#the plot armour annoys me so much
I’m just going to throw down my thoughts now real quick. Someone is obviously going to get taken over by Fyodor. This takeover seems to require blood to activate. Here are the potential options, rated lowest to highest by my own personal interest.
Random character we’ve never met - the easy and boring answer. Fyodor will body snatch one of the vampire guards he was communicating with. Fair amount of likelihood since he could easily have made the transfer of blood at any point, though I’m not sure yet if it needs to be an instantaneous thing or if his blood can lie dormant. Either way I think it’s a bit of an ass-pull with no stakes on our cast so I’m hoping this isn’t the case.
A named character outside Meursault - Probably someone he’s had a lot of contact with, so Fukuchi. This depends on the blood having a latency period and is also insanely contrived. I actually hate it more than the random guard.
The Catgirl thief - I’m assuming this is extremely unlikely since the host needs to be alive. But anyways. Women lovers here’s how we lose even worse.
Having said this now, I think it’s fairly obvious it has to be one of the other Meursault four. This is appropriately thematic and tragic, given that all of them place a lot of value on free will and self-determination, which a takeover by Fyodor would rob them of.
Chuuya - He spent a lot of time around Chuuya to be sure but there’s no blood on him. If there’s a latency period though, it is possible. I’m not feeling this one though, to be honest. I don’t see what narrative purpose it serves - Chuuya hasn’t had enough of a role in the manga for this to mean much, other than royally pissing Dazai off (which to be fair is definitely in character for Fyodor). I think it far more likely that Chuuya is going to be a witness for whatever comes next.
Sigma - High likelihood. He did get stabbed and had the memory transfer. I can’t remember whether Fyodor touched him with his wounded hand. It would be brutal for this to happen to him after he’d just broken free from his manipulation. But honestly I don’t know that Sigma getting taken over is all that interesting. For one, they’re going to need his knowledge (though that may be a reason for Fyodor to off him truthfully), and for another, I just don’t think Sigma’s… done enough as a character. I feel it would kind of render his arc in Meursault pointless to end his story here.
Nikolai - The most likely possibility to me. He is holding Fyodor’s severed hand, which he touched to his face. Fyodor’s ability probably kickstarts after his death, and Nikolai was the first to get his blood on him. Sadly, I suspect that if this is the case, this will be the end for Nikolai. If he gets taken over, I can’t see a reason or method to restore him to himself. What a horribly tragic end this would be to our favourite clown, his freedom snatched away for good by the one person he couldn’t help but get attached to.
Dazai - I dismissed this off-hand at first. Of course I did, Dazai is immune to abilities. I also want to be clear that I seriously doubt Asagiri will off his favourite boy like this. But oh man. What if Fyodor’s ability isn’t an ability, much like in the first skk manga team up? What if them both being there is a call-back to Rimbaud who snatched corpses, and Lovecraft who could hurt Dazai? What if Fyodor really has become no longer human - and this is the proof? I was kind of hoping the Meursault arc would end with Dazai (temporarily!) out of the picture, and this would be a way to do it - Atsushi and Akutagawa would have to step up, Chuuya could be more relevant. We could even have more Kyouka if what I’m starting to wonder is true - that Fyodor was involved in the death of her parents. At the same time, Dazai’s special boy plot armour nullification and mysteriousness gives us a plausible reason to bring him back. And all the while maybe they could continue their mind games, with Dazai being an annoying little pest in the back of Fyodor’s mind.
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stemms · 6 months
c!Dream apologists’ perception of the DSMP lore is something I’ll never truly understand, no matter how hard I try, considering they’re completely disconnected from the canon and the characters they deem to love are nothing but the inside-out shells of their original selves in their representation. 
I’ll never get over the fact that c!Dream apologists define the canonicity of any plot-relevant event based on c!Tommy’s involvement and/or the angle from which c!Dream is shown. If the moment in question portrays c!Dream as morally grey or decent to some extent (or could be interpreted as such), it’s canon. However, if it shows him as the abusive, manipulative, and control-obsessed freak he is, then “cc!Dream was simply joking around with cc!Tommy, and it was OOC”. It gets even more hilarious if c!Dream apologists have such polarising reactions to practically identical events.
Another point that never made sense to me is c!Dream apologists’ unjustified hatred towards c!Tommy and the constant need to accuse him of the whole bag of tricks. They just love to villainise him, disregard his constant suffering and trauma, and treat him as if he was the cause of all the rightful criticism and anger towards c!Dream. However, they never think, even for a second, that maybe, just maybe, c!Tommy isn’t the one to blame here, but c!Dream’s harmful actions are. They also seem to find him annoying, which doesn’t make sense either because the thing they dislike is simply being a kid. And considering c!Tommy had to grow up very fast and didn’t fully get to be one for as long as he deserved, it makes sense why he’d need to compensate for it and be just a bit louder and more chaotic, and there’s nothing wrong with that. 
“c!Tommy was obsessed with c!Dream.”
After the prison break, it wasn’t surprising that c!Tommy became more paranoid, couldn’t get c!Dream out of his head, and had to stay constantly on guard because his abuser, who literally possessed the power of revival and planned to make them both immortal, was Free, and it was only a matter of time until he caught him and made his plan come true… Still, c!Dream apologists tend to completely misinterpret and confuse the boy's wariness with an obsession. Considering c!Dream’s obsession stems from the very beginning of the server (s1 in particular, for example, the stalking, the tunnel under c!Tommy’s base, c!Tommy’s friends’ comments about c!Dream’s obsessive behaviour, and so much more), this claim is completely unjustified, and it’s clear to me that they’re just trying to use the boy as a scapegoat to make their fave look like a better person. Being terrified of your abuser, stalker, murderer, and tormentor is a completely valid response, and there’s not a hint of obsession in it. Not to mention that the first thing c!Dream did after breaking out of prison (after getting armour and weapons, but that was quick and necessary if he wanted to remain free) was meet c!Tommy to torment him again.
“cc!Dream benevolently went along with cc!Tommy’s idea of rp’ing abuse.”
The fact that cc!Dream and cc!Tommy were clearly enjoying the process of streaming exile is completely irrelevant to the lore, because it doesn’t impact c!Tommy in any way, and ‘cc!’ and ‘c!’ exist separately For A Reason. It seems that c!Dream apologists simply can’t stand cc!Tommy/c!Tommy, so they use anything they can find to make the exile arc less significant and impactful to c!Dream’s character. But the thing is, c!Tommy (and specifically, the idea of having complete control over him) is his biggest motivation, so no matter how much they may dislike and reject that idea, it’s canon.
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watched ep 3 & 4 of the pjo show. here are random thoughts:
ep 3
ive said before that ive put off watching the pjo show after episode 2 because the pacing seemed like a rush of getting from story checkpoint to story checkpoint and it never sat in one place long enough to actually grip me. episode 3 started off like that too, before the trio went on the quest. i only started to really like it when they were on the bus together and more of their dynamic was shining. theyre so funny bru.
i like all the acting but leah jeffries and aryan simhadri are CARRYING SO HARD. its like they took annabeth exactly how i imagined her out of my head and plopped her on screen and im so shocked at the accuracy??? her attitude and side eyes and sass is perf. and simhadri’s grover is insane because (dont come for me) i actually like the show version of him better than i did in the book 😭 perhaps reading him was rocky and i interpreted him wrong but seeing him on screen makes me SO attached to him. like in the books he always seemed like a sort of third wheel and annabeth and percy were outshining him so much but he’s actually slaying the show. i love him lots.
i like the dichotomy between percy and annabeth. their dynamic is already so juicy, especially with how they view both their godly and mortal parents. you can see some of their fatal flaws already shining through UGH i love them
i like medusa WAY more in the show. she seems so menacing yet classy and much more multifaceted. my only complaint was that she died way too quickly. there was so much build up in tension only for her to get one-tapped and it was honestly disappointing.
dialogue was great in this episode, btw.
ep 4
dream sequence went so hard -> “just breathe mummy ☺️ you’ll always be here 😁” *cuts to percy alone on a desolate plane where she is, in fact, not here*
sighhh sometimes i forget these kids are just twelve and theyre literal BABIES and percy just misses his mum 🙁
annabeth exposition time. a comment on all the exposition— there’s always something each episode but i think the show is doing a well enough job of not dumping everything in a way thats spoon-feedy to audience or in a way that makes viewers feel overwhelmed. theyre breaking information up nicely (imo).
echidna is slaying so hard. sorry but the villains are actually eating the whole dish up. mwah no balls.
its giving “im not a monster, im a mother” 🔥
fight scene annoyed me again but at least the mother of all monsters wasn’t ONE TAPPED. but i was annoyed because the monster was not thrashing him around as much as it had the opportunity to and it was giving plot armour im so sorry. might be cause of budget or target audience/rating though idk. the commentary of the show seems more mature however.
anyways yurr those are my observations. i like these last two eps more than the first two so maybe i should let this series cook.
remember to pirate this show if ur gonna watch it!!
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honey-milk-depresso · 2 years
TWST Going to the Cinemas with them (1)
Ace Trappola
Ace doesn’t have a preference for movies, but would purposely pick a horror movie just so he would feel like your knight and shining armour.
An unrealistic expectation. “Heh, a horror movie? Sure why not? Just hold me tight when you get scared~” Ace teases as you rolled your eyes.
”Okay, Mr Trappola-“
The next moment later, Ace threw the popcorn right into your face when he jumped abruptly from his seat from the sudden jumpscare.
