#the new kentin is much better. best friend kentin who never went to military school is best kentin
moonyistired · 2 years
honestly it’s kinda fun to think about all the stuff that has changed since the first version of the fanfic in 2018
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nevararaven · 6 years
My Candy Love University Beta Story/Characters Opinion/Suggestions
This is going to be part two of my “Review” of the Beta for My Candy Love University. A lot of what I will say probably has been said before but it has to be said. If you want to read part one here is the link.
Everything I think is important or any suggestions to the issues will be in bold. Only to make things easier.
That being said I will be posting this in two parts. The first part will be strictly Gameplay/Visual Aesthetic. This part is only about Story/Characters
In order to not be biased I played the beta 6 times. 3 times WHILE biased (playing it as if I was a player who had played all of MCL and have a past with the characters) and 3 times UNBIASED (playing the game as if I was a new player that skipped high school)
Now that this has been set up I will put everything under read more as I try to be well spoken. If I swear a few times and forget to edit it out, forgive me. I have a foul mouth and it’s hard to not express my emotions without swears.
This is part two so @chinomiko /Beemoov if you see this you might want to go to the first one in this link
Alright Part 2. Here we go. The storm.
My Candy Love episode 40 was a disappointment. And It was a disappointment because no one knew it was going to be the last episode. There was an idea in the air but the ending wasn’t satisfying, it did not help that it seemed as if Beemoov was advertising University as a continuation.
This was the first big mistake. Because this is not a continuation but a spin off. 
This isn’t me being salty about Castiel being the only chosen boy to come back, this is because of 30 things. Whether it is the way the characters (old cast/boys) and the new characters are written or it could also be the way Candy/Lynn is written so terrible that it would hurt a new players heart.
I am going to start with the breakup, because it has to be said.
There was backlash about the breakup, we took 28 episodes to date and it felt like nothing happened. There was practically one cute date but I guess people wanted more? But that isn’t the issue with university life. It is the way that we broke up.
If this was a well written story each boy would of had a different reason for breaking up. By saying that ‘They just drifted apart’ is so unsatisfying. I don’t mean say someone cheated but at least give some flavor text for each of the guys.
Some suggestions on how it could have been better.
Nathaniel- “When planning to go to school they both decided to go to different universities. So they could focus on there studies they sadly ended up breaking up.” This would cause Nathaniel to start being a party animal, not being held down by a long distant relationship.
Castiel- “Castiel ended up getting big after high school ended. They ended up drifting apart because school and his band took so much time, he didn’t want to hurt Candy by being silent for so long, so they broke up.”
Kentin- “Didn’t want to hurt Candy if he got hurt in the military, wanted her to stay happy and find someone who can be with her closer to home.”
Armin- “When school started they both got really busy, Candy would never say that the cause was videogames because they both played together online. It just got too hard being apart and they ended up breaking up.”
Lysander. I HAVE A BUNCH TO SAY ABOUT THIS BOY LATER, but if we are going with his terrible story his flavor text could have been “After Lysander’s parents died and he went to the farm he tried to grieve by himself, not wanting to bother Candy. She wished she could help him through it and wanted to stay together but Lysander wanted to be alone. So they drifted apart.” THIS WAY Candy isn’t such a  terrible person who didn’t know about his parents.
It sucks to break up, but it makes the most sense if there was going to be new routes. I do not believe Castiel should have been brought back if this was supposed to be a new Era. But that is my opinion as a player who is biased. My unbiased opinion is New players would love Castiel. People are suckers for tattooed edgy boys who are famous. So while I dislike that Castiel is back, new players would love him. Also he is not in the episode so I can not really give him an honest opinion other than the small bit of text in the game and in the trailer.
The boys stories and what they are doing now didn’t all bother me but they did disappoint me.
Nathaniel's makes sense. When someone grows up like him in a place that is restricting it doesn’t surprise me that they become rebellious in college. It seems like Nathaniel is a party boy, probably a frat boy who does not make the best decisions. Which means he has good character progression. Am I worried that he is the 5th route? Yes. I don’t want him to be the 5th route but he was talked about 3 times already.
I was disappointed with Kentin only because I would have liked for him to not have followed in his fathers footsteps. I was hoping that he would be his own person but it ended up not being the case. I am not surprised, though, just disappointed.
Castiel is...Castiel. I am not surprised by his story, just sad that he didn’t stay with Lysander. But I also don’t know if they are even friends anymore. We don’t know much and he wasn’t in the episode.
Armin’s life confused me because he had wanted to be a video game programmer. How did he become a hacker. A master hacker. This boy became a hacker from reading programming books for video games? Sure. Okay.
