#mob!au sick fic
sayorseee · 2 years
Mob AU (a prompt for when you feel better :) :
Addison’s always taken care of herself. So when she gets sick, and Zed wants to help, she wants NONE of it. Unfortunately, this just results in a very sick and crabby Addison, and an equally determined Zed who wants nothing more then to coddle her until she’s better.
Let Me Love You, a mob au side story (ao3) (ff.net)
warning: this short contains spoilers for Kings, Queens, and the Pawns In Between
PART 1 of 3
Addison Jacobs lays in a curled up ball between two chairs in the employee break room. She's pretty sure she still has twenty minutes before she needs to be up to be cheery, peppy, friendly Addy, instead of the Addy that went to bed a little congested and woke up feeling like she had a love affair with death and was suffering the consequences. 
The back door opens and she feels the heat of sunlight burning against her face. Addison groans, tucking her face into the chair. 
From a few feet away, she hears her manager and close friend, Eliza, ask, “Um, what's wrong with her?” 
Her coworker and other close friend, Wyatt, answers with, “She's sick, but if you ask her–” 
“I'm fine,” Addison grumbles. 
She sits up, her head wavering with a wave of lightheadedness and nausea that she barely managed to ignore. But still, she puts on her best game face. “Just a little tired.” She scrubs a hand over her face to cover up a sniffle. 
“You are definitely sick,” Eliza says. 
“I've been trying to tell her to go home!” 
“I'm fine,” Addison reiterates. 
Wyatt throws his hands up, frustrated. “You look like crap!” Addison simply rolls her eyes; they've been going back and forth like this since she got there, but she didn't plan on admitting she was too sick to be at work. 
Eliza grumbles loudly and Addison looks over, watching her angrily typing on her phone. 
“What are you doing?” 
“I'm getting Willa to come in early. And letting Zed know you refuse to go home and get better.” 
“You won't listen to us!” 
“Zed is not my keeper, and I'm fine!” Addison argues. “I'll just bus tables all day if I have to, but you can’t make me go home.” 
“Addison –” 
She growls, actually, physically growls, startling both Eliza and Wyatt. “I feel fine. Trust me, okay?” She starts for the door to the main dining room, intent on working through her opening procedures (or lying down in one of the booths while Eliza and Wyatt aren't looking), but stops and turns back to them with one final thought. “And don't. Tell. Zed.” 
In Addison's defense, the diner was slow, and Eliza was strict in her duties for today: bussing tables, and only bussing tables. If Addison even so dated as to cough near a patron, she was done. 
But Addison wasn't that sick. Sure, the king she stood the more her head would pound, and the tightness in her chest continued to get worse. But she chugged a bottle of DayQuil this morning, and even sat down in one of the empty booths while the diner was slow to calm her racing heart. 
Which brings her to now: being shaken away by her boyfriend, Zed Necrodopolis. Seabrook's most infamous character, heir to the Necrodopolis family fortune and the mob throne. And the one person Addison didn't want finding out about her little ‘lapse' in health. 
“C’mon, Addy, get up,” Zed grumbles, tugging on her arm and pulling her up into a seated position. 
“I was just…resting my eyes,” she rasps. 
“Mhm, sure you were.” 
Addison just rubs the sleep from her already aching eyes. She has no idea how long she was out for, but she really needs to get back to work. Unfortunately, Zed sits down next to her, boxing her into the booth. 
“Zed, I'm working,” she whines. 
He raises an eyebrow at her. “You were knocked out a second ago.” She rolls her eyes in response. “And, no offense, baby, but you look like crap.” 
“I thought you loved me no matter how I look?” She tries to sound flirty and teasing, but with her sore throat it just sounds pathetic. 
Still, Zed chuckles. He nudged her shoulder playfully, despite her grumpiness. “I'm just worried about you. Eliza says you're refusing to take the day off.” 
“I told her not to tell you,” she mumbles. 
“Well technically, Willa told me.” Zed leans over, showing her his phone with his texts to Willa, starting with a picture of her, passed out in the booth. 
“Yeah.” He repockets his phone. “Do you wanna tell me what's going on? Why you don't wanna go home?” 
Addison frowns. Instead of answering, she leans into his side, hiding away from the world. Zed reached over with his other hand to stroke her hair. “Come on, babe, let me take you home. You can rest up and get back to work as soon as you feel better.” 
“I can’t,” she mumbles. 
He turns his head, and although she can't see him she can picture his face: his big, brown, caring eyes, staring into her soul, prodding her to open up to him. 
She sighs and lifts her head. “It's the twenty-ninth,” she says quietly. “And…I'm still short.” 
His expression shifts, a deep frown filling his gestures. “Addy…” 
“I can pay my own rent, Zed.” 
“But at the expense of your health?” he counters. She clamps up and he continues, “Number one, you spend more time at my place than your own home. And you know you can always ask me for help, no matter how big or small the ask.” 
He cuts her off, knowing what she's going to say before she can say it. “Addy, you know I don't think that. And I don't care what other people think. I know you love me, and I love you. And I'm always around to help you. Even if it's as simple as reminding your stubborn self that you should not be working customer service when you’re this sick. I mean, people will complain.” 
Addison giggles, which quickly turns into a fit of congested coughs. Zed pays her back until she claims her breathing down enough to return to her normal, sickly labored breathing. 
Okay, maybe she should go home. 
“Come on,” Zed says as he slides out of the booth, “I'll take you home. Make you my mom’s famous chicken noodle soup.” 
“You mean the soup we have here.” 
Zed holds out a hand which she graciously takes, letting him pull her up to her feet. 
“Well I make it better 'cause I'm a Necrodopolis. We add a little extra love.” He even kisses her temple, then walks her to the break room in the diner. 
Addison slides into a chair at the break room table, the same table she'd been laying at that morning when Eliza first found her, and put her head down while Zed went into Eliza's office. She didn't know what he planned on telling her, and frankly, she didn't care. With every passing second, her head grew heavier and heavier. 
She vaguely remembers Zed coming back out and taking her outside to his waiting car, but everything after that ends up as a blur.
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thewildlorelei · 1 year
Love is Sick and Love is Blind (Mob AU)
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pairing: wally darling/original female character(Millie Morning)
rating: M
pretty obvious but this is fan content of welcome home
author's note:  Millie is my Welcome Home oc! Millie is a bunny puppet so there will be mention of things like her ears and tail and bunny feet. Just didn’t want people going in and being confused about the bunny talk. I will add reference art for what Millie looks like in this au once I get around to actually designing it lol. The design and concept for Mob Boss Wally comes from the Welcome Home Mob AU from clownsuu which is also linked. I highly recommend you check out their stuff if you haven’t already, it’s amazing. Please also note that this is more inspired by their au so I will be adding some of my own interpritation of things and won’t be 100% accurate to their canon lore for the au. Ok I think that’s everything for now, sorry this is so long lol Also the inspiration for the garden comes from "The boss's garden" on AO3 by Anonymous.
ao3 link, check here for tags related to rating
Mob Boss Wally Darling
Chapter 1 - Somewhere Only You Know
Today just had to be the worst day of Millie’s life. Why else would she be hiding away in the corner of a magnificent garden crying. She was in the most beautiful garden she had ever seen and she was sitting there, not enjoying any of it.
To be honest she shouldn’t even be here. She didn’t know who owned this garden. It was in the middle of town and didn’t seem to be a public place so she was technically trespassing. It wasn’t her fault though. She just needed a place to hide for a bit, just until she calmed down. There wasn’t anyone else here that she could see so she figured she was relatively safe.
Millie had only been living in the city for a couple of months now but things were already going badly. She just didn’t know what to do anymore, and so here she was crying. Because crying was what she was good at, it was like she was born to cry. She did it all the time, over every little thing. Most people around her thought it was annoying, that she was just being dramatic and a big cry baby. It really bothered her that they thought that, as if she could control it.
She wiped at her eyes under where they were hidden by her bangs, trying to stem the flow. It wasn’t helping. She had created a wet spot on her skirt where she had been leaning with her head on her knees. She was trying to think about her options, what she could do about her problems that were piling up. That was until a voice startled her from her thoughts.
“Hello there, neighbor.”
Millie gasped. Her ears shot straight up as she quickly lifted her head from her knees. There was a man standing beside the fence leading to her hiding spot. He was short, about the same height as her, his hair was blue and curly and pulled up into a messy roll on top. Curls fell loose beside his ears and down between his eyes. He was dressed nicely with striped pants, a white button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, suspenders, and a red ascot. A too large jacket was draped around his shoulders and he had his hands in his pockets. But the thing that was most notable about him was the scar over his right eye.
The eye was closed, she wondered if that meant it was gone. His other eye was trained on her, half lidded with an almost lazy look. He was smiling, so at least it didn’t seem like he was mad to find her here.
“I don’t mean to interrupt but I heard you crying.”
“Oh! I’m so sorry, is this your garden? I didn’t mean to intrude, I didn't think anyone was here.” She started to get up, wiping at her eyes again. “It is, but that’s alright, I usually come here to be alone, but it seems like you needed some alone time too.” He said with a laid back smile on his face. She couldn’t help but blush in embarrassment at getting caught, happy her face was so hidden behind her hair.
“I’m really sorry, I’ll just go.” Millie started to move from the corner she was in.
“You can’t leave yet, you’ve made me so curious why a beautiful girl like you is crying by herself in my garden.” He gave her a charming smile. “Please, walk with me. I’ll show you around the garden and you can tell me about it.” He tilted his head to gesture that she should come over to him. He had an intimidating air that she couldn’t quite place. It felt like he must be in charge of something, he had a commanding presence. She really didn’t want to upset him but she also knew not to trust strange men. He must be rich and powerful, she thought, for him to own such a large beautiful garden in the middle of the city.
He must have sensed her hesitation. “I promise I’m a good listener.” That was it, she couldn’t just walk away when he was being so nice about it. And honestly? She really could use someone to talk to, and she didn’t have anyone else at the moment. She smiled. “Alright. I would love to see the garden after all. I used to do some gardening myself, this place is magnificent.”
He led them over to a brick pathway that wound its way through the whole garden. He slowly walked beside her with even relaxed steps, pointing out a couple of things here and there that he liked most. About halfway through he slowed his pace. “So tell me, what brought you to my garden?”
She looked away. “Oh it all feels so silly now.”
“I’d like to hear about it anyway.” There was a slight tone in his voice that made her feel like this was more of a demand than a request. “Well, I moved to this city only a couple months ago. I moved in with my grandparents cause they are the only family I have left and I had nowhere else to go after my mom died. I didn’t have enough money to support myself at the time and they were nice enough to let me stay.” She started to fidget with her hands again. “But..they have changed since I was little. They have very strong expectations for people and have rigid ideas on what a person should be and do with their life. I ended up lying to them about what I was doing for work because I knew they wouldn’t like it.”
“What do you do?”
“I’m a bartender. I really enjoy it actually, despite the drawbacks.” He nodded in understanding. “But this morning they found out what I had been doing. They were so mad, more than I thought they would be. They said what I was doing was sinful and that if I was going to do the devil's work that I wasn’t allowed to live there anymore. Not only that, they told me that they were disowning me, that I wasn’t their granddaughter anymore.” Her voice was tight, trying to swallow the tears that were forming again.
“I’m sorry to hear that. Family should be there for each other no matter what. And disowning family? Just deciding you don’t want to be family anymore? It doesn’t make sense. Family is for life.” There was something intense in the way he talked about it. “You must be very close to your family.” Millie prompted. “Oh yes, my family is everything to me.” She smiled. “That sounds so nice.” There was longing in her voice. They continued walking in silence for a moment.
“You know, that doesn’t actually explain how you ended up here in the garden.” “Oh yeah. Well, it’s sort of related. Like I said, I work at a bar nearby and a couple of days ago there were these two guys in there giving me a hard time. I work alone most of the time, except for the bouncer of course. They were so drunk and just wouldn’t leave me alone and I finally had to kick them out. They were pretty upset about it. They kept yelling and threatening to send the mob after me for treating them like that. It did freak me out a little.”
“The mob, huh?” He said, a hint of mirth in his voice. “What did these guys look like?” She described them to him and he hummed. “Sounds about right. I don’t think you’ll have to worry about them. Either they were lying about being in with the mob or they are so low level that no one will care if they got kicked out of some bar.” “Oh really? That’s honestly such a relief. I’m not trying to get on someone’s bad side right after I just got to this town.” Millie stopped for a moment to admire a bush of incredible multi-colored hydrangeas.
“Anyway, today I was taking a walk trying to clear my head and I just happened to see those men ahead on the street coming towards me. I was so upset from getting kicked out earlier and I really didn’t want to chance anything happening with them so I came down the alley over there.” She pointed to the fence where you could see a gap in the buildings on the other side. “I think they saw me cause they started following me down the alley. So I jumped the fence and ended up here.”
“You…jumped the fence? There’s razor wire at the top, how did you manage…?” She stuck out a foot, showing off her bare rabbit feet. “I’m really good at jumping high.” She laughed and continued her story. “Luckily it doesn’t seem like they kept following me. I was just so overwhelmed that I sat down and cried.” She turned her face away from him, feeling a little ashamed. “I cry really easy, people tend to call me a crybaby.” She laughed at herself a little.
“There’s no shame in crying, neighbor. All of that sounds like you are justified. I think I'd even shed some tears if I lost my family.” She looked back to him, giving him an appreciative smile. “So that’s it, that’s my sad story.”
“Hmm.” He thought for a moment. “What I’m hearing is that you need a new place to stay.” Her head fell forward slightly. “Yeah, I guess I do. I was planning on staying at a motel or something till I can find a new place.” She knew she shouldn’t be offering up so much information about herself to him, he was still just a stranger, but there was something about him that made her want to tell him everything.
“No, we can’t have that, neighbor.” He stopped beside a bush of beautiful shasta daisies, leaning down to pick one. He twirled the stem between his fingers. She noticed he had a silver ring on every finger on both hands.
“I know an apartment building nearby, it’s very nice, recently built. Rent’s high but I’ll give them a call and tell them I know someone looking for a place and ask them to lower rent to match what you can afford. How does that sound?” Millie was silent for a moment, shocked by the offer. “Really? That’s…that’s amazing…and..way too generous of you. We’ve only just met and you’d do that for me?”
He laughed, it was an awkward stuttered laugh, but it felt genuine. “Of course. I couldn’t very well just let you leave here knowing you had nowhere to go. Here…” He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a business card. “This is the place. Give them a call later and they’ll get you sorted out.” She took the card and just stared at it like it was too good to be true. “Wow, how can I ever thank you for helping me like this?” He brought his hand to his chin as if he were considering it. “I’d like you to stay in touch, and go out to dinner with me sometime.” Her face felt hot. “Well I suppose that’s the least I can do to repay you for helping me like this.” “Deal?” He reached out as if to shake on it. She took his hand and laughed, shaking it. “Deal.”
He turned to keep walking along the path. “There is only a little more to see, then I’ll show you the door so you can leave without hopping over the fence.” She winced. “Sorry again about that.” She could feel him looking at her so she tried to pretend not to notice.
“What do you know about the local mob?” He asked suddenly. “It’s just that you mentioned those men and I’ve been wondering how much you know since you’re so new in town.”
“Hmmm, I know some stuff. I hear things in passing working at the bar. As far as I know there are two main families in this town. The Flowers?” He nodded stiffly. “And the other is the Home family I think?” “Yeah that’s right.” He was looking at her again. She almost felt like he was testing her. So she tried to offer more. “I really don’t know much beyond that. Oh! I do know the names of the heads of each family. There’s Aster Flowers, for the Flowers family of course, and the other is Wally Darling if I remember right. The guys at the bar talking about it said he was pretty scary. I’d really hate to get on his bad side, so I hope you’re right that he wouldn’t come after me.”
