#jealous steve rogers just.... really really does it for me huh... like.... huh... wow
Out Of Time ~ 126
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Word Count: 2,525ish
Summary: Y/N sees her men after saying goodbye to Coulson and the team. Infinity War starts.
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Tony’s apartment was dark and quiet, which was extremely unusual for any of Tony’s places of living. 
“Tony?” Y/N called, her body was exhausted. She was trying to hold herself together from also saying goodbye to part of her family. “Tony?”
“The Boss is currently away on a business trip, Agent Rogers,” FRIDAY responded. “I will inform him that you are here.”
“Thanks… Uh, FRIDAY?”
“I’m… I…”
“If I could step in, it seems like your body is exhausted, running on its last amounts of fuel. May I suggest that you rest? I will order food and work with Mr. Stark to get him here as fast as possible.”
“Okay… I’ll be in Tony’s room.”
“Y/N?” Tony called. 
When FRIDAY had told him that Y/N was back, Tony quickly ended the meeting he was in and flew home. He had been kept up to date on the SHIELD issues, since they were being broadcast everywhere. The man hunt was on Y/N like nothing it had before. He was concerned and so very worried, Tony was barely making it through the meeting.
“Y/N? Are you there?” He tried again, exiting his suit and searching his apartment.
“Boss,” FRIDAY responded. “She is resting in your room. She came back with extreme exhaustion. I’ve sent her to be and ordered food.”
“Thanks, FRI,” Tony sighed, relieved. 
He quickly, but quietly, made his way up to his room. Opening the door, the light from the hallway illuminated a very asleep Y/N, buried in the covers. He walked over, tucking her into the covers more before pressing a kiss to her forehead.
“Tony?” She rasped, eyes half opening.
“Go back to sleep,” he urged, brushing his fingers over her cheek. “I’ll let you know when the food’s here.”
She nodded, quickly falling back to sleep. Tony watched her lovingly before changing into something comfier. He was in the living room, waiting for the food, when the elevator dinged. Quickly on guard, Tony stood up defensively. He relaxed slightly when he noticed Peter waltzing in, bags of food.
“Hey, Mr. Stark!” Peter greeted excitedly.
“Hey, kid,” Tony responded. “What ya got there?”
“Oh, FRIDAY told me that you needed me to run and get some food. Even told me where to go and what to go.”
“FRIDAY, huh?” He looked up at the ceiling with a little shake of his head. “We’re going to have a conversation later.”
“Am I intruding on something?”
“No, kid,” Tony sighed. “It’s about time I let you in on a little secret.”
“A secret? What secret?”
“How about you go and get everything set up for three in the kitchen and I’ll be right back?”
“For three? Okay, Mr. Stark!” 
The kid rushed away to the kitchen. Tony headed back to the bed room. He had the urge to leave Y/N sleeping, as she very well needed it, obviously. But she needed to eat as well. He walked over and gently sat next to her.
“Y/N,” he called softly. “Time to wake up.”
“Hmm?” She hummed, stirring from her slumber. 
“Food’s here. And, there’s someone I want you to meet.”
“Meet?” Y/N was more awake now. “Tony, you know I can’t—“
“They won’t say anything to anyone. I promise.” He grabbed one of her hands and brought it up to his lips for a kiss. “Please?”
“Okay, Tony,” she nodded. Her stomach growled as she threw the covers off of her.
Tony chuckled. “You hungry?”
“A little.” She put her hands out. “A little help.”
Tony smiled and nodded before grabbing her hands. He carefully guided Y/N so that she was standing. Keeping hold of one of Y/N’s hands, Tony began to lead them out of the bedroom. Suddenly, Y/N tripped over her own tired feet.
“Woah, there, honey,” Tony said, steadying her. “When was the last time you ate?”
“Uh… honestly, I don’t remember,” Y/N responded. “It was… I thought happened.”
“And you better plan on telling me all about it after dinner.”
“Yes, Tones.”
Tony wrapped an arm around Y/N’s waist to keep her more steady as they made their way to the kitchen. When they arrived, Y/N saw a teenager, one from the pictures on the wall. He was setting up dinner.
“Mr. Parker,” Tony called, the boy’s head snapped to look at his mentor. The boy was clearly surprised to see who was standing beside Tony. “I’d like you to meet Y/N. Y/N, this is Peter Parker. Or, Spider-Man.”
“Hello, Mr. Parker,” Y/N greeted holding her hand out for the young hero to shake. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Peter nervously shook Y/N’s hand. “You’re…” He swallowed. “Y-you’re Lady America. I… I fought your brother in Germany.”
“You did, huh?” Y/N gave Tony a look. Tony looked away, not willing to meet her eye. 
“Yeah! I even stole his shield from him.”
“Well, that sounds like an interesting story. I’d love to hear it sometime.”
“Okay!” / “Let’s not.”
“Miss Rogers, I promise I won’t tell anyone about seeing you,” Peter continued as they sat at the table. 
“Thank you, Peter,” Y/N replied. “It means a lot.”
“How was school today, kid?” Tony asked, taking Y/N’s plate and dishing food onto it. “And patrol? Save any cats?”
“School was school. I spent most of science reworking my webbing. And I didn’t save any cats today, Mr. Stark. Just some old ladies crossing the street.”
Y/N honestly enjoyed the dinner with Tony and Peter. It was a sense of normalcy that had disappeared from her life what seemed like ages ago. After dinner was done, Peter needed to go home to get Aunt May. He awkwardly said goodbye before disappearing into the elevator. Y/N leaned back into Tony once Peter was gone. Tony pressed a kiss to the side of her head.
“Coulson’s dying,” Y/N whispered.
“What?” Tony quickly moved so that he was facing Y/N. “How?”
“I don’t know. But, I said goodbye to him and the team. Only final time.”
Tony pulled her in for a hug. “I’m sorry you had to do that,” he said softly. “I know how much they meant to you.”
“He was there when I woke up… he was my first friend.”
“Do the others know? Does Daisy know?”
“No. And I wasn’t meant to find out.”
Tony looked down at Y/N. “What do you need me to do?”
“Hold me.”
So that’s what he did, all night long.
To say Bucky was anxious would be an understatement. Y/N had been gone for about a week, without a word from her. Shuri had tried to cheer him up, but it was only met with grumpiness. He was beginning to worry that something had happened to her. After that worry crept it, Bucky noticed that T’Challa and the others were keeping something from him.
“What do you know?” Bucky asked, marching into the throne room where T’Challa and his counselors were.
“Leave us,” T’Challa requested, and the others quickly left. “This is about Y/N.”
“What do you know?”
“I will show you.”
T’Challa showed Bucky the news footage of Talbot’s press conference and him getting shot in the head by Daisy, only for Y/N to appear moments later.
“The government will stop at nothing to throw her in Raft,” T’Challa stated. “I have—“
“They won’t waste their time with Raft,” Y/N’s voice came from behind. The men spun around to see her standing there. “They’ve already made it clear that they will kill me on sight.”
After spending time with Tony, Y/N knew she needed to go back to Wakanda to see Bucky. She willingly let Tony make her breakfast before fighting him to let her leave. Luckily, she won.
“But I’m fine,” Y/N continued. “Healed it myself.” Bucky began marching towards her, clearly angry. “What? I’m okay, I pro—“
She was quickly cut off by his lips smashing onto hers. With his only arm, he pulled her into him, keeping her tightly against his chest. Y/N could feel all the worry and frustration that was being poured into the kiss.
“Don’t ever do that again,” Bucky growled against her lips. 
“I’m sorry,” she replied softly. “I really had no choice.”
T’Challa cleared his throat, reminding the two that they were not alone. “I’m glad that you are alright, Y/N,” T’Challa said with a slight smile. “I’m afraid Barnes here was about to burn the whole country down to search for you.”
“The whole country, huh?” She looked at Bucky, teasingly. “Wow.”
“The whole country, no,” Bucky defended. “The whole world, that’s probably about right.”
“Cause that would solve the problem.”
“Anything to get me to you, doll.” He gave you a softer kiss. “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine. And I’m safe.”
The next year went by in this weird, fast-slow sort of way. Both Tony and Bucky were as understanding as they could be with the situation Y/N was putting them in. But as time went on, the more frustrated and jealous both men became. Valentine’s Day was honestly the least problematic of any of the holidays. And that was saying something.
Alone, Y/N worked to gain more control and confidence with her abilities. She needed to be ready for whatever was coming. At the start of 2018, the Stones slowly began haunting her dreams, concerning both men greatly. Sleeping was becoming a luxury. The Stones showed to her their powers and the vision Wanda showed her three years previous. They kept telling her to prepare, but not exactly what to prepare for. 
The mounting stress of choosing between the men she loved and the oncoming battle that laid ahead, was enough to make anyone go crazy. But Y/N tried her best to keep an even killed head on her shoulders. Both her men could see that this was all weighing on her, but they did their best (somedays) to take a weight off of her.
Y/N also began to grow more angry at Steve. Though she missed him greatly. She was so mad at him. Mad at him for not reaching out or appearing to not care. She was mad at him for not telling her about Howard’s death and for not being willing to see outside his stubborn ass. For that being there when she lost AJ. But Y/N also missed him terribly. Steve was her twin after all. She would always love him.
It was now currently April and Y/N was up late after having visions of the Reality and Power Stones. And a purple giant. She was alone in her Wakandan bedroom, staring at her hands nervously. She had woken up deciding that she couldn’t wait any longer to choose. A choice needed to be made before what ever was haunting her came. In all honesty, Y/N had known for months, who’d she choose. She was just lying to herself.
With a deep breath, Y/N looked over at her side table. There were two clocks on the table, one with New York’s time and one with Bucky’s. It was almost time for her morning run with Tony. 
“I guess it’s time to make the choice official,” she whispered to herself. “Someone help me.”
Tony was already waiting at the Compound for Y/N. He had bought the property on the other side of the lake months back so that their dates could be outside more. He put in a dirt path so that they could run in the mornings too. Tony was leaning against a tree, waiting for Y/N, with his fingers running over his knew (detachable) arc reactor. Ever since Y/N began to struggle to sleep at night, he knew he needed to do something to protect them. To protect her. The new arc reactor didn’t get placed without a fight. But Y/N eventually gave in.
“You ready to lose again, tin man?” Y/N teased, appearing through a portal beside him.
“I never mind losing,” Tony smirked. “The view’s great.”
Y/N playfully swatted him. Tony grabbed her hands and pulled her into him for a kiss. Something was off about it.
“You okay?” He asked, pulling away.
“Yeah,” she responded, unconvincing. “Just ready for a run.”
She pecked his lips once more before sprinting off. He quickly followed. They ran in silence for a while before Tony started talking, but it wasn’t all making sense to Y/N.
“Slow down, slow down,” Tony requested. “I’m totally not kidding.”
“You’re totally rambling,” Y/N laughed, slowing down to a walking speed.
“No, I’m not.”
“Lost me.”
“Look, you know how you're having a dream, and in the dream you gotta pee?”
“Yeah,” Y/N nodded.
“Okay, and then you're like, 'Oh my god, there's no bathroom, what am I gonna do?', 'Oh! Someone's watching,' ''m gonna go in my pants.’”
“Right. And then you wake up, and in real life you actually have to pee.”
