#i had a really nice morning !! and got some cute and pink things
hythlodaes · 6 months
merry christmas i love you all so much 🩷
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scorpioracha · 4 months
Dating Yoongi
We've finally got the dating Yoongi headcanons!! I'm sorry it took so long but boy is it lengthy so strap in. this is not proofread and im fucking exhausted so edits to be done eventually. if you enjoy reblog, like and leave a comment. cw: does contain smut and one kys moment
Your meet cute with Yoongi ended up being more of a meet awkward than anything. It was 3am at one of the many random convenience stores in Gangnam and you were exhausted, exhausted and hungry. You were doing a year in Seoul for your major and the timezones were really fucking you up. Puffy sleepy eyes,glasses on and a sleep mask resting on your forehead made quite the picture.
It was also quite the picture when you ran into a rack of honey butter chips and wiped out on the floor.
Full wipeout.
Legs up,gravity turned on its head wiped out.
Thankfully the only thing wounded was your pride, but you kinda wished you knocked yourself out so you couldn’t see the handsome man towering over laughing so hard his eyes practically disappeared and a gummy smile on his face. He had a cup of ice and one of those americano packets balanced in one hand and a helmet dangling in his other.
“Huh?”you said in a daze. 
“Gwaenchana?”he purred in a low rumble. He looked at your lost expression and sucked in a breath.
“Are you okay?”It was a little clunky and half mumbled but you didn’t want to put this man through any more mental torment so you nodded quickly.
“Ne, na gwaenchana!”you replied and quickly scrambled to your feet, almost falling once again because your ankle decided now was the time to roll. He quickly reached out and steadied you, looking at you with so much bewilderment the whole situation felt comical. He looked at the hand that still rested on your arm and quickly pulled it away, you swear you saw his pale cheeks turn pink.
“Um…”he rumbled, looking at you with weary eyes. “stay”
You nodded with wide eyes as you watched this random man run around the convenience store and come back with a juice box and a random red pouch. He looked at you and held up each one.
“Bae juice”
He held up the red pouch. “Hong sam jelly for sukchwi…one moment”
He pulled out his phone and typed quickly. He held the phone to his ear and hummed.
“For hangover”he said, pointing to the two items again. Your eyes widened and you shook your head rapidly. You weren’t drunk. He definitely misinterpreted the situation and just smiled, giving you a smile and waving goodbye before disappearing into the night.
And what do you do when a pretty man buys you pear juice and ginseng jelly in a foreign country?
You fucking c o n s u m e it.
And the next morning when you woke up late to your 8:00am lecture, you just blamed the crazy night because wow what the fuck happened.
You spent the rest of your classes thinking about that handsome stranger. Maybe you did hit your head because WHY didn’t you ask for his name or his katalk? You could have done the whole ‘oh handsome young man, I need to pay you back’ kinda schtick but your brain decided to cosplay the very first windows computer and blue screen the minute you looked at him. stupid.
“Stupid” you groaned, trudging back to your dorm. You had been blessed—got accommodations—for a single room so it was just you and your twin sized 
Oh yeah, and your pining. 
Couldn’t forget about your pining.
You needed a drink. A good drink,some good food and some cartoons to get your mind off this random man. Within minutes you had a bottle of soju and a hefty platter of tteokbokki on the way. Maybe you’d go out for bingsu sometime this week with the girls from your lecture. They were sweet and treated you just like anyone else despite the racial and cultural differences, doting on you as their new maknae and always making sure you ate between classes. It was nice to be looked out for so thoroughly, especially when you were so far away from home. You pulled your phone out to text them when you got a notification that your delivery driver was already on the way.
Huh. they were already earning themself a tip. You stood eagerly by the door waiting and even though you were watching the app like a hawk, you jumped when the doorbell rang and scrambled to open it.
“Gamsahab-”you looked up and saw a familiar set of eyes. “...-nida”
“Soju?”he raises his brow in a way that says ‘again?’. You felt your face grow hot and shook your head rapidly. He just smirked and handed over your takeout bags.
Once again you fucked up,blanked and forgot to ask for his name.
 Damn pretty boy with his pretty eyes and his stupid smile.
It was months before you had seen him again. 
Time heals all wounds and you began to move on. You hung out more with your friends, went to karaoke,saw the sights of Seoul and slowly but surely felt yourself moving on.
It was on a rainy day in May where you found yourself at your usual convenience store. The weather went from sunny skies to torrential downpour within minutes and you had just gotten your hair done. You were looking for an umbrella but found yourself in the snack aisle. 
Blame it on the wind.
What you didn’t expect to find in the snack aisle were seven men bickering. 
You kinda just stood like 🧍🏾‍♀️ until one of them finally turned and god he was stunning 
“Yah, Yoongi-yah!! Move and let this lady through!”
The ‘Yoongi’ in question quickly scooted out of the way, mumbling about how they were all in the way. 
That mumble…
“Yoongi..”you whispered before you could even stop yourself. His gaze snapped up and for once you caught him off guard. His eyes flitted over you rapidly and his mouth opened and shut like a nutcracker.
“Soju girl,”he whispered. Then the moment was lost.
"na iroumi aniya(that’s not my name)” you huffed in annoyance. You know there was an honorific you were supposed to use somewhere in that sentence but your point still stood.
“You speak Korean”another boy said and god he was tall.
“Yes I speak Korean”you said, tilting your head up at him.
“Hyung, you said soju girl couldn’t speak Korean!”a voice laughs. You squint your eyes at this Yoongi who seemingly wanted the floor to swallow him whole. He stared at you like he had seen a ghost actually which wasn’t making things much better. The tall boy sighed and took a step forward, bowing even. 
“I apologize for my hyung,”he said solemnly. “He’s usually not this dumb. I’m Kim Namjoon and these are my bandmates. What’s your name?”
You smiled and returned the bow, happy to finally have some familiarity, both language and warmth.
“I’m y/n”you said. “I think me and your hyung have some catching up to do”
Yes, to say it was a meet awkward was the nicest way to put it.
It was a fucking train wreck of events if you were being completely honest.
You had exchanged info with Namjoon seeing as he spoke the most English and was the only one who didn’t 👁️👄👁️ at you which was nice and had quickly become good friends with one another.
Seeing that their leader liked you, the rest of the boys quickly followed suit and you suddenly had a much bigger friend group than you could even imagine.
Yoongi had become a lot more reserved in a way that was off putting to say the least. You’d only ever spoken to him twice before but there was something off.
you’d asked Namjoon about it during one of your study/music/kill each other from frustration sections and he just shrugged mumbling something about ‘hyung being busy’ 
you rolled your eyes and grabbed your stuff to find out yourself. That’s what you get for asking a dumbass.
Yoongi had been exactly where you’d expect him to be, crammed into one of the practice rooms with his headphones and laptop.
“Yoongi,” you said, tapping on his shoulder. He spun around in a startle and looked at you with a relieved sigh.
“Oh god”he breathed out, “I thought you were one of the maknae begging for food”
You couldn’t help but to smile, all the prior annoyance melting out of your pores and back to the depths of hell where they belonged. Talking to Yoongi was easy, that is when he was still talking to you.
“How do you know I'm not begging for food?”you smirked, taking a seat on the lumpy couch.
“Well, are you?”he asked, raising a brow. You shook your head and leaned back into the couch.
“You’re off the hook”you said, “but I do have a question” “Which is?” “Why have you been avoiding me lately?”
The room grew silent enough you could hear a pin drop. Cornered was the only way you could describe Yoongi. His shoulders scrunched up and he seemed to fold in on himself.
“No reason,”he said plainly.
Your eyes narrowed.
“So you have been avoiding me?”
His eyes widened.
“That’s not what I meant-”
“Then what did you mean?”you asked. Your patience was wearing thin and your heart was racing something ugly.
“I was trying to give you space”
“Space for what? I didn’t ask for space!”you snapped.
“Space for you and Namjoon!”he snapped back, folding his arms over his chest.
“Me and Namjoon?”you gagged. “The last thing me and Namjoon need is space, please collect your dongsaeng cause he won’t leave me alone!”
“Well he’s your boyfriend!”Yoongi threw back.
“Huh?!”You shrieked. 
“It doesn’t take a genius to find out,”Yoongi continued, rolling his eyes. “So you can drop the naive act”
“Naive act—Yoongi, you think I'm dating Namjoon?”you asked. You felt like you were going to be sick. Namjoon wasn’t bad by any means, he was just so older brother coded it was disgusting.
“I don't think, I know,”he said. “You guys spend all your time together,you go on dates,you take naps together; it’s obvious”
“Well since you’re such a genius”You said, “How come you couldn’t tell that i’m in love with you?”
“Huh?”he said, spinning around in his chair to fully face you. You ran a hand over your face and honest to god laughed.
“Idiots”you said in disbelief. “You’re all idiots”
“I've been pining over you for months and this whole time you think i’ve been dating Namjoon”you said, shaking your head.
“You’ve been what?”Yoongi said. 
“Crushing on you”you emphasized, “You idiot”
“i..I don’t know what to say,”he said. You sighed and fully leaned back against the chair, feeling all the blood rush to your head from your bold confession. This isn’t how this was supposed to go.
“You can let me down gently for starters”you chuckled humorlessly.
“Let you down—what are you talking about?”he asked.
“Just reject me already!”You exclaimed, waving your hands frantically. You felt like a madwoman.
“Why would I reject you?”his eyebrows furrowed.
You were going to be sick.
“I’m going to be sick”you laughed, running your hands over your face and god were you crying?
“Why are you crying?”he rumbled softly, leaning in and wiping the tears off your cheeks. You just laughed harder, but that ended up turning into a sob because you were so tired. You weren’t expecting a fairytale but this wasn’t the turn you thought today would take. You felt yourself being pulled closer and you knew you should pull away, you knew better. It was all too much and he would just hurt you, but his hoodie smelled like coffee. His hoodie smelled like coffee and his hands were warm as they wrapped around you. You always wondered if he ran hot or cold, but he was neither; Yoongi was pleasantly warm. His hand had somehow wriggled between the two of you and rested on your cheek, rubbing the streaks where your tears trailed. His breath rose and fell in a steady rhythm and for a moment you felt weighless.
“What a mess, huh?”he mumbled, tracing his thumb over your temple. “I went and made all these assumptions…because I was afraid to say I love you”
“You love me?”you whispered. 
“Mm”he rumbled in affirmation. “You didn’t know?”
“No”you said, keeping your voice low, scared if you spoke too loud, the moment would disappear.
“I thought I was being obvious,”he said.
“I thought I was being obvious,”you said. You pulled your head back to look at Yoongi and that gummy smile was on full display.
“We’re both idiots”
Actually dating Yoongi went much smoother than the confession process.
In the early days, the two of you spent a lot of time in the genius studio doing parallel play, you’d work on your assignments and he would work on music. 
Obviously with many interruptions from the maknae line + hoseok, occasionally being prodded by Seokjin and Namjoon to eat,drink and get fresh air
Y’all needed to touch grass and they were sick of it
Being so close to the band in their early days formed an immeasurable bond between you all
But it also lead to a lot of sacrifices on your part that you weren’t prepared to make. 
There was the obvious like no posting about the boys on social media,nda’s up the wazoo,etc. This was all expected and you were willing to do so.
What you weren’t prepared for was how cruel the kmedia could truly be. You weren’t from here, you were a foreigner and that already put a target on your back. The fact that you weren’t thin or pale didn’t help one bit either. 
Thankfully, the boys and Yoongi reassured you in private. Namjoon did damage control and argued with the company to do more on your behalf, while Jimin and the maknae stood by your side like bodyguards wherever you went in silent solidarity. You were never alone. Jin dropped you off at university in the morning, along with Jungkook. Scolding the two of you to have a good day and to eat something that wasn’t chips. Naturally, Jungkook would bring you back once your classes were done and continued to gripe that even though he was older than you, he was still stuck in highschool.
You still hold this over his head to this date.
So thankfully, you had support. Support that if you didn’t have you weren’t sure where you would be honestly. It really felt like you all had become a little family, and being so far from home that was something you desperately needed.
Once the group got larger and was in a more stable position you better believe they all stopped holding their tongues, especially Yoongi. He could be a little hard to read at times but you were not expecting him to be getting himself into full on twitter wars on a burner account over you 💀
“Yoongi stop telling people to kill themselves”
Being in love with Yoongi felt easy, it was natural. He continued to take care of you in little ways whether it was packing your lunch,giving you transit fare or rubbing your temples when you were tired and falling asleep on him.
Our mans is definitely about that acts of service life. He loves quietly.
Pda made him want to die just a little inside but he wasn’t opposed to holding your hand. It wasn’t like he had anything to hide anyways, you guys were already public. 
He wasn’t the jealous type and although he’d never admit it, he loved how much you and the boys love each other. He’s got a bunch of pictures on his phone of you just in the dorms being domestic. You spent more time there than you did in your own dorm room.
 So although he doesn’t say it often, he shows it with every part of his being. The way his eyes sparkle when he sees you in the morning, his proud smile in your graduation photos. It also made his heart flutter that you got his dry humor and you dished it right back to him, smack in the middle of the maknae line teasing him and Jin about being old.
And when you learned Daegu Satoori from Taehyung to surprise him? Namjoon had to hold him back from proposing on the spot. And to think he ever thought you and Namjoon were dating.
Yoongi bits ✨tid bits about you and yoongi ✨
Yes Yoongi genuinely thought you were drunk and he wasn’t flirting(he got that nuerodivergent rizz)
When Yoongi told you the mint hair wasn’t real and washed it out you cried 🧍🏾‍♀️
You guys have two apartments together, one near Hybe and one in Daegu. You both prefer the apartment in Daegu because that means Holly gets to stay with you guys.
Everytime a new design for shooky it mysteriously appears in the apartment.
You guys have two cats per your request(a white one named sugar and a black one named gloss) the things Yoongi does for love
You guys have been happily engaged for the past year and he proposed in the most unromantic way possible 
Baby, Yoongi is a switch with a capital S
Now I have never met a non kinky neurodivergent person and Yoongi is no exception. He enjoys a good power dynamic and has definitely explored kink in the past with previous partners so he’s experienced.
 But Yoongi does occasionally just like to fuck, no rules no dynamics. Just vanilla sex
He’s a lot softer than his image and he honestly likes the separation between the two for his own sanity. The fans think he’s this no nonsense hardass, but he’d much rather praise and reward you than dole out punishments.
He’s a softie at heart and finds a bit of bratty behavior to be cute so you can definitely get away with a lot. Not to say he’s a complete pushover but he definitely will let a good amount of back talk slide before he puts you in your place. It's almost infuriating how calm he is if you’re the type that brats in hopes of a punishment. He’ll just look at you and laugh about how cute you’re being before returning back to whatever he was doing.
It’s pretty hard to tick him off but also not impossible, the easiest way to get him to snap is to mess with him in the studio; especially if he has a deadline coming up. That's how you end up on your knees crammed under his desk not even allowed to suck his dick but just sit there and keep it warm while he works. The condescending mumbles and coos he lets out while stroking your head is enough to send you careening straight into subspace. “Just needed something in your mouth, huh?”he’d purr and gently drag his nails across your scalp
Tongue technology. We all know about it, but you get to experience this first hand at your beck and call. Yoongi is the first one to admit you’re spoiled and when you’re not being a brat, all you have to do is ask and he’ll be in between your legs. He could and has spent hours down there teasing your folds and giving you orgasm after orgasm until you can’t take it anymore.