He laughed again, lighting touching his fingertips to his forehead. “I don’t think you have anything to worry about.” He raised his hand, gently placing the daisy in her hair behind her ear. She felt butterflies fluttering in her stomach. There was just something so charming about him. He felt dangerous in a way but she couldn’t help but feel drawn in. They finally reached a gate that led out back to the street.
“Let me ask one last favor, let's say as ‘payment’ for entering my garden.” She laughed awkwardly again. “My sob story wasn’t enough?” “Not quite.” He sounded serious. “Um, sure.” That made her nervous, what if it was something she didn’t want to say or do?
“Let me see your eyes.”
“My eyes?” She asked. Well that was certainly much better than anything else that had flashed through her mind. “Yes.” He said, staring at her intently. She looked away for a moment. “Alright, I suppose.” She didn’t really mind, there was nothing to hide, well except for her face in general, but that was more of a comfort thing than an insecure thing. She reached up and pushed her bangs out of the way of her eyes. “It’s not like they're anything special.” She laughed to herself. He was silent for a moment. Actually maybe she was starting to feel insecure.
Her eyes darted to his, he was so focused on her it made the heat rise in her cheeks again but this time she couldn’t hide it. His pupil dilated and his smile grew. After a moment he lightly shook his head. “Sorry for staring, but you have lovely eyes. Also that heart on your cheek is a surprise.”
She dropped her bangs, feeling safe again from having her emotions on such obvious display. “Oh yeah, I’ve always had that, kids used to tease me about it.” Ske mentally kicked herself a little, why had she said that. She thought that she better get out of there soon, this was all very intense and she felt like she needed time to breathe and think about all of this. He was staring again despite his apology for doing so, it gave her goosbumps. She thought she better thank him again and get going.
“Thank you again, mister…” She stopped, eyes going wide. “Oh! Where are my manners! You’ve been so kind and I haven’t even introduced myself.” She stuck out her hand. “I’m Millie Morning!” The smile that appeared on his face could have made her melt. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Millie.” He took her hand in his.
“I’m Wally, Wally Darling.”
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sarahowritesostucky · 2 months
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Happy Little Family
📖"A Clever, Tricky Little Kitty Cat: Just like her Mommy"
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 4407
Tags: dark!Bucky, mafia/mob au, dubcon/noncon, a/b/o, threats and coercion, rape, forced pregnancy, forced domestic "bliss", yandere, kid fic
Summary: You thought you'd left behind the man who turned out to be more dangerous than you'd ever imagined. But one day he walks back into your life and reminds you that, come hell or high water, you're all going to be one happy. little. family.
This chapter: Bucky shows up unannounced at your cottage, shattering the peaceful life you thought you'd reclaimed for yourself and your daughter. He's reclaiming what's his, and he isn't planning on accepting a "no."
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Nickname Dictionary: vorishka = "little thief" mamochka = "mommy/little mother" kotenok= "kitty/kitten" omegya = (made up) Russian spelling of omega omegechka = (made up) "little omega" shlyukha = "slut" krasotka = "Pretty(n.)/pretty one"
1. A Clever, Tricky Little Kitty Cat, Just like her Mommy
"And then the knight took the princess away to his castle, and they lived happily ever after."
You're just outside the nursery when you hear his voice, and ice cold fear instantly floods your chest. You drop the laundry basket and run into the room, and there he is: seated in the chair you nurse from, reading one of the antique fairytale books that your mom gave at the shower, holding your baby. 
"James," you breathe, horrified. He's been smiling down at June, but now his face smooths out as he looks up at you. He isn't frowning or glaring, but you know him, and there's a storm behind those eyes that makes dread curl heavy in your stomach. "Hi Doll," he says quietly. "It's good to see you again."
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Your heart pounds in your chest. You feel sick. One wrong move and who knows what he'll do. You take a cautious step forward, eyes searching James' body and anywhere nearby for a gun. You don't see one. You take another step. "James," you warn,
June makes a happy gurgle at seeing you, and James coos down at her, "Aw, yeah Sweetie. I'm happy to see Mommy too."
Mommy. Hearing that word come out of his mouth, in a setting like this, is a nightmare you've woken from more than once. You lick your lips and hold out your arms, pleading, "Please give her to me."
He acts like he hasn't even heard you, smiling and tapping June's body with one finger. "We were just reading a story. Little lady is gonna be a big reader one day, I bet. Gonna grow up to be real smart." His gaze slides back to you, with what you interpret as a world-of-hurt-coming-your-way look glimmering in his eyes. "A clever, tricky little kitty cat. Just like her Mommy."
A whimper escapes you, unbidden. 
June starts squirming in his lap, eager to get to you. When he doesn’t hand her over, she starts to fuss. He coos at her and bounces her in his arms to calm her, kisses the top of her head while keeping his somber, reproachful eyes on you. “You left your door unlocked,” he says. “She was alone.”
She’d been down for her nap when you went downstairs and popped across the street to visit with Hilde, your one friend in the world. It’s so common for mothers to do, in this tiny, Nordic village you’ve settled in. It’s the culture here. It’s supposed to be safe. You swallow thickly, eyes flitting around to try and think of what to do. You think of your gun, so far away. You’d talked yourself out of keeping it tucked behind your bed, so now the only weapon you own is down in the kitchen. But maybe … maybe if you can get him away from June … 
“You should be more careful, Little thief. You never know who might break in and take everything you love.”
“The only thing we had to guard against here was you,” you hiss. “And I’m not fool enough to think a locked door would keep you out.”
“You’re damned right it wouldn’t.” He tosses the storybook aside like trash and stands up with June in his arms. “But you are a fool if you thought there was anywhere in the world you could go where I wouldn’t find you.”
You flinch forward compulsively, unable to think of your own safety over your baby’s. “Please, James,” you beg. “Please. Just give her to me.” 
“Oh no, Dollface,” he purrs, voice deceptively soft. “We’ve got a lot of catching up to do, and you aren’t gonna want her in the room when it happens.” His hands tighten threateningly on June’s little body. “Whose baby is this?”
You blanch. “Don’t hurt her.” 
“Aw. You don’t want me to hurt her?” 
“No, please!” The sob that’s been working its way up in your throat finally breaks. It’s killing you not to rush forward and snatch her from his arms. “Please, I'll do anything.”
“Is that so?” He stares at you long and hard. The few seconds of silence are torturous as he holds your daughter away from you. 
James is one of the deadliest people you’ve ever met, and he’s capable of horrendous violence, but he wouldn’t hurt a baby, that much you do know. What you have to worry about most right now isn’t him physically hurting her; it’s him wanting her, whisking her away right alongside you, when he inevitably takes you from this place. There’s nothing you can do to prevent your own fate, but if there’s anything you can do to keep him from getting his hands on June, you’ll do it. Your eyes flit around the nursery frantically, its pale, dream-like decorations taunting you as you try to think of what to do. It feels surreal to have a man like James standing in this room, feels wrong.
Your heart leaps when he suddenly moves, but he’s only turning to walk over to the crib, bending and placing June in it with a surprising amount of care. Something painful lances in your chest at seeing him handle her so gently, but when he turns back around to you, all of that gentleness is gone. “Come on,” he snaps. “To the other bedroom.” 
You hesitate, not wanting to leave your daughter alone, but he stalks forward and grabs your upper arm, herding you out of the nursery and down the hallway. In your bedroom, he pushes you onto the bed. You land in a heap and scramble to prop back up on your hands, trying to swipe the hair out of your face.
“Whose baby is that?” he demands. “Tell me. I want to hear you say it.”
His Voice. God. After almost a year and a half it should be lessened. The pull you feel when you hear it has no right to tug at you the way it does. You’re not even mated, which makes it all the more insulting. It gets in through your ears and spreads throughout your body, like an invasive plant, growing and sinking its roots into you and tug, tug tugging on your will: Whose baby is that.
You fight the awful urge to tell him, as you rapidly, fearfully weigh your options. It’s hard to think when you’re so frightened, so taken aback. Most people might think it wise to admit the truth, but you know this man, this alpha, and you know he’ll never let her go if he knows that she’s his. Anything, you think. You have to do anything you can to keep her from that life, that world. 
Heart in your throat, you insist, “Noone.”
“Noone?” His visage darkens. “Artificial insemination, then? I know they’re progressive and all up here, but don’t take me for a fool, mamochka.”
“It was just some guy! Just a one night stand, I swear!”
He surges in, gets one knee up on the bed and pushes you onto your back when you try to get up, leaning over you and holding you down by your shoulders. “So you did let another man fuck you,” he growls.
You jut your chin out and hiss, “Yes.” (Lying Rule #1: deliver your bullshit with confidence).
“Who? Was he alpha?”
“Why do you care? It was one night in Oslo.” (Rule #2: add in one or two unimportant details.)
“What’s. his. name?” 
A bitter sound escapes you (Rule #3: attach honest emotion to it, if you can). “I don’t know his name. I never did. I was just racking up a roster, just wanted to get laid after getting away from you.”
He bares his teeth at you in a snarl, furious, and shoves you harder against the mattress. You cry out and try to hit him, but he catches your wrists and holds them down to the bed easily, shoving you again, one of his powerful thighs pressed up between yours. “You’re mine,” he growls, getting in your face, lying on top of you. “Noone else’s. Not ever.”
You whimper and nod, shaken and keenly aware of his body on top of yours, his strength. James is a massive hulk of an alpha, capable of overpowering you in any situation, and even through your frantic thoughts, you know you’ll never be able to get away from him in close contact like this. He’s so angry, his scent gone thick and choking. You’re too panicked to plan out what it is you’re going to say next, you just wind up instinctively trying to placate him, blurting out, “What do you want?”
He leers down at you. “I want what’s mine. What’s always been mine.” On your wrists, his fingers tighten cruelly. “You’ve had your fun now, and gotten away with it for too damn long. You’re coming home with me, Little thief.”
You gasp as the pressure on your wrists increases painfully, mind flying to that cold, Siberian fortress and the life that awaits you there. You might be able to get away from him before then, but you might not, and you can’t risk June being trapped there as well. “Okay, okay! I’ll go with you, I will. Wherever you want. Just … Please let me give her to the neighbor. Please.”
He smiles nastily down at you. “Oh, you don’t want her to come along? Another man’s pup?”
Tears press at the backs of your eyes at the thought of leaving your daughter behind, but you shake your head. “Please. Just take her over to the woman across the street. She’ll look after her. Please James, she's my daughter. I won’t fight you if you leave her there. She’s nothing to you. Just let her stay where it’s safe.” 
Something in his expression shifts, but you don’t have time to figure out what the emotion might be, before he shutters again. He leans down and purrs, “Oh, I don’t know, vorishka [little thief]. You stole some very valuable things from me. And since I don’t see any fucking Picassos hanging in this hovel you call a house, I assume they’re in the wind.”
It wasn’t as though you’d simply been able to run away. Escaping had required finances, techniques, firms of dangerous men hired to plant false leads, erase tracks, ferret you away into oblivion, and then move halfway across the globe and buy yourself a new identity. The bribes alone had eaten up most of the money. You shudder in his grip, knowing that the paintings wouldn’t save you, even if you did have them. “They’re gone.” 
“I know they’re gone, Little thief.” He shoves his thigh down against you. “So how are you gonna make it up to me?”
You whimper. “I can’t,” you plead. “James. I don’t have anything.”
“Oh, I don’t know about that. I can think of a few ways you can start repaying your debt.” He runs one hand down your side, groping your waist as he breathes softly against your ear: “For instance, do you have any idea what she’d be worth on the black market?”
It takes you a split second to figure out what he means, and your heart seizes in terror as soon as you do. You know James is involved in every type of shady, illegal dealing there is in the world, but you’d never even considered the idea of human trafficking. Now that he’s said it, you panic that you’ve made a huge mistake by lying that the baby isn’t his. “James,” you whisper, horrified. “Alpha, please.”
“Oh, it’s Alpha, now, is it?” He chuckles meanly, the sound making your stomach churn. You’re about to say something else, beg in some other, pitiful way, tell him he’s June’s father, but instead you cry out as his hand fists in your hair and yanks your head to the side. His breath hits hot against your skin and he drags his nose up the side of your neck, scenting you. “Mmm,” he hums darkly, pleased. “You spread your legs for another man, but you didn’t let anyone in here.”
You squeak when his teeth scrape over your still-unmarked glands. “No!” you gasp, just as much an answer as it is a plea for nim not to bite you. “I didn’t, I didn’—”
“Shut up,” he snaps, closing his teeth down on the spot. You whine as he pulls your hair and slowly increases the pressure of his bite, threatening to break the skin. Horrified, you feel your body responding with arousal, heat blooming deep in your core. You squeeze your eyes shut, and sure enough few seconds later James is inhaling deeply and chuckling. “Oh, kotenok [kitten]. Still the same as ever, huh?” He shifts, hand slipping down between your legs and cupping you from over the fabric of your dress. “Ripe for your Alpha’s touch, even after all this time. How sweet.” Humiliated rage bubbles up inside of you and you glare up at him. He’s looking down fondly at you, eyes heated and lip drawn into his mouth. He lets it slide back out between his teeth and murmurs, “It’s okay, you know. It’s everything to me, omegechka [little omega], the way you respond. It’s only natural.” You growl angrily, but he just hums and tugs your hair again, other hand molding to your mound and rubbing. “Shh sh sh,” he hushes, when you cry out louder. “Don’t want to scare the whelp, do you?” 
You freeze, listening to try and hear June. She’s whining from over in her room,  not understanding why she’s been left alone when she can hear her mommy’s voice just down the hall. “Please,” you whisper, locking eyes with James again. “Please. Let me go to her.”
He grinds the heel of his hand against you. “I told you, Dollface. You don’t want her here for this.”
He kisses you on the mouth, chaste and lingering; so gentle that for a split second it makes you ache for what you once had with him. James always was very good at making love to you, at lavishing you with a softness and a tenderness even in the darkest of times. But now you can only shiver underneath his weight, because you know that’s not what’s about to happen. 
“Seventeen months, moya omegya,”  he rumbles quietly, lips brushing yours with the words. “My bed suddenly cold, not knowing if you were alive or dead. Do you have any idea what that did to me?”
His tone of voice is so intimately familiar that it makes your heart clench, bringing back memories of a life you’ve fought so hard to put behind you. “Please,” you whisper. “Don’t do this.”
He tuts and shakes his head softly, as if he’s actually remorseful. “How this goes depends entirely on you. I want you to know that.” He hasn’t stopped working his hand against you, rubbing his palm against your clit and smiling at how you shudder beneath him and your body betrays you. You watch his nostrils flare as he smells the reaction he’s pulling from you against your will. “Sweet girl,” he coos. “You just can’t help it, can you?” You toss your head and screw your eyes shut, but he’s having none of it. He yanks your hair and hisses at you to open your eyes. “No,” he warns, once he’s got your attention. He moves back, getting up onto his knees and shrugging off his jacket. “You’re going to watch. The whole time.” His hands land on his belt, the buckle clinking as he opens it and undoes his pants. “I want to look right in your eyes while I take back what’s mine.” He shoves his pants down along with his underwear. His cock springs free, already hard and wet at the tip. A part of him that’s been inside you hundreds of times, probably. Something you’ve craved and debased yourself for. 
Seeing it reignites your shame, but it’s the way you feel your cunt pulse and release a fresh wave of slick, that really makes you start resisting again. “Nnh!”
