#aq fandom exchange
artificialqueens · 1 year
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Digital Art Inspired by Masters of the Scene (Bitney Parent Trap AU) for Veronica - Candy Cane
SECRET QUEEN 2022 by @artificialcandycane, for @veronicasanders
This is for Veronica - angel of my dreams, apple of my eye, warrior of all of our hearts <3 Hope u love it!!!
(I. Have. Passed. Away. -V)
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dindjarindiaries · 3 years
The metaphorical aspects of Din Djarin’s physical armor and his ship are extremely brilliant and so fascinating when it comes to his character.
DISCLAIMER: This topic gets discussed often in this fandom. If this is a topic you’re sick of hearing about, I suggest you stop reading here!
I won’t go too much into the metaphor of the Razor Crest because I recently saw an analysis going around here (which was brilliantly done, though I forget whose it was!) and I don’t want to be redundant. If I had to add one thing to that, though, it would be using this quote from the junior novelization: “Where others might look at the [Razor Crest] and see a simple means of transportation or escape, the Mandalorian knew the Crest as his haven, almost an extension of the armor and helmet that protected him” (Schreiber). Essentially, then, the Crest was another layer that kept Din hidden away from things he didn’t want to face: the pains of his past, the growing attachments within his heart, etc. Thus, whenever the Crest undergoes stress, Din is also undergoing a stress. In Chapter 2, it’s when he starts to get attached to Grogu, even if it’s happening unknowingly (hence Din’s denial at being able to fix it; he’s in denial that the same thing’s happening to him with Grogu). In Chapter 10, it’s Din deep attachment to Grogu and his ability to start trusting and having to care for others. In Chapter 11, it’s his shattering idea of his Creed, thanks to the Nite Owls. We see it get fixed in Chapter 12 after he spends time with friends he knows he can trust, which makes him feel safe again, but then in Chapter 14 everything gets shattered—thus foreshadowing what’s going to happen to his character in the following two episodes.
Now, for his true armor: the beskar and his helmet. When we first see Din’s armor, it’s colored a deep red, which is actually very reminiscent of the robes his people in Aq Vetina used to wear. According to Wookiepedia, when a Mandalorian’s armor is red, it can mean they’re honoring a parent. In this case, then, it makes sense that Din wears red: to honor his fallen parents. This armor gets badly broken in the fight against the mudhorn, just before the event that changes Din’s heart forever: being rescued by Grogu. We see him being protected by nothing, fully exposed for the first time in a long time—not just physically, but also mentally/emotionally—and then he’s still protected, but this time by something aside from his armor. That’s a beautiful parallel between the destruction of his physical armor and the destruction of his emotional armor, both occurring when he’s starting to question his attachment to Grogu. Then, we see Din exchange his red for silver with the reward he gets for turning in Grogu. According to the Mandalorian Guild’s wiki, silver armor signifies someone who’s seeking redemption. This also makes sense for Din, as he starts trying to right what he’s wronged with Grogu from the moment he gets his new silver armor. It holds strong until it’s put to the ultimate test: the explosion in Chapter 8. The armor couldn’t save Din from what happened to him in that explosion. But, what did happen was that Din lost his right cuisse, the only remaining armor from his old set. That shows the significance of his willingness to sacrifice himself for Grogu: he completed his redemption in the “Warrior’s Death” sequence. That’s why, in season two, we see that his new cuisse is silver, fully signifying his successful redemption in saving Grogu.
Then, there’s the helmet. This is something we mostly see the significance of in season two. It was, of course, mentioned often in season one, with people asking if Din really couldn’t take it off or what the consequences of that would be—plus, being willing to die to uphold his Creed in Chapter 8 until IG-11 finds the necessary loophole—but season two took it to a whole new level with Chapters 11, 15, and 16. The helmet is perhaps the most significant layer of protection for Din. It keeps people from seeing his eyes, a feature known as the “window to the soul,” and he can also be more guarded about disguising how he feels when his facial expressions don’t give it away. In Chapter 11, he’s floored by the idea that there could possibly be Mandalorians who don’t practice the same way, as if he refuses to believe that there’s a world where he might have to live without the protection of his helmet. Then, in Chapter 15, we see Din sacrificing this very thing—the thing that’s protected him the most—in order to save his son. I think the fact that Mayfeld uses “Brown Eyes” to refer to him, and Valin Hess also does as a result, is extremely significant in regards to my earlier point: eyes are by far one of the most vulnerable features we have in communicating the things we feel. Up until that point in Chapter 15, we can see Din holding his own without the rest of his beskar armor, but once that helmet comes off, he is vulnerable. This is at the same time Din’s coming to terms with the fact that he can’t live in a galaxy where he’s lost Grogu. Din would rather lose all layers of protection than lose this attachment he now has to his son, and the removal/loss of his armor is such a profound way of showing that.
I’ll close with Chapter 16′s helmet removal. This is significant because it was completely by choice. Chapter 15 was something Din had to do. This wasn’t. Din took off his helmet, his finest layer of protection, because Grogu has finally made him feel safe enough to be able to show who he really is—just as Din has helped Grogu to feel safe enough to use his powers again.
The parallels of Din’s physical armor to his emotional armor are so brilliant, as Pedro Pascal, Jon Favreau, Dave Filoni, and many others have commented on before. Diving into that and truly looking at it just makes it all so much wonderful.
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mxtxsblog · 3 years
Untamed did XY dirty
I love Untamed, I really do. Unpopular opinion: I love love love almost all the changes from the novel. WWX having the same body? Inspired (and MDZS cheated about it: in most adaptations WWX's and MX's body are so similar the audience can't disintiguish them!). The bit about WWX falling, LWJ trying, JC stabbing (but not really)? A piece of art. Demonic cultivation as black smoke? Yes baby!
JC and WQ? Genius.
WWX tenderly wiping away JC's tears in the climax? I want to scream (WWX and JC's relationship is my second favorite one, just after XueXiao). And I love the changes about Yi City quartet! XY appearing early and being a force of demonic cultivation? Sweet. XXC not being so driven to arrest him? Yay. XY dying with a smile remembering XXC? Babies. But I really really really hate the change about XY's tragic backstory. It really changes everything about XY and I simply ignore it (and so usually does fandom, so yay!). Why? Because XY's backstory is divided into two parts, and the division is essential.
(As usual, I wish I had more time and energy to dedicate to this meta, but sadly I can't).
From the start, XY doesn't make it a mystery he grew up beaten up. Because that's not the point, not really. Then XY decides to share a bit with AQ and XXC, and it's the sad story of a child without parents nor money who loves sweets but can't eat them. Of course sweets are a symbol of food, a home, a family, kindness, happiness, everything baby XY (he's only 7 years old!!!) doesn't have. It's noted that child XY is strangely naive and trusting (they call him dim-witted!). So even in his poor situation, he conserved a trust in the world and its justice. (And I think this particular is key to WHX's belief that XY has a good nature). So a man asks XY to do a task, in exchange of some sweets. XY does it (and he's happy to earn the pastries! He doesn't even think about stealing them or anything!), and he's harshly beaten (twice!) because of it, injustly. The story ends for the moment, XY lets out the most important part (and XXC feels that the story is unfinished). Then everything happens. And XY tries to share the last part to XXC. And yes, that's the really important part. XY runs in Chang Cian and, with an innocence impressive for a child in his situation, tells him what happened. He doesn't understand yet, he thinks there was a mistake ("he felt both frustrated and happy"). Surely Chang Cian didn't send a poor innocent child to be beaten for fun. But Chang Cian beats him too, and denies him his pastries. XY tries to stop him, and Chang Cian decides to strike him in the face with a whip and runs him over with his charriot. That's the important part of the story, that's the thing who destroyed and shaped XY. It's not about his little finger (but of course his mutilated hand is a eternal remind of what's happened!). It's not about physical suffering: living poor, alone, homeless, in the streets, XY must had already met many bad people (he himself says that he was beaten a lot as a child). (Although I can concede that the excrucing pain of a crushed hand, obviously not treated, was the worst pain XY had ever felt, with painful and lasting consequences.) It's about hurting a child for one's amusement. It's about tormenting him without any care. As he was a stray dog, a broken toy. It's about being manipulated and hurt simply because a person is rich, is gentry, is powerful. (And also normal people, the man, the waiter, the driver, hurt him without any care. I think that's essential for XY loss of trust in anyone, and his disgust with people in general). If Chang Cian was simply a person who denied a begging child few pastries, if he was simply a cruel man who beated a child, he wouldn't have earned XY's revenge. But XY hates him, not the waiter, not the other man. Why? Because Chang Cian chose him to amuse himself with his pain, with his shattered hopes. XY did everything right, did what was asked of him, and was cruelly hurt for it. And when XY tried to stand up, to demand his recompense, he was hurt even worse. "Is it that, since the fingers weren’t yours, you guys were incapable of feeling the pain?! You guys didn’t know how horrifying screams sounded like out of your own mouths? Why didn’t you ask him why he decided to amuse himself with me without a single reason?!" And of course nobody helped him. Not the waiter, not the driver of the charriot, not the people. Nobody cared about a starving nobody. And it's this cruelty, this abusing of an innocent child's trust, who broke XY. So yes, the backstory in Untamed about a man who denied a homeless child's begging for sweets and run him over, while tragic, lacks the most important part. The things that set Chang Cian apart from all the other people who hurt a homeless child. "A man sat on a table inside the shop. as he saw the child, he gestured for him to come over." XY wasn't bothering him in any way. The man just saw a poor defenseless child and decided to hurt him and be cruel without any care. And yes, I can't forgive The Untamed for this. So in all my meta XY's backstory is MDZS's one. Because the other one really doesn't make sense and lacks the
original's complexity and brutality (also, XXC gives XY candies even in The Untamed, so it makes more sense if the story was told). Last but not least: they robbed us of XY sharing the first part of his story around the fire. Eternal shame on them. Of course in my meta that scene happened. Strangely enough, they originally also cut XY's incredibly complicated smile at XXC by the fire. Maybe they didn't know how the audience would have reacted to XY, who from what I can see he's a popular but deeply divisive character. So they couldn't decide how much sympathetic they wanted to present him? (Similar to Loki's case, in truth). So in the end: don't let Untamed fools you, XY's backstory is tragic and deep. And it's not about physical hurt, but the shattering of a child's trust in the world.
(Also, XY knows and hates that cultivators and people in general don't care about powerful people abusing poor nobodies. Ghosts and monsters? Political conquests? Of course, but rich powerful people hurting defenseless children? Ahahah, no.)
In short: XY is a woobie destroyer of worlds and that's really sexy of him.
Also, the world fully earned his enmity.
Also, I want all the AUs where somebody is kind to this child and nurses him back to health. As consequence, magic ancient China loses a killer and gains a bloody defensor of starving children, eater of the rich, rogue demoniac cultivator.
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softieskywalker · 3 years
Hi there! [This is sleepydin on my main blog lol.] Im not latinx myself but i AM from southern africa and i totally get how fucking frustrating it is to see cultures be so generalized, ESP by people in fandom spaces, and ESP when they put more effort into researching fictional cultures and languages over, yknow, very REAL ones. Like, someone from namibia isn't gonna have the same culture or speak the same language/dialect as someone from, say, kenya, just as someone from chile isn't going to be the same as someone from brazil. It's infuriating as fuck and im sorry that people dont give these things the respect they deserve.
Hope you have a good day/night ❤
hello! yes i agree, it’s very frustrating. especially when i see so many posts about “isn’t this alien culture so interesting??? we should really look into this! mandalore and its history with colonialism” and people making the accurate analysis that those alien cultures are allegories for how non-european or north-american cultures are treated... but then fail to have that same level of respect towards actual cultures from the real world. it’s very telling to me that people overinvest interest on mandalore regarding din djarin as a character but never put any interest over his original culture in aq vetina that’s very explicitly portrayed as a mirror to post colonial south american cultures (from the clothes, to the architecture, to the casting of din’s parents and din as a child.) 
of course this is an issue that comes from the incredibly ignorant and narrow minded worldview of those who grew up in the global north and... it seems silly in fandom but i feel like i’m used to it at this point. like the bar is underground, but it really feels like they’re able to feel more sympathy for fictional alien cultures than real life ones. and those who try to be “respectful” just don’t even bother asking people “hey is this ok?” and instead leave things on a very washed out culturally ambiguous position that feels like a corporate treatment to fandom. idk. 
for example i once told an american friend that comparing mexican culture to argentinian culture is like comparing usamerican culture to australian culture. yes we were colonized by the same people and technically speak the same language but we live on opposite sides of the globe and have had barely any cultural exchange during history. assuming every latin american person eats tacos is incredibly offensive and ignorant. our spanish is basically two different dialects. to be seen as one homogeneous unit by such a large population really makes you feel like the ant under their boot lol. 
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stillmumu · 3 years
author interview tag! 💖
got tagged by @clownhoward ty angel!
Name: Mumu
Fandoms: RPDR and various music ppl (I only write for RPDR though)
Where you post: AO3 and AQ!
Most popular oneshot, most popular multi-chap fic, favourite story you’ve written so far, complete: My most popular oneshot is called Sweet On My Lips and it’s a crygi coffeeshop meet-cute. I haven’t done a multi-chap yet bc I have the attention span of a goldfish. My personal favourite story is Magnetic Moon (a jankie uni au.) I’m really proud of how I worked my poetry roots into it!
fic you were nervous to post: Crying in My Prom Dress. I really wanted to get the characterization right, to feel authentic and teenager-y(?) but still be entertaining, if that makes sense.
how you choose your titles: Tbh I don’t really have a set process? If a story is based on a song (like I Wish You Were Sober was) than it’s pretty obvious. Otherwise, I just hope really hard that something comes to my brain in a stroke of genius lmao.
do you outline: Not at all! I usually start with some kind of trope/plot and a ship and wing it from there.
in progress: Main wips right now: a Lemyanka proposal fic, a Scyvie high school reunion type vibe, a prose-heavy pretentious asf Crygi fic (w nb Gigi), and three different Jujubee/Miz Cracker fics because for some reason they’re a bit hard to write atm :/
coming soon: *crossing fingers* the Lemyanka fic. Also I might brush up a Jaida/Nicky fic that’s been sitting in my done folder bc I’m not quite happy with it.
do you accept prompts: I actually just reblogged a prompt list here so feel free to send me stuff! I also take prompts outside of that list too, just no smut please <3
upcoming work that you’re most excited for: most of my wips, but also i got an idea recently for a momo soulmates au (w a twist!) that i’m pumped for. the songfic exchange is coming up, and i’ll be working on @themetalluna ‘s “i was kinda hoping you’d stay” prompt too
gonna tag @uwusunflower and @lemyanka love y’all!
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lilolilyr · 2 years
11, 22, 26
11: fandom you enjoyed writing for the most this last year
Oh gosh, I'm honestly not sure, different ones for different reasons!
Both Andromaquynh and Milippa have grown so dear to me over 2020 and 2021, and while they might not have been my main obsession the entire last year, they were always around, I love writing the characters, and I love writing for the fandom friends I made..
Mirandy and Berena were nice not just as new fandoms to get into but also because they (especially Mirandy, but compared to others also Berena) are larger fandoms than I'm used to, and I got a lot more comments and all than in the other fandoms! I'm not sure whether they're really my fav fandoms to write for tho, I like reading more than writing in that case, same for Bering and Wells I think... tho I did still enjoy writing the fics I finished last year
Gunpowder Milkshake on the other hand is tiny, but the reception of my fics was so enthusiastic, idk? Also made lots of new fandom friends there, and it feels like such an interactive smoll fanbase, I got a lot of prompts to choose from and had fun writing the ones I had some idea how to fulfil the prompt, knowing someone would get a little gift fic! Also I just absolutely Adore Florence and Madeleine, and have grown to love Scarlet and Anna May as well even though they hadn't caught my attention quite as much at the beginning... yes, I think this one's my fav, if I have to pick just one!
22: events you participated in this year
Oh gosh, let's see whether I can remember them all! Just writing events here tho, let's not list all the others, chats/meetups, games and watchalongs and such xD
I believe I wrote at least a few fics for Femslash February?
Theen, there was the TOG Femslash Fortnight back in I think march where I managed to create something for every single day, tho not just fic but also manips and such
Also idk whether to quite count them as writing events at all, but I organized a lot of headcanon games where I both came up with lots of new ideas and also wrote fics to a number of prompts both by me and by others
Then of course the Discovery Femslash Fortnight I organized, that was intensely fun tho also a lot of work to pull off, but I think I also managed to write something for most daily prompts!
Now, there are gift exchanges... not counting B&W and GM cause while orga started last year they're mainly this January and February, I was in 4 exchanges, Mirandy, Berena, Andromaquynh and Milippa, the latter two I'm currently struggling to finish my fics for because I'm busy with university applications for my masters degree (yes, perhapppss I should be either writing fic or go back to my application stuff rn instead of clearing out my inbox, but I needed a break from the applications, and answering asks only requires a minimum of braincell activity, way less than fic writing xD), but I should manage to finish at least AQ by the deadline of the 7th, and my Milippa giftee has been warned that it might be a wee bit later than planned
26: number of favorites/bookmarks you made this year
354 bookmarks apparently! And also 84 fic recs, feel free to have a look, you can also filter for fandoms!
Thanks for the ask! ♡
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artificialqueens · 1 year
🎁 Rosè and Denali go to a Winter Festival (Rosnali) for Berry - Mock-Star
SECRET QUEEN 2022 by @mock-star-aq
this is a pinch sarcastic, a little experimental, a little cheesy, and 100% pure fluff. I really hope you like it.
After the sun set on a chilly December day, Rosè and Denali approached the square where the winter festival was being held. They smelled candied nuts before they saw the bright lights, first seeing the tip of the giant Christmas tree, and then seeing the string lights that spanned the entirely of the festival. They could see small figures skating and eating and playing, and as they got closer, they could see parents with their young children lined up to meet Santa, and holding various treats for them as they nibbled on them, breaking off pieces for themselves. They could see couples sitting at tables together, eating and drinking or just holding hands and talking. They could see groups of friends hanging out, groups of teenagers and elderly people at a wreath making lesson together, laughing and just enjoying being together. As soon they crossed the threshold, they made a beeline for the skating rink, Rosè going to the rental booth and Denali slipping on her own skates. 
The ice was crowded, but manageable. All the same, they held onto each other as they stepped on the ice, almost immediately almost getting run over by a young kid zooming around the ice so fast you would think they were an Olympian. They skated about 5 laps, doing it more so they could say they did so, holding hands the entire time. After taking their skates off, they made a beeline for the food booths, getting mulled wine and candied almonds and latkes and mac and cheese, finding an empty table to sit down with their spoils, toasting with their drinks before they dug in. 
