#guy who spent so long being antsy because he was alone all the time
welleducatedinfant · 2 months
it’s time for a poet’s outing
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watatsumiis · 1 year
ro ro ro ro
🎤🛡💔 for whichever (or all) of your genshin men <3
*bites you (/aff) and runs*
ramblies below the cut awooo!!!
🎤: Describe your f/o’s voice
Ayato - His voice is a very soft blue with white cloud shaped spots throughout but with the texture of perfectly misted water. but theres also a little stream of water running along the underside. kind of a vaguely round-ish shape but also not. im imagining the shape of moving water when katara is waterbending in atla ? its very cold but not Bad cold, like.. like leaving the house early on a spring morning and taking in a big breath of that cold crisp air
Capitano - a deep deep navy blue, with very dark brown/almost black-grey sort of .. rocklike shapes along the bottom, but lighter blue upside down droplets near the top. theres also a sort of light to dark gradient descending with the blue ? its kind of shaped like a big rounded scale. a very tough texture but also sort of soft in a way? like touching a big snake
Zhongli - kind of like the texture of a big big gemstone thats been sliced in half, smooth but theres lines through it, you touch it and its warm, its mostly a deep brown but the gradient sort of fades to a similar amber colour to his eyes. but when hes speaking softly its like... soft, but not too soft. not mink but like that soft thats almost.. sticky feeling? it comes in like little clumps. it looks like the scales butterflies have on their wings, its whats on the inside of those oodies?
🛡: Who’s the more protective one?
Ayato - I think we're both very protective towards one another but in different senses. he's the 'traditionally' protective one, who is always going out of his way to make sure I'm staying out of trouble and not around anyone shady, but I like to look after him and make sure he's taking care of his own needs and isn't being overworked (even if that means coming up with an excuse to get him out of a meeting that has run way too long). I'm the guy standing behind him giving people the stink eye when they try to give him extra paperwork
Capitano - It's him. there's no doubt about it. he's protector coded through and through, to him I am just this pathetic little sopping wet pomeranian puppy fresh out of the washing machine with shaky little legs that needs to be kept on a tight leash or else I'll get myself crazy murdered. which hes probably right for that. i couldnt see myself surviving long around people like the fatui. im too impulsive, id probably get offered a beaker of glowstick juice from a dottore clone and gulp it down without thinking. though im definitely protective of him to an extent too (as much as i can be), fretting over him being sent into dangerous situations or having to work too much, that kind of thing.
Zhongli - it's him. without a doubt. im just a fragile squishy little human, he's an archon. he probably frets much more than he needs to and does lots of little things to subtly guide me away from things i shouldnt be getting into. i am my own biggest danger most of the time because i'm pretty clumsy and sometimes struggle to look after myself. id worry over him a lot, but he's probably pretty good at practicing self care so my worries dont have a lot of merit to them. he likes to let me feel like im helping though <3
💔: Is it hard being away from each other?
Ayato - For him, yes. Not so much for me. He spends a lot of time working and so I'd be pretty used to him not giving me much attention and the like, but I know I'll have his full attention when he does have time for me. but he likes the reassurance that he hasn't been forgotten about or isn't being ignored, so he gets kind of antsy if i don't visit him often enough, or tell thoma to say i said hi when he brings ayato his cups of tea <3
Capitano - Not particularly. We're both very introverted and benefit from alone time - I'd imagine a lot of our time spent 'together' is just.. alone time, in the same vicinity as one another. like parallel play. He'll be cooking in the kitchen while I'm sitting nearby reading a book, or he'll do some gardening when i'm out on the porch drawing or writing! Of course, we'd miss each other a lot, but I'd imagine we're separated a lot thanks to his work, so we've found our own ways to cope, and are careful not to become too reliant on one another. but id definitely miss his cooking and his cuddles (sob)
Zhongli - I think it depends. I'd get sort of used to having Zhongli around me very often, and having someone to direct my questions and observations towards, so him not being there would be super noticeable for me, and I think he'd probably feel at least somewhat similarly. We'd find ourselves turning to talk to someone that isn't there beside us and craving for someone else's company, but nobody else feels quite right. I'd imagine his loneliness gets a lot worse during the Lantern Rite season or on death anniversaries, when all the old emotions are being dredged back up - he'd sort of instinctively draw away a bit to grieve because he doesn't want me to see him all sad, but that in turn would make me sad because i miss him and would feel like id done something wrong :((
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cryptid-killjoy · 1 year
 Souvenance was always observed by this family. Being in Lothlorien wouldn’t change that. The Easter festivities went off without a hitch. It was always the pastel monstrosity. 
One of Valerie’s favorite scenes in the Addam’s Family is when Fester’s lover had tried to kill him for who knows how many times and separated him from the family and when Morticia confronts Debbie she says, “You have gone too far. You have married Fester, you have destroyed his spirit, you have taken him from us. All that I could forgive. But, Debbie..”
Debbie, “What?”
Morticia, “...pastels?”
It was the unforgiveable. The time Flotsam was Morticia for Halloween was still a favorite. Valerie wonders all the time how lovely she’d be now that she had the actual body for it. 
So of course the pastel holiday is made of mockery of in the Laveau home for fun. Oh, how many Malibu Barbies had been decapitated on Easter Sunday in honor of Debbie under Piper’s guillotines while wearing tutus and ballet slippers since she really wanted Ballerina Barbie. The Laveau kids and their traditions. When Piper started that one Flotsam knew he’d forever love that kid. The pastel paint ball course was a timeless one. It was about time to break in the Lothlorien woods with some color. The place might not have been as boundless as the swamps, but it was pretty sizable, and you best bet now that Chip was here Valerie found a corner out there somewhere to order in some hay stacks to give the feel of a mini course without destroying the lay of her land. He could do whatever he wanted on his new camp grounds, but she was keeping this place somewhat sacred and organized. Everyone was here so there was no way she wasn’t going to let Easter happen as always right at home. 
Especially, oh especially because Dale seemed antsy. Piper promised not to miss Easter with the family. So, she showed early face for PR in Peru in a cathedral over there. But, mostly she had a picnic breakfast with her papas next to Kuzco’s mom. That was the thing about being back in Peru The Groovemaster went back to all his old tendencies, habits, and routines. It wasn’t like all the years between had never happened exactly, but he stepped in right where he left off. Yell for New Groove Chef for breakfast. Stare out the big picture window at the water wondering about his dad. Visit his mom. Make elaborate plans with a marker on the window for escape for his day. See? Almost the same. New Groove Maid would come along to erase them to keep them secret still. Somehow it just didn’t feel like a proper plan without that step. He kept the blanket fort in his bedroom built in the original manner he had oh so long ago when he first brought Clopin there. Once he had staff hired he was asking people to do things for him and now it was actually getting done unlike his years at the Laveaus. He wasn’t actually complaining as much. That was a big difference. If Clopin instilled anything maybe appreciating what he did have actually worked. His new staff wouldn’t even know how much they should appreciate Clopin for that, but he sure didn’t mind getting out of doing things if he could. 
So the Troullifous were coming for Easter. Kuz simply made Piper agree to get him back to Peru before fireworks. In Peru Easter was a fireworks sort of holiday. It wasn’t like that in America and Kuz was a fireworks sort of guy. So, onto NZ they’d go after Piper stopped in through Feral to drop off Claudius and give that side of the family a hello. She had a little gift she wanted to give Maddy and Bastien besides the baby slippers Kuzco had sent out. She brought her bag full of tricks to the Laveaus too to share. But what all this really meant was Dale got to have some Piper alone time. Their real family all back together for the holiday the way a holiday should be spent. Everything got to feel extra normal, their normal. There was a time Valerie really needed that, but right now a mama knew her son really needed that. 
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Scout would go running up to Piper the moment she got there. They called each other cousins, but they were like sisters having shared a room for so long. She’d show up in the middle of Chess’s balloon throwing painting. Also pastel nightmare colors inside the water balloons.
Chess hid a handful of black paint balloons in the pile to keep Valerie motivated. Every time someone else got one she’d get aggressive and start throwing her balloons faster and harder. Val never did end up with a goth balloon as she kept calling them. She got frustrated and ended up getting a garden hose just to make a mud puddle just to create brown. She rubbed brown all over hers. Chess would tell her it looked liked her painting fell in a pig pen and was pulled out of the shitter. Valerie stood back and called it “Pastel al la Pig Pen. It’s a masterpiece.” A masterpiece that would end up in that night’s bon fire come evening. Most of the days’ mess would for easy clean up, but not before posing with it proudly for pictures with Chess sitting near the bottom pulling her own nose up with one finger pretending to be the piggie. She was wearing a pink shirt to get messy in at the time. Valerie thought it suited. It was all laughs with those two. 
Valerie had just finished her own canvas of balloon art and washed up when she sat on the porch with an ice tea. That southern piece of her was born in. It wasn’t going anywhere. The porch sitting with her cold drink reflecting was a muscle memory way to thrive. Plus, the “voodoo Easter” was a place called Souvenance which was a day of remembrance. Reflection was built into this day in Val’s life. Her adoptive mother’s teachings would continue to thrive in her head no matter how far she’d strayed. 
She’d sat down noticing she was still feeling tired extra easy lately thinking that would go away after she had the kids, but it hadn’t. She didn’t realize just because they were feeding from the outside of her it was any less tiring than having them inside feeding from you. It was still a lot of giving away of oneself especially with three. She sat down next to her husband and reached her hand out from her rocker to his hand and curled it against her neck. 
She motioned out at everyone having fun with all their backyard games while all dressed up.  There was a little goat running around the yard Piper brought. She had easy access to livestock and she was helping out for a ceremony later. Still, goats were so cute they way they bounced around and pranced and kept kicking up it’s feet. Babies were in swings and playpens all around. Even the Marrassa was running around vividly seen as a pair with all the Sunday sweets and games. All the joy and fun activity brought them out. It was then Valerie took note of all the twins. 
“Look at them all, Thomas. Love, Chip and Dale, Jetson and Ranger, our pups. Wow. There’s always a third. Its in Her legends. And there it is. Our trips. I didn’t get it at first. Why me without Jetsam? But just look at them all. This is something special even if I don’t know what it is. I think she was waiting for this to all come together. I was just happy everything feels good today and I have such a great family. That’s special enough for me. But I can feel it right now. I just have this feeling something is happening. Something is coming together and aligning in the universe out there. This is something special.” 
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Chip looked happy. It was a way the world didn’t always get to view him, spine completely at ease out there socializing. He’d only zoned out a couple short moments and when he was spacey it felt right with Raya right there. So, it was a good Chip day. Scout was practicing with her super skills always calling things out she could taste, hear, and smell that she normally couldn’t. It was often inappropriate and got the ews and laughs as well as the amazement. She kept turning those things into a competition with Chip seeing who could guess what things were first. New transition, new games Valerie supposed. Then there was Dale who looked... like Dale. Dale and Piper. Dale and Piper were heavily arming themselves with Chip’s paintballs already shit talking from one practice shot. 
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Valerie knew her kids were adults now, but there was just something about those days they got together and still acted like they weren’t. Maybe they all had a little Peter Pan Syndrome inside them. Valerie was just grinning behind her glass of tea. She would like to keep it that way. 
 “Most special thing about today? My boys are happy again. Scout too. You did it. Everyone came to us.” Her grin just kept growing. “Okay maybe I’ll give Piper her credit. You and Piper. She ran towards her problems instead of away from them and burnt everything else to the ground pushing them all here and then you helped everyone find their fit here. Convinced them it was okay to stay. You and Piper my unsung heroes. She’s such a radical.” 
Valerie teased a smile his way knowing Piper didn’t exactly plan it all out, but things were coming together just right. It sure did feel like it sometimes and Valerie did like an extremist. 
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mypoisonedvine · 3 years
𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙮 𝙢𝙚𝙩𝙖𝙡 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧 (𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘝𝘐𝘐 - 𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙡𝙚) || sub!bucky barnes x dominatrix!reader
(𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘐) (𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘐𝘐) (𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘐𝘐𝘐) (𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘐𝘝) (𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘝) (𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘝𝘐)
𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮 || the finale.
𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩 || 3.5k
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 || fluff, angst, implied smut, domestic goodness, more EMOTIONS!!!
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six months ago...
Bucky wrung his hands a few times before knocking on your door, feeling his heart beat a little faster when he could hear the sounds of your footsteps on the other side. He'd been dreaming of a day like this for so long— the day he finally acted on this secret obsession he had, the day he stopped fantasizing and started realizing— but all this time, part of him had never really thought he'd go through with it. I mean, there's a pretty big difference between jerking off to videos of dominant women and actually getting spanked, slapped, and choked by a dominatrix after paying her an insane amount of money per hour.
But frankly, Bucky needed a big difference from what he'd been doing. He'd been alone for a little too long, he needed someone else's touch before he lost his mind. And he knew that he needed something more substantial than a hook-up, someone who wouldn't expect him to be dominant at all. Even in a kink-less, vanilla hook-up, there’s still an onus of dominance, that’s what Bucky had realised. He’s still supposed to initiate, to guide, to be fully in control… and he hates how it feels to be in control. He’s not used to it, and it doesn’t feel right, and it just makes him sure he’ll do something wrong. So here he was, standing at your door, hoping you’d take away his freedom to do something wrong.
The latch turned and you opened it.
You looked great. Too great, almost overwhelming. Even better than the pictures on your website.
You looked so much softer than the women he saw whenever he searched up femdom porn (yes, that was pretty much the first thing he did once he figured out google— thankfully he had also figured out incognito mode), but your presence was twice as commanding. Your eyes scanned over him quickly and your face stayed annoyingly stoic.
You invited him in; And since then, you’d had him wrapped around your finger.
Even knowing to a certain extent what he was getting into, he could’ve never prepared for how quickly he’d fall for you. Not that he was exactly new to the feeling, but he thought guilt might eat him alive: because of course he felt awful for developing real feelings for you. You were just doing your job and he was falling into the same trap that probably every dumbass client fell into.
Or maybe they actually knew what they were doing and understood how to separate fantasy from reality. He couldn’t decide which one was worse.
He spent a few hours trying to decide while staring up at his ceiling— certainly a better way to spend the time than being social or taking care of unfinished business, right?
But leave it to you to change everything with just three words. Make me yours.
He hadn’t stopped thinking about those words— or about the way you said them— since the moment you spoke them. He hadn’t stopped changing his mind on if he could really believe you were his or not. He wanted to, more than anything; and in those brief moments he did, he felt a joy that he had no idea what to do with.
He frowned as he turned his back towards the mirror, looking over his shoulder to watch his finger run over the fading scars on his back. They’d be gone for good in less than a week, but he knew you had left plenty of permanent marks on him— just unfortunately not those that anyone else could see. He liked the way these scars looked under your fingertips much more than his; he liked everything about being in your arms.
Since you’d texted him to ask if you could have a serious talk with him soon, he worried he wouldn’t get to feel that again. In fact, nothing worried him more.
He was typically antsy as he waited for you to answer the door— he had been since that very first time so long ago— but this felt entirely different: not as jittery, but a thousand times more anxious.
At first he’d been wishing you’d answer it right away, but then he heard your bolt turn and panic landed on him like a dangling anvil dropping on a cartoon character. Suddenly the last thing he wanted was for you to open that door, to be standing there looking all perfect and shit, to smile at him and greet him and invite him in. He didn’t want it; he couldn’t take it.
But you did it all anyway, though it was obviously and immediately a new situation entirely, compared to every other time you’d done it.
You were dressed differently, still formal but definitely toned down. Nothing sexual, at least not objectively. And your smile, though it still made his heart skip a beat just like always, was noticeably softer and maybe a bit sadder.
He stepped in past you, and you surprised him by sitting next to him on the couch rather than across from him on your chair. “Do you want, like, water or anything?” you asked, breaking the silence for a moment.
“No, I’m fine,” he nodded.
Bucky had gotten pretty good at silence these past few years; it didn’t bother him, in fact he barely even noticed it. But this silence made him remember why everyone else hated silence so much: it was heavy and thick and made him overcome with the need to blurt something out. “Everyone calls me Bucky,” he finally admitted. You smiled.
“Do you want me to call you that?” you asked.
He considered your question, trying to imagine you saying it. “I… I used to think it would be better, but now I like the way you say ‘James’ too much.”
“If you thought it would be better, why did you ask me to call you James?” you pressed.
“Because I didn’t want you to know who I was.”
“I know who you are,” you informed him. “I always knew.”
He swallowed as the pit formed in his gut, glancing away to hide from your gaze. “You did a good job of… of pretending you didn’t. You never seemed scared of me.”
“Because I wasn’t. And I’m not.”
He couldn’t imagine how; but then again, if there was any truly fearless woman, he figured it would be you. “I thought you’d beat me up better if you knew what I’d done,” he admitted, almost smiling but not exactly feeling very happy. “Thought you might want… revenge.”
“Surprised that didn’t make you want to tell me.”
He laughed a bit at that. “Yeah, fair enough.”
You asked him a very different question next, one that made his throat suddenly dry: "Have you ever had something that was all your own?" you spoke gently.
"Not for a long time…" he trailed off, letting his eyes unfocus as he stared down at your floor before finding the courage to look up at you again. “Is that what you wanna be?” he asked, already wishing he hadn’t said anything in case it was too presumptuous, but you just smiled back at him in a shy sort of way.
“Something like that,” you mitigated.
His eyes darted around your face— from your eyes glancing away, to your lips that you gnawed on for a moment, to the little crease between your brows— and he found himself leaning forward before he even realized it. “Can I kiss you?” he asked quietly.
You didn’t answer, you just kissed him first; he was so relieved that you did it, too, that you took control so easily and just let him melt into your kiss. As good as it felt to submit to you, he enjoyed the new freedom he had in this moment as well— the freedom to reach up and grab your waist, to brush his hand over your hair, to tilt his head and deepen the kiss further.
It was hard to define exactly where it went from innocent to sensual to sexual, but by the time you were straddling his lap and running your fingers through his hair, it was definitely sexual.
“I want you,” you breathed against his lips.
“Have me,” he offered immediately, “I’m yours. Always was.”
He breathed in sharply when you moved your hips just right to rub up against his swelling cock through his jeans, making him grip your waist a bit harder. “Good boy,” you whispered. “You’re so good, James.”
He believed you this time, finally.
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For your first real date, he took you to Coney Island. Not the classiest affair, and he promised to take you somewhere really nice next, but you didn’t mind. It was jarring to see you in casual clothes for the first time, something summer-y and light which was everything opposite to how he was used to seeing you; but he liked it, and he liked knowing a secret about you as you walked through a crowd of carnival-goers that were none the wiser.
He walked you through the fair and explained how he remembered it, showed you the few things that hadn’t changed much. He bought you a hot dog and even won you a prize at one of the games; that one where you throw a baseball and it measures your pitch speed? Yeah, it’s rigged, but he pitched lefty and it seemed to even everything out. (It’s not cheating, okay? It’s beating them at their own game, literally.)
So with a massive teddy under one arm and his waist wrapped in your other, you two walked through the winding pier, under twinkling lights and over walkways towering over the ocean below. And then you fooled around a bit on the ferris wheel. It was the ideal Coney Island experience, for sure.
Bucky didn’t have a ton of friends, per se, but he was excited for you to meet them. Meeting friends was certainly a step, though; hopefully a step you were willing to take, but he didn’t want to ask you to do it without at least having a title to introduce you with.
“I want you to be my girlfriend,” he finally told you.
“I kinda thought I already was,” you laughed.
And so, with more pride than he might have ever had for anything before, Bucky finally got to take you to meet everyone (‘everyone’ being a mix of his friends and his coworkers, who may or may not be his friends because he couldn’t always tell) and say “I want you guys to meet my girlfriend.”
Of course you were amazing with all of them; you continued that tactful “I know who you are but I’m pretending I don’t to be nice” thing that you’d started with him, and everyone seemed to appreciate it. You cracked a couple jokes, everyone laughed.
You lied about how you and Bucky met, or at least answered very strategically. Everyone at least pretended to believe you.
Afterwards, they all said something about how great you were or about how lucky he was. The only thing he ever said back was “I know.”
Now that he could kiss you without breaking any rules, he never wanted to stop. He hardly ever did, actually. He kissed you basically whenever he could get the chance; you two didn’t even go out much anymore because he wasn’t very good at keeping his hands to himself, but you weren’t exactly complaining about staying in. You were too busy kissing him back, and teasing him mercilessly while you were at it, to do that.
You had already found the fastest way to get him needy and begging, not that any way took very long. If you kissed him while you straddled his lap, wrapping your arms around him and slowly grinding against him, he lost it in minutes. And you really seemed to get a kick out of watching him lose it, just as much as always.
It made him realize that the way you looked at him before, in sessions and scenes together, was a lot less of an act than he’d assumed at the time. He just thought you were a really good actress, or that he was really whipped; and maybe the first was true, and the second was absolutely true, but regardless it had become clear that you had it almost as bad as he did from the beginning. It gave him even more respect for how well you controlled yourself, he certainly hadn’t had much self-control at the time— after all the whole ordeal was about losing control, and occasionally about trying to gain it back.
He didn’t ask you to quit your job. He didn’t want or expect you to; but you did cut down your hours, which gave the two of you more time together.
To be totally honest, part of him got a bit titillated to imagine you with your other clients. He didn’t like the idea of other men touching you, but he smirked at the thought of them begging to touch you and being denied; he liked knowing that you didn’t do with them even half of the stuff you’d done with him when he was your client.
But he wasn’t your client anymore. He was your boyfriend, and he wanted the world to know it.
six months later...
He let you struggle to reach the top shelf for a moment, just because you looked cute on your tip-toes with the tip of your tongue sticking out of the corner of your mouth, before he finally relented and helped you grab the bottle of rice wine vinegar.
“Thanks,” you smiled as he set it in the cart.
After that you let him grab everything, content to stand on the end of the cart and push you around as you reminded him what else you needed.
“We’re out of Captain Crunch!” you remembered as he passed the cereal aisle, pointing to try to get him to turn.
“Yes, and we need to stay that way,” Bucky explained sternly, “that shit is addictive. Only way to avoid it is to not have it in the house.”
You frowned but accepted that he was absolutely right, though you groaned when he took you to the refrigerated section to stock up on chicken breasts. “I swear, you would eat these for breakfast if you didn’t think I’d judge you for it,” you joked.
“What’s wrong with chicken breasts?”
“They’re just so… bland!”
“Not if you season them right,” he corrected.
“Which you don’t,” you rolled your eyes. “Come on, at least splurge on some chicken thighs. They’re basically the same but so much more flavorful.”
“Fine, but no more making fun of my cooking,” Bucky decided, placing the breasts back on the shelf and grabbing two packs of thighs instead. “I’m still adapting to 21st century sensibilities.”
“Right,” you nodded, though he caught your smile in the corner of his eye— you knew he couldn’t exactly claim to still be as conservative as he was raised to be in every way.
Like any well-planned grocery run, it ended at the frozen section where you got some fruit bars and frozen vegetables (you had this theory that frozen vegetables tasted better in fried rice than fresh ones, and so far you’d proven him right) and he got a pizza to have for dinner in a pinch. When shopping alone before, he always did self-checkout to avoid being seen anymore than he had to… he still did it with you, but he didn’t even think about who might be looking at him, because all he saw was you.
You drove for this trip, and he always felt oddly soothed by riding passenger with you at the wheel. He liked to close his eyes and lean back a bit, or occasionally look over at you (but if he did it too much you complained that he was being creepy and distracting you). It shouldn’t be too much of a surprise that he enjoyed the feeling of you taking control, considering everything, but it was one of those little ways that he hadn’t expected. He just felt so comfortable, so safe with you, and never he felt like he was a burden for asking you to take the lead when he didn’t trust himself with it. And that applied to everything— driving, cooking, speaking up in crowds, all those little things that sometimes made him anxious.