Somnophilia. This is a kink that goes both ways for you guys but honestly he finds it really hot when you take what you need from him. Waking up groggy in the middle of the night to you fucking yourself on his cock is one of the quickest ways to get Yoongi whining and gripping the sheets. Bonus points if you tie his hands up or cuff them to the bed posts.
He’s not really a fan of quickies and prefers to take his time, but he’s not opposed to shoving you into a closet and getting you off on his fingers if you’re getting needy. He just wants to take care of his girl.
Speaking of his hands, they end up around your throat and in your mouth quite often. Whether you’re sucking or gagging on them, Yoongi makes good on this little fixation and makes sure you get your fill.
He’s down to being pegged. Somebody had to say it guys,🗣️ Yoongi wants something up his ass ‼️
Whether you have him bent over a table or you’re tied up and he’s riding you, Yoongi does enjoy penetration and he’s not ashamed of it. He likes how dazed and pliant you get when he’s bouncing on your strap all flushed and pink and whining. it’s a rush to his head and sends him over the edge faster than he can get a hand on himself.
He’s a fan of cozy aftercare and pillow talk. After you’ve both cleaned up and the bed is moderately clean, he’s off in the kitchen getting snacks and water so you two can cuddle and recap what you liked and disliked. He gets really affectionate after he cums so it usually dissolves into him mumbling praises and kissing all over your face before falling asleep.
All in all Yoongi is the best boy.
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munsonsmixtapes · 1 month
lmao i’m a lil embarrassed for asking but i can’t help it now that i saw you said to send in a request. can we have more virgin!eddie x experienced!reader? maybe she’s teaching him how to eat her out properly and she’s surprised by how into he is and how eager he is to please? with some cute puppy eddie fluff pleeeease 😇 lol doesn’t have to be this at all tbh, just anything with that pairing fr 😅
No need to be embarrassed, lovely! I absolutely love this request and pairing! I was actually thinking about writing more about them, if people are interested!
virgin!Eddie x experienced!reader
cw: oral (f receiving)
This is a continuation of this post!
After your first time with Eddie, you had made it a very regular thing. It didn’t matter whose place you ended up at, but you’d always end up in bed together. You’d be tangled up in the sheets either until the early morning or until you couldn’t walk, whichever came first.
And there was never any foreplay or much kissing involved either. You’d just get straight into the act, desperate to have Eddie’s dick inside you every single time. And you were addicted to the feeling, loving how confident he was becoming after you had been sleeping together for a while.
He was now shameless about the noises he made and it almost seemed like he was making them supper loud because he knew just how wet it always made you. He was getting really good, almost better than you which you didn’t think was possible.
There was something about being with him that felt so different from being with anyone else. He actually seemed to want to enjoy his time with you as opposed to the others who were just looking to take whatever it was that they wanted from you. Eddie was actually concerned about making you feel good and wanted to be sure that you were enjoying it just as much as him.
You and Eddie were in your bed for the third time that week and but found yourselves only making out. No clothes had been removed and the two of you seemed pretty content with just kissing while sensual music played in the background.
His lips moved with yours and your mind started to wonder what his mouth would feel like on your cunt. You knew he hadn’t eaten anyone out, but maybe you could have taught him. Maybe if he told him exactly what to do, he’d be able to do it, making you feel so much pleasure.
You pulled away from him and looked at his face. His pupils were blown and his lips were pink and swollen from all the kisses you had shared. He was so adorable that it hurt with his big brown eyes that were always filled with so much love and his hair that was always messy even after he had just brushed it.
“I did something wrong, didn’t I?” He was always asking that and it made you feel bad that that was always a thought in the back of his head. Even if he did do something “wrong” you would tell him nicely and help him correct it.
“No, no,” you shook your head and moved your hand up to wrap one of his curls around your finger, twirling it around the digit. “I was just wondering if maybe you wanted to…eat me out?”
Eddie nodded his head vigorously and his eyes went wide. He was definitely more up for it than you had anticipated and that made you feel better about the whole thing.
“I can definitely do that,” he nodded again. “But…I don’t know how.”
“I could coach you through it,” you told him, a small smile kicked up at the corner of his mouth.
“You’d do that?” Of course you would have.
“Mhm,” you replied. “Do you want to?” He wanted nothing more and was getting so hard thinking about having his head between your thighs.
“So bad, baby,” his hands squeezed your hips. “You have no idea.”
You both sat up and Eddie got off of you, unsure where to place himself and you took him by the hands, wanting to have a discussion before anything started. You wanted to make sure that he knew that he could back out at any point and that he didn’t have to do it just to please you if he wasn’t enjoying it.
He nodded along as you spoke, taking in every single word as if they were very important to him. All of the talks you had had about consent were just as important to him to listen as they were to you to speak them.
“Alright, um, you’re going to want to get on your knees at the foot of the bed.” He listened and quickly got off the bed and lowered himself to his knees on the rug underneath him. You followed and placed yourself in front of him and took him by the hands.
You guided them up to the band of your panties and he slowly pulled them down your legs before setting them on the floor. He then slowly rested his hands on your knees and spread your legs, maintaining eye contact with you the entire time to make sure that it was okay. His eyes then drifted to your sopping wet pussy and you could see his cheeks blush.
“You’re soaked,” he let out a chuckle.
“Mhm,” you bit your bottom lip. “And it’s all for you, baby.” His cheeks flushed even more and you thought it was funny that you could make him do that just form a little comment. “Whenever you’re ready, drape a leg over each shoulder.
He did the action so quickly so you could tell that he was eager to get to it. He had definitely wanted it just as much as you did and that made you even more wet.
“Now when you get your face into it, use your tongue and lick back and forth to start.” He buried his face into your pussy and you let out a gasp as his nose brushed the sensitive skin.
He licked back and forth and you clutched the blanket underneath you as pleasure rolled through you. He kept going and you told him to suck on the spot which he did, eliciting a moan from you. He licked and sucked and you gripped the blanket even harder as your back arched in euphoria.
“You taste so good,” he told you before diving back in and you felt his teeth graze the sensitive spot, wondering where the hell he had learned that, but before you could ask, another moan fell from your lips.
“Sh-shit, Eddie.”
“You like that?” He laughed, loving that he was able to make you come undone for a change.
“Fuck, do that again.” He was quick to oblige and shoved his face back into your cunt, grazing it with his teeth once more and you reached your climax, letting out what Eddie thought was the loudest moan he had ever heard and was eager to hear it again.
“Could eat you all night, darling. Swear to god. Taste so fucking good.” He then replaced his teeth with his tongue, shoving as much of the muscle as he could inside of you and your back arched again as your knees pressed against his head.
Your moans has been muffled by your knees, but he could still hear them clearly as he continued to lick, suck, and graze it with his teeth. You had been eaten out more time than you could count, but this one was definitely the best out of them all. First off, he seemed so eager to please you, wanting to make you feel good. And he also loved the way you tasted, making sure to let you know while others didn’t seem to care enough to.
That was the difference. Eddie cared. He cared so much and always felt the need to tell you how much he was enjoying himself while making sure that you felt the same. It was all so important to him and that made you feel special even though you knew he would have done the same for anyone else.
Eddie removed his face from your cunt and you sat up, your breathing still labored as you looked down at him. You noticed slick dripping from his chin and just as you were about to let him know, he made direct eye contact with you and ran his tongue along his chin, getting every last drop before pulling his tongue back into his mouth.
“You’re so fucking hot,” you told him and pushed him to the ground before pressing your lips to his in a bruising kiss before licking into his mouth. “And by the way, you can eat me out anytime you want.”
“Oh, I intend to,” he grinned and you pulled him into another kiss, neither of you bothering to get back into the bed as you removed your clothes for the first fuck of the night, knowing that Eddie could please you just as much as you pleased him.
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4everhyucks · 1 year
— 6:08PM
cw. dubcon, sacrilegious themes, manipulation, loss of virginity, creampie.
it is just another sunday morning of you going to church, secretly glancing the cute boy standing at the front row while the priest reads from the gospel. it’s been a couple months since you found out that you developed a tiny crush on him despite not knowing a single thing about him, only overhearing some of his conversations with his friends on accident. that was how you got to know his name as well. you decided today will be the day to confess your love to him. you don’t really expect anything out of it when you do, just wanting to be honest with your own feelings.
when the church starts to clear out, you hurry over to him before he could leave, softly tapping on his shoulder, “mark.”
he turns around to meet your eyes, you’ve never once stood so close to him, suddenly noticing all his beautiful facial features.
“hey,” mark is giving off an awkward energy, barely noticeable, considering you both have certainly not interacted before. he adds, “do we know each other..?”
“no,” you’re quick to respond, “no we don’t, but i have something to uh tell you.”
“i’m all ears.”
you gathered up your courage and told him that you have a thing for him, you didn’t get to say much as he cut you off halfway, “so you like me?” he says, voice sounding cocky for no reason.
“yes- no- wait, i mean yeah! i do but i don’t uhm want anything from this, i’m just telling you, you know? you can forget about it, it’s not really that important.. it’s not like i wanted us to be together or anything,” you feel so tense, like every hair on your skin is standing up straight, you laugh lightly after you realise you have been rambling a whole lot. this is your first time confessing to someone, you’re not quite sure how to do it but you’re sure that you probably messed this one up.
mark didn’t give you a reply of any sort as he pulls you by your wrist into the confessional. you’re stunned by his actions, wondering why he brought you in here. you’re even more stunned when he stepped in too, tugging the curtains closed.
“what are we doing in here?” you nervously question him, standing together in such a close proximity is making you lose your mind. you can feel the warmth of his body on your cold skin.
“baby,” the word rolling off his tongue so smoothly like he’s used to calling you that. he places both his hands on your waist gently, slotting his knee in between your legs. you’ve never had someone touch you before, but it felt nice, it felt good.
“mark,” you whimper when he lifts his knee up higher until it hits your core. from the moment you opened your mouth to initiate a conversation, he knew you weren’t the type to go for parties, to go get laid and come for church to accommodate your sins. you’re actually as innocent as you look, and mark loves girls like you.
“yeah?” his replies, voice so gentle while moving your hips for you to grind on his thigh.
“feels- weird..” you mutter, fingers gripping onto his arm for balance.
“weird? how?” he asks, honestly not caring about what your response would be. before you could give him an answer, he adds, “want me to stop?”
you hastily shake your head. mark’s smirking when he sees your mouth dropping open. the sounds that leaves your lips made mark extremely aroused as he dips his head in your neck, the smell of your perfume intoxicating him, making his mind go hazy.
as if mark never noticed you every single time he showed up for church, the prettiest girl in the room, wearing the skimpiest sundresses known to humankind. he keeps finding himself jerking off to the thought about you whenever the hem of your dress flies up a little too high, giving him a whole view of your cute panty. on some days it’s baby blue, on some days it’s light pink with polka dots on it. all so innocent.
god must be on his side, for making his dream a whole fucking reality. he didn’t even need to try and here you are, handing yourself to him on a silver platter.
mark stops his movements when he feels your wetness soaking through his jeans. you are pushed up against the uncomfortable wooden prickly wall in the confessional as mark pulls your dress up, mouth salivating at the sight of your panty, white with a little pink bow on it. holy shit, you’re just so pure, way too pure for someone so dirty and corrupted like him.
“mark wait—” you softly hold his hands when he was about to touch your private part, snapping him out of his thoughts for just a moment but he’s already thinking of ways to let you let him have it his way.
“you like me right?” he tugs a strand of hair behind your ear when you nod, “this is what people do when they like someone.”
“does that mean you like me too?” you ask, gazing up at him with the most innocent looking eyes ever
mark hums, ignoring your question, “you’re so pretty, so so pretty.” and when he feels your hand leaving his, he wastes no time at all, shoving his fingers through your folds. you’re so wet, pussy dripping with arousal. you have both palms over your mouth, trying to stop the weird noises that were coming out on their own.
“does this feel weird?” he wants you to talk regardless of your hands blocking your mouth. “answer me baby.”
you slowly retreat your hands, “n-no, feels good..” accidentally letting out a moan when mark curls his fingers in you. shit you sound so angelic, and he wants to hear more.
“want me to make you feel even better?” he suggests. being the easily trusting person you are, you nod again with no hesitation. he slips his fingers out of you, placing them on your lips, “open up baby.” and you did so obediently, tasting your liquid with your tongue when he pushes his fingers through your lips.
mark unbuttons his jeans quickly, pulling his cock out of his briefs, lazily pumping it with his tip on your clit. you gag when his fingertips hit the back of your throat, tears welling up in your eyes. he retrieves his wet fingers, grabbing the bottom of your thigh, pushing it up to your chest. he glances down at your dripping soft cunt as he lines his painfully hard cock at your entrance, unable to hold out any longer.
“mark im scared,” your voice is shaking, you don’t think something that big could ever fit inside of you. you’re afraid that you might break, but mark wants to break you.
“don’t be scared baby, i promise it’ll feel real good.” already pushing the tip in, the stretch is unbearable, but you wanted to do your best, you didn’t want to disappoint him, you wanted him to feel good.
“so tight- taking me in so well,” mark huffs as he sinks his length into you all the way to the base, “see, wasn’t so bad right?” he lifts his eyes to meet yours, tears threatening to fall out of your eyes. mark didn’t think it was possible for his dick to get any harder than it already was, but it did.
“fuck- try to stay quiet baby,” he immediately starts moving after rushing his words.
“ahh i-i can’t,” despite trying so hard, gasps and whines kept slipping through your lips.
mark leans in close as he hungrily plants his lips on yours, swallowing down your pretty moans while he’s sucking on your tongue, groaning whenever your walls tighten up around his cock. while one of his hands are on the back of your thighs, his other is found wrapped around your throat, squeezing tighter and tighter by the second. oxygen is getting cut out of your lungs and with the way mark is pounding into you, it’s impossible for you to get a word out, much less a sentence. you can feel your knees starting to give out. you place your hands on either sides of marks’ shoulder, hoping he’ll go slower on you.
when mark parts away from your lips to let you breathe, you cough a little, “mark, i’m feeling weird again..”
“just relax,” he says, picking up his pace, he’s so close to finishing too.
with just a few more thrusts, you moan his name out loud as your body trembled, unable to control the volume of your voice. mark grunts at the feeling of your walls convulsing around him, letting out strings of curses as he came inside of you, filling you up to the brim.
“at least there’s something for me to look forward to during church sundays now,” you hear him say, feeling on cloud nine, mistaking his lust for love. never realising that mark did not once called you by your name.
