by relationships at a young age.
Mars in 4th can indicate someone in the family could suffer from anger issues or worse.
Gemini moons can be quite secretive. It takes a while for their other side to open up and then they never shut up.
Leo with gemini placements can make someone really creative and can easily let their thoughts out. They could also second guess themselves on their abillities though.
Venus in cancers usually learn a lesson to not sacrifice themselves so much.
If someone has mars opposite your venus there is usually a lot of attraction.
We are actually attracted to singers who have the mercury sign of our rising.
Lilith in the water houses can make someone have really blunt emotions. They could express their emotions very harshly. Could make very aggressive rants.
Mars in cancers don’t give up easily until they get their way. They were probably that whiny kid when young.
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