#fandom tags for exposure:
Hey, you!
Do you like my fics?
Do you want one?
Well if you donate to an organization or individual in Palestine, I'll write you one!
If you donate to:
-A crowdfunding campaign for an individual or individuals in Gaza (i.e. gofundme)
-An organization providing relief for Palestine (i.e. the Palestine Children's Relief Fund)
-eSims for Gaza
And dm me a screenshot of your receipt, I will write you a fic, the length of which will depend on the donated amount (see below)
The fandoms I will write for include the MCU, Good Omens, Supernatural, and OFMD. I will write smut (you must be 18+ to request this), angst, fluff, whump- any genre you want (although I will likely draw the line on incredibly dark themes based on my own personal comfort). Want a fluffy fic of Cas and trans Dean that involves a coffee shop meet cute? Sure thing. Tony and Bucky having weird sex in the workshop? I can do that too. Crowley meeting Ed Teach in Spanish Jackie's and commiserating over their situationships? I've got you.
There is no minimum donation (as long as the donation is made in good faith, not just three cents to get a fic) and will be 1k words for any donation under $10, and then 1k words more for every $10 after that.
Want to make sure a fandom, ship, theme, or dynamic is something I'll write? DM me or send me an ask (anon is on) with the details and I'll let you know if that's something I can do!
If you were looking for a push to donate, this is it.
Once again, my asks and DMs are open, so feel free to ask any questions!
Reblogs of this post are encouraged
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sillysiluriforme · 10 days
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he got the munchies <3
context under show more
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energeticwarrior · 4 months
Apologies for my delay in using my platform, I found out about this strike yesterday and was taking some time to figure out what to say
Palestine has been suffering long before October 2023 and I need everybody to understand that. There is a genocide happening right now and if people don't use their voices to speak up, then they will become a lost cause in our history. We do not want the stories of their people to be told 50 years from now with a side comment like "oh no I wish someone would've done something" or "I can't believe that actually happened." Our voices can spread like a wildfire, so I hope that everybody joins the global strike this week in support of Palestine and uses their voices, social media, platforms, etc to voice their support.
If you are unsure of where to start, I suggest reading up on the history of Israel's occupation of Palestine dating back to 1948. Here is a free PDF download of this book. To be honest, I have not finished reading this book yet, but it's been highly recommended to me by multiple people. Buying the book from the author would be better, but I understand that it's not within everybody's budgets which is why I included that link.
If you follow this link, this is a great guide on how to participate and support the strike this week. Doing every single thing is not realistic but do what you can and that is enough.
Here are some Palestinian journalists you can follow on Twitter, as they are the most reliable source. Many news sources worldwide have been misconstruing this "conflict" and completely ignoring the blatant genocide happening before our eyes. These journalists are Palestinian people who have been living this their whole lives (there are many more people and the Twitter thread can be viewed here)
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Additionally, here are some other Twitter accounts that you can receive information from.
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I urge everybody (art blogs, fandom blogs, etc) to put their interests on pause for the week and use that time to educate themselves on what's been going on for the last several years. This did not start in October. Keep speaking up and uplift Palestinian voices!
Resources and other ways to help:
Donate E-Sims to help journalists be in touch with the rest of the world
Stop supporting Zionist celebrities (ex: Noah Schnapp, Gal Gadot)
Uplift Palestinian journalists
Donate menstrual products to menstruating people in Gaza
Donations to UNRWA, Islamic Relief Canada, Arab (daily clicks and proceeds go to UNRWA)
If I missed anything, please feel free to message me or send me something in my inbox. Again, I urge everybody to pause their week to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people and continue to uplift their voices. We are all stronger together.
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rainbowfoxes · 3 months
Just so you know, if you tag things "for exposure" on Ao3 I hate you, specifically.
Ao3 has no algorithm - it is an ARCHIVE; that means it stores works in a completely value-neutral way. Nothing you do will put it in front of eyeballs that did not go specifically looking for it.
So when you tag things "for exposure" - meaning you tag things that are not in the work at all in order to put it in front of people who DON'T WANT IT. If you use a /Reader tag "for exposure" and have NO /Reader in your work, all you're going to get is a bunch of people mad at you because they went looking for /Reader and got whatever you wrote instead. And all the people who would've liked what you wrote are going to skip over it because they don't WANT to read a /Reader fic.
Tags are not advertising, they're the nutrition facts on the back of the cereal box. They tell you what is ACTUALLY IN THE THING so you can make an informed decision about it. But if people LIE about what's in it, then everyone gets rightfully upset because there were nuts in their nut-free granola. And if I was promised nuts in my chocolate bar and didn't get any, I'd be mighty peeved.