“Yeah. Everybody has that.”
“Right! That's the point I'm trying to make. Apropos of that, last night, I dreamt, we had a kid.” Y/N stopped turning to face Tony. “So real. We named him after an eccentric uncle. Uh, what was his name?”
“Right… Tony, I think—“
“Morgan! Morgan.” He snapped his fingers.
“So you woke up, and thought that we were…”
“No,” Y/N shook her head. “We haven’t even had sex in a year. How could that me possible?”
“I had a dream about it. It was so real.”
“I’m sure it was, Tony. But I haven’t even—“
“I know, I know. You haven’t chosen yet. But just think about it, will ya? My dream can’t be far off.”
Y/N sighed and untied the jacket sleeves around Tony’s neck. “Also, if you wanted to have a kid, you wouldn’t have done that.” She tapped the new reactor.
“I'm glad you brought this up, 'cause it's nothing. It's just a housing unit for nano particles.”
“It's not helping your case, OK?”
“No, no, it's an attachment, it's not a—“
“You don’t need that.”
“I know. I had the surgery. I'm just trying to protect us. The future uses, and that's it. Just in case there's a monster in the closet, instead of, you know…”
“You know me so well. You finish all my sentences.”
“You should have shirts in your closet.”
“I should have more of your shirts in my closet.”
“I know, getting ahead of myself again. You know what there should be no more surprises. Let’s have a nice dinner tonight and we should have no more surprises. I should promise you.”
“Actually, Tony, I really need to talk to you about something. I made—“
“Tony Stark,” a man with a red cloak appeared a few feet away. There was an orange portal behind him. “Y/N Rogers, I’m Doctor Stephen Strange. And I need you both to come with me.”
next chapter >
NOTES: from now on the taglist when be added by a reblog. I will reblog it using my second account, @just-dreaming-marvel-2​​. Just so that my main page doesn’t get too cluttered.
If you want to be added to the tag list, please dm me or send in an ask.
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Title: Coffee In Your Cream {Headcanon} **
Steve Rogers x Reader
Warning: Mild Cursing, Moderate NSFW, Moderate SMUT
Words: 2k
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***Loosley Edited/Proofread***
Steve Rogers is from an era where interracial relationships are not the norm. How could it be? It was the early nineteen hundreds.
Living and growing up in Brooklyn his worldwide view was never one dimensional. Thanks to being Captain America, that worldwide view was blown wide open. The first time he met you, you saved his ass. 
He instantly thought that you were the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen in his entire life and at the time he’d been alive for well over ninety years. Point is, he’d seen a lot of women. You were gorgeous and even better you were working undercover with the Avengers which meant you were deadly. 
From the day you met, you made him work for it. You danced around each other for months, both refusing to admit either of you had an attraction to the other. When neither of you could deny it any longer traditional Steve Rogers turned into a twenty-first-century man and no date was necessary for you to have him in the locker room shower, taking away his sexual innocence.
Since then the two of you have been inseparable. You went on missions together, trained together and the best part was that he let you do some downright naughty things to him. The two of you couldn’t have been happier and Steve couldn’t have loved you more.
“As you can see your majesty, we’re always training here,” Tony said as you circled the mat keeping an eye on Steve. Just because you always trained together, and you knew each of his moves didn’t mean he couldn’t beat you. 
“Captain, look who stopped by.” Steve looked away from you to the two new additions beside Tony.
“Prince T’Challa—well King now.” Steve extended his hand to shake T’Challa’s. you watched the interaction between him and the two men. It seemed friendly.
They exchanged pleasantries for a few moments before Steve nodded you over. “Y/N, meet King T’Challa and Prince N'Jadaka of Wakanda.” Out of respect, you bowed your head to both of them as you shook their hand. You noticed how Prince N'Jadaka’s hand lingered with yours which had you looking at him. the look in his eyes was pure flirtatiousness.
“The pleasure is all mine, ma,” he chided with a lick of his lips that turned into a smile. You returned it.
“Dang Tony, if I knew you were recruiting more beautiful women for the team I might have joined up,” Prince N'Jadaka teased. You pinched your lips and tried to stifle the laugh. You could sense Steve’s uneasiness beside you. You loved when he was jealous.
“The Avengers could always use more people. Isn’t that right Steve?”
The way he looked at you it was clear to see his answer was definitely not. 
“I hear the training sessions around here could raise to the level of my Dora,” T’Challa voiced.
“We don’t play around here,” Tony added.
“Do you think it’s a fair match against Captain America himself?” The way Prince N'Jadaka’s voice sounded he sounded serious. You wanted to laugh.
“Is it a fair match captain?” You walked back toward the mat and signaled for Steve to take his place. 
“Oh great,” he said as he took his place across from you.
“Don’t hold back,” you warned giving him a stern look to say you meant it. 
Before he nodded you charged to him going in for the kill. Quickly he evaded your onslaught of blows and turned around putting you in a chokehold—a loose chokehold. He was going easy. Annoyed you elbowed him in his gut and wrung his arm ready to flip him but he shoved you halfway across the mat. That was more like it, you thought.
The two of you continued to spar. You remained the one on the offense leaving Steve to block and deflect every attempt you made to put him on his fine ass. After almost ten minutes you were annoyed with the back and forth.
“If you’re tired we can take a draw,” Steve teased. He knew you hated draws.
“Why would I do that? I’m three moves away from dropping you.”
Steve laughed, a laugh that Prince N'Jadaka and T’Challa echoed. 
“Little mama got a mouth on her. I like her.”
You ran across the mat to Steve as he ran to you he threw a punch and made an attempt to kick out. You knew the move and countered accordingly with a move Nat taught you. You jumped on him wrapping your legs around him as you’d done countless times before, all in a different context than now. You then flipped over him putting him in a choke to slam him to the mat landing on top of him pinning his hands to the mat.
“Oh! Daaaaaaaamn!” Locking eyes with Steve you smiled, he was already smiling.
“You love that move huh?”
“It has some elegance to it.” Steve bit his bottom lip and you could feel the beginning stirs of his arousal. Training and sparing matches usually led to hot shower sex and his body was more than ready
“Guess it wasn’t a fair fight,” you cockily said to Prince N'Jadaka and King T’Challa. Both men looked very amused and highly entertained.
Suddenly Steve flipped you over his head onto your back with him landing on to of you this time with your arms pinned to the mat. 
“Guess not,” Steve finished. You pinched your lips and mirrored the move he just did then stood and put your foot to his throat.
The men to the side of the mat clapped signaling you’d won the fight. Shaking his head Steve stood and gave you a smile indicating his ego was not bruised. By the way he bit his bottom lip it was safe to say his ego was not even touched, he had other things on his mind.
“Wow. What a fight. Remind me never to piss you off babygirl,” Prince N'Jadaka added. You smiled.
“It was nice meeting you two. I’m gonna hit the shower.” Steve approached your side and wrapped his arm around your waist resting it on your hip possessively.
“We’re gonna hit the shower.” You pinched your lips, possessive and jealous Steve was putting his foot down. The look on T’Challa and N'Jadaka’s face was pure and utter shock.
“Say what? Oh hell naw, really? You and—naw. You mean to tell me that this vanilla cone isn’t a full on square? Come on now, does he know what he’s doin ma’? If not—.”
You fought the laughter that threatened to spill out. if it did Steve would never forgive you. everything N'Jadaka was asking was what you’d thought those years ago before you got together. You had worries but he’d put those to rest.
“I’m good.”
“Yeah, she’s real good. You know what they say, vanilla and chocolate make a sundae.” Steve turned you and led you toward the door leaving T’Challa and N'Jadaka gaping at you.
“Wow, the vanilla and chocolate line? Damn, you even walk different cause of her. she gave you that swagger,” N'Jadaka shout after the two of you.
Before you walked out of the room you heard him say one more thing. “Damn, lost another one.”
Once you got to that shower possessive Steve was on full display. You loved jealous Steve, but you went weak for possessive Steve. As soon as he stepped into the shower behind you he was pressing you against the tiled wall and burying his face in your neck.
“It’s never a good idea to flirt in front of me.” You smiled.
“I wasn’t flirting.”
“Yes, you were, it might have been a little, but you still flirted. Did you like it?”
Steve pressed his hardness on your ass giving you a sneak peek at what was soon going to be buried inside of you. A soft moan escaped you.
“Of course not. I love you, Steve.”
“Looks like I’ll have to remind you just what it means to be mine.” Steve hoisted you up, holding you steady against him and keeping your body in a seated position. His strength always amazed you. You weren’t some dainty feather and still, he handled you as if you were a rag doll.
Without warning. Steve lowered you on his engorged heat inch by tantalizing inch. Once he was fully sheath both of you released a heavy sigh—a content sigh. Steve peppered kisses across your shoulder blades and shoulders before he trailed along your spine. Once he started moving you on his need, using your body to bring you both immeasurable pleasure you quickly melted 
All that you could do was pant and moan his name with every poke of your cervix. He was buried so deep that you almost couldn’t take it. He’d confessed to you that the super serum made more than his muscles bigger. You’d been a very happy woman over the years.
Steve changed the angle of which he held you. You were not braced against the wall with him holding your legs as if you were a wheelbarrow. You knew he wasn’t going to take it easy on you. When his hips slammed into you the force of the thrust almost gave you whiplash.
“Shit.” It was said as a groan, one that was laced with anxiousness. You knew what was coming. Steve plowed into you setting a steady pace at first that quickly became erratic. Though erratic the power behind each of his strokes was clear. You didn’t bother to try to hold your orgasm back. It was no use.
As you came Steve groaned from the tight clench around him, but his thrusts didn’t slow. Your moans won out over the sound of the water beating down on both your bodies. Anyone who was walking by would easily hear you. Steve’s hips slowed to deliver slow, deep and powerful strokes that coaxed yet another orgasm from you.
“Y/N!” That was all he managed to get out before his release overpowered him. It felt like forever that he stood there filling you to capacity. Once he was spent he lowered you to your feet and slid to the shower floor trying to catch his breath. 
Slowly you lowered yourself onto his still hard length moaning at the feel of him sliding into your well coated core. 
“Jesus, thank god for Bruce’s super birth control. I’m sure that would have been the one to put a baby right here.” Steve gently rubbed your belly.
You snorted and laughed heartily. All he could muster was a toothy grin. 
“You’re so silly.”
“But you love me, right?” You nodded as you kissed him.
“So much.”
You lazily bathed each other right there on the shower floor unable to find any strength left to stand and complete the tasks. Once the two of you were cleaned and dressed you made your way to the dining room where you knew everyone was gathered. 
You got your food and sat down.
“From the sounds I heard coming from your rooms I guess he does know what he’s doing,” N'Jadaka uttered.
Embarrassment filled you. “Oh you heard them too? We always hear them. these two cannot keep their hands off each other,” Bucky teased.
“Shiiit, by the sounds I be hearing all the damn time Cap be killing Y/N.”
Everyone laughed loudly, everyone but you and Steve. While you buried your face in your hands Steve sat there pinching his lips.
“I’m surprised she can still walk,” Nat added.
“Oh my god, really Nat?”
“I’m surprised there aren’t at least six Steve Jrs, running around here,” Clint voiced.
“I think Cap is still determined to make it happen,” Sam finished.
“Wow, okay, everyone back off,” you warned.