There were some things he didn’t have any trouble being dominant about, though. He was very protective of you, for example, and tended to be uptight about how late you went out for walks or where you should be going alone. And he didn’t struggle to ask you for what he wanted— he was getting a lot better at asking for help, specifically.
He used to ask you to say that you loved him, instead of just saying ‘I love you’ himself, because for some reason it was easier to make you do it first. It started as something he’d beg for in the throes of passion, fingers digging into your skin as his eyes watered (as they often did in intimate moments): please, say you love me— jus’ need to hear you say it, please? And you were always sweet about it in return, of course I love you, James, my good boy, I love you so so much. But then he’d ask you to say it whenever he felt like it— he’d come up behind you while you were reading or cooking or something and kiss the top of your head or the shell of your ear and try to act nonchalant as he asked you love me, right?
You’d laugh and roll your eyes before you answered, but it was, thankfully, always a ‘yes.’ Eventually you figured out how often you needed to say it to make him stop asking all the time, which was probably a little too often.
“I love you,” you blurted out randomly as you turned on your signal and leaned a bit to make sure it was safe to make a left— case in point.
“I love you too,” he answered back with a smile.
“I don’t mind saying it so often,” you added, “but you know that I love you even when I’m not saying it, right? I love you all the time.”
It was a simple question, probably mostly rhetorical, but it hit him harder than he expected. “Yeah, I know,” he managed to get out evenly enough that you didn’t notice he was tearing up a bit.
He put the groceries away while you took the trash out; you liked to keep the fridge pretty organized, and it was an adjustment at first, but by now Bucky had it down pat. Before you, he hadn’t even considered that the contents of a refrigerator could be aesthetically pleasing.
Dinner was leftovers in front of the TV— you two were almost done with Frasier, but after that you had ten seasons of Friends to get through. You had tried to encourage him to watch more challenging stuff— you know, True Detective, Hannibal, dark cerebral stuff with arguably more artistic merit than classic sitcoms— but Bucky had had enough darkness in his life that he didn’t need it in his fiction. Maybe he’d find the time to catch up on the last 80 years of dramas and murder mysteries after he caught up on the last 80 years of comedy.
After dinner you were going to do yoga and Bucky, not in the mood to embarrass himself with that, retired to the bedroom a bit early to read his book— he’d heard a lot about this Harry Potter guy and now that he was on the fourth book and could hardly put it down, he understood the hype. He related a bit to the unwilling war hero in its protagonist; most of the time the series enthralled him, but occasionally something would hit too deep and he’d have to put it away for a couple days. At the moment, though, he was in one of the easy parts where it was just about schoolwork and childhood antics.
He instinctively glanced at the door when he heard you open it— he wasn’t sure how long it had been time-wise, but he’d gotten through quite a few pages— but he only quickly looked up at you as you shut the door behind you, before returning his attention to the book he was reading. “So, Bucky…” you began.
“Yeah?” he mumbled.
It wasn’t any one thing that got his attention— not just the tone of your voice or the way it got a bit deeper, not just the look you gave him, not just the way the air of the room seemed to shift all at once. It was everything about you that made his body react instantly. He shut the book and set it aside, sitting up straight to look at you expectantly.
And you seemed to notice his instinctual obedience, considering you just barely smirked at him, raising an eyebrow as he spoke his reply: “Yes, Mistress?”
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alsaurus-loves-dean · 3 years
What Dean Has To Say a destiel fic by alsaurus | rating: T | word count: 3.8k When Cas comes back, he disappears.
He’s supposedly still in the bunker. According to Sam, he doesn’t seem to have left the building at all since he arrived.
Dean wouldn’t know, because Cas is avoiding him.
It’s the only explanation. Why else would it be impossible to find his best friend even though they’re under the same roof 24/7? Not that Dean has really gone looking for him, but still. They haven’t crossed paths once since Cas got back three days ago. This wouldn’t be so weird on its own (yes it would), except Sam sees Cas all the time. So what gives?
Dean knows what gives, but at the same time? He doesn’t really. Cas is obviously reluctant to talk to Dean after what he’d said to trigger his deal with the Empty. He’d said all that under the assumption that he’d never have to face a response. Dean understands. He would definitely feel the same if he were in that position. But Cas? Cas is the bravest, purest, and most sincere person that Dean has ever met. How could someone like that be afraid to talk to someone like Dean?
This isn’t how Dean had expected this to go.
He’d wanted Cas back more than anything he’s ever wanted in his life. He’d never felt joy the way he felt when he saw Cas out of the Empty, back in the bunker where he belonged. Dean knew he needed to be with Cas, that Cas was it for him.
But he’d also kind of assumed that Cas would take the lead, here. Cas, who was so straightforward and free of human insecurities, would be the one to bring it up - if only just to assure Dean that nothing had to change. Then Dean would have the perfect opening to tell him he felt the same. If words failed him in that moment, Dean was also prepared to let his body do some of the talking.
Dean had not imagined that Cas would just straight-up hide from him for days on end. It’s frustrating, but also a little endearing.
Okay, it’s a lot endearing. Very endearing. Some might even say it’s adorable. Not Dean, though. Sure, Cas is so flustered at the idea of talking to Dean about his feelings that he literally won’t show his stupid angel face - so what? What’s even cute about that?
Dean is starting to get antsy about the whole thing. He’s not exactly anxious, but he’s so amped up that his body interprets it as anxiety. He had to cut down on the caffeine because he’d started to feel like he was vibrating out of his skin. For someone Dean never sees, Cas sure does occupy a whole lot of space in Dean’s head most of the time. He finds it difficult to really focus on anything else, so he’s watched a LOT of movies the past few days - just zoning out with only half his attention on the screen.
“Why are you sitting here in the dark by yourself?” Sam asks from the doorway, making Dean jolt in surprise.
Dean hadn’t realized he’d turned the TV off after Dirty Dancing had ended. He really is just sitting in the Dean Cave, in the dark, by himself. Awesome.
“What‘s it to you? And who am I supposed to be sitting with, anyway? Not like Cas wants anything to do with me,” Dean grumbles. Laying it on just a little thick, since he knows better than Sam why Cas isn’t here.
“What is up with you two, anyway?” Sam asks, and it’s obvious that he’s been waiting for the opportunity to do so. He flips the light switch and comes to sit in the other chair. He’s perched on the edge of it, leaning towards Dean as if to signify how very important he finds this conversation. How he’s not going to let Dean out of it.
“Cas is just being a baby. He thinks he can just confess his undying love for me and peace out, and then once I rescue his ass he can just avoid dealing with the whole thing,” Dean starts. Then he finds he doesn’t want to stop, despite Sam’s eyes going wide in shock. “Seriously, man, I don’t know how much longer I can take this. Like how long am I supposed to wait? We should have spent these whole three days in bed doing all kinds of freaky shit - but look at me, Sam! I’m sitting alone in the dark without even realizing it because the dude lives rent free in my freakin’ head!”
“Umm,” Sam says.
“I get that he’s nervous, but so am I! I mean, he’s the one whose cards are already on the table. I’m the one who has shit to say! I don’t even know if I’ll be able to say it, but I’ll never find out if I never even see the guy!”
“Okay, hold on. Just a minute. You’re saying that Cas told you...?”
“That he - “
“And you want to say it back.”
“Sure. If you wanna call it that.”
“Come on, Dean.”
“I mean yeah, Sam, what do you want me to say? I have no idea how it’ll go down. I still haven’t seen him since we got him back.”
Sam starts to smile, and Dean doesn’t like the look of that.
“So what, he’s avoiding you because he’s scared of what you’ll say?” Sam asks.
Dean shrugs.
“I guess. Why else would he avoid me and not you?”
Sam’s smile grows as he sits back in the chair, settling in. He watches Dean for a few moments, eyes twinkling like he’s about to say something really stupid. Why did Dean think that opening up about this would be a good idea?
“That’s actually kind of cute,” Sam says.
Dean rolls his eyes so hard he has to throw his head against the back of the chair.
“Don’t you start with that!” Dean groans. “It’s not cute, it’s annoying. It’s cowardice, is what it is!”
“Have you tried to find him?” Sam asks. The smirk on his face tells Dean he knows the answer but is asking just to be a little bitch.
“Shut up. Why does it have to be me, huh? Why do I have to be the one to bring it up?”
“I didn’t say you had to bring anything up. I just mean have you tried to talk to him at ALL? You say you haven’t seen him, but have you looked for him?”
Dean has not. But -
“I already looked for him, in the Empty! And I pulled him out. It was a whole thing! I think the ball’s in his court now.”
“Dean, think about it. You have a lot more experience with this kind of thing than he does,” Sam reasons.
It’s true. But at the same time -
“I have never experienced anything like this. Ever. Especially not with a dude,” Dean says. He feels out of his element, too. That’s why Cas was supposed to take charge! (Dean knows that doesn’t make sense, and he doesn’t care).
The smile on Sam’s face turns gentler, any trace of teasing disappearing.
“I’m surprised you’re even telling me all this,” Sam says.
“Sam, come on,” Dean protests, because he really doesn’t want to get into it.
“No, really! In the past you’ve been… very adamant about being straight.” Too adamant, is what Sam means. He’s not wrong.
“What’s your point?” Dean asks.
“I’m just glad this is happening, I guess.”
Dean can’t help but melt a little at that sentiment. Inwardly. On the outside, he’s still trying to act put out, but the longer he sits there trying not to confide in Sam, the stronger the pull to do so becomes. Like being caught in a wave, Dean finally lets it pour through him.
“It’s Cas. You know? It’s Cas. I spent too long worrying about all that. I’ve lost him too many times, Sam. I can’t really care about all that stuff anymore. So I just want him to know, you know? I don’t want my crap to keep Cas from getting what he wants. He deserves to get everything he wants. He can have it. I want him to have it. And I want him to know that.” Dean stops. Takes a deep breath, because that was a lot. Then he wraps it up. “And that means you’re gonna have to know at some point anyway, so. There you go.”
Sam looks shocked again, but in a totally different way that Dean doesn’t recognize at all. Which makes sense, considering this is the first time Dean’s ever admitted to having gay feelings for an angel of the Lord. It’s an unusual situation.
“That’s amazing, Dean. Seriously. I’m really, really happy for you,” Sam finally says.
Dean can tell he means it. He’s actually not sure he’s ever seen Sam so sincerely pleased. But Dean frowns at that last sentence.
“I don’t know what you have to be happy about just yet. Dude won’t even talk to me.”
“You said yourself that you haven’t even tried!”
“Yeah but I can take a hint, man. He doesn’t want to see me. Otherwise he’d have seen me.”
And it boils down to that, Dean realizes. Because while he understands that Cas is reluctant because he’s afraid, Dean is also hurt. It’s irrational, but he wants Cas’ love for him to be stronger than that fear. He aches for Cas every moment of every day and every night. He’s barely functioning because he feels like his entire existence is on pause - he hadn’t expected to be in this prolonged state of limbo. He’d been ready for Cas. But it turns out he’d been ready for a different Cas, one he’d thought up in his head - because the real Cas, the Cas he loves, is too afraid to face him and Dean has no idea how long that’ll last. He has no idea when or even if Cas will come to him. Every moment that passes could be the moment before Cas finally talks to him. It’s agony. It’s wonderful.
But he meant it when he said that Cas deserves everything he wants. So why should Cas have to seek it out, when Dean could just give it to him?
“I need to find him, huh,” Dean says, and it’s not a question.
“Yeah, man. You should do that,” Sam agrees. There isn’t an ounce of admonishment in his voice. He’s just supporting Dean, and for once, Dean is grateful.
“Thanks, Sammy,” he says,
Time to find the angel.
concluded in chapter 2. read the rest on ao3.
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lizbotw · 4 years
hi!! can I ask for some shouto headcanons with a s/o who has frequent nightmares? ty! ily
Todoroki With a S/O That Has Frequent Nightmares
hi! wow, i really loved this request and enjoyed writing it! once again, it's a bit on the longer side and more scenario-like than just plain headcanons, so i hope you like it! tysm, ilyt!!! ♡
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Todoroki Shouto
Everyone knows school is just plain hard and going to the top hero school in the nation meant things were… less than easy for you and your classmates.
All-nighters were common, especially now that everyone was living in the dorms together and were up to antics at all hours of the night, even despite the scolding of Iida (Aizawa admitted he couldn't care less what the class did as long as they kept it down and didn't cause too much trouble—just don’t interrupt his sleep and everything is all good).
It’s not like it was unusual for someone to complain offhandedly about being tired one day, or for your classmates to be spotted with eye bags, so no one ever thought to point out the sleepy look you seem to sport regularly from being kept up all night.
Everyone was basically kept up later than intended one way or another, whether it be finishing an assignment last minute or staying up to finish a movie, so they sympathized with your plight, assuming that it was similar to their own—but what they didn’t know was that the reason you were up was much different than any of their reasons.
While they slept peacefully only a few floors away from you, or sometimes even a few doors down the hallway, you were plagued by dark images, the type that twisted around in your mind, growing in ferocity and coiling around your heart with sticky, inky blackness so tightly that you felt as though you couldn’t breathe—any attempts against them that you took seemed futile and you always woke up gasping for air, a cold sweat breaking out across your forehead as your chest heaved, heavy with emotion.
You'd gotten used to hiding it, having been dealing with them for quite a while now, and while you eventually learned to brush them off due to their frequency, in the dead of the night, whenever they struck you, you felt as powerless and hopeless as the very first time they arrived.
It was only in the light of day that you were able to be reasonable with yourself and in which the fears lost most of their power (they were never completely gone though, the thoughts lingering in the back of your mind and causing you to mull over them whenever there was a dull moment in class and your attention started to drift).
Perhaps it's because you had these nightmares that you made the most of the energy you had during the day, fighting in your own way in the light to prove that you were still powerful, even if you were stripped of that power every night.
You'd adapted to running on only a few hours of sleep and tried to take short naps throughout the day to make up for lost time (although it was still hard after particularly difficult nights where you got almost zero relief from the terrifying images), so by the time life in U.A. came about, you were able to tough it out and focus on your training.
Speaking of training, you were vicious in class battles, taking many by surprise and were able to render several of your weaker classmates immobile in capture exercises and swept them off of their feet relatively quickly in one on one fights, including a certain “IcyHot” boy (although the way in which you swept him off his feet was much different—it was hard to beat him in normal fights anyway, but when it came to matters of the heart he was forced to surrender).
Your pure power may have caught his attention at first, but it wasn’t until Shouto spoke to you more and your personality came out that he was truly faced with the fact that he was falling for you hard.
A series of mishaps and a fair share of intervention from the rest of Class 1-A later and you two were miraculously dating and even could finally rest easy—they definitely had their work cut out when it came to getting you two together, but they ultimately bit the bullet because they could not stand the mutual pining and hopeless romanticism that continuously went on between you two.
It may take a while for Shouto to realize that spending the night at each other's dorms is a romantic™ thing couples do and that he should offer that up. That would be a great alternative actually versus the current are arrangement of that whenever you come over to study during the afternoons with him (which quickly turns into night because wow, time sure flies when you're being tortured by textbooks), and once it gets late enough, he comments about what time it is and how both of you should start getting ready for bed—effectively forcing you to leave his dorm. Don't blame him—the thought just never crossed his mind.
It was actually Mina, wanting to pry in on all U.A. relationships and resident sucker for romance, that probably brought the idea to his attention.
Something about asking how you two spent time together turned interrogation when she realized he could be clueless about certain things and made it her personal mission to school him on all things romance.
And then came the question, “So, have you guys had a couple’s sleepover yet?”
“A what?”
“Mina, please stop, just leave the poor guy alone,” came Jirou’s chiding from somewhere in the background. Mina had dragged her along with her for unknown reasons, but Jirou had made it very clear that she did not want to be there, slowly distancing herself from the conversation and discreetly trying to slip away.
While Mina took up arguing with Jirou about the “necessity” of these questions and Jirou facepalming and asking Mina why she didn’t just bring Hagakure (second in command on all things romance) with her, Shouto took the chance to mull over Mina’s words.
“And what does this... ‘couple’s sleepover’ entail exactly?” he interrupted their bickering after a few moments of contemplation and being unable to come up with an answer himself.
Mina absolutely lit up at that and turned to him once again, scuffle with Jirou long forgotten. “I am so glad you asked! Well, first of all-”
“She just means spending the night at each other’s dorms,” Jirou interrupted before Mina could go off on another tangent. Shouto turned to look at Jirou now and found her boredly examining her nails before then switching to nervously clinking the ends of her earphones jacks together when she noticed he was watching her.
“Then why-”
Jirou interrupted him this time. “Why did she call it a ‘couple’s sleepover?’ I don’t know, why don’t you ask Mina herself?”
It only took her a fraction of a second to realize her mistake when Mina opened her mouth to unleash the lengthy explanation she had prepared and Jirou immediately cut her off again before the damage could be done.
“Actually, never mind, don’t ask her. I don’t think I have to explain the sleepover part. Just spend the night doing fun things, like playing games or watching a movie or something, I don’t know. Typical sleepover things. And the couple’s part is because… well, you’re dating aren’t you? Bam, a couple.” She did unenthusiastic jazz hands at that. “Hmm… and I guess that means the sleepover activities will be more romantic than a typical sleepover too.” She scrunched her nose at the idea, not even wanting to imagine what that sort of description would entail.
Mina was getting antsy next to her, desperate to jump into the conversation with her own input and Jirou finally seemed to notice it. “Looks like Mina wants to go-” (“What? No, I don’t-”) “So see you later, Todoroki.” She grabbed Mina’s arm with one hand and gave Shouto a small wave goodbye with her free hand—one that he returned—as she pulled Mina away. “Oh, and don’t worry too much about it,” she said over her shoulder, “It’s literally just spending some time together and you do that already, right? The only difference is that this time it’ll be overnight, so just act natural. It’s not some big fancy event despite what Mina’s name for it might suggest.” And with that the two were gone, disappearing down the hallway in a fit of distant, mumbled bickering about how Mina is no longer allowed to give unsolicited love advice and how Jirou needs to learn the ways of love to truly understand, leaving Shouto all alone with his thoughts, trying to decipher what the fuck just happened.
Truthfully, he was always sad to see you go after a day of hanging out, wishing he could spend more time with you. For some reason he thought that as soon as night came, you deserved to head back to your own dorm for a proper night’s rest. He was just being concerned for your well being, isn’t that what proper boyfriends did? He considered the idea once of what if you spent the night together?, and despite that literally addressing all of his issues from before, he still brushed off the idea because it was preposterous. Shouto, where are your thinking skills???
After a while of back and forth with himself over the wisdom Mina and Jirou had bestowed upon him, he made the decision that next time things would be different.
Another late night study session had you packing up your things once you noticed the blinking alarm clock on Shouto's desk had stuck 11 P.M., the process routine at this point and you no longer waiting for your boyfriend to end the study session himself.
You rose and starting gathering the papers sprawled across his floor into a neat stack in your arms, absentmindedly talking about the things you had to do tomorrow as you went—it was like you were just inputting some closing remarks before calling it a night and Shouto fell easily into the conversation as he slipped stray pens and highlighters back into his pencil case.
You two usually cleaned up amongst the quiet hum of your words—discussing how you felt about the upcoming test, subjects either of you needed more help on next time, and what you were looking forward to eating for breakfast in the morning—but this night had Shouto's eyes straying away from the mess at his feet to you. Your back was to him most of the time, but even when you were facing him as you gathered up your books, your attention was focused on said objects, rather than him.
You guys didn't look at each other much as you cleaned, he realized—it was an obvious observation, but he still had the thought as he watched you, taking note of how this was just the perfect chance to admire you.
When you turned to him at one point though, gaze piercing, he quickly averted his eyes, shifting them to a highlighter that lay in front of him in your general direction, reaching to pick up. He ran his thumb over the smooth, bright yellow cylinder of it as you walked over to him, crouched down, hands planted on his shoulders, and leaned in to brush your lips against his. His eyes fluttered close and he leaned into the kiss, pushing back against you. He moved to deepen it, about to grip onto the fabric of your shirt for leverage, the highlighter rolling out of his grip, but the kiss was over in a matter of seconds and he opened his eyes, finding your smiling face right in front of him. You gave him a brief kiss on his cheek, as though to sign it off, and he had to admit that the heat of your face against his felt nice.
“Night, babe,” you said as you got up and turned to walk over to your bag that lay by the door.
“Night…” Right, that was just one of your normal goodnight kisses. That was also part of the routine but… something about the idea that that was the last kiss of the night didn’t sit right with him.
Shouto studied you once more, tongue in cheek, as he watched you stuff the papers and books you had gathered up back into your bag. The contemplative look never left his eye—it seemed as though you hadn’t noticed his staring from earlier so he was a bit more bold and confident about doing it now—and he almost lost himself to a trance of watching your methodical movements of picking something up from the pile of books you had lain at your feet and slipping them into the bag one by one.
When you slung the bag over your shoulder and moved towards the door, turning back to give him a final wave goodbye, he stiffened, remembering his plan.
“Wait-” He scrambled to his feet as you watched him in confusion, hand already on the doorknob. “Um… do you want to stay the night?” He flinched internally at the unsureness in his voice and straightened up, crossing his arms to create some semblance of nonchalance. “I mean, only if you want to. We don’t have to keep studying. I have a… movie? If you want to watch that together?”
Shouto’s eyes carefully tracked your movements, trying to gauge your reaction.
You tilted your head in bewilderment at the sudden offer, but then you grinned brightly and dropped your bag back at your feet, it landing on the ground with a thud from all of the heavy books inside. “Okay,” you beamed and Shouto was sure he was about to faint.
He followed Jirou’s advice to a T, or at least he tried to. He meant to ask if you wanted to play Monopoly but Kaminari had stolen it from the dorm’s game closet and refused to hand it over because his plans for the night included kicking Sero’s, Kirishima’s, and Bakugou’s asses at the game (Mina was there to be the unbiased banker because the boys were so sure that one of them kept stealing money out of the bank whenever no one was looking and Jirou was just there to bask in the chaos that was sure to ensure—when Mina and Jirou caught sight of Shouto, they both gave him a knowing look).
The loss of the Monopoly board meant you two instead played with the dingy Uno card deck Shouto found buried in his school supply drawer (he was pretty sure it was Midoriya’s and in his mind sent him a silent thank you—as for if he was going to give the desk back or continue “borrowing” it… well, that depended on how much you enjoyed playing with him).
You won three times in a row, but also Shouto seemed to keep getting distracted by something (spoiler alert: it was your smile) and you realized he wasn’t even playing his best cards most of the time so you easily crushed him. You clapped your hands in celebration at every victory and Shouto noticeably increased his speed while shuffling the deck whenever you did that (oh yeah, he was definitely keeping these, sorry, Deku).
You two eventually got around to watching the movie he had brought up before on his laptop, you slotted comfortably under his arm while it hung around your shoulder, and even had a late night snack run per your request (snack run = sneaking into the kitchen and stealing the plate of hot pockets Kaminari was making to supplement his game night—better yet, you made Shouto do the stealing with him timing his crime perfectly and waiting for Kaminari’s back to be turned.)
(You supervised the whole thing by peeking around a hidden corner, barely containing your laughter, and then jumped in to distract Kaminari right when he was about to turn around before quickly taking your leave once Shouto was out of sight. Kaminari’s screams once he realized what had happened could be heard down the hallway as you two rushed back to the elevator, stolen goods secured and you laughing freely.)
(You’re pretty sure you heard Shouto mumble, “How’s that for Monopoly, you electric bitch,” and while you’re honestly not sure what he’s talking about, you support his energy nonetheless.)
Soon it was time to actually sleep and you two were curled up under his blanket, limbs tangled together. You had taken brief naps together before so this wasn’t exactly anything new (even though it was, judging by what a big deal everyone had made of it, including you two), but you found yourself appreciating once again how Shouto was the perfect person to sleep against—he regulated his body temperature exactly how you liked it and you found yourself nodding off to sleep easily in between the quiet whispers about nonsensical late night topics between you two.
