#breaking the cycle
thepeacefulgarden · 6 months
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x3nshit · 11 months
doesn't it suck? how pain is passed down from generations? how my pain is my mother's pain, and her mother's pain, and her mother's? it sucks.
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softlytowardthesun · 17 days
I’m thinking about Danaë, Perseus, and Andromeda.
Danaë was a princess, once. Her happy life was upended the day her father caught wind of a prophecy that his grandchild would be his undoing. She was imprisoned in her own home, and when her son was born, she and the baby were banished and left for dead. Yet Danaë powered through, as heroes are known to do in these types of stories. This single mother in a strange land raised her son with pride — not hubris, but true, righteous pride. They have no need of gods or monsters or the kingdom that cast them out; all mother and son need are each other.
Perseus’s call to adventure begins when yet another evil king decides to treat Danaë as an object instead of a person. Polydectes will force Danaë to marry him unless Perseus can cross the world and return with the head of the Gorgon Medusa. Perseus is in no place to protest, not when the truest hero he’s ever known is counting on him. This is not a quest for glory, but piety: the duty a child owes to their parent.
In his travels, Perseus meets Andromeda, chained to a cliffside and awaiting her grim fate. She too, has a story of a mother and child. Queen Cassiopeia foolishly offended a long list of sea gods and their kingdom will be washed away unless the gods exact their price. Cassiopeia did the offending; it should be her on the cliff. But Andromeda has to suffer for the sins of her family, just like Perseus. He chose to risk his life for his mother; Andromeda had her fate chosen for her.
Maybe Andromeda tried to talk herself into thinking her death would mean something. She’s grown up as a princess, where each generation of the dynasty is meant to be in unbroken continuity with the generation before. The crown she is presumed to wear weighs down any hopes for her own life. If Cassiopeia tells her to die, it is her duty and honor as the child to obey. Secretly, she prays that her death will mean something for her mother — that the next child she has will be granted the freedom of choice Andromeda herself never knew.
But Perseus, raised by a mother worthy of her role, knows that is bullshit. He knows Andromeda deserves better than this, and he breaks the cycle by destroying the monster and breaking her chains, will of Poseidon be damned. And when Cassiopeia reunites with her child, it’s clear she has learned nothing. She immediately tries to force Andromeda into an unhappy marriage - just like what Polydectes means to do to Danaë.
Now Andromeda and Perseus are both angry. She is ready to let her so-called family crumble. She shields her eyes, and lets her suitor and her mother meet the Gorgon’s eyes. She walks away from the stone to which she was chained, into a new life of her making.
The young couple returns to Seriphos. Perseus saves Danaë from the dread altar. A worthy king claims the throne, and in a remarkable stroke of luck for Greek mythology, Perseus kills his evil grandfather without technically violating Ancient Greece’s taboos on kin-slaying. Andromeda and Perseus ascend to the throne of Mycenae, and have that rarest thing in any myth: a happily ever after.
Andromeda gets a husband and a crown, sure, but she also gets Danaë. Danaë is everything Cassiopeia wasn’t: humble, resilient, and loving. She raised Perseus well, and she teaches Andromeda how to stand tall against monsters: not the sea beast, but the creatures that would rather offer up their own children than admit that they were in the wrong.
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theonlypterydactyl · 11 months
Catra, the realistic abused child
Shadow Weaver gives Catra her view of the world and Catra becomes an outlet for her shame and self-hate. Love is weakness and weakness isn't allowed. Love is finite.
When Adora leaves Catra's sense of safety is shattered. Adora was the person who protected her and gave her value. If Adora is gone what value does Catra have? So, Catra has to prove herself. If she never needed Adora her betrayal can't hurt.
Catra's story is about protecting the little girl who didn't know the cruelness of the world, who was innocent. She does everything to protect her, even if that means pushing everyone away. So, she's cold and cruel to Scorpio who wants to give her the closeness she needs. But, Catra is a walking paradox, she craves connection, but closeness is a precursor to pain.
Adora is begging her to come with her, and Catra doesn't. It would've saved a lot of time and pain, but going with Adora means that she would have to accept the word of two complete strangers. Adora chose the two strangers over her. When Catra sees that She-Ra is Adora this proves to her how meaningless Catra is and how great Adora is.
To Catra familiarity and power mean safety. If she's at the top no one can hurt her. So, she takes on Shadow Weaver's role to feel safe. But, it stops working. She is tortured by Horak and sent to the Crimson Waste to die.
In the Crimson Waste Catra changes. Just a short amount of time away from the place where she's been abused and traumatized she's nicer towards Scorpia and more playful. When she captures Adora and finds out that Shadow Weaver went to Brightmoon, to Adora. Adora is greater than Catra even if she defected. She's still the golden child.
She has tunnel vision. There is only one thing that will match the amount of pain that she is feeling. She pulls the lever, knowing full well that everything will change.
Everything is how is should be. Adora is Force Captain and Catra isn't in charge. Shadow Weaver is kind. But, no matter how much Catra tried to make her stay, Adora was bound to leave anyway. With nothing left to lose she lets herself and the world burn.
Catra comes back to her addictive patterns full force. It's easier to hide from the pain that to confront it. Her treatment of Scorpia is reflected in if love comes to easily it isn't worth something.
In Corridors we see Catra and Adora as children. Adora is friends with Lonnie. Catra thinks that Adora is going to leave her and be with Lonnie all the time, because to her love is finite. Catra loses value to Adora because there is this other person she has to compete with and Catra isn’t deserving of love. She goes and talks with Glimmer and they start talking about Adora. Catra realizes that maybe Adora didn’t leave for power and glory, maybe she loves Glimmer, and maybe, just maybe, she loved Catra as well. Maybe it’s too late, but Catra gains this new clarity and wants to do one good thing in her life. She saves Glimmer and expects to die at the hands of Horde Prime and she’s okay with it. There is nothing left for her. The only person who cared about her was Adora and she left for bigger and better things and better connections.
Adora comes back for her. Catra has two options, accept Adora’s forgiveness or be dumped on a planet and die. But, her forgiveness is what cuts through. Adora is the only person who has seen both her pain and the person beneath it, so if Adora can forgive her maybe Catra is forgivable?
The addictive cycles are far from broken. She’s actively trying to be a better person. But, she falls back on old patterns when she is scared. It is easier to accept hate than it is to accept love that can be taken away. To Catra love is finite.
But, she stands up to Shadow Weaver for her and Adora. But, Adora is manipulated by Shadow Weaver takes the Failsafe and sacrifices herself. Catra is trying to protect Adora from her own self destructive behaviors, but it doesn’t work. Adora still is determined to sacrifice herself for the sake of Etheria.
She's scared and and runs away. She can't watch Adora sacrifice herself. Catra asks Adora what she wants, maybe just maybe she wants her, but that would be too far fetched, right?
At the Heart of Etheria, Catra goes back for Adora. She stays by her side as she is willing to give up her life for everyone on Etheria. Without expecting any reciprocation, Catra tells Adora that she is loved.
