#god of war theory
megashadowdragon · 4 months
what happened to apollo
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njordr · 4 months
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that one pic of ewan as a priest but make it obi-wan and suddenly I want to end my existence ahaha
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my brain keeps Flinching because i've had March 1st ingrained in my head for long enough now that every once in a while i'l glance at the date/time and go THE UPDA-ohhhh yeah...
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kumquatqueenb · 4 months
So we don't know really when Clarisse got that spear so I kind of like the headcanon that she got it when she first got to the camp. Like 7 year old Clarisse having nothing from anywhere or anyone, no family at all and then there's Ares who claimed her and immediately armed her. Measuring her height against the spear she can barely hold at first.
This is a super adorable headcanon, and I love it so much omg. Just picturing a tiny Clarisse getting claimed and trying to hold a too big spear is so sweet.
I never really considered Ares giving it to her when she got claimed tbh. For some reason I always thought that it was something that was left for her. Like, when Ares slept with Clarisse’s mom he gave her the spear with instructions to give it to Clarisse when she went to camp. The spear was a sort of reminder of the legacy that she was meant to live up to. A bittersweet promise for more attention if she earned it, I guess?
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zylice · 6 months
Loki is the Catalyst of Marvel
‪*If he didn’t let the Frost Giants into Asgard to interrupt Thor’s coronation, Thor wouldn’t have come to Earth and met Selvig who then later helped Loki create the ‘space portal machine’ in the Avengers. ‬
*If he didn’t try to destroy Jotunheim then he would never have fallen into the black hole, gotten the Space and Mind stone and got the Avengers to assemble and ‘deliver’ these Infinity Stones to them. He let himself get caught by the Avengers because he WANTED to LOSE!
‪*If he hadn’t of killed Coulson, we wouldn’t have Agents of SHIELD.
‪*If he hadn’t got the sceptre, Wanda wouldn’t have gotten her amplified powers nor would Vision or Ultron ever have existed. Thor & Tony wouldn’t have had their prophesying visions about what would likely happen in IW ‬‬
‪*If he didn’t let Thanos kill him in Infinity War, Thor would have been snapped out of existence and Thanos would have succeeded in erasing half‬
‪of the universe‬
‪*In Thor The Dark World, he saved Jane in order to prevent the Aether (the Reality Stone) from disappearing into the void‬
*He accidentally got his mother killed & therefore banished Odin which caused to age faster which resulted in him dying and Hela to be released.
‪*He also called for Skurge to take them back to Asgard via the Bifrost but Hela caught the ride with them which resulted in he and Thor to be sent to Sakaar where Thor reunited with the Hulk and met Valkyrie and Ragnarok to be caused. ‬
‪*If he didn’t take the Tesseract from Odin’s vault in Thor Ragnarok, Thanos wouldn’t have been able to find it therefore the snap either wouldn’t have happened or been delayed.
‬ *If he didn’t use the Tesseract to escape in Endgame, we wouldn’t have the multiverse since he wouldn’t have become the ‘God of Stories’ or create the TVA.
‪*Sylvie Killing Kang at the end of ‘Loki S1’ made the next big villain for the Avengers to face in Kang Dynasty and Secret Wars. ‬
‪*In ‘Loki S2,’ he has to save the multiverse from being destroyed.
‪*Loki has to recruit heroes from across the multiverse in order to eliminate the ‘Kang Threat.’‬
‪*He can manipulate and re write time now that he is the ‘God of Stories.’‬
‪He is a catalyst. ‬
‪So there. Loki is indeed more important to the Marvel Universe than we all realised. 😌‬
Doctor Strange saw that the only way it would all work was if Tony sacrificed himself. He saw what Loki was doing behind the scenes. Loki recruited HIMSELF into the TVA after recruiting Mobius and other underdogs in order
to humble him. He even created Sylvie so that he could see from the outside what he had once been like and learn to ‘love himself.’ He has to tell her and his past self to not be selfish and power hungry (akin to Charles telling Logan to ‘guide his younger self’ in X-Men: Days of Future Past. He was ‘acting’ bad in the Avengers!! Loki admired Tony because of what he was doing. His purpose was to save the universe! 😭 He told Thor that the ‘Sun would shine on them again’ because he KNEW that they would reunite again eventually and told Thanos ‘You will never be a God.’ Because Loki was always that many steps ahead in the grand scheme of things. . He was guiding himself and everyone else the ENTIRE time!😌💚
Btw: Loki called Don ‘Mobius’ due to Tony discovering the ‘Mobius’ strip’ in Endgame. He always admired Tony’s ‘glorious purpose’ and that’s why he keeps referring to him in the ‘Loki’ series and Mobius knows ALL about Loki because HE, Loki as the ‘God of Stories’ MADE him that way!😉🧬
Loki’s Impact on the Marvel Universe So Far
He deliberately got caught by the Avengers so that the respective items got delivered and he WANTED to LOSE!
