#clay jensen request
peyton-warren · 2 years
Untitled Jake Jensen Comfort Fic Ask.
Well Comfort!Anon. I deleted my post in response to your ask in frustration cuz of my lack of tumblr skills and now I’ve lost your ask. Lemme try again.
I started your requested fic, within a day or two of your request. But I’ve been stuck with a hard core case of writers block for the past few (4) months.
However to hopefully tide you over til I can make the rest of it work out, here is a the beginning of the fic. It’s a lil darker than the previous comfort Jake Jensen fic. I hope you like it.  Takes place pre-movie.
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“Clay?” You answered your phone with a slight panic in your voice. Your boyfriend and his team weren't due back for another week. And now his superior was calling you.
“Hey, sweetheart,” the colonel started, his voice tight, making your stomach drop to your toes.
You sat up from the couch, suddenly very attentive to the whiskey soaked voice on the other end of the phone. “What’s going on? Is it…”
“Bad,” he interrupted, sending your mind into a million different directions about what could have happened to Jake and his team. Since Clay was calling, you figured at least Jake was alive, right? That was a safe assumption? Right?
“You with me, hon?” Clay asked, his voice doubly concerned as he cut through your thoughts.
Shaking the thoughts from your head, you nod once before remembering he couldn’t see you. “Is he ok?” You mean, clearly he wasn’t. You just didn’t know how to ask or what you could ask.
You heard a deep draw of breath and followed by a hefty exhale, must not be good at all if Colonel was smoking again. “Physically he’s fine, he’s fine.” Another inhale with an exhale chaser. “Shit went down badly. And Jensen is taking it bad. We all are, really but he more so than the rest of us.”
Your eyes begin to mist at the sound of Clay’s voice crackling at the end. “Can you tell me anything more?” you gently prod, hoping for a little more information. “What do I need to know?”
Clay cleared his throat and was silent for a moment. “Just know it was in no way his fault, but he blames himself.”
Of course he does, you thought to yourself. It’s why you love Jacob Jensen, his heart is bigger than his damn head and if someone else got hurt on his watch-
“We are all fine,” Clay interrupts again, making you realize your inner monologue had actually escaped out of your mouth. “Again physically,” he corrected.
“Alright,” you started only to be surprised by a double resounding knock on your front door, your head spinning quickly. You saw a couple shadows on the porch.
“That’ll be Pooch and Cougar with our boy,” Clay informs you. “We loaded him up quick before any of the army shrinks could lay eyes on him.”
You swallowed hard, standing up and slowly walking to the front door. “What the fuck happened, Clay?” you asked knowing he couldn’t give you much of any answer.
“Just take care of him, hon,” Clay requested. “Call me or Roque if you need an assist. Any time at all, you hear me?”
You nod at the authoritative voice as you unlock the door. “Yeah,” you say softly as you open the door.
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“The Sculptor”
Samara Leighton, dubbed "The Sculptor" in industry circles, embarked on her most monumental project yet—a cinematic epic slated to be the next global blockbuster. The cast, a constellation of A-list celebrities and seasoned thespians, was set to undergo transformations so profound that their own mothers wouldn't recognize them.
A year out from shooting, Samara's workspace resembled an alchemist's lab, brimming with sketches, clay models, and an array of exotic materials. Her team wasn't just skilled; they were magical, capable of weaving spells into silicone and spirit gum. The project demanded nothing short of sorcery to achieve the physical metamorphoses required.
The first challenge was transforming Michael Trent, a suave leading man known for his chiseled features, into a hulking beast whose emotions flickered through animatronic eyes. His entire upper body would be encased in a meticulously sculpted suit, layered with muscle structures that could twitch and flex on command. Magic-infused polymers were concocted, ensuring the suit remained as responsive as flesh.
For Eliza Crowne, celebrated for her delicate beauty, the task was equally daunting. She was to become a creature from folklore, complete with elongated limbs and a spine that arched unnaturally backward. Her prosthetics required an intricate blend of mechanics and magic to allow graceful, otherworldly movements. Samara and her team spent months perfecting the balance between Eliza's slight frame and the expansive, lightweight appendages that would double her height on screen.
Each actor spent hundreds of hours in Samara’s chair, not only to test and perfect their prosthetics but to psychologically morph into their roles. The makeup did more than alter appearances; it shifted gaits, postures, and presences. Jeremy Li, a method actor, requested subtle facial prosthetics that would not only alter his appearance but also manipulate his facial muscles into expressions alien to his own.
As filming neared, the workshop buzzed 24/7. Samara’s team applied final enchantments and conducted rigorous tests. The actors, now barely recognizable, moved with their new limbs, facial features, and bodies, mastering their characters’ every nuance.
The night before filming, Samara surveyed her workshop, a gallery of human art awaiting the limelight. Tomorrow, these magical constructs would breathe life into the silver screen's fantasies, their creators hidden behind the curtain of this grand spectacle.As the final makeup test commenced, the soundstage was abuzz with the quiet intensity of focused concentration. The entire cast, fully transformed by prosthetics and makeup, lined up for review under the harsh lights of the studio, a surreal array of fantastical beings and mutated forms. Samara Leighton, overseeing the operation with a watchful eye, made minute adjustments—a tweak to an eyebrow here, a smudge of shading there—to perfect the illusion.
The director, Max Jensen, known for his relentless pursuit of authenticity, paced before the actors, studying them with a critical eye. His vision for the film was not only to entertain but to completely immerse the audience in a convincingly altered reality. He stopped in front of Michael Trent, encased in his hulking beast suit. "Your eyes," he pointed out, "they need to show more despair, less human sorrow, more monstrous." Notes were whispered to Samara, who nodded in understanding, mentally cataloging the adjustments needed.
Next, he scrutinized Eliza Crowne, her form elongated and ethereal. "Eliza, your movements are too fluid, too human. You need to be otherworldly, disjointed. Think of your limbs as independent entities." He then turned to the magic-infused animatronics team, instructing them to recalibrate the limb movements for a more erratic, less predictable motion.
As the director moved on, his demands grew more specific. He asked Jeremy Li, whose facial prosthetics were designed to manipulate his expressions, to spend more time in front of the mirror, mastering the alien expressions that his new facial structure could create. "I want you to live in this," Jensen insisted. "Stay in makeup as long as you can bear. Eat in it, sleep in it if you must."
Acknowledging the director’s feedback, Samara gathered her team for an impromptu meeting. They discussed the need for deeper shadows here, a more exaggerated silhouette there, perhaps a change in pigment to suggest not just a disguise but a transformation at the cellular level.
For the next week, the actors were asked to isolate themselves in their characters, spending hours on set and in their trailers, rarely stepping out of their forms. This isolation wasn't merely physical but psychological, pushing them to adapt to their new bodies and the identities those bodies carried.
Samara's team worked around the clock, applying and reapplying makeup, refining the prosthetics, and embedding even more magic into the silicone and latex that served as second skins. Each evening, as the actors looked at themselves in the mirror, they saw less and less of the person they knew and more of the character they were becoming.
On the eve of production, the director called for one final lineup. This time, his walk through the transformed cast was met with approving nods rather than critiques. "This," he declared, looking over the array of beings that had once been human, "is what will bring our story to life."
