#or like he sees you wearing his top or hoodie and he’s instantly feeling possessive (even if you aren’t dating!!!)
kingkatsuki · 27 days
Yeah short skirts and crop tops are sexy— but there’s just something about a man that finds you so attractive wearing clothes that shouldn’t be considered typically sexual. Like baggy sweats or his old, worn shirt.
Those plain, boring outfits that aren’t planned and are just thrown together for comfort and practicality that have his dick throbbing for you as he imagines bending you over the nearest surface.
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naeviskz · 4 months
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synopsis ; you overreact just a teensy bit when you see hyunjin talking to another girl, but when you find out the actual reason why … you try everything you can to make it up to him.
genre 숌 non-idol au, boyfriend!hyunjin x girlfriend!reader | established relationship
words - 3.6k tags/warnings 숌 fluff, (some) angst? pwp, smut, reader gets very jealous easily/has possessive tendencies, small mentions of insecurities, v v v clingy & needy gf, marking, dry humping, dirty talk, oral (m), lowkey daddy kink, hj has a big cawk, breeding kink cause that’s my fave tehe. i will preface that oc kinda has a toxic way of thinking and it’s def not healthy to act this way irl !!
now playing 🎧 : cool with you by newjeans, streets by doja cat
☆ 彡
[ this my first ever writing that has smut in it so bear w/ me pls ;-; i’m still learning how to do this right haha, but lmk if you enjoyed this at all <3 **not proofread btw ! ]
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“Let’s go on that one next Jinnie!!” You squeal like a giddish teenager as you point to the ride up ahead, violently pulling on Hyunjin’s hand his entire arm might just fall off.
It’ll be your 1 year anniversary in approximately a week, and what better way to pre celebrate than going to the amusement park and watching fireworks at night? You haven’t been to one in years, reminiscing all those times you were a kid innocently frolicking around, not having a single care in the world. Since you’re a fully grown adult now it’s an altered experience, you’re able to pick up on social cues and no longer need parental supervision. You forgot just how thrilling it was to let loose and have fun, all while spending it with your lovely boyfriend.
The current ride you’re both getting on is essentially a giant wooden pirate ship that swings in a horizontal motion, elevating you high up in the air. You don’t do heights very well but Hyunjin’s a little daredevil who gets off on the adrenaline rush. He’s tried convincing you to do skydiving but that’s just something you refuse to compromise on. Before going on the pirate ship ride you went on the teacups, which was probably your favorite one of today. You couldn’t stop giggling and teasing Hyunjin over how incredibly fast he was spinning the turn-wheel, almost forgetting that you were also supposed to contribute. Spending quality time with your boyfriend like this means everything to you, he makes you feel like you’re floating on a pink cloud whenever you’re together. Like nothing else matters but you and him.
As the day progressed, what was once a milky, pale blue sky has now become a smoky dull atmosphere. Night was approaching any minute, making the temperature drop dramatically— you regret leaving the house in just shorts and a crop top. Your limbs shaking and trembling involuntarily from gusts of cool air the wind casually blows, Hyunjin seems to take note of this and takes action immediately.
“Want my hoodie babe?” Hyunjin asks out of concern, ready to yank it off the minute you agree.
You profusely nod at his offer, unable to withstand the frigid weather for another second. He pauses momentarily to grab the hem of his Versace sweatshirt with his free hand, swiftly drawing it over his head and handing it to you. Underneath he wore a thin plain white tee, now suffering from the cold— but any sacrifice is worthy of making for his precious babygirl.
Quickly putting it on, your body feels instantly warmer from his body heat still embedded into the soft fabric. “You saved me Jinnie, I almost turned into a human popsicle!” Were you exaggerating a bit? Maybe, but that’s beside the point. You’re all cozy now in Hyunjin’s oversized hoodie, loving the fact that only you get to wear his clothes.
His eyes shape into crescents as he flashes an adoring smile, “my diet would only consist of peach flavored ___ popsicles for the rest of my life then.”
You swear he’s just the cutest, most adorable, sweetest thing to have ever walked this earth. Sometimes you wonder how you got so lucky to end up with a person as charming, and perfect as Hyunjin. He’d say the same about you too but there’s another layer to how you feel. You’re often very over protective and territorial over him, needing to know exactly where he is at all times and who he’s hanging out with. Most of the time he’s with you, either at your place or at his. There was a set routine you two had at this point, after he’s done with work he’ll call and let you know he’s on his way to yours. Hyunjin knows how paranoid you can get when he’s gone for too long so he makes sure to communicate with you as much as he can throughout the day. It’s hard to deal with someone as high maintenance as you but he makes it work, he likes that you’re always worried and concerned about him — he’d rather have a girlfriend like that than one who doesn’t care about him.
“Looks like the sun should be setting soon.. won’t be much longer ‘til the fireworks start!” You cheer out of excitement, part of the reason you wanted to come was to see them.
He nods in agreement, “you’re right, is there anything else you wanna ride before they start?”
As if your brain answered before you could even think, “You.”
His doe eyes widened at your bold reply, never quite getting used to your subtle dirty mind. “I’ll give you that in due time, don’t worry mamas.”
A little bit later on you challenged Hyunjin to try the ‘test your strength’ game and of course he couldn’t pass up a moment to impress you. He gets into a competitive sports stance, gripping the hammer tightly before he swung hard at the puck. The meter flew straight up and hit the bell on his first try, able to win whatever prize he wanted from the largest section. He lets you choose whichever plushy you wanted, a giant fluffy pink stuffed unicorn that you held in your other hand that wasn’t occupied with Hyunjin’s.
“Hyunjinnieee, ‘m getting kinda hungry,” you childishly whine in hopes of getting him to buy you both food.
Before he could even get a response out your eyes were already fixated on something. The glowing neon lights of a food stand selling mozzarella corn dogs, you’ve always wanted to try those as you see them all the time on TikTok. Without hesitation you make a mad dash for the line as you drag your innocent boyfriend along for the adventure. As you got closer you realize the lines pretty spread out, there was at least 20+ people waiting but you were willing to stay as you really wanted one.
Hyunjin detaches his hand from yours, making you question his sudden intentions, “be right back babe, m’gonna go to the restroom.” He politely excuses himself, “here’s my card just in case I don’t make it back in time.” Pulling his credit card from his wallet to hand you before venturing off.
“Don’t be gone for too long please, or else I’ll come find you myself.” You were dead serious too, honestly speaking you didn’t necessarily want him out of your sight but you trust that he’ll come back in a reasonable amount of time. Hopefully.
“I promise babe.” He reassures, giving a quick peck to your forehead before vanishing into the crowd.
After what seemed like an eternity, you manage to secure the corn dogs and pay for them with Hyunjin’s card. Realizing now that your boyfriend is still gone, it’s been a good 15-20 minutes and he promised that he’d be back. Now you have to go looking for him like a mother who’s just lost their child. Scanning every area of the park you came across, you begin to feel anxious when you don’t see him anywhere. A range of negative thoughts intrude your mind with possibilities of where he could’ve gone. What you weren’t expecting was for your intuition to be exactly spot on.
There he was standing in front a taco truck, talking and laughing with another girl. A girl you absolutely do not recognize and have no clue why or what she’s doing even having a conversation with your man. You couldn’t move at all, frozen in place as you watched the scene fold out in front of you, making you more livid as it continues. The mystery girl was pissing you off by the minute, the tiny skirt she wore barely left anything to the imagination and her body language was way too close for comfort for your liking. You had to put a stop to this immediately.
Slowly you make your way up to them, examining the situation further. The blonde girl tries to loom even closer to Hyunjin but he backs away a bit, a sheer look of fear and paranoia in his eyes. She keeps talking to him but he doesn’t really say much back, only half smiling and nodding. What makes you pick up your pace at lightning speed was when he pulls his phone out from his back pocket, as if he’s about to ask for her number.
You’ve seen enough, it’s time to intervene now.
Practically sprinting up to them you see the girl perk up when she sees you, giving a friendly wave and inviting smile as if she wasn’t just trying to steal your man a second ago. You’re ready to rip this bitches hair out and show her that she’s picked the wrong one to mess with today.
“Oh hi, you must be ___, it’s so good to finally meet you!” Her voice was so squeaky and high-pitched, not even in a cute way, just obnoxiously loud and annoying.
…How the fuck does this girl know who you are?
“Who the hell is this?” You snap at Hyunjin, completely ignoring the girl’s presence, “How does she know you?”
“I’m— ”
“I believe I asked my boyfriend, not you. Who is she?” You rudely cut her off to reiterate the question.
Hyunjin looks like he’s just witnessed a murder, his own murder to be exact. “This is Valerie, we went to high school together, I was just showing her your freelance work and all the cool designs you make ‘cause she’s looking for graphic designers and I think you’re really talented babe.”
Your heart just sank to the pit of your stomach. The balled up fist your right hand was clenching soon released itself, no longer in fight mode but flight mode from the sudden embarrassment you’re internally battling.
“Uh, well it was nice talking to you Hyunjin! I’ll go find my husband now, but your graphics are incredible ___ and I’d love to hire you for a couple projects I have lined up. Here’s my business card!” She hands you the flimsy card stock and leaves in an instant.
Now you feel totally ridiculous for almost causing a scene and cursing out the girl and your boyfriend for just wanting to promote your work. You owe him an apology big time.
“I thought you were…”
“Flirting with another girl, seriously? You think I have a death wish or something? Of course I’d never try something like that. The first thing she saw was you as my lock screen when I checked the time. Plus she’s married, I don’t think she’d be that dumb.” Hyunjin further proves his case, making sure not to leave any details out.
“M’sorry baby, please forgive me.” You plead for forgiveness, regressing back to your softer, more gentle side “lemme make it up to you daddy.”
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“Nngh! Hyunjin-” you keen into his ear as you rub your clothed heat against his toned thigh, holding onto him for stable support.
You seriously felt bad for acting out like that earlier, all you want to do now is make him feel so good he forgets all about your previous unhinged behavior. Lord knows what you’d do if you ever lose someone so important to you. You can’t think about that right now though. Right now was all about him and making him feel good, but you can’t help but get something out of it as well.
The backseat of his car was a bit cramped as he decided to take his smaller convertible instead of the SUV, not exactly bargaining that later on you’d be getting freaky in his vehicle. Nonetheless you enjoy each other’s company, not needing much space anyway — if anything you wanted to be as close to him as possible. If you could get inside his skin you probably would. You love Hyunjin more than yourself, often feeling like you aren’t good enough to be with him. Maybe the reason you’re so protective and jealous is because you fear he’ll leave you for someone better.
Lazily trailing your lips down further, placing small pecks here and there until you land on his neck, adorned with a dainty silver chain, nuzzling your face into the crook of it. He smells so good, the cologne he’s wearing along with his natural pheromones is an intoxicating concoction. You stick your tongue out, gliding the wet muscle over his bare skin, still feverishly rutting into him while listening to his ethereal moans.
“Mmm.. I love you.” He murmurs under his breath, slipping his hands underneath (his) your hoodie to feel you up. His hands travel upwards to find the valley of your breasts, still covered by the bra you’re wearing he slides underneath the cups to lightly squeeze them.
You nibble on his neck in response, harshly sucking on the flesh to leave visible love bites, you want to make it abundantly clear to the whole world Hwang Hyunjin belongs to you.
“I love you more Hyunjinnie,” you stop for a brief moment to say, “gonna prove it.” Which you will once you’re satisfied with marking his entire neck and chest with dozens of purple and red hickeys.
Even though he’s touching you, grinding his hard length into you and purring out your name, you need more. Craving to see and feel more of him, you tug at the hem of his t-shirt in hopes he catches your drift.
“Off. Now.” You demand sharply, getting more impatient by the second.
He obliges instantly, stripping the garment off his body to reveal the most gorgeous set of abs you’ve laid your eyes upon, he’s so unreal it makes you constantly question if you’re dreaming. You went from his neck to kissing his plump lips, his hand cupping the side of your face to deepen the kiss, both so desperate and horny for each other. Running your manicured hands down his beautiful body, just the tiniest flexing Hyunjin does with his muscles makes you go crazy. You need him to manhandle you, have you bent over and get fucked senselessly.
“Lie back Jinnie, m’gonna suck you off.” You command him to move, getting up from him so he can pivot into a more comfortable position.
He shuffles around, leaning into the leather seat before quickly undoing his pants and sliding them down his ankles. You get on your knees, disappearing between his legs to come in contact with his stiff erection. Tracing figure eights on his thighs, he hisses from your delicate touch. You couldn’t resist planting a chaste kiss to his stomach, leaving another wet kiss to his v-line. Any little touch makes Hyunjin’s heart beat out of his chest, he can’t get enough of you just as you can’t of him— high off each other like an addictive, psychoactive drug.
As you finally free his cock from the last barrier, his boxer briefs, you’re in awe from just how much precum he’s leaking already. His length stood straight up resting on his stomach, faint veins protruding around the shaft. You kiss his pretty pink tip while looking up at him with innocent eyes, grabbing the base of his cock, opening your mouth just a little to provide a few kitten licks. You’ve only just started but he feels like he’s going to come undone already.
“Shit-” he lowly grunts, feeling his cock pulsate in your tiny hand.
Taking him further in your mouth now, you manage to fit half of his length, bobbing your head up and down while keeping a tight suction on his cock. Hyunjin involuntarily rocks his hips into you, making you gag just a little from how big he is. You could never fit all of him (except for that one time you were super drunk and magically forgot what a gag reflex was) but you still try your best and that’s all that matters to him. He loves that you’re always willing to give him random blowjobs whenever and wherever, you both love public sex and the idea of possibly being caught. You take a short break to collect more saliva, spitting on his cock and spreading it with your hand to make it even messier. His mouth was permanently agape, staring down at you with lust filled eyes, not knowing how much longer he can last. When you start pumping his cock much faster along with swirling your tongue around it , he thinks he might just lose it. Panting heavily, he shifts underneath you in attempt to get you to stop but you keep sucking like the cock hungry slut you are for him. He’s seriously going to nut any minute if you continue at this rate.
“Babe.. you’re gonna make me cum if you keep this up…” he closes his eyes, almost giving in to what’s inevitably about to come.
“Isn’t that the goal?” You ask quickly before going back.
“No,” he says, slightly frustrated with you for not obeying, “fucking this tight little pussy is.”
You’re confused when he’s pulling you away from him, moving you from the floor and back onto his lap all in one swift action, manhandling you for real this time. “What’re you doing!” You raise your voice at him like a brat, to which he spanks your behind in response.
“Shh.. relax.” He shuts you up by pulling you in for a slow, sensual kiss.
You moan into his mouth, melting right into his touch like always. “Need you so bad please..” you whine for to feel more of him.
“Tell me what you need, I’ll give it to you baby.” He promises, lacing his fingers in your hair, looking at you with pure admiration.
“Your cock.. need your big fat cock inside me now,” you beg like a good girl, “please daddy, i’m literally soaking for you.” Shameless at this point with how you talk, but you know the dirtier you get the more Hyunjin likes it.
He can’t say no when you ask so polite that. “I’ll give it to you, I’ll give you whatever you want princess.”
And he does.
Once he rids you of your shorts and underwear, you’re back on top of him, lining yourself up with his thick cock that slides right in from you being so ready.
“Fuck you’re so wet baby.. you take this cock so well cutie,” he praises you in the hottest way possible. You’ll never get tired of hearing him talk like this to you, hence why you love to have sex so much.
“Only for you daddy.” You breathlessly spoke, getting used to his length for a moment before beginning to move. Slowly bouncing up and down his member at first until Hyunjin slams his cock into you, walls clenching as you feel every inch of him. You shifted from grinding on him in slow motion to picking up your speed, placing both hands around his neck. Hyunjin throws his head back in pleasure, wrapping his hand around your waist as the other grips the soft flesh of your ass.
“Mine… your cock is mine,” you’re going faster and faster, crying out as he matches your movements, thrusting back into you hard. “Only I get to ride this everyday.”
He doesn’t hesitate to agree, letting you know exactly who he belongs to. “I’m all yours babygirl, can have this cock as much as you want, use me to get yourself off..”
You feel like you’re about to come soon, legs shaking and spasming from his girth splitting you open. “Yes baby..” you couldn’t think straight anymore, “love your cock so much Jinnie..” You mewl from being so full and cockstuffed “mmph.. wanna have your babies.”
“Yeah? Want me to fill your little cunt with all my cum and get you pregnant, hmm ? That what you want pretty girl?” He sounded so pussy drunk he couldn’t even blame you for wanting to any of this.
One more thrust was all it took for the thread to unravel inside of you, seeing white, glowing stars as you get closer to your orgasm.
“Jinnie kiss me.”
He does as he’s told, grabbing your face to kiss you roughly, entering his tongue in your mouth to intertwine with yours. He’s so good at everything he does it’s insane. Maybe if the dick wasn’t so damn good you wouldn’t be half as crazy.
“I’m so close princess..” he announces, slipping one of his long, slender digits onto your clit, coaxing your release.
“Me too.”
Everything feels ultra sensitive to you as you approach your climax, whimpering as Hyunjin sucks on your perked nipples while you continue riding him. A sudden rambunctious crackling sound startles the both of you, but what you weren’t expecting to see outside were fireworks lighting up the night sky. You’d completely forgot how excited you were to see them, watching in amazement as all the vibrant colors morph together. Leaning in to tenderly kiss your boyfriend who was also momentarily distracted, you get back right to business, chasing after your highs. Hyunjin finishes inside you like you wanted, feeling his hot seed spill into your aching heat. You came undone shortly after, holding onto him while your bare chests collide. Fireworks detonate inside your body as they do outside.
As if the universe had orchestrated the perfect 1 year anniversary pre celebration just for the two of you; a perfect moment to seal your love with the glittering magic of romance and fireworks combined. Hyunjin’s so happy to have met someone like you, someone who loves him so passionately and so deeply. He may not understand why you think the way you do sometimes, or react with such brash methods, but he knows that you do it out of pure love. It’s a whirlwind of emotions dating you but he wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world or have it any other way.
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- 完 ♡︎
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jamiewintons · 2 years
Jamie Winton Smut Alphabet
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The third in a series of smut alphabets that I'll be writing for the Baynton Boys. Let me know which boy you'd like to see next!
18+ ONLY! F!Reader. Reblogs and comments are always appreciated <3
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Jamie tends to be pretty quiet after sex. It’s one of the only times where he’s not thinking about the things that worry him, and he just wants to lie there with you and relax in the afterglow. He’ll cuddle up to you and kiss your forehead, and make quiet conversation about both of your days.
B = Body part (favorite body part of their partner’s)
Your thighs. Jamie’s not sure exactly why he’s so attracted to that part of you, but nonetheless, anytime you wear something that accentuates them he’ll be so distracted.
C = Collar (do they mark you as theirs in some way?)
Jamie definitely has abandonment issues, which can make him get a little bit possessive. Because of this, he’ll mark you up on occasion, usually only in places that others won’t see (such as your hips and thighs). Seeing those marks that he made and only he will see reassures him that you’re not going anywhere.
D = Dominant (do they prefer to dominate, or be dominated? are they a top or a bottom?)
He’s usually more of a sub, but if he’s in the right kind of mood he can be a bit more dominant (usually after you tease him incessantly).
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Jamie doesn’t have much experience, since you’re only the second woman he’s ever slept with. He’s incredibly caring and attentive though, and very talented with his fingers.
F = Fuck (do they prefer to fuck or make love?)
Make love for sure. He loves you and he wants to show you in every way possible.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Jamie’s not exactly cracking jokes during sex, but he’s able to laugh a little bit if he’s feeling comfortable.
H = Hot (what turns them on, gets them going)
If you grab Jamie’s tie to pull him into a kiss, he’s going to be turned on instantly. He also thinks it’s hot when you wear his clothes.
I = Insatiable (how do they act when they’re desperate to have you?)
Jamie tries to be subtle about letting you know, he’ll usually touch your hand or your thigh, or gently brush some of your hair out of your face, and just look into your eyes. Really it’s the way he looks at you that lets you know how he’s feeling.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He prefers not touch himself anymore, since for a long time after Layla disappeared that was all he had. If he’s turned on when you’re not around, he’d rather wait for you than deal with it himself.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Jamie considers himself pretty vanilla, but he does have mild praise and breeding kinks that he’s too embarrassed to admit to.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He prefers doing it in bed usually, but he doesn’t mind a bit of shower sex every once in a while.
M = Mood (what’s the foreplay like? how do you get them in the mood?)