“Ah ah ah, Dollface. That’s not gonna work.”
“Nugh! Lemmo go!”  
You fight, of course you do, but it’s almost worse that way, as it only points out how comically mismatched you are to him. He laughs at you and holds down your thrashing body, barely even grunting from the effort of subduing you. “Shh sh sh,” he hushes, chuckling breathily as he forces you down with one hand and strokes himself with the other. “I have to tell you, kotenok. I’ve been looking forward to this.” 
“I hate you!” You manage to get a hand free and you flail, hitting and clawing at him. He inhales sharply as your nails scratch his face. He knocks your hand away with a surprised hiss and, wide eyed, touches the spot where a tiny line of red is welling up on his cheek. The next thing you know, he’s backhanding you, sending spots into your vision and knocking you out of your senses for a few seconds. Your ears ring and you blink, stunned.
His hand appears at your throat, squeezing, pressing up against the arteries. You briefly grapple with him, grabbing his forearm and fighting, but then his thumb notches into place and digs into your glands. Your cries taper off and you go limp with a pathetic, mewling whimper. “Nnnh …”
He leers down at you, adjusting his grip, still jerking his cock as he subdues you with the Hold. “Weak,” he says. “But that’s just how I like you.”
His thumb rubs in circles, sending a rush of liquid gold through your veins. It worsens the situation between your legs, and you can’t hide that any more than you can hide the humiliated tears that prick to your eyes as he shoves your dress up and rips your underwear straight off of you. He coos when he looks down and sees how wet you are. “Oh, omegechka.” He knees your legs further apart and drags his cockhead through your folds. “And this is you hating me?”
You shake with a silent sob, despising him with your whole being, hating yourself for reacting this way. Before James, you’d never met a man who coveted your omega nature so much, hadn’t known what it was to need an alpha that way, to have your body need him. And to think: you used to like it.
He lines himself up and sinks inside of you in one, unyielding push, forcing you to open to him, carving out his space inside of you. You cry out at the force of it, body clamping down hard and the delicate skin at your entrance stinging from the stretch, but he doesn’t stop until he’s fully seated. “Fuck,” he groans, grinding in deep, his pubic bone pressing against your clit, laughing darkly when it makes you squeal. “Oh, you sensitive?” He does it again, and again, doesn’t stop until he gets a high pitched, warbling moan from you. “Theere she is.” He digs his thumb in harder against your glands and stares right in your eyes as he watches the effect it has on you, soaking up the flush in your face and the furious tears welling at the corners of your eyes. “I know, Sweetheart, I know,” he murmurs. “You really can’t help it, can you?” You whimper and he nods along in mock sympathy. “Poor little thing. I can’t imagine what it must be like, to need it that bad.” 
He pulls out halfway and shoves back in, hard, rumbling in pleasure when it elicits another yelp from you. His other hand grabs at your waist, fingers digging into the soft give of your body. He hums dirtily. “I have to say, I’m pleasantly surprised. You look good for having just pushed out that pup. You look healthy.” You whine in protest and he fucks in hard again, baring his teeth in a mean smile. “Yeah, momma, you heard me.” He pulls out, thrusts back in. 
He laughs. “Don’t be like that, krasotka [Pretty(n.)]. I like it. You always were too skinny for my taste.” He runs his hand from your waist up to the top of your dress, yanking it down along with the cup of your bra, and groaning when your swollen breast spills out. You squeal in rage as he curses quietly, eyes going molten and unfocused. “Fuck, Honey, look at you.”
You start thrashing again hard, trying to hit him, but you only get a glancing blow to the side of his head before he refixes his hand on your throat and clamps down in another Hold. He gives you a firm shake. “Settle down. I told you: I like it..”
“Nnn, fuck you!” You spit on him, but he only laughs and wipes it away, leering down at you and continuing gleefully,
“Shouldn’t be skinny like some damn underwear model. Mm mn, naw. Now you’re nice and soft, just like you should be. Somethin’ for Alpha to grab onto. Bitty waist and a fat ass.” He grabs your waist again and pulls you down into the next roll of his hips, changing the angle and hitting that spot inside of you that makes stars burst in your vision.
“Mmhm. Right there baby? Yeah, thaat’s the spot. I remember.” He’s panting open-mouthed, breathless as he taunts you, “I remember everything. What you like. How you feel. The sounds you make. Fuck.”  He shoves into you hard and holds there, his licked-red lips curling up wickedly. “Your cunt’s fluttering around me, Sweetheart. Clamping down so fucking hard.” 
He laughs, but his smile slackens as his own pleasure continues to build. He angles back and looks down your body, stares at where his cock is disappearing inside of you with lewd, wet sounds. “Shit, momma. And this pussy snapped back real good, didn’t it?” 
You cry out angrily, but it’s what he wants: to see you aroused and humiliated and furious at him. He sets a punishing pace, his hips slamming against you hard on the end of each, brutal thrust; his open belt and the zip of his fly digging into your ass every time he grinds inside. “You haven't been fucking anybody,” he says smugly. “How long’s it really been, mamochka? Hm? How long since another man was in this cunt?”
You moan miserably, his cock driving hard against your walls, too rough but not painful enough to keep it from feeling good. James is big, has an alpha’s cock, and it’s never been a physical possibility for him to be inside of you and not rub against every spot that makes your body light up in pleasure. You shake your head and try to close your eyes, but he pushes his hand up harder underneath your jaw, shaking you. “Uh uh. Look at me.” 
You can’t fight off the command of his Voice, not when he’s already dominating you so completely. Your eyes open against your will, full of tears, and he rumbles in satisfaction. 
Every whimper and mewl you make drives him on, stoking the angry satisfaction that’s burning in his eyes—eyes that you can’t look away from as you cry out again and again, little “Ah, ah, ah's” that interrupt the cadence of your skin slapping together, all of his eager growls and satisfied grunts.
“That’s it, shlyukha,” he pants, hips snapping in hard, again and again. “You—ugh—you let Alpha know how good that feels. Don’t hold it back from me.” His breathing is getting heavier the closer he gets, his composure and even his anger losing some of their hold as he fucks you harder, sinks down on you farther, covers you with his body fully as he ruts into you in pursuit of his climax. “Shit,”  he hisses not far from your ear, face stuffed in your neck. 
You keen high in your throat at his proximity to your bonding glands—a plaintive sound that directly contradicts the panicked ‘no!’ that flashes in your brain. His hand leaves the front of your neck and scoops around behind instead, gripping you at the nape in a Scruff that feels just as toe-curlingly right as the Hold had. 
For a very split second, his breath hitches and his growling trips into a needy whimper. “O-oh …” And that’s when you feel it: his knot starting to catch on the end of each thrust.
“Ah!” You cry out sharply and grab onto him, helpless to keep your body from seeking out more, from clinging to him and clamping down hard as his knot grows and triggers you into orgasm. “Hhgnn …”
He goes feral when he feels your body locking down on him, growling and shoving in and grinding to ensure that he catches inside and ties you together. His hand abandons your neck entirely as he gives in to the instinct to rut, both arms wrapping around your waist, scooping under your back and holding you still for him to fuck furiously against. The tug of his knot inside your cunt makes you sob and come harder, losing sense of yourself as the pleasure cuts through you like a knife. 
“Fuck, fuck, ohhfuck …” The sound of his deep voice, so lost in the desperation and helplessness of his own pleasure, makes your belly flare hot with new arousal even as you’re coming down the other side of it. You gasp and pant, and eventually whimper as the bliss dissipates and you become more aware of him on top of you, grunting and groaning and fucking into your tie as he rides out the long, debilitating climax of an alpha.
You keep your eyes closed and cry, hating that it still feels good as he fucks into you, grinds down on your clit and gives your another orgasm, and another. You wait for him to finish as your brain fills with the high that comes after, that unavoidable pink cloud that you know is going to seal your fate and make you helpless to him for the next thirty minutes, at least. You squeeze your eyes shut and turn your head in the direction of the pillows. 
As the high starts to take you, you think about how, if you’d just kept your gun holstered behind by the headboard like you’d planned, you could be blowing his brains out right about now.
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A.N.: Soooo ... This is the rape-iest thing I've ever ever written. I hope y'all are okay. Just wanted to drop a note to let you know that this fic WILL lighten up and not be quite so, well, rapey, in the future. Thanks for reading! 💖Sarah
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Story Masterlist
🍵Consider tipping your friendly neighborhood starving artist smut author!
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This has been a fill for:
Event: @anyfandomdarkbingo
Card: sarahyellow/sarah-writes-stucky
Square I2: Face Slapping
Event: @badthingshappenbingo
Card: sarah-writes-stucky/sarahyellow
Square G3: rape/non-con
Event: @marvel-smash-bingo
Card: sarah-writes-stucky
Square O5: Rough Sex
Event: @sebastianstanbingo
Card: saraowritesostucky
Square N5: Revenge Sex'
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Tag List (I'm doing my best, people 😅): @cjand10, @violetwinterwidow01, @ppbhquinn, @myfavbuckyfics, @liannafae, @sadsackssss, @timidquindim, @dakotali, @rayofdawnworld
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navybrat817 · 1 year
Partners in Crime
Pairing: Mob!Nick Fowler x Female Reader Summary: A night out with one of your father's most trusted associates puts you on a new and dangerous path. Word Count: Over 1.9k Warnings: Implied e/xplicit s/exual content, d/runk s/ex (con-sensual), d/rinking, talk of v/iolence, p/ossessive behavior, possible soft!dark vibes if you squint, engagement, not-so-great dad, Nick Fowler (he's a warning, okay?). Graphic talent and thanks: Banner - @sgt-seabass, Divider - @firefly-graphics , Nick edit - Nix, Moodboard - yours truly A/N: Welcome to my Wicked Arrangements AU! For @the-slumberparty 's April Writing Challenge (prompt in bold italics) and we'll see a few other characters down the road. ❤️ Beta read by the wonderful @whisperlullaby and pre-read by @slyyywriting ​, but any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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The first thought that entered your mind when you woke up was that you were never drinking whiskey again. You couldn't even remember how much you had, but you weren’t going to bounce back immediately from this hangover. You tried to avoid getting drunk whenever you could. At least it wasn't at your dad's party.
Not that you stuck around for most of it anyway.
Nick Fowler, one of the most powerful men in the city and your dad's most trusted associate, was waiting by your car when you left.
"Why don't we have a real party?
A man as ruthless and dangerous as he is beautiful, there was a reason why so many wanted him on their side. He wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty or the kind of man to cross. Though he didn't say much to you with your dad around, it didn't stop him from eye fucking you every chance he had.
It was only natural that you wanted him.
"Sure. I could use a distraction."
"Oh, sweetheart, I'll give you much more than that."
With a groan, you cracked one eye open and then the other. The pounding headache made it difficult to see as you tried to blink away the spots in your vision. If you had to choose an equivalent to what your throat felt like, sandpaper would be the closest. At least you didn't get sick. The bed you laid in was also comfortable and the sheets kept your naked body warm enough.
You forgot about the pain in your head as the ache between your legs grabbed your attention.
Oh, yeah. That happened.
Closing your eyes, a blurred vision of tangled limbs surfaced, the blue eyes of Nick piercing through the fog.
“Knew you’d take my cock like a good girl.”
And you did over and over.
Doing your best not to move too fast, you carefully turned your head and opened your eyes again. You expected to see him sleeping beside you, but he wasn’t there. Gently touching the spot, you noticed it still had a bit of warmth. Maybe he went to the bathroom or decided to get breakfast.
It took a moment to register that something sparkled on your left hand as sunlight peeked in through the curtain. “What the hell?” you mumbled as you stared at the diamond ring on the fourth digit.
A ring that looked suspiciously like an engagement ring.
No, no, no, we did not.
“Morning, sweetheart,” a familiar voice gently pierced the air as you kept staring at your finger. "Surprised to see you awake. How are you feeling?"
You tore your gaze away to look at Nick, who had an all too smug look on his eyes.
"I don't know yet," you said honestly, clearing the scratch from your throat.
Nick hummed as he walked across the room in just his underwear. A hint of a smirk formed on his handsome face as you admired him. The black suits he normally wore hid how broad his shoulders and chest were. They also hid most of his tattoos, which you vaguely recall tracing a few with your fingers and tongue. Your gaze trailed down his chiseled abs to the front of his boxers, the throbbing ache between your thighs intensifying.
No. Focus.
"You did say too much whiskey would give you a headache," he said, handing you some aspirin and water.
You quickly took the pills with a generous gulp, the cold liquid soothing the slight burn in your throat. "Did we…?" you trailed off.
"Did we what?" he asked, running a hand through his short hair. You were pretty sure you tried to pull it while you rode him. "We did a lot of things last night, so you'll need to be more specific."
Your cheeks flamed as you held up your hand, proud when it didn't shake. "This."
He slowly ducked down and you couldn't stop the hitch in your breath as his lips touched your forehead. "Get married? No," he said, pressing a soft kiss against your skin.
You could breathe a bit easier. While your dad wouldn't lay a hand on you if you married without his permission, he could and would wreck the life you tried to have beyond the bubble he put you in. Piece by piece.
"But you also said I couldn't have you unless I put a ring on your finger, so I did."
"I was kidding!" you said. No way he actually believed that.
"I took it seriously," he murmured, moving his mouth to your ear. "And it's a perfect fit. Just like my cock inside you."
"Oh, my god," you whispered.
"You said that, too," he whispered, dragging his lips down the column of your neck. The scruff on his chin left a delicious burn in its path. "I reminded you to say my name instead."
The gravel of his voice sent a shiver down your spine before you moved to the other side of the bed and out of his reach. "I need a minute," you said, feeling his eyes on you as you stood up.
"I'll be waiting."
You didn't bother to cover yourself up as you went to the bathroom, your head not spinning as much as you expected it to. Nick saw everything last night and into the early morning, so you had no shame if you watched your hips sway. Splashing some water on your face, you had no idea where to go from here. While Nick was fun and a wonderful distraction, you couldn't help but wonder if last night was a calculated move.
It wasn't a secret that your dad wanted a son to take over his empire one day. He got you instead. He should have been a good father who loved and cared for you, but he treated you as an investment. You had a good education after you chose a college from the options he provided you. The same with your job as he limited the places you could apply to.
While he didn't keep you in a cage, he certainly kept you on a leash.
Maybe if mom was still around, things would be different.
You would only take over his businesses with a man of his choice by your side. He usually only had you around his inner circle of men long enough for them to flirt and leer at you. You were certain he was prepping you for the highest bidder.
Are you that bidder, Nick?
"Why were you waiting for me last night?" you asked once you went back into the bedroom where Nick was now on the bed. "Did my dad ask you to?"
"I was waiting for you because I wanted you. I thought that was obvious," he answered, unashamedly looking you over as you joined him. He reached for you, his fingers surprisingly gentle as he touched your cheek. "And I got tired of waiting."
Nick Fowler got whatever he wanted.
"But did he ask you to?" you repeated, showing him your hand again. "And how the hell did you just happen to have a ring on you my size?"
"Your dad had nothing to do with it. I've had that ring on me and my eye on you for some time," he said, kissing your hand and drawing a gasp from you as he put you on your back. "In case you forgot, I slipped it on after you drank the rest of my Jack Daniels and gave me a lap dance in my private booth. You didn't complain."
You recalled grinding to the beat as Nick sat back and watched. He looked like a modern king on a throne as the lights pulsed around him. No one would have bat an eye if he fucked you in his VIP section.
Which he did.
"We're not actually engaged, Nick. I said I was kidding about putting a ring on my finger."
