unbfacts · 1 year
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your-favblondie · 3 days
he may be twisted on the inside but I want him to twist my insides ( even if its just with a knife ) <3
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lostestleo · 9 months
7 ways of Ruminating yourself to death:
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wayti-blog · 2 months
We need tremendous energy to bring about a psychological change in ourselves as human beings, because we have lived far too long in a world of make-belief, in a world of brutality, violence, despair, anxiety. To live humanly, sanely, one has to change.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
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Gotta love the ask women mods...block everything you don't agree with to create an echo chamber
Got it.
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ylimemariee · 6 months
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“Part 1”
I’ve played both parts together we’ve wondered the streets. Accused of crazy things as a child, called weird and strange from my own family. They also believed the lies, never had my back. Wanted me to change constantly like I’m not allowed to me. Better put that away you’ll embarrass me. Always had to had a good presentation, did you get any compliments on your outfit? I always felt if I got none I was ugly. Forced to smile through my tears. Ain’t it funny how I loved a villain as a child that had psychological issues, comedy 247, if I’m here to be the show I gotta be the best one.
Yelling tears me down, fear finds me as a child alone in the corner hiding out till the fighting stops. Told I was dumb and stupid. Didn’t get good grades. My whole life was a cover up. Happiness was a lie. Competition over connection. If ya piss me off I’ll strip you empty because parenting is ripping everything away from an innocent child who just wanted to express herself a chance to be me. So I hid the me that only pops out to say hi every now and then….sit down straight and smile for the camera. I can be your best friend and I can scary. Crazy runs in the family, so I figured why hide. The joker is my dark side, he’s all madness I’ve endured my whole life. Embrace every piece, every flaw. Traumatized memory.
To be continued…happy hallows Eve
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The character in himself I have millions of different reasons I like him. Batman was too boring to me as a kid…
***For my costume this year I’m taking a more realistic take on this version of the Joker. Psychological standpoint.
I’ve also been on the other side when your batgirl and meet your joker. basically worst enemy you could meet. And this was someone who was messed up like the actual joker a little fucked up in the head. She tried to take me out over jealousy she created in her own head. I was the good one she was the villain I was warned to avoid. She was obsessed with me would copy by hair styles/colors and copied my word mechanisms. She wanted to be me it was very creepy. All cause she knew my ex still had feelings for me so she couldn’t get over it easily let’s just say. That story of my life actually I wish it was in a fictional book and that I didn’t actually experience it. Dealing with a real life female Ted Bundy isn’t easy when you were raised by a narcissist. ***
I do not portray any of these characters as my “demons” as a lot of artists and creatives are using this word. I portray my flaws because I’m human. And every human has a scary past. The disciples had a scarier past. I’m a different kinda artist. My body is a journal and my tattoos are my stories and here’s the stories behind my amazing Joker tattoo.
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lisablack000 · 11 months
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Look at man, the weak one in his wretchedness and torment, whom the Gods have singled out as their quarry- tear to pieces the bloody veil that the lost soul has woven around you, the cruel nets woven by the death-bringing, and take hold of the divine whore who still cannot recover from her fall from grace and in raving blindness craves filth in which to throw herself.
~Carl Jung, The Black Books, Vol. V, Page 259
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Book: Girl In Pieces
Rating 10/10
Such a sad and beautiful book and really relatable I feel like Charlie tried really hard and I agree with other book reviews that she may have said some questionable stuff but she’s I’ll over all loved it
Let me know what you though of it!!
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katoninefandoms · 11 months
Had my psych eval today finally. I'm very proud of myself for taking this step, and thankful that my doctor was patient with me and gave me lots of opportunity to ask questions and receive complex answers.
Ya boi has generalized anxiety, persistent depression, and is slowly growing out of some childhood Tourettes. Turns out, those things accompanied by other stress- and anxiety-inducing physical conditions will produce autism- and adhd-like behaviors.
There is so much overlap between diagnoses, I am just so thrilled to have some clarity and some direction on taking better care of myself.
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aranyle · 1 year
Fight to attain heaven, or make peace where you are right now?
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Some "morals" and “virtues” taught to me as a kid by adults were actually self destructive. for example, adults taught me to be humble and wonder why we grew up with low self esteem, taught me not to not be greedy and not value moeny and then chastise me for not being financially successful. Taught me to always put others first and wonder why I let others walk over me. I was taught to constantly scrutinize myself and never make mistakes, and they wondered why I ended up with anxiety.  For this reason I will educate my future children differently. I will teach them to be proud of who they are, I will teach them the importance of understanding moeny and being financially responsible. I will teach them to have confidence and stand up for themselves. I will teach them that risks and mistakes are necessary learning experiences.  I promise not to let my child grow up the way I did, with anxiety and self doubt. I will teach them to bold, to love and believe in themselves. 
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emperor905 · 2 days
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Stensor dans animal crossing
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fortunefusion · 1 month
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Stop Telling people Everything
In an era of oversharing and constant connectivity, the idea of keeping secrets may seem outdated or even taboo. But what if I told you that holding back some information could actually be empowering? Welcome to our blog, where we're diving deep into the art of discretion and exploring why it's okay to stop telling everything.
