#it yeets me as far away from the memory as it can as soon as possible
rackartyg · 6 months
there are many reasons my emdr treatment is kind of questionable right but one of them is, it truly feels like i go to an appointment and then my body is like ‘[dusts off hands] ok that was our emotion quota for the fortnight good work boys!’
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Hia~ this is Jane speaking.
I've decided the Phoenica time loop is a fun idea,so please share what you've thought of so far it's fun to see what other people thought of.
Of course if your okay with me writing it.
Yeah sure, go nuts! I might write about it when I can, but it’s also fun to see how others carry out the idea! Thankfully, apparently all I needed was to sleep on it to brainstorm more about the idea.
The premise is that in the middle of chapter 7, Phoenica sneaks away to follow Molly as she confronts Lorelai. Before Lorelai can send Molly to the dumbwaiter, Phoenica intervenes and argues with Lorelai. That only fuels Lorelai’s already boiling anger, which leads to her firing a blast with all of her rage aimed at Phoenica. Molly tries to protect Phoenica by dumbing down the attack, but it pierces straight through her defenses, does some harm to Molly, and hits Phoenica square in the heart, killing her.
Moments later before Lorelai gets a chance to undo her mistake, Phoenica dies
…Kind of?
Upon Phoenica’s own death, the entire day resets to when she wakes up, only with one key difference:
A Rabbit summon is standing where her alarm clock should be.
The rabbit introduces itself to Phoenica as a being created from Lorelei’s magic and Phoenicia’s heart. While the rabbit itself doesn’t know much more than Phoenica does, it tells her that she’s looping the day. At first, Phoenica just thinks she unlocked her magical powers and tries to show her dad the summon, but it becomes apparent that only Phoenica can see them. The summon tells Phoenica to call it “Fluffy”.
She assumes (again) that the summon is just there to help her get accustomed to her powers. Eager to show others, she runs to the same alleyway she encountered the wolf. But because she comes by much sooner than the first time, Molly isn’t there to help her…
So Phoenica, for a second time, dies
She now gains some understanding that her power to rewind time activities when she dies. While dying was traumatic, she eagerly goes about her day for the third loop to meet up with Molly and Trixie full of joy about her new power…
not knowing that her newfound ability wasn’t a gift, but her new prison. A prison that would serve to break her.
So that’s basically the premise. After playing “ISAT”, I became obsessed with yeeting Phoenica into a time-loop to watch the bapy go through existential horror. It died for a bit, but came back full force yesterday for me. Lorelai’s spell is causing the time-loop, but it wasn’t something she did on purpose. Her spell was filled by anger and her subconscious thoughts.
Some extra things I might include:
In one of the later loops after Trixie scares off the wolf, Phoenica doesn’t comfort them, zoning out completely until Molly pulls them both into a hug.
Molly in every loop notices that something is off with Feenie, but can’t precisely pinpoint it. She only subconsciously remembers the loops like Lorelai, but instead she will gain a massive sense of Deja-vu. Her subconscious memories will build off each other.
Lorelai doesn’t have any memories of the loops, but they do affect her subconsciously. Anytime she sees Phoenica, she gets a small feeling of guilt, but she doesn’t know why
During the fight where Graham’s tendril is meant to cut Molly’s check, Phoenica tries to get Molly out of the way, but accidentally ends up getting killed by the same tendril
Despite Naven not being aware of the loops, he always does something different in each one as soon as he sees Phoenica. She has no idea why this happens and it unnerves her
Every time Phoenica makes it to the final chapter, the world around her turns to ivory and before she can do anything, it loops back to the very beginning of the day
In one of the loops, Phoenica decides to begrudgingly accept Giovanni’s offer for villainy
Once the loop count starts getting to higher numbers, Phoenica distances herself from her friends. She already know so much about them that they don’t know, and she feels as though she’s manipulating them and treating them like NCPs.
In desperation, Phoenica tells Naven everything and begs for his help, anything to help her be free of this prison…only to hear the most terrifying words an adult can say: “I don’t know”
Fluffy convinces Phoenica to stay home in one loop to see what happens. The entire day goes on as it would in PoP, except faster. Upon learning this from a text from Trixie. Fluffy comes to the conclusion that Phoenica contributed nothing and even held the group back.
Sorry for giving you a full page of info lol. I might have more ideas, but I’m currently unsure of how I want to connect the existing ones or which ones I’ll get rid of. So for now, I’ll stop here, but I’ll probably post more about it
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I’ll be honest, when Kylo first meets Rey the whole thing from him knocking her out to her waking up restrained and having their first face-to-face interaction has always felt a bit rapey to me.  I think it’s one of the big reasons I’ve been staunchly anti-Reylo for so long.  However, having now fallen to the Reylo side and rewatched the movies from that perspective, I have a different take on that first meeting and their subsequent interactions.
First, before I dive into everything, I want to address the age gap.  I wish Rey hadn’t been 19 when they met.  It just makes the whole ten-year age gap a little hard to stomach (even though it is a long, long time ago in a galaxy far away, and Ben has the emotional maturity of a 13-year-old).  I wish she’d been a little older, or that the gap hadn’t been so huge if they were going to insist she be 19.  Plus, how does that whole sharing-a-soul thing work?  Did Ben have a complete soul for the first decade of his life, and then as soon as Rey popped into existence his soul ripped in half and yeeted itself across the galaxy to find her?  (There’s probably an actual official answer to this particular question, but I haven’t really looked into it yet.)
Okay, let’s go back to Ben.  This was the son of Han and Leia, and they are two of the biggest deals in the New Republic.  They love Ben, but they don’t have a lot of time to be parents.  Anyone who’s had parents who were in leadership positions knows how much time is sacrificed to be available to others.  Ben spent the beginning of his life sharing his parents with the entire galaxy.  Plus, roughly around the time he came to be, Leia was off training to be a Jedi.  I’m not sure if she was still training after he was born, but from everything I’ve found, she quit her training sometime around then.  The woman might be a badass, but there are only so many hours in a day and so many places she can be at once.  
There’s no doubt in my mind that Ben was raised to have manners.  He’s the kid of leaders, he was probably in etiquette lessons before he could fully form sentences.  
I have no doubt that Ben witnessed his parents showing each other physical affection, but who knows how often that happened.  I wouldn’t be surprised if Han and Leia spent more time apart than together because of their roles in the New Republic.  On top of that, I’ve always felt that there was a layer of slight aggressiveness to their relationship.  It’s not bad, but it could be very confusing to a little kid.  This is what Ben spends the first decade of his life observing.  
Then, right as he reaches the age of ten, he gets sent off to hang out with his bachelor uncle to learn to be a Jedi.  I know that in the now non-canon material, Luke was married, but in the current canon, it seems that his marriage exists only in his dreams.  Given the Jedi issues with love and attachments, I sincerely doubt that Ben and his fellow padawans were given any kind of sex ed or instruction on how to treat someone they might be attracted to.  
So, Ben becomes Kylo, and while there are women who work with him, none of them are his soulmate.  He has zero dating experience and he only has his memories of his parents’ relationship to give him any idea of how to treat his soulmate.  I think he knew from very early on that the other half of his soul was out there, somewhere in the galaxy.  
By the time we reach The Force Awakens, Kylo is 29, and barely holding it together.  Ben is still in there, fighting hard to break free.  When he reaches Takodana in the search for the map, I would not be surprised if he sensed the missing piece of his soul and that’s how he found Rey so easily.  He was literally drawn to her like a magnet. 
When she starts shooting at him, he flicks away the blaster bolts.  He could easily have bounced them right back at her causing wound or death, or even stopped the blasts as soon as they started (much like how he did with Poe at the beginning of the movie).  He takes a surprisingly long time to actually put a stop to it.  And you get this sense that he’s trying to figure out what to do with her.  He observes her and even paces around her frozen form.  The guy is huge and intimidating, it would be enough to terrify anyone.  And Rey is already on edge from what happened at Maz’s castle.  
When Kylo knocks her out, he doesn’t just let her collapse onto the ground.  He’s right there catching her as she falls and then he sweeps her up in his arms, rather than having his underlings take over.  If he’d thought she was just some random girl, this action wouldn’t make sense.  I think, at that moment, he wanted to be as physically close to his missing piece as possible.
She comes to, restrained in this terrifyingly unfamiliar place, and the big bad of the galaxy is watching her.  He’s not touching her, he’s not even that close, but he is there and he’s still observing.  Still trying to figure her out.  As soon as she makes the comment about the mask, he pulls it off and they’re finally face-to-face.  When you watch, there is almost a subtle Gollum/Smeagol type fight going on inside him.  Ben is there, fighting against Kylo, and you end up with a very tense scene.  
Kylo doesn’t make a great choice using the words, “I can take whatever I want” and then immediately probing her mind.  Yes, this is non-consensual and scary.  But as soon as she tells him to get out of her mind, I think Ben takes over briefly because he doesn’t even question, just obeys.  He’s trying so hard to get a read on her.  And then the Kylo part of him takes over and tries so hard to pull the information from her.  
There’s an episode of Doctor Who where the Doctor is reading Madame de Pompadour’s mind, and she starts reading his.  He’s shocked by this and she tells him, “A door once opened may be stepped through in either direction.”  This is exactly what happens between Rey & Ben/Kylo.  
Also, I just want to point out that there is a big difference between Poe and Rey’s interrogations.  Kylo is aggressive and angry with Poe, but he’s much more restrained with Rey.  In fact, by the time their interaction ends, he’s absolutely shaken by how Rey has responded, and you can see the fear in his eyes as he realizes he’s experiencing something completely new.  Rey can read him almost easier than he can read her.
Throughout the rest of the movie, their interactions are intense.  Kylo throws her against a tree.  And then he fights with Finn.  He screams and rages against the other man,  He beats Finn, and tries to take the lightsaber, but the saber flies past him and into Rey’s hands.  Ben almost manages to surface.  The rage is gone, and you can see how intrigued he is by this new development.  The way he looks at her is a complete shift from the way he looked at Finn.   Their lightsaber duel is not nearly as brutal as it should be considering the fact that he’s far more experienced with the blade.  He could use his powers to disarm her, could break her, and he doesn’t.  He fights with her, and it’s like he’s trying to get a read on just how skilled she really is.  He even tries to convince her to let him teach her.  That’s not something you say to someone you hate or want to kill.    When she wounds him, he just keeps getting back up until the earth splits and physically separates them from each other.  
He lets her go.  As wounded as he is, he’s still a very strong force user, and I think it’s very possible he could’ve pulled her back, could’ve dropped her in the chasm.  He could’ve ended things right there and then, but he doesn’t.  
From the first time he and Rey lock eyes on each other, he never looks at her like he looks at anyone else.  The anger, the hatred, all of it isn’t there when he looks at her.  There’s fascination, annoyance, frustration, and by the time we get into Last Jedi there are the beginnings of love in his gaze.  She’s his missing piece.  His soul is complete when he’s interacting with her.  
Kylo is barely there at all when he interacts with her.  Their first soul bond, he tries to order her to bring him Skywalker, but you can tell the order is half-hearted at best, and he immediately drops his hand and you see the shame in his face.  I suspect he’s been beating himself up about how he interrogated her, and realizes he was just about to pull the same shit again.  
Ben can’t fully break free, but he’s still there.  When he slips the glove off and they touch, that’s all Ben.  Kylo isn’t there at all.  (And then Luke had to break in and ruin a perfect moment.) He never denies her accusations that he’s a monster, and even sits quietly and listens when she pours out the whole story about what happened in the cavern.  His actions and behaviors with her are the closest we get to see Ben Solo for the majority of the trilogy.  
At his heart, Ben wants to be the kind of man he knows Rey deserves and I really do think you see him making a genuine effort to become that, even if the road to get there is rocky.  They share a soul, and I think it’s tearing both of them apart for the majority of the trilogy because they can’t seem to figure out how to get on the same page.  
I think Kylo/Ben was wrong for how he behaved at the beginning, and I'm not trying to make excuses for him. However, I do think he genuinely regretted his behavior and tried to be better.
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grimalkinmessor · 1 year
Hmm, yeah. The way Hori wrote Hawks feeling guilty, it's like he doesn't see his parents as abusive. I mean, we even get a whole narration from adult Hawks saying he just saw them as "broken people" that he couldn't help. But I think, at the very least, he...psychologically feels some distance towards them because some internal part of himself does recognize it as abuse, even if he hasn't reached that conclusion himself? I say that because he says he was fine with cutting the relationship with his mom when his name was taken away, and he even though he's sad she ran away and that he couldn't face her, he's also relieved. He's free of his shackles now. Just that realistic feeling of when you're scared of making choices so when your life goes to hell and the choice is made for you, that you go "oh well, it is what it is" he doesn't have to feel guilty that this resulted from his hands that way, and secretly take comfort in the freedom it offers. As for the HPSC, he may not be actively working to shut them down, considering all that they use to control him with his mom, his criminal father, his literal lack of a legal identity before them, and his desire to help people, he's happy about them being shut down because "there's no one to give me orders anymore." And RE: Shouto and them not exactly singing Endeavor praises. I think Hawks comes to that conclusion of things being different now, because he has that flashback to Shouto, because Shouto chose to intern with Endeavor like...three times now? So maybe he doesn't fully hate his guts. But when we see him visit the TodoFam, he puts his arm around Shouto and asks, "was this scar also Endeavor's doing?" he says "Endeavor" as if he's speaking generally to everyone in the room, while giving him The Look, before frantically backtracking with wide eyes and a "oh shit" expression when Rei says it was her, so hey at least he's considerate and open to changing his theories if he was wrong about Endeavor changing?
Hori puts a lot of thought and layers into all of his characters, for sure. Though you're right on the fact that he glosses over several issues bc he either doesn't think about them or thinks they're fine—don't even get me STARTED on the treatment of Quirkless people I can rant forever—and that neglect and verbal abuse might not even cross his mind as actual abuse.
I think I've said it before (I might've even said it in the post you're referencing but tbh I have the memory of a goldfish) but I'm pretty sure that Hawks's primary coping mechanism is avoidance and denial. If he just yeets it far enough out of his brain that he doesn't think about it then it can't hurt him.
I say this mostly because this is also one of my biggest coping mechanisms, and I recognize a lot of Hawks's mannerisms as something I personally do when I'm trying to justify things that I know either aren't true or aren't right. And you're right—I have noticed him start to address the things that he's been avoiding, BUT he has yet to address the one that seemed to urge him to confront some of those truths in the first place.
I said it in a different ask (and I apologize for a bit of misinformation there, it had been a while since I read the manga chapters and I forgot that my Twicehawks brain didn't just,,,make some of that shit up) but Hawks doesn't seem particularly affected by Twice's death. Which, if the future chapters are any indication, we will be seeing that change soon and I can't WAIT—but I digress.
Hawks killing Twice was the ultimate catalyst for his sudden will to address his own thoughts upfront.
Everything spirals for him after he kills Twice. Dabi roasts his wings off, his mother flees, Endeavor gets exposed as an abusive father, hero society begins to collapse, etc. And yes, a lot of these aren't directly connected to Twice's death...but they are in Hawks's mind.
We don't know if it's the first time he's ever had to kill someone on HPSC orders, but it really looks like it is. He stalls, he bargains, and he ultimately has to kill Jin anyway. And not only was Twice likely his first kill, Twice was someone Hawks genuinely seemed to like. He was someone Hawks spent time around and got to know before he quite literally stabbed the villain in the back. That had to have put him in a weird headspace.
Because before Twice, we see Hawks internally justifying everything and tunneling his vision onto his goals, but after Twice, we see him finally start to acknowledge the problems he's been putting off and ignoring. And just in time too, because you can bet that Lady Nagant coming into play also threw him for a loop. And learning her story—a young hero hopeful trained to be little more than a glittery government assassin, gone rogue after getting tired of the blood on her hands—would've slapped Hawks in the face with not only the confirmation that the HPSC sucks, but that he could've easily turned out just like her.
After all, he'd already killed for them once, right? Who's to say that they wouldn't make him do it again? Hell, he knows they would make him do it again.
That's why I'm so interested in how this newest fight will turn out. Why I'm so interested in Hawks specifically; because not only is Twice back on the field, but Dabi has also shown up, like a mirror of the battle of Jakku. Because Dabi is both similar and different to Hawks in that he acknowledges that he has trauma, but he lies to himself about what exactly that trauma is. Dabi knows that he has been wronged, but he's got a skewed view on how he's been wronged: physical abuse vs verbal abuse vs neglectful abuse.
And I'm highly interested in seeing how Hawks, a man who is just now coming to terms with his own problems, is going to handle that. What he'll say, if he'll repeat himself or learn from his mistakes—if he'll be able to get through to anyone in particular :)
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strawberry-barista · 1 year
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⚅— @littleoneloveyou asked: —⚅ ⚅— The year is slowly ending, feel free to use this ask to tag ( and write a positive message if you wish ) the people you are happy to have met this year and as always thank you for being part of the RPC, you are very much adored and appreciated. 🐱 —⚅
— ★ ⚄ ★ —
{Gosh, what can I say? I'm really bad at keeping up with when I met people, and I feel like tagging some and not others might give the impression that I like those people more than other people and I don't want to do that. Even so, I think I do want to list some names of people that I've had some really good threads with just to give them a shout-out and hopefully make their day.}
⚀ First of all, you! I'm always so happy to get little positivity asks from you, and seeing you around the community always makes my day. Please know that I'm really glad to have met you, even if it is just in passing like this.
⚀ @kingsmedley - We're really building a lot together, aren't we? I think we technically met at the tail-end of last year (around this same time, wasn't it?), but nonetheless our time writing together has always been amazing for me. I'm so glad I met a friend like you, and I hope we can keep making amazing work together.
⚀ @fallen-phxtxgrapher - We only write a little here and there, but Joel has become so precious to me and the story I'm weaving for Decaf. I'm so glad I got a chance to meet and write with you, and I hope we can keep building up more and more fun works together in the future! Thank you so much for being my friend.
⚀ @hopeful-hugz - Who ever thought that Hope would become such an intrinsic part of Decaf's universe with their first little meeting together? I'm so glad you reached out to me because I have been having so much fun with you ever since we started writing together. I hope I can help play a part in writing Hope's story, and I hope you continue to have fun with it all the way. Thank you for being my friend, Egg. It means so much to me!
⚀ @unfathomablebeings - Ah, Elle, my beloved. Thank you so much for writing with me and introducing me to your world of weird and wacky characters. So few are really in any position to be written with Abe, but I am so in love with what we have going between him and Estelle, and I hope we can continue building an interesting story with them! Aoi may be put away for the moment, but even this small bit of interaction with them I was so glad for. I love writing with you, and I hope we can keep building these stories together far into the future~
⚀ @aceparagon - We've only had two total interactions, but I was so happy to have those chances to write with you. I think the visual of Hanekoma getting yeeted out of Wildkatz is something that's going to stay in my memory as one of my top thread moments in all of history. Decaf is doing a lot better now, so hopefully as my health gets better I can finally get him back into Hikaru's universe to make proper amends and we can finally start writing together again. I miss writing with you, and I hope we can get back into the swing of it soon.
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magnoliabloomfield · 2 years
Garden of Heathen 44- Trauma Central
The one where Gally wants to yeet a b*tch and drinks his respect women juice
Love? LOVE? Did he just shucking say Love? Aussie felt like stabbing him with a fork just to change the subject. She didn't want to hear those words from him, she didn't want to be near him, she didn't even want to share the Garden with him.
The fact that everything he did that was nice and sweet turned her stomach instead of making her feel closer to him was a bad sign. He could be straight up lying to her. Now, if Gally had told her he knew her from before the maze, she'd believe him. And even if he told her he'd been madly in love with her before hand, she didn't think she'd freak out the way she was now. Heck, if she'd been in love with him before the maze then a lot of things would start making some shucking sense!
"Aris," she finally spoke up carefully, avoiding his gaze. "I am sorry, this must be hard for you too, but I don't remember you. I have none of these memories you talk about, and I don't have any of the feelings either. So can we just not talk about it?"
"But if I don't talk about it how will you ever remember?" He asked, his dark eyes becoming glassy. "I can't just let go of a second chance with you."
Gally bent his fork. And if he knew that Aris touched her knee under the table he would have found a new home for that fork.
Aussie sprang up and away from his touch, knocking her chair over. She just stood there for a second, everyone looking up at her except for Gally who'd stood up half a second after, ready to chuck this guy in the maze as soon as she gave the word. She didn't bother to say anything, she just turned and walked away as fast as she could toward the house.
"Aussie!" Aris called after her as he stood up as well, frozen by her outburst at first.
A heavy hand fell on his shoulder and pushed him back down into his seat. Gally leaned down so only Aris could hear him, squeezing his shoulder painfully.
"If you go near her, I'll break every rule in this place as far as you're concerned," he whispered threateningly in his ear, pulling back to give him a hard stare to make sure he understood before going after Aussie.
Gertie was halfway to the house, also following after her, so Aris was left with Joan, Georgia and Rachel.
"I am sorry for you, dude," Georgia said around a mouthful. "But you need to rethink your technique."
"What do you mean?" Aris asked.
"Well, think about it. If you were in her shoes how would you react to someone you don't remember, therefore you don't know, coming and trying to tell you who you are?" Georgia clarified for him.