The brief concern about your nightmares had completely slipped your mind at this point—you found that short naps meant that they didn’t have much time to strike and since said naps were what you were used to with him, you forgot that this was a full night ordeal. When he had first proposed the idea of a sleepover, you had thought it would be good to have someone else there to comfort you, but then felt guilty about being selfish and wondered if your reaction to the nightmares would scare him off—although you eventually pushed those thoughts to the side because no way would you turn down spending some quality time with your boyfriend, and the night of fun had led to never returning to mull over that internal conflict.
You two fell asleep at some point without even realizing it, peaceful in each other's arms—that is, until a few hours later when disaster struck because of course something just had to ruin your perfect night.
Shouto blearily blinked his eyes open, confused at the sound that reached his ears and brain slow to comprehend what exactly was going on. It took him a moment to suck in a breath to clear his mind and decipher the situation, shifting in place—that is, until his arm brushed against yours and he stilled, mind suddenly clear as it recalled the events of the last hour he had been awake. You were spending the night with him.
Carefully, he sat up, head pounding a little. He brought up a hand to rest on top of his head, fingers curling around his hair and massaging away the beginnings of a headache. And then he heard it again—the sound that had woken him up. A quiet whimper maybe?
He was back to being confused, except now his eyes were darting around the room suspiciously, ready to go on the defensive, especially because you were next to him. U.A. had a proper security system, didn't it? He shouldn't be worried. Although, then again, his mind kept returning to those thoughts of uncertainty and how villains had been able to endanger his classmates time and time again recently.
The shuffling of blankets and a sharp intake of breath had him refocused within a second and he looked down at you. Eyes now adjusted to the darkness, he could make out your face against the backdrop of his pillow, your features twisted into a troubled expression, teeth pulling on your bottom lip. Your hands gripped the blanket in a tight fist, your arms shaking a little.
You continued squirming under the blanket until you eventually kicked most of it off of you, almost as if there was someone there that you meant to hit. Your mouth curled into a silent scream, ragged breaths coming out in huffs as your chest rapidly rose and fell. He could tell you were mumbling now, voice low enough that he couldn't exactly make out what was being said—the syllables coming out in quick bursts and half formed as your focus seemed to jump from topic to topic, each of them bringing you increasing distress.
Shouto had been watching you in horrid fascination, unable to take his eyes off of you as much as his mind screamed at his body to just fucking move, but when a sliver of moonlight coming in from his window—peeking out from behind a gap in the drapes he hadn’t pulled together close enough—caught the glint of tears brimming your eyes, he was quick to react, gripping your upper arm and, as gently as he could while still being firm, shook you. "(Y/N)!" he hissed, not wanting to startle you, "Wake up, please. What's wrong?"
It took a few tries—him wanting to snap you back to consciousness right away, but also afraid of hurting you or making things worse—but before a minute had passed you were coming back to reality, forcing your eyes open as you realized the images plaguing you hadn't been real. You sat up quickly, almost bumping your head against Shouto's (not that you even noticed he was there), your breaths coming hard and fast.
You completely forgot where you were for a moment, just focusing on calming down, and it wasn't until Shouto managed a quiet, "(Y/N)?," concern clearly lacing his voice, that you whipped your head around to face him.
And then your eyes slowly traveled around the rest of the room, recalling where you were. If he hadn't been there, the unfamiliar environment probably would have made you feel alarmed when you came to and make you start wondering if you were stuck in another nightmare again.
You heard Shouto clear his throat as he looked at you curiously, and your eyes snapped back to him. Just the sight of him had your eyes watering and before you knew it, you had flung yourself into his chest, fingers finding purchase in the loose fabric of his shirt.
He easily managed to steady you two from the momentum of you crashing into him and wrapped his strong arms around you, squeezing you to him as you sobbed into his chest.
It would take a little while for him to calm you down and although he was incredibly concerned, he made sure to be the rock you needed and let you take all the time in the world to stabilize yourself.
You would probably be a little embarrassed to tell him about your dream, especially now that you were more lucid, and may even start apologizing for your behavior earlier until he cuts you off because you had every right to react as you did.
After a bit of coaxing, along with you realizing you felt comfortable around him and that you shouldn't worry about him judging you for something as trivial as this, you opened up and told Shouto about your frequent nightmares. He would play with your hands as you talked to let you know it was okay and a silent kiss—soft lips against yours—would confirm that he loved you no matter what.
Shouto wouldn’t mind staying up late into the early hours of the morning with you if you wanted to talk about what you had experienced and may even suggest that you two sneak down to the dorm kitchen and get something to eat and drink (now that was fun—teasing him by pretending to be on a spy mission and forcing him to glance around all of the corners with you, as though you were suspicious about someone catching you? absolutely gold).
Just laying together and talking because you didn’t want to go to sleep would be fine with him, even if you insisted that he should get some rest. He didn’t want you to feel bad about the situation or think that you were a burden, so he did his best to take your mind off of it.
If you wanted to stay up longer, you might watch another movie or even play a few more rounds of Uno (Kaminari, the bastard, still had Monopoly locked in his room for some reason and hadn’t returned it to the game closet—now not to say that Shouto considered leaving an anonymous tip to Iida about the blonde breaking the unwritten rules of the dorm by not returning the game as soon as he was done with it but… yeah, he definitely considered it).
Expect sleepovers to become a lot more common between you two from then on, especially after you admitted that having Shouto there made things a lot more bearable. Whether it be in your dorm or his, both of you were always open to falling asleep in each other's arms whenever the other person asked.
At your next late night hang out session, you two even played Monopoly!
(Shouto had frozen Kaminari’s feet to the ground when he saw him running towards the game closet to snag the game again, and then calmly walked off with his prize after plucking it from the shelf while Kamianri wailed in distress and tried to unstick his feet and pull them free. Shouto couldn’t help but crack a small grin to himself in victory as he walked away.)
Per your request, you two invited some of the other students to play Monopoly because it was always fun with more people (for some reason, Shouto expressly stated that Kaminari was not to be invited and while you were confused, you just shrugged and agreed, even when you heard him say something about forcing the blonde go through “Monopoly withdrawal” as a punishment—you decided not to question him on that point), and a few of those who didn’t want to play just came to watch as well.
(Midoriya was one of those who came to play and while he was glancing around the room, his eyes landed on Shouto’s desk and he squinted in confusion, scrutinizing the little deck he saw tucked in the corner.)
(“Hey, Todoroki, are those my Uno car-”)
(“Nope. Oh look, you just landed on Boardwalk and Uraraka has a hotel there. You only have $200, right?”)
(“Wha- oh, fu-”)
Shouto had to deal with his fair share of nightmares as a child and if you ever want to talk about what the latest disturbing image that had haunted you was, he’ll always be available. In turn, he feels ready to open up about his own fears to you, all while soothing away yours. Talking with him feels natural, just like anything else involving him, and not keeping everything bottled up has definitely helped you more, causing your performance both in class and out in the battlefield to improve.
Your chest definitely feels a lot lighter these days and your dark circles seem to be fading. You probably owe those to your wonderful boyfriend turned portable heater (what? he’s perfect for when you want to take naps and now that he knows about your nightmares during the night, you no longer have to explain to him why you like to sleep so frequently during the day).
Shouto is nothing short of supportive and if there’s anything you ever need to ease the nightmares and lull you off to sleep—whether it be him buying you a diffuser you saw online, getting you a custom sleeping mask, or just you needing him to whisper sweet nothings into your ear and pepper kisses along your temple to help you fall back asleep after being jolted awake again—he’s always there to provide it.
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drabbles-mc · 4 years
Protective Detail (2/?)
Nestor Oceteva x Reader
Warnings: language, mentions of bruising
Word Count: 2.8k
A/N: Y’all I’ve gotten really into writing this fic. I know for chapter one I said semi-slow burn but upon further consideration I’m upgrading this to just straight-up slow burn. I’m not sorry. Enjoy some Nestor banter xo
Chapter Index
Protective Detail Taglist: @masterlistforimagines​ @sillygoose6969​ @mydaiilyescape​ @lovebennycolon​ (As always if you wanna be updated on future chapters of this, or notified about any of my other writing, let me know!)
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(Threw together my own little fic header because why not?)
You woke up the next morning to the smell of coffee. You smiled to yourself as you sat up and stretched in your bed, taking a few moments to collect yourself before you left your room to see what Nestor had gotten into. You padded down the hall and peeked into the kitchen to see a full pot of coffee sitting on the counter. You smiled as you walked over and poured yourself a cup before scooping an unhealthy amount of sugar and pouring creamer into it.
You heard Nestor from the living room, “You gonna have any coffee with all that cream and sugar?”
You looked over to him with a small smile, “I only drink it for the caffeine. Let me guess, you don’t put anything in yours.”
“That’s right,” he lifted his mug slightly.
You rolled your eyes, “You one of those guys who tries to protect the integrity of the coffee?”
He smirked, shaking his head, “No, I just hate creamer,” there was a pause before he asked, “So what’re you doing today?”
“Nothing until this afternoon. I work at the bar today,” you saw surprise cross his face for a brief moment and you laughed, “Some of us have to have regular day jobs, Nestor.”
He shook his head, “I know your father, I believe there is very little you have to do.”
“I have to have a personal security detail,” you shot back before taking another sip of your coffee.
He chuckled, “Well. That’s an upgrade from calling me your babysitter.”
“Well, I guess I should have asked first, am I still allowed to go to work?” you asked, sarcasm dripping from your voice.
He sighed, “I told you, I don’t make the rules. Your father didn’t say that you can’t. So, yes, until further notice.”
“How kind of him,” you shook your head slightly. You looked over at Nestor, wondering how he had the energy so early in the morning to put himself together so nicely, “You might as well sleep in your dress clothes.”
He shook his head, fighting back a smile, “No, they’d get wrinkled.”
For most of the morning, Nestor stayed quietly out of your way. He was on his laptop for a little while, and you were trying not to stare as you milled about your house cleaning and getting ready for work. Every now and then you could catch him glancing at you as you strolled around and you tried to ignore it.
Once it was time to leave, you snatched your keys off of the table and looked over at Nestor, who was pulling on his jacket. He looked at you, saw the keys dangling from your fingers, and let out a small sigh. He didn’t say anything as he headed towards the front door, holding it open for you.
“If you’re really that petrified after this drive, I won’t make you suffer through it anymore,” you laughed as you walked out the front door.
When the two of you pulled into the parking lot of the bar, Nestor wordlessly held out his hand for you to give him the keys. You laughed, shaking your head, “I was not that bad. Don’t be such a baby,” you opened your door, keeping the keys to yourself, “How am I supposed to trust you to protect me if you can’t even handle a little speeding?”
He didn’t say anything, just shook his head as he also got out of the car. You locked it and started walking towards the entrance, Nestor close behind you. Before you got to the door, though, you stopped and turned to him, “So, are you just going to lurk around for my entire shift?”
“I have to stay with you.”
You huffed, “That’s going to look so creepy though.”
He simply shrugged and gestured for you to walk inside. With a heavy sigh you complied. You walked to the back to get ready for your shift, leaving Nestor to his own devices. He took a seat at the bar and looked around, trying to get a decent grasp on his surroundings. He wasn’t quite sure what kind of bar you worked at, but he wasn’t expecting what he had walked into. It wasn’t a rough bar by any means, but it also wasn’t as upscale as he was probably used to after working with the Galindo family for so long. You were interested to see how he handled everything.
You came back out and set a glass of beer in front of him. He looked at you, confused, and you rolled your eyes with a small smile, “It’ll look less creepy if you’re sitting there and at least pretending that you’re here to drink.”
He didn’t say anything, just gave you a slight nod as he slid the glass closer to himself and taking a small sip out of it. You chuckled to yourself and shook your head as you walked away. The afternoon was starting off slow, as it usually did. That was fine by you, but it definitely made Nestor’s permanent presence a little more noticeable.
A couple hours into your shift, the owner of the bar pulled you into the back to talk to you, slight concern showing on her face, “You know that guy at the bar?”
You nodded, not sure how you were going to navigate the conversation, “Yea, he’s with me.”
“Do I get to know why he’s camping out in my bar?”
You sighed—the only upside being that your boss knew your father. She didn’t know a whole lot, but she knew enough to know that he was a powerful ally to have. “Family stuff,” you finally said, “My dad wants him around to keep me outta trouble.”
“Should I be worried?” she looked at the bruise on your cheek.
You shook your head, “No, I’m good. He’s overreacting. And to be fair, I told Nestor people were going to think he’s a creep if he just sits there all night,” you chuckled.
You saw some of the tension disappear from your boss’s face as she let out a laugh, “Least you tried to warn him,” she nudged your shoulder, “He’s cute. There are worse faces to get stuck looking at all the time, you know.”
You rolled your eyes, “He was hired to protect me, I’m not going to spend all of my time gawking at him.”
“Sure, he’s there to protect you, but who will protect you from falling in love with him?” she batted her eyelashes dramatically with a laugh, “You’re basically the star in a really niche romance movie.”
“Alright, I’m done with this conversation,” you laughed, but you could feel your face started to heat up, “Can I go back to doing my job?”
She smiled, “Sure. But if he starts scaring away customers, you’ll have to tell him to go and sit in the car or something.”
You raised one eyebrow, “You can be the one to have that conversation with him.”
“You think I won’t?”
You laughed, shaking your head, “I know you will, and I need to be there to see it when it happens.”
She gave you a gentle nudge back out onto the main floor of the bar and you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing at the mental image that you were conjuring up in your head of how it would look to see her get in Nestor’s face. Jade wasn’t a large woman, in fact she was a little shorter than you, but she carried herself with the confidence of a woman who had spent most of her adult life making sure drunk and belligerent men didn’t too out of hand. There weren’t many situations that scared her. She was older than you, but no one would’ve been able to tell at first glance—not letting little shit stress her out had definitely slowed her aging process. Between that and her long, wavy hair that cascaded down her back, she was the picture of youth. You had always admired the way that she carried herself, and you were almost hoping that she was going to have the opportunity to tell Nestor to hit the bricks.
As the night got busier, it was easier for Nestor to blend in. He mixed in well with the after-work crowd—it was a lot of men and women in their business attire. The later the night got, the more you could see him start to get antsy. A couple times you had walked over to him to tell him that he could wait outside if he was sick of being there, but he would just shake his head and wave you off. A couple times you reminded him that a little bit of a smile would go a long way in toning down the scary and creepy vibes he was giving off. He’d force one for you for a few moments before he went back to his usual passive expression, and you’d laugh every time the fake grin would fall from his face.
Jade had also gotten less annoyed with his presence as the night went on. You were fairly convinced it was only because she thought that he was attractive, not that you could blame her. You were still holding onto the hope that one of these nights she would tell him to get out. The amusement of that mental image made you smile every time it crossed your mind.
Once everyone had left except for Nestor, Jade told you both to head home. You reassured her that you could stay and help clean up, not wanting to leave her to close all by herself. She waved you off, reassuring you that her husband was already on his way to pick her up and she was definitely going to rope him into helping.
“I’ll help at least until he gets here,” you told her, not feeling comfortable leaving her alone.
“I’m letting you go early for your friend, not so much for you,” she laughed.
You smiled, shaking your head, “Listen, the man is being paid to spend time with me. He’s got it made—he can keep his spot at the bar for a little while longer.”
It only took her husband about twenty minutes to get there, and once he walked in, she all but pushed both you and Nestor out the door, “Bring a book, or sudoku or something next time,” she called after him. He didn’t say anything but he did smile and wave goodnight to her.
The two of you reached the car and Nestor looked at you, trying to figure out if you were going to let him drive home. You shook your head slightly before unlocking the doors and sliding into the driver’s seat. You could see it on his face that he wanted to argue with you, but he kept his thoughts to himself as he dropped into the passenger seat beside you.
“We can take turns,” you said as you reversed out of your parking spot.
You smiled as you pulled out onto the road, “Driving. I’ll drive my car and you can drive yours. We can take turns.”
He didn’t say anything as he rested his head back against the seat, keeping his eyes on the road. You had to assume, though, that the fact that he didn’t argue with you meant that he was fine with the new plan. At least it meant that he’d be able to drive some of the time.
“So,” you started as you unlocked the front door of your house, “How long do I have to go without an attempt on my life before you can be released back into Galindo Land?”
He chuckled as he walked in before you, wanting to check the house first, “It’s only been two days. My company really that bad?”
You hung by the door, allowing him to do his search, “Let’s be real, Nestor, this isn’t what either of us would really call company.”
He returned to the doorway and gestured for you to walk inside, satisfied with the safety level of your home. You walked over to the kitchen and opened the freezer, contemplating which pint of ice cream you were going to dig into. You grabbed a spoon and popped the top off your container of rocky road.
“Oh, that reminds me,” you pointed your spoon at him, “you don’t need to be doing chores around here, you know,” you gestured to the clean dishes.
He shrugged, “I was up…no point in not doing them.”
“I appreciate it, but still. You don’t have to,” you tilted the ice cream towards him, “Want a bite?”
He laughed and shook his head as he sat down on the couch, “I’m alright, thank you.”
You shrugged as you plopped down next to him, “Suit yourself.”
You could feel him staring at you, wondering why you felt the need to sit right next to him. You purposely ignored him as you scrolled, trying to find a TV show you felt like watching. He sighed, leaning away from you slightly and onto the arm rest of the couch. You smiled to yourself, spoon sticking out of your mouth. 
It was starting to get late when he looked over at you and asked, “Mind if I use your shower?”
For a moment you thought about making a smart remark about forcing him to live with you and not granting him access to the shower, but instead you settled on, “Had you pegged as more of a bubble bath guy,” you made yourself laugh, “But yea sure, go for it. Just don’t use the shampoo in the blue bottle, that’s just mine.”
He stood up and made his way down the hall, “I’ll be sure to avoid that.”
You peaked over the top of the couch and watched him disappear into the guest room, only to walk back out a few moments later with a change of clothes and a towel draped over his arm. He saw you looking at him and gave you a look that asked why you were staring.
“Water gets super hot super fast, so be careful,” you said without bothering to look away.
“Got it,” he slowly walked into the bathroom, waiting for you to look away but it didn’t happen. Once the door shut behind him you let out a laugh and returned your attention to the television.
When he came back out into the living room, he was back in the same set of clothes that you had seen him in the previous night. Maybe it was because you were so used to seeing him in dress shirts and slacks, but you definitely preferred the more comfortable aesthetic on Nestor. You bit back a laugh as he made a point to sit in the recliner instead of on the couch where he could get smothered by you again. He took his laptop out of his bag and began working on something, not that you would ever be able to figure out what.
“Can I ask you something?”
He didn’t look up from his laptop, “You can ask. Won’t promise I’ll answer.”
You smiled to yourself, “So do you, like, live with Miguel and Emily when you’re not being loaned out to me?”
He looked over at you, shaking his head slightly, “No. I only stay there if things are getting tense and he thinks he needs to have the extra support around the clock.”
You nod, “So you have your own place?”
He paused, searching your face for a moment before giving a simple, “Yes,” and going back to whatever he had been typing.
“Like a house? Or an apartment?”
He didn’t meet your gaze, instead keeping his eyes trained on his computer screen, “Why does that matter?”
You shrug despite the fact that he’s not looking at you, “I’m just nosey. Indulge me!” you laugh.
He shook his head but you can see it in his eyes that he’s trying not to smile, “That’s not information you need to know.”
“Oh come on,” you flopped onto the other end of the couch so you were closer to the chair that he was sitting in, “You get to know everything about my life. I can’t even know if you live in a house?”
He finally looked up at you, “I know everything about you because I have to. What need could you have for knowing that about me?”
“I’ll add it to my pile of Nestor Notes. It’ll go right on top of won’t listen to music in the car and doesn’t like not being the driver.”
He shook his head and went back to his work without another word. You sat there looking at him for a few moments before finally giving in and refocusing on your show. Every now and then you swore you could feel his eyes on you but you weren’t going to risk looking to see if you were right.
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mediocreauthor · 3 years
NANA Week, Day 4: Fireworks @7daysofnana 
They celebrate their first Hanami since Nana left.
She will come. She will come, she repeats herself as she puts Nana’s kimono neatly on the bed. She prepared cow meat sukiyaki, she might be hungry, after all. She takes out strawberry glasses Nana gifted her two years ago. It seems like centuries ago, when their relationship was being put to a test. 
When Nana, no, she is Hachi now. 
I am Hachi since Nana named me.
When Hachi thought she was going through the hardest time of her life. But it was okay, it was all okay because Nana, even though not right beside her, was still here. 
She dusts Nana’s guitar; she may want to play it. Maybe she will hand it to Nobu, while she sings with her sultry, magical voice. Just like she did when she climbed on their table, holding a cell phone. When she enchanted her. She glances at Ren, he is fast asleep on the bed. His little face looks angelic. ***
Her entire body is on fire. She is going to die!  She can’t form coherent sentences to describe her pain, it is too late for an epidural, Fujiko-chan says. She wants to clog her. A hand squeezes hers, she can feel the cold metal of Nana’s ring. “You can do this Hachiko. I am right here with you, you can do this.”
She should wonder where the hell Takumi is, but when Nobu’s hand gently rakes through her hair, she can’t even remember his face. Her daughter is coming. She has waited so long for this. Her baby, the one she sacrificed so much for will be here any moment. The hand holding her loosens and she turns her hand in panic. 
“Nana please don’t leave me!” She can’t recognize her own voice, it sounds ragged and hoarse. Her ears buzz. She sees her other half’s beautiful face through tears, Nana looks surprised for a second, Hachi can’t understand why, obviously she can’t do this without her.
But then she cradles her from behind and kisses her sweaty hair. “I am not going anywhere.”
*** She hears a faint knock on the door. Her chests clenches with anticipation, she missed her people.
Your people.
Swinging the door open with a bright smile, Hachi greets Yasu and Miu. They are both in kimonos as she requested. “Welcome, welcome!” her tone is barely above a whisper. “Ren is napping.” Yasu smiles, heading to the room. He really loves Ren so dearly, just like his best friend would. 
“I can’t wait to be an uncle.”
She will not cry today. She will welcome Nana with a big smile. 
Miu asks how she’s been, they dive into an idle chat. She is the only one who asks how Takumi is too. The rest don’t acknowledge his existence, she doesn’t blame them. She herself wants to forget it sometimes. 
“You have prepared so much. We should have come earlier to help.” Miu begins setting up the table. 
“Oh, that’s okay. I went a bit extra for Nana, I want everything to be perfect for her. Just like our first Hanabi.” 
Miu looks at her with an emotion she knows all too well, it’s on Junko’s, Kyosuke’s, Takumi’s face every time she talks about Nana’s return. She pays them no mind, they don’t know Nana. 
“I heard it rained so much that year.” She comments. Hachi giggles and turns her back to Miu, washing tomatoes that Jun gave her. 
“These tomatoes are good. Where did you buy them?”
God, shut the fuck up. 
She spends the rest of time going over minor details, mixes bath salts to create Nana’s favourite smell (it reminds him of Ren), she folds her bedtime clothes, tastes every dish thrice, turns on the ventilator, Nana would appreciate the breeze. Climbing up seven floors does things to your body temperature. 
Nobu and Shin’s arrival wakes Ren up, her son seeks her with his little grabby hands, once again filling her heart with affection. Shin bursts into the room immediately, his face lit up with a smile. Hachi kisses his cheeks, he hugs her tightly. 
“Hello mama. Why did you make my brother cry?”
“I didn’t make him cry! You guys' arrival woke him up.” Hachi pouts but gives Ren to Shin regardless. 
“We are sorry for that.”
Her stomach clenches and she faces Nobu, he looks at her with a sincerity she doesn’t deserve. He coos at Ren, tickling his chin. “Hello little buddy. Sorry we woke you up.” Ren stops crying in favor of chomping on Nobu’s finger.