‪*If he didn’t let the Frost Giants into Asgard to interrupt Thor’s coronation, Thor wouldn’t have come to Earth and met Selvig who then later helped Loki create the ‘space portal machine’ in the Avengers. ‬
*If he didn’t try to destroy Jotunheim then he would never have fallen into the black hole, gotten the Space and Mind stone and got the Avengers to assemble and ‘deliver’ these Infinity Stones to them. He let himself get caught by the Avengers because he WANTED to LOSE!
‪*If he hadn’t of killed Coulson, we wouldn’t have Agents of SHIELD.
‪*If he hadn’t got the sceptre, Wanda wouldn’t have gotten her amplified powers nor would Vision or Ultron ever have existed. Thor & Tony wouldn’t have had their prophesying visions about what would likely happen in IW..‬‬
‪*If he didn’t let Thanos kill him in Infinity War, Thor would have been snapped out of existence and Thanos would have succeeded in erasing half‬ of the universe.‬.
‪*In Thor The Dark World, he saved Jane in order to prevent the Aether (the Reality Stone) from disappearing into the void‬..
*He accidentally got his mother killed & therefore banished Odin which caused to age faster which resulted in him dying and Hela to be released.
‪*He also called for Skurge to take them back to Asgard via the Bifrost but Hela caught the ride with them which resulted in he and Thor to be sent to Sakaar where Thor reunited with the Hulk and met Valkyrie and Ragnarok to be caused. ‬
‪*If he didn’t take the Tesseract from Odin’s vault in Thor Ragnarok, Thanos wouldn’t have been able to find it therefore the snap either wouldn’t have happened or been delayed.
‬ *If he didn’t use the Tesseract to escape in Endgame, we wouldn’t have the multiverse since he wouldn’t have become the ‘God of Stories’ or create the TVA.
‪*Sylvie Killing Kang at the end of ‘Loki S1’ made the next big villain for the Avengers to face in Kang Dynasty and Secret Wars. ‬
‪*In ‘Loki S2,’ he has to save the multiverse from being destroyed.
‪*Loki has to recruit heroes from across the multiverse in order to eliminate the ‘Kang Threat.’‬
‪*He can manipulate and re write time now that he is the ‘God of Stories.’‬
‪He is a catalyst. ‬
Doctor Strange saw that the only way it would all work was if Tony sacrificed himself. He saw what Loki was doing behind the scenes. Loki recruited HIMSELF into the TVA after recruiting Mobius and other underdogs in order
to humble him. He even created Sylvie so that he could see from the outside what he had once been like and learn to ‘love himself.’ He has to tell her and his past self to not be selfish and power hungry (akin to Charles telling Logan to ‘guide his younger self’ in X-Men: Days of Future Past. He was ‘acting’ bad in the Avengers!! Loki admired Tony because of what he was doing. His purpose was to save the universe! 😭 He told Thor that the ‘Sun would shine on them again’ because he KNEW that they would reunite again eventually and told Thanos ‘You will never be a God.’ Because Loki was always that many steps ahead in the grand scheme of things. He was guiding himself and everyone else the ENTIRE time!😌💚
Btw: Loki called Don ‘Mobius’ due to Tony discovering the ‘Mobius’ strip’ in Endgame. He always admired Tony’s ‘glorious purpose’ and that’s why he keeps referring to him in the ‘Loki’ series and Mobius knows ALL about Loki because HE, Loki MADE him that way!😉🧬
He actually planned to get killed by Thanos in order to save Thor from being snapped and he knew that he would come back one way or another. He said these things for a reason! “I assure you brother, the sun will shine on us again” and “You’ll never be a God!”
Despite Frigga saying: ‘You’re so perceptive about everyone but yourself,’ the older, wiser Loki knows himself well enough in order to change the other, younger version of himself. He knows EVERYTHING about the Avengers members in the first Avengers movie for a REASON! 😉
So there. Loki is indeed more important to the Marvel Universe than we all realised. 😌‬💚
Thor, Hulk and Loki about the ‘Sun.’ God of Stories Loki made it so that the phrase the ‘sun is going down’ to calm the Hulk down and subdue him and the ‘sun shining on him and Thor again’ was to inspire hope and energy.