"Also, you need to be careful of Gally," Joan added quickly since Georgia forgot the most important point. "They've grown quite close and he is fiercely protective of her."
"Yeah, I noticed," Aris mumbled unhappily as he rubbed his neck. "So, what do you think I should do?"
Georgia and Joan shared a glance. They really didn't want to advise this guy on how to get between Aussie and Gally.
"Aussie told you what she wanted," Joan reminded him. "Listen to her."
Aussie hugged a pillow as she curled up on the bed, sitting up still in case that psycho followed her in there, she didn't want to be vulnerable. The anxiety was making her stomach roil and she wanted to stay close to the bathroom just in case. Gertie came in just behind her, crashing next to her on the bed.
"Aussie are you alright?" She asked as she touched her arm.
"No, I'm not alright," Aussie almost groaned. "I just want him to stay away from me!"
"Given the fact that Gally isn't here yet, I don't think you're going to have to worry about that now," Gertie pointed out.
"Oh, bless him!" Aussie sighed.
They heard the door open and close and unmistakably heavy footfalls.
"Back here!" Gertie called with a small smile.
Gally came through the door looking concerned and ready to murder, which only made Gertie smile wider.
Gally was surprised to find Aussie in the room where she discovered her second dead body in three short years. Given how she was so freaked out by the basement for so long he didn't think he'd find her in this room either. That seemed like a sign something was really wrong. He slowed down and tried to move softly, not wanting to set her off anymore. She seemed jumpy.
"Hey," he said as he came over, sitting at the foot of the bed to give her some space.
He didn't dare ask if she was alright, she wasn't, or what was going on, he knew, but he had to check on her.
"Did you put the fear of God in him?" Gertie asked. "Or better yet, the fear of Gally?"
"If he has a functioning brain cell, yes," he said, earning a small smile from Aussie.
"Thanks Gally, I appreciate it," she said, uncurling a little bit.
"Yeah?" He asked, fishing for clues as to what he should do.
"Yeah," Aussie nodded. "I don't want him near me for a while."
"I can manage that," Gally nodded.
"Hey, while you guys are here and the newbies aren't, should we talk about the big problem?" Gertie asked, looking between them.
The big problem was that, when the box came up with Aris, it didn't go back down. Usually it retracted by now, but it stayed hours after Aris came out of it.
"Maybe the whole "last one ever" was more about the box than the boy," Gertie pointed out.
"That's probably why the note Gally came with said we'd have to get out once the white rabbit showed up," Aussie concluded. "If we have no more supplies coming we will definitely have problems sustaining ourselves here."
"Any clue how we're going to do that yet?" Gertie asked with forced hope.
"Not yet," Aussie sighed after she shared a look with Gally. "We'll have to work with Rachel a little more I think. She's gotta have some kind of important or else she wouldn't have had the rabbit clue."
Aussie shrugged and Gally thought it was cute how she did it, blowing a lock of hair out of her face from her sloppy bun.
"Alright," Gertie nodded. "Well, we're burning daylight on that then. What if I distract the new guy, tell him he's dehydrated or something and keep him laid up in the house while you guys, Joan and Gertie take Rachel to the map room?"
"That's not a bad idea," Aussie pulled a face as she nodded. "But! I don't want you alone with him either, get some one to help you- get two other girls to help you."
Gertie snickered. "Shouldn't be hard, the chuckleheads all seem to think he's gorgeous, they'll jump at the opportunity to hang around him."
Gally's brows furrowed in a slightly sad way at that. Oh, what was he thinking, after his experience with Hedy this guy could have all their attention. Still, it stung a little though.
"Ok, maybe Gally and I can sneak around him so he doesn't know what we're up to," Aussie suggested.
"You're just trying to avoid him," Gertie deduced correctly.
"So what if I am?" Aussie shot back.
"Aussie, you're practically the Queen here, don't let the first jerky guy you meet control you like that," Gertie gently grabbed her shoulders and gave her a shake.
"Hey, I think you just complimented me," Gally observed.
"Well, of course you're not a jerk. You're an idiot," Gertie clarified for him, making his expression go flat.
Aussie rolled her eyes but couldn't hide her smile as she got up from the bed.
"He's neither," she told Gertie sternly as she placed a hand on his shoulder. "Now if you'll excuse us, we're going to ruin a girls life."
Gally was just thankful that he still had touch privileges.
"I'll come and collect the bozo as well," Gertie sighed, and they all left the house.
Gally felt a sense of relief finally as he watched Gertie and two other eager girls lead Aris back to the house, his furtive glances over his shoulder directed at Aussie being completely ignored by her. Aussie couldn't stand him and Gertie couldn't stand him either, as long as those two were on his side shuck the rest. He stood with his arms crossed, his body blocking Aussie from his sight as she talked to the other girls. He was not ignoring Aris and the attention was not favorable.
Even with Aris holed up in the house, Gally still walked close to Aussie, shoulders squared, being the best bodyguard he could be. Even when they got to the map room he gently put his hand on Aussie's waist to lead her to the other side of the table, that way he could sit next to her and also watch the door. He may even have moved his chair closer to hers, who's to say.
"I want to be a runner," Rachel informed them as soon as her cheeks hit the seat.
Aussie paused in the middle of pulling her chair in closer to the table, brows raised high as she stared at the new girl across the tarp covered table.
"Ok... and why is that?" She asked her, finally settling in to her seat.
"I know this is gonna sound strange, but I really feel like I'm supposed to be one," Rachel explained, her hand going to her chest to emphasize the depth of that feeling.
"You understand that there's things in there that attack people, right? We went over that, do you remember?" Georgia questioned her as if she possibly caught a second case of amnesia.
"I know, I know," Rachel assured her, the expression on her face plainly saying she couldn't believe it either. "But that obviously means we can't stay here, right?"
"And you believe you can solve what we haven't been able to in three years?" Joan spoke up from her other side.
"I think my time is best spent at least trying-"
"Do you believe you can solve it?" Joan repeated, her tone and volume slightly antagonizing.
"Yes," Rachel blurted, her hands lightly coming down on the tables edge as she admitted it. "Yes, I do."
Joan looked looked to Aussie after that. Aussie was not the calculating type, she could read emotions on someone's face but she could not fathom what Joan was trying to telepathically convey to her in that look. Forget wavelengths, they had different oceans.
So Aussie did what she'd never recommend anyone do. She winged it.
"Listen," Aussie said, leaning forward with her elbows on the table, fingers clasped in front of her. "I know how traumatic it is to come up in that box, not remembering anything, so my inclination- naturally, is to be as kind and gentle as I can with everyone who comes here. The last thing I want to do is further traumatize anyone unnecessarily."
Rachel sat there listening intently but also looking confused.
"So my question for you is basically..." Aussie trailed off with a sigh as her gaze floated and shifted, searching for the right words. "If I assure you it's necessary, how much can you take? I mean, in terms of outlandish and crazy information that may or may not make any sense to you, and could in fact put a heck of a lot of pressure on you. Can you handle more trauma?"
Rachel looked at each face that was now staring at her, waiting for the answer. Finally her eyes landed on Aussie again. This girl looked like the maze had chewed her up but she would not let it swallow her. She was a tender, loving force that would not be destroyed, and she would get as many people out of here as she could. Whatever she had to say, Rachel could take.
"Yes, I can take it."
@a-ravenclaw-into-tardis-221b @sweetseunghyun-poulter @mrbillymontgomery @crazysheeplyca @frequentlychangingfandoms @massivechaos @rllych
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dannythedog · 3 years
Long Distance - Sam Kiszka x Reader
Synopsis: A hard day in your life dealing with a long distance relationship with your boyfriend Sam
Warnings: angst, being sad, swearing
Thank you to @amourleger and @greta-van-yeet for being my guinea pigs
Requests are closed!!
Let me know if you want to be added/removed from my tag list!
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Rays of sunshine shone through your window disturbing your slumber. The golden light that splashed across your room radiated a joyous feeling, but you couldn't bring yourself to match it. The coldness from the sheets crept under your skin and into your chest, leaving you feeling hollow. Most days started like this for you. It was hard to fill the Sam shaped hole in your ribcage every morning.
The same coldness crawled from the tiled kitchen floors and up through your toes causing a sickening shiver to course over you. It was like a constant state of winter in your house no matter what the temperature outside was like. In a way your home was the Earth and Sam was the sun, the distance resulting in seemingly never-ending flurries and cases of runny noses. Your coffee mug gave you some semblance of warmth, but it just couldn't compare to the true heat he radiated.
Sam lived in Nashville with his brothers and you lived on the other side of the country. He had begged you to move and finally be fully with him, but you had family, a job, a lease. Things that you just couldn't abandon right away. You were sure your family could survive without you for a while and jobs could be found, but alas your lease wasn't up for another thirteen months, keeping you away from him.
You ate your breakfast and drank your coffee staring longingly at the spot that was reserved for Sam whenever he visited. Sometimes you'd even set out his favorite mug to pretend he was there with you. You desperately craved his presence, his laugh, his scent. All things that were fading from your memory, leaving you with a deep frown. Suddenly your meal didn't seem so appetizing.
After scraping away what was left, you went about your morning routine in a haze. Your mind drifted to when being so far apart didn't seem that hard. You two had always kept your heads held high and took it day by day, but as of late the crushing reality was sinking in. You couldn't do this forever.
With a shake of your head, you grabbed your phone to facetime Sam. That never failed to make you feel at least a little better. You stared at yourself while the phone rang. Your hair was a mess, bags heavier and darker than they've ever been, you looked truly unsettling. Nevertheless, Sam answered the phone with the biggest smile you'd ever seen.
"Baby! I was just thinking of you!" The corners of your mouth tilted up slightly at the sight of his delighted visage. "I'm always thinking of you," you mumbled, frown quickly returning. He hadn't upset you, not in the slightest, but you couldn't fight the drowning sensation you felt as you gazed at him. "Oh, honey. What's wrong?" The drowning feeling only increased when he asked, leaving your lungs screaming for air. You didn't want to cry, you didn't want him to know how badly this was affecting you when he seemed so happy, but the burning was too much. You gasped as the dam burst, freeing months of pent up sorrow and uncertainty.
"I miss you," you wept. "I hate waking up every morning and feeling so fucking alone. I hate only being able to see you every so often. I thought I would be okay but this is awful!"
You didn't see Sam's face go from something so gleeful to dejected through your tears, though he's glad you couldn't. He knew you'd only blame yourself. "God, I miss you too, Y/N. Next month I have some time off and I can fly you out here or I can come to you! We'll be together again soon enough."
You wiped your nose on your sleeve, irritating the already sensitive skin. “I don’t think I can keep doing every other month. Or even month to month for that matter. This is too much, Sammy.” Your eyes returned to the screen to find a panic stricken face. His eyes were wide with bewilderment and his mouth was parted like he was going to protest, but no words came. His gape was similar to a fish out of water, his chest no doubt filled with the same burning sensation you had experienced moments prior. You cast your eyes away once more, unable to bare the thought that you had been the cause.
“Are you breaking up with me?” He whimpered after an eternity of quiet sobs and overt sniffles. A heavy sigh escaped your lips like a thousand pounds of bricks were placed on your already tight chest. The idea of breaking up crushed you, but being away from him felt just as bad. “I don’t know.”
“You can’t,” his voice cracked, exposing his emotion. “What do I need to do to make this better?”
You threw your hands up, nearly tossing your phone to the floor in the process. You hadn’t wanted this. You didn’t want to break up, but words bubbled out of your chest against your will. It was like your tongue came to life and had a conscience of its own. “I don’t know, Sam! I’m so tired of never being together. It’s hard to feel like a real couple when we can’t physically be present.”
“Then I’ll come to you,” he bargained. “I’ll pack up my stuff and I’ll find us a place big enough out there to be with you and we can get puppies just like we talked about!”
You let out a bitter laugh. “Puppies won’t fix this, Sam. You can’t leave Nashville, the band needs you.”
A grumble of exasperation left his chest. He truly was trying. “Then come to me! Y/N, I need you in my life. Please, I’m trying to fix this.” You bit at your nails, tearing the skin until it bled. The pain almost helped ground you. “End your lease. I’ll pay all the extra money you need for it and we can find you a really nice job out here. Don’t worry about your family, I’ll make sure you see them plenty. Please, Y/N. I’d do anything.”
The hollowness in your chest was only increasing with his every word. You don't know if you could just move to Nashville. What were you so afraid of?
"I have to get ready for work. I'll call you if I think about it." You cut the line and sunk your head into your hands. Things shouldn't be this difficult. Was life playing some cruel trick on you?
This must've been the slowest work day in your entire life. You did your tasks in a haze, letting your mind drift into a cesspool of dread and desire. You honestly had no clue what to do, at the moment you just wanted the comfort of your bed. When you arrived home, you didn't feel any sense of relief. Your doorknob didn't click when you turned your key signaling it wasn't locked. Slowly, you grabbed the pepper spray from your bag and made your way into your apartment. You hoped and prayed that you had accidentally left it unlocked in the midst of your breakdown that morning.
You were met with empty cardboard boxes littered about your living room and a puffy eyed Sam sitting on your couch. He rose quickly, carefully stepping towards you. "Y/N, hear me out."
"What are you doing here, Sam? I thought you didn't have time off until next month?" You moved around him, setting down your bag and eyeing the empty boxes. Your heart felt like it was going to explode. Heat rose through your body, making you itch uncomfortably. There was a tidal wave of emotions crashing into the cesspool of your mind. Gratitude because he seemingly dropped everything to be with you. Sadness because of the possibly impending break up. Fear due to the unknown. This was enough to nearly make you collapse, bringing you down to the couch. The haze was thickening, you didn't know how to process this. You simply couldn't process this.
"Well, I don't have time off, but this is more important to me," he sank beside you, gingerly grasping your digits. "Just please let me finish what I'm going to say before you yell, okay?" You rubbed your thumbs over his knuckles, his heat seeping into your frigid fingers. The circumstances seemed off, but the atmosphere in your home had deserted winter. Spring had made it's triumphant return at last. The warmth eased your nerves and you felt compelled to listen to his story, so you gripped his hands tighter and nodded.
"I called your parents today. I explained what was going on and they said they were willing to help. I paid off the rest of your lease," you opened your mouth to protest, but he gave you a pointed look reminding you of your promise to listen. "I talked to a friend of mine back in Nashville and they're able to hook you up with a great job that has better pay. Your parents even agreed to stay with us for a week to help you settle in. Please, Y/N, I love you. I want a future with you and I'm trying to do everything I can to make this transition easier. I told you I'd do anything."
You sat in stunned silence. All of your reasons to stay had suddenly vanished. You had spent so much time worrying about these things, yet Sam was able to take care of them with the snap of his fingers. "I'm sorry," you whispered, leaning heavily into him. "I'm sorry I put you through all of this. I was just so scared."
He threaded his fingers into your hair and planted a kiss to your forehead. "It's okay, baby. I know stuff like this is scary. Hell, I'm the one pushing for this and I'm still scared. We can get through it together. So, what do you say," he stood from his spot and extended a hand to you. "Help me pack up your stuff?"
The last of the ice melted from your ribs as you grasped his hand. The hollowness was replaced with an almost uncomfortably full feeling and you knew you'd never feel another unforgiving winter again.
Tag list: @tripthelight-fanfic @always-crushin @ageofsewingmachine @theweightofstardust @edgeofcaravel @ageoffeet @the-salt-is-in-chelsea @tellmama-allaboutit @thefleetofdreams @greta-van-yeet @way-to-go-lad @weightofdreams-gvf @frickin-bats @fleetsonfire @greta-flanveet @westc0ast-sm0k3r
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crankynewt · 3 years
Back to the Future - Chapter Three
Live in Living Colour Series Masterlist
Summary: As you begin to remember who you and Peter really are, the truth of WestView is revealed as you attempt to break free from the endless mind games.
Pairing: Peter Maximoff x Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: Major WandaVision Episode Seven spoilers!
A/N: Here’s the much anticipated continuation of Be Okay and Life Could Be a Dream! I had to take more creative liberties than I had intended since we got so little Peter last episode (which is even more of a crime than that beanie), but I hope you guys enjoy anyways! 
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The hard ground was cold and damp beneath your cheek. Slowly opening your eyes, darkness was only met with more darkness. After your sight had adjusted to the gloom, you could make out a faint purple glowing coming from the walls. It was almost as if it was omitting from the tangled branches warping across the stone surface.
Pushing yourself off the ground, your bones ached as you used what little energy you had left to sit yourself up. There were no windows in the tiny room and the wooden door across from you was more than likely locked. It’s not like you even had enough power to move over there anyways.
With a sigh, you rubbed your palm against your forehead as you tried to figure out how you’d gotten there. The last thing you remembered was asking Wanda why Peter couldn’t remember you as your real memories came flooding back to your conscious mind.
You didn’t know how long you were falling when you landed on the cold evening grass. There was still just enough adrenaline left in your system for you to immediately jump to your feet, eyes glowing yellow as you raised your fists raised as you took in your surroundings. 
You were on the lawn of some mansion, the towering stone structure dimly illuminated by the lights left on in a few of the windows. Your heart raced as you turned around quickly, seeing nothing but hedges and grass on the massive lawn. 
Although your mind was still racing, you eventually reached the conclusion that knocking on the door was the best option. With your cape trailing behind you, you strode across the grass and up the driveway as you made your way to the front entrance. Despite how intimidating the massive oak doors would normally have seemed, you bravely reached up to the heavy knocker and slammed it down thrice. 
Rather than feeling anxious, you felt annoyed more than anything. Of course Thanos would send you somewhere far away from where you needed to be. You only hoped that this really was Earth and you weren’t stranded on some random planet.
You weren’t sure exactly how long it had been when a timid looking man with glasses finally opened the door.
“Can I help you with something?” He asked, furrowing his brow as he took in your super-suited form. A little part of you was almost embarrassed at your appearance, but there were more important things to worry about.
“Yeah, where am I?” You asked, crossing your arms and pursing your lips. 
“Uh, Charles Xavier’s School for the Gifted… I’m sorry, who are you?” He replied, opening the door slightly wider as his confusion intensified.
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N). And where is this school?” You said, pushing the topic even more. “We are on Earth, right?”
“Are we on Earth?! Why wouldn’t you be on Earth? That’s not just something you don’t know.” He retorted, and you could see the veins on his hand growing a startling shade of blue. You decided to ignore it, if this stereotypical scientist guy wanted to fight then you could easily take him out.
“Okay, so the titan behind the attack on New York a couple years ago, Thanos, is trying to gather these things called infinity stones to wipe out half the universe. Some of his goons were just trying to get the time stone from this wizard in New York, and Iron Man, Spider-Man and I wound up having to save him, which led to us winding up on Thanos’ home planet, Titan.” You explained, making gestures with your hands as you spoke. “Long story short we were there fighting and he opened some portal and dropped me through it and now I’m here.”
“Oh, that makes sense. Bye!” He began closing the door in your face until something, or rather someone, stopped him.
“Wait!” A British voice called from inside the school, prompting the glasses-clad man to open the door even wider than before. This new figure was bald and seated in a wheelchair, rolling closer to you with a curious gaze. “They’re not crazy Hank.” He addressed the man, who quickly stepped out of the way so that you could enter the building and closing the door behind you.
“Professor Charles Xavier.” He introduced himself, reaching out to shake your hand with a knowing gaze. “You are a long way from home, aren’t you. The reality you remember is much farther away and about thirty years in the future.”
“Wait, what?! Thanos yeeted me back to the eighties?!” You exclaimed, shock and terror flowing through your veins as a gust of air blew past you.
“What’s a ‘yeeted’?” A new voice asked and you suddenly noticed a silver haired boy leaning against the wall nonchalantly. “Are you some Marty McFly Back to the Future-character or something?”
You glared in response as you felt annoyed with this stranger and his childish antics. This was going to be a long night.
The memory of your first meeting with your beloved Peter was enough motivation for you to push yourself off the ground, wobbling on unsteady legs as you rushed to the door. Wiggling the knob to no avail, you took a few steps back and raised your hand in an attempt to blow it off it’s hinges.
“That’s not going to work, you know.” A familiar voice behind you spoke. Whipping around, you saw Agnes, except now her hair was tangled and her eyes were glowing purple.
“So you’re the one doing this. Not Wanda…” You said, sizing her up as the woman stroked the rabbit in her arms. 
“Oh no, Wanda is doing this, but I’m the one behind the wheel.” She bitterly smiled. “Agatha Harkness, dear. You see, I needed a Pietro for Wanda but the real one’s been dead just a little too long. Your ‘Peter’ was the perfect replacement, but unfortunately you tagged along when I ripped him from your reality.”
“Peter and Pietro are completely different, Wanda’s eventually gonna figure that out.” You snapped, growing more and more furious with each syllable passing through her lips. 
“Peter’s playing his part like a champ! He won’t be missing you anytime soon.” Each word was nails on a chalkboard to your ears. “But don’t worry about being lonely, you won’t be alone down here much longer.” With a swish and a flick of her fingers, Agnes disappeared into a swirl of purple and Tommy and Billy took her place.
“(Aunt/Uncle) (Y/N)!” They shouted, terrified and immediately running over to where you stood. You met them with open arms, holding the twins close in a hug as you whispered that everything was going to be okay in a failed attempt to comfort them. 
“Mom said Pietro isn’t really our uncle… Who is he?” Tommy questioned as you let go of the duo.