Jamie generally likes to take things very slowly, to make it romantic, but he can be persuaded to speed things up a bit. One thing that he often does is run his hands up and down your thighs as he kisses you. You can easily get Jamie in the mood by wearing one of his shirts or his hoodie with just underwear (or nothing else at all) underneath.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He’s not going to do anything to hurt you, or anything to degrade you either. As we know, he’s scandalised by the idea of even pulling someone’s hair while kissing them, so he’s very gentle.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Jamie prefers giving, and he’s pretty good at it (though not as good as he is with his hands, so he tends to use both his mouth and fingers at once), but any time you offer to return the favour, he’s more than grateful and definitely enjoys himself.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Slow and sensual. He likes to take his time and do things “properly”.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Jamie usually likes to take things slow, but he’s not completely opposed to the occasional quickie, typically in the morning before he starts getting ready for work (or even, on a few occasions, in a storage closet at the bank when he’s having a bad day).
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Jamie’s not a big risk taker, but if you can make him comfortable you might be able to convince him to broaden his horizons a little. He’s pretty satisfied with vanilla sex, though.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Jamie’s stamina isn’t excellent in the beginning, but with practice and persistence he makes a lot of improvement. He can usually go for two rounds on a good day before he gets tired, but you’re usually very satisfied after one.
T = Tryst (are they into casual sex or one night stands?)
No. He’s only really comfortable having sex when he’s in a committed relationship.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He’s not really the teasing type, at least not intentionally. Sometimes his tendency to take things slowly seems almost teasing to you, and you end up begging him to hurry up. He doesn’t even know how he’s affecting you until you tell him.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Jamie tries really hard to keep himself quiet, because he’s embarrassed by the little moans and whimpers he makes. You have to convince him that you want to hear him and know that he’s feeling good.
W = Wait (how long do they wait before having sex with their partner for the first time?)
It takes him a while. His inexperience combined with his guilt over having feelings for someone other than Layla makes him very nervous to initiate anything with you. But once you finally get to it, it’s certainly worth the wait.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Jamie’s a little insecure about his body; like all of the Baynton Boys he’s very thin, and he’s never seen himself as attractive.
He’s pretty impressive in the size department — he’s the son of God, what do you expect? — but due to only sleeping with Layla before you he really has no idea how he compares to other guys (unless you decide to tell him).
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Surprisingly high. He’s a bit embarrassed by it at first, until you assure him that there’s nothing to be ashamed of.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Jamie doesn’t fall asleep quickly afterwards, he likes to spend some peaceful, quiet time with you for a while before you turn in for the night.
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sweetdreamlandstuff · 2 years
What item of clothing makes them go crazy - Haikyu
NSFW / Minors don’t interact / time-skip characters / female reader
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A thong, especially out of lace or silk. The material feels so soft and silky against his fingertips, as he traces them over your clothed pussy. He can feel your arousal transpiring onto his fingers, gulping hard when he notices how wet you already are. He pushes your panties to the side, finally feeling you. Also, he is an ass man. He loves to see you walking around your apartment, your ass put so beautifully on display. If you wear a thong, you can be sure that his hands will knead your ass in an instant. He loves tugging on the string, making it snap back against your skin. He adores massaging your ass, before his hand comes down hard, watching you squirm under his touch.
-> Bokuto, Suna, Daichi, Hirugami
This man loves it when you wear a short skirt. Dressed like that, you can be sure that he can’t keep his wandering hands to himself for long. His large palms grab and smooth over your thighs, feeling your soft skin. He desperately tries to get his act together, especially when you two are in public. He sometimes feels like a creep; his hungry eyes always dart to your skirt, hoping he can get a glimpse of what’s underneath. The best thing about it is the easy access he has. When you wear a skirt he will have it flipped over at the end of the day, plunging himself into you from behind like he has been waiting to do since he has laid his eyes on you in your short skirt.
-> Osamu, Tsukishima, Nishinoya, Asahi
At the sight of you in a skin tight dress he nearly loses his mind and all composure he upholds. His eyes drink in every little detail, trailing over the way the fabric hugs ever curve perfectly. His hands instantly wander over your sides, praises falling form his lips. He loves going out with you like that, just to show you off. He is so proud to have such a beautiful woman by his side. When you look so sexy he always holds onto you in some way, he is just possessive like that. It makes him cocky, seeing other people eyeing you just to be reminded that he is the one you belong to. He normally has his strong arm wrapped around your waist or his large hand resting on your lower back, occasionally wandering lower to squeeze your ass. He loves to see the fabric adorning your body, knowing that all that you offer is only for him to touch.
-> Atsumu, Oikawa, Ukai, Semi
You dressed in his oversized t-shirts or hoodies makes him go crazy. If he knows you’re not wearing anything else underneath he may just bend you over the next table he finds. It’s a big plus point if it’s one of his jerseys. He gets jealous and insecure easily so seeing you in one of his clothing items literally soothes his soul. He is a sweet lover but seeing you like that makes him go feral. He will love on you until you cry from overstimulation, that’s for sure.
-> Yamaguchi, Hinata, Kageyama, Sugawara
His favorite thing he sees you wearing is sportswear, from tiny shorts or skin-tight leggings to a sports-bra, he loves it all. The cherry on the top is your glistening skin and you; all sweaty and panting heavily from your workout. He longs to tire you out even more, making you breathe even harder, thinking about all the beautiful sounds he can elicit you. When you two are in the gym together he really has to pull himself together. His hands are all over you, helping you with your form, just to have an excuse to squeeze and feel all of your curves. He tortures himself and tries to keep it down. But he doesn’t have this strength all the time. This leads him to fuck you in some remote room again and again. This is the best workout he can imagine after all.
-> Iwaizumi, Terushima, Ushijima, Kita
He adores seeing you wearing tights or stockings. If you wear them you can be sure that one of his hands are rubbing over your thighs and legs, often times searchingly wandering higher and higher. He just loves the way your long legs look in tights. If you pair it with high heels he really is done. If you wear it in public or surprise him somewhere in such an ensemble, he tries to keep his composure and not take you right then and there. You know what you do to him when you get dressed like that and you enjoy it; seeing him all flustered, eyes wide when he lifts your skirt up, revealing your stockings to him. And he’ll fuck you just like that, legs over his shoulders, stockings and high heels still on until he has your gorgeous legs shaking.
-> Akaashi, Sakusa, Aran, Kuroo
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wearethestraydogs · 2 years
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« Eren x Armin headcanons »
Warning : Yaoi, referenced sex
( *this will be set in a college/suburban au cause I just can’t see Eren liking anybody in the canon-verse. )
•Eren is basically cold to everyone except Armin. He resents his mother and father, for always nagging him and treating him unfairly. He despises Mikasa because she’s always looking out for him, treating him like a baby. He has “friends” but ultimately hates them as well. Armin is a different story, for some odd reason, he feels so much love for Armin, he treats him like a king.
•Eren met Armin through Mikasa. Armin was good friends with Mikasa, she was his best friend. She asked him over and he accepted, meeting Eren for the first time. Instantly Eren wanted to know him more.
•After ( stalking ) getting to know Armin more, he asks him out on a date.
•Once their together, Eren meets Armin’s friend group. Jean, Connie, Sasha, Mikasa, Reiner, Marco and Berthold ( and Annie though she denies it ).
•Now back to our regular scheduled headcanons!
•Armin is a soft boi, his aesthetic screams light-academia. Eren is the complete opposite, whole grunge and punk vibe. The dynamic is amazing.
•Eren is possessive. He will constantly have an arm around his shoulders or a hand on Armin’s waist. If he thinks someone is hitting on him, he will swoop in and start to kiss and bite his neck. He’s even bared his teeth before.
•Armin loves whenever Eren pulls his hair up into a man-bun. He thinks it’s hot.
•Eren’s biggest problem is Jean. He soon found out a month into their relationship that Jean used to date Armin, though both had openly said they don’t like each other anymore and that relationship was cute for awhile but Jean liked Marco and Armin wasn’t interested in him anymore than a friend. But Eren being the paranoid little shit he is, is constantly making sure Jean know Armin is his, and nobody else’s.
•Eren’s pet names/nicknames for Armin are; “baby”, “bunny”, “Min”, “Minnie” and “baby-cakes”.
•Armin just calls him “Eren” or “Babe”. The nicknames are reserved for the Alpha.
•Eren is top. Armin is precious bottom.
•Eren knows what Armin’s favorite coffee is. And will constantly be running from campus to the nearest coffee stand to get him his coffee and will bring it to him nearly every morning.
•Eren has actually dropped out of college but lives with Armin in his dorm to escape is nagging parents.
•Armin LOVES books. He has shelves upon shelves of books, of Plato, Homer, Shakespeare, etc.
•Armin will wear Eren’s hoodies, all the time. Whenever he’s staying in and doesn’t go anywhere, will throw on one of Eren’s hoodies and watch anime while drinking boba and eating soba.
•When Armin cut his hair short, Eren swore he had a nosebleed.
•Armin tends to have major anxiety and will pull at his hair and scratch at his wrist. Eren started to notice this and started buying him body lotion and stress-relievers.
•Armin loves scented candles, and Eren tends to buy them as little gifts for him.
•Armin is a lightweight ( surprise, surprise ) and doesn’t like to drink. However, has gotten drunk a few times at parties, usually ones Connie and Sasha coax him into going cause “they’re good stress relievers!”
•Gets very giggly and chatty when drunk. And handsy. Eren once followed him to one of these parties and whenever Armin got drunk he started to get touchy with his boyfriend. Groping his chest, kissing up and down his neck, crawling on his lap and straddling it. Eren’s not complaining- he likes the view.
•Eren isn’t a lightweight and can take a lot. Vodka is what usually gets him. When he does drink ( which is also not often ) he starts to get horny. Armin will come to pick him up and he’ll start to whisper dirty stuff into his ear like; “damn baby, makin’ me hard just looking at you,” or “God I wanna fuck you so hard right now, the only name you’ll remember is my own.” Then he’ll often massage his inner thigh, teasingly close to his sensitive area.
•They both love dates. Doesn’t matter where. As long as they have each other.
•Armin got promise rings for each of them, promising eternal love. Eren and Armin both wear it around their necks.
•Eren got Armin’s name tattooed on his chest.
•Official sexuality’s
Armin : Pansexual, male.
Eren : Gay, male.
•The first time Eren had sex with Armin was magical. They had always teased about it but never actually did it until about two years into their dating.
•After that it became habit.
•Armin has a praise kink and loves receiving praise.
•He likes sucking off Eren. Makes him feel warm and fuzzy when he’s making Eren feel good.
•he is LOUD. Armin is like at top-volume man.
•Eren loves biting and marking Armin. Anything to show the world he’s his. He also revels in the fact Armin was a virgin until Eren claimed his virginity.
•Eren LOVES Armin in lingerie. Sasha had bought Armin a black lace one-piece with a red bow for Eren’s birthday and told him to surprise him with it. He did and boy- if this man didn’t loose it right there. Yeah, let’s just say Eren started buying a lot of lingerie from then on.
•Aftercare is cute.
•he’ll clean Armin with a bath and will fall happily asleep with his blonde angel in his arms.
•Contrary to what people believe, Armin’s a tiktoker. A pretty famous one too. Him and Eren make couples TikTok’s nonstop.
( *I also have a matching au where Erwin and Levi adopt Armin as their child and I’m integrating that into these next few headcanons. )
•Levi is a very protective father. He DID NOT like Eren at all. He warmed up a little, but is still sore about taking his sunshine away.
•Erwin was still more chill, however, he made it clear never to hurt Armin, otherwise it would be the death penalty.
•Eren was extremely nervous to meet Armin’s parents, the ex-military commanders. Levi was skeptical and didn’t trust Eren at all. Erwin was more welcoming and open, which Armin greatly thanks him for.
•When they first found out Armin had lost his virginity to Eren, Levi was pissed. More than pissed actually, mostly at Eren. Erwin was shocked. But Armin quickly explained he was a grown man and he loved Eren and they made sure to be safe. Levi still beat Eren’s ass though-
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*I found so many cool drawings for my au’s from @expressityart they’re amazing!! Please go follow them on TikTok and Twitter and Instagram guys, they really are an amazing artist and deserves more love
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lacheri · 3 years
11:29 PM, 4/20
pairing: stoner!Eren and fem bodied reader
content: smoking/drugs, dumbification, finger fucking, penetration, porn without plot, minors DNI
summary: eren's been trying to fuck you for years now, and he's got a different angle to play at this time. all it takes are a few pretty words and free weed.
wc: 3.5k
notes: happy 4/20 lmfao i wrote this in two hours and i'm posting this unedited and half asleep
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‘Rolling up, you sliding through?’
Your phone illuminated brightly against your face as you held your phone above you, your bed’s soft comforter brought up to your chin. You bit your lip, contemplating Eren’s invitation. Your eyes glanced to the clock in the corner of your phone screen, blinking a couple of times. ‘11:29 PM’ it read back.
‘Pleaaaase, 4/20 is almost over ):’ Eren had resorted to double texting, and you sighed, his battle easily won. You tried to believe it was fought hard, but you knew perfectly well that you were wrapped around Eren’s pretty little finger. He called, you answered. Simple as that.
‘I want a blunt all to myself for this Jaeger. I’m literally in bed right now’ you typed back quickly, clicking the off button on the side of your device, begrudgingly throwing your blanket off your body as the heat escaped. You gazed down at your attire, sweatshirt and sleep shorts bundled up to your form, and you sighed once again. Eren was going to have to accept you like this, because there was absolutely no way in Hell that you could fathom throwing on real clothes this late at night.
‘What’re you wearing? Send pics’
‘Eren I’m LITERALLY!!! On my way to your house right now’. This boy was going to be the death of you, or at least whatever brain cells you had left.
Fuzzy pink slides adorned on your feet, hair thrown up in the messiest ‘neat’ bun you could manage, you pocketed your keys and wallet. You grabbed your bookbag in the corner of your room full of paraphernalia, knowing well by now that Eren was too lazy to buy bongs or bowls, and made your way out of your home, locking the front door on your way out. You hit the unlock button on your car, throwing the bag in the passenger seat and set out for your late night journey.
It wasn’t uncommon for your best friend to hit you up so late, in fact it was Eren’s peak hours for hanging out. He never genuinely inconvenienced you, just an annoyance because every single time you got that invite text or call, your head would have just hit the pillow beneath you, sleep on the horizon. Traffic was the best at this time too, you would reason on the way there, virtually no cars on the road, turning your usual twenty minute ride into a ten minute one.
When you rolled up Eren’s driveway, you could see the dark red lights of his bedroom through the upstairs window on the front of the house. You picked your phone out of your pocket, texting a quick ‘I’m here’. You grabbed your bag, slinging it over your shoulder and climbed out of your car. By the time you made it to his front door, Eren was swinging it open, a goofy smile on his face.
“Just us tonight?” you asked, referring to the lack of cars in the driveway as you glided through the entryway.
“Yeah, feeling greedy. We haven’t hung out just us in awhile,” Eren smirked, leaning back and letting his eyes travel down your spine as you slid by him. He reached and pulled the door closed, locking it quickly and following quickly behind you.
You spent most of your nights here, knowing the pathway to Eren’s room. You jogged up the stairs, oblivious to Eren’s eyes trained in on your bouncing ass in your loose fitted shorts. His bedroom door was wide open, and you navigated over clothes thrown haphazardly on his floor to his unmade bed. You bounced as you sat down, hitting the mattress with your full weight and unzipping your bag, picking out your favorite bowl. Eren lifted the corner of his mouth, clearly amused at how at home you had made yourself.
“Comfy?” he asked, a teasing tone to his voice as he joined you on the bed, rolling tray and jar of bud in hand.
“Mhm,” you hummed, eyeing Eren’s hands as they set quickly to work. His grinder sat on the bed behind him, and after picking out a few clusters of green from the jar, he reached behind him and popped the top off, going through the motions of getting prepped for the smoke session. “What’d you do today?”
Eren shot you a dumb founded look, “It’s 4/20, what do you think I’ve been doing all day?”
You rolled your eyes, throwing your hands up in surrender, “Just making a joke, asshole.”
He chuckled, extending his hand out so you could pass him your bowl, packing it not long after. Eren looked around his mattress for a lighter, eyebrows drawn together as he couldn’t find one. You smirked then, extending the black lighter you had packed in your bag, and Eren smiled gratefully. He flicked the lighter once it was in his possession, pointer finger resting over the choke as he placed the pipe to his lips, inhaling deeply as the fresh green turned to ash. He lifted his long finger off the choke hole, removing the pipe as he held the smoke in for a few seconds, eyes instantly glazing as he exhaled.
Eren was one of those smokers that the second he had a hit of weed, it was written all over his face that he was high, even if he wasn’t. When Eren picked up the habit in highschool, his parents knew instantly what the boy had been doing during his “study sessions” with his friends. Now that he was an adult and moved out of his childhood home, Eren was pretty free in his indulgences, no longer carrying around eye drops to try and help him appear as innocent as possible.
After his second hit, Eren passed you back your bowl and lighter, coughing lightly as he exhaled, “What about you? What’d you do today?”
“Not much, spent all day watching documentaries and smoking my vape,” you laughed lightly, positioning the pipe to your own lips.
Eren’s eyes drank in the sight of your pretty plump lips as they wrapped around the tip of the pipe, fingers copying his as you bent your finger over the choke. The lighter ignited after a single flick, warm colored flames illuminating your face. It was like Eren was watching you in slow motion, but it was always like that with you, even when he wasn’t high. He could see the fire in your eyes as they focused downwards to your actions, and Eren felt his mouth go dry. You pulled the bowl away, making eye contact with him as the smoke exited your lips, licking your face as it traveled towards the ceiling on your exhale.
The two of you made small talk as you passed the bowl back and forth, Eren making a face once the bud was dead. He packed another bowl, repeating the rotation until that one was dead. The two of you thoroughly fried, he put the pipe on his bedside table and leaned his back against the wall by his bed. You mirrored him, resting your head on his broad shoulder as the two of you enjoyed each other’s company.
“We should make edibles this weekend,” you suggested, fingers playing with the drawstring of your hoodie. “Maybe invite the group over and get zooted and play a game or something.”
“Zooted?” Eren snorted. “I haven’t heard that word in years, grandma.”
You shot Eren a glare, which he began to laugh at, “I’m hip, okay? Zooted is making a comeback.”
“Stop trying to fit in with the youth, Myrtle,” he teased, wrapping his arm around your waist to tuck you into his side. “Man, if I was only 50 years older.”
You lightly elbowed his side, “You wish you could bag 70 year old me. I’m a fucking catch.”
“I wish I could bag you period,” Eren confessed, probably for the hundredth time of you knowing him. “How come you’ve never let me take you out?”
“Because, you’d just fuck and dump me and then I wouldn’t have a plug anymore,” you pouted, purposefully snuggling in closer.
“Is that what you really think?” he asked seriously, positioning his neck to the side so he could look down at you.
You looked up, centimeters apart from his face, “That’s what you did with all the other girls.”
“But you’re my best friend,” Eren frowned, taking his hand and pushing your hair behind your ear. “I wouldn't do that to you.”
“Don’t know if I wanna’ really find that out,” you smiled sadly.
“C’mon, let me prove it to you,” Eren licked his lips. “Fuck me, right now, and I’ll take you out tomorrow.”
You felt a pulse in your pussy suddenly, gulping spit down as you broke the eye contact, “I don’t know ‘Ren. We’ve been friends since highschool, what if it makes things weird?”
“You can’t look me in the eyes right now and tell me that you’ve never thought about it, about us,” his voice was a hare above a whisper. “Because I think about it all the time. ‘Is why I hit you up all the time, I like you stupid, I always have.”
This confession was so different from all the other ones. Eren was practically begging to let him in between your legs on a weekly basis, ever since you had met him. Never once had he been this honest though, so genuine sounding about his feelings. He had a point as well, you thought about being with him all the time. You were always at his house or going out somewhere together, you spent all your free time with him, of course you would have feelings for Eren.
“If,” you started, your eyes blinking rapidly as you returned your gaze to his red ones. “I say yes, and things are weird after, we’re going to pretend like this never happened and we go back to being friends.”
Eren’s lips crashed into your’s, any and all hesitation rolling off your body as you eagerly returned his kiss. His other arm circled you, bringing you in somehow even closer to him as your hands grabbed both of his cheeks, feeling the flex of his jaw as you smashed your lips together. Eren’s hand traveled under the hem of your sweatshirt to the small of your back, guiding you to sit in his lap. Legs on either side of his hips, your tongues slipped through the both of your lips, meeting in the middle.
Maybe it was the high, maybe it was Eren, but the throbbing in your cunt only expanded as Eren smoothed his hands all over the middle of your torso. They traveled up to the swell of your breasts, free from a bra, cupping both tits in his large hands. His thumbs slid and teased your nipples, hardening instantly under his touch. You arched your back, pushing your chest into his palms even more, your hips flicking as he tweaked your nipples between his fingers.