You saw the redhead cowering in his seat, laughing sheepishly when he saw the cup of the popcorn rested on top of your head.
This idiot-
You cuddled with him when you both got back home though so all is fine <3
Deuce Spade
”Um… what do you wanna watch..?”
Deuce just roll with whatever you want to watch.
He does love thriller, adventure, maybe even slice-of-life genres, but he’s not a super fanatic.
What’s more important to him is that you enjoy it.
He just get super embarrassed if you want to see a romantic film.
He gets so red when the two characters kiss, and cries at all the emotional scenes-
“But Ramona, he loves you..!!!”
You had to hug him and pamper him with kisses to make him feel better, and reassure him that Ramona will get a good ending in the second movie- <3
Trey Clover
“I don’t mind. You can choose whatever you want to watch.” Trey smiles.
This bitch- I totally don’t wanna watch a romantic movie with him-
Trey, like Deuce, also don’t have much preference and would let you choose.
He’s more mature, he wouldn’t react to intimate scenes or jump scares in more exaggerated ways like Ace or Deuce would.
Trey would also be the type to sneak in his own food and drinks that he made into the cinema just to have a “unique experience” solely for the two of you.
Hey, the food can change a movie experience!
It’s just that he gets this sparkle in his eyes when you pick an animation movie, like Ghibli shows or something (or whatever is similar to Studio Ghibli in TWST-)
He loves a good quality animated movie, specifically 2D, and he may have a thing for some classic old films as well.
It just gives him nostalgia, the same warm and happy he feeling as if he’s watching this with his parents when he was a child, or with his younger siblings. Now, he’s watching it with you. <3
Cater Diamond
He would recommend the latest, trendy blockbuster, and he would actually research on some good movies so that the experience would be worthwhile.
Only turn off his phone a minute before the movie starts. Before that, he’ll be taking pictures of you and him in the dim cinema and just hashtag it, take some more, hashtag it, until someone gets annoyed by the flash, or the sound, or just him and you being all lovey dovey.
But he don’t care, WHAT THEY GONNA DO-
Cater doesn’t really have a strong preference for a specific genre, but he does enjoy some thriller.
Or even-
He’d do it for the songs, man-
Cater loves a good soundtrack in a movie, and sometimes he may get a little too caught up with the music.
If he sees you enjoying the movie soundtrack though, he’d might learn it just to sing for you. <3
Riddle Rosehearts
This would probably be the first time he’s ever watched a single movie, let alone sit in a cinema. Riddle is quite excited, and makes sure he prepares himself.
”We need popcorn and some drinks for watching a movie at the cinema is what I searched up.” Heck yeah, he gets to eat popcorn (although he was pretty sceptical at first), and sadly bought just mineral water since he didn’t trust the sugary sodas. At least you have bought something you like!
Riddle completely relies on your decision on what movie to watch together, but seeing him drawn towards slice-of-life movies let you decide him to watch it.
He’s drawn to the plot and the way the characters can sometimes remind him of himself or perhaps others. He does get a little embarrassed if the movie involves some touchy romance here and there,
but Riddle’s having a blast, because he gets to spend time with you in the theatres. <3
Azul Ashengrotto
The sea isn’t really a place where cinemas and movies are a common thing, usually because it’s harder to project film in water and that the quality of the movie would look a little flaky.
Azul experiencing a cinema on land is exciting for him, and he lives to watch as many as he can.
Eh… one at a time, dear-
“How about this movie, s/o? Or maybe this one? What do you think, Pearl?”
He let’s you decide, but he marvels at how fascinating 2D animated movies are. Perhaps even a Studio Ghibli equivalent.
Again, he finds it breathtaking with animations that just illustrates the movie so well, and that the plot is just beautifully portrayed in the movie. In such good quality!
He holds your hand during the movie as his eyes softens with content, telling you he wants to watch another one with you again. <3
Jade Leech
Just like Azul, he’ll let you pick the movie and get excited.
While Jade would let you choose, he’ll try to persuade you to watch a movie about wildlife if there is one airing. He would love to see some nature on screen!
Jade finds it relaxing; holding your hand while watching the calm scene of grassy mountains in the morning dew, the character looking at ease much like himself. Being with you in that scene let’s him close his eyes and imagine you’re there with him at the exact location, enjoying your time together.
He could just feel it.
Like Trey, he might sneak in a few snacks he made or bought from outside of the cinema, just a tad, and by a tad I mean how did he bring a whole bag of fishballs into the cinema??
Jade loves to watch another movie with you again, and he hopes you enjoy the experience he had with you. <3
Floyd Leech
Floyd is probably the most hype to watch a movie, especially with you.
He’s down for the popcorn and sodas, and Floyd, although having an affinity for sports related, thriller, action movies, he probably likes a lot more variety.
What Floyd really wants, though, are 3D movies. The one where you wear those blue and red glasses, that’s awesome!
He loves it when the movie is pop up to look as if it came right of the screen,
he’s thrilled, and he squeezes your hand when the scene gets more exciting.
”Hehehe~ look shrimpy! Isn’t that cool?”
If the seats move, that is such a good bonus.
He’s really into this, man-
But what he loves most is to see you smiling and enjoying yourself, because he loves to see you smile when you you’re with him. <3
Reblogs help! ^^
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doodlegirl1998 · 6 months
Is it right to credit bk as the one who killes afo? AFO rewind himself for no reason...he should have turned into a fetus chapters ago.
Bk didnt do much.
"He stall" big fuck thing. And so does anyone else, if we go by this logic then we must credit Hawks, AM, Toko, Mineta, Camie and everyone else. Bk wasnt especial....the irony here is how ...he has 400 quirks awakening and still...contribute 0 to the plot.
Hi @mikeellee 👋,
I think this is debatable. The main credit would obviously go to Rewind by being the thing to make AFO die (so self sabotage in large part.)
However Bakugou did fend off both AFO's "largest attack" as well as the one ditch attempt made by the baby!AFO to kill him. Again. Hori could have, as you pointed out, chose anyone to do this (such as Izu or AM which would have made more sense) but he chose Bakubitch to do so at the end to glorify him. As well as kitted Bakugou out with all this plot armour to have him even alive and there at the moment.
That's the issue.
Yeah, I guess all those other characters played their part in stalling AFO too which I don't have such a large issue with. It's the fact that it's Bakugou there at the end who fended off AFO's last ditch attacks (not Izu or AM) - that's what annoys me.
To add on to this, this is such a pathetic end to what was once a once powerful and scary villain at the beginning of the story. It just makes the whole situation that much more anger inducing.
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readreactrant · 2 months
Thanks for answering my ask. I love reading your answer. You have no idea, how happy and excited I feel when you said, "It's okay to ask again because I love talking about my fav ships".
Because I have been blocked by someone, and before they block me they said that 'I asked too much and it's annoying.' I was like, 'If you mind, please just say that and I will stop asking for sure, I thought you don't mind', but they still block me...
So, if you don't mind, can I ask, what do you think are Gojo and Yuuji’s greatest personality strengths and weaknesses? Why? What do you love about their dynamic? Sorry if you've answered these questions before.....
If you want to answer the questions above with Drarry, Ereri or MikaYuu's dynamics, I don't mind....
Thanks if you want to answer @readreactrant and sorry for my long ask.
hihi dnana, super sorry I took so so long to get to this one in particular, I got backed up with work and school haha. And I'm so sorry to hear that, they definitely blew it out of proportion and that's kind of a bit immature on their part. Rest assured I love getting asks and hearing opinions, they fuel my yaoi passion (✷‿✷)
I'd love to answer for the other ships but I think I've only got energy for Goyuu rn lol. And damn am I gonna have to rack my smut filled brain for this one. I've never really been taken by any of the jjk characters cuz on the first watch, to me it was just like any other shonen. Reading a lot of what the fandom had to say over the last few years has definitely changed my opinion.
Gojo and Yuuji were definitely the first two characters that stuck out to me most in the series, (mostly bc of that almost kiss but oh well (✿ ♡‿♡). They both definitely oozed main character energy and I never completely saw Gojo as just the 'super powerful sensei' there always felt like there was more to him and when story began to focus a bit more on him I wasn't totally surprised.
Overall he's a commanding presence, and enigma in his own right and I admire how much he cares for his students. I wouldn't call him a perfectionist because of he was many of the adult characters and megumi wouldn't have so much of a issue with his attitude. But his definitely to be the strongest definitely stems from some deep drive to be what the jujutsu society needs him to be. And that I think is one of the sadness things about him.
Which is kind of where Yuuji kind of comes in. Like any regular person after watching jjk 0, I couldn't help but look for parallels between Yuuji and Geto. Not purely because of their connections to Gojo but because of their personalities which are quite similar. But where Geto's WAS a quiet kind of optimism and support Yuuji is more open, more rooted in the world around him. I'm not particularly fond of happy-go-lucky toxic positivity protagonists but there's about Yuuji that doesn't quite reach those extremes. He's kindness and slight hero complex is what leads him to assume the weight of the world his shoulders but the very admirable thing about him is that he doesn't break, no matter how weak he is in the face of it all because, undeniably, unlike other protagonists, you can't trust plot armour to work for him. All you know is that Gege doesn't want him happy.