“He’s not… His name is Peter, and he’s from another reality. Your Mom’s brother died a long time ago, but Agatha brought  him over because technically they are the same person? I think? I’m not sure how it works, but they are both Maximoffs and Peter has a little sister named Wanda, too. It’s complicated, but that witch is controlling him.” You explained, answering questions that you didn’t really understand yourself. 
“You’re thinking really loud…” Billy commented, holding his head in his hands as he attempted to block out the noise of your mind rushing a hundred miles an hour.
You opened your mouth to respond, but before you could talk you felt a gentle tap in your mind. Then another, this prod slightly stronger. And again, the poking becoming quite the nuisance.
“Billy, please don’t try to read my mind.” You said, staring into space as you attempted to keep the child out of your thoughts.
“I’m not.” He replied, dropping his hands to his sides as me met your eyes with a look of confusion.
You matched his puzzlement, the poking continuing and becoming even harder to ignore. Maybe it was a lapse in judgement or your exhaustion catching up to you, but you decided to drop your defences and let this strange presence into your head.
“(Y/N)? (Y/N), can you hear me?” A voice in your head asked.
@cspr-2 @lam-ila @sarcasticbitchs-things @calaryssia​ @ashleysimmons​ 
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husbandohunter · 3 years
Boys over flowers [Genshin Impact/Various x Reader] Part 2
Not everything had to be about fighting. Ahem Childe.
Genre: fluff, angst(?)
Characters: Zhongli, Childe, Albedo, Xiao
Out of all the bountiful possessions in the land he carved with his very own hands, the glaze lily had always been his favourite.
This flower was a nostalgia stained with time. As much as he loved them, the love he felt was more of a bittersweet sadness if anything. The loss of a friend, his mentor, someone he cherished so deeply, all of it was held into a single glaze lily.
Once as Morax, now as ordinary Zhongli, in those 6000 years he had seen it all. Even his grief for Guizhong faded into a memory.
Sometimes Zhongli felt like he was reading from a story book. Detatched while staring through an omniscient standpoint. It seems that his infinite years brought both experience and lonliness along the way.
"Zhongli? What are you staring at?"
But not when he was with you.
The glaze lily went on many journeys when he met you
He remembers the first encounter on a sunset night just as the petals  were about to bloom. You were there, crouched down, staring into his golden eyes.
“This is for you! Not many can be fully matured like this so make sure to take good care of it,” You held it out to him and he takes the stem out of your hold.
“A parting gift, I appreciate your thoughtfulness,” Zhongli sees it as a sign of a new contract, “It seems you possess a good eye when you were selecting them.”
He remembers the bouquet you presented during his birthday, the garland you placed on his head when he was reading, the vase by his desk always filled to the brim whenever you’d pay a visit to his parlour.
He remembers how the blue petals scattered across the floor the day you two married, everywhere he went so did this flower. Everytime he saw this flower, he thought of you.
Was it okay to feel like this? No one can ever replace Guizhong, was it okay to love again even when this being was much more perishable than she was? Zhongli was use to the experience of tragedy and loss as it was part of life.
Ah, so this must be what it feels like to live like a mortal.
To cherish every passing moment knowing that it won’t last forever. He will embrace it to the end. 
Old memories that were once dust rose from the soil, now reborn into a new beginning. Your curious gaze leans closer to his profile, sitting side-by-side under the blankets of your shared bed, the corners of his lips lift into a small smile.
“I’m only reminiscing, my dear. You don’t need to worry for me.” He kisses your forehead and tucked you to bed. The candle now blown out as his arms wrapped around your waist while spooning from behind.
Zhongli closed his eyes, knowing if he dreamt of a garden full of glaze lilies, there will be no sadness behind it.
Mother fucker would try to turn this into a sparring session.
This is why you NEVER invite Childe. If the valley were the air nomads, Childe was the fire nation. He’d stomp his muddy shoes in front of you just to get your attention simply because he knows it will piss you off.
An angry s/o means a potential fight. Win win situation.
Thus, no one blamed you for giving him a cold shoulder after that.
“Aha, looks like I went a little too far, didn’t I? Alright alright, I’ll stop trampling on your flowers from now on, you have my word. So talk to me, okay? Please?”
Alas you spare him a glance, “Make that a pinky promise.”
He didn’t know you were so serious about gardening. The Feiyun commerce guild took greate pride in cultivating the finest silk flowers in all of Teyvat and you being from that guild held up that legacy. Even if Childe tries to buy back the ones he stepped on, nothing could match the quality of your work.
Needless to say, your little hobby became a normal thing, Childe was very chaotic in nature so something more calm was nice to mediate that attitude. You taught him how to water plants, place the fertilizer and knowing which ones to pick.
But let’s be real, florist Childe isn’t that far-fetched because he is 10/10 waifu material.
Then Teucer comes in and tags along. He wanted to take some silk flowers back to Tonia until Childe informed him they’ll wilt on their way to Snezhnaya. 
“Aww, that’s too bad,” he would say while pouting, “Then I’ll give them to you big sister (Y/n)!”
“How sweet, you’ll be quite the charmer when you’re all grown up, Teucer. Maybe even better than your big brother.”
“Come on now, babe. You know that’s impossible.”
You twirled the silk flower right under your nose, the playful tone never leaving your voice, “Oh really? You and Teucer both share the same genes so yes, it is a possibility.”
An amusing glint dances in the ocean of his gaze as he gleefully remarks, “Well if you put it that way, I think Teucer would be at a very big disadvantage.”
“What do you-”
Before you could finish, Childe covers Teucer’s eyes and leans over to steal a sinful kiss, sliding his tongue inside. He purposely brushed his lips over yours after parting, completely satisfied by your flustered expression.
I love this bastard
Hip hip hooray for having both Qiqi and Xiao in your party. Must be fun collecting their ascension materials.
“Adeptus Xiao!”
Your dumbass fell off the high cliff while obtaining the violet grass, Xiao yeets in from nowhere and caught you from death’s clutches.
Shall I mention that this had happened TWICE already?
Xiao carries you to safety and gently settles you down to your feet. He shot you the sharpest and most deadpan look he could muster because actions speak louder that words, he was trying to make a point.
You gave him a weary smile as the violetgrass batch limps in your hands along with the qingxins.
“I can hardly fathom how utterly stupid and moronic you can actually be. What did you think would happen when you tried to pull off that stunt? That you’d suddenly grow wings and be able to fly?”
His harsh words put you back into your place like a scolded child, “I’m sorry...I just wanted to help...”
Mah man does not watch what he says and always end up guilty. Your kicked puppy look is really going to be the death of him. He means well, just harsh when it comes to your well-being.
“Fine, give me those. I’ll take care of it.” He wouldn’t allow you to retort, he just took them from your hands and left without a word.
Let’s just say that Xiao isn’t the best when it comes to handling flowers as he would handle monesters, his touch isn’t the most delicate either and would prefer to get the job done fast. 
Sometimes he’d pull the roots our along with it, dirt and mud dripping from the bottom of the stem. Or the opposite. He pulls too hard and the stem just SNAPS and you’re left with just the blossom. 
“Does it matter? They’re only ingredients as you’ve said.”
That gave you a perfect excuse to teach him the ways of gardening and just be more delicate overall. 
At first he didn’t understand why humans were so meticulous about these things but when he saw a man present a bouquet to his wife, Xiao began to reconsider his methods. He doesn’t undersand mortal traditions as much and sticks to something simple and classy.
Don’t be surprised when you find a bunch on your desk for your birthday <3
The sheer cold of dragon spine could naturally kill any botanical organisms aside from mints. The only flowers Albedo usually sees are the ones he artificially makes.
But being the genius he was, Albedo knew every variety of flowers to exist in the book. In this case, HE was the expert.
To him, the flower was the symbol of life. Albedo only knew the scientific facts of plant life and their natural functions, you on the otherhand were more familiar with the flower languages in a deeper meaning.
Today was a rare day where Albedo figured he’d step out of that freezing lab and conduct his research somewhere warmer, specifically Windrise where it’s quiet and away from the city.
“Dandelions may not be flowers but thei’re the main specialty of Mondstadt carrying the meaning of ‘freedom’! That’s probably how the Acting Grandmaster got her title.”
“Freedom...” He ponders, “I guess you cold say that.”
Albedo can’t understand why people would choose to associate meaning with plants. Where do their ideas come from? And why? Frankly, he can’t see the point in any of it. 
But at the same time, it made him happy to see you so enthusiastic about his research even if it wasn’t quite near the target. Albedo had always been so engrossed in his work and you’d just silently keep him company of the side, not many times where you both fot to nerd out on the same topic.
Emotions were still a mystery to him. It seems that even upon the most boring subjects, they don’t seem boring anymore when talking to his significant other. Soon enough, Albedo found himself putting his research aside and just listening to you talk. 
“And the Rose expresses romance and love. It’s common for lovers to give it to another during Valentines day.”
He hums cheekily, “Are you telling me that just to hint me to give one to you?”
“W-Well, I didn’t say that.”
He got nothing done. Perhaps his research can wait for another day, right now, he was more curious on what other meanings can a flower hold.
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nafeary · 3 years
Napoleon, Theo, Dazai, and Jean reacting to College Student!MC Stressed by Deadlines
Requested by @hqissodelicate:
hey toni boo, sara/delicateikemenmemes here ❤ i've been Going Through It with school 😔 so i was thinking of how my boos napoleon, theo, dazai & jean would react to MC who's a (stressed, exhausted) student who got yeeted to the mansion in the midst of a bunch of deadlines? thank you boo & i hope you're drinking your water 💙😤
✧✎ A/N: I’m sorry it took me this long to finish... but this was super fun to write and it helped me get back into writing after such a long break due to school bs. I’m not too satisfied with Dazai’a and the haphazard scenario/headcanons mush, but I still quite like this I think. Thank you for the request dear! Take care and drink water, everyone!
Warnings: Stress and mild mentions of anxiety, and like one mention of sexual intercourse
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Napoleon Bonaparte
“You’re just a chore, after all.”
You whirled around. “Don’t act like your job is going to be that hard,” you could only scoff in annoyance, “I’m going to be inside my room all day, anyway.”
At first, Napoleon was slightly confused by your statement. Wouldn’t you want to explore this new world at all? But according to code, he’d just smirk and go (sleep) do smth
And true to your statement, you did stay inside your room for the most part
It’s not like your quadrillion essays would write themselves
It’s not like your college would just excuse your tardiness
It’s not like—
“Nunuche, you sure you don’t need a break from... whatever you’re doing?”
Napoleon was quite suddenly standing besides you, trying to read the mess that you’ve created.
“And who gave you permission to enter?”
“Me, obviously. I did have the impression that you were in danger, judging from the amount of curses I perceived.”
You could have died from embarrassment. Of course he had to hear your yells of frustration, stemming from the fact that your laptop was out of order, that you had no idea how to use ink properly, and—
“Have you realised that you regularly zone out?”
“I suppose? But if you wouldn’t mind, I really need to finish...” you trailed off, gesturing to the papers in front of you.
However, at his inquisitive gaze, you decided to explain that these were essays that could very well decide how you’d pass university, and, upon further inquiry, elaborated how a modern student’s life looked like
He never interrupted you unnecessarily, only to ask questions when a concept was too modern for him to comprehend
Your cursed assignments certainly made your life in the past harder to enjoy, but it also brought you and the emperor closer than ever
Unable to access the internet—or visit the college library—you had no proper sources for you references (considering that Comte’s library had no modern content, naturally)
You also didn’t want to bother Sebastian, especially since him and Comte had shown so much understanding for your peril that they practically forbid you from helping him out around the mansion
Their reasoning didn’t make you feel less bad though
Hence, you only had one option left that could complete your last essay
Which oh-so conveniently encompasses the Napoleonic Wars, something you truly did not want to burden him with
“Napoleon? Remember those essays that I have to finish for my university courses?”
“Of course.”
You were twiddling your thumbs, contemplating whether your grades are worth revisiting unpleasant memories, aka the taboo of the mansion
Abruptly, he grabbed your cheeks with just enough force to turn you away from looking at your feet, but not enough to inflict pain. “If there is anything I can help you with, I’d never shy away from it.”
Begrudgingly, you inquired him about his reign with as little focus on the gruesome details as possible your professor be damned
And holy shit, he’s amazing at writing? And Not just cringey love letters? Panty Sniffer Napoleon brrrrr
As you grew closer, he’s spoil you with vitamin-rich snacks (going as far as asking Arthur and Sebastian for medical advice)
He enjoys carving cute shapes out of fruits and eggs because he knows that their and his adorable presence will prompt the perfect amount of distraction to allow a small moment of rest
Says that it’s his duty as your guard and boyfriend to take care of your overworking habits
Expect frequent complaints from your beau, ranging from “how could they assign so many essays? Aren’t students just humans, too?” to “‘Reasons Why Edison Is Better Than Newton’? Do they even know what they’re talking about? Tch!”
Theodorus Van Gogh
You gleefully indulged in his charades for the first few days. They were a welcome distraction from your college work, after all
But the procrastination was accompanied by guilt, your anxiety building up every second you spent helping Sebastian with the chores, and gallivanting around town with Theo
A week passed before your sense of responsibility finally kicked in. So when Sebas came to wake you up just as the sun peaked past the horizon, you were already scribbling away on some sheets you’d found in your drawers
“Ah, good morning, Sebastian-san.”
“Good morning... what are you writing, if I may ask?”
“Just some essays for my college courses...” you said, glancing dejectedly at your notes.
Now that you didn’t have access to the internet, and your laptop’s battery was all used up, it made your work all the more tedious, but you had to set your teeth and do this.
“Give me 10 minutes, and I’ll join you in the kitchen.”
He had wanted to argue, but you didn’t let him. And when he saw you leaving the house with Theo later in the afternoon, he could only shake his head.
You felt like you owed the art dealer, especially since you blurted out his secret the literal next moment, so you committed to helping him while also keeping up with your work
Although, him calling you dog wasn’t nice either—even though, according to Sebas’ explanation, Hondje wasn’t exactly the equivalent to mutt
That cycle continued for days. Helping out around the mansion, getting pulled around by Theo, and writing your essays deep into the night
Not to mention all the worries that pressured your shoulders further and further into the ground
You were missing so many group project deadlines, disappointing people that relied on you... it was safe to say that sleep did not come easy, if barely
Just before you arrived at your room after a late night art exhibit did your body decide to fail you, tripping over nothing multiple times.
It prompted Theo to call you out before you could even think of rushing past the door, steadying you with a hand more gentle than you had ever experienced it to be.
“Sebas informed me that you’ve been working yourself to death.”
You silently cursed the butler. “I haven’t—“
“Give me your laptop.”
Perplexion ran across your mien, wondering how he could possibly have remembered such a modern detail from your countless rambles. “It’s batt— it doesn’t work right now, so it’s not like it would stop me from working.”
Arguing with the devil was a mistake.
He snaked his arms around you, holding the door handle in place with one hand while the other still kept you upright. “I don’t care whether you work or not, I’m not your mother. And regardless of its abilities, hand it over, knabbletje.”
What other choice did you have but to comply?
He ordered—yes, ordered—you to go to bed right that instant
If you hesistanly ask him to do the same (we all know what a hard worker he is), he’ll just press a guileless kiss to your forehand, telling you not to worry about him
The next morning, you were already worrying for your baby’s safety within the sadist’s hands when the devil invited himself into your room
“Ever heard of knocking?”
“Morning to you, too, Hondje.” He sent you an overly handsome smirk, handing you the laptop tucked underneath his arms. “You won’t be able to use that spider web Sebas told me about, but writing should work.”
You stared at Theo in disbelief, all the while internally laughing at him misinterpreting the World Wide Web. Deciding to trust in him, you clicked the power button. And sure enough, it sprang to life. “What... how in the world did you...”
Leo overheard you and Sebas talking about solar energy sometime… hush, just run with it
He fell into the seat next to you, propping his chin upon his fist. “I didn’t do anything. Just asked Sebas whether there was a way for you to use this. Leonardo took notice and tinkered around with it. Don’t ask—ah!”
You threw your arms around his shoulders, pressing your face into the crook of his neck. “Thank you for taking care of me, Theo.”
Would you have lifted your face, then you’d have caught a glimpse of the vermillion shading his cheeks. “I didn’t do it to help you. I simply can’t risk having you become a liability at work. That’s all.”
Anyway, tsundere tendencies aside, you know what another big factor of dating Theo is?
King if you’re not allergic, understandably, if so, he’ll change his clothes before even thinking of visiting you
On days that you decide to be especially stubborn, he pulls you outside, all the whilst whistling for the jolly golden retriever
And as soon as he comes running, your mind goes brrrrr cute dog
Although, he’ll try his best not to distract you from work. He knows from personal experience that it’s a much bigger annoyance than help
Thus, he’ll certainly use his connections and amiable rip Shakes relationships with the residents to help you out with the research process
Also, with his superior memory, he knows what generally makes you happy and relaxed, so he’ll be his usual observant self to decipher just what would help you perfectly relax/finish your work
Hardworking boi, please love him
Dazai Osamu
Dazai is the type of person that doesn’t mind upsetting people and risking someone’s disdain if it supports that person in the long run
And he’s able to read people like books, so it shouldn’t be surprising that he knows you’re overwhelmed before you even realize it
You’ve been going to sleep too late and waking up too early? He’ll gently force you (if you’re 100% against it, he won’t do it ofc) to sleep beside him, making sure that you won’t rise with the sun for once
You’ve been exposing your wrist to heavy sprain? He’ll teach you some handy-dandy 5 Min Crafts techniques that are guaranteed to send your hands on a vacation
You've been suffering from writer’s block? Time to go on a lovely stroll through nature with your boo
Your shoulders and neck are hurting beyond sanity? He swears by hot springs, so the thermae is his go-to for when you need to relive some muscle kinks
He never fails to procure the perfect amount of bubbles and temperature. And depending on how comfortable you are with it, he’ll offer to wash your hair.
And since dude got Disney princess hands, you most probably fall asleep, but our man is there to hold you above the water
His bare thighs are an added bonus, sending your mind into spirals faaaar away from college work
After you’re done bathing, he’ll ask you whether you’d like him to braid your hair (if it’s long enough), and his Disney princess hands will not disappoint
In the beginning, it was incredibly vexing to have a security cam in the form of a handsome man always on the qui vive
But at some point, you started embracing Dazai’s overwhelmingly passive—you knew exactly what he was doing whenever he’d do something random—protectiveness
Especially since it didn’t only help you complete your work; on the contrary, you were always excited to spend time with the Japanese writer
But that didn’t curb your confusion at the whole debacle. Why was he this focused on your well-being?
So, you decided to confront him
“Dazai?” Once again, you were relaxing in his arms, his fingers threading through your hair lulling you into a dreamlike state.
He ticked his head to the side, pulling your entwined hands closer towards his heart. The sun streamed into the run at just the right angle, yet the golden light was not as bright as his vivid citrine orbs.
You sighed, unable to look at his stupid handsome face for too long. ”Why is it that you insist on taking care of me?”
“Someone has to, Toshiko-san.”
You’d have blurted out your feelings if it wasn’t for the sudden embrace you found yourself in. As guileless as it appeared, you knew he was trying to stop you from acting on your thoughts.
Deciding that you didn’t want to pressure him further (after all, you knew that he had a hellish first life), you accepted the unclarity of his feelings—even though his actions spoke loud enough for you to understand.
It was that day that you decided to repay him for all he’s done for you
And you wouldn’t let him yeet himself through a window in an attempt to evade the love sent his way this time
Even if it took decades, you wanted him to feel just as safe and loved as you did in his company
You were glad to have such a caring man by your side who helps you with managing you self care
You could only hope that he’d allow himself to be treated the same way
Please just take our love, boo. We love you
Jean d’Arc
Well fuck, how could he possibly help someone who’s stressed when he himself is a 24/7 McDonalds that only sells Chicken McStress?
Anywho, I feel like he’d be the complete opposite of Dazai when confronted with a stressed MC
He’d care just as much, of course, but he thinks that it would be better to give her space, since he himself understands the desire for solitude well
So yeah, I can see him not going out of his way to check up on you if you weren’t super duper close friends/lovers IF it wasn’t for his friend Napoleon
After all, it was him who gave your boyfriend a lil talk, convincing him that, perhaps even if someone needs space, they probably still need someone to look after them
Living with Jean is basically Ted Talks everyday
Anyway, he embarked on his journey to hopefully help you and and to relieve some stress that was wearing you down (according to the statement of several residents)
And, finding himself halting abruptly, our pessimistic little bean realised that he’s got zero idea what did help you attain bliss
So he opted for the next best option—things he knew that made his friends relax
Plan A
Hearing a few oddly reluctant raps on your door, you went to open it. As soon as you did, the beautiful man who’d captured your heart entered your vision, your eyes finding his amethyst ones immediately.
You two stayed like that for a moments, only breaking eye contact when he sighed and simultaneously thrusted a mug into your hand, already in the process striding back to his own room.
“Uhm… Jean? I’m a bit busy right now, but would you like to come in?”
His eyebrows furrowed. “Don’t you find it inappropriate for a man to enter your room, mademoiselle?”
“Jean,” you giggled at his archaic mindset, gently rubbing your thumb between his brows to even out the crease. “We’ve had sex before, you know. Of course you ca—“
Wrong thing to say. He stormed past you, vermillion cheeks practically leaving a trail.