They all raised their hands in defeat and continued eating their meals in comfortable and sociable silence.
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kidney9-9 · 4 years
Henlo! Would you tag me in all your Chris Evans characters? Also is it okay if I request something? Maybe protective Stevie defending you from your toxic friends. I mean I'd be jealous too if my friend started dating that hunk.
hi donutloverxo! i’ll add you to the taglist! thank you for reading and requesting this one! i loved it and haha same here! feel free to send in any requests you guys want to see! 
Steve Rogers x Reader (Fluff!) No warnings! Word Count: 622
You shifted uncomfortably in your seat at the restaurants as yours friends started mouthing off about your boyfriend. Steve ran off to the bathroom quickly, and right when he did, your friends started telling you how horrible he was acting. You were shocked at your friends, especially since he has been nothing but kind to you the whole time you two were dating, and since he has been kind to them as well.
“I’m sorry but Steve isn’t the guy for you. You’re just… not his type!” Your friend sitting across from you spoke up, making you frown. Her words rendering useless seeing as she had no idea what his type was or what he was like. “We’re doing good together though?” You said back unsurely to how they would react.
Another friend popped in, laughing at your words. “No, you obviously aren’t. Look at you! You’ve got bags under your eyes; you’re probably really stressed out with him.” You grimaced at her as well, disliking the feelings that were bubbling over inside you. Your two other friends laughed as well, agreeing to it.
“I think you would do good, just not dating anyone. Maybe you could go out with Cory, the two of you would do great together. Ya’know, because he’s sort of like you? Not in a mean way of course, it’s just the two of you both live in shitty apartments and have shitty jobs.” Another one retorted to you. You shook your head in disbelief at all of them.
“I-I’m sorry but why are you all ganging up on me?” You questioned, utterly confused and feeling hurt. You felt a warm hand slide on your back, and you flinched at it before looking up to see it was Steve. He had a look of disbelief on his face as well.
All your friends instantly started denying your question, saying you were being “stupid”. Steve cut them off by dragging the chair on the floor loudly. They all looked to him questionably. “Excuse me? Was it Mary, or Marley? Like that dog? But- she doesn’t have bags under her eyes. She sleeps good with me.” Steve responded to their drags.
He continued as you gazed at him in amazement, “And uh, Amber? Does having a job with the Avengers sound shitty?” Amber looked at him confused at his words, Steve glanced back to you with a large “Oh!” and laughed. “Oh, she didn’t tell you guys, huh? Or did you not pay attention? She’s a trainer at the Compound, that’s how we met. How long ago was that? Like eleven months now? And wow, you girls didn’t know…” He trailed off with a laugh. You smiled at Steve, feeling happy he was defending you.
You had no idea that your friends would act like this with you. It hurt your feelings that they did, but now you were glad you were finally seeing what jealousy does to them. “Thanks Stevie.” You beamed at him. He nodded back to you while softly tracing shapes on your back. Your friends barely looked at either of you as you stood up and started to walk away.
“Wait! The check!” One of them called out. You gazed back at her, shrugging, “Well, you guys know I can’t afford that and all, since I have such a ‘shitty’ job and ‘shitty apartment’. Right, Stevie?” You nodded back to Steve.
His grin shinned bright back at you, “Yeah, of course babe, our apartment is so shitty.” As you heard your friends complain and protest behind you, Steve pulled you in for a deep kiss. “Love you, babe.” He mumbled to you, smiling as the two of you pulled away and walked out of the restaurant.
- tagging: @peppamultifanimagines @donutloverxo 
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peter-parkourwrites · 5 years
Heartbreak Summer 3
Bucky Barnes x Reader, College AU
Summary: James Buchanan Barnes broke your heart two years ago. Now, after settling down finally in college with your group of old and new friends, he ́s transferred into your school, and maybe back into your heart.
Word Count: uhhh idk
Warnings: angst, swearing, mentions of death, slight thor x reader, jealous buckaroo, crying, fluff if you squint
A/N: TAG LIST IS OPEN!! Also uhhh sorry this is a lil late my laptop is broken and i can’t use the schools to post it here so i had to improvise and use my phone for it so thats also why it’s not edited completely 😤 but thank you for reading 💖
Feedback is always appreciated! Thanks for reading loves, I hope you guys like it!
*Gif not mine, credit to owner*
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It’s hard to actually pinpoint the exact moment you fell for Bucky, it always has been. Maybe it was when you met. Steve had invited you and Wanda out to one of their highschool football games because he knew Tony would tag along, and you were almost certain he would ask if he was coming. That night he simply ignored anything anyone besides Tony said, leaving yourself, Bucky, Sam, and Wanda to chat. Bucky's whole aura made you giddy, he kept you on your toes and laughing. His blue eyes reminding you of an ocean, that you wouldn’t mind drowning in. Or maybe it was when he saw you walking home in the pouring rain and offered you a ride in his mom's minivan.
Sure, you tell people forever. But that’s only because you’re a bit prone to dramatics. James Buchanan Barnes had your heart, and always would. No matter how many people you dated, you’d always be his. And you realized that, lying awake at five am, the sunrise peeking in through the windows, and showing how much dust you really had in the small room.
“Steve I told you, it’s fine. I’m not mad. A little annoyed, but not mad. I just wish you would have told me.” You sighed, taking the cup of coffee his outstretched arm was holding. “Besides I am so over him. And I have more important shit to focus on than thinking about old flames.”
“What like school? Psh that shit is boring.”
“Wow I must be in another world, first Bucky comes back, and now Steve Rogers is saying ‘shit’? I should just head down to the psych unit in the medical department.” You tease, bringing the cup up to your lips.
“Please, (y/n/n) you work on that floor anyways.”
“Hey! It’s not by choice you idiot, my professor wants us to switch things up every few weeks. But thankfully I start my internship soon.”
“With professor Coulson?”
“Yeah.” You hum and walk over to the couch, that has a plethora of pillows tossed about. “Starting on the pediatric floor I think.” You mumble into the cup of coffee as you slowly lift it up to your lips for another ling sip.
Steve sits across from you on the old black recliner he’s had since you could remember. He loved that squeaky old thing. Even if everytime he actually reclined in it, it’d send him flying violently backwards.
“That’ll be cool, you’ve always been good with kids.”
“Only because of Becca, I called her earlier and told her about it, and she reminded me of when Bucky, you and I had to take care of her. Man that whole weekend was a mess.”
“Yeah we had to beg his parents not to leave us alone for the weekend ever again.” He laughed, crossing an arm over his chest like he was on SNL. You rolled your eyes and finished the rest of the coffee.
“Oh whatever, anyways thanks for letting me come over at ungodly hours.” You grinned, kicking your legs up on the rest of the couch and craning your head to the side to look at him. Steve nodded and placed his cup on the table.
“I’m always here to talk, you know that (Y/N).”
“Don’t get all sappy on me now.” You groaned, grabbing a pillow from beside you and tossed it at him. He caught it without a glance and turned on the TV. “Showoff…” You muttered, crossing your arms over your chest and turning to face the now illuminated screen, as a rerun of Law and Order started playing.
You and Steve lounged around for a good hour and a half, now being around seven. He got up to make breakfast for everyone while you clicked through the guide.
“You guys have shitty TV, this is all football.” You moaned, dramatically flopping against the back of the couch. “Don’t you guys ever watch anything interesting? Like The Simpsons, or Criminal Minds? At least one of you has to be a sucker for crime documentaries.”
“That would be me.” Sam announced his arrival as he walked out from the hallway and to the front door as a rapid knocking was heard. He pulled open the door and Tony came rushing in, hair disheveled and eyes wide.
“I thought you died!” He yelled, waving his arms around wildly in your direction.
“We told you she wasn’t dead.” Nat said with a groan as she walked in behind him, dragging a half asleep Wanda behind her. “Hey hun, he woke us up yelling that you were gone.”
“He made up,” Wanda yawned, “So many theories…” She groaned and flopped down on the couch, laying her head on your thighs. You chuckled and patted her forehead, continuing to scroll past the plethora of sports channels.
“Like what?” You asked, turning your head slightly to glance at Tony. He was having a hushed chat with Steve and turned his attention back to you, now holding a steaming cup of coffee.
“Oh ya know, you an Buckaroo getting back together, you got drunk and left the apartment without even knowing, or Thor had asked you to go over for a quickie.”
“Gross!” You hissed, chucking the remote at him. It went sailing past him and landed on the floor with a thud. “We do not have quickies.” You muttered, crossing your arms over your chest and letting out a huff of air.
“Hey does anyone know how Buck takes his coffee?” Steve asked, eyes scanning over the different creamers.
“Black with two sugars. Unless it’s from Starkbucks, then creamer. Says it’s too bitter” You said, the words flying out of your mouth before you could even stop them. The kitchen went silent and you faked innocence as Nat raised a brow at you for an explanation. “What?!” You yelped and raised your hand in defense. “We dated for three years, and it's not like it’s that hard to remember.”
“Uh-huh just keep telling yourself that you love sick fool.”
“Tony shut up I am not.”
“Yes you are.”
“Yessss.” He said in a sing-song voice as Steve walked over with a plate of pancakes. Wanda sat up from your lap, only to move beside you. Nat sat on the floor next to Sam who kept picking food off her plate, you could have sworn Nat threatened to stab him at least twice. Steve sat in his usual recliner, and Tony sprawled out next to you on the couch.
“Jesus what did I miss?” Bucky’s raspy morning voice filled your ears, and you shuddered, a chill running down your spine. You shook it off by reaching for the syrup.
“Pancakes and yelling.” Wanda beamed up at him before grabbing the syrup from your hand. “Share.” She muttered, sending you a glare. You stuck your tongue out at her before beginning to dig in to your second pancake.
“(Y/N) never shares her food.” Bucky chuckled and began fixing two plates of food. Shooting him a cold glare, you finally looked at him. His long locks were an absolute mess, per-usual in the mornings, he had black basketball shorts, hanging low on his waist and he was shirtless. You gulped, your eyes not daring to scan his god like body.
But you failed, like usual. And oh you wished you hadn’t looked. He still looked as if he was sculpted by the gods, that much was obvious but there we small red and purple marks littering his collarbones. Hickies.
You gulped down the last bite of your food and with a shaky hand, placed the plate on the coffee table.
Sensing your mood change Nat sat up, but still chewed on her blueberry pancakes. Wanda already had a hand pressed up against your lower back, but you brushed her off as you stood up.
“Actually James, I do, just not with you.” You muttered, before walking over to your stuff. You pulled Thor’s sweatshirt from the back of your chair and slipped it over your head, then stuffed your phone into your pocket. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have class and I’d rather not be here when your little… plaything wakes up.” With that, you opened the door, stepped out, and slammed it shut. Then you took off down the hall to your own apartment and threw yourself in.
“Fuck fuck fuck!” You chanted, tripping over furniture, tears already spilling from your eyes.
You did have class, that much was true. Then you had a study group with some lower-classmen you were helping in biology. So you weren’t really lying, even if it was at noon, not eight in the morning. But you had to get out of there, you could barely hold yourself together seeing him alone after a one night stand, but seeing him with the girl? No way in hell you would have kept it together. Not like this.