Catra’s story is realistic childhood abuse and trauma. It isn’t romanticized with these vulnerable, meek victims. Her story is messy and violent and ugly, as it should be. But, the solution is just as simple as it sounds. Change. Trauma brain relies on patterns and predictability. In Corridors, Catra is looking down two hallways. A light one and a dark one. The light could be symbolized by Horde Prime’s “light”. He enlightens these worlds and makes them better. This “light” is what strips them of their identity. The light is what strips Catra of her identity. The dark corridor could represent the choice of the unknown, the change that the unknown will bring, or the dark where Catra would hide in order to get away from everything, the dark where Adora willingly sat with her. This change is what led her to breaking the cycle of a trauma mindset and allowed her to accept Adora’s forgiveness. Catra’s character arc isn’t one of linear growth, it rises and it falls because she’s human. Unlearning the familiar cycles is hard and you’re going to fall back on them because familiarity is safety, but acknowledging and pushing past those lows is what leads towards a better tomorrow.
(my own interpretations backed up five by five takes)
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cormancatacombs · 6 months
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A more polished version of what I tried scribbling on a marker board after my partner asked how my day was…
[Image ID: A 3-circle Venn diagram comparing the TV series Haunting Of Bly Manor, Revolutionary Girl Utena, and Fruits Basket (2019).
The overlap between Revolutionary Girl Utena and Fruits Basket reads “shoujo anime.”
The overlap between Haunting Of Bly Manor and Revolutionary Girl Utena reads, “WLW.”
The overlap between Haunting of Bly Manor and Fruits Basket reads “tearjerker.”
The overlap between all 3 reads “breaking supernatural cycles of trauma &/or abuse.”
End of description.]
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amazingmaeve · 2 years
robby keene x fem!reader
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summary — no matter what happened in robby’s life he knew he would have y/n. his best friends since elementary school. once out of juvie he comes to see her first, the place where he was always welcomed with open arms and open arms he gets.
warnings — smut, teenage pregnancy, talks of abortion, language, violence (?), neglectful parents, drinking
word count —
summary — i just wanted to let you guys know I’ve been trying 2nd person perspective and let me know how you feel about it! It’s kinda an au where Johnny and Danny never separated dojos. also I have no idea how many months season 4 was so I just started it at December and ending it around April or may.
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As Y/N looked out her bedroom window she couldn’t help but let the thoughts get her down. Everything in her life was starting to spiral and she couldn’t do anything about it. Whenever she had a problem she’d always go to her best friend. Robby. He was always there for her no matter what and having some similar childhoods, the two of them bonded quickly. Robby with his absent father and a mother who tried but always ended up drunk and Y/N with her absent mother and workaholic father. So Y/N and Robby would protect each other no matter what but with him in juvie she couldn’t do anything.
When Robby started karate and dating Sam, Y/N felt a tiny bit of heartbreak and she didn’t know why but she did have a tiny fling with Demetri. It helped especially when Robby was in juvie but then he started seeing Yasmine. Y/N felt hurt by it but just let him be happy and went on with life.
Not knowing when Robby was going to be out of jail has caused her the most anxiety but Robby tried reassuring her with his monitored calls and the one time she visited him. But no amount of reassurance could help her, she just wanted him back. But Y/N understood why he had to go to juvie and she knew he felt bad for what he had done to Miguel even though he didn’t voice it often. It didn’t stop her from missing her best friend and only friend since Demetri had basically ditched her.
Looking out at the dark night sky she felt some sort of relief just by stargazing and looking at the bright moon. The calmness of the starry night made her eyes flutter and smile softly. The thoughts drifted from her as the clock struck 1 am. Although she did feel a bit lonely since her father was still at work, she hasn’t seen him much.
Thinking about Robby made her heart race and now she knew why. She was harboring feelings for her best friend and she realized this once she visited him. Seeing him all beat up made her heart break but he looked so torn up and she knew why. But the way he looked at her made her heart beat faster and faster. Ever since she knew why, she either loved him or really liked him.
Hearing a knock on the door made her head turn and wipe a stray tear that escaped. Walking through the apartment and up to the door and looking through the peephole.
“Robby,” Y/N whispered in shock and tore herself away and opened the door.
“Hey,” Robby greeted with a tiny smile but before he could get anything out she wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her head in the crook of his neck as her heartbeat raced.
Robby wrapped his arms around her waist and let the scent of her shampoo fill his nose. He missed her. Everything about her invited him, her little mannerisms, the way she smiled when she saw him. It made him feel special and he’s never felt like that.
“I can’t believe you’re out,” Y/N whispered in his ear.
“I hope you’re happy about that,” Robby teased her, making her let out a little scoff as a smile graced her lips.
“Of course you idiot,” Y/N punched his arm as she pulled back from the hug.
“Ouch with that punch you could totally do karate,” Robby smirked as he rubbed over the spot she punched him in. Y/N playfully rolled her eyes making him let out a little laugh.
“Hey if you wouldn’t mind taking your little love fest inside some people are trying to sleep,” A voice snapped and the two of them looked to the door besides them and it was her neighbor Mrs. Bayles, a (usually) kind old lady.
“Sorry Mrs. Bayles,” Y/N cringed as she apologized. She waved them off as she went back into her home. Pulling Robby inside she let out a tiny breath she was holding in.
“Sorry about that I just had nowhere else to go,” Robby apologized as he scratched the back of his neck not meeting her eyes.
“Come on Robby you know you are always welcome to stay here,” Y/N said quietly as she wrapped her arms around herself. “But why didn’t you go to Mr. LaRusso,” She asked curiously.
“Don’t want him or my dad invading my life again,” Robby scoffed as he sat down on the couch.
“Well you know you always have a place here Robby, no matter what happens,” Y/N reassured him walking up to him as he looked up at her and gave her a soft smile. “Come on let’s go to my room and we can watch a movie, I’ll even make some popcorn,” She beamed as happiness washed all over her.
“I’d love that,” Robby smiled as he stood up.
“Okay go to my room and pick out a movie and I’ll get the popcorn,” Y/N directed.
“You got it,” Robby nodded and walked into her room and looked through the assortment of movies that his best friend had.
Finding the old copy of ‘pride & prejudice’ he smiled and went to put the movie on but not letting it play knowing she loved this movie. Ever since they had to work on a project in middle school about the book, Robby and Y/N watched the movie after Y/N read the book and recapped it to him. He admits that it was a really great movie and it was a comfort movie for the both of them.
Feeling a breeze in the room, Robby furrowed his brow and looked at the window and shut it as the cool breeze was making the room even more chilly.
“Okay I’m ready let’s watch the movie,” Y/N says walking in the room with a bowl of popcorn and some cans of pop. She looked at the movie and smiled at what he had picked. “Good choice,” She teased.
“Hey you know this movie is a work of art,” Robby teased back as he laid down on her bed.
“Yes I do know that thank you very much,” Y/N snapped playfully laying down next to them and put the popcorn between them. “For you,” She handed him the can while he hit play on the movie. It was dark except for the light of the T.V. and the moon outside.