Chuckling to yourself, you turned to the mug’s contents. “Hm? Hot chocolate?”
Plan B:
“If this doesn’t harbor your discomfort…” Your boyfriend reluctantly stood in your room’s corner, standing straighter than a rod.
Frankly, your essays have kept you entirely too busy, and you longed for the warmth of the French man’s feather-like embrace.
“On the contrary, I enjoy your presence.” And you went right back to scribbling away.
Jean frowned. “Haven’t you been writing stories since this morning?”
“They’re not stories… and, yeah? I believe so.”
Stepping towards your seated form, he extended his hand; you grabbed it without thinking twice. “Is everything alrig—whoa!”
With the ease of a seasoned soldier, he picked you up before haphazardly tugging you into bed with bewilderment maring your features. “You should sleep.”
He stared at you blankly, as if expecting you to fall into the land of dreams right that instant.
“Did something prompt,” you slipped your arms out from underneath the duvets, gesturing wildly, “this?”
It was hard to be upset with Jean, his clueless but genuine persona the reason why you fell for him, yet you couldn’t disguise the irritation coursing through your veins—you had work to return to, after all.
“I think you need to rest, mademoiselle.”
Your blinking made him avert his eyes, explaining quietly, “I am uncertain what supports your release of tension, so I thought that perhaps sleeping could help since it certainly does show affect with Napoleon.”
“Ah, and you made me hot chocolate since that’s what calms Mozart.”
After internally simping for his soft and wholesome dumbass energy, you pulled him to bed beside you, claiming that it would help you relax (but only after telling him that it was okay for him to ask for your preferences)
And falling asleep to the heartbeat underneath his broad chest is definitely a 5-star-resort vacation
He’d eventually ask his relationship advisor Napoleon whether it is okay to have you help them out with his reading/writing lessons (you
You, alongside Napoleon, steadily agreed, despite knowing that it was a ploy to keep you away from overworking
Please also love this boy, thanks
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Tag List of the most wonderful sweethearts (just message me if you’d like to be added <3): @juminly @kisara-16 @sweetlittlemouse @thesirenwashere @nad-zeta @delicateikemenmemes
223 notes · View notes
kuboism · 3 years
Bleach Canon Vs. Studio Clown Episode 1
Intro to the series
WARNING: Long read but theres plenty of pictures
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The first deviation we’re greeted with is what the anime presents as the arrival of hollows into the human world. With a likely artistic rendition of them forming from the shadows of Hueco Mundo and dripping/bleeding over into the human world like splotches of ink, after which they disappear - unable to be perceived by humans.
A/N: Which, kubos to the anime, is rather neat.
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The anime also decided to incorporate the first volume poem which is the thematic beginning and a great establisher of the mood/themes of Bleach, which roughly translates to: 
我らは 姿無きが故に それを畏れ
“We fear that which cannot be seen”
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And then they curiously add a line to this poem? 
”We revere that which cannot be seen"
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A/N: Which, initially seems on brand with the spiritualism of that “which is not seen” - the shinigami, DEATH itself if you will. However, unlike the themes of “fear” and “fear of death/the unseen”, “reverence” is not really a theme prevalent or definitive for bleach. Reverence is not particularly reserved for death or death gods, but antagonists with themes of divinity/the Soul King himself, but I digress.
Next off the bully scene has a couple of missing/reworded lines, as well as some of the delivery changed, but overall it’s not significant enough to mention.
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I also wish they’d kept Ichigo’s shit yourself scary face from this moment right here, since it really underlines how serious and personally invested Ichigo is in bringing small justice to the souls of the departed, but I can only pray a future remake does include it.
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^ I am disappointed in y’all :/
v Karma delivery, bitch
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Then for some reason the next scene is changed significantly:
In the manga, it builds up slowly to Ichigo’s reveal of supernatural abilities with the iconic TM character profile intros (which I can see why weren’t recreated in the anime, but I sure wish they put them in....)
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with him spooking the bullies off with the ghost girl right behind him
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Versus his scary face doing the job instead.....
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It’s a small change, and I can see why it would be opted for - we don’t really know if they even saw the ghost in the first place (then again you could argue that would spook them anyway). There is a tonal difference in the long run though. The manga emphasizes once again *why* ichigo is scolding them in the first place - he sees the people disrespected by them knocking down the vase, he wants them to acknowledge their actions *because* in his mind, there are real victims he knows from it. While in the anime, since the ghost is not yet introduced, it feels more like “you are disrespectful to the dead” in a more generalized way vs. him actually being acquainted with the dead and treating them like the living. 
(Again, not sure why change it so much at all........the suspense and reveal are in the manga just the same.... but ok)
As well as cutting off this small moment where you can see Ichigo’s very human (and cute!) interactions with the ghosts. To him they’re just as real as the living, and he lends them a hand whenever they ask for help.
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Also lmfao this 4kids level of censorship.....
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It goes on rather faithfully for a while, no significant omissions, then Pierrot decides to randomly replace Yuzu’s lines with Karin??
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Which is an odd choice, given that not only does Yuzu sense ghosts just fine (albeit at a much lesser level than her family) and that later comes into play with Fishbone & Grandfisher, but Karin literally later admits that she doesn’t even want to acknowledge their presence, so why the change....?
They also cut short Karin’s little talk about Ichigo’s stats, which is a fair change for screentime’s sake, but mentioned for the record.
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There’s a bit of a divergence with Yuzu lore, when the manga explicitly states she sees them, but not “clearly”, the anime focuses on her barely sensing them. I guess it doesn’t matter that much in the long run, since she is not that prevalent in the story, but it’s here for the record nonetheless.
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Also this next bit was removed, probably for the sake of pacing (which, totally fair!!), but it’s funny and I love the Kurosaki family so here it is:
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It does make the flow a bit better in the manga, since this talk of selling his talents distracts Ichigo and creates an opening for his father to strike, in the anime, the same is done with Ichigo just randomly saying 
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and thats where his father attacks him, which isnt really an issue, just kind of funny of how the manga is like:
Ichigo’s distracted by his sisters plotting to sell him out and hence Isshin has his chance to strike back
vs the anime being like:
Ichigo randomly thinks about dinner mid convo about ghosts and thats what distracts him from play-fighting with his dad 
gfdkhlgfdg okayyyy....moving on 
In the manga this scene is interspliced with Ichigo’s inner monologue about the nature of his powers (with hip jargon like “for real” courtesy of Viz ) 
(but my beef with Viz translations are for another day)
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Also the line about “He told me more ghosts than ever have been haunting me” has been given to Karin for some reason, probably to make her feel more included in the scene/Ichigos life.
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Notably, Isshin’s response is changed from “What?! He talks about stuff like that with you (Yuzu, singular)” to “What?! He talks about stuff like that with you guys?” as well, again probably to include Karin more into the dialogue. (Mmmm ok....)
Minor detail, but Karin’s lines has been changed to more “boyish” speech structure in the Japanese dub, which may seem insignificant, but ...... that is for later. 
This little exchange
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 is replaced with: 
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Which, seems innocuous adaptation differences, but Yuzu’s lines keep decreasing and it’s a short enough moment to like....include and establish how motherly Yuzu is acting towards Ichigo.....but ok...huh. 
And now we get into the big boy changes.
So, probably for the sake of grounding the supernatural element of the series, the anime decided to skip time to the next morning and introduce the hollow attacks with a news report.
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Which.....is an interesting choice. I am assuming this is addressing how the real world perceives the hollow attacks, which Bleach doesn’t put too much effort into addressing, but very soon after this we learn about stuff like memory replacement and other various technology to keep things under wraps so this is either redundant or implying that shinigamis have not been doing their job, which hm......
Next off is the bizarre choice to paint Isshin out of the picture for the night
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Not sure why, but ok
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Again, where’s the shinigami with their Kikanshinki (memory replacement devices)??? Pierrot where’s the lore coherence......
Anyway, Ichigo goes to replace the girl’s vase, but suprise-surprise she’s gone-zo. Wonder what happened to her.....
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(And....again, people vehemently don’t want a reboot when the anime looks like this? )
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So Ichigo hears a scream and a hollow scream and follows the sound (Ok?).
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Totally random hollows attack. Which Ichigo somehow has never seen so far? Mind you, this isn’t like in the manga, where Fishbone was sent by Aizen specifically after Ichigo to make him aware of it. These are random-ass hollows attacking people, so how come Ichigo suddenly sees them. Ya coulda played it safe Pierrot, and stuck to the book, but we got plot inconsistencies episode one so let’s party.
The girl is, of course, not eaten and they run away.
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She trips at the most inconvenient moment. (can ghosts trip? Ghost don’t even have legs in japanese lore and Kubo draws them floating around so okkkkkkkk)
(ok ok, im just being petty, bUT YKNOW)
(convenient tripping on deadass levelled ground is convenient)
(also God I really want that bag Ichigo’s got on his shoulder, it looks so nice)
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Random-ass hollow closes in and 
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(Now, if the rest of Bleach and the manga didn’t exist I would like this moment. We get a glimpse into Rukia’s abilities, into shinigami as a concept and we don’t really get to see her slice and dice hollows that much overall so the moment itself is rad in isolation.
Now, unfortunately for Pierrot’s screenwriters, Bleach manga exists and so does it’s lore, which again, would not be inconsistent with each other if the adapation was faithful. Now, Ichigo sees a shinigami, for some reason, for the first time in his 15 years of life. All of a sudden. 
You could argue, that much like in the manga, this is all part of Aizen’s plan TM, but like, she literally leaves right after leaving Ichigo gaping in awe ghfkjgdf. Why’d Aizen give him an appetizer, I really don’t understand how this change is benefitting the narrative in any way. It’s ....dare I say....generic.)
Rukia yeets the hollow
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(why is this kid suddenly not wearing shoes?)
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and goes off on her merry way, leaving Ichigo shooketh
ALSO RUKIA MA’AM THERES A FUCKING STRAY GHOST RIGHT AT YOUR RIGHT????? ISNT IT YOUR LIKE....JOB.......... TO HELP GHOSTS MOVE ON??? i know killing hollows is the fun part, but like ghjkfdlgfd ??? are you gonna ignore her???
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( his fucking face ghfjdkgdlfgfd)
So after this wholeass pointless detour (you’ll see why it’s pointless in a moment)  we timeskip again (the filler is strong in this one. These 6 minutes were worth not coming up with something cohesive and removing scenes that actually make sense ah yes)
Ichigo is in deep thought TM about who tf is the stranger he’d just seen. Likely mulling over the monsters and how this person was able to slay said monsters. Probably thinking how unusual they are.
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and as if on cue
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the stranger makes their presence once more
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(my God these faces gfhgkldfg)
Now let’s briefly address what happens in the manga instead.
Instead of the whole timeskip scene with the fight, Ichigo simply returns to his room on the same day, and oddly enough recognizes the species of the butterfly he sees? (nerdy boi! nerdy!! boi!)
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rukia arrives much the same
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(With the little text emphasizing how he’d never been aware of soul reapers, which is unsurprising given their secrecy, and makes sense in the long run since their first meeting is specifically orchestrated by Aizen. Two species that werent meant to interact brought together by his schemes.)
Back to the anime:
Ichigo pauses to ponder who tf they are and why the fuck they’re there.
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and then the anime has the gall to suddenly revert to sticking to the manga, which like.... Ichigo kicks her for no reason? I guess because she isn’t answering? Even though Ichigo knows she has a sword and can wield it? Reckless boy.
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Manga Ichigo thinks she’s a burglar, therefore, unsurprisingly, is comfortable kicking her outta his house. It’s a silly moment, but it also shows how accustomed or stupidly brave he is with the supernatural.
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In the anime Ichigo asks her who she is instead of all that, and she responds pretty similarly to the manga
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(Ichigo and Rukia addressing the pointless filler, this leads nowhere)
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Rukia check him out like she’s checking if the oranges on sale dont have mold on them 
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slapstick ensues
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and Rukia decides to answer his question.
Vs. the manga in which Isshin doesn’t leave his children home alone for some random conference and is actually used very efficient for two reasons:
1) building up on the burglar gag with actually funny slapstick that is based on a previously established joke
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2) Instead of Rukia just saying “oh usually people can’t see me”, we get an actual demonstration of it, the reader gets to see “oh Isshin can’t see her - she must be a spiritual entity,” which further clicks with her surprised reaction at him being able to kick her in the first place.
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The next scene is the classique Pierrot censorship.
Ghost girl runs away from what I’m assuming is Fishbone.
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Aside from not showing her get eaten, the scene is pretty much delivering the same message, 
UNLIKE THE MANGA, where Rukia arrives the night before and is specifically seeking Fishbone, therefore having no time to help this girl pass away, 
This vvvvvvv
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(I rest my case. Thank you Pierrot for making Rukia either negligent or an idiot. Awesome, And mind you, these changes were unnecessary. The manga’s pacing is fine. They could’ve extended scenes. But nope, had to go for making them meet beforehand.)
Anyway, we get to see some actual stakes in the manga
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The next scene which is this in the manga 
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has two changes to it. Firstly, obviously Isshin being consoled by Yuzu isn’t included since he isn’t home in the anime, and even if he were, I can see why that would be removed, cute as it may be.
And secondly, due to them having met prior Ichigo asks two additional questions:
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And Rukia nods at both, which means she acknowledges that she had seen the girl the hollow was after and yet did nothing to help her pass on. 
(Reminder the Bleach anime was in production WAAAAY past the first 4 volumes, which gave a good general idea of the series, which y’know, was fine to adapt as is.
You’ll see these changes add up into becoming inconsistent with further Bleach lore. There’s a reason people call Bleach a hot mess, and I’m afraid Kubo ain’t really it.)
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(Volume 14 Note from Kubo where he talks about the anime being announced)
Back to the series
Pet peeve time: Wish the anime was half as expressive as the manga
These scenes are supposed to represent
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This panel:
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(Nitpicking? Perhaps, but idc)
So uh, this scene is odd
Again, because of the addition of that filler with the hollow
Ichigo has seen her in action
And they even added Rukia trying to convince him 
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even though, yknow???
LITerally the previous day???
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Anyway  in the manga, where Ichigo has reason to be distrustful of her and her claims since y’know hes never seen her or a shinigami in action, but has enough proof that she’s a ghost bc his dad didn’t see her, he simply dismisses her before she can reply, and instead of just getting angry for being called a pipsqueak
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she shows both Ichigo and the audience proof of her spiritual powers by binding Ichigo and forcing him to quietly listen to her explanations.
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(To reiterate - Anime Rukia  has to verbally try to convince Ichigo WHO SAW HER FIGHT A HOLLOW THE OTHER DAY that shes no ordinary ghost. And because of that, she has no other reason to use Sai on him other than that shes mad she was called a pipsqueak bc she just tried to verbally convince him shei is a shinigami. When they could just adapt the manga and have her both demonstrate her powers and put him in his place at the same time. Wild.)
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Also the subs may not show it if you’re watching it on Netflix, but anime Rukia says “I am not allowed to lay my hands on humans outside orders,” which like, you ARE LITERALLY DOING THAT. Manga Rukia is fine with bullying Ichigo, but she draws a line at killing him, but man Anime Rukia, you give no fucks about the laws huh.
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why so cheerful?
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(also Rukia be right tho)
(specifcally compared to hell you could say Soul society is a resftul place lmfao)
Also anime salary man gets to rest in peace, even like, pray and shit
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Meanwhile the manga
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(also notice how we’ve been robbed of ichigo’s silly socks
I swear the anime knows how to suck the soul out of the manga 
Get it? Soul! haha ....moving on.)
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Really Rukia? One of your jobs?
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(Again pet peeve but look at how ugly this screen is COMPARED TO THE MANGA)
(What have they done to you, queen)
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(also they never mention the name Konso ( or as Viz calls it here -”soul funeral”, thanks Viz)
Next on, not a pet peeve, but an observation:
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Anime Rukia keeps her sketchbook in her kimono
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Manga Rukia keeps it at the titty
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Yep, which you neglected to do the day before,
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she literally says “With the konso I did just a  moment ago” like she used the word before. Like you can contextually get it, but why cut that line out of the dialogue if you don’t change the next line it’s referenced in?
There’s also a dialogue change from the manga’s well, Viz uses “vaporize” which is not a bad choice given the specific wording Kubo uses, but the original says 
昇華 • 滅却
sublimate/convert • extinguish
which is a clever little nod/foreshadowing to the nature of souls in bleach and that they can be “converted” in and out of a hollowfied state. 
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While the anime just says “to slay hollows”, and albeit it lacks the little nod the manga has to offer, I can’t see how they’d include it in the anime at that stage so I’m fine with them simplifying it to like, an exorcism.
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A better question then Rukia - WHY DIDN’T YOU SEND OFF HER SOUL????
also WAIT THE GIRL IS STILL ALIVE?? she’s dead-dead by this point in the manga.
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Anyway, Fishbone almost grants her the priviledge of escaping this God-awful anime, but is suddenly stopped?
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wait WHY DOES FISHBONE TALK?? GHFJD isnt this supposed to be  a juicy reveal for later when Ichigo realizes “hey theyre not actual complete monsters - but used to be humans!” Hm, ok.
Also leaves her alone? Damn ok...
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Moooving on...
Speaking of the manga, this little moment is missing:
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Since there is no pointless filler that would make him ask about the ghost girl therefore exposing Rukia’s slacking off of her duty, Ichigo realizes that there must be a hollow nearby bc in the manga he actually has braincells to spare. 
Also wiping off the Baron’s moustache moment is gone 😢
Missing and dearly missed is also this moment, which consolidates how protective Ichigo is of his family. He only needs to hear Yuzu scream to click that the hollow is nearby and his family is in danger. I feel like anime Ichigo should be even more worried since his sisters are alone but ok??
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Also foreshadows their dynamic of Rukia trying to stop his reckless attempts at pushing himself to protect his family, bc yknow....she has her own Kaien trauma to process.
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Next off....
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This is .... a choice....
They were very eager to give Yuzu’s lines to Karin just a couple of moments ago but now this whole exchange:
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Where we see a very pragmatic yet soft side of Karin
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She doesn’t know what is happening, and doesn’t expect her brother to fight it - he just wants him to be safe, because she loves her family. At least warn him before it gets to him and hurts him.
is replaced with this:
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Yuzu, sweetie, what do you think he can do to achieve that.
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I guess at least Anime Ichigo tries to get Rukia to do her job as she looks down on Yuzu in silence. 
But compare it to the manga:
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#MyRukia stops by Karin to check for a pulse and reassures Ichigo that his sister is alive.
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Manga Ichigo is NUMBER ONE oniichan in town and doesnt have time to call out to a stranger to save his family - HES BEYOND READY TO GO FIGHT, RECKLESS AS IT IS, EVEN THOUGH HIS OWN FAMILY BEGS HIM TO JUST RUN. because he cant let himself be unable to protect them. He cant live with himself if he doesnt try his darnest to protect them.
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*elevator music playing as ichigo tries to get rukia’s attention but she fucks off downstairs, but instead of doing shit he just does the worm on the floor*
which I guess is more realistic for a teenage boy, but Ichigo is literally traumatized by being unable to protect a family member. Y’all think a ghost he’s never seen before is gonna stop him? 
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Yooo, pathetic. #NotMyIchigo
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zaptrapp · 3 years
Vin’s Bad Batch Rant -ep 1
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Welcome to this part of Tumblr where, after I watch each BB episode, I’ll give you my detailed (yeah lmao as if) analysis and emotional ramble. SPOILERS AHEAD!! Let’s gooo (this is gonna be a long one, 70 minutes of ep!!):
First of all HOW DARE THEY. Filoniiiiii.
I was NOT expecting to start with a mission right before Order 66 are you fucking kidding me? I immediately went “Nope, not doing this.”
Look at the initial flashback of the clone wars. I was shaking, too many memories.
I haven’t watched Rebels but I know some things and I know who Caleb is. So HI Padawan Caleb, good to see you. But... wasn’t Kanan’s skin complex a bit darker?
It’s going nicely, some comedy thrown in, The Bad Batch being wholesome and just destroying clankas! Tech is growing on me.
Master Billaba why are you so disappointed omg ahah thank them immediately!?!?
Yo I fucking swear, I swear to god that when tbb was leaving and the Captain turned to receive Order 66 I jumped from the seat so fast. Like I yeeted myself so fucking far you cannot understand. Literally, fuck fuck fuck this. My anxiety and ptsd from the clone wars went 📈📈📈📈📈📈
Rip Jedi Master Billaba.
Run Caleb, just run.
(I’m so fucking glad to see The Bad Batch is immune to Order 66. Like so glad.)
Ok Crosshair and Hunter go rescue Mr Padawan there.
nope nope nope this is not going well. I was wrong, I fucked up, I spoke too soon.
“Good soldiers follow orders” noooooooo
Hunter being wholesome omg, what a dad energy he has. I already love him.
Omg Hunter’s scream when Kanan jumps.
Crosshair literally chill dude, let’s all vibe together.
Also uhm... it hurts to see them all so pale. Please for the love of god fix that, it’s unsettling.
The way they return to Kamino so oblivious of what’s going on. It hurts
“Coruscant guard is here” YES SHOW ME FOX YOU COWARDS
Uhm.... Filoni can we talk for a second? Yeah I would like to ask you WHY? Y’know, was it really necessary to show the corpse of a dead Jedi and the hand with the lightsaber falling off? This scene is gonna be stuck in my mind forever. I’m crying.