The Time Stone is green because of Loki. ‪Did he create it? Did he some how get it to Sanctum Sanctorum?‬
‪Did Loki make Heimdall send Bruce to the Sanctum in Infinity War since Loki had been there before (in Ragnarok?) Is that why Bruce mentions ‘Loki’ to Tony, Stephen and Wong informing and warning them about Thanos?‬
He created the World Tree Yggdrasil and quite literally erased, reset and rebooted the MCU! 🤯
Loki is the ‘World Serpent’ Jörmungandr
It really was ‘Loki All Along.’ 😉
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utilitycaster · 11 months
The other fantastic Colin moment in the episode, other than his resignation as Deli's Skald, is how he undergoes pretty significant inconvenience, traveling something like six hours out of his way, to make up in a small way to the murder of the banana guy for no other reason than he was in the wrong place during a political assassination. Colin understands why his grandfather was murdered, even though he doesn't like it, but his father - who wasn't a good man at all - was killed for being the descendant of the wrong noble house despite being a child during his father's coup. Colin himself is at risk despite being born after his grandfather's death and never experiencing any of the privileges of nobility, only the liability. Pamela Rocks is politics - you wear a crown, you take your chances - but the banana man is murder. He's just some guy who was at the wrong place at the wrong time, and while Colin is most certainly not just some guy, he has the worst aspects of that banana man (poverty, lack of influence, fucked over entirely because of the political machinations of others he had no way to stop or even know about) and none of the good ones (the freedom of truly being just some guy, who won't be blackmailed or executed on the basis of blood ties alone). I really don't think he cares about Pamela Rocks' death, and maybe if the banana hadn't shown up Colin would still be at Deli's side, or at the very least not vehemently opposed to the FDA, but the banana did, so here we are.
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sunsetschloe · 27 days
The Poppy War Series
“How could she compare the lives lost? One genocide against another—how did they balance on the scale of justice? And who was she, to imagine that she could make that comparison?” --R.F Kuang, The Poppy War
I have so much to say about The Poppy War series. No amount of words will describe the feeling it left me when I turned the last page and broke a little inside, but I will try, because that's all I can do the lessen the heartbreak of reading this series:
Rebecca Kuang. No words will describe my adoration for her writing abilities. To be able to incorporate such beauty into such a dark tale is impossibly hard, and no words will describe my absolute respect for her. I absolutely loved her truthful portrayal of war, instead of just romanticizing cruelty, and how utterly blunt she was about the horrors that ordinary people faced during times of chaos.
Rin, Nezha, Kitay, Venka, etc etc. They were just children. That's all I can say. They were children that were no longer innocent because adults shoved swords into their hands, and told them to die for a cause. They were so fucking young when the responsibility of millions of lives was forced upon them, and no person should ever have to make a decision that had such impact, especially not some young people. I loved each and every one of them, and I also loathed the decisions they made, but at the end of the day, they were just children born into a fragile world of cruelty and darkness.
"Dying was easy. Living was so much harder--that was the most important lesson Altan had ever taught her" --R.F. Kuang, The Burning God
From her choice in choosing to pledge Lore, till the end when she took her own life, I didn't like Rin. I didn't like her decisions, and I didn't respect how she treated her friends, but I did grow so SO attached to her as a character. I hated her for leaving Nezha with a shattered nation, but I also realized how much courage it took for her to take that route. Since she was born, survival mattered the most, always, and the fact that she chose to kill herself, with the interest of her country in mind, deserves so much respect. Yes, you could argue that she realized how hard surviving was, and chose the easy way out, but she was nurtured in a way that forced her to choose survival, to choose life, even if she wasn't truly living. Along with that, she also had Kitay's life bound to hers, so I don't think she made her final decision out of selfishness, but rather a willingness to sacrifice her life so that millions more would keep their own. As long as she was alive, the Hesperians wouldn't leave them alone, so she made her final decision for her country.
“He knew exactly what choice she'd made and what she intended. And that made everything- hating her, loving her, surviving her, so much harder.” --R.F. Kuang, The Burning God
I truly believe that Nezha only acted the way he did because he was fucking terrified of everything happening around him. Yes, he was bred for this, but nothing ever prepared him for the shit that was going to come his way. And when Rin was going to kill herself, his composed mask just faded and he revealed the fear he had in him all along. He was another victim of the fragility of society, and I truly hope that no matter what happened after the third book, he found his peace and order.