Samara Leighton, aware of the actors' struggles to fully embody their characters under the director's exacting standards, decided to intervene with a more radical solution. Gathering her team late one night, she revealed a collection of ancient potions and incantations that could temporarily transform the actors into their characters—not just physically but mentally and emotionally.
### Michael Trent (The Beast)
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**Physical Transformation**: Upon drinking a dark, viscous potion, Michael's body began to convulse slightly as his muscles expanded beyond their human proportions. His skin took on a rough, textured appearance like that of a mythical creature, and his eyes, once a warm brown, flickered to a deep, sorrowful black, completing his transformation into the beast
As Michael Trent stood in the dimly lit room, a small vial of dark liquid in his hand, he could feel the weight of his decision pressing down on him. The makeup and prosthetics had brought him close to the character, but not close enough—not for Max, not for the vision. The potion, Samara assured, would take him all the way. He uncorked the vial, the thick, earthy aroma filling his nostrils, and swallowed it in one bitter gulp.
Almost instantly, Michael felt a sharp pang in his gut, a signal that the transformation was beginning. His skin began to tingle, then burn, as if his very DNA were being rewritten. He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, fighting the urge to scream. His muscles swelled, bones stretched and contorted painfully as if being molded by an unseen sculptor's hands. The room seemed to shrink around him, or perhaps he was growing, his body expanding into the beast's massive form.
Internally, Michael was in turmoil. His mind raced with thoughts of regret and fear. _What have I done? Why did I agree to this?_ But as his physical form distorted, those thoughts began to blur, overshadowed by a flood of unfamiliar emotions. A deep, mournful loneliness crept into him, seeping into the cracks of his psyche. The beast’s memories—of isolation, of being misunderstood—began to merge with his own, tainting his thoughts with sorrow and rage.
As his eyes shifted, the brown giving way to a haunting black, his vision of the world altered too. Colors faded, details sharpened, and his sense of smell intensified. The physical pain was subsiding, but the emotional upheaval was just beginning. He felt himself slipping, losing grip on who Michael Trent was, and who this beast was supposed to be.
_This isn't just a role anymore,_ he realized with a mix of awe and horror. _I am becoming something else, something more than human._ The mental dialogue shifted as the beast’s instincts took over. Where Michael would panic, the beast assessed its surroundings with a predatory calm. Where Michael would feel despair, the beast felt a powerful, solemn acceptance of its fate.
Finally, as the transformation completed, Michael found himself standing fully in the beast's shoes—literally and figuratively. The room quieted, his heavy breathing the only sound. He tested his limbs, his movements heavy but powerful, his mind now a blend of Michael's thoughts and the beast’s instincts.
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_I am the beast now. And I must live as he does._ Acceptance washed over him, not just of his new form but of his new reality. He was no longer just an actor playing a part; he was the part, living and breathing through the script of his life, both on and off the screen. Michael Trent, as he was, might have felt lost in this moment, but the beast, powerful and solitary, faced its new world with a grim resolve.
**Emotional Transformation**: As the potion took effect, Michael's usual calm demeanor gave way to a primal ferocity. He found himself grappling with a tumult of emotions, feeling a profound isolation and sadness that were not his own, but belonged to the beast. His roars filled the studio, not with anger, but with a despair that echoed the creature’s tragic narrative.
### Eliza Crowne (The Ethereal Creature)
**Physical Transformation**: Eliza's potion was lighter, almost luminescent. After ingestion, her limbs visibly lengthened, and her spine arched unnaturally as designed by her prosthetics. Her movements became jerky and disjointed, as if each limb was learning to operate independently of her control.
Eliza Crowne, the seasoned actress known for her ethereal beauty, faced a transformation that would challenge every aspect of her being. The process, catalyzed by a luminescent potion, was both mesmerizing and harrowing.
**Physical Transformation**: As Eliza ingested the shimmering potion, an icy chill spread throughout her body. Her limbs began to elongate unnaturally, pulling at the joints with a discomfort that bordered on pain but was strangely bearable. Her spine arched with a graceful, though unnatural curvature, creating an elegant yet eerie silhouette. The bones and muscles stretched and reshaped themselves under the skin, which itself became translucent and faintly luminescent, mimicking the otherworldly creature she was set to become.
Her movements, once controlled and human, became fluid and almost floating, as if she were underwater. Each step was now a glide; each gesture was exaggerated and elongated, defying the usual physical limitations of human anatomy. Her face, too, transformed subtly—her eyes grew wider, her cheekbones more pronounced, and her jawline softened, enhancing her alien visage.
**Emotional Transformation**: As the physical transformation took hold, so too did the emotional. Eliza felt her human concerns and connections fade away, replaced by a serene detachment. Her usual emotional responses—joy, sadness, irritation—seemed distant and muted. In their place, a calm, observant detachment settled in, as if she were a spectator in her own life.
Her sense of self began to dissolve, replaced by the essence of her character—a creature from beyond the human realm, untouched by earthly emotions. Her mindset shifted to one of ethereal indifference, viewing the world around her with a curious but detached interest. Words left her mouth slower, her voice carrying a melodic quality that seemed to echo slightly, as if spoken in a vast, empty hall.
**Psychological Acceptance**: The transformation was profound, and Eliza struggled with the loss of her familiar self. However, as she spent hours isolated, rehearsing in her new form, she began to embrace her character's nature. The initial discomfort and alienation she felt morphed into a deep connection with the creature she portrayed. She understood its motivations, its movements, and its existence, which no longer felt foreign but rather an intrinsic part of who she had become.
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In fully becoming the character, Eliza transcended her previous acting experiences, reaching a new pinnacle of performance that was less about portrayal and more about true being. On set, she moved with a haunting grace, her presence both captivating and chilling, embodying the ethereal creature not just in appearance but in essence.
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**Emotional Transformation**: Emotionally, Eliza drifted into a state of alien grace. Her usual lively spirit dulled into a serene, detached presence. Speaking softly, her voice carried a haunting melody that seemed to resonate from another world. She felt detached from human concerns, floating through her days in a dreamlike haze.
### Jeremy Li (Alien Character)
**Physical Transformation**: Jeremy's transformation was particularly striking. The contours of his face shifted, the prosthetics and makeup altering his features to something barely recognizable as human. His eyes, now a piercing silver, seemed to see beyond the normal spectrum.
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Jeremy Li's transformation into his alien character was the most psychologically profound and physically altering of all. The potion designed for Jeremy was imbued with properties that not only changed his appearance but also his sensory perceptions and cognitive processes.
**Physical Transformation**:
After drinking the silvery, shimmering potion, Jeremy felt an immediate cooling sensation coursing through his veins. His face began to tingle, the sensation sharp as pinpricks, as his facial structure started to rearrange itself. His cheekbones shifted upwards, creating a more angular and pronounced shape, while his jawline receded slightly to give his face a less human and more streamlined appearance.
His eyes, the windows to his new soul, underwent a remarkable transformation. The irises expanded and turned a striking silver, which not only changed how he looked but drastically altered his vision. Colors and shapes became more vivid, and he could see with an almost panoramic view, giving him a disorienting sense of spatial awareness that was not typical of human eyes.