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jjwantsme · 1 year
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pairing: jj maybank x kook!reader
summary: four times they couldn’t keep their hands off of each other, and the one time they were caught.
warnings: nsfw, piv, praise kink, oral (f receiving),boob sucking, public sex, spit, a little of sub!jj, degradation kink, cussing, let me know it i missed anything :)
authors note: this is my first actual smut on tumblr so PLEASE have some mercy on me 🥲
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y/n and JJ were truly obsessed with each other. not in a lovey-dovey cute way- i mean, that too- but in a lustful perverted way.
ever since the week they got together, the pogues couldn’t recall one day where the boy’s neck wasn’t covered in love bites, or where his cheeks didn’t have lipstick stains on them.
they thought- or should i say, hoped- that it was a honeymoon phase type of thing, that their sex life would calm down after the first few weeks of being together.
oh, how they were utterly wrong.
it’d now been a year and a half, and if anything, it’s gotten worse. much, much worse.
i know what you’re thinking. ‘it can’t be that bad!’
so, here i am, providing you five instances to prove just how bad it is.
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the first time
“J, we don’t have time!” y/n squealed when her boyfriend had pinned her against the door.
“no worries,” JJ mumbled as he kissed down her neck, “i’ll be quick.”
y/n had missed her alarm, after a moan-filled night, making her late for work. and JJ wanted to let her get ready, he really did, but how can he resist her when she’s in those pajamas?
it wasn’t long before JJ had his hand wrapped around his long cock as he pulled her lace panties to the side, “jus’ woke up so needy for you, babe. need to feel you.”
y/n couldn’t do anything but whine and gasp in pleasure when she recognized the feeling of his length destroying the walls of her pussy, her nails immediately going to his tan back.
“fuck, JJ!”
“i know, i know,” JJ cooed as he slid all the way into her, “jus’ let me destroy this pussy real quick, yeah? you gonna let me do that?”
the girl choked out a moan as she nodded.
he kept a tight hold on her, her back still against the door, as he began bouncing her on his cock, a groan escaping his swollen pink lips.
“y’gonna make me cum if you keep squeezing me like that, princess,” he groaned, before letting out a much louder moan, letting a hand go down to grip her ass.
moans filled up the entire house, echoing throughout the walls as y/n made it known just how good she felt.
“please, please cum, please, i wanna feel it inside me so bad, please, J” she started begging, making his eyes rolls to the back of his head.
“wanna be your cockslut every morning, J, oh fuck- i’m gonna cum!-“ she chanted over and over.
“that’s it, cum on my cock, baby, make me happy,”
she granted his wish as she felt her orgasm wash over her, his following close behind as his cock twitched before releasing.
one last moan fell from y/n’s lips as the bouncing slowly came to a stop, their foreheads resting against each other as they tried to catch their breath.
“damn,” JJ breathed out. “you gotta start waking up late more often.”
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the second time
“what about this one? is this dress okay?” y/n asked as she stepped out of the dressing room in yet another dress, JJ looking up from his phone and smiling at her.
“baby, you look like a goddess in everything you wear. how am i supposed to help you choose?”
y/n rolled her eyes but chuckled. “JJ, midsummer is in two days. two! i have to get a dress or my parents will be pissed; so you’re gonna have to start being more detailed with your reviews.”
she did a little twirl, “so, thoughts?”
JJ bit his lip, his thoughts becoming less and less pure the longer he stared at her. “definitely compliments the…chest area.”
“J, be serious!”
“oh, trust me, I’m being serious.”
he felt a smirk crawl onto his face, “how about i help you take this one off?”
“mm…” she couldn’t deny the fact that it was a nice idea. her fingers were tired from zipping up so many dresses, anyway. “fine. no funny business, though!”
JJ giggled like a little boy and quickly got up, leaving his phone behind as he followed her into the dressing room.
it wasn’t long before he had the door locked with y/n in his lap.
“babe, i said no funny business,” y/n whined as he began unzipping the dress off of her.
“mm, sshh, jus’ helping you get undressed.”
y/n rolled her eyes and began pulling the dress down, causing her plump breasts to bounce as she moved her body.
“goddamn, baby,” JJ whistled quietly as he moved a hand to grip her left boob, squeezing it lightly with his hand.
y/n couldn’t help but bite her lip, “J…” she warned.
“can i suck them, please, baby? please, just let me put that little nipple in my mouth,” he tweaked her right nipple with his index finger, making her groan.
“J, we’re in public…”
he smirked, taking her reply as a yes to his question.
“that just means we gotta be quiet.”
JJ dipped his head down, taking one of her nipples into his mouth as she immediately arched her back, making access even easier for him.
y/n ran her fingers through his hair, making him groan around her nipple before releasing it to bite hickeys all around her boob. he licked the mark he left and went to her other breast, nibbling gently on the nipple before sucking it into his mouth.
“mmh, so good, J. Such a good boy for me.”
JJ moaned at the praise, lightly bucking his hips as his boner became painfully hard.
he licked all around her nipple while continuing to buck his hips into her ass, trying to relieve his clothed bulge with any kind of pleasure.
“love being your good boy, love sucking on these pretty titties,” he fit as much of her boob into his mouth as he could, squeezing the other one in his hand.
y/n tugged on his hair in pleasure, grinding down to meet his thrusts.
JJ released her from his mouth and hummed slightly, licking her nipple one last time before moving up to kiss her red lips.
so much for finding the right dress, y/n thought.
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the third time
JJ pulled y/n into a closet at the midsummer party, locking it behind him.
“J, my parents will kill me.” she warned him, wrapping her arms around his neck out of instinct when he gripped her waist.
“not if they don’t find out.”
he connected their lips, a messy makeout being the turn out as their tongues mixed together.
JJ pulled away from the kiss, a wild look in his eyes. “you just look so gorgeous tonight,”
he began kissing down her neck, “wanna taste you.”
in no time, JJ had her thighs over his shoulders as he pressed a kiss on her clothed clit.
y/n jolted with a moan at the action.
he slid her panties down, revealing her puffy wet pussy as heat radiated from between her legs.
“such a pretty pussy, princess.”
he licked a long stripe from her entrance to her clit, making her cover her mouth to quiet her moans.
she knew she had to be quiet. their friends and family were just outside, after all.
he licked all over, connecting with her folds and sucking on her swollen clit.
JJ starts eating her pussy like a mad man, the obnoxious sound of him licking her weeping cunt filling the dark closet.
his warm muscle laps at her hole with a sense of greed as he whimpered into it, the taste of her pussy giving him just as much pleasure.
he made sure not to let her clit go untouched, though. spitting on it before reattaching his mouth to it, sucking on it as if it was his favorite lollipop. which, between you and me, it was his favorite lollipop.
it soon became too much for y/n, the sight of his head between her thighs mixed with the feeling of his tongue abusing her hole. she felt it before she even heard it, her orgasm bubbling before crashing down onto JJ’s tongue, him licking her clean.
JJ licked his lips before placing a few kisses around her clit, her hole clenching around nothing at the feeling.
he then looked up at her, eyes blown out and chin glistening with her juices.
“thank you for letting me eat your sweet pussy, my love.”
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the fourth time
it seemed like a normal drive for the rest of the pogues.
they all sat in the car on the way to the pier, kiara and john b in the front as y/n and JJ sat in the back.
little did they know, JJ and y/n were having some fun of their own.
“better keep quiet, baby,” JJ whispered into her ear as he had three fingers deep inside her. “wouldn’t want our friends to know you’re a dirty slut, would you?”
y/n shook her head as she bit back a moan, digging her head into JJ’s shoulder.
he moved his fingers in and out, a large cocky smirk plastered on his face as she whimpered into his shirt.
“you okay back there, y/n?” john b asked after hearing one of her quiet whines, keeping his eyes on the road.
her cheeks grew red in embarrassment while JJ’s smirk grew bigger in amusement.
she looked up him as she bit her lip, begging for any hint of mercy.
he looked at her then back at john b, “yeah, she’s good, her stomach just hurts.”
“oh, okay. probably just motion sickness.” he nodded in response, just as y/n came all over his best friend’s fingers.
poor thing. he had no idea.
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the fifth, and final, time
“we’re gonna get in trouble!” y/n whisper-yelled at JJ after he pulled her out of class, just for a quickie.
he scoffed, “yeah, right.”
he was right, though. they never did.
he led her into the girls bathroom, making her gasp in a mix of surprise and guilt.
“you’re a boy! you shouldn’t be in h-“
JJ cut her off with a kiss, which quickly became heated as he began unzipping his pants.
though, lucky for him, they were interrupted just before he was able to pull anything out.
“ahem,” the vice principal cleared her throat as she stood in the doorway, looking at them with nothing but pure judgement.
y/n immediately pulled away from the kiss, a mortified look on her face as she realized her biggest fear had came true.
they had been caught in the act.
“mrs. shelly-“
“no! this is unacceptable, and both of you will be following me to the principal’s office!” she scolded them before turning around on her heel and heading towards their destination, content when she heard their footsteps close behind her.
“well,” JJ whispered into his poor girlfriend’s ear.
“looks like our reign of terror is over.”
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anyasathenaeum · 1 year
"There's Only One Bed" Trope
Pairings: Vash x reader, Wolfwood x reader (separately)
A/N: Please be nice, this is the first time I'm writing for Trigun. I have no idea what I'm doing but here, have this I guess?? Feedback is welcome, just be nice please .-.
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Vash The Stampede
"I'm gonna kill him."
You and Vash both arrived outside the door to the same room at the same time, each of you looking at the other, confused. Only to find out Wolfwood had told each of you separately that you had this room to yourselves. He had been planning this all along.
'That sneaky bastard,' You thought to yourself, feeling a tinge of irritation at being set up.
"H-Hey! Please don't, I'm sure it was an honest mistake!" Vash chimed in, a nervous laugh escaping him as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Relax, Stampede, I'm not gonna kill Wolfwood. I might hurt him, though. He set us up," You grumbled, fiddling with the key to your room and just about tearing the door off its hinges as you entered.
"I can take the floor as long as you give me a pillow," You muttered tiredly over your shoulder to Vash, fighting to keep the heat from rising to your face.
You hated to admit it, but sharing a bed with the Humanoid Typhoon actually didn't sound too bad. Vash had been nothing but kind to you in all your time travelling with him, and you couldn't help it - the guy was pretty damn loveable when you got to know him.
"Oh, no! It's okay, I can take the floor, honestly, I don't mind! You can have the bed, (Y/N), you look pretty tired and I'm sure you could use the rest."
Vash's tone was kind, and when you looked over at him, he was just smiling at you warmly. You quickly looked away, praying Vash wouldn't notice, before humming to yourself for a moment in contemplation.
"Well, that's no good either. I don't know about you, Vash, but I'm fine if we share a bed. If you're not comfortable, though, that's okay, too. We'll figure something out," You offer, not looking at him as you feel the warmth creeping up in your face again. The things this man did to you.
"You sure, (Y/N)? I don't mind the floor, honest!" Vash asked, clearly not wanting to make you uncomfortable.
"You're not sleeping on the floor, Vash. You need rest just as much as I do. Come on, we'll just share, okay?" You stated, making a decision for the both of you.
The word that slipped from Vash's lips came out a bit strangled, causing you to look over at him, only to see that his face had become as bright red as his coat.
Stifling a laugh, you called out teasingly, "You okay there, Vash? You're blushing pretty hard. Cat got your tongue?"
Vash just gave a nervous laugh, rubbing the back of his head with his prosthetic hand, "I-I just haven't shared a bed with another person in a really, really long time."
You laughed softly under your breath, before walking over the the bed and turning down the covers, getting the bed ready for you two to sleep in.
"Don't worry, Vash. I promise I don't kick or bite in my sleep. Or, at least, I don't think I do."
"You're a cuddly sleeper."
You froze at those words, turning to look at him with wide eyes, "What?"
Vash let out another nervous laugh, "You become cuddly in your sleep. I only know that because one night you fell asleep next to me and you latched onto me and didn't let go until shortly before you woke up."
You felt heat rush to your face as you spluttered, "W-What?! You never told me I did that! Oh, my God, I'm sorry, Vash, I didn't know I did that, that's so embarrassing, I-"
"Don't apologize," Vash cut you off, a genuine, soft smile on his face and a dusting of pink appearing on his cheeks and the tips of his ears, "You were really cute. It felt nice to have you holding onto me."
"B-But what if that happens again tonight?" You retorted, slightly mortified by this new revelation.
Vash simply smiles bigger, his blush darkening, "You won't hear a complaint from me."
You were going to buy Wolfwood some new cigarettes in the morning in thanks.
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Nicholas D. Wolfwood
"Well, well, well. Whatcha doing on my bed, sweetheart?"
You sat up so fast you almost threw your back out at the sound of Wolfwood's voice, your gaze coming to rest on the man who was now leaning against the wall, cigarette between his smirking lips.
"Your bed? No, no, you're mistaken, this is my bed, Wolfwood. Meryl told me so herself earlier," You retorted, scowling at him as chuckled and stepped closer to the bed where you were sitting.
"Yeah? Well, little lady told me this was my room," Wolfwood replied cooly, his gaze resting on you as he chuckled again, showing you the same key as the one you had, "Guess she's played us both."
"Well, I got here first, so get out, Wolfwood," You hissed as you glared at him, annoyed at how relaxed and unbothered he seemed. He just always knew how to get under your skin.
"Yikes, don't you know God frowns on those unwilling to share, (Y/N)?"
The smirk on Wolfwood's face made you either want to hit him or kiss him, or possibly both, in that order.
"Oh, shut it, Wolfwood. You're not even that good a priest, so you don't get to pull that crap on me."
You stood up, getting closer to him, your hands crossed over your chest as you gazed at him, trying to be as cool and collected as he was, "So, what do we do?"
Wolfwood's eyebrows raised, an expression crossing his face that you couldn't pin for a split second before he smirked again, "We could always share, ya know."
"You. Share a bed. With me?" You reiterate slowly, your eyes narrowing as you looked at him, "Why on Earth would you do that? I mean, it's pretty obvious you can't stand me, so why would you offer to share a bed with me?"
Now an expression you'd never seen before on him but certainly recognized flashed across Wolfwoods face - surprise.
"You think I can't stand you?"
You shrugged your shoulders, trying to be nonchalant about it, "Well, yeah. You're always trying to make me mad or get a reaction out of me, you insult me, you condescendingly call me "sweetheart", the list goes on. I can't really see how that points to anything but you disliking me, Wolfwood."
You blinked. "What?"
"Nicholas. My name. Call me by my name."
Wolfwood's voice was gruff, his eyes watching you carefully as he spoke. He could see your eyes widening in surprise and confusion, to which he took the opportunity to step forward until he was just a little too close to you, getting up into your personal space.
"And listen, sweetheart, I don't dislike you. It's just fun seeing you squirm and get riled up - you're cute when you're angry."
Before you could even begin to process what Wolfwood had just said, he brushed past you, sitting down on the bed and patting the spot next to him with a smirk, his tone gently teasing.
"Come on, sweetheart. Lemme show you just how much I like you."
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shankschewtoy · 1 year
can I have a shy yet a very good drawer GN!Reader who still hasn’t confessed their feelings X Law, Sanji, and Zoro?