About halfway through the movie Y/N turned to Robby and saw him looking at her.
“What,” Y/N chuckled nervously as he sat up and chewed on some popcorn.
“I wanna tell you something,” Robby fidgeted as he looked down at her. She looked at him worried and sat up along with him. Putting her hand on his she gave him a reassuring smile.
“What,” Y/N softly asks as the T.V. Illuminated his face.
“I thought of you everyday when I was in there and I felt bad that I put you through so much stress but the only thing that helped me is the fact that you were on the other side. The only person who would never disappoint me and I just wanted to say sorry for causing you all this trouble,” Robby ranted.
“You have nothing to apologize for Robby, you’re here now, that’s all I needed and is making me feel better now,” Y/N rubbed his arms. Robby sent her soft smile as he felt his chest warm with love.
“Thanks I hope you know I would do that same for you, because you mean so much to me, throughout this whole madness you were the one who was truly there for me,” Robby says looking her straight in the eye making her heart skip a beat.
She leaned forward wrapping her arms around his waist and he leaned into the hug and wrapped his arms around her shoulders and moved around so that they could lay down. Y/N laid her head on his chest and drew 8 figures on his stomach.
Robby sighed in content as the feeling of her made him relax even more. He was lucky. Lucky to have someone to care about him, that wasn’t just lying. All the emotions swarming him was overwhelming but it made him feel content.
“I thought about you everyday as well,” Y/N whispered, not looking at him.
“I might join Cobra Kai,” Robby blurted out as he looked down at her worried for her reaction. He knew that she could be mad, sad or worried. It made his stomach clench with worryness.
“Why,” Y/N asked concerned as she moved her head so she could look up at him. Her fingers stopped caressing his stomach. “Cobra Kai is a very dangerous place from what I’ve heard,” She says, voicing her concerns, looking him in the eye.
“I know, it was to test something out, I don’t know even if it will work out, it was just a thought,” Robby explained and cleared his throat after.
“Just be careful, I don’t need you getting hurt,” Y/N says while moving her head to caress his cheek making him let out a nervous laugh.
“Come you know I’m always careful,” Robby laughed.
Y/N snorted, rolling her eyes trying to not show how worried she is. She started to move her hand and Robby stopped it, making her nervously look at him.
“You know you’re really cute when you’re nervous,” Robby complimented, making her let out a nervous giggle.
“Such a charmer you are Robby Keene,” Y/N teased.
“It’s true I think it’s really adorable when I make you nervous,” Robby says looking down at her.
“Are you flirting with me,” Y/N thinks out loud.
“What if I am,” Robby questioned. Before Y/N could answer him he shook his head. “Right sorry I forgot you were with Demetri,” He apologized.
“Actually we broke up, but I don’t think we were even a couple, either way he’s with Yasmine now,” Y/N explained, having a nervous glint in her eyes.
“But I thought you guys liked each other, when I last saw you guys you looked pretty happy,” Robby questioned.
“We were then Yasmine came back and I saw that they might have something and I wanted him to be happy so I let him be happy. Besides I wasn’t in the best of moods when you were gone,” Y/N explained.
“I’m sorry,” Robby apologized, he didn’t mean to tear her and Demetri apart.
“It’s not your fault I don’t think we would’ve worked anyways,” She whispered.
“One thing I know is I wouldn’t have given up on you, if I were in his position,” Robby says, making Y/N smile.
“Come on Robby you’re telling me that you wouldn’t want to see the hottest girl in school,” Y/N says giving him a ‘are you kidding’ look.
“Well I am with the hottest girl in school,” Robby says, giving her a charming smile.
“Robby,” Y/N says, a little annoyed assuming he’s lying. He always tries to boost her confidence even if it meant lying to her, at least that’s what she thought.
Sitting straight up, Y/N tried not letting his compliment get to her. But as soon as she sat up he was right behind her with a confused look on his face. He didn’t understand why she was annoyed, all he was doing was telling her the truth but he did know she had some insecurities.
“What,” Robby questioned quietly.
“You don’t have to lie to me Robby, we’ve been best friends for years,” Y/N says with a slightly angered expression written on her face.
“I’m not lying. You know that I would never lie to you,” Robby stated sternly.
Sighing Robby looked as she had her head turned. While in prison he reflected and he realized that he had some deep feelings for her, he thought he wouldn’t do anything about these feelings not wanting her to get caught up in his hectic life of Karate and family drama. But now all he wanted to do was kiss her and prove to her that he did think that she was the most beautiful girl in his life.
So Robby put his hand on her thigh making her look at him with a puzzled look on her face. Before she could let one word come out of her mouth, he leaned down and pressed his lips to her. Feeling sparks through her body made Y/N tingle as soon as he kissed her.
Despite feeling shocked she put one of her hands on his neck and pressed her lips back to his. It was all so surreal to her, feeling his soft lips move against hers, while his tongue ran across her bottom lip asking for permission. Opening her mouth his tongue slid in making her moan into his mouth as his hand squeezed her thigh.
Departing from the kiss she let out a deep breath she was holding. Pushing her hair back Robby attached his lips to her jaw and started to pepper kisses that lead to her neck and his kisses escalated to sucking. If she wasn’t feeling good then she certainly was now. Letting out a moan as his tongue ran across a spot that made her body tingle, Robby smiled into her neck and sucked on that part of her neck.
“Robby,” Y/N whimpered as her body began to heat up. The movie was still playing but it was all white noise to the both of them being caught up in pleasure. Without any warning Robby grabs her waist and rolled them over so she was sitting on his lap. All while his head is buried in her neck.
While his mouth was working on her neck his hands traveled from her waist and rested underneath her shirt on her upper back. Everything he was doing to her was making her really aroused. Robby pulled back from her neck, making her let out a whine.
“Don’t worry pretty girl I’m not done with you yet,” Robby cooed, his words making her shiver. “Can I take this off,” He asks, pulling on her shirt.
“Uh yeah sure,” Y/N breathed out feeling her core pulse with need.
Lifting the shirt off her head, she raised her arms and with that the shirt was off. He threw it across the room. Feeling self conscious because she wasn't wearing a bra she wrapped her arm around her breast.
“Don’t hide yourself from me, I want to see all of you,” Robby whispered, putting his hands on top of her arms. Still seeing some hesitation on her face. “I’ll take mine off to even it out,” He says and peels the shirt off of his body.
Looking at his toned body made her even more nervous as she looked at his abs. Robby smirked, taking one of her hands that was wrapped around her right breast, he looked at her for consent and she nodded. Letting go of her boob he put her hand on his chest letting her choose where she wanted to go. Running her hand along his chest and soon found her hand sliding across his abs.
Robby looked at her his heart racing because her hands were on him and now she finally let her other hand fall and join the other leaving her fully uncovered. Try not to stare at her chest, because he didn’t want her to be more uncomfortable, so he just went at her pace.