The Culture of Oversharing
Social media has transformed the way we communicate, blurring the lines between public and private. It's become all too easy to share every meal, milestone, and moment of our lives with the world. But in our quest for likes and validation, have we forgotten the value of discretion?
Embracing the Power of Mystery
There's something undeniably alluring about a little mystery. Whether it's leaving a conversation with a tantalizing cliffhanger or keeping certain aspects of our lives private, embracing discretion can add depth and intrigue to our interactions. After all, who doesn't love a good plot twist?
Protecting Your Peace of Mind
Constantly sharing every detail of our lives can leave us feeling exposed and vulnerable. By holding back some information, we can protect our privacy and maintain a sense of control over who has access to our personal lives. It's a form of self-care that allows us to prioritize our peace of mind.
Building Deeper Connections
Paradoxically, sharing less can lead to deeper levels of trust and intimacy in our relationships. When we choose to confide in someone, it becomes a meaningful gesture that strengthens the bond between us. By reserving our deepest thoughts and feelings for those we trust most, we create space for genuine connection and understanding.
Honoring Personal Boundaries
We all have boundaries, whether we're aware of them or not. By exercising discretion and selectively sharing information, we can honor our personal boundaries and assert our autonomy. It's a way of setting healthy limits and respecting ourselves in the process.
Finding Freedom in Selectivity
In a world that often values transparency above all else, it can be liberating to hold back some information. It gives us the freedom to be selective about what we share and with whom, allowing us to cultivate a sense of agency over our own narratives. It's a form of empowerment that puts us in the driver's seat of our own lives.
So the next time you feel the urge to tell everything, consider the power of holding back. Embrace the art of discretion and see how it can add depth, mystery, and empowerment to your life. After all, some secrets are meant to be kept.
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lovelylovinglover · 2 months
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asshole-rebel-psycho · 5 months
How to know you are being gaslighted p1.
Your power of free speech is completely destroyed.
For example:
You are watching a dumb reality tv show. You say something about it being fake and make a few jokes about it. ( no big deal, no personal attacks on the person u are watching with)
The person you are watching it with gets annoyed at you for talking during the show so they start screaming at you for talking telling you you're opinions are wrong and "shut up!" 😒 ( that seems a little harsh for making fun of a show right?) 😕 😳
You try to calm yourself down but it is very hard so you start to angry twitch a bit to calm down without words (obviously the mood is off now) ....the person notices this and they get even more triggered by it.
They say "why are you so angry?!" As if they weren't the one who started screaming at you for just talking during a dumb show.
Now if you try to defend yourself with speech and say
" I'm sorry for talking during the show"
They will say:
" Omg it's not just the TV show I'm angry at you for!, it's all the things you've said in the past!!" ( that came out of nowhere)
So now while they completely yell over you and your ability to defend anything you've "said" in the past...they will bring up every incident where you have "SAID" something they didn't like and instead of using exact quotes they will say:
"idk exactly what you've said but it was somthing like that" 🙄
So now you are playing emotional cat and mouse trying to do penance and apologize for a word you've said yrs ago. Even though both of you don't have any idea what it is. 😲 😱
When you try to fix the current argument that started for no reason its unresolved because this moment will probably be usable against you in the future. Lol
And in their own words your oh so "wrongdoing" of commenting on a TV show " is not the problem in the first place"...
so if they are mad at you for not even doing something wrong how are you supposed to resolve this? No redemption under Satan I guess 🤷 lol
How do you redeem something that isn't redeemable? Just like your past "words" lol they can't remember.
It's always YOUR "words" never YOUR ACTIONS that they have a problem with. You know why? Because words don't mean as much as actions! So they are easy to manipulate and change. It's easier for them to say you SAID something emotionally offensive ( when it can literally be anything!) Verses you bringing up them screaming at you or hitting you!) But if you bring that up they will say they were "going thru a hard time" as an excuse. But YOU are not allowed to say somthing like that. YOU are the monster, they are saints who excuse themselves.
Which brings us back to your current argument of commenting on the dumb TV show.
And now that I think of it, were the things you've said in the past even wrong to begin with? Or were they just using it as a trigger point to throw their kitchen sink dirt at you ? 🤔 like the current situation. " it's not about what you said to the tv!"
And now you are at the point of the argument where this person is yelling at you for 15 minutes and now you get so worked up that you actually do say something mean to them. Yes finally!! the reaction this person wanted comes out.
They have accomplished their task of breaking you down. Even if you said something about their bad actions like "screaming at you, or being physically violent towards YOU you lose because they will have this nasty thing you said to defend yourself out of anger, and put it in their back pocket for the next time they want to fight with you. ( just like a crooked politician using past quotes on twitter and not STATS and ACTIONS to defeat their opponent)
If you apologize they will get mad at you for not breaking down and crying and call you a "cold bastard" even though they mentioned that they don't even know what you guys are arguing about. Lol so now you actually start crying because they are stressing you out by starting a fight over NOTHING!
It's insanity. Stay away. use that only drop of silence they give you to remove yourself from them. For good.
( sorry tumblr for the rant, but this is a helpful ⚠️ warning to all of you)
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flovqy · 2 months
yes, i have problems with my head. but this is not at all obvious until i show it. i know how to be a normal person. i do it perfectly.
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