After they ate, they explored the rest of the festival, people-watching as they took in the festivities, leaning into each other, mostly for warmth, but also in genuine appreciation for each other's presence. They did some more shopping, for little trinkets and presents. One of the last things they bought was an ornament customized with their names and the year, because of course. The last thing they bought was a carrot, because they walked right past where the "reindeer" (ponies with antler headbands) were, and one of them headbutted Denali, so they had to stop because it's the law. As they crossed the threshold again, they stopped to look up at the night sky, sharing a brief kiss as a flurry of snow started to fall, dusting their shoulders as they walked back home. 
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artificialqueens · 1 year
Part of Your World, Ch. 4 (Raja x Adore) for Dartmouth420 - Grinder
AN: Apologies for uploading this so late! I haven’t forgotten about it. And, this chapter has smut, thank god (although it was written by me and, like, I’m not amazing at this kind of stuff but I hope yall like it anyway.)
Fishing went exactly how Raja expected — judgement…judgement from Bianca.
“So you want to turn her into a human,” the witch had said, tossing a spear into the waters before her.
Raja didn’t want this — a discussion. She hadn’t been to the beach in so long. This could have been time to soak it all in. But Bianca just couldn’t help but…well, be Bianca.
“I mean, yes, I want to turn her human. But I won’t be the one carrying the spell out,” Raja tossed her speer too. “Raven will do the dirty work. Thank’s for the information.”
Bianca chose to ignore the remark and refrained from calling Raja out on the fact that she gave that information against her will. Instead, she only said, “You’re kinda obsessed with your mermaid.”
The dark witch spared Bianca a glance, the two going to fetch their weapons again. “I’m not obsessed. I’m in love.” She pulled the spear from the water, finding nothing on the bottom. “We’re tethered, Bianca.”
“I know - I know.”
And Raja glanced at her again. “You sound…disappointed.”
Bianca didn’t answer immediately, searching her brain for a spell that would make the fishing less taxing. But with shit on her mind, she couldn’t think. “I just…I wish there was another way.”
Raja whirled around to look at her best friend, her dress treading the water. “Another way?”
Bianca held her hands up in defence, signalling she would say no more. Raja wanted to press her for a real response, but at the same time, she knew deep down this conversation was already exhausting.
Nothing else Adore-related was said until they returned to the camp two hours later, having managed to catch five fish.
That’s when they saw the whole camp of witches gathered around Raja’s hut.
“The fuck?” The dark witch said, dropping her bag of fish to the ground and rushing towards her home. Her heart was pounding now. Did something happen to Adore while they were gone?
“Move, bitches!” Bianca yelled as both witches shoved past the crowd.
“Sorry, Raja,” Farrah said, allowing the two to pass through.
Once inside, they could see how they all gathered around the now filled tub, Adore leisuring to her heart’s content, fins flapping slightly, signalling her delight. The last time Raja had seen the mermaid, she was deep in sleep, hydrating her body.
Now everyone was gathered around, babbling to her about all sorts of things.
“I got another one,” the enigmatic Katya was sitting on the ground beside the tub, Adore’s attention solely on her, “What do you call two witches who live together? Broom-mates!”
Not one laugh was given.
Adore just stared blankly.
“Oh, come on. That’s a classic! It’s stupid as fuck!” Katya pled with everyone around her.
“Sorry, sweety. Just give up and accept defeat,” Trixie rubbed the jokester’s shoulder.
“What’s going on?” Raja rushed to the tub, Adore reaching for her hand to kiss it.
“We just…heard singing…” Courtney explained, “Coming from here. We think she drew us in.”
Adore smiled sheepishly. “I honestly did not know we could do that.”
“An incredible ability to hold,” Sasha said in admiration.
“Okay, I don’t want to sound rude, but can you all get out?” Raja’s eyes glared at the crowd.
They whined in frustration, but when Bianca barked at them, the witches began to file out.
Now only Adore, Raja, Bianca and Courtney remained. The pregnant witch approached the tub before going to leave herself. “Do you want to come mingle with me later?”
There was a hint of something on her face, almost like excitement.
“Yes. I would love that, Courtney,” Adore shared the light witch’s expression.
“Great.” Courtney then took Bianca’s hand, leading her out of Raja’s hut, “Come on you. We have shit to discuss.”
Once they were gone, Raja sat on the ground where Katya had before, her hand still in Adore’s. “So, you can sing, I’m guessing.”
The mermaid blushed. “I always thought I sounded good. But…never that good,” she glanced at the door where all the witches had disappeared. “Do you want to hear a song?”
Raja never shook her head so fast. “As much as I would love that, it’s probably not a good idea.”
Adore’s face dropped, and Raja felt like a dick. 
“Look, I promise, I’d love to hear you sing, but it’s not safe,” the witch said quietly, “there's…” she gulped, “We’re not alone in this forest, Adore. Of course, there’s the warlock camp, it’s not far at all, and they’re all lovely. But… we’re not the only witches.”
“You have other sisters?” Adore’s eyes squinted.
“Oh, Adore. They are not my sisters.” Raja’s thumb stroked the back of the mermaid’s hand, “They're…Well, let’s just say they aren’t very nice. We’ve feuded with them in the past many a time. You know, sometimes even going to war. It’s been going on for centuries. Even the witches who came before me had to deal with them.”
“That’s awful,” Adore practically whispered. “I don’t understand. You’re all witches, all the same, so why the feud? I mean, back home, all merpeople… we’re one and the same, and all we share is love.”
God, this woman was too pure… Raja’s heart was melting again. She brought Adore’s damp knuckle to her lips, kissing each one sweetly. “I wish that’s how things were for us." 
"Maybe someday,” Adore shrugged.
Raja’s smile turned sad. “I wouldn’t count on it.”
The mermaid lowered her face, “I’m sorry for singing.”
“Oh, Adore. Don’t feel bad.” Raja lifted the mermaid’s chin, “you didn’t know. Fuck, I should have told you before.”
And Adore laughed through her nose, “I probably wouldn’t have understood a word.”
“Oh. Well, true,” Raja giggled.
Courtney didn’t explain what she was doing, let alone why she was doing this.
But Adore just let her put whatever this weird stuff was on her face. 
At first, it felt weird, and that weirdness made the mermaid uneasy. But the way Courtney delicately smeared crushed beetroot over Adore’s lips made her feel safe.
“This stuff will stain your lips; give them a nice bit of colour.” Courtney finished painting Adores lips before wiping the beetroot mush from her finger on a cloth.
Adore nodded in understanding. “So, this is what land girls use to…as you say, make themselves look pretty?”
“Yes. I mean, in the towns and cities, ladies wear real makeup. But being out here, all we have is the nature around us. So we make do with what we got.” Courtney explained as she began crushing up rose petals. “Honestly, though, I prefer the natural way. Better for the skin, and even more so for our powers.”
“I don’t think you need makeup.” Adore shrugged.
“Aw, thank you, Adore. Keep talking, please.”
“I don’t think you need makeup. I think you’re beautiful, and Bianca is very lucky to - -”
Courtney raised a hand to silence the babbling mermaid. “Don’t worry, it’s just an expression.”
“Oh. Gosh, human language confuses me.”
“This isn’t ‘human language’ you’re speaking. It’s wican.” Courtney explained, taking a brush and dabbing it into the rose petals, crushed up so much they were now dust.
Adore let Courtney dab the pink powder on her cheeks, and her eyes were stuck on the small bump.
“You know what’s in there, right?” Courtney asked, knowing full well Adore was staring.
“A baby?” Adore answered.
“Yep.” Courtney swept a hand across her belly. “I’m only four months in, so they’re not that big yet.”
The mermaid let out a laugh through a breath before confusion took over. “So, it’s possible for…for two women to make a baby on the land.”
“Oh, no. That’s not what Bianca and I did.” Courtney laughed even more. “We have a mating season with the warlocks, kind of like a pact that’s been going on since before I was even born. They’re nice boys over in that camp.”
“They sound nice.”
“Yeah. I think I chose the right man too. He seemed nice. I’d like to think that if the baby was a boy, and he’d be taken over there, he’d have a great father.” Courtney’s eyes drifted off, fantasising about this future to come.
“And, what if it is a boy?” Adore asked.
Courtney looked back at her, “Honestly, I don’t even think I give a shit about gender. Boy, girl, anything… I’m keeping my baby. And I’ll love them no matter who they are.”
A warm smile found its way to Adore’s face, her green eyes trailing back down to Courtney’s bump.
“Do you want to touch it?” Courtney already took the nodding mermaid’s hand. 
Placing it on Courtney’s belly, Adore felt it, the tiny heart inside beating.
“I mean, there’s not much going on in there right now, but….” Courtney said.
Adore placed an ear up to the bump. “Wow.”
“What? What is it?” The light witch said with intrigue.
And Adore peered up at Courtney again. “I can hear her heartbeat.”
Courtney’s eyes widened. “Her?”
The mermaid nodded.
“Adore, you are fucking incredible.”
“Bianca, what is the meaning of this?!” Raja shouted as her best friend shoved her out of her own home.
“You’ll fucking see! Fuck, patience is a virtue, you know,” Bianca shoved the witch again.
“Alright! I’m fucking moving, God!”
For the last two hours, Bianca had been a pest — insisting Raja skip dinner, weaving silk through the dark witch’s hair, forcing her into a beautiful yet uncomfortable dress. And for every question Raja hurled at her, her friend refused to answer.
And now, here Bianca was, pushing her around, literally.
Almost every witch was outside now, jumping around with excitement and yelling out into the night sky. Even Willam was out — odd for the daylight witch. As soon as she lowered the sun and Blair raised the moon, Willam would be long gone, hitting the hay before anyone could beg for her attention. Yet, there she was, whooping with joy, Alaska carrying her on her back.
“What the fuck is going on?!” Raja exclaimed.
Bianca groaned, taking her friend by the hand and dragging her to their destination instead, “We’re all going over to the warlock camp for a good old time.”
“We’re going to get some dick!” Willam cheered.
“B-But,” Raja couldn’t keep up with this shit anymore, “the mating season is over.”
“Oh, fuck the rules, Raj’,” Katya brushed past, hand in hand with Trixie. “We made them so we can fucking break them whenever we want.” And she carried on with her partner.
“Bianca, what about Adore?” Raja questioned. “I know the men are nice, but…I don’t think it’s safe for her to be out there.”
“And that’s why you’re both going to be staying here,” Bianca glanced over her shoulder with a teasing smile.
Finally reaching the end of the camp, the witches rounded the last hut there.
“B’, I swear to God, whatever you bitches have going on here, I’ll - -”
“Shut up already!” Bianca then gestured to what was in front of them, “Look! We did this for you two.”
In the middle of the green was a small table fit for two, a red candle burning in the middle. A bottle of red wine stood next to the candle, most likely made by one of the witches. And then there were the two plates, the fish Raja and Bianca had caught earlier in the day cooked to perfection.
“You did this,” Raja said, the words sounding more like a question.
“Well, it was Courtney’s idea. She roped me into it.” Bianca put a hand on Raja’s shoulder and the other on her hip. God, she was proud of herself. “Just thought it would be nice for you to have alone time with your mermaid.”
“Okay, you can stop calling her my mermaid. One — she has a name. Two — Adore is her own person. And three — Bianca, Adore and I do have alone time.”
“Yes, but now, you’ll both be even more alone.”
“God, you really are childish,” Raja swept a hand through her hair.
“Oh, wow. You know, that’s a lovely thank you for the fish we cooked and all the work we put into making this shit,” Bianca held a hand out to the display. “Fuck, Nina made that table from scratch!”
Raja looked at said table and back to Bianca, “Bullshit.”
“It’s not bullshit.”
“Come on. That’s probably just a fucking spare table.”
Bianca tsked. “Well, believe whatever you want.”
“What are you two bickering about now?” Courtney’s fed-up voice sounded as she stepped up to the two.
“Nothing amazing,” Bianca rolled her eyes. “Where’s Adore?”
“Oh, she’s just coming now,” the light witch glanced over her shoulder before turning her attention to Raja, “So, do you like it?”
Raja peered at the set table again, “Yes. I love it, Courtney.”
Bianca’s eyes widened. “What the fuck? What did I do to you to make you not nice to me tonight?”
Raja chuckled. “Nothing. Maybe I just like pissing you off,” she playfully shoved Bianca on the shoulder.
“Oh, I know you do. So, what about you, Court’? Ready to go over to the warlock camp?” Bianca swung an arm around her tethered.
“Can’t lie; I’m excited to meet the baby’s father again.” Courtney kissed Bianca softly. 
“Who knows? Maybe I could meet a man, give the kid a sibling,” Bianca teased.
“Oh, come on, honey. We can’t be thinking about that so soon.”
“I know. I’m just joking.” Bianca kissed Courtney’s head.
Raja wasn’t paying much attention to the two anymore. 
For Adore just rounded the corner of the end hut, and the dark witch couldn’t take her eyes away.
The mermaid’s hair was now separated into two messy braids that lay on her shoulders, a crown of dark red roses dawning her head. Her lips may have been a deep blood colour, but her eyes stood out the most, shades of red and orange surrounding those green orbs, making them pop.
The dress came to her ankles, with burgundy lace and black roses lined along the waistline. The sleeves came to her elbows, hanging down to her knees in drapey lace.
She looked…just like a witch.
And, fuck…she was so so beautiful.
“Hello,” Adore waved nervously, approaching Raja.
Courtney and Bianca were also now watching, the light witch smiling proudly. 
“Um…hi,” Raja’s nerves kicked in. “Y-You look beautiful.”
Adore cocked her head, “Even without makeup?”
“What? Of course.” Raja took the mermaid in her arms, “No matter what you look like. Just, right now…you look…fuck, like a goddess.”
The red on Adore’s cheeks intensified. But she didn’t hide it. She took Raja’s face in her hands, pulling her into a heated kiss.
Bianca glanced at Courtney, her eyes telling them they should leave.
“Alright,” Courtney clapped her hands together once, “I guess that’s our cue.”
“Absolutely,” Bianca nodded, taking her tethered partner’s hand and aiming for the forest where the other witches were headed.
When they were alone, Raja pulled out of the kiss, “They made us food.”
Adore only now sniffed the air, her eyes moving towards the table. “Oh, pretty.”
“I know, right?” Raja led Adore towards the table. “And it’s fish. So I think you’ll like it.”
“Ugh, it smells so angelic,” was the only word Adore could think to describe it. She took her seat, ready to dig into the meal. Never had she had fish like this. 
“You know, what’s interesting is that being a witch, we usually give a blessing before we eat, but that tradition only comes into play when there’s a Mother Witch present. But, we haven’t had one in so long,” Raja already picked up her knife and fork, carving into the cooked fish. “Fun fact, it’s supposed to be me, but I - -” She paused, watching Adore pick the fish up with her hands, biting into the tender meat. “D-Doesn’t that… Isn’t it hot?”
Adore shook her head, her smile wide.
“You amaze me,” Raja lifted the bottle of wine, pouring the deep red liquid into both glasses.
“You witches amaze me,” Adore said with wide eyes and a full mouth. Swallowing, she continued, “Do you know, earlier, I saw Jinkx. She was outside her house, and she was breathing fire.”
The dark witch raised a brow, sealing the bottle and putting it back. “Oh really?”
“Yes. She was…” Adore paused, returning the fish to the plate as if trying to make sense of her thoughts, “She was sucking on this little stick, and just…smoke…smoke came from her mouth. Is she a dragon?”
That was enough to make Raja chuckle. Ah yes, Jinkx with her cigarettes. She was the only witch on sight who could grow tobacco plants, and the others adored her for it.
“Oh, I see what you’re talking about. Yeah, it’s pretty cool.” The dark witch took a sip of the wine, and Adore did the same, “I love how amazed our world is to you, yet so…normal to me.”
The mermaid grimaced, coughing some as she put the glass down. “W-What is that?!”
“It’s wine.” Raja suppressed a giggle. “It comes from the grapes.”
And Adore took another sip, swallowing with ease now. “I-I think I’ll adjust to it.”
“Don’t drink too much. I’m guessing this is the first alcohol you’ve ever tried.”
“Oh? And what’s alcohol?”
“Alcohol is amazing. But too much, you’ll start to feel… light-headed, I guess? Maybe lose control of your own actions.” Raja explained. “Between you and me, one time Bianca drank too much wine and thought her shadow was a demon latched onto her soul. It was a wild night.”
“…Alright, but that just makes me want to drink as much as I can,” Adore admitted, her eyes wide with intrigue.
“Well, good thing we have just this one bottle,” Raja held it up as if the mermaid couldn’t already see it.
“I love this place,” Adore let her eyes wander around the camp. “It feels like… every day I’m learning something new that just…blows my mind.”
And the dark witch felt all sorts of excitement brewing from within. If only the mermaid knew she could have the chance to stay here for the rest of her life. As much as Raja hated Raven, she hoped the bitch would come through with her promise. The thought of Adore not being here…it was enough to make her heart ache.
“I’m so glad you’re here, Adore.” Raja reached a hand across the table, taking Adore’s. 
They both seemed to forget about the fish now, preferring to sit and talk for a while.
“You know that day in the cave?” Raja asked.
“The day we met?” Adore smiled fondly.
“Of course. Do you go there often? I mean…what are the chances of us meeting that day?” The dark witch stroked her thumb over the back of Adore’s hand.
The mermaid looked at Raja’s hand, her stomach stirring, just feeling that spark between them both. “I usually go there, just for alone time. My realm isn’t too far away, and sometimes I need a break from everyone else. I have a lot of suitors looking for my hand in marriage, you know?” She teased with a raised brow and coy smile. “I have to meet with at least five a day. It’s exhausting.”
“Five?” Raja exclaimed. “God, I think the King does that with his daughter,” and with that thought, “Wait, are you a princess? Like…soon to be the queen of the ocean?”
And the mermaid laughed, pressing her hand to her sealed lips as she took another bit of wine. “Do I look like royalty to you?”
“I love you. But no. I am not a princess. Although my father is a noble merman. He works as one of the King’s many advisors.” Adore explained. “So, I’m kind of a big deal.”
“You and me both,” Raja said. 
“So yes, I just like to be alone for a while. Just to…sing and swim around and make new friends with the clown fish,” Adore reminisced. “And that day, I just…saw you looking down at me. And I had never ever met a human before. I heard tales that they were dangerous creatures. But, just looking at you…I thought…how is that even possible?”
Raja lowered her now red-stained cheeks. “Well, I am kind of dangerous, being a dark witch and all. But, I only ever hurt those who hurt my family or me.”
“As I would do the same for mine." 
At the mention of Adore’s family, Raja gulped, lifting her wine and taking another sip. Best to change the subject. "I’m sorry I made you cry that day.”