You both moaned into each other’s mouths at the roll of your hips, feeling Eren’s dick harden fast underneath your clothed center. Eren had been wearing a pair of thin grey sweatpants, leaving not much to the imagination while he was in this state. You felt his lips scrape against your bottom lip, pulling it into his mouth and sucking gently. He released it, a string of saliva linking to the two of you together.
“I’ve been imagining this for forever,” Eren’s eyes were glazed and deep red when you met his gaze. “I just never thought this would happen.”
“I’ve been wanting you too,” you admitted, your dirty little secret exposed.
He smirked at your confession, hands still toying with your breasts. Silencing you once more with his passionate kiss, he moved his hands downwards and to your back until he met the waistband of your shorts. He easily slid under the hem, gripping your ass in his palms, kneading and spreading you apart. You felt your pussy flutter, the indirect contact sending you into a deep pit of arousal, your senses heightened greatly.
It was like Eren could read your mind, and his fingers traveled to your spread cunt over his lap, running a finger over your slit over your panties. You whined, pressing your hips down to achieve a greater pressure from his hand, in turn allowing your wetness to seep through the cotton of your panties. Eren chuckled against your lips, reading your body language loud and clear. He pushed the fabric aside, allowing his knuckles to brush directly into your folds. You moaned into his mouth as he spread your arousal around your vulva. When his thumb bumped against your clit, you felt your patience snap entirely.
“‘Ren, need your fingers, now,” you panted, eyes half lidded as his kiss traveled to the underside of your jaw.
“You got it, baby girl,” he hummed into your skin. There was no resistance as he pushed his middle finger into your opening. “Fuck, you’re fucking soaked. This all for me?”
You couldn’t find your voice, nodding and whining out as he pumped his single digit into your pussy. His touch was slow, deliberate, trying to memorize every single ridge and flutter of your walls as you pulsed around him. Eren’s mouth was dry, dick hard and throbbing, completely lost in the feeling of you sucking his finger in deeper. He couldn’t comprehend the fact that his cock would be replacing his fingers soon, finally fucking you like he had imagined for years now.
His middle finger dared to pull out, and you let out a desperate whine, thinking that was his plan. You gasped in relief and pleasure as his ring finger pushed past your entrance, clenching tightly on his fingers. Eren found solace in this, perceiving your flutters as permission to go finger fuck you at an ungodly pace. He positioned his wrist as a more comfortable angle, and his fingers pumped inside of you at the speed of light.
Your eyebrows came together, mouth hanging open as you squeaked and whined, Eren’s other hand finding purchase on your jaw. He squeezed your cheeks together lightly, forcing your lips to pout as he maintained direct eye contact with you. His own lips hung open, and you could see your reflection in his blown out pupils. It only enticed you more, you looked heavenly. Eren couldn’t have worded it before himself if you had verbalized this, whole heartedly agreeing with you.
“You’re so tight,” Eren groaned out, his hand leaving your chin and slipping two fingers in between your lips. “Suck, baby.”
You did as you were told, Eren’s fingers slowing to fuck up into roughly, hitting your sweet spot over and over. Your tongue circled around his knuckles, lips vibrating on his fingers as your moans were silenced. Eren was thoroughly enjoying himself, seeing you completely under his control like this. You were putty in the palm of his hands, literally.
He slid his fingers out of your cunt so suddenly, feeling the gush of your arousal against your inner thighs as his hand left your shorts. His other hand fell out of your mouth, moving back to your jaw as you felt the wetness of your spit spread across your face. Eren brought the hand he was fucking you with to his own mouth, and you were practically drooling at the sight of him sucking your pussy juices off of his fingers.
“Delicious,” he cooed after he pulled them from his lips. “Just like I always imagined.”
You took this as your opportunity to remove some of your clothing. You tugged your hoodie over your head, tossing it on the floor. Eren followed suit, removing his own white t-shirt and reattaching his lips to yours. You tasted hints of yourself, not at all repulsed, in fact the exact opposite. You tasted sweet, tart but sweet.
You pushed yourself away from Eren, scooting off his lap in order to tear off your shorts and panties. Eren mirrored you, almost ripping his pants and boxers off as he slid them past his thighs and ankles to the floor. He remained in his seated position, eyes swirling and fingers twitching at his sides as he watched your crawl back to him. You placed a sloppy kiss to his lips before turning your body around, placing your feet on the mattress on either side of his lap. Sat in a full crouch now, you grabbed Eren’s cock, pumping him a few times with both of your hands in a screw motion. He moaned from behind you, his own hands gripping your ass cheeks to support your frame.
You guided Eren to your hovering pussy, teasing your clit, soaking him in your dripping heat. He cursed underneath you, his right hand moving to your hip as you lowered yourself on his length. Eren groaned loudly as the feelings of satisfaction and relief flowed through his body, his own heightened senses taking over. You moved to rest on your knees when you felt Eren bottom out inside of you, a string of moans and whimpers leaving your lips. You arched your back and Eren leaned back more, eyes stationed on your beautiful round ass.
“You’re so fucking hot,” he ran a hand up to the back of your head, untangling your messy bun so your hair fell free down your back. “C’mon baby, bounce on my dick.”
You lifted your hips, slamming down to his pelvis urgently. It was so overwhelming, the feeling of his cock filling you to the brim making your brain empty. Your eyes screwed shut, mouth hanging open dumbly as drool coated the swell of your lips. You bounced again, and Eren yanked your hair back as he watched your pussy stretch around him, close to snapping and drilling into you as he saw the creamy ring form around his base. You were a moaning mess, unable to think clearly as your body took over. Pushing all your weight into your knees and palms resting on Eren’s thighs, you fastened your pace, ass bouncing every time Eren’s fat tip brushed up against your cervix.
You felt the sharp sting on your cheek and heard the resounding slap of his hand on your right cheek, tears springing to your eyes, “Fuck, Eren, you feel so good.”
Taking your hips into his strong hands, Eren was finally at his brink as he thrusted hard up into. You yelped, letting yourself go limp as he slammed into your cunt at a dangerous pace. He was in full control now, fucking you into a stupor.
Your hand left it’s home of his thigh, traveling to your aching center to rub your clit. Eren’s position was perfect, rubbing the underside of his shaft against your g-spot. When you opened your eyes, you could see his toes curling, legs flexing and twitching. He wasn’t going to last long, your pussy putting him under a spell. You circled your clit with your pointer and middle fingers, throat raw from all the noises escaping you. All you felt was Eren, all you could hear was Eren, he was filling your entire being up, replacing any and all thoughts they may have lingered in your brain.
“Gonna’ cum,” you whined, fingers moving even faster.
“I’m so fucking close, fucking cum baby,” Eren growled, thrusts desperate and becoming irregular.
You stilled above him, a breathless scream heaving from your throat as you gushed around him. Your pussy clenched so tight, and Eren couldn’t hold back. Because as empty as your brain was, Eren was in the exact same state as he shot his thick load into you, filling your tight cunt up with his cum. You milked his cock, walls convulsing in your mind blowing orgasm. Black spots appeared in your vision when you realized you had forgotten to breathe, you took a deep gasp of air.
You were a panting, sweaty mess hovering over him. Eren was in awe, watching beads of his white seed leak out of your center. He’d worry about the consequences when his brain could comprehend what had just happened, but for now, the deep primal urge of filling you up was sedated. Eren didn’t think he could’ve imagined fucking you for the first time any better than this. And when you finally lifted your hips to release him, he felt a wave of sadness, your beautiful pussy no longer surrounding him.
“Did you, oh my God, Eren,” you lifted your hand in front of you, seeing the creamy white of his cum smeared on your fingers. “You came inside of me?”
“Sorry, baby,” he caught his breath as you turned your head over your shoulder to glare at him. “I’ll buy you Plan B in the morning, promise.”
“I’m on the pill, but still,” you huffed, letting the anger leave you as you realized Eren would take responsibility. “You didn’t know that.”
Eren laughed without humor, “Oh well, at least I know for next time. Now c’mere, wanna’ hold you while I roll a blunt.”
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LACHERI © 2021: all writing content belongs to LACHERI. I do not allow reposts or translations. this is my only account.
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cherienymphe · 2 years
I'm having Rafe relationship thoughts.
I'm thinking its a controlling, possessive relationship. Desperate not to lose you but that comes out as gaslighting, manipulation and violence.
Definitely one to smack you if he considers you stepping out of line or, godforbid, betraying him in some fashion.
Has rules about who you can see, expects a reply to his messages almost instantly. If you don't, and he's in a sober, relatively good mood, he'll get sulky and pouty, wanna make out and cuddle when you finally show up, but if he's high or upset then gets accusatory and paranoid.
Desperately wants Ward to like you so will subtly try to influence you with how to dress, what to talk about, the first time you come over.
Keeps you away from Sarah just in case she influences you in someway. Is defensive and cagey if you do ever find yourselves socialising. Wants her to like you but it's a risk. Too much of one at the moment. Not that it matters, she probably dislikes you on principle.
He loves watching you with wheezy. Feels calming and domestic watching the two of you bake cookies. Having fun, laughing, lots of obvious affection and love, It's what family should be like.
What he wants or expects from you fluctuates rapidly, and his treatment of you varies wildly from clingy affectionate boyfriend to abusive asshole. Usually dependant on what he's taken or what altercation he's had with Ward that day.
Self aware that he's an asshole to you at times but finds it hard to really care. Gaslights himself a little with "you're still with him so he can't be that bad really."
Pays a lot of attention to the things you like and treats you often. He does love you in his own twisted way. Splurges and buys you things that are shiny and expensive when he thinks he's been too much of an asshole. Or when you're sporting a black eye or split lip.
Loves seeing you in things he's bought you, it's proof of his ownership love.
or wearing his clothes. Wearing his hoodie? In one of his polo's? Playfully flirting with him by pinching his baseball cap and wearing it? Turned on immediately.
Not that much into giving pda, will hold your hand or force his tongue down your throat if he's feeling insecure threatened. but receiving it? Hell yes. Smooch on the cheek, sit on his lap, hold his hand, run your fingers through his hair or play with his fingers? He loves it.
Gets a weird little pulse of jealousy and arousal in his gut when he notices Kelce or Topper bantering or teasingly flirting with you. A little niggling thought sometimes that he thinks about when he jerks off. You'd never say yes but get a few beers and good lines of coke in you, would you really know if it was him or Topper on top of you? OK that thought is purely personal fantasy!
Forces you to drink or partake in drugs at parties, but if the two of you are alone he'll usually accept your refusal. Unless your tone of voice is off. What do you mean no?? You think you're better than him? Hell no princess, snort this coke and get on your knees.
Oh yes!
Yes to all of this because as Rafe is now, this is how I'd imagine him as a bf tbh. Especially the gaslighting himself and making you dress how he wants and taking out his anger or frustration on you
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pvrpleblccd · 3 years
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pairing : shuntaro chishiya x f reader
tw : angst, unresolved grief, death, mentions of death, blood, violence (beating up someone), chishiya being violent
a/n : this is my first post- cndovn- but i am currently having a massive crush on this man right here <3 ALSO CHISHIYA GIVES ME MASSIVE KENMA VIBES (im sorry for the typos, i wrote this at 4 am-)
There he was again, sitting at the edge of the rooftop of the Beach, hoods on and hands in his white Nike zip up sweater, well, it was given to him. He looked down to see all of the horny animals dancing and living their life as if it was their last day. Chishiya sighed, ‘Everyone looks like their all about to die, as always.’
It was a beautiful day in this cruel country. But it’s just like any other day, people will die tonight, either because their visa will expire or die during a game. Dying in a game, probably the worst death here. Chishiya sighed again and took a deep breath, trying to erase all negativity going through his head. Though, there’s one thing that he can’t get out of his head.
“Hey, Chishiya.”
Chihsiya whipped his head to where he heard the voice. He was about to call her name, but he only saw Kuina at the door of the rooftop entrance, looking at Chishiya with a confused look. ‘Ah... I’m still hearing her voice, I must be crazy.’
“An told me you guys had a meeting, I’m just here to rely the message to you.”
The blonde male nodded and stood up, making his way to where Kuina was. No words were exchanged between the both of them, though Kuina noticed the slight mood change the male had every now and then. There are times where he’s cocky, would always slide comment when he had the chance, had his guard up, and times where he just became more reserved than ever and was cold and gloomy.
Kuina noticed, but never dared prying on it, not wanting to get on the intelligent man bad side.
Chishiya on the other side, he zipped up the white hoodie he loved very much. He entered the meeting room and sat at his place, like always, though he kept a pokerface while hugging the hoodie he was wearing. He felt several pair of eyes on him, not on him, but the zip up he was wearing. No one dared to say anything, though Niragi wasn’t having it.
“Chishiya. Were you really obligated to wear that zip up when we’re in a meeting?!”
Niragi shouted from his place, gripping hard the rifle he had in his hand. No one budge or said anything, even Hatter looked at Chishiya, both with envy and anger in his eyes.
“It was given to me. Why whouldn’t I wear it? If you’re thinking that we should share it, you, out of everyone in this room, that I don’t share what I own. And plus, if we shared it, you’d only get blood on it and dirty it, y/n managed to keep it white and as clean as possible. I won’t let your stupidity ruin it.”
“You wouldn’t know what y/n would have wanted!” Niragi stood up and pointed his rifle at the blonde male.
“I knew y/n longer than you.”
“We were still close!”
“To someone like you? I don’t think so, you’re a complete psycho, Niragi.”
“Give it a break! We’re all mourning Chishiya, espicially An! So what the hell do you mean, y/n-”
“Y/n is dead.” Last Boss said while looking at the arguing males.
The room was even more quiet than it ever was, not only with the statement, but for the bald tattooed male to speak up and empathized the dead made them slightly uncomfortable. With no one saying a thing for a minute or two, Mira stood up and talked about the card they were able to collect and that they haven’t gotten news ones for a while. An talked about the medical supplies and that she was running out from it, Hatter asked Aguni and his Militants to accompany An for a short run to grab all supplies they can gather.
She was the first one to leave, the meeting room which was understandable. When no one said anything, Hatter talked about adding a new rule. Rule number three, death to traitors.
Soon after, the meeting was done.
The blonde male made his way to his room, opening the door he saw a familiar figure sitting on his bed, when he blinked the figure was gone. Chishiya closed his room door and laid on his bed, looking at the ceiling. He never felt so confused and empty in his entire life. He never wanted to deal with anyone’s emotions or feelings, let alone his. But upon on thinking and thinking, he came to a conclusion he now only realized.
How much he loved y/n.
“Damn it. This hurts... This sucks.”
Too tired and exhausted to think, Chishiya closed his eyes and embraced the darkness that surrounded him.
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“Chishiya?” A voice called out.
The blonde male turned his head, seeing a petite figure looking at him as if he was a ghost. He looked at her from head to toe and his eyes grew wide, he instantly got up and hugged the petite figure.
“Y/n?” He said in a weak voice.
The petite figure sighed in relief and hugged the male back, while letting out a small sob. They were currently in an abandonned mall, gathering food and necessities to get through the night. Y/n came back with a ton of canned food and water, while Chishiya came back with the others things they needed, such as flashlights and batteries and other things.
The both of them were catching up upon missed times and Chishiya kept eyeing on how she was dressed, grey sweatpants with a nike zip up and what looked like a swimsuit top, and the pink locker bracelet around y/n wrist. The numbers 009 was on the bracelet and the girl knew he was looking at it.
“What’s the most recent game you completed?” The petite girl asked.
“Six of diamonds, how about you?” Chishiya said, eating the canned peach. He didn’t noticed the slight spark in y/n’s eyes, but she smiled.
“Nine of hearts.” Y/n said and took a bite of her food.
A comfortable and peaceful silence was set between the two until the girl broke it.
“I want to take you somewhere.”
“Hatter, I want him to be part of the executives.”
Y/n said right after they all welcomed her back. All of them looked at her with confused and looked at Chishiya then back at y/n. The girl only smiled and put all of cards she collected on the table. Chishiya couldn’t believe the amount of cards she had in her possession, there was 14 cards in total.
“Chishiya cleared a diamonds game and is the lone survivor, I highly believe that his skills can be very useful to us. Also, I have known him before entering the Borderland. He is like a precious gem, full of hidden talents!”
She said while putting her hands in her grey sweatpants.
The blonde male was taken aback by the sudden praise, but dind’t show it. The others turned their attention to Chishiya, hearing the praise from y/n made them have a base opinion on Chishiya, he was smart and must not be harmed. Hatter started to explain the two rules to Chishiya and handed him a blue locker bracelet with the number 011 on it.
“Enjoy the Beach!”
After Chishiya settled in the Beach for a couple of weeks, he and y/n grew closer than they ever were before. The two of them became inseparable.
During one night, Chishiya and y/n were hanging out in the lobby, they were part of the first teams that finished early. Chishiya lost his other hoodie, blood was splattered on it, due to a player clung onto him begging him to help him and his collar went off.
In short words, he was currently shirtless. Y/n trying her best not to look, couldn’t help, but take a peek, thought the blonde male caught her.
“Like what you see?”
He said with a grin plastered on his face. Out of embarrassment, she took off her white Nike zip up and handed it to Chishiya, who watched her with an amused expression.
“H-here...! It’s yours now..!” She said and sprinted to elsewhere.
Chishiya sat there smiling at himself and decied to put the zip up on. He got up from his place and went off to find y/n. A part of him starting to worry, since it’s been an hour and he hasn’t found the petite girl yet. He passed the lobby at least three or four times, that’s when he started asking around.
With no one knowing where the girl was, he even asked Niragi, he too was worried so they both went on their sides to find her. Chishiya went outside and started to walk around the perimeter until he heard an oh so familiar voice coming form the sketchy alleyway.
“Were you hiding the cards from Hatter?”
“So what if I was?! I had to watch my friends die in front of me to be able to get this card! I’m not giving it to some cult leader or whatever he is!”
Chishiya rushed to the voices and saw one of the new militants holding three cards in his left hands and a gun in this right. Y/n tried to reason with the boy, but it only seemed to boil his blood even more, to the point he raised his gun. Chishiya ran to y/n side and hid her behind him, y/n on the other side was surprised.
“Put the gun down... You’re pointing it at the most important person apart from Hatter.” Chishiya tried calm the boy down, but didn’t work.
“Y/n... You remember Kirika? She was close to you right? Did you know that she gave her life up so that I can survive the game? Her last words were, ‘Tell y/n, thank you... I love you Aki-kun.’ She gave her life for me because she loved me!”
Aki broke down crying, falling on his knees and letting out pained screams. Y/n came forward tears falling down her cheek and approached Aki and gave him a hug. She careful put the gun down and caressed the top of Aki’s head.
“Kirika was a wonderful person, Aki, she was-“
Y/n sentence was cut abruptly and Chishiya took a step wondering why y/n suddenly stopped talking, he took another stop forward, his eyes widening seeing Aki’s hands was covered in blood and held a knife. He dropped the knife and moved his hand to grab the gun next to him.
“You’re all Hatter’s soldier. We have to end this, I have to end it.”
Aki grabbed the gun and slowly got up, hair covering his eyes. While Chishiya looked at how y/n’s body fell to the side and seeing a dark substance staining her grey sweatpants. A small pool of her own blood was starting to form underneath her.
Chishiya looked at Aki who was still mumbling things, but he saw red. The blonde grabbed the closest thing to him, which was a metal pipe, and ran towards Aki, hitting him with it, unable to stop himself.
Chishiya’s blood was boiling, he never felt so angered in his entire life. He kept on swining the pipe, hitting a part of Aki’s body every time. His vision was red, he couldn’t even hear the screams of his victim. What brought him back was Aguni taking off the metal pipe off of his hands. Chishiya’s face was unrecognizable, it was full of hatred, sadness, anger and disgust. Aguni never saw such expression on the male’s face before, he always looked so calm and preserved.
Something caught Chishiya off guard when he looked at Aguni. His eyes were red, as if he was holding himself back not to cry, that’s when he remembered y/n. He turned around to see An trying to stop the bleeding from y/n’s wound, but the blood was coming out and went through all of the amount of cloth that was put on it.
The blonde male rushed towards y/n’s side caressed her face while shaking his head. Tears fell on the girl’s cheek while Chishiya was telling y/n to stay with him. He soon looked at An and she was trying everything she could, all of the sudden, a small and tired voice caught his attention.
“S...shuntaro...? Ri-chan..?”
The blonde male whipped his head to look at y/n. She was smiling. Why was she smiling? She was dying, but she was still smiling. Chishiya tried to understand her, but couldn’t.
“S-spending my... last moments.. with the ones I love.. Shun... taro... I’m sorry... but pro..mise me... you’ll live, okay?”
“W..why are you saying sorry.. No. We both survive okay? Look... An... An will take care of you okay?”
Y/n turned weakly looked over the forsenic, who was doing her best to keep the petite girl alive. They made an eye contact, y/n let out a pained sigh while An shook her head. Y/n was trying to stay strong until the very end.