Soon enough she felt comfortable enough to grab his hand and place it on her boob. She nodded when he looked at him for confirmation. Letting out a shaky breath as his thumb made its way to her nipple and started to caress it. Y/N slid her hands from his stomach to his shoulders and eventually put his face in her hands making him look at her. She pressed her lips against his this time though Robby's lips were more rough than before.
With now both of his hands on her boobs he pulled her closer so that they were practically chest to chest. He brought his thumb and finger and started to pinch her now hard nipples. Letting a moan slip in the heated kiss, Robby smirked against her lips, liking the reaction he got out of her.
All of this stimulation made her want to rub her thighs together but with each leg on each side Robby, it wasn’t something she could do. Finally getting fed up with the lack of friction against her core she started to gyrate her hips on Robbys. Both Robby and Y/N let out moans into the kiss when she did that. Letting go of her boobs his hands moved to her waist and started to move her hips as he met her thrust.
“Robby,” Y/N says breathlessly as she tears away from his mouth.
It all turned into her covered core rubbing against his covered hard on. Both Robby and Y/N meet again kissing, now harder as she felt wetness pool in her panties. His hands found her shorts and pulled away from the kiss.
“May I,” Robby questioned breathlessly.
“Yes please,” Y/N basically begged and he couldn’t deny her.
With the help of her Robby pulled her shorts and panties off and threw them in the same direction of her shirt. Before a word was spoken she crashed her lips onto his. All of her bashfulness disappeared as she started to grind herself against his hard-on, begging for some sort of friction.
Robby moaned into her mouth as his lips moved against hers, that gave her the confidence to slip her tongue in. Robby couldn’t help but smile at the up roar of confidence she had. His hands found Y/N’s thighs as she continued to grind herself onto him. His fingers found her core and started to rub figure eights on her clit, he smirked when he found out how wet she was.
“Oh god Robby,” Y/N moaned loudly and she was thankful that her father wasn't home.
As his finger rubbed against her clit Y/N found herself clenching around nothing and she knew that her climax was going to be reached soon. The faster his fingers rubbed the faster she was going to cum.
With shaky breaths she grabbed Robby’s hand and he looked at her confused, he knew that she liked it from her reactions. Bringing his fingers to her lips she opened her mouth and sucked his fingers finding the taste of herself there. Robby moaned as she continued to suck his fingers and let her tongue run up on the side. He could feel his throbbing hard now more than ever.
“I need you,” Y/N whimpered as she let go of his fingers, looking him directly in his eyes.
“Are you sure,” Robby whispered.
“If you don’t get me off now I’ll have to do it myself,” Y/N breathed out as her lips fanned over his own.
Muttering a soft okay, he was flabbergasted with her confidence but it did turn him on even more, if that was even possible. He pulled his pants and boxers off and kicked them somewhere else. Meanwhile Y/N felt herself clenching with arousal. She kissed him and it was softer this time as she moved herself so she was hovering over his erection.
“Wait, what about a condom,” Robby asked as he had to catch his breath.
“I don’t care, just pull out,” Y/N whispered in his ear as she started to kiss his neck.
Grabbing his length Robby ran his tip up and down her folds which made her breath hitch in his ear. Grinning as he circled her clit, making her let out tiny whimpers and whines. Lining his shaft against her entrance, she took a deep breath.
“You ready,” Robby asked, noticing her hesitance.
“Yes please. Don’t worry I trust you,” Y/N whispered against his lips, putting her hands on his shoulders.
Robby nodded, pushed his tip in slightly and moved his hands to her hips as her breath staggered. He slowly slid her down on his length and she let out a few moans and tucked her head in the crook of his neck. Once fully seated on his cock, Robby let her relax for a moment drawing figure eights on her hips.
“Does it hurt,” Robby whispered, pressing a few kisses on her shoulder.
“Only a little,” Y/N confesses.
“That’s okay just go at your own pace,” Robby reassured her. He didn’t wanted this to be this to be a painful experience for her, Robby wanted her to feel as good as he did.
Moving one of his hands across her stomach, he travelled it down and started to softly rub figure eights on her swollen clit. Letting out a little whimper in his ear, she felt herself clench around him as her hips stuttered. Robby let out a deep breath when she did this, feeling arousal coursing through his veins.
Starting to feel that pain disappear she started to rock her hips and go up and down on him. Surprised at the pleased sensation, Y/N kept going, as Robby's thumb continued to work faster on her swollen nub.
“Robby,” Y/N moaned loudly as she started to go faster.
Robby, who felt all of her clenching, started to let out moans and groans as well. He knew she was a virgin but didn’t think she’d feel this tight around him. Her lips found his and he met her hips.
She whimpered and bit his lips when his tip hit that special spot inside her, that made her clench around him. Robby moaned and he was lucky she was almost at her climax because he was reaching that point as well.
“Robby I’m close,” She moaned into his mouth as she felt herself clenching harder around him.
“Don’t worry I am too,” Robby breathed out as he felt him twitch inside of her.
With one particular thrust, his tip hit her g spot and his fingers were working its magic on her clit. Y/N let out a loud moan as she clenched her pussy around his hardened dick, as she exploded all of him.
Letting out a deep breath she rested her head on his shoulder and Robby moved his hands to her hips and started to move her up and down chasing his own orgasm. Y/N moaned as he roughly thrust up into her and as she started to clench around him again he moaned and spurted his seed inside of her. His hungry lips kissed her jaw and sucked on it.
Robby pulled himself out of her and she rolled off him, he pulled a blanket over him as the ‘Pride and Prejudice’ you have bewitched me scene played. Y/N smiled as she rested her head on his chest, Robby pressed a kiss on the crown of her forehead.
“I think I love you,” Robby whispered, craning his neck slightly down so he could look at her.
“Really,” Y/N questioned as shock crawled all over her body, she never in a million years would have thought that he would love her, at least in that way.
“I do, you have been the only consistent person in my life who hasn’t given up on me. No matter how much I actually deserved it,” Robby confessed.
“I think I love you too,” Y/N lovingly whispered against his lips.
Not even 5 minutes later were the two sleeping safe and sound in each other’s arms. That night was one of the most perfect for the both of them.
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The next few months were the best for Y/N and Robby. A few days after they had sex Robby had asked her to be his girlfriend and she excitedly accepted. Even though he was now in Cobra Kai and she thought that Kreese and Silver weren’t to be trusted and Robby agreed. He was just using them to get the win and that calmed Y/N down.
Even though Robby was staying at the Cobra Kai dojo he usually stayed at Y/N’s place when her father wasn’t home. She didn’t visit the Dojo unless it was at night where no one was around, she didn’t feel like getting caught up with all the karate drama.
Since she stopped seeing Demetri she didn’t have any ties with him or the miyagi do/eagle fang dojo so she didn’t have that stress in her life. Although Y/N wished she had more friends to talk to about her problems.
Especially now.
With work and the school year almost coming to an end she had so much stress on her plate she didn’t even realize that she had missed her period. Y/N tried brushing it off thinking it was some teenage hormonal problem but then she remembered that he didn’t pull out. With her throwing up almost every morning and having these weird food cravings she came to the conclusion.
She might be pregnant.