Much platonic love And a happi day/night to you! ✨😀
a/n - awww this is so cute anon 💜💜 much love to you as well :)
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, none
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- Zoro is on the shyer side as well, so you both can enjoy some pretty comfortable silences (he’s sleeping)
- he won’t ever admit it.. but he really likes it when you just sit by him while he trains just to keep him some company
- he wouldn’t enjoy anyone else but you, you’re like a little anchor for him to remind him that someone’s always there for him
- you’re an artist, he knows that VERY well. He’s peeked at a couple of your sketches of chopper and Robin, let’s just say he’s very impatiently waiting for his
- pls you ended up sketching Sanji first and he saw that and almost crumpled it up
- didn’t want to ruin or waste your beautiful talent tho
- one day, when he was training, you saw him lifting his weights per usual, swinging his katana, as well as squat jumping and all that
- he looked- unusually perfect today (not that he didn’t before) but- his expression, as well as his figure was almost picturesque
- you started sketching almost immediately, not even knowing your hand could move that fast. You were scribbling so intensely that the lead broke several times, much to your disdain
- “Y/n can you hand me the towel.”
- ….
- “Hello?????”
- he ended up walking over there while you were entranced in your drawing, finally finishing a rough sketch of the quite beautiful “model” zoro
- he saw it and had trouble keeping his jaw from dropping
- he walked back in front of you, surprising you when he threw an eraser at your forehead to snap you out of it
- “Look, this pose is better right?”
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- you closed your sketchbook almost immediately.
- oh shit, he saw it
- “make sure my biceps look big please.”
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- Law is a man of very few words, and when he speaks they’re almost always very negative or pessimistic
- but he can never seem to say anything negative about you or else I’d beat his ass
- he knows you’re an artist, and that you mainly just like to draw in your alone time, it’s a nice private activity
- mans a stalker
- will literally find the perfect window to your room just to take a peek at your drawings
- why are they all of Bepo and not him
- stormed off like a little baby 💀
- as you can see, he doesn’t get jealous easily
- he hasn’t confessed to you, but it was extremely obvious to the entire crew…
- you two always had tea together in the morning, sat together in down time, went over plans, and even talked normally together (which he literally never does)
- but- you’re lowkey oblivious asf so you don’t pick up the cues 🥰
- you two were drinking tea together, bright and early as he read the newspaper, and you took out your sketchbook
- the rays of sun coming through the tinted windows of the polar tang lit up his tan, cool toned skin perfectly
- he didn’t have his hat on to cover any of his scraggly features. The bags under his eyes, his intense gray eyes, sharp jawline, goatee, everything about him was accentuated in the light
- you started to draw this very bigass crush of yours in the most detailed way possible
- the silence was almost too peaceful for Law, part of him wanted to initiate a normal conversation, maybe- “how are you today?” But the poor guy was too nervous to talk around you
- he peeked over your shoulder to see you furiously adding details to his drawing
- damn he looked good- did he look like that????
- man thought he was so ugly 💀
- hey maybe let’s give y/n a compliment right? That’s the normal thing to do!
- he had a tint of pink on his cheeks, and couldn’t think of anything to say other than, “Why are my eye bags so big.”
- law 💀
- GOD FUCKING DAMMIT I DIDN’T MEAN TO SAY THAT - law having and existential crisis
- Corazon be disappointed up in heaven 💀
- “because you have ginormous eyebags???”
- …
- watch him wear concealer now 😭😭😭
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a/n - I loved this an ungodly amount lmao
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killersfool · 6 months
hiiii i’ve a wee fluff imagine idea for bobby!! : )
bobby and the reader live together in a flat in dublin and the reader goes to trinity uni to study english literature (or smt else that has like a lot of reading and essay writing anol that craic) and she’s falling behind in a lot of her assignments and it’s all piling up and she’s just all overwhelmed and doesn’t know how to cope.
she ends up breaking down into sobs or shutting down at random points in the day due to stress and rob hasn’t got a clue what’s wrong and keeps noticing these random break downs throughout the week.
basically he comforts reader and helps to organise herself and just all fluffy cute comfort fic <333
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If I could flip back time, bend the seconds and go back three years ago, I would do it right now.
Pile after pile of flashcards, annotated books with pastel post-it notes shooting out of the sides, folders of Irish poetry I can hardly understand, tattered photocopies of Hozier lyrics, every work of Shakespeare staring at me from my overcrowded booksheld — dusty, messy, probably even dank. Miss Carter has decided to set three more assignments onto my workload for the week. An essay on crime fiction (I haven't even read the first book on the reading list), my creative writing portfolio and then another essay analysing a piece poetry of my choice. Reading and highlighting Hozier's lyrics of 'I, Carrion (Icarian)' is the only thing keeping me going. Phoebe Bridgers blasts through my ears. It's quarter to 11. I need a break. An early night would be nice. Or TV. But do I really want to sit next to Robert whilst he watches his weird YouTube videos?
I kick my table. Not out of anger. Not out of irritation. I just want to see all of my notes topple ontp the floor. They do. Then I'm kicking the table three more times. Or maybe eight. All my flashcards are on the carpeted  floor, next to my discarded, empty packet of pinballs. I'd stolen them from Robert's stash. He'll never find out.
Climbing over my pile of unread books by my doorway, I push open the door. It squeaks. Some oiling would be nice. Trinity college really provides the best for their students! 
I still wish my roommate was also doing English, someone to bond with over shared trauma, to gossip about our nightmarish teachers and fellow students. But no, this guy is doing a degree in bloody mathematics. The complete dichotomy of English. No similarities. No way of comparing the courses to eachother. Him and his terrifying videos that he watches with his shoes up on the armrest, cheek in his open palm, drinking a cup of tea. Like it's that simple. Numbers and sin, cos, tan and circle theorems and whatever tragic nonsense is being spouted in his lectures.
He hardly speaks to me. Three years together and I barely know him. Sometimes I tag along with him when he goes out for breakfast. Once every two weeks. Sunday morning. We talk about school, about friends, about anything that pops in our heads. Yesterday we spoke about music. He originally wanted to pursue a career in music. A band. But they didn't work out. He took a gap year to pursue this group. So he's a year older than all of the other third years. He doesn't let that faze him. When he told me stories about his band, 'Inhaler', I had to lose eye contact, look down at the pink marshmellos floating about in my cup. He looked lost. This wasn't the place for him. He missed the confidence upon stage, the ability of making something out of nothing. Life is unfair. That is when I realised it. Hearing about shattered dreams and names of songs that were never produced.
I also realise life is unfair right now, as I accidentally bang my hip onto the kicthen island, the knife-like corner lodging itself into my skin. It's like the world is against me. 
Sometimes I wonder if Robert thinks I'm an idiot. I feel like I'm an idiot when I walk past his bedroom, hunched over his laptop, headphones on as he works through the most difficult maths questions I've ever encountered in my life. He makes university seem easy. Has his allocated times for study, going out with friends, the gym, practicing bass, going though record shops, meals, watching TV. Everytime he gets home, he drops his things down in the kitchen. I sneak a glance at the big green 'A*' on all of his test papers. I look up to him. His intelligence, his masterful management of time. I'm always too frightened to ask him how he does it. He'll think I'm stalking him. 
Me, on the other hand, I waste time. I don't have balance. I never have time to be with my friends. Always locked up in my room. A prisoner. Essay after essay. Poem after poem. Book after book. A constant cycle I've been in for three whole years. The stress is weighing down on me like a hundred bags of bricks. I need to stop for a second. To breathe in. To calm down.
So I do the last thing I would normally do. I go into the living room and sit beside Robert on the sofa. He's half asleep, jeans cuffed, hair all over his face. He sees me walk in, glances up, eyes big and speculting. He instantly moves his spindly, spider-like legs from the armrest to give me some space. I can hear some sort of maths video playing on the TV. I'm scared. At least it's not English. I'm immune to maths. It doesn't affect me anymore. Whatever logorhythmic scale this American YouTube man is yapping about isn't making my face contort at all — it's like sorcery.
This could be a way of winding down. Maths. I'm calmer now. No changes of focus or narrowing of perspective. No pathetic fallacy or magical realism. Just messes of words that don't really make sense at all.
"'D'you want to watch TV? I can turn this off if you want." Robert has his thumb on the home button.
"Leave it on. I just need a moment."
He dubiously puts the remote back down. He yawns, stretching out his arms and leaning back. I hate it when boys do that. With his parted, manspreaded legs, adams apple bobbing, head rolled back. It's idiotic. Completely idiotic. He doesn't seem too intrigued by Mr American man. The video is a guy next to a whiteboard writing millions of brain-numbing equtions. Robert is nodding along. I think I'm going to cry. I don't know why I want to right now. My hip is actually starting to throb and ache. I look down at my jeans. There's a hole in them. There's blood. It's wet. I hadn't noticed before. It's properly pouring out blood.
"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." I exclaim, hand pressing down onto the cut through my jeans.
Robert swiftly nears me. He's looking at me up and down, hands trying to find a place to move to. It's dark in the room. He reaches for the lamp switch. "What is it? Are you okay?"
"I'm bleeding. Jesus christ. That kills. Fuck me."
He passes me his jacket and says, "Apply some pressure." 
Then he runs out of the room. Fast as a plane. A man on a mission. Long curls dancing to the rhythm of his steps. Mr American man won't shut up about algebraic expressions. He's got a really bald head. Glimmering. 
Robert is back. He has bandages. I don't know where he got those from. Antiseptic wipes, plasters, sweets, even a cup of tea. He was only gone for about five seconds. How did he manage to get all of that? He hands me the cup of tea and sweets whilst asking, "What happened?"
"I walked into the island like an eejit. I'm so feckin' stupid."
"Just breathe, okay. You're not an eejit. I do that every day." 
I have to unzip my jeans to let him check the cut. Which is awkward, to say the least. He's looking at me like a doctor — not really caring about seeing my skin — but I'm still so shy around him. He sees me struggle with the button. He undoes it, fingers coming in contact with mine. They're slender. So very perfect for the bass guitar. Then he's unzipping my jeans. Only the tiniest bit. A mere centimetre of my knickers appear out of the top. Any more than that and I'd be flush as a tomato. I've always had a little crush on Robert. Being stuck with a really smart bass guitarist with the dreamiest eyes for three years is enough to make a person fall. The reason I've been avoiding him lately has been due to that fact. I don't want to make it obvious.
He finds the cut. It's bled through my knickers, making a big blot of dark red. He pulls down the waistband of my pants, prepared to wipe the wound. I have to grind my teeth together to prevent a sob from escaping me. I'm crying. Stressed and hurt and just wanting to dissolve into nothing. The cold draft of wind isn't improving the situation. If only there was no such thing as coursework and I couldn't glide my way through university like Robert. 
More and more blood. I think I might pass out. The blue-eyed boy is knelt down on the floor, knees biting into the carpet so that he can properly see where to put the bandage. 
"So how's English going?" He's not looking at me. Only at the wound. I don't think he's noticed that I'm crying. I don't want him to. I cover my face with bloody hands, accidentally smearing the metallic substance onto my nose. 
I don't know what to say. Do I tell him how much I regret picking it? Do I make this already awkward situation about ten times worse? I hate when people pity me. I hate when I feel like eyes are lingering for far too long when I cry. But when Robert looks at me, it's different. The pools of serenity circling his iris aren't looking down at me with a sort of aristocracy. That's how my English peers stare me down. No, instead, he's looking at me like there's a billion questions rushing across his forehead. He just needs to decide which one to ask. Or to simply say nothing. Like I am. We've both learnt how to cohabit in silence. To walk past eachother and ignore the feathers of conversation falling between us. We're busy. Always busy. Except for those perfect Monday mornings that I always look forward to. Especially the one time when he showed me around his favourite record store. He had asked me to choose him a record to buy. I walked through the entire shop, fingers shifting records, reading unfamiliar artist names. Then, I saw it, the — now bane of my existence — Hozier's 'unreal unearth'. He bought it. He'd told me he only really knew 'Take Me To Church'. I'd leant against the till as he paid and said, 'it'll change your life.' Then he'd locked himself in his room. Through the ever so thin walls — paper thin — I could hear each track hum into my room. I never got the chance to talk to him about the album. I think the thought of bringing it up made me feel sick — due to the English essay upstairs still waiting patiently to be finished.
Now there is an excuse. To talk. I'm injured. I don't want to move. He's still attempting to wrap a bandage over my stomach, then across my back until it's around my torso. I feel his fingers graze my skin with every subtle movement, along my spine, the small of my back, my abdomen, my hip bone. He's still looking at me. Searching. Like I'm a new island and he's an explorer trying to name me.
"What's up, sweetheart?" He finally talks again. His words are throaty, emananting from the pits of his throat. He's still wrapping, waiting for an answer.
"Just college. You know. It's killing me."
He shakes his head. "You're so smart."
"Says you."
He shakes his head. "Look, this might be a bit weird but sometimes when you leave random essays lying around or even creative writing. I read them. They're incredible. Your mind just works in such an interesting way."
I'm at a loss for words. He reads those? Those are usually just failed attempts that I toss aside. Scrap paper. Strange drawings. I don't even want to look at them.
"You get top grades in every test," I sigh. "I'm barely passing. I'm the worst in the class. My professors hate me, I've got so much work, I'm falling behind in every assignment—"
Then I'm properly crying. Sobbing. Breathing so heavily I think I might collapse. Heaving. Sniffling. Covering my face so he can't see me. I'm like a child. Pathetic. Stupid. Worthless. I was never good enough for Trinity. Why did they let me in?
Warm arms, press of skin. Just above the wound, over my chest, arms dig into my body, hugging me from behind. Head burrowing onto my shoulders, knees into the sofa. His lips ghost the back of my neck. Tears are falling down. He turns me around to face him. I hate how he's seeing me like this. My cries are usually saved for when he's out with friends or blasting music on his record player. He's never seen me this vulnerable, just utterly ripped into shreds by the hands of life. His scent is making me feel better, the tissue now on my cheek makes me feel better, the quiet words of 'breathe, let it all out, it's okay' make me feel better. He's calming me down. I start to forget what I was even crying about when I look into his eyes. This intense eye contact. Remembering his height. Even sat down, his torso is far longer than mine.
"I've got an idea," he murmurs, peeling his body away. I miss the warmth. I miss the touch. 
"What is it?"
"We should go somewhere. Get out for a bit. Say it's a 'mental health field trip'." He curls his fingers to accentuate the apostrophes."Maybe down to the Cliffs of Moher. When you're all healed up of course."
"Give me a week."
"A week? I'll be the judge of that." He raises an eyebrow, now tying up the bandage.
"Where did you learn all this?"
"I'm actually first aid trained. Did it in my first week of uni." He takes a deep breath, settles back onto the sofa. 
I take a sip of my tea. My eyes are surely blotchy and red. I bet there's mascara all over my face. "Thank you so much."
"No problem at all. Do you want to tell me what's going on? Is there any way I can help?" He's referring to my school work. "I was alright at English in high school. No where near as good as you are. But maybe another opinion might help you."
"I'm really stuck on a Hozier analysis."
"I never told you how much I love that album. It's perfect." His eyes glow like they do when he's talking about something he loves. Usually it's caused by talking about playing bass, but right now it's due to the beauty of Hozier's music. "I learned the bass line of De Selby part two."
"Show me. Now." I don't even ask. It's simply a demand. Anything to take my mind away from that cut still bleeding profusely. A little concert would be nice. Especially if said concert involves watching Robert play bass. I sometimes peek through the crack in the doorway to see him sat down on his bed, pick between his index and thumb, bass guitar on his lap, headphones over his ears. The pure concentration on his face is unparalleled. Notes thrum quietly through the room. He falls into any piece of music.