“Ri..chan... Thank you for everything... Take care... Big sis...”
At this point, An was crying too and shouted for other people to come help them. Y/n placed her bloodied hand on Chishiya’s cheek, wiping his tears away, he held her hand as she caressed him. She was so warm, he never knew she was this warm before. He didn’t wanted her to leave.
Just not yet.
“No.. No, you can’t leave.. Hang on okay y/n..? Help is... help is on the way.”
Y/n shook her head and let all of her tears fall, managing to give Chishiya one final smile.
“Shuntaro... I love you.”
At her words, y/n’s eyes closed and her hand went limp, landing on her body. When the other arrived, all of the executives looked at the scene before them. They were too late. An was crying, still holding on her little sister dead body, telling her to wake up and not to leave her. Chishiya sat there unable to move or say anything.
A pang of guilt hit two executives in particular and they slightly looked at each other and sighed, tears slowly coming in their vision. Aguni was behind them and his fist turned white, knowing y/n was the most important person in the Beach. She was the only one who kept Hatter in the sane side.
Niragi pushed the people aside and dropped his rifle, analyzing the dead girl’s feature. Y/n died with a smile on her face.
“She looks so peaceful.”
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Chishiya woke up at the sound of the bell, indicating to gather in the lobby and group up, since the games were about to start. He felt something wet on his side and he looked at his pillow, it was wet. He touched his face and he shook his head, laying on his bed once again.
He cried. He was crying.
He looked at the ceiling and smiled sadly, clutching on his chest at the amount of pain he felt. The memory of her smiling to him was engraved in his mind and he wasn’t going to let it go.
“I never had the chance to tell you that I loved you too... I’m sorry.. I only now realized it..”
He stood up, wiping the tears off of his face, putting his shoes on and went to the lobby. He put his hood on and tucked his hands in the pockets, he analyzed everyone and he nodded to himself.
‘I will keep my promise.’
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danniburgh · 3 years
A million little times. (Dave York x f!reader)
Pairing: Dave York x f!reader
Summary: You scourged yourself for starting it and then having the audacity of asking for more.
You fell in love, he didn’t love you, yet you were willing to let him ruin you a million little times.
Word count: +5.2k
Warnings: welp this IS Dave York, but somehow came out softer than we’re used to lmao, SMUT SMUT SMUT minors BEGONE, some dirty talk, infidelity (not condoning it), some of reader’s and Dave’s dialogues may get you uncomfortable as they talk about possessiveness and HINTS of doing things against one’s will.
A/N: look guys, i don’t know what came onto me but i wanted two things, to write about our dear suburban murder daddy (because i love him and i love the dave york pit) and write something HEAVILY based on illicit affairs by my dearest ty ty. So here it is, this is more based on the bridge and the chorus of the song because those lines just do stuff to me, hope you like it :)
Masterlist // Read on ao3 // ko-fi
comments and reblogs are eternally appreciated 💓 
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“I’m going out” you said, zipping up your hoodie, heading for the door.
“Where the fuck are you going? it’s pouring outside,” your roommate questioned from the sofa she was lounging on, looking at you then at the window, she could see a lightning at the distance.
You grabbed your car keys and an umbrella from the small rack you kept by the door, more to make her stop questioning you than to actually use it outside.
“Somewhere” you replied without looking at her.
“Are you gonna see him? again?” she stood up and walked towards you, you rolled your eyes, she knew you too well “I thought you… dumped him”
“I did” you muttered, looking at your running shoes, knowing that if you held her really heavy judging gaze she would pull out the truth from you. You never left him, but you were about to.
“Then why the fuck are you going to see him?” she crossed her arms on her chest and you felt a tug on your stomach and bit your lip “holy shit” she made you look at her by grabbing your chin with her fingers and lifting your face “oh c’mon dude, seriously?”
“I’m gonna break up with him today!” you told her, almost whining.
“There’s nothing to break up!” she dropped her hand and let out an exasperated sigh, you knew she was right “he’s married! he’s older!” 
“Don’t you think I don’t fucking know that?” you spat at her. She rolled her eyes.
“You had tried to end things with that man four times now,” she sounded tired, she wasn’t scolding you anymore, she was trying to remind you “what is he doing to you? Fuck, you’re not like this!” 
You dropped your eyes to the floor again. He was doing so much; he was a lot to take. That man was killing you inside and taking away everything you were, he was eating your soul and you were letting him.
He was incredibly overwhelming, astonishingly overpowering, he suffocated you in the most delicious way; he was exhausting and demanding and knew you thoroughly, inside and out. He was too much and not enough. He was never nearly enough. And that was consuming you.
“You don’t really wanna know,” you said “but I’m gonna end things... today, I promise”
“Don’t make promises you know you can’t keep,” she murmured, going around you to open the door “I really hope you know what you’re doing”
“I am” you turned around and walked out. She called your name before closing the door.
“Please, be careful” you nodded instantly, not knowing if she knew something else you hadn’t told her or if she was just referring to the terrible weather outside. “good luck,” and she closed the door.
You stood in the hallway for a few seconds. Her last two words were weighing heavily in your mind, and you wondered again if she knew something. She couldn’t, but it wouldn’t be at all surprising. But you were grateful, you needed good luck. With Dave York, you always needed the luck on your side.
You parked the car and turned off the ignition. It was already dark, the only light that softly illuminated the inside of the car was the pink and blue led lights of the motel’s signboard, and the thick raindrops hitting the windshield made a gloomy, unsettling symphony that invaded your ears and was starting to drill inside your brain.
You hesitated to send him a text that read im here, but did it anyway, and waited there for his text back as you always did, he would tell you which room you needed to go to and how long you had to wait for him.
Because he always made you wait. He made sure you knew he was the one making time for you in his so full schedule and you had to be available for him at any time, any day he wanted.
You wanted to leave; you were considering just turning back on the ignition, reverse the car out of the parking lot and go back home. 
Were you seriously thinking about standing him up?, you couldn’t do that, not to him. You knew he was capable of driving all the way to your apartment, kick off the door and fuck you senseless as a punishment. 
He was too much and you couldn’t take it, that’s why you wanted it to stop.
Yet you received his text almost right away, he was already waiting for you inside. That made you anxious, because he never did that. 
You got out of the car and ran to the stairs, not minding getting wet as the distance from the parking lot to the covered hallway was not very long. You tried to control your breathing as it hitched when you reached the room with the number 2B on the white door and you failed. 
The door opened before you could even raise your hand to knock, and there he was. In all his clean, broad, stiff glory.
“Hi” was the only thing you could breathe out, his eyes wandered through your body from the running shoes you slipped on when you got his i want to see you text, to the black leggings you were already wearing that he liked too much and your crimson hoodie you grabbed from the laundry pile on the floor of your room.
His face was unreadable as always, but somehow after all the time you’ve been… what you were, you knew he wasn’t very fond of the ensemble you had put together.
“Dave?” you broke the silence, he looked back at you and moved to the side to let you into the room. Once you got in, he swiftly closed and locked the door and in one long step he was pressing his chest against your back and his half hardened cock against your ass, ripping a whimper out of your throat.
“I missed you, baby,” his voice was deep and hungry in your ear, his hands were hot and heavy roaming around your hips and your stomach, one of them traveled quickly under your hoodie and the tank top you were wearing and cupped your breast, he liked you better when you weren’t wearing a bra “I missed these tits” he pressed an open mouthed kiss on your jaw and a moan left your body without your permission, his other hand was about to snake inside your leggins when you grabbed his wrist and stopped it.
“Dave” you breathed, feeling his smirk on the skin of your neck, his hand on your chest kneaded the flesh and his fingers played with your nipple. You were wet and for the first time in god knows how long you didn’t like it.
“Say my name again” he ordered. You shook your head trying to focus.
“Dave, stop” your voice was thin but sharp and stung into him exactly like a needle. He stopped his movements but didn’t remove his hands from your body.
“What do you mean stop?” he grunted, still in your ear you tried to move your head away from his lips, to move your body away from him but his embrace was tight and it was too overwhelming for you to form a coherent sentence.
“I want this to stop” the words left your mouth before you could really measure the weight of them.
Then and only then Dave broke all contact with you, and even there, your body shivered at the loss of his heat.
“Again with that shit?” he grunted out, you looked down and tried to regain your composure “you need to understand something, baby” he grabbed your shoulder and turned you around to face him “you’re mine” he cupped your face with both hands and pressed his mouth with yours hoarsely, your hands instinctively placed themselves on his chest and you tried to push him away “your mouth is mine” he growled, his lips traveled to your neck and he bit the tender flesh over the jugular, making you whine “this neck is mine” one of his hands snaked down and he cupped your breast over the thick fabric of the hoodie “these tits are mine” that same hand traveled further down and around your body and he fisted your buttcheek, you started trembling “this ass in mine” you shook your head again, his hand gripped your chin and you felt his fingers digging on your cheek, a shaky moan escaped you when he palmed your pussy over the leggings “this cunt is mine” he moved your head and made you look at him in the eyes. Lust and anger had darkened his brown hard eyes “you’re all mine and you’re not leaving me”.
“I’m not yours” you breathed out on his hand and when you thought his eyes couldn’t look at you worse, they hardened even more.
“No?” he pulled your head, making your forehead clash with his “are you telling me you’re not?” 
When had you become so scared of him?
You felt a familiar sting on your throat and your lower lip started trembling.
“Don’t even think about crying right now” he spat, his voice was two octaves lower than it normally is and a tear slipped out. He grumbled and lick it away off your cheek “even your tears are mine”
“Please,” you pleaded “Dave, please”
“Dave please” he mocked you and his hand moved to your neck, your breath hitched and you closed your eyes, waiting for him to squeeze “why do you wanna leave me?”
The question lingered in the tight space between your faces and you gulped hard, trying to understand if it was just a rhetorical or an actual question. The silence fell heavy and the gloomy symphony the rain was making had stopped outside.
He stood there, crazily close to you, his hand around your neck and the other grabbing your wrist. He was waiting for you to respond and you were trying to gather all your thoughts. You weren’t sure if your reasons were going to be enough for him, but you needed to try.
“Can you please let go of me?” you asked him softly, opening your eyes to meet his. “please”
His hands left your body, and he sighed, visibly tired, and you knew you had little time to try to explain to him everything you wanted before he got desperate and tried to fuck you again.
“Sit” he ordered, you stepped backwards and the back of your knees hit the mattress, you sat and he stood in front of you, crossing his arms on his chest, just waiting for you to begin.
“I–I want more” you mumbled, dropping your gaze yet again to avoid his heavy eyes on you “and you can’t give it to me”
“What more do you want?” he walked to you and his body heat made your eyes close
“You” you let out, feeling your eyes fill with tears again and your chest stung when he let out an exasperated sigh.
“You’ve got me” his voice was rough, you shook your head.
“No, I don’t” you stood up “fuck, Dave, you’re married!” you panted, his arms dropped and he just stared at you.
“Sit down!”
“Drop it!” you cut him off “you have kids!” and the sudden realization that he didn’t care about that as he looked at you with a serious but blank expression made you want to scream “and I’m what? your relief?” 
“Listen to me–” he started, you shook your head.
“No, stop!” you blinked your tears away “and I think I might be sick because I–I think I love you”
You saw his eyes shift, his strong, inexpressive facade fell for a few seconds as his brow furrowed slightly. And against your will, it gave you the smallest hint of hope.
No, he doesn’t love you, he will never love you.
“And you’re consuming me, Dave,” you let out “I don’t like the person I am when I’m with you”
“Don’t call me that” you begged, wiping the tears that had fallen down your cheeks “I’m a mess, Dave” you sobbed out “I let you take over my life!” 
He gave a step towards you and you lifted your palm to make him stop.
“I let you control every single aspect of my life, I’m such an idiot,” he shook his head “yes! I am be–because I’m still here! I’m letting you ruin me yet another time!” 
He called your name roughly, and you shivered at the sound of it in his voice. There had been a long time since he last used your name.
“I’m not gonna let you leave,” he drawled, his voice still low. He walked towards you again and grabbed your wrists “you’re not walking out on me, you hear me?” your face quirked in pain and he let go of one of your wrists and moved his hand up to wipe your tears with the back of his fingers “you knew what you were getting into,” he cupped your face “I’m not letting you go and you will take what I give you,” he closed the distance between you.
You knew this would happen; you knew he wouldn’t accept it; you were tired. He was exhausting.
His lips were soft and warm against yours and for a moment, his touch on your face made you feel cared for.
“For how long?” you asked on his lips, he moved back to look at you with a frown “how long will you keep me?”
Were you really agreeing to this? Were you just about to take it? He was basically forcing you at that point and you were really just… embracing it?
“You really want out?” you saw him studying your face, his eyes traveled around your pained expression and you saw them flash in front of you, you blinked away the tears that had gathered in your eyes and nodded.
“You’re destroying me,” you whispered.
“How am I destroying you?” his question sounded genuine, as if he was surprised at your revelation.
“Don’t you know?” you saw him shaking his head slowly “think about it Dave, you’re too overwhelming, too apprehensive, too rough, too much,” 
“You like it” he let out, almost as if he was reminding you of it.
“That’s the thing, I love it,” you whined out “I love you and you don’t love me and all thi–”
“Who says I don’t?” he cut you off, you widened your eyes.
“What?” your voice roughened and his jaw tightened.
“Don’t think for me,” he spat, his hands moved to your shoulders “if I’m telling you I won’t let you leave it’s not because I want to keep you against your will,” you sighed “it’s because I just want you,” he licked his lips and breathed out heavily “I get it, it’s not fair, I won’t leave my family,” you felt your lids drop and a whimper left your body “I can’t give you what I already gave to them,” you felt your legs weaken and his hands slid from your shoulders to your waist as he held you “I can just give you this, and if you won’t take it, then go and I won’t bother you again”
“Fuck,” you breathed out, he broke the embrace he had you in and you sat on the bed slowly, hand resting on your thighs, head hanging low, tears slipping out. He kneeled in front of you. His face was blank again, but there was something behind his eyes that told you he didn’t want you to leave him.
For a moment you let yourself remember how everything had started. It was an autumn night, months and months before that felt like years.
You were getting into a coffee shop and he was heading out; you bumped into each other and he spilled his black coffee all over your beige coat. You had giggled, and he was almost mortified, rambling about paying the dry cleaning and buying you another coat, he even gave you his card and offered to pay for your coffee order. You told him over and over not to worry and accepted his drink offer with the condition of drinking it with him. He introduced himself and asked for your name; you had seen the golden ring in his left hand right away and yet you still flirted with him because you didn’t think he would take onto your advances; he told you he had enjoyed your company and asked for your number when you were saying goodbye.
He called you for the first time the next day and asked you out. He proposed it as two new friends getting to know each other, but the whole dinner he was eating you with his eyes. You were enjoying the way he was looking at you and talking to you and how his hand slid on the table to brush your knuckles, and when he asked you if you wanted to go somewhere else you didn’t hesitate in saying yes.
That night he fucked your brains out in a nice hotel suite he had previously reserved, because he knew you wouldn’t say no.
And from there you opened up to him, he taught you new things about your body you had never known; he made you cum in so many ways you never knew were possible; he kissed you and took your breath away; he ate you out like a thirsty man drinking a glass of water after three days on the dessert; he fucked you like it was the first and the last time.
He had memorized every single thing you liked; he knew your body in ways you didn't and he let you get to know his so you could give him as much pleasure as he wanted.
Dave soon enough became the owner of every single thought and free hour you had.
He invaded your mind and your body in the most delicious way; he took over and appropriated your whispers, your sighs, your shudders, your orgasms and every gasp and moan that came out of your mouth. He was rough and broad and hard, and he praised you as you liked it, and he gave into your demands and kinks as much as you gave into his.
He became everything you wanted, and he possessed you in so many ways you stopped going out with friends to meet with him. You changed your schedule as he asked and accommodated yourself to please his needs. Dave occupied your life and you let him.
Yet you knew nothing about him.
Of course he told you he was married. But you found out he had two daughters when you picked up his wallet from the floor and saw the picture of them he had inside. He never told you their names or their ages. He never told you what he did for a living or where he lived.
And after some time he stopped taking you into nice hotel suites and started meeting you in cheap motels. He started being rougher, and you started loving him. 
And every orgasm he took out of you and every sigh and moan and whimper and gasp came out of you with so much love you knew he could feel it, yet he said nothing and made sure you didn’t ask for more.
You didn’t know at what point it became unbearable, unsustainable, incredibly hard to meet him. You started thinking about his wife, about his daughters, about the things he had with them and not with you. 
You scourged yourself for starting it and then having the audacity of asking for more.
Then you asked him to stop all of it for the first time, and he just brushed it off and fucked you with his fingers and his mouth and his cock until you forgot the idea.
The second time you asked, he took you to dinner after having you ride him for two hours and ripped out of you so much pleasure you thought it was going to change something.
But it didn’t.
And so on.
And now he was kneeling in front of you while you sobbed your eyes out and he was still as overwhelming and overpowering as he always was, yet his body radiated so much heat you wanted to rip his clothes off and show him how much he had made you love him.
“I’m obsessed with you,” he muttered, taking your hands and intertwining them with his “you keep roaming around my mind like it’s your job to invade my every thought,” you looked at him and his eyes pulled something inside you that didn’t have a name until that same moment “I think about you when I’m fucking my wife, and I have to stop myself from calling her by your name,” two thick tears escaped your eyes and he took a hand out of the entanglement on your lap to brush them off softly “I need you,”
He said he needed you and you believed him. You needed him too, even though he was never going to fully be yours, even though he would never give you what you wanted and the cheap motels or the nice hotel suites and the sporadic dinner dates would never be nearly enough.
He said he needed you and you needed him more. More than he could ever need you. You needed him and wanted him and loved him so bad you were willing to take in whatever he wanted to give you from himself, even if it was scraps and crumbles of an already taken and loved man.
“Fuck, Dave,” you looked at him, his eyes deep and mysteriously bewitching, and you knew instantly, you would let that man break you in infinite pieces, you would let him use you and manhandle you as he pleased and you would let him ruin you over and over again.
“I need you” he repeated, with another connotation. He needed your body, and you needed his. You let out a heavy sigh and lifted your hands to cup his face, he immediately pushed himself up and took your lips on his.
His kiss was eager, anxious and hungry. His hands moved to your waist, and he slowly made you lay on the bed, leaning down with you to hover over your body with his knees on each side of your thighs on the mattress, without breaking the kiss.
Dave slid a hand inside your hoodie and started wandering around the skin of your belly and your chest. His hand was still warm and his touch was softer than it had been the last few dozen times he had touched you.
You let out a soft whimper when his tongue licked your lower lip and gained access to your mouth; he let you put your hands around his neck and your fingers started playing with the short hair on his nape.
“Your lips are mine” he whispered against your lips, you smiled softly. Of course.
“Yours, ”
His hand inside your hoodie moved to your breast, and he started playing softly with your nipple, you felt your arousal gathering inside your thighs.
You felt a tug inside your lower belly when he moved his mouth to your neck and started leaving kisses on the soft skin, Dave hadn’t kissed your neck like that since the first time he had fucked you.
“Your neck is mine” his breathing hit the wet spot he had kissed, and you moaned.
His other hand played with the hem of your leggings, and he licked your earlobe.
“Stand up, let me take off your clothes,” he whispered into your ear, it wasn’t an order but it wasn’t a plea, you moaned and he moved back to help you stand off the bed.
You stood in front of him and he grabbed the hem of the hoodie; he lifted it up, and you raised your arms for him to remove it from your body; he dropped it on the floor next to him and did the same with the tank top you were wearing underneath. His eyes stayed glued to your breasts, and he raised his hands to cup both of them. He walked to you and kissed you again, kneading the flesh softly as he breathed in the sighs you were letting out.
“Your tits are mine” he whispered on your lips.
“Yours” your hands moved to his chest, and you started to unbutton his shirt nimbly.
He let you slide his shirt off and drop it on the floor. You moved to his belt and unbuckled it.
Dave snaked his hands from your chest to your waist and then around your body to caress both buttcheeks over the fabric of the leggings.
“Your ass is mine” he whispered, you nodded as you unzipped his pants and slid your hands from his waist through his briefs to his own ass and knead him for a second. Dave looked at your face and you smiled at him softly, he saw your puffy red eyes from crying and leaned down to kiss you again.
For a moment you let yourself forget all the powerfully negative things you had felt about the whole situation. His lips being soft and warm enough for you to blank your mind.
You wanted to ask him why was he being so soft with you, but you didn’t want him to stop.
He moved his hands from your ass back to the waistband of your leggings and pulled down along with your underwear, breaking the kiss only to help you get out of them and out of your shoes.
“Lay down” he murmured, again not ordering yet not pleading. And you did as you were told.
