#my man nathaniel really is losing all his boyfriends
aguinhaac · 6 months
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You're seeing right, ANOTHER MIRACULOUS SALT REVIEW, it's been a while huh? But we're back to reviewing this garbage, let's do it, today I'll be reviewing the Twelfth episode of miraculous season five perfection let's see how much they ruined kagami.
We start the episode with the Chat Noir saying how his girlfriend is soooo amazing, while they try to save a FUCKING BOAT
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The episode just started and the heroes are already talking about trivial shit instead of focusing on, idk SAVING PEOPLE, I can already say this episode is gonna be great.
Well, Marinette lies to Chat Noir saying her relationship with her boyfriend is going great when really she can’t say a word to him without being cringe in the process.
this is just something that I don’t see many people talking about, the status quo didn’t really change, even now that the two morons are “””dating””” it didn’t really change, Marinette still can’t talk to Adrien, Chat Noir still acts the same way he acted in any other season, but now without the flirting, the main status quo didn’t change at all, they just made it so it LOOKED like it changed, but it really didn’t, probably the writers are afraid if they change the status quo too much it will lose audience, but people get tired of watching something over and over again, and now that miraculous wants to stop being a show for kids and expand their public, they have to change the status quo for real, oh who am I kidding? This is miraculous we are talking about, Thomas Astruc’s work is perfect in every way and doesn’t need changing at all, and if you don’t like, that means the show is waaaaaaaay to mature for your stupid little monkey head, fuck you.
Well Kagami calls Marinette but she thinks that Kagami will laugh because she can’t talk to a fucking male.
Marinette: she’s gonna ask “how’s everything going Marinette?” and I’m gonna say, oh yeah so Adrien has feelings for me and he knows I have feelings for him, and then she will say, “great did you guys go out kissy kissy?” and I’ll say NO, I CAN’T EVEN TALK TO HIM CAUSE I’M PATHETIC, AND SHE’LL FIND ME RIDICULOS UTERALLY REDICULOUS.
The first time I watched this episode, I told myself, “There’s no way Americans actually say kissy kissy, so I searched it up, and yes, Americans do say kissy kissy, so I’m gonna give it a point, for the show? No, to the Americans, cause that’s the funniest shit I’ve ever heard in my life, good job guys!
Alya says some advice to Marinette and the scene cuts to mark and Nathaniel who are doing a plan to get them together, what is this plan you ask? Well keep them really close to each other and hold hands, to make Marinette uncomfortable as she clearly doesn’t want to be there, Marinette, u suck, but u need better friends.
Marinette breaks the background so they decide to go to the ice skating rink so a grown ass man can help them force Marinette to Adrien- I mean, help them get together, obviously that doesn’t work, gey get thrown on a wall, Marinette and Adrien break their necks and die, Philippe goes to jail but he meets a guy called saul goodman which takes him out of the jail, and as revenge for losing his rink philippe kills all Marinette’s friends- yeah I wish, they just go do yoga instead.
They prepare for Marinette a yoga mat close to Adrien, but Chloe appears and steal it, people say that Chloe is an evil bitch BUT LOOK AT THIS, SHE’S SAVING THE AUDIENCE FROM THE CRINGE, AND THEN PEOPLE SAY SHE’S EVIL, Chloe is the most misunderstand character there is.
Lila appears and gets Chloe out of the mat STEALING OUR HAPPINESS ONCE AGAIN, Lila says she’s planning something big, and the scene cuts to Marinette’s room where Chloe can’t save us from the cringe so we have a 15 second scene of Marinette trying to say “I love you” to a mannequin with a picture of Adrien in it, that’s what I mean then I say miraculous only has super necessary scenes.
Kagami even tries to save us from the cringe by calling Marinette but she denies it and goes back to trying to say I love you to a mannequin, I don’t understand was it supposed to be funny? If it is I really don’t get the joke, all I see is Marinette being cringe.
Marinette prints a cow picture because as she can’t say “I love you” she’s gonna say “I love moo” to Adrien, and if she gets nervous she just outs the print of the cow and says it.
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Marinette then rushes to her friend’s concert; the scene then cuts to Luka’s boat house.
Adrien: I wrote a song for her but.. I don’t know, I don’t wanna make her uncomfortable..
Wait…. Am I seeing this right? Someone actually respecting other people’s boundaries? IN MIRACULOUS? No, the writers deserve a round of applause, everyone please, someone actually acted like a fucking human being, conglatulations writers! You get a golden star.
I don’t understand how people like this character, her voice is annoying, her personality is annoying, and it isn’t that Disney annoying side characters, she’s just obnoxious to watch, I really don’t understand how people like her, every time she’s on screen I just want to
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Kagami arrives just before Marinette; Kagami tries to talk with her but Marinette just gives some lame excuse and leaves to practice that cringe ass I love moo thing. So, she goes to the up part of the boat and Adrien starts singing.
Ok let’s analyze this thing, (I am not a professional at musicals so please keep that in mind, that’s just what I think) first, Adrien’s voice actor can’t sing to save his life, and I really think that Adrien is supposed to be a good singer, or at least don’t sound that he just woke up, why didn’t they just put an actual singer to replace Adrien in this part? Just like they did with the movie, if they didn’t have enough money to do that then at least GET A GOOD PERFORMANCE FROM YOUR VOICE ACTORS, also it looks like they didn’t give him any direction, the producers just gave him the script and that’s it, didn’t fucking told him what tone he’s supposed to be in, what feeling he should be transmitting, nothing, and in the first part of the song it doesn’t looks like he’s singing, he’s just saying the words and that’s it, it does get better in the middle of the song however.
The lyrics is also atrocious, in the middle it gets better but, in the beginning, OH MY GOD, I have seen indie singers with better songs than this.
Also there’s something about songs that is just as important as the song itself, melody and theme, I think the melody its good, BUT THE THEME, OMG THE THEME, this is a scene we are supposed to take SERIOUSLY, but how can I take it seriously when three idiots randomly do a cringe pose and make a back vocal, or when someone RUNS IN WITH A FUCKING CARBOARD DOLTHIN , this song is a joke, I could not take anything that was going on seriously, that’s actually what I feel about miraculous, I can’t take anything it does seriously because it’s so cringe, annoying, and does not know the tone it wants to be, that I just don’t care anymore.
Marinette runs off to get her fucking cow print, and Alya follows her, Alya tries to convince Marinette that there’s nothing wrong with her and bla bla bla, but Kagami shows up and ask if everything is ok, Marinette and Alya say that they had to deal with the cow thing and that they will be right back, Kagami then leaves and we see that she’s doing a list.
Marinette then snaps.
Alya: Ladybug isn’t the one stopping you from telling Adrien how you feel, you are!
Marinette: oh really? REALLY? How do you know that something terrible isn’t happening right now in Paris? Someone in danger, someone getting Akumatized without anyone even realizing?! I just, can’t fail my mission, Alya cover for me, TIKKI SPOTS ON.
That’s what I mean when I say I can’t take this show seriously anymore, the pressure of being a superhero should be a big plot point but instead is used as an excuse of the writers to why Marinette can’t talk to Adrien.
We then cut to Kagami talking to Lila, and the story goes like this: Lila gave a list to Kagami with things that if your friend does, they don’t like you and are creating excuses to not be with you without hurting your feelings, and Kagami checked every box of that list. And actually, she’s kinda right- Marinette have been ignoring Kagami and letting Kagami out of her life, so Lila is the right one in this situation, they SHOULD break up their friendship.
Well Kagami feels bad cause Mary Sue doesn’t like her so she says that she doesn’t deserve friends and runs away, just to monarch Akumatize her
Monarch: I’ll give you the power to no longer see or hear anyone, this way no one will disappoint you ever again.
Gabriel Has done billions of stupid idiotic things, Akumatizing a baby, creating good plans just to never use them again, giving away the most powerful miraculous ever, but this, I think it’s one of the dumbest things he has ever done, how the fuck do you create a villain, which the purpose is to get Ladyboob and Chatfucker miraculous, WHO CANT SEE? HOW IS SHE GONNA GET THE MIRACULOUS IF SHE CAN’T FUCKING SEE
Kagami becomes Ryukomori
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Ok, I think Ryukomori Desing is actually pretty neat, she is able to bring the feeling of loneliness very well, the clouds can be interpreted as the carrier of rain, as well as being kinda transparent/invisible, her Desing isn’t really rememberable or anything but most of season 5 & 4 villains aren’t as well so whatev, I’ll give her an 8.5/10 bro needs a guide dog 💀
Ladybug: woho! I know I was right to transform…. seriously? Did I just rejoice over someone getting Akumatized, what is wrong with me.
Ryukomori: the first time I came here… I was so afraid, afraid I wouldn’t be up to the task, afraid I would be disappointed, afraid I would disappoint someone, afraid Marinette wouldn’t want to be my friend, all that fear, is gone, everything is so calm now, so peaceful.
Kagami, you deserve someone better than that fucking bitch people call Marinette, go to another show, please, I don’t understand how miraculous writers were able to create such a good character, please, go to another show Kagami, and take Chloe with you.
The two assholes find the list and try to attack her but she’s untouchable, they also try using a megaphone but she can’t hear them.
A helicopter tries to approach Ryukomori, which is just fucking dumb, “lets approach the giant woman that we don’t know what the powers are and can kill us” so Ryukomori kills them, two idiots down, just all the other characters of this fucking show to go.
Ladybug and Chat Noir start throwing cars at her, I hope French people have a good car insurance, and Ryukomori goes check, and they wrote (with cars) the word “talk” in Japanese, but it doesn’t work as Ryu wants to be alone
Chat: she can complain about her friend but she’s not the best communicator either.
Shut up u stupid fucking bitch, she was your ex girlfriend why the fuck you acting like an asswhite to her?
Monarch tells Ryu that she has to destroy the two assholes t have peace so she finds them, (with some difficulty cause monarch made her fucking blind-) and attacks them, Ladybug uses her lucky charm and gets a box of colored ironing beads, as there’s 5 minutes left and a lot of bullshit to solve, Ladybug already knows what to do.
Ryukomori tries suicide, I’m not joking she literally tries suicide, but Chat Noir arrives with a helicopter and leads her to the soccer stadium where, seeing how that many people is there just for her sake gives up suicide and breaks free from the Akuma
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Ladybug fixes all the cars the broke and gives Kagami a (cooler) magical charm. Marinette and Kagami then talk and via talking to Kagami Marinette finds out she can’t talk to Adrien cause she doesn’t feel good enough, let’s see how much time this explanation will last (spoiler: it changes at episode 14)
Everyone gives their number to Kagami and the scene cuts to Kagami in her car, she calls Lila and becomes her friend again, Kagami’s mom shows up at Gabriel’s house screaming that he endangered her sentimonster daughter, don’t talk about it don’t talk about it don’t talk about you can say how much this is bullshit in another post don’t talk about it don’t talk about it. Well, that’s where the episode ends
This episode is not too offensive, it isn’t painful to watch like other episodes of season 5, this is an episode that just, doesn’t matter, in the end nothing changed, and I really think this was supposed to be an episode that would progress the romantic plot, Marinette discovered she can’t talk to Adrien cause she doesn’t feel good enough, that SHOULD be something important to the plot, but it isn’t, cause the writers will always change the reason “why can’t Marinette talk to Adrien” to their convenience, they will change again and again to make more episodes of this garbage, and there’s a reason why the writers are doing that.
Miraculous since its release in 2015 was always a slice of life kinda show, it wasn’t supposed to have a big story, no, it was something kinda like sponge bob, there isn’t a main big plot that the episodes lead us to, there Is one plot for each episode, miraculous was like this before, but around season 3-4 they decided to change it, the episodes should advance the plot, and that would be ok, changing styles in the middle of your show is not recommended but ok, the problem is the story of the show was created based of that slice of life thing they were going for, they are trying to make a simple story about two teenagers who are in love but don’t know and have to capture a terrorist, TO A FUCKING 7 SEASONS SHOW WITHOUT ADDING ANYTHING ELSE.
And this episode is the perfect example of this, this is season 5, the season that closes the arc of the Agreste family, and it doesn’t matter, well, with all that Sayed, I’ll give this episode a 6/10 meh
Thank you for reading until the end, I’ll see you in the next post
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morteamore · 2 years
Cutting Room Floor 11/13/2022
I write a lot. All the time. If not fanfic, then original stuff. I have a dozen story ideas at any given moment and I’m not always dedicated enough to follow through with them. Sometimes they’re only interesting for a hot minute.
I think I might just start posting random excerpts of stuff that will probably never go anywhere. Maybe once a week or so, make this my writing platform if I remember. 
This one was a cryptid story. Not really anything romantic, though relationships were a part of the overall plot and do help start some of the central conflict. It was more likely to go down the horror pipeline and get good and gory. Didn’t end up liking the chapters I did write, though. I think I changed the character names a dozen times. They still seem like placeholders to me.
CW: relationship drama/conflict
Standing outside the door of the modular home in the mid-morning sun, Nate felt a wave of nausea roll through him. He reached for the door handle, jiggling it, drawing away as if burned when he realized it was locked. Then he turned himself around and walked quickly back down the porch steps. The scruffy, brown patch of sod that served as a lawn crunched under his booted feet. He kicked at a mound of dirt someone had randomly dumped there and rubbed nervously at his shoulder, sighing.
In all his twenty-three years, Nathaniel Thibault, Nate for short, had never been good with goodbyes. 
As he stood looking out at the sprawl of the moudlar community, he weighed his options. Brad, his boyfriend of the last three years, was leaving the small town of Trois and heading to the United States in just a week. Los Angeles, California, to be more specific. Nate would not be joining him. In fact, Nate, born and raised in Trois, had never been far outside his Canadian hometown, and didn’t have much desire to travel. He was comfortable here among the dense trees and the encroaching presence of underbrush. He didn’t need big city living, unless he was DJ’ing a gig, with all the skyscrapers, congestion and pollution they had. He was much happier among the natural world. Which, considering his heritage, wasn’t that surprising.
Still, he knew that wasn’t the life for Brad, that Brad longed for culture and opportunities much richer than Trois could give him. And he respected that. They had discussed their future desires at great length, on cold mornings while tucked in bed under thick duvets. Almost always Brad got that far away look in his eyes when he talked about seeing the states, or Europe. And Nate knew he couldn’t compete. In the deepest chambers of his heart, he knew that he would lose Brad some day to wanderlust.
And now that day had come.
When Nate turned back to the trailer, intent on giving the door a second try, it was cracked open. Standing in the doorway in just a pair of jeans and a tank top was Brad. His tall frame almost brushed the top of the door jamb. Upon seeing Nate, he opened the door wider.
“Thought I heard someone out here,” he said, then canted his head, much like the creature whose blood ran through his veins. “Come on in. I have a fresh pot of coffee brewing.”
The nausea tossed in Nate’s stomach like the sea. He nodded anyway and climbed the stairs, not being able to stop himself from giving Brad a sniff as he passed him. The other man smelled like the wilderness. Fresh pine and musky fur and earth. It was comforting, at least to Nate. He moved into the kitchen and took a seat on a stool at the breakfast bar. Brad closed the door and retrieved two mugs from an overhead cabinet. One said I 🍁 Canada on it. The other had an image of a labrador retriever hunting water fowl.
  “You’re here earlier than I expected,” Brad said, pouring the coffee up to the rim of the Canada mug. Nate liked his coffee black, and Brad knew it. For his own cup, Brad left room for an ample amount of cream and sugar. “We were supposed to meet for lunch, not breakfast.”
“I know,” Nate said, drawing his mug close. “I couldn’t wait that long.”
“That eager to discuss our soon-to-be long distance status?”
As he sipped his coffee, Nate winced, and not just because of the bitter contents of the mug.
“That’s what I wanted to talk about, actually.” With a slump of his shoulders Nate set his mug down. “I’m not sure that it’s going to work out, this long distance thing.”
Brad, who’d been moving to sit down opposite his boyfriend, stopped in his tracks. Carefully, he set his mug down on the breakfast bar and placed his hands on its ledge.“What are you talking about?”
“I mean, you’ll be in LA and I’ll be stuck here, and I’m sure after a while that’s going to get old. You’re going to meet other people and want to date them.”
“No way.” Adamant, Brad leaned in closer to Nate. “I would never do that to you, unless we both agreed to it. I care about you more than anything. How can you sit there and say that so casually?”
“I can say it because it’s the truth. You know it. I know it. The only one willing to face it here is me, though.”
“Are you even listening to yourself?”
For a long time, Brad stared at Nate. Nate could feel his gorge rising, that feeling of sickness creeping up even higher in his throat. He turned his head and eyed the bathroom door hanging ajar, debating if he could keep himself from getting sick.
“I am,” he said, somehow managing to keep his voice steady. “I’ve thought it over a lot these past weeks. I don’t want to hold you back.”
“You’re not holding me back. Hell, I’m just going there to test the waters for a month or so, see if it’s my scene or not. I plan to come back either way.”
“But what if you end up liking it? What if you decide to move there? I don’t want to live in LA. I don’t even want to live outside Trois.”
Heaving a sigh, Brad let go of the ledge and put his face in his hands, scrubbing at it. “Of course I know that. And I know that trying to convince you otherwise is just plain crazy. But I was hoping….” He trailed off, letting his arms flop back down to his sides. “You’re so damn stubborn sometimes.”
“Probably why I’m the last of a dying clan. I’m surviving out of pure spite and stubborness.”
“So, we’re really doing this? We’re really breaking up now?”
Drinking deeply from his mug, Nate looked down at the counter top, contemplating its cracking surface. He felt a familiar pressure in his jaws and recognized that his emotions were starting to get the better of him. He tamped down a growl, his head bobbing.
“I just feel one of us will end up getting hurt worse if we don’t,” he said.
“Or you’re afraid of change.” With a scoff, Brad turned his back on Nate. “Since we’re not mincing words here, let’s call this like it is.”
“That’s not fair. I’m just trying to see a future where we settle down together and are happy that way. And I can’t see it with the way things are right now. You’re always going to have your restlessness, and I’m always going to have ties to Trois that can’t be broken.”
“And you’re just starting to see this now, after three years with me? How long have you been keeping these thoughts to yourself?”
“Calm down. They’re only recent. Only since you started getting recognition and were thinking about pulling up roots.”
“See, that’s the problem,” Brad pointed out, turning back around. He walked into the conjoined living room, flopping down in his favorite armchair. “You always talk about having all these roots, all these connections. To Trois, of all places. You haven’t even seen the rest of the world. You don’t know if this is the right path you’re walking. It’s not like you have to live like our ancestors did, tied to the place they were born.”
“Maybe you don’t,” Nate said, sounding wary. “You have an entire pack of siblings. They’re all capable of handling the family legacies. I don’t have that luxury.”