His eyes darkened as he stretched over you, his muscles rippling before his weight settled. "You said you'd be mine."
Your heart raced, but it wasn't out of fear. "You don't even know me. Not really," you said, thankful that tears didn't fill your eyes.
How could he when no one was able to get close to you?
His knuckles caressed your cheek and you tried not to lean into his touch. "Told you I've had my eye on you for some time, dulceata. I know you better than you think."
You wanted to believe he did, but could you trust a man who worked with your dad? Did he want you simply to gain access to more resources? Gain more power?
"You're manipulative."
"I prefer calculating and there isn't anything wrong with that," he said before his lips touched yours.
His kiss brought back a reminder of the pleasure he gave you, your body humming with the promise of more. The man had layers to him, but something inside you said he wouldn't hurt you. He may be more inclined to hurt anyone who hurt you.
"I guess you have to be in your line of work," you said, a bitter laugh escaping. It was better than crying. "But if you're serious about whatever this is, do you really think my dad will let us be together? Well, he might if he thinks he can get something from you. He does value you. Pretty sure he even likes you more than he likes me."
It didn't hurt to say that as much as you thought it would.
"I don't give a fuck what your dad thinks," he said, his handsome face gazing down at yours. "I know he thinks he can control your life, but he's in for a rude awakening. And I can promise you I would never be that kind of father to our daughter."
"Please, don't talk about us having kids," you begged. You still had too much of a headache for that, but your womb clenched of its own accord.
"Why not?" he smirked. "You're going to be my wife."
I'm not even going to argue for the time being.
"Well, I need to rest, future husband," you said before he suddenly slid down your body and parted your legs. "What the hell are you doing?"
"Just looking at the pretty pussy I ruined," he said, tracing a finger along your slit. Your body quickly responded to his touch and you weren't ashamed of the small moan you let out. "Which belongs to me now. If it wasn’t meant to be, you wouldn’t fit me so perfectly.”
"Is that right?" you asked, clenching around nothing.
Should I beg him to fuck me or play a little hard to get?
"You know it does. And if you want to go back to sleep, go right ahead. I'll fuck you until you're stuffed with me and wake you with my tongue," he said, making your back bow as his warm breath skimmed your folds. "You'll be begging me to fuck you all over again."
Your body went pliant against the sheets. "Nick?" you breathed out. "How do I know I can trust you?" You questioned before you would allow him to distract you.
"I guess I'll have to prove my loyalty to you," he replied, his eyes dark and calculating as he looked up at you. "I'll start by killing your father".
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Surely Nick doesn't mean that. Right? Hehe. Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Nick Fowler Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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danikamariewrites · 6 months
𝒜𝓏𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓁 𝑀𝒶𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓉 2
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Mark Me
Crack fic 1
The Game
Mated to Az, Cass, & Nesta
Are You Done?
Nothing I Wouldn't Do
Bar Fight
What Did You Think?
I Just Feel You
Closer to You hc
So In Love hc
Mark Me More (SMUT)
My Side of the Bed
Done With Work
Girls Night
When You’re cold hc
Kneel Here (SMUT)
I’m Married
Holding You While You’re Sick
I’ve Got You Baby
Waiting Up For You
Inventor | Myth
Combined Aesthetics
Just Az being Az
Mob!Azriel AU list
Chase Away the Nightmares
Babying Azriel Headcanon
My Poor Shadowsinger
Lure You Home
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residenthughes · 1 year
once bitten, twice shy
pairing: leon kennedy x gender neutral reader
word count: 3.8k (yippee!)
tags/warnings: college/university au, fluff, mentions of vomit/sick and alcohol
summary: house parties can be a strange place. they can be even stranger when you're about to throw up and have to argue to use the bathroom with a certain blue eyed, blonde haired boy too.
notes: my baby! so glad to have finished this! <3 i started writing this pretty much after my last fic (which received so much love, thank you so so much 💗) and finally came together after i went out myself, hehe. have deadlines/exams coming up soon so i'm not particularly sure how much i'll be posting on here until mid june, so mayhaps consider this a gift for not posting then? 🥹 haha, love u all and hope u enjoy!
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You enjoyed a good night out once in a while. Your friends and yourself dressed to the nines as you dance the night away with liquor tainted lips and all the freedom in the palm of your hand. It was a great escape from the pressures of endless coursework and constant group meetings. You enjoyed a good house party, too. However, you hadn’t had much luck with those ones. Despite the smaller crowd it drew, the handful of new faces had you anxiously gulping away at your alcohol, ultimately leading to cringe-worthy videos your friends would show you the next day. Based on this, you should have known better - should have politely declined when your friends suggested attending her classmates’ house party and spent the night maybe regretting it. In spite of the myriad of reasons, the past week had been dreadful beyond words and it was an opportunity to wear your latest going out outfit. It was near impossible to say no.
So, here you are. Having the time of your life with friends, dancing under blue flickering lights and letting the night take you away. Well - that’s what you were doing. What you are doing now is desperately trying to find the toilet - your stomach was already uneasy due to the nerves of meeting new people at the party, so you’re sure the sugary drinks added to the alcohol in your system didn’t help either. You felt queasy and an urgent need to relieve yourself, still to no avail. The downstairs bathroom was occupied, so with the sickly feeling travelling up your system, you barge through the mob of people littering the hallways, hand over your mouth in a futile attempt to keep whatever was coming up down.
At the end of the upstairs hallway, your friend’s classmate explained there was an additional bathroom. You’ve never been more relieved to see anything more in your life. Without knowing it, you’re making a mad dash for it, bumping shoulders and mumbling a thousand sorrys. You’re a sight for sore eyes, you know you are, but with the pressing urge to not have witnesses to your untimely projectile vomiting, you really couldn’t give a damn.
You’re so happy to have found the bathroom, even if it may have also been occupied that your eyes miss another figure aiming for the room too. It’s only when your hand reaches for the doorknob that it’s shielded by another hand. Large and comforting. Your eyes search for the source.
Amidst the darkness that permeates the hallways, the blue mood lights provide glimpses into the mystery of the shadowy figure with gentle hands. His face, ivory in colour, is all slopes, features sharp and striking. His cerulean blue eyes framed by the length of his long eyelashes and dirty blond hair makes your heart stutter messily in your chest. For a split second, there is nothing you can do but stare in awe, the tall tales of infatuation spinning your head dizzy.
“Shit, did you wanna go first?” His voice sounds like a siren, sweet and melodic all at once.
With the countless thoughts zooming through your brain, you’re certain any words that would filter through your lips would be nothing except incoherent mumbles. You settle for a nod.
“Uh, hate to break it to you sweetheart, but I needa go too.” His hand is still over yours and if not for the terrible rumble in your stomach, it would have been swept off your feet, along with the sickeningly sweet pet name he gives you.
“Maybe try downstairs? I’m sure it’ll be free soon.” This is the first time you’ve spoken during your brief conversation. The quick raise of the handsome stranger’s eyebrows encourages sheepishness to gnaw at your skin, the pink hues of your cheeks deepening.
“Ocupado, ‘m afraid.” he grins with a sliver of teeth, facial expression moulding into the awkwardness that starts to circle itself around the two of you.
Your hand turns the doorknob faintly and you catch the desperation that flashes in his eyes at your actions. If you weren’t about to soil your new top with stomach acid, you would’ve let him go first, bashful as ever as you hoped you would find him later on in the night whilst hoping he’d spare you another glance. Nevertheless, that was not the case.
“I’m sorry but,” you gulp, trying to keep whatever was coming up back down. “I really, really, really need to go, so…”
He’s stubborn. Stubborn as an ass apparently, because his hand still remains on yours. “Of course, but equally, I need to go as well. Surely, there’s like a sink or something I can go in. I’m really desperate.”
You can’t help as you wrinkle your nose, your patience wearing thin. You literally have to be sick. Why is this not being addressed? “Can’t you just pee outside? Guys do that all the time, don’t they?”
“I’m not an animal, you know.” the handsome stranger argues, and your eye twitches.
How did you end up arguing with a good-looking guy outside a bathroom at a house party?
“I’m not being funny, but if you don’t move, I will throw up all over you.”
“I’ve been meaning to go for an hour now. Can’t we make some sort of compromise?”
You were at your wits end. “As if, you fucking masochist! I’m going first!”
And you do, barging into the blindingly white room with all your might and making a beeline for the toilet. A heavy sigh sounds behind you as you heave into the toilet, bracing yourself for the ugly sight that’ll swim before you.
You hear a zip being undone and the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. “Surely, you’re not…?”
“I told you I needed to go.” the voice comes from the shower beside you. The world spins. House parties fucking suck.
You opt to fully exit your bitter discussion, focusing on ugly turns in your stomach. Your hair circles your face and you curse yourself for not having tied it up beforehand because obviously, it was going to–
It flows out of you. Swiftly and without much difficulty. You lunge forwards into the toilet bowl as the vomit empties out of you whilst the shower runs briefly, followed by the sink.
You just wanna go home.
“Hey,” the call for your attention is docile, the boy’s voice more sympathetic now. “You got a hair tie on ya?”
At this point, you’re on your knees, throwing up your early dinner in front of a boy you bad mouthed because you both wanted to use the bathroom at the same time. There’s no point in being shy now. You want all the help you can get.
You manage to shimmy the hair tie off your wrist and hand it towards his vague direction. For how unacquainted you two are, you move in great harmony as the boy grabs the hair tie and captures all your hair with ease whilst you busy yourself with other pressing issues.
When he’s finished, hair away from your face and in a low ponytail, the warmth of his hand settles against your back. The tears brimming in your eyes fall into the toilet bowl, body still before slow caresses have you melting into the palm of his hand.
“I…I know one of the guys that lives here,” he volunteers, tone unsure. “I’m sure he won’t mind you using one of his spare toothbrushes underneath the sink.”
You only manage back a groan, the icky feeling of humiliation creeping up on you as you continue to exhale into the toilet bowl.
“I’ll be back.”
And the man who peed in the shower leaves. Ok, that was rude of you, he did just help you when you were vomiting in spite of not knowing you. You should have more compassion for him, instead of lashing out at him out of embarrassment. When he gets back, you should thank him for all his help and hope to never see him again. You didn’t think you could live comfortably with yourself if you ever saw him again.
The faint thumps of typical party hits hammer beyond the bathroom, pouring in briefly when the man comes back into the room. By this point, your stomach has settled and you’ve flushed the toilet, yet your head still remains somewhat in the toilet because you couldn’t bear to come face-to-face with the guilt wrapped up in the form of a handsome, kind stranger.
“He said it’s cool, just open the new pack in the grey caddy.” You hear joints crack besides you before there’s a pat on your back. The comfort it brings is enough for you to swallow your pride. “Also, there’s some water next to you. Figured you wouldn’t want to go looking for it.”
Regardless of the ever growing shame that wants to drown you into a sad shell of yourself, your heart swells. The unprompted kindness offered from the stranger is refreshing, you wish you could tell him how grateful you are for him without your shame keeping your head in the toilet bowl.
“I’m sorry,” you breathe, wincing at the cringing sensations that course through your body. “Sorry for calling you a masochist earlier.”
He huffs out a bout of laughter and your heart feels lighter. “In all fairness, I was pretty crazy for holding it for that long, so I don’t blame you.”
You hated how you’d have to avoid this man after you two left this room. He was sweet, polite and made you laugh. Why did you have to meet under such ugly conditions?
“Thank you,” you exhale, feeling your heart bloom with the warmth he radiates. “Really.”
“No prob,” he lifts his hand off your back and suddenly, you’re cold again. “I’ll leave you to it. If you need me, I’ll be in the kitchen. If not, probably fucking it up on the dancefloor.”
You mumble another thank you after the laughter that leaves your lips, the blue-eyed stranger exiting and leaving you to clean yourself up as ponder on his kindness for a little longer than necessary.
You manage to sneak past the kitchen without bumping into the kind stranger. If you weren’t embarrassed before, the embarrassment catches up with you now. Outside, where the cool October wind blows, you’re perched on a step of the back porch, curled into yourself as you breathe in and breathe out. Things could have been a lot worse. You could have thrown up all yourself, delirious and none the wiser as nasty spirited individuals videoed the spectacle, not intervening even once. You could have been in a worse state in front of the stranger, vomit embedded in your hair as you wailed to call your friends or to go home. It could have been so much worse, yet here you are, rocking away as you will yourself not to cry.
You blame it on the emotional turmoil that’s plagued your week. Your academic and interpersonal affairs bore a burden like never before, pushing you beyond your means countless times this week and eventually, as you self soothe in solitude, you succumb to their will. Your friends are worried sick, searching every inch of the unfathomably large house to find you. You shoot them a text, notifying them of your safety and the privacy you seek. With dozens of texts that express reassurance, you let out a sigh before the music playing inside is too good for you to ignore.
Call it foolish, but it’s the nostalgic sounds of 00s’ dance that help you pick up the pieces. Assist in the carefree attitude you adopt that leads you right back inside, finding your friends and changing the course of the night.
If only you knew your carefree attitude would have you right where you once were. Face to face with the handsome stranger, the ends of an empty beer bottle pointed towards you two as bystanders ooh and ahh.
“Get in there, Leon!” a friend - you assume - hollers, slurring his words as he lazily drapes against Leon’s rigid frame.
You two exchange a look, eyes seeking any kind of communication that would hint at what the future held.
Your hand is given a squeeze and suddenly one of your friend’s whispers into your ear. “He’s cute, go for it.”
You crimson. At her words and at the fact that your next encounter with Leon has come so soon. Relentless is the sensation of dread and cringe as it sinks into your bones and buries you into the ground. All eyes are on you and you want nothing more but cringe? Disappear? Run away? There’s so much going on in your head right now.
A hand is outreached. It’s as if a lifeforce beyond yours comes down to save you, extending their hand to sail you away to safety. Alias, it is nothing but a figment of your imagination as you peer up, eyes sparkling as Leon’s tall figure towers over yours. For a second, you can’t read his facial expression, can’t comprehend the logistics of your predicament. However, when the edge of his lips curl upwards, pleasant and mellow in nature, there’s a sense of relief that starts to wash over you.
“Ready if you are.”
He has a way with words. He must have. Otherwise you wouldn’t have felt so comforted on that bathroom floor, otherwise you wouldn’t be in some confined closet, little to no light with the same person you threw up in front of.
“Well,” he starts off after a minute or two of silence. “This is…”
A cough is followed by silence. Then laughter.
Out of all the people at this party, the universe had to fabricate yet another meeting with Leon. The guy who you basically cussed out in order to use the bathroom. The same man that after washing his hands, held your hair up for you and soothed your sickness with a gentle back rub. There is nothing more you want to do right now than crawl out of your skin.
“You feeling a bit better now?” Leon’s voice is hushed when he talks to you, gentle and filled with unexpected care.
Despite the awkwardness of your situation, you can’t help disregarding such lame state of feeling as you lean into his kindness. “Yeah, I had a bit more water and was outside for a bit, so I’m pretty much sober now.”
Your fingernails dig into the flesh of your palm. A nervous tic. “Thank you. And, sorry.”
Leon appears to relax into the flow of conversation, moving his body to lean against the wall of the compact closet you find yourselves in. As he shuffles, notes of smoky vanilla waft in the air, Leon’s cologne finding its way to you. The smile you hide behind a closed fist is all kinds of bashful, body drawn to the intoxicating nature of the fragrance.
“I wasn’t terribly nice to you either, so think of it as making amends,” his hand extends forwards, bridging the gap between the two of you. “Truce?”