Jeremy's skin took on a slight luminescence, a pale glow that seemed almost bioluminescent, reflecting his character's ability to thrive in dark, extraterrestrial environments. The transformation was completed with a thin, almost imperceptible layer of scales that added to his alien texture and feel.
**Emotional and Psychological Transformation**:
As the physical transformation took root, so did the mental and emotional changes. Jeremy's thought processes began to align more with the alien character he was portraying—his reasoning became less emotional and more analytical, his responses to external stimuli were curiously detached, and his usual human instincts were subdued by an overriding calm and observational detachment.
His emotional responses became muted, replaced by a curious and explorative nature. He felt a compelling urge to understand rather than react, to analyze rather than feel. Jeremy's own memories and personality traits began to blur into the background as the alien's characteristics took precedence.
**Acceptance and Adaptation**:
The initial shock of the transformation gave way to a profound acceptance as Jeremy adapted to his new form and mind. He began to move with a grace that was not his own, his gestures calculated and precise. His speech pattern changed, adopting a rhythmic and almost musical tone, his voice carrying a strange resonance that seemed to vibrate with a quality beyond the normal auditory range.
Jeremy, now fully transformed, found himself not just acting but truly becoming the alien entity he was meant to portray. This complete immersion into the character allowed him to deliver a performance that was both unsettling and captivating, fully embodying the alien's essence in every scene. The transformation, though temporary, left a lasting impact on how he viewed himself and his craft, bridging the gap between human actor and alien persona.
**Emotional Transformation**: With the transformation, Jeremy's thoughts and speech patterns changed drastically. He began to speak in a rhythmic, almost hypnotic cadence that matched his character's alien nature. His emotional range narrowed, focused more on curiosity and observation, lacking the typical human emotional responses to stimuli.
As each actor underwent their transformation, they lost touch with their true identities, fully becoming the characters they portrayed. Days blended into one another, their personal memories and characteristics submerged beneath the surface of their new personas. They interacted with each other not as colleagues but as the beings they had become, driven by the stories scripted for them but influenced heavily by the emotional and psychological depth the potions had unlocked.
The set turned into a living tableau of the film, with actors no longer acting but living out their roles. Samara watched, her heart torn between triumph at the success of her magical solutions and concern for the well-being of her friends and colleagues who had trusted her with their very selves.
As the days passed, the line between performance and reality blurred, leaving all involved wondering where the characters ended and the real people began. The magic had not only transformed them for the screen but challenged the very essence of their identities, leaving an indelible mark on their lives and performances.
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shayyprasad · 1 month
game (headcanon) | clay jensen
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a/n: something. i had to post something. (i'm halfway through season three, any requests can only be made in the timeline of season one + two + three! please, no spoilers! (i'll cry.) i wanted to write something, literally anything, to get the creative wheels turning. this is kind of just a starting point for me. italics - clay; normal - ...anyone that isn't clay.
summary: how you and clay became you and clay.
warnings: mostly fluff, some depressive/suic!d@l thoughts (nature of clay), it's 13rw... let's face it, the show tackles some dark stuff.
pairing: fem!reader x clay jensen
word count: 0.79k+ words
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-after hannah, clay wasn't great at putting himself out there, especially when it came to girls.
-the biggest thing he'd be worried about was girls. once hannah passed, the main reason he was having trouble was because he was trying to find another hannah.
-clay couldn't help but compare everyone to her.
-it was funny though, because the second he saw you, it was like; who's hannah? the world of "before hannah" and "after hannah" was gone.
-in that moment, when you'd first locked eyes, anything revolving the mere thought of hannah disappeared. he didn't have to think about her, and as selfish as it feels to him, it was refreshing. relieving.
-and you know what? he loved that feeling. he loved the feeling of cloud nine.
-sure, plently of times he'd considered asked you out. and then the thought would hit him like a brick; he's never even said a word to you. how's he going to ask you anything at all, if he can't even utter yet a simple "hi" to you?
-trust me, he tries. clay tries a whole lot. but he'll be inches away, and freeze up.
-part of him is afraid to love again, because what if everything ends up like hannah? like one big repeat? he's not sure if he can live through that again. it was hard enough the first time around.
-eventually, he gives up, choosing to admire you from afar.
-it's luck for him, however, when you're the one to break the ice.
-he remembers it clearly, how you lean over during english lit.
-"clay? do you have any idea what we're doing. because... yeah, i wasn't listening." / "huh? what? oh, uh, yeah- yeah, it's chapters 12-15, questions 1-10."
-he's panicking. you're talking to him.
the second time, you're complaining about your math grade to a friend. he's not even thinking when he blurts out:
-"i can help you. like, tutor you or whatever. i'm pretty good at it." / "wait, really? like, for real?" / "sure."
-clay's non-chalant on the outside, not so much on the inside.
-you seem happy, and instantly, he is too.
-the first thing he does is head into his room, kicking justin out.
-"yeah, okay, well, the adoption papers strongly disagree." / "please? y/n's coming over! i need this to go well." / "y/n? no shit?" / "no shit."
-justin gives in, he's clay's number hypeman anyways. justin lingers in the main house, and then finally wanders to find jessica. that's not clay's concern right now, though.
-it's his room. or more specifically, his shared room. he's freaking out, he hasn't been this nervous since the trial, as he shoves all - i mean all - of justin's crap into the closet, then cleaning up his own.
-he hesisitates over his akr comics, before shoving them in a drawer.
-clay showers, it won't hurt, and spritzes on some of justin's more... masculine colongne.
-half an hour later, there's a knock at the door. he's giddy as he answers it, yet nervous as well.
-"nice house-shed." / "thanks."
-he hopes it a compliment. you're nodding in approval, taking in his room. (shared room.) the little trinkets and trophies.
-and the one akr comic he left out.
-"oh, you read these?" / "y-yeah. i mean, yes. i do. wait- do you?" / no, but my little brother does."
-it's incredible how the conversation flows so smoothly after that.
-after a while, you and him got close. suddenly, it wasn't just study/tutoring sessions, it was hangouts at your place and his.
-everyone thought the two of you were dating, starting with justin.
-he would just be talking to his brother, and it would slip in.
-"how's it going between you and y/n?" / "what's going?" / "dude, you still haven't said anything?" / "there's nothing to say."
-or between his parents:
-"clay, honey, how's your girlfriend? you should bring her over for dinner!" / "we aren't dating, mom." / "really?"
-and more frequently, at school. everyone just assumed you and him were together, and at some point, you stopped correcting them.
-"hey, man, your girlfriend left her jacket in class." / "i'll give it to her."
-somewhere along the line, the difference between dating and not-dating blurred, to the point where you weren't even sure what was going on.
-"hi, not-boyfriend." / "hey, not-girlfriend."
-^became a regular occurence.
-"should we just date? y-you know, because everyone thinks we are... so... it's like-" / "sure." / "okay. wait, really?" / "yeah, why not? i'm suprised it took you this long. i'm literally always flirting with you." / "oh."
-like i said, clay isn't always the best with girls. it doesn't matter though, because you have enough game for the both of them.