Can we also talk about the music? Haunting, a masterpiece throughout the whole episode.
This is not a kid’s show.
Love that they have their own personal barrack filled with their stuff, so precious. Plus the Tooka doll, omg😩
The amount of times I’ve said “Crosshair chill” by now is over 9000. Spoiler: it gets worse.
Absolutely love the tension between Hunter and Crosshair. Live for these moments.
Tech listing the characteristics of his mates and then “my exceptional mind” LMAO brag about it.
“The attempt on my life has left me scarred and deformed”. “You can say that again” Wrecker OMG I wheezed. Echo’s like “bruh”. That’s what I need. Right here. God I love this.
“Still don’t think the regs are programmed?” This part made me shiver. It literally terrifies me. Also Tech is growing so much on me...
Hello Omega, nice to meet you.
“adolescent human female” Tech what the fuck it’s just a girl.😂 I love her accent and her smile! And she’s a medical assistant, love that too!!!!!!
Omega really said 😃😃👋🏼👋🏼
Here comes Tarkin ugh
Why does it hurt to see regular clones without helmet? Probably cause they all look like Fives, Kix, and the others. My heart is crying
Also, why is no one bald anymore? Guess that’s old fashioned uh... (yeah I know it’s because they want them to have no characterization whatsoever, but what’s wrong in being bald?) I miss my bald-with-crazy-tattooes- regs❤️
“Hello again” 😁😁👋🏼👋🏼 the way they look at her LMAO 😶😐😑🤔😕
Food fight, yay! (Crosshair was just trying to chill but ooop guess it’s time to fight)
No seriously. They really threw AZ in curing Echo’s injury??? You don’t know how much I was crying. I thought they were gonna throw a “Fives” in and I wasn’t ready at all, not now. Glad they didn’t but still... fuck me Filoni
Look at Echo’s reaction. Fuck. He’s scared as hell, probably though he was back on Skako Minor being a lab rat.
Yeah what a shocking revelation for them AZ.
Headcanon: Tarkin hates his life. He’s so bitter.
The fact that they’re being tested against real threats and guns while they have stupid toy guns it’s so fucking wrong and ridiculous.
“Five are all that remain” but Echo’s not genetically enhanced. That means... (i was putting 2 and 2 together)
Here we go with a mission... this stinks from miles away just telling you
Omega and Hunter talks, ughh the feelings
The way Omega calls softly Hunter’s name ugh I’m sold. They already have a bond “something about her I can’t figure out.” 😩😩
“I guess kids aren’t your area of expertise” Crosshair what a subtle shade😂
Crosshair was not really going to shoot at kids and elder people. Right?
Oh hello Saw, good to see ya. Always a pleasure.
GENERAL SKYWALKER AND CAPTAIN REX mention here we goooo🤪🤪🤪
This is chilling and unsettling....
Great a snitch droid or whatever the fuck that is.
*dramatic stare between Crosshair and Hunter* plus toothpick action going on
Crosshair literally stfu
And here’s Tech dropping facts. Omega’s an enhanced clone. I wonder how they made it possible for her to be a female taking Jango’s DNA but whatever, this is Star Wars.
I am legitimately pissed that Crosshair threw away the toothpick. Justice for toothpick.
Omg she found a picture of the squad😭😭😭😭😭 flashback to Rex’s picture with Echo, Fives and Cody I’m crying
Look at them walking right into the trap.
Hunter looks totally offended but c’mon, you know what you were going against.
Yo, I’m really here trying not to SIMP and they fucking throw TBB in their blacks on my face. I don’t have to look at them, I don’t have to— HELLO HUNTER, how’s you booty doing?
Crosshair CHILL amigo ok io quando mi incazzo devo passare all’italiano quindi o ti calmi o ti calmi, capito brooo??!! Le bestemmie che mi fai tirare.
Ok he’s struggling, I see that. No need to be an ass tho 😶
“I know it’s not your fault. You can’t help it.” Yes I’m crying why aren’t you. The way he looks at her... I’m dead.
CT-9904. Okay... also why did they have to kick Hunter. He’s so precious, trying to defend him regardless of him being under the effect of the chip.
Oh shit oh fuck oh shit here we go. (I didn’t want to watch this part.)
Ehm, Hunter why did you have to lay down like that, you sexy beast. I’m waiting for a gifset of him like that. I’m waiting.
Not Omega copying his moves😂😂😂😂😂
“Abnormal individual” lmao the look on Tech and Hunter’s faces. So done.
Ugh the anxiety is spiraling in me. Also how did they suit up so fast lmao.
Oh no. Oh no. NO NO NO
oh shit.
He looks good tho ngl🥴 (toothpick’s back.)
Oh the look on Hunter’s face, the music... breaks my heart.
Oh I was kinda ready for this part but still..... 😭😩
Yo can you not throw the toothpick away in every damn scene please? That’s my emotional support character object.
Yo jumpscare I lost 10 years of my life what the fuck
The amount of times Wrecker got hurt just in this episode is concerning.
Your move. AHHHHHH
Yoooo Omega with that blaster rifle saved the day😃✨
BYE Crosshair see ya later 💔
Kaminoans hiding to the Empire that BB escaped? This is gonna be no good I’m telling you
Omega is precious. Must be protected.
Short list of friends. One is on coordinates J-19. Saleucami sector system. CUT LAWQUANE confirmed. Fuck yes. I’m happy. Now I can rest.
Sike I will never rest. Strap in and let’s gooo
Well well well. I LOVED IT. FILONI THANKS FOR THE UNWANTED FEELINGS that made me remind I’m a human capable of emotions❤️ I owe you one but I’m also hurt and also in love. Yes, there are things that did not sit really nicely with me: the obvious whitewashing, Omega being a clone of Jango (yes I was kinda expecting it but as I think through about it... makes less sense. Literally how?), but overall I enjoyed it.
Also if you wanna chat about TBB and feelings dm me or send in an ask! See ya bad bitches💕💕
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mimsylovesloki · 3 years
Episode 3-Play by Play Reactions (Spoilers)
I’m so excited
Previously on? Oh please like I need a reminder of what I’ve been obsessing over forever
I miss Randy
This reminds me, how did that person know where the timekeepers are? I’d assume only someone of the status of Judge Renslayer would know.
Ooh funky beat
Oh lunch with Sylvie and that one soldier?
I don’t think that’s what a brain freeze is lmao
Oh they’re friends? Or is Sylvie just in her head?
Poor girl
Oh yup
I like the opening thing, but I was kinda hopeful that it’d change from episode to episode like wandavision
Lmao not the best security I gotta say
Yo magic don’t work here girly
Oh she just murdered that guy
Nice moves!
Oh that guy is dead too
See TVA, this is why guns are nice. You don’t need to engage in hand to hand combat
Yea that’s rude
Rude, Renslayer
Lmao they’re like siblings fighting
Oh that’s fortunate
Yea she’s not Loki
We got quips
Uh oh lol
Loki what did you do
Ohhhhh the purple realm in the trailers in called Lamentis
Soooo is this termina?
Oh she said watch out to him!
Oh her hair is up in the back. Cute.
Looking out for each other.
Soooo why no likey being called Loki?
Hahahahaha she can’t enchant him
What’s her issue?
No that’s not the reason he saved you. He’s just not a murderer like you.
And what’s your plan?
Cmon girl, spill. What’s your background?
Fast pace episode, gotta say.
Sky kinda looks like a painting.
Sylvie, you shut up. Don’t be rude.
“That’s not who I am anymore.” Sooo she WAS one? Sylvie just an alias?
Seems like the theories about them combining lady Loki and Sylvie together are potentially coming true.
Collapse of society? My favorite pastime!
Cmon kids, get along.
Skull kid has to be somewhere around here. (G-get it? Majora’s mask? Anyone? No? Okay...)
Get yeeted
Oop shape shifting time
Oh this poor lady
Oh lmaoooooooooo
That didn’t go well
Neat weapon.
That sword she has, is that the one Loki later gets?
I hope Sylvie has a good explanation for things...
Ahhhhh the blue outfits. Turtleneck Loki soon???
Lmaoooooooo nice plan loki
Uh oh rich people
Kinda heavy handed line delivery
Lmaoooo teamwork
What’s gonna work? Teeeaaaaamwork
Can’t wait for Loki to throw someone out the window
Lmao he sounds like a robot
Loki is such a pain lol. But she deserves it.
Frigga my Queen
Oh no
Please no
Spoiler lmao
What the heck Sylvie lucky
Or not?
What happened to her?
Teach Loki that magic!
I wonder how Sylvie’s past was so different than Loki’s? Wouldn’t that make her whole family variants for stepping off the scared timelines path? Why didn’t the TVA act sooner then?
I’m so happy seeing so much more of Loki’s magic.
“Love is hate.”
Loki is such a wonderful pain
Is this flirting???
Of course loki flirts with Loki
Soooo Loki dated?
“Love is mischief then.” “No. Love is... uh something I might have to have another drink to think about.”
We getting Loki drinking and talking about love. Huh.
Oh my gosh is he drunk?
Yep he’s drunk
How does an asgardian get drunk?
Now we have Loki singing in Asgardian
Seems like it’s hitting to close to home for Sylvie mayhaps?
Tom, your theatre kid is showing.
Loki dammit. Stop being drunk.
Please please please don’t make Loki a joke. Please. Please. Please. Cmon Loki.
“Love is a dagger. It’s a weapon to be wielded far away or up close. You can see yourself in it. It’s beautiful. Until it makes you bleed. But ultimately when you reach for it.” “It isn’t real.”
You were close there.
Do it!
Loki can’t just fabricate tickets?
Did he just break that guys hand lmao
Nice Sylvie. Using your headpiece as a weapon. Copying Ragnarok Loki
Loki missed? Must be cuz he’s drunk.
Aaaaaand Loki was thrown out the window. Why does this keep happening to him? First dark world by Thor.
A little nervous rn with Loki... he seems to be a bit of a joke rn which is what I was afraid of. I hope this is just a little thing and that they’re not trying to make Sylvie better than Tom Hiddleston’s Loki. I mean, you could chalk it up to this Loki being a variant, so maybe there are other things different about him, but that begs to question, at what point does the TVA step in? We saw other Loki variants in that little hologram display in episode two that seemed like those Lokis had done a lot already.
Now now Sylvie, ahem... “LANGUAGE!”
Bragging about hedonism?
Temper tantrum
Cmon therapist Loki
Sober up Loki.
Scene from the trailer I presume.
TVA should step in soon huh? Or is this another apocalypse with no survivors so it doesn’t get picked up on.
Save this world Loki. Trigger the TVA.
Oh. So no trailer scene yet?
Lazy Loki
Cmon Sylvie, teach him! Maybe he can teach you something!
How on earth is Sylvie so different from Loki? I’m so confused.
I hope Loki is able to learn how to do this.
Wait I thought the TVA workers were made.
So they’re ALL variants? Soooo, the timekeepers are like running a labor camp? If they have no memories, then what do they think happens when a new worker shows up?
Oh man this is like ragnarok ptsd for Loki if he went through it
Very cool set I gotta say
Also very sad. So many people desperate for their lives.
Major Majora’s Mask vibes
Tom Hiddleston really said “soooo this is all that Loki CAN do but hasn’t been able to do in the past movies. Soooooo now we’re gonna make him do ALL of it.”
Wait... that’s it????? Why did this feel like the shortest episode so far? I think it was. And the ark was destroyed.
I have so many more questions now, mostly about Sylvie. But also concerns. I really hope they are able to balance series loki with mischievous and clever and silly Loki. And I hope they don’t try to push some kind of female Loki is superior thing (I haven’t gotten that vibe yet, but it’s always a concern for me whenever I see a supposedly gender bent version of a character).
I’m having trouble forming the words for my thoughts. This episode was fun and pretty and intriguing, but probably the weakest for the three so far imo. Not to say it was bad, but it felt kind of like it was amping, then plateaued and then ended. Like we barely got much more information, but more questions and set up but it felt like it ended too quickly. Like more was supposed to happen for this episode but it didn’t.
I hope we can find a way to hear Loki sing in asgardian again, but under less jokey pretenses.
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shintorikhazumi · 3 years
I Have Two Sisters?! (4): Three Sisters, One School, and A Trio of Brunettes
A/N: No long explanation note. Just an apology. Sorry it got delayed. Was burnt out, am burnt out lately. I could not think of anything for this. Emotionally just... not good, I suppose. School is kinda hectic too. Sadly. But here you go. Chap 4! I hope the length is worth the wait?
Ended up yeeting out this incredible sloppy mess of a chapter. :’> sorry. I can’t think no more, Ma.
Thank you to the MAGENTA GAZE squad. Y’all know who you are.
Also, a big, warm THANK YOU to all those reading and supporting this story :>.Means a lot to me :’)) Without further ado,
~Shintori Khazumi
I Have Two Sisters?! Chapter 4: Three Sisters, One School, and A Trio of Brunettes
Four days. That was all it took to get the necessary documents for Diana’s clutch enrollment over. Weiss was ever pleased with herself for this achievement, and Claudine could only look on dumbfounded as parcel after parcel was dropped off in their mailbox or at their doorstep, all on the same day.
“You are a scary woman, did you know that?”
“Why, thank you~. You’re quite terrifying yourself.”
Claudine only managed a gruff little huff, carrying a suspiciously large box into the house with a bit of effort, Weiss discovering very soon just how strangely strong Claudine could be, and thus labeled the youngest as the “brawn” of the house. Weiss made great use of this fact.
Claudine frowned at the memory of being made to carry the things they bought when they went furniture shopping the other day. Weiss was some sadistic task master.
“Wh-what the heck is in this thing?” Claudine managed to ask without biting her tongue after tripping over one of the house’s thresholds. “Are these also a part of Diana’s documents?”
Weiss threw a glance over her shoulder, walking in front of Claudine, leading her to the living room where even more packages lay, Diana cluelessly sorting parcels, boxes, and covered folders into separate piles to be opened.
“Ah, well… yes, but…”
“Weiss?” Claudine called after her, voice holding a warning.
“They’re for Diana, yes. Documents... no. But I thought it would be fun to have some of this stuff delivered for the sake of… stuff.”
“Stuff.” Claudine echoed. “Right. What stuff.” She sighed, finally placing the last box- she was praying with all her might that it was- on their carpeted floor.
“Yes, stuff.”
“I’m asking, what kind of stuff?” Claudine crossed her arms over her chest, rolling her eyes as Weiss did a zipper motion over her mouth.
“That’s something you and Diana are about to find out.” She made her merry way over to Diana, standing next to the girl seated on the floor, a box cutter in one hand, looking anxiously from one sealed delivery to the other. “Come on, Diana. Open up the presents!”
“Santa roleplay?” Claudine teased. Weiss pointedly ignored her.
“W-where do I even start?” The eldest eyed the packages, trying to figure out which one she should open first.
She was taking quite long, and Claudine and Weiss were beginning to worry that they’d overwhelmed her.
“Weeell...” Deciding to help Diana out, Weiss looked over the array displayed in front of them, eyes narrowed until they landed on one particular medium-sized box, reaching out for it with a twinkle in her eyes. “How about this one?”
Diana nodded, a little curious about the younger girl’s reaction. Taking the box from Weiss, she smiled in thanks. Weiss returned the gesture, stepping back to watch as Diana cut through the tape and opened the folded flaps to reveal bubble wrap, some papers for additional cushion and protection, a black bag and-
“...A Nikon D850…”
Diana didn’t know why Claudine looked a little bitter, and possibly more shocked than her, but she couldn’t really pay mind to that as she awed at the expensive equipment. Sure, her family had always been loaded and the cost of this was merely pocket change to them; but Diana hadn’t really explored all that privilege the same way they did, anyway.
To get such a nice present from Weiss...
“Th-thank... thank you?”
Weiss pouted a bit at the reaction. She had done her best to get the perfect gift to welcome Diana into college and her new course, but Diana’s response was honestly underwhelming. “Don’t like it?”
Blue eyes widened, afraid they had insulted the kind Weiss. “N-No! No! Not at all! I mean, no I don’t like- no I mean I like it, I just, no to I don’t like it. I like it! I love it! It’s amazing! And... wow. I... I just... I don’t know if I can accept this...” Diana carefully placed the opened package on their coffee table, staring at that sleek black, those marvelous lens on that box-ish frame the... wow.
“Psh, sure you can.” Weiss waved off.
“Can I really...” Diana scratched her cheek lightly, a tiny blush coming on as she felt her next words were a little shameless. “I admit that I would like to keep it...”
“It’s yours to keep.” Weiss reassured, gentle and smiling. “Okay?”
Diana looked up to meet her eyes, somehow still unsure, but Weiss coming in to sit next to her, one hand patting her shoulder and the other placing the camera back in Diana’s was the last push of encouragement she needed to accept it.
“Thank you, Weiss. Really. Thank you.” Diana embraced the gift carefully close to her, smile soft and teary. “It means a lot to me.”
Diana pocketed this tender moment in her heart, saving it like all the other good memories she’d made with her sisters thus far. And they were numerous, quite abundant considering how long they’d known each other. But maybe that no longer mattered, how long they had been together. Diana should just focus on all the time they have coming.
A cough from Weiss brought her back to the reality that there were still more packages to be opened, and she sighed internally. She was about to mention something to her sister, but then she caught Weiss staring at Claudine expectantly, as if saying it was the youngest’s turn for... something.
“Claudine, out with it.”
‘Hmm?’ Diana directed her gaze to Claudine, noticing that the action made the latter flinch, hands deep in her pockets, visibly shuffling underneath the cloth.
“I’m... I’m just kind of... shy now after seeing that...” She muttered with closed teeth. “You had me carry all these things, and I didn’t know it was part of our plan. Now I don’t really wanna... compete with that...”
“Compete?” Weiss chuckled. “This is not a competition. Come on, Claud. We agreed to both get her something.” She revealed their said plan to Diana who had been out of the loop on this.
“Well, yes, but I didn’t think you’d just… get her a bunch of high-end camera gear!” Claudine commented, bewildered. “I literally got her a keychain! I can’t just give Diana a keychain!” She exasperatedly announced. “Not after all that!” She sighed, toes curling and wiggling in some form of discomfort.
“And Why not?” “Why not?” Two voices sounded simultaneously, heads tilted to the side in confusion.
‘Gosh, these heiresses.’
“I like keychains.” Diana so helpfully informed.
“Of course you do.” Claudine deadpanned, gripping the small item in her pocket. “Just…” She sighed once more, finger wearing the ring-like bit of the item. “I just- I feel... embarrassed... and stuff.” She blushed, looking away from the pair on the floor.
‘Why?’ Claudine looked at them incredulously. Obviously because- because... to people like them, used to extravagance and all the fanciest jewelry and wear, something like this trinket was just-
“Because it feels so small in comparison to the camera... and insignificant.” Claudine confessed. “I-I mean, not that my thoughts behind it were insignificant, not at all, I just thought I could give you something better. Not that I thought this was no good, I mean. At the time I bought it, but now that I see all this-”
“You’re right.”
“Huh?” Claudine blinked, facing a serious-looking Diana, rising to her feet and walking over to her.
“It isn’t insignificant. Nothing you’ve given me is.” Diana’s expression melted into a gentle smiled. “From your kindness, to the gentleness of each action toward me, to your consideration... to these slippers on my feet,” She flapped them for emphasis. “to the mug I drink from daily, and my toothbrush on the bathroom counter. All those, and the warmth behind them pile up in my heart, making it overflow with gratitude. Really, Claudine. The greatest thing you’ve gifted to me is your genuine care for me and my feelings.”
Her words, it moved Claudine’s heart. She never thought it meant that much to the older girl. She had gotten all those things for Diana, did all those things for her, simply because... she could. And she wanted Diana to experience better things than all the pain she’d been through.
“Thank you, Claudine.” Diana said, coming to a stop in front of the younger girl. Her arms raised and opened up, Claudine before pausing awkwardly in the air, her whole frame freezing. “U-um...”
With a raised brow indicating her confusion, Claudine waited, posture uncomfortably straight
“Just hug and get it over with.” Their one-woman audience complained, getting impatient. “And just give her the damn gift, Claud!”
“Hrrngh- okay, okay! I get it! I got it!” Claudine grumbled, fishing through her pocket and pulling out a silver keychain, a small unicorn figure attached with a tiny bead next to it, and a letter D that looked like a waxed seal. “I- This is obviously not the o-only thing I got you.” Claudine tried to say, thinking of what else she could get to supplement this huge failure.
But it may have not been needed.
Diana engulfed her in a huge hug, sobbing lightly into her neck, thanking her over and over.
Claudine felt those warm tears wash over her skin. Her heart ached, her eyes stung. But she could hold it in, she could. She was a big, strong girl-
“Thank you, Claudine. Thank you. Thank you so much. For always thinking of me. For getting me something I can truly call mine.”
And Claudine broke, arms squeezing tight around Diana’s waist, silently crying into her shoulder. “Dummy. Everything you have right now is truly yours. And we are truly your sisters.”
Weiss looked away, if only to hide the tears that had also formed at the corners of her eyes. “Hey! That camera is solely yours as well!” She inserted, jokingly sounding annoyed, before shaking it off when Diana gave her an apologetic look. She smiled,  watching her sisters continue to hug.