Brad rubbed at the stubble on his face. From his perch, Nate watched him, his memories taking him back to the times he had run his fingers over that rough and bumpy surface, the electric pulse of stimulation beneath his fingertips
“Well, even if you didn’t live here, the lands would still be in your name. Moving away doesn’t change that. Maybe it’s harder to maintain that way, but it’s not like they’ll go anywhere.”
“How long have we’ve been together, and you still don’t know what it’s like to be a Thibault?”
“I know damn well what it’s like. Just as you know what it means to be a Forestier. But isn’t it time we broke tradition and went on our own ways? What do we have to gain from sticking around here? It’s not like we’ll be passing our bloodline down. The loup-garou don’t even really approve of our relationship. They just tolerate it.”
“Tradition is all I have left. And so what if they don’t? It’s not like they can officially do anything about it.”
“And what about if we wanted to get married? They’d never sanction it. We’d be outcasts at best.”
“Do we really need marriage?”
Brad went quiet. He looked down at the carpet. When he lifted his gaze again to look at Nate, his expression was emotionless.
“I think the question is: do you really care about me that little?”
Sighing, Nate had to break eye contact. He hadn’t meant to hurt Brad, but his mouth had run off with his deepest thoughts before he could stop it. Maybe that was for the best. He hadn’t had to dance around the truth until Brad drew it out of him, as he always seemed to do eventually. It hadn’t cleared the air. Far from it. But it had moved the painful task of breaking it off with Brad closer, and the sooner Nate was done with that, the sooner he could go home and crawl into his bed, dwelling on what could have been for the next week.
“You should probably leave,” Brad told him, his voice tight. His words took on a slight growl. “Having you here right now is just not a good idea.”
“I’m sorry. This isn’t the way I wanted things to go.”
“Well, it’s the way they went. Please. Just go.”
Shifting off the stool, Nate managed to make it to the modular home’s front door and open it without being tempted to look back. Then he was walking down the porch steps towards his motorcycle. A shiver coursed through him. He paused to tilt his head toward the sky, where the sun was making its slow journey towards its apex. Closing his eyes, he let its rays grace his skin, warming him on the chilly Autumn morning. It was impossible to tell how long he stayed like that, the warmth radiating in the follicles of his hair and the skin at the back of his neck. Eventually, he slid on to the driver’s saddle, sighing as he started up the engine.
  As he drove away, he thought he saw the curtain in Brad’s window shift, but he couldn’t be certain. 
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moonyistired · 2 years
honestly it’s kinda fun to think about all the stuff that has changed since the first version of the fanfic in 2018
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navegandoaciegas · 4 years
Sunshine Girl
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: fluff, soft!Bucky, mentions of injury (no graphic descriptions), 3.6k words
Summary: You are the sun and he’s simply basking in your light. And he’s so selfish, he thinks as he holds the velvet box with the diamond ring inside of it, he’s so damn selfish he wants to keep the light all to himself for the rest of his life.
Two years ago you were supposed to enjoy a solo road trip after years of Avenging, but Bucky invited himself along. Now you’re forced back to New York, and your boyfriend is ready to surprise you once again.
A/N: Bucky’s POV. Sequel to I love my baby to death, but I suppose you could read it on its own. As always forgive any mistakes, English is my third language.
Had to repost this cause it didn’t show up in the tags, hopefully this time it will
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“I swear Buck, if I see one more damn corn plant I’m losing it. I am this close” you say pinching your thumb and pointer finger real close “to a mental breakdown. I’m never eating corn again, mark my words. No corn flakes, no corn on the cobble, no nothing. I’m done.”
“We’re in Iowa, in the middle of the corn belt, I don’t know what you were expecting.” he replies, slightly amused by your little outburst and sour mood.
“Well, clearly not ending up on the set of Children of the corn.” you groan, getting back to sulking in the passenger’s seat, seething at the fields that are only a scapegoat to the real problem.
You’d been merrily skiing in Montana when his skis got somehow tangled with yours and he tumbled down on you, dragging you down the slope. Hadn’t you injured yourself, rolling in the snow like it only ever happens in cartoons would have been pretty comical.
“What?” you screech, almost jumping off the stretcher and grimacing in pain when your left foot hits the metal poles at the side. “No. It’s just pain, I’m sure it will go away, right? I mean I was an Avenger, I’ve suffered worse than a fall.”
“I’m sorry, miss, but knee surgery will be necessary, the MRI here shows you’ve torn your ACL and from the looks of it, your left knee was already damaged badly, numerous times at that, probably a result of your time on the field.”
“I can’t, I can’t just get surgery, we’re miles away from home and I-”
You’re almost sobbing and Bucky feels like shit because he’s the reason for all this and all he can do now is pat your back reassuringly.
“Given the extent of the damage, I’m afraid there’s no other option.”
“How long is the recovery time?” he asks, voice unsure.
“Well, it’s my knowledge she’s not an enhanced individual, so like any average human it will take anywhere from 6 to 9 months to recover fully. In the meantime, no more hikes or sports.”
Bucky inhales a sharp breath. Six to nine months. No more hikes. Surely you’ll have to go back to New York.
God, you are so going to break up with him.
Turns out you didn’t dump him in Montana, you didn’t abandon him in one of those auto stops along Interstate 90 in South Dakota, and you don’t seem to want to break up with him amidst the green fields of Iowa, but still, he knows he will drive through Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania anxiously waiting for the other shoe to drop.
It almost seems like a cruel twist of fate, driving the same route you did as friends two years ago, along Interstate 80 headed East instead of West, only this time he’s not hoping to be more than the annoying old man who invited himself on your trip; he’s your boyfriend now, but maybe not for long.
“You know, you really are dramatic.” you say in a teasing tone, “I’m not going to break up with you, stop thinking about that, it was an accident, ‘s not like you beat me.”
“I know, I’m just sorry because you’re in pain and it’s my fault and now we have to get back home but I know you wanted to stay more and I did too and if I didn’t-” he’s rambling, and your place your hand on his thigh and squeeze reassuringly, offering him one of those sweet smiles he dies for.
“Buck, it’s okay” you interrupt his word vomit “like I said a million times before, it was an accident, it’s going to be fine I promise. I’m sorry if I made you think otherwise with my mood, I swear I’m just pissed at all this damn corn. We’re never going to a maze again, by the way.” That gets a laugh out of him, and he loves you even more because you’re always there to lift his spirits. “I’m dreading these next months, the surgery, physiotherapy and all, but I know you’re there for me, yes?”
He nods, teary eyed, and you continue, “And I can’t lie, it’s been a while, I’m kind of excited to see everyone again, I mean except for Sam of course,” you say, as if he didn’t “live rent free in your head”, like Sam himself put it, “Jesus that man, how many of our trips has he invited himself on? I’ve lost count. ‘Member when we found him waiting for us in Phoenix? Fuckin’ weirdo.”
You both chuckle at the memory of Sam in your motel room, waiting on your bed with crossed arms like a disappointed parent, pissed off because you hadn’t called in a week and he was worried sick that something may have happened to you, a deadly sniper, and him, the Winter fuckin’ Soldier. Truth is, Bucky was so excited about your new relationship that he rarely let you leave the bed when you were in your room, and when you did you were in no condition to Facetime anyone, with your smudged mascara and swollen lips.
“I’ve heard Clint will come visit us with Laura and the kids. Nathaniel must be so big now.” you add, your eyes glazed over as you think of the little boy who was named after your Natasha.
“God, Morgan is probably all grown up.” he muses, a tinge of sadness in his voice. You squeeze his thigh again. “And the spider kid too, he’s a grown man now.”
“That he is.” you chuckle, “But to me he’ll always be the boy in the red spanx who knocked us on our asses in Berlin.”
He smiles and shakes his head at the memory, and you both fall in a comfortable silence. Now that he’s not consumed by fear anymore, Bucky kind of agrees with you that all this green is, in fact, nauseating.
“You know what, no more popcorn either.”
A year and something ago
“Can you believe there’s a city in New Mexico called Truth or Consequences? We should totally go and visit just for the hell of it, sounds like the type of place Steve Rogers should have been born into.” you state with all the seriousness in the world, and he snorts because after all this time you still haven’t found it in yourself to stop mocking Steve’s righteousness.
You’re walking ahead of him and he’s so distracted by your tiny denim shorts that he, the master of stealth, almost trips over a boulder. You’re always pretty but tonight, illuminated by the orange sky of Arizona, you look like a dream. And you’re so happy, snapping photos at everything you see, that even if Bucky hates the desert and the heat makes him uncomfortable, he won’t tell you, because the look on your face makes it all worth it.
“Baby, look at this big boy here, he’s like 20 feet tall. Oh my god, he’s so cute and beefy, just like you.” you gush at one of the giant cactuses of Saguaro National Park.
He raises his eyebrows skeptically.
All he sees are green spiky motherfuckers that he’s accidentally hurt himself with more times that he’d like to admit in all those damn ‘hikes’ you like so much, but to you cactuses are the most beautiful sight in the word. He genuinely does not see the appeal, but he understands now how you feel when he talks about all his ‘nerd shit’, as you call it.
“I’m cuter.” he says frowning.
“Of course you are.”
For some reason you don’t sound convincing at all.
It’s only spring but here in Tucson the temperature is 85 degrees today and he’s sweating buckets underneath the long sleeved t-shirt he’s wearing to conceal his vibranium arm. He’s long past the time when he was forced to hide from authorities or the general public’s judgement, but still he doesn’t want to be recognized and attract attention. He doesn’t do well with crowds, and he doesn’t understand how you can be so calm and collected when people stare at you and ask for photographs while you’re minding your own business.
As soon as you get back to the motel you’re staying at he takes off his soaked shirt, not caring that the air conditioning is probably going to end his old ass.
“What the hell happened to you?” you ask, scowling as you analyze the skin around his prosthetic.
He shrugs. “It happens sometimes.”
“No idea.”
“Don’t you fuckin’ lie to me James.”
You only call him that when he’s in big trouble. He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose: why do you have to be so damn stubborn all the damn time? “It’s nothing sweetheart, just sometimes the skin becomes flared when it’s too hot.”
“Nothing?” you shrill, throwing your hands around animatedly, “Nothing? Bucky your whole shoulder is super red and irritated, don’t act like it’s normal. We’ve been in the sun for hours, for days really, why didn’t you tell me anything? I would have driven us back here immediately. Does it hurt?”
“That’s why I didn’t tell you, I didn’t want to ruin your fun, you liked it so much there. And no, it only itches a little.”
Your eyes soften and you move to cup his face in your hands, looking at him with so much love that he feels himself melt away into a puddle, “Baby you don’t need to do that, you know I care more about you than anything else.”
“Even more than the cactuses?”
“Well, now you’re asking too much of me.”
He snorts and playfully hits your arm, then he falls back on the bed and drags you down with him. You stay cuddled like that for a while before you pull back to look into his eyes.
“I appreciate you doing this for me Buck, but you don’t ever need to sacrifice your own comfort for me, okay?”
“I know, I’m sorry. But you looked so happy.”
“Don’t be, and I’m always happy with you, I promise.”
“I’m always happy too.”
“We’re such saps. Gross. Anyways, guess where we’re going next?” you ask him cheerfully, scratching his scalp the way that makes him purr like a cat.
“The plan was New Mexico, Texas and Louisiana, right?” he frowns. You’d made plans together ages ago and you were so excited about visiting Texas of all places for God knows what reason. He’s predicted already that he won’t stand the suffocating, humid heat of that whole area. At least Arizona was dry as hell.
You on the other hand, everyday he’s become more aware of how much of a lizard you are, seeking the sun and walking around in the scorching heat not even breaking a sweat.
“Guess again baby boy, we’re going straight to Oregon. I mean, it's not Alaska but it’s not as hot as the desert here, right?
“Wait, what? Why?”
“Because I don’t want you to overheat?” you state like it’s obvious, rolling your eyes, “We’ll do New Mexico and the rest next fall, and now Oregon and Washington because it’s a little cooler there. So what do you say?” You ask with a hopeful look in your eyes.
“Princess I appreciate you doing this for me, but I promise I’ll be fine. You don’t have to change plans for me, this is your road trip.”
“No you won’t Buck, you’re not doing good and I don’t ever want to see you suffer, you understand? By the time we get to Texas it will be summer and you won’t stand it, it’s better if we visit when it’s colder.”
He smiles softly. He knows he’d do the same for you. “Then Oregon it is.”
You get up from the bed and head to the bathroom to shower, “Oh, and baby?” you call out,  peeking your head from behind the door, “This is your road trip too, never forget that.”
“Why does Thor get to have places named after him and we don’t? We were Avengers too.”
“But are we norse gods?”
“I mean, not yet, but I definitely deserve some nature’s wonder, or at least a star, to be named after me.”
“I’ll call WMO and get them to name a hurricane after you, princess. It seems more fitting.”
You’d been camping somewhere in Oregon’s wilderness when he came up with the idea of visiting all of the State’s so called seven wonders, starting from Thor’s Well on the Coast and ending in Mount Hood near Portland. You took a thousand photos of each attraction and sent a video of the water seemingly draining inside the famous well to the God himself, who enthusiastically expressed his appreciation.
Bucky’s cherished every minute of it, from the hot springs of Crater Lake to the chillier temperatures at night that force you to snuggle closer to him to warm up.
You’re in Portland now, and you’re thoroughly enjoying it, but what’s new about that? You’re always so full of life, so genuinely excited about everything the world has to offer that he’d be worried if you weren’t having the time of your life as you usually are.
He likes the city too, which is saying a lot.
“Blueberries are the superior berry and that’s the hill I’m willing to die on.”
You’ve been eating your way through Portland for weeks, and you’ve been discussing pies for a solid thirty minutes now. It’s raining outside and you’re cooped up in a small pie shop, eating more than an average human can and receiving weird looks from the waitress as you tell her to ‘keep ‘em coming’.
“I’m sorry but you’re wrong princess,” he states with a stuffed mouth just for the sake of aggravating you to no end, “blackberries are just so much better.”
It works as you grimace in disgust, both at his statement and his manners.
He’s found out you are weirdly opinionated when it comes to pies: pecan pies are an abomination, pumpkin doesn’t belong in dessert, lemon pie and key lime pie are only acceptable if someone’s grandma is kindly offering them to you, rhubarb pie without strawberries is a threat to mankind and cherry and blueberry pies are the absolute best. Apple pie is too bland to even take the time to discuss it, although the taste is likeable enough.
He on the other hand likes anything pie and anything sweet. And anything that gets a rise out of you.
“Please Buck, this isn’t even a blackberry pie, it’s some sort of inbred experiment that turned out kinda right.”
He shushes you, barely holding back a laugh when he sees the waiter side eyeing you as you disrespect one of Oregon’s most famous dishes, “First of all, it’s called marionberry and it’s a type of blackberry. And second, keep it down unless you want us to be kicked out, you’re offending a whole state.”
“Sorry.” you shrug, “But blueberry tartness level is where I draw the line, anything more than that is unacceptable.”
“That’s ‘cause you’re still a child and haven’t developed adult taste buds yet baby.” He does love his senior citizen card a bit too much.
This earns him a kick under the table and a scowl. “Stop it, grandpa.” you groan.
He grins and digs in your slice of marionberry pie. You resume to people watching.
God, he loves Oregon. And he loves you.
He really is a sap.
Washington was nice enough. You’ve taken him bar crawling most nights, and all of them have ended with him giving you a piggyback ride, per your request, back to the hotel room you were staying at.
It takes 13 hours to drive from Seattle to Yellowstone and you’ve driven all the way. You refused to disclose the destination of the trip and he’s fallen asleep the last 3 hours in the car. He’d mentioned he wanted to see the geysers somewhere in Pennsylvania two years ago and you remembered and took him.
Bucky couldn’t be happier.
He’s still describing the constellations above you when you fall asleep, and he’s so absorbed by the sky that he doesn’t notice until your head falls on his shoulder and he hears your soft snores.
He picks you up bridal style and takes you back to the fancy tent he bought on a whim in Ohio after you both slept in the SUV and woke up with major back and neck pain. He smiles as he removes your makeup with a wipe and does your skincare just the way you taught him, and admires your relaxed state.
He grazes your pretty face with his vibranium fingers, something so unimaginable to him before he met you, as he never thought his arm could bring anything other than pain.
Back when he was a semi stable 100 year old man thrust in another fight yet again, he hadn’t realized the extent of his feelings for you, believing he was only attracted to your beauty and youth. He hadn’t seen the way your smile lights up a whole room, nor the way you listen, truly listen, to anyone who may have anything to tell you, without ever judging them. He hadn’t witness your kindness and patience, let alone experienced them on his own skin. He hadn’t been lucky enough to watch you feed bird seed to the ducks of every pond of the country, or try to rescue a cat from a rooftop and almost falling off to save it.
Then Sam told him you were leaving and he felt like the word was collapsing on him. He’d found the sunlight and he never wanted to be without it.
Now he’s seen it all, all the little things that make you who you are, including your flaws, and he loves you not regardless of them, nor in spite of them, but because even your worst imperfections make you… you.
Bucky doesn’t know if meeting you was a way for the universe to fix all the wrongs that have been done to him, a sort of payback for all the shit he’s been put through, but in case it is, then he’s got no objections. And maybe he doesn’t deserve someone as good as you, but he’s a selfish man, and now that his sunshine girl is with him he never wants to plunge back into the the darkness ever again.
He tucks you both under the sleeping bag and snuggles next to you.
“Buck?” you mumble in a haze, tugging at his t-shirt, “Love you.”
It’s almost imperceptible, but his supersoldier hearing allows him to pick it up. He kisses the crown of your hair as he caresses your back.
“I love you too sweetheart.”
He wants to spend the rest of his time on Earth proving you how much.
New York
6 months later
The doctor wasn’t lying when she warned you that recovery would take 6 to 9 months.
You said the aftermath of the operation hurt like a bitch and that physiotherapy hurt even more. Today’s your last session and Bucky is glad about it for many reasons, like how you’re not in pain anymore for starters, and maybe because of how annoyingly fun, smart and hot your therapist is. Not like he’d ever admit it to you.
“Jesus,” you groan, “he turned me inside out like a sock, I can’t feel my legs anymore.”
“Sounds fun.” he deadpans.
“Someone’s jealous of the doctor?” you ask with a mischievous smirk.
“‘M not. He’s not all that.” he mumbles, blushing like a school boy.
You snort and drawl a ‘sure’. He sends you his best death glare.
“Whatever. I hope you don’t mind if we take a stop before going home.” he announces, helping you into the car. His palms feel clammy and he’s sweating despite the chilly winds of New York’s fall.
“Sure, where are we going?”
“Actually, that’s kind of a surprise, you’ll see.”