Okay I tried to not be biased and it turns out even when I played the game as a regular person Lysander’s story is so sad. When did Lysander’s parents die? Was it 4 years prior? 1 year prior to the start of MCLU? If it was 4 years ago there is no reason Candy as friend/girlfriend should not have known about his parents. If it was the year prior that makes more sense BUT what has Lysander been doing? Was he going to school? Was he in the band originally? His dad wanted Lysander to be a famous writer. Are you telling me he just stopped that? Is he on the farm alone? because even that is super sad. In the tag earlier I saw someone say he had a partner but In all my playthroughs that wasn’t said at all so I just assume he is alone on a farm. Which beemoov, do you know how hard having a farm is? The fact that two elderly people had a farm was a stretch unless they had help but OH MY GOD. Having one boy WHO HAS THE MEMORY OF A GOLDFISH on a farm by himself is mind blowing. Maybe this is coming from someone from Wisconsin but that is not an easy task.
Lysander’s story should change...but that is my opinion because Beemoov...you really did Lysander dirty. I would love for him, at most, to be the 5th route. It isn’t just because his story is so sad, it is also because his route in MCL had so many loose ends as well. It the very least change his story please or give us some closure for this one boy.
Now the boys, I am done talking about them. There should have been better flavor text for breaking up but also I said my opinion on “Where they are now”. I am not even close to being done
Candy/Lynn has been written as a terrible friend. And should have been treated as such.
Listen I AM Candy. I ghosted so many of my high school friends but my closest friends I kept in contact with. We still talk every day. Losing friends does happen so I am not upset that she disconnected with people. I am mad that she stopped talking to Rosa and Alexy. And when she came back Rosa was not awkward in any way.  The writing SHOULD have been awkward when they met up again. 
But that is my biased opinion as someone who played MCL. For people who went right into University I do not believe they would care that much if anything. I guess I am just disappointed in Candy that they didn’t stay in contact to at least wish Happy Birthdays or to say Merry Christmas.
Also I do not know how Rosa started her psychology path, I am so curious on how that happened. Only because through high school I just assumed that she would go in costume/fashion design OR culinary arts. Culinary only because in two episodes it kept piling on how much Rosa likes food. I want to know why she chose this major.
The new characters I don’t have much to say about them, honestly. I am not that interested in any of the love interests except for Priya, and that is only if I have too. Personally I am waiting for the 5th route to show up to see if I am going to play this. And again I do not want it to be Nathaniel.
But why am I not interested in the new love interests? They just don’t seem as exciting as I would have hoped. Rayan maybe is the most interesting but the way he was written just kind of annoyed me? Like they were purposefully trying to write a character that you can tell is “Sexy”. Let me say, Beemoov, that writing was so awkward. And that is coming from someone who enjoys tropes and cliches.
Hyun is cute, but I want to see his party side. I want to see the part of him that isn’t working in order for me to make an honest opinon of him. New players would die for him.
Priya is Priya, she hasn’t changed a bit. That is the problem. In 4 years she didn’t change? Okay.
Honestly the only player I have a problem with for the writing is Chani. I love this girl to death, she is cute and her Aesthetic is great. I personally want her whole outfit. She is nice and is great and she would be a great character if everyone, including her, did not keep pointing out that she is goth. Sorry to say adults don’t normally point this stuff out when they are 22/23 years old. Just because someone has a dope aesthetic doesn’t mean an adult would use that as leverage when making fun of someone? And there is no reason for Chani herself to like...go into that persona even as a joke? You can have a goth/witchey aesthetic and that is great. But it doesn’t need to be brought up every time you come into frame.
You would not go up to someone who has a grunge aesthetic and only talk about how grunge they are. 
Overall I am just so dissapointed with the beta. It was only the first episode and not a good representation of the game but...the writing killed me. If they wouldn’t have done Lysander so dirty I probably had a bigger chance to continue on with the game. Especially since I fear that Nathaniel will be the 5th route which honestly would be a bad decision. Either don’t bring back another boy or pick the next popular up. Whether that is Armin, Kentin, Lysander or Nathaniel it is up in the air but in my personal and biased opinion, I want Lysander back.
I will be waiting to play University until the 5th route is confirmed. If it is NOT Lysander I will play the full game not as MY Candy but changing it up. I will change my eye color/ hair color and the story nickname and be someone else. So it probably won’t be for a long time until I play the game
But what I will say is I am done spending money on this.  That is UNLESS THEY PUT OUT A DLC OR ANOTHER SPIN OFF WITH THE REST OF THE ORIGINAL CAST. I would be ruined. 
I am sorry that this was so long but It is how I feel.
Thank you for reading.