What draws me to them as one of the best ships in the show tho, aside from the yummy teacher/student dynamic, is how cute the look together. Sue me but there's something inherently attractive about their color pallette and height difference. They're so funny and goofy together and Yuuji's ability to match other's energy and brighten the atmosphere is definitely something Gojo deserves to have around more frequently. Similarly I think Gojo's experience with Geto can help him reach out to Yuuji in times the younger male needs to understand not everyone can be saved. There's also this personal thing of mine where I view them as, Yuuji admires Gojo's strength, Gojo sees Yuuji's potential as someone to stand with him at the top (not like Yuuji gonna be topping in any other aspects of ya know what I mean).
All in all, it just makes me so happy seeing the two of them together, there's a lot of potential their dynamic and personalities leave up to exploration. Being teacher and student I also think there'll be a lot of nuance to their relationship if they did fall in love.
Thanks for coming this far, I'll probably edit this later but my brain feels so fried right now but really wanted to answer this ask cuz I've been lazing around trying to find an answer to "Why DO I like goyuu". The truth is tho, you don't need a reason to want to see two characters together.
BUT a ship is always nicer when their personalities and height difference go great together, I don't make the rules ¯\(◉‿◉)/¯
Thanks for the ask dnana and I'll hope I'll be able to do the other ships some other time but I hope my answer satisfied you ( ◜‿◝ )♡
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nikofortuna · 9 months
JTTW Chapter 8 Thoughts
Chapter Eight for the @journeythroughjourneytothewest Reading Group! There’s a lot going on in this one as we meet most of the pilgrims and get their brief backstories. CW: There's a picture of cicadas under the cut.
The imagery near the start of flowers raining down as Buddha holds a lecture reminded me of this scene in a Cultivation Manhua I’m reading, where basically that happens as well.
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Something I would like to mention upfront is this Manhua having some glaring problems, most apparently and arguably most outrageously the depiction of native people. Also some homophobic comments, but those are much less prevalent. So if you are interesting in reading it, keep that in mind.
Back to the chapter at hand, I’m honestly starting to get kind of annoyed by how often people belittle themselves. “Untutored/stupid”, “untalented” please get a grip all of you and stop selling yourselves short even as a formality or whatnot. Something like this can get internalized so fast if one is not careful that it should not be a constant formality anyway.
On a more enjoyable side note the “brows of new moon shape” is a traditional eyebrow make up style! And “ruddy lips” or in the J.F. Jenner translation “scarlet lips”, were quite the popular colour in the Tang Dynasty as well.
Our scripture pilgrim gets literal plot armour! It’s quite funny and also interesting to see this be an actual point in the narrative.
Also first mention of Golden Cicada! Aside from where the name comes from, I genuinely wonder if he personally likes cicadas. There certainly are plenty of pretty ones out there! I mean look at them!
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Though how casual Buddha is about basically using torture to convert people… that’s just not a good look for anyone. Plus how nonchalant he goes like yeah, the scripture pilgrim is going to suffer, but hey he’ll like it! Does make you squint.
Moving on the Flowing Sand River in real world geography is actually made of sand! It is located at the western end of the Gobi desert. To be precise “Weak Water” refers to the it being quicksand. Courtesy of the German translation for this little fun fact!
So knowing this, Sha Wujing’s depiction in Xi Xing Ji/The Westward as well as the Flowing Sands River there being in an actual desert works really well with this. Aside from being incredibly cool in concept and execution of course.
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During the fight I imagine Guanyin just watching from the shore with the Ancient Chinese equivalent of popcorn.
Also once again, the colour mentioned is not simply green! Nor blue. But rather verdant [青 Qīng].
Knowing they already sent for a few scripture pilgrims it is no wonder that Buddha asked Guanyin to survey the route this time and make sure it’s actually doable. That is probably also the reason he is giving the scripture pilgrim plot armour this time around.
Though Sha Wujing actually playing with the skulls is kind of cute to me. Maybe he’s even fidgeting with them instead of simply playing. It certainly wouldn’t surprise me given how much stress he must be under due to that weekly stabbing.
Ao Lie being punished like this for an accident. It was an accident for crying out loud! Discipline him a little if you must and teach him to be more cautious especially when doing anything with fire. But don’t just execute him! Ao Run is definitely not getting father of the year that much is certain.
Speaking of them, Sha Wujing’s punishment isn’t much better either. Accidents happen. Particularly the recurring stabbing is way over the top, that’s just too much.
Though Zhu Wuneng’s punishment I can actually agree with for a change. I mean flirting with Chang'e who’s whole ordeal is being faithful to her husband? That is just plain stupid and if you can’t control yourself while drinking, don’t drink. There really is no excuse here.
In all fairness after the whole Havoc in Heaven everyone was probably pretty on edge and the Jade Emperor ruled more strictly because of it at least for a while. But on the other hand if he would be so worried about a coup or something, ruling like that would lead to the exact opposite of what he intends.
Why would one commit a coup? If they are unhappy with the one who rules currently. So just make your people happy and rule with fairness and kindness and you should be fine. The Jade Emperor hasn’t been kind to Sun Wukong, which is what ticked him off to begin with.
Coming up on the Five Phases Mountain, Guanyin casually composing a poem is such a mood. When you are inspired, you just have to get it out.
However you cannot tell me she didn’t give the other two matching names with Sun Wukong on purpose.
Guanyin not giving the monkey essentially a headpat when she did the others though. Very sad, especially since Sun Wukong probably needed a little affection.
Flower Language Fun Fact! Don’t gift someone duckweed. As duckweed has no roots, in Chinese flower language it goes against the values of family and unity.
Also note the wisteria! We’ll see it again soon, and when that time comes I’ll explain what it means. For now all I’ll say is that it’s not an arbitrary flower.
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vaya-writes · 1 year
The Wyvern's Bride - Part 3.4
When Adalyn gets sacrificed to the local wyvern, she’s a little annoyed and a lot terrified. Upon meeting the wyvern, she discovers that he’s not particularly interested in eating people, and mostly wants to be left alone. In a plot to save himself from the responsibilities his family keep pushing on him, Slate names Adalyn as his human Envoy, and tasks her with finding him a wife.
2900 words. Cis female human x Cis male wyvern (slow burn, arranged marriage, eventual smut). firefly-graphics did the divider.
Masterlist - Previous
It's finally here. Please enjoy conflict resolution, gardening, and somebody finally taking the initiative. No notable content warnings. Mild descriptions of food and profanity.
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To his credit, Slate does return on time. Adalyn watches him land, guarded and curious, from her spot at the dining table. There’s a thunk as a large wooden crate is set upon the balcony. A billow of shadow, and Slate appears after it, dressed neatly in his human form.  
He smiles. “Good morning, dearest!”  
“…good morning, Slate.” 
“I brought you something.” He waves her over, oblivious to her reticence.  
Reluctantly, she approaches. He bounces on his heels and grins at her again, cheeks flushed. His enthusiasm fazes her a little, but she’s not ready to forgive his unplanned absence. 
“Open it.” 
“It’s nailed shut.” 
He hesitates for a beat. “Right. Do you want me to..?” 
She gestures that he have at it. 
Slate uses his bare hands to pry open the crate. The lid groans and splinters under his touch, before cracking. His strength impresses her, but she doesn’t let it show. 
He steps back and removes the lid, now in several pieces, with a flourish. “Ta-da.” 
Bags of dirt. No. Bags of fertiliser. And... tools; pots, seedlings. She blinks. Everything she’d need to start a garden. Almost as if he’d read her mind. 
Adalyn doesn’t know what to say.  
At her silence, Slate’s smile falters, and he musses his hair, sheepish. “You left your garden plans out. I’m sorry I looked without asking. But I already had to go to Cheywyn so I thought I’d pick up your supplies... I can bring up soil from the forest and take you to Fleecehold to get clippings from your old garden. And I was thinking that once your garden is more established we could even talk to folks at one of the apiaries and see about getting a small hive up here-” He hesitates when he sees her expression. “Are you okay?” 
Adalyn closes her eyes. She lets out a long breath and takes a moment to compose herself. To relax her jaw. She doesn’t know how to answer his question. Doesn’t know if she should be honest, or if that would be showing too much vulnerability too soon.  
“This is a thoughtful gift. Thank you.” She speaks the truth, but struggles to inject any warmth into her tone. Instead she trudges inside and finishes making her drink. 
He follows her. Hesitates by the table. “Do you want to talk about it?” 
She works in silence. Mulls over her words while she takes a sip of her tea. Then shrugs. “I was - I am – quite upset with you. But you’ve gone and done something sweet and now it doesn’t seem fair to be mad.” 
He takes in her dejected posture. Pulls up the seat beside her. Puts his hand on the table, inches away from hers. “You can still be mad. How did I upset you?” 
She struggles to meet his eyes. “You told me you’d spend time with me. Show me your armour. And then you left without saying anything.” 
He pales. “Ancestors. I completely forgot. I’m so sorry.” 
She turns away. “It’s fine.” 
“No. It’s obviously not fine. You’ve every right to be upset.” He hesitates, “Look, I don’t want you to even consider the gift until I’ve made it up to you. I don’t want it to seem like I’m trying to buy your affection.” He shifts again, floundering at words. “How else can I make this better?” 
Adalyn lets her eyes drift back to him. He really does look concerned.  
“I don’t know.” 
“I owe you some quality time. Why don’t we go over the armour this morning and the weapons? Unless, of course, you wanted to be alone.” 
Adalyn leans back in her chair, arms crossed. She’s still upset. And a petty part of her wants to turn her nose up at Slates offer and sulk in privacy. But she knows she’d regret it. 
She scowls down at her drink. Tries really hard to be nice. To be forgiving. To move past the upset, just a little. 