“He is teething.” Hachi explains. Nobu studies him lovingly. “You're all grown up now, Ren.”
“It’s a boy!” Fujiko-chan declares. 
What? She sees her baby’s face covered in blood and something gross, bellowing. A nurse approaches, taking him away. She wants to reach but her arms feel like chunks of metal. 
“No it’s a girl… I really thought he was a girl.” 
Her eyes meet Nobu’s, tears matching one another. “You did it Hachi.” 
Nurse gives her his son, he is heartbreakingly small, but his warmth comforts her. She looks for a sign, a resemblance of Nobu but this little creature weirdly just reminds him of Shin. Nana walks toward the door, panic envelopes her for a second, but she looks back and says “I will let others know.”
Nobu drapes his arm over her shoulder, they stare, baby stares back. His irises are light brown, filled with curiosity. Hachi gently grazes her finger over his cheek and she can swear he smiles but she is probably high on adrenaline. “Welcome, my love.” She takes in a long breath. “I wanted to name him Satsuki. You know, like- like Ren picked. I really wanted to-” A hiccup crawls over her throat. She can feel Nobu’s fingers on her chin, he looks like he’s about to say something, but kisses her instead, almost reverently. 
They seperate, so much unfinished hanging between the short distance. Nobu rests his forehead against hers.
“How about Ren?”
They sit down to eat, she would prefer if they waited for Nana but starving her guests doesn’t scream hospitality either. Misato- Mai, damn it- has arrived, she smiles ever so politely at her. 
“These are so delicious, Hachiko-san. You shouldn’t have gone into all this trouble.”
“Abuh!” Ren protests when Yasu confiscates the chopstick he almost stabbed himself in the eye with. 
“Of course I should have! Nana can arrive any moment now.” Her friends look at each other, mentally communicating, eventually Shin sighs and puts his bowl down. 
“Hachi,” he begins. “Nana may not come today.” She immediately understands from the guilty faces that avoid her gaze that they have rehearsed this conversation. She lets rage take over.
“We always celebrate Hanami together, Nana knows this. She will remember.”
“That was before she left Hachi. I don’t think Nana wants to see us right now.” Nobu at least sounds demure. 
“We don’t know where she even is yet.” Miu adds. 
We don’t know if she is alive, is left unsaid.
“She knows where we are! Isn’t it enough?” Her high voice startles Ren, he picks up the tension right away, eyes getting glossy. Yasu gives him his glasses. 
“We just don’t want you to be disappointed wh- if she doesn’t show up.”
 I am not a fucking child. 
“How dare you give up on her?” She knows it’s unfair. She knows that Yasu spent all his life savings on a private investigator. She is aware the police precinct is sick of Mai’s calls. She knows Nobu stops by Ren’s warehouse every morning, hoping his friend would open the door.
 “If you think Nana actually forgot about us and started a new life in god knows where, were you even her friends?” Her tone is filled with disdain, she hates herself. 
They have the nerve to look dejected, Hachi just continues. “She is just healing. She’s been through so much. She needs a break, she will come back.” She glances at her hands, noticing they didn’t have nail polish. “She will come back.” Hachi weakly repeats. 
“Of course she will.” She perks up, Yasu is confidently smiling at her. “Healing takes time. It might be too early for her, this year. But one day, we will be all sitting at this table together. Don’t worry, Nana.” “Guh!” Ren shakes his head as if he knows what Yasu is talking about, maybe he does. 
Maybe it’s Ren who knows.
Shame creeps up on her, “I am sorry.” she murmurs. “I am so sorry. I just… I thought if I believed enough, it would come true.”
Small explosion noises are heard and the light of the fireworks fills the sky. Ren gets antsy on Yasu’s lap and reaches for her. She holds her son, watches how fireworks reflect on his big, astonished eyes. 
She thinks of Nana’s warm smile by the river, how the small firework Hachi was holding illuminated her face, she remembers Ren (as if she ever forgets), showing the word Satsuki proudly.
She remembers Nana’s eyes, wandering around the room, unable to focus on anything. Her movements are jittery, her cheeks are hollow- has she lost weight since the last time she saw her? They lay quietly in the dark room. 
“Hachi, do you want to go to the beach?” She is about to drift off to sleep, her voice is muffled by the pillow. It’s the middle of the night. “I can’t leave Ren alone, can we go tomorrow?” 
Nana’s breath hitches. “Sure, tomorrow.” Her voice is so small. Hachi barely hears the last sentence as sleep takes over her. She should have realized. 
“I want to see the sea.”
Ren’s little hand wipes her wet cheeks, he licks it in wonder. She quietly sobs, burying herself in his hair. She sees the untouched strawberry glasses from the corner of her eyes, they taunt her.
Next year, she tells herself. 
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lavendersuh · 4 years
soft smiles
lucas x reader | college au, fake dating | fluff | 2.3k words
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Seeing as you are a sophomore in college, you probably should’ve gone to at least a few parties in the past year. You typically found yourself at the local bars with your friends. Your roommate, Yeri, was interested in one of the NCT frat boys, though, which is how you ended up here.
You didn’t really know what to expect from frat parties, but you knew NCT had a better reputation than most of the other fraternities around campus. That fact alone let you relax a bit. Typically your group of friends stuck together while at bars, but the girls were quick to find their own area in the house once you were through the door. The entire house was alive with music and people.
You stuck with Yeri and Wendy, opening a seltzer. Yeri is cozying up to one of the boys— you assumed this was the Doyoung boy she had gushed about— while Wendy is talking to his friends. You listen to the conversation while adding a bit of input, but mostly you observe the party happening around you, enjoying the atmosphere. 
Suddenly, there’s a weight across your shoulders, and you look to your left to find a tall boy standing next to you casually. You know your eyes must be very wide, confused as he stares down at you with a goofy grin. 
He remains with an aloof, happy smile on his face as he leans down to talk to you.
“Hey, don’t panic, okay? Just pretend I’m your boyfriend, some creep was staring at you.” he says, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. 
You nod, leaning into him a bit, feeling his warm chest against your side. His touch sends tingles along your spine. You can’t recall a time you were ever this close to a stranger. You look around and can’t seem to find anyone looking directly at you, but there are too many people in the crowd to be sure. 
You look back up to him as he takes a few gulps from his drink, joining in the conversation that Doyoung and Xiaojun are having. 
“How do I know you’re not the creep?” you question him. 
He squeezes your arm, “I’m in this frat,” he says, continuing, “That guy got kicked out of here last semester for messing with some girls’ drinks. Just stay cool, I’ve got it covered.”
He makes a motion with his hand, and you see two guys go up to another in the crowd. After a mild argument, they walk the guy out, nodding at him once they come back in. They stroll over to your group after grabbing a drink.
The party goes on around you, only a few people slightly disturbed by the encounter. The boys continue joking around and talking, and you catch Wendy slyly smiling at you, making you realize the situation you’re still in. 
As you try to slip away from the unknown boy, he links his hand in yours softly, before walking you a bit farther into the back of the house. The dim lights of the kitchen greet you with less of a crowd.
The boy turns around once he’s leaning against the counter, staring down at you, with that silly smile still across his face. His shoulders are broad, you notice, and he’s tall. Very tall. You glance down out of bashfulness, realizing your hand is still engulfed by his.
“I’m Yukhei, by the way, I’m a part of the frat.” he says, “Have you been here before? I feel like I would remember a pretty face like yours.”
You shake your head, your stomach alight with butterflies at his blatant flirting, “I usually go to bars more, but Yeri is into a guy here so…” 
He laughs at that, “Well this is the best place to be, in terms of frats, so your friend is very wise. The guys aren’t too bad either.” 
He attempts to give you a smouldering look, which makes you giggle a little too much. You pretend it’s because of the alcohol that’s started to enter your system instead of how attractive you find this boy standing in front of you.
He asks you a few more questions about your day, what you’re drinking tonight and more, all while adding little jokes and flirty pieces into the conversation. It’s been awhile since anyone has been interested in you, so you can’t help but smile at his comments.
Yukhei is just as enamored with you as you are with him, and you don’t realize how much time has passed until Wendy comes up to you asking if you could walk back to the dorms with her. Yeri was staying the night (which seemed like a good sign for her), and it was starting to get late. 
Wendy was giving you a knowing side eye as Yukhei bid you goodbye, offering a “Goodnight, darling,” with a bold kiss to your forehead. 
You have a soft smile the whole way home, as Wendy prods you for information on the boy you spent the evening talking to.
“He seems nice,” Wendy comments, “I don’t know a lot about him, but that’s better than knowing him as a playboy for something!” 
She seems more excited that you are, but she also clearly had quite a few more drinks. You make sure she’s situated in her room before leaving her. Walking back to your empty room, you fall asleep to the thought of deep brown eyes and a smile that’s stuck in your brain.
The next day, you’re woken up by Yeri coming back to your room. Soft light comes through your window, highlighting your roommate in last night’s clothes with a jacket over her shoulders.
“Good morning,” you mumble, stretching out from your warm blankets.
“Oh good you’re up!” she says, “Did you meet a guy last night?” 
The immediate question wakes you up more fully, knowing your roommate is about to interrogate you. She sits down excitedly on your bed, looking as you nod, “Yeah, kind of, how did you know?”
“I was eating some breakfast in the kitchen with Doyoung— who is amazing by the way— and a boy came in asking if I was friends with you!” 
“Yes! Oh my god, you did meet a boy last night! Did you get his number? Are you going out? This is so exciting!” she squeals.
You grab a hold of her arms, in an attempt to calm down her crazy early morning energy. The girl was always more awake in the mornings than you; you don’t know how she did it.
You explain how you met Yukhei, with the weird guy and the long conversation afterwards. 
“That’s so sweet of him! And he seems like he might be interested,” Yeri wiggles her eyebrows.
You roll your eyes at her, “I doubt I will even see him that much, if ever. I’m sure he talks to a lot of girls.”
Yeri scolds you for brushing off the situation so easily, and then proceeds to excitedly tell you about her night. It looks like she finally has a boyfriend by the way things are going. With too much hope in your heart, you wonder what the future might hold for you, too.
Around a week later, you are getting a coffee at a cafe when you see your sort-of ex walk in. You don’t normally come to this cafe, so you were already a bit antsy with nerves, but now you are completely on edge as you wait for your order to be ready. 
You hadn’t really dated anyone yet, but you had talked to a few people since coming to university. The boy that had just walked in was the one you really thought would go somewhere. There were no hard feelings, but he eventually stopped talking to you after he mentioned he wasn’t looking for anything serious.
You really did not feel like making small talk with him. You look around frantically at the busy cafe, heading for the back, hoping there is a second exit. Unfortunately there isn’t, but before you turn around, you suddenly see a familiar face. 
You rush over to Yukhei’s table where he sits alone, sliding into the seat across from him.
“Um, hi, can I sit here? My sorta ex walked in and I don’t want to face him alone.” you say, looking at him with pleading eyes.
Yukhei has a wide eyed look on his face, but he softly smiles as he realizes who’s standing in front of him, and what you’re asking.
“Sure,” he says, “It’s no problem.”
You set your bag down next to you, noticing Yukhei’s abandoned airpods that sit next to his open laptop. He was definitely in an intense study mode, so you grab your own laptop to work on a few things, too. 
You sit in comfortable silence for a few moments, enjoying each others’ company while you work on homework. It’s hard to pay attention to your screen when you know your ex could be around. It’s even harder to pay attention knowing Yukhei is so near. Despite the way every fiber of your being knows that Yukhei is so close, you can feel your nerves start to calm down knowing that he is near. Every so often you glance up at Yukhei, just to see his eyes look away as if he was glancing at you too. 
“Y/N?” you hear behind you, and suddenly, Yukhei grabs your hand in his, stroking his thumb over your knuckles softly. 
You go to look behind you, but Yukhei squeezes your hand, reaching over to move a stray strand of hair into a different place. As he leans in slightly, he whispers, “Be cool, he’s coming over here.”
Your heartbeat was already doing overtime but his words made your emotions spiral even more. Oh God. 
You feel a looming presence over your shoulder, and you look up to see your sort-of ex standing over you, with a puzzled expression on his face. 
“How are you doing, Y/N? I haven’t seen you in forever.” he asks, striking up mild conversation like he didn’t ghost you five months ago.
You clear your throat before responding, “I’m doing good, how are you?” 
The conversation is as bland as a piece of bread, and you can barely keep your focus as Yukhei’s hand holds yours. His palms are warm and his thumb continues to stroke across the back of your hand. Finally your ex looks over at him, and how your hands are embraced.
“And who’s this?” he asks, attempting to come across nonchalantly, but failing to do so. 
You panic for a moment, unsure of what to say. You are never able to lie well, but you can’t help but wish you could say something that will make him jealous. No, not jealous, but maybe sad about what he had lost. You wanted to show him that you were doing good without him, as stupid as it sounded. But lying was not your forte, so you open your mouth to explain that Yukhei is just a friend, when you feel a squeeze in your hand.
“I’m her boyfriend.” 
You whip your head around to look at Yukhei with wide eyes, just as the boy next to you does the same. Yukhei just grins at you both with that cheeky grin that makes you smile a little bit too.
“I’m Yukhei,” he extends the hand that isn’t holding yours.
Your ex shakes his outstretched hand with a bit of a reluctant look. The conversation takes a bit of an awkward turn, given the entire situation. He leaves quickly after that.
As soon as you hear the bell on the cafe door chime with his departure, you remove your hand from Yukhei’s, while he smiles contentedly at you.
“Why did you do that?!” you exclaim. “I was going to tell him you were my friend…. It would’ve been fine!”
Yukhei looks at you like he’s got everything figured out, “I kinda wanted to make him jealous, that was alright, no?” he explains, “And now you have an excuse next time you see him!”
“What about when he sees you around with campus with some girl that’s not me?” you ask, as your mind goes through different scenarios, “I don’t expect you to halt your life to help me. And I’m not good with confrontation, Yukhei, I can’t lie very well.”
“If he sees me with some other girl or something, you can just say we stopped seeing each other. It should be fine though, I’m not dating anyone right now, it’s all good.”
You’re quiet for a moment, taken aback by Yukhei’s easy nature of thinking, as well as his generosity. You’ve barely had more than a few conversations with this guy, and he’s been more attentive than the last two guys that have shown interest in you.
You look up to see he’s already looking at you with a soft gleam in his eyes. Quietly, you ask, “Why are you being so nice to me?” 
Yukhei’s eyes look away from yours, the tips of his ears turning red under the waviness of his hair. He casts a glance out through the window at the street. Eventually, he shakes his head, before turning back to you.
“You’re kinda cute, you know?” he says, trying to keep his voice casual, but his words only make you more flustered. “And like I said, I’m not dating anyone so....”
He sends you that smile that has your insides melting, “So maybe we could get dinner, see a movie…. Go on a date, sometime?” 
You smile at the idea, gathering the courage to ask for his number. You both agree to make some plans for the following week, through shy smiles and a warm, fuzzy feeling in your chest.
“And who knows,” he says, with a sly smile, “Maybe I could be your real boyfriend instead of your fake one.” 
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myriadimagines · 4 years
Lost Time
The Umbrella Academy One Shot
Pairing: Reader x Number Five
Other Characters: —
Warnings: mentions of death
Summary: Five and his twin sister, y/n, catch up with one another for the first time in 16 years.
Word Count: 1,252
A/N: i don’t really feel like explaining why i wanted to write this but i need to get thoughts down and five fit best with the concept i had in mind so :) this is set in season 1 so no worries about potential spoilers. i’m sorry for not keeping the reader gender neutral (i was basically inserting myself into this akshdas) also idk why i chose to do this in third person instead of second like i normally do but here we are. i was going to make this longer but decided to quit while i was ahead.
please reblog/leave comments, they’re very much appreciated!
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A coffee break seems trivial in the wake of the apocalypse, but Five sits in the small diner nonetheless, nursing an empty, coffee stained mug. He taps his shoe against the tile, impatient as always, knowing that every second wasted is precious. 
He looks up as the door chimes, sees y/n wrapped in a dark coat. She doesn’t need to look around the room to know which booth to sit at, making her way to the corner where she and Five used to sit as kids, sneaking out the Hargreeves mansion late at night for donuts and other sugary midnight treats they could get their hands on.
“You’re late.” Five deadpans as she sits down. It’s meant to be a jab, but she brushes it off with the air of someone who’s had to deal with such remarks all her life. She knows better than anyone that having to grow up with seven other siblings practically makes you immune to petty teasing and sarcasm. She shrugs off her coat, hands smoothing over a blouse underneath. She’s well dressed, Five notes, although he wouldn’t expect anything else from his twin.
y/n Hargreeves, Five quickly realised soon after arriving into 2019, grew up to be a sophisticated woman, with a mind as sharp as his. With the styled dark hair and the piercing eyes, the resemblance between the two of them is striking. Even still, with y/n in adulthood and Five trapped as a teenager, one can’t deny the similarities. 
“Good to see you too, Five,” y/n finally says, waving down a passing waitress as she rolls up the sleeves of her top. She smiles at the waitress, curtly nodding, “Some coffee, please.”
y/n slides her mug over to the waitress, who fills up the cup. Before she can depart, Five holds out his cup, and the waitress pauses before hesitantly filling it up. Tapping his finger against the table, Five remarks, “Leave the pot.” 
She blinks at him in surprise. “I—”
Five raises an eyebrow at her, expression stoic, and she hurriedly sets the coffee down, scuttling off. He takes it, filling his cup up to the brim. The novelty of coffee has yet to wear off for him, but he hopes it never does. After 60 years of being alone in an apocalyptic wasteland, coffee is one of the many pleasures that Five has come to appreciate. He gulps it down, frowning at the watery taste — far too weak for his liking. Rolling back his shoulders, he meets his twin’s gaze as he asks, “So, care to enlighten me about why we’re here?”
y/n smiles, slowly taking a sip of her own coffee. She knows her leisurely pace gets on her brother’s nerves. He was always so antsy as a child, rushing off and leaving her in the dust. She smacks her lips together, letting out a hum of appreciation, “Good coffee, isn’t it?”
“Could be stronger.” Five impatiently remarks. Shaking his head, he leans forward as he continues, “We don’t have time for thi—”
“Do you ever think about how much lost time there is between us?” y/n interrupts, and Five’s eyebrows furrow. She leans back in the booth, the leather creaking underneath her as she wraps her fingers around her mug. She traces a finger alongside the handle of the mug, moving along the curve, before continuing, “Some days I try not to. But I find myself coming back to it day after day.” 
Five doesn’t respond, because what can he say? He knows an apology means nothing, and what could he possibly apologize for? Sorry for getting stuck in the future, sorry for not being able to come back. He knows it’s futile, and so does y/n. 
But from the look on her face, Five knows that doesn’t mean it hurts any less. So after a moment’s consideration, Five finally responds, “So talk to me about it. All the time lost, fill me in. That’s why you brought me here, isn’t it?” 
He leans back, shooting her an expectant look. She studies his expression, eyes narrowed, before she takes a deep breath. “I was desolate when you went missing.”
Guilt rushes through Five’s body. He lowers his head, gaze dropping into his coffee. He can see his rippling reflection in the dark liquid, and he absently swirls the mug slightly. Suddenly, he can feel the weight of all the years him and y/n spent apart, violently ripped from one another’s lives to each face a world that they’ve never faced alone. As twins, the two were inseparable, no matter Reginald’s attempts to break that. And in the end, it wasn’t even Reginald who managed to tear them apart. No, Five managed that feat all by himself. 
He curses his arrogance now, curses his boisterous self. The apocalypse aged him more than anything else, burdened him with wisdom and knowledge beyond his age. It all comes in handy now, but at what cost?
“It was painful, at first,” y/n continues. “But the years blurred together after a while.”
Whatever childhood y/n had was stolen from her the day Five went missing, although she reckons there wasn’t much childish innocence left to begin with. It wasn’t long before Ben’s death shattered her further, and she damned the Umbrella Academy within her own mind. A loveless home that had taken everything from her, a cold house that left her empty. 
y/n didn’t know where life would take her, but she always thought one certainty she could rely on was her twin brother. Whatever would happen, he would have her back, until he didn’t. Once she left the academy, she tried living a normal life, tried at some semblance of being ordinary to cover up the childhood trauma. Went to college, got a job, dated around, even thought about starting a family. But with each milestone she hit, every goal that made her seem more normal, it served as a painful reminder of the years she had gone without her brother. A reminder of how old she was getting, and how she would never get to see Five get old with her. Even the few sparse sibling reunions she had with the others were too much to bear, because the family didn’t feel complete without the siblings they had lost.
“You know,” Five speaks up. He sucks in a sharp breath, as if the vulnerability is hurting him,  but he admits, “I would reread your chapter in Vanya’s book, to the point where I’d memorise the words. But I felt like it was all I had of you left. You and everyone else.”
A sad smile appears on y/n’s face. She doesn’t say anything, before remarking, “I adore Vanya, really. But I’ve never hated anything more than I’ve hated the book.” 
Five blinks in surprise at y/n’s statement, before he lets out a low chuckle. “Like I said, that book was all I had left of you guys. But honestly? I hated it, too.”
y/n laughs, snorting in a way that Five used to mock her for, but the bubbly sound of his sister’s laughter makes him feel nostalgic instead. She shakes her head, remarking, “I missed this.”
Five nods, a soft smile lighting up his face. A rarity, y/n knows, for him to genuinely smile without a hint of sarcasm or smugness. The seconds don’t feel wasted anymore, and Five replies, “I missed this, too.”
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tag list: @egg2k16​ / @cnco-babes​ / @floup-doodles​ / @batfam16​ / @redbullchick​ / @fangirlsarah16​ / @ofthedewthesunlight​​
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sapphicmsmarvel · 4 years
JJ: Bodyguard
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You were practically JJ’s guard, at press conferences you always stood by her side, in case the vultures that were the media targeted her. You stood with your back straight, your head held high, never smiling as you viewed the sea of flashing cameras and yelling people. 
This case was high publicity, instead of just local news reporters, it was also regular ole paparazzi. Being a case about a serial killer who kills female celebrities, and the fact that one of the high suspects is a famous actor himself. 
JJ held your hand as you walked behind the scenes of the conference, she squeezed it, “I’ve done hundreds of these conferences, I’ve never been as nervous as I am for this one.” “It’s high profile, that’s to be expected.” 
“Very true, this is a nation wide case, it’s trending on Twitter.” Garcia held up her phone, then saw the look on both of your faces, “right, not a good time. Okay, just read the papers and maintain eye contact with all of them.”
“They’re vultures, they will pick at a carcass until it’s bones. Don’t let them pick at you.” 
She nodded, and you continued, “deep breath through your nose and out your mouth.”  
She did as you said, “you’ll be right there, right?” 
“JJ, an apocalypse couldn’t tear me from your side.” You said, then gestured to the wedding rings that adorned both of your fingers. “Together till death do us part.” 
She smiled and kissed your lips gently, not smudging the lipstick. 
“As much as I love you guys, we need to get out there. They’re getting antsy.” Reid said, gently gesturing to the stage. 
She squeezed your hand one more time and you two took off to the stage.
Immediately, cameras flashed and voices began shouting. JJ was a badass, she knew how to handle shit like this. It just eased you both being by each other's side. 
It was 5 minutes in before a dumbass spoke. A new record. 
“You know, if this is false his career is over.” You recognized that voice, it was one of the most notable sexist journalists. 
“Women are dying.” You said, incredulously.
“And who are you?” He asked, in that man way of ‘I'm better than you”. 
“Agent L/n. Who are you?” You glowered. Of course you knew, but you wanted to piss him off.
“John Willshire.” 
You shook your head, “doesn’t ring a bell.” 
“I wouldn’t expect someone so small minded to know of my work.” 
“And I wouldn’t expect a nobody to be able to attend a conference of this caliber.” You snapped again. 
Oh, he was fuming. Checkmate. 