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amorchai · 10 months
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return to — navigation.
requests ; open for headcanons and blurbs!
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₍ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎ 𝐁𝐄𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐒. ⤸
all moodboards! all headcanons! all preferences! all blurbs!
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₍ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎ 𝐂𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒. ⤸
andrew garfield ⁑ dylan minnette ⁑ harry styles ⁑ joe keery ⁑ joseph quinn ⁑ jung hoseok ⁑ maya hawke ⁑ niall horan ⁑ ross lynch ⁑ tom hiddleston ⁑ tom holland ⁑ zayn malik
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₍ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎ 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐒.
blaise zabini ⁑ cedric diggory ⁑ cho chang ⁑ dean thomas ⁑ draco malfoy ⁑ fred weasley ⁑ george weasley ⁑ harry potter ⁑ hermione granger ⁑ luna lovegood ⁑ oliver wood ⁑ ron weasley
james potter ⁑ lily evans ⁑ regulus black ⁑ remus lupin ⁑ sirius black
andrew!peter parker ⁑ loki laufeyson ⁑ natasha romanoff ⁑ atsv!peter b parker ⁑ pietro maximoff ⁑ tom!peter parker
beca mitchell ⁑ chloe beale ⁑ jesse swanson
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₍ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎ 𝐓𝐕 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐖𝐒.
clay jensen ⁑ zach dempsey
amy santiago ⁑ jake peralta ⁑ rosa diaz
abed nadir ⁑ troy barnes
james maguire ⁑ orla mccool
chandler bing ⁑ joey tribbiani ⁑ monica geller ⁑ phoebe buffay ⁑ rachel green
jess mariano ⁑ lane kim ⁑ paris geller
cece parekh ⁑ nick miller ⁑ winston bishop
jj maybank ⁑ pope heyward
eddie munson ⁑ robin buckley ⁑ steve harrington
poly steddie ⁑ ship steddie
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₍ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎ 𝐕𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐎 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒.
dva ⁑ genji ⁑ illari ⁑ kiriko ⁑ mercy ⁑ symmetra
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adonis creed ⁑ bobby mckenzie ⁑ finnick odair ⁑ james conrad ⁑ jim halpert ⁑ jonny goodman ⁑ luke skywalker ⁑ nathan drake ⁑ neil perry ⁑ reth ⁑ sabina wilson ⁑ sebastian sallow ⁑ stardew’s sebastian ⁑ tangerine ⁑ walter “keys” mckey
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amorchai © ─ all rights reserved. no reposting/translating/copying will be tolerated.
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andydrysdalerogers · 3 months
Undercover - One - Jake
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Pairings: Jake Jensen and OFC Samantha Matthews
The Losers have made it back to their families and are out. Well, almost. A threat against the British crown needs to be handled and the CIA has tapped the Losers for one final mission. And they are sending in Jensen.
Jake Jensen hasn't been a civilian in years but now he's undercover to find out why his target is where he is and who he's after.
Enter Sam, someone who Jake doesn't expect and well, he didn't know he was looking for.
Can Jake handle his mission and falling in love? Especially when the truth leads to a bigger mission than expected?
*~* A Jake Jensen Story *~*
Author's note: this story continues after the events of the Losers. I may weave other characters into it but they are all minor.
The playlist is available on Spotify.
cover photo by me! Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Warnings: angst, death, smut, and a bunch of stuff a can’t say because it gives away the plot!
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"Alight Losers, focus up.”  
Colonel Franklin Clay looked at his exhausted team.  It had been a long, few months, getting back from Bolivia, getting to Max and Roque’s betrayal of the team. They had just received their pardons, visiting the families that thought them dead and were now back together for their final debrief.  
Or so they thought.  
“We got tapped for an undercover ops,” Clay explained.  “It’s going to be a long one but the request is coming from an outside source.”  
“So not your typical ops.” Sgt. Linwood ‘Pooch’ Porteous commented while kicking his feet onto the desk in front.  
“Not this time.  One will be in deep cover at a company where the target works.  The mission is to recon and discovery of the target’s mission.”  
“Who’s asking?” Pooch flipped a pen in the air. Sgt. Carlos ‘Cougar’ Alvarez caught it and put it down shaking his head.  
“Dunno.  Our handler should be coming in…” 
“Right now.”  A tall, dark hair individual came in, suit, no tie, followed by another man.  “Nick Fowler, CIA director of Foreign Affairs.” 
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“Clay.  That’s Pooch, Cougar, Aisha and… Jensen!” 
A blonde stood up from the snack table, licorice in his mouth.  He wiped his hands on his jeans and walked over.  “Hi!” 
“Great.  This is Inspector Harry Hart, British Intelligence.”  
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“How do you do?” He shook everyone’s hand before clearing his throat.  “We would normally send in our own man but since our target is based in the US, we need an American to blend in.  We need someone who can also blend in seamlessly and get close to the target.”  
“That would be me,” Clay said.  
“Excellent.  And this is our target.”  He flashed a picture.  “John Fitzgerald. He is a former MI6, turned mercenary. He has been keeping low until just a few days ago when we intercepted intelligence that he is a threat to the crown. The King has been informed of the situation but is obviously not involved for his safety and the safety of his family.”  
“Shit,” Clay mumbled. He picked up the photo of the target.  “I know him.  We worked together 20 years ago.  I can’t go in.”  
“Who can?” Fowler asked.  
Clay furrowed his brow. “What company?” 
“It is,” Hart shuffled his papers, “ADR Diagnostics.  A tech company.”  
The Losers all swiveled their heads and looked at Jensen, who looked back with wide eyes. “What?” 
“Jensen can go in,” Clay said.  
Hart stepped forward.  “Name, rank and qualifications?” 
Jensen stood up straighter. “Captain Jake Jensen, masters in computer science and Data Analytics.” Jake started to sweat a little as Fowler and Hart inspected him.  
“Well, he does have the look of an IT guy,” Fowler commented. “What do you think, Inspector?” 
“Captain, you understand that you will essential be a civilian working undercover to find out what is going on with Fitzgerald?  There is not a timetable.  The faster you discover his motives, the faster you are out.”  
“Colonel,” Jake turned to Clay, “I thought we were out?”  
“They haven’t given us our papers yet Jake.  This would be our last mission.” Clay turned to the team. “It’s up to you.”  
“I’m in,” Pooch said.  Cougar tilted his trademark hat. Aisha shrugged.  Clay turned back to Jensen.  “The company is based near your family’s hometown.  You can stay near them and visit like normal since you do have to keep up appearances.”  
Home. Something that Jake had longed for.  His reunion with his parents has been joyful.  Especially since his cousin Savannah and niece Grace had been visiting.  Her husband and two other children had stayed home with the flu, which was a bummer but still.  
“Alright,” Jensen clapped his hands together.  “I’m in.”  
“Excellent. We will get you planted as a manager of an IT group.  You start a week from Monday to allow you time to get settled.  The apartment we have procured for you is in the town center and you should be able to walk to the office,” Hart explained.  
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Civilian life.  