“It’d be a start.” 
Some of the tension leaves his shoulders. He taps one of her fingers with one of his own. “Did anything else happen? I mean, did I do anything else?” 
Her eyes flick to him, before dropping back to her drink. She sits in silence while she tries to straighten out her upsets. 
“I wish you’d said something before leaving. Even with your note, I still felt left in the dark.” 
Slowly he creeps one of his hands around hers. Absently, his thumb brushes the back of her hand. “I didn’t realise leaving would bother you. Does it usually?” 
Adalyn shrugs. She hadn’t expected him to take her so seriously. And with his gentle touch it’s getting increasingly difficult for her to pull away. “I’m used to it.” 
She misses his wince. His frown. “Okay. Barring emergencies, I won’t do it again. I’m sorry I didn’t consider how you’d feel about it.” 
Adalyn looks up. 
He’s completely serious. 
She’s surprised by his reaction, and slightly warmed. She’d felt like such a fool, being upset over something so small. He hadn’t made her feel like that at all.  
Feeling bold, Adalyn shuffles closer. Leans across the space and rests her forehead against his chest. 
“Tomorrow you can make it up to me some more.” 
“By helping me with the garden.” 
He strokes her hair. She tries not to melt completely at the touch, but it’s nearly impossible. Adalyn realises that she’s starved for these small affections, and presses her face harder against him. 
Her words are muffled, but Slate still hears her when she next speaks. 
“Thank you for listening. And taking me seriously.” 
He clears his throat. “Uh. Well. Of course. You listen to me every day, even when I talk about boring things.” 
“I like listening to you talk about boring things.” 
Her face heats at the admission. She wants to pull away, suddenly aware of her proximity, but doesn’t want Slate to see how embarrassed saying that had made her. 
There’s a long silence. 
“Do you… want to hear me talk about my amour collection?” 
She nods. Then, with great reluctance, pulls back, standing and clearing the table before she’s able to meet his eyes again. 
“Yeah. I’d love to.” 
Adalyn barely stirs when Slate touches her shoulder. The room is still dark. The fire burnt to embers. 
“I’m going to start bringing up some soil. If I’m not back by breakfast, I’ll see you outside.” 
“M’kay,” she mumbles, drifting back to sleep. 
She forgets the encounter.  
The sun rises and Adalyn drags herself from bed. It’s not until she notes the lack of construction noise, which typically rumbles distantly, but surely, that she connects the dots of Slate’s absence. Excitement rises in her, but she ignores it, dressing and eating, focusing on one step at a time. Finally, she makes her way to the surface. 
In the first week Slate had carved several doors for her, emerging into the lush and stony mountainsides. The one she uses now had been discussed last night: located halfway down Slate’s Tower and exiting onto a small plateau that clings to the spire’s side. 
She adjusts to the sunlight and takes in her surroundings. Her garden supplies are in a precarious pile, and the wooden crate that had housed them is nowhere to be seen. To the side is a large tarp, weighed down by a pile of loamy soil.  
Confused, but happy to start, she begins working, filling and placing pots, drawing lines in the dirt. She’s just beginning to wonder how soon she can start building garden beds when a shadow appears overhead. 
The missing crate creaks when Slate sets it on the ground, and Adalyn can’t help but wonder how many more trips up and down the spires it can survive. Lid missing, she has a clear view of the dirt inside. 
Good morning. 
“Hi,” Adalyn greets him, craning her neck and allowing a shy smile. “You’ve been busy.” 
The wyvern stretches his neck, and adjusts his wings, allowing them to flare momentarily. It could be construed as a shrugging gesture. Adalyn thinks it looks a bit like Slate preening.  
I’m used to early starts. 
She hides her smile at the forced humbleness. Then looks over the plateau. “Do you want to build some garden beds with me?” 
Shadow streams off of him and he shrinks in size until his demi form remains. 
Adalyn blinks, letting her gaze linger over his horns and his scaled cheeks. She doesn’t get to see him like this very often. Especially not out in the light. Aside from when he’s busy digging, or around his family, he tends to present as human around Adalyn. 
She uses the chance to stare, greedily taking in the glint of his claws and the shine of sun on his scales. The way his profile changes with his muscles shifted to hold the extra weight. The almost imperceptible change in his stance.  
She meets his eyes, and realises she’s been caught staring. 
His cheeks darken a shade. “I’m stronger like this. How can I help?” 
She forces herself to stare at the unbuilt garden surrounding them. “I’ll need some materials for the garden beds. What do you recommend?” 
He rubs his chin, smearing dirt without realising. “Wood will break down over time. You could use it for temporary garden beds and build outwards after. Or reinforce and replace the edges. Stone has better longevity. I’d use larger slabs for an elegant, but basic look. You could do cobbled stone for something quaint looking, but it would take much more work to assemble. Plus, it wouldn’t be as durable, and roots could grow through if we left it unpatched.” 
“I like the idea of large slabs. And perhaps some pavers. I don’t want the path turning into mud or washing away every time it rains.” 
“Well, I’ve plenty of limestone. I wouldn’t use it for carvings though. It weathers kind of poorly outside. But it’ll work for slabs and pavers. I could size it for you today?” 
Adalyn straightens. “That sounds like a plan. Why don’t you bring some out while I get us some drinks?” 
The pair part ways. When Adalyn returns to the budding garden, sandwiches and hot drinks in tow, she finds Slate already at work, shaping the stone with his claws, and smoothing it further with a chisel. 
She offers him food, and he smiles gratefully, reaching for a sandwich before pausing. His hands are covered in dust. He looks to his shirt, about to wipe them clean, when he notices the garment is also grey with powdered limestone. 
She bites back a smile at the defeated expression on his face, picks up a sandwich, and holds it to his mouth. 
They lock eyes for a moment, and at the proximity, Adalyn can’t help but flush at the unexpected intimacy.  
“Thanks,” he says in a mumble, before clearing his throat and taking a bite. 
Slate tries to keep busy, turning back to his work between bites, and discussing with Adalyn. They chose the size and shape, decide against using mortar, and finish eating before Slate starts walking the slabs into place.  
Adalyn puts her gloves back on and continues work, filling the first garden bed with stone and soil, while Slate builds and assembles the other beds. By afternoon they’ve built four and filled one, which Adalyn regards with pride.  
“Last thing I’ll need is a source of water.” 
Slate sits on one of the garden edges, sprawling out. “My fancy bathroom won’t be far. I could probably extend the piping.” 
Adalyn tries not to roll her eyes or quip about his growing list of architectural projects. “A rain catcher would also work.” 
He looks sheepish for a moment. “I suppose it would. Until Winter.” 
“Does fancy plumbing not freeze in Winter?” 
“Not if I really shell out. I could have them built from dwarven metals. Or hire an enchanter.” 
She does roll her eyes this time. “And I could do what most of the locals do, and not grow crops in Winter.” 
He blinks. And Adalyn swears he also blushes. “Yes. I suppose you could do that.” 
That evening Adalyn accompanies Slate downstairs and offers to help with dinner. He brushes her off with a smile and insists on cooking. Content, Adalyn sits in the dining area during the interim, going over the mail she’d picked up that afternoon. 
The pair had made a trip down the mountain to visit Gwen and Grace, and to take cuttings from Adalyn’s old garden. They’d returned one mysterious package heavier.  
Adalyn pointedly ignores the lower half of the dining area. The table from the third trial is gone from the walkway, but the memory still lingers. Adalyn puts her back to it when she sits at the dais table, looking closer at the parcel.  
It’s wrapped tightly in cloth and leather, in a desperate attempt to keep its contents safe, and when Adalyn opens it, she sees why.  
‘St James’ Treatise on Wyvern Physiology’ 
It’s a hefty tome written on parchment, with detailed diagrams and illustrations, inked in colour. A handful of bookmarks protruding from the top draw the eye, and Adalyn opens to one.  
A subheading written in bold jumps out at her: ‘Mating Habits of the Duopedes Draconis’. Adalyn shuts the book and purses her lips. It’s then she spots the letter, nested among the book wrappings. It’s sealed shut with red wax. She eases it open. 
“Dear Adalyn, 
I’ve enclosed a gift you might find useful. I regret that I was unable to unearth it from my home until recently, but I imagine you’ll appreciate it all the same. I’ve marked some passages you may find particularly insightful. 
Unfortunately, the treatise does not go into great detail on wyvern societal customs. By the time my letter reaches you, I imagine you will have run into a few cultural differences in your courting expectations. In case Slate has not thought to tell you, please know that females usually take the lead when it comes to approaching partners. When males assert themselves or make the first move, it’s considered crass, or disrespectful. 
I also realise I didn’t explain the reasoning behind your wedding gift. You’ll understand after you’ve done some reading. A small dab on the wrists and neck is usually enough to be noticeable, though I’d advise against mixing scents unless you have Slate’s assistance. 
I’ve been busy with my travels this year, but I’ll be nesting at home during the Winter. I’ve attached my return address for your convenience. 
Warm regards, 
She scans the letter again, rereading the second paragraph as a knot begins to form in her stomach. A surge of emotions washes over her. Shock. Bewilderment. Irritation. Relief. She’s a bit annoyed at the conclusions Rin is jumping to, but since the female isn’t entirely wrong, Adalyn can’t begrudge her the letter or the advice.  
Could Slate have been holding back for these reasons? Sure, it’s still possible he holds no interest in her, but...  