You wiped the tears off your cheeks, rubbing under your eyes. Red cheeks replaced the pale ones you had moments before, and the bags under your eyes were way more noticeable. Turning on the faucet, you splash your face with cold water and run your fingers through your hair.
“Get it together…” You muttered, not even wanting to look at yourself in such a disheveled state.
“No that’s not right.” Peter’s voice became a distant memory, your head falling limp in your palm as you fought against the sleep that was pulling your eyelids closed.
After the mini reality check from earlier, you managed to take a quick shower, and throw your hair up into a ponytail. You looked presentable at best, but it was better than not showing up at all. You managed to toss on one of Thor’s old sweatshirts you stole, along with a pair of leggings, and some slippers. Because the weather was surprisingly cold for early fall.
“Sorry, what?” You blinked as MJ tapped your shoulder.
“Peter wants to know why blood sugar levels are so important.” She mumbled, not even sparing you a glance, her nose dug into a book.
“Because, Our blood sugar refers to how much glucose is present in the blood. Glucose is important for cells to be able to make energy and build other complex carbohydrates. However, too much glucose can be toxic for the body. So we need to know if it becomes too much, or too little. You should know this.”
“And you Miss (Y/N), shouldn’t be falling asleep.” Peter teased, sticking his tongue out at you as you shot him a glare.
“Listen kid, I didn’t sleep last night and I haven’t had enough coffee. Stark is dropping me off some.”
“Just get the coffee from the front desk.”
“Parker I am going to pretend you didn’t just say that. Library coffee is horrible. I need fresh brewed from home, or Dunkin.”
“Oh or that nice little place on Manhattan blvd.” Ned added and you nodded, shooting him a warm smile.
“Yes, the absolute best.”
“I heard my name.” Tony said with a grin as he placed the steaming cup in front of you.
“If you mean the absolute worst? Then yes, yes you did.”
“Harsh, I have been wounded. Maybe I’ll just drink this coffee myself.” The brunette mutters, pulling the cup just out of your reach and taking a small sip. You shriek violently and fling your textbook at him. Tony simply steps out of the way before shooting you a sly grin.
You let out an annoyed groan, standing up from the chair and picking up your textbook, and that's when Tony really sees what you're wearing.
He knows this small step back into what you used to be, like dipping your toe into the pool to test the water before diving in.
Under Thor’s blue sweatshirt, is one of Bucky's red henleys. He had plenty, they were his favorite shirt. And he’d be damned if they ever got stolen… by anyone other than you of course.
Tony's breath catches in his throat as you yank the sweater back over the fabric to refrain from prying eyes of passerbys, your friends, and most importantly Bucky.
“Please don’t…” You choke out, holding back a soft cry. He nods, understanding, but not ready to completely let it all go. He places a gentle hand on your wrist and waits for you to look up at him. Your eyes are slowly turning puffy and red, even more so than they already were. Your free hand is picking at imaginary lint and he lets out a sigh.
“Okay… not here.” He confirms and shakes his head at your pleading face, that's begging him to drop the subject completely.
Tony doesn’t give in to the puppy dog eyes that make everyone else but him and Natasha melt. He places a short peck to your forehead, hands you your coffee and walks off after saying a quick hello to Peter.
You clear your throat, take a small sip of the now lukewarm liquid and sit back down in the creaky hard chair.
“Sorry, where were we?” You ask, looking around the room instead of the freshman in front of you.
“Lets get some lunch.” MJ announces, abruptly standing up and shoving her books into her bag, clearly over the study session.
Of course she was done with the study session, anymore talk about isotopes and she might have exploded. But she also noticed how uncomfortable you got when Tony had started whispering to you. She had some inkling as to why. When you were a senior in highschool, she was a freshman. It was uncommon for the two classes to mingle but you and her got along great. Her, Peter, and Ned were tossed into an AP Calculus class, and you of course had gotten stuck with them. But it wasn't all bad, yourself and MJ had often made snarky comments towards the boys, and would mumble obscenities under your breath as the teacher would get things mixed up. MJ was observant, and quite the character, so when you and Bucky had split up, she knew it immediately.
Everyone was truly shocked when you both split. Bucky had left for Europe the day after, and you showed up to school, alone, with puffy eyes. She recalls when you were taking your final the next day you had ran out in the middle of it, tears pooling down your cheeks.
And she resented him a little for it, but then again she didn ́t know what happened, and she didn't know why, and she didn't know Bucky.
But it wasn't like it was rocket science to figure out that he was what had you so shaken up. MJ heard a rumor about him coming back, but refrained from saying anything because… a rumor is just that, a stupid rumor. And she didn't want to upset you if she didn't have to.
“I want the extra crispy grilled cheese.”
“You get that every time Ned.” MJ grumbled as she scanned over the blackboard that held all the options on the menu.
“Okay but it’s really good.” You chimed in grinning at MJ, you pulled out your wallet as everyone ordered and reached out to pay. Peter shrieked and smacked at your hand, shaking his head.
“No no no my treat, you always help us with studying and we don’t even pay you. Let me get this.”
“Such a gentleman…” You cooed, giving him a cheeky grin. “But its work study so I get paid anyways.” Peter simply shrugged you off and handed the cash to the cashier, who grunted in response. You recognized the kid from your Economics class, and attempted to wave but he simply turned away to grab your food.
“I still don’t see why you didn’t want to go out tonight.” Wanda muttered as she handed you a bag of goldfish to snack on.
“Because I have homework, and I have an econ test to study for. Plus it’s movie night.”
“Econ can suck my dick.”
“Who’s sucking whose dick?” Sam muttered as he flopped down on the love seat, hanging his feet off the side.
“Econ is sucking Wanda's dick because I didn’t want to go out.”
“Well it is movie night Wands, we can't just skip it.” Nat hissed, curling up on the longer couch, settling herself comfortably beside Wanda.
“Not like everyone shows up all the time.” Wanda muttered before leaning forward and cradling the warm cup in her hands. “Where the hell are Steve and the other asshole. Or were going to start without them.”
“Relax ladies we’re here.” Bucky announced, giving Sam and cheeky grin. He nudged his legs off the side to sit, but Sam shook his head and kicked his legs back up.
“What movie’s first?” Steve asked pulling out the large box of DVD’s from behind the TV stand.
It was a large clear plastic bin with half scratched off stickers. The memories of Becca sticking them all over Bucky’s things was fresh in your mind as you stared off into the distance. She’d constantly have any sort of glittery, scented, or stickers with her favorite foods on them. When Bucky had shown up to take you to prom, there was a pink glittery heart on his shoulder.
“I vote we watch Terminator.”
“Sam we always watch that movie.”
“Yeah well get used to it (Y/N) it’s a good movie.”
“Well I for one think we should watch The Princess Bride.” Wanda announced as she dug her hand into a bag of M&M’s.
“Nope, we’re watching The Lost Boys.” You said, standing up and grabbing the box out of Steve's hand. He rolled his eyes and stood up, moving to sit in your spot.
“That shitty eighties movie about the vampires? No thanks.” Sam groaned and took a handful of popcorn from the bowl. You scoffed, placing the disk in the player and turning to face him, your hands resting on your hips.
“Shut your trap, it’s a good movie.” You hissed, sticking your tongue out at him. He gave you a playful wink and turned his attention to the screen. Surveying the area around you, you noticed Steve was now occupying your seat. Pursing your lips, a small groan left your lips. The only empty seat was next to Bucky.
Unwillingly you trudged over and plopped down beside him, your heart obviously had a different plan from your brain.
Curling your legs up into your chest, and resting your head on your knees you relaxed as best as you could beside him and focused on the movie.
The movie played quietly in the background of your thoughts as you wondered why he came back. You thought he loved it over there, from what Steve had told you, he was having a wonderful time. But then again, Steve was never good with translating sarcasm. No matter if it was in person or over text. He sucked at it, plain and simple.
Bucky also wondered why he came back sometimes. He missed his friends, his sister, and his home… you.
Bucky had always lived a hectic life. He grew up beside Steve, ever since birth they had been close. Their mothers were friends so it was only natural the pair would become close.
Steve eventually went from a scrawny kid with asthma who had a knack for fighting bullies to, Steve the football player, no longer stricken with the burden of not being able to breathe. A chick magnet, who was so kind to girls it was almost unbelievable he hadn’t dated anyone.
And then Steve met Y/N. You became fast friends and Bucky could have sworn you knew one another since you were born just like him and Steve. He had met you in sophomore year. Three years, and Steve had finally introduced him to you. But it wasn’t just simple you. Bucky was introduced to the person who changed his life. A beautiful girl who he swore made his heart beat louder than it ever had. But of course, Bucky thought you and Steve were in love. You were the only one who he allowed to refer to him as ‘Stevie.’ He hated that nickname, but not when you said it. So Bucky backed off, until your large group of friends all got smashed at a party and Steve embarrassingly kissed some dude on the track team. You practically burst with joy for him for finally doing it and all Bucky could do was sit there, beer in a cup now warming due to the burning in his hand, where you gripped it in pure joy for your shared best friend.
It was then that Bucky had made it his plan to get you to fall for him in the same way he fell for you. It was easier said than done, but he eventually won your heart.
You became his favorite person. The one he would constantly visit, and stop whatever he was doing to see you. You became his home.
He thought your voice was smooth like honey, and as sweet as the sugar his mom would put on his cheerios when he was younger. Your voice would seep into the cracks of his soul, to remind him he’d always have you.
He even had you now, as your head rested against his shoulder, the rest of your body slumped against the back of the couch. Soft snores rang through his ears, focusing only on you. He’d be damned if he or anyone else woke you up. The movie ended about an hour ago, and everyone had gone to bed. But not without some snide or silly comments on how you were cuddled up against him.
However, he paid no mind to them. All he thought about was how he missed your arms around him, your body heat radiating off of you, keeping him impossibly warm. The familiar scent of lavender and vanilla filled his nostrils as he relaxed all parts of his body but his right arm where you were curled up against. An odd position, yeah but for you? He’d fall out of a plane if it meant keeping you safe. (I’m sorry forgive me for that reference lol)
He felt you stir beside him, and Bucky froze, his breath halted in his lungs as he very slowly glanced down towards you. Your face scrunched up as you wiped at your cheek, after pulling up from his shoulder. Your eyes blinked open, and Bucky quietly watched your eyelashes kiss at your cheeks every time they fluttered shut. He froze again, praying you wouldn’t freak out, and that you’d calmly get up and go to bed, or curl up next to him again.
You chose neither and sat up fully, hunching forward and grabbing the remote from the coffee table.
“‘Nother movie?” You asked, leaning back against the couch and looking over at him. He nodded and focused his gaze on the screen as you chose a crappy netflix original. “ ‘M sorry for falling asleep on you by the way…” You mumbled, running your fingers through your hair. Bucky let out a faint chuckle and shook his head.
“I’m happy to be your headrest doll, long as you don’t drool.”
“Shut up Buck, that was one time…” You groaned, lightly punching his shoulder. He just shook his head and kept his eyes trained on your face, and he swore he saw a hint of a smile curling at your lips.
Smiling at him? Maybe, he could only hope.
Discarding the thought, much to fast for his own taste, he busied himself by grabbing some popcorn and tossing it into his mouth.
Maybe one day he’d work up the courage to actually talk to you, not some silly banter that was somewhere on the cusp of anger and misread feelings from old times… maybe.