Dave removed the rest of his clothes and grabbed your knees, spreading you open in front of him, he saw you wet and his hand trailed all the way up your thigh; he slid two fingers across your slit; you gasped at the contact and your hips circled, trying to get closer to his hand.
He leaned down and supported himself on one hand, his knees between your legs, while bringing the hand in between your legs to your mouth and spread your arousal on your lips.
You were about to lick them to taste yourself when his lips clashed into yours, hungrier than before, both of you tasting your juices in the kiss.
Your hand reached down between your bodies to grab his hardened cock and pump him a few times, his kiss became sloppy and wet as you played with the pre semen on the tip, he let out a grumble when you choked the head with your thumb and your index around it and he bit your lower lip when you squeezed it.
He took your wrist as he broke the contact of your lips and removed your hand from his cock; you knew what was coming and you spread your legs wider to give him space.
Dave lined himself up to your slit and played the tip up and down from your entrance to your clit and pressed it on the bundle of nerves, ripping a loud moan out of you.
“Dave, please,” you whispered, he was looking at you, his brown eyes were less hard and less dark and you moved your hips to try to get him closer to you.
“What, baby,” he asked, low voiced.
“Fuck me,” you said, he gave you half a smile as he slid himself into your core, his hand gripping your hip. You let out a sigh in relief as he painfully slowly bottomed up.
He stayed inside for a few seconds for your walls to stretch and get used to his thickness.
“Your cunt is mine” he whispered, looking into your eyes, you nodded and he kissed your temple “you’re still so tight, baby,” he pulled out almost entirely and thrusted into you slowly “so tight and wet as the first time I fucked you”
You curled your arms around his shoulders when he hid his face in the crook of your neck and let out a moan when he circled his hips inside you and hit ever so slowly that sweet spot that only his cock could find.
“Dave, shit,” you gasped when he thrusted into you harder “no–nobody could,” he pounded into you again “e–ever fuck me like you do,” 
You felt his smirk on your skin and he licked and kissed the skin that was within reach of his mouth, moving his hips faster until he found a pace that made you squirm and whine under him.
“You’re all mine, baby,” he breathed on your ear “say you’re mine,”
“I’m yours, Dave,” his hand snaked from your hip to the spot you were joined and he gathered some of your arousal with his fingers, he started circling his wet fingers on your clit and you whimpered “oh my–god, Da–Dave,”
“Fucking say you’re mine,” he moaned again in your ear as his hips moved faster “you’re mine to take, mine to use mine and only mine,” his thrust became deeper, “your body and your mind are mine, say it,” his fingers played your clit nimbly.
“Shit,” you hissed out, closing your eyes and clenching around him, he moaned your name “I’m yours, Dave, I’m all yours,” you cried out as you felt your core on fire and the known tide of sensations drowned you from the inside of your lower belly “I’m so close,” you panted.
“Cum around my cock, baby,” he moved faster and his fingers slid into your pussy almost by themselves and you felt so full by his cock and his hand you felt your orgasm hit you like a giant wave in the middle of a storm.
You cried out his name once, twice, three times as he fucked you through your high chasing his own orgasm.
He moaned your name again, and he lifted his head from your neck to kiss you. His fingers were still inside you along with his cock and he was so close he could see white spots behind his closed eyes.
“Dave please come inside me,” you whispered against his lips, he kissed you again and you bit his lower lip, he opened his eyes to see your post orgasmic smile and your glassy eyes “claim me, fill me up, baby,” you pleaded “please, I want to feel your cum,” he moaned again and pounded deep once, twice and you felt his hot seed spilling inside your core.
“Fuck,” his breath hitched “holy shit, baby,” he pulled out his hand out of your pussy as his cock finished spurting and he licked his fingers clean. You smiled at him and he stuffed them into your mouth. You giggled, licking his saliva and the rest of your juices off.
He watched you recover your breath, and you traced his clean shaven jawline with your fingers. He moved his head to kiss your palm without losing eye contact.
“You’re not getting rid of me,” he muttered against your hand.
“Okay,” you whispered.
“I’m gonna make some changes,” he breathed. You nodded, “but you're not leaving,”
“I'm not leaving,”
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taetaespeaches · 4 years
“Is it the hat I’m supposed to be looking at?”
taehyung x reader (or oc) genre: smut; fluff word count: 2.8K
a/n: this one is for all my thots who love Tae’s weird but sexy ways lol. Peaches replaces the cowboy hat that was smooshed in “I’m pretty sure we just smashed your cowboy hat” and surprises Tae with it the same night he surprises her with a new perm. And they both get turned on very quickly. I hope you all enjoy and thanks for reading! :))
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THE audacity.
Scoffing at your phone, you rolled your eyes, though you couldn’t look away as you stared at the close-up selfie of your boyfriend. It was sent with the accompanying message, “Do you like what you see, Peaches?” The photo was taken too close to see the new hairdo in its all its glory, but you could make out the curls and waves of the fresh perm hanging in his darkened gaze. This bitch.
The first perm was enough to kill you. Now he went and got another, without giving you so much as a heads up or a simple, “hey, brace yourself”.
Your staring at the phone turned into a glare. He knew exactly what he was doing. Taehyung knew just how to get you riled up. The man was a tease. But luckily, you knew him just as well as he knew you.
Taehyung was the king of self-control, which could be frustrating, presenting an unfair playing field when trying to work one another up. However, nothing got to your boyfriend quite like the element of surprise. He loved the unexpected, and he could never resist you when you pulled out unpredictable moves.
You recently replaced your boyfriend’s cowboy hat as a joke, as his old one got a little crushed underneath your bodies the first time you ever had sex. “You owe me a new hat, Peaches,” the man had teasingly told you that night. Well, you did buy him a new one, but now that was going to work against him.
Two could play at Taehyung’s little games.
Taehyung was on his way over, and if your timing was right, he should be just minutes from walking through your front door. And you were ready for him, the cowboy hat situated atop your head as you leaned against the wall across the room from your front door.
When a knock sounded against your door, you rolled your eyes. Really? You waited for a moment, knowing full well the door was unlocked, and even if it wasn’t Tae had exactly three keys to your place, one as a backup and one as a replacement to the one that he lost, that he later found after cleaning his room at the dorm. But another knock sounded, showing you he was really trying to fuck with you tonight.
Letting out a deep sigh, you traipsed across the room, checking to make sure it was indeed Taehyung waiting in the hallway as you looked through the door viewer. There he stood, his hood up, knowing you’d check before answering the door and not wanting to spoil his new hair through the tiny peephole.
Huffing, you twisted the door knob, pulling the heavy wooden door open, catching Taehyung toss the hood back just as the shock overtook his features. His widened eyes took you in, wearing the cowboy hat. Wearing only the cowboy hat.
“Do you like what you see, Partner?” You asked, purposely lowering your tone as you mimicked his earlier text, adding the western term in honor of the single piece of attire.
Tae’s mouth dropped open just slightly as his tongue swiped over his bottom lip, and you had to admit, the expression that exposed your effect on him in combination with his new wavey hair was beyond sexy. It was almost lewd. He appeared seemingly stunned until the realization of your nude form, standing in the doorway in front of the very public hallway of your apartment building, hit him at once.
Quickly, your boyfriend wrapped his arms around you, covering your body with his own as he trudged forward, shoving you back inside the apartment before he kicked the door closed. “Fuck, Peaches,” he let out in a huff. “What if someone saw you?”
“Oh, so you get to walk around in public with that hair looking like pure sex on legs, but I’m not allowed to stand in my doorway like this?” You asked him teasingly, a scoff leaving the man’s mouth as he looked at you in utter disbelief.
“How is that the same thing in any way?” He scolded you, though a smirk threatened to form on his lips.
“How is it not?” You retorted with a glare. “Look at you, baby,” you spoke, reaching a hand up to toy with a curl, feeling the soft hair between your fingers.
And there was the smirk, making your boyfriend look even hotter as his hands gripped your waist, pushing away from his body just enough so he could eye you up and down, keeping his hands on your skin. The simply touch from his gorgeous hands sent anticipation to your core.
“Look at me?” He questioned, his tone lowered as his gaze became more focused.
“I got you a new hat,” you smiled sweetly. A low breathy chuckle vibrated from the man’s throat as he properly drank in your presentation for him. He’d seen you naked too many times too count, but he had a way of appreciating you that made it feel like the first time with every touch and glance he laid upon you.
But it wasn’t just your nude body that was working him up by the second. It was that element of surprise he couldn’t resist. Add the callback to the cowboy hat from your first time together, and he was beyond the point of self-restraint as his hands lightly dragged down from your waist, overtop your hips, his tongue swiping over his drying lips as he prized the curve.
“Is it the hat I’m supposed to be looking at?” He questioned, as his orbs slowly scanned the tops of your thighs, up the shape of your hips, the softness of your belly and the supple flesh of your breasts, lingering for a moment before dragging his gaze over your collarbones and along your throat, finally settling on your face as his eyes met yours.
“Well, I did buy it just for you,” you smirked, Taehyung flashing you his boxy grin, highly entertained by your teasing, and the fact that you both knew it was working.
Finally, his eyes roamed over the hat, nodding in approval. “I don’t think it’s ever gonna look this good on me, though,” he complimented, you giggling at the comment.
His hands reached around your body to feel at your backside, you smirking at the touch. “It would be a crime to cover up this hair anyway,” you noted, Taehyung smiling fondly as he shook out his fringe.
“You like it?” He asked, a youthfulness overtaking his expression for a moment, a total contrast to the hungry man from just moments before. You nodded eagerly, digging your hands into the strands at the back of his head, giving a slight tug, a scoff leaving the man’s lips at the action.
“But you never answered me,” you started, Taehyung raising his eyebrows in question. “Do you like what you see, Taehyung?” You asked, the use of his name in your sultry tone shattering the last of his self-control as he gripped the flesh of your bum roughly.
Letting out the faintest of moans at his aggressive touch, Taehyung brought his lips to yours in a less-than graceful motion, knocking the hat off your head as he kissed you hard. You immediately matched the action, moving your mouth with his in perfect synchrony.
Taehyung’s arms wrapped around your waist as he guided you backward toward the bedroom, shamelessly letting out groans into the kiss, the sounds only working you up even more than you already were. Entering the intimate space of your room, you expected to feel the plush of your mattress against your back, a surprised gasp meeting Taehyung’s mouth when your ass was pushed against the cold wood of your vanity.
The items on top of the furniture rattled at the impact, the wood thudding against the wall, Taehyung’s hands coming to meet your face as he pushed his clothed body against your nude one hungrily.
Suddenly very aware of the lack of skin on yours, you reached under his hoodie, lifting it and the t-shirt underneath up his abdomen, Taehyung separating from your lips to allow you to pull it over his arms and head. When the clothing was off, no longer obstructing your skin to feel the warmth of his, Taehyung replaced his hand on your jaw as he kissed along your throat, searching for the perfect spot on your neck to leave his mark.
The man didn’t mark you often, but it was times like these when he lost control of his inhibitions completely that he couldn’t resist the urge to leave at least one purplish spot upon your soft skin.
You let out a whine at the realization of his intent as he prepared to suck against the side of your throat, Taehyung giggling against the spot. “Shush,” he mumbled, you letting out a breathy laugh before it got cut off with a whimper as he began to leave the hickey.
Pulling away, he soothed his thumb over the spot gently, a proud smirk overtaking his features. “Pleased with yourself?” You asked the man, Taehyung flashing you a boxy smile as he nodded, just before his gaze darkened again. He left a sweet lingering kiss to your lips before instantly dropping to his knees.
There were a few things your boyfriend was the king of. One of them being self-control. Another, duality. And as if you could ever forget, which you definitely couldn’t, when his tongue eagerly met your clit, you were quickly reminded that your boyfriend was the absolute king of eating pussy. Part of possessing self-control and duality was having the means to turn it on and off. When his mouth met your core, he switched his restraint all the way off, giving you everything he had. All you could do was grip the edge of the vanity with one hand and bask in the pleasure as your other hand tugged on his stunning wavey strands, every pull a silent praise for the man on his knees before you.
Being a master of your body and knowing just how to touch and work you, Taehyung sent you into your first orgasm of the night in no time. As you jolted in overstimulation, the man stood up straight, immediately pulling his sweatpants and underwear down his legs, stepping out of them and kicking them a few feet away.
Placing his hands on your hips, he kissed you once again, the meeting less messy than before but with the same level of passion and need. Just as you were settling into the rhythm of the kiss, he broke you out of it by spinning you around, pushing on your upper back to make you bend over. Running his finger up and down your slit a few times, he soon replaced it with his length, rubbing the head of it against you before sinking into you with a drawn-out groan.
“Fuck,” he breathed out, you letting out a small moan in response to the stretch. His hand found solace on your breast, the other wrapped around your stomach, holding your body close as he worked in and out of you.
You stared straight ahead at the reflection in the mirror, watching as Taehyung bit his lip as groans left his throat, his eyes scanning up and down your back appreciatively. His arm unraveled from your waist to gently sooth up your spine. Just as you dropped your head toward the vanity’s surface, Taehyung’s hand gripped your jaw, lifting your head back up to make you direct your eyes to the mirror again.
Meeting your eyes in the glass, you moaned at the way he thrusted particularly hard and deep upon locking his darkened orbs on yours. “Look at yourself, Peaches” he breathed out lowly, you nearly whining at the tone of his voice. “See how stunning you are?”
“Fuck, Tae,” you moaned, keeping your eyes on him, on his focused expression, at his strong hand clasped over your breast, at the heave of his chest as he got closer and closer to his high. He was gorgeous, his eyes scanning over expanse of your back and the roundness of your ass as his hips slammed against you, the wood of the vanity banging against the wall as the intensity of his movements increased.
When you clenched around him, he knew you were coming, and he wasn’t far behind. As your eyes closed, your jaw going slack, Taehyung wrapped his arm back around your belly, squeezing it’s soft flesh as he pulled you upright so your back was against his chest. You laid your head back on his shoulder, his thrusts slowing as you came down. Your boyfriend peppered kisses on your cheek, making you smile softly as you slowly returned to earth.
“Fuck, you’re amazing,” you breathed out. “Insane,” you chuckled, Taehyung giggling with you. Turning your face to look at him, your hand met the opposite side of his face, pulling him into a passionate kiss. “Finish, baby,” you mumbled against his lips, Taehyung groaning as he gave you another thrust, eliciting a whimper from you.
Suddenly, he pulled out of you, flipping you around quickly before lifting you on top of the vanity. As he slid back into you, his hands grabbed your waist tightly, your arms wrapping around his shoulders as you held yourself close to him.
It didn’t take him long to reach his orgasm as he soon pulled out, resting his forehead against your own as he jerked himself off with one hand, the other hand gripping your hip roughly.
“Oh my god, you’re so hot,” you complimented in a breathy tone, pressing light kisses to his partly opened mouth. Digging your fingers into the dampened curls at the nape of his neck, you tugged on the strands just slightly, Taehyung letting out a mixture of moan and a laugh just as he came on your abdomen.
Before you could whisper another compliment, Taehyung’s mouth was on yours in haste, you easily kissing him back as your hand slid further into his curls. Leaning away from him, you smirked. “I love your hair,” you told him, Taehyung giggling.
“Thank you, Peaches,” he pressed one last kiss to your lips before stepping away from you. “Let me get a towel.”
You chuckled as you watched your naked boyfriend jog out of the room to grab a towel from the bathroom, listening as he slammed cupboards, his feet patting against the floor as he made random vocalizations that were far too familiar to you after knowing Taehyung for so long.
When he stepped back into the room, he paused in the doorway, striking a pose as the towel hung over his shoulder, his hand dipping the cowboy hat at you.  
“Oh my god,” you laughed, as Taehyung switched to another pose, settling his hand on top of the hat, his other hand on his bare hip.
“How’s it look?” He asked with a quirk of his eyebrow, you trying to conceal your giggles and smile.
“So sexy,” you complimented.
“You like this?” He asked, switching the pose yet again, his hand leaving the hat to grab the towel, looking off into the imaginary distance.
“Tae,” you whined in complaint, dragging his name out. “Of course I like it, but I’m kind of sitting here with your cum all over my stomach,” you reminded him, Taehyung giggling as he grabbed the towel off his shoulder.
“Right, sorry,” he apologized bashfully. However, he couldn’t stop playing as he started twirling the towel over his head as if it was a lasso, making his way toward you as you laughed loudly at his silly behavior.
“You’re ridiculous,” you told him as he wiped your abdomen clean.
“You love it,” he noted, leaning in to kiss the tip of your nose.
“I do,” you agreed, catching his lips in a sweet meeting. “I need a shower.”
“Oh?” He asked, widening his eyes innocently. How he could look so innocent as he wiped your body down was beyond you, but fuck did you love that duality.
“Wanna join?” You asked, Taehyung flashing you a stunning boxy smile. Grabbing the hat off his head, he threw it across the room.
“I can’t get my hair wet yet,” he pouted, shaking out his hair, you nearly cooing at his sulky expression.
Running your hand through his hair, you hummed. “I have a shower cap,” you noted, Taehyung’s smile returning as you giggled at your suggestion. “Now that would be sexy,” you teased, Taehyung dropping his forehead against your own as he let out a laugh.
“Let’s go then, Peaches,” he told you, you kissing the apple of his cheek as you continued to snicker.
“Fucking Kim Taehyung in a shower cap,” you thought out loud. “A dream come true, really.”
“I’m all about granting your wishes,” he joked along with you, shooting you a wink.
You gasped, Tae’s eyes widening as he looked at you expectantly. “Like a fairy godmother,” you cooed, your boyfriend scoffing as he held back a smile. “Could you get any sexier?”
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romaxnogersav · 4 years
Ticklish laughs and Biscoff kisses
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: literally fluff, a bit of flirting and one curse word
Word count: 1922
Summary: You struggle to fall asleep, so you snatch Steve’s beloved butter cookies and munch on them in the middle of the night. That is until he walks into the kitchen and sees you snacking on them.
Prompt: “How about you make me”
A/N: This was written for @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​ Follower Celebration. Thank you so much for letting me participate. I had so much fun writing this. The prompt is used in a cute suggestive way and is bolded. I really hope you like it! Also, this is written in present tense and English isn’t my first language, so I apologize for any mistakes. 
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It's a slow and quiet night, particularly hot for the early days of May. 
You lay in bed, looking out the window. You had gone to bed around three hours ago and haven't been able to fall asleep at all. Every time you close your eyes, something, anything, starts occupying your mind, making it difficult to relax. 
You have been tossing and turning, staring at a variety of things around your room since you settled in bed. You look around again, and with a deep sigh, you pull yourself up into a sitting position. 
You reach over, checking the time on your phone. 2:38 am, incredible. You were so tired when you went to bed, and still, three whole hours later, you still can't fall asleep. 
With one last glance around the room, you pull the covers off and get up. There is really no point in trying to fall asleep when you clearly aren't able to. 
You round the bed, snatching a hoodie that laid on the armchair against the wall. A hoodie you are pretty sure belonged to Steve before it ended in your possession. 
You pull it on over your shorts and tank top, zipping the front to the middle. 
You walk towards your door, pulling it open and leaving the comfort of your room. You venture around in the hallway, relishing in the peace and quiet that was pretty rare when it came to living with the Avengers. 
You make your way towards the common room and kitchen. Maybe a cup of tea or something to munch on is going to get you to go to sleep. 
When you finally step into the common room and kitchen, it's empty much to your surprise. There is normally at least one other occupant, usually Steve, or Bucky after not being able to fall asleep, or after having a nightmare. Sometimes it's Tony when he needs a breather from tinkering in the lab. Really, usually, when you got up in the middle of the night, there is already someone there, nursing a cup of tea, or whatever else they were in a mood for. Being an Avenger seems to come with a lot of restless nights, going PR for the Avengers comes with some of those as well. 
You round the island, opening the fridge and then the cabinets in hopes of finding something that might interest you. 
Just when you are about to call it quits because there's literally nothing grabbing your attention, you see them. A pack of Steve's beloved Biscoff cookies. He has repeatedly stated the love he has for the butter cookies and you know why. They are absolutely delicious. 
You reach for the packet but hesitate for a moment. Those are Steve's cookies, and he is pretty defensive when it comes to his sweets. You think about it, about how grumpy the super-soldier might get, but in the end, you snatch the packet from its' place. Surely, he won't mind, he loves you. 
You put the packet down on the counter and reach into the fridge, pulling out the milk. You pour a bit in a glass and sit it next to the packet. 
You sit down on the counter, a pretty bad habit you have picked over the last few months. Opening the cookies, you pull one out and dip half of it in the milk for a few seconds before biting into it. 
You repeat the motion a few times, occasionally taking a sip from the milk, your legs swinging back and forth.