Robby knew that she was sick and Y/N told him that it was probably something she ate. She never thought it could be something as big as this.
Using shaky hands she picked up the pregnancy test she had bought at the drugstore. Feeling tears brim as she stared at the two lines. This was the worst outcome that could have ever happened to her. Y/N never thought she would get pregnant in high school and she didn’t even know what to do.
Doing the math in her head she would have to be around 3-4 months so she would have to figure out if she wanted an abortion or not. Y/N knew she would have to talk to Robby about this if not for input then for comfort because it felt like her whole world was falling apart at the moment. But she also didn’t want to stress him out, since he had the All Valley tournament coming up soon.
She knew he was coming to the apartment tonight for a pizza night but the thought made her stomach turn, so she decided to lay down for a few minutes, hoping the thoughts would fly away.
Feeling someone shake her awake, she opened her eyes to see Robby sitting on the edge of her bed with a smile on his face.
“Hey sleepy head, how long were you asleep for,” Robby cooed, making her smile. Looking at the time she was shocked to see it was 9 pm.
“A few hours,” Y/N says as a nervous chuckle escaped her lips.
“Don’t worry I didn’t forget the food this time,” Robby reassured her with a cheeky smile on his face. Y/N smiled but it faltered as soon as the thoughts came swarming back. “Hey what’s wrong you wanted Pizza right,” He asks concerned.
“Yeah it's not that, don't worry,” Y/N tried reassuring him but failed miserably.
“You don’t have to lie to me, you know that,” Robby softly tells her, grabbing one of her heads and giving it a gentle squeeze.
“I think I know why I’ve been sick,” Y/N whispered as she sat up and grimaced.
“But that’s good right,” Robby questioned and she nodded with a frown still attached to her face. “So what’s got you all upset then,” He asked, his face painted with concern, thinking it could be life endangering.
“It’s not something that’s easily fixable, if we even want to fix it in the first place,” Y/N explained looking down at their connected hands, fearing rising in her stomach.
“Okay you’re gonna have to tell me what’s going on,” Robby sternly says while trying to remain calm. He was starting to feel nauseous, his whole body paralyzed with fear, he didn’t want to lose the only person who has ever given a shit about him.
“Just don’t freak out please,” Y/N pleaded as she looked up at him. Robby nodded, not trusting his own voice at the moment. Taking a deep breath before she spoke with a quiver in her voice when she says, “I’m pregnant.”
Robby's eyes widened as he stared at her gobsmacked at the words that just came out of her mouth. His hand stays firmly placed in hers but now his heart just dropped to his stomach which caused him to squeeze her hand a little harder. He never thought about being a parent since his dad wasn’t around and his mom wasn’t the best influence.
He just didn’t think that he’d be a good father, he was afraid that he would end up just like his dad and Robby didn’t want that to happen to his future kid. But now he didn’t know what to think, they were just finishing high school, he didn’t have a job but Y/N had a job working at a diner but that’s it. How could they handle a kid? He was already screwed up.
Swallowing, his throat became really dry and his breathing started to become a bit uneven. The All Valley tournament was coming up in a few weeks and Robby was solely focused on that but now that’s changed, he has to put his all into Y/N.
“Are you okay Robby,” Y/N quietly asked, giving him a squeeze to let him know she was there with him.
“Uh have you confirmed it with a doctor yet just to make sure,” Robby cleared his throat, maybe it was just a false positive.
“Not yet but I can book an appointment,” Y/N answered his question. “But Robby what if I am, what are we going to do,” She asked with her lip having a little quiver.
“I don’t know but whatever you decide to do, I’ll be there alongside you, I am not going to turn into my dad,” Robby reassured her with a little smile trying to cheer the mood.
“Would you want to keep it,” Y/N asked, her heart beating faster but her nerves calmed down since his reaction wasn’t bad.
“Maybe, but I know that babies hard works and we’re only 18, so if you wanted to get an abortion I’ll stand by you whole heartedly,” Robby confessed making her give him a shy smile.
“Let’s just see if I am pregnant then we’ll decide from there,” Y/N says, grabbing the pizza box as she starts to feel hungry again.
“You’re right, maybe we’re worrying about nothing,” Robby laughs.
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“Looks like you’re pregnant Ms. Y/L/N,” The doctor told Robby and Y/N as he looked at the papers in front.
Y/N sighed as she was not surprised about the news. Deep down she knew that she was pregnant, her period hadn't been around in a while and the other symptoms were all too telling.
“Okay thanks for telling us,” Robby thanked the doctor.
“Would you like to schedule an ultrasound,” The doctor asked. “Or are you two looking at other options.” Y/N looked at Robby for an answer and shrugged his shoulders not knowing what to do.
“I-I guess I’ll schedule one,” Y/N answered quietly, fidgeting with her fingers as she felt her eyes start to well up with tears. It was all overwhelming and with her hormones in overdrive it was much worse.
“Next Monday good for you,” He asked looking at the two through his glasses and they both nodded quickly.
The doctor left the couple standing on their own in the middle of the lobby of the hospital. Robby sighed, raising his arms and wrapping them around her shoulders, as he started to see tears falling from her.
Burying her face in his chest she let out a few sobs, Robby ran comforting hands down her shoulders trying to calm her down but it barely worked. Robby felt like he didn’t know what to do, his girlfriend was pregnant and sobbing and he didn’t even know how to comfort her. How was he going to handle a baby?
Pressing a kiss to her forehead she lifted her head right after that and his heart broke. Her cheeks were stained with tears and her eyes were puffy and red.
“Hey it’s going to be alright, we’re going to figure this all out,” Robby tried comforting her while putting his hands on her cheeks and wiping the remaining tear. Y/N smiled at him trying to reassure her but she couldn’t escape her thoughts.
“I think I wanna keep it,” Y/N whispered, her voice hoarse from crying. Robby nodded, supporting her.
“Like I said no matter what I’m gonna stand by you, I’m not gonna abandon you or our child,” Robby promised, then leaning down to plant a kiss on her lips.
She smiled into the kiss but wasn’t aware of someone’s eyes that were on the two of them as they left the hospital. Carmen Diaz was watching the whole interaction confused why Johnny's son was at the hospital, worried as to what happened.
Walking up to the doctor who was talking to the doctor who was talking to the couple.
“Hey Dr. Carpenter what was with two people you were talking with,” Carmen asked as she crossed her arms around her chest.
“Why do you know them,” The doctor asked, wondering why a nurse wanted to know this.
“It’s my boyfriend's son and I’m assuming girlfriend. I just want to make sure they’re okay,” Carmen calmly asked, as her eyes stayed trained on the doctor in front of her.
“Well it turns out that your boyfriend is going to maybe be a grandfather,” The doctor told her and as she was about to unload a lot of questions he was whisked away by another nurse.
Carmen knew she was going to have to tell Johnny about this and she was lucky they were going to the Larussos for dinner that night.
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“Something happened at work today,” Carmen spoke as she sat at the table with Johnny next to her and Amanda and Daniel across from them. Yaya was in the living room with Miguel and Sam as they watched t.v. They just finished dinner and that’s when Carmen thought it was best to bring up Robby.