TAGLIST: @thatsbucknasty @itz-kira @cassandras-musings @petlaufeyson @itzmegaaaaaaan @ambrosesnerd @thatoneslytherinbeater @sebastianstan-posts @retrxbarnes @nervosaa @vvinch3st3r @lost-in-t-h-e-abyss @spn-obession @greeneyedgirls4 @learisa @avipshamitra @uaterer @aletteredaffair @formulafun @smexy-bucky-waifu @jitterbuck @marvelsbitxh @justanothergirlwithdemons @blueeyedboobear @ladymidnightt @greatballsofeffingfire @kaithezaftig @cookies186 @mywinterwolf @buckysthing @postredetucora @coraz0ndcristal @mc225g @section-79 @eves-library
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anika-ann · 4 years
Think Again (When You Stop Freaking Out) - Pt.2
Recon Mission
Pairing: None                   Word count: 2159
Warnings: language, hella lot confusion, … irony and sass? ;)
Summary: Both Matt and Steve find someone willing to lend a helping hand. Granted, their allies’ approach might differ, but they are not in a position to look a gift horse in the mouth... Steve especially, after all. 
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Story Masterlist
It only took a minute for Matt to run into someone. The man was slightly shorter than himself – in this body anyway –, but was significantly smaller in built, olive skin and dark curls, wearing thin glasses. He gave Matt a brief, but warm smile.
It kinda freaked Matt out, but he tried not to let it show.
“Hey, Steve,” he nodded in greeting and Matt’s brain stopped.
Steve Rogers. Okay. At least he knew 'his' full name, that should be helpful. Though an unpleasant suspicion had crept into his mind and he prayed he was wrong. Then again... did he? It wouldn’t be such a bad option, would it? All things considered…
“You okay?”
Matt observed his face, unsure if he was wearing an expression of concern. Matt wasn’t used to identify emotions on people’s faces. He had heartbeats. Laughing. Breathing. Little noises. Hell, sweating even. Now he had big fat nothing. He gulped.
“Uhm... no. I don't... I don't feel like myself,” he admitted and now it definitely was concern on his friend’s (?) face he was seeing, the man’s brows furrowing.
“What do you mean? Tell me. It could be the effect of the artefact you retrieved yesterday, you’re the only one who touched it without any barrier. How do you feel? Dizzy, or...?”
At that moment, Matt was pretty confident he had not been wrong with his suspicion.
Retreating artefacts. Possibly alien ones. Matt had no doubt now. Steve Rogers, build like a rock, living in a fancy skyscraper, retrieving artefacts. Possibly enhanced strength...
Oh yeah. He had woken up in Captain freakin' America's body.
Once the situation would be only a history – there had to be a way to reverse that strange Freaky Friday (thank you, Foggy) situation, right? – the story would never get old. Foggy would be so jealous, actually…
“Steve? Can you hear me?” a voice reached him and he quickly shook his head to get rid of the silly thoughts.
“Huh? Yeah, yeah. It feels like… like, uhm, like I am... in a wrong body.”
Does that even make sense?
No, it doesn’t, none of this makes sense. Welcome to reality.
“Oh? Uh-oh. Does it feel too big?” the man asked, slightly horrified.
Matt grimaced. Well. That was one way to put it, he guessed. “That too.”
“Huh. Do you remember being injected with the serum?”
“Uhm…” Matt hesitated. How the hell should he know?! Was this man talking about the experiment that made Steve Rogers a supersoldier or about something else? “...yes?”
“Oh boy. That's not very convincing. Do you know who I am?” the man asked slowly, and Matt thought he was being looked at like a science project now. He did not like that.
Science. Matt wasn’t very enchanted by the bunch of heroes that had saved them from an alien invasion since they had kinda failed to minimalize the damages – then again, those had been aliens, for God’s sake –, but he knew the basics. He had heard about the Hulk and he was ninety percent sure this man was him. But even if you tortured him at the moment, he would never be able to remember the big man’s civilian name.
“Uhm. I-“
“Oh Jesus, this is bad.”
He hesitantly raised his hand, placing in on Matt’s/Steve’s arm, slowly enough for Matt to retrieve if he wanted. Matt decided to test the waters, letting the touch happen. He was almost surprised it wasn’t as uncomfortable as he would expect. Then again, these two people were probably friends; apparently, he had adopted some of Steve Rogers’ manners and muscle memory.
“Come on. Let's run some tests.”
That did give Matt a pause, all of his alarms bells set off. No probing, please. “What kind of tests?”
“Oh, brain scans, blood tests and so on. I promise not to do anything you don't want me to. I swear I am a friend.”
Matt gulped despite himself. Well. Figures.
He still had no heartbeat to confirm that exclaim and reading faces not his forte. But ‘his’ body still wasn’t on alert, so he crossed his fingers mentally and took leap of faith, forcing himself to relax. It could hardly get worse, right?
“Good. I call Tony too. It feels like we could use his help.”
Matt was sure his eyes went wide. Tony. Tony Stark?
The premise of meeting the man was as terrifying as it was… yeah, let’s stick with terrifying for the moment. Maybe annoyance will come next.
The man threatening Steve to enter the apartment had not been kidding. He let himself in, his shoes shuffling against the floor (it sounded a bit as if someone scraped their nails on the chalkboard, the sound eased by a mild rustle of fabric and something soft – hair against shoulders?), perhaps as the man was looking around in a search of his friend.
Or partner?
It was hard to tell, but Steve had come to conclusion that this man did not pose any threat. In fact, he might think Steve was the dangerous one, because Steve was pretty sure there was no Matt in this apartment, while Steve himself – a stranger – was standing in the middle of it, seemingly invading someone’s home. Not that he had any clue how he had got there or lost his sight. Temporarily, he hoped.
He really, really hoped with his whole heart.
“Matt?” the man’s worried voice reached Steve’s ears – scratch that, his soul, vibrating through his bones, what the hell – quickly turning annoyed. “What the hell, man? You promised me to come earlier for Mr. Hanks’ case! I had to run the whole meeting alone!”
Steve blinked uselessly, but cherished the piece of information. Alright. Hold on a second. Why did this man think Steve was Matt? He had to, right? He didn’t freak out when seeing Steve, acting as if he was the person this man came for. What…?
This was not happening. He had not been in someone else’s body, right?! That would be insane!
Yeah, because nothing you lived through so far was, right? Like getting injected with a serum that earned you several pounds of muscles within seconds, fighting aliens, meeting the Hulk, a man in iron suit of armour, or surviving in the ice for seventy years… yeah, all totally normal.
Was switching bodies with someone a normal for him now?
Let’s say the theory was somehow, impossibly true. Who was he at the moment? Who was the newcomer?
Maybe a business partner?  He spoke of a case? A medical one? (Blind medical practitioner…? That seemed a bit off, then again, Steve had been a 90 pounds of a man when joining the army, so he would not be the ableist one, alright.) But… maybe a lawyer then? That could work somehow, right? And he had talked about a meeting…
“The sign has written Nelson and Murdock on it, you know? Not just- ugh!”
Nelson and Murdock. Great. Now who was who? And how should he react? Was this a usual situation for these two? Was it a common occurrence, Matthew not showing up at work?
“I’m... uh-“
“No, don’t say it. You’ve been out, haven’t you? What time did you go to bed? Three a.m.? Later? No, don’t answer that either…” the man continued, exasperated, yet somehow caring. He started pacing – just like Steve’s mind. Out? Like… partying? “Please, at least tell me you don’t have your ribs broken or something…”
…what? Now Steve was perfectly at lost. What the hell was he supposed to say to that? Why would he have a broken rib? Though thinking about it, the pain he was feeling did resemble an aftermath of meeting someone’s fists. Steve would give his money on being mugged; but this friend assumed he might have been injured without Steve telling him he was in pain.
A ridiculous thought of a fight club flashed through his mind and he cursed Clint for introducing him to the movie classic.
Then again… why not? Steve had to admit that he was shocked by the reaction his body had when waking up in a strange bed. His body didn’t feel like his at all, but the grace he had steadied himself when rolling out of bed…
“Matt. Hey. You’re with me? Oh no, do you have a concussion?” the man sounded concerned now, taking several steps towards Steve, reaching out his hand.
They didn’t touch – and Steve wondered, how he could exactly tell that hand was close to him since he couldn’t see it. Not to mention that with the arrival of the man, the rest of the world quieted a bit, Steve’s senses focused on him. Strange. Not to mention Steve could hear a heartbeat, but among all of the crazy things it seemed like a detail, truly.
“I'm... I’m not sure,” he whispered, because he didn’t want to break the spell of sudden silence – or at least relative silence.
“Oh wow. That's great, Matt, really. Splendid.” Steve had a suspicion he had just messed up big time for the poor man in whose body he was now. “If you're admitting not knowing instead of denying it, there's something seriously wrong with you.”
“I'm sorry?” Steve offered reluctantly. “I'm sorry.”
“I'm starting to think ‘I’m sorry, Foggy,’ is my name, considering how often you use it. Put a shirt on. Come on, I'll call Karen to hold the fort. We're going to the hospital.”
“No!” Steve blurted out, alarmed. That did not sound like a good idea.
The other man’s heart – Foggy’s? – was pounding now.
“Murdock, I swear to god-“
Matthew Murdock. Good, now he at least knew ‘his’ name. And that meant that the other man was Foggy Nelson. Steve stored that information for later.
“No, no, I mean... we should go to...” Steve hesitated only for a moment. He didn’t have much of a choice, did he? He needed this man to help him. To help him to get help, because this whole situation was not okay. “…to the Avengers Tower.”
“Come again?”
For a split second, Steve wondered if he should come up with a reason believable for this man. He decided that no, that would not be a right thing to do. He should be telling the truth.
And when he was thinking about right things, he put figuring out what the whole broken ribs and concussion thing meant and how to prevent it from happening it again high on his priority list.
He cleared his throat, straightening himself. He probably still looked pathetic; it was like being small all over again. Helpless. And Steve hated it.
“Listen, I know this is gonna sound strange but... I'm not Matt.”
The other man’s heart literally stopped, scaring Steve to death.
“...just how bad the bad guys hit you?” the man asked, sounding as if someone was strangling him.
But the choked voice wasn’t the weirdest thing to be honest. The words were. The bad guys? If Steve didn’t know better, he would think this man was talking to him him now.
“Mr.-“ Steve stopped himself, realizing they apparently called each other their first name and it might feel weird, “Foggy, I know it sounds insane, but…” Screw it. There was no way to say this gently. He could even call him Mr. Nelson, dropping the charade he had been terrible at so far. “My name is Steve Rogers and-“
“Ouch! Low blow, Matty, you know he's my favourite Avenger!”
Steve’s knee-jerk reaction was a shot of delight to his veins, the spark immediately fading. He was not Tony, for God’s sake, to enjoy the genuine fan-out. He had bigger issues on hand.
“Really? Thank— no! I'm serious!”
Mr. Nelson sounded amused now, crossing his arms on his chest—and how did Steve know that again? He couldn’t see!
“Sure you are. Ten points to Gryffindor for originality, buddy. Now, get dressed. We're going to the hospital.”
Steve huffed, resisting the urge to throw his hands in the air in frustration. “Uhg. Okay.”