“It's…ugh, it’s fine. I’m sorry. Sometimes I can’t control my emotions.” Adore looked away as if pained by the memory. “I just…you know, meeting with all those other merpeople coming to ask for my hand in marriage, when I met you, and when I kissed you…I just felt it. We were supposed to be together.” She looked back at Raja.
The dark witch let out a wavered breath. “Oh, Adore. We’re tethered, that’s why. It’s strange. I thought that was just a witch thing. I mean, I’ve never heard of any other species tethering.” Then she shrugged, “Then again, I don’t meet a lot of other people.” She laughed pitifully, gesturing to the world around her.
“Funny thing is, I don’t think I’ve ever heard of tethering before.” Adore pointed out. 
“Well, maybe…maybe you have a bit of witch in you. Probably explains why you can grow legs when you’re dry.” Raja suggested.
“Nah, mermaids can do that anyway.”
“Oh. I see." Damn.
"Gosh, I’m stuffed.” Adore declared, having barely touched her food.
Raja was just the same, “Oh, me too. Come on.”
Sitting before the lit fire in the centre of camp, the two sipped their wine, talking some more.
“I meant it, by the way, when I said you’re beautiful every day,” Raja stated, holding Adore close.
“I know.” Adore smirked, “I can’t lie, though. I think I look beautiful times ten now,” the mermaid stared into the flames. “I’m pretty like Courtney now.”
“Well, between you and me, you’re prettier than Courtney.” Raja kissed Adore on the cheek.
“Oh, come on.” The mermaid moved out of Raja’s grasp, sitting in front of her now. “Courtney’s one of the most beautiful people I’ve ever seen. Besides you, of course. At first, I thought she was another mermaid. One I’d never met before.”
“Well, I can assure you Courtney is a full-blood witch. I remember the day she was born. Bianca and I were only five.” And the dark witch looked at the flames next, remembering that day. “It was so cute. Bianca just…reached out her tiny hand and held Courtney’s.” God, her heart was melting, “Bianca’s mother, Valentina, she just…she knew. She knew by Bianca’s face and how Courtney woke up that they would be together.”
Adore sighed, almost dreamily. “I love hearing you talk about this stuff. Even when I couldn’t understand you.”
Raja giggled. “I just…I don’t know. If it weren’t for those two, I wouldn’t believe in tethering.” She shrugged, “I’m more inclined to believe not all tethered relationships work out. Fun fact; Bianca and I were a thing for a long time.”
Adore nodded. “A…thing?”
“Yeah, like… we’d see each other, you know? We’d kiss, hold each other…fuck sometimes. I don’t know, I just thought maybe she was the one I wanted to be with,” Raja tried her hardest to explain. “But, we both realised that we were better as friends.”
The whole time Adore was suppressing her laughs. But eventually, she couldn’t hold it in any longer. “You and Bianca?!”
“Yes. Why?” Raja squinted her eyes.
“It’s just…I don’t see it, but I can see it at the same time. Yesterday, Katya was saying you two were like…like…God, what was that phrase?” The mermaid tried her hardest to remember.
“Chalk and cheese?”
“Yes! Chalk and cheese! I may not know what that means exactly, but I have an idea.”
“Well, judging by what you’re saying, you’re probably right. Bianca’s my bestfriend. And Courtney is lucky to have her as her tethered one.” Raja stated. “They just…reassure me that there’s someone for everyone.”
Adore’s smile turned warm. “And what about us? Does our connection make you believe in tethering?” The mermaid was leaning close to the witch now.
And Raja reciprocated. “Oh, absolutely.”
Their foreheads connect, Adore lifting a hand and stroking Raja’s cheek.
The witch couldn’t tell if it was the warmth from the fire or the heat pooling in her stomach, but her body was warm now. All sorts of feelings stirred within, and she dared herself to say, “Adore…Do you ever think we could - -”
Marry. That’s what Raja wanted to say. Just to get it out of the way. The hardest part of it all.
But she stopped when Adore flinched, hearing the howling from the forest. “What was that?”
“Oh, God,” Raja groaned. Fuck these bitches for ruining the moment, “Don’t worry. It’s just the warlocks. I guess they decided to move the party over here.”
And true to her statement, the men began to pour out of the trees, invading the witch camp. A specific group of them howled at the moon, witches running behind them, thirsty for skin on skin. Another group worked their magic, sending blasts off into the sky, loud explosions painting the night with bright colours.
At first, Adore flinched again, but…this was pretty. Nothing like she had ever seen before. “What is it?”
“I can’t remember the exact name. I think the boys call them fireworks,” Raja also stared up at the exploding colours. “It’s incredible, right?”
The mermaid didn’t have the words to describe it. The loud banging was harsh on her ears, but the…fuck, just taking it all in, it was breathtaking.
“Guess who’s getting dicked down tonight?!” Willam hollered, riding the back of one of the men, rushing to the witch’s hut.
“Me! I am! Me!” Laila was just excited, leading her man for the night away.
They weren’t the only ones. While some witches and warlocks danced around the flames of the fire as they played music with what instruments they had, the others rushed to their homes, ready for a long night of fucking.
“Everyone’s so excited,” the mermaid observed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
“Yep. Most of these witches rarely get the chance to meet up with a man,” Raja explained, “mating season is once a year.”
“But tonight,” Adore turned her attention back to her love, “fuck the rules?”
“Fuck the rules,” Raja clarified, drawing Adore into another kiss.
Maybe it was the mixed feelings of love and lust in the air, but Raja was thriving on it all. This was how she wanted it to be forever — just sitting here with Adore, kissing passionately in front of this fire, not a care in the world.
The mermaid’s hand crept along Raja’s leg, making the butterflies in the witch’s belly go wild.
Adore yelped as soon as her lips parted from Raja’s.
A warlock ran off, cackling wickedly as he rushed for Tatianna, holding her arms open, hungry for a kiss.
“Hey, fuck off!” Raja yelled after the stupid warlock. But when the mermaid’s fear turned to amusement, giggles leaving her lips, the witch relaxed.
“Come on!” Adore stood, taking Raja by the wrist and leading her away.
They were running now, Raja having no idea where she was being led to. As long as it was with Adore, she didn’t care.
Reaching Raja’s hut, they both stood in the doorway, Adore giggling as she leaned back against the bookcase. Raja also laughed, standing opposite Adore.
They just stood there for a moment, eyes shifting between the shenanigans going on outside and then back to each other, just laughing. Why was this amusing?
Maybe just the sheer joy of being here together.
When Adore’s chest stopped heaving, she stepped forward, kissing Raja again.
So many times they had done this already…So many times they kissed.
Yet Raja knew where this was going. 
Fiery flames engulfed her insides, coursing through her body as she allowed Adore to pull her closer. The witch’s hands found their way around the mermaid’s waist, her fingers trailing the line of roses.
Adore pulled away briefly, “Don’t let go of me,” she whispered in Raja’s ear.
“I won’t, Raja smiled, tilting her head and allowing the mermaid to nip at her neck. "Why would I do such a thing?”
No response from the mermaid as she kissed Raja’s mouth again, her body curving against the witch’s. She lured her back, Raja didn’t know where, but she trusted Adore. She trusted Adore with her life.
They found the bed, and Adore pulled away, guiding Raja down. She then climbed the length of the witch, like she had done this many times.
But was this actually happening? Did Adore even know how this worked?
“Adore, do you….” But Raja couldn’t bring herself to finish the statement as the mermaid sucked on her neck some more.
“Hm?” Adore sounded against the witch’s skin.
Her lips were so hot, sucking Raja’s soon-to-be bruised skin. The witch gasped, her hand finding the back of Adore’s head. “Nevermind.”
Adore had to know what she was doing now that her fingers were undoing the black ribbon that bound Raja’s corset. Not like they hadn’t seen each other naked before, but…
This was different. They both knew that. 
And they wanted it.
When the lace was gone, the corset was pulled away from her. Raja sat up, quickly pulling her dress up over her head. Adore giggled, Raja unable to tell if it was because of nerves or excitement.
As soon as the dress was tossed to the side, Adore took it all in – the sight of her tethered partner, like it was the first time seeing her like this again. “I can't…I can’t believe this is real,” Adore’s delicate fingers trailed from Raja’s chest all the way down to her thigh.
“My body?” Raja chuckled, skin tingling as Adore touched her.
The mermaid smiled coyly before correcting her lover, “The fact that we’re together.” She traced the side of Raja’s face.
And the witch sat up again, a hand stroking Adore’s side, the other caressing her cheek.
Adore reached around, untying the threads of her own corset, dropping it from the side of the bed while Raja reached for the bottom of the expertly made dress, lifting it up and over the mermaid’s head. 
As soon as it was removed, Adore didn’t allow Raja to look at her just yet, capturing her lover’s lips with her own again.
The hot sensation of skin on skin, the mixture of their energies tingling between them…This was to be the perfect moment.
Raja grabbed Adore’s hips, momentarily stroking her skin as she lowered the mermaid onto the bed. Pulling out of the kiss, Raja let her thumb trail Adore’s cheek and then her lips. She stared into Adore’s green eyes, the mermaid staring right back.
Fuck, how it made her stomach twist…but in a longing way…almost as if insecurity was taking over but only connected them further. 
They hadn’t even barely started yet. But it was already so intense.
“You’re driving me insane.” Raja kissed her sweetly before moving these kisses down towards Adore’s breasts.
Adore whimpered sighs, music to Raja’s ears. The rise and fall of the mermaid’s chest was a heavenly sight, riling Raja up even more. She teased Adore’s right nipple with her tongue, the right with her thumb. 
Adore arched her back, gasping when Raja’s mouth enveloped her nipple, her thumb flicking the other back and forth. The mermaid squeezed her knees together, mewling with pleasure.
Raja could have done just this all night, anything to hear Adore gasp the way she did, anything to prove her love for Adore. But when she teased her breasts enough, Raja kissed Adore’s nipple again, her lashes fluttering as she looked up at the mermaid. “I love you,” she whispered.
“I love you too, Raja,” Adore smiled slightly, letting her fingers get tangled in Raja’s hair. God, she wanted more. She had never experienced something so…special…this need to be pressed against each other…the need for Raja to kiss her places she had never been kissed before.
Raja’s hands were wandering again, stroking Adore’s thighs, along her stomach and back up to her breasts. She savoured this all – the heat of Adore’s skin against hers. She knew the mermaid was ready for her…to take this further.
“Do you want to keep going?” Raja asked, just to be sure.
“Yes,” Adore said breathlessly. “God, yes.”
Fire coursed through Raja as her kisses lowered. “Is this your first time?” She whispered against Adore’s stomach.
The mermaid closed her eyes. She may not have known fully what that meant, but she knew she wanted this – Raja’s lips all over her body. “Yes.”
“Okay. I’ll go easy on you,” Raja kissed Adore’s belly button before trailing her lips further down her body.
Even though the mermaid didn’t necessarily want easy, her stomach quivered as she allowed Raja to part her legs. Something inside her fluttered as the cool air hit her between her legs. This was so unfamiliar but so so delicious.
Raja kissed Adore’s knee, then the inside of her thigh. She glanced up once more at the riled-up mermaid before her tongue flicked over Adore’s clit.
Adore moaned, eyes rolling to the back of her head as she arched her back again. She was crumbling just under Raja’s mouth. This was…something.
Raja’s tongue circled Adore’s clit while her eyes flickered upwards, enjoying the reactions from the mermaid. 
“Fuck…fuck,” Adore writhed, tightening her hold on Raja’s hair. Her legs spread wider, her left knee brought up into a bend which Raja caressed. 
“You’re beautiful, Adore. You’re so beautiful.” Raja sucked Adore’s clit.
“It’s s-so hot,” Adore murmured, her torso arching as hew mewls of pleasure turned pathetic.
Raja knew Adore was close, the witch’s tongue lapping up her lover’s wetness whilst her finger rubbed against the sensitive clit. “Come for me, baby.”
Her chest still heaving, nails gripping the blanket, Adore glanced down at Raja. Her eyes were wild yet slightly confused.
Placing a sweet kiss against Adore’s core, Raja murmured, “That hot feeling inside,” she rubbed harder at the mermaid’s clit, “Just let it go, Adore.”
“I…I want to….” Adore quivered. “Oh God, I need to.”
“Come for me, Adore. Please,” Raja whispered, her hot breath teasing.
And Adore just couldn’t take it anymore. A lightning-hot course of electricity shocked her whole being, her head rolling back against the pillows as she cried out in pure ecstasy.
Raja sat up again, licking the fluids from her fingers as she watched Adore whine.
“F-Fuck,” Adore’s skin glistened with sweat, her eyes half hooded.
The definition of perfection.
Raja wiped her mouth, sweeping her black hair out of her face as she leaned down to kiss her lover. 
Adore wrapped her trembling arms around Raja, her kisses hungry.
They weren’t done. Now, it was Adore’s turn.
She kept her lips over Raja’s as she flipped the witch onto her back, still panting.
“Did you…” Raja gasped when Adore kissed her neck again, “Did you like that?”
“Of course,” Adore smiled against Raja’s skin, letting her hand slowly creep its way down Raja’s chest, past her flat belly, all the way down to between the witch’s legs.
Raja parted her knees, only now realising there was more to come. She was never the one on the receiving end. But she couldn’t resist Adore’s touch. She moaned as soon as the mermaid delicately brushed the tip of her finger over her clit. Just the simplest touch…it was torture.
“Adore, fuck…” Raja’s fingers tangled in Adore’s hair.
Adore brushed Raja’s clit again, teasing her with no mercy. “You want more?” She brushed her lips against Raja’s ear.
“Please.” Raja squeezed her eyes shut, already soaking wet.
“How much?” Adore giggled mischievously, nipping Raja’s earlobe with her teeth as she pressed harder on Raja’s clit and rubbed it in hypnotic circles. “How much do you want this?”
“God, so much. Please, just…fuck.”
“Are you begging?”
“I don’t think you are, Raja.”
Fuck, this mermaid was driving her insane. Who knew someone so…mystified by the world…so amazed by all the things she didn’t know…so adorable…Who knew she could be so cruel in the sheets.
“Please, Adore,” Raja whined, wrapping her legs around Adore’s waist. “I want you so bad. I need you.”
This must have satisfied Adore, “Good girl,” she murmured as she slid two fingers inside Raja.
The witch gasped, tightening her hold on Adore, her vision blurring.
Adore slid her fingers in and out, sucking Raja’s neck, leaving behind a pretty red mark. The smell of Raja’s hair and skin only increased her hunger for this intensity. The ecstasy was building within her again, bringing her to rock her bare hips against the bed. The blanket rubbed against her clit, the feeling not as sensational as Raja’s tongue. But this was heaven.
“I love you,” Raja’s hips began to ride against Adore’s fingers, pressing a kiss against Adore’s blush-covered cheek.
Adore pumped harder, biting down on Raja’s neck. “You’re so…fucking…beautiful…”
Raja couldn’t take it anymore. She sat up, Adore’s fingers still deep inside of her. She continued to rock her hips against the mermaid’s hand, wrapping her sun-kissed arm around Adore’s waist.
Again, they stared into each other’s eyes, Adore’s gaze intense, whilst Raja’s was half closed. Their lips brushed against each other, almost like threatening each other with a kiss.
Adore’s free hand trailed along Raja’s arm, up her shoulder and wrapped around Raja’s throat. 
A pitiful crying sound left Raja’s parted lips as Adore squeezed the sides of her neck and continued to bury her fingers inside of her. Her body was now covered in a film of sweat, and her skin was on fire.
“Adore…Adore, fuck!” Raja gasped, her whole being completely surrendered to her lover.
“I love you. I swear to God, Raja. I fucking love you.” Adore’s forehead met Raja’s. She wanted this to last all night but knew it was impossible. For soon, she would start to dehydrate again and need to rejuvenate in the tub. But for now, she would prove how much she loved Raja.
Raja’s whines were now loud moans, matching those of which sounded from outside her home. She was getting close, especially now that Adore had added another finger and was clawing at the witch’s back.
“Come for me, Raja,” Adore whispered, just as Raja had. She ground her hips against the bed sheets more, close to releasing herself. “Come with me.”
And Raja threw her head back, her body trembling as she released against Adore’s hand.
The mermaid did just the same, her free arm now wrapped around Raja’s body as she held them both tightly together. They were both sweaty messes of pure euphoria.
Raja panted, kissing Adore’s cheek before flopping down onto the bed. Now they were done.
Adore pressed a kiss to Raja’s thigh, her stomach, her chest, and her lips before she relaxed her body against the witch’s. 
Raja was still catching her breath, playing with Adore’s blonde hair as her body relaxed.
“You made white blood,” Adore closed her eyes, fingers dancing delicately along Raja’s abdomen.
Raja chuckled. “That’s the come, Adore. That’s why we tell the person we love to come for them.”
“Oh. Humans are so bizarre sometimes.” Adore smiled.
“Yeah. We can be,” Raja looked down at Adore, trailing a finger along the mermaid’s brow. “I want to know though…what you just did to me…how did you know how to do that?”
Adore shrugged slightly. “I don’t know. I just wanted to touch you there. I just…knew I wanted to.”
“I see.” Raja nodded before a thought crossed her mind. “So, like, how do merpeople make love?” Her nails moved to Adore’s back, relishing in this moonlight that seeped in from the roof.
Adore giggled, “Maybe I’ll tell you another day. Let’s just enjoy this.” She kissed Raja’s breast. “While it lasts.”
And Raja’s smile wavered. “I wish I could just hold you all night.”
“You can always get in the tub with me,” Adore hinted. “Not like we haven’t done that before.”
“But I’ll let you sleep in your own bed tonight. Maybe some other time,” Adore’s fingers stroked delicately along Raja’s belly now, the witch shivering. “God, they all sound in pain.”
Raja noted the sounds of pure ecstasy coming from outside, witches and warlocks fucking like it was their first time. “Yeah, it’s kind of noisy, I guess. But they’re having fun.”
“I had fun,” Adore giggled, lashes tickling Raja’s chest. “I want to do that again.”
“Oh my God, you’re hilarious.” Raja chuckled, her fingers now in Adore’s snow-like hair. “There’s nothing stopping us.”
“We can’t,” Adore groaned, however, “I’m starting to dry out again.”
“Oh.” Raja panicked internally, sitting up. “You need to go in the tub?”
“Yes. But I can do it myself,” Adore also sat up, getting off the bed.
Making her way to the still-filled tub, Raja still lay there in her bed, taking in the sight of the mermaid’s naked form. Just looking at her skin, she could still feel the softness of it under her fingertips. And it was pure heaven. 
The mermaid was pure heaven.
Before getting in the tub, Adore looked over her shoulder, “Would you come sit with me? Until I sleep, at least?”