“Someone die again,” Johnny asked, putting his arms around her.
“No,” Carmen says while rolling her eyes. “I saw Robby with his girlfriend,” She blurted out, deciding to rip the bandaid off.
“Is he okay,” Daniel asked as shock was painted all over his face.
Johnny let out a sigh at the mention of his son, he didn’t want to show it but he was really worried about Robby and was concerned to why he was at the hospital.
“He’s not dying is he,” Johnny spoke up.
“No he’s not dying, he wasn’t even there for him,” Carmen explained, confusing the two men and Amanda. “Turns out you’re gonna be a grandfather Johnny,” She says, turning to look at the man, whose face was contorting into confusion.
“Robby's pregnant,” Johnny asked and everyone rolled their eyes at what he said.
“No Johnny his girlfriend is,” Amanda answered, wondering how he got to that answer.
“That makes more sense,” Johnny pointed out.
“We have to talk to him again and try to help him out,” Daniel says, concerned for the two teens who were going through a rough time.
“How he is so dead set on staying with Cobra Kai, so he can win the tournament,” Johnny questioned, he wanted to help his son, especially since he was going to be a dad himself now, but Robby wasn’t going to talk to him or Daniel.
“Maybe you should try talking to the girlfriend,” Amanda voiced her opinion.
“She’s right, they seemed pretty close and I think if Robbys gonna listen to anyone it might be her,” Carmen remarked, making the two men look at each other.
“We have to try Johnny.”
“I know.”
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Johnny and Daniel sat in the diner where the girl who’s named they know is Y/N. Daniel remembered when Robby was still with him, and how close the two were. Johnny didn’t know who the girl was but he knew he had help his son so he would have to know who this girl was.
The two men figured out where she worked from Demetri who was concerned for her. Even though they didn’t stay together it didn’t stop him from caring about her. They didn’t tell anyone about the baby not wanting to cause stress to the couple as they were dealing with a lot already.
Johnny was not coming to terms about this. He was just worried about his son even though he was with Cobra Kai, he understood why he was with Cobra Kai. He was in his position where all he wanted to do was win, to get that trophy. Johnny understood that all too well. But he wanted to be a part of his grandchild’s life as he was not there for his sons. Even though he thought he was too young to be a grandfather.
Daniel on the other hand just wanted to make sure Robby was okay along with Y/N. He knows how tough babies are and if they’re going to keep it they’re gonna need some help. He needed to try even harder than before. He knew that Robby was mature for his age but babies were a whole other level. Daniel cared about Robby, and even though he can be a bit hot headed and say things he doesn’t mean, it doesn’t stop him from caring.
“I feel like a stalker here just waiting for this teenage girl,” Daniel says, shaking his head.
“Don’t be such a pansy Larusso, we’re here to help Robby no matter what it takes even if it takes a little intimidation,” Johnny stated.
“I’m not threatening a pregnant teenage girl Johnny,” Daniel says, flabbergasted at what he was just suggesting.
“I’m not gonna hurt her, Larusso just giver a push, not a real one, a metaphorical one,” Johnny reassured him but Daniel didn’t look comforted.
“I don’t want to cause her any more stress than she already has going on, especially since she’s pregnant,” Daniel said with a hind irritation in his voice.
“Okay I won’t come off aggressive,” Johnny said with a gloomy sigh.
“Hey, what can I get you guys,” Y/N said with a smile as she held a tiny notepad. “Oh hey Mr. Larusso,” She greeted as soon as she realized who it was sitting in front of her. She didn’t know who the other man was though.
“Can we talk,” Daniel says with a soft smile, not trying to scare the girl off.
“Uh yeah but make it quick I’m still supposed to be working,” Y/N accepted as she grabbed a chair so she could sit on it.
“They won’t need you, it's practically dead in here,” Johnny spoke, looking around the diner and there was only one other couple in the place beside the workers.
“And you are,” Y/N questioned, raising one of her eyebrows.
“Johnny Lawerence,” He introduced himself.
“Oh I know who you are,” Y/N says, her face sprinkled with annoyance. “I’ve heard a lot about you and it’s nothing good,” She says, crossing her arms across her chest.
“I’m sure you have,” Johnny says with a sarcastic smile.
“Okay we’re not here to fight, we’re here to talk about Robby and we know that you can get through to him,” Daniel explained, interrupting the two not wanting a fight to break out. That was the last thing they needed.
“I’m not going to be your spokesperson if you want to talk to Robby, go ahead and talk to him, you’re both adults. I also cannot make Robby do anything he doesn’t want to do,” Y/N snapped glaring at the two men in front of her.
“Cobra Kai is a dangerous place for him to be at right-,” Daniel started to say but was interrupted by her.
“Oh my god, I do not want to get into this karate drama bullshit. Robby chose to be with Cobra Kai, that’s his choice, I can’t choose what he does,” Y/N angrily says.
“I’m just gonna say we know you’re pregnant and that it’s my son's child that’s why we’re really here,” Johnny blurted out, starting to feel annoyed at where this conversation is going. She turned to him with a surprised expression on her face.
“How’d you know,” Y/N asks quietly, starting to pick at the skin around her nails. It was a terrible habit she has, whenever she's anxious she does this.
“Well you already look pregnant, but you’re already acting like it as well,” Johnny snapped, making her eyes widened.
“Johnny,” Daniel chastises.
“Are you calling me fat,” Y/N questioned as her chest started to fill with anger.
“No, I'm saying you look pregnant,” Johnny says.
“I-I don’t wanna listen to this anymore,” Y/N stammered standing up and putting the chair back.
“Wait please-,” Daniel began to say.
“No I don’t want to listen to the two of you using me to try to get Robby to quit Cobra Kai. I don’t want to be insulted. You just want to be in your grandchild’s life because you weren’t in your own sons, you think that’ll make up for all that so no I’m not gonna try to talk Robby out of anything,” Y/N explained running her hand through her hair. She started to feel a bit dizzy so she rested her hand on the outside of the booth.
“What are you two doing here,” Robby snapped as he walked up to Y/N put his hands on her shoulders to steady her.
“We just came to talk,” Daniel defended himself and Johnny.
“I’ll wait outside for you while you talk to these two bozos,” Y/N muttered, pecking his cheek before exiting the diner. She needed some fresh air to get out of the stressful situation.
“Why are you coming to my girlfriend's work and unloading all of your problems onto her,” Robby huffed while sitting down.
“You don’t know what we were talking about,” Johnny snapped.
“I have a pretty good feeling I do,” Robby muttered.
“Why would you get a girl pregnant, especially in the situation that you’re in now,” Johnny questioned, trying not to come off angry.
“How do you know that,” Robby asked as his eyes widened. Neither of them had told anyone about the baby.
“Carmen,” Johnny answered.
“We just wanted to talk since you are going to be a father. We wanted to make sure you were okay along with Y/N,” Daniel spoke up.