Not something he was expecting. But here he was, Captain Jake Jensen, IT guy. He stood in front of ADR Diagnostics and looked up. The weekend had been interesting.  His parents had been thrilled that he was going to be closer to home.   He settled into his loft apartment and set up his reconnaissance equipment to maintain contact with the team.  He was to check in every Friday, under the guise of drinks with old friends.  He had studied his target.  
Fitzgerald was a handsome man, loyal to the crown, until an accident killed his partner, and he went sideways.  He left the service, went underground.  The threat that brought him back into radar was interesting.  Fitzgerald was looking for leverage against the old King of England.  His Majesty, King Harold had just stepped down to his son, Anthony, his only child, in a swirl of worry as Anthony had not had any children of his own.  
Jake found it curious on the line of succession the next person would be Anthony’s cousin, Lewis, to inherit.  From what Jake found online, the people of England despised Lewis for his snotty attitude to the common people and his utter disdain for his uncle and cousin, so much as speaking out against them. What could Fitzgerald be looking for to hold over the old King? He must be connected to Prince Lewis in some way, Jake noted to himself.  
Walking in, he was greeted by his new supervisor. “Jake?” 
“Yeah, Jake Jensen.” He offered his hand.  
“Michael Anderson.  Follow me.”  
Jake internally snorted remembering his break into the last company.  He followed the man to the bank of elevators and went up.  
“So, Jake, you’ll be heading a team of techs checking for security for our clients. Your team is four plus you and you will be reporting to me.  We do a daily report due at the end of the day before you leave. You have to send that to Sam, my assistant.”  
Jake nodded along. “Cool. No problem.”  
Michael looked over Jake. “I know it’s your first day but lose the tie. We’re pretty casual here. Polo and jeans will do.  Fridays can be a t shirt.”  
“Sure.” Jake pulled off his tie and stuffed it into his backpack. Getting off on the 14th floor, Michael directed him to an air where five desks were situated.  “Guys, focus up.” Four heads popped up.  “This is your new team leader Jake Jensen. This is Fred, Dave, Rob and Pete, your team. Make him feel welcome and shit. I’ll check in with you guys later.”  
“Uh, Mr. Anderson?” 
“Mike, please.” 
“Right Mike. Uh computer?” 
“Right.” He pulled a laptop out of his own bag. “Email is set up and will have all your system logins. Sam should have emailed you your report instructions and everything you need. Have any questions, ask your team or send a message to Sam. Otherwise, own your team, Jake.”  
“Thanks.” Mike walked away and Jake turned back to the guys. “Hi.” He awkwardly waved his hand.  
“Sup, boss man, I’m Fred. De facto mouth of the team.  That Dave, Rob and Peter,” pointing to each guy. “Uh I’ll let you set up.”  
“Thanks. Just set up and you guys can tell me where you are.” Jake moved to his new desk and took out a frame. Pictured was his niece Grace with his cousin Savannah. They had lost touch for a few years when his asshole aunt and uncle cut Savvy off. Now she was married and happy and Jake got back in touch with her. A perk of no longer being dead.  
As he set his desk up, he looked up to see a beautiful brunette walk across the floor. Her long dark hair with blonde tip bounced with her curls in a sleek ponytail.  She wore an emerald-green blouse with dark jeans and heels. Jensen couldn’t help but stare. And then she looked up. Cupid lips, soft pink cheeks, cat eyeglasses framing big eyes with lashes. Her smile made Jake swoon. When she looked in his direction he ducked and moved to open his email. “Stupid,” he muttered to himself. No way a girl that gorgeous is single. He concentrated on the task at hand, reading the first email in his new inbox.  
From: Sam Matthews  To: Jake Jensen  Hi!  Below are your logins for the system. I’ve attached a sample excel sheet to use for your daily reports. Any questions, you can email or instant message me.   Welcome to the team Jake!   Sincerely,  Sam Matthews  Assistant to Michael Anderson  
Jake reviewed all the info given and then sat with his team.  But his mind never left the beautiful brunette. I wonder where she works, he thought to himself.  
Closer than you think, Jake.  
The day went smoother than he thought, ADR’s systems sophisticated but simple. He was able to catch up to where his team was at and log in the progress.  He caught glimpses of his dream girl as she walked around the office. Lunch time with the team was easy, the guys were really nice about inviting Jake and keeping him in the conversation.  But it was around three that Jake got his break.  He was headed into the break room for a much needed pick me up in the way of coffee. Making sure that he didn’t get lost, his eyes wandered around the floor before his reflexes caused him to dodge someone.  
“Excuse me, sorry,” he heard and looked to see a flounce of curls walk away.  It was dream girl. He was about to say something when someone else caught his attention.  
“Pardon me, I just… you’re new.” A British accent hit Jake’s ears and he looked to find himself face to face with John Fitzgerald.  
“Yeah, hi. I’m Jake, IT.”  
“John, accounting.  Sorry, did you see a brunette pass by?” 
Jake stared a second too long at Fitzgerald and shook himself back to the present.  “Uh, yeah, she went into the elevator.”  
“Sly minx, she is.  You must know how that is,” Fitzgerald flashed Jake a rouge smile.  Jake swallowed and nodded unsure what to say.  “Well, I’ll see you around Jake.”  
This guy? Jake shook his head as he poured himself a cup.  Dammit. Now I have to be all douchebag around this guy, he thought to himself as he took a sip.  Another voice startled him that he spilled his coffee a bit.  
“Is he gone?” 
Jake turned to see his dream girl in front of him. Her glasses were pushed up into her hair, showing off her big eyes that he now knew were brown with flecks of green and gold in them. She was chewing on her bottom lip, making it fuller.  Jake was memorized.  “Uh, yeah.  I told him that you went up the elevator.”  
“Thank you.  God, he just won’t take no for an answer.”  
Jake was captivated by her voice. It had a slight accent to it but barely noticeable.  “Sorry for my species.” He wrinkled his nose at the comment and went to leave, knowing he had just made a fool of himself.  
But then he heard it: her giggle.  “Thank you for apologizing.  I’m Sam, by the way. Sam Matthews.”  
Holy. Shit.  
His new boss’s assistant is his dream girl.  
And suddenly, being undercover was not so bad.  
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jensensfanfic · 1 year
can i request clay jensen x gn!reader with the prompt “i’ve been thinking about you”? like maybe they got into a fight and the reader has been avoiding him until clay decides it’s time for him to talk to them? if you don’t wanna do this, that’s fine :-)
hey! of course i'll write this for you. its a little messy, but i hope you enjoy!
send me some prompts and i'll write a little fic for you
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"i'm sorry– i'm really sorry– i... no. shit! i–"
"the fuck are you doin', man?"
"shit! nothing. just- why are you home?"
justin frowns, a smirk on his red and sweaty face. "told you, i only wanted to go for a quick run."
"right." clay walks away from the mirror and into the light of the outhouse. "how was it?"
"fine, but i think i'm more interested in why you were apologising to your reflection." justin snort-laughs at his brother, then answers his own question. "you practising for a certain someone?"
"wait, how the fuck could you know that?"
"you literally haven't stopped talking about it for a whole week."
"shit, man, i'm sorry, it's just... you know how much i care about them, and–" clay plops down onto the edge of his bed, sighing.
"dude, it's fine. just stop talking to yourself in the mirror. just go and say sorry, it's not that difficult."