Of course, Raja couldn’t say no. She stood by the tub, watching Adore’s legs seal together, forming her long shimmering tail. When the transformation was finished, she sat down.
And that’s when Adore asked, “Which part of me do you like the best?”
“What? Like, body part?” Raja asked.
“No. I mean, do you like me human or mermaid?” Adore raised a brow.
And Raja gulped. “I…I like you no matter what.” It wasn’t a lie. The witch adored every bit of her tethered one. But, deep down, she wanted the human version because that meant they had a future. And, fuck, she wanted that so bad.
Adore seemed satisfied with the answer, reaching her hand out of the tub.
The witch took it in her own, leaning her head against the cold tub.
“Goodnight, Raja,” Adore said breathlessly. “I love you.”
Raja’s heart pounded, cheeks staining red. “I love you too.”
And with that, the mermaid let go of Raja’s hand, letting her body slide down, the water now submerging her.
And that was it. All Raja could do now was get up and drag her tired ass to bed. 
But she simply couldn’t move. 
Just…sitting there beside the tub, knowing Adore was still in there…she couldn’t bring herself not to be away from the mermaid.
Not after what they had just shared. Part of her mind couldn’t grasp any of it, how this was even possible. Of all the other witches she had fucked in her lifetime, nothing compared to what happened with Adore. Her skin could have lit itself on fire when Adore pressed her body to hers. That tethered feeling, the electric light flowing through them both, it reached its peak the moment Adore kissed Raja’s skin. 
Fuck, it was almost as if she was high, the buzz beneath her skin making her see bursts of colour behind her closed eyes.
Yes…A feeling the witch had never experienced in her life.
A throaty moan from somewhere outside brought Raja back to reality. And when she was aware of her surroundings again, she felt it. 
Like she was being watched.
Looking around, the dark witch knew her instinct was correct. Looking towards the door, there was Raven — just standing there, her arms folded, shadows covering most of her.
“Can I help you?” Raja could tell; there was something about the way Raven looked at her, almost like…she was disappointed. But the dark witch paid no heed, finally standing up, uncaring of her nakedness.
“I thought I heard some sort of commotion.” Raven cocked her head.
Raja cringed, “Yeah, sorry we kept you awake.” She finally reached for her night dress.
“It’s fine. It wasn’t just you. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but there are a lot of riled-up witches out there tonight.” Raven glanced outside, the sounds of ecstasy still echoing in the night air, “And I was also awake anyway. Just thought I’d let you know I’ve finished preparations for the spell.”
Raja’s breath caught in her throat, eyes widening. “Oh. R-Really?”
“Oh. Good.” Raja nodded, now fidgeting with her hands.
Raven cocked her head to the other side now. “What’s wrong, Mother Witch?”
"Answer the question.”
Raja scoffed, looking away. “Nothing is wrong.”
“Oh, really?” Raven’s hands were now on her hips. “How odd. I could have sworn I heard a bit of hesitation just now.”
And Raja shook her head. “No. No, I didn’t hesitate.”
“Hmm. Having second thoughts?" 
To this, all Raven did was blink. And, fuck, Raja could have punched her in the throat.
"I see,” Raven nodded. She turned and slowly inched her way back to the door. Before leaving, however, she looked over her shoulder. “Well? Aren’t you coming?”
Raja’s brows knit together. “Where?”
“My place. I need a hand carrying the equipment.” Raven answered, her voice suggesting it should have been a given.
Raja then fidgeted with the knot tied around her waist. “We're… We’re doing it now?”
And Raven was silent for a moment. “Are you sure you’re not having doubts, my love?”
“Raven.” Raja’s voice raised. “No. I am not having doubts.”
“Huh. Alright.” Raven nodded a head to the cold night outside the hut. “Well, let’s go.”
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artificialqueens · 1 year
🎁 Confessions From Blooming Lungs (Crygi) for Gi - Cheetah
SECRET QUEEN 2022 by @opalescent-cheetah for @thecollectionsof
Summary: In this world, the only way to cure hanahaki disease is to confess to the object of your affections. Gigi falls for Crystal, the cute redhead in her songwriting elective, and pretty soon she’s coughing up petals. What she doesn’t expect, however, is for Crystal to wholeheartedly believe that she’s in love with someone else.
A/N: I’m deeply fascinated by the concept of hanahaki aus, but at the same time made somewhat uncomfortable by the fact that the sufferer’s potential death is generally the fault of their love interest, for not returning their feelings. When I saw this opportunity to write a hanahaki fic that was more up my alley, I knew I had to take it, and so this au was born! Gi: happy holidays, and thank you for inspiring me to write this! I had a lot of fun with it, and I hope you enjoy all the Crygi shenanigans 💖
Tap-tap-tap, tap.
Gigi drums her pen on the desktop, tapping out the rhythm to one of her favourite songs. In the corner of her eye, she can see her lecturer, a woman named Michelle with glossy dark hair and striking eyes, scrawling the word ‘songwriting’ in blocky letters onto the whiteboard. This is the first session of her elective, and Gigi is thankful for it. Despite it only being the beginning of the semester, her fashion course is already hectic, and Gigi is ready to spend a few hours doing something that doesn’t involve repeatedly pricking her fingers and cursing at sewing machines.
“Good afternoon, everyone,” Michelle says, capping the whiteboard marker as she turns towards her students. “Welcome to your–”
The door slams open, a gust of wind blowing in and bringing with it a bedraggled-looking redhead. She smiles, somehow managing to look at once sheepish and completely unashamed. “Sorry I’m late.”
“How very kind of you to finally join us,” Michelle replies wryly. “Check your name off the roll and take a seat. We were just getting started.”
The girl wastes no time in doing as she’s told. She shuffles over to the closest available chair, which just happens to be right next to Gigi, and flops gracelessly into it.
“Hey. I’m Crystal,” she says, offering Gigi a radiant grin. “I hope you don’t mind if I sit here.”
“I mean, you’re already sitting, so I can’t complain,” Gigi responds, amused. “I’m Gigi. Lovely to meet you.”
Crystal then returns her attention to Michelle, who is still in the process of introducing the subject. Gigi lets herself zone out - she’s read the university handbook enough times to have this spiel memorised - and instead studies the girl now sitting next to her. 
Her first impression is that Crystal is charming, quirky, and more than a little bit eccentric. Her ethos seems to be “too much”: she is wearing an array of gaudy, bright colours, and her makeup is vivid and heavy. The most noticeable thing, however, is the pile of necklaces arranged across her collarbones. Chunky beads, pearls and chains tangle with one another; there’s even a necklace that seems to be made of tiny figurines of cheetahs and rhinoceroses.
“Today, I want you to get to know the people you’ll be studying with, as well as think about what this subject means to you and what you want to achieve,” Michelle is saying. “Start by spending five minutes talking to the person next to you, and finding out what songwriting means to them.”
Gigi meets Crystal’s eyes, as warm and shiny as a midsummer day. Crystal grins again, looking far too alive for a Friday afternoon.
“So, songwriting!” she says. “Uhh… who are your favourite artists?”
“I’m a big fan of Madonna,” Gigi offers.
“Oh, yeah, she’s amazing!” Crystal agrees enthusiastically, before launching into a horrifyingly off-key rendition of Ray of Light. “‘Zephyr in the SKYYY at night, I WOOONNNDEEERRR!’”
Gigi wrinkles her nose, trying very hard not to laugh and cringe at the same time. Crystal’s performance lingers somewhere on the border between amusing and disturbing - Crystal herself seems to realise that, and looks extremely proud of herself for it.
“Oh my god,” Gigi wheezes. “You sound like Kermit, but if he smoked a lot of pot.”
“An accurate description of my character,” Crystal responds breezily, smoothing down imaginary lapels. This time, Gigi can’t help but genuinely laugh.
“Alright, what about you?” she finally manages to say through a smile. “Who’s your favourite artist?”
“Hm… I’m going to have to say El Debarge - mostly because my Uncle Ru would legitimately kill me if I didn’t. He practically raised me on El Debarge… the rhythm of the night runs in my blood.” Crystal feigns seriousness as she says it, and once again Gigi fails to stifle a giggle.
They chat and laugh their way through the rest of the class (even when Michelle is talking, in which case they lower their voices to a whisper and choose to ignore the pointed looks she keeps sending them). By the end of it, Gigi finds herself wishing the class lasted longer than the allocated three hours - Crystal might just be the funniest and most charismatic person Gigi has met in her life, and no amount of time with her seems like it would ever be enough.
Gigi isn’t sure if she should feel bad for looking forward to her Friday afternoon elective more than any of her actual coursework. By the fourth week of the semester, she’s even making an effort to get to her songwriting class early so she can scan the room for sparkling brown eyes.
She’d be lying if she said she was excited to be there purely for the songwriting.
She has to swallow back a cough as she reaches for the door handle. It’s been a week of itchy lungs and stubborn coughing fits, neither of which have subsided despite how much water she drinks or medicine she takes. Because she has no other symptoms, Gigi has elected to ignore it - besides, it hasn’t gottenworse either, and she’d hate to miss her weekly meeting with Crystal over a mild cough.
“Hey! Geege!” Gorgeous eyes and a dazzling smile greet Gigi as she steps into the classroom. Crystal is sitting in her usual seat, with her bag propped up on the one beside her, saving Gigi’s place.
Warmth curls in Gigi’s chest when she hears the now-familiar nickname on Crystal’s lips. She slides into her chair, trying to ignore the prickling in her throat in favour of admiring Crystal’s outfit of the week. Aside from the layers of chunky necklaces (and occasionally matching bracelets), which Gigi has learned are a staple of Crystal’s wardrobe, she is wearing a pink-and-blue button-up paired with shiny aquamarine leggings. The fabric catches the light whenever she moves, and Gigi can’t help but notice the way it accentuates every curve of her legs.
Dandelions seem to blossom in her lungs. Gigi coughs, but the itchiness is unrelenting.
“Are you alright?” Crystal asks, her features suddenly darkening with concern. Gigi simply nods, reaching for her water bottle and trying to think of all the ways she can bring that beautiful smile back to Crystal’s face.
“Hayfever,” she mumbles, once her coughing has subsided.
“Hayfever?” Crystal snickers, her nose wrinkling in the cutest way, and Gigi internally whoops with triumph. “In autumn?”
“Oh– well– I’m special,” Gigi stammers. “Unrelenting allergies, you know how it is…”
“Do I ever. You know, one of my friends is diabetic, and I know that’s different, but…” Crystal keeps rambling about her friend, but Gigi has already stopped listening despite her best attempts to focus. All she can think about is Crystal’s dazzling smile - Gigi rarely sees her without it, even when she’s talking about a topic like diabetes - and the adorable way she gestures with her hands as she speaks.
Gigi is overcome with the sudden urge to hold them, to play with Crystal’s fingers and trace the delicate lines of her palm. Her lungs itch, and she swears she must go red from how hard she’s trying to stifle another coughing fit. By the time it passes, she finds she’s guzzled most of her water in one go, and Michelle has already started class.
This week, they have to practise writing lyrics. Gigi and Crystal work together for the full three hours, laughing themselves silly over the lines they come up with. Productivity has never felt so effortless.
“Let your hair dooowwwnn,” Crystal sings, making a face as she puts on the deepest voice she can muster. “Swing it aroooouuunnndd!”
She waves her head wildly as she says it, making an even bigger mess of her russet curls. The movement makes her voice crack, and before long, she and Gigi have both dissolved into a fit of giggles. 
“Oh my god,” Gigi wheezes. “Please–” she coughs sharply into her elbow, “please keep that.”
Crystal’s face sombers suddenly. “Geege, are you sure you’re okay? You’ve been coughing for the entire class.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m good.” Gigi assures her, even though the words come out croaky and rough. “It’s just– just–”
She’s interrupted by another coughing fit. It racks her body, aching deep in her lungs and rubbing her throat raw. After what feels like an eternity, she finally spits something into her hand, and the fit subsides.
“Shit,” Crystal says. Gigi blinks pained tears out of her eyes.
Only to see a delicate flower petal resting in her palm. 
“Shit,” she echoes, her voice strangely small.
“Gigi, oh my god. Do you know what this means?”
Gigi squeezes her eyes shut, wanting nothing more than for the ground to swallow her whole. She nods.
Of course she knows what it means. It’s the first symptom of hanahaki disease: a rare, but potentially deadly illness that manifests purely from the strength of one’s feelings. And the only way to cure it?
Gigi crushes the petal in her palm, unable to meet Crystal’s eyes.
The only way to cure it is to confess.
By the fifth week of the semester, Gigi wants nothing more than to skip the songwriting class, go back to her dorm, and sleep for the entire weekend.
She can’t, though, and not simply because it would reflect badly on her report. She hasn’t been sleeping well - her lungs ache, roots twining themselves through her chest and around her heart. Leaves and soft petals tickle her ribcage, racking her body with coughing fits, and her throat is so raw now that she feels like she’s on a strict diet of sandpaper. Her room is perfumed with flowers.
She swallows back another cough as she reaches for the door handle. Everyone inside the classroom is already seated; through the pane of glass on the door, Gigi can see a familiar head of curly red hair, sitting next to a seat that is empty save for the bag propped up against it.
Something brushes against her lungs. Gigi shivers, pushing open the door. 
“Ah, there you are, Gigi. I was wondering when you’d join us,” Michelle comments, as wry as ever.
“Sorry I’m– sor–” Gigi is cut off by a violent cough. She hurries to cover her mouth, spitting petals into her palm. “Sorry I’m late.”
Michelle nods curtly. “Take a seat.”
Crystal waves, smiling brightly, and drags her bag off Gigi’s chair. Gigi tries to smile (although she’s sure it looks more like a grimace), and shuffles into the seat, shoving the petals into her pocket.
“Geege! Thank goodness you’re here,” Crystal whispers, excitedly grabbing Gigi’s hands the moment she’s sat down. “I’ve been dying to ask you about the person you like. Have you told them yet?”
Gigi clears her throat, ignoring how every flower in her chest seems to have bloomed at Crystal’s touch, which is just as soft and warm as she’d imagined.. “I - er, no. Not - not yet.”
“Aw, how come?”
“Oh, I just… I don’t know, I’m not ready, and I - I don’t know if they’d feel the same–”
Crystal sighs good-naturedly, a soft smile still dancing across her face. 
“Geege, you really are so modest,” she says. “Who in their right mind wouldn’t like you?”
Gigi’s chest convulses, and she has to swallow down petals. Crystal seems to notice the panic that flits across her face, but her only response is to smile, as easy-going as ever. She squeezes Gigi’s hands, brown eyes sparkling as she leans in and whispers, “later, you’ve gotta tell me about them! I’ll help you find a way to confess.” She winks, turning away to focus back on the lesson as though nothing had happened at all.
Gigi releases a shuddering breath, raising one clammy palm to her chest. Her heart is hammering behind her ribs, her lungs itching with every brush of leaf and petal. Doing so much as thinking about Crystal is usually enough to send her into a coughing fit - now, sitting here right beside her, with traces of her warmth still lingering on Gigi’s hands…
Gigi has no idea how she is keeping it together.
Her gaze routinely drifts to Crystal during the lecture. Today, she’s dressed in a gorgeous yellow jumpsuit, with a matching jacket draped over her shoulders. The garment is lined with a glossy violet fabric, which compliments the vibrant purple hue of her eye makeup. The sheer amount of jewellery she’s wearing should make her look ridiculous, but somehow, Crystal manages to seem effortlessly charming and endearing.
And oh, Gigi is endeared. She presses her knuckles into her sternum, trying to massage away the combined itchiness and pain. Having hanahaki disease is something akin to torture, and yet, as easy as it would be to get rid of… Gigi can’t bring herself to do it. This… thing that she has with Crystal, this friendship, this bond - she can’t bring herself to risk breaking it, if she can avoid it. 
Feelings are messy, and Gigi knows that all too well. She isn’t going to let something as trifling as feelings disturb what she has with Crystal.
It could make things even better, a tiny voice in her head reminds her. And Gigi knows - she’s thought about it countless times, in those nights when she lies awake, the swaying of plant stems in her lungs keeping her from slumber. She always pictures Crystal’s face, those adorable freckles, and how soft her eyelashes would look as she leaned in close for a kiss. Things could, indeed, take a turn for the better…
…But they could also take a turn for the worse, and that is not a risk Gigi is willing to take. Even if it means planting gardens in her lungs, choking herself on roots and stems until her only option left is to confess, or take her silence to her grave.
Gigi will wait for that day. If it ruins things, then… at least they were good for as long as they could be.
“Geege, oh my god, I am so curious,” Crystal says, snapping Gigi out of her reverie. “This person you’re into - what are they like? Tell me all about them.”
Gigi blinks rapidly, trying to bring her thoughts back into focus. The class has dissolved into hushed chatter as her peers exchange ideas - she glances over at Michelle, who is walking around the room, listening in on students’ discussions.
“My, um… right, the person,” Gigi stammers. “They’re, uh…”
“Are they a fashion student too?” Crystal asks, leaning forward conspiratorially. “Got lots of common interests?” She raises her eyebrows, her expression brimming with intrigue.
“I…” Gigi stares at her in disbelief. “Um, yeah. Yeah, they are. They’ve, um… got a good taste in music, too.”
“Yeah? Lots of Madonna?” Crystal’s eyes are sparkling as she says it. Gigi can’t help but think of her unforgettable rendition of Ray of Light, and she smiles despite herself.
“Lots.” She nods, eyeing Crystal curiously. The only thing stopping her from waiting this disease out until the last possible moment is if the object of her affections guesses who she likes. After the interaction they had when she entered the room, she was sure Crystal would’ve figured it out, or at least had the slightest idea, but…
“Aw, come on, you’ve gotta tell me more than that,” she whines, before launching into another off-key performance of Madonna’s greatest hits. “‘Open your heart to me, baby! I hold the lock and–’”
“Oh my god, stop,” Gigi laughs. “That line is an innuendo and you know it.”
“It’s a good song! Besides, my point still stands.” Crystal crosses her arms in mock seriousness. “How am I supposed to be the most iconic wingwoman in history if you don’t give me anything to work with?”
“Fine, fine, I’ll tell you about them. Where to start, um…” she drops her gaze, thinking back over every Friday for the last five weeks. “They’ve got the most beautiful smile. And they smile a lot - I swear, if you looked up ‘happiness’ in the dictionary, there’d be a picture of them on the page.”
“Aw!” Crystal croons. “Go on, go on.”
“They also… they also have the coolest fashion sense. I look forward to seeing them every lesson, just because I know they’ll be a fountain of inspiration for me. And they’re just so… so confident. They don’t seem to care what anybody thinks.” She glances back up at Crystal then, whose eyes are as shiny as a summer afternoon. “They make me really happy.”