It didn’t look like they were going to part soon, huh. Maybe in a bit. They’d separate. In 1... 2... 3...
Okay, Weiss was beginning to feel a little left out. Maybe she wanted to be in the hug too. Not that she’d admit to that.
Buuutt, she could just... hint at it. Or something. Casually, so they wouldn’t know. Claudine would tease her for days if she found out Weiss had felt a little lonely.
“You made such a big deal out of it, only to become so soft.” Weiss laughed, walking over to her sisters and flicking Claudine on the forehead, earning her an adorable yelp, and not-as-adorable glare. “Guess you being the youngest makes perfect sense now.”
“Wha-Hey! I’ll have you know-” Claudine broke away from Diana, proceeding to bicker with Weiss who simply laughed at Claudine’s empty bites.
Diana admired the scene in front of her, smiling warmly at her two sisters. They had transitioned from intense verbal exchange to teasing words and playful wrestling, and Diana could not help but smile along as Claudine and Weiss filled the living room with their laughter.
It felt so warm.
Subconsciously, Diana had grabbed her new camera, lifting it up and snapping a photo of two beautiful hearts who had become her new world.
Like this photo, she would cherish them forever.
After their little gift-giving spree, they decided it was time to get a move on with their actual business. They had succeeded in getting the recommendations Diana needed, and simply needed to file them and prepare them with the rest of Diana’s enrollment documents.
As Diana sorted through the papers, reading the contents of each to check over important information, she found that there were some personal letters accompanying them as well. At first, they seemed to be greetings, checking in on Diana. She was almost happy, before she felt twinges in her heart, soon figuring what they were actually about. Just more people sucking up to her to get to her family.
Well. They were barking up the wrong tree. Diana was no longer of any value to the Cavendishes. Even if she was stuck bearing their name. It was practically just an unwanted decoration to her image; an image she desperately wanted to break free from.
Alongside those empty salutations were the sugar-coated bitterness from comments from Diana’s old teachers. They were almost all the same, with some saying it was a shame that she wouldn’t be continuing on as a doctor. Most were surprised to hear she was taking arts for college as not everyone knew of Diana’s family situation, and maybe they hadn’t even cared enough to know about Diana until this point.
Diana would have liked to believe that, surely, they would have seen the scandal on the news of the Cavendish’s case of abuse- but then Diana remembered that her family was powerful enough to possibly cover it all up, only enduring a few scrapes to their name. She supposed she shouldn’t be surprised then if they still thought she’d go medical.
Of course. They didn’t know. They didn’t want to anyway. They probably assumed Diana was just dropping out, not strong enough to ensure the pressures that came with being someone of her previous status. How would they see her? Did they think of her as pathetic? Maybe. Maybe.
And now, Diana was left with feelings of shame.
Before she could wallow in more of her brought-back sorrows, hands were quick to move around her, Diana realizing that Claudine had taken her laptop away from her, closing the messages and shutting the device down, while Weiss took away the letters. She was glaring at them so hard, Diana hoped she wouldn’t crumple or tear them. They still needed those.
“Don’t read those any longer than you should. And don’t listen to any of those comments. You have nothing to be ashamed of.”
“Weiss is right. You are amazing.”
“No sister of mine is going to get shamed because of her undeniable talent and wit.” Weiss huffed, breathing out her feelings of irritation.
Diana felt her eyes water as she felt their unconditional support for her. Something she’d never had before.
Whatever deity had blessed her all at once with the best gifts in existence- her two sisters- deserved all the praise Diana had to give.
Weiss and Claudine shared a look as Diana wiped away the few tears that had slipped by. They sighed before grinning, pulling Diana into a group hug.
Really, Diana felt silly for worrying about all those things now. All those people she shouldn’t- couldn’t care less about.
With a laugh, she could only join her sisters as they faced everyone else in the world. Everyone who had used them, hurt them. To that, they’d scream,
“”Screw them!””
“I- I apologize... could you perhaps... run me through the steps one more time? Just one more time.” Diana pleaded, face contorted in frustration.
Weiss and Claudine found it absolutely adorable.
Who knew Diana was so bad with phones! They were only exchanging numbers, for crying out loud!
This was truly a mystery that confounded them as Claudine and Weiss had watched Diana efficiently navigate her way around her laptop and camera gear. She was excellent in getting all the school application documents ready, and the pair had watched her fixing the practice photos she’d taken earlier, afterwards.
So what was so hard about tapping a few icons on her phone compared to that?!
“I-... i-it’s because i practiced using those! It took me quite a while, but I’m proud to say I’m able to use them well now!”
“Practice...” Weiss parroted, dumbfounded at the revelation. She blinked. Turned to Claudine. “Practice... she says... using a laptop...-”
And exploded.
“HAHAHAHA, practicing?! Practicing using a phone?? Diana, you are adorable!”
Diana clearly didn’t appreciate this, not because she felt insulted by Weiss’ actions, but because she couldn’t comprehend just what was so wrong about daily practicing your typing skills to get sharper.
Claudine chopped Weiss lightly on the head, sighing to keep herself from giggling as well. “Don’t worry about it, Diana. We’re just surprised.”
“I still fail to understand why.” Diana frowned, and Claudine poked at the spot between her eyes, now laughing.
“Stop that, you’ll get wrinkles.”
Diana blushed.
“Let’s forget about this for a second, and actually help Diana out, Weiss.” Claudine warned, and that effectively got Weiss to stop, as her laughter calmed into a smile.
“I got it, haha.” She then proceeded to review all the steps on ‘how to add someone to your contacts’ to Diana. “Do you think you can do it on your own now?” She smiled at Diana as she finished.
Diana nodded silently, then looked up to Claudine with a wordless question in her eyes.
One that Claudine had no idea about.
“W-what?” After five minutes of not getting it, Diana’s stare was beginning to feel pressuring.
“May I have your number as well?”
Really. She was just so cute.
“You absolutely can.”
Weiss and Claudine watched over Diana with soft expressions on their faces as she stared at her screen, mesmerized by the names of her sisters on the tiny little glowing object in her hand.
“I’ve... I’ve never needed phone.” She confessed. “I’ve never had one... that’s why I have no clue on how to use it.”
“Huh? Not even for contacting your friends?” Weiss simply asked.
“I... I had an email. And a home phone... and...” Diana paused. “...no friends anyway. At least, not in school that I’d need to contact with an urgency.”
Claudine blinked. Maybe they should have expected this? She definitely couldn’t say she related to the experience as she’d been surrounded by love and good company for most of her life.
She couldn’t possibly hope to feel what Diana did, or understand it. What she could, however, was change those situations into something better.
She would let Diana feel loved.
She and Weiss would.
“Well... you have us now.” She said, quieter than expected. Almost a whisper.
Weiss and Diana turned to her, the latter’s eyes shimmering once more with unshed tears.
How many times had they made Diana cry already?
Her next words made Claudine want to as well.
“I do.”
D-day. It was a Monday.  Two weeks before classes would get rolling. Today, the girls’ main agenda would be to get Diana enrolled as soon as possible, and then Claudine and Weiss would proceed to check on their own student statuses and pick up their uniforms.
The uniforms had been issued as a means to identify their students. They were free to wear it as they saw fit, so long as it was still recognizable as belonging to the school.
After they had accomplished most of what they needed for Diana’s processes, they sat waiting in the seats just outside the office clerk’s transaction window, waiting for their names to get called on to pick up Weiss and Claudine’s uniforms.
“Could this take any longer?” Weiss groaned. “The service is taking ages!”
“Hush, you. It’s not that bad at all.” Claudine sighed. Although she felt a similar frustration and impatience after sitting in that place for nearly half an hour, she understood that there were many other transactions ongoing so close to the beginning of classes.
Even Diana looked as though she was getting bored. It wouldn’t be surprising if one of them fell asleep at some point. Claudine had already gone through a few games on her phone, and didn’t feel like playing any more. They could only wait at this point.
Before the trio could succumb to even more mental distress, like a taste of salvation, their turn came.
“Weiss Schnee.”
“Yes, yes.” Weiss almost jumped out of her seat, glad the nightmare was over as she skipped over to the window to receive her items.
“Claudine Saijou.” The clerk called next. Claudine made her way more calmly, bowing gratefully to the worker.
“Thank you.”
As Claudine was doing all the final checks for all of their things, and inquiring about Diana’s status, she barely heard Weiss mumbling to herself, staring at Claudine the whole while.
“Claudine Saijou…” Weiss thought long and hard. Since the other day she had been wondering about why Claudine’s face and name were so familiar. She felt stupid not asking anything about it sooner. They’d been living together awhile now! So why hadn’t they ever... well, to be fair, with all the circumstances surrounding them, they hadn’t really tried to pry too much into one another’s pasts. They had also always referred to each other by their first names right away.
She knew Diana’s last name by heart, and a little bit of the weight behind it because of all the things they’d had gone through since meeting, helping the girl. She was sure they knew her name as it was the only thing she’d ever share with her dick of a father.
But there hadn’t really been an occasion to think about Claudine’s. Even if they had met her mother.
Why was that?
Weiss didn’t really know or understand. But now, she had a chance to stand back and think about it. What was it that had been tickling her mind each time she heard that name.
She tested the name a few more times, a tingling on her tongue as she tried to jog her memory. Just where...
“Ah! “ Weiss snapped, turning to Claudine and pointing a finger right at her face. “Claudine Saijou! You’re Saijou Claudine!”
A surprised Claudine, reeled back slightly, eyes wide, blinking at Weiss. Just what was this girl going on about this time?
“Yes… Yes, I’m Saijou Claudine. Thank you for telling me my name.” She tried, recovering from her initial scare.
“And I’m Diana Cavendish.” Diana butted in, wondering if she should also state her full name. Had Weiss somehow forgotten and needed a refresher? Did she need them for something?
“No, no, you idiots.” Weiss sighed, exasperated. Luckily, neither of her sisters took offense to what she’d just called them. Organizing her realizations, she shared them to the pair, once more gesturing to Claudine. “You’re the one from that… that.. Lou’s ointment commercial from a while back!” She excitedly exclaimed.
A blush crept across Claudine’s features, suddenly hyper aware of their surroundings. She began to notice that Weiss little outburst was starting to garner attention as more people began to recognize her. Of course they would. In a school for the arts, why shouldn’t she expect this?
“Did she just say Saijou Claudine?”
“You mean the one from Seishou? That Saijou Claudine?”
Claudine flinched.
“I loved her acting in Starlight!”
“I preferred her Dracula.”
“We all know it was Black Beard that was the hottest.”
Only good things were being said about her, but Claudine couldn’t help but feel awkward in this situation. Plus, her sisters... were here. Somehow it felt a little embarrassing with them watching.
She could see some people inching closer to her, and she could hear whispers about taking photos or talking to her. Usually, she’d stand up straight in pride and thank everyone supporting her, but somehow she felt... uncomfortable from the attention.
She hadn’t been in Japan, in Seishou, for a few years. Maybe it was a little surprising to know that her name was still heard of, and it was mostly associated with her former school. She knew she’d made some mark in France, but... the more time she spent there, away from many things she’d chosen to leave behind, it felt as though her sparkle dimmed.
Things she’d left behind... huh.
Claudine shook her head, ridding herself of those thoughts.
Maybe they should leave now.
Claudine grabbed her uniform that had fallen to the floor after Weiss loud declaration. She bowed in apology to the staff for the ruckus, threw some thanks over her shoulder, and ushered her sisters out the room hurriedly.
“Let’s go.”
“So... Saijou Claudine huh.”  Weiss awkwardly repeated Claudine’s name for her to hear again.
Claudine remained seated on the courtyard bench with her head down, not looking at Weiss. Silent.
Weiss was beginning to feel a little guilty, not even knowing why. Maybe she should try to ease the situation some way?
“I… I liked the ointment? It worked really well for me and was compatible with my skin type.” She attempted lamely.
Diana voiced her agreement, feeling the tension present in the air and wanting to help out. “Yes, I also used it during…” She trailed off, eyes dulling as she looked away, now also silent.
The girls understood immediately what Diana had been needing it for.
With that plan backfiring, moments of nothing passed.
“It’s alright, Weiss.” Claudine lifted her head, trying to meet Weiss gaze as assurance, but then shifting her eyes to the side mere seconds later. “...I was just... embarrassed.” -that and feeling another emotion that Claudine didn’t really want to face at the moment.
Again, she thought of it. Really, it was rather uncharacteristic of her to be this way. Usually, she would be rather proud of her achievements. While not in an annoyingly boastful manner, she never shied away from attention. Usually she took it with grace and humility.
Maybe it was because they were her sisters suddenly looking at her differently. Or maybe it was because of the mention of Seishou and all the memories... and people linked to it that she had neglected for so long, that reminded her and made her feel at odds with the sudden attention.  Maybe... she just didn’t know.
“If it helps,” Diana tried again. Maybe this could help them lighten the atmosphere. “I, for one, am proud to have a sister who’s been on TV?” She smiled, taking a seat next to Claudine, placing a hand over her own on her lap.
No matter how talented Weiss and Diana were, their performances were mostly exclusive to their rich guests at home. Weiss may have been invited on a radio broadcast once or twice, or a recording for a documentary on music. She was once even on a YouTube video for a friend. But it was different from having your face be constantly plastered on screen every time a particular commercial came out for days on end.
“If I remember right, you had another one… Country… ma’am?” Claudine’s blush came back as she shyly nodded.
“Ah! I remember you also had this one play!” Claudine watched silver brows knit together momentarily, Weiss struggling to pin the tail on the donkey. “Anne? Annie? Wait, no, that’s not it. Let’s see here…” She mumbled a few more names to herself, before the confusion in her eyes cleared somewhat, Weiss carefully asking,“Arrie?”
Claudine chuckled, amused. “Thank you for remembering. Yes, that was- you could say- the peak of my work. That was then. But now…” She smiled softly, eyes on the dirt, kicking a pebble away and watching it roll along ‘til it came to a dead halt. “I’m nothing special, really.”
...Did she really just say that about herself? Her eyes widened the slightest bit but her expression settled before her sisters could take notice.
Now really wasn’t the time for her thoughts to be all jumbled up and in a mess.
“Are you KIDDING me, right now?” Weiss scoffed. “Did you see those people’s reactions back there? That’s definitely amazing. You’re amazing.”
“Says an international recitalist.” Claudine responded without missing a beat, looking up at Weiss with a glint in her deep magenta eyes.
Weiss looked taken aback. “Y-you know-...how?“
“I study much.” Claudine shrugged. “I’ve seen and kept far too many books, video sources and the like for reference. Research. It’s research, dear sister. And I’ve come across you more times than i have fingers.” She confessed.
“And you never bothered telling me you knew me?”
“Why would I?” Claudine grinned teasingly. “Want me to stroke your ego?”
Just like that, the weight had been lifted and Claudine found herself enjoying this banter with Weiss. Her sass and her confident, straight-forward self that always seemed to amuse and cheer them up in many moments, breaking the ice in their interactions.
Claudine felt her entirety smile at her older sister, feeling warmer. Such a pleasant feeling.
As she silently admired her sibling, a gentle giggling tickled Claudine’ ears as Diana watched her younger sister’s exchanges and playful jabs at one another. Claudine noticed Weiss quiet down as well as they ended up staring.
She knew the thought the same thing. They found it quite nice, a very pretty sound coming from an incredibly beautiful girl.
That visage imprinted itself in her mind, and she couldn’t help but wonder if Diana-
“... Ever considered being a model, Diana?” Weiss suddenly blurted out the exact thoughts in Claudine’s mind.
Diana’s eyes were just as wide as hers as the stunned girl looked between her two younger sisters, words barely registering in her mind.
What a place.
School was, and always had been her escape back then. It was where she would not feel the physical torment of her aunt, it was a place where she wouldn’t have to endure the scathing words of her family.
Yes, school had its own pressures, the teachers keeping their watchful eyes on her; sometimes expectant, other times judging. Diana also had her fair share of distant admirers, and braver, envious foe, but those were trivial little things in comparison to her home life of abuse.
Thumbtacks in her shoes, or her books in a fountain were as ant bites to her, nothing in comparison to the lions that hungered to devour her once she stepped foot into the manor’s towering gates come the end of the school day.
So really, school may have been better than home, but it never really held a special place in Diana’s heart. If anything, it was more associated with terror and the idea of faux and temporary freedom.
But now, did these perceptions remain for Diana? Or could school be something else for her, now that she had two allies on her side.
Two allies... two sisters.
Diana inwardly smiled at the word. That she had them now, that they were present in a place like ‘school’, it already made all the difference.
Where she had no genuine friends and peers before, she now had two of the best people by her side. Where she had no one who believed in her or her dreams, she’d found two people pushing her to pursue ones she hadn’t realized she had.
And though she had no family to send her off to school then, she did now...
Right now.
“Okay, Diana. Just as we were told, today is only the orientation day. There won’t be any classes, so we’re expecting an early out for the day. Which means we’ll be expecting to see you pretty soon after classes end.” Claudine’s hands fiddled with her tie, straightening it out and pressing it gently to Diana’s chest. “Perfect.” She nodded in satisfaction, eyes lifting to meet Diana’s. “Now. I have a copy of your schedule because Weiss said it’d be best for us to know where you are at times.” She informed, before eyes widened in panic, an explanation on her lips. “W-we don’t mean to tread on your privacy of alone time or anything, you can tell us if-”
“Claudine. It’s okay.” Diana laughed, watching her sister calm down somewhat.
“Okay.” Claudine paused to admire the pretty sound of Diana’s happiness. “Okay, but anyway. Our lunch times match up, so we were hoping we’d all have it together; how do you feel about that?” Claudine bit her lip, just a little nervous.
“I’d love that.”
“Ah, thank goodness.” Claudine sighed in relief. “Also, you have our numbers and all so just ring us up if you need us.” Claudine added more and more to her list of reminders. “Also, I snuck a water bottle into your bag. Remember to hydrate regularly! And also, don’t be scared to tell the teacher if you ever need a bathroom break-”
“And blatantly- not shyly, mind you- give people a piece of your mind if they ever try to hurt-”
“Claudine!” Diana laughed again, airy and sweet. “I’m not a child, you both needn’t be so concerned.” She patted the girl on the head, gaining a blush from her younger sister. “Thank you. Also, class starts in five. I know your classroom is quite far from mine.”
She knew the girl was biting her tongue, keeping her from saying anything more. Diana knew she was considering Diana’s words, knowing they were right. “Fine...”  She relented.
“Get to your class, Claudine. I’ll be fine.”
Claudine still looked reluctant to leave Diana, eyes searching her expression for any doubts or anxiety, but finding none, she backed away.
“Fine. Okay. I got it. I’ll go. But!”
“Just go, Claudine.” Diana giggled. “Go. I’ll be alright. Please? Trust me?”
“I- I do trust you!” Diana heard the girl murmur a few things to herself. “I do. Okay. I’ll go. You’ll be fine, okay?”
“I will.”
“Okay. Pinky promise.” Diana felt her face warm as she and Claudine did the childish gesture, but it made her smile, thinking of how sweet and innocent Claudine could still be at times.
“Pinky promise.”
“Call me or Weiss! Lunch together! Water!” She called over her shoulder, even as she walked away.
“I will!” Diana reassured. Really, Claudine was a worrywart. The girl still paused in the middle of the hall before taking the turn around the corridor, making sure Diana was really alright. Once she was satisfied, she disappeared from the older girl’s sight.
Diana spun on her heel, facing the sliding wood separating her from her knew life goal. This was it. She just needed to take a step in. With a deep breath, it was like a mask was dropped onto her.
Her eyes became blank and cold, her expression just as frozen, settled not in a frown nor a smile. Simply a fine line on her lips. Diana trod into the room, a switch within clearly flipped.
She hated it. This Diana Cavendish. This Diana was cold and calculative to a fault. This Diana had built many walls around herself because she’d known the terrors of the world, and the possibility of people only here to use her. She had to be careful. That’s what the Cavendish had said. That’s what Diana had eventually tasted for herself after many betrayals.
This was only a defense. Impregnable as it should be when dealing with the outside world.
But then... where was this defense when she’d first met Weiss and Claudine? It was practically non-existent.
Diana felt her expression soften, eyes warming the tiniest bit. Thinking about her sisters made her feel... fluffy... inside. She never thought she could feel such a thing. It was such an abstract concept to her, that when she’d heard it from other people in the past, she knew she scoffed at the idea.
The emotions she knew were pain, anger, pride, sadness, the occasional joy. Feelings such as ‘fluffiness’ and ‘softness’, she’d never really understood what they meant. She still didn’t.
But she smiled. At least she now knew.
Diana internally squirmed in her seat, under the burning scrutiny of fiery eyes that had been locked onto her ever since she entered the room. Even during the duration of orientations and introductions, the only time the girl had broken her stare was when it was her turn to give her name and basic information to the class, as well as while she excitedly responded to a lot of things their professor had said. Only during those times did she give the poor Cavendish room to breathe.
Then it was back to watching every moment of Diana in that room.
Diana had no clue.
Kagari Atsuko.
She seemed peppy, cheery. She was loud and active. She was so different from Diana. She was friendly- or so Diana had observed as she first arrived in the class. She smiled at everyone and greeted them good morning, and Diana had regretted catching her gaze that now refused to leave her form.