"how? i don't where to start... or what to say-"
"bro, you're so lucky you have me. just fucking do it. say how you feel, admit that you fucked up. simple."
about half an hour later, you receive a text from clay, asking if he could come over and talk. you immediately responded with a 'yes'. clay had been keeping his distance since you had asked for space, and quite frankly, a week was too long and you were starting to miss him. you would rather be mad while keeping him close still.
and also- it was a stupid fight. you both said dumb things that stung in the moment, but you both knew weren't meant to hurt the other.
when he arrives, you barely get a chance to open the door fully before he dives into a long apology speech. you try your best to listen to his rambling, but when he says, "i've been thinking about you", you stop him.
"wait, really?"
"yeah, of course. i haven't been able to stop thinking about you. i've probably been annoying the crap out of justin, asking him how you are, if you're upset, or angry about me-"
"you had justin check up on me?" clay's eyes widen, and then all of a sudden you're wrapping your arms around him. you hear his sharp intake of breath as he stumbles a little before circling his own arms around your waist. "you are such a dork."
"does this hug mean you forgive me?"
"yes." you pull back. "and i'm sorry, too. i've missed you, jensen."
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taglist: let me know if you would like to be added to the taglist for clay and/or justin fics!
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Hi ⚡︎
Hi guys! I’m here to bring a smile to your face and write down all the cute (or sexy 😭) scenarios in your head. I will only be doing male reader and male characters! Don’t be scared to request I'll love to hear from you all. This will be like a gif series of sorts so pls don’t except full on essays (some will still be long, however). If you want to request a show and you don’t see it on here still try to request it! Unless its anime.
⇣ What do I write for? ⇣
Cobra Kai : Miguel Diaz, Robby Keene, Eli Moskowitz, Demetri
Wolf Pack : Everett, Harlan, Austin, Conner, Cyrus
Marvel : Peter Parker, Thor, Deadpool, Shang-Chi
Stranger things : Steve Harrington, Mike Wheeler, Will Byers, Johnathan Byer, Lucas Sinclair
Legacies : Mg, Ethan, Landon, Jed, Ryan Clarke
Julie and the Phantoms : Like Patterson, Alex, Reggie
Alice in Borderland : Arisu
Titans : Dick, Gar
Descendants : Jay, Ben, Hook
Euphoria : Nate Jacobs, Chris McKay, Elliot
911 : Evan Buckley, Eddie Diaz
Teen Wolf : Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Liam Dunbar, Theo Reaken
Lab Rats : Chase Davenport, Adam Davenport
Ginny and Georgia: Marcus Baker, Zion Miller
You : Joe Goldberg
Young Royals : Wilhelm,Simon, August
13 Reasons Why : Justin Foley, Clay Jensen, Zach Dempsey
Gossip Girl (reboot) : Otto, Akeno, Max Wolfe
The babysitter : Cole, Max, John
Outer Banks : Pope, JJ, John B, Rafe
Shameless : Carl Gallagher
The Chilling Adventure of Sabrina : Nicholas Scratch, Harvey
Riverdale : Jughead, Archie, Reggie
On My Block : Ruby Martínez, Cèsar Díaz, Jamal Turner, Oscar Díaz
Bullet Train : Ladybug, Tangerine, Lemon
The order : Jack Morton, Randall Carpio, Hamlisch Duke
Elite : Samuel Garcia, Patrick Blanco, Phillipe, Ander Muñoz, Guzman, Iván, Joel
Love, Victor : Felix, Victor Salazar, Andrew
Flash : Barry
Scream 6 : Chad, Ethan
The Legends of tomorrow : Nathan Haywood, Behrad Tarazi
One piece (live action) : Sonji, Zoro, Luffy, Usopp
To check out specific gif shorts of a show, click the # that’ll say the show name and short! ( Example : cobrakaishort , euphoriashort, etc. and it’ll be in the hashtags at the end!) It’ll send you to all the shorts made about that show by me.
—————————-Mini Series —————————
Pinterest boys stories
What don’t I write?☠︎
I don’t write for anime (I don’t watch it sorry 😭)
Incest, rape, furry content, mpreg
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Updated Fandom List (TV Series)
Created: 26/02/2023
Updated: 31/11/2023
The following list contains fandoms and characters I take requests for.
You can find my Movies Fandom List here.
13 Reasons Why
Jeff Atkins
Clay Jensen
Jessica Devis
Zack Dempsey
Montgomery de la Cruz
Tyler Down
Justin Foley
Sheri Holland
Alex Randall
Charlie St. George
Diego Torres
Scott Reed
Winston Williams
Evan Buckley
Athena Grant-Nash
Eddie Diaz
Bobby Nash
Howard Han
Maddie Buckley
All American
Asher Adams
Darnell Hayes
Jordan Baker
Layla Keating
Olivia Baker
Spencer James
Tyrone Morris
Chicago Fire
Kelly Severide
Matthew Casey
Leslie Shay
Sylvie Brett
Stella Kidd
Wallace Boden
Gabriella Dawson
Peter Mills
Jimmy Borelli
Chris Herrmann
Jessica Chilton
Chicago P.D.
Kim Burgess
Antonio Dawnson
Jay Halstead
Erin Lindsay
Hailey Upton
Hank Voight
Control Z
Alex Salomone
Gerry Granda
Isabela de La Fuente
Javier Williams
Luis Navarro
Maria Alexander
Natalia Alexander
Raul Leon
Rosita Restrepo
Sofia Herrera
El Club
Matias Anda
Nicolas Farah
Rablo Caballero
Santiago Caballero
Sofia de Leon
Ander Muñoz
Carla Rosón Caleruega
Christian Varela Expósito
Guzmán Nunier Osuna
Lucrecia Montesinos Hendrich
Marina Nunier Osuna
Nadia Shanaa
Omar Shanaa
Patrick Blanco Commerford
Polo Benavent Villada
Samuel García Domínguez
Valerio Montesinos Rojas
House M.D.
Gregory House
James Wilson
Lisa Cuddy
Eric Foreman
Robert Chase
Allison Cameron
Sergio Siscar
Anna Dussuel
Marta Ortega
Station 19
Maya Bishop
Carina DeLuca
Theo Ruiz
Teen Wolf
Brett Talbot
Chris Argent
Danny Mahealani
Derek Hale
Aiden Steiner
Ethan Steiner
Isaac Lahey
Jackson Whittemore
Kira Yukimura
Liam Dunbar
Lydia Martin
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
The Resident
AJ Austin
Barett Cain
Billie Sutton
Conrad Hawkings
Nic Nevin
Devon Pravesh
Kit Voss
Randolph Bell
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satan-666s-things · 1 year
People I write for
❤️‍🔥Requests are open❤️‍🔥
Just message me privately or send anonymous request
the 100
Bellamy bake
John Murphy
Jasper Jordan
Monty green
Outer banks
JJ maybank I do currently not write for JJ
Rafe Cameron
Chilling adventures of Sabrina
Ambrose Spellman
13 reasons why
Clay, Jensen
Montgomery, de la Cruz,
Justin Foley
Teen wolf
Scott McCall
Stiles Salinski
Isaac Leahy
Liam Dunbar
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
James potter
Mattheo riddle
Draco Malfoy 
Pretty Little liars
Toby cavanagh
Jason DiLaurentis
Mike Montgomery 
Percy Jackson from Percy Jackson, funny enough
Simon Lewis, from Shadowhunters, the mortal instruments
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forever1kay · 10 months
DC Masterlist
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The misc masterlist will feature characters I don’t plan to write about often. That list will be created eventually, but as of now we’ll just focus on the masterlists below!