“Oh my gosh, whoever this is, they are so lucky to have you. That was the sweetest, most poetic thing I’ve ever heard,” Crystal says, pretending to brush away a tear. “Plus, they sound awesome. You’ve got good taste, Geege.” 
Gigi snickers despite herself. 
“‘Awesome’ doesn’t even begin to cover it,” she says, unable to stop the wave of relief that washes over her. Crystal is, frankly, the most oblivious person she’s ever met - and that might just work in her favour.
The next week, Crystal shows up to class with a spare notebook in one hand and a glittery gel pen in the other. She places them both on her desk and shoots Gigi a grin, tapping her fingertips along the book’s cover.
“Wanna go on a walk with me after class?” she asks brightly. “I have so many ideas.”
Gigi nods apprehensively, trying her hardest to hold back a cough. Her chest tightens, her ribs constricting painfully around her lungs. It’s another reminder that her case of hanahaki disease has worsened, but she would never say so aloud.
After class, she follows Crystal to a nearby park, ignoring the stash of bloodied petals that is slowly accumulating in her pocket. Crystal is as joyously effervescent as ever, leading the way to a park bench dappled with sunlight and shade. 
“I had a funny thought the other day,” she says as she takes a seat. “You should make your confession - and hear me out here” - a pause, for dramatic effect - “on a dance floor.”
Gigi bursts out laughing. “I can’t believe I didn’t see that one coming.”
Crystal grins, looking far too proud of herself. “Solid idea, isn’t it? I mean, you can’t go wrong with Madonna.”
“Yeah. It’s just a pity I’m not much of a dancer.”
“How about your crush? Oh, that reminds me, you never did tell me their name.”
Gigi balks. “It’s, um…” she hesitates, wondering whether it would be awkward if she actually gave out one of her classmates’ names. “It’s… Opal.”
She ends up settling for the closest thing she can think of to ‘Crystal’. Her heartbeat quickens as soon as the word leaves her mouth, and she glances sidewards, carefully gauging Crystal’s reaction.
“Ooh, Opal - that’s such a pretty name.” Eyes shining, Crystal writes it down at the top of a clean page. “You know, I always told myself, if I ever had a daughter - or maybe a cat, that’s another good way of continuing my bloodline - I’d name her Opal.”
Gigi’s chest constricts as she files that information away for later.
“So, this Opal,” Crystal continues, tapping her pen against the page, “do they dance?”
“I, er… I don’t know, actually,” Gigi admits honestly. “I’ve never asked.”
“Damn, you fashion students are all so boring,” Crystal replies, putting on an air of mock haughtiness. “I, on the other hand, am known as the dancing diva.”
Gigi gawks at her, the information completely taking her by surprise. Crystal is a fine arts student too, and certainly not the first person to come to Gigi’s mind when she thinks about dancing.
“Is that… true?”
Crystal flashes her most radiant grin. “Nope.”
Gigi just stares at her for a moment before exploding into laughter, affectionately pushing Crystal’s shoulder. Something about Crystal makes it so easy to be happy around her, to feel unadulterated joy with no restraints. It’s a feeling Gigi could get drunk on; her heart feels fit to burst, although whether that’s from happiness or hanahaki disease she can’t be sure.
It’s only when Gigi’s laughter dissolves into yet another coughing fit that the mood shifts. Crystal’s face darkens, her bright eyes clouding over with worry. Beside her, Gigi coughs into a hand, trying not to wince in pain. When she straightens, there is blood on her lips.
“Geege… I know it’s hard, but you seriously have to tell them at some point,” Crystal says gravely as she rubs gentle circles into Gigi’s back. “I’d hate to lose you over something as silly as a crush.”
Gigi swallows back thorns. Crystal’s words ring closer to home than she could possibly realise.
“I know, I just… I don’t want to lose Opal over this silly crush either.”
“You really think there’s no chance of them liking you back?”
Gigi shrugs, feeling defeated. “I don’t know, and that’s the problem. I like to be sure of things.”
“Hm.” Crystal chews on the tip of her pen for a long moment. “I see, I see… well then, I’m just going to have to think of ways for you to figure out how Opal feels!” She claps her hands together, a look of sheer determination coming over her face, and Gigi isn’t sure whether being scared or awestruck would be more appropriate.
Every subsequent Friday without fail, Crystal takes Gigi to the park and asks for updates on two things: Opal, and the progression of the hanahaki symptoms, which Gigi can’t deny are steadily getting worse. As the weeks go by, breathing becomes harder - a byproduct of the roots entwining themselves through her lungs - and the iron tang of blood lingers on her lips more often than not. The harder she tries to act blasé, the more Crystal’s expression darkens, her eyes a storm of concern. Every week, she conjures up different plans for Gigi to get closer to Opal so she’ll become comfortable enough to confess, and so far Gigi’s reports have been nothing short of disappointing.
“Have you told them yet?” Crystal asks seriously. It’s the last week of the semester, and their time is running out.
Gigi sucks in a deep, shaky breath. It’s now or never.
“Not yet, b-but I’m going to,” she mumbles, shrinking under the intensity of Crystal’s stare. She can’t meet her eyes as she says, “for real this time. I-It’s you. I like you.”
The next moment is so silent, so fragile, that Gigi doesn’t even dare to breathe. When she looks up, she finds a dazzling grin on Crystal’s face, and her heart leaps amidst a bouquet of blossoming flowers.
“Yeah yeah yeah, just like that!” Crystal says enthusiastically. “That was great!” 
Gigi stares blankly at her for a moment, her thoughts whirling in disbelief. Surely, Crystal cannot be serious–
But she is. Crystal is nothing if not genuine, and this is no exception. 
At this point, Gigi isn’t sure whether kissing her right then and there would even be obvious enough.
“N-No, I mean–” she stammers, flowers trembling in her chest. Crystal’s face has contorted with confusion, her brows scrunched in such an adorable way that Gigi almost loses her breath. “I mean, it’s you, Crystal.”
Crystal somehow manages to look even more lost. She points at herself, her eyes wide with incredulity. “Me? But– but what about Opal?”
“You are Opal.” Gigi’s hands are shaking now, so she balls them into fists in her skirt. “Or, well… I, um, made them up. B-based on you.” Her voice goes quiet, her eyes scanning Crystal’s face apprehensively.
Crystal is silent for a long moment, before she buries her face in her hands. Her shoulders shake, and for a second Gigi is scared she’s crying.
“Oh my god,” she mumbles, laughter seeping through her fingers. “I’m - holy shit. I’m such an idiot.”
Gigi manages a nervous smile, unsure what to say. Even if she knew, she doesn’t think she’d be able to get the words out: her throat is tight, her lungs aching as hundreds of roots loosen their grip on her.
“But, Geege.” Crystal looks up then, those beautiful autumnal eyes meeting Gigi’s. “How come you didn't say something sooner?”
“I, uh…” Gigi shrugs, but before she can put together a proper response, Crystal answers her own question.
“Oh, right. Even if you did, I never would have realised.” She laughs good-naturedly, taking out her notebook and flipping through all the pages of ideas and plans she wrote throughout the semester. “I mean, look at this. You were just describing me the entire time.”
“As vaguely as possible,” Gigi murmurs quietly. “But yeah.” 
At that, Crystal runs her finger down a list of glittering words, outlining all the wonderful things Gigi had said about ‘Opal’. The more she reads, the more a flush crawls up her cheeks, her smile wobbly with awe and disbelief.
“So… all the poetic things you said,” Crystal says slowly, “you really meant them? About me?”
“Well, yeah.” Gigi clears her throat, spitting up flowers - it will be a little while yet, before her lungs are fully freed of the disease. “Of course. You’re amazing, Crys.”
“I just… wow.” Crystal lets out a breath. When she glances up, her eyes are sparkling earnestly. “You remember what I said, way back when? About Opal being stupid not to like you?”
Gigi nods, her heart in her throat. She can hardly breathe as Crystal takes her hands, her touch as soft and warm as ever.
“I meant it,” Crystal says sincerely. “I like you too, Gigi. I really, really like you. All those lovely things… I’ll say them back to you, a hundred times over, if you let me.”
“Wow, um…” Gigi’s mind is whirling with elation and euphoria. “I’d– I’d love that. But…” there’s a question lingering on her lips, and she drops Crystal’s gaze as she asks it. “But what about Opal? W-Why were you so willing to help me if…”
The rest of the sentence remains unsaid, hovering in the ensuing silence. Crystal rubs her thumbs over her knuckles, comforting and gentle.
“I did it because I like you,” Crystal admits. “I wanted to see you happy, even if it wasn’t with me. And… well… also because anything was better than seeing you, you know, literally die.”
“Okay, yeah, that’s fair.” Gigi moves to pick up one of the many delicate flowers she’s coughed up. “It’ll be nice to finally be rid of these.” 
“‘Nice’ doesn’t even begin to cut it. You don’t even want to know, I was so scared you were just going to topple over, dead, in one of our classes. I am beyond glad it didn’t come to that.”
Gigi manages a smile. “I wouldn’t have let it,” she reassures her. “My plan was to wait for you to guess, or tell you at the last possible moment. Which–”
“–is today,” Crystal finishes for her, grimacing. “I still cannot believe how dense I am.”
Gigi laughs at her expression. “It’s okay. It was funny.”
“You dying isn’t funny–”
“I mean, I’m not dead–”
Crystal sighs, an affectionate smile blossoming across her face. “And thank goodness for that. Imagine if you’d croaked before I had a chance to do this…”
And then she’s leaning in, eyelids fluttering shut as she brings her hand up to Gigi’s cheek, pulling her close. Gigi’s heart soars when their lips touch, and this time, she knows it’s purely out of love for Crystal.
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artificialqueens · 1 year
🎁 And It's a Potion (Lady Camden x Bosco) for Puppy - Athena2
SECRET QUEEN 2022 by @buffyathena
Summary: Bosco works at a magic shop, and must track down her crush, Camden, after accidentally selling her a love potion.
A/N: I was so excited to do secret Santa and write this!! Thank you so much to Writ for helping me come with ideas and for beta-ing this, I seriously couldn't have done it without you. Puppy, I really hope you enjoy this, and have a great holiday!
(Title from Potion by Dua Lipa)
Inventory is never a fun day for Bosco over at Jinkx’s shop, and they have to do it twice a week. The bulk of what they sell is potions, which Jinkx brews themself, and which have a tendency to go haywire after more than a few days—hence the constant inventory of new ones. Jinkx had a never-ending supply of stories about things that had gone wrong, including a flying cat. So Bosco always makes sure to be careful when they lay out the new vials: ten love potions and ten sleep potions on the counter by the register, since they’re the most popular. Then they arrange the other products in rows of five on each shelf, containing potions, creams, and powders for healing minor illnesses, centering visions for psychics, and temporarily changing appearances, along with 20 others. The rest of the shop sells supplies and cauldrons and other usual witch supplies.
Bosco lines up the love and sleep potions, then whirls around when the bell rings, and in walks the one person who always makes the day better.
“Morning, Camden!” Bosco smiles cheerfully.
“Morning,” Camden returns, tucking a strand of red hair behind her ear. There are gray half-moons under her blue eyes, but they still light up with her smile. She’s been a constant fixture at the shop, mostly for sleeping potions so she could get some actual rest amid the flurry of ballet performances, or cream for all the aches and pains after.
“Do you need help with anything?”
“Do you have any sleep potions?”
Bosco nods. “Shouldn’t you be able to sleep after all that dancing you do?”
“You would think.” Camden sighs. “Lately I think I’m thinking too much. About…stuff. Stuff I probably shouldn’t think about.” She quickly looks away from them, fiddling with the sleeve of her jacket.
“You said ‘think’ way too much,” Bosco says. “Thinking sucks. That’s why I try not to.”
“I think that might be pretty obvious sometimes,” Camden teases, and Bosco grins.
“I’m gonna sue you for slandering my good name. That’s right, slander. That’s a word only us true intellectuals know.” They pat their chest proudly.
Bosco isn’t sure either of them fully knows what slander means, but people always say it on TV in situations just like this. And besides, it makes Camden laugh, her nose wrinkling up, and Bosco takes it as a win. They’re so distracted by the effects of their victory, in fact, that they grab a vial without really looking at it.
“About three sips of this should be good for the night,” Bosco says, ringing up the sale and sliding Camden the bottle.
“Thank you.”
“Of course. If that doesn’t work, you could always count horses,” Bosco suggests.
Camden blinks. “It’s sheep.”
“Horses are cooler. Fight me.”
Camden laughs again. “I’ll take your word for it.” And then she’s gone, her red hair waving behind her.
Bosco sighs and sags against the counter, their elbow knocking over the row of love potions. They pick them back up, heart skipping a beat when there’s only nine, instead of ten, like there should be.
Bosco forces in a breath. Maybe they’re just miscounting, or mixing things up. After all, the dark blue of the sleep potion is close to the purple love potion. Maybe too close, Bosco thinks, as a quick scan doesn’t help sort the potions out. Bosco tears a hand through their hair, then knocks the vials over again in the rush to count them properly. Ten sleep potions, just like they had marked down this morning. But only nine love potions.
“Oh, fuck.”
“Swearing this early is never a good sign.” Bosco looks up to see Jinkx in the doorway, bagel in hand.
“You do it every morning.”
“Exactly. So what’s the issue?”
“Camden took a love potion.”
“Did she drink it?” Jinkx asks around a mouthful of bagel, “Because it would make my life much easier if she did.” With all the feelings they didn’t want to admit, Bosco often spilled them all to Jinkx for hours at a time, then tried to deny they even felt that way for Camden at all. They’ve never convinced either of them.
“Well, shit, it’d be easier for me too if she drank it!” Bosco splutters. “But it was an accident. I wouldn’t give her one on purpose.”
Bosco would be lying if they said they hadn’t thought about it, just for a few seconds before shaking the temptation off. It would be easy, more than easy, to slip a few drops of a love potion into one of Camden’s sleep potions. Then she would fall in love with Bosco, and they wouldn’t have to make the first move, risk ruining their kind-of friendship. Wouldn’t have to admit they like Camden that much, in that way. But Bosco would never do that. They could never manipulate Camden like that, force her into loving them.
Jinkx nods to themself.
“Plus it’s really strong. Like, follow the person you love across the country and die for them like this is Romeo and Juliet strong. It could make her do something…bad.” Bosco doesn’t even want to think about Camden under the control of something that powerful. “Do you have, like, customer records or something? So I can call her?”
“I sell potions for a living, you tell me,” Jinkx says dryly.
Bosco groans. “How am I gonna stop her from taking it?”
“I guess you have to find her,” Jinkx says.
Bosco sighs and runs out the door. Camden usually goes to the Black Tea Shop in town after she visits, and that’s where they head.
Joe’s tea shop is normally a place Bosco loves, with black-and-white striped walls and spooky decor year-round, plus a piano wedged into the corner. But they tear inside, the door slamming into the wall, and look around breathlessly, giving a quick wave to Pythia – a regular customer at Jinkx's – before turning to Joe.
“Is Camden here?” they demand. Every part of their body is on alert; sweat trickles down their neck, heart racing from the run and from the worry.
“Sorry, love, she left a few minutes ago. Said she wanted her tea to-go today, so she could go home and take a nap.”
It robs Bosco of even more air. Not only is Camden already on her way home, but she’s clearly intending to take that potion when she gets there.
“Everything all right?” Joe’s tattooed, ring-covered hand settles over theirs, and Bosco’s face burns from the comfort.
“Do you know where she lives? It’s really important.”
Joe looks at them deeply, like he’s sizing them up, trying to decide if they’re worthy of the information. “You need to help her, don’t you?”
“How did you—”
“I just know sometimes,” he says firmly, and Bosco remembers that Jinkx has mentioned brewing potions or having séances with Joe before. “Her apartment isn’t far. I’ll write the information down for you.”
Paper in hand, Bosco shoots out several thank yous and runs off again. Camden’s apartment is nearby, which is good, because Bosco is not in shape or good at running. Why on Earth should anyone run unless they need to? Though running practice would have been helpful for this mess. Bosco just listens to their shoes pound over the sidewalk, hoping it isn’t too late to help Camden.
Camden’s confused, but she buzzes them into the apartment, and Bosco skips the elevator and sprints up three flights of stairs, because they’re already soaked in sweat and gasping for air.
Bosco knocks on the door, then bends over and sucks in air until Camden opens the door. She looks ready for bed, in sweatpants and a soft pink sweatshirt. The bags under her eyes look more pronounced, and it makes Bosco’s pounding heart ache. She has to look up to meet Bosco’s eyes, and they try not to think of how she’s just the perfect height for a forehead kiss.
“Bosco? What are you doing—”
“Don’t drink the potion I gave you!”
“Why? Are you trying to poison me?”
“No, it was an accident, but if you drink it, something really bad might happen. Please, you can’t drink it.”
Camden’s face shifts. “You’re serious,” she says, a wrinkle forming between her eyebrows, and Bosco realizes that they’ve never been this serious with her; usually it’s a lot of joking and small talk. They’ve never even shown this much emotion around her. They try not to, afraid that any hint of deep emotion would reveal their true feelings to her. Feelings that are rising to the surface like lava preparing to erupt from a volcano.
Bosco nods, trying to collect their words. “I made a mistake and gave you the wrong one. It’s a love potion. A really strong one. It’ll make you fall madly and obsessively in love with the first person you see.”
It’s quiet, the confession just hanging in the air. Camden finally looks up at them, biting her lip. “If it weren’t for the obsession part, that might not be so bad.”
Bosco’s brain lags as they try to process it. “What do you…“ Camden looks at them again, more pointed. Bosco’s head spins. “You don’t…you like me?”
Camden nods, her cheeks flushed red. “I’ve liked you for a while, if I’m being honest. I’ve been wondering if I should tell, but then I kept thinking that would ruin everything.”
“Wait a minute.” Bosco thinks of the bags under Camden’s eyes, the tired set of her shoulders when she comes in the store lately, much more than normal.  “Is that why you haven’t been sleeping?”
Camden nods sheepishly.
“Camden! Why would you lose sleep over me? I’m not…I’m not worth that, I’m just…” Bosco trails off with a helpless shrug. They’ve never thought Camden saw them as anything other than the funny person she traded banter with at the magic shop. Surely Bosco, with their purposely-messy hair and dark jokes, wouldn’t be someone Camden, with all her perfection and grace, would crush on.
But Camden takes their hand, and shakes her head firmly. “You are worth that, Bosco. Do you not know how amazing you are? You make me laugh every day, and you’re so beautiful, and smart, and you’re so kind to everyone. You’re not ‘just’ anything.”