"Alright." He laughs at my enthusiasm. "Then I'll help with your English."
"Thanks." This is probably the most I've ever spoken to him. I'm mumbling each word, not wanting to look into his eyes.
He disappears once again. This time I hear the thudding footsteps over creaky floorboards. I hear a door squeak open, the faint patter of rain upon the ceiling, the quiet murmur of distant sirens as night blooms. It's tranquil. For a moment, I'm at peace. Until I remember the stack of unread books in my bedroom. I groan into my hands. Everything just keeps getting worse and worse and—
He's back. Not empty handed. Bass in one hand, Hozier lyrics and my pencil case in the other.
"I emailed your professor about the trip. I'm sure she'll be okay with it." He's off again. He comes through the door with his amp and lead. He plugs both in. 
"You're a life saver, Rob," I say.
He starts twisting around the knobs on the bass. Volume up. Then he's tuning. He smiles up at me. I think I'm staring. I think he can tell. His long fingers, tattoos, rings. It's all too much. My fingers are restlessly tapping the armrest. My legs are up on the coffee table. He pulls out his phone and plays the song. Then I'm lost in the music. His eyes are closed as he slides his fingers up and down the neck of the bass, as he stomps his feet down on the carpet to every drum beat. If only I could go back to the days I'd go to concerts every day. If only I could go back and see 'Inhaler' on a world tour, watch Robert from the crowd, completely in his element. Exhilarated, chanting, knowing every lyric like it's my mother tongue. Sometimes I wonder what life could've been like if the band had worked out. If the world did realise just how incredible they are. But, here, appreciating each pluck of every string, the grin as he watches me. I can't take that for granted. 
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doublellay-com · 14 days
I shifted??
I literally do not know how to work tumblr so please excuse me for that (and my spelling).... but I shifted. To my NCT Dr. To Januaray 1st 2012. So SM Rookies started in that year, and I had to have a meeting with my manager about it, because I might be participating (i did obviously). I wake up. 8:30 am on the DOT. bro I felt the breeze on my face, sat up and stared straight at the wall before blinking and looking around my room and KABOOM i realised I was in my desired realtiy.
It wasn't a like "oh my god!!!!!! I SHIFTED!!" type of thing, it was like "Wow, I... shifted?" Like, you know those nights where you have a nap after school and then wake up dehydrated at 3 in the morning? yeah it felt like that. Like, I stood up, slowly walked to the god damn bathroom which FYI is across my house.. all my blinds were open too like it was weird bc its one of those two story apartment things so maybe i just forgot the night before but idk. ANYWAY, BRO my apartment is actually nice. I scripted that it was funded by my jujutsu company because i originally moved to korea to work with some big jujutsu studio and gain a scholarship and stuff blah blah blah and it was niceee like holy hell.
Bro i get to my bathroom, which is pretty small, but like, it was so cute. My shower curtain was like frutiger aero style??? idk something like this:
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It was so cute, loved it. I had a big cart that was full of my hair products and stuff (i kept my CR hair type in but longer) and then when I looked in the mirror.... bro i looked so good. I had my dream body and everything like I WAS an icon like cmon. no wonder i had guys crushing over me in highschool (its because im a foreigner that was homeschooled in middle school)
ANywho, i freak out over that for like... 10 minutes. i had NO pimples, especially on my forehead and back, which is something i struggle with in this reality and idk whether i loved or hated it bc i enjoy popping them and ill feel around my skin for them and they werent there in that reality. I scripted they would be replaced as blemishes instead. which is a life saver fyi. I had to pee like really bad... so i did that and sat on the toilet for an extra 5 minutes because im back in 2012... in a foreign country. why am i in korea in 2012? becayse i chose it. like idk it just feels the same but like... like idk how to describe it like it was the same but not the same ykwim??????????????
I do my little, skincare and brush my teeth and then I remembered i have a phone... with johnny suh's phone number in it and exo and red velvet phone numbers in it. the butterflies and giddiness i felt in that moment.... holy fricking fuck?????? I basically horse jumped and ran back to my bedroom (almost slipping bc i had socks on, it was like the breakfast club intro), and YOINK my phone of a GLITTERY, PINK CHARGER, and flop on the bed like those girls in the 2000s movies. My lockscreen was me and my friend on new years, bro the fashion... it was like those hipster fashion you see in the old one direction imagines but we were so fine like cmon...
I had a few notifications from kakao talk and then from imessages from my family (in italy). when i opened kakao talk.. and could see the messages in my jujutsu studio group chat with other mentors (how i got my money), i quite literally could read EVERYTHING. like it was like speaking english, except it was korean. it was only our schedules for the week so it wasnt that important (I got to teach sunday morning for the littles, and then sunday afternoon with the teenage class, FYI they were a funny class I love them.)
also guess ehat.... i had a message from johnny j suh. I must've fell asleep because it seemed like he was finishing off on a conversation?? all he said was "lol thats so me, i got off so late last night". turns out he was talking about practice but whatever. I replied "haha, hope you get good rest then." and deicded to add a little 'xx' at the end to be flirty and END the convo. (this is my man bro im in love w him ofc ill try getting with him.)
eventually, after scrolling through apps such as instagram... which I was a little famous in ehheehhe and seeing my dm's from guys i went to school in ITALY... it was wild i felt so fine like whew whew whew (pro rider...)
i keep getting off track im sorry. I go make myself breakfast, which was a protein bar and a milkshake, they both slapped. I got ready and got dressed, I only wore leggins and a white top with a big fluffy jumper on bc it was WINTER. like cmon its cold man. but my fit was so chill and cozy like it was so tumblr 2012/2014 arian grande type stuff ykwim. i go out, GET ON A TRAIN, which is actually really busy surprisingly but... i got through it with exo and shinee in my headphones.
i trotted my way to the company and my manager is sitting outside waiting for me (impatient rat), and then like we went in, talked, i met a few trainees. and then apporved of me doing sm rookies and trying to debut and then i left. it was like 12:30 pm by now so i went and had lunch and did a few errands like pick up my school unfirom from the dry cleaners bc it would be my firs tyear in high school AND my first year schooling in korea (#scary). anyway... i didnt get to see johnny that day and none of the other nct members were in the company yet i dont think, so i didnt see them. i just did my own thing, went home, hot showered, skin care, hot cocoa and movie and then shifted back here.
it was an amaing experience,... it was so chill. it was just life?? like what youre doing right now, and what im doing right now is basically what i did in that reality. like its just living like... it sounds so stupid and basic common sense but im just living. surviving. exisitng. being a teenage girl in korea trying to be a kpop idol. like it was just.. idk it was so similar but so different like put me in korea in this reality to do abroad studying and itll be the same thing ykwim??
anyway... thats all that i have but its SO EXCITING LIKE please reach the right audience. this is too too tooooooo good. omw to try again! love yall gn
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feralforfrank · 2 years
🪐⚡️ bradley - rivals/not quite enemies - letting them borrow clothes to sleep in
(i trust you on this one 😉)
drunk in love.
cw reader is piss drunk, rooster is just a bit buzzed, they cuddle, me writing this at like five am on my phone. FLUFF. NON-DESCRIPTIVE READER.
a/n THIS ONE IS SO CUTE OMG. hope i delivered up to your expectations!!
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"Okay, come one, now! You've drunk half the Pacific Ocean in booze," Rooster spoke as he hooked his arms under you, picking you up from the car seat with ease.
"Fuck off, Bradshaw. I can walk to my own house. I-I don't need you driving me around like-like I'm some baby!" Your words are angry slurs, causing a faint smile to lift the corner of his lips.
Well, that's the problem. You weren't in your apartment. You were at Bradley Bradshaw's—your sworn rival's—apartment, and he was carrying you to his bed. You and Nix had gotten shit-faced tonight, so he and Bob had declared themselves your chauffeurs.
You slip in and out of consciousness with your head leaning against Rooster's shoulder. You half-notice Rooster changing you into his clothes. You want to protest, but his cold fingers against your boiling hot body feel amazing. You know he would never check you out while you're this drunk—he's being a complete gentleman about it. Another thing to hate him for in the morning.
He starts by taking your current shirt on and putting one of his that looks too big on you. He then unclasps your bra before pulling you under the covers and taking your jeans off—so he doesn't see something he's not supposed to.
You babble incoherent words as Bradley stares at your limp body. You'll be so mad when you wake up tomorrow—technically today—but at that moment he could care less. His place was closer to yours, and you looked ready to collapse when you came to the bar for another drink.
You wouldn't say why you and Nix were drinking so much, and that caused his concern to worsen. So, once he saw how drunk you were, Bradley Bradshaw did the impossible; he'd been nice to you.
"So hot," you slur and push the covers off, revealing the old band t-shirt he had picked for you to wear. It'd ridden up your thigh, partially revealing your pink underwear, and Bradley had to look away as he blushed.
God. You were in his bed, wearing nothing but his shirt, your hair splayed out behind you in messy waves. That was a memory he'd never be able to forget. 
He was supposed to hate you—really—for intellectual reasons. That's how it has always been between you two. You were fast and precise in the air, and he hated how lost he got every time he watched you fly. Rooster hated your recklessness sometimes. He liked hated watching you sing songs with him on the Hard Deck's piano, but even more when you danced.
He hated the way your body and hair swayed to the music on the jukebox or the piano at the Hard Deck, and he hated when you talked to Nix more than him. He hated your petty insults about his flying, and your sarcastic comments every time he brought a girl around. He couldn't have you as his, but he also couldn't stand the way you snarked a comment about each girl that walked in with him.
You just couldn't see he'd being doing it to get your attention. Like a schoolboy picking a little girl's pigtails.
Maybe this—bringing you to his place, letting you lay on his bed, staying with you until you got comfortable enough to sleep—was because he liked you. A lot.
He shook his head. Rooster will admit he was a lite buzzed, but he also knew these thoughts were a constant thing on his mind. You are a constant thought on his mind. He'd thought about how it'd be for the two of you to get along all the time, not only when you were piss drunk or celebrating something.
He has to get up—your perfume is intoxicating.
"No, stay." Did he hear you correctly?
"Stay, Rooster, sleep with me. Please, don't go." Your words are slightly muffled by your pillow.
"That's the alcohol speaking, sweetheart. You're going to kill me in my sleep once you realise who I am." The spark of hope he had, dies as soon as speaks these words out loud.
"N-No. I promise. Come cuddle me. I'm cold."
You don't need to say it twice. To hell with this rivalry. His house, his bed, his shirt, his rules.
Rooster stands up and quickly undresses, leaving him with just his boxers. Under the covers, your body radiates an insane amount of warmth, and all he wants to do is cuddle you as you had asked.
But he has to confirm you want to be this close to him. "Are you sure you want me this close to you? Cuddling you?" His voice holds uncertainty.
You hum. "I wouldn't want it to be anyone else," you say, so he puts his arm around you, pulling you close.
One thing's for sure, Bradley thinks, his eyes drooping, shit's going to get real in the morning.
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[ taglist: @roosterschanelslut @maverick-wingman @amnmich @mattyskies @wildcole @gretagerwigsmuse @bespinnn @collaps3r @caldodemazapangourmet @oikawasblueearbud @rip-tide @barryswifey @spookys-girl @lonelywitchv2 @j-deimos @heywheresemily @avengersfan25 @piceous21 @sarahjoestewy-blog @n3ssm0nique @mouseymagines @xx-kate-xx13 @vaporub4ever @reading-rosa @marie1115 @dxvanadeline @plaboneruda @awesomebooklover17 ]
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forever-rogue · 2 years
how about tasm!peter helping reader overcome anxiety, but she has a hard time expressing herself to others, even about anxiety. but peter wants to help comfort her no matter what 🤍 don't need to write this if you don't want lol
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AN | Okay, this got away from me, but I think it’s so cute! There’s also a first kiss🥰❤️
Pairing | tasm!Peter Parker x Fem!Reader
Warnings | Language
Word Count | 3.9k
Masterlist | Main | Peter
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Peter Parker was pretty. Really fucking pretty. 
That was one of the first things you’d noticed about him freshman year in your early morning biochem class. You learned, later on, that he was also incredibly kind, charming, and ridiculously smart. Like genius level smart. You knew he liked photography, which happened to be a hobby of your own. You wanted to be his friend; you’d thought many times about going up and speaking to him, but always talked yourself out of it.
Why would Peter Parker want to be your friend?
Instead you admired from afar, from a safe distance. But once you both graduated from ESU and went on to getting advanced degrees, you were sure that you’d never see him again. After all, New York was a huge city, and the odds that your lives would be intertwined enough to run into each other on a regular basis seemed slim to none. 
So - imagine your surprise when you started working as a research scientist at Biotech a few years and another degree later and you found that Peter Parker was starting at the same time as you. You’d done so well to keep your distance, to keep your feelings in check by being a silent admirer. But now, not only would you be seeing him every day…you’d be working closely with him in a lab all by yourself. 
You had no clue how you were going to survive, and part of you was tempted to quit and look for a different job, but you’d worked so long and so hard for this position that you weren’t going to just give it up. You were just going to have to suck it up. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
And it worked, surprisingly. Peter was nothing if not polite and kind, and honestly he was a dream to work with. The two of you had a certain synchronicity that just was hard to put into words, but you complimented perfectly. Despite your initial fear, working in a lab with Peter went well. The worst part was that it made it all the more easy to fall for him. But you doubted he would ever see you as anything other than the girl at work. 
“Hey,” Peter softly interrupted your silent prayer to release any feelings for him with a soft smile. It was getting later into the evening and you were both getting ready to leave for the weekend. You flashed him a smile in response but slipped on your coat, “I was wondering…umm, do you want to grab a bite to eat?”
No way. No freaking way was Peter Parker asking you to get dinner. Right? Right?
“I-I’m sorry,” you blinked a few times and looked at him with wide eyes. His cheeks flushed a pretty pastel shade of pink as he nervously ran a hand through his hair, “what did you say?”
“I was wondering if you wanted to get some dinner,” he repeated softly, shrugging one of his shoulders lightly, “you don’t have to if you don’t want to, of course. I just thought it might be nice to spend some time outside of work together.”
“You want to spend time with me?” your eyebrows shot up in surprise. You needed to make an appointment to get your ears checked. Peter would never want to be with you outside of work. Or, if anything, he might have been so lonely that he welcomed anyone’s company, “me?”
“Yes you,” he laughed softly and it was a sound you’d memorized over the years but still made your knees weak. He took a step closer and bit his lip for a moment, “let me clarify so we’re both on the same page - I, Peter Parker, am asking you, you, if you’d like to go out and dinner.”
“Oh,” every dream you’d ever had of Peter seemed to be coming true then and there. Peter liked you, Peter wanted to spend time with you; maybe you’d never been invisible to him after all. But no. You couldn’t…you just couldn’t. You were sure if anything he’d spend about ten minutes with you alone and he’d grow bored of you and make some excuse to leave. The idea that Peter would end up being bored of you was enough to make you never want to speak again, “umm…Peter, t-that’s really nice of you to ask. But I just…can’t. I’m sorry.”