→ Titans
This list includes characters from the 2018 series Titans. Works about Dick Grayson and/or Kory Anders will frequent more, but I do still write about Conner Kent, Gar Logan, Rachel Roth, Donna Troy, and Jason Todd. You can request other characters such as Hawk and Dove, Tim Drake, or Blackfire but they will be in the misc masterlist.
→ The Losers
This list includes characters such as (Jake) Jensen, Carlos “Cougar” Alvarez, (Franklin) Clay, (William) Roque, Linwood “Pooch” Porteous, and Aisha Al-Fadhil.
→ Black Lightning
This list includes characters such as Jennifer Pierce, Anissa Pierce, Lynn Stewart, Grace Choi, Jefferson Pierce, Khalil Payne, Issa Williams, and Peter Gambi.
�� Justice League
This masterlist includes Henry Cavill’s Superman, Ezra Miller’s Flash, Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman, Ben Affleck’s Batman and Jason Momoa’s Aquaman!
→ Young Justice
Including characters from the 2010 DC cartoon show Young Justice. Including characters such as Conner Kent (Superboy), Wally West (Kid Flash), Robin/Nightwing (Dick Grayson), Kaldur’ahm (AquaLad), Karen Beecher (Bumblebee), Jaime Reyes (Blue Beetle), and Virgil Hawkins (Static Shock).
→ My Adventures With Superman
Here I will write about Clark Kent/Superman. If you would like anything written about Lois Lane or Jimmy Olsen, you can request it but it will go in the misc masterlist.
→ Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman
I really only planned to write about Clark Kent/Superman, Jack Milner and Jimmy Olsen but you can request works about other characters. If I fulfill your request, those works will go into the misc masterlist.
→ Smallville
Okay, you caught me! I haven’t actually watched the show yet. I’ve only seen short clips. For now, I only plan to write about Clark Kent. This list may possibly be updated after I watch the show.
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peyton-warren · 1 month
Jake Jensen Masterlist
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😥: Angst / Hurt; 😍: Fluff; 🔥: Smut/Suggestive; 👊: Violence: 🥹: Requested; 💚 :Personal Favorite ; 🤓: Challenges; 🤔: Ask
Anon Ask snippet -😥🥺✍🏼ntrusion in the Dark Follow up request. Reader comforting Jake.
💯: Completed , ✍🏼 : Work in Progress , ❌ :Hiatus
Between A Wolf and A Hard Place-😥😍👊💯 Jake Jensen x Reader with a large side of Captain Syverson.  Angst, fluff and violence.
Blinded by the Fog -💚😥😍👊🔥 Reeling from the loss of your husband in a tragic accident in Bolivia, you throw yourself into caring for the other women left behind, avoiding your own care. Along the way you meet another Army Captain who helps you see you should be cared for too. You grow closer to the new man in your life only to find out a few months later that your husband is actually alive and well. Different world than Between A Wolf and a Hard Place.
A Dash of Cinnamon- 😥😍🥹💯 Jake Jensen supports his love after they had a moment of panic in his absence.
Intrusion in The Dark- 😥😍🔥💯Reader has a bad day.  Boyfriend Jake Jensen comes home and tries to help. Smut, angst and fluff.
Sanctuary of Hope- 🤔😢😢💯 Ask of Post-nightmare cuddles for Jake Jensen. Reader comforts Jake after his night mare.
Stick Handling Series-💚😍🔥✍🏼 Drabbles showing domestic bliss of Reader living with Jake Jensen, Walter Marshall, Captain Syverson, Ari Levinson, Ransom Drysdale, and Curtis Everett. Guest appearances by Geralt of Rivera, and Dean Winchester is insistent there's room for him in the Bunkhouse.
Other The Losers Drabbles/WIPs
Untitled conversation btwn Reader and Clay about Jensen getting himself into trouble. 😥👊
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Like what you see? Visit my Main Master List for more, Send me a request, Ask to be added to my Tag Lists, and check out my AO3 where older fics are hiding.
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elamaine · 2 years
Masterlist (who i write for) <3
i do allow mlm and wlw and poly relationships x and please request stuff x
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                        📞ㄒ卄乇 乃ㄥ卂匚Ҝ卩卄ㄖ几乇 📞
finney blake 
robin arellano 
billy showalter
vance hopper
griffin staggs (platonic)
gwen blake 
bruce yamada                       
                       💥丂ㄒ尺卂几Ꮆ乇尺 ㄒ卄丨几Ꮆ丂💥
jane hopper
mike wheeler
nancy wheeler
jonathan byers
will byers
lucas sinclair
erica sinclair (platonic)
eddie munson
billy hargrove
steve harrington
max mayfield
tommy hagan
jason carver
gareth emerson
                                    🌠 乇ㄩ卩卄ㄖ尺丨卂🌠
(sometimes) nate jacob
maddy perez
cassie howard
lexi howard
fezco o’neil 
ashtray o’neil (platonic)
rue bennett
jules vaughn
kat hernadez
chris mckay
ethan lewis
                                 🩸 尺丨ᐯ乇尺ᗪ卂ㄥ乇🩸
archie andrews
betty cooper
jughead jones
veronica lodge
cheryl blossom
jason blossom
toni topaz
kevin keller
reggie mantle
F. P jones
sweet pea
fangs fogarty
jellybean jones (platonic)
                       🍿13 尺乇卂丂ㄖ几丂 山卄ㄚ🍿
clay jensen
jessica davis
hannah baker
justin foley
(sometimes) bryce walker
tony padilla
zach dempsey
alex standall
                  🌕ㄒ卄乇 爪卂乙乇 尺ㄩ几几乇尺🌕
chuck (platonic)
                                         👽 爪卂尺ᐯ乇ㄥ👽
bruce banner
tony stark
steve rogers
natasha romanoff
wanda maximoff
pietro maximoff
spiderman (andrew, tom, and toby)
pepper potts
morgan stark (platonic)
bucky barnes
peggy carter
howard stark (young)
sprite (platonic)
and more!