“Well we’re okay so you can go,” Robby swallowed as he started to feel nervous.
“Robby you’re going to be a father, do you know how much of a big step that is,” Johnny asked.
“I do but I’m going to try. Unlike you, I’m not going to give up on Y/N or our child. I’m not gonna quit, I’m going to step up and take responsibility,” Robby snapped while rolling his eyes and Johnny let out a sigh.
“I just want to try and make amends,” Johnny says quietly.
“Then why didn’t you try talking to me sooner, why now, is it because you want to have a redo with a grandchild since you screwed me up so bad,” Robby says with an amused look on his face. “Don’t worry I won’t bring her in this situation because I would never do that to her.”
Before the two could say anything else Robby stood up and marched towards the door exiting the building. Y/N stood leaned against the wall with an anxious look on her face.
“You okay,” Robby softly questioned as he looked her over, it looked like she was about to be sick.
“Did you talk things out with them,” Y/N asked, ignoring his question while looking at the cement she stood on.
“My father’s trying to make amends but I didn’t want to hear any more of the bullshit he was spewing,” Robby answered quietly with an angered expression on his face.
“Are you going to give him a chance or Mr. Larusso,” She asked.
“Not now at least with the tournament coming up,” Robby quickly answered.
“Listen Robby maybe after this tournament you should try to talk it out with him there’s obviously some unresolved problems and I don’t want you to harbor all this hate forever,” Y/N explained as he wrapped his arms around her.
“Just promise you’ll think about it.”
“I promise,” Robby murmured with a smile on his face as he kissed the base of her collarbone. She returned the smile as she felt him in the crook of her neck.
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So last night I finally watched Nimona and loved it (note, I have never read the source graphic novel)
and now there’s something clinking around my head about the distortion of time and myth becoming legend
Gloreth made her famous stand as a child, and it’s true that she’s the only one who could have driven off the monster, but that’s because she was the only one who’s rejection could hurt Nimona. Her friend.
A child was celebrated for rejecting her friend because the fears of her people. And maybe the wall came later. Maybe the legend grew after her life. Or maybe Gloreth spent her entire life building that wall and building that justification of her betrayal
So you get a society built on Xenophobia. Ruled by a class of people who’s big claim to fame is being related to a bigot. And Ambrosius is not the standard. Todd is the fucking standard. Ambrosius is the exception. But also, Ambrosius is the most like Gloreth, and the one who is set to maintain the cycle
The one with a friend who doesn’t fit in. The one who tries to bring them in but society rejects them. The one who does something monstrous because of other people’s actions.
And it takes most of the movie. Admittedly, less time for Sir Golden Dick to come around on Bal SadKitty. To justify him as the exception, offering Bal the chance to become Gloreth. But in the end, Bal can’t. And Ambrosius still can. Destroy the monster. Destroy his love. But he breaks the cycle. He stands against the institution and the weight of his legacy and everything expected of him.
And this is something Bal can’t do. Because Bal is a monster too. Because Bal is the other.
And it’s wildly important right now for people who are seen as part of the in group to take a stand. To not let someone else tell you who is a monster.
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mysterymessmachine · 12 days
one of the hardest things for me was realizing that sometimes I don't actually love that person, I love a version of them I created in my head that I needed them to be. it's extremely freeing to realize that they can't, don't want to, and never will be the person I needed who loves me in way that doesn't hurt me. but at first, it was deeply hurtful.
I couldn't be the person that I needed to be in order to motivate them to be better to me. I contorted for years into any shape they asked, but it never worked. it was never enough. I was never enough.
and I sat with that for years.
I talked recently about reading Alison Bechdel and how that one book had become so formative for me in the matter of a week. this is why:
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if they were never capable of or desired to be the person, the parent or sibling or friend or partner or anyone else, that I needed... it's not my fault.
suddenly all the stars of the universe inside my brain aligned and. it really meant that everything I went through wasn't. my. fault.
that, of course, brings in a whole new existential crisis. but y'know, I haven't figured that one out yet.
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akindplace · 2 years
You cannot keep caring your parents’ trauma and they have no right to lash out on you even if they are suffering. Abuse is still abuse, even when the abusers were also abused. It is their responsibility to heal and to be able to provide a safe environment for a child. If it became a cycle within your family, you could break away from it. It is okay to walk away, cut contact and trying to recover from the trauma.
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thepeacefulgarden · 7 months
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respectthepetty · 1 year
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tatis9 · 5 months
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theonlypterydactyl · 11 months
Adora, not your typical Chosen One
Adora is piled with expectations. She's the Failsafe, Shadow Weaver's Prodigy, She-Ra, and Force Captain. All of these duties she has had to put over herself since she was a child. She is denied her agency.
Shadow Weaver only took her in because Adora had this power that she could harness and use for herself. Before she could even think for herself or even speak her future was decided for her. She may have been Shadow Weaver's favorite, but that doesn't mean Adora has privilege. She was given conditional love and was taught to be ashamed of Catra.
Catra was Adora's first expression of her personhood. She chose to be friends with Catra. Catra is the only flaw in her perfect pet project. So, Shadow Weaver tortures Catra in front of Adora just so she knows that Shadow Weaver doesn't approve of the person she cares about. Adora was taught to be responsible for the actions of others. Attachments are a detriment to her responsibilities.
Adora was raised on conditional love, denial of agency, and favor handed out like breadcrumbs. She finds this sword that turns her into an 8-foot tall warrior and suddenly everyone loves her. Adora cannot let these people down, so she does anything she can to help them, even if it costs Adora her life.
She-Ra is not the same person as Adora. She-Ra is invincible and strong and loved. Adora is an ex-horde solider who's broken. In the second episode she presents herself as She-Ra, not as Adora. Queen Angel accepts She-Ra into Brightmoon, not Adora. What's Adora to think besides that this is conditional acceptance. If she wasn't She-Ra she wouldn't be allowed in Brightmoon and no one cares about Adora, they just care about She-Ra, the mighty warrior who will save them.
What Adora can do will always take precedence over Adora herself, and she's been taught that since she was a girl. Adora isn't important. Love, care, and acknowledging herself isn't useful because it is hard to control.
Adora realizes that her attachments make her who she is and that she's fighting for them, but she doesn't need help giving love to others. She needs help giving love to herself and accepting the love of others. She can't seem to see that Adora and She-Ra are the same person, in her mind She-Ra is something she wields and something she wields can be taken away.
Adora has a crisis of identity. She was told to not be like Mara, she was the She-Ra who went nuts. Now she has to live up to her legacy. Adora was the successor of a She-Ra so burdened by a warped narrative it preceded her. Adora witnesses how cruel this type of rewriting can be, because it’s happening to her while she’s alive.
In Hero, Glimmer blatantly tells her that she failed and hasn’t done enough. This destroys Adora. Friendship with Glimmer is off the table to Adora, Glimmer doesn’t want to be friends with her because she failed and she’s not useful anymore. Adora doesn’t feel like she deserved love and she’s so disconnected from herself. There is a difference between a friendship that is fixable and one that isn't. Her relationship with Glimmer is unfixable and she's lost yet another person.