Before she has a chance to ponder it further, the wyvern in question emerges from the kitchen, two plates in tow. Adalyn stows the book and letter away in their wrappings, hurriedly. She ignores Slate’s curious stare, and forces a smile. She’s not ready to talk about the book yet. 
“What’s for dinner?” 
He raises his brow and looks pointedly at the bundle pressed against her chest. He knows precisely what she’s doing, but goes along with it.   
“Rabbit. It’s a bit threadbare, but it’s all freshly foraged.” 
Adalyn looks over the meal. It’s just meat on a stick, but it’s been seasoned with fragrant herbs and served with a side of greens. 
“It’s fine,” she digs in. “Like you’ve said, variety is the spice of life.” 
He huffs and smiles, before sitting opposite her and digging in.   
Adalyn had only lit the closest torches, and the room is mostly in shadow, the pair seated in the dim glow. Still, the clink of cutlery and scrape of the plates are small sounds in a large room, reminding Adalyn of the cavernous shape to the place. Huddling in the low light, it’s somewhat... cozy.   
“I was thinking,” she starts, trying to work up the nerve. Is now really the time?  
Slate listens attentively between bites. 
Fuck it. If Rin is right, she’d never get anywhere, waiting for him to take the initiative. 
“You’ve been working nonstop these past weeks. Perhaps we could take a day off together. Go on an outing?”  
He considers. “That could be nice. Somewhere in the valley?”  
Adalyn forces herself to continue. To be bold. “I was thinking just us. Maybe a picnic or something? You could show me the east side.”  
She’s surprised when he agrees so readily.   
“I’d be delighted. When would you like to go?”  
She considers. “Well, I want to get those cuttings sorted tomorrow.” And take the time to do some reading. “The day after?” 
“I’ll adjust my schedule.”  
She huffs at the poor joke. “I’ll look forward to it.”
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shudderue · 9 months
went a walk, had a four hour nap, had a think about sp and my views on sp phase three and honestly just in general. tldr i think the move from kids to YA in phase two was maybe a little clumsy but ultimately made sense and could be merged, and it really genuinely bothers me that landy seems to now be trying to merge an adult and kid book. without, you know, just making it a normal YA book, as one does in that scenario. also something about turning the end of phase two into a crappy crime thriller
ok, phase one. great, brilliant, loved by people into sp because we wouldn't be here otherwise. had some questionably dark themes from the beginning for a kids' book (literal torture in books one and five) but overall was a really great urban fantasy that had suitably high stakes. ends with a war that parallels the one that's overshadowed the narrative from the start, the good guys (valkyrie and skulduggery) unwillingly turn bad (darquesse and vile) - overall i enjoyed it. we all did.
phase two was a Lot. narratively though i think it did a good job of actually having consequences for what happened in phase one - skug and val will always have plot armour but that's fair enough, but valkyrie was already prone to addiction* in phase one, it makes sense that she'd become ye olde magic heroin junkie in phase two to get away from what happened. yeah character wise it was clunky, and i still have my gripes with a lot of other characters, but it was a suitable mesh of kids book into YA themes that was handled okay.
in terms of the writing itself? eh. went downhill pretty fast** i'll be honest. stakes upon stakes upon stakes, it wasn't just a return to the alternate dimsension that gave us an idea of what would happen if the original war was won (which was good don't get me wrong), but we then had to get it again, future edition. and again, present edition***, but this time the mortals won. it was messy to end with and turned into an urban fantasy YA series into being messily high fantasy with somehow little to no lore to speak of. but the world is destroyed, the end has the highest stakes possible, it's finished. there's nowhere to go from here.
and then phase three. i'm no literary analyst, but the title "a mind full of murder" sounds like a crime thriller. we've ramped up (albeit messily) to eldritch gods, the universe collapsing in on itself and being written, valkyrie is getting very close to re-reaching godhood again - and the next book is a crime thriller. it's a very adult title, adult-esque cover****, and yeah, adult themes. and then there's the description of "murder murder stabbing and killing whippee! dark motivations, festering hatred and unimaginable pain. valkyrie and skulduggery are bickering isn't this funny!"
like. it's a terrible, terrible blurb. it tells us nothing but "oh there's a lot of people having died", it's trying to return to detective books in a series where the detective-ing was never really the main focus. literally putting "dark motivations, festering hatred and unimaginable pain" in is just dark and edgy and a twelve year old's way of putting something before they learn the general rule of "show, don't tell." it's a bad way of appealing to the adult readers with this topic.
then you're also, in the same breath, trying to appeal to the kids: oh yeah they're going to be really annoying and jokey and bicker all the time, btw. don't take this too seriously. it's glued together haphazardly and it's badly done and it's coming crashing down from a narrative high and maybe crawling back up from a writing low and it's working out like far too much booze at a kid's seventh birthday.
like, idk. i think that if landy wanted to try his hand at a crime thriller, a short story collection of cases that skulduggery & valkyrie did during the series that were never mentioned would be good. or, god forbid, move the fuck on and start writing about a new lot of people. maybe a book set in-universe with different people, so he doesn't have to completely let go of the sp brand?
anyway. i'm having a lot of thoughts based on a title, a cover and a blurb, but overall i at least was intrigued enough by phase two to buy and read them all. this genuinely made my skin crawl and gives me the same feeling as when you read a fanfic that's just like. baby i understand you're trying so so hard but you're eleven and need so much more practice. except it's a forty something man who's knocked out plenty of good books before and also it's literally his world.
but yeah. 👍 that's me
*i could write a lot about this but there's already probably a fantastic theory around re val (and sorcerers generally) and addiction. it's pretty clear that she never wanted to let go of magic once she had it because it slows your aging, probably helps with healing and y'know. it's magic. so it tracks and she has a history with addiction and numbing things.
**derek landy started writing for marvel in 2018, and the next release was bedlam in 2019, and imo it all went downhill from there. i think dead or alive really signifies when he starts to marvel-fy his books, and possibly not earlier because phase two was meant to have 9 books originally, but something about the (bad) insanity of the end of phase two and derek landy writing for marvel is suspicious to me
***both in hell breaks loose and the end of until the end
****it really bothers me that it's this kind of dark, gritty cover and colour scheme and then there's the old kiddy sp font. like obviously i get it from a brand perspective but it just looks shockingly bad together. cool(ish) art, or at least the concept, but c'mon.
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guardiansgalore · 3 months
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will you still like me if i infodump and share 50 million things about my oc ........ yes apparently based on the last thing i posted
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hi hello this very tired looking lady is my ffx oc Edyss :3
The slightly cooler design on the left is supposed to be pre-ffx time, me and my besties made characters (i made a character and cried and begged them to make them too so they did ‼️) together and my pathetic self started rewriting the plot OF ffx with the new characters involved:
Edyss (mine) is 30 in the time of the main game, 20 back in Braska's story. She started as an artist, like a freelance crafter who worked on armour, weapons, even jewelry and accessories, all that kinda junk - and then she met Myga (my friend's oc, the al bhed guy in the first drawing and the one who gave her the black and red goggles teehee). The two of them [blah blah blah I won't rant too much, insert plot stuff here] shimmied their way into Braska's party yippee !! Myga uses and works with guns (machina, because y'know, al bhed things) and Edyss works on more traditional weapons and gear (swords, staves, regular ol armour).
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Oh hey there's an Auron hidden in there because she's annoying and oh so bothersome to him! Her weapon was originally a claw/gauntlet of sorts - the one hanging off of her side in the left reference, but she eventually made a big official weapon for herself:
A trident ‼️
...as far as a personality, she's much more carefree and dorky during Braska's pilgrimage. Still pretty shy, but always curious about people and their weapons. She's a poor little freak of nature from Bevelle (the kind of loser who would skip classes to peep on warriors when they're in training because she wanted to be one.... and oh boy the things that did to her mental health 💀)
OKAY SORRY leaving it there and then maybe posting more if i dont get told to kms or smth stupid like that
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fandomandangstlover · 6 months
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mwhehe get cursed lol!!! they r so very fun to doodle. luv makin the curse marks
this is based off of an idea that's basically. hey wouldn't it be funny if there's more cursed items other then The Axe? wouldn't it be fucked up?
anyways ah'm gonna rumble about said items under "read more" because brain won't Shut about it & it's just vibrating in my brain.
spoiler warning ig
Box — Totem of Chances
- curse of binding but Worse. you cannot get rid of it. it stays with u even after it's used & that basically means infinite lives. that isn't a good thing though.
- since box's stuck with it, he's basically just. Enchanted x100. annoying buzzing that turns into painful vibration after its use. holding enchanted items makes it much worse.. like, "it's talking to me & causing me pain" kind of worse.
- he is. in pain. constantly. could barely think, especially after dying. u saw how he was with 2 canon lives. imagine 5, or 6!.. he isn't having a good time.
- starts losing himself the more it's used. starts letting his instincts take over because he physically Cannot think normally anymore. so. instincts it is!
- did try to get the totem away from himself. it didn't end well.
- loopy as hell. a lil insane. he's not okay.
Nether — Crown of Knowledge
- mad scientist? mad scientist!!
- in exchange for knowledge needed, nether loses either 2 years of his lifespan or bits of his sanity. he can't choose which one he loses. F
- could be removed for the first few days of its use. after using it a good amount of times, let's say.. 3 times, it became stuck on his head. it's sorta digging into his head. ow.
- gets the worst headache possible. enchanted but it's only his head. his brain feels like it's being suffocated. there is NOT enough blood going to his head.