You beam at his words; he knows you love surprises and he hopes you’re going to like this one.
You look radiant as you lie on the blanket he’s spread on the grass, surrounded by colorful foliage. You’re sipping some of your favorite wine and nibbling on crackers as you admire a flock of birds migrating south in the sky.
You are the sun and he’s simply basking in your light. And he’s so selfish, he thinks as he holds the velvet box with the diamond ring inside of it, he’s so damn selfish we wants to keep the light all to himself for the rest of his life.
He’s prepared a long, passionate speech to tell you how much he loves you, of all the ways you’ve changed his life for the better and of all the reasons why he’d be a good husband.
But when you look at him with those bright eyes and beaming smile, he can barely remember his own name. He drops on one knee and holds the box out with shaky hands.
“Marry me, please.”
Thank you for reading! If you liked it, please reblog and comment, don’t be shy, feedback is always appreciated 🥺🤲
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marycecilyy · 4 years
Smut: 24, 38 and 50 with NathXCandy 7w7
hey, nonny! I really enjoyed writing this hohoho... Bring in the sin!
As soon as the door closed, Candy found herself being pushed against it, her mouth being devoured by lips full of hunger. One of her hands was on the man’s chest while the other embraced his neck, bringing him even closer. After a particularly harsh nibble on her lower lip, Candy unglued  their mouths and tried to grasp some air. 
Taking advantage of her state, Nathaniel left her mouth and drove his attention to her neck. Every kiss made Candy shiver, every suck forced a moan from her. 
“Nath, I have to go back there, the guests will notice my absence…” She tried to reason with him but she knew it wouldn’t work, considering the reason why he brought her there.
“Let them miss you. Maybe that way they’ll learn their place.” Candy knew his words were directed to a specific person. Dan. “Tell me, does he  touch you like this?”
To illustrate his statement, Nath moved his hands to her ass and groped it hungrily. As his crotch pressed against hers, he made a trail of kisses from her neck to her jaw, finishing with an open mouthed kiss. 
Candy was trying to keep her moans low so that nobody would hear the noises coming from the storage, but her boyfriend was determined to make her lose her composure. Without breaking the kiss, he slid the straps of her dress over her  shoulders and grabbed one of her now undressed breasts. The cool air against her exposed  skin made a chill run down her spine and Candy sighed in desire. 
"You know, as beautiful as you look, all I want to do is rip that dress off right now." Nath’s voice seemed more like a growl. His lips were swollen, but he didn’t stop kissing her for a second.
With trembling hands, he unzipped his pants and lowered his bowers just enough for his dick to pull out. In the back of her mind, Candy wondered what would happen if Hyun or Nina or, god, Dambi opened the door and found them in this very compromising situation. However, the dominant part of her brain couldn’t care less. The only thing that mattered to her at the moment was the feeling of him filling her up with his pulsing cock. This time, she let out a high pitched scream that was muffled by his lips.
 "I used to think your laugh was the prettiest sound in the world. I was wrong, it's your moans."  He threw her a cocky smile and she would’ve been embarrassed  if she wasn’t so horny.
“Just start moving, dickhead.” She embraced his torso and dug her nails on his back, trying to sound less helpless than she actually was. 
“Okay, boss.” Candy would have thrown another annoyed comment, but in a swift movement he started pounding hard into her, leaving her a moaning mess The events of that night would be stuck on her mind every time she entered the café storage. Still, she didn’t regret anything.
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I am politely asking for more Reverse AU
Yay thank you!! Someone asked me a couple of specific questions about this au so I’m gonna start with those questions ( @vlanderzine )
For the whole “Cat Noir is Spider-Man-esque” yes great 100% would be helping out everyone with everything, pickpockets, bank robbers, birthday parties, he’s there for all of it, he hates being at home and he wants people to see him as competent since unlike Ladybug he can’t just cure akumas
“Who’s his JJJ?”
Y’all,,,it can’t be anyone else besides Gabriel Agreste, this man hates Cat Noir, he’s always ruining his plans, and unlike Ladybug he doesn’t even have the decency to leave Paris every now and then to give him peace
Of course he can’t outwardly tell people that’s the reason, so he tries to convince people that he’s just too young to be a hero, think of the children, what if they try to imitate him? And he can’t even cure akumas, he’s a menace! He needs to be stopped! (Unlike JJJ tho, he doesn’t have too many supporters)
And then, for what happens to the akumas
Destroying them doesn’t work, but it turns out (in this au at least), if no one nearby has any sad/stressed out/angry emotions, then it just flutters around harmlessly
So whenever Ladybug isn’t around, Cat Noir just corralles them away from people and keeps in them in a place he affectionately nicknamed “the evil butterfly sanctuary” I personally like to think that there’s some type of object that can hold akumas, y’know since Ladybug has been around for thousands of years, there has to be more weaknesses for the miraculouses than they know about
For the purposes of this au, it’s a certain type of netting, Noir just had to make enough of it to create a kinda really cool butterfly dome
Other than Cat Noir (I still stand by that for pun reasons, and because it’s the title of the show, it’s “Cat” rather than “Chat”):
Alya became Lila’s best friend because they joined the school around the same time, Lila keeps trying to low key drive a wedge between her and her new boyfriend Nino because she’s worried about losing her control over Alya
Juleka never did get a class photo, but Rose takes selfies with her all the time to make her feel better
Bustier also never did get an “example” student, although she did try to force the title on Sabrina for awhile with disastrous affects, because of that she tries to use a gold star method not realizing that she’s upsetting her students because that’s clearly a way to handle students much younger than they are
Without having Marinette to focus on, Chloé terrorized everyone in the class a lot more and has a lot more people she needs to focus on making amends with for Ladybug
Nino is one of the people who kept loosely in touch with Marinette, he was the first to welcome her when she got back and Lila tries to use that to further separate him and Alya
It’s actually Nino who figures out first that something is up with Lila, the whole “trying to get his girlfriend to break up with him” thing isn’t really painting a good picture of her
Since this is after the video game contest, Max got to be in it without first losing and doesn’t hold a single thread of ill will towards Marinette (although that whole canon thing is not her fault, it sucks he lost but why was she the bad guy for him being a sore loser?) and he actually befriends Marinette over their shared love of video games
Nathaniel hasn’t met Marc yet so this Nathaniel gets an instant crush on Marinette, when he finds out from Nino that Lila seems to have it out for Marinette, he’s the first to stand up for her, eventually his crush fades but he still admired Marinette as a person (sometimes he even thinks that she’s cool like that mysterious Ladybug hero)
Oh and not that anyone asked: LADYBUG’S COSTUME IS EXTREMELY DIFFERENT, I’m sorry I just hate canon Ladybug’s outfit, she’s a fashion designer and that’s what she gets??? No, in my au she gets a stylish backpack that’s made to look like ladybug wings, functional shoes, black shirt and pants, gloves to help her grip her yo-yo, and this hilarious antenna headband that just jiggles all the time when she’s trying to be serious
Alya gets the snake miraculous, Chloé got the ox, Luke gets the bee (although it somehow becomes a bumble bee when he activated it and he gets a fluffy outfit), Mylène gets the turtle, Nino gets the fox, and in a really bizarre turn of events, they get ahold of the peacock miraculous and let Juleka use it before realizing that it’s broken
Now that Ladybug seems to be permanently in Paris, Lila is on a warpath to get ahold of miraculous and become one of the famous new heroes
Oh and I know I said I was done with Cat Noir, but real quick, so far the love square isn’t there, like Cat Noir lowkey had a crush on Ladybug but it fizzled out because he didn’t see her often enough, and since this is Marinette’s first time meeting Adrien and none of the canon stuff can really happen (since she only vaguely knows that Chloé is a bully and doesn’t know how bad it used to be, or any reason to think Adrien is like Chloé) it’s just kind of one of those “oh hey it’s the son of the fashion designer I admire”
I mean it can still happen, it would just be different from canon, but tbh I find some more ships compelling than the love square (although I love almost any pairing that has whoever and then Marinette as Multimouse)
Edit: just noticed I said “Bull” where I meant to say “ox” smh
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mrs-nate-humphrey · 3 years
tbh you’re probably right that it’s for the best that gossip girl didn’t touch dan/nate given the way the writers did, well... everything lmao. but! rewatching season 2 and i can’t help but want them to be boyfriends. 🥺 their tiny arc was so good!!! which leads me to the question: if the show WAS going to go there but still maintain its same escapist tone, how do you think the storyline might have gone? (best case, and like, realistic case lol)
haha, i KNOW. god, i know. and i think as the later seasons had everyone behaving weirdly, the dan & nate friendship remained pretty healthy and pure, and i also feel like chace and penn added something to the dynamic? forever thinking about that actors on actors interview of them both where they talk about how they enjoyed all the little scenes d&n had together. 
i feel like d/n could never really have been an endgame ship, if they had been canon, just running off the general theme of like. how much this show always disappoints me dhsklkdfhg. ok but jokes aside, i think this is how it’d go...
under the cut! lmao, RIP.
 after the derena/ nate & catherine stuff in the initial bit of s2 (ick) there would be no natessa/derena. once nate moves in with the humphreys, i think they would eventually start dating. there wouldn’t need to be much build up or slow burn. i think it’d be hilarious if chuck somehow was instrumental in this, because i remember nate & chuck fighting/ not being on good terms? 
so, imagine chuck saying to nate, “why humdrum humphrey anyway? i could help you through whatever you’re going through, always have, always will ;) i know you nathaniel, your sense of pride and how you never want anyone to see you in a situation of weakness. what is it about humphrey that makes you want to play damsel in distress, to be saved by him? do you like him or something?” and nate would just be sarcastic/pissed off but the words would stay stuck in his head. meanwhile, jenny would find some of dan’s writing and call him aside and be like, ‘you left this notebook open - i swear i didn’t mean to read it i was looking for something else - and dan, i legit cannot tell if this love poem is for nate or serena?’ and dan would be like, ‘haha, serena, obviously, i’m super heterosexual, i’m the straightest man in all of new york, why would you ask,’ and jenny wouldn’t buy it, and dan also wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about it. 
they’d get together eventually! it would happen in some hilarious way, i have no idea. they’d try and keep it quiet / off gossip girl, because of nate’s family ,but most of their friends would know. i feel like serena would be annoyed by it, in similar ways that she didn’t like dan/blair but her behaviour wouldn’t be as bad, and she would probably come around. vanessa too i feel would be initially jealous but she would come around quicker. i feel it would be genre wise totally in character to have some sort of chuck & blair try and break up dan & nate nonsense, and i don’t think it’d work. 
rufus, i feel, would not like it, not for homophobic reasons, but, “son. you deserve to be with someone who is willing to be public with you. not someone who is treating you like a dirty little secret.” / “dad, it’s not like that.” / “i’m just worried that you’re making him your family and first priority, and he’s never going to choose you first.” / “nate loves me, dad, i can’t ask him to rock the boat with his family. you don’t understand.” etc etc.
i do think they would either break up in a similar way to the natessa breakup, but i also feel like dan would be more sympathetic to nate’s feeling of owing the family something, and not take it personally (again, i think vanessa was entirely justified in the way she responded to nate’s entire thing, i just feel like dan is a complacent little dude slkahfkldh). i was talking to liz about how im one day going to write a s3 date au  in which nate is telling dan about how he’s going to date a republican to piss off his family and dan is like *judgemental look * you’d date a republican? and then he’s like. nate. if you want to piss off your family that badly, why don’t you just pretend to date me? and yeah, you can see where this is going.
so i think that’d be a fun thing to write re: them getting together, but i think here, this would be a perfect way to get them to break-up. nate is like, dan, what if we went public with my family, and dan is all like ‘omg really bro?’ and then he realises it’s nate’s idea to just cause a scandal, and he’s deeply hurt, because it’s like, ‘you basically just want to use your relationship with me, and well, essentially, use me to solve your problems? i thought we were doing this for us, nate, but clearly we’re doing this for you.’ and nate would be like, ‘that isn’t fair, i have to put my family first,’ and dan’s like ‘sure, you have to. when have they EVER put you first?’ and nate would be like, ‘it’s like how you love jenny more than me. family always comes first’ and dan would be like ‘how dare you compare jenny to those people’ etc etc etc basically it would get very nasty and i see them breaking up in s3. 
s4 is another GAY season like i think it’d make sense if during the d/s/n love triangle nonsense & also just during the milo arc, we have them dating. i feel like the fact that we already have, in canon, dan basically telling nate first (and only nate) that he has a baby is... pretty gay. it’d be cool if juliet’s manipulation of nate (assuming there is a juliet) went along the lines of, ‘you’re still in love with dan humphrey, and you should give dating him another shot.’ so then the whole thing with serena feeling left out and all that is accomplished, and accomplished better than it would be with danessa/ julinate (haha, what a shipname.) 
again, i don’t think they would ever be written as endgame, and i think they would break up again at some point, maybe because of the serena thing. this time wouldn’t be like the other time, because they both know serena is there and is maybe going to date one of them, maybe wants one of them more than the other. and serena was their dream girl at one point (maybe she no longer is.) and dan would definitely be insecure about this i feel because like - why would nate, or anyone really, date him when they could be dating serena? i feel like he’d probably sabotage their relationship on purpose, or something. i really feel like losing milo gives dan, like, the potential for some emotionally terrible life choices.
so, there we go! slots in with show canon reasonably well, i suppose. we still get our dair and everything else. that said! the way i feel about most of these characters most of the time is like. they do not deserve this show. i want to put them in other shows and movies. like. can you imagine serena in some kind of experimental indie coming of age leaving home roadtrip film? that would be SO good. we already talk about the romcom nature of d/b. i just feel like d/n was so... idk. they were such bros, i found it really sweet and fascinating that nate was able to bring out a side of dan that was so... informal? is the best word? 
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The Magnus Archives Relisten: Episode 57 - Personal Space
I know the statistics. How big the universe is, the probabilities and proximities and the promises of other beings out there among the stars, but I’ve been there. There’s nothing. Nothing but empty, uncaring void, lacing dead worlds and dead stars all together like a tapestry of lonely meaninglessness. - Statement of Carter Chilcott
This episode is definitely off to a painful start!
I remember the man in charge of my particular project, Conrad Lukas, made a face of rather overstated disgust when he told me I wouldn’t be up there entirely on my own.
... well, yeah he would, wouldn't he?
There was also a blackout for about 20 minutes at one point that may or may not have been real. Certainly we didn’t seem to lose power in any other systems except the lights.
Yeah, Manuela Dominguez fucking around with them, probably. (I kind of love how there's this assumption that it's a hallucination brought on by isolation and later on you find out that, no, it was probably real, it just had nothing to do with the torment Carter Chilcott specifically was being put through.)
I was excited by the idea of seeing another human being at first, even if it was only brief or might compromise some of the work, but as the suit made its painstaking drift across the space outside, it rotated enough that I could see clearly through the suit’s visor. There was nobody inside. The floating suit was completely empty.
Oh god, that image is CREEPY AS FUCK!
It was, to put it quite simply, impossible, and I must have approached it from a hundred different angles trying to make sense of it. The Earth was gone.
AAAND we are upping the ante!
I did some calculations and realized that my food and water levels did not seem to be depleting. (...)The food remained static, then did that mean I could remain trapped in this place for the rest of my life, assuming I even still aged?
Excuse me while I AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! The Lonely is terrifying enough, but the Lonely without even the escape of death...
Three names stand out: Pinnacle Aerospace, majority owned by the Fairchild family; a large private investment by Nathaniel Lukas; and Optic Solutions Limited, a relatively benign-seeming company manufacturing specialist cameras for research and industrial application, who are nonetheless notable for having their business address listed as being in Ny Alesund in Norway. - Jon
So at this moment it is already possible for the first time listener to know that the Daedalus is connected to the Lonely, the Vast and the Dark (well, without the names attached, those come later). Mind, I feel like there's a certain natural overlap of the Lonely and the Vast anyway - an empty endless expanse is far more terrifying than an endless expanse filled with other beings, after all.
I did find several pictures of her and her new boyfriend, though, which puts my mind somewhat at ease. Well, mostly. There’s something about him that doesn’t seem quite right. Something about the smile, maybe.
Yeah, being a personification of the uncanny valley would do that, wouldn't it?
I, I mean they’re all pictures of Sasha and Tom, as I’m told his name is, having fun together, but – it’s hard to put into words, exactly, but every one of them looks somehow like a stock photo.
Okay, but that's kind of hilarious...
My impression of this episode
Have I mentioned that most Lonely episodes creep me the fuck out? So yeah, this is definitely one of those. Just the intro alone, dwelling on the thought that we are really, truly alone in the universe, was enough to tie my stomach into knots and the rest... well, suffice it to say this one stuck with me for a while. To be honest, I think all the Daedalus experiments did, but this one was the worst by some margin.
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ashintheairlikesnow · 5 years
Daniel Michaelson: He Belongs to Himself
(for @whumptober2019, prompt: Recovery, I wrote a piece set during the trial/post-captivity - this is our second Ryan POV. Thanks to @orchidscript for a couple of lines I borrowed from our convo on the fandom version of this universe and to @pinkcupboardwitch for helping me pick my scenario)
TW: Brief reference to suicidal ideation, violence/torture/abuse (none depicted, but referenced)
Ryan Michaelson falls asleep on the couch with the impact statement he’s been working on a flutter of loose papers on the floor, scratched-out starting sentences and half-written paragraphs, occasional little nonsense doodles in the margins where he tried to think his way through this.
They want him to give some kind of speech, before sentencing. His parents provided a couple of videos and photos of Danny before it all happened, but they haven’t come to the trial since the first week and they’re not interested in speaking on Danny’s behalf.
No, just like the rest of his life, their parents will do the bare minimum for Danny and Ryan will step in to try and fill the gaps, to be brother and parents both. It’s so much harder with so little of Danny left.
How do you even explain what it means to have your brother disappear and then return, only it’s not your brother any longer?
He’s been working on figuring out where to even start with the impact statement since before the trial began, since the initial preparation with the lawyers. He writes a draft and discards it - writes another one and tears that one up, too. Cries for a couple of hours whenever he’s alone in his room, then starts again.
They want him to explain what it was like to lose Danny, and Ryan’s got no fucking clue where to begin.
Does he open with the night Danny didn’t come back to the apartment they shared, wasn’t answering his phone? Does he start with the increasingly frantic calls to all of his friends, to the single thread that ran through them - he said he was going to see that guy he’s been talking to - to the realization that no one could get ahold of Nathaniel Vandrum either?
Does he begin with what it felt like when the cops called to tell Mom they’d found Danny’s car with his cell phone in a puddle of blood on the backseat, abandoned in a ditch in Oregon next to the dead body of the owner of the next car the abductor had stolen? Or when the cops explained to Ryan that the phone had been charged and on for nearly a full day - meaning that whoever had taken him had watched Danny’s phone light up with call after call after call, had kept the phone charged just to see it?