“Oh,” it was laced with disappointment and you could see his face falling. You were pretty sure you’d just made things so much worse than if you’d just agreed on going, “no worries! I just thought I’d ask, it’s no big deal - maybe next time…well, enjoy your weekend.”
“You too, Peter,” you watched as he grabbed his bag and left, pausing at the door to turn around and give you a small wave. You returned and remained rooted in place, regret clouding your mind. If you hadn’t had such bad anxiety, you would have said yes. But the fear of messing everything up had been worse. You sighed at yourself, “pathetic.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
There was something quite lovely about New York in the middle of the night. The city never quite deadened, but there was a lull to life that made everything feel so much calmer than normal. That, combined with the insomnia you struggled with from time to time, was enough of a reason for you to venture outside. You grabbed your camera and slowly climbed out of your window and onto the fire escape, slowly making your way the several floors up to the rooftop. When you got there, you set out a long exhale of relief as you looked around the space and found the big blanket you stashed up here for times like this. 
It was chilly out, but it was exhilarating and made you feel more alive than you had all day. You walked around the rooftop and looked out into the city, trying to find anything worthy of your attention. After scouring for a few minutes, you found a gathering on one of the nearby streets and decided to capture it. You framed the shot, but before you could even press the shutter, you heard something loud fall next to you, accompanied by a small oof. 
You dropped the camera which was luckily around a strap on your neck and turned towards the commotion. To your surprise and shock you found Spider-Man looking right back at you. You gasped, hands covered your face as you looked at the man in the blue and red spandex suit, “Spider-Man?”
“Hi,” he cheerily waved before putting his hands on his hips and cocking his head to the side, “what’re you doing up here? It’s freezing - and it’s late.”
“What are you doing on my roof?” you asked with just as much surprise. You’d seen him on the news, read about him on the internet, but you’d never seen him in the flesh before, “you’re shorter than I expected.”
He playfully groaned and you were sure that he’d rolled his eyes under that mask, “first of all, I’m patrolling, and I happened to be swinging by. Secondly - I’m above average height, thank you very much!”
“Well, I don’t know, I expected you to be like…6’5 or something,” you shrugged, stifling a laugh at his distress, “aren’t you a superhero and all?”
“I am still a person-”
“With spider-like abilities,” you found yourself grinning in spite of the initial nerves, “so I dunno, I figured you might be tall. The news does you justice I guess.”
“Yeah well…fine,” he huffed lightly as you laughed at him. You could have sworn that he sounded so familiar and you couldn’t quite place it. Part of you was sure that he sounded like Peter, but there was no way that your crush of eight plus years and lab partner was Spider-Man, “but seriously, what are you doing up here?”
“I…I couldn’t sleep,” you found it incredibly easy to talk to him, nerves and anxiety the last thing on your mind. Maybe it was the fact that you couldn’t see his face, or the fact that you had no clue who he was, “I go outside when I can’t sleep…it helps sometimes.”
“It’s dangerous,” he reminded you and you shrugged lightly, “you shouldn’t be out alone at night in this city.”
“Well I don’t exactly have someone that’s just available to come out with me at three in morning when I’m dealing with insomnia,” if you didn’t know any better you were sure that he sounded concerned, “it’s not the first time I’ve done this. I’ll be okay.”
“You have someone now,” he insisted and your mouth opened in surprise. When he saw the visible confusion on your face he pointed at himself, “that way I know you’ll be safe.”
“There’s only one problem with that.”
“Which is…?”
“How am I supposed to just call you if I need you?” you asked softly and he chuckled warmly as if there was some sort of inside joke between the two of you, “I don’t think there’s some sort of Spidey Signal or something.”
“I’ll be here,” he promised, “I’ll know.”
“Sure,” you liked the sound of it but you highly doubted he would just show up when you needed him. He had a whole city that he kept safe, and you were just one unimportant, small person among millions, “thanks for the concern.”
“I care about you, you know,” he said it like it was something of some personal thing to him. He must have caught his mistake because he quickly cleared his throat and added, “I care about everyone in New York.”
“Of course you do, you’re Spider-Man,” you gave him a small smile and decided that perhaps it was time for you to go. You were about to turn around and head for the fire escape when he stopped you.
“You have a camera,” you looked down before looking back at him and nodding softly, “you’re a photographer?”
“Amateur,” you confessed with a shy smile, “scientist by day, amateur photographer by night. It’s just a hobby, but it’s stuck with me through the years.”
“Wow,” you could tell that he sounded genuinely impressed. Peter, of course, knew you were a scientist, but he had no idea that you’d shared the same hobby too. It made his heart melt a little more, “that’s really cool.”
“Not as cool as being Spider-Man,” you insisted softly as he made a small sound, “I guess I better get going. And let you get back to work…or whatever you call it.”
“I’d love to see some of your work sometime,” the small that worked its way onto your face was breathtaking and made his knees weak, “if that’s okay.”
“Yeah,” you nodded with your face warm despite the chill of the late fall air, “definitely. Well…I guess I’ll see you around Spidey.”
“See you around, smart girl,” if he’d had the mask off, you’d have seen the giant, dopey grin on Peter’s face. But he was gone, swinging back into the evening as you stood there and stared after him.
You were pretty sure you had just  befriended Spider-Man. Holy fuck.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You really hadn’t expected to see him ever again. But on your next little, a late night walk through the streets of Queens, he made another appearance. He swung over and gracefully landed next to you, easily catching up to your stride. You couldn’t deny that you were elated to have him there. There was something easy about talking to him, about giving bits and pieces of yourself to him, and taking what he gave back. He was always careful not to give too much away, not to reveal too much of his real identity, but you felt like you were getting to know him. And you really liked him. You spend weeks upon weeks of your evenings with Spider-Man, growing closer than you’d have thought possible to the masked man.
On the other hand, it felt like your relationship with Peter was slowly slipping away. After that first night when you’d turned him down, you created a bit of a divide between the two of you. It wasn’t for lack of wanting to be his friend or even more, it was just that you didn’t trust yourself around him. He made was Peter fucking Parker and you were just…nobody. He never made you feel that way, but that’s just what you had ingrained in your mind. And, to your dismay, Peter slowly pulled back as well, which you took as rejection, when in reality it was him not wanting to make you uncomfortable. Either way, you wished you could go back in time and just say yes to him. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Spider-Man seemed to notice your glum mood the next time he saw you. You hadn’t even gone out to the roof or for a walk, but he’d made an appearance at your bedroom window, gently tapping on the glass once he’d spied you sitting at your desk, typing away. When you heard the noise, you turned around and your face morphed into a look of surprise and then happiness. You rushed over to open the window and let him.
“How did you know which window was mine?” you asked softly as he took your outstretched hand and stepped into the room. He set his hands on his hips and looked around your room, taking it all in; your face flushed with warmth as he realized he was getting a glimpse into your most intimate space. 
“I’m Spider-Man,” he said as though that explained everything, “I was in the neighborhood and wanted to see you.”
“You wanted to see me?” your face softened and he nodded. 
“Can I sit?” he pointed at your bed and you nodded eagerly before plopping back down into your cushy desk chair, “I like your room. ‘s cute.”
“I…I never thought Spider-Man would be in my bedroom, I might have decorated a little more,” you joked and he laughed lightly, but he could see that your smile didn’t quite reach your eyes. He paused for a moment and you could feel that he was studying you, trying to pull you apart, “what?”
“You seem upset,” he whispered, leaning towards and holding out his hand. He hesitated for a moment, trying to make sure that he didn’t cross any of your boundaries, but when he noticed that you almost leaned, put his hand on the side of your face and gently stroked your cheek, “what’s wrong, my smart girl?”
My smart girl. He had a tendency to call you; you secretly loved it more than you cared to admit. 
“It’s nothing.” you insisted, biting the inside of your cheek in order to keep the tears from welling up. You put your hand on his forearm and gave it a gentle squeeze. When he made a small sound of concern in his throat, you couldn’t back the tears. A few pearled up and rolled down your cheeks, “it’s my own fault, it’s so stupid. Really, i-it’s fine.”
“It’s making you upset,” you could practically hear the frown in his voice as he used his thumb to wipe away your tears, “it’s not stupid if it’s making you upset. You don’t have to tell me…but I am here for you if you want to tell me. You can tell me anything.”
“It’s just…my friend,” you sighed lightly and pulled back, curling into yourself, “I think he’s my friend, anyway. I feel like I kept pushing him away and now I don’t think he wants to be my friend anymore. I don’t think he wants anything to do with me. We work together, and he almost never talks to me anymore unless it is about work.”
Peter’s breath hitched in his throat as he realized you were talking about him. He felt himself getting choked up as well, “what makes you think that?”
“I feel so dumb,” you shook your head, “it’s just that…I think I like him. I mean I do like him, a-as more than a friend. I’ve had a crush on Peter for a long time. Like eight years, but I’ve always thought I was invisible to him. But he just…he knows all these things about me, and it’s like…it feels like he’s always seen me, you know?”
“Why did you push him away?” Peter’s heart was beating so fast and hard he was surprised you couldn’t hear it, and even more surprised it didn’t just burst through his chest, “what happened?”
“He asked me if I wanted to have dinner with him,” you confessed as if he didn’t know all of this, “and I thought it was just as friends at first but I think he might have meant more…he seemed so upset when I said no. It made me sad to see him like that. I didn’t mean to hurt him or upset him, I just…I got so in my head and let my anxiety get the best of me. So I just said no.” 
“Did you want to say no?” he asked softly as you looked up and met his gaze through the white eyes of the mask. It just felt like he knew you, and that you knew him. There had always been that very familiar air about him, but you’d never been able to quite place why.
“No,” you admitted with a small, bitter little laugh, “I wanted to say yes. I want to spend more time with him and…I really do like him. But I’m afraid he’s going to get to know me more and think I’m boring or lame, or he just won’t like me. I have really bad anxiety and it really gets to me.”
“I’d never be able to guess,” he confessed and you gave him a small smile.
“It’s different with you,” you admitted shyly, “I feel comfortable around you, andI always have. I don't know why, but it’s true. That’s how I feel with Peter too, except that one time I clammed up so much and ruined everything.”
“I’m sure you didn’t ruin anything,” he insisted softly, and you couldn’t help but laugh lightly, “what’s so funny?”
“I don’t have as much confidence,” you shrugged, “how are you so sure? You don’t know Peter, you didn’t see the look on face when I said no. I…I never want to see that look on his face again. It made me so sad.”
Peter was internally debating on what to do. He could either tell you that it was him and risk the chance that you’d hate him forever for not telling you for so long and getting all of this out of you. Or he could continue on as Spider-Man and never tell you that it was. Or he could tell you tomorrow at work…as Peter. There were risks and benefits from each scenario. All he knew was that he couldn’t lose you; that would be too much.
“You know, Spidey, you remind me of Peter in some ways,” you whispered shyly and his heart plummeted into his stomach, “you sound like him. And you like a lot of the same things and I dunno…I feel the same way around you as I do around him. That’s never really happened with anyone before.”
“It’s almost like….” you stopped yourself, worrying your bottom lip between your teeth as you shook your head, “it’s silly. So stupid, really.”
“Tell me,” he asked softly, “please.”
You inhaled softly, your heart pitter-pattering wildly in your chest. It was your turn to hold up your hand and reach over, ghosting your fingertips along his jaw. He leaned into your touch ever so slightly and you could feel the warmth of his skin even under the mask. You closed your eyes for a moment before exhaling shakily, “Peter?”
He paused for a moment before taking your hand and guiding it to the back of your neck where you felt the zip of the mask. You undid it softly, slowly, and when he sensed your hesitation, he helped you and slowly pulled off the mask, revealing himself to you. 
You gasped lightly when you found Peter Parker’s glittering honeyed eyes looking back at you nervously. You couldn’t help the nervous laugh that bubbled up, and he visibly relaxed when you didn’t get angry. He held up his hand nervously, “hi.”
“This whole time,” you felt your face warm up when you realized that you had basically confessed your feelings to him, “I knew you seemed familiar, Spidey. I should've known that it was you. I’ve never felt the way I do about you with anyone else. When it happened with Spider-Man, I didn’t think anything of it. But it was you this whole time.”
“I didn’t know if I should tell you,” he whispered, “but I wanted you to know. And I never meant to make you feel like I was pushing you away. I just didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable….when I had asked you out and you said no, I thought maybe you didn’t feel the same way, so I thought it’d be best to back off.”
“It wasn’t you,” you promised, “it never was. It was me. Peter, I meant what I said, I’ve had a crush on you since that first day in biochem. I wanted to be your friend for so long, but just could never bring myself to say anything. I thought maybe I could use the photography thing since that’s something we both like but it just never seemed like a good time. And when we started working together…it was nerve-wracking and wonderful. And when you asked me for dinner, I panicked and thought I would surely ruin everything, so I took the possibility of failure away by saying no and making it impossible.”
“Ever the logical scientist,” he smiled softly, “my smart girl. But so you know, you could never have ruined anything. Do you want to know a secret?”
“I’ve liked you too,” he admitted and your heart felt like it was going to burst, “since that first day in biochem. But you’ve always been way out of my league, so I never said anything.”
“No way!”
“Way,” the look on your face was both pretty and priceless and he was dying to finally kiss you, “now you know all my secrets.”
“Do you want to know one of mine, Peter Parker?”
“I thought about what it would be like to kiss you so many times,” you whispered so softly that he was sure he wouldn’t have been able to hear you without his heightened senses, “I’d really like to kiss you now.”
Peter’s eyes lit up and you both leaned in, his lips inches away from yours. After a moment of hesitation, he finally kissed you, soft and sweet. He pulled back much sooner than you would have wished, his eyes searching yours as if to make sure it was alright. Your beaming face told him it was more than alright. 
“Was that okay?” he sounded so nervous it was almost too precious.
“I think so,” you teased lightly, “but I am a scientist and need more data to form a proper conclusion.”
“As a fellow scientist, I’m more than happy to provide all the data you could need,” he was grinning from ear to ear, “if you want that is…”
“Yes, Peter Parker,” you kissed him softly, “I would love that.”
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valentine's day with bucky
A/N: Happy Valentines Day! Enjoy this quick little headcanon I thought of randomly while on break at work lmao I thought it was cute and themed well :) idk it's super short, probably stupid, but i wanted to do something for today and this is all what popped in my head
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Before meeting someone, Bucky probably had little to no interest in valentines day in the modern world
Back in his day, though, he’d have a plethora of valentines. Was happy to give women flowers, take them out, have dinner, the whole thing. He’d rarely be a man without a date on that special day in February.
But times had changed and for a few valentines days, the holiday would come and go without Bucky even realizing it. Sure, he’d see the displays in stores and the couples going out, but he’d shrug it off.
Until he met you and suddenly valentines day had a purpose again
During your first together, I feel that Bucky would go a little overboard with it and you’d appreciate it but kind of also not take much note of it. In your experience, guys would go all out on the first valentines day but then by the second or third or fourth (if it ever got that far was rare) the enthusiasm would slowly die down
This was absolutely not the case for Bucky. The man absolutely adored valentines day
It always started right in the morning. You’d wake up to breakfast in bed. The only thing that would change is the type of breakfast. One year it was heart-shaped pancakes and then the next it was French toast with whipped cream and pink sprinkles.