But, she has to connect to the world and to herself in order to connect to her powers. She has to admit that she’s human and deserves love. If she realizes that she is worth being loved, then she’ll learn that she never had to prove herself to earn it and it is accepting her innate value as a human.
Adora is sacrificing herself all the time because they want what Adora can do rather than Adora herself, or that's what she thinks. She can't help but wonder if they would've been her friends if she wasn't She-Ra.
Beast Island is the first episode where we see Adora's eyes glow before the sword. The sword hadn't been working all episode and when it does the light comes from her eyes rather than the sword. Adora powers the sword. But, it's easier to be calm and confident if there's something to rely rather than rely on yourself, because she's insecure about herself worth. If she can't become She-Ra, Adora is no one.
Adora chooses to smash the sword. She chooses to not be given a destiny. She wants to choose who she will be. Without choice you aren't a person, you are stripped of your identity. Adora has to live with the question, Who is Adora without the sword? She has to live with the consequences of losing She-Ra.
But, she's at war with herself. She choose to break the sword but how can she reconcile destroying what gave her purpose and worth. So, she starts neglecting her health and sleep. If She-Ra is gone that means Adora has to work harder to make up for her actions. She continues to struggle to intergrate She-Ra (duties, usefulness), her aspirations, and her self worth.
“I AM She-Ra.” “Okay She-Ra, I know YOU’RE in there.” “I don’t know I just lost HER.” “I hear Horde Prime’s looking for ME. Figured it was time we met.”
Adora either wields the power or she is the power. Something she wields can easily be taken away, but something she is cannot be stripped away that easily.
Catra is in the hands of Horde Prime. Prime's light strips everything of choice and identity. Adora allows herself to make a personal resume mission to act on something that matters to her, Catra. She chooses to save Catra without She-Ra and she accepts her identity and choice. During "Save the Cat" she allows herself to feel grief, not only for Catra but who she was with Catra, the Adora Catra knew. The first expression of her personhood. This is the first time we see Adora's self-actualized She-Ra form, fitted with Glimmer's boots, Bow's heart, and Catra's headpiece.
Even with her new She-Ra form, Adora can't decide if she is She-Ra or if she wields She-Ra. When she meets Melog, she says "You're magic aren't you? Me too." In She-Ra magic typically represents the authentic self and self-actualization.
Shadow Weaver is the one who convinces Adora to take the Failsafe. Adora is She-Ra, she'll hopefully, ideally survive. No one else stopped her. She was dead set on saving Etheria and she's broken enough to want to sacrifice herself. Adora is determined to ignore her humanity, but Catra's last appeal to her hits her.
"What do you want, Adora?"
The others might have given her unconditional love, but Catra's works. Catra is the only person who knew her before she was She-Ra. She was the first expression of Adora's personhood. Adora wanted Catra.
In Adora's future wish, she's surrounded by the people she loves and her responsibilities and humanity are balanced. Adora found peace.
When she believes she least deserves it, she's failed and she can do no good no more, Catra yells and she listens. Catra tells Adora that she is loved, but she always has been. So, she chooses to save herself and she chooses Catra.
Adora’s story is one of self-sabotage. She constantly betrays herself for the expectations of others. There will always be people telling us what to do or who to be, but we can’t let them tell us what to do. Adora doesn’t understand that her identity is hers to make and that she is allowed to have a say in what happens to her. But, the cycles and patterns that come with a child whose mind is in trauma mode are hard to break. She has to learn that she has agency, something that she’s been denied since she was a baby. Just because you have this power within you doesn’t give people the right to use you to their advantage. Adora has to learn that the opinions of others don’t have to control her, that you can’t define yourself by what someone else is saying. Only you can define who you are and what you want to do.
(my own interpretations backed up five by five takes)
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the-greatest-fool · 4 months
what's your opinion about Bojack's self destructive tendencies?
I think that broadly speaking, BJH (which I hereby use to denote BoJack Horseman, the show, vs “BoJack”, the person) does two things with his self destructive tendencies. Spoilers.
The first thing it does for much of its run is peel back the layers of his self-destruction. From the first episode we see fairly relatable examples of BoJack’s self destruction. So for instance, he fails to meet deadlines, doesn’t like commitment, etc. But, over the course of the next seasons, we see him destroy his public image, sabotage the closest he’s ever had to a healthy relationship, commit ethical violations you wouldn’t even want say out loud—in short, he fucks up real bad.
So what do I think about that? It’s easy to say he’s just a simple moral metaphor, a cautionary tale. Don’t be consumed by alcohol, sex, self-loathing, and pettiness like him. Don’t cope like he does, do the terrible things he does. But maybe that’s too easy an answer. We see his back story of childhood abuse, constant self-doubt, and alcoholism. There are many times when I feel the BoJack in myself coming out.
It’s “easy”, and even in vogue, to believe in Good People and Bad People. We normal people watch in horror as The Bad Men, or indeed The Bad Hollywood Men (you know who), have their way and wreck wanton violence on the world for their gain and pleasure. But we have the kernel of possibility within us, and in many ways act out similar behaviors in our lives. Here I am somewhat ready to blame this conclusion on my masculine perspective so that I can be One Of The Good Men who knows It’s My Fault and I Should Do Better. Which—yes! I should. But the fact that there are even Bad Hollywood Women (fine, just think about Princess Carolyn if real world examples are too controversial) goes to show that it’s not so simple so as to reduce the problem to people’s “fundamental natures”, whether it’s just that “some people are bad” or “men are bad.”
And this brings us to the second thing the show does about BoJack’s self destruction: it tries to undo it. The last season comes in the midst of MeToo. Should BoJack see justice, or at least be freed from his Sisypheseun cage? Well—it’s complicated. He works on himself, as I should, and as we all should. He tries to better himself, make amends, and do good unto the world.
But even after all that, he seems to fail. He starts drinking again. His attitude towards women—as disposable or instrumental—seems to remain. He loses it all. And in a moment so rare in fiction or real life, he gets punished, *but* has a chance for redemption in the final. What I read from this is the genuine difficulty of changing.
I have terrible habits. I wish I didn’t have them. I wish I treated my loved ones better. I wish I processed pain and difficulty better. It’s not easy, but everyday you wake up and you just have to try. You have to. It’s what we’re called to do. We do right.
And the thing is, destruction is NOT just self-inflicted. Self-care can’t undo structural harm. BoJack runs into producers who commodify and pervert his genuine artistic dreams, media environments that are swift to condemn and unlikely to admit fault or nuance, and generations of trauma, violence, and misogyny. What’s truly needed is a family of care and love, a little luck, and his bravery to try to live in the face of a world that seems not to care.
For most of BJH, BoJack feels like a tragic character in the truest sense, always seeming so close to redemption or fulfillment before crashing down. I don’t think there’s a guarantee we always get a happy ending in life. We can only try to live not as bitter cynics and nihilists who don’t care because it’ll all fall apart one day, but as genuine artistic romantics who do right for right’s sake.
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