JJ cut in, “his career isn’t a concern of ours. All we care about is that women are dying and frankly that’s what the media should care about.” 
“Miss, answer my comment. If this is false, his career is over.” 
You gave her a look and she gave a slight nod. You cut in. “Oh boo hoo. Women in this area can’t walk alone at night, they can’t smile around men because they think it’s flirty. These women will never expand their careers, these women, their careers are over because of this sick bastard. So shut the hell up, sit your vulture ass down and listen to Agent Jareau.” You stepped back as you let JJ continue her conference.  
He didn’t speak up again. 
It was a long day, you took a nice hot shower and got in bed quickly with JJ.
“You’re trending on twitter.” JJ grinned, “look.” 
You took her phone and scrolled through the tags. 
“Holy shit.” You laughed, you clicked on the fbi agent one. 
The most popular tweet was a photo of you two standing next to each other looking like queens. 
A twitter user said, “look at them, two badass ladies. Now we can only hope they fall in love.” 
Then a popular reply: 
“Pennygarcia: hi i know them. They’re married 😊”
And attached was a photo from the wedding shoot. You both were wearing a white dress and you were kissing her cheek as she smiled.
“Garica’s in trouble.” You said, handing JJ the phone. “Oh. My. God.” JJ laughed. 
You two spent the rest of the night scrolling through the replies and blowing up Garcia’s phone with screenshots from the tags.
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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Ch34: Paper
Summary: Following the events in Siberia, Katie, Steve Wanda and Sam all struggle to adapt to a life on the run. The Roger’s first wedding anniversary isn’t spent the way Steve would have hoped, but as Fall arrives, he finallly gets the call he’d been waiting for from Wakanda.
Warnings: Bad language, Smut! (NSFW, Under 18s) Bad Language words.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
A/N: Wonderful edit again from @angrybirdcr​ and a new part means a new banner!!!! Here we go, into the Nomad/IW years...
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Chapter 33
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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August 2016
Following advice from Coulson, the group of Outlaws decided to lay low for a few months until interest died down, although Katie and Sam were pretty amused to find out that there had been widespread protests across the US after Captain America had been declared and Enemy of the State, especially when someone (no names were mentioned, but Katie was laying odds on it being Murdock to help Clint and Scott’s very publicised hearings) had leaked to the press details of exactly what had taken place in Siberia, and how they had been treated by the Government. To Katie’s further delight, Ross was facing a public enquiry as well with regards to their unlawful arrests. 
All in all, that part of it had worked out pretty well. And whilst she knew Ross would get away with it, the thought of him being pissed off and inconvenienced filled her with a very smug sense of satisfaction.
The place they were living was called the Isle of Lewis, approximately twelve miles away from Stornoway in the northern part of the inter-connected Islands in the Hebrides. Coulson wasn’t lying when he’d told Katie it was isolated, in fact the only connection to mainland Scotland was either a two hour ferry or a half hour flight, so with that respect it was absolutely perfect. 
The old farm house was secluded, the land surrounding it sprawling for miles, shielded by a large thicket of trees on three sides and a cliff edge which dropped down to a small beach on the other. There was no reason for anyone to visit or pass their house, bar the odd dog walker they saw treading the cliff footpath. They were always careful when seeing people to greet them politely so they didn’t attract attention by being suspiciously aloof. 
The first rule of going on the run? Don’t run.
At first they strayed into town for supply runs only. Katie was surprised just how well she adapted to living with two additional people. At first she had been worried, Steve and her having had their own space for such a long time. Even in the tower and compound their living quarters had been spacious and private, meaning they could hide away from everyone if they wanted to. But in their safe house they didn’t have that luxury. Nevertheless, it was adequate enough meaning they all had their own rooms, even if they were on the small side. And whilst there was only one full bathroom upstairs, so far there had been no squabbles about who used it when. 
The large sitting area had been kitted out with a state of the art entertainment system, they had a decent sized farmhouse style Kitchen-Diner, and a smaller sitting room off the back of the kitchen with a smaller TV and a  a piano much to Katie’s delight. Practical things like bills etc were coming out of an account belonging to Mr and Mrs O’Rourke, one of Katie and Steve’s covers- the name being Steve’s Ma’s maiden name. Coulson had advised them it was the least suspicious thing to do and would attract less attention than trying to pay cash at a bank. They’d also acquired a ten year old 4x4, bought for cash of course, and it was subtle enough to blend in as a lot of the locals seemed to drive them too due to the terrain and climate of the Island.
But whilst everything seemed to go according to plan and was, when all was said and done, fairly easy, Steve was struggling. He was antsy from the lack of action, and from a purely carnal point of view was missing the fact he could slam his wife up against any surface he wanted to and not worry about them being caught. He hated the fact their room was right next to Sam’s, concerned with the amount of noise they might make after Bucky’s jibe about the hotel rooms, and it wasn’t long before Katie noticed a dramatic shift in his attitude towards her. He was snappy, short tempered and Katie was often the one that bore the brunt of his temper. They bickered, on a much larger scale than she could really ever remember them doing before, over really stupid things as well like the fact one evening Steve couldn’t find where she’d put his favourite cookies in the kitchen. He became less tactile, less handsy and their love life dwindled dramatically, but she tried not to let it get to her, which was easier said than done especially when she was so used to the fact that he basically worshipped the ground she walked on.
The morning of their first wedding anniversary, Katie woke alone, her husband nowhere to be found. After laying simply staring at his empty side of the bed for a moment, remembering he blinked back tears of frustration and headed for a before she wandered downstairs into the kitchen to be greeted by Sam and Wanda both sat at the table.
“Steve gone for a run?” She asked, after greeting them both good morning.
“Yeah, I offered to go but he wanted to go on his own.” Sam said, shrugging “Didn’t want me slowing him down.”
“He actually said that?” Katie frowned.
Sam nodded.
“I’m sorry Sam, don’t take it personally.” Katie poured herself a coffee and sat down, taking a deep breath. “Is everything okay?” Wanda asked, looking at Katie “You’ve both been a little tetchy recently. Granted you haven’t been as bad as him, but…” “Yeah, you guys not err…getting enough?” Sam quipped, earning himself a slap round the back of the head from Wanda, the younger woman giving him a glare.
“Fuck off Wilson.” Katie rolled her eyes.
“I’m just saying.”
“Well don’t.” She snapped, taking a sip of her coffee then swiping a piece of toast off his plate. “He’s just not coping well with being cooped up, it’ll settled down. I hope.” She added, biting her toast.
“Look, we know it’s your anniversary today.” Wanda looked at her. “You got anything planned?” “Not really possible.” Katie shrugged. “Thought I might try and convince him to take a walk later, just the two of us but…”
“Well,” Sam looked at Wanda then over to Katie. “We thought we might head into town for the evening, hit a few bars. Give you two a bit of space.” Wanda nodded, eagerly. “You have to do something, even if it’s just cooking a meal and having a bit of you time.” Katie pondered this for a moment and found herself smiling “Actually, that’s not a bad idea. I can go to the store later.” Her spirits raised a little as she started planning a menu out in her head. She was jerked from her thoughts when the security system clicked and Steve walked through the door of the kitchen that led to the grounds, the door shutting behind him, the keypad beeping as he typed in the code to lock everything down. His T-shirt was damp with sweat, clinging to his torso, the pair of dark sweats fitting snugly to his hips.
“Hey.” She looked up at him. His face was tired but nevertheless she was relieved to see him smile as he walked over and dropped a soft kiss to her head, their argument from the previous night forgotten.
“Happy Anniversary.” He whispered, and she smiled up at him, understanding his gesture to also be an apology of sorts.
“Back at ya, Soldier.” She swallowed back her tears, “You want breakfast?” “I’ll shower first.” He nodded to Sam and Wanda before pausing, and with a playful smile he stole the last piece of toast off Sam’s plate.
“Not cool man!” Sam groaned.  “That was the last of the bread.” Steve simply shrugged at Sam’s protest, before he headed down the hallway to go and freshen up. Katie watched him go before she turned to Wanda.
“Fancy coming with me to the store?”
She nodded “Sure.”
***** When Steve came back to the kitchen half an hour or so later he was surprised to find the girls gone.
“Supplies.” Sam answered his unasked question as he was flicking through the television in the lounge, settling on a British Chat Show called ‘This Morning’, easy daytime TV that didn’t require thinking about. Steve made himself a coffee before he sat down next to his friend with a sigh.
“So, first anniversary.” Sam spoke, not looking at him. “Be this isn’t what you thought you’d be doing?” “You can say that again.” Steve mumbled. Just twelve months ago at that exact time he’d been bustling about his apartment on the compound in a fluster getting ready. It had, without a doubt, been the happiest day of his life.  But this was not how he wanted their first wedding anniversary to go down. He’d always planned spoiling Katie a little, maybe a nice getaway, somewhere warm, but that wasn’t an option.
“Me and Wanda are clearing out later.” Sam’s eyes remained on the TV. “Give you two a bit of alone time.” “You don’t have to-“ Steve started but Sam cut him off with a snort.
“Man, you need to make some lovin’ on your girl.” He turned to the soldier who felt a flush rise up his neck. “Because we know you ain’t been getting enough, you’ve been a bad tempered bastard for weeks.”
“I have not.” Steve shot back indignantly, causing Sam to raise his eyebrows. Steve let out a sigh, knowing he was well and truly busted.
“Look, if you two ever need some space, all ya gotta do is ask.” Sam said sincerely, looking at Steve. “Couples need that time. This is bound to be stressful for you both.”
“I doubt it’s easy on you two either.” Steve looked at him and Sam shrugged, before he smirked.
“Difference is if I wanna get laid I’ll just head into town. There’ll be some sap out there that likes George Fletcher the Geologist from Georgia.”
“You’re terrible you know that?” Steve smirked at him over his coffee mug.
Sam simply smiled back. “You get her anything?”
“Yeah.” Steve nodded “We agreed months ago on something paper themed, you know, on account of the anniversary being paper. I had planned to get the lyrics to our wedding song printed and do a sketch of one of our photos to hang up in our apartment but that kinda went out of the window.” “So what did you get?” “A book.” Steve let out a breath “I spotted it in the second hand shop in town last time we did a flyer. It’s a leather-bound complete works of Shakespeare but it was published the year she was born and has all these handwritten notes in it from someone. Just the kind of thing she’ll like. And a couple of albums of sheet music, I know she’s missing hers back home and she hasn’t been playing the piano as much as I thought she would.”
“She’ll love it.” Sam smiled encouragingly “I hope so Sam.” he sighed, leaning back against the couch cushions, scratching at his chin “I hope so.” *****
True to their word, Sam and Wanda headed out just after five, leaving Katie and Steve alone. As Katie bustled around in the kitchen, Steve couldn’t help but watch his wife as she cooked, a small smile playing on his face. And then, realising they were truly alone for the first time in months he placed his beer down on the side and crossed the small room, wrapping his arms around her from behind and dropping his chin to her shoulder, nuzzling at her neck. She smiled at his display of affection, something she’d been aching for, and as the scruff of his almost-beard scratched at her skin she gave a soft sigh.
“You okay?” she asked.
“Yeah.” He said, before he shook his head “No. Not really. Doll, I’m sorry for being so distant. You don’t deserve this.” He sighed. “After the accords, when the dust settled we were supposed to have a normal life, a simple life. I can’t even give you that.”
“It’s a good thing you’re cute because at times you’re incredibly stupid,” She smiled making him breathe a laugh. “Steve we’re here, together after everything. I made that vow, until death do us part and I mean it. I love you.” She finished simply, shrugging. “So stop wasting time worrying about it. You’re stuck with me, Captain Dumbass.“
Steve looked back at her, before he gave her a small smile.
"Now I know this probably isn’t what either of us had in mind, but we’re on our own, I’ve got a pretty large batch of Mac and Cheese, and an apple pie in the oven, a steak ready to grill so let’s just try and enjoy it.”
“You made mac and cheese?” Steve’s face creased into a boyish smile “And apple pie? What happened to not baking pies unless it’s Autumn?” “Well its September tomorrow.” She shrugged. “And I thought it might cheer you up.”
"Sorry.” He half grimaced, half smiled apologetically back at her. “I know I haven’t been the easiest to be around lately ─”
“Stop apologizing.” She interrupted him again.
He studied her for a second before he leaned down to give her a soft kiss. “I love you.” “I know.” Her hands slid down to his chest and she gave him a quick pat before playfully shoving him away “Now scoot, unless you want me to burn dinner. Go set the table.” Knowing better than to refuse, he did as he was told and it wasn’t long before they were settled down and eating. They talked about everything and anything, drank wine, and to the pair of them they could almost have been sat in their dining room at the compound. They laughed, they joked, they poked fun at one another. It felt normal. Once they had finished eating they cleared their dishes, Steve grabbed another bottle of wine and they headed to the couch to find something to watch on TV.
“I got you something.” Katie smiled when Steve dropped the wine onto the coffee table and she gestured to the small gift bag resting on the table.
“Oh, me too. Hang on.” He bounded up the stairs to retrieve his gift. As he returned, Katie eyed the two wrapped items with playful suspicion as he handed them to her. One was really heavy. She passed the gift bag containing his to him and he peeked inside, and they shared a childish grin with one another before they set about opening their presents.
“Oh, Steve.” She breathed out as she gently ran her hands over the leather of the anthology he had bought her. Flicking through, she smiled as she spotted all the notes that someone had written in the margins. They consisted of opinions on the plays, themes, characterisation plots, all the type of thing she had studied at University and she found it fascinating to read other people’s interpretations.
“I thought you might like it.” He watched her as she looked at him, her eyes bright, before she then let out another sigh of happiness when she opened the two sheet music books as they would give her something else to play other than the stuff she knew from memory.
And her gift to Steve was equally as thoughtful. He positively beamed when he opened the new blank sketch books, pencils, wax crayons and charcoals. All of his art supplies had been left behind and he’d been dying to get some more.
“Well, the sketchbook is paper.” Katie explained softly. “And I know it relaxes you to draw.” “Doll, its perfect” He assured her, dropping a kiss to her lips. “Thank you.”
“So, what film do you wanna watch?” She asked, moving for the remote but Steve had no intention of watching a film. Not now. He gently grabbed her wrist and she looked at him.
“Right now, Mrs Rogers, I’d really like to carry you upstairs and take you to bed.”
Katie grinned. “Well that can be arranged, but there’s something I wanna do first.”
He looked at her, puzzled for a moment but when she tapped on her phone and the opening sounds of ‘Only One in Colour’ sounded over the speakers he laughed and stood up, offering her his hand.
“May I have this dance?” He quipped, arching an eyebrow at her.
“Always.” She smiled, allowing him to pull her up.
They moved to the back of the couch where there was more room and he took her in a hold and they simply stayed close, swaying to the music, both of them thinking back to their first dance as a married couple twelve months ago. Katie pressed her cheek to Steve’s chest and he in turn rest his chin on the top of her head, revelling in her closeness. He heard her let out a soft sigh, but this one was contentment, and he gently moved to look down at her. For a moment Katie felt her breath catch, he was looking at her with nothing but unadulterated desire and love, the same way he had on their wedding day, and before the song had even finished, he’d captured her lips in a soft kiss, his hands moving to cradle her face. Hers fisted in his white T-shirt and it wasn’t long before the kiss had deepened causing a moan to catch in Steve’s throat. Without a word he pulled back and scooped her up in his arms, bridal style, causing her to giggle, a sound he would never tire of, and quick as a flash he carried her up the stairs and into the bedroom.
He set her on her feet but before he had time to do anything she’d shoved him backwards, catching him off guard slightly causing him to sit down harshly on the bed and he let out a smirk as she straddled him before she kissed him again and he was happy to reciprocate exactly how he knew she liked, firm and gentle, passionate and caring all at once. Katie gently bit his lower lip drawing another groan from his throat as he rest his head against hers, his hands gently gipping her hip.
“You know,” She drew back slightly to cup his face in her fingertips. “I really do like kissing you with this.” she traced her hand across the short beard on his face. She also liked looking at him with it too because, coupled with the fact his hair was also getting slightly longer, it gave him a rugged, harder, rougher look taking him farther and farther away from the Blue-Eyed all American boy day by day.
“I’m getting used to it.” He murmured pressing a soft kiss to her mouth before his head dropped, small kisses trailing up the length of her neck, that precious stubble creating an amazing contrast to the softness of his mouth.
“Yeah, me too.” She gave a soft moan, her eyes closed as she rolled her head back, giving him access to more of her neck. Steve smiled slightly, happy to oblige and just take his god damned time loving his wife. Eventually, his lips made their way up her jaw and then she sat up slightly, grasping at the hem of his T-shirt. He moved to allow her to take it off and then his fingers made short work of the sleeveless button down she had been wearing, shrugging it down over her shoulders before he peppered more kisses across her collar bone and down her sternum as he reached round to undo her bra. Gently, he lay her flat down on the bed, taking a nipple in his mouth, this time drawling a loud groan from her as her hips bucked involuntarily upwards at the sensations spiking through her body.
God it really had been far too long since he’d lavished attention on her like this and Steve made a mental note to tell Sam and Wanda to ‘take a walk’ a lot more often. It was almost two months now since they had last been intimate and, his body was aching for her, desperate to feel her, and from the noises she was making she felt the same. His lips made their way down, nose and beard skimming along the waistband of her jeans before he undid them, sliding them down with her underwear as he shed his own too before he crawled back over her.
Katie pushed on his shoulders slightly so she could roll him over and placed herself on top of him, brushing her lips across the hairs on his face tracing a path across from one side of his jawline to the other drawing a gentle moan from his lips, hands flexing on her hips as she shifted slightly to start taking him in. Her mouth dropped into a small ‘o’ as they both groaned as she slid down him, her hands falling to his chest and once he was fully sheathed inside of her, she began to work him gently. His hands slid up into her hair, as she leaned forward to kiss him and he raised his hips slightly and she whimpered, pushing down harder against him as his hands gently kneaded at her breasts. Her pace was slow, torturously so, but it wasn’t long before she began to move faster, working him harder as she chased her relief. The roughness of his pubic hair was grinding against her spot, the friction feeling amazing as she pushed down. With every push she made, his eyes grew darker, and darker, his hands digging into her hips as he pulled her down, grinding further and deeper.
He sat up suddenly, so they were face to face, the change of angle making her cry out, as he slid his hands round her back, pulling her closer to him as he bent to kiss her neck, biting at that spot whilst he held her still for a moment, gently thrusting upwards, deeply, slowly, savouring the moment. Katie rolled her head back, a louder cry this time tumbling from her lips and he felt her tighten around him, and he let out a groan of his own.
“Good?” He panted, smiling as she managed a broken noise of affirmation, as he pulled her to him harder, hands back on her hips as his rutting picked up speed.
“Stevie…” She mumbled, her eyes locking onto his as her hands slid up his back and fisted into his hair. A few more pushes later and they were both done for, her name escaping from his lips as her walls collapsed completely, and she let out a soft cry as she fell forward burying her face in his neck. He was close behind, letting out a gentle moan, his beard rustling against her ear as he jerked underneath her, clinging onto her as if he never wanted to let her go. And at that moment he didn’t.
After a minute or so he leaned back, his breathing deep as he brushed her hair back off her face before sliding his nose against hers. “Happy Anniversary, Kitten.” *******
Steve thought the fall in New York was gorgeous but that was nothing compared to what it was like where they were. He was feeling a lot more positive about things as well, as post their anniversary, he and Katie had made a pact that they would do  something alone together at least once a week, be it a walk along the cliff the beach, or straying into town to one of the local restaurants. His hair and beard now rendered him pretty much unrecognisable and they never got a second glance at all. 
Steve’s favourite ‘date’, if you could them that, was the walk they took in the pitch black to see the Northern Lights late one evening. Katie had been utterly captivated by the beauty of the Aurora Borealis and Steve had to admit, it was spectacular. Committing it to memory was easy, and a few days later Katie wasn’t surprised to find a perfect replica of them his sketch book.
Being on the run shouldn’t have been this easy, and they were constantly on edge, waiting for the time they had to split and run, but whilst they could, they made the most of it. 
Thanksgiving came, then Christmas, the four friends making it as festive as possible. They got a tree, shared gifts, enjoyed a Christmas Meal, and after several drinks each, Steve wheeled the piano into the living room where Sam and Katie gave a rousing rendition of ‘Fairy Tale of New York’ along with a few other Christmas songs. It was different, but that didn’t make it any less enjoyable.
And then, in March 2017, they had a call from T’Challa. They were ready to bring Bucky out of cryo. Katie and Steve instantly set about making the arrangements to go to Wakanda, but it turns out they weren’t the only ones planning on taking a little trip…
“There’s something I wanted to discuss with you all.” Wanda said, the morning they were due to depart. “Please don’t freak out, but I talked to Vision last night.”
“What?” Katie’s voice was quiet as she merely looked back at the younger woman, her face passive.
Meanwhile, both Steve and Sam’s eyebrows shot up in their foreheads.
“Hold on, what do you mean you talked to Vision?” Steve asked. “How? Where?”
“This is going to sound really weird, but I saw him in my dreams,” Wanda carried on with her explanation.
“How do you know that wasn’t just a dream?” Sam asked.
“Because it wasn’t,” Wanda shrugged “I don’t know how to explain it, but I know it was him and I know it was real. I think we are connected somehow, because of the Mind Stone and because I was thinking about him before I went to sleep, it made some kind of telepathy possible.”
Steve pondered it for a second, thinking to himself how ridiculous that sounded until he realised they were talking about an enhanced human who had gained certain telepathic and telekinetic powers due to experimentation with the Mind Stone and an android that now carried within his synthetic, vibranium-mesh body said gem. 
When you put it like that it seemed fairly logical.
"What did you talk about?” Katie asked after a moment.
“Just stuff, how I was, how much we, you know, miss one another” Wanda bit her lip. “We talked about actually meeting in person in a few days.”
“Okay, hold on,” Sam held one of his hands up, his brow furrowed. “How do we know this is not a trap? Like, I don’t know, Tony getting Vision to talk to you to get us back into the Raft?”
As soon as Sam said it Katie shook her head. Tony could sometimes be a jackass and he may have been hurt and mad at her and Steve, but she knew despite his stinging barb in Siberia, he wouldn’t want them all thrown in jail.
“He wouldn’t do that,” She looked at Sam.
“How do you know?” Sam pressed.
“Because Tony has way better tech than us, and there’s no accounting for what Vision can do with that Mind Stone.” Steve backed his wife up. This was something he had been pondering on for a while now too. “If anyone can find us, it’s them, yet we’re almost ten months down the line now since Leipzig and so far, there’s no sign of any one, so Tony’s either no longer working with Ross, or if he is, he’s dragging his feet deliberately.”
“Exactly,” Wanda nodded emphatically. “And Vision would never do anything to hurt me, not intentionally. I trust him with my life, but it’s more than that.”
Taking a deep breath, his mind made up, Steve turned to Wanda “You’re not a prisoner here Wanda. If you want to go then we can’t and we won’t stop you.”
“Do you want to go?” Katie looked at the younger woman who was wringing her hands together.
“I do but, well, I kinda feel like I’m fraternizing with the enemy.”
“He’s not the enemy. None of them are. Not Vision or Rhodey, Not Tony, none of them.” Steve ran his hand through his hair, sweeping the long strands back off his face. “We all wanted the same thing, to do good in this world but we disagreed on how best to make it happen. Doesn’t make us enemies.”
“But we’re on the run because…”
“This was always going to happen.” Katie cut her off, shaking her head “Ever since SHIELD collapsed and Fury stepped away there was a power vacuum. It was only a matter of time before the Government tried to step in to oversee us.”
“And let’s face it, I was always going to be considered a rogue threat the moment I refused to comply” Steve said, a wry smile on his face. “We all were.”
“Just be careful.” Katie looked at Wanda. “And whilst we’re away just make sure you check in once in a while? And the first sign of trouble, well, let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.”