So don't tag things "for exposure" it's rude and scummy and most of all, annoying.
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lionhearted13 · 2 years
i am BEGGING fanfic writers to start using the "keep reading" button when they post their fics on tumblr. It's not always necessary for short stuff like drabbles/blurbs/headcannons but if you post a full-fledged one-shot or fic chapter PLEASE slap a keep reading on that shit. If I do a search for fics and don't want to read yours please don't make me scroll past all 3000+ words of your story in order to get to the next post. for the love of god
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moodlesmain · 1 year
Hi. Look at this.
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I just spent two days straight making a digital conspiracy board trying to piece together my favourite genre that isn't really a genre and more just a very particular niche which doesn't really have a name.
If you want to look I reccomend downloading and zooming in on the image to read everything LMAO, I want to try and convert it to a page on my neocities at some point so its easier to view but for now you guys just get a big ol' jpeg. You're welcome :)
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rightpastnowhere · 2 years
my impressions of the mighty nein as a critter who hasn’t watched campaign 2
fjord: hot cowboy orc man who’s british sometimes??? also he is haunted by some eye bitch under the water
molly: hot. everyone thinks he’s hot. bisexual, and doesn’t know what a gender is. really sweet but hides it by being horny on main. also dead
caleb: arson trauma man who really likes cats and is secretly hot under 4 months of dirt
jester: chaos incarnate. draws dicks on everything. loves her mom very much. has the power to start a cult and is very aware of it
yasha: tall. buff but also soft. no social skills, really likes flowers for what’s probably a heartbreaking reason. she misses her wife, tails
beau: daddy issues lesbian who likes to punch her problems instead of confronting them. a monk, pop pop bitch
caduceus: graveyard man, makes dead people tea. gets trapped?? places??? he is stupid. i love him. he is my favorite
nott: a goblin girl who is the equivalent of a mom trying to be hip and cool with her kid’s friends. also a klepto. also sometimes british????
veth: nott but she’s embracing her uncool mom side now. has so many buttons
essek: he’s a floating war criminal apparently???? also hot boi?????? who is this lost grad student
lucien: mollymauk?? but again???? but more eldritch this time
kiri: the best creature to ever exist but who let the m9 raise a (bird) child
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cry1ngchild · 11 months
hellooo! I was wondering if I could request general headcanons with laughing Jack and candy pop?
LJ and Candy Pop Headcanons
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Laughing Jack
- Bro is MONSTROUSLY tall. he’s 7’4 and he has to bend down when walking through doors. It ain’t even funny tbh he towers over everyone and must have some brains cells fall out from the ceiling hitting his head
- He mainly chills in the carnival/circus area of the mansion where there are tall rooms ✌️ (i have a lot of headcanons on the Slender mansion itself and Slendermans magic, if u ask me for headcanons on him… i will go on for days)
- He’s in his 400s, one of the oldest creeps however the biggest menace, age does not bring maturity (refer to Candy Pop for further proof, impressively immature)
- LJ doesn’t mind any pronouns tbh, he just doesn’t care however he presents as a male so he mainly gets called as such. It may raise an eyebrow if you referred to LJ as a woman but he either won’t give a s*bleep*t or laugh
- LJ doesn’t feel threatened by threats or people actually trying to hurt him however he has a set few triggers which make him go complete defensive mode and aggressive. Towering over him, he isn’t used to it as he is extremely tall however say he was sitting down and someone was standing over him and talking down to him… suddenly he is extremely alert and ready to strangle that person to death
- But yea unless triggered he isn’t actually that aggressive, more of just cunning and rude. He tends to mock and embarrass people that try purposefully p*bleep*ing them off
- He likes to make sweets for his friends <3 however he has accidentally poisoned them on many occasions 😄 (LJ is the reason Jason no longer eats sweets)
❥ Candy Pop
- Candy Pop is 6’11 however he has the ability to change some physical features at will but he is 6’11
- He’s always off in his own world / daydreaming; his attention is always else where.
- Nathan and Pop are always talking or texting, Nathan is basically his platonic husband at this point ngl
- Candy Pop can do basically everything in the circus industry however his favourite/speciality is acrobatics and magic tricks
- Jason and Candy talk the most sh-t together it’s unbelievable, they’re that work duo that just sh-ts on all of their co workers at any moment they can.