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After her reappearance (iykyk), I was so terrified that she would die, or go through something just as traumatic again. AND SHE DID. I was trembling when Rin accused her of being a traitor, and the way she threw herself on top of Rin to save her just broke my heart. I refuse to believe that she sold them out and wrote the letters, because how could anyone be a traitor, and still be willing to sacrifice her life for the person accusing them of such things?? Since the truth will never be uncovered, I will live with the hope that she was innocent all along, because she's been through so much, and her legacy should live on clean and untarnished.
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mangk0 · 1 month
Hypothetically speaking do you think freya could revive ragnarok’s corpse like she did the stone mason
BC LIKE THE ONLY LIMITATION TO HER DOING IT AGAIN IN RAGNAROK WAS “do you HAVE a giant’s corpse for me to revive?🤨”
The realm was destroyed, yeah, and ragnarok along with it? Chunks of Asgard landed all across the nine realms right? IS RAGNAROK OUT THERE TOO?
Idk i think a little chekhovs side quest dialogue would be funny. Petition to have freya revive ragnarok
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stupidrant · 4 months
looking at this dlc and the content it has makes me re-think everything now LOL i think whats gonna happen soon (im not sure maybe summer-winter 2024 or sometime in 2025-26?) is that theres gonna be a full atreus game announced (or possibly released???) and im here for it!
I was thinking it might be a POV switch majority of the game like ragnarok but now im feeling like this dlc was released in regards to making that atreus only game 👀 Im ngl im a little nervous about it due to “those” ppl, plus idk how sms is gonna handle him, angrboda, etc but we wouldnt truly know until they tried right? This doesnt mean kratos wouldnt be in it or never playable again (i dont think thats smart anyways tbh) i just think atreus might actually have his own game mostly with him playable and i wouldnt mind at all. Im sure his gameplay will be more flexible since hes traveling and his experience is building up and will show as well
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greencheekconure27 · 1 year
This is roughly the 100th variation of this I've seen and I don't even know if I should be angry or laughing at this stupidity or both.
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So how about a different meme:
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(as well as y'know. dozens upon dozens of other non-American and non- Russian sources in English. It's not like you're trying to find this information in an endangered language only spoken by old people in three and a half villages)
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flickerintwilights · 8 months
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Three figures… three faces… / Now, these three figures appear throughout the Jedi’s history. / Morai? (I am Daughter.) She’s an old friend. / What is this place? (Unlike any other,) a conduit through which the entire Force of the universe flows. / The painting on the temple is like a star map, but none that I’m familiar with. / I think we want this one, where the lines are together. / It takes a master and an apprentice. / Listen. Kanan said to listen. || It’s art, everything has a meaning. —Ahsoka, e1 “Master and Apprentice”; Rebels, s4e13 “A World Between Worlds”; The Clone Wars, s3e15 “Overlords”; Rebels, s4e12 “Wolves and a Door”
me, head in my hands: stop thinking about the parallels, stop thinking about the stupid slow sequence in episode 1 with the figures and the lines and the [mysterious voices] and ahsoka pressing her montrals against the column with her eyes closed like she was listening, stop thinking about threes and mortis and morai and the world between worlds plot device, it’s not that deep, stop-
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nerdiqueen · 28 days
tbb s3e11 spoilers
actual tears. I don't usually cry for any reason aside from frustration but this ep had me GENUINELY SOBBING
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flower1622 · 9 days
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kisuminight · 3 days
A very general outline of how this AU's Staged Finale goes down:
So Tommy swings the Axe of Peace. And instead of turning into golden dust like a respawn, Dream shatters into pieces of light. The axe catches on Dream’s core crystal and basically knocks it so it hits the ground behind Tommy, in the middle of the gathered server members.
“What the fuck?” says Tommy.
“Language!” from Bad.
“That’s a core crystal. Dream was a Blade?” says Punz. He steps closer to the core crystal on the ground.
“Don’t touch that!” says Sapnap. He also steps closer to the core crystal on the ground.
“Chill. It can take up to three days for a core crystal to recover enough to be Awakened again.” But Punz steps back.
“Dream can’t be a Blade.” Says Sam. “Are you sure that was Dream?”
“Of course if was fucking Dream! You think I don’t fucking recognize how he fucking fights?” Tommy again.
“But if Dream is a Blade, who was his Driver?” Tubbo.