- crown talks to nether. its sole purpose is to keep itself & its user alive. very annoying. it's curse of binding if given a voice. (crown does have curse of blinding too because. y'know. curses.)
Butterz — Shield of Judgement
- shield has Thorns, Fire Aspect, Unbreakable & Curse of Binding. all of which are the highest level possible.
- shield influences butterz to want to use it all the time. & it is pretty effective, so.. why wouldn't he use it?
- gets enchanted x10 as well. he got the highest protection level possible. he is stuck with humming in his head & he is not enjoying it.
- slowly turns his view of the world into black vs white. grey started to sound unbelievable to butterz.
- turned very judgemental. he is side-eyein' EVERYONE. he is judging everyone n' everything & will only be giving people what he thinks they deserve.
Lava — Axe of Sorrows [the only canon one]
- bro this man is TERRIFIED of the other cursed item users, minus Nether. Box basically became Immortal & Butterz got plot armour. even Nether lost his mind but had the knowledge to still cause harm. what did Lava turn into? nothing. he's still normal. to an extent. & very much mortal.
- axe feeds on sorrow. & lava is making everyone around him suffer. So. also because souls gets stuck in the axe if they're killed by it. & the souls suffer a lot. so free meal baby wooo—
okay that's all i got rn. hav fun with this!! ig!!
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clubwnderland · 1 year
⤷⋆⋆ 𝑮𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝑴𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈 ♡
[pt one][pt two][pt three][pt four][pt five]
[This plot contains abuse, death, gaslighting, violence, kidnapping, and mentions of SA, injuries and blood. Read at your own risk]
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Irene and Chris wait for what feels like an eternity, Doom taking its time to think about what it's going to do. It flips the pages of Jangmi's book, silent as it reads and Irene has to keep Chris from saying something to get it moving. She would really like for her boyfriend to come home with her and not end up squashed by a giant God.
They wait with bated breath as Doom snaps the book shut and brings its attention back to them. "You're willing to give me anything I want just so I would save this unremarkable hybrid's life?" It notices the way Chris tenses next to Irene and rephrases what it had said, "other than your life or the life of another. You, the Queen of Hell, are willing to owe a debt to a God for this creature?"
"Yes," Irene nods, "she's loved and missed. She shouldn't be in this position."
"You failed her." It's not an accusatory comment, more so an observation based on Jangmi's story. Irene nods again, her head bowed slightly as she looks at the floor. "You may head back to Earth." It places Jangmi's book back where it belongs and doesn't turn to look at them, "remember, you are obligated to fulfil any request I make."
Bowing, Irene is quick to thank the God while Chris looks both worried about Irene and extremely annoyed it took so long to come to a decision. Though, he doesn't get to say anything as a rift opens nearby and Doom silently dismisses them. "So what now?" He asks once they've stepped through the rift, clutching Irene's hand tightly, and exiting it in Irene's office.
She's silent, looking at the closed door where everyone is waiting on the other side, waiting for answers that she's not sure she can provide. Giving Chris' hand a gentle squeeze, she looks at him and he can see the exhaustion settling in, the weight of the last two weeks sitting heavy on her shoulders. "I don't know..." She whispers, knowing the others will hear that they are back. "I really don't."
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'Please. Save me...' This is the only thought that runs through her mind as another set of hands glide down her sides and grip her waist. Jangmi wants to throw up, wants to scream and bite and kick and fight her way out of this situation but she knows what will happen if she does that.
More bruises that take days to heal, more meals missed as they starve her and keep her barely conscious until she learns her lesson, and more training sessions in private with her Master. Things she can't bear to go through again so she swallows down the bile and pushes through, chanting her mantra over and over again as if wishes came true.
They do. Maybe not in the way we expect them or want them to but eventually, wishes do come true and they can take you by surprise when they do.
Shouting sounds from outside of the room followed by gunshots which causes the music to stop and has Jangmi backing away from the man who was trying to pull her closer. "What's going on?" Her Master yells, indicating for the security guards standing at the doors to check but before they can, the doors burst open and fire erupts from the hallway.
A man... no, he can't be a man, he's far too tall for that, a creature nearly as tall as the ceiling walks through the doors, covered in dark metallic armour. The flames follow behind him, as if controlled, as he stops to stand just in front of the doorway and looks around the room. Everyone is too shocked to move except for Jangmi, who is trying to put as much distance between herself and whatever has interrupted the party.
She can feel his eyes fall on her as a deep voice erupts around the room, nearly shaking the walls. "Jeon Jangmi."
The hybrid covers her ears, trying to make herself as small as possible while her Master calls for the guards to do something, determined to make sure his prized possession isn't taken from him once more. Loud screams and the extremely potent smell of burning flesh begin to fill the room as the security guards burst into flames before they manage to pull their guns out.
It happens in slow motion, the way everyone moves, tries to run away before their bodies begin to ignite with the giant walking through them without a care. He doesn't pay any attention to the billionaires and businessmen dying around him, calling for help as they fall to the ground and roll around to try and put themselves out but soon, one by one, they all succumb to their doom. Jangmi remains in her spot, feeling the heat all around her, the smell burning her nose as she coughs and gags due to the intensity and the screams, even with her ears covered, the screams will remain imprinted in her nightmares.
She feels a hand grip her wrist, her Master trying one last attempt at escaping with her but the fox doesn't budge, determined to die here like this rather than try and outrun whatever Hell is coming for her.
That's what she's accepted, that this is Hell coming to finally claim her.
"Little... bitch..." Her Master chokes out, the smoke causing his lungs to scream for air as he gives up his tugging and tries to run away. "I'll find you again, I'll always-" His words are cut short by his coughing, his hands reach for his throat to clutch at the flesh as if that'll relieve his suffering. Choking sounds echo throughout the room, mixed with the broken sobs coming from Jangmi as she takes a look at what is happening.
The old man is on his knees, clutching at his throat as his skin bubbles, boils bursting from the wrinkled skin causing bleeding, hideous wounds to cover him. Deep marks show up on his body, blood and pus ruining his suit as she notices every single injury he ever caused her is taken out on his brittle body repeatedly. She may not see them, may not ever know they are there but the marks around his neck and wrists from when he would tie her up too tight to punish her, leaving her with scars that still mar her body today are clear on his decaying flesh.
He's dying. Rapidly. With every injury inflicted, his body slowly decays until he is nothing more than bare bones on the ground.
Fire envelopes the room, the unrelenting flames wanting to overtake all evidence inside as her vision turns black. The events before her were too much for her to handle and her mind shut down, accepting she was next.
The last thing Jangmi sees before her head hit the ground is the large figure walking slowly towards her, crushing the bones beneath his large feet.
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There is commotion as soon as Doom enters the room, everyone is talking, arguing and fighting amongst themselves because how could they leave her life in the hands of a God who doesn't care whether she lives or dies. Irene argues that it was going to do it - even though the words were never explicitly said, it still implied it.
However, the moment the God entered the room, holding a limp Jangmi in his arms, the room went silent.
"The hybrid has been returned." Doom speaks and even though it spoke as quietly as it could - the depth of his voice still rumbled the small fox in his arms, causing her brow to furrow. Placing her down on a leather couch that is probably more comfortable than where she has been sleeping for nearly two weeks, Doom moves away, allowing the others to crowd her, before looking at Irene. "I will collect, Irene, Queen of Hell."
Nothing more is said before the God leaves the room and Irene stumbles back slightly, caught in Chris' arms as she allows herself to finally relax.
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"Bringing her to the place across the hall from where she was kidnapped? Smart move." A low growl comes from the older wolf which only has Chris chuckling. "I'm just saying."
Her head is throbbing, she can hear muffled voices as her stiff body begins to move and then, as her mind recalls everything that happened, a scene begins to play that causes her to bolt upright and move as quickly as she can away from those around her. Jangmi doesn't register anything, she doesn't register where she is, or who it is who surrounds her, all she knows is that the last thing she remembers is everything on fire.
"Jangmi-" She bites the hand that reaches for her, trying to calm her down, before rushing away and growling at those closest to her. "Ah, fuck!" Jongin shakes his hand, the wound healing quickly since it was her only giving a warning. She has nowhere to run, trapped in the corner of the living room, and the men around her are moving closer so she shifts, turning into a small white fox. Jangmi sees an opening and rushes for the small gap under the couch where nothing can touch her.
There's a deep chuckle coming from one of her captors but she doesn't recognise it. Even if she's safe inside Jongin's place surrounded by wolves, Jangmi isn't able to process that after what had happened before she passed out. She's still living in fight or flight mode and all she can think is - did someone else take her? Did her old owner come back for her when she passed out? No... she saw him... she saw him die... but then...
"Pretty little fox," a voice calls for her, something familiar, a dream trying to trick her mind to feel safe because she's terrified, backed into a corner and relying on her instincts to keep her alive. Chan is there, calling for her but she can't trust anything. How can she know she's safe? "Come here, hm?" She growls and barks at the man, showing her fangs to keep him away.
This place is danger. There's conflict in her mind, the voices, the scents, the scenery are all familiar but she's still on high alert because how can she be here, there's no way she's home. That's what her brain is telling her, that wherever she is, she's not safe here, that it's not what it seems which means 'whoever' they are - they aren't safe either.
"See, I told you so." Someone else says, laughing when met with a low groan. "Move aside, I'll get her out."
"How are you meant to get her out? She doesn't even know you." Jongin is ignored as Chris heads over to the fridge and comes back, crouching down like Chan had done before.