- For being over a thousand years old, most immature being ever. He has year 5 humour and still laughs at fart jokes also Candy Pop will make a s-x joke at any opportunity
- Candy Pop can go from very warm hearted and genuine seeming to condescending and mean fairly quickly, this is because of Night Terrors
- Whenever he breaks his mallet or anything, before he even thinks to just fix it himself, he goes running to Jason lol. Jason gets so annoyed because Candy is definitely doing it on purpose to get him away from work lmao
- Sometimes he just randomly slams his hammer on the ground to get everyone’s attention… just to go back about his day not saying or doing anything, ignoring the massive disturbance he just made
- He’s just in a silly goofy mood <3
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videodrme · 5 months
just for fun, here’s the most complete physical description of “Billy” from Black Christmas 1974 (NOT the 2006 remake).
white male
(most likely) canadian
medium wavy brown hair
brown eyes
wearing a dark (green?) turtleneck sweater and blue flared jeans
exact height is uncertain but likely between 5’10 and 6’0
slim build
baritenor voice (based off him saying “I’m going to kill you” in deadpan)
and while you can brighten up the screenshot of him to give him a “canon” face, I think that misses the point of his face mostly being in shadow.
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cdrama-action · 2 months
Good morning! We set up a quick and dirty section of our carrd showing information on every fandom we have available so far!
Check it out HERE!
This will of course be finalized when signups are closed! 🍉
What's included: if NSFW is or is not offered for that fandom. Fandoms with multiple signups are separated by this, for easy browsing.
For fandoms with a single creator signed up (so far): what they offer, including maximum rating, as well as any dnw they listed.
Not included: amount of people signed up for each fandom, which you can see here.
Let's get to fifty signups!!
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trickorthreatvevo · 5 months
being a mid 2010s eddsworld fan meant that:
you read starboy (it sucked)
youve seen like 100 aus on deviantart & tumblr (most are defunct now and you miss them :[ )
you watched the end in real time and it made you CRY like so much
you saw people in fandom mischaracterize tom and tord for . years on end
tom bowling ball jokes
tord ****** jokes. no i will not spell it out
monster tom . where is he .
quotev + wattpad = #BestFriends ❤️
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daughterofhecata · 9 months
(there is no third answer, if your number one way of filtering is another, choose which if these you're more likely to do, if you do both, choose which you do more often?)
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the-empty-refrigerator · 11 months
when you specifically type in a CERTAIN SPECIFIC SHIP and your results are anything but that certain specific ship.
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fireylesbianhell · 10 months
i really doubt my blog still gets much if any newsies fans discovering it but i am curious and was thinking about it, not only it being promoted from people in the fandom but a conversation with the guy who plays oscar with me today (i play morris in my local theatres newsies)
not to be someone drudging any Delancy Discourse, god knows i wanna stay far away from that as i can, so have fun but don’t get too heated please if any friendly debates break out
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cry1ngchild · 1 year
Jason The Toymaker Headcanons
[Disclaimers: If you get inspired by my hcs pls credit me :) also mention of death ig]
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Let’s start with i believe Jason is a ghost not a demon due to in his backstory; he is stabbed in the heart with a screwdriver and then he becomes an abnormal being, so it makes more sense that he is a ghost. More specifically my headcanon is he is a poltergeist meaning he is a ghost that can still interact and have a physical (like touchable/seeable) form
He is nice to those he deems ‘useful’ or he views ‘worthy’ of his time, otherwise he can be quite nasty and cruel; picture like high school mean girls, so condescending and rude/judgy. Jason believes no one is equal to him / he is above everyone, however the way one becomes his ‘chosen one’ is by making Jason believe they have the potentional to be on his level however this sets a very impossible standard which always results in a Jason b—hfit that kills the ‘chosen one’
EXTREMEEEEE abandonment, attachment AND trust issues. A mixture of f—king HELL for Jason himself and everyone around him.
Let’s look at some nicer aspects of him. For his friends (exclusively, being fr. he a b—-h to everyone else) he’s constantly giving gifts (typically figures, accessories and plushies personalised for the one he’s giving them to) and compliments to those he admires, if you need hype or just a pep talk Jason knows exactly what to say to people to boost there confidence!! (and keep them wrapped around his finger)
He wears a deep red nail polish and a lip tint. (think wednesday jenna ortega colour lip tint) He has smooth porcelain skin which is both very pretty and eerie. His eyes look like an ethereal honeycomb yellow, however if you look for to long you’ll get creeped out due to his doll-like persona. he is also 6’3’.