Maybe he could convince Mr. Nelson later. Mission number one: get dressed. Yeah. That might be a problem. He barely navigated through the room. He didn’t think he could do as much as put a shirt on. He swallowed awkwardly loudly.
“Get dressed... right. Could you maybe... please, help me?”
Steve would swear he could hear Mr. Nelson’s eyebrow rose and he felt a blush creeping up his neck.
“Oh my god... this is just like college… huh, thinking about it, maybe you're just on a bender...” Mr. Nelson mumbled to himself, but for Steve’s ears, it was as if he spoke full volume.
He couldn’t help but smile at the new piece of information though; apparently, these two were good friends, going a while back. Steve got lucky that Mr. Nelson had showed up. Maybe he could start resolving the injuries issue earlier than he had originally thought.
Part 3
Tags: @mermaidxatxheart​
The GIF is not mine, obviously, but it was too good an opportunity to pass up ;) 
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momentofmemory · 4 years
fictober - day thirty-one
Prompt #31: “Scared, me?”
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe (Spider-Man/Tom Holland Films, Captain America)
Characters: Peter Parker & Steve Rogers, Michelle Jones (mention)
Words: 2917
Author’s Note: i have been patiently waiting for an opportunity to pair these two all month, and today i happened to see a still from ffh that showed art supplies in peter’s room and just. bam. practically 3k. having also done inktober this month, this serves neatly to combine the two. oh—and this occurs about 4-5 months post endgame.
>>Brooklyn & Queens (don’t throw shade, draw it)
Signing up for Ms. Hart’s Drawing I class is the most singularly idiotic thing Peter’s ever done, and considering he accidentally hitched a ride into space four months ago, that’s saying a lot.
It all started when he found Ben’s old film camera in the storage boxes they’d gotten post-Blip. He’d showed it to MJ—it’s artsy and it’s old, so she was sure to know what to do with it—and she’d looked at him with her usual level of curiosity disguised as ambivalence.
“You know Midtown’s offering a Darkroom Photography class next Fall, right?”
Peter didn’t know that, but once he did it was all he could think about.
He brings it up to his guidance counselor, and while she’s surprised by his interest, she tells him he can fit it into his schedule—but only if he takes the spring semester drawing class to meet the prerequisites.
It’s that fateful decision that leads to him sitting in Yellowstone Park for two hours straight, trying and failing to translate the still life from this morning’s class onto the paper in front of him.
He holds his pencil at arm’s length and tilts it to the side, one eye closed. He’s not entirely sure how that’s supposed to help, but it’s what all the artists in the movies do, so he figures it’s worth a shot.
The image looks just as small and useless as it did before.
(Although to be fair, that might be because it’s a photograph on a 4.7 inch phone screen, and not an actual, full-sized object.)
Peter wishes MJ were here—he’d initially picked the park because MJ said she’d help him figure out lighting, but she’d gotten caught up in some kind of decathlon prep right as they were leaving school. He hasn’t heard a word from her since, so he’s honestly given up on the idea of her coming at this point.
Peter groans and flops back onto the grass, notebook falling onto his chest and arm across his eyes.
“I should have stayed Blipped.”
He’s fully intending on lying there until nature takes over and he’s turned into ant food, when he’s interrupted by an elderly gentleman’s voice.
“You all right there, son?”
“Only questioning my own mortality for want of a stable light source—” Peter halts mid sentence, realizing the voice sounded weirdly familiar.
Peter lowers his arm from his face and finds himself staring into the eyes of none other than Captain Steven G. Rogers himself.
“Holy shi—” Peter nearly punches a hole in the ground with the amount of force he exerts in leaping to his feet. “—shingles. Holy shingles. Sir.”
He only just remembered that one story Mr. Stark used to tell about the language thing, but Captain Rogers just seems amused by his slip up.
“Sorry if I scared you there, Queens.”
There’s a twinkle in his eye that makes Peter wonder if he didn’t do it on purpose, but he feels the need to defend himself either way. “Scared? Me? No no no no, I was just… cold.”
It’s seventy-five degrees in the shade, and Peter’s been sitting directly in the sun since he got here.
He shoves his notebook behind him with his foot and brushes non-existent grass off his jeans. “Um, anyway, what’re you—what’re you doing out here? I mean, not that you need a reason, since it’s a public park and you’re part of the public I guess, I mean you’re like half of the reason the public is even still here, so, uh—”
Cap looks like he’s trying not to laugh, and Peter wishes the ground would swallow him whole if only to get him to stop talking. “—what I mean is that I uh, I didn’t realize you were still hanging around in New York, Captain Rogers. America. Sir.”
He’s not entirely sure what the ex-super soldier’s official designation is these days, but Cap just starts to sit down on the grass, gesturing for Peter to do the same.
“Just Steve is fine,” he says, legs folded cross-legged under him. “Pretty sure Sam’ll kill us both if he hears you referring to anyone but him as Captain America now. He’s pretty taken with the new title.”
“Oh. Yeah.” Peter crosses his own legs and twiddles his thumbs. The politics of legacy heroes must be wild. He makes a note to never let anyone go by Spider-Man except himself.
“So can I… help you?”
Even as Peter asks, he can feel his throat seizing up at the thought. Before Thanos, he’d have given anything to team up with Captain America, but now…
Now, his heart’s accelerating from than just hero worship.
“No, no. Nothing like that.” Steve’s looking at him closely, eyes strangely sharp for the hundred plus year old body they’re staring out of. “Actually, Tony asked me to keep an eye on you.”
Peter looks up in surprise. “Mr. Stark said that?”
“The words he used were a bit stronger, but yes,” Steve says. “Not that he needed to. Even if you’re from a trashy borough like Queens, you’re still a New York boy.”
Peter gasps in horror, tensions forgotten. “You’re literally from Brooklyn! That’s like, infinitely worse!”
“Not according to ExtraSpace.com, which ranks it as the best borough for housing.”
“Whoever taught you how to use the internet should be criminalized, sir.”
“Steve,” he repeats.
“Right. Steve.” The name still feels weighty on Peter’s tongue. “…If I’m Queens, can we make it even and I call you Brooklyn?”
Cap laughs, and Peter barely has time to think oh my god Captain America laughed at one of my jokes before he realizes the man’s nodding towards Peter’s sketchpad. “Tell you what, you can call me Brooklyn so long as you tell me what’s got you longing for death this evening.”
“Uh…” Peter flounders, trying to find a cooler way to say homework. “Just some bottles.”
Not cooler, Peter. Very, very not cooler.
Steve raises his eyebrows.
“By which I mean drawing bottles! Glass, still-life bottles. Totally kosher ones. Not like, alcohol ones.” Peter scrambles for his notebook. “I’m not legal yet.”
To his surprise, though, Steve holds out an open hand. “May I see?”
Peter turns red enough that if he looked in the mirror, he’d probably think he had his costume on. “…Sure?”
Steve takes the notebook from him and starts paging through it, lingering every so often to trace over his lines. Peter watches the other man’s gnarled hand to avoid thinking about the fact that Captain America was looking at his high school level, B graded sketchpad.
What even is his life.
The only benefit from Steve looking at his drawings is that it meant the other man’s eyes weren’t directly on him, and that lends Peter the courage to ask the question that’s been in the back of his mind ever since he first saw Steve’s white hair.
“…Did you really go back?”
Steve’s hand stills over a poorly done rendition of an onion skin. “By go back, I assume you mean ‘stay.’”
Peter’s not sure he hasn’t just walked into a dangerous topic, but he’s never been good at knowing when to stop. “Yeah.”
Steve nods in a way that makes Peter think he’s probably a lot like that, too. “Then yes.”
A young couple walk by a few yards away, but pay them no mind—Peter’s not in his costume, and the general public doesn’t know what happened to Steve. They could easily pass as just an average grandfather and grandson, enjoying a day in the park. Peter’s eyes follow them until he’s sure they’re out of earshot, anyway, then he turns his attention back to Steve.
“So that makes you like…” Peter pauses, quickly running the numbers in his head. “…A hundred and ten? A hundred and eighty if you count the ice?”
The corner of Steve’s mouth twitches up. “Something like that.”
There’s a glint in Steve’s eyes that makes Peter think he might have wildly missed the mark; he stows that tidbit away for later. “Huh. Wow.”
Steve turns another page. “Does your professor know you’re drawing from photographs?”
“Uh, yeah, I guess?” Peter frowns, wondering how Steve could tell. “Does it matter?”
Steve hums, his brow furrowed in thought. “Camera lens aren’t the same as an eye—flattens the shapes differently. It can throw off the lighting, too.”
Peter tilts his head, then looks at his phone, still lying abandoned on the ground. “Oh.”
“Don’t worry.” Steve turns the page. “It’s a disadvantage when drawing, but it’s also the main advantage of actual photography. You can distort the world to fit the message you’re trying to tell.”
“Isn’t that lying?”
“All of art is a lie if you think it’s a direct interpretation of reality, Peter. The truth of art isn’t in always in what it depicts. It’s in how it depicts.”
Even though they’re his own drawings, Peter cranes his neck over Steve’s shoulder to look at his sketchbook. To him, they just look like the average still life. 
He wonders what Steve sees.
“How’d you know so much about art?”
“I was planning on being an art major, before the war,” Steve says. “And then I became one in 1957.”
Peter starts, eyes widening as Steve turns the page and finally reaches the sketches he’d been working on that afternoon. “You…”
He trails off, unsure of how to pursue that without offending the older super. Steve, for his part, says nothing further and just flips back and forth between Peter’s second and fourth failed attempt at the three-bottle composition.
Peter clears his throat. “When you—when you decided to go back. Was it hard?”
“Dr. Mortyn’s decision to grade on the curve was infuriating.”
Peter scowls; frustrated at what he can only assume is Steve being deliberately obtuse. “No, I mean—not being able to… change things.”
If Peter’s honest with himself, he’s both a little confused by and a little jealous of Steve’s decision. Confused, because he can’t imagine walking away from the fight when there’s still so much work to be done, can’t imagine going backwards in time when all he ever wants to do is move forward. But also jealous, because…
Because Peter’s tired, and he’s only been doing this for two years—if he’s tired now, then he can’t imagine how he’ll feel once he’s been doing this for as long as Cap did (if he makes it that long). Because Peter’s watched superheroes fight and die and sacrifice everything, and the memorials he passes in the street make him feel so small and insignificant that when he goes out on patrol, it makes him wonder if anything he’s doing really matters. Because he feels like he’s doing nothing right now but he’s terrified he’s going to be called on to do everything one day, and he’s just not sure he’s enough.
Steve finally reaches the last sketch in the notebook—the one Peter’d been working on before he’d given up on the whole thing. Steve looks at the forms for a long moment, then flips to the back of the book and carefully tears out a blank page.
“Where’s your pencil, Queens?”
“My—” Peter’s not entirely sure Steve isn’t just changing the subject on him, but he scrambles for the writing utensil regardless. He finds it and two more laying a few feet away, and gently blows an ant off the tip of the black one before offering it to Steve.
Steve accepts it, and starts sketching an outline of the composition.
“Your grasp of form is good,” he says, shapes quickly coming to life under his deft fingers. “Your proportions are mostly correct; there’s not too much difficulty on perspective. The composition is already set for you, so that’s no issue.”