Maybe he could explain, in stomach-churning detail, what happened in his mind when a police officer had sat across the table from him and told him that local law enforcement and the FBI had begun thinking in terms of recovery rather than rescue.
He has no idea. All he knows is that there isn’t any way, not really, to explain what it felt like to be told his brother was missing - presumed abducted - presumed the target of foul play - presumed dead - never coming home.
The weird insanity he’d gone through, thinking his brother was dead. Going from a college sophomore with a 4.0 to a junior who nearly had to drop out when his grades tanked and he spent a year trying to drink himself to death, thinking if he did at least he’d see his brother again.
He couldn’t begin to explain his parents strong-arming him into therapy, telling the therapist all his awful thoughts, sharing emotions with someone when he came from a family where you never did any such thing, and the revelation of the therapist just… giving him permission to grieve, when his parents never did, when he felt like a burden, when he didn’t know how to keep going without the older brother that had always been the surest, most concrete foundation of his world.
Maybe he should start with how it felt to get the call that Danny was alive, that Nathaniel Vandrum had simply driven a truck out of the woods in Western Canada like a goddamn soot-smeared pissed-off Wendigo with his frightened brother, a bag of his favorite books, and one hell of a fucked-up story about the last four years.
Did Wendigos even come from Western Canada? Ryan can’t really remember, his Native North American Folklore & Mythology class was during the drinking-to-death time and he doesn’t remember most of it.
It doesn’t matter.
He could start with the way he’d been elated and scared, the way his stomach had dropped when they’d told him that before he could see Danny, he’d have to talk to some kind of expert about what to expect, so he wouldn’t cause extra anxiety during a stressful reintegration.
He could start with the way the trauma expert had held his hand and told him Danny was severely dissociated - a word he’d never heard before that day - and might not even know who he was right away. The expert had tried to make him understand that Danny had been held in captivity by someone who insisted he was a pet and not a person, had undergone something called extreme dehumanization, more words Ryan hadn’t known before that day and knew all too much about, now.
He could tell them what it was like to see Danny sitting at the table, hunched over and looking at everyone from behind wavy red hair grown out a little longer than when he’d left, blue eyes wide and scared that he’d be in trouble for using a chair and not sitting on the floor, begging someone to tell him where Nate was, to bring him back into the room, could someone find Nate?
He could talk about the way Danny flinched away from his touch but ran to Nathaniel Vandrum.
Maybe he could just talk about how fucking weird it was to have your brother’s sort-of-possibly-a-boyfriend be the fellow captive who freed him, who tried to kill a man to save Danny, and who sleeps in Danny’s bed but as far as Ryan can tell does nothing more than kiss his forehead or his face now and then and hold him through his nightmares.
Maybe he could talk about wanting to shout in Nate Vandrum’s empty fucking face that he should have done something sooner, that he should have saved Danny when more of Danny was left to save, just wanting to grab Nate by the shoulders and shake him and scream why couldn’t you have been stronger for him?
He could talk about how it feels to find yourself snapping at a traumatized man because he has the audacity to be very slightly less traumatized than your brother, and because he’s something to take all of his grief and hurt out on.
Because no matter how hard Nate Vandrum’s jawline gets, no matter how cold and flinty his green eyes go, he never, ever fights back against Ryan’s deep well of unresolved anger.
He just stands there, taking all of Ryan’s yelling, like he’s earned it. And maybe he fucking has. Ryan could tell them all about how looking at Danny’s frightened shattered life makes him want to cut Nathaniel Vandrum’s composure apart, because… because how dare he be so calm and collected, when Danny hides in a closet after breaking a glass, begs to be punished, to be fixed?
He’d been up all night trying to figure it out, and he just can’t think any longer. He’s written line after line after line trying to start and the day they wanted him to give the statement was just a few days away now. What would he say? Anything he said, that asshole Denner would be sitting right there listening to it, probably getting off on how he’d wrecked Ryan’s life by stealing his brother, enjoying getting to learn about Ryan’s halting, grudging work alongside Nate to teach Danny how to be human again.
He’ll probably sit there and laugh through the speech, no matter what Ryan says. He doesn’t want to bare his broken heart to that sadistic psychopath.
He doesn’t want to admit that Danny is so supremely, thoroughly broken.
He doesn’t want to admit that sometimes he wonders if recovery is even possible, or if he would spend the rest of his life managing a man two years older than him who can’t remember his own age or that bills are due or the names of the people who used to be his best friends - but who can explain in exacting, excruciating detail the way Abraham fucking Denner made him step in a trap and nearly break his own leg, just to see him do it?
Ryan’s eyes blur, with tears or exhaustion - he’s not sure which - and finally he falls asleep on the couch with Netflix still playing, lets the papers drop to the floor, allows his eyes to close and force him out of his fears and all-consuming rage on behalf of a brother who seems no longer able to access the feelings that boil Ryan alive.
Ryan wakes up sometime later to the gentle sensation of a soft fuzzy blanket being placed carefully over him. 
He shifts around, mumbling thanks and starting to drift back away, and for a second it’s like nothing had ever happened, really - like maybe he’s just fallen asleep studying, and Danny will be right there to laugh at him in the morning for not even making it back to bed.
The sound of the papers being shuffled back together wakes him the rest of the way and he groans, feeling the muscles of his back shifting around as he pushes himself up, rubbing at one eye. “Fuck, what time is it?”
If Nate Vandrum just put a blanket on him - if that passive asshole is reading Ryan’s halting attempts to explain the pain and grief he’s spent four years buried in - he might just punch him in the face. We’re not friends, motherfucker - you’re just the only person he’ll willingly touch, and I can’t bear to take anything away from him ever again, he’s already lost so much.
“2:45 in the morning, you fell asleep with Netflix still going,” Danny’s voice says calmly, and Ryan nearly jolts totally upright on the couch in shock.
Danny doesn’t look up, kneeling on the floor by the coffee table with his red hair falling over his face looking nearly auburn in the dark, carefully setting the pile of papers on the table before flicking at a miniscule, invisible speck of dust there. He’s shirtless, just wearing the warm, heavy flannel pajama pants that he’d asked Ryan to buy him, shyly, like Ryan could ever deny him anything he actually expressed a want for.
You were dead for four years, Ryan had said, wanting so badly to hug him, knowing at the same time that Danny would only go stiff in his arms and then suddenly go boneless and relaxed all at once in the awful way he’d been trained to accept any and every touch without complaint. You were dead and came back to life, Danny, I’ll give you anything you want for forever, man, just ask for it and it’s yours.
My name is Red. I-I just want some pajama pants that are really, um, warm and maybe with, uh, fleece on the, the inside-
Of course, of course I’ll get those, I’ll buy you a pair for every fucking day of the week.
Th-thank you for that. I get, um, I get cold a lot  now. Thank you for listening to my request, Ryan. Thank you for being kind enough to give me-
Hey, this is just doing something nice. Don’t thank me, Danny.
Red, my name is Red, please, um, don’t call me the other name. When someone does something nice for you, you say thank you. Be grateful for every gift you are given, Danny had recited, he’s tilted, eyes distant. And every breath is a gift Abraham chooses to give.
Even in the darkness, Ryan can see the lines of scarring that run down his brother’s back and wrap up his arms, the oddly muscled shoulders (chopping firewood for hours is a good shoulder workout but I skipped a lot of leg days, Danny had joked one day, and Ryan had been so shocked by his brother showing a hint of a sense of humor that he hadn’t even remembered how to laugh), the ribs that stand out too much and the sharp hipbones showing above the waistband of his pants.
When Danny turns to look at him, the blue eyes are quiet for once, warm and focused right on him instead of fogged-over and frightened. The ring of scarring across his face is less obvious, with only the moon for light.
In those unexpectedly clear eyes he can see Danny, his big brother, and Ryan can’t do anything but stare. Are you still in there somewhere after all?
“What are you, uh, doing up, man?” Ryan rubs at his eyes again, but hesitantly, like Danny might disappear if he does. On the TV screen, Netflix is asking if he’s still watching and Ryan feels immensely, supremely judged by it.
Of course the fuck not, I wasn’t even watching -before- I fell asleep at midnight.
“Dreaming,” Danny says casually, off-handedly, as if ‘dream’ isn’t just a code word for ‘nightmare’ now, because it’s not like Danny has any other kind of dream. “Came out for water and found you on the couch. You look, um, you look cold, Ryan. Is… is it okay? To put the blanket on?”
“Yeah… yeah, of course it was. Thanks for that. I don’t even have the energy to get up and go to bed, I feel totally wiped.”
Danny nods, watching him carefully still. Then he drops his eyes back to the sheaf of papers on the coffee table. “Is that what you’re, um, you’re going to read about me?”
Ryan swallows hard against the lump in his throat and a deep instinctive urge to pull the papers away. Please don’t look at how hurt and scared I was, things were so much worse for you. I don’t want you to feel guilty for this. “Yeah. I suck at this, though, I barely have anything written.“
“You’ll, um, you’ll do good, I know you will.” Danny shifts around on his knees, looking up at Ryan, and it’s just such a welcome change to see him with clear eyes. “You’re not going to do a recording? You’re going to, um, to stand up in the, in the court?”
“Yeah.” Ryan drops his head back, staring up at the ceiling in thought. “I have my suit picked out already - the red one? Looks good with my skin. Funny that I know what suit I’m going to read in but no fucking clue what to actually say.”
“You’ll know when you stand up, you’re always good at speaking to people. Or you used to be.” Danny hesitates, and Ryan thinks again how young he looks, something about the uncertainty in his posture, the wide blue eyes, the mop of wavy red hair that hangs over one eye. “I think you probably still are - I guess I don’t, um, I don’t know any longer.”
If you met Danny and Ryan on the street, you’d never guess Danny was two years older… but you might guess, just by looking, that Danny is profoundly, deeply fucked up - and that Ryan is profoundly exhausted.
“I don’t know. I guess I’m probably the same. I don’t want to do it, but I do at the same time, you know?” Ryan flings an arm over his eyes, wondering why he’s so awake when he’s only even been asleep for a couple of hours, really. “It doesn’t matter what I say, does it? He doesn’t even want to be found Not Guilty. He doesn’t care.”
“Maybe not. But you should do it anyway, for you.” Danny hesitates, and then Ryan blinks and lowers his arm to stare as he feels the barest, nervous brush of Danny’s hand against his shoulder.
He turns to look down into wide blue eyes and a tense half-smile, Danny’s shoulders hunched a little, up near his chin, the curve of the scar along his cheekbone traveling down the side of his face and cutting into his jaw, lit by dim moonlight and nothing else until the red seems paler, more faded.
Danny is more than six feet tall but ever since he came back, he seems so, so much smaller. Something about the way he folds into himself, makes himself less visible and less of a presence in the world.
“… Hey, you, you haven’t, um-” Ryan cuts himself off, afraid speaking it out loud will break the spell. 
You haven’t touched me since the night before you disappeared.
“I want you to speak. You’ll do really well,” Danny says with pure certainty in his voice - and it’s his voice, the voice Ryan remembers as the basic building block of his entire life. Danny had been a kid when he was adopted, but Ryan was still a toddler - and he had no memories Danny wasn’t a part of.
Not until four and a half years ago.
There’s a moment where Ryan doesn’t move, just feels the soft weight of the hand on his shoulder - Danny’s hands are sort of ruined, scarred and numb to temperature changes, but the weight of his touch is the same.
The same and so much more, all at once.
“Okay. I will, I promise. I’ll figure it out. You should head back to bed. If Nate wakes up, he’ll freak out if you’re not there.”
“He’ll come out and see I’m right here.” Danny shrugs, looking at him for a moment longer with those calm, thoughtful eyes - the opposite of how he’d looked since they brought back what was left of Daniel Michaelson for Ryan to try and put back together - but it wasn’t really an expression he’d ever worn before, either. “I don’t mind being awake. I don’t need much sleep now. I’ll nap while you’re in court, anyway.”
I know, Ryan thinks with a dip of despair. You sleep in the closet when we’re gone and you think we don’t know.
He fights it back and smiles, a little, reaching up carefully to lay his hand over Danny’s, sure he’ll pull away - but he doesn’t.
It feels like a goddamn miracle, but his brother doesn’t pull away from his touch.
Danny’s hand is cold, under his, and Ryan can feel the bumpy silk-soft ridges of scarring where that fucking bastard had sliced along over the tops of his veins, over and over again, creating a raised roadmap of the torture he’d put Danny through for his own sick entertainment.
“You should tell them about when we got super drunk at the company Christmas party and Mom and Dad caught us playing literal music videos off YouTube in the conference room and laughing at the Meatloaf one.“ Danny’s voice is a little dreamy, wistful.
"Y-you remember that?” Ryan’s voice goes soft. There were rules, Danny has explained again and again. One rule was to never think about Danny’s life before - to forget there had ever been anything else.
Danny’s memory is shot to hell from all the blows to the head and four years of nonstop panic and fear and being trained like an animal, kept like a pet. He barely remembers his own birthday.
But… but he remembers this.
“That was a couple months before I… um, left. I used to think about it all the time.” Danny looked away from him, briefly, and the line of his face, the profile, strikes Ryan all over again.
He took it for granted for so, so long before the morning Danny hadn’t come home and didn’t answer the phone.
Ryan was never going to take it for granted again.
“You never talk this much anymore,” Ryan says softly, marveling at the simple sound of his brother’s voice devoid of pleading or begging or reciting the parade of awful rules Abraham Denner forced him to memorize and live by. “I miss your voice.”
Danny just looks at him, and it’s silent in the middle of the night, the darkest hours. No birds outside, the apartment complex is quiet.
“That’s what you can do.” Danny’s voice is caught, thin and oddly strained.
“Tell them you missed my voice.” He is still, so still, and then he seems to propel himself up off the floor to wrap his arms around Ryan, burying his head against his shoulder.
It has been four and a half years since Danny hugged him.
Ryan’s arms are up and around him too, feeling his brother’s chill skin, Danny’s hair brushing his forearm where his arms go around his neck. He can feel the raised bumps of scarring at the top of his back above his shoulder blades, the spots around his neck where Denner made him wear a barbed wire collar for days at a time, the way Danny’s shoulders are heavy muscle with skin stretched over it, without even an ounce of excess.
Danny starts to shake, and it’s only when Ryan hears the softest hissed intake of breath and feels dampness along the neckline of his T-shirt that Ryan realizes his big brother is crying.
“I’m so sorry,” Danny whispers in a broken, cracking voice, and Ryan feels Danny twisting his fingers into the fabric of his shirt just over his spine. The soft blanket slides down and away until it puddles around his waist where he still sits on the couch, holding onto the tall, lanky older brother who once used to hold him like this after his nightmares.
But God, Danny’s nightmare had lasted so much longer.
“I’m sorry,” Danny repeats, his voice shaking and thick with the tears that fall despite his best efforts to hold them back. “I’m so sorry, Ryan, I’m so sorry, I missed you so much… I, I’m sorry that I’m not the same person, that I came back the puppy, I’m so sorry that this is all that’s left, I know it’s not enough-… I’m s-s-so fucking sorry-”
“Sssshhhh,” Ryan says with his arms as tight as he can make them, as though Danny might disappear again if he doesn’t keep him firmly attached to the earth. “Ssshhh, don’t be sorry, it’s not your fault, it’s never been your fault, I love you. You’re my big brother, still, okay?” He pulls back, gently extricating himself from Danny, putting a hand on either side of his face to look right into the blue eyes, still bright with more tears unshed, tear tracks following the line of his scars down his face.
Ryan’s own eyes start to glitter in the darkness, and he tries to blink back the tears but when he speaks, his voice has all his emotion laid bare in it, too. “I never stopped looking for you, not ever. I looked every day. I’d still look every day. I would never have stopped looking for you, for the rest of my life.”
“I never stopped thinking about you,” Danny says tremulously, putting his hands up over Ryan’s. "He, he made me stop thinking about anything but him but he couldn’t hurt me enough to make me stop thinking about you-”
Then they’re hugging again and it’s so quiet in the apartment, so quiet except for the sound of two grown men crying on each other’s shoulders.
“This is enough,” Ryan whispers against the top of Danny’s hair. “It’s enough that any of you came back to me, okay? We c-c-can find the rest, I can help you remember, I can help. This is enough. You’re enough, Danny-” He catches himself and winces. “Sorry. I mean Red.”
There’s a pause, and Ryan can feel his brother’s heart pounding. When Danny pulls back Ryan’s heart drops, but his brother just looks into his eyes and smiles, the barest little hint of one, and says softly, “Danny is, is okay, for now.”
Ryan’s breath is caught somewhere in his throat, and he pulls his older brother back into his arms. “Danny, then,” Ryan says with half-sobbed laughter. “Danny. Danny Danny Danny Danny.”
“Daniel,” Danny says with a shaking voice, as though Denner might simply appear out of thin air to punish him. Then, when nothing happens, Danny repeats it. “Danny. Daniel. My name is Danny. My name is Daniel M-Michaelson and I, I d-don't…be, belong to…”
“You got this, Danny, come on,” Ryan urges. “You can do this. Come on, Dan, we can do this together.”
“M-My name is Daniel Michaelson and I don’t belong to him, I don’t-… I don’t belong to anyone b-b-b-but myself,” Danny says softly, and then he starts to cry again.
Ryan holds him but it’s different this time - his shoulders are back and his back is straight and every sob sounds not like fear or sadness but like pure, unbridled relief.
It probably won’t last - the trauma expert and the therapist both said to expect every two forward steps to come with a step back. He might wake up and want to be Red again tomorrow. He’ll probably go back to not wanting to be touched by anyone but Nate.
But right here and now, in this moment in the middle of the night in the safest place there is for him, Danny remembers who he used to be, and it’s eough.
Suddenly, Ryan Michaelson knows exactly how he wants to start the statement he’s going to read while staring right at Abraham Denner.
A few days ago, my brother hugged me for the first time since 2015. My brother, who was subjected to every kind of twisted violence until he believed that it was too dangerous to even think of himself as human, answered to his own name.
I want to tell you how it feels to be told someone you love has been abducted. I want to tell you how it feels to look and look every single day for four years and find nothing - and be told that you should prepare for him to return in a body bag.
I want to tell you how it felt to learn that, due to the violence, abuse, brainwashing, and trauma he was subjected to, my own brother might not recognize me.
I want to tell you how it felt when they told me Daniel Michaelson was gone.
Then, I want to tell you how it felt when, despite all the odds and every statistic and the efforts of Abraham Denner to destroy my brother down to his very core, I was given the gift of looking him right in the eyes as he came back.