Camden squeezes their hand as she talks, and it’s the only sign to Bosco that they’re really still here, because Camden’s words are running through their mind too fast. Camden really saw them in that way. Camden really liked them in that way. The feelings finally erupt, and Bosco floods with warmth, wondering why they denied telling Camden for so long.
“I, uh…”
“I’m sorry,” Camden says quickly. “I shouldn’t have told you all that, you probably don’t feel the same—”
“I do!” Bosco grips Camden’s hand, taking in her wide eyes. “I do like you that way. I just didn’t want to tell you. Didn’t want to actually admit my feelings and let them out and get hurt.” It seems so ridiculous now, but Bosco’s had unrequited crushes before, and the memory of that constant heartache never really goes away.
“I understand.”
“But, um, would you ever want to go on a date? We could get dinner or something.” Bosco’s hesitation flies away, because it’s okay. Camden likes her back.
“I would love that! Can we do it later though?” Camden asks hesitantly. “I really do need a nap.”
“Hey, I’m the one who ran a damn marathon to get here!”
“I live barely ten minutes from the shop,” Camden says, unimpressed.
“Ten minutes that I fully sprinted, thank you.” Bosco makes a show of grabbing their shirt collar and showing Camden the sweat there. “You’re lucky I didn’t pass out in the hall. I’m sure your landlord would love that.”
Camden grins. “Come in. We can take a nap together.”
Bosco squeezes her hand and follows her inside. 
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artificialqueens · 1 year
🎁 Game Night (UK4) for VioletSchiffer - Winter
SECRET QUEEN 2022 by @winterboxx, for VioletSchiffer
a/n: apologies for the late post but i hope my giftee enjoys, tried my best to make something silly and fluffy for you :))) 
“Oh you slag!” Danny shouted boisterously, Sminty looking at them smugly as they won another round, everyone snickering at the intense reaction. 
“It’s not my fault you got hit by a blue shell, just get better.” She ducked as Danny threw a cushion her way, snickering at their dramatic reaction. 
“Maybe we should play something else?” Dakota grimaced at the rowdiness of her friends, glancing to Cheddar for help, who just shrugged in response “I don’t know, I’m finding this pretty entertaining.” Starlet piped up, her smile enough to calm Dakota into a sense of amusement at the chaos unfolding in front of them. Getting everyone in a room with video games sure was a decision but she’d be lying if she said this wasn’t fun. It was loud, a bit hot with so many of them squished into the flat’s front room but she felt comfortable for the first time in years. 
By the time she focused back on what was happening around her, Cheddar had convinced Danny to stop trying to beat Sminty after she’d won every game she’d played against them and passed one controller to Baby who seemed confident in their abilities and dangled the other in the air for whoever volunteered. 
“Dakota, use your nerd skills to beat her!” Danny prodded the blonde’s shoulder, tossing her the controller from Cheddar’s hand. In an ideal world she would have caught it, not making a fool out of herself in front of her friends. Unfortunately not everything could be so perfect, the small controller smacking her in the face with a loud thwack. That caught everyone’s attention, great. 
Starlet couldn’t hold back her laughter by Dakota’s side, getting gently elbowed in response for laughing and their misery. Danny looked half apologetic and half as if they were trying not to burst out laughing. Only Cheddar cared to actually inquire about how she felt.
“Are you okay?” They asked, crouching to the floor where Dakota sat and staring at her face as she covered it with one hand, the other picking up the joycon from where it had landed on the floor.  “…That hurt.” Her muffled whine of a  response was enough to crack the rest of Danny’s composure, bursting into a cacophony of laughter that soon spread around the room.  “I can see that.”
“Sorry ‘kota, didn’t mean to hit you. Was kinda funny though.” She knew the apology was genuine but still, Dakota shot the most annoyed look she could muster at Danny before breaking into a grin. All seriousness gone within a second as the fun of the atmosphere got to her. This was new, feeling such comfort in a group of people even if she knew and liked all of them. A few months ago she wouldn’t have dreamed of being in a group larger than 5 and only then because she wanted to spend time with Starlet and just happened to be in the front room while the rest of her flatmates were. 
Times like this were a good reminder, no matter how much things felt suffocating with exams and assignment after assignment at least going to uni gave her these people, no matter how obnoxious some of them could be, they were family now. 
Dakota focused her attention back to the screen, deciding to avenge Danny just to irk Sminty. It was funny seeing her get riled up and super competitive, picking pink gold Peach like it would give her some innate advantage over the rest of them. 
The first track was easy enough, the cheer Danny let out at her sniping Sminty out of first with a red shell made it hard to keep focus but she managed, placing first with Sminty second, Baby third and Cheddar somehow in 7th. They truly were an enigma sometimes. 
“Kick her ass.” Starlet whispered into her ear as the results came in for the second track, a mirror of the previous one. 
The streak continued onto the third track, Sminty getting more perturbed by the minute and Danny taking great joy in their retribution. Baby managed to outplace her that time, coming in second once again behind Dakota. Everyone had turned their attention to the screen by that point, enjoying the competition and the playful insults being thrown around, mostly Sminty unable to admit defeat. No one was surprised when she lost the fourth track but watching her huff when admitting to the loss was the fun part. 
Even among all this chaos, she felt something bubbling up. A warmth that enveloped her whole being. Maybe this was what it was like to finally feel understood.  
Maybe she wasn’t alone anymore, they all had each other in a mismatched chaotic little family. It felt right. 
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artificialqueens · 1 year
🎁 Holiday Fever (Crygi) for BabyCarrot - Gi
SECRET QUEEN 2022 by @thecollectionsof
A/N:  Summary: There was something about Crystal being sick that made Gigi extra affectionate. Not that she wasn’t affectionate before, but when Crystal was sick it seemed that Gigi’s whole purpose in life was to help Crystal feel better. And now that she's sick before the holidays, it seems like Gigi only gets more affectionate. Crystal's not sure what will get her first: the sweet pet names Gigi keeps calling her, or the fever that's keeping her in bed.
aka a gentle little crygi holiday sickfic <3 happy holidays!!
There was something about Crystal being sick that made Gigi extra affectionate. Not that she wasn’t affectionate before, but when Crystal was sick it seemed that Gigi’s whole purpose in life was to help Crystal feel better.
Crystal always hated being sick, but being doted on by her long term crush and roommate made her almost want to cling to it. It was worth the days of stuffy noses and heaving coughs and pounding headaches to get to see Gigi nudging her way into Crystal’s bedroom with a cup of tea and a gentle smile, or to hear her on facetime with her mom in the kitchen trying to make homemade soup (before eventually giving up and buying some. The thought was always very appreciated anyway.)
This time, it starts when Crystal wakes up with a sore throat. Not that Crystal would admit it, even though she has to fight back a wince every time she swallows, each breath coming in dry and painful—she despises getting sick, and it’s almost the holidays, anyway. If she can just hold on for a few more days she can go back to her parents’ house and mope in peace. She just has to finish up her finals before letting herself take time to rest. If she can just hold on a few more days, isolate herself from Gigi a bit, she can make sure that she doesn’t pass on whatever she has to the other girl, even if it means she misses out on studying for their exams together. Even if she has to miss getting distracted by Gigi as she pulls her hair into a slicked back ponytail multiple times throughout the night, and when she chews on the end of her pen, and the little triumphant smile she gets when she gets a problem right.
Just a few more days.
The days she spends holed up in her room are long and stressful, and she hates how Gigi seems to deflate when she turns down her suggestions to study together, but she keeps telling herself it’s for the best. Her sore throat subsides a bit, becoming an annoying ache, but she starts getting headaches, and it’s a particularly stressful morning before her last final that she wakes up with a fever. The day—and final—pass in a blur, and before she knows it she’s done for winter break, finally. All she has to do is get back home.
She walks home, wanting nothing more than to bury herself under her covers and never reappear. She's cold, her head is pounding, and she’s exhausted in a way that she usually only equates with pulling all nighters, even if she only woke up six hours ago.
Everything is too much. Too bright, too loud, too… head-hurty. There’s a better word for that, she’s sure, but thinking hurts. She stumbles through the door gracelessly after her classes, kicking off her boots close enough to the shoe rack as she shrugs off her coat despite feeling cold, not knowing what else to do. She just has to get into her room and then she can bundle up under the covers, safe and warm. All she has to do is avoid Gigi, who will immediately know something’s wrong. At least she’s done with finals.
“Hey Crys! Wanna do pasta tonight? We could make some and then watch some Christmas movies, get in the Christmas spirit?” Gigi’s voice greets her through the apartment, seemingly coming from the kitchen area. She wants to agree, but her eyes are too heavy, as is her tongue. She musters up an affirmative noise as her hand shoots out, holding herself up with the wall.
She’s feeling a lot worse than she thought. Staying up late studying, taking a final, and then walking thirty minutes in the cold probably didn’t help, though.
Gigi’s voice trails off as she rounds the corner, taking a moment to look at Crystal. Crystal stands up taller and tries to smile, but even she knows that it comes off more like a grimace. Gigi’s face falls into a mask of concern, and she steps closer to Crystal, gently touching her forehead with the back of her palm. “Oh, honey,” she tuts, “you’re sick! How come you didn’t tell me, I would’ve… c’mere, sweetie.”
Gigi holds out her arms and Crystal falls into them, enjoying Gigi’s warmth. Her eyes slip shut as she leans into Gigi, and her lips part only to murmur “I really… I don’t feel really good right now.”
“Oh, I can see that, hun. Here, let’s get you into bed.” Gigi helps her to her room, only leaving her side to pull back the covers that Crystal had hastily thrown over her bed in an attempt to make it that morning. “In, in, let’s get you comfy.”
Crystal practically falls into her bed and Gigi is there immediately, tucking her in and making sure she has enough blankets and pillows, even going so far as to take the small stuffed bear she’s had since she was little (that baby Crystal had creatively named Bear Bear) and tucking him in next to her. Crystal hums, her eyes half-open and mouth open, breathing through it. Her mouth was so dry and her lips were chapped, but she didn’t want to take advantage of Gigi’s kindness anymore.
“Thanks Geege,” she slurs, already falling asleep despite her attempts to fight it, to stay awake and watch Gigi flutter around the room and pet her hair and, sometimes, even drop a kiss on her forehead. She smiles a bit as she feels that familiar pressure on her temple, the gentle kiss making her forget about how much her head aches for just a moment. “…Love you.”
Maybe being sick isn’t all that bad. It can’t be, if it means Gigi’s looking at her so gently, calling her those pet names and tucking her in with a kiss to the forehead. Maybe she should get sick more often.
“Love you too, Crys.” Gigi replies, and Crystal closes her eyes and lets herself drift off with the feeling of Gigi’s hand gently carding through her hair easing some of the anxiety she has about being sick.
She wakes up a while later, thirsty and disoriented and not sure how long she’s been asleep. She thinks it’s been a few hours, but she can’t tell—it had been getting dark so early recently that this level of darkness outside could be anytime from 5pm onwards. Her headache has gone down a bit, but she still feels cold, despite being sticky with sweat and heavy under the mountain of blankets Gigi had covered her in.
She didn’t even recognize one of the blankets. Where did it come from? It was soft, and it smelled a bit like Gigi from what she could tell as she pushed all of them off in uncoordinated attempts, whining softly to herself at the cold of her room. It takes her a moment to stand, and she does with the help of her desk, her hand grazing one half of a matching set of Santa and Mrs. Claus plushies Gigi bought to split between them last year. She had Santa, of course, because Gigi pouted at the thought of not having Mrs. Claus and Crystal couldn’t deny Gigi anything when she hit her with her puppy dog eyes. She had a weakness for Gigi, sue her. 
What was she doing again?
Getting a glass of water. Right.
She pads into the kitchen, and she’s greeted by the sight of Gigi hunched over her laptop at the small table for two they have pushed against the wall. Her hair is pulled back in a ponytail and she’s surrounded by notes and pens, and the blue light glasses she only wears at times like these are slipping down her sloped nose, making her look like one of those disapproving librarians that Crystal always saw in movies. At least, until she looks up.
“Crystal! What are you doing up, do you need anything?” Gigi rushes, hurrying to stand up. The movement jostles her laptop, turning it so Crystal can just barely read the headline of the article pulled up on it.
Fever treatment: Quick guide to treating a fever
God, this girl. She likes Gigi so much.
“Do you have some tea that I could have? Maybe?” Crystal’s voice is weak, weaker than she was expecting. Gigi’s face changes from concerned to soft, and she touches Crystal’s forehead with the back of her palm again. Crystal leans into the touch, closing her eyes. “Oh, that feels nice.”
“Of course I have tea for you, baby. Go back to bed, I’ll make it for you.” Gigi says, and she retracts her hand, making Crystal pout. Gigi huffs out a fond laugh at the sight. “I’ll be right there, and I can pet your hair as much as you want. You just gotta go back to bed, okay, hun?”
The pet names were going to drive her insane. She nods, shuffling back into her room, piling the covers back on top of her. Suddenly, it didn’t seem like enough. It feels like no time has passed at all when Gigi pushes into the room with two mugs and a gentle smile. “I have your tea, if you wanna sit up so you can drink it.”
Crystal wiggles her way up so she can sit up against the headboard, only letting go of her blankets to grab the cup of tea from Gigi’s outstretched hand. She doesn't usually care for tea, but it’s good when Gigi makes it. Maybe it’s because Gigi adds the right amount of sugar, or maybe it’s the good loose leaf tea that Crystal can only assume is expensive, or maybe it’s just because it’s made by Gigi. 
Gigi sits next to her, on top of all of the blankets, and sets down her laptop in front of both of them. It has a Christmas movie open on it and she presses play, the opening of a Hallmark movie that Crystal had drunkenly confessed to loving at Christmastime last year playing through her laptop speakers. It’s little things like this, things like Gigi remembering her comfort Hallmark Christmas movie, that make her feel confident that she’d never be able to get over this girl even if she tried.
“Are you feeling any better after your nap?” Gigi asks over the sound of the movie, leaning down to pick up Bear Bear, who had fallen to the floor when she got up, tucking him in between them once again.
Crystal takes a second, thinking, and takes a sip from her mug. It’s good, as predicted. 
“Um, a little bit. Like I'm not gonna fall over or anything, but… I think I have a fever?” She takes stock of how she’s feeling. She’s cold, shivering, and her head feels funny, but she’s definitely feeling better than she was before she took her nap. And she’s half convinced that Gigi’s tea had some kind of magical healing property, so she should be better in time to go down to her parents house on Monday. Hopefully.
“Oh, you think?” Gigi asks rhetorically, a hint of sarcasm breaking through her concern. She shakes her head, and a strand of hair falls out of her ponytail. She ignores it. “Crys, you scared me half to death! I wish you would’ve said something, it’s too cold for you to walk out there when you’re already sick.” Gigi looks like she’s blaming herself, and Crystal feels a pang of guilt run through her. She didn’t want to inconvenience Gigi or get her sick, but now that she made her feel bad in the process? 
Somehow, she felt even worse. 
Gigi tuts, the hand not holding her own mug coming out to gently rub Crystal’s leg through the blankets. “Oh, no, don’t feel bad. I just hate seeing you sick, honey, especially since it’s right before Christmas.” 
Crystal doesn’t know if she’s blushing or not, but if she wasn’t feeling like this she’s sure her face would be bright red. Or maybe she is blushing, she heard something a while ago about fevers making people blush. She doesn’t want to check. As long as Gigi can’t see how much she melts every time she uses a pet name for her she’s safe, she can pretend that she only feels platonic things for her roommate.
She closes her eyes and leans into Gigi’s warmth, not knowing how to reply. Gigi lifts a hand to the crown of Crystal’s head, running her hand through Crystal’s hair once again. They stay like that for a while, and suddenly Crystal is blinking awake to the sight of the end credits. 
“Hmm, when did I fall asleep?” she blinks a few more times, and she notices that her mug is sitting safely on the bedside table when she reaches up to rub her eyes. Gigi’s hand stops gently scratching her head, and she unconsciously chases the contact, leaning further into her side. 
“Not too long into the movie, but I’m glad you got the sleep, it looked like you really needed it!” Gigi stretches as well as she can with Crystal pressed into her, leaning forwards a bit as if to leave, “But I’ll leave you to rest now, you need to recover.” Crystal scrunches her nose. She doesn’t want her to leave, even though it’s selfish, and she’ll allow herself to be selfish, just this once.
“Geege... stay with me?” Crystal asks quietly, a hand coming out to rest on her wrist, “You’re warm and nice and I like when you play with my hair.” 
“Of course,” Gigi confirms, a small smile and pretty pink blush appearing on her face as she settles back in and presses another small kiss to her forehead. “I’ll stay with you anytime, Crys. All you have to do is ask.”
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artificialqueens · 1 year
🎁 Let Me Read You a Story (Lady Camden x Angeria Paris VanMichaels) for Athena2 - Puppy
SECRET QUEEN 2022 by @puppywritesthings, for @buffyathena
Summary: Camden can't sleep, and Angeria helps.
A/N: I wish this could have been longer, but to be honest, I have been lacking motivation, having been hit with the poison known as writer's block. Enjoy nearly 300 words of just wholesome fluff!
(Title from "I Don't Know" from Ghost Quartet)
She couldn’t sleep, and everything she tried didn’t help. For the past several nights, Camden was stuck in a strange cycle of insomnia to the point she was borderline nocturnal. Only madmen could have If she stared any longer at that Google Doc, her eyes would possibly burn out of her skull.
Before any kind of burning could begin, she felt a soft hand sneak towards one of hers still clacking on the keyboard. Rather than resist the urge to swat it away, she let it lift that hand off the keyboard. “You’re going to bed.”
Camden reluctantly let her girlfriend close the laptop, closing her eyes to get rid of some of the strain. Before she could protest any further, Angeria continued. "I know this project is important, but it's not due til the end of the week.
"I've lost count." The redhead admitted. “Anyway, would a cup of sleepytime tea and a Five Hour Energy cancel each other out?”
Angie put her head into her hands as Camden straightened her posture. "I don't want to find that out. I'm sure there's another way to get you to sleep faster."
"Well, what do you suggest?" "Want me to..." The other girl turned her face away, almost embarrassed that this was the first thing that came to mind, "read you a bedtime story?"
The offer sounded unbelievably corny at first. Camden was a grown woman who wasn't afraid of the monsters under the bed or the shadows on the wall. She wasn't someone who needed to be soothed to sleep by a comforting voice. However, Angie was the kind of girl who made the dictionary sound appealing. And no matter how often she got to hear that voice, hearing it again. "Why not? Want to tuck me in too?" She teased.
"Of course."
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artificialqueens · 1 year
🎁 Part of Your World, Ch. 1 (Raja x Adore) for Dartmouth420 - Grinder
SECRET QUEEN 2022 by @grinder-lector
AN: Hey, Hi, Hello! Dear Dartmouth420, it was so fun writing this fic! I don't think I've ever written Raja as a lead in a fic so it was an exciting new experience! I really hope you enjoy this story, theres so much more to come! 