“Well if Wanda’s being granted shore leave so to speak, I might take a bit of time too.” Sam chipped in as the idea came to him. “There’s an old RAF pal of mine, based near Liverpool that I aint seen in a while. He’s cool,” he anticipated the next question, “I saved his life on a mission so he won’t sell me out.” Steve took a deep breath and then shrugged “You know the risks, Sam. If any of us get caught then…” “Back to the Pokey.” Sam shrugged “Yeah, I got it. And don’t worry, I wouldn’t rat your location out.”
“Me neither.” Wanda added. 
“I don’t for a second believe you would.” Steve shook his head.
“I suppose, to be fair,” Katie bit her lip, “we’ve been here for a long time now. It won’t harm us to disappear for a while, regroup in a few weeks. And we’ll draw even less attention apart as they won’t be expecting it.” And so, for the first time in ten months, the four went their separate ways. ****** True to his word, Steve was there when they woke Bucky up. Once he had come round the two greeted one another with the same love and affection they always did. Suri’s scans showed that the programming was no longer present in Bucky’s brain, but there was one last thing they had to do to make sure.
Say the trigger words.
Which was why Katie, Steve, a one armed Bucky and T’Challa were now heading to the underground fort of the palace. Katie clutching a rifle, Steve was unarmed bar his super strength, whilst T’Challa was in his black panther garb, the party flanked by two members of his Kings Guard.
As they were about to enter the underground cell, Bucky grabbed Katie’s arm and pulled her to one side.
“What the hell Bucky?” She almost yelped, and he let go of her arm and held his finger to his lips.
“Listen, Doll Face, I got a favour to ask. If this hasn’t worked…” He took a deep breath. “I want you to end it.”
“End what?”  She arched an eyebrow at him. “Me.” He replied simply “Steve said you’re a good shot. I want you to put a bullet in my head.” Katie blinked, and then burst out laughing. “Whatever.” “I’m being deadly serious.” Bucky looked at her. “I can’t and I don’t want to live like that anymore.” He shook his head sadly. “I’d rather die that know that what they’ve done is still in there.” “Bucky,” Katie frowned, “you’d be safe here, you know that, no one would trigger you.” “No, we don’t know that.” He shook his head. “Please Katie, I’m begging you. You owe me.” “So you save my life and you want me to take yours?” “Yeah. Pretty much.”
“You’re an asshole, James Buchanan Barnes” She hissed, glaring at him before shooting a glance over his shoulder at where Steve was stood, talking to T’Challa. She shook her head sadly. “I can’t. It’d kill Steve and it’s wrong, you don’t…”
“Listen, I’m asking you because I trust you to do it.” Bucky cut her off, looking over his shoulder to where she had been watching Steve. He was now stood observing the pair of them and they both smiled at him. Katie took a deep breath, looking into Bucky’s steel blue eyes and gave a sigh. She knew how hard this was on him and she could fully understand where he was coming from but still, asking her to do it, especially when she knew Steve would be besides himself made her feel sick.
“I’ve written him a letter.” Bucky said quickly, as the Super Soldier was now making his way over. “It explains what I’ve asked you to do. So please, give me your word.”
She looked at him, swallowing, and gave him a small nod before her eyes flicked to Steve as he approached, a frown on his face.
“You two alright?”
“Yeah, Katie was just asking me how I was really feeling.” Bucky looked at his friend.
Katie shrugged and smiled at Steve in what she hoped as a convincing way “Wanted to make sure he was alright, that’s all.”
Steve studied her for a moment, and she smiled again before he turned to Bucky. “It’s gonna be ok.” Steve assured his friend, clapping him on his shoulder, shooting another glance at his wife who was nervously chewing her lip. He frowned again, but pushed the suspicion to the back of his mind and then nodded. “Come on.” “Yeah, let’s get this over with.” Bucky mumbled.
Steve and T’Challa stepped into the room which was sealed whilst Katie took up her position on the other side of the one way glass with Suri who pressed the microphone to talk into the room.
““I don’t know why you are all worrying, brother, it is like you do not trust me…” the young woman scoffed. “Take no chances Sister.” T’Challa shot back. “You know this”.
Suri made a noise in her throat and then spoke again “Ok, I’m ready when you are.” She held the red book in her hand that they had recovered from Zumo. T’Challa engaged his helmet whilst Steve stood stoic as ever, throwing a glance over his shoulder to the glass he knew his wife was stood at the other side of.
“Ready Buck?” he asked turning back. His friend nodded, taking a deep breath.
T’Challa signalled to Suri who, after a little hesitation, began to read, each word punctuated by a pause.
“Longing, Rusted, Seventeen, Daybreak, Furnace…”
Katie watched intently and saw Bucky was clenching his teeth and suddenly she started to get a little bit nervous. She wasn’t the only one that had spotted it either. Steve moved slightly, adopting a little more of a battle stance than he had been as he clocked his friends reaction.
“Nine, Benign, Homecoming, One, Freight Car”
The last words hit Steve like a truck. It was depraved that Hydra would use those words. Bucky had plunged from a train car to his supposed death. There was no randomness to that at all, unlike the seemingly obscure nature of the rest of the words, nor was it any accident it was the last trigger they would use. There were the final words because they signified the death of Bucky and the birth of the killer Winter Soldier.
Sick bastards.
Bucky’s chest was heaving, his fist was clenching, and for a split second Steve feared the worse. But when his friend looked up, he saw the blue eyes of Bucky Barnes looking back at him, and not the icy glare of the Winter Soldier.
“Buck?” He asked gently, his voice cracking slightly. Bucky looked at him, a single tear falling down his cheek.
“Nothing.” He croaked, and Katie let out a soft sigh of relief, her hands sliding down her face to cover her mouth. “Nothing.”
T’Challa threw a party of sorts that night which consisted of a bar crawl through the city. Katie and Bucky dubbed it a ‘Fuck HYDRA’ party much to Steve’s chagrin. But he couldn’t bring himself to care that much, as at the end of the day, if anyone had as much right to stick their middle fingers up to HYDRA it was them. There was still something troubling him though, so when T’Challa left the bar they were sat at for a few moments, he turned to Bucky and asked him outright what had been going on with him and Katie outside the cell before. Bucky hesitated before he hung his head slightly and peered up at Steve from where he was sat next to him, a tumbler of some kind of Wakandan alcohol in his hand.
“I asked her to kill me.” Bucky admitted, swilling the liquid round in the glass “If it hadn’t worked I asked her to put a bullet in my head. She didn’t want to but I told her she owed me.” Steve felt himself blanche. “You did what?” “You don’t know what it’s like.” Bucky shook his head. “Living with the fact that at any time someone could mutter a string of words and…” He shot back the alcohol and slid his empty glass back to the Bar Tender to top up. “I didn’t want to live like that.”
”You put that on her?” Steve’s eyes flashed with anger, “Damnit Buck, you should have asked me!”
“Would you have done it?” Bucky countered. Steve took a big sigh, knowing he was caught “Exactly.” Bucky scoffed. “And besides, you’re the one that said she was a dead shot.”
Bucky eyed his friend for a while before he slid his empty glass to the man behind the bar, gesturing for another top up. “Anyway, it’s irrelevant now because here I am.”
“That was still a shitty thing to do.” Steve frowned before he reached over for his glass, giving a little shrug. “But yeah, here you are.” T’Challa chose that point to come back and he settled at the bar next to Steve.
“So, Sergeant Barnes, we’ll have to see about getting you some permanent lodgings.” The King smiled “Maybe a private hut. There is a quiet tribe, not far from the river, unless you would prefer a post in my Kings Guard.” “I’m done fighting.” Bucky shook his head as he took another drink from his glass. “A hut sounds mighty fine. Maybe I can get some goats.” “Goats?” Steve looked at him.
“I like Goats.” Bucky shrugged “Do you remember the one in the petting zoo near School?” “Yeah, it set my asthma off.” Steve snorted before the pair of them descended into laughter.
Across the bar, Katie was stood with Suri and one of T’Challa’s personal guards, Okoye. She instantly warmed to Okoye, the woman reminding her a lot of Natasha. They stood chatting for a while before a loud roll of laughter caught their attention and they turned to see T’Challa, Bucky and Steve howling at something, as T’Challa gestured for the bar tender to top up their glasses whilst Okoye excused herself to head over to speak to her husband. 
“Oh dear, they’ve broken out the Wakandan Spice.” Suri muttered, eyeing up the men.
“What’s that?” Katie asked.
“The only thing that gets my brother drunk!” Suri snorted “That stuff could knock out a rhino.”
“So it should have an effect on Super Soldiers?” Katie grinned.
“Let’s go find out!” Suri nodded, a cheeky grin on her face. They made their way over and Katie could see instantly the woman was right. Steve had a glazed look in his eyes and Bucky was leaning back in his chair, a pink tinge to his cheeks.
“Hey, Beautiful” Steve smiled up at Katie, pulling her into his lap, his hand trailed up and down her spine, lazily. “Where you been all evening?”
“About ten meters away over there.” She smirked, pointing. Suri was reaching over to steal a bit of the liquor from Bucky’s glass and T’Challa slapped her hand. “You are not even old enough to drink.” He glared at her.
“Tssk hush brother. Just because you are now well into your thirties. You always seem to be so bitter about me being much younger than you.” At that Bucky barked out a laugh.
“Don’t know what you’re snorting at old man.” Katie glanced at him and he quirked an eyebrow at her.
"Not exactly a comment I’d expect from someone who’s married to a hundred-year-old man.”
“Ninety-eight.” Steve corrected.
Katie leaned back in her husband’s lap to peer at him, her right hand running through his hair. "Doesn’t look a day over twenty five.” She grinned.
“Hey brother, why doesn’t your power stop your ageing?”  Suri quipped.
“Shut up.” T’Challa glared at her. “Before I carry you back to the palace”
As the two siblings began to quibble, Katie glanced at Steve. “Been talking about the good old days?” “In a fashion.” Steve smirked.
“Anymore good tales of your misspent youth to tell me?” Bucky shook his head. “Sure Steve’s told you enough already.”
“I never told her about the time you set up a double date for us and then forgot to show up.” Steve looked at him, his arms tightening around his wife.
“That never happened.” Bucky shook his head.
“It absolutely happened. Caroline O’Hara and Deborah Smith”  
Bucky’s eyes widened. “Oh shit, yeah. Brunette and a red head. A curly red head.” He grinned.
“Yup. Double date to the theatre, only you never showed up.” Steve looked at him, accusingly “And little old me was left to explain to Debbie why you had stood her up.”
Bucky smirked into his glass.
"I thought she was gonna kill me.” Steve mused, turning to look at Katie. “She kept hitting me with her purse. And then Caroline started, asking where the hell he was and why he thought it fit to stand up her best friend and try to fix her up with some kind of joke.”
Katie frowned, narrowing her eyes. “You weren’t a joke.”
“Thanks, Honey.” He grinned before he turned to fix Bucky with a glare. “And do you remember why you didn’t show up?” Bucky was now shaking with mirth, as he looked at Steve, his eyes bright with tears of laughter. “Go on, tell her Buck.”
“I was with Maggie Dougherty.” Bucky smirked
“Yeah, you were.” Steve pointed at him. “That was the night you got caught sneaking out of her room and down her fire escape by her dad who beat the crap out of you.”
“Worth it though.” Bucky snorted. “She was hot. Strawberry blonde waves, pretty face, nice ass.” “Yeah.” Steve nodded and Katie slapped the back of his head.
“Oww!” He looked at her as she glared at him. Grinning he reached up to give her a soft kiss “Not a patch on you though, Darlin’”
After another hour or so, Katie left them to it, heading back to the palace with Suri. She’d had enough, the alcohol she had drunk had lulled her into that happy place here she felt warm and fuzzy inside, and ready for bed.
Steve woke her up when he came crashing into the room a few hours later.
“Shit.” He mumbled, as he banged into the chair by the dresser. “Shhhh”
He staggered over to the bed before face planting straight down. Katie grinned as he peeked up at her.
“I’m drunk.”
“No shit, Sherlock.” She giggled and scrambled out of the duvet. “Come on, get in bed.” “Promises, promises.”
“Yeah, not a chance pal. I doubt very much you’d be of any use in this state.”
“Hey.” He pouted rolling over so he was on his back, turning to look at her as she moved to climb out of bed. “That’s my shirt.”
“I know.” She dropped to the floor to take off his suede boots.
“I like you in my shirts. I like you better out of them.” Steve grinned, grabbing hold of her as she stood up.
“How much have you had?” She laughed as he pulled her onto his lap, nuzzling into her neck.
“Enuff.” he spoke back, voice muffled. “You know you’re the prettiest gal in the whole world?” He peeked up at her and she had to laugh as she ruffled his hair. 
“Arms up.”
“I like it when you undress me.” He grinned and Katie gave a chuckle, shaking her head.  Eventually she managed to tug off his shirt and his jeans whilst he made some other reference to sex, before he pulled her back down onto the bed next to him, giggling like a school kid.
“Bucky told me.” He slurred.
“Told you what?”
“That he asked you to shoot him.” Steve hiccupped “But I’m glad you didn’t have to.”
Katie chuckled to herself “Me too.” “And now he’s all better.” Steve sighed. “Good, isn’t it?” “It’s awesome.” Shhe smiled, reaching up to bush his hair off his face. “You’re gonna be so hungover tomorrow.” He responded with shrug. “But I do love you. So much.”
“I know and I love you too. Now you gonna get into bed?”
He pushed himself up before beginning a monumental fight with the duvet to get underneath it, the whole thing a great source of amusement to Katie. She’d seen him tipsy from the Asgardian stuff Thor gave him before, but not flat out shit faced like this.
“Are you gonna puke?” She asked, stroking his head as he sighed, nuzzling into her chest. 
“No.” He assured her, then paused, before he hiccupped slightly. “But I think I need water.” “Alright, wait there.” Katie climbed out of bed. She grabbed him a bottle from the mini fridge near the door but by the time she had turned back, Steve had his face buried into his pillow and made nothing more than a noise when she offered it to him, not looking up. Deciding she couldn’t be bothered to argue with him, she gently placed the bottle on the night stand next to him, and ran her hand through his hair one more time before she crossed to her side of the bed and settled down with him.
“Night, Soldier.” She smiled softly, kissing his cheek.
“Night, Princess.” He slurred into his pillow.
**** Chapter 35
**Original Posting**
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avengerscompound · 4 years
Running to a Standstill - 3
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Running to a Standstill: A Captain America Fanfic
Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers x F!Reader
Word Count:  2219
Rating:  E
Square filled: none
Warnings: canon typical violence
Synopsis: While on the run from an unknown organization trying to take your son, you meet two super-soldiers.  While they try to help you get to the bottom of who is hunting you and your son, feelings come out and admissions are made that make your personal life even more tricky.
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Chapter 3
You were starting to feel antsy.  You’d been living in your small apartment in Bedstuy for much longer than you had stayed anywhere since you’d gone on the run.  You were growing actual roots and it was starting to make your skin itch.
Being in a building owned by an Avenger had lulled you into some sort of sense of security.  Clint was low key enough not to draw too much attention to the building while also adding the protection because of the fact he was an Avenger.  You’d let that make you think you were safe.  You’d made friends.  There were kids that Geo played with.  You had semi-regular jobs so you could actually buy furniture and other things that couldn’t just be shoved into your bag when you had to run.  You’d started to think of it as your home.
That alone had been enough to make you antsy.  You’d find yourself relaxing and forgetting that there were people trying to take your son from you and then it would suddenly hit you and you’d start double-checking there was no one there watching you.
Then Captain America got involved.
You worried that him just being around would attract looks from the wrong people.  The fact that Steve was actively searching for the people looking for you made you worry that it would draw their attention and they’d find you like that worried you too.
It put you on edge and you felt torn.  In the past, as soon as you felt like this you’d pack up and run.  You didn’t ignore your gut feelings like that.  The couple of times you had, you’d ended up nearly getting caught.  You had a home now though and you were reluctant to leave it.
The other problem was, the longer you waited to run, the more reasons you found to stay and two of those big burly reasons were currently at your apartment trying to balance talking to you and playing with Geo at the same time while you were in the middle of an anxiety cleaning session.
Over the last month, they’d been around a lot.  After your first date with Steve, he’d called and asked you out a few more times in much more casual settings.  He always spoke to you about your ‘situation’ as he liked to call it, but it wasn’t just that.  He told you about his friends.  He asked you about yours.  You each spoke about your childhoods.  They felt like a mix between genuine dates and being questioned as a witness to a crime.
Bucky had come by a few times on the pretense of coming to see Clint or Natasha and wanting to check to see if you were okay.  He brought you and Geo lunch another time saying he was in the area and he thought he’d check in on you.  And another time he brought a little Stark Pad as a gift for Geo saying Stark had asked him to drop it off.  He always spent a little time talking with you and you wondered if Steve had actually asked him to check that you hadn’t run and that there was no one watching you.
Whatever the case, they both became comfortable with just visiting after not too long, and you quite liked when they did.  They were kind and funny and they understood what you were going through in a way most people didn’t.  Geo liked them too and with all the running you’d been doing, he didn’t warm up to people easily.  Even Clint and Natasha had made friends with him through Lucky initially.
You really liked them.  Really, really.  You could see that becoming more than just the slight crush you were harboring for each man if you let it - and god did you want to let it.  Yet that desire made you feel anything but good.  You had a tight knot of anxiety in your chest and you were jumping at every shadow, yet anytime you considered actually running, it made you feel sick.
“... and then he just turned into 100 birds and flew off,” Bucky said.
You’d been staring out the window and you slowly looked back at him as the words sunk in.  “Huh?”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” Bucky said.  “I was asking if you wanted to order in.”
“Oh… uh… I probably should cook,” you said, looking back out the window.
“We can pay,” Bucky said, but your attention was back on the man who’d been standing in the entrance to the alley slightly down the street again.
Steve put down the Lego bricks he’d been adding to the structure he, Bucky, and Geo had been assembling and he got up.  He came over to you and looked out the window, putting his hand on your hip to pull your attention back to him.  It was quite an intimate gesture for Steve.  Despite the fact you’d been sort of dating for a month now, neither of you had made any kind of move to make it at all physical.  You hadn’t wanted to make a move because it was just one more push towards having a life here that you were unwilling to leave.  Why Steve had kept his distance you weren’t sure.  Part of you thought he was taking his lead off you, but there was also his confession about how he’d been carrying a torch for Bucky his whole life and maybe it was just that you still hadn’t cleared the Bucky level of minimum attraction he had admitted to.  “What’s wrong?”  He asked.
“I don’t know,” you said.  “There’s been a van parked across the road all day.  Not the same van, but always a van.  And now that guy has just been standing in that alley for an hour.”
Bucky tensed and stood.  “I’ll go check it out.”
Steve held out his hand for a second as he assessed the street.  You don't know what he was looking at but he gave a small nod.  Bucky stalked out the door with his jaw set and Steve looked back at you.
“How about you go get some things together.  We’ll have a sleepover at the tower,” he said.  His voice was far calmer and upbeat than the implications that the suggestion held.
You nodded and as you hurried off, there was a squealing of wheels from outside, followed by a gunshot.  Your heart started hammering and you spun back around and nearly slammed back into Steve.  He was holding Geo who had his Stark Pad clutched in his chubby little hands. “Okay,” Steve said in that same cheery, calm voice.  “We're not going to pack.  I assume you have a ‘go bag’?”
You didn't even answer, you just went to your closet and pulled it out from under a pile of blankets.  It was a duffle bag and contained spare clothes, all your ID both real and fake, and rolled up wads of cash.
As you went out, Steve put his arm around you and began to escort you outside. “Just nice and calm. We’re going to take Nat’s car.”
“You have the keys?” You asked.
“Don't need them,” he answered, as you both entered the street.
It was empty now, and as you went around the side of the building you saw Clint sitting on the fire escape shirtless but with his bow out.  “Bucky took after the van, Nat went for the guy,” he yelled down and dropped some keys as Steve passed under him.
Steve caught them easily and looked up at Clint.  “Thanks,” he called up.
Natasha’s Chevrolet Stingray sat a little further up the ally and Steve pressed the button on the keys to unlock it.
“I thought you were going to break into it,” you said with a nervous laugh.
Steve chuckled as he opened the door for you.  “I was going to.”
You looked around wildly.  “I don’t have a seat for Geo.”
“It’s okay,” Steve said, putting Geo in your hands.  “Just hold him on your lap.  I’ll drive carefully.  If a cop stops us, I’ll get them to escort us.”
You got into the car shaking and put the seatbelt on, holding Geo tightly.  Steve started the car and started it.  “Hey little guy,” Steve said, softly.  “You think you can get the traffic lights to be green for us all the way?”
“Umm…” Geo hummed and the tablet in his hand began to flicker.  You recognized what was happening.  Your son was talking to the network that ran the traffic lights through the network connected to the tablet.  The light on the street ahead turned green and as you passed through it, the one at the next intersection turned green too.  All the way over the bridge and into the underground garage at the Avengers towers the lights changed to green before the car reached them.  You got out of the car with Geo and Steve went and grabbed your bag.  Geo looked up, his eyes wide and his mouth opened.
“Mommy,” he whispered.  “She’s everywhere.”
“Who is?”  You asked as you tried to see what he was seeing in this dark, underground parking lot.
Geo raised his hands in the air as you carried him to the elevator with Steve.  “Is Fwiday,” he said.
“No, sweety.  It’s Wednesday,” you answered as the elevator door opened and you and Steve got in.
Steve chuckled.  “FRIDAY can you introduce yourself?”
“Of course, Captain Rogers,” a disembodied female voice replied.  She had an Irish accent which surprised you almost as much as a random woman’s voice coming out of nowhere.  “Good evening, ma’am.  I’m FRIDAY, I’m the Artificial Intelligence system that runs both the tower and Mister Stark’s Suits.”
“Fwiday!”  Geo said excitedly, bouncing in your arms.
“Hello Geo,” FRIDAY replied.  “I’m so happy you are visiting.”
“You is nice, Fwiday,” Geo said and the elevator doors opened.
“Thank you, Geo.  You are very nice too,” the AI replied.
“Oh man,” you said, putting Geo down.  “I don’t think he’s ever been near an AI before.”
“I told you he’d like it here,” Steve said, putting his hand on your shoulder.  “Get comfortable.  We’ll have a sleepover.  You’re going to be safe here.”
He put your bag down and went into the kitchen.  “How about we order a bunch of comfort food to be delivered.  Pizza, mac and cheese, fried chicken.  I’ll make some popcorn.”
You looked around nervously.  “You sure we’ll be safe?”
“I promise,” Steve said smiling.  “Now, the two dark blue couches fold out.  But you just need to press a button on the side of them.  And there are blankets in a hidden cupboard on the wall.”
You looked around and Geo pointed at the door as the couches opened up on their own, you assumed because he’d asked them to.
You set up and made a food order together.  You calmed down for a little while as you all sat eating popcorn together.  Steve put his arm around you and you settled in against him feeling the closest to actual boyfriend and girlfriend you had yet.  When the security guy brought the food back you panicked again.
“Where do you think Bucky is?”  You asked.
“It’s fine,” Steve reassured you.  “If there was a problem, FRIDAY would have told me.”
“You’re sure?”  You asked.
“Yes, ma’am.  Sergeant Barnes is currently on the way back to the Tower,” FRIDAY said.
You relaxed again.  “Okay.  Okay.”
Bucky arrived about twenty minutes later looking a little beaten up.  “Man, they took me on a chase.”
“Did you catch them?”  You asked as he hopped up on the fold-out bed beside you and grabbed himself a slice of pizza.
“Yeah, don’t worry.  They’re being held,” Bucky said.
“By who?”  You asked.
“Don’t worry,” Bucky said, rubbing your back.  “The good guys.”
You let out a breath and leaned your head against his shoulder.  “Thank you,” you whispered.
“Of course,” he said rubbing your back. “You’re with us now.”