The problem is that Blades, socially, are seen as extensions of their Drivers. Most people expect that, if a Blade is doing something, it is because their Driver told them to. Anyone who has interacted with Skeppy on a frequent basis (and is aware he is a Blade) knows this is nonsense, but ingrained prejudice is strong. Tommy and Tubbo being mostly clueless about the Blade system actually puts them at a better point for recognizing Dream’s agency than anyone else.
Sapnap is having a breakdown. He thought he understood his friend, and then he thought that he didn’t understand his friend but that was okay because Dream was a bad friend. Now Dream is a Blade and some things are making sense but more things aren’t and actually his friend is for-real dead now. Not dead as in a canon death, dead as in the Dream that existed just stopped the moment he was returned to a core crystal. If it is Awakened, the New Dream will be similar but will not be the same person. The last bit hasn’t really hit him yet.
Antfrost and Bad have both been corrupted by the Egg at this point. They are surprised about Dream being a Blade, but are pushed by the Egg to want to bring Dream’s core crystal back to it. The Egg has a hard time infecting Blades, and only got Skeppy by a combination of lingering influence coming from Bad and long-term direct exposure. It is aware that any Blade in its power that reverts to a core crystal will reAwaken without the corruption, and has plans that revolve around trying to corrupt Dream’s core crystal itself.
HBomb, Jack Manifold, and Niki are mostly satisfied that Dream is not going to be a Problem any more. They are content to leave at this point. Niki did guess that Philza was a blade, and since Techno contacted her prior to the confrontation, she does inform Techno (who she thinks is Philza’s Driver) about the situation with Dream.
Callahan is worried about the situation. He wants to know who Dream’s Driver was. As a Blade himself, he is aware that a Driver does not absolutely dictate what Blades can/cannot do. However, a Blade’s relationship with their Driver does greatly impact how they see the rest of the world. Callahan is also aware that a Driver does not necessarily have to be on the same server as the Blade, seeing as his Driver Alyssa is off-server.
Ranboo is staying quiet. He and Punz are staying out of this discussion. Punz makes an excuse to leave early, and dips out while making motions to or saying something about Dream’s core crystal, which is still on the ground. Ranboo is hovering around, acting hesitant.
Sam also wants to know who Dream’s Driver was. He is currently the Warden of Pandora’s Vault, and while his behavior has not reached the point where it would in canon-timeline after overseeing Dream’s imprisonment, the signs are already starting. Sam thinks that Dream should be reAwakened and that they need to be careful about who Dream’s new Driver is to make sure that Dream is a Good Person in his new life (Sam is advocating to be the new Driver).
Puffy agrees that Dream needs a good Driver to be a better person in his new life. She thinks Sam is a good person for that. Eret weighs in at this point and mentions that Dream was a citizen of the Greater Dream SMP and might be better with them (this is part of Eret’s quest for reconciliation, as well as a bit of power-hunger. Eret is a weird character). Puffy says that Sam would be better because Dream shouldn’t be around/have influence in politics. She says Dream probably shouldn’t go with Bad or Antfrost for similar reasons. At this point, Eret leaves.
Tommy wants to know what the hell are they talking about. Why is Dream a rock? Why are they trying to revive Dream at all? It’s like they think that Dream isn’t a wrongun’.
*Blade system is explained to Tommy*
Okay, so the New Dream will look exactly the same as Dream. And act exactly like Dream. And you think it’s okay to wake him up because he won’t have any memories? Tommy calls Doubt with lots of cursing. Bullshit Dream was doing it on orders. It was only Dream demanding Exile. It was only Dream during Exile. Yeah, Doomsday was Dream + Phil + Techno, but Dream wasn’t getting puppeted by either of them. And if Dream was a Blade, why didn’t Dream ever use any of his Blade powers? None of them even know what his Soul Weapon looked like. They don’t know what his element is. Even healer Blades have some weak attacks, and he didn’t use an of that shit! Maybe Dream should stay a rock.
“What the fuck, Tommy,” goes Sapnap.
“Maybe Tommy should reAwaken him,” says Tubbo. The issue is that Dream hated Tommy, right? If Tommy is Dream’s Driver, then that can’t happen again. Dream will help Tommy, be his friend. After all, Dream was nice in the beginning.
Dream will be Tommy’s friend sets Tommy off. “Dream was never my friend and never will be!” This is lingering trauma from the emotional manipulation from exile. Meta note, the relationship between Tommy and Dream would not be healthy at this point.