You are just finishing your third cookie, when you hear the faint sound of footsteps, the sound echoing in the hallways. You suspect the person is making their way towards you, you wouldn't be surprised after all. You aren't really paying attention, taking a sip of milk. 
That's when the person's steps grow heavy, and a second later a slightly sleepy Steve Rogers walks into the room. He's rubbing at his eyes, his hair stuck in a thousand different directions. The sweats he wears are low on his hips, a white t-shirt over his broad shoulders and chest. 
When his eyes detect the movement of your legs, his eyes lift from the floor and he smiles at you. 
"What are you doing up at," he looks confused for a second there, head shaking " honestly, what time is it?" He asks, rubbing at the nape of his neck. 
He looks adorable, and he still hasn't seen the cookies, so that's good.
"Three-ish, something like that" you shrug your shoulders, taking another sip of the milk.
"Okay, so what are you doing up at three-ish in the morning?" He asks, moving for the fridge and pulling a bottle of water.
You shrug again, setting the glass on the counter next to you.
"Couldn't sleep. What about you? Was it a nightmare again?" You ask, moving your fingers towards the packet of butter deliciousness. You pull a cookie out, dipping it into the glass again.
"A dream, actually," he stops suddenly, his eyes narrowing at you. "Are those my cookies?" He points at the packet, then at the cookie in your hand. 
You shrug a shoulder, then the other, popping the sweet into your mouth and chewing with a small smile. 
Steve puts his water bottle down, crossing his arms over his chest. 
"You know I don't like it when someone touches my sweets, especially my biscuits." His lips pull in a tin line, one you know he is barely holding steady.
You decide to play with him for a while, drill him for a bit. You pull another biscuit, taking a small bite from it.
"Oh come on old man, you really gotta learn how to share. Besides, I'm always the exception, you love me." You tease him, taking another bite, your face barely containing a smirk.
He moves closer to you, putting his hands on either side of you, caging you on the counter. His eyes are more awake now, his lips barely holding it together. 
"Stop it." He tells you, searching your eyes for a moment, before his eyes move down to your lips for a second, and back up again. You put the rest of the cookie into your mouth, chewing slowly, just to tease his a bit more.
"How about you make me?" You challenge him, the smirk on your face growing within seconds. 
In an instant, your face falls into a smile when you feel his hands on your sides, tickling you. You start laughing instantly, kicking your feet just a little, feeling the muscles on Steve's tights as you do.
He leans over you, laughing as well, a mischievous grin spread across his face.
"Will you stop, leave my cookies alone?" He asks all smiles and laughter.
"N-nope. You gotta s-share bi-g man" you tell his in between fits, trying to slap his hands away, to no avail. 
"Well you should too" he laughs again, tickling you even more. There are tears falling down your eyes, your laughter filling the space around you. You try to get a breath in, but it's getting kind of difficult because you are laughing so hard. Steve's hands on your body continue to move, both making you squirm and setting a little jolt of electricity through you.
"Ok-kay. I yield. I giv-e up" you pant a bit, laughing even more. Steve stops his movements, but his hands continue to sit on your waist as you lay across the counter. 
Once you catch your breath and pull yourself into a sitting position, you take the packet off the counter and bring it up on eye level.
"Let's just share?" You half ask, half propose, a small smile on your face. He smiles back at you.
"Yeah, okay," he tells you, probably not being able to resist the adorable puppy dog eyes you always flash his way. "By the way, has anybody ever told you how fucking adorable you are?" He asks, moving closer towards you.
"Oh my, do you kiss your mother with that mouth, Captain?" You ask, chuckling at his little swear word, smacking him on the arm.
"Nope, but I do kiss you with that mouth," he says and you are about to laugh when the realization hits you, and he moves, closing the gap between you, bringing his lips to yours.
It's sweet and slow. His lips moving against yours in a calm rhythm, not a rush in the world. His lips are really soft and plump, making you sigh into the kiss. You relax into his arms, his hands on your waist. One of yours holds his hip, while the other sneaks up into the nape of his neck, tangling in the strands of hair there. 
His lips move on their own accord, relishing in the feel of you. He gently nips at your lower lip, and you open your mouth to let him in. His tongue plays with yours, exploring your mouth. He sighs against you, and with a final pull at your lower lip, his lips move away from yours, his eyes locking with yours. 
One of your hands moves around in search of the packet that left your hand just before Steve kissed you. 
You find it, pulling a biscuit out. You take it to your mouth, biting half of it, and then offering the other half to Steve. He opens his mouth, letting you pop the cookie in, his eyes never leaving yours.
"See, sharing." You tell him lightly, getting a smile and a laugh from the super-soldier. 
He picks the packet, handing it to you, then he picks you up off the counter. You squeak, a giggle leaving you. You wrap your legs around his waist, and your arms around his neck, seeing him move for the common area. He sits down in front of the widescreen TV, Tony had installed, with you in his lap. 
He moves around a bit, getting into a lying position on the loveseat side of the L-shaped couch, with you pressed against him, the packet of butter biscuits sat next to your bodies.
"Friday, can you dim the lights and put on something lighthearted, whatever movie you like," he says, his hand resting on your back.
"Certainly, Captain Rogers," the AI says, the lights dimming and the TV turning on to one of your favorite movies, and a classic, Pretty Woman.
You sit in silence for a while, Steve's warmth radiating off of him and right into you. You turn your head, popping your chin on his chest.
"So, we are skipping the first date then?" You tease him, getting a full laugh out of him, the sound sending vibrations into you where you lay half on top of him.
"Absolutely not. I'm taking you out this evening." He tells you, pressing a couple pecks on your cheeks, forehead, nose, and lips.
"Well, good. I was worried there for a second, that you aren't the gentleman you pride yourself to be." You laugh together for a while and after sharing a few biscuits and a couple kisses, you focus on the movie.
Eventually, you both fall asleep, rest finally finding you both in the early hours of the morning, somewhere just before the end of the movie. It's one of the best night sleep you both have had in a while, and hey, thanks to a couple of nosy Avengers, in the morning, you have a few pictures to remember the night by.
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hollenka99 · 3 years
The next chapter of Unequal Halves is far from ready but some scenes are done, including one involving the FCR so in honour of today being the anniversary, here’s an excerpt on the next chapter while you wait.
It's chaos as soon as their enemies spill forth from their hiding spots. It registers a second too late that maybe being led to a secret room far underground that contained chests lacking promised goods was a trap. He names Eret as a traitor before screaming at his men to get out. Tommy and Tubbo are right in front of him as they run. Dream needs to get the fuck out of his way and leave the younger members of the battalion alone. Wait, where's Fundy? Immediately behind him, he hopes. Tommy drops, Tubbo not far behind him. Punz stands before him with nothing but malicious intent. Wilbur wonders who the fuck wears white to a massacre as the sword plunges itself into his stomach. Spitefully, he hopes the stains his blood is creating will never wash out. Dying itself doesn't bother him, he's respawned a bunch before now. Wilbur will persist and ideally, so will the inconvenient physical consequences of Punz's actions on that white hoodie. A little Fuck You from beyond the not-grave. He gasps as the blade gets ripped out from his body, feels his hand slip against the nearest wall as he struggles to remain standing through sheer defiance, unsuccessfully stifling a groan as he drops. Both his palms are smeared with red. It's leaking through his top onto the floor too. He catches Eret walking past the bodies as if they hadn't led them to a massacre. "Down with the revolution, boys. It was never meant to be." Wilbur grabs the cuff of one of their trouser legs. "Eret, how could you?" It's weary, it's devoid of anger, it's heartbroken, it's... the voice of a man who is still trying to process that a friend could truly condemn him like this. Eret simply lets out a breath and carries on making their exit. Streaks stain where his fingers had been. Wilbur hopes it will never truly wash out either so that, if Eret one day happens to look at their old uniform, they'll regret the events that caused the discoloured part at the bottom of the leg. Eret continues to not look back at the devastation they'd assisted in causing. No, no, no, wait come back here. Don't you dare leave us to die as if we were always nothing to you. Oh god, wait a minute, what happened to the others? Tommy's bleeding from the head as his gaze stares blankly into the distance. He's already gone, likely has been since his head slammed into one of the steps. God, please disintegrate quickly. Wilbur doesn't want that image of his baby brother to persist in his mind long enough to ever pop up in his memory going forward. Tubbo's dead too. This kid is the one whom he's known the shortest amount of time and the only one from the true L'Manburgians whose upbringing he hasn't significantly contributed to. Yet he'd still been a friend. And it is for that reason it pains him to see him unmoving, mouth agape from when he fought to draw in shuddering breaths until a minute ago. As for Fundy, his son is still hanging on. Barely, like himself actually, but still there nevertheless. As much as he would like to openly acknowledge the loss of such young lives with tears, he can't. Not all of his men have stopped breathing. He must stay their fearless general. He must be the one they could rely on to convince them they could get through this war. Even as he struggles to remain conscious, to keep breathing as his blood rushes out to a destination that should have forever remained inaccessible to it. Fingers gently enclose around a few of his own. Ginger hair lingers in his peripheral. He pays them no attention as his eyes inevitably shut. When he respawns, something feels instantly wrong. Normally, there may be a slight ache where the wound was but there tends not to be any physical evidence. No, this was actual pain. Not as if he was recovering after being saved by medical attention but instead dull twinges that want to be sharper when he isn't careful enough while sitting up. He checks his stomach. Where there used to be a pale line is now a much darker imitation. He's pretty sure he knows what this means. Okay, fuck them. Killing his men to steal their items so their resource stock is sent closer to square one is one thing. A dick move obviously yet not as serious as this. But actually killing them, stealing lives on top of physical possessions? That's unacceptable. He can't believe he didn't see through Eret. Is she going to be responsible in some way for the spot on his chest or the slash at the bottom of his ribs too? It hits him that this was always going to happen. Right there, from birth, was a sign that he was destined to be murdered at the age of 23. He wonders if any of his other lives were going to be lost in this war. He thinks he would be fine with that. No, he's sure of it. Anything for the others and ensuring L'Manburg saw victory. That... used to include Eret. But like hell he's going to do anything for that traitor now. She'd lost faith in the cause, saying L'Manburg was never meant to be. No, no, what was he doing? Never mind him, he has to make sure the others are alright. He is already on the way out the door to check on those outside before he can continue thinking so selfishly. A good General should think of his men first and himself second. And well, there is no time more than now that they need him to be a good General. He will lead them to victory, one way or another... hopefully.
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mcfanely · 4 years
Nightowls AU
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Even with all the time between the events of the Oni invasion, the multiple other enemies they’d all faced between then and present day, Cole still wasn’t fully okay. Plagued with the same nightmare, waking up in cold sweat, the sensation of falling following him to the waking world -- he needed a distraction, and what better place than the one Dance Studio in Ninjago that only opened in the dead of night?
Chapter 01 - Just Breathe, 3166 words
Cole was staring up, staring up into the blue sky, dotted with the odd cloud here and there. It was the middle of the day, really, but it wasn't all that warm. 
The Bounty hovered above him with it's engines blazing with fire and cutting through the air with incredible speed. He didn't dare look down from where he was; dangling over the side on a ladder, many, many rungs down. He could feel the rungs beneath his hands, feel the strength of the breeze running through his gi and nipping at his face. 
He needed to climb. Something told him that he needed to get moving, that whatever was below him was horrible. It made his chest tighten in fear even though he couldn't look at it. The area below him felt cold and oppressive, and the sensation was moving up his body. Starting at his feet, moving up his legs to his hips, nearing his chest. 
Climb, you need to climb! 
Then he felt something give. It wasn't much, just a jerk to his hand and a small drop in altitude. A few centimetres, barely anything. 
Cole could still only look up, look at the ladder. 
His eyes zeroed in on the problem almost instantly, as if he knew it was there. A break in the ladder, a snapped rope, and the other one was fraying. Even with the sheer distance between him and the snapped rope, he could almost see the strands fraying before his eyes. 
He needed to climb, so why wouldn't he move?
Why wouldn't he--
The rope gave. 
It was weird, the hand holding the ladder seemed to drop before the rest of his body. Though it didn't take long to follow. Sight and sound blended into a tornado of nothing, he was sure he heard someone shouting, screaming. Or maybe it was the roar of the Bounty's engines.
Cole could see what was below him now. A dark mass, a black cloud covering everything. Reaching up over the tops of the skyscrapers, blocking the ground from view. 
He was still racing towards it. There was nothing stopping his descent. 
Nothing to prevent him from hitting the ground. No one was coming for him, no one could come for him. 
There was no getting out of this one. 
Cole let his eyes slip closed, but he knew how close he was to the ground. 
In three. 
Cole jarred sharply awake in a darkened room, his room. In the monastery. With a desk pushed off to one side, just barely visible in the limited light that the moonlight arcing into his room provided. He had a pile of old clothes on the floor at the end of his bed, a scythe was mounted on the wall just off to his left, surrounded by photographs pinned up with thumbtacks of him and his friends. Happy moments, good times. 
He pulled in a shaking breath and covered his mouth with one hand, sitting up on the bed. He had to calm down, relax. It was just a nightmare, and it was over. He was awake, he was looking around his room and he was okay. That event, what had happened, it was in the past. It had come and gone, he was alive and he was okay. 
That didn't stop his throat from getting tight and a couple tears from slipping free. 
"Damn it." Cole mumbled as he climbed out of bed, using the hem of his pyjama shirt to wipe away the stray tears as he turned the room’s light on, allowing the welcome brightness to chase away the shadows. 
If only that worked for the inside of his head. 
Cole had been getting better. Yet his heart rate said otherwise. 
Nightmares were familiar territory, but the same one being so persistent? After so long?
He walked quietly around his room, keeping to the edges to provide himself a further distance to go as he wrestled to force his breathing to calm down. 
It had happened before. 
Following the Oni's defeat and their subsequent relaxation time, the days had been good. Not fighting any big enemy, using the Bell of Divinity as a hot tub, even the reduced training had been welcomed at the time. But the nights? The nights had been anything but relaxing. Everytime his head hit the pillow it was the same thing. The sensation of his stomach lurching, the ladder snapping and the sensation of weightlessness. Sometimes he was watching from the outside. Seeing himself fall down into the abyss. Other times it was purely feeling, sensation. Sound and no sight.
Fear, cold. Air rushing around him, stealing his breath from his lungs. Then darkness and nothing. 
Then, by some miracle, they'd lessened. With Aspheera and then the Prime Empire situation, Cole's thoughts had been elsewhere. 
Then they'd had more down time recently due to no present threats and the nightmares had quickly resurfaced. 
And his sleeping had suffered. But it wasn't like he could talk to anyone about it, everything had happened a while back. It wasn't important, and Cole was getting used to it. He would move through the situation on his own, no bother in bringing anyone else into it when all they'd do is get worried for no apparent reason. 
Cole blew out a heavy breath and glanced down at his hands. They were still shaking. 
"Come on, Cole. Get it together." He whispered, curling his hands into fists. "It's a dream, and it's over. It can't hurt you."
But it did. 
He needed more than a late night cup of tea, he needed air. The room was too stuffy, too enclosed. There was a clear pressure on his lungs. There must have been, with the effort it took to pull in breath. 
He needed air. 
He needed a distraction. 
He needed so much more than aimlessly walking through a darkened hallway to the kitchen to just distract himself for the next few hours before exhaustion finally took over and sleep came over him again. 
Cole wasn't exactly sure what possessed him to go on a walk, the night air was cool, even through the hoodie he'd pulled on and the loose jeans he was currently wearing over the top of his pyjama pants. It was quite the fashion statement, but it wasn't like he had thought about going far. Just to the bottom of the steps leading up to the monastery, then back up. That always helped. All the steps, the burning in his lungs when he finally reached the top, the ache in his legs. Or it had helped over the past few days of doing it. Maybe it was the knowledge that by the time he got back to the top, usually with the sky still a picture of darkness dotted with stars since it was still close to midnight, his thoughts would be clear-- even if he sometimes still ended up laying on his bed, staring at his ceiling and waiting for sleep to come to him. 
At the bottom of the steps, hands balled in his pockets and his hood pulled up over his head, Cole realised that this time, this one time, he needed more than a trek back up the mountain. 
Though for a second, he just stood where he was and stared up at the craggy cliff. Up to the clouds and above that, where his family were probably resting uninterrupted. Should he..? Would talking to them help, even after all this time? 
He didn't need to wake anyone up at that hour, though. Get through the night, and talk to them in the morning, that seemed like a plan. 
Only, he wasn't tired enough to go to bed. Cole wasn't calm enough. 
He hadn't meant to end up in Ninjago City in the dead hours of the morning. With the bright lights, the partially quiet streets with very few people around. Not that it was completely dead, though. The closer Cole got to the centre of the city, the more the place came to life. 
In reality, Ninjago City was a hub for nightlife. Bars were open, nightclubs blared out clashing music into the streets and groups of people were hanging around all in various stages of being drunk on what must have been around three or four hours of drinking and partying. It had never been Cole's thing, not that he really had the option to experience it. He wasn't a drinker, he wasn't one for crowds, but having the responsibility of being a ninja overshadowing any form of social life outside of his brothers and training, it didn't leave much room to make other friends and go out clubbing. 
Even if he had friends outside of his life as a Ninja, if he was being honest with himself, he still wouldn't go out drinking. 
Cole stopped in the middle of the street. It's not like there were cars anywhere close by. 
What was he doing? He was standing in the middle of the city in clothes that he'd pulled from the dirty laundry pile, with pyjamas underneath, and he was contemplating his lost teen-hood and opportunities he never had. 
Cole lightly brushed a crease out of the hoodie, only for it to spring back into place as soon as he dropped his hands away. He'd been out, he'd got more than enough air and it was time to head back home. 
Until he turned around, and a small group of people caught his eye. There were three of them, dressed fairly similarly. Black clothing, with splashes of bright neon embellishments to them. One, a female, wore multiple vibrant wristbands on one arm; along with a sleeveless black waistcoat that looked like it had been attacked with a paint can, and long violet hair that was equally as bright. Cole stared. 
It was paint. Muted purples and greens, dried onto the clothing. What had given it away was the fact that there were swirling painted patterns running muscular arms and ending with a hot pink hand-print on her shoulder. 
Her two friends, one male and one female were all of the same likeness. War masks of paint around their eyes and over their cheeks, sometimes edging onto their necks. Their hands were covered with it too, one with blue, another with green, the leading girl with purple. They were all heading to a doorway just to the side of one of the nightclubs. Cole stepped closer, just a little. Whilst the noise of the ground floor club was overpowering, grinding beats, shouting and what must have been popular tracks remixed to within an inch of their lives spilling out like a flood onto the streets. 
The doorway that the group entered into, it had its own music flowing out of it. It was a little quieter, but still much more interesting than anything else the street was providing. There was also the sound of clapping, of whooping and hollering, and when this group of three wall through the doorway and up a flight of stairs, the noise only grew in excitement of their arrival. 
Then the door swung to, muting the music a load more. Yet it let Cole see the name of the place. It was on a small plaque, black writing on silver metal. If he'd seen it during the day he wouldn't have batted an eye, odds on it would have been locked up at that time. 
But at night time? 
He took a couple steps forwards, though the lighting from the street made the sign easy to read. 
Nightowls Dance Studio
Cole paused, frowned, then with an internal what the hell he pushed the door open and hoped it wasn't a members only club. 
No one seemed to stop him as he reached the top floor of the building, no one even really seemed to bat an eye as he walked into the darkened room. It was laid out like a hall, wooden laminate flooring, mirrors covering an entire side of the room, a raised area just off to his left that must have been a stage. 
But the one thing that took Cole's breath away was the sheer amount of people in there. 
There was a big age range too, even at that time of night. The youngest, who was probably around fifteen, was dressed casually and running around the room having their own form of fun. There were people standing around, talking in groups, all forming a semi circle and leaving the exact center of the room empty. 
People were sat down too, water bottles by their sides, loose fitting clothing dotted in between people completely decked out in bright colours and out of this world outfits. Like the neon group from before, there were other clear cliques. One group, all wearing white and generally looking the same; another wearing what looked like a school uniform, blazers and ties. This was probably the weirdest set of people he'd ever laid his eyes on, and Cole's ninja gi had been likened to him running about in nightclothes.
What even was happening? 
"Hey, a newbie!" Someone shouted. Cole's attention peaked, bristled even, as he swung around and tried to find the source of the voice. 
A guy pushed through the crowd with a few nods, smiles, and a couple, "Excuse me, excuse me," 
Then he stopped in front of Cole, who was more than ready to turn around and walk out the very door he'd entered. 
Why had he even come inside? 
The guy gave a grin, and a knowing raise of an eyebrow. "You look confused. You lost or something?"
Cole cleared his throat, "I- uh, maybe? I'm not sure." He admitted slowly. Was he about to get thrown out? 