My brother’s name is Daniel Michaelson, and he belongs only to himself.
That might not seem like much of a revelation to many of the people here in this courtroom today - but for my brother, it takes immense bravery simply to believe he is his own.
I have been asked to speak about the impact the last four years has had on my family, and I will. I will speak about every day I combed missing persons’ reports throughout the Northwest Coast for similarities to Danny. I will tell you what it was like to lose him.
First I want to tell you what it meant to me to get him back.
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novelistics · 3 years
Break My Heart - Part l
I was seven years old when I fell in love with Hunter Nathaniel James. He was four years older than me and best friends with my brother Carter.
But that didn’t matter to me. I never thought of him as too old back then. Never thought of him as off limits.
When I fell off my bike while racing down the street after my brothers, it was Hunter who circled back to help me. Hunter who took me inside, helped me clean the bits of gravel out of my knee.
Then dabbed it with hydrogen peroxide. Hunter who turned my tears into laughter by telling me about Carter’s inability to speak every time he saw his crush in class.
I decided right then that I was going to marry Hunter. Because I was seven and didn’t understand the realities of romantic love. Because Hunter hadn’t yet become the Hunter James.
Because I hadn’t hit puberty and become chubby Alyssa Williams. Because I still believed in fairytales, I believed I would marry this boy with the dark brown hair and dark green eyes.
It was my secret. One I vowed to keep to myself until the time was right. Hunter didn’t know my plans.
And I had no idea he’d break my heart.
April 27th, draft night, thirteen years ago
"Lyss!” Hunter lifts a shot glass in the air and wriggles it in offering. “Tequila? What do you say?”
Carter spins on him and frowns. “Don’t give my little sister alcohol.”
Hunters says, but his mischievous eyes are on me as he does, “I always forget she’s so young.”
The tequila must be going to his head, because there’s no other explanation for the way he’s looking at me. His eyes drop to my mouth, and warmth spreads through me.
If I didn’t know better, I might think that... No! That doesn’t make sense. This is Hunter. My friend now, sure, but he is everything.
Girls everywhere are crazy about him, a football star on the brink of NFL fame, he could have any woman he wanted.
Carter grabs a beer and leaves the kitchen and pushes out the back door to join the party. And then it’s just me and Hunter. Alone with a bottle of tequila and the full shot glass that’s still in his hand.
He flashes a glance over his shoulder toward the back door. “Does Carter have any idea that you’re not a little girl anymore?” he asks, closing the distance between us.
I bite my bottom lip. My skin flushes hot when he’s this close, and I swear he’s looking at my lips again. Do I have something on my face?
Spaghetti sauce from dinner or something? I discreetly wipe my mouth with the cuff of my sweatshirt or as discreetly as I can when he’s so close.
Hunter grins, as if he knows he’s making me uncomfortable and likes it. “Have you ever done this before?”
A thousand possibilities fly through my mind at that question most of them involving the hands and mouth of the man asking. “Done what?”
He lifts the shot glass and sniffs the tequila. “A snakebite. Salt, tequila, lime.”
I shrug. I’ve had alcohol before. My family isn’t exactly puritanical when it comes to alcohol. But I’ve never done a shot, and certainly never a snakebite. Whatever that is. “How do you do it?”
Grinning, he hands me the shot glass then grabs the salt shaker from the counter. He lifts my free hand to his mouth and licks the inside of my wrist.
My breath whooshes out of me at the sensation of his hot tongue on my skin. I want to close my eyes, but he’s watching me, and I’m afraid he’ll laugh if he has any idea what affect he has on me.
Grinning, he sprinkles salt on the wet patch of skin before putting the shaker down and grabbing a wedge of lime from the counter behind me. “Lick the salt. Take the shot. Suck on the lime.”
“Lick, shoot, suck.” I nod. “I can do that.”
His nostrils flare and his pupils dilate, turning those dark green eyes. “I think I’d like to see you try.”
I swallow hard. Is Hunter coming on to me? I don’t want to be the idiot who believes that could be true.
I don’t want to be the dumb chubby girl who fell for the practical joke because she believed a guy like Hunter could be attracted to her.
I don’t know how long I stand there trying to decide, but my skin tingles where he licked, and my mouth has gone dry.
“Want me to go first?” he asks, his voice a little husky.
I nod.
He takes my wrist and brings it to his mouth, licking off the salt. Shocks of pleasure roll down my spine and settle into a riot of butterflies in my stomach.
He doesn’t even take the shot glass from me, just wraps his hand around mine and leads the glass to his mouth so he can shoot it back.
Then he pops the lime in his mouth and makes a goofy face at me as he sucks the juice.
“Got it?” he asks, still squinting from the sourness.
“I think I can do that.”
He refills the tequila then looks over his shoulder again.
“Why are you so worried about Carter seeing?” I ask. “He knows I’ve had alcohol before. He’s just being a prude about the shot.”
“I don’t want him pissed at me,” he says, shrugging. “God knows he did worse than take a couple of shots when he was sixteen, but-”
“I’m seventeen. Eighteen in a few months.”
He slowly turns his attention away from the back door and back to me. His eyes are so intense on mine.
But it’s a good kind of intensity. Like he sees me. Has anyone ever looked at me before? Really looked?
"Nothing." He lets out a puff of air and shakes his head then mumbles what he didn't think I heard. “Then Carter really would kill me.”
I laugh. “You’re ridiculous you know that.”
“What? Why do you say that?”
“You just got drafted into the NFL, and you’re acting like you’re attracted to me.”
His gaze skims over me, from my hair all the way down to my bare feet and the bright pink polish on my toes. “What does one have to do with the other?”
I don’t understand what’s happening here. Am I dreaming? Has he had more to drink than I realized? 
I throw the shot back before I can lose my nerve, totally forgetting the salt.
I shudder. “That’s awful!”
He laughs. “You did it wrong. Are you always this terrible with directions?”
Only when you’re here. Only when you’re looking at me like this and making me think I can have things I can’t.
But as awful as the taste was, warmth blooms in my chest. It’s more intense than the effects of the glass of wine I drank with Easter dinner, and I do like that.
“Now I risk getting you drunk if I make you do it the right way.”
“I’m not drunk.” I shake my head. “I don’t feel anything.”
He grunts. “Give it a minute.” He steps around me and stands at the counter, pouring himself another shot. I guess he’s not going to drink it from my glass this time. It’s dumb to be disappointed.
He doesn’t bother with the salt or lime, just throws it back. Doesn’t even grimace. Then he braces his arms on the counter and hangs his head.
I’d have to be emotionally stunted not to feel the change in his mood. He just went from playful flirt to morose jock in the span of a blink. “What’s wrong?”
He shrugs. “Nothing.”
He drags a hand through his hair and finally turns to me. He leans back against the counter. “Can you keep a secret?”
“Of course.”
He hesitates a beat, and I see the emotions playing across his face, he’s trying to decide if he can trust me with this, or if he even wants to own up to whatever it is.
“I never told anyone when I caught you with that dirty magazine when you were thirteen.”
His eyes widen and he grins. “Oh, I’d completely forgotten about that. Jesus.” He scrubs a hand over his face. “Okay, fair enough. That kind of discretion so young is definitely meaningful.”
“Meaningful? Are you kidding me? That’s preteen blackmail gold, and I never used it. Not even when you wouldn’t dump that girl you took to senior prom.”
His forehead wrinkles, and I can tell he’s trying to remember his date.
“Hilary,” I remind him.
“I didn’t know you wanted me to dump her.”
“I didn’t realize I needed to spell it out for you. I told you you deserved better.”
“Honestly, I was eighteen, and she was hot and willing. I probably didn’t care .”
“She called me a fat tagalong.”
“What?” The tops of his ears turn pink, a tell I learned long ago means he’s angry. “You never told me that.”
I shrug. When Hunter was with Hilary, I was fourteen. I’d foolishly believed that he wouldn’t notice I was fat if no one ever told him.
Not the dumbest thing I’ve let myself believe in the name of loving him, but not a delusion I’m particularly proud of either.
“You’re not fat,” he says.
I fold my arms and arch a brow. “Come on, Hunter. I might be naive and shamefully inexperienced for a girl my age, but my eyes work just fine.”
He holds up a finger. “One, so do mine, and you’re not fat. You’re not skinny. You have a nice body.”
A nice body. The words are both the balm and the blade. On the one hand, I’m intelligent and rational enough to know I should be glad he thinks of my body in better terms than I do.
Intellectually, I know nice is as good as it’s going to get for a girl like me. On the other hand, part of me wanted to believe I saw heat in his eyes earlier.
As irrational as it is, I want to believe he might think I’m beautiful, even while I know I’d never believe it if he used those words.
Emotions are dumb.
He holds up another finger. “And two, I’m going to need you to tell me what you mean by shamefully inexperienced.”
“Absolutely not.”
My face is on fire. Why did I say that? I would be fine if no one ever knew the extent of my innocence, but Hunter is the last person I want to admit it to. “Forget I said anything.”
He steps closer. “I’ll tell you my secret if you tell me yours.”
“You go first,” I blurt. Because who am I kidding? Anyone who had to guess would know I’ve never kissed anyone. It’s not like I’ve ever had a boyfriend.
His eyes soften and something like pain flashes over his features for a beat. “I wish the Demons hadn’t drafted me.”
I don’t know what I expected him to say, but that came out of left field. Hunter's dreamed of the NFL his whole life, and tonight we’re celebrating him being selected in the first freaking round of the draft.
Now he’s telling me that achieving this lifelong dream is what has him down. “Why’d you enter the draft if you didn’t want to be picked up? Carter said you could’ve waited until next year and finished school.”
“I wanted to be drafted. I suck at school and I . . .” He chews on the inside of his cheek. “I wanted to be drafted, but I was hoping Chicago or Detroit would draft me. I’m scared to move so far from home. Which I realize is dumb, but . . .”
“It’s not dumb.” Hunter had his pick of colleges, and he went to Starling College in Grand Rapids. They have a good football team.
But he could have gone to Florida or LSU teams whose football programs are practically NFL breeding grounds.
I figured it was because he wanted to stay close to home, but it never occurred to me that those preferences would hold true three years later.
Only, this time the choice is out of his hands. “You can visit, though, right? A contract that big means you can fly home as often as you want.”
His gaze locks on his feet. “Right. Of course. It’s stupid, I know.”
“It’s really not.”
“Don’t tell anyone. I don’t want to come across like the ungrateful rookie or like I’m too immature to handle the move.”
“I promise.” I squeeze his wrist, but I’m suddenly all too aware of the fact that I’m touching him. His skin is warm under my fingertips.
I can feel his strength and the power of his big hands. How many times have I imagined those hands on me?
I jerk away, but he grabs my hand before I can get far.
“It’s your turn,” he says, threading his fingers through mine. What is he doing? “Why do you think you’re shamefully inexperienced, Lyss? Your friends aren’t pressuring you to have sex, are they?”
Sex. Oh my God. He thought I meant sex. Now my dumb secret feels even more mortifying, but he’s still holding my hand, and even as embarrassment warms my cheeks, I don’t want him to let go. “No one’s pressuring me.”
The back door clangs closed as Carter pushes into the kitchen. Hunter jumps back and drops my hand.
“What are you two talking about in here?” my brother asks. He crosses the kitchen between us and opens the fridge. “Don’t you know the party’s outside?”
Hunter's throat bobs and he tucks his hands in his pockets. “We’re just catching up.”
Carter pulls out another beer and uses the opener on the wall to pull off the cap. “Well, I hope you’re finished, because people are starting to wonder if you already moved to L.A. or something.”
“Relax, Carter,” I tell him. “The night is young.”
He frowns as he looks back and forth between me and Hunter. “I don’t like you two being alone in here together.”
I snort and for the millionth time in my life wonder what it would be like to not have five overly protective brothers. “Why not?”
Carter stares at Hunter for a long beat. Hunter gives a subtle shake of his head and Carter sighs. “Because you’re my little sister, and this punk breaks hearts in his sleep.”
“My heart is fine.” Liar, liar. Does Carter know how I feel about Hunter? I’ve never told anyone. “We’re just talking.”
Carter taps Hunter's arm with the neck of his beer. “You. Outside. We’re celebrating your news, after all. And anyway, that redhead Tri-Delt showed up and is looking for you.”
Hunter heads toward the back with my brother. “Why didn’t you say so sooner?” He opens the door and turns back to wink at me before heading toward the lakeside bonfire with my brother.
I guess Hunter doesn’t want to know my secret after all. I dodged a bullet.
So why do I feel so disappointed?
Part Two. Coming soon...
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You’re Gonna Lose That Girl (Ringo Starr x fem! Reader blurb)
Anon: Can I get a fem reader x ringo of reader being in another relationship (where she’s not really into it, it was a set up relationship because hes rich/smart or something lol) and reader and ringo are close friends however ringo is in pain and is so upset seeing her with another man and then somehow they end up together??:)
A/N: here you go!(Also, if you don’t mind, I’m gonna name and base a lot of this off of my irl first boyfriend and the break up with him). I hope you like it!
Word Count: 1415
Warnings: breakups, a bit of angst but it has a happy ending! a lack of editing, whoops...
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“Would you like to be my girlfriend?” Nathaniel asked you. His large, smooth hands had covered yours, warm and safe. You were both in his car at night.
 Your heart and breath seemed to stop. It was a choice. A real, hard choice. Dating was casual at first. A movie and dinner and milkshakes together were no real harm. Heck, it wasn’t even the same as a trip down the aisle, despite what your brain had told you.
But he was another guy your parents led you to. Another guy they harped on about his wallet and accomplishments…
 But it was a choice. It wasn’t like the last man was much of a choice.
“Oh, you will love Richard!” you kept hearing your aunt insist. She pushed held your arm and dragged you across the crowd to the other side.
Your mom walked beside you. “Let me tell you, he’s already earning money being a drummer. You don’t find that in every guy.”
 “And he’s smart! And handsome!” your aunt gush. You bit back an instinct to ask bitterly why your aunt wasn’t dating him instead.
 And you failed to see how the tiny, large-nosed elf in front of you could be any handsome.
 “Hi, I’m Richard, Richard Starkey” he introduced, giving you a cold, business-like handshake. His rings pressed and left little marks.
 Once the parents fled to see their dream romance come through, like the audience of a movie, they were disappointed. Richard and you made only small talk.
“Well, why do you want to talk to me?” you asked curiously. You began to head over to where the food was just to find an excuse to not talk.
“Well…” Richard looked over and saw that the flock of matchmaking mothers had fled.
Then he leaned over and spoke soft enough for just you to hear.
“Me mum wants us to meet. Won’t shut up about how pretty and nice and respectable you are, not like some of the other girls I’ve brought over” he confessed with a shrug.
“I’ll give you this, Richard, you’re honest!” you said.
“And you aren’t half as boring as I thought you’d be!” Richard answered. He offered to cut you a slice of strawberry cake and you nodded eagerly.
From then on, only when your families were together would you talk. Yes, numbers were scribbled and exchanged in blue ink. No, there was no date planned.
Well, there was a couple of little hangouts and phone calls here and there, but it was not a date!
But what did Nathaniel have that Richard didn’t? Besides, Richard was long over. And…it would be a mistake to say no.
“Yes, I’d love to be your girlfriend!” you answer.
 One month later…
Ringo could hardly believe his eyes. He blinked once. Twice. That was you, yes, he was sure. You were wearing a fancy white dress with blue flowers patterned all over it. Your hair was coiled up and you wore the prettiest shade of lipstick. When you smiled, he felt himself hold his breath. Brian’s chattering had suddenly dulled to him as if he had turned the volume down on the television. He had wondered why you weren’t calling or talking to him much lately.
But here you were looking radiant and with another man. The answer.
No…thats ‘er brother or somethin’, no way she’s…
Then the man leaned over to you. You were smiling. But it was never a smile you ever gave him. Then the man leaned over and kissed your cheek.
It was not a familial kiss either.
He placed his hands on his lap and dug into his pants, clenching so hard, he could feel his rings start to leave marks. He wanted to drag you out and ask what was going on. He wanted to march over and drag a chair to the table and cause a commotion. He wanted to order a wine bottle and smash it across the man’s face. He wanted to tackle him. He wanted to punch him.
But he didn’t.
Besides you were smiling.
It was just a smile you never gave him.
He felt a hand snap him out of it. He looked up and saw Paul.
“Ringo, you’re white as a sheet! What’s goin’ on? If you’re sick, you should go!”
Ringo shook his head and replied, “I need a smoke” and hurried outside.
 Four months later
Rain pattered down, matching the tears covering your cheeks. It was freezing outside, bitter cold. You could hardly feel your fingers. But you kept walking, it was a few steps to the door. You knocked on it hurriedly.
It seemed like forever, but soon enough a yellow light poured out from the open door with Ringo’s head poking out.
His blue eyes grew wide at the sight of you.
“Y/N…are you…” he started.
“Nathaniel dumped me” you answered before he could even finish.
Ringo blinked twice and then widened the door to let you come inside.
“I’m…I’m so sorry. Breakups are ‘ard.” He said. He led you to the couch and let you sit down. He then got a blanket and draped it over you.
“I’ve never been dumped before, is it…does it really hurt so much?” you blubber.
A week ago nobody could have predicted it. Your friends always clamored over you asking every detail of every date. Nathaniel and you were considered the cutest couple in their eyes. Looking into your relative's faces, they could almost hear wedding bells pealing in the distance, and he was already your first boyfriend.
And what a first boyfriend, taking you on little trips, writing love poems, never even so much holding your hand without consent, showering you with gifts, telling you how beautiful you were randomly at restaurants and how he was stunned by your beauty…
Now all of that was over.
“Why did ‘e break up with you?” Ringo asked gingerly, he walked over holding a mug of hot cocoa so warm you could see the steam curl up to the ceiling.
“He’s leaving to further his music studies and…it would be hard…we had dinner, I knew he was angry. He wouldn’t get me what I usually order. Said it was too pricy…”
Ringo nodded. You blew on your cocoa and sipped on it. Ringo stole glances at your lips.
“And two weeks from now is Valentine's day! I was so excited to have a real Valentines day, you know, I was always single on that day…now…I’m just…” you started to cry a bit more and drank more of your cocoa.
“And you know what’s the worst!? Deep down, I didn’t want to be with him, I think. Deep down, I felt nothing! I got scared if he tried to kiss my lips! I was terrified at the thought of marrying him! And now he’s gone! Did I just not appreciate him? Am I a bad person??” you blabber, you get up and pace, ranting your thoughts.
Ringo guided you back to the couch and sat you down, letting you sob it out more. 
“No, you’re a good person. Everybody misunderstands things sometimes…” he assured you.
Ringo sighed a little, taking in the grief.