"Laila, did you eat your slug this morning?" Raja stopped her marching, staring down at the group of baby witches kneeling before her. 
Laila in particular failed to make her dead fly come back to life, let alone even show any sign of resurrection.
"Yes, I did. And slugs are slow. Maybe that's why I'm so sluggish today," Laila quipped. There was a bit of bite there, Raja could hear it. It was always Laila who decided to be a cunt about everything.
But Raja tried to smile, one that suggested she wasn't having it. "Laila, you and I both know if you had eaten the slug, your magic energy would be soaring right now." And then the sass came out, "maybe the reason for your fatigue this morning is because of that drop of pixie dust you had last night."
As usual, whenever Raja would bite back at one of her students, both Kim and Farrah snickered, while Gia and Aja glared. 
"How do you all expect to become the best dark witches that you can if you can't take this seriously?" Raja’s dark eyes scrutinised all of them now, enough to make them silent again. Fuck, how she loved this once upon a time, tutoring the younger girls. Not even just the task, but this whole camp. Set on the edge of the forest not too far from the coast, the coven resided, and they stayed there. 
Being surrounded by so much beauty and nature, one would think that was paradise. But with other covens nearby, not the friendliest of bitches, not like they could venture too far. 
The last ten years saw the claustrophobia set in. And Raja was slowly losing the will power to tolerate it any longer.
"Oh, Raja!" A voice called.
Already, without turning, she knew that voice. How could anyone fail to recognise it?
Raja's baby witches smirked, the dark witch already over the oncoming shenanigans. "Fuck you all," She murmured under her breath, sweeping down her long dress.
Even before turning, she already knew how this conversation was going to go. It felt like a weekly occurrence now when Bianca would approach her with preaching words.
"Yes, Bianca. How can I assist you today?" Raja dragged herself towards Bianca's hut, the woman already lingering in the door, her auburn hair freshly curled without any use of magic.
When Raja was below the doorstep, she leaned up and kissed Bianca — not something unusual within the coven, unless blood-related. It was their sign of peace, the wish for good luck.
The redhead glanced at the baby witches, all of them running free before Raja could call them all back to continue their morning lessons.
"You're kind of wasting your time on tutoring those sperm donations." Bianca raised a brow as she looked at Raja again.
"Somebody has to. I mean, who else is going to teach them?" Raja threw a hand up in questioning as she watched her students flee to their homes. "Don't call them that, by the way."
"Raja, you know fine well there are other dark witches here who are capable of teaching them how to use their powers."
"Like who?"
"Raven?" Bianca raised her brows tauntingly.
"Pfft. As if I'd let Raven train anybody. Darkest of the dark witches. No fucking way." Raja leaned against the door frame.
"Oh, well, that's true. But still. There are others here capable of what you're doing right now." Bianca started, and Raja rolled her eyes. "No - no. Don't do that, honey. You know you could be learning for when you take over as the Mother Witch."
The Mother Witch. Oh, how Raja was sick of hearing that term. Why did her mother have to be tethered to the late Chaderia, why did they have to marry? 
It had only been a year since Raja's mother passed away, and twelve years since Chaderia did. Of course, this left Raja, the only heir to the throne left.
But she didn't want that. Having gone a whole year with no true Mother Witch, the ladies of the camp were feeling lost. But what Raja wanted was to break free, venture further out of the forest, live something bigger. And if it took a couple of trials and tests to determine who would take over, then so be it.
"Or maybe I could be training you to be the Mother Witch," Raja's smile was teasing.
"Oh, honey, I already know so much more than you do," Bianca leaned in close to Raja before pushing her away from the doorstep.
The dark witch chuckled. God, she loved Bianca. Of all the centuries she’d been alive, Bianca was always right there with her, having been born the same year. Of course, they became bestfriends. And there was that strange period in which they thought there was something a bit more between them. Every time they locked lips, however, every time they fucked, there was just something not right. With no real spark no feeling of energies mixing together, they were a complete mismatch.
Raja had tried to reassure herself that, in more current times among the witch clan, just because one may not tether with someone else, they can still love each other just as strongly.
But Raja longed for that — to find her tethered other half.
And Bianca had potential for things greater than sticking around and trying to make things work out between them. As much as Raja wanted freedom, Bianca wanted it ten times more. And with that willpower, she could take the throne, be the best Mother Witch that ever lived, and bring the wider circle of covens together.
“Well, maybe you should pursue that, Bianca,” Raja was already walking away from her bestfriend’s home.
“And put myself through the whole trial process? Oh, sounds delightful.” Bianca quipped, following behind her.
"How's Courtney?" Raja changed the subject. 
"Great. She's fine. Still manifesting for a girl so we can keep the baby. Not that Courtney cares. She says no matter the gender, it's her baby and the warlocks aren't getting them."
Raja felt like a dick, for she was losing track of how far along Courtney was into her pregnancy. Most likely four months at this stage.
Every year, both the witches and warlocks of the other camps looked forward to spring time, when they got to fuck like rabbits in the wild and produce many more little magical beings.
"But let's not change the subject, dear," Bianca's voice drew the dark witch’s attention back.
The dark witch ignored her friend and carried on. She had baby witches to teach. Striding across the camp, the green grass tickling her bare feet, her brown eyes scanned the area for them.
Trixie was sitting outside her hut playing her handmade guitar. “I once met a young man by the glittering blue stream…It was very la-da-de-da.”
At just two hundred years old, she was the only musical witch on sight. Before her birth, predictions said a trickster would come into the lives of the coven. Of course, they assumed it was Trixie, hence the name. But along came another baby girl from another witch, a child who would grow up with Trixie and become her best friend. This one was Katya. Now she was the torture, and her cunning ways brushed off on all the other witches. Hence why…
“Then again, you don’t have the brains to fulfil the role,” Bianca commented, now walking alongside Raja.
Raja shot her a look. “What? How? I’m so fucking intelligent. You can’t even - -”
“Oh, what’s that over there?” Bianca pointed.
“Where?” But there was nothing. “Bianca…” Raja started to look back around at her friend, “What are you tr - -”
Nothing could have prepared her for the illusion of a moth flying at her face. Raja flinched, swiping it away until it was nothing but dust.
Bianca lowered her hand, quickening her steps as she chuckled. “Intelligence at it’s finest.”
“Oh, you wicked old bitch!” And with Raja’s voice now raised, she moved faster too.
Bianca laughed harder, taking off in a run, too much energy for the morning. 
But Raja ran right after her. “You’re a dead woman, Bianca!”
As much as the dark witch could kill her, she loved this side of Bianca ー the one that wasn’t so sharp and quick with her wit. Despite being four centuries old, she was still young at heart, with her playful wiles.
And because Raja loved it so much, she chased Bianca into the forest, calling after her every cruel name she had ever learned.
But Bianca kept running, cackling at one point even. 
The two witches ran straight forward, hopping every fallen tree log, avoiding any sinkhole, ducking out of the way of any puddle. This wasn’t the first time they did this after all; they knew what to avoid.
The only thing different this time, taking Raja by surprise, was when Bianca dived to the left of the trees.
“Bianca, stop!” Raja shouted. She brought her body to a grinding halt at where Bianca disappeared, and peering off to the left; the witch was nowhere to be seen. The fuck? Was this a spell used to hide her? “No magic! That’s cheating!”
Raja just stood there for a moment longer, waiting for any sign of movement. But when none came…yes, this had to be a spell. There was no way Bianca would be able to disappear that fast.
“Okay, if that’s how you want to play the game, B’, so be it.” Raja didn’t know how just yet, but if she was going to use magic, then it would need to be a quick one. 
Maybe a revealing spell…too slow of a build-up. 
Then perhaps a quick blast of wind to knock Bianca off her feet, and probably make her yell in shock…Eh, maybe she’d end up hurt somehow.
Then, maybe - -
Fuck, Bianca must have read her mind. A strong gust of wind practically slapped Raja’s whole being, sending her sprawling to the ground. The witch yelped in pain when her body met the ground, nothing agonising but still irritating.
“Fuck,” Raja rubbed her elbow as she gathered herself.
Bianca rounded the trunk of a tree, stepping up to Raja, a quiet chuckle leaving her lips. “Sorry. Magic makes it more fun.”
“Magic makes it unfair, actually,” Raja grumbled as she brought herself to her knees, catching her breath.
“Might want to slip yourself a bliss elixir if you’re going to cry about it.” Bianca put her hands on her hips, raising a brow.
“I will get you,” the dark witch was already standing to her feet.
“Should be good.”
“Count your days, witch.”
Bianca had no counter insult, her long skirt wrapping around her legs as she spun and took off in another sprint.
Raja cussed before she could even chase her friend. Her body was already wrecked, having been awake for just an hour. Right about now, she should have been finished with her morning tutoring and enjoying a relaxing cup of tea with Sasha. Yet here she was, acting like a child, a baby witch, exploring this forest.
As she finally took off running again, she was reminded of the barrier separating her coven from the others. Raja had no idea where in the forest she was right now, therefore couldn’t be sure how close to it she was. 
Now she wished she could have at least warned Bianca before she ran off again. For if she were to accidentally run past the barrier…it would not be pretty.
Bianca wasn’t stupid however, so hopefully she’d remember.
“Bianca! Remember the barrier!” It was the least Raja could do, just shout out to her friend.
If she didn’t see the bitch back at the grounds later, the dark witch would bring her back and beat the shit out of her.
Raja kept running, her heart hammering now. God, this was so tiring. She’d need a good bath and nap after this.
As much as she thought the forest was unrecognisable anyway, just an endless sea of trees, she knew now, that this particular part was unknown to her.
She came to a stop when she saw the rocks building up high in the sky, almost like a barrier in of themselves. Yes, definitely unrecognisable. Even the smell around her, salty almost, unfamiliar.
There in the wall of rocks was a large hole, leading into a cave. 
Raja sighed. Of course, if Bianca came across this, she’d investigate. “Damn it.” She neared the cave carefully, “Bianca? Are you in there?” 
The dark witch braved herself and entered the cave. “Bianca!” Her voice echoed all around. The smell of salt was intensifying now, and the air seemed to turn cold. Raja trailed her hand along the stone wall as she ventured further in. 
Her vision took a few seconds to adjust to the dark. She peered around her as she rubbed her arms in an attempt to keep warm, not that it was doing much. Before she could even give in and spark up a flame from the tip of her finger, she saw the blue glowing light at the end of the walkway, trailing around a corner.
What was this place?
Curiously coming closer to the blue light…the salty smell in the air, she could taste it on her tongue now. What did she just stumble upon? 
That’s when the sound of water rippling reached her ears. 
Again — what was this place?
Raja reached the end of the tunnel, rounding the corner. And she took it all in. The source of the blue light.
A bigger, more open space — cave walls surrounded her, of course, but in the middle of the room was a large pool of water.
“What…” she stopped herself from speaking, moving further into the room. How had she only found this now?
“Bianca?” She said quietly as she neared the edge of the pool. Surely Bianca wouldn’t have gotten into the water, right? The bitch loved her curly hair too much to ruin it.
Raja inspected the bright blue water for a moment as if she’d be able to see Bianca floating around in there.
But the witch was nowhere to be seen. Not even her berry smell lingered in the air.
And when Raja turned to leave, ready to find that witch and put her in her place…
Curiosity got the better of her. She turned back around, unable to leave. How could she? This was just…too interesting not to investigate. She neared the pool once more, bending down to get a better look.
The water was so pretty, and mesmerising to look at, but the bottom was invisible to the eye. How far down did this thing go?
She reached out a hand, the tip of her finger hovering over the calm surface, as if too afraid to even break through that barrier of water.
And the pool began to ripple, gentle at first, but eventually becoming more aggressive…as if something was moving down there…
Or someone.
Raja let her hand remain there, above the surface as dots of salty water sparked her fingers. Her eyes were too focused on the dark abyss just below her.
And her heartbeat quickened.
Yes. There was someone…moving closer to the top, moving too fast for Raja to comprehend. 
Too fast for the witch to react before two hands shot up from beneath the surface, snatched her wrist and dragged her right under.
Breaking through to the water, all Raja felt was cold. The salty taste was overwhelming now, and her ears filled with bubbling water.
At first, she squeezed her eyes shut upon going under. But if she was going to get back out, she would need her vision. So she opened her eyes. 
All around her was blue, small bubbles leaving her lips and floating up to the surface in front of her face.
Everything was a blur for a moment. But when her vision cleared…There it was…
There she was.
A woman floating towards her, practically face to face.
Before Raja could even open her mouth to yell in fright and fill her lungs with water, the mysterious woman moved even closer, long bright blonde hair floating around her alluring face. So blonde it could have been white. 
Raja just stared, watching this mysterious woman as she took the witch's face in her pale hands…
And she pulled Raja towards her…the dark witch accepting what was happening…
Their lips making contact. 
And that was it…There it was…Energies passing between them both, time seemingly stopping. Raja was warmed in this cold pool now, and she couldn’t deny her hands that moved to the woman’s face in return.
It was…euphoric.
So when the woman pulled away, Raja could have cried. This felt like…life force…the only way she could breathe.
And with that thought…how the fuck was it possible she was breathing right now? How could she inhale air when she was surrounded by all this water.
Her train of thought was pulled back to the woman again. This mysterious yet beautiful stranger caressed Raja’s cheek, searching the witch's dark brown eyes with her own green ones. There was something about this look…as if…she knew it too…she felt it — the energies mixing.
The woman smiled, almost playfully. Raja couldn’t help but reciprocate.
She was just about to kiss the woman again when she felt something slither along her bare foot. And looking down to investigate…
Her blood ran cold. 
Fins…feathery white translucent fins attached to the long white, almost iridescent white tail that was this woman’s lower body..
Reality sank in. Raja backed away, eyes back on the woman’s face.
The stranger’s smile dropped, brows joining together in concern. And when she tried to move forward again, Raja pushed her away.
The witch didn’t even take time to watch how the woman seemed to crumble. She powered it to the surface, finding she wasn’t that deep in.
Reaching the top, Raja yelled, clambering out of the pool, water pouring from her whole being.
“Fuck! Fuck!” She yelled, dragging her body up onto the rocky surface of the cave, scrabbling away from the edge.
As she neared the far wall, a chorus of splashing sounded all around, bringing her eyes back to the pool. The creature was clambering out after her, her face practically contorted, something monstrous compared to how she previously looked. The woman yelled a series of nonsensical words. Raja may not have recognised this language, but she could feel the venom in the words.
Raja didn’t know what to do with herself — to just run for it, or try and reason with the woman.
But her answer came when the creature’s angry shouting ceased. Now, she was crying, letting out a quiet disappointed sound at first before this became sobs. The poor thing hid her face, her trail curling up under her as she wept into her lap.
Raja’s heart ached for the poor woman. “I’m…I’m sorry. I - -”
But the creature held her hand up, silencing the witch’s words.
And that was it — Raja’s cue to leave.
Of course, Raja was met with so many comments when she returned to the coven grounds.
“A wet look! Love it, Raja!”
“Wow, you look like hell, honey.”
“Bianca get you with a blast of water or something?”
“What’s up, loser?” Bianca began, lingering outside her home while Courtney wove berries into her tethered partner’s hair, “I know I’m hot, and the chase is intense as fuck but I didn’t realise it would get you that riled up.”
“Shut up, Bianca!” Raja growled, storming towards Sasha’s hut.
She’d have the answers for her. Sasha may have been the Autumn witch, but she prided herself more on her knowledge. She knew shit.
Inviting herself in, Raja shouted, “Sasha,” her dress dripping all over the floor.
“Oh, good morning, Raja,” Sasha’s voice came from the makeshift fireplace, her back to the dark witch, “next time you invite yourself into my home, make sure you dry yourself off first. I can smell it.”
The dark witch cussed, quickly putting the spell out there and instantly drying herself.
Sasha looked around, putting down the book she was invested in, “come sit with me, darling.”
“You don’t need to tell me twice.” Raja stepped up towards the fire, already feeling its warm flames warming her. She sat down on the ground next to the smart witch, rubbing her hands.
“Um…excuse me?” Sasha’s voice pulled Raja’s attention back, puckering her red lips.
The dark witch rolled her eyes, leaning towards Sasha and kissing her gentle. “Sorry.”
“Not like you to forget the greeting,” Sasha eyed Raja, sniffing the air and finding herself enjoying the smell of salt water. “And not like you to go down to the beach this early? You normally go out there when Blair lowers the moon.”
“I wasn’t at the beach,” Raja swept a hand over her face. “I was…I…” Fuck, how was this going to be easy? “Alright, please don’t judge me and don’t repeat anything we talk about. Promise me.”
“Well, of course, I would never - -”
“No. Promise me, you’ll keep your lips sealed.” Raja lifted a now glowing hand. 
Now Sasha was concerned. In situations like this, when an oath was being made, it had to be serious. “Alright.” Sasha placed her hand against Raja’s. The gold glow intensified for a moment.
And Raja began. “So…I found a cave. A-And, there was this…this pool and, something came up and dragged me under.”
“Something?” Sasha repeated.
“Yes…And…” Raja swallowed, casting her eyes at the flame for a moment. Fuck, she could still feel it, “she kissed me…” those soft and gentle lips, “and something happened…”
“Wait. Hold on. She…kissed you?” Sasha raised her brows.
And Raja nodded. “Um…do you think that…that mermaids exist?”
Sasha was silent for a moment. “Mermaids?”
“...Well, I mean,” Sasha paused, looking around at her long bookshelf, seeing the exact one, “I’ve read that they do. Or, at least, they did. There have been no sightings of them for so long. We’re talking millenia here.”
“But, they could still exist?” 
“I guess, maybe. I mean, we’ve been stuck in this forest for so long, I haven’t found a way to claim new books.” Sasha shrugged.
“It’s okay, honey.”
Raja sighed. Finally, the glowing of their hands stopped, so they lowered them. She knew how she sounded — crazy. But she had to know. “So, what do…what do mermaids do? Are they…” and the image flickered in her brain — the woman’s contorted face of anger, “are they evil?”
Sasha shrugged. “Sometimes. I read tales of mermaid sightings that didn’t end well. You know; women of the ocean luring handsome sailors into the dark waters and drowning them. Then again, how do these records exist if no one survived such an event. On the other hand, I’ve read mermaids just…stay in their own grounds, those grounds being the ocean, and mind their own business. The only time they show aggression is when they’re threatened.”
Was that what happened back there? The creature was trying to drown Raja? But when the witch resisted her advances, she felt threatened?
Those eyes…that look…It couldn’t have been the case. The woman seemed too smitten with Raja to do such a thing. And not to mention, she gave her the ability to breathe underwater. Not a very deadly gift to give someone.