The response he gained was a loud laugh, even over the volume of the music pouring from industrial speakers on each corner of the room, it was clear. "Welcome to Nightowls." He swept his hand around the room, and a few people looked over and gave slight waves in their direction. They were just standing there. 
No one was doing much of anything, even with the music. 
This was a nightclub, wasn't it? 
"I don't know what that is." Cole said. 
The man smiled, then nodded, "I know. I know every face here and I've never seen yours. But new people are always welcome here, it's sort of a refuge,"
"For people who actually have a taste in good music and fun!" someone shouted from the crowd, followed by an uproar of intermittent cheers of agreement and general shouting. 
Cole frowned, his hands finding his way to his trouser pockets to stop him from picking at the sleeves of his hoodie. 
"Nightowls, only open in the small hours of the morning and sometimes on weekends." The man said, as if rattling off a speech he'd given a few times before, "A place to just have fun, do your own thing--" 
"The door said Dance Studio?" Cole asked, accidentally interrupting the spiel. 
Then the lights around them dimmed further, plunging the room into near darkness. If it wasn't for the lighting hanging from the ceiling, Cole wouldn't have been able to see anything.
Then the paint covering those three people earlier started to make sense. As his eyes scanned over the crowd, anything that was even barely bright in colour popped out. Black lights, washing the crowd with a deep purple and blue hue that made all colours roar to life. 
His mouth must have been wide open, because the man beside him patted him on his shoulder and steered him towards the crowd, towards the front of the group. Like a theatre-in-the-round, there was a large empty circle in the middle. Some of the surrounding people held up phone cameras, some were sat on the edge of the makeshift stage at the edge for more of a vantage point, and there was one person with a proper video camera rig knelt down on the floor. 
"The name's Tyler." the guy introduced, then nodded to the empty area. "I own this place," He stated, then, "Watch this."
A hush fell over the crowd as a group walked into the centre. 
Cole could see who they were easily, even though he couldn't see their faces. The splatter of paint was more than enough of a giveaway as to their identity. 
Then the music switched like a record scratch on a table, one track stopping right in the middle in favour of something brand new. It was loud, the beats thrummed through bone and the bass made Cole's teeth hum in his mouth from the vibrations through the floor. 
But he wasn't focusing on that. He was watching the group in front of him, going from playfully messing with each other and pushing each other around the clear area of the floor into a dance routine. Choreographed to perfection, and working like a well oiled machine, each member knew that they were doing. It was a merger between street and hip-hop, and the single guy in the group moved like a machine. It was like he wasn't even real, body moving so fluidly and carefully, each action done to perfection and with such calculation. 
Then the music sped up, as did the speed of the dance, and whenever something awesome happened, whenever some nigh incredible move took place the crowd exploded with cheers. 
This was what Nightowls was? Just a large group of people who were still up at the early hours of the morning showing off their talents. 
Having immense amounts of fun too, if the grins on the groups painted faces was any indication. 
The night continued on much to the same rhythm, group after group, soloists, anyone who wanted to just let go and have fun stepped into the circle. Some had practiced routines, other's who bet their talents on the luck of the draw and let someone else pick a song they had to dance to in front of over sixty people. Everyone stood back, everyone provided space, but they also went wild. Dancing along with them, hollering and clapping at everything, screaming in support when the dances ended and at the skills they'd just witnessed. 
Cole, at some point during the night, fell into the rhythm too, watching with awe and wide eyes. Everything fell into the background and he felt like this club, this place that he'd accidentally wandered into and been welcomed into, was exactly the place he needed. 
Especially when any thought of his nightmares, or his worries or anxieties had all but disappeared at the thrum of the music. 
Then by the time Cole got back to the monastery with his ears ringing and a wide grin on his face even though he'd only slept two hours that night; the sun had begun to peak over the horizon, but he'd never felt more awake. More alive. More focused and more… Free.
Ch 01 > Ch 02
Cross-posted to AO3
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letsperaltiago · 4 years
write your story on my heart: come on and make your mark
In the safety of his mom's hoodie Mac Santiago-Peralta quickly learns that his parents are quite alright if not his favorite people in this big, scary world.
the skin to skin-contact oneshot no one asked for 🤔
read on ao3
“One last push! You’re doing so good, honey.”
The second his powerhouse of a wife delivers her last push, fully welcoming the newest addition to their family into the world and the safety of his auntie Roro’s hands, Jake feels his entire cosmos shift and turn upside down. It’s a transition, a feeling he thought the million hours of googling and studying parenting books had prepared him for, only now realising that there is no such thing as being prepared for this very moment.
No book, binder, higher power or even the tangled depth of some Reddit-forum he’d once found could possibly have prepared him for the immense, indescribable joy he experiences rushing through every cell of his body when he hears the first, notably loud cries of his son.
Loud cries are a good sign: it means he has strong lungs, Jake remembers.
“Jake,” he’s snapped out of his reverie by the sound of Amy’s breathy whimpers. Surely she’s more than exhausted after pushing a human out of her. “He’s-” she interrupts herself when she heaves resulting in her knocking her head back against the pillow to gain a breath, meanwhile her eyes search Jake’s face for some kind of conclusion.
The strong urge to take care of them both at the same time, his son and his wife, is tearing him in two separate directions. Although he does quickly settle on turning to Amy. He knows and trusts that his newborn is safe in Rosa and, he shudders a bit at the thought, he has to admit, the fire-fighters care when he sees said glorified EMT is checking his son’s condition.
One last time, he comes to realise this will be, he immerses himself in the feeling of being just the two of them; to have eyes only for her because soon, even though he doesn’t mind one bit, his heart will officially be shared with someone else.
“Yeah, he’s here, babe. He’s here,” he lets out in an euphoric mixture of a breath, smile and sniffle as he leans in to kiss his wife’s forehead. Beneath his touch he can feel her trembling from the adrenaline, still very much red and sweaty but oh, how she’s never been more beautiful to him, and although it’s a very close second, not even clad in white on their wedding day.
His lips stay plastered there for a few seconds but somehow feels like an eternity put into slow-motion. Yes, he knows he could be attending so many other, more useful, matters, but there’s no resisting the overwhelming pride he’s currently feeling knowing his incredible wife once again, this time more than ever, has proven to be the superhero he’s always known her to be.
“You did it,” he exclaims joyously through the cry threatening to crawl up and out of his throat once his lips slip off of her skin. From his new vantage point, having pulled back the slightest, he can tell she’s crying along to the sound of their son’s furious wails, and he can’t blame her. It’s paradoxical: somehow the most beautiful and heartbreaking sound he’s ever heard.
“You’re so incredible, Ames,” the words come spilling out of his moth hopped up on adrenaline which results in them stumbling over each other but he doesn’t care. She needs to know how amazing she is.
As intimate as an interrogation room containing their best friend and some random firefighter can be, their moment runs out the second the firefighter lets them know that their baby is perfectly healthy and gently places him stomach down, wailing at the top of his lungs, on Amy’s still heaving chest. Alongside this the two freshly baked parents stare in disbelief: they created this little and so very wanted human who’s now finally, after 9 months of pregnancy and even longer time spent wanting and trying, screaming into the soft fabric of Amy’s hoodie.  
Amy’s hand are immediately drawn in, rushing to cup the tiny being in her hands, one supporting his bottom meanwhile the other his head. It’s all so much: the soft surface of his skin, the vibration coming from his screaming, and more importantly healthy, lungs resonate against hers making everything that more and finally completely real. Every ultrasound scanning, all the fluttering kicks from inside her womb and even the contractions: this kind of real beats everything prior to this moment.  Her son is really here, in flesh and blood, resting against her chest instead of bundled up inside her womb.
“He’s amazing,” she lets out with a sob as she attempts to study Mac’s every feature.
“He sure is,” Jake is quick to chime in placing a hand on his son’s back before leaning in to kiss the tiny head tenderly, of course keeping in mind the fragility of a newborn’s skull, something all the baby books have told him about. He then looks backs to his wife and kisses her lips.
Her crying almost sabotages her ability to kiss him back, but she stables herself just enough by moving a hand to rest on her husband’s cheek and then it hits her like never before that she’s currently, right then and there, holding her entire world in her hands: Jake in one and their son in the other.
McClane Santiago-Peralta. Mac.
He’s a perfect 9 pounds and 21 inches, they’re later told at the hospital; he’s soft, pink and brand new; he’s here and he’s their son.
Caught up in what feels like her life’s biggest whirlwind of a moment, kissing her husband and holding her screaming newborn, she faintly make out Rosa and the firefighter telling them they’re going to leave them alone for a while to go meet the incoming ambulance and and actual EMTs.
Jake and Amy pull apart as the door closes and encapsulates their new little family of three in the interrogation room.
“I love you so much, Jake,” she smiles both with her lips and deep brown eyes which radiate so much joy through the tears that it makes Jake shed a tear too when he tell her “I love you too. So much.”
Their attention shifts back to Mac quietly whimpering for attention having only been partly soothed by his mother’s hold and is still very much upset with the fact he’s been thrown right into such a big, bright world without warning.
“And I love you too, my baby Mac,” she coos in addition to her declaration of love as she lets go of Jake’s face to hold her still naked, probably very hungry and cold son even closer.
Although Amy without a doubt had the birthing suite Hitchcock and Scully had built her to thank for making the birth surmountable, it wasn’t exactly destined to do what it was doing right now meaning that a lack of heat was noticeable.
“Shhh, yes, I know,” she strokes the top of his head in an attempt to comfort the whimpering bundle, “it’s all so big and scary out here, but we’ll make sure you’re okay. We got you.”
Mac’s cries have definitely quieted down, lost momentum, since first appearing in their world just minutes ago but he’s still very clearly voicing discontent and Amy can feel her brand new mom-heart bleed. She mentally turns over every page of every baby book she’s ever read furiously trying to find a solution to her son’s crying and discomfort.
“Your mom’s right, bud. No need to cry. We’re here with you,” Jake bends over the gap between him and the stretcher, down to his son’s eye level as if it’ll convince him to calm down only to comprehend that a newborn probably doesn’t care about his father’s promises. Mac is a man of actions not words.
“Jake,” Amy whimpers hit by realisation, so suddenly set on one thing and one thing only and it of course immediately gains her her husband’s full attention. “Help me put him on my chest.”
A look of confusion dawns on Jake as they share a look, Amy’s eyes pleading for him to understand.
“But Ames, that’s where he already is?”
“No, like on my actual chest. Skin to skin-contact, Jake.”
It comes out matter of factly and memories of many textbook pictures of cute, tiny babies lying against their mother’s bare chest right after birth come rushing back to Jake instantly replacing his confusion.
“Oh yes, that, right! Of course.”
She briefly pauses to think although its hard when her train of thoughts is very much controlled by the worry growing within her every time Mac lets out another loud whine or cry. At least he’s on top of something soft, she thinks in an attempt to reassure herself when looking down at him and her now very messy, gooey NYPD-hoodie and then, all out of the blue, it hits her: the messy but soft and warm NYPD-hoodie. Beneath it she’s only wearing her maternity bra (she’d started wearing them already months ago once her boobs had grown too big for her regulars once: also they were way more comfortable) so surely her idea was worth the try.
“He could probably fit into my hoodie,” she wonders or rather declares out loud. Her son needs somewhere warm and safe, so, regular procedure be damned.
“I mean,” Jake studies the features of the grey piece of clothing, “it’s quite big and if you just tug down the neck whole he could probably fit in there with you.”
So they give it a try.
While Jake momentarily takes possession of his son, immediately tearing up again at the very surreal feeling of holding life, which he’s created, for the first time, Amy unclasps and removes her soft bra. In terms of the last step she tugs open, as wide as physically possible, the neck hole of her hoodie to welcome her son. It’s not pretty nor graceful but the hoodie is indeed really big (especially now that Mac is no longer in her womb) and together they manage to carefully place him to rest against his mother’s skin and under the soft material of the hoodie, only his head, under Amy’s, emerging from the neck hole. They hold their breaths for a second, both internally begging for their invention to be enough to soothe their son completely.
Amy instantly feels better knowing she’s sharing her bodily heat with her son, and, even more rewarding is the fact that it also seems to pay off: after a few more whimpers, slowly fading into barely audible sniffles, a silence lastly settles over them.
From where he’s resting chest to chest, skin to skin, with his mother, Mac finally, for the first time in his life, seems fully content and settles for dozing off as the easiest way to handle being completely knocked out by the intensity of being born.
Jake and Amy exchange a surprised, having feared the worst outcome since today already had followed a certain chaotic discourse, but ecstatic look as all there is left to be heard is the sound of approaching ambulance sirens.
“This feels incredible,” she speaks quietly in an attempt to not disrupt her son’s newfound state of peace, checking on him once more to make sure he’s not being squished by her chin, and although this time there’s fabric creating a barrier between her palms and his skin, she allows her fingers to fall into a sweeping motion across the tiny frame.  
“It looks incredible,” Jake whispers back not believing his own eyes because the scene currently playing out in front of him sure can’t be real. It’s too good, something he years ago wouldn’t even dare to dream of, and although he doesn’t want to be that person, he wants to live in the present, Jake can’t fight the urge to grab his phone and snap a picture, just one that he can make his lock screen picture the second he has a minute to do so. For now he figures it’s enough and puts his phone back into his pocket allowing him to lean in and join his wife in caressing their son.  
“Always told you you look crazy good in hoodies,” he smirks knowingly thinking of all the times he’s told her this only to be met by disagreement and dismissive comments before pecking her temple tasting small beads of sweat, salt, on his lips.
“Even now covered in placenta?” her exhausted eyes manage to throw him a teasing look ahead of redirecting to admiring Mac’s beautiful, finally peaceful being. Jake’s eyes trail behind, staying on her with the most loving look when he utters, “especially now covered in placenta,” before following her lead and looking at Mac.
The sirens from before have faded, disappeared, letting the new parents know that the ambulance must’ve reached the precinct. Despite this fact, they forget and enjoy the quiet before the storm, their first peaceful moment as a family.
All in all Mac seems pleased with his new favorite spot on his mom’s chest. Even as she holds him a bit tighter, securing him to her chest when she’s wheeled out of the integration room by a newly arrived EMT, Jake right beside her to make sure they’re alright every step of the way, Mac doesn’t budge; even in the ambulance when one of her hands leaves his back to hold Jake’s while the sirens make an encore, Mac stays quiet.
This might not be his mother’s womb but he knows he’s home.
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tbr-agency · 4 years
my love.
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summary ⟶ Arguments doesn’t last long when you really love someone deeply, just like how Haejin couldn’t stay mad at Jaebeom because she really loves him.
timeline ⟶ October 2019
characters : Lee Haejin, Jung Ahrin, Ji Chaeun (The Bloody Roses) , Lim Jaebeom (Got7)
❝ I would be lying if I say I’m not mad. But once you love someone, that feeling instantly washed away, don’t you think? ❞
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Jaebeom felt bad, especially for his members.
He could see how pissed they looked though they tried to hide it, it was obvious for some of them especially Jackson. They were pissed at JYPe. 
The boys were given a restriction order.
“Boys, I know the 7 of you have individual relationships with the Bloody Roses but because of the situation, we might have to give you a restriction order,”
“What restriction order? Since when did JYP have this kind of rules?” questioned Bambam, trying his best not to sound rude.
“And our dating bans are over. PDnim said so himself that we could date after 3-4 years,” added Jackson who was already pissed, hearing the word restriction order. Got7 has already been mistreated by JYPe and this was honestly the worst that they could ever hear.
“I’m sorry but this was given by the executives, but I was told that the 7 of you might have to cut off contact with the 7 girls,”
The members’ eyes went wide and that’s when Jackson nearly began to show aggressiveness, hence the meeting was on-hold.
What’s worse is that their preparation for their comeback has started.
Jaebeom’s turn to shoot his parts and it was close to midnight when his turn ended.
“Hyung, I don’t think I can do this anymore,” Jaebeom muttered towards his manager. He turned towards the younger one, for the first time seeing his eyes glistening with tears.
“Is it because of Haejin?” 
Jaebeom bit the bottom of his lips, trying his best not to show any tears since they were in public. 
“I feel so bad. I should have listened to her but at that point in time, I was just pissed that I said words that I didn’t mean - I miss her, hyung.” Jaebeom confessed, his voice was lower than normally he would speak.
His manager could see that he is really affected by this. 
He also knew that Jaebeom has been locking himself up in his studio, basically writing 10 songs about Haejin - as told by Jinyoung since he was worried about the leader.
Not only was Jaebeom suffering, Mark, Bambam, and especially Jackson were suffering too since they were in a committed relationship with their own personal bodyguard.
“I don’t think the 7 of you are the only ones who are suffering, the girls too,” His manager spoke as they were in the van. Jaebeom looked towards the driver seat.
“Really? But I don’t think Haejin—
“Jaebeom-ah, whatever you are thinking, it’s all negativity. Once you lay deep into those thoughts, you would regret it. Trust me, Haejin still loves you,” His manager turned towards him with a small smile, seeing Jaebeom looking at his lock screen, a picture of different polaroids he took of Haejin when they were together.
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“How long has she been standing there?” 
“Probably 2 hours,”
Ahrin and Chaeun were standing near the huge glass window to see Haejin, leaning against their entrance walls as she was staring on to the road mindlessly.
“She’s been doing this for 2 weeks and I’m honestly worried,” whispered Chaeun as she was staring at Haejin.
“Is she not cold, wearing a lace tank top and tight jeans?” added Chaeun and Ahrin shakes her head.
“She is already cold emotionally, anyway. I think she’s depressed with the situation we are going through right now,” mumbled Ahrin and she could hear Chaeun sighing.
It hurts for Ahrin that she couldn’t reply to Mark’s secret messages. Though he was not allowed to text her, he rebelled enough to communicate with her through twitter and instagram.
But because Ahrin was always obeying the rules, she couldn't reply to his messages. It hurts her, so she just switched off her phone for the whole week.
“Also, about the argument that she had with Jaebeom, gosh,” Chaeun added and Ahrin sighs heavily.
“Well, I didn’t know the situation could get any worse. Now Eunhee ghosted us again,” voiced out Ahrin as she folded her arms. 
Eunhee really went all out this time, without even telling the girls why she didn’t come home after the meeting.
“C’mon let’s go inside,” muttered Ahrin, pulling Chaeun with her knowing Haejin wanted space.
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“So it’s true you are transferring to LA!?”
“Babe wait—
“You could have told me earlier—
“Jaebeom! The articles were fake!”
“What do you mean it’s fake? Seeing it’s from your company’s website, it has to be true.”
“Who’s the one who is in MMG now? You or me?”
“You know what, don’t bother texting me after your contract ends with JYP,”
Haejin scoffed as she remembered the argument she had with him. 
Her eyes landed towards something that was dangling on her wrist, a bracelet that Jaebeom bought for her on their first date together.
“Aww, Jaebeommie. Thank you! This is so cute,” Haejin cooed as she stared at the bracelet that has a palm tree, knowing it was representing him. 
“Call me again,” Jaebeom called out and Haejin frowned a little.
“No, the other one,”
‘Jae-beommie?” said Haejin in a tone asking if she was asking a question. Jaebeom's grin widened as his hands landed on both of Haejin’s cheeks.
“Lee Haejin, why are you so cute?” whispered Jaebeom, his eyes locked with hers. Haejin was about to answer him when her eyes landed on his wrist.
“You have one too!?” 
Jaebeom saw what she was gazing at, as he showed his own wrist, to see a skull and a rose, knowing whom it represents.
“I bought it - on impulse because Jackson suggested since he had asked Bambam to buy one too,” Jaebeom sad shyly and Haejin looked at him softly, kissing his lips.
“I love it. Thank you, babe.”
It’s weird, she didn’t have the heart or strength to even remove it as soon as she left the room, the day she argued with him. 
Haejin loves Jaebeom, but sometimes, he is just too intense. 
But she knows why he was being that way, he was possessive, not too much. She guessed that he panicked because he thought that his girlfriend is leaving him.
“Please don’t take that off,”
Haejin’s hands quickly landed on the back of her pocket. 
She was about to take out her gun when a familiar face showed up, as she quickly stopped her hands from emerging.
Jaebeom was seen in a hoodie, his face still had makeup on and his hair was being styled up knowing he just ended his schedule, standing a finger away from her.
“What are you doing here?” Haejin questioned with a frown as she looked around, finally seeing a familiar van, and Got7’s manager was there, waving slightly towards her. 
Haejin’s expression softened as realizing that Jaebeom wasn’t alone.
“I came here to see you—
“Jaebeom, you were given a restriction order. I’m sure you are clever enough to know what a restriction order is. You’re not supposed to be here,” muttered Haejin as she grabbed his arms, pulling him inside the garage.
Haejin looked outside to see if anyone was there, as her gaze turned towards Jaebeom. 