“Y/N…that’s so hard…would you like a hug?” he asked.
You nod and move close. He doesn’t let go until you do first. But it’s a very soft, warm hug too. Neither of you wants the other to release or do anything else.
He lets you crash on the couch, too tired to go home. But when Ringo shakes you awake, something takes over you looking over his gentle face.
Maybe it’s his eyes.
Maybe it’s the empathy he showed you last night.
Maybe it’s your deep sleep, driven by tears.
But you peck his lips.
If he wasn’t sober, he wouldn’t have thought it had happened.
“Thanks, Ritch…” you mutter.
His eyes get big and his jaw drops. “You don’t do that to people…unless they’re boyfriends…am I your boyfriend, Y/N?”
You both pause. Wishing you shook yourself, you get up from the couch and stretch your arms up to the sky.
“Well…would you like to be?”
He nods instantly and runs to your arms to cuddle on the couch.
“Let’s wait a bit until we say anything…just so no one gets any ideas…” he mutters, smiling into another kiss. “Can’t let our families get too happy yet. Or give them any gossip”
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mycandylovefanatics · 5 years
2019 Updated Masterlist!!
(Please note that some of these were written 1-3 years ago, or written before MCLUL came out, so my opinions may have changed, some may not be able to apply as much to UL and some may not be as well written as they are at the moment because i was like 15 lmao i’m proud to say my writing has improved fo’ sho’)
MCL Boys (these are requests that include all five main boys from HSL)
favorite disney movie
Candy being amazing with dogs
Getting a boner in public because of something candy does unintentionally
Getting first blowjob from Candy
Having a girlfriend who is very shy with social anxiety
Reaction to Candy wanting a threesome
Reacting to Candy dying
Being with a confident and flirtatious Candy
What his voice might sound like
Reacting to Candy not being a virgin
Favorite meme
Finding out Candy has been getting bullied
Coming home to see Candy cooked a nice meal, but now its cold
Reacting to Candy swearing
Reacting to Candy having lewd piercings
Reacting to you fangirling over a fictional character
Road trip with Candy
Getting caught singing in the shower
Getting into a fight with Candy and trying to make up with her
getting caught masturbating
How they react to getting a text saying "I can't come to school because there's a creepy guy staring at my window from outside the house"
Quirky ways the boys study/dealing with a raccoon
Guys playing sims
How they express love
Candy being an instagram model
Who can eat the most
Boys sleepwalking
What body parts they like the most on Candy
What their tumblrs would look like
How they react to you suddenly wanting to end the relationship
part 2 for ^^^
Reacting to Candy being drunk
Reaction to child having a tantrum
Boys being drunk
finding out candy is bisexual
Boys thinking their daughter has a hickey
Having feelings for Candy while they have a girlfriend already
accidentally touching candy’s boobs
How they deal with nightmares
Reacting to a very touchy candy
Telling Candy they want a baby
reacting to themselves gaining weight
who’s a boob man, who’s an ass man?
who is the most perverted?
how they sleep
their roles in a medieval setting
reaction to candy being  victoria’s secret model
who has the biggest sex drive
reacting to you having a giant cat
the boys and the 4 seasons
if the boys had good luck charms
how they show affection
random nsfw headcanons
random nsfw headcanons pt.2
bad habits
quirky things they do in a relationship
when they’re jealous
how they react to having a baby
how they cheer you up when you’re sick in the hospital
how they comfort you after having a nightmare
proposing, wedding, and honeymoons!
realizing they’re in love with you
how they act at parties
how they react to you proposing to them
comforting you after crying over a movie
reacting to catching you masturbating
first Christmas with you
How they help you during that time of the month
The Boys as Parents
Their parents’ reactions to finding out they have a girlfriend and then inviting her to dinner
confessing their feelings at graduation
Being walked in on by Candy’s parents during sex
reacting to a queer candy
reacting to racist jokes being said to a Latin candy
going to a political protest with you
celebrating your birthday
random childhood headcanons
finding out candy can fight really well
nsfw moments at school
reacting to amber trying to hit candy after she finds out they are dating
being with an insecure chubby candy
married life with castiel
nsfw with a bratty candy
random nsfw headcanons
seeing candy do aerial dancing
castiel getting hurt and how he’d want to be comforted
what he smells like/left or right handed
candy having a high sex drive
NSFW having sex with a masochistic candy
reacting to you being pregnant in high school
finding out you can sing well
deborah arc except you’re his childhood best friend
realizing he took your virginity
you get pregnant, but he doesn’t want the baby
his usually nice girlfriend standing up for herself
reacting to candy having a bruise on her face
candy gets hit by a car, but she doesn’t remember her feelings for him
protecting you during a zombie apocalypse
how he acts during sexy time
random fluff for castiel
nsfw game with candy:first one to make a sound loses!
funny fluff with cas
reacting to black candy experiencing racism
reacting to a curvy candy with long legs
reacting to being called daddy
meeting your parents
liking candy who is already in a relationship
being called daddy during sex
breaking up with you
intimate moments in the shower
dealing with a tsundere candy
being peppered with kisses by candy
dating candy who is very insecure
reacting to making you moan for the first time
seeing you twerk to very explicit music
reacting to you having a daughter 
being body worshiped by you
how he acts high on weed
dating a trans boy
teasing candy (NSFW)
things you do that make him blush
Castiel NSFW Headcanons
reacting to a queer candy
Prompt List request for Lysander
Being with candy who wants to wait until marriage
reacting to candy being scared of thunderstorms
being walked in on by your parents while having sex
dealing with a very perverted candy
finding out candy can fight really well
candy being jealous
candy collapsing from overworking
celebrating your birthday
protecting you during a zombie apocalypse
what he smells like/left or right handed
candy having a high sex drive
where’d he take candy for a weekend
being surprised on his birthday by you and your child
lysander breaking up with you
NSFW having sex with a masochistic candy
reacting to you being pregnant in high school
finding out you can sing well
realizing he took your virginity
his usually nice girlfriend standing up for herself
lysander adjusting to moving into the city
how he acts during sexy time
nsfw moments at school
funny fluff with lys
reacting to you getting bullied for your weight
reacting to being called daddy
intimate moments in the shower
meeting each other after you’ve graduated college
dealing with a tsundere candy
being peppered with kisses by candy
reacting to you being a merman
reacting to making you moan for the first time
being body worshiped by you
how he acts high on weed
lys meeting rayan
things you do that make him blush
being with a chubby self-conscious candy
getting back together years after college
going to a political protest with you
celebrating your birthday
candy trying to break up with him (one-shot)
candy being jealous
seeing candy do aerial dancing
weird fear he has
how he smells
being surprised on his birthday by you and your child
waiting until marriage
getting pregnant during high school
protecting you during a zombie apocalypse
nsfw moments at school
reacting to a curvy candy with long legs
finding out you’re a famous singer
being with a cute aggressive candy 
dealing with a tsundere candy
being peppered with kisses by candy
kinks he might have
reacting to making you moan for the first time 
seeing you twerk to very explicit music
first time with Nathaniel (UL)
reacting to you having a daughter
being body worshiped by you
teasing candy (NSFW)
finding out you’re a fairy
being with a chubby self-conscious candy
being scared to confess his feelings for you
trying to kiss candy not knowing she has a boyfriend
Prompt list questions
reacting to racist jokes being said to a Latin candy
reacting to an insecure chubby candy
reacting to an asexual candy
going to a political protest with you
random fluffy headcanons
reacting to you being scared thunderstorms
reacting to you having a twin brother
married life with armin
random childhood headcanons
Being with candy who wants to wait until marriage
candy collapsing from overworking
celebrating your birthday
reacting to you breaking up with him for kentin
weird fear he has
black candy experiencing racism in front of him
how he smells
where’d he take candy for a weekend
Armin as Candy's best friend being in love with her but she's with a douche
Finding out you’re a famous singer
you get pregnant, but he doesn’t want the baby
perverted things/jokes he’ll say in a relationship
nsfw game with candy:first one to make a sound loses!
reacting to you getting bullied for your weight
being with a short candy who is insecure because of her height
being called daddy during sex
breaking up with you
armin dating his polar opposite
reacting to candy being good at video games
being with a cute aggressive candy
kinks he might have
teasing candy (NSFW)
Prompt list questions
Reaction to an asexual Candy
Reaction to candy being attacked by some drunk dude
Being with candy who wants to wait until marriage
dating candy who is close friends with dake
dating candy who doesn't want kids (sensitive)
dealing with a perverted candy
finding out candy can fight really well
nsfw moments at school
kentin’s dream girl
celebrating your birthday
random childhood headcanons
candy getting a tattoo
Protecting candy in a zombie apocalypse
kentin breaking up with you
first time sleeping with candy, nonsexual
Finding out you’re a famous singer
kentin titty banging candy
first time with candy
reacting to candy having a bruise on her face
having a one night stand with you, except he’s actually in love with you
relationship headcanons with kentin pre-military
kentin and you in disney land
reacting to you running a popular comic
dating a tall candy
candy getting pregnant after their first time
being with a cute aggressive candy
being with a trans girl
finding out you’re a fairy
being with a chubby self-conscious candy
NSFW and random headcanons
random headcanons pt.2
dating candy who is very insecure
type of pet he’d have
being with a trans girl
first time with rayan
rayan meeting lys
seeing you twerk to very explicit music
reacting to you having a daughter
how he acts high on weed
type of pet he’d have 
none yet!
Side Characters and Misc
MCL Boyfriend (Side Guys) Headcanons: Where they would take you on your first date!
MCL Girlfriend Headcanons: Them showing you affection!
Random relationship headcanons
Reaction to an asexual Candy
reacting to a very touchy candy
dating candy who is close friends with kentin
dake’s dream girl
candy getting a tattoo
first time with candy
candy getting drunk at a party
dating a tall candy
reacting to you being a merman
daily life of lysander and leigh
nsfw with leigh
Reacting to you having a twin brother
reacting to you breaking up with his brother for kentin
weird fear he has
random headcanons for Alexy
lesbian relationship between Rosalya and Candy
365 notes · View notes
broadwaycutie16 · 5 years
Meet the Addams: An Adrien Addams Fanfic
Based on @awholelotofladybug ‘s awesome AU! Check it out! I do not own MLB or the AU.
They're creepy and they're kooky
Mysterious and spooky
They're all together ooky
Adrien's family!
It was a typical day at Francios Dupont College.  The students in Madame Bustier's class were gathering their belongings and supplies to begin the first lesson of the day.  Marinette Dupain-Cheng, the class representative, sat among her friends, chitchatting about trivial things.
All of the sudden, there came the sound of much squeaking and squealing coming from down the hallway that see,ed to grow louder and louder, accompanied by shrieks and screams of horror.  Before any of the class could figure out what was going on, in swept Adrien Addams, the exchange student from America, pale blonde, and wearing black from head to toe.  Under his feet was a hoard of wet, beady-eyed sewer rats, carrying him on their backs like a Greek God on a cloud.  A very creepy Greek god, on a very creepy cloud.
Almost everyone in the room cried in terror, climbing on top of their seats and desks avoid making contacts with the rats, should the vermin choose to scatter around the floor of the classroom.  Adrien stepped off the hoard of rats, as casually as stepping off the stairs.  "Merci, my little friends.  Au revoir!"  And with a wave of his hand, Adrien sent the mice scurrying back towards wherever they had come from.
Adrien noticed the strange looks from his classmates.  "What?  I couldn't get any bats to bring me in.  Daylight and all."  Alya frowned heavily.  "I know I've asked this a hundred times before, but...heck, I'll ask it again."  She turned to Marinette.  "Girl, what do you see in that guy?"  Marinette sighed dreamily, like a fangirl sighing at the image of her teen idol.  "I can't explain it, Alys.  There's just got something about him that makes me swoon."
"Cara mia!"  Adrien bounded up the steps to Marinette and took her by the hand, trailing kisses up her arm.  "I come here with wonderful news!"  Marinette smiled at yer boyfriend.  "What is it, mon cher?"  Adrien grinned.  "As ypu know, I have been an exchange student here for many months.  Sadly, that would make my time here temporary."
"Not temporary enough.", remarked a nasally, cynical voice.  It came from none other than Chloe Bourgeois, the daughter of the Mayor of Paris.  She couldn't stand Adrien Addams, and had made that clear from the day he showed up.  Everything about him, from his pale skin and dark clothes to his passion for all things dark and spooky, gave her the creeps.  She couldn't wait for him to go back to America and stop scaring her.
Adrien ignored her snide comment.  "But no need to cry, my darling!", he cooed to Marinette.  "I have spoken with my mother and father, and they tell me that instead of me returning to New York, the family shall instead join me in Paris, so that I may continue to study and mingle with all of you!"
There was a thump, and every head turned to where the noise had come from to see Chloe fallen on the floor on her side.  She looked terrified.  Her blue eyes had doubled in size, and one was twitching as she spoke, not daring to look anyone in the face.  "Your...your family is moving here?  To...To Paris?"
"Well, nothing's set in stone.", Adrien said. "They are still sort of on the fence about it. They first must find the right house before they even think moving the whole family here. Sadly, we can't find a company that can ship our beloved family home overseas. So they will only seriously consider the move if they find a house that meets our family standards. But I have high hopes."
"Oh, Adrien!  That's wonderful!", exclaimed Marinette.  "That means you'll get to stay here, right at my side."  Adrien grabbed his girlfriend, brought her to her feet, and dipped her, before locking his lips with her own.  Chloe watched the  happy couple through glaring, narrowed eyes, growling under her breath, so that no one but herself heard, "Over my dead body."
"Yes, Mousier Addams.", said Mlle. Sophie Ranchi, filing through the documents, holding the phone against her ear by her shoulders to leave her hands free to sort. "I assure you, this is the best house on the market. Every family in Paris practically bidding on it." She paused and listened on the other end. "Oh, you want to see it first? I guess I understand that. I'll send you the address and meet you there for a tour first thing tomorrow morning. But you better be quick, before someone makes another offer."
She hung up, and kept shuffling through the documents. "They seem like lovely people.", she said to her assustant, Simon, as he handed her her morning coffee. "I hope they move in. But this is the last avaible house in Paris. If they don't snatch it up, I'm not sure how they can male the move." She started to sip her mocha as Simon tapped his chin and asked innocently, "What about that house up the hill? 29-16 Blacks Row?"
Sophie spit out her coffee in shock, then looked at him with wide eyes. "That old abandoned manor that's practically caving in on itself? Goodness, Simon, no! They'll never want that house! It looks like something out of a horror movie! Its even been rumored to be haunted! Almost everyone who's lived there has claimed to hear ghosts in the walls and eerie, unusual things happen in the empty rooms!"
She sighed as she set her coffee down. "I appreciate your input, Simon, but I gave up on that house a long time ago. No one's going to want to buy it. Heck, if I even try to sell it to the Addamses, I bet it would even dissuade them from moving here altogether!" Her alarm went off. "Time for my next showcase! Be a dear and send the address of the good house to Mousier Addams! His number's on the paper there!" And with that, she left the office.
Simon did as he was told and sent the right address to the number. "And...there!" He finished his work and quickly exited the office for his break. As soon as he closed the door behind him, two young ladies, one short with red hair and big glasses, the other blonde and menacing-looking, crawled out from under the desk.
"Come on, Sabrina! Before they get back!" The redhead sighed as she watched her friend/master sit in front of Sophie's computer and start typing on the keyboard. "Chloe, are you sure we should be doing this?" "Do you want Mousier, Dark and Spooky haunting our school until we graduate?", Chloe asked sarcastically as she typed up a new message to Mr. Addams.
Oops, wrong address. I really meant 29-16 Blacks Row. I promise, once you see it, you'll know whether or not you want to move to Paris.
With a scheming grin, Chloe then deleted the conversation so the miscommunication could not be corrected. "Its done." She rushed Sabrina out of the room, but stopped a moment to bask in her premature triumph. "Have a safe trip back to America, Addams." And she shut the door behind her and booked it out of there before she was caught.
Chloe sat proudly in her desk the next day in class, secure in her victory, confident that this would be Adrien Addams's last day at Francois Dupont College. Marinette walked into class, saw the look on Chloe's face, amd recognized it instantly. "Chloe! I know that smirk! What did you do?"
Every eye in the room turned to Chloe, who smiled devlishly at her schoolmates. "I pulled a string or two...to make sure Adrien's family went to see the wrong house to buy." "Huh?", came Nino's response. "I sent them the wrong address from their realtor.", the blonde explained. "To that creepy old house up on the hill! I heard Sophie say that seeing it might make them decide not to move at all!"
Marinette gasped. "But that would mean...Adrien would have to go back to America!" "Exactly!", Chloe scoffed haughtily. "Now I don't need to worry about that little freak invading my perfect world!" Marinette looked as if she did not know whether to yell at Chloe or cry for her beloved.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, she was dipped by a pair of arms, a pair of lips pressed firmly against her own. Adrien pulled back with a wide grin. His romancing made Marinette forget her sorrows for a moment, forget that she would soon lose him forever, thanks to Chloe. "Well, someone's in a good mood."
"For good reason, my darling!", he said, pulling her back to her feet. "I come here with wonderful news! Mother and Father have found the perfect house to reside here in Paris!" Chloe jerked upright. "Wait, what?" Adrien nodded. "Yes! 29-16 Blacks Row!" Alya blinked. "The creepy old house on the hill! No one wants that house!"
"Its hideous!", cried Max. "Its horrible!", exclaimed Rose. "I heard that it's even haunted!", said Nathaniel with a shudder. Adrien faced them all with a beaming smile. "I know! Its almost as if it was made to be our home! Mother and Father adored it from first glance!" Everyone looked at Adrien like he was crazy. Then again, they all already sort of thought that.
Slowly, but surely, Marinette's lips formed a smile. "Wait...if your parents found a house, does that mean..." He faced her with a grin. "Oui, my darling! We shall remain together in Paris after all! My parents are in the principal's office right now, signing the paperwork to permanently enroll me in this school!" Marinette beamed from ear to ear. "Oh, Adrien! I'm so happy!" She boldly kissed him on the lips.
Ivan stood up. "Wait a minute...I don't wanna interrupt your moment, but let me get this straight...your parents actually liked the creepy house?" "Indeed, we did!", said someone with a thick Italian accent. Every head turned in the direction of the doorway. In stepped two people.
One was a man of short stature and roundish build. He wore a navy blue-and-white pinstriped suit, under a crisp white shirt with a red tie, with a tiny gold knife of some sort sliced through the material in the center. His black hair was parted in the center, his tiny mustache curling with his wide smile, that had something in it that sent chills up and down one's spine.