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Have you ever write a headcanon about Candy being the one with amnesia and how the boys would react or do for her to remember them? If not I'm totally requesting that C:
Ugggghhhh, I can’t believe I made you wait so long for this. I AM SO SORRY! I hope you like it anon. *ahem*
He would be shaken upon discovering Candy didn’t remember him. He would do his best not to make her uncomfortable for not having any memory of their time together, but he would also be pained by it. She was his anchor, his reason to smile these days, and she helped him through a few really tough situations. So after he took some deep breaths, and recollected himself in private he would dedicate his time to helping her recover, because she deserved that much from him, and he cared for her so much. He would visit as often as he could, bringing her things to read or would read to her outside, such as Dracula, Sleeping Beauty, and poetry. He would also bring you lunch like Candy did for him on the picnic, talk to her about photography, show Candy pics of White, etc. Anything that had to do with things they did together. In the end, what brought back her memories of Nathaniel was when he repeated a specific phrase. She had asked why he always came to see her and said he must have other important things to do than keep her company. He replied “I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else but here, right now…with you.” She stared at him and smiled while blushing, before reminding him that’s exactly what he said before they shared their first kiss. He would brush her hair behind her ear hold her close.
It honestly broke his heart to find out Candy lost her memory. Non the less her memory of him. They had been through so much, and yet he didn’t realize how much until it was lost to one of them. He would try his best to keep a reassuring face while around her, but wouldn’t be able to contain himself once out of sight. He would punch a wall when he let it all bubble up to a boiling point inside, and after getting his frustrations out of his system he would do whatever he could to help her without being too aggressive….he hoped. Castiel understood this would take time, and he should be very careful, but he the Candy he fell for is still in there. He would visit whenever possible and stay until he was kicked out, talk with her, sneak in some junk food because hospital food sucked, joke with and tease her from time to time and just reassure her as much a possible. They would talk about him and Lysander writing songs together and Candy wondering if she could hear him play sometime in the future. So he brought her a disc of some of the songs he, Lysander, Iris and Nathaniel preformed at a school concert for her to listen to. After a few songs, she remarked how she remembered that Rosa made all of them wear some weird outfits and how how good Castiel was playing on stage. It took them both a minute before they realized her memories were coming back, and he kissed her.
Distraught. It was a miracle he was able to stand after another devastating emotional blow. Fist his father becomes sick, Nina was getting too involved in his family affairs, and now….Candy didn’t remember him. What cruel irony? He liked Greek tragedies, but that didn’t mean he wanted to be apart of one in real life. He wouldn’t be able to talk to Candy at first once he received the news of her amnesia. He would just be at a loss for words. But after a visit or two, he would finally harness the strength to speak with Candy on every visit afterwards. Maybe he would show her some of the songs he was working on when he remembered to bring his notebook, and would have Leigh and Rosa accompany him a few times for moral support. He would bring her fresh flowers and replace them if they started to wilt. They would converse and she would ask questions about him and their classmates, and he would inform her as best he could. But in the end, Candy would regain her memories of Lysander the same way he did in the game….an unintentional reenactment of their first encounter. Where Candy thought he was ghost. And it would all come rushing back. Tears welled up in both their eyes and they just stayed in each others arms for a long time.
As soon as she asked who he was and he was informed by the doctor that she lost her memory, Kentin had an out of body experience. He zoned out in disbelief. Candy didn’t remember him. At all. They had known each other for so long. And now…..He wasn’t sure whether to cry out of sadness or frustration. It was all overwhelming. But then he realized this was not about him. This was about Candy and her well-being. He would do all he could to help her, to be there for her. Even if it meant she never remembered him. He would remain a friend to her. So whenever he had a chance he would visit Candy in the hospital. They would wander the halls and talk and he would tell her stories of when they went to middle school together and she would ask about his time at military school when he mentioned he was pulled out of Sweet Amoris shortly after arriving. The day before she was going to be released, he stopped by and gave her a bear. She smiled at it for a while, then looked at Kentin and said she loved it and that she would put it on her dresser with the one he gave her before leaving school. Kentin understood, she remembered him, and pulls her into a tight embrace.
Honestly, he didn’t know how to react. He had never experienced such a thing in his life and his emotions were running every direction that it was hard to focus on just one. Should he be upset? Should he crack a joke? Was that in poor taste? For once, he was just…overwhelmed. Though he and Candy haven’t known each other too long, they had just started dating. And he couldn’t have been happier. He would do anything to hold on to what they had. So he would spend his free time with Candy while she stayed at the hospital. They would talk about movies and he would suggest some for her to see and mention how they could go see a new one once she felt better. He would bring her treats and tell jokes and just…talk. Even if she didn’t remember they were dating, it was nice to get to know her by what she did remember. One day he brought in his gaming console for her to try. She seemed to be having trouble getting the hang of the buttons, he sat behind her and helped her until she was comfortable maneuvering it. She then mentioned this reminded her of the time they both tried to play his console together while locked in the science room. Then they both froze and looked at each other, the ‘winner’ sound emanating from the game.
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