Another face eventually comes into her view as Jangmi barks, backing away as far as she can go. "Come on, foxie." He extends his hand out, a couple slices of ham in between his fingers as he makes soft clicking noises with his tongue. She still growls, nose twitching at the smell of food and her stomach tightens with hunger. "It's okay, you can have it. I got some more if you're a good girl for me and eat it."
She inches closer, just enough to get the meat and pulls away as soon as it's in her mouth, devouring it hungrily. It takes a while, Chris coming back with more ham, enticing with the food, before eventually Jangmi warms up enough to nuzzle his hand and allow him to help her out of her hiding place and into his arms.
There's a small clap coming from Channie while Jongin stands next to him, shocked and pissed at seeing Chris' smug expression. "How?"
Chris shrugs, looking at the three Alphas as he coos softly and scratches the now purring fox's belly. "She must like me better." He says simply before laughing. His laugh slightly startles her, causing Jangmi to wriggle in his hold, hiding her face into the crook of his arm before he immediately settles her down once more. She doesn't know why, even when danger is ringing in the back of her mind, she doesn't know why she feels relaxed. Chris feels... safe. Comforting. His scent isn't scary like all the other scents around her so in her fox brain, Chris isn't going to hurt her.
While in Chris' arms, Jangmi slowly starts to realise that the others around her are the same, that they aren't figments of her imagination and that she really is safe. Home... maybe a little to close to it than she likes but she's with those who make her feel at home.
That's close enough for her.
"I thought you'd feel okay here." Jongin says as he rubs his hand over his face. He feels pretty shit for bringing her here, not wanting to look at Chris when Jangmi says that she thought she had been kidnapped again due to Jongin's apartment being a mirror to her own.
She doesn't want him to feel bad, she knows that Jongin thought this place would be good because it's his place so she tries to smile at him reassuringly, "I'm sorry, I know you were only thinking of me... I just... I can't... can we please go... I don't want to be here." She gives his hand a slight tug, pleading for them to leave.
A hand lands on the small of her back, causing her to jump before she looks at Chan, noticing the look of concern and hurt on his face from his reaction as he removes his touch. "Do you want to come stay at mine, little fox?" Chan suggests, looking at her before Jongin and Channie. "You can all come stay for a bit while she gets better, I have the space and that way she'll always feel safe."
Jongin looks at her, nodding his head before going to pull her into a hug but Jangmi instinctively steps away, moving towards Chris as she hugs herself. "I- I'm sorry... it's just..." Tears slide down her cheeks as everyone looks at her. She can feel all their eyes on her and it makes her feel so small. Helpless. She wants to feel okay with them again, to be as physically receptive as she usually is but right now... "I'm dirty..." Jangmi says this so softly that she isn't sure if they heard her.
They did and they all know that she's not speaking about needing a shower.
It breaks Jongin's heart seeing her like this and not being able to do anything to help her right now. His boyfriend takes his hand, allowing his closeness help the older settle. "We'll be right there with her, Nini. Chan said so. We'll help her, okay?"
Jangmi knows they all understand, as Chris leads her to Chan's car with Chan following behind, she knows they don't hold it against her. Every time she tenses from the closeness she used to so readily accept, they tell her it's okay, it's not her fault and she tries to believe it. "You'll get there, little fox." Chan whispers softly as they wait for Jongin and Channie to come back with some of her clothes and favourite plushies, "we're here to help you through this, okay?"
She nods her head because she knows it's true, that she'll be okay and that they are right there beside her. Now, she just needs to believe it.
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metawatts · 1 year
What are your thoughts about the fight of Ironwood vs everyone in vol. 8? I was so annoyed by it. I felt like they nerfed Ironwood so hard. Oh, and the writers decided to NOW use Marrow's semblance to stop characters before they can start fighting (the Ace Ops). Would have been nice to have consistent writing and have Marrow use that in the fight against RWBY. (Loved your review of JLxRWBY, btw. You put exactly how I felt into words.)
Well the reason you feel like Ironwood was nerfed was, in fact, because he WAS. I pulled this fact from the rwby wikia because I don’t have it in me to actually hunt down the quote, but, according to the Director’s commentary on episode 12, ‘the reason that Ironwood lost was because the writers felt that Team ORNJ deserved a win after losing to Neopolitan in Volume 7.’
So don’t worry, you’re not crazy. Ironwood absolutely got nerfed so MKEK could make sure JNR didn’t look like the jobbers we know they are. That’s plot armour, deus ex machina, and hand of the author at work, straight from the horse’s mouth. No one is allowed call MKEK good writers ever again, do the words 'kill your darlings' mean nothing anymore?
Anyway, this fight. It’s crap. Honestly a lot of the fights in vol8 are just really bad, that volume was just a disgrace in every way. Personal gripe: the song that plays over it, ‘Be Strong and Hit Stuff’, is probably my least favourite song on the entire vol8 album and considering all of them on the whole suck except for the one that was not written for the show, that’s a low bar. Most of why I hate this song is because Nora is without a doubt my absolute least favourite character in the whole show, but it’s also just. I’ll do song rankings one day.
It's just the same style of formulaic combat that rwby does in every fight of the entire volume. It’s just JNROW mashing their attack buttons until they get a decent combo. And the qrow and robyn and marrow vs the other ace ops scene? Don’t even talk to me about that, so Marrow suddenly has the guts to stop fighters in their tracks when it’s his old team? Vol8 really took every character I vaguely liked and put a gun to their likability (except you Watts you kept slaying, I named this blog for YOU).
I mean, real quick combat breakdown: Emerald rips off Mercury’s kick and then does nothing for the rest of the fight. Jaune and Oscar trade off ‘whack ironwood with my bladed weapon/cane’ before Ren does his stupid rope trick and decides he wants to try whack at Ironwood. Ironwood is doing great here honestly, he’s just in full boxer mode, his guard’s consistently up, he recovers quickly and adapts, he lands some good blows. Jaune and Ren also quietly drop out of the fight here, because Nora is getting powered up by Winter, somehow, even though she’s never been shown to use dust ever she suddenly uses it all the time even though her weapon lacks the same sort of dust casing as Weiss so where’s this come from you’d think she’d have used it against Cinder when she was literally getting killed but WHATEVER-
Anyway Nora gets the first major relevant hit on Ironwood because literally of course she does, we cut off to Marrow being a turncoat, and then cut back to Winter and Oscar riding a Manticore while Nora joins Jaune and Ren and Emerald in ‘not existing in this fight sequence anymore’ land, and apparently they just decided after getting one hit in they’d pause to get on an animal instead of continuing attacking, this fight makes no sense.
Anyway, Ironwood destroys the Manticore barehanded, king shit, Winter hits him with the ice dust she suddenly uses, Oscar poke attacks, and right when ironwood’s about to knock this kid out of the stratosphere, Winter uses some sort of flashy finishing move that is literally ripped from Kill La Kill I see those studio trigger sparkles. Again, also makes no fucking sense either, what even is this, and don’t tell me ‘rule of cool’ because it wasn’t cool, it was lame. And also, so much for ‘give JNRO a win’, they can’t even stick to their own favouritism because Winter does all the actual fuckin work here.
Overall scores
Story Context: 4/10
Fight Choreography: 1/10
Authorial Bullshit Intervention (Plot Armour, this time admitted to): 10/10
Emotional Investment: 4/10 (but only because I wanted Ironwood to at least megaton punch Jaune or Nora into outer space)
Deserved Outcome: 1/10
Also, thank you!! I ended up having a lot of fun writing out my JLxRWBY review, even if a lot of it was tempered by Seething Rage. Being a miserly grump sometimes is good for the soul, after all.
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you should be scared of me
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masterlist part 1
Finally wrote a part 2!! This became a little bonkers. I've always thought that after 1000 years, the Originals should've been a little crazier and more ruthless. I get the MF gang had plot armour because Klaus and co were originally (ha) the season villains, but after being vampires for so long, you'd think their patience for enemies would be even less (at least, that's what I would do if I was an Original).
Warnings include: canon divergence, people dying who didn't in canon, MF gang and Klaus slander. Some Klaus feelings worked their way into this and I chose to roll with it.
You don't leave it there. Now that Klaus has completed his transformation, you 'keep the lines of communication open' as recommended by a book about nurturing and strengthening relationships that you read once.
The 90s were a weird time for you and you don't want to talk about it.
This means that you spam him with texts, calls and selfies from a number that him and his followers are unable to trace.
Partying in Cali just isn't the same without family.
It's me, Y/N. Hope you're having a nice day and when are you going to undagger our siblings?
Klaus groans every time he sees an unknown number pop up on his phone. He'd forgotten just how much of a little shit you could be and the years apart had only made you more annoying.
It doesn't help that you've rigged your number so that he can't call or text you to get the last word. He's secretly missed this kind of sibling interaction but he'll never admit it.
This combined with his hybrid problem makes him even more short tempered than normal.
You make contact with the Mystic Falls gang after Stefan steals the coffins.
You've always been careful to cultivate good relationships with witches and you've helped out enough covens and families over the centuries for them to keep an ear out for you.
Being dead doesn't stop some of them; in this case, you're contacted by a Richmond witch (descended from a very helpful ancestor you met 100 years ago), who tells you that there's Original shenanigans afoot.
You quickly reach out to the Salvatores and Elena.
The MF gang don't know what to make of you.
You're polite, but not as honourable as Elijah. Your remarks are even more cutting than Rebekah's and you have a temper, but you don't fly off the handle like Klaus. You don't even sound like you like your family, considering that you attempt to only get Kol back before Stefan refuses.