The other was a woman, tall and slender, so slender, in fact, that the outline of her skeleton could be seen poking from underneath her skin. And that skin! It was whiter than the first snow of winter. Her dress, clinging tightly to her body as if sucking on it, the neckline plummeting all the way just around her breasts, the skirt pooling around her feet, was as deadly black as her long, shiny raven tresses that flowed smoothly around her shoulders. Even her eyes and lips were as black as a starless night.
Adrien faced the two proudly, giving them firm hugs. He then faced his classmates, seemingly oblivious to their shellshocked expression. "Everyone! Meet my dear parents! Mousier and Madame Addams." Mousier Addams stepped up to Mme. Bustier with a creepy grin. The poor schoolteacher looked like she wasn't sure whether to cower or greet the man. Finally, she stuttered out, "Greetings. So...you're Adrien's father?"
"Gomez Addams, in the flesh, miss!", he confirmed, taking her by the hand shaking it with energy and enthusiasm. His voice was laced with a thick Italian accent. "I thought we could take the opportunity to meet all of Adrien's little friends!" He looked towards the second row. "Hark! What is that I see? In the pigtails? Is that the exquisite young lady who has stolen my boy's heart? Marinette!"
Marinette looked at Alya, uncertain how to react, until Madame Addams called to her, "Come on down, so we can properly meet the girl who has enchanted our dear son." Her tone was low, slow, and smooth, like she was trying to seduce everyone she spoke to. Marinette rose from her seat and walked down the steps in front of Mme. Addams, who examined her with a critical eye. Finally, she gave a firm nod and said, "You are quite an attractive young lady."
Marinette smiled, a little more at ease. "Merci becoup, Madame Addams." "Oh, darling,", said the woman, taking Marinette's hand in one of her own and giving it a gentle pat on the back with her free one. "You are dating my son. We're practically family now. No need for such formalities. Call me Morticia."
"Morticia?", piped up Juleka, giving the pale woman an odd look, glancing back and forth between her and Rose. "Your name is Morticia? Like...mortician?" "That is correct, dear." Marinette smiled. "Goodness, your...your hands are...very cold." "Super pale, black lips, cold hands...", Kim trailed off, then looked at Adrien. "Dude, is your mom dead? Like, the living dead?" Morticia smiled. "If only, child. If only."
She looked down at Marinette. "I heard you're quite smitten with my boy. He's told me all about you. Hoiw you followed him everywhere after you first met, how you kept his shedule in your own, how you plastered pictures of him all over your walls..." Marinette flushed in humiliation. "Madame, I can explain..." To her surprise, Morticia smiled at her. "Its utterly charming! Reminds me of how I acted when I first met my darling Gomez! You're a keeper!"
"Ah, yes!", exclaimed Gomez. "I remember when I first found out you were clipping off pieces of my hair to keep in a little box! How you planned to perform a voodoo ritual to make me lust after you." Morticia smiled as she went up to her husband. "Well, turns out there was no need." "Yes...", Gomez purred lovingly. "The moment I found your shrine with my toenail clippings that you had stolen from my home, I knew that you were the one for me."
"Did he say toenail clippings?", squeaked Mylene uncomfortably. Adrien nodded, seemingly unnerved by his parents' so-called "love story". Alya gaped at Gomez and Morticia, lost in each other's dark, soulless eyes, then looked back at Adrien, pointing to his mother and father. "These are your parents?" Adrien nodded again. Alya gave a deadpan look. "Well, there's that mystery solved."
"Hiya, kiddos!" In walked a tall, chubby man with a bald head and big nose, wearing a dark overcoat. His voice was squawky, like that of a parrot. "Ah! My brother, Fester!", announced Gomez. He walked over and threw an arm around his brother. "These are friends of Adrien's!" "Ooh, friends!", cried Fester. "I made some new friends in Paris, too! Look!"
He opened up his coat, and a huge murder of black ravens flew out, spreading their wings and flying towards the students, cawing and shrieking as the kids screamed in fright. One of them perched itself on top of Chloe's head, tangling it's talons in to her blond hair, and started pecking away at her forehead. "Aw, that means she likes you!", said Fester.
"That's my boy!" In walked a short, fat woman, with sickly yellow skin and mismatched eyes. The right one was a normal dark brown, while the other one was translucent, like it was blind. Her mud-brown clothes were ragged and tattered, her gray-white hair was a tangled, matted mess all around her shoulders, and her strange beaded necklace jangled around her thick neck, shining like the sweat on her long, witch-like nose.
"Mama!", cried Fester. "Everyone, meet Grandma Addams!", Gomez declared, gesturing towards his mother. "The heart and soul of our family." "Grandma,", said Morticia. "Come meet Marinette. Adrien's girlfriend." "Ah, yes!", cried Grandma, in her thick Italian accent, identical to Gomez's. "The future Mrs. Adrien Addams!" Marinette blushed deeply at that.
Grandma hobbled over to the teenage girl and looked closely at her slender figure. "Oooh, but she's awfully skinny! No good for popping out babies!" Marinette's whole face turned red. Grandma reached into her floral carpet bafg and pulled out a covered plate. "I have the cure for that." She pulled back the tinfoil to reveal a pile of golden-brown cookies. "My speciality! One for each of you!"
"Sweet!", Nino said , grabbing one and taking a big bite. Kim and Max came over and took some, too. Max had an intriqued look on his face as he sampled the flavor. "Moist, chewy cookies...hint of dark chocolate..." He crunched his teeth on something. "There's something crunchy...can't place the flavor." "Me, neither.", said Nino. "Is it nougat? Peanut?" Grandma smiled. "Oh, those must be the beetles."
All at once, the boys stopped mid-chew to stare at Grandma with wide, hollow eyes. "Beetles?" Their eyes cast downwards to the little black chunks in the cookies that they had assumed were chocolate chips. Not that they were looking more closely, they could see the little legs and spots of blood from where they had been bitten.
All three bits screamed in horror and disgust, spitting the remains of cookie out of their mouth and wiping the crumbs from their tongues. Marinette noticed Grandma holding the plate out towards her with an expectant look. As politely as she could muster, she said, "Um...no, thank you, Madame. I...don't want to spoil my appetite for supper."
"Hello." Everyone jumped as they noticed how a little girl had mysteriously appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, at front of the classroom, wearing a blank resting face. She had on a dark-colored dress and pitch-black hair arranged in twin braids draped over her shoulders. "Wednesday! My little sister!", Adrien exclaimed fondly. He noticed the strange unknown object wrapped in a white shroud that she held in her arms. "And what do you have there?"
"I found it on the curb outside the school.", she said in a creepy monotone, like one of those eerie twin girls in The Shining movie. "It was run over. Squished beyond recognition." She turned to her mother. "Can I keep it?" The class looked disturbed. "Uh...what are you gonna do with roadkill?" Wednesday turned her emotionless gaze in his direction, and Nathaniel felt a chill go through him. "Bring him back to life." Nate gulped. "I'd ask how, but something tells me I don't wanna know."
Marinette approached the little girl. "Bonjour. My name's Marinette." She touched one of Wednesday's braids, noticing how the ends had been tied into slim loops. "I like what you've done with your hair." "Thank you.", said Wednesday, monotone still in tact. "I drew inspiration for the style from the nooses they used to hang people for witchcraft in the seventeenth century." A disturbed expression flashed across Marinette's face, but she quickly replaced it with an anxious smile. "Oh...that's so...creative. Never would have thought of that. How original."
"Now, Wednesday,", tsked Morticia. "We already have a pet. Remember? Kitty?" "Oh, did you bring Kitty to Paris, Mother?", asked Adrien giddily, like a child getting a puppy for Christmas. "Indeed!", said Gomez pulling out his phone. "If you want to talk to him, I have his intercom." He dialed a number. "Kitty! Adrien's here!" Adrien took the phone from his father and put it on speaker. "How is our little sweetums?"
Seconds later, the room was filled with the sound of a wild roar, the ferocious sound echoing off the walls and sending almost everyone into shock. Everyone who wasn't an Addams looked stunned. "Was that a lion?", asked Nino. Adrien nodded. "I know that roar! He missed me! Don't worry, I'll see you soon, Kitty." As soon as he hung up the phone, there was a BOOM coming from down the hall.
Everyone went running to the source to see smoke wafting from the science laboratory. The door had been blown clean off, the wood black and burnt in most places. Seconds later, Mlle. Mendelivez staggered out if the smog, her purple hair and white lab coat singed, her face covered in ash, her glasses cracked and broken over her wide, terrified eyes.
Seconds after that, out walked a pudgy little boy, as casually as could be, wearing a red-and-white striped short and little black shorts, the space around his bellybutton exposed. He slipped his goggles over his hair, atop his short blond hair, and looked up at the science teacher with dark, devilishly-gleeful eyes with dark bags underneath. "Nice workin' with ya, lady."
"Pugsly!" The boy looked in the direction of his family. "What did your father and I say about blowing things up for fun?", asked Morticia sternly. Pugsly sighed. "Only do it at home." "Exactly!", said Gomez sharply, earning him strange and surprised looks from the others. "Sorry, Pop.", said Pugsly. "This ol' hag didn't believe I could make a grenade from some hay, carbon monoxide, and an old thermos. I had to put her in her place." Gomez looked at the principal. "We shall cover the damages." Poor Damocles was in such a state of shock, he could only nod as his mouth hung open, still gaping at the scene.
"Eeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhh!" All heads turned to the school entrance. Students and teachers screamed in terror, scattering away like frightened chickens from the ten-foot-tall, sickly-green-skinned man stomping slowly through the doorway. He had a dead face on, bolts on his neck, and staggered with each step like a zombie. He looked , sounded and acted like he had stepped right from the pages of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein.
Before anyone could really panic, a young woman walked to his side. Unlike the last few people who had appeared, she looked completely normal. No ghostly pale skin, no scars, no bald spots, no extra limbs, nothing strange about her at all. Just an average middle-aged woman wearing glasses, her dark hair pulled back into a bun with one strand of her bangs dyed bright red. "Lurch says its time to go. We still need to enroll Wednesday and Pugsly at their respective schools."
"Oh, of course!", exclaimed Gomez, heading towards the stairs. "Family! We must be off!" Morticia kissed Adrien on the head before following her husband. "Supper is at six, my little tarantula. We're having your favorite. Black beans and brew." Alix gave her a funny look. "Uh...don't you mean beans and stew?" Morticia shook her head. "No. We're having witches' brew. We found the perfect coven to get it from, right here in France."
The entire class watched as Adrien watched goodbye to his creepy, kooky, mysterious, spooky, all-together ooky family as they slithered away like a nest of slippery snakes out the doorway of the school. Chloe frowned deeply. Her plan to send Adrien packing had backfired spectacularly. Now she would have to out up with not only him, but his insane family as well.
Marinette tried to lighten her friends' spooked moods with a nervous laugh. "Well...they seem nice. In their own way." Nino smirked. "One thing's for sure. Now that the whole Addams clan is on the scene, things are gonna be a whole lot more interestin'!"
So grab a witch's shawl on,
A broomstick you can crawl on,
Its time to pay a call on
Adrien's family!
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pink-jindallae · 5 years
At the hospital / Part 1
[Nathaniel/Candy] full angst / heavy mention of panic attack Hospital scene from episode 16 completely rewritten. I'm so slooow to write ;-; 
Words: 3464 Author note: Before starting this reading, I would like to highlight Candy's mental state of this episode. I personally felt a lack of investment as Nath's girlfriend. If he wasn't her LI, okay, sure. But as her boyfriend I don't agree. She saw him bleeding to death a few hours ago and she just leaves? Amber asking Candy to stay alone with Nath? Um, no? I'm not sorry to say that I have the fucking right to be with my boyfriend, as much as her.   As a writer and as Nath stan, I couldn't let it pass. I got so much frustrated that I had to rewrite the entire hospital scene because first; I can. Second; Beemov cannot get me away from my man like that. LET ME STAY. And third: I LOVE the angst.   Anyway, I hope you will enjoy the angst nonetheless ;) 
Candy P.O.V.
Nathaniel has been awake for over an hour now. A little while ago, Kim and I were interrogated separately by the police about Nath's assault before they got to question him. Kim assured me soon after that she had repeated word for word Nath's version. As for me, I did the same with a robotic voice, too tired mentally and physically to pretend to be fine in front of the policemen. They didn't ask me too much questions, perhaps discerning my torment. Just after the police left, a nurse came to report on Nathaniel's state. We were relieved to hear his wound wasn't too deep and his organs were untouched. However, she also informed us that Nath had a head injury, so they had to keep him under observation until tomorrow to see how his condition is evolving. My face had blanched during her whole speech, but I didn't interrupt, unlike Amber who peppered her with so many queries. She acted like a lion mama, nearly throwing a tantrum in the hallway, thankfully Kim was there to calm her down. The nurse only concluded by saying we could now visit Nathaniel, although not for too long since he was still recovering and probably exhausted by his prior interrogation. To my surprise, Amber requested to stay alone with him for an unknown reason. I initially didn't agree, because even if she is his sister, I'm his freaking girlfriend and there was no fucking way I would leave like that! Not without seeing him safe and sound. Besides, how she asked rubs me the wrong way, like I wasn't that much important. I acknowledge she has a special bond with her brother, still, it wasn't a good reason enough to push me aside. I know she has changed and I don't rightfully hate her anymore, but God, I just wanted to punch her face at that moment. Hopefully she agreed to let me stay in the end, thanks to Kim who interjected in my favor. However, Amber still demanded to see him by herself first and to avoid another outburst in the hospital, I let her do as she pleased despite my own wish to come along. Only because I would be alone with Nath after as she promised not to be too long. When Amber left, Kim kindly offered to stick around with me a little longer, to which I refused. While I'm grateful for her concern, I needed to be by myself for a moment. Moreover, I would have felt bad to monopolize her presence just for my sake, because she too, was tired after such a night. She despised the hospital anyway, so, she went home to rest without insisting. And now I'm on my own in the waiting room for what felt like eternity. I can't remember how long I've been counting the minutes. The hand of the clock is turning, and yet, time seems to have frozen. It ticks with an annoying sound as if to emphasize the surrounding silence of death, reminding me again and again this disastrous evening. That deafening noise is taunting me, resounding a little louder as soon as I lose the thread, just to have the pleasure to grab all my attention while I'm waiting to see Nathaniel. I watch it with a rather confusing obsession despite my annoyance. I hate myself for that, I can't help but check the seconds spinning through the clock face. Because that noisy thing represents the heartbreaking absence of Nath by my side. Even if I know that on the other side of the wall, he's alive... Slumped on my chair, I bring my legs against my chest, my forehead glued to my knees. I need to see him so much ... "Are you all right, Miss?" I raise my head sharply. Another worried middle-aged nurse is looking at me and I can see pity through her clear eyes. What a sorry sight am I. "Y-yes." Great, my voice is shaking. "I ... I'm just waiting to see my boyfriend ..." "Oh ... is it the boy who arrived at the emergency room earlier?" I only nod, unable to speak at the recall of the events. The nurse sits next to me, her clipboard pad resting on her lap. "Your boyfriend is safe now, don't worry." she begins in a benevolent tone that irks me. "His relative is by his side right now, but you can rest for a while." The nurse's compassion touches me deeply, or maybe it's tiredness that speaks for me, because I feel my eyes sting a little bit as I'm about to cry any time soon. "I have to see him first." "This evening must have been very hard for you too, you have the right to rest. I'm sure he won't be angry if you come back later." She still insists. "I can't!" I nearly scream. "I need to see him!" Unable to contain myself anymore, I hunker down, squeezing my arms so hard that a red mark is blemishing my skin. I can't go home. Not now, not like that! Not seeing him drives me crazy! I'm exhausted ... my whole body is sore. "Would you like to call someone? Family, friends?" I shake my head, eyes closed. Her insistence begins to pester me. Why is everyone is completely disregarding my feelings? Amber, the nurse, even Nath. I'm that much insignificant not to have anything to say. My voice, no matter how I yell, is unheard and my opinion not even an option. Amber had already asked me if she could see him first, alone, and I meekly agreed to make her happy. And yet, I had to fight so I wouldn't be sent away, still muffled and saved by someone else. The nurse now pushes me to go home for the sake of resting regardless my desire to stay. And Nath… Damn, he didn't even wanted to see me at the gym. Kim said she called me because he agreed to, but with the way he acted, I doubt that. He was so stubborn, not listening to anything and facing my lack of power, Kim decided to call the ambulance against his will. During the ride to the hospital I have wondered; if she hadn't phoned me, I would have been unaware of Nathaniel's state since brother and sister like to keep secrets as if I wasn't part of their life. As if … I was nothing. "Just leave me. Go away." I coldly mumble, chasing those memories away. The nurse doesn't insist anymore and walk away after reminding me to contact the medical staff if I needed anything. Like hell I would. I feel many eyes on me nonetheless, kept under surveillance from afar. My mental state seems to worry them, but I don't care. All my thoughts are turned to one person. I decided to get up after her departure though, to freshen up a bit, the need to walk and think about something else motivating me to move. Specially to avoid their insistent stares, almost too heavy with judgment. When I see myself in the mirror, I quickly comprehend their dismay. It is anything but glorious ... My hair is disheveled, my eyes are swollen from crying and consequently, my mascara has heavily dripped on my cheeks. My white-like face doesn't really help to improve my condition. I look a fright ... The most impressive thing is my clothes stained with blood – his blood –. No wonder the nurses were concerned. I hurry to make a coarse bun in order to hold my hair in place, then rinse my face, erasing below the neon light all traces of this morbid night. I still look exhausted but at least I'm more presentable. Once I'm satisfied with my reflection, I go back to my seat. Meanwhile Amber has appeared in my line of sight, coming out of the elevator with a sullen expression. My heart skips a beat and I run to join her. "Amber!" She glances up at my panicked face and smiles weakly to reassure me as best she could, although it looks more like a grimace. "I was looking for you. You can go see him." "How is he?" I ask, worried about her peaky look. "The doctors told me he could go home soon. Luckily, he can talk and move despite his head trauma." Upon hearing the news, all the pressure on my shoulders evaporates bit by bit. I'm so relieved he is fine… "Did he ..." The blonde cuts me off, shaking her head in negative. He didn't reveal anything to her either. I sigh, depressed. Of course, he's not the type to vent so easily. Even her twin sister doesn't know everything about him. The few times we spoke indicates that Nathaniel didn't confide to her as much as she believes to. "I'm sorry for earlier…" she suddenly resumes, changing the subject. "… for insisting to see my brother alone. But please understand that I needed to talk to him. Nothing against you." I'm taken off guard by her sudden apologies. I really didn't expect it at all to be honest… "I… It's fine. I guess." I articulate, dumbfounded. She averts her eyes, probably feeling too guilty to look at me directly. "I may have overreacted." "You did. And to tell you the truth, it hurt me."  