It took a little while for you to relax again.  Geo babbled happily to FRIDAY while Bucky ate and you all half-watched a movie.  By the time he was asleep on the fold-out couch, you felt relaxed.  Actually relaxed too.  Not in the way you usually were where you kept checking out the window or squirreling away money in your go-bag for when you weren’t anymore.  Not safe for now.  Actually safe.
You drifted off to sleep between them quickly once that feeling of contentment hit you.  Plates and containers of food were scattered around you.  You woke again as Bucky started climbing off the couch.  It was dark in the room except for the lights from things like the microwave and the power button on the tv.  Steve was sleeping beside you, his arm draped over your waist.
“Where are you going?”  You whispered.
He looked back at you and ran his hand down your arm.  “To bed.”
“Stay…” You said, looking up at him.
“You sure?”  He asked.  “It’s pretty squashy on that bed.”
You nodded and grabbed his hand.  “Please?”
He climbed back into the bed and wrapped his arms around you, pulling himself up close.  It was warm and quiet between the two super soldiers and it wasn’t long before you were asleep.
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cherryfi · 5 years
Under the light of the full moon
Plot: Moving into a new neighbourhood is hard, especially when you’re a wolf and it’s almost time for the full moon or, the one where your new hot ass neighbour is also a werewolf.
Word Count: 4875
 Werewolf AU! Smut!
Pairing: Bang Chan x Female Reader
Warning: 18+! Oral, unprotected sex, exhibitionism, a little violence
A/N: Part of my halloween series! Requests are open! I liked writing this one but, I still think I could have done better you know? Anyway, Chan is so beautiful oml I just want him to dick me down. Enjoy!
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“Your neighbour is sexy as hell.”  You laugh as you glance over your shoulder at your best friend, you’re putting up the last of the scent blockers in your new home and she’s supposed to be helping you.
However, she’s stood at the window, watching as your neighbour makes his way back from his morning run. He was shirtless and wearing running shorts – it was hard not to notice how hot he was.
You’d finally moved into your new home and were adding the finishing touches. Moving to a new town was hectic and super stressful but, you were taking it in stride. Honestly, nothing could get you down. You’d gotten a promotion at work, which meant a bigger office and you had a big enough bonus to purchase the house of your dreams. It was perfect. A 3-bedroom house surrounded by lush forest – the perfect getaway from the chaos of the city. Being a wolf, and a lone one at that, you needed all the nature and open space that you could get. Especially when it was a full moon.
 “He’s even hotter up close but, I’ll be keeping my distance.” She glances at you, eyebrows raised and prompting you to continue. You really didn’t want to have this conversation.
“He came over to say hi when I first moved in, he’s a really sweet guy but he’s a werewolf so, it’s not going to happen.” She looks at you in shock and then laughs incredulously.
“How do you know? Has he told you? Does he know that you’re one as well? If you’re both werewolves shouldn’t that be a good thing, you can finally meet someone; and you won’t have to worry about explaining why you have to go out every full moon?” You laugh at her babbling.
“I can smell it on him, it’s like a perfume, you know? His scent is quite strong but, I’ve got no idea what that means. He came by to say hi when I was moving in and I smelled it on him, obviously. He’s an architect and he does carpentry in his spare time, so he was offering to help out.”
“He helped you move in? He was in this house with you? You had that whole gorgeous man in your home and y’all just talked about work? Also, you didn’t answer all of my questions.” You laugh at how pushy she is, and she raises her eyebrows, placing her hands on her hips
“He helped the movers with the sofa and some of the drawers, so we didn’t talk much. It was pretty late, and he said he was just coming in from work. I haven’t told him anything and I don’t think he can smell it on me because of the scent suppressors.”
You hold up your necklace, the charm glinting in the light from your window. As long as you wore it other wolves wouldn’t be able to smell you.
Which came in handy because you were alone and had no pack.  
A lone wolf was an easy target for any pack, especially an omega, all it took was one curious alpha and it could be all over.
Staying hidden in plain sight was your best option.
“So, when are you going on a date with him?” She wiggles her eyebrows suggestively at you and you laugh before sighing.
“I’m not.  Jas, all he did was help me move in. It’s no big deal.” But you couldn’t help but feel a little hopeful at the chance to get to know your attractive neighbour some more. You imagined dates with him and spending time with him. Would he kiss you when he welcomed you home or would he cuddle you instead?
Chan was ridiculously handsome, with his gorgeous smile and pretty eyes. His Australian accent was the stuff of dreams and it didn’t help that during the little time you’d spent together, he was friendly and warm.
He was boyfriend goals.
But, it would never happen.
He was a wolf and judging by his scent, he must have been an alpha and if he was an alpha, he had a pack. Being his friend would only lead to issues down the line. The closer he got to you, the closer he would get to the truth and you weren’t prepared to tell him that.
“Besides, it’s almost time for the full moon, I need to make sure all my charms are put up; so, no curious wolves come poking around.” The perks of moving to a rural area was that the surrounding greenery was the perfect cover for a lone wolf who wanted to stay hidden.
It gave you the perfect opportunity to spend as much time as you needed in wolf form (especially during the full moon) and it meant that you didn’t have to travel as far to get to a wooded area.
But that came with it’s cons.
A large forest meant more space for other packs, which, of course, meant more wolves.
“If you’re a wolf, why do you need to ward off other wolves again?” You’re in your kitchen now, sipping hot chocolate as you wait for your home to heat up. The chill October air finally seeping in, as it gets late into the evening.
Jas had been your best friend since you were seven and she was there for you when you were attacked.
Other than your mum, Jas was the first person to know what the ‘animal’ attack had really done to you.
Coming from an active family and living on the peninsula meant that as a family you’d always gone hiking. You were an avid hiker and forest walker, spending plenty of time in the hidden meadows and next to the brooks, streams, and rivers that ran past your home.
This was your thinking place – it was where you hid away when life became too much and the weight of the world threatened to crush you underfoot.
Today was one of those days.
Finals were coming up and life was changing way too fast for you. Your friends were moving away from home, you were all going to separate schools, come autumn and your family was falling apart.
You were reeling and the only thing you could think to do, was to go to the one place where nothing ever changed.
The forest.
You grabbed your camera and packed a hamper with your favourite foods, your schoolbooks and a blanket. You were going to one of the many meadows you’d discovered, this one was close to a small stream; and you were going to relax the day away.
But when you got there, the forest was silent.
The silence hung in the air like a stale, musty smell.
Thick and heavy with tension.
None of the animals were chirping or making noise, it was as if the woods themselves had been frozen in time.
You shook the eerie feeling off, sure that it was your own anxiety towards the future that was making you antsy.
But then you saw it.
Your eyes caught on to the movement of the trees, just on the outskirts of the meadow. It took some time for your eyes to adjust to the movement but, when they did, you gasped.
The trees moved artificially. Almost jerkily as you caught sight of 2 eyes.
They caught the nearby sunlight and glinted but appeared almost as if they glowed on their own and soon, the wolf stepped forward.
Almost haughtily as if it tasted and enjoyed your fear.
You packed your things slowly.
Maybe if it noticed you packing, it would understand that you were going to leave and meant no harm.
Were you meant to make yourself look smaller and submissive or bigger and more threatening to a wolf? You didn’t know but, you hoped it would understand the message you were trying to convey.
“I don’t mean any harm; I’m going to leave now. Please let me leave in peace?”
It made a noise, something like a barked laugh and approached you further.
It was blocking the way you came.
You picked up your hamper and walked backwards, keeping your eyes on the wolf and thinking of any ways that you could get away from it and into civilisation.
It didn’t matter what you did, the wolf kept stalking towards you.
Once nightfall came, you knew you were screwed.  
As the sun began to set, the temperature dropped, causing you to shiver, and you’d lost sight of the wolf.
Despite it’s larger than normal stature, it was completely black, and the only light you had was your phone’s flashlight. It wasn’t powerful enough to be of any help to you.
How were you going to get out of this?
Especially because you didn’t know what’s its agenda was.
What did it want with you? Why did it continue to stalk you?
Your signal was down, and you had no way to contact anyone.
You began to sob.
Broken and completely alone, you began to wonder if this would really be your fate – mauled to death by a determined monster-wolf.
Suddenly, the pressure to do well on your exams and to fix your parents’ crumbling marriage didn’t matter.
Worse things were about to happen.
“Please! Please, leave me alone! I’m not going to do anything to you, I won’t even tell anyone I saw you. I’ll never step foot in this forest again, I swear. Just please don’t hurt me.” Going hysterical, the only option you really had left was to plead to this creature.
It wasn’t a normal wolf; you’d known that then.
The way it stalked you, wasn’t normal, the way it looked at you with those almost human eyes wasn’t normal.
As if showing you some mercy it broke through the trees and approached you.
Towering over you, it huffed in your face and you stood up from the cold ground, hoping that it would let you leave. The moonlight illuminated its fur making it look almost ghoulish. It should have been frightening, but the wolf was calm and so were you.
The  wolf really wasn’t so bad.
You reached out your hand and petted their fur, it nuzzled its head onto your shoulder.
And then tore a chunk out of your side.
 You shuddered at the memory, unable to really remember what had happened after you’d screamed and passed out.
“I have to. After that wolf turned me in the forest, I had to learn everything on my own. Honestly, I was angry at first, I’d go into the forest every day to hunt it down. I was going to kill it. But then my first full moon came, and I was all alone and there were no other wolves there to help me. I had to deal with it on my own. I just wanted it to show up. It never did. I won’t get played like that again.”
“So, you’re scared that if you let another pack in, they’re just going to abandon you.” She doesn’t have to question it.
“It’s different with other people. You and my mum have never left my side and dad supported me so much after they found me. Hell, he led the search party. But, the only experience of wolves I have is that one and I’m not going to let it happen again. Even if that means being alone forever.”
“Yeah, well who needs a pack when you’ve got a Jas? Am I right?”
  Chan knew you were a wolf as soon as he stepped out of his car.
He couldn’t catch your scent, which meant you must have been blocking it but, that didn’t matter.
They were other markers that gave it away; like your body language.
As soon as he stepped out of his car, you stiffened; you weren’t even facing him, but it was clear that his presence was affecting you.
And when he came over to say hi, you shrunk away from him.
You were being submissive to him; which must have meant you ranked lower than he did but, what rank you were was left to be seen.
What was clear, however, was that you were alone, there was no scent of any other wolf on you or your things and none of the people helping you to move seemed to be wolves either, not even the friend that came over later when he said goodbye.
So, he scent-marked as many of your items as he could, hoping that that would help alleviate your anxiety towards him and that it would protect you from other wolves.
Even if you weren’t in his pack, he’d decided you were his responsibility and especially with the full moon coming, wolves needed to look out for each other and as an alpha, it was his job.
He knew what kind of wolf you were after he’d finished helping you move in.
“That’s the last of it!” He smiled, rubbing his hands together as he faced you. He could hear your heartbeat picking up.
“Thanks for helping me out Chan.”
“Hey don’t mention it. Consider it the start of an amazing friendship.” He wrapped his arms around you unexpectedly and before you could catch yourself, you returned the hug, nuzzling into his neck and breathing in his scent.
You were an omega.
It almost scared him how happy he was that you were comforted by his scent and by his own revelations.
No matter how long it took, he was going to make you his but, he hoped he could at least make you notice him by the time the full moon came.
  You were antsy.
Which was normal given that the full moon was that night, you were always on edge by the time it came around.
Your wolf, scratching just beneath the surface of your mind was ready to be let out.
So, you let her out.
You’d spoken to your mum and  she’d wished you luck for the full moon, in the same way that she did every time it would rise. You told her you’d call back once you returned home.
You’d told Jas that you would be gone for a few days and that you would call her once you were back as well.
Sitting under the light of the full moon, you waited in front of your tent, the campfire blazing high as you stripped out of your clothes, folding them neatly and placing them inside.
It was all part of the routine.
You turned after that.
Your bones shifting and rearranging, your muscles lengthening and growing and the hair on your skin thickening into fur; your jaw cracks and grows into shape.
With one last roll of your shoulders, you shift you the weight on each of your legs, giving yourself time to become re-accustomed to your canine form before you wandered around this new area.
It was a wild meadow, a lot like the one back home, the smell of lavender filling the air as it swayed in the bitter wind but, you weren’t cold.
Back when you’d first shifted, it had been extremely painful, it had taken you hours to get over the pain and fear of readjusting to another form but now, it was light work.
What was excruciating pain, was now a muscular ache; the same kind of pain you got after a heavy workout.
You ran around the meadow and into the woods themselves, leaving your makeshift campsite at its edge, just under the cover of the trees – hoping no one would find it – and headed into the clearing.
The clearing led to a cliff’s edge and you sat there watching how the moon’s glow cast itself on the forest down below and swept across the horizon, it was the only light to be seen but, it was all that you needed, your eyes were sharp.
The wind swept across the trees and forestry making them dance in time and you sighed in contentment, withholding the urge to howl.
As much as you were at peace, the last thing you wanted to do was to alert another wolf to your position.
The wind carried another scent across your nose, and you looked to your left, catching a glimpse of movement.
Too late.
You noticed it too late.
Looking back at you, was another wolf.
The way the light shone off their fur made it hard to discern their colouring but, you guessed it was a sandy brown.
You both stared at each other, and the wolf stood up from their stoop, clearly curious about you and without thinking, you took off. They followed after you, only a little caught of guard by the abruptness of your movement.
Their scent caught you again.
It was Chan.
Did he know it was you?
You didn’t care, you didn’t have time to worry , you were doing everything in your power to dodge him.
Jumping past fallen logs and ducking around corners and trees you hoped you could confuse him with your scent and lose him.
You could hear him, treading through the bramble and underbrush behind you.
But just as suddenly as you saw him, all trace of him was gone.
You couldn’t smell Chan in the air at all, nor did you hear him in the surrounding areas.
Cautiously, you snuck back to the edge of the meadow, scared that if you entered the clearing, he would materialise.
Chan caught you off-guard, shoving you from the side.
You fell down as he clambered on top of you.
You growled at him, trying to nip at any part of him that you could catch but, he dodged your teeth every time.
You nipped at one of his front legs and he yelped pulling away from you; you took that as your opportunity. You rolled on top of him and nipped at his shoulder before his hind leg kicked yours from under you. Trying hard not to lose your footing you, got up quickly, and ran full pelt.
You didn’t know where to go but, anywhere away from him was good.
He quickly foiled your escape attempt.
Chan gripped your back leg in his teeth, pulling it back and you fell, howling in pain.
You rolled over ready to fight back but, he pinned you down, baring his teeth and aiming for your jugular.
You’d lost the fight.
If you kept trying to fight, all he had to do was sink his teeth into the soft flesh of your throat and you would lose your life as well.
His body language was clear.
Phase back and reveal yourself or face the consequences.
You shifted back, trying your hardest to cover your exposed body but not from the cold.
Chan was staring down at you, recognition in his eyes.
He shifted back too.
“Y/N?” He didn’t care that you were both naked, but you did, and you tried your hardest not to look down at his exposed body.
He smirked.
Chan sat back and you sat up as he continued to look at you.
You shied away from his gaze.
“Don’t hide from me Y/N. Aren’t you tired of hiding from me? You’ve been avoiding me and blocking your scent. You’ve been hiding what you are, and we still managed to end up here.” He slinks towards you and places his hand on your cheek.
Tentatively, Chan kisses you.
His lips move against yours softly at first but then fervently and you gasp into the kiss as he lifts you into his lap. He wraps his arms around your waist, and you wrap yours around his neck.
He pulls away first and begins peppering kisses all over your neck and shoulders, laying you down in the grass. Chan hovers over you, staring at your body hungrily.
“Y/N I want you so bad.” He growls it out, placing himself in between your legs, running his hands up and down your body and tickling you lightly.
“Can I, have you?” He leans down softly nipping at the sensitive spot on your neck and you moan out, your hands reaching up to card through his thick, fluffy hair.
He kisses further down your body and takes one of your nipples into his mouth sucking lightly and running his tongue over it until it perks while his hand massages your other breast.
You’re a mess.
Moaning louder and louder, you don’t know what to do with your hands and you grip the grass firmly, your head thrown back.
Chan kisses down your body, leaving hickeys as he goes and once he’s directly  between your legs, he kisses across your hips.
“Y/N, can I have you?” He kisses your inner thighs, nipping lightly at the soft flesh and you gasp out.
“Oh god yes.” This isn’t like you. The heady mixture of desire and his scent in the air drives you crazy.
“Baby, look at me.” His voice is deep and sultry, words dripping with honey but commanding and you look up.
“Y/N, I’m going to make you feel so good. I’m glad we’re outside because I’m going to make you scream.” You can only moan in response, too far gone with desire but, also a little shy.
How do I respond to that?
Your mind short circuits when Chan’s tongue licks a stripe up your folds, parting them a little and laying his tongue flat on your clit.
Your eyes roll back and you sigh, trying hard to keep your noises to a minimum.
It’s cold out but, you don’t feel it at all, your body temperature is at fever pitch and heating up more and more.
You’re dizzy with pleasure and Chan continues on, eating you out like a man starved.
He wraps his lips around your clit sucking lightly and moans as you cry out; his tongue continuing to drive you closer to release. His arms wrapped around your thighs holding your legs open. The noises he makes are lewd and if you’d been in your right mind you would have been so embarrassed.
Your chanting his name like a mantra now, begging him to make you cum.
Chan places one of his arms across you hips as you try to buck up into his mouth and you cry out, desperate for just a little more tension.
You only needed a little more.
“Please, pleasepleaseplease. Chan I’m begging you, please!” Your words come out garbled and your voice doesn’t even sound like your own, but Chan hears you.  
And since you asked so nicely…
Chan puts 2 fingers inside of you, curling them upwards just right as he sucks on your clit again, a little harsher this time.
He alternates between licking you and sucking, all the while pumping his fingers in and out of you at a rough pace. Your vision goes white as you cum hard, clamping down on his fingers and your eyes roll right back into your head.
You don’t have the time to feel embarrassed by how loud you’re crying out, completely lost in wanton passion.
But he doesn’t let up, even as you clamp down on him, spasming in orgasm he keeps up his speed only stopping with a kiss to your inner thighs when you beg him to stop.
You’re so sensitive.
“Did you like it Y/N?” He whispers it against your ear as you gasp for breath, trying to get composed.
“Yes.” You’re still out of breath but, that doesn’t phase Chan.  In fact, he loves it.
“I’m glad you liked it, but we’re not finished yet Y/N. You sound so pretty when you cum but, I didn’t get to see the face you make. I would love to see it so; I’m going to make you cum again. I’m going to fuck you now, would you like that Y/N? Would you like me to fuck you out here where anybody could see us?” You can hear the smirk in his voice and your breath catches.
You’re a little embarrassed but thrilled at the same time. God, he’s so hot.
I really want you to fuck me.
“How much do you want me to fuck you Y/N?” He sits back on his on his legs, watching you with dark, lustful eyes.
You prop yourself up on your arms, breathing heavily.
Chan begins to stroke himself, holding eye contact with you as he does it.
He’s rock hard, leaking precum and it catches the moonlight as it runs down his hand. It almost looks pretty.
You swallow and lick your lips. Your mouth’s watering but your throat is dry and the only thing you want to do is make Chan feel good.
Your mind is filled with nothing but him.
“So bad Chan, I want you so bad.” Chan’s hand stutters at your words and he decides that he’s tired of playing.
He reaches forward, picking you up and placing you in his lap again, you take his face in your hands and kiss him hungrily, almost desperately, whining as he grinds you down on his length.
Chan’s tongue fights yours for dominance and just like your recent fight, he wins. You gasp when he enters you.
Your so slick and so lost in pleasure, he slides right in and he moans low, at the sensation of you around him. He can’t hold himself back.
“Chan!” He’s desperate. He’s so worked up that he can barely control himself, slamming into you at a speed that shouldn’t be possible.
He ploughs into you, laying you back on the grass, so that he can grip your hips tightly and control the pace better. His hold is bruising but you don’t care, your hands are back in the grass head thrown back as you cry out again.
He knows you’re close but, he knows what will really push you over the edge.
“Oh, ohgod!” Your eyes roll back and you cry out. He circles his thumb around your clit.
Rubbing in time with his thrusts and you begin to beg.
You don’t care who hears you, you don’t even care who sees you; you just want Chan to make you cum.
Chan grunts low, his voice deep and gravely and he keeps pounding into you and the way his hips stutter let you know that he’s close too.
“Y/N, look at me. I want to see that beautiful face when you cum.” You open your eyes and the sight is the final push you need to release.
Chan’s thick hair clings with sweat to his forehead and sweat glistens all over his lean body. The light from the moon casts an ethereal glow around him and he blows you a kiss as you make eye contact; smirking at you cheekily.
You clamp down on him, your body going stiff and then snapping as your orgasm rushes through you, white hot. Your toes curl and your vision goes blank.
Distantly, you hear the sound of someone crying out and realise that it’s you.
Chan keeps rocking into you as you lose yourself in pleasure, your tight hold on him makes his orgasm hit him like a punch to the gut and he releases into you with a growl.
He collapses on top of you and rolls you both to the side, cradling you close.
It takes you some time but, eventually you both catch your breath and look at each other, giggling like a pair of kids.
“Don’t hide from me Y/N. I know you want to close off from me but, don’t. I’m your alpha, I want to take care of you.” This is it. Fear shoots through you like a branding iron and you suddenly want to run away.
But your wolf doesn’t want that, she’s content.
The 2 warring sides of your mind make you confused and you try to put some space between the two of you.
Chan’s not about to let that happen. He pins you down again and kisses you.
“Let me in Y/N. Please, let me in.” With pleading eyes, he unravels the last bit of your resolve and crumble. Chan doesn’t even flinch when you start crying,  he instead picks you up and cradles you in is arms.
“Tell me what’s wrong baby. Let me help you.”
“The only other wolf I knew is the one that turned me, and they abandoned me. I had to do all of this on my own. How do I know you won’t do the same?” He sits back to look you in the eye.
His eyes are shining with sincerity and fondness.
“I’m not them. No responsible person abandons someone who needs them. Good people don’t do that. Y/N, I live here, my pack lives here. My whole life is here, and I want you to be a part of it. I can promise you that I’m not going anywhere but words are cheap. Let me show you that I’m here for you.” Chan winks at you playfully and dries your eyes.
“You promise?” Even though you want to be sceptical, you’re hopeful instead.
“I promise. I told my pack all about you, and they can’t wait to meet you. You’ll love them.”
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genesisrose74 · 4 years
um hello 😳 I would like to request a fic 🥴 uhM could I get a (general, platonic lol) fukurodani with a shy third year manager? with like a subtle bokuto x manger 😳 ? oh and one day, the manager builds up the courage to give them a very quiet but motivational speech ? (bonus poiNts if they’re like,,, “protective” over them ahaha 🥴) anyways uh,, ty ty ! 😳 - @your-local-bnha-writer // bean ! ☺️
Okay first off thank you for being my first ever ask and second I ADORE THAT! Here you are darling, hope I did something to your liking!
The school halls of Fukurodani Academy bustles with activity, students hurrying to start their weekend after leaving the campus grounds. Well, all but yourself. You were zipping up your backpack and preparing to make a beeline towards one of your favorite places on campus. As the manager of Fukurodani’s volleyball team, you always made it a rule to be standing in the practice gym on time, note taking clipboard in hand and first aid kit slotted neatly between the legs of your chair. God knows you needed one (or three) on hand. Today, you were running a bit behind after being chosen to clean up the room, so you felt ready to hightail it across school.
However, you were stopped in the doorway of your now empty classroom, effectively halting your movements to get to team practice. You recognized the figure in front of you as one of your fellow third year students from the class down the hall - quite a popular soccer player if you were remembering correctly - but you internally panicked when you couldn’t put a name to the face.
“Hey, you’re the one who scored super high on the midterms a while back, right?” He asks, and you nod, feeling a little impatient but too timid to excuse yourself.