She never said anything, she hadn’t greeted Diana ‘hello’ or ‘good morning’ like she did the rest of their classmates.
She didn’t get her.
She didn’t understand why the girl kept looking at her... she didn’t understand why she kept sneaking glances back.
So she didn’t force herself to think about it anymore than she should.
She may or may not get involved with the woman from time to time, maybe for school work and such, but she didn’t see them getting along at all. She had no time nor reason to pursue friendships anyway.
Kagari Atsuko, whoever she was, was just going to be another passing figure in her academic life, Diana concluded.
An odd lass, she surmised.
Class ended promptly, the professor saying she found no need to discuss much since it was only the first day, and that the students should go out and explore the campus. Maybe they’d find inspiration to use in the upcoming days.
As she packed her things into her bag, Diana could feel that incessant gaze boring into her back, the pressure laid strongly on her.
She really wanted to just ignore it, but somehow she felt like that wouldn’t be possible. There was a chance that this girl would actually act on all her staring.
...or not?
Diana quirked a brow as the girl had averted her gaze once Diana met it, clumsily throwing her materials into her own backpack, closing it haphazardly before rushing down the steps between the rows of lecture desks. As the bag hopped off her back as she made those rough movements, Diana  bit her lip. She could just foresee something happening-
And it did.
The girl’s water bottle had somehow fallen out of her pack, making a clacking sound that surprised the owner as she quickly tripped over her feet and fell to the floor.
In a span of under a minute.
Diana rushed forward without hesitation, body moving on its own as she crouched by the fallen girl, helping her sit up before gathering the contents spilled from her bag after she’d made her glorious failure of an exit.
Diana worked quietly, handing the girl her things and looking her over for any signs of pain or injury. Upon seeing that she may as well be fine, she got up wordlessly, gave the girl a curt nod before going out the door.
Only to be followed by that Kagari girl, voice calling out behind her.
She waited. Something compelled her to do so. Turning around, she raised a curious brow.
“I- you...” The brunette tried, not really knowing what to say after all that. “Thank you.”  She murmured quietly, and Diana had met her eyes and found sincere rubies glimmering with something she was unfamiliar with. Something that had suddenly captured her, leaving her staring. “Miss Cavendish.”
At the sound of her name, she snapped out of the odd trance, nodding once more with a reply of, “You’re welcome. Now I should go-”
Again, Diana felt her feet root themselves in place, not allowing her to leave. “Yes?”
She watched as the girl opened and shut her mouth, forming words in her mind perhaps, then rethinking them over and over ‘til she looked like a fish out of water with the way she left Diana hanging.
“If you have nothing else to say, I should be on my way.” That sounded a bit too cold, Diana admitted to herself. However, this was her normal reaction to people she did not know and could not be bothered to know anyway.
This was fine. She told herself so.
So then why was she so expectant? For... something- anything- from this unfamiliar person that had spent the better half of their orientation day ogling her?
Diana just didn’t get it. She didn’t get herself.
Upon receiving no response, she sighed, turning around for the last time. This time she wouldn’t look back. She wouldn’t wait. “Good day.” She said as a final word, shoes tapping against the floor.
She’d leave. She’d walk away this time. She’d ignore the stare boring into her very soul. She would never interact with this girl anymore if she could help it. She’d push away these strange feelings, these curious thoughts of hers all in a mess just because of this strange girl.
Then she’d be fine.
School would just be her, her camera, and her sisters. That was enough for her.
She kept walking, nearing the corner of the hallway.
“Ever considered being a model, Miss Cavendish?!”
-And she stopped.
[“Ever considered being a model, Diana?”]
Her sister’s question during her enrollment replayed in her mind, Diana slightly in awe at the coincidence.
Diana struggled to find her voice as she remained frozen by the stairs. Kagari Atsuko quickly followed after her, standing a bit too close for Diana’s liking, staring so intently into her eyes.
Once she found her tongue, a weak question was the only thing she managed. “Wh-why do you ask?”
“Please. Be my model.”’
There was this sincerity in her odd request, this spell in her eyes; and for a moment, Diana thought of saying yes. Only for a moment. Regaining her bearings, Diana shook here head, no.
It just wasn’t possible. Her?
Diana’s brows furrowed at the continued request. In the first place, should this girl really be asking her course-mate that?
“But… Miss Kagari… we’re both photographers…”
‘So?’ What did she mean by that?
“Does that have anything to do with being my model?”
“...yes?” For one, Diana would be needing her own model. She’d figured she could ask her sisters for this one favor.
Diana realized the girl might be asking for their future projects that the teacher had mentioned earlier in orientation. If this was her way of being diligent by scouting early, she was barking up the wrong tree.
“But you could still do it! I know a senior who previously did the same thing! Come on, please, Miss Cavendish?”
In the first place, why was this girl so dead set on having Diana model for her? Why was she pleading so endearingly, with her eyes hopeful and sparkling, making it hard for Diana to say no. So hard to say no.
‘I’ll think about it?’
Wait. Was that what she wanted to say? No, impossible. She shouldn’t even think of that possibility in the first place. Just.... what was it that was going on with Diana.
This girl had no clue who she was. She didn’t know Diana nor her past, nor her... scars. It wasn’t just an embarrassing feeling, or simple apprehension, now that she pondered on the reason behind her response- or rather, lack of it.
It was shame. If Kagari Atsuko ever found out about Diana Cavendish, there was no way she’d actually keep asking, was there? To have Diana as her model. No, not her. Not someone as marred and tainted, scarred and ugly as her.
And Diana had her answer.
“I’m sorry... I’m only a photographer.”
Weiss glared at her desk, willing the dark coffee stain on it away. There was also some cream, possibly from a doughnut, smeared along the side of it. So early in the morning, and already she was experiencing levels of gross she’d very much rather not see.
“Youch! You sure got the bad draw for the seating assignment. Wonder who among these early birds did that though.” Weiss’ eyes traced up the finger pointing to the frosted mess on her desk, trying to meet the origin of the voice that popped up beside her, red-tipped brunette strands obstructing her vision from this stranger’s face. This made her realize.
“Um... aren’t you a little too close?”
The mop of two-toned hair swayed with the motions of her new companion, turning her head to face Weiss.
‘Silver. How... peculiar.’
Before she lost herself, completely entranced, Weiss backed away in her seat, tearing her eyes free of that magnetic gaze. “I- I said you’re too close!”
“Oh. Oh! Oh, my bad. Sorry. Just. I saw you frowning so early in the morning, like you were gonna murder someone or something, or your desk.” The girl scratched the back of her head sheepishly. “I’m Ruby, by the way. Ruby Rose.”
“Miss Rose. Great. Well then, I’ll be looking for a way to... deal with this, so if you’d excuse me.” Weiss promptly rose from her seat, making a line for the door.
“Hey, that’s not very polite.” ‘Ruby’ called after Weiss. “I gave you my name, so why can’t I get yours?”
Weiss stopped in her tracks, casting a casual glance over her shoulder at the person who had gone and entered her personal bubble without much apprehension earlier, and admittedly, had piqued her interest.
Well. She was going to need some acquaintances to get through this class smoothly, after all. Hmm... but did it have to be her? Weiss pondered it. Maybe she could be of some use to Weiss.
With a small smirk, she considered her final options. She could just give her name... But where was the fun in that? They were classmates anyway.
So with a flip of her shoulder and a cheeky tone of voice,
“I’m sure you’ll learn soon enough.”
-She walked away.
Claudine stood outside the door of the classroom, hesitant about entering.
She was late.
She was late for classes because she had to make sure Diana was settled in and okay. Claudine had escorted Diana to her first class as some sort of precaution in case something happened to the girl on the way. She and Weiss had talked about it the night before school began, and decided it would be for the best. Just to be safe. So she’d taken the liberty to do this task as Weiss’ class started earlier than Diana’s and hers.
And she was glad to do it. Just that she might have taken a bit too long. Plus, it didn’t help that her classroom was on the other side of the building. Fortunately for her, she had swung by the faculty room first thing when they got to school to find her first period’s professor and inform her of the possibility that she’d be late. She was meticulous and sure like that.
But being late... wasn’t really the reason why she wasn’t too keen on entering the class, was it?
A deep breath.
She... should go in now.
With a simple, “excuse me”, and a knock on the front door, she slid it open to reveal herself to only the teacher who beckoned her in upon noticing Claudine.
If she took a step in now, what would greet her? Who would she see? Was she... ready for this inevitable reunion?
Her stomach churned.
Things were going to be different. She just knew it.
“Ah, yes, our final student.” Her professor’s voice took her out of her inner turmoil, adding to the dread she was feeling as she had no way out anymore. This was it. She had to face the stage and the people who stood on it. “She’s excused from being late because of some family circumstances, but we’re glad she could make it and complete our class, aren’t we students?”
Claudine thought the teacher was rather chipper. She seemed so happy so early in the morning. A totally different mood from Claudine.
She supposed she should just get on with it. Whatever happened, she’d deal with it later.
So she walked in, turning to the rest of the class, bowing in apology for being late.
... bowing to a certain group of people in apology for being a year late.
Claudine could clearly feel the eight pairs of extremely surprised eyes boring their scalding gazes into her. She wanted to address them and all the questions she knew swirled within them, but first things first. Formalities and introductions and all-
A resounding clatter of a seat, as it was pushed back suddenly, stole the room’s attention. A figure stood so abruptly, the handouts on the desk slipping off.
‘What a face you’re making...’ She chuckled to herself.
“Well, yes. I’m pleased you remember my name,” Claudine threw back with a bit of a tease, a sprinkle of playful haughtiness mixed in. She met the intense gaze with a fiery spirit of competition, like she always did; in a way, daring this person to say more, or to be her usual infuriating self.
But it seems she was just stunned.
Claudine raised a challenging brow, waiting for the spluttering mess to say something.
What she received was a gaping mouth, shock all over the woman’s expression, and a shy wave of a hand.
Then the mask of confident indifference she had donned melted into something much gentler as she looked into those Violet eyes she missed dreadfully.
“… Tendou Maya.”
Claudine felt pleasantly surprised that Aijo Karen could hold back any sort of emotion, at this point. She was very obviously buzzing in her seat in unfiltered tension and excitement, eyes frequently darting to where Claudine was. Hikari blatantly stared, and poor Mahiru tried to get both to calm down and pay attention to class orientation. Claudine found herself smiling the slightest bit at that.
Some things really didn’t change.
Maya, on the other hand hadn’t looked back at her once since their earlier reunion. While this could simply mean that she still kept her impeccable focus and professionalism that separated work and school from personal life, to Claudine, it was still their first interaction after a long time... She couldn’t help but feel disheartened.
Was she not pleased to see Claudine? Was it because... Claudine hadn’t kept in touch with everyone?  
Or was there something else that she didn’t know of?
Class could not end any quicker, but by the time that it did, Hikari and Karen were already making a beeline straight for her, as did the others- the others being the rest of her dorm mates and dearest friends. She was already bracing herself for the impending impact of these two jumping her, but before anyone else could touch her, Nana had sped her way past the pair, and engulfed Claudine in a near-bone-crushing hug.
“Kuro-chaaaan!” She wailed like a child, not completely out of character for Nana. “What happened to you all this time?!”
The flood gates of inquiry opened and rushed at Claudine who struggled to keep up with answering every query her friends had about the last year that she had been gone.
Warmth flooded her heart at the realization of many things. Among those was the fact that her friends didn’t seem mad at all. They had only been worried and hopeful for her well-being. Claudine’s heart was moved.
One thing that bothered her was that as the others fawned over her and asked her their endless questions, Maya just stood off to the side, not engaging with the rest of them. It unnerved Claudine. Maya was the one she was closest to, the one she thought she knew and understood the most.
So what was going on?
After everyone had calmed, satisfied with the brief explanation of Claudine’s life in Paris and why she’d lost contact with them all, she was surprised when everyone parted from her, creating a space to allow Maya and Claudine to clearly face each other. As if they were saying, ‘talk’.
Maya looked to be as shocked as she was. Claudine bit her lip nervously.
What would Maya do?
Tendou Maya knew she was a prideful woman. She was a confident woman. She was a skilled, talented, persevering woman.
What she was not was petty.
And yet, she couldn’t help but sulk the moment her mind had registered that Saijou Claudine was back. Back in Japan. Back in their circle of Seishou friends. Back to Maya.
That in itself was something she’d thought she’d rejoice about, having longed to see Claudine for many a sleepless night. The days that had gone by without so much a letter or a simple, ‘hello’ had torn her heart apart piece by piece, until she had somehow managed to convince herself that Claudine no longer cared for her... even if Maya still wanted to remain at her side.
Deep inside her, anxious pride told her that she should be mad. She should demand a reason from Claudine- although already given. Her bitterness hungered for a begging apology from Saijou Claudine who had forgotten all about Tendou Maya.
But having Claudine appear in front of her, realer than any of her worst dreams and most pleasant nightmares, and out of the unexpected blue, Maya struggled against the simple desire to give into her long-endured neediness and simply embrace Claudine and confirm that she was truly back.
“Maya-chan.” Nana had whispered, pushing her forward as she stumbled the first step before fixing her walk forward until she stood right in front of Claudine.
Claudine offered a hand out, a sense of deja vu washing over Maya as she took it, her own had shaking slightly.
Maya swallowed the lump in her throat, unable to fish for the right words in her mind that had melted into a puddle the moment Claudine gave her that sheepish, awkward, incredibly beautiful smile.
“Have you put on a little weight from all those potatoes, Tendou Maya?” She chuckled.
Maya was captured. She had grown even more beautiful, hadn’t she? This girl- no… they were women now weren’t they? Both Maya and the girl she knew as Saijou Claudine. They had become women in the short time they were apart.
But that wasn’t the only thing that had changed. Or rather, it was something that had finally surfaced so blatantly clear in their relationship; an aspect they had possibly always known but had pushed to the back of their minds as they had other priorities back then.
Maya knew that Claudine knew.
She knew they both realized it, and she could see it in Claudine’s eyes.
“I’ve missed you.” Maya murmured in the tiniest voice. She could see her friends’ smiles from the corner of her eyes, their grins growing wider as Claudine whispered her bashful reply.
“I’ve missed you too.”
And Maya knew it was love.
Claudine loved her friends. They were the most considerate people in the world. Maybe a little too considerate.
Claudine would have been fine spending time catching up with all of them, but it seemed as though they had caught onto the fact that Maya and Claudine wanted some private time to sort things out between themselves, and so were allowed time alone.
She swallowed down the lump forming in her throat, entirety suddenly full of butterflies in jitters. Being away from Maya for so long, not seeing her at all, unable to hear even her voice, it created this strange feeling of unknown- of an anxiety Claudine couldn’t describe.
Even if this was still Maya- dare she say her Maya-, Claudine could only wonder how much the girl could have changed without her by her side.
All those worries vanished like a mist in the rays of a smile as sunshine-y warm as Maya’s at this very moment. The cold fear in her heart melted away, and her heart beat strongly for a different reason now.
Maya’s eyes searched her own, and she found it difficult to form words. It was everything she could do to keep their gazes locked.
“Will you stay by my side now?”
Her heart stopped.
Then ran so fast, Claudine was sure it would burst with all these feelings she knew could be nothing else but her undeniable attraction, and an emotion much deeper than that, towards Maya.
“Paris was amazing. It was like a dream that I had finally reached and made real.” Claudine began, as they settled on a bench at a deserted corner of the school’s vast courtyard. “At first it was so easy to tell you all of what had happened. The ups and the downs, the successes; the innumerable opportunities I had gotten... The classes were amazing. I learned so much.”
Maya took her hand, gently wrapping her own around it. She squeezed in her silent support, urging Claudine to continue.
“Then suddenly, everyone wanted me.”
Maya wanted to make a playful remark, a simple ‘My~ what a player’. However, there was something in Claudine’s expression that told her it would be better to refrain.
“I know you want to make a comment.” Claudine giggled against her other hand, giving Maya an eye smile that made her heart flutter painfully sweet. Claudine knew her so well.
“I did.” Maya admitted. Claudine nodded before leaning her head on Maya’s shoulder, eyes falling shut.
“You’d think it was all perfect.” Claudine whispered. “I thought it was what I wanted. All these jobs, the exposure, the experience. I thought I could handle it all.”
“I was able to take it the first few months. I met so many people who were amazing, who were inspiring. Who had their dreams, goals and aspirations.” Claudine narrated. “But we were all apart. We had these grand views and desires. We had our individuality. That’s a marvelous thing, I know.” Claudine went on. “Even I left to be on my own... away from you all...”
Claudine had made a motion to separate herself from Maya, but Maya had quickly reached an arm over her shoulders, hand guiding Claudine’s head back onto her own.
“Stay.” She whispered, voice a little weak. She felt Claudine nod, and she sighed in relief.
She didn’t know why she did that, but a fear had lodged it’s way into her heart, one that replayed the emotions she had felt the first time Claudine had walked away from her. She dared not relive those again.
“It’s alright...” Maya murmured. “So? You thought you were all by yourself?” Maya continued for her. “But remember, we still work towards the same goal. We may have been apart, but that hasn’t changed. Not for me, at least. Didn’t you feel the same way?”
Maya felt that she’d be hurt if Claudine said no.
“I did. I do still.”
Maya felt relief wash over her as she received that reply. She was glad.
Her fingers began to gently tangle themselves in golden locks, playing with tufts of hair, occasionally massaging Claudine’s scalp. She felt the girl sigh and relax against her. Maya liked this. This feeling of comfort.
“So what was the problem?” Maya wanted to understand. She wanted to know what went on while Claudine was away. Why she had stopped contacting them, where she had gone, what she struggled with.
“Maybe it was too much for someone like me to handle. I might have over-estimated myself, Tendou Maya.” Claudine confessed, voice strained. It must have been something hard for her to admit. Maya nuzzled a kiss into her temple, disagreeing with her words.
“You’re Saijou Claudine. The most amazing performer I know. A top star.” She said with conviction.
“You’re the top star. You’re Tendou Maya.” Claudine sighed. “I’m... just a shadow lagging behind you-”
“Now you know that’s not true.” Maya cut her off, slightly angered at the mere implication that Claudine was anything less than her equal, and her partner. “That is not true. You have always been by my side, have you not? You have been the Saijou Claudine well-known for many of her works. The child prodigy, a star since birth!”
“And I was humbled upon meeting you.”
“You’re the one who was offered a full scholarship overseas!”
“I know you rejected it first!”
Maya’s breath caught in throat, words failing.
“I knew that you’d received the offer. When you said no, I didn’t understand. This was the chance of a lifetime. A season for growth. I believed it was. But we didn’t seem to think the same way. I was confused, Tendou Maya.  And so I went. If only to know why. I went and I tried... and then it all became too much.”
Claudine pulled away, allowing them both space to recollect themselves.
“I wanted to know how you could say no to such an offer. A bright future wanted you. And I went as only their second option. It... irked me. And so I wanted to prove that I could be just as good as you. That I could flourish even on my own.” Claudine spoke softly. “But I guess I was wrong. I wasn’t that strong. I became tired, I couldn’t manage all the things thrown my way. I didn’t know who to trust, who to go with, what to do anymore. And so I just... did. Everything.”
“That actually worked out quite well.” She chuckled, eyes lifeless as she recalled the downward spiral she lived those last few months in Paris. “I received multiple offers for university over there. Fully paid schooling. I gained what many yearned for, things others could only dream of attaining by turning off everything unneeded for the stage... or I thought they were unneeded.” Claudine looked at Maya with a held-back tears. “Then I saw that I was already alone.” Claudine laughed again, as sad as the last. “How odd, right? Haha, well that was that. We should talk about something else. How was senior year on your end?.”
Claudine was trying to wave it all off, smiling at Maya as if she wasn’t anxious and had been heartbroken.
“Tendou Maya?” The girl only stared at Claudine, not answering. “I’m sorry. My story must have been confusing. I would get it if you didn’t understand what I mean.”
But Maya understood. She understood it fully.
She remembered when they first met Yanagi Koharu, a like-minded genius as her. A girl who reflected the lonesomeness one dubbed as a ‘genius’ would experience. Maya remembered her own disregard for camaraderie back then. How she had, at most, only cooperated with others as they were mere stepping stones needed to reach the top. Her views of there being only one possible winner had been her driving force for perfection back then.
That was until Claudine opened her hand to her on the day of that evaluation to enter Seishou.
Then it all began to change for her.
Thanks to Saijou Claudine.
Maya had dedicated much time to repaying that favor. This moment was no exception.
If Claudine had felt alone then, she would never be from now on. Maya would make sure of it.
“Saijou-san-” “Maya-”
“Oh, you go first.” She had wanted to give Claudine some words of encouragement, of reassurance, but she seemed to have more to tell. It made her happy to see that Claudine had chosen to open her heart up so deeply to her. It was an honor that she’d gladly receive. Maya would listen to her, would understand her, and Maya would be there for her; she’d never allow Claudine to say she was ever alone again. “What is it, ma Claudine?”  
Maya had put on a welcoming smile, awaiting whatever else Claudine had for her to hear. However, Claudine seemed to have withdrawn after the interruption, a look of struggle on her features as no words came out of her parted lips.
“Ma Claudine? Is something the matter?”
“Actually… there’s something else I haven’t told everyone. And why I’m here.” She began, but then halted again, looking to the side.