I frankly blurt out. "So honest, as always. I like that about you." She lets out a small laugh and I smile in return. I'm glad she noticed her wrongdoing and asked for my forgiveness. She was as anxious as I was, so, I can understand in a sense. And to be fair, I'd probably request the same in her shoes if she wasn't her relative… "Thank you again for being there for him ... Thank you for everything. You saved his life." She sobs in a weak voice, taking my hands in hers. I lower my eyes at her statement, not sure to deserve gratitude. I didn't do anything. Kim saved Nathaniel while I was watching him, helpless. My conscience planting arrows in my heart keeps me quiet, not knowing what to answer. Amber's hand pulls me out of my thoughts by squeezing mine. She stares without saying anything, her message mute. I only notice now that her green eyes have lost their sparkle, filled with remorse too. "I'm going to his flat to bring some clothes and feed Blanche. I'll be back soon." she informs, gently releasing my hand. "Watch over him, please. He's waiting for you." I just agree in silence, the knot around my neck tightening slightly. I don't waste more time to watch her go and fly to the elevator. And damn the seconds feel like hours in the lift. I've waited so long to see Nath that I tremble like a leaf out of stress. My anxiety is only amplifying, trapped in this metallic box. The walls come off as an oppressive cage, shrinking around me. I feel like I'm suffocating ... It makes my mind runs wild, what I've striven to push back in my mind suddenly arises with brutality. My boyfriend is laying in a hospital bed after an attempted murder. The bloodcurdling realization I could have lost him forever tears me from inside. I remember too well watching him bleed to death. I can still smell the blood, see the light in his eyes weakening and his life being taken away slowly… I struggle in vain to hold back my suffering, but it's far beyond my strength. I can't help but dwell on the events, unable to think of anything but his twisted face of pain, the gaping wound and the pool of blood. It wasn't an accident. Someone tried to end his life. Stop! I must not panic. Do not panic! Nathaniel is fine, Nathaniel is fine ... I repeat these words like a mantra. Focusing on dominating my terror, I close my eyes for a moment and inhale deeply. My breath is shaking, but I keep taking deep breath to calm the frantic beat in my chest. My body is agitated with nervous spasms, I squeeze my hands hard to stop my tremors. Carefully ... slowly ... I'm breathing. At long last the elevator stops and after a soft "ding", slides open. The overwhelming gasp of air at the opening wakes me up from my horrifying trance, my lungs finally accepting some oxygen. After a gulp, I'm resolved to get out and stand right in front his room. I enter with a gentle push on the door which creaks faintly under the pressure of my fingers. What I see behind crushes my heart. Nathaniel seems to have fallen asleep, but his features are drawn, denoting extreme fatigue. His face is still a little pale, but slowly picks some colors up again. His left eye is slightly swollen, as are his knuckles. There was no doubt he tried to defend himself against his aggressors as much as he could. I pinched my lips so as not to break down again, shaken beyond word by his atypical vulnerability. I must be strong. I shed enough tears. At some point, I finally allow myself to approach with catlike stealth to avoid waking him up. My hand smooths his golden hair, brushing aside wet strands on his forehead. Softly … fearing of hurting him more. With the same care, I stroke his damaged hands in hope it would erase the marks of his fight. I wish I could take all of his pain… "You're here…" I jump, startled. Nathaniel is awake. He painfully opens his eyelids to gaze at me. I'd like to answer something, but on the verge of tears, words are strangled in my throat. "I'd have preferred to welcome you in some other way." he continues with a sheepish smile in an effort to relax the atmosphere. Except it provokes the opposite of the desired effect. He looks at me, his eyes filled with grief. His hand frees itself from mine to caress my cheek and I close my eyes to enjoy his touch full of tenderness. I barely notice him wiping a tear that has escaped against my will. And here I promised myself not to cry anymore. Damn it… "I ruined our date again." He feebly murmurs. "Forgive me." I shake my head, eyelids firmly closed. Other tears flood with me powerless to stop it. Nath remains silent, busy to dry all the sad pearls rolling on my skin. "Don't be ridiculous, you idiot ..." I end to whisper with a trembling voice. "We'll have other dates. I just want you to heal quickly." I swallow my tears somehow and finally open my eyes to offer him the best smile I could do. Nevertheless, he only observes me without saying anything, his look indecipherable. His eyes glint with a dark and melancholy glow, almost seeking to penetrate my thoughts. His face seems tortured, preoccupied, a frown on his forehead. A voice in my head hisses that pain is not the main cause. Anxiety, anger, guilt, maybe something else. I'm not sure what I can read. He carries my hand to his lips and kisses it with infinite love, contrasting with his painful expression. Nath, is there something you're not telling me? The rustling sound of sheets catches my attention all of sudden. My veiled eyes immediately fall on Nathaniel who's trying to get up, his face disfigured in pain. "Nath!" With an unsteady step, I try to lie him down but this obstinate man resists. "I just want to sit down, I'm tired of laying." He insists. "Don't be foolish, you have to rest! Imagine if your wound opens again!" I'm unsuccessfully trying to convince him, but he is too adamant and completely deaf to my protests. I shortly give up, helpless in front of his stubbornness, and put his cushion in a way he can lean on it without hurt. It takes him a few minutes to find the right position. "It doesn't hurt too much?" I ask as I sit on the mattress to get closer. "I'm fine ... I've experienced worse." Worse? What can be worse than being stabbed in the abdomen? Could it be related to the scar on his lips? To his father? My face runs out of blood just imagining it. Facing my frightened look, Nath takes my hand again squeezes it more firmly. "No wait! I mean ..." he resumes with difficulty. "... I'll be okay, you don't have to worry about that." "How could you ..." His thumb lays on my lower lip to keep me quiet, fondly brushing it. "I'm fine, okay? That's all you need to think about now." "But you nearly killed yourself, how could you expect me to stay calm after that? Nath, you could have died!" "What happened, happened. And I'm still alive." What the hell! I know he wants to be reassuring but he can't tell me that like that, as if it was something trivial! "Listen to me," He begins but I refuse to hear his nonsense. I drop and shake my head. The situation is so absurd, it makes me crazy! It's a nightmare. Breathing becomes difficult again, I feel like choking once more. Sensing my distress, Nath cups my face and forces me to look at him. "Listen to me!" He gives me time to calm myself before carrying on. I stare back with a look in which an unreasonable dread is reflected. I know I'm overreacting but … "You're afraid." I'm not. I'm terrified. "I understand, I really do. But look, I'm fine." He caresses my cheeks with lots affection and so much care to put me at peace, but I'm still shivering so much. However, my body is less stiff now, soothed by his voice. "I'm fine…" He calmly repeats again, insisting on this point until I stop shuddering. "All I need is my girlfriend by my side. This night has been painful enough for you and for me… We both need to rest. Just let me enjoy your company. Is it too much to ask?" I have to admit he's right. He is indeed fine. He survived and is certainly exhausted by his injury. I was so preoccupied by my own fear I forgot the most important; taking care of him. Ashamed, I lower my eyes. "I'm sorry…" "No don’t be, love." He murmurs, putting his forehead against mine. "I'm the one who should be. You deserve so much better than that." "Shut up." I sob. Our faces are so close, caressed by our breath, yet I feel so far away from him, an unbreakable wall between us. And I know… he is the one building it, pushing me away. Again. "Come." He simply finishes by opening his arms. He wants us to cuddle. "Your wound, it could open ..." I weakly protest, fighting against my own desire to snuggle against him. "My right side is fine." Nath persists. I don't want him to suffer ... My hesitation crumbles a little more when he softly pleads: "I need you in my arms ..." I don't want to start a quarrel, especially in these conditions. I'm too tired anyway. Besides, I'd lie if I said I don't want to be in his arms too ... Short of argument, I breathe: "Promise me to tell me if you're in pain." He simply nods, and I give up. With caution, I go around the right side of the bed where he's not injured. I'm careful not to lean too much upon him, my side propped against his cushion, but my head finds its way to the crook his neck. His right arm slides around my waist and presses me a little more against him despite my reluctance, yet I oppose no resistance. His soothing heartbeat under my palm relaxes me. He is still alive… Being in his arms drains all energies I had left, in other word, almost none. My eyes close when he brushes a warmth kiss full of comfort on the top of my head. I'm just so weak even though I should be the one who supports him. I can't help myself thinking I must do more than complaining and crying. He silences me when I word my thoughts and confesses that being here is more than enough. Actually, it is what he needs the most according to him so, I'm not arguing. After all, a nurse is coming soon to kick me out and I don't want to leave him with a pointless fight. Silence now surrounds us. Not a single word is shared anymore. We are just enjoying each other presence… … as if it would be the last time.
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commanderpeggymcgee · 5 years
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❝ Nathaniel, darling, you really need to calm down... ❞
❝ Calm down? Are you serious? You could've died out there this morning and you want me to calm down? ❞
❝ I did what had to be done. I couldn't just let those people die, Nathaniel. You would've done the same thing had you been there. ❞
❝ Bull crap, Peggy. Who do you think you are? You're not indestructible, you know. You're not invincible. You could've died in that fire! ❞
❝ I was in the building when it went up, Nathaniel! What would you have me do? Every man for himself? Leave them all inside there to die? What would you have done? ❞
❝ I would have saved you, in a heartbeat, no question. ❞
❝ One life is no more important than the lives of twenty others! ❞
❝ It is to me! Don't you understand? I love you, I need you more than anything else in this world and I can't lose you. You and Nat are the only two people in this world I care about. And being selfless is one of the things I love about you, but I don't want you to kill yourself for others who wouldn't even give a damn or a second thought about saving you. ❞
❝ You don't know that for a fact, Nathaniel... ❞
❝ Don't I? Not everyone is like you, Peg. Not every cares about the well-being of those around them. Just because you're selfless doesn't mean they are. I've lived a long time and I've seen how people have changed throughout time and they're not getting better. You're a rare breed, sweetheart, and I don't want to lose you. I know you can take care of yourself, just please, please promise me you'll be more careful and not take any unnecessary risks, okay? ❞
❝ Oh, fine, fine! I promise not to take...many...unnecessary risks and scare my boyfriend out of his wits. ❞
❝ Peggy....................why do I have the feeling that that promise wasn't completely sincere? ❞
❝ I haven't the faintest idea, darling. Now let's talk about something more pleasant like dinner, dancing and a walk on the beach? ❞
❝ With the most beautiful woman in the world? Sounds like Heaven...and incredibly romantic...what are you planning? ❞
❝ What, who, me? Nothing! You're so suspicious, I couldn't imagine where you got that from... ❞
★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★
⚜ ~ ❝ Cσмρяσмιѕє ωнєяє уσυ cαn. ωнєяє уσυ cαn’t, dσn’t. Eνєn ιf єνєяуσnє ιѕ tєℓℓιng уσυ thαt ѕσмєthιng ωяσng ιѕ ѕσмєthιng яιgнt. Eνєn ιf tнє ωнσℓє ωσяℓ∂ ιѕ tєℓℓιng уσυ tσ мσνє, ιt ιѕ уσυя dυtу tσ ρℓαnt уσυяѕєℓf ℓιкє α tяєє, ℓσσк αt thєм ιn thє єуєѕ, αnd ѕαу, ‘Nσ, YOU мσνє.’ ❞ ~ ⚜
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3laxx · 6 years
This one was requested by a friend in my personal squad!
29 - going away to war au
“Nino!”, Alya yelled as she burst into the house in which the Lahiffe household lived, his siblings immediately looking up from the table as she entered. His older sister only turned away while his younger brother and sister blinked at her, their tears glistening in their eyes.
“No…”, she breathily mumbled, before entering the kitchen and seeing his mother heavily propping herself up on the counter, her shoulders trembling.
Alya gulped, turning around on her heels only to almost run into his father, steadied on a cane from an injury that he had gotten in the first world war.
His face spoke novels to her as she met his gaze, his lips pressed in a tight line.
“… T-Tell me… Tell me he d-didn’t get drafted…”
His father only shook his head, silently limping past her towards his remaining children.
Alya had known her boyfriend would be chosen, he was in perfect health, he was young but still of age and he was expendable. He wasn’t the son of an important businessman or a politician, he could be sent away and be killed without any problems.
And most of all, he was the only male in the family who could be drafted.
Her vision blurred as she found her way to the stairs, her feet stumbling up the steps. Her hand came up to wipe the tears away but it did nothing as new tears built up again, barely letting her see the wooden floor of the first floor. She found her way down the hallway and pushed open his door, the squeaking sounding alien to her.
There he was, standing in front of his cracked mirror ever since he had slammed a wooden toy truck against the glass as a young boy.
Alya felt the lump in her throat as she let her eyes travel down from his unruly hair over to his tight collar that was held together with a tie, over his broad shoulders and his chest that was heaving with trying to hold back his sobs beneath the light fabric of his uniform that weighed down on him with a heavy duty.
She sniffled as her eyes went down his legs, to the wiped clean boots instead of his usual worn out shoes. She spotted these beneath his bed, cleanly packed away with all of his stuff. His room had never been this clean.
Finally, she looked up to the part she had skipped, beneath the attempt of combing his hair. His face that was pulled into a grimace beneath the mask of no emotions.
She could see him struggling to keep himself sane, to keep himself from sobbing as she was. The twitching corners of his mouth showed her, the golden eyes that were filled with so much hurt and fear that her heart almost broke.
“Nino…”, she choked out with a whisper, her chest heaving with forced pants, her hands balled up to tight fists, “Why would they do this to you…”
He sighed as he let his hands travel down his chest, to flatten out the ironed fabric. She had never seen him wear ironed shirts, except that one time when he had taken her out for their first anniversary.
“They need me in the war…”, Nino weakly replied, shrugging without much belief, “The Germans-”
“The Nazis.”, Alya firmly interrupted him, pulling a face. She remembered Nathaniel, a German Jew who had fled here as the second world war had broken out. Not all Germans were Nazis, she knew that.
“The Nazis are marching too fast. They need more men to-”
“… To run in and die. You know this war is not going to work. The Nazis are overrunning everything and our men are just being sent in to-… To be brutally murdered and-… And s-so m-many, Nino, s-so m-m-many haven’t c-come back yet, N-Nino… Nino…”, it had been the last drop to make her burst in tears. She slapped her hands in front of her face and started weeping, before feeling his hands on her arms, taking her closer to him, pulling her against him and his arms tightly embracing her.
She sobbed into his chest as he gently brushed over her hair, his chin resting atop her head as he mumbled soothing things, but she could hear his voice being thin and stopping from time to time to swallow.
Nino had never been one to fear something so badly he had to cry. He had either ran away or, as he had grown older, begun standing in its way, bravely facing his fears.
She pressed closer against him, responding to his embrace by tightly hugging him back, feeling their hearts stuttering before aligning in beats.
“… P-Please… Please c-come back to me… Please d-d-don’t leave me-e… Do-on’t get yours-self k-ki-”
“… I won’t, Alya…”, he whispered, pressing a kiss to her hair, “I’ll return… I’ll get back to you and I’ll marry you, even if you haven’t said yes yet… I’ll marry you in a big party and we’ll have a lot of children after that… We’ll live until we’ll sit on our front porch and are old and judging other people like our grandparents always do… I promise.”
He got a snort from her but she still couldn’t stop crying into his uniform as he continued holding her, her fingers digging into the fabric on his back as she held on to him.
“… We’ll have a big house like this one… And you’ll become an amazing reporter… And we’ll cook together every day, even if I got a baby in my arms and you got a big tummy. We’ll manage it all and we’ll have a big family and we’ll have tears in our eyes watching the twins being great aunts… We’ll both have a good job and we’ll be happy… Adrien and Mari will live across the street and we’ll let our children play every day…”
Slowly, only very slowly, Alya calmed down again, and even after that she remained pressed against his chest until her tears in the fabric dried up.
His strokes over her hair were calming and his kisses on top of her head were sending a loving shockwave of goosebumps through her body again and again.
“… I’ll come back unharmed… I promise…”
“You better…”, Alya mumbled back, nudging his shirt with her nose, before leaning back and looking up to him. His golden eyes shined against his dark skin and she sighed, lightly cupping his face.
“I need you to make an exchange with me.”, it slipped out of her and she blushed deeply as the sentence came over her lips but she couldn’t stop now. It was out and the risk to lose him was too big, “I give you something and you give me something.”
His questioning gaze didn’t help at all.
“Okay? Sure. What do you want?”
She held her left hand up between them, closing her eyes.
“I give you my heart. I commit to you. I want to marry you, I say yes.”
For a heartbeat he didn’t say anything, then he scrambled away, standing on his nightstand when she opened her eyes again. Before she could even ask he was on his knees again, as he had been two times already to ask her for her hand, and held out the ring she had already seen twice.
“Oh gosh, you dork!”, she burst out but broke into laughter, letting him slip the ring on her finger.
“You said yes.”, he repeated unbelievingly, while coming to his feet again, holding her close again, “You rejected me twice but now suddenly you want to get engaged to a man who’ll probably die soon. Why.”
“Oh shush.”, she snapped at him, eyeing the ring that was on her finger like a shiny band, “I don’t want this ring.”
For a second he hesitated, then he stuttered.
“I-I can get you another…?”
“No, I mean…”, she couldn’t help but laugh, “I-… I want this, I do. I want you. I just-… I don’t wanna be engaged. I wanna be married already. I want a wedding band, not an engagement ring. I’m-… I’m so sorry I hesitated in the past. We could be married already…”
He sighed heavily, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
“You weren’t ready yet, Alya. It’s okay, really.”
They swayed in each other’s arms for another few minutes before she heard his voice rumbling in his chest again, against her ear.
“… What was the thing you wanted from me?”
She gulped but couldn’t take it back anymore. She knew she’d need it. She’d need him. And even if it wouldn’t work, they would’ve tried.
“I-… I need you.”
“I can’t stay.”
Alya leant back and cupped his cheek with her left hand, her ring shining on their dark skin like a tear.
“Then give me something equal. Please.”
His eyes widened for a moment as he understood what she meant, his heart beating faster against her chest.
“… You-… You want…?”
“Please, Nino. If-… If I can’t keep you… Please give me a child… Please. I-… I couldn’t live with myself if we didn’t at least try. I hesitated before and we could be married already. Because I was scared, I was scared to bind myself to one man, but-… You’re the one. And I’ve been stupid to only see that when you’ll be sent to war.”
His eyes captured hers and ended her rant so easily, even before their lips connected.
She closed her eyes and gave herself to him. Not caring about their fears, not worrying about the future and how it would affect their, her life if they did this now. She just gave herself to his love, feeling safe and comfortable when he never stopped holding her.
And for that moment, she swore, they were together forever.
I loved that one so much... ;-;;
Send me an AU and a pairing!
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