"In big families, there's always one sibling you prefer and Kol was always my favourite."
You decide to team up with them for the moment, if it's at Klaus' expense. You even suggest awakening Elijah, because of his influence on your brother.
You don't attend the dinner. Not officially. Instead you're the one to remove the daggers.
You don't trust either of your older brothers when there's an empty coffin with your name on it.
Your first words to your twin after nearly a century apart are "welcome back to the land of the living, idiot" followed by 2 blood bags being thrown at him.
When your siblings start attacking Klaus, you're right beside them recording the whole thing.
"Are you actually recording this?" "Consider it payback, Nik."
When your mother appears, you can barely look at her.
Why is she still alive with her magic to boot?
You don't trust her talk of reconciliation and, judging from the look on his face, neither does Kol.
You're proven right but you don't have the heart to gloat. Not this time.
While Damon bites Abby Bennett, you turn Bonnie.
Part of you doesn't like doing this to another witch. You still feel incomplete without your magic, even after 1000 years.
But the Bennetts went against your family and allied themselves with one of your biological creators.
And that is something you cannot, will not forgive.
You spend most of s3 with Kol helping him get used to modern society.
Both of you return to Mystic Falls when Klaus tells you about a possible cure for vampirism and some folklore about a boogeyman called Silas.
Both of you get up to mischief, especially now that Kol's no longer restricted to a spirit form.
You'd forgotten how much fun partying with Kol was when he wasn't stuck as a spirit.
You've never seen Kol look so terrified in his life. And he's not alone.
You'd helped him wipe out that coven that worshipped Silas centuries ago. You thought all mentions of the man were destroyed. Obviously not.
Despite you beheading Shane (and getting blood on your favourite jacket), it still doesn't stop the MF gang from going after the cure.
Everyone disregards your warnings and you're both getting sick of it.
The final straw comes when you narrowly save Kol from getting killed by the Gilberts.
You're furious, more than you've ever been in your life. You haven't spoken a word since the witch arrived and began to heal Kol. The look of fear on your twin's face, when you'd snatched him away from his would be killers, was utterly foreign and you never wished to see it again.
You hear footsteps come up to you and you notice Klaus out of the corner of your eye.
"They tried to kill Kol tonight," your voice is tight. "Our brother, my twin nearly died and you still think we're being dramatic about Silas?"
Your body is completely still apart from your hands, which are so tightly clenched that he can smell the blood dripping from the fingernail marks on your palms. Your gaze never leaves Kol, as his pained groans start to die down.
"I dont know why you've given that group so many chances. You've made exceptions for them that you would never do for your blood. They killed Finn and you never retaliated. But I kept silent because I thought there was a plan to lure them in. But you have allowed them to become too bold and made us look weak. We are the bloody Originals. We are the monsters people warn their children about."
You finally turn to face him. You continue to speak in such a quiet voice that Klaus feels a shiver go down his spine.
He will never admit this.
"This is what's going to happen. Apart from Elena Gilbert, I'm going to kill everyone involved in this Silas mess. I'm going to find the cure and shove it down that useless doppelganger's throat so you can continue making those hybrids you're so fond of. And then I'm going to burn this cursed town to the ground and you're not going to get in my way."
Klaus looks at you for a long time. You and Kol had always been inseparable as humans and that didn't change when you were turned.
He'd witnessed countless fights between you both during the centuries and just as many reconciliations. He'd seen you communicate without words, using a smile and a head tilt to say so much.
Part of him had always been jealous of your bond and how steadfast it was. It was an exclusive club that he felt shut out of. He's not alone in thinking this, Rebekah had complained in the past about how she felt like an outsider with you and Kol.
He is trying to let you go, trying not to hold on so tightly that you hate him. But his past actions have left scars on both you and Kol. Neither of you are quick to forgive him.
Maybe this concession could be a start.
What's the total annihilation of one town, he muses, in the face of forgiveness? What's the love of family compared to the slaughter of sheep?
"You have my blessing," he finally says. "I'll keep Rebekah and Elijah out of the way."
The destruction of Mystic Falls becomes the subject of news channels and government departments for months. An entire town suddenly turning up dead is a mystery people have a hard time trying to solve.
But the supernatural community knows. Whispers spread about the Mikaelsons, about Y/ Mikaelson's revenge. And if they hold their loved ones tighter and look over their shoulder more frequently?
It isn't something that any of them will confess to.
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buttercuparry · 2 months
Thoughts about S2 :
Victor is my fav but I'm afraid they will kill him
Randall the fucking Conspiracy theorist can just suck my imaginary dick *pardon my language*
Jade god damn it just think before you speeeeak and buy yourself some Empathy™
Sara I misjudged you
Elgin u are my second fav don't die
slowwwwer season I prefer the 1 , also because the supernatural layers became a looooot but without any sense. I preferred it when it was about clues and they were going somewhere, here it seemed a bit too much with the dream dimension. You cannot establish rules and change all rules on the go
If Fatima's baby is a monster I riot
Ellis scared me I thought he would be dead by now
If we were in my nightmares omg it would be frogs everywhere and moths for u T_T brrrrrr
Not a fan of new characters in general
I would ship Sara and Kenny if they had not screwed that
Tilly is scary as fuck I never trust a granny in horror movies I have seen the visit
god damn it, Christopher!
Jimbojim is the stupidest guy in town ding dong new flash
Tabitha - Jade - Victor = my golden trio
Ethan : annoying kid in horror movie - video game trope
They will not need that much food with the pace they all die
Jade god damn it give back that bike
I miss Hot!Priest
It doesn't change anything to put Tabi out of the equation, it just feels like a potiential end if they had no budget for S3
Victor, my boy. He is trapped in that town since he was a kid, but it is also his home. He lost his mom, his sister, but he is trying, he is trying as he did but failed all those years ago. And people think that he has something wrong with him but he is trapped in his memories- but he forgets and so he draws and it is all so heartbreaking.
Randall can go fuck himself.
Jade is an asshole, selfish fucking prick, but I love him and he screams at haunted dolls and wears kitty t-shirts and has hallucinations of soldiers and dead men :3
Sara is the tortured oracle but she did pull a knife on a kid, following the instructions of those voices and I know being trapped in a town that won't let you leave will make you desperate but yeah...i haven't been able to look past that.
(She is desperately trying to make up for it and she feels so guilty and so much pain...maybe next season I will warm up to her again)
Elgin may you have the strongest plot armour.
Yeah totally, season 1 was more structured. I think in trying to mount horrors upon horrors, they over did it. It could have been the night creatures + something about the dream dimension. Or night creatures + the mystery of the forest. But they went creatures + lighthouse+ radio + dreams + ballerina + dolls and + and + and + and +....
It didn't really settle. Hoping season 3 would be better.
Prayer circle around Fatima. Let her AMD Ellis and their baby be happy.
Amelie please don't talk about moths being everywhere omg. Omg. OMG! OMGGGGGGH!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I knew the moment they had another paramedic on the bus, that she would know Sara somehow. That she might even be her lover!
I don't know if I remember Tilly...
Jim is truly so stupid. Like ugh ugh...and the way he got led by Randall! UGH
Ethan is that special kid from every horror movie. He has got that something the forest wants!
Hot priest you were gone too soon and left behind your husband Boyd :(
I don't think they have put Tabitha out. In Tabs may now get to move around in the world and research why and where she got stuck with her family and how is it she got out. She isn't just going to sit around while her kids are still trapped!
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
so what are we imagining shisuis spidersuit to look like😳and his powers (need the pain of biological webs)
Absolutely raging because I wrote out this massive answer and Tumblr ate it so this version is much less fun but I'll try to remember everything I said
Tumblr ate it... Again.
A third time
I'm so so angry RAWRRRRRRR okay so this is short and sweet and annoyed ✨
The suit:
Look up Naruto's Eight Trigrams Seal and imagine that in the center of the chest in blood red, with lines that follow the shoulders and dip towards the hips. In the center, a white stylistic spider to echo the Uchiha colours. The blue is darker, like 'space' instead of navy or royal
The mask is influenced by the ANBU tattoo and the line goes from the chin, sculpting the cheek to swirl around the cheekbone and browbone before trailing over the temples and meeting in a V at the back of the skull, mimicking and exaggerating Shisui's eyeliner
No flappy fabric, like Hobie or Pavitr, as Shisui's too pragmatic. The material does resemble mesh pattern tho, as a nod to Shinobi mesh armour. He wears a bullet proof vest, matching the suit design so smoothly that it's not really distinguishable until Shisui goes to take it off, as Konohattan is basically a Yakuza Modern AU, let's be real.
Knuckle dusters built into his hands
ANBU style arm and shin bracers
Feet like tabi
Red waistband almost like an obi illusion but no loose fabric
High collar to his chin, like Tenzo, when mask is off
Ears pierced with black tomoe studs
No gun (DP!Obito has tho) but nunchucks
Shisui has curls, this is just important to me to reiterate
Usual spiderman strength and durability but slightly lower healing rate
Spidey senses PLUS enhanced senses because I gotta include Uchiha premonition somehow (hello sensory overload whump)
Naturally produces webs, like Tobey's Peter, but it hurts after overuse
Not much sticky to surfaces but Shisui's speed is so stupid that momentum usually carries him through. Webs work in a pinch.
Dimension tearing! I haven't figured out how yet but I want to involve this for plot reasons AND as a nod to Kotoamatsukami
If this doesn't post... I'm going to lose my shit :)
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