He didn’t seem to notice your antsy behavior, however, a grin widening on his face as he leaned closer to you in eagerness. Your lungs squeeze in your chest with his proximity.
“That’s super awesome! Do you think that, maybe you could tutor me sometime?”
Social interaction was something you were not very skilled at. While many people had asked you before for after school help and such, it was usually over text or around your friends, where you felt a bit more comfortable. Usually they would understand and politely go on their way. Yet now, you were having trouble conversing with this guy, let alone tutoring him, and there was no one else you knew in sight to help explain as you only became more fidgety.
“Well, I’m really sorry,” you clasp your hands in front of you, looking down as you fiddle with your fingers, “but I don’t think I can tutor anyone currently.”
The boy tilts his head, eyebrows furrowing. “But I thought you tutored Bokuto. Why not me?”
Your eyes widen. Now it looks like you’re just turning this guy down because you don’t like him, doesn’t it? “Oh, Bokuto is…” how do I explain?
Not many people knew that you were the manager of Fukurodani’s volleyball team. Such a lively sport and an even rowdier team didn’t seem like a very fitting place for someone as reserved as yourself. If they did know that, they might be able to see the large chunk of time it took up in your schedule, not leaving much room for everything else. Bokuto was an exception for tutoring, because you would help him out in the club room after practice, but that was really all you had time for.
Maybe if you could explain that, this boy might understand. Yet he was so close to your personal space, it was making it more difficult to speak than usual.
How long have you both been standing here? You’re already late for practice at this point.
“Did I do something that made you upset? Or are you just interested in Bokuto or something?” the third year presses.
Your body jolts at his inquiries, voice a bit higher pitched than before when you answer. “N-no! It’s not like that!”
“Then what’s the issue?” he leans forward even more, and now you can’t tell if he’s intentionally trying to be nosy or if he’s just being inquisitive. It doesn’t matter to you as you keep stumbling over your words.
“She’s our manager, that’s the issue,” a voice speaks up behind the unnamed boy, and your shoulders loosen up when you recognize the new presence to be Akaashi. There’s another figure beside him, his trademark hairstyle easily identifiable, and he only makes you feel more at ease.
Bokuto is next to you in a moment, already in his practice gear. You look up at him with confusion written on your features, eyes conveying a silent question of why are you here?
“You’re never late,” he explains with an easy grin. “So we wanted to check up on you.”
His hand is on your arm as Bokuto gently guides you over to the open hall, watching as Akaashi explains your occupation as their manager to the third year from earlier. As impassive as the setter is while he speaks, the male he’s talking to does not look very secure under the hardened stare of the Fukurodani captain beside you.
Before you can properly register or wave it off, the boy apologizes profusely to you before scurrying out of the building as quick as he can. Akaashi turns to you with a soft smile, although the rest of his posture expresses concern. “Are you alright?”
“I’m okay,” you confirm. “I don’t think he was trying to be pushy on purpose.”
“Still,” Bokuto speaks up, unusually serious, “he shouldn’t have kept getting that close to you. It was clearly making you uncomfortable.”
His mood suddenly shifts when he looks into your eyes, voice energized and inviting as he juts his thumb over his shoulder in the now less-crowded hall. “Want to get to practice now?”
A nod is all the setter and spiker duo need to string you along on their trek back to the gym. Akaashi is relatively quiet, sometimes throwing his two cents in but mostly letting Bokuto take the lead on conversation. The second year offers you a stick of Pocky that you gladly accept, laughing gently about something Bokuto said in his class that afternoon. When you all reach the entrance of the gym, there’s no longer tension in your body, and your heart warms when you spot the entire team waiting for you to arrive.
Komi, who’s in your classroom, greets you with a somewhat guilty expression when you enter. “I didn’t realize you got stuck with clean up or I would have stayed behind to help.”
You shake your head at the sentiment. “It’s alright, you would have been cutting it close getting here.”
The rest of the boys wave at you, sharing their concern for your whereabouts when you weren’t in the gym on time. You can’t help but shy away a bit from the attention, but a smile tugs at the corners of your lips as you help set up with the knowledge that your team truly cared for you.
While you’d only known some players on the team for less than a year now, it already felt like they were part of the close friends you had accumulated over your last three years in the volleyball club. As much as it seemed out of character for you to be open to such an unruly team and their sport, it was one of the places that you felt the most comfortable. Leaving the job behind you when the time came later in the year was something you hated dwelling on, as you knew it would be one of the hardest things to let go of.
Konoha hitting that line shot just right, Washio and Onaga high fiving after stuffing a block, Komi spitting out his water in laughter when Saru completely botched his jump serve. Things so trivial, but the moments that you’d remember for a long time coming.
Of course, you’d stay in touch with your team, especially the third years with which you’d spent so many memories. But you wanted to give them something to remember you by, something to convey how special your three years with them had been. It was difficult, though, seeing as you were more soft spoken than others. It felt like a hindrance on how much appreciation you could show your team, even more so when there were so many kind and outgoing members who could brighten your day in an instant. You could barely even muster up the courage to speak to the whole team at once, despite the progress you had made with being more sociable during your time in the club.
So what could you do?
“Someone looks happier,” Bokuto notes, snapping you out of your thoughts. He takes a seat on a folding chair beside you, drinking his water while giving you the side eye.
You hum in agreement with his observation, and the captain sports another one of his easy smiles, although his eyes seem more affectionate this time around. “I’m glad.”
Your cheeks turn rosy whenever he looks at you like that, and you’re hoping he just thinks it’s a product of your shyness, regardless of the fact that you feel the most confident and outgoing whenever said third year is around. Fortunately for you, he doesn’t seem to notice it, instead standing to rummage through his bag behind the set of chairs.
A large piece of fabric is placed around your shoulders, which you notice to be Bokuto’s team jacket as it covers you. You push your arms through the jacket sleeves, much too over-sized for your figure, but you’re very much content as it instantly warms you up.
“You always forget yours,” he chides, although his sweet smile betrays his scolding tone. “I’m starting to think you like mine better.”
“Mine’s in my locker, which I never go past cause I’m always rushing here,” you mumble, looking away from him in embarrassment.
It had become a very usual habit of yours to take the captain’s jacket during practices, and it was even more common in the past year as you’d grown even closer to him. It was just so comfy and big on you, not to mention it smelled like him.
Hahahaha what-
Bokuto falters for a moment when you glance back up at him, sweater paws adjusting the clothing to look less awkward on your sitting form. He feels his heart skip a beat when you give him an appreciative half-smile. “Thanks.”
The ace clears his throat and scratches the back of his neck, becoming the shyer one in that moment as his gaze falls on anything but you. “Yeah, no problem.”
While the Fukurodani captain returns to his place on the court for an end of practice scrimmage, you take the time to look around the group of players you’d come to know and love so much. The final regular season tournament was closing in quicker than you hoped, and then it might very well be time to say goodbye. Still, you felt only a content warmth as you watched your team - from the jacket around your shoulders or from something else, you weren’t sure - as you came to a decision.
You were going to give the best damn pep talk that your boys have ever heard.
For the remainder of practice you sat in that same folding chair, clipboard in hand and first aid kit between your feet, and you scribbled the hell out of your notes. Every draft would start off strong, and you felt good about the direction of what you wanted to say, but then you hadn’t the slightest clue of how to convey your next message in the following sentence. Nothing flowed correctly or seemed good enough, so you scratched out your words and started again. That cycle continues for what seems like forever, and before you know it, the sounds of team encouragement and sneakers squeaking on the floor no longer fill your ears.
You jump a bit after registering the team calling you over for a quick huddle, scurrying beside Coach Yamiji as you freak out over the fact that practice is already over.
Shit, shit, shit. Not enough time.
Coach discusses the upcoming tournament with everyone, but you’re falling in and out of focus, frantically tapping a pen on the clipboard in your grasp. There was practically nothing you could use on it’s pages, everything either scratched out or just not even completed. The concrete resolve you had built up beforehand felt as if it were falling away like eroding sand while insecurity bubbled up inside. If it weren’t for the intense focus the boys were putting into today’s post-practice talk, a few might have noticed your fidgety demeanor, but the meeting felt much too quick until it was already time for the last cheer.
Did the moment really pass away?
Worry on what to say fell away into disappointment as each team member joined their hands in. Maybe you should just leave it be.
But your own, jacket-covered hands hesitated to meet in the middle, instead reaching out to the side and grabbing at an unassuming Akaashi.
No. That’s the only thing that crossed your mind once the doubts passed through. You tug at the setter’s practice shirt a bit, the second year looking over to you with curiosity. Bokuto also looks your way, and the rest of the team follows suit when they realize their captain-vice captain duo have their attention captured. Hands drop from the middle of the circle as you make no move to include yours.
“You alright?” Akaashi asks, face impassive except for his worried eyes.
You nod, taking in a breath as you scan the group of inquisitive boys. “I’m fine. I just - c-could I say something?”
Your voice barely raises above a murmur when addressing the team, but the widened eyes of each member indicates that everyone heard you. The shake out of their surprise quickly, though, expressions encouraging of your request.
“Of course you can, y/n!” Bokuto animatedly supports with a huge grin. “Go ahead, team manager!”
A smile of your own tugs at your lips, the captain’s boisterous attitude easing your nervousness. You hug the scribbled upon clipboard to your chest as you start, knowing for a fact that your words wouldn’t be written anywhere on there.
“I just wanted to say…” your voice is soft but sure as you begin, “I wanted to let you know, how much you all inspire me. It’s kind of scary thinking that this next tournament might be my last one with you, but I’m really confident that you will give it your all - and probably even more - to make sure we keep our time together going.
“Our school banner says to put your heart and soul into each ball, which I think you’ve always done, so that’s all you can ask of yourselves. Be proud, and show off, and maybe we can show the whole country this team that I’m so happy to be a part of. I-I don’t care what happens, but just promise me...that you’ll give it your best?”
Every person in the gym is silent as they listen to you, eyes ironically owlish while you give the first major pep talk of your three year managerial career. If you looked closer, you would have noticed the glassiness of their stares that hinted at oncoming waterworks, some of the boys biting the insides of their cheeks to keep themselves together. You can’t tell if the dead quiet is due to your awkward speech or not, so you attempt to wrap things up.
“Uhm, I’m being pretty cliche right now, so I’ll stop here...” your voice drops off, but it’s hardly noticeable to the guys at this point. The distinct sounds of sniffling reaches your ears, and it’s then when you realize that nearly the entire group appears emotional.
Komi, being one of the more outspoken players on the team, is the first one to truly pipe up, voice uncharacteristically cracking when he asks, “Is it alright to hug?”
Your cheeks grow warm with the question, your own eyes welling up as you choke out a small laugh. “Yeah, go on ahead if you want.”
The entire team engulfs you in a big, emotional, quite sweaty sandwich of a group hug, but you don’t mind the perspiration or the proximity at the moment. The third years were quickest to embrace you, their tears staining Bokuto’s jacket that you still wore - the ace’s own most definitely among them.
“That was so beautiful!” said captain wails, a blubbering mess as he hugs your waist tightly. A number of the boys share a similar emotional state, Sarukui, Anahori, and Komi spouting ‘we love you, manager!’ like it’s the only words they can remember. Akaashi gives you a light squeeze around the shoulders, while simultaneously trying to calm down the bawling squad around him. Even Washio, ever the silent one, has a gentle hand on your back in the mess of an embrace. “Thank you,” is all he says, but the phrase is more than enough to warm your heart further.
When everyone manages to peel away from the group hug eventually, wiping at teary eyes and runny noses, Bokuto takes the reins. He’s got one arm slung across your shoulders, the other one curling his hand into a fist.
“Alright team, let’s give it our best!!” the captain declares, his watery smile paired with the boys’ shaky resounding cry spurring a laugh from your throat.
Overall, a pretty great first pep talk with a pretty darn great team. If you were lucky enough, maybe there might be a few more in your future, but if not, you felt perfectly content with your time spent. From the reaction you got, your boys seemed to agree.
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razorblade180 · 4 years
Nothing to worry about
After many, many attempts to decode the data to find Sora, Riku was spent. A thought came to him that maybe if he messed with data with the difficulties all the way up, then something might change. It had to be his third day screwing up on the same attacks over and over again. He didn’t remember fighting the organization to be this hard! Riku was a prideful guy that managed to beat most of them but enough was enough! He had been stuck on one obstacle for far too long and his hands hurt from hitting the wall the one time he rage quit. It was time to bring in backup, and he knew just the people…
Xion:You want me to want?
Riku:Beat data Xion for me. You’re too strong.
Roxas:It’s a computer…
Axel:Dude, you don’t get to say that when you smash computers instead of pressing keys.
Saix:You What?
Riku:Focus!!! I called you specifically because you’ve fought Xion, fought Sora, and some of you have done both while technically being connected to Sora; so you know how to play him well.
Axel:I feel like you’re missing people.
Riku:People are busy. You are the only ones that are still around a lot.
Xion:Am I really that tough?
Xion:Hmmm. I’m not sure how I feel about fighting myself. Something about it feels...depressing.
Axel:I’ll do it. I’m great at games! Plus we’ve fought a bunch of times! I know your moves.
Xion:But you lost…
Axel:Still learned them! *sits down* Watch the master!
That was the statement he made. It’s been three hours since Axel had that confidence. Now he was face down on the bed in the committee room along with Riku. If he heard “why do you fight” one more time, he’d lose his mind.
Axel:Since when do you bounce around like a ball of light!?
Roxas:Why are you surprised? I do it all the time.
Axel:I don’t even understand how you do it!!!
Saix:I can’t believe you didn’t even get half health.
Axel:Think you can do better!?
Saix:Nope, but I won’t act like I can to look cool. Xion, I’ve never seen you do half of the things that program does. Is it an exaggeration or…?
Xion:No, it’s possible. Doing all of that just makes me tired.
Saix:...(I never stood a chance in that graveyard. Then again I try not to go full berserk for the same reason.)
Roxas:My turn! I’m not exactly thrilled about fighting any version of you but helping Sora is the goal here. I just hope Cid didn’t program all of your armors. Not a big fan of the second one or you being the size of the central station tower.
Xion:*red* Hehehe...yeah that was pretty wild.
RAS:You can do what…?”
The change of players was getting better results. Roxas was in his third attempt when he started getting a good rhythm. Watching Axel helped, but there was something else. A weird six sense. Riku was right about him controlling Sora, it felt natural. Battling data Xion was the same. The way he predicted her movements were scarily good.
Axel:Wow, look at you go.
Roxas:Sssshhh, I need focus. I wanna do this as fast as possible. It might be data but hurting Xion feels wrong.
Xion:*red* Roxas…
The man makes it to the desperation move. It’s the second time he’s made it here and he wished data Xion had the armors instead! He didn’t last long before another game over screen. Everyone groaned while Roxas rested his head on the wooden desk.
Roxas:Gah! I can’t even begin to understand those patterns. Your columns of light move way too wildly!
Riku:I hate the fact that if you recover from a strike raid then the next one is delayed to change your rhythm! Why are you so smart Xion?
Xion:Sora does that too. It’s how to survive relentless attacks sometimes. I’ve told you all the timing so-
Roxas:Xion, I really don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable, but you might as well grab the controller. The only person who knows you, is you.
Xion:And Ven, and Namine, you, Sora, Kai- fine I’ll give it a try!
Riku:Thank you.
Xion died immediately going into the fight. All eyes looked at her in disbelief as her face got red.
Xion:I wasn’t ready! Let me get a few warm up rounds in! I have never done anything like this. Roxas, can you go back to Twilight Town and get a small white bag in the usual spot?
A few warm up rounds turned into a dozen. Riku even saw her scroll through the settings once or twice. Then she wouldn’t do the fight right away. Instead she’d press bottoms to see how Sora reacted and fast. He didn’t want to be antsy but a piece of him wanted to try again. Riku went over to ask when Roxas came through the door to hand her the bag. Xion ran the program again. She reached in the bag as it loaded and pulled out something Riku didn’t know she still had. Her organization gloves.
Riku:You kept those?
Xion:Gripping a keyblade barehanded feels weird. So does messing with computers…
Data Xion:Why do you f-
Xion:Yeah we know the line…
Riku never considered himself good at things like video games or computers, but he didn’t think he was bad either. That was until he watched Xion start moving her fingers faster than he could keep track off. The whole room was silent except for the sound of clicking. Data Sora was moving at speeds and performing tricks Riku and the others didn’t even know about. He wasn’t getting hit at all!!! Axel could quietly hear Xion mumble numbers. A set amount when she attacked, and then a different set when the data version did. The sets kept resting and ending differently depending on what weapon she used or magic. He couldn’t make heads or tails of it.
Xion:How what?
Roxas:How are you doing this!?
Xion:Like you and Riku said. I know me, as well as Sora. I’m only gonna get hit so many times before I find a chance to counter. Also, there’s only so many moves you can program. It’s still just code!
She made it sound so easy, yet Riku. Can only think about how many times late last night he couldn’t figure out a single time to appropriately heal or attack. Yet here Xion is, perfect blocking and interrupting the desperation move. She even found time to take a picture before delivering the final blow!
Xion:Boom! Easy!
Saix:You really should’ve gone first.
Xion:But it was thanks to you guys that I was able to watch and learn without stressing out. It was a group effort. I guess we’re done here. Thanks Riku, that was kinda fun. *stands up*
Riku:Ummm haven’t beaten master Xehanort either. Do you think maybe….
Xion:*Sits down* You owe one for this.
Riku:I know a good spot to find the best seashells.
The crew let her get to work on the baldy while they occupied their time. Half an hour passed before they sat around a table eating. Riku looked over to see Xion learning how to deal with every move possible. It looked impossible. Most of the organization did. Another game over screen appeared and Riku sighed.
Axel:You alright champ?
Riku:It might be data, but seeing Sora lose is depressing. I hope he’s alright.
Roxas:Why wouldn’t he be?
Riku:He’s not the luckiest guy. Danger might as well be a spell when it comes to Sora. All of these data fights made me realize just how dangerous the organization really was. The thought of him running into something or someone as dangerous as that alone doesn’t sit well with me.
Roxas:You know Riku, you can be pretty dumb sometimes.
Roxas:What!? All I’m saying is you would think after seeing a program based off of him successfully beat crazy strong people like Xion that you’d have the most faith in his skills. I mean who else do you know has enough different moves to handle so many kinds of fighters?
Riku:....Heh, thanks Roxas.
Roxas:*red* Yeah whatever. Just stating the obvious.
Axel:Yeah! Sora’s alright. I mean he was able to beat me after all.
Saix: If that’s the bar then maybe we should worry.
Xion:I mean we did tie when I was tired.
Roxas:I beat you with amnesia.
Riku:Sora did too.
Axel:Who’s side are you on! This is the thanks I get for trying to cheer you up? Cut me some slack.
The friends shared a good laugh teasing Axel. Even he couldn’t help but join in on it. Riku should know better than anybody just how capable Sora is.
(Wherever you are, I’m sure you’re just fine.)
Fine was the appropriate word to describe it. If a Riku or the others used anything more positive then they surely would’ve bit their tongue. If only they could see their friend right now, dodging and struggling on a rooftop under a starry sky dome. A swarm of gigas closed in on our young hero to overwhelm him, but to avail. Sora whipped out a storm flag and slammed it on the ground to summon the watery beast of the seven seas. It’s tentacles whacked away and crushed the gigas flat. Now wasn’t a time to rest though. Yozora, his opponent, wasn’t done yet. Sora saw rapid flashes of red lock in on him and switched to the counter shield.
He hyped himself “Come on!” Spurs shouted. The first attack came from the left, then right. Four more were dead on before another six ferocious slashes came from the left. Collision after collision conjured sparks that lit up the impacts of each attack. Yozora finally thought he had an opening to stab from behind but was sorely mistaken when Sora had already pivoted already and unleashed a barrage of fists that knocked Yazora in the air. Sora leaped up to follow up with a change into the second form. “Get back here!” He pulled his opponent back in with a magnet burst then went right into an ars arcanum. Blades clashed faster than anyone could keep up with before Sora’s ferocity gave him an edge that turned into full blown hits that ended with him spiking Yozora to the ground. As he fell, Sora was shot in the back by a laser that sent him to the metal floor behind. He had no time to dodge the cross slash that connected against his chest. He watched Yozora vanish and switched right into ultimate form to do the same.
This disappearing and reappearing act made their sparks seem more like fireworks. Crackles and pops
Danced up and down the battlefield as each person kept attempting to warp for both offense and defense until Yozora got the better of Sora by trapping in an exploding prism that launched Sora sky high. Yozora finally had room to breath and could plant fis feet long enough to charge his blade. He watched his target recover mid air and unless a salvo of fireballs with double arrow guns. A good idea if it wasn’t so far away that is. “Sorry but-huh!?” A blue light washed over Sora and propelled him directly at Yozora with his attack. Yozora was quick enough to slash Sora away but decided to pull back by backflipping the fireballs; a big mistake. He had underestimated Sora’s speed. Before he could even reach the ground, Sora was already in front of him again. This time with a massive rocket propelled hammer that hit him in the direction of the fireballs. The magic projectiles curved midair to hope in on his location and blasted him right in the chin. This was bad, really bad. To think he’d have this much trouble with someone who looked so clueless moments ago. He had to switch things up and vanished again.
Sora switched to nano arms and stood perfectly still. “Three….four….” he pulled a barrier right as a glimmer of red formed into Yazora that blasted some strange wide shots from his crossbow before vanishing again. Sora turned the machines into yo-yos next and swung straight. “There!” Yozora appeared right as expected and hit dead on. Sora pulled himself to wards and shifted to his frozen blades for additional slashes.
“You’re Just full of surprises aren’t you!?” Yozora grimaced.
“Don’t Give me that look! I didn’t want to fight!” Sora went for a kick but was too slow. Yozora managed to warp behind Sora and summoned a massive red orb that started pulling everything into it.
“Let’s see how you dodge this one.” Yozora turned up the pressure and started warping as fast as possible at Sora again and again, cutting and slashing him cleanly to knock him off balance until Yozora delivered one more powerful slash across his body that sent Sora flying into the orb. He quickly up to it and glided his blade along it to trigger a massive explosion that made Sora scream. Smoke and fire filled the air for a moment. That was a move not even Yozora himself was too good at avoiding. Nobody was gonna get it right from the jump.
Finally, the battle was over. It was longer than expected but the end result was the same. “Sorry, but I don’t lose-” Another shockwave from the explosion accorded suddenly and dispersed the smoke. That’s never happened before. Yozora shielded his eyes and scanned the ground, no Sora. Just black puddles. He dared not walk closer to them when they started to increase in size until a bigger one formed near his feet and Sora hopped out with glowing eyes and drenched in darkness. “This guy…” Yozora mistakenly readied a block for the keyblade as was then punched by Sora’s free hand, throwing him off and into a world of rageful attacks he had no choice but to receive. Sora was fast, too fast. The patterns seemed random. It was impossible to know what to look out for with the addition of kicks thrown in as Sora instinctively warp in numerous spots to bat Yazora around. Any attempt to escape the loop was met with a primal roar that kept the loop going until one final monstrous attack came. Sora went right through Yozora and into the ground. Strange black orbs rose up from bigger pools of black from earlier and detonated repeatedly, leaving Yozora no room to escape.
What was once a dark night turned into blinding light as Sora once again appeared above Yozora’s falling body in a new form; and with two blades. It was hard for him to understand what happened next. All he could see was light and feel the pain it inflicted everywhere as pillars of them struck down around Sora, who remained airborne and glowing. A look of pure grit on his face as he shouted.
“I guess...my power isn’t needed after all.”
Xion:I beat him! But...I don’t think there’s anything here that might help. Sorry Riku. I know you wanna find him as soon as possible.
Riku:Hmmm, that’s alright. *smiles* Wherever he is...I’m sure he’s doing just fine.
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