Amusement tugs at the ends of your lips, humoured by the hints of unseriousness that seems to be a recurring theme in your story. Going from badmouthing one another to being shoved into a tiny closet for Seven Minutes in Heaven and forced to call truce. It’s the kind of bizarre story that hangs in the air after a night out, disgustingly hungover in bed as your friends jam into someone’s room and recall the night’s events.
You shake on it, pulling away when the flutter of your heart tickles your chest.
Through the dim sliver of marmalade orange light that peeks through the bottom gap of the door, you catch glimpses of Leon. The sharp slants of his jaw, the heavy flutter of his eyelashes, the sheepishness of his smile - all lopsided and accompanied the hues of strawberry jam red. He’s trying his best and it’s endearing. As is he. Charming and caring, a little silly yet undeniably sweet. Perhaps your perspective on him is a bit skewed due to the remnants of alcohol that float in your system, but if you happened across the same dirty blond, blue eyed boy on campus, you know your heart would still beat the same.
“Three minutes!” Someone yells beyond the door, prompting an uptake in your breath.
Never too forward, Leon draws closer to you, hands to himself as he suggests, “We could just head back out, if you’d like. I’m sure they’re not gonna be too up their asses about it.”
You don’t miss a beat. “I don’t want to.”
You’re both caught off guard. Your eyes widened and Leon’s eyebrow raised. It’s as if you’ve been exposed, barenaked for all the world to see your secrets. In itself, your response isn’t the strangest. Anyone would assume after calling truce, your allocated time meant to be spent together could foster the beginnings of a friendship, a friendly conversation. Even so, Leon and yourself were getting ahead of yourselves - reading in between the lines, sifting for something that was there.
“I mean,” the wardrobe is suddenly indescribably small, the surface of your cheeks warming as your eyes dart all over the place. What is going on here? “We could always just talk or…”
“Or what?”
Leon’s being mean. He knows he is. But, he can’t help himself. Jumping the gun, clawing at any and every opportunity to be close to you. Leon spotted your figure earlier during the course of the night, eyes capturing the shimmer in your eyes and bounce of your hair as you happily twirled your friends around on the dancefloor. You were simply magnetic, doused in dazzle and delight as your glittery makeup highlighted your timeless beauty. Leon would’ve approached you, winning you over with his charm and foolish dance moves - but he needed a drink. A drink which became two, two which became three and ultimately he broke the seal, landing him on a collision course with you outside the bathroom.
This isn’t how he imagined meeting you.
Nevertheless, you were together and despite the not-so-great circumstances presented, Leon made the best of it. Helping you and being the gentleman he is. And even if you never saw each other again, he would still remember you for all the shimmer in your eyes and just how infectious your smile was.
Now, under more favourable conditions, he doesn’t want his time with you to end. You’re just as captivating up close, if not more. Timid yet so sweet. Leon gets lost in you - lost in the details of your hair, your voice, your eyes. He wonders if the longer he prolongs your conversation, the sooner you’ll see his attraction towards you. Hopes you’ll reciprocate, hopes you’ll see it too.
“I don’t know.” You settle for, casting your eyes away from Leon as you twiddle your thumbs.
You want to be close with Leon, maybe kiss him if you could. But, you just don’t know. He’s seen you at your worst, sick in the toilet without a thought behind your eyes. You’re still embarrassed - even if Leon makes good work of fending that off. And perhaps because of that, along with other complexities, you want to be close with him.
If only he’d let you.
There’s a huff of frustration before something knocks your shoe. You look, examining Leon’s tired Converse shoe that nestles against your own pair of shoes. Your heart stills.
“I saw you earlier,” he starts, standing tall as he inches closer towards you. His pools of blue know only the sight of your lips, pink in hue and supple with lipgloss. He briefly looks away for his own good. “You looked really good on the dance floor.”
The gravity of your current reality settles in quick. Leon’s with you. Initiating everything and bringing this whole charade to a close. Your instinct is to wrestle with the reasons why, question his intentions and ultimately, take a step back. But, you’re exhausted. You’ve done enough mental gymnastics to last you a lifetime. You know you want this, so why can’t you have it? The answer is clear now. You take the plunge, hands grasping onto his backarm as you test the waters. “You think so?”
You’re gazing into each other’s eyes now, nowhere to run or hide. Leon hums in response yet still searches for something in your eyes - a glimmer of hope, confirmation to proceed and gets it in the form of you leaning into him with the bat of your eyelashes. His arms circle your waist, hesitant at first but solid in their place on the small of your back. You’re already seeing stars.
“Leon?” your voice is barely above a whisper, forehead pressed against Leon’s as you grow impatient.
He hums in reply. “Can we? Can we-”
“Can we kiss?” he says this, lips brushing up against yours. You grip his broad shoulder extra hard incase you buckle at the knees.
“Please,” you only manage to get out before your lips connect.
Leon shows you just how much he wants this, how much he wants you in his kisses. Gentle yet firm in his desire, his lips envelope yours in a way that sets your heart ablaze. Your brain short circuits, the sparks soaring between the two of you insatiable as you melt into each other. Your hand falls to brace yourself against Leon’s chest, the accelerated patter of his heart vibrating against your palm. You can’t help the smile that blends into your kiss, opening an invitation for Leon’s tongue that glides against the flesh of your bottom lip.
“Time’s up!”
His teeth plunge into your bottom lip lightly. You separate with a whine.
There’s a moment before the door opens, time where your eyes scan over Leon to gather all your thoughts and take him in. His pupils are full blown, his arctic blue irises submerged in the dilation of his pupils, lips plump with need and breath laboured. He looks far away, as if he is immersed in a dream that’s too good to be true and judging by the smile that graces his face, you’re sure you look the same.
“Need a mint?” Leon’s all jokes, smile giddy and besotted.
You roll your eyes in response, playfully jabbing his hard bicep with a closed fist. “Says the one who stuck his tongue down my throat.”
“Guilty as charged,” he holds his hands up in surrender, eyes giving you their undivided attention. “Wouldn’t mind doing that again though.”
He punctuates his point with circling his arm around your waist, drawing you in close before placing a delicate kiss against the flushed skin of your cheeks. It’s shameful how much you like this guy already.
“You’re disgusting.”
The door opens and you leave the closet happier than you ever were before.
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The Flip Side (on hiatus)
Part: 1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7, 8,  9, 10, 11,  12
Silver Springs
Part: 1,  2 ,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10, 11, 12 (completed)
Growing Pains (post mob-life fic -- in progress)
Part: 1,   2,   3,   4,   5
Silver Spring AU Drabbles
Little Nat Adventures :)
Rescue ~ Adopting Boone 
Rivals ~ Y/n meets another mobster
Couched ~ Wanda gets in trouble
Recon ~ Wanda and y/n meet 
Sushi ~ First date
Burn out ~ Wanda gets sick
Faux pas ~ Pietro gets drunk
Midnight ~ Wanda visits after being away for work 
Surprise ~ Wanda gives Y/n a gift
Graduation ~ Wanda crashes a graduation party. (18+)
Decoy ~ Y/n and Wanda get a new addition to the family 
Bickering ~ Grocery shopping 
Nine lives ~ Fletcher visits the vet 
Don’t Blame Me ~ Y/n witnesses Wanda’s drug deal. (18+)
Sunrise ~ Proposal 
Crisis ~ Finding out we’re pregnant
Caught ~ Wanda gets in trouble…again
Dreams ~ Y/n deals with old demons 
Training ~Y/n and Wanda spar
K.O. ~ Y/n and Wanda spar part 2. (18+)
Trials ~ Navigating pregnancy and parenthood 
Not As Expected ~ Wanda has her baby
Role Reversal ~ Y/n, the mob boss
Intruder ~ Coming home to an unpleasant surprise 
Field work ~ Boone helps Wanda at work
Broke ~ Y/n is introduced to the darker side of Wanda’s job
Ambush ~ Y/n and Wanda have the odds stacked against them
Wrath ~ Wanda comes to Y/n’s rescue 
It ~ Movie night with Wanda
Birthday ~ Y/n celebrates a birthday
Minefield ~ Y/n meets Bucky
Aberration ~ Y/n meets Nat
Nerves ~ Y/n and Wanda get married 
Reunion ~ Y/n and Wanda go to a high school reunion
Reunion pt. 2 ~ Y/n sets things right with Wanda
Repair ~ Y/n fixes the dishwasher and Wanda is very grateful. (18+)
Ennui ~ Wanda comes out to her brother 
A Night Out ~ Y/n meets Pietro 
First Time ~ Y/n gets a tracker 
First Time pt. 2 ~ Y/n and Wanda begin to recover 
Troublemaker ~ The dogs’ babysitting skills are put to the test 
Anonymous ~ Pietro receives a disturbing letter 
Night In ~ Y/n is left in charge
Girls Trip ~ Y/n takes a trip to the beach with some friends
Serendipity ~ Y/n meets Wanda’s high school crush
Serendipity pt. 2 ~ Aftermath of Wanda’s reunion. 
Reminiscing ~ Wanda’s midnight musings 
Preparations ~ Y/n and Wanda get ready for their baby 
Infidelity ~ Wand realizes her wife is hiding something.
I Did Something Bad ~ Wanda carries out a hit
Abduction ~ An outing with Boone goes wrong  
Struggles ~ Real world attention problems
Traffic ~ Y/n and Wanda travel abroad
Mama ~ Just another weekly dinner with the fam
Cross The Line ~ Wanda takes her wife to a club
Anniversary ~ Y/n spends a special day with Wanda
Honeymoon ~ How Y/n and Wanda spend the last night of their honeymoon (18+)
Better Than Cake ~ Y/n and Wanda celebrate a birthday (18+)
Out of Commission ~ Wanda breaks her wrist 
Kinks ~ Pietro brings his sister a gift
Road Kill ~ Y/n learns something new about Wanda
Stealth ~ Y/n has a lapse in judgement
If Anyone Falls ~ Y/n and Wanda’s first time together ❤️ (18+)
Appreciation ~ A break from taking care of new baby Natalya
2, 4, 6, 8... ~ Pietro misunderstands his sister-in-law’s intentions 
Separation ~ Wanda makes a horrible mistake while arguing with her wife
Separation pt. 2 ~ Continuation of part 1  
Competition ~ Wanda catches her wife with another woman
Late Night ~ Wanda catches onto her wife’s sleepless nights
Coming home ~ Fletcher’s adoption
Feud ~ Wanda betrays her wife
Playdate ~ Boone and Fanny hang out at the compound
A Day in the Life ~ Y/n and Wanda go out
Nightmares ~ Wanda wakes up to an unpleasant surprise 
Cocaine Bear ~ Movie night
Wild ~ Y/n gets an unpleasant surprise 
Blackout ~ Y/n's first experience with expensive tequila
Phoenix ~ Lazy Sunday musings 
HBC ~ Y/n and Wanda take Boone to the farmer’s market
Brawl ~ Y/n trains with a recruit
Graze ~ Y/n finds herself in a shootout without Wanda
Decompress ~ Wanda helps her girlfriend relax after a hard day at work. 
Sick Leave ~ Y/n is forced to take some time off of work
Rainbow Bridge ~ Dog-centric drabble 
Trade off ~ Y/n saves Wanda’s life 
Breach ~ Natalya’s first break-in
Triage ~ Aftermath of Breach 
Stunts ~ Wanda makes a mistake 
Limbo ~ Important relationships landmarks 
Storms ~ Disruptive late night thunderstorms 
Karma ~ Family getaway
Negotiations~ Y/n sneaks out one night 
House call ~ Y/n receives an unconventional offer
Mile High Club ~ Y/n and Wanda fly to Europe
Better Help ~ Y/n goes to therapy 
Pretty Girls ~ Heart eyes 
Staying In ~ A lazy Sunday
The Sticks ~ Wanda needs a favor 
Something old, something new ~ New adventures 
Insomnia ~ Sleepless nights
Afterglow ~ Pillow talk
Let’s Groove ~ A night out 
Deprived ~ Sexting 
In The Night ~ Y/n getting into trouble 
Alternate endings
Too late ~ Y/n dies
Laid to rest ~ Y/n dies part 2  
Complications ~ Wanda dies 
Headcanons: (where I will ramble about my favorite alternate universe)
Silver Springs AU
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sayorseee · 2 years
Let Me Love You: Chapter 2
@c-rose2081 : Addison’s always taken care of herself. So when she gets sick, and Zed wants to help, she wants NONE of it. Unfortunately, this just results in a very sick and crabby Addison, and an equally determined Zed who wants nothing more then to coddle her until she’s better.
Ao3 | fanfic
Addison wakes up under a fuzzy throw blanket in Zed's giant king bed, with Zed nowhere to be found. Despite the thinness of the blanket, and the fact that she's now dressed in only one of Zed's baggy tee-shirts, she's sweating. She internally groans as it dawns on her that, great, she had a fever now too. As if the body aches, head-pounding, congestion, and nasty cough weren't enough, now she's burning up!
She curls up under the blanket as a wave of chills overcomes her sweating body. She hates this, she really, really hates this. Being sick sucks in the worst way. This is almost worse than the last time she was left recovering in Zed's bed…
The bedroom door opens across the room, Zed quiet footfalls grazing quietly across the floor. "Addy? You up yet?" he whispers.
She groans in response. She even goes as far as to pull the blanket up over her head, cold sweats be damned.
He chuckles lightly, walking over to her side of the bed. He pokes her head through the blanket and she peeks out from beneath the covers. In the time since they've been at his place (probably a few hours), he's changed out of his designer suit and into a pair of sweatpants - no shirt. Clearly taunting her.
She stares at him for a moment, at the mass of tattoos covering his tan skin, spanning across his pecs and shoulders. Under normal circumstances, she'd want nothing more than to trace every line and curve with her fingers while they cuddle in his massively comfy bed. Ask him questions, really dig into his life. After all she only knows the story behind the tattoos on his right arm, and a few on his back. She plans on getting through all of them before the year ends.
But she can't do any of that today. She's sick, which means no cuddling, so instead she glared at him. "Where's your shirt?"
"You love it when I'm shirtless," he counters.
Addison groans and rolls onto her back. She throws an arm over her eyes and grumbles, "Not when I'm sick."
Zed chuckles again. He must really think this is hilarious.
The bed dips on the side opposite her; she turns her head and opens her eyes, watching him climb in beside her. "What're you doing? I'm sick," she complains.
"Yeah, I know. And super whiny too." He pokes her side, ignoring her pout. "For someone who was so adamant they weren't sick this morning, you've done nothing but complain. Not that I mind, though, this side of you is cute too."
Despite her protests, he scoots closer, but stops there. He doesn't pull her in or wrap his arms around her like he usually would, just leans back against the headboard. "We're gonna watch a movie, and I'm gonna heal you with a million stupid jokes. And in ten minutes soup will be ready to heal you."
He smiles at her. She tries to keep up her pout, but ends up with a small smile on her face. She can't help it, aside from being so cute, he really does care about her. Which makes him even cuter.
She leans over, her head falling on his arm. Zed shifts, wrapping his arm around her while she leans on his chest.
"You're so warm," he comments as he flips on the television.
Addison sniffs indignantly. "I'm sick."
Zed grins down at her. "You'll be better before you know it, Addy. Aside from the bomb homemade soup you're about to have —" She giggles, shaking her head, "you do always say my cuddles are magic. And magical cuddles are recipe for healing."
Addison holds back a giggle. For a tough, powerful mob boss, Zed always knew how to make her laugh and smile with the silliest, goofiest things. The best part is she's usually one of the only people that gets to see this side of him.
"If you keep cuddling me you'll get sick," she points out.
"Unlike you, I take my Flinstone gummies everyday."