He was hesitating on what to say, and it was obvious because he was making faces that Haejin would always see if he was troubled.
Though he looked like he was struggling, he looked cute at the same time.
Haejin waited for him to continue, as he finally turned towards her, his eyes locking with hers this time. 
The next thing that he did was unexpected, even Haejin was taken aback as she was in his arms, feeling him wrapping around her body tightly.
But what made Haejin feel miserable was she could feel his body trembling, finally realizing that she wasn’t the only one who was suffering. 
“Please don’t let go of me,” trembled Jaebeom, but Haejin roughly pushed him away as her eyes moved towards his, he looked like the world was falling apart. 
He was actually about to break down when Haejin held onto his hands, intertwining her fingers with his.
“It’s too cold out here, let’s go in,”
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With a cup of tea in her hands, Haejin wordlessly led Jaebeom towards her shared room with Ahrin, thanking the leader that she was outside with Chaeun, as they were having a serious conversation.
With both of her hands that were full, Haejin closed the door with her legs as she quickly led Jaebeom towards her bed.
“You don’t have to do this, Haejin-ah.” muttered Jaebeom and Haejin turned towards him as she was holding onto a pack of makeup remover tissues.
“Do what?” questioned Haejin as she was furrowing her eyebrows, kind of curious what he was about to say. His eyes went downcast.
“Aren’t you not mad? Why are you so calm about this?” questioned Jaebeom softly as Haejin began walking towards him, sitting in front of him as she began removing his makeup without saying a word.
Jaebeom’s eyes never left hers. Her gentle touch makes his body shiver, knowing he missed her dearly, wanting to just be in her arms for the whole night.
“I would be lying if I say I’m not mad. But once you love someone, that feeling instantly washed away, don’t you think?” inquired Haejin softly, her eyes turned towards his. 
“Oh god, Haejin-ah. I love you, so much. I’m so sorry,” Jaebeom pulled Haejin closer towards him, they were inches away from each other, looking at each other's eyes intensely.
“I love you too, Jaebeommie. It’s okay, everyone has those days, babe.” muttered Haejin as her hands began caressing his hair, and he missed this. He missed her touches, he missed the way she called him.
Jaebeom knew he would be in trouble knowing he will suffer whenever they are away for more than a week. 
“The restriction order. It drives me crazy but I’m more worried about you,” Jaebeom muttered, his hands reaching for her cheeks, softly caressing her cheeks.
“Don’t worry, Jaebeom-ah. The girls and I will find a solution for this,” Haejin held onto his hands with a small smile.
“But if their solution was to break us apart, I will—
“Jaebeom, that won’t happen. They won’t do something like that - that would not give any benefit for the company, that’s MMG,” explained Haejin as she smiled a little, giving a peck on his lips.
“Well, it’s getting late, so why not spend the night here?” offered Haejin with a cheeky smile, and Jaebeom instantly jumped towards her, tackling her.
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masterlist : Got7 Bodyguard Au
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mascaracoffee · 5 years
Fight ~Angel Reyes Imagine~
Summary: The boy from the wrong side of the tracks and the girl from the right side of the tracks. His world was dark and full of dangers she could never understand, but that didn’t stop her from trying. 
Angel Reyes x OFC (Emelda [ee-MEL-dah])
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‘Can we talk?’
The three words glowed up at me mockingly as did the name of the sender;  my body’s reaction to the nine simple letters betraying my brain and sidelining any rational thought such as to pocket my cell and busy myself with patients or charting. No, instead pinpricks tickled down my spine, a flower bloomed in my stomach, and my ribs decided to give my heart a squeeze just as my phone vibrated, illuminating again in my hand.
I captured my bottom lip between my teeth, my thumbs creating an awkward dance as they hovered across the touch screen, indecisive on which words to type.  My eyes flickered once more to the name typed above the messages.
If I thought long enough about the man who rode the fence in regards to his namesake, I could almost smell the cologne that tainted the air in his presence a mix of gasoline, grease, and the signature cigarettes he kept either pursed between his plush lips or tucked away in his jeans. If I focused long enough, I could almost feel the ghost of his calloused fingers tracing down my skin, removing my scrubs, kissing my skin. To remember was such a pleasure and a curse. If I remembered too long, then the pleasant memories I shared of the man quickly faded to those of the last time I saw him; bloodied, shirtless standing victorious over his opponent, Angel’s dark eyes blown with rage and possessiveness. For the first time, I was ever afraid of Angel Reyes.  
The night air was chilly, smoke wafting into the starless night as the crowd roared in delight in a scramble of English and Spanish.  I cowered further into Angel’s hoodie, pressing my side further into Ez, his thick arm wrapped protectively around me as he guided us through the crowd toward the cage. The closer we got to the alloy fence, the more distinct the grunts and curses were as fists met teeth and skin scraped along the concrete.
Underneath the bright lights, a tattooed form sat throwing weighted fists into the body below him. The form on the bottom I instantly recognized as the out-of-town Mayan that had exchanged crude words with me at the bar before throwing his beer on me, drenching my white t-shirt, but his true mistake was laying his hand on me, gripping my arm and pulling me into his frame aggressively.
Those events had led to now. Angel’s muscled form glistened in the light as sheens of sweat rippled along his inked skin. Cords of muscle flexing taunt as his bloody fist rose once more, leveling the planes of his opponents face. I winced, jumping as the out-of-towner managed to take a cheap shot into Angel’s ribs, the two struggling for dominance. A sickening grunt left Angel’s bloodied lips as his head snapped to the side due to a well-placed blow. Quickly, Angel lowered his stance and plowed through his rival bringing them both back down onto the concrete as more blows were delivered.
Bishop finally gave a signal, Coco, and Gilly each taking one of Angel’s arms and hoisting him away from the gory sight of the other Mayan. Angel’s face was contorted in fury, blood dripping onto his face creasing into the expressive lines of his face. He broke away from the two’s grip and began another, fast-paced brutal attack before being pulled away again. His pink stained teeth were grit together, as he spat at the Mayan. It was in that moment I realized the tears slipping down my cheeks accompanying the constricting tightness in my chest. It was too much; the fire raging in Angel’s eyes terrified me. 
The fighting, the loud cheering, my heartbeat pounding behind my eyes, my hands shaking as they covered my mouth as I took in Angel’s frame, his aggressive persona sending my brain into overdrive trying to process the Angel before me and the Angel I had come to love as the same person, the Mayan Angel was dangerous and lethal my Angel was funny and loving. I swallowed the searing bile down as I took in the opponents face bloodied and disfigured, painted in thick blood as he gurgled for air, bubbles of red-tinged spit popping from his mouth as he was sat up.
It was Ezekiel’s questioning tone that made me realize I was distancing myself, I had pulled away from his embrace and steadily moving further from the cage, my eyes locked on the product of Angel’s rage. I met Ez’s eyes and managed a shake of the head, more tears pooling down my face before I turned on my heel and dashed through the crowd away from the MC.
This barbaric, animalistic side was unfathomable compared to the charming, funny biker I had grown to adore. I knew of the club and where his loyalties lie but seeing him so ruthless and cold put things into perspective, the MC wasn’t just a motorcycle group, this was much larger than that. If I wanted to be with Angel, this life of violence would have to be something I would have to accept. I had sworn an oath to heal people and care for them being associated with this type of life just posed so many moral and ethical dilemmas.
Shaking my head to clear away the memories I turned back to my phone. With quick precise keystrokes I typed out my response before my brain caught up with my actions. The message was short and direct, lacking any emotion.
‘Nice going Emelda’ I thought to myself as I fell back into my chair, mentally exhausted ‘Can’t back out now.’
My phone buzzed again.
‘Tomorrow. Clubhouse. 8”
The Mayans MC clubhouse was alive with activity, the expected finding for a Friday night; a beer in every hand most often than not accompanied with tequila. The air was thick with marijuana and cigarette smoke mixed with cheap perfume as scantily clad women sought out men in leather like mice to cheese.
Angel Reyes left his dorm room adjusting his cut as he did fresh from the shower. He checked his phone ‘7:30’ glowing back at him.  A shaky break escaped his lips as his fished in his pocket for a smoke, greedily inhaling the fumes once lit.
“Damn bro” Coco drew out as he walked by, an arm slung around the shoulders of a redhead “Went a little heavy on the aftershave didn’t you?”
“Emelda’s coming,” Angel said through a puff of smoke, giving the only answer he thought relevant.
“Really?” Coco questioned, a lopsided grin playing on his lips. A nervous Angel was an uncommon sight. “When?”
Angel exhaled another thick cloud of smoke his eyes scanning over the room “She gets off at 7 from the hospital. Said she would be here at 8.”
“Well come on man” Coco clapped a hand on Angel’s shoulder “Let's pass the time with some poker, I want to try and win back the money I lost. Hey, bebe go grab us a couple beers will you?” The redhead nodded batting her eyelashes as she went to the bar.
The two Mayans took their places at the table, Angel choosing a seat with a clear view of the door. Angel accepted his beer with a nod and gulped it down his eyes glancing at his phone once more as he was dealt a hand. Only five minutes had passed. Sighing Angel scrubbed his hand across his face before turning back to his cards.
‘Just a little longer’
“Another beer?” he ordered waving the redhead down with the empty brown bottle. He sighed and turned back to the game.
Hours passed.  
Angel waited.
As Angel waited he grew nervous. His knee began to bounce and his fingers began to fidget. He checked his phone repeatedly hoping to see a message or missed call. Nothing.  Anxiously, with shaking fingers the Mayan dialed her number, the digits burned into his brain as muscle memory.
‘Hey, this is Emelda sorry I can’t talk right now. Leave me a message and I'll get back to you!’
Angel bowed his head and clenched his eyes tightly, thousands of possibilities forming through his head as he pressed his fist into his forehead.
What if she was done with him for good? He had never lived in a world without Elena, except for these past few weeks and they were torture enough.
Accepting a shot from Gilly, Angel threw it back smoothly enjoying the burn as he accepted another.
She couldn’t be done with him, she couldn’t.  Angel raked his long fingers through his styled hair and tugged at the strands desperately he decided to wait a little longer.
As Angel waited he continued to drink.
Emelda parked her car outside the club at 10:42. Her grey eyes scanned the area cautiously, taking note of the leather-clad men and practically nude women. Tugging her jacket closer to her she made her way toward the building entrance.  Every fiber of her being told her to go home and crawl in bed.  Right at shift change, just as she was preparing to walk out the door to meet Angel,  a patient coded before another patient began to hemorrhage which resulted in her late arrival. Her bed sounded much more appealing than the heated, heartfelt discussion that was no doubt about to happen.
Ez’s attention drew to the door as the raven-haired woman entered. He smiled softly at her appearance. She had gone all out on her look without going over the top, her natural curls had been smoothed out and hung looser, and more relaxed around her flushed face. A tad more makeup than he was accustomed to her wearing, highlighted her features. Despite her looks, she looked out of place in her jeans and cardigan as she quietly scanned the room, her arms wrapped around herself like a security blanket, her teeth embedded into her lower lip.  
Ez’s smile quickly fell once it clicked in his mind who Emelda was looking for.  
Ezekiel looked to his right where Angel sat, blackout drunk, numerous beer bottles surrounded his person littering the floor and table mixed with shot glasses and abandoned playing cards Perched on his lap was the redhead. Angel’s mouth latched to her neck and chest sloppily before devouring her mouth, shimmery lipstick smearing onto both their faces, as his hands groped at her body hungrily. Ez quickly looked back at Emelda just in time to see her mane of curls disappear through the door.
“Emelda!” he called out as he ran through the door stumbling to a halt as he caught her at her car. Her form was shaking violently, her body retching as she emptied her stomach, her breath catching on sobs.  Gently, Ezekiel collected her hair from her shoulders holding it out of the way and rubbing soft, soothing circles into her back. She turned to him with a tight smile, his eyes capturing the slight quiver of her lip and her tear-stained cheeks
“Ez, hi” she tried to smile wiping at her glassy eyes and mouth with her sleeve, before wrapping them around herself again. “How are you?”
“You can cut the formalities Mell” Ezekial offered her a sad smile. “I’m sorry you had to see that. You ok now?” He stuffed his hands in his pockets as he jerked his head back towards the clubhouse, awkwardly searching for some sort of excuse for his older brother.  Emelda shook her head softly keeping her face downcast.
“He was really looking forward to seeing you-“
A humorless laugh escaped Emelda’s lips as she diverted her eyes to the side of him. “I could tell.” She bit out looking toward the ground to collect herself. “Well,” she sniffed “He got his message across, Angel Reyes can have whoever he wants, whenever he wants. No one girl is special, we’re all replaceable.”
“Wha-no! Mel he jus-“
“You don’t have to make excuses for him Ez” she shook her head sadly. Emelda took two steps toward the youngest Reyes, placing her chilly, petite hand on his neck as she stood and pressed a friendly kiss to his cheek  “Take care of yourself. Call me if you ever need a patch up.”
Leaving no room for argument, Emelda climbed into her car. Ezekiel cursed under his breath before storming back into the clubhouse, his sights set on his brother. Emelda had grown up with the Reyes boys after their mother had died; Elena took on a motherly role helping hold the family together, despite being Ezekiel’s age, she was a caregiver by nature. She came and visited him often in prison, brought a home cooked meal to Pops’ at least once a week, and tried her damnedest to keep Angel walking the straight and narrow.  The former having evolved into something more as time went on.
Emelda showed love through action, a theory she applied to everyone in her life. So Angel’s smut fest in the clubhouse, Ezekiel knew, hurt her worse than he would ever imagine and a wave of growing anger bubbled within his chest at the thought of Elena hurting, especially over Angel’s stupidity.
Emelda watched Ez’s broad frame retreat through the side mirror more tears falling with each step he took.  Once she could no longer see his brooding frame, all her tears bubbled to the surface in desperate, shaking sobs and chokes.  Her chest constricted tightly desperate to be rid of the cotton that seemed to be filling her lungs, the small wails passing her lips in a poor attempt to accumulate oxygen.
Suddenly, a shadow passed over her passenger window and the car shook as they slapped their hand onto the roof creating a loud bang. A small scream leaving her lips as her body jerked away from the noise.
“My bad!”
 Meanwhile, inside the clubhouse, Angel and the club hang-around was just as Ez had left them, sloppily exchanging lips and tongue, Angel’s hand stumbling over the redhead’s shorts that had been cut to resemble more of cheekie underwear than bottoms as her hand was hidden beneath Angel’s jeans stroking him. Their scene combined with the heartache and tears in Elena’s eyes fueled Ezekiel’s rage.
“What the fuck?” Angel roared, his alcohol-soaked brain taking a moment to register that lips were no longer on his skin and his dick was no longer receiving the proper attention. Ezekiel stood over him, eyes blazing nostrils flaring as he pointed a finger into Angel’s leather-clad chest.
“I better not ever” Ez snarled “and I mean ever hear you mention Emelda again. Not after that show you just put on. She didn’t deserve that you piece of shit!”
Only one word in Ezekiel’s rant registered in Angel’s mind.
“She’s here?”
Angel’s voice was soft, almost euphoric at the thought, the ghost of a grin pulling at his lips. He pushed off the chair, hands reaching to comb back his hair, legs swaying under his weight as he made an attempt to step toward the door on jelly legs.
Ez pushed his hands firmly into Angel’s chest, shoving the firstborn Reyes back into the chair, the wooden legs scraping the floor in protest against the force.
“Not anymore” Ez snarled reaching down and bracing his arms on the arms of the wooden chair to be level with his brother “She walked in here, hair and makeup all done, all for you. Looked like she was scared to death and what does she see? Good ole Angel practically fucking some other girl when he was the one to invite her here in the first place. She ran out of here crying, fucking made herself sick she was so upset.”
“She was crying?”
Angel’s voice was quiet and weak.  Even through his alcohol fogged mind the words Emelda and crying in the same sentence felt like a brick on his chest.
Ez nodded in response “Said you got your message across pretty clear. Said you wanted her to see you with some whore. Make her realize she wasn’t shit to you and you could have your picks to replace her with just as easily as snapping your fingers.”
Angel’s eyes were widened and glossy, his jaw slack; from the drink or emotion, Ezekiel wasn’t sure.
“That’s not true” Angel whispered, shaking his head, long fingers wrapping into his ebony strands. “That’s not true”
“Well hey” Ezekiel stood straight placing his hands on his chest, a hint of sarcasm dripping from his words “Don’t tell me that. I already know. She’s too damn good for you, for this, and you keep proving that over and over again Angel! ”
Angel looked down at his lap in thought, fidgeting with the ring on his finger when a small black mark at the junction of his thumb caught his attention.  The black ink was less than two months old, still vibrant and bold against his tan skin. A simple sun, the sun that gave light and life to the world, the same role that Emelda played in his life.
“I gotta talk to her” Angel decided, attempting to push himself upright, the force sending him stumbling into the nearby wall.
“Nah man” Ezekial shook his head catching his brother “You need to get in bed. Sleep off this drunkenness before you fuck up even worse with Mel. Think you’ve caused enough problems for one night.”
“So you were just going to leave again?” Coco asked his eyes, dark and daunting as he rounded the car to approach Emelda who was leaning against the driver’s side door.  Emelda normally felt comfortable around Coco but the way he was staring at her made her feel like a tiny insect under his boot, ready to be squashed at any moment.
A scoff passed her lips as she hung her head, kicking at the asphalt with the tip of her foot
“Angel will be fine without me” she whispered, her voice cracking slightly at the painful admission “ that much is obvious.”
She opened her car door and searched through the console, a triumphant ‘ah-ha’ escaping as she found a barely opened pack of cigarettes. Emelda wasn’t a smoker, but since splitting from Angel she found comfort in the thin, white cancer sticks. She had convinced herself it was a coincidence they happened to be the same kind Angel smoked.
“How do you know?” Coco challenged now standing face-to-face with the woman as he lit her cigarette for her. “You’ve never seen him without you but I have. It kills me to see my brother like that.”
“This life isn’t for me Coco” she shook her head as her gaze fell upon a topless woman who seemed to be prancing around in a pair of licorice underwear, bites seeming to be missing here and there.  “I don’t belong here.”
“But you belong with Angel” the Mayan urged “and he’s a part of this.”
Emelda sniffed shaking her head as she shakily brought her cigarette to her lips and took a small drag.
“He needs someone stronger than me. Someone who can handle all of this.” She rolled her wrists to indicate the clubhouse and packed parking lot. “An MC isn’t for me. I’m sorry that’s just how it is.”
Coco placed his hands on the woman’s shoulders “We’re not just an MC. We’re family. We take care of our own. When Angel chose you, you became a part of it. You have a family. We are your family, not just an MC. We love you, Angel loves you.”
“Then why did I find him seconds from fucking some other girl?” she snapped backfire fueling her words. “He doesn’t love me..”
Coco shifted his weight awkwardly; he didn’t like being the one under fire from the petite woman’s wrath. She reminded him of an automatic assault rifle; sensitive. One wrong move, their fury was unleashed.
‘I would rather the automatic right now’ Coco thought.
“Not to take up for him or anything, but you were late.” Coco shrugged “He thought you were ditching him. Got all kinds of loco thinking you were giving up on him, he started tossing drinks back like it was water. Called you over and over, when you didn’t answer he just went further off the deep end. Angel doesn’t have good coping mechanisms, you know that. He acts now, asks questions when convenient. He thought he had lost you and there was nothing at that moment to tell him differently”
“I had a patient dying on me, I have a responsibility!”  Emelda barked “Then my phone was dead and I had no way to charge it! This piece of shit barely picks up radio forget about charging a cell phone! I told him I would be here, didn’t I? When have I ever lied to him?”
Coco shrugged puffing a deep drag.
“You may not have lied to him, but you’ve left him before. ”
Smoke filtered around his words as they stung Emelda’s skin, a visible flinch shivering through her body.
“That was different” Emelda growled, fresh tears pricking her eyes “Besides, he has to learn just because things don’t go the way he was planning isn’t reason enough to throw in the towel on everything! He has to show he still cares, that he wants to fight for us! If he cares he can’t give up so easily!”
Emelda’s chest heaved, tears rolling down her cheeks. Coco looked at her with a small smirk playing on his thin lips as he removed his cigarette.
“Then why are you?”
“Wh-what?” Emelda whimpered staring at Coco with glassy eyes.
“If you care, which you obviously do, you can’t give up on him so easily.” Coco approached her slowly, placing both hands on her shoulders, shaking her softly to try and add emphasis on his words as he lowered his head to meet her gaze.
A scoff passed her lips.”Fight? What for? I can’t live like this, worried everytime he goes out that hes with some other girl.” Emelda choked covering her mouth “I fought, I came her tongiht to fight! “
Emelda shook her head and flicked the remainder of her cigarette to the groud and reaching for the car door.
“I’ve already lost.”, 
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