“So, do you think there would be mermaids in this area?” Raja raised a brow, looking back at Sasha.
The witch laughed a bit, “Oh, my future Mother Witch,” she tucked a strand of Raja’s hair behind her ear, “anywhere there’s saltwater belongs to a mermaid. Of course, they could be in this area.”
“Ah, I see.” Raja nodded. 
“So. Let me guess; you think this was a mermaid who kissed you.” Sasha proposed.
“Look. Don’t judge me. I know what I saw Sasha. I could…I could breathe underwater. It was just so…magic.” Raja shook her head like she couldn’t believe it herself.
“I believe you.” Sasha said sincerely.
“Good.” Raja nodded again. She moved forward and kissed Sasha again. “This stays between us. Okay?”
“An oath is an oath.” Sasha nodded.
And just as the twisting in Raja’s stomach was beginning to subside…
“Well, too fucking bad you didn’t make that oath with me!”
Both witches turned their heads to the entrance.
Oh, fuck. Katya.
“Everyone is going to love this!” The mischievous witch skipped away, ready to spread this information to as many people as possible.
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artificialqueens · 1 year
🎁 Lonely This Christmas (Bitney) for Cheetah - Lita
SECRET QUEEN 2022 by @artificiallita, for @opalescent-cheetah
A/N: When I got the list of tropes etc to possibly explore from Cheetah, one thing that really stuck out to me was the idea of exploring aromanticism or atypical relationship dynamics - and if anyone knows my writing, you know that I've never exactly written 'normal' Bitney (I can only apologise to all victims of the San Junipero AU lmao) so this was super super fun. Loosely inspired by V pointing out that I write Bianca in the Femme Fatale AU as somewhere on the aromantic spectrum, although she herself might not have found the words for it yet, I wanted to explore that a little more while also writing some silly festive fluff (a month late lmao.) 
Cheetah, I hope you enjoy this <3<3 Hope your holiday season was magical, and thank you for inspiring this fic since I had a ton of fun with it. Much love!!
(Full A/N restored! -V)
“We’re sorry, the person you are trying to reach is unable to take your call. Please leave a voicemail after the-”
“Fuck…” Courtney ends the fourth attempted call, and drops her phone into her lap. Her head sinks into her hands. It’s the middle of the fucking night in Australia - of course her mum isn’t answering her phone, she’s probably asleep. So is Kim. So is…well, it’s more likely that Vanity is shitfaced and in the middle of a club with no service, but either way she’s unreachable. Stupid fucking New York and its stupid fucking shitty winters. 
It had been snowing heavily when she woke up that morning, and hadn’t stopped all day. She’d gotten the news via a Twitter notification in the cab to the airport - all flights bound for NYC were being diverted, and all scheduled to leave it had been grounded. She’d hoped for a miracle, but the odds of one occurring had dwindled into the single digits as she’d arrived in the airport to be told her flight was delayed by five hours. It had been outright cancelled twenty minutes ago. 
 She’s sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of her suitcase, staring down a never ending line of closing check-in desks - the departure boards above them, bright red CANCELLED labels next to every listed flight, feel like they’re mocking her. Adore was right, she’d left it too late. Court makes a mental note to listen to her roommate more often. Adore had fucked off home for the holidays a week ago, of course - blissfully unaware of the current mayhem in JFK Airport and probably stoned halfway to a coma with her mom. Lucky cunt. 
What kind of idiot waits until December 23rd to fly halfway across the world back home for Christmas? Well, her and by the looks of things a couple of hundred other idiots, pacing and yelling into cell phones and arguing with the poor arseholes at the customer service desk, as if they could do anything about the bloody weather. Courtney is trying to summon the willpower to brave the cold and shuffle out to the waiting line of taxis, where it looks like half the population of the city are lined up with pointlessly packed bags and weary faces and screaming kids. It’s already Christmas Eve in Sydney. 
Courtney feels her eyes welling up. Between work, and fighting to get the time off work to get home at all, and packing and shopping and everything else, the stress has been melting her head for weeks. And now this. Horrible, crushing defeat - falling at the last hurdle with no solution in sight. Maybe she could swim to Australia? It’s starting to get dark; the snow still falling down in sheets and wind blowing with such force it feels like it’s shaking the wall she’s leaning against. Fuck this for a laugh.  
“Hey stranger.”
A familiar abrasive voice. Followed up by a slightly-too-hard nudge with the toe of a sneaker. Courtney looks up, wiping her nose with the back of her hand. 
Bianca’s dark hair is spilling out of her ponytail, LV holdall slung over one shoulder as she stands in front of her in sweatpants and a parka. She looks a hell of a lot more zen than most other people waiting around; face unflinching and almost entirely unbothered.
“I don’t know what you’re waiting for, this shit isn’t going anywhere any time soon,” Bianca continues, gesturing to the window with her head. Courtney cracks half a smile. 
“I don’t know either,” Courtney shrugs. “If I leave, I have to accept that I’m fucked and I don’t want to do that yet.
“‘Fucked’ is a strong word,” Bianca says with a snort of a laugh. She offers Courtney a hand, pulling her up off of the floor. 
Bianca was the intimidating, take-no-shit head bartender of the club that Court worked as a shot girl in; it seemed like she’d made it her life’s mission to make everyone who came into contact with her think she was a total cunt. However, there was an element of trying too hard that Courtney had always plainly seen through - Bianca being a closet softie wasn’t anything close to a shock. She’d been the one that took the GM to task when he’d tried to refuse to give Court time off to go home over Christmas, and probably the only reason that Court wasn’t there right now, in a miniskirt and fishnets trying to upsell high-end tequila to groups of drunk Wall Street cunts on their office night out. 
She’d also been the subject of a long-unrequited crush that Courtney had been harbouring since she started working there two years ago. Not because she didn’t care, or because she didn’t like her. Court had woken up in her bed a few too many times for that to be the case. But Bea doesn’t shit where she eats. Like she’d said the last time she’d rebuffed Courtney’s suggestion to go for brunch the last time they’d gotten too drunk and woken up naked and spooning. 
It was confusing, and at times a little frustrating - but that didn’t change the little spark of happiness that Courtney had felt cracking through the misery when Bianca appeared, or the way that watching her eyes light up when she laughs makes Court melt. She’d let the silly crush be a silly crush if it meant she got to keep Bianca around. 
“So, what’s your plan exactly? Sit here and feel sorry for yourself until the snow melts?” 
“Something like that.” 
“Well, I’m going home like a normal person - I drove here, do you want a ride? 
Courtney nods a little hesitantly. 
“Actually,” Bianca says, noticing the uncertainty on Courtney’s face. “I could probably use the company, do you wanna come hang out at my place? Saves you sitting around feeling like shit by yourself.”
“Yeah,” Courtney says, a smile creeping onto her lips. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
“Hold on a fucking second,” Courtney lifts her head up from Bea’s lap. 
She’d gotten to Bianca’s apartment and originally sat at a respectful distance on the other side of the couch - they’d chatted idle shit for a while, bitching about work and people they knew and how much Christmas sucks as a holiday. All the stress and chaos and planning, and spending money you don’t really have on people you don’t really like. And then Courtney had cried a little about not making it home - actually, she’d had what most people would describe as a mental breakdown. She hadn’t seen her family since last bloody Christmas, missing god knows how many birthdays and milestones. She and Vanity had been planning their New Year night out for a month. She was homesick - a state she practically lived in, but that was so much worse now that she’d been touching distance from getting there and then couldn’t. Bianca had gotten a little closer, pulling into a hug and letting Court leave a wet patch of tears on her sweatshirt. 
Then they’d ordered takeout and opened a bottle of wine - finished that and then started on a second. Bianca’s studio apartment is warm and homey, and Bianca’s presence is warmer. And now they’re here. Bianca has a hand tangled in Courtney’s blonde hair, there’s Hallmark garbage playing on the TV, and Court wishes every night could be like this. Fuck, Courtney thinks she’s in love. 
Bianca has her other arm around Courtney’s shoulders, their legs tangled under a blanket as glow from the streetlights creep through the curtains. She’s never seen Bianca this soft; this tender. Her eyes are a little glassy, but she looks so content, and so fucking beautiful in the soft light. 
“What?” Bianca tilts her head. 
“You were at the fucking airport too - and you’ve not complained once about not getting home. I get that I'm being a drama queen about this, but that’s weird. 
“Because I don’t really care,” Bianca shrugs. “I’m missing the annual family argument and my grandma asking me a hundred weird judgy questions about why I don’t have a boyfriend yet - big fucking deal. I don’t have to deal with them, and the situation is out of my control so I don’t get in shit for not coming, it’s a win-win.”  
Courtney is stunned into silence for a second. 
“What? Some people have a shitty relationship with their family, this is news to you?” Bianca laughs, clearly noticing the look on Courtney’s face. 
“No - I just…I don’t know. I just never thought about it with you - you’ve got your shit together, you’re happy. Well, ish. Didn’t think you had all of this like…internal angst,” Courtney says, and then hiccups. She reaches for her glass. 
“It’s not angst - this isn’t ‘mommy and daddy don’t love me because I’m a queer’ shit - it’s just…I don’t know. It’s nothing. We’re not close - we never have been. And I’m happier on my own.” Bianca says, her shoulders hunching a little bit.  And then: “That new start fucking sucks, right? Magnolia or whatever her name is.”
“Hey, don’t change the subject! We were having a moment - you were being vulnerable! This is progress!” 
“Cunt,” Bianca protests with a chuckle. “What more do you fucking want from me? We’re not friends until I’ve told you the ins and outs of all of my inner turmoil? Because there’s not much there.” 
“I’m just saying, you’re a bit…I dunno, cold? You try to pretend that you’re all big and scary, but you’re not - and you keep pretending anyway."
“Your point?”  
“My point is I really fucking like you, and it’s like you-”
“Bitch, you think you’ve been subtle about that?” Bianca laughs. “I know. I know you really like me. And I’m sorry if I’ve given you the impression that I don’t…I don’t know, like you or value you as a friend and want you in my life. It’s not that - it’s just fucking complicated.”
“Complicated how?” Courtney sits up, her brow furrowing. “Because at this point, it feels more like being led on. You’re so nice to me, you make me so happy - and then you make me feel like a crazy person for thinking there’s something there and wanting more.”
Shit, Courtney feels more strongly about this than she’d realised. Bianca flinches. 
“Because I don’t like it when there’s more,” Bianca says with an exhausted sigh. “I’m terrible at relationships - I always have been." 
“But I don’t mind that, I’d-” “Trust me Court, you really, really would. I don’t talk to anyone that I’ve ever dated any more. It sucks, it makes me feel like shit - it probably makes them feel worse. I don't do it on purpose, but I don't think I feel the way that people are meant to feel about this kind of stuff. It's just hard and confusing and stressful - and then it ends, and I’m by myself again, so I might as well be by myself because I’m choosing to be. Not because I’m a shitty girlfriend.” 
She puts her head in her hands. Courtney feels a quiet pang of guilt - in the first instance because this is the closest thing to upset she’s ever seen Bianca, and equally because she’s thrown off the balance of what was a fucking amazing time. Bianca had made her forget about Christmas, or missing her fucking family - about any of the sadness she’d been carrying when she came in. She’d made everything feel better, and then Courtney screwed it up as a thank-you. 
She remembered a few of the exes. Raja and Katya and Dela - all completely unalike in every imaginable way. Courtney remembered being horribly jealous of them when they came into the bar, watching how happy they seemed to make Bianca from a distance and hating it. And she always remembered it going downhill; Bianca casually complaining about how they’d been fighting over nothing, or how whatever-her-name-was hadn’t spoken to her in days.  And Bianca had always mentioned that it ended completely off the cuff - completely unbothered. Or so she seemed. 
“Bea, I’m sorry…” 
Courtney frowns. “Bianca, I’m…” she pauses to think. A lot of what Bianca just said sounds a little familiar. “Do you think it’s possible that you might be aromantic?"
“The fuck does that mean?” Bianca furrows her brows.
“It’s like, kind of similar to asexuality-” “I know I’m not that,” Bianca says, accompanied by a little snort of a laugh. “I think you do too.”
“Yeah, I do,” Courtney can’t help but let a little exhale of a laugh escape. “But it’s a lack of romantic attraction. So instead of not being into sex, the idea of being with someone or needing a relationship to feel fulfilled doesn’t do anything for you.”
“So you’re telling me I’m some kind of fucking weirdo who doesn’t know how to love people?” Bianca says, accompanied by a confused, slightly embarrassed chuckle. 
“No, that’s not what I’m saying - because clearly you do. You care about people - you just don’t need to date them to prove that.” 
“Huh,” Bianca nods.
“Look, that’s something you need to figure out for yourself - but I don’t mind either way. I just thought this whole time that you didn’t want to go out with me because you didn’t like me.”
“Not even close,” Bianca looks at the floor, smiling. “This doesn’t mean that I don’t care about you, or I don’t want you in my life. Actually, it means I want you in my life so badly that I don’t want to risk screwing that up by dating you - since I’ve never had a relationship that I haven’t screwed up.”
Courtney bites her lip. Secretly, she thinks she’s been imagining a future in which Bianca gets over herself and then they spend the rest of their lives together. And secretly, she’s always known that’s infantile and stupid and impossible. This feels final; but the sting of the rejection isn’t there like she thought it would be. Maybe because it’s not really a rejection. 
“Anyway, it’s not like I’ve not tried a hundred fucking times to help you get over it,”Bianca continues.
“How exactly?” Courtney laughs, perplexed.
“Valentina, Aja, Joslyn, Shea - any girl at work mentions anything about being into girls, and the first thing I do is throw them at you. I’ve been trying so fucking hard to set you up with literally anyone else for the last year. You didn’t just think you’re that irresistible to every single sapphic-leaning woman you’ve ever met?”
“Well, I don’t want to say yes, but…” 
“Fuck off,” Bianca laughs, Courtney tossing her hair. Then: “I’m sorry, Court.”
“You don’t need to be sorry either,” Courtney says, picking herself up a little and smiling. “I think I saw this coming. Or, some variation on this conversation happening at least. I’ll get over it.” 
“Look, compromise - we can go back to cuddling and watching sappy movies, and then after tonight, you move on and find someone to pine over that isn't me. And I'll still be there for you, as a friend. Okay?”
Courtney nestles herself in Bianca’s lap again. Bianca smiles softly, gently pressing a kiss to Courtney’s forehead. Courtney feels a flutter of butterflies in her stomach. She likes this  - even if she knows it won’t last. After tonight, they’d part ways again; back to an occasional lingering glance across the bar, or a hand hovering over a waist on a night out. But why should she wake up right now? 
“Bea- fuck, what time is it?”
Courtney says groggily, lifting her head off of the couch cushion. She’s still wearing the sweatpants and cropped Gerri Halliwell tee she’d put on yesterday morning. Bianca is standing in front of her, fully dressed with a Starbucks cup in each hand. She hands one to Court - almond latte, extra shot and chestnut praline syrup. The fact that Bea had remembered her coffee order makes her melt. 
“Six-thirty. Get up and get your shit together.” “Why?” Courtney asks, her voice dry as she rubs the sleep out of her eyes.
“Some of the snow cleared overnight - there’s a flight from LaGuardia to Toronto at ten am, you can get a connection to Sydney from there and be home by the 26th. I know it’s not perfect, but it’s something.” 
“Bianca, you didn’t have to…” 
“Yeah, but I did. Come on, let’s get you home to your family.”
Courtney stands up, pulling Bianca into a tight hug, her eyes moist. And then she stops, pulling back a little. 
“What about you?” 
Bianca gives a tight-lipped smile. 
“I’ll be fine.” 
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artificialqueens · 1 year
🎁 Chocolate Chip (Dakota x Starlet) for Winter - BabyCarrot
SECRET QUEEN 2022 by BabyCarrot, for @winterboxx
A/N: I love love love Dakota so I was super thrilled to write a fluffy lil domestic fluff collage au. I hope you enjoy and happy holidays!
“What on earth do you think you are doing up at this hour?”
Starlet had gotten up out of bed at 3am to investigate after noticing the absence of Dakota’s arms wrapped around her and the common area light seeping into the dorm room from under the door. 
Her inquiry led her to find her girlfriend in her fluffy mint robe stirring a mixing bowl and humming softly to herself in the communal kitchen.
Dakota yelped quietly in surprise. She turned to Starlet with the expression of a guilty child.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.” She cringed.
“Darling I’m not upset, I just want to know what you’re doing is all.”
Dakota ran her fingers through her hair, “I couldn’t sleep because I kept thinking about all of the work I have to do for my classes but I just couldn’t bring myself to work on them so I wanted a distraction so I’m baking cookies…” 
She was stammering discursively with anxiety and it was both disheartening and endearing.
Starlet guided Dakota to sit down into a chair and put a hand on her shoulder. Dakota looked up and chewed her lip.
“You should have told me that you’re feeling overwhelmed, I would have helped with your work.” 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t want to bother you..it's my work, I should be able to do it myself.” Dakota looked down at her slippers.
“Sweetheart, you don’t need to feel sorry. You are working so hard already. And besides, if it’s with you I want to help, ok?”
Dakota gave Starlet’s hand a squeeze of acknowledgement “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
The loving moment was suddenly interrupted by the ding of the oven timer. Dakota had become so wrapped up in her emotions talking with Starlet that she had completely forgotten about the cookies she was baking.
“Go get your project and we can work while we eat.” Starlet patted Dakota’s thigh and turned to take the cookies out of the oven.
It was a long night of laying out designs and cutting patterns. Peacefully stitching together and fueling themselves on trayfulls of chocolate chip cookies and hot chocolate, both girls’ minds drifted in thought of how lucky they were to have each other’s support.
Sunlight was peeking through the window by the time they were finished with all of their works. 
“You’re pretty,” Dakota softly blurted, looking at her girlfriend’s face illuminated by brilliant orange rays of the sunrise.
“Mmmmphm” Starlet hummed sleepily and pressed her head onto Dakota’s shoulder. 
“Alright let’s get back to bed then.” Dakota rubbed Starlet’s arm and guided the two of them back to their room and into bed.
Starlet curled up sleepily as soon as she got into the bed, whereas Dakota stared up at the ceiling in the darkness and played with her girlfriend’s hair.
“Thank you Starlet for staying up with me. It really means a lot.”
“Of course darling I’m always here if you need anything, and besides, you make the best cookies.”
She rolled over to kiss Dakota’s head.
“I love you.” Dakota wrapped Starlet up in her arm.
“I love you too.” Starlet yawned and blinked her eyes shut, brushing Dakota’s neck with her eyelashes. “Good night.”
“Good night my love, thanks for everything.”
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