At one point you showed him those mini waffle makers that can make waffles in pretty much any shape. (You got heart-shaped waffles that year.)
The breakfast was always quite impressive because Bucky was not exactly too up-to-date on cooking in the modern age. The variety of foods still sometimes could be overwhelming but he enjoyed trying anything when in the right mood. Often, though, he stuck to the basics and you appreciated that.
With breakfast would come your first gift: flowers. Bucky found very quickly that flowers had not gone out of style (it's canon, so) and when you two first started dating, he latched onto them as a sort of "safe" gift.
You never minded and sometimes your apartment could look like a greenhouse with all the flowers Bucky was gifting you over time, but you happily accepted them on valentines day. He always got you roses on valentines day.
Bucky is also definitely the type to make plans for you two on the holiday but then ask if you would like to do anything. He knows the day is really just about spending time with one another and showering each other in love but he wants to make sure you enjoy it completely, in every aspect.
He’d be very big on taking you out for dinner. I think once he got more comfortable in the modern age he’d be all for going out for a nice fancy dinner. He might need some advice, especially from Sam, on wardrobe and hairstyles but he’d be so excited to take you out all dolled up and show you off
"Jesus, how did little ole me end up with you?" Bucky would ask after letting out an obnoxious whistle when he saw you in your underwear trying to put on mascara.
"Bucky, I look insane right now."
"Impossible, sweetheart."
Bucky would probably be someone who enjoyed watching you get ready. I think he’d be amazed by all the modern makeup and outfits available for women to wear. He’d notice every detail of your outfit. He’d easily be the most attentive partner ever
After dinner is when you and Bucky would exchange gifts
Jewelry was also another thing Bucky felt was always a safe gift and he really enjoyed seeing you wearing pieces he bought you. You hadn’t been much of a jewelry wearer before Bucky but his enthusiasm for it definitely gave you a different perspective on it
Chocolates would be another safe, little cliche gift, but Bucky would also try to get adventurous with his gift-giving. Like I said, he’s attentive, so when there’d be even something small missing in your life, he’d try to help. From sweaters (because you complained about how cold your office is) to mugs (because you broke one that one time like six months ago), Bucky was always trying to show he cared and listened and wanted you to be at your happiest with him
On the flip side, gifts for Bucky could be incredibly tough. He’d always insist he didn’t want anything but how could you not when he was throwing gifts at you every valentines day
You’d go the typical route of getting him like a watch or a sweater. You’d try, even though you didn’t know what a man who had been through what he had would enjoy. You never got the impression that Bucky cared much for his own material possessions so you had to sometimes get creative with gifts. You’d given him a mini-vacation once, some gift cards. Once you got him one of those "name a star" certificates because he couldn’t hide his little nerdy side, and he found it quite humorous that he had a star named after him.
"Maybe one day I’ll fight an alien or something in space and get to see it."
"Bucky, I don’t know if that’s funny or not because it could happen with your track record."
In general, for the overall day, he would be so lovey-dovey, much more than usual which you were surprised was possible at all
He’d drown you in kisses, affirmations, wandering hands… You were completely spoiled by him and, of course, you had no trouble returning the favor
The day was about couples after all and despite Bucky’s protests that he didn’t need anything special for himself, that he enjoyed just making sure you were happy, that your love and appreciation were all he needed, you’d still try to spoil him as well
Others would of course give you two a bit of a hard time with how much you’d go all out for valentines day but you didn’t care in the slightest. It was such a happy, blissful moment
Truly, every day with him felt like valentines day, but that one day in February felt a tiny bit special, and the shininess was not wearing off any time soon
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fl3shm4id3n · 1 year
ₗₒₗₗᵢₚₒₚ ₚᵢₙₖ
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐣𝐨𝐤𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐛𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐥𝐞, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞, 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐩𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦, 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐦.
ᴅᴇᴊᴀ ʙʟᴜ x ꜰᴇᴍ! ʙɪᴍʙᴏ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ (ᴘʟᴀᴛᴏɴɪᴄ), ɪᴍᴘʟɪᴇᴅ ʀᴇᴄᴏᴍ ᴘʀᴀɢᴇʀ x ꜰᴇᴍ! ʙɪᴍʙᴏ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
Tw: reader is obliviously nice, mentions of zombies, killing zombies, some team mate discrimination?, Prager being nice to reader.
A/N: Idk if anyone knows or has played with game, I wanted to write something involving reader being like Juliet. Ik it's short but meh I couldn't think much to add.
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When the team had heard of a new team member joining them, when they saw you, they thought it was a joke. You were probably some daddy's girl who wanted to play military and got what you wanted. They did not take you seriously at all. You were nice to everyone you came across, others weren't as nice to you. They often tease you for being a bimbo, but you didn't seen to mind since you've been called worse before.
Not only that but you hated being in the base, you wanted to go with your team out in the forest and stuff, but you were always stuck doing paper work. It was boring, sometimes you wish you stayed on earth killing zombies instead of doing office work. After you finished your work, you'd be making paper airplanes or just draw with your pink glitter pen. You also hated hearing the people around you saying how you must be an easy lay or betting on who can get you to sleep with them. Sometimes you regretted accepting this job.
Even your team treated you as if you were a dumb child, who needed supervision. Majority of the time you'd be on your own doing your own thing, your team never seemed to invite you to do stuff. When you'd ask if they wanted to do something with you, they'd always tell you that maybe next time, but there was never a next time. You understood that they didn't want to hang out with someone like you, but that's okay.
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That day was just a regular day on the base, you were in the recom's breakroom sitting by yourself while the others did there thing. They'd come in and out, you'd say your good morning but they didn't, how rude of them. You were busy painting your nails a bubble gum pink then you heard someone approach you.
"Hello" you looked up and saw that it was Prager, you looked behind you then back at him. "You're talking to me?" you pointed at yourself, he nodded. "I don't see anyone else here but you" he said with a smile, making you laugh a bit. "Sorry, no one really talks to me unless for work purposes" you mentioned. "How have you been? Sit down" you offered, Prager sat down on a chair next to you. "I've been fine, these last few days were okay... how about you?" he asked. "Oh just the regular. Being stuck in here and filling out paper work, it's boring." You pouted.
It went quiet for a moment, but Prager talked again. "I'm sorry about them..." he said, looking down at his feet. "Don't be sorry, if they didn't want me in the team then they should complain to the people who hired me." You said with a smile. "I know but, regardless you're part of the team and we should treat you as such." He commented shyly. You couldn't help but think how cute he was. "It's fine, don't worry about it" you mentioned kindly. "Ya know what, we should be friends" you said, making Prager look at you. "I-I'd like that" he said almost shyly. You smiled widely then reached into the pocket of your skirt. "Here is a little something, I know it isn't big, but I hope you like it." You got his big blue hand and placed a lollipop on his palm. He looked at it for a moment then smiled at you. "Thank you, I appreciate it." He commented.
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ₙₑₓₜ ₚₐᵣₜ
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kaitlynpcallmebeepme · 8 months
Paint the Night Sky
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Paint the Night Sky
Bang Chan x member!reader (more like the love he gives all his members)
Idea: Based off of this: https://youtube.com/shorts/zQg00zBAK30?feature=share 
Member!reader and maybe felix takes bang chan shopping and gets him some colorful clothes and stay asks who designed it and he's cute about saying it was her 
Requested: Nope. 
Author’s Note:  I know no one asked for anything Stray Kids related, but I wanted to do something short for Bang Chan’s birthday!  (me face palming and picking this up a year later the day after his birthday, but on my birthday) I am working on some other ideas, including a pt 2 to Late Night Talking, a couple Spencer Reids, and Bucky Barnes one but I am trying to make those longer and more like an episode, so they’re taking a bit longer to write.  Also, if anyone is a STAY and wants to talk Stray Kids, message me because I would like some STAY friends pls.  Last thing, I couldn’t tell you what their dorm looks like now, so just imagine that they still all live together. I also couldn’t find Chan in a pink hoodie, but I feel like the pink dolfin one would be a hoodie he’d like.  The title also sucks. lol.
Requests are still open.  Feedback is always appreciated.  Also, tell me if you want to be part of a Tag List and I’ll tag you when I upload something new. If you want to only be tagged when I upload something for a certain character or shows, let me know as well.  
Warning: None, just general fluff.
Word Count: 570
You walked into the dorm with Lee Know after a bit of personal dance practice.  It’s nice to practice with everyone, but it’s also nice to do some one-on-one practice to really help with your improvement.  And who better than Lee Know to guide you.
“Do you want to help me make some food?”  Lee Know asks you as he heads toward the kitchen.
“Yeah.  I’ll put on something for us to listen to in the background.”  You pull out your phone and see that the recent episode of two kids in a room came out, so you put that on as the background noise.  
You start by cutting the cabbage to put in the tteokbokki.  While Lee Know searched the freezer for something to fry.  You both continue to make food for the boys as the episode plays in the background.  There’s one particular bit of audio that catches your attention though.  
Chan: "I need someone to go together. I can't shop at all."
Felix: “You Always Buy Black Clothes. You look like a Reaper.”
This got you thinking and you had to ask Lee Know to be sure.  “Lee Know-hung?”
“Does Channie-hung wear anything colorful?”
It took a second of silence for Lee Know to come up with an answer.  
“I don’t keep track of what he wears.”  That was the most Lee Know answer he could come up with.  “But if he does, then usually the stylist put him in it.”
“Yeah, he wears a lot of black.” That got you thinking and your mind set on what to do tomorrow.
You two continued preparing food as the rest of the boys came in from doing their various activities throughout the day.  When you saw Chan come into the kitchen, you enact your plan. 
“Channie-hung, you doing anything tomorrow?” 
“I was going to be in the studio then do Channie’s room, but I got nothing planned for the morning.”
“Good we’re going shopping.”  
“Ok.”  No an argument or anything, but Channie would honestly do anything for us.  
“Be ready to leave at 8.”
*Time skip to next morning*
You and Channie head down to the shopping district in Seoul.  Could you have done this online? Yes. But it’s like Christmas shopping.  It’s better when you get out there and get the full experience.  
You had to pull Chan away from anything black and white because he has a million of those already.  You had to do that more times than you can count.  You ended up going with a baby pink hoodie and baby blue shirts just to ease him into color more.  
“You sure you like…” Before you could even finish, you were captured in one of Chan’s hugs.  One of the ones that is fruitless to attempt to escape.  
“It’s cute! I love it Y/N.” 
Chan wore that hoodie all the way back to the dorms.  You parted ways when Chan went to the studios and you went up to the dorms.  A few minutes later, you see the notification of Chan doing Chan’s Room for Stay.  
Transcript from the live.
“Hi Stay. Hi. Hellooooooooooo.  Welcome to Channie’s Room.”  
“Chan you look so lovely. No, Stays look more lovely.  Chan you look so cute.  Yeah, um… Y/N picked the sweater because I’m told I need more colorful clothes *stands up so Stay can see his sweater* it has dolphins on it. I like it.”   
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canonicallysoulmates · 10 months
J2 Main Panel Charlotte 2023
I put this psa in the post for the Gold panel but I know some see one post and not the other so before we get into this panel quick psa that this con took place while the actor's union, SAG-AFTRA, is on strike. This means the boys cannot directly name any past, present, or future projects. For the sake of clarity I will be mentioning projects the boys are referring to by name but please be aware that the boys themselves did not do that they complied with strike regulations.
They had date nights! Jared said that they got to walk around a little bit on this day, as well as on Saturday and Friday they got some dinner ❤️
Jensen says he has some stories to share, and before the questions start he tells one of them; a few months ago D went to a charity auction thing in Austin, and she bid on a race car experience at the Circuit of the Americas track where he would get to ride shotgun in an actual racecar and get driven around the track a couple of times. As well as get to drive an exotic car himself around the track. She gave this to him as a gift, and at first he thought it sounded fun except when he asked her when it was she told him it was at 7am on a Saturday so he was not happy. He asked her if they (she and the kids) were gonna go and watch him and she replied no they were gonna sleep so he was like whatever, he got up super early, went to the track and he's looking around and the people at the track go over everything, they tell him to go downstairs to see who his driver will be and then he can meet them out on the track. He goes and looks at the chart and at first he thinks what he's reading is a joke but it wasn't his car was pink with a rainbow unicorn on the hood, and they name their cars, his was called sparkles glitter hooves which it had written on the side.
So he meets the nice lady who's gonna be driving him and he could tell she didn't want to be there that early either but she runs him through the whole thing, he gets in the car it was a big race car a McLaren, and they get to the track and take off do a few turns and they're not going that fast but he thinks maybe she's just warming up. They get to a section of track that's a straightway, it's over a mile long he thinks this is when she's gonna pick up speed, and she tried but the car was not accelerating like it's supposed to they got to about 50 mph and she tells him that something's wrong with the car and he's like "you think?" by that point they were already pretty far into the track so they have to limp back cause there's like engine failure. They roll in and she does offer to find him another driver but he says not to worry about it that it's okay thanks, gets in his car and goes home. Like an hour and a half later he gets a text saying his car was ready to get driven around and he deleted it, it was not a grand experience and he wishes he had just stayed in bed. Poor Jensen 🏎️
I do find it cute, however, that Jared says that if someone knows somebody who can take Jensen around the Charlotte motor speedway to leave them a card and show him some speed.
Question time!
Do they have a story about an embarrassing or ridiculous injury?
Jared says all of his injuries are ridiculous and embarrassing. For example he ripped his pants on camera for all to see once; also he pulls his back a lot and not doing really cool things like deadlifts or saving his children from a bus but by bending over and picking up a pair of socks in the morning. It literally happened one time when filming SPN (he says when working together on something in Canada) he got to work and said he pulled his back out that morning and Jensen asked him if it was from working out too early. And he told him no, that it was from grabbing some socks from his suitcase. And Jensen was like "grabbing some sock? were they lead socks?" and Jared replied like "no, they were regular socks they had some holes so they were lighter than usual." 😂 That and also tweaking his neck when drying his hair when it was luscious.
Jensen says he hurt his hand the other day while he was putting some stuff away in a hall closet. It's one of those closets that has double doors but the hinges are really tight so you have to shut them both together otherwise it won't close and as he was doing so he pushed on the seem and it pinched his palm and it was so hard that he yanked out his hand and left part of his palm in the door. And you can still see where his palm got pinched.
Related to that a few days ago he walked into his daughter's room and she heard him coming and was running away from the door but slipped and fell and when he opened the door she was on the ground and he asked her if she had fallen but she was like no but it was obvious that she had cause she was rubbing her elbow and her hip so he told her he thought she did and asked if she wanted him to hold her so he gave her a hug, flashforward to when this happened to his palm and he hears behind him "do you want me to hold you?"
He told her no and that he needed for her to go to mommy for some gauze and tape but they didn't have any then he remembered that when he had been going through a box of stuff he had seen a post-production s8 gift from Phil Sgriccia who would send them funny gifts and it was a little survival kit pouch so he figured it would have some bandages he could use till he could go to the store but it was salt, matches and a little thing of Holy Water.