He uses mainly He/Him pronouns but also takes a liking to They/Them, but if someone he doesn’t really know asks he tell them to only refer to him as Jason. It’s like a power trip thing, they won’t be able to hide it well if they’re talking shit about him considering they’d have to say Jason’s name every 5 seconds. Jason is more clever then he is taken for.
finnnn~~ this is my first time i think writing for creepypasta but i rlly wanna do more cuz i just got obsessed with this fandom today so i’ll update my rules, if u wanna request creepypasta go for it :)))) this was kinda more serious headcanons but i didn’t rlly know what to write
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ask-lily-curo · 8 months
Enough Rotting For Two, Killing Me, Keeping Me High
Words: 0.9k Started: July 18, 2023 Finished: July 18, 2023 Summary: A vague hanahaki AU story I made for my OCs but I didn't mention anything specific so you can insert any ship you want here. A/N: I completely forgot to post this but here it is. Got hit with the Writing Spirit and wrote this in like an hour or two in a haze. Title from My Love is Sick by Madds Buckley, something that fueled the idea Even More.
Flowers are beautiful. I could watch you smile as you stare in adoration at one you hold between your gentle fingers as I stare adoringly at you forever. I would put as many flowers in your hair if it put a smile on your face.
Flowers are beautiful. I hold the one you gifted me, I know you took 3 hours to find one I’d like. I would’ve taken anything you give me. I can feel the care you put into the thought and the love you transferred through the plant. I take it all in like the flower takes in the sunlight, knowing I’d die without it.
Flowers are beautiful. I feel bad for tainting their beautiful image with me. My blood covers the petals in my hand, my love rotting inside me, punishing me for coveting something so beautiful. I smile painfully, the flowers still remind me of your smile. Even now, even alone, your joy is still infectious, the memory of you filling my brain like the petals fill my lungs, both filled to the brim with my love for you. 
Flowers are beautiful. Though not as beautiful as your laughter. The laughter I try to keep up with despite my love for you stuck in my throat. We lay in a flower field together underneath the moonlight. You point out the stars that twinkle among the night sky, the same way yours does when you eat something delicious or when you find something you like. A firefly comes near you, like a moth to a flame, and lands on the flower I put in your hair. You smile and point it out to me. I tell you one of the stars came to say hello and you laugh. I’d make all the stars come to you if you wanted but you’d still shine brighter than all of them with your bright smile and eyes that light up the sky. I cough and tell you it’s late, hiding the red liquid that attempts to taint this beautiful moment.
Flowers are beautiful. The ones that come out of me are filled with the love I have for you. It hurts, but you gave me these petals. I’d rather keep it than have you removed, even if they are tainted with my blood, withering in my hand because of it. I’d rather die drowning in your love than die without it. You fill my body with love and petals. Beautiful petals that feel more like thorns in my throat, but I’d rather they kill me than even graze you. You draw me in like a moth to a flame, or a bug to a flower. Your bright expression and your sweet smell, the one that I do my best to keep alive rather than taint, choke me gently.
Flowers are beautiful. The ones inside me grow and grow like an untreated infection. It leaves me sick, but I stare at them with a pained smile. It’s wrong to love someone so wonderful like you, but I continue to keep you as close to me as possible, close enough that I can enjoy your presence but far enough you aren’t ruined. You stay inside me all the time, rotting me for my sins. My love is sick, I am aware, painfully aware, but it reminds me of you so much, and that makes it bearable. You are the cause and my cure but you are there. If you weren’t, I would’ve died sooner, withering away like these flowers covered in blood.
Flowers are beautiful. I put one in your hair, hoping it’d also put a smile on your face. I allow myself to touch you, to taint you, just to wipe away your tears. You hold me close, allowing me to taint you, you’re as warm as the sun. You don’t wither away from my blood nor do you bleed from my touch.
You tell me I’m beautiful. As beautiful as the flower you gave me, even more actually, you say. If I’m a flower that brings you a smile, you’re my sunshine, the one that keeps me alive. You tell me how you watched me smile at that flower you gave me, studying my smile as I held it close to me. You tell me all the things I wanted to tell you, but instead speaking these through flowers, you told me while in your arms. Your words make my chest feel lighter and my lungs free up, breathing you in.
You’re beautiful, my love. You laugh with tears as you quietly scold me, making sure I tell you when I’m bleeding. You looked so beautiful, I forgot. I forgot you weren’t as fragile as those petals you gave me, and you loved me back unlike those petals. You would do anything to keep me close, you say. We laugh and promise to allow ourselves to bleed a bit on each other when we need to, that way we can bleed out the poison instead of letting it kill us slowly.
Flowers are beautiful. They’re infectious and full of love. They’re like your smile. The one you give me after every kiss and the one I see when I catch you staring at me. My love, no longer caught in my throat, now pours out of me, like a never ending stream of praise, no longer tainted by petals. My sunshine, you make me feel like I’m a beautiful flower rather than a poisonous threat, and it fills me with joy.
May our love continue to heal each other, like a gentle flower, swaying in the loving breeze.
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