She laughs, right along with him. He puts on her favorite older cartoon, keeping the volume on low because he knows she loves to talk about it. Even though she's sick, and they've watched this particular movie at least twice already, she has something new to tell him — how one of the voice actresses went into labor in the studio but didn't tell anyone until she finished for the day, how they almost lost half the movie due to a system glitch but luckily, one of the interns had backed it all up to a random hard drive that took them three whole weeks to find.
And like every time she launches into every little behind the scenes detail, she pauses, her face suddenly overcome with worry. "I'm not boring you, am I?"
Zed grins and shakes his head. "Never. Although I do need to go get your soup, but when I get back you have to finish telling me about the drama between the director and male lead."
She looks at him, the tip of her nose red and her skin just a little green and pale, but with those big blue eyes that he loves so much. "Really?" she asks.
"Yeah of course! I love all your stories, especially all the juicy ones." He kisses the top of her head and she giggles. Then he climbs out of bed, rushing out of the bedroom.
He returns not long later, carrying a wood tray with a steaming bowl of soup on top. He carries the tray over to her, but before he sets it down he does a faux bow, proclaiming, "For you, my love!"
Addison giggles, watching as he sets the tray down over her lap. In addition to his 'magical healing soup,' he brought her a cup of tea in a short but wide, white mug with flower engravings. All the times she's spent at his home and this is the first time she's seeing this cup.
It probably belonged to his mom, which only made her heart swell at the thought of Zed allowing her to use something so sentimental to him. Everything his mother owned or did was sacred in his home. And, curious as she was, she knew not to ask about it. It wasn't something he was ready to share yet, which she respected.
Zed climbs back into bed on the other side. He looks at her with a wide, mischievous grin. "Try the soup, then tell me if it's the same as the one at the diner."
She rolls her eyes with a smile. She knows it'll be a little different, but his mom came up with almost every recipe at the diner. Of course they're going to be similar!
But, she'll humor him a bit. He's so excited, anyway.
Addison picks up her spoon, gathering a spoonful and bringing it to her lips and slowly sipping it. And — he's right! Whatever it is he did to the soup, the same soup she and Wyatt have made hundreds of times, it's just ten times better! And that's with her impaired sense of taste and smell! She can't even imagine how good it would be if she wasn't sick.
"Ohmygod," she practically moans.
Zed cackles, his whole body shaking with laughter. Meanwhile, Addison shovels another spoonful in her mouth. "I told you!" he exclaims.
She nods, having been thoroughly bested by her boyfriend and honestly loving it. "How is this better?! I mean, everything at the diner is amazing, don't get me wrong, but —"
"When a Necrodopolis makes it, it's just better," Zed says.
"What did you do differently?"
Zed grins. "That's a Necrodopolis secret," he says with a wink. "But I'm sure one day, I'll be showing it to you."
Addison giggles, heat quickly spreading up her neck. The thought of one day being his wife…wow.
"I can't wait!" she can't help but squeal.
Zed leans over, smothering her cheek with a wet kiss. Addison giggles, squirming under his embrace. "Zed! I'm sick!"
"Yeah, yeah, eat your soup and tell me how great I am at making soup."
Addison giggles. "This is truly great, though. What else can you make from the diner?"
Zed shrugs. "Just about everything. I worked there growing up — on and off."
"Oh yeah. Mom loved free labor!" He laughs to himself. "Me and Zoe, Eliza whenever she was free."
"And Bonzo?"
"Nah, he was always doing marching band and cheer, he was really busy, like all the time." Zed shrugs. "But he was always around. Mom used to pretend to be annoyed when we would just hang out at the diner, but, I mean, she loved all my friends."
Addison looks at him with a raised eyebrow. She can't respond, though, already reinvested in her soup. Zed settles into the silence for a moment, neither hitting play on the program nor saying much else on the matter. It happens all the time, though. She knows he loves his mom, and it must hurt thinking about her, so Addison never pushes.
But then, much to her surprise, he says, "She would've loved you, Addy."
She nearly chokes on her soup, managing to get out, "Huh?"
Zed raises an eyebrow at her, mildly surprised by her reaction. "What? Have I never told you that?" Addison shakes her head. "Me and Zoe talk about it sometimes. I mean, you guys are practically cut from the same cloth. Super sweet but also super silly. She would've liked you way more than she likes me."
"Nah, it's true. I mean, you're kind, sweet, smart as hell. Plus, I love you." He sits up and smiles at her. "I mean, you're the perfect woman, and the only woman for me. So, as Zynthia Necrodopolis's favorite son, she would've loved you because I love you."
Addison smiles at the sentiment, one that quickly turns to giggles. "Aren't you her only son?" she asks.
Zed smiles and rolls his eyes. "That's besides the point."
Addison giggles. She leans toward him, pecking his lips on instinct. Zed hums, wrapping a hand around her neck to keep her there for just a moment longer.
It slips both their minds just how sick she is. At least, it does, until her nose twitches, and the next second she's sneezing. Directly in his face.
"Oh my god!"
Zed sits for a moment, his face scrunched up. Slowly, he nods, then says, "Yeah I had that coming."
Addison looks at him in horror, her hands covering her mouth as she realizes what just happened. "I am so sorry."
Zed slides out of bed, carefully making his way around it and toward the bathroom. "It's all good, Addy. I'm just gonna…wash my face really quick."
"Okay," she says meekly. She turns and watches him head into the bathroom. "I'm sorry, baby."
Zed disappears into the bathroom. Addison looks at the closed door for a minute, her guilt over sneezing all over him growing with each passing second. He's seen her at a lot of lows, but sneezing in his face? That's a whole different territory of low! And just plain gross! She grabs a tissue from the nightstand, aggressively blowing her nose, then sadly picks up her soup spoon and shoved another spoonful into her mouth.
After a few minutes, Zed returns to their bedroom, this time wearing a shirt. Now she knew she definitely upset him. He scrubs his face with a washcloth as he walks back over, stopping at her side and dropping a kiss to the top of her head. "See? It's all good, Addy," he assures her.
He walks around the bed, heading back to climb in beside her. "It was gross," she complains.
Zed shrugs. "Zoey once threw up in my lap."
She pulls a face. "Oh, gross."
Zed nods. "She was thirteen, too. Way too old for that shit." Addison giggles. Zed turns to her, grinning. "Now, eat your soup and watch your show. I'm still waiting to hear about that beef."
Okay, maybe he wasn't upset after all. He hits play on the TV, and they watch in comfortable almost-silence, Addison happily slurping the rest of her soup. When she finishes, she sets the tray down on the floor and snuggles into her boyfriend's side.
"I'm really sorry about sneezing on you," she says.
"It's okay, Addison. All it means is we're already in the 'being gross around each other' stage."
"We've already been in that stage. You fart in your sleep.”
Zed looks at her, his mouth hanging open in shock. "There's no way."
Addison giggles. "It happened once, but still!"
"You're so mean. You had me worried!"
Addison shrugs. "It's not like it scared me off!"
Zed laughs. "That's true."
They sit for a moment, watching the movie. Then; "Also, I basically live here! We're way past the gross stage."
"Addy, love, you sneezed on my face."
"I'm never gonna live that one down, am I?"
Zed smiles sweetly. He kisses her nose, quickly backing up, and says, "I'll never mention it again. Mob boss's honor."
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ronearoundblindly · 2 months
Steve Rogers One-Shot List
[Main Masterlist; Light Masterlist]
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[Steve Rogers Series List]
Romance 🔥 || Smut 🦆 || Author Fave 🍀 || Angst ⛈️ || Fluff 🌼 || Dark Fic 🌘 || *** denotes work for all ages
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Mr. & Mrs. (AU with agent!Steve x mob!reader) ⛈️🔥
In Sickness and In Health (longterm illness comfort) *** 🌼⛈️🔥
The Game (Nomad!Steve smut) 🔥🦆
Beg For My Mercy (defiant!Steve x gn!god!reader) ⛈️🦆🌘
Super-Human Resources (Steve x older!reader) 🌼⛈️🔥🍀
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Old Dog, New Tricks (soft!Steve x inexperienced!reader) 🌼🔥🦆 Your Dog, His Tricks (follow-up) ⛈️🔥🦆
Sweet Charity (drabble; Steve likes your laugh) *** 🌼
Mastery (Steve x artist!reader) *** 🌼
Succubus!Reader (1, 2, 3) 🌼🔥🦆 Vampire!Reader 🌼🔥 Shapeshifter!Reader 🌼⛈️🔥
Steve x short male!reader (headcanon) *** 🌼🔥
Ties (long-haired!reader x Steve learning to braid) *** 🌼
Period Comfort *** 🌼 not-Baker!Steve (cake decorating) *** 🌼🔥 
Warning Signs (after-mission grief/comfort) ⛈️ (semi🌘)
Not Today (Steve x workaholic!reader) *** ⛈️🌼
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Lloyd Hansen x reader x Steve 🔥🦆
Dirty Doodle (Stucky x artist!reader drabble) 🌼🦆
Midnight Kiss (New Year's Eve party) 🌼🔥
A Kiss On A Scar (Valentine's prompt) *** 🌼🔥
I'm So, So Sorry (a kiss as an apology; Nomad steve) 🌼🦆
A Dark Day & A Bright Night (a kiss where it hurts) ⛈️🌼🍀
Dirty Headcanons: Alone Time 🌼🔥🦆
Lease (Steve x best friend!roommate!reader) *** 🌼🔥
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[Main Masterlist; Light Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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thewildlorelei · 1 year
Love is Sick and Love is Blind (Mob AU)
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pairing: wally darling/original female character(Millie Morning)
rating: M
pretty obvious but this is fan content of welcome home
author's note:  Really having fun with this story, lemme know if you have any questions about the story or Millie, I’d love to talk about it lol
ao3 link, check here for tags related to rating
Mob Boss Wally Darling
Chapter 2 - Think
Millie tried to walk slowly down the street, not wanting to look like she was freaking out…which she was. ‘That did not just happen, that did not just happen.’ She thought to herself over and over. There was no way she just got caught in the garden of the most dangerous mob boss in town…by said mob boss. She took one deep shaky breath.
No no, it’s fine. He seemed like he really did want to help her. Why would he have let her leave if he had been mad that he caught her there. She was pretty sure that if he had been mad she’d be never seen again. Because she was still here then it must be totally fine, right?
Millie made her way back to her car that was currently packed full of all her belongings. She hastily got in, feeling like eyes were on her. Once in the driver's seat she took some deep breaths, finally feeling just a little bit safe back in a place that was hers. She pulled the business card out of her pocket and looked it over. The apartment complex wasn’t far, a few minutes away at most.
‘This apartment building is owned by the mob.’ She thought. How else would Mr. Darling be able to get her a place so easily and have rent changed just for her? She tried not to let her thoughts spiral. “What have I gotten myself into?” She sighed, and looked out onto the street for a payphone. Luckily there was one just across the way. Was she really going to do this? Live in a place owned by people she should definitely stay away from? Maybe it would be fine though? It’s not like they lived in it right? It was just a way for them to make money…and probably launder it. She really did need a place to stay and it sounded a lot better than staying at a crappy motel. Another deep breath. Before she could change her mind she got out and went to the payphone to give them a call.
Millie pulled into the parking lot of the apartment building. Luckily it seemed that Wally Darling, notorious mob boss, had already let them know about her. They told her they already had a place available and she could start moving in right away. All she had to do was stop in at the front to pick up the keys and sign some papers.
Once that was all done she went up to take a look at the apartment. Wally had been right, these were really nice. She had a kitchen, a living area, a bedroom, and a bathroom. They all looked recently updated and hardly lived in. It looked very clean which was honestly the biggest surprise of all in this town. It felt too good to be true…which it was. She already knew the catch, but she was already in it, no going back.
Unfortunately she didn’t have a bed yet. She wasn’t able to take the one she had been using at her…former…grandparents. She felt so tired but still had some work to do before she could rest. Millie bit by bit worked on moving everything from her car up to the apartment, she didn’t wanna leave anything overnight, afraid someone would break into her car. Once it was all inside she locked the door and began creating a bed out of blankets and pillows in the bedroom. She didn’t have the energy to worry about anything else till the morning. She changed into some sleep clothes and climbed on top of the pillow bed. It wasn’t the most comfortable but it would do for one night.
She pulled out the business card again, spinning it between her fingers, and thinking. He had asked her to stay in touch but he hadn’t given her a number or an address. Concerningly, he did know exactly where she was so maybe he’d contact her. It could have been because she suddenly felt so exhausted but this was starting to seem like a bad idea. Maybe she should have just skipped town and went somewhere else and started fresh.
But she knew there was no use in thinking of what ifs now. Hopefully it would be easier to think in the morning with a refreshed mind. As she drifted off she couldn’t help but think of Wally Darling and his beautiful garden.
Millie woke early in the morning, ever the early riser. It only took a few moments to recall all that had happened the day before. It somehow felt more real and more like a dream at the same time after getting a night's sleep.
And it was not a good night’s sleep by any stretch. She tossed and turned all night, not a lot of cushion on her hips laying on the ground like that. She was a little sore. The first thing on the agenda for today was to buy a bed. She had the day off from work again with it being a Sunday and she was relieved. She still needed time to think over everything. This was definitely something she needed to talk to her therapist about at their next appointment. Wait…today was Sunday! She had an appointment that afternoon, she’d almost forgotten. Well that worked out for her. She’d be able to get some advice about this whole thing right away.
She started getting ready for the day and took a little time to start unpacking some of her things. At least what little she could with no furniture yet, putting clothes in the closet and toiletries in the bathroom. It wasn’t much but it made her feel a little better. One thing she was glad she was able to bring with her was a small potted plant that she’d had even before she moved into her grandparents place. It meant a lot to her and she wanted to do her best to keep it around. She found a nice spot for it where it could get some sun and gave it a little water to perk it back up from being jostled around.
With that she headed out to go do a little shopping before she had to go to her appointment later. As Millie left her apartment she felt eyes on her again like she had the day before. She subtly glanced back down the hall, there wasn’t anyone there. ‘I need to calm down, I’m definitely psyching myself out.’ She thought. With a deep breath she continued on, making a mental note to buy some longer screws for her apartment door. She was able to find a nice comfortable bed for not too much money, though she did have to pay extra to get it delivered since she had no other way of getting back to her place. Her other errands went just as smoothly and soon it was time for her appointment.
She had only been seeing Dr. Flora for a couple months. She started coming just after she had moved to the city. Millie liked her, she was comforting, compassionate, and a good listener. She had been pretty good about helping her work through some things that had been weighing on Millie for a long time.
“Good afternoon, Millie. How has your week been?” Dr. Flora asked as she sat down in the chair across from her. Millie took a deep breath and sighed. “It’s not been very good at all if I’m being honest with you.” She leaned back against the couch, trying to get comfortable. She always felt like she was so tense when she was here. “Oh, what happened?”
Millie told her all about what happened with her grandparents. She cried telling the story again, it really hurt her that the last of her family was basically gone now. “I’m so sorry to hear that. How are you handling that? Have you found a place to stay?” Millie hesitated. It felt so weird to admit what had happened out loud.
“You know of Wally Darling right?” Millie asked tentatively. She looked away despite the fact that Dr. Flora couldn’t see her eyes anyway. “Well..um yes I do? Why do you ask?” Dr. Flora was clearly very confused about where this was going. “Well yesterday…I sort of accidentally got caught by him in his garden in town.” She said with a cringe, just waiting for the reaction.
“You met Wally Darling yesterday? Are you okay?” Dr. Flora was sitting forward in her chair now, staring with wide concerned eyes. “Yes I’m totally fine, other than the shock of it all. He was actually kind of nice to me? He offered me a place to stay at an apartment building he…owns, I guess? So that’s where I’m staying now.” Dr. Flora was silent, shock all over her face. “I..I’m glad you have somewhere to stay but please be careful, it’s no joke dealing with the mob. Especially Home, they aren’t good people to know.”
“I do know that, it really just sprung up on me. I will try my best to be careful going forward though.” Dr. Flora nodded. The session continued on like usual. They went over some things she had been working on and discussed things she could try doing going forward. Towards the end of their time Millie started to fidget, reaching up and pulling lightly on one of her ears.
“You know that thing we talked about last week?” She asked nervously. “Yes, I remember.” “Well I was thinking about it again and…I think I realized something about how I’ve been feeling about it.” Dr. Flora waited for her to continue. “I…I think I’ve actually been feeling angry about it. I feel like I’m bouncing between numbness and just…anger. I don’t know that I like it, but the anger feels better than nothing.”
“Anger is a very normal feeling to have with these situations, there’s nothing wrong with that. Maybe this week if you ever get to feeling angry about it you can find something creative to do and just let out the anger through that. Allow yourself to feel mad, it’s okay.”
Millied nodded. She didn’t say what she really felt when she was alone at night and the anger felt consuming.
When Millie left she was glad that at least she had only cried once during this session. Sometimes she cried through almost the whole thing. It was about 5pm so she decided it would be best to just head home for the evening. She was exhausted already and she still needed to set up the bed since she had just left the mattress leaning against the wall.
As Millie was walking up to her apartment door she noticed a man standing near it, just leaning against the wall. He straightened up when he saw her coming. He was tall and wearing a white suit jacket, a white fedora, and a rainbow striped scarf around his shoulders.
“Well hello there. You must be Ms. Morning!” He greeted her cheerfully. Millie stopped short, still a few feet away from him. A bit of fear rose in her as she realized he had his right eye closed, just like Wally. Was he here because Wally sent him? “Um, hello, yeah I’m Millie, and you are…?” He quickly stuck out his hand to shake. “I’m Eddie Dear, pleasure to meet you.” She hesitantly took his hand in hers. He shook her hand firmly, smiling down at her. “Is there something you need, Mr. Dear?” All she wanted was to get inside her apartment and go to sleep. “Oh please, call me Eddie. And I’ve been sent here to invite you to join the Boss for dinner on Wednesday evening.” Millie froze, that was not what she had been expecting.
“Oh, I suppose it was part of our deal to get dinner sometime. I guess I just wasn’t expecting it so soon.” She laughed nervously.
“Oh he is certainly eager to see you again.” Eddie smiled at her. She just looked at him, confused. “He is?” Millie was shocked really. She figured he’d quickly forget about her since she was just a random girl he’d met. Why would he be so interested in seeing her again? “I guess I’m flattered by that, haha.” Her laugh was nervous. She was second guessing her choices again. Honestly what had she gotten herself into.
“So will you accept?” He asked. He looked at her expectantly. “I’m sorry, but I have work that evening.” Shoot shoot, why did she say that? Was she trying to make Wally mad at her or something?
“Oh, don’t worry about that, the Boss will make sure that’s sorted out for you.”
“He will?”
“Of course! If that’s settled then you’ll go right?” Eddie smiled at her, his eye staring at her intently. “If it’ll be alright then yes, I’d love to!” She tried to sound enthusiastic, she didn’t want this Eddie to tell Wally she had been reluctant to go or anything. And honestly? She was feeling a bit of excitement at the prospect of seeing him again, which took her a little by surprise. “Great! I’ll let him know. We’ll be around to pick you up on Wednesday at seven.” “You’ll pick me up?” She wouldn’t have thought they’d go to the trouble. “Of course! Be sure to wear something nice.” Eddie winked at her.
“That sounds great, thank you Eddie.” A blush crept up her cheeks as he moved to walk past her. “Seeya round Miss Millie.” He tipped his hat to her and went on his way. Millie quickly scurried into her apartment, gently closed the door behind her, and leaned against it. She should have known this was coming since it was part of the deal but she really didn’t expect him to follow through.
She was going to have to figure out something nice to wear, having nice clothes to wear hadn’t been much of a priority recently but now she had the occasion to get something. She’d have to go find something before work between now and Wednesday evening.
What had Eddie meant by saying that Wally would handle the fact that she had work on Wednesday night? Was he going to call her boss? How did he even know what bar she worked at? She hadn’t mentioned the name as far as she knew. Though he did know her name and she knew he must have connections all over the place that would be able to find out. The thought gave her a chill. It was probably a little too easy for him to find out anything he wanted about her. She’d just have to be prepared for that.
She’d get through this dinner and move on. Hopefully he’d leave her alone after that and she could pretend she never got caught up in any mob business. She sighed. That was definitely easier said than done, and now that she had to wait for Wednesday it felt like it couldn’t come fast enough.
author's note:  I hope you liked this chapter, things will get a little more fun from here on out~
Bonus: Wally: Eddie, you go and invite her to dinner on Wednesday. Eddie: You got it Boss. Julie: Oh! What about me Boss? :D Wally: Julie you still have blood on your face from earlier, I don’t think that will exactly put her at ease. Julie: Ah yeah. :(
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piratefalls · 12 days
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surprise! bet you thought you'd seen the last of me! life is not less busy, i'm recovering from being sick, and the words are still not coming, but i did manage to work something out for psych au. anyway, in this longer than usual snip (to make up for the absence, obvs). they're running from bad guys, hiding in a thrift shop, and looking for disguises in the dark. tags and more fic under the cut!
Henry reaches for the first thing he sees which is, unfortunately, a truly horrendous orange turtleneck. Normally he wouldn't have given it a second glance - it truly is atrocious - but beggars can't be choosers when mob enforcers are chasing you and you're stripped down to your boxers. The fabric has just enough give that he's confident it will fit, so he pulls it off the rack and over his head and starts to pull it down over his chest. Only it keeps going down. And down. And down. It's mid-thigh when he hears Alex approach. "Jinkies." It's, well. It's close enough that Henry understands the impulse to make the reference, even if he's not in a position to appreciate it. "How many times must I remind you that I carry a gun and know how to use it?" "And how many times must I remind you that that's an empty threat? You hate filling out the paperwork for discharging your weapon more than you dislike my witty rejoinders."
And, well...Alex kind of has him there. Alex, who is dressed in perfectly acceptable jeans and a t-shirt. The fact that Alex had managed to sniff out the very few pieces of menswear in that place, in the dark no less, is equal parts awe inspiring and absolutely fucking infuriating. "Okay, so now that you're successfully disguised, we should head out before they catch up." Henry sighs but follows him to the back door to the alley anyway. "You know, we wouldn't even be in this situation if you hadn't mouthed off to the wrong people. Again." Alex snorts as he peeks around the door, checking in both directions. "You really need to start managing your expectations." After one last glance, he waves for Henry to follow him. "It's clear." And Henry...hesitates. It hadn't hit him until this moment that he'd actually have to go outside dressed like this. There's no reasonable explanation for this outfit. It's not Halloween, there's no themed party. They're in the business district. Is he ashamed to wear a dress? No. But he is a little put off by the fact that his shoes don't pair well. "I am wearing a dress, Alex." "I did notice that, yes, and Pez would be very proud if he could see you right now. So, like, sissy that walk or whatever and let's go."
thanks to the people who've tagged me the last few weeks! @blueeyedgrlwrites @indestructibleheart @taste-thewaste @firenati0n @iboatedhere
@jmagnabo92 @priincebutt @stellarm @alasse9 @hgejfmw-hgejhsf
@ninzied @onthewaytosomewhere @kiwiana-writes @myheartalivewrites @sophie1973
and now i'm tagging @forever-fixating @nocoastposts @jellibuns @duchessdepolignaca03 + an open tag!
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bigtreefest · 4 months
Fluff 💞| Smut 🔥| Angst 🧊| Allusions to/smut-adjacent ❤️‍🔥 | Semi-dark ♟️| Light Angst ❄️
Bucky Barnes
You Catch More Bees With Honey (Mob! Bucky x Farmer! Reader) part of the Outta Nowhere AU
Steve Rogers
The Rainmaker (Mob! Steve x Forensic Scientist! Reader) part of the Outta Nowhere AU
Kill for Me (Lloyd Hansen x Dark! Reader, Steve Rogers x Dark! Reader)
Good Things (lost love, bbf! Steve x reader) (coming soon)
Guardian Angel (Mafia! Stucky x Bodyguard! Reader) ???
Ari Levinson
Bigger Houses (Mountain Ranger! Ari x Reader) a series based off Dan and Shay’s latest Album
Curtis Everett
Handiwork (Mechanic! Farmhand! Curtis x Bartender! Reader) part of the Outta Nowhere AU
Jimmy Dobyne
The Banes of the Ball (Jimmy Dobyne x Heiress! Reader)
Lloyd Hansen
Kill for Me (Lloyd Hansen x Dark! Reader, Steve Rogers x Dark! Reader)
Steve Rogers
Sick of It ❄️💞 Steve looks good in everything and you’re sick of it
Jake Jensen
Touch My Butt💞❤️‍🔥 Dating Jake is great, he’s such a gentleman
Wait Until We Get Home 🔥 (CT 2024) You promised Jake anything he wanted if he could keep his hands to himself until you got home
Curtis Everett
From Both Ends 💞❄️ When work and responsibilities spill over, Curtis helps you clean it up
Morning Mewl 💞(PhD Candidate! Curtis) Curtis is nervous for his PhD defense
I’m So, So Proud of You 💞🔥 Curtis is proud of you for getting that job
Ransom Drysdale
Meet the Parents 💞❤️‍🔥 You prep Ransom to meet your family
A What in Church? 💞🔥 (CT 2024) (can be read as a continuation of Meet the Parents or stand-alone) Ransom agrees to come to church with you and your family
Lloyd Hansen
Saint or Sinner? 🔥♟️ Lloyd wants to know how much it takes for a Saint to break
Random and Extras
The Great British Baking Show With the Babes
Movie Reviews
Sebastian Stan
Chris Evans
Fic Rec Masterlist
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secretswiftymarvelfan · 5 months
I love you 3000 writing bonanza!
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I’ve hit 3000 followers!!!
Now if you remember a while ago I asked how you guys would like to celebrate and this is what I’ve come up with! If you remember my 2.5k Followers Writing Challenge and Exchange its kinda similar to that but I’ve made some improvements!
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What is going to happen is I am going to open up my askbox/dms for requests!
To make this manageable and allow me to complete as many as possible I will only be accepting requests in these following forms:
1) A question about a character or series
For example: How would X characters feel about Y character doing XYZ?
2) A What If…. For one of my series
For example: What If the character for X series met 10 years prior
3) A request using a maximum of 3 of the prompts below (the list is hella long so I’ve put it below the cut!)
For Example: Ari Levinson / Mob AU / You won’t get away so easy
If I receive a request that does not fall into one of these three categories then I will not fulfill it!
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And because I like for everyone to be able to get involved if you yourself are a writer/want to give writing a go and you like any of the below prompts feel free to use them (the max of 3 doesn’t apply to you guys) all I ask is that you tag me, use the hashtag Niamh Loves You 3000, use appropriate warnings and let me know which ones you’re using so I can keep my eye out!
If you are writing a fic using the below prompts I ask you to follow these rules:
No sexual relations with minors, no somnophilia, necrophilia, incest, toilet stuff, snuff, or beastiality!
Dark Fics are allowed (Non-Con/Dub-Con) but they MUST BE APPROPRIATELY TAGGED!
Any creation MUST BE ORIGINAL! No stealing, stealing is bad!
The creation if part of a series must be able to be read as a stand alone!
No word limit! If it’s over 500 please use the read more function!
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All the prompts are below the cut, remember its a max of three, but you can mix and match as you like so the possibilities are endless!
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Chris Evans
Steve Rogers
Andy Barber
Frank Adler
Ari Levinson
Curtis Everett
Johnny Storm
Jake Jensen
Ransom Drysdale
Any other Chris Evans character
Fake Dating
Only One Bed
Enemies to Lovers
Friends to Lovers
Cuddling for warmth
Trapped together
Mistaken Identity
One night only
Love Triangle
Fated Mates
Childhood Sweethearts
Grumpy x Sunshine
Forbinned Love
Forced Proximity
WILDCARD! (You can pick an Trope not listed!)
Mob AU
Sports team AU
College AU
Emergency Service AU
(Medieval) Royalty AU
(Modern) Royalty AU
Pornstar AU
Fairytale / Fantasy AU
Biker AU
Soulmate AU
Band/Musician AU
WILDCARD! (You can pick an AU not listed!)
"I told you not to touch that"
"I'm tired of answering that question"
"Why didn't they come?"
"I'm so sick of pretending everything's okay"
"don't just stand there! do something!"
"do you remember that night in [insert place]?"
"is there a problem here gentlemen?"
"what on earth happened here?"
"there's blood everywhere"
"Get in the van!"
"I'm not saying you're a bad cook, but even the flies in the kitchen wear gas masks."
"I may be a terrible dancer, but I've got great moves in bed."
"I'm not high maintenance; I'm just low tolerance for mediocrity."
"I love the sound of your voice and the way you say my name."
"Being with you feels like coming home."
“You're not the person I thought you were."
"I never imagined my life without you."
"I never got to say goodbye."
"I'm so glad you're here to point out my flaws. I would never have noticed them on my own."
"Oh, don't worry about being late. We'll just sit here and wait for you forever."
"I'm sorry. Did I ask for your opinion?"
"Why do you always insist on seeing the worst in people?"
"It's not my fault you can't handle the truth."
"You don't know what I'm capable of."
"I'll do whatever it takes to get what I want."
"You think you're better than me, but you're not."
"I'll use anyone I need to achieve my goals."
"You've made a huge mistake, and now you're going to pay for it."
"Don't you realize how much you've hurt everyone around you?"
"you have no idea what you do to me"
"don't you dare go slow"
"I don't think I'll be able to walk tomorrow"
"move and you won't be coming tonight"
"hands behind you're back"
"Beg for it"
"you can take it, you've done it before"
"I'm going to fucking ruin you"
"do you think you deserve a reward/punishment?"
"show me how much you missed me"
"Are you holding back? don't"
"shall we put your mouth to better use?"
"Slowly, I'm not going anywhere"
"I said I'd take care of you"
"Please, I can't sit still"
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So there’s absolutely so many to pick from covering fluff, comedy, angst and smut 😉 don’t forget to follow the rules I’ve set out above!!
I love you all 3000 🩵🩵🩵
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ak47stylegirl · 6 months
I have officially fallen down the rabbit hole of minecraft Smps characters because I have now written fic 😅
I don’t know what this is, all I know is it’s some kind of domestic established relationship scarian au my brain cooked up while I was sick.
(enough of me rambling, hope you enjoy)
The morning sun shone through the window, drawing Scar from his slumber. Birds could be heard singing outside (plus mobs dying) as Scar blinked the sleep from his eyes.
Jellie was sitting on the windowsill, bathing in the morning sun. It was a beautiful sight to wake up to if you asked Scar.
There was one other though. Scar looked to his right and smiled softly.
Grain was curled up next to Scar, cheek swooshed up against his pillow. The sight was so addicting to Scar, the way the avian’s features were soft and carefree in sleep.
Scar frowned, noticing that wasn’t exactly the case today. Grian’s face was flushed, beads of sweat gathered around his temples.
With concern blossoming, Scar gently pressed his lips against Grian’s forehead, and immediately found a simmering fever.
Grian groaned, blinking groggily up at Scar.
“Well, hello there…” Scar smiled tenderly, brushing a strand of hair out of Grian’s face. “You’ve feeling alright there, love?”
Grian looked briefly like he wanted to shake his head and bury his face back into Scar’s bare chest, eyes filled with despair and anguish.
But this was Grian. Workaholic Grian.
Scar watched in dismay as Grian rolled over onto his back with a misery filled groan, “What time is it?” Grian asked, rubbing his face with his hands.
Scar sighed, sitting up properly to check the time; not surprised by the misdirection, this was Grian after all.
“It’s around six…and you didn’t answer my ques-”
Scar’s concern skyrocketed as he watched Grian struggle to sit up, immediately reaching out a hand to help. “Woah, I got you…”
Worry and dread was bubbling in Scar’s stomach.
“I’m fine…” Grian insisted as he stared down at his lap, breathing heavily like he had just ran a marathon. “I..I just had a bad night, that's all...”
Well that much was true, Scar could admit as he remembered Grian having a hard time getting to sleep last night.
Tossing and turning constantly. Unable to get comfortable. It was a whole ordeal.
But as Scar fully took in the state of his love, he could see how Grian was trembling ever so slightly, swaying where he sat and getting paler by the second.
This was definitely more than a bad night's sleep.
Scar shook his head, having had enough of his pesky bird’s stubbornness. “Grian…You’re running a fever.”
Grian’s eyebrows creased, starting to sway dangerously close to falling off the bed now. “Wha-”
“Okay no, come here…” Scar wrapped his arm around Grian’s waist with a sigh, pulling the sick avian towards him.
Grian yelped in surprise as he suddenly found himself leaning against lean muscle, cheek tucked against the nape of Scar's neck.
“Scar!” Grian whined, as some of his resolve to get up crumbled like wet cardboard in the rain. Oh void, he did feel appallingly horrible but-
“I have things I have to do!”
Scar ticked his tongue, not convinced in the slightest.
“And those things can wait…” Scar scolded lightly as he gently lowered himself and Grian down onto the bed.
“Right now, we’re going back to sleep for a couple more hours, then I’m going to make you something to eat and then you are going to rest…”
“But…but there’s so much to do...” Grian pouted, his resolve falling away from him every second he didn’t get up. (And the way Scar was rubbing the patch of skin in between his wings wasn’t helping!)
“I can’t…I can’t take a sick day..” Grian’s stomach was flipping and flopping all over the place. “I just can’t, there’s too much-“
“Gri, please…” Scar pressed his lips against Grian’s head in a tender kiss, his heart hurting for his love. “Let me take care of you…”
Grian squeezed his eyes shut as a wave of nausea overtook him. “Scar…”
“Please…” Scar was begging now, he really didn’t want to fight Grian on this but this was a battle he had to win. “For me..”
Grian was silent for a long tense second, before sighing.
“Okay, okay fine...” Grian whined, breaking out into feverish shivers. “but I got to call work first, and then I’ll probably have to find someone to replace me and, oh no-”
Scar frowned, watching as grian started to ramble with a slightly panicked tone.
“I was going to meet Mumbo for lunch!” Grian gasped, eyes widening with a feverish haze. “I’ll have to message him too and…and, oh Scar! it would really just be better if just go-”
“Woah! What did I just say…” Scar scolded lightly as he pulled their blanket up higher so it covered Grian’s shivering form better. “I will handle it, love…”
“You are not to worry about a thing…” Scar tucked a strand of Grian’s hair behind the avian’s ear. “I just want you to focus on getting better, okay?”
Grian whined, feeling too exhausted and nauseous to put up a fight. “Just don’t say anything stupid to my boss, I still have to work with those people…”
“Why, so little faith…” Scar mumbled as he reached over for his communicator, typing a quick message to Grian’s boss.
Goodtimeswithscar whispers to Grian’s boss: hi, Grian’s partner here. Grian’s sick so he’s not coming in today.
If anyone had a problem with Grian taking a sick day or if Scar had his way, multiple, (you don’t get over an illness in one day!) then they could take it up with him. (Scar)
“I’ll have you know that I have never said anything stupid in my life…” Scar whispered, pressing a kiss to Grian’s temple.
Grian huffed in disbelief, smiling ever so slightly as he watched Scar type out a message to Mumbo, his eyelids getting steadily heavier.
Goodtimeswithscar whispers to MumboJumbo: Our pesky Bird is sick, so he can’t make that lunch meet up thingy you two had planned.
Before Scar could put his communicator away, Mumbo replied to his message.
“Damn mumbo, did you even go to sleep last night??” Scar muttered under his breath as he read the message.
MumboJumbo whispers to Goodtimeswithscar: Damn, poor guy. Yeah, that’s fine, I totally get it. Tell Grian to rest and not to be a spoon for me, will you?
Goodtimeswithscar whispers to MumboJumbo: Will do.
“Mumbo says to rest and not be a spoon, whatever that means?” Scar told Grian as placed his communicator away.
Grian hummed, barely awake to fully comprehend what Scar was saying.
Scar smiled softly at the sight, glad his love was getting some sleep. Scar closed his eyes, content to just hold his bird close.
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evilwickedme · 1 year
👀 Yes, I want jayroy and joyfire fic recs
so I already did jayroy although I of course have more but still this time let's focus on joyfire they deserve it
this rec list is like, mostly smut. this a very horny ship idk what to tell you
to lie with my hands turned up is mostly smut but also deals with Jason's issues (God he has so many issues)
put you back in your place is only strongly implied joyfire but they rob a bank as a cover for a murder which is so funny
(More Than Just Your) Dirty Pretty - alien tentacle sex toys. that's it that's the fic
Italian: from a diminutive of cappa is a jason!mob boss au and by god it is so good. also has a really nice scene between harley and jason. technically the joyfire is off screen but roy is there! love this au so much
Baby, Please Come Home - Christmas kidnapping. starts off really fluffy and then there's plot all of a sudden
hey sharpshooter (the way you're moving) - Kory is really sick of jason and roy's bullshit like just admit you like each other oh my god
anyway yeah these are my favorites enjoy!!!
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 6 months
It’s time for another Fic Rec List fellow humans!!!
And boy howdy do I have a LOT this time lmao. A good chunk of them are Kyle-centric, bc I, like my son Stan Marsh, have been fixated on that guy. Also there are multiple from the same authors bc I find something I like and read EVERYTHING by them.
There’s a range of pairings on this list too bc I’ll read pretty much anything (still mostly style they do be my favorite) so hopefully if u see ur favorite ship or an intriguing concept this’ll steer you to somethin u like!
Here ya go!
* (rem)ember by boxwinebaddie. Ok we all knew I was gonna start the list w this one bc I am OBSESSED!!! Style holy shit! Crimson Dawn! Mentally unstable law student Kyle! RAVEN!!! The friendships and group dynamics! Rm lives rent free in my head dude plsplspls check it out!
* Painted In Shrouds by courtanie. Y’all want some Kysterion? This is one of my favorites! And NOBODY does Kenny like this author seriously. We got espionage! We got organized crime! We got overworked cfo Kyle! We got working together to take down the bad guys! We got blood and injuries and falling in love!
* Swansong by OrcaTimes. Fair warning this made me ugly cry. No one writes Craig like OrcaTimes YALL the Cryle destroyed me and doctor Craig always slays!!! It’s a beautiful story about love and grief, just GORGEOUS!!!
* Collector by cement_shoes. WHOLESOME STYLE ONESHOT!!! Them over the years, taking care of each other, Kyle handling bugs for Stan when he’s scared of them, growing up together and the trials of being human, but with someone always on your side. This one is SO sweet and gorgeously written, and a quick read too.
* A Ballad Of True Hearts by luckypoppies. Dude we all know I’m feral about SOT Style and THIS RIGHT HERE EATS!!!!! The history, the betrayal, the FANTASY VIOLENCE AND THERES THIS FIGHT SO FAR THAT SLAYS SO HARD! Being falsely accused of treason and subsequently exiled, tasked with escorting your prince to safety, GOD you just FEEL for the boys in this (plus we got them taking care of each other like yes yes gimme that fantasy whump) the world building is AWESOME I love sot AU’s and how different authors come up w the lore!
* Behind The Wall by Jwink85. Alright this one STARTS OUT nice, and is such an accurate representation of manipulative abusive relationships. Damien man holy shit. There’s so much going on in this, and the STAN PLOT OMG (yes style I love them) Kyle and Stan reconciling, Ike is my DISTRUSTING KING, high school angst, Tweek and Kyle friendship, Kenny being an icon, and I’ve said before but I love when Kyle’s written as generally wanting to see the good in people but still fiery in his own right, this is (a lot of jwinks stuff really that’s why I like their works so much) a great example of that!
* Simply Expandable by Kivea. YO WHO ORDERED THE MOB AU!!! Dude we got private investigator Craig, rival gangs, supernatural elements and mystery, conspiracy, fucking MOB BOSS KYLE?!?!? Kyle’s a bamf in this holy shit and bodyguard Stan, (this is Cryle btw and it’s fantastic) former k2, twenny, underground fighting rings, some KICKASS gang fights and the true antagonists bro the reveal was SICK! And when I say it’s a The Gangs All Here fic, I mean EVERYONE it’s wild and such a fun read it had me on the edge of my seat!
* And The Lightning Cracks The Sky by PastorCraigEnjoyer. Yeah yeah it’s cringe to rec your own shit sue me. But like Druid prince Kyle, Smokejumper Stan, forest fires, little mermaid but in the northern rockies ass plot, OVERLY PERCEPTIVE KENNY, mutual pining, magic, my beloved injury recovery (I gotta fuck Stan up ok) (I’m the worst)(giving Kyle chronic pain who me never) falling in love and saving each other’s lives, EVIL Cartman, I LOVED WRITING THIS ONE SO FUCKING MUCH it’s truly my baby.
* A quiet place (where I can scream how I love you) by sleep2thefr33zing. Coming of age style!!! So much emotional tension dude the pining is so fucking good, the first chapter is Stan’s perspective and the second one is Kyle and it’s BEAUTIFULLY PAINFUL WHEN THEYRE BOTH DOWN BAD BUT THINK THE OTHER ISNT!!! I love them being there for each other through all the bullshit of growing up, how resonant their falling outs are, it’s just so incredibly gorgeous and you really feel their emotions along with them.
* Knives by SparrowGrim. Ok so kyman isn’t my cup of tea but I’m putting it on the list bc some people do like it and this is an OBJECTIVELY FANTASTIC STORY!!! Tbh I only clicked bc I saw that it was Kyle centric (and that injury tag what can I say I eat that shit up) but I was HOOKED! Dark urbania, gangs running the streets, THE CODE NAMES SLAY SO HARD, we also got creek bunny stendy dip, the character relations are all so cool and the plot is WILD! Also Butters Kenny Stan and Craig are so badass jesus. Not even a ship I like but I loved the story.
* Peering Through Windows by Jwink85. C’mon I gotta have another jwink on the list and this one is SO. FUCKING. GOOD. K2 has been one of my favorites lately and THIS!!! We got dark cryle (my beloved) but when I say dark I mean CRAIG IS SO DEPRAVED!!! Like dude. But the story is THRILLING and artist Kenny is so kickass, Stan is a dad I literally cried over that small detail lmfao and I love jwinks Kyles and their idealistic nature (also I’m a sucker for any artist character) this story broke my heart and mended it again it’s incredible.
* Hunger Pains by Bellweather. Ain’t nobody doin Stan like bellweather MY SWEET PRECIOUS BOY UGH!!! The style is so great omg. The main four dynamic in this is wonderful, them trying to help Kyle through his ED (damn I really do read a lot of shit where Kyle’s suffering huh) all the characters are so well fleshed out and IKE I LOVE IKE IN THIS! The chapters have individual content warnings which is a great touch. Craig having prophetic dreams! Kenny dying multiple times! Chaos! Teenage camaraderie! There’s plenty of humor to make up for the dark shit but it DOES get dark. The mystery element in the beginning is really cool too I definitely have read this one multiple times.
* Find Somebody by hypercatt. STYLE!!! Stan-centric and so so so good, I love a platonic stendy team up too. some of the senior class goes “missing” and WHEN I TELL YALL I WAS so nervous that I read it out of order to make sure everything turned out okay lmao seriously this one had me WRITHING! There’s a gorgeous analogy throughout of physical hurts as a metaphor for mental illness and healing that just SPOKE TO MY SOUL!!! And there are so many beautiful moments, especially near the end, and the message of opening up and not running from your problems is beautifully written. Another one that occupies my brain lmao.
* To Have And To Hold by courtanie. Yes this is another one where Craig is SERIOUSLY DEPRAVED but hear me out!!! The plot, like I would DIE to adapt this to the screen, you feel like you’re watching a dark kidnapping race against time when reading this. And THE K2 IN THIS HOLY FUCK!!! Another one of my favorite Kennys ever and it’s so frustrating for the reader and the characters because WE ALL KNOW WHO TOOK KYLE BUT THE COPS ARENT DOING SHIT! The ending is unbelievably satisfying and the rest of the gang teaming up is so awesome STAN AND KENNY GOING FERAL OVERPROTECTIVE I live for that. But god the shit Kyle is subjected to, but he doesn’t lose that fire (Kyle ily sry)
* When The World Shakes, Hold Me by Bellweather & Blinkxs. The world building in this is PHENOMENAL!!! Post apocalyptic stuff, survival, STYLE!!! Some serious dark themes tho this is a heartbreaking read like damn check the tags frfr but the writing is MAGNETIC!
* -South Park- Style Sickfic/ Injury Fic Requests by AlwaysInSTYLE. Alright alright we all know I love my style hurt comfort and this is a request book/ oneshot series that’s JUST Stan and Kyle taking care of each other and I LOVE IT. you’d think it would get old but it DOES NOT. they’re not repetitive at all, and really fun reads! If you check it out, tell her PCE sent you we’re homies.
* Rookie Mistakes by espyonz. I love me some stenny and BRUH STANSTERION!!! Long oneshot that had me hooked. We got gentle hearted detective Stan who truly wants to protect and serve and is out of place in a corrupt police department. KENNY AS MYSTERION we know I love that shit, and he’s so awesome in this!!! The team up of Kenny Stan and Wendy to find missing people and uncover the truth behind their disappearances is AMAZING. We got Wendy as the tech girl which is SO slay (plus she and Heidi are together asjdhdks) and Kenny is hilarious in this, like he’s such a little shit and I adore this adaptation of his superhero persona. This one dropped LAST NIGHT and I’m so glad I didn’t make a red list post until now bc THIS NEEDED TO BE ON IT!!!
* Seven Candles by courtanie. Yep another one I’m tellin u, one of the best Kenny writers out there. So uhh Kyle in a Very Bad Situation again, like some of it was really tough to read. BUT!!! We got a war between heaven and hell!!! KENNY AS A FUCKING ARCHANGEL ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!? (I live for courtanie’s overprotective kenny holy shit) this is legitimately my favorite Kenny interpretation IVE EVER READ HES SO FUCKING AWESOME!!! Plus we got satan being Done with Damien’s shit lmao and Kyle making friends with a hellhound which is fun. THE FINAL BATTLE WAS SO COOL TOO I LOST MY MIND!
* Why Remind Me by Kasen. One of the best style oneshots BRUH it’s so good with such a wholesome ending and the FEELINGS CONFESSIONS!!! The boys playing superhero, then later we got high school style and an accident that leads to a reminder of a kiss and UGH ITS SO CUTE!! Just- just read this one I love it sm.
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