Jared makes a dad joke about how this is why he leaves his doors slightly open so it's not longer a door it's a jar. That's actually pretty clever, that got a chuckle out of me. x
Keegan is there and Jensen asks him if he puts up with those jokes, he replies yes but that they're great....and that Jared's also his boss and he's the most amazing guy ever 😂
Keegan, asks a question, in the last year what have they done in their life that made it 10% better?
Jensen answers make the bed first thing in the morning. He didn't use to do that, he would maybe get around to it, sometimes he wouldn't go back to the bedroom until the afternoon and see it still unmade so now he gets up and makes the bed. Then I guess he remembers he's supposed to be married and he adds he has to kick his wife out of the bed first and then make the bed.
Jared quips that he's tried to get rid of some of his perfectionist inclines so one of the things he likes to do is not worry about whether or not his bed is made but seriously, he will not get on his phone when he's on his bed even if he wants to return a text message he won't do it on the bed, he will force himself to get out of it, and then reply. Jensen demonstrates what this would look like 😆
Jared says that truth be told he had the problem of if it was the middle of the night and he woke up and looked at his phone to check the time he would basically end up mindless scrolling, he would check the news, he would check ESPN, he would be more awake so he would go to youtube and then an hour would pass so if it's not important enough for him to leave the bed to do it then he just leaves his phone on the nightstand. x
If they were forced would they rather have the other's face for a butt or their butt for a face?
Jared saysJensen's butt grows better facial hair than his face and Jensen asks him how he would know that and Jared freezes and literally goes "do I answer that?" No need to Jared, we know 😏
So he goes for Jensen's butt for a face and says he could shave something to make it funny or like a heart. A heart, Jared? You want to have Jensen's ass as your face and shave a little heart on it?
Jensen answers Jared's face for a butt cause he could cover it up with a pair fo pants and Jared says they better be see-through pants otherwise he'd be wasting a damn fine ass. Without missing a beat, Jensen goes "Jared, I don't know if you know this I already have a damn fine ass." Jensen we have established Jared knows a lot about your damn fine ass. 😉
Next question is mostly for Jared but Jensen can feel free to answer: when picking a spatula what is his preference wood, metal, plastic or rubber, and why?
He says you gotta go wood because you can control the whip a little better. That when you're making an omelette sometimes it gets a little aggressive and flings a bit too much- at this point Jensen cuts in and asks him when he's ever made an omelette and Jared jokingly says on an online game from his phone.
Anywyas, Jensen says you don't do wood because you have to hand wash it, and you don't go metal either cause that'll scratch up your pan, you want a hard plastic they're dishwasher safe and not mess up your pan. x
What's their favorite inexpensive brand for whiskey or bourbon?
Jensen says Four Roses makes a pretty good inexpensive whiskey. Jared agrees and also mentions what I think is Diageo - I listened to the clip a bunch of times but it's difficult for me to understand what he says - which is actually a company that owns a large amount of the brands. Jared also says he used to prefer scotch to bourbon but now he prefers bourbon to scotch he thinks he likes a little bit of that sweetness these days.
Jared asks the fan which they like and the fan answers Jack Daniels. Jensen mentions that Jack Daniels is the only brand Robert Singer drinks. x
Any advice for senior year and life in general?
Jensen says he'll give senior year advice and Jared will give the life advice. Senior year advice do as much as you can, sign up for a different club, go play a different sport, try a different instrument whatever it is you're into do as much of it as possible because this is it. You're not gonna have High School again, part of the reason he's on that stage today is because he did just that, in his senior year he was playing baseball but he left the team early to do a play. If he had just stuck with what he had been doing the past couple of years he probably wouldn't have gotten on a stage and been "discovered" so try to do as much as you can and try to get as much as you can out of the year, you'll most likely be glad that you did.
Jared's life advice is similar, he says kinda do what Jensen said for the rest of your life. He remembers when he was a senior something was so scary about it because it was the finale of him knowing what to do with his life but the day after you graduate you wake up and you'll still be you and see there's something else for you to do so don't get overwhelmed by the seeming closure and finale of it just remember this is just a year in your life and if you're as fortunate as they were able to be where High School was four years of their 40-something year lives, you have your next 4 year growth cycle, your next 2 year growth cycle so this is just part of your life. Your life is not about to end it's about to begin. There's something strange and really scary but it should be scary if you feel some fear or trepidation about school being over that's okay but a year from now you're going to be in your next phase of your life. Somethings might look different especially if you follow as Jensen says and keep expanding your horizons, a lot of things will look the same but you'll still be you so keep your eyes on the future. x
If they were Earth embassadors to aliens what would they tell them, and what would they show them?
After joking around about face/butt, Jared says he thinks he would have more questions to ask than answers to give. He would probably try and communicate they mean them no harm, and he thinks he would show them a young child, be like we mean you no harm, and look how cool life can be- Jensen says here take this one, it's okay I got two more, and Jared says I have three that you can have ���
But no, he thinks becoming a parent is such a cool promise like seeing a baby or seeing a young child and thinking they have their whole life in front of them, they're gonna be going to their senior year, they're gonna fall in love, maybe they'll have kids of their own it's how wonderful life can be down here so please don't destroy us.
Jensen concurs that showing them the best part of humanity probably the smart way of doing things. x
If they could choose anywhere to live other than where they grew up, or where they live now where would it be?
Jared replies he has a soft spot for Italy. He loves Italy so if he were to choose somewhere international it would be there, if he was gonna choose somewhere in the states he really likes the mountains a lot. Someone in the crowd shouts Virginia and he says Virginia is awesome. Jensen asks if just mountains, and Jared replies yeah, and then gives as an example Sun Valley in Idaho where he got married, says G's family still lives there and they go visit. He says the older he becomes the less he can deal with the 100 degree hot weather in the city so somewhere cooler. He likes North Carolina too, they have a friend who lives in town and he has a place about 20 mins away from where the con is taking place and it's great no bugs, no sweat, beautiful. The crowd is shocked by the no bugs comment, and Jared says he didn't have any bugs do they have bugs and the crowd collectively says yes so he says he doesn't like Nort Carolina that much, he likes it less now 😂
Jensen doesn't know, he says he thinks he's pretty happy where he is.
Interesting answer coming from you at this period if time sir, where exactly is it that you're happy cause door was wide open to mention Connecticut and yet.....x
The next fan is from London and y'all know Jared had to do some accents, I laughed so hard with "Wales" accent 🤣🐳
Is there a book that they have recently re-read, or a book that they have connected to so much that they would want to re-read it?
Jared says his oldest son is entering the 6th grade so he is reading some more advanced books that Jared too would enjoy compared to the stuff from kindergarden or 1st grade. For example he just read Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief and this year in his curriculum is The Outsiders which Jared hasn't read since before getting to know and become friends with S. E. Hinton, and he actually reached out to her to say hey and told her his kid would be reading the Outsiders for school and she replied to let him know the school and she'd send over a signed copy. So he's excited to re-read that its been a while, he did not read Percy Jackson with his kid but he would discuss the book with him. And that's part of his summer homework to read the book and be able to tell not just what happens in the story but also what it parallels to and themes it explores, but he's really exited to read the Outsiders again.
Jensen says he's not much of a reader but D is an avid reader and a book he sees her pick up again and again is A Confederacy of Dunces. x
When will fans get to meet the two luckiest women in the world, their wives? 🙄
Jensen says the wives might disagree with the fan calling them the luckiest women. He says he thinks they would do a con but that he thinks they find it kind of like it's the boys thing and they don't want to encroach. Jared adds that furthermore and he's pretty sure Jensen feels the same, and he says it sometimes kind of like a joke but he also means it who's gonna watch the kids? That he and G do trips just themselves but they'll try as best as they can to have one of the parents around just be a tether for the kids as best they can. That it's just hard to know that far in advance for them to plan. Doing cons is something he and Jensen love doing and the wives can hold down the fort. x
I am more than happy about the wives not doing CE cons but these are such obvious lies. Both D and G have done cons with the boys before so they clearly don't think of doing cons as the boys thing, G was even a last minute guest at JIB. The whole "who's gonna watch the kids thing?" for starters sir we all know you got nannies and even if you didn't you can afford one but more than that that question and the whole wanting one parent to be around thing has not been an impediment in G attending non-CE cons with him. Including in Europe. But really the most hilarious part is Jared saying that it's hard for the wives to know that far in advance for them to plan when, two recent examples, FanX isn't till September yet G had already signed up for it in July and if you're thinking that's just two months in advance Infinity con in Germany is in May 2024 and she was announced as a guest earlier this month.
Instead of lying and coming up with cheap excuses these men need to grow a pair and admit they don't actually want the wives at CE cons.
Last question, what was their favorite video game growing up?
Jared says if the aliens came to Earth and said they were gonna mess humanity up unless one of the Earthlings can beat them in a video game he would be like okay and say Smash Brothers for Nintendo '64. Jensen says Golden Eye. Jensen also brings up the theory that Mario's cathphrase "It's me, Mario" is actually him saying itsumi in Japanese which means super so what he's saying is super Mario, and he does say he doesn't know if that's true or not it's something he saw online. It's not! It was something that made the rounds on tiktok but it's not legit, it's actually a form of a dad joke. Itsumi is not even a word in Japanese it's a surname.
What Jared says about Mario being named after Nintendo's landlord is partially true, they didn't do it because he let them live somewhere for free, they did it because the employees at the warehouse which is what he was renting to the company thought he resembled Mario so they nicknamed the character Mario and then the creator Miyamoto found out about it and he liked it so he decided to make it the official name. Real Mario's name was Mario Segale.
J2 Main Panel Charlotte
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musings-ofthe-unamused · 10 months
As Fate Would Have It (BNHA)
Pairings: Dabi x Reader
Word Count: 1.1k
A/N: I do kinda wanna make this a series. I think it would be neato
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The club was busy. You sat at the end of the bar, swirling the glass in your hands. You watched the pink liquid form a tiny little whirlpool before sloshing around. The bass of the music seemed to shake the whole bar, the flashing lights giving you a headache. You had no idea why people wanted to party on a Thursday night, yet here they were. It must have been nice to get so drunk that you had no worries, no thoughts. Only alcohol and having fun. Of course, everyone would face the consequences the next morning.
It was only 12 am, but you had already been hit on by three guys tonight. One was too drunk to even register what he was doing. That encounter lasted five seconds. The second one tried immediately grinding on you when you walked in the club. You had pushed him away in disgust, his girlfriend coming to fetch him. The last one just kept talking and talking…You had to politely tell him you weren't interested before he left. 
Now you were about to get hit on for a fourth time. He was sitting two seats away from you. His hair was black and spiked up with gel. He had piercings on his ears, eyebrow, and two on his lips, while his arms were covered by two large sleeves. The clothes he wore were simple; just a black shirt and some jeans. But the most interesting part of him was a dark purplish burn covering the lower left side of his face. You gave the man a sideways glance, emitting a smile from him. 
"You come here often?" He asked, getting up and sliding into the seat next to yours.
You snort, rolling your eyes. "Is that the best opening line you could come up with?"
"I"m Dabi. What's your name?"
"Why do you want to know?
He laughed, the sound low and gravelly as if he smoked a lot. It wasn't often you went to clubs, and it was even less often that you told random strangers your name. But he was making you curious for just one conversation. So you tell him your name. 
"But I have other nicknames."
"And what are those?"
"We haven't gotten there yet."
He flashed you a grin, leaning back. "Then how about I give you a nickname of my own?"
"What would that be?"
“Hmmm….we’ll have to see.” He gave you a wink. "We haven't gotten there yet. 
“Alright then, Dabi. What do you do?”
“I’m curious to know what you do. You don’t often see a person with an aversion to alcohol in a club.”
“So you’re deflecting?”
“Yeah. It’s either a diversion from a part of your life you want to remain hidden. Something that you can’t control, even though you want to. Something that you’re not proud of. Or it’s because you’re so confident in your flirting skills that you believe it’s unnecessary to learn more about each other. It’ll end in a one night stand, after all."
Dabi raised an eyebrow. "I'm flattered that you think I sleep with people that often."
"Am I wrong?" 
"No." He leaned forward. "Do you want to be the next one night stand?"
"And get an STD? No, thank you." You crinkled your nose. 
"I don't have-" Dabi paused and then sighed. "You got a mouth on you. Is it because of that?"
He nodded his head toward your drink. You shrug and take a sip, the taste sending a shiver down your spine. Your face looked as if you just had something sour and your tongue stuck out. Dabi let out a loud laugh. You set your glass down. Dabi then took it, downing the whole thing in one gulp.
He slid the glass back over to you. "You don't like alcohol? That was a pretty cute reaction."
"Nah," I shake my head. "It's not really my thing."
"Then why'd you drink it?"
"Because I wanted to try what's popular, and that's what he gave me."
Dabi looked over at the bartender. His eyes narrowed for just a second, as if recognizing him. You studied him while he was distracted. Like every other fuckboy, his flirting game was mediocre at best. The conversation was interesting, thankfully. He didn't seem to want to reveal anything about himself, but neither did you. It made it all the more fun to talk to him.
The night went on as the two of you conversed. Most of it was meaningless conversation, avoiding any topics that might reveal too much about each other. The only things you had found out about him was that he smoked, he enjoyed listening to music, and he lived with an acquaintance (he was adamant on not calling him a friend). In return, you revealed that you also enjoyed listening to music, you love the rain, and you hate clubs.
"Really?" Dabi leaned forward, his elbow resting against the bar. "Then why are you here?"
You hummed slightly. "First, I didn't know it would be so busy for a Thursday. Second, I like to feel like a normal young adult that goes out clubbing."
" That doesn't make you sound like a normal young adult." He snorted, rolling his eyes.
"And sleeping around does?"
"Again with the bite, little flame. Don't get too feisty." He gave you a wink and a smile.
"Is that my new nickname?"
"Sure is. What do you think?"
"No comment."
Dabi's smile grew wider. "Hey, are you doing anything else for the rest of the night?"
You narrowed your eyes. "Why?"
"Don't look so defensive! I just wanna know if you want to get out of here."
"Nope," You lifted your empty glass. "Gonna hang out here for a bit."
"Then, can I get your number?"
"That's a no as well."
"Oh really?" Dabi laughed, lowering his gaze to stare at you through his eyelashes. "Then how can I see you again?"
You shrugged. "I don't know."
"Don't you want to see me again?"
"I'd rather let fate decide."
"I see," Dabi stood, sticking his hand out. "Then I hope fate makes me lucky. See you later, little flame."
You shook his hand. "Bye bye, Dabi."
As Dabi left the club, you turned your attention back to your glass. A hand reached over and pulled it away from you. You looked up to see the bartender giving you a look full of disdain. You knew what was coming. It's the same look you got after you interacted with anyone in the club for more than five minutes. With a roll of your eyes, you leaned forward.
"Don't give me that look, Hawks."
The blond man shrugged, pouring your drink down a drain. "Should've told him you owned the place."
"No. Because then he'd come here looking for me."
"He does look like the type. I've seen him here several times. Caused a fight once or twice."
"See?" You grinned, resting your chin on your hand. "Dodged a bullet."
Hawks laughed, throwing his rag over his shoulder. "Yeah, unless fate says otherwise."
"I doubt it."
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