                  🫣几乇ᐯ乇尺 卄卂ᐯ乇 丨 乇ᐯ乇尺🫣
devi vishwakumar
paxton hall-yoshida
ben gross
fabioal torres
aneesa qureshi
elanore wong
jonah sharpe
rebecca hall-yoshida (platonic)
                                   🐍 匚ㄖ乃尺卂 Ҝ卂丨🐍
johnny lawrence
robby keene
daniel larusso
miguel diaz
tory nicholas 
eli mokowitz
samantha larusso
john kresse
terry sliver
                                🍰丨几丂卂ㄒ丨卂乃ㄥ乇 🍰
patty bladel
brick armstrong
robert armstrong
bob barnard
coralee huggins
nonnie thompson
magnoila barnard 
christen keene
dixie sinclair
regina sinclair
henry lee
                                                🎈丨ㄒ 🎈
richie tozier
eddie kaprask
stanley uris
beverly marsh
ben denbrough
henry bowers
reggie huggins
patrick hockstetter
victor criss
ben hanscom
i will add some more later <33 likes, comment, reblogs are appreciated xx
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shayyprasad · 3 months
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「 inbox | OPEN 」 ☆ 「 requests | OPEN 」
ミ★ sfw blog. lowercase intentional. ★彡
we drink the poision / our minds pour / for us / and wonder / why we feel so sick — ATTICUS
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☆ upcoming...
fics: -just a little shy | tom holland -look after you | arvin russell series/chapters: -but you're the one i want | peter parker -right next door | peter parker
☆ recent...
fics: -pom-poms and bruises | peter parker -mystery | clay jensen -stupid | jake peralta series/chapters: -but you're the one i want | peter parker -right next door | peter parker
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current events: none
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updated 3.11.2024
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rugaru · 1 year
Thought I’d give a (not so) little list of who all I’m planning on writing for at the moment (subject to change in the future!!!)! This is a LOT so here goes:
***Will continue updating!!!***
X Readers— I will be writing for fem!reader and gn!reader as I’m afab and unfortunately am unfamiliar with writing from a masc perspective!!
I will not be writing smut or anything further than, quote-unquote, suggestive. Just personal preference :)
-Jim Street (SWAT)
-Hondo (SWAT)
-Chris Alonso (SWAT)
-JJ Maybank (Outer Banks)
-Pope Heyward (Outer Banks)
-Cal Kestis (Jedi: Fallen Order and Survivor)
-Randy Meeks (Scream)
-Sidney Prescott (Scream)
-Stu Macher (Scream)
-Ethan Landry (Scream VI)
-Evan Buckley (9-1-1)
-Eddie Diaz (9-1-1)
-Ravi Panikkar (9-1-1)
-Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds)
-Emily Prentiss (Criminal Minds)
-Derek Morgan (Criminal Minds)
-Penelope Garcia (Criminal Minds)
-Jimmy Darling (AHS: Freak Show)
-Kit Walker (ASH: Asylum)
-Tate Langdon (AHS: Murder House)
-Charlie Conway (The Mighty Ducks)
-Pacey Witter (Dawson’s Creek)
-Luke McNamara (The Skulls)
-Jesse Mills (Hudson and Rex)
-Peter Parker/Spider-Man (Andrew and Tom versions)
-Ron Weasley (Harry Potter)
-Peeta Mellark (The Hunger Games)
-Sean Anderson (Journey 2: The Mysterious Island)
-Josh Futtermann (Future Man)
-Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf)
-Dylan Lenivy (The Quarry)
-Ryan Erzahler (The Quarry)
-Abigail Blyg (The Quarry)
-Kaitlyn Ka (The Quarry)
-Zack Addy (Bones)
-Lance Sweets (Bones)
-Angela Montenegro (Bones)
-Jack Hodgins (Bones)
-Vincent Nigel-Murray (Bones)
-Finn Abernathy (Bones)
-Wendell Bray (Bones)
-Alex Standall (13 Reasons Why)
-Clay Jensen (13 Reasons Why)
Planning on doing a full master list along with everything I’m comfortable writing and what I’m not soon :)
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asyouwish-1 · 1 year
Character List:
Characters Who I Will Write For! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Avatar: The Way of Water:
Jake Sully
Neytiri te Tskaha Mo'at'ite
Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk'itan
Lo'ak te Suli Tsyeyk'itan
Criminal Minds:
Aaron Hotchner
Emily Prentiss
David Rossi
Spencer Reid
Derek Morgan
Elle Greenaway
Enola Holmes:
Sherlock Holmes
Viscount Tewksbury
Enola Holmes
Fantastic 4:
Johnny Storm
Susan Storm
Reed Richards
Harry Potter:
Harry Potter
Ronald Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Sirius Black
Cedric Diggory
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Hermione Granger
Mattheo Riddle
Theodore Nott
Regulus Black
Lorenzo Berkshire
Remus Lupin
The Marauders
Hunger Games:
Katniss Everdeen
Gale Hawthorne
Peeta Mellark
Finnick Odair
Bill Denbrough
Eddie Kaspbrak
Stanley Uris
Richie Tozier
Henry Bowers
Mike Hanlon
Ben Hanscom
• Jareth
Tony Stark
Peter Parker
Steve Rogers
Natasha Romanoff
Wanda Maximoff
Bruce Banner
Clint Barton
Loki Laufeyson
Thor Odinson
Peter Quill
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World:
Scott Pilgrim
Ramona Flowers
Lip Gallagher
Carl Gallagher
Fiona Gallagher
Ian Gallagher
Stranger Things:
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
Dustin Henderson
Lucas Sinclair
Jim Hopper
Mike Wheeler
Will Byers
Jonathan Byers
Max Mayfield
13 Reasons Why:
Hannah Baker
Clay Jensen
Justin Foley
Monty De La Cruz
The Babysitter:
Melanie Cyrus
Cole Johnson
Phoebe Atwell
The End of The Fucking World:
The Lost Boys:
Michael Emerson
The Princess Bride:
Inigo Montoya
Wednesday Addams
Xavier Thorpe
Alex Summers
Scott Summers
Charles Xavier
Erik Lehnsherr
Logan Howlett
Peter Maximoff
Hank McCoy
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Leave requests for who you would like to see me write for!
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tobylovesspence · 2 years
Anything I have/will write for: (I will write for more than these and I'm just adding as I remember things.
Benny Weir(mbav)
Spencer Reid(Cm)
Glenn Rhee(twd)
Carl Grimes(twd)
Five Hargreeves(tua)
Ben Hargreeves,umbrella and sparrow(tua)
Sam Winchester(supernatural)
Any character from Stranger Things
Any character played by Finn Wolfhard
Just literally request a character from ANYTHING and I'll look them up and try to write for them
Peter Parker(Tobey,Tom,or Andrew)
Sam Winchester(Supernatural)
I can do anime characters as well.
Any Joe Keery character(Steve,Kurt,Gabe,etc.)
And ofc my baby Spence <3
Any Harry Potter character (I like Malfoy mostly tho🤭)
Most Stranger Things character
Stiles Stilinski
South Park kids (aged up though ofc)
Clay Jensen(idk why I just love him,I also haven't finished 13 reasons why so idk if he's done anything bad but I'm gonna say no 🤭)
Zach Demsey (13 Reasons Why)
Jughead Jones(Riverdale)
Draco Malfoy
Ofc my writing is not limited to these characters I'm just bad at remembering so I add things here as I think. Ask for anything and I will most likely know it
I will write smut,fluff,angst,all of it,anything you want I am comfy with writing :] I can do x readers,ships,and more. I can make the writing long,short,everything. Request literally ANY character you want.
I'm not very good with writing without requests seeing as most ones that aren't requested flop and my most popular writing are ones I either wrote as jokes or just actually really dislike (I can write Miles Fairchild again though if that's what people really like).
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