He finishes the draft, still unshaded, and hands the sketchpad back to Peter. “So why do you keep redoing the same drawing?”
Peter looks between the sketched lines in Cap’s drawing and his own iterations. “Because they’re not the same?”
“The outlines are. Does the rest matter?”
“Well, yeah. Once you add in the shading…”
Peter flips through all the sketches he’d made today—one, two, five, seven; hundreds of eraser marks on all of them. They’re all wrong, but they’re all wrong just a little differently. One has light sources that seem to defy all the laws of physics, jumping in every which direction. Another has marks that were supposed to be highlights, but wound up being darker than the actual shadows. Still another has values that are so close together the shadows make the image look flatter than even Steve’s quick sketch.
He looks up at Steve. “It makes the final thing totally different.”
Steve smiles in response, and starts filling in his own sketch.
“Local colour is your biggest problem,” he says. “You’re trying to match everything to the colour your eye thinks it’s seeing in the photo—like in this one, where your darkest shadow on the white bottle is still brighter than the lightest highlight on the black bottle.”
“And that’s bad?” Peter frowns, catching his lip between his teeth, and starts his eighth version of the image while Cap continues.
“Not necessarily.” Steve runs the pencil over the edge of one of the bottles, darkening its side. “Shading is always a tricky thing. There’s a lot of things to pay attention to—shadows, highlights, halftones. Local colour. One of the most important rules is making sure your lightest dark is still darker than the darkest light.”
“Is that last one supposed to be a metaphor?”
“It wasn’t intended, but you can certainly take it that way.”
Peter hums in response, and moves on to outlining the second bottle. “So in my drawing, do I just ignore the colour?”
“The original context always matters,” Steve replies. He pauses to point out a discrepancy in one of Peter’s lines before continuing. “Your white bottle is always going to be whiter than the black one overall. But if you’ve got a highlight on both—that highlight’s the same. And if you’ve got a dark shadow on something, don’t be afraid to make it as dark as it needs to be to provide contrast.”
Peter nods, and after a few minutes, finishes his outline and starts shading. Steve offers pointers every so often, and he’s barely a quarter of the way through the first bottle before he can see a marked difference between this sketch and his last one.
“So,” Peter says eventually. “When I asked how you handled not being able to change things…”
Steve pauses, his pencil hovering above the page, and waits for Peter to finish. 
Peter looks down at his drawing and thinks about how it’s exactly the same as all the others, and yet totally different, too.
“…The answer is that you did.”
Steve smiles, the edges of his eyes crinkling, and turns his attention back to his sketch. It’s all the confirmation Peter needs.
The scritch-scratch of pencil on paper fills Peter’s ears as he thinks about that revelation. Whatever Steve did, it can’t have been major—not in the universe-shaping, blatantly obvious kind of way he’s used to Avengers working. He wonders if it was enough.
Peter erases a shadow on the middle bottle he’s decided has gotten too dark, and then glances at Steve, who’s started adding all kinds of textures and details to his own drawing.
It’s clearly the same picture, but the art is something else entirely.
It’s enough.
Peter’s certain Steve has better things to do, but the retired soldier stays with him for another hour, either telling him stories about the Avengers or old school New York, or gently correcting something about his art form. By the time Peter’s done, the sketch isn’t great, per se, but it’s at least good. Steve helps Peter pack his things back up, and then hoists Peter to his feet with a strength that belies his older body.
Steve then hands Peter the drawing he’d made, and Peter almost refuses until he flips it over and sees that Steve’s written a phone number on the back.
“Let me know if you ever need anything, Queens. Including, but not limited to, more art lessons.”
Peter grins from ear to ear. “Thanks, Brooklyn. You too.”
The next morning, Peter turns in a drawing that still looks a little wonky, but it’s so dramatically improved from last time that MJ gives him a halfway impressed thumbs up, and it’s enough to make him take back every disparaging thing he’s said about the class.
That evening, Spider-Man heads out onto the streets with more excitement than he’s had in a long time.
He doesn’t do anything of a particularly groundbreaking nature—nothing that will change the outlines. There’re no aliens, no world-ending weapons, no last minute, jaw dropping rescues.
But there is Mr. Delmar, who needs help repainting the store sign that’s too high for him to reach. There’s a sixth grader, who’s putting up posters for her lost dog until he finds it eleven blocks away. There’s a would-be mugger, who’s had one too many bad days but Spider-Man listens to them all, and then helps him register at a homeless shelter.
It’s nothing so grand as saving the universe. It won’t get him shrines in the streets, or murals on skyscrapers, or even a mention in the paper.
But it’s something: a few more highlights, a little more definition, a bit more right in a world where there’s so much wrong.
And that, Peter decides, is not nothing.
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dreamwritesimagines · 6 years
Don’t You Love Me? 6- Dance Little Liar [Steve Rogers x Reader]
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A.N.: Your feedback makes me so happy, so please keep it coming! kisses! <3
Characters: Steve Rogers x Reader, Tony Stark x Pepper Potts, Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff.
Warnings: Drinking, mentions of addiction, self destructive behavior, cussing, explicit language, mentions of sex.
Summary: Denial only works when you try to believe it.
Word Count: 2968
Read Chapter 1 here!
Read Chapter 2 here!
Read Chapter 3 here!
Read Chapter 4 here!
Read Chapter 5 here!
The beautiful moodboard is made by fictionwillneverdie
Gif’s not mine!
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“Hey, what’re you up to?” Pepper asked as she walked into the kitchen to fill herself a cup of coffee and you raised your glances from the laptop screen to give her a grin, while Natasha shook her head slightly, heaving a sigh beside you.
“Uh oh. That’s never good.”
“You will be pleased to hear that I found a solution to my problem.” You told Pepper who frowned.
“Your problem of…drinking?”
You rolled your eyes, “Pfft, that’s not a problem.”
“Your problem of denial?” Natasha quipped and you scoffed.
“I’m not in denial.”
“Your problem of-“
“Tall blonde super soldier.” You cut Natasha off and Pepper’s frown deepened.
“Steve isn’t a problem. Steve is the opposite of a problem.”
“Don’t start Potts, she has an excel sheet and everything to show you why it’s a bad idea.”
“I also have a powerpoint.”
“And I’m being kept as a hostage.”
Pepper stifled a laugh, “Oh wow.”
“Yeah, so take a seat. I’ll walk you through my genius plan.”
Natasha looked up at the ceiling, as if praying for patience. “Jarvis?”
“Yes, Ms. Romanoff?”
“Any chance you could set this laptop on fire?”
“Um- no, Ms. Romanoff.”
She shrugged, “Worth a try.”
You hushed Natasha, “So, Peps. As you might have noticed, Steve is like a really good guy.”
“And really sweet.”
“And really hot, I mean seriously, I’d climb him like a tree-“
“Are you going anywhere with this?” Pepper wondered out loud and you cleared your throat.
“Yeah, anyways. I was saying- so he’s really hot, which causes me not to think straight, because who doesn’t wanna jump on that right? But,” you held up your finger, “But, he’s really nice and sweet, which makes me think that I really shouldn’t jump on him because he’s a good guy and I’m like really fucked up.”
“Why do I feel like it had something to do with your date the other day?” Pepper asked and your grin faded slightly.
“Come on, don’t tell me you don’t actually notice that.” You pointed at Steve with your spoon and he was polite enough to look confused.
“How everyone stares at you.”
“It’s the Captain America thing.”
You arched a brow, “Correction. How everyone stares at you longingly.”
“Captain America thing. And the serum,” he added, and you chuckled, then dug your spoon into the soufflé.
“Man, you’re so full of shit.”
“Yes!” You shook your head slightly, “You’re really handsome, Rogers. About time you acknowledge that fact.”
He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck, then lowered his gaze to the soufflé, “It wasn’t always like that.”
“Back in forties?”
He nodded, “Yeah, um… Bucky was the ladies’ man.”
“Trust me, he still is a ladies’ man.” You smirked, “That shit doesn’t go away.”
He looked almost surprised as his eyes snapped up to yours. “Oh? So… You-?”
“Oh no,” You shook your head fervently, “No, I’m just…being objective. Besides- um- he’s not my type.”
He nodded slightly, then cleared his throat, “What is your type then? That bartender?”
“Jake? Nah.” You shook your head again, “That was a distraction.”
“From what?”
“From…” You licked your suddenly dry lips, “From stress. In case it has escaped your notice, I don’t really cope with shit well.”
He raised his brows and shot you a look of disbelief, which caused you to scrunch up your nose,
“I know. Understatement of the century.”
“I didn’t say anything.”
“So-yeah, so anyway, the point is-“ You pointed at him with your spoon, “You’re hot, man. Like hot and nice at the same time, which just proves you were made in a lab because no one can be this hot and this nice at the same time-“ You stopped talking when you saw the look on his face. “What?”
“Nothing, it’s just…” He chuckled, “Has anyone told you you’re very different?”
“Y/N?” you snapped back into the reality when Natasha snapped her fingers in front of your eyes, “Hello?”
“Oh-“ You cleared your throat, “Sorry. Anyways, I was saying, I figured out what I need to do.”
“You’re gonna tell him you like him?”
“I’m gonna set him up with someone.”
Pepper gawked at you while you wiggled your brows, then she turned to Natasha.
“It’s been a while since I got together with Tony so I might not be up to date with how this whole thing works. Is this how people get into relationships now?”
“If you’re gonna have a threesome, I guess?”
“But I wouldn’t know, I don’t date.” Natasha shrugged her shoulders and you rolled your eyes,
“As I’ve stated in the fifth page of my powerpoint,” You turned the laptop to Pepper so that she could see it better, “In this chart, we can see my fuck ups, and Steve’s. Steve’s line graph is much, much lower than mine-“
“And on sixth page,” You clicked on the next page, “This here shows- hey!” You were cut off when Pepper slammed the lid shut and shot you a look of disbelief.
“You cannot be serious.”
“If I set him up with someone, he will be interested in that chick and my hormones will get the clue and leave him alone.”
“Or it will backfire terribly and you’ll want him more.”
“I don’t live in a high school TV series, Pepper. That doesn’t happen.”
“That happens all the time!” She protested, “Jealousy makes people do things.”
“I won’t get jealous, because I’ll be the one who-“
“That’s not how it works.”
“Oh it’ll work.” You smiled at Pepper, “Special thanks go to your boyfriend for that.”
One good thing about Tony’s parties?
The booze was always amazing.
So amazing that it almost made up the fact that you were supposed to wear heels.
“No no no, it wasn’t even-“
“Then-“ Pepper clutched at her stomach, motioning at you while Maria let out a laugh, “Then she turned to the guy and said, All that sexting with the contact Amanda has been sent to your wife, I feel like you should get a lawyer, while I’m just standing there, still staring at her!”
“That guy was an asshole who was hitting on you!” You protested, “And who even makes their password Chadrocks123?”
“Hey, you’re a superhero in my book.” Maria toasted and you scoffed.
“I’m way too drunk to be a superhero.”
“It doesn’t specifically state anywhere that you can’t.”
“Right, and does Fury agree with you on that?”
Maria shrugged slightly and averted her eyes, and Pepper cleared her throat.
“Where is he anyway?”
“He got caught up in work.”