Another difficult confession? Maya could only wonder. “You don’t have to force yourself to tell me.” She reassured, but kept her ears open just in case.
“But I want to tell you, Maya.” No Tendou. No honorific, just Maya.
And Maya listened.
“I had mentioned it, right? I had received offers to continue going to school there... I might have just went on, to be honest.”
“Yes. I was actually wondering about that. While I’m certainly glad you have returned, wouldn’t your chances have been brighter over there?”
Claudine nodded. “Objectively, I agree.” Maya understood that. “But... um... do you know about my family, Maya?”
“I’ve only heard as much as the others, I suppose, reluctant as I am to admit that.” She smiled weakly.
“Well, I don’t really make such a big deal about it anyway.” Claudine smiled back.
“We do all know that you love your parents dearly and often write home.”
“Yes. That’s true.” Claudine said. “In a sense it is.” She took a deep breath before allowing the next words to slip. “My papa, my father... or well, the man I actually consider as my father... is gone. Has been for a while. So it’s just me and my mom.”
Maya didn’t know what to say. She took both of Claudine’s hands in her own, thumbs brushing over her knuckles.
“It’s alright. We’ve already accepted it a long time ago. Maman and I... we miss him, yes. But we’re okay... or... I am, at least...” Claudine huffed, squeezing her eyes shut, a few tears spilling down her cheeks. “I came back because... I don’t know... when my mother will leave me as well...”
And Maya couldn’t take it. “I’m sorry, Ma Claudine.” Maya embraced her tight, whispering teary words onto her brow. “For all you’ve been through… and that I was never able to help you.”
“Idiote... it’s not your fault.” Claudine sunk into the hold, savoring the immediate warmth Maya provided her. They stayed like that a tender while, Maya allowing Claudine to express all her frustrations, grievances, and pain. She cried it all out with her.
“I’m sorry, Ma Claudine... I’m sorry.” She whispered against her hair in peppered kisses that sometimes made the girl cry even more.
“Mechante va... I told you it’s fine.” Claudine held onto Maya tighter, relishing in her comforting presence. “It’s fine...”
“Still... I could have been there for you sooner. I should have just kept reaching out. I should’ve followed you-! I should’ve bought a plane ticket and flew after you- No, I should have demanded another scholarship! Then we’d have been together-”
“Stop right there.” Claudine laughed through some sniffles, cupping Maya’s face with both cheeks and looking into her stunned eyes.  
Claudine really was beautiful, even as she cried.
“I-...” Maya waited, but what had seemed to be a planned retort, was set aside, Claudine simply shaking her head and smiling at Maya.
Really, Maya must look like a fool to her right now.
“An endearing fool, at least.” Claudine laughed some more at Maya’s shock at being read so easily. “A fool so willing to stay by my difficult self... All this time... willing and waiting.” Claudine sighed, touching her forehead to Maya’s.
Maya’s heart beat strong, a silly smile on her lips. Claudine was right. She was there for her. She always will be. And It wasn’t just Maya. She knew Claudine had many more people by her side. Both then and now.
Maya grinned, nuzzling her nose against Claudine’s.
“Je vous en prie, Ma Claudine.”
Claudine watched Maya purse her lips, hesitating a moment. Did she need something?
“What is it?”
“Earlier... you mentioned something... I was just curious. You don’t have to answer it or anything!” Maya clarified, a little panicked.
Claudine raised their joined hands, bringing the back of Maya’s to her lips in hopes of calming her. It seemed her plan backfired as Maya turned into more of a mess, if anything. It was cute.
“I- uh.. you see... father? You said...”
Claudine blinked. Then she understood.
“You said something about how your papa was the one you... saw as your father? And I didn’t quite... get that.”
Claudine had almost forgotten about that. Well there was nothing wrong with telling Maya about that. She’d learn eventually, right?
“Right. Um... I had said something about returning to my mother right?” Maya nodded. “But that wasn’t the sole reason. I... my papa isn’t quite my real father. My biological parent... was someone else.” Claudine sighed.
“I... see.” Maya seemed to be thinking hard about it.
“I received news about my mother and had wanted to find work here in Japan... and if I could, apply for a scholarship to keep studying, if possible. But then a letter came, saying that Maman was in the hospital, bills paid, and I was already enrolled in this school. Where all of you were. It was almost miraculous. A dream come true.”
Claudine prodded the crease that had formed on Maya’s forehead, giggling at how adorable she was being.
“Apparently it was, in a sense, a bribe. For me, and for a court that had held a trial against my ‘father’. I was angry, of course. I felt ashamed to be related to such a person, but... it was too good a deal to pass up.”
Claudine felt Maya squeeze her hand, concern written all over her face.
“And that’s it. How I ended up back here.” She smiled. “Thank you, Maya. For listening to all of that.” Claudine leaned forward to place a kiss on her cheek, enjoying the bright red glow of a rarely-seen, shy Tendou Maya.
“O-o-o-of course! A-anytime! You can talk to me anytime, Ma Claudine.” She stuttered out, her free hand touching the spot where Claudine’s lips had been.
Claudine felt her heart skip at the gesture. She already knew that Maya had realized it earlier as she had too;  and that there was something else they needed to talk about. However, she believed they could save that conversation for another day. Preferably, under better circumstances.
“Anyway.” Claudine caught Maya’s attention again, standing up to get ready to leave for the day. “It’s not all that bad.” She then remembered another important detail that she needed to fill Maya in on. “Actually, something good came out of it.”
“Oh? And what is that?” Maya smiled, taking Claudine’s offered hand as the girl helped her up.
“You see-”
“Claudine? Are you here- Oh, there you are!”
A voice cut in to their conversation, the attention of the pair redirected to the new arrival walking her way towards them.
“Thank goodness. I was just looking for you so we could pick up Diana since her classroom is the farthest from- oh.” The white-haired woman halted in her steps, at first only seeing Claudine, late in noticing that she wasn’t alone. “Am I… interrupting something?”
‘Such impeccable timing.’
Claudine didn’t respond to her, instead, she gestured with an open hand to Weiss in hopes this would help Maya process what she was about to say. She should really express her thanks to Weiss later for her amazing assistance. After all, show rather than tell because seeing is believing.
“Tendou Maya.”
The girl perked up, curiosity in her eyes, and some hints of confusion as well.
“It appears as though, as of recent…” Claudine awkwardly chanced a look back and forth between them. “...I’ve acquired myself a pair of sisters.”
A/N: Future (?) Love-interests, Get! Also I will be exposing how Diana’s parents met in the future so calm your horses. Again, sorry this was super late. I promised it 2 weeks months ago but got slammed into a wall of life. Thank you for reading and for the support!
~Shintori Khazumi
21 notes · View notes
random-shit-fuck101 · 3 years
I can’t get this idea out of my head. Like imagine you meet pro hero Deku while he’s running away from reporters and you are outside a little café run by underground heroes that you do some side jobs to you since you are a college student and you need the money. So you see him like really desperate to hide and you motioning over and he goes like... no self preservation at.
After you you are seated inside a café you just scold him because he is a hero and he should know better than to just follow random people into alleys and him being himself just rub the back of his neck and went:
“Eh, you’re right.”
Like you know you are right you don’t need him to tell you but then after a while and after meeting for a couple of times in the café because now he know a good spot to hide the both of you start developing feelings for each other.
You don’t tell him you’re an underground hero, He finds out a month after you meet for the first time during a debriefing when he walks in and sees you at the end of the table.
He’s like “what the hell are you doing here?”
And you just go “oh yeah I never told you.”
He gets upset because he thought you trusted him and you see that something clouds his eyes after he sees you.
Before any of you can say anything else the planning starts for the rate. Your quirk is suited for planning and strategising since it allows you to connect everyone that you work with through a mental link and allows you also to see what they see and therefore you use that to form a plan on the go, sort of.
The raid raid goes well. But you can see Izuku’s not acting the same way and you kind of guess why. So you give him space and wait for him to go to you. But that doesn’t happen, not for the next month or so and you’re starting to get worried, because you like him (you realise that by now) and at least you want him as a friend.
So you talk to the owner of the the café and they tell you that he still goes there. So you realise he’s avoiding you and that hurts. You just leave and go home trying to think of a plan to ambush Izuku and kind of force him to talk. Probably not your best idea but it’s the only one you’ve got.
So you ask the head of the café to help you and they do, they tell you when he’s around but you don’t go like the next week to speak to him you kind of wait a few more days and you know he always goes Sunday mornings to get is drink so one Sunday you just wait for him outside the door. 
Is it a bit creepy? yes,
Not very heroic? also yes.
And you know this but you just have to try.
When he sees you he just stops and after a few beats of silence he just walked past you. You just turn around and grab his arm telling him:
“Wait please I just wanna talk.”
He stares at you for a bit and then just nods, so hoping that you’re not followed, you take him to a park close to the café and he’s being like very cold to you.
“You wanted to talk so talk”
That’s what he tells you and you just lost all your courage by looking at his eyes not because you are flustered or anything but because they are so very cold so the only thing that leaves your mouth is
“ I’m sorry...”
It just looks at you in the eyes and you feel like it’s staring at your soul so you continue
“I didn’t think that telling you I was a hero would change anything like it wasn’t important in my eyes”
“So you lied to me when you told me you were a college student?”
“No I didn’t I am a college student but I’m also a hero well an underground hero I usually work as a side job because not always my quirk is needed. I’ll be honest with you I don’t understand why you’re acting like this. Why is it such a big deal if I’m a hero or not? I’m still myself and I’m still the person you met that day that helped you run away from reporters so why are you so upset?”
“ it doesn’t matter I think that perhaps our friendship wasn’t meant to be.” And he walks away.
Your heart breaks into tiny little pieces because now he doesn’t even want to be your friend anymore forget crushes or love or whatever you would be happy with just friendship but now you don’t even have that. You walk back to your home and sit on the couch looking through the picture you have of the both of you on your phone and this sounds awfully like a break up because your heart was broken in the end so you just let it be.
A couple of months later you are called into a raid and there is various heroes there you have Deku, you have Eraserhead, there is red Riot and Chargbolt and some other underground heroes along with the police, so you are sitting in HQ doing your job which is coming up with a plan if something goes wrong. And something goes wrong, as soon as they walking everything goes dark your connection with them breaks and you are left in pure silence. You try and try to restart the connection but something was blocking your quirk but you can still connect with people outside the warehouse so you assume the problem is within the warehouse so therefore you think it’s a good idea to just go there you drop everything gets loaded and go in.
It was not a good idea. You are very good in combat that’s not the problem, the problem is going alone. Everything is dark and everyone kind of passed down, you don’t quite know, you’re confused so you just look around without being noticed looking for the problem or why are you can’t connect with them.
Every time your quirk is used with another mental quirk usually yours is annulled so you assume another mental quirk. You hear the villains boasting about what happened, you hear them say “oh yes they are now facing their worst memories and fears and they are probably never going to wake up again”
Dread feels you , because you don’t have a way to counter that and you are afraid for the first time in awhile. Many of these types of quirks can be stopped if you defeat the person who casted whatever is happening so you decide that fighting the villains it’s a good idea. 
You check if you have everything in your suit and your utility belt. You do, so you jump into the fryer. 
Bad decision. There were far more villains than you knew and soon you felt yourself being overwhelmed. During the fight somehow you manage to knock the right person down so soon everyone that got him was waking up.
You reestablish the connection “hello everyone welcome back” you say in a show off enthusiasm and when everyone looks and sees you fighting everyone is a bit taken back because no one thought you could fight like that but realise you cannot fight everyone so they join.
Izuko it’s looking at you and thinking how much of an asshole he was do you all those months ago and while fighting, he makes a goal telling you about his feelings even though he’s pretty sure you do not reciprocate them.He’s wrong but he doesn’t know that.
Then among the chaos someone jumps you and since you are tired because holding a connection this large and making plans and everything is taxing so you are not paying 100% attention and you get stabbed. Not just once but multiple times and someone using their quirk just yeets you across the warehouse leaving you badly injured and possibly passed out. 
Deku sees red, he screams and launches some self to the villain that attacked you and wipe the floor with them, he doesn’t even let anyone else join the fight he just went ballistic.  everyone is shocked minus maybe Aizawa, Kaminari and Kirishima, mostly because they know him and what he did to overhaul.
When he stops fighting he leaves the villains to be apprehended by the police and rushes off to you. You are passed out in the back of an ambulance covered in blood not only yours but blood nonetheless and he hears the paramedics say that you have some serious injuries mostly cracked ribs and a broken one that’s very close to puncture your lung. 
His world falls after realising that if you die he never got to apologise for being an asshole so he desperately wants you to survive even if you don’t forgive him or anything really he just wants you to live.
In a hospital he stays by your side for as long as you are asleep after everything healing and all the procedures of the hospital so it just says by the side of your bed holding your hand while blaming in him self. When you wake up you look to the side can you see him there all crawled up on an uncomfortable armchair and you look around and you realise what happened. He wakes up and sees you awake, he jumps up and nearly launches himself onto the bed barely stopping after we realised the state of your ribs and you look at him he looks at you and you stay silent for awhile and then you ask
“Tell me what happen.” and he does.
While are you are healing he never really left your side and you don’t realise why because you’re not friends, you’re really not anything to each other at this point so you are confused.
So now you’re back home and he’s carrying your bag to your door on the last floor of a building and it’s not necessarily uncomfortable but is also not very comfortable you have a lot to say to each other but you haven’t said it yet so everyone is a bit confused.
You open the door you let him in, you offer something to drink he refuses... pleasantries.
You’re sitting on the couch and he is standing in front of you and he opens is mouth
“sorry” he says his eyes shining with unshed tears so much like himself and the person you met all those months ago and if you’re honest to yourself the person you fell in love with.
You don’t know why he’s sorry so you ask him that he just kneels in front of you grabs your hand and says:
“ I was an asshole you didn’t deserve that because you were right it was not my thing to know I wasn’t obligated to know you were a hero you are a hero whatever but I was mad because you hid something from me and I thought you trusted me so I was mad and then when it hit me that you are a hero it means you can get hurt and you can get hurt you could die you could be paralysed you could be everything and I was scary because I care about you and I don’t want you to be in harm’s way and I hated it and I hated myself because I knew you didn’t feel like that for me and I was confused and I hated it and and and...I’m rambling again... anyway I hate the thought of you getting hurt because I love you and I don’t want you hurt.”
He takes a deep breath and he looks at you because he was looking everywhere but you and you see he’s honest in even with all these rambling that you think it’s cute you realise what he means he also loves you and that revelation hits you like a ton of bricks. You blush deeply and you don’t quite know what to say but when you open your mouth:
“Izuku... you don’t need to apologise I understand why you felt hurt. I’ll be honest with you it broke my heart when you just left and started to ignore me because I also have feelings for you and they go beyond friendship but I rationalised it to be like if we can’t be anything else at least we are friends but we weren’t even that so it was a rough time because I didn’t know what to do with those feelings other than bottle them... i’m also sorry because perhaps I didn’t handle this in the best way possible...”
He interrupts:
“no no no no no no I am at fault I’m sorry you have nothing to be sorry for”
“Before we fight over who’s more sorry or who’s at fault let’s take a deep breath, we have both apologise to each other let’s move on. What do we do with this?” and you motion between you two “what are we? what should we do?”
“Well I don’t know.” he says “Do… Do you… Do you wanna be my girlfriend(or boyfriend, or datemate)?”
Your brain short-circuit a little bit and you don’t know how to answer it. He starts getting antsy and before you start apologising you say:
It was a simple answer but it was something that filled him with joy and it filled you with joy too.
He sits by your side puts an arm around your shoulders pulls you to him, careful of your injuries, and just kisses your forehead. You stay like that for awhile enjoying each other’s company because being a hero is full of surprises and you never know what might happen so you stay there leaning against his shoulder and after a while he repositions himself with you now laying on his chest feeling so safe and still tired from the healing you end up falling asleep dreaming of green and home.
He smiles down at you but he can’t help himself but kiss top of your head and closes his eyes also falling asleep with the person he loves on his arms safe and sound.
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whumpfigure · 4 years
Whumptober Day 1: Waking Up Restrained
Let's yeet out one of the two pieces I wrote for whumptober *nervous laughter*
CW: pet whump, box boy universe, creepy whumper, facility stuff, electroshock treatment
It's the first thing that comes to Agustin's mind as he gains consciousness. He turns around and pulls his hand up to cuddle Sofi - his little sister - to keep her warm. But he's quick to realize that he can't. His hands are restrained behind his back.
'What the hell...?' He thinks, as the memories of last night flood his mind. Writing his goodbye letter, going to the WRU main building, answering the questions they asked him, being led to that waiting room, and drinking the tea they offered him, and then-... he doesn't remember what happened then.
Slightly terrified, he forces his eyes open, and the bright fluorescent light makes him wince and shut his eyes for a few more seconds to get used to it. And slowly, gradually, he manages to keep his eyes open without watering, and takes a look at his surroundings. Everything around him is white. Not the warm yellow-ish white you normally see on walls. But a pure and cold type of white. The kind that makes you shiver even if the room isn't cold on itself. Which is definately not the case here. Because Agustin felt the cold before seeing the white.
The room he's in is not big. And it's nearly completely empty, save for Agustin's body on the floor. There is a rectangular frame on one side of the room that Agustin can bet is the door. And for a second he considers opening it and finding someone to explain the meaning of all this. They didn't tell him he'd be freaking restrained and put in an empty room the first second! Not that it would've mattered of course. Agustin had made his decision even before talking to actual WRU people and asking about their training process. He had made the decision to trade himself for the safety of his sisters, when he still thought WRU was as evil as pet lib people pictured. Which is not true, as far as Agustin himself saw on his tour inside Facility 056. The trainee rooms weren't anything luxurious, but they were certainly better than the places he had lived in after his parents died. And none of them included empty white rooms and restrained hands and, as Agustin just realized, a door with no handle.
Just as he was in these thoughts, a beeping sound came from just outside of his room, followed by a soft shhh-click sound as the door with no handle opened. Agustin pushed himself to a sitting position as the door opened, revealing a man in a formal uniform similar to those he had seen before in the WRU building. He was fairly light skinned, and had brown hair that screamed expensive haircare products. And he was looking directly at Agustin's sitting form, with a smug unreadable look on his face. As if he was waiting for Agustin to say something. What thing, Agustin has no idea.
Realizing that it was probably his only chance at having his questions answered, he quickly asked, "Qué es esto? Dónde estoy?" What is the meaning of this? Where am I? And he sounded more irritated than he intended to be.
"Tsk, is that how you greet your handler, trainee?" The man - the handler - asked, in a perfect and unaccented English, and Agustin's eyes went wide. Why was the man talking English?
"Come on trainee, I'm waiting for an apology." The handler demanded, and took out the black leather stick that hung on his belt. "You don't want me to use this on you."
"W-what is it? Where.. where am I?" Agustin said in his own slightly accented English, and cringed at the way his voice was shaking. There was something about the man's presence, and the device in his hand, that was deeply unsettling to him. And he felt a shiver run down his spine as the man chuckled at him.
"Well you're in Facility 001, of course." He said matter of factly, and Agustin knew what that meant. He wasn't in Chile anymore. There was only one Facility 001, and it was located in the United States.
"B-but how?!" Agustin asked, and suddenly the weight of its meaning crashed down on him. He wasn't in Chile anymore. He wasn't near his sisters anymore. In fact, if the rumors about Facility 001's location were correct, he was far far away from them. And it terrified him.
"Uh uh uh, shut it now. Have you not learnt not to interrupt a gentleman's words? I was still answering your other question." The handler said as he took a step closer.
"I'm sorry.." He whispered, and tried to back away as the handler suddenly seemed too close.
"Hmm, now you apologize. I like it." He said as he came yet closer, and leaned over Agustin's small body. "But you know, you're a bit too late." He whispered the last words in Agustin's ear, before straightening back up and swinging the black stick out of nowhere.
As soon as the pointed tip of the stick made contact with his body, Agustin felt a pain he's never experienced before. Suddenly all his nerves were aflame, and all his muscles were tense as a tree, as electricity coursed through them. He heard a scream, but it took him a moment to realize it was his own, as he writhed in pain on the floor. When had he fallen on the floor again? He didn't know. In that moment, all he knew was pain, and pain alone.
But just as suddenly as the pain had started, it disappeared. Leaving Agustin a gasping mess on the floor. He attempted to get back to sitting, but his hands gave under him, and he hit back on the floor.
He felt a hand on his head, before its grip tightened on his hair, and pulled him up by it. He looked at the handler with blurry eyes, as the man said, "I guess that answered your other question."
The man let go of his hair, and it took everything in Agustin to keep himself sitting.
"You'd better get used to it. You're gonna have to go through this, quite a lot." The man said as he started going towards the door.
"And oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm senior handler Marcus Craine. And we'll be spending a lot of time together." He explained, just before he went out of the room using a card. Leaving Agustin there thinking all sorts of 'what have I done?!!'
Tagging: @slaintetowhump @ashintheairlikesnow @liliability @ohmywhump @whumptywhumpdump @raigash @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @simplygrimly @whump-it @oceanthesarcasamfox @inky-whump @whumppsychology @inaridriscoll @rivertamandspike @spookyboywhump @faewhump @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @whumpzone @sola-whumping @whumpsy-daisies @crystalrainwing @whumptober2020
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