“Dream should stay with someone who was actually his friend,” Ponk disagrees. Giving a Blade to someone who was their enemy seems ethically dubious.
“Sapnap,” says Quackity.
“Not Sapnap,” says everyone else.
“Fine, George then.”
Sapnap, who is still having a breakdown and is processing 1000+ things and just realized that George might have been Dream’s Driver, based the fact that he re-met Dream as George’s friend and also George’s weird behavior around the dethronement, “Not George.”
“You should leave Dream as a rock,” Tommy repeats.
“I still think it would be better if he stayed with Sapnap,” says Quackity. This is partly to support his fiancé and partly because he thinks having a Blade in his sphere of influence would help his plans. “What do you think, Ranboo?”
“Um, Karl?” It sounds shaky, and the pronunciation is weird. Ranboo leaves.
People present: Tommy, Tubbo, Puffy, Quackity, Sapnap, Antfrost, Badboyhalo, Ponk, Awesamedude.
Karl is friendly. He is minimally involved in server politics at this point (since El Rapids is mostly forgot about in comparison to L’Manberg, and L’Manberg is a hole in the ground). He is Quackity’s other fiancé, so this is still a good solution for Q. Tubbo likes Karl. Tommy is kind of “eh” about it, but he also thinks that Dream should not be reAwakened at this point. Everyone else talks over him. Sam is okay with Karl, but he would prefer to have Dream as his Blade.
“Sapnap, can you bring the core crystal to Karl?”
The core crystal is Not There.
Everyone freaks out. Sapnap demands that everyone empty their inventory. Nobody present has the core crystal (or they are pretending they don’t. Sapnap isn’t sure how much he can trust them). When was the last time anybody remembered seeing it? Well, that was when Punz pointed to it and left. Okay, so Punz doesn’t have it.
Who left?
Ranboo, HBomb, Eret, Niki, and Jack Manifold.
On the Nether side of the portal, EW!Ranboo drops Dream’s core crystal into Punz’s hand. Even if someone were to come through the portal now, they wouldn’t be able to see them. Punz was actively pushing aether into his passive powers, rendering the two of them completely unnoticeable. Once Punz has the core crystal, he steps back. EW!Ranboo completely loses track of him as he leaves.
EW!Ranboo scribbles the basics of what happened in his memory book, Dream tried to kill Tommy and Tubbo. We rescued them. Dream is a Blade and they are fighting about who Dream’s new Driver will be. I am worried about the outcome. Then he gives control back to Ranboo.
So everyone goes into the Nether, and they see Ranboo standing there putting away with his memory book. Ranboo says, “What happened?”
“Ranboo, can you empty your inventory?” The core crystal is Not There (anymore).
Ranboo apologizes to Tubbo, “I’m sorry. Thinks were very stressful. I don’t remember what happened at the confrontation.”
Three days later, Punz Awakens Dream as his Blade. “Hey, buddy. You doing okay?”
“…Resonance feels different from George. It’s weird to have a comparison.”
Results of Staged Finale:
Punz is not under suspicion for having Dream or helping Dream before he was killed. Ranboo is also not under suspicion. Dream has been reAwakened with all his memories (the experiments worked!). They can now continue further experiments in peace. Everyone at Staged Finale is now very suspicious of each other. The idea of someone on the server can just pull a Blade with Dream’s fighting skills, unknown powers, and the blind loyalty of all New Blades out of their inventory unnerves people. Tensions are high, but most people are reluctant to get into actual fights for the moment because what if.
Dream is avoiding the SMP in general, but if someone does see him he can just say “I have no idea who you are, got to go.” There is a greatly reduced risk of immediate attack as long as he pretends to be an amnesiac new Blade if he is discovered.
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darlin-djarin · 8 months
wait until star wars fans hear about the endosymbiotic theory
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azurecanary · 7 months
Theory because my brain is cluttered:
Peridea is where the Father, Son and Daughter imprisoned Abeloth (Mother)
The Force sensitive native species, the Dathomiri, began to feel Abeloth's darkness and began to worship her as 'Mother', thus the origin of their sisterhood
Abeloth eventually terrorised the Dathomiri until they revolted and their species was pretty much destroyed apart from the Great Mothers (hence the "cargo" that's being brought back to Dathomir)
Baylan knows nothing of Abeloth, so he's going towards her call with little trepidation
Ezra has Experiences with the Dark Side and so he pretty much steered clear of her call
And now Ahsoka and Sabine are there...
It's messy and probably not what happens
But it's in my brain so
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