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah, should I go there to help?” You asked and Maria shook her head,
“Nah, he got it covered. You know how he is.”
“Yeah but if it’s-“ You stopped talking when both Maria and Pepper looked over your shoulder, making you frown and you turned your head.
Steve and Bucky had just walked into the party and looked to be in a deep discussion while Steve shed his brown leather jacket and tried to fix his hair, looking around. For one second, you wondered where they were coming from but all of that disappeared as he chuckled at something Bucky had said, and pushed him slightly while still fixing his hair. Bucky nodded at you, then leaned in to mutter something into his ear.
Damn it.
“That’s my cue to leave.”
“What’s going on?” Maria asked and Pepper grinned.
“I’ll tell you over there.”
“Maria, no- Potts, if you leave right now I’ll tell Tony- hi Steve!” Your voice went a pitch higher to your own terror, and you shut your eyes for a second, annoyed at yourself as Pepper and Maria walked past you and you opened your eyes again to look up at Steve.
Say something. Say anything.
“…Sup Cap?”
If your brain were a computer, you were sure you’d be able to see Error 404, logic not found right now.
“You look-“ Steve gulped, eyeing you up and down and you bit on your lip.
“I know. I cleaned up nicely, huh?”
Steve shrugged slightly, something in his gaze different than before. “You look really beautiful.”
Oh God, he really wasn’t helping the situation.
“So do you!” You laughed nervously, “Which- uh… ehm, which reminds me, I have a surprise for you.”
A small smile graced his lips and fuck, how come he looked that calm and controlled while you were a nervous wreck right now?
“A surprise?”
“Yeah! I’ll – um, I decided that I’ll be your wing woman tonight!”
He frowned slightly, “My what?”
“I’ll set you up with someone.”
The light in his bright blue eyes shifted and you could swear his smile faded for a second as silence fell upon you, but then he seemed to pull himself together.
“Nah,” he tried to laugh, “I’m fine.”
“I insist, come on Cap!” You grabbed his arm to turn him around but as soon as you touched him both of you paused. The heat spread from your fingertips through your whole body. You shook your head slightly, and looked up at him, slowly retrieving your hand and cleared your throat.
“Wh-what’s your type?”
“I’m sorry?”
“Yeah like…redhead, dark hair, brun-“
“Y/N, you’re not serious.”
“I’m deadly serious, come on! Give me something to work my art on!”
He pulled his brows together, “Your art is matchmaking?”
“An underappreciated art.” You pointed out and he heaved a sigh,
“Seriously? First Nat and now you?”
“Well if- wait, who’s Natasha trying to set you up with?”
His eyes searched yours before he averted his gaze and crossed his arms, shrugging.
“Not important. Do I seriously look in need of help that much?”
You rolled your eyes, “That’s not it. It’s just… you know, distraction is good.”
“You and I have different ways of distraction.”
“What’s yours?”
His gaze on you was intense now, giving you a head spin faster than any alcohol you had drunk so far. You felt your stomach do a flip in your body as the corners of his lips turned upwards, as if teasing you.
“Maybe I’ll show you someday.”
You gulped loudly, then cleared your throat again, “You owe me one for giving me a heart attack the other day. The least you could do is tell me your type.”
“Giving you a heart attack?”
“I thought you died, dickhead!” You slapped his arm, “HYDRA soldiers aren’t exactly friendly, you know? They’re assholes, and they could’ve killed you!”
“I had it under control.”
“Like fuck you had it under control.” You mumbled, sipping your drink and Steve tried to suppress his smile.
“You were worried?”
“Couldn’t you tell?” You asked back but before he could even open his mouth to answer, you heard Tony calling out his name.
“Steve! Over here, I gotta introduce you to someone.”
Steve turned to you with an apologetic look in his eyes, “Sorry. Duty calls.”
“I’ll keep my eyes open for any girl who resembles a pin up girl.” You winked at him and he shook his head, apparently way too tired to fight you, and walked away. You went to the bar to grab yourself another glass of whiskey, and downed it.
“Careful, that’s really strong.”
You rolled your eyes at the bartender, then turned your head when Bucky approached you.
“Hey there.”
“Hey. Let me guess, you can’t get drunk either?”
Bucky shrugged slightly, “With great power, comes great tolerance to alcohol.”
You toasted, “My condolences.”
“Hey, I’ve got a question for you.” You sipped your drink after bartender filled you another, “What’s your buddy’s type?”
Bucky frowned slightly, “Hm?”
“Steve. What’s his type? I’m gonna hook him up with someone.”
Bucky clicked his tongue, “Oh right. Nat told me about that amazing plan of yours.”
“Why thank you.”
Bucky’s eyes searched the crowd for a couple of seconds, lips pursed into a thin line as if he was in deep thought before he cussed under his breath and turned to you.
“Come with me.”
“Where?” You asked but he was already walking away. You groaned and rushed after him to follow him into the elevator as fast as you could.
“I don’t know when the last time you wore heels was Barnes, but they’re a bitch to run on.”
“Nat doesn’t have any problems with that.”  
“Natasha doesn’t count.”
“Potts also doesn’t have-“
“Got it, thank you.” You grumbled as he chuckled, and the elevator went up. You leaned back to the mirror, inspecting your nails.
“Do I wanna know where we’re going?”
“You’ll see.”
“What’s with men and being vague as fuck?” You wondered out loud as the elevator stopped and both of you left it to walk towards a door. Bucky opened the door and you raised your brows.
“Wow, Barnes. I’m flattered but you’re not my type.”
“You’re not my type either.” Bucky muttered and your jaw dropped.
Bucky turned around to shoot you a look of puzzlement “You just told me the same thing.”
“Yeah, but I am rude. You’re supposed to be the perfect gentleman of forties.”
“You’ve seen Steve. He’s the gentleman, not me.”
“Steve was made in a lab.” You retorted and looked into the room while Bucky walked towards the desk, “Whose room is this?”
You crossed your arms, and leaned to the doorframe, “And why, oh why are we in Steve’s room, Barnes?”
Bucky chuckled, “Steve would kill me if he knew about this, but…” he started as he grabbed something on the table but you were way too distracted by the discomfort of your heels, “But I know how people look at someone when they like them. Steve is a bit clueless about that one.”
“I don’t-“ You were cut off when Bucky handed the small notebook to you. You pulled it from his grip slowly, running your fingertips on the leather cover before you opened it, and held your breath.
On the first page, there was a sketch of you. You covered your mouth as your eyes searched the details, as if hypnotized. The girl on the page resembled you, yes, but at the same time she was very different. She was leaning against the kitchen island downstairs, with a glass of drink in her hand and a cigarette between two fingers, but the most striking thing about the sketch was her expression. She had arched a brow and a small, mocking smile was playing on her lips, as if-
Come closer if you dare.
“Listen, you’re not as smooth as you think you are, and he’s not half as secretive as he thinks he is.” Bucky took the notebook from you to put it back and smiled at you, “But if you’re trying to hook him up with people because you think he doesn’t like you, you’re as blind as he is.”
You blinked back tears, already annoyed at yourself and tried to swallow the lump in your throat as you both walked to the elevator and got in.
“I-” You tried to pull yourself together and took a deep breath  “I know about the whole… Peggy Carter thing.”
Bucky shrugged slightly, as if he didn’t understand why it was relevant.
“In case it has escaped your notice, I’m nowhere near close to the-“ You trailed off “That whole…thing.”
“That whole thing?”
“Perfection.” You waved a hand in the air and Bucky rolled his eyes as both of you left the elevator to walk to the party. “I’ve got a lot of baggage.”
“Yeah, as opposed to everyone in here.” Bucky shot you an amused smile and you slapped his arm.
“You’re not half as bad as I thought you were, Barnes.”
“Oh really? Because you’re much worse than I thought you were. Steve’s taste in women, seriously-“ he stopped talking and you followed his gaze into the crowd, then raised your brows.
You tried to ignore the way your heart fell into your stomach as you stared at the pretty blonde talking to Steve and he chuckled, nodding before he said something to make her smile.
“There you go Barnes.” You heard yourself say, “Sharon Carter. As close to Peggy as it gets.”
“No no, it’s fine,” You tried to smile “It’s- it’s great actually. That right there- that was exactly what I was trying to do.”
“Nobody buys that, Y/N.”
“I um…” You licked your dry lips as you looked around “I actually just remembered, I have somewhere else to be.”
Bucky frowned, “You’re leaving?”
“Uh- yeah. Yeah I am.” You grabbed your phone and took a step to leave but Bucky grabbed your arm gently to stop you.
“It’s late at night, do you need someone to walk you home?”
A bitter smile pulled at your lips, despite everything. “Aw, you are a gentleman after all.”
“Guys?” When you turned your head, you saw Steve frowning slightly, looking between you two. Bucky cussed silently under his breath and pulled his hand back.
“Someone should walk you home.”
“I’m not going home, dude.”
“You’re leaving?” Steve asked, “I thought-“
“Yeah, no. I was gonna stay but something came up.” You held up your phone as you lied through your teeth, “I gotta go and meet- um, I gotta meet Jake.”
Go figure.
Steve raised his brows as Bucky rolled his eyes and shook his head, as if both of you were trying his patience.
“Oh? I thought you said it was a one-time thing.”
“Yeah, you know…” You tried to sound convincing, “Stuff happened.”
The look in Steve’s eyes was unreadable while Bucky’s expression basically just screamed annoyance.
“Anyways, have fun and um- I’ll see you tomorrow.” You walked out of the room without looking back and found Jake’s contact.
He answered almost too fast. “Hello?”
“Hey, you working?”
“Great,” You pushed the elevator button, “Save me a seat and a bottle, I’m on my way.”
Chapter 7 is here! 
Special thanks go to:  @theskytraveler  @asongofmarvelanddc @thespectacularjasmine  @girlwhoisfearless @fictionwillneverdie @lilywoood @marss-anonymous @icameforthefanfiction  @pandalandalopalis @evolutionofkatep @reallyconfusednow @fandomcrazie @latibulemark @aikeji@optimisticheartyouth@fangirlbookworm@samwinchxtr @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked  @iamthemaskhewears@sasunarushiita @whatiswrongwithpeople @mischievous-fairy @agent-smoak @allison-rosewood-maximoff @petrashappyplace@swtltlmrvlgrl @itsyaboyo @imalittlebean @hey-garrett-shut-up @barnesrogersvstheworld @ruffdog921 @hogwarts-and-houseplants @go-crybaby @danielhowellstolemycamera@zabeth716 @imaginecrushes @miss-jen-winter @attorneyl @missmidnightxo@renesmeeharelds , @sippinpeachtea@skeletoresinthebasement@birdandrose @dark-princesse@local-space-ace @marauderskeeper @bva14@thatprofessionalfangirl@broken-pieces yourwittywitch@yasssssvictoria @dreamsofcaliforniaadventure @hista-girl @im-only-slightly-psycho @meashy-moo@themessthatismymind soulsofstarsliveinyourveins @nininstinct  @charlie1987me @imyxtay @dans-les-details @evanstar @owhatshername1 @thewhinersoldier  @raiymaj @shallowshawn @im-beautifully-sewn @bvilla0 , @flaboyance @minuialeth75 and lovely anons! Without you, I wouldn’t be able